#i have also earned one more rambly ask but i'm going to try to do some studying before i do that
birlwrites · 2 years
Hi! I would love to hear more about Regulus’s political position/image in Slytherin and how he maintains it - like he has the Dark Art group and he’s a Black, but he wasn’t always the heir and it was mentioned that he had to actively try to take control of the group, even though there wasn’t any real resistance. Do people really see him as an ‘Ice Prince” or is that just Evan’s crush? are people aware of just how competent he is, both within and outside of Slytherin or do they just see him as the Black heir who’s Sirius’s brother and also a crazy seeker? Thank you and i hope this helps(?) you!
i am SO GLAD YOU ASKED because frankly, ttdl begins at a weird point in regulus's political ascension. if i wanted to suffer, i would have begun this story with a series of vignettes about his life pre-january of 1977, but a) i don't want to suffer and b) you get a lot of that information via narration anyway
the reason it begins at a weird point is that when we jump into the story, regulus has... already done a lot of the work, but that work was years or months in the past. seizing control of the study group (not super hard, considering the grumbling about horatio nott at the time) was kind of the crown jewel of his efforts in slytherin, and he would have been content to remain where he was, if not for the pressure to join the death eaters
SO! how people view regulus: starting from the outside and working our way in! (i'm going to restrict this to hogwarts students, just to keep this post semi-concise lol)
let's begin with people who know of sirius (impossible not to, really) and sort of know of regulus. regulus is the slytherin one, he's a pretty ruthless seeker, and he's a prefect. (the relation is obvious. the resemblance is strong.) he's nowhere near as chaotic as sirius (i'm speaking from the pov of these people lol), and he's more reserved, and in general just doesn't draw as much attention, but seems like he has his shit together
people who know of sirius and regulus and also have a basic grounding in how the sacred 28 works know all of the above, AND they know that regulus stood to gain when sirius was disowned and seems to have just fully accepted that. (from there, opinions diverge into 'he WANTED sirius to be disowned so he could be heir' and 'he knows there's nothing he can do so why try to push back' and 'why do you all care so much about this')
okay now let's get into the High Society people. the important thing to note here is that most of these people are in the right age range to have known (and spent time with) regulus and sirius when they were children. or rather, SiriusandRegulus, because they were a package deal at pretty much every social event.
these people first met a regulus who was incredibly competitive and absolutely willing to cut deals with other kids to win games, but usually could be relied upon to be either colluding with sirius or, sometimes, reading a book in the corner. (once, notably, reading a book in the corner as a tactic to win hide and seek by fooling the seeker into thinking regulus wasn't playing. he successfully argued that since the seeker hadn't SAID they saw regulus, there was no proof that they had, and therefore regulus was the last one to be found so he won. however this only worked once afsjlghjfkj)
those people have watched regulus become much more solemn over the years - like, he's always had the habit of imitating his older family members, so he often seemed like a mini adult when he was little, but sirius could usually break him out of that. anyone who knows regulus and his parents can see him kind of growing more into that mold as he gets older and interacts with sirius less and less
with regard to the 'ice prince' label - the specificity of it is largely due to the rosier family's general inclination towards categorizing the roles people are playing, but evan's not really exaggerating in the ice prince snippet (it's just that nobody else would actually refer to regulus that way afslghskfj). regulus is generally seen as kind of aloof and above the noise and chaos, as much as he can be while still like. having friends. and he doesn't talk much, but he's very dignified and certainly holds a position of power that everyone in slytherin is aware of, and he certainly seems hypercompetent (he never practices charms in public or semi-public spaces, for image reasons)
at the beginning of ttdl, regulus is seen as reserved, rather than snobbish, partly because he tends to sit back and let the drama play out unless he has something to gain from participating (but isn't the leader of his pack of friends, as they don't really have a Leader™ and regulus is certainly not the center of attention most of the time).
however, he starts getting into that drama more over the course of ttdl, which is when the Junior Death Eaters™ will start shifting their perception of him from 'just not the friendliest guy' to 'actively thinks he's too good for us' (which we've already seen some of in ttdl)
with regard to seizing control of the study group - it really wasn't that hard, honestly. the key component was getting to it before anyone else did. people were dissatisfied with horatio nott, who was distracted studying for NEWTs anyway, and regulus had a trunk full of dark arts books, a lot of knowledge in his head, and the ability to sound like he knew what he was talking about. he started with helping out the other 4th-years in the group and then worked his way up to the people older than him (which he could do because by that point he'd already established himself as one of the experts in the group). he was the de facto leader before horatio nott even graduated, and then at the start of 5th year it became official
AND you know what else was official by the start of 5th year? regulus's heir status. he spent basically the whole summer being Heir Black, in the incredibly high-pressure situation that is the social season, and he did what he does best: being quiet and attentive as a power play
with some sacred 28 heirs, people can forget that they're set up to inherit an influential government position as soon as their fathers die. they can forget it with evan, and sometimes with amycus carrow and priam parkinson, and literally all the time with james potter, and they could forget it with sirius. but they never forget it with regulus. he often gives people a sense that he's just biding his time until he inherits. i'd say at the moment, that's the most important aspect of how people view regulus at hogwarts
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agi-ppangx · 7 months
side quest (lee minho x gn!reader)
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fluff, no warnings, shy mimo !!!
an: based on this lovely request !! i had so much fun writing this and i really like how it turned out, so i hope you'll enjoy it as well<3 please remember that feedback and reblogs are highly appreciated🫶🏽
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“excuse me? hi,” you heard someone’s voice behind you as you were collecting your stuff from the desk. when you looked over your shoulder you noticed a guy from your classes who sat in the back row and always did great at exams. you smiled shyly with rosy cheeks and tilted your head a bit in a silent question. 
“hi?” you responded hesitantly, desperately trying to remember his name. It was something starting with an m maybe…?
“i’m minho, we haven’t really spoken but um…” he said quietly, fidgeting with his bracelet. minho, right. “i noticed the badges on your bag and i- i wanted to ask if you play that game?” he finally mumbled, looking at you. you noticed his ears were as red as a tomato and it actually made your heart beat a bit faster - he was just too cute like that. 
“oh, um- yeah, i do,” you said, glancing at your bag with a smile. “i’m not that good, though. i mostly play for the vibes, y’know, there’s not really anyone who could teach me all of those complicated strategies and stuff,” you huffed, lowering your head, and you didn’t notice as minho’s face lit up with hope at your words. his eyes sparkled as he watched you carefully adjust one of the badges and it made him a bit bolder to speak up again. 
“maybe we could play together sometimes? i could teach you some things,” he suggested and it made you smile wider than before. you raised your head, looking minho in the eyes and it made him a little flustered, but he couldn’t give up now. not when he finally spoke to you, after so many times when he saw you in class and wished you would notice his curious gaze whenever you would adjust your badges as usual. minho thought this subtle habit of yours was oddly heartwarming, the way you always took care of them made him wonder if you would also take care of someone the same way. 
“sure, i’d love that,” you said with a huge grin and minho finally felt like he could breathe again. he exhaled loudly, earning a soft giggle from you. 
“can i maybe have your number, then?” he asked shyly, handing you his phone, and you smirked. 
“be careful, because i'm about to think that the game was just a cover to get my number,” you giggled again, getting bolder, and you typed your number quickly as his eyes widened. 
“no! no, i- you just seem really cool and we play the same game and-” he started rambling in pure panic, so you playfully rolled your eyes and placed a tiniest peck on his cheek to make him stop overthinking your joke. you could see his mind go haywire and it actually made your heart ache a little, because you didn’t want the poor boy to get upset. 
“don’t worry, i wouldn’t mind anyway. i’ll wait for a text from you then, yeah?” you asked with a smile and minho could only nod, too shocked to comprehend the entire situation. you waved at him and walked away, leaving minho with a pounding heart and burning cheeks. 
you flirting with him was something he didn’t even dare to think would happen, but he kind of hoped it could lead to something more. it became like a side quest for him and minho was more than happy to devote himself to it if the winning prize would be your heart.
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taglist !
@lynlyndoll @iyenbread @flooo71 @skz-streamer @inniescandy-01 @hannahhbahng @prettymiye0n @ggsez31 @laylasbunbunny @like-a-diamondinthesky @axel-skz @kittymaryam-thebrowniefairy @l3visbby @skzhoes @minhosbitterriver @astraystayyh @xichien @linospuddin
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sillyteecup · 2 months
The Wrong Way
Roman Reigns x black!o.c
Jey Uso x black!o.c
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Chapter 3
Strong language
Slut shaming
Taglist: @wrestlingprincess80 @nbanenefrmdao @vebner37 @theninthwonder @tshepisho @lensilver @trentybenty @empressdede @queen-shadow22 @becauseimher @jstarr86
A.N: I would like to apologize to anyone who was expecting Main event Jey Uso. No pookies, this is 2021 Jey, or as I like to call him, "crashout Jey"🤭. Anyway, a delightful bunch our characters are yes? I honestly can't wait to get them to fully interact so we can see where this shit storm is going😭😭. Anyway here's chapter 3 of The Wrong Way. I hope you like it. Enjoy.❤️
The journey to Lori's new pris-home was long and silent. The Wiseman had arranged for her and her maidens to be seated in their own section of the jet with Sami for supervision. He said it was by the order of the Tribal Chief, which was a pleasant surprise to Loreal. However she still wasn't sold on the family.
Her maidens however were elated. Although they had not directly interacted with or even seen the Bloodline outside of Sami and the Wiseman, the closeness in proximity to the family was enough to spike their excitement levels. That paired with the opportunity to fly private with their Mistress. Previously When Lori and her family traveled, Lord Byron would have the Maidens fly commercial and in separate seats. No one understood why, and when Lori would protest he would be dismissive. So naturally, their current arrangement brought them joy.
While the maidens drank cocktails and shared hushed theories of how the palace would look, Lori sat opposite Sami in silence. His jaw often twitched as though he wanted to say something to her, but he never did. While he was slightly more relaxed away from the Tribal Chief, he was still on edge. Fidgeting with his rings and shifting relentlessly in his seat. All of the sudden movement was starting to annoy Lori.
"Sir-" she began, only to be interrupted by Sami.
"Sami. Just, Sami is fine, Miss Loreal," he said nervously with his hand up.
"That doesn't seem very inappropriate," Lori pointed out with an arched eyebrow.
"Well, Sir isn't exactly my title so calling me by name is as appropriate as it gets," Sami explained with a shrug.
Lori tilted her head as a look of confusion washed upon her features. "You are part of the most powerful family in the world, and you do not have a title?" she inquired.
Sami nodded before replying, "Well yes. But also no," he said vaguely.
"I don't follow," Lori said, folding her hands over her lap.
"I am a part of the Bloodline don't get me wrong. But I wasn't born into it, therefore no title. Well, unless you take, 'Honorary Uce' into account, but otherwise no title. Just good ole' Sami," Sami rambled, finishing his explanation with a nervous chuckle.
"Ah, I see. Honorary Uce Sami is quite the mouthful, but so is Miss Loreal. So you will call me Lori," Lori said jokingly to try and ease Sami's nerves.
"Lori," he sounded out slowly, as if testing it on his tongue. "I could work with that. Just not around the Tribal Chief," he added, his anxiety seeming to spike at the thought of Tribal Chief Roman.
"I'm sure he would not mind. At least until after the wedding," Lori shrugged, but Sami shook his head.
"Oh he would. He's very big on the title thing. Says it has to do with showing respect and humility," Sami explained.
"I don't think he'd care too much about showing me respect, I am after all an outsider. On top of that I am damaged. No one respects a damaged woman. They only seek to humble her," Lori said dryly, earning a soft small from Sami.
"I respect you, Lori," Sami said softly.
Lori's eyes softened. "Sami, while I appreciate the sentiment, you do not know me. You have no reason to respect me."
"Actually, I do have a reason. A couple actually," Sami stated, confidence slowly oozing into his tone making Lori smirk playfully.
"And praytell Sami, what are they?" she asked him.
Lori's smile grew at Sami's grin. His posture had slowly started to relax throught their conversation, and judging form his demeanor, he seemed very friendly. A stark difference from the family that took him in.
"Well, you're head strong, you're confident and you're kind. Well, at least kind to me and your maidens," Sami listed, counting his points with his fingers.
In a weird way, Sami reminded Lori of her mother. Although Azalea and her daughter hardly spoke, whenever they did, Lady Azalea always made sure to encourage and reassure Loreal. Lady Azalea would tell her that she was beautiful, intelligent, confident and kind. She would also remind Loreal not to let anyone take advantage of her kindness. Thus, her hot headed nature and occasionally cold demeanor.
"Thank you Sami. It might not mean much, but you have my respect as well," Lori replied softly.
She could've sworn she had just seen a tear roll down her new asset's eye.   
Roman exited the jet, followed by his cousins. His hands rubbed at his temples as a headache had begun to set in from Jey's incessant complaining, paired with Jimmy's snarky rebuttals. He already tried his hardest to limit his time with the twins due to the constant bickering, always preferring Solo's quiet company above them. But if there was one thing he loathed, it was traveling with the twins because that meant he had to listen to every grating word.
Alas, however, the trip was over and he could finally get rid of them.
"It just feels so fucking disrespectful, you know? Of all the bitches yall could've picked, it had to be the one that's been around every street across the seas! I'm a prince man! I deserve better!" Jey complained for what was probably the 90th time since they had left the Moore house.
Roman had taken it with silence as he, to some extent understood his cousin's frustration. He knew that Jey felt undermined by the choice for his fiancé, and that he felt like a second-class citizen. However, Roman was not the one who chose Miss Loreal Moore, Rikishi, Jey's father was. And the last thing Roman wanted to do was involve himself in the affairs of a father and his son. Even if it was simply a power move.
Also, aside from her unfortunate status, Miss Loreal Moore was actually a good pick. Lord Byron held quite a lot of political influence across the seas and according to the file Lord Byron had sent to Paul, she was highly intelligent, she had a leadership streak, and she was incredibly ambitious. All of that was enough of a sell as it was, but it was at the meeting where she truly caught Roman's attention. Her defiance, to Roman, was a sign of strength.
Roman liked strong women.
Miss Loreal Moore was not a pushover, and that was a quality that she would need most in being part of and dealing with his family.
However, most of all, she was astoundingly beautiful.
Roman had hardly found himself in positions where he was taken by a woman's appearance. Apart from Nadine, he barely even noticed the women around him, but Loreal was a different story. Her piercing brown eyes, her glossy, plump, two-toned lips, her the stud on the left side of her wide nose and her deep, brown skin that seemed to glimmer in any atmosphere. That, paired with her breathtakingly curvy figure made it a mission for Roman not to stare at Miss Loreal Moore throught the meeting.
Miss Loreal Moore was going to be his cousin's wife in about a month. His thoughts on her looks were then thrown to the back his mind. They did not matter.
"I know you not talking, Mr 'I fuck every bitch that breathes in my direction'," Jimmy commented from his brother's side.
"Man, this is not the fucking time to be joking and shit! This is my fucking life we're talking about and I'm supposed to spend the rest of it with a ho?" Jey hissed, making Roman's temper flare up.
Clearly Jey was struggling to understand that this wasn't about him anymore. That this was a sacrifice he had to make for the family to prosper and maintain their power. Roman only hoped that Jey wouldn't fuck the engagement up, otherwise he would have to punish his cousin, and the last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt the man he considered his right hand man.
Jimmy waved him off before saying, "Man I don't see no difference. You a ho, she a ho-hell yall are perfect for each other if you ask me," Jimmy snickered.
"Well then it's a good thing nobody fucking asked you."
"Enough!" Roman grunted, immediately shutting his cousins up. He could've sworn he saw Solo's lips twitch into a grateful smile. But it was gone as soon as it appeared. Jimmy pressed his lips together in a thin line while Jey downright scowled. Roman sensed that his cousin had long passed the stage of dissatisfaction. He was angry, but he knew not to direct it at the wrong person.
"I understand. I understand that you don't like the fact that you're marrying a damaged woman. But you had your opportunity to choose a good woman for yourself," Roman started as he began to get in Jey's face.
"You had the chance to get you a fresh one, but you fucked up by deciding to fuck around with every whore that smiled at you. So if you wanna complain about the quality of woman your father found you, take that shit up with him, but never forget the chance you had to prevent that shit," Roman stated as he poked Jey in the chest to emphasize his point.
He then leaned in to whisper in his cousin's ear, "It's not about you anymore Uce. Get that through your thick fucking skull! This is about our family! This is about what's best for all of us," his tone was menacing as he reminded his cousin of the situation.
He stepped back to see Jey still scowling, but nodding in understanding. That was good. All Roman needed was for him to understand.
"You can still do your shit on the side, I'm sure she won't give a fuck anyway," Roman suggested. His short encounter with Miss Loreal Moore, although short, showed him that the regard she would show for his cousin was low.
As much as Jey knew about her reputation, Roman theorized she likely did not care in the slightest as she barely wanted to marry him in the first place. The only thing Roman worried about was her willingness to actually be a part of his family. That was a huge factor to take into consideration. One Roman would do everything in his power to sway in his favour.
"Yo Uce, your ho may be a ho, but she a mighty fine ho for sure," Jimmy said with a snicker.
Roman's eyes snapped to the open jet that had just landed. There she was, gracefully making her way down the stairs, wearing what seemed like her usual, disinterested, yet mildly irritated expression. Right behind her were her four servants, or maidens as her father had called them. The young women, each with eager smiles on their faces made their way down with their mistress's luggage and their own. Finally Sami stepped out holding another one of her bags. A gesture she rewarded with a kind smile that shocked Roman.
And angered him.
Roman watched in an unexplainable annoyance as Miss Loreal Moore conversated with Sami as she and her travel party made their way to him and his cousins. While the sight of her laughing at his jokes seemed to piss him off, the sound of her laughter did something to him. Something akin to casting an enchantment. However, it was washed away as soon as it was chanted. This was not the time.
"Miss Loreal Moore, I should hope that your flight was comfortable," Paul said as she approached.
Her happy expression quickly turned neutral, as if she had just remembered her situation all over again.
"It was. Thank you," she said curtly, her now scrutinizing gaze cutting through Roman's family and Paul in one clean swoop.
Paul, as though he had felt the slits of her irises like a blade to his skin, cleared his throat nervously before speaking again. "Well then, I'm sure the long journey has left you and your maidens in need of some rest. Tomorrow will be quite the long day," Paul said with a nervous chuckle.
Miss Loreal Moore's features never wavered from the stony expression she wore. Roman could feel her sizing him and his cousins up. He almost smirked at how shamelessly she glared.
"I agree Wiseman. But I must ask, will my fiancé be accompanying me to the palace?" she questioned, finally shifting her gaze to him. The bitterness in her tone was subtle, but still noticeable to Roman's ear.
Paul looked taken aback, not expecting her question as she seemed to not want any part in their marriage. Then it clicked in Roman's mind, she didn't know that Jey wouldn't be staying at the palace during their engagement. He then shot a glare to Sami who he had told to clue her in on what would happen next. Sami shrunk beneath the sharp glare.
"Oh, Miss Loreal, that's not-traditional we don't-" Paul began to sputter, being cut off by Roman's low tone, but gentle.
"Is that what you want, Miss Loreal?" Roman asked, attempting to gauge her reasoning.
She shrugged in response, saying, "Well we are to be married. It would only make sense for us to acquaint ourselves with one another."
Roman nodded then flashed a charming smile. "Then that's gonna happen," he said.
The moment Paul and the women were out of ear shot, Roman's gaze morphed into a deadly glare. "If you fuck this up, there will be some very dire consequences," he warned in a cold, low tone.
"Wiseman, please lead Miss Loreal Moore and her ladies to the car. Jey will catch up in a second," Roman requested, turning to face an irritated Jey.
Jey nodded silently, prompting Roman to release him. Jey ran to catch up with Paul and the ladies, while Roman turned around and headed to his own car followed by Sami and his remaining cousins. He contemplated having a little 'talk' with Sami, but decided against it.
If Miss Loreal Moore trusted Sami, then Roman would use that to gain her trust as well.
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arinzu · 3 months
How about Rin x female reader x Sae?
This is so damn rare to see, I thought itoshi bro's x reader died😭
🍂Who would you choose?🍂
This might not me accurate💕
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Summary :
Little did you know... football isn't the only thing the brothers fight about. If you dont wanna read the whole story go to U20 JAPAN VS BL11 MATCH or CONFESSION or just the endings!
4 alternative endings, Itoshi brother x you, fluff, Angst ofc, weird asf, random, fem! Reader, long story, manga spoilers, curses i think!
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You still remember when You and Sae first met, it was in your young elementary school days... Sae was known to be a bitch and overall is the opposite of a nice person.
You were playing with your toys by yourself, until you spotted a lone boy playing alone with a ball.
As you start paying more attention to him, your mother notices and smiles softly "that's Sae Itoshi"
"He's really pretty" you replied to your mom, "Can I befriend him?" You questioned.
"Are you sure? He is quite mean to people he doesn't know" She ask but after you confirm she walks away to go do her own business.
"Be careful (reader) don't get sad and try, okay?"
"I won't disappoint myself and mama!"You promised as you held your pinky finger to them, in which they agree and hold their own pinky with yours... completing the pinky promise.
You start walking towards sae, you start having second thoughts It's not your scared... You're just nervous to approach another person you don't know that well.
Oh well it's far too late since sae just noticed you approaching at a high rate.
"Uhm... Hello? My name's (last name) (reader) and I want to be your friend!" You smiled as you held out your hand expecting a handshake.
"Go away, I bet you don't even know" any football stars" sae replied stepping on the ball, you were shocked this is what a child reply to you?
"Excuse me? I do know a lot of football stars!" That took sae by surprise but still stayed firm on his word of you not knowing any players.
"Name one player, and Noel Noah doesn't count"
"Hmm it's hard..."
"Finally giving up? Just leav-" you quickly interrupted then midway.
"hey! I was talking about how hard it is to select a player out of all the amazing players out there, but anyways Chris Prince"
"Good choice? You earned my respect I suppose..."
This time he finally shake your hand, you felt a sign of relief wash over your body as you smiled at him.
"I'm Itoshi Sae, and I also apologize for my behavior earlier" he shakes your hand as he returns the smile back to you.
You noticed the ball once again, it looked rather familiar up close... Your eyes start to sparkle when you remember what type of ball it was.
"Omg it that the limited edition Football!? Signed by the one and only" you exclaimed as you start shaking the young sae, the poor boy didn't know what to do since your grip on his shoulder was to tight.
He confirmed your suspicion and you started jumping like a kangaroo from pure excitement, sae looked at you like you are a mad lady... I mean the way you're acting is uhhh....
He once again tried to ignore how you were acting, "So... How did you know the player?" He asked which made you stop what you were doing "Easy I watch football matches with my father!" You replied.
That was not what he was talking about but whatever...
You started to ramble on all of the great things you and your father did when he's in the country, in which he just listens carefully surprisingly.
After a while you had to go home you said your good bye's and left just like that.
Sae itoshi
That was a good memory to keep..
She was somewhat weird the first time we met, i suppose... her understanding of football was the one intrigue me in to her.
It compelled me to the point we started to habg out often if i wasn't busy. The more time we spent, the more of this weird sensation i have, it was like love...
I didn't understand at first but one small click in the internet had me understanding that i fell for her.
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That's all you remember as you see him outside the gate waiting for you, "Itoshi Itoshi! over here" sae turns in your direction, Holding a football he starts going to you.
"You know that you can call me Sae right?" You smile softly in return to his question and start nodding.
"I know! But your fan girls might kill me" sae raised an eyebrow, he was just 12 not many people will fall in love with a 12 year old right?
"Whatever just call me Sae, (reader) we've known eachother since fourth grade"
You simply nodded as you both, "Wanna hang out at my place, sae?" Sae turned to you, he didn't know why it feels so good when you actually say his name out loud.
He hides his now covered bright pink ears from you and nodded, as you saw his happening you got curious and started nagging him why did he cover his ears from you.
"hey sae, why are you covering your ears?" You ask as you start tugging on his uniform, he wanted to say but his pride is not letting him.
'Oh sorry my ears became a bright pink as you my crush said my name out loud'
No no...
Not happening in a million years
"Ah well I heard a mosquito..." That was a Lukewarm excuse to give, but did he care absolutely not.
You start dragging him again accepting his reason like all the other times you and him hang out at your place.
"Also did you hear, Kourtney And Abigail stop being besties?" You questioned, sae just furrowed his eyebrows.
He never cared about any drama in the school, it's lukewarm and not deserving of his time. But just for you he nodded which you scream with excitement.
"Omg you finally started learning some drama, It's been so long since you actually learned some drama~!"
You continue babbling your nonsense and start adding some more gossip in the school, sae just ignored it and kept on walking with you.
You kept on talking even as you both reached your destination, sae being quite annoyed softly (maybe not so) hit your head with his fist.
"Hey what the hell sae!?, I was just getting to the good part-" sae immediately cut you off
"We're here already... And stop babbling on such Lukewarm things" sae replied his hand far gone covering his ears, which turned to it's normal color.
You got an idea ...you lean closer as you give the most cheeky smile ever,sae immediately blush.
"Hey... Sae-chan~?" You have flap your eyelashes at him.
"Y-Yeah?" Sae replied trying to hide his blushing face. Sae just screams internally as he watches you lean a centimeter closer
Oh how pathetic...
Why did I say that? It's lm a damn idiot.
Omg what if she notices my face?
Oh fuck...
"You're so lukewarm (reader)..." sae mumble which you definitely heard.
"Huh, why sae-chan?" You inch a bit closer to him.
Sae turned more red from both you and what he just said to you. He's a complete mess and your still that close to him.
Oh fuck... What have I done!?
This is so damn embarrassing.
I wanna dig a hole and jump...
And if he couldn't be blushing enough by you, he heard a small compliment it wasn't a unique one he heard it multiple times in the media, but coming from your tongue... It felt magical, sae had butterflies in his stomach.
'Sae you know, your very handsome and especially with those underlashes' he recalls what you just said, that earned him to be another blushing mess.
As he finally made himself calm down, he scanned the room to find you once he didn't see you in the room. He figured you left to go to your room, which he was grateful for...
Calming himself by inhaling and exhaling, he soon followed it to go to your bedroom after he had stopped being a mess.
As the day goes by you and him had lots of fun chatting about Life... And sae's football career and what you two will do in the future.
You reveal your dream to him and he was quite surprise by it but nonetheless wish you luck on your own journey to success.
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It's been a year now, your standing at the airport seeing sae leave for spain to play in real mandrid. And most importantly you're very comfortable using sae's first name.
"Sae, please text me everyday! And reply to my calls" you not so nicely reminded.
"Yes... I know (reader) I'll do it" sae sighs as he hugs you tightly. "I'm going to miss you" you smile and return the hug "I'll miss you too its been great having you around"
"Wait sae where is your family, I never got to see them all these years? Of friendship" Sae just pointed to the side, which in return have you looking embarrass of not noticing them.
You let out a long 'ooh' as you and him approach them, once you are standing infront of his parents. You left out a bow and introduced yourself, which amazed them and patted your head.
"Good day Mr. and Mrs. Itoshi i am (last name) (reader) sae's friend"
"Woah Sae never told us your friend was such a well mannered lady!" Mrs. Itoshi remark which soon followed by Mr. Itoshi to praise you.
As soon as Mrs. And Mr. Itoshi stop admiring your good manners, you scan around to find sae, once you identify where he was and start to proceeds towards his location.
As you draw closer and closer you make-out a younger version of sae but with dark green hair.
"Hey! Sae who's that with you?" You question which sae answered truthfully.
"That's my younger brother (reader)"
"Ooo! I never knew you had a brother" you start pinching the younger brother as start complimenting his adorable appearance, rin in response annoyingly stick his tongue out.
Meanwhile sae starts glaring at Rin unconsciously, is this the last thing he sees before heading to Spain? His first crush, his love, his number 2...
(I'm sorry it's cannon that he'll choose football over you)
He snapped out of his death glare to Rin when you suddenly ask a question.
"What's his name, sae?" You asked as you finally stopped giving the younger one attention.
Sae gave a force smile and introduced him to you "That's Itoshi Rin he's 11" you thanked him and started completing rin again.
That ticked Sae off deeply as he glared at Rin to make him realize to stop hogging all of the attention.
Rin seeing his older brother sulk start walking towards him and hugging him tightly.
Rin thought it was because of him leaving the country...(It wasn't obviously)
"It's okay Nii-chan, we will give lots of gifts!" That made sae quite confused, yet seeing you again gushing of Rin endearing attempt, Sae start acting like a good older brother just for you.
"I know Rin ill be sure to be the best striker in the world, promise" Rin smile having sparkle in his eyes, having you finally turn you attention to Sae.
"Sae remember to know that I'm your number 1. fan" you jokingly reminded, rin angrily replied with "No! im his no. 1 fan, plus your a girl you dont know anything about football"
You smile internally Rin was just like Sae, yet you still was pissed at his fabricate lie. But as you were about to scold him Sae already doing the job for you.
"Rin thats rude, we dont do that anymore."
"But..." sae again glared and signal to him to apologize to you.
Once Rin finally muttered an apology for his rude behavior, you gladly accepted and told him you were more than knowledgeable in the world of football.
Rin beamed with excitement after getting confirmation from sae that it was indeed correct.
"Can you play football...?" you nodded your head that seems to make rin eye's sparkle.
As the conversation continued, Sae was called by his parents, that briefly stopped the chattering between the three people.
Its time for sae to leave the country...
You stand there feeling a mixed of sorrow and cheerfulness for you friend. You never felt this mixed of emotions at the same time, your first friend leaving you to pursue his football career.
You wave sae goodbye... having a smile of your faceyou stop him midway and hugged him "I will really miss you sae... please don't forget about me"
"I wont (reader)... dont replace me with anyone, okay?" you nodded your head and then tried to joke abit to lighten up the tension in the air. "I promise to protect rin and be his guardian for you"
Sae laughed and then made joke "Make sure he isn't a brat when i come back" you laughed and promise.
its time for the family to say their goodbye's
"Take care of your health!" Mr. itoshi said
"Good luck, sae!" said the wife waving her hand as she continued smiling
"Nii-chan, have a safe trip!" said rin and having an expression of joy
sae responded by smiling " See ya." he pause "Im off to be the best in the world" you and rin smiled and wave to sae.
you see him carrying him luggage and phone as he smiles finnaly entering the plane to spain.
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Its been a couple of years, you kept the promise you made to sae to be the guardian of rin for all the years when sae was in spain. You still kept contact with sae by vc or just texting.
Itoshi family treated you as their own, and rin finally stop being rude to you as more time passed. You and rin occasionally hang out at the beach to get his mind of things with sae.
You were there for rin in every match he had, even practice.
this is one of your best interaction with rin...
"Hey Rinnie, do you wanna play a match with me?" you questioned which rin just nodded his head in approval. Tossing the football towards you giving you a slight advantage over him.
"Once i get the ball i win if you score you win, deal?" you nodded at the rule
You kick the ball to the left giving it a slight curve and started running, if you calculated correctly the ball will come back to your feet. But it's not that easy it's far more complicated than that...
And you know that, Afterall you saw his performance in the real matches, you know that he will catch up eventually and defeat you. But you wont make it that easy...
You hear heavy footsteps right behind you, rin was already catching up but just in time... The ball manage to came back. but as you were about to do something, rin interfered and got the ball before you got to do anything.
"(reader) you lost the game" rin said having a stoic expression. "good job rin, you were better than last time!" you smiled and gave a high five.
Rin returned the smile and high five you, you then added "Im sure sae will be impress by your growth!"
"You think so?" asked rin which you reply with "Im know so!" rin smiled from ear to ear
"Omg rin your just as cute when the first time i met you" you jokingly remark seeing his joyous expression.
"Hey I'm not cute!" rin bite back
you playfully rolled your eyes, "Whatever makes you sleep at night, i guess"
"Im literally taller now than before even taller than you!"
"So...? it doesnt mean taller people cant be cute"
"Hm. whatever you lukewarm girl" rin responded
"Oh come one have some originality will you?" you insulted in a friendly manner
"You forgot the comma" insulted back jokingly
"Oh shut up fancy pants" your eyes rolled back.
You both laugh at the weird interaction, then you suddenly suggested to buy some popsicle since it was still early.
Rin immediately screamed a yes, that caught you by surprise by his excitement. He started to drag you in a not so nearby ice cream shop.
"You'll pay right?" you nodded in agreement, as rin saw this his eyes light up and grab a quite cheap popsicle.
"I'll have this one!" you gave a nod and got your ice cream from the freezer near the entrance of the shop. you pay the money and surprisingly it was much cheaper than you expected it to be.
As yo both were eating away the ice cream rin suddenly tap your shoulder "(Reader) i won, look" you let out a smile and congratulated him.
"i got to practice again... i have to be the best after nii-chan!" rin added, you note that he is revolving around sae a bit too often, but that seems quite adorable to you.
"Okay then, i have to go back home, i have to help my mother by preparing a gift" now that statement got rin curious.
"Who's gift?" rin asked throwing away the popsicle
"My father, why do you ask?" you answered adding another question.
"Just got curious, wait father-?" rin asked once again.
"Yes for my father, what the hell are you on abo-?"
"i thought you were fatherless...." he admitted sheepishly.
He thought you would be angry, but then saw you laughing your ass your by hearing his confession.
"Wait really...?" rin nodded confirming what he just said, but seeing you laugh even more make him chuckle and blush from embracement.
You noticed it and smile still laughing uncontrollably, "i never knew the itoshi brothers could laugh"
"Oh come on! we still have emotions we just don't show it" rin snarled back having a slight cocky grin plastered on his face. meanwhile you just stared at him weirdly.
You swear you heard the same thing somewhere, after a few moments thinking where and who you chuckle a bit
"Gosh your just like sae" you sigh before continuing "He told me the same thing when he was still here"
"Wait are you serious?" you nodded and and he smiled dumbly.
"But be sure to not be an actual copy of sae, k?" rin gave a thumbs up "You are your own person and not sae itoshi's little brother"
"Oh stop, your not my mom" you smiled sticking out your tongue,, "but i am your guardian, i only want the best for you"
"Anyways i have to go for real now" you wave your hand and start smiling "dont miss me too much rinrin"
"I won't (reader)" he said ticking his tongue out.
From day that onwards you and him had one of the best relationship, he started being more kind to you and sometimes you guys flirted just for fun.
His teammates always ships you two together when your at his practice, which is always or every single time. Hell even his parents believe this. And that somehow ends up to you laughing it off while rin becomes a blushing mess
Rin itoshi
Have i fallen for her...?
A weird feeling, it was innocent at first but then the thought of her kept me awake at night, the way she smiled at me... the way how i felt safe around her.
She always told me to be me, and not the 'little brother of sae itoshi' she was the first to say that. How she somehow makes me chuckle at the worst joke, before i knew it i had already fallen for her.
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this crap is boring you can skip it since i was trying to describe what happened in the manga.
4 years have passed since sae left to play in real mandrid, rin and his team was playing a match against a team called RIXIL . You were there supporting the team by cheering at the sideline.
The last few moments of the game rin had the ball while being press by a few defenders, dribbling pass them he runs forward towards the goal. Since you were quite knowledgeable in the world of football, you easily understand what will rin do in his situation.
His team screaming him to pass the ball with his coach, passing the ball to his teammate for that person to pass to another teammate near him to finally to finally pass to rin.
He scored the winning goal, screams of joy filled the area you quickly congratulate him on his win after the match.
"Rinrin that was an amazing goal you made!" rin blush and replied "I'll be the best in the world with nii-chan afterall!"
"You surely will, be the best with sae" you paused "What do you want for winning the match?" rin grinned at this, "Your hand in marriage, (reader)"
"If you be the world best with your brother" you smirked back.
"Oh you might as well marry me now" he stick his tongue out.
"Oh don't be so cocky with me" you feel your phone ring inside your pocket "excuse me rinrin i have to take this call"
Rin gave a thumbs up going to a bench to cool down before taking a shower, you took awhile chatting with the person on the other line.
After you ended the call you turned to rin "your mother hosted a family dinner to celebrate your win, rinrin" You gave a soft smile as you start preparing to leave.
"Where you going?" rin asked as he drink his water bottle "to help Mrs for dinner, anyways imma go now!" rin watches you leave then left out a sigh of relief
Why the hell did i say that?
That lukewarm shit was so risky...
Thank gosh she didn't notice it was real...
He watches his two teammates leave as it turned to a late afternoon, he note that it would probably be turning evening very soon. But he still wanted to train his skill..
He kicks a ball towards the goal, as it hit the net he think to himself how it wasn't in the spot he wanted. 'Ah. its snowing..' he thought to himself and heard a voice in the distance.
"Wasn't that shot a bit shoddy?" he looks a bit closer, it was sae his eyes lit up with joy after seeing him after all these years and blurted the word 'nii-chan'.
They both exchange pleasantries with one another, rin noticed sae wasn't feeling himself he looks... sad, unfulfilled? an emotion he never saw his brother have.
the clock hit (I have no idea) you started becoming worried, rin usually be home by now... thinking the worst you thought he was kidnapped, in this time many kids have been reported missing.
The more you think about it, the more you start being uneasy. note to yourself to check outside just in case rin was just running late, and if not you'll go to the football field.
You checked outside using a peephole and thankfully rin was just walking towards the door, relief washed over you and you opened the door.
"Rinrin! welcome back dinners almost ready" you smiled from ear to ear but rin just walked passed you, you didn't even bat an eye you guessed it was he got tired by practicing for so long.
You went back in the kitchen after the Mrs. of the house called your name, you helped with the last remaining dishes and prepared the table with her.
Everything has been prepared, "(reader) dear, may you please call rin down?" you smiled and nodded "Yes Mrs. i will" and there you go, going to rin's room.
As you were approaching the bedroom you hear a loud crash. Feeling fearful of what might be happening you run towards the room, you opened the door as soon you were infront of it. "Rin what happened!?" you screamed out of instinct.
"Get the fuck out of my room" yelled back rin
That startled you you never saw him this mad looking around the room you saw all of sae's awards, a few moment of silent rin gave a small sorry.
"Sorry (reader) i just had a bad day" you smiled and patted his head, "Dinners ready rinrin" you said and exited the door. You got awfully curious what happened.
As soon you sat down rin came and sat beside you, "Since everyone's here lets all pray first" said Mrs. itoshi
"Mrs?" you called out to rin's mother "May i take a picture to send to sae?" she nodded as she signal for everyone to hold hands to pray.
After praying you took out your phone and as intended "Say cheese everyone!" as you held your phone up high for everyone to see. You soon took the photo
" いただきます" (its Itadakimasu its said before eating) said the group
"Woah this is delicious!" said mr. itoshi "who made this?" Mrs. Itoshi replied with your name.
"You would make a wonderful housewife!" said Mr. itoshi
"Im flattered by your kind words Mr. itoshi!" you replied
"So are you planning to marry one of our sons, (reader)?" you nodded your head chuckling slightly
"I might marry one of them, or even both of them!" the parents laughed and you also joined in laughing
Rin blushed he had a chance getting with you? and even marrying you? that would be a dream come true, he just to make sure sae hadn't have any feeling for you.
After you finish eating your meal, you thank Mrs. Itoshi for inviting you as a guest.
You returned home safely, but as you were about to fall asleep you remembered the photo you took with the family. You opened the app and send the photo with the caption.
"celebrating rin's amazing goal!" and "wish you were here with us"
And then drifted to sleep... the next day you check you Messager app to see sae's respond to your text. It was the normal response but something caught your eye, the last message.
"I'm changing my dream i wanna be the world best midfielder" being the good friend you are you supported his decision with open arms.
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It's been a few months almost a year by now, your relationship with him wasn't the same ever since that day. Rin was cold to you, not starting a conversation. he wasn't particularly rude just silent.
He was different as you kept noticing this you felt uneasy. You did try to ask him what happened yet he didn't answer, whenever you mention sae he just glared at you until you drop it.
That continued on... until he went to a facility called "blue lock" to be the best striker in Japan.
You couldn't able to contact him, you brush it off as he was probably busy. Being quite lonely you tried to reach sae but that ended in failure.
"(Reader) quick your going to be late!" said your mother as she got the keys of the car to tossed it to you.
You catch the keys "Ma, don't worry" you quickly replied getting your purse.
"Gosh (reader) you got the front seats by the itoshi family hurry up!"
"I know ma! I'm very excited" you responded as you exit the house and got in the car.
"Make sure to give me and your father some gifts!" you agreed and quickly drive to the location.
You arrived just in time to be able to buy some merch, looking around the area you find the perfect thing, a rin plushie and a sae jersey its was hella expensive, if you didn't get a discount you would have been on the headline being the poorest person in Japan.
wait what time is it...?
Oh I'm actually going to be late.
Wtf i sound so calm!?
You start walking faster and by pure luck manage to get to your seat in time (barely...), you look around to find the couple that bought the seats.
Fuck where are they?
What in the actual ass!?
As you were silently in the seat thinking they cancelled the purchase, you felt a beep inside your bag. You took your phone to check what's up with it
"Sorry (reader), we both had an emergency and have to tend to it, your own your own" text by Mrs. Itoshi
Well that's a relief...
I was about to dig a hole and burry myself
Time to enjoy the game!
Getting comfortable in your seat you remembered the jersey you bought, 'Might as well wear it' you slid inside the jersey as you waited for the match to start
You watch eagerly at the entrance of the field where the players will appear, As you see both teams emerge from the shadows. The crowd screams 'itoshi sae' as soon you he appeared. even some screaming a popular defender name 'Aiku'
Joining in the screaming you loudly yelled sae's name.
"Sae, don't disappoint me, give me a good match to watch!" repeating sae's name like a chant while smiling from ear to ear. You remembered to cheer for rin also.
Gathering all the air in your lungs to scream the hardest you can you wave your hand franticly, closing your eyes you gave your all in that scream.
"RINNIE-SANNNN WIN THE MATCH, DONT DISSAPOINT!!!" you thought you were about to pass out from how loud you cheer, but that was worth it since rin looked to your direction, you gave the biggest smile as you were still waving.
Little did you know rin was stabbing daggers at what you were wearing.
Sportscaster and football commentator start talking you fell back to your seat feeling tired. Paying your attention to the field.
(if you wanted me to explain the whole match i aint doing it but check the manga if you are interested)
The second half was over it was so intense you were dancing with excitement on how good the match was, sae's first goal to seishiro goal then the last goal of the fist half made by rin himself.
It was truly amazing first half, the blue lockers having a one point advantage against the the U20, as bought a soda from the soda boy cooling down before looking at the field, there's rin looking at you.
"Rinrin! congrats on that amazing goal you made!" you yelled giving a heart shape pose while sticking your tounge out.
Rin flip you off. that was unexpected...
"WHAT THE FUCK RIN!?" you yelled almost causing a commotion but thankfully you control your temper, you didn't wanna just do nothing so you double flip him.
He just stick his tongue out in response.
You calm yourself down and got your phone out to text sae, you pretty sure that it was allowed.
(Second half has ended)
Amazing those blue lockers won against the U20
the final score was 3-4 first goal was sae, then seishiro, then rin, next two goals were the pink demon the zesty one called shidou, finnaly was barou and the last goal was isagi. Screams of joy filled the stadium both with the winning players and the audience.
And there was Isagi's speech!
Overall if you had to rate the match it would be (your decision), you quickly got off your seat to meet with sae just he had planned.
Waiting outside the main gate you stayed there until sae arrived.
"Sae! over here" you called as sae start approaching you
"Ah hello (reader)-" "Wait is that my jersey?"
"Oh fuck i completely forgot that i was still wearing this..."
"you look adorable..."
"what was that"
"Wait can you sign this jersey"
"Sure" sae's ears start becoming pink
"Thank you, ilysm!"
"i love you too..."
"anyways bye! get some rest sae!" he nodded as you walk away.
That conversation you had with him was much more... something. But that was fine, he is probably tired from the match.
You went home since rin wasn't able to go home just yet and it was getting late, you arrived home and went to your feeling exhausted.
Its been a while just a week since the match, you have scheduled to meet in a private beach with rin and sae.
You manage to convince rin with some hesitation from his side surprisingly.
Meanwhile sae agreed with any hesitation now that really surprise you to the point you thought he was a doubleganger.
You awaited for their arrival but then you saw your reflection in the sea, your hair was very messy. So being a sane person you pull out your comb and brush your hair.
As you were about to finish the comb broke in two...
Sae came first with a bouquet of flowers and stand their Infront of you.
"(Reader) i love you, be mine" he said in the most deadpan tone you ever heard, you look closely at his expression you saw a faint blush.
What the actual fuck?
Is this a dream?
I need to wake the fuck up.
"WHAT THE FUCK!?" you thought that was you but you notice that you didn't say anything.
You see rin approaching no... running towards your direction holding a teddy bear in his left hand and a heart shape container.
Before you knew it rin punched sae in his guts, that scene looks like it came from a romance movie.
Then sae punched back which you assume was for self-defense, the more they fought the more you panic trying to de-escalate the situation.
In a last ditch effort you screamed
"Stop it you guys, y'all are fighting like animals!" if they ignore this you might as well enjoy the drama, eat some popcorn and and sit down.
Rin came to his senses first and stop, apologizing to you. Sae glared at him, and was about to throw another punch. As you were about to get some popcorn to eat sae stop mid-punch.
"Okay what the actual fuck is going on with all of you!?" you yelled.
"because that idiot gave you a lukewarm confession when i was suppose to confess to you!" said rin
"The only lukewarm thing here was your goal and existence, annoying pest"
"Wait rin you were going to confess?"
"Yes (reader) are you going deaf from his confession already?"
"Can i hear it?" you asked
"Not infront of him!" yelled rin
"just damn do it rin" you responded
he paused blushing from embarrassment, lowering his head an holding his arms out with the gifts he brought.
"(reader) be at my side and watch me be the no 1. striker"
"Woah that was extremely lukewarm, rin"
"Oh shut the fuck up"
"So who do you choose?"
Gore, jjk reference, kidnapping, but don't worry you didn't die hopefully.
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Ending :1/4 you reject them both
"I'm sorry guys but I'm not choosing any of you..." you saw the hurt in their eyes, you watch how their heart was broken, but when you tried to apologize again they scream.
"Fucking get away (reader)" rin yelled
"You'll regret this" you felt the air tense up once sae told you this so you left the scene.
You live your life with the guilt of knowing you broke their hearts.
You entered a coffee shop to meet up with a old buddy you knew, before you knew it there was a sharp pain at your forehead then you passed out.
As you opened your eyes you felt a wet liquid dripping down, as you tried to wipe it you notice you couldn't move your hand freely.
"Whoops your already awake" you heard a voice speak up "I'll inform them"
"What the-"
You saw a few people entered as your vision start becoming clearer, the only people you recognize was the itoshis.
"I'll take the bottom part"
"We know, you ass lover"
'What are they talking about?'
"Oh (reader) only if you just accepted one of us" you saw him gave a cocky grin but instead of laughing you felt uneasy.
"Shut up, rin" Rin rolled his eyes at sae reponse.
"Don't worry (reader) the operation won't hurt" sae added
"Operation?" you asked still feeling the sharp pain.
"We're cutting you in half, ill have the upper part and that ass lover be having your bottom" rin answered putting his hand on his hip
"The actual hell?"
They ignored you and signal the other people to take you to a room, there in the room they made you drink a liquid and you soon passed
yes i was being lazy i want to be done
Fleeing Japan to go to Spain
Childhood friends to lovers, Popular x Normal.
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Ending 2/4 : You choose sae over rin.
"I choose you sae... I'm sorry rin"
"See rin you shouldn't have even tried, she always would choose me"
"I'm really sorry rin"
"Don't. be. (reader). i. fucking. hate. you. for. this."
You tried to apologize again but this time rin glared at you and you stop mid-way, "(reader) i have to go now." rin said as you throwed away the gifts he had in his hand to the trash.
You tried to get the gifts out of the trash but sae stop you, "(reader) those are dirty don't pick it up"
as you were about to argue with him that it's not that dirty anymore, you look at sae's eyes it was like the eyes of someone hopelessly inlove.
"I really do love (reader) im very grateful that you choose me... i will the best lover you'll ever have" you laugh at this and cup this face "Lets see Mr. prodigy~" you saw sae's face turned bright red and chuckle, sae hugged you .
"I wanna let you know a secret i always loved you from the start" you didn't know how to respond so you blush. "I love you" you nodded "I love you too Mr. Prodigy"
The moment you turned eighteen sae gave you the offer of flying to spain so you could both could live together at this luxurious penthouse. You gladly accepted because of the con's and since sae also offered to pay for your collage so you could achieve your dreams.
Be the no 1. lover
Brother's childhood friend, opposites attract.
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Ending 3/4 : you choose rin over sae
"...I choose you rin" you replied pointing at rin direction, rin quickly jumped towards you and hugged you tightly
"I promise to give you the VIP seats when i become the best in the world" rin replied almost suffocating you.
"Im sorry sae" you apologize to sae and he started approaching you handing the bouquet of flowers, "I'm done with Japan, i only stayed for this long so i could confess to you"
He told you as he started walking away with his hands in his pocket, you felt bad for rejecting him but you still have rin with you.
"I love you so much (reader) thank you for choosing me and not him" said rin as he kiss your forehead. "I love you for eternity" as he approach your lips. and gave you a kiss.
That surprise you and rin notices "Im sorry (reader) im just so happy" you smiled at this and gave him a small kiss at his cheek, that ended up with him blushing uncontrollably.
"I love you (reader)"
"Me too rin"
You both smiled dumbly and went to get some popsicle. Once the blue lock project started, you just watch him at the bllk tv and texting him or calling him daily he made sure that you felt loved. He was sure the best lover you had.
Why not have the best of two worlds?
Two lovers, harem? i have no idea what is this
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Ending 4/4 : you choose them both...
"uhm... i choose you both" they both stared at you in confusion, rin was the first to confirm what you just said, to his astonishment you didn't make a mistake of choosing.
"Well i call dibs on Sunday to Wednesday" said sae as rin glared at him, "I call dibs at the rest then." rin replied handing you the gifts he had bought to you.
"Your coming with me (reader) since it's Tuesday" sae said as he start dragging you to the local mall.
"Hey, that's not fair!" you heard rin yelled to sae but he didn't stop but just continued to drag you away from the beach.
And that's how your relationship with both itoshi brothers started, of course you manage to make a better way of dating each of them. But overall rin and sae were pretty much cool with eachother, no arguing, no drama, it was peaceful most of the time.
You will surely tell your future children how you met their fathers... You never felt neglected by them or make them feel neglected when you all were dating, even now you still look back in the past and wondered what will happen if you choose only one.
But you didn't think that deeply since you have two wonderful lovers by your side.
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Did i lose motivation every single day and wish to have a proper sleep schedule? yes i did. Did i wanted to delete the whole fanfic since i thought it was cringe? i was going too but i made too much progress ANYWAYSSS TYSM FOR READING THIS PIECE OF CRAP <3 AND STAY TUNED FOR THE HEADCANNOS The whole fic was uncannon and cannon randomly since i kept getting distracted by the manga! My sleep schedule is ass :D
91 notes · View notes
Like Lucky Strike || Sam Carpenter
Pairing: Sam Carpenter x Fem!Reader
Summary: After Y/N asks out Sam on a date, both of them worry about how the night would go. When the night came and the date went on, they felt their worries settle down knowing that they were both comfortable of each other.
Words: 4.4k
Note: i'm happy y'all enjoyed the first part and honestly i never thought of making a part 2 so here you go! i'm sorry if it took too long i was trying so hard to find the motivation to write the date part during a breakup HUHU enjoy more sam fluff bc this woman deserves the fucking world :) also yes quinn never went bad we are healthy so she is not going to avenge her bitchass brother.
[Masterlist] [Part 1]
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・ ‥…━━━━━━━━━━♡♡♡━━━━━━━━━━…‥ ・
"Hey Matty, where's a great place to bring a girl you have been crushing on for quite some time now? " Y/N asks her good friend, who paused his typing,
"Wait, you finally asked Sam out?" Matt states his shock.
Y/N had been rambling to her good friend and boss, Matt, about how things had been going between her and Sam. If he were being honest, his friend's been stupidly in love with Sam since the day she shared their conversation one night at the diner. For someone who likes to observe the world around her, Matt was sure she was the most oblivious of how she felt towards a specific woman that works in her favorite diner.
It had been the day after Y/N had walked Sam to her apartment after work and asked her to dinner, and for the past few hours since she got home, she's been overthinking about it. She ends up planning what she'd be wearing for the date and settled wearing something more casual than what she always wore whenever she stopped by the diner. If someone were watching her choosing between the amount of clothes she had picked they'd think that she has lost her mind. Though Y/N had decided on her clothes, the next on her list was the place they'd have dinner at. Like what Sam said last night, she was aiming for a place they can only afford than going to an expensive restaurant and pouring her entire savings into some dish that she's not even sure she'd like. So that's why she seeks someone else's opinion,
"Yes, I did, and I'm panicking because I have no place in mind to take her to!" The woman nervously answers before she sat down on the chair by his table and tapped her feet. It was something she's been doing for the past few hours of contemplating things.
"Well, don't take her anywhere expensive." Her friend emphasizes as he leans back in his chair and crosses his arms.
"I'm aware, dude. I can't spend my entire bank account for a plate of steak that I can do 10x better at home." Y/N jokes when she can't even cook much.
"Then why not cook her something?" Matt playfully suggests, and he sees the cringe on her face before replying, "And attempt to burn my place down again? Gladly! " 
"C'mon, it can't be that bad Y/N." He tries to convince her.
Y/N suddenly recalls the time she tried to make spaghetti and ended up burning the sauce and cooking her noodles mushy. The chaos she omitted that Sunday afternoon caused her fire alarm to go off, and earned numerous knocks on her door after her attempt. Let's just say she never bothered to try cooking anything fresh other than instant noodles and canned food. Even her mother laughed so hard at her story when she was telling it on the phone.
"Did you forget that I almost burned my place down because of tomato sauce, Matthew?" The sarcasm that drips in her voice makes Matt laugh,
"Oh, what about that taco truck you said you've been wanting to try for the past two weeks?" Matt remembers her words. The woman's eyes light up from his suggestion.
Y/N still had been eyeing that taco truck that was a few walks away from her apartment but had always been preoccupied to try.
"Oh my gosh, Matt. You're a fucking genius! " Y/N exclaims before standing up.
"Then I'll let you get off early later." Matt chuckles at his friend before he watches her walk out of his room and go to the lobby to continue her brainstorming. Though she does stop by the door before saying, "Thank you, Matty. You're the best!"
Meanwhile, in the Bailey-Carpenter apartment, Sam had reluctantly asked her young sister what outfit she could wear, and it ended up Mindy, Anika, and Quinn tagging along. Tara was beyond ecstatic to help her big sister with something like this. After almost a year of living in New York, Sam's finally letting herself be open in the dating scene. The other three were beyond surprised to hear that the Samantha Carpenter was going on a date with someone they had never heard of before, but Tara filled them with what she knew. Quinn and Tara rummage into Sam's closet for some clothes qualified enough for her to wear tonight. 
So far, the progress is going very slow.
"Wait so, she's a regular at the diner you work at and defended you from these mean girls that been harassing you? Damn, now I want to meet the woman." Mindy babbles as she sat on Sam's bed and rests one of her arms in-between her girlfriend's thighs.
"And she always walks her home after her shifts. I sometimes catch up to them and that ass of hers is looking mighty fine in those pantsuits." Quinn adds while studying one of Sam's crop top.
"That's so sweet. Sam, she already sounds like a keeper." Anika smiles at the older Carpenter who has been embarrassed the entire time.
"Oh my god you guys, we're not even anything yet." Sam covers her face.
"Not even anything? Sam, she's literally the first person you opened up to with none of our connections. And she waits for you to finish your shift sometimes and walks you home!" Tara points out facts as she turns around to face her sister,
"And— And, she's the first person to ever make you genuinely laugh! I have never heard you laugh since you know who!" Her sister continues.
"Tell me, has she ever done that to anyone else at the diner?" The younger Carpenter continues, and the three wait for her response as she froze.
The coffee breaks she always offered to everyone turned out mostly to be her's except for the times she was off. Y/N does always wait for her to finish her shift but only when she's on the morning shift. On the night shifts, she's more than happy to accompany her before 10 pm to head home and rest. Sam always texted her whenever she got home before going to sleep and it always surprised her when she got a reply so early to bid her to have a good rest. Y/N only offered the walks to her specifically that even Cate and Dolly tease her about it while Dale proudly smiles at his favorite regular. Sam concludes that her sister was right. When she took too long to respond Tara snaps her fingers and scoffs in amusement.
"See? There is something!" The younger Carpenter finishes before she goes back to help Quinn.
"Okay, as much as I want to help Tara prove that she's right, why do you not have anything spicy here Sam? Not even a red dress or a cute skirt?" Quinn interjects and she gives up.
"I mean, tank tops, skinny jeans, and boots are Sam's thing. I don't see a problem with that." Mindy joins in with a shoulder shrug.
"I agree with her on that one." Her girlfriend beams and Mindy kisses her cheek for it.
Sam smiles at their antics before she finally helps find the perfect fit for her. She felt content to be surrounded by people who support her in this new chapter in her life. Part of her still felt incredibly nervous to go out with Y/N who felt the same way as she changed to the outfit she had planned which was a green plaid jacket, white shirt, black jeans, and walking shoes. It felt weird to dress this comfortably just to see Sam. She's at least checked herself in the mirror more times she can count than usual and has contemplated too many times if she should drop the jacket or not. But the weather today seems to tell her that it might rain one way or the other. Y/N just had to be sure that she was prepared for the worst.
When she finally stopped herself from stressing about her fit, she grabbed her stuff and left her apartment to walk her way to Sam's apartment. Even if it was around five blocks away walking felt better than getting a taxi and getting stuck in traffic at this hour. Y/N put on her earphones as she strutted through the New York crowd and minded her business. The people around her moved in routine as some bumped into each other and yelled at the person to watch their way while some people talked loudly on the phone. She was beyond immune to how the people here are the way they are. So as Y/N arrives at the Bailey-Carpenter apartment building, she catches a glimpse of the sisters waiting for her by the stairs and Tara is the first one to notice her arrival. Her eyes couldn't leave Sam's body as she stood next to her sister who sat on the stairs and tapped her shoes nervously. She wore a cropped tank top and blue skinny jeans to match her usual boots that she wore to work. Y/N always liked her wearing tank tops because she gets to see those arms for free.
"Y/N!" Tara jumped from her seat as she ran to hug the woman nearing them. Y/N smiles at the younger Carpenter and hugs her with one hand.
Sam looks up to see both of them and she freezes at the sight of her. Those doe eyes couldn't leave Y/N's figure as she initiated small talk with Tara. Everything else blurred out as she watched the woman smile as she spoke and her voice was inaudible. She thought she looked amazing even in casual wear. It was too weird to see her outside of her work clothes since she's gotten so used to Y/N visiting her right after work. She didn't even realize that they had approached her. Sam couldn't snap out of her trance until someone snapped their fingers in front of her. Tara giggled at her sister's unresponsiveness when Y/N greeted her and dropped her hand that was in front of her sister's face.
"Huh?" Sam uttered as she blinked a few times.
"You good, Sam?" Y/N asks as she tries to hide away her amusement,
"Yeah, y-you look good." She sheepishly replies and smiles back at her before she hears her compliment her back, "I could say the same for you,"
"You ready?" The woman saw her nod before both of them turned to notice Tara grinning at them.
"You better bring her back home before 10 or we will hunt you down, Y/L/N." The younger Carpenter tries to intimidate her with an emphasis on "we" and it makes Y/N laugh at her attempt. The interaction caused Sam to push Y/N's back for them to leave.
"10 o' clock, Y/L/N! Don't forget it! "
"Yes, ma'am!" She turns around and shouts back with a salute.
"Tara get back inside! I'll see you later." Tara shakes her head while giggling before following her order.
Unconsciously, Y/N holds her hand while Sam's free hand covers her face in embarrassment. As much as she loved her sister dearly, Tara was surely doing all she could to humiliate her in front of Y/N. But deep down, she's more than happy that they bonded well. Tara is kind of easy to befriend so Y/N had no worries getting along with the young Carpenter. The woman in question smiles at her as she covers her blushed face and finally takes the lead to walk them to their destination.
"I am so sorry about her." Sam tries to apologize.
"It's nothing, I like seeing you all embarrassed. It's cute." Y/N let her know.
Sam tries to act cool from her words and removes her hand from her face before looking at her to ask, "Stop it! Where are you taking us?"
"Oh, there's this taco truck I've always passed whenever I come back from the diner and have always wanted to try it out. Might as well try there." Y/N informs as they walk past a crowd.
They were a crowd of teenagers and laughing loudly at their shenanigans. Y/N felt Sam stiffen from the crowd so she carefully let go of her hand and slipped it on her back to settle her hand on her waist. This moved their bodies closer and the move made Sam blush again. Part of her wish was that Y/N wouldn't notice it but she was already too late as it made her smirk. Her cautious mind calmed down after.
"Do you want me to move away?" The woman softly questions to her ear. She could've sworn that her voice shifted from sweet to silky.
Situations like this used to make Sam freeze after Woodsboro, but Y/N has unconsciously helped her get through it. She felt incredibly safe with her around. Safety was something she had never felt since moving to New York before all the rumors started.
"N-No, this is fine." Sam stuttered, cursing at herself for doing so.
Y/N just simply smiles before they continue walking close to each other. The warm feeling on her chest continued that she couldn't help herself from smiling. Sam's nervousness was long gone and she felt more comfortable in Y/N's arms. They were able to pass by the diner and wave at the staff and regular customers inside. Behind Y/N's back, Dale had just won the bet he had with both servers who thought she wouldn't have the guts to ask Sam or the other way around. Cate whined in defeat before handing the cook his ten bucks. The smug smile on Dale's face only annoyed Dolly who also gave her ten bucks and continued cleaning the table she had abandoned after seeing the two.
When Y/N notices the familiar deli shop on the other side of the road she smiles knowing that they are near. Her hands loosen from Sam's hips and beams at her,
"What kind of taco do you like?" The woman randomly asks and Sam hums to think about her answer while they wait,
"My dad used to make these fish tacos when we were young and when we had a trip to Mexico I had this amazing one but forgot it," Sam replies.
"What about you?" She voices out her curiosity.
"I've had Al Pastor once and it was good. The one that's been showing up in my timeline lately is Birria tacos and I swear I want to try them so bad." Y/N happily answers.
Sam only giggles at her ramble before they finally arrive at the place and it was kind of crowded. There was quite the line for both the order and waiting and so far the people who were already eating seemed to be having a good time while enjoying the food. The place had slowly upgraded since Y/N had laid eyes on it. At first, it was just a taco truck by an empty parking space, but now there were tables and decorations around their area with lights complimenting the homey vibe of the area. The owner must have gotten a lot of attention to make this place look lively. Sam liked how cozy and warm the area looked as she observed more.
"So, what are we ordering?" Y/N wonders as she looks her way.
She sees the older Carpenter stare at the sign and concentrate on which order should she pick. The way her eyebrows furrowed as she debated between fish and beef made Y/N's heart flutter. Those doe eyes that used to be so mysterious are now mesmerizing to her. She thought she was so adorable that she didn't even realize that she'd been staring for too long.
"I mean, we only have two options. We can order both and just share if you'd like?" Sam concludes her thought process before she turns to see the woman's reaction only to be smiling at her mindlessly.
"Y/N? " She calls for her when she doesn't answer her.
"Hmm? Yeah, that sounds good to me." Y/N blurts out when she pulls away from her thoughts and it's Sam's turn to be amused by her getting distracted.
"What's on your mind?" Sam tries to tease her and it only makes the woman blush.
"I-I, uhm—"
"I'm messing with you, dummy." The teasing she caused had only made Y/N blush even harder as she scratched the back of her head and laughed along with her.
Just the sight of Y/N like this will be stuck at the back of Sam's head for who knows how long.
While waiting in line, the two continued conversing about their day. Y/N excluded the part where she was panicking over where she'd take them to dinner and stressing over her outfit. She found it cute how all the girls came together to help Sam with her outfit even when she only asked for Tara. Her sister has mentioned the three before whenever she hangs out at the diner when she has no classes in the afternoon. So far, Mindy is her favorite from the stories. As they ordered and finished up, it was time to wait in line. Gladly the service was fast since around four people were working inside a food truck to cook and prepare while two worked to clean the tables. When their orders were placed and the food served later, both enjoyed their dinner with laughs and stories. Y/N liked both fish and beef but Sam preferred the fish because it brought some nostalgia for her. The woman didn't mind offering the majority of the fish tacos to her and just smiled when Sam appreciated her for offering them.
"You know… I thought you wouldn't return them." Y/N began while trying to add some salsa verde to her half-eaten taco. The Carpenter girl figured that they were talking about how they felt for each other as she wiped off whatever was on her face after finishing her last taco.
"Well, I've never really had anyone openly be friendly with me and stick around even when I don't show much... interest." Sam answers.
"Stick around huh?" The woman teases with a grin before biting in.
"I mean, who's the one who kept asking for coffee breaks?" Sam watches her stifle her laugh while trying to finish chewing her food and swallow it down before replying to her,
"In my defense, I offer coffee breaks to everyone." Y/N tries to say.
"And yet you still offered it after I declined twice. You were a tad bit persistent on that." All she could do was shake her head.
"What can I say, I liked the whole mystery behind you. Intrigued me a lot and I'm glad I was patient enough to make it this far." Y/N admits, leaning back in her seat to cross her arms with a small smile.
Her eyes follow Sam's every move as she leans close to her and hovers her mouth next to her ear to say, "You have something on your face."
The shortness of the gap between them causes Y/N to sit still while the Carpenter girl wipes away the smudge of salsa verde near the corner of her lips with tissue. Her cheeks light up as they stay close and she stares at Sam's lips which seem to be more irresistible than before. The urge to fight herself back from kissing her was her greatest battle right now because she was almost losing. Sam found amusement in her enthralled state, knowing that this was the same woman who almost swerved smoothly through her guarded walls for the past month. All that natural confidence she carried with ease was nowhere to be found now. Y/N felt her hold her chin before forcing her to move her attention to her face she had a smirk. Her blush only worsened.
"Eyes up here, Cariño." Y/N almost melted on the floor when she heard her speak again.
"T-Thank you." She was able to bring herself to voice her gratitude.
Sam only chuckled at her when she replied before checking her phone to see the time. The woman before her stood up with a sigh and motioned her to follow, "Come on, my sister's going to potentially hunt you down if we don't get back at 10."
"R-Right!" Y/N stutters as she stands up.
The Carpenter girl only smiled at her as she went to cling her right arm around her left arm. Both of them walked by the sidewalk with comfortable silence between them and Sam leaned her head to her shoulder, trusting Y/N fully. She felt a sense of accomplishment for coming this far. All that patience was worth the effort now that she was here with Sam trusting her safety and well-being with her that she could never let herself be like this around anyone else but her family. That warm feeling came back to her chest as they continued to walk and Y/N only smiled at the feel of it.
"Did you enjoy tonight?" Y/N gently asks,
"It was… better than expected. Thank you for tonight." Sam sends her gratitude to her while trying to look up to see her grinning in content.
"You're always welcome, Sam. You deserve it."
Both continued in silence as they walked back to the Carpenter's place. While walking, Y/N felt something land on her face, and she slightly jumped from it. Her head turned left and right to try and figure out what it was before she felt something land again. The woman then looked up to the sky that had the stars hidden, and before they knew it the rain started pouring down at them. Y/N's instinct was to run and look for some cover, but most of them were being occupied by other people. A thought popped into her mind, and she suddenly remembered that she wore her plaid jacket for this exact reason. She then started stripping out of the said jacket and covered Sam's head to keep her dryer.
"You're going to get wet!" Sam scolds her only to be brushed off,
"It's okay, my place is near we can get dry there!" Y/N yells before grabbing her hand to lead them to her apartment.
Both of them ran through the New York rain as it continued to pour harder and they laughed like children playing in the rain. Tara's joking threats were now forgotten and Sam would probably give her a call later to let her know. Y/N could feel her clothes getting wetter in the process but as promised, the buildings that she was all too familiar with walking past whenever she came home came nearer. Sam noted that she lived on a nicer street than she and her sister do, though only a little. When they reached the apartment building, Y/N quickly looked for her keys in the pockets of her jeans and fished them out when she found them. She then unlocks the building door and lets Sam in first before she follows to close the door behind.
"Oh my god, Y/N. You're all soaked up." Sam points out the obvious as she takes off the plaid jacket off her head.
All she heard from her was a laugh before she shakes her head to brush it off.
"At least you're not." The woman beams at her and she thinks she looks like a little kid smiling at her with her hair flat and clothes drenched.
Y/N noted that Lenard, the keeper, would probably kill her for causing a mess on the floor with a puddle slightly forming from the water dripping from them. She'll apologize to him by the morning before she comes to work, probably with a box of his favorite Marlboro to make up to him.
"C'mon, we might get sick if we don't get out of these," Y/N remarked as she started making her way to the elevator.
Luckily enough for them, the elevator was free for them and they both entered the box accompanied by squeaks from their shoes. Y/N pressed the button for her floor and leaned her weight to the railing at the back, Sam following her. The Carpenter girl takes a moment to stare at the woman beside her and notices how her skin glistens from the water and the lighting of the elevator. It was relatively bright, but not bright enough to be blinding. Numerous thoughts came to her mind as she burned her skin with her unwavering eyes that she felt them. Y/N turns to face her and breathed,
"What's on your mind, Sammy?" Something about the way her voice caused the hair on her arms to go up and made her throw all her restraints away.
And hearing that nickname was her breaking point.
"Fuck it," Sam uttered before she grabs Y/N's face and presses her lips onto hers.
Y/N's plaid jacket that she had held has been dropped on the floor and both couldn't be bothered by it. The force Sam had used to press her hard to the wall caught Y/N off guard and the kiss only made her feel like there was a fireworks display in her stomach. She noted how soft her lips were and the desperation in her kiss as they turned their heads in sync. There was a hint of citrus on Sam's lips and she liked the taste of it that they felt irresistible. Hands slowly make their way to Sam's hips before Y/N flips their places with her now pinning the Carpenter girl, barely breaking the kiss.
If only she knew how her knees weakened when she took dominance.
When it seemed like it was taking forever and both women struggled to breathe, they pulled away from each other but not too far away to miss each other's warmth. Sam decided to be the first one to break the silence in the hair,
"I know I was the one who started, but I think… we're going too fast." She addressed as she caught her breath.
Y/N giggles as she looks down to avoid her stare and a shade of pink paints her cheeks, "Yeah, I agree and I don't mind if you want to take things slow."
Sam just smiles at her in content when she looks back to her doe eyes and makes her heart leap at the adoration in Y/N's eyes. She felt too fortunate to have someone as considerate and patient as her. Almost too good to be true. But she reassured herself that Y/N was nothing like Richie. And Sam hoped her heart won't be broken twice with betrayal.
"I'd like that."
・ ‥…━━━━━━━━━━♡♡♡━━━━━━━━━━…‥ ・
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thrandilf · 4 months
Claudia, Claudia
Predicting a being who always held more cards in his hand than she did was difficult. She'd resigned herself to searching for Aaravos, alone, figuring her best shot was going to Katolis Castle and cutting through whatever and whoever she had to.
His voice surprised her, a voice she could hear when some part of her mind seemed to buzz, a voice that she'd gotten used to only catching whispers of in her ear. Now, it spoke in her mind directly.
I'll come to you. Wait for me.
She stopped in the middle of the forest path she'd been taking west. "What?" she asked aloud. Aaravos had never been one to respond to her when she wanted, much to her fury. She spun around, as if he was really there, still not used to her makeshift new leg, stumbling slightly. "Aaravos, come on! I don't- I don't know what else to do!"
Of course he wasn't there.
Because no one was, nor would they be. Not anymore.
Claudia halted for the day, making camp early, wondering if there was anything to his command for her to wait.
When she next heard his voice, it shot chills down her spine.
Claudia, Claudia,
She bolted up in her bedroll, gasping for breath. Unlike before, when he spoke into her mind, his voice seemed to echo physically around her, cushioned by the canopy of leaves above her.
A figure stood behind the last smoldering embers of her campfire. Tall, silhouette outlined by the moon, every angle from the hem of his robes to the curves of his horns elegant against the sky behind him. His skin glistened with constellations from somewhere far away, but the brightest spots were under his eyes. Even his eyes seemed to glow.
Those eyes glinted for just a moment as Aaravos took her in, expression softening as he knelt. He reached out, the scene still like a dream to her, fingertips resting on her jaw, thumb wiping away a tear she hadn't known had shed in her sleep.
"I'm here."
It was still as though his voice enveloped them both, deep and reassuring, just a hint of breathlessness to it as though he couldn't believe it either, a crack in the mask. She meant something to him- she was the first person he wanted to see.
She was first, to someone.
Claudia stumbled out of her sleeping bag and into his arms without thinking. "He's gone," she said, rambling and trying to catch her breath. "And Terry, he didn't understand- I know he'd leave too and so I had to go first, and- I just-"
"I know." He radiated patience, understanding without condescending. Aaravos returned her embrace, after a moment of hesitation. Perhaps she should have waited, given him time, how long had it been since he'd touched anyone? She almost pulled back but he held her closer, finally not just his voice but his breath and warmth also in her ear. "I never break a promise, Claudia."
Aaravos pulled back enough to look in her eyes, caring smile placating her worries. "I know what true loyalty means, what a gift you are to me." Claudia sniffled, torn between wanting to sob over how the past week had been or trying to be strong, to prove she was powerful enough, to earn what had always been impossible to earn, but there was no need for any of it.
"You have never failed in tests of love," he said, as if he knew what she wanted to hear, what she'd needed to hear all of her life. His lips twitched upwards into a smirk, relishing his own words. "Others failed us, Claudia. We need only give them what's coming to them for it."
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mochinomnoms · 8 months
Umm hello, this is my first time sending you ask but well , I am glad you came back , I was missing your ramblings a lot TwT!!! They cheer me up (don't tell anyone but they're my comfort stuff)!!
Regarding the mate for life what you said about elemer , I remember reading a fic where Mc was going back home and was in love with Floyd who also loved MC but didn't want to confess as they are leaving for their world. But like confessed to Mc when they tried to leave and then mated with them without telling them eels can mate only once and left for the night (this happened in octo dorm) and cried to Jade who went and told MC what it meant and for plot twist MC decided to stay back for Floyd after hearing that!!
When I read your story about this immediately in my mind and I started squeeling a lot !! Like thank you cause I feel like this is an underrated trope TwT
Also when you mentioned you're latino and then I wanted to ask you a question do latinos also have this rule (more like tradition) where they can't share family recipes unless they're married (if yes , poor Azul , he has to sign a marriage contract for forever for some recipes XD, the tweels find this out and tease him a lot)
Anyway that's all , stay safe and hydrated!! Love your ramblings a lot and don't mind my awkwardness!!
- 🥂
Hi love! Thanks for your sweet words I apprecaite them sooo much!! I'm so flattered that my works are your comfort readings, aaaaaa!
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I think I'm faintly aware of the fic you're talking about, I may have read it a while ago. It's a neat trope for sure, though I don't think I'd make it my headcanon for all my writings with the twins, but for some for sure.
As for the food thing, I can't speak for other Latinos, but no it's not a thing in my family. Latinos includes a large variety of countries and cultures, so there may be a few that follow such a rule, I'm pretty sure it's more of a family thing than anything. My family did grow up with a half-joke/rule that one you can cook, you can get married (“ahora ya te puedes casar”)
I do like it as a trope though, Azulito is so desperate to make an earning out of your cultural cuisine, unique to you and foreign to everyone else. Do you know just how much money he could make?! What do you mean you can't share them with him unless you get married??
Azul's drafting up an engagement contract, half out of wanting the recipes and half using it as an excuse to fulfill his domestic dream with you. His pen breaks as he hears from Jade how both Trey and Jamil have been making moves on you for the same reason as he. Maybe he should start trying to woo you and prove that he's the best option out of your three suitors.
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tw1l1te · 6 months
Heyy you fabulous writter! You've had me hooked ever since I first found a post of yours and I don't know if you're taking writing requests but if you are...I'd like to humbly request you to write this idea?🙏
Essentially I think it'd be really cute having a small one-shot of the LU boys in twilights hyrule and them meeting his S/O. His S/O can either be a simple farmer who grew up in the same area or the idea of someone he met on his journey who also had animal turning 'abilities'/features comes to mind so they understand each other more than most. IDK if it's a silly idea or not I just thinks the boys reactions (especially time teasing twilight and such) would be Hella cute! Anyways thanks and keep the good work up! 🫡
- Anon🧋
Yesyesyesyes living out my cottage core dream with mr. cowboy teehee
Twilight was getting giddier by the second as he approached Ordon, and the boys could tell. He was clenching and unclenching his fists, trying the keep the nervousness at bay, but how could he do that when he was about to see you. His beloved.
"I don't think I have ever seen you this jittery before, Pup. What's wrong?"
Twilight was about to answer him when they hear a loud gasp.
Twilight turns to see you on a tree above them, clad in what seems to be.... his old tunic? You jump down, hopping down branch by branch before landing inches away from Twilight.
"Oh by three- you're home! I missed you so much-"
He shuts you up, by pulling you in for a kiss, months of love and desperation melting onto you.
You had to pull away to avoid creating awkwardness for the others, "Alright, easyyy cowboy. Now why don't you tell me about your lil' friends?"
Time raises an eyebrow at him, clearly interested in your character.
"Oh! I completely forgot t' introduce myself! I'm Y/n, mister hero's partner."
Time nods, holding out a hand to shake.
"I'm Time, a... friend of Link's. We all met on his recent adventure."
You nod, squinting a bit at him, then eyeing the rest of them. You walk around them slightly, eyeing their garb and equipment a bit before nodding back at your boyfriend.
"They're Links too, aren't they?"
Legend jumps slightly at that, "How did you-"
You smile at him, "I gotta good nose."
Twilight shakes his head, chuckling "Alright, lets go back to the village before you start figuring everyone out."
You jog up to him, animatedly waving your hands, rambling about Colin and how good with swordsmanship he's become. Before you could continue rambling, Wind asks, "How'd you two meet?"
You and Twilight pause, looking at each other before responding.
"Oh, y'know, I met him on his quest during the Twilight Era. Stinky do-wait, they know, right?"
"They're too nosy for their own good."
"Right, so. I met him while I was in my alternate form. Fell on top of me from a brittle tree-"
"-Wait, you have a wolf form too?!" Wind exclaims, running up to you.
You snort, this kid's funny.
"Nah, that's hero's spirit and all. It's better if I show ya."
You focus for a moment before you feel the shift, still uncomfortable but so much less painful than the first time it happened, oh so many years ago.
Opening your eyes, you can feel your senses sharpen, everything intensifying tenfold.
"A fucking fox???!?!! Twilight, your wife is so cool."
"Not my wife yet, but thank you."
You walk up to Wind, cooing at him. He hesitantly pets your fur on your head, earning him a soft purr from you.
You walk up to the rest of them, just looking at them. You give a few extra sniffs to the pink-haired one, him smelling like hare.
Shifting back, you walk back to Twilight, your fur coat retreating back into your skin. You give him a peck on the cheek, continuing your way back to the village.
"Y'all coming or what?"
Twilight breaks out of his lovestruck trance, following you. Time walks up to Twilight, muttering to him,
"I can tell you've got a thing for foxy personalities."
"Oh, shut up."
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gummydummy19 · 1 year
month five (September): early bird
Summary: Sy comes home early from tour
Warnings: none really, some tension, Sy comes back home :))
A/N: Sorry this took a while, it's exam season (again, yes I know, life as a European college student is rough) I also had some friends visit me from abroad, and well time has just been flying the fuck by so...apologies BUT wait no more, here it is :))
(this is part five to my series: A year in apartment 6B)
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'H-Hello?' you picked up the call, trying to calm down your racing heart.
'Hi there,'
'That's the one.'
For some reason, it felt like you'd been caught. You swallowed thickly, prepared to give some kind of explanation as to why on earth you were wearing his boxers. And why did they have a wet patch, growing undeniably larger around your crotch?
'You there, Sugar?'
His deep voice shook you out of your initial panic and shot straight to your core. You realized then how much you had missed his voice, and as you realized that, you realized something else.
'I thought you weren't allowed to call from base?'
'Well, I'm not on base.'
'Then where the hell are you?'
You couldn't help the worry lacing around your words.
'Alright, I'm gonna need you to calm down...'
Those words did not help you calm down. In fact, they did the exact opposite.
'There was a...an incident...and,'
'Logan Henry Syverson, where THE HELL are you?!'
'Reed Army Medical Centre, DC.'
Your stomach dropped.
'M-medical Centre? Wait, did you say DC? You're in America? You're in a Medical Centre in America?'
You didn't even know what you were saying at this point. The words just flowed out of your mouth as they settled into your brain.
Medical Centre. In DC. He got sent back. He got hurt.
'I just wanted to let you know I'll be coming home early.' he said casually
'What...what happened?'
'Like I said, there was an incident at the base.'
You knew he wasn't gonna give you more than that. Not that you needed to hear the details. Besides, you don't think you could handle hearing it and you're sure Sy didn't need a replay of the events either.
'How bad are you hurt?' you asked, that's all you needed to know.
'I've been better but I've been worse.' he stated, 'Don't worry your pretty little head about me, I'm fine.'
'So how long do you have to stay there? And how long have you been there? Have you called your parents yet? Do you need me to call them? Can you have visitors, because I can-'
'Woah there, sugar. Don't forget to breathe.' He interrupted your ramble
'Sorry...' you apologized a little embarrassed, earning a small chuckle from him.
'I got out of surgery a couple hours ago. I need to stay here for a couple weeks. I called my parents before I went into surgery and my mother left a little while ago with Aika. She's gonna take care of her until I get discharged here and then she's gonna drop us off home. Oh and please don't you dare come all the way out here to DC, okay? It's not worth it I'm telling ya, sugar, I'll be home before you know it.'
'You brought, Aika?' you asked, deciding once again not to push it
'My leg was hanging on by a thread but I refused to get on the plane without her.' he joked
His leg. That's what he had surgery on.
You stayed quiet as you looked around the apartment, already thinking of ways to make moving around the place easier for Sy. Maybe you could move the couch a bit? Would he have crutches? or a wheelchair?
'I can hear you thinking through the phone, princess'
'hmm' you tried to play it off casually
'I'll be back soon, okay? Is the place growing mold yet?'
'Yeah, a little but don't worry it matches the burn marks in the kitchen.'
For the first time, you heard him let out a laugh. An actual, honest laugh.
You immediately wanted to hear it again.
'Alright, trouble. I gotta go, doc just walked in for a checkup. I'll see ya soon, okay?'
'Okay, call me if you need anything...'
As the days flew by, the nervous feeling in your stomach only grew. September had rolled around and that meant it was your fifth month of living in the apartment. The weather was getting gloomier and the days were getting shorter, it felt like time was flying faster and faster each day.
It had been a week since Sy's call. Part of you was relieved to know he was safe now, but another part was concerned.
Even though you got a text from him every day, you were none the wiser about his situation. He kept his messages short and sweet, mostly asking about you and always saying he's fine or 'doc said I'm making progress.'
Almost two weeks after his first call he called you again to tell you he needed follow-up surgery. You tried your hardest not to worry too much. Some days you didn't know what scared you more, Sy's situation or how much you cared about Sy's situation.
'Are you okay?!' You immediately spoke when you picked up the phone. It had been a week since Sy's follow-up surgery and you hadn't heard a single thing from him
'Hello to you too.' he spoke
'Would it have killed you to text me after surgery? I've spent an entire week planning your fucking funeral you fucking morron!'
'I'm sorry sugar, I'm fine, I promise. Ma stopped by a couple times and I slept through half the week' He assured you, 'I got some good news...I'm coming home tomorrow'
'Tomorrow?!' You thought back about the mess you dared to call your apartment.
'Yeah...is that okay?'
'O-ofcourse! Yeah, totally!'
'I gotta keep my cast on for another five weeks but aside from that I'm good to go.'
While Sy continued with his small talk you silently grabbed your calendar from your desk, marking October 23rd, the date exactly 5 weeks from now...
After work, you raced home to clean everything for the 4th time in 6 days and rearranged the furniture just to put it back where it started (twice). Christ, it felt like you were preparing for the damn pope to visit.
You even stopped by the store to buy a toy for Aika, praying to god she'd like it.
By the end of the night, you were utterly exhausted, pouring yourself a generous glass of wine to ease the nerves as you crawled on the couch, barely staying awake long enough to figure out what movie you were watching...
'...hmm?' your brain slowly but surely stirred awake.
You barely got your eyes open before having to screw them shut again as a big wet nose nudged yours, warm tongue licking your cheek happily.
'Aika!' Sy growled out, trying to pull her back a little.
Sy. SY?!
Your eyes shot open again. There he was. Peering down at you. Maybe it was the sleepiness or the way he was standing there looking down at you, but fuck, he looked good. You'd think a near-death experience would take it out of you, huh?
'You're home!' you sat up quickly, the fluffy blanket dropping onto your lap.
'Morning, trouble. Why are you sleeping on the couch?' He asked 'Please don't tell me you have rats in your room or something...'
Your tired brain was starting to take in your surroundings. You felt like the human version of a Windows 8.
'I-I'm...uh...No, I was cleaning up last night and I guess I just...dozed off...' you explained 'I'm so sorry, Sy. I didn't know you'd be home this early, what time is it?'
Sy smiled down at you as Aika slowly sniffed your leg. 'Don't worry, Sugar. You didn't have to go through all that trouble, the place is damn spotless.' he complimented. 'And it's 8AM. I wasn't planning on coming this early but my Ma liked to go to the farmers market on Saturday morning, so I told her she could drop me off before she went.'
'Oh crap, your mom! She didn't see me drooling all over the couch did she?!'
And there it was again, his dashing smile.
'No don't worry, she dropped me off downstairs.'
You nodded at his words and a comfortable silence filled the room. Your eyes roamed his body again. He was wearing a shirt and some loose sweats. The pants covered his legs, but you could still tell there was a cast going from his left knee to his foot and you finally noticed he was holding a crutch.
Suddenly feeling incredibly rude and a tad embarrassed, you stood up.
'Oh shit, sorry! Sit down, please! Do you need anything?'
Sy had a stern look on his face, you thought you may have offended him in some way before you realized his gaze was aimed directly at your breasts, which you just noticed were only covered by a very thin tank top, leaving little to the imagination.
You felt your face getting red before Aika nudged her head against your hand, desperately begging for some much-needed attention.
'Hi there,' you smiled at her, petting her head 'So you're the famous Aika, huh?' you said, trying to ignore Sy's stare and the way it made you blush like a schoolgirl.
'Oh, I almost forgot! I got her something! Wait there...' you said as you quickly ran off to grab the toy you bought her from your room.
When you got back, Aika immediately took the toy from you, trotting around the couch with pride.
'Thanks, you really shouldn't have,' Sy said with a warm smile
You felt a sudden urge to wrap your arms around him. You wanted to hold him, tell him he was safe now, and say you'd care for him.
Part of you had hoped your slightly inappropriate thoughts about Sy would come to an end once he got home. But seeing him stand right in front of you had your mind clouding with snippets from your dreams all over again.
'I wanted to make her feel at home,' you said, 'Like you did when I first moved in.'
You kept your voice quiet, afraid he'd hear the tremble in it if you spoke any louder.
'Well, I hardly did anything special.' Sy stated, moving a bit closer to you 'And I definitely didn't buy you any toys...'
You snorted at that.
'Well, maybe that's something you should consider then.' you teased, taking couple steps back, 'I'm gonna go take a shower, I'll make some breakfast when I'm out, sound good?'
'Sounds perfect, Sugar.'
And just like that, Sy was home.
A/N: OOoohhh I am so so so so soooo happy Sy is home I can't wait to show you guys what fun stuff I have planned for these roomies hehe. I hope you enjoyed, as always feedback is welcome and like/shares/comments are highly appreciated <3
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mathlann · 8 months
Requisite Disclaimer: I don't see the point in keeping this OC specific but, my game isn't your game etc. etc. I'm coming from a Sub! Marazhai perspective for context but just my interpretation.
So I've been rotating that Act 5 Kiss in my head for too long but I think I've pinned down what makes the Act 5 Kiss work, for me at least. Because inasmuch as the "Marazhai hates kissing" thing is fun, I don't think the actual Act of kissing (with or without teeth) is really what he's objecting to that first time. It's that the Rogue Trader is messing up the Game (ie, the terms of their fling/him teaching them how to be more Drukhari). And I think the Act 5 Kiss, or rather how you get it, is a fun bookend on ending the Game/re-balancing the dynamic?
Long-ass ramble under the cut
So, like I was saying above, the RT and Marazhai's relationship is pretty explicitly a Game that he's playing out of boredom. The Rogue Trader receives "[an education on] the true Aeldari soul" he receives "a fleeting titillation" until it's time for him to become Archon/become a Merc/join the clown show, whatever. He initiates the proposition, and he's the one setting the terms through the whole thing. It's up to the Rogue Trader to stay in their role and meet his standards, or they give up, or he gets bored and leaves. And a major part of his romance is that he's very action over words in regards to what he wants and how he feels.
As far as the first two kisses go, it's not the act itself it's the context imo. The first (bitey) kiss, he initiates, and it's during the lust/murder-high part of the Feast, which is what he invited the Rogue Trader to do. The Kiss Attempt™ by the Rogue Trader is the next morning after all that's worn off. And, granted the scene itself is pretty cozy, considering (he's literally leaning over the RT and telling them not to keep him waiting ie, next hookup) so it makes sense why the Rogue Trader might decide a goodbye kiss is appropriate. But it's a misstep I think because it's too intimate, bordering on sentimental, which is very much not the Drukhari way of doing things (it shows weakness). You aren't lovers in that way, the Rogue Trader is a toy/a pet, fun time is over and he's headed out. To try to pretend more than that is past the Game and an expression of weakness that needs to be put in its place as a "mon-keigh absurdity" as he'd say.
Compare that to the Branding, which is much more his style. It is, for all intents and purposes, a commitment scene, but he doesn't actually say "I want this," he's decided that the Rogue Trader has earned it from him. He talks around, but doesn't even explicitly say, he wants the RT to brand him either, (if asked, best he gives is "well....I mean after I've been so ~submissive~ you would let me just walk around without???? 👀"). And he threatens to walk out if the Rogue Trader keeps asking too many questions because again, he's the lead here and to say so would be to play his hand, which is a major no. If he grabs the RT like he's going to brand them....and it just so happens they have a mighty easy time grabbing that knife from him....well, there's the answer, no words needed. And if the Rogue Trader doesn't grab the knife, well, there's his answer. Y'all don't need to see each other anymore.
Which also makes the final Feast/Big confession hit the way it does because it is the first and only time he's being very direct in how he feels and what he wants, ie. they're equals and he wants the to keep up *all of this* for as long as they've got. And...that's a slip up irt his control of the situation/the Game that the Rogue Trader can exploit. To see:
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And for extra juice, the actual threaten to break up line after this is "I am not interested. I think I have played enough with you" which is a nice reversal ie. "testing the limits of who is running the Game." Because if Marazhai's confession is a test, accepting fails it, they were too sentimental. Except he's not actually testing them and he gets genuinely upset and scared at the idea that the Rogue Trader would just leave him like that. Also, (at time of writing iirc), you can't get The Kiss™ if you didn't attempt it earlier at the first Feast. I think it's interesting if, perhaps, that bit of sentimentality made him assume the Rogue Trader was the one who was down bad/being sappy this whole time. Which was fun to play around with before, but now he's caught feelings and the Rogue Trader potentially out-manipulating him on that front only to "abandon" him now is a major blow to his, being, frankly.
And if the Rogue Trader pushes further with the "I do not hear enough pleading in your voice" line, the narration notes he's stuck between "despair and pride" while still refusing to say more because it's not in him to say what he wants with that kind of honesty. And again, like, he's Drukhari so you're never going to get an "I love you" out of him, and he wouldn't accept that from the Rogue Trader in turn, but he doesn't know how to otherwise show that because Drukhari aren't big on straightforward lovey dovey kiss stuff even when they actually feel it. So the Kiss™, a real (romantic) one is an olive branch in the "you don't have to say it but I'll believe you're being honest if you do this" sense but also the Rogue Trader winning irt "the Game is over, show me we're equals, I met you on your level (see: his bullshit), meet me on mine (mon-keigh absurdities)."
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spale-vosver · 8 months
About Me
UPDATE: Y'all lost anon privileges because you're too pussy to insult me and put a face to it.
I'm Geoff, a 21 year old history major and aspiring archivist. I use he/xe/xey pronouns, and I'm a crippled transsexual faggot converting to Judaism.
This blog, much like my interests, is very eclectic, and will largely consist of reblogs -- though I'm not opposed to making my own posts when the mood strikes.
I'm incredibly nerdy and love to ramble, so please don't hesitate to ask me about any of my interests! Said interests, along with more info and DNI, are under the cut. Also, please feel free to spam like and reblog, as well as message me!
* I am an adult
I'm 21, and will more than likely post adult content with NSFW text and subjects. However, I will never post explicit sexual content, gore, etc. This is your warning. Please keep this in mind if you choose to interact with or follow me!
* I'm disabled
I'm autistic, have ADHD, OCD, ARFID, BED, and OCPD. Physically, I have asthma, chronic leg and ankle pain that causes me to limp, dysautonomia, chronic fatigue, and suspected migraine disorder. I use identity first language (autistic man, disabled man, etc), and identify strongly with the cripplepunk movement. I personally don't care who uses the word cripple or identifies with the movement, but that's because I don't give a shit about slur discourse.
* I'm converting to Judaism
After five years of convincing myself out of it, I've begun the process of converting to Judaism, and will blog about it here. I have a sponsoring Conservative synagogue and will be beginning conversion classes in August. I will not share the name of my synagogue nor its location for obvious reasons. I do not and will not tolerate antisemitism, nor will I answer bad faith questions about Israel/Palestine. If you absolutely have to know my opinions, I'm pro-Palestine, pro-cohabitation, and politically anti-Kahanist and vehemently opposed to Likud and the Israeli government.
To my knowledge, I do not have any Jewish heritage -- both sides of my family are strongly Catholic and are from Ireland, Germany, and Poland. If there are any Jews in my family line, we either don't know about them or they converted to Christianity.
* I do not budge about my identity
I am a transsexual crippled faggot who supports dykes, trannies, cocksuckers, muffdivers, queers, fairies, aces, aros, and who, again, does not give a shit about slur discourse within the queer community. Don't try to start that with me. You will be blocked. I loudly and proudly support all good faith queer identities. Yes, even those ones.
* Interests
As mentioned, I'm a huge huge huge nerd! Right now I'm obsessed with Doctor Who (Five is my favorite), but I'm a big sci-fi/fantasy fan in general. I also love trains and sustainable urban planning and am prone to going on rants about the absolute state of train travel in America.
* Please ask me to tag things!
I'm really bad about tagging in general, so please ask me to tag any potential triggers! I will probably forget if I'm not explicitly asked. However, I will not tag any slurs that I can reclaim or use.
Exclusionists (ALL TYPES), antisemites/islamophobes/racists/queerphobes/ableists/bigots/etc, if you think queer is a slur, if you think minorities have to be "nice" or "polite" to earn your support, if you use "Zionist" to mean "Jew I don't like", antitheists, exvangelicals/exmos/etc who refuse to deconstruct their cultural Christianity, and probably more I forgot to mention. I'm not going to humor your shit. I will block you.
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
You hit the nail on the head! I‘ll ask for more professional assessment: honest opinion on Crystal?
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Following on from my ramblings about Sally Park. Oops! Edited to add in Zoe too.
Well written female characters in Lookism? Uhh...
When the bar is at an all time low, it's really not hard to step over it.
At this point, I've been pavloved to think that any female character that expresses a personality trait other than 'simp' is pretty good. Simp is fun when it's part of a list of characteristics (Zack, Ryuhei). Not so much when it's the only thing.
Long live PTJ, the greatest feminist. Anyway.
Female characters I like
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Mary Kim
Love her. Empress of 2 seconds. Queen of my heart.
Surprisingly kept a platonic relationship with Vin Jin, showing quite a healthy mixed gender friendship. Sassy and smart. Loyal. Good taste in men (Jace). Is shown having a life and interests outside of a man.
On my hands and knees praying that PTJ doesn't ruin her. Kinda glad she hasn't appeared in a while so she is kept away from his incessant need to turn everyone into a love interest.
Lua Im
Once we got over the odd Johan panels, which I heard the Korean audience didn't like and I'm quite happy about, she's fine. And it's not that I care that much about Johan staying a single dog-dad, I just needed a coherent reasoning/build up why they would be interested in one another.
Lua has potential.
Sourcing intel, even impressing the likes of Gun? A little Muay Thai knowledge? Jake and Jerry scared of her? Lol. Ok. Good. Let's build on this.
Just please don't white knight her.
Crystal Choi (meh)
And Ms. Choi, because anon specifically asked. I really don't mind her? I know she's meant to be anti-Lookism but still judges people based on their looks eh. That's fine. Pretty realistic actually. Whatever.
She can be a bit bitchy for no reason. So can I. Handwaving all that.
What I do take issue with though, is her so called title of Business Genius. Please show me the chapter where she actually does something to earn that title besides the one where other people ooh-ed and aah-ed over her in the meeting with DG.
Wow she's sooooo gorgeous. Ok good for her. If that's the route they're taking her character then at least OWN. THAT. SHIT. Use her beauty and looks to sign deals and get what she wants. GOOD. DO IT.
Zoe Park (also meh... Wait)
Sorry anon, I think 'really well written' is a bit of a reach... She does have some decent character development, starting as quite a flighty, shallow girl and then showing that she has a heart of gold, liking both Daniels and. Huh.
Wait. You're right. She is pretty well written. She's selfless and kind and loyal to her friends, putting up with Logan's bullshit. There's enough of a character arc for her from the Zoe we're introduced to at first.
And I do like that she's good at maths too.
Wasted potential
Minseong Kang (Jake's momma)
Appreciate this is the older generation and from a much more conservative culture. Saying that, I am so over the slighted and bitter housewife rotting at home while her big powerful husband cheats on her.
And then some sort of marriage redemption cos they pop out a kid. Whatever. (Sorry Jake bb, I love you).
If you were going to do that, give me the most toxic red flag shit where they are constantly at each other's THROATS. Show me how they are equals. Can't live with or without one another. That's the good kinda shit.
Leonn Lee
I just. What the fuck was this.
A girl in Burn Knuckles? A group that reeks of testerone and (positive) masculinity? Show us why she joined! Show us why she stays. SURPRISE. Main character trait?? Having a crush on Vasco.
She could have been SO interesting. And she obviously trains, why not get her to fight?
Hate for irrational reasons
Joy Hong
Listen, she's not really in enough or significant enough for me to really feel one way or another about her. BUT. The reason I HATE her is because I was trying to write a headcanon involving everyone and then I got to Joy and I was STUMPED.
Sub in a plank of wood, and it would have the same depth of personality.
Truly. Who is she apart from Jay's sister and a Daniel simp? At least everyone else has something.
I don't really think about them. Sera Shin has potential I guess.
And of course a special mention to Daniel's momma. She's not exactly a unique character, but who doesn't love her?
Lastly. Why can't we see women fight? Like the men's fights are realistic LOL. Ultra instinct? Smashing through walls? So why are women fighting men outside the realms of this.
And yes yes. Men are SoOoOoOo strong. But can they take a kick to the balls?
Are you saying Gun Park has been training his dick and balls and would be able to eat a hit there? He wouldn't go down like a heap of shit??
In Summary
Mary by and large is pretty well written. Lua has improved.
I don't care much about anyone else.
And I wanna see Gun, Goo, Sammy, Vin etc. get kicked in the balls in a fight.
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zeep-xanflorp · 10 months
ok i'm just gonna ramble ab unmortricken bc i have exactly ZERO COHERENT THOUGHTS AB IT
evil morty backstory - i rlly like that they just made him some random morty who rose above everything after getting sick of rick's abuse. it makes what he did feel even more earned and weighty. i think his motivation is a bit extreme still but i can't rlly blame him.
it's cool seeing infinity beyond the central finite curve. the jetsons inspired bit was v amusing bc i forgot about them lmao. but otherwise it seems absolutely wild west beyond the curve and i LIVE for that.
i also didnt imagine that we'd be seeing him again. i thought the way he left the show was perfect and if they brought him back it would just feel cheap but it DOESNT in this episode i love his appearance.
i rlly like seeing our morty be supportive of rick. he's literally trying everything to cheer him up and it's very important to me.
the prime decoys confuse me. like do they all share a consciousness? is prime just very very good at fucking with ppl that he's made all the decoys communicate w each other?
evil morty outsmarting rick is a great recurring theme in the episode. "filter for probability stasis" YEAH U TELL HIM LITTLE DUDE. we've never seen a morty like that EXCEPT for him and i think it's wonderful.
the exchange between rick and evil morty. "you're such a narcissist" / "literal glass house" / "you think you're better than me?" / "jesus i HOPE SO" SHITTING
i didnt initially like the decoy trap thing being full of loads of other ricks. it made me feel like our rick wasn't very important to this dude and rick just made an enemy of a guy who didn't know he existed. BUT i don't stand by that anymore. the rest of the episode made me change my mind very quickly with.
the omega device. holy fuck this is the worst reveal to come out of this episode. she wasn't just killed, she was ERASED by prime in every reality. like she is GONE gone. that's why we've never seen her, save in flashbacks and memories. she's gone.
and i'm pretty sure it's our rick's fault that he did that. we see his beth and his diane be killed by a bomb, not wiped from reality like slo mobius is later in the episode. so his family was killed BEFORE all the shit with the omega device. ik correlation ≠ causation, but it rlly explains why our rick in particular is so hungry for revenge. if he was the one that made prime kill diane everywhere then he had to be the one to make prime pay for it.
i like how the multiple monitors seems to be prime's signature move. it happens here and in the s6 premiere.
and oh fuck the parallels. "when i invent something it works, it's called being talented" in story train vs "when i make a weapon in works."
oh man the diane head weapon thing. it's interesting that it was programmed to mock rick sexually, but even on our rick who knows it's a trap, it still affects him seeing her face again. "god i missed that face." and then the blank stare when she asks for a kiss. pretty sweet and fucked up.
rick and evil morty having to work together to get their portals working. the contrast between our morty freaking out and evil morty blank staring.
the bit with the portal closing too soon. i know it happened earlier this season and i think it's so funny lmao.
prime calling rick the Wife Guy. hilarious. raises questions. makes me gnaw on my cell bars.
AND THEN the second incredible reveal of the episode: "Honestly, Wife Guy, I do miss when it was just us. The only two Ricks who actually invented portal travel." WHAT bestie prime bby girl u need to say that again. you guys were the ONLY ones who invented interdimensional travel, every rick's claim to fame. but no they just got the technology from prime who started a boys club of ricks who wanted to leave their lives behind that our rick refused.
but the reference to a time when they were closer, when it was only them - HELLO?? maybe i'm grasping at straws bc i want them to bang but holy shit.
the confirmation of the fan theory that rick based his AI voice on his wife. 10/10.
and then the fight scene. oh gods the fight scene. rick just screaming that he'll kill prime. prime regenerating constantly, looking unscathed as our rick becomes more and more dishevelled. it's too perfect i CANT. but otherwise they both seem pretty evenly matched w all the implants and stuff so without the regeneration i think rick would've had him. oh well.
rick like literally died during the fight.
the cool grandson/shitty grandpa exchange gives me breath. i LOVE how it's a morty that outsmarts prime. it's what he deserves.
prime still trying to be a smartass to evil morty, growing more and more panicked as it goes on bc he doesn't know what to do with the situation and control for once is not in his hands.
"what are u gonna 'aw geez' me to death?"
evil morty not even explaining his plan, just silently dragging in our rick and reviving him. saying "knock yourself out" with the intended double meaning. prime's almost scared expression as rick gets dragged in.
and then our rick has a choice. he can stop evil morty from keeping the weapon plans or he can kill prime. but that's a choice he made already. it's not even a decision. so his other enemy gets away.
the brutal brutal scene at the end when rick is just hitting prime. no tech, no implants, no gadgets. just fists. and rick beats him literally to a pulp as prime screams and laughs at him and taunts him further. it's meant to be sickening. it's meant to be personal. and it accomplishes that perfectly.
they don't even show prime's body in great detail. it's RIGHT in the background but we heard the sounds of the punches, we saw his nose break and his bloody teeth and haemorrhaging eyes and his brains coming out the side of it head and all we can make out is his fucked up swollen and broken face in the background as he sits still attached to the chair, a river of his blood pouring from the room.
but its not triumphant. they made rick's revenge hollow and bittersweet. its over but it destroyed rick in the process. who is he now that he isn't hunting prime? fucking no one.
then "look on down from the bridge" starts playing. we heard this in season 1 in rick potion #9 after morty had to bury a version of himself. he was struggling with the purpose of his life after switching universes. but he deals with it and overcomes it.
i think that scene is rick, for the first time in the entire show, struggling with his nihilistic philosophy. bc yes, he's shown to be an existentialist in the show (the difference being existentialists are "nothing matters but this matters to me" instead of "nothing matters so i don't have to do anything"). he had a drive. he had ppl he cared about. but now he's reached his goal he just feels empty and hollow. everything's meaningless and he's NOT okay with that. he never has been, but he has to grapple with that finally now he doesn't have a distraction. i don't think he can just bounce back and move past what happened.
ppl are saying this episode felt overstuffed and maybe it was but i'm very pleased with it and want to know where it's going.
i feel we still don't know the full story with prime. i'm predicting a flash back episode in the future explaining what the nature of their relationship was like before the bomb incident.
we also know that evil morty has this weapon that could destroy all ricks. so that is just a ticking bomb.
anyway i can't wait for angsty rick.
i actually watched unforgiven for this episode bc i'm a big fan of westerns anyway. the only real parallels i can see is they both have a group of three (two are already partners and the other one is the call to adventure) and an unsatisfying ending. bc that's the nature of westerns. they should NEVER end happily, and if u think so then ur wrong (/nsrs enjoy media how u want).
some things i haven't mentioned but enjoyed nonetheless
the schematics for the omega device is titled <SCHEMATICS BOOGER-AIDS-V2>
the arm/leg swap best in the fight
the comparison between the song at the end playing here and in season one shows with just visuals how the dynamic of beth and jerry's (and beth's) marriage has evolved since then.
everyone freaking out when indiana jones rick shoots and it ricochets off the wall and evil morty just stands expressionless until it hits his forcefield.
morty going to hug rick covered in blood, realising, hesitating, and then doing it later anyway to try and make rick feel better.
evil morty making a point to say that he doesn't want vengeful summers coming after him for omega devicing rick. not vengeful mortys, vengeful SUMMERS.
just evil morty in this whole episode was an absolute delight i need to see him more.
slo mobius' wife almost going down the same path our rick did only to find someone she loves and focus on that, saving her. makes me wonder if they're gonna try putting rick in a relationship.
this ended up being way longer than it should have. anyway. very pleased. this season is hitting all the marks for me overall.
also don't be too hard on me i didnt edit this 😭
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seidenbros · 2 years
Can we have a Steve falling head over heels for Robin's college roommate? I'm pretty sure Steve would love a super nerdy bookworm girl. Literature student, maybe? I picture her as a hopeless romantic who's super into the most tooth aching clichès and he definitely finds that cute. But she totally matches Robin's energy, so she is funny + adorable + cute.
He visits Robin on a regular basis and as she is super close with reader, they become friends too but then he realizes that she's everything he ever wanted 🥺
I'm totally vibing with that. Sorry 🤣
Hello love and thank you so much for this request. I decided to mix it with an idea that I couldn't get out of my head, so we have Baker!Steve in this one. I kinda wrote my heart out and just realised that I completely forgot to weave in the hopeless romantic/clichès thing and I'm sorry D: I hope you'll still enjoy it 💚 and if you were wondering what a puddin pretzel is, click here
prompt lists for inspiration | Stranger Things Masterlist Pairing: Baker!Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader Word Count: 6743 Warnings/Tags: mutual pining, use of petnames (doll), broken hearts in the past, fluff, domestic Steve, I mean he bakes come on!, making out, sexual tension Read on AO3
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If someone had told Steve Harrington years ago that he would one day earn his money with baking, he would have probably called them crazy. But here he was, still learning this and that, but he was already doing a damn good job. It was work that fulfilled him, baking things that made other people smile, that helped them start their days off right, and he’d even made his first wedding cake. The old man that had taught him, was leaving him more and more in charge of everything, while his granddaughter worked behind the counter to sell everything.
It had started out as a hobby, as a way to experiment at home, since he’d pretty much always been alone. Steve had always had a sweet tooth, so it was just more fun to try this out himself instead of just buying everything. Sure, he had the money, and he often did buy stuff, but he wanted to mix things up. He dreamed about mixing maple syrup with bacon in the form of a cupcake. So he did just that.
While Robin went to college, Steve started working at a shop called Sweet Temptations. Honestly, he’d been drawn in by the name, and then the cupcakes, the cakes and whatnot had made him stay and ask about a job. While Nino, the owner, had told him to bring him something homemade, his granddaughter had immediately said that he could start, because he would definitely draw the younger women in. Sure, they could use the additional customers, but Steve wouldn’t get the job without proving that he indeed had a talent when it came to baking.
And Steve delivered. He did make the Maple-Bacon-cupcakes he’d perfected by now and had wowed Nino with that. So, the old man had told Steve everything he knew, and was still teaching him, even though he only spent one day a week at the bakery, trying to do his best to enjoy his retirement. The shop was still his baby, so he had to drop by and bake with Steve once a week, pass on his secrets, the ones he hadn’t already passed onto him. His granddaughter, Mira, had been right at least, because they had an increase in female customers who even stayed in the shop to enjoy a piece of cake and a coffee, lingering to get a good look at the young baker everyone was talking about.
Meanwhile, Steve’s mind and heart were occupied with someone else: You. God, he had fallen head over heels for you, and he hadn’t seen it coming.
Of course, he’d heard about you from Robin again and again. She loved living with you, because you were so much like her. Sure, you liked different things, and you were someone who did read a lot - maybe natural as a literature student - but you also liked to go out with Robin, enjoyed movie nights, and listened to her ramble on and on. You two just worked so well together, and Robin had quickly become your best friend. While Steve had heard everything about you, you had heard everything about him from Robin.
Still, it had taken a lot of time until the two of you had finally met. Robin had invited Steve over for movie night, and had forgotten to ask you first, so when you’d opened the door for him, you’d been taken aback. You’d seen pictures of him, but seeing him there right in front of you had definitely made your heart skip a beat - and it had been the same for Steve. Robin had apologised again and again, saying that she should have asked you first, but you’d been overjoyed to finally meet that famous Steve Harrington. That alone had made him blush a little. Robin should have seen it right then and there, because she wasn’t used to that kind of reaction from Steve, but she’d been a bit blind in that moment, because she’d still kept apologising to you.
Ever since then, you’d made it a regular thing to rent some movies and watch them together. But it wasn’t just those days that Steve showed up. Sometimes, he stopped by after work and brought a couple of baked goods with him. Sometimes, he came over for pizza in the evening. You liked him, and you liked spending time with him, but never made any advances towards him, because he was Robin’s other best friend. They’d been through a lot, that much she’d told you, but she’d never said what exactly had happened. But you knew that Steve was plagued by nightmares, and that there were certain days that he couldn’t stand bright lights, because they gave him a headache. He’d told you once that he’s had more than one concussion, so the headaches, the light sensibility, those were things that came from that. Not every day, he had good and bad days of course, but when he’d told you about that, you’d hugged him without thinking too much about it. Steve had gone rigid in your arms for a moment, before he’d melted into your touch, had hugged you back and just stayed like this for some time. When you’d separated, none of you had been able to say anything, because Robin had burst back into the room again.
One day, Robin had asked you whether it was really okay that Steve wass dropping by so often. She’d told you that it was okay, if she went over to Steve’s so that you had your peace and quiet to read or study, but you’d quickly told her that it was more than okay. Maybe even a bit too quickly, because she’d smiled at you, leaning in to ask you whether you liked him. The way you’d stumbled over your words had told her everything she’d needed to know.
“I don’t have time for a guy in my life,” you’d told her, but Robin had just rolled her eyes at you, knowing that it was just a way to guard your heart, to not give anyone the chance to break your heart again. If you were honest with yourself, Steve had already managed to slip past the cracks in the wall you’d put up. With his warm smile, his infectious laughter, his caring personality and the love he put out into the world. That was why you had to be careful, watch out that you didn’t fall even more for him. The best would probably be to not spend that much time with him, but you enjoyed it way too much, missed the movie nights when you had something else to go to.
Tonight, though, when Steve knocked on the door to the apartment you shared with Robin, you immediately smiled when you saw him. Steve did the same, before he lifted the tray he was carrying.
“Brought you something new. Just tried it out today!” Steve walked in, taking off his shoes and jacket, while you brought the tray to the kitchen.
“So we’re your test subjects, huh?”
“Oh, you know, I really value your opinion, so…” Steve shrugged his shoulders, before he drew his brows together. Robin was in the bathroom, singing at the top of her lungs, but Steve couldn’t really make out the song.
“I swear, if you keep bringing this stuff, I won’t fit through the door anymore at one point. I already gained weight because of these things.”
“So, do you want me to stop bringing you stuff?” Steve tried to  stop himself from smiling, while his eyes wandered over your body. To him you were perfect, with a couple kilos more or less, he didn’t care as long as you were happy.
“Don't you dare stop!” you said with a laugh as you opened the lid of the tray. The air was immediately filled with the smell of vanilla, making your mouth water. “What is that?”
Your eyes, big and round and filled with wonder, looked up at Steve, ready to take one of these things and take a bite to see if they tasted as good as they looked.
“It’s called a pudding pretzel. See, it looks like a pretzel, but it’s sweet.” He leaned over, his shoulder touching yours as he showed you what he meant. “And the holes are filled with pudding. You just have to try it.”
When he turned his head to face you, your noses nearly brushed. For a moment, you both stayed like this, nobody saying a word, but you quickly straightened, when you heard the bathroom door open.
“Steve?” Robin said, scowling at him as she fluffed up her hair, looking ready to go out. Then, realisation hit her. “Shit, I completely forgot about movie night!”
“Got a hot date or something?” Steve’s eyes locked on her, scanning her outfit, before he started grinning from ear to ear. “Oh you do! And you haven’t said a word!”
“Well…” Now, it was Robin’s turn to blush, but she quickly brushed past the two of you to get to her shoes. “I didn’t wanna jinx it by telling you, and you probably would have talked me out of it.”
That made your ears perk up, and you followed her, because you had an idea who she might be going out with, and it was not a good idea. Still, if that was Robin’s choice, you would accept it and let her go. Once she got her mind set on something, nobody could really talk her out of it.
“I’m really sorry that I didn’t tell you two and postpone movie night. But you’re welcome to stay anyway, Steve. You can watch a movie without me, right?” Robin’s eyes settled on you when she straightened again, her shoes now on her feet. Oh that little minx! Right now, that almost felt like some kind of scheme from her to get you and Steve to spend some time alone.
“It’s alright, I can leave if you want to use the night to read the book you talked about!”
“Already finished that,” you quickly said, surprised that he’d remembered that.
“Should have expected that.” Steve let out a laugh that made your lips curl up into a smile. A laugh that was so genuine that it touched your heart and made the last bit of resolve vanish.
“You’re welcome to stay, Steve. Would love the company for a movie.”
The way you said his name, the way it rolled off your tongue, made Steve smile.
“Alright, then I’ll stay.”
“Good!” Robin clapped her hands, giving you a mischievous grin, before she reached for her bag. “Have fun you two. Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” And with that, she was out the door.
“She’s really something, isn’t she?” Steve shook his head, slowly looking your way.
“Tell me about it!” You rolled your eyes with a laugh. “How about I get the movie started and you get these delicious things on a plate?”
Steve agreed without hesitating, but he still watched you leave for the living room. The moment you were gone, he took a deep breath, trying to calm his beating heart. Suddenly being alone with you made him nervous. With Robin there, it hadn’t been awkward at all, but he was scared that he would make it awkward now. He really didn’t want to screw this up with you, but he also didn’t want to make a move because… well, you were Robin’s roommate and her other best friend. If you didn’t like him the way he liked you, it would make things incredibly uncomfortable for all of you.
So, he took a deep breath and put the pudding pretzels on plates, before he walked over to you. He took a seat on the opposite site of the sofa and handed you one of the plates. With Robin not there, there was a huge gap between you.
“Oh my God!” 
Your sudden outburst nearly made Steve jump, because his eyes had been glued to the TV. With big eyes, he looked at you, but seeing the smile on your face made him relax. You wiggled around in your spot, your mouth filled with another bite of the baked goods he’d brought.
“Steve, this tastes absolutely amazing! You gonna sell it at the shop?”
“If Nino agrees, then yes.”
“He’d be an idiot not to sell them. These are better than sex!”
Steve nearly choked on the piece of pudding pretzel he had in his mouth when you said that. He needed a moment, to calm down, before he levelled his eyes at you, trying to figure out whether he’d heard you correctly.
“I mean it.” You looked at him for a moment, before you quickly turned to look back at the TV, because the intensity of his stare made you squirm in your seat. Shit, you’d really put your foot in your mouth and had said something that probably wasn’t appropriate to talk about with Steve, especially not because you liked him and had thought about doing certain things with him. “At least better than the sex I’ve had.”
Yeah, you really should have kept quiet, so before you said anything else, you stuffed your mouth with the rest that was still on your plate.
“God, I’m sorry, doll, but then you probably just had the wrong kind of guy by your side.” Steve shook his head, kinda shocked to hear that from you, to know that apparently nobody had made you really enjoy it when you thought that his pudding pretzels were better than sex. It also made him aware that he’d thought about this with you way more often than was appropriate. And he should really not be thinking about it right now, but you’d planted that thought in his head. “Cause it can and should be good.”
“Yeah I know…” You sounded kind of defeated, not wanting to think about how much time you’d wasted with your ex, who’d cheated on you multiple times, and who’d treated you like one of his belongings. But you also didn’t want to think about Steve on the other side of the sofa. Steve, who looked good enough to eat, and who smelled the part as well, because he’d come by right after work, so he smelled just as delicious as the baked goods he’d brought with him.
Steve shifted his sitting position, reached for a pillow to lay it in his lap and balance the plate on top of it, which was more of an alibi move, so that you wouldn’t grow suspicious of him putting the pillow in his lap.
There was about half an hour of silence between the two of you, each one aware of the tension in the room, but staying quiet about it. When you reached for the blanket, though, because you were getting cold, Steve shifted in his seat, looking over at you. Suddenly, he felt a bit bolder. Maybe that was because of your previous topic, maybe it was the overall situation, but in the end, it didn’t matter.
“Come here,” he said, opening his arms for you, a smile on his lips. “I promise I won’t bite, but honestly, I’m like a furnace, so I’ll keep you warm.”
“I-” you started, biting your lip, but if he was offering, it was alright to do it, wasn’t it? “Okay.” You scooted over to him and snuggled up to his side, your heart racing in your chest when his smell filled your nose again.
Steve’s arm wrapped around your shoulders and he pulled you even closer. Your hand found its place on his chest, feeling the rapid beating of his heart through the shirt he was wearing. Was he maybe as nervous as you were? Or was that just your imagination? When you lifted your head to look up at him, you found him staring back, and you could swear that his eyes landed on your lips. Before anything could happen, before any of you could say a thing, the door to your apartment flung open and Robin kicked it shut again behind her.
You scrambled to get up from the sofa, heart beating even faster than before, because you felt like you had nearly been caught doing something you shouldn’t be doing. Which was ridiculous, since Steve and you were both adults and nothing had happened. Still, you didn’t really want Robin to find you like this.
Steve just looked at you with big eyes for a moment, before you left him sitting there alone to get to Robin. He reached for the remote to turn everything off before he followed you.
“Oh lord, what happened?” he asked when he found you and Robin sitting at the kitchen table. She looked a bit out of it, when you held out a glass of water to her. She’d had a couple of drinks, Steve could tell that already.
“She stood me up.” Robin looked up at him for a moment, before she dropped her forehead to the table again, heaving a sigh. “Waited and waited and was so nervous… Maaaaay have had a couple drinks. Then I left.”
“I’m so sorry, Robin. Want me to trip her the next time I see her?” you offered, laying a gentle hand on her back, slowly rubbing up and down to show her that you were there.
“No… Just.. God, I just wanna go to bed.” You could tell that she was on the verge of tears, because of the alcohol. It always made her either more outgoing or emotional, and after an evening like this, it was clear that she wasn’t dancing on tables right now.
“Come on, I’ll take you to bed,” you said, standing up with her, wrapping your arm around her waist. You looked up, your eyes meeting Steve’s
“Go, I’ll clean up here,” he said with a smile. So, while you went to the bathroom with Robin to get her into something more comfortable and wash her face, Steve cleaned the kitchen and put everything away that you’d used. He brought a bottle of water into Robin’s room and put it next to the bed.
“Thank you,” Robin mumbled, as you entered her room and she saw Steve just put the bottle down, but she meant both of you. “I should have just stayed home with you two.” She flopped down on her bed, taking a deep breath. “Did you at least enjoy your evening?”
“Yeah,” Steve said immediately, smiling to himself as he risked a look at you.
“It was a good movie, so yeah!” To be honest, you had no idea what the movie had been about, too preoccupied with the person standing next to you right now.
“Mhm… Good,” Robin mumbled, snuggling into her pillow. “Was hoping for more, though.”
She didn’t offer an explanation or say anything else, mainly because she fell asleep, but she left you curious about what she meant. Well, you had an idea, but you couldn’t be sure about that. It didn’t matter in the end, did it?
As quietly as possible, you left the room with Steve, leaving the door ajar when you brought him to the front door.
“I’ll come by tomorrow morning and take care of breakfast, alright? See how she’s doing.” Steve put on his shoes before he reached for his jacket.
“Sounds good. And thank you, Steve… It was a fun evening.” Maybe, that was not exactly the right word, considering how nervous he’d made you, but the brief moment you’d spent in his arms had made you relax, and it had made you feel so safe.
“It really was, so thank you.” Steve leaned forward to place a kiss on your cheek. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Mhm… goodnight, Steve!” He turned around at the top of the stairs to give you a little wave, before he disappeared from view. The smile on your lips would probably have been able to light up the whole room when you closed the door behind you. The only question was, how you were supposed to find sleep after this.
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As you’d expected, you hardly slept at all, tossing and turning, thinking about the previous evening, how close Steve and you had gotten. You hadn’t lied to Robin when you’d said that you didn’t have time for a man, though it was probably more a way to protect yourself than anything else. But Steve… Steve made you laugh, he filled you with happiness, and he always took care of Robin and you. That’s why he wanted to come by and make breakfast.
Shit. Yeah, you really weren’t ready to face him right now, not when you thought about him pretty much all night and were ready to jump his bones, to act on the tension that had been there between you hours later. 
You cast a quick glance into Robin’s room, but she was still asleep, so you left her alone again and put on your shoes. You needed to get out, go for a walk, clear your mind, whatever. But you were not ready to face Steve. But Steve it was, you collided with when you ripped the door open and stepped outside without looking around first.
“Woah, careful there, doll!” One of Steve’s hands wrapped around your upper arm, steadying you, while he was carrying a bag in the other hand. Your own hands landed in his chest, eyes closed for a moment, before you managed to pry them open and look at him.
“You running away from something?” he asked, smiling at you, before he carefully took his hand off your arm. 
God, he had no idea how correct he was. On the one hand, you were running from him, on the other from your own feelings, because you were already feeling your heart pick up its pace, and it wasn’t because of the surprise right now. It was because of Steve’s presence, because of the smell of him that filled your nose, because of the smile that made your knees weak.
“No!” Your answer came a bit too quickly for your own liking and you bit your bottom lip, taking a step back. “I’m just running late. Completely forgot I have a meeting. I’ll see you around!”
You gave him a curt smile and a wave before you were off and bounded down the stairs. Steve watched you leave, his heart sinking a little, because it felt like you were running away from him. Still, he was here to make breakfast, so he walked inside and headed to the kitchen to prepare some scrambled eggs and pancakes.
When Robin walked into the kitchen twenty minutes later, she was greeted with a set table and everything she could wish for. She only had a mild headache, but nothing a good breakfast couldn’t help with.
“Morning,” she mumbled, rubbing her eyes, before she smiled at Steve. “Is Y/N not awake yet?”
“She is… but she pretty much fled your apartment.”
“Huh?” Now, that made Robin’s eyes widen, curiosity shining in them when she took a seat. “What do you mean? What happened?”
Robin reached for the coffee first to take a sip and let the hot liquid wake her spirits.
“She said she has a meeting, but-” Steve heaved a sigh, reaching for his own coffee cup to wrap his hands around it. He looked down, as if he was looking for the right words in the hot beverage. “Kinda felt like she didn’t wanna see me, you know? Maybe, I fucked it up, don’t know.”
“Wait a second!” Robin pinched the bridge of her nose, trying her best to focus. “I feel like I’m missing a vital piece of information here.”
“Nothing happened!” Steve said immediately, looking up again to reassure Robin and make her realise that he was telling the truth. “At least not really. I mean, we were watching the movie and she said that my pudding pretzels were better than sex, so… that topic came up briefly and then we were both quiet… a bit awkward.”
Steve leaned forward, putting his elbows on the table, clasping his hands together. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, while Robin started eating the pancakes, listening intently to what he was saying. But she didn’t stop him, let him talk until she had all the information she needed.
“When she reached for the blanket, I offered her to come cuddle, ‘cause you know how much heat I radiate.”
“That’s a fact. You’re damn hot all the time.” Robin nodded her head, curious where this was going, as if she was reading a book, or rather having a book read to hear that was just about to get really interesting. “So what then?”
“She snuggled up to me.”
Oh, the smile that appeared on Steve’s lips made Robin really giddy. She’d seen that look before, but it had been a while since she’d last seen that. Sure, Steve had done a lot of dating, looking for the one person that he could call his partner, the one that would stay with him and really love him, but he hadn’t found that person. And now, you were the reason he had that dreamy smile on his lips.
“And then you got hom.”
“Ahh fuck,” Robin groaned, dropping her fork onto the table. “You were doing so well, and then I managed to fuck it up. So much for my plan.”
“Yeah…” Steve was still smiling, but then he realised what Robin had just said. “What do you mean your plan?”
“Forget it…” Robin quickly shook her head, but before she could say anything else, Steve insisted that she should tell him.
“Well… she likes you, Steve! I wasn’t sure how you were feeling, but seeing how much you smile, I don’t need you to spell it out. But Y/N is always like… she doesn’t have time for a boyfriend, she’s scared of getting her heart broken again…”
“Yeah, I know that feeling.” Steve rolled his eyes, tried his best not to get his hopes up at what Robin had just told him.
“Yeah, and that’s exactly why the two of you would never hurt each other like that. That’s why I didn’t tell you two about the date yesterday. So that you’d spend some time alone and maybe, finally take a step towards each other.” Robin leaned back in her chair, crossing her arms over her chest. “And apparently you did. But why do you think she’d be running from you now?”
“I don’t know! I mean, maybe I was too bold yesterday?”
“Steve, you cuddled on the sofa for maybe a few moments, right? And she could have easily said no, but she didn’t.”
“I kissed her cheek when I left and told her I’d come by for breakfast.”
“Oh boy… Nothing of that was too bold, but I guess, she’s too much in her head again, so that’s why she ran.”
“Maybe.” Steve lifted his coffee cup and emptied the last drops into his mouth, before he got up. “You’ll be alright? ‘Cause I think I just need to clear my head a bit.”
“Steve…” Robin really didn’t want to let him go, not when he looked so defeated.
Sure, Robin had told him that you apparently had feelings for him, but right now, he was sure that you’d run away from him, so that was wearing him down. For months now, he hadn’t had eyes for anyone else, only for you, because you were the one person that made him happy beyond words by just existing in his close proximity. Yesterday, getting to hold you and kiss your cheek had made him unbelievably happy, but for you? It sure looked like he’d taken it too far. So he needed some time to himself, and when he needed to clear his head, he started baking.
“Robin…” Steve looked at her, a weary smile on his lips when he stepped up to her. “Will you be alright?”
“Sure,” she said with a huff, not wanting to let him go, but knowing that she couldn’t keep him here. “What about you, though?”
“I’ll be fine. I always manage, you know that.”
Yeah, she did… and that was what kind of scared her, because she knew that Steve wouldn’t bounce back that easily this time, not when you were the perfect match for him and ran out of the apartment as soon as he arrived.
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After a long, long walk and some more coffee from the coffee shop around the corner, you came back home, hoping that Steve would already be gone. When you didn’t see his shoes when you entered, you sighed in relief. At least, you were thinking that it was relief, but it was mixed with a weird kind of longing because he wasn’t there.
“Good, you’re home,” Robin said, leaning in the door to the living room. She’d showered and looked way better than the night before, but the serious look on her face made you a little worried.
“Yeah, sorry, I had a-”
“Meeting, so I’ve heard. Now, tell me, why haven’t you mentioned that all week?”
“Well,” you started, eyes wide, because you hadn’t expected that question from her. And that attitude she was giving you, really threw you off.
“Because you didn’t have a meeting and just ran away so you didn’t have to face Steve, right?”
“Look…” You ran both hands over your face and through your hair. Steve was Robin’s best friend, and you really didn’t want to make it awkward at all, but right now, you got the feeling that it already was awkward as fuck. 
“Hey, listen,” Robin said, stepping up to you and taking your hands into hers, her voice and her whole demeanour a lot softer than before. “I understand that, ‘cause you’re scared of getting hurt again, but believe me… Steve would never hurt you. God, he’s so in love with you, it’s painful to watch.”
“He… what?”
“Are you really that oblivious? He’s not just being nice to you. He’s completely and utterly in love with you. And he’s scared of getting his heart broken again as well.” Robin shook her head before she smiled at you. “You two really belong together, you just have to open your heart and allow yourself that.”
Robin tapped two fingers against your chest, letting go of your hands to do so.
“I’m just…” You broke off, shaking your head as you were trying to process what Robin had just told you. You had kind of hoped that Steve would feel the same way, but a tiny voice had told you all this time that he had just been nice to you.
“Scared, I know. So is Steve.” Robin placed a hand on your cheek, making you look at her again. “And now he thinks he did something wrong.” “What? No, no, no, he didn’t, I was just… I don’t know.”
“Maybe you should go and tell him that then. Make him stop worrying, because I know he’ll be baking all afternoon to clear his head.”
“You think so?”
“I know it. Because he keeps overthinking every little thing. Something else you have in common.”
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Mira walked to the back where Steve was working and put a new cup of coffee in front of him.
“Thank you.”
“No problem. Anything else you need?” She leaned in the doorframe, watching him work. He’d come in, looking distracted, and it had shown in the first batch of cupcakes he’d made, because they’d landed in the trash.
“No thanks.” Steve gave her a smile that looked more forced than anything and went back to work. He knew that he needed to concentrate a little more, because that would help him clear his head of you, but it didn’t work. You were there, in his head and in his heart, and by now it hurt to think about you. 
Steve turned the music up a little louder and started putting the ingredients he needed into the mixer. While the mixer was busy, he put some flour on the work surface and made a mould in the middle, because he wanted to make bread as well as some more cupcakes.
He stopped the mixer once all the ingredients were blended together, and tasted it. It was good, no question, but it was definitely missing some more vanilla. Once he had the perfect mixture, he poured it into the baking pans and sent the cupcakes to the oven.
Now for the bread… he mixed the yeast with warm water before he poured the mixture into the mould in the flour. That was the moment you walked into the room, but Steve didn’t realise that he wasn’t alone anymore. He was finally able to clear his head a little, hum along to the music and concentrate on what he was doing. With a spoon, he started mixing a bit of the water mixture and the flour together, before he was finally able to use his hands to make some proper dough. His hands and arms were full of flour, so when he raised his arm to brush the sweat on his forehead away with his forearm, some of the flour stuck to his face and even his hair.
The sight warmed your heart, because he looked completely at ease, so in his element, that you didn’t want to disturb him. At the same time, your heart nearly burst out of your chest, because it was filled with so much love for this man. Now that you were allowing yourself these feelings, they were even bigger than you could ever have expected.
Your eyes travelled up slowly up from his hands, over his forearms, the muscles flexing in them, the veins that stood out, up over his chest, his chin, his lips, and to his eyes that were now looking back at you. You hadn’t realised that he’d stopped kneading the dough and was suddenly aware that you were there.
“What are you doing here?” Steve’s words weren’t harsh, they were extremely soft, surprise shining in his eyes as he wiped his hands on his apron.
“I… I wanted to see you,” you managed to say. “Think I’ve got some explaining to do.”
“You don’t have to explain anything.” Steve shook his head, still trying to smile. “I took it a step too far.”
“Steve, you really didn’t.” You gathered your courage and walked around the work surface to stop right in front of him. “I was just…”
“Scared.” Steve finished the sentence for you, keeping his eyes on you while his heart threatened to beat right out of his chest. “Are you still scared?”
“Yeah.” You swallowed hard, taking the last step to close the gap between you two. “But…”
“But…?” Steve’s voice was low, quiet, but he was so all consuming that you couldn’t think clearly anymore. Your head was filled with him, your body humming because of the proximity of his body, of feeling the heat radiating off him and seeping into your skin. His right hand came up to cup your cheek, tilting your head so that you had to look up at him.
“But…” You tried again, your skin feeling like it was on fire from where he touched you, a hint of flour lingering where his thumb brushed over your cheek.
You ran your fingertips up his stomach, over his chest and to his shoulders, pulling yourself up just slightly so that you could kiss his lips. You had nothing to lose, right? And sometimes, you just had to take that jump that you were so afraid of.
Steve was taken by surprise that you’d taken the initiative, but that surprise was quickly pushed away, and he kissed you back. His hand moved from your cheek to the back of your neck, pulling you even closer, while his free hand found its place on your hip. Your body was flush against his, your hands moving up to tangle in his hair, your breasts pressed against his chest while his tongue delved into your mouth, making you moan slightly into the kiss.
You’d had your experience in kissing, but this… this kind of kiss was definitely something else. You felt it to the tips of your toes, it made your whole body tingle and ache for more. Close wasn’t close enough, and you could have kept going for some time, not wanting to let go of him, but the loud beeping of the oven made both of you pull back.
“Shit… sorry,” Steve mumbled, lips puffy from kissing, glistening slightly, while dark eyes looked back at you. You probably looked just like him, hair a bit dishevelled but you didn’t care.
“‘S alright,” you managed to mumble, smiling to yourself as you stepped back. Steve made quick work of the cupcakes and pulled them out of the oven.
You bit your bottom lip, looking down at yourself. The flour showed where Steve’s hands had been, and it made you grin like an idiot. Yeah, you could really get used to it.
“What are you making there anyway?” Curiosity got the better of you, so you had to ask about the dough that Steve had abandoned due to you kissing him.
“I wanted to make some bread.”
“Bread? And here I thought, you only made sweet stuff here.”
“Ah, see that’s where you’re wrong, doll. Sweet and savoury. Remember the Maple-Bacon-Cupcakes?” You nodded vigorously, because they were among your favourites. “And bread is just something that has to be mastered. Here, let me show you.”
Steve stepped up behind you and manoeuvred you so that you were standing in front of the dough. His arms wrapped around you, his chest against your back, and his hands on top of yours, moving them to the dough so he could show you how to knead it.
“It’s really soft, isn’t it?” Steve’s voice was right next to your ear, distracting you even more than being trapped in his embrace.
“Mhm…” you mumbled, trying to focus on what you were doing, but Steve made it really hard for you. You didn’t even hear most of what he was talking about, too distracted by the feeling of his strong hands on yours, guiding your hands.
“And then we form a loaf,” he nearly whispered into your ear, his lips almost touching it. Steve moved your hands with his, doing what he just told you, and when the loaf was done, he still kept you right in front of himself to walk over to the sink and wash your hands.
“Steve…” you managed to breathe out and turn in his embrace, when his lips immediately came down on yours. His hands were on your hops, lifting you into the surface, sending flour into the air, a fine dust settling on your skin and in your hair, but you didn’t care. All you cared about were Steve’s lips on yours, his hands moving up and down your thighs, while his tongue invaded your mouth, tasting you and making you crave even more. This was definitely not the right place to be doing this, but you didn’t care. Someone else did, though.
“Steve I just - OH SHIT! Sorry!” Mira quickly turned around again and walked out, still apologising.
Steve lifted his head, looking after her, before he burst out laughing. You chimed in, leaning your head against his chest, hiding your face. His fingers slowly carded through your hair, before he kissed the top of your head.
“Maybe, we should continue this somewhere else.”
“Mhm… Maybe you could finally show me how you live, after you’ve been in our apartment most of the time.” Slowly you raised your head to look at him, feet dangling left and right of his legs.
“What do I get if I show you?” Steve wiggled his eyebrows at you, making you chuckle.
“How about… as many kisses as you want?” Feeling a little bolder, you leaned forward to kiss  over his jaw to his ear, taking your time. “Sound good?”
“Perfect.” His hands squeezed your thighs, before he stepped back and held out his hand for you. You really were everything he wanted, and he couldn’t believe that you were finally holding his hand and smiling just for and because of him. What more could he want?
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haliteatiger · 1 year
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This my "Tav", Silence. I'm still sorta working out her background details, but for now it's safe to say she's had it pretty rough.
Check below the cut for a lot of rambling and pointless, self-indulgent headcanons.
Her name comes from the fact that she didn't speak for the first few years of her life, instead learning to play the violin and communicating through her art. Someone started calling her "Little Silence" and it just sort of stuck. She didn't know her parents, but was adopted by a noble who saw her as a unique "pet" given her unusual appearance - even for a tiefling - and her musical and artistic talents.
Unfortunately, the guy was bad with money, and ended up gambling away a good portion of whatever Silence earned, in the end becoming desperate enough to try and auction off her virginity when she came of age. Silence, obviously, was not going to stand for this, and managed to escape - possibly killing the man who bought her in the process, she wasn't sure and frankly doesn't care.
With only her violin and a precious few belongings in tow, Silence made her way to Baldur's Gate and was eventually found by a gang of performers and thieves (that I have yet to come up with a name for) where she learned ways on how to survive on the streets and defend herself with her art. Now in her late 20s, and poised to set out on her own due to some complications within her social circle, she was taken aboard the Nautiloid.
There are two sides to Silence - one is kind of quiet, observant, and sensitive. She has a way of simply blending into the background if she doesn't want to be observed (she's good at Stealthing, I guess), and the other is her more or less "bard persona", which is outgoing and charismatic. Contrary to her name, Silence can be quite talkative when the mood strikes her. It's usually when she becomes angry, flustered, or anxious where she seems to forget words entirely and has a hard time articulating herself, which has led into some dramatic situations when she lashes out more physically.
Overall, she's easygoing, and tries very hard not to let her emotions get in the way of her making decisions, and so often comes off as more pragmatic than anything. She's also pretty accepting of those around her even if she is, in actuality, slow to trust. I guess you could say she's highly manipulative as a defence mechanism. So it's not that she lies to people, per se, but she can come off as liking someone more than she does if only to deflect harm from herself. She is not a people-pleaser, however, and has very defined boundaries in terms of how far she's willing to concede to someone, especially a stranger. She's excellent at reading people (most of the time), acts more confident than she seems, knows a little about a lot of topics, and is always eager to learn more. She can be impulsive and rude without meaning to, and has something of a sarcastic and dry sense of humor that always seems almost prepared in advance whenever she snaps back at someone. Her charisma and wit often seem to leave others with the mistaken impression that she knows what she's doing in any given situation, and thus has often been beset with expectations she's sure she's more often than not fallen short of. Somehow, people just seem to think she's the most competent one in the room because she talks a good talk. Due to her dual upbringing, she is capable of blending in with high society as well as she does low. Silence will generally act within her own best interests or those of her friends, but it doesn't really take much to persuade her to do the right thing.
A good example would be when she and the gang arrive at the druid hold and is asked to help the tieflings. Initially she denies getting involved until mocked by Astarion for "turning her back on the needy", at which point, just to annoy him, agrees to help. (Although, when pressed she admits she mostly did it because she realized they needed some things in the area anyway and helping them could be beneficial to their cause). She can have kind of an impish sense of humor and while she doesn't like to see others get hurt, probably does take more pleasure in watching her enemies die writhing in agony than she'd care to admit.
Random fun fact: Silence is a feral tiefling, and her tail is supposed to be reminiscent of a heraldic unicorn's or lion's tail. She often carries it with a curl or S shape as she has a somewhat chronic fear of it being stepped on or pulled. She also has cat-like eyes (that I've had to mod in, but really wish Larian would include them naturally in the game because why not??? Same with more variations in tails...)
Other fun fact is that Silence has a Secret Power in which she's capable of using her tadpole to influence those around her when she plays a song infused with a particular strong emotion. Unfortunately, she cannot replicate the song later, at least not in the same way or with the same impact as when she played it. This generally acts like an empathic attack on those who can see and hear her, impressing upon them the emotion she's attempting to convey through song which can manifest in the audience's minds as how she imagines it - so a full orchestra if that's what she's hearing in her head. As one can imagine, the situations in which this is actually useful are few and far between, as it would require the proper conditions and emotional preparation for it to be effective, although I like to imagine she has used it a few times on a smaller scale to calm tensions in the group when camping some nights.
Relationships with the other NPCs:
Lae'zel - Admires her strength, but is suspicious of her motivations mostly because she seems more than capable of finding this creche by herself, but instead wants to drag the rest of them along with her. Either she's hiding an altruistic side to her or something else is going on. Silence tolerates Lae'zel's nasty attitude, but also can't help but find her and her people's culture fascinating. She often tries to overlook the Gith's biting tongue in order to inquire more about it. It's a mystery to Silence what Lae'zel truly thinks of her, but it's probably nothing good (even if she seems to get bonus points every time she shows an interest in her people.) About the only time she gets anything resembling a compliment from her is when she agrees with her about the use of their tadpole or if she does something worth being commended for in battle. Otherwise, Lae'zel doesn't seem to be terribly fond of Silence's violin playing as the high-pitched tones seem to bother her.
Gale - Gale and her get along famously, and, next to Wyll, finds him probably one of the easiest to talk to in the group. They both share a great interest in magic and, at times, a similar sense of humor (which is to say she's about as bad at puns as he is). They're both well-travelled and well-educated, and if she doesn't know or understand something magic-related, she's quick to ask Gale for guidance, and enjoys seeing him in his element. Gale seems fond of her wit, open-mindedness, and appreciation and interest she takes in the world around her and those that live in it. She seems to have a genuine interest and appreciation for everyone in the group and admires her dedication to watching their backs, even if it's obvious she doesn't entirely trust any of them. He likes that she seems to know a surprising amount about wizardry despite not being one herself - at least enough to ask advanced questions about things that he might consider to be outside the interest of most bards, as well as the fact that she isn't easily fazed by things that would turn most people's stomachs or make them balk in disbelief. As could be evidenced by her rather extensive anatomy studies on the bodies of their fallen enemies ("It's free art references!")
Admittedly, Silence was a bit shocked and uncomfortable to learn about Gale's history and his need to consume magic artifacts, but as he seems sincere in his efforts to keep it under control, chooses not to worry about it and does what she can to support him, which he greatly appreciates. There's still that little nagging voice in the back of her mind, however, even if he's friendly enough to get her to forget that at times. She has to remind herself on occasion that she doesn't really know him.
Shadowheart - Shadowheart and her also get along very well, even if they're both somewhat guarded around each other still, and Shadowheart, when not in the right mood, can be very difficult to talk to just in general. But, it's Silence who is first to lower her defenses, and speak to the Shar acolyte candidly. Silence finds the two of them have a lot in common in terms of how they approach most situations - pragmatic but always erring to self-preservation or that of the group's. Shadowheart seems to appreciate Silence's amicability, willingness to compromise, and respects that, even though she is friendly, she isn't naive about it. It also helps that Silence doesn't seem to have a problem with her being a worshipper of Shar and respects her desire for privacy even without being prompted. Silence appreciates how much of a team player Shadowheart really is, with her main interests usually centring around maintaining the group and essentially keeping everyone content enough not to turn on one another.
Astarion - Even though she enjoys picking on him from time to time, it's almost always in a way that he can also appreciate. She finds it more fun when the other person is in on the joke as well. This can and does include flirting, but thus far, she's made it pretty clear that she perceives it as simply something to laugh about (even if he might be absolutely serious about it). Unfortunately, at least initially, she also finds Astarion to be one of the hardest to read among the group, and picking on him isn't something she started doing until she knew where his boundaries lay. Up until then, she approached him delicately, allowing him to lead the conversations and learning what she could along the way, which, fortunately, he seems more than happy to do. As a result, he takes her quite a bit longer to translate than the rest, and doesn't feel entirely comfortable around him for a long time to come, really only engaging with him whenever he wishes to engage with her. As a result, the vampire tends to find Silence the most comfortable and trustworthy one of the group even if she seems careful enough not to let him get too close. He's likely the first to notice how little Silence voluntarily shares about herself, often distracting the others with reassurances, compliments, and asking questions she thinks they would enjoy answering.
Despite this he appreciates that she's easygoing and down-to-earth, while still having a good sense of humor and seems to know when to take something seriously, and, while at times seemingly easily impressed with the world around her (like he's one to talk), also seems to accept it for what it is and adapts accordingly.
In actuality, Astarion has about as much trouble reading her as she does him, as he's found it impossible to tell if she's genuine in her compliments and expressing interest in others around her. She certainly seems to have a gift for getting people to trust her. She's good at taking control of conversations and deflecting away from topics she doesn't want to talk about in the least offensive way possible, and he's made the mistake of reading her sincerity as naivety. She intrigues him as almost every time he thinks he has her figured out, she does or says something unexpected, or contrary to what he would assume about her, and he's not even sure if she's doing it on purpose. It's possibly a matter of them being out of step with one another, being of differing natures, even if he gets on better with her than he has anyone else in recent memory (insofar as we know about his story at least).
About the only things that get on his nerves at times is that she's maybe a little too soft, and a little too cautious and prone to overthinking than is good for her, mostly because it ends up involving dragging them into doing something boring or "unproductive" (not to their overall benefit). Never mind that she's encouraged him to wait in camp or go on without them if he has a problem with their decisions. It also bugs him that, even if she sees the merit in using the tadpoles, she's on board with the others that it isn't safe to do so until they know exactly what it is they're dealing with. Rather by accident, it would seem, Astarion finds himself liking her more than he realizes, especially after his condition comes to light and, lo and behold, she's not only okay with it, she wants to know everything about it and how they can use it to their benefit, even if she doesn't seem to be too terribly keen on being fed off of, as long as he can sate himself with bandits and ne'er-do-wells, she's off the hook insofar as she's concerned... for now, and has basically told him that she's his "emergency supply" if circumstances require it.
Despite all this, Silence is still vigilant, and while she trusts him with certain things, doesn't trust him completely, and knows full well the lengths to which his type is willing to go to cover their attempts at taking advantage of a situation.
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elliethejellie · 1 year
The Lovebug Virus - Chapter 5: Balance
Yandere! Sun and Moon x Reader
Masterlist || AO3 || Chapter 4 || Chapter 6
For once, everything you set out to accomplish in the past few days has been going surprisingly well. 
Since the day you fell asleep in the daycare, Sun and Moon have seemingly made it their personal responsibility to make sure you get enough sleep. You had promised them that you would try harder when you came in for your shift the next day, still not having recovered from your sleep deprivation, energy drink in hand and bags under your eyes. Even if you had only said so to get Sun to stop telling you all the reasons why eight hours of sleep were ideal.
For some reason, you felt some sort of resignation in allowing the boys to take care of you. While you had been used to taking care of yourself for so long, letting some of the weight off of your shoulders in trying to remember all the little things that went into keeping your sanity was refreshing. Sun had even started trying to make a little game out of it, guessing how many hours you had gotten of sleep by all of your vitals he could read. It had surprised you at first when he told you that they had the ability to do that, but honestly, what hadn't surprised you about them at this point?
Your grades stopped suffering from the moment you took this job, it seemed. Every single class got more than enough attention, and you had Kat helping you with homework when you needed it. She was more of a help than you expected her to be. The two of you even had enough time to go out for a coffee date again, like you used to do all the time throughout the summer. 
During said coffee date, she relayed that she was getting even closer with the girl from the party, whose name is Jenny. You had been hearing Kat on the phone with her a lot recently, and you had even joked with her at one point that she was replacing you with her (which earned you an aggressive hair ruffling). She pestered you about the daycare attendant a lot while you sipped your drink, for some reason. And you couldn't help the heat that rose to your cheeks when you embarrassingly rambled on a little too much about how much you enjoyed being around them. 
"Oh come on, Meatball! You so have a crush on them!"
"Shhh!" you said back, looking around frantically to see if anyone else had been eavesdropping on your conversation. Kat pulled her head down apologetically, but still waved her hands back and forth in front of her face excitedly. When you glared at her in response, she sighed and realized that it was somehow a touchy subject.
"Girl, it's not like I'm judging you," she had responded. "One of the other night guards is actually in a relationship with one of the glamrocks," she said nonchalantly. You had immediately perked up at the new knowledge.
"They're allowed to date?" you asked incredulously. She shrugged, breaking off another piece of her slice of lemon cake and popping it into her mouth. You sighed, slumping back into your seat further. "It doesn't matter, anyways. It's not like they've shown any interest in me anyways." Kat scoffed.
"Seriously? Moon never shuts up about you," she claimed, crossing her arms.
"Really?" She shrugged. "I just thought that-"
"Chipmunk, you literally overthink everything. Listen to the things I'm telling you." She leaned forward intimidatingly. "They. Like. You."
It was that conversation that has you currently trying to figure out how you are going to tell them that you also like them. You currently were running through the daycare play structures, playing tag with Sun and the children. 
"Oh no! I've been tagged again! What ever shall I do?" Sun calls out dramatically from somewhere across the daycare. You giggle along with Evelyn, who decided to follow you around as usual. She grabs your hand and drags you back down towards the entrance of the play structure. You let her, keeping an eye out for Sun in the process. He seems to have disappeared.
Suddenly, you feel yourself being lifted into the air. You screech, letting go of Evelyn's hand and flailing frantically. 
"Tag! Now you're it, Sunbite!" Sun exclaims, holding you in a hug. You can't help but find yourself laughing, enjoying the feeling of playing around like a child again. But you know what time it is, so you put on your best teacher voice as you speak your next words.
"Oh no! Looks like I'll have to be the first person to be 'it' in the next game!" you say, earning whines from a lot of the children.
"Now, now, little sunflowers," Sun chastises, placing you down and then wagging his finger at the young kids. "What do I always say about bringing a game to an end?"
"That it makes room for other fun activities," they all say in unison, excitement forming in their tiny bodies again. You smile as you walk over to the supply closet, pulling out black construction paper and glow-in-the-dark paint. You had come up with this idea yesterday, and when you told Sun about it this morning, he was so ecstatic about it, you had to convince him the entire time you were getting the daycare ready to wait to do the craft until before lunch time.
You walk back over to the tables just as Sun finishes settling them all down in their seats. Sun stands in the middle of them all, looking just about ready to explode. Still, when he speaks, you can't tell from his voice just how excited he is. 
"So, who knows what is out in space?" he questions, looking around the young faces. Several of the older ones' hands shoot into the air, and Sun picks one.
"Stars!" he exclaims. Sun tells him he's correct before picking another one. Several of the children take this as an opportunity to just start blurting out answers.
"That's a planet, dummy-"
"Yes, yes, yes," Sun says to calm the energetic kids, chuckling gently. He waits for them to quiet down before turning to you. "Sunbite, do you have anything to add?" You smile softly as you continue to hand out paintbrushes and paints to the children.
"The Sun and the Moon," you say, and all the kids let out "ooo's" at your answer. Sun somehow seems to smile wider.
"Correct again!" he agrees. He stands on one of the foam blocks and spreads his arms wide up above him. "There is so much out there that we are only just beginning to explore!" He turns back to face the eager faces. "I want you guys to help Moon and I see it all by drawing whatever you want, as long as it's out in space!"
The children scream in delight, grabbing at the glow paints and beginning their art projects. You can't help but feel a warmth in your chest at how much excitement they're giving off as you retreat to the security desk. Just as you're about to delve into figuring out what the children were having for lunch, you hear the door to the daycare open. 
Max rushes in, drawing the attention of several of the children, many of which begin asking Sun who he is. Max waves at them quickly before continuing his approach to you. The apologetic look on his face immediately worries you. "Did I do something wrong already?" you ask half-jokingly, trying to keep the conversation light. He chuckles at that, shaking his head.
"No! God, no. If anything, you're doing everything right, and that's why I'm hesitant to do this..." he trails off the end of his sentence, looking remorseful enough that you feel panic rising in your chest. They weren't going to fire you already, were they? If you had been doing everything right, why would they get rid of you? And right now? In front of all the children?
Max pulls some paperwork off of his clipboard and holds it out in your direction. You take it with shaky hands, looking down and trying to stop the tears that already want to spill from your eyes. But your heart skips a beat or two as you read the top of the paper. 
"Something came up and now the Daycare Attendant doesn't have anyone to do the scheduled maintenance or cleanup on them," Max says, lifting his arm to scratch the back of his neck. "I tried to convince them to just let me do it, since you're still relatively new and all, but they insisted. I'm sorry you gotta get the extra workload." 
A shaky laugh escapes your lips. 
Routine maintenance? That's all this was about? Max felt bad because he had to give you extra work? "Max, you scared me!" you say, smacking him with the stack of paper. He looks rather confused, staring at you for a moment before his eyes go wide.
"Oh my god, you probably thought I was going to fire you! I'm so fucking stupid," he says, placing his palm to his forehead.
"Language, Mr. Diaz!" Sun says, earning a flurry of giggles from the children. You smile, relieved at the turn of events.
"It's fine, Max," you assure him, turning back to the desk and placing the papers down to be read later during your lunch break. "Honestly, it doesn't bother me. I'm going to school with Kat literally for robotics engineering anyways, remember?"
He gives you an uneasy smile, probably still convinced that you were being treated unfairly. But still, he says his goodbyes to you and waves at Sun before going to leave the daycare. He opens the door and yelps, though, the STAFF bot having already been waiting to drop off the lunch for the little ones. The daycare erupts into a fit of rowdy laughter as Max's face burns red and he scurries away like a cat.
You walk over to retrieve the meal as Sun begins dismissing the children one by one to go wash their hands. He collects the art projects off of the table and brings them to the security desk to lay out and dry as you set the meal down and begin disinfecting the surfaces. Then the two of you set up lunch as the children wait patiently, talking among themselves. The routine goes by smoothly with you and Sun working in perfect harmony. It makes you smile as you dish up the spaghetti into bowls and hand them to him to place in each of the spots. 
The next thing you know, you're back at the security desk with Sun in his usual place, peeking over the monitors curiously as you skim the front page of the booklet Max brought you.
"So does this make you our new handler?" he asks eagerly, his rays seemingly shivering with excitement. You chuckle as you put the packet back down.
"I don't know, Sunny. Could just be temporary," you say, shrugging. He looks disheartened at that, so you continue. "But even if it is, I'm going to aim to be your handler anyways once I've got my degree." That seems to satisfy him, as he leans on the desk now with a goofy grin on his face. "What?" you ask, suddenly feeling self-conscious.
"Oh, I was just thinking about how much better everything in the daycare has gotten since you showed up," he muses, standing back up tall and staring off into the distance like he was reminiscing over old memories. You can't help but think he looks like he's starstruck, which only causes your heart to flutter as the weight of his words sink in.
"Oh I'm sure you guys were doing just fine without me," you say, waving his praise away to deter the blush that threatens to creep to your cheeks. 
"Are you kidding me, Sunbite?" he exclaims, looking like if his security protocols weren't actively preventing it, he would leap across the desk and engulf you in a bone-crushing hug. "Everything runs so much smoother when you're here! The kids love all the amazing art projects you come up with, and even Moon appreciates the help you provide during naptime!" 
Okay, now you really can't stop the blush as it takes over your cheeks. Thank god the lights are about to go out, because you're not so sure you can take much more praise without just melting on the spot.
"Sunny, stop it," you warn jokingly. "The lights are about to go out, and some of the children are probably ready to start getting cleaned up." 
The solar animatronic places both of his hands to his cheeks as if having just remembered that he had a job to do, before rushing over to handle the little ones. You can't help the goofy grin that tugs at the corners of your mouth as you clock out for lunch. You just felt so... good. You wouldn't have to come up with some lame excuse to spend more time with the jester animatronics now that you had to perform weekly checkups on them. Things really couldn't get much better than this. 
You wave to Sun as you leave through the employee entrance of the daycare and make your way over to the locker room. You've finally been having enough self control as of late to make yourself meals ahead of time, so as you pull open the door to the locker you put your bag in, you feel your stomach rumble at the knowledge of what was waiting for you to dig into.
Your mouth waters as you pull out your insulated lunchbox and a few bills so you can grab yourself a can of Fizzy Faz on the way back. You know Moon will give you hell for wanting it, but something about the nostalgic taste of barely-flavored corn syrup was just too addicting not to have it every once in a while. Besides, it's not like Moon could really do anything to you when you did have it. He would just grumble and glare at you like a cat protesting being moved from a comfy spot. Not really very intimidating.
Drink and food in hand, you wander back into the daycare quietly, trying your best not to disturb the children as they settle down around Moon. He looks up at you and seems to smile a bit wider, which only makes your heart flutter just as it had with Sun earlier. Maybe Kat was right.
Maybe you are falling head over heels for the stupid jester robots.
You take your usual seat at the security desk and pull out your homemade sushi roll and dumplings, excited once again that you had prepared yourself your favorite food. Moon begins telling a story to the children to get them to fall asleep. You don't recognize what tale he is reciting, which only intrigues you to listen to him instead of pulling your phone out like you usually did. After a moment, you realize that he must have begun telling the story before you even walked back in, because his sentence doesn't exactly sound like the beginnings of one.
"The little child asked the Moon when his birthday was, but the Moon didn't seem to hear him," he says, using his hands to emphasize the story as he went. "So the little child climbed up the highest tree he could find and shouted even louder. 'When is your birthday, Moon?' the boy yelled, and this time, it seemed like the Moon heard him."
You feel so absolutely enamored watching Moon that you almost miss how much his story is starting to sound more and more like he's talking about himself and Sun. The boy being the latter and him being - well, himself, you guess.
"'I don't know when my birthday is,' the Moon told the boy, feeling a little embarrassed by the admission. But the boy only smiled brighter at the Moon, instead offering to celebrate it the next day anyways. 'Tomorrow is my birthday, but I don't mind sharing it with you!' he assured the Moon," the lunar animatronic continued. Yeah, this story is definitely about him and Sun. There is no doubt about it. You wonder if he usually tells this story to the kids, or if he is only telling this story because he knows you're listening. Either way, you pop open your container of sushi and continue to eavesdrop.
"And so the boy set out the next day to figure out a present to give the Moon. He tried painting him a picture, but the colors were too bright and he couldn't seem to get the face right." You realize that none of the little ones seem to be awake anymore, which means that Moon is most certainly only telling the story now for you. It makes you feel warm inside, but you keep your head down to hide your blush and shove another piece of the roll into your mouth.
"Then, the boy thought to make him a big, beautiful cake. But he remembered that he didn't have any of the ingredients to do so, and that the Moon couldn't eat anyways." He pauses, looking up at you and tilting his head slightly, just as you crack open your can of Fizzy Faz. Did the stupid lunar animatronic just have some wild instinct when high calorie drinks were being consumed? You had made sure you opened the can below the desk so he couldn't see, and you'd also made sure it wasn't loud enough that he could hear it from where he sat. 
Still, he turns back to the sleeping children and brushes the hair out of the closest child's face as he continues reciting his tale. 
"Exasperated, the boy sat down on the floor of his room and wept. He wanted to make the moon feel special on his special day, but he was running out of time! He picked up his favorite stuffed animal and asked it what he should make for the moon. The stuffed animal said nothing back, but it somehow still gave the little boy an idea. He ran to his cupboard and pulled out his sewing kit. He was going to make a hat for the moon!" 
You can't help the smile that tugs at the corners of your mouth as you take a bite of one of your dumplings. Even if the story wasn't entirely true (you knew the hat was always a part of the Fazco brand outfit he wore), you could definitely picture Sun making Moon the hat that always sat upon his brother's head. 
"The boy worked all the way until the sun began to set. The hat was finished, but he didn't know how to give it to the moon. He wandered back outside and stared at the sky, trying to figure out a solution. 'The tree is probably tall enough to reach the moon!' he exclaimed, and so he placed the hat on his own head and then climbed up to the tallest part of the tallest tree in his backyard. The boy placed the hat on the tip of the highest branch. He wanted to wait to see the moon's reaction to the gift, but he yawned, feeling sleepy from spending all day working hard on it. So he climbed back down the tree and went to bed.
"The next day, the boy woke up and ran outside to find that the hat was missing! He smiled to himself and felt satisfied. Surely the moon had to love his gift to him. He made it extra special and with love." Moon tilts his head and smiles down at the sleeping children, being sure to jingle the bell on the edge of his hat as he does so. 
You force yourself to look back down at your food seeing that Moon was now gently standing up to make his way over to you. When the red glow of his eyes signaled his position in front of the desk, you look up at him and smile, trying to play that you hadn't just spent the last ten minutes listening to him tell a literal bedtime story.
"Did you enjoy the show, Starlight?" he muses, which only makes you choke on your bite of sushi. His face immediately turns to that of concern, reaching forward to help you. You cough a few times and hold your hands up to gesture to him that you are okay. He chuckles slightly when you finally calm down, so you shoot a glare in his direction.
"Don't you dare," you say as threateningly as you can muster, but it sounds about as threatening as a croaky voice can sound while also whispering. You know he's lingering on making some kind of joke like he always does. Still, he puts his hands up in front of him in surrender as you grab your can of Fizzy Faz and chug the last of it (though not without a protesting sigh from the jester).
Moon walks back over to your designated naptime hangout spot, and you join him once you get your lunch mess cleaned up. "That was a really sweet story," you admit as you sit down on the mat next to him. "Did Sun really make your hat?" you ask, the curiosity not having left your thoughts since you heard it.
"Oh god no," he responds, seemingly finding the notion rather funny. He then snaps his hand up to his head, which tells you that Sun is yelling at him through their shared consciousness. "But he did fix my hat for me when he saw that it was torn," he admits, shaking his head as if physically trying to jostle Sun's voice from it. "It was a long time ago now, though."
"That's so sweet," you say, smiling gently. "I wish I had someone to mend my clothes when I was younger. Could've saved me a lot of embarrassment, honestly." Moon's red eyes shift to look at you, a curious expression upon his face. 
"Embarrassment?" he asks, and you feel your cheeks burn. 
"Y-Yeah, I didn't exactly get new clothes often enough to afford tossing the ones I had. Even if they were torn," you admit sheepishly. Moon's head makes a few ticking sounds, as if he's processing your words slowly.
"Well, now you have me," he settles on saying, before flinching - probably due to Sun yelling again - and correcting himself. "Us. Now you have us."
You smile up at him, but feel years worth of loneliness tug at your heart, promptly forcing you to snap your head back down. There wasn't ever anyone in your corner. Dealing with things on your own was your go-to way of handling each and every problem you came across up until recently. You stare at your hands, suddenly willing tears not to fall from your stinging eyes. Moon seems to notice that something is amiss, placing a hand on your shoulder gently. But you flinch at the physical contact and lean away from him.
"I-I'm sorry," you stutter, your voice barely above a whisper. "There's uh, there must be something in my eye or- I just... I need a second." 
You stand from your spot next to him and rush towards the opposite side of the daycare and into the 'pillow fort,' covering your face in your hands and struggling to hold back the sobs that threaten to spill from your throat. Why are you even crying? You're such a useless crybaby. He was only stating what you already knew. So why are you reacting this way?
You bite down aggressively on your bottom lip to try to draw your attention to the pain instead of your spiraling thoughts. You didn't need to be so dramatic about this, but for some reason hearing Moon give you such a simple sentence of confirmation of their care for you just made your inner child emotional. God, you really are broken, aren't you?
"Starlight," you hear Moon's voice gently call in through the entrance to the tent. "I meant what I said. You shouldn't have to deal with these things on your own." 
On your own.
But that's always how it's been. So why should now be any different? 
Even if the animatronic jesters do care about you the same way you do about them, who's to say they'll never change their minds? You've always pushed everyone away, even when things go right. Even when-
Moon's hand slides under your side and pulls you into his lap, engulfing you in a hug. Your body goes rigid, unsure of what to make of this. You had been so wrapped up in your thoughts that you hadn't even noticed that he'd slipped inside the tent and knelt down next to you. His hand rubs cooling circles on your back just as it had when you were having your panic attack. But the sentiment only brings another onslaught of tears, so you bury your face into his chest and quietly sob.
"Shhh, our little star, we're here now. You're not alone anymore," he assures softly, using his other hand to brush through your hair. You can't remember the last time you've even been consoled so intimately when you cried. Kat has always been great at giving you distractions and cheering you up, but it made her uncomfortable to listen to your dark thoughts and personal traumas. So you resorted to shoving everything down and reassuring yourself regularly that you would find yourself a therapist when you had the money. And then things just kept getting worse and you lost your job, so you never got to fulfill that promise to yourself.
Your silent sobs calm down more and more until you just sit in Moon's lap, sniffling against his chest. Now that you aren't wracked with your crying fit, you can hear faint clicking and whirring sounds coming from behind Moon's chestplate, starting and pausing in a pattern reminiscent of a heartbeat. Finally, you sigh, relaxing into him as he continues to rub your back.
"Better?" he asks gently, tilting his faceplate down to look at you. You nod into his chest and wrap your arms around him, not wanting to get up just yet. "Do you want to talk about it?"
You hesitate. Should you talk to him about the things you've been through? It would probably help you to get these things off of your chest to someone, especially since you still can't afford a therapist quite yet with the catching up you're doing on your savings. But you doubt the robot was built with any level of therapy coding for the children in mind, so you worry that it might have a negative effect on his processing software. 
Still, you were planning on confessing your literally crush to them sometime soon, so you might as well get comfortable with expressing your feelings now.
"Well," you start, sitting up so that you no longer have your face buried away where he can't see you properly. His red eyes stare down at you expectantly, so you turn your head away before continuing. "Like I said, I've always had to deal with things alone..."
For the next half hour, you delve into the dark corners of your past, enlightening the animatronic jester about some of your traumas. You talk about your negative self talk, your absent parents, and even go into a bit of detail about your self esteem issues. You get so wrapped up in explaining the details of why and how you are the way that you are, that you don't even notice Moon's hand gravitate to your hip, holding you steadily in place while you flail your arms animatedly. 
"The hardest part about everything was the loneliness," you say, slowing your talking to look down at the grooves in your palms. "I wasn't ever taught how to do anything. I always felt like a failure, and nobody was in my dark corner to tell me to just open the curtains and let the light in." Moon's head makes the same clicky sound it had earlier as he processes your analogy. "I know that some of my habits are horrible, but I justify them by telling myself that it could be so much worse. Even though I also know that isn't how it works." 
Moon brings his hands up and into yours, so you look up at him. "Starlight," he starts, but the nickname makes you look away and cut him off.
"Why do you call me that?" Your voice is harsher than you meant it to be, but you can't help it. While all of this talking has been helpful for you, there is still that stupid voice in the back of your head screaming that the brothers had absolutely no interest in you or any of the things spilling from your mouth.
Moon lists his head to the side slightly, seemingly taken aback by your sudden change of pace. "I call all of the people we care about 'starlight,'" he says, and you feel your stomach drop. 
So, they really didn't care about you like that?
It was always just a nickname. Programmed into him for the children. Probably just as "Sunbite" was for his solar opposite. Did that mean that they only saw you as another child to take care of? Because you can't do any of this on your own? Because you suck at taking care of yourself? Is that why you were here and he was consoling you? Because their programming won't allow for a crying child to go unnoticed?
Moon seems to recognize the look on your face being that of the beginnings of your negative spiral, so he instead whispers your name. You can't help the way that your heart still flutters at the sound of it, which only makes tears sting your eyes again as he speaks. "Life is about balance." He lifts his hands up, teetering them up and down to simulate a scale. "There will always be bad things that happen - to you, to your friends and family, and to strangers." One of his arms drops down lower while the other raises up. "Adding onto those bad things by speaking negatively to yourself and feeding into the bad thoughts will only continue to weigh you down. But if you begin to take care of yourself-" He brings his hands back to being level. "You'll start to feel like you can handle all of the bad. But you can only do that if you allow yourself time to offload those bad things."
You stare up into the unblinking red eyes of the lunar animatronic. Balance. Like the sun and the moon. One energetic and fast paced and loud. The other leisurely and soft spoken and gentle. Maybe Moon was right. You had been so focused on all of the good things happening recently that you assumed the bad things were all gone. But in actuality, you were just ignoring them.
Embarrassment makes you suddenly well aware of your compromising position with Moon, so you scramble down from his lap and hug your knees to your chest. "I guess I still have a lot to work on, huh?" you half-joke, looking at the pillows before you. 
"Doesn't everyone?" Moon counters. "Speaking of work, I'm going to go back out to the children. Feel free to join me whenever you're ready, Starlight." And with that, he leaves the pillow fort, sticking you with your own thoughts in the deafening quiet of the tent. 
You feel awful. Nothing really came from the last half hour besides a sad theory and the realization that you are still not okay. And after all of the things you've been doing, it was kind of hard to believe that you hadn't been okay this whole time. You felt okay the last few days, but then this? 
You check the time on your Fazwatch and decide to head out of the tent to clock back in. You still have to read the booklet on your new responsibilities with the jesters, so you make sure to grab it before rejoining Moon. Hopefully you can take your mind off of all of the freshly reopened mind wounds by learning about your new responsibilities.
"Sun was telling me that you're our new handler," he says as soon as you sit down. You roll your eyes.
"I don't actually know if this is long term or if it's temporary. So don't get your hopes up," you admit, repeating the same thing you told his opposite earlier. You flip open the first page of the instruction booklet, which is actually an entire paper full of small-scale, neat font listing the terms of a rather lengthy disclaimer. A lot of 'if you die, you can't sue us' bullshit that you really didn't care about. So you flip to the next page and are surprised to be met with an actual table of contents. 
The first chapter is a fairly easy read, showing you each part of the animatronic and the respective names and functions of said part. Moon seems slightly uncomfortable at the diagrams before you, shifting his eyes away from the booklet often as if grimacing. "You know, I can continue to read this at the desk, if you'd like?" you offer, using a finger to hold your place while shutting the booklet. He hesitates.
"Well, it's not so much that I don't like that you're reading it," he says, still avoiding looking in your direction. "It's just... embarrassing, I think?" His statement sounds more like a question with the uneasy quiver of his voice, so you smile up at him gently.
"I understand completely, Moon. I couldn't imagine how vulnerable this probably makes you feel, which is why I'm offering to read it later or back at the desk." Moon just shrugs in response, so you check the page number and set the booklet aside anyways. 
The rest of the naptime routine goes by normally - or, as normally as it can given that you were mentally and emotionally exhausted because of your earlier breakdown. By the time you have to clock out for the end of your shift, you feel the physical effects of having emptied all of your pent up emotions, prompting Moon to send you off with strict instructions to rest once you arrived at home.
You didn't need him to tell you that. You were obviously going to crash out as soon as your body hit the bed.
A/N: Hihiii :3 Okay, when I tell y'all that this chapter was incredibly hard to write, I mean it took two weeks for me to finish it. And I still kind of hate it lmaooo
But! That doesn't matter now, does it? It's here, and I hope y'all enjoyed it! I have some more ideas in world building that will give this story a bit more depth, but ehhh I don't know if I'll apply them this late into the story. We'll see, I guess. 
Anyways, stay tuned because this is the cutoff point for kinda boring setup things heheh~ As always, likes, comments, kudos, and reposts are greatly appreciated and I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Stay sweet, my lovelies~
Taglist: @senyahgirl @rose-blot @sunyandmony (message me or comment to be added!)
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