#i have met dudes with long lashes and they look no less of a guy to me
epickiya722 · 4 months
I headcanon Megumi sometimes hate his eyelashes. Oh, he doesn't mind them. He likes them because they are flattering to his face, but sometimes he does hate his lashes because they constantly get in his eyes.
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thesupreme316 · 2 years
lucien price x female reader. the reader is an nxt wrestler who was cheated on by her bf at a nxt holiday party and lucien was there to cheer her up and support her and they kiss under the mistletoe.
Gotta Lose to Gain (Lucien Price x Fem!Reader)
Genre: Angst, Fluff
Summary: Lucien Price hates the way Wes Lee treats you and you finally see the light.
Word Count: 906
Supreme Speaks: @hooks-martin I am so sorry for taking so long but I finally finished and I hope you enjoy it! I had to do research on Lucien Price and JESUS CHRIST this man is foine. This was supposed to be uploaded around christmas but I changed it to Valentines Day to fit my unplanned timeline. I hope everyone enjoys this one and that everyone is doing well. P.S: remember you are loved and appreciated.
Warnings: cheating (not by Lucien), not much else
Taglist: @hooks-martin
You were taking over the wrestling world by storm. Arriving on NXT’s scene and immediately shaking up everyone’s world. In every role, you excelled in it: heel, face, manager, wrestler, etc.
With your charisma and techniques, you were able to capture the hearts of fans all over, and…you managed to capture some hearts of the dudes in the locker room
Especially Lucien Price
It was a fairly simple process with him: you two met, became friends, and he fell in love instantly. But sadly…
You are in a relationship with Wes Lee
Maybe it was his jealousy or his protective side, but he hated Wes more than anyone
Bronco: Dude you have steam out your nose
Lucien: I just hate that punk
Lucien didn’t think Wes was the right guy for you cause he’s always been slimy. But he couldn’t tell you that cause you were head over heels in love with Wes
You always were seen wearing his merch, posing beside him on Instagram, wearing everything
That was only from the outside, but from your perspective, you were confused and honestly tensed.
You started noticing changes with Wes: he started hanging out with you less, he ignored you for his phone or friends, etc.
Even though you kept trying to keep the spark going, you just decided to let it slowly die
While things with Wes were slowing down, it seemed like things were picking up speed with Lucien
You found yourself hanging out with him more: going to the movies, just taking drives together, playing around backstage, having random ass conversations
You: Do you think about how the everything bagel doesn’t have everything?
Lucien: Y/N, for the fourth time, take your ass to sleep.
You found yourself liking Lucien on a deeper level and thinking about him more Wes
He was always nice and attentive to you, made sure you were okay, and took it upon himself to cheer you up
Feeling guilty, you started to distance yourself from Lucien; even though it didn’t diminish your feelings for him, instead they grew
Lucien, noticing your distance, decided to let you be no matter how much it hurts him; he knew you needed time to figure out your feelings
NXT decided to have a Valentine’s Day party at the venue; so naturally, you got yourself all dolled up
As you were about to pick up Wes’ present, you noticed you didn’t get a gift from him; Not a card or even a phone call
Even though you were disappointed, you didn’t let it dampen your mood; at the party, you just hung out with your friends and tried to forget everything
That went out the door when your Lash Legend and Roxanne Perez told you to confront him
Getting up, you decided to find your so-called boyfriend, and you did….but he was kissing another woman
To be honest, you weren’t even surprised, just sad and disappointed
You tapped Wes on the shoulder, who turned around and spewed nonsense, “It’s not what it looks like! I swear baby!”
Not having it, you told him that your relationship was over and he has two weeks to get his belongings out of your apartment (you weren’t playing)
As soon as you turned around and started to walk away, you heard a slap (which was the girl slapping Wes for not telling her about you)
Although it made you feel a little better, you still felt hurt and found a secluded area
Obviously, it wasn’t that secluded as Lucien found you and immediately sat beside you
He didn’t even ask what was wrong, he just took you in his arms as you told him what had happened
Even though he wanted to kick Wes’ ass, he knew that he had to comfort you first
Lucien: Look, you don’t deserve that and he doesn’t deserve you. You are a beautiful, strong, and incredible woman that I would kill for. Obviously, he doesn’t know what he lost.
Your heart warmed at the lovely words and grew bigger as you took in his cologne and body warmth
Looking up at the ceiling, you noticed something dangling. Upon a closer look, it was a Valentine-themed mistletoe
Lucien looked up and chuckled as he told you, “Look, I know it’s probably not the best time but I just wanted to say; I really like you. And if it’s alright with you, I would love to take you out and treat you the way you deserve to be. Especially now that the sucker is out of the way”
Giggling, you agreed and said, “I would love to. But isn’t there a tradition with mistletoes? I think it would be bad luck if we ignore it.”
“Yeah it would, and that would be horrible for our new relationship”
“It would be”
After the giggles and chuckles died down, Lucien leaned in and gave you the most sincere and passion-filled kiss you’ve had in months
The butterflies in your stomach and the smile on your face grew, letting both you and Lucien know that this new relationship would be filled with love, admiration, and passion just like Valentine’s Day
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sukirichi · 3 years
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pov. you have a crush on your brother’s best friend
request. Hi! Congrats on 2.4k!!🤩 For the event, may I request an au where reader is Yuuta’s sister? Can be gn/fem reader anything is fine. And they fall in love with Toge? Fluff fluff fluff please
notes. awww i love this request, i have a fat crush on toge so i enjoyed writing this! i made this a modern high school au, by the way!
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You stare disappointedly at the black wrappings of your bento, sighing because your brother took the wrong one again. Waving goodbye to your friend, you made your way to your brother’s classroom, knocking on the door to get his attention. However, it isn’t your brother who’d stopped laughing mid-conversation. Instead, it’s a familiar-looking platinum haired guy, his purple eyes glimmering with mischief as he slapped your brother’s arm.
“Yo, Yuta, I think someone’s looking for you,” you heard him say.
Meanwhile, you just stood there blankly, your throat growing dry because he was cute – like actually handsome boy-next-door cute.
You’ve met lots of cute guys before, but they were all very immature that you found no interest in others. He, on the other hand, was nothing less of polite, shooting up from his seat because your stupid brother was too invested in his video games. The guy flashed you a bright smile, the beauty of his face up close enhanced that you felt your heart squealing.
Not that you’d ever show that, of course, so you just reciprocated with a polite smile to hide your frantic nerves.
“Hi! You here for Yuta-kun?”
Before he could speak, an arm had shoved him aside. Yuta stood before you, his frown apparent while his friend stayed at the side, a smile still playing on his lips. It took all your energy to not stare at him too much in fear he’d easily read through you.
“Hey, what are you doing here?”
“You swapped lunches with me,” you shoved the black bento box to his chest, stepping closer to your brother to whisper in his ear. “Is that a friend of yours?”
“Yeah, he’s Toge. He used to play with us a lot before he moved away, but his family’s back in town. Don’t you remember him?”
“Toge, come here!” he called out to his retreating friend, the guy freezing in his tracks before he jogged up to where you were quickly. Oh crap, you kept gushing, he really was cute. He placed an arm around your brother’s shoulder, nodding at you as a greeting. “Remember my sister? You used to play with her a lot when we were kids. You kept stealing her Barbies, remember?”
“I did?” Toge looked shocked, his back bending into a fake bow. “I’m very sorry for that, but don’t worry, I don’t do that anymore.”
“I don’t play with Barbies at this age!” you defended, heat spreading all over your skin when he winked at you. Both of them laughed at your flushed face, and you crossed your arms on your chest, glaring at your brother. Really though, you were just trying to hide the fact you were very attracted to his friend, even more so now that he was actually familiar. “Stupid Yuta-nii.”
“You’re cute,” Toge randomly piped in.
If you were feeling shy before, you couldn’t speak now.
“Dude, don’t talk about my sister like that,” Yuta gagged, slapping his friend on the chest who effortlessly ducked away, his laughter like music in your ears. You stared at him for who knew how long, his happiness absorbed in your body as you found yourself giggling back. Yuta, on the other hand, wasn’t as impressed, rolling his eyes at his friend before turning to you. “You should go back to class. The bell will ring soon.”
“Okay,” you nodded quietly, hesitating for a moment. Surely it wouldn’t be too weird, right? Deciding to heck with it though, you balled your hands into fists, mustering the courage to look him in the eye as you said, “See you, Toge-senpai.”
He simply shrugged his brows up as a farewell, and just like that, you dashed down the hall so fast you put Quicksilver to shame.
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Great. Out of all the days it had to storm, it had to be on the rare moment you forgot your umbrella. Unsurprisingly enough, it was Yuta’s fault for making you forget it. Both of you had slept in too much, but instead of being the responsible older brother, he left you to prepare the meals all by yourself while he spent half an hour fixing his hair. In your haste to arrive on school on time, you’d forgotten to pick up your umbrella, and now the misfortune of it slapped you right on the face.
“Tch, how can I go home?” you glared at no one in particular.
Yuta had to stay behind for baseball practice in the covered court, leaving you all alone to take the bus by yourself. Well, not that it mattered, going home alone was way better than listening to your brother rant about video games and girls he wanted to talk to in class.
Shifting your weight from one foot to another, brows pinched as you mulled on the different ways you could come back home, you came up with two options.
One, run like hell and risk getting sick from this weather, or two, wait for the rain to subside.
But ugh, you wanted to go home already. Before you knew it, you’d unknowingly pouted, arms hugged to yourself while you cursed your stupid brother a hundred times over in your head. Too lost in your own thoughts, you failed to hear humming from behind you, a scream nearly ripping from your lips when someone planted himself beside you.
“Hey, you’re here!”
You gazed up at him wide-eyed, subconsciously stepping away to keep your beating heart at bay. “H-hello, Toge-senpai.”
“Please, just call me Toge,” he offered, opening his umbrella before his eyes landed on you. Probably realizing you were quite helpless, Toge smiled, nudging you to come closer to him. “Hey, I’ll walk you home. You guys still live in the same block?”
And so there you were, debating that maybe Yuta’s carelessness wasn’t such a bad thing. After all, if it would lead to your crush taking you home, then you weren’t complaining. Funny how the weather seemed so gloomy, a huge contrast to the sunshine you radiated at the sheer happiness of living out your most romantic fantasies. It was silly, actually, to crush on your brother’s best friend of all people, but Toge was so nice and handsome – it was kind of impossible not to like him.
In the span of two weeks that you’d known him, he’d been nothing but friendly. And no, you weren’t going to admit you started visiting their classroom more often than before, simply because you wanted to get a glimpse of him.
Toge pulled you out of your lovesick trance, his arm landing on your waist before he shifted you beside him. You noticed he was now closer to the road while you were on the safer side of the sidewalk, and god, did he just step closer? He was close enough that your arms brushed with each step, sending a wave of heat that you bit back by tugging your lips with your teeth.
“For warmth,” he explained as if reading your mind, arm raised lazily in a shrug. “Wouldn’t want you to get cold.”
“Thank you,” you muttered, hiding your face under your scarf.
You and Toge were silent the whole time, but it was a silence you adored. Very rarely that you found comfort in silence with others, but with Toge, it felt so easy – so natural. You hadn’t even realized you were already at home, Toge chuckling at your spaced out self. He bid his farewell then, his back facing yours as he walked away when you blurted, “Oh, my parents aren’t home. I think you should stay first to let the rain calm down a bit. You live a little far from school, right?”
Toge looked a little surprised, his eyes shooting up to the sky with a sigh. Inwardly, you were screaming because you just invited him inside, but Toge was already waddling back to you before you could regret it.
“Yeah, thanks for the invitation. I don’t think I should go home in this weather too,” he said, following you across the threshold. He looked around in awe, his shoes left in the front door before he crossed the living room with you, his eyes shining with nostalgia and happiness. “Wow, your place hasn’t changed one bit. I missed being here.”
You flashed him a smile. Turns out it wasn’t that bad – Toge being comfortable made you comfortable. Aside from the nervousness partnered with shyness from having a crush, you applauded yourself for being able to look him in the eye as you asked, “Do you want tea, coffee…?”
“Water is fine. Thanks,” he shrugged off his jacket and placed it behind a chair, chuckling when you nodded too fast. Toge, much to your dismay (or delight?!) trailed behind you in the kitchen, having no business looking that handsome as he leaned against the counter. Him being unaware of his effect on you was even worse, and you bit the inside of your cheeks, trembling as you poured him a glass of water. 
From behind you, Toge snickered, “Why are you so jittery? Do I make you nervous?”
“A-a little.”
“Why? Am I intimidating?” he appeared beside you out of nowhere, so close that you could count his lashes. You leaned back with a muffled squeal, eyes wide at the proximity. Toge, as always, seemed completely unaware of it, taking his time to assess your features with a hand on his chin as if all the answers he was looking for was written all over your face. “Yuta told me I was very easy to approach though.”
“No, it’s not that, I just…” you stuttered, giving in with weak knees and turning your head to the side. Your heart, your poor heart! “Crap, I hate myself.”
“You were saying something?”
“I, uhm, it’s just,” you panicked, mind failing to function now of all times. “I think…I have a crush on you?”
The room fell silent.
Realization dawning on you, you flattened your palms together in a begging motion. Toge merely blinked back at you, and you were so close to just kneeling to the gods to rid yourself of this moment forever. “Please forget everything I said, I’m so sorry! Gosh, Yuta’s going to kill me, forget I said anything, I didn’t mean to be weird.”
“Hey, chill, it’s fine!” he laughed, helping you get up just before you fell in exasperation. Then, he smirked at you, wiggling his brows in the process. “I kind of knew that anyway, to be honest.”
“You do?”
“Yeah, I mean, you asked me to marry you when we were kids,” he informed you, but the memory never played back in your mind. It wasn’t a lie though, you really did ask him that when you were kids. Embarrassment taking hold of you, you groaned behind your palms, feeling like your heart was going to explode every now and then.
“Oh my gosh…”
“It’s okay,” Toge peeled your arms away from your face, his grin nothing less of teasing the moment he’s greeted by your shyness. “I did say yes – let’s just wait after high school, yeah?”
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mirukostallbabygirl · 4 years
BNHA boys after passing No-Nut-November
Yeah. It’s what it sounds like. Prepare to have your backs blown out folks 😌🤚
Characters: deku, denki, Kirishima, Aizawa, Hawks, Mirio
All characters are 18+
Warnings: Cockwarming, Overstimulation, rough sex, phone sex
Deku ~ Izuku Midoriya
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Dude was literally DYING all of November
Because now that he has a girlfriend why wouldn’t he have sex??
But you seemed excited and suspicious of his ability to do it, so— like a true hero— he took on the challenge
He didn’t realize how used to sex he already was, and he sometimes woke up to himself humping a pillow in his sleep (but shh he didn’t tell you about that)
The two of you were texting during the night of November 30
And you could feel the desperation in his texts
Seeing the minutes tick by... 12:30... 12:45... 12:5
It was maddening
He didn’t want to come on too strong, so he decided that he would rather FaceTime you, because he though it would be less awkward (and there aren’t receipts if you say no)
But you were one step ahead of him
You had your alarm set to go off at 12:00 AM December 1st
He was startled when the annoying chime blasted out of your phone, stuttering on what he was saying
So you cut him off, turning your screen to show the time and asking “hey baby, do you want to come over?”
He didn’t even reply. You just saw a shaky view of his room and the sound of shuffling clothes and shoes, then the click of a door lock
He showed up at your door a few minutes later, after having hung up without another word on his way there
You opened the door and there were lips on yours, strong arms gripping your waist
Then groping your tits and ass
He never goes insanely hard
But that was the roughest sex you two had ever had
It honestly made not being able to have sex with him worth it for the absolute monstrous fuck you guys had
And it was a LONG session
You thought about calling in sick from work to stay with him and see if you could make your torn-apart body go for another round
Denki Kaminari
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He gets zappy when he’s horny (like— literal electricity)
And he’s horny a lot because you refuse to let him have sec with you, and even worse— he can’t even Jack off to the thought of you
He tried to get away with it a few times only for you to feel the change of static in the air and come to his bedroom
He DEFINITELY would not have made it through if you hadn’t held him accountable the whole time
And even though at those times you were helping, you weren’t making it easy for him otherwise
You’d wear the short skirts that he liked and purposefully bend over to grab things from the floor, flashing yourself to him
It was funny to see how red he got and then how hard he got— smirking when you caught a glimpse at the tent in his trousers
So on November 30, he had it all planned out
He picked out an outfit for you, and set up his room all elegant
And he asked you to come over to spend the night
You were excited
It’s not like the two of always had sex impromtu, but there was never this level of preparation
You came in around 11 for a late-late night dinner (because what’s a sleep schedule— neither of you knew, that was for sure) of boxed macaroni
His lack of cooking ability was endearing
After dinner, he handed you a bag to go change into
It had thigh high socks, thigh harnesses, and a black and gold lingerie set
You looked hot— you couldn’t lie
When you came out you saw that the clock read 11:57
And Denki turned around, turning a bright crimson
You teased him “you picked this out, silly, why are you getting so flustered?”
He pulled you down to straddle despite how red he got
The two of you kissed until the clock hit 12
And it wasn’t like the two of you hadn’t kissed all month, but it felt special when you’d be intimate for the first time in a while
He brought you to the bedroom and the two of you spent a whole 3 minutes being romantic before both of you were ravaging each other
It was hard to tell who missed sex more between the two of you
But you were both relieved it was over
Red Riot ~ Eijiro Kirishima
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During all of November, he decided that whenever he was missing your body, he would train
And he did OH HOW he did
He was big and strong and he’d taken on extra hours to work on his hardening quirk, and had shown a lot of improvement
You suddenly had to cope with the fact that your boyfriend got EVEN HOTTER, and you weren’t having sex with him
You even gave in a few times, begging him to fuck you, but every time he denied, “that’s not very manly of me to fail the challenge” he would explain and then head out to the gym
It’s fair to say that it sucked for you
So when November was ending, you made a plan
He worked long hours at his agency, so he wouldn’t be back until it was almost 12, which (you being the night owl you are) has never been a problem
But it was today
So, here you are at his agency, rapping on his office door during his lunch break
He hugged you and pulled you inside of his office like he’s done every day you showed up at his office since you started dating
But you were horny and so was he and the tension was high between the two of you
No one wanted to make the first move, because that would be admitting defeat
So you walked to the side of his desk, his eyes following your ass, and bend down to grab his lunch from the left drawer
You hiked your skirt up enough so that he could see a flash of your panties
You weren’t going to make this last day easy on him, but you weren’t trying to make him lose either
But he was on you after that
Hands on your hips, cock pressed against your clothed ass
And you were so in
You both lost your stubbornness quickly when the lust grew too hard to handle
So you let him pull your panties to the side and start thrusting
God you missed this
And he was so much stronger now
You let out moans as he co tinued, not caring if anyone out in their cubicles heard
You were Red Riot’s and he was yours
You both came, multiple times
And when he relaxed back on his desk chair which you collapsed on his chest
You decided to make the final blow
“You realize you lost, right babe?”
And deep red eyes met yours with a seriousness rivaling that of some prestigious heroes (which was hardly eijiro— everyone loved him as a refreshing kind savior rather than the usual aloofness of heroes)
“I could keep going if you want to be a brat.”
Eraser Head ~ Shota Aizawa
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He’s not a very sex-motivated guy
But he definitely liked it every once in a while— especially with you
His baby girl struggling to take him, writhing in pleasure, cumming 2,3,4 times
He loves it
And he decides that he’ll still get to see his baby get pleasure, and just not get any of his own
So most of the month, if you were in the same room as him, you had a vibrator buried deep in your cunt
It didn’t feel the same as him feeling you up, but it was hard to sit still or focus when he was indirectly doing such lewd things to you
So November was long for you
And not in a bad way, but you were ready for it to be over, and you could tell he was, too
He was near his wits end from not getting to unload into his little girl, and it reflected on his teaching
You wondered if his students could tell he was lashing out because of sexual frustration
The thought made you laugh
So he cancelled or denied any plans anyone made that night, and so did you
You spent the afternoon together, watching tv mindlessly as you sat on his cock
That was something you two had done a lot more— cockwarming
It was nice to be so close to him
And he argued that the challenge was that he couldn’t cum, not that he couldn’t have his dick in you
So you agreed
And now it was nearing time, and he started slowly thrusting into you, both of your heads turned to the clock as you counted down the seconds until you could both cum
And when the clock finally shone 12:00, it was over for you
Brutal thrusts from underneath you left you with a cream-filled pussy, and then again on your hands and knees against the couch, and on the kitchen counter, and the bed
He had to make up for all the time he wasn’t able to pleasure you himself
So you let yourself be completely destroyed by his cock multiple times
Your legs were t even working past your 3rd orgasm, so he’d just carry you to his new destination
Hawks ~ Takami Keigo
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He loved you, but this was not a hard challenge for him
He hadn’t got laid for most of his teenage years
And the two of you did it only on occasion before you teased the idea and he said that he didn’t think you could do it— not have sex with him
So it was more like no-nut-November for you
But you wouldn’t let his teasing be confirmed
So you stood your ground
The two of you made it through the first week with fire in your eyes— encouraged by the want to win against the other
Even the second week was fine
Then you walked in on him fapping like a teenager in your bedroom, surrounded by a few of your sentimental stuffed animals from when you were a kid and a pair of dirty panties
You didn’t intrude
You just let him
And your fingers made their way to the waistband of your panties
You were egged on by his moans seeping through the wall and to your ears
Gorgeous, erotic, and effortless moans that could make you cum without touching yourself at all
But here you are, rubbing your clit and dipping your fingers into your puffy cunt as he jerked himself off on your bed
The two of you never mentioned this
Neither of you were going to admit that that could t even last 3 weeks
You weren’t even sure he saw you, but you sure saw him
And it didn’t happen again, as much as you wanted it to
The sex wasn’t life changing when he could do it again
The real reason you two were together was because you love the other, and that didn’t go away just because you couldn’t fuck
So the two of you were solidified in the shared opinion that you would be happy no matter what happens
And you spend the night bare against his chest, wings brought around your body in a protective shield
Togata Mirio
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He made it through the month just fine, usually too busy training and working to have time for you two to have sex
Instead the two of you work together and cuddle at night
And it’s satisfying, but it’s not mind-blowing for either of you
You’d much rather be able to have sex when he has an off night
He actually has a business trip spanning from November 27-December 3, which was a painfully long time for you
You had gotten your hopes up to be able to be destroyed by him
Instead you two FaceTime every night
And he’s too shy to mention it, but once November has passed, he’s aching to get back to you
Aching to get his cock back buried deep in you
You start touching yourself on FaceTime the night before his flight back
He didn’t notice at first
But he saw your arm flexing as you rubbed tight circles on your clit while listening to his voice
“Whatcha doing there sweetie?”
He asked it all innocent but you know better
You slide the phone down to show your pussy dripping with need
You hear him mutter a soft “fuck” before you hear the sound of unzipping and clothing falling to the ground, keeping yourself in view for him while he shows his equally needy cock on the camera
It’s blushing red on the top, so ready for you you wish you had a teleportation quirk
But the two of you were relieved to be doing just this after so long
And after you both came on your fingers, he promised he would give it to you so good when he got back
And he did not disappoint
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He Was a Sk8r Boi
Happiest of Birthdays and best wishes to one of my most beloved and darling friends on this earth, the fantastical @hailhailsatan ! May your sass never cease.
modern au - college student Jaskier - the Kaer Morons are all skater punks
tw: mild injury (scraped arm)
Jaskier took a seat on what remained of a crumbling stone bench and pulled his black-and-white composition notebook onto his lap, opening it to the closest blank page. He tugged his favorite pen out from its place of honor behind his ear and waited for inspiration to strike.
And waited.
And waited.
After half an hour of staring into space and getting absolutely nothing written, the frustrated college student stood from his seat and jammed his headphones into his ears. If nature wasn’t going to help finish this stupid poetry assignment then maybe he could find a person or two to observe for inspiration instead. Glancing around the otherwise empty benches and pathways of the public park, Jaskier sighed and shook his head. “Fuck this, I’ll try the other side.”
He pulled his MP3 player out from the pocket of his light autumn jacket and painstakingly scrolled through every song available until finally giving up and pressing the “Shuffle” button. As a heavy, angry guitar riff began to filter through his headphones and lighten the load of the world from his shoulders, Jaskier found himself approaching a half-hearted attempt at a skatepark.
There was one cement half-pipe to his left and a few rails and quarter-pipes scattered around the vicinity, bolted into the ground in a seemingly random pattern. Several oddly shaped cement bowls were sunk into the earth, obviously made to work like ramps but with a larger and less predictable surface area.
There were only three skaters enjoying the park on this particularly grey afternoon, zipping back and forth from one piece of equipment to the next like emo hummingbirds. Jaskier took out his headphones again as he made his way to a nearby bench - wood this time - and casually sat himself down. The skater dudes were yelling back and forth to each other as they swanned over and around the equipment on their boards, mostly insults from what the student could hear.
The loudest of the three had springy orange hair that he wore pulled back into a small, messy half-bun at the top of his head. The rest fell down against the back of his neck in an equally messy sheet, reaching nearly all the way to his shoulders but not quite touching them. He was wearing a bright red t-shirt with a catchphrase that Jaskier couldn’t read and plain denim jeans.
“What the fuck are you doing, Eskel?” he laughed, pointing to the tallest of the group and pulling a face.
“Shut up, Bert,” the brunette shouted back at the redhead, doing a quick kick-flip over the far end of a metal railing. “You can’t skate for shit.”
“I’m better than you!”
The third member of their little gang was the quietest so far and, in Jaskier’s personal opinion, also the prettiest. He had a mass of long white hair that fell all the way to the bottom of his shoulder blades, pointed and stiff in a way that meant it had been straightened and sprayed into submission. The silvery strands were being held out of the stranger’s eyes by a baggy black beanie and Jaskier desperately wanted to know whether or not that hair color was natural (though he heavily suspected that it was not).
The white-haired guy was also the most talented of the three gathered skaters, flying from one end of the half-pipe to the other and landing a few flips in between as if risking his life was as simple as breathing. He wore no knee pads over his ripped black skinny jeans and no elbow pads either; Jaskier noted with a little zing through his nervous system that the skater’s arms were muscled like a Greek statue’s and equally pale.
He was fucking hot.
“Geralt, do a three-sixty!” the redhead jeered, chucking something at the pretty one.
“I can’t land one yet and you know it,” the white-haired guy, Geralt apparently, replied. His voice was low and sonorous and Jaskier nearly fell off his bench in surprise. The student hadn’t realized how far forward he had been leaning in order to listen to their conversation and he scooted back again with a self-conscious little blush. In the distance, Geralt continued. “Why don’t you get up here and try it yourself, asshole?”
“I just fucking might, White Wolf,” Lambert huffed, turning his board back toward the half-pipe and picking up speed. The dark-haired one, Eskel, caught Jaskier’s eye from across the park; the student blushed an even darker shade of red and looked down at his lap to avoid any sort of confrontation. If any of these guys wanted to start a fight with him, Jaskier would surely lose.
By the time the anxious student worked up the nerve to look at them again, Lambert had already climbed to the top of the half-pipe and taken a defensive stance. His eyebrows were furrowed and his arms were crossed over his chest in a projection of almost childish anger. As Geralt came up the cement incline, Lambert lashed out with his foot and kicked the other man’s board out from beneath his feet.
Eskel gave a wordless cry of alarm.
Geralt wavered in the air for a moment - cartoonishly, Jaskier thought, almost like Wile E. Coyote - before plunging to the pavement and rolling limply down the inside of the half-pipe. Eskel chucked a rock at the redhead and started screaming, “Fuck off, dude! You could have cracked his fucking skull! You could have killed Geralt, you absolute cock-toboggan!”
“Fuck! Shit, I didn't-,” Lambert fell on his butt and slid down the ramp to Geralt’s side, kneeling over him with concern written all over his face. “Are you alright, man!?”
Jaskier couldn’t hear if Geralt replied or not, but he suddenly remembered the first-aid kit sitting right there in his bag. Jaskier was a total klutz and tried to keep a handful of bandages and a tube of disinfectant on him at all times just in case he ever needed them. Thank goodness they would be able to come in handy, and for a far nobler purpose than patching up yet another one of his table-smacked knees.
Without thinking any further ahead, Jaskier grabbed the strap of his bag and took off running towards the site of the accident.
“Hey!” he shouted, coming to a stop a few feet away. “I have - uh, I have a first-aid kit if you want to use it.”
“Cool, thanks,” Eskel said, glancing over his shoulder with a curt nod. “Come on over, we don’t bite. Well, I don’t.”
“Dude, I’m so sorry,” Lambert apologized to Geralt once again. When Jaskier glanced over at him, the redhead looked legitimately upset and guilty. Geralt looked up at the newcomer from the pavement, his silver hair spread out around him in mimicry of a halo - the black beanie was lying a few feet away, forgotten or ignored.
Up close like this, the stranger stole the breath out of Jaskier’s very lungs. The man's eyes… His fucking eyes were a gorgeous molten gold in the late afternoon sun, sparking and shining like gemstones. Holding Geralt’s gaze made Jaskier feel as if his very soul was catching fire.
“Do you need a band-aid?” Jaskier asked rather stupidly, holding out the little cardboard box. Geralt nodded stoically.
“I think I scraped my arm.”
“Let me help,” Jaskier said. The student knelt beside Geralt and set the box of band-aids down. He flung open the kit and retrieved some ‘pain-free’ disinfectant, then returned to the box of bandages in search of one without a Disney princess on it. “Do you guys always do this without wearing any protective gear?”
“I’ve got a helmet,” Geralt said. He pointed towards three mismatched backpacks piled near the edge of the pavement; a bright red helmet with several semi-familiar logos stuck to it sat atop one of them.
“It’s very useful over there, keeping your backpack from cracking its skull open,” Jaskier chastised lightly, trying to keep his nerves in check. He was feeling oddly protective of a guy he’d never even met before and it was very fucking weird.
“Sorry,” Geralt shrugged. He was still laying on his back, his topaz eyes flickering between Jaskier’s hands and face. The student applied a thin layer of medical cream to the shallow scrape with shaking fingers and then wiped the remaining goo on his shirt, uncaring of the damage it may have done. He bandaged the minor wound quickly and leaned back, glancing between Lambert and Eskel as if just noticing their presence on either side of Geralt's head.
“Thanks,” Eskel grinned, holding out his hand. “I’m Eskel.”
“Jaskier,” Jaskier replied shyly. “And the loud one is Lambert, right?”
Geralt chuckled from his place on the ground and Jaskier’s heart seized painfully in his chest. What a laugh, ye gods. “Yeah, that’s Lambert. I’m Geralt.”
“Nice to meet you, Geralt,” Jaskier could practically taste the name as it melted across his tongue. “Well, not the nicest way to meet you, but I’m glad I met you all the same. Anyway.”
He stood up with a little grimace and took a step back.
“Where are you going?” Eskel asked. “You came to Geralt’s rescue so I think that means he owes you like, at least an ice cream, or something.”
“Yeah,” Lambert piped up. He smirked at the man on the ground and then turned back to Jaskier, mischief clear in his expression, “Let him take you to get an ice cream.”
“I’m lactose intolerant,” Jaskier squeaked. Then he realized he’d sounded rude and held up his hands as if offering surrender (surrender for what, he wasn't exactly sure), “Not that I wouldn’t like to hang out with you more but I’ve got an assignment due and I’m sure you’re very busy doing skater things and I-”
“Am I not good enough for you?” Geralt asked, finally sitting up. He straightened his arms out behind him and rested there, reclined comfortable, a god in his temple.
Jaskier shot the older man a half-annoyed look, beating back his anxiety with a stick. “I listen to Avril Lavigne. I know not to underestimate pretty skater punks.”
“Pretty?” Geralt raised his eyebrows. Jaskier hid his face behind his hands and turned on his heel.
“Anyway, nice meeting you!” Jaskier shouted, hoping they could hear even if he was facing the opposite direction. He took off toward the edge of the park at a brisk walk, verging on a jog. He needed to go hide behind a tree and cry. What the fuck!? He was terrible at flirting and now he’d gone and ruined his chances with the guy he’d… literally just met. Chill out, he told himself - just before a strong hand clamped down over his shoulder and stopped him in his tracks.
“So not ice cream,” Geralt said. Jaskier slowly turned back to face the mostly-stranger. His lip was caught fast between his teeth and Geralt lifted one large hand to gently thumb it free again. “Maybe a boarding lesson, instead? It would give me an excuse to put my hands around your waist and you could put yours on my shoulders.”
“Are you asking me on a date?” Jaskier asked. He fluttered his eyelashes and took half a step into Geralt's space.
The broad-shouldered punk smiled down at the Little Mermaid band-aid on his arm and then turned that smile to Jaskier. “Yeah.”
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fridayfirefly · 3 years
Two Birds [Part Two]
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Masterlist [All Works]
Masterlist [Two Birds Series]
For Maribat March Day 31 - Reunion
The school trip to Gotham was supposed to be fun. It was supposed to be a reward to the class, a celebration of the recent defeat of Hawkmoth by Ladybug and Chat Noir. Marinette wanted to celebrate. She really didn't want to cry on the trip. Yet, as the plane touched down in Gotham, Marinette was staring out the plane window at the rain and the setting sun, rubbing her eyes, trying her best to brush away the tears before they formed.
"Are you okay, Marinette?" Alya looked over at Marinette, concern visible on her face.
Marinette nodded weakly, blinking away the wetness in her eyes. "I'm fine. I just... I have some bad memories associated with Gotham. One of my childhood friends... his parents were murdered on a trip to Gotham and I lost contact with him after that. It's always been a very raw subject for me."
Alya opened her mouth to respond, but before she could get a word out, Lila leaned across the aisle to interrupt the conversation. "Your childhood friend's parents were murdered on a trip to Gotham? It's okay to admit that you're scared of Gotham because of the supervillains. You don't have to come up with some outlandish story for why you're upset."
Marinette glared over at Lila, her eyes shiny from both her tears and her anger. "I wasn't talking to you, Lila, but for your information, I'm not making up a story. I wouldn't lie about the death of my friend's parents. I hate liars."
Lila flinched back, her eyes wide and innocent. "I'm sorry, Marinette. I just wanted to make sure that you knew that you could tell the truth. We wouldn't judge you for it."
Alya frowned, giving Lila a stern look. "Lila, Marinette is seriously upset. I don't think that this is the right time to lecture her."
"Oh, of course." As soon as Alya turned away from her, Lila's expression was murderous. Marinette could care less. She turned away and ignored Lila, not in the mood to deal with the liar's taunts. If she could just hold back her tears until they got off the plane, maybe she could pretend that it was the rain that was making her face wet.
It took an hour to get from the plane to the hotel room, and that hour was torture for Marinette, who spent the entire journey holding back tears. As soon as Alya shut the door to their hotel room with a click, Marinette finally let herself cry, curling up into a ball on the hotel bed.
Marinette felt Alya wrapped her arms around her in a hug. "I've got you, Marinette. It'll be okay."
Marinette didn't know how long she cried for. All she knew was that when the tears finally stopped, the sky had gone dark outside. "What time is it?"
"It's a little past eight. I texted Nino to tell Ms. Bustier that you weren't feeling well, so she won't be bothering you with any class president duties tonight."
"Thanks." Marinette shifted herself from lying on her side to sitting up. "Have I ever told you what happened to Dick?"
Alya shook her head. "You've mentioned him a few times, but only that you two were friends when you were younger, and then lost touch."
Marinette sighed. "It all started when I was nine years old. My Grandma Gina was babysitting me for the weekend. She was old friends with the ringmaster of a circus that was in Paris, so she took me there to stay the weekend. That was where I met Dick and his parents..."
Marinette told the story in bursts, stopping to cry every few minutes when she got too emotional to continue. "...And I never spoke to him again after that. Gotham's foster care records aren't open to the public, and I stopped myself from Googling his name a long time ago. It just hurts too much to get my hopes up."
Alya wrapped Marinette up in another hug. "I'm sorry, Marinette. I wish there was something I could do to make this better."
"I think this trip might be good for me. It hurts a lot now, but I think once it's over I might finally feel a little more at peace."
"I hope so. But if there's ever any time where you need to just stop and let it all out, I'll be there for you."
"Thanks, Alya. You're the best."
Alya was Marinette's best friend, even if Alya was friends with Lila as well. That was Marinette's one regret - when she unmasked Hawkmoth and Mayura as Gabriel Agreste and Nathalie Sancour, there was no way to unmask Lila as a liar as well. Gabriel refused to name Lila as an accomplice, aware that admitting to having manipulated a teen girl into performing acts of terrorism wouldn't look good for him. So Lila was free to continue her reign of terror, though at least now Marinette could be rightfully angry with her, without fear of being akumatized.
The class trip was partially sponsored by the Wayne Scholarship Foundation. Usually, the Wayne Scholarship Foundation only awarded scholarships, given to students all across America to pay for college, but after Hawkmoth's defeat and the media coverage that followed, a rather large sum was awarded to Marinette’s class for their bravery on the front lines of Hawkmoths' attacks. The Wayne Foundation organized tours and shows for them all over the city, starting with a tour of the Martha Wayne Memorial Botanical Gardens bright and early on the first morning of their trip. Then the class would go on a walking tour of Gotham during the afternoon, ending at a high-end sushi restaurant for dinner, followed by a night exploring East Hills Park during one of their famous firework shows. The late May day promised to be warm and sunny, so Marinette put on her favorite red floral sundress with a jean jacket overtop to hide the thin spaghetti straps, and sturdy tennis shoes to handle all of the walking she would be doing.
"Marinette!" gasped Lila as soon as Alya and Marinette walked into the main lobby. "Are you sure that your outfit is dress-code approved?"
Marinette rolled her eyes. "Yes, Lila. With my jacket on, this fits the dress code. I wouldn't make something that I can't wear."
"Okay. I was just checking. Your dress seemed a little too short to me, but I guess I just prefer something more modest."
As Lila walked away, Alya placed her hand on Marinette's shoulder in comfort. "I'm sure Lila didn't mean to come off as slut-shaming. I think she's just lashing out because wants to make sure you don't get in trouble for your outfit." Even Alya sounded uncertain of her explanation, as not even she believed herself. Without the support of Hawkmoth, Lila was no longer a cunning and calculated mastermind of manipulation. Now she was just a scared bully, desperately doing whatever she could to maintain her power over the class.
"Whatever," Marinette sighed. "I won't let her ruin my trip."
"That's the spirit. Besides, anyone with taste would know that your outfit looks super cute.”
Marinette smirked. "Are you saying that you don't think Lila has taste?"
"Definitely not as much taste as you. You're the Queen of Fashion Trends. You always look good." Alya put her arm around Marinette's shoulder. "Plus, you know better than to wear cowboy boots to school."
Marinette giggled as she remembered the incident. Lila came to school showing off her 'authentic' cowboy boots from America, seemingly unaware that they were the ugliest shoes anyone in their class had ever seen.
"You'll have a great day today, I promise." Alya walked with Marinette to the bus waiting outside. They got a seat up near the front, by Nino and Adrien.
Adrien had been the most affected by Hawkmoth's unmasking, given that it revealed his Father as a terrorist and his Mother as a coma-patient. All seemed lost for Adrien, as a team of Paris's best doctors revealed that Emilie Agreste was braid-dead. They planned on pulling the plug on Emilie's life support until, Amelie Graham de Vanily revealed that by combining the twin rings she and her sister owned with Ladybug's power of creation, together they had the power to bring Emilie back to life. Marinette was skeptical, after all, Amelie seemed to have ulterior motives in everything she did, but how could Marinette refuse when it was the only thing that she could do to help Adrien. In the end, she decided to help, no matter the consequences. Miraculously, it worked. Emilie was brought back to life and Adrien had a mother again.
However, in the aftermath of her decision, Marinette realized one crucial detail. In all of the chaos of deciding whether or not to work with Amelie, when she based her final decision on Adrien, she did it because he was her friend, not because he was her crush. At that moment, she realized that the overwhelming crush she had on Adrien since the age of thirteen had faded. In its place was a beautiful friendship.
"Good morning," chirped Adrien.
"What's up, dudes?" chimed in Nino.
"I can't believe we're here in Gotham. I thought our class trip to London was cool, but this is just incredible. I can't believe that the Wayne Foundation organized all of this for us," Alya gushed.
Marinette smiled. She knew that her friends deserved the vacation. Alya, Nino, and Adrien (though his involvement as Aspik was brief) all helped in the fight against Hawkmoth, even though they never revealed their superhero identities to each other. "What are you all most excited about?"
"I can't wait to see the Superhero Museum," said Alya. "I can't believe we were invited to the ribbon-cutting ceremony of the new exhibition."
"It is a celebration of the defeat of Hawkmoth. I suppose they wanted some real Parisians there to see it."
"I'm excited for Super: an American Musical, with the original cast. Did you guys know that this is their last week in Gotham before the show starts on Broadway!" Nino cheered.
Marinette smiled. "That is cool. I've heard that it's a fan favorite to win a Tony this year."
When all eyes landed on Adrien to answer the question, he shrugged. "I just want to experience everything. And take a lot of pictures. I promised my Mom that I would send her some."
"How about we take one now?" Marinette suggested.
Adrien nodded and the group of friends squeezed together to take a selfie.
"How about you, Marinette?"
"The Wayne Foundation Fundraising Gala," Marinette answered promptly. "It's one of the most influential events in fashion. I've heard that celebrities wear their second-best outfits to the Met Gala and save their best for the Wayne Gala. I know that the Wayne Foundation is paying for a shopping trip to pick out an outfit for the Gala, but I made my dress own and brought it here."
Alya laughed. "I should have guessed."
Marinette smiled sheepishly. "I couldn't resist. This is the first opportunity I've had to wear my newest creation."
"Do you have pictures of it?" asked Adrien.
Marinette shook her head. "I'm not showing anyone until the Gala. I'm keeping it safe in my room. I don't want to jinx anything."
"Hawkmoth is gone. We're in Gotham, living it up. Life is good." Alya summarized, and the whole group chimed in their agreement. Life was good.
"Is everything in this city named after the Waynes?" asked Nino as they stepped off the bus in from of the Martha Wayne Memorial Botanical Gardens.
"The Waynes are one of the oldest and wealthiest families in Gotham. When you're that rich, life is just a game of buying your name onto as many buildings as possible," Adrien answered.
"The Waynes and their extraordinary money are the reason why we're here, so I'm willing to forgo making fun of everything they put their name on," Alya decided.
Once they got through the doors to the Botanical Garden, Marinette was entranced. Flowers of every shade surrounded her, the sound of rushing water and the rustling of leaves was the only thing she could hear, the smell of pollen and fresh air filled her lungs. It was heavenly.
"I'm Olivia, but you can all call me Liv," spoke the blonde tour guide as she approached the class. "I'll be giving you a tour of the Botanical Gardens, the largest sanctuary for endangered plants in New Jersey. We're known especially for our orchid garden, which we'll walk through at the end of our tour."
As the tour continued, Marinette noticed that one hallway was blocked off by a sign reading: Hydrangea Exhibition Coming This Fall.
Liv pointed out the hallway. "Down that hallway is the upcoming Hydrangea Exhibition, which is replacing the old New Jersey Wildflower exhibit. Now, I know you're all from out of town, but if you're even in Gotham again, make sure you check out the Botanical Gardens. We're always getting new exhibits-"
Liv was cut off by the sound of shattering glass. One of the panes of glass making up the room had been shattered, and shards rained down on screaming tourists. Marinette's eyes widened as she recognized Poison Ivy, lowering herself through the now opened ceiling on her vines. "You thought you could destroy the native vegetation of this city and get away with it? Nothing escapes my notice. Now, I would like to have a little chat with whoever's in charge here."
Liv motioned for all the students to get down, whispering, "As long as we stay out of Poison Ivy's way, we'll be perfectly fine. Just stay calm and stay quiet."
Marinette watched as the Director of the Botanical Gardens came out to reason with Poison Ivy. He pleaded with the villain, "We won't destroy any of the wildflower gardens, I swear. I'll make sure myself that the wildflower exhibit will be moved to public parks all across Gotham."
Poison Ivy shook her head. "That's not good enough. You think you can wash your hands of these flowers so long as someone else offers to take them? How long do you think the wildflower gardens will last without any sort of protection?"
"We'll make sure that the gardens are protected, I promise."
Narrowing her eyes, Poison Ivy gave the Director a cruel smile. "I hope for your sake, Mr. Joseph Hoffman of 524 Shelton Avenue, that nothing happens to those flowers. Otherwise..." Poison Ivy let the threat hang in the air, using her vines to ascend back up to the ceiling.
The next few moments were so chaotic and full of movement that Marinette couldn't quite piece together what had happened. All she knew was that one second Poison Ivy was leaving the way she came and the next second, Batman and Robin were facing her down in the middle of the Botanical Gardens.
"Oh, hello Batman, Robin. It's so nice to see you. I was just leaving though, so unless you want to fight me where all these plants - and civilians, I suppose - could get hurt, I would step out of my way."
"Poison Ivy, we both know that I can't just let you go free after you threatened this man's life."
Poison Ivy sighed dramatically. "Oh well, I gave you a chance. Now it looks like I'll have to start getting civilians involved. The villain's eyes panned over the room, her eyes just happening to make contact with Marinette's for a split second before Marinette looked away. But that split second was enough. Marinette felt vines start to wrap around her forearms, yanking her forward.
Marinette was pulled all the way over to Poison Ivy, Batman, and Robin, until she was stopped in between the villain and heroes. "What's your name?" Poison Ivy asked, a menacing smile on her face.
"M-Marinette," she stuttered out, eyes wide.
Batman's expression was stoic and unyielding, while Robin looked at her with wide, stunned eyes. Batman spoke, "Why don't we move this outside where no one - plants or civilians - will get hurt."
Poison Ivy nodded. "I will require a head start, though, so I'll keep my vines wrapped around Marinette's throat. As soon as I'm out of range the vines will go slack and she'll be able to go on with her day. However, if you start to come after me before then, I'll tighten my vines and poor little Marinette might not make it."
Marinette stiffened as the vines grew around her throat, just loose enough for her to take shallow breaths. Poison Ivy disappeared from view, but Marinette continued to stay perfectly still, desperately trying to slow her breathing before she hyperventilated. No one made a move toward Marinette, no one willing to risk the consequences of making a move while Poison Ivy could still control the vines.
After what felt like hours, but was really only about five minutes, the vines relaxed and fell to the floor. Marinette collapsed to the ground, lowering herself into the seated position so she could breathe a little bit easier.
"Are you alright?" asked Robin, kneeling next to her. "Are you having any trouble breathing?"
"I'm okay. I didn't get hurt. I was just scared."
Robin got up and held out his hand to help her to her feet. "Why don't we get you back with the rest of your group. Are you here with your family?"
Marinette shook her head. "I'm here on a school trip."
Robin walked Marinette over to her class, handing her off to Ms. Bustier, who let out a sigh of relief as she gently placed her hand on Marinette's shoulder. "I know that was a very scary situation, Marinette. If you would like, I can take you and Alya back to the hotel."
"No way!" protested Marinette. "I didn't even get hurt. Plus, we have the walking tour of Gotham today. I don't want to miss it."
"Are you sure?" Ms. Bustier glanced over toward Batman.
Batman joined the conversation, saying, "If Marinette prefers to continue her day as normal, then I would advise following Marinette's lead. Often, the best way to recover from an encounter with a villain is to go on with your life as normal."
Marinette nodded. "I want to stay with the rest of the class and go on with our day."
Ms. Bustier still looked hesitant but conceded anyway. "Alright. I think our tour of the Botanical Gardens is over, though. I doubt that they would let us continue, what with shattered glass all over the floors."
Liv led the group out of the building, commenting with a sigh, "It's a shame that Poison Ivy came and ruined the tour. The orchid garden is such an amazing exhibit, and now none of you will get to see it. Unless..." Liv glanced around. "There's no broken glass in the orchid garden, so I don't suppose why we couldn't leave the Botanical Garden through the side-exit past the orchid garden. What do you say, Marinette?"
Marinette smiled. "That sounds wonderful."
As the tour group turned to enter one of the hallways branching off of the main room, Marinette glanced behind her one last time. She made eye contact with Robin, who was watching her leave, an expression of wonder on his face. Marinette turned back around self-consciously rubbing the back of her neck. She wasn't sure why Robin looked at her like that. It wasn't a look that one would give a stranger, and yet they had never met before. Marinette thought it was odd, but the thought was gone from her mind as soon as her class entered the orchid garden. I'm here in Gotham for a week to have fun, she reminded herself, so no more investigating every strange occurrence.
The walking tour of Gotham was just as fun and informative as Marinette anticipated, packed with interesting facts and amazing sights. She got a bunch of high-quality pictures of Gotham, good for putting in the blog post that Marinette (as class president) was in charge of putting together to go on the school website. Best of all, Lila didn't bother her for the whole tour. Even Lila knew that she couldn't bully Marinette and get away with it, after what Marinette had been through the morning.
The sushi restaurant was amazing too. Marinette had eaten sushi a few times before, but never anything as high-quality as what was served in the restaurant. Marinette decided that if this was what a field trip funded by the Wayne Foundation was like, then she was incredibly excited for the week to come.
Aside from the unfortunate interruption at the Botanical Garden, the day was perfect. Yet, Marinette couldn't stop thinking about the strange look on Robin's face. Had she done something wrong? Was she really safe from Poison Ivy? The thoughts lingered in her head, pestering her every time she felt safe and content.
"Listen up, class!" called out Ms. Bustier. "You'll all have exactly two hours to explore East Hills Park. The firework show starts in approximately half an hour, and ends half an hour before you have to meet up here, which should give you plenty enough time."
Marinette followed Adrien, Alya, and Nino off the bus and into the park. The group of friends started to explore the park, stumbling upon the statues and fountains that were scattered about the grounds.
"I found another Wayne!" Nino shouted from a few meters away. "This statue was dedicated to Patrick Wayne, who was Mayor of Gotham City - this was before they changed the name to just Gotham - from 1896-1904. His most notable achievement from his time in office was that he built over thirty new schools and eleven new library buildings in the city. He was known for his dedication to educating the City of Gotham."
It had become an inside joke between the group to try and find as many things in Gotham named after the Waynes as they could. The task turned out to be much less difficult than they had anticipated, so the group quickly switched tactics and began looking up the various Waynes to see what they actually did with their lives, to determine whether they deserved their names on the various buildings and statues of Gotham.
"He actually sounds like he deserved a statue," said Adrien, looking down at his phone at the Wikipedia article he had pulled up. "Not like Augustus Wayne, who never had a job and gambled away nearly a quarter of the Wayne fortune, yet still has a bridge and a fountain in this park named after him."
Marinette chimed in, "My favorite is Georgiana Wayne. Apparently, a reporter was harassing her over the fact that she was a divorcee and Theodore Wayne was her second husband, and she told that reporter to, quote, 'Fuck off, you lousy son of a bitch. If my husband doesn't mind that I am a divorcee, I don't see why you should.'"
"I wonder if she has any statues in the park," said Alya.
"I doubt it. Her Wikipedia article is only four paragraphs long."
Alya frowned. "That's a shame. Augustus Wayne does nothing of importance with his life and gets a whole bridge named after him, but Georgiana Wayne is a total badass in the 1920s and gets nothing."
"We'll have to bring it up with Bruce Wayne at the fundraising Gala," joked Marinette.
"Good idea." Alya glanced down at her phone. "It's almost time for the fireworks show to start. According to the class groupchat, everyone is gathering on the south shore of the duck pond. There are benches there, and it should have a good view."
"I'll meet you guys there," said Marinette. "I just want to get a few more pictures before it gets too dark."
Marinette started taking pictures of the fountains and flowerbeds, wandering aimlessly through the park. She was busy getting the best angle to take a picture of a maple tree framed by the sunset when she bumped into someone walking behind her.
"Oh, I'm so sorry-" Marinette began to apologize, but as soon as she recognized just who she bumped into she was at a loss for words. "Dick?"
"Marinette?" Dick's voice was deeper than Marinette remembered, yet still hauntingly familiar. His wide blue eyes stared into hers.
Marinette couldn't hold it together. She burst into tears, launching herself into his arms. "Dick, I thought I would never see you again. What are you doing here?"
"I heard your name on the news when they were reporting about Poison Ivy's vandalism at the Botanical Gardens. I did a little googling and found out about your class trip. It took a little digging into the Wayne Foundation website, but I found the approved itinerary for the trip and decided to track you down at East Hills Park. I knew I had to see you again."
"You did that for me?" Overhead the fireworks started going off, extravagant flashes of color that Marinette ignored completely. She couldn't tear her eyes off of Dick. When she imagined her reunion with him, she never really considered that he would be all grown up. No longer was Dick the twelve-year-old boy that Marinette remembered from her childhood. Dick was now five years older and sixteen inches taller.
"Of course I did. Marinette, I've missed you so much."
"I tried to get back in contact with you but Gotham's CPS refused to release any information to me. I kept calling and calling but they wouldn't tell me anything." The tears returned with a vengeance, and Marinette started to sob. "I gave up on finding you and I'm so sorry."
"I don't blame you. You have to know I don't blame you. It's me who should be apologizing. I could have tracked you down but I never did."
Marinette sniffled. "Why didn't you?"
"I was a coward." Marinette opened her mouth to protest but Dick cut her off. "I was scared of losing another person I loved. I shut everyone out and by the time I was ready to let people in again, I was afraid that you wouldn't want to be a part of my life again."
"What made you change your mind?" asked Marinette.
"No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget you. It was stupid of me to think that I ever could in the first place. You were my best friend Marinette. You still are, if you'll have me."
Dick looked at her with such longing that Marinette knew she could never deny him. Her face softened. "Of course I will."
"Thank you." Dick held onto Marinette tighter.
Marinette closed her eyes and melted into his embrace. The fireworks show continued, bathing the park in beautiful colors, but Marinette felt no need to watch it. She knew that she already had the most beautiful thing in the park in her arms.
Taglist: @maribatmarch-2k21 @jayjayspixiepop @buginetye @ultimatetornshipper
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beann-e · 4 years
I wrote ‘ thank you for 300 followers ‘ angst ☹️
you knew this was wrong you knew it yet here you were standing in front of the stadium your heart beating through the sweater you wore to fight off the cold you had
to fight off the tears
the heartbreak and not only that but the pure sadness you felt for yourself
you moved through the hallways as you took a deep breath hand steady on the door. You felt as the emptiness of the hallway washed over you
“ once you do that y/n your not only on bad terms with one of them but both “
You dropped your head as you heard kageyamas voice come out softly.
He knew right now what you didn’t need was insensitive comments he was sure you’d get those inside
“y/n just don’t go in “ you shuddered when he reached out his hand to grab your arms and pull you back but your grip only tightening on the door
“ fine your funeral “ he moved back hurt at the action walking inside the gym your body following as he held the door open for you. “ you won’t be alone— I mean yeah kind of because your like dead but, i’ll — i’ll go “
Small steps echoing through the now quiet gym as everyone had been cleaning up to end practice but now all stood staring down at you
‘of course right now they all have to be tall ‘
“ ah ah y/n —w-what are you doing here “
you slowly pulled your head up as you toyed with your backpack straps in anxiousness
“ yeah —y/n “ that annoying voice let out as you heard footsteps “ what are you doing here “
you bit you lip as you felt your hands go sweaty
‘ I have to answer him ‘
“ I just —yams can we talk please “
he looked around in nervousness as he shook his head up and down “ yeah y-yeah sure “
“ thank yo-“
“ well I think that it seems of lesser importance if you waited all day to tell him “
tsukishimas voice continued “ I mean school just let out —could of told him in class “
he stepped closer to you “ lunch —he was with you oh no wait you sat somewhere else “
his voice was questioning as you pressed your teeth harder into your lip “ or were you sitting on someone else “
“ tsukki “ yamaguchis voice came out in a squeal everyones body shaking as you felt people look to you and then back to the floor trying to save you the embarrassment
“ what their the one who’s clearly not being honest here “ his eyebrows tightned in disgust “ just fucking dump ‘em already they didn’t even come here to tell the truth “
“ yeah but they might have been willing to tsukki if you just “
“ if I what ? was nice about it like you are “
“ ye—“
“ that’s why your getting fucking cheated on right now yamaguchi “
your breath stopped as the room went even quieter you could feel your boyfriends eyes prickle with tears at the accusation “ I-“
your voice got cut off as yams spoke “ that’s not -why would — your your out of line “
“ i’m “
“ why else do you think their standing here — why they avoided you all fucking day “ he sighed “ yams come on don’t be so fucking dense over a s/o “
“ wait let’s talk about thi— “ sugawaras voice was civil as everyones pointed looks moved to him
“ please “ you cried tears already hanging off your lashes “ I—I didn’t cheat I didn’t “
you felt your body grow hot at the new tears and the warmth from someone’s eyes pressing down on your skin “ it wasn’t like that I just — please “
“ then what was it like because as far as I could tell “
“ no no we —we were just talking and I “
“ oh so sitting on someone else lap is talking — letting someone else feed you is talking —y/n how about cheering for someone else at a match your boyfriends on the same court as “
you felt your eyes go blurry “ tsukishima I didn’t — it didn’t feel like cheating just please “
“ it didn’t feel like cheating — then what did it feel like y/n ? because I know how it felt when my best friend was waking me up in the middle of the night in fear when he saw you getting your fucking face eaten at the summer vol-“
“ please I didn’t mean for it t—“
“ what y/n what ? everything I hear out of you is excuses—just own up to it already —that’s the least this new shitty person i’m looking at could do “
“ tsukishima let’s just “ daichi said trying to help calm the situation down “ it’s yamaguchi a — “
“ why do you care so much “ kageyamas voice came out in question as he sipped his milk
“ I mean it seems like it has more to do with them and Yamaguchi than you “
“ because I — “ he scoffed “ imagine getting woken up the whole time we were at the camp at 4 in the morning just to go with your best friend to watch his girlfriend kiss an asshole while he cries next to you—every single day for a week “
“ we—”
“ then they just lie the whole time even after they got caught In the act —I mean I got fucking proof —really “ he laughed “ it’s gotta be considered annoying at some point “
“ please i’m not lying he just “
“ who “ yamaguchis voice came out as you sucked in air “ please let’s just —let’s cut the s-shit who was it—we could never tell it was always so dark when you two met up “
your body dropped at the word he’d never cursed at you before
“ it was — “ you gulped you didn’t even know if the person actually liked you or if they were just doing it because you were the only real girl who spent the night in the same dorms due to lack of space but you liked him
you liked him enough to forget your own boyfriend
using the guy and the camp as if it were a spa retreat
How Had you messed up everything that brought you happiness in a short quick week
“ i’m so sorry “
“ you didn’t say the name “
“ what team “
“ a-aobi johesai “
his body stopped “ oika—“
“ THE GREAT KING “ hinata looked at you sadly “ I — I thought better of you y/n “
you cried more as tsukishima laughed “ yeah right not even him it’s someone else —even he wouldn’t stoop that low “
he looked down on you as he finally stood in front of you whispering “ what the fuck are you dragging this out for tell them who you cheated with— he’s not even ace “ his voice hurt you
“ he’s not captain he’s fucking— “
“ mattsukawa “
your body lifted as you let his name out
“ mattsukawa is who I was meeting with at night “
you let your bottom lip go as you took a deep breath heavy eyes now pulled up to meet everyone “ I didn’t mean for — I think he — I don’t know what happened one minute i was —we were sitting down and the next he wa—“
“ no “ kageyamas voice came out “ your the — “
you looked over at the tall male before directing your eyes to all the third years whos mouths were wide open
“ holy hell your the — your the person that everyone was talking about at the barbecue “
you felt your eyes drop
“ he — he talked about me“ your body fluttered
“ look at ‘em actually liking him “ tsukishima laughed scoffing at the end due to your small look of hope “ you still have a boyfriend y/n not for long but —seriously in his face”
“ uh y/n he “
“ no please I don’t —not here “ sugawaras voice came out caring “ let’s just tell them later “
“ no that’s not righ— “ asahis voice came out
“ he told everyone you were easy “ kageyama said as he crushed his milk box
“ he told everyone on that team that you were simple and that he swore he could get you easily boyfriend or not “
your body shook “ wha—huh — no you “
“ you were a bet y/n—nothing more ,nothing less “ kageyama stared you down eyes holding pain for you but, knowing this was your only chance to fix everything with yams if you knew the truth.
He knew the only way to get you out of this crush mindset was to be harsh
“ y/n we swear if we’d known he was talking about you we would’v-”
again sugawara was cut off eyes going straight to kageyama while his face held annoyance at the first year
“ he took a bet with some other asshole that he could —I don’t know what he meant but he said he could ‘tap that’ and if he could everyone on the team would owe him yen”
your heart fell and your body slumped “ I-I gave hi—I gave him everything “
“ everything ? “ daichis voice came out confused
“ y/n it was only a week long camp how did you? there wasn’t much to give “
your mind went blank as you felt your body grow cold eyes coming up to meet with a disgusted and hurt yamaguchi who stood in shock mouth wide open
“ y-y/n you didn’t “
“ i— I thought that —he talked me int—“
you watched as he moved quickly to the door the loud echo from the slam moving throughout the room
“ uh ? “ tsukishimas voice sounded confused as he lost what you meant not being able to decipher the situation anymore “ I don’t — I don’t get this part “
“ because you start shit tsukishima and don’t know the whole story “ kageyamas voice was crisp
you felt your legs turn to jelly as you back away from the rest of the males running out of the door and home pulling your phone out as you dialed the number you were given
“ yoohoo~ this is the fuckboy hotline how can he help you “
you could hear the laughs over the phone as mattsukawas voice came out in small protest in the background
Them finally calming down as oikawa spoke “ ok no but we’re in the middle of practice which one is this “
“ how much you wanna bet it’s the girl he talked to last match “
“ no no it’s gotta be the one from the market “
“ your all wrong it’s gotta be the person from camp “
they all laughed “ yeah right— that one had a boyfriend matsu-chan’s got no balls for that one “
“ even I know not to touch that one — tried it cause their hot but they weren’t interested in leaving the guy “ oikawas voice came out in a scoff “ y/n’s smart honestly —that’s why she’s with that nice guy cause she wants to be taken care of I doubt they gave in to an asshole like him “
“ but dude swear it they were all over him when he said that their boyfriend sent him to dump ‘em “
“ shit— you lie —they believed that “
“ I mean “ you could feel the shrug that took place over the phone
“ woke up with ‘em in the same room as us “
“ damn mattsu got the angel from camp “ you could feel oikawas pout
“ crap I really wanted her too anytime I tried they said they were happy with spotty boy “
iwazumis voice was questioning as you listened in breathing getting heavier “angel from camp ? what the hell— mattsu you played another one I thought I asked you to stop “
“ I-I did “
“ then who’s that “
your voice came out in tears as you spoke “ c-can I—can I please just talk to mattsukawa “
You just needed reassurance everyone was wrong they had to be —they were
he told you there was no one else that cared enough to tell you about yams cheating.
that yamaguchi trusted him to tell you because tsukishima hated you which, was totally believable after just now
that everyone was lying and he — he was right he had to be
“ holy shi— “ oikawas voice went high in a squeak as he heard the whimpers “ oh hell mattsu-chan —your doing extra spikes what’d you do —whoever this is their crying “
“ which one is it “
“ pl-please oikawa just its y/n just please — “
“ fuck fuck fuck — “ you heard mattsukawas voice come out in panic “ I—i’m not here “
your heart dropped
“ uh — hes not here we um“
“ who’s that which one is that “
you heard as oikawa tried to whisper in hopes you didn’t hear “ that’s— it’s the one he banged at camp for the dare— the crows manager — the freckled losers s/o “
“ t-they did it ? they —mattsu how’d you get that “
“ I just —I might’ve told ‘em their boyfriend didn’t want them anymore “
the team went silent “ i swear I didn’t expect anything other than a kiss so I could get my money but once I kissed em —I —I screwed up I went too fast and —you gotta get ‘em off the phone “
you could hear his panicking “ I took their virginity on accident i swear I swear—I swear “
your hand shook as cries poured from you hearing a louder scream ram into your ear form the other end of the phone
“ do you not feel ashamed “
iwaizumis loud voice rang out “ you—you asshole how dare you —how can you take something like that accidentally—how can you take that from them “
“ I swear I didn’t me—they were sad and i — I didn’t know how to help and we were already halfway there and— “
you heard as the phone dropped to the floor Iwas loud voice booming on the other line hearing the occasional grunt and shuffling on the floor
you ghosting your shaky thumb over the end call button until you felt someone else’s hand lead yours to the red button
your body relaxing when you felt the hand you’d always loved to hold
relaxing into his back that pressed against your backpack only to feel him move away and his warm hand leave your own your hand moving out to grab his again as you turned around
“ no y/n “ his voice was so soft it hurt “ no you don’t get that — you don’t get my comfort “
you couldn’t even argue head looking to the gravely road
“ y’know if anybody I would have thought it’d be tsukishima “ he laughed a little “ that’s what I was afraid of y’know the whole time we dated I was scared you’d leave me for him — i was insecure really “
he shook his head “ but you always reassured me telling me you didn’t see him that way you didn’t like him there was nothing to worry about with him— and I just “ he scoffed his hand running over his face In exhaustion “ I guess I should have asked about other guys and not my fucking best friend— shouldn’t have had such a closed mind to be jealous of my best friend should have been jealous of every guy that passed my view when I was with you “
“ yams n— “
“ please don’t make this harder than it needs to be “ your head rose up at his words finally seeing his red stained eyes and floppy hair that he’d fixed desperately to cover them “ your already making it hard by standing there looking just as beautiful as you looked the day I stammered my way through asking you out “
he smiled “ come here “ you moved over slowly to his arms as he hugged you tightly “ yams please I didn’t mean— he just —he told me “
“ I know I know “ he rubbed your back as you calmed down into him his body encasing your own like a teddy bear that you needed to cry into after a hard day
“ we can fix it and we can just work through this —I know “
“ yeah your right “
he kissed the top of your head continuing to rub your back the moment feeling calm. You’d known yamaguchi wasnt one to keep grudges nor was he one to be mean. So this wasn’t very surprising for you.
You were thankful that he’d give you another chance that you even had a boyfriend like that it was truly a blessing for you causing you to hug him tighter
“ we— we can work through this “ he pulled back to look at you a smile on your face as you looked up at him his own mouth quirking up
“ separately “ he rubbed your arms up and down in a way of comfort “ don’t come to the next travel match y/n “
your face and heart dropped all at once “ but— yams i’m — im a manager “
“ yes I know but — the only reason why you were one was because you were my s/o they made an exception we had enough we only needed two”
“ wh— “
“ I think it’s best if we just go our separate ways — meaning you don’t have to pretend to like managing the team anymore and I can try to suck up my feelings for you “
he stepped back as he wiped his face “ i’m sorry but —i’m tired of getting walked over I need to make boundaries for myself and other people“
you shook silently head threatening to blow off in the amount of pain you were sheltering as he nodded towards your front door “ go on “
you looked between him and your house
“ I still wanna make sure you get in safely “
he smiled softly as you walked to your door moving to open it after toying with the lock
his eyes still on you until you walked in the house to look through the window him nodding twice to the floor, and putting his hand over his heart before he looked to your window he knew you always watched him when he left after dropping you off
he finished by waving his hand and turning around to leave
your back hitting the door and falling to the floor quickly tears falling hard and fast
you weren’t crying because he left you
you weren’t crying because you’d cheated
you were crying because he still said he loved you in the hand signals you two created for each other and gave you the same goodbye he’d given you everyday for two years since grade school
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serosbows · 4 years
Tumblr media
Cloud Nine
word count: 2k+
——————— sero hanta x gn! Reader———————
Sero spontaneously decides to let the bakusquad know you guys are dating during a smoke sesh. His boldness seems to be contagious what could possibly go wrong?
WARNINGS: 18+, recreational drug use, cannabis use, drug paraphernalia, swearing, suggestive themes
I understand that not all individuals are comfortable with the idea of smoking/ cannabis use I will be putting out more fics for you guys to read!
Minors do not interact!
Also- goes without saying this fic in no way is me condoning illegal activities. y’all stay safe and be responsible
I’m really sorry for any grammar/spelling errors, I am dyslexic n words be hard
Thank you for your support! Again please read at your discretion. <3
Friday nights.
The nights you and the Bakusquad would spend in Seros room winding down from the strenuous week of training, the smell of cannabis thick in the hotboxed room.
You’re not sure how you’ve always ended up in this situation, knee to knee with Sero as you work on breaking up the batch of the sticky green plant that Kaminari swore “was the best shit” he bought. Yet, here you find yourself working in tandem with the raven-haired boy as you hum along to some song he has going on his phone.
“Can you hurry it up already?! I want to get this party started”, Kaminari whined as he watched your fingers impatiently. “This takes time and precision,” you retort back, “respect the craft for a second!”
Leaning back on his hands, Kaminari pouted and looked over at Kirishima who was fiddling with the many empty chip bags scattered around him and Mina. “Don’t look at me, dude! Just wait patiently! We all know Y/N rolls best”, Kirishima chirped.
As if the man got shot point-blank in the heart with a revolver, Sero clutched his chest with an exaggerated gasp, “how DARE YOU”, he seethed at Kirishima who bashfully shrugged. “You would pick Y/N’s rolling over mine?!” Sero yelled, shoving an accusatory finger towards you. Kirishima whistled in what was his attempt to be nonchalant, trying to avoid any further questioning from the now “big angy Sero”. (as you have come to call the puffed out cheeks and pouting lips he is now showing off).
Since this ritual started, you and Sero have found comfortable solace in each other. The calming, open nature of the tape boy had you falling head over heels for him faster than you could realize.
Luckily for you- he felt the same way.
The night he asked you out was forever engraved into your mind, the thought forming a smile on your face anytime you recalled the event.
The bakusquad had just packed it up, deciding to call it an early night, leaving you and Sero alone to continue the smoke sesh on Sero’s plush bed.
You remember that when he started arguing with you about how long you took to prepare the blunt for smoking, the sultry tone in Seros voice began to show. The sudden change had you realizing how thick the air around you two seemed to be.
“Bet I could do better in less time”, Sero said smugly, leaning into you. His movement had you adverting your eyes from your fingers and upwards, the movement leaving Sero’s nose only a few inches from yours. “W-What?”, you choke out, unsure if you heard him right.
His proximity had you inhaling his scent. Was it lemon? No. It couldn’t be, you deduced, it’s not as potent as a lemon, but it sure was some sort of citrus. Sero leaned back, pulling away from you. “I’m just saying. You take forever to roll sweets,” he said shrugging his shoulders.
You hurriedly collect yourself, attributing your absent-mindedness to Seros intoxicating scent. Shaking your head to come back to reality, you resume rolling the blunt. Sero almost worried about your silence, shifts worriedly.
When you looked up at him through your eyelashes, your fingers holding the almost rolled creation delicately, a sly smirk on your lips he was sure he was sent to heaven.
Sero was only brought out of his trance-like state when you groaned and laughed, “Okayyyyy~ sure. Whatever you say Hanta!” you said, adding an exaggerated eye roll for emphasis. “You know everyone prefers when I roll, you just get salty about it.”, you continued as you looked up at him once again, licking the paper of the blunt.
The way your tongue darted out to lick the paper in such precise little stokes had Sero losing his mind. Sure he thought you were attractive, but right now, the way you were looking up at him through you pretty lashes with your tongue out had him going nearly feral.
Trying to contain himself and his sudden change in body temperature, he retorted, “Hey! That's not true they just say that to be nice!” He proceeds to try and put on an angry face, puffing out his cheeks and pouting, scrunching his eyebrows for good measure.
“Awe~” you cooed looking at the literal baby in front of you. “Don’t get all worked up now big angy Sero! You know you LOVE when I roll.”, you said as you took the first hit of your creation.
The smoke filled your lungs with a pleasant heat, the high you originally had become more pronounced. Before you could blow out the stagnant smoke in your mouth, Sero grabbed your face with his hand, placing his lips on you with ferocity.
Your eyes widened. Was he trying to shotgun with you?? The smoke poured out of your mouth and into his, your body beginning to go slack as you finally fell into the smoke filled kiss.
You don’t know when you closed your eyes but they opened as Sero pulled away, blowing the smoke back in your face with a small chuckle.
You let out a few coughs and swatted away the smoke clouding your field of vision. When the cloud cleared, you were met with a red-faced Sero.
“I,,, Uh,,, I-I’m not sure why I did that….I’m so sorry.” Sero rambled on, trying anything he could in his power not to make eye contact with you.
You leaped at this cliche moment, pushing Sero back on his bed and straddling his waist. His hands instinctively landed on your hips. He looked up at you with wide eyes, unsure of what to do at this moment.
In a quick motion, you held the hand with the blunt in it behind you and leaned down to kiss Sero. The kiss left your body feeling weightless, your lips molding with his perfectly. His hands resting at your hips, giving them a light squeeze before his thumbs began to trace light circles on the skin over your shirt.
“‘Bout time you made a move Sero”, you said smirking down at him as you pulled away. “Hanta”, he corrected, “you’re mine now mi amor.”. Sero smiled and pushed himself up to place a light kiss on your forehead.
You let out a small chuckle, using your free hand to cup his face. “Then prove it…” you purred. The smirk on Seros face had you quivering with anticipation, a new wave of heat taking over your body.
Needless to say, the blunt was stamped out and you thanked every higher power in existence that no one found it odd that you were wearing Seros hoodie as the exchange in clothes between you two was common.
That night you came to the conclusion that it was tangerine and cinnamon, Sero smelled like tangerine and cinnamon. A scent that you would come to be addicted to.
If it wasn’t for the hoodie, the bakusquad would have for sure seen the many marks Sero had left on you so he could properly mark you as his.
When you came back from your flashback the rest of the group seemed to blur into the background as you focused on filling the blunt, eyes trained in on making everything even. In your peripheral vision, a certain raven-haired boy could be seen inching closer towards your face.
“Can I help you?” you said with a smirk, not looking up from your activities. “No, no, don’t mind me. Keep doing what you’re doing. You look so pretty when you’re rolling baby~”, Sero said in a low sing-song voice that only you could hear.
Your hand movements halted immediately and your eyes widened.
Sero hasn't called you anything like that in front of anyone??? You enjoyed hearing the pet name come from his mouth, yes, however, you two have yet to make your relationship public.
“Sero…”, you warned, “you cant be distracting me right now.” Sero seemed to pay no mind to your words, coming in closer and placing a hand on your thigh. “At this point, I don’t care, sweets, we’ve been dating for... what? 4 Months now?”
A hand grabbing your chin startled you. Sero moved your face so he could make direct eye contact with you, his thumb runs across your lower lip, “let them know.” The devilish smirk on Seros face made your stomach drop. “Come on, you know what to do”, He whispered. You nodded and took his thumb in your mouth. Sero nodded in appreciation and basked in the feeling of your tongue running around his finger.
He pulls his thumb out of your mouth when he hears Bakugou yelling. “I TOLD YOU SHITS I WASNT THE IMPOSTER”, you look over to see everyone look up from their phones, thankful that among us kept the bakusquad from seeing the previous encounter with you and Sero.
“That means its Kaminari or Sero then because I was in electrical.” Sero furrowed his eyebrows, “What, I was AFK- yall SAW me breaking up the weed” he yelled. Kaminari huffed, “You know its not me!! All of you SAW me do the med bay scan.”
You, having been killed off the first round watched as a smirk formed on Mina’s face, rolling your eyes at her obvious lies that Bakugou and Kirishima have seemed to buy due to the accusatory looks being thrown their way.
As the common ‘defeat’ sound rand out, you began to lick the paper of the blunt, your fingers working deliberately to make the best creation you can.
“Yeah!! Lick that shit baby. You look so good doing it. I know what else that mouth can do” Sero yelled, you flinched a little, unsure how the bakusquad would react but if Sero was being bold you might as well join.
A spitting sound was heard next to you as Bakugou whipped his head towards Sero. “BRO!!! DONT GET THE SHIT WET!” Kaminari yelled as he grabbed the open bag of weed that was nearly ruined by Bakugou’s spit.
“What the fuck did you just say?!” Bakugou yelled. “I think you heard me. I didn’t stutter. Plus I’m just praising my baby!”
“WOAH, WAIT! WHEN?!” Mina squealed.
“Sero got a date before me?!?!” Kaminari whined.
“You’re joking,” Kirishima said
You worked to silence the group, “First of all…” you started, “Sero.. you said that shit in front of my blunt bro...Disrespectful as FUCK. Second of all yes, we’re dating, we have been for 4 months.”
“5 on the 14th!” Sero continued as he placed a hand on your head, messing up your hair.
You laughed and shook him off, flattening out the hair Sero just ruined. “Yeah yeah…. Now give me a kisth” you said while looking over at Sero who happily obliged.
The kiss was quick but it left you weightless. Pulling away, Sero began to move you around. “What are you doing??” you said as you took another hit of the blunt. “You just sit here.” He said as he placed you between his legs, his arms coming to wrap around you, his chin resting on your head. “I want to hold my precious baby”
The softness in his voice would have the rest of the bakusquad thinking Sero was just trying to be cute and show affection. You would have thought the same thing if it wasn’t for the evident hard-on pressing into your back.
You smirked, an idea coming into your head. Passing the blunt to Bakugou, you placed both hands in your hoodie pocket. In one smooth movement, you gripped the left sleeve with your right hand and inched your left arm out of its cozy confinement.
Lightly dropping your arm to your side under the hoodie, you slipped your hand behind your back. Dropping your head back on Seros shoulder and turning your nose to graze it across his neck. “You keep quiet and maybe ill help you with your problem, yeah?” You whispered as you began to run your hand over the tent in his pants.
Seros breathing hitched, his grip on you tightening. He didn’t stop you however, the feeling of your fingertips grazing the skin above his pants and slowly dipping under his waistband had him intoxicated.
He just hoped he could follow your orders and keep quiet.
363 notes · View notes
pridewhatpride · 3 years
omg pls talk more about GX rival shipping once the transfer students come
Dear anon, I love you for asking this of me, but I have to wonder if you want everyone who follows me to start hating me.
Long post coming up? You know it. I apologise to all Johan fans, he's great and I loved him and his deck as a child. Now I'm just salty because he's too perfect. Warning because this is a mess of unrequited feelings and it's an all around bad time if you ship anything in gx. I did mention I do not practice self care in a previous post of mine. Enjoy your pain c:
So here are my bad takes of the day, under the very handy cut!
You see, gx rivalshipping becomes a lot more complicated and angsty when the transfer students arrive. The dynamic changes. If there is a dynamic at all. I mean, imagine yourself in Manjoume's shoes. You've lowkey had a crush on this dumb guy who kind of ruined your life (but actually improved it and freed you from the restraints your family imposed on you), just to watch a handsome scandinavian dude who is a lot more muscular than you are and maybe a little bit nicer, maybe just waltz in and completely captivate said dumb guy's attention. Just when you had managed to admit your own feelings to yourself.
Johan comes in and steals the room, everybody loves him, he's good looking, charismatic, kind and has a magical exclusive shiny sparkling deck at his disposal that he uses as if it was the most natural thing in the world, like he hadn't received approval Pegasus himself on top of the duel spirits. And Judai clearly can't get enough of it, because he's always seeking him out, ever since the duel they had in front of everyone, and Manjoume finds that he's really annoyed by it. He wishes he'd been chosen for the demonstration, deluding himself into believing that if he'd won, Judai would have never started caring so damn much about Johan. But a part of him knows he would have probably lost and that even if he hadn't, Judai would have not cared about the outcome at all. It's nice to think that winning a card game can solve all your problems, but, while Manjoume has only ever experienced how much losing one can mess with your life goals, he isn't stupid enough to think that winning would grant him happiness. Not anymore. No well-thought-out strategy can rid him of his bad temper and his worthless pride.
The thing is, he can't really hate Johan, because nobody can hate Johan. He's just the perfect picture of everything Manjoume isn't and, going by everyone's reaction, the fact that 'everyone is unique in their own way and worthy of love' is absolute bullshit. There clearly is an objective better one of the two and Manjoume is very aware that he isn't it. And he'd probably begrundgingly be cool with it, after all he'd accepted that Jaden was braver than him, that Asuka was emotionally stronger and more resolute, that Daichi was smarter, not to mention how much plain better than him his fomer upperclassmen were. Forget about pros like Edo, whom Judai had stood on equal grounds with. But Judai is clearly playing favourites, too, hell, he hardly even acknowledges Manjoume.
He finds himself forcibly removed from his already shaky position as rival, because now Johan is there to take it up, on top of the titles of 'best friend' and 'emotional support and crutch' and 'maybe something else I'd really rather not know'.
Manjoume just generally hates it all. He might have changed and improved himself, but there is no saving him from the fact that some people were just better. That doesn't stop him from trying. But again he finds himself pitted against Judai, the irony of his fate never giving him a moment to rest. Manipulated and turned into the enemy of those he cares about, again.
A part of him despises how good it feels to learn that Johan has gone missing, but Judai is screaming like his arms have been torn off and while he hates that it's all for Johan, he hates that Judai is in pain even more. Judai had saved him before and it's only right for him to return the favour. So he insists on helping him on his stupidly risky plan to save Johan. And it's all to get the old Judai back.
...The rest, from Manjoume's perspective is a mess. His feelings of anger stem from the hatred he harbours towards himself and the bond between Judai and Johan. He'd been trying to help, he had, he sincerely had, but everything just swirled together and the next thing he knows is that he is shouting at Judai because it suddenly made sense to guilt trip him over the fact that he'd abandoned his friends, he'd abandoned him as soon as someone better had come into the picture. And it was Judai's fault for letting them- him believe that he cared when he didn't, when he couldn't have cared less, because clearly he had one priority only and that was Johan. They had come to help and it still wasn't being appreciated.
Disappearing is a relief, for a moment, but then he finds himself in another hellish place and he can't help but think that it's retribution for being so upset over something that has nothing to do with him. That's right. It's his own fault for making Judai, his only real friend (aside from Fubuki, sorry for breaking the immersion, but I love Fubuki), carry the burden of the stupid hopes that came with his feelings. Judai has no fault. Johan has no fault. It's his own for desiring something that would always be out of reach.
As he is tortured by his own thoughts and regrets in the other dimension, Manjoume silently wishes his words meant nothing to Judai, that he'd be spared the pain of betrayal. He wishes Judai can achieve his goal.
When Shou appears to him, he knows there is no time to waste. If he is alive, the others are, too. Judai would want to know that they are safe. So he asks Shou to carry his message, along with his good luck wish. He hopes it's enough to make up for his mistakes.
Next thing he knows, they are back at DA, Judai is nowhere to be seen. Manjoume mourns the loss of his first and only friend and curses himself for tarnishing that memory. (Judai's return and season 4 would be too much to cover, this was only Manjoume's pov and I might as well just rewrite the entire show at this point.)
So what about Judai?
I personally want to believe that he genuinely does like Manjoume at some point. But as much as it pains me to admit it, season 3 just wrote Manjoume off from the list of main characters and relegated him to 'he's your funny comic relief, nobody really gives a shit about what he thinks or feels, so why should you, the spectator who has grown to love him, care at all? Also here's his sticker that confirms that Judai going after Johan makes him really angry for some reason, make of that what you will c:' (fuck the writing staff, I'm not even sorry).
Judai is so clearly smitten with Johan. It seems to me that his refusal to accept Manjoume's help that one time on the cliff shows that Judai doesn't really understand the way Jun operates. He probably labeled him as just someone else who counted on him to be saved. And sure, Manjoume is saved by Judai in multiple occasions, but he doesn't ever really... ask for it? Or more importantly expect it. He doesn't get himself into situations he can't handle because Judai can save him anyways, the trouble just kind of happens at him and more often than not he's only involved by accident, because he happens to be close to Judai.
The problem still stands, as season 3 starts, Judai is very much burdened by everyone's expectations and Johan is a breath of fresh air and the only one Judai actually considers a friend and an equal. It's heartbreaking that he felt that alone.
They get their gay 'have we met somewhere before moment', they duel gaily, they homoerotically tell eachother how admirable the other is, they shamelessly flirt and whoohoo Judai has an unofficial boyfriend and who can blame him for concentrating on him along with wanting to escape the pressure his former gang unknowingly laid on him.
But yeah, Judai in season 3 has a one track mind and it's hard not to see it as romantic. Does he know it is? Maybe? I honestly don't know. I feel like Johan is the one of the two who is aware of the implications of their interactions. Which also kind of brings me to say... does Johan think that all of Judai's friends are horrible people? Because he never once comments on how Judai distances himself from them once he arrives. He probably thinks they were never good friends in the first place.
Judai probably excuses his attentions towards Johan with the fact that they are alike because they can see spirits, but then he rememebers that so can Manjoume and maybe he feels guilty for a second, but Johan cracks a joke and Judai laughs and thinks to himself that Manjoume is probably happy to have the peace and quiet he so often claimed to want.
Like... I think a part of him would get that tightness in his chest because it's like he's betrayed someone, but he knows he hasn't, because there isn't any actual mutual agreement he's going against. So he lets himself fall deeper into the comfort of Johan's presence. Johan is, to Judai, the ideal person. He is exactly who Judai wants to become. Judai admires him very deeply and strives to be more like him, but he falls gradually into despair as he learns, once Johan is gone, that no, he can't be like him, because Johan is so much better than him, and if he doesn't get him back soon he might even forget what he was like in the first place. Johan can't be erased, can't be forgotten. And Judai feels like he's vanishing already, so he throws himself into a wild interdimensional manhunt to save his hopes for the future.
Turns out that wanting to do good doens't always result in a good outcome. That's what Judai learns when Manjoume lashes out at him just seconds before disappearing. Along with the others, too. Judai doesn't even have the brain power to compute that some people are still there, that he can still save someone, because he realised then that he had focused so much on Johan that he'd completely overlooked the fact that while his friends relied on him a little too much, they hadn't meant any harm. And if he'd just told them, maybe they would have been fine, they could've cooperated- but Manjoume had told him that he was a traitor, that he'd doomed them with his irrational behaviour.
Manjoume's last words to him had been spoken with hatred and Judai realised only then that he had misread him entirely. He lets despair and self hatred take over as he realises that if he had managed to hurt the ones he cared about so easily, discarding them for the new good thing, he could just keep doing that. And it would stop hurting, eventually.
I like to think that Manjoume really does have an impact on the awakening of the Supreme King. Yeah, I know he only turns once Johan's death is mentioned, I know. I just suffer from abandonment issues and can't stand that Manjoume dying in front of him is more impactful to Judai than a guy who literally can't be trusted saying "Joke's on you, the one you're looking for is in another castle already dead."
So yeah. That's the angsty overview.
TL;DR Johan is an Adonis, Judai is smitten and Manjoume is very very heartbroken. But actually so is Judai. Because while being with Johan feels right, there's someone whose absence feels wrong, but he doesn't allow himself to dwell on it and everything goes to shit. All around a bad time for everyone and they'll have a lot of talking to do once they properly reconcile after graduation.
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snarkwrites · 4 years
happy birthday | pietro m. | mature.
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Look ya’ll... I have zero shame for this. Z E R O. I wanted to read this, I couldn’t find anything I hadn’t already read similar for Pietro,  (( Either Pietro you wish to imagine here tbh because honestly, they’re both lovely dudes )) so I am simply writing the filth I want to read in bed later... And dragging you lot straight to the naughty corner with me.
Also, this is totally unbeta’d. Because we fly by the straps of our bra in this house. Any errors, wonky positioning, lack of condom or anything else you find is purely on me and I own it.
Prompts used:
Ah, none. Although, birthday sex could totally be one, I suppose.
Pietro Maximoff x Barton!OFC, Nicola, whomst I’ve used previously with him...
Fandom : 
Marvel Cinematic / X - Men (if you’re gonna visualize Evan’s version or whatever) 
Straight up sexual content and unprotected at that. No minors allowed. That means all you lovelies out there under the age of 18+ need to go elsewhere. Keep scrolling because this is absolutely NOT for you.
@micolegg​ -because our discussion earlier kind of maybe... inspired this.
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                                         Happy Birthday,
“Damn it, all I want to do is sleep. But noooo.. Can’t even get him out of my head long enough to do that, apparently.” I grumbled to myself as I threw my plaid comforter off and slipped out of bed. Grabbing a t-shirt and pulling it on only to scowl at my reflection in the mirror on my bedroom door when I realized that I’d done it again. I’d gotten the laundry mixed up.
The shirt I was wearing?
The olive green one Pietro Maximoff wore for training at the compound most of the time.
,, He’s not awake. It’s not like he’s going to see you in it.”  I reminded myself just as I went to tug it over my head. ,,Besides, I thought further, it’s soft and comfy.” 
We’re not even getting into the fact that despite the washing, it somehow still kind of smells like him. Or that I even think Pietro Maximoff smells good enough to eat to begin with.
The line of thought made my stomach growl and I remembered that there was still some of mine and Lila’s birthday cake down in the fridge.
,, And you still have a little tequila too.. Maybe a few sips will put you out. At very least, your brain will be all fuzzy and warm and you won’t be constantly thinking about him. And the way all he has to do is look at you a certain way and you turn into an actual mess.” the thought spurred me into action and I stepped out into the hallway, tiptoeing quietly down the stairs. Then into the kitchen.
Knowing my dad was on a mission and my mom and siblings are notoriously heavy sleepers, I chanced it with turning on my phone and going to my Spotify app, finding a Billy Idol song and hitting play after lowering the volume.
I danced around the kitchen, first scaling the counter and reaching up into the high cabinet I’d put my bottle of tequila in earlier after I’d been gifted it. Then I stepped over to the fridge and opened it, leaning in.
Still shaking my hips to the song, humming along quietly. Giggling, because I haven’t snuck downstairs for a midnight snack since I was at least my sister Lila’s age. I dug around in the silverware drawer until I found a fork and my mom’s corkscrew that she uses on her wine so I could pull the cork out of the fancy bottle of tequila.
Billy Idol gave way to Def Leppard just as I managed to get the bottle open. I raised it to my lips, taking a few sips. Nearly spitting it onto the floor. It burned. It burned so bad as it rolled down my throat and settled into a lazy heat in the pit of my stomach. I wiped my mouth and held out the bottle, raising a brow at it. “Thor wasn’t lying when he said it was ‘the best alcohol.’ earlier.” I muttered mostly to myself, sitting the bottle down.
Now to get the plastic lid from hell off the sheet cake. I bit my lip and tried to carefully pry it free, but that wasn’t happening. The lid crackled and the sound seemed to echo like a stereo on blast.
“Shit.fuck.” I grumbled, trying to grab it better and pull at it again. I flipped off the lid when I thought I heard a door opening upstairs. Raising the bottle of tequila to my mouth again, I took another long sip.
It burned slightly less. But I could feel my ears starting to get warm. And I giggled a little. This time, when I tried to get the lid off the sheet cake, it came away. Not quietly, but it was out of my way at last. I sprang up onto the countertop and crossed my legs, sitting the cake next to me. Reaching for the discarded plastic tiara that Lila had been wearing earlier when we blew out the candles. Sitting it on my head and pouting when it tried to slide off again. Giggling a little louder than I should’ve at the whole thing.
I spread a bite of the cake with my fork and just as I raised the fork to my lips and was about to take the bite, the kitchen was flooded with light. And for some reason, this only made me giggle and nearly drop the fork when I went to shield my eyes from the brightness.
I managed to avoid it, recovering nicely and slipping the fork between my lips. My eyes settled on the doorway, fixing on Pietro and the way he leaned in the frame, sleepily. Staring right back at me.
Go Fuck Yourself started to play and I wanted to melt into the kitchen tiles. As if there wasn’t enough lingering tension already between us. And then I remembered. I was sitting here, right in front of him… wearing one of his shirts. And not much else.
,, he won’t see me in his shirt, I said. It’s  cozy and I refuse to change just to go sneak some birthday cake and a few shots of tequila, I said. Clearly, I’m an idiot.” I thought to myself as he stepped completely into the kitchen. Slipping the pocket door closed behind him and leaning against it, an amused smirk as his eyes roamed over me slowly.
He rubbed his hand over the back of his head and whether I wanted to or not, my eyes followed the movement of his hand, settling briefly on a muscular arm as the movement made it flex just slightly.
I stabbed the fork into my half of the cake again, raising the fork to my lips after speared a piece of the cake. I shifted around on the counter a little, letting both of my legs dangle over the edge, wiggling my feet. Antsy, but with no real reason as to why.
Neither of us was saying anything but we were both staring at each other. Intently. And that lingering tension between us? Settled in all over again; thicker somehow.
,, well, I did walk in on him after he showered earlier and promptly froze in place gawking at the poor guy… and he did nearly walk in on me changing the night before… then there’s all the little accidental touches. The flirty and snide way he says things sometimes. And that accent, dear god..” my mind was more than happy to remind me exactly why there was so much tension between Pietro and I lately, it seemed. 
Before I could bat a lash, Pietro stood in front of me. Stepping closer so that he stood between my legs, a hand resting palm down on the counter on either side of them. Neither of us had spoken a word yet.
I felt my breath catching in my throat.
He eyed the tequila bottle sitting to my side, completely forgotten in favor of the cake next to it for the time being. For some reason, I started giggling and I couldn’t stop. And despite all efforts, it wasn’t quiet, either.
Kissable lips curved upward in an amused sort of smirk. 
“You’re up late.” I muttered as my giggle fit died away and all I could do was gaze up at him, curious.
“And so are you, kotyonok.” Pietro stated, shrugging it off. His eyes left mine, settling on my lips. I barely managed to catch myself before I whimpered at his little lapse into his mother tongue. “You always call me that. What does it mean?”
“Kitten.” he answered with hints of that cocky smirk, shrugging as he said it and met my gaze all over again. His thumb rolled over my lower lip, coming away with pink frosting. When he licked his thumb and held my gaze while doing it, I gulped. Nearly choked on the bite of cake I’d just taken. His hand raised and he reached for the tiara sitting crooked on my hair, straightening it.
“So greedy, kotyonok.” he teased, chuckling quietly. I managed to mumble in response, “It’s a pretty damn good cake.” as I leaned in just a little closer. Cautiously.
There was a bruise on his jaw from his sparring session at the compound earlier. My fingertips grazed against it and before I could pull my hand away, his hand raised, fingers circling my wrist. Holding it there. Sort of nuzzling a stubbled cheek against the palm of my hand.
If I thought the air was thick before, I was wrong. It was so thick right now I could barely breathe, let alone think straight. He released his grip on my wrist and I dug the fork into my cake again, raising the fork to his lips. His mouth closed around the fork and as he took the bite and then licked frosting off his lips, despite all my best efforts, my eyes were absolutely glued to his lips and the way his tongue rolled across them slowly. When he groaned at the sugary sweet taste of the birthday cake, I whimpered before I could stop myself.
He studied me intently.
I reached out for the bottle of tequila sitting near me, taking another long sip. Grimacing at the contrast between sweet and bitter and the way the liquid burned it’s way down my throat all over again.
My legs brushed his sides and he tensed slightly. Didn’t drop my gaze or anything, he just tensed up. My heart was racing a little, there seemed to be this anticipation building up in me. Like something was about to happen. I just didn’t know what it would be, exactly.
“ I wanted to be here. Earlier. For your birthday party.” he mumbled as he leaned in closer. Almost putting my body completely against his own. I managed a smile and gazed up at him, my head tilted slowly. His hands left the counter top and settled on my bare thighs. Skimming over them as he held my gaze.
“It’s okay. I get it. Training.” I wondered what he was up to. But if I stopped to think about it, he was always more… Affectionate. Touchier towards me. I always get the sense that the little ‘accidental’ touches and the few times we lock eyes in a room together that it’s never exactly accidental. That he’s flirting with me. And I was warned by his twin sister Wanda that he could be a flirt for the most part, so I never really thought much about it beyond the way it seemed to frustrate me because it only made me want him more.
“ It is probably better I wasn’t on time. Now I can do this...” Pietro mused quietly. Biting his lip as bright blue eyes settled on my lips all over again. And he leaned in more. Closing the distance between our mouths just a little bit more when he did so. So close that when I licked my lips my tongue brushed right against his mouth.
And something in him snapped. One of his hands left my thigh and settled across the back of my neck. Pulling my mouth against his mouth. His tongue slipped past my lips. Tangled with mine. My legs wrapped around his waist and I melted against him completely. The kiss deepened and Pietro was scooting me closer so that I was clinging to him a little more than I was actually sitting on the counter, his hands skimming over my sides, groping my body and making me whimper quietly, the sound swallowed by the kiss.
I was starting to get light headed. We pulled away to breathe and he chuckled quietly. “If this were Sokovia, kotyonok.. I would’ve stolen you a gift.”
“Hm?” I gazed at him. Still a little dazed that he’d kissed me like that. Wanting to do it again so badly I could taste it. Before I could stop myself, I was hooking my fingers into his belt loop. Using the connection to pull him close all over again. The end result was him scooping me off the counter. Carrying me up the stairs as I rested my face against his neck, giggling quietly.
He pushed open the door to my bedroom and stepped inside, over to my bed. Dropping me gently onto the bed and turning to lock the door behind him. Tugging the tank top he’d been wearing over his head and letting it settle on my bedroom floor. I barely managed to keep myself from whimpering out loud. He came to a stop beside my bed and I sat up, raising my hands. Hooking my fingers in the waistband of his sweatpants in an attempt to pull them down only to have him shake his head no at me and gently push me flat against the mattress all over again.
He let his sweats pool around his ankles and my eyes settled on his cock and the way it stood at attention.
 I swallowed hard, my eyes widening as they met his. He settled on the bed with his body between my legs. His hands raised, taking hold of mine as his mouth crashed against my lips all over again and his tongue found mine, tangling with it. Taking complete control of the kiss as it deepened to a point where I felt myself getting light headed all over again. One of his hands let go of one of mine and made it’s way down my body. The kiss broke and as we were catching our breath he muttered lazily against my skin, “ Stop me. If you don’t want to do this, stop me.”
I was absolutely not about to stop him. The thought hadn’t even been entertained. Not as bad as I wanted him. I gripped his jaw, pulling his mouth against mine all over again. “No. I won’t. Because I want you. Please don’t stop.” 
His hands skimmed down my sides, fingertips catching in the hem of the t-shirt I was wearing, working it up over my body. Tossing it on the floor of my bedroom with the growing pile of clothes. His fingers caught on the sides of my panties, tearing them out of the way. Tossing them down onto the floor also. I licked my lips as I stared up at him. My gaze lowering when his hand left my hip and disappeared between our bodies, circling his length. Guiding it over my dripping folds and making me whimper quietly as a shiver raced through my body. He met my gaze, that cocky smirk playing at his lips as he teased at entry, making me shiver all over again, fighting to keep from whimpering out loud. His finger rested against my lips and he leaned down a little, muttering softly, “Shh. We don’t want to wake anyone.” as he buried inch for inch inside of me slowly. Going still when I tensed up a little, letting me adjust to his size. His lips burying in mine when I tried to rock my hips against him to get him moving again. His hands gripped my hips, pumping me up and down on his cock, making me arch away from the bed and try to cling to him, greedily pulling his mouth against mine all over again. Nipping at his lips as I met his deep and slow thrusts frantically. Trying to get him to speed up just a little as my orgasm started to build.
The soft creaks of the bed had us stopping, listening to make sure it wasn’t loud or obvious, laughing quietly against each other’s skin. He feathered little kisses against my neck and throat and my fingers dug into his shoulders as I gazed up at him and whispered softly, “I think we’re good. My mom and siblings could sleep through a level 5 hurricane.” After a second or two of him continuing to listen just to be sure, he started to fuck into me slowly all over again. His hips smacking softly against mine and the bed beneath us creaking softly.
“Oh. oh yeah.” my head fell back as his cock pistoned in and out, striking right against my spot, “Faster.” 
“Not tonight, kitten. Slow.” his mouth crashed against mine, swallowing up my pleas and whimpers and his hands slipped down, gripping my hips tightly so that he controlled the speed. My toes curled into my sheets, trying anything to get just a little more leverage and I wrapped my arms around his neck, my nails dragging up and down his back. I could feel my stomach tensing up. I was getting closer, dangerously so. All I wanted to do was cum but just like every other time before, Pietro seemed to pick up on the exact second I got just a little too close and he went still. Kissing me all over and muttering things against my skin in his native tongue. Rolling his tongue over my skin. Tracing the outline of my lips until I was lowering my hands and pulling his mouth against mine because I just couldn’t take the teasing anymore. 
He started to fuck me into the mattresses all over again. Slow and steady. Reaching up at one point to grab my headboard and keep it from banging any louder against the wall. His hips snapping against mine at an almost bruising steady pace. Bottoming out and as he did so, having to bury his mouth in mine just to keep me from moaning louder. Chuckling as the kiss broke to mutter against my mouth softly, “We have to stay quiet, kotyonok.” 
The look in his eyes and the smirk on his face told another tale entirely. He was relishing every single moan and whimper. He’d love it if I could scream.
I’d love it if I could scream.
I melted against him, shaking and clinging as I tried to keep myself from getting off. Dangerously close, poised right at the brink. His hips met mine erratically and he whispered against my neck “So close.”
“Let go, Pietro. Please? I..” my words fell away as bliss took over. His hands gripped my hips, guiding them against his as he started to pick up speed. Teeth nipping at my neck. Leaving small marks, but marks that I knew I’d barely be able to hide in the morning. The thought already had me smiling.
“You what?” he questioned, gazing down at me. Biting his lips as his eyes met mine and he bottomed out all over again, his cock drilling into my spot and making me nip at his neck and leave a mark of my own behind just to keep from screaming his name and waking up everyone in the house.
When I finally managed to get it out, “I wanna feel you.” he licked his lips as his eyes met mine. A soft smirk. He nodded. His hands squeezed my hip harder, pumping me up and down on his cock as my nails dragged down his back and my legs wrapped tight around his waist, squeezing as my orgasm ripped through me, making me clench tight around his cock, flooding it. It pushed him right over the edge and his thrusts sped. They got harder. I could feel him tensing up as he slammed into me and fucked me through my own orgasm, his cock throbbing. Filling me up as his thrusts slowed all over again and he pressed himself against me, crashing his mouth against mine. Our foreheads rested against each other, and as we tried to catch our breath and come down from the high, he collapsed into the bed beside me, pulling me so that I was draped over him. His arms going around me, his fingers dancing over my bare skin as he gazed up at me.
“Happy birthday, kotyonok.”
I smiled at him, nuzzling my nose against his nose. Cuddling against him as I let out a long and content sigh, totally relaxed. 
I was definitely not going to have any trouble falling asleep now...
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felismiscellaneous · 3 years
Casonverse Expo
ok so after you see this you Cannot save it. the whole thing about the casonverse is that its solely “oral” and memory based. i cannot write down “rules” to it or anything. this post Will be lost to time and youll just have to deal with that
ok so. we begin. our story. w/ an explanation on how ectobiology has been going on earth c. basically, every once in a while to increase genetic diversity, a babeh between two of the original founders is created randomly, and said founders get to decide if they want to adopt that babeh or not.
now its been a very very long time on earth c and all of these bitches are immortal. yep. every single one. even the non godtiers, they get an immortality boon for winning the game. you know whats also a boon? all of the players getting revived. yep. every single one. because this is my au and i can do what i want.
anyways as i was saying basically at some point a babeh between john and karkat is made and this time theyre like “yeah ok well adopt this one” SO. they be goin there. and the ONE TIME they decide this is the right time the baby is fuckin BROKE. the internal organs of trolls and humans dont mesh very well when the genes are combined in the ectomachine, and this baby is basically just dying very slowly. this baby isssss Casey! well, shes not named that by her parents, but well just call her Casey for now.
john and karkat do their fuckin best to keep this thing alive but her tiny baby body is completely dysfunctional. and doesnt last very long. This is Traumatizing for Everyone Involved. anyways!! a pretty long time after that we have Cason and Jones. they were spawned at the same time. Jones is rose and kanayas horrible ectospawn, and Cason happens to be another equally horrible spawn between john and karkat! they decide to adopt this one, and fortunately it lives. This was Their First Mistake.
but before we get into Cason, lets get into Jones. Jones is,,,, very socially awkward. in fact, she often comes off as creepy to everyone else. this makes her very clingy towards her mothers, who arent That terrible at parenting. theyve got quirks, but theyre good for her. Jones doesnt really have any friends, except this Totally Cool and Not at All Dangerous cult she gets dragged into! this is the second secret shes ever kept from her mothers. the first is that shes the one who keeps bringing snails into the house. Jones likes snails, but shes not good at taking care of them. she just keeps bringing them into the house and feeding them her snack. her snack is rat poison. snails like and digest rat poison safely. snails! she likes them.
ALSO APPARENTLY SHE CAN SEE GHOSTS???? yeah lets get into that. see, Casey becomes a Regular Ghost after she dies. not a dream ghost, just a plain ol ghost. and anyways, shes around the same age as everyone else if not a year older due to Ghost Rules now, and Cason is the only one that seems to be able to see her. and then theres Jones. Jones is absolutely stunning to Casey and yes she falls so hard in dokis. but Jones is trying to ignore the fact that she can see ghosts. it makes her feel like even more of an outcast. ooooo drama! anyways those two have their own background plot going on about fighting eldritch gods or something idk.
LETS GET BACK TO CASON. see. Cason. is The Worst. like, genuinely. ever since he was a kiddo, he was a completely spoiled brat from day one, and spent his childhood Looking Down on People for multiple reasons. for one, hes the son of TWO FUCKING FOUNDERS AND RAISED BY THEM, two he got away with EVERYTHING, and three i think its just in his nature. Cason prides himself in being knowledgeable and better than everyone else, but he is not like Other Egomaniacs((tm.))
Cason doesnt necessarily care about being liked, even if he WAS a great manipulator, or being the best at Everything. he couldnt care less about sports or popularity. all he wants, is Control. just like hes had since day one. This is Terrible for Everyone Involved.
but most terrible for anyone, is Tippie Piyjon. Tippie is terezi and nepetas ectospawn, which, really started it all. now, terezi and nepeta are not horrible people, or even necessarily horrible parents, but theyre just not suited for it. Tippie raised herself on romance novels and the like, especially after being sortve taken in as a goddaughter by karkat almost immediately after she was born. and, because of this, she got to meet Cason very early on. there was hardly ever a day where the two werent around eachother, whether they liked it or not. in school, at their own house, wherever. now, being around Cason of all people all the time, meant you knew exactly how he operated.
and well, Tippie figured that, maybe, if she was just good enough, she could change him. and Cason used that to his full advantage. the two became moirails, which was Fucked Up for Everyone Involved, and grew ever closer. now Cason, being Cason, was Extremely Emotionally Abusive to Tippie. she had to do what he asked, whatever it was, even if it wasnt morally right, she had to stay by his side, she couldnt cry in front of his parents, she had to get good grades so he wouldnt look bad, so many damn things she had to do. even if he never once laid a finger on her, her mental health was, slowly but surely, chiseled down.
every attempt at defying him was met with such coldness, or hed act more warm towards her, so surely she was doing something right and had to keep going. just had to be good enough. hell get better eventually. Cason earns the title of #1 Gaslighter Extraordinare. the only place she found any solace away from him was grubscouts, which she joined on her own terms when she was very young, and at the time was a camp counselor even! this lasted. for so many years.
Cason is nineteen whenever i depict him, and Tippie is seventeen, but very nearly eighteen. eventually, she cant take it anymore, and snaps at him. usually this doesnt last, and he would manage to calm her down eventually, but shes fucking Tired of it. he hasnt changed. not even a bit. well. Cason cant have that, now can he? the first time he lays a hand on her, he slaps her across the face. Big Mistake. though terrified, Tippie lashes out, and claws Casons left eye out, making a terribly deep gash that would leave him permanently blind in that eye whether or not he got treatment.
this scares the SHIT out of her, and Tippie runs off, for the first time, to her mothers. as she cries, she recounts how terrible everythings been and how she didnt mean it and shes sorry and- theres nothing to apologize for. its very clear, that they shouldve stepped in sooner, shouldve noticed something was wrong. meanwhile, Cason crawls home to his own dads, who are rightfully spooked seeing their son with a horrifically bloody face and a gouged eyeball. they only had a second to try and comfort him, before he snapped at them, showing a bit of his true nature to them for the first time, and also, terezi showing up behind him. after a thorough explanation which was mostly just a few stern, if a little tearful words, Casons parents are completely mortified. karkat quickly kicks him out in an act of raw emotion. no chance to grab clothes, or for john to interject, Cason is left outside, alone, and with absolutely no power left. what will he do?
theres also other characters but theyre like babies so they dont have much characterization and also arent very important to the story. but here they are ig:
owen, jade and daves child. hes like, 3. he likes sticks and playing in mud. hes 3 what more do you want from him
siyren, aradia and feferis kiddo. shes like, 6. she likes ballet, arts and crafts, and being snooty
damien, eridan and solluxs kid. hes 10, likes calling people slurs over xbox, and overcompensating since his parents waited so damn long to adopt him after his slimebirth
killer, who named himself, aradia and sollux kid. hes like 11 or something. he likes being edgy and has the same issue as damien. in fact, all but siyren have this issue
toga bitch, who i have currently yet to name, aradia and eridans kid. shes 12. she likes earth rome and chilling in public fountains. a burgundy whose violetkin
wemon wemon, who is also currently unnamed, feferi and eridans kid. hes 13, the oldest. he likes earth lemon demon and horror special effects
carrie, feferi and solluxs kid. shes like 11, likes dance dance revolution and earth 9s
rosie, calliope and roxys bab, whos a baby. jane is also her mom
ben, tippies far future carapacian bf, who likes boring shit like birdwatching and scrapbooking. malewife supreme. a very soft dude, and just wants to help his gf w/ her trauma and join her grubscout troop on earning badges. just a great, if boring guy
notkonyyl, just as unnamed, a notcanadian oliveblood who enjoys going to the gym, frequenting bars, being cool, flirty, and defending her moirail to the death
notkuprum, haha unnamed, is a human, and the moirail to notkonyyl. he likes things like being annoying, flirting with everyone taller than him ((most people)), the nintendo switch, and defending his moirail to the death
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crystalninjaphoenix · 4 years
Calm & Conversations
A JSE Fanfic
Okay so my schedule for uploading fics may be a bit wonky for the next while. I’m not sure how to fit writing in with my classes this semester, so I’m just improvising as I go. But I’ve got this! It’s really just a bunch of scenes that need to happen before the next story, but it was nice to write again. We check in on Laurens and Schneep (yknow I’m just now realizing how big a deal the non-septic characters are to this story), Marvin tells Chase something important, there’s a flashback with JJ, and Anti is being a plotting dick as usual. Have fun guys dsjdfkdfjk
You can find the other stories under the pw timeline tag!
Laurens knocked on the office door, hearing a soft “come in” in response. She took a deep breath, and pushed the door open, stepping inside. It had been a while since she’d been inside. And now that Dr. Newson had been suspended as director of the hospital, she had to get a read on her replacement. But this wasn’t something she could just avoid, so she stepped inside.
“Ah, Rya, good to see you!” The woman sitting at the desk immediately stood up. “I heard you returned to Silver Hills, but I guess you’ve been too busy for me to see you.”
“Oh, hi Dr. Fells.” Laurens nodded, friendly. “Y-yeah, it’s been a while.”
“It has! And please, call me Becca.” Fells smiled cheerfully. “How have you been? Well, I suppose that’s a superfluous question. Your cast says as much.”
“Uh, yeah, it’s uh...been an ordeal.” Laurens adjusted her sling. “Anyway, I uh...I came in to ask for a day off. Actually, I need it off.”
“Oh, of course.” Fells rummaged around in the desk, pulling out a form and a pen. “You know, you could have filled out a request. We have it online now.”
“I know, but this is important, so I, um, didn’t want to risk it,” Laurens explained. “I have to, uh, testify. In court. On the thirty-first.”
“Oh dear, well then you’ll definitely need the whole day off,” Fells said, filling out the form. “But you should tell your patient, too.”
“Yeah, I was planning on it.” Laurens wasn’t sure how into detail she would go. After all, the court case was all about Newson and her abuse of power, which could be a sensitive topic for Schneep. She’d try to be vague. As that thought crossed her mind, it slowly dawned on her that she was more involved in this case than she’d ever been before. Perhaps that was a bad thing. But she couldn’t leave it now.
“Great.” Fells finished writing, and looked up to smile at Laurens. “If you need anything else, please let me know. I understand that Newson got too involved in your work, and I’d hate to be like that, but I’m here to help!”
“Thanks, Becca.” Laurens coughed awkwardly. “I’ll, uh...see you later. Bye.”
“Goodbye, Rya!”
With that done, Laurens headed down to Schneep’s room, as usual. And as usual, she met Oliver outside, made some small talk, and then went in.
Schneep was laying on his back on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. When Laurens and Oliver walked in, he immediately grabbed the small contact mirror she’d given him yesterday, and checked their reflections in it. Seemingly satisfied, he sat up straight.
“Hi Schneep,” Laurens said, taking a seat. “How are you?”
“Well, I am fine, I suppose.” Schneep shrugged. “Nothing much has changed. Which is a good thing, I think.”
“Yes, I think it is.” She hesitated, then continued on. “So I have good news and bad news.”
Schneep immediately tensed. “Bad news?”
“Do you want that one first?”
“Well, it depends on what it is.”
“It’s not too bad, I think,” Laurens said. “I just won’t be able to have our session on the thirty-first.”
“Oh. Alright.” Schneep exhaled, clearly relieved. “And how far away is that?”
“Six days. You’re okay with this? Or would you rather have someone else substitute for me?”
“Ah, your substitutes never work,” Schneep dismissed. “The last one was an asshole.”
“Newson? Well...yeah,” Laurens admitted.
“Besides, we already talk with each other almost every day. It is fine.” Schneep shrugged. “What is the good news?”
“Ah, right.” Laurens smiled. “Well, we might be able to move you back to your old room! The one with less restrictions. And it’s possible that I may be able to get you any clothing that was confiscated.” She still didn’t understand why Newson did that. Well. actually, she did.
Schneep’s face lit up. “Oh, that would be wonderful! What changed?”
“Well, the new medication seems to be working,” Laurens said. “And you said last time that the techniques I suggested were helping, too. So I think I can convince our new director that you’re not a risk case. Or at least, not as much as your file has you marked as.”
Schneep winced. “I do remember doing some...questionable things when first arriving here.”
“It’s understandable, you were lashing out,” Laurens said reassuringly.
“Still...” Schneep wrapped his arms around himself. “I remember that one orderly who I hurt, and I feel...well, bad, of course, and because of that, I do worry.”
“Theresa has made a full recovery, don’t worry,” Laurens said. “And if you’d like, today we can work on some ways to manage anger and stress.”
“That sounds good, thank you.” Schneep nodded.
“Alright, we’ll start with that.”
“This is weird.” Marvin shifts awkwardly on his seat, leaning onto the side of the hospital bed. “He’s just staring into nothing.”
“Hey, I thought you didn’t like eye contact anyway,” Chase pointed out, a smile pulling at his mouth.
“Well, yeah, but it’s weird when it’s Jack,” Marvin explained.
Marvin hadn’t had a chance to see Jack in a while. Or, actually, he’d just been forgetting to. So Chase had offered to bring him along on a visit, to make sure he did. Marvin had agreed, and now here they were, Chase in one chair at the side of the bed, Marvin in another on the opposite side.
“Is it wrong to say it’s kind of creepy?” Marvin asked reluctantly.
“What? Open eyes?”
“It’s not necessarily the open eyes, so much as it’s that he’s not moving at all other than that,” Marvin said. “I...wasn’t supposed to say that, was I? That was one of those things?”
“No, it’s fine, it makes sense,” Chase reassured him. “I get it.” He grabs one of Jack’s hands. “Y’know, he’s been moving a little bit recently. Sometimes he, like, squeezes your hand. He probably doesn’t mean to, but it’s nice. And it’s progress.”
“Involuntary twitching is progress?” Marvin asked.
“Yeah, cause he couldn’t move at all before.” Chase’s fingers ran across the back of Jack’s hand. He’d always been pale, but after being in the hospital for over a year, he was practically paper white. “I mean, it’s still pretty bad. He’s a seven on that scale I told you about.”
“Fast improvement, though, so that’s good.” Marvin adjusted his position, scooting the chair closer before leaning onto the bed again. “Do you think he can hear us?”
“I dunno,” Chase said, shrugging. “They always say people in comas might hear people, but that could be just a myth. Maybe we should ask someone who’s actually been in a coma and woke up.”
“Someone probably did a Reddit question like that.”
“Oh, for sure.”
They fell silent for a moment. Marvin traced the line on the heart monitor with his eyes. “So...how have the kids been?”
“Pretty good, far as I can tell. They started reception in August, y’know.” Chase laughed a bit. “Y’know, I still think kindergarten is a better term.”
“Ah yes, the child garden.” Marvin chuckled a little as well. “Y’know you didn’t have to enroll them if you didn’t want to. I never went to reception, and I turned out fine.”
“Do they even have reception or kindergarten in Ireland?”
“...not exactly, but that’s besides the point. It’s more about the age, I’m trying to say I didn’t go to school until I was six. Grandmam always said I was too nervous to go.”
“Can’t imagine you being nervous,” Chase muttered. “Well, Sophie and Nick are ready. They can be wild kids, but at their age, who wouldn’t be? They’re still very good listeners. Nick has a good memory, and Sophie can, like, figure out puzzles pretty quickly. They’re fine.” He looked up at Marvin. “What about you? Anything interesting going on in your life?”
“Well, there’s still the case I told you about,” Marvin said.
“Oh yeah, that. Did you tell JJ about the hearing on Halloween?”
“Yeah.” Marvin’s expression fell. “It’s shitty timing, but I can still stop by his flat for birthday stuff after it’s all done. Or he can watch me on TV. Because apparently they’re gonna televise this, you hear that?”
“Whoa, really?” Chase asked, surprised.
“Yeah, apparently Schneep’s case is a big deal.” Marvin ran a hand through his hair. “I mean, we wouldn’t have known that. JJ didn’t know Schneep before, you hate watching the news, and I wasn’t even in the country.”
“We missed everything,” Chase agreed. Part of him still felt bad about that. Maybe it would’ve been reassuring to know Schneep didn’t exactly disappear. Or maybe it would’ve been worse, since by all accounts, it looked like Schneep was actually a serial killer. But Chase pushes aside these thoughts for now. He actually wanted to ask Marvin something, now that the subject came up. “So, uh, are you ready to tell us why you suddenly went to Ireland? If it’s okay?”
Marvin didn’t say anything for a while. He just continued running his fingers through his hair. After much too long, he took a deep breath. “Yeah, fine. I mean, JJ isn’t here, but I can tell him later. Or, actually...maybe it would be better to show you.”
“Show me?” Chase repeated. “What do you mean?”
Marcin sat up straight and grabbed the bottom of his shirt, pulling it up.
“Whoa, hey, dude! What if someone walks in?!” Chase leaned back.
“Just look.”
Though confused, Chase did so. But that only made him even more confused. “Are those...scars?”
There were three long, raised scars on Marvin’s torso, one on his chest and two on his stomach. Marvin quickly lowered his shirt again. “Yeah.” He folded his arms. “That’s why I left.”
“What?” Chase’s mind spun, working hard to come up with an explanation. “You got attacked or something? Why?”
Marvin took a deep breath, already looking tired. “Okay, so this is gonna be a long story. Y’know the boutique I worked for?”
“So I found out that place wasn’t exactly what it seemed.” Marvin hesitated, then blurted it out. “It was actually a front for an underground crime ring.”
Chase’s first impulse was to laugh. He tried to bite it back, but a quiet snrk escaped.
“What? It’s the truth,” Marvin said defensively.
“No, I’m not saying it’s not,” Chase hurried to say. “Not saying you’re lying. It’s just...you said it so straight, and it sounds so absurd.”
“Y’know what sounds absurd? The fact that Schneep and Jackie got kidnapped by a serial killer who turned out to be the brother of a guy we met just a few months later.”
“Fair point.” Chase coughed into his elbow to get rid of any leftover laughter. “Anyway, how do you know that? Or is this just a theory?”
“A gaaaame theory,” Marvin said.
“Dude, c’mon.”
“Sorry, habit.” Marvin paused, gathering his thoughts. “Well, I worked there for a while before I figured it out. I’m guessing that some of the staff was in on it, but not all of them. But things started seeming weird after a while, compared to other jobs I’ve had. Odd hours. Shifty management. And some customers would ask for something very specific that we didn’t actually stock, and when I brought it up to my manager, they always said they’d handle it personally. So I got suspicious, and I started investigating.”
“Marv, you could’ve asked Jackie for help,” Chase said, shaking his head. “He’s literally a private investigator.”
“Okay, yeah, but this was after he disappeared,” Marvin explained.”So I had to do it on my own. Besides, I might not have asked anyway, he’s a bit, uh...” He flapped his hand in the air, looking for the words. “Surprisingly a goody-two-shoes about it. But the point is, I did it myself. And when I snooped into a new shipment we just received, I found a hidden compartment with some guns inside.”
“Oh, jeez.” Chase’s eyes widened.
“Yeah, exactly.” Marvin nodded. “I left quickly, but as luck would have it, I ran into one of the management coming out of the back room. I guess they must’ve figured out what I saw, because a lot of people were acting really weird around me after that.” Marvin exhaled deeply. “And so, when I was walking home one night, this guy ambushed me and stabbed me.”
“Dude, holy shit!” Chase gasped.
“Imagine how I felt!” Marvin shouted. “I got fucking stabbed! I thought I was gonna die in the middle of the fucking street!” He pressed his hand to his chest, right over the scar, as he took control of his breathing. I was so fucking scared, he signed shakily.
“God, Marvin, I’m so sorry,” Chase said softly.
Marvin smiled a bit. Well, thanks. Obviously, I didn’t die, but I’m pretty sure that’s just because of luck. I went into shock for a bit, and the guy stabbing me probably thought I was losing consciousness and left. I was bleeding a lot, I’m not sure how I managed to stand up. But I did, and I walked all the way home.
“Bro, call an ambulance!”
I would’ve, but I thought that if people saw an ambulance in the area they would figure I survived, and try again. So I walked home, used all the bandages from that emergency super-thorough medical kit Schneep gave me, and passed out immediately after that. I woke up the next morning, still all dizzy, and knew I had to leave.
“Oh my god...” Chase could only shake his head. “I’m guessing you didn’t tell us because you didn’t want us involved in this?”
Marvin nodded. “Yeah...I mean, I didn’t even really want to be involved, I just wanted to find out what was happening. Guess I didn’t think that far ahead.”
Chase laughed a bit, but it quickly faded. “So...you’re back now ‘cause you think it’s over?”
“Yeah, I guess.” Marvin shrugged. “I mean, I couldn’t stay with my grandma forever. I’m pretty sure the people who tried to kill me all think I’m dead. But still. I’m a bit nervous about getting another job.”
“Hey, understandable. But I’m sure it’ll be—” Chase gasped.
“What?” Marvin asked, slightly alarmed.
“Nothing, he just—just squeezed my hand.” Chase looked down at Jack. Of course, Jack still wasn’t looking at him. He knew the squeezing probably wasn’t intentional, but he couldn’t help from assigning meaning to it. “Maybe he wants to reassure you.”
“Maybe. Well, thanks, Jack.” Marvin patted Jack’s other hand. “Wonder what you’d think of all of this.”
“Well, we can ask him when he wakes up,” Chase said, putting a cheerful note in his voice. “He’d probably be like ‘what the fuck? Why am I friends with you crazy people?’”
Marvin laughed. “Ah, we love you, Jack. Even JJ likes you, even though you’ve never met. We’ve told him so many good things.”
Chase nodded, falling quiet. Things were insane lately, but at least there was the silver lining of Jack getting better. Hopefully, everything else would also improve with time.
Jameson opened the curtains and peered out his living room window. His eyes scanned the street below, but saw nothing. Still not satisfied, he pulled them shut.
There hadn’t been any sign of that stalker he’d seen a few days ago, but he wasn’t about to take any chances. He’d explained the situation to his boss, Mr. Patterson, and he’d let him take the week off for safety. So JJ had spent all his time in his apartment, reading and playing a lot of Minecraft. He knew this couldn’t last forever. But maybe it could last until his birthday.
Speaking of which...JJ checked his text messages really quick. The most recent exchange was with Marvin, where he explained the whole deal with the court case. It was good that this would be finished, but JJ couldn’t lie, he’d been looking forward to a birthday get-together with Marvin and Chase. Nothing too big, of course, but he was expecting both of them to be there at the same time. Unfortunately, that would now be impossible. The court case was going to last all day, so Marvin was only available in the evening. But then Chase couldn’t be there, since he was doing Halloween things with his kids at that time.
JJ sighed, and closed his messages. Well, even if the two of them came over at different times, they could have some fun. JJ headed over to the kitchen to make some tea, trying to come up with activities they could do together.
He’d never had friends over for a birthday before. Well, when he was a kid he would invite his classmates over a couple times. But not many responded, and even as a kid, he felt like the ones who did were only doing so out of pity for “the weird boy who couldn’t talk right.” Not to mention that a couple foster families wouldn’t actually let anyone come over.
Actually, when was the last time he’d spent his birthday with someone? It must have been a while...
“No, absolutely not.”
Are you serious?! Jameson signed angrily. It’s just an amusement park! We’ve gone to plenty before!
Aneirin didn’t even turn to look at him as he spoke, focusing on cleaning the dishes from dinner. Jameson was on his blind side, staring at the glass eye. “Yes, but we’ve always gone together. I wouldn’t mind that, but I can’t go tonight. I’m...busy.”
Jameson wasn’t sure he wanted to know what ‘busy’ meant. Judging from the ‘business’ JJ had been involved in in the past, it would probably end up with a dead body and cash changing hands. The thought made him sick, so he moved on. I’m not eight years old, Aneirin, I’m turning twenty-two. I don’t need your permission.
“Well...you sort of do,” Anti said slowly, only glancing at Jameson long enough to take in the signs. “Or at least, you need me to drive you, which I won’t.”
I wouldn’t need you to drive me if I knew how to drive.
“Well, you’ve never really shown any interest, you know?”
Jameson growled. It was no use arguing that of course he’d shown interest, it was Anti who never showed any interest in teaching or paying for lessons. No use in saying any of that, Anti would just ignore it or twist it back on him. Can you give me bus money, then?
“What? No! You’re not taking the bus all the way out of town. Anything could happen.” Aneirin turned off the sink water and picked up a towel, wiping down the plates. “Especially with things being...the way they are lately.”
The way they are? JJ repeated, confused.
“Things on my end,” Anti says cryptically. “You could get hurt. I don’t want you out where it’s dangerous.”
Of course. Aneirin was always concerned about danger. Jameson was never sure if that danger was real or just an excuse, but the possibility of it being real was enough to make him back off...usually. What if I called a friend to come with me to the park?
Anti immediately looked over at him. “What friend? Where’d you meet someone?”
It’s a hypothetical question, JJ signed, reluctant to admit he didn’t really know anyone despite living in the area for six years. He supposed that was what happened when you didn’t have a job to meet people and your older brother was a mercenary who’d scare off anyone you met by chance. What if I did that? 
“But...but I’ll be away all night,” Aneirin stammered, suddenly hurt. “Would you really want to celebrate without...no, that’s selfish, I know it.” He laughed. “I guess I just expected family to stick together for birthdays. I mean, I always clear my day up for you, which isn’t easy.”
But you didn’t clear your schedule for my day, Jameson signed, expression blank.
“I did! But this is an emergency. I’ll be here until nightfall, and I got a cake and everything so we could have dessert together.” Aneirin smiled softly. “We can go to the park tomorrow, or the day after. For now, I...I got you a present. I mean, that’s what you’re supposed to do, but...” He looked down. “Well...nevermind. I guess I couldn’t stop you if you wanted to leave right now.”
After a long pause, JJ sighed. Anti really was too good at this. And it wasn’t like he could sneak out and go there on his own, anyway. First, he didn’t know where Anti kept the cash or his credit card, and second, Anti had installed security cameras around the house a few months ago, making that impossible even if Jameson could find bus money. Alright, I suppose we could go there some other time, he signed.
Aneirin’s expression lit up. He leaped forward and wrapped Jameson in a tight hug. “Oh, thank you, Jamie. You’re so sweet. I love you.”
Jameson pulled back a bit. Love you, too, he signed.
“Oh, c’mon, you can’t say it?” Aneirin ruffled JJ’s hair, ignoring the way he immediately fixed it. “I think something like that needs to be said.”
A pit of dread opened up in Jameson’s stomach, but he knew he had to go through with it, or Anti would keep bugging him until he did. “Luh...luhf y-oo. Annn.”
“There we are. Now, how about I go get that cake?”
JJ snapped out of the memory with a shudder. It had been a while. And he’d been glad of that at first. But then he met Chase, Marvin, and Jackie, and realized that quality time wasn’t supposed to be difficult and end with him always giving up what he wanted. Well, he was still working on that. It made up a lot of his discussions with his therapist.
But that wasn’t the point. The point was that he was actually looking forward to his birthday, for once. He was sure it would be fun, even if he met up with Chase and Marvin separately instead of together.
He realized that he’d been standing there, spacing out, for a while, and the water for his tea was already boiling. He hurried to take the kettle off, and busied himself with the next steps. It was only a few days until his birthday. Things would be alright.
Jackie was asleep. Anti could see him from where he was standing in the bedroom doorway. Idly, he recognized that being in that position for so long was probably doing some damage to Jackie’s body, but he didn’t care enough to move him somewhere else. It wasn’t like there was that much room in the apartment anyway.
Of course, that would start to be a problem when more people started to join him. Anti was already working on getting a second safe house, but it might take a few more days.
He slowly closed the bedroom door, leaving it open just a crack. There wasn’t that much in the room, just a bed, a dresser, and a desk with a chair. Anti sat down, and picked up his phone from where he’d left it on the desk. He flipped through the photos he’d taken a few days ago. The address of Jameson’s apartment building was clearly visible. He hadn’t been back there since that day. It wouldn’t do to be spotted, and therefore put JJ or others on their guard. No, they had to lower their defenses. And when the time was right, Anti would swoop in. He was already developing a plan.
His phone vibrated, and a notification appeared at the top. Looked like someone had a job offering for him. Anti clicked on it, reading quickly through the proposal. It wasn’t anything special. Just a target he didn’t know, without any special qualifications. Someone just wanted someone else dead and didn’t want to do it themselves.
“Think over it,” he decided, switching off his phone. There wasn’t a rush.
So, while he was here...Anti glanced over at the small turquoise notebook on the corner of the desk. After a bit, he picked it up and started scanning the handwritten pages. Always fascinating to read a professional’s take on someone’s mind. Though the analysis wasn’t the most important thing in the book.
Anti chuckled to himself, and flipped to the back. The keycard was still safely tucked close to the spine, in between the pages. Right where he left it. Right where he found it, when he’d decided to snatch the notebook from Marvin Maher’s house. And given the contents of the notebook, there could be only one door that this would unlock.
He glanced at a calendar hanging on the wall. It would happen soon. He just had to work out the wrinkles in his plan. Smiling to himself, Anti returned to his reading, silently plotting out the next few days.
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samwrights · 4 years
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I am SO sorry this took me so long! With everything going on with me, writing was kind of a struggle, but I had so much fun writing this one. Reader is wild. We love reader. This fic was inspired by all the songs I used to listen to while getting ready to go out in college which include: Blackout by Breathe Carolina, Wild Boy by MGK, Wild for the Night by A$AP Rocky, and Trashwang by Tyler, The Creator so if you wanna get in the mood, I’d put those on.
Warnings: Alcohol (a lot of it), passing mentions of marijuana and nicotine, semi-mutual pining(?) and of course, Language. Also platonic Oikawa & Reader.
Word Count: 5.3k
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There was no better feeling than being reunited with all of your best friends at university after a long summer filled with family vacations and a part time job to try to save money while you were away. It was the strange lull between summer and the start of classes that you looked forward to every year in which you still had time to socialize with everyone without the worry of your ever piling assignments or having to commute hours between cities—everyone was gathered in one place.
It was your favorite time of the year and there was no other feeling that could compare.
Not being so drunk that you had every bit of confidence that you could possibly muster pumping through your veins.
Not being so high that your body felt it was moving on it’s own.
Not even learning that the dude you’d been so in love with since the start of university is just as in love with you as you are with him.
But considering you had no idea what the last feeling felt like, you could only hope for the first two to come in at full force tonight.
Tonight was the party of the school year and it was the one thing you looked forward to in the brutal, lingering August days. At the moment, you were fresh out the shower with all of your inhibitions and leg hair down the drain, your hair wrapped in a towel turban as you slathered lotion over your already drying skin. Your speakers are blaring a myriad of different hip-hop artists in your room, drowning out the fact that your roommates were doing the exact same thing in their own spaces. The thought brought a smile to your face considering the almost clashing yet complementary personalities between you and your roommates.
Kiyoko was so incredibly blunt and straightforward. Yachi was so shy, even as she entered university with all of her own friends from Karasuno. Yukie, being the house mom of your apartment, and Kaori too—everyone knew what was happening tonight and everyone was doing their own ritual to get ready for a night they would most likely never remember. Regardless of how similar or how different you all were, this night warranted one communal ritual: roommate check.
As the five of you got ready, each of you would check each other’s make up, outfits, and shoes to make sure there was zero chance of being a social faux-pas. It was a strange, unspoken rule in the apartment that you all made sure each of you left the house being at optimal hotness, but it was an incredible confidence booster, especially if one of you were able to land a sexy, one night stand. It was the goal. Best friends don’t let each other leave the house looking less than their prime.
“What do we think ladies?” You could hear Kaori let herself into the hallway, prompting you to pause Lizzo and open your bedroom door. The ash brunette had her hair down and straight, framing her done up face nicely. Without too much face products on, the former Fukurodani manager allowed her freckles to show through the tinted moisturized, accenting it with a light dusting of blush. Her onyx eyes were left alone, save for winged liner sharp enough to stab any weak man that dared approach her and a few coats of mascara on her top and bottom lashes.
“Approve,” you and Yukie chimed simultaneously. From what you could tell, the other Tokyo native was still in the middle of doing her own make up.
“Looks good!” Yachi chirped, while Kiyoko gave a nod of approval with a soft smile on her supple lips before retreating to her and the former’s shared room. You did the same, carrying on with your own look, absentmindedly lip singing to whatever song popped up on your hype playlist. While you were excited, the music barreling into your ear drum was the only way to distract your thoughts from wandering while you focus on blending out your eyeshadow. That, and the two chimes that rang in rapid succession signaling a text, worked pretty well too. 
Yaku: You’re coming tonight, right?!
A force of breath leaves your nostrils in laughter as you send a progress shot of your look. Yaku Morisuke was a very close friend you’d met through high school, in addition to being the Nekoma volleyball manager, and there was one thing that Yaku knew better than anyone. You didn’t wear false lashes for any reason unless you were trying to get it.
Yaku: I’ll take that as a yes.
You’re the last one to call your check with your roommates—a regular occurrence, really, considering you always took the longest to get ready. For good reason, of course. “Check!” You called out as your heels clacked against the hardwood of your apartment’s hallway. Sporting a heather grey cropped halter top and high-waisted black leather pants, the girls gave their approval with a bit of hesitation.
“Are you sure you want to wear heels?” Kiyoko asked for the third time as everyone packed a spare bag filled with extra clothes that you would put in Yaku’s room later. After the first year, the five of you started to come prepared. The beach bag that was used carried painkillers for impending headaches, two sets comfy clothes in the event some of you couldn’t quite make it home, swimsuits in case someone decided to go drunk swimming, and a spare set of party clothes. This was not your first rodeo, by any means. It was a stroke of luck that the five of you could share clothes as well and as often as you did.
“Don’t worry, they’re not that tall and they’re actually pretty comfy.” And you knew the bag was at capacity, not warranting the ability for you to bring spare shoes anyway.
“Then I think we’re ready to go!” Kaori jeers, elated to see everyone just as much as you were. Kiyoko leads the group, Yachi in tow with her, and Kaori is all but sprinting towards the house, leaving you and Yukie to head up the rear.
“You know,” the former Fukurodani manager sings in her humorous lilt, “Kuroo is going to lose his shit when he sees you.”
“I hope so.”
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When it came to one of these mega parties, there was no such thing as being early or fashionably late. There couldn’t be when there was twenty people living in one house and, no, that was not an exaggeration. Supposedly that’s what happened when a bunch of college boys who all used to play volleyball together at some point in time attend the same university—they rent a mansion for the next four years. With dozens of people living under one roof, it was no surprise that the music was already wracking the foundation of the house even from the outside.
Without so much as a knock to the door, the five of you entered the house, immediately being bombarded with a joyous yell from the former Fukurodani captain and ace, Bokuto Koutarou. “Hey guys, the girls are here!” You always found it amusing that, for someone as popular as Bokuto, the five of you were dubbed as the girls. Which made sense considering all of you were club managers at some point or another. Of your old team, Yaku and Lev flock over immediately, the two of them wrapping and squeezing you into a tight hug. The three of you briefly exchanged greetings, questioning how the other’s summer was before silently asking Kiyoko for the beach bag that held your group’s spare belongings.
“Could one of you just stuff this in your room?” Though you hadn’t nominated anyone, you shoved the bag in Lev’s awaiting hands.
“You sleeping over?” He asks, peeking through the open top. Yaku rebukes him immediately, telling him it was rude to go through a woman’s bag.
“Nah, remember how bad I blacked out last year? I just wanted to make sure I brought extra stuff so I don’t have to steal one of your guys’ shirts agains.” The former libero shakes his head before covering his face with one hand.
“[name], please don’t make me look after you again tonight.” The sandy brunette pleads.
“I make no promises, Yaku.” You chirp before placing a chaste kiss on his cheek and entering the massive living room that had been cleared to act as a dance floor. By how many people greet you, you aren’t even sure if you know half the people in here at the moment. There are a few familiar faces of Karasuno alumni, you recognize the DJ as some kid in a class you had last year—he went to Aoba Johsai if you remembered correctly—and Yukie and Kaori are already on the dance floor with all eyes on them. They beckoned for you to join them, red solo cups already in their hands in the air.
“You’re going to want this,” you look up to see Bokuto who had temporarily abandoned his duty playing host to hand you your own drink. Cautiously, you take a sip as his gold eyes watched, waiting for the green light.
Sometimes, Bokuto tended to get carried away with the amount of alcohol he put in the punch. Thankfully, this was not one of those batches.
“Thanks, Bo!” Is all you call out before joining your two other Tokyo friends on the dance floor. From behind them, you can see other party goers honing in on them, completely oblivious to the men doing the same to you. For a moment, however brief it may be, none of it matters as you feel the pounding bass takeover your own heartbeat, squealing with your girls as remixes of old songs that piqued your nostalgia played over the sound system. You take another swig of your drink, already killing your first one of the early night, crinkling the plastic in your hand as you gently squeeze the empty cup so you don’t let go of it. You’re squeezing and squeezing subconsciously until it’s taken out of your hand, making you turn around swiftly because who the fuck—
“Need another?”
“Kuroo!” Before your brain can react and stop you, your arms are around the object of your affection’s neck in a tight embrace, you legs coming off the ground and your skintight leather pants sticking to the back of your knees. Still holding your cup, the old Nekoma captain grins down at you when you release him, gently nudging with his chin towards the direction of the kitchen. The two of you weave and wobble your way through the masses with you walking ahead of him, allowing Kuroo to appreciate the view of your backside. The way your top hit flattered your shoulders well, but the leather pants. The goddamn leather pants were just doing it for him. Joining others crowding around the twenty gallon cooler that Bokuto used to mix and house the alcohol for the night, Kuroo makes it a point to keep close to you.
“When did you show up?” The black-haired man asks as he ladles some liquid out into your cup, making sure to avoid ice cubes.
“Probably ten minutes ago,” you weren’t sure—time was a foreign concept at a party. The captain eyes you almost worriedly, knowing you had a tendency of pushing yourself well past your limits when it came to alcohol.
“And you’re already on your second,” Kuroo lets out a whistle, “better take it easy, princess. Don’t want a repeat of last year.”
“Jokes on you, I don’t even remember last year!” Unable to come up with a witty retort, the middle blocker rolls his eyes before knocking back the rest of the beer in his bottle and grabbing another one. He remembers. He remembers, and he wishes that he didn’t because he didn’t need another memory that contributed to you being the one that got away, despite how close you were.
It’s a little disorienting for you to see him this way, sometimes, so grown that he can down ale like it’s water when back in high school he would hound the team to ensure they were properly nurturing their bodies. It was disorienting to see someone you were once so close with grow right before your eyes. The thought softened your heart for a moment until you realized you were probably staring and you should probably stop before Kuroo thinks you’re weird. You chug half your drink the second the raven-haired man hands it to you, hoping the alcohol would ease your nerves. “What did Bokuto use?” You ask wearily, not tasting an ounce of a burn.
“Everclear, of course.” Oh. Well, fuck. 
“Here’s to me dying tonight.” You hold your cup out towards Kuroo, waiting for him to touch his bottle to it. When he didn’t, and just looked at you thoroughly nonplussed, you shrugged before downing the rest of its contents.
“[name]...” his voice comes as a warning, even more so when you grab another helping for yourself and immediately bringing the rim to your lips.
“Honey, I’m here for a good time, not a long time.” Kuroo watches as you flee back towards the dance floor, rejoining Yukie and Kaori. He doesn’t miss the way your teeth shine in different colors from party lights as you grin. Or the way your firm grip on the cup is similar to that of your mission of getting plastered tonight—unyielding. He doesn’t miss that Seijoh fuck that’s honing in on you from behind. He doesn’t miss the way his hands are firmly planting themselves on your leather-clad hips and he certainly doesn’t miss that you don’t fight him off in the slightest.
Sucking on his teeth, Kuroo knocks back a full bottle of beer without skipping a beat before tossing the glass in the recycling bin and rummaging through his kitchen cupboards. There’s no way Bokuto used all nine—aha! He thinks to himself, finding a fifth of Everclear that was supposed to be used to replenish the jungle juice after it had been killed. Immediately, Kuroo pulls the fresh bottle to his lips, draining a decent amount of its contents into his system each time he sees this guy whispering in your ear. He doesn’t miss the way you’re smiling as he does so.
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“It’s so nice to see you, [name]!” Contrary to popular belief and unpopular opinion, Oikawa Tōru isn’t that bad of a person. Sure, he had a big reputation on campus, but that never stopped the two of you from becoming friends. To be perfectly honest, it was a wonder the two of you weren’t friends sooner.
There was no other man in the known universe that matched your party energy because no man ever carried the desire to get as publicly obliterated as you and the former Fukurodani managers did. Unlike the other men that were enrolled at this university, Oikawa didn’t care to find some target of a hook up at parties—he’d rather do that sober, maybe take a girl out for a nice, ritzy dinner. Parties were for blacking out and hearing the crazy shit you did for the next three months and living with your name in infamy; that was your guys’ philosophy and you were sticking to it.
Because of this principle, Oikawa often uses you as a hook up repellent to deter unwanted attention and you do the same because there was only one person you ever wanted at these types of shindigs. One person that, regardless of the two of you knowing each other since the first year of high school, never seemed to want to be this kind of close to you. You tried to pretend that it didn’t hurt; that someone you knew for so long and that you unearthed your feelings for two years ago wouldn’t want to press his body to yours and claim his territory. In your mind, he was partially the reason you carried the mentality that you may as well just blackout and try to have fun. In a twisted way it worked, considering how bad you got last year.
And that person, after greeting you for a few minutes, always seemed to end up in hoards and swarms of women you didn’t know. Kuroo was always caught up doing his own thing at his own pace. It shouldn’t have bothered you, considering he was one of the hosts, but a small part of you that was full of envy just never could let it go. Which seemed to regularly bring you into the hands of Oikawa Tōru. “I missed you too, Oiks!” You tell over the pounding music. The brunette is laughing and smiling as offers cheers to you, taking a swig of whatever cheap beer he had in his cup.
You have no idea how long you’re dancing for—all you know that song after song is keeping you alive and the number of drinks a mystery. But after Oikawa returns with your cup replenished, the heat from the swarm of sweaty bodies in addition to the alcohol erasing your logic, you decide you need a break. Without saying anything, not that the former Seijoh captain would have been able to hear you anyway, you point in the direction of the patio just beyond the connected sliding door. When he shakes his head, you wriggle your way through the sweltering crowd before all but skipping out the sliding door, letting the mild summer night air cool down your skin.
Not surprisingly, Yaku is outside with a few others that preferred not to be swamped by the masses, including your other two roomates. Save for one very familiar face that you’d hadn’t even realized was here tonight. “Yamamoto!” You yell, immediately sprinting over to him to tackle him, accidentally knocking the lit cigarette betwixt his lips down to the concrete of the patio.
“[name]! You crazy son of bitch, I missed you!” Everyone is full laughters and smiles, sharing stories of their summers and reminiscing of the previous parties that occurred in this very same mansion. To some degree, you were thankful you weren’t the only person that got buck wild at these events. Two years ago, Oikawa, Hanamaki, and Matsukawa had shown up with bulk amounts of powdered Kool-aid mix and dumped it into the hot tub in an attempt to “dye the water red”. Or so they claimed. Apparently, Kool-aid and chlorine don’t mix well.
Needless to say, Yaku was pissed about it.
In that same year, Lev knocked over the famed cooler fifty gallon cooler that was once the home for Bokuto’s even more infamous jungle juice. Note to all future party holders, Hawaiian Punch stains all carpets, regardless of color, if there’s enough of it. Especially monsoons of it. Akaashi learned that the hard way when he was the one who had to make the phone call to get the hallway re-carpeted and the floorboards underneath had to be replaced as well due to moisture. Thank you, Hawaiian Punch. Which was why there was now always at least one person—Akaashi himself, due to the trauma from two years ago—who guards the smaller cooler with his life. Nobody is knocking that over ever again and if they do, he’ll send them an invoice in addition to slicing off their head.
Then there was your infamous blackout from last year. While you, obviously, remember nothing about it, Yaku made sure to recount every detail possible. The last thing you remember was chugging a bottle of Jägermeister. 
You hate Jägermesiter.
According to Yaku, at some point you started taking cutlery out of the drawer in the kitchen and going into each of the rooms and hiding silverware in different spaces. Nothing was off limits—whether someone was in the middle of getting a blowjob or hiding forks in people’s shoes. You also had decided to try to climb on top of Lev’s shoulders so you could see what it was like to be tall. Try, in the sense that Lev was entirely unwilling and refused to crouch down for you, resulting in you falling off of him and ripping his shirt off to keep balance.
Yaku’s favorite moment, and that is entirely satirical, is when you started a fight with Bokuto. Not only had you thrown your few cigarette butts from social smoking that you had inherently participated into the punch to “claim your territory”, but he, Yaku, and Kuroo were so worried when they saw you reach to drink the contaminated jungle juice that the former Fukurodani captain had tried to take your cup from you and just have you sleep it off in Kuroo’s room. Which, in all fairness, you did. However, if you were going to go, you were going to go down swinging.
As soon as the cup was out of your hand, Kuroo had to physically restrain you from punching Bokuto in the face as you screamed that you were one hundred percent sober. Unfortunately, Kuroo’s grip slipped, mostly due to your squirming and thrashing, and you had landed a solid blow on Bokuto’s cheek. Needless to say, the three boys had to all but detain you and leave you with a babysitter—a position that Kuroo ended up volunteering for.
You wished you could have remembered at least that part of it. Only Kuroo knows what and if anything happened between the two of you that night, but he refused to ever speak about that night.
Recalling last year’s events prompted Yaku to remind you one more time this evening, “I am not fucking babysitting you again tonight, [name].”
“Technically, Kuroo babysat me.” You jeer as you stick your tongue out at the former libero before smashing the remaining contents of your cup. After your last seven drinks, you were a solid level of drunk to the point of still being coherent, but the ground was definitely moving in ways it shouldn’t have been. “Speaking of which, where is my favorite rooster?”
“Oh he’s been in the pool for the last like hour.” From the patio, your head snaps over as if to confirm it. But seeing Kuroo, hunched over alone with a half full bottle of Henny in his hand while he sat at the steps leading him into the water was not how you pictured you’d find the former captain. Normally, he would surrounded with potential suitors hanging off his arms and cracking jokes just to see if he could get lucky for the night. Yet, everything in his body language screamed “leave me be!”
And yet, you were you.
“I’m gonna go join him—“
“Wait, [name],” Yaku grabs your wrist before you can flit off to his room to change into the swimsuit you had brought, “I really don’t think he wants company right now.”
“That’s when people most need it!” Managing to wriggle out of the libero’s grasp, you made your way inside, weaving and bobbing between the partygoers with an expertise that you shouldn’t have had in the moment thanks to how much you drank. Or maybe you didn’t actually have at all, considering you tripped up the stairs a couple times. Maybe heels weren’t the best idea, but you managed to make it to Lev and Yaku’s shared room—the third door on the left. Knocking just to be sure, you were greeted with a relatively tidy room and the beach bag Kiyoko had brought sitting on top of the libero’s neatly made bed.
After slipping into the two piece and grabbing the beach towel someone had thought to bring, you retraced your steps, barefoot this time thankfully, before popping out the back door and joining Kuroo on the steps. For a moment, he looks up at you and you can see him fully. His hair is hanging over his face, as per usual, but rather than covering his usual jovial hazel eyes, they’re masking something darker. Even in the dead August night with only soft porch and pool lights for exposure, you can see the murky storms brewing in his eyes from a single, sideways glance. “What, tired of being around everyone?” The captain slurs.
“Not particularly. But you seem to be.”
“The water feels nice,” is all he says before pulling the bottle of Hennessy to his lips and taking a large gulp before offering it to you. It’s a small offer of a white flag, but a genuine one that tells you he is allowing your presence and company. “So, where’s Oikawa?” You shrug at the question while taking no offense to it before taking a pull of your own.
“I dunno, I’m not his keeper.” A natural silence lulls over the two of you. After handing the bottle back to Kuroo, you take a few more tentative steps into the water so that it rests just above your chest, cooling your body from the heat of the alcohol that consumed you. “So, I get that it’s your party and you’ll sulk if you want to, but what’s eating at you?” You ask. As you’re speaking, your hands are moving about the chlorinated water, occasionally cupping the pristine liquid only to have it leave your fingers.
“Who says something’s bothering me?” Kuroo grits out. Not very well, you might add, as his slurs cause him to miss a couple vowels and consonants in his sentence. Judging by the fact that he’s drinking straight out of the bottle, Hennessy no less, you assumed he’s been hitting the sauce pretty hard. After all, Kuroo hated Henny almost as much as you hated Jäger. Turning to look back at him, you see the way he’s hunches over after bringing the half full bottle down to a quarter, resting his elbows on his knees.
“Kuroo, you think I don’t know you?” Your question was intended to come out as snarky, considering the long standing friendship between the two of you, yet swallowing down the infatuation you had been harboring for the last couple of years. However, seeing the way his shoulders were slumped and the defeat that crossed his downcast features—you didn’t have it in you to be mean to him.
“No, you don’t.” Comes the reply, one you weren’t expecting.
“Say sike right now,” you growl, “Kuroo, we have been friends for almost six fucking years—will you fucking put that down?!” You’re snapping now, the stomping of your feet muted by the water as you approach the captain and rip the almost empty bottle from his hands. Just so that he couldn’t keep hiding himself behind alcohol, you pour the remaining contents into your own mouth and toss the bottle into the nearby grass before you bring yourself to sit next to him with your knees touching his. “I have known you for—“
“Six fucking years, [name], I know.” The tone in his voice is suddenly clear. The slurs and disparity were now replaced with bitterness and acidity that rarely ever came from Kuroo. “For six fucking years, you’ve known me and yet you never once fucking looked at me.”
“Kuroo, I look at you all the—“
“No, you don’t,” his hazel eyes are lit with fire and intensity that reflected the anguish he felt inside. As much as he wanted to, the former captain couldn’t stop himself from saying the things that he’d sworn to secrecy for so long. “If you ever actually looked at me, you would see the way I looked at you.”
“Why do you think I volunteered to watch over you last year after you fucking swung at my best friend?” The sheer burn of his words and the lava in his orbs is enough to make your heart stop. You swear that it actually did. “Why do you think I asked you to become the manager all those years ago? Or why I get so fucking pissed off that you show up here just to blackout? That you’re friends with Oikawa of all people?”
“Because you’re a good person?”
“Cause I’m in love with you, you moron!” Kuroo’s outburst is followed by him threading his fingers into his signature bed head, hiding the hot tears that he can’t stop from falling. He can’t help it—not when all of his composure was drained from every bottle he drank today. “[name], I literally held you and rocked you to sleep while you were puking your guts out over the side of my bed last year! Do you have any idea how hard it was not to confess while you were crying after punching Bo? How I finally got to hold you after six years but you don’t remember a single second of it?”
“Kuroo, I—“ but you don’t have anything to say. What can you say? You had no idea that any of that had ever taken place. And besides that, you felt that you were never worthy of his attention. You thought there was no possible way he actually returned the tiny embers of the crush you’d had on him for all these years, so there was never a reason to ask if anything had happened between the two of you that night. You didn’t have anything to say and the only thought that crossed your mind at the moment was to run from the situation—to leave him alone because clearly Kuroo wasn’t thinking straight. “I should leave.” You whisper.
“Wait, don’t go! Just...” a mangled sob leaves his chest and, for a moment, it’s sobering to watch him transition from being standoffish to angry to hurt, “why can’t you just look at me the way you look at him?” And suddenly, you’re overly aware of how convoluted your plan to use Oikawa as a hook up repellent was. How it worked out almost too well to the point where the one person you wanted thought you were out of reach.
“Kuroo, Oikawa and I aren’t dating, he’s known that I’ve had a crush on you since we started uni.”
It’s silent between the two of you.
It’s silent as Kuroo slowly turns to you as he relishes in the way your eyes boast sobriety and honesty—the way he knows you’re telling him the truth. 
And then he’s laughing. Head tossed back and hands over his stomach in a way that is just so Kuroo as he guffaws with zero regard for his volume. There was just enough alcohol left in his system that he couldn’t bring himself to care, just enough for him to have zero inhibitions left. “So you’re telling me that I drank a bottle of Everclear, a bottle of Henny, and a twelve-pack to my self for no reason?”
“Kuroo, you may or may not have alcohol poisoning.” You deadpan in reply.
“Oh look who’s talking!” Once again, the man beside is you laughing and you’re happy that he’s slowly returning to his normal, joking self. But the uncomfortable silence rears its ugly head once again and the two of you are looking at each other. How long had the two of you been staring at one another? Since you’d drained the rest of the Hennessy or since either of you last had a drink?
How much of this conversation was born because of the alcohol? It seems the question was weighing heavily on each of you.
“Do you mean it, Kuroo?” You ask quietly.
“I love you more than I hate Henny.” A snort leaves your nostrils, but you don’t miss the genuine tone. You don’t miss the way his hazel orbs have softened or the way one of his hands reached over to hold yours. You don’t miss the way his taut skin over his cheekbones relaxes by the slightest millimeter or the way his tongue peeks out to wet his slightly chapped lips. You don’t miss the way he’s looking at you with love. “You know, you were the only person I asked to be the manager back in high school. It was the only excuse I had to talk to you at the time.”
“Oh no, drunk confessions,” you tease, squeezing his hand. “Speaking of drunk, do you think we’re gonna remember this conversation tomorrow?” Another bellow of laughter escapes Kuroo’s chest followed by him wrapping one arm around shoulder to bring you closer. He knew he would. No amount of alcohol could ever make him forget hearing the fact that you’d been just as smitten with him as he was with you. Well, maybe not as much, but it was a start.
“That depends. Are you planning on blacking out tonight?”
“Is that what it takes to sleep in your bed again?”
“Is that a confession I hear, babygirl?” The pet name goes straight from your ears and sends a chill down your spine and he knows it’s getting to you. He knows, and everything feels right. He’s told you he loves you and that he has for years. He knows there’s nothing stopping either of you anymore, and he knows that you’re only getting started.
“I’ll show you a confession.”
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Haikyuu!! Tag List
@hihiq​  @tamcitrus​
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ygboysygbby · 4 years
Mino/Song Minho Scenario
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Request: Hi!! I hope it’s okay with me requesting this as it’s based on a fanfic I’m writing and just want to see how it would play out and that requests are still open. Could I request a Mino headcanon or Winner headcanon with Mino secretly dating Jiyong’s older sister (just by a year) who’s also a Kpop idol, actress and fashion designer? Thank you.
you know what? the request made me inspired, I’m gonna make this a short story with my own interpretation instead! let’s see how it goes! :D  (note: I made the sister as the reader instead of an OC)
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Never once had you regretted starting a career as an actress. While you knew you also had a passion in fashion designing, and even went to college for it, acting was just another level. Experiencing a whole different life through acting, controlling your own emotions, it was a challenge and a fun experience in one package. 
So instead of pursuing the career in fashion world, you decided to audition as an actress. It did not take you a long time to make your debut, because as much as you wanted to deny it, the power your little brother, Kwon Jiyong, has, was a huge impact. But, it was still your very own hardworking self that made you a rising star that you were known as.
After your latest drama hit, you were suddenly in much demand for reality shows, that your entertainment literally had to refuse a few of the offers. One of the show they accepted in particular, was to make you show off singing skills, just because again, you were related to G-Dragon. Hearing this, you hoped so badly that your brother would refuse the offer, with him being all busy, but much to your dismay, he accepted.
It wasn’t like you didn’t like your own brother, he was a very kind and caring person towards you in your whole life, but him in a recording studio? that was a whole different person. You had heard stories from his band members how strict and perfectionist he could be while recording. Once, Daesung had to repeat a part in their song fifteen times, before he decided it was the right one to put into the song. The horror in Daesung’s face when he told the story was still lingering in your head.
Jiyong being the extra guy he was, he decided it would be great to add a surprise element to the song, with a surprise feature from another YG artist. At that time, he was thinking of another male rapper. And also at that time, Mino from Winner was available.
That brought you to the current situation. You standing up in front of the mic, for what you could recall, almost an hour in time, and your brother on the other side of the room, frowning. 
“Could you maybe, sing it again but this time, lower your voice a little bit?”
You wanted so badly to protest and start a fight with your sibling, but your eyes went to the man sitting next to him. Song Minho, you didn't know the guy that well. Heck, the only conversation you had had with him prior, was when you accidentally met him at an award show. Both of you only shook hands and said names, that was all. You couldn’t embarrass yourself in front of him by lashing out at your brother. Even though you were so hungry because your stupid self forgot to eat breakfast...
“You know I’m not a singer, right?” You tried to complain in a calm voice.
“I know, that’s why we have to have a good pre-recorded for you when we are on stage later.” 
Sigh. That clearly did not work. What did you even expect? For the almighty G-Dragon to go easy on you just because you were his sister??? Pfffft.
“You~ the breath of fresh air, the—” 
“Stop, stop.” Jiyong shook his head and began to instruct you the tone that he wanted. “The breath of fresh! You need to take the ‘fresh’ part to—”
“Ji,” You called, sounding a little bit like pleading.
“Did you forget to eat breakfast again?”
If the ground could swallow people, you would be begging it to consume you whole. The sound of your stomach rumbling, in full speakers, while someone you barely know was also present inside the room. Your first initial move was to look at Mino’s reaction. He was looking away, but you could see his cheeks lifted, you know he had at least a grin on his face. He was clearly trying his best not to burst out laughing. Great, just great!
“Let’s just continue this tomorrow, I have to meet up with some management from Nike in a bit anyway.” GD said. “Minho-ssi, can you help me a little bit with the auto tune on verse one?”
“Ah, if you’d let me...” Mino replied, in an unsure tone. “Would that be okay?”
“Yeah, I trust you, I know what you can do.” Jiyong smirked. “And Y/N, make sure to eat, I don’t want you to get sick.” He said as he packed his stuff.
“Sure...” You said, still standing up frozen in front of the booth door. “Can I eat with you?” 
“No, cause I’m gonna go right away, the place is quite far... Just eat downstairs, they serve good food, you know?” He smiled at you. “Bye!”
“Bye...” You sighed.
As Jiyong left, you were left feeling terribly awkward. Should you just leave? Should you say something? Was the sound of your empty stomach that bad? UGHHH!!!
When your eyes met, Mino immediately smiled at you, his eyes almost closed, he looked so cute. Wait, what?
“Y/N-ssi, have you tried eating in our cafeteria before?” He asked politely. 
“Uh, actually I haven't...” 
“If you don’t mind, I’m also a little bit hungry.” He smiled. “Do you want to eat together?”
“O-Of course!” You smiled awkwardly. 
Here you thought you were great at controlling your emotions with your whole acting experience, one smile from Song Minho, now you were stuttering.
And that was how it began. A smile, a friendship, then feelings that blossomed through the way. 
The show went amazingly well. It helped you with more exposure to your public, which of course meant, more offers, and in return, Jiyong and Mino got some royalties. Even though you had to stand through your brother’s perfectionism for quite some time, you also got to spend your lunch time afterwards with Mino, secretly. 
That wasn’t the only thing that you both ended up doing secretly behind your brother’s back. You exchanged numbers and began texting with each other. You began to frequently visit YG, bringing your brother food and stuff, in camouflage to secretly meet someone. 
After almost a year of doing many things secretly, both of you then began dating, yet again, secretly. Not only because both of you being in eyes of public and all, but there was one thing a little less if not same, scarier than public’s opinion... your brother.
There actually was not really a concrete reason for both of you to fear him acknowledging the relationship. Jiyong had never once scold you for dating despite of you being a public figure, nor had he once said that he disliked Mino. But the thought of him knowing that you, his older sister, dating his colleague who is younger than him, was just a little bit overwhelming. 
Mino on the other hand was scared as Jiyong was someone he looked up to and respect. He didn’t want him to think that some younger and incompetent dude was messing around with his sister. He was afraid that if Jiyong were to ask him what could he offer to his sister, he could not answer. Compared to the well known G-Dragon, Mino felt like a grain of dust.
Both of you were happily cuddling on your couch, watching a movie together. You were comfortably resting your head on Mino’s shoulder, while his fingers played with your hair softly. It was a very chill and relaxing time for both of you, before the sound of your phone ringing suddenly came interrupting.
“It’s my brother, he’s outside...” You said, eyes widened in shock.
“WHAT?!” Mino jerked up. “Should I hide???”
“In my bedroom, quick!” 
You opened your front door, hoping Jiyong wouldn’t notice the nervousness in your voice. “Ji! Why didn’t you tell me first before coming?”
“What? I’m always like this what do you mean?” He lifted one of his eyebrows, looking at you. “Oh, you were watching Mulan?” He asked as walked and saw your TV.
“Is it good?” He said as he sat down on the sofa, taking one of the popcorn on the table. 
“Nah, it was shit!” You laughed. “It doesn’t matter though, I don’t mind watching bad movies as long as I have good company...” You widened your eyes as you realized what you had said.
“You had company?”
“No! I mean, I always say that to you! Unlucky me, just when I decided to watch alone the movie turns out to be awful, huh?” You laughed nervously. 
“Hmm.” Your brother crossed his legs, he seemed unsure with your answer.
“Why are you here anyway? My break time is very precious, you know? I’d love to spend it wisely.” 
“Oh, yeah that.” Jiyong put his index finger up as he remembered something and opened his backpack. “You remembered my friend who is a model? The guy we met two weeks ago?”
“Ahn Seojun?”
“Yeah, him.” He said as he took out a box of chocolate with a black ribbon on top of it. “He was overseas and he recalled you saying that you like this chocolate.”
“Uh... Tell him I said thanks, I guess?” You said, eyeing your brother weirdly. “That was nice of him, in fact, way too nice?”
“Maybe he likes you.” Jiyong casually shrugs.
“Yeah... he’s nice and all, but I’m not interested.” You chuckled.
“You are single anyway, why not?” 
“Uh, I’m still not interested...”
“Or are you not?” Jiyong looked at you sternly. 
“Come to think of it, you used to talk about so many crushes to me... Ugh, you even used to have a crush on TOP hyung!” He laughed.
“Well, maybe I grew up! Besides, crushes are just crushes, I never had any deep feelings towards them! Unless you think I could develop feelings towards Chris Evans???” 
“You must be in love now...” He broke into an evil grin. “Come on, who’s the guy?”
“Okay, you’re not making any sense here, if that’s all, then you should go home. I want to continue spend my break without my brother pestering about my love life.”
“Alright, alright! Geez! No need to get so defensive...” He rolled his eyes. “So, you sure you are single?”
You cleared you throat. “Uh uh.”
“Then, if Seojun asked for your number, should I give it?”
“What?! I thought we are over this???”
“Yah, Mino-ssi!!! Come on out!” Jiyong suddenly yelled out with a huge grin still plastered on his face.
“If you don’t show yourself now, I’m going to tell the producers to postpone your solo album!” He said, almost singing. He definitely was enjoying this way too much. 
A few seconds later, you heard your bedroom door opening and closing very quickly. Mino stood in front of your bedroom for a while before walking up towards both of you. His eyes was looking down to his feet the entire time.
“There you go!” Jiyong clapped. “So, tell me again, my beautiful sister, you sure you are single?”
“Ji, if you’re going to scold us, then please scold me as I—”
“Whoa! Who said I’m gonna what?! I’m just mad you never told me!”
“Wait, so you’re okay with this?” You said, pointing back and forth to both yourself and your boyfriend. 
“Of course I am! Who am I to tell you what to do anyway?” He folded his arms. “Besides, this guy...”
“Y-Ye?” Mino jerked his head up, almost like he was in military. 
“He’s a good guy, as far as I know.” He smiled and patted Mino’s shoulder. “Calm down, your solo album is safe!”
“Ah... yeah, thank you very much, hyung-nim...” Mino bowed.
“Yah, yah, put your head up! Geez, you do know you’re dating my older sister. right? Technically, you’re in higher position than me now.” He laughed. 
“I promise I’ll never hurt her!” Mino suddenly said out loud. 
“Shut up...” You nudged your boyfriend, blushing.
“Alright, I’ll leave you two lovebirds alone now.” Jiyong said, looking very amused. “Next time, if you’re planning on hiding your boyfriend, make sure his brand new released adidas shoes ain’t in your shoe rack first.”
“Dammit!” You cursed.
“Oh come on, I’ve known since you started visiting me so frequently in YG! This is just a lucky coincidence.” He said as he grabbed his bag and walked towards the front door. “I’ll see both of ya later!”
“Go away! Stop interrupting me!” You stuck your tongue out playfully. 
“Yeah, yeah.” He laughed. “Mino-ssi,” Jiyong stopped and nodded at him before finally closing the door behind.
Mino nodded back, but you could tell he was really nervous as little beads of sweat was visible under his bangs.
“Phew!” You shouted as you threw yourself on the couch. “That went well, huh?”
“Y-Yeah...” Mino said, sitting down next to you.
“See? You have nothing to worry about!” You took his left hand, still laying down beside him.
“Still, who am I compared to your brother?”
“Mino,” You said as you repositioned yourself to rest your head on his lap. “I don’t care about neither your money or fame, you’re you. You’re the best person I’ve ever met in my entire life, and you dare ask who you are?”
“Okay, that was cheesy, I totally wasn’t prepared for that...” The guy laughed but his cheeks were reddened. 
“Shut up! Said the guy who was practically yelling to my brother, saying he’d never hurt me, like he was in Japanese drama or something.” You giggled.
“Hey, missy, how about you shut up before I kiss you.” Mino grinned, now face only inches away from you.
“In that case, I would never shut my mouth then...” You smiled as you close the gap in between.
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yayyy!!! I hope I did the author justice by this! :D sorry I didn’t make the reader as an idol as well, I feel like her not being an idol helped the plot nicely hehe 😅
the author that requested this is @genuinestyles​ btw! check em out! 💖
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hi-epervier · 4 years
I’m in a writing funk. Have a Naruto/Sasuke + make-up thingy while I wrestle with my muse. 
There was a washroom, at the end of a corridor on the third floor of the school's science building, that went up in flames back in the 80's. They had renovated it since, but it retained a certain je-ne-sais-quoi that made one instantly ill at ease the moment they stepped past its treshold. Word had it between students that it was haunted, by Bloody Mary, or kids who hadn't managed to escape the fire, or something else entirely, depending of the version of the story you listened to. And, it was a boys washroom. One that smelled.
That washroom's entrance door creaked open.
'I'M TAKING A SHIT!' Naruto bellowed, hoping the interloper would hurry up and scram already, like the previous ones did.
He'd holed himself up in there specifically so that no one would bother him. So why the hell did it have so much trafic?!
Naruto listened for clues of what was going on, sagging in relief when he heard the door close.
Yet, just as he was bringing the brush to his face again, footsteps made themselves heard in the heavy silence.
Naruto bit back a groan. Great. Just his luck. They hadn't left.
And they were approaching, rather than retreating.
Whoever it was (one person, light steps, the presumed dude taking his sweet fucking time, like this was a stroll through the gardens or something) strode forward and past the first stalls, pushing doors open as he went.
Slowly, a pair of checkered sneakers came into view in the space visible under the locked door of Naruto's stall, and lingered there. Naruto glowered at them, trying to make them go away with the force of his mind alone. He slav squatted on the toilet seat, feet up high, so that shouldn't be a problem unless the asshat bent down and peeped under the door, but, still.
The sneakers and black jeans connected to them shifted, slightly to the right, (no!), then away, towards the urinals on the far wall of the room. Yes! Naruto thought frantically. Fuck off! Get lost!
Then, the sneackers angled themselves toward him again, the door handle gave, shitfing down, leaving Naruto plenty of time to feel a brick drop in his stomach when he realized that the lock was at the horizontal. He'd forgotten to turn it up!
Whatever protest he might have conjured stayed stuck in his throat as the door opened a few inches.
The dude (because it was a dude) looked every bit as much of a shithead as every other time they'd met, and was glaring down his stuck-up nose at Naruto.
Naruto gave him the finger.
'What.' Sniffle. 'Come to watch, creep?' He shoved his forearm under his runny nose, leaving a streak of snot on the sleeve of his lucky jacket, but who even cared at this point. That other shit had gotten into the corner of his eye, and it stung like a bitch.
The boy didn't react. He just hovered there, watching Naruto like a fucking statue, so, never breaking eye contact, Naruto lifted a buttcheek from where it rested on the closed toilet seat, and gave a big old fart.
Fraganced, too. One of his better ones, if he said so himself, and Naruto was a connoisseur.
The boy grimaced, but didn't run for the hills.
Why wasn't he leaving?
'Like to watch little boys on the toilet, eh, Uchiha freak-o? Does your mommy know?'
The boy finally moved, only to step inside the stall and lock himself up with Naruto in it.
Suddenly, Naruto wasn't so sure about this anymore.
'What the hell?!'
'Give that here,' Uchiha said, his voice gravelly. Whether from disuse or smoking or puberty was anyone's guess. Though perhaps not the smoking: Uchiha's teeth were all freakily white and clean, like the photoshopped models in the magazines he'd spied Sakura's bossy friend reading.
His stupid hair was always so perfectly styled and soft-looking, and his skin so clear, and his make-up thingy so sharp. Meanwhile, no god nor gel bottle could make Naruto's hair do anything else than stick up every which way, and girl stuff like hair pins made him look like a clown. It wasn't fair.
Uchiha held out a hand, palm up. Following his gaze, Naruto looked to himself, pausing on the small rectangular box he was craddling to his chest.
'Like hell!' he snarled. 'This is mine, go find your own!'
'I don't want to steal your stupid palette, you idiot.'
'Then what the fuck do you want?!'
'Give me that and find out.'
That! That right here! That's why Naruto couldn't stand the guy! (Well, one of the many reasons, anyway). The nerve of that guy, like he thought he was better than the rest of them or something! Like, like he couldn't be assed to make friends, like they were wasting his time! Well, though luck. Naruto had seen past his bullshit, he was nothing special!
'Sometime this year.'
'Fuck you!' Naruto hissed. 'Why the fuck would I do that? So you can laugh at me?!' Something dawned on him. 'You can't tell people about this! Not anyone! I'll kill you if you do! I-I-It isn't mine! Well, it is, but it's not for me! I-I'm not a girl!'
'It's for my cousin!'
'Idiot. Does it look like I'm laughing?'
Naruto lifted a hand to his painted face. That's right. Somehow the fact that he looked like a fucking raccoon had managed to slip his mind for a hot minute.
'Well... no. B-But that doesn't mean anything, with a freak like you! I bet you don't even know how to smile, you... you... vampire!'
'Original,' Uchiha drawled, 'and inaccurate as ever. I assume you're referring to the iteration of the mytho dating back to the nineteenth century, which matches my skin tone, and let me guess, you're saying my eyes look lifeless? Internalized racism isn't a becoming look on you, you know that? Especially given your own heritage, but I guess what they say about blonds really is right after all, don't you agree?'
'Err...' said Naruto, who had switched off at 'inaccurate' and hadn't recovered since. 'W-whatever! It's true! And your big words don't scare me!'
Sure, Konoha High's dress code was lax, but Uchiha made it look like it was nonexistent, with his strange emo getup. It was unfair how he always got away with it. And people kept riding Naruto's ass about orange! Orange was a great color! The best color!
'Whatever,' Uchiha said, unlocking the door.
Naruto gaped at him, aghast.
'What are you doing?!'
'You're wasting my time.'
'You can't do that!' Naruto squacked, waggling a scandalized finger at the other boy. 'You can't barge in on people, and just... just... leave!'
Uchiha turned back to face him. 'No?'
'Hm.' Uchiha held out his hand again.
Naruto stared at it, suspicion warring with curiosity for first place at the forefront of his mind.
'...Fine!' he decided at last. 'Fine. Whatever. Fine.' He shoved the palette into Uchiha's hand.
Uchiha inspected it, and snorted.
'What? You said you wouldn't laugh! What is it? Why are you laughing?!'
'Nothing. Brush.'
Oh. Right.
Naruto handed over the brush.
'Figures,' Uchiha grumbled, stuffing the make-up in his pocket.
And just like that, he left.
Oh God, he'd just offered his mom's favorite palette on a silver plater to a fucking thief! He knew he couldn't trust this guy, he should have listened to his instincts! Kushina was going to skin him alive!
Running water?
Naruto poked his head through the door. Sure enough, there Uchiha was near the single sink, picking up paper towels and putting them under the trickling water. Their gazes met in the mirror. It had a long gash near the lower corner.
'What are you doing?'
Uchiha ignored him. Several seconds later, the bastard walked back into the stall, pushing past a flabbergasted Naruto and telling him to 'sit'. In his confusion, Naruto obeyed, plopping down his ass on the toilet seat.
'Buy remover,' Uchiha ordered. Then, he set to work.
He started with the eyes, dabbing water against the corners of each of Naruto's irritated eyes, cleaning up the lashes with care once Naruto caught up and closed his eyelids. Next, he moved on to the area right over them, soaking up rivulets of soiled water with the paper before they had a chance of falling in Naruto's eyes. Sheet after sheet of paper got discarded as he worked his way around Naruto's mess, each coming off as brightly orange as the last, and with every bit of powder he removed, Naruto felt himself relax. It was... soft.
Weird, and soft. And wet. But soft. But weird.
And then the other boy used yet another paper towel to dry him up, and all at once it was over.
'Thanks,' Naruto mumbled in the silence.
Uchiha gave a short shrug.
'So,' Naruto spoke up, 'Er, so, I'll just... go!' He jumped to his feet. '...Thank you. I guess.'
Man, two thank yous. Kushina would be marking the day on the calendar if she could see this.
'Where are you going?'
Naruto stopped dead in his tracks.
'I. Somewhere?'
Uchiha looked at him as though Naruto had just grown a second head.
'Didn't you want some make-up?'
It felt a bit dumb lying about it now, so: 'I guess? But it can wait, so, um.' He could pester Uchiha into giving him back his palette later. Probably.
But as the boy peered at him with the first thing approaching hesitation to grace his face in all the time Naruto had had the displeasure of knowing him, it dawned on Naruto that perhaps Uchiha had meant to put it on him himself.
'Did you...?'
'Shut up,' Uchiha snapped, color tinting his cheeks. 'Get your ass back here!'
This time, when Uchiha grabbed his chin to manhandle him into position, there was nothing soft about his grip. Naruto must have hallucinated things earlier. He was fucking brutal!
'Hey, watch it!'
'Hold that,' Uchiha sniped back, fishing out the palette with his free hand and waiting impatiently until Naruto opened his fist to accept it. Uchiha worked open the latch, a frown creasing his brow while he considered the small array of orange-adjacent hues. Finally, he settled on a less saturated shade, swatching some of it on the back of Naruto's hand, ignoring the protest that 'that's the shittiest one!', and, seemingly satisfied, gathered more on the brush to put on Naruto's face.
'Close your eye.'
He worked in quick, light vertical strokes that tickled, squeezing on Naruto's cheeks when the later shifted; flitting from one eye to the other, back and forth again.
At some point, the washroom door swinged on its hinges.
'FUCK OFF!' Uchiha snarled, utterly vicious, his voice breaking near the end. The intruders hadn't finished scampering away like the devil was on their tail that Uchiha was already moving on to a vibrant copper, Naruto's sniggers drowned out by the door banging shut.
Uchiha ducked his head, the tiniest hint of a smile ghosting over his profile.
From there on, the atmosphere shifted to an amicable silence. The grip on Naruto's chin relaxed, and no more words were uttered.
He was starting to get drowsy when all movement of the brush stopped. Uchiha took a step back, frowning at his handiwork.
'Is it all gross?' Naruto joked. By now he'd started suspecting that Uchiha was one of those people with a perpetual case of resting bitch face.
'You're gross,' the boy replied, picking up the eyeshadow palette and letting Naruto see for himself in its pocket mirror. 'I guess it's not totally horrible on you.'
Naruto squinted at his reflection.
'Wow,' was all he could say.
'Calm down, Narcissus.'
Naruto knew that one. 'Yeah, well, that guy was super hot, and so am I! Thanks, dude.'
He accepted the palette Uchiha was handing him back.
'It won't stay on long.' Uchiha warned. 'Normally you should at least put on a proper base first.'
'Er, yeah.'
'...Just google it, dumbass.'
With that, he was gone.
Naruto shook his head at the boy's retreating back. What a weirdo.
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jetsetlife138 · 5 years
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Smut Prompt Asks:  28. “I don’t want to hear your excuses anymore.”
56. “You have no idea how much I want you.” This one was two prompts in one ask, so it’s a little lengthier. Hope no one minds! I took an excerpt from one of my previous fics because I felt like it fit so well with this situation. So if it looks familiar, it is, haha. Warnings: Possessive Beetlejuice / Demonic Beetlejuice / Intimidating Beetlejuice (Don’t worry, he’s still a soft boi underneath it all). Cunnilingus, Vaginal Fingering, SHOWER SEX!  For @beetlewise-and-pennyjuice​
When you arrived home, you stumbled through the front door, already knowing that tonight was going to be stressful. It had been several weeks of constant badgering from your friends trying to convince you to go out with them in hopes of finding you a fling because you “desperately needed to get laid”. After weeks of declining, much to your horror, they had brought the party to you instead. They had hired strippers. Fucking male strippers to come to your work and grind against you until you had finally agreed to go out to the bars with them. It only took about five minutes of three dudes rubbing their barely concealed dicks against your body before you cracked and agreed to go, so long as they never pulled anything like that again. It was difficult to be upset with them. As far as they knew, you spent most of your time alone in your house. None of them knew about your roommate and how fond you two were of each other, and especially not the things that you did behind closed doors with your ghostly friend.  To say that you and Beeltejuice had a complicated history was an understatement. What started as a terrifying haunted house situation somehow turned into a friends with benefits sort of thing. The two of you weren’t anything official… you couldn’t be, considering he was… well, dead-- but that didn’t make Beetlejuice any less possessive (pun intended).  Your heart skipped a beat when you reached your room and turned on your light to see Beetlejuice casually laying on your bed, arms folded behind his head and clearly waiting for you to arrive home. “Hey, sweet cheeks. Miss me?” He greeted you with a wide smile, showing off his crooked teeth. “I’m not in the mood, Beej,” you commented tiredly, making your way to the bathroom. Teleporting across the room to instantly pop up next to you, he caught your wrist, spinning you around so that you lost your balance and fell into him. “Beetlejuice, I mean it. Stop.”  “Now, now,” he cooed as he placed a finger over your lips to shush you. “Cool it with the name-calling. Bad day?” “You have no idea,” you mumbled, trying to turn away from him before he wrapped his arms around you. The smooth fabric of his striped suit was sending pangs of pleasure over your skin, making you want to melt into him.  He dipped his head into the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply before pulling back just enough to give your cheek an affectionate lick with his tongue. Suddenly, his posture turned rigid and he straightened up, casting a judgmental stare down at you. “S’there something you want to tell me, babe?” he seethed, causing a shiver to run down your spine.  “No,” you answered a little too quickly. It wasn’t a lie, but you didn’t want to tell him about the strippers, and especially not the fact that you were going to meet up with your friends later that night, though you already knew that he could sense your unease.  To be fair, Beetlejuice never kept you away from your friends or family. In fact, he encouraged you to go out and live your life normally. However, that was a different story when it came to being in the company of the opposite sex. He had a keen sense of smell, and could clearly smell the scent of the strippers still lingering on your clothes. Oops. Not good.  Beetlejuice placed his lengthy index finger under your chin, lifting your face to meet his cold and calculated gaze. His eyes filled with warning and his hair changed into a deep shade of red to reflect his rage. “Don’t lie to me,” he demanded, his voice soft, raspy, and dangerous.  Knowing full well that you were never in any real danger with Beetlejuice, you ripped yourself from his grasp, meeting his angry glare with an irritated one of your own. “It’s really not any of your business what I do when I’m out of the house.” A low growl emitted from deep within his chest. It was easy to forget that he was powerful and you were constantly pushing your boundaries with him, which you suspected that he somewhat enjoyed, the sadistic bastard. “I just… It’s a couple of drinks with my friends at a bar. You know how persistent they’ve been about taking me out on a girl’s night.” “I get it. You want to fuck a breather. Can’t say I didn’t see that coming,” he stated nonchalantly. You narrowed your eyes at him, ready to snap at his insensitivity, but you noticed a smirk teasing on his lips.  You raised your middle finger at him to which he giggled in return, sending chills up your spine. Though his wicked disposition had changed a bit from when you first met him, he still had an edge about him that frightened you, which only spurred your sexual desire.  Slipping past him, you didn’t say another word as you gathered your things to get ready before you went out. You desperately wanted to get out of the clothes that still had oil on them from being grinded on by the dancers.  Beetlejuice grabbed your wrist once more to prevent you from walking away. “You’re not going,” he snarled.  “Excuse me?” you questioned, turning to face him with a challenging glare.  He took a step closer towards you, his eyes now blazing in the dim light of your room. “What game are you playin’ here, babe?”  “I’m not playing games with you, Beetlejuice.” His lip curled in disapproval at the way you spat out his name as an unspoken threat. “I’m living my life, just like I always have - just like you wanted me to. Why is that suddenly a problem?” That caught him off guard. His mouth opened and shut a few times trying to find his wording, which was never really an issue for the smooth-talking demon, but he was coming up short. You gave him a slight shove, which was probably really stupid on your part, but you couldn’t stop yourself. He stumbled back a few steps but kept his expression steady. You didn’t miss the way his fingers flexed and he crooked his neck as if he were preparing for an attack. Again, not that he would ever actually cause you harm, but he was, after all, part demon, part ghost.  Your body started to tremble with misplaced rage as you further lashed out at him. “I don’t even know why you’re so upset. Did you seriously think that I was gonna fuck some random dude tonight? You don’t think that I have a little more self control than that? They’ve been at this for weeks, and I’ve turned them down every time. It’s just one night out with my friends. I have no interest in sleeping with anyone else. What more do you want from me?” “I don’t want to hear your excuses anymore,” he seethed, stepping closer to you. Your heart was thumping rapidly against your chest as you tried to calm yourself, somehow getting turned on by his demeanor. Instead of backing down, you took a deep breath and forced yourself to step closer to him, showing him that you had no intention of catering to his threats. “Are you really that insecure, BJ?” He took two long strides towards you, now towering over your small form, his eyes revealing a craving that you recognized. “Let me show you how insecure I am,” he purred, his voice laced with a delicious malevolence. “It seems like you need to be reminded of who you belong to.” The sound of his voice sent chills down your spine as he eyed you hungrily like a lion stalking his prey. You opened your mouth to speak for but fell short as his hand lifted to your face. “So beautiful,” he cooed as his hand trailed lower over your neck and collarbone. “I don’t often surround myself with beautiful things, but you’re the exception.” “Am I supposed to be flattered?” you deflected, unable to stop yourself.  He chuckled darkly, hands dipping under your shirt to hook underneath the fabric before ripping it harshly towards him. You stumbled forward a couple of steps due to the force of his actions as your shirt ripped opened effortlessly, revealing your bra. Looking down to inspect the damage, you scoffed at his handiwork. “You could have just asked,” you huffed. “You owe me a new shirt.” His nose wrinkled in disdain as he took another whiff of your scent, clearly unhappy with the current smell of other men all over you. Without warning he then gripped you around the waist and hoisted you over his shoulder, carrying you towards the bathroom. “Hey!” you squeaked, not expecting to be so forcefully handled. “What the hell! Beetlejuice, stop!” He carried you into the bathroom before releasing you slowly so that you slid down from his shoulders and landed harshly on the top of the toilet seat with a thud. He continued to look at you expectantly, as if you should know what it was he wanted. Of course, you did, but you weren’t going to make it easy for him.  You crossed your arms defiantly before addressing him. “Dramatic much? You smell another guy and that means I have to be forced to shower for your benefit? You’re being ridiculous.” He sneered at you, taking a moment to contemplate his words, a malevolent grin spreading slowly across his face. “So your friends are worried you’re not getting fucked enough, huh?” You swallowed thickly, noticing how his eyes blazed as he viciously pulled you up from your sitting position and started to savagely pull off the rest of your clothing. Instead of fighting him, you remained still and let him have his way with you, realizing that you were somewhat excited by his actions. Once you were bare, he reached into the shower to turn the water on. He then turned around to stare at you with determination before he demanded, “Get in.” You couldn’t help but grin at his actions. He was being annoyingly possessive, but it was almost… cute. Complying with his request without a fuss, you stepped into the shower slowly before spinning around quickly and grabbing him by his striped jacket, pulling him into the shower with you. He stumbled forward, surprised by the unexpected action, but said nothing as he steadied himself, a smug expression on his face as he stared down at you. You couldn’t help but gawk at him as the steam surrounded his form; his once messy ombre red hair was now a purplish color, tamed by the water as it dripped down his head. You reached forward to rub your thumb against his cheek over the colored markings that adorned his face, but furrowed your brows when you realized that the coloration was simply part of his skin, embedded beneath the surface. “That is still so weird,” you breathed, which caused him to laugh softly. “I’m still going tonight, you know,” you commented, earning a glare in response. A growl tore from his throat as he surged forward, kissing you hungrily. You would have been knocked backwards if it weren’t for his strong grip on your hips, drawing you closer. His tongue delved into your mouth, his sweet flavor gliding over your taste buds. Your hands crept up into his hair as you pulled dully, earning a low moan from him in return. “You have no idea how much I want you,” he murmured against your lips. “If I weren’t already dead, you’d be the death of me.”  “Show me,” you demanded, nipping at his lower lip.  Suddenly, you were pushed back until you fell against the tile of the shower, unprepared for the chill that went through you. His eyes never left yours as he licked and nibbled down your body, stopping only when he was on his knees, his mouth salivating directly over your sex. Biting your lip in anticipation, you watched his tongue stretch from his mouth as he licked a teasing strip through your folds. A whine escaped your throat as you spread your legs for him, indicating that you were ready for whatever it was he wanted to do to you. His fingers dug into your thighs as he surged forward, plunging into you, lapping at you greedily. “Mmph,” you keened, fighting the urge to roll against him.  Your breath hitched in your throat as you felt one of his hands slide towards your heat. An eager groan escaped youl, causing Beetlejuice to chuckle as he slipped one of his digits into your core, sliding in with ease and precision. You threw your head back against the tile, the chill of the porcelain long forgotten as he pumped in and out of you, not waiting long to add a second finger to stretch you. “Please,” you begged, knowing how much he loved that. “Stop teasing, Beej. I need you.” He slowly withdrew his fingers and gave you a few more teasing laps of his tongue before standing up twisting you around roughly so that your back was pressed against his front. It was then you noticed that he had instantly removed his clothes so that you were now touching his bare flesh.  Placing a hand on your back, he pushed lightly, guiding you forward so that you were leaning down, setting your hands on the bottom ledge of the shower, which was just high enough to make it not so uncomfortable in that position.  You shivered as you felt his nails rake your back lightly, not enough to break the skin, but enough to let you know that he was in charge.  You couldn’t stop the moan that you released as you felt his thick head teasingly rub against your entrance.
As an attempt to speed things along, you tried to push yourself onto him, which made him hold your hips more tightly as he laughed darkly at your desperate state. Groaning with impatience, you snapped, “Don’t be a fucking tease!” and without further hesitation, he impaled you mercilessly, practically knocking the breath out of you. Your body was in a euphoric bliss. His length was thick and textured in a way that hit every needy spot within you, causing a loud moan to erupt from your throat as soon as he was completely sheathed inside of you. While you were crying out in bliss, he didn’t waste any time picking up the pace, pounding into you with fervor. He then grabbed your left arm to pull you up from your leaning position as he continued to fuck you at a relentless rate, earning more wanton cries and moans from you. Forcing you back even more so that your face was next to his, his arm continued to hold you still, his grip becoming almost painful as his other clawed hand reached across your neck to choke you slightly. At this angle, you could hear every short, hurried breath that escaped his lips as his needy motions continued, taking you fiercely from behind. “Is this what you needed?” he panted into your ear, causing an eager tremor in your cervix. “Do you think any one of those pathetic breathers at that dive bar could fuck you like this?” “N-no--” “I am the only one who gets to fill your tight little cunt with my cock. Do you understand? The only one who gets to see you fucked out of your mind like this is me, babe. Only me.”  You should have been upset with the way he was treating you, but you felt the complete opposite. You enjoyed it, and seeing as how he could so easily feel the way your body was responding to his words, he was definitely aware of that. If he hadn’t been supporting your weight entirely, you would have fallen. You felt yourself become boneless and weak against his thrusts, concentrating only on the euphoria coursing through your body. A couple of hard thrusts right into your sweet spot had you starting to come undone against him. You could also feel that he was getting close because his movements became more erratic and his body began to shake against you. “Fuck, Beej… I’m so close.”  “Yeah?” he murmured against you. “You’ve been a bad girl. Maybe I shouldn’t let you finish. What do you think, doll?” “If you won’t, I’m sure there will be a willing participant at the bar,” you teased, knowing how angry that would make him.  He snarled, biting into your shoulder hard enough to draw blood while one of his hands found its way to your bundle of nerves, rubbing against you with vigor.  Hooking one of your arms behind you and around his neck for support, you moaned lewdly, knowing that you were close to your breaking point.  Moments later, you came undone against him, wave after wave of intensity coursing through your body. As you wracked and writhed against him, he lost himself shortly after, chilled spurts filling your core as he emptied himself inside of you. When he was finished, he released his iron grip on you and allowed you to pull off of him before you fell back onto his chest. He held you against him as you both sank to the ground, too weak to continue standing. The only sound surrounding you was the running water along with the both of you panting for breath. It was comforting to feel his chest rise and fall deeply against your back. “You know I never would have actually slept with another guy, right?” He laughed, the rumbling of his chest vibrating against your back comfortingly. “Babe, I was never worried.” A part of you wanted to slap him, but instead you settled for turning around to kiss him deeply, feeling more happy and content than you could ever possibly feel with anyone else.
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