#i hate it here 😒
godnectar · 1 year
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sunnymainecoonx · 1 year
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Bad Sans Poly for my dearest @cakesmelons ;3
I had an art crisis the entire year so I'm like experimenting and testing with art and sh- so here you go, some bad sans snuggles(I'm still relearning how to draw, barely recovered)
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loveyazy · 4 months
Whether you wanna admit it's true or not
the only reason Elain is hated is because, like in every other fandom ever, the feminine, kind, sweet woman is overhated for being "boring" all because she chose to overcome her trauma in a healthy way without turning into a raging bitch who takes out her anger on those around her and shows kindness and love to people instead.
anyways, can't wait for Elain's book and for everyone to see what a badass she truly is. for being strong and amazing when everyone constantly underestimates you
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elizakai · 9 months
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(Idol dream and Staff bitch by @tuxibirdie)
(idol blue by @saltiestbread)
IDOL! AU belongs to @zucchiyeni
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lexyscross · 6 days
I really don't think the Scream fandom knows what an incel is.
I've seen tons of people call Ethan an incel, but he's not. How was he an incel? Because he was supposedly a virgin? (Which I don't entirely believe because it made no sense for him to say that given he thought he'd survive, so I think that was likely for the bit. But maybe he was a virgin, Idfk.) Because he said he wanted to fuck Tara? Neither of those things make someone an incel.
I've seen people call Billy and Stu incels. How? They both pulled bitches, to our knowledge. Stu pulled Tatum, ffs, that boy was not an incel! They were misogynistic, sure, but they were also suburban small town boys in the 1990's!
Charlie could qualify as an incel. He and Jill are the closest we have so far to incel & femcel Ghostfaces, especially given their motives.
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rewritingcanon · 5 months
“omg this fanfic changed my life and the author will never know it 🥺” LEAVE A COMMENT U PUSSY ⁉️😭🙏
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fizzy-dizzie · 3 months
For anyone who wants Steve's canon accurate ages throughout the infinity saga I got some important dates written out here.
'¢' in this context will symbolise he is yet to have his birthday for that year. (Ex. Steve was 93 in avengers, later that same year he turns 94)
Both his biological age and his literal age have been put on the timeline here. Biological being his age, excluding his years that was lived in the ice.
Born 1918.
1918 - bio 18 - Steve's mother dies
1943 - bio 25 - Takes the serum
1945 - ¢ bio 26 - Steve goes into ice
2011 - ¢ bio 26 - 92 - Wakes up modern era
2012 - ¢ bio 27 - 93 - Avengers
2014 - ¢ bio 29 - 95 - CATWS
2016 - ¢ bio 31 - 97 - CAWS
2018 - ¢ bio 33 - 99 - Avengers Infinity War
2023 - bio 39 - 105 - Avengers Endgame
Now Steve goes back in time to be with Peggy in 1949. Just adding 74 years onto his age would leave me with bio 113 but in the actual canon he's supposedly bio 112 so I just assume that with some weird time travel magic he lost a birthday in the mix of it all.
2023 - bio 112 - 173 - Old ass steve
I just did this for fun in my free time but I hope this helps someone if they need it 👍
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daphnalia · 1 year
was recently called ceo of yeet and killa and my ego has never been bigger
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helaenasaegon · 21 days
I'm a known Green stans hater, but I can't stand so many Black stans either. Any of you sick bitches celebrating or laughing about a small child's murder, please delete your fucking social media.
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buckttommy · 23 days
girl why am i still on this website.
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sevikasenby · 8 months
accurate representation of me on my birthday today 😒
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(also i finally have something to post today so that’ll be posted at some point today 😌)
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barneysbigstompers · 3 months
I hate when characters are confirmed to be gay and their entire personality shifts to just being gay like what happened to the well thought out character I was looking at???
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hesperidia · 3 months
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tennis-shenanigans · 6 months
and you're telling me z*erev is on after this, haven't we suffered enough already
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elegyofthemoon · 5 months
kicking and screaming FREE ME ALREADY
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milimeters-morales · 2 years
If Doc Ock survived that bus (probably) then I want her to give a lecture or presentation at Miles’s school and Miles is like this the entire time 😐😐😐😐
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