#i hate censorship on the god damn internet
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digitalinterfacer · 5 months ago
oh my god end your life
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firecrackerhh · 2 months ago
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Ao3 doesn’t host fucking CSAM material you retarded waste of human DNA. The fact people this retarded exist is a fucking detriment to our human civilization and they’re too damn retarded to understand the conservative horseshit they’re unintentionally peddling.
Censorship is not progressive.
You know why people accuse these fucking dumbfucks of being homophobic or racist or hell, even fascist? Because that’s what their ideology ultimately leads to and ends up supporting.
If you don’t think you’re free to write whatever the fuck you want, you don’t give a shit about freedom as a concept.
Writing doesn’t fucking hurt anyone, and anyone who thinks they’re hurt by it needs fucking therapy to deal with their shit like a fucking grown up instead of trying to force everyone to conform to what they want like a spoiled brat.
Like sorry if you ever had trauma in your life or whatever the reason is for why you’re such a fucking miserable sack of shit, but that isn’t a fucking excuse. Grow the fuck up and get over yourself. Get the fuck offline if you can’t fucking handle it, you don’t fucking HAVE to read fanfiction!
You could just, yknow, use the fucking tags and search function that Ao3 has so you don’t have to see any shit you don’t want but nooooo you have to whiiiiiiinnneeee and complaaaaaaaiiiinnnn like a fucking baaaaaaabyyyyyy because God fucking forbid you ever feel the slightest bit of discomfort or you act like it’s the end of the world. Fucking toddler brained shit, how the fuck do these people function in daily life?
I hope if retards somehow manage to remove fanfics from Ao3 I legit hope to God these people’s fanfics get sent to the internet trash dump first and never recovered again.
You won’t be so pro censorship when the shit you like gets banned.
Frankly if that ever does happen to them I’m not exactly gonna be sympathetic, you made your bed, lie in it.
I hate this puritan bullshit, can we send these people away on some deserted island with their own private internet servers that we can’t access so their mental retardation can’t affect the rest of us?
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stephenjaymorrisblog · 2 years ago
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The Nominalistic Tycoon
Elon Musk is no Howard Hughes
Stephen Jay Morris
Scientific Morality©
Twitter. I never took it seriously. To me, it was just a Cyber bulletin board. However, in time it became a popular, Internet Cyber bulletin board. Luminaries, movie stars, and other types of celebrities were drawn to it. Before long, American politics showed its ugly face on Twitter. What began as polite disagreements ended up as bloody, flame wars. Insults, threat of violence, and profanity filled the pages of Twitter. Propaganda soon revealed its ugly ass.
Despite the ugliness, Twitter had cornered the market of Cyber bulletin boards. Imitators quickly failed. It became damn popular in the United States of America, but the conservatives couldn’t navigate the web site. Oh, but their bullshit was getting through! After their Twitter imitators flopped, one by one, the American, political Right started to whine like colicky infants about how they were being censored on social media. Which was just not true. It was their content that drew rejection, not censorship. Their posts were like the rants of nagging parents. Worse still, it was all a pack of lies, i.e.: “Leftists are the true racists!”
All of this started during the Iraq war, with wall to wall Islamophobia. Muslims were the new niggers of America. In some Right wing circles, Arabs were called “sand niggers.” Regular human beings didn’t want conservatives around. Well, according to Twitter’s previous owners, “the customer is always right.” So, the Twitter executives created rules that posters couldn't use racist terminology or be sexist—among many other dictates. When you take away the right to be racist, then the Right declares that they’ve been censored. Funny, when Elon Musk took charge of Twitter, some poet wrote the word “nigger” ten times and a poster posted it. It was as if he was rejoicing, ‘We can be free to hurt people’s feelings! Yea!!!’
One thing Right wingers hate is when you hit back; they immediately recoil into a fetal position. Over the last two weeks, I did just that. Their posts would insult the so-called Left, and I insulted them right back, twice as hard. The last straw, per Twitter, was when I insulted Ann Coulter. They kicked me out into the San Franciscan night. I instinctively knew that was going to happen, but I never figured it would be on the account of “has been,” Ann Coulter. Oh well.
One thing about Americans, they worship the wealthy as if they are Gods. Americans dream about being rich all night long, all of their lives. They dream about owning acres and acres of property, material possessions, endless hedonism, and being pampered like new born babies. When they can’t attain that wealth, they live vicariously through the lives of actual billionaires.
Me? I couldn’t care less. Though, I did find Howard Hughes fascinating. He was an aviation genius and film maker. Yet, even though he was brilliant, he had personality disorders. He started out as a rich man’s son and he, ultimately, tripled his wealth. He was one of a true American breed of innovators who were dynamic and bravura.
Now, we meet the new breed of tycoons: Enter the Gen X billionaire, Elon Musk, born under the sign of Cancer. His mom was a French Canadian and his dad, a Dutch South African. His mom was some type of model while his dad was filthy rich. Elon was an introverted child and a trust fund kid. He had no quality of intellect and relied on the advice of associates. His wealth was predicated on the lucky sperm club. He is certainly no Howard Hughes; he is more like former president Trump. They don’t make rich pigs like they used to. America has a slew of Nouveau Riche. You know? The “Beverly Hillbillies.” The dignity of the Ruling Class has vanished; it has been replaced by spoiled rich kids.
Elon Musk is like a child who doesn’t like his new toy. So, he throws a tantrum and destroys it. He didn’t really want to buy Twitter, but he got himself sucked into it. He fired 75% of his staff and his biggest advertisers quickly flew the coop, as if the building was on fire. He wants to turn Twitter into a Right wing ghetto and, thus far, he’s succeeding. He is destroying Twitter the way Ayn Rand’s character, Howard Roark, from her book, “The Fountainhead,” destroyed his creation. Architect Roark didn’t like that a real estate developer had added a new feature to his blue print, so he acquired some dynamite and blew up the very building he’d designed! That is Elon Musk.
Hell, Elon’s not even an American!
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shanie-the-toyaddict · 5 years ago
Ok, so coming off the backs of that previous post, I am going to essay here. HARD. Specifically about something my one friend, who like me watched Xena back in the day, HATES about the current fan community and why she doesn’t really feel welcome among it. OK, so over an over, my friend, who we shall just call “Arial”, hates Xena/Gabrielle with a burning passion. I have discussed her en length previously, but she thinks 100% that Gabrielle was a toxic and needy character and that Xena’s true soulmate was Ares. We have argued about this endlessly for the past 18 years of friendship, but that is her POV, nothing is going to change it. Arial’s OTP is why she feels she has no place in modern Xena fandom, because, lets face it, almost everyone these days who watches Xena are what in 1990s Fandom we would have called “Subtexters”. But why is that? Why is it that the show only appeals to WLW nowadays when, back then, it was much more mainstream? Let us examine that by again pointing out the three audiences. 1. WLW 2. Angry Feminists 3. Horny Men.
Ok, so we are clear on that? Right. Time to dig in. I’m not going to spend much time or justification on the last one, so I’ll get it out of the way first. In the 1990s, the Internet was YOUNG, and the world was a smaller place. If you wanted naked women, your best bet was either the premium network offerings (which few people actually bothered to get access to) or straight-up porn. I’m not even going to try and DENY that porn wasn’t prevalent, but it wasn’t as mainstream in the 1990s. There was still some shred of SHAME left in society, and not every guy on the planet was willing to hunt down an adult video store to spend money on DVDs. Some were, yes. But those weren’t the horny guys Xena was aimed at. Xena was aimed at the horny guys who wanted titillation for free. And, in the 1990s, hot women in ‘leather bikinis’ was the best you would get. Fast forward to 2019, and YEAH. We all know how prevalent and mainstream exploitation of women is NOW. So yeah, why would ANY guy looking for a cheap thrill watch Xena, when he can watch Game of Thrones and see ACTUAL naked women? SO HORNY MEN ARE GONE (and good fn riddance!) Next category. Angry Feminists. Ok. So here’s the thing. Feminism, in 2019, is not the best. Sorry, but it’s not. There are so many problems with overzealous SJWs and TERFS that Feminism has lost sight of it’s mission. Hate to say it out loud, but it is true. In the 1990s, feminism was much more focused. Sure, there were problems, but in reality, the issues of trandgendered individuals were a new topic for most people. In fact, and correct me if I’m wrong, but the concept of “Trans*” wasn’t widely known by that specific TERM yet! If it was, it was within the Queer community only. On top of that, the very idea of strong women “acting manish” was controversial. In the US, we may have had Wonder Woman for decades, but she was always portrayed as a SECRETARY by trade! Honestly, there were very few examples of women kicking men’s ass 100% unapologetically in the 1990s. Red Sonja was one, and the creators of Xena have gone on record to say that Ren Sonja (and the Bionic Woman and Wonder Woman) were examples of “Walking so Xena could RUN”. So yeah, in the 1990s, Xena was a HUGE Feminist icon. She was a woman who not only kicked the ass of everyone she met, but made NO APOLOGIES for it and wasn’t afraid to use sex and her feminine whiles to help her do so. And then, Third Wave Feminism happened. And TERFS and SJWs happened. And suddenly, a show where a Transwoman is a beauty queen, and the Greek Gods are portrayed as characters is NOT OK. So many SJWs try to throw terms at Xena such as “Cultural Appropriation” and “Insensitive” without realizing that they are straight-up missing the point of the show. So, >buzzer< Feminists are out. The ones that remain are usually holdovers from 90′s feminism, who are not judgemental and can appreciate a well-written Bad Bitch when they see one. So, who does that leave? LESBIANS, AND WLW. And here’s the thing. For THEM? The show is stronger than EVER. Because, as we all know, Xena dealt with massive censorship in it’s day... and it only made Xena and Gabrielle more believable as lovers! The relationship between the ladies is so strong, so powerful, SO DAMN REAL, that many modern shows can’t compare. The current media climate often treats lesbian relationships as a commodity, something to be flaunted for ratings, and it’s thrown in your face. Yes, there are good ones out there. But there are far more that are AWFUL, and Xena, with all it’s 90′s cheese and bad SFX, is better than ever. So there. In conclusion, yes, almost the entirety of the modern and NEW Xena fan community came and stayed for Xena/Gabrielle. But back in the day, it was a much more diverse crowd, and the only reason the fandom has distilled down to one group has nothing to do with Xena, and everything to do with society, media, and culture as a WHOLE.
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kahokubo · 6 years ago
You were one of my favourite users on Tumblr and It's sad to see everyone just on full-panick modus and sharing their social media on their blogs. It's like a damn apocalypse. And I don't have any other social media I frequently use besides Tumblr to follow people on because, well, I always saw this place as a safe haven, with all the fandoms and all and I love it but now, 90% of everyone I follow will probably be banned for no reason at all and I hope for dear God you won't be one of them.
Aw thanks for the kind words! I’m really glad you like my stuff on tumblr! This answer got a bit long and opinionated so a bit more after the cut!
I hope it’s not super scary that everyone’s posting social media everywhere. I think a lot of us artists are seeing people we look up to leaving or fans leaving and we’re like “WAIT BEFORE YOU GO CAN WE STILL KEEP IN TOUCH!?” kinda thing. It’s like the end of the year at school and you’re trying to get email addresses of your friends before they leave to another country. And a lot of artists I’ve seen are still planning on hanging around until the ban date. I wanna stay and have a huge laugh if I get banned. It’s just really funny overall to me and if tumblr wants to ban me for my artwork, then maybe tumblr and I just don’t agree on what we think is right and safe (I mean the team thought that banning people’s artwork with an AI was much more smarter than using the same AI to find hate work. Just a thought.). And I don’t wanna waste time fighting with tumblr on moral beliefs because it’s less time to draw stuff I enjoy, so I’ll just head over to another platform and just have more fun drawing.
Though I do agree that losing a safe haven in the day and age of internet where everything you do can be seen is a bit of a scary thing. I hope that in the case tumblr does continue with this strict ban where even silly doodles get counted as sensitive imagery, that maybe some artists you like will introduce you to new platforms! I’ve had an artist friend introduce me to Discord as I sometimes felt unsafe posting specific opinionated fanart and it’s been a huge help as I can do cool down doodles as much as I like without worrying about forcing things into peoples’ faces since the people who are there want to be there and can leave whenever they want if they feel uncomfortable. The moment I get worried about forcing things at people, I suddenly get really scared of drawing. So it’s been a huge help. It makes me consider moving to Discord or something for normal fanart too but I’ll have to figure that out as it’s inaccessible to people outside of the server without an invite link.
I usually don’t really like to post my opinions, but there is one thing that has been irking me about the AI running around and flagging artwork. I follow some master painter accounts that post artworks of famous artists throughout history for educational purposes. And a lot of those accounts got flagged for the content that they were posting. There are also veteran animation people I look up to and follow who got flagged, and they post their artwork (FOR FREE) to show the public, and this is actually super helpful for students who are trying to figure out how to draw or figure out what is “Industry Standard” when NDA agreements actually make studio/industry artwork inaccessible for students. The fact that tumblr’s team that was taking care of the AI was not able to teach the AI what art was actually educational or had historical significance is a huge sign to me that this platform isn’t really trustworthy for art people. (Seriously, I’m not super versed in AI stuff, but couldn’t there have been a list of paintings you feed to the AI and go, “Don’t censor these pieces buddy. They’re significant in history.” Also, the censorship rules are unclear which is unfair to people posting art. I still don’t know what gets posts flagged and what doesn’t. And this feels like playing a game without knowing the rules. Which then feels like a waste of time.
But yeah, enough about my opinions, and I hope that things end up working out on your side. And I hope that you’ll be able to find a new platform to have fun on and feel safe! (History has always had a censorship problem every decade or so and artists have been smart and found different ways to get around being censored so I bet something interesting is bound to come up.) I think that’s the most important thing about the internet. While it’s a place for doing anything you want, the most important thing is to be able to feel safe to do things. Stay safe, take good care of yourself, and here’s a smiling Wendy (an OC of mine) just to make this post happy and possibly get this post flagged. XD
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mywitchcultblr · 3 years ago
My brother in Christ... I live in Indonesia where the government blocked more than 1 million websites including anything that got to do with LGBT and sex, censoring TV to a ridiculous degree, Netflix and many other things
Movie censorship is very strict as well
Everything that are not bowing down to conservative Muslim mindset are under scrutiny. Also there's a new PSE regulations
Also last time a governor said something that upset Muslim conservative, dude get thrown to jail for two years
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Quite young? I'm 23 not 16.
Hate it when everyone on the god damn internet thinks others MUST be USA or European westerners
Your tags and comment kinda condensing buddy
I just dealing with censorship in my country and fuck now there's a threat of censorship in AO3 from Tiffany G. I'm a Muslim but this shit makes me saying Jesus fucking Christ. Look, perhaps some westerners cannot comprehend it... Because you never really experience hard censorship. But you wouldn't want it... You don't want censorship. Do not vote Tiffany G
She's not your savior... She's NOT and she sounds like a politician from my country
Edit: Tiffany apparently working as a technical support for government organization
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One of the greatest mental illnesses of women of all in the era
There are a lot of them, but one of their mental illnesses is this obsessiveness of yard work, is schizophrenic eco-terrorism Mass delusion !
This feeling they needed to do as much damage the planet as possible you got white men going around cutting down whole forces and you got white women going around kill with my plants as possible.
Human beings are fucking idiots !
One word I've always hated it was weed I hit the drug and I hate the word !
The drug makes me ill and I'm highly allergic to anything he has I smoked it before and I wish the god I never did the grace told me never to smoke it's going to probably kill me and I just obeyed them and it almost f******ing killed me
On top of the fact no plant is a weed the most thing is a weed that is another evil word humanities come up with they don't just think of the weed a weed is said to be a plant that's very undesired that's a weed.
A weed is it to be a plant that disrupts other plants or gets rid of them, that's a survival of the fittest !
Humans are so God damn f****** dumb they have no way of understanding to to preserve things that are spiritual sacred and precious human beings on this Earth are they're not spiritually dead they're not spiritual retarded the spiritually anti
What that means that they're anti-spiritual that anything holy is their enemy their anti-everything that is sacred and you can't communicate or convince them of anything to stop doing s***** things because their minds are so schizophrenic they can't understand anything but to do things that are really f****** awful like the censorship of my god dam phone
Anyway, I just want to let you know have you ever heard of a woman yard work all I ever want to let you God damn know, is that you're going to learn really really fast that women love to crack that God damn social Whip !
Human man humans are you male are usually combat terrorist political terrorists internet terrorist
But women are social terrorists, eco terrorists and economic terrorists.
Women really like seeing everything get destroyed around the other vegetation women destroy economies really f******ing fast
And only I don't think I even need to get started on the feminist
And all the raging screening psychotic manipulative women in the world that just love to take full control and manipulate other people and . . . yeah I think that you know this is going
The crazy insane psychotic hags
I thought I'd let you know about that but yeah !
Women are terrorists in their own way I know men do egoterrorism stuff that cut down whole forces that's eco terrorism I just wanted to let you know is that women really really f****** hate plants
They do they really there's something inside the human female just tell them to kill all the plants existence I wouldn't be surprised if you give a woman the video game plans for zombies and they need to play as a zombie they immediately play a zombie just so they can kill those God damn plants
Human women get really creative and murdering plants I wouldn't be surprised if round up Was invented by a woman
I want to be surprised at the lumber the lumber corporation was run by a woman
Women on this Earth having carving up lands killing plants poisoning plans whipping their men to do the yard work to cut all the grass I would be surprised if it was women that complain about the grass being too long to begin with women just have this God damn problem with vegetation they do they just have this internal psychotic hatred for plants I just can't leave them the f***k alone.
And I can't let you not leave them alone either you just want to like f*** off and do your own thing women love to go berserk but they know they're not going to punishment women love to go crazy when they don't get what they want so the ultimate temperate attention because they know there's no penalty for it women can't get in trouble for doing bad stuff women women can't get in trouble women can't get penalized ever for anything what's the What so Ever . . . absolute.
So yeah I just want to go with them know about that.
And if I typing S3em's little catty Wonka !
It's because I was voice typing this whole thing 😐
While trying to do little spelling check errors every here and there
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mirceakitsune · 4 years ago
Trump and the events that transpired today
It's AM as I start writing this journal, likely past 5 AM once I finish it. I'm tired after today and don't know to what extent I can be fully coherent, politically and socially correct, or whatever else I'm supposed to about what happened. But after the events that took place today I need to speak up. I am sick, feeling I have had it... but for once it's on a matter I can discuss with others in this world, shared by millions of people. Even though I'm nervous to even talk about it as the divide keeps growing; I don't know on which of those websites even journals discussing politics will still be allowed by the administration, I already have a hard time keeping track of the different rules on each of the +8 websites I post anything on... as far as I'm aware we're still allowed to discuss for now.
I don't know exactly who the people that invaded the Capitol building today were. Many say it was Antifa protesters disguised as Trump supporters; I find it hard to understand why they'd interrupt the crowning ceremony of their lover Biden if they were already winning, but who knows at this rate. The people who initially walked in there were likely Trump supporters, with Antifa coming later to start violence so they could say Trump did it. A woman was shot in the neck and unfortunately died soon after, no footage showing who did it yet... scary stuff but it's to be expected given the times we're living in, RIP.
I will start by saying the following thing: I was NEVER a real Trump supporter, and I likely never will be. I'll share a little secret: In 2016 when I first heard he won, I fell in a depression for the entirety of the next day, fearing that he was going to bring about the end of the free and modern world that seemed to be going well till then. And in some ways I was right: Bullshit like SESTA / FOSTA and the repeal of Net Neutrality and other garbage happened under his leadership. But things have changed SO much since that day. The true liberals and progressives I once knew and was proud of being among no longer exists: The left's tolerance has been replaced with hate and fascism, their love for freedom with "freedom as long as we aren't offended or our narratives challenged", even the free internet they once praised is now seen as a tool of "spreading hate and misinformation" unless guided by their censorship regime. No matter how difficult this was for me, I had to accept that only Trump and some of the people around him are still fighting for REAL freedom... putting aside some religious or "think of the children" bullshit the Republicans can't let go of; Freedom to think and say what you want, to live your life as who you are, to go outside without having to wear a god damn mask and breathe like a fucking sapient being that still has any right to live! I don't care that much about either left of right doctrine... all I truly wanted was to be free, to live in a world where everyone minds their own business without using fear and prejudice to control others. I'm also not a patriot as one way or another I believe in a world where people are just citizens of the planet and countries are mainly different legal / cultural zones... I do however believe in a movement to support the people of the world, even if that's currently dressed under patriotism.
Today I watched Trump's speech before the Capitol was stormed. I literally saw and felt a different man from that fool I too once hated and demonized. And I hated him for good reason: He still hasn't denounced his wall of hate (the Mexico border wall bullshit), never had the will or bravery to openly defend the LGBTQ community and distance himself from those supporters that oppose them, attacked Section 230 which is unacceptable despite his justified war against big tech and the corrupt media... I am and will remain outraged at those things about him, he was no ideal example. But you know what? He's not the demon the media makes him out to be either. And as much as I HATE to say this... he is a hero in his own way: For having the courage to fight the biggest organized crime network in the history of humanity... one known as globalism. THAT is why some people turn to him while others want him to look like the devil: Not because they're fascists but because he stood up against a problem everyone else is one way or another a part of, a problem you can't even talk about without being called a conspiracy theorist and raving nut, a frustration many of us feel yet is only deepened by this denial instead of anyone ever addressing it.
Let me be very clear on an essential thing: I'm well aware there are real neo-Nazis, xenophobes, racists, misogynists, transphobes, puritans, psychopaths, etc. in Trump's circles. Yes they are pests, and I too will smite those fools if they try to use Trump (or any other means) to impose their own bullshit on this world! The vast majority of Trump supporters I've seen have nothing to do with this hate: I've watched livestreams from dozens of Trump rallies by now, have only seen decent and peaceful and creative people dancing and having fun... unlike some Antifa and BLM rallies which are far more aggressive by comparison. It's always the media transmitting from those protests, journalists putting up theatrical scenes about how they're surrounded by dangerous extremists on their crusade to find the Proud Boys hiding in the crowd. There were at least 1 MILLION people supporting Trump in Washington DC today, kilometers of street filled with people. Including countless black people who were allegedly discriminated by him, who will also tooootally die from COVID tomorrow because they didn't respect social distancing... did I forget to mention the pro-LGBT flags being waved at those rallies? Really: Is anyone trying to tell me those are all evil intolerant whatever-phobic lunatics? Because I'm not going lie to myself because the media decided what we have to believe: The traitorous brainwashing media can go to hell, together with big tech and especially big pharma after what they did to the world with COVID.
I also watched dozens of livestreams from courts, of proof being presented regarding the massive election fraud that put Biden in office. There is no such thing as "there was no fraud", there were hundreds of testimonies under oath some with footage and documents; Courts simply refused to see the evidence or decided to ignore it citing procedural grounds... because like everything else, the globalist octopus (mafia reference) owns the justice system and every part of society. Dominion voting machines were programmed to default to Biden votes, they were designed with the mindset "here's a big button to vote for Biden... because you don't really want to vote for Trump do you, though if you really want to I guess you can click here". And other forms of manipulation that ultimately caused Biden to get MILLIONS OF VOTES OVERNIGHT, which is so normal and definitely not suspicious at all.
Now that the brave and mighty police secured the Capitol building and drove those pesky citizens away, senators led by lowlife-by-profession Mike Pence resumed their session of shoving Biden down our throats at any cost (sadly not in a fun vore way). I watched their vomit inducing speeches as they went on about how they're sticking to their duties in such difficult times, and how those thugs who entered the building tried to stop them but failed. This will only add to the frustration, which they don't even realize or care about: They know all too well what their duty is... to sell the world to those who are desperate to have UNLIMITED POWER AT ANY COST. Their decision was fueled by sheer stupidity and ambition, and will only ensure that if Biden is allowed to become president he'll only be even more illegitimate than he already was. After such a shock there was no way any valid session could continue, no one is in the capacity to count electoral votes and certify a fucking president right now after today... they haven't even cleaned up the fucking blood from the staircase! An absolute disgrace.
But fear not: There are people who will stop this, people who won't allow this hell to come true. They aren't racists, homophobes, psychopaths... the media will no doubt paint them as such, and many will believe the lie, but with the same force others are seeing the truth now more than ever. They think China's authoritarian domination can be forced on us, just as their Covidist masks, or their censorship in the name of stopping hate, and everything else the globalists decided must be forced upon the planet. They have no idea how badly they're furthering this divide: The hate and sickness on both sides has reached a point where riots and tragedies are going to be unavoidable. Of course they tell themselves "we're gods on this Earth so we'll be able to control it", they're used to thinking they can hold unlimited power and nothing they do ever has any consequences. The truth will strike, the more you keep the pot on the kettle the harder it will explode once it blows off: All they did today was ensuring it will strike even harder. Save this journal if you wish, so you can remember those things for future reference, to know that some fool out there and in this community saw this and wasn't afraid to say it.
Whatever you think of me, believe me when I say this: I truly am sorry that it had to come to this... on multiple scales. I don't know if many friends that I do care for will ever understand me... such as a certain purple furred vixen, or a kind albeit sometimes rough unicorn who is one of my soul parents, not to mention a very close fox working on building a lab and bringing genetic transformation to life; They all more or less believe some of the official narratives, and I feel barely tolerate me for not doing the same. If there was another way to see the world and live this life, I would have taken it. If something would have been different in the past and led to a different outcome, I could be living a life of standing with the majority instead of against it... something I wish I knew what was like, I never did, I can only presume it must be peaceful and relaxing to live in such a world, but I'll likely never experience it as I don't have the naivety for such a leap. I'm sorry it's like this. And my only wish is that all of you will get to see who truly made it like this once all the lies are exposed! Whatever happens, whether it will be Biden or Trump in the end... please let what they did be exposed.
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stormethecat · 7 years ago
Let’s Talk About Swear Words!
Swear words are really interesting. They’re usually vulgar and shouldn’t be used around children. There are many different kinds of swear words, though. There’s swear words that are foul because they have harsh consonants, swear words that oppress people, swear words that are disrespectful towards certain religions, etc. Now everyone loves to cuss, right? Sure, but you can use expletives and profane words without being an asshole to certain groups of people. So let’s learn!
Cuss Words
are words that are vulgar because they either have roots in acts or body parts that are typically considered gross or obscene. Words like these include shit, piss, dick, cunt, asshole, fuck, pussy, and cock. Some of these sound worse than others, and that’s mostly just due to them having harsh, forced consonants and usually less noticeable vowels. Although, technically some words may be synonymous with others and may be completely off the list of some people’s vocabulary. All cuss words are okay to use (in accordance to television censorship where that applies) and are only offensive to those that like to be polite and follow all the proper manners. Not that I’m giving you permission to cuss in front of your grandma. You should still be respectful.
Curse Words
are words that are used to invoke a supernatural power or denote heresy. When you use God’s name in vain or swear under any other religious connotations, that’s a curse word. You are literally cursing someone or something. Words and phrases like these would be like damn, God damn, go to hell, Jesus Christ (when not actually referring to him), and I suppose technically holy shit. A lesser known curse word due to its archaic use is gadzooks. It originated from the phrase “God’s hooks” making reference to Jesus on the cross. These words are typically off limits depending on how religious you are, but I would say you should stray from these as not to belittle or trivialize someone’s faith.
are words specifically used to, or got their roots in, oppressing a group of people. Many different ethnicities, races, religions, and genders are subject to hurtful and hateful speech in order to degrade them and make them feel inferior. These words are off limits. If you use these words, you’re probably a ᴄᴜɴᴛ. Words like these include n*****, tranny, gypsy, Jap, retard, kike, faggot, guido, slut, and redskin. The term to “get gypped” actually derives from the word gypsy and is an oppressive word for the romani people. Essentially going under the assumption (originally) that because they were colored they were there for criminals and would steal from you. For clarity, I hate these words and you should too. It felt awful just typing them, but I’m doing this to spread information and knowledge. If you so much as legitimately use these words on most websites and forums of the internet, it almost always results in bans and getting reported anyway.
I find etymology very interesting and if I missed something or got something wrong, you should absolutely feel free to add onto this post.
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drwcn · 4 years ago
Addendum: so there is a court case. Somebody reported her for under-age contents????? Apparently she wrote another story about cultivators doing this technique that lets you shrink or de-age your body??? I guess it got misunderstood or there was also adult content involved, but long story short some anti (and there are many mxtx antis out there) reported her to the government.
What I also found out is boy does the internet just hate her. I don't know what it is about her but according the gods of the internet she's made a fuckton of enemies. Apparently she says things bluntly that rubs ppl the wrong way.
I mean hey I'm not a huge fan of some of her representations but to go as far as reporting her?? Damn. That's...excessive and vindictive. Remember the Xiao Zhao AO3 drama that got started by antis? Yeah similar thing happened here.
But no this doesn't affect her revenue from what I can tell because she's got both domestic and international publication contract, and the international ones aren't under censorship laws. She'll probably get fined though, but based on similar past cases, it probably won't be anything she can't afford. Idk if there's gonna be jail time, I hope not, but nothing's been decided yet BC the case is still on going.
I keep wondering how MXTX gets paid. Her works are becoming popular even beyond China (not even a niche fandom here in the west any more, thanks to Netflix), but she's still deeply incognito because of the threat of censorship and criminal charges, what with that other BL writer having been sentenced to ten years. If she were a writer in the west, her 'stink of money' would slowly approach JKR dimensions; but as it is, how does the money generated by us watching her content even get to her?
LOL I wish I knew. My mom keeps asking me if my fics can earn me money and I'm like mom pls I'm doing this for fun, I have other career aspirations.
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roninkairi · 8 years ago
And Now, Great Moments In WTF History: Bionic Commando
You’re probably wondering why precisely I chose that title. Well, there’s a good reason. I kind of wanted to go back and look at one of the most infamous moments in NES gaming history, something I think not a whole lot of gamers these days may know about. (Unless of course they Google it or The AVGN decides to discuss it at some point, and really I think he should…) So, lets look at one of the classic NES games that we may never see come onto the Nintendo Virtual Console.
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Back in the heyday of the NES, this game was released by Capcom. It was, much like its other NES counterpart Strider, a much different game from it’s arcade version; you hade to navigate a map and go into various areas to progress. Sometimes your helicopter had encountered a truck enroute to your destination and you had to go to a top down action screen to get back to the main path. Unlike other action games, your hero Ladd Spencer (yes, this was what they called him) did not jump. His means of getting around was a bionic cable attached to his arm, with which he could use to swing to other areas and hang onto ceilings. He also needed to collect various weapons and other items to get around, the weapons had to be chosen prior to tackling the area he was in. 
Now, before I get to the WTF moment, we need to also address another issue; censorship. Nintendo has always been associated with being family friendly (just look at the whole Mortal Kombat thing) and games released for the NES had to go under strict guidelines. For example, take a look at the original Maniac Mansion; there was quite a lot of dialogue that was changed from the PC version. Very rarely did things slip past their radar but when they did…
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Believe it or not, a LOT of parents complained about this…
Back to Bionic Commando: As I played the original game on the NES, I could not help but think that the army I was fighting against looked familiar. Years later when the internet was at my fingertips, my suspicions would be confirmed. The original title of the game was “Top Secret: The Plot To Revive Hitler” and basically, instead of fighting the “Empire” and their predecessors the “Badds” you were fighting a Neo Nazi Empire. Any and all symbols or language indicating you were facing off against the Nazis was altered. A shame really, because lets be honest, we have a game where we get to KILL NAZIS. I don’t think a lot of people are going to lose sleep over that.
However, for some reason certain things got past the radar. For one, even though he is called Master D, it is pretty obvious when he shows up that you are facing off with Adolf Fucking Hitler…
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You know how you can tell he’s a real bad dude? When he can get away with a curse word in an NES game. But no, this is NOT the WTF moment. 
See, after Kung Fuhrer here is revived and kills Generalisimo Kilit, he sics the Albatros weapon on you. Once you destroy it you will go to the next area where a dying comrade will give you a Bazooka. You need to fire it into the cockpit of his helicopter in order to win, otherwise the copter will murder you the second you land. And when you do fire…
Now, in case you did not bother to watch the video, let me break it down for you with a series of pics. And yes, I am not making it up THE FOLLOWING SEQUENCE OF AWESOME HAPPENED IN A FUCKING NES GAME!!!!
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Yes, this happened.You were a fucking commando with a bionic arm that made you swing around like Spider Man with a motherfucking bazooka, you get to kill Nazis and at the end of it, not only do you save the world, you destroy a super weapon and on top of that, YOU FUCKING KILL GOD DAMNED ADOLF FUCKING HITLER BY FIRING A FUCKING ROCKET INTO HIS GOOSE STEPPING GENOCIDAL SIEG HEILING ASS AND MADE HIS GREASY ASS HEAD FUCKING EXPLODE!!! YEAH, FUCK YEAH TAKE THAT ADOLF DOUCHEBAG!!!
…ok yeah need to take a deep breath there…
Suffice it to say, seeing that for the first time had made all of the hell this game put you through really worth it. It’s a shame thought that while the NES game will more likely than not see a release on the Virtual Console (or any collections) the remake of the game has faithfully recreated that scene. (Which was why it got a big ol’ M rating) But one question has always alluded me: just how did it get past the censors at Nintendo? My theory: SOMEONE had enough sense to point out that there probably won’t be an outcry over one sequence where one of the most hated and reviled dictators of the 20th Century, and of all time honestly, gets his head splattered like a fucking melon…
…and they were right. 
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mirceakitsune · 8 years ago
A sad day for civilization
Usually I try to keep my quota of political journals to a minimum. However the unfortunate events of today prompt what is perhaps one of the harshest journals I've written in this regard. I imagine I'll face quite a bit of criticism for it... both because many will see it as an exaggeration, and because I'm reacting strongly to something happening in the UK despite not being British myself. I will explain both of those things below.
On 08-June-2017 (yesterday as of the date of this posting), a once important member of the modern world (Britain) has left our ranks, by legitimating the war against modern society. An act committed by allowing an enemy of the civilized world to return to power, after its unprecedented attacks against every good achievement mankind has ever had within the last decades. That enemy is the UK's prime minister, Theresa May, the leader of the Conservative party.
For those not familiar with this monstrous woman, and why in my view she embodies the end of modern times, I will refresh everyone on who this bitch is and what she has done thus far:
- Theresa May promised the outright destruction of the internet as we know it, and its replacement with a national intranet under strict ideological control by the UK government (even more tightly than China). Her plans go to the point where every citizen must ask for exclusive permission to post anything online (even journals like this one) and no kind of content may be hosted on any server without the government's explicit approval, meaning literally every website we know today would have to be banned.
- Her battle against technology has already begun with the war on encryption; The UK plans to force companies like Facebook to remove security from messaging apps, so that her cult may spy on everyone and see who is an enemy of its ideology. She asked for encryption to be entirely outlawed if possible, despite attempts to explain to her that this is plain mathematics and simply cannot be stopped. Such would mean banning every secure piece of software on the planet and making it a crime for developers to program such (including open-source programmers like me and places like Sourceforge / Github), plus as criminalizing the https:// protocol and more.
- She is the author of a piece of medieval ideology, recently revived and distorted to match the 21th century, called the war on porn; Her purist sect believes that indecent content on the internet is responsible for terrorism, while of course promoting the despicable myth of children under the age of 18 needing protection from pixels on a screen to avoid being scarred for life. Needless to say, any website containing any kind of porn is to be banned under her theocracy and illegal to possess within her modern inquisition (same as in North Korea). Already the Digital Economy Bill was passed into law, and it's rumored that people might need to sign up at their local post office for permission to access any NSFW website at home... I am god damn serious.
- Under her caricature of a dictatorship, the UK is set to become a surveillance state with a harsher authoritarian regime than many 3rd world nations. Not only should every single online communication be actively monitored by the government, but even public services workers (such as ambulances and firefighters) must have access to everyone's browsing history and private lives. The UK also maintains a list of potential enemies of the state using unknown criteria, which was recently revealed to contain broad categories of people including goth teenagers who suffer from depression. Along with this they also plan on creating computer programs (perversely dubbed Artificial Intelligence) which use patterns to automatically decide if and when someone should be arrested and give the order to the police!
- She has blatantly manipulated the recent terror attacks (the Manchester bombing and the London stabbings) for her sick political agenda. In less than a few hours since those attacks, she outright stepped out and used the lives of those killed to leverage her own schemes, saying it was all the internet's fault and even implying that online pornography is why those people lost their lives!
- She has publicly and explicitly stated that human rights are an issue that is getting in her way, and need to be dealt with so that her plans may be accomplished.
I believe this should be enough to explain why I oppose this devil with my entire being... which seems to spread more panic than ISIS, who it's ironically vowed so hard to fight (by firing the London police or sending them after Julian Assange apparently). Since I'm aware the next predominant question will be "but you're not even British, why do you care", I will also explain why the things that happened in the UK are so personal to me:
- At this point, what's happening is not just a win or loss for the nation Britain; It is a win or a loss for modern society worldwide. The fact that this psychopath was allowed to be prime minister again, instead of being sent to seek treatment at the nearest mental ward for patients with serious psychiatric issues, is a legitimization for this kind of madness here in the free world! The message is literally "in 1st world nations in the year 2017, it might be okay for a president or prime minister to actively work on banning the internet or reviving medieval bans on porn or shamelessly distorting terrorist attacks to push any legislation". Authoritarianism spreads like a disease among the circles of power, and even in Europe or America this sort of thing is like the taste of blood in the water for a shark.
- She is actively trying to spread many of her demented ideas beyond Britain, and has a certain degree of power to do so. Since the UK would remain close to the EU even after brexit, they will be pushing Europe to adapt to her clique's skewed ideologies. The insane copyright proposals already circulating here (censorship machine, link tax, hate speech fines for social media) are said to be the doing of Theresa May and Angela Merkel (another authoritarian piece of shit). During the last attack she has also instigated other nations governments to "stop social media".
- The internet is a global entity, and many of the companies that offer services (Google, Facebook, Twitter, etc) also activate there. Most of their evil plans (such as backdoors in encryption) cannot be done "only for UK citizens"... if they're implemented they will exist for all users worldwide and put everyone at risk! Such companies might have to choose between leaving the UK entirely or giving in to those demands, whereas sites hosting NSFW content might have to decide between being banned at ISP level across Britain or implementing disgusting and unacceptable age verification systems (online identity theft). Worse than that, in an act of total delusion, Theresa May or Amber Rudd already expressed hopes that the worldwide internet will itself conform to their model and "let the UK be the gatekeeper of the internet", meaning they hoped we would all just bow down and embrace their new "internet" as a replacement. We do not want this cancer spreading here, keep it in your Orwellian hellhole far away from the rest of us!
- I have friends in Britain... and even if I didn't, I know that the people living there are citizens of a (once) modern society who wish to live their lives in peace. It's unacceptable that they they are being terrorized by a mad person that's out of control and has lost touch with reality! And yes... I know: Far worse happens in places like Syria or China, where people are killed on a daily basis or starve to death or what not. The difference is that there, it's been this way for ages, whereas here it's new: Most 3rd world countries are places that are evolving slowly, but Britain is a modern nation that's devolving into them instead! People living in those areas are also used to it, they never had human rights or internet so they don't actually lose anything... people in Britain are being raped of fundamental rights they've had for a lifetime, which are granted and unquestionable in any civilized society!
So there you have it. The worst thing about this all is that, I wish I could say it's the fault of some sort of coup; Yesterday's elections got hacked, people with AK47's broke in and put Theresa back in power, so on. Unfortunately it was not: More than half of the British population deliberately voted for this abomination, after she has openly made it clear that she will destroy the modern world as we know it. This... is what people in what's considered a top democracy wanted. I'm struggling not to generalize and discriminate against all elderly people right now... granted that old farts are supposedly at fault for all this, whereas youngsters are the ones who struggled to avoid the disaster. Part of me wants to say "they're fucking 90 already, why can't they just hit the bucket and take their 1940 ideologies with them to the grave"... which is sad because my own grandparents died in the recent years, yet what happened is so wrong that it gets you places you wouldn't want to be.
After this alongside other events, my view of humanity as a whole has been altered beyond repair once more, and I wish I could never see an ape again in my existence. I expect no more safety nor the hope of a decent life even where I live, because I realize no freedom or right is ever basic enough to not be put into discussion decades after everyone has had it. Any breed of fanatic can just rise to power at any moment, and attempt to do whatever the hell they want. I wish the error known as humanity could be wiped out by some natural event already, though its own stupidity will probably do the job for it. I'm sorry that I had to be born here and witness the easily avoidable history of this species. If there's anything close to a god or gatekeeper of conscious minds out there, I will not forgive them for having been forced to live this miserable experience... that I can promise.
Oh, and one more thing: You are free to redistribute the contents of this journal as you please. It would bring some comfort if people could better spread the word about what's happening, so we can all be ready to defend ourselves from the emerging threats against the modern way of life... threats not created by terrorist groups elsewhere, but our own governments copying their tactics and behaviors.
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