#i have a regular and healthy relationship to this comic fyi
nonbinarygamzee · 1 year
just found a post i made last year upon dipping my toes back into the hs waters where an anon asked if i still liked gamkar and my response was a noncommittal not really. egg materializing on my face as i write this.
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faithlover611 · 2 years
Guess it’s up to me to get this fandom started on Tumblr.
So, hindsight in Murder By Choice is very interesting. I took screenshots of all the dialogue and going back afterwards is insane once you know the ending.
SPOILERS AHEAD (I don't know how to make things "below the cut", so apologies, everyone!):
So, Margot asks you, when you’re looking for Q on Sunday morning to go find Miraculus, if you’re looking for Freddie. FOR FREDDIE. And she had just murdered him the night before. I wish I could’ve said yes so that I could see how she would respond (don’t remember if there was an option to choose your response or if the answer was just automatic).
Also, looking back at Margot and Freddie’s interactions, you can tell that Carla’s theory, that the murderer was using Freddie like a puppet, was spot-on. The two were always sitting or standing next to each other, as I’m sure Margot wanted so she could keep an eye on him and tell him things she wanted him to do, and they were always civil and very polite towards each other. In fact, the last time we see Freddie alive, he’s actually sort of ~comforting~ Margot after the boat had burned down--ironic since Margot burnt the boat down in the first place and no doubt that Freddie knew this since he probably had to help her somehow.
It’s really cool how this game uses the deaths of each character to really move the story along. Like, Lukas and Freddie are continuously mentioned all the way until the end of the story, so much so that they’re almost alive in a unique sort of way. And Portia’s death really drives Ruben’s involvement in the investigation, to the point where Carla pretty much never does anymore investigating alone after Portia’s death--Ruben is either always involved or always with her.
Also, Ruben being Carla’s biological father was also seriously foreshadowed prior to that reveal. Portia’s over-the-top hatred of Carla (even Mrs. Bird comments how Portia’s been unusually cold since Carla’s arrival) and her extreme stalking of Carla, including hoarding pictures of her ~entire life~, which is insane, by the way, and definitely not healthy (A lot of what Portia did wasn’t healthy, and she would’ve had to go through some major life changes had she survived, especially with Janet and Ruben’s new relationship. She probably either would’ve been forced to quit as Ruben’s assistant or left on her own due to their relationship, and knowing what we do of Portia’s character, that seems extremely unlikely, so that’s probably why she was killed, as there was just no way for her to move on after the story.); Ruben’s extreme overprotectiveness of Carla, including freaking out when they found her unconscious in the cavern and after she’d been shot at and even standing up against his best friend for her; him making her the ONLY OTHER PERSON IN THE ENTIRE WORLD who knew the code to the Vault. I saw a comment from someone else saying they had guessed that Ruben was interested in Carla, prior to his confession about being her father, and I second that because I thought the same. We hardly get any Ruben×Janet interactions until the end of the story, so it’s really hard to see them paired together (and I’m still not really sold on the pairing), and Portia is Portia, so it’s hard to see that, and in the regular dialogue, Ruben doesn’t really look that old (in the comic scenes he looks much older), so imo, Carla and him made a great couple. (FYI, in the next story, I really hope we see Carla get a love interest. I like the whole independent female thing they have going on, but just like Anna and Luigi from "Murder In the Alps", it can work out really well [as long as they don’t leave it open-ended again!], and since the same company produced both games, I have faith in them being able to give Carla a love interest, like they did for Anna, without taking away her independence.)
I’m super excited for "Wedding Bells" to come out! Hopefully it’ll be sooner than later!
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lazcht · 7 years
...of aging, and the year of 2017
Hey, it’s been such a long time I haven’t write a long (and personal) blog so pardon my (even more) rusty writing skill--phrasings and poor vocabulary. 
Well. I’ve been thinking to share some of my thoughts to the internet concerning...age. 
26th of September is my birthday. Actually this is the last year I’ll be in 20s, haha. Lately (at least among my friends) it’s so familiar to hear “It feels like I was graduating school yesterday damn it.”
Is birthday really matter?
Nah it’s just a calendar--day, week, month, year, time system made by humans as a system to measure how long we’ve been here, on earth. I don’t feel really connect with the concept to celebrate anniversaries exactly by “time”. It works more as reminders, a trigger to notice myself to contemplate, evaluate, and plan. 
Should I be happy? Hmm. Celebration, eating fancy, wonderful wishes, surprises, gifts, are bonus. I might be taking them for granted actually, (I feel bad for that) but I kinda feel it’s not a necessary thing to have on a birthday. Though my birthdays have been so great since I was little, so in my mind, a birthday is always been a good and fun association. 
Except, when I was reaching 20... my anxiety about stuff arose, maybe this time is the same. I’m about to hit 3rd checkmark of 10 years of milestone. So it’s a lie if I say, that aging doesn’t matters at all.
I feel so grateful that I’m always surrounded with kind people who care about things I love, my well-being, or my future, or simply all people that accept my presence on their lives. So thank you for all wishes and gifts... Though I can’t promise anything in return.
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Suddenly I remembered...
My mood was not really good lately. I’m thinking about lot of stuff. Frustrated, anxious, worried(?), and a little bit pessimistic. Why, I wonder?
I’ve been thinking, what’s the difference, and how I’ve been changing from 10 years ago; the teen me, to I am now. So here are my personal conflicts.
1. First of all, the easiest thing to notice, is my physical body. 
Back then, recovery was fast, good stamina, and a body that didn’t go sick although I didn’t put so much attention in it. I could ate stuff sloppily, hygiene doesn’t stop me from doing what I want, sleep deprivation didn’t matter as much, pollution didn’t really affect my respiratory system, bad posture didn’t get me strains or sores, lack of exercising also less punishing. Waking up motivated and energized.
Now... well, I’ve been trying to wake up not feeling bad, and go to sleep with a good posture so I don’t feel like shit the next day. 
Allergies such as dust, smoke, (my own) sweat, water (on my scalp) are easily triggered these days. I dunno if the environment here getting so much worse (well, it’s a capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta), or just my body can’t cope up with my old lifestyle.
After I get the feeling of living in a weak dying body previous years, being unproductive, unmotivated and low at energy, mood-swing, stressed and getting the feeling of “decaying”, having atrophic and useless muscles; I figured it was because I lack of self-care. I feel that can’t ignore this shit anymore, before it’s getting far too late.
2. Mindset & interests.
The more I think, I noticed maybe the biggest difference between me 10-20 years ago with me right now, is the optimism level LMAO.
In junior high school days, to 20+ ish, I kinda have faith that someday (perhaps in 5-10 years) I might be able to become famous, or having decent money flow. I felt that I was a genius compared to people my age, haha well I had a narrow social circle. As I grow older, things become difficult (actually prolly I was just underestimated lot of stuff back then?). Having more knowledge makes me think that I know nothing about this world, this industry I work in, about what’s work and what’s not, about this life.
I used to have strong feel of justice or moral compass that’s quite firm. I could really simply say that doing A is plainly wrong and doing B is absolutely right. As I grow older, learning so much stuff (from experience, or fiction stories I consume), knowing so much people with their insight from cultural, religion aspect, things are not as simple. I faced lot of turning point couple of years lately.
I used to have interest in drawings, my capability to draw something, but not about reading, or listening about things that inspire. My dream was to become an animator or comic artist, later on I was only interested in the drawing process, the result, but not the story. Maybe that’s why I’m comfortable in joining other’s project rather than doing my own.
I consumed things that only makes me able to create what people told me to, but not “nutrients” for my ability to conceptualize and inspire, to deliver message. In 7++ years of my career, I deliver nothing, just work, ego "masturbating”, fun and money. Not so long ago, I noticed I that I should change my direction. That I had to make impact, or at least, a lasting impression, stuff that people could think about. 
I focus less in technique, and think more about purpose, idea, vision. Things that only I, can deliver it (still looking). Things that are more personal and close to my identity.
3. Family condition.
Not only me that gets older. Parents, partner, sibling and other relatives are also getting old. Not to mention the economy and how industry, business trends flows by. 
Economically, my family is currently going downwards. Parent’s not as healthy as they were 5~10 years ago. Good thing they’re still lively, active, able-bodied to still go traveling actually. They simply can’t work continuously, hence eventually, incomes are scarcer. Bills getting higher each year, or even months. They don’t demand retirement (thanks to them), but I feel they’re thinking we (their children) are not ready to take full responsibility of paying all of household needs. But luckily enough, our family didn’t have any debt. Yet I could use steady income to cover us, as soon as possible.
Psychologically, parents are more into games now (I’m so glad lol), and they’re still quite sharp to pick out hoaxes though there are lot of random Whatsapp videos or articles they share with the old folks. Overall, still good but long term-wise, I’m quite pessimistic.
4. Spiritual side, ego, myself.
It’s getting harder to reach a clear mind nowadays, just a moment to meditate and let my mind sit calmly, silently. I guess I’m now getting even more drowned into the “Lazcht” ego. I feel the need to work hard, but only to serve the “me”. How about afterlife thoughts, awareness, mindfulness? I know I need more mind exercise, but there we are, too busy being involved into mundane stuff haha.
Love life, it’s hard to describe but now I feel like I can control better of my own possessiveness, to think that love is about giving, having a big heart, and letting go. Breakup? Nope, but as a formerly monogamous person, I’m currently having a polyamorous partner. We had been seeing the differences as our biggest obstacle on continuing the relationship, and I was trying to make myself adapt and change to compromise, but now, we decided to see and experience love with our own “style”. It works for now, tho, we don’t know for how long. :’)
Insecurity changed and taught me a lot of life lesson. Back then I’d never care much about my body image, upgrading wardrobe and so on. Lately I also feeling anxious again about my gender issue. The urge to transition (I’m a trans FYI) is getting stronger, but meh... I’m broke, so not now. :(
What do i do then?
1. Physical aspect: workout, regular outing, drink more water, body-awareness, and keeping good habit. 
Latest one is hardest, because of my zero-discipline. For people who has similar issue with mine, easiest way I find is to bathe regularly, at least once a day would make my day better. Maintaining room’s sanitary is also excellent method to wake up feeling great. Recently I bought an air purifier, vacuum regularly, and it worked nicely.
I once find using a scheduler app with fixed wake up time, eating, working, etc makes me feel better and content, then again it’s hard to keep it on long-term. 
2. Nutrients for brain: watch or read more interesting and recommended stuff, explore, make new friends or be in a new circle. 
I also feel that it’s necessary to learn languages, especially Japanese, I feel like someday I’ll really make use of them.
Probably planting is also a way to refresh mind and soul. I really hope to learn on cultivating vegetables, or just herbs if it’s easier haha.
3. Economy and family matter: can’t do much for this actually, except doing my best on my work and keeping healthy relationships. 
I really hope I can make them go travel somewhere else beautiful, since their mindset always like “we wouldn’t afford that much.” or “it’s not worth it.” well, perhaps they’re not into it but I just don’t want they can’t afford to spend money on something they love.
Hopefully I can find a good way to improve my economy without too much sacrificing important things.
4. Myself as me: I... just hope to improve, or perhaps become slightly more famous as an artist or gamedev person lol. Most of all, I just want to love myself more, and be content with my own self. Also hopefully I’ll become more useful to others, on anything. I wish I can optimize myself because... too much burnout (physical or social). If anyone notice that sometimes I don’t appear anywhere or rarely seen, that’s not necessarily that I hate being with you guys, mostly it’s because I need my space and time.
Ideally, I want to go to more convention events, overseas, selling my own stuff (or with circle), get in touch with amazing people. Or simply maintain good relations with people around me (not just physically ofc) right now. You guys are good friends. 
Okay that’s enough, I think I can count this as my prayer because I don’t usually “pray”. Forgive me for my wrongdoing (or let me know?) and thanks for being here with me. May universe get along well with everyone and hear our wishes! :)
~Lazcht, 29 Y.O.
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