#i have another hater
alyszaen · 1 year
you are such a whore
you are literally begging for money and when someone sends you money you act all sweet and innocent
and now you want to open commisions
youre writing isnt even that good
its disgusting how you use your readers and expect them to pay you
just go kys your a disgusting human and dont deserve to have so many followers and nice anons
your not worth it
Bestie I am actually laughing lmao
I didn't beg for money. I reminded my followers that, yes, if they enjoy my content, they can buy me a coffee. I am not responsible for the amount of money I was sent by the extremely generous minnie anon.
The reason I opened commissions is that, even though I work a fulltime job, I also have a lot of other responsibilities. And it takes me a lot of freetime to write content. Which is why I haven't been writing lately - as my finals are arriving. Opening commissions is a way for readers to request very specific, even long content, without me "losing time" I could use in other ways. Don't get me wrong - I love writing. And I will continue to do so. I just wanted to see if anyone would even be interested in paying for my work. There will not be a change to my regular set-up.
Again - I did not use anyone in any way. Nobody was forced to send me money. I had no expectations whatsoever.
And the reason why I "complained" about my money situation was because I genuinely use the #alysdiary tag as a diary. If you are unhappy with the things I share on there you can block that tag in your settings, btw.
Funny enough I am very worth it, hun. I am honestly a great human being, a great friend and a great content creator. I deserve to be on this platform as much as anyone.
About the "kys": Please do not tell people to kill themselves, as you may actually send this to a person in severe depression who may genuinely go through with it after your message being their breaking point. I am personally stronger now, so your message doesn't affect me. But please consider all the harm you could be doing to others and that you could have done to me.
I hope you have a good day and a chance to think about your actions.
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nipuni · 1 year
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Another outfit showcase! this time for spring-summer 🥰
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nonbinary-vents · 4 months
I know this is such a doomer kind of attitude but I genuinely cannot stand it when people go around talking about the ‘silent majority’ when it comes to Jew hatred. There’s two main problems I have with this statement
— Sure, these people might support Jews now, but it’s probably safe to say the majority of people in the world have deeply ingrained biases against Jews. Those biases are easily exploited, easily brought out, and easily radicalised into rabid hatred. See: large swaths of leftist spaces, who honestly seemed like sleeper agents with how fast they openly admitted raping Jews is a moral thing. There’s also the issue of a lot of these silent majority people not supporting Hamas or believing in the Aryan race or thinking that Jews have no culture and we’re just stealing it from everyone else, but still tolerating those ideas being held in other people— it shows that these people neither understand nor care about the gravity of these views, which then makes those precious biases much, much easier to show
— The entire point of the silent majority is that they are silent. Sure, they might chat with their Jewish friends about how bad things are, they might express sympathy in private, things like that. But when push comes to shove, when Jews are being actively murdered wide scale, they don’t show up. They leave us in the dirt. They watch quietly as the Gestappo drags their neighbours away. They look away politely as their Dhimmi shopkeeper is beaten in the street for walking on the wrong side of the pavement. They close their blinds when their friend is tied to the stake and burned alive
I know it’s comforting to think of this vague concept of the silent majority, but it’s not actually reality. I know it sucks feeling like you need to have your guard up all the time (and you don’t, just be careful), it’s going to suck a whole lot more if you put yourself into a false sense of security. The silent majority are not our friends. The silent majority are not there for us. The silent majority don’t care. We can’t just live in a nebulous idea of people who quietly tut to themselves whenever they see someone saying ‘glory to the resistance’ or ‘Jews are trying to taint the Aryan race’, we need to focus on the tangible reality, and the people who are actually present
I think this is also why I, and so many other Jews, absolutely love non-Jewish allies. There’s something so indescribably amazing to see people in this world that’s been so horrible to us standing up for us, listening to us, helping us. Allies go through a lot of shit from others because they care about us, I’ve seen it so much— they’ll get vicious hate for just associating with Jews. And they still do it. They still stick with us. Because they care, and it’s just so wonderful
Spread the love to non-Jewish allies, you are so amazing. And to the silent majority, I hope you can become the help that we desperately need
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agerasiaa · 8 months
A crack fic about Lucifer, Vox and Husk making an Alastor Hate Club. And it’s just them once a week bonding over how much they hate Alastor and Husk realizes more and more how he doesn’t actually hate Alastor and is bitter about it, Lucifer randomly trauma dumps about his tragic life, and by each meeting Lucifer and Husk notice how Vox’s sheer hate borderlines on obsession and they share awkward glances every time he starts ranting and shows them his Alastor shrine or something. And when he makes some comments like “Alastor does this and that every day” (some very specific detail about him only a stalker/someone with a long history with Al would know) and the other two are like “how do you know” and he’s like “I just do.”
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cerealmonster15 · 3 months
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i want jamiazu + idikei to go on a double date so badly i think the vibes would be So Very Turbulent
#twisted wonderland#twst#jamiazu#idikei#idicay#cereal tries to draw#i love any fanart of board game club and their bitch ass crushes jdslhffkjg teeheehee#cater and jamil can get along fine but board game club is incapable of behaving#they have to drop everything to bully the shit out of each other given the chance!!!#jamil does this with azul also. tbh i think it would be a war immediately and caters like HaHa Oh My GOd. ??!!?#cater actually it's hard to say bc sometimes hes like HUH!!!! CHILL OUT!! but other times hes a shady little freak of a guy and enables#things so like whose to say. maybe if hes in a silly mood he would join idia and jamil and it would be 3v1 rip azul it was nice knowing u#the rng of if they get peacekeeping caycay or mischievous caycay#it feels like it has been a While since ive really sat and drawn them...#i have had a lot going on <///3 and then all draw time is spent on art fight rn but. small break For Them#do u even understand me. do u see my vision. i want to put all four of them in an escape room#bundle them together and observe them under a microscope#god i just LOVE how any time someone in twst talks about another character it's always either like#yes this is a good respectable classmate of mine who i admire. or I HATE THAT BITCH HE FUCKING SUCKS ASS ACTUALLY!!!!#and then the haters are like best friends who hang out always jfdksljflkshg#but theyd rather DIE than ADMIT IT!!!#bitch boys who only respect each other when they dont know each other too well ig fjldksfh#board game club being god tier haters nonstop of each other is so fucking funny im literally obsessed with whatever they have going on#anyway!!! I WANT THEM TO HANG OUT MORE PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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ameliadoesstuff · 9 days
something about s1-3 zane is just. oh this guy is so silly and friend-shaped. look at his friendly boy swag. like????? how could you ever hate him. the ultimate silly
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not to hate on his titanium era because frankly it is very cool. but the essence of s1-3 zane is unique and uncapturable. he is just a little guy you can put in your pocket. his default facial expression is so inherently funny. there are no thoughts behind these eyes. i would trust him with my life.
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xpiester333x · 5 months
One of the big points Morgana haters always bring up is the whole "Go to bed" meme. As in sometimes in the game he doesn't let you go out or do anything he just makes you go to sleep.
But clearly you have never experienced living with a clingy cat. Do you know what happens if I leave the house or stay up 20 minutes later than usual? My cat gets piiiissseeeddd. He'll bite my hands, cry, huff, pout, interrupt or distract me from what I'm doing. If I don't do as he says, he throws a fit and tears up the toilet paper.
Tbh all the "go to bed" memeing is just cat behavior.
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kentopedia · 3 months
one thing i find interesting is readers always ask for part 2,3,4 etc for fics they enjoy, but when writers actually decide to write multi part fics no one wants to read them
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triple-starsss · 3 months
sonic and jet are bitter exes in triple stars. end post.
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maxedes · 29 days
yeah i like milfs:
i wanna see
lando norris
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carlyraejepsans · 3 months
So weird that acknowledging a character is attractive must mean your sexualizing them
Like everybody can understand that hyperdeath asriel is described as hot amd move on but the moment you make an adult design for a frisk and make them attractive (and simply point it out) then you must be awful! Like your design isint even sexualized or nothing it's just an adult frisk it's not like ur drawing them half naked like some adult frisk designs.
Also love how all the post they used to call you out where incredibly removed from the context and they made it look like the other people's post where ones you made it's like they were manufacturing their own outrage.
oh, is that what they're doing now? that's nice.
you know what's funnier, i hate adult flowey with my soul and still i went to bat for them whenever people tried to pull the "it's creepy" card under my posts. i shut that shit down every single time, to the point i had people lash out at me. I'd heard that they'd been harassed and pedojacked over it and i genuinely felt bad for them, because that was horrible and they obviously didn't deserve that, no matter how much we disagreed.
like seriously do you have any idea how humiliating it is to hate something with full acknowledgement that it objectively does not matter and being like "but leave people who like it alone, i'm sure they're fine people" every time i expressed my dislike, because some people who agreed with me were incapable of being normal?
aaaand in the end they were the one who tried to paint me as the predator. honestly? I'm not surprised they misrepresented me so much. it was obvious from day one that they can't fucking read LMAOOOO
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rooolt · 4 months
the krudbert voice is so good it’s genuinely jarring to me when Murph starts talking in his actual voice
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synthshenanigans · 6 months
Another number update!!
The Mind Electric has hit 2 mil on Spotify!!
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Not only that, but Ruler of Everything finally hit one million as well :D!!!!
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this torture we're going through with the anime must be divine karma for slandering Bones all this time...... they said "oh, you don't like how we adapt things? you say the manga does it better?? okay then, well now there is no more manga. it's Bones or bust, bitches."
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bestworstcase · 10 hours
your point about team rwby being the maidens’ liberators made me think - do you think blake is going to have a special connection to the summer maiden? I noticed that she’s the only one who hasn’t been close to a maiden yet
i think gillian asturias is the summer maiden (and this post is hysterical in hindsight. at the time i wrote it, the full-length v9 epilogue hadn’t been released yet so we’d only seen qrow’s section and about half of winter’s – hence my pausing to lay out the argument for salem going to vale next and making a pretense of hedging my bets on the crown being narratively central in v10. lol)
now! with regard to blake and the summer maiden, the common thinking here seems to mostly run along the lines of “…and that’s why summer maiden ilia,” or the more general speculation that the summer maiden will be a faunus character.
to this i say:
it’s a fallacy to conflate “blake will probably have a strong narrative connection to the summer maiden” with “the summer maiden necessarily is or will be blake’s old friend,” and the argument for ilia being due for maidenhood is quite thin otherwise, and
blake can and does have important narrative connections to characters who aren’t faunus, and it’s a weird to presume that in order for the summer maiden to have a meaningful tie to blake, she must be a faunus herself.
to expand on that first point, let’s consider the personal relationships between each of the maidens so far and ruby / weiss / yang:
pyrrha -> ruby’s friend
cinder -> ruby’s personal enemy
raven -> yang’s estranged mother
penny -> ruby’s friend
winter -> weiss’s beloved sister
the takeaway here – other than that if you’re ruby’s friend and someone offers you to become a maiden you should refuse – is half the relations between maidens and members of team rwby are antagonistic. (raven seems likely to at least try making amends with yang in v10, but as it stands in the narrative right now things between them are very fraught.)
it is just as likely that blake’s narrative connection to the summer maiden might develop through a personal conflict between them, rather than friendship. yes?
and, if i’m right about gill being the summer maiden, well—stop me if you’ve heard this one: a girl with a driving, passionate ambition to uplift her people from the ashes of centuries of conquest and subjugation is radicalized by a boy she loves who pulls them both deeper and deeper into violent, spiteful extremism that ultimately harms the very people they claim to fight for, until he finally crosses a line she can’t accept and she says no i will not.
that’s blake and adam but it’s also gillian and her brother. the difference between them is that blake’s red line was adam glibly revealing that the train heist was actually intended to be a massacre whereas gillian’s was jax stating his intention to commit suicide rather than retreat and live to fight another day; she helped yatsu subdue him specifically to save jax’s life, not because she had a crisis of conscience about their movement.
(there is a certain—really irritating—contingent of CFVY novel readers who project their own dislike of jax onto gill and insist that she turned against him because he demanded she ‘sacrifice her life’ to save him, which 1. he didn’t, he asked her to give him all her aura and then bodily shielded her because he’s physically bigger than she is so this was at worst a “if we’re going down together, i’ll make them go through me first,” 2. if gill only wanted to save her own neck all she had to do was rip her aura out of him and bounce, and 3. she explicitly says that the reason she did what she did is because he’s her brother, she loves him, and she couldn’t let him die.)
the point being, gill is still a radical; her soft betrayal of jax revealed her priorities in that she loves her brother more than The Cause, but in no way did it represent a break from her belief in the cause. if the epilogue is any indication, she’s just as committed to overthrowing shade academy as before. (and i think there’s a real chance that her actions will have improved her relationship with jax to some degree, because he believed she didn’t care about him at all! he thought she only stuck with him because his semblance compelled her to do so! and then gillian exploded his mind by revealing that his semblance straight up doesn’t work on her and she just loves him. which, if the twins are on the same page now, cuts down on the internal tension and likely makes them more dangerous adversaries to the coalition.)
but her history, the way she became like this, is eerily similar to blake’s radicalization in the white fang, and i think blake would certainly be able to piece that together. she’s also by far the member of team rwby i would say is most likely to recognize and relate to the genuine pain at the heart of the crown’s movement—vacuo has suffered.
vacuo wasn’t even a state until the end of the great war. it was a mistrali territory. its people were enslaved and worked to death in a systematic and horrifyingly effective project to extract every last speck of valuable resources from the region, and then even statehood was a slap in the face because they were left to fend for themselves in a barren wasteland whose ecosystem had been completely and utterly destroyed.
the crown is a mirror held up to the white fang; blake is insightful and empathetic enough to realize these similarities and see herself and her past mistakes reflected in gillian, but this time she’s an outsider to the movement—she can’t effect change from within or reclaim the true, important work from the vengeful extremists. so she’s limited in what she can do, practically, even as it’s going to be painfully clear to her that the crown is falling into the same trap adam did.
and at the same time, the new white fang will in all likelihood either be in vacuo or show up to join the coalition in v10, so blake’s part in her own movement, her place in her community, can be directly juxtaposed with her opposition to/empathy for the crown.
v9 sets up for this with blake’s advocacy for the afterans—v7-8 do as well to a lesser extent, because blake is still dealing with the personal fallout of v4-6 and thus is quieter about mantle than say, nora is, but like. blake draws a comparison between her experiences in the white fang and with adam and the moral compromises ironwood starts making after the election. it just seems… pretty clear to me that the narrative has been setting up blake to play a pivotal role in relation to the crown since at least v4 if not earlier, depending on how granular the vacuo outline was during v1-3.
so this is a narrative connection i very much expect blake to have with gillian regardless, but… if gill is the maiden…
well, she’s certainly not trapped inside ozpin’s vault/key maiden paradigm! so in that case what does it look like for a member of team rwby to fulfill this narrative role of liberation? probably something like de-radicalizing her and her brother by convincing them there is a better way forward than their divisive, violent, paranoid ideology. and blake is unquestionably the member of team rwby best equipped to get the ball rolling there.
further, blake’s semblance is a really strong counter to gill’s – that’s true of ruby and weiss as well, because gillian has to touch a person in order to steal aura and so agile, fast opponents are going to be tougher for her in general. but blake has two more things going for her beyond the basic mobility advantage, vis-a-vis making it personal:
the illusionary aspect of blake’s semblance will allow her to create decoys, which is a very powerful tactical advantage against an opponent who really wants to grab her, and
blake’s girlfriend is a hand-to-hand fighter, and an incredibly brave one with an intense protective instinct at that.
clears throat. we all remember yang getting possessed in rwby x jl part 2, yes? and blake clocking it instantly? well.
if blake and gillian are meant to be not just foils but personal adversaries in the vein of ruby and cinder—yang’s gonna get got. agile though she is, as a hand-to-hand combatant yang is unavoidably much more vulnerable to the twins’ contact-based semblances than the rest of her team, her personality will make it very hard for her to play it safe and stay back if it comes to an open fight, and there is nothing the narrative could do to lock in that personal enmity that would be punchier than yang being compromised.
even if gill as a personal adversary to blake isn’t in the cards i expect yang to get got anyway because, let’s be honest: do we really expect crwby to set themselves up with a golden opportunity to do a climactic love-overcomes-mind-control scene with the bees in v10 and then not take it? with how nuts the entire creative team goes for these two? after the climactic battle in ice queendom hingeing on yang being able to free blake from a nightmare with the mere lesser power of unrealized lesbianism? do we reeeally believe they would pass that up? lol.
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collegeboysam · 3 months
you know what i was really bummed bc of rolin's answer about how daniel got turned but i'm locked back in. he can't spoil such a huge detail anyway, all the writters have read queen of the damned, assad knows armand like he's possessed by him, they're aware devil's minion is a fan favorite. i have killed the pessimist in me i know they will "unreliable narrator"-us out of the "out of spite" reasoning as a big plot twist
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