#i happen to think that the background i found for this was just * chef's kiss * but please tell me what y'all think about it!! 🥺
anthromimicry · 2 months
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ezdotjpg · 7 months
I have a silly little question about your silly little comic!! I love your versions of the Links so much. Loft is such a mood FOR REAL!!
How did you come up with the original concept? If this is somewhat spoilery- then don’t answer it. But i’m more so wondering what let you to go
“i want to make a comic about the silly links accidentally breaking and fucking everything up. also trauma lots of trauma”
Did you come to the understanding of, looking at other peoples AU’s? Or was it something in the games itself? I’m just curious on what your thought process was when brainstorming originally yk?
Also, small bonus question/comment thingy
when making backgrounds- like Zelda and Wilds house or Lofts home with Zelda and Groose- did you base the backgrounds on your own ideas of what the characters would live in? Like if they’d have clutter or silly little notes in the background. I love how your backgrounds are just- chefs kiss- so simple but shows us a glimpse into the characters mental state (as all good rooms do *stares at my messy one*)
that is all, i very much so enjoy your comic. it’s gotten me through the bad Wednesdays of highschool. Keep going!!! i am excited to see it’s conclusion.
waugh thank you so much!!!!!
And I guess the answer to that first question is all of them above? Bonus Links is, of course, an extremely derivative work. LU was my first introduction to the links-meet-au format, so I’d be remiss not to give credit where credit is due! Probably many ideas I’ve absorbed from fics I’ve read, and headcanons I vibe with that come from the wider fandom. The idea for Bonus Link’s actual plot though originally started from my fascination with Skyward Sword’s lore. I know not everyone’s a huge fan of how much that game retconned, Demise’s “curse” in particular, but there’s a lot of ideas in that game that I find REALLY interesting, especially in ways that the game doesn’t really acknowledge at all. How would Skyward Sword Link feel, if he found out he truly didn’t finish the job? That the cycle continues on and on beyond him? That was the jumping off point.
Because it’s a cycle, I get a lot of ideas from like, which Links have experienced similar events, and how their experiences compare and contrast. What becomes history, and what actually happened? And I also use a lot of my own experiences playing the games as inspiration! I’d played as many as I had access to when I started the au in 2021, but I’ve made it my mission to play every single game a Link is featured in before they get introduced in the comic lol. Still got a few more to go, but I’m almost there!
As for the second question, absolutely! If I’m showing someone’s home in the comic, I try really hard to add details that tell you something about them. At the very least, I want them to look lived in lol
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like, Slate still having the champion’s weapons on display in his house. Zelda’s mostly taken over the first floor as her workshop, even adding a Sheikah tech furnace somehow. She’s filled her room with pictures she’s taken on the walls. She’s got a sand seal plush from Riju, a Sheikah jacket from Impa. Her workspace is a little cluttered!
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On the other hand, Slate’s room upstairs looks a little less personal. He’s got some pictures on the wall, and some plants growing from around hyrule (that Zelda has kind of commandeered for research lol) but otherwise he’s left it how Bolson and co furnished it. If anything, it’s mostly just for storage. He doesn’t actually spend much time sleeping here, but Zelda still doesn’t want to take it from him.
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Loft, Groose and Zelda’s room is very cozy ( I should have added more blankets. Imagine like 4 times the amount of pillows and blankets) and tidy, but there’s still a little mess— shoes left out, basket of poorly folded clothes, etc. Cute knickknacks, mostly made by loft and groose! It’s not in this sc but groose’s comb is somewhere I think lol
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Idk if iced shared this detail before, but Loft put a lot of effort into designing and carving (probably with some assistance) these columns for the house! Even though carving’s hard for him these days. It was his biggest contribution.
anyway, those are some of my thoughts!! I’m so happy to hear you’ve been enjoying the comic! Thanks for reading!!
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boring-horror-enjoyer · 2 months
Longlegs: Hmm.... *SPOILERS*
PLEASE DON'T READ IF YOU HAVE NOT SEEN THE MOVIE! Don't let me ruin it for you!
Tbh I found out I might lose my job today so that may have affected my ability to watch this movie and think critically. There is a LOT of thinking involved this movie. Overall, I'd say most people would have to watch this twice to fully understand (I will certainly watch again). I liked what I understood, but I would not go as far as to say "Movie of the Year" like some. Why are people NOT saying that this movie is so similar in tone and (sort of) plot to Sinister? It's like, religious Sinister. And I fucking LOVE Sinister.
Cinematically? Chef's kiss. Score? Chef's fucking kiss. Smooch, even. The use of aspect ratio made it far more understandable and I appreciate that. The mood of the cinematography was clear and consistent. The score ties you down to your seat. I was definitely immersed.
Nicolas Cage's appearance: Meh. I HATE that it is meh. He played a creepy guy very well, and I suppose they had to make him look like a regular guy plot-wise. I knew the "Maika Monroe's heartbeat when she saw Cage in costume for the first time!" was gimmicky, and I played in anyway. Ugh. It was serving Jeff the Killer. He felt a little corny, especially in the polaroid scene.
There are a lot of "HOLY SHIT what was that???" moments. The background is just as important as the foreground in a lot of scenes, which is.... disorienting, I guess. I found it hard to get the full picture of what's happening because these ambiguous shapes and silhouettes are taking away from like, what I thought were significant plot points. Throwing in a few, absolutely. But this felt like there were maybe 10+ moments like that.
All in all: This movie keeps your attention the whole time. The opening scene is fucking electric. Solid 7 out of 10, it could be a 9 out of 10 if I understood the missing pieces. Minus 1 point for multiple distracting foreground/background scenes.
Questions I still have:
Carrie Anne: Why was her family's execution so fucked up? Why would they go through with it if she was not there? This is somewhere I may have missed something.
Why on earth would the FBI give Lee a psychic test? Do they actually do that? I mean, for being psychic, nobody fucking listened to her.
What is the significance of the number 6 on the clock in Lee's home in that whole scene where her doll gets shot? If it's just a simple like "ooooh devil 666" that's a little annoying.
Where the fuck are the other dolls from the other murder scenes? What usually happens to them?
Did Agent Carter know he was the next family? Is that why he had such a visceral reaction to Lee's suggestion of an accomplice?
What the fuck happened to her when her doll got shot? Did she lose her "psychic" ability?
Sorry if you read all of this, it's a lot. I'm using this as an excuse to not think about how I might lose my job :) The mega plus is that it was a very fun date night with my husband <3
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dadonbabysworld · 2 years
Skz Pack: Bad First Impression
Author's Note: Nothing much this time. All feedback is welcome.
Genre: fluff and angst
Warnings: Mention of bad parents, descriptions of shaking from fear, jealousy, one hit with a spoon
Word Count: 2,058
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You and Jeongin were laying in bed when he got a call from one of his Hyung’s. He sat up a little to talk, allowing you to rest your head on his lap.
“Yes Minho-hyung?” He asks. You could hear every other word. ‘Bring…the..home.’ Bring what home? Also Minho… that’s Chan’s moonmate. Did Chan need something from Jeongin?
You just sat there confused as Jeongin continued to talk. “No, I can't do that because it is too early.”
After another five minutes of back and forth, Jeongin turns towards you. “Jagiya?” He asks softly.
“Hmm?” You answer by looking up from your own phone which was on Pokemon Go. “Minho-hyung wants to meet you today.” You freeze a little. Your introduction to Chan still had you a little shook. You didn’t expect to be so whipped by him damn near immediately. Could you handle meeting another pack member so soon?
“Oh um.. What does he want to do together?” You ask unsure if you can commit to anything. There is some back and forth before Jeongin looks at you. 
“Did you want to cook with him and another member of our pack? They are making dinner and dessert in an hour or so.” You look up at the ceiling. What could go wrong?
“Sure. Is it okay if I cook with them instead of us watching a movie?” You check with him. “Yeah sure. I’ll just go to the library to study. I can take you to our place.”
“Okay thank you.” You both get ready to head outside. Jeongin drives you to their home and kisses you goodbye as you exit the car. You go to the front door and take a deep breath. They aren’t monsters; they are regular people. They won’t hurt you. You knock on the door, finally having found the courage to do so.
A man wearing a headband with ears answers the door. He had brown hair, but you could tell it was dyed beforehand. His facial expression was very serious as he waved at Jeongin. Jeongin finally drove off knowing that you would be safe with his pack mates. After leading you inside, the mystery man sits you at the table across from another man. 
“I’m Minho and this is Felix.” Felix had blonde hair similar to Chan’s. Most people in this household had light hair apparently. They both wore sweatshirts and pajama bottoms with slippers. Minho had no jewelry on at all, but Felix had on some silver rings. 
“Was I supposed to wear my pajamas?” You questioned feeling a little less included. It wasn’t intentional obviously; they probably just happened to be cold and wore similar things. Also, you didn’t own many sweatshirts, so you would have had to wear a high school one.
“No, it is fine. We bought you some things to wear too” That is how you ended up in a sweatshirt and matching pajama bottoms just like the two men. Felix smiles as you return “You look great.”
“Thank you… are we cooking something big or small?” You ask kindly. You were not a chef in any way, so this would be an experience for you.
“Oh it’s okay you can just watch. We really just wanted to know about you. Jeongin and Chan seem fond of you.” Minho clarifies as he gets some ingredients from the cabinet.
“Oh? Chan has mentioned me?” 
“For sure! He said you were nice but very shy. We waited some time before seeing you solely to make sure you didn’t feel like you were meeting us all back to back.” Felix chirps. He is chipper; he is prepping some kind of meat.
“Thank you for giving me such a grace period. I am very nervous as I’m sure Jeongin told you guys. I just don’t want to make a bad first impression.” You explained, playing with your fingers as you looked at Minho.
He hummed before looking at you. “I think you’re overthinking it. Don’t worry. We won’t eat you. Unless you want to be eaten.” He places a hand on your shoulder temporarily before going back to the counter. 
As cooking ensues, you fade into the background taking on minor roles Minho asks you to do. While Felix keeps an eye on you from a distance, you are guided by Minho on how to do certain tasks.
“I didn’t grow up being in the kitchen with my parents. I feel bad for needing so much assistance. I appreciate it though. Hopefully, I can prepare a meal alone for you guys.” 
Minho smiles and nods. “It would take some weight off mine and Chan’s shoulders considering we handle all those responsibilities alone.”
You felt a little at ease with Minho, but he still held a lot of power around here. As well as, his natural aura just gave off serious and dangerous. Felix hasn’t said much, so you still felt very tense around him. 
“Is Jeongin being considerate towards you? He isn’t causing any trouble right?” Minho’s questions make you laugh. “He is being very considerate. Jeongin is so sweet. You guys have raised a nice pup.” You jokingly respond. 
“So he’s touchy with you or is he distant? Jeongin isn’t that affectionate with us.”
“He is affectionate and likes to cuddle, but I don’t know if that’s just him being nice towards me.” Minho raises an eyebrow. 
“So you’re very affectionate?”
“According to Jeongin, he and Chan think I am touched starved. They think getting me used to regular affection will help.”
“That’s useful to know for us. We can give you the right kind of affection. So physical touch is big for you. I hope we can all honor that well. I am not necessarily touchy so..” 
You laugh at him not finishing the sentence. Minho seems so considerate. It doesn’t bother you that you probably won’t get much affection from him. Hopefully, he just accepts your presence first.
You are helping Minho very efficiently, in your opinion when the topic of your childhood comes into play. “So are your parents both also wolves?” You kind of freeze at the thought of your parents before nodding. “They are indeed. My dad was a beta and my mother an omega. She always wanted an alpha though and made it all of our problems. She wanted me to settle down with a nice alpha.”
“Not her living through you. Parents are really something else. I’m glad you have Jeongin though. He indeed is a nice alpha. I’m assuming you’ve had your fair share of bad alpha’s.”
You nod as you try to continue stirring the bowl Minho had given you, but your hands were shaking so badly. You could feel the air from that night. The adrenaline as you ran for your life from the scariest wolf you’ve ever seen in your life.
You end up dropping the bowl off the counter by accident and give an immediate apology as you use your shaky hands to attempt to clean it up on all fours. Minho takes your hands as he squats next to you. “It’s okay.. I’m sorry to have triggered such bad memories for you.” 
You were confused as the night went on. You get to know Minho a little, and he’s very nice to you. However, Felix hasn’t said much still even after dinner is done. Minho decided to take some time to clean up a little in their dining room while you and Felix prepare dessert.
“We are really trying to incorporate you into our household because your Jeongin’s mate. He deserves to be happy, but it’s not like we are going to be all buddy buddy like.” Felix explains to you softly, like he was saying something considerate, as he mixes together ingredients for what looks like cookies.
You kinda deflate a little, the shine leaving your eyes. He doesn’t want to do this just to know you. I mean these are Jeongin’s friends. You should have expected them to still be only Jeongin’s friends. The friend’s of your partner are not always your own friends. 
You assist him as he asks and afterwards you grab your things to leave. Minho asks, “Are you sure you can’t join us for dinner considering you helped make it?” You reply with a simple nod and bow before leaving. You start walking home in the cold and dark given that it is too late to ask Jeongin for a ride considering you left already, and you no longer feel comfortable asking any of his packmates.
The feeling of sadness washes over you as you walk in the wintery air. Luckily, it was winter, so you could play off crying as just tears from the wind. You thought you had possibly found a new family, a place to call your own. After feeling less than accepted by Felix, you crawled into a hole again. Could you ever face them again? You are feeling guilty for even wanting to join their pack.
Once arriving home, you took a long shower and prepared for bed. Jeongin texts you afterwards asking ‘Are you okay? You could have asked me to take you home.’ You don't feel the best mentally, so you simply ignore it and go to bed. The next morning you wake up to the sound of pounding on your door. 
Feeling groggy you get out of bed and head to the door, you croak out a “who is it?” as you look out the peep hole to see Jeongin. “It’s me!” He practically yells. You slowly open the door and by the look on his face he is angry. “Come in.” Before you can even finish, he comes inside and looks at you before sighing. 
You close the door before moving towards the kitchen, not sure what to say. He follows you standing in front of the fridge you were just about to open. “I was worried sick about my poor girlfriend who just chose to not answer my text like she couldn’t be kidnapped, sick, or hurt.” You feel a ping of guilt because you forgot someone actually cares about you, especially after last night.
“I’m sorry Jeongin. I wasn’t in the mood to talk, and I did not consider how it would affect you by not responding.” You look into his eyes before looking down. You can’t hold eye contact for long; he deserves to be mad. He hugs you tightly before resting his head on your shoulder. “Don’t do that again, please?” You quickly nod and hug back.
You haven’t even cleaned yourself up yet or eaten. Jeongin still looks at you as if you are the prettiest girl in the world. You smile as he kisses your cheek and asks how it went last night.
“It was fine. Did you want breakfast?” 
“You’re sure? Also, breakfast sounds great. We can make it together.”
“Yes, I'm sure. It wasn’t naturally buddy buddy, but we will all come to terms sooner or later.” You grab the things out of your fridge. Unknown to you, Jeongin didn’t feel the best about that answer. They better get buddy-like with you quickly or face his wrath.
Throwing on his grandma voice, he begins to cook. “They better get with or i’m gonna hit them.”
“Oh? I’m so sorry grandma. I will be sure to tell them that.” You respond between laughs. He hits you with a wooden spoon. “I’m serious! I will tell them there's no need for you to do it.” 
You smile and rub your arm. “You are lucky I love you. I could hit you back.”
“Look at you! These young children are so violent these days. I have to teach you all a lesson. Young whipper snappers.” He does the slouch as well. You are laughing so hard tears fill your eyes. Jeongin was glad you were happier now.
You both go on to make a beautiful breakfast for you both. Uploading pictures and selfies to your Instagram for fun. It was starting to be a good day for you two. You were trying to ignore the feeling lingering over you that you wouldn’t be accepted into the pack. Yet, Jeongin could tell by the slight change in your scent that something was bothering you, and he was determined to figure out what happened last night.
Taglist: @kflixnet @l-luvr @moonmukamiamajiki @lino-jagiyaa @kpflyn @rosita7703 [comment to join my taglist]
If you like this post, consider reading my other works listed here. I, also, accept requests here. Thank you!
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myechoecho · 10 months
Perfect Marriage Revenge, ep 8
The one thing that shines through in this episode is just how Yi Joo is blossoming. Freed from her family's cruelty and oppression and with the love and support of Do Guk (and his mom and grandma), she's finding out who she truly is. As she gains confidence, she's becoming more sociable, personable and assertive. I suspect she's always be somewhat reserved, but she's no longer the doormat who faded into the background.
Look at her eating the food her teacher made and recognizing that she must have huge trust in her because the only other person's food she eats is Do Guk's. Also, we all agree that that her teacher is her mom right? Very curious to hear her story. And even if she turns out not to be her mom, she's made a friend. Yi Goo is so pleased and surprised to know that her teacher considers her a friend.
I love that Yi Joo is recognizing that she does care for Do Guk. It's one thing for her to want to learn to cook so she can feed Do Guk but she includes his mother and grandmother in that. It means she considers them part of her home. Grandma is shrewd woman who very specifically built homes for people. She knows that Do Guk never found his home until Yi Joo, just as she knows that Yi Joo is finding her home with Do Guk. Now I suspect she thinks the two of them are idiots who cannot fully see their feelings for one another (she knows they are in love) but that is for Yi Joo and Do Guk to figure out.
Yi Joo and Do Guk are more comfortable with one another at home. He can't eat unless he knows she's eaten. He's able to hug her and she doesn't flinch. She's all smiles with him. But what about the sex?
It must have been so crushing for Yi Joo to lose that housekeeper, who clearly adored her. I do hope that Yi Joo and the secretary are being careful.
I knew that Se Hyeok was going to be the weak link. I guess at least he finally apologized and admitted why he wanted to marry Yi Joo. Still it lead to him leaking the text messages and giving the interview to clear Yi Joo. The fact that Do Guk did it at the board meeting to drag down Jung Wook is chef's kiss.
Speaking of Jung Wook, the look on his face when he realized that there was a video of what actually happened and that his lies will be exposed. He went real quick from saying "you threw me overboard 20 years ago" to "we don't need to watch it because it's 20 years in the past". And please, why is Do Guk's mom so worried that grandma broke the phone? Surely that is not the ONLY copy of the video they had.
I like that Jung Hye was able to manipulate getting the shares or stopping the grandfather from giving them to Yi Joo. Yi Joo and Do Guk can't win over her every time. Whomever the man is beside Jung Hye, I think he's Yoo Ra's bio dad. I have no reason to think this but I do.
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persefolli · 1 year
i'm usually not into cheating trope but your scandal fanfic is *chef's kiss*😭 also i'm dying to know what happen next when neytiri found out in the first part of scandal or maybe you can write an alternative happy ending for jake and y/n. thank you!❤️
𝐀/𝐧: 𝐂𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐈 𝐡𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐨, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐭𝐨 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞….𝐦𝐦𝐦..𝐦𝐦𝐦 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐦𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐬 𝐦𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬. 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐫𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐨𝐫𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐛𝐨𝐭𝐡 𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐲 𝐍𝐞𝐲𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐢 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐚 𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠.
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐉𝐚𝐤𝐞 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: 𝐂𝐮𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐠, 𝐁𝐫𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐍𝐞𝐲𝐭𝐢𝐫𝐢, 𝐃𝐞𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @myheartfollower, @laylasbunbunny, @destinyl, @deadgirl02, @neteyamyawne
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Neytiri stormed back to her home in disbelief. She has just witnessed Jake, her husband, fall to his knees for you. 
This entire time, she thought he was just fucking you. To do the things with you he couldn't do with her. But he loved you.
She was angry, angry at herself for not realizing sooner, angry at Jake for doing this to her, and angry at you for manipulating Jake into loving you the way he did.
Even if Jake wouldn't get tarnished, she wanted to be sure you would pay. Getting her traditional clothes on, she went to the tree of ancestors they next morning, and rallied some na’vi together to spread the word that she was gonna make an announcement.
In minutes, she had rallied up half the clan, watching over the Omaticaya people as they chatted about what could possibly be so important. At the blow of the shell, the crowd fell silent,  looking at their leader as she stood tall and proud.
“I hate to call you suddenly like this, as I myself am not happy about this gathering.” She started. Mo’at came to the tree confused, watching her daughter as she gazed angrily over the crowd.
“I have given my all to this clan, to my husband, who has been a great leader to us all.” Her eyes narrowed. “But...I'd like to announce that my husband has been unfaithful, and has been sleeping around with a whore, Y/n L/n.”  The crowd burst into gasps and groans, in denial that their great leader would do such a thing.
“I am very against exiling and abandoning one of our own, but she fucked with my family, and fucked with my life. And I won't stand for it!” She hooted, roughing up the crowd.
“Let's throw that bitch out!” A na’vi exclaimed in the background. 
“Yeah!” The crowd cheered.
Jake pushed through the crowd, yelling at Neytiri. “What the hell is this!” 
“Jake, you stand aside. Let Eywa handle this.”
“This is beyond Eywa and you know it.”
“You are my husband!” She yelled. “I refuse to watch this affair happen with my two eyes.”
“So you rally up a mob to hurt her? That'll only make me hate you more. I don't love you Neytiri, accept it.” The crowd gasped again at this revalation.
Neytiri scoffed and crossed her arms. “We’ll see about that one.”
Jake let out a primal, intense hiss, causing the crowd to gasp. No Olo'eyktan has ever hissed at his Tsahik, not even the dominant ones.  “You won't hurt her. None of you will. Try me.”
Neytiri stood shocked. He was defending you with his life. Mo’at came walking to the stand, looking at Jake fiercely.
“Renounce. And Repent.”
Jake smiled,  poking out one of his primate teeth. “You need me to run this clan. Don't you wanna think about the mistake you're gonna make?” He taunted. 
Mo’at gulped. He was…a little right. They had nothing on the Sky People, Jake had led the clans to victory and protected the people for so long. She let out a hiss, cursing herself for doing this.
“Fine. But I'm afraid you can do nothing for your little whore.”
“Are you threatening her?”
“You will see.”
Days passed and when the anger subsided, you finally started leaving your home again. This turned out to be a big mistake because you were now exiled within your own clan.
“Can I have some fruit please. Two of those?” You asked sweetly and pointed to the plump fruits at the stand. The vendor looked at you with narrow eyes, and stood still, ignoring your request. “Move.” Someone pushed you out of the way. “Let me get those two.” The na’vi pointed at the same fruits. The vendor smiled happily at them and bagged the fruits, leaving you to fend for yourself.
Another instance of this is when you accidentally broke your bow while hunting. A thanator had knocked you down and snapped your bow. “I have the materials already, how much will it be?” You began digging in your loincloth pocket.
Your eyes lit up and you smiled. “Really? You'd do this for me?”
“I don't accept your business, or your presence, get out before you really get hurt.”
Your ears lowered and you wobbled out the area sobbing, closing your eyes and waddling all the way home with snot and tears all over your face.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, you held your bow in defeat, accepting that this was your last straw. You had fallen into the darkness and not even Jake could save you from it.
“Baby?” Jake came striding into your home, holding a bouquet of flowers and approaching you. His heart sank seeing you cry like this. He'd hoped the loud cries he heard from afar wasn't you.
“Jake, this was a mistake!” You threw your bow to the ground. “How come I am punished and you walk around with power still. I haven't eaten in days.” You threw yourself to the floor and broke down, coughing and choking over your tears.
Jake's face twisted in anger, sadness, he'd brought you into this predicament and left you alone like everything would still be fine. 
“Hey. Hey girl.” He knelt down to you and placed his hand on your back. You'd sobs subsided but your chest still weighed heavy from the distraught you were in. “I'm gonna get you some food, and I'm gonna fix this.”
“You can't! Nothing you do or say is gonna change anything for me!”
Jake rubbed his hand along your spine and shushed you. He thought about it. It had always lingered in the back of his mind, but he never thought he would have to use this card.
“Give me a few days baby? Can you wait just a few days?”
You shook your head, and Jake bent down lower to face you. “You can sweetheart. I'm gonna bring you some food and fix this.”
As he promised, he came back with loads of food that would last you a few days. You rotted in your hammock, often not leaving the bed other than to eat and use the bathroom. Jake had left, hadn't come during a short period of time and for a bit you wondered how exactly he “fixed the situation.”
“Y/n.” You woke up to a soft voice and a hand shaking you. Your eyes fluttered open and you saw Jake, wearing his headband and fully geared up. “Pack what can fit, and let's go.”
“What?” You groaned. 
“I'm getting you out of here.” He pulled you out of bed and smiled brightly, placing a kiss on your cheek. His excitement made you wonder what exactly he came up with, but you did as told. Packing up your items, enough to fit on your Ikran, and followed Jake outside of hometree.
 It was late at night, and everyone was sound asleep as you walked through the tree. The two of you made it to your Ikrans, and set up shop to leave.
“Welcome.” A na’vi woman greeted you as you approached, smiling at you brightly. You looked at Jake skeptically, unsure of her reaction to seeing you.
“We heard your story, and we understand what you are going through.” The woman nodded. You looked at Jake again, but he was softly smiling at the woman in front of you two.
“We believe in true love. And what Jake has told me about you…” She scoffed. “This was an emergency saving the two of you needed.”
Your eyes widened, realizing what was going on. 
“We will harbor you, and we think you'll fit in nicely as we are another forest clan. We respect you, Toruk Makto, and we will treat her as one of our own.”
Your eyes began to water and you turned to Jake, placing your hands on his chest, huffing in disbelief. “I won't let you go through what you have been going through in the past few days. I refuse to see you like that.” He grabbed your chin and tilted your face upwards. “We may be apart sometimes, but I will always love you, and protecting you is my utmost priority.”
He leaned down and locked lips with you, massaging circles in your cheeks as the two of you groaned silently.
“I love you Jake.”
“I love you too sweetheart.”
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mephestopheles · 8 months
Dear gods I love this season of d20. Junior year is just *chef's kiss* fantastic and full of so much anxiety. I keep thinking about Kristen and Cassandra and their relationship. Kristen from the first episode, or maybe the second after she met Helio has spent a lot of time with doubt as her constant companion. She didn't know if she was meant to be Helio's chosen, or that he was worthy of having a chosen. Her doubt led her to studying more, and opening up to philosophy and different points of view.
Creating Yes! was an attempt to find or create her own surety. How can she doubt a god that is just "yes!". But she still doubted, she still questioned everything.
This got long, the rest is under a cut!
And that makes sense, everything her family, her church told her was a lie. It was a perversion of truth to fit their ideals of who is Correct and therefore Good and Deserving, and those who are Wrong, and therefore Bad. And if the "bad kids" actually go out of their way to help people and don't judge anyone for their beliefs or punish others for their failings, then why are they considered "bad".
Of course finding a goddess of twilight and mystery and doubt, makes so much sense for Kristen. With the tools she learned from her friends, those "bad kids" to reach out and not judge, she saved Cassandra.
However, she hasn't saved herself. She's still lost in her own doubt. Tracker has left, amicably or not, that has hurt Kristen, and she's not innocent either. Kristen had a part to play in that relationship splitting, but she's definitely crumbling at this point.
What drew Kristen to Cassandra was her doubt, was her questioning. Her fear and her loss of all those connections that grounded her at the beginning of freshman year. And while Cassandra is correct, Kristen is not alone even in the dark, that Cassandra is there with her, holding her hand (which is such a good line, Brennan omg!) Kristen is having trouble believing in anything.
She believes in Cassandra. Full stop.
Kristen doesn't believe in herself. And she doesn't know why Cassandra believes in her.
It's that ADHD thing, where you feel like you're constantly fucking up in everyway and it's just a matter of time before you fuck up that this person is going to see how much you actually suck as a person. No matter how much you want to stop fucking up, subconsciously speed running it at least accomplishes two things. One) self sabotage gives you an outcome you already know the steps for and the sense of control (false or not) is at least enough to make it feel like a safer choice. Two) it's going to suck when the person you're trying to impress/has control over your grades/ is somehow in a position of authority that believes in you, finds out you are messy, and a failure, and are useless, but at least if they find out fast, you don't have to keep some ruse up.
Kristen isn't conscious of this decision making. Take it from someone who's done it enough to realise that this is what is happening in the background. It sucks so much, and when you don't know you have ADHD it's worse, because all of those are now personal failings.
So of course Kristen has no idea how to relate to Cassandra as anyone other than "the next person I'm going to fail". And she has no idea how to proselytize for any god outside of Helio, and that kind will not work to bring followers to Cassandra. Moreover, Kristen's entire relationship with Cassandra is based on doubt. So while Kalina is correct that promoting the powers found in twilight and mystery, that's not what Kristen sees.
She's still very much a prophet of Helio in Cassandra's robes. She's still using the same kind of spells, and she's so caught up with "how do you show others that doubt is a good thing" that she doesn't see the other options.
And unfortunately that means she's failing, and she feels it. And that doubles her terror. And that's not even including the whole "you're dangerously close to being expelled." Like this would be the instance to literally beseech your god and admit your fear and doubt and Cassandra would understand and would probably be empowered by that connection. It would have the reverse effect with Cassandra than other gods, she gains from doubt and mystery, and Kristen sharing her fears and not knowing how to share Cassandra could be such a good thing for both of them.
But Kristen was raised in an environment where doubt was punished. That was unfortunately reaffirmed by walking away from Yes! because in her mind her doubt of Yes! and that deity's death is her fault because she doubted.
But doubt isn't the reason Yes! died. Yes! died because it was the manifestation of belief in a liminal space by a questioning teen, and should not have had the ability to substantiate something, and wouldn't have been able to outside of the very specific circumstances of a Beardsley nat 20, and the power funnel of a self resurrection. Kristen didn't believe in Yes! Never did. She created it and in that instance stopped believing in it. Yes! Had a slow death of "this is not what I wanted but I don't know how to say that".
I don't know how this is going to turn out for either Kristen or Cassandra, and I'm hoping that there's going to be a reckoning for them, and maybe an understanding between them. Like both are so traumatized. Cassandra is traumatized for losing so many followers to Galicaea and other deities.
So of course she's going to be that much more fixated on getting more followers and making sure that Kristen hadn't left for her girlfriend's goddess. (Ex or otherwise).
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alt-king · 8 months
Recently, I made playlists for my favourite Ac Valhalla characters, and I thought I would share some of them with you all. I also asked my friend @troublemakingrebel if they had any song suggestions they thought would fit certain characters and they gave some great songs! So I may have stolen a few of them for myself. 😚
And we'll start with our favourite rat man; Ivarr
Very simple, the name is why it's in Ivarr's playlist 🤣 But it's also a great song with a heavy beat (but not too heavy) that I think fits Ivarr perfectly. I can imagine this playing in background while the vikings stormed and plundered their way across England.
Another one that probably speaks for itself. I just really like it and I can totally imagine Ivarr preforming a blood eagle whenever I listen to this.
Only recently found out about this one from my friend @troublemakingrebel and I am absolutely obsessed with it. The whole song just screams Ivarr and I can invison so many things with it. It's *chefs kiss*
Ivarr is not only a King himself, but also a King Killer, so he's probably made a few people bow before him before. I like to imagine he's sitting on the fanciest of thrones, his face and axes covered in blood while the bodies of his enemies and the Kings he's killed are fallen around his feet. A crown also sits lopsided on his head and he's just proud of his work and everything he's done.
Might be a bit surprising, lol, but I imagine this to the whole Sciropescire arc. Ivarrs manipulating, saying "looked what you made me do" to Rhodri while they fight or Ivarr blood eagles him, making him feel responsible for everything that happend. And as much as I hate what canonical happend in game there are quite a few songs that fit perfectly with it.
I can also imagine this song during Eivor and Ivarr's battle when Eivor finds out the supposed truth.
A more of a sadder one, and one that is more related to what happens to Ivarr in my own story/Au.
I have so many more songs in my Ivarr playlist than just these ones but obviously I can't add them all, lol.
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lyranova · 10 months
Hello it's clover anon can I get a 1, 2, 22 and 25 for Nacht.
Hiya Clover anon! Of course you can 🥰!
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
So I’m going to say what I *dislike* about Nacht. I dislike his “something good must be good from the start, and something bad from the start will always be bad” attitude in the beginning. Because there’s obviously a lot more to it then that, but I do like how he grows and starts to see that. Although I’m pretty sure he still keeps that same sentiment, he’s probably gotten a little more…lax about it maybe 😅?
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Hmm…probably his sass and confidence 😆! Like he was completely unafraid of insulting the Captain’s to their faces and would probably do so again if given half a chance. He has no problem telling people what he thinks, even if it’s something they don’t want to hear.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
As a reader I love it when writers explore Nacht’s past as a delinquent and when they write him slowly beginning to forgive himself for what happened with his family (mainly Morgen). It just *chef’s kiss*!!!
As for something I don’t like…hmm…probably when people just leave Nacht as a jerk and ignores his growth and background i guess 🤔. I haven’t really seen much of Nacht in the fandom aside from @loosesodamarble ‘s fics (and imo she writes him amazingly so I have absolutely zero complaints with her writing 😌!)
25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
That he was hot. I’m sorry but that was my first thought/impression of Nacht 😭! Like…I accidentally found out about him when I was looking up something on the wiki and his name appeared so I wasn’t really “surprised” by him in the anime like i was with everyone else, I also thought he was very blunt and direct. My thoughts on Nacht haven’t changed very much; I still think he’s good-looking, blunt, and direct. But I also think he’s very complex and is just trying to deal with his family trauma 😭!
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tuzesdays · 1 year
Sorry I haven't really scanned your blog, so I'm guessing you've probably gotten asks like this a lot. But be patient with me while I ramble, 'Kay?
I found your artwork for the comic where YN turns off the lights so Moon could go after a rule breaker. It's hilarious, I love all of it and it's such a mood! I don't have kids or deal with kids, but just that comic makes so much sense! I love it, I think about it a couple times. I had to find out just the this evening just to get my fix of laughter from it... But I never realized the link till today!
Your writing for "Daycare Go Figure" is.. mine is drawing a blank on intellectual words I could give you, but to the term of the emoji chef's kiss 👌❤️ It is an absolute delight I have laughed so much in the first three chapters. It's, jokingly, almost sickeningly sweet but I adore all of it! It syncs so well with me:
• To be appalled at the lack of care that the daycare attendance have dealt with on their own.
• Wanting to bring them books or craft supplies, Just to make things easier or better for the daycare and the children. (I have a plethora of old kids books and crafting is a delight, So seeing YN bring those things in, was an absolute treat.)
• Clean the boys, yes! Because stars above with just about any daycare attendant story I've crossed, I always wonder how clean they are. I mean, Those bois are always surrounded by children who could get their hands sticky by just ✨existing ✨ Heck, babies are born with a grip, so it's not a surprise! But the care is still warranted and appreciated.
I can relate fearing getting too attached, and then inevitably in a short amount of time getting attached! It's just- you made YN so.. human. The amount of empathy I feel in relating to this human is astounding. Most of the creators who I've read daycare, attendance stories for do such a good job with all their YNs. Their wyoms could be cocky, nervous, doubting their own abilities. I may have only just finished chapter 3, but I relate to yours so strongly... Doesn't give a feeling of reassurance, but it's just some sort of... (Error: Failing to find the right words) It's a genuine connection, I could at least say that. And it feels so good! I love their openness, I love the communication, their doubts for their personality out shining to where they may be rejected by the people they are closest to can be related to so many people and I feel it in this story too.
Also relatable, as a nocturnal security guard, I do my damn this to stay on night shift. Seriously, I found the dread for the daylights from YN simply delightful. Satan laughing in the background while wanting to mutter curses to higher ups who just don't give a flip and say "Do it." Oooh, I taste the ire on my tongue. I'll applaud YN if they ever get used to that schedule, because that would make them stronger than me lol!
But the attachment you could get from genuinely connecting with someone, especially when you are kind of a recluse. It makes sense. Tabitha, It may hold a minor significance for the name, but it was still a name I connected with for reasons, that just sing this child. Cling to YN made me smile in delight. To call her a little shit in one breath but internally count them as yours/your kid. Wanting to help them, but also needing your own personal space just to breathe. Again, genuinely, relatable!
And Moon teaching more ASL to YN? Be still my hecking heart. It was precious, yet another scene I was kicking my legs and rolling around in my seat with just the lead up and how precious each scene is.. That has also happened to me repeatedly. You might as well just change the name of your story to daycare serotonin (/jk) There may be angst later, but I'm barely on chapter 4, But I just needed to shake you with how much I love your writing. Again, I'm not kernel so I should be in bed by now. At least an hour ago, but I don't want to stop reading 😭❤️ Even knowing I got stuff to do in 7 hours, I'm still contemplating it with the idea of "Who need sleep? Tehee 😋"
I got giddy seeing I had chapters ahead I could read. I'm sorry I didn't find your writing any sooner, but it's a delight to know that I don't have to stop for a while. I am devouring these like I've just got out of the great depression, or more specifically reading "Grapes of Wrath". If you don't know what grapes of wrath is, good, don't. I was in AP and I still couldn't get myself past chapter two... If I remember right, they spent four pages talking about a turtle crossing the street. Fuming Again, I don't recommend. But YOUR story, haha, I need a hard cover copy to add to my book collection.
You know BamSara or Naff? Easily up there ✨ Again, I haven't ran into the angst yet to find out how good you are at plunging something into my heart. Cause BOY so those creators know how to treat me apart! But this story is just as great to me, Thank you Thank you Thank you so much for creating it! I have no clue if you're still working on more chapters or if it ends at chapter 17. I'll definitely be finding out and shaking you again because your writing makes me get why people put on tennis or tags "devouring". I get it, stars above I get it.
Sorry for taking your ear off. Your comic page that brought me to this point is a delight. Your writing has brought me so much joy. I am positively dreading any angst to come! 😂 Thank you for what you've created, Please make sure to take care of yourself, know the effort you put into your work is greatly appreciated, and may creativity and inspiration stay by your side ❤️
okay for the record i'm only publishing this so i can keep it on my blog forever? forever maybe? i love? you wrote me an ESSAY!!! and no, i DONT actually get asks that often - seeing this much text in my ask box before reading anything was a little scary ngl - but you!!! grabs you!!! THANK YOU! okay okay i'm normal i'm gonna go paragraph by paragraph like a normal person.
I'm pretty sure that one silly comic is MOST of the reason Dayshift has managed to get as many readers as it has, and honestly, for that you can thank theohnocorral (who took a long break from tumblr but recently came back!) who was nice enough to talk to me while i built up confidence to actually start posting DCA art (i don't think it's been touched in a while, but Bug Love is my personal favorite of their fics for the AU concept alone). Seriously, I actually made a secondary comic just after paper-lilypie found it (who im NOT tagging bc i dont think i can take a Second Time) and set off a whole new rb chain that's STILL GOING, TO THIS DAY. Wild.
thank you thank you thank you i love writing it's one of the few things i'm absolutely 100% confident in and i'm so glad you like it!!! besides basic plotting, the majority of the joy i get out of writing Dayshift is seeing how close i can get to how real people work and think and live and breathe and i really, really like characterization. my one true love, i'm so glad it shines through.
speaking of: yeah, sunbite has a fair amount of issues, but i always liked stories where theoretically unlikable characters (the loners, chronic liars and manipulators, outcasts) get to have Real and Genuine Connections with other people. it's good for their growth! its good for readers sense of self and self-love! you don't have to be an amazing person all the time, you can just BE!
and Tabitha <3 kids are a delight. bright personalities in tiny little humans with NO mental filters to speak of. the kids were always going to be important here.
bro you CANNOT come in here and say things like i'm as good as Bamsara and Naff you CANNOT do that i'll cry rn
I'll look forward to your feedback on the rest of the chapters <3 have fun reading and thank you for coming to visit me
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legolasghosty · 1 year
JATP Anniversary Rewatch EP 5
Ohhhh the HGC... here we go...
"I always knew rich people did weird stuff like this," Reggie, I need that as like... a sticker or a tattoo or something, cause that's my life in the hospitality industry...
Okay the fact that those tables still look great without the tablecloths... Ugh okay I'm becoming my major again. Dang it.
All the costumes in the HGC are just *chef's kiss*!
The way Caleb only calls Willie 'Willie' around the boys, and always William when they're not around...
"Julie and the Phantoms?" "I had some free time in French Class."
Carrie, why are you going out of your way to be a jerk? Like she intentionally seeks Julie out to bother her... I don't get ittt!
Okay but I want Julie's outfit from this episode so bad!
"There's a lot to... like here," WILLIE I SEE YOU!!!
Lol the boys' little 3 part sales pitch for their revenge.
Okay but I get how Luke is so easily swept up in Caleb's spell at first, cause this may very well be the first time he's had an adult, especially an adult who is a musician/performer, encourage his performance dreams.
Boys and food, a love story as old as time itself.
Julieeee my girl, I swear I need to hug her!
Oh Nick, dude, I know you're trying to help but...
Also, Nick has now seen the 'projector' and turned it on and off. There's no way he isn't gonna have some questions as soon has he thinks about it. There's no way that light is gonna produce holograms on any kind of level like what happens when she performs with the guys. That guy is gonna question that...
The new guy found someone!!!
I feel like every time I watch this first HGC episode, I have more questions about Willie and his background there. Cause like... he genuinely enjoys the show. He has fun jumping in and dancing. He tells the guys they should come back for movie nights. But also... he knows about the stamp, he's clearly seen it in action before. He knows Caleb is dangerous, but he doesn't think he's a danger to Alex and the other guys, despite them having ghostly abilities that he's never seen before. I just... I have so many questions...
YO do the rhinestones on the lining of Caleb's jacket match the ribbons Julie wears in her hair a couple times?!!!
Yup boys suck. Flynn, you are a great bestie and I love you.
Julieeeee I wanna give you a huggggg!!!
Oof and there's the jolt...
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therealvikingstrash · 2 years
Spoiler-y Vikings: Valhalla musings/ramble - Godwin and Emma
Under the cut will be some ramble about them, that is just my personal opinion and how it played out to me. Practically word vomit.
When Godwin plead Ælfwynn to tell Emma it was him, he knew she would never do that. In fact, she was determined to tell the truth- which was that she was innocent- not knowing that Godwin already gave her the true answer on a silver platter. To her, the Queen was acting without reason, because Godwin didn't do anything wrong, right? And when she is innocent, nothing bad could happen. The queen just needed to understand.
But Godwin had ensured Ælfwynn looked guilty. He obviously did a background check on Ælfwynn and found out she had an estranged step-brother. With the help of his former guardian Bear, he hired said step-brother to kill Emma. (He never actually wanted to kill her then, Godwin needed her to believe her life was in danger. He'd hinted at her safety previously, to make sure the paranoia would settle in.) Ælfwynn obviously had an emotional reaction to her step-brother being executed- Who wouldn't?- and with the seeds of mistrust planted by Godwin, Emma assumed there was more behind Ælfwynn's reaction. (Just like Godwin wanted her to)
What hurts me to know is that Godwin never loved Ælfwynn. He didn't and couldn't- too busy making sure everything would play out perfectly. She was just a pawn he shifted around the chessboard until he let the Queen take her. Quite literally. His true agenda is revealed really early on when he tells Ælfwynn he wants his son to be king one day. And they both knew Ælwynn would not be able to make her husband's dream come true.
I can only imagine the amount of work Godwin would have to put into pretending to be an upstanding and innocent; loving man who've been wronged in the past. Although, he only had one person as audience, which makes it a lot easier- so it wasn't that impressive in the end. He managed to fool Ælfwynn and knew she would rave about him to Gytha who was already not looking forward to being married off to some stranger. Gytha, her friend and who is a princess (and not just ANY princess, she's part of Canute's family, his niece!). She was the woman he was actually after and who would ensure a deeper bond to the king, but who he would never be able to marry, unless the king and queen suggested such a union out of guilt.
Godwin sure is cunning, but also proved to do anything to get what he wants. Sacrificing a young, doe-eyed woman who truly loved him until the end, without even blinking. And by the Gods, his theatre act of crying for his lost love was chef's kiss. He even used her grave as meet-up point to get closer to Gytha. (Who now viewed him as the poor widower who needs someone who loves him.)
And managed to make Emma feel guilty.
I'm quite positive that Emma hated the most that she did exactly what Godwin planned her to do. And through this whole scheme Emma lost both her loyal ladies/handmaiden/confidante, which surely will weaken her in the future, one way or another. While, yes, it was probably hard for her to have a hand in killing Ælfwynn, it might be even harder to realize it wasn't even her own choice to do so. How dirty and angry she must've felt to know she too was a pawn in Godwin's ploy and take an innocent life...
Then again, Emma always knew Godwin was at fault, but couldn't prove it, until she found Bear. Someone Godwin most likely had killed by another's hand, to make sure Emma would never be able to question him.
What I personally loved was Emma's move to gift the ring Bear had worn to Gytha and to ask her to wear it at all times. (Who is to refuse their queen? 😏) The beauty in tormenting Godwin with a simple piece of jewelry around his new wives neck though! Brilliant. Not only a reminder of what he'd done, but also that Emma knew exactly what he truly did.
Personally, I saw it as a promise that she will destroy him, if given the chance. And I think Godwin realized that as well and finally understood that Emma of Normandy indeed created nightmares. And now he was living in one of them.
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tuiyla · 1 year
Ranking Once More, With Feeling songs
Eyyyy let’s go. Separating songs that were part of a medley, for the most part. Going out to @rachelberryy​​!
Not part of the ranking:
The Mustard: wouldn’t feel fair or necessary to include it in the list. Still, as well executed as the rest of them and a fun La La Land feel wayyyy before La La Land actually happened.
Bunnies: I find Anya to be ridiculously delightful, including the bunny running gag and this was a shocking but funny and appreciated interruption in the middle of I’ve Got a Theory. The rock opera was a fun genre to bring in and yeah, Anya’s just cool.
The Parking Ticket: again not necessary to include in the actual ranking but a fun background (foreground) moment. Man it really reminded me that basically all of these songs have a CXG “equivalent”.
Dawn’s Ballet: fully instrumental so excluded for that reason. But eyyy, Zach Woodlee! Even if we don’t see his face. Again proving that playing around with genres and committing fully to the musical episode is fun.
Tumblr media
14. Dawn’s Lament
Despite technically ranking last I actually really like this short song. The fact that it’s so short is the only reason it’s so low but even in just two lines of lyrics I think it sums up Dawn’s angst and, well, lament really well and makes me wish she got a full feature. It’s my understanding that Michelle Trachtenberg asked not to sing too much so that’s understandable. But yeah, I think it’s good that she had this much, especially because, as I understand, despite Dawn’s behaviour being understandable she gets a lot of shit from the fandom.
13. What You Feel (+reprise)
Nothing against Hinton Battle who of course does an amazing job but the real strength of this episode is revelations about our beloved characters, not the monster of the week song. Not that this number isn’t as fun as the rest of the episode but it simply can’t compare to main cast’s solos, duets, and group numbers. The reprise shouting out the episode title is extra fun, though.
Best part: ironically in many ways, Dawn’s parts. Particularly “see, my sister’s the Slayer”
12. Something to Sing About
I feel like a lot would consider ranking this so low criminal. And in a way I do wish it could be higher but musically, I just don’t much vibe with it. I understand and appreciate the sentiment behind it, it’s a powerful scene and includes the big revelation about Buffy having been in heaven. The backup bit is amusing and Alyson Hannigan acts her butt off in the background as the reveal is going on but I simply can’t put it higher when I know this won’t be the song I listen to the most. I much, much prefer Buffy’s other solo. It’s also just, a bit long oops.
Best part: Musically, the beginning, but thematically probably Spike’s ending verse.
11. Where Do We Go From Here
I’m not sure how to justify ranking this above the previous one. I guess I’m just a sucker for group numbers and I think it has the appropriate balance of drama and levity. It feels a bit funky that Sweet leaves and yet they sing this afterward but whatever.
Best part: Giles’ solo line: The battle's done and we kind of won
10. Coda
As you’ll see further down this list I love a good reprise and this mash-up of Buffy and Spike songs only to culminate in the first step towards their relationship, it’s really chef’s kiss. Very very brief and closes by going back to the previous song but still, a good coda.
9. I’ll Never Tell
This is pure fun for Anya and Xander and a great performance. Harsher in hindsight, now that I’ve seen Xander leave Anya at the altar. But I keep being a sucker for Anya shenanigans in particular and this was very fun as that. I don’t care for all the lines but I appreciate all the effort that went into this number in particular.
Best part: His eyes are beady!
8. If We’re Together
It’s heartfelt and maybe a bit cheesy but hey, I love cheese and the power of love, found family and all that. It fits BtVS to have something like this, it simultaneously makes fun of the show and also emphasizes that yeah, this is the strength of the Scoobies. I also enjoy the double meaning behind Buffy’s what does it matter lines. We support our girl in her depression era.
Best part: Hey, I’ve died twice
7. I’ve Got a Theory
This is just that quintessential first group number with the lighter tone and everyone involved. It feels different enough to separate from If We’re Together and slightly ranking above it for the fun factor, including Xander’s ramble about witches. Points for being the song with the most Willow in it
Best part: Honestly, Xander’s ramble.
6. Under Your Spell
I kinda wish I could rank this higher. And it is good! It begins a new tier on our list and there’s much to appreciate. Amber Benson’s voice (even though I would prefer more chest voice but shhh okay okay) and the fairy tale vibes, and just the fact that the big love song went to the lesbian couple. The sentiment is lovely even with the darker undertone of Willow’s literal spell from the previous episode, but more on that in a bit. It feels apt to give Tara, usually a quiet and reserved ch a solo in the musical episode to express her feelings fully. I’m in awe that this was on television in 2001 and was quite shocked that they went there at the end lol. What do you know, they sure had the cojones and I appreciate that.
Best part: as cheesy as it is, the willow tree line
5. Rest in Peace
I debated putting this below Under Your Spell but I gotta appreciate the rock vibes, the angst, and the sheer over the top poetry of it. It’s really the perfect song for Spike and as much as I think the metaphors and puns are over the top, again it just fits him. Plus, I have to admit, it’s just more fun to listen to than Tara’s solo (still with love to her of course). God Spike would make such a dramatic lesbian.
Best part: If my heart could beat it would break my chest
4. Standing
Anthony Stewart Head really went for it and this song was perfect for both his voice and Giles’ character. I do think the sentiment felt a bit, hmm, off, but that’s a convo for another day. Giles’ fatherly love for Buffy is the very DNA of this series and him realizing that he has to let Buffy go, just after getting her back, hits all the right emotional places. If we had to let go of ASH, as a main cast member at least, this was as good a sendoff as we could get. Also curious that this is the only song that seems to be in just once of the characters’ head? Whatever, it’s musical logic.
Best part: the way he delivers Wish I could slay your demons
3. Under Your Spell/Standing Reprise
Ohh okay, so yeah I love an apt reprise and this mashup was incredibly powerful. Under Your Spell gains its darker meaning as Tara realizes what the audience had known and to parallel her sense of betrayal and, though it will take her another episode to truly admit, realization with Giles’ is so cool. To parallel a young woman’s queer love for her girlfriend with a middle aged man’s for his daughter figure. For both to realize, albeit for vastly different reasons, that they can’t be the ones helping their loved ones anymore. For Giles, it’s to help Buffy grow. For Tara, it’s the realization that she can’t, even inadvertently, continue enabling Willow. It’s such a cool thematic concept and executed beautifully musically, and cinematically as we see the shot of Buffy and Willow talking, ignorant the difficult decisions their loved ones are making. Well done, show.
Best part: Wish I could stay (but they can’t. and doesn’t that just break your heart?)
2. Walk Through the Fire
Here we go, the best group number of the bunch even though the other ones all have their strengths. It combines so many excellent parts. Buffy’s depression, even Going Through the Motions making a brief return. The Scoobies’ realization that yeah, they should help. Spike’s own realization that he’ll always come back to Buffy’s aid. The ‘villain’ parts. ASH once again delivering his solo bits very well, particularly the Dawn line. Beady-eyes is right, we’re needed! It combines funny and deep and heartfelt and really, that sums up the show well. Plus yeah, the small reprises.
Best part: I think this line's mostly filler. Pls, that’s too funny.
1. Going Through the Motions
Okay listen at first I was like, can I? Can I actually rank this first? But why not. What an excellent song to start us off with. A few minutes into the episode and this already had me so hyped. The composition, the flow, how fun the demons are in this, Buffy’s attitude, SMG’s voice to be honest. The fact that this is her I want song! The very first song! This is just such a fun and yet meaningful song. It’s funny how SMG turns inexplicably British in it (heaRt has an R, surely) but I don’t care, she does a great job and this song really embodies my love for season 6 Buffy. So good!
Best part: How can I repay...? Whatever. This was SO funny. The rhymes throughout the episode can be a little too simple but when they work they just work.
So that would be the list, hope I didn’t shock and upset anybody. I knew going into this that people heralded Buffy’s musical episode as not only an OG but one of the, if not the ultimate best and you know what, yeah. And if anything it really proved to me that jukebox musicals are not where it’s at - if you’re gonna do a musical, put your whole pussy into it. Write those original songs! Make them relate to the characters and reveal interesting things about them. That’s the whole point and it’s why, though the villain song was fun, others were far superior. Not that I didn’t love this series before but Once More, With Feeling well and truly cemented my love for BtVS.
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janedoebby · 2 years
Thinking out loud about Show!Locklyle (part 1??)
The recent trailer has got me thinking about the potential changes made to Lockwood x Lucy's relationship as it is adapted into the Netflix tv show.
Whenever I describe the relationship between Lockwood and Lucy to my friends (who I haven't YET convinced to read the series) I usually say its the 'slowest slow burn' which I LOVE LOVE LOVE. The way Locklyle developed as characters and also their dynamic throughout the books is just *chefs kiss*.
Personally, I think the treatment of the relationship between these two characters in the adaptation will depend on the decision of whether or not they choose to have Ruby doing some form of narration. If they do then I feel like that will allow for the relationship to take the timeline from the books (where maybe in season 18 we get a kiss on the cheek) and hopefully do justice to the relationship. If they choose not to go with Lucy's narration, I feel they will follow with the typical adrenaline-focused scenes we got in the teaser. While I do enjoy that and this was definitely an aspect of the books I don't think they can entirely build Locklyle to the extent it was in the books by this method alone.
One of the areas of Lucy I related to most reading the books originally and during my (numerous) rereads was her seemingly unrequited crush for someone she perceived as totally out of her league. Even though Jonathan Stroud is a middle-aged man (to who I am forever grateful) I found the way he wrote about feelings of insecurity, especially from a teenage girl very relatable and something I really responded to. While Ruby Stokes is an incredible actress who I'm sure could pull this off perfectly having the narration of this internal struggle Lucy undergoes is one of my most sincere wishes for the show. I also feel like Lucy's narration would add another dimension to the show especially since it would allow for a direct transfer from the books to the screen.
Concerning how the lack of narration would in my personal opinion affect Lockwood is that a lot of interest in his background and how it has shaped him in the present-day stems from Lucy's insight. As the closest person to him throughout the series with their connection deepening as the series goes on Lucy's narration drives the reader's perception of his character that I feel would be missing if they chose not to explore her voice through the show. The mystery of Jessicas room that was so prevalent in the first two books which I think is so important to the growth of the found family of the original trio was a massive part of Lucy's perspective. Lucy's presence in his life emboldened him to share this tragic area of his past but it wouldn't have been so meaningful for the characters and us the reader in my opinion if it wasn't for how Lucy's narration constantly reminded us of the secrecy and what this room represented for her personally and even her relationship with Lockwood.
Overall I do think the most important aspect of Locklyle is the slow burn and whatever happens, I would much rather they get the pacing right even if it means losing Lucy's narration. (But personally, I feel like the narration is the best way for the development to be shown for both book readers and those whose first interactions will be via the show)
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moonlitwalkss · 2 years
Obviously S2 opened with a banger of Fez's story and closed with Nate getting his shit rocked, chef's kiss if you ask me.
How would you like Euphoria S3 to open? How would you like the first episode to close out?
what a cool question, caroline, thanks for asking!!! 💜
oh fuck, ok so we know there's gonna be a time jump, (we don't know how many months or years) and bc i feel almost the entire cast is getting so busy this might be the last season (maybe/maybe not) still I think I would like for ep 1 to start with rue getting out of rehab (her mom finally found her a place) paralleling s1, but this time rue is actually sober and plans to keep it that way. she would narrate what happened with maddy, cassie, (hopefully kat as well), and jules. there's gotta be a party bc it's euphoria and it would be nice if she goes with lexi, maybe they get ready together or lexi doesn't really want to go bc she doesn't want rue to get triggered but rue tells her that it's fine and they finally go, and shit goes down at the party like always.
throughout the episode maybe we get an update on what happened to fez and faye, and bc im an impatient bitch I would like for him to get out of jail in ep 1 but I want him to come out in a slow motion sequence (like s2ep1) with ICE (we should do drugs) playing in the background, I would go insaaane!!!
and to end the episode? I don't know, maybe laurie finds out rue is finally out and she reaches out to her somehow to let her know it's time to pay her or something like that?? I don't know, it'll be nice to just see where everyone has been after such a long time (both in the euphoria world and irl)
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bylightofdawn · 2 years
You ever get reminded of a band you haven't listened to in a couple of years and then realize holy shit you used to love this group and immediately go on a binge listen of their whole discography. LOL
I got reminded of Hollywood Undead who I shit you not, fifteen years ago I would have never even clicked on one of their videos because they are rap-rock/nu-metal/industrial something band. They've kinda moved more into the nu-metal and rock over their earlier industrial hip-hop start I'd say. Because I used to be that asshole who was all 'Nah I don't listen to rap' and someone just needs to go back in time and smack me upside the head for letting my preconceptions just write off an entire genre of music.
Cause hip-hop can fucking slap. And I definitely dig the whole rap-rock/nu metal scene. It's interesting to see how my musical tastes have evolved over the years.
Anyway so I've been listening to their New Empire albums today at work and they're not bad, I think i definitely prefer Notes From the Underground and Day of the Dead more. That used to be my go-to I am pissed off and just want to rock out albums. But yeah they apparently have put out three albums in the past like...two odd years. LOL I guess they were working hard during COVID.
I'm about to start Hotel Kalifornia but I'm definitely going to go back and re-listen to Notes from the Underground/Day of the Dead tomorrow at work. I don't think it's gonna happen just because I can't split my attention enough to listen to them in one ear and customer's in another like I can with more laid back lo-fi music which just kinda fades until it's background noise. Pffft.
But yeah, I think I've gotten to an age where I'm willing to just give up all preconceived notions on entertainment and just fuck it, I'll give it a try. I still maintain a lot of modern country can be trash but that might be my inner Texan and having that shit shoved down my throat 24/7 for decades talking. However, even then there are some gems to be found and I still love old outlaw country.
EDIT: Hotel Kalifornia is DEFINITELY a lot better than New Empire Vol 1 & 2. Also? World War Me might be my new Locus theme song.
"I'd rather be dead than some page in some book That burns to the fire 'cause the devil I admire And I wanna watch it burn higher and higher Now I'm the only one that I have left to fear And one of us is gonna die, I'll die right here Let the cowardly speak so the cowardly sleep I am not you, no, you are not me It's an eye for an eye, now no one can see No reflection has meaning, the cracks that I leave Even when I sleep, I die in my dreams Put that noose around my neck, I don't want you to breathe."
That kinda sums up his toxic as fuck relationship with Felix and the identity crisis and all the shit he is going through throughout most of the Chorus Trilogy. Him tying to come to terms with Locus the Solider and Samuel Ortez who he has shoved into the back of the closet and tried to kill off for years and how he kinda reconciles the two parts of himself right before he cuts loose some much-needed dead weight aka gave Felix the boot
"I pray that you stay away You speak with the tongue of a snake Baptized in a shallow lake I hate myself when I see your face"
-coughcoughfelixcoughcough- Also just....that entire stanza. Just....all of it is -chef kiss-
Also ironically, Kill Everyone by Hollywood Undead's Nots from the Underground is one of my Felix theme songs.
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