kalrialcock · 5 years
beauyasha has the range
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chaseprice · 7 years
turtleenchanter replied to your post: punkmermaids replied to your post “I know it’s...
It is your fucking blog! You do you! We all gotta vent sometimes, let it out. It’s bad to keep that in. It’s actually really nice seeing someone put words to how I feel. So thank you for standing up to anon.
aw, thank you!
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nomtheburritos · 7 years
What's going on with Guerrillas twitter may I ask?
Oh so a few days back they tweeted their logo in Pride colours, showing their support for Pride Amsterdam. The amount of homophobes commenting the classic shit like NO! and KEEP TO THE GAMES STAY OUTTA POLITICS also followed by YOU DO IT JUST TO PLEASE THE GAYS WTF...Yeah. You get it, surely. Lots of homophobic and “I’ll never buy your games if you do this shit” crap.
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super-aye · 5 years
Okay, see I knew you would never like me
julie will not catch me slipping!!
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pitatties · 2 years
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Another fursona I did for someone who “isnt a furry” @turtleenchanter
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vgtravlr · 6 years
Got tagged by the beautiful @ysuhbella! Thanks Tita! (Sorry for the lateness on this because of work...something something...see #4.
rule: write ten facts about yourself then tag ten people you’d like to get to know better
1. I’m pretty sure I have massive amounts of unchecked rage and repressed emotions locked behind a kind attitude and shy demeanor that has managed to lead people to label me as, ‘The Quiet One’. I’m probably due for a meltdown or just a long ugly cry. Stay tuned.
2. I studied Fine Arts in college and university but still can’t draw or paint to save my life. Well, I guess I can but when some would ask, WTF is that? I say, it’s ‘abstract’ then nod affirmatively and add under my breath, “hmm. Indeed.” then stare off  like any self respecting artist would. Art is still life though.
3. I play video games for a living. It’s not as glamorous as you think but does have its perks and I enjoy it for the most part. Unfortunately, no. I can’t ‘hook you up’.
4. I’m Asian. However, I’m lazy by nature and have a PhD in procrastination. I am my own dilemma.
5. I used to work at the airport and Ikea. No relation other than I’m familiar with loading things into things.
6. I’m Canadian. I understand French but as for speaking it, its a work in progress. Salut à tous les Montréalais/e out there, big yourselves up! No. I dont play hockey or live in an igloo, but my neighbor’s polar bear is pretty nice.
7. I  hate the number 892,342,956. It knows why.
8. I like animals, but never owned one. Maybe one day. However, I’ll never own or collect insects or understand why someone would do so willingly. Looking at you @rainbowreaper214 :)
9. I keep my sanity intact by consuming the 4 basic food groups of movies, anime, playing video games and reading comics. I have a huge backlog in each of those categories. Hit me up anytime if anyone wants to chat about it.
10. I enjoy writing and always wanted to create a comic or a short movie. I’m open to collaborations. And yes @ysuhbella, I will eventually get to my HZD AU story involving Aloy/Nil/Avad. I probably would have started but see #4.
I tag: The first 10 ppl that started to follow me that are still around, occasionally like my edits and who I still enjoy their stuff whenever they pop up on my feed. No need to do this but just wanted to say you’re the tops! in order, @maggierosestudio, @bi-aloy , @sun-bae,  @ziimahfaeraak, @nika-vincent, @wolf-fitz, @lk1a1-4510, @narset-transcendent, @blowingoffsteam2, @zae-lynn. Honorable mention goes to these fine ppl who pop up on my feed and I’ve always wanted to say thanks, I see you fam. @gordon88, @charbooo, @annecasap, @harvincy, @aprilryanmyfriend, @czgaiaedition, @stillnotgoodatthis, @turtleenchanter
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kalrialcock · 5 years
Why do u have so many angry anons that think beau is bi, like come off anon clowns. Let’s see those mugs. #lesbian lionett
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chaseprice · 7 years
I'm not religious but your blog is a blessing 🙏🏻💙
aww thank you!!
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super-aye · 5 years
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kalrialcock · 5 years
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ayleth has an intelligence of 10 so like. kinda dumb u kno. got that +0 modifier. AND she has a pet rat. 
so AYLETH CHAUVEMPES is JUST A LITTLE BASTARD. okay so actually she’s an tiefling born aasimar. which just means she has slightly pointed ears, one tiefling eye, lil fangs and she knows thaumaturgy. she is a few minutes older than her twin sister, who came out an actual tiefling. so she had these like, bright blue eyes and whispy blonde hair when she was born, and her skin was a little read (like her father’s) but the color in her eyes quickly faded to grey, her skin went pale, and her hair went black. this shows that whatever celestial touched her before birth soon abandoned her when the infernal blood took hold. her left eye turned a solid, shimmering gold and her right remained human, her canine teeth grew in to a point, but that’s when the changes stopped. so when she was 10, her family kicked her out, and the community ostracized her. so she became a street urchin, she raised herself. she eventually met an ex monk turned drunk who trained her to fight. and to drink. so ayleth drank and fought in underground rings and changed her name to Eous. she drinks until she forgets who ayleth chauvempes was, that’s not her anymore. at least that’s what she tells herself when she reaches the end of the bottle and feels too sorry for herself. eous is a known fighter in the illegal fight rings, she’s a champion. she’s a monk, who WILL go down the path of the drunken master after the man who trained her. as an aasimar, she has an angelic guide who she drinks to silence. her guide was her only friend growing up, just the voice in her head and woman in her dreams who never yelled at her. the mom she always wanted, but never got. she has a thick inky black mohawk with a single braid on the right near the front, sun tanned skin from a decade of living on the streets, she’s fuckng. Shredded but also a little too thin. she’s 5′9. and she’s just a little feral! and she’s cocky, an alcoholic, and she firmly believes that no one should ever have to live the life she’s had to. she’s 20 and tired of wondering if she’s going to have a roof to sleep under. she’s tired of being alone. so she turned to adventuring, hoping to make some gold. she has no people skills, no education past what a 10 year old gets, and her best friend is her rat that she just calls mister rat
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super-aye · 5 years
what's your main
what are you, a cop 👀
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kalrialcock · 5 years
hey @turtleenchanter (pt. 2)
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kalrialcock · 5 years
hey @turtleenchanter
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super-aye · 5 years
What's your main blog?
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