#eous is feral and a bastard about it
kalrialcock · 5 years
miss weren't u sayin u were gonna ramble abt ur oc.....
okay okay okay okay okay yeah okay SO
ayleth goes by eous and NOBODY IN THE PARTY KNOWS WHAT I AM (fallen aasimar). to be FAIR i described myself as very humanoid, with one solid gold eye. like no iris nothing just shimmery gold and they’ve just assumed that im blind out of that eye hehe. we’re level 3 and i havent done necrotic shroud, and i just use thaumaturgy but they dont know why i can do it or they just dont question it. SO EOUS, has a drinking problem. i accidentally forgot to drink one session and when we woke up the first thing the dm said to me was “eous when you blink awake, earlier than you have in years, a familiar voice rings in your ears. ‘i am so disappointed in you’” and i straight up LOST IT. i ran downstairs just chanting “shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up no non ono onononononono shut up” in CELESTIAL, and fucking got PLASTERED IN LIKE 10 MINUTES and just drank so much that day like. crazy amounts of alcohol and i bought a flask like it was a Lot. BUT me and the halfling sorcerer are becoming a close little idiot duo. taftil and eous are both proficient in performance, so we get into some fun shenanigans together but we both keep rolling like shit so our performances are just Not Good. eous and yoink, our kenku rogue, keep butting heads, and me and the arcturus paladin (human) are like. touch and go with each other. im like chaotic stupid and he’s a Paladin so we’ve been having some laffs there. he got charmed in a fight and turned on us and started running towards eous so i go “oh fuck!” and bapped him with my hittin stick then punched him (nonlethal tho) and he STRAIGHT UP WENT UNCONSCIOUS and we haven’t talked about it. BUT SO WE GOT OUR BIG MISSION AND IT’S BASICALLY LIKE HOLY WAR IS COMING PLEASE HELP US SAVE THE WORLD and like........it’s very angels vs demons which is SOFUCKINGDOPE but...im aasimar....i have an angel who talks in my head...they’re looking for celestials..im so afraid. but the night after we got our mission, i went to my private room in the inn, put my flask on the bedside table, and said “i really need some help” in celestial, and then i went to bed. but i was...super drunk so i woke up still buzzed but i could hear my own thoughts for once and the world is loud and im getting a hangover and the party noticed i. Was Not Drinking at breakfast. our npc straight up said “shouldn’t you be...imbibing by now?” and i like grimaced at her and said “no, what do you mean?” and she said “oh that’s just a perfume you put on every day?” and i said “yeah, you wanna try it out?” and then taftil came downstairs and interrupted us. BUT ayleth is!!! so fun!!!!!! she talks to her pet rat like he’s people and is true neutral. so it’s like,... whatever sounds fun and good in the moment that’s what we’re doing babye!! she’s SUPER charismatic but in the drunk way so it’s like a big sense of camaraderie. we met this gnome (who was obviously an enemy) in THE FUCKING DUNGEON and eous was like “hi! im eous who are you?” and we shook hands and i was like “guys she’s fine she’s my friend now” and everyone else was like... i DONT trust like that and then she did some shit (which triggered our rogue to fire and straight up. rip her wrist open) and i said “what THE FUCK??? I THOUGHT WE WERE FRIENDS?” and she goes “I THOUGHT WE WERE TOO?????” it was....big stupid. it’s so funny like...i went into a bar called the warm asparagus and hyped up a bunch of dragonborns and we got in a big arm wrestling competition and i lost bc....eous is dexy not strong but they all were like chanting “EOUS EOUS EOUS EOUS!!!” and pat my shoulder and clapped me on the back and everyting when i lost. she just..gets into shenanigans and is a bastard about it. in game in character i looked at our fucking paladin and said “man FUCK the police”
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kalrialcock · 5 years
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ayleth has an intelligence of 10 so like. kinda dumb u kno. got that +0 modifier. AND she has a pet rat. 
so AYLETH CHAUVEMPES is JUST A LITTLE BASTARD. okay so actually she’s an tiefling born aasimar. which just means she has slightly pointed ears, one tiefling eye, lil fangs and she knows thaumaturgy. she is a few minutes older than her twin sister, who came out an actual tiefling. so she had these like, bright blue eyes and whispy blonde hair when she was born, and her skin was a little read (like her father’s) but the color in her eyes quickly faded to grey, her skin went pale, and her hair went black. this shows that whatever celestial touched her before birth soon abandoned her when the infernal blood took hold. her left eye turned a solid, shimmering gold and her right remained human, her canine teeth grew in to a point, but that’s when the changes stopped. so when she was 10, her family kicked her out, and the community ostracized her. so she became a street urchin, she raised herself. she eventually met an ex monk turned drunk who trained her to fight. and to drink. so ayleth drank and fought in underground rings and changed her name to Eous. she drinks until she forgets who ayleth chauvempes was, that’s not her anymore. at least that’s what she tells herself when she reaches the end of the bottle and feels too sorry for herself. eous is a known fighter in the illegal fight rings, she’s a champion. she’s a monk, who WILL go down the path of the drunken master after the man who trained her. as an aasimar, she has an angelic guide who she drinks to silence. her guide was her only friend growing up, just the voice in her head and woman in her dreams who never yelled at her. the mom she always wanted, but never got. she has a thick inky black mohawk with a single braid on the right near the front, sun tanned skin from a decade of living on the streets, she’s fuckng. Shredded but also a little too thin. she’s 5′9. and she’s just a little feral! and she’s cocky, an alcoholic, and she firmly believes that no one should ever have to live the life she’s had to. she’s 20 and tired of wondering if she’s going to have a roof to sleep under. she’s tired of being alone. so she turned to adventuring, hoping to make some gold. she has no people skills, no education past what a 10 year old gets, and her best friend is her rat that she just calls mister rat
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