#i have lots of conflicting thoughts on madi in this au
pqrachel · 6 months
So I came across @spicymancer's "Rumble after Dark" fighting game OCs and it kind of inspired me to think about a fighting game AU featuring a bunch of my OCs from different universes. (Mine wouldn't be as NSFW but maybe a little never hurt, since it's just for art anyways...)
None of this obviously would be canon but just thinking about the fighting game archetypes as a method of character exploration has been fun. And most of my fighting game experience comes from platform fighters so my archetype knowledge is a little whack but if you'll excuse that then,
My initial castings are these: (Long-ass ramble with multiple OCs and no sketches yet.)
Blanksford Series: -Gabby (Would be a Hit & Run Mix Up character. Using their teleportation and skateboarding to move around in a unique way. Might have a playstyle similar to Bridget Guilty Gear.) -Madi (While she's doesn't have any powers in-universe and wouldn't be much of a fighter on her own, her TTRPG char KyoVee would be a fun ranged zoner character. Definitely a lil shit, think Pac-Man / Pichu from Smash.) -Taylor (Give him a bit of gym time and training and he could be a well-rounded rushdown type of fighter, nothing too gimmicky prob my most standard fighter on the list. To make him more unique he could double as the announcer because that'd be super in character.) -Aeri (Even though she has powers in-universe she avoids conflict at all costs, so instead her TTRPG char (who doesn't have a name yet) would be an excellent grappler. A big orc with an axe. In my head I'm thinking of that scene in Drawtective where Gyorik put the bad guy in arm jail, mixed with Loxodont from Rivals 2.) -Artemis (Might take her off this list as I do sketches but for now she's a ranged zoner. Using her bow to keep distance, might play similar to Green Arrow from Injustice, idk) -Ultra-Dude (Of course I had to feature this dude as a heavy. He'd just be great for it. And it's not like I've been using him in-universe for anything other than that asshole with the strength and healing powers.)
Colostle: -Correll [Pirate Arc] (I think Correll would be a fun mid-range zoner. Using her spear to keep distance and her ice magic as a fun gimmick to make her a bit more unique. -Ivy Reyne (Definitely a fast and fun rushdown character. Like imagine Maypul from Rivals but grounded. She's agile AF and hits harder than you'd expect.) -Gratt & Tic Tac (I thought this would be a fun duo-fighter. Since Aanya's not my own OC I wanted to keep my Colostle reps pre-Tic Tac's death as far as timelines go but Tic alone wouldn't be enough. I didn't want to pair him with Correll cuz I thought that'd be a little hard and honestly the thought of leaving Gratt out felt bad, and with Tic Tac's help they could actually stand a chance.)
Mystic Mysteries: -Emra Corvus (The OG MysMys character. While I haven't focused on her a lot in-universe lately, I think she could be fun here. Using different elemental magic as stances. Like a mix of Robin and Shulk from Smash.) -Tehl (My biggest OC excluding actual gods and monsters. Xe'd easily be a heavy. Probably with a playstyle similar to Sylvanos from Rivals, instead of forest powers though xe'd used alien tech to backup xir playstyle.) -Dawn Ronik (I think she'd be a pretty well-rounded fighter. Again borrowing some of Tehl's alien tech for support but mostly just beign agile and powerful. Nothing too strong in any category but very hard to take advantage of.)
And my random OC to finish it off: -Syble (She was originally design as a rivals workshop character before I realized how much effort making an actual workshop character really was. She'd play kind of similar to Maypul or Shiek but with her own teleportation gimmicks. I've talked about these when I designed her and I think they're still on my tumblr somewhere though you might have to check back a bit to find them.) -pqkR6 (Easily a fighting game character, it'd be a robotic shoto fighter. Agile and able to take hits but also quick enough to get in its own damage.) -Hackphlegm (As a goblin sorcerer, he'd be a fun ranged hit&run/zoner type fighter. Might be too similar to Emra in playstyle would have to differentiate them somehow but other than that he's a solid inclusion.) -Darcy (Not a character I thought I'd bring back but looking at the archetypes I thought I needed more heavies. Darcy's werewolf form would be a grappler who's pretty big and would be weird to design around but fits really well into a fighting game.) -And also I might need one or two new OCs to tie it all together. (Off the top of my head I think one archetype I'm missing is the enby with a scythe archetype. You know characters like Thanatos, Testament, & Sawyer.) -And for another... (I'm also somehow missing a swordie. Like where's my over-inclusion of Fire Emblem characters. Like I have bladed weapons but they're mostly daggers. Gabby's skateboard maybe could be used like a sword but they wouldn't be a "swordie". Again Aanya's not my OC even though she's in my stories so I don't want to use her. Maybe make a few origin changes and my Terrarian could fit this role. Or Drake is an OC I haven't touched since I removed him from Blanksford canon years ago, he might fit here.)
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toomuchsky · 6 years
black sails white collar au
ok ok ok but actually i’m burning alive with white collar au ideas (this au works!!!! so well with the narrative!!! and theme!!! of the show!!! like, not particularly MY au, but a white collar au in general - the whole what would you give up to get what you want and sacrificing for the greater good and all) and have no time to actually write it so you get this instead:
flint is fbi, of course, but he’s fbi with....a seedy past and something dark and criminal in him that comes out in interrogation rooms and court rooms. he’s got lots of marks against him in his personnel file (he doesn’t play well with others) and he’s had a couple of wrongful convictions and violations of privacy/fourth amendment search and seizure laws because he’s just been so sure, but so wrong. he corrects the mistake as soon as it happens but it still happens. he’s known in the office for the one who works the best with criminal informants. 
he’s married to thomas, who’s an academic/think tank policy researcher who writes lots of papers and policy briefs on criminal justice reform. they met at a conference where they were both on a panel and james disagreed with absolutely everything thomas was saying and thomas was like *heart eyes* let’s get dinner??
miranda is a world renowned investigative journalist and she’s really good at gleaning the truth from people who absolutely do not want the truth to be revealed, but is still really careful about making sure she doesn’t take down anyone that could hurt her or her family in any way. if she gets a threatening email or letter when she’s going after someone, she backs away because she’s got people to protect. she stays with flint and thomas when she’s in town but her job requires a lot of travel so she’s got time shares in a bunch of different cities. 
when silver meets her it goes like this:
“what, you think i’m being inauthentic when i write my pieces?” miranda says, smile playing on her lips and sipping her glass of red wine. it’s late at night and they’ve been up much longer than the other men, who’d gone to bed hours ago. 
“no,” silver says carefully. he’s practically melting into the couch, pleasantly full and pleasantly wine drunk, but he still needs to tread lightly here. “i think you do a really good job of being authentic when it doesn’t matter, so that you can choose if you want to be authentic when it does.” 
miranda’s eyes watch him from above the rim of the wine glass. “mr. silver, i believe i could say the same for you.”
silver laughs, softly, rubbing his stump. he’d taken off the prosthetic after dinner. “yes, i’ve more than paid for my loyalty.” 
miranda’s hand reaches out to silver’s, stilling the circles he’s rubbing on his leg. “i didn’t mean that.” her eyes travel upwards, toward the ceiling, pointedly. “i meant them.” 
silver - is obviously neal caffrey, he'd been on the run for five years before flint finally catches him, and here’s how it finally happens: he’s running a crew. for the first time - it’s a crew of friends, for the first time - they’re chasing something that actually matters (max, who got caught up in some stuff), and for the first time - he gets caught. by the same mob who kidnapped max. he refuses to tell them anything, and he wakes up in a hospital room, handcuffed to a bed and minus one leg, with james flint, fbi, sleeping in the armchair next to him, book over his lap. 
and for the first time, he doesn’t even think about running. 
eleanor is one of the biggest fences in the city - she controls the largest territory, and has a stranglehold on whatever territory she doesn’t directly control. flint is still searching for silver’s partner, who’d made off with the plans to a heavily guarded vault a couple of years ago with silver, and eleanor makes a deal with flint to keep her territory. “i’m sorry,” is the last thing max hears from her before the fbi raids the building. max organizes an escape during her prison transport from unlikely allies - the rangers crew, led by ex-FBI charles vane, jack rackham and anne bonny - with the plans as collateral. 
three years later, before the meeting with eleanor, max comes to visit him in prison for the last time, signals “URCA” to him, because she has an idea of what’s about to happen and wants him to know. even she doesn’t expect what he does - silver finds a way to escape prison, but  he makes it to the drop site too late. max is already gone, and for all he knows, he’ll never see her again. when flint finds him, he’s doubled over, prosthetic leg off, and with an obvious fever from the infection. 
“what the fuck have you been doing to yourself?” flint asks
silver just laughs, bitter and cutting. “the healthcare for amputees in prison’s not all that great, james. i’m dealing with it as best i can.”
“don’t call me that”
which is how silver finds himself waking up in a hospital room for the second time, handcuffed to a bed with james flint watching over him. this time he’s reading a case file.
“you’re going after the rangers?”
flint scrambles up, collecting the papers quickly. “that’s confidential.” 
“we’re making a habit of this, agent. why don’t we just make it official?”
which is how silver finds himself leaving prison a month later, security anklet fastened around his leg. “let me see it,” flint says, as silver steps over the threshold. silver lifts up his pant leg, and flint’s face crumples into annoyance. “what?” silver asks. “if you’re about to tell me i can’t do field work with the prosthetic, i’ll remind you of a piece of legislation that this country signed into law, back in - “ flint waves him off. “shut up, it’s not about that - i was just wondering what piece of shit idiot put the ankle monitor on the fake ankle.”
and silver just grins. “was hoping that might have slipped past you.” 
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laufire · 3 years
Like I said in the previous post's tags, lately every idea I have has some writing done lol, because I'm not allowing myself to ~daydream about new stuff (I have TOO MANY started WIPs already!).
One such already-started fic I hope to finish in the short/mid-term is The Vampire Silver AU that you inspired LOL, so I thought I'd talk about it a bit.
The idea is that Silver is already a vampire by the time the show starts. This version of vampirism allows for him to stand in the sun (how would he get that tan otherwise xD). They can be killed by beheading or removing the heart, and although they can survive many injuries, things like healing an amputated limb are beyond them.
The fic would start after the amputation, because he needs to feed to heal. So he reveals himself to the crew... in part thinking they might just kill him and get it over with tbh. But of course, the crew is already devoted to Silver, and instead they willingly offer their blood, periodically.
It's meant to explore at the very least a bit of that time between s2-s3; as well as those first episodes of s3 where Silver & Flint's relationship evolves & where they meet Madi. Ideally, I'd like to continue from there, although maybe it'll be left for a "sequel"; I do want to explore the idea of Silver's fear about Flint and Madi's demise in s4 with the added fact that he has the ability to turn them immortal and a lot more invulnerable LMAO. And, especially, how they'd react if he went against their explicit wishes and went through with it.
Tbh, I think in the long term they'd change their minds about the vampirism itself (I can see Madi and, in a slightly different way, Flint, having a very similar perspective to The Originals' Marcel here: thinking about how this way they get to see and participate in social changes they could only dream of in their time), but initially... oof. For Madi it'd be the betrayal itself and how it would eventually drive her away from her people. Flint would be especially livid and conflicted about being turned into a nightmarish monster specifically, given his fears on people's perception of him this way.
Either way. Like I said, maybe the ot3 vampirism part would come/be fully explored in a second part. We'll see.
put "📓" or some other version of a book emoji into my inbox and I'll explain the plot of a fanfiction that I haven't written but daydream about.
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stupidspaceseven · 5 years
A Memori Fic Rec
Hi Friends! In the spirit of celebrating memori engagement week I’ve decided to celebrate some of my favorite fics! Under the cut are a range of fics in different genres and ratings, divided between canon fics and AUs. It’s long but by no means exhaustive. All these fics are completed ;) Happy reading!
Canon Compliant Fics
How All This, And Love Too, Will Ruin Us by biextroverts
Rating: T, One-shot; Genre: Found Family/Angst
Emori finds a family and loses a lover on the Ring.
A great Ring fic that covers the six years in space. I’ve only read it once because it made me That Sad, which is really a testament to how well writting and IC it is, so if you’re a sucker for angst and raven&emori friendship definitely give this a read. 
The Lotus Eaters by maelidify: @maelidpoetree​
Rating: M (no smut), One shot; Genre: Fluff, Character Study
“I don’t like this place, John,” she said. “We’re not safe here.”
Am I partial to this fic because it was a gift to me? Yes, but I firmly believe that more people need to read it and that the author deserves more recognition in general! This pre 4.08 science island fic is sweet and romantic but explores inner conflicts of nature in such a beautiful way (with some awesome anecdotes and metaphors). All her writing is beautiful and poetic and it’s worth your while to go through her memori tag to find/read the stuff she hasn’t posted on AO3.
Cataclysmic by maelidify; @maelidpoetree​
Rating: E (by author request don’t read if you’re not 18+) One-shot, Genre: Angst
She’s looking up at him, half angry, half looking for permission for something. For what—?
More breakup angst!! This remains the best Murphy POV I’ve read, it’s messy and angry and sad and the fic tears me up a little every time. I’d even recommend this to people who don’t like/read smut because, while present, it’s tasteful and really this fic is about all the emotions. If the two fics in a row haven’t clued you in just read everything Liz writes, because I don’t have space to talk about all her fics but they are all worth your time!!
First Impressions by interlude; @bombshellsandbluebells
Rating: T, One-shot; Genre: Drama
John Murphy comes back to Arkadia with an unfamiliar grounder woman. The Arkadians and former delinquents react.
(Or: Memori seen from different points of view. Takes places between 4x03 and 4x04.)
Personally I’m a big sucker for outsider POV fics, and the author does a great job with keeping all those outsiders in character and addressing their most pressing motivations while keeping memori in the spotlight of the fic. The story has all the urgency present in s4 and fills in some of the gaps nicely!
The Wild by Debate; @stupidspaceseven
Rated: M, Multichapter; Genre: Fluff
When Emori points up at the sky, it’s with a pointer finger twice the width of his own. He locks away the knowledge that she trusts him deep inside his chest.
[Post Wanheda 2, detailing Murphy and Emori's early season 3 adventures as they grow to mean the world to each other.]
This one is a shameless self-promotion, but I’m recommending it because I think it’s really good!! Fun shenanigans, theft, first kisses, angsty backstory reveals, smut, this fic basically has the works, and I’m like, 98% sure it’s the longest memori canon complaint fic out there. (I have a host of other memori fics, canon compliant and otherwise if you want to check those out too, but this one’s my personal favorite).
Canon Divergent AUs
Her What If List by the_most_beautiful_broom; @the-most-beautiful-broom​
Rating: G, One-shot; Genre: Meet Cute/Ugly
Memori Appreciation Week: Day One: Canon Divergence
Emori and Otan's latest robbery goes awry when the mark ends up being very much awake, but all's well that end's well, and an unexpected connection is made in the middle of the desert.
And she wonders if his eyes weren’t just sad, that they were just asleep. Because maybe it’s the fire, or the fading adrenaline, but now Emori can swear his eyes are sparkling. Which is a stupid thing to think. She’s in the middle of the dead zone, with a gun that isn’t a gun, and a man who could be conning her just like she’s trying to con him.
A really imaginative AU with Grounder!Murphy. This puts our characters in a familiar situation but makes it new and unique. Emori’s POV is both critical and vulnerable and the memori banter is amazing!
home is what the heart protects by emperor_bell
Rating: G, One-shot; Genre: Family/Friendship
"John Murphy had lived a hundred lifetimes in his year on the ground and yet still, somehow, after a year of living in space again, nineteen year old John Murphy hears the word “dad” and his first thought is 'I’m too young.'"
I'm obsessed with the thought of Emori having a baby in space, and I set out to write Memori parents. Instead I wrote 2k words of John Murphy feelings. Enjoy.
More messy feelings! The dialogue here and what characters (mostly Murphy) do versus what they think and say is really interesting and makes for an engaging read. Plus a look at how complicated memori as parents would be and a super angsty sequel if that’s the kind of thing you’re into!
Taking A Village by Zaffie
Rated: M, Multichapter; Genre: Found Family/Survival
Once they get it all sorted, the technical aspect of living on the Ring turns out to be the easy part. It's the rest which is hard. Everyone's got their personal demons to face - except when you're seven people trapped together for five-plus years, "personal" is easier said than done.
This one is much less memori-centric than spacekru-centric, but it’s probably my favorite Ring fic, and the AU aspects just make it better. Both Murphy and Emori are incredibly in character and their chapter is beautiful and sad. If you happen to also be a big Spacekru or Raven fan this fic is a must. Also there’s a great sequel in the works!
I know the sound of your heart by dylanobrienisbatman; @dylanobrienisbatman
Rating: G, One-shot; Genre: Fluff
Bellamy fought hard, and got them the 80 acres on the edge of the valley. They built a house, big enough for all of them, they had a farm, they were happy and safe. Emori should be happy, she should feel like it was enough, but it wasn't. She and John were still apart, and their history made her scared to try.
But as time went on, she watched as John became part of the group. She kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, but the longer she waited, the more it seemed like he was really better.
Was it time to give him another chance?
The soft spacekru feels in this one are almost as great as the memori ones which feature reconciliation and addressing their s5 issues in a healthy way. The lead up to them getting back together is as good the second go around as in the first.
eat, drink, and be merry by flowermasters
Rating: G, One-shot; Genre: Fluff
Murphy and Emori do what they can to improve morale.
So this is the wedding fic that everybody needs in these hours. There’s a healthy dose of spacekru to make it all the ore sweeter and Murphy and Emori are adorably in love while trying to maintain their aloof and uncaring reputations. This fic did so much to heal my soul while in the depth of the s5 angst. 
In This Valley by Kats_watermelon; @katswatermelon​
Rating: T, One-shot; Genre: Angst/Fluff/Kidfic
written for day 1 of memori week, prompt: canon divergence 
This is mostly a really fun spec fic if God Complex went worse and Murphy and Emori got six years alone on Earth. There are big shifts in tone from the start to the end of the fic, but they feel earned and memori have a cure kid in addition to Madi and you get to see them square up with Diyoza asap. Something for everyone!
Life After the Mountain by Ghelik; @ghelikblack 
Rating: T, Series of One-shots; Genre: Hurt/Comfort
The Mountain falls and the grounders keep their distance, because the Sky-People are soldiers that have earned their respect and the lands of the Mountain that they have conquered. Which is good, because skaikru might need a break.
Series of one-shots in an AU where season 3 kind of didn't happen, but elements of it might be borrowed from.
This one is a little different because it’s a series of one shots and not all of them deal with memori but the fair majority of them do, and it’s a great what-if of how Murphy and Emori learn to function in society in a (sort of) kinder world. There’s lots of angst and vulnerability and feelings of inadequacy as well as fluff and healing. The fics span genres so there’s probably something for everybody!
Burn brighter than we ever have before by Zoadgo; @jonnmurphy
Rating: G, One-shot; Genre: Drama
Murphy flees an unknown threat in the Promised Land, running right back to the desert that almost killed him the first time he crossed it. It seems intent on fixing its past failures, and Murphy isn't strong enough to fight it on his own, this time. But someone from his past offers him a chance to survive, and even to prosper in the Dead Zone. That is, if he can bring himself to trust someone who has already betrayed him once.
Another great Murphy POV with additional cool (or hot, rather) desert descriptions and personal conflict. It’s a cool what-if and explores how things could have gone down if t100 didn’t go full scifi. Most of all Murphy and Emori’s understandings of each other/immediate connection shine through. 
Show Them the Mercy They Won’t Find on Earth by berxnica
Rating: NA (no smut), One-shot; Genre: Drama
she just showed up swollen and scared, eyes so impossibly big that they left no room for a smile. she pulled murphy aside and removed the blanket that she previously was clutching to her stomach. and there it was, her stomach, swollen and full and round with the promise of life.
Another memori becoming parents fic, but in a different era. The character understanding shines through in the prose here. Our faves are suspicious and afraid and angry while still being soft with one another. If kidfic is your thing at all it’s def worth your time!
Earth Skills: Reap What You Sow by BeaRyan
Rating: E, Multichapter; Genre: Crack/Smut
That week everyone got high on mutant corn and John Murphy realized juvenile prison might not have taught him everything he needed to know about how to please a woman. Canon adjacent.
This is a Memori story from John Murphy's snark-tastic POV and as such contains minor whomp of everyone. Complete.
This story contains a multitude of side pairings, but it is really good for a laugh, and despite being cracky Murphy and Emori’s feelings are very real and present and sweet. A grand ‘ole fic.  
Litany by infernalandmortal; @infernalandmortal
Rating: T, Mulichapter; Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
After leaving an abusive relationship, Murphy moves into his best friend's house. He's fine, really. Their new roommate comes with more than enough baggage of her own.
(A Memori college AU)
If you read memori fic chances are you’ve read this, but it’s definitely worth reiterating! Great writing really brings forth raw emotions from both Murphy and Emori’s POVs and a lot of reading this fic is like getting sucker punched in the best way. There’s also a nice side helping of found family feels, and you get it all in Amanda’s lovely prose (her setting descriptions? kill me) truly a must read.
Little Beast by infernalandmortal: @infernalandmortal
Rating: T, Multichapter
Genre: Angst, Hurt/Comfort
John meets her eyes from across the room. What are you running from? his eyes ask.
Nothing, she blinks back. Everything.
“Will I see you again?” His eyes are trying not to be earnest. They are a strange shade of blue-green in the flickering yellow street light outside her house. They are uncomfortably difficult to read.
“Maybe.” It’s all she can give. She’s supposed to fear boys like this. “I’d like to.”
(A Memori-centric small-town AU. Title and opening excerpts from Little Beast by Richard Siken.)
Less angsty than Litany, but no less emotional, this fic is *chef’s kiss*. The fic features Murphy and Emori growing together and becoming family with one another while trying to manage their pasts. The growth the characters have through the fic is amazing and the ending make me feel all kinds of Soft. There are also bonus drabbles in the same ‘verse. And after you read those you might as well read everything else by this author because her stories are numerous and amazing. 
Don’t be surprised if I love you (for all that you are) by not_a_total_basket_case; @raven-reyes-of-sunshine​
Rating: G, One-shot
Genre: Fluff
Emori doens't want to find her soulmate, she wants to make that choice herself.
Who doesn’t like a good soulmate AU? The mechanics of soulmates in this AU are really unique and structured in a way to make the payoff at the end all the better. It’s a great friends to lovers story, and the supporting cast is lovely too, this fic make you feel all warm inside. 
Tired of Yourself and All of Your Creations by Chash
Rating: T, One-shot
Genre: Fluff/Drama
Murphy didn't ask to be successful and relatively wealthy and friends with people in good standing in society. It just sort of happened, and now there are all these families who apparently think he'd be a good match for their daughters. Being a respectable member of society is a pain, really.
I certainly didn’t know I needed a memori Regancy!AU until I read this, but the characterizations were picture perfect and the plot quick and smart without getting pulled down by the type of dialogue common in regency writing. A very fun AU!
Quiet Thought Come Floating Down and Settle by LayALioness
Rating: T, One-shot; Genre: Drama/Fluff
When Murphy meets the girl, it’s not under the best circumstances.
A great example of canon transferred to modern AU well with prickly Murphy and mysterious Emori. The story is fast paced and all of Murphy’s inner musings and snark are highly amusing. 
traitors never win by Kats_watermelon; @katswatermelon​
Rating: T, Multichapter; Genre: Crime/Drama
Murphy's been kicked out of his crew. Emori's been alone for a while now. They both have a knack for robbery and dreams bigger than their pasts, and they're willing to steal from anyone and everyone to prove it.
If you like the high drama this is for you, a very edge of your seat read with a great payoff at the end. Lovely dialogue as well and a combo of both Murphy’s and Emori’s POVs.
Golden by frikdreina;
Rating: E, One-shot; Genre: Smut/Fluff
It was their two years anniversary and Emori had planned this for weeks. Murphy would be at her place after seven and Emori skipped her last period so she could get everything done before he got there. Her heart was pounding as she unlocked the door to her apartment, the thrill of anticipation taking over her. It was like if electricity was running through her veins and she couldn’t get enough of it, with her mind drifting to the way he kissed her and how his touch had always felt right on her skin.
If you’re just looking for some hot and sweet memori smut this is the fic for you! Doesn’t get into anything too kinky and remains intimate throughout with great descriptions. 
she’s the tear in my heart by flowermasters
Rating: M, One-shot; Genre: Fluff/Drama
Murphy is in love with the girl he's sleeping with, and is incredibly bad at handling it.
Oh man This Fic. The banter is amazing and full of little call backs and tie ins, the descriptions speak to Murphy and Emori so well and transfer to a modern AU so easily. The fic is lovely and if you want something where Murphy and Emori are just dumb about their feelings than this is for you. Another author to keep your eye on if you like memori (or becho) fics. 
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yiangchen · 6 years
The 100 S5 AU Where Luna Runs the Bunker Instead of Octvia
Can someone explain to me how s5 is the season of “ending the cycle (of violence)”, but Luna kom Floukru -- who was practically brainwashed as a child to kill and revel in violence, just like all the other grounders, but especially like all the other nightblood children, and despite all this she still found a way out of that and ran away to create a refuge for those who were tired of the violence -- is somehow NOT in s5???
Tell me again it would not have made more sense for her to have killed Octagon in the conclave. Not only is she the best warrior who ever lived, so it’s bad writing that Octagon snuck up on her at all. BUT ALSO, narratively, having a character like hers to teach everyone that there’s a better way?? To have this girl who yes, did admirable things by running away, but would now be forced to lead as she was destined to and she finds a better way??
So, after six years, when everyone emerges from the bunker, anything that happened in the Dark Year would stay there and Luna wouldn’t use that as an excuse to have her people fight an unnecessary war. She would 100% be against going to war, but here’s where the conflict comes in: the grounders in the bunker wouldn’t be.
These people were already part of a cult (Octagon is basically Cadogan 2.0, and Cadogan was the original cult leader of the grounders, even before Becca became their first commander) and would probably resort back to violence upon realizing that there’s only one valley left on Earth.
AND WHILE WE’RE AT IT, in this AU Jasper lives, and the way that Luna had run things down in the bunker -- when he sees this upon returning to the ground, he’s impressed with how she managed to create a peaceful society down there. Because he thought humanity wasn’t capable of stopping the cycle. Then when the grounders start to rebel against Luna -- because she would no doubt have taken up Diyoza’s terms for peace and surrendered in a heartbeat, which would be a sorta callback to how L/xa surrendered at Mount Weather and the grounders saw her as weak for this (these situations are quite different, but it’s still a slight parallel) -- Jasper would be on her side along with Monty, Harper, Bellamy and Clarke of course.
The Madi becoming commander conflict could stay the same. Because upon learning that Luna is not the last nightblood, some of the grounders might want to replace Luna with her, in hopes that they could convince her to lead them to war.
The only difference is that Bellarke would not be at odds over this. Because Bellamy’s main reason for being in support of Madi taking the chip is that she could accept Diyoza’s terms for peace, but if she had to fight Luna -- the best warrior who ever lived -- Bellamy wouldn’t have her fight. There’s no way she wouldn’t die because she’s a child and Luna is, as I said, the best warrior who ever lived and she would also be in her twenties. That’s not exactly a fair fight. Not to mention Luna is the one who killed Octagon in this AU, so Bellamy would definitely have PTSD over that and not want the same thing to happen to Madi. Also, in canon, Madi becoming commander is a potential threat to her life, whereas this would be lead to her DEFINITE death in a conclave.
So, instead of Bellarke being at odds like they are in canon, they would be on the same side, and this is how they would find their way back to each other. Because six years and a girlfriend is enough distance between them for the drama, let’s be honest. We didn’t need a betrayal and then Clarke leaving Bell to die. We just didn’t.
Speaking of Bellamy having a girlfriend, I would not have him be with E.cho in this because E.cho would not have made it into space at all. I think that she had potential, but she would have to either stay an antagonist or become a protagonist, neither of which really work.
If she had stayed an antagonist, it wouldn’t make sense. Six years and you still haven’t learned to like the people you’ve been living with? If she became a protagonist (the route that the show DID take), it’s not that it wouldn’t make sense but that there’s something kind of missing here, as everyone knows. Very few people care about her because we didn’t see her develop, and there’s no way for the writers to have accomplished that even if we had gotten space flashbacks.
A story of redemption for an antagonist takes longer than just a few flashbacks. So anyways, the writers should have left her back in s4 where imo she belongs. I think that her character has run its course and it’s honestly just weird every time I see her on my screen.
As for Bellamy having a girlfriend, I would just have him be with Emori because in this AU Memori have been broken up for longer. I just really think Bemori would have been so cute, and it would have been a natural progression from s4 to 5 because there’s no baggage between Bellamy and Emori before the six years.
Then when Emori stays with Murphy in the woods, they would start to work through things in a very similar way to how it plays out in canon (just without the kissing because Emori’s not a cheater!). She would realize that even though she and Murphy can’t be together right now, it’s only because he needs to work through some stuff before they can be. She would realize it’s not fair to be with Bellamy while she still has feelings for Murphy, and a similar realization would happen with Bellamy because of Clarke. So, when Bemori reunite, they would break up, and by the finale, we’d have Memori and Bellarke getting together.
Wow, I’ve really gone off on a tangent here, BUT GOING BACK TO LUNA, I would have Jaha survive the bunker too and have Kane and Abby die over the time jump. He’s far more interesting than those two, and I think Jaha’s political relationship with both Luna and Diyoza would have been really interesting.
Speaking of Diyoza, things would be so much different with Eligius. Like I said, Jaha would be there instead of Kane, but also, it would only be Raven, Murphy and Emori. Murphy could take E.cho’s place with the “we have to kill Zeke” thing and so instead of Raven and E.cho’s friendship being threatened (which we never got to see form in the first place), we’d have Murven’s being threatened. And we actually saw Raven forgive Murphy last season, so this would be a far more interesting conflict.
Raven would eventually convince Murphy that they need Zeke alive to escape and then, like in canon, they’d start the war as a distraction so they could do so. I would keep Zaven in this, but I’m torn because if Luna is alive, then I would have to have Sea Mechanic happen at some point. So, maybe Zaven this season and then Sea Mechanic in s6 or something. Like, Luna and Raven reunite by the end of the season and start to rebuild the friendship that they had in s4, and it would be a slowburn kind of thing through s6 and 7!
Which, by the way, would be in space/ on another planet. I think that’s the route the show is taking, so I would definitely keep that as a thing. There’s not a whole lot more to do with Earth at this point.
Going back to Eligius, things would also be different because Abby isn’t there. I would just replace her with Jackson or something. Problem solved. And yes, I know he’s not addicted like Abby is, so Diyoza wouldn’t be able to make him cure them in the same way, but I think the writers could come up with something. Either that, or just scrap the whole disease thing. I don’t know how everyone else feels, but it’s the one thing about Eligius that I’m kinda bored with. I just don’t really care because there are no characters with the disease for us to care about. Zeke and Diyoza are the only two we’re supposed to feel for, and neither of them are sick.
Without the disease, there would have to be something else to divide Eligius, but then again, McCreary is already a psychopath. There could still be a conflict with just McCreary being McCreary and not wanting to share the valley, just like in canon.
Oh, and going back to the bunker for a hot sec, Miller would still be like the guy we know and his characterization would make sense. He would be backing Luna along with Monty, Jasper, Harper, Bellamy and Clarke. Because he’s always in support of what’s best for his people (and fighting an unnecessary war, the very opposite of what’s good for his people, makes no sense in canon). Side note: Minty would definitely be a thing in this!
Anyways, this has become far longer than I intended, but the message remains the same: Luna kom Floukru had so much potential and s5 would be fixed with her in it (among a few other changes -- no E.cho, Jasper lives, and Jaha lives instead of Abby and Kane), but mainly because of Luna.
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velvet-tread · 6 years
Unfiltered 506 word fest because I can
I’m going to say this now before fandom burrows into my spinal column and puts me into an alkaline coma: that was p much everything I have ever wanted from an episode of the 100.
Literally every single fear I had about the show’s handling of various sensitive topics has been assauged. Whatever happens now…I mean there’s still time to fuck it up, I should never underestimate the show, but whatever happens now they’ve done the groundwork to do this right.
Let’s lance the boil first.
The Becho? Handled. That was wall-to-wall screaming of BELLAMY AND ECHO ARE IMPORTANT TO EACH OTHER.  
Physically, emotionally, everything. They committed. *weeps* The show actually committed to a storyline rather than dancing around the edges and chickening out at the last minute. This may hurt to think about but Becho is REAL and when it DIES like a SUPANOVA it will MEAN STUFF. And that is WHAT WE WANT. It’s what we SHOULD want if we want a story that makes us feel things not an Insta story with a pretty filter.
And mannnn… just allow me to gush for a moment.  506 gave us so many nods to Bellamy and Echo’s evolution over the course of the show. The show has not forgotten their history and I am so glad – it does nobody justice to erase the past. And it gives credence to the scale of Bellamy’s forgiveness and character development. It makes it REAL.
Octavia screaming all of Echo’s sins at Bellamy, and Bellamy just NOT having it and reminding her of her own sins? Gold. GOLD.
I can’t scream about how intensely I love Echo because tbh its late and we’d be here forever but anyone who puts a flash drive in an open wound is a mf badass. And can we just agree that all the theories about Becho being secret, Echo being “just a love interest” and Echo not having an established relationship with Spacekru all got jossed? We can? Great.
Bellamy refusing to leave her? Echo refusing to let him die for her? Romantic. See above about conflict having meaning.
“We found each other in a cage, we can find each other again.”… I stfg that is one of the most romantic lines we have ever had on this show, and I know I say this approximately 4 x each day but I’m not ready for the agony.
And just so we’re clear: that love scene was SEXY AF. HOT DAMN PEOPLE. Take a chill pill and enjoy this aesthetic with me you’ll thank me later.
Talking of aesthetics: the Blake sibs sword fighting. *happy crying* Perfectly choreographed, perfect dialogue. Bellamy verbally skewers Cooper with a cutting riposte, Octavia skewers Bellamy with a Gina reference, Bellamy retaliates with a leg swipe and a walk out. Season 5 is the season of economical dialogue that knocks me dead.
(Over the hiatus I told some friends  that if Gina got namedropped I’d do a thing that I’ve now forgotten so I’ll have to think of something appropriately commemorative.)
Bellamy SAYING HIS PIECE with Octavia. Finally. F I N A L L Y. I love Octavia, I love the Blake siblings and the prospect of them in conflict when Bellamy has enough self-love to actually challenge her is the kind of quality content that makes me tingle a lot I am here for.
Oh, and just fyi in case you hadn’t noticed. The show is giving us actual conversations, actual emotional beats. The Memori conversation did ACTUAL EMOTIONAL ANALYSIS EXCUSE ME WHILE I FREAK OUT. What is this show I don’t know her. It’s almost like they’re writing super smart scripts and people are putting it on television.
I hope Memori get to bang after they torture McCreary that seems appropriate. Perhaps they’ll make him listen to them dissecting their relationship piece by piece, with a test at the end and punishment by shock collar.
A genuine twist re Niylah and Gaia that I didn’t see coming and I am intrigued. I have long been passively meh about Niylah and actively meh about Gaia so this is an interesting development. I am ready to love batshit Gaia and get intensely creeped out by Wonkru cyborg Niylah *grabby hands*. Or the other way around. Just make me feel stuff.
Madi – god I cannot express how intensely I love Madi. Her awestruck “gross” when Clarke treats Octavia makes me want to paint her nails purple and teach her how to boulder. When I say Clarke Griffin is a babe, I don’t mean she’s hot (although she is) I mean she’s the coolest and I want to hang out with her. And Madi is a CLARKE GRIFFIN BABE-IN-TRAINING.
And she doesn’t always do as she’s told! I love her! She’s Octavia without the brat factor (i.e. Octavia without the life-long trauma).
You can tell that Jason has an actual daughter to model Madi on, because Madi is real af OK.  Not only does she have a mind of her own and a get-shit-done mentality (thank you for that Mama! Clarke), she also loves and respects Clarke and listens to her.  Clarke doesn’t parent with boundaries only…she’s a mentor. It’s so beautiful. The moment in the tent where Clarke is breaking the news about the Danger that comes with idolising a cult leader with red eye makeup? It brought actual mf tears to my eyes facts only.
And Clarke. CLARKE. My wonderful Clarke.  Can we talk about that slow-mo run? Bisexual bob bobbing, eyes focused, Bellamy gawping out of shot. I MEAN. I ship Clarke with that bob (and fucking hell it is so hard not to talk about the bob without capping up to Bob). Clarke x Bob = endgame.
I am so enjoying this Clarke, guys. This Clarke is suddenly terrified of everything. Fearless Clarke Griffin. She’s terrified of Octavia, of Dioyza, of Bellamy and the gap between them, of WHATEVER THE HELL IS GOING ON RN. She’s so full of love and terrified of losing it and terrified of what lies ahead. And she’s YEARNING for what she can’t have. It’s so relatable and I have never been more invested in Clarke than I am right now.
BELLARKE ACTION pt 1 fuck me they broke down an actual door and suddenly a hole opened up in my life that can only be filled by an X Files Bellarke au
And like? Tree Adam’s score went HELLA SCI FI when Cooper walks out of that room. Can she squeeze under doors? Is there a red light blinking in her eyes? Can I get a space opera?
BELLARKE ACTION pt 2 – Clarke’s teary eyes while watchin Becho kiss HOLY CHRIST SHOW we’re really doing this huh.
BELLARKE ACTION pt 3+?? They are so obviously?? On the same team?? Still?? The angst?? Is around the fact that they don’t connect the way they used to??  They don’t understand each other as much?? The distance of time and people?? But they can’t help being on the same team?? Forever??? They’ll always have each other’s back???
Final miscellaneous thought: does Kane know Echo is an Azgeda spy? I thiiiink you do, my friend and if you snitch on my problematic panda we’re going to have a problem you and I.
There’s probably more and I KNOW I KNOW I FORGOT ABOUT ELIGIUS AND DIOYZA SORRY you cannot expect to me to focus with this level of nudity on my show.
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kyrieanne · 6 years
The 100 Season 5 Ending Speculation
This isn’t based off any spoilers...just pure speculation on my part. 
The repeated mantra of the cast and crew has been that the ending to Season 5 will leave you like WTF?!?! So my mind started whirling about what that could be? I mean, we’re Nuclear Meltdown 2.0. That’s a go-to doomsday device and we’ve already pushed that button twice. 
What’s left? 
I thought, well they could blow up Earth.  
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How or why the earth blows up? I have no idea. But my theory is less about the planet exploding and more about it becoming permanently inhabitable so hang with me here...
To me, there are two Chekov’s guns this season: 
Eligius  - both their ship and the missing one - and the chryopods 
the damn worms 
(I thought the worms had played their part until last week’s episode (5x10) had that panning shot to the containers of eggs Clarke dumped in the dessert so now I’m wondering if they don’t have a bigger role to fill.) 
The writing has leaned hard without trying to draw too much attention to the Eligius mission that no one ever heard from again. I mean, it’s not exactly subtle. I think they’d be retreading if right at the last minute this season the missing Eligius crew shows up like Diyoza and her folks did last season. But they’re CLEARLY important. So what if there is a planet out there that can be resettled? 
(Yes, this is pure crack speculation, but it’s fun so here I am.) 
Blowing up the earth means there’s nothing to go back to, but ALTERNATIVELY to the planet being destroyed I could see some other species taking over and becoming hostile enough that humans can’t live in Shallow Valley - and the worms could do that. 
The part of my speculation that I know other folks have thought about has been the chryopods and some part of our cast going on the ship out into space. Then in 5x10, Octavia called Monty and Harper Adam and Eve and I’ve been thinking about that all week...
What’s the story left to tell on the ground? What’s the story if you split the cast up (which this show loves to do) between Earth and space ship? And if there’s only a small piece of habitable earth, what is Season 6 going to be about? 
(I mean I’ll read the shit out of AU fics where our faves are trying to build that dystopian village Kane and Diyoza dreamed up, but when thinking about a television show, especially The 100, I don’t see the Shallow Valley council meetings about where to build the school being the main plot line of Season 6. I just don’t.)
Without getting into spoilers (like episode titles) I don’t have a lot of textual evidence for my theory. A few fledging pieces are: 
‘For my people’ - If I never hear ‘for my people’ again I’ll die a happy woman, but I do concede it a human trait and reason for conflict in real life. Basically, it’s a ton of fun to write. This show has beat that theme to death and I think we’re going to continue to see it be circled around - the ethics of that mentality, the PTSD of the leaders who use it, the consequences of it for everyone involved, etc. Octavia is the latest to be plagued with ‘for my people-itis’ BUT if everyone has to leave Earth the stakes of ‘for my people’ become pretty damn high. It’s a reset button that is actually interesting, I think. 
“From the ashes we will rise” - I mean if the planet blows up it becomes quite literal...
Ground vs. Sky - This season has had a TON of Season 1 parallels and Season 1 ended with the Ark coming down to the ground, essentially negating the option to live in the sky. The ground was the safest place for humanity and the sky had become an untenable option. A reversal of that would be the ground is no longer an option and the sky becomes a risk, but really the only choice. 
The Flame - Over on @metastation there has been a lot of talk about myth building and breaking this season. We got the stories Clarke told Madi about her friends, especially Octavia. We’ve got the Red Queen story Bellamy told Octavia as a kid. Gaia and the ‘time of the commanders’ stuff in 5x02. The church imagery/set that has come up over and over. Claire and Erin do a great job in their podcasts this season naming all the ways that theme is being woven into the story this season. You should go listen if you’re not already. SO I think the Flame showing up is another part of that theme. The Flame contains both myths and myth-breaking truths. It contains knowledge of the technology that built the Eligius ships. It contains memories of people who would have been contemporaries of the missing Eligius mission. Putting it in Madi’s head allows access to that information, and I really doubt we won’t see more of it working in that way in these last few episodes. ALL of that intersects with the earth becoming uninhabitable. It becomes a place of human myth and our characters the last of their kind, the myth bearers so to speak. What if the phrase ‘the time of the commanders is over’ isn’t just about the mechanics of that belief system, but also the world in which people divided along various lines and fought over ground is over? Not because humanity evolved beyond that, but because the humanity that is left doesn’t have a choice? They become refugees because the planet of their origin was destroyed due to their own hands (first nuclear, then bio-warfare via the worms)? 
Like I said, I’ve got no real evidence. Mostly a lot of questions now that we’re in the homestretch and then pure speculation for fun. 
(I also like the idea that some small group of people refuse to leave the planet - Octavia being among them - and a gutting scene we get is watching the majority of folks leaving on the ship knowing they can’t force people to choose to survive.)
tl:dr  BOOM
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laufire · 4 years
Silverflint or silverflintmadi
when of if I started shipping it: it interested me since the moment Madi offered to help with the task of ~being someone close to Flint~~ lol. I started fully shipping it today after watching 4x01 (who knows when I’ll have time to watch the next one D:), and Silvermadi’s choice of postcoital conversation was FLINT LMFAO.
my thoughts: we could have had it all *sobs*. Seriously, they could play off each other so well as a triad... And the similarities between Flint and Madi are my favourite thing ever lol.
What makes me happy about them: interesting dynamics all around, how they play with the core conflict of the show.
What makes me sad about them: it’s gonna end in a truly heartbreaking place.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: I have yet to read fic (though I’ve perused tags et al; I have a weird anthropological interest about that sort of stuff okay xD), but I’m sure I’ll find something xD
things I look for in fanfic: probably canon-divergence AUs lmao. And whether there’s fic that includes Miranda in the polycule, Because.
My kinks: frankly I see Silver as someone not naturally inclined to kink and likely even uncomfortable with some of it. Flint is the subiest sub evah and probably has experience, but he definitely has his own hangups wrt sex. Madi might be the more pro-active one in that area, in a no-nonsense way and more out of curiosity than hands-on experience. It would be a mess so I guess they can only improve from there xD.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: this question is DELETED when it comes to this show. Poly or bust. If you’re asking me “who else I could ship them with”: Miranda for the polycule, Thomas for Flint (and Miranda; Flint/Thomas without Miranda there breaks my heart tbh), Muldoon for Silver and Eme for Madi. But again: this are all compatible in my head :P
My happily ever after for them: victory and happiness and polyamory, canon-divergence AU ftw xD
I didn’t know whether to do both but they’re different beasts so xD
when of if I started shipping it: I did enjoy a lot of their previous interactions but the ship-ship moment came when Flint asked Silver if he’s the villain of his story, and Silver replied he doesn’t care about the labels people give to Flint. Cue Flint looking shaken to his core and Silver amazed at the fact that Flint cares about how he comes across to other people and saying it must suck to be him xDD. OTP-levels shipping came with the shark date lmfao.
my thoughts: I’ve been interested in them since TI (I cared a lot more about their backstory than the plot lol), so it’s no surprise I love them here.
What makes me happy about them: they’re really well written, and despite being a big-ish shipdom (within the show, though maybe not in general levels probably) I have yet to see something that makes me want to run from the hills, so there’s that (*knocks on wood so that it doesn’t happen*. Look, I tend to dislike big shipdoms even when I’m technically part of them lol. Maybe more so).
What makes me sad about them: I thrive on heartache and disfunction, so for all I know, I might embrace the canon ending LOL.
things done in fanfic that annoys me: n/a. I guess “blatant OoC-ness/female characters erasure/bashing” is a handy answer.
things I look for in fanfic: see above.
My kinks: see above.
Who I’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: see above.
My happily ever after for them: see above.
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laufire · 5 years
t100 6x08
(crossposted in dreamwidth, livejournal, and pillowfort)
OMGGGG. We all joked about how Murphy’s offer of immortality was going to be the equivalent to a proposal, but HE ACTUALLY GOT DOWN ON ONE KNEE I CAAAAAN’T (does Emori know the particular significance of the gesture?). Gosh, what a great episode for them. The parallels with 4x07 KILLED ME btw (”but what’s in it for you?” “ultimate survivor’s move”, the suffering waiting for them in the next episode...). Emori’s facial expresions during the whole episode killed me too, D’Oliveira is so so good. And Emori’s conflict between Murphy and the rest of her family was perfect (I kind of also want to say “fuck u” to Bellamy for seeing her just as an extension of Murphy lmao). BTW I had another TVD flashback with the “I will love you forever” quote xDD (the whole immortal!Memori tease is making me want to finish a half-written vampire AU too lol).
It seems the Biyoza bliss is coming to an end, but damn did I enjoy it while it lasted xDD. And this episode delievered a lot of good pearls lol (I couldn’t BELIEVE the “old married couple” comment. Between that and the Casablanca quote, they’re just teasing me), with Diyoza carrying Octavia around, Octavia jumping at the anomaly to try to save her, holding her and comforting her, calling her “good girl”, being the gentle dom Octavia seems to need right now xDD... I’m guessing there’s going to be some Gabriel/Octavia going on, which I’m tentatively interested in I guess. But Diyoza better come out of the anomaly. Maybe she’ll have her child already born and grown lol, she’s already been waiting a few hundred years.
I’m really, really into Gabriel/Josephine. THE IMMORTAL EXES SHIP I WAS PROMISED. He keeps her picture (that was the moment that confirmed to me he was Gabriel lol)! She’s his darkest fear and deepest desire! I can’t wait for their reunion lol.
Also, I really want Josephine to survive lol. She’s just fun, okay?? And since they know how to make nightbloods now, it’s not impossible, maybe? Fingers crossed xD. I laughed so hard when she told her father “yeah, I’ve seen this girl’s thoughts, if we bring her back she kills us” XDD. And I’m 120% sure she was gunning for a threesome with Memori. Loved seeing Murphy demanding an apology for the hand comment btw.
Raven my bby. You’re always amazing (and I shouldn’t go into your tag, but I can’t help it lol). That’s basically what I have to say so far, because there are certain things I want to see develop before I talk about her plot lol. BTW, this plot resurrected some Luna/Raven feelings xDD
Echo was great as usual too. Loved how she reacted to Madi’s plan lmao. Because yes, you could tell she appreciated the idea, even if she could see the problems it’d create (I think there were some parallels with the Ice Nation attack on MW there too, and Echo saw where that went).
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