#i have both celestial bastards now hehe
local-diavolo-anon · 1 year
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He has no frills and for some reason has both bells in both hands where Sun has only 1 and a ribbon???? Idk i don't understand the design choices made here but repainted he looks hella fresh! (He lacks some sealing necause i don't have access to any until tomorrow)
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danni-chuu · 5 years
RAD Student Files: Lucifer, The Celestial Realm’s Bastard Pride
before i start the post, Thank you guys for the support^^ it really means alot. and im going to go very in depth with these post, so i decided to make each brother have their own spotlight by making it individual post.  
also i apologize in advance if i cant joke around much with these post hehe^^;
Spoiler warnings, so you have been warned! 
 Background and Origin:
Lucifer,as famous as he is right now. With the Netflix show and other representations of him throughout history, his name has only been mentioned once in the bible.
“ How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, Son of the Morning,” (Isiah 14:12 King James Version)  
this simple line was said to actually be a foreshadowing of the fall of the King of Babylon, Nebuchadrezzar . Some say it is alluding to the fall of a Pheonician God, Helal who sought after the Chief God’s throne and fell (pretty similar eh? actually dfq too similar) .
some say that Lines from Ezekiel might be marking a prophecy of Lucifer’s faith  (Ezekiel 28: 11-19 , the passage is alittle too long, so if you want to see it just search that up), the passage speaks about King Tyre and what his pride did to him not only that but the passage then goes to mention “ the Anointed Cherub”. This is said by Jonathan Edwards, a Philosophical Theologian is a reference to Lucifer; as Lucifer was made highest of the angels, not only this but is said to be the closest to the throne of God.
Now, who and what is Helal? the actual Hebrew text has the name “Helal”( which still meant Morning star) instead of Lucifer. both do mean the same thing, an Astrological Phenomenon.
the actual name of Lucifer came from the Latin Vulgate version of the Bible.Lucifer, which meant “Light Bearer” and was directly connected to the Planet Venus. As the bible gets translated over and over again, this later turned Lucifer instead of being just a figure of speech, became an individual being. most of the stories about Lucifer are taken from Poetic literature about the bible  and legends.
there are many interpretations to the fall of Lucifer( the Anointed Cherub), so i will give the most well known and then briefly touch upon the other interpretations.
Lucifer, before his fall was said to be God’s most perfect creation, a Cherub ( some would disagree and say a seraph, but more on that later) whose beauty was unmatched, whose knowledge was above those of his kind; God gave him knowledge that only Lucifer can have. second only to the father himself.he was the leader of the angels but, he grew in pride and decided that being second to the father is not enough. that he has to be equal--no greater than the father. With this, he waged war that caused great chaos throughout heaven. Michael (in some accounts, Gabriel) the archangel second to him lead the army that counters his and was able to defeat him and cast him and those who sided with him out of Heaven. following the Book of Revelations, it is also accounted that third of the angels in Heaven fell with Lucifer.
as he was cast into the Abyss, he is to bound there until the day of Judgement, but with his despise of God, he then goes to the mortal world to tempt and torment the Father’s most beloved creation, Humans. he does this so that he can acquire their souls and keep them away from God( this was stated in the Apocrypha, Enoch). it is said that he appears as a beautiful innocent child and uses this form to easily tempt humans to follow his words.
some interpretations state that the reason for Lucifer’s rebellion is because, God made another being, Jesus, who was Higher than him. as Lucifer only is near the throne of God, Jesus is to sit on the throne with God for all eternity. which infuriated Lucifer.
and in some interpretations, it is said that God permitted Lucifer to be able to tempt humans. and in some Gnostic Christian Sects they believe that Lucifer isn’t even evil, but the first-born of God who is to save humanity with his gift of Knowledge.
Jonathan Edwards, even goes as far as to say the fall of Lucifer to him pleases God, as his fall is for the greatness of God that is to come.
Lucifer in the Sacred Magic of Abramelin the mage, Lucifer is stated to be one of the four Principal spirits. in the True keys of Solomon, Lucifer is identified to be one of the three demons who can command all others of his kind, he is said to rule over demons in Europe and Asia ; the other two demons who have the same authority is Beezlebub and Astaroth . as for other legends, they state that Lucifer is the Consort of Lilith ( weird but okay?). according to Peter Binsfield, Lucifer represents the Sin of Pride; to note, it is said that Pride is the King of all sins, which seems fitting for Lucifer. He is also the Opposing force to Saint John the Baptist.  in the Friar Rush, Lucifer is said to be the “ Prince of Gluttony” .
as for Lucifer’s position in hell, there is some debate over it, on one side it is said that Lucifer is the emperor of Hell, with Satan being second to him and Beezlebub third to him. for some Demonographers, Lucifer is a great Lover of justice in Hell.  and the other side, it is said that it is either Satan or Beezlebub.
So How does it show in the game?
Lucifer in the game is well known as the loyal right hand of Diavolo ( the devil?). He is obedient to Diavolo’s wishes and does everything he can to make sure no one opposes him, even his brothers. this is quite different from the things mentioned above. Lucifer is supposed to be the highest one in Hell, he was able to even rebel against Heaven for it, yet here he is...serving a Demon?
Lucifer is shown to be a sadistic, strict, over bearing, secretive, but caring(?) sibling. he shows to be dealing with alot of problems with the past especially concerning Lilith.
(the sadistic side could be a reference to how he loves to torture and torment humans. just a guess)
the game seems to take liberty of taking shifting and twisting the origins to make a more human Lucifer, his story is also very similar to what his origins state.
but, the thing i want to focus on is Lucifer’s model, in the game he is stated to be seraphim, an angel that has 6 wings( this information was given by Luke during Chapter 5),  but his model only goes to show 4. now, in the information above, Lucifer is said to be a Cherub, so whats with that?
to be technical, Cherubs are angels of Knowledge, which for others means, his sin is caused by his knowledge. Seraphims are angels of Charity, while they are the highest choir, if you try to connect it with his sin, it doesn’t match. but, since the game used the Seraphim interpretation so we’ll go with that.
Lucifer is also shown to have dark hair and his wings have turned black, modern interpretations do this as to show his turn to the darkness, but some interpret it as the result of Lucifer’s wings being burned. his character model shows him with only 4 wings, so where’s the 3rd pair? most likely burned off during his fall to the Devildom , or they were burned during the Celestial war. and the implications that Micheal did it might be likely, since his origins states that Micheal was the one to defeat Lucifer and His army.
Diavolo when he gushes about Lucifer, he always goes on about how Lucifer was so bright and blinding, which could be a reference to his name as Light Bearer.
in regards to Lucifer’s relationship with Lilith, During chapter 5, we were able to find out about that Belphie, Beel, Lilith, and Lucifer used to be very close. hoping this game doesnt take the incest route, we can say that Lucifer and Lilith are just very close siblings rather than the original interpretation that He is a Consort of Lilith. much of the lore is still in the making, so most of the things are just possibilities.
ps. i hope you guys enjoyed reading this very long post ❤❤❤,sorry for taking a while to post :< school’s been taking up alot of my schedule so the time window for researching has been hard to manage. but enough about that, if you have any information you want to share that i wasnt able to include or you want to correct some things, please feel free to comment it :3
The Encyclopedia of Demons and Demonology By Rosemary Ellen Guiley
The Organization of Pandemonium By Maxmilian Rudwin
A Dictionary of Angels Including Fallen Angels By Gustav Davidson
A Field Guide to Demons, Fairies, Fallen Angels , And Other Subversive Spirits By Carol K. Mack and Dinah Mack
The Names of the Damned : The Dictionary of Demons by Michelle Belanger
Dictionary Infernal By Collin De Plancy
And more ( Tumblr doesn't want links so ;<)
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kalrialcock · 5 years
miss weren't u sayin u were gonna ramble abt ur oc.....
okay okay okay okay okay yeah okay SO
ayleth goes by eous and NOBODY IN THE PARTY KNOWS WHAT I AM (fallen aasimar). to be FAIR i described myself as very humanoid, with one solid gold eye. like no iris nothing just shimmery gold and they’ve just assumed that im blind out of that eye hehe. we’re level 3 and i havent done necrotic shroud, and i just use thaumaturgy but they dont know why i can do it or they just dont question it. SO EOUS, has a drinking problem. i accidentally forgot to drink one session and when we woke up the first thing the dm said to me was “eous when you blink awake, earlier than you have in years, a familiar voice rings in your ears. ‘i am so disappointed in you’” and i straight up LOST IT. i ran downstairs just chanting “shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up no non ono onononononono shut up” in CELESTIAL, and fucking got PLASTERED IN LIKE 10 MINUTES and just drank so much that day like. crazy amounts of alcohol and i bought a flask like it was a Lot. BUT me and the halfling sorcerer are becoming a close little idiot duo. taftil and eous are both proficient in performance, so we get into some fun shenanigans together but we both keep rolling like shit so our performances are just Not Good. eous and yoink, our kenku rogue, keep butting heads, and me and the arcturus paladin (human) are like. touch and go with each other. im like chaotic stupid and he’s a Paladin so we’ve been having some laffs there. he got charmed in a fight and turned on us and started running towards eous so i go “oh fuck!” and bapped him with my hittin stick then punched him (nonlethal tho) and he STRAIGHT UP WENT UNCONSCIOUS and we haven’t talked about it. BUT SO WE GOT OUR BIG MISSION AND IT’S BASICALLY LIKE HOLY WAR IS COMING PLEASE HELP US SAVE THE WORLD and like........it’s very angels vs demons which is SOFUCKINGDOPE but...im aasimar....i have an angel who talks in my head...they’re looking for celestials..im so afraid. but the night after we got our mission, i went to my private room in the inn, put my flask on the bedside table, and said “i really need some help” in celestial, and then i went to bed. but i was...super drunk so i woke up still buzzed but i could hear my own thoughts for once and the world is loud and im getting a hangover and the party noticed i. Was Not Drinking at breakfast. our npc straight up said “shouldn’t you be...imbibing by now?” and i like grimaced at her and said “no, what do you mean?” and she said “oh that’s just a perfume you put on every day?” and i said “yeah, you wanna try it out?” and then taftil came downstairs and interrupted us. BUT ayleth is!!! so fun!!!!!! she talks to her pet rat like he’s people and is true neutral. so it’s like,... whatever sounds fun and good in the moment that’s what we’re doing babye!! she’s SUPER charismatic but in the drunk way so it’s like a big sense of camaraderie. we met this gnome (who was obviously an enemy) in THE FUCKING DUNGEON and eous was like “hi! im eous who are you?” and we shook hands and i was like “guys she’s fine she’s my friend now” and everyone else was like... i DONT trust like that and then she did some shit (which triggered our rogue to fire and straight up. rip her wrist open) and i said “what THE FUCK??? I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS?” and she goes “I THOUGHT WE WERE TOO?????” it was....big stupid. it’s so funny like...i went into a bar called the warm asparagus and hyped up a bunch of dragonborns and we got in a big arm wrestling competition and i lost bc....eous is dexy not strong but they all were like chanting “EOUS EOUS EOUS EOUS!!!” and pat my shoulder and clapped me on the back and everyting when i lost. she just..gets into shenanigans and is a bastard about it. in game in character i looked at our fucking paladin and said “man FUCK the police”
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royalnovels-blog · 7 years
The Strongest System 86
Chapter 86: Death is Not Scary Translator: Kaos Editor: AntiGod "I… will make you die with my sect..." A voice filled with irreconcilable hate and anger came out of the storm. "Everyone watch out… This is strange..." The nine grand masters frowned simultaneously. This power was too much for even them, and they had to be careful. What did this last disciple use to gain this much power? Lin Fan stood in the storm, looked at the nine sects and started to laugh. The brutal power seemed to have consumed his consciousness. However, the last will stayed in his mind. Kill everyone, let them pay. "Hong..." A think dark light flew into the sky. At this time, Lin Fan finally appeared out of the storm. The nine sects’ disciples looked at him and almost lost their minds with the terror. Was this a human or a devil? A tall and red body, with black flames covering completely… The black eyes reflected the scary, raging power. His eyes were surrounded with a dark flame as well, and the sharp claws felt sinister and cold. Scary, too scary. Saint Devil grand master looked at this disciple and was stunned. ‘What had happened?’ Power...This was the Greater celestial level power. What was this method? He could boost himself to the Greater celestial level?! The power was more evil than even the devil, more violent than even monsters. Lin Fan moved, his eyes without a single emotion as they looked once at the disciples of the nine sects. They finally stopped at one disciple and refused to move away. "Senior brother Ni, I will avenge you." Lin Fan’s voice sounded evil, as if he were an ancient devil. While the nine grand masters and Heaven Queen were staring unblinkingly at Lin Fan, they realized that he had actually disappeared without them realizing. "How dare you..." At this time, the black cloak king realizes something. He saw Lin Fan charge into nine sect’s disciples. ‘You..." That level eight pericelestial disciple’s face turned pale when he saw this devil appearing right in front of him. He tried to resist, using his strongest attack to hit Lin Fan. "PONG..." The disciple was happy to know that he hit the target. But suddenly, he started to scream. "My hand." A sliver of dark hell flame went into his hand. He tried to put it out, but he was unable to. " I will cut you in pieces." Lin Fan grabbed that disciple with his giant devil hand. "Stop." The Black cloak king saw this and yelled out hurriedly while rushing towards them. This was a level eight pericelestial disciple, he could not die that easily. Lin Fan smiled cruelly. In a flash, he tore that disciple into pieces with both his bare hands. Blood flew everywhere, making the atmosphere feel bloody to all the senses. "Haha..." Lin Fan’s eyes lit up, and he started to attack the other disciples. "Kill my brothers? I will kill you all." Lin Fan charged at those disciples who were too scared to even move. His limited consciousness urged him to kill all of them to avenge his brothers. "Bastard." Black Cloak king knew he had to act urgently. However, whenever he acted, Lin Fan would disappear. "Over there." Black Cloak King was a Greater celestial level master. He could sense Lin Fan easily, but he was still not able to follow, leave alone intercept him. Meanwhile, screams were resounding everywhere. Lin Fan used extremely brutal and bloody ways to kill each sect’s disciples. Their bodies were gone. That pair of devil hands tore every enemy disciple into pieces. The dark hell flame subsequently tortured them till they lost their last breaths. Kill Kill Lin Fan only knew how to kill right now, his eyes filled with bloodlust. "Bastard, stop." Black Cloak King looked at what was happening and shouted. "What are you looking at? Stop him or all our disciples will be dead." The other grand masters came out of their stupor and acted immediately. If they let that guy keep killing, everyone would truly die. "Good, good, good kills..." Saint Devil grand master laughed while lying on the ground. His tears were flowing out of his eyes like the blood of the enemy disciples, soon dyed red. "Saint Devil grand master, let me kill you first." The grand masters yelled to somehow change the momentum of the fight. "Keep him alive, we need to know where the god blood is." ... Nine grand masters acted together, trying to kill the last disciple. Lin Fan laughed all this while madly, ignoring the interceptions of the nine grand masters completely. He went only and only for those disciples. "I want to see whether your heart is black or not." Lin Fan shouted, as his claw penetrated a disciple’s chest and pulled his heart out. "Grand master, help!" "He is the devil!" Now, disciples from the nine sects were screaming for help. The devil was killing everything in his path, and these disciples, who all were mighty pericelestial warriors, were crying like babies in the face of a monster. The sky was raining down blood. The entrance of the sect was covered with blood as a result of the slaughter that took place earlier, along with what was going on right now. Lin Fan needed to use those bastards’ blood to avenge his brothers. "Die..." Black Cloak King finally found a chance and attacked Lin Fan’s back with a powerful hit. At this time, the nine grand masters blocked his path and used their strongest attacks to stop him. Lin Fan shouted in maniacal rage in a voice that could no longer be described as anything related to a human, as dark hell flame rose up around him. "I will kill you all." Lin Fan charged at the blue sea old lady, whose one arm had been cut off by the Saint Devil grand master earlier. The old lady had lost an arm, and consequently had become weaker. But still, she smiled when she saw Lin Fan charging at her. "You really have a death wish." Her Phoenix head stick pointed towards Lin Fan with a green light glowing on it, which suddenly blasted with a fierce noise and power "Pu..." Lin Fan did not dodge it at all, letting the green light pass through his body. He had lost all thoughts of self-preservation by now, and the only thing in his mind was about killing all his enemies and using their blood to satisfy his fallen brothers. " I want you to die." Lin Fan shouted, his mouth full of blood. He knew that though his power had increased, he had no chance to live under the attack from the nine grand masters. Lin Fan just wanted to at least take one with him. By this time, the other grand masters reached close and attacked together. "Pu..." Lin Fan spat blood from his mouth violently, but he was not going to stop. "Blue sea old lady, just die." Lin Fan used his claw and punched at the chest of the old lady. Dark hell flame released from his body was just like fire snakes, wanting to consume the old lady alive. Her faces turned pale and blood rushed out of her mouth. "Slice." At this time, a light flashed sharply, as Yan Emperor charged his sword from the side and sliced off the arm Lin Fan used to attack the old lady. "Yan Emperor..." Lin Fan saw the old lady pull out his arm, and start to heal herself. He stared at the emperor with eyes full of hatred. "Kill him." "Wait..." The Heaven Queen spoke up at this point Lin Fan stood there weakly, the dark flame becoming smaller and smaller, seeming to die at any moment. Blood soaked his body, a body that was full of holes. "Haha..." Lin Fan laughed bitterly. There was no hope now, but he still did not give up. He just felt a regret, ‘Why could not I get stronger just by a little.’ "Let me ask you, what happened to you when you consumed the Almighty pill." Heaven Queen asked Lin Fan while looking at him. "You gave that to me?" Lin Fan asked the beautiful Heaven Queen calmly. "Yes. It was a little gift for you to thank you for helping me. If you do not want to die, then you will tell me." ... "Hehe..." Lin Fan smiled and looked at the sky. "Death is not scary. If you really want to know, I will tell you." "Heaven Queen, you want to save him?" People from nine sects were shocked. Although this guy consumed the blood of Flame Heaven Rhino, Heaven Queen could probably use her amazing skills to keep him alive. If he lived, the consequences would be horrible for them. The Heaven Queen was displeased and stared at the nine grand masters in silent rebuke. The nine masters did not dare to act, so Heaven Queen looked at Lin Fan and said, "Fine." Lin Fan moved his body slowly, each step leaving a blood print. His back was hit by eight grand masters and was totally ruined. Even the undead body could not resist such a torment. Lin Fan moved to the front of Heaven Queen slowly, stared at the queen’s clear eyes and said, "I just want to tell you alone." "Fine." Heaven Queen did not refuse, her eyes flashing with unclear motives. Lin Fan bent his body and got close to her ears, "Actually.." "Senior Brother Meng, I will avenge you..." "Pu..." Lin Fan suddenly bit at the neck of the Heaven Queen. Those devil teeth got into the Heaven Queen’s slender neck, ready to bite off a huge chunk of flesh. "Peng..." The Heaven Queen was startled and punched Lin Fan away with a sudden burst of power. Her white neck had red bite marks clearly visible on t, and blood was flowing freely out of it. "How dare you..." The Heaven Queen’s face was like frost with anger. The nine grand masters were so afraid that their heartbeats seemed to be ready to stop at any time. "Haha..." Lin Fan laughed madly, spurting even more blood out of his mouth in the process. But still, he could not stop laughing like a maniac. "Grand master, I tried my best… I did not bring shame to the sect." Lin Fan looked at the grand master, his power getting weaker and weaker. The time duration of the title and the blood was almost over. His body was shrinking, and had started to return to its normal state. "Well...well." Saint Devil grand master laughed madly. "Heaven Queen, Black Cloak King, Yan Emperor, Blue Sea Old Lady… all of you from the nine sects, you will all regret this..." He shouted angrily, and suddenly, his power increased tremendously, as a sense of death started bursting out of his body. "Damn, the old guy is going to detonate himself." The nine grand masters got nervous. The result of self detonation of a Greater celestial level fighter was unimaginably powerful. At this time, black lights blinded everyone’s eyes. But on the other side, Lin Fan saw a token flying towards him. At the same time, a drop of golden blood came out of the grand master’s forehead. Saint Devil grand master put the God blood into Lin Fan’s head while saying. "Go back… to the final destination. Tell the original sect… I am sorry..." ... "The sense of the God blood..." At the time, Heaven Queen and nine grand masters detected the sense of the God blood. "It is bad! We were tricked." At the same time, Saint Devil grand master’s body that was expanding swiftly started to shrink suddenly like a broken balloon. All the power he generated was taken by the token. ... When the light finally disappeared, Lin Fan was nowhere to be seen. Saint Devil grand master’s body was only left in the form of a skeleton, all of his energy taken away. "What happened?" The nine grand masters looked at each other confusedly. Heaven Queen looked around the place and frowned.   Previous         Main menu           Next Click to Post
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