#i have a solid guess on top 3 answers here
sarenderpity · 4 months
Vote your FAVORITE (not necessarily your opinion on most mythologically accurate, though that can and should contribute) pop culture Hermes depiction
You know the drill, RB for wider audience, feel free to add fave Hermes propaganda!
EDIT! BLOOD OF ZEUS! THE NETFLIX SERIES! MY BAD (cannot edit poll block)
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exercise-of-trust · 28 days
everyone clap and cheer for my beautiful daughter who has every disease 🥰 her name is þerindë because her wheel is made out of an embroidery hoop; she is entirely handmade and boy howdy does it show
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a whole bunch of things have stopped working since i took that video last night and i'm not sure how much more wherewithal i have to keep messing with her, but i did manage to spin about two feet of something before then! so i'm showing her off a bit now, and if i can figure out what-all i fucked up maybe you'll see more of her in the future. some process and progress photos under the cut (not a tutorial. do not do this. i cannot sufficiently stress how bad of an idea this was and is*)
(*if you are going to do this and have questions not answered here i am always happy to answer them, inbox and dms are open etc, but like. i would strongly advise against it)
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here's the hoop! it's about a foot across, with a groove carved out with a speedball. this ended up being way too shallow (who'd'a'thunk) so the final version is a lot deeper than what you're seeing here. the paint stirrers are held in with straight pins because i was worried regular nails would just crack the hoop lmao. my girl is so deeply and profoundly scuffed <3
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the flyer is made from three cedar shingles glued together because i didn't have a solid piece of wood large enough. astonishingly nothing broke while i was sawing out the rough shape and it whittled down pretty nicely! the hooks are scrap 2mm copper wire, the orfice is a couple inches of plastic drinking straw, and the pulley wheel is also hand-carved, which is why it looks like a fucked-up oreo and has the weird hitch at the top of the spin that you probably saw in the video 🙃 frankly i am astonished it works as well as it does
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the wheel frame is. man. the axle supports haven't broken yet but frankly it's a miracle they're still in place with how much strain they're under every time. the original base was that weird little bit of paint stirrer, which (shocker) did not work out in the long run; it's been replaced by an offcut from the frame and is significantly more sturdy now. it's surprisingly level, though, and turns pretty smoothly all things considered!
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the frame was a nightmare start to finish; i've never done any serious woodworking before in my life and the whole thing was just kind of slapped together without a plan or any sort of concrete measurement. it wobbles so fucking bad and every few hours i have to push a couple of the parts back together where the nails are sort of drifting out of the wood. you may observe a weird post sticking out the left side of the mother-of-all; that is supposed to be for scotch tensioning. does it actually do that? sort of! the belt is a length of cotton crochet thread that is, after much fiddling, just the right size to not slip out more than once every three minutes.
treadling was another pain to figure out and i think i probably made it way more complicated than it needed to be. it still doesn't work very well and i can't tell if that's something i can fix hardware-wise or if i just have to suck it up and practice a lot more. turns out feet are not as coordinated as hands! i would say "now i know for next time!" but frankly i am never doing this again. you couldn't pay me. speaking of which, i did the math and at my current pre-tax hourly salary i could've bought two brand-new ashford travelers with the number of hours i spent building my awful rickety daughter. at the end of the day, do i love her? immensely. is she "good"? by no stretch of the imagination.
anyway. this was a terrible use of my time <3 but i do finally feel confident enough in all the parts of a spinning wheel and what they're for that i can brave the dangers of facebook marketplace's "spinning wheel" category without getting too badly scammed! which is pretty valuable in its own right, i guess.
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roo-bastmoon · 1 year
The Long Game
First, let's acknowledge some major mismanagement by BigHit. Then, let's talk about what I think *might possibly* be their long game.
These are just guesses I have right now--I'm not stating facts and my opinions are subject to change as new info becomes available. But come with me for a few minutes...
In early 2022, Jimin's mail was "omitted" four times by BigHit employees, which lead to late insurance premium payments, which led to an on-paper "seizure" of his apartment. The press sat on that news for three months until the day his With You OST dropped and the scandal overshadowed his release. Jimin went to ground, avoided all social media for months. At this time, Jimin's personal information was leaked on the internet, and that was the last time we saw Jikook hang out alone that we know of.
Now in 2023, since Jimin's album FACE dropped, we already know about the sabotaged sales and streams by Hanteo, Billboard, YouTube, and Spotify. There was the issue with his in-ears not working properly during an encore. On top of all that drama, BigHit didn't get all the physicals shipped in time, they didn't playlist his songs for several days, they never sent his songs to radio (that we can see), they made one tweet to acknowledge Jimin's #1 on Hot100 but nothing else--not even a cake like the other solo albums got, they didn't let him film more than two music videos when they did that for their new groups, the press releases about their stocks going up after Hot100 also credited their new groups, and Jimin only had 9 days of uninterrupted promo between other members' works.
Now I am not a conspiracy theorist. I well understand that the military enlistment compressed schedules, and that each member had say in their creative works and promotions. I'm not a manti. But none of the above is a good look. Add up all those fumbles together, and you could make a solid case for mismanagement.
And now today, we see PD Bang on the cover of Billboard (which, OF COURSE, mentioned Blackpink in the same breath).
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JUST LOOK AT THE WAY THE STORY IS BEING SHAPED FOR AMERICAN READERS. You see what's happening here? You think SM is gonna get a cover story for their side of the corporate shakedown?
And then there's this little gem:
"If your question is about the possibility of creating an artist like BTS again, the answer is no. However, if you were to ask whether there would be a K-pop artist from HYBE that tops the Billboard Hot 100 chart, my answer would be yes. [Jimin became the first BTS member to achieve this as a solo act on April 3 when his single “Like Crazy” debuted at No. 1.] The experience of managing BTS and operating different labels gave us access to powerful networks, infrastructures and experiences. With these, HYBE can repeat its remarkable results with the help of talented artists.
Okay so before everyone starts rioting online, take a moment, pause, reflect, think about what all might be going on here, behind the scenes, in this very political world of the music business.
Do I think Bang PD screwed Jimin over to score points with Billboard? No, I do not. But neither do I think Jimin's solo effort is anyone's priority but Jimin's.
"HYBE is primarily focusing on leveraging its accumulated expertise in managing and producing acts that consist of multiple members, rather than solo artists or mixed-gender groups in K-pop."
I think no one ever expected Jimin to make it to #1 on Hot100 and industry insiders felt pretty sure the West wouldn't let him stay in the top 10 the next week. Why? Well, partially racism. But mostly it's bad for their bottom line.
If your entire business model is that people pay for radio play and that gets them on your private chart and the private chart leads to more advertisers and awards... and then someone comes along and DOESN'T pay to play and gets to the top of your chart? Nobody needs you. So you HAVE to sabotage them. You absolutely have to change your rules. (I'm just sitting here waiting for Jimin to release his other songs so that Billboard can change their rules to say you can't be on Hot100 if your name starts with J- and ends with -imin.)
Now, it might have been satisfying for us as fans to see BigHit come out swinging and put Billboard on blast for his sake and ours. But they have ZERO. LEGAL. RECOURSE.
Billboard is privately owned and they can make whatever rules they want. They are part of a larger media company that has connections to every media outlet; no one is gonna publish an exposé any time soon, I promise you. We got exactly ONE English-speaking website to write about it and that was it. Everyone in the industry knows what is going on, and no one has the power to do anything much about it.
So what does that mean for the future?
Well... Bang PD just recently paid a HUGE mark up of $26 million to buy Trevor Noah's home out in LA.
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And now he's on the cover of Billboard. WHY? Neither of these things will result in any immediate payout for him.
It's a long game.
And frankly, a very old and honored way of doing business. It's how they went up against the big three and it's how they are gonna go up against the West, I feel it in my gut.
Bang PD is getting a home on US soil. He will be paying US taxes. He's making in-roads by being nice with Billboard folks. He's making contacts; he's already had phone calls with Pharrell and Bieber and Grande and Laroi. Some of those are already shaping into collabs. We already know Hybe has set up shop in the US with Scooter at the helm.
Meanwhile, BigHit is adjusting in real time to the new rules around the charts (culling is happening to Yoongi too, so they changed up the check-out process of the BTS US Store). Suddenly there's plenty of focus on promoting via TikTok and other viral social media. They are dipping their toe into AI. They are discussing their own in-house ticketing option. This company is looking toward the future and hedging its bets.
Do I know with any certainty what's up their sleeve?
Absolutely not.
Do I trust any corporation very much?
Do I have faith in BTS?
Probably more than anything else in my life, at this point.
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So while I have no insider info, I just feel like the company is making very intentional and methodic footholds into the West. They are not complaining or screaming or suing or threatening anyone. They are not badmouthing competitors or whining about unfair deals. They are laying ground on complicated, political in-roads, one step at a time.
The Expo is in 2030. I'd wager by that time, BTS will have conquered the West and have some radio play.
And I think the company believes that in order to do that, they have to make their new groups profitable while BTS serves. They have to survive for the next two years.
When BTS is back, and their dues have been paid, I think they will be unstoppable. I hope they get to work on solo projects AND group projects. I think they will take over every corner of the world, if managed properly.
They just need to do it in a way that also assuages the Western music industry. The American Powers That Be have a chokehold on music and they will demand their pound of flesh somehow.
I strongly suspect BTS will never pay to play. But they will build relationships and find a way to become so interwoven in the cultural fabric that to deny them a place in Western spaces is to be left behind. And they will do it politely, and gently, and come out smelling like a rose.
So before you go off on social media and scream the walls down about neglect (and there WAS some, in my opinion) and abuse (we don't really know that), just take a moment to consider--if they had no legal recourse against Billboard, how can they beat them at their own game?
The best way to defeat an enemy is to make them a friend.
I'm just guessing here, but I think if fans stay loyal, BTS just might have the last laugh, here. I think they got radio scared as hell.
It sucks that Jimin didn't get fair treatment at this time. He is my bias and I feel it like a knife to my own heart. But he DID make history with his #1 and they can never take it away.
So I say give it time. All the people sniggering at him and BTS right now are going to sing a different tune in the future.
My best guess is that this is a long game, and it will require sacrifices that are totally unfair, but in the end... well, as long as BTS has ARMY, they cannot be denied.
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ask-the-four-lords · 1 month
Heisenburg ive got a few questions for one of the hottest men on the planet
Question 1 do u think u could beat magneto in a fight
Question 2 do u like bacon
Question 3 who's your most and least favorite of the 4 lords
Question 4 do u want help with your experiment's I have some really good ideas for some cyborgs
Question 5 which of the lords do u think u could best in a fight and which do u think u would tie with cause even I know u can't lose
Karl Heisenberg, hottest man on the planet, not just one of the hottest:
1: Oh fuck yeah! That guy is a fuckin' idiot! I have an army he has a stupid looking setta tights! He might have a shot in human form but I can become a god damn titan and the moment I do I'll tear him to shreds.
2: Dear god yes, it's easily top three, 'love that shit. Of course one of the few things I can't do is cook so a couple months back I programmed a machine to cook it perfectly, it's been like *mental math for an exact answer* half of my diet since. It's that or canned beans and military rations anyway. (I understand the intention I just wanted to write him ranting about actual bacon)
3. Here's my ranking list; my favorite of the lords is me. 2nd place is Donner, honestly I actually really like her, she's like the uh opposite of me which I guess is what makes 'er interesting. 3rd place is actually bitchius maximus, I absolutely fucking hate her but deep down I at least kinda respect her. My least favorite is Moreau, it's not that I don't like him, I actually, on a logical scale, am alright with him. He's probably the best guy o' the four of us, minus his love for that FUCKING MONSTER CROW HAG! But I just feel bad for him so I can never really manage to interact with him without feeling sick. It's the only thing that gets much emotion out of me these days, poor bastard.
4. It's very unlikely, but who knows, having a test subject or assistant could come in handy.
5. I know for a fact I could beat Donna, it'd be pretty damn easy if I'm being honest. I could definitely pulverize Moreau, he's pretty damn tough when it comes down to it, it's really all he has going for himself. But still he ain't got nothin' on me. Now unfortunately... *mentally prepares for multiple minutes* there's a solid chance I would tie with Lady D-Bag. It's a shame that'd really be impossible to get her in on the revolution hate her or not. Still, in the end I think if it was one of us, it would be me, because I'm Lord motherfucking Heisenberg. Who the hell do they think they are?!
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skyward-floored · 10 months
“Hero, what ails you?” - Chapter 3
Last chapter! Thanks for reading (or rereading!) my fic :D
First | Previous
Link awoke to the sight of a wooden roof over his head, a throat that felt like he’d gargled rocks, and the distinct and unfortunately familiar feeling of being utterly exhausted.
He laid perfectly still for a few moments while he woke up, listening to the sound of his breath rasping in his chest. Trying to ignore the pounding in his head, he stared blearily at the ceiling, but the sensation was too intense to ignore. Link felt completely drained, and was about to let his eyes slide closed again when he realized he wasn’t quite sure where he was. And that he should probably figure that out to avoid any unpleasant surprises in the near future.
So he blinked his eyes open further with a small groan, looking around where he’d ended up.
Based on the walls and ceiling’s slightly weathered state, it looked like he was in Kakariko, probably the Elde Inn if he’d have to guess. He was lying in a surprisingly comfortable bed in his underclothes, with a sheet on top just thick enough to keep him warm but not so much as to make him overheat. The room seemed familiar to Link as well, in fact... this was where Ralis had stayed when he was injured wasn’t it?
“Ah Link, you’re awake!”
Link turned his head the other way to see Renado standing nearby, looking pleased at the sight of him conscious. He gave Link a warm smile, and set down the book he’d been holding.
“You’ve been out for some time, how are you feeling?” Renado continued as he crossed over to the hero’s bedside.
Link went to answer but broke into a coughing fit instead, the reply catching in his throat and making it ache as his breath rattled painfully in his chest.
“Hm. Still getting there.”
Renado pressed a hand over Link’s chest as he continued to cough, then once he’d finished moved it to his forehead. He hummed in satisfaction, then studied Link’s face.
“Your cough is better, much better,” he said, relief evident in his voice. Link wasn’t so sure about that based on what breathing felt like. “You’re improving very well. When we found you I honestly wasn’t sure you were going to pull through, it took some doing to get you stable.”
Link stared at him, confusion making his head hurt even further.
When they’d found him?
What exactly had he been doing before now? He was sure he hadn’t been in Kakariko the last time he’d been conscious, but... how did he get here? Link tried to think back to what he’d been doing before he was asleep, but his mind came up annoyingly blank, still foggy from just waking up.
“Re...” he began, but his voice died out on him. He cleared his throat and tried again, and was pleased when the words behaved somewhat. “Renado, was there... anyone...” Link trailed off, blinking tiredly. “How’d... I get here? Did someone bring me?”
The healer raised an eyebrow at him as he continued his examination.
“You were alone on my doorstep when we found you, with a nasty fever and one of the worst coughs I’ve personally ever seen. Nobody else was there,” he explained gently, peering at Link’s eyelids.
Link frowned.
The last thing he really remembered was the Shade sending him out of the realm where he taught him the hidden skills, then telling him Kakariko would be the ideal spot for him to go. Everything after that was just a haze of coughing and muggy darkness.
And... arms.
Arms that weren’t warm but were comfortable all the same, that held him the same way Rusl used to when he was small and loved being carried about. Gentle, but solid. Safe.
Link opened his mouth so Renado could check his throat, but only half-focused on whatever it was he was saying. Someone had carried him here, he was sure of it now.
But who?
Renado helped him sit up a little, handing him a cup and telling him to drink while he continued checking him over.
“I assumed you’d managed to get here yourself. Did someone take you?” the healer asked, checking his nose as he began to drink.
Link sipped the water, giving a small shrug. He wasn’t entirely sure what had happened other then he’d ended up here somehow after being with the Shade. And he couldn’t exactly explain him to Renado.
Renado finished his examination a few minutes later, and told Link that he should get some more rest. Then he left the room, but not before promising to bring some food up in a bit.
The moment the healer left Link’s shadow wavered, and the familiar form of Midna popped up, a hand resting on her hip. She looked down at him, face unreadable, before she flashed him an uncaring smirk.
“Well well, sleeping beauty awakens. All better wolf boy?”
Link couldn’t help the smile that tugged his cheeks. “Getting there Midna,” he rasped, “I’ll be... good to go within a day or two.”
Renado had said at least a week, but Link had always been a quick healer.
Midna looked him over for a bit then nodded to herself. “Good. Sooner you get your behind out of bed the sooner we can go kick Zant’s sorry carcass into oblivion.”
He laughed at that, though it quickly turned into a coughing fit.
Midna jerked like she was about to go to his side, but stopped herself, instead zipping over to a bookshelf as if that was where she’d been headed the entire time. Link watched her scan the shelves and pick a book as he finished hacking, the imp blowing some dust off the thing and studying the cover boredly before chucking it to the side and reaching for another.
“Hey Midna...” he asked as she rifled through the books on the shelf, “how did I get here?”
The shadowy imp stopped digging and stared at him, an eyebrow raised.
“You don’t remember?”
Link shook his head.
Midna snorted, then burst into laughter, clutching her sides as she floated into the middle of the room. “You don’t? Oh you really don’t remember! Spirits that’s hilarious, he gets dragged halfway across Hyrule and owes his life to the guy, but doesn’t even remember him doing it!”
Link watched her cackle, completely unamused. “I don’t exactly see what’s so funny about that,” he rasped.
Midna wiped a tear out of her eye, still chuckling to herself. “Your sense of humor is terrible then.”
Link huffed. “Okay fine. Would you mind telling me who did bring me here?” he asked, crossing his arms. “I’m sure it wasn’t you with those skinny little legs.”
Midna’s laughter finally stopped. “Watch it wolf boy, or maybe I’ll decide to keep it to myself.”
Link rolled his eyes but didn’t say anything else, raising his eyebrows at her in a pleading sort of way. A sigh came from the bookshelf, and Midna floated back over to his bed, rolling her eyes back at him.
She landed by his feet and crossed her arms behind her head as she looked at him, then examined the sheet underneath her.
“It was your mentor guy. That gold wolf you know?” she explained, “He got all un-skeletony then carried you across most of Hyrule Field. Brought you here then left, though he was acting pretty strange the whole time. Kinda clingy. More... emotional, I guess.”
Link stared at her.
The enigmatic skeleton who taught him songs and long-forgotten sword techniques had carried him all the way to Kakariko? He was the one who’s hold had felt so weirdly familiar?
He cared enough for Link to drag him all the way here?
“He— he did?” Link rasped, though if it was from his cough or the shock he wasn’t sure. “He really did? He got... un-skeletony? Since— since when could he do that—“ his voice cracked on the last word, and he broke into another coughing fit, this one going on much longer than the others had.
Midna watched him cough for a minute before finally breaking down and floating up to his side, hesitantly thumping him on the back as his hacking continued.
“Yeah Link, he did,” she said a little quietly, voice oddly serious. “You were in bad shape, so much that teleporting you wasn’t an option. I’m not sure I’ve ever seen anyone get that sick before, at one point you weren’t—”
She cut off and looked away.
It took a bit for her to speak again, and when she did, her voice was still unusually quiet.
“You know, I think he saved your life.”
Link’s coughs finally waned, and he leaned back on the pillow, staring exhaustedly up at the ceiling.
He hadn’t even considered the Shade had been the one to carry him here. Sure he was the skeleton’s somewhat-accidental student, but taking him all the way to Kakariko?
The Shade seemed to stick solely to certain spots, only choice locations around Hyrule, and in his own strange realm. He’d never said he couldn’t be in other areas but Link always felt like it was implied, like it was physically more difficult for him to be in the waking world so he limited his time here.
He’d gone against that for Link?
The hero rubbed a hand across his eyes, his headache growing worse. There was a piece of information he was missing here, but he was too exhausted to even try and figure out what it was right now.
He held back a yawn, and felt hands push him down the rest of the way until he was fully laying down. Link’s blanket was haphazardly tossed over him, and he felt his eyelids droop.
“Get some more rest wolf, we’ve got places to be,” Midna said lightly, the sass already back in her voice. “We can talk more tomorrow.”
Link didn’t even hear her. He was already back asleep.
Link spent the next several days recovering in Kakariko under the watchful eye of Renado, and Luda as well. He felt plenty rested by the third day and decided to get a move on, but the healer immediately stopped him and repeated his orders that he wasn’t allowed to leave for at least a week.
“Link, I’ll tell you straight; you nearly died,” he said sternly, “your body needs to recover much more before you even think about continuing on your way.”
Which was ridiculous because Link felt perfectly fine.
All he had was a bit of a lingering cough, and an on and off headache that bothered him occasionally. Maybe he tired a bit more quickly now too, but it would hardly get better if he just sat around and rested.
So despite the warning, Link repeatedly tried to slip out of the village and get a move on.
But Renado knew him well by now, and had enlisted the help of the gorons and Ordon kids in keeping Link confined. He was never able get past all of them without being seen, his body too weak for him to run terribly far if he was spotted. After an attempt when one of the gorons had to actually carry him back after he’d gone into a particularly severe coughing fit, he’d begrudgingly admitted that maybe Renado had a point.
Even Midna mentioned he might want to wait a bit longer before going, stating that if he left as he was “he’d only make a mess of things,” and he was an idiot for pushing himself again.
He ended up spending a further week and a half in Kakariko recovering.
The extended rest gave him plenty of time to mull things over regarding the Shade and what exactly had happened that night he’d seen him, and though Midna continued to be dodgy about the details, he at least managed to pick up that he had stopped breathing at one point.
And apparently the Shade had gotten it going again.
He still couldn’t quite wrap his head around the fact that he’d been the one to bring him to Kakariko. It was as if his brain just refused to believe it. He just couldn’t equate the stern skeleton who taught him deadly sword techniques with the gentle arms he remembered carrying him here.
But he did know he needed to apologize for having to be carried in the first place.
So once he was finally healthy enough to leave and he bid goodbye to the residents of the village, Link already knew exactly where he’d head first.
Link dismounted Epona and walked into the clearing where he’d met the Shade last, his heart thudding nervously in his chest.
He’d practically been stumbling the last time he’d been here, stubbornly convincing himself he was healthy enough to learn a new skill. Even despite the voice in his head that had sounded suspiciously like Uli’s reminding him not to push himself.
Link sighed. Looking back on it he felt like such an idiot.
He glanced around the clearing, scanning for the familiar wolf form and red eye of his teacher through the dappled sunlight. He wasn’t quite sure the wolf would even be there, but he was pleasantly surprised to see his gold fur shining in the morning sun, ears perked as he came into view.
Link swallowed and came forward, feeling the wolf’s eye follow him as he walked closer. He reached a certain distance away from the wolf, then pulled out his sword and faced him as he usually did.
A few seconds went by without the wolf doing anything and Link started to sweat.
He’d been so foolish, would the Shade even want to teach him more sword techniques? He’d been such a problem last time, he wouldn’t even blame him if he just left Link standing here like an idiot. He’d certainly deserve it.
But then the wolf growled and leapt at his face, and Link’s world went white.
He came back to himself gradually, the familiar sensation of what felt like a mist clearing from his head greeting him as he awoke.
Link blinked his eyes open and got to his feet, looking for and spotting the wolf who sat patiently a few feet in front of him. The beast stared at Link for a moment, then howled, changing seamlessly from a wolf to a skeleton.
The Shade stood silently in front of him, all six or so feet of large undead skeleton, and Link felt another wave of nervousness hit.
He swallowed and calmed his racing heart, not even letting the Shade start with his usual greeting before he began to talk.
“I... I want to thank you,” he said, and the Shade silently watched him. “For bringing me to Kakariko. And for... for saving my life. I’m sorry you had to drag me around, I’m incredibly grateful.”
He cleared his throat and ignored the faint urge to cough. “I... I hope I can make it up to you. For your trouble. I apologize for insisting I was fine during the last lesson.”
He bowed his head. “I understand if you no longer wish to pass your techniques on to me.”
Silence settled between them, and Link swallowed, continuing to look at his feet. He flicked his eyes up to gauge the Shade’s reaction, and gulped as he saw that he was merely continuing to stare.
Then he stalked forwards towards him, and Link shrank back, expecting a rebuke.
But he was utterly surprised when instead his teacher settled a gloved hand on his shoulder, giving it an oddly gentle squeeze as he looked at Link.
“I’m glad you are all right,” he said softly.
Link fully raised his head and blinked at him in astonishment.
“It does me good to see you on your own two feet again,” the skeleton continued, “and you do not need to repay me, nor apologize for my involvement.”
The Shade closed his good eye. “I would do it again in a heartbeat.”
Link could only gape.
Then his manners kicked in and he gave the Shade a grateful nod.
“It was foolish for you to let yourself deteriorate to the point of sickness, but you’ve certainly learned your lesson,” the skeleton continued with what Link swore was a hint of amusement. “I said I would wait for you, and I have. You are healthy enough now to learn the next skill I presume?”
Link nodded, looking the skeleton steadily in the eye.
There was still an unsolved puzzle about the Shade he had no answer to, something that connected him and Link closer then just the bond of teacher and student. But Link had time to figure it out. His quest was far from over, and the Shade still had several techniques to pass on.
He’d figure it out someday.
“Then, enough time has been wasted. Let us proceed with the lesson,” the Shade proclaimed, drawing his weapon with a hiss of steel. Link drew his own, getting into a ready position as the skeleton drew back.
The Shade turned and raised his sword, his one eye glinting almost fondly at Link.
“You have a kingdom to save.”
And Link smiled, raising the Master Sword in return.
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ciaossu-imagines · 5 months
No offence but why should people have to pay for stuff from you when 99% of creators on here would post the same things for free
Well, I really debated just deleting this. I really did. Or plain out blocking this anon. Because I really do try to ignore negativity in the inbox, truly, and normally do delete it. But I'll answer this one, in a mo', after I first say...putting no offense in front of an ask that is meant to be rude, to either hurt my feelings or make me feel bad, doesn't suddenly make it inoffensive. In fact, pretty much guaranteed that if you feel the need stick 'no offense' in front of something, you know it'll be offensive, or at the very least, rude, and you're trying to excuse a dick move. Question too...are you sending this ask to every fanartist accepting commissions too, or just the writers? My guess is a solid no, but hey, maybe you can prove me wrong.
Next point - nobody should be paying me anything right now. My commissions are temporarily closed. I'm not really accepting any at the moment because I'm on day 10 of a stretch of 12 days at work before I have one day off, after which I pull another 12 days before I get 2 whole days off. I'm struggling to find time to finish the two commissions I do have and to write to build up the queue on here again so I can continue to put out things on here again. I'm pulling at least one all-nighter a week just to make progress on those two things.
Again - free stuff. Because I definitely do offer lots of that. Commissions are done on top of me writing plenty for free, not instead of. It's simply not as long, or as detailed, and has rules around what I'll comfortably write.
Now onto actual commissions. All but two of the commissions I've handled have been incredibly personalized, either match ups for the actual person on the other side of the screen or working with people's self-inserts or OCs. The two that weren't were for incredibly rare pairs that don't have a lot of people writing for them (ShouheixYata from K Project and Sherlock Holmes (novel version) x Hiruma Yoichi from Eyeshield 21. Please show me even 5% of tumblr routinely putting out content for those pairings because I would enjoy reading anything from them.
For my match ups, smutty ones are at least 5 pages, while romantic and platonic ones have never gone below 7 pages and have, at times, gone as long as 15 pages and include intensely thought out explanations of why they're compatible with that character, what the relationship would be like, how the commissioner fits into the Canon universe, and at least 3, usually more other characters they could be compatible with, how those characters would know the commissioner and fit into their story and why the relationship might not work. I struggle to find blogs willing to do matchups even half that length and intricacy so please, direct me to the 95% of writers that will do that for free.
For my stories, the shortest I've done was 10 pages where I made a whole $1 per page. The longest has been 65 pages where I made $50. They all also come with a music mix and a storyboard with alternate ways the story could have gone and at least 5 new headcanons about the OC and the ship. Please, again, direct me to the 95% of tumblr writers willing to do that for someone else's self-insert ship or OC ship for free, of that length, with the extras. Most writers I know might occasionally write a friend's OC but not just anyone's and usually not 30-60 pages for them.
Long story short, I don't force anyone to commission me. If you don't want to and just want to enjoy the free stuff, that's perfectly cool with me! If you don't like that I take commissions, block me. If you feel everything I write is so generic and boring that 95% of other writers have wrote the exact same thing, my blog isn't for you, block me.
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
Welcome To Demon School! Iruma-Kun Volume 1: The Misfits
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It's been several years at this point since I stumbled across Iruma-Kun as an anime. Three seasons deep with all sorts of content and arcs, and a mountain of manga chapters and volumes I never thought I'd get in English. But it's here. Somehow, it's made it here and I'm endlessly excited about that. How does it measure up to the anime? How does the source material differ? What's the art style like? Is there any dropped content? How does the pacing compare? So, so many questions that I can finally answer.
The short of it though? People should absolutely be picking up this manga. It's friendly and welcoming for all ages without feeling too childish or mature, Kodansha's giving it a nice and quick release schedule, it's got 3 Seasons of anime to watch to see if you'll like it, and there's plenty of spinoffs that have a chance to make it over here if this release does well!
⚠️Warning: Spoilers Ahead⚠️
I think the most noticeable difference is in the art. To summarize it, Nishi's style in the manga is rather different to the anime. It's what you might call malleable. The proportions, lighting, even aspects of the core character design ebb and flow depending on the scene they're in. Line thickness and texture moves around, shading and color differs from character to character, and even chibi designs have wiggle room in how they're shown.
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It's really interesting, because through these 4 panels, there's not really a stellar amount of visual similarity in how things are drawn. The shading on Iruma's (top left) clothes vs Kalego's (bottom right) is different, and Kalego's hair has shading and texture while Iruma's doesn't. Azz-Kun (bottom left) has heavy line weight while Sullivan (top right) is a far lighter line weight. It's incredibly curious, because I wouldn't say any of these pages bear much resemblance to one another in how they're drawn, but they're undeniably all from the same artist. It's a really great feat to provide so much consistent variance in art style for the series.
Alongside that, I must say I'm impressed with the paneling as well. You can get a really solid grasp of it from Iruma and Azz-Kun's pages above. There's a lot of variance and different approaches to similar content.
There's different perspectives, angles, and everything keep it all fresh and interesting, and the shapes of the panels are really commendable. It constantly refuses to use clear cut rectangles and squares, and tries its damnedest to put a creative spin on it. Even in pages like this one, all of the panels have an irregular side. At least one line in the rectangle is angled or cut off. It's such a simple thing, but it makes it such a more interesting read as you're not constantly looking at a bunch of plain squares.
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Though, I guess I should take a break from the visual stuff, and talk about story, yeah?
I'm pretty surprised, there's a lot of great moments from the anime that were extrapolated from very minimal context or interaction, and even some that don't appear in the manga. Inconsequential pieces in terms of story, but really great work to expand on the nature and feel of the manga.
Saying that though, there's just as many moments that go shot for shot between the two, like Iruma and Azz-Kun's fight.
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Or Iruma's entrance into the Misfit's classroom.
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In addition to that, it's really cool to see how well planned this story is. Being a manga you get to soak up those pieces a lot better, and notice background details and things like that. Just take a look at this panel. Yes, Clara's in it, but there's somebody on the left side as well. Jazz makes an appearance here, and for good reason! Such a fun little detail, and just one example of many that exist within the manga that either didn't make it to the anime, or that I didn't notice in the anime.
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Now, the elephant in the room: Lied. His early design is certainly something. I wouldn't say I hate it, but I also wouldn't deny that I vastly prefer his newer/current design a hundred times over. Basically the only design that sees noticeable change through the story, and for good reason. Also, Kerori in the background.
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Also, I really just have to give it up for Nishi's art. You get a taste of it in the anime, but it feels so much stronger throughout this first volume of the manga. They like their perspective pieces, and they really like playing with heaver line weight to create tension and energy, and I'm all for it. It's a really fluid experience overall, and is great at selling readers on a more dynamic feel to the art and characters.
Pieces like this where the lines of the panels begin to warp and change, just such cool details that really show how pervasive Nishi's style is to the overall work, how when the style shifts, the whole perception of the sequence does.
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I also feel like this spread is a really great example of why I like Nishi's character designs. They're all incredibly unique, and share very little to tie them to one another. All different outfits, proportions, and features. Clara's got a completely different style to Iruma, who's got a completely different style to Azz-Kun. It's a world of characters in a single story, and really never gets old.
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And lastly, here's one of those perspective pieces I was talking about earlier. Nishi doesn't blindly use it to make for cool and more 3 dimensional panels or pages, but to convey something. A stretched out panel of Iruma fretting over being a human at a demon school, or in this case, a skewed perspective to sell the scale and grandeur of the Demon King. We're only at his feet, out of the entirety of his presence, Nishi is showing us where we're at in the story currently. It's a really great idea that just blends implicitly with "big Demon King is cool as hell".
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So, at the end of this first volume, I'm thoroughly impressed with both the anime and the manga. The anime really grasps the material well and finds a way to heighten a lot of it, while the manga loses very little expression despite its relative handicap to the anime. Both are undeniably great, and both are certainly worth experiencing.
The energy remains apparent, the story is untouched and in its purest form, the art is all over the place in the best way, and the feel of Iruma-Kun is still so wonderfully strong. The silly nature that will have you breaking out in a laugh at the smallest things remains, and that warm feeling you get from the cuter moments is still there. It's still the same Iruma-Kun I know and love from the anime, and still places at the top of shounen manga that everybody should give a chance.
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Sorry pls ignore my last ask BPP. Your point about Seven being the 'Dynamite' equivalent in solo era is a good one and explains the treatment it got. After the BB article I also now understand why BH dropped LC. If BB believed the LC record was 'tainted' with Chinese cash and BH never had that 'Dynamite' promotion plan for it, everything that's happened makes sense. But it still leaves a nasty taste in my mouth. I can't wash it out. Are we now at the mercy of BB's whims? Also don't you find the support for Seven excessive? Is the elimination of direct to consumer sales enough to explain that kind of support to keep it number 1? I'm just trying to understand how the company is thinking about things without victimizing the members. They all seem to be still working with purpose so I feel they don't feel shortchanged, but from the outside looking inside it doesn't feel fair.
Ask 2:
Re: bb article
1. Do you think there will be additional changes coming, making sales even less relevant for bb charts?
2. I absolutely hate that it is again Jimin that takes the brunt of all this bulshit, I really do. He doesnt deserve this at all. But he is strong, he will be OK. That being said, its making me really upset IRL, so I will have to do some me time.
3. I would be interested to know your outlook on BB as a whole when it comes to BTS and their future in US market (if you have talked about this pls refer me to the post)
My opinion is, that while BB is paramount when it comes to big awards season, eventually BB and the awards themselves serve as a kind of promotion, to validate the artist to their (potential) fanbase, keep them invested etc. BTS guys do all of that on their own, with their music, personalities and lyrics. So going forward, if they dont chart as much, dont win as much... It will not matter in the long run. Their fan base is so solid that I trully believe they will have no problem selling multiple stadium stops 25 years from now. Easily.
There will be a significant fandom fall off, when all the people who are here for bragging rights lose their interest. And that is a good thing... But the people who will stay, who love the guys for who they are and for their art, those whose love does not depend on how many grammy noms or BB H100 they recieve... These people will stay and buy the tickets. And their numbers will still be enourmous. Enviable. More than the majority of the western industry plants can only dream of.
Rant over. Have a good weekend
Ask 3:
The latest Billboard discussion is disheartening, but the NYT article description of U.S. conservatives aping the tactics of Swifties and BTS fans to get their nefarious messaging across is even more so. Have we opened the gate for the Trumpsters of the world?
I was struck by this partvof the original question to you"
'... figure out a way to truly determine which songs are most popular (whatever that even means anymore)....'
So, how can we ever know what is truly popular? Are fervent fans willing to devote time and resources to get their fave to the top really the best arbiters? Even if they number in the millions, we are still looking at support that is far deeper than it is wide.
I mean, better than the suits deciding, I guess? Or is it just another group--this one outside of the target country--imposing their agenda on the population? One has the goal of making money; the other of winning a fan war.
So, how do we ascertain what is truly popular with the much-vaunted GP? Or doesn't it matter?
I've said many times on this blog that I'm not a writer, and that English isn't my first language, so I suppose it's unsurprising that despite my efforts putting my thoughts to paper/Tumblr, I'm still unable to fully communicate it in a way people understand right away, to eliminate/answer a lot of questions that I believe should be clear to infer from what I've written before. So rather than write a massive post like before where my key points could get lost, I'll pick out key questions from your asks and give fairly brief answers to each one. I'll work my way from the top, down.
Hi Anon(s),
Select answers below:
"Also don't you find the support for Seven excessive? Is the elimination of direct to consumer sales enough to explain that kind of support to keep it number 1?"
I think the results speak for itself. Dynamite and the PET got what is easily the biggest support any BTS release had gotten to date at the time - all of it tailored to mirror how American labels promoted their tracks, *and* the fandom had D2C sales buttressing it as the primary support mechanism. Like, please read that sentence again and think about what it means. Sales are the easiest and most transparent way for the fandom to influence charts, and so was always preferred for ARMY. Even if you weren't in the fandom then, understand it's impossible to overstate how much D2C sales mattered. With that now out of the question, everything we're seeing for Seven for me feels like a given, especially after the Billboard article.
"Do you think there will be additional changes coming, making sales even less relevant for bb charts?"
Yes. But not 'less relevant' in a sense, more like differentiated and treated as its own thing, perhaps in a separate chart.
"I would be interested to know your outlook on BB as a whole when it comes to BTS and their future in US market (if you have talked about this pls refer me to the post)"
This probably requires its own post but the long-short of it is: just like Ticketmaster, Billboard is only one arm of one of the largest private monopolies in the US entertainment market - PMC, and as such they serve as gatekeepers of sorts. Their interest in BTS (and k-pop by extension) lies primarily in how they can profit off the group/fandom, which so far BigHit and ARMY have created very limited avenues for. BigHit's strategy until now has been to expand BTS's reach without relying on the PMC apparatus, using it only for select releases that are explicitly tailored for it e.g. Seven and PET. While I don't think this strategy will change dramatically, every change from BB is to force more compliance with their apparatus. BTS will continue facing handicaps from PMC so long as BigHit continues limiting how PMC can profit from BTS for each release. (This sentence makes sense in my head but if it's not clear, please let me know.)
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"Have we opened the gate for the Trumpsters of the world?"
Well, yeah. But ARMYs can't take all the credit. After all, ARMYs are only doing what the Bey Hive and Swifties have been doing for almost a decade with none of the scrutiny. BTS, more than any other group, actually has the absolute numbers in demand and grassroots support to justify it as they're comparable to the afore-mentioned artists, proven by their concert showings not just in the US but worldwide, as far back as 2018. People only started paying attention to ARMYs' movements because BTS didn't look like the sorts of people they expected to see at the top of the charts. Everybody took notice, including a political faction in the US that in recent years has moved more aggressively into the entertainment sphere to influence culture, such as Ben Shapiro's entertainment empire, movies like Sound of Freedom topping box office charts, and conservative country singers pushing Reagan-esque talking points to the top of music charts. So it's basically the result of timing and opportunity.
"So, how can we ever know what is truly popular? Are fervent fans willing to devote time and resources to get their fave to the top really the best arbiters? ... how do we ascertain what is truly popular with the much-vaunted GP?"
I've talked about this before I think. You can find my views on it in my Masterlist, and I've linked the post here.
People sent in more asks on BB but I've since lost interest in this topic and will post my responses when I feel like it, much later, using the same format I've used to answer the asks above. The truth is that while I understand why many people feel like everything that's happened so far with Seven and Jimin is unfair, I think a lot of the discourse is awfully reductive, actually does a disservice to Jimin and BTS, and that there's a much bigger picture here that's more consistent with how BTS has operated for the last 10 years.
This is probably not the best analogy, but one way I think of BTS is like a Swiss army knife, with each member being a separate tool. And that at different points, in various markets, BigHit and BTS are testing various approaches to expand their reach while aiming to maintain the market share they've gotten so far. The group has always had projects they release that have more artistic merit and cache, versus projects made by all appearances to be purely for commercial purposes to expand the reach of the group. For example, consider how BigHit promoted Butter/Permission to Dance, compared to the BE album, or how Seven was created and promoted relative to Indigo. To go back in even further in previous years, I remember how BTS appeared to center Jimin in Blood, Sweat & Tears era to build out his and their presence in Korea, and Taehyung in DNA era where his and BTS's presence in China ballooned in 2017.
While in the solo era some people feel like every accomplishment remains solely with individual members, I feel everything serves only one purpose: to further establish the group. Because by BTS's own words, they all have their individual ambitions, they've always had that and each member is aggressively competitive on that note, but they've each all said that their priority remains the group. Not everybody likes that, not everybody believes them when they say it, but the good thing with BTS is that they plan in multi-year stints and time always reveals what the facts of the matter are. We're only one year into Chapter 2, and while certain parts of the fandom are treating their solo debut albums as the be all and end all, I don't think there's anything to suggest this perspective lines up with the reality of how BTS has behaved for the last 10 years. I could be wrong, but either way we're just going to have to wait and see. In the meantime, I believe there's significant artistic merit in what the guys are putting out in Chapter 2, that I hope isn't lost in the noise. The fandom should do a better job of bringing the attention back to this, rather than a tunnel-vision on performance metrics that only tell half of the story.
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bromcommie · 4 months
MAXX! :))) hope you are well.
for the emoji fanfic ask game ;)
Sorry for so many haha, you don't need to answer them all, but I'm very curious!
Hiii thank you for the abundant ask<3
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
This might not be a particularly interesting answer but the only thing that I’ve really been trying to work on has been the structure and pacing of the next few chapters of orpheus, since I have them all mostly written but can’t get to a place where I’m really happy with them. I might be overthinking it. Unfortunately I also just haven’t had the time + energy to sit myself down and really figure it out. :( Ergo all the snippets, which is the only way I can get something out at least.
In slightly better news: I kind of have the next two installments in the I clawed my way into the light series finished?? Sam and Steve and their collective and individual issues are finally getting their moment in the strange, poetry-question-mark spotlight!
However I’ve got some intense life stuff coming up so it might be a month or so until I post any of the aforementioned in full 😭
🎶 Do you listen to music while you write? What song have you been playing on loop lately?
I usually do, and I have unhealthily elaborate playlists for all the characters + some fic-specific ones, but recently I’ve found listening to anything with distinct words in it messes with my concentration. But in terms of what’s being playing on loop: Dorma and to a lesser extent Marionette by Keaton Henson (all of his instrumentals are *chefs kiss* but in general I’ve just been having a Keaton renaissance when it comes to stevebucky. Welcome back 2016 I guess)
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
I’m a “never say never” kind of person, but… Hydra Trash Party. Which, I know, is ironic considering one of the very few fics I have up right now features Steve/Rumlow, but that one while still meant to be kinda fucked up is very much purposefully neither here nor there (and non-explicit). I just personally don’t enjoy reading HTP and it’d probably mess me up way more than I’d like to try and write. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
Answered this guy here!
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
This is…not even a snippet, tbh, but also I don’t know when I’ll actually have the time to rework/finish this, so. Just for you, a very long Natasha-focused (plus) wip half-scene under the cut:
“Most other animals only smile when they mean to attack. Did you know that? You should never hold your hand out to a dog whose gums you can see,” Ivan’d said, dabbing at the bloody bite on her chin with a towel that smelled like a distillery, impish twist to his thick mustache. “Or a man who smiles too much, for that matter.”
Natasha only saw the dog once after that. A month later Ivan hadn’t come back to the house for a week and she went out looking the next day, winding her way out of the dead-end street and all the way up Nevsky Prospekt, looping past the crowds gathering water out of shelling holes and the hospital that was now blackened by fresh, smoldering ruins. She walked until the light on the horizon had grown tired and purple, until her legs had almost given out and she had to sit down on the icy pavement. The body of a frail old man lay face down on the ground by the side of the road across from her, his cap thrown back a few meters away and the bald top of his head unnaturally caved in, matching the bruised coloring of the sunset.
It took her a long moment to notice the dog, its bent form and the crumpled body forming a singular silhouette.
The memory is transmuted, stretched thin and faded in places – from time, for a change, she thinks, instead of just manipulation. But she still remembers her hand closed around a solid weight in her pocket, a comfort against the deafening pounding of her heart. She remembers the dog with its lifted head, its snout soaked red and sickly gums anything but bloodless for the first time. Remembers that split second of hurling the brick at it with all the might her thin body could manage.
It wasn’t a thought-out act or even self-preservation, really. The dog had been far away and otherwise preoccupied. It wouldn’t have bothered her. The reasoning was bone-deep and nauseating: she hadn’t eaten in two days, the only person who had cared for her was gone, and the sight of the blood had made her stomach growl. That brick was her only defense against a world tilted entirely off its axis.
It was a while before she fully understood what Ivan had meant by that joking addendum to an otherwise plain instruction, too cryptic for her mind to decipher at that age. It took one too many broken bones and one too many greedy hands on her body and one too many lifetimes lived unwillingly for it to fully translate.
Now, looking at Rumlow grinning that familiar killer smile and thinking he’s hit gold, it’s crystal fucking clear.
It isn’t new, really. She’s met many men like him, often enough that the novelty of exposing them has worn off: ordinary men, utterly predictable in their enjoyment of violence and small in the way of not being able to shape their fear into something more useful. Men who thought their want for power made them anything other than a soft target. Men who thought that, when the time came, they'd be above begging for their life.
It gets boring, after a while, how quickly they all learn. She should know. It’s what gave her her name, back before she decided to hang up that particular title, trade it in for an upgraded version, a cleaner image. Black Widow, Avenger! has a far better ring to it than Black Widow, assassin.
Just because you stop calling a thing something doesn’t mean it stops being it, of course. It might forget, for a while, become domesticated; but the nature is still there.
The children of the Red Room all understood that from the time they could walk. The Soldier understood that, or at least well enough that they had to keep burning it out of him.
“Shit. Is that what this is, then? Really?" Rumlow is saying, still derisive through cracked teeth, still playing a game he thinks he knows the rules to. "You got yourself a spot on the five o’clock news under Captain fucking America and suddenly you think that makes you the guy with the bigger stick? That that changes fuck all for you?”
“Oh, no. Believe you me, I tried being that guy. It didn’t end well for me. Or anyone else, really.” She inches the chair forward, the scrape of the metal loud in the empty apartment, and makes her voice drop to a conspiratorial tone. “But you wanna know what I realized? There are always going to be little men with big sticks, and most of us will never get to be them. And it turns out it doesn’t matter all that much in the end.”
“Big or little, every stick has its breaking point. Every weapon has its expiration date. You live through a regime or two, and you start to catch onto that real quick.” She cocks her head at him with a pensive expression, fingers running absent over that same old thin line under her chin by habit.
In retrospect, the dog she came to understand much quicker than the advice. Natasha had been hungry and afraid most of her life, too.
It’s not the only scar she has by far, but it carries the most straightforward memory. For years it served as a reminder, as banal as it was, of what trust was worth; of what you could do when you got your grubby little hands on it.
“I suppose they wouldn't teach you this since the shelf life of your usefulness was never meant to be all that long, but let me tell you a secret, Brock,” she continues, flipping the knife back the right way around and leaning in. Sunny side up, Yelena used to call it, wry. Drive it in far back enough, right past the optic nerve, and everything spills right out. She doesn’t miss the way Rumlow’s eyes track the motion, the whites showing just enough; the first crack in the facade. "You don't beat the guy with a big stick by getting a bigger one. You do it by making him think he's got you under his boot, you understand? That he’s got you all figured out. You beat him by making your spine less breakable than the stick.”
Here’s the other thing about trust: if you keep yourself in the business of lying to earn it, that’s all people start to expect from you. Your loyalty is immediately suspect. So is your anger. You keep yourself leashed for long enough, everything becomes a dishonest front, even to yourself.
Like anything else in life, it becomes a habit. A very useful, easy one, at that. Or at least until one day you wake up and you realize that the parts of you you were working to protect are dying out; withering. They’re forgetting their own name.
The attempt at a headbutt is predictable at best. She backhands him for it, follows up with the handle of the knife on the second strike for good measure.
“Now that wasn’t very smart, was it?” She says, admonishing. “And to think we were getting somewhere.”
“Was that sermon meant to get me to talk?” Rumlow manages after a heaving moment. There’s a long gash down his cheek that’s deepened, bleeding steadily onto his front. It paints less than a pretty picture with the swelling that’s already pinkening up, bringing the angry criss-cross of scarring over the rest of his pale face into sharp relief, but it feels strangely at home. Not that artistic vision’s ever been her strong suit. “Because if you think getting smacked around some really counts for anything other than good foreplay, you’ve really lost your touch.” He looks back up to grin at her, a useless show of fearlessness. “Hell, ask Rogers. I’m sure that’ll be an interesting conversation.”
But fuck, it’s hard work, breaking a habit. Even harder work: honesty. Graceless and inarticulate and inefficient, like the feeling boiling back up in her now as she looks at Rumlow, the bloody flash of his canines in the dark, and thinks of that paralyzing feeling on the wrong side of an OR window, the shameful horror of letting the world be spun on its axis and pulled from under her again. Thinks of Rogers with his broad shoulders curling in and in and in, the whole of him turned inside out in a deserted parking lot. Trust given and earned.
The next blow has Rumlow spitting teeth.
"Nah. Just thinking out loud." The knife stops half an inch under his eye, makes a home in the oasis of bruised yet unmarred skin.
Rumlow doesn’t flinch. For all of his talk, he still knows better. But she can see how his whole body freezes up, an uninterrupted taut line; the exact moment it registers for him, just how much of the picture he’s missing.
Volchonok, Ivan had called her for a while, in those early days. It’d never stuck like Black Widow did, never had the same marketing potential, but it’d never really stopped applying, either. Hungry and afraid and alone and willing to kill for the things that made her less so.
The name might’ve changed, the circumstances. The nature didn’t.
Natasha smiles; too many teeth, bloodless. "How much can your spine handle, do you think?"
It’s all too easy, in the end, to let the leash go.
(I’m sorry??)
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theclearblue · 8 months
Ok, ship ask but this time shoujo/josei edition... (just saw your top fav manga list, love them 🥰). What do you think of these ships :
Fruits Basket :
- Yuki / Kakeru (sorry I don't really ship him with Maki)
- Hanajima / Uotani (kinda dislike end pairing for Arisa, she deserve better)
Yona of the Dawn (don't get me wrong, I love Yona/Hak but I like these ships too) :
- Suwon/Hak & Yona/ Lili
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu
- Kikuhiku/ Sukeroku (one of my fav ship, tragic yaoi, I really dislike 'that woman' that ruin everything for my ship)
Sorry if my ask got too long, you can pick whichever ship that you want....
Hello again anon!! Love to see you pop up in here and I'm happy to answer all of these lol 🫡
Ship it
1. Not sure if there was one specific moment for me, but I think just seeing their friendship develop over time to the point where Yuki is able to really open up to a friend for the first time is a really compelling journey for Yuki!
2. I think it's funny how Kakeru is able to just piss off Yuki with his antics lmao, but it's also kind of a big moment for Yuki where he isn't pretending to play this "prince" character, Kakeru is able to draw the real Yuki out.
3. Hmm I do probably ship Yuki with both Kakeru and Maki, I like both pairings in different ways
Ship it
1. Ahhh I don't think there's ever just a moment but these are the most obvious lesbians of all time ajaksldlvl. Love their opposite vibes but they way they both scare everyone around them and are #1 Toohru protectors is soooo funny and also iconic.
2. I suppose I answered it in the previous section lmao but I think there's such a pure love between them and the love that they share for Toohru they just look out for each other so well and their opposite vibes are so cool, especially because it's like no big deal at all to them.
3. Anon you're so right WHY DID UOTANI END UP WITH A MAAAAAANNNN. Technically not sbout the ship I guess but yeah I really wasn't a big fan of Kureno and her ending up together, felt homophobic 💀
Ship It (Lightly)
1. This is like on the border because even though I'm usually a big multishipper, Yona/Hak are really It for me ya know. I also hc Suwon as aro/ace, but there is some real good potential with Suwon/Hak, and I'm sure this will come as a surprise (after saying it for 500th time ajslslf) but I'm a big angst enjoyer. I probably did ship this more than Yona/Hak at the beginning lmao, and then them reuniting and Hak still feels so hurt? Not just for Yona and her father bur also himself? Wowowowow yeah this ship is pretty good.
2. The angst potentiaaaaallll childhood best friends with maybe a little crush to enemies to !?!?@(#$)#)@*$*@! Goooood they're so messed up Hak is so hurt from everything but he also understands where Suwon is coming from and Suwon giving up that relationship with Hak in order to help the country?? How do you recover from all of these different feelings?? Very good food
3. As much as I like their ship potential it really is Yonahak today, Yonahak tomorrow, Yonahak forever
I'm going to kinda skip Yona/Lili cause I need to reread/catch up on Yona and I don't think I could give a solid answer on Lili rn 🤧 Do trust though I believe in bi4bi Yonahak 🫡
Ship It
1. Everythinggggggg. From the start from the beginning they were IT. I don't even have like, a SUPER good memory since it's been so long since I've watched Rakugo, but god they really are the definition of soulmates (even if sukeroku doesn't realize it...)
2. I think just their journey together is so compelling, they complete each other and bring out their best but also their worst. Kikuhiko is too in his head at all times, Sukeroku is too impulsive, but the way that they balance each other personality wise and also in their rakugo is so enticing to watch, you can't look away from them. They walked so that other disaster gays could run lmao.
3. Yeah ok let's get into the ending lmao. I will always choose to interpret that Shinnosuke is the spiritual successor to Kikuhiko's and Sukeroku's rakugo not...blood related successor of Kikuhiko lmao. I think that fits the story and the themes and the characters waaaay better than Kikuhiko having Shinnosuke as his biological grandchild 💀 It's nature vs nurture in my eyes! He has the nature of Sukeroku because that's his biological grandfather, but Kikuhiko raised him, it's the nurture side! Why it was left open ended...hmm I think it's supposed to be a stylistic choice to reflect how one unravels a rakugo story? But yeah I refuse the other option for my own sanity lmao. Also also people always ignore/forget about Kikuhiko's struggles with gender expression and I'm sad about that :( so important to his character and his relationships throughout the story.
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gentlenotes-moved · 8 months
Hey, how have you been? Is your health better?
hey! i've been alright lately. as with my whole gut thing, it fluctuates a lot. there'll be days where it's either bad to the point where i have to eat in small amounts infrequently, or i'll have no problems at all! there's no way of guessing, either; i just wake up and kinda have to deal with how my digestive system is fixing to act that day lol
but! our doctor FINALLY called back after just under two months of waiting with the results of the pH tester i had in my stomach for a couple days. basically the files and info about it didn't get send to him on time lol. so as i said in the last update, the endoscopy turned out normal. but now the biopsies came out normal, however with the pH tester, they got an answer from it!
i wasn't there for the call; my mom answered it. and they have an actual and definite answer now for what's going on: my brain and nerves are kinda sorta fucked up and they're absolutely losing their shit. about what? no clue! so, they want to do some tests (i think my mom forgot what tests tho lol) and they want to give me a small dosage of depressant medications (again, don't know what) to chill my brain and nerves tf out. we're also supposed to get smth in the mail that explains all this and we don't know when we're gonna get those either. just a lot of questions all around lol.
so yeah! i'm honestly over the moon that i have a solid answer about what's going on! but i still wanna know WHY my brain and nerves are losing their shit. all of this has pretty severely impacted my period as well. so. i'm beginning to think my mental health might have something to with it, tbh. idk. we'll figure out.
also! i'm so so sorry for coming here like once every few weeks, with a combination of mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion + school in general, it hasn't been the TOP priority, but i'll change that! there's a hell of a lot of personal stuff goin on right now, forgive me <3
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Signalis Doom - 4
Another mixed bag of a day, largely spent on textures. Did you know video games tend to have alot of them? So today's issue came from me grappling with the fact that what's good for Signalis texturing is not good for Doom texturing. At first, i didn't see the issues though. Signalis's Textures are all actually at or around doom's texture resolutions, and it's sprite sheets can easily be chopped up into good looking walls and pillars and such.
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The problem comes from two places. 1. these are textures made to wrap around a 3d model, not laid out along a floor or a solid wall, so i had to figure out exactly how i was going to chop it up. Do i have a few solid pieces? do i chop it up into a dozen small ones so i have the most control? the answer is it's gonna vary.
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For example. here's a chunk of the Penrose and it's wall texturing. The entire room is one model, and every part of it(including the lil' spires in the corners) are all pulling from the same sheet. Each part is meant for dif stuff, which explains why some chunks are much brighter, or darker, than others. That's great for UVing, but i don't really know what i'm supposed to do with something like this. What do i do with the clearly darker chunk of wall? Sometimes, there are walls that have a lil' extra line on the bottom, or the top, and i don't know why. I think they'd texture rooms so that dif parts would look better to the camera angle. That's great for their angle, but a bit odd in first person.
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I mean it guess it's not that weird, but i think it'd have to edit it to have a more natural falloff or somesuch. It doesn't look great ported as-is, and this problem comes up alot (this is a minor example tbh) 2. Doom's textures more often than not are expected to look acceptable when used on large surfaces. This means floors and walls and such need to be able to tile (or repeat forever) cleanly, but without drawing too much attention to the repetition. Like a walking loop, you don't want a specific action to pop too much because it'll call attention to the loop.
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Signalis's textures, however, are often very small textured tiled very aggressively. It's something that you don't think much about in a slow game from a pulled back perspective. However, once you're low to the ground and moving at a clip, not only do you notice the repetition, but it can honestly get a bit nauseating to see the patterns whoosh by.
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the floor textures look like this. Most areas are made up of the middle tile in the ring, with the ring parts often running along walls. The bits on the righjt and bottom are often used to break up the visuals. At first, i thought this would be a big problem. The 32x32 tiles just repeat too hard to look good. However, i am a dummy, and forgot that this is pretty easily solved by breaking the ground up and slotting those tiles in.
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Now, it's more work than it'd be on a 3d model, cuz i'm gonna need to remember to do this manually. But, that solves the problem of using the little details. Doesn't really solve this tiled floor being a nightmare to see stretch on forever, but at least it's something. --- I spent a bit of time working on getting some 3d models and stuff into the game as a test, which didn't go great. The community models for the characters are fantastic, however, they don't deform well when converted to the .md3 format.
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GZDoom doens't used fbx files, it uses OBJ for static stuff, and MD3 (an old quake 3(?) file type) for stuff with animations. It's an old old format, and only really works via a couple of blender addons or old modeling programs. Conversion from obj/fbx/ect to md3 can always be funky, i don't really know why, it just can be. Sometiems it works, or sometimes you need to model in md3 from scratch. i don't know how far i'm gonna go with that. I also played aroudn with getting sprite turnarounds of the characters. However, that's going to take it's own tech setup that i didn't give much time to today.
Overall, a pretty frustrating day, but i got alot more stuff in-engine and figured out mass naming schemes and so on. I can't say i've really solved any problem, but I'm gonna pretend noticing the problems is progress in-of-itself. So uhh, i dunno, hey do you wanna see Ariane's bathroom? god, poor girl, 20(?????) years in that tube and this is what she's got to work with.
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(the blender scene is not mine, it was assembled by a very skilled person on the signalis discord. all credit goes to whoever did it, they're a godsend)
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soo-won · 8 months
hey lumen! hope you're doing well, love your AnY posts sm! i don't know if you ever said this, but do you ship hak and yona? i think you have said it before but I'm not sure 😅
Hi! Thank you, I'm glad your like my posts :) And yes I'm doing well, I hope you do too!
I don't think I've ever mentioned it directly. Is "No. and yes" an acceptable answer ahah?
The thing is at this point of the story and where the canon relationship between Hak and Yona is at, it's impossible to deny they're a thing and that they love each other romantically, I'd be in denial saying they don't, but I just don't care I guess? I don't really ship them in the sense of I'm not interested in engaging in thinking, talking, creating etc around their romantic relationship. I know it's here, but I just nod and move on. That being said I enjoy their general relationship. Like, I think what is good with them is that the romance is build on a solid foundation of trust, support, and love that is not just romantic. Like they're in love sure but before that they are great friends. I love them when they're funny and cute together, when they want to reach and support each other and their individual character arc can be partly seen through the development of their relationship, they're definitely a pair that I can't imagine separated, but I just don't vibe with the romance on top of all that if that makes sense? I enjoy them the most as besties ahah. I don't imagine them not ending up together at the end either, I wish it for them because I can tell that's what would make them happy in the canon, but I feel pretty distant about it and if that was just me I would break them off for my personal fantasies <3
So tdlr: not reallyngjbjhbj but it's hard to say a hard "no" in the context of akatsuki no yona actually has a well developed romance that is very much canon. Like I'm not stupid I swear.
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thoughts on china v usa but im sleepy so its blunter than usual
its wild that this is both teams first match considering this is one of the top matchups. like 2016 gold medalists v 2021 gold medalists. and then the players too
its fun watching haleigh washington and yuan xin yue meet as middles at the net (though i kinda want usa to throw dana retke in there to see two 6'8/203 play opposite eachother). theres two veterans on the court with zhu ting and jordan larson, we got annie drews and li ying ying as opposing letfies like this match is fun as hell.
set 1:
ill never get over watching zhu ting play...
the us doesn't feel solid yet idk what it is but theres a missing connection
china has gotten off to a strong start too but they dont feel comfortable yet. maybe its just first match cause i said same thing this morning and yesterday
the way i said "they need to put skinner in" and then they did and now shes scoring like!!! yall need some agression on offense!! also i love skinner shes so fun to watch
set 2
it must be said but wong-orantes is one of the best liberos rn like just fantastic
i need skinner to become a starter outside
yuan xin yue!!!!!!! lets gooooooo!!!
oh look whose on court SKINNER and in for cook finally what were we waiting for
usa does not have an answer for zhu ting, which is understandable but still (not that im mad lemme see her go on runs)
usa needs to feed the middle a lot to have an effective offense it seems. on the one hand both middles are amazing but on the other i need more action from the sides
last set 25-20 china now up 25-18 like us what are we doing...
i hope we see a point breakdown cause it feels like washington and ogbogu carrying...
(that clip of china in rio... yuan xin yue is so cute omg)
set 3
ok commentators pissin me off but theyre right saying the us going with receivers is biting them in the ass cause they not receiving and they not scoring so now youre down 2-0. this strategy just wont work against a team as efficient as china lets be real. maybe if this was turkiye or poland...
skinner and plumber starting and doing well.... mixed feelings cause on the one hand i wanted this change but on the other i was going on and on this morning during ned v tur about veteran players and i guess i was wrong sljflakjf
yuan xin yue and then washington again like this is a middles match what did i say!!
skinner being 6'1 but looking so small and cute like this is my baby monster
li ying ying was quiet in set 2 i feel lets bring some fire!!
drews put your hair back in a bun and get to work lets gooooo
zhu ting with the almost footsave skdjfakjf
skinner better call her club team and ask for a raise cause shes coming in clutch in her debut olympic match
24-16 usa its almost like yall needed a good offense in order to score
plumber and skinner saved the set like they got everyone else fired up too
set 4
the anouncers talking about which college this players played on. she is thirty talk about the club that pays her like damn. i know this is probable for americans but still
usa still tipping when its not worked the whole game.... like the block is just too high youre doing really well with full swings go with them. and i remember the coach yelling this during vnl to stop tipping... i wonder whats happening here
it feels so good watching skinner play so well and score so much after spending the first 2 sets begging them to make her a starter
china where is your efficiency from set 2 lets get that back!!!
usa fans chanting usa... top 10 most annoying things to happen during a match dont make me boo you
gong xi yu getting that angle is impressive the set was very tight
and see whats scoring? combinations and full swings lets stick to this!!!
annie drews is awake awake she said let me make up for set 1
wheels come off for china a bit... where are the receives from earlier
what is it with setters and lying about block touches aslfjakj
i really like the way poulter is running the offense this set
set 5
chinas pins have been strong enough im surprised were not seeing more of li ying ying
you cannot give yuan x. y. an overpass shes gonna make you eat it each time!!
some defensive breakdowns for china.... lets settle down yall
gong coming to the party now too lets go service- welp
aces for washington!!!!
li ying ying lookin like mvp of set 5 the angles are wild
wang yuan yuan you've been quiet but you aint asleep lets goooo
larson as a serve sub? inch resting lets see oh shit it worked
that was indeed a fun match ahhhhh im so happy were getting vball again
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dumasp · 3 months
As far as I know your favourite producer is Jozurin. I'm curious to know who's your favourite respective producers in your fav vocal synths(Jozurin didn't use them IIRC).
1. Big AL:
2a. V1 KAITO:
2b. V3 KAITO:
3. Sachiko:
4. Ryuto:
5. MEIKA Mikoto:
(PS, before you ask, for Ryuto, though I know he has both V2 and V3, I still put as one because IDK who uses which.)
Hey, anon! That’s right, Joruzin is my favourite producer overall. Joruzin does not use my favourite vocaloids, I don’t think he owns any of those ones anyways, so you’re right about that too.
I will answer your question (below the cut because it gets long):
1) My favourite Big AL producer is definitely Kodakami. He’s been around for a long time, and has contributed a lot to the early English vocal synth scene.
He is known for making “The Big ALbum” (2012), which has a lot of really solid Big AL songs on it (on top of it being pretty important because it was one of the first English vocaloid albums and I think the very first to feature Big AL? Or at least the first to be a Big AL-centric album).
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The album is free on Bandcamp but I own the physical version of it! https://kodakami.bandcamp.com/album/the-big-album
A more recent example of Kodakami’s use of Big AL is his song “Midas” which was included in “The Big Alliance” (2019) album, celebrating Big AL’s 10th anniversary.
I also like Ferry's use of Big AL a lot, notably Dopamine Machine from the same album as Midas. But I like any song Ferry has with Big AL as the harmonies or supporting vocals too (e.g., Hack Writer).
2) I'm just going to combine all versions of KAITO together, since I don't really differentiate based on what voicebank version they use, though I will say that I am particularly fond of KAITO V1 and tend to enjoy classic KAITO songs the best.
KAITO is kind of a difficult because he's popular enough that he's used in a lot, but its also hard to think of newer producers who focus majorly on KAITO only.
For classic producers, I really vibe with Shin-P a lot. He's the guy who made Urotander, and I discovered his other KAITO songs and they are pretty solid! I wouldn't say I go out of my way to listen to him often, but he's a very respectful, classic choice here.
A few other choices that I like are yuukiss (who I also like for his MEIKO songs), nyanyannya, hinayukki, WhiteFlame, Re:nG, and yanagiP.
Honourable mentions go to...
Tennen, who I have literally only heard one song from but it's my favourite one (Hai Wa Hai Ni / Ashes to Ashes)
Guchiry, who is mostly known for using other VOCALOIDs, but has two specific KAITO songs I enjoy a lot.
3) Sachiko is unfortunately underused and does not have a lot of producers who use her outside of the occasional one-off song or for covers. I cannot name any producers of her that I like off the top of my head. However! I can link some songs I specifically like with her.
I used to be a huge MASA WORKS DESIGN fan. I still really like his music, but for personal reasons I don't really listen to him as much anymore. His self-cover of Diseased Princess with Sachiko is wonderful, and I really wish he used her more.
I also like this one a lot:
4) Once again, I don't know many people who use Gachapoid (Ryuto) off the top of my head, outside of some cover artists that I really respect. For cover artists, MAGPIE's use of Gachapoid is almost godly. I'm also mutuals with several Gachapoid stans who make good covers too!
For originals, I guess I do like these songs specifically, but none of these producers are really focused on Gachapoid and/or I do not really listen to these producers often.
5) My favourite MEIKA Mikoto producer is Yugica.
Kairiki Bear, Yakatora, and Toripiyo also have good use of them.
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randomvarious · 1 year
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Today’s compilation:
These People Are Nuts! 1989 New Wave / Punk Rock / Alternative Rock / College Rock / Post-Punk / Power Pop / Ska
Here's a nice retrospective rundown of one of the greatest and most eclectic indie labels of the 1980s: I.R.S. Records, which was headquartered in the US, but had a whole lot of UK bands on its roster too. Founded in 1979 by a guy named Miles Copeland, I.R.S. started out primarily as a punk outfit, but as new wave proceeded to develop, it sunk its teeth firmly into that movement too, landing a bunch of acts along the way whose material was considered to be strange, zany, quirky, and campy, like Oingo Boingo and Timbuk 3.
But between all the acts that ultimately end up lending to this album's title being These People Are Nuts! are a bunch of bands who aren't considered to be all that weird too, like The Police, The Go Go's, Buzzcocks, R.E.M., and Fine Young Cannibals. So, what we really have here is a nice blend of genuinely good punk and alternarock with straight-up enjoyably silly and irony-laden new wave.
But this album that celebrates I.R.S.' tenth-year anniversary actually opens with a song that predates the label's existence entirely: it's the B-side of the debut record by the band that Miles Copeland's brother, Stewart, happened to play drums for: "Nothing Achieving," by The Police, a terrific classic rock-punk tune that was released in 1977 on another one of Miles' labels he had founded beforehand, Illegal Records.
And another great tune from those pre-I.R.S. days comes courtesy of a little-known band called The Electric Chairs, who, at the time, were fronted by a performer named Wayne County, who now goes by Jayne County. County is someone who holds the honor of being rock music's first openly trans vocalist, and she ended up working with a lot of famous people throughout her career, including David Bowie. Plus, she was also at the Stonewall Riots. So, she's an absolute legend, to say the least, and her band's punk song, "Thunder," which predates her publicly identifying as a woman, was released on Illegal in 1979.
Also, have you ever wondered where the great Fatboy Slim derived his stage name from? Well, it probably came from Maryland's Root Boy Slim, a brilliant and eccentric rabble-rouser who went to Yale and then came back on homecoming weekend the year after he had graduated and got kicked out and permanently banned from his frat house by none other than future war criminal president George W. Bush himself. His song, "Dare to Be Fat," kinda-sorta answers the question of, "what if Frank Zappa was a black blues-rocker?"
And there's a bunch of other songs from this compilation I could write about too, like The Go Go's’ "We Got the Beat," a landmark new wave tune that convinced the group to head towards a sound that was more new wave than punk; or the Buzzcocks' "Ever Fallen in Love," which presented a pretty perfect mix of late 70s punk rock and power pop; or Fine Young Cannibals' debut single, "Johnny Come Home," which showed the world this band's signature mix of rock and ska, along with Roland Gift's uniquely satisfying and tender voice.
But I think I'm gonna dedicate a few sentences to a deeply misunderstood song instead: "The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades," by Timbuk 3. If you've ever heard this top-20 mid-80s hit before, then there's a pretty solid chance that you're among the many people who think of it as quite possibly the dorkiest song that the new wave era ever spat out.
I mean, peep this refrain if you're not familiar:
I'm doing alright Getting good grades The future's so bright I gotta wear shades
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Now, is it possible that this song was made in a sort of tongue-in-cheek backlashing kind of way in response to all the live fast-die hard, sex-drugs-and-rock n' roll music that was going around back then? Sure, I guess so. But the song wasn't even really so much as that. It was more about the banality of contributing to an evil system and feeling as though you were on the right path. See, "I Gotta Wear Shades" is told from the perspective of a young nuclear scientist at the height of the Cold War, and that brightness in the future he refers to is actually referencing the potential detonation of the nukes that he's been working on. It's a really cleverly-made song that became a pretty big hit, but people never really seemed to understand the message that was behind it. It certainly wasn't a song to celebrate strait-laced, apple-polishing nerds.
So, there you have it: a nice and varied set of songs from a transcontinental indie label that played a big role in shaping new wave, punk, and alternative rock through its first ten years and change. There wasn't really any other label that was quite like I.R.S. Records. A lot of names that would end up defining eras and styles, along with some real kooks too.
The Police - "Nothing Achieving" The Go-Go's - "We Got the Beat" Wayne County & The Electric Chairs - "Thunder" Root Boy Slim - "Dare to Be Fat" Buzzcocks - "Ever Fallen in Love?" Wall of Voodoo - "Mexican Radio" R.E.M. - "Superman" Doctor and the Medics - "Spirit in the Sky" Timbuk 3 - "The Future's So Bright, I Gotta Wear Shades" Fine Young Cannibals - "Johnny Come Home" Concrete Blonde - "It'll Chew You Up and Spit You Out"
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