#i have by no means watched all or even most of classic who but im pretty good at having opinions nevertheless
ROWAN I wanna start watching Old Who, where should I start
Doctors 1 thru 7 are on tubi but they don't seem to have 8 for some reason :( I could also dig up the TV movie or something, i remember watching at least 1 doctor who movie on vhs at my grandma's but I don't know which one it was
OKAY SO the first rule of watching Classic Who is having fun and being yourself
Further than that:
First Doctor - Start at the start!
Classic move! Put on An Unearthly Child and watch them all in the order that God, or at least the BBC*, intended
(*disregarding the ones, all from the First or Second Doctor's runs, that were purged from the archives as part of due process back then. Some have been reconstructed in a variety of ways, others remain entirely lost)
Pros of starting here: Easy! You get to watch the show develop into what it is today and you don't have to piece together context in ways you might have to to be willing to starting elsewhere
Cons of starting here: The show started very differently to what it is today. The pacing is sometimes slower, sometimes just by the nature of the story, sometimes because they had 2 episodes worth of plot they had to fit into 6 parts
Seventh Doctor - Start at the... end?
The Seventh Doctor, particularly when he's joined by Ace McShane at the end of s24, is arguably the most similar to modern DW. The first Classic Who episodes I ever watched were Dragonfire and The Happiness Patrol after I was given them on DVD as a gift
Pros of starting here: we've got drama we've got a Doctor who's a little bit fucked up with his schemes we've got a teenager willing (for better or for worse) to jump into the fight, it's often familiar to a modern DW watcher and as good a place as any to start. Also has a incredibly high proportion of banger serials, something I realised later down this post when trying to pick a few to recommend
Cons of starting here: plot threads that never develop into what they promise, due to the show getting cancelled in series 25. You may also be left with the reasonable question of "okay so I've watched the end bit of DW, now what?"
Eighth Doctor - Why is my tumblr mutual abnormal about this man
Never got a TV series :(. He has like three televised appearances: a minisode made for the show's 50th anniversary, a cameo in an episode made for the BBC's 100th anniversary, and the TV movie Doctor Who (1996), which was an attempt at bringing the show back after it got cancelled in 1989
Pros of starting here: doesn't directly follow on from any previous stories and since you already know who these guys (the Doctor and the Master) are, you know all the relevant backstories (other than a few new pieces of lore they throw in just for this film, to really piss off a certain kind of diehard DW fan)
Cons of starting here: as much as I love it dearly, and regard it as a masterpiece of cinema, I do acknowledge it would be massively improved by, for example, a coherent plot. There's a reason it took until 2005 for the show to come back properly and it wasn't because everybody at the time loved this film
Addendum - Watching orders are overrated
The order I've been watching Classic Who in has gone 7 -> 5 -> 3, excluding the odd single serials I've watched from 1, 4, and 6. The world can be your oyster if you're willing to sometimes skim some character's wiki page to find out who they're supposed to be. Some ones I recommend(*) and ones I haven't seen but have been reliably recommended by friends(+) are:
First Doctor
The Romans (+)
The Gunfighters (+)
-> DW's first musical serial!
Second Doctor
The Tomb of the Cybermen (+)
Fury from the Deep (+)
The War Games (+)
Third Doctor
Spearhead from Space (*)
Inferno (*)
The Curse of Peladon (*)
-> Really this is because I am just so delighted by Alpha Centauri whenever it appears
The Green Death (*)
Fourth Doctor
The Ark in Space (+)
Horror of Fang Rock (+)
City of Death (*)
-> Co-written by Douglas Adams this one, and is one of those stories that's pretty much as good as everyone says it is
Fifth Doctor
Castrovalva (*)
-> Does follow directly on from the previous serial Logopolis, featuring companions introduced throughout s18, but at the time of writing I still haven't watched Logopolis so you're probably fine? Good serial for fans of fucked up architecture and blonde men in distress
Earthshock (*)
The Caves of Androzani (*)
Sixth Doctor
Vengeance on Varos (+)
Revelation of the Daleks (+)
Seventh Doctor
Remembrance of the Daleks (*)
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy (*)
-> Occupies an interesting place in DW history as it is in pretty much direct response to fans at the time, to the extent they kill off a parody of an obsessive DW fan who may or may not be Chris Chibnall. Mostly I'm recommending it because it has really really good clown costuming
The Curse of Fenric (*)
Survival (*)
-> Lesbian furry serial
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bonyato · 1 year
DE DONDE SALIO EL DIGIPOSTEO MI QUERIDO AMIGO VIRTUALITO?? pregunto por un amigo (esta franquicia es mi infancia)
OMG NERONWRONERONWEROOOO7O FELLOW DIGIMОN ENJOYER HI HI HIIII !! 💖 Justamente vos sos de quien siempre me he acordado cada qe veía cualquier cosa relacionada a la franquicia before properly getting into it myself . I feel like we've come full circle(?)
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GHWJRHJWHEHEHE ANYWAYS i started watching Digimоn Adventure relatively recently after some friends & I became interested in visiting the franchise (or, well— re-visiting, in their cases; 'twas my 1st time being exposed to the series in my case <"3) y  H E R M A N O  noexagero cuando digo que he pasado por Todo Un Arco De Desarrollo De Personaje viendo esta vaina i'm literally so unwell Y ESO QUE TODAVÍA NI LA ACABO‼️‼️HEAD IN HANDS, literal aún estoy en proceso de negación al respecto even now bc there's like No Way my attitude went from thinking it was so insane and off-the-wall I was sure I would only end up enjoying it ironically to being Deeply&Irreparably Emotionally Invested w/ it oVER THE COURSE OF 40 EPISODES 🗣
So, naturally, I've developed brainrot about it grins 😁
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bitter-and-queer · 11 months
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misskingshit · 5 months
𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘵𝘰𝘶𝘵 summary: where he has an interest in a certain pop singer, and he doesn't try to hide it. note: believe me or not i’ve been listening hip hop since Im like 15 y/o, soooo why not do an M&M’s fic?? Let me know if u want part 2! xoxo
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The lyrics of Mr Eminem's new song being mostly about you? That was something you definitely didn't expect.
I get so weak on my knees
Lose all control
Damn, her silhouette
So hot
Fuck bein’ a gentleman
I'm going to fuck her instead
The red carpet at the Grammys has always been a dream for you, you had already won a couple of awards, today... you were excited to be the presenter of one of them.
Best Rap Album.
To say you were excited is an understatement.
You've loved this genre of music since you were a teenager, Tupac, Fifty, Snoop...to name the most classics.
The camera flashes were the only thing you saw, accompanied by many voices that stunned your ears just by hearing your name.
"Y/N! over here!" A reporter called you, without hesitation, you approached.
"Hey how are you?" you asked with a big smile.
"Incredible! How are you? I imagine you're very excited for tonight" he smiles.
"Don't even mention it! I can't wait to call the winner on stage!"
"Do you think Eminem is nominated? He's been on everyone's mouth lately with his latest song..."
Here we go.
"Yeah... well, I'm sure he'll be nominated, I mean, he's fucking Eminem, it would be like a sin if he wasn't, right?" You laughed a little awkwardly.
"What do you think about his last song, about his comments towards you? 50% of people are upset calling Eminem a degenerate..." you didn't let him finish speaking.
"Well...I really like him, I mean, I've always been his fan and it's an honor to be named in one of his songs. Plus I also think that...we all know how he's like, if you don't like his way to be, to think, to speak, the lyrics of his songs, just don't listen to it and that's it, problem solved, I don’t see the point in hating so much on something you can just...ignore" you laugh looking at the camera "Just take things more lightly, not everything is fighting and bad intentions."
You finished your conversation with said reporter and simply headed to your designated seat.
On the other hand, a certain blonde boy was also being attacked with questions regarding his controversial lyrics.
"She's here? Shit, I want to see her," the blonde rapper said, showing a small, very small, smile, turning his head around with the intention of catching some sign of the hot pop singer, you.
"Yes! In fact she will be the one to present the award for best rap album!"
"No shit! Damn man she's here" Em turned around and said to his best friend, Proof.
In a few minutes everyone finished settling into their seats and you both were surprised when you looked at each other, just a few seats away.
You were five seats to the right and three to the back, so you caught him every time he turned his head back a little to look and smile at you.
Until, soon...your moment had arrived, you got up from your seat to head backstage.
By the way, when you walked past the rapper, he didn't try to hide the fact that he couldn't take his eyes off you for even a second.
"And the Grammy goes to..." you created some tension "EMINEN!" You blurted out the name more excited than you should have.
The rapper's reaction might not have been very expressive normally, but he couldn't contain his smile when he knew who would be the one giving to him his award. The rapper and his friends got on stage and it was inevitable that you felt nervous as you watched him walk towards you, with a playful look, as if he knew what he generated in you.
"Congratulations," you whispered when he was close enough to you, taking the grammy as you felt the soft brush of his fingers against yours, he did it on purpose.
You didn't expect him to give you a hug.
"That's all I get?" He whispered back to you, keeping your faces close and your noses touching, his hands on your waist pulling you closer to him as if he didn't want to move away from you.
A great bustle from the public was heard, and it took them both out of the small cloud in which they were.
This was definitely going to stir the waters.
You both walked away, while you greeted and congratulated the rest of his friends (Proof winking at you in the process).
"Wow, shit, this is crazy, thank you so much to everyone who made the production of this album possible, Dr Dre, who always had my back, I will be forever grateful...and my god, damn, thanks to whoever the fuck is that put this beauty in that dress..." he turned to look at you and winked "Y/N Y/L/N ladies and gentlemen, the source of my inspiration for Heat Seeker"
Obviously, you blushed.
The entire audience was applauding, probably already starting to gossip among themselves about the little show between you and Eminem.
Like a gentleman he offered you his hand as he watched you walk down the steps of the stage with great caution. "Thank you," you whispered. “Any time” he smiles at you.
´Til the end of the awards you continued to connect glances from time to time, you also noticed how his friends bothered him every time he turned his head to look at you.
"Hey, Y/N! wait!" listen to yourself behind your back. "Hey," you looked at him softly, "whats up?" He shook his head quickly. "I just wanted to…I mean, normally I wouldn't give a shit, but, I wanted to make sure that the song didn't offend you, it wasn't to upset you…" You interrupted his attempt to apologies "Don't worry, I understand it was just the song, I didn't take it personally, actually, I loved it" you laughed. "You did? I'm glad you're not like the rest and laugh instead of being offended." His attempt to hide his smile failed completely.
It just slips away from him.
Just with you.
A few seconds of silence took over the situation, though it wasn't uncomfortable, your eyes connected and you didn't seem to realize that you had been staring at each other. "Uhm, I was about to go to my hotel," you pointed behind you, "I was gonna change for the afterparty."
"Can I go with you?" He asked you, but before you processed the fact that he wanted to go with you to your hotel, he interrupted your thoughts "I mean, just so then we can go to the party together, if you want" he scratched the back of his neck.
You didn't even need to think about it "Yeah, I would like that" you smiled.
The two of you walked together towards your limo, captured by several cameras, so neither of you doubted that tomorrow you would wake up to a bunch of articles about how Eminem and Y/N left the Grammy's together. But none of you care about it.
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nghtwngs · 2 years
silly human traditions
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description: you’ve never had a new year’s kiss before. neither has the doctor. you decide to change that tonight.
pairing: tenth doctor x reader (you can probably read it as eleven too!)
genre: fluff, friends to lovers, mutual pining
word count: 1.2k
warnings: alcohol consumption (by the doctor), ten might be ooc bc im literally rewatching eleven’s episodes (im on the second christmas special rn!) and i think ive lost his voice but i hope that’s not the case
a/n: happy new year!! i wrote this up like real fast bc i was thinking about kissing ten and well… yeah
You walk into the TARDIS’s control room with a huge grin plastered on your face. “Doctor, we have to celebrate our first New Year!”
The Doctor looks up from the control console and turns his head to face you. “New Year?” His eyebrows are furrowed, lips curled down into a frown. “There’s no concept of time in the time vortex—how would we celebrate New Year’s?”
“Well, my phone’s calendar doesn’t change.” You pull out your device, opening the calendar app and holding it up for him to see. “It’s currently December 31st. And also we celebrated the holidays this past week.”
He pulls out his glasses out of his suit and puts them on. He squints at your screen anyway. “Well, I guess so. How’d you figure we do that?” He jumps up, running over to you. “What about a planet where everything is made of water? Or we could watch a galaxy of stars fizzle out into nothing but dust!”
“Well, Doctor, I was thinking we could just, I don’t know… spend it on Earth? Watch the ball drop in Time Square or something? Hm, actually maybe not that.”
“You little humans and all your traditions.”
“You love it.”
He mirrors your cheeky grin. “Alright, then! I think I have just the place.” He rushes over to the console, doing his thing. The TARDIS makes her signature wheezing noise, reminding you to hold on tight. “New York! Present year… well, for you anyway. Two hours ‘til midnight. Dress well. We have a party to crash!”
You make a sound of excitement, giving the Doctor a chaste kiss on the cheek. “Amazing.” You run off to the TARDIS’s vast wardrobe to find an appropriate outfit.
After finishing getting ready, you pop back into the control room to find the Doctor fiddling with his tie. He’s dressed in a black suit. A classic. You think it suits him well. (Pun not intended.)
“No bow tie this time?” you ask, walking over to him.
He just shakes his head. “Nah.”
“You clean up nicely,” you say, tightening his tie for him.
He smiles so softly at you that it makes your heart ache with need. “You do too.”
You clear your throat when the intensity of his gaze hits you. “Well, we better get to the party. Don’t wanna miss anything else.” You link your arms, dragging him out of the TARDIS.
Turns out, the party he took you to crash is filled with a bunch of celebrities. No one either of you care for, but celebrities nonetheless. It makes you feel important to be around all these people. Like you’re important enough to be around the Doctor, who you’d say is the most famous of them all. It makes you feel special. Being here. With him, but maybe not with him.
He doesn’t even bother to correct anyone when they mistake you for being an item. You often wonder if there is any deeper meaning behind that. It makes your heart stumble off beat. But that’s silly. A ridiculous, quite pathetic notion.
Silly human things, you suppose.
But it’s okay. He makes you feel special. Anyone the Doctor chooses to be his companion is special.
The very best of humanity, he’d say.
The Doctor has a sip of some random alcoholic drink you were both offered (you declined) and sticks his tongue out in disgust. He immediately places the glass back onto the tray. “That was dreadful. Absolutely dreadful.”
You can’t stop yourself from giggling until he grabs your water and chugs the entire thing. You grumble, “I was about to drink that.” But your words come out much too soft, too fondly for him to believe you’re really upset over it.
He leads you out onto the balcony with his hand on your back. You forget all about your drink.
“Oh my, God!” You double over, holding onto the Doctor’s arm. “They were sentient? How can grass be sentient?” You both continue to wheeze like it’s the funniest thing the two of you ever heard.
“Yeah, they were quite rude honestly. Telepathic. Said my hair looks ridiculous,” he muses. His voice suddenly goes quiet. He leans into you, staring into your eyes like it’d make you any more honest. “Does my hair look ridiculous?”
You run your fingers through his locks, making sure not to mess them up. “Your hair looks great. I always like it.”
“Yeah? You think so?”
You nod in agreement.
Cheers erupt from inside, and you’re worried you missed the countdown. But there’s still another five minutes left.
“Do you have any resolutions for the New Year, Doctor?”
“Resolutions? Why would I need resolutions? Is that some human tradition? Why do you have so many traditions?”
“People just want to have goals, I guess? I never really stuck with mine. And well, it’s really just that and uh… the New Year’s kiss.”
“New Year’s kiss?” He frowns.
“Yeah, they say if you kiss someone at midnight on New Year’s, it’ll strengthen the bond between you? I don’t know. It’s silly. I’ve never had a New Year’s kiss before, so I couldn’t tell you if it’s true or not.”
“Huh.” There’s his thinking face. Nothing good ever comes from his thinking face. Not unless you’re in a life or death situation, and you don’t think you are right now. At least you really hope not. “Do you… Would you like to test that theory out?”
You almost choke. “What?”
“Well, I mean, it’s not like we have to or anything.”
“I didn’t peg you as the superstitious type.”
“I’m not. But no harm in trying it out, right?”
No, there’s a lot of harm in trying it out, you want to say. You think your heart might explode out of your chest. That would be a horrible way to start out the new year. He’d have to find another companion whose heart stays in their chest cavity and away from both of his.
“Yeah, no harm at all.”
Why can’t your mouth just stay shut sometimes?
You hear the countdown start.
He holds your chin between his index finger and thumb.
His warm eyes look into yours.
You’ve never been touched with such gentleness before.
His scent is so clean and warm and so him.
The proximity is completely dizzying.
You think you can feel your knees buckle.
How can he look at you as if you’re the only interesting thing in the universe?
When he’s seen it all.
A quick glance at your lips.
The Doctor presses his lips against yours. It’s wonderful. He tastes like berries. When in the world did he have berries? Your arms slink around him, pulling him as close as possible. He doesn’t seem to mind. He cups your face with his hands. What a brain melting kiss. The strings of his hearts are knotting with yours. You want to be consumed by this feeling.
It doesn’t register that you have to breathe for a minute, but you think you’d kiss him forever if you could. You have all the time in the world anyway. You wonder how long can Time Lords go without air. Probably much longer than humans, yeah? You, with much reluctance, pull away.
He pecks your lips again. He grins cheekily at you. “A while.”
You scoff. You hate it when he does that. And when he smiles at you like that. Your neck grows hot even though it’s cool outside. “It’s midnight.” You’re still breathless.
“It is.”
“You’re my first New Year’s kiss.”
“You’re mine.”
Maybe it’s true; the bond between you does feel stronger this year. You kiss him again and then some more.
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rinstrumental · 1 year
ellie gf headcanons
# modern au. im in luv with her. this is so long oh my god its an illness
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did karate from 1st grade all the way up to high school and basically considers herself your bodyguard
immediately offers you her hoodie without a second thought when you show the slightest signs of being cold. she lets you keep it too, of course. what kind of girlfriend would she be if she didn’t ???!!!!
she needs either your hands on her or her hands on you at all times. sosososo touchy and BIG on pda her kisses are inescapable. constantly has an arm around you or resting on your waist… the whole world needs to know. she’s actually insufferable i’m sorry but in the most endearing way ever how can you resist
“would you still love me if i was a ____???” she wants a serious answer too
genuinely thinks ur the prettiest person alive. which is kind of the bare minimum but she worships you truly
happy with any sort of date as long as it’s with you. fancy dinner? this is the only reason she keeps a suit and tie. staying in? what movie do you want, babe? running errands? she’s already waiting for you in the car!!!
speaking of cars she drives an old station wagon which used to be joel’s. ellie used to moan about how lame it was until you said that the back was perfect for sitting together during camping or stargazing…. and other activities too ;) wink wonk
gets flustered when she makes you flustered because you’re telling her that SHE did that?? she made u nervous??? shit man now shes blushing too
her love language is gifts she loves to spoil you with your favourite snacks and soft toys and even homemade gifts. she just wants you to see her in your room and have her on your mind as much as you’re in hers!!
it’s no secret that she’s an artist and it’s also no secret that her favourite subject to draw is youuu!!! her favourite thing to do is just have you sit across from her and draw what she sees
of course naturally that means she takes tons of pictures of you… to study for her drawings… and keep in her special photo album of you… and to look at when she misses you. Ofc
makes fun of you/teases you sometimes. she can be a mean bitch to other people but she would never actually hurt your feelings and you know that
ellie hates goodbyes. even if it’s after spending a full day together and you’re going to see her soon anyways… i just know she’s the kind of person who feels empty after hanging out with someone.
calls and texts about everything… and it’s always so cute :( she definitely has autocaps on
ellie: I drew you again!!
ellie: Hey babe I saw this funny bird it reminded me of u
ellie: I miss you so much. When can I see you again?
ellie: These cats r like us lol
keeps a pet gecko or something like that for sure. it’s you guys’ baby
her top two movie genres are horror and romance after that. the only reason romance is that high up is because it reminds her of you
does stupid romcom shit like hold a boombox outside your window. makes you mixtapes even though CDs are basically extinct (joel has a player thank god). corny pickup lines. asks you to be her valentine publicly. runs to your house in the rain. dances with you in said rain.
when she gets sick it’s like the end of the world omg… she needs u to be at her side 24/7 and hold her and keep her company and give her get well soon kisses, it’s essential to her recovery. doctors orders. he said it not her!
gets along so well with your friends and family. she does her research and takes this shit seriously! whatever it takes to make you happy because what’s better than watching your girlfriend get along with the people you love
she also takes her own family seriously - family time is important to her and she spends a lot of time with joel. it’s even better when you can join, some of her best memories are with the two of you
“i’m happy as long as you’re happy”
pet names galore. her personal favourite is just babe (classic) but when she likes others too (sweetheart, honey, darling etc she’s so cheesy it’s awful)
in conclusion she’s just a clingy sappy lesbian who’s absolutely head over heels for you. and you wouldn’t have it any other way <33
bonus: (these tweets that are so ellie)
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satoruxx · 1 year
congrats on 200 followers!!
im thinking of hsr blade + reader who keeps throwing him corny science-y pickup lines :3
"if i had to choose between DNA and RNA, i'd choose RNA because it has U in it"
"are you an arrhythmia? because you just made my heart skip a beat"
"are you rheumatoid arthritis? because you make me feel weak in the knees"
(inspired by @/nathan_fang_'s science rizz on ig, theyre absolute gold)
pairing: blade x reader | 1.3k+ words summary: all fluff and crack, just a teensy tiny bit suggestive at the end but it's harmless, blade is TIRED, classic sunshine x grump trope bc we all secretly love it hehe a/n: AHHHH hello anon! this was so much fun to write omg !! blade is such a grump i love him. i don't know if i did him justice though lol. i really wanna pull for him but i spent all my savings on luocha sobs. anyways thank you thank you for your support and i hope you enjoy this <33
blade didn't mind working in pairs. normally, he worked well with the teammates he had. following kafka's plans usually ended with a success, and even as irritating as silver wolf could be, she had enough knowledge in her brain to get them out of sticky situations. he definitely didn't mind working with either of them.
you on the other hand, blade was unsure of. ok yes, in your defense, he knew that you were quite intelligent. you were well-versed in the lifestyles of many different galaxies, and you were the type of person who liked to research as much as you could before you stepped foot on a new planet. so the first day blade met you, he did truly believe you were a mature, all-knowing researcher joining the stellaron hunters.
that was before, though. while you still did come off as all-knowing, he now knew you were far from mature.
"will you please quit it?"
you grin cheekily, watching him pace back and forth in front of the locked door you both were hiding behind, on the look out for guards. his red eyes dart back and forth between the door and you as you sit at one of the computers, extracting some files for the mission.
"i'm just saying you could try to smile more, blade."
he scoffs, eyes lingering on you and your annoying grin for a second longer. "nothing to smile about in my life."
you snort, shaking your head as you absentmindedly tap at the screen. "well that's dramatic. you just need something to make you laugh."
"I don't see any funny people around here." he sneers, eyes narrowed as he shoots you a sarcastic grin. you place your hand on your heart in mock offense.
"i'll have you know i am very funny!" you say defensively, shooting him a glare. blade only raises an unimpressed eyebrow.
"sure thing. because everything you've ever said has got me positively giggling. now will you shut up and work faster so we can get out of here?"
a mirthless smile graces your face as you narrow your eyes at him in retaliation. "you just have no sense of humor." you mutter, turning back to the screen. blade rolls his eyes before resuming his lookout, though his gaze does wander back to you more times than he cares to admit. the room is silent save for the occasional clicks of the software you were accessing, and for a second blade thinks he misses the sound of your talking, but he pushes that thought aside.
you somehow seem to pick up on it though, because you speak up again. "hey blade?"
"are you rheumatoid arthritis?"
he can't see your face with your back turned to him, and he seems to think you're seriously asking him a question, because he frowns and begins to speak. "are you stupid? do you mean to say do i have rheumatoid arthritis? because, you know that i do not-"
"because you make me feel weak in the knees!"
there's a tense silence as he stares at you, his brain trying to process what you just said. when it clicks his lips curl into a sneer and he groans.
"aeons, will you please shut up? you are so stupid why am i stuck here-"
"hey blade, if you were an element you'd be francium because you're the most attractive!"
his clicks his tongue as you giggle, finally standing up and making your way over to him after downloading all the data you needed. you peer at him mischievously, eyes scanning over his sour expression. "what, not even a smile? tough crowd."
he scoffs, opening the door and ushering you out in front of him so that he can keep an eye on you. "what, that was your strategy? stupid nerdy pick up lines? try harder."
"you're underestimating my resolve, bladie. i will get you."
he hums absentmindedly, resisting the urge to roll his eyes at you as he peers down halls for any enemies before sending you the signal to keep walking.
you clear your throat, and he sighs as you begin your inane antics once more. "you must be a good benzene ring because you are so aromatic!"
"stop it right now."
"you must be made of uranium and iodine, because i can see U and I together!"
he pauses, eyes narrowing as a weird tumble occurs in his chest. he glares down at you from the corner of his eyes, trying his best not to dwell on it because aeons above you were just being stupid. he hears you laugh under your breath, and he's about to scold you once more before he hears voices approaching.
"shut up. guards." he orders quietly, pulling your arm back so that you're now hiding behind the wall with him. he watches them carefully, scarlet eyes scanning for any sudden movements as he keeps you behind him. suddenly he feels your finger poke at his bicep as you whisper:
"are you a carbon sample? because i really wanna date you!"
blade feels his face grow hot as he glares at you angrily. he immediately turns around and presses a bandaged hand over your mouth, leaning in close to hiss at you. "you idiot. didn't i say shut up? they're right there!"
you reach up to pull his hand away from your face, though your fingers continue to hold his as you give him another cheeky smile.
"ooh," you whisper dramatically, grinning at his close proximity. "are you a heart arrhythmia? because you just made my heart skip a beat!"
blade's eyes dart all over your face, and he ignores the way that it feels like his brain is short-circuiting since it's probably just because of how reckless you're being. instead he just opts for rolling his eyes and clamping his hand back over your mouth. you let him this time, though he can still tell you're smiling by the way your eyes crinkle.
as soon as the coast is clear, he's leading you back to the ship without a word. the entire way there, you continue to drop more of your stupid lines, and he only gives you annoyed groans in response.
by the time you both are safely back, he's had enough of you.
"-you have 11 protons? because you're sodium fine!" you giggle, and blade's eye twitches once before he's turning around and getting in your face once more. his eyes bore into yours as he smirks.
"oh yeah? if i was an enzyme, i'd be dna helicase, just so that i could unzip your genes." he says, keeping his voice even as he stares at you.
your jaw drops, face heating up at the unexpected turn of events as you stumble over a response. "w-wait, you-!"
"what? you've been yapping my ear off about how great our chemistry is. don't you think we should do some biology together too?" he smirks, red eyes lighting up as he takes in your flustered expression.
"well that's not what i-!" you pause, breath hitching as he leans closer and brushes a strand of loose hair out of your eyes. he chuckles under his breath, peering at you through his bangs.
"damn. you must be an alkali metal. one touch and already highly reactive, huh?"
"blade!" you hiss, eyes darting away from him and he finally relents, pulling back to watch you with an amused grin. you clear your throat, almost like you know how caught off guard you look. "i have to go...report to kakfa."
he bites back a grin, watching you leave through the dark strands of his hair. so flustered that you didn't even realize that in the end you did get him to smile? how amusing.
he laughs quietly to himself, shaking his head. maybe, just maybe, he could try to ask elio to make you his partner permanently.
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wizardfrog69 · 1 year
Fyodor with a quiet but affectionate gf? when she does speak she’s very soft spoken, and never yells or becomes loud. It would also be cute if she did small acts of service to show love since she never really says it. like head massages, kisses on the cheek, bringing water.. just small cute things.
I changed my aesthetic again. And thanks for the request!
'•.¸♡Soft and delicate♡¸.•'
Fyodor x quiet but affectionate reader
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Fyodor isn't very talkative, so most of the time, the place is quiet or filled with classical music. (Or waltzes with the sound of wooden floor boards creaking softly)
No one really does anything for Fyodor so when you did small acts of service his heart melted, but not his expression, it mostly stayed the same cold expression, but it would soften whenever you left, sometimes even breaking into a smile when no ones watching.
When you started bringing him water, you could see the change in him, even after a day you could tell his body felt different, in a good way. (Drink your water bitches, please.)
His silly brain keeps working every day, so when you massage his head or any body part really he would instantly relax and melt under your touch, small, soft, satisfied moans leaving his lips once in a while. He might even take a quick nap, who knows.
He loves kisses on the cheek, especially when he's working. He won't react or might not even say 'thank you', but he means it, even when his eyes leave the screen for half a second.
You will be finding a letter or two by your doorstep later that day expressing Fyodor's gratefulness. Fyodor doesn't really know how to show that he loves you, it is all so knew to him, and he can never find the right words in the right moment so he writes them down, hoping to even scrape the surface of his lost emotions.
༺♡༻ 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 ⋆ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𖡼.𖤣𖥧 𓍊𓋼𓍊𓋼𓍊 ༺♡༻
Im not religious or anything but religious music????? Or music based on religion???? Omg I love it <333 Ahahahahah
(Obviously not all religious music)
anyway, I have a new unrealistic goal of reaching 1000 followers or whatever it's called by the 1 year anniversary of this account. What will I do to reach that? Well nothing of course :)
Have a wonderful day/night and stay hydrated (energy/soft drinks (soda) dont count. Neither does 20 sugar packets per a tea spoon of water)
-love, Az
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xo-zozo · 4 months
can you pls make crack tig hcs like make them really random and weird, those are always some of my favs. tysm
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yes ofc!! i think that i’ve done some of these before so you can check my master list for the first part (CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW IM PUMPING THESE OUT LIKE)
| tags: @urbanflorals @reminiscentreader @nqds @annamatix @x-liv25-jamieswife @sophiesonlinediary @lyrakanefanatic @thatrandomlemononyourcounter1 @fortunatelyjollybeliever @123letsgobestie @off-to-the-r4ces /
jameson and xander played a big part in the music choice at libby and nash's wedding reception
lets just say that "country girl (shake it for me" by luke bryan was played and it was CHAOTIC
max listens to asmr to fall asleep and the xander found out so now she gets teased about it by the whole family
jameson had a phase as a teenager where he was addicted to energy drinks
jameson and grayson always manage to start a fight about chess and all of the games that they play together (chess yk) and it usually ends with them wrestling on the floor
jameson is obsessed with kraft mac and cheese and it caused avery to also become obsessed with it
they all like to go to amusement parks together (but they always have to have really heavy security which is annoying but yk)
avery and libby made their boyfreinds watch all of the classic shows when they found out that they hadn't seen them yet (friends, gilmore girls, gossip girl, etc)
only nash and jameson though becuase grayson refuses and xander has already seen them obv
they both have VERY strong opinions on the shows that they watch
jameson always tried new sports and stuff when he was a kid so now he's just really good at all of these random things
at their sleepovers avery and max do those random youtube videos that are like, "guess the song by the emoji" and max is a lot better at it for some reason
xander's dream is to go to a sza concert (he gives those vibes if you know what i mean)
grayson pretends not to like max but secretly he thinks that she's funny (even if he'll never admit it )
grayson was the one who first made jameson try alcohol as a dare (IT'S HIS FAULT HE WAS AN ALCOHOLIC)
tiramisu has a lot of energy so she likes running around with xander and jameson in the back yard because we both know that they have the most energy
sometimes jameson will randomly comment on tiktoks about himself and then start a chain of people freaking out
for the short time that nash was an only child he was always scared of walking around the house by himself because he either thought he was gonna get lost or that something was gonna pop out of the shadows
avery makes jameson download grammerly of smth on his phone because she gets tired of all of his spelling mistakes
which he probably just does on purpose at this point to annoy her
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grumfield · 4 months
more than antis i think it's because of people like you that 2ha is so hated. some proshippers love to reduce erha to just the s/e/xuaI as/sau/It. "erha is about a guy who keeps his master as a s/ex sIave mmmm delicious" when its so much more than that? and no im not trying to deny the blatant eroticization of noncon or the fact that meatbun clearly has a fetish or sanitize 2ha. but along with all this, she still narratively takes the responsibility to emphasize thoroughly how brutal, horrifying and undeserving was what happened to chu wanning. mo ran loathes himself for it as well. but deranged people like you will reduce it to & endorse the s/e/x/uaI a/ssauI/t. but then again, proshippers like you must be too desensitized to such portrayals because that's probably all or most of what you guys consume. 
Lmao. Lol, even.
Reduce it? It *is* it. “I’m not trying to deny the blatant eroticism”/“I’m not denying that meatbun has a fetish” YES YOU ARE!! YOU ARE, DAWG? Did you even read the book? Did you just not pay attention to the main themes especially with Mo Ran’s entire character??? You can’t pick and choose what you do and don’t approve of from this story, just like you can’t have Mo Ran without having TXJ. They’re one and the same.
Meatbun relishes those tropes and content she writes just as much as she meditates on it and encourages the audience should do the same.
I’ve been here since 2019 I don’t give a fuck I’ve seen it all I got doxxed for this story. What pisses me off to absolutely no end is that this take comes from this complete inability to acknowledge that a story can be multiple things at once or have dialogue about something meaningful while still being indulgent and campy and scratch some kink itch, and that people can’t be the same about it. 2ha is just as much of an extremely classic set of “smexy dubcon yaoizz” with all the facets of that genre and trope as it is a thought piece on those tropes, and it’s expected that you engage with it on that level.
2ha is the teacher student time travel sex slave yaoi. I’m the first to say it’s also more than that but I’m emphasizing ALSO. Denying that denies what it is and denies the meaning you can extrapolate from it. It’s special to me because it’s one of the more interesting explorations of consent and desire and is unique it that because it goes absolutely whole ham with the tropes and then rips the rug out from under you rather than simply deconstructing them. It’s the “yes and” of fictional consent discussions.
I mean there’s the very baseline “chu wanning consent/desire” plotline but then it hits you with the exploration of mo ran and consent and what happened to him in general, about the relationship between poverty and desire/consent, about empathy and consent, and more, and like holy shit this is SO BALLER and literally ONLY WORKS. ONLY WORKS if it also functions on a baseline surface level as dubcon yaoi because a dubcon yaoi serves as the ultimate framework for exploring the complications, and grey areas of consent and desire.
Anyways. My flippancy when discussing some parts of the story is not from some fundamental misunderstanding of the plot, it comes from a complete understanding of it. Go watch Bluey or smth if you can’t handle talking about Yaoi like it’s Yaoi
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jack-kellys · 4 months
k so yall voted to see my 2023 final essay for a class called london in performance. which wasnt too serious. basically i compared the national theatre's phaedra [which i did not like that much tbh. one of the lines in my paper is "to truly send the criticism home, compared to the white critics who praised the play with four stars, Polish editor Andrzej Lukowski and Pakistani critic Arifa Akbar are the ones to only give two stars on the story that centers an illegal immigrant (The Stage)." just saying] as an adaptation of a classic greek play to the west end's general cash-in commercialization. and then my argument was that the center of that pendulum is somehow fucking newsies @ the troub im so sorry.
first of all i got to cite myself as like. an expert which was SO funny
"To preface, because of my five years of close knowledge about this subject matter, its multiple stagings, scripts, and casts, I am well aware that this musical as a whole is quite average."
importantly, my definition of a revival in this paper is "creating something accessible to a modern audience for the sake of improving and adapting an original source material into a performance". if it doesnt improve and/or adapt it then it fails imo
"Lines [in the script] that hold weight are sort of dropped, in favor of keeping the show hopeful at all times. The reflection lies in the younger generation taking hold of a new age, rather than in workers rights, child poverty and abuse, and unification.  Newsies at Wembley Park, the first professional revival and first iteration of the musical outside of the United States, flips this as a performance."
i called newsies 2012/livesies staging "left-right up-down" like a video game combo lmfao
"Wembley Park’s revival inserts viewers into the action of the city by default, but also the events that befall the newsboys.... Two police officers stalk in front of the audience as a scene with a new sense of impending doom plays out on the stage. The strikebreaking battle is... level with many of the audience’s seats, and boys escape officers and grown men through the aisles helping each other stand upright while shouts of “Move, move!” are called out .... as a pair hurry away up a ladder behind my aisle seat."
"The expansive take on staging (since as I said before, the musical itself is average) almost takes the place of design. ... Pulitzer’s desk resides on top of a platform of newspaper stacks, emphasizing his position in the hierarchy over the children selling those papers especially as the newsboys push it on with much effort. The towers are made to look like black metal with rust and peels. The lighting is white and natural during scenes. The ensemble’s costumes look more similar to each other, making them appear more unified visually compared to Broadway. The design is in the ensemble’s interactions, dance, and fluid movement through the city of the show, letting the performance and the dancers speak for themselves."
then mandatory michael section:
"What struck me the most watching it had to be Jack’s casting, and new character positionality within the context of the story. Never before has Jack Kelly been a Black newsboy union leader, not in any professional production. Played by Michael Ahomka-Lindsay, Jack’s role was much more electric. His fear of leading the strike became more personal, his baggage with the reform center gained more onstage intersectionality, his relationship with Katherine became even more complex and out of reach. It changes many of those past dropped lines, it made me hear lines differently than I had used to. It’s a more effective reflection that makes the events in the story a bit more tangible to an audience that could have initially been caught up in the grandiose dance numbers- not to mention the performance opening amidst strikes nationwide."
best part:
jack-kellys. "Welcome to..." Jack-Kellys, 23 Jan 2023, 3:46AM, this-is-what-i-mean-by-five-years-of-close-experience. 
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ticklish-n-stuff · 1 year
Tickletober day #9: Lie
Based on this piece of art by the wonderful and amazing @fluffyweeby Tysm for allowing me to write this, and I hope I do these boys justice :3
Jason x Damian (PLATONIC)
Lee: Damian
Ler: Jason
Warnings: Tickles! Sibling bonding :3
A little bird (also known as Tim) had told Jason that Damian was allegedly ticklish.
"Pfft, no way" was what Red Hood thought at first, but the possibility of it still lingered in his mind. I mean, how cute and funny would it be if Damian of all people started squealing like a kid? I mean, he was a kid after all. If anything, he'd be doing him a favor.
Being as nonchalant as he was, Jason went with the most straightforward approach possible. "Hey Dami, are you ticklish?"
"No, don't ask stupid questions Todd" the younger one deadpaned in his usual harsh tone. But you gotta remember, this is a family of detectives. It wasn't hard for Jason to notice the way Damian avoided eye contact and the slightest drop of sweat forming on his forehead. He practically gave himself away, but the fun is seeing it for yourself.
"Not ticklish at all? So really nothing, huh?" Jason had approached the younger male, his hands instantly latching onto Robin's sides.
"Mhmmmm—" Damian had to bite down on his lip to prevent any sound to come out. He'd be damned if the superior Robin got taken down with mere tickles, not like he was ticklish though...
"So if I were to tickle here or here you wouldn't laugh?~" Jason's amused smirk grew wider as he experimented on different spots, prodding at his ribs, fluttering his fingers under his arms, even reaching up to the youngling's neck. Although he didn't get a proper reaction yet, watching Damian struggling to keep his composure was a joy in it's own.
"N-nope! Cause I'm not tiHIcklish!" Damian's hands instantly flew up to cover his mouth when his voice raised in pitch. It seemed that Jason had snuck his hands down and gave a surprise squeeze to his hips.
The ex-assasin shot a glare up at his older brother "Todd, I swear—"
"Yeah yeah, swear all you want~" Jason retored teasingly as he continued to knead his fingers along the sensitive waist.
"HNGH!" Damian doubled over, his hands clutching around his stomach for dear life. His face transitioning through all the red colors imaginable.
"C'mon, baby bird. Can't hold it in forever~" Jason managed to pick up the shorter male with ease, swinging him over his shoulder.
"Gah! Unhand me right now!" Damian tried kicking and punching his way out, but Jason was too resilient.
"Not yet, I still got another spot to test out~" Jason gave a squeeze to Damian's knee, testing out the waters. Once he felt a sharp gasp escape his younger brother, he knew he had hit the jackpot.
"W-wait! bwAHAHAHAHA! TOHOHODD, LET ME GOHOHO!" Damian squealed and thrashed around Jason's hold, trying so hard to break free. Alas, his big bro could be just as stubborn as him.
"Woah! Who knew that you could laugh so cutely?~" Jason kept wriggling his fingers along the soft spot behind his knees, sending Damian into a fit of hysterics.
"Whatever you say, kid" threats aside, it was pretty cute seeing his baby bro acting like a kid for once. Not that Jason would admit that out loud.
Once Damian started hiccuping through his laughter, Jason decided to show a bit of mercy and put him back down. The young Robin instantly sucked in as much air as he could, his cheeks were still all flushed and he was desperately trying to fight back the leftover smile.
"I... *hic* I will have my revenge..." he declared before storming out of the room, classic Damian.
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actualbird · 1 year
I was so confused because your ask button kinda disappeared on tumblr web tsogshosogs
Anyway: Pokémon. Who in the NXX would have watched it and what do they feel about the show?
on my ask: oh nah, that happens cuz i close my ask box randomly and without announcement these days because sometimes i get overwhelmed by getting too many asks and that can trigger my brain issues, sorry abt that huhu
on pokemon: OHHHHHHHH this is gonna be a tad difficult because i didnt watch much pokemon growing up (i was a digimon kid) but....
i feel as if....artem watched it. luke played it. marius read it. and vyn has no idea what a pokemon is.
artem watched it
hes the most classic and i think of the watchable pokemon medias, he'd actually like the movies much more than the shows. since, in contrast to the show's longform episodic nature, the pokemon movies have a tighter plot that artem, even as a child, appreciated much more.
i cant say more than that because i havent watched much of the show and have only watched one (1) of the animated movies.
that being said i also think artem liked Detective Pikachu. he would die for the bulbasaurs in that movie.
luke played it
luke has played every single pokemon game ever. the mainline games, the spinoff games, the old ones, the new ones, ALL OF EM. hes the resident gamer boi and his creds hold up here
i like to think the first pokemon game luke played was actually the original pokemon yellow on a gameboy color that he got from a retro antique store (it was definitely among the first things that inspired him to also open an antique store)
marius read it
as in, he read the pokemon special manga. why? because i read the pokemon special manga and im bestowing this honor upon him JHVSJKHFSD
BUT ALSO I JUST THINK HE'D REALLY ENJOY THE STORY. the manga is so dear to me and i think marius in particular would really enjoy ruby (because ruby is a campy bi bitch of a dude and marius vibes with that so much) and also the diamond & pearl arc because the whole premise of platinum, rich girl extraordinaire, being sent off with two fake bodyguards diamond & pearl...well i just think marius would love the hijinks in that arc a lot HAHA
vyn has no idea what a pokemon is
he didnt know how trading cards worked in SR Eternal Whisper, so this could totally happen. like, idk, pokemon didnt get a svartish dub so it never got imported there JKHVSDKJFHS
vyn: ....and you mean to say that the word is a portmanteau of "pocket" and "monster"?
luke, who has been trying to explain pokemon to vyn for the past 15 minutes: //strained voice. yeah. yeah it sure is, buddy
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prongsfish · 2 months
im post blocked
(ive been asking everyone because he's slowly becoming my favourite)
just now realising you asked this nearly a month ago i'm so sorry i don't know why i struggle with answering asks so much!! but anyways evan headcanons i will GLADLY give. my characterisation of him is less concrete than characters like barty or regulus but i think about him loads still i love him...
this is a classic ofc but i will always see him and pandora as twins!! i love siblings in media so much and i think it allows for suuupper interesting dynamics between them, even in canon
in muggle aus my go-to career for him is either a piercer or something in the medical science field. i can just picture him as this mildly off-putting medsci student who goes on to be a forensic pathologist or something, he's really intrigued by the human body and how it functions in various ways. could definitely also go the way of unlicensed surgeon or mad scientist who performs fucked up experiments on people but that sort of thing doesn't quite fit into every fic lmaoo
i've always thought of him as more of a piercings guy than a tattoo guy (which is the opposite to barty). he'd definitely have both but i associate him more with piercings if that makes sense? i imagine he'd have a labret, bridge, stretched lobes (~7/8"), stretched septum (~0g), eyebrows (normal and middle placements), and high nostrils. all symmetrical!! plus probably some other non-facial piercings
he'd love sci-fi, thriller, and horror (especially psychological) films. anything super tense and probably confusing
when he was a child he and pandora would trap and kill insects. they'd spend ages examining little bug bodies and dissecting them with sticks and stuff... as he grew older he became more and more interested in bigger animals. occasionally he would kill animals himself but more often he'd search for those already dead, especially roadkill. once he was finished with any given specimen he'd carefully remove, clean, and reconstruct their skeletons to give to pandora. she didn't like the organs stuff as much as he did but she loved collecting bones and taxidermy insects, in exchange one year for his birthday (10-14th, maybe) she spent ages searching to buy him a surgical set from an antique store
waaay scarier than barty. if you don't know them you might be more initially scared by barty but while barty is loud and crazy and violent and laughs at pain/danger, evan is creepy. he knows way a million and one ways to kill someone without leaving behind any evidence. he knows every single pressure point on the human body. someone mentions a medicine they've taken their whole life for the first time and when someone else asks what it is he can explain in minute detail exactly how it works to the point where not even the person who takes it knew even half of what he says. he's super quiet moving without even meaning to be so he scares the shit out of people all the time. he doesn't blink as often as he should but just often enough that you don't notice until you're paying attention. and this is all revealed gradually, whereas barty's most "scary" traits are purposefully the most surface level things about him
he loooves medical dramas. he's watched tons of them. he HATES the good doctor though, purely on principle because once someone said that must be his favourite because he's autistic. his actual favourite is house
he runs cold and NEVER wears shorts. lots of beanies and jackets
these were so random and i went on a few tangents but oh well i did like five other things between writing these so it's a bit of a mess LMAO
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un-pearable · 1 year
okay post sonic symphony post recap :D
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1st mezzanine sweep (could see both the orchestra + the singers excluding when they went in the audience at one point) + we were right next to the projector (cool!!!!) and some of the speakers (ouch)
setlist (as best i remember, i wasn’t writing it down, PLEASE correct me):
sonic 1
sonic cd
sonic 2
sky sanctuary
sonic mania
“welcome to 3D”
believe in myself/it doesn’t matter medley
chao garden
“three new ones”
rooftop run
aquarium park/planet wisp
frontiers medley w/ stuff from third DLC
i was so excitedly surprised to see the new visuals!!! they did a really great job combining the new origins cutscenes with gameplay and the timing was INCREDIBLE esp for a live show. infinite kudos and honestly i can appreciate them waiting two years to actually do this since the cutscenes really tied to first few medleys together
conductor absolutely CRUSHED IT dude was very understanding that the audience was going to be Losing It consistently and he made it work. so much love to that orchestra they did a stellar job and im so sad they’ll get overshadowed by the vocal parts (which. yeah obviously. but they did SUCH great work and the conductor did a great job directing the audiences applause to them)
felt bad they had to stop between every single medley for applause but such is life . also experiencing live audience reactions for stuff like the chemical plant zone drowning trap and amy being playable in the metal sonic race was amazing
enjoyed the sky sanctuary medley even though it took the place of the sonic 3k music overall, so much kudos to the video team that was SO cool (AND IT HAD THE FRONTIERS ANIMATED SPECIAL!!!!! YEAHHHH WIN FOR KNUCKLES FANS EVERYWHERE)
the believe in myself/it doesn’t matter one’s are always so sweet to me i love how they frame them using the cutscenes from each of their respective stories + the end card 🥺 now do that for everyone else’s themes!!!!!!!!!!
i’m definitely forgetting at least one bit in there but it was so delightful all around, the new arrangements were so fun, unleashed sweeps as always but one guy near me was SUPER passionate about aquarium park im glad he was happy. the frontiers medley ended w/ the new supersonic form and having not watched that trailer this was the BEST possible way to see that new content holy SHIT!!!!!!!!
intermission: that was the single most positive bathroom i’ve ever been in and i mean that in the least weird way possible. everyone was so so so excited and complimentary (ty to the person who liked my pins and whose fiancé liked the tails one. i like it a lot too :]) also kudos to the stunning wave cosplayer i saw she was killing it!!!!! molly whoever you were i hope you enjoyed the second half as much as i did
vocal tracks:
setlist (i actually did write this one down):
i am all of me
what i’m made of
open your heart
knight of the wind
escape from the city
(new!!) superstars intro theme
his world
reach for the stars
fist bump
endless possibility
(fake out ending)
break through it all
live and learn
the fake out of having only the orchestra on stage and then l having i am all of me just START even before johnny + jun got on stage. incredible. we were all so distracted i have to find a clip of the audible chaos when the music started going and everyone clocked it was SHADOW FIRST. anyway so so so funny they only showed cutscenes from shth . no gameplay. gee wonder why
interesting structure too, compared to the order of the OG one in 2021 (which focused more on ramping up to the classics + live n learn at the end) this order bookended some of the less popular songs (reach for the stars and the new superstars theme particularly) with the BIG names
you should have heard how much people lost it when johnny said “you are… what i’m made of” i’m so proud of you sonic symphony audience. we are all sonic heroes appreciators
oh also johnny + everyone’s clumsy attempts to name drop/imply song names in their inbetweens. hilarious. astounding. i’m glad we’re your knight johnny
^ re: prev i NEED a recording of that it was glorious. if anyone has one hmu
literally two minutes before the second half started i was telling my beloved friend i dragged along that all i needed to be happy was for them to have kept knight of the wind and it was the FOURTH SONG . WIN FOR JAY. 3 of my top fives within the first twenty mins of act 2. incredible
obviously escape from the city floored everyone. i think that got the most people singing but we were all already exhausted vocally it was very funny hearing what lines people mumbled. but it DID have the most call and response, with the biggest songs they would really just shut off the mics and let the audience sing a lot of lines it was so so fun
johnny took his leave from the stage (and complimented + thanked dave vives and also the fandom), said goodnight, and sometime around now tomoya ohtani was brought on (he deserved more applause and did eventually get it)
superstars theme was cool!!!! but right after city escape was funny bc . no one knows it. you go from most singable theme imaginable to everyone sitting as upright as possible and the half that wasn’t already recording to whip out their phones to capture it especially as they introduce it as “the first time this song has EVER played on this side of the ocean” lmao. hope you liked it london i’m glad you took us down a peg
his worrrrrrlddddd we all love it. we were all so tired. also we kept fumbling the lines bc we all like the zebra head version and rappings hard. i get it. video team did a fun job remixing the visuals for sonic + shadow + silver focus sections though it was really cool
reach for the stars really had people peetering out over the length partly bc we were all exhausted vocally and partly bc it’s sadly less iconic
i could not take fistbump seriously bc they had our beloved ian jr front and center for the whole video. it was glorious. they started w gadget for the opening bit and then bam ian jr everywhere. amazing . got a whole games worth of cutscenes with his beautiful face you did your creator (who was IN THE AUDIENCE) proud
good break before endless possibility though
possibilities are endless. ‘nuff said
jk the video was STUNNING and a lot of it was the opening cutscene which remains some of the best sonic animation ever to this day. and this song REALLY showcased how well the orchestra worked simultaneously with the band it was glorious . the use of the werehog transformation scene in time with:
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mwa. stunning choice. and once again damn the band’s vocalist (dave vives) CRUSHED IT. johnny gave him a shout out for being a worthy successor at the shows he can’t attend and it was so so so deserved y’all are in for a treat
around here my ears + voice started genuinely feeling weird. the sacrifices we make for an absolutely wild experience (it’s all fine now though dw <3)
at this point they thanked everyone for coming + the band walked off stage and they turned all the lights off for a joke. me knowing they wouldn’t leave w/o live and learn was skeptical <- totally forgot they had a whole other guest star who hadn’t done his signature contribution yet
“one more” chanting ensued and my bro says he thinks they definitely had someone planted to say that but like. they did way more than one more. no way that was an intentional phrase
the band returned!!!! KELLIN QUINN KILLED IT
it’s dead. it’s dead and gone . my hearing and also the ability to play sonic music it’s been forever changed . hearing those incredible songs from frontiers + a full live orchestra backing up the astounding vocals (HOW) was incredible. this is when i could feel the literal balcony shaking . my vocal chords are going to kill me tomorrow
obligatory “just one more” was undefeatable and ngl im so glad they did it second, the hype up with break through it all made it even better despite them going the opposite in the game . should have used the cooler going supersonic clip from the trailers rather in game though . no one is immune to undefeatable + the extending music video was crazy good
ANOTHER “one last one” in which johnny was called back on stage, pretended to not know what people were asking for/what he was supposed to sing, got the ENTIRE crowd yelling the name of the song, and then and he + kellin absolutely crushed live and learn
it’s live and learn. it’s the perfect end note ft. quinn’s unparalleled vocals. what more do you need
they showed the really funny still shot of shadow overlaid on the moon for the last shot of the video and i know it’s the actual ending but it lingered for like 15 seconds and i couldn’t stop laughing . they showed all the dialogue captions leading up to him dying so i though they were going to show him falling to earth but nah. stock render brain store ass pose
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still COOL AS HELL!!!!!!! they had us congratulate EVERYONE and all the individual band members and the orchestra and im so so so happy with how it went . one million thanks to these wonderful people they did a great job
a couple literally got engaged in the lobby. one group started belting sonic underground on like the third floor of the stairway. it was incredible. the oscar’s could never top this ty dolby theaterrr
absolutely incredible all around . special shout out to: the people lowkey cosplaying while still in formalwear (woman in a beautiful white dress wearing a rouge hairpiece i salute you. guy in blue suit and guy in orange suit you’re amazing. woman in the fanciest amy rose dress i’ve ever seen im in love). the people with awesome t-shirts i am among your ranks we love a fandom with cool shirt designs. people in full on cosplay i am so so happy for all the diversity in characters i saw. the line for merch that stretched all the way back into the theater at the end: what was the theater staff doing that was bonkers. the people handing out stickers that i missed i Will be stalking your online stores. all the people in normal formal wear carrying their plushies? amazing. the world is beautiful. goodnight everyone
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dootmoon · 7 months
Some thoughts on Ex Astris
Okay so the TL;DR is: Go play it if you're someone who is mainly motivated by gameplay, it's one of the most enjoyable games i've played in like 10 years (im not kidding). the story is not bad, but it's very poorly told and leaves a lot to be desired. I should also warn that i'll probably spoil a couple of things, mainly on the gameplay side (because yes, I do believe some encounters are better if you dont know the gimmick).
Where do I even start, I only watched like 2 trailers before playting, i had 0 idea of what i was getting into, all i really knew about the game was that it was a full game release by the AK guys and that it was a turn based rpg. I legitimately bought it out of morbid curiosity, I was not expecting to find my favorite jrpg in a literal decade.
I'll go over what I liked the most and then explain the couple of issues I have with the game, it might sound like i loved it (which i did) but it's far from perfect and i think there's room for improvement. I think the combat is the real deal in this title, for those unfamiliar with it: it's a classic turn based jrpg but it has layers. The main 3 mechanics that make it stand out from other games is that each turn you have AP (action points) which limit what you can do each turn, however you can directly manipulate them with a combo system that gives you back AP. The second one is a parry system, during the enemy turn you can directly parry their attacks, you have 2 colors for parrying, both colors have different properties and there's certain attacks that can only be parried with the respective color. And lastly, theres a stagger bar, similar to FFXIII or posture bar in sekiro, although i think it's more akin to stagger in FFXIII. Once you break said bar you can enter hyper time for a few seconds where you have unlimited AP so you can combo them for massive damage. The combo system is very enjoyable, you will be blindly experimenting your combos for optimal damage each time you unlock new moves in the skill trees. Theres a very satisfying feeling to landing a big combo on an enemy that feels like it was entirely something you came up with. This sadly comes with a downside, once you figure out your big damage combos, there's not much of a reason to try anything different. It doesnt mean it stops being enjoyable but this is a wall most of games with combo systems have. Now the parry system, while it's fun, it sadly makes the game too easy. Sure theres enemies that will mix their timings to throw you off and a couple of unparriable attacks. But really, if you get good there's no reason to ever get hit. "But what about the unblockables?" yeah about that... Theres really just 3 enemies in the game that had them, and 2 of them were bosses, which you get a hard counter to the unblockable in the first boss that has it. I wish the game had more ways to work around you to make it more challenging. The only time the game REALLY tries to fuck you up is the final boss (this is a good thing) however it was still too easy. She really just makes the screen black and white and makes you parry based on the icon, then she makes you parry based on the color of the attack. This was sick and i wish there were more moments like this in the game. Now the dungeons were great, they feel like they belong in an older 3d zelda game. Sadly they dont get too crazy on the gimmicks, they were just box puzzles where you have to move them in the correct spots or point lasers to certain switches. Apparently this game has plans for DLCs so if theres something i wish upon to get explored more it would be this in particular. The rest of the game is the towns and the sidequests inside them, they're very usual stuff for a jrpg so you know what to expect, i cant elaborate much on it. Overall I think the game is meant to be replayed, by the end you're only able to fully build 3 characters out of 5 party members, sidequests expire and there's a bunch of stuff to mess around to make a playthrough different from the last one. The game changes a lot when you already know how it works or what really happens in the story.
Now the elephant in the room, the story: Yeah it's kinda just there, it's very poorly told. However it's HG and i can tell there was a lot of thought put into the wold building, it's very well made. It's just a shame that i could barely care about anything happening in it, even though I was kinda invested by the final hours i dont think that excuses the really bad storytelling. However starting my second playthrough is when I noticed it was indeed meant to be replayed. There's a bunch of stuff that feels so incredibly cryptic or really make no sense, once you go over it already having context it all makes sense and you just go like "oooh so that was they were talking about". I'm not excusing bad writing though, this is bad, but at least the story feels better on a second playthrough. Anyways, i'm kinda upset this was a mobile game, maybe if it wasnt, 10 people would've played it instead of just 5. I cant stress enough how this is a phone game that is way better than most of modern jrpgs in the market. it's like the devs went back and asked themselves what was the main appeal of the genre and what they thought made them fun to them and made an entire game around it. This is probably gonna be the biggest surprise of the entire year for me and i'm gonna have brainrot about this game for a while.
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