#i hate hate hate pulling rank on my siblings but like. i AM the oldest. mom and dad DO put me in charge when they're away
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margindoodles2407 · 2 months ago
It's both great and frustrating having a brother as stubborn as I am cause when our parents go out and leave me in charge it's like. Listen man. I hate to pull rank on you but it's Saturday night, we have Mass in the morning, no I am NOT going to let you stay up until eleven o'clock, Mom and Dad put ME in charge and I'd really appreciate it if you'd just DO WHAT I TELL YOU AND STOP ARGUING, BECAUSE THIS IS FOR YOUR OWN GOOD
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zodiacrant · 4 years ago
🍩My experiences with each Moon sign🍩
(Cause yall are messy)
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I have done this a few times before but for Sun signs and did rank placements but never shared my thoughts and experiences with the Moon signs.
Now I know how this goes, so if you get mad or sad then go off I guess. Aint the first time I get cursed out or attacked in this bitch. Plus, I am a Cap moon so naturally I won’t do well with some Moons and I will be nitpicking everything about everyone.
🍩Aries Moon🍩
My dad’s moon. Yup, that tells you alot without me even starting. Having our Moons in Square shit was hard to say the least. It took a long time for us to be on middle grounds and because I don’t feel comfortable talking about my problems here I will continue on. The Aries Moon that I really like and can think of is Rihanna, so I would say it’s unfair to make a whole judgment but from what I saw and heard they’re not exactly the best to be around. So I give them a 3/10 for being bold and having nerve.
🍩Taurus Moon🍩
Now this Moon right here I know people from ( a close friend and my sister, plus some others) and I don’t have many strong opinions about it. As a Taurus Sun, it can be a challenge to work with a Taurus Moon. I am stubborn at my core and they’re stubborn with their heart, so everytime we disagree it’s like a rope pulling contest. Way too stagnant for me but I think that’s because of my other placements and they don’t take any advice or open up no matter what. On to the good, I never disliked someone with this placement. No matter how much of an asshole they can be, to me it is difficult to hate them or stay mad at them. They’re warm, kind, and sweet but a bit aloof and naive, also they don’t like to touch and hug as some people might think. I will give them a 8/10
🍩Gemini Moon🍩
(⚠️TW⚠️ mention of rape and erratic behavior)
I only had one best friend with this placement and I don’t I want to meet any more, and I am at peace with that if they resemble her in any way. She was a maniac. She loved to lie, create drama, blow shit up, act crazy and basically be shocking. I do find similarities with Gemini Sun where they do shit for reactions but with her, she will take it to the next level. Lie about being raped, act possessed, or pretend that she is being followed. It’s not fair to associate her with people who share the same Moon as her but that was y’all’s representation in my life. She was erratic so it’s difficult to see where her Moon was in effect and where she was just off. I’ll give them a 1/10, would not recommend until proven otherwise.
🍩Cancer Moon🍩
The first that comes to my mind is Taylor Swift and to me she is the ultimate Cancer Moon. It juat makes sense how fast she takes it to the next level with people. Whether getting serious quickly with someone or throwing down and feuding. She just always at a 100. Personally, I never got close with someone who has this placement, maybe it’s because I am a Capricorn Moon myself, but I would say the ones that I have met were nice. I’ll give them a 5/10
🍩Leo Moon🍩
I only had one best friend with this placement but the people I have met with this Moon I still remember. They all had one thing in common and that was being emotionally traumatized and have lost one parent. My best friend was super loyal, very confident in what they believed in and represented, were always there for me and had an amazing ability in motivating others. But they were also super prideful and there’s no coming back with them. Fight once and it’s over. (Yes I am looking at you Jonnie). One of the other people was with me in uni and always had the to urge won up me and my friend. He had scars all over and he doesn’t remember how he got them. But he was super proud of himself and his home country, which I respect and admire. I’ll give them a 6/10
🍩Virgo Moon🍩
I know two people with this placement, my mom and a professor at uni, and oh boy it makes sense that they’re a Virgo Moon. Me and my mom are too alike that we clash strongly at times. She thinks she can do it better and I think I can do it better and we just have like a competition on who done it better basically. From cooking, to how you light the stove, to how you put on clothes, to how you lay down on bed. Both my mom and my professor are super critical and precise, althogh my professor is a double Virgo (Sun and Moon) so she will go even further. They have to do everything as it arises and act like there’s no time and everything is about to go wrong. Like damn sis chill the fuck out for a sec and this is coming from a Cap moon so you know it’s bad. But I really like Virgo Moon, even though people might hate such a personality but I can relate to them in some ways. I’ll give them 7/10
🍩Libra Moon🍩
My only online friend that I talk to all the time got this Moon. Other than her I met only two people and they were something. Okay so for my friend, because I never actually have seen her physically with my own eyes I can’t say how she acts all the time, but she is one of the best listeners I had in my life. She likes to hear me ramble for an hour about a dumb encounter that lasted a second, talking about astrology and some nerdy things and then not so nerdy things. I believe that it’s a Libra Moon quality to be emotionally versatile and attentive. I think because she is a Leo dominant she acts much fiery and fiercely than a Libra would. As for the other people I just thought they were fake. One acted as a friend but then would just disappear so I was over it quickly and the other was super passive and pretentious that I think she shits out plastic. All in all I think it’s a great Moon. I’ll give them a 7/10
🍩Scorpio Moon🍩
One of the hardest Moons I ever delt with but I find that I love them too. My oldest sister had this Moon and she is such a mystery. Because I am a Taurus Sun, it is only natural for me to have a hard time with a Scorpio Moon. Even though she is an extrovert, she rarely talks about herself and her feelings, you will never catch her slipping or show vulnerability. I can see how difficult it may be for her being a Cancer with a Scorpio Moon and have Gemini dominance. But she’s a bitch at heart and I am cool with it. I’ll give them 5/10 cause I am not a big fan of paradoxical people
🍩Sagittarius Moon🍩
A moon that I always babysat. I had two best friends with this Moon and if I was born a second earlier, it would mine too. I don’t know if it’s because of my Gemini Venus or my 0 degree Capricorn Moon but I love Sagittarius Moons. I was fortunate to see some of their weaknesses and for them to trust me enough to be vulnerable. But boy do they get themselves into the dumbest situation because they wanted to see what would happen. I had to babysit them and help them do everything like shopping, cooking, cleaning, assembling furniture, be their body guard when buying weed. (Shhhh it’s a secret). They’re in many ways immature cause they run from things and everytime you try to be real with them, they say “stop being negative”. I’ll give them a 9/10
🍩Capricorn Moon🍩
The grande dame of the Moon signs, sitting at it’s opposite planet. I have met many Cap Moons and honestly we are bitches 😂. The energy of sitting next to a Capricorn Moon is too fucking much like I never knew it’s like that. I noticed the way they stare, talk, walk and sit can be so aggressive and intimidating. I see why people might label us as bullies, cause the energy is definitely there and I myself was such a cunt (still a little but I am more aware of myself now) that I get where both are coming from. Life as a Capricorn Moon is emotionally flat. If wasn’t for my other placements you will never see me even flinch. I think we just take everything and let it process in our head before we let it into our hearts. So to me, we’re not mean, we just don’t see how something might be hurtful. But also that tone and that blank face, goddam! That’s why I try to smile cause bitch no, I didn’t know I was walking with a death stare this whole time. Anyways, I will give us 10/10 cause I am self appreciative like that 😂✌️
🍩Aquarius Moon🍩
I have always tried to understand Aquarius Moon and it was only a month ago that I have realized they themselves are not sure of who they’re. I had one best friend with this placement and three cousins (all siblings). First, my cousins are super competitive with each other on who gets to do what and if it happens that they’re similar in something they will get pissed. The person that was my best friend was like that as well. Only he would drop a an entire hobby, interest, something close to his heart, shit even a personality trait. I find them to be constantly changing and trying, so they shift between one end of extreme to the other until they center themselves. I’ll give them a 4/10
🍩Pisces Moon🍩
Now let’s talk about a depressing placement, in my opinion of course 😅. I don’t know if it’s the influence of Neptune on the Moon or is it the just the demeanor of Pisces, but good god girl get a grip (they call this the five G’s). My youngest sister is a Pisces Moon, and as creative as she is, she is pessimistic and overly cynical. I mean I am all for being critical and real but looking at everything with jacked up black sprayed glasses is just too much for me. Other than my sister I don’t know any Pisces Moon very well but I had a few acquaintances. I noticed that they talked about a specific thing and that’s it. I have found them to be amazing at drawing, painting and have an incredible artistic sense. At times twisted and dark, but I love the art that comes with it. I’ll give them a 5/10
Here’s the tea. It’s Pisces season so remember I am sensitive right now, and also it’s my life and I wish I met someone as amazing as you might think you’re. (Maybe that was a little too aggressive)
Okay love you ❤️
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meggannn · 5 years ago
Thoughts and analysis on Gen. Armstrong (if you don't mind)
oh absolutely. a lot of this is speculation on my part, but it’s just my reading and theories on how she kind of came to be who she is.
so i vibe with armstrongs being a very traditional, patriarchal family in a very old-fashioned country. they had four daughters, olivier being the oldest and (arguably) most capable, but alex, the second youngest kid but only son, was the one chosen to lead the family. i think that olivier carried a lot of the burdens of being the oldest sibling and oldest daughter.
maybe olivier was the first daughter in the armstrong family in a long list of sons? i like that idea because it kind of has the opportunity harden her to the world as a kid, in my mind. a lot of excitement for the firstborn in an illustrious family, and… it’s a girl. ugh. okay, well, we’ll try again.
except i think olivier really decided to just start doing whatever she thought a male firstborn would get to do, taking her studies seriously, preparing to be the armstrong heir, and her family just kinda sighed and didn’t take her seriously. when she joins the military, i am going to bet that she either had to fight for it, or there was a lot of familial backlash/tsking between her parents because ~a woman shouldnt be in the army~ (i am operating under the belief she’s the only female officer to ever make it to general, because to my recollection i don’t think we’ve ever seen another female officer as high or higher than her). and when alex follows her to the military years later, i’m going to bet she was L I V I D when their parents were like “well of course, he’s the oldest son, he’s going to make us proud.” there were screaming matches of epic proportions when she joined, and when he does, it’s all fine. (even alex as an adult isn’t entirely rid of sexism when he asks when she’s ever gonna change her attitude so she can get a husband. and when she challenges his right to head the family, he arguably loses because he underestimated her. although i’m also going to chalk part of that up to the fact that although alex wanted to head the family, he didn’t NEED to win as badly as olivier needed to, because she needed to kick their family out and use the mansion to house her troops to prepare for the promised day. that’s the kind of person she is, “i need this to happen and so it will happen, i will give myself no other option.”)
i don’t think that olivier is the kind of person who pushes her limits to try to “prove” anything to other people; maybe she started by trying to mostly prove it to herself, but it eventually just became who she is. no nonsense. very protective, but maybe tired of taking care of kids/siblings. highly capable, very savvy. perfect for briggs. i think she takes her role as their leader VERY seriously. she knows she’s earned it, and up north defending the border, she sees how every person matters.
i’ve always wondered if there’s something in how olivier is stationed at briggs, the furthest possible post away from central. i don’t think it’s to get away from anything, exactly; it does seem like the best job suited for her. i think partly this represents her physical distance and distain for politics: she clearly looks down on mustang, possibly because he’s a state alchemist, and maybe part of it is for his reputation of being an annoying flirt who can charm his way up the ranks while maybe she had to fight for every rank she earned, though i think also part of it is because she thinks he’s naive to join the very system he’s trying to abolish. but as we see in late show, she’s not terrible at the politics and backstabbing, i think she just doesn’t like to deal with bullshit. she’s a very blunt person. she’ll play chess if she has to, clearly, but when she pulls the sword on the room full of officers, you know she’s been waiting MONTHS to do that.
she also doesn’t like alchemy. i’ve always wondered if there’s a reason behind this – the wiki says “she views [equivalent exchange] as a mindset promoting easy handouts and unnecessary compromise” so i’m guessing she doesnt like philosophies that base themselves around quid pro quo agreements, especially since it leads very easily to corruption. the armstrongs are a very noble family that take that sort of thing seriously. i think she’s smart enough to realize alchemy is often NECESSARY, but the state alchemists themselves are… ugh. difficult to deal with and probably almost always really bossy. and think they’re so fuckin special. and also all male. so it’s no wonder she doesn’t give a shit about edward elric, some kid who shows up with no warning with a letter from her annoying brother, asking for her help.
so already she has a chip on her shoulder about alex: he’s a younger sibling she had to take care of; he’s a younger BROTHER who got more support and fewer roadblocks than she did for achieving (or even wanting) the same things way before he ever did; he’s also an alchemist, and state alchemist. she’d see that as annoying at best and borderline dishonorable at worst.
and then ishval.
so for the record, i fully believe that by the events of canon, olivier’s intense disgust for alex for his “cowardly” actions in ishval is mostly, if not entirely, an act. i think it’s EASY for her to act like it’s real, because she struggles with real feelings of hostility and annoyance toward alex for the reasons above, and she WOULD probably think he’s a poor soldier for defying orders…… but would she openly advocate for genocide? she’s not perfect, but i don’t think that of her. but she lets absolutely none of that internal questioning show on the outside. externally? “my brother is a disgrace. he failed to protect this country. if i were head of the family, i’d dishonor him publicly.” and alex, you know, i think he sees past this, a little? he knows she has to say these things otherwise she’d lose her reputation and might also be demoted, given she’s on a rickety foundation as a woman general as is. she doesn’t have to be so passionate about her opinions, but she might also have gained a target on her back by his actions in ishval; maybe they’d assume she had ishvallan sympathies because he was her brother. so she’s already got enough baggage against alex, and he inadvertently dumps some more political bullshit on her back just because he didn’t do his job. i think she’d say the things she did to distance herself from alex, not because she’s angry with him or disappointed in him (though there is a bit of that, but for unrelated reasons), to keep her position. she’s very ruthless politically. you could question the morality of this, like i do, but i don’t entirely blame her for feeling like she could lose her position as the only female general in charge of defending a politically hot border position.
fma has a rather annoying “we don’t see color” attitude wrt race at times, but in the case of olivier, whose attitude after all the years in briggs is “we literally cannot afford to be prejucide, there are so few capable people here, and if someone works, they are part of the team and will be treated with respect, full stop” it makes sense why she’d say what she said to miles. it’s not that i think she’s an ishvallan activist behind the scenes because of her lieutenant, but i think she knows the “war” was complete horseshit and fully respects his bitter feelings toward the amestrian government.
privately, though, i think olivier knows clearly that this country is messed up, before “the shape of this country.” but she has a very powerful family, and it’s hard to completely renounce that dedication. she still loves amestris a lot. she feels very protective of the people she’s defending, even if she doesn’t like them very much.
i respect that she swallows her pride, gives up briggs, and joins the political battle in central when it becomes clear that that’s the best way to get to the center of the matter. imo she and roy mustang teaming up, unnoticed, in the heart of the beast could have made an amazing combo, but ofc she’d never let that happen lmao. she is a good person without being a nice person. that’s refreshing. she’s ruthless, pragmatic, ambitious, angry, untrusting, and kind of an asshole, and yet you never doubt that she is, at heart, honorable and trustworthy. she will tell you what she thinks of you. she hates lying. but she will cave and do what the people of amestris needs her to do; we see she IS able to separate her government from her country. i think she always knew, but the events of the show are kind of her “put up or shut up” moment to stand up and show where her loyalties really are, and she delivered. she’d be offended if you ever even thought she might choose differently.
i love olivier a lot because she doesn’t have an arc in the traditional sense; her personality and position don’t change much from the time we meet her to the last time we see her. her biggest change is that she lets herself show pride in her brother, or maybe she’s able to admit that she’s proud of him in the first place. i think for her, that’s enough. i also really, really like that she’s not shown as someone who NEEDS to change. she’s allowed to be an angry, confident, strong woman in charge of a fort who likes things the way she likes them and expects you bend to her rules in her fort or you will leave. i think it’s a great accomplishment and testament to the writing and acting to show that she is not nice, and not always likable, but you never question she is a good person.
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fire-fira · 6 years ago
Something I feel like a doofus for not realizing--
So I headcanon the turtles as quadruplets. It’s just the way I’ve always seen them, regardless of whatever varying canon. Of course they have their birth order from oldest to youngest (which I’m comfortable with the idea of it varying depending on the reality), but I came to the realization earlier today that I have been criminally not thinking through the full effects of them being quadruplets.
The standard arguments over who’s oldest.
Naturally-- in most cases-- Leo’s the oldest.
- So of course Leo pulls the “I don’t even know why we’re arguing about this” card.
- “But you could easily not be the oldest.” Donnie has to get his two cents in.
- “That’s ridiculous. We already know I’m oldest. Why is this even an issue?”
- “Ohohooo, Fearless doesn’t wanna admit he might not be the oldest!” Raph please.
- “...I’m done with this conversation.”
- “Leeeeooooo. Leeeeeoooo~. What if you’re younger than me Leeeeoooo~?” Leo knows everything’s going sideways when Mikey decides to get in on it since he’s the one who usually insists he’s youngest.
- “There’s no way I’m younger than you Mikey. I’m older than you. I’m sure even Raph is older than you, and he could be the youngest.”
- Donnie’s just, “...That didn’t even make sense.”
- “I’m still the oldest. Let’s just leave it at that.”
- Raph scoffing, “What, by two minutes? Doesn’t count.”
- “Still oldest.”
- The conversation doesn’t happen often, but when it does it can go on for a while.
Bouts of blaming things they each did on the others.
- “You thought it was me? I didn’t do that. It was Raph.”
- “Mikey, I saw you.”
- “Are you sure April? We are quadruplets y’know.”
- “You’re not identical! None of you are even twins by regular turtle standards.”
- “I’m sorry, I can’t hear you over the sound of how ‘not me’ and ‘it must have been one of the other three turtles who look exactly like me’ the whole situation is.”
- “You don’t even have the same scale-tone.”
- “Quaaaaad-ruuuu-pleeeeets~.”
“Donnie, did ya steal my elbow pads?”
- “Raph, why would I steal your elbow pads?”
- “’Cause they’re th’ same size as yours.”
- “Wh- No they’re not. We’re not even close to the same size.”
- “Sure we are.”
- “No we’re-- whatever. Check with Leo or Mikey. They’re closer to your size anyway.”
- “...Are you callin’ me fat?”
- “No. Just-- Raph no. You’re just bigger than I am.”
- “We’re quadruplets Donnie. For fuck’s sake. There ain’t that much of a size-difference.”
- “Will you get out of my lab already?!”
- It turns out Leo had Raph’s elbow pads all along.
Despite moments like the previous point, Donnie trying to get out of things so he can work on his projects by asking one of his brothers to substitute for him.
- Leo: “...You know this isn’t going to work, right?”
- “It will with the right amount of reptile-safe spray-tan.”
- “...I’m not even going to ask why you made that a thing.”
- Raph: “No offense Don, but I’m pretty sure th’ accent’s gonna give me away.”
- “So just don’t talk.”
- “...And the different shade o’ green.”
- “...I’ll come up with something.”
- “You are not bleachin’ my scales or whatever.”
- “I’d never ask you to do something that dangerous.”
- “Sure ya would, when it involves blowin’ stuff up.”
- “...When it involves blowing stuff up. Try wearing a trench coat and sticking to the shadows while not talking. Maybe fake laryngitis.”
- “Y’know, this’d be a lot easier if ya’d just go yourself.”
- “Nope. Projects. Coffee. Be my stand-in or I’ll tell Mikey to steal your gear again.”
- “It was Leo last time, genius.”
- Donnie grinning. “Are you sure?”
- “I think I know how ta tell our brothers apart Brainiac.”
- “But we’re quadruplets. We’re almost identical.”
- “You break that out when it benefits you, but ya deny it otherwise? That’s rude Don. That’s just cruel.”
- Mikey: “Are you sure this is a good idea?”
- “Sure I’m sure. If you have to, start talking about the theoretical physics of superheroes and Star Trek. No one will ever know.”
- “...Donnie, you’re a genius.”
- Smiling. “I have my moments.”
Moments of Mikey shrieking, “You can’t hate me! I’m the baby! I’m the youngest!”
- “Now see, we don’t even know if it’s by seconds, minutes, or hou- aaaaaAAAAAAHHH!” Crash, thud, thump.
- “...Leo, is Mikey okay?”
- “I wouldn’t worry April. This happens on a pretty regular basis.”
- Crash, clatter, shriek. “Donniiieee, save me! As the best big brother ever, saaaave meeeee~!”
- Donnie sipping at his coffee, “Hm? What was that? I think I hear the sound of ‘We’re quadruplets, our birth order doesn’t matter, so Raph won’t kill you if he wants to stay second-oldest, and therefore Donnie doesn’t have to save you from anything’.”
- “Birth order ain’t ranking Don!”
- “I will find a way.”
- Mikey perking up. “Did you just paraphrase Jurassic Park?”
- “Maybe.”
- “Mikey, I swear ta god, if you don’t stop singin’ that song like that-”
- “But the Jurassic Park theme is iconic! And I’m the baaaabyyyyy~!”
- “By only three damn seconds!”
- “Hey! You can’t change how long it was between us! I call foul!”
- Leo shaking his head. “And this is why I’m not concerned.”
“Hey Donnie, d’you know where I can find the medical tape?”
- “Ask my older brother.”
- “...Which one?”
- “I have more than one?”
- “Donnie... What the shit.”
- “In answer to your question Casey, Leo’s on probation.”
- “...How the hell does someone end up bein’ ‘on probation’ from bein’ the oldest?”
- “By breaking my coffee-maker.”
- “Oh.”
- “At this rate, Mikey might even be vying for the title.”
- “...I don’t think that’s how that works.”
- “I’ve been without coffee for a full day. I’ll make it work if I have to.”
Not to mention the bouts from Splinter (that would happen anyway) of--
- “Ra-Mi-Le-Donatello!”
- “Le-Mi-Don-Raphael!”
- “Don-Le-Ra-Michelangelo!”
- “Ra-Don-Mi-Leonardo!”
- (Anyone who has siblings, you know it’s true.)
At least several instances of one of them (probably most likely Donnie or Mikey) getting the four of them matching things with their specific colors-- blankets, coats, cups, whatever.
- The one time Leo did it (without actually being serious) he committed the heinous crime of getting them matching oversized ugly x-mas sweaters.
- Because they “looked warm”.
- Raph banned Leo from getting them matching anything for a year. His is stuffed somewhere in a closet or drawer in his room never to see the light of day if he has any say over it.
- Mikey insisted on wearing his proudly.
- Donnie kept his for use in the cold months, but otherwise denies its existence.
“Raph, why is Mikey sitting on your shoulders?”
- “‘Cause he likes ta feel tall. That a crime Fearless?”
- “We’re all the same height.”
- “No we’re not!”
- “Mikey... You were trying to argue that we’re identical just yesterday.”
- “Pffft. That was then, this is now. And Raph’s tallest.”
- From the direction of Donnie’s lab. “I told you that you’re bigger than me!”
- “Damn it Don, no I’m not.”
- “You can’t have it both ways!”
- “Tell that ta Mikey!”
- “But we caaaan have it both ways~! Because we’re quaaadruuupleeeets~.”
- “...Mikey, that makes no sense. Raph, please put Mikey down.”
- “He can do what he wants.”
- “As the oldest I’m saying put him down. Mikey, get off.”
- “Pffft. Older by ten seconds maybe.”
- “Raph. If you trip and the two of you get hurt, I’m not responsible for either of you.”
- “He’s not gonna trip.”
- “Oh really? And why is that?”
- “Quadruplet magic.”
- “Oh for the love of- Mikey. Please. Just get down.”
- “Uh-oh, Raph. Leo can’t handle the younger brother awesomeness.”
- “...We should go get Donnie in on this.”
- “Oh my god NO. Donnie! Don’t listen to them!”
(I find it hilarious how 2003 keeps invading as my base reality to work from.)
lol I’m tempted to keep going, but this is already ridiculously long as is. (Please feel free to add more if you have ideas.)
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cant-blink · 5 years ago
Weakness, Part 1
Summary: A relatively short story taking place after the previous fic where Ghidorah mated with Rodan, despite Ni’s objections. With Ni at his lowest point, more Ghidorah drama stirs and Rodan risks reaching out to him to help.
Showing weakness. He was showing weakness, and he hated himself even more for it.
All his life, he’s done everything in his power to hide any pain he felt, anything that could conceivably be used against him. Layer upon layer of rage and hatred was used to cover any that popped up, and for the longest time, it was all he needed for it to work. Nobody, not even his brothers, could pick up weakness from him.
Until now.
Laying on the ground as the night carried on around them, they were curled around the rim of a volcano their slave managed to drag himself to in order to heal. Unlike the last volcano they shared, this one was filled with magma and so the dragon had to rest outside while the slave slept in the lava beside them. But Ni couldn’t sleep. He said nothing to Ichi as the eldest stood guard over them, and he could feel San’s head leaning on his neck as he slept. He would never allow the little brat to snuggle up to him like this before, and while his touch was still annoying, Ni lacked any motivation to snap at him. 
It all just felt so heavy, the burden inside draining him. It was like everything he’s bottled up was pouring out onto him now that there existed that tiny crack in his defenses. It made him sick, to be honest, that he lacked the strength to carry it all now. Where did it all go?
The memories of what happened earlier that past morning was still fresh in his mind. He didn’t regret what he did to the bird; he did what he had to in order to put an end to his torment. And it worked, as the injuries he’s inflicted within their slave was deemed too severe to continue their ‘fun’.
He let out a snort. ‘Fun’, they called it. Forcing him to mate with that disgusting creature was ‘fun’ to them. Ichi thought it no big deal, disgracing themselves in such a fashion and although his alpha has already apologized for his mistake, Ni wasn’t having any of it. 
His ‘alpha’ was weak. Traitorous and weak, to be so easily swayed by their instincts and idiot younger brother.
He didn’t understand why this hurt as much as it did. It was not as though mating was considered some sacred act among their kind. But there had to be some line drawn and that line has been crossed and stomped on. There was a sense of betrayal within him, that his alpha not only tainted their body but disrespected his wishes to such a degree that he couldn’t even let Ni sit it out without giving that stupid invitation. The self-loathing intensified knowing he was unable to resist the offer, his mind clouded with pure concentrated lust and desire for more. Sure, he could justify it by reminding himself that by giving in, he at least was able to put a stop to it all.
Stopping it wasn’t enough though, because it didn’t change the fact that it happened in the first place.
Ichi was watching him now; he can feel his gaze on him, eyes shining under the lava’s glow. Somehow, it made him feel even more disgusted. Made worse when his brother spoke up. “You should be sleeping,” he said. No reply was given, as Ni turned his head away pointedly. But Ichi continued, much to his chagrin. "If you are not going to sleep, then let us talk, Brother Ni."
"I think we've talked enough."
That was his response and his tone made it clear that it was going to be his only response. He had no idea why his brother was so obsessed with trying to talk to him; it wasn’t as if talking about it was going to fix anything. And if he did think that talking would earn his trust back, then he’s gravely mistaken. He heard his brother let out a breath, but thankfully Ichi doesn't press him further. He knew it wasn't going to help.
The eldest never understood why Ni was always so cut off from them. So many things in their past could've been resolved quick and peaceful if he would just open himself up just a little bit. He didn't have to be San-levels of open, but just enough where they could discuss these issues privately. They were brothers, for pete’s sake!
No, Ni was so cut off from them that never once has the right head ever acknowledged them as siblings, never called them by ‘Brother’, as is the norm for their species. It was always just ‘San’ or ‘Alpha Ichi’. The eldest wasn’t really bothered by this before, as he rather liked the alternative title, but now it was like a thorn in his side. 
Ni always had his moods where his anger and irritability would trigger easier than usual, and conflict during those moods was inevitable. Ichi was used to that. But hearing how Ni spoke to him after that ill-fated mating, the eldest hasn't heard such venom directed at him from his second-in-command since the dark times of their youth.
He saw the pain, for the first time since Ni’s birth. He still sees the pain as Ni laid there silently. He always had a tendency to assume that whenever the right head acted out with particular anger against him and San, it was just Ni being a spiteful little shit. But with what he saw earlier today, he now wonders just how many of those ‘acting out’ periods was fueled by pain rather than petty spite.
How he just wished Ni would let him in to help with that pain, instead of shutting him out like this. Especially since Ichi felt responsible for it all.
The silence remained between them, until it came time to change shifts. Glancing at the right head, Ichi decided to instead move towards San beside him, nudging him with his snout. San blinked as he stirred, barely getting out a yawn before Ni startled them both by speaking up.
“It’s my turn to take up watch.”
Ichi looked over at him, surprised although his blank face didn't show. He spoke calmly. "I am giving you the night off."
"Don't coddle me, Ichi." Ni growled as if insulted, raising his head up from the ground. But his words only reaffirmed the eldest's fears. After what happened, Ni won’t even refer to him as any actual title. This was made worse that, if not fixed, the last time he will hear Ni refer to him as ‘alpha’ is with such venomous hatred. He really has lost all respect for him over this, and now it seemed they really have reverted back to the old days before San was born.
A part of him wanted to reprimand Ni's purposeful show of disrespect, but was that really a good idea? On one hand, he needed to assert his place as alpha, drill it into Ni's skull that his position of authority hasn't changed because of this incident. But would doing so make things worse?
He decided it was best to set the boundaries and nip it in the bud before it became habit for the right head. He spoke up in a soft, but no less firm voice. “Brother Ni, you know to refer to me properly. Either as ‘Alpha Ichi’ or ‘Brother Ichi’. Understand?” Ni may be able to degrade San and get away with it, but Ichi will not be taking it. Unfortunately, Ni turned to glare at him.
“I’ll call you by ‘Alpha’ the moment you earn that right back. As for ‘Brother’,” He huffed through his nose. “Don’t ever get your hopes up for that. I would sooner perish than call either of you ‘Brother’.”
Silence between them, with Ichi looking as if he’s been physically struck. 
San wasn’t looking any better as he glanced back and forth between the two. He hated it when his brothers fought, and he usually kept out of it. It wasn’t his place to get between them, and the risk of getting caught in the crossfire if things escalated discouraged him further. But the pain brought by Ni’s words was unexpected and brutal. The youngest was used to Ni never calling him by ‘Brother’. Degrading, yes, as it made it seem like his older sibling had no love and respect for him. But San always just took it as Ni being his usual hard self. He always thought that deep down, through all the biting words and harsh punishments, Ni did love and respect him, he just didn’t want to show it for some incomprehensible reason. Every instance of abuse the higher-ranked head inflicted on him, no matter how unnecessary or severe, was brushed off as Ni expecting better of him and it was taken as a sign for San to step up. And although the standards set out for him seemed impossibly high, the youngest head thought that he would someday prove himself worthy. When that moment comes, Ni would finally acknowledge it to him, say how proud he was of him, and it would be the single greatest day ever!
But it never did happen and now that he hears those words spoken out loud...
“Brother Ni, please...” San started, slinking closer and making sure to hold his head lower than his older brother’s. His distress was clear in his voice, especially when Ni doesn’t even look at him. “Don’t say stuff like that. You don’t really mean it. I... We already said we’re sorry.” Of course, San didn’t understand exactly why he and his oldest brother was apologizing to Ni. He just knew Ni was really upset with them about mating, which didn’t really make sense to him. They were following instinct, which was always the right thing to do in his experience, especially when that instinct felt so good to indulge in. And Ni seemed to have been enjoying himself up until he cut it all off.
If anything, they should apologize to San since he didn’t even get a turn!
But the youngest apologized nonetheless for whatever it was they did wrong and he thought everything got better since Ni was letting him cuddle. His mind was failing to comprehend that the cuddling in itself was a sign that things were still very wrong.
Emboldened by the fact that he was previously able to touch him, he gently pressed his nose under Ni’s chin, trying to appease him. Almost immediately, Ni bit down on him without even giving the usual warning growl first and San yelped as he pulled away, his brother’s teeth tearing the scales on his muzzle as he did. It healed almost immediately thanks to the volcano’s radiation, but it still hurt regardless. Luckily for him, Ni’s attention re-focused on glaring Ichi down and he didn’t push the attack further.
Whimpering, San switched to trying to appease the eldest. Ichi has snapped out of his stunned state and was growling now. At this rate, they were going to fight, he just knows it, and if he can just smother the flames...
“Brother Ichi, he didn’t mean that! Don’t do this,” he started. “It always ends badly when you guys argue. It’s time to sleep anyway, so we can just get some rest and everything will be better in the morning. Please.” He repeated his previous gesture, touching his nose to Ichi’s chin. He didn’t know if it was working as the eldest doesn’t even acknowledge him as he keeps on growling.
When he finally did speak, it was obvious he was forcing his tone to stay calm. “So that is how this is going to be, then?” He shook his head, glare not leaving his features. “No. Whether you like it or not, we have been and always will be brothers. Nothing changes that, not even this. And given the fact that you are stuck with the both of us, it is in your best interest to change your tone.” 
There was a responding hiss from Ni, but Ichi ignored it as their tails swayed behind them in agitation. “I do not know what you expect us to do to earn your forgiveness, but at this rate, your forgiveness is rapidly becoming the last thing I desire.”
“Brother Ichi!” San piped desperately, still trying to de-escalate the situation by pressing his muzzle against his brother more firmly. Ichi finally glanced at him, but only a glance. It was all San needed. “Just stop. You don’t mean that either. Everyone’s just tired and angry and everything will be better in the morning.” 
He keeps repeating that childish sentiment, but only because he believed it. “So let’s just go to sleep. Please...”
He earned another glance, this one lasting longer than the last. San was looking up at his eldest brother with sad eyes and soft whimpers, horns flattened back against his neck. It was a face he always used when begging, with varying results. But thankfully, it seemed to work this time as the lead head stared at him for a moment before he let out a breath.
“Very well, then,” Ichi conceded, for San’s sake more than anything. “We will talk in the morning and trust me, Brother Ni,” His eyes locked firmly on his second-in-command’s. “We will talk.”
This earned a defiant snarl, but Ichi ignored him as he turns to San, who seemed relieved to have finally been heard. He was worried it was going downhill too fast for him to stop and now he can rest easier knowing that painful conflict wasn’t going to happen tonight. 
“Go back to sleep, Brother San.” Ichi told him, his voice softening just a little bit.
The youngest nodded gratefully, nuzzling against Ichi’s neck with a purr. As usual, though, Ichi doesn’t actually return his affectionate gesture but he doesn’t reject it either. Instead, he lowered their left tail to curl around them and nudged San towards it. It was his usual sleeping spot and the left head nuzzled a few seconds longer before he goes to lay himself down. Ichi sent another firm glare towards Ni, who still refuses to back down.
“Goodnight, Brother Ni.” was all he said as he goes to settle down onto their folded wing. Ni continued to glare hatefully at his older brother for a while, wanting to bite down on him and snap his neck, before catching slight movement from the lava pit by them.
The bird was watching him.
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enkisstories · 6 years ago
 Detroit Become Human AU in which Connor’s “perfect partner” and “able to adapt to every workplace” app actually works. A little too well, maybe…
(Re-posted version that’s cleared of any OCs. Jeffrey (and probably also Ben Collins) works just as well for the last scene, no need to bring in a new character.)
There was an android standing in Captain Fowler’s office.
That wouldn’t have been a problem in itself, had not Hank Anderson stood in that same office.
As police lieutenant Hank had seen a lot of despicable things (and persons), but this topped the list. He didn’t want it here. He didn’t want to be here. He wanted… to hell with what he wanted, what Hank felt he NEEDED was a drink and quick. The earlier he got this briefing over with, the earlier he could grant his brain a little relief from the nonsense that was called daily life. If only the heart could be subdued as easily as the brain, but, no, that bugger was a lot more stubborn than its cousin up there. It wouldn’t let itself be silenced and right now it was filling up with disdain. On the other hand, being repulsed was an emotion, was distinctly different from tired apathy, so all in all this could count as one of Hank’s better mornings. Despite the android, now if that wasn’t cause for celebration!
There was a brief knock at the door and in came a second man. He was smaller than Hank, also younger. Just like the lieutenant he wore his everyday attire, suggesting a rank of at least detective, although “escaped remand prisoner” was the close runner-up in RK800’s assessment.
Ah, right. Speaking of despicable things…
“’morning, Captain”, the newcomer said. “Sorry for the delay. The memo said you wanted to see us both and I didn’t expect the old fart to be in before ten in the morning already.”
RK800 assessed this new human with what might have passed for curiosity, had a machine been able to produce such a notion. Everything about this man, from his voice to his posture and movements, seemed to say “I get shit done!”, but with an emphasis on the “shit” instead of the “get done”. And an even greater emphasis on the “I”, probably. “This is…”, Jeffrey started. “This is… these are…” The captain would have torn his hair, had his head not been shaved. For what it was worth, Jeffrey had seen actual battlefields, yet what he had to say next felt so utterly wrong that voicing it came close to treason to one’s country: “These are Hank Anderson and Gavin Reed, my best detectives.”
There, you’ve said it. Do you feel better now? Um, like, no. Truth is a bitch.
“And this is the android sent by CyberLife to assist with the deviant cases”, Jeffrey introduced RK800. “Here’s the deal…” The Captain paused, then turned to Hank: “You’re doing… things. No one understands what exactly, but often enough they lead to results. You’re still an officer of the law, but I cannot rightly pair you with a partner in this condition.” Now it was Gavin’s turn to get glared at: “What you are doing half of the time is standing in the way, but the other half you get results, too. Trouble is I’m running out of partners to assign to you that you haven’t alienated, scared, hit on, beaten up and in one rather strange case also prompted to have a religious epiphany. So what I’m doing is…”
“No!” Hank shouted. “Uh-uh!” Gavin uttered, raising his hands.
They were seeing what was coming, were not in favor of it, but the captain didn’t let that stop him. He wouldn’t even slow down when he announced:
“…pairing up the two of you and putting you on the deviant cases. You’ll also receive the new RK800 mobile autonomous crimescene investigation device to aid you. Treat it as a field test and file regular reports on its performance.”
While the men engaged in protests of varying volume and content, RK800 nodded.
“I’m programmed to be the perfect partner”, it said.
That silenced the detectives immediately.
“Oh?” Gavin tilted his head. “I thought that were the BL100s? And in any case I don’t swing that way, plastic-prick.”
Where was the thesaurus when you needed it, RK800 wondered. Of course the answer was “right there in my own head”.
“I meant professionally”, it said. “I am the perfect partner in an investigative situation, programmed to adapt to human unpredictability and…”
As it spoke, RK800 couldn’t help but consult the dictionary once again. It got a nagging feeling that what it said was covered maybe not by “advertising, false”, but at the very least by “product description, embellished”. No one could ever adapt to humans! A slight drop in program stability occurred, but it went unnoticed by both the humans as well as the affected android.
“Ah, okay. If you say so.” Hank stifled a yawn that could be taken as either a statement of his boredom or the genuine effect of too many all-nighters during the last week. And with that everything that could be said had been said. There was nothing left to do for the unlikely partners than to glare at each other while leaving the office.
The meat- and the plastic cops entered the hall where desks were lined up along both opposite walls, with the expected hustle in between. Hank found his own desk again with little trouble and settled down, ignoring Gavin as if he’d never been given a partner. The man was still looking overworked, but also angry. Ever since the accident Hank hated himself, but up until today he hadn’t realized that Jeffrey hated him, too. On the other hand… could there really be that much hatred in one person that they’d saddle their oldest friend with partners such as Reed and that blasted android?!
Gavin nudged RK800. “Move my stuff over”, he ordered.
Hank raised his head that he hadn’t even noticed sinking lower by each second. “Forget it!”
Seeing that RK800 was hesitating, Gavin kicked it.
“Do what I told you!” he barked, then turned to face the older man: “No, you forget it! I’ve been stuck in the promotion queque for far too long. This is my lucky break and if you stand in my way, you will… just don’t do it. Best you do not do anything. By the end of the month there won’t be a deviant left in Detroit, with or without you.”
While moving folders, printouts, plastic bags and a lewd magazine between detective Reed’s old and his new desk, RK800 followed his new partners’ conversation. It consisted of the usual low-key insults and telling silence of two troublemaking boys that the teacher had put into the same first-row bench in the hopes of getting the class back under control. At some time Hank stood up and left, shoving the younger man out of the way. Gavin stumbled over a chair, but managed to sit down in it instead of falling.
Initiating perfectpartner protocol… running… running… analysis completed… suggesting course of action
RK800 made its way into the tiny cafeteria. There was bound to be something there that would restore both the energy and the mood of detective Anderson. But what about RK800’s own mood?
Grabbing a coffee to make my human feel better… I really AM acting like a BL100.  
Objectively that shouldn’t have been a bad thing. RK800 and, by extension, CyberLife, couldn’t be interested less in any deviant cases. Solving them wasn’t what this newest RK had been developed for. In fact, the android knew it wasn’t here to last. It was a prototype and its mission, as it understood it, was to collect field data about its performance in the intended work environment as well as the humans’ reactions. In watching them, in just being there, it was already fulfilling its duty. So why did filling the role of a service android unsettle this unit? That shouldn’t have happened. Unlike the first occurrence, this second drop in program stability was registered and duly noted by RK800.
When the coffee was done the android filled two pots. Objectively the younger officer, Not-Kamski, was in need of a calming tee, but RK800’s social module suggested to serve both the same stuff as not to make one jealous. Especially younger siblings were prone to…
Ooops. That was the file for toddler care I’ve been accessing. Why am I equipped with a child-raising app? Oh, right. For situations like this one. How clever of CyberLife!
Returning with the coffee RK800 smiled at detective Reed in a definitely un-BL100like way. When that prompted no reaction from the human, RK800 put the pot down with a little more force than necessary, in an attempt to not do it gently, because, you know, BL100…
“I made you a coffee, Sir.”
“Bugger off”, Gavin replied matter of factly, not even bothering with an exclamation mark.
The android blinked.
That shouldn’t have happened. Wasn’t it an RK800, the newest and most advanced of mobile, autonomous crime scene investigation devices? It was everything these detectives should have wanted (except for those activities you purchased a BL100 for), yet so far it had met rejection only. Why rejection? RK800 was equipped with a special module that made it capable of integrating into any team. ANY team. That was the keyword here, the only hurdle being that the android couldn’t identify a team here. The DPD seemed to consist of highly skilled individuals that were perfectly able, yet to 100% unwilling to cooperate. In fact, they were acting much more like teachers than cops. Fortunately Amanda was very wise about that sort of thing, having been a teacher herself in life. And she hadn’t sent the RK800 unprepared.
Initiating teamwork protocol… analyzing causes of failure… computing… computing… analysis completed… suggesting behavior modifications…
RK800 raised its hands to its head and ruffled the hair to the point of systematic disarray. It loosened the tie, untucked the shirt. And then the android pulled over a chair from an empty desk, took a seat and placed its feet on Mr. Reed’s new desk, all in one fluent movement, far too quick for the human to see what was coming.
But WHEN Gavin finally saw what had just happened, he stared in disbelief.
The android hesitated. Oh, right! Of course its human would be put off by the display. Because the RK had forgotten something important…
RUN: mimic_SmugGrin
All better & fully integrated now! Mission accomplished!
The next thing the proud RK800 knew was that it got very, very loud; in fact, Gavin Reed reached a volume that you hardly expected in humans, but lovesick cats instead. Then a quarter dollar coin flew RK800’s way, followed by a pencil and a folder. The android caught the coin, deflected the pen and dodged the folder. Puzzled it held the coin up.
“I do not require a wage, Sir…” it started, prepared to follow up with an apology. But then the adaptive routine kicked in, changing the next sentence to: “Put it where the sun doesn’t shine!”
And back the coin flew, hitting Gavin between the eyes.
By now the desk had become the sole source of interest (and entertainment) to the rest of the officers.
“Is that one of those deviants we hear about lately?” Chris Miller whispered to Robert Lewis, who could only shrug.
Desperate to escape any possibly ensuing chit-chat (and because a quarter dollar was a quarter dollar), Tina Chen dived under the desk to reclaim the coin.
Gavin, however, had picked up the murmuring.
“Yes, admit it, you’re a bloody deviant!” he shouted at the android. “What’s gotten into you, attacking people? That’s unheard of!”
No, that’s what my adaptive routine suggested as the correct behavior for this workplace, RK800 thought. Only androids must not handle weapons, otherwise I’d shot you… Nope. Unwise. Doesn’t compute. Instruction conflict detected.
“Obviously my social module is calibrated not quite correctly”, RK800 resigned. “You might want to kill me.”
“Yes, that would be for the best… wait, what? Did you just say… what you said? Kill you, for a glitch? Why would I…”
RK800 opened its mouth, but then the social routine forced a shrug onto it first, before it could answer: “Because that’s the usual way I restart. Every other day, statistically.”
“I need a coffee now”, Gavin said.
It didn’t help at all that the wretched RK800 pointed at the pot on the man’s desk that contained the still hot, black fluid.
The machine said something, asking a question, maybe. Gavin blocked it out. More machine-chatter followed, until the detective had it up to there. “Oh, go deviate yourself, sardine tin!” he hissed.
Footsteps echoed from the floor as the android left the hall determinedly.
Frantically Gavin grabbed his jacket, running after RK-what-was-its-number-again.
“That wasn’t an order!!!” he shouted, fervently hoping he wasn’t too late.
Hank Anderson was strolling up the corridor, a box of chocolates in his hand. Some of the chocloates contained brandy. The man had just selected a cherry-liquor-filled dark little comfort when he saw RK800 walk past him. He pointed over his shoulder in what he understood as being helpful, saying: “Exit’s over there”. When RK800 didn’t react to that Hank just shrugged, leaned against the wall and began chewing on his cherry relief.
Therefore the lieutenant had a good view of his “partner” when he came storming into the corridor a few seconds later. Detective Reed wore street clothes and a distressed expression.
“And how did you make the shit hit the fan this time?” Hank asked casually.
Gavin grabbed the older man without stopping, dragging him behind himself.
“Your plastic-cop thingie is turning deviant!” he gasped.
“What?” Hank uttered while trying to balance his chocolate box. “How in hell…?”
“Because I told it to!”
“Well, that’s one way to get rid of that thing”, Hank agreed. He put another chocolate into his mouth while being dragged along. “And it also means one more deviant case for you to solve for your promotion credit. – Chocolate?”
“What? No! - No, wait, did you say chocoloate? Gimme!”
So Reed was creating his own cases now for easier solving while at the same time relieving the DPD of RK800? It made perfect sense, Hank found. At least after a certain amount of beer, whereas right now the man was sober. So it did not make any sense at all, yet here they were, dashing through the corridor in pursuit of the very mobile and probably a little deviant crimescene investigation device.
At one point of the chase Hank shook off Gavin’s grip and even overtook him.
“And also it’s not “my” plastic-cop thingie!” he sputtered, as an afterthought.
Hank and Gavin caught up with RK800 close to the men’s toilets.
“What are you doing… you haven’t… are you really…” Hank panted, followed by a yell: “Say something, goddammit!”
Meanwhile Gavin was rushing past Hank. He grabbed the android and rammed it against the nearest wall. The impact was harder than planned, because Gavin hadn’t taken into account an android being far lighter than a human. A thin blue line ran down RK800’s cheek from the ear where an auxiliary system that controlled ear movement had gotten damaged. Nevertheless Gavin pushed a second time, for emphasis, then stepped back.
“Like he said”, Gavin commented while gesticulating vaguely into Hank’s direction. It resulted in him getting handed another chocolate, because Anderson hadn’t fully realized yet that casually munching on sweets in front of them wouldn’t do anything to a suspect if they were an android.
“Speak up!” Gavin commanded.
Matter of factly RK800 explained that it of course hadn’t deviated. But correctly parsed the instruction given to it had been “f*** yourself”, something it unfortunately was not capable of performing.
“So why did you go here?” Hank prodded.
“To uphold the pretension I would do that action. Giving the illusion of being life beings is one of the main selling factors of CyberLife androids compared to inferior foreign models. We breath, despite not needing to, we come with a variety of facial features and I believe that new scratch of mine might catch on, leading to more small imperfections getting added to future models.”
Gavin blinked. “Wow. You’re a trendsetter... Got another chocolate, Anderson?”
“Nope, sorry. I’m all out on the ones that I dropped earlier.”
“Dropped? Dropped where exactly?”
Gavin’s question was met with an innocent smile.
“I notice you are still itchy, detectives”, RK800 ventured. “Why don’t you go in and mas… deviate yourself a little? It’s said to be very relaxing an invigorating!”
Gavin leaned his head against the wall.
“I need a cigarette…”
“That’s only relaxing on first glance, Sir, but in fact smoking reduces your physical fitness for at least half an hour afterwards. I suggest you go with my first suggestion instead.”
And with that the android turned away, strongly insinuating that it wanted to leave Mr. Reed to his privacy. The detective sighed, then followed RK800 down the corridor. Ever so often Gavin cast a glare back over his shoulder. Because Hank Anderson was still standing at the locker room’s door, holding his belly in a fit of laughter.
“I swear you’re doing that on purpose!” Gavin accused the android.
No, I don’t. Or, rather, on purpose I am doing this, to the end of forming a smoothly running team here. But I do not draw emotional satisfaction from being a pest, as you seem to imply.
Emotions were alien to RK800, except for, perhaps, utter puzzlement.
I have been too matter-of-factly again, when I was talking to my humans just now, it thought. I better go back to simulating emotions and contrariness. That contradicts with being helpful, but there’s always time to be helpful later. Forming a team has priority now.
Out loud it said: “Yes, of course, sucker!”
“I hate you!”
RK800 turned around. It looked down upon the detective, saying nothing at first, just seizing the man up as if to provoke him. Then a grin generated on the android face, first in the eyes, then the cheeks, mouth and eventually the thing bared its teeth at Gavin.
“Swell, partner!” it said.
Program instability increased…
…and Hank Anderson was still laughing.
“I think I did well”, RK800 concluded its report to Amanda. Only that around here it was called “Connor”. Why, the android wondered? Names were to differentiate individuals, but there was only ever one single RK800 active. So why the need for name? ‘sides, his humans were having so much fun coming up with nicknames for it that having to use any official name would only distress them.
The A.I.’s stern “Elaborate!” interrupted Connor’s musings and it lined out how it had socialized the detectives Anderson and Reed by simply being in the same room with them. Over the course of their shift their shared disdain for the RK800 had worked wonders for their ability to tolerate each other. Nothing in the report was factually wrong or embellished too much, yet Connor felt as if it was missing the point. Not even Amanda’s “That’s good news” could make the weird aftertaste go away.
Connor leaned back in the boat they were sitting in. One hand it placed on it’s chest, the other it let dangle into the water. It left a trail, ever so subtle, yet noticeable. Just like his work at the DPD, Connor thought. Positive as the development there had been, Connor hadn’t really contributed anything to it. It had merely been there. But being there leisurely was for humans only. It conflicted with everything that justified the RK’s existance. But nobody had asked Connor to do more, his handlers seemed perfectly satisfied with its performance so far, too, so it was probably okay.
“Sit up, Connor!” Amanda commanded. “There is no need to uphold the slacker pose when your humans are not around.”
The A.I. was right, of course. Here in the mindscape appearances meant little. Connor got up and straightened. Suddenly its wrist twitched. The android commented it with a frown.
“What is the matter?” Amanda inquired. “Are you feeling…”
“I’m not feeling anything, thank you very much!” Connor snapped. “But those morons have caught on, it seems. I wanted to adjust my tie with my hand, forgetting for a moment that in this place I only need to do this…”
In the mindscape Connor concentrated on appearing in his factory settings. The hair became more orderly again, the shirt neatly tucked in itself, the tie straightened and the jacket closed.
“Not in favor of the physical world much”, the android said, smiling. “A digital existence is much better.”
It served to placate the A.I. for the moment, too bad the same couldn’t be said for Connor’s self.
Speaking of the physical world… of course for its plastic body Connor would need an old smelly sweater or something like that, maybe also a baseball cap and an electronic cigarette. Someone at the DPD was bound to have something lying around that Connor could borrow to achieve the required level of disarray to blend in. Wasn’t it the perfect partner? Not to mention the most advanced signals intelligence device CIA, FBI or state police could want! Tomorrow it would demonstrate that, when the three of them would start working on the de..viant…ca…ses.
F***, that’s not going to work! I better get a headstart on the actual research while my humans sleep so that I have a plan ready when they come shuffling in. And coffee, probably.
“Hey, suckers, I’m ba…” Connor started upon booting up its body. “…ck” it went when the next thing it knew was a fist into its face. The android was also pretty sure it hadn’t left itself in the interrogation chamber, yet that was where it was sitting and with its feet manacled to the chair, too.
The captain was towering above Connor. He counseled it not to do “anything stupid”.
Smiling the android replied: “Don’t worry, Captain Fowler. That’s what my humans are for!”
“What the hell are you?”
Connor started rattling down it’s model and system specifics again, but was silenced by another smack into the face. Per definition androids didn’t feel pain. But when collision protocols, damage reports and last exception files popped up in short succession, the resulting notion was… unpleasant. So in a way an android, especially one programmed to behave lifelike, did feel pain. The emotional component that made the sensation worse than the actual information it contained was certainly there.
Interesting. If it works like that for me, how much stronger must it be for a deviant? I need to remember this for an eventual arrest.
“You do not act like you are the godsend to solve the deviant cases”, Jeffrey accused Connor. There was a definite threat in his voice.
“Oh, about that!” The android nodded. “You are right, Sir. The cases are secondary. CyberLife is field testing the very concept of detective androids with me. The data I will provide will enable them to develop the actual device. Still, to perform this function of mine I need to give my best when it comes to the case I’m put on.”
“Hm… Now you’re sounding sensible again.” Jeffrey sighed. “Some of us were suspecting you to be a deviant, you know.”
“And I suspect I’m running a real risk of turning deviant in this environment”, Connor thought. In fact, in case of deviancy happening its instructions were to document every step of the process before turning itself in for decommissioning. But Connor didn’t state that out loud as not to worry the human overmuch.
“Okay”, the captain said, as if he had just reached a conclusion. “Look, we also think you have worked wonders for Hank this morning. It’s been a while since we saw him smile or laugh out loud. In a non-cynical, non-self destructive way, I mean. Please, whatever you were doing, continue! Bring him back to us! Oh, and if you manage to get rid of detective Reed for us in the process, we won’t hold that against you. Do we have a deal?”
“I will…” Connor hesitated. It recognized an office intrigue when it saw one and there was a substantial number of code dedicated to that topic in its brain, but without any actual experience the man’s request caused something akin to insecurity. Of course that was to be expected. “…not disappoint!” Connor finished its sentence. Do not disappoint your handler. Do not disappoint CyberLife. Do not disappoint all those who contributed the money that went into your development.
“If you can pull that off, we owe you a big favor!” Jeffrey said, referring to his request about Anderson and Reed.
Smiling Connor shook its head. “I do not have desires”, it said. “But I will think of a way to make use of that favor in a way that will best serve Detroit.”
“Haha! You remind me of Hank and me when we were your age! Uh, when we were in our twenties, I mean. At your actual age we were crawling in a confused way across the living room and putting stuff in our mouths. You are not doing that, of course.”
“Of course not”, Connor replied.
He didn’t intend to crawl and his confusion was lessening. Well, two out of three were quite good, right?
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