#i have many thoughts but i need to /actually/ meet him in game and finish the quest to make a judgement
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baeshijima · 1 day ago
okay so i have kind of but not really met anaxa in game but !!
anaxa x sunshine reader.
like... renown infamous genius scholar anaxagoras who doesn’t take anything from anyone is almost akin to a cat when with you, putting on an adamant front only to crumble and — begrudgingly, he tries to stress, though he really isn't fooling anyone, much less himself — ultimately give in to your whims; answering your mundane questions, listening and providing his own quips (sometimes sincere, often snappy) here and there to your endless rambles, trailing behind you hot on your heels only to eventually catch up to your side as you wander off to who knows where, yammering on about who knows what.
(you're planning to visit okhema, is what he gathered from your animated retelling of some bakery you'd heard from word-of-mouth which was supposed to be good. hah! why would you waste your time on such trivialities when you could be graced with the honour of his tutelage on the topic of free speech and— curses, how did you get so far ahead?)
in spite of his… less than successful attempts to thwart these pesky thoughts and feelings from festering within, anaxagoras long since knew the irreversible truth brought by your appearance in his life — from the very first moment you bumped into him amid your haste, stray papers sent flying as the large leather-bound books thudded against the library floor. the less-than-flattering slew of words initally locked and loaded, ready to be spewed, oddly dissipated on the tip of his tongue the second he saw your frantic expression, hasty movements in re-gathering the strewn papers, and clumsy set of apologies spilling from your lips. it was almost trance-like, the manner in which he kneeled as he began to collect the flyaway papers surrounding him.
after returning them to you with a kindly, “who runs in a narrow hallway? watch where you’re going next time, you may not be so fortunate with the next collision,” anaxa naively thought that would be the end of that. he did not foresee running into you more frequently from thereafter, feeling strangely moved as a foreign warmth settled within every time you never failed to greet him with a beaming grin, eventually accompanied by the, dare he speculate after months upon months of pouring over and overanalysing your interactions, affectionate tone when calling his name. having been subject to the numerous days— weeks, even — spent listening to your attempts at correctly pronouncing his name, anaxa really should be immune to the effects. unfortunately for him, he could not be any further from the truth.
(anaxa chooses to ignore how he purposely nitpicked your pronunciation, extending the time spent teaching you how to do so just to hear you say his name a little more. not his proudest moment, but he finds it worth all the extra effort when you greet him as such, his name seamlessly rolling off your tongue coupled with your starry eyes and rapturing cadence as you ramble om about whatever caught your interest that day.)
perhaps he should have expected this outcome. after all, for someone who enjoys his solitude, anaxa has caught himself seeking you out on more occasions than deemed appropriate for mere acquaintances. no, not even friends would be this forefront. it was a predetermined outcome, anaxa deduces, the way in which your presence endlesslh draws him in like a shadow to a light— a moth to a flame.
if only to see your blinding smile directed towards and caused by him, anaxa supposes he wouldn't mind your nonsensical chatter replacing the usual white noise droning on in the background. for how long? well, for as long as he continues to breathe seems sufficient enough.
(you ought to stop entertaining some of those foolish scholars, however. they really are not worth wasting a second more than necessary on when he himself has far more knowledge and wit they do combined.)
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rimunagenius · 11 months ago
Would you be down to do a Kate fic where reader is a new transfer and Kate keeps seeing her all over campus and is quickly crushing on her (like she’s down BAD) Then one day when she’s going to meet Caitlin for lunch/coffee/something lol she sees her walking with r laughing then saying goodbye. Kate immediately starts interrogating CC the second she’s within earshot because she wants to find out everything she can about her mystery girl. CC laughs and says she transferred to play soccer and they’re in x class together. Then she’s like as fun as this is I’m starving so can we go eat now. From there she literally sees her everywhere because her and CC start to hang out outside of class, once she finds out r also played basketball in high school and college (focusing on soccer when she transferred) she invites her to pickup games or practice when she knows they’ll be using the managers to scrimmage and this is where Kate finally meets her and is officially smitten. R thinks she’s absolutely adorable and hopes this is the girl Cait said she wanted to introduce her to.
ʚ paring: Kate Martin x reader
ʚ word count: 2.2k words
ʚ warnings: RPF!! , other than that, none that i can think of other than the use of y/n.
ʚ rimunagenius speaks: okay so anon, i love this idea!!…i loved it and im so sorry it took so long to write it and i may possibly consider writing a part two! I love the idea of Kate being so smitten for reader. she’s a sucker for a pretty lady! also i hope it’s okay that i kinda made the reader a ghost to kate..like kate needed to be actively LOOKING so it’d be better for when she actually saw her and i feel like this could’ve have been better so im sorry if it didn’t meet your expectations 😭
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Everywhere. You were literally everywhere. She was definitely not complaining about it though. You were actually so beautiful. You were everywhere but near her. You took over her whole mind since this morning.
She saw you on what she assumed to be your first day. You looked like a lost puppy walking around looking for your class. "Hey, you doing okay?" Kate approached you, sliding one of the sides of her headphones behind her ear. God, you looked even prettier up close.
"Uh, yeah? I don't know where the science building is. I've been looking for about twenty minutes and no luck." You sighed, checking your phone, your friend Caitlin texting you while you pulled your schedule up.
"I can help. If you want?" Kate gave you a warm smile, looking down at your phone. She recognized the professor, having had him her sophomore year. It was a general education requirement for her major. "Oh, I've had him before. I can walk you and show you."
"That'd be great, thanks." The walk was quiet, kind of awkward. Kate was nervous to make small talk. She never thought this far ahead. Hell, she didn't even know she was walking up to you until you responded to her.
Kate thought about it the whole way to her next class. She thought about it the whole way back to her home. She thought about you. The way you smiled at her when she offered her help. She didn't know what was happening.
She's seen many pretty girls before and felt attracted to them but not like this. She's barely known you—talked to you for a total of three minutes...It wasn't possible. It wasn't going to be a thing. She'd probably never see you again. This campus was too big.
Kate had thought about you, and she wouldn’t lie and say that she didn’t try looking for you either. She’d take her time walking to classes throughout that day and to Carver Arena. She’d stop to get coffee and snacks she wasn’t going to finish. She just wanted to see you. You were the most prettiest girl she has ever seen. She tried to find you all the rest of the day. With no luck, and her taking her sweet time to get to practice, she didn’t see you.
When she left for a later class, right after practice, after practice had ended at six pm, she had finally seen you and Caitlin walking together. It was the most shocking yet, anxiety inducing thing she’s seen since she left you earlier that morning.
She was a ways behind you both, recognizing Caitlin first, still in her practice uniform. You were both heading the same way she was, so she just decided to stay behind instead of going to talk to Cait. She wasn’t going to go anywhere near you both, scared of being that close again and having to introduce herself. She’d be an absolute mess. It barely worked this morning, and she was not taking her chances.
It wasn’t until she saw you walking away, meeting up with this other girl, and saying goodbye to Caitlin, that she decided to catch Caitlin before she left. “Caitlin!” Her walk speeding up, looking in your direction making sure you didn’t hear her.
Caitlin looked behind her to see her frantic teammate running up to her. “Yes, Kate?” She smiled nervously, watching the blonde dart her eyes between you and her.
“Who is that?” Kate looked to you, blushing. Pointing subtly towards you to make sure Caitlin knew exactly who she was talking about. That’s when Caitlin smiled. “That’s my friend! She just transferred here. She’s playing soccer now.”
“What do you mean ‘she plays soccer now’? What did she play before?” Kate wanted to know everything about you. She already knew you were the prettiest girl she’s ever seen. But she wanted to know more.
“She played basketball too. Got a full ride to UC Berkeley with it.” Caitlin nodded her head, continuing on the path she was headed to. “We were on our way to our class, but her soccer teammate needed her for a minute so I said i’d meet her there.”
“Oh, okay. How do you know her? Has she always been that pretty? How many classes do you guys have together? Maybe I can “walk” you to it?” Kate started to ramble any question that came to mind about you. All of which were about anything and everything besides your name.
“Oh, my god. Kate. Slow down. Why so many questions?” Caitlin laughed, already having a small idea as to what was happening. “Just ask her tomorrow.”
Kate’s throat went dry. What did she mean? “I’m sorry, what?” Kate choked out. Caitlin gave Kate a blank stare.
“I invited her to our pickup game tomorrow. Just talk to her then.” Kate was already so excited but dreading tomorrow.
She really really wanted to see you, but she started to think about how you’d see her play and she’d have to possibly guard you. This was a lot. Kate definitely did not let this go. She was starting to get too nervous. She was getting self conscious. She wanted to impress you.
Kate got up the next morning to a text from Caitlin asking to get there earlier than planned for a shoot around before the pickup game. The reason why was very vague but she decided to go early. Caitlin had asked her multiple other times to meet up and practice shots. That’s where Kate had developed better confidence in her far-range shots. Her three game improving significantly.
But the more Kate thought about it, she didn’t even get your name yesterday. Not even from Caitlin.
Her nerves were through the roof as she walked out the house and set on her way to Carver.
Her face grew hot and red, suddenly her relaxed and otherwise friendly demeanor turned shy and antsy as she got closer and closer to you both, standing on the court while she set her stuff down. That’s why she wanted her early…forgetting to mention the why.
“Hey, Cait.” Kate walked up to Caitlin, her eyes darting between you and her. She was so nervous. You were just so pretty and so close she just couldn’t take it.
“Hey! This is my friend, y/n.” Caitlin looked to Kate, and then to you. You shook Kate’s hand. Immediately recognizing the pretty girl who had helped you find your class yesterday.
You smiled. Yesterday after she walked you all the way to your class, before you had walked in you thanked her and watched her go on her way. She looked nervous but so did you. You walked up to the door but stopped to look behind you. What made it more awkward is you both caught eachothers eye at the same time.
“You find your class okay?”
“yeah! some really nice girl helped me find my class.”
“Oh, awesome! The people here are way nicer than the people from California huh?”
Caitlin and you had grown up together. Two girls who loved the game of basketball. You got a full ride to UC Berkeley. Iowa skipping over you for an offer but getting Caitlin. You honestly wouldn’t have had it any other way.
You got to experience life outside of Iowa. It was a fun experience. You loved California but still keeping in touch with back home. You would’ve stayed if your injury your sophomore season didn’t pull you out of the sport completely.
Tearing your meniscus, ACL, PCL, and MCL. You tore them over a span of a couple years. Your ACL and PCL being the first to go in your junior season of highschool. The MCL your freshman year of college. You had been halfway into your sophomore season at Berkeley when you tore your meniscus.
You were told you were able to recover and go back, but your coach didn’t like that you were getting injured and submitted an appeal to have your full ride taken. That’s when the dean advised you to find a different career outside of basketball. So, you entered the transfer portal, losing your full ride, and ended back up in Iowa for senior year. You had played soccer growing up as well with your brother. You kept up with it outside of basketball only small scrimmages, nothing too serious so you weren’t injured for basketball. But Iowa had a great soccer team and you missed home, so you decided to come back and come back to soccer.
“They’re way nicer for sure…and wayyy cuter😉”
“Ohhhhhh myyyyyyyyyy”
“you laughed at, ‘Ohhhhhh myyyyyyyyyy’ ”
You were excited to meet the friends Caitlin made here in Iowa City after you left. Wanted to meet the women she talked so highly of. So when she texted you last night asking if you wanted to shoot around before doing a pick up game, you immediately said yes. Something about wanted to introduce you to a friend, hence having to get there early.
“Oh, you walked me to my class yesterday!” You stuck your hand out and waited for Kate to shake it.
Kate had been staring at you. She didn’t mean it in a rude or freaky way. She just was in shock. There was no way you knew Caitlin. “Uh, yeah! I’m Kate. I don’t think we formally introduced ourselves yesterday.” Kate giggled.
Caitlin raised her eyebrows. There was no way Kate was the cute girl you mentioned to her yesterday. No way. And there’s no way you had Kate Martin giggling at a handshake. This elicited a random giggle and ‘no way’. You and Kate turned your heads and looked at her confused. It finally clicked to Caitlin.
“Oh! Nothing nothing. Just that—Oh! Look! My ball!” She walked away to the ball she left at half court, leaving you two to stand in awkward silence before opting to get started. You guys were going for about an hour before Caitling and Kate walked up to the small team Caitlin put together. You watched them two walk away, shaking your head before walking over to your team.
That’s when Kate turned to look back at you. Watching you immediately make friends with the girls in your team. Which happened to be her friends too. Kate turned back to the team, a huddle being held…Kate’s face grew even more rosy when she saw her best friend caught on to what was happening. Caitlin had been giving her the biggest smirk when they made eye contact. Was it really that obvious that she had a crush on you? Could she even call it that? She just met you formally seconds ago.
The shoot around is where you and Kate really got to know each other. Exchanging stories and experiences, her asking all kinds of questions of what it was like in California.
How you knew Caitlin, which she was shocked to find out that you grew up here. That you and Caitlin were neighbors. She learned more than what Caitlin had been willing to tell her. Something about “you’ll know soon enough,” or “i’ll let her decide.”
It didn’t help that she had to guard you during the whole game, even though her being absolutely smitten from the moment Caitlin told her your name wasn’t already awkward enough.
The small praises you gave her while playing went immediately to Kate’s head. A pretty girl like you complimenting her. She returned them back, feeling less scared of her antics when she saw how you reacted to them too. It was the most nervous and overall mindfucking pick up game she’s ever played in her life. And she grew up with playing with bigger and stronger boys. Hell, she’s made it to national championship games and this by far took the cake for the most absurd and anxious game.
But you, made her immediately nervous. And she knew you knew. The small smiles and giggles you gave her whenever you saw her reaction to your compliments and praises, your touches to her body when you would pivot around her while dribbling, your hands brushing her hips when trying to blow past her and cut to the basket.
Needless to say, you both knew the effect you had on eachother. Which is why it was the longest yet shortest game ever. Because when it ended, and you had work to do and practice to attend, so you started to say your goodbyes to everyone.
You said goodbye to the new girls you made friends with, getting their numbers and then pulling your oldest friend aside. “Please tell me that’s her.” Your face burning up from the exertion and the thought of the tall blonde you could feel was looking at you from behind Caitlin.
“Possibly.” Cait raised her brows, mischevious smile on her face.
“She’s possibly the cutest thing I have ever seen, Cait. Please tell me that’s her.” You glanced behind Caitlin again, catching those oh, so pretty blue eyes. You both looking away immediately, you both blushing.
“I’ll talk to you after your practice.” She hugged you and you started on your way to your practice. Looking back to catch one last longing look to Kate. It was definitely her.
She was already standing and talking to Caitlin, big smile on her face, hair now down. God, she looked good.
“Please invite her to more of these.” Kate pleaded with Caitlin. That immediately earned a loud chuckle from the brunette. This was so entertaining. Her best friends having the hots for eachother was the most interesting thing to happen to her.
“I will.” Caitlin patted her hand on her best friends chest, starting to walk away. “I fucking knew it.” She said while she was a good distance from Kate.
“What?” Kate asked, already wishing another pick up game would happen or that she’d run into you soon.
“Oh, nothing.” Caitlin walked away, knowing she had to do something to keep you guys interacting. This game of trying to get you both together was more fun than, dare she say, the final four tournament??
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shiinata-library · 6 months ago
Imagine: They see you’re drunk
Thorin, Fíli, Kíli, Bilbo's reactions when they see you very drunk for the first time
[ 📚 Main Imagines Masterlist 📚 ]
Warrings: Kind of NSFW
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At the end of summer, the evenings are warm and long in Dale. And what’s better than a drink in a tavern to enjoy it even more? 
Kíli and Fíli were waiting for you after a meeting with the king Bard with some other friends of theirs. Since you’re living in Dale and Kíli in Erebor, the opportunities to see your boyfriend are rare, so you join them as soon as you finish your job. The evenings in a tavern are often the same but tonight, you don’t know why, you want to drink. Maybe because you’re too enthusiastic by Kíli’s presence. 
You suggest a game: spin the bottle. Everyone is joining you. The game lasts for a long time. You don’t even know how many drinks you had. Kíli and Fíli cheer you up at each drink, enjoying seeing you get more and more drunk for the first time. Kíli doesn’t say it but he is quite surprised. He would never have imagined you could drink that much. You never said no to a drink, but here, it’s totally different. 
The more you drink, the more you flirt with Kíli. Whispering to his ear. Winking at him. Sticking your tongue out. Touching his arms, his hands. Playing with his fingers... He doesn’t say anything about it, enjoying everything you do to him. His cheeks are not red only because of ale!
At a point, you take advantage that neither you nor Kíli is the target of the bottle to whisper in her ear, your hand resting on her thigh. At the same time, a dwarrowdam speaks with her friend next to her, “If I was a prince, I won’t court a woman of Men. She’s nice, but I don’t know what he is doing with her.” She thought nobody could hear her, but actually, everyone in the group hears her.
Kíli doesn’t have time to say anything. Everyone jumps when you stand up suddenly and stagger a little. “What is he doing with me?” you exclaim, looking at her. “Oh, that's easy and I can show you!” Then, you lean toward Kíli, grab his collar and kiss him deeply. With all you did to him earlier, he is already melting on your lips. At this point, you could do anything you want of him. He knows that culturally dwarves don’t show this kind of affection, but here, he welcomes Men’s culture with open arms! When you end the kiss, leaving him as breathless as you, he beams, admiring you totally in love.
“Jealous?” you provoke the dwarrowdam, licking your smiling lips. “Of course!” she pout while the others are already laughing. “So get a room, I don’t want to see that in front of me!” she resumes, avoiding you both.
“She’s right!” Kíli exclaims as he stands up suddenly. You don’t have time to say anything. He takes your hand and pulls on it as he runs out of the tavern. It’s totally dark now, but you follow him without asking. You don’t know where he is going to take you, but you’re sure to love it!
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It's been a long time since Fíli saw you. He's busy with his prince's duties while you help Erebor’s people in any way you can. Yet, Fíli has free time this evening and he was looking for you. It's thanks to the help of Bofur, whom he met along the way, that he knew where to find you.
He finds you sitting on a stone bench on Erebor’s ramparts, a glass in hand, looking at Ravenhill far in front of you. It’s quiet for a spring night, and as you’re lost in your thoughts, you don’t hear him approaching. “Did someone stand you up?” he asks in an amused tone as he joins you, taking his time with his limping leg. Once you leave him room on the bench, he sits next to you. “No, I needed fresh air,” you sigh, still focused in the same direction. You finish your glass down in one, then serve you another one. 
“You shouldn’t stay here. It’s cold for a spring evening,” he warns you. “Oh, I have survived worse,” you shrug, remembering the nights at the Misty Mountains. Fíli has noticed how cold you are with him without knowing why, but since you don’t seem to be upset by his presence, he tries to cheer you up. “Can I try it?” he asks, showing the bottle. “Yeah. I didn’t expect company so I don’t have another glass, but you can try straight from the bottle. But it’s quite strong,” you warn him as you hand him the bottle. He chuckles and tastes it. Then he coughs several times. “Oh, hm, I see why you’re not cold!”
On any other night, you would have laughed, but not tonight. You were not in the mood before Fíli came, but now he is here, it’s worse. Without a word, he removes his princely jacket and puts it on your shoulders. You murmur a thanks before finishing your drink. “I’m sorry,” you eventually say in a quiet voice as you put your glass on the bench. You discreetly rub your stinging eyes. “Sorry? For what? Wait, you’re crying!” Fíli almost falls off the bench in surprise. Even though you try to hide yourself, he notices how red your eyes are. He easily understands you were already crying before he joined you.
When you realise it’s impossible to hide it any longer, you explode. All the tears you kept until now are running on your cheek. You’re barely able to breathe, so it's unthinkable that I could answer him. Fíli hugs you almost immediately. “What happened? Someone hurt you? Tell me their name!” he continues a short time with questions, then he just lets you cry, keeping you in his arms. 
“No one hurt me,” you murmur hid against his chest when you don’t have any tears. You remain quiet for a moment, enjoying the way his presence calms you until the guilt starts to eat away at you again. As you move away from him, you try to take the bottle, but Fíli is faster than you. “No alcohol for you anymore,” he says in a serious tone. 
He never saw you like that. You obviously already drank with him and the others, but you never ended in this way. It’s also the first time he sees you cry, and this part worries him the most. “So, why are you sorry?” he asks, leaving you the time you need to answer. You’re glad he is the most patient of the Durin’s heirs, because talking is not your strong point, especially now.
“I’m sorry I was so useless during the battle. More than useless. You lost your leg because of him. I don’t even really know how to apologise. You can’t barely walk because of me. You can’t run anymore. You'll never be able to fight again because of me! Seeing you lumping every day… I don’t even know why you are still talking to me.” He lets you talk as much as you need to. “You lost your leg, but you could have lost your life!”
When you finally look at him, you notice he was looking at you the whole time with kind eyes. You’re so angry at yourself, but he is so calm. “If I had to do it all over again, I'd do the same thing. Even if I would lose my life,” he says seriously. “Nonsense! You’re Erebor’s heir! Thorin needs you!” you exclaim as you grasp his shirt. “I need you…” you murmur as your head falls back against his chest and your tears come back to your eyes. “I had no choice. I couldn’t let them hurt you. I need you too,” he admits, a hand caressing the top of your head, hoping it could comfort you a little.
“If I had known you’d be so honest when you’re drunk, I’d have done it earlier!” he jokes after a while both motionless. You chuckle. “You should never have known,” you say, raising your head slowly. “I didn’t plan you would join me.” Fíli wipes the last remaining tears from your eyes with one hand. “Next time I want to know something, I know the way,” he smiles. “There will be no next time!” you say before he laughs. “Oh yes, there will certainly be a next time! But for now, let me walk you back to your home. Don’t make that face. I can still walk better than a drunk woman!” You both stand up laughing. You take the bottle and the glass with you, just in case one of you wants to drink it on the way, or at your home.
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Eyes are hard to open when you have slept very well… Hm, where are you? This is not a room that you know, and this is even less a bed that you know. Yet, this is very comfortable. You look around and see an elven wardrobe, elven curtains, an elven chair...
Oh yes, Rivendell! You arrived yesterday with Bilbo and Gandalf in the middle of the afternoon. What do you remember again?
You were glad to arrive at Rivendell after all you’ve walked since you’ve left Erebor. It’s true you’ve taken some breaks, but Rivendell is special. Beautiful, relaxing, and safe. Absolutely safe. As soon as you entered, Lord Elrond came to welcome the three of you. He let you rest, asking someone to show your guest’s bedroom. One for each of you. Yours is beautiful and so clean!
In the evening, Elrond invited the three of you to join him for dinner. His two sons and his daughter were also joining you, glad to meet Gandalf again. The dinner lasted several hours. No one could stop Gandalf but mostly Bilbo to tell our adventures to Erebor. As you were too shy to speak, you mainly ate and drank what they served you. This night you understand how Elrond estimated Gandalf when you saw the meal. Your glass was always full thanks to an elf waitress. Yet, you realised too late that it was not juice but a sort of wine. Oh, a delicious wine. You were laughing at every Bilbo’s anecdote, remembering some funny things.
When the dinner ended, everyone stood up and walked out. The moment you noticed your legs didn’t want to move as you wanted, you felt stupid. Oh, too much delicious wine… You tried to leave as naturally as possible until no one saw you. Lucky for you, no one notices you. Your feet led you to a quiet place in the garden. Fresh air. Oh, it felt good… You stumbled so much that you ended up on the ground. But you know what, the ground felt good too. And safer! Next to you, a river flowed slowly enough for you to rest your feet into it. Oh, that felt good too…
The night was so pleasant that you let your back on the ground, admiring the starry sky. You would certainly have fallen asleep if Bilbo hadn't come to join you. The two of you chatted for a while before Bilbo suggested that the two of you head back inside, feeling the air freshen as your feet were in the water. “Don’t worry. With all I have drunk, I don’t feel the cold at all!” you laughed. “That’s why we should go back inside,” Bilbo sighed, shaking his head from right to left. “Be careful when you–”
He didn’t have the time to finish his sentence that you both were in the river. Your legs were still not totally functional, so you quickly lost your balance, taking Bilbo with you. It was not deep but you were soaked. Your laugh echoed in the quiet place while Bilbo looked at you, no sign of amusement on his face. “Come on, it’s fun!” you tried, as you got out of the water. “Absolutely not! It’s dangerous” he scolded you, wringing his shirt. “We’re in Rivendell. We’re safe!” you resumed.
Bilbo sighed until he saw you remove your jacket, leaving you in your white, transparent shirt. As it would be proper to look at what was under your shirt any longer, he tried to take his mind off things. “We-we should go back to our room,” he said as he turned his back to you. “Yeah, but I don’t remember where mine is,” you still laughed stupidly. “Maybe I can sleep here. It’s comfortable, but I may be cold though.” A long sigh kept Bilbo from cracking. He had never seen you so drunk, and if he had known you would test his patience so much, he would never have let you drink that much. “Follow me,” he grumbled as he took your hand. 
You followed him to what he explained was his room, since he didn’t know where yours was and it was too late to ask anyone. “It’s warmer here!” you exclaimed as you walked to the fireplace. Since your wet clothes prevented you from feeling the warmth of the flames, you started to remove them. Shirt, shoes, socks, trousers… “W-what are you doing?!” Bilbo cried out as he saw you in a bra and knickers once he put his jacket and yours on a chair. “I don’t want to catch a cold, so I try to get warmer,” you explained as you went to the wardrobe to find something. “Come on, you already saw me like that during the quest,” you resumed once you found something that looked like a nightdress. Then, you went behind a screen to remove the rest of your wet clothes and put on the nightdress. 
“But this is not the same. Absolutely not!” Bilbo said, more and more irritated as he remained turned to the door, not daring to look at you even just once. “Here, we’re here in the same room. It’s not proper. You shouldn't undress like that in front of anyone!” He stayed in the same place when he heard you getting out of the screen with a sigh. You were getting sober and hearing him angry at you sounded more and more fun. “But you’re not anyone… Listen, I don’t want to quarrel with you. If you want me to leave, just say so. But first, don’t stay wet like that.” 
Bilbo eventually turned toward you. He was not able to say anything at first when he saw how beautiful you were in that elven nightdress, but then as he looked at the fire, he found his words. “Go to bed. I’ll take care of myself,” he said as he walked to the wardrobe. After you left your wet clothes in the front of the fireplace, you did what he said.
Then you waited… for a long time without feeling him joining you. As he had put out all the candles, there was only the fireplace to see by, and that wasn't easy. Yet Bilbo was easy to make out, huddled in an armchair. “Join me. For once we have a comfortable bed…” No answer. “I promise to behave as a proper lady,” you tried. Still no answer….
You probably fell asleep next because that’s all you remember. Before you sit up to look at Bilbo’s armchair, you notice someone sleeping next to you. It seems that Bilbo eventually joined you. You knew he couldn’t resist such a comfortable bed! 
“Why are you still laughing?” you hear next to you. Bilbo turns to you, rubbing his eyes. “You’re cute in the morning,” you say, smiling. He truly is, with his messy hair and his tired eyes. “Are you still drunk?” he frowns. His seriousness makes you laugh even more. “No. Not anymore. Do you hate it that much when I’m drunk?” He doesn’t wait to answer, “Oh yes! You were too…” You finish for him, “too annoying? Too funny? Too undressed?” You love seeing all the faces he makes at your words. You never see enough… 
But a knock on the door makes both of you jump. “Bilbo? I’m sorry to bother you but I’m looking for Y/N,” Gandalf says behind the door. He doesn’t wait for an answer and opens it. “Oh! Oh. I shouldn't have been in such a hurry. I will wait for you in Elrond’s library when you have finished.” Then, Gandalf closes the door, leaving Bilbo with the reddest face you ever see while you're laughing so hard you can hardly breathe.
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Sometimes after a long week, Thorin, King under the mountain, goes to the first tavern that opened since the rebuilding of Erebor. There is always someone he can join to relax with a drink. Tonight, it's you, sitting at a table with colleagues, an empty glasses in hand and a large smile on your lips. He easily guesses you're not at your first drink when he sees your pink cheeks. 
“Thorin!” you yell as soon as you see him. The smile on your face disappears when the whole tavern becomes quiet. “I mean, your Majesty! Join us!” you say, waving at him. He sits next to you with a tired smile after he ordered an ale. “Thorin is fine,” he says as he nods to your colleagues. 
“Rough week?” you ask him. “Yes, like every week,” he starts. “But I'm sure it is the same for everyone in Erebor.” You reply as a waiter serves Thorin, some colleagues, and you. ”You can't even imagine! We're exhausted! Rogni is a ball-breaker! Oops, I mean Lord Rogni is a ball-breaker. One long week to validate one line on the last treaty!” You're not the only person to sigh while Thorin is chucking. 
Sure he already saw you drink but never drunk like that. He never heard you speak like that. “Oh it makes you laugh! Good! Next time, you'll deal with him while I'll laugh at you!” Your grumbling makes him smile even more. “Lucky for me, Erebor has the best cider to comfort me!” Thorin raises an eyebrow, “Cider?” He looks at your colleagues while they avoid his eyes. “Dwarf-cider, your majesty,” a dwarrowdam explains with a smile. “It's too strong for her,” he sighs, understanding the situation now. “It's her fifth,” she chuckles. Oh, now he really understands. “I may deal with Lord Rogni next time,” he jokes. “Don't mind me when I'm just next to you,” you say, shrugging. “It's gold for my throat and I won't stop now.” 
The evening continues. Even after a meal, you're still quite drunk. Thorin realises how funny you can be when you drink too much, but also how tactile and familiar you can be. Telling some awkward quest's memories, hitting his back, tasting his drink, touching his forearms… Alright, maybe it's time for fresh air for Thorin, and you. 
Outside is fresher but it's never cold under the mountain. “I didn't want to leave but you were right. I needed fresh air,” you say before taking a deep breath. “They don't have any cider inside anyway,” Thorin jokes as he slides his hand on your back to help you to stand up straight. “That's ok. I wouldn't remember where I live if I drank one more drink…” you sigh as you look around. Your squinting makes Thorin laugh. You’re not the only one who drank too much. “Do you need help to find your home, my lady?” he asks, standing proudly beside you. You squint even more but this time you look at him, “My lady? Since when?” You burst out laughing. Without asking, Thorin starts walking, pushing you with him. He knows where you leave, and if neither of you decides to move forward, you'd be here for a while. 
“Water?” you ask as you enter your home, removing your jacket and putting it away on a chair. “No need. Thank you,” he replies, closing your front door behind him. He knows he shouldn’t enter your home at this hour, but he wants to be sure you’re fine. What a gentledwarf! Or maybe he is drunk enough to allow himself to see you a little longer, alone in your place…
Once you lit some candles and hydrated yourself – certainly not enough according to how much you drank, you walk back to him. “I thought dwarves never enter a lady’s home after a certain hour. And it seems I’m a lady from tonight,” you chuckle as you put a hand on his chest. You feel him jump a little, but he remains still, his eyes not leaving you a moment. “You don’t show the best example as a king, your majesty.” Since he hasn't rejected you yet, your other hand goes upper. Oh, his beard is smoother than you expected. Are you dreaming, or is he tilting his cheek against your hand?
If you're too drunk to hold back any longer, then Thorin is just as drunk to stop you. As soon as your lips touch his, he slides a hand behind your head to deepen the kiss. And what a kiss! You can’t help but melt against him. If he hadn't held your hip, your kneels would have given out. Even breathless, you both keep kissing until you start to explore under his shirt. “Wait,” he gasps, pushing you suddenly. “No,” you only say before kissing him again. “I said ‘wait’,” he grunts, pushing your shoulders to see you in the eyes. Your reaction is immediate: you squint, pout, and cross your arms on your chest. “Why? I can feel you want it as much as me!” you exclaim while Thorin starts to laugh. “You’re drunk,” he explains bluntly. “And so are you,” you grumble. “Yes, I am, but not as much as you. I’ll remember it tomorrow. I'm not sure I can say the same for you,” he says as he caresses your cheek slowly. “Oh, what a gentledwarf!” you sigh exaggeratedly. “I must show the right example,” he smirks. 
“Are you sure?” you ask a last time, still pouting. It takes a lot for Thorin to nod, but it's better than taking the risk of further consequences the next day. “You’re too reasonable,” you eventually laugh. “Leave now or I won’t let you go if I kiss you again.” Thorin burst out laughing before kissing your forehead. “Don’t tempt me too much.” “I tried,” you laugh as you open your front door. Thorin leaves now but he is sure to come back tomorrow as soon as he can, hoping you’ll remember what you did the night before.
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elllisaaa · 1 year ago
how seventeen would confess to you - vu vers.
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-> pairing : svt vu × gn!reader
-> words count : 3.5k words
-> genre : svt members crushing on you, fluff
-> warnings : while make you giggle and kick your feet
-> sorry if I made any mistakes, english is not my first language.
-> reblogs and feedbacks are appreciated !
-> masterlist | svt masterlist
hhu vers. | vu vers. | pu vers.
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he’s a tease.
i’m sorry but do something ridiculous and he’s gonna bring it back until the end of your life.  
but you’ve been friends for a long time, and you have many embarrassing things to remind him too. 
so it’s really a silly little war of who will tell the most unhinged story about the other. 
both of you like to do game nights, but you eventually realized how competitive he was, and how he didn’t mind cheating as long as he won, luckily, you were the same.
it makes you laugh most of the time, especially when he is like that with his members.
but he also knows when to calm down and be serious. he would be there for you without you even needing to say anything.
i think he’s a great listener too, ready to ease all your worries and remind you of your own value. 
he’s the sweetest when he wants to, but he’s also a menace.
because he’s also flirty sometimes, playing it as a joke but deep down, he hopes that one day you’ll catch on how much you actually mean to him. 
being the tease he is, his confession would be like that too.
“- So, I need your advice on a situation.”
You sat in front of him, handing him a hot mug of tea, enough to last through all his gossip. It was not unusual for the both of you to meet on your days off and just spill the tea about your coworkers and friends, laughing at each other's stories. 
“- I’m all ears !
I have a friend who’s like… Really in love with his best friend, he has been for years actually. I think everyone around them has noticed how much he likes them, except them of course. And he wants to finally confess, but he doesn't know how to, and I don’t know how to help him myself.”
Jeonghan tried to not let any emotion show on his face as he was telling you his well-prepared speech. His goal was to keep on his little game for as long as he could, just to tease you like he loved too. He got out of his thoughts when you talked again, answering his indirect question. 
“- Well, I think he should just go for it. If they’ve been best friends for this long, they should be as comfortable around each other as we are, and he shouldn’t be afraid of breaking their relationship or not. Like, if you were telling me that you have feelings for me, it wouldn’t change anything for me. You’ll still be my best friend.”
Suddenly, doubt was filling up his heart. Has he been mistaken by your behavior and his friends' comments about the two of you ? What made him so sure that you loved him like he loved you ? But now that he was there, he should finish what he started, right ? Jeonghan took a deep breath, his eyes fixed on his cup of tea, too shy to meet yours.
“- And if I tell you that this friend is me… Would you reconsider the best friend title ?”
The silence that answered his question encouraged him to lift his head from the contemplation of his drink, meeting your wide eyes already staring at him, making him giggle. You finally snapped out of it, a soft smile stretching out your lips as you reached for his hand over the counter of your kitchen, interlocking your fingers. Jeonghan hoped you couldn’t hear his heartbeat going crazy at the simple and sweet gesture. 
“- It depends… If I get to call you my boyfriend, then yes.”
“you can call me whatever you want as long as i’m yours.”
truly a gentleman like he’s holding the door for you, opens your water bottle for you, always asks if you need help when he has free time.
as seventeen makeup artist, you followed them on tour and on almost every event, being one of the seniors of your team. 
and joshua always asked you to do his makeup. 
you assumed it was because he had known you for a long time and was more comfortable around you than another younger makeup artist. 
but as time passed, he started to throw little compliments between asking about your day and what you had for lunch. 
he looooves the way you blush every time he tells you that you’re pretty. h
e’s so sweet too, always has one or two snacks ready when you come to do his makeup because he knows about your habit of skipping meals because of work. 
he would inevitably end up giving you his personal number, and you would talk all day, coming to know each other more and little by little, you fell in love with each other. 
but for the sake of both your jobs, it had to stay a secret, until one particular day. 
“- Where’s Y/N ?
- Ah ! They had to replace someone that called in sick today. I’m sorry, I know you like her to do your makeup.”
Joshua shook his head, encouraging your coworker to go on and carrying a little conversation with her. But she could tell that he was out of it. He was thinking about you. About how he became so used to your presence by his side everyday. How not having you close to him, talking to him, touching his face had him feeling empty, as if something was missing. Well, you were missing. And he didn’t realize until now how much he was relying on you. 
Of course, he knew how dangerous it was for his career to date you, how risky it was regarding your job too, but he couldn’t help being drawn to you everytime, and neither could you, like magnets attracting each other. He stayed professional on stage though, delivering his performance as perfectly as usual, but his members could tell that something was bothering him, and every one of them knew the reason very well : you. 
“- Hey Y/N.
- Joshua ? What are you doing here ?”
He didn’t answer right away, gesturing for you to follow him to an empty dressing room. You couldn’t help throwing glances all around you, making sure that no one was witnessing this. But you trusted Joshua : he would never put you or him in danger voluntarily. 
“- I have to tell you something. I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, and I believe you feel the same about it but I need to tell you regardless.”
His gaze was so soft, so loving, you couldn’t ignore anymore how he made your heart swell. You had noticed that your feelings were mutual, but you also knew that you couldn’t be together. 
“- You know we can’t… I don’t want to hold you back, I don’t want you to take such risks for me. You worked too hard for your dream to give it up just for me.”
Joshua could see your eyes filling up with tears, and he stepped forward, cupping your face in his hands in hopes it would comfort you. All he wanted was to take care of you, not to make you cry. 
“- It’s gonna be complicated, yes, but I don’t want to give up on either my career or you. You’re so dear to me, I think you don’t realize how much you mean to me, how right it feels to be appreciated for who I really am. Maybe… Maybe we can at least try. I love you so much Y/N.”
And how could you say no to that ? To his lovestruck gaze focused on you, only you ? How could you reject him when he’s all you can think about everyday ? You stepped forward to hug him, relaxing in his hold and warmth as Joshua let out an audible sigh of relief too.
“- I love you too, I love you so much…”
“you’ll be my secret, this way I can keep you all to myself.”
i think that he would be a little cold with you at first, out of shyness and because he’s an introvert.
but you always made sure to include him In your conversations with the other members, and to talk to him even if he didn’t answer more than two words. 
little by little, he started to open up, to feel really comfortable around you. 
maybe it was because of the way you always focused only on him whenever he was talking, or because you were always interested in whatever he was doing.
would want you to listen to every song he produces before everyone else because he values your opinion so much. 
he didn’t exactly know but he felt something so soothing when he spent time with you. 
so when mingyu told him that you had a boyfriend, he was disappointed – and even more so when he finally met him and saw how badly he treated you.
jihoon would go on and on about how shitty your partner was, advising you to leave him, not only because of his selfish reasons, but mainly because he felt like the boy didn’t deserve you. 
you would come to his studio after every fight, and he couldn’t do anything else than watching you cry your eyes out. 
“- I’m sorry, I’m always here bothering you…
- You’re never bothering me Y/N, if you need me, I’m here.”
You tried to smile, but that only forced another tear to roll down your already soaked cheeks. As if he knew better than yourself what you needed, Jihoon opened his arms and you gladly accepted his hug, basking in his warm embrace. 
“- What did he do this time ?”
Jihoon knew that his tone was accusative. But at this point, he couldn’t care anymore, he couldn’t bear to see you cry every other day because of an asshole who didn’t realize how lucky he was. And he could only assume that he did something bad, because all you’ve ever tried to do was make him happy. 
“- He just.. Forgot our date, again… I’m so tired of this Jihoon, I’m doing my best for this relationship to work but he doesn’t even try…”
Your voice was muffled by his hoodie, your face still buried in his chest as you talked, but your words still broke his heart. He was tired too. Tired of seeing you cry, tired of seeing you wasting your time for someone who didn’t care about you, tired of seeing you think that you were not enough. 
“- You already know what I think about this but… You should really leave him. You deserve to be loved, really loved. And he’s not loving you right.”
Slowly, you lifted your head from his chest, your teary eyes glaring confusingly at him. 
“- But who would love me right ? 
- Me. I would. I could be a better boyfriend than him.”
Jihoon lifted a hand, fingers brushing delicately against your cheek. He knew he could be good for you, knew that he could treat you well if only you let him, if only you let him one chance to prove it, he’ll do anything to make you happy. And you knew he would, knew that you would fit perfectly in his arms. But was it reasonable ? You had been with your partner for two years. Two years and still, what you felt for him never came close to what you felt for Jihoon, to how he made you shiver every time he touched you, to how he made butterflies come alive in your stomach every time he looked at you. 
“- I think you could…”
And even if both of you still needed to figure some things out, you knew that you finally made the right choice. You were finally where you belonged to. 
“i’m going to make up for all the times he couldn’t be by your side.”
sweet and funny.
i feel like he would treat you like his partner even if you’re not, maybe to hint at you that he has feelings but i mostly think it’s just because he cares so much about you.
he’ll do things like giving you his clothes when you’re cold, or feeding you when you want a taste of what he’s eating. 
basically, it’s almost like you’re already together because he’s also very touchy and clingy.
he’ll hug you as a greeting every time, and he always has his arm around your shoulders when you’re sitting next to each other. 
tbh, he would start to question your feelings at one point because was he not making it obvious enough that he had a big crush on you ???
but at the same time, he’s afraid that you mistake that for just a very close friendship so he doesn’t want to ask you straight away either. 
so he would try to make something a little more sneaky by delivering a bouquet of your favorite flowers at your place, with a card only saying “i love you”. 
“- Maybe they’re from Soobin ?”
You and your friend start laughing, but Seokmin, who witnessed the whole conversation, was not. Did you really think that these flowers were from someone else ? He clearly remembered the day you told him what your favorite flowers were, and that you also told him he was the only one to know that. So why would you lie to him ? Or tell it to anybody else ? Maybe it was nothing, but his heart felt heavy as he got back to his video game with Wonwoo. 
You obviously noticed how Seokmin was very distant the whole day. It was supposed to be a fun afternoon with most of your friends, but you ended up being more worried about what was going on with him. Did you do or say something to upset him ? Did you hurt him in any way without being aware ? You couldn’t recall anything that could explain why he was so cold with you.
“- Hey Seokmin…”
The boy turned around when you joined him outside, and he couldn’t avoid you, nor the conversation that would follow this time. He knew that he was being childish, knew that he should have maybe just told you how he felt instead of being upset over you for something you were not responsible for. 
“- Hi Y/N…
- You’ve been kind of avoiding me… Did I do something ? I just want to understand what happened so I can fix it.”
Seokmin closed his eyes and sighed, a pained expression on his face. He was dumb, he was so dumb. He wanted to make you feel loved, not like you did something wrong when it was him who was being sulky over nothing. 
“- Fuck, no… You didn’t do anything, I promise. I’m just a coward.”
You looked at him, confused as you cocked your head to the side and Seokmin turned around to face you, trying to hold your gaze even if he could feel his cheeks start to burn from how ridiculous he felt.
“- The flowers… They are from me. And I heard you say that you think they were from Soobin instead and I… I don’t know why but it hurt because you said that you only told me which one were your favorites. And it made me feel so special, I wanted it to stay our thing.”
You stepped in, until you could hold his hand in yours, intertwining your fingers with his. The atmosphere had switched to a much lighter one as you smiled at him, finding him very cute as he tried to look composed but was really not, with his red face.
“- I was joking, I knew they were from you, they could only be from you. And yes, it is our thing, because I want to share this kind of thing only with you. You’re special to me, and I wanted to thank you for your gift but you didn’t let me.”
Seokmin shook his head, laughing at his own stupidity. But all that mattered to him was how it turned out in the end. 
“next time i’m offering you flowers, it’s to celebrate our first date.”
needless to say that he is a drama queen, always has something to bitch and vent about. 
but obviously, you’re the same - that’s why you get along so well - so you’re always here to listen to all his gossip, and vice-versa. 
i think that both of you would also hold a grudge about something ridiculous the other did years ago but that you still bring up during every argument (thinking about me and my best friend fighting over a piece of salad and a potato since middle school)
overall, it’s very entertaining to spend time with him because he’s so sassy… that’s hilarious. 
since you gossip a lot, you know almost everything about each other's lives, you have literally no boundaries. 
and you also love to sit down after a tiring week, with a show you both love as a background noise while you talk about what happened. 
a very comfortable relationship, based on trust and really open-minded.
that’s why you’re not afraid to talk to him about your love life even if seungkwan always seemed to push back on the subject (understandable when he had a crush on you for years).
“- So you’re going to meet with him again ?
- Yeah, I think so… He’s not really my type usually, but he’s not that bad, and he’s kind so maybe I should give him a chance.”
Seungkwan scoffed, looking away from your face and focusing on the tv instead. He didn’t want to hear another one of your failed dates with guys that didn’t deserve you. He never understood why you did that, not when he was right there. 
“- Why do you always react like that ? Do you not want me to find the love of my life ? 
- It’s not where you will find it.”
You hit his shoulder playfully, but you felt a weight on your heart as he rolled his eyes. Seungkwan was never really interested whenever you talked about your current love life. However, he loved to bitch about your exes, but everytime you mentioned a new guy you were expecting to go out with, he seemed almost annoyed. You never understood why, because he loved drama so much, and your dating life was the best source of drama. But for some obscure reason, he stayed silent. 
“- I just don’t want to be alone. 
- We’re always together, you’re not alone.
- I know but… I want to come home and have someone waiting for me and hugging me. And I want to fall asleep in somebody else's arms. And I want to feel loved at the end of the day.”
Your gaze was focused on the show playing on the screen, while Seungkwan was watching you, noticing how your facial expressions had changed. He knew you weren’t joking anymore, and maybe it was time for him to stop being silly too. 
“- I could do all that. You’ll never be alone if you were with me.”
When you looked at Seungkwan again, he was already staring at you, more serious than he had ever been. A smile blossomed on your face, because all you ever wanted was to be his.
“- Does that mean you're willing to offer yourself in sacrifice and be my boyfriend ?”
“if that means spending every day of my life by your side, then yes, i'll do it gladly.”
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-> i don't allow any copies, reposts or translations of my work.
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svt taglist (fill in this to be added) :
@lil-kpopstan @hann1bee @iraisswiftie
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liwinly · 12 days ago
( ౨ৎ ) ──────── UP!
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MELODiES AND MEMORiES ── prompt 12 / / ni-ki x fem!reader .:. g. fluff , bestfriends to lovers ..: w. skinship ( hand holding , hugging ) 𓂃 wc. ~ 1000 ;. lily's note. made this for mei or @miukidoll <3 (I told you it's nothing scary) hope you like it 🫶 btw I'll try to post chapter 1 of fooled hearts next week!!!
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It was a usual Saturday afternoon. You were sitting on the grassy field at the park, waiting for Ni-ki. It was a thing you two always did, hanging out and having fun. Ni-ki, your best friend since you could remember, had promised to meet you after he finished his practice session for his school soccer team. He always had a smile that made everything feel better, and even though you had known him for so long, it always made your heart skip when you saw him.
You looked at your phone, tapping your foot impatiently. He was taking forever today, and you just wanted to have fun with him. That was the thing with Ni-ki—he could always make even the simplest things fun, and today, you had a new idea for something to do. You’d been thinking a lot about it, and it made your cheeks turn red just imagining it. But you didn’t want to mess up what you had with him. What if he didn’t feel the same way?
A sudden voice broke your thoughts.
“Y/N! Sorry I’m late!” Ni-ki called out as he jogged over, waving his hand.
You smiled at him, your worries melting away the moment his eyes met yours. “It’s okay, you’re not that late,” you said, though you knew you were lying. You were just glad to see him.
“Good. So what are we doing today?” Ni-ki asked, plopping down next to you. He sat so close, his shoulder brushing against yours. You didn’t mind, though. You actually kind of liked it.
“Well, I thought we could play that silly game you like,” you said, referring to the one where you two would make up random rules and try not to laugh.
Ni-ki grinned. “I’m in!” He slapped your back playfully, and the impact made you giggle. “But first, I need a snack.”
You laughed and pulled out a bag of chips you had been snacking on earlier. “Here, I brought these.”
Ni-ki took the bag with a grin. “You always think ahead, huh?” he said, popping a chip into his mouth.
You shrugged. “I know you too well.”
For a moment, the two of you just sat there, eating chips and chatting about random things. The wind picked up, and the sun was starting to set, casting a warm, orange glow over everything. You both sat back and just enjoyed the moment, your bodies leaning against the tree that was shading you. Ni-ki’s presence was always calming, like everything was right when he was around. But today, you couldn’t help but feel something more when he laughed or smiled at you. It felt like there was more than just friendship between you two. But you didn’t know if you should tell him.
The game you played together was always goofy. It was just a way for you two to laugh and forget about everything else. Ni-ki was always full of energy, even when he was tired from soccer practice. It didn’t matter how many people were around or how embarrassing it got, Ni-ki would always be willing to make a fool of himself for your sake.
As you were trying not to laugh at his ridiculous dance moves, Ni-ki suddenly grabbed your hand.
“Hey, no laughing at me!” he said, his face serious but the spark in his eyes showing he was joking.
You stared at his hand in yours. It was warm, his fingers wrapped around yours in a way that felt...different. Your heart started to beat a little faster, and you wondered if maybe he felt it too.
“Ni-ki…” you whispered, your voice coming out a little quieter than usual.
He looked at you, his expression softening. “What’s wrong, Y/N?”
You didn’t know why you were so nervous. You had always been close, always known each other inside and out. So why did this moment feel so different? You glanced at your intertwined fingers and then back up at his face.
“I don’t know... I just... I don’t know what’s happening,” you stammered. Your face turned red as you realized how silly you sounded.
Ni-ki chuckled softly, his eyes sparkling. “You’re acting weird,” he said. “It’s okay. I’m here.”
You didn’t know what to say next, but it felt like everything in the air had shifted. Ni-ki leaned his shoulder against yours, a gentle touch that made your skin tingle.
“You know,” he started, his voice quieter now. “I like hanging out with you, Y/N. Like, really like it.”
Your breath caught in your throat. “I like it too…”
Ni-ki looked at you then, his gaze intense but kind. “I mean, like, a lot. More than just friends. You’re always so cheerful and fun, and I don’t know... it makes me feel like I can be myself. Like... it’s different when I’m with you.”
You felt your cheeks grow even warmer. “Me too, Ni-ki. I feel like... I feel like I can tell you anything. You make me feel happy.”
A small smile tugged at the corner of his lips, and before you could say anything else, he suddenly pulled you into a hug. It wasn’t anything crazy—just a simple, warm hug—but it made your heart race like crazy.
“You make me happy too,” he whispered into your hair.
You stood there, your heart beating loudly in your chest as you hugged him back. His arms felt strong and comforting around you, and for a moment, you didn’t care about anything else. The world could have been falling apart, and you would’ve still been okay as long as he was holding you.
Finally, after what felt like forever, Ni-ki pulled back, his hands still resting on your shoulders. He smiled at you again, and this time, it felt like the smile you had always been waiting for.
“Y/N, I think... I think I like you more than just a friend,” he said, his voice soft and unsure but sincere.
Your heart fluttered. "I like you too, Ni-ki," you said, your voice barely a whisper.
Ni-ki grinned. "So, are we finally on the same page?"
You nodded, smiling so wide your cheeks hurt. "I think we are."
As you sat back down, still holding his hand, you knew this was just the beginning of something new. No more wondering, no more holding back — just the two of you, rising up together.
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── .✦ @woniefication @sugarikiz @slayyuna @amoressb @irasvr @miukidoll
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starlightsreigns · 1 month ago
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get it together | s.sikoa
summary ⇢ emelie wants to work it out, she love's sefa too much to give up, but he needs to meet her hallway. word count ⇢ 2.1k tags ⇢ minors, do not interact. angst(kinda) and explicit language. author’s corner ⇢ thank u for the request, @bratzzzdoll this was an absolute thrill to write and hope you like it! x "i don't really wanna stay, i don't really wanna go."
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Emelie brushes her hair into a neat ponytail. She stares into her vanity for a long moment, takes in her facial features then gently brushes under her eyes and takes a deep breath. Emelie feels tired, she looks tired, but she presents a front to the world where everything is perfect. There was a time when everything felt perfect, but perfect doesn’t exist in this life.
Downstairs, Emelie stands in the kitchen, prepping dinner. Cooking is her safe space and anytime she needs a moment to herself, she can’t help but cook a random meal she found online or bake so many sweets she’d have to ask her friends to come over and take them before she eats it all.
The house is quieter than usual, deciding against playing music tonight so she can be fully alone with her thoughts.
Sefa should’ve been home by now, but as of late, he’s come home later and later.
What has become of their relationship? There used to be a time when he’d be home the second he was done with training or with work. He’d burst through the door and wrap his arms around her and smother her in kisses then they’d eat dinner on the couch. Yet, now, he’d stay out late with his friends and she’d barely get a kiss.
They’re complacent.
Several years down in their relationship, nothing is progressing past the point of being boyfriend and girlfriend. They don’t officially live together, there’s no talk about the future and what’s to come.
Emelie gets it, truly, she gets it. WWE is demanding and he has relationships to foster through that tight schedule, but she’s taken the back seat in his life — on the totem pole, she’s found herself at the bottom.
How do they reconcile this?
“Emz?” His voice reverberates through the house.
“In the kitchen,” Emelie shouts as she moves to a different sauce pan. She hears the kitchen door open. “Hey, baby.”
Sefa peeks over her shoulder at the food, “I’ve had a long day.” He groans.
“Oh? What happened?” Emilie focuses on the fish she’s cooking.
Without a kiss, or acknowledging her, Sefa goes on to complain about his training and the myriad of other issues with his upcoming storyline. There’s a point where Emilie zones out, looking up and out of the window at the sink.
“I’m sorry it was so bad,” Emelie rubs his shoulder and sets his dinner in front of him. “Want a drink?”
“Nah, actually, Imma go shower and put the game on.”
Emelie watched him stand from the table with his plate and walk away. She takes a step forward then immediately stops. For a moment a pang hits her chest and she wants to say something, but instead she goes to finish the dishes in the sink. Her hands work roughly on the pans as her breathing quickens. She wants to kick, scream, and cry for him to see how she feels.
The simplest route is the hardest one and it rings in her ear: Emelie just leave.
She loves Sefa more than anything. They’ve gone through so much together, they’ve been through rough patches and those were easier than the pain she’s suffering now. This isn’t the love they’ve grown through the years. It makes her question whether or not there’s someone else.
“There’s no one else.” Emelie says aloud and drops the pan in the sick. The thought shocks her. It wasn’t a safe or healthy thing to ponder. She knows deep down in her heart that Sefa wouldn’t do that.
After setting the pans to dry and cleaning up, Emelie walks into the living room to see him in front of the TV. Sefa glances back at her then goes back to the TV. She stops behind the sofa and clocks the plate still filled with food.
“You not hungry, Sefa?” Emelie questions softly.
“Nah, I had dinner with the twins earlier.”
Emelie waits for a moment, waits to see if he’ll say anything else, but continues up towards the stairs where her purse sits in the first step. If she didn’t go home tonight, she’d lose her mind. Emelie ponders on it but goes up the stairs. She doesn’t want to leave, but she needs to leave… no, she doesn’t want to leave.
In the bedroom, she stares into the mirror and decides she needs to make a point. If she doesn’t go home, Sefa will think this is okay.
“Emelie?” Sefa clears his throat as he watches her put her jacket on downstairs. “Where you goin’?”
“I’m going home.” She speaks softly while tying her shoelaces. “I need to go home.”
Sefa stands up, “Emz, what’s going on?”
Emelie whips towards him, “Get it together, Sefa, I need to go and if it’s forever is up to you.”
A quick escape is nearly impossible when he rushes in front of her. Emelie stares at him, but it’s not a look filled with anger, it’s one of sadness. She doesn’t want to do this, but her back is against a wall.
“Emelie, baby, talk to me.” Sefa holds her cheeks in the palms of his hand. “What’s going”
“Why do you treat me the way that you, Sefa, we’ve been dating for almost five years and you treat me like I’m a house lady that takes over your space when you’re here. You don’t even come home and kiss me and spend time with me anymore.” Emelie looks down to keep the tears at bay. “And now I’m begging you—”
Sefa wipes a tear off her cheek, “Baby, I’m so sorry that I’ve made you feel like that.” He whispers softly and pulls her against his chest. “Please don’t leave, Emz.”
Emelie shuts her eyes for a second, “I just need to go home for the night, Sefa, I need a second.”
“i’m fed up with you not being here with me”
Her house feels colder. Emelie, for the past three years, spent most of her time at Sefa’s house. It was just easier for them to be there. She lived almost an hour away and her job was the midpoint. It was a convenient thing —but he never truly asked her to move it, so much so that she had to pack her bags for weeks at a time. Yet, the past three hours in her own home makes her slightly uncomfortable.
Emelie sits on the edge of her bed on her phone. She sighs at a text message from Sefa. She’s not going to break up with, she loves him too much for that, but Emelie just wants him to understand that there needs to be something more.
The text message makes her smile softly.
sefa: emz, i love you so much and im sorry i haven’t made you feel like i do. but baby, you the love of my life and i promise you’ll never question it ever it again. okay? can you please come home?
Emelie sighs. A second message makes her get out of bed.
sefa: emelie, will you come home? come open the door.
A silly look passes on her face as she makes her way to her front door. She opens it slowly. Sefa stands there with a bowl. He opens it slowly and Emelie can’t help but laugh softly. In the bowl is what looks like some semblance of food, but she’s not sure what.
“I cooked you dinner, and I’m hopin’ we can eat it at home together.” Sefa gives her a sincere grin. “Emelie, forgive me baby and I’ll never take you for granted ever again.”
Emelie stares at him for a second and nods. “I forgive you, baby,”
Sefa sets the bowl down then pulls Emelie into him and plants a soft kiss on her lips. She melts into him and smiles until they pull away.
“I know this is a couple years overdue, but Emz, I want you to move in. I want you to feel comfortable. It’s always been our home and you should feel like it is.” Sefa moves her hair out of her face. “Is it a yes?”
“I just want us to have better communication,” Emelie searches his eyes. “But yes, I’ll move in with you, baby.” She smiles brightly, jumping into his arms.
“You know love is all I need”
Emelie stares into the mirror as she nitpicks her outfit. She spent over an hour trying to figure out what to wear until she landed on a little red dress Sefa bought for her years ago, she paired it with the highest heels she owns, and allowed her curls to fan out over her shoulder. Emelie smiles into the mirror. In all honesty, Sefa hinted at wanting to see her in the outfit tonight, so she obliged.
“Good enough to fuck,” she laughs at herself.
Since moving in, things have been… a work in progress. Things don’t change overnight, but Sefa is better at his communication and it’s made things easier to work on. Most days are easier than others, but five years makes you immune sometimes.
Tonight, Emelie decided to surprise him. In her sexiest outfit, she made his favorite meal, his second favorite dessert and kept his favorite dessert (her), ready to go.
Yet, the clock reads 10 and Emelie finds herself sitting alone at the dinner table. She looks down at her phone with a deep breath. She opens her text messages and sends him one message.
Emelie: hey baby, you coming home soon?
… then another fifteen minutes later.
Emelie: hey, are you okay?
… and another.
Emelie: Sefa. Just let me know you’re alive and safe.
Once the clock reads 11:45, Emelie is past the point of anger. He was supposed to be home at 8:30. She glances at her phone when he finally texts back and her jaw drops.
Sefa: damn emzzz, im otw
A ticking time bomb activates inside of her. She pushes her chair back and grabs the plates of food from the table. Emelie practically kicks down the door of the kitchen and marches to the trash can. Through the anger, she drops the food and the plates into the trash.
“He really must have me fucked up.” She grits.
Emelie paces the kitchen in hopes to calm herself down. Finally, she takes a massive breath and exits the kitchen in time to see Sefa walk through the door. Her eyes zeros in on him and he can see the anger in them.
“Baby, please, just come here.” He immediately runs towards and takes her hand. “Emz, lemme explain and I swear it’ll make sense.”
She doesn’t respond. Emelie can’t find a word to describe her anger nor her disappointment. Everything has been going so good and he goes and fucks it up like this.
“First of all, I’m sorry I ain’t text back or called before.” He cups her face. “I’m sorry about the dinner I know you cooked for us.” Sefa glances back at the table.
Emelie pouts softly as she feels the tears coming, “Sefa, what the fuck is up with you?”
“Baby, just come with me and I’ll show you.”
As hesitant as Emelie was, she followed him out to his car. It wasn’t too long of a drive and confusion knits on her face when they pull into a neighborhood. The houses are extravagant, not that Sefa’s house wasn’t already insane, but these were just insane!
Sefa opens the passenger side door and helps Emelie out.
“What are we doin’ here?” Emelie looks at him. “Whose fucking house is this?”
A look passes on Sefa’s face. He stares at Emelie then smiles, “This our house, baby.”
Emelie doesn’t move and she doesn’t say a word. Her mouth hangs open as she turns to look at it. It’s a house out of her pinterest board dreams.
“You’re fucking lying,” Emelie gasps and walks up to him. “You’re lying, is the bitch you’re fucking living here?” She jokes.
“Baby, the only person I’m fucking is you, and we live here.”
It was all too much. Emelie pulls him closer and crashes her lips onto his. The tears that were at bay earlier fall like a waterfall onto her cheek. Sefa hugs her waist tightly and hums.
“I know I’m not the easiest to love, Emelie, but you deserve this and more.” He peers into her eyes whilst holding her up. “I love you.”
Emelie rubs her nose against his, “I’ll always love, Sefa, no matter what.”
“Wanna go see inside?” Sefa whispers against her lips. “I think you gonna like the bedroom.”
Emelie bites her lip, “Of course.”
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this was very fun to write, hope you all enjoyed it x
send your request, as usual, and i'll try to get them done!
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sunflowerrosewood · 9 months ago
Jealousy Can Be a Burden ~ Tsukishima Kei
Author's Note: Since my other account @cheekyredwillow got deleted. I am adding some of my favorite fanfictions to this account and revamping this one with new ones. I hope to make an actual list of fandoms I am still a fan of! NO requests for the time being.
Warnings - some minor cursing but nothing explicit
You and Tsukishima were known to be closem You two grew up together for many years into Karasuno. You two were tied at the hip and then Yamuguchi joined. Your duo became a trio in elementary school. You remember when Tsukishima was cheerful around his brother but you also remember when he lost that spark. During that time, you tried to be comfort for him. He tended to snap at you.
When the three of you started at Karasuno, the trio began to turn into a duo. You began to blossom in your own way by joining a club surrounding your favorite activity while Yamuguchi and Tsukishima stuck with volleyball. That didn't mean you didn't come and support, you just weren't around as much.
Actually you hung around Yamuguchi more often because he would wait for you after your club and go to lunch with you. You two also were paired for a history project and found a lot of your time together. This lead to Yamuguchi learning about your crush on Tsuki. You two were at lunch and it came up.
"So Y/n, when are you coming to a practice? I usually see you at games but not too many practices." Yamuguchi asked.
"I don't want to be a distraction and it seems when I do show up, Tsuki would rather me leave. I don't want to be a bother to him." You said.
"A bother to Tsuki? I don't think that's what you'll be but why worry about that? Do you like Tsuki?" He asked as your face flushed a bright cherry red. "You do like him!"
"Shush Yamuguchi... Not so loud!" You exclaimed.
"That explains so much Y/n! Are you going to tell him?"
"No way! We've already grown a bit apart. There's no way he likes me back."
What you did not know was that Tsukishima did like you. A lot. He did not want to like you because that brought up complicated feelings. He would rather just know you as a childhood friend - nothing more. But watching you grow up beside him and more of you began to shine, he felt his heart quicken. Suddenly he wanted you to be by his side not anyone else. He even felt his heart clench when he saw you and Yamuguchi together. He usually played harder during practice if he was against Yamuguchi. Others would be shocked by this but Yamaguchi knew what was going on.
It was a week after this incident that Yamaguchi asked you to stop by and he could hand over his portion of the history project. A major game was coming up so he couldn't meet at lunch so you ended up here. You walked to the practice area and noticed the team was practicing. Yamaguchi was on the side.
"Y/n! You made it." Yamaguchi exclaimed as you ran over to him.
"I did! I came over as soon as I could. Hope you weren't waiting too long." You said as Yamaguchi chuckled.
"I wasn't waiting long. We are practicing for a while anyways." As Yamaguchi finished his sentence, you heard a loud hit and made you jump. Tsukishima had hit a ball.
"He doesn't usually hit. He usually guards?" You asked as Yamaguchi shrugged his shoulders.
"We've been getting practice in other ways. Let me grab my other part of the project."
As you waited for Yamaguchi to get back from his bag, you heard a huff behind you. You turned and Tsukishima was behind you.
"Hey Tsuki. How have you been?" You said softly.
He brushed past you and grabbed his water. He wasn't looking at you and rather was staring at the net. You weren't sure if he was lost in thought or was ignoring you. Yamaguchi came back and handed you his paper.
"Here's my other half of the project. We should be good on this. You can call me if you need any help or I can meet you after practice too?"
"I'll call you if I need help Yamaguchi. I don't think it will be that hard to combine both parts." You said as you heard another huff. You turned and Tsuki was still not looking at you but his frown had deepened.
"Hi! I'm Hinata. Who are you?" You heard a loud voice say and turned to see a bright orange haired guy behind you.
"I'm Y/n. Sorry I'm here to get the other half of my project with Yamaguchi." You said as Hinata held his hand out.
"Nice to meet you! It's okay. We don't have many visitors. Did you two know each other before Karasuno?" Hinata asked and shook your hand.
"How about we focus on practicing rather than some girl that Yamaguchi is paired with?" Tsukishima growled.
"Tsukishima you know we grew up with Y/n before this. No need to be hostile." Yamaguchi said as Hinata's eyes sparkled.
"You grew up with them?!" Hinata exclaimed.
Before you could say anything, you felt a hand wrap around your wrist and you were being dragged outside. You stumbled a bit trying to keep up. You noticed it was Tsukishima with a cold look on his face. You stumbled again which made it where Tsukishima could kabedon you against the wall outside.
"Tsukishima I didn't know all that would happen."
"Y/n why did you show up?"
"To get the other half of the project. Yamaguchi said he couldn't meet earlier so he offered me to run by practice." You said in a shocked tone.
"Is that the only reason?"
"Tsukishima I don't know what you're getting at."
"Of course you have no clue. You act so oblivious to those around you." He growled this and looked into your eyes. You could tell he was angry and hurt.
"What is going on Tsuki?"
"Y/n are you dating Yamaguchi? Do you like him?"
"No! We're just friends like usual and that's the only way I would see him."
"Then why are you around him so much and always seem to gravitate to him? You appear to be with him by this."
"Tsuki I don't like him like that. I like someone else. We just hang out a lot since we have lunch together. What is going on?"
"I hate seeing you with him and looking so happy. Looking so damn perfect with him. You rarely hang with me anymore or see me. It's like I became a ghost to you."
"Tsuki do you miss me?"
"No" He looked away from you and a blush formed.
"Tsuki if it helps in anyway, I like you. I would rather be with you but you seemed to be so focused on volleyball. I didn't want to be a bother."
"Y/n you like me?"
You watched as Tsukishima began to recognize what you said. His eyes widened and he looked down to you. You felt a blush began to form. Before you said anything, he dipped down quickly to kiss you. You kissed back immediately. The kiss felt like strong passion and longing for you. It also felt like some heat behind it as if the anger before went into the kiss. As you were kissing back, you realized he was jealous. You broke the kiss.
"Were you jealous Tsuki?" You asked as immediately he blushed.
"No. Shut up." He said as you chuckled. You stood on your tip toes and kissed his cheek. He rolled his eyes but began to smile softly.
"You're the one I want Kei. No one else." You said as he ruffled your hair.
"And you're who I want to Y/n. Meet me after practice?" He asked as you nodded your head.
You two didn't notice Yamaguchi and Hinata watching from the side. Both were grinning and Yamaguchi handed Hinata his favorite snack. The two of you shared a brief kiss before Tsukishima returned to practice.
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dinogoofymutated · 9 months ago
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Cable/GN!Reader Okay, so I'm on my Cable shit again. I found this WIP and a couple others for him and GODDD UGH I'm so fucking obsessed. Love a good danger room sparring scene so this one was just for fun ;) I'd consider it part of the tender moments series I have going on, but you don't need to read the other two to understand this one. TWS: Kinda spicy, no smut. Making out, sparring, Nate being an absolute goofball in his own way. Caught by the parents trope (sorry Scott). Short but cute.
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    Cable’s gun was smoking by the time the two of you cleared the last level of the danger room, and you were having the time of your life. You were tired, sure. But there was just something about the danger room that gave you such an adrenaline rush, and you were sure it might just be that you don’t actually have to worry about dying in here compared to real fights (mostly, at least). 
    You were having fun, but that didn’t mean you didn’t have a plan to excite the day a little further.
    “Alright, Last level finished. We should clear out for the others.” Cable says to you, switching the safety on his gun as he sets it to the side, stretching his arms and shoulders.
    “Well, actually…” You don’t even have to finish the thought, Nathan raising an eyebrow at you as he stands up to his full height, crossing his arms at you.
    “Seriously? You requested extra time to spar?” He asks, and even though he’s frowning, you can tell he’s poking fun at you. You shrug at him, looking up at him with an excited smile on your face.
    “Yeah? Why not?” You ask, knowing full well that you had never sparred with Nathan before despite the many years the two of you have been a team. Nate lets out an amused hum, looming before you as he squares his shoulders.
    “You realize that I’m twice your size, right?” Nathan says, an amused smile on his face.
    “And? Come on Nate, It’s not like I haven't fought someone your size before.” You tell him, and it makes Nathan laugh.
    “You mean the times I had to step in to save your sorry ass?” He says, causing your smile to drop into a pout as you start to deny it, just for him to flood your mind with somewhat embarrassing memories of him doing just that.
    “I- would you cut that out!” You scold, slapping his arm just to immediately try to hide the fact that it hurt- the sting of the metal a sharp pain across your palm. He chuckles at the action anyway- but you’ve never been a quitter.
     “-It’s starting to sound like you’re just making excuses, old man.” You say instead, and his eyes narrow at the name. He tilts his head at you with a dry expression like he’s asking if you're absolutely sure you want to play this game today, only for you to stubbornly meet his gaze with a defiant smirk.
    He doesn't stop to reply, instead immediately rushing you.
    He catches you off-guard at first, taking the breath out of you for a moment before you’re quickly ducking under his arms. Escaping him before he can get a good grip on you. If there was one thing that always surprised you, it was how Nathan managed to be so quick despite his huge stature. It’s hard to go blow to blow with him due to the size difference between the two of you, but you manage to get more than a few good hits in. You don’t know how long the two of you spar for, but when Nate finally kicks your legs out from underneath you and pins you to the ground, you’re too tired to fully fight back.
    The two of you are heaving, grinning at each other as your gaze stays locked, and even though you’re outmatched, you’re still unwilling to give up. Nathan gives you a judging stare as he hears the thought, unable to understand why you’re just so stubborn. Sure, he technically had bested you- calling just about every move you made down to the T due to his abilities, but you found that the best way to take Nathan by surprise was to act on impulse. 
    “Don’t be stubborn. You know you’ve been-” Nate lets out a surprised noise as you cut him off with a kiss, dragging him down closer to you by his broad shoulders. He’s stiff and surprised for a moment before he relaxes into the kiss. You had originally planned for this to be a distraction, but lord knows that you should have realized you would quickly be too caught up in the feeling of him against you to remember or care about what you were doing before.
    Nathan nips at your lips as one of his hands slides under your back to support you, the other keeping himself propped up against the tile floors. You let him take charge in the kiss as your hands wander up and down his clothed chest, drifting down to yank his shirt out of his belt so that you can touch his bare abdomen instead. Nate sighs into the kiss, adjusting so that he can press his knee against your core, causing you to moan into the kiss as his hand begins to slide your shirt off and he begins to kiss down your jaw and neck, just barely beginning to ravish you completely when the door slides open with a swish.
    “WOAH!” A voice calls out from the doorway, one you recognize instantly. You and Nathan separate, both startled by the sudden intrusion. Scott quickly covers his sunglass-covered eyes he looks away, embarrassed. You swear that you and Nate had never separated so quickly before, trying to make yourselves proper as you stand up and turn to face his young father.
    “I was- Uh, I was going to tell you two that dinner was ready.” Scott stutters out, still covering his eyes.
    “Oh! I didn't notice how long we had been in here!” You ramble, nervously fidgeting with your hands as you pretend to check the time. “Thank you for coming to get us.” You continue nervously, knowing for a fact you were only digging your hole deeper. Maybe once you’re done digging you can lie down inside of it and die from this horrible embarrassment.
    Thank him or apologize or something! You think pointedly at Cable while you're standing there, and all he does is give you an incredulous look.
    I’m not doing -either-. He interrupted us! Nathan tells you, returning the thought without so much as speaking a word.
    That’s because we were about to- You can't bring yourself to finish the sentence, blushing intensely at the images you think of as you picture exactly what you wanted him to do to you on the danger room floor. You see a light blush rise to Nathan’s cheeks too, despite his ever-grumpy expression. -WAIT!- Not the point! It- Damnit! PUBLIC space, Nathan! Public space!!! Damn your stupid intrusive thoughts! You know you’re completely flustered and embarrassed, unable to actually believe that you were just walked in on by Nathan’s young father.
    Scott finally turns to leave for a moment, and you feel the tension in your shoulders let up a bit when the doors slide shut, only for your anxiety to spark immediately after when the doors swoosh open again, Scott still standing there with his eyes covered.
    “I, uh, since you’re both grown adults and everything, I assume I don’t need to give you the talk, Right?” Scott asks, and if you could shrivel up and die right at this moment in time, you would gladly do so.
    “Oh my god.” You sat, covering your red face.
    “No, Dad! Could you just leave already?!” Nathan finally yells, and for a moment you wonder if all this embarrassment you’re feeling is coming from him, too. Scott nods vigorously, letting out a quiet, “Yeah, Yup.” as he quickly and finally leaves the room. 
    Both of you let out a sigh of relief when he’s gone, still embarrassed to the very core at bening caught like that.
    “Jesus Christ, we look like a couple of horny teens or something, getting caught like that.” You mumble after a long pause, trying to shake it off. You hear Nathan snort from next to you, and you give him a confused look. 
    “Who’s we?” He asks. You roll your eyes and he lets out an amused huff at the sight.
    I’ve seen every corner of your mind, Sweetpea. You can’t hide your thoughts from me. Nate tells you, flashing the images of some of your dirtiest and most inappropriate thoughts about him in your mind. You were sure there was so much blood rushing to your face at this point that it was about to explode.
    “Would you, please, stop that!”
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snake-bite-piercing · 4 months ago
Yandere cafe 2
I'll link part 1 here
It had been a week after visiting the cafe across the street. You were contemplating going there again. The sweets they had weren't bad and you didn't really get to see everything they had to offer.
You went to the cafe again during your lunch break. This time it was more crowded than the last time you were here. You were seated at a small two person booth. This time you decided to just get a cup of coffee.
They handed you the same paper as last time. Your eyes scanned the paper again to refresh your memory. You decided to go for Alexander, he didn't seem so bad.
After finishing your coffee, you placed the paper under the cup with a tip and got up to leave. On your way out, you say your waiter pick up the paper and rush to the back.
The rest of the day was busy for you. Many worried people came in with sick animals or animals needing cleaning. You had to stay an extra few minutes to finish up the last fur baby that needed treatment. You didn't mind though you loved your job.
When you did finish you were the last person left so it was your job to close up. You checked if all the lights were off, no ACS were on, and you locked all the windows. As you were locking the door you turned around and bumped into someone.
You looked up, and your eyes locked with a tall man with a nervous expression. He has a solid build and beautiful dark brown hair.
"Sorry, we just closed the shop but will open tomorrow at 8." You said to him as you put your keys away. You felt his gaze on you and didn't know what to do. "I'm Alexander from the cafe across the street. You picked me, right?" he said, sounding unsure.
You were shocked that he was standing there in front of you. You thought you would have had to wait a while before meeting him. "Oh, sorry I didn't think we would meet this fast. I thought there would be a line of people before we ever met." you blurted out.
"Actually, there is but we get to pick who we prefer to go out with. Most people aren't kind to the waiters. But you were." You blushed a bit at what he said. "So, you picked me?" you asked him, "Yes!" he answered quickly, "I mean yeah."
"I brought you these." You looked at the small bouquet of flowers he was holding. You hadn't noticed them until now. You grabbed them and quickly said "Thank you... Should I give you my number so we can stay in contact?" He nodded his head and you guys exchanged numbers.
When you got home you had a conversation with him via messages. You both decided to go to an amusement park during the weekend.
It was already Sunday, and you were getting ready to go out. When you made it to the amusement park, you saw Alexnder standing near a ticket booth. He had already gotten you guys more than enough tickets.
You guys started at the bumper cars, then worked your way to the roller coaster. He went on most of them though. The date was going well, and you were generally having fun. He asked you a bit about your work. He seemed to actually care about what you had to say.
As your date was coming to an end you guys passed by a pull up challenge bar. Alexander quickly rushed over to it. The rules were simple hang on for two minutes to win a prize.
"Which prize do you want?" he asked looking over all the big stuffed animals. "Why are you so sure you'll win?" the man who set the game up asked. As Alexander rolled up his sleeves he said, "This will be a piece of cake."
Even though it was only for two minutes the timer went down slowly. Alexander was able to stay on for the first minute. Then the bar started shaking. You could tell he was having a bit of a hard time holding on. But Alexander was still able to hold on for the whole two minutes.
Just to show off he did a pull up. "So, you decided which one you wanted?" he said proudly. You laughed a bit at how cocky he was being and went to grab the big bear stuffed animal. Alexander held it for you. "Can I drive you home?" he asked pointing towards his card.
You agreed and watched him put your prize in the back seat. You didn't live far from the amusement park, so it wasn't a long drive. When parked his car in front of your house, you didn't remember telling him where you lived. Maybe you did but you forgot about it, so you let it go.
"Thanks for driving me home Alexander," you said. "It's really no problem, but you can call me Alex."
He carried the stuffed animal to your door, and you quickly brought it inside. You heard him blurt out "I had fun today." You smiled at him and said, "Yeah me too, maybe next time we can get dinner." His eye lit up and he had a big smile on his face.
"Next time? So does that mean you want to go out again?" You giggled then gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. "Good night, Alex," you said and went inside.
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zylphiacrowley · 2 months ago
Then v Now
Tagged by @sailor-artemis @gatheredfates and @disaster-husbun Thank you friends~! ♥
I will tag uhhhhh..... @golmorehotgirl @lilas @this-is-ris @e-nishka-aosh and @stalwart-spirit
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^ 12/2020 (apparently?) || 12/2024 v
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So uhhhhh... storytime I guess.
A long time ago (I think this would've been when StB or maybe even HW was current) I bought a prebuilt "gaming" PC (mistake). To test it's capabilities I decided I would run the benchmark for whatever expansion was current at that time (don't ask me why this was my first train of thought, I don't claim to know the inner workings of my own mind)... it failed. Like miserably. Like if the bench could audibly laugh at me I think it would've. No matter, I hate MMOs and didn't plan to play it anyway, I just wanted to test it. I went on my merry way with my shitass "gaming" PC (that didn't last long anyway because it really was just a glorified paperweight).
Several years (and a new custom built PC) later, I was scrolling tumblr, as you do, and I kept seeing this red haired catboy and I was like "I don't know who this catboy is, but I wish only the best for him" then I found out that he was from XIV and that XIV had a "Free trial up to level 60 including the award winning expansion, Heavensward", so I was like, "Eh, I should try out the benchmark again see if I can run it. Also I enjoy a good character creator so I'll make a character give it a go and probably stop once I finish all the free content." Oh..... oh you sweet summer child... Anyway because I was not seriously considering playing this game for the long run, I was like "heehee I make an old catman because old man protag is unusual for SE game so is a bit sillay." I ran him all the way through ARR with people calling him "lad" and "boy" before I decided I couldn't stand it anymore and I spent my free fantasia to shoot him with the lazerbeam of youth. Woe, youth be upon ye catboy.
Now, did I need a friend to pretty much hold my hand all through ARR and HW because I was literally shaking with anxiety every time I queued for literally any content in the game? ...................I mean, yeah (thank you for being patient with me Lambs, as I made you run a bby sprout through probably mind-numbingly boring content for you at the time). But look at me now! I can queue as a DPS without crying the whole time I'm sitting in queue! Progress babeeeeeeeee!
It wasn't until this year (or late last year, I forget) that I actually got up the courage to start posting more stuff about my catboy (and my ship... especially my ship I still get sort of self-conscious about posting ship stuff but I enjoy it so I keep doing it anyway) and through doing so I've met soooooooo many wonderful friends in the community! I love seeing and learning about other people's WoLs, OCs, and ships, so I have been thriving getting to know everyone!
It has been an honor getting to share fandom space with so many fantastic people! I hope in 2025 I get to know even more about everyone's characters, and maybe even meet new people!
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guthraiel · 15 days ago
officially finished kcd 2 so now im gonna complete the younger hans and henry meeting fic and some art wips i have because my brain is overtaken by this game HOLY FUCK
(spoilers under cut but its just my rambling mentioning the ending and some plottwists really)
ive been a hansry truther since the first game in the sense that henry is sooo clearly a bisexual loser and so is hans. imo the two most logical choices for henry's romance are hans and theresa, who, in each of the games they're romancable in are the ones who henry has known and trusted longest. theresa in KCD 1 is his childhood friend, the one person who shares his survivors guilt and the memories of skalitz. while in KCD 2 hans is the one person who has been with henry throughout this whole thing and never really left his side (excluding the arguement at the start and the various kidnappings and being taken hostage)
like either way imo those are the most 'cannon' romances to henry and i really wish kcd 2 adressed the existence of theresa a bit. she's by far the most interesting woman in the franchise since warhorse does lowkey struggle to write women in a way that's logical. i mean the way every female around henry throws herself at him except his main LI's who all follow some version of the girlboss trope is... man come on. i actually do really like both rosa and katherine, but i think there could've been just a teensy bit more done with them
also like what the fuck is up with henry's mother. idk if her name or any personality being excluded is meant to be an artistic choice to show how henry remembers her as just 'mom' and ignores any other part of her character but like wtf. both radzig and martin get names, a backstory and a deep relationship with henry while his mother is just. there. i get that this is the 15th century but in the first game it's clear in the tutorial that hal and his mom are CLOSE like i wish we got to see a bit more of that tbh
i have words to say about samuel as a character but none of them are appropriate for tumblr so i will abstain. tldr i actually like him a lot henry getting a brother-butnotreally is actually really sweet. like despite the fact that he lost his family and everything dear to him there is still someone who cares about him in a familial way. i hope we'll het to see more of him in some of the upcoming dlcs although i doubt it since he can technically die during the game (and i'm pretty sure in a canon run you should leave him behind)
okay last point to the characters is one ive had since kcd 1 but THE NAMESSS WHY ARE THEY NAMED THATTT
henry of skalitz my ass bro THAT'S JINDRA 😭😭 jindříšek even!! like i get that ř may have been an issue but just have him be jindra instead of jindřich then???
hans capon is just a bit silly like jan ptáček could be a pronouncable name, not to mention there is SO many characters named jan already so even Jan Capon i could lowkey get behind more
also i do fully believe non czech speakers miss out on the game a bit, there are parts of bg dialogue that are in czech and add just a bit of humour and immersion to the game (like in taverns, markets or during henry's nightmare in suchdol where the skalitz/maleshov people hiss 'you killed us')
okay ttldr this game is really good i just needed to yap since my friends whove finished it dont share any of my sentiments
if u have thoughts to share please do im curious what impression others got
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bumblebeehug · 5 months ago
Some of their own
Summary: Babysitting and a bit of reflection of a past encounter is just the kick Natsu needs to get started on thinking about his future. Notes: At the end. Nalu Week 2023 day 7. Prompt: New Adventures. Ao3
For being a mom of three kids, Levy was weirdly calm. Lucy realised that as she spent time with her friend: she was rusty at the beginning, sure, she had two newborns to take care of and she was completely new to everything, but she had a very involved, very loving father to the children, and also what many people didn’t always consider to incorporate – a community that helped her whenever she asked. This community included, but was not limited to, the guild.
Currently, she and Lucy sat and enjoyed their lunch together, as Gajeel and Natsu sat one table away. Gajeel was caring for his and Levy’s latest addition to the family, Akane, while Natsu kept Kanetatsu and Kanae entertained. Though they would never admit it, and would absolutely hate to hear it – Natsu and Gajeel worked well as a team. Gajeel had all the actual parenting down, he did well with the fostering and the diapers and feeding, while Natsu had a natural talent when it came to entertaining. His skills shouldn’t be underestimated: to actually engage with the kids and play in a way that keeps the games enjoyable was surprisingly hard. Natsu, however, was a natural. He knew exactly what ideas were perfect for their preferences, Kanetatsu preferring more wilderness games (he was going through an obsession with ancient reptiles) and Kanae loved Natsu’s story-driven games. She preferred to play pretend, that she was on a mission like the ones her mom and dad went on. And of course, Natsu would be the star of the show by narrating it.
Lucy liked watching him with children. Natsu was otherwise the type of guy you’d want to keep away – having a pyromaniac with no sense of safety around a couple of toddlers wasn’t ideal, but his entire demeanour shifted around kids. She had known this for quite some time. Back when they first met she only got to see a sliver of Natsu’s persona around kids, and that was through Romeo. Still, sliver or not, she definitely saw it. A brotherly connection based on safety and trust, not wavering a second as Natsu went to save his dad from the Vulcans. And after the seven years on Tenrou Island, she got to see it again – Natsu creating an environment where Asuka could both play and learn. It wasn’t the ideal day for them to babysit, considering the fact that bandits attacked them, but not only did Natsu put Asuka’s safety first, but he also engaged her to act and help in the ways she could. Though in Lucy’s opinion the danger in that situation was way too close for comfort.
“... And I was thinking we could go check it out tomorrow after lunch?” Lucy’s attention was brought back to Levy, the scene of Natsu and Gajeel and the kids fading back into the background.
“Sorry, check out what?”
Levy smiled knowingly.
“Something other than Natsu for once.” She winked at her. “The new bookstore that opened on the square. I checked their inventory, and they’re gonna sell your book there, so I thought you’d like to say hi to the owners.”
“Oh yeah absolutely! Meet me at 1 by the fountain?” Lucy finished her drink with a sweeping motion. Levy nodded approvingly and then tilted her head.
“Hey, Lucy… Wouldn’t it be nice if you had one?”
Lucy blinked in confusion.
“A bookstore?”
“No,” Levy laughed, “a kid. It’s a lot less diapers than you think – take it from me, I had two at once.”
Lucy felt her cheeks warm up.
“Well I think I’d need someone to have it with, before I start thinking about diapers.” She let out an airy laugh. But she knew that Levy meant with Natsu. And judging by the shifting eyes Lucy could see in her periphery, Natsu was paying attention to their conversation.
“Don’t you think it’s time to start thinking about it though? We always said our kids would be as close as we are, but I’m not sure how many more I can produce before we run out of money here.” Levy giggled, but Lucy knew she was serious. It wasn’t easy being the single friend in a friend group – even harder being a single friend in a mom group.
“Well, I guess I’ll have to adopt if I’m not knocked up within a year,” Lucy joked, now being more or less desperate to steer the conversation away from the topic of babies. She did, however, pay attention to Natsu’s face. Though she only saw it in profile, she knew he had been listening. There was something in his eyes, perhaps the way they didn’t really seem focused on the task ahead of him, that revealed the many thoughts running through his head.
Their current relationship was messy. Too intimate to be friends, too friendly to be lovers. But Lucy knew she wasn’t the only one thinking about them. The last couple of years, Natsu had been more present, more grounded in their conversations. Like he was soaking up everything Lucy said or did, and savoured that information like treasure. Lucy had noticed it, but she knew that not many else had. Levy included. Because in public and at the guild, they were completely normal. Talked about missions, kept their routines, went on team missions with Erza, Wendy and Gray whenever they got the chance (which wasn’t as often nowadays – Gray’s fault, since he rarely went anywhere without Juvia). But behind closed doors they allowed themselves some secret moments. Movie nights cuddling, hugs from behind while the other’s cooking, Natsu fiddling with Lucy’s left hand’s fingers while she was reading (the right hand had to be free so she could turn pages). There were lots of moments like those, but none that could be pinned down and refused in a “I only do that with guys I’m in a relationship with!”-manner.
Her thoughts were soon interrupted by the cries from Levy’s youngest. As they stirred around, Levy rushing to Gajeel and Akane, Natsu picking up both toddlers on each hip to get them away from knocking over bottles and wet wipes and other miscellaneous items, Lucy found herself drawn to Natsu. She could blame it on wanting to unload him from one of the kids, but they both knew he could manage carrying them both. Lucy should have brought her and Levy’s empty dishes to Mira, to minimise the risk of anything falling down on the floor, but instead she grabbed a handful of toys from the bag Gajeel had packed, and started giving them to Kanetatsu and Kanae, letting them choose from the soft, colourful figurines.
“You want that one?” Lucy asked Kanae, not expecting an answer from her. Kanetatsu had already picked his toy – a boar-like stuffed animal. “How about we go to the library and play? I’ll bring the toys and uncle Natsu will take you downstairs, okay?”
Natsu grinned broadly and started moving towards the stairs, roughhousing them a little to keep their interest. Levy sent Lucy a thankful smile before she went back to focus on the poopy diaper. Lucy took it as approval of the impromptu babysitting and grabbed the bag and a couple of water bottles before hurrying after Natsu and the kids – even if Levy said kids weren’t as stressful as they seemed, Lucy had yet to take her word for it.
In the library, Natsu managed to get both kids to stay on the carpet. Lucy swore she had heard something about the floor being lava, but the kids seemed too calm for that to be true. She quickly sorted out the toys from the actual useful items in the nursery bag and poured them out on the carpet.
“Aunty, play kingdom!” Kanae blubbered and started clearing out a space for the characters to live. Natsu and Kanetatsu swiftly gathered round, eyeing the toys they wanted to use.
“Alright, I’ll be the princess-knight then.” She grabbed the figure of a princess with a big poofy dress. They didn’t actually have a toy that looked like a knight, so this one sufficed once she held a small, toy sword against the plush princess-hand. “Do we want to start from the beginning or pick up where we left it last time?”
When the twins were just 2 years old, Lucy had created a make believe game with medieval themes – knights, princesses, dragons, kings and queens, evil trolls under bridges etc. Ever since, Kanae swore that it was the best game ever, though Lucy knew she preferred watching Natsu’s hot pepper eating contests. Natsu wasn’t actually bothered by the chilies, but he was good at acting out different stages of spice levels. When eating the hottest one he liked setting his tongue on fire, to demonstrate how terrible it was to eat it.
That, however, was beside the point. Even if it wasn’t the absolute best game, the kids still loved it. Natsu did as well, but for other reasons. He was captivated by Lucy’s story telling. All characters in the game were so different – some reminded him of guild mates, some of her spirits, others were more like people they had met briefly on missions. It was like she knew everything about everyone she met, inside out. Their dreams, their past, their reasonings behind certain behaviours. Her ability to read people was beyond great, and that reflected in her books and games. All stories she told, big and small, were taken seriously by her.
“From the beginning!” The little girl almost shouted out her answer, but her brother was quick to protest.
“No, from the part when the dragon eats the troll!”
Lucy held in a sigh. The twins played well together when they were on the same page, but as soon as their opinions didn’t align, their heads would butt together in disagreement. Their fights would often get both loud and violent – it wasn’t hard to figure out which parent had given them that temperament.
Before the twins began their screaming contest, and before Lucy had the opportunity to defuse the situation, Natsu had grabbed the princess-doll in his left hand and the troll in his right and started shouting.
“RAAAH, your fight is pointless, the troll has already taken the princess-knight hostage! Aunt Lucy, what’s gonna happen?” He flailed his arms around to somehow demonstrate the motion of the troll stealing the queen. Lucy sent a quick glance towards Kanae to make sure she wasn’t upset over Natsu picking Kanetatsu’s storyline – with no tears in sight she put on her best storytelling voice and got to work.
“Oh no!” Lucy exclaimed in a light voice. “The troll has taken me and the amazing ninja-wizards are nowhere to be seen!” She was relieved to see the twins scramble together their characters so they could join in – they had accepted the game.
“The two ninja-wizards hurried across the continent as they heard the queen’s cries,” Lucy read in a deeper voice. “They ran through forests, rode over deserts on camels, climbed mountains and jumped over rivers that were over 20 feet wide! And with their amazing speed, they arrived in only fifteen minutes!”
Levy waited a moment before making a noise. She had finally gotten Akane back to sleep after cradling her for the last hour. Gajeel was currently on watch, keeping the pram moving, which gave Levy an opportunity to check in on the twins and her two friends watching them.
As she observed her best friend and her pink haired situationship, her heart ached a little. She wanted Lucy to be the happiest version of herself – she wanted all good fortune to reach her, for all her dreams and desires to come true. And she wanted her to experience that one true love. For years, Levy and Lucy had read romance novels that described all kinds of relationships. Enemies to lovers, soulmates, friends to lovers, and all beyond and between. If Levy allowed herself to brag, she would say she won the jackpot. She had found her true love, she had experienced the full story. But in a way, that wasn’t enough for her. Levy took all her relationships seriously, both her familial, romantic and her platonic ones. If a friend of hers was hurting, then so would she. Now, that didn’t mean she thought Lucy was hurting from her relationship with Natsu – the opposite, actually. She was certain that Natsu made Lucy the happiest version of herself, which was only strengthening her resolve to get the pair together soon.
If you asked anyone else about Natsu’s and Lucy’s relationship, they would claim that they were staying out of their business. Levy, however, knew that those people were kidding themselves. Everyone waited for the day they would get together, when Lucy and Natsu finally would release the guild from the tension that had been built up from the constant expectations that lay heavy in the air. It hadn’t passed anyone’s attention that they loved each other. It hadn’t passed anyone on the entire continent – the two of them were meant to be.
Still, somehow their mutual feelings went past each other’s heads. The line between what was friendly and what meant something more had been so blurred that Levy wasn’t even sure if they could tell the distinction. For all she knew, they could have gone all the way, still thinking the other one didn’t love them back. Of course, if they had done that Lucy would have told her. Everything Natsu did eventually went past Levy – unless Lucy promised to keep a secret, she would tell her everything.
“Hey there babysitters.” Levy’s voice startled Lucy, who had been caught up trying to storytell herself out of a corner that Natsu had pushed her into. (Being surrounded by wild boars and having no armour, plus the two wizard-ninja-characters being locked up in a cell. Plus, Natsu’s dragon character had surrounded the princess-knight with a wildfire. Surely she could manage to get out of this situation without pulling the saved-by-the-dragon-card…)
“Hey Levy,” Natsu answered, himself not as startled since he had both smelled and heard her standing by the door watching them. “Ya’ got the baby to calm down?”
“Yeah, thanks for your help. Kanetatsu, Kanae, say thank you to aunty for playing with you, it’s time to go home.” Levy crouched down with a smile, catching the kids who charged right at her as soon as she finished her sentence.
“Thanks,” they mumbled in chorus. Levy sent a smile towards Lucy who handed her the bag that contained the toys they had played with.
“Don’t forget, bookstore tomorrow after lunch.”
“I won’t, I’m looking forward to it. Be safe on your way home!” Lucy waved goodbye to her blue haired friend. When she was out of sight, Lucy turned to Natsu, who had been standing right behind her during the parting.
“So, what’s for dinner?” A big grin was plastered on his face as he looked down on her. Their height difference wasn’t very big, but when they stood this close she almost felt like he was towering over her.
“We just had lunch and you’re already thinking about dinner?” Lucy asked, baffled, as she still felt stuffed from her meal.
“Ya’ gotta look forward to life’s pleasures,” Natsu argued. Lucy just scoffed.
“Well I suppose you can pick out dinner tonight, we have to buy groceries anyways. Someone’s been eating all the leftovers I’ve been saving.”
“I don’t get that leftover stuff. How can there be food left from one night of cooking?” Natsu put his arms behind his head. They had started heading home and were just leaving the building, Lucy taking the lead.
“Normally people don’t eat four portions in one go, that’s how.” She looked back at him, slowing her pace so she could walk beside him. “Though I guess I should thank you. I don’t exactly love reheated stuff.”
“Hah,” Natsu laughed curtly, “I know ya’ don’t! That’s why I ate it for ya’!”
“Oh, as if! Don’t act like you did me a favour!” She playfully hit his arm.
The sky was just shifting from blue to orange, making the sun give off a golden shine. Natsu looked good in gold. He looked good in all colours, but Lucy found him especially beautiful, lit up by the sun as if he was one of its rays. His skin had a healthy glow, his brown complexion mingling perfectly with the sunshine. Adding his gorgeous, sculpted profile to the mixture was almost too much for Lucy. Her knees wobbled a little, and she made herself look away before she truly melted.
After stopping by the store, the two of them were on their way to Lucy’s apartment. She almost made a mental note of how much money she put out for the food, but reminded herself that Natsu had been the one to pay this time. It was only fair, according to him, but Lucy felt bad either way. Even if he owed her this much, she still wanted to pay for the things in her own fridge. This once, though, she swallowed her pride and let him pay. It was nice to be cared for as well – he was even currently carrying the bags for her.
Natsu loved how independent Lucy was, he really did. However, sometimes he wanted her to be a bit more selfish. Ask for more. She was always the first to offer her seat on a full train, the first to give up her comfort for someone else’s. Even today, Natsu had to argue for five minutes before being allowed to carry both of the bags. He ended up spurting out claims to “need it for passive training” even though he knew it sounded stupid – Lucy couldn’t give up without a fight. Though he reminded himself that that too was a trait he was fond of. Her spirit was unwavering, and that could be quite helpful on missions.
That woman was truly remarkable, he caught himself thinking. He would have blushed, but thankfully it wasn’t as visible on his tanned skin. Besides, as a fire wielding mage, being bothered by having a hot face would have been quite silly. But the truth remained – he was completely smitten by his friend. Always catching himself in a longing gaze, following her movements and being at her beck and call if anything were to happen. It was as if his senses had tuned in with her existence. If she smelled differently, or if her smell faded, Natsu was the first to know. If she was shivering, he felt himself drawn to her like a magnet, like he had to fulfil his job of warming her up. If she made a sound, Natsu tuned out all other sounds. He didn’t even do this consciously – it was just part of life.
He recalled the day they had. He woke up with Lucy in his arms, ate breakfast with her, washed up in her bathroom and went to the guild with her. He spent the entire day in her vicinity, hanging out with the mates she hung out with, eating beside her, having a midday nap with his head in her lap, and then the babysitting. How he loved to hear her voice, no matter the things she was saying – the chirpy, singing tune that felt as natural to his ears as the sound of birdsong. Calming even, with a soothing effect on his mind. The fact that the voice was telling elaborate stories of ninja-heroes with magic powers and villains that could create volcanic eruptions out of nowhere was only a small detail – the content of her words barely mattered as long as he could hear her speak.
After getting released from babysitting duties, the two of them had continued to spend the day together. The trip to the grocery store wasn’t exactly exciting on its own – there was uncooked food and bright ceiling lights, none of them things that Natsu spent his day longing for. However, within this unappealing territory, a secret hid. The actual content of the store never became any more appealing, but walking along the aisles with Lucy was like entering a different world. A world where the two of them could stay together like this always, doing small, mundane tasks and still feeling fulfilled. In this world Lucy would ask about toothpaste preference, what type of coffee he wanted to have in the morning, despite her not drinking coffee, and she’d tell him off for only picking snacks that fit his own tastes. But he wouldn’t mind a little scolding, because at the end of the day, it was the fact that they were shopping together that made things special. She was making small changes in her kitchen so he could feel at home – that’s the world he never wanted to leave.
Currently, Lucy was patting down her pockets in search of her apartment key. He could see them in the back pocket of her shorts, but he didn’t bother mentioning it, since she would find them soon enough. He did, however, take this opportunity to tease her a little.
“Ya’ sure ya’ wanna stand out here and let the milk sour?” He grinned when he saw her whip her head around, her face clad with a scowl.
“I literally have the key in my hand, could you be any less patient?” Natsu could just make out that she rolled her eyes as she turned back around and unlocked the door. He was first to enter, still snickering from the teasing.
“You start chopping the vegetables, I need a shower.” Lucy shivered as she thought of the abundance of toddler-drool that must have been clinging to her body the past hours. Natsu confirmed her commando with a nod and started putting the food they wouldn’t cook with in the fridge. 
By now he knew her kitchen by heart. That too was one of those things he felt fond of. To be allowed in her space, trusted with her items – not everyone had the privilege. Her team could be allowed in as guests, granted permission to make themselves at home, but it didn’t really compare with what Natsu could do in her home. He had his own coffee cup, his assigned seat at the kitchen table and in her couch, his toothbrush was allowed in the same cup as hers in the bathroom, and hygiene products had their own little designated places in her cabinet over the sink. He had a drawer in her dresser, snacks in her kitchen, a place to put his sandals as he entered her hallway. He even liked to think that she saved some space on the left side of her bed for him to cuddle up against her at night, even if she pretended to dislike it.
But it wasn’t just her apartment that he had the privilege to share with her. Not just the physical, practical stuff. She always seemed to fit Natsu into her life, whether it regarded an empty chair beside her at the guild, or an open lap for his head to rest on the train. She opened up all conversations she had, for Natsu to join. He couldn’t see her purposefully ignoring or shutting him out if he tried – but now that he was thinking about it, he also realised that it went both ways. Time spent apart from her was time spent in vain. He couldn’t enjoy himself without her by his side.
“Do ya’ ever wonder how Nasha’s doin’?” Lucy looked up at Natsu who had broken the silent atmosphear, her fork stuck in the air between her plate and her face.
“Edo-Lucy’s kid?” She asked, confused as to why he’d ask her this out of nowhere.
Lucy tried to understand what he was asking for, but his facial expression was vague, not serving her any clues.
“Well…” she began, putting down her fork to think. “I suppose I sometimes think of her, but I’m sure she’s fine. Lucy and Natsu are really good parents, after all.” She couldn’t help but blush when she used their names in that context. She didn’t consider herself to be naive anymore – she could handle talking about their Edolas counterparts and their lifestyles as parents without stuttering and stumbling over her words. That didn’t mean she didn’t still feel a bit affected by the implications. She and Natsu rarely spoke about relationships and intimacy with each other, so naturally her face would get hotter if he brought up a subject like this.
“Guess you’re right,” Natsu said, still seeming lost in thought.
“What brought it on? Have you been thinking about the quest recently?”
It took a minute for him to answer.
“No, it’s more like… I’ve sorta been thinkin’ of my future?” Lucy nodded a little – it was clear to her that he had been thinking hard about it. Normally he seemed so content to just live in the moment, taking life one day at a time, but she knew it wasn’t as simple as that, not even for him. He too had goals beyond just having a good next meal. “Ya’ know, ever since I reunited with Igneel I’ve tried to keep my promise, to keep looking into the future.”
He was looking down at his plate as he spoke. Any time Igneel became the topic of the conversation, he became very aware of the fact that he would never see him again. He knew Lucy could see how talking about him troubled him, and he’d rather not look straight into her eyes as he did. It would definitely open the dams and clog up his throat – right now he wanted to keep his train of thought.
“I guess I’ve just been thinking about what I’m missing.” He frowned, realising that’s not exactly what he meant. “The Edo-versions of us seemed so happy when we met them. And Gajeel and Levy have been weirdly happy ever since they had kids. So I guess I’ve been a bit envious.”
Lucy smiled. She knew how he felt, she really did. Having a big, loving family had been a lifelong dream, so seeing people achieve exactly that before she even had her first kiss riddled her with jealousy at times.
“But do you really think a baby would fill that space?” She asked. Natsu scratched his head. He had already thought about that, analysed their families to really pin-point the differences. The result? Natsu had everything that Levy and Gajeel and Edo-Lucy and Edo-Natsu had, except for kids. He had a home, he had friends, he had a loving guild, and he shared an amazing bond with someone he’d consider his life partner. There really was nothing else.
“It’s the only part that’s missing,” he ended up answering.
“Don’t you want a girlfriend first?” A wife, she wanted to add, but silenced herself.
“Why would I need one? I have you.”
Lucy blushed a little but tried to laugh him off.
“Natsu, you realise that I can’t get pregnant out of thin air, right?” She glanced up at him through her bangs. Was he pouting?
“I know how babymaking works,” he said to her, shifting in his seat. He knew he had started the conversation, but it was taking an awkward direction. Lucy looked like she finally understood what he was hinting at, her mouth dropping slightly agape.
“I... N-natsu! Are you suggesting we…?” She couldn’t finish her sentence before he abruptly interrupted her. 
“I want a child.”
Lucy shrieked. Was this man hearing himself?
“I’m ready,” he continued.
“Well, I’m not! Hold on a second Natsu, have you really thought this through?” She crossed her arms over her chest.
“What’s with you? It’s not like we gotta make one right this second.”
“No kidding!”
The blush on Lucy’s face was spreading down her neck. She hurried to take a few deep breaths before Natsu sputtered out more nonsense.
“Look, it’s not that I would hate having a family with you,” she began, deliberately avoiding the dark eyes that were drilling through her. “It’s the part where you and I would make a family, that would be weird. I need romantic love to be involved in that process.”
Natsu observed her as she squirmed in her chair. Was she really this dense?
“Naturally there’d be love involved. What do you take me for?” He deadpanned.
“No, Natsu, I could only do that stuff with my boyfriend, you know that.”
Of course he knew that. He had been listening to her go on about her ideal boyfriend for years, he knew that hypothetical man inside and out.
“Couldn’t that be me though?”
Lucy frantically searched his face for any sign that he was pulling her leg. This had to be a joke – no way was this discussion happening over her dinner table on a normal Thursday.
“Are you asking me out…?” She felt herself blush harder as she voiced the thought.
“I s’pose I am,” he grinned at their odd predicament.
“Does that mean that you love me?” Lucy’s eyes were big as saucers.
“Of course I do.”
“Romantically, I mean. Not like a friend or team mate.” She cringed at her words, but she couldn’t afford mistaking him – her lifespan would actually be reduced to nothing if that were the case.
“Geez, Luigi, just what type of man am I in your mind? He seems awful.” Natsu muttered the last part, really hoping she’d counter it. Lucy, however, was still trying to register what he was doing. The man she loved was asking her out in the most Natsu-way ever, and she was just sitting there with her plate in front of her half full, feeling her jaw drop into her lap. “Of course I love you,” he clarified.
“No way.”
Natsu cringed.
“Is that your answer?”
Lucy flew up from her seat, her chair falling backwards with her momentum.
“What?! No! I mean, argh!” She grabbed her hair in frustration. “I love you too!”
Natsu’s eyes lit up.
“Really?” He grinned, standing up too to get a better look at her. She was sporting a wild blush, but her facial expression was stuck in a frustrated grimace. “You sure? You look constipated.”
Lucy would have reprimanded him if he didn’t have a point. Here she was, in the middle of her happiest moment alive, and her mouth was pressed together into a squiggly line. With a deep breath she softened her face and smiled.
“I’m sure. I really do love you.”
Natsu couldn’t hold himself away any longer. With his mouth twisted into a big smile, he closed the distance between them with a kiss. For a split second he found himself thinking that kissing wasn’t anything special, but that thought fled his brain the second Lucy kissed him back. Plush, soft lips, making movements so small they seemed more like adjustments. He loved it.
When they finally broke apart, Natsu had to ask.
“So what’s that stance on babymaking?”
Lucy giggled against his lips before mumbling her answer.
“Let’s take it one step at a time, stallion.”
Notes: please pat me on the back for finishing this... it wasn't easy, especially considering the fact that i haven't felt very passionate for this prompt. but i did it! for some reason it was really hard to portray natsu? getting that perfect mixture of goofy and serious is harder than rocket science, please don't hate me if he was ooc. at least they kissed, lol
oh! and here's my crazy long motivation to gajevy babynames: Boy twin - Kanetatsu, has these kanjis 金龍 where 金 means gold, but is also used as a general term for metals. It also covers money, coins, golden colour, just to name a few. 龍 means dragon, an imaginary animal, an outstanding person, a hero. Thought that was fitting with Gajeel as a dad, but also Levy who I imagine came up with all names. Girl twin - Kanae, written with these kanjis 金恵, the first kanji being the same as Kanetatsu’s, whereas the second kanji, this one 恵, means grace, caring and compassion. Most people probably know this, but parents in Japan often use names that will sort of manifest the life for their kids, so I imagine Levy would put extra effort into these things, as it’s a symbol of what the parents are expecting from their kid as well. And then the newborn, I named her Akane with these kanjis 亜金 because I thought Gajeel would like to use the same kanji for all the kids, bc I can imagine he’d want to create a little Redfox-clan lol, and 亜 means companions, which I like as a nod towards the guild, but also to make her be part of her siblings, despite not being a twin.
(wow, what a ramble...) anyways, hope you enjoyed and i'll see y'all the next fic <3 happy october! xoxo
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itsphoenix0724 · 1 year ago
Meet Me On The Ice (Azriel x reader)~Chapter 2
Warnings: None!
Word Count: 1.3k
MMOTI masterlist
A/N: Thank you for all the love on the first chapter! I've been working on this series for a while, and I'm glad people are excited to read it! I've decided to make a tag list for this series because so many people asked for it last time. I've never done one before so I hope I do it right <3
DISCLAIMER: I am not a figure skater or a hockey player, so while I'm trying to be as accurate as possible, it's likely some things may not be correct and/or are bent a little to fit the plot!
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You find Azriel on the ice at five pm sharp, his hands tucked in the pockets of a Velaris Univeristy hoodie. His eyes flick over you, almost with disgust, as you approach with a box tucked under your arm. 
“We’re not going on the ice today. Even if we were you can’t wear those.” You gesture to the well-loved hockey skates on his feet, and mark how his eyes narrow. 
“What’s wrong with my skates?” He asks, immediately on the defense, crossing his arms. 
It makes him seem impossibly bigger.  
“Nothing Azriel, if you’re playing a hockey game, but we’re not playing a hockey game.” You shake the box in your hands once before handing it over to him. The pair of shiny black figure skates sit in the box and Azriel takes one skate out running his scarred hand gently over the blade with a musician’s grace. “You should break them in before we actually get on the ice.” 
“They’re heavier than I thought they would be,” Az tucks the skates gently back in the box and moves past you to get off the ice. He sits down on the bench, leaning down to undo his laces. “Where are we practicing then, if we’re not going on the ice?’ He looks up at you from under the dark fringe of his hair, and you’re struck with his beauty for a moment. 
“We’re going to the studio in the back.” You make a gesture with your head as he stands, crowding your space. You have to crane your neck to look up at him, and you can’t even see around the expanse of his shoulders. Leading back him to the studio you walk in tense silence. Your coach, a beloved old lady named Alis, waiting infront of the mirror examines Azriel like a piece of meat. 
“So, this is who you’re finishing the season with?” She looks him up and down with mild interest as you dip your chin in confirmation, setting your bag down to start warming up. Alis circles like a predator as Azriel watches with confused disinterest. “Nice build at least, looks strong if a little bulky for my taste,” she mutters. Azriel whips his head back at you in defense, but all you can do is breathe a sigh of relief. Getting Alis to agree to train someone other than Lucien was half the battle. “Alright, stretch, then I’ll see what I’m working with. Hopefully, we can piece together some semblance of a routine,” She shakes her head as you turn to Azriel. 
“Do you want me to help you stretch?” You question and Azriel’s brows raise high, a smirk across his lips for just a moment at an insinuation you didn’t imply. Your cheeks tinge with 
pink, and his eyes dip to your cheeks, satisfaction from rattling you dances in his eyes. “Not like that obviously,” You scoff, rolling your eyes and busying yourself with digging out your water bottle so you have an excuse to turn away from him. 
“I don’t think I need to stretch like this is a ballet class, I can stretch myself” He shakes his head and you roll your eyes. 
“Fine, suit yourself.” Let him dig his grave. You know he’s doing you a favor, but he doesn’t have to be so condescending about it. You fall into a spilt to stretch your legs and Azriel looks at you out of the corner of his eye. You finish your warm-up, and Az remains leaning against the wall, stealing glances at you when he thinks you’re not looking. He stretched his arms out a little and nothing else, so it’s his fault if he’s sore tomorrow. 
“Alright,” Alis claps her hands together once, and both your attention’s snap to her like a knee-jerk reaction. You guess being coached vigorously for years can do that to a person. “Let’s see if we can get something together. Young man, stand here please.” She gestures to a spot on the floor and then calls your name, telling you to stand infront of Azriel. 
You’ve never been so close to him before.
Your entire back pressed against his front, the sight in the mirror sends you a strange feeling in your stomach. His frame dwarfs you easily, the broad planes of his shoulders and the muscles of his arms strain against the compression shirt he had on for practice. 
You could climb him like a tree
The thought hits you so suddenly that you feel the heat flood your cheeks as you finally meet hazel eyes in the mirror. If he noticed you ogling him, he thankfully says nothing. 
You go over some transition moves which go shockingly okay, Az picks up on the rhythm surprisingly quickly body flowing like a river easily through the steps. You make a mental note to ask Rhys if Az plays an instrument. Alis looks impressed for a first practice, and you two were so concentrated you haven’t bitten each other’s heads off yet. 
Until you start to try a couple of lifts. 
Everything goes downhill from there. Az manages to get you in the air a couple of times, but it’s never stable. Either you’re too tense or his grip is all wrong, and you’ve hit the ground and Azriel’s shoulder too many times to count. You both are frustrated and then the harsh words start. 
“Can you just fucking relax already so we can get this over with? Aren’t you supposed to know what you’re doing?” he growls out after Alis calls for a water break. 
“Maybe if you could just get your stupid hands in the right position I could fucking relax,” You glower down at Azriel’s scarred hands and he shoves them in the pockets of his sweats angrily. You feel a wave of guilt instantly because that was possibly the worst thing you could say. 
“It’s not working because you don’t trust each other,” Alis mutters, rolling her eyes as she tries to figure out something on her cellphone. “I’m going to suggest maybe spending some time together outside of this. To build some trust between the two of you.” You and Azriel eye each other with equal distaste. “Think about it, we’re done here for the day.” You’re frustrated, you’re sweating, and you’ve hit your hip enough times you think it’s been permanently bruised. You pack up your bag slinging the duffel over your shoulder, he copies your actions putting his new skates to the bottom of his hockey bag. You leave the rink together in silence, breathing in the chill of the night's dark air, letting it calm the flames of your ever-growing temper. You want to go home, you want to bury yourself under mountains of pillows and ice cream and scream at the unfairness of the world. The last thing you need is a group of drunk hockey players rallying after a loss. 
And of fucking course they’re right next to your car. 
Azriel’s about to walk in the other direction to his car, but you in a blind panic grab his arm. 
“Walk me to my car.” You plead, eyes widening at the sound of a bottle smashing against the ground. “Please.” Azriel's eyes narrow in confusion before they flick over to the crowd of rowdy men. He nods once and you begin the trek across the parking lot with a sizeable distance between the two of you. They still stop and look at you, eyeing you like a piece of meat. Azriel notices, in a quiet observant way of his. He moves closer to you slinging one arm around your waist, it burns through your clothes like a brand. They wisely back off then with all of Az’s towering physique wrapped around you like a guard dog. He opens your door for you and shoves his phone in your hand, still eyeing the group like he’s about to pounce. 
“Put your number in my phone, it’ll be easier for the future.” He’s still looking at the guys out of the corner of his eyes as you type your number. “Drive home safely,” Az mutters. 
“You too,” you respond. You settle into your car, and Azriel waits patiently for you to back out and drive away before walking to his own car.
sidthedollface2, bionic-donut, lyinginameadow, feyretopia, natashachelsea, going-through-shit, mika-no-sekai-blog, hijabi-desi-bookworm, brandywineeeee
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harumasa-wifey · 3 months ago
Heard you wanted to talk about Asaba Harumasa, here I am! He's my second favorite character in the game after Billy Kid and I already have some nice headcanons for him, such as him and Corin being childhood friends because they were both in the same hospital (remember Corin had a critical illness that needed a deadly surgery which you can see that she still has the scar in her Mindscape) so I see him as her adopted big brother who gave her her teddy bear. I also headcanon that he takes as much as leaves and sick days as possible just to be able to keep up with his treatments and hospitalisations that probably takes up a lot of his time, I could see him having lived in the hospital for as long as he can remember. One canon fact that I know thanks to one of Yanagi's trust event is that he is the only one who can sing well (apparently) when Section 6 and Section 5 meet up for karaoke, as Soukaku only knows oni songs which aren't in the playlists and Miyabi doesn't know any songs of this era, and Yanagi is a terrible singer, so for that I do hope that we'll see his VA sing a song in one of his character videos that we'll probably get this week since he and Miyabi are coming next week. Also while Yanagi is labeled as the normal one in the group, actually it would be Harumasa, since he is just very lazy and carefree but he is actually more down to earth compared to her, as she seems to have perfect memory and gets work done so well that even a robot would have trouble keeping up with her. I like to headcanon him and Miyabi as the disaster twins for constantly trying to shirk off work and constantly cover one another and help one another and have meetings about how to dodge their responsabilities in the office more often. Harumasa gives her ideas in how to skip section heads meetings and Miyabi is fine with him taking his sick leaves and doing his best at not getting any overtime, they get each other so well on that. XD
Oh please he is my favourite character now! I dropped playing the game on the first version because it got tiresome to me BUT when I saw leaks of him in the new quest (event special) I knew i needed this man now i don't have a single 5 in the game he will be my first and last i am definitely pulling for him don't matter if I get him free his w- engine LITERALLY CONTAINS MEDICINE he makes me wanna cry why did they do this to my man. I thought he was just a little silly guess he is more than that. I DID NOT KNOW THAT ABOUT CORIN I LITERALLY MAIN HER WTF guess i need to more deep search thank you for the info tho AND BIG BROTHER HARU THAT GUY IS A SOFTIE. He Gotta keep with all those medical reports and medicine literally he was a child i am not sure if they experimented on him or it was an accident but oh boy if they experimented on him hoyo is up for some serious talk. I REALLY WANNA HEAR HIM SING NOW. Gotta manifest his va singing fr. Yanagi is extraordinary to me she is literally so smart and holy crap she memorized that whole manual in such a short time yep she is anything but normal. While soukaku is busy thinking about snacks and miyabi and harumasa finding new ways to skip work yanagi almost manages everything including their leaves which oh boy it sounds tiresome yet she looks balanced doing all that shit. I love my lazy and carefree boy he could have been more normal if all that didn't happen. I genuinely didn't see this coming it broke my heart seeing his child self wrapped in all those endless wires and kept in confinement. The disaster partners!! Yess! Can definitely imagine them skipping meetings and paper work the only paper miyabi needs signed is her will by her gf (yanagi) it almost as anytime yanagi does something fascinating she has her will paper out with a pen "sgin this (⁠ ⁠╹⁠▽⁠╹⁠ ⁠)" like calm down girl y'all can get this signed in your marriage. Like i just finished the special mission and oh boy i wanna kiss harumasa so bad i typed his name so many times even my keyboard knows it now 😭. HIS LITTLE BANGBOO IS SOOO CUTE I WANNA HOLD HIM SO BADD. Thank you so much for indulging me in this i wanted to talk about it so badly.
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teamranchersheadcanons · 2 months ago
Some headcanons for a scenario that I wanna see but I literally can't find this one. If you make this into a fic, pls tag me bc I need this in my life
Hockey player Tango / Figure skater Jimmy (I know, very original)
The way they meet is actually during a time where neither are at practice. They were both kinda just at the rink at the same time, doing their own practice. Tango was skating laps backwards while Jimmy just finished one of those jumpy spins (idk what they're called tbh. It's been forever since I watched Yuri on Ice).
Both were listening to music too loud to hear the other and they collided and Tango fell on top of Jimmy (bc he was going faster so his momentum would win).
Naturally, Tango was fine. He gets checked into the wall every other day anyway, so he got up pretty quickly and then offered to help Jimmy up and make sure he's okay.
Jimmy was, in fact, fine but Tango didn't think so bc he was so flustered in front of the hot hockey player that he couldn't stand up on his skates right away so Tango thought he wasn't okay and didn't give Jimmy the choice and carried him off the ice.
After that both of them went back basically everyday to hopefully see eachother and they always skated together and watched eachothers practices.
Jimmy wanted to rush down and check on Tango everything another player would hit him or shove him into the wall and make him fall or something.
Similarly, Tango would be worried about Jimmy whenever he fell, bc Jimmy didn't always get up right away.
They were usually fine until someone shoved Tango into the wall and he fell to the ice and didn't get up right away. The game continued like normal for a few seconds until the ref realised that a player wasn't getting back up. This time Jimmy had a reason to be worried.
Turns out Tango just got a minor concussion and while Tango was kind of out of it at the hospital, Jimmy confessed bc he thought Tango was dying. Jimmy was just being dramatic bc Tango was barely conscious.
They ended up sharing a kiss after Tango said that he also loved Jimmy and he was still kind of out of it.
Alternatively, Jimmy also injured his knee from landing on it wrong once and nobody else was there to help him up but Tango had seen Jimmy fall many times and he'd never taken this long to get back up. So Tango ran onto the ice and lovingly carried Jimmy off the ice and took off his skates and out of the building, all while glaring at all the people that Jimmy worked with bc none of them helped Jimmy when they should have.
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badnoahmens · 1 year ago
I Took Your Keys, It Was Me - Part 2
Noah Sebastian x Reader
Words: 2.5kish
A/N: I’ve never had so many requests to make a part 2 to a fic before, so here’s this. Part 1 found here.
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Two weeks had passed now, your normal daily life routine had fallen back into rhythm. A swell of work, sleep, food somewhere in the mix. There was a slight adjustment though, and that was the odd text message from Noah. It wasn’t every day, and no deep, dark secrets were being shared, it was simply a meme, a photo of something mundane, or most of the time, a terrible, terrible, pun.
The communication between the two of you was effortless, like talking to a lifelong friend. There was no sense of urgency, no burdening, no feelings of dread whatsoever, which was unusual for you to feel like that.
Their tour was starting to wind up. Only 1 week left, and 3 cities to visit and perform at. To think back at the meeting you had 2 weeks ago seems like more time had passed than it actually had. It could be because of life going back to normal, or because of all the stories Noah had told you about touring, both old and new.
Your mind got lost in a memory, one of a late night. You were sitting on the couch, dirty dishes on the table in front of you, scrolling through your phone absentmindedly as the TV kept playing in the background.
The sudden vibrations in your hand and a change of screen distracted you from your doom scrolling, seeing Noah’s name flash up. It wasn’t often that he would call, this was only the second time, but there was a comfort in talking to him that didn’t seem to happen with anyone else, especially this quickly after meeting someone.
“You’ll never believe what just happened” he would say, not even letting you say hello. Immediately, he continued. “So, tonight, after the show, we went to get some food because the hungry boys deserved a feast, and then…”
Your mind started to wander. He was so excited about what had happened that he called you. You. Out of anyone in the world. It was something that you tried not to think too deep about, but boy was that hard. He was excited, and thought of your name, and wanted to tell you all about his exciting story.
It was his laugh that brought you back to the conversation, bringing you out of your own head and back to whatever epic tale he was recounting. Something about getting lost and then being chased by some rodent and needing to hide up a tree, then the rodent climbed the tree too… it was hard to follow along with what he as actually saying because of the wheezing and laughter mid-sentence. You couldn’t help but just smile. A big, goofy, toothy grin. He sounded so genuinely happy.
“So, as you can probably guess, I have a new fear of rats now” he finished.
“So what you’re saying is, that big, bad Noah, who wears a ski mask and wraps his hands like a boxer to perform, is scared of a mouse?” You tease.
“Did you not hear me! This rat was the size of a small dog! What if it bit me!” He was off again. Going into strangely specific detail about how big it’s teeth were and how hairless it’s tail was.
Snapping back to reality, you couldn’t help but scroll through your old conversations, giggling once again at some of the photos he chose to share with you. One in particular was a favourite.
It was a selfie, and wore a uniform black outfit of a shirt and beanie. It looked like it was night, the windows showed a dark sky. Although it was a selfie, the photo was aimed over his shoulder, a chaotic scene of arms flailing and frustrated expressions in the band and crews faces. Noah himself looked as though he was stifling a giggle with his eyes semi-closed and lips pursed together. What looked to be a Monopoly board and its game pieces were scattered over the floor, table, and lounge. What you could only imagine is an argument occurred where someone was wrong done by, egos were crushed and friendships were put to the test.
It was these kinds of photos, the casual insights into his life, that made you think more about him than what you probably should.
Almost as though he knew you were thinking of him, a new message from Noah dings in your phone.
“We’re in your town next week!” Is all it said, followed by a second message. “Still offering that tour of the best places to eat?”
Your heart skips a beat. The memory of the offer to show him around your city floods back and you cringe a little at the awkwardness of it all. After musing over a response for a few minutes, you respond.
“I’ve got just the right place in mind”.
The next week had finally rolled around and you were on your way to the food truck you had told Noah all about. It was… quaint. Set up permanently in an old car park, with some rickety plastic chairs scattered around, it served some of the best food you’ve ever eaten. Throughout the morning, you had changed outfits 4 times, drank 3 coffees, turned the house upside down looking for a hat that you didn’t even wear, and then almost locked yourself out of the house, all thanks to the panic that was starting to set in.
Thoughts if doubt started to creep in, force of habit you guess. Your mind was not the kindest of places, especially to yourself. Some of the things you would say to yourself almost made you pull the plug and not go at all, but you were distracted once again by Noah sending a message confirming the address.
Right now, you were sitting in your car, around the corner from where you were supposedly meeting everyone. You had invited the whole band and crew along to try and ease the awkwardness, but now it has made the whole thing even more daunting.
You leg bounced in its place, nervously tapping a rhythmic and repetitive beat, almost like you were building up the courage to actually get out of the car. A very long 5 minutes passed, and you forced yourself to push open the door. Why was this so nerve-wracking? Was it because it had been building up for a week, or because you were seeing Noah in person for the first time since you last met? Was it because you had brought along the hoodie that he gave you last time to give back to him, but secretly you didn’t want to part with it?
One foot started to move, followed by the other, as you walked closer to the desired location of greasy burgers and fries. Your stomach rumbled fiercely at you, reprimanding your choice to skip breakfast and run only on a caffeine diet this morning. It distracted you enough, right up until you could hear a familiar voice, echoed by a band of laughter.
You stood at the corner, looking at the food truck, seeing all familiar faces crowded around the plastic chairs and tables. Folio was talking to Jolly, making strange expressions and wide arm movements, as though he was telling an age-old story of his, meanwhile Jolly looked as though he had heard it all before. They were the closest, a wall of bodies with their backs turned to you was behind them, a mix of people, of which you could vaguely make out Bryan, Matt, Ruffilo, Dakota, Tim, Steven, and even Miles.
Memories of their faces flash back in your mind, back to the night you met them, sitting around in a circle in the greenroom after their concert. They were so kind to give up their space, time, and drinks for a stranger, let alone a fan of theirs.
There was a shift in the crowd that stood around the plastic table, and then you could see Noah. He was sitting down at one of the chairs, glancing between his phone and his friends around him. Dark sunglasses hid his eyes, along with a white graphic tee and some black shorts. He was a simple fashionista, but you’d be damned if you said it didn’t look good on him.
The 10 seconds that you stood there for felt like a lifetime as the bubbling of nerves in your stomach grew. They all seemed to happy and relaxed, and you could help but think, why ruin that?
The devil on your shoulder screamed at you to leave them alone.
They’re happy.
Don’t ruin it for them.
Look how well they’re doing without you there.
You could feel your eyes welling up, threatening to spill over tears at any moment, but you wouldn’t let that happen, especially with the threat of them seeing you like that.
You suck down a shaky breath, holding it in as you turn on your heels. In the end, that voice was right. Why would they need you to join them? A fan, nonetheless, that they met once, to hang out like they were childhood best friends? It was ignorant to think that it could have gone any other way than this.
You could see your car now, almost acting like a safe place. Your steps quickened as you impatiently headed towards your familiar haven to then let the tears fall. That was until you heard your name being called out from behind you. It makes you stop in your tracks. A feeling of panic rises inside your chest as you hear it called a second time.
It was Noah. It was his voice, undeniably, calling out to you.
Your eyes squeezed shut in an effort to fight back the feeling of despair, forcing the tears back. You couldn’t face him like that. You could hear him walking towards you, footfalls growing louder and the keys that jingled by his pocket rang like a warning bell.
Blinking back the fear you still had, you had no choice but to turn and face him. When you did, his face was full of confusion, slightly tilted to the side, eyebrows knitted together like he was trying to figure out what you were doing.
“The food place is this way” he says, pointing with his thumb over his shoulder, glancing back in that direction. “Are you okay?”
“Just got lost, I guess” you lie. He knows. He can tell something is off.
“We’ve been waiting for you. Need some recommendations for this place!” He says enthusiastically. It’s clear as day to see he is trying to cheer you up. He’s reading your situation exactly as it’s playing out. He gives you a look, tilting his head down and raising his eyebrows almost as though to say ‘you coming or what?’
It was his calm demeanour that was the only thing that could have convinced you to stray from your path of heading to the car. The way his eyes pleaded in the gentlest of ways made it feel like it was all going to be okay.
“The burgers are greasy as, and you’ll regret it afterwards, but they’re the best thing I’ve ever eaten” you finally respond with a slightly shaky voice. There’s still an air of hesitancy as you start walking towards Noah, but you admit defeat and cave anyway.
As you step closer, one arm lifts and wraps around your shoulder, pulling you into a side hug as he spins to face the rest of the band of friends. His arm drops and pulls out his phone, taking a quick snap of the food truck as he strides towards it. You need to quicken your pace because the fucker has long legs and walks fast as hell.
As you near the crowd, they turn and meet your gaze. A chorus of “Hey! Good to see you!” “Where have you been? I’m starving!” And “what’s new key-girl” welcomes you.
You throw out a wave, paired with a “good to see you guys again” and a side glance at Noah, who’s smile is beaming as he looks on at the menu hanging on the side of the truck.
The next hour that follows is one filled with jokes, good food, tales from the road and even a short walk down the Main Street of town. Framing each side of the road are buildings of all different architectural styles. Art-deco neighboured modern, which neighboured neoclassical. There was even a gothic-style library building that you walked past. It was something you admired about this small city, it wanted to be so much more than it was, but seemed like it never really got there.
You walked amongst the group, trailing more towards the back, looking up at how the sunlight danced through the buildings, the trees, and reflected on shop front windows. The sky was a picture perfect blue, letting the sun shine down a radiant warm that gently kissed your skin. It was mid-admiration of your surroundings that you see in your peripheral vision that Noah was looking your way. When you finally glanced at him, you were met with a sweet smile, one that was soft but warmed your heart. He looked away quickly, down at his feet, with his hands shoved into his pockets, along with a little giggle as he scuffed a rock with his shoe.
“Thanks for earlier” you say, looking up at him, squinting slightly as the sun was shining behind him, highlighting a glow around his hair, showing every whiff of the wind that tousled loose strands.
“Don’t mention it” he says, swerving to bump his elbow into your side. It took you aback seeing how comfortable he was being this casually playful.
“I wasn't going to come. I was on my way home”
“I know. I could tell. You had the fear of god in your eyes” he said with a smirk. You couldn’t help but notice how one side of his lips curled up a little more than the other when he smiled.
As terrifying as it was to admit, he was right. You were never that good at hiding your emotions, so why would this be any different?
“I’m glad I caught you, though” he continued, looking back at you, with that damn smile again.
“I’m glad too” you reply, looking away from his gaze in an attempt to hide the blushing in your cheeks. There was a moment of silence between the two of you, yet it was comfortable.
You look ahead, glancing between all of the friends, strolling down the Main Street of your town like it was nothing. Like they weren’t these recognisable figures adored by thousands, if not millions. Including you, you admired them. As artists, as people. They had brought you so much joy and yet here you were, just going for a walk with them.
It was only a few minutes later that you reached your destination, the bank of a lake, splitting off into river mouths and down into streams. It was a favourite of yours because of how tranquil it was, how calm it seemed and how it housed an entirely different world beneath the surface that just fascinated you.
There was a concrete wall that ran along the side where the group had started to sit, some propped up and some laying on their backs on the grass next to it.
But you and Noah decided to keep walking for now, continuing the conversation of small talk and banter.
“How long have you lived around here?” Noah asks.
“As long as I can remember. It’s changed a lot over the years. It’s kinda comforting, but it also gets old. I guess it’s different to what you’re used to” you reply, cautiously asking about him, but not wanting to pry.
“Yeah… I guess you could say that. I haven’t really stayed somewhere too long to really get that used to it. I’m at a good place now, though. Living with some of my closest friends” he says, looking ahead into the distance.
“I meant, with tour, you probably see some cool places.”
“Oh, for sure. We have been to some awesome cities, met awesome people. It’s quite a unique lifestyle that’s for sure.” He looks down at you to meet your eyes, “not for the faint of heart”, followed by a wink.
A wink? Dude, come on. You’re already confused about how you feel, and now he throws you a wink? This man.
“It’s a lot of temporary things. Temporary bed. Temporary city. Sometimes temporary people” he was looking out over the water now.
You admire the way he chose his words carefully. It was clear that he had been through some shit, but he was clever and never intentionally dragged up baggage for pity or for entertainment.
“I hope I’m not a temporary person” you say, almost too quiet. He looks at you and smiles, and you panic. Was that too forward? Would he think you’re clingy?
“So do I” he says, then looks away again.
Your heart starts pounding in your chest, and right on schedule, the overthinking-train arrives. What is that supposed to mean? Is he flirting with you? Is this a joke? Are there hidden cameras somewhere filming this whole prank?
Noah can see your mind racing, it might have been the jittery hands or the rapid eye movements to look anywhere but in his direction.
“I hope I haven’t freaked you out” he admits, and in a moment of confidence, you start to question him.
“Is this some kind of cruel prank you play on fans that you meet?” You ask, in an almost harsh tone. Noah is taken aback slightly, pausing his steps to come to a standstill.
“Why would you say that?” He asks sounded offended.
“You can’t blame me. Think about it. Fan meets band. Band and fan hang out. Fan and band become friends. Fan gets feelings for band. This stuff doesn’t happen in real life” you say with a sigh in defeat. Saying it out loud makes it seem more like a joke.
“It’s… it's not a joke. I rarely meet people that seem like good people.” He pauses, thinking of what words to use, carefully plucking them to try and not make you flee. “It’s different for me too, but you seem like someone I really want to get to know”.
There was sincerity in his voice. You looked at him, and there wasn’t an ounce of falsity to him.
“Plus, did you just say that you have feelings for the band?” He asks, cracking a smile.
You throw your head back, covering it with your hands and turn away from him to hide from the embarrassment. Why did you say that? You have feelings for him? What a way to fuck it up now!
“Yeah… I mean… you can’t blame me” you’re stalling. “I mean, have you seen Ruffilo? The man is beautiful”.
Noah smiles and let’s put a small laugh, but his eyes give away that he’s a little offended that you didn’t mention his name.
Fuck. Now does he have the wrong impression? Why is this so hard?
Now you were panicking, trying to think of a way to fix this.
“But really…” you start, trying to quickly think of the right words to say. “Think about it. Even us walking along here together, right now, seems like it’s a bit far-fetched.”
He nods, acknowledging the strange circumstance that led up to this point.
“I don’t want to seem ungrateful. I mean, I get to spend time with you. That’s something I never expected!” You say trying to change the mood, but Noah shifts and crosses his arms, avoiding eye contact.
“No, I get it. It’s to be expected, really. I guess I was a bit delusional for thinking that wouldn’t come up” he looks out over the water, past you, with a solemn expression. I guess you really did hurt his feelings. You internally kicked yourself for royally fucking this all up.
You stop walking, Noah takes one step more than you, then turns to finally meet your gaze. You take a big breath in, close your eyes, and then exhale. Noah looks at you quizzically. When you open your eyes, you give him a soft smile, and hold out your hand to him. He looks at your hand, then back at you.
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you” you say kindly, then offering your name to him.
“Is… this… are you okay?” He asks.
You drop your hand and give him an exasperated look.
“I’m trying to start things over”.
“Oh.. oh okay. Hi, I’m Noah” he states, then holding his hand out. You shake it, feeling the warmth of his hands and noticing the calluses forming.
Noah’s phone pings at that moment, he takes a second to type out a response, then puts it back into his pocket.
“Everything okay?” You ask.
“Yeah. The guys said they’re heading back. I’ll meet up with them later.”
“If you need to go, I won’t be offended”
“We only just met! I can’t leave now, that would be rude” he says with a smirk.
You continue to wander, side by side, for the next 30 minutes, at some stage turning and beginning your walk back to your starting point.
“Are you staying locally?” You ask.
“Yeah, we have a hotel tonight. A nice break from the bus. That thing gets crowded and smells bad real quick.”
“I can drive you back there if you need. Your hoodie is in my car too.”
“I said you could keep that” he glances at you with a side eye smirk.
“I know, I feel bad keeping your stuff though”
“I have probably a million pieces of Bad Omens merch. I can even give you more if you want”
Your mind quickly flashed to the mound of merch for this band that you already own. “I don’t think that’s necessary, thank you for the offer though”
“Fine, suit yourself.” He shrugs. “But I will take you up on the offer to drive me to the hotel. Think of it as that driving tour you promised me last time.”
You smile down at your shoes remembering the interaction, the hoodie he gave you, him making sure you got back to your car safely. He did everything so right, and you were trying everything you could to not stuff this up even more.
By the time you got to your car. The sun was starting to set. You hadn't realized that you had spent half a day with Noah until you turned the headlights on.
Noah slipped into your passenger seat, legs so long that they almost needed to be folded over each other just to fit. He rummaged around for the mechanism to move the seat, and finally found it giving him more leg room as he slid back in the chair. You couldn’t help but let out a giggle at the sight.
“What? Man needs his leg room!” He throws his hands forward, motioning to his long limbs, which we’re still bent just to fit. You shook your head a little, playfully, and then pulled the car out to start your journey.
Noah directed you to his hotel, saying it was about a 10 minute drive from here.
“For someone just passing through, you sure do know your way around” you joke, keeping your eyes on the road. Noah, however, was looking at you, like you were having a full conversation, only glancing ahead to point you directions.
He was a passionate talker when he got out of his shell, spoke with his hands a lot. The boy couldn’t keep them still at one point he was almost twisted completely around just to emphasize the story he was telling. He had you in stitches, the way he recounted events and waited for your response, then gave you time to recover from a laughing fit before he continued. He watched you react to his words, he paid attention to the small details, the crinkles by your eyes when you laughed hard, how you would glance at him throughout the conversation to tell him you were listening, even the way your grip would twist around the steering wheel when he was describing a scary part of the story. He noticed everything about you. And you noticed him noticing you.
You had a moment of realization that he was just a person. A person who laughed, who cried, who’s been through shit and now, is just sitting in your car. The sudden wash of relief, the pressure you were feeling, just gone.
The drive comes to an end and you pull up outside the hotel. Nothing too fancy, just to get them through the night. You look up at the building, half its lights were switched on in the three-storey building.
You turn and look at Noah then, the glowing of the lights bouncing off his face making him look as angelic as ever, so much, that it actually made your heart skip a beat. Trying to make sure he didn’t notice the hitch in your breath, you twist at an awkward angle, reaching for the black hoodie on the back seat.
You couldn’t help by notice Noah lean to look over too, your faces now only an inch apart. So close that you could even feel his warm breath each over your cheek. It didn’t help the state of admiration you were already in.
Your fingers graze the material, grabbing at it and finally twisting back into your position in the drivers seat.
“I believe this belongs to you” you say, handing over the garnet.
“I thought I said…” he spoke, pausing to take the hoodie in his hands and hold it out by its sleeves. He then leaned towards you, stretching his arms above you and wrapping the piece of clothing around your back and over your arms, twisting it into a knot on your chest. “You could keep it.” He finished, smiling triumphantly.
The closeness had you feeling a little lightheaded, maybe because you felt like you forgot to breathe around him, or maybe the low lighting made this interaction feel way more intimate than it was.
“I guess…. Thank you” you say, looking into his eyes. All you could see was a sweet dark chocolate brown staring back at you.
Noah’s hand then takes yours as he plants a light kiss on the back of it, placing it back down into his hands again. You couldn’t help but stare with your mouth ajar slightly at the gentlemanly gesture.
“It’s my pleasure.” He pauses again, looking outside then back to you. “If… if I asked you out on a date, would you hesitate to show up to that too?” He asked, sounding honest in his intention, his eyes looked in your hands together.
“A date?” You gawk, almost too quickly. He nods. “I, uh, no. I wouldn’t.”
“Because I’m still in town tomorrow if you’re free.”
“Tomorrow… tomorrow…? Uhh..Nothing on the agenda that comes to mind.” Honestly, you had no idea if you actually had anything in tomorrow.
“Great. It’s a date. I’ll meet you here at 10?” He asks excitedly, that sweet lopsided grin making a comeback.
Your heart was beating through your chest, it was a miracle that he couldn’t hear it.
“10. That works. I’ll be here.” You say, not sounding that convincing.
“I hope so” he replies, paired with another wink. With that, he opens the car door, stepping outside, and closes it with a gentle thud behind him.
“I’ll see you tomorrow” he says with a wave through the window. You couldn’t help but smile back at him, taking in the image of him gentle waving and glancing over his shoulder as he walks to the door. He enters safely, and on his way to his room.
That’s when the excitement hits. You grip the steering wheel tight and let out a squeal. That’s right, a squeal. You have never squealed before in your life, but this man has you feeling so giddy it’s unreal.
With a deep breath, you pull the car out again, heading home, already running through every possible scenario that could happen at 10am the next day.
Part 3
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