#i hate that so much. why not just eat the dang food. why do you have to make a supplement out of it. do you hate yourself that much
six-of-ravens · 2 years
oh so spirulina is. seaweed. ok ok.
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r3dmooon · 1 year
Hellooooo~ I hope you've had a good week ^^. Whenever you have the spare time, do you think you could write a Wally Darling x Very!sleepy reader? I'm always very sleepy and it's not hard for me to fall asleep, no matter where I am or what I'm doing. I thought it'd be cute if the reader was in some sort of hibernation or something in their house and the neighborhood was worried something happened so they send Wally to check on them and it turns out that they've just been in and out of sleep
You could do your own take on it, I just thought a sleepy reader and a supportive wally would be cute <3
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a/n: I kinda hate how I wrote this but I like it too? Idk, ending kinda sucked but I hope you like it anyways!
wc: 0.3k
Master List
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❥Feeling sleepy was a normal part of your day. Waking up, you’d already wanted to fall asleep again! 
❥Most days you’d force yourself up. Whoever you were hanging out with would end up as your pillow at some point though. 
❥You loved to hang out with Wally and Barnaby the most. Barnaby was like a whole dang bed compared to you. So when you three would hang out, you’d listen to their banter while laying on Barnaby and falling asleep. (Not that Barnaby minded, it gave him an excuse to laze about). 
❥Though you really loved the days were you got to lay on Wally. In fact, once you started it was hard for you to stop. You had a soft spot for the yellow puppet and it made your heart flutter when he would pet your hair. 
❥Wally couldn’t help but adore your sleepy deposition. He didn’t completely understand why you were so tired all the time. You just woke up too long ago! Now you need more sleep? He didn’t mind it or anything, just confused. 
❥When it’d get late, he’d try to help you home. Holding your hand and guiding you of course. Though if you were too tired he’d try to carry you (though a lot of times he’d get Barnaby’s help). 
❥There were times where you were just too tired to get up at all. These times worried Wally. Were you eating enough? Drinking enough? Were you taking care of yourself? He’d go to Poppy during these nervous bouts and they’d fret together.
❥Please explain to him that you're in a sort of hibernation. As long as he knows you're okay, he’d worry a lot less. He’d visit you everyday even if you just slept all day. Seeing that you were okay soothed him. Sometimes he’d bring his painting supplies, others he’d bring a book. 
❥Wally doesn’t sleep much, but if you wanted to cuddle with him you don’t need to ask twice. He’d just watch you, unknowingly match his breathing with your own. 
❥You want some water? Food? Coming right up! He’s just happy he can help! He cares for you after all.
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lyssak09 · 2 years
Hello :D
I love your writings!!!!
And I love your dbd Yandere Leon x killer reader story :3 can you pls make a part two? I would love to know how it will continues :D
Thank you so much for your amazing work!!!!!!
Also have a good day :D
Of course! Your super sweet I'm so glad you like my writing. So I actually started working on a part 2 after seeing your comment. But your ask just really made me work more on it. So thank you for requesting! Also, I tried to make this as gender friendly as possible. If I messed up anywhere Im so sorry. I hope you guys enjoy it 💙
Yandere Leon with Killer! Reader pt 2
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Leon is a clingy needy dude after he's yonked you from the killer's realm. So expect a lot of cuddling, no personal space, and following you everywhere you go in the apartment. 
He isn’t THAT weird, and lets you use the bathroom in peace.
You think anyway.
The best part about him following you like a puppy is the fact that you can basically make him do anything with a simple sentence. 
You could ask for water, and he will zoom over the fridge to get you some water.
Food has been cooked and brought to you.
You are treated like a god dang queen/king/royalty. 
As you should be.
He took you without your permission, and has been keeping you basically hostage. 
This is the least that he could do for you. 
Now, is his cooking very good?
Not really.
He is used to cooking food over a fire and, after joining The Entity’s realm, not eating at all.
If someone came to visit you guys (99.98% not gonna happen but it doesn't hurt to hope) like a friend of his, who didn’t hate him for kidnapping you, he would be giving them a death glare until they leave. Lucky for them that they're friends with Leon or else you'd have a giant mess to clean up and some laundry to do if ya catch my drift.
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Btw, Leon 100% wants you to be his house spouse.
You are so missed by your friends. And are enraged and appalled that Leon has done this to you and is able to.
A lot of the killers don’t care tho, since they’ve seen much worse.
But the survivors do, they're also extra pissed he is the one who did kill them for a while as of late.
But hey, not everything was too bad. 
He let you have hobbies, as long as you were still inside of the apartment.
Like sewing.
If you were really interested in it, he would ask you to sew some of his old clothes with big holes.
“Y/N,” he would whisper, before sitting down next to you. You were just sewing up old holes in a pillow case that you found in the back of the closet, hoping to maybe get some use out of it. “Can you sew up this hole for me?"He showed you an old, black shirt with a bullet hole on the chest. “Laurie got me good with a pallet, it put a hole in my shirt, and I haven’t been able to find someone to repair it.”
If you try to stab him with the needle or scissors to skedaddle then your butt is gonna get whooped. 
"WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?" He yelled at you while you tried to break the front door down. "To get away from you! Duh!" You replied before body slamming the door. Leon let out a string of curses as he quickly wrapped his wound with scraps of fabric from the table. Leon soon grabbed you by your waist and dragged you to the bedroom. "Damn it! Let go of me!!" You screamed and held on to the door frame of the bedroom. Leon covered your mouth and pulled you into the room. "You have no reason to scream yet." He hissed in your ear and shut the door. 
If you like reading, he would ask force ou to read to him.
“But, if the werewolf liked the girl, then why wouldn’t he keep her? Isn’t that what you’re supposed to do?” he asked. You rolled your eyes, "because the vampire one already had dibs on her. And healthy relationships don't involve kidnapping!" You told him and continued reading. "They obviously don't love her like I love you" Leon mumbled.
If you like drawing, he would ask to see what you’re drawing and he would try to make sure to get stuff for you to draw more. 
Like pencils and pens.
“What are you drawing?” He would ask, standing above you as you leaned over the table. “Is it a zombie?”
“A cat?”
“What is it?”
“It’s a tree.”
Leon would frame and or put any drawings or doodles on the fridge.
If you have other hobbies, he would try his best to get you stuff to be able to do the things you loved. 
If he couldn’t, he would watch you and learn what you were doing.
If he had to go to a trial while you were at the house by yourself, he would lock the doors and take the key.
That way you wouldn’t be able to get out while he was gone.
While that did stop you from getting out, it did allow you some time alone without him hovering over you.
You could do whatever you pleased for the few hours that he was gone. 
Wanted to catch up on some extra sleep that got taken away from you?
Then nap time it is!
Want to draw something without him looking over your shoulder?
Freedom to draw whatever you want.
Though, you would have to hide them, since he does go through your stuff regularly.
Especially your drawing notebooks.
But remember, he had to find things that were hidden before he was forced into The Entity’s realm. 
So it won’t be easy to try and hide things from him.
Especially if he is suspicious of you hiding something.
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“What did you do today?” He asked, walking through the door and plopping on the couch next to you. “Nothing much really, just took a nap and tidied up a bit.”. “Then why are the pencils out of place and why are their smudge marks on the table?” He asked, looking at you. He knew you were lying about what you were doing. “I know you were drawing.” He looked at you with an upset glare, “You don’t have to lie about what you do when I’m gone, you know I love your drawings.” He grabbed both of your hands in one of his, his other hand on your upper arm, “Where is it? I would love to see it.”. “I told you, I didn’t draw today. I tidied up, and that included moving some of the drawings I’ve already made.” You ripped your hands away from his. He started to get angry. "Why are you lying to me?" Leon yanked to towards him. "You didn't draw some boy or girl you think like like right? Because I'm the only one you can see in that way!" He was growling at this point. "Damn it Leon! I didn't draw today, and besides, is it really such a bad thing if I don't want you to see my drawings?" You were sweating now. You may or may not have drawn a hot character you had a crush on. But what's the harm in that? And aren't you allowed to have some privacy? "DON'T FUCKIN LIE TO ME!" he screamed and pinned you to the wall. You got the wind knocked outta you. "You know I don't like secrets." You stayed silent.  “I’m going to find it, even if I have to turn this whole place upside down!"
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Yeah…he doesn't like secrets
Especially from you. Couples share everything right?
But if you dont draw and play games instead then maybe you get a game system or a game boy.
Or whatever you need/want for your hobbies
Anywaaays when he is forced to chill in the Killer camp he likes to ease drop on the killers and survivors who were you friends before you got yonked. (Yes you were friends with most of the survivors. You were a pretty friendly and chill killer) 
Leon started to hear rumors of him making a deal with the entity. Which wasn't wrong. But he still didn't you two to be discussed about with these asshats
He also started to hear your friends talk about plans to take you back and beat the utter crap outta our RPD boi.
But sadly for you, that's not happening. The Entity has gotten so much rage from Leon taking his anger out on his once friends. (He gets angry because someone isn't reciprocating his feelings fast enough. 
And Entity is also getting rage and despair from the survivors
To be perfectly honest, I don't think you're ever getting out. Leon's kills is more than making up for you no longer being able to do trials. So the entity is probably gonna leave you in Leon's hands. Forever
"You're mine you got that?" He hissed at you as you kicked and screamed at him to let you go. You had just tried to escape again and Leon caught you. "DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!" Leon screamed and dug his nails into your jaw, breaking the skin and causing blood to trail down your neck. You mumbled out a yes. "Good, because you're never leaving me."
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—----------------------------------------------------------------------------- little fun bonus if wanted —-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Maybe one day the Entity decided to let you guys out into the real world for a while since Leon has been so so useful as of late 
That also meant everyone could join.
Leon was pissed about this idea. He only wanted you and nobody else.
Besides, his ex-teammates aren’t probably the happiest with him
You know, killing them and all that.
Killers also didn’t really like him either.
They missed you being around the campfire with them.
But he made a deal, and The Entity was one to never let their side of the deal fail. 
Neither was Leon though.
He always kept his side of the deal.
And he wasn’t going to let anyone else come near you.
You already knew that though, and it wasn’t like you haven’t tried to bargain with The Entity either. 
But at least you could enjoy a day in the real world near your friends. 
So, yay
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somekidnamedkai · 2 years
February 4th- Awkward (yet cute) confession of love with Jamil, please?
February 4th - Awkward Yet Cute Love Confession
Authors Note: This is just basically me making a self insert fic. Enjoy :)
Characters: Jamil Viper
Warnings: Me bullying loving Jamil
Gn! reader
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February 14th, Valentine's Day. A holiday you’ve always thought was a little stupid. It was a holiday where people in relationships could flaunt them off and make single people like you feel horrible. There should be a holiday for single people, where they can show off just how single they… Ok, it sounded good for a second.
Walking around the halls of school almost made you sick. The couples walked around, holding hands, giving each other presents like chocolate and stuffed teddy bears. Then there are the people practically eating each other's faces with how aggressively they were making out.
And maybe this spite for Valentine’s is because you’re single, or maybe it’s because you're scared that you’ll never feel that kind of love. Having the person you’re in love with shower you with gifts. What if it never comes?
Lunch arrived, and you sat at your table with your friends. “I just don’t understand. Why is there a holiday about love? Can these people not love anyone else on any other day?” You said your thoughts aloud as you played with your food, moving it around the plate.
Before he spoke up, Jack patted your back, “Prefect, why don’t you just tell Jamil how you feel. Maybe you’ll feel different after you let it all out,” he told you before ruffling your hair making the rest of the group laugh.
You groaned in response and then fixed your hair, “why would I? So I can be rejected on Valentine’s Day. Imagine how embarrassing that would be. You tell someone you’re in love with them, then they say that they don’t care,” you whined and slammed your head on the table. Jack sighed before patting your back again.
Little did you know, there was a certain dorm leader who heard the entire conversation. And he couldn’t wait to tell his vice housewarden the good news that the person he had feelings for felt the same.
Jamil couldn’t believe it. “You were eavesdropping on them, Kalim? Seriously?” He asked after the cheery boy finished his story about how his beloved prefect liked him just as much as he did. To be honest, Jamil was practically screaming inside. He was so happy you liked him. He just didn't know what to do now. What was he supposed to say? Hey, Prefect, Kalim overheard your conversation and heard you love me, and well I like you too. Twisted Wonderland that’s cringe.
Kalim shook his head in defense of Jamil's accusation, “I wasn’t eavesdropping, I just overheard them on my way over,” he explained, “but isn’t this great news?!”
“No.” What Jamil meant to say was yes. But he wasn’t going to admit that. He didn’t need Kalim breathing down his neck on confessing to the prefect.
Kalim smiled, “Yes it is. I can tell you’re excited about it,” dang it. Jamil hated how Kalim could be so observant at times. “Just tell them how you feel.”
That made Jamil roll his eyes, “it’s not that easy, Kalim. Just because you’re good at talking to people doesn’t mean I am.”
“You don’t need to be good at talking. Just tell them how you feel, say you like their eyes, and compliment their hair. Let the words just fall out,” Kalim explained, yet to Jamil, it made no sense. This was going to go horrendously.
After school was over you and Grim went back to Ramshackle to get your schoolwork done, what you found when you got there, however, was a surprise.
Jamil was standing in front of the door, a small bouquet and a box of chocolates in hand. “Jamil?” You called out as you walked up to the door. “What are you doing here?”
Jumping in surprise, the boy turned around and faced you, “Oh! Prefect, I just wanted to talk to you. If you don’t mind, that is.” He said, almost hesitantly.
You raised an eyebrow at his newfound shyness but immediately shrugged it off and walked inside the dorm, motioning for Jamil to follow. Why was Jamil holding flowers? And why did he come to Ramshackle? The questions danced around your head as you closed the door after Grim entered. “Jamil, what are.. what are you doing here?” You asked, curiously. You wanted to ask about the flowers and chocolate, but you were too scared of the answer.
There was a moment of silence, as if Jamil didn’t know what he was doing himself (spoiler: he doesn’t). He opened his mouth, then closed it. Then opened it again only to shut it a minute later. Jamil shoved the flowers and chocolate into your arms, as he began to blush. “These are for you,” he told you. But before you could question him about it he began to speak again, “The flowers are for your eyes-“ Jamil groaned and cringed at himself, there’s no way he just said that. “I mean, your eyes are as beautiful as the chocolates, I mean flowers. God.” Jamil said as he continued to butcher his words. “I... I love your hair and seeing you! No, wait-'' He finally spat out, talking quickly then groaned when he realized his mistake. “Kalim said this would be easy. Liar.” The vice housewarden muttered
You laughed, the laugh Jamil had fallen for, the same laugh that kind of terrified him. Oh no, what if Kalim lied, and you didn’t like him at all and now you’re going to tell him that he’s stupid and- “I like you too.” “What?” You walked closer to the stunned boy and hugged him. “I like you too, a lot. A ridiculous amount, honestly.”
Jamil let out a sigh of relief as he returned your hug. “So, will you be my valentine? Actually, how about you be my partner? We can be a couple every day instead of just today.”
You immediately nodded as Jamil let out a breath of relief as he looked down at you lovingly and smiled, “Can I kiss you?”
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nabateaprodigy · 9 months
Mahiru with a Male S/O that's the ultimate boxer, he is also incredibly strong as well as big, buff, and intimidating, but he's extremely pacifistic and kind, he only boxes because he likes to entertain people and see them happy, unfortunately because of his fame people challenge him to fights a lot to try and steal his spotlight (which he really don't give two dangs 'bout) and because S/O doesn't know/never learned how to hold back his strength, he normally ends up sending the people who challenge him to the E.R. on a daily basis, and because of this he thinks of himself as lucky to have a girlfriend like Mahiru, he also thinks of himself as a monster, a monster who's just better than anyone else at crushing people. (If you get the reference from the ultimate talent, and the quote at the end, you got good taste) have a good day/evening/night
Deserved to be Loved
Series: Danganronpa.
Character: Mahiru.
Genre: Angst/Comfort.
Proofread: Yes.
Reader: Male.
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An Ultimate Talent something that everyone wishes to have and you were one of those lucky few. You are M/N the Ultimate Boxer and to have this Ultimate Talent was something you were extremely proud of. To be recognized for your efforts and to be known as an Ultimate was something that made you happy.
But now? It's something you hate something that you regret. 'What's the point of being an Ultimate anymore?' Thoughts like this often crossed. Other than being recognized for your efforts of becoming an Ultimate.
Happiness is what you want to bring people more than happiness and entertainment that's what meant to be a boxer to you. To see people smile to see their excitement at an upcoming match that's what you wanted most. However, even at the very start, this seemed to be difficult.
Days, months, years, this is how long you had devoted to training. But in the end, you wonder if it was even worth it. You're much taller than most students and have extraordinary muscles. To many students around school, they viewed you as scary and unapproachable.
You wanted nothing more than to make friends and make those friends through your love of boxing. But even then this didn't seem to work out well for you either. You would make rivals through boxing but they weren't the friendly type.
Challenging you challenging your title as the Ultimate Boxer is what these rivals wanted. However, each match ended the same way for you nothing but a bittersweet victory. Victories came too easily for you at first you loved but grew to hate.
Where was the challenge? How could you grow as a boxer? As you were now it didn't seem like you would get any of those.
However even with all this what you've been through all this despair...you had one spark of hope and this hope was your girlfriend Mahiru. You remember the day well when Mahiru approached you.
"Excuse me do you mind if I sit here?" Mahiru spoke as she held her tray of food. You look at her surprised anyone would approach you let alone ask to sit with you. "No, I don't mind." You replied softly.
Mahiru sat down across from you putting down her tray of food in front of her. "Honestly it's so busy in here today. You would think anyone would want to sit at a mostly empty table." Mahiru spoke causally although slightly annoyed.
"No one is sitting here because of me because of my appearance." You spoke softly playing with your food. "Is that so? I have a classmate who has a lot of muscles just like you. And unlike him, you look like you have some sense."
Mahiru spoke once more and you well you couldn't help but laugh at her response. She wasn't sure why you were laughing but she didn't care she loved your laugh. Soon after that a friendship began and sometime after that, a relationship blossomed.
Now here both of you were sitting on a bench in a park with the lovely sunny weather. It was great weather so Mahiru wanted to go out to take pictures and you were more than happy to go with her. But now you were just sitting side by side eating ice cream and you couldn't be happier.
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Chandler Bing Slowly Growing: As Told Through Acceptance of Thanksgiving
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Pre-Show - Boycots the holiday altogether. Typically celebrates alone eating junk food.
Season 1 - He watches the parade alone in his apartment. Chandler also tells the Thanksgiving Story and Monica insists he join them at the table even if he isn't eating the same food as them. He manages to take part because he is thankful for them and as long as they don't celebrate traditionally he can take participate. In fact, he manages to ensure they all have a good time - he makes everyone grilled cheese sandwiches and a pretty dang sentimental toast. He might not like the holiday but he loves his found family and wants to make it known.
Season 3 - Other things exacerbate the situation but Chandler is quite upset on Thanksgiving. He can take part in the festivities but only insofar as playing football and eating ice cream because none of those are typical Thanksgiving traditions.
Season 4 - He appreciates the parade but isn't involved in the meal part of the celebration. [ungiffed].
Season 5 - According to Joey, the Thanksgiving Story is "tradition" so you know he told it every year prior. For the first time, Chandler has few things to be thankful for and you can bet he tells Monica that.
Season 6 - The Thanksgiving Story is not told this year. This episode spans a whole day and there is no space for him to tell the group about it. Jack and Judy and telling them about their coupling take up most of their time, Chandler isn't going to be telling the almost in-laws about his parents when they don't even know about him being in their lives yet. And then the group splits off so the boys can go dancing and I can't imagine Chandler, who now has the acceptance of Jack and Judy bringing up this crazy story he has when he wants to make a good impression and they have so much more to talk about. Another stand out moment, is, while Chandler isn't hosting Thanksgiving by any stretch of the imagination, he appreciates and protects Monica's efforts, insisting that Ross and Joey stay for the meal he hates.
Season 7 - Chandler helps cook - just by putting things in ovens. And has tried (either in taste testing this year, or in season 5 [the last time they had a traditional dessert]) or is going to try, Pumpkin Pie.
Season 8 - Chandler still loves the parade and watches the game and is still not taking part in the meal eating, but he'll say what he's thankful for and stays silent about how much the holiday sucks. Because it doesn't really. Not anymore.
Season 9 - Thanksgiving Parade! Chandler helps decorate the table, setting plates, yes, but also the apartment. he's in Tulsa most of the time and he'd rather help Monica decorate the place than whatever Joey and Phoebe are doing because they don't get to spend all their time together anymore. The Thanksgiving Story is a funny little anecdote by now and he tells it to get them laughing but it doesn't define him or hold him back anymore.
Season 10 - Thanksgiving Parade is watched again this year, he doesn't even hide his joy about it. Chandler actively takes part in the holiday by asking for, not being given a, job to help Monica cook. He asks to help cook. He knew she didn't want to host this year, they've been under enough stress as it is, and that's why he insists she doesn't need to cook him chicken this year. He'll stick to the vegetables if it turns out he hates turkey. Not only does he eat the turkey and his "chanberry" sauce, because not much else survived Joey, but the day turns out to be one of the best of his life.
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Oracle: the Kissing Game || Rinne Amagi
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How would you imagine getting in an odd situation with a certain idol, slash totally not a friend, and person you really hate. >:( And once almost force to marry him because of his village "oracle" but of course you manage to escape that thing year or so ago! Alas. It seems you really can't escape being in a union with this dang red haired.
it all started with a kissing game (why would you even do such thing with him? He of course pokes your buttons and sing his crazy roulette, the first part at your ears like that annoying trumpet guy till you give in) with Rinne but then the guy said, the first one to tap out lose and have to do the winner orders.
Rinne is like trained. He probably can hold his breath more than others could cause his a future monarch and his village is kinda "another world" thing.
So he would win obviously and you who's out of breath look at this smug son of a bitch, laughing smugly at his very foreseeable victory from the start and you just want to punch the damn guy-- wait you did. But it only made him laugh even more.
"WHAT IF I SUFFOCATED?!" you were red from both anger and embarrassment. You cannot believe you lost to this dang guy, you being too competitive and it's the reason you take his contest or challenge to begin with.
You will never kiss rinne the fucking Amagi.
"well, it be the first one to die from kissing, babe." He chuckle like a menace he is. " Obviously I won't let you die because you kiss me and you'll have to take responsibility!" He then point out.
"what." - you.
"Well..." He clap his hand. Hiiro come out hidding and with people that look like someone from the Amagi brother village and suddenly you find yourself dragged and change cloths.
"you and him are now bless couple. Have a nice union for life!" With that your official married in the traditions of Rinne and hiiro village, they wave and let you two have your fun in your house, as if they never been there at all.
"BRO HOW COME I WASN'T ABLE GIVE A WORD ABOUT THIS????" you exclaim. "I don't like you! You bastard, go die! " You throw Middle finger at his face, he laugh as he held your hand that giving him a rude finger and interlock it with his.
"it's ok sweetie. Your just being tsundere again. Mwah.( ˘ ³˘)♥" He sneakily kiss your cheeks. The exaggerating noisy sloppy kiss.
"IM NOT TSUNDERE. >:(((" You frown but then look at him. "Hmmp." You cross your arms and snob your eyes away. " Your good looking, so what?you have a seggsy voice, so what? Your a good brother to Hiiro, so what?" You start "You also reminded me of someone." You mumble almost inaudible to others but him.
"Hmm~?who's this someone, babe? (◍•ᴗ•◍)" -rinne. Oh my, you just indirectly complimented me ~ how cute!
"none of ya business. (✿^‿^)" - You.
"gasp. Your already cheating on me? ԅ( ͒ ۝ ͒ )ᕤ" - rinne. Le gasp.
You smiled at him and said nothing.
→_→ >>> (◔‿◔)
(Rinne ) > ( you )
Your being stared by him so much, you give up. "Fine it was a very, very hungry kid who like to eat sandwich when I was a kid. He have blue eyes. Other than that I forget. My guardian said it's because I roll down from a hill and knock my head in a log when I get lost when I was a kid. They only told me the kid have blue eyes and stuff. " You mumble. His eyes widen as he hear your words.
"I don't know your that clumsy." He laugh. " And then what~" isn't that me? Eheh. I wonder if I should tell you~ ' rinne thought, quite smugly as you remember him at least. He thought you wouldn't--
"when I saw Niki, he have blue eyes and loves to eat food. So Its probably Niki. (ღ˘ω˘ღ) no one can be gluttony and cute when eating like him. I remember that in not so vivid memories and description of my guardian, they said the kid eat like a cute hamster! Or squirrel!" Your eyes sparkle at the discussion.
"...." - rinne. 'What.'
He takes a deep breath and compose himself. 'calm down rinne, it's probably because she just don't remember that vivid!' he smile at you which cause you to raise a brow.
"your smiling kinda weird. Why are you smiling like you wanna punch someone." You point out.
"oh it's nothing ~ ಡ ͜ ʖ ಡ I just wanna ask what if it's not Niki? What if it's... Me...? " - rinne. ' THAT WAS ME, THROUGH???"
"your not cute, your seggsy." You straight forwardly says to him. "My guardian said that the friend of mine would be cutie, not seggsy if we become adults " you added.
"..." he don't know if he should feel bashful, proud your complimenting him or the fact your openly don't consider the chances, just because your forgotten what he look like.
"hey. Till when are you gonna stay here. I'm gonna play my game. There's an event today." You point out the door. " Get out. I'm gonna do a 10 pull and hope I get a new 5*" you beam. "There's limited banner today! I will get soob this time since I did the event picnic and only need one more recipe to get another limited ticket!!" You show the picture and he can't help but chuckle as he left the little problem with you misidentifying who's your childhood friend aside and circle his arms around you.
" HEY! (。・//ε//・。)" - you. But you don't try to remove his arms since it's pointless, your too weak and your going to yeet your energy for the event than mess with him. He probably would get bored and let go of you later.
"what about my 3* card then~?"
"→_→ I Max it out. When I did a 20 pull earlier." You don't like when you remember how you don't get new cards but set of 4* you already almost max. Almost all rinne 3* 10 pull.
You move to your couch and the buffoon who still leech on you seat with you, arms around you as you play, you just let him be as it's a normal thing now. He always comes for bother you And your personal space. Ifs his personal space too, as he proclaimed before.
You did wonder if that event earlier eas real deal or you imagining it. You probably did after you lost too much air from lack of oxygen.
Remembering the event earlier, with his lips against yours, you suddenly turn bright red and miss a note. " Ahaha you miss a note. Want me to play it for you, babe~?" Rinne who's looking at your gameplay over your shoulder chuckle as he look at you pausing your game and having a moment of silent of having to break your combo( or so he thought as he cannot see your face that's blushing so hard from late processing the stupid action you did before.)
"hmmp. Your probably bad at this >:/ " you cough as you tried to compose yourself. " Heh. Is this a challenge? Let's see then." He take your phone and causally did an expert mode and in front of your eyes perfect combo 4 songs and you only watch in amazement and awestruck but refuse to admit his good.
"Y-you just get lucky hmmp." You mumble
"well, how about another day then~?" He saw that you look at him with twinkling eyes at his words and he chuckle as he play your silly game based on the people around you, with his hands still around you. You watch him in glee as he did your tour event your not able to do because it need perfect combo and gotten all the dia from perfect combo from difficult levels your not able to get. And slowly fall asleep from the music against his arm when his doing his 20th song.
After your BP and extra whistle run out. He notice your sleeping form, peacefully sleeping. He put away your phone in the side but careful to not move too much and soon he fallen asleep with you.
The following days , Niki complain how Rinne is bullying him about something, you as Niki close friend complain to Rinne for bullying Niki. The dude just whistle and let you nag him. He will never say he still felt salty as you won't think that the friend you meet before Is him and it's totally not Niki! Just for what? Because his not cute?
Unforgivable! >:(
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sakuraswordly · 1 year
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Ashes of Dreams (lyrics):
Hidden so deep in veils of deceit, Imprisoned in twisting spells - Are we the plaything of fiends, or merely the dreams That we're telling ourselves, telling ourselves?
Stories of danger, fearless attack, Spectres of plague and pain. All of these ghosts of our own delusions are back; Have we been fighting in vain? Fighting in vain?
These lyrics are the meaning of this picture art that I paint. Fighting in vain? <== This is the hint of how the story will go so far. This is the story of Punch. Punch appearance as half to show why she changes her appearance. It shows that Sonic and Gilgamesh are part of her personality. (But Punch's personality is based on me more. I will explain later at the end of the blog)
Sonic, Punch and Gilgamesh are the same. Because they are Punch.
(Warning contains Fate extra ccc and Sonic games spoilers)
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Enkidu: And yet you lived for many years, you were reborn as a tyrant
Gilgamesh’s violence only increased after he became a young man. Not only the people of Uruk, but even the gods who had made use of him had had enough of Gilgamesh’s despotism.
“Gilgamesh isn’t fulfilling his true purpose.” “We need something to punish that insolent man — ”
As for Sonic....
greenyvertekins: His greediness.
Yeah, I know. Very rarely shown trait that actually only shown a tiny handful of times such as in this in which he's very willing to fight hard for that last meat bun;
and in the Black Knight opening in which he's more concerned about catching his food and eating it than really taking the situation all that seriously (Not that he really needed to…) then saying a big "Noooo!" when he drops the second one and doesn't have a chance at getting it before Merlina teleports them away.
I doubt that bringing up how ravenous Sonic apparently is in Purple Frenzy form would mean that much-considering gameplay and story segregation and the debate about how intact Sonic's mind actually is in that form considering he acts little more than a mindless monster that eats objects with a single-minded ferocity.
greenyvertekins: Extreme obstinance to his own personal view
He certainly wastes no time when it came to attacking Merlina when she revealed her plans and her one-sided sadness. In fact, he looks like he's ready to cleave her in two just for asking why he doesn't understand her feelings on Camelot's future;
This feels like an extreme course of action to take considering that if anything, Merlina was more misguided than truly malevolent and didn't do anything truly objectionable before this. He's also not all that willing to admit when something is difficult for him as indicated by Team Sonic's ending in Heroes in which Knuckles goads him into admitting that this time Eggman came close and that if it wasn't for him and Tails assisting him, he "Wouldn't have stood a chance". Whilst Sonic admits this to a degree ("Hmmm, well Maybe you're right Knuckles"), it's still only a "maybe" and he's still quite obstinate.
greenyvertekins: Bad loser
He hates being deprived of the win or getting things wrong. Good examples of this include Jet besting him in the Ex Grand World Prix despite the cheating and blaming his initially poor swordsmanship on Caliburn i.e If you keep getting hit by Arthur in the Misty Lake boss battle, Sonic will state in bad temper who he wishes he didn't have to use "This dang sword" and when Caliburn states that he wished for more time to train him, Sonic states that he wishes for a better sword.
Back to King Gilgamesh
Gilgamesh born with a body that was of the highest grade by mortal standards and knowledge reaching truth, Gilgamesh was born, designed, as king and the Wedge of Heaven to connect the rising humans and the fading gods. He was sent to ensure the humans and bind the earth slowly leaving the Age of Gods. He was a being embodying the two life sets of life forms, with the blood of those who had ruled and the blood of those who would rule from thereon. He was to be the ultimate neutral party.
Enkidu: …But. I knew the reason for his transformation, I knew so well it hurt. When he was born, this conclusion was already made. He was alone, a creature neither god nor human. With the characteristics of both sides, his viewpoint ranged so wide and so far not even the gods could understand the things he saw. An excess of power lead to an excess of loneliness. Even so, he did not give up his place as king. He did not flee the purpose he had given himself.  …what a powerful ego, I thought. He earnestly respected the gods, and loved humans. It was just that, in conclusion, he had chosen the path of abandoning the gods and hating humans.
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Free-spirited, adventurous and fun-loving #ソニック 🔵💨
He cares about his friends and hates bending. He doesn't seem to want to be a "hero"😮
Still, Sonic, who helps everyone with his heart, might be the coolest hero
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In Tsubasa of Phantasia, Enkidu gave his life for Gilgamesh. Enkidu's decision to die for Gilgamesh is the same reason why Syaoran chose to save Sonic's life no matter what.
Enkidu: “That’s right. I was a weapon. A tool. Not like him. Though Gilgamesh was made as a child of the gods, he was a hero who defied them. He had a soul from the beginning. He had free will ever since he was born. A true life, unlike mine. A star, with real value, not a consumable like me. …I had always yearned for that. I hated it. Why, when we were made by the same gods, were we such different beings.”
Sonic is a hero, but not the usual hero that we tend to think of. He seeks for action and adventure, but he is willing to help out anyone in need, and does things he thinks is right. So, to me, he's a hero, despite him not seeing himself as that.
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This picture is what Gilgamesh means "my childhood". He refers to Sonic. In the past, both Punch and Gilgamesh were much like Sonic back then. Sonic, Punch, and Gilgamesh were all good at speaking body language as children. Sonic, Punch, and Gilgamesh love nature and were very positive about the world where they lived.
molinaskies: As confident and collected of a character as Sonic is, he has always been a character who feels so, so, so immensely. What recent English game scripts butcher and what a lot of people seem to miss outright is that Sonic is highly emotional but doesn’t have the emotional maturity to comfortably process or showcase his more negative (anger, sadness, fear) and complex (romantic love, admiration) emotions. He knows they’re there, but usually refuses to address them. We see signs of these feelings in games and external media, but – again, by design – Sonic suppresses those feelings to focus on what he loves - his speed, his freedom, world peace, and his friends. Sonic is a fifteen-year-old with the responsibility of the world’s peace and his found family’s happiness on his shoulders. He bears that burden alone and it clearly affects him, but he’s not at a point in his life where he’s ready to confront his heart. He just knows that it’s big, that it’s in the right place, and that it’ll be there for him when he’s ready. Whether that’s Sonic’s healthiest option can be debated, and I’d argue that he should let the people he wants to be closer to him in (Amy is a strong example, but that’s another essay that’s been done to death – perhaps another time), but the fact that he’s an emotional and reserved character is not.
kagekitsuneoflight: Actually there is a very good reason why Gilgamesh hates Shirou. And it’s not a “I’m an arrogant bastard. I don’t need a reason to hate this boy trying to claw his way to my level.” Gilgamesh sees Shirou for what he is. He’s taken bits and pieces of others and stuffed it within himself with hardly an effort to make it his own. And to Gilgamesh, this it’s infuriating. He loves when humans are themselves and honest and to see this boy with a stolen dream wielding stolen legends, stolen pride (because keep in mind. A Noble Phantasm is a symbol of a hero’s pride), he cannot help but be infuriated. Who was this boy, this faker, who dares claim to be a Hero of Justice when it is not even his own dream?!
As the King of Heroes, the First Hero, he absolutely cannot let this stand! He, Gilgamesh, is allowed to use those symbols of pride as projectiles. He is the King of those owners of pride. It is within his rights. Yet.
He never truly uses another’s Noble Phantasm, does he? He doesn’t grasp their pride and use it as his own.
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fukurou-hoseki: Sonic's more dominant personality type is his observation. He's a curious little cat who will observe the area around him and listen to the people in question. He never cuts anyone off, even if they are a foe.
Sonic, Punch and Gilgamesh are observation personality types.
Enkidu: Thus, I was gazing on the fortress city. The voice calling to me came from within it. Suppressing my impatience, I counted the days until he would be grown. In childhood, he had an air of royalty about him surpassing any other on earth. Open-mindedness, prudence, justice, he valued all of these virtues. The average person walking by was charmed by him and would sing his praises. He appeared the ideal boy-king. I could only think that the gods had made some mistake, saying he had grown proud. The young Gilgamesh had no faults in need of punishment. …if there was some problem with him, it was only that while he did honor the gods, he didn’t submit to them.
Because pure heart as a child is the reason why Shadow never forget Sonic. Sonic's heart is just a baby. (I hate to call that) but have a lot of responsibility when it's time. That's why Shadow care for Sonic.
Shadow: “Sonic reached out to save me before I fell to Earth from the Ark. If I hadn’t waved him away, Sonic would have fallen with me, but his determination in trying…I’ll never forget that.
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This picture is what Gilgamesh means "my younger self". He refers to Sonic. Fundamentally, a polite and modest boy. His type of woman goes along the lines of a "flower that blooms in the wild"(He refers to Punch).
Enkidu observed the young Gilgamesh, but could not understand the need to punish such an amiable, ideal king who was praised and lauded by his infatuated subjects. Sonic is the same as Gilgamesh back then. That's why deep down Gilgamesh very care for Sonic a lot. But because of him now, he will hurt Sonic if Sonic knew the truth about what happened to Gilgamesh. And all because of him. That's why he always stays away from Sonic and lets Punch face off.
Gilgamesh: But I don't want to lose who I am....if I lose, then who will remember you, my friend.
Sonic: No matter where I am. I'm never going to change
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Some things are beautiful because they cannot be obtained
fukurou-hoseki: Sonic stood up to accept his fate. He was going to allow Erazor to kill him there and then. Shahra jumped in front of him as she promised, as his master, she was bound to protect him from harm.
The same way to Punch and Gilgamesh. They already live life to the fullest. That's why they gave their lives to do anything and accept their fate no matter what this event will happen. But the problem is......
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Punch: Sonic doesn't know what's hurt, what's love, what's sad and what's revenge is. He did feel revenge and anger but not the same as humans that's why he never ended up like Shadow. But he had a strong heart. Me and Mr Gilgamesh too. We understand this sentiment, but we never understood it. Sonic is not the type to love hugging. That's means that only those who really important to him allow to hug and touch him.
Sonic didn't understand what death mean even though he knew what's mean. In Sonic Prime shows how much he is hurt when his friends are gone(This is what death meaning is). Sonic just realizes how hurt he is when he lost his friends.
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Enkidu: It was to protect Uruk though? If we don’t defeat all evil on the Earth, our people will starve to death. So why, I asked again. He made the people of Uruk suffer by his tyranny, so why was he worried for them now?
Gilgamesh: It’s not so strange. I was born to be a protector of humanity, after all. Building the future of this planet is the king’s duty.”
Enkidu: I see. So you preferred the path you saw here.
In Sonic and the black knight, Sonic already chose this path even though he would end up as a villain. Sonic didn't mind at all. The same way why both Punch and Gilgamesh decision and never look back on what they chose.
Gilgamesh: Do not take me so lowly. How can I be a hero if I cannot swallow a curse such as this? All evils of the world? Heh, bring at least three times as much as that if you want to stain me. See, Saber. A hero is someone who carries with them everything they see. I am already carrying everything in this world.
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Because he doesn't understand the hurt and doesn't understand that his body was weak and needs to rest. Sonic keep pushing forward until his body was limited. Like Gilgamesh in Fate grand order, he dead from overwork and then takes a shot from Tiamat originally meant for Ritsuka. Despite his condition, he continues firing the Dingir. A clump of Lahmu then crashes onto the ziggurat with force equal to Gugalanna’s hoof, knocking out Ritsuka and Mash.
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Bonus: This picture is what Gilgamesh refers to Syaoran, Peter, and Danny in Tsofph's story. Gilgamesh knew that these three will do anything to protect Sonic, Punch, and Gilgamesh in the future. Gilgamesh chose to walk alone and only because his A+ charisma will hurt them.
Because this is why Gilgamesh both loves and hates himself.
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That’s mean...If you mistake Sonic's personality, that means you never understand both Punch's and Gilgamesh's personalities. Because these three characters were hard to write.(It's already difficult to understand yourself. Right?) That's why I need to gather many characters to make events and understand them much better. True that Sonic and Gilgamesh are both based on their original creator. But as I told you. They are the same Punch.
Sonic is based on my childhood personality 50%.(Sonic is mostly based on me the most of all three. But still Sonic is different than me because I love water and the ocean more than Sonic.)
Punch is based on my negative personality in the past 100%. (My first hated and my first feeling of revenge you could say. In the present, I don't feel any negative now. I'm happy and accept my life. They are all in that past.)
Gilgamesh is based on my leadership personality 50%. (This is the real reason why I chose to study petroleum at university. This subject is the hardest I have ever challenged in my life. If I understand this, I can show how clever Gilgamesh was and what he knew in the past.)
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This video AMV I made 7 years ago. This one just cut part of the video.(Yep…I still can't believe that I put my heart into this story too much when I was back then.)
This BLAZE is the first opening of Tsubasa Chronicle (anime).
Music by: Nieve Arrangements by: HAL Lyrics and performance by: Kinya Kotani
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sexykatsuki17 · 2 years
Bakugo’s Revenge
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Today was wednesday which means that class 1A had Quirk training. Bakugo, Jiro, lida, Uraraka, sero, shoji, midoriya, and Todoroki were all inside the kitchen getting Breakfast. Bakugo wanted to try this cereal he got from the store. Good Morning Kacchan Midoriya said, grabbing a bowl Bakugo slapped Midoriya. Ouch Midoriya said fuck off Bakugo said sitting down. Geez why are you so mean all the time? Midoriya asked, then Todoroki came and sat down at the table with them.  
Ah Todoroki Kun hey Midoriya said Hey midoriya Todoroki said oh Beat it Icy Hot nobody said you could sit with us Bakugo said quite angrily. Todoroki just rolled his eyes so how did you sleep last night Midoriya? Todoroki asked I slept well? Midoriya said Hey Don’t Ignore me Bakugo said Midoriya and Todoroki kept talking, Bakugo just rolled his eyes taking a bite of his Cereal Midoriya smiled whatcha eating Kacchan? Midoriya asked,
 None of your business you damn nerd Bakugo said wait your Eating Sugar free Cereal? Midoriya asked yeah so? Bakugo said, swallowing his mouthful. I heard that Sugar free Cereal can Upset your stomach. Todoroki said yeah right, Maybe  If you have a weak stomach my stomach is strong Bakugo said eating another spoonful Maybe you should listen Kacchan Midoriya said.
Shut it Deku Bakugo said soon the rest of the kids came downstairs to eat breakfast. After everyone finished Breakfast they left for schooll.
While walking to school Bakugo’s belly felt bloated and his stomach started to loudly gurgle. Ugh!!!  I hate when those damn nerds are right Bakugo hissed gently rubbing his stomach. The gurgling in my belly should stop soon Bakugo said and right he was until homeroom began.
Just as Aizawa walked in, Bakugo's belly started to growl again. Awww Kacchan Midoriya said he gently tapped Bakugo’s shoulder what? Bakugo asked is that your stomach? Midoriya asked Bakugo just turned back around, your stomach sounds upset. You should go to recovery girl Midoriya said, maybe you should go back to the dorms and lay down? Midoriya said even though Jiro isn’t saying anything I know she hears your stomach growling Midoriya said.
Everyone got quiet just as Bakugo’s stomach growled loudly causing Bakugo to blush. Aizawa gave Bakugo the go ahead to head to recovery girl’s office where Bakugo laid down until Lunch time.
When Lunch time rolled around Bakugo was starving so he got his lunch. He got Spicy curry with extra rice on the side, 2 fruit cups, a bowl of Ramen, and 4 Onigiri.
He sat down at the table next to Kirishima and Kaminari. Is your stomach feeling any better? Kirishima asked yeah my stomach was just upset from that cereal I ate this morning Bakugo said while eating his curry. 
          I think next time you will listen to me, Todoroki said oh shut the hell up I listen to no one Bakugo said. Why are you eating so much?  I guess you still want your belly growling during training Todoroki said Bakugo got upset while drinking his water.
Bakugo yelled, Kirishima gently rubbed Bakugo’s stomach, calming him enough so that he could finish his food. After lunch Bakugo’s stomach was full and bloated Dang Bro you thick Kaminari said gently touching Bakugo’s bloated hips. You bastard, I'm not thick, I just ate a lot at lunch. Bakugo said Right , Kaminari said you calling me a liar asshole? Bakugo asked No , Kaminari said good you better not be Bakugo said, rolling his eyes. No it’s true you do look thick Todoroki said What the hell are you talking about? Bakugo asked eying Todoroki from the corner of his eye, you look thick because you were pigging out at lunch Todoroki said Bakugo blushed while everyone laughed.
You smug punk I’ll kill you Bakugo growled yeah sure Todoroki said closing his locker. After training everyone went back to the U.A dorms Bakugo was in his room thinking of a way to get back at Midoriya, and todoroki for making a fool of him and thinking that he didn’t know his own limits. 
The Next Day, The same people were downstairs for breakfast but the same Breakfast choice wasn’t chosen. Bakugo was making a green smoothie with Protein powder with it. Oh, drinking healthy this morning Todoroki said Shut up Bakugo said just as Bakugo was pouring his smoothie into a glass Kaminari and Kirishima walked into the kitchen. Good morning Bakugo Kirishima said Bakugo was drinking his smoothie when Kaminari poked his stomach causing Bakugo to gasp and then start to cough choke Here man Kirishima said giving Bakugo a mug of coffee that had Laxatives in it Bakugo drinked it.
Ugh, Bakugo growled Better? Kirishima asked Yeah Bakugo said you Idiot Bakugo said towards Kaminari yeah it’s not my fault that you are a little chubby. Kaminari said I’m not chubby Bakugo just then Bakugo’s stomach growled loudly. What was in that Coffee? Bakugo asked Kirishima looked and saw a Laxative powder. Uhm Laxatives Kirishima said oh that is it Deku, Icy Hot, Shitty Hair, and Dunce Face you 4 stay here the rest of you extras can leave Bakugo said. Uhm Kacchan we are going to miss homeroom Midoriya said don’t care Bakugo said he went to the bathroom and after washing his hands before he started to cook a huge feast of food. Alright you losers I dare all 4 of you to eat all of this food Bakugo said smirking no way Kaminari said it’s a dare dude Kirishima said so? Kaminari said do it Bakugo said slamming his hand down on the table okay Kaminari said. 
Midoriya ate the chicken wings, Omurice, Melonpan, pork cutlet bowl, and sushi.
Todoroki ate the soba, Natto, Tempura, Zenzai, and Mochi
Kirishima ate the Miso soup, Gyoza, Meat, Coffee, and Rice 
Kaminari ate a HamBurger, Imagawayaki,  Chankonabe, Grilled cheese sandwich, Strawberries.
The 4 of them kept eating the food That Bakugo cooked for them. The 4 of them had 39 dishes before they had bloated loudly gurgling stomachs and depending on what they ate depended on how loud their stomach was.
Ugh Bakugo, could you rub my stomach? Kirishima asked Bakugo, laughing while eating a bag of chips, rub it yourself. I'm not going to reward you, Bakugo said Please Kirishima pleaded as his stomach loudly growled ugh Have all of you losers learned your lessons? Bakugo asked Yes Everyone moaned as all of their stomachs growled loudly. 
So Bakugo spent all morning rubbing and massaging each of their bellies, proud of himself for getting revenge on them. While Todoroki, Midoriya, Kirishima, and  Kaminari all learned not to pick on Bakugo unless you have an iron stomach. 
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wanou-dorm · 1 year
Hoshi Headcanon Discord Edition- Electric Boggaloo
includes. A lot of Vil Bullying
Slyvester and Toma- @hey-its-cweepy
Flynn -@fumikomiyasaki
There is no Timeline where Vil Gets with Hoshi  even Though Thier Friendly canonical ,Rook  confesses first and Passes Hoshi test  often Hoshi Rejects his advanced 
 It’s. even worse Bringing Flynn ass into  Flynn Matches up more with Hoshi than Vil .
Let’s not even Get into Slyvster and Toma
Dang Vil you really lost him to a Literal Snake ,Flynn’s Goofy Ass and Rook rizzing him up.
Imagine You Model and actor Vil  Get rejected by a Lowly fortune teller, only for what is basically a Ragdoll to charm him .
Hoshi Usally says That it’s because Of Vil being a Perfectionist
Hoshi Doesn’t  Exactly like Vil Ways as he’s Comments on his Looks As an Oni in comparison to Shu only to To get a Tounge Lashing by Hoshi. This was about thier Hair.
Hey Remember  when I said That Vil is very Critical  of Shu and often compares Shu to Hoshi A lot .
- A lot of what Vil believes about Hoshi to be isn’t true  
- Example Hoshi’s as Better Dorm leader because Hoshi is Calmer and Less Volatile than Shu, 
This only half true , Hoshi  can be more Volatile than Shu. but Hoshi angry is Worse than Shu being  angry . Hoshi angry is like Fighting a Bear with jiujitsu you already dead the moment you pushed him too far.
- Hoshi is More docile than Shu
- Thats a ducking Lie because Hoshi Likes to play Docile  and Dumb  as a Mask so people Don’t pry into his business . If anything he more laidback than Docile
- The Hair Thing Hoshi could almost Disfigure  Vil over everytime he mentioned that. 
Shu’s hair was often Cut Short as a Kid (even though Shu liked it Long .  )  people  just Didn’t want to Deal  with the Care that  maintaining it  as it was deemed to Troublesome and thick , Untameable . It was Only when Hoshi Learned and Taught  Shu how take care of it . Could Shu actually Keep his hair Long.It’s why He’s hates Vil Commenting about thier Hair and How Shu “ Looks like he’s Never Dose his hair .”(it’s naturally shaggy looking ) 
Vil has been Bonked on the Head by Hoshi  multiple times  for just mentioning how “Messy “ Shu’s hair is . 
- Fairy Gala is Something That send Hoshi over the Roof that Vil complained that Shu fought with him about Not wanting to  have a Style with out bangs covering Specific spot on his Head , How Shu “Fought “(tried to compromise ) with him on Clothes. Hoshi Held back Slapping him and did Shu’s Make up himself  cause Vil  obviously couldn’t be Trusted not to Make Shu super uncomfortable to Point he couldn’t do the Gala correctly .
A big thing that Hoshi Hates Vil Mentioning for comparisons, is Thier Bodies and Diet , Shu has Sweet tooth and it very Obvious when He’s Been eating alot of it cause Oni Metabolism  is Weird balance  .
-\ Hoshi has Problems with Vil Using that as Comparison between  the two because Hoshi is a Bear  in oni form and Bears are Pretty Big , Chubby looking and Bulky  , 
—Plus Hoshi Possibly has a Binge Eating Disorder due Foster homes forcing him on diets . Shu  has much healthier Relationship with Food Than Hoshi . 
Hoshi usally tell  him that being  skinny doesn’t mean Being Healthy and that Vil doesn’t  know what Hoshi or Shu actually looks like as oni .
- Hoshi dose not mind  any S/O who are Friendlier with Vil (like Flynn )but Hoshi dose not Tolerate Vil trying to Make an Example  out of him to compare Shu to.
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broodyjoey · 5 months
Fucking gonna off myself living in this dang house I can't fucking be arsed with this shit
I hate existing because of this place, I wish I could be as lucky as my other friends who have found themselves some place else to be,
my friend who got punched and choked by her abusive mother, she got herself a rich boyfriend and she stays in his house and her elder brother's new house when her bf does long work trips, my other friend's mother finally came to retrieve her from her abusive father and she stays in a big house now.
Only me and one of my close friends have to stay in an abusive house with no way out, he has someone to hold on to tho. He has a lover in the west.
I have abusive ex's (1 went to jail) and have to stay in an abusive home.
Justice? Wtf is that? Dunno, might be a mythical creature.
I don't think I'll ever see the light in the end of this dark tunnel anymore. I'm giving up, I've gotten hope and given up so many fucking times... I can't count it anymore.
No matter, I feel numb now.
Numbingly sad.
So not totally numb yet. I'm thinking maybe I should smoke or sniff something... But maybe not, I have a addictive personality.
I wish I had a partner that wouldn't sexually assault and/or physically assault me. I fantasize and dream that I can stay there and live a happy life, having a place to put my belongings.
Or my partner has a relative where there's a safe place I can stay in the guest room, have my own room, do my own thing, have privacy for the first time in my life.
I can't even be in the toilet in peace in this current shit place, in my fantasies I can be in solitude in "my" room. A room of my own to stay in.
No more pain, no more sudden attacks, no more disturbance in the toilets. No more throwing my clothes just to make way for a fucking hoarder that doesn't even wear those fucking clothes.
I can do what I've wanted, too long too afraid of being caught doing something I wanted to do. I don't even have my own personality because having my own thoughts means getting punished. Because it goes against what my narc mom wants.
Always have to be the quiet punching bag, mustn't make a sound when they lack money or they'll hurt you.
Life not worth living, just like walking around in hell.
I'm scolded for eating too. They don't care that I starve and ache.
I just want to be loved safely in a person's arms. So lucky are my friends and sister that they have a nice partner that has space for them in their home.
Me? I'm just suffering with no hope. In this shit house, shit trauma from exs, in this shit life, got SA'd before I even got my 1st bf/gf, 1st bf only wanted me because I could replace his favorite gf, my life has been nothing but in vain.
In my religion, material goods are vices and you should let go of these. Well, without material, I would have jumped off the roof. It's because of all the merch I bought, so I stay and fight. Because of the mobile games I play, bcs of the dress I want, bcs of the food I want.
That's why I'm still alive, and I save up for it so I have a goal to live for these. Without material, I would've died long ago.
Maybe the real escape to this hell and purgatory is death? I dunno if this life is real or this is just a shit simulation on how fast can I escape this. Sick fuck created an escape room and called it life. Maybe that's what this shit existence is...
At this point, I'm so mentally ill from so much pain, that I need to come up with theories to cope with the pain. Because if this is all there is to existing, then why am I made to go through all this?
Why am I a guinea pig in the emotional distress and physical abuse tolerance experiment and why am I put into the group where all the bad things happen?
This is secretly the bad place like in the show "the good place" right?
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ericalikespainting · 1 year
“But you like doing them, right?,” my mom asked, just days before a big convention.
“What?! No! I hate doing shows!” I don’t know how or when I even gave the impression that I enjoyed schlepping my stuff to another city to set it up, and then try to speak to strangers over loud, ambient noise. There is next to nothing fun about it for shy, quiet me.
“Then why do you do them?”
“Because I wouldn’t sell any art otherwise.”
At my age, I’ve come to realize that a lot of the issues I have with going out and socializing are due to a lack of control in my environment. For example, I don’t get hangry at home. I can go to the kitchen and eat anything because I stocked the shelves myself. I get hangry when I’m out with a group of people because they tend to collectively decide when and what the group eats. I can only control so much of this type of situation, so I started carrying a snack when I go out with a group for an undetermined amount of time. Thus, I’ve done the best I can to mediate that lack of control in my environment.
The same goes for different tastes in temperature, sound, etc. Some people are extroverts and love chatting (even with strangers), while some people are introverts and would much rather not, and some people can do both!
What I’m getting at is this: people are different. I know, right! When all these different people with different preferences show up together in a big building, they’re usually at the mercy of the person “in charge” for whatever reason. Let’s cite that study from 2015 about gender inequality and office AC. Anecdotally, I’ve been held hostage to extremely loud music from a neighboring booth at conventions in the past, and well, that’s just rude.
So what is the gentle convention-goer to do? The best we can! Here are a few ideas to help you get through a stressful day of sensory bombardment. I’m sharing it here because I wish I had something like this years ago when I started going to conventions as an attendee, but it’s so much more important now as a vendor.
- Get as much done in advance as possible. Get it out of the way so you don’t have to struggle the closer you get to the date of the event. If I have too much to do, I get aggravated and snippy, and it makes working more difficult than it needs to be.
- Keep aforementioned snacks (and water, when possible. I know some buildings keep TSA-style rules about liquids). If you are to be hanging out in a booth all day without a helper, you might not be able to leave to grab a bite, depending on available concessions. This is even more important if you have food issues of any kind, or if you’re a strict vegan, etc.
- Wear earplugs when possible. I started wearing earplugs at concerts. I’ve also recently discovered that I’m more sensitive to sound than some people, and I even wear my earplugs between sets because audience chatter can be pretty loud and I find it annoying. I bought Loops, and they happen to be pretty dang cute. I had Vibes, they broke in the case and I don’t recommend them.
- My bestie got me an essential oil inhaler for portable aromatherapy. I’m debating using Wyndmere’s emotional rescue blend, or straight lavender oil in mine. I also used to dab a little bit on my mask when I worked through 2020.
- If you have a helper, find a quiet place you can pop into every once in a while, when needed. Even a bathroom would be OK, as long as there aren’t a ton of people and it isn’t stinky.
- In the same vein, schedule as much as you can in advance as possible. If you can get someone to help you have breaks, take advantage. If you’re able to go to a quiet place outside, do it. Get some air. At my next show, I know exactly when the show floor closes, and I plan to get out and to my hotel room as quickly as possible. I’m going to eat, put on pajamas, listen to some quiet music, and read a book. I’m looking forward to this quiet time more than anything else I’ll be doing.
- Dress comfortably. I love costumes and makeup, I always have. I was going to cosplay at the next convention, but then I realized I’d have to get up way earlier to get ready. I love sleeping so much. So. Much. Also, I’d be stuck at my booth all day with no way to change if I needed. Comfort = Less irritable = Better customer interactions.
- Have something to do. I like painting at conventions so people can see that my work isn’t photoshopped, and I always have to do something with my hands. Most artists sketch all day. If you don’t have a portable handcraft, bring a fidget spinner. I use a fidget when speaking to people. I noticed I’d fidget when talking to people for most of my life anyway, with a toy I’m just focusing that energy into a less destructive way.
- Speaking of destruction, I can’t be the only person who chews the inside of my lip when anxious, can I? Chew some gum.
- Have sour candy on hand.
- Have a treat at the end of the day. You did a good job! My treat is quiet time. 😂 Be good to yourself, treat yourself to what your body and mind need.
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For sleepover ask game! confess something/tell me a secret and tell me about your pet. And pick some for me as well if you want- this looks fun! :D ~Pinestripe
Confess/tell a secret… oh dang, hmm… well I pick at my fingernails a lot. Not because I’m stressed or anything; it’s just a habit of mine 😅
She’s a sweet golden doodle with a heart of gold—she’s the sweetest thing I can’t even sksgajsvajvwi
She has favorite toys and is super gentle with them because she doesn’t them to break 🥺
She loves loves loves to be around the people she cares about, and hates sleeping in rooms by herself; she’d much prefer hopping into someone else’s bed lol
She also loves butter. No one really knows why. Just. Butter. It’s her favorite food. She regularly steals an entire stick and eats it.
Her theme song would probably be The Happy Song by Jamie Grace. She is just so joyful all the time, in a really sweet way. She’s… the best. She’s the best. Gosh I love her.
For you (if you still wanna do this, because I answered a bit late) tell me about your unpopular opinions, headcanons you have, and your top five favorite animals!
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gorochuva · 2 years
Taking Madoka's survey bc I can
remind me to tag this later
Please tell us your name. Lillyan (this is going on the internet, I'd rather not give you my last name)
When is your birthday? January 10
Your blood type? I don't know
Would you please tell us your three sizes? What sizes?
Would you tell us about your family composition? Me, my parents, and two cats. And a Pikachu plush that I treat like my little brother, but I don't think that counts.
What’s your occupation? I don't currently have one
Your favorite food? Pizza, and anything with Mexican cheese
Favorite animal? Jaguar
Favorite subject? I really liked English when I was in school
Subject you dislike? I HATED social studies in the sixth grade, the teacher was so annoying (I got in a fight with him once)
Is there a boy you’ve been thinking about? I think his name's Mithrandir? I mostly know him online as Twomanyraptors- or Eldrisoul, now.
Do you enjoy school? I did
Are you in any school clubs? I was in anime club for a bit
What’s your motto? "You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think."
Your special skills? I can't really think of any
Would you tell us about something you treasure? My Pikachu plush. I named him Goro, and I've had some form of him since I was 10. His most recent form is a Build-A-Bear Pikachu I got the day before my birthday.
Would you describe yourself in a single kanji? 複雑 (keiyodoshi: complex; complicated; intricate; mixed (feelings))
What are your best qualities? My cousin says I'm good at handling death.
What are your shortcomings? I have a hard time understanding why people feel certain ways about certain things
Would you tell us about a place you remember? I have a super vivid memory of us going on a drive through a forest during the fall when I was less than a year old. I thought we had a picture of it, but it turns out it was one of those post-editing backgrounds.
What is your favorite drink? Apple juice
How well can you swim? Decently, I guess. I used to take lessons at the YMCA when I was little, and I remember the logo at the bottom of the pool freaking me out for some reason.
Your timing in a 50-meter race? I've never done that before
Your current obsession? Mermaid Melody Pichi Pichi Pitch. I want a microphone from it so bad, but it's a really old show so they're super expensive
Are there any foods you dislike? I don't like the way certain vegetables feel in my mouth
Anything you want currently? As I said, the microphone from Mermaid Melody
Are you afraid of heights? Yes
Do you dislike thunder? Meh
Rain or shine? I like looking out my window on a nice sunny day.
Do you use a regular pencil or a mechanical one? Mechanical
What do you eat for breakfast? Usually a bowl of cereal, but if I'm feeling really lazy, I'll just grab a granola bar or a pack of fruit snacks.
Do you believe in ghosts? Uh… yes.
Can you play any musical instruments? The drummer in our church band gave me lessons when I was in middle school, but I don't remember much.
Are you an outdoor or indoor type? Indoor, sadly. I want to go outside more often, but it's always either too hot or too cold
Do you ever quarrel with your mother? It's been a while
Do you have a cell phone? Yes
How long is your commute to school? I think it was like… 20 minutes?
Do you have more friends than average? Not really
Your favorite sports? Archery
How well can you cook? Best I can do is anything that can be microwaved.
Favorite colors? Turquiose. Black, yellow, and blue are also a really nice combination. ;)
Anything you could never forgive? My nephew's girlfriend for sleeping with him and bearing his child. If their ages were reversed, I don't think I'd ever see him again.
How tall are you? 5 ft something, Idk off the top of my head
Shoe Size? Dang it, they don't say! I think I'm like a… 7? 7.5?
Your dreams? I want to be a voice actor
Do you have any marriage desires? As long as we're both happy together
Do you dislike hot drinks? I tried coffee as a child, and I spat it out on the cat
Do you like bitter coffee? Obviously not
When’s bedtime? 9 to 9:30
When do you wake up? Around 8, but I have trouble getting out of bed right away. Unless that's normal, I never thought of that.
Are you a bed person or futon person? There's actually a futon under my bed for when we have guests.
Are you confident in your ability to concentrate? It comes back to bite sometimes
Do you have any weight loss tips? Carbs apparently don't make you fat. Dare I say, it's a scam invented by weight loss companies in an attempt to bankrupt bakeries.
Between warm and chilled soba, which do you like more? I've never had soba.
Which arm is your dominant arm? I'm left-handed.
Tell us about something lucky that’s happened lately. I got gifted two memberships on YouTube within the same week.
Tell us about something unlucky that’s happened lately. Our dog had to be put down in the beginning of December. I wasn't there to say goodbye, or apologize for being so difficult with her.
What’s the name of your school anthem? I don't know the name, but it went "Ah Monrovia, ah Monrovia" da da Da da da…
What’s your favorite flower? Stargazer lilies. That's the flower I was named after.
What’s your favorite saying? Didn't you already ask me about my motto?
What’s your favorite four-kanji phrase? 一期一会 (ichigo ichie: once in a lifetime meeting)
What comes to mind when you think about spring? Easter
And summer? Going to the pool
And fall? hehe leaf go cronch
And winter? Pretty snow
If you had a time machine, where would you go? Victorian London to meet the author of my idol.
Do you like reading manga or novels more? Definitely novels. I'm in the middle of a Fazbear Frights book right now, and I still need to find the last in the Underground Zealot series.
What’s your allowance? 5 to 10 dollars
Tell us something a lot of people say about you. I'm shy
What are your hobbies? Writing, drawing on my computer (IN PROGRAMS, the computer's fine), or watching anime
Tell us your weight. I don't remember
What are your qualifications? Like, for a job?
What do you wear when you go to bed? Whatever I'm wearing during the day
Has anyone ever asked you out? There was a boy in eigth grade biology who kept asking for my number. He and his friends got in trouble with the substitue for not doing their work, and I think she sent them to the office. The next day, when the teacher asked them what happened, and I offered to explain my side of the story- including the phone number issue- he said it was "sexual harrassment."
If I told you the world would end tomorrow, what would you do? Wait it out. You really think you can outsmart God?
Tell us about your daily routine. I'd rather not.
What is something you always carry with you? My Pikachu plushie
Western food or Japanese food? Western. I've never had Japanese food before
How do you commute to school? I took the bus
What’s the last thing you do before you go to bed at night? Normally, I'm just off the computer and straight to bed.
What’s the first thing you do when you get up in the morning? Mess around on my phone until I'm fully awake.
Where are you living right now? I don't think it's a good idea to say.
What kind of place is it? One-story house. Needs a lot of work done on it, which we're still in the middle of. We basically lived in the garage for the first few months, which is almost the size of the house itself.
What’s the most interesting thing that’s happened to you so far? I got flirted with in YouTube comments because of my username at the time. I was a little kid, so it was super creepy, but looking back on it, I have a feeling he was joking, but I can't be sure.
What’s the saddest thing that’s ever happened to you? I had to leave choir because of another autistic kid I didn't get along with. He graduated the year before me, but that was also when the pandemic hit, so we never got to sing again.
Do you like roller coasters? No
How’s your eyesight? I don't know the exact numbers, but I need glasses, and my computer screen gets really fuzzy when I take them off- fuzzier than other things from a similar distance
What’s your favorite holiday? Halloween
What job do you have in school? N/A
What do you do on your break? N/A?
How long do you study every day? Out of school, don't need to anymore
Who of your friends can you rely on for advice? Who relies on you? I'm a really secluded person. I usually solve my problems by just thinking out loud to myself.
What do you do on weekends? Same things I was doing on the weekdays
If you could be reincarnated, what would you want to be? Someone who could be in choir without the obstacles I once had.
Are the school rules really strict? On paper, yes, but the "clothing must cover your shoulders" bit was hardly ever enforced.
What do you have for lunch at school, a bento or a school lunch? I brought lunch from home, but also ate school lunch if it was pizza or something.
How many friends do you have? Like 2
Do you take any detours when you go home? If I want to
Are you interested in any actors? Dan Green as Yugi and Yami Yugi was the role that inspired me to pursue voice acting.
What are your thoughts on this Q&A session? No comment.
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dailybeastarsthings · 2 years
Chapter 47 – Quiet Before The Storm
I love cooking. That’s why one night, I decided to cook something for my roommates, which turned out to be an online recipe: steamed tomatoes with soybean curry and rice. It’s pretty simple. You boil the tomatoes for a few minutes and when they’re done, you stick a toothpick into them, throw them in ice water, then peel away the skin. My friends were eagerly waiting for me to finish, but the soybean curry turned out to be a bit trickier than expected.
‘Sorry, you’ll have to wait for a bit longer’ I said. But they understood and waited patiently as the aroma of the spices filled the room.
I often try out some family recipes or others I find online. I found that cooking calms my heart. It makes me remember Tem and that night clearly. Cut two onions and fry them. Mash the soybeans.
‘We’re best friends. I’ll accept every part of you.’ His words still often resonate in my head. Add curry and boil the rice.
Eating is the celebration of life. Mix them together, place tomatoes on top then serve.
The others were already eager to try my new dish, which I served as soon as it was ready. We all took a bite of it at the same time.
‘Your food is as good as ever’ Isamu said. ‘It’s just that the taste is a bit stronger than it should be. It’s making me thirsty. How much curry powder did you put in it?’
‘Oh, sorry… I’ll be more careful next time’ I replied.
I was surprised I over-seasoned the food. I could barely taste anything. Strangely, ever since that night, I began to lose my sense of taste. At first, I thought it might have been some sort of virus, but it didn’t go away even after trying medications. As we ate, we discussed the upcoming semester exams and the subject, which caused us the most difficulty. I, for instance, hate Geography with a fiery passion, since I struggle so much with capitals, river names and flags.
After dinner, we did the dishes and got ready for bed one by one. After brushing our teeth, we all ceremonially lined up with a glass of water to take our strength restraining pills.
‘Dang, I’m running out of my pills’ Isamu said.
‘I can give you some of mine until you can get more’ I offered. ‘I usually have some extra on me just in case.’
‘You keep those on yourself? That’s some impressive dedication and discipline.’
‘Of course, I do. I’d be able to tear off herbivore skin like tissue paper if I were to neglect taking them.’ I could read the shock on the others’ faces. ‘That’s why us bears need to stay aware of our monstrous strengths.’
I still think about Tem daily after going to bed. I usually lay there in silence on my back, thinking about how he closed the gap between us and how he made me happy. I also think about how I ate him. But I ate him consensually. That’s how he became my truest herbivore friend. It’s like how food ingredients don’t resist. The act was gentle, peaceful and therefore consensual. My memories must become more beautiful! As long as I never forget how Tem tasted, I’ll never yearn for my sense of taste!
The only one who can wither them is Legoshi. That retched grey wolf has been trying to find out the truth behind Tem’s death for months. I remember when he first mentioned the incident, I immediately looked down at my bag, but I also saw the blood that stuck to my hands. I tried my best to avoid giving myself away, and I succeeded for a long time. But I saw the determination in his eyes. I knew from the moment our eyes met that he wanted to expose everything and defile my friendship with Tem.
His threats still echo in my ears. But if that is how it’s going to be, then he’ll have to become my new friend. Oddly enough, after our fight in the communal bathroom, I started to feel tastes slightly. I could differentiate sweet, sour and salty. However, I wasn’t going to give in to the overwhelming sensation of that. I immediately started preparing my body for the duel. I stopped taking my pills. I even burned them all in the kitchen. After all, our friendship is going to be the fiercest one the world has ever seen. I wonder what a friendship with him would taste like.
I have to be careful though. The fact that I’m not taking my pills was almost given away this morning. While I was making omelets, I could hear the others talking about how I became larger – my muscles were rapidly growing after all. In fact, so rapidly, that I cracked an egg with bare hands without any force. I barely touched it when I realized the liquid sunshine flowing on my hand. I licked it off to avoid it going to waste and I must say, a raw egg tastes wonderful… I can’t wait to have a taste of Legoshi tomorrow!
New Year’s Eve finally arrived and it was time for my fight with Riz. To my surprise, the city was bustling with life. Everywhere I went, there were animals of all shapes and sizes in celebratory spirit. Then again, it might be normal. I have never left the school for the New Year’s celebrations. I usually spend the night with Jack at school, watching some show on the TV. It was nice of him to stay with me so I didn’t have to spend the winter break alone.
‘If I die tonight, Jack might be sad…’ I thought. ‘He might even cry…’
I didn’t even want to imagine Haru or Louis sad… I’ve met so many animals who I’ve grown to like during the school year: the guys in Room 701, the Drama Club members and there’s Gouhin, too. I’m so grateful for what he taught me. I’ve changed a lot, too, and the new, now permanent, scar on my eye symbolizes that.
There was only one problem. I had no idea how to approach the fight. I was hesitating between getting prepared to die and fighting to live. Either way, as I was walking to the bridge, the seconds and minutes were quickly passing by… Suddenly, I felt buzzing in my pocket. Haru was calling me.
‘Happy New Year, Legoshi!’ Haru screamed into the phone when I picked up.
‘Thank you, but it’s not the New Year yet’ I replied.
‘I know’ she chuckled. ‘You see, I have to spend New Year’s Eve with my family, so I wanted to call you while I still had the chance.’ I could hear Haru’s family in the background, cheering on a contestant in some sort of New Year’s quiz show. ‘Tonight’s a full moon! I’m sure the next year will be wonderful for you!’
‘Thank you, Haru.’
‘Anyways, I gotta go! Happy New Year again! We’ll talk soon!’
‘Happy New Year to you, too, Haru’ I said before I hung up.
‘If I live through this year, I’ll visit grandpa’ I thought. ‘I want to know how a Komodo dragon ended up falling in love with a grey wolf. I also want to tell him that I’m in love with a red deer and that I’m pretty much following his steps in screwing up the family tree… But I shouldn’t feel excited just yet! I have to live this day to the fullest, just as I have every day this year!’
After about 20 more minutes of running, I finally arrived to the bridge. Riz was already waiting for me.
‘Sorry to keep you waiting’ I said apologetically.
‘Don’t worry, you came here just in time’ he smiled, showing his sharp teeth. ‘You’re diligent even now, huh?’
‘Well, I’m the one who suggested the fight in the first place…’
I quickly scoped the surroundings for any trace of Louis, but I couldn’t see or smell him anywhere. I was a bit disappointed about that…
‘So, when are we starting?’ Riz asked. I looked at him in surprise. I didn’t quite think about that… ‘I’ve brought a starting gong with me, you just need to take notice of it…’
‘A gong?’ I asked in confusion. ‘You mean that thing that makes the bshhh sound?’
‘He won’t be making any more sounds, I’m afraid…’ Riz continued as he unzipped his coat. ‘You’re normally calm and collected, so I thought I should do something about it and try to make you lose your mind so you won’t hold back in our fight…’
As Riz pulled his coat apart, it suddenly hit me. The smell of blood. He revealed his white shirt and my senses turned out to be right. His stomach was covered in blood. And I knew exactly who it belonged to…
‘A Dall sheep’s body is really a lot to take in’ he said.
‘Pina…?’ I mumbled.
‘Now, let’s get started!’ he demanded.
Being face to face with Riz, I knew I had to turn things around to be the initiating party and make the next step if I didn’t want to die. But then, it all suddenly seemed to be easier said then done…
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suguruverse · 3 years
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includes - suna rintarou, oikawa tooru, iwaizumi hajime and bokuto koutaro
a/n - don’t ask why i posted this a day late but pls enjoy <33
published date - 02/04/21
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- sick of your bullshit 1.0
- he thought you just making his lunch like you normally do
- he often said that you didn’t need to but he always looks forward to lunch time when he gets to see what you made him
- so today when you made him lunch, he was not suspicious at all
- when he took a bite, he was like why? is? it? so? spicy?
- but he remained calm and just kept eating
- and by the time he was half way through his lunch is was sweating buckets
- his face was red, he was aggressively blowing his nose, sweat was dripping down his face and he was chugging bottles of water like it was nothing
- he didn’t even suspect that it was a prank, just that you have weirdly high spice tolerance
- his teammates were getting a little bit worried, seeing him stick out his tongue like a dog and fanning his face like his life depended on it
- yeah, you guys were gonna have a long conversation at home
- he had just finished his 4th water bottle when he received a text from you
lol text convo - sunas pov
m’lady: how’s the food baby? :)
me: why’s it so spicy
me: it tastes good but i think i’m dying
me: laugh out loud
m’lady: dang i didn’t think it would be THAT spicy
me: huh?
m’lady: happy april fools??
me: fuck you
m’lady: is that a promise?? 🥺🥺
me: shut up i’m crying rn
m’lady: then come home you dramatic bitch
me: i’ll remember this day you damn brat
- in conclusion pranking him sucks and he always gets you back for it
- except his pranks are 100% worse and probably emotionally traumatising
- this man istg he is so annoying
- this man is so needy and dramatic
- but that’s probably why you decided to do this
- he just has the best reactions for pranks
- yeah nah i have no idea what you were thinking when you decided to do this
- ditching a date with your boyfriend to hang out with your friends??
- um big mistake
“my love, are you ready for our dinner date yet?”
- yeah you weren’t, babes we going clubbing, but he didn’t know that
- and plus your outfit didn’t really speak ‘fancy dinner’
“oh tooru!! great, i need your opinions! what do you think of my outfit”
“darling, you look absolutely stunning, but a bit much for a dinner date don’t you think?”
“baby what? i’m going out with friends tonight, to the club, but don’t worry, i’ll be home early”
“my love?? we had a date tonight. did you forget? we’ve been planning this for awhile”
“tooru, what’re you talking about? i told you i was gonna go out ages ago”
“oh but-“
“oh shit tooru, i’m late, i gotta go, i’ll see you later okay? see you later my love”
- and you left, leaving your boyfriend heartbroken
- he literally dropped onto the floor clutching his chest hoping you would come home and see him, then cuddle him until the morning
- and there he laid for another 10 minutes in disgust
- how dare you leave your precious boyfriend for your friends
- you decided you were done pranking him so you enter your apartment to your boyfriend cracking open a new vodka bottle
“oh... it’s you”
“um yeah”
“i thought you were going out with your friends. what? did you finally remember about the date with your handsome boyfriend?”
“no go away, i’m mad”
“april fools tooru”
- when i tell you this man gave you the biggest side eye
“hmph i knew that, i just wanted to see how far you would take the prank”
“okay baby, sure you did”
“pfft darling, don’t underestimate your lovely boyfriend, so come on let’s go”
“go where”
“cuddle, obviously, i still haven’t forgiven you”
- 4/10 dont prank him, he’s annoying
- sick of your bullshit 2.0
- he swears you’re gonna give him grey hairs during his 20’s and let’s be honest you probably are
- he just worries about you too much
- he hates seeing you hurt, sick, stressed or just uncomfortable in general
- so you were hella cruel for doing this to him
*massive thud noise lol idk*
“OW, haji, HAJI it hurts please hurry it hurts so bad”
- all of a sudden your boyfriend becomes an olympic sprinter
“doll? what’s wrong baby? did you fall? is your ankle okay? do you want me to get ice? call an ambulance?”
“haji, please i don’t know, it just hurts so bad. please make it stop”
“doll it’s okay, just breathe, can you do that for me pretty girl?”
“good girl, it looks like you sprained your ankle, i’ll go get some ice, okay doll?”
“please hurry haji, it hurts a lot”
“it’s okay, i’m sorry, i’ll be back super quick”
- you were gonna cry, your boyfriend was being so cute and considerate
- yeah well wait until he finds out this was a prank
- in less than 2 minutes, he came running back with an ice pack
“here doll, does this feel better?”
“mhm, thank you haji, i love you”
“i love you more, c’mon i’ll carry you to the couch”
- ugh what a man
“hey haji?”
“yeah doll? what’s up?”
“happy april fools”
“i’m not actually injured, it was a prank”
iwaizumi: 😐😑😐
“i should have known, you fucking brat”
“hehe sorry, can i have a hug”
“no, hug yourself”
- 202/10 bc he’s husband material and has nice arms
- babie 🥺🥺
- you always loved leaving him small motivational notes for him and he loves it so much
- he always has the biggest smile whenever he sees a note that you wrote in his lunch or his duffle bag
- but today you put like 391 notes in his bag without him noticing
- so when he arrived at practice, he was hoping to get changed into his gear but was instead greeted with a pile of notes
- he picked one up at looked at it
“you look like the scum between my toes”
- okay that was mean
- so he picked up another
“your armpits smell like blue cheese”
- he could have started crying right then and there
- so he texted you
bo’s pov
me: baby :((
my pretty baby: what’s wrong my love? did something happen at practice?
me: did you put these notes in my bag? :((
my pretty baby: i did!! happy april fools baby!!
my pretty baby: did you not like it?
me: it was mean, should i read all of it?
my pretty baby: i spent all night writing it so yes
my pretty baby: but you don’t have to if you don’t wanna, some of them are really weird and mean
me: no i wanna, you worked hard on them!!
my pretty baby: are you sure? they might hurt your feelings
me: im sure!! im stronger than you think!! :))
- the rest of msby saw some of the notes and laughed
- atsumu texted you about how funny they were
- but sakusa told you to never do it again because he doesn’t wanna deal with bokuto crying ever 
- what a babe
- 827282/10 because he’s such a sweetheart
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