#i had to give my husband a multi-chapter work
halcyone-of-the-sea · 11 months
CODENAME: DEADBOLT ❗️A HESH FIC ‼️ Bestie you CAN'T be slick about this, I practically stalk your navigation page lol
AHHH 😭😭😭 it's just a concept rn I don't have a solid plan for it, I promise!! With CoV planned all the way out and my plans to do that with Ravishing Allure as well, I'm stocking up for future series and everything - my Simon one and the Hesh series will be fazed in respectively as the previous ones get finished.
I do know that it's going to be with a reader that's in the forces though!!
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faerievampling · 8 months
An Unexpected Visitor
Summary: Ascended!Astarion and Tav have been together for thousands of years. One day, an unexpected visitor shows up, reminding them of their past and offering them a new adventure.
Word Count: 4k
Here's the link to AO3!
Pairing: (soft) Ascended!Astarion x Female Tav
Warning: 18+, Explicit. PiV. Oral Sex. Light bondage. Light dom/sub.
A/N: This is going to be a multi-chapter story I will be posting here and on AO3. Largely but not entirely based on my headcanons for Ascended!Astarion that you can read here: Part 1. Part 2. (Not necessary to read first!!)
I hope you enjoy!
Next Chapter
You wake up with a strong sense of unease. Astarion, your creator and husband, picks up on it immediately, of course. The two of you are so profoundly connected, your minds nestled together; he knows that you do not know the ‘why’ for these feelings.
Astarion kisses and cuddles you good morning, as he always does, but he holds you a bit longer this time, not wanting to get out of bed with his consort feeling this way. His hold on you is tight as he buries his nose in your hair.
Alas, Astarion has work to do, including ensuring the protection of his territories and assets, especially at a time like this.
The war, my darling. The war. Astarion reminds you again. You hadn’t been affected by it at all, and didn't really care. And Astarion really didn’t care that you didn’t care. He only wanted your happiness and wellbeing, and had worked hard to keep you away from it all.
But he feared that maybe you could sense it, or were beginning to. His weariness, his stress; those feelings he did his best to guard you from. 
Astarion cradled you to his chest, one arm on your naked back and the other nestled in the root of your hair, giving you gentle massages as you listen to the thump of his ever-beating heart. After a while, Astarion repositions the two of you so that he may offer his neck to you. He knows this is your (second) favorite place to feed, because you can feel the beat of his heart and drink in his scent.
He also knows you’d rather like to feed from the inside of his thigh, but now was not the time for that. Well, maybe it was, but the two of you were already late for court.
As you sup of his blood, you moan with pleasure - there is nothing better to a bride than the blood of her creator, and Astarion was a very generous master. 
“Your master adores you, my little darling,” Astarion whispers in your ear as you feed, his hand moving to caress the back of your head. His teasing words cause you to grind into his hips, and you can feel him beginning to get hard. 
“Enough, my pet,” Astarion says as he pulls you away, detaching your fangs from his ivory skin. As he meets your gaze, the memories of your days of madness wash over him like the shock of ice cold water. 
Long ago, Astarion insisted you feed on him and only him. There was danger in this, a bride feeding too much from her Master. This, Astarion knew, but his mind was shrouded with paranoia. 
In another land, one of the brides of vampire master Geldon Moth was poisoned and killed. Once Astarion heard the news, he came to a quick decision. 
Believing his blood to be the safest for you, you were to feed on him and only on him. After months of letting you gorge, Astarion saw the bridal madness for the first time. 
Astarion is quick to push the memory away. Before he does, you catch a glimpse of the scene: you’re inconsolable, starving, horny as a bitch in heat, and as violent as ever. Astarion is crying, begging you to come back to yourself. 
Astarion no longer remains your only food source. He is your primary one, indeed, but the essence of others is to be drunk from a goblet, not from lips to skin. That is reserved for you and your creator. 
Thou art mine. A thought rings in your head.
You help Astarion dress, as you have for the past…so many years. Astarion dismissed his footman so long ago, preferring to do the work himself with the help of his consort. His aversion to touch, anyone’s but your own, was an ever-growing symptom of the choices the both of you made so long ago.
Astarion plants a tender kiss on your lips before he goes, and your own maid comes in to help you dress and take care of your hair. She wants to put it in an updo of some kind, so that you match with the other ladies of the court. 
But you’ve been feeling rather rebellious, and Astarion sat on the throne, so you could do whatever you wanted. And so you did.
You keep it long, like a curtain, and now that Astarion had finally moved on from his insistence that you wear something low cut, you choose a dress that is modest, comfortable, but regal enough. You ditch the shoes. You’ve been alive for nearly two millenniums. You know your beauty is already unmatched, and you needn’t worry yourself with discomfort. Your feet rarely touch the floor, anyways. 
But your current maid doesn’t seem to agree, and always argues with you about the fucking shoes. Before she even begins, you hiss at her.
This maid, Bethild, is one you’ve had for a while now. First joining your service as a young woman, Bethild was now rather old and round, you think. She tuts at you for hissing before crossing her arms, ready to give you a lecture. 
“It’s not befitting of a Lady in your position to be hissing,” Bethild addressed you in ways others would die for, but you rather liked her, and Astarion did too.
But before she could continue, you use your vampiric telepathy to force your way in. THE DRESS IS LONG ENOUGH. NOBODY WILL SEE. You scream this into her mind, trying to cause her a bit of pain, maybe some nausea.
Bethild knows when she’s lost a battle, and she murmurs something about your Master hearing about this as she bumbles her way out of your room.
You roll your eyes at her as she leaves. Why must we do this everyday? You reach out to your husband. But he doesn’t immediately respond, because he already knows your grief: it is simply becoming increasingly difficult for you to tolerate mortals.
We can get you a new maid, my consort. Or we can get rid of them all together. Whatever it is you want, it will be yours. Astarion reaching into your mind is always comfortable, and the contact sends a shiver to your core.
You didn’t understand how Astarion could handle it so well. So much better than you. You were thankful that he could, of course, but you just didn’t understand. 
You’re perfect the way you are, my consort. You don’t need to be like me. You are mine, and I will always take care of you.
Once you’re ready, you float to your throne, making a bit of a scene because of your tardiness. Astarion doesn’t care; the subjects can wait, especially for you.
As you take your seat, Astarion holds your hand, idly (and a bit anxiously) playing with your fingers as he handles business. He likes to look at them as he mulls over the proceedings in his mind; he plays with your rings, twisting them around your fingers and sometimes switching them between digits. Every day, he looks forward to seeing what choice of jewelry you will make. It makes him feel tremendous pride to see the beauty of your soft and smooth hands, and to see the decadent jewels on your pretty fingers.
Whatever business Astarion is handling today is, frankly, totally lost on you. If something important happens, something you need to know, Astarion will tell you. 
So, you lose yourself in the folds of you and your eternal lover’s mind. You always enter this vampiric trance during court. You needn’t speak, because you trust your beloved creator to speak for you. 
After a few hours and a few dealings later, something briskly breaks you out of this trance. That unease. 
Astarion squeezes your hand to draw your attention to him. You meet his gaze, and you see a lot there: love, need, possession, inquiry, frustration. You’re having a hard time parsing through it, but what you gather is you are making Astarion extremely uncomfortable. 
We’re almost done here. After court, you will be sequestered away until I know you are safe. Is all he communicates with you.
It’s just a sense of unease, my love. Please just stay with me, you are all the protection I need. Don’t lock me away. You are practically begging at this point, but your face gives nothing away. You are dampened by your curse. Rather it be the vampiric curse or the curse of time, you aren’t sure. You are still you, but your light shines dimmer.
Astarion narrows his eyes at you. Your foresight has been right before. 
You shake your head at him. Now, you’re both starting to lose your poker faces. The mortals murmur around you, but the two of you exist only with each other at this moment, and the rest of the world is diminished. 
This is different. It’s just a feeling, nothing more. I’ve had no visions, Master. You call him this to soften him up; it makes Astarion’s cock twitch just to hear you say the word. 
As Astarion’s thoughts turn lewd, a servant approaches him, informing him of the next visitor to be heard. You feel Astarion’s mind slip away from yours as he focuses on the world around him. 
But the words of the servant are tumbling around in his head. Scary, strange looking elf. 
What? You ask, probing into Astarion’s mind.
He looks over to you, his handsome features and lustful eyes (he’s still having some lewd thoughts) causes your breath to catch and sends your second heartbeat to race. He said the visitor knew us, and was a terrifying, strange looking elf.
A picture has already formed in Astarion’s mind of a strange green egg that was briefly in your possession during your adventuring days. Still holding each other’s gaze, you both silently acknowledge that the ‘strange elf’ is in fact, not an elf. 
The two of you further slip into each other's minds, a feeling so familiar by now yet no less pleasurable. The folds of your waking mind are fondled by his, and as he is weaving through you, he finds a memory he cannot ignore: that pretty clearing. His own version of the memory rises within him, meeting yours halfway. He is focused on that first kiss, that first taste of you, your folds, the taste of your sweat…
You can’t help but smile as you hear Astarion’s heart racing. The passage of time is cruel and has taken many things from you and Astarion both. But neither of you could ever forget that first night.
Focus, my lover. You poke at him. 
Astarion smirks. It must be a githyanki. We fought many of them, remember, little love?
You remember, only vaguely. Astarion’s memory was much sharper than yours, due to his ascended state. 
Deciding to give it no more thought, you drift off into your trance again, and Astarion lets you. You needn’t care about this mysterious visitor; you had other things to worry about, like drinking blood, striking fear into the hearts of mortals, and how you were going to convince your darling husband to get on his knees and put his pretty lips on your glistening, swollen sex later tonight.
You glance at Astarion as he’s listening to one of the servants. You focus on his pretty lips, and how perfect they look around your nipple, or your clit.
You think you’ll start by wearing a low cut dress to dinner - yes, that would be the right move. He wouldn’t be able to keep his eyes off the plush curve of your breasts, especially if you could manage to wear a corset. You’re also thinking you’ll skip the panties, because surely you can goad him into putting a hand up your skirts. Maybe you’ll invite him to feed on your inner thigh; he loves that tender spot so much, he likely wouldn't be able to help himself to having a taste of you —
“I see your union has stood the test of time,” The sound of the woman’s voice snaps you back into the present with a whirl. You know her voice. You know her face, even: pretty, green skin, orange hair, she even looks rather young, still. 
“It is good to see you both. You look….well.” The githyanki says. She is wearing armor, and has a long sword sheathed on her back. She looks at you uneasily, but you see a fondness in her eyes and a comfortable sense of familiarity.
Lae’zel. Astarion tells you. She was once your lover. You can feel Astarion seething at the reminder that once, you were not his. You don’t really know how to respond to him, because you do remember your time with Lae’zel, but it was so long ago it is literally ancient history.
You knit your brows together as you take her in. Her coming must be that feeling of unease. And Astarion tells you as much as he converses with Lae’zel. She wants something, he tells you. Despite his broiling jealousy, Astarion keeps a cordial, straight face as he converses with Lae’zel. 
She has been in the Astral Plane, a place outside of time and space, fighting a seemingly never ending war with Vlaakith. And she has come to her only living allies on the mortal plane, the Ancunins, for help.
Lae’zel and Astarion come to an agreement for a private meeting on the morrow. Astarion’s emotions are all over the place; he ends court early, deciding to sequester you to the bedchamber early.
As he marches you to the boudoir, hand on your wrist as you’re barely keeping up with him, Astarion is stopped by a servant. Whatever message Astarion receives leaves him feeling desperate - his mind was disarranged, his face twisted in grief.
Parsing through his mind, you can’t even manage to make out a few words - whatever has happened, Astarion is either hiding it from you or still trying to process it himself. Likely a bit of both, you decide.
But once the two of you reach your bed chambers, he becomes a single minded man.
Astarion grabs both of your wrists with one hand and has you bent over the bed before you can even register your own movement. With his other hand, he is pushing up your skirts, finding his way to your naked sex. 
“How ignorant of me to believe all of your past lovers were dead,” His voice escapes through gritted teeth, low and raspy. Astarion maneuvers you on the bed so that you are now on your knees with your ass in the air, hands still being held behind your back. With no way to support yourself, your head rests on the bed. 
So much for your plan of getting Astarion on his knees for you.
Astarion’s grip on your wrists tighten as his other hand grazes your exposed labia, caressing the lips of your cunt with his dexterous fingers before sliding a finger inside of you until he is knuckle deep.
“Do you remember your time with her, my consort?” The sensation of his finger being dragged against your slick, spongy walls send you rolling your hips into his hand, desperate for more.
Yes, you think desperately, even though he already knows the answer. He’s surely searched your mind already, probably long ago. 
“Say it. Use your words,” His tone is harsh, but his fingers gentle as he slides another into you with little resistance. 
“Yes, I remember,” You say, the words feeling odd in your mouth. You realized you hadn’t spoken aloud in quite a while.
Astarion lets go of your hands and brings his arm around your front, a hand gripping your neck and bringing you upright, so that your back is to his chest. His two fingers are still buried inside you. 
“I am forever yours, Astarion,” His grip on your neck is gentle, and you’re able to turn your head to look at him. His ruby eyes bore into you, such a perfect reflection of your own. 
His own eyes are pleading. Tell me. Please.
You brace yourself. Not because you don’t mean it, but because you know you will never hear the reciprocation spoken aloud.
“I love you, Astarion,” You supplicate.
His eyes are wet, just for a moment, and then his lips crash into yours, his hand trailing up to grab your jaw, to guide you to him. He relinquishes you from his fingers and quickly removes his clothing, not wasting any time to put himself between your legs. 
Your dress is long gone by the time Astarion lines his cock up with your entrance, eyes locked with yours in an intense gaze. 
“Say it again. For your Master, spawn,” He growls. You knew this was merely just a part he wanted you to play sometimes, but it hurt all the same. He knew this. But he needed this from you.
“I love you eternally, Master,” You speak with a soft voice barely above a whisper as Astarion rubs his swollen tip against your puffy folds.
His ruby eyes bore into you as he pushes into you slowly; a moan escaping his pretty lips once he’s bottomed out, balls deep inside of you. He leans over and plants a kiss on your forehead before meeting your gaze again.
“You are my everything, Tav.” His voice is raw, and this is all he can manage before his lips meet yours again. You clench around his cock as he begins to set a slow, steady pace. 
That tiny longing inside of you vanishes, and you know that you are his everything. You tangle your hand in his hair and deepen your kisses; Astarion whimpers at this, and when he quickened his pace, your cunt is making lewd, squelching noises at the power of his thrusts.
“Gods above,“ Astarion breathes against your lips. He begins to play with you, adjusting his pace until he finds the perfect rhythm to exuberate the lewd sounds of your desperation.
Bringing himself upright, Astarion watches you; your lips are parted, showing off your beautiful fangs, which he loves so much. He admires your smooth, unmarred skin, as he was careful not to leave any scars on your body. Sure, he had wanted to permanently mark you, but he thought it cruel and pointless: you are his, and nothing will ever change that.
As Astarion slides his cock along your walls, you can’t help but clench around him as you eye your gorgeous husband.
Astarion’s beauty was that of literal legends; as you eye his disheveled curls, the cut of his muscles and jaw, and you know that every ballad, every poem, every story of the beauty of Astarion the Decadent, Hero of Baldur’s Gate, is true. 
Astarion needs to taste you now, and he slowly pulls his cock out from your desperate cunt, causing you to whimper from the loss. Astarion lowers himself between your legs before examining your sex.
“I’ve made a sloppy little mess of you, haven’t I?” Astarion smirks at you, his pupils blown with lust. With his fingers, he spreads your folds, eyeing you as your anticipation grows. He swipes his tongue from your entrance to your clit before he wraps his lips around your swollen, glistening clit and begins to suck; his tongue is so soft, so gentle, and the steady circles he is making with his tongue have you trembling beneath him.
“Perfect…” He murmurs against your sex, the vibration of his silky voice causing you to whimper. “You’re so…” He can’t even finish his sentence as he begins to devour you, and he is desperate to taste you as you come. He has you screaming his name in mere seconds, and you are putty in his hands as he brings himself back up to his knees and rams his cock in you.
You’re so wet, and to your surprise, Astarion inserts two fingers inside you along with his cock; the stretch makes you groan, and he smiles wildly as his other hand grasps your jaw, pulling your head aside to expose your neck to him.
Mine. Mine. Mine. To do with as I please. Body, blood, and soul. You’re mine to fuck, to stretch out, to eat, to use, and you can never leave me. This scares you, but you can’t deny your increasing wetness for him. And you can’t deny the truth of his words.
Astarion slides his fangs into you, making you shudder as he moans loudly; he is so deep inside you, you can feel his swollen tip hitting your cervix, and you claw at his scalp and his back as he drinks you in.
After just a few sips, Astarion is coming undone, and his arms are around you now, holding you so tightly to him that you can’t breathe. You can feel his balls contracting against the curve of your ass as he spills his seed inside you. He trails mindless kisses on your skin as he comes down from the high of his orgasm.
He holds you to him for a while, cock still inside of you, and you can feel the decreasing thump of his heart against your chest. Eventually, he rolls over, and when you’re released from his cock, you feel his seed spilling out of you, dripping down your slick folds and pooling at your pert asshole. 
“I’m going to commission a painting of you, just like this.” He says as he examines the damage. “I’d have to gouge their eyes out after, of course.”
Of course. You reach out in agreement with a smile on your face.
“Speak, my darling. I want to hear your pretty voice.” Astarion gathers you between his legs, your back to his chest as he wraps his arms around you and cradles you to him. He’s still trailing kisses wherever he can: your neck, your shoulder, your cheek, your ear.
“Sorry. Habit.” It was a habit, but nowadays, it was more of a preference.
“You needn’t apologize, lover,” Astarion rests his head on your shoulder, breathing in the scent of your skin. “I’d like you to attend the meeting with Lae’zel with me.”
You needn’t be anywhere but right by my side. Lord Moth’s estate was attacked again. A few of his spawn were killed.
Well, that is far better than being locked in the boudoir, you think. “Of course I’ll come with you.” 
After a moment, you speak again. “I can’t believe she’s still alive. I thought all our past friends were dead.”
“Me too. From what I can recall about Lae’zel, it was ignorant of us to think that woman could ever die.” The two of you giggle as you reminisce on old adventures, the ones Astarion is willing to dwell on, to enjoy. 
Astarion doesn’t mention his jealous feelings about Lae’zel’s sudden reappearance, but you feel it in his actions as the two of you spend the rest of the day in bed; he takes you again, biting you in places he had never before, coming in every hole of yours that he could, until you were well and truly taken and used.
Eventually, the two of you drift off in each other's arms, as you always did. But your lasting thoughts are not on blood, fear, or Astarion’s cock (well maybe a little bit), but on the ‘why’ of Lae’zel’s return. Astarion shares in your anxiety, but assures you to be patient, as all will be revealed on the morrow. 
Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5. Chapter 6.
Next Chapter
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Interviews for New Beginnings: Part 1
Alfie Solomons x Fem!Reader, Fluff
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Word Count: 1.8k
Warnings: Swearing, Period Era Sexism
A/N: Hi guys! This is my first fic in over a year, but I dont know I just wanted to have fun! Also lets be real... i needed these ideas out of my head. Please enjoy, have fun! Have an amazing rest of your day! Hi everyone!!! So this became a multi chapter story! This has been so much fun and I am so excited to see where this story goes! If you are interested in continuing this story, go to my tags and click ‘Interviews for New Beginnings’ there all parts will be together! Eventually I’ll put together a master list for it! Love you guys so much, I’m so glad you guys are having fun!!
You had heard about this job from your cousin Eli. And maybe that should’ve been the first clue that perhaps this may not have been a completely legal or safe or upstanding or above the table or whatever good adjective your parents could come up with position. But you had told Eli that you needed a job! And he did find you one! And your parents should be overjoyed that you will be working in the same “bakery” as a male cousin. It’s not proper for a woman to be working without a family member’s presence… especially where there are other men in the office.
“When you go in there be sure to look strong, but not too strong, emphasize that you’re docile and you want to please him.” Eli had been quizzing you about your skill sets and how you were to behave in the interview the entire walk to “The Bakery”. And while Eli was so sweet and more of a brother than a cousin… you couldn’t keep your irritation at bay.
“Tell me Eli… am I interviewing for the position of personal secretary or personal wh-“
“And don’t be so quick with that mouth of yours! Listen… Mr. Solomons is one of the most important men in Camden. This could be a really big opportunity for you. Being the personal secretary of one of the biggest names in the city can give you a steady income and some real independence! But that means you can’t be so…”
“Myself?” You say with a cocked brow and a bumped hip.
Eli’s eyes lit up as if a child he had been teaching finally understood arithmetic, “yes! Yes exactly! Listen while you’re in front of Mr. Solomons, it’s ‘yes sir’ and no questions asked. Got it?”
You sigh and roll your eyes. It felt like you had had this conversation so many times in different ways. Why did your parents care to educate you so much if you weren’t allowed to use your mind? You had asked your father many times, if God gave you a mouth and brain, why shouldn’t you be allowed to use them? And he was never really able to answer beyond a couple phrases talking about the ‘role of women’. You had just been fired from a doctor’s office due to talking back to an unruly patient. Truthfully, this was your last shot to get real independence. It was either this job… or letting your parents begin the process of finding a husband.
You finally reach the door of the bakery, and Eli turns you toward him to fix your hair and straighten your sweater, “Ok ok. Here we are dearest. Now just follow me, don’t make eye contact with everyone and just… be good.”
You chuckle out a, “Yes mum.”
With a laugh he shoves your arm, and gives his name to the young man standing by the door. With a nod he opens the door and lets you in, quickly following Eli’s steps.
While Eli said you couldn’t make eye contact with anyone he never said you couldn’t look at the bakery. It didn’t take you long to notice that while all the men were wearing aprons… there was a distinct lack of… bread… or anything to do with bread. Soon after this you began to feel that memorable tickle in your nose. Rum you thought to yourself. With a smirk you ran up behind Eli and whispered, “Wow quite the bakery Eli. Does the family know about your little rum house job?”
His face was pale, and he was clearly in no mood to joke. With a huff you returned to your previous pace, and you see that the office is just ahead.
Suddenly you feel the flush in your neck, and begin to steel yourself. You had of course heard about Mr. Alfred Solomons. The King of Camden. The Brave War Captain turned Ruthless Gangster. Eli was not kidding when he said that Mr. Solomons was one of the most important people in the city. He ruled the community. This was not the time and place for your mouth to act up. This was the time to behave and play it safe.
Eli rapped the door of the private office gently, and was met with a gruff, "What now!?"
Eli with a shaking hand opened the door, "Mr. Solomons? It's me Eli I..."
"What the fuck do you want eh? Come on now yeah you interrupt me and just stand there acting like you've been struck dumb by God. Come on!!"
Eli kept stammering, basically useless, so you stepped up, "Mr. Solomons, I'm Eli's cousin. I'm here for the secretary position."
Mr. Solomons eyebrows furrowed, looking you up and down. You couldn't help but feel like a child in front of his stare. Fiery, discerning, and just plain terrifying. "You said you're here for what?"
"The secretary position. My cousin said you were in need of a secretary."
Mr. Solomons looked at Eli and looked at you, "And you think you're qualified for a secretary position?"
The heat in your chest started to grow. And you could feel your temper begging to be let out. But you had to make a good impression. You needed this job. You needed to be sweet and to behave.
You nodded, "Yes sir, I can assure you I am I-"
"I'm sorry treacle but this simply will not do." Mr. Solomons cut you off. "What I am doing here right? I'm running a legitimate business. I am running something very difficult that little girls like you simply could not deal with yeah? Now run along and go do whatever young girls do yeah?"
"Mr. Solomons I-"
"Treacle now you're making me a little frustrated right, I said run along now."
You could feel the heat rising and rising, and Eli tugging at your sleeve, "Mr. Solomons if you will just listen-"
Mr. Solomons rose from his desk, "WHO THE FUCK DO YOU THINK YOU ARE I SAID LEAVE."
The room went silent. The entire bakery went silent. And from the corner of your eye you can see different men pausing, waiting to see what would happen next.
Alfred Solomons, for the first time in his life, was left speechless. The last woman who had yelled at him was his mother. Usually, women run and hide from him upon the first interaction. Men have wet themselves from his bellowing. Yet... this little woman is standing here, screaming at him, demanding to be heard. He did not know what to do, he could only stare at her.
You tried to be good. You really did try! But it was too late now. Mr. Solomons was just staring at you, and you had a point to make.
"Mr. Solomons, I am the most capable secretary that you will ever have walk through these doors. I am fluent in Russian, Yiddish, Hebrew, and French. Not only can I read and write, I was the best in my class in maths. I am a damn good baker, though clearly you do not need my services there. I am incredibly punctual and polite and am able to talk to anyone. And to top it all off, I make a very good cup of tea. Now I put on my best dress and shoes and I walked 45 minutes to get to your ridiculous office and I will be damned if I will leave here without a job! Do I have your attention now sir?"
While you were speaking Alfred Solomons had slowly lowered himself into his seat, with a smile on his face. He was stroking his beard, considering your fiery eyes, and the shape of your lips while you yelled at him. He began to laugh to himself, "Come sit down treacle. Eli, get the fuck out, stand by the door."
You turned to look at your cousin, but he had already closed the door behind him. You walked to the desk where Mr. Solomons was sitting, and took a seat directly in front of him. Where he had been leaning back in his chair, he was now leaning forward on the desk, resting on his elbows on top of a thick layer of papers. His eyes twinkled, and a handsome smirk played on his lips. Your rage was still simmering, and it was hating you for staring at those eyes.
"You can read and write?"
"How fast can you type?"
"80 words per minute."
"You're good at math?"
"You want to put a slate in front of me and have me recite a King's speech as well Mr. Solomons?"
He barked out a laugh, "Fuck me. You've got a sharp tongue on you don't you?"
"I have language why not use it."
"Fucking hell...alright listen here you little viper. I want you here every morning at 8 o'clock. Ready to work. You will have many a late night in this job. You will be my personal secretary, which means when I say "come here", I better see you before I finish that sentence. You'll need to write letters for me as well as manage my meetings alright? You will be my shadow. Any questions?"
"What is my salary?"
He paused, staring at you, seemingly trying to see how low you would take, "4 pounds a week."
"Good Lord what do you need 6 pounds a week for? 4 and a half and thats generous."
"Mr. Solomons I'm not stupid I know what you do. You need me. You want to become a respectable businessman you need someone like me to make sure your affairs are in order. I know you are working with many different people, and you need my abilities. I am the best you will ever have. 5 and a half."
Alfred keeps stroking his beard...wondering how the hell Eli could be related to someone so strong... and how much it was going to cost to keep you, "5 pounds a week. And I will give you a Hanukkah bonus."
"...And Rosh Hoshannah off."
You stood to shake his hand, firmly, though he kept smirking as he shook yours. "Alright my little viper, I will see you tomorrow. Bring ink and a notebook. We start at 8."
"Thank you Mr. Solomons. You won't regret this!"
"Alfie. You will call me Alfie from now on."
The way he said it while staring into your eyes brought a heat to your cheeks, and you prayed that he couldn't see any change in your demeanor. "Alfie." You whispered as you nodded and walked away.
He couldn't help but linger there in that moment, watching you walk away, speaking animatedly with Eli. Never had he ever felt so... struck by a woman before. He had women before of course, but no woman had captivated him the way you just did. He needed you. He needed you with him, in any way that you allowed him to have you near. Maybe this was a mistake, but he highly doubted it. How could a mistake be so beautiful?
325 notes · View notes
oskea93 · 6 months
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✶ Whiskey (2) ✶ - John “Bucky” Egan x OC - Masters of the Air fandom - Multi-chaptered story.
⚠ Warning: Rating 18+ ⚠ Chapter warning: Sexual content, period sexism, spousal belittling, cursing Words: 4353 A/N: Hello again! First off, I just want to say thank you so much for the love and support y'all have shown this story!! You guys are amazing and you have no idea how much I appreciate you guys! So, with this chapter, we get to meet Dominik and Marigold - the husband and MIL. These two will have major impacts on our OC's life and at times their treatment towards her will not be very nice. We also get to meet the most important person in our OCs life... The bright side, we will see our OC spending time with a certain Major 🥵. This story is just getting started and I promise that Mr. Egan and all the fabulous men of the 100th will come to light in the upcoming chapter. It's gonna be a wild one! If you would like to be added to the tag list, just comment your username ☺︎
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“I don’t see why you need to accompany your husband to such a location – full of men waiting for their chance to die.”
Rolling my eyes, I kept my mouth shut as my mother-in-law moved around the room. She had volunteered herself to accompany Dom and I to England – stating that she needed to be here for the sake of her granddaughter.
“What’re you expected to do while he’s working? Just longue around and make eyes with all the soldiers – give them blue balls so they can go back to their barracks and dream about you?”
A smile tugged at my face, “Somebody has to get them a little excited, Marigold.”
Her brows knitting together – unsure if I was being serious of not. “That’s what those pin-up women are for – you’re a married woman, Rachel. Married to one of the top colonels in the army – you don’t need to be strutting around like some old whore.”
Sighing, I pushed myself off the chair, her eyes watching me like the hawk she is. “Are you faithful to my son?” The question causing me to stop in my tracks. “You wouldn’t think about stepping out on him, would you?”
Her dark eyes bore into my soul, their intensity like a piercing gaze from the depths of the night. With each passing moment, I felt a shiver run down my spine, as if her gaze held the power to unravel the very core of my being. In that fleeting instant, the world around me seemed to fade away, leaving only her eyes, dark and mysterious, capturing my every thought and emotion in their enigmatic depths. “No –“My tone defensive. “Why ever would you think that?”
Feeling a mixture of frustration and resignation, she shrugged her shoulders, the weight of the moment causing her lips to press tightly together in a display of silent resolve.
“What gives you the idea that I would be unfaithful to Dominik? Because of what I said – that was a joke – they’re very popular nowadays.” Her back straightening at my bitter return.
I took a deep breath, trying to keep my composure despite Mari's biting words. Our relationship had always been strained, but her sharp remarks never failed to sting.
"I understand your concern, Mari," I replied evenly, meeting her gaze. "But I'm not going to England to flirt with soldiers. I'll be there to support Dom and assist in any way I can. It's important for us to be together during his assignment."
Mari huffed, clearly not convinced. "Just be careful, Rachel. Men in uniform can be quite charming, but they're not to be trusted. Don't forget your responsibilities as a wife and a mother."
Her words echoed in my mind, stirring up a mix of frustration and resignation. I knew Mari meant well in her own way, but her traditional views often clashed with my more independent spirit.
"Again, I appreciate your concern, Mari," I said, choosing my words carefully. "I'll always prioritize my family above all else. You can trust me on that."
In that fleeting moment of our interaction, as her captivating eyes locked onto mine, a subtle yet unmistakable expression of doubt crept into her gaze. "I hope so, Rachel. You have a good husband and a beautiful daughter. Don't take that for granted."
In the intricate web of relationships that intertwined our lives, tensions simmered just below the surface, threatening to erupt at any moment. Marigold's disapproval of me seemed to stem from a place of deep-seated insecurity and a need to control the narrative surrounding her son's marriage.
From the very beginning of Dom and I’s relationship, Marigold had made it clear that she held certain expectations for the woman who would become her daughter-in-law. My lack of pedigree, my fiery red hair, and perceived lack of refinement were all points of contention for Marigold. In her eyes, I was an outsider, unworthy of her son's prestigious lineage.
The constant barrage of criticism and belittling remarks from Marigold had taken its toll on me, chipping away at my confidence and sense of self-worth. Despite my best efforts to prove her loyalty and devotion to Dominik, I found herself caught in a never-ending cycle of scrutiny and judgment.
As Marigold insinuated doubts about my fidelity and questioned my motives, I felt a surge of indignation rise within myself. The implication that I would betray Dominik, the man I loved, cut deep, leaving a bitter taste in my mouth. Yet, I understood that Marigold's insecurities and fears were driving her behavior, fueling her need to assert control over the situation.
The dynamics between myself and Marigold were fraught with unspoken tensions and power struggles, each woman vying for dominance in their own way. My defiance in the face of Marigold's criticisms and barbs hinted at an underlying strength and resilience that belied my outward appearance.
She lightly cleared her throat, the sound echoing in the opulent room. "Darling," she began, her voice smooth but with an underlying tension. A faint, almost imperceptible smile played on her lips, not quite reaching her eyes. "I know you would never hurt my son in such a fashion."
With deliberate grace, she slowly rose from her seat, her elegant movements betraying the subtle power she held. Her hand smoothed down the expensive fabric of her dress, erasing any hint of imperfection. "You're a very beautiful girl - woman," she remarked, her words laced with a mixture of compliment and observation.
Turning to face me fully, she continued, her gaze piercing yet enigmatic. "Those men at Thorpe Abbots haven't seen or been around a real woman in who knows how long - only the women that are working or the local townies." Her voice trailed off momentarily, her hands coming to rest gently on my arms. "It's going to be hard for them to resist you."
I regarded her with a mixture of curiosity and apprehension as she pivoted back towards the chair, as if the weight of her words had dissipated as quickly as they had been spoken. I felt the urge to respond rising within me, but something in her demeanor made me hesitate, my words left unspoken.
As she settled back into her seat, a subtle yet unmistakable smugness crept into her expression, adding a layer of complexity to her otherwise composed facade. Her eyes met mine once more, a silent challenge lingering in their depths.
"Better get packing, darling," she remarked casually, the nonchalance in her tone belying the undercurrent of tension that hung in the air…
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We lay in silence, the distant sounds of the bustling streets below providing a gentle background melody that filled the room. His touch, feather-light against the curve of my ribcage, sent a shiver of electricity racing through my body.
"Someone walking over your grave?" he remarked, a playful glint in his eyes as he traced patterns on my skin with his fingertips.
Resting my chin on his chest, our gazes locked in a shared moment of intimacy. "Excuse me?" I replied, a hint of curiosity in my voice.
He chuckled softly, the sound like music in the quiet room, as he brushed a stray strand of hair away from my face. "My pops used to say that when you get a cold chill, it means someone is walking on your grave." His words carried a touch of nostalgia and folklore.
Raising my eyebrows in amusement, I shook my head. "Can't say I've heard that one before."
As my left hand trailed down his chest, I noticed the cross necklace he wore, a simple yet meaningful charm that he kept close for protection. Taking the pendant between my thumb and index finger, I studied it briefly before placing it gently in the center of his chest, my fingers lingering over the cool metal.
"My mom gave it to me before I left," he explained, his voice tinged with emotion. "I'm not really a believer, but you need something to protect you out there."
Moved by his vulnerability, I began to share a piece of my own family history. "My grandmother was a God-fearing woman," I started, the memories of her devout faith flooding back. "She would attend church on Sundays and Wednesdays, unwavering in her devotion even in the face of adversity." A pang of sorrow touched my heart as tears threatened to well up in my eyes. "But when my Grandad fell ill, her faith wavered. She prayed for miracles as he lay dying, his lungs ravaged by years spent in the mines."
The weight of past grief hung heavy in the air between us, the shared stories weaving a bond of understanding and empathy that transcended words.
John's arm tightened around my waist; his unwavering attention focused on every word I spoke.
"After he passed away, she changed," I continued, a wistful smile playing on my lips as I reminisced. "She stopped praying, stopped going to church as often, stopped believing. My grandad was her entire world, her reason for everything. She used to tell my brother and me that God had led Grandad into her life." The warmth of nostalgia colored my voice as I shared the cherished memories.
"She would say that she prayed for God to send her a hard-working farm boy - one with dark hair and skilled hands." John's chest rumbled with laughter; his amusement palpable in the air between us. "And one day, it was as if he appeared out of the heavens, right at Sampson's Feed store across the street from her daddy's farm."
As I slowly rose from the bed, the sheet draped around my waist, I pulled my legs up to my chest, lost in the recollection. "She loved that man more than anything - perhaps even more than she loved God, I think."
The bed shifted as John pressed his chest against my back, his warm breath sending a shiver down my spine.
"Have you ever felt that kind of love?" His whisper tickled my ear, his words laden with a depth of emotion.
Turning my head, our lips met in a soft, tender kiss, an unspoken connection weaving between us in the quiet intimacy of the moment.
"Does right now count?" I murmured between kisses, the warmth of our closeness enveloping us.
A smile played on John's lips as he pulled back slightly, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well," he teased, gently guiding me into a lying position on the mattress, "you were certainly calling for him earlier."
We both laughed, the shared moment of levity breaking through any lingering tension. I wrapped my arms around his neck, our gazes meeting with a mix of affection and sincerity.
"You're so beautiful," He whispered, his words carrying a depth of feeling that stirred my heart.
My fingers tangled in his brown locks, finding their place at the nape of his neck. "As are you, John Egan." I replied, the unspoken bond between us growing stronger with each passing moment.
His lips met mine in a gentle manner, each light peck carrying a world of unspoken emotions, his hand tenderly caressing my cheek with a touch that spoke volumes. We lingered in that moment of quiet intimacy, the outside world fading into insignificance as we shared a silent connection that transcended words.
After a moment, he lifted himself up from the bed, leaving the sheet behind as he made his way to the curtained window. I watched as his back muscles moved beneath his skin, a silent display of tension and contemplation as he gazed out at the streets below. The sun had hidden behind the thickening clouds, casting the room into a dim twilight as the impending rain approached.
Quietly, I crawled out of the bed, the sheet slipping off my body as I closed the distance between us.
Instinctively, my arms wrapped around his mid-section, offering a comforting embrace. "Are you okay?" I whispered, pressing my lips against his back, seeking to convey my support through the simple contact of our bodies.
He let out a deep sigh, his body relaxing into my touch as his hands found their place atop mine. "You ever wonder if all of this is really worth it?" His voice held a weight of solemn reflection as he voiced the doubts that lingered in his mind. "All this killing and bombing - innocent lives lost every day, many of them unaware until it's too late." The heaviness of his words echoed the burdens he carried, the moral complexities of his actions weighing heavily on his conscience.
Listening to his inner turmoil, I felt a surge of empathy and understanding for the struggles he faced. "You can't beat yourself up about that, John," I spoke softly, offering reassurance in the face of his inner turmoil. "The choices you've made, the actions you've taken - they may be part of a larger conflict, but you have to remember the good you're fighting for, the lives you're trying to protect."
John and I barely knew one another, but even in the brief moments we shared, it was evident that the weight of war was bearing down heavily on him. His eyes, once bright with youthful vigor, now held a weariness that seemed to go beyond mere physical exhaustion. It was a weariness of the soul, a deep-seated fatigue born from the harrowing experiences he had endured on the battlefield.
"My pal Buck says the same thing," He remarked, a faint smile edging on his face as memories of their conversations flooded back. "He always told me to just worry about getting back home to Wisconsin – making sure our country and those helping us fight those German pricks win the battle – big or small."
As the rain began to drum against the windowpanes, a sense of shared vulnerability enveloped us, binding us together in a moment of shared empathy and support amidst the storm of uncertainty and doubt.
His hands fell from mine as he turned towards me, his eyes falling on my naked frame. The slightest hint of sadness could be seen in his irises. Without hesitation, I closed the gap between us, his callused hands reaching my thighs, bending down slightly as he hoisted me onto his hips. Our lips never separating, a muffled moan purred through my body as my back hit the wall next to the window. The cooling fall air that drifted in from the draft window was no match for the heat that coursed through my body as John’s touch lit a fire in and outside my body.
As our embrace deepened, the weight of the war seemed to momentarily fade away, replaced by a sense of raw connection and passion. In that fleeting moment, there was only the two of us, lost in a dance of desire and longing.
The world outside may have been engulfed in chaos and uncertainty, but within the walls of that room, time seemed to stand still. Each touch, each kiss, spoke volumes of unspoken emotions and desires. It was a moment of respite, a brief escape from the harsh realities of the outside world.
With the leverage from the wall, his hand made quick work as it moved between our bodies, his large fingers finding my clit, my hips responding as they moved against his touch.
“John, please.” My mouth latching onto his neck, an animalistic growl releasing from his body.
His paced quickened, “Tell me what you want.” His breath hot against my ear. “Tell me you want me to fuck you.”
My teeth biting down harder on his neck as my walls began to clench around his touch. “Goddammit, Rachel –“His words full of lust. “Tell me what you fucking want.”
The pleasure causing tears to form in my eyes, “Fuck me, John.” Out of breath. “Please just fuck me, please!” Without warning, his cock slammed into me. His lips harshly meeting mine, stifling the gasp that fell between our kiss.
The pace was fast – hard as our hips slapped against one another. His fingers digging into my sides as my nails dragged down his back, hard enough to pull away the first layer of skin.
“Harder.” I begged. “Oh God, please go harder!”
I cried out in pain as my back repeatedly hit the wall behind me – his cock swelling inside of me as we started to reach our climax.
The warm sensation soon flooded my core, the liquid rolling down my leg as his cock stayed buried inside of me. His lips peppering kisses along my collarbone as my fingers floated through his hair as we both regained our breath.
“I don’t think I’m gonna be able to make it back to the base.”
“And why’s that?” His hips slowly moving again.
“Because-“The friction between our hips causing us both to groan. “You’re gonna be the fucking death of me.”
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As the soft glow of the vanity lights illuminated the room, casting a warm ambiance over the space, Dominik's footsteps echoed against the wooden floors, the sound a rhythmic accompaniment to the weight of the impending departure. His words lingered in the air, carrying with them a mixture of anticipation and melancholy.
"I spoke with Colonel Huglin over the phone today," His voice tinged with a hint of tension that belied the calm facade he tried to maintain. "It seems like everything is ready for our arrival in the morning."
I turned to face him, meeting his gaze in the reflection of the mirror. His hair, usually meticulously styled, now bore the tousled look of a man consumed by nerves and the weight of responsibility.
"My mother is going to take Charlotte back to the States once we get on the plane," Dominik continued, his words hanging between us with unspoken emotions. "I told her to stay here for a while, but she's insistent on getting out of England."
I couldn't help but inwardly roll my eyes at Marigold's insistence on whisking Charlotte away to New York. The prospect of being separated from my daughter for an unknown stretch of time tugged at my heart, the idea of her absence leaving an ache in its wake. While Dominik and Marigold argued that the military base was no place for a young girl, I couldn't shake the feeling that there were other children in the town who could keep her company.
“What time do we leave?” I asked, my voice tinged with concern.
Dominik checked his watch, furrowing his brow. “Huglin mentioned the plane will be ready at nine sharp. We need to be at the airfield no later than 8:30.”
I bit my lip, a pang of sadness washing over me. “Charlotte will still be sleeping when we leave. I can’t bear not saying goodbye to her. We don’t know how long we’ll be a part. Your mother isn’t gonna let me wake her that early.”
“Maybe it’s best we leave without saying goodbye.” Dominik suggested, his tone matter of fact.
I stood up from the vanity, feeling a surge of frustration. “You can’t be serious, Dom?”
He shrugged, his expression impassive. “You know how my mother is. She doesn’t want Charlotte upset. She’ll have to deal with a crying child when we leave.”
Dominik’s dismissal of my feelings stung. “I’ll have Mother call the base when they land in New York and you can talk to Charlotte then,” he continued, his hands moving down my arms.
Tensions crackled in the air as he towered over me. His words, though well-intentioned, felt like a cage closing in around me. “I know it’s hard to be away from the baby, but I need you with me. You’re my rock, sweetheart,” he murmured, planting a gentle kiss on my neck. “I can’t go anywhere without my special little rock.”
I felt a mix of emotions swirling inside of me – love, frustration, and a hint of resignation. Dominik’s ability to use intimacy to end arguments was both comforting and manipulative. I knew that arguing further would only lead to more tension. So, with a heavy heart, I relented, letting the moment of peace wash over us…
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As I stood by Charlotte's bedside, the soft glow of the nightlight casting a warm aura over the room, memories flooded her mind. Remembering the first time I held Charlotte in her arms, the overwhelming rush of love and protectiveness that consumed my heart. It was a feeling unlike any other, a bond that transcended words and explanations.
Gently brushing a stray strand of hair away from Charlotte's face, I whispered, "Sweetheart, it's time for me to go now. But remember, mommy loves you more than anything in this world." My voice cracked with emotion as I fought back tears, hand trembling slightly as I traced the curve of her cheek.
She stirred slightly, her eyelids fluttering open to reveal sleepy, drowsy eyes. "Mama?" she murmured, her voice soft and filled with innocence.
My heart ached at the sight of my precious daughter looking up at me, so small and vulnerable in the dim light. "Hi, baby girl," my voice barely above a whisper. "I just wanted to say goodbye before I go."
She reached out a tiny hand, her fingers seeking the comfort of her mother's touch. "Don't go, Mama," she said, her voice tinged with a hint of sadness.
Tears welled up in my eyes, leaning in to press a gentle kiss on Charlotte's forehead. "I have to go, darling, but I'll be back before you know it. Grandmother will take good care of you while I'm away, okay?" I reassured her, my voice filled with love and tenderness.
With a heavy heart, I tucked the covers snugly around Charlotte, tucking her in with care. Lingering for a moment, savoring the quiet peace of the room before I reluctantly turned to leave.
As I stepped out into the hallway, a familiar voice made me jump in surprise. "A little early for tears, Rachel," Mari's voice floated towards her, her figure blending into the shadows of the room.
Startled, I clutched my chest, heart racing from the unexpected encounter. "Marigold, you nearly gave me a heart attack," I gasped, trying to steady my breathing.
Mari's gaze flickered towards Charlotte's room, her expression unreadable. "Dominik told you not to wake her," she reminded in a low tone. "You know how she gets when you leave her. It wasn't a wise choice, Rachel."
Feeling a pang of guilt, I nodded silently, realizing the impact of my actions. With a heavy sigh, I prepared myself for the difficult task ahead, knowing that leaving Charlotte behind was a sacrifice I had to make for now.
I watched as she retreated into Charlotte's room, glaring daggers as she closed the door behind her, the tension between us palpable in the air. I stood there for a moment, the silence of the house buzzing in my ears like a persistent drone, a stark contrast to the storm of emotions swirling within me. With a heavy exhale, I gathered my resolve and took a deep breath, steeling myself for what lay ahead. The faint sound of a car engine humming in the distance pulled me back to the present, prompting me to make my way towards the awaiting vehicle, each step feeling heavier than the last as I left the turbulent scene behind me.
The weather once again mimicked the mood, a common occurrence for England, with dark clouds looming overhead and a chilly wind cutting through the air. Despite the dreariness of the day, there was a certain familiarity in the gray skies and mist that enveloped the surroundings, as if nature itself was reflecting the emotional turmoil within.
My eyes met the driver's, a silent exchange of gratitude passing between us as he held the car door open, a small gesture that spoke volumes amidst the unspoken tension that lingered in the air. Dominik's body stiff beside me, his presence a palpable force in the confined space of the car.
"I told you to leave her alone, Rachel. I told you not to wake her, and of course, you never listen." Dominik's voice was low, the words carrying a weight of frustration and disappointment.
He stared out the window, his gaze fixed on the passing scenery outside, the rigid set of his jaw betraying his inner turmoil.
"After your little emotional moment," Dominik's voice cut through the tense silence in the car, his words laced with a hint of frustration. He paused; the weight of his gaze heavy as he turned to look at me briefly before returning his attention to the road ahead. "You better hope we're not late getting to the airfield."
His words stung, a stark reminder of the consequences of my actions and the impact they had on our plans. Guilt gnawed at me, knowing that my emotional outburst had potentially jeopardized Dominik's mission and the success of the operation ahead. The weight of his disapproval bore down on me, adding to the already heavy atmosphere in the car.
I swallowed hard, the lump in my throat making it difficult to form a coherent response. The reality of the situation sank in, the urgency of our mission overshadowing any personal grievances or misunderstandings between us. With a deep breath, I nodded silently, understanding the gravity of the situation and the need to focus on the task at hand.
As the car started to move away, my thoughts were consumed by Charlotte. I had envisioned our trip to Thorpe Abbots with Dominik as a special event, a chance for us to bond and create lasting memories together. Dominik, poised to become the 2nd colonel in command, was about to embark on a crucial mission to take down the German forces, and I had hoped to support him in this pivotal moment of his career.
However, as the weight of our unspoken tensions and misunderstandings hung heavy in the air, I couldn't shake the feeling of missed opportunities and shattered expectations. What was meant to be a moment of triumph and unity now seemed clouded by discord and distance.
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“I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON Speculation: Buddie Multi-Chapter Fanfic - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 29 is now available on AO3.
Chapter 30 will be posted by Tuesday, July 2, 2024.
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“I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Currently 29 chapters completed: 1.248M Words; Rated: Mature
One chapter will be posted at a time.
Please note: Since Chapter 29 was so big, I had to divide it into two chapters, 29 & 30. On Wednesday, my plan was to post both of them at the same time this weekend, however, after I divided them, I needed to make sure the continuity was still there so that Chapter 29 would narratively flow directly into Chapter 30. Right now, I'm still proofreading and editing Chapter 30 but I didn't want to not post something today. Therefore, I'm posting one chapter today and I plan to post Chapter 30 by Tuesday, July 2nd.
Here's a snippet from Chapter 29 of an emotional conversation between Buck and Eddie.
“Amore mio, I’m leaving the 118!”
“Uh… what was that?” Buck whisper asks.
Immediately, everything starts happening in slow motion. As Eddie’s statement reverberates inside of Buck’s mind, his eyes widen, his smile fades and the air in his lungs evaporates. Now he’s nervous because he doesn’t understand what’s happening and even though he’s heard those words come out of Eddie’s mouth before, it’s been more than two years since he last said them and after he did, Buck was in a state of shock.
A few seconds pass and he figures he’s been quiet too long when he hears his husband call his name.
“I’m here but… Eddie, I don’t understand. Please tell me you didn’t quit because of me. I promise I feel better and I’m healing.”
Why is Eddie leaving the 118, again? 👀
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Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to departing Los Angeles for their international adventure, a moment in time will remind them; life is fragile, tomorrow isn’t promised and every second of everyday should be cherished because everything can change in an instant. The result of that realization will cause them to hold onto each other even more.
Chapter 18 - As Buck, Eddie and Chris prepare for family gatherings before and during the Thanksgiving holiday, the “Santa Ana Winds” start to blow and all sorts of expected and unexpected familial drama ensues.
Chapter 19 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to their wedding day, the universe begins to align everything so that some of their parent and children's relationships are strengthened while others come to an abrupt end.
Chapter 20 - With only 14 days remaining until Buck, Eddie and Chris depart Los Angeles, CA traveling to Rome, Italy, for their first family adventure, an early morning conversation about “tying up loose ends” helps Buck and Eddie realize there are still several things left unfinished on their ‘To Do’ lists. The question is will there be enough time to complete all of them?
Chapter 21 - Buck, Eddie and Chris are finalizing their ‘To Do’ Lists, double checking their itineraries and packing their suitcases in preparation for their trip to Europe so they can board their flight that departs Los Angeles, CA on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 3:25PM.
Chapter 22 - While Buck, Eddie and Chris spend the first 8 days of their European family adventure in Italy, their primary reason for going will be fulfilled as well as several others they hadn’t considered or anticipated.
Chapter 23 - As the Diaz Family continues their Italian family adventure, they’ll say, “Ciao” or hello and goodbye to a lot of things almost immediately after they become an official and legal family.
Chapter 24 - After Buck, Eddie and Chris arrive in London, England on December 24th; the Diazes immediately start preparing to spend their first family Christmas together. During their stay, each of them will hear a few choice words that will be the life raft to get them home to complete their searches to be seen and to be found.
Chapter 25 - After spending more than two weeks in Europe, Eddie, Buck and Chris are back in Los Angeles and they’re getting ready to attend Maddie and Chimney’s New Year’s Eve party. During the event, they have plans to make two surprise announcements but the question is, who’s really going to be surprised, the Diaz family or their found family at the 118?
Chapter 26 - Buck and Eddie are once again faced with their greatest fear of losing each other but this time it could be permanent and if it is, then they won’t be able to spend the rest of their lives together.
Chapter 27 - After Buck resumes therapy, he’ll continue to face the fact that he “DIED” in March 2023 and during those sessions, he’ll learn about the 7 stages of grief. As he continues his healing journey, Eddie will be right by his side just like he promised and the Diaz family will start to deal with their three minutes and seventeen seconds loss as a family.
Chapter 28 - Two years ago, Eddie was asked, “What are you afraid of?”; twice, once by Frank and once by Buck but he only answered one of them without deflecting. Since that time, he’s been to therapy and him and Buck got married but the question resurfaces when Frank asks Buck the same question and Buck asks it of Eddie for the second time. However, when Buck asks, his reasoning will be about something else entirely.
Chapter 29 - After Buck and Eddie have an emotionally intimate conversation regarding their dreams, they make several decisions that will affect their future. When everything falls into place, they’ll realize one of those decisions will result in them no longer being work partners.
Chapter 30 - Will be posted by Tuesday, July 2, 2024
Chapter 31 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-29; they're available on AO3.
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law-d-water-trafalgar · 10 months
🌠Fall From Heaven🌠
🍡Katakuri X F!Reader🍡
After this female fic i will ONLY be doing when i have time. Gn! Reader and M/M Reader X Character fics.
I reread this like over 10 times so forgive any mistakes please comment about plot errors and ill see about fixing them.
Summary: God of Skypeia, fallen to earth impacted a crator, fallen from heaven. You awaken in Big Mom's Territories only for.....
Comment or dm what direction the story should go? Is this fic any good?
Multi chapter -> Yes
Read time: Slow Reader -> 1 Hour/Fast Reader -> About 30 - 40 minutes
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You were flying down from Skypeia desperate to get to land to activate your waypoint, when you fell asleep. Been working yourself to the bone non stop havent slept in a week, now you had to find a husband. Giving the Skypeia people what they want. Causing you to fall like a meteor out of the sky landing into grass impacting like a crater close to a big building.
~Three Days Later~
Fluttering your eyes open you hear a womans voice yell
"Master Katakuri! Shes awake!" Sitting up you realize youve been changed from your short sleeve white and silver tasseled short dress robes from Skypeia into blood red silk pajamas. Looking around you see your in a fancy mansions bedroom room but everything is ginormous meaning the walls, furniture and ceiling.
'Does a gaint live here?' you think as you hear a knock on the door sliding out of the enormous bed.
"Yes?" You answer. The door opens as your pick up your headphones putting them on. Turning around you see a very very tall man probably around fourteen or fifteen feet tall wearing all black vest with it unbuttoned showing off his chest and abs, black leather pants, black boots with cowboy spurs, his mouth covered in a black and white fur scarf, also he has pink tattoos.
"Your finally awake (N) The Electric God. I have to take you to see Mama. Get ready"
"Wait whats your name?" You ask.
"Charlotte Katakuri" He turns and leaves closing the enormous door. Changing into your Skypiea robes clipping your golden crown to your handphones putting them on. You head out the door and a servant leads you to Katakuri in the living room. All the furniture was enormous. You transform your size to ten foot tall, since you were made out of electricity you could grow or shrink sizes but your biggest was a ten foot tall limit. You accommodate yourself to the size of the furniture and sit on a chair across from him. Him seemingly not phased by your size change.
"How long was I-" He cuts you off.
"Three days" He says staring at you.
"Ahh You have future sight th-"
"Yes" He responds.
"You could at least let me finish my sentences." you say crossing your arms pouting.
"Allright any more questions?" he asks as you respond.
"Im assuming your the one who saved me?" You ask as he nods his head yes, somehow his scarf still covering his mouth.
"Awe well thank you You could have just killed me in my venerable state." you smile at him as he tenses up.
"Why so tense Katakuri? I am not an enemy even if I am a Yonko" stating you stand as well as him.
"Im fine. Mama said to keep you safe. Lets go" he says walking out of the room as you follow him. Following Katakuri to the throne room you look out windows in ah at the kingdom. He slows down for you to cetch up as you assume his silblings walk past. You had researched Big Moms territory before heading out but had exhausted yourself before you fell out of the sky. Once to the throne room you assume Big Mom had allready been briefed on your awakening. Katakuri, Perospero and Oven were standing listening to the conversation.
'They must have the big bounties around me to make sure I dont declare war or let me escape or something.' you think as Big Mom speaks.
"What brings you here Electric God Yonko, Queen of Skypiea?" Mama asks as you respond.
"Ah so youve done your research Linlin good to know. Makes things easier for me to talk about. I am here for marriage on behalf of my people. They wish to see me married. Though I have my reservations and conditions." Stating she says
"Linking to all of Skypiea would open up a lot of possibilities for the Big Mom pirates along with your technology. How old are you if I may ask?" She asks.
"Ahh, I must admit having another Yonko and Logia type spouse would benefit the Big Mom pirates as well." She states as you nod in agreement.
"So what are your conditions?" She asks you.
"Courtship of at least three months. Staying here and in Skypiea an equal amount of time. What I say goes regarding while in Skypiea. I may have the freedom to come and go as I please while in any part of your territory." She looks upset.
"Thats too much!" she sqeals
"Well those are my conditions since, I now have a waypoint of yours I can just teleport back to Skypiea if you dont agree with my terms." You stand firm smiling liking this banter as the others watch you, tensed when you say youd escape.
"Soul or death?" Linlin asks as you scof
"Dont waste my time Linlin" You state crossing your arms. After a minute of nothing happening she seems to think as the others in the room seemed shocked and tense that your not afraid of their mother.
"Im not budging on my conditions" you say uncrossing your arms. She deep sighs and says
"Very well Ill accept your terms. Allow me to draw up a candidate for you Yonko of the sky. Meanwhile you must stay put at Katakuri's home. Itll take one week" She admits defeat. With everyones mouths dropped open except Katakuri's at your successful bartering you nod and say
"Thank you Big Mom. Glad to know your so..... flexible."
"Katakuri you will watch her for the week make sure she doesnt escape. Take her away now." Big Mom grumbled.
"Yes Mama" he says then leading you out of the throne room as you look through the windows again on the way back.
"Your not very talkative are you?" Asking Katakuri.
"No" he responds as he opens the door of his mansion for you.
"Thanks" saying as you walk into his mansion.
"Make her some food" Katakuri says to the kitchen staff as your stomach grumbles. Giggling
"Its gonna take a little bit to get used to you" saying to Katakuri as he heads off with you following into his office. You sit in a chair as he sits at his desk writing on paperwork you assume. You start floating because of your electricity as you relax while singing Bring Me The Horizon - nihilist blues (Lyric Video) ft. Grimes
He seems to relax as well eventually as its now noon. You stop floating when you hear the staff. The kitchen staff comes inside the room setting up gaint food but small relative to your gaint body now, onto the table in front of you. Everything from desert to breakfast was placed on the table. Smiling you chirp
"Thank you" to the staff as they dont say a word and leave making you worry you have done something wrong. About to ask him if you did anything wrong he says
"You didnt do anything wrong. They are told not to speak." you hear from him as you start with the fruit.
"Everything tastes soo sweet here haha but I unfortunately cant eat all of this. Dont you want some too Katakuri?" you giggle as you eat some handmade deserts then a chocolate doughnut. He freezes at your voice saying
"Im not hungry" then continues writing on his paperwork.
'Man this is gonna be boring' you rest your palm to your face elbow on the chair as you go into a food coma. Suddenly waking up after hours of sleep you realize your in bed again but still in your robes under the blankets.
'He must have carried me to bed the staff are too small to carry my big self' a blush rises to your cheeks.
~A Whole Week Later~
You and Katakuri didnt talk much, as he was to just keep you from escaping with his future sight haki. He would always dissapear around mid day though for what you couldnt possibly know since he was supposed to be watching you.
Back in Big Moms throne room. Katakuri standing next to you and Perospero further behind you.
"Katakuri step forward" Confused you see him step forward then tense up, while you wait for Mamas response.
"You will be (N's) candidate for courtship, Perospero will draw up the papers" Mama says as you blush hoping noone could see you.
"Are you sure Mama?" he asks like it was a mistake.
"There is no mistake Katakuri. (N) do you accept this proposition?" She asks as you respond
"Yes thats fine with me it has been an intresting week so far anyways hehe" you giggle as she smiles
"Gather what you need Katakuri you will both start courting immediately starting in Skypiea first thing tomorrow. Perospero take on Katakuri's job, while their away on Skypiea. Is that fine with you (N)?" She asks as you cross your arms then shrug.
"Yes Mama" Perospero says from behind you.
"Its not like I have a choice anymore. I used up my bargaining chips allready you know that better than anyone Linlin" You say as she laughs.
"Sharp as ever (N). Wait in the hallway while I talk to my son." She asks as you nod then head out to the hallway not really caring what they talk about as your easy going. Looking out a floor to ceiling length window at the kingdom your patiently waiting for what seems like awhile as you lean on the wall your ten foot tall self relaxed. Suddenly the door opens revealing Katakuri as he walks up to you.
"Lets go" was the only thing he said as you obey walking behind him. Following him back to his house. Your both in the living room when you get a call on your snail phone. Answering it cheerfully
"Hello this (N)"
"Ahh hi Kai whatsup?"
"I allready told you this is not a vacation" You huff
"Send the troops to take care of it. Yes ive found a suitor. Ive been just fine they've taken care of me yes. Well be headed there tomorrow morning."
"Its really cool here. Theres all kinds of people here."
"Dont embarrass me when we get there okay."
"Tell the chefs to get prepared in the morning to start practicing recipes that ill have them cook or bake for my suitor in the morning"
"Okay bye now see you soon."
*Click* Putting the small snail phone into your pocket your startled by Katakuri's voice.
"Whose Kai?" he asks
"Ah finally intrested in my life now I see haha. Kai is my childhood best friend and part of my personal knights squadron at my palace" You giggle as you put both hands behind your head yawning.
"Hey have you been putting me in my room this whole week when I fell asleep somewhere?" You raise an eyebrow as he responds
"Awe how sweet of you" Giggling you place your hands back into your lap.
"Oh before I forget have your chefs write down any recipes and give them to me, for what food you like to eat and drink." he nods then pulls out a snail phone
"I need you to write down the recipes, and bring it to my mansion before tomorrow morning."
*click* he puts the snail phone away as you notice him shift his weight in his chair.
"Is there anything else I should know about you Katakuri? I know your mouth is a sensitive topic but just know I fully respect you and your decisions." He seems to tense up at your words but says
"Thank you and I just need my paperwork" he says the tips of his ear turning red.
'Hes so cute when hes shy! I didnt think this billion berry man to have a sweet side ... though he is a Sweets Commander after all' You think as he stands and walks to his office as you follow. Looking out the window shows day turning to night time. After some time...
"Allright im headed to bed goodnight Katakuri. Have the deliverer leave the papers on my bed"
"Goonight (n)" Giggling you ran to your room and once you threw the silk pjs on the bed hopping on it you shrank in size back to your normal size. Having holding your bigger size takes some of your power but only very little since you are a Yonko after all. Changing into the clothes you soon pass out. Night becoming morning as the suns rays poke through the window waking you. With groggy eyes you stir sitting up seeing a stack of papers on your bed at the foot. Getting dressed in your special silver robes putting on your headphones, white boots and golden crown you go to the papers there your small size so you read through them.
'Ahh so he loves doughnuts and tea how cute' you think as a knock comes from your room door.
"Yes?" you say as the door opens to reveal your suitor he says
"We better get going" he states as he approaches your bed. Sliding to the edge of the ginormous bed that would most likely fit him, you expand in size to your ten foot self to accommodate him. You hear
"How did you sleep?" emanate from him. Turning to give him a smile you beam at him
"I slept like a rock. Also Katakuri I wanted to thank you for letting me stay with you. Even though it was your job." He just nods in affirmation then says
"Your welcome. Are you ready?" him holding a duffle bag slung over a shoulder. Standing you gather the papers from the bed as you nod opening your pocket dimension made of electricity (like Doctor Stranges portals but it leads into a private bedroom dimension) you set the papers down on the desk then emerge out of your pocket dimension as it closes. He seems shocked for once.
"I can create a pocket dimension with my electricity though, it only has my private bedroom in it" Your answer seems to sedate his appetite as he nods.
"Allright lets go!" squealing you grab his hand and point upwards with the other hand. Transforming into electricity you teleport the both of you to the steps of your palace. Turning back into regular form of your ten foot self letting go of his hand you open the doors yelling
"Im back!" Suddenly the staff and two of your personal knights Dido and Kai with devil fruit powers come to greet you.
"Your back my queen! The queens back everyone!" Kai yells. Smiling at your trusted servants, their used to you changing sizes. Gesturing to Katakuri you introduce him to everyone at once.
"This is Charlotte Katakuri from the Big Mom pirates he saved me when I first got to the land of Totto. He will be my suitor treat him well or your fired. Always knock on his door no matter what he likes his privacy." All your staff and knights nod as you go to the kitchen while Katakuri is led to his room to unpack, across from yours, Knights gaurding the doors. Opening your portal grabbing the recipe papers you hand them to the chefs
"I expect perfection by midday." As you turn around Katakuri is staring at you. Taken aback a little as you didnt hear him.
"Haha silent and deadly I see" You giggle as your personal knight Kai frowns but remains quiet probably gauging Katakuri like he gauges anyone who come to the palace. Headed to your bigger office you sit in the huge chair as Katakuri sits also, meanwhile Kai stands at attention in half mail suit of armor. Dido patrolling the halls.
"Oh before I forget you may roam the islands if you want Katakuri but id like to show you around myself tomorrow. To tour all the islands would take about a week"
"Allright I will wait for you." he says as you feel Kai look shocked that Katakuri spoke. Kai being of normal size. You have Observation Haki as well just yours is feeling others and where and who they are though, while your relaxed though you could get spooked. Starting on paperwork you size up your reading glasses put them on and begin paperwork as youve been lacking for a soild week. Katakuri finishes his paperwork that he brought. At mid day Katakuri dissapears as you stand entering the kitchen.
"So hows everything going? You all better have prepared everything." Kiki your head chef nods saying
"Everything is prepared your highness." She says.
"Allright Dido said he was roaming around outside go take it to him continue this schedule while he is here. Actually ill take it out to him Kiki" You grab the enormous basket and head out of the palace with Kai following you. Once you see his Mochi house it clicks in your mind
'He must be extremely sensitive about his face' you think as his voice emanates from the mochi house.
"Leave it there" you hear as you set the basket of huge ass doughnuts and tea pot with cup down.
"I like your lil house. Anyways my chefs tried their best to mimic your regular doughnuts and tea. Let me know if anything is wrong Katakuri"
"Thank you (N)" he says as you and Kai leave back into the palace to your office while your chefs bring your regular tea and tuna sushi and cake. After eating you put on your reading glasses again and continue working. after awhile
"(N) Why would you invite someone like him here?" Kai asks as you feel Katakuris gaze on you both through a cracked door.
"Kai your on thin ice this is your only warning. He isnt bad if I hear one more negative comment your fired. Besides I actually like him even if he is quiet." Kai frowns as you finish your sentence then shrink down to his size putting a hand on his shoulder to reassure him everything was fine.
"(N) I must confess to you I love you. I have ever since we were children. Please break the courtship and be mine? What can that monster offer you anyways?!" he leans in to kiss you almost landing it when you pull back slapping him in the face it echoing off the walls.
"Thats it youve tested my patience Kai! Your fired! Pack your things and leave the Palace at once. I wont stand for such talk about my suitor. You disgust me judging him when you dont even know him. This is why I wont be yours you judge others without knowing who they really are. I wont cheat on him with anyone! I may not know him that well yet but I do know he is so sweet and kind in his own ways. Unlike you. Now leave before I hurt you" you say somewhat yelling as you size up to ten feet again pointing out of the opposite door that Katakuri was behind. Throwing your hands to your face rubbing your face. After five minutes of Kai leaving Katakuri knocks on the door. Looking up you see him enter the room closing the door then sit on the sofa.
"How much did you see Katakuri?" You stare at him.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks. Shocked you reply
"It pains me to throw him out but I cannot have a knight whose in love with me. This is the first I've heard of it" You admit as he says
"Im not experienced with romantic feelings..So I cannot comment..." he trails off the tips of his ears turning red.
'Awee hes so shy its so cute!' You think as he asks
"Did you really mean everything you said?"
"I meant every word Katakuri. Lieing isnt my strong suit." He stares at you seemingly looking for insincerity but finds none. Unable to help the tears bursting from your innards, silent sobs came from your frame as you placed your face in your hands. After a minute, you feel yourself be picked up and placed on a bigger lap. Knowing its Katakuri, you bury your face on his scarf muffling your cries your hands resting in balls on his chest. Him unmoving. You feel him tense slightly as he turns his head to the cracked door suddenly wrapping his arms around your back. He turns his head back to you as your cries slowed then halted.
"How do you feel now?" you hear as you pull away to meet his face. (C) eyes meet magenta eyes as you realize your position making heat rise to your cheeks. "I feel embarrassed honestly. I had told him to not embarrass me..."
"Do you have many ... loyal... subjects?" he pauses at loyal which makes your face contort into a frown.
"Im so sorry about him Katakuri. I promise there will not be anymore surprises. Your not a monster either im so sorry you had to endure that. Also no hes the only one I believe." Saying he unwraps his arms from you, seeing beforehand that you were going to get up off him. Looking at his magenta eyes saying
"Thank you very much for comforting me Katakuri. It means a lot." Him just nodding as you sit at your desk again. After awhile you hear your kitchen staff knock on the door unmoving you could tell it was just Kiki with your afternoon tea.
"Come in" you coo not looking back as she opens the door revealing a gaint teapot and gaint tea cups. Kiki had a devil fruit that exclusively lets her change size whenever she wants allowing her to go up to nine feet tall. So she can use the big side of the kitchen. She places the teapot and cups on the glass table in front of Katakuri which was some feet away from you.
"Thank you Kiki"
"Of course (N)-Sama. I shall take my leave now." She says as she walks out closing the door with a click. After a couple minutes
"Did you not enjoy the tea in your mochi house? How were the doughnuts also?" Questioning him he replies
"They were delicious not quite the same as Totto lands but still good. The tea complemented them."
"You may drink if your thirsty. I wont look, im too busy with paperwork." Saying you feel him tense up at your words.
"I promise Katakuri" Enforcing your words you could hear him pull down his scarf and sip the tea." Keeping your word you keep your eyes on your papers as you feel his gaze on you the entire time.
'I wonder what he really looks like. Dammit im so curious!' You think but keep your word.
"Im done." You hear him say as you finish writing your sentence then turn to the table pouring yourself a cup of tea sighing then sitting back in your chair setting your teacup on your desk.
"Whats wrong?" you hear emanate from him.
"Should I implement the Eye For An Eye law or not?" You feel him stand and walk over to you as he asks
"May I?" pointing to the paper to which you nod. He picks up the paper reading it then says
"Usually Mamas children are in charge of punishing others. Though in your case, I would inact it to prevent travelers from harming your citizens. What if travelers come to wreak havoc? Without this law it would leave your citizens vulnerable." He states as you nod then sigh
"Your right Katakuri. Id hate for something to happen to my citizens." You sign off on the document stand holding the paper, then call for your other personal knight Dido. Katakuri goes back to sitting in his chair.
Knocking on the closed door you say
"Come in." Revealing Dido
"Milady you called. Where is Kai? Milady you must not be unsupervised"
"Yes rush over to the law building to have this inacted right away. Kai? I had to fire him he crossed the line between professionalism and personal affairs. Dont worry Dido I have Katakuri here to protect me. Hurry along and turn that law in then come back." You say shrinking the document for Dido. He salutes then closes the door with a click. Katakuri raises an eyebrow which you notice but dont look at him.
"Is it often that your subordinates talk back to you?" Katakuri asks with concern in his voice and maybe distain.
"My subordinates are my family and yes they have the rights to ask questions and talk back. I dont want to be a dictator like your mother." He tchs at your sentence before you say it crossing his arms staying silent.
'That must have struck a nerve. I better apologize.' thinking as you say.
"Im sorry to call out your mother but its not like its not true is it? Shes know far and wide for her wrath and dictatorship." He just nods staying silent as you sigh. You head to the kitchen smelling a wonderful aroma with him tailing you.
"I assume youll want to eat in your room tonight?" You ask him as he nods silently. Opening the kitchen door you announce your presence to your staff.
"Hello everyone whats cookin?" Kiki turns to you saying
"A full three course meal and his chosen desert for your suitor along with one of your favorite deserts (n)- Sama" She says as she continues cooking with the rest of the staff.
"Allright good work everyone. Katakuri will dine in his room tonight remember to knock first."
"Okay (N)-Sama!" They all cheerfully say as you go back to your study. Soon its dinner time. Katakuri retires to his room as you stay in your study/office leaving the door cracked as always you hear a knock then Kiki enters the room with a cart of food. She places the dishes on the glass table as you stand thanking her as she exits the room closing the door. Salad, sushi and chocolate cake for desert. Once finished eventually Kiki comes back to collect the dishes.
"Tell the staff to retire early tonight and wake earlier tomorrow to practice making doughnuts for Katakuri any left overs they may eat as usual."
"Yes milady" She says taking out the cart closing the door. Working late into the night you feel disheartened that youve barely made a dint in the paperwork. Eventually you pass out head hitting the desk pen in hand.
~The Next Morning~
Flickering your groggy eyes open.
"Ahh back in bed Katakuri must have put me back in bed again." Getting up you shower, brush your teeth, use the bathroom, then put on a different set of robes with silver tassels. You put on your headphones with crown. Headed to your office you open the door revealing Katakuri sitting reading a book. You noticing it's one of your romance novels. Blushing you ask
"Do you like romance novels?" You ask him as he looks up to you
"Im indifferent on them, I thought I would do research." he says with one leg over the other flipping down the corner of the page he was reading. As you go to your desk looking it over.
Deciding you need a break you turn to him
"Wanna see the islands today?"
"Thats what you said yesterday." He replies.
"Okay DIDO COME HERE!" You yell as Dido enters through the open doors.
"Yes milady?"
"Accompany us to see the islands today." He nods as you walk out of your study with both of them in tow. Outside the palace you grab both their hands and teleport to the first island.
"Welcome to Fluff Island the main tourist destination Island" Dido says mainly to Katakuri. You all were teleported to the top of the stairs of where the air ship would have landed.
"This way!" You excitedly chirp walking down the stairs. Suddenly you felt your foot slip about to fall but feel an arm around your waist steading you.
"Watch yourself" Blushing, you hear Katakuri say as he releases his grip on you.
"Thanks I think am too excited. I havent had to give a tour in many years, mainly due to how hard it is to get here from the sea." Laughing you are more careful down the stairs.
"Allright Welcome to Fluff Island the biggest island of my nation" Intrigued he asks
"Whats the population?"
"Around one million people live here." You explain as one of the citizens comes up to you.
"Im impressed. Thats a lot of people." He says.
"(N)-Sama there are pirates attacking the capital!" A lady yells up to you as you hold onto Didos and Katakuri's hands you teleport to the capital building with the bank right across from it. You all see havoc as the Beast pirates were attacking the bank and capital building. Immediately going into action you create a lightning bolt grab and throw it as it splits into multiple bolts frying the pirates bodies into ash as you target and attack mercilessly.
"Whose your captain?!" you yell enraged as the citizens try to fight back.
"That would be me!" You turn to see King of the Beast pirates.
"Kaido sends his regards!" King yells down to you as he looks to see Katakuri.
"What are you doing here Katakuri of Big Moms pirates?" King asks him.
"I am (N)'s suitor. The Big Moms pirates and Skypiea are about to become one. You sure you want to continue?" you hear Katakuri say as you split to attack the smaller pirates who were pillaging your precious capital.
"I will alert Kaido of the situation but I must complete my mission here." After most of the pirates are ashes you look to King and Katakuri who have been locked in battle.
"King you can tell Kaido to shove it up his ass! I dont want a war!" You say throwing a bolt of lightning which he dodges.
"(N) lets take this to the sky" King says as you flap out electric wings. An unhappy Katakuri as he cant fly watches you.
"Katakuri help protect my citizens please." You say to him as you take off higher in the sky. Turning into your god form with wisps of clouds around your nape you encapsulate you and King within an electric cage to prevent him from escaping feeling Katakuris eyes on you. (Like Doflamingo's bird cage your cage but a sphere and it also shrinks faster though) After some clashes of sword to electric sword King says
"Kaidos going to hear about your union with the Big Mom pirates. You were supposed to have union with the Beast pirates"
"Fine by me! And im never going to side with you animals!" You yell as you teleport behind him frying off his mask revealing his face. He seems agitated as he lashes behind him but you teleport again. Slowly chipping away at his ego you slash at him with an opening wounding him easily. Teleporting behind him again you grab his left wing and slash at his joint where the wing meets his back ripping off his wing making him fall to the clouded ground blood everywhere. Dropping to the ground floating slightly above the ground you stab King in his liver as hes down making him yell out in pain. Slicing your sword out of his body you feel Katakuris eyes on you.
"Tell Kaido to never come back!" Picking up King off the floor as hes bleeding out as you teleport to the edge of Skypeia and throw King off the edge. Teleporting back you turn back into your normal gaint self and scan the damage. Katakuri has finished off the rest of the Beast pirates.
"Citizens gather round!" you yell as they crowd calms down in the plaza listening to their ruler.
"King of the Beast pirates was the one to attack us. For now clean up the wreckage and rebuild. I have dealt with the problem for now. If there are any more problems call the emergency line to the palace and I will come. I will have a commander, supplies and knights come to gaurd the capital."
"Dido stay here for today and answer any questions that the citizens may have. Help them rebuild also.You can take it from here. Call up a squadron of knights to help out and call builders to help rebuild."
"Yes milady" Dido says as he pulls out a snail phone calling. Turning to Katakuri you speak
"Its around mid day lets go back to the palace to eat then ill continue the tour which will probably take a week to complete." He nods and grabs your hand gently as you teleport inside the palace to your office. Letting go of his big hand you head to the kitchen opening the double swing doors.
"Is everything ready?" Kiki turns to you with a big basket of doughnuts saying
"These should be better than the first batch (N)-Sama." You take the basket and tea pot but Katakuri takes the basket off your hand so you just take the teapot and tea cup.
"Thank you everyone!" As you walk out side he follows you. Him making his mochi house setting the basket inside as he takes the tea pot and cup he says
"Thank you for accommodating me (N)" His sentence makes you beam at him smiling making his ears turn red.
"Of course silly I want you to feel as comfortable as possible. And I should be thanking you for helping me during the fight."
"Anyways I hope you enjoy your quiet time. Ill be in my office eating." He nods stepping into his mochi hut closing the door. Teleporting to your office you start on paperwork while Kiki knocks on the door.
"Come in"
Kiki enters and places your sushi down with some tea.
"Thank you Kiki cutie~" You can tell shes blushing as she always does when you call her pet names.
"Go have a break and eat with the staff."
"Yes (N)-Sama" she chimes happily and rolls the cart out as you eat lunch. Once finished you go back to working as eventually you feel Katakuri enter the palace headed to your office. Knocking you say
"Come in Katakuri" He enters the room closing the door sitting in his chair as Kiki knocks on the door
"Come in" Kiki enters taking the plates and tea set leaving the room and closing the door.
"Katakuri how was your treats and tea this time?" You ask him as hes sitting with a leg crossed over the other in his chair.
"They were better than the last batch. Thank you." You nod stretching then standing.
"Shall we continue the tour?" Asking he responds
"Yes im very intrested."
"Yay! Me too!" you giggle then hold his hand teleporting to Fluff Island on the beach this time. You release his hand and run into the sea of clouds. Floating on the sea clouds Katakuri sits on the beach while some of your citizens come up to the foam of the beach yelling for you.
"(N)-Sama! How are you?!" Noticing them you swim back to the beach getting out. It was a group of children shrinking to your adult small regular size they glomp you making you fall over laughing.
"Hello everyone haha!" you pet their heads and some ask you.
"(N)-Sama whose that?" they point at Katakuri.
"He is my suitor everyone say hi to Katakuri" all the children say
"Hello Katakuri" at the same time. He chuckles seemingly amused at your interaction between the children.
"Hello" he replies to them as they wave.
"Allright allright thats enough children. I have to show him around Skypeia still" They all whine getting off of you while you stand. Allright go back to playing kids" They wave at you as you size up and start walking with Katakuri following beside you. You walk with him through the boardwalk with rides and everything as citizens look at you both occasionally waving, you waving back smiling. Walking to the gaint airship you both sit as you ride the technologically advanced machine ship to the next island.
"Welcome to Pearl Island Katakuri. This is where our science team develops weapons among other devices and technology for our military and citizens. I bet your going to have to report about all this to Big Mom but im not worried." you say with a smile entering the science building that was enormous. Tall enough for Katakuri to stand comfortably. Walking to the high tech room you knock on the soild steel door.
"This is (N) open up" suddenly the gate opens and a scientist greets you.
"(N)-Sama welcome back. And who is this with you?"
"This is Katakuri from the Big Mom pirates he is my suitor. Were touring all the islands." The scientist nods glancing up at Katakuri's face then leading you both to the experiment room.
"We have been developing a teleportation door so citizens can go to other islands quicker than the airships. We have allready finished the door and it works perfectly. We are going to implement it on Sundial Island where the military base is soon as next week. Then we have developed a Particle beam cannon thats portable that shoots an electric beam to harm attackers. We just finished Particle pistols as well. Were in development of suits for the knights and troops that will improve training their haki by fifty percent." You feel Katakuri tense up at the scientists words but choose to ignore it.
"Excellent work tell the rest of the team they can have one week off to spend time with their families. Add creating a solar power generator to make electricity for each city to the list. Once back from vacation make sure everyone goes hard on developing the rest of the list. We will take our leave now to continue the tour." The scientist nods
"As you wish (N)-Sama im sure the team will thank you have fun you two." He waves as you nod and start walking out of the science building. Walking with Katakuri beside you you ask
"So what do you think so far Katakuri?" he looks at you smiling at him hands behind your back.
"I think Mama will be happy about the technology you have here. Implementing them at Wholecake Island and the rest of the territories would greatly improve the civilian and military lives." You giggle at his words.
"Thats not what I asked cutie. I asked what do YOU think of it?" Seeing heat in his ears he answers
"Im very impressed by your technologies and rulership... Your a kind ruler."
"Awee hehe thank you I try" you say back as you both sit in the air ship headed to Floral Island.
"Well be arriving at Floral Island soon."
You say as he nods waiting to land.
"What is this ship powered by?" He asks
"Electricity. Every so often I have to go to the battery coil for the nation and give my electricity to the coil battery. If your good I may show you hehe" You giggle as some citizens glance back at you both murmuring about you both him rasing an eyebrow. Once to Floral Island you stand walking onto the island then say
"This is the romance Island since there are so many flowers. This will be the last island for today." You say as you ask
"Do you have a favorite flower Katakuri?"
"No." He replies as he walks beside you into the enormous glass green house. After awhile Katakuri was dragging behind you.
"(N)." You hear your name turning around you see Katakuri holding a flower out to you his ears red as you blush taking the flower holding it close to your chest.
"Thank you Katakuri its beautiful" You say as you go over and give him a quick hug. You giggle at his red ears him looking to the side.
"Whats so funny?" He asks crossing his arms.
"Nothing your just cute when you blush." He blushes deeper looking at you with slightly wider eyes then returns to normal. Headed to the beach you both sit staring at the sunset as you both see couples holding hands and kissing. You yawning he speaks
"Lets head back" Your stomach rumbles as he stands holding out a hand to you. Taking his hand helping you up you say
"Thank you and allright lets go." He holds out his hand as you take it teleporting to your office. Conveniently Kiki knocks on the door.
"Come in" Saying as you release Katakuri's hand, she walks in with your dinner as Katakuri leaves to his room. After eating you work on paperwork till you pass out again.
~Seven Days Later~
During the week Katakuri would put you in your bed every night, because you would over work yourself and pass out at your desk. He finished that romance novel and would read through your other romance novels. Hes become more talkative slowly. Every day youd look at the flower Katakuri gave you but its wilted now and the maid threw it out after a week. Today is the last day touring the Sky Islands.
"Are you ready Katakuri?" You ask as he nods yes.
"Today Ill take you to the military base on Sundial Island." You hold out your hand as he stands walking over grabbing your hand. Teleporting to Sundial Island in front of the base he lets go of your hand, catching some stares you both walk up to the training squad. The squadron salutes you them all saying
"(N)-Sama" at the same time.
"At ease everyone this is a social call. Sky Commander Riko hows everyone doing?"
"They all are passing their marks and enduring gravity training very well. milady" He says in a white and silver uniform. (That looks like a police uniform but white and silver)
"The science devision is on a one week break but once they resume they will be implementing special suits to increase haki use by fifty percent for the military devision."
"Ouu thats exciting milady good to know thank you. Whose this with you?"
"Ah this is Katakuri my suitor from the Big Mom pirates hes the number one Sweets Commander of whole cake Island. Todays the last day touring all the islands. Katakuri this is Riko hes also a logia type." You state smiling.
"Nice to meet a fellow commander sir" Riko says saluting as Katakuri retorts
"Likewise" You wave at Riko and head into the base with Katakuri beside you. Luckily the base is enormous so size so doors arnt a problem. Your immediately greeted by Koko, Kikis twin but who has a different devil fruit used for fighting.
"Hello (N)-Sama nice to see you who is this?"
"Hey Koko. This is Katakuri first Sweets Commander from the Big Mom pirates and my suitor. Were finishing the tour of the islands today. Get me Jozu will you?" She nods and after a short amount of time, Jozu and Koko walks up to you he stands at ten foot tall naturally.
"Im training a squadron right now. I made them take a break. What do you need (N)-Sama?" Gesturing to Katakuri you say
"Jozu this is Katakuri the first Sweets Commander and my suitor from the Big Mom pirates. I just wanted you both to meet. Katakuri this is my First Sky Commander of Skypeia. Hes also a logia type." Jozu holds out his hand to shake Katakuris hand. They shake hands as Katakuri says
"Nice to meet you"
"Likewise if your staying in Skypeia for awhile maybe we can spar eachother or you could spar with Riko or Suna hes the Second Sky Commander and Suna's the Third Sky Commander Haha" Jozu chuckles.
"Perhaps ill take you up on that offer, it depends on what (N) says." Katakuri looks to you.
"That is fine just dont kill eachother and not today though. Just let me know so I can watch. Ill let you get back to training Jozu"
"Of course (N)-Sama. See you both later." Jozu walks off while Koko says
"So is there anything you wish to know Katakuri sir?" She says with a smile.
"What kind of weapons do the normal troops use? How many commanders are there?" He asks quizzically.
"The normal troops carry electric swords that are able to be recharged. The advanced troops use sea prism granades that when explode release shards of sea prism and a electric shock around them. Also they have electric swords and electric guns that shoot electric bullets to paralyze and hit far enemies. All troops in our military use haki and are trained to the advanced haki stages regardless if they have devil fruits or not. There are twenty Sky Commanders but only the top ten train squadrons. The top three Sky Commanders are as follow First is Jozu, Second is Riko, Third is Suna. Today is Suna's day off however. Jozu is a metal logia type. Riko is a gravity logia type. And Suna is a wind logia type." Koko finishes her speech.
"I see thank you Koko" he says then you say
"Yes thank you Koko we will be touring the base so you are free to go now."
"Yes (N)-Sama" She says as she goes back to probably paperwork. Walking around the base you tell Katakuri that the bottom ten Sky Commanders patrol ten different Sky Islands unfortunately their wasnt a commander at the capital but they have hence switched up patrols so that the strongest Sky Commander in the bottom ten is at the capital now. You talk about the advanced technology and how each troop and commander has the white version of electric boots to fly up to hundred feet in the air.
"Your military is so well organized and obedient." he says
"Why thank you Katakuri that means a lot since, I basically built everything from the ground up." Smiling at him he says
"Its time to head back." he says as your stomach growls you giggle.
"I dont know if ill ever get used to your haki but yea lets go eat then continue the tour" He holds out his hand allready used to your touch to teleport as you take hold of his hand you teleport to your office as Kiki knocks on the door.
"Come in Kiki" You say as Katakuri heads outside to make his mochi hut.
"Hello (N)-Sama here is lunch" She sets down the tuna sushi, chop sticks and tea. Then she leaves closing the door. Once finished you continue your paperwork. After awhile,
"Dido!" You yell as you hear the door open turning you see Katakuri and Dido.
"Yes milady?"
"Here take these papers and deliver them to the proper places today." You state shrinking the papers handing them to him.
"Yes milady. Oh when are you going to find a replacement knight? You really shouldnt be alone."
"Dont worry Dido im working on it. Katakuri's here also dont forget that. Now hurry and deliver the papers."
"Yes (N)-Sama" He says then heads out of the door closing the door. Putting your reading glasses on your desk you turn to Katakuri asking
"Are you ready to continue? Were almost done." He nods as you both stand then you open the door walking out of the palace with Katakuri following you.
"Where are we going next?" He asks as you reply
"First lets go back to Sundial Island. I want to give you a present." He looks shocked before you finish your sentence heat rose to his ears.
"Allright" He says holding out his hand as you grab his hand teleporting to the front door of the military base. With him following you, you both walk into the military base. Koko spies you both walking up to you as she mainly does paperwork in her glass office by the front door.
"Hello (N)-Sama. What brings you in here again?" She asks
"Could you get me an extra pair of Flight boots in black? Then replace them from the science devision once their back from vacation and say sorry for me"
"Yes (N)-Sama." Koko walks off then comes back after ten minutes holding black winged boots handing the small boots to you.
"Luckily we just got in these brand new from the science devision a couple day ago (N)-Sama."
"Thanks Koko do you have a message for your sister?"
"Oh yes (N)-Sama! Please ask her out to lunch this Wednesday for me?"
"Ill let her know Koko see ya"
"Goodbye (N)-Sama and Katakuri-Sama" She says as you both walk out onto the beach.
"You dont have to take your boots off Katakuri just step into these as I size them up" As you enlarge the boots with your electricity they puff up then shrink around his spurs seemlessly.
"Are these ones different than the white versions?" You hear him ask. As you stand up you look into his eyes.
"Yes these are the upgraded version. These ones dont have a flight limit and can fly as far as you want until the batteries run out. Ill charge them for you when were back at Whole Cake Island if you want to use them."
"Thank you (N)" You beam up at him seeing his ears turn red saying
"You are my suitor. Its no problem at all Katakuri. Besides you cant get to the battery coil without flying. Also I can't teleport to the battery coil because of the type of technology used, id mess it up and it would probably explode." You smile upward at him.
"I see. How do you activate these?" He asks as you reply.
"Theres a seemless button on the inside ankle on both boots. My troops can fly with just one boot but since your so tall youd need both boots." You lean down pressing both buttons activating them.
"Ill just wait until you get the hang of them before we head out." You say as he starts hovering above the ground.
"Have you ever skated before its kinda like that but you skate upwards to fly." You say sitting down silver tassels flowing around you due to your electricity. Katakuri walking around trying to skate.
"Here let me give you a lesson lets first skate forward then backwards then left then right." He copies your movements.
"Now skating upwards." Still obeying you. After about an hour or so your guessing he seems to have gotten the hang of skate flying. As you were sitting he flies up to you.
"Im ready now." He says floating above the cloud ground with his black winged boots with spurs. You float above the ground then start hovering taking a path around the military base to a cloudless sky with a whinding rainbow as a path.
"Dont go off the path or your probably fall out of the sky. This is called Rainbow Road it may look soild but its not" Saying behind you as he speeds up to fly beside you.
"I understand." He says. After about an hour of flying on Rainbow Road you reach the end which turned into actual grass and trees with a whole forest in front of you. Hovering above the ground you continue forward trees towering over the both of you like Red Woods.
"Weve entered Gods Sacred Woods now. No one besides me and the four guardians are allowed to enter butttt ill make an exception. Their all a billion berries eac-"
"(N)-Sama turn back now, your breaking the law" Voices emanate from the forest. Turning into pure electricity you shout
"Lets make an exception Guardians. Thats an order"
"We cannot allow you (N)-Sama to bring outsiders to the battery coil under ANY circumstances" Hovering gently jogging in place, Katakuri seems intrested as you shout
"Fine come at me with your best shot"
Slowly raising your left arm once all four jump to you obviously using haki you *snap* suddenly they all fly into the tree bases knocking them out in a single move.
"I didnt even see you move" you hear Katakuri say shock in his voice behind you as you turn back to human form. Looking at him
"Thats because its impossible for humans to see lightspeed my dear Katakuri" He just looks shocked with wide eyes. Grabbing his hand you say
"Alright they wont stay down forever lets go fast!" flying off deeper into the woods at a faster speed. You both finally come up to a clearing with a metal bridge. Hovering across it you both come up to a gaint twenty foot (Tesla coil that absorbs electricity) metal battery.
"This is Skypiea's Nations battery." he looks up as you turn back into electricity and place your hand on the coil it automatically absorbing your electricity. A led panel shows the coil blinking red before you started. After twenty minutes the battery panel shows half green.
"How long does the battery last once its charged?" You hear Katakuri ask as hes staring into the woods almost like hes gaurding you.
"It honestly depends on how much electricity is used by the nation. Estimating id say about two to three months per charge. Jozu helped create the bridge, coil, and battery along with the science devision." You say turning your attention back to the coil pumping more electricity into the coil.
"Ah I see." He says. After fifteen more minutes the battery panel shows fully charged. Taking your hand off of the coil you hover next to Katakuri.
"Theyyy probably want to kill you, by now they've definitely woken up." Glancing at him he gives you a look as he asks
"So how many billion berry people are there in Skypeia?"
"Total? Hmmmm... there are nine well ten if you include me though im well above one billion, the Guardians and the top five Sky Commanders of the military." You say grabbing his hand again leading him through the forest at a fast pace. You stop suddenly letting go of him, turning into electricity raise your hand and *snap* Sending all four flying into the trees again.
"Haha they fell for it again! Im gonna have to scold them later. Their supposed to attack without mercy. Though I understand attacking your ruler can be hard." You giggle as you fly passed them deeper into the woods with Katakuri following you. Once an hour passes you pass through Rainbow Road and see clouds again as you both come out in front of the military base.
"(N) isnt your bounty four billion eight hundred million even higher than Kaido's?" He asks as you turn around shocked.
"I didnt know you knew or that anyone knew besides the marines. Your not wrong handsome" He blushes at the word handsome as you say it, then grabbing his hand you both teleport to in front of your palace him turning off the boots, you standing on the ground. Opening the doors you yell
"Were back!" As Kiki and Dido come out to greet you both.
"Welcome back (N)-Sama and Katakuri-Sama." They both say as Kiki says
"Dinner will be finished shortly."
"Yay food! Also Kiki your sister Koko asked if you wanted to do lunch on Wednesday? You should give her a call." You state plainly.
"Oh thank you (N)-Sama" She says happily as she heads back into the kitchen. Headed to your office with Dido and Katakuri in tow you both sit in chairs Katakuri to your left by the glass table and you in your desk chair doing more paperwork. Eventually its dinner time and Katakuri resigns to his room as you stay in your office finishing up paperwork when Kiki knocks.
"Come in Kiki" She opens the door with the food cart then places your dinner down, leaves then closes the door. Once done eating you continue your paperwork then eventually pass out.
~Katakuri's POV~
You awoke seeing no light through the windows again due to not being used to staying where you are. Getting dressed you head to (N)'s office her desk lamp still on. You see (N) laying on her desk again.
'Another night of her overworking herself.' Letting out a quiet sigh you go over to her and gently pick her up bridal style as you hear a whisper.
"...Kata-Kun..." Blush creeping to your face.
'I wonder what shes dreaming about? She does look cute sleeping in my arms..' you think. Shaking your head slightly you shake off your blush but then she leans into your chest gripping your black vest her hot breath on you abs making your face turn red again.
'Well I cant release her grip without waking her up.' Thinking you go sit on the big sofa laying her down while she rests on your lap still holding your vest. Picking up a new romance novel you begin reading doing research on love.
"Kata...kuri..." She stirs but doesnt wake.
~(N)'s POV~
You feel something warm on your upper half of your body cuddling up to it as you keep your eyes closed. It moves slightly. Confused you stir awake flickering your groggy eyes open to see abs in your face with pink stripes down the abs, and a black vest your holding onto part of the vest as you breath on abs close to you. Looking up you blushing meet magenta eyes with your (C) eyes.
"Goodmorning." You hear Katakuri say as you let go of his vest and say
"Goodmorning Katakuri. Did you um... get any sleep?" You ask as you sit up slide your feet off of the sofa then see hes reading one of your romance novels.
"Its hard for me to sleep in new places. I woke up early." He says as you lean on his shoulder.
"Im sorry Katakuri. Hopefully youll get more used to things as the days pass. Do you dislike me for being your suitor?"
"Hopefully. I dont dislike you at all it was bound to happen eventually if not with you then itd be someone else why bring it up?" He says
Looking up at him as he meets your eyes you say
"Well I just showed up then Big Mom said you were to be my suitor... Usually there are reservations on the other parties end...I mean thisll most likely become an arranged marriage... And its hard to tell what your thinking most times..." You say quietly as he seems to think before speaking.
"You allready sealed are fates when you asked for a suitor. Theres nothing to have any reservations about anymore. She will want us to be married as an arranged marriage now regardless of your three month courtship rule. I dont dislike you for it though. I think your a good person. Ill try to speak more and accommodate for you (N) when were in the territories." He replies as you just nod listening to him.
"Well if theres anything I can do to make you feel more comfortable let me know" You say to him.
"You have been really accommodating thank you. ....Im just.... shy.... with being..... romantic...Ive never had to deal with it before.." He pauses a lot but gets his words out. You sit up and press your lips to his temple making him flinch regardless of his future sight. Giggling you pull back saying
"Whats wrong? Its only a kiss"
"... Noone has ever kissed me before...Im too intimidating....." he whispers seemingly unsure of what to do. Giggling you whisper in his ear
"Well im not other people. I find you attractive, sweet, and intelligent. I mean since our fates are sealed allready." Your breath tickles him as he shivers.
"I find you to be beautiful, sweet and intelligent as well." He says as he looks into your (C) eyes making you blush deep red.
"Now look whose blushing." He says poking fun at your face. Putting your hands up to your face covering yourself you poke an eye through your fingers. Seeing him lean forward and kiss your forehead through his scarf making you blush even harder.
"Whered you learn that?" You ask as he replies
"I learned it from your romance novels."
"Ahh sorry their the only things around here" your blush fading as you take your hands down then lean on his arm again. He picks up his arm so your now leaning on his chest, as he wraps his musclely arm around your waist pulling you closer to him.
"You can sleep more if you want. Its early. Sorry I woke you." you blushing again he holds the book in his free hand continuing to read as you take his advice and gently fall asleep again.
~A Total Of A Month And A Half Later~
Waking up on the sofa with Katakuri under you has become a routine every day since it happened the first time. Eventually he spared with your commanders, ending up in a tie and with against you , you won against him obviously but not without extra effort due to the fact that hes made of mochi. Today you both go back to Big Moms territories. You both have grown closer, enough to cuddle on your sofa. Fluttering your eyes open you wake seeing him reading again with his warm arm resting on your waist.
"Kata-Kun.." You whisper looking up at him from his lap. He glances down at you folding the corner of the page setting the book down.
"Yes (N)?"
"Today we have to go back to Whole Cake Island dont we?" You ask in a whisper.
"Yes we do. Are you scared?" He asks resting his arm back on your waist.
"Well.... maybe a little nervous. Im unsure if your mother will keep her word that I may come and go as I please. Because I wasnt allowed outside during the week that you were watching me so everything will be new to me." You admit as he responds
"Dont worry ill show you around once we get back."
"Oh right you must be happy to be going back to your home." You whisper as he pulls you closer.
"I got used to being here. But I wont deny im looking forward to going back." He says as you sit up him pulling you onto his lap making you blush as he hugs you. Hugging him back you feel his warmth as you feel his eyes on you.
"Ill have to introduce you to my siblings too once were back." He whispers loud enough for you to hear. You just nod into his chest as he starts to rub your back. Giving him a kiss on his chest makes him shiver slightly. You giggling he says
"Ill never get used to that."
"Noone said you had too handsome." You reply as he lets go of you, you sit up getting off the sofa standing and stretch yawning. Headed to your room you do the necessities then put on a clean robe and start packing your suitcase. Headed back to your office you pick up your huge stack of paperwork and glasses then head back to your room putting them in the suitcase with the rest of your things. Opening your portal you set your suitcase in your pocket dimension then close it and walk back to your office where Katakuri was. "Are you read-" You cut yourself off as you see his dufflebag next to him on the sofa.
"Ah good your ready, its up to you when we'll leave today." You state as you look around.
"Unfortunately the earlier the better when it comes to Mama." He says making you frown.
"When can I have cuddles?" He chuckles at your question.
"Whenever we get back home from reporting to Mama and touring."
"Yay! Well first let me say goodbye to my staff." You say to Kata as you walk out to the hall calling for Dido then headed to the kitchen as Dido follows behind you. As you open the kitchen door you see them cooking breakfast for themselves.
"Allright me and Katakuri are headed to Whole Cake Island in Big Moms territories. Make sure to feed everyone. Goodbye everyone ill periodically come to Skypeia to see how things are going. I probably wont be able to leave the territories for a month and a half though. Call me if you need me or there are emergencies." They all say
"Yes (N)-Sama"
"Okay back to your posts." You say as you walk back to your office seeing Katakuri reading. He flips the top corner of the page to bookmark his place then puts the book in his duffle bag. Standing he picks up his duffle bag holding out his hand to you. Taking his hand you point downwards then turning into electricity you long teleport to in front of his mansion. Letting go of his hand you follow him into his mansion as he opens the door for you, you enter saying
"Thank you Kata-Kun." He nods then a servent leads you to your room. Unpacking and putting away everything, holding your huge stack of paperwork and walk to his office. Seeing Katakuri sitting at his desk you set your papers on the glass table.
"Are you ready now (N)?" You just nod as he stands. Following him to Mamas throne room you both enter hearing.
"Ahh Katakuri and (N). Your finally back. How was everything?" She asks.
"Everything was okay except Kaido sent King, his subordinates to attack Skypiea on like the second day we were there. Other than that I showed Katakuri around all of Skypeia." You state as she says
"Kaido?! Why is he meddling with our affairs?!" She yells angrily.
"King said that I was supposed to marry within Kaidos territory but I hadnt even said anything to Kaido about marriage. So im assuming he has spies in my kingdom. Ill have to rut them out when I head back." You state.
"Hmm Interesting. Ill have to talk to Kaido about you and talk to him of our union. Would you wait outside while I talk to Katakuri." She says as you nod then head out the door into the hall looking out of the window.
~Katakuri's POV~
"So tell me Katakuri what did you learn about while in Skypeia?" Mama asks you and you describe all the technologies that Skypiea has and are implementing in their nation. How (N) has been treating you, the science devision and military devision among other things. After about an hour of giving your report she seems pleased saying
"Weve stuck gold with (N) and Skypiea. You may leave now Katakuri and give her a tour of all the territories." Mama says as you walk out of the throne room opening the hall door to see (N) staring out of a window.
~(N)'s POV~
You were staring out of a window at the tiny specks of people who looked like ants when you heard the hallway door to the throne room open then close. Looking over you saw Katakuri walking to you then say
"Lets go back home (N)." He says as you were about to ask about the tour he cuts you off saying
"Ill start giving you the tour tomorrow." As he walks off in the direction of his mansion you running to cetch up.
'Is he upset?' You think as you follow him all the way back to the mansion him opening the door for you again walking in following him to his office. He sits at his desk as you sit in the chair by the glass table starting on your paperwork. After it becomes mid day you hear Katakuri stand and leave the room as you continue with your paperwork as the staff enters the office with food for you placing the dishes beside your paperwork on the glass table.
"Thank you" You say as you continue working then taking a break eating some waffles with syrup and drinking tea. Eventually you sense Katakuri come back him opening the office door to you finishing your waffles.
"This is the first time Ive ever seen you eat something sweet." He says raising an eyebrow.
"Well thats because you always hide your self away during food times silly." You giggle finishing the waffles. His ears just turn red as he goes to sit back at his desk. You stand and go up to him slightly nervous. Turning to you he asks
"What are you thinking (N)?" he asks quizzically as youve been standing there for a minute as your about to ask but then he pulls you onto his lap you blushing cherry red. Looking up to him you smile then hug around his waist snuggling his chest as he continues to do paperwork. Soon the kitchen staff knock then come in colleting the plates and leave as you sit on Katakuri leaning into his chest. After some time you start snoozing in his lap.
"(N)~....(N)~...." You wake from your deep slumber to hear Katakuri cooing you awake.
"Kata-Kun?" Opening your eyes to look up and meet magenta eyes.
"Its dinner time." He says
"Oh sorry."
"No need to be sorry, I let you sleep." He says sweetly to you as he chuckles from you yawning. Sliding off of him you go sit on the chair by the table as he retired to his room. You stay in the office working on paperwork when the staff knock and enter with dinner for you. Eating you eventually retire to your room sliding in bed falling asleep.
~The Next Morning~
You flutter your eyes open the morning rays poking through the window. Getting up you get ready and switch into a clean robe and panties putting on your white boots headphones and crown. Heading out of your room into Kata's office you see him writing on his paperwork going up to him.
"Goodmorning (N) How did you sleep?" He asks looking at you.
"I had a bad dream honestly." You say as he asks
"What was it about?"
"I was asleep then captured by some other pirates and they kept me prisoner in a faraway land then I woke up." Rasing an eyebrow he says
"Well its a good thing your protected here. Ill kill anyone who messes with you. Besides they must have a death wish capturing a Yonko."
"Awee thats the sweetest thing anyones ever said to me." You coo to him making his ears turn red.
"Awee is someone blushing?" You poke fun at him hugging his arm nuzzleing his scarfed neck. He pets your head then pulls you onto his lap kissing the top of your head through his scarf making you blush.
"Kata-Kun..." Giggling you look up at him face flushed.
"Hmm?" He hums
"You make me blush everytime you do that." You say as he pets your head
"Your very cute."
"Are you ready for the tour?" He asks as you nod
"Will you hold my hand through it?" You blush asking as the tip of his ears turn red.
"... Sure (N)." He pauses but then agrees.
"Yay! Thank you Kata-Kun!" You chirp then hug him giving his chest a peck. You feel his arms wrap around you holding you closer.
"Allright we should get going." He whispers as he slides you off of him. Whining you shrug.
"You can have cuddles later. Lets go" He says as he stands and opens his office door as you follow him out of the mansion. Slipping his hand into yours he holds your hand leading you along as you both blush. Walking down a road with him he leads you to town as people stare at you.
"Why is everyone staring at me Kata-Kun?" Looking up at him he replies
"No one has ever seen me with a woman especially holding their hand. You have to also remember that I am the First Sweets commander as well." You blushing walk with Katakuri to a fancy looking cafe. He lets go of your hand turning to you.
"I need you to shrink down and go inside, ask for Pudding to come out." He says as you obey shrinking down you head into the cafe. There were a lot of people in the cafe but you went up to the the counter and saw a pretty brunette haired woman with bangs and twin tail hair.
"Hello how may I help you?" She cheerfully asks.
"Um.. Katakuri asked for Pudding to come outside." Her eyes widen.
"Big brother is back finally?! Lets go" She yells then pulls you out of the cafe. Once out of the cafe you size up clearly shocking her as she says
"Big brother how are you? Where were you all these days? Who is she?" He chuckles and says
"Im doing good. We were in Skypeia for a month and a half courting, now we will be courting for a month and a half here. Pudding this is (N) The Electric God, Queen of Skypeia. Im her suitor. (N) this is Charlotte Pudding one of my little sisters."
"Listen here (N)! You better treat my big brother good or ill have all of us kill you!" She threatens as he chuckles
"Dont worry she has treated me good Pudding. I like her a lot" he says as you put your free hand up to your cheek
"Awe Kata-Kun I like you a lot too." Pudding smiles up at you both
"Ah looks like you two are in love~ Im so happy for you big brother! So you were finally chosen for an arranged marriage. Oh let me go get your regular order!" She chimes running back into the cafe.
"This is Pudding's Cafe shes very proud of it." Kata explains.
"I would be too its soo cute inside and out!" you chime as you suddenly see Pudding come out with a gaint basket of huge doughnuts you take them letting go of Katakuri's hand opening your portal setting them onto your desk then closing the portal with her looking shocked.
"If big brother likes you then so do I, feel free to come to my room anytime during the day to talk or hang out. Well I would love to stay and chat more but im the clock. I have customer's to attend too. Take care of my big brother (N)!"
"I will dont worry Pudding." you wave as she heads back inside and Katakuri holds your hand again.
"Sooo you like me a lot now do you?" He turns his head to you with red ears he repsonds
"Yes I do.. why?"
"Nothing I think its super cute your crushing on me." Your comment makes his ears turn even more red as you could tell hes trying to calm down. You squeeze his hand gently.
"Theres nothing wrong with that Kata-Kun." You giggle as he leads you out of the main town to the residential area. He stops in front of a cake house leans down and knocks on the door. The door opens revealing a pink hair woman in her mid twenties with pink hair in twin tails.
"Big brother what brings you here? And whose this pretty lady your holding hands with?"
"I wanted you to meet (N) The Electric God, Queen of Skypeia. Im her suitor. We were in Skypeia for a month and a half courting now we will court here for a month and a half. (N) this is Charlotte Chiffon another one of my little sisters." He explains as you shrink down letting go of his hand to shake Chiffons hand.
"Its so nice to meet another one of his siblings!" You says cheerfully
"Its nice to meet you too (N)! Who have you met so far?" she chimes.
"Just Pudding and you so far" You reply as she nods.
"Pudding tends to have a split personality so watch out for that but shes normally sweet. Its so nice to see you again big brother and nice to meet you (N) but I something cooking right now I have to go. If you ever want to come over we could hang out (N) sometime. Heres my number." Shes goes then writes down a number and hands it to you as you open your portal setting it on your desk with the doughnuts.
"Do you happen to have Puddings number too?" you ask as she nods then writes it down handing it too you as you place it along with Chiffon's number on your desk then close the portal.
"Okay we'll let you get back to cooking thanks Chiffon!" You chime as she says
"Nice to meet you have a good day you two bye!" she says as she closes the door and Katakuri drags you off showing you the rest of the town.
~Around Mid Day~
"Kata-Kun we should go back to the mansion its lunch time." He nods as you teleport to in front of his mansion. You both split up him going to his garden you headed to his office to do paperwork. Soon the staff knocks then comes into his office setting down some doughnuts, vegetable and meat soup and fruit. The staff exits as you eat the fruit and eat the soup while doing paperwork. Eventually Katakuri walks in as your eating differen flavored doughnuts. You look up at him looking at you.
"So you like doughnuts too?" He asks as you chime
"Yea there one of my favorite deserts!" The tips of his ears turn red as he asks
"What are your five favorite deserts then?" You pause then think hard as he sits in his chair.
"No ones ever asked me that before. I suppose Mochi is my number one then chocolate chiffon cake, then doughnuts, then chcolate pudding, then chocolate gelato!" You say making him blush.
"Im made of Mochi you know... are you trying to say that im your favorite?" He asks chuckling as you giggle taking a bite of doughnut chewing then swallowing.
"I suppose thats one way to think of it." Blushing you say as he takes a glob of mochi from himself making something then tossing it to you. You open your hands revealing a tiny model of his usual mochi house that he makes for lunch.
"Awee its so cute!" You coo poking the mochi as it bounces back.
"Try it." He says as you look up at him shocked.
"Dont worry it wont hurt me. Im not a logia type." He responds to your shocked expression. Blushing hard you put it up to your mouth and take a bite.
"Ahh best mochi ive ever had! Hehe you taste so sweet and good Kata-Kun~" Cooing making him sink into his scarf blushing. Finishing the mochi house you say
"So yummy!" As you stand and walk over to Katakuri you wrap your arms around his scarf and kiss his forehead nuzzling his head.
"Someones cuddly come here then." He wraps a strong arm around your waist dragging you onto his lap with you giving a yelp of surprise then smiling up to him. He wraps his big arms around you as you place your hands flat against his abs, head resting on his chest smiling. Inhaling in his mochi scent you smile against his chest as he rubs your back. After ten minutes of staying like that he says
"We should get back to the tour." Looking up magenta eyes meet (c) eyes as you just nod, him releasing his grip on you as you slide off of him.
"Where to now cutie?" You ask as he stands walking out of the office with you following.
"I want to introduce you to Brulee my closest little sister to me." He states as you see him pull out a small snail phone calling someone.
"Brulee are you busy?"
"Yes come to my mansion theres someone I want you to meet."
"Okay see you soon"
Turning to you he grabs your hand leading you to a floor to ceiling length mirror in the hallway and waits. Confused about to ask whats up with the mirror he says before you can speak
"Brulee has the Mirror-Mirror Fruit shes also an officer."
"Ohh makes more sense now haha" You laugh and flinch as a woman slightly taller than you woman comes out of the mirror.
"Hello big brother! Your back finally!" Your assuming she was Brulee.
"Hello Brulee nice to see you again and yes im back. We were in Skypeia for a month and a half courting. Were here now courting for another month and a half. Meet (N) The Electric God, Queen of Skypeia. (N) meet Charlotte Brulee my younger sister."
"Your courting now?! Wow I cant believe Mama picked you for an arranged marriage. How are things going between you both? I see your allready at holding hands."
"I like her a lot Brulee. Mama will turn us into an arranged marriage after courting yes. Things between us are good right (N)?" He raises an eyebrow seemingly unsure at you. You nod
"I like him a lot as well and yes things are going good between us." You respond as Brulee puts her hands up to her face in awh.
"Im so happy for you big brother! Its so nice to meet you (N). Im so glad to know that he will be marrying such a sweet woman who understands him." She says
"Its so nice to meet another one of his close silblings~" You coo shaking her hand smiling.
*Ring Ring*
"Excuse me I have to take this" You and Katakuri nod.
"This is Brulee."
"Yes Mama im coming"
She turns back to you both saying
"Mama needs me so I have to go now. Im happy for you both though! See you later." She enters through the mirror and dissapears. You put a hand to the mirror feeling it be soild in ah. Turning to Katakuri you say
"Shes so cool Kata-Kun thanks for introducing me to her and the others so far!" Smiling at him he replies
"Im glad you like my siblings since your going to be their sister in law soon."
"Well whats not to like?" You retort as he asks you
"Could you teleport us to in front of the castle please?"
"Sure anything for you Kata-Kun" You reply with the tips of his ears turning red as you teleport to in front of the castle doors gaining stares from some of Mamas other children you assume. He leads you into the castle eventually running into one of his siblings.
"Smoothie can we talk for a minute?" Katakuri asks as she turns to face you both.
"Sure Katakuri. Im assuming she is your suitor for an arranged marriage? More importantly why are you walking around the castle with her? You know suitors and spouses arnt allowed to see everything in the castle." Smoothie says as you stiffen at her coldness which Katakuri already noticed him squeezing your hand gently to reassure you.
"Mama has allowed (N) to be given a tour of all the territories. Smoothie this is (N) The Electric God Queen of Skypeia. (N) This is Charlotte Smoothie my little sister and Second Sweets Commander. Were not engaged yet Smoothie were courting. We were in Skypeia for a month and a half now we are to court for another month and a half here. Be nice Smoothie." He says as you look up at her she says
"Ahh alright then. Its nice to meet you (N). A queen huh? You better treat my big brother good or its your head."
"She treats me very well Smoothie." He defends you then you say
"Its very nice to meet you Smoothie your very pretty. I will continue to treat him well dont worry. Ive already been threatened by other siblings too haha" you giggle as she nods saying
"Well I need to report in to Mama so I better go." She replies as he nods leading you around the castle. Eventually you both toured the entire castle and the sun has set. Teleporting to in front of his mansion he lets go of your hand when opening the door for you.
"Thank you Kata-Kun~ your such a gentleman." You giggle as you both split for the night. You open your portal picking up the basket of huge doughnuts and giving them to the kitchen staff to give to Katakuri for dinner. Your now in his office doing paperwork as the kitchen staff come in with dinner. Tonight it was steak and mashed potatoes with tea, a vegetable plate and chocolate pudding for desert. After eating you work on paperwork for a couple hours then head to bed.
~A Month Later~
Katakuri showed you around all of Big moms territories except for the Seducing Woods. He said that you werent allowed to see it. Which made you confused because he showed you around everywhere else, which made you want even more to go to a place you werent showed. Over the month you hung out with each Brulee the most, then Chiffon, then Pudding, and occasionally Smoothie every once in a while, while Katakuri went back to his usual jobs and was away. You met the majority of his siblings. You and Katakuri have grown closer enough that he calls you his sweet girl or baby girl. You both cuddle in his or your bed still with his scarf on though when theres nothing beckoning both of your attention. Mama has grown fond of your electric skills and teleportation to the throne room. Periodically you would go turn in and get more paperwork from Skypeia. You had given Katakuri part of your vivre card too. Today Katakuri had to go to work at the Ministry of Flour and would be gone for hours. You have decided to go against what he said and go explore the Seducing Woods after all they were just woods right?
"Goodbye Kata-Kun be safe even though I know your strong!" You say hugging him as he pets your head.
"I will be back in a little more than a couple hours my sweet girl." He cups your face in his big hand as you lean into it then kiss his palm. Looking up at him he lets go of your cheek then walks out of the mansion towards his destination. After wasting half an hour working on paperwork you head out of the mansion in the direction of the Seducing Woods eventually you found the begining of it as you explore not realizing that the woods kept changing behind you. After a couple hours of exploring you come to a river cross then continue deeper into the woods taking another couple hours then finally coming to a clearing seeing a gaint biscuit man with many swords?
"Biscuit man with swords thats a new one" you say as he suddenly moves startling you.
"Umm hello biscuit man?" You call out as he yells
"Who are you? Anyone who enters these woods must be asking for a trouble!"
~Katakuri's POV~
After working you made your way home opening the door to your mansion but (N) who usually greeted you at the door was no where to be seen or heard.
"(N)!! Im home!" A servant comes up to you
"Katakuri-Sama your suitor (N) left shortly after you left this morning she hasnt returned yet." Alarmed with a pit in your stomach for what you didnt know why. You just had a bad feeling you nod grabbing your Sky boots froom your room put them on and head out side only to see a bolt of electricity fall from the sky into the Seducing Woods.
'Only one person controls electricity. I told her not to go there! Dammit (N)!' You think to yourself as you activate the Sky boots flying above the tree line towards where the bolt landed.
~(N)'s POV~
"Im Katakuri's suitor im not your enemy!" You yell to the cracker man.
"Ouu ive heard of you. Ive heard your beautiful and they werent wrong. So your Katakuri's suitor well thats just to bad for him think ill have you for myself first then return you." He proceeds forward as you warn him
"Im warning you stay away from me! I just came to explore ill leave quietly!" You send a electric bolt downward landing in front of him as he laughs continuing forward. As you back up but fall backwards on to the ground you see the trees, plants and flowers are alive and evily singing. The trees curl around your ankles and wrists holding you up for the cracker man as you turn into electricity you electrocute the trees. Making you fall from their grasp but too much time was spent getting free as the cracker man grabs your wrists you struggle to get away.
"Dont make me electrocute you cracker man!" You yell as he just chuckles
"Go on try it pretty woman. And the names Charlotte Cracker." he teases. You summon a lightning bolt to you and it lands its mark on him but he just chuckles regenerating his cracker form some of him was toasted though. You had saw part of his face, he had purple hair and pink eyes.
'Dammit I cant teleport either or ill bring him with me. And I cant hurt him or Mama will hear about it. Im not supposed to go into the seducing Woods either. I hope Kata-Kun isnt back yet or ill be punished.' You think as Cracker lets his cracker form fall from him revealing his true form. As he holds your wrists up with one hand now, you off the ground swinging your legs. You summon another lightning bolt attacking him but he regenerates.
"Tsk tsk be a good girl and stay still through this" He says menacingly pinning you to the ground making you cough from the impact. As he slowly starts pulling his pants down you both hear
"Cracker release her at once!" Cracker pulls up his pants then says
"Aw come now Katakuri I was only going to have a little fun with her before returning her, spouses arnt that close here anyways, unless you actually care for this woman" Cracker exclaims chuckling evily
'I cant see him but Id know that voice anywhere its Katakuri! Im in so much trouble too with Cracker and with Kata-Kun' You think as Katakuri punches Cracker backwards a good amount of meters away then helping you up. Cracker laughs creating a cracker armor turning into the previous cracker man you saw eariler.
"(N) teleport home now!" Katakuri yells at you and you obey still holding his hand you teleport in front of his mansion. He turns off the Sky boots landing on the ground letting go of your hand.
"I told you not to go there! You deliberately disobeyed me! Then you almost got raped by Cracker!" he yells clearly upset.
"Im so sorry Katakuri! I just wanted to explore..." You say with tears begging to overflow you looking down.
"You may be a God but your not invincible (N)!" He states and hes right during your and his sparing match in Skypeia your lightning had little effect on him, you had to rely on your combat skills even though you still won it was close since you rely on your electricity heavily and have little muscle mass and dont work out often. Tears started streaming down your face as you kept your head down.
"I said im sorry it wont happen again...." you whisper trying to compose yourself. He brings a couple fingers to under your chin tilting your face up as you pulled away from him, him seeing your tears. As he was about to say something you teleport to your room slamming the doors shut putting a singular golden candle stick holder through the door handles so no one could come in. Then jumping onto the huge bed you let it all out crying for hours before passing out.
~The Next Morning~
Awaking to light spilling into your room you sit up looking at the door.
'The candlestick is still there in the door.
'Good.' You think, undressing into your birthday suit you draw a bath relaxing. Once pruney you get out draining it then drying off changing into clean clothes. Going to the door you undo the candlestick from the door as you hear a knock. Slightly opening the door you see him.
"(N) Im sorry for making you cry yesterday. I was upset at Cracker and took my anger out on you. You didnt deserve that. I know you may be a God but your not invincible. Please forgive me? Did he hurt you?" Katakuri asks
"Im okay. I just have bruises on my wrists....." You say as he gently opens the door entering your room then closes the door. Picking up your hands he examines your wrists.
"I forgive you Kata. But will he tell Mama? Im also sorry Kata-Kun that I disobeyed you."
"No he knows not to mess with me. And I forgive you too (N)." He says
"What about your work arnt you supposed to go in today? Why are you still home?" You ask quizzically
"I called off today. Your feelings are more important to me." You blush as he leads you to the bed taking off his boots your follow taking off yours then slide into bed with him. He holds his arm open for you. You snuggle up to him, head resting on his chest, hand on his abs under the blankets. He wraps his arm around your waist as he pulls you close then tenses up at your question before you can ask.
"So when am I going to be able to see your whole face Kata-Kun?" You ask. He sits up and you do the same.
"You really want to see my face that bad? It is.. only fair to you...." He replies as you shake your head yes.
"Just dont run away promise me?"
"I promise Kata-Kun. Im not a child you know." He nods as you wait patiently he slowly unwraps his scarf from his face to reveal that he has fangs and scars on his face going upwards from his mouth. Him looking at you but you unmoving for a minute.
"Kata-Kun I dont understand why you hide yourself from the world. Your just as handsome as before" You finish saying then up on your knees hug his face boobs to his face. You could tell he was blushing hard. You could feel his heat in your breasts. After a soild minute releasing him, hes still blushing as you ask
"May I kiss you now?"
"My-My fangs though I might hurt you..." He stammers.
"Hehe dont worry so much my silly Kata" You reply
"Allright... just be careful." He crumbles. Sitting somewhat down but eye level to him you lean in and plant a gentle kiss on his lips both of you closing your eyes then depart leaning back opening both of you opening your eyes. (C) eyes meet magenta ones as hes blushing like mad now his whole face is as magenta as his hair. Placing both you hands on his cheeks you say
"Your so cute like this Kata-Kun!"
"Thank you...." He reaches for his scarf about to put it on but you hold his hand with the scarf in it saying.
"Dont hide your face when your with me please Katakuri?" Still blushing he replies
"Im not used to this but alright (N). For you I wont cover my face when with you." He says softly as you caress his cheek with a scar running up his face. Sitting back down you cuddle up to him wraping your arms around him as he wraps his musclely arms around you softly kissing your head. Staying like that for a couple hours eventually he stopped being so tense.
*Ringa Ringa* You both hear a snail phone going off making you jump a little but he saw it coming.
"This is Katakuri"
"Okay we will be there soon Mama"
"Get ready Mama wants you to teleport me to the throne room." He says letting go of you putting his scarf back on then getting his boots on. You sliding out of bed put your boots on then he grabs your hand gently. Teleporting to the throne room you see Oven, Perospero, Smoothie, and Cracker.
'Gathering all of the Sweet Commanders? But for what?' You think as Mama speaks
"Ive gathered you all here to erase Hachiko from the map. They have refused to continue our agreed terms in order to protect their cities. Set sail immediately. (N) Since your not yet part of the family you stay here. Dismissed!" You just nod as you feel a hug. Looking up its Katakuri, wrapping your arms around him he says
"Ill be back sooner than you think (N). Hachiko is nearby at the end of Mamas territories. Itll probably take around four days." You sigh releasing him as he lets go of you.
"Be safe. Ill see you when you get back Kata-Kun" you say as he pets your head.
"Ill see you when I get back." He says as he turns to converse with his siblings. As you teleport to your room in his mansion.
~On The Third Day~
You were in Katas office doing more paperwork for Skypeia when the staff knock on the door.
"Come in" You say melancholy as they open the door setting down dinner for you.
"(N)-Sama you must try and eat something its the third day you havent eaten. Katakuri-Sama will be back in one more day." One servant says as you say
"Thank you for your concern. Ill try. I just miss him so much!" You blurt out causing the staff to look at eachother as you bury your face in your hands. They leave closing the door. As you just move the food around on your plate.
'Just get through today and tomorrow and Kata-Kun will be back soon (N)' You think as you eat a bite of mochi the staff left you. They had been making your favorite dishes in order to coax you into eating but you were to love deprived to eat.
'My mochi man ....Everything reminds me of him. It doesnt help being in his mansion either.' Thinking to yourself as you up and head to bed early slowly falling into a deep slumber.
~Brulee's POV~
You were viewing your mirrors patrolling the castle and various other things when you figured youd go check up on your good friend and your big brothers suitor (N). Headed to her mirror that views her bed you look in at her sleeping in bed. Seeing an unfamiliar figure one even taller than big brother Katakuri with gaint wings one was made of metal the other wing was black and natural. He sticks (N) with a syringe then waiting a minute before picking her up and leaving Katakuri's mansion as your looking through the different mirrors as the gaint figure takes (N) away.
'I need to call big brother immediately! (N) has been kidnapped!' Getting out your snail phone you dial up his number.
*Ringa Ringa* *Clicka*
"This is Brulee. I know its late big brother but its about (N)!"
"Shes been captured by a taller than you man dressed in all black with a gaint black wing and a gaint cyborg metal wing with a black beak! He stuck her with a syringe!"
'He just hung up on me!' You think with a huff.
~Katakuri's POV~
"Shes been captured by a taller than you man dressed in all black with a gaint black wing and a gaint cyborg metal wing with a black beak! He stuck her with a syringe!"
"What? Thats King the Wildfire from Kaidos crew!!" You yell as you click the snail phone ending the call.
*Clicka* After calling up Smoothie, Cracker, Perospero, and Oven everyone was in agreement that they would make Kaidos subordinates pay for invading Mamas territories and especially kidnapping a soon to be spouse of their top Sweets Commander. Though you had told Oven to stay behind and finish up the job on Hachiko which he could do easily. The rest of you set out with your fleets following (N)'s vivre card.
~Four Days Later~
"Katakuri-Sama weve spotted a ship on the horizon!" You take a troops telescope looking through it seeing Kaidos Beast pirates jolly roger.
"Follow that ship!" You yell with authority as everyone adjusted course to follow the ship of the Beast pirates. Eventually your ship and fleet cetches up to the Beast pirates ship and you jump across to their ship attacking the grunts. Easily defeating them a fat wide and tall man about as tall as (N) comes up from under the deck.
"Who are you?!" He asks.
"Where is King The Wildfire?!" You yell calmly holding your lance.
"First who are you!" The fat man yells.
"Charlotte Katakuri from Big Moms pirates and you are? Where is (N)?! What have you done with her?!" You yell back.
"I am Holdem from Kaidos Beast pirates youll have to defeat me if you want that information!" He says as his lion appears and roars. In one quick motion you close the distance between you both and slice through his lions head as he screams falling to the floor.
"Alright alright your much stronger than me! King stopped here but he left not long ago flying carrying a (C) haired sleeping woman in a white and silver robe! He said he had to report to Kaido!" You knock him out with a single hakied punch over the railing into the water then hop over to your ship. "Were headed to Wano!"
~In Wano Before Kaido's Castle~
You, Smoothie, Cracker and Perospero fought your way to in front of Kaido's castle. Then heading into the castle you all fight the grunts making your way up the floors. Finally revealing King and Queen from Kaidos Beast pirates you all proceed with caution as you hear King say
"So you finally made it here Katakuri and youve brought backup. What? Not man enough to fight me on your own?" More like a statement King says as you say
"Where is (N)?" King picks up (N) by her sea prisim chains holding her up while her eyes closed and her head droopy.
"What did you do to her?!" You yell to him as he chuckles then retorts
"I made her go to sleep for a long time but she should be waking up soon as a matter of fact. In perfect timing for her to see me kill you! I wont forgive you both for what you did to me on Skypeia." He yells back. Then drops her to the floor hes standing on, flying to the stages floor where you and your siblings were.
"Queen gaurd my woman!" King yells up to Queen which you grunt at.
"Yea whatever!" Queen responds.
"Seems ive struck a nerve" King says to you as you tch at him. He makes the first move slashing at you with his shitty swordsman skills as you easily dodge then counter with your lance striking him in the back drawing blood. He turns around as you stare intensely watching him with your future sight. Letting him strike first again he swings but misses as you shoot out your mochi from your hand around his legs making him fall as Queen joins the fight but your siblings step in fighting Queen.
"Just focus on your fight big brother!" You hear Smoothie yell to you as King starts hovering instead his feet covered in sticky mochi. You quickly activate your sky boots hovering also.
"So our God gave you the gift of flight interesting" King says as he swings again you dodging striking him behing on knee slashing his muscles drawing more blood. The fight drags on as you glance at Queen whose on the stage floor attacking your siblings. Their working well together however causing lots of damage to Queen as Queen shoots his laser beam at them which they all skillfully avoid.
"Katakuri!!!" You hear looking up to the platform where King and Queen first jumped off of.
~(N)'s POV~
Waking from a deep slumber you flutter your eyes open immediately hearing fighting. Slowly getting to your feet steadying yourself you shake the sleep away as you notice your handcuffed in sea prisim cuffs. Looking over the edge you see Cracker, Perospero, and Smoothie fighting Queen as you turn your view to King you see hes fighting Katakuri.
"Katakuri!!!" You yell as you see him look up to you. You seeing King fly behind him yell to him
"Behind yo-!!!!" Katakuri sliced with his lance behind him meeting Kings sword cutting clean through his sword. The fighting continues as you see Katakuri get cut by Kings blunt sword. Katakuri uses a frenzy of haki punches with spikes on his fists drawing blood from King.
"You wont take my woman away!" You hear King say as Katakuri yells.
"Shes mine! Shes never been your woman!" King attacks but misses Katakuri as Kata is mochi to stick to one of Kings hands with his broken sword. You watching hear a voice behind you.
"Ill unlock you in exchange, youll take me with you." You turn around to see the pirate X Drake. Before thinking about what Mama may say you figured bringing him along it couldnt hurt.
"Okay I accept your terms just hurry!" He nods then unlocks your handcuffs feeling strength return to you. You grab his hand teleporting to the stage floor flashing to Queen kicking his laser beam away saving Smoothie who was at point blank range of his laser.
"Thanks (N)!" Smoothie yells to you. Point blank shooting a massive electrical shot into Queen paralyzing him. Teleporting to King you create an electric sword cutting his black wing off making him scream out in pain. Shooting him with a enormous bolt of electricity you also paralyzing him as he falls to the ground.
"Come on everyone hold on to me and one another! Lets get out of here before Kaido comes back!" Katakuri and X Drake hold onto each side of your hands as Kata-Kuns siblings link hands with Katakuri. Its a good thing that when Katakuri was giving you the tour of Mamas territories he showed you his ship otherwise you wouldnt know to teleport to it. You teleport to Katakuri's ship.
"Hurry lets go!" You yell as Katakuri gives his troops the command to leave calling the other ships giving the other to set sail as Smoothie asks
"Whyd you bring him with us??!" Her pointing at X Drake.
"He freed me I figured it couldnt hurt to have someone whose on the inside of Kaidos crew. Youll tell Big Mom and me all you know right? Or ill drop kick you into the ocean." he holds his hands up in defense.
"Of course Sky Yonko anything you want!" He says as you shout to Katakuri's troops.
"Someone handcuff him with sea prisim cuffs!" The troops dont listen to you as they await what Katakuri will say.
"Listen to (N)" Katakuri says as his troops go get the cuffs, cuffing X Drake. He goes and sits on the deck as Katakuri grabs you and brings you in for a hug tightly. Hugging him back tightly he places one hand on your back and the other on your head.
"Im so glad your safe" he whispers to you as his siblings give you both your own moment of reunion.
"I didnt even know until I woke up!" You say in his chest as he says
"Still it was terrifying when Brulee called saying King kidnapped you. Not only did he invade Mamas territories but he kidnapped my spouse to be." He kisses your head through his scarf.
"Well you all saved me! So thank you" Saying as he releases you but still holding your hand as if youd dissapear.
"Wait Brulee called you? The last thing I remember is falling asleep in bed. What has happened since then?" You ask him as he sighs the commanders ships and fleets leaving Wano now.
"Well Brulee called saying King had injected you with im assuming a heavy sleeping shot and kidnapped you from my mansion while I was with my siblings doing the job on Hachiko. Then we all except Oven set sail and came across a Beast pirates ship a pirate from Kaidos crew named Holdem said King had landed on the ship but had taken off with you before we arrived at the ship. We sailed to Wano after that, fought our way inside to King and Queen when you woke up." He filled you in on what had happened while you were asleep. Hugging him tight again you bury your face in his chest.
"Ive missed you so much Kata-Kun!" Chuckling he replies
"Ive missed you so much also (N). Would you kindly fly my siblings back to their respective ships?" Looking up at him you nod letting go of him. Going up to Smoothie and Perospero you say
"Ill fly you back to your ship" They both just nod as you follow Smoothies directions then fly back after dropping them off. Going up to Cracker and you say
"Ill fly you to your ship Cracker"
"Oh is that an inventation? Haha you finally come around to me?" Slightly irritated you just hold his hand in his cracker form and fly him to his ship then fly back to Katakuri's ship. Landing on deck your swooped up bridal style and carried to your assuming the Commanders quarters his troops staring. After inside Kata-Kun closes the door and sets you down on his bed. He takes off his boots and scarf as you take off your boots and slide into bed.
"Come cuddle with me" He says in bed as you obey scooting up to him cuddling his side. Leaning up you plant a soft kiss on his lips making him blush.
"Im yours Kata-Kun." Sliding back down putting a hand on his abs, he wraps an arm around your waist as your head rests on his chest.
"Its felt like an eternity since I woke up but im still sleepy." You whisper to him yawning as he chuckles.
"Ahh my baby girl go back to sleep. Ill watch over you." He whispers back.
"What about you? You need sleep too."
"Ill eventually fall asleep dont worry my sweet girl. I just am relieved your safe in my arms again." He whispers in your ear making you slightly shiver. You feel a kiss on the top of your head making you giggle.
"Allright if you promise youll get some sleep eventually?" Chuckling he replies
"Okay I promise (N)" He says as he gently rubs your back lulling you to sleep as you clutch his jacket.
~Once You All Reached Whole Cake Island~
Standing on deck with Katakuri you anxiously wait as the ship stops setting anchor.
"Yay were back!" Exclaiming as you hug Kata's waist him chuckling.
"We all have to report in to Mama." Letting go of him you go to X Drake.
"Okay time to get going" You state as he gets up and starts walking off the ship with Katakuri following you both, keeping his eyes on X Drake the entire time. Once to the throne room you see Oven as the rest of you all file into the room.
"I heard from Brulee what had happened. I see you all were successful in bringing (N) back. Oven has allready filled me in on what happened at Hachiko. Now fill me in at what happened in Wano." Big mom states to you all. You wait patiently till its your turn to speak.
"So (N) you brought X Drake back with you as a prisoner? Im intrested in what he has to say." Big Mom says.
After X Drake spills all of Kaidos secrets that he knows about he asks
"Big Mom will you let me join your crew please?" Big Mom looks at you and asks
"What do you have to say about him (N)?"
Thinking for a minute you respond
"Well he released me from my handcuffs so im biased. Haha" You state as she laughs.
"Well since you betrayed Kaido and helped the soon to be spouse of my son Ill let you join. But if you ever betray us itll be your head X Drake!" She warns.
"How kind of you Big Mom of course I shall serve you for the rest of my life."
"Thats what I love to hear!" She laughs
"Unlock him." Katakuri unlocks X Drakes cuffs handing them to a troop.
"Now your all dismissed. Smoothie show X Drake where he is to stay put."
"Of course Mama." Smoothie replies then shows X Drake out of the throne room. Once you and Katakuri leave the throne room he asks
"Mind teleporting us home?"
"Of course Kata-Kun!" Holding his hand you teleport to his office.
~After The Courting Three Months Are Over~
How should the story go?
If you've made it this far then i must admit this will be my last female x character fic, i will only be doing Gn! Or M/M fics in the future.
Comment or Dm to say how YOU want the story to go.
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bird-slayer-brainrot · 6 months
Soldier On, Come Down - Chpt. 4. - - Ineffable Husbands WW2 au human!Crowley angel!Aziraphale angst multi-chapter
When Anathema had accepted Newt’s invitation to a walk that afternoon, she hadn’t expected him to propose.
He was acting unusually coy about the day. Newt had been a surprising but welcome addition to the study group Anathema had informally joined in her first week at Oxford. At first, they had barely spoken to each other, not by Anathema’s own inhibition. Newt had been shy, and slow to open up to the others. But he was quite nice, and clever, and Anathema had found she quite liked speaking to him, even more so than the others.
The others seemed to pick up on the gradual shift in Newt’s demeanour, and had started to tease Anathema about her involvement in it. Agatha, particularly, had a habit of trying to fluster Newt with this when they walked between lectures.
But it was all harmless nonsense. Anathema had extended an invitation to Newt to a party two months after they had met that they were all attending. Anathema and Newt had both been dateless, and thus made a natural pair. Newt had accepted begrudgingly, insisting he hated dances, but Anathema, desperate to not be forced to suffer the occasion alone, had bribed him with the study notes she had on a class he knew he was having trouble in. They had danced leaving the party to get air, and Newt had thrown up on her shoes.
So they had become friends. Anathema considered him a close friend, and he did her. Now, Newt was on his knee and Anathema was staring at him. He was watching Anathema, but not impatiently. Anathema blinked down at Newt. They were still looking at each other.
Thank you for your letter. It truly meant a lot to me to hear from you.
I am writing this in a rush as I am packed to leave for Brighton for the next two weeks. I do not expect a response, and will understand if you do not wish to speak to me.
I care for you a lot, Anathema. I hope that you are well.
Newton Pulsifer
Breaking the news to Crowley would be the hard part, so Anathema hadn’t told him. She had wanted to, he was the closest thing she had to a father.
Newt had written, and Anathema had sent a short response in return.
“Crowley said he’d be here?” Anathema looked behind Aziraphale but the bookshop appeared empty.
“He did?” Aziraphale said in a tone that implied he hadn’t known about this plan.
It was a lucky break though. If Anathema could talk to Aziraphale first and get his advice, she’d work up the courage to talk to Crowley. Aziraphale shook his head, and held the door open for her.
“I didn’t know what to say. I just stood there. Why did I just stand there?”
Aziraphale poured another cup of coffee for Anathema. He had been in the middle of rereading Persuasion because of something Crowley had said offhandedly about Jane Austen, but seeing Anathema was always a treat.
“My dear, don’t be so harsh on yourself.” Aziraphale shook his head. She had seemed to calm down once she had had some tea and some sandwiches. She had then told Aziraphale what had happened.
“But it’s Newt. He was just there and I panicked.”
Aziraphale hummed wistfully, and took another sip of his now tepid earl grey. Aziraphale had tried to give all his attention to the bereaved Anathema, but his thoughts had wondered to the circumstances of her arrival. Crowley had told her he would be with Aziraphale that afternoon but he had not. It hung heavy like a stone in his stomach.
“Newt will understand. I’m sure he will.”
“Even so.” Anathema sighed. “To stand there..”
They were interrupted by a knocking at the door to the bookshop. Aziraphale glanced over to Anathema, who seemed to crumble in to herself on the old vintage armchair. The noise of the door opening and the Soho traffic signalled Crowley’s arrival.
I am sorry. Give me a chance and I will explain everything. I promise.
Short chapter this week but let me cook I'm doing it
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popcorn-plots · 7 months
Ao3 Masterlist
(putting this here so I don't forgot about it: notes game, writing notes game, a third self-care notes game)
Quick reminder: if you don't like it, don't read it. If, somehow, some external force is making you read the link you clicked on, don't come bitching to me about how much you hate my work. Get it, got it, good? Moving on.
Set-up should be pretty straight forward with three categories of one-shots, multi-chapters, and series. one-shots is subsequently divided into fluff, angst, and smut.
masterlist under the cut, it's a big boi
[should probably be edited at some point, again]
suprise attack (feat. kisses)
641 words
Stephen Strange/Wong
"self-indulgent wongstrange fluff. that's literally it."
only the important things
1,386 words
Stephen Strange/Wong
Stephen finds a label maker. Of course he's going to run around Kamar-Taj and label everything important to him, including Wong.
Love Me Tender
For Jay (@falloutchemicalday)
1,372 words
Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Stephen and Tony have been pining after each other for months. Neither of them realize the other likes them back.
Wong decides to take matters into his own hands.
sick day (with cuddles)
2,339 words
Tony Stark/Stephen Strange/Wong
Stephen is sick. Good thing Tony and Wong are there to take care of him.
waiting for you, for time and all eternity
957 words
Stephen Strange/Wong
"It was an unspoken agreement.
Stephen would portal to the Kamar-Taj courtyard after a fight or a mission or a trip through the multiverse. Wong would wait, setting up camp under the tree in the courtyard, sleeping in the library, until his husband came home.
No one questioned it. No one dared to question the Sorcerer Supreme. Until Stephen didn't come home and Wong found that part of him left with Stephen."
Wishful Winning
1,442 words
Stephen Strange/Wong
"Wong is well-known in the world of underground fighting tournaments, but this fight may be his biggest fight yet, simply because of the prize. The prize being a night alone with the highly praised, very expensive, and quite frankly, stunning escort, Stephen Strange."
Salt and Pepper
1,154 words
Tony Stark/Pepper Potts
"Tony is turned on by Pepper in the Ironman suit when she shields him from falling rock.
He decides that he needs her inside of him right then and there. Give and take a few days as Tony makes new connections, uncovers the Mandarin and AIM's true goals, saves the president, and blows up his hobbies. Maybe Tony's next hobby is expanding Pepper's strap-on collection. After the maybe-but-not-quite-apology sex (with a possible hint of reconciliation and just a hint of thank-heavens-you're-alive sex)."
Dilatatum Dick
991 words
Stephen Strange/Wong
"Wong teaches Stephen the spell from Chapter 4 of what do you do with your kinky sorcerers.
Dilatatum Dick, as it is called."
"lock your door, or I'll do it for you"
1,286 words
Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
4 times someone walked in on Tony and Stephen.
1 time they got locked in, 1 time they actually locked the door (and still got interrupted), and 1 time Wong had to make a new rule just to keep them from scarring anyone else.
By the Stars Above
1/? (in progress)
Stephen Strange/Wong
"Stephen Strange has an electromagnetic car battery in his chest and Tony Stark ruined his hands in a mechanical incident.
Fate deigns that these two should end up together.
Stephen has other plans."
it wasn't us
2/? (in progress)
Stephen Strange/Wong
"Stephen Strange gets raped, but only He sees It for what It is.
Even Stephen, who doesn't even know himself anymore, nor does he understand the new voices in his head or the way he's always 'zoning out', isn't sure how to move forward. Stephen only knows what He has said and done, and now it's becoming harder for him to pick out his reality from his fantasies.
It's almost like Thanos all over again, but with three new people making their home in Stephen's mind and a voice that sounds a lot like Him telling Stephen that living isn't worth it anymore."
what do you do with your kinky sorcerers
5/6 chapters (in progress)
Stephen Strange/Wong
"Lock them in a room together and hope one of them gets fucked.
Five times Stephen and Wong explore each other's kinks and one time Stephen has to suffer the consequences of a rough night.
Alternate title for Ryu: the DICKering of horny sorcerers (yes that's a real word, and ASS didn't work for anything sooo)"
dirty thoughts (about you)
1/6 (in progress)
Stephen Strange/Wong
"Five times Wong dirty talked Stephen and one time Stephen returned the favor.
Inspired by the song Dirty Thoughts by Chloe Adams"
the poets' flowers, the petaled proses
7/? (in progress)
No Fandom
An anthology (collection) of all the poems I've written, for school or otherwise.
Series (complete)
28/28 posted
Anywhere between Gen and Mature
Mostly gen, some Wongstrange, and a few Ironstrange
pASSing marks
Series (incomplete)
5/? posted
Stephen Strange/Wong
Victoria Strange: The Saga
Series (incomplete)
2/? posted
Teen to Explicit
Stephen Strange/Wong
Master Stark AU
Series (incomplete)
1/? posted
Teen to Explicit
Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Series (incomplete)
1/? posted
Stephen Strange/Wong
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deepspacedukat · 1 year
A Queen’s Throne
Please be gentle. I’ve never written any Pre-Surak Vulcans before, so uh...we’ll see how this goes. I’m kind of also writing this as a test for a long-form, multi-chapter Pre-Surak!Soval fic that I have in the works. Just as a note, it was stated in one of the ST series that before Surak, Vulcans were polytheistic, so that’s where mentions of ‘gods’ come from in this fic.
Day 10: Cock Warming
SoC prompt list here. SoC Masterlist here. Cross-posted to AO3 here.
Pre-Surak!Soval (ST:ENT) x Reader
[A/N: This is smut, so 18+ ONLY, MINORS DNI!!!]
Warnings: Interspecies sex, Human/Vulcan sex, although Soval thinks she’s just an odd looking Vulcan, cockwarming, public cockwarming, dirty talk, possessive language, public sex, claiming sex, slightly dom!Soval, slight breeding kink, exhibitionism, voyeurism, biting, unprotected sex, creampie.
“Be still for me,” Soval murmured against the shell of my ear. One of his hands gripped my hip beneath the table to hold me in place atop his lap. It wasn’t as if any member of the crowd seated in the great hall was unaware of what he was doing. We’d been officially bonded earlier today, and as such, there were certain...expectations to be fulfilled.
Whenever the head of a clan was bonded with a mate, they were expected to make a show of marking their territory. Soval was no exception, even if this wasn’t the Soval I was used to. Oh no, the Soval I had known for years was elsewhere - in a parallel universe which used to be my home. He was proper and dignified, wearing only formal robes and keeping the hair on his head neatly trimmed into the standard Vulcan bowl cut that I was so familiar with. He betrayed no emotions beyond a sharply lifted eyebrow which was somehow condescending and amused simultaneously.
This Soval, however, was different in almost every respect. He was rougher around the edges...savage, just as I’d heard so many Vulcans describe their predecessors before Surak’s existence. His hair was just as silver, but it was longer with a small braid woven into the strands near his left ear. His voice was perpetually permeated with a gravelly undertone, as if he’d spent too many hours shouting orders in battle. While the Ambassador had been clearly a man of diplomacy and calm, Soval the clan leader was a man whose passions ran deep and a person whom battles had forged into a keen strategist.
As his callused fingers grazed lightly up my throat, coaxing me to tilt my head back, his length twitched inside me.
“Look at them,” he whispered as one of his hands caressed the dip between my breasts. “Each of them wanted the chance to claim the odd little Vulcan, but we both know why they couldn’t, don’t we?”
I nodded my head silently, but a sharp nip met my earlobe.
“Speak aloud.” His correction was no louder than anything else he’d said, but his tone was much sterner than before.
“Yes, we do,” I murmured, and Soval grasped one of my breasts lightly, giving it a gentle squeeze that sent heat surging between my legs and across my face. To keep myself steady on his lap, I grabbed at his thighs, marveling silently at the sinewy strength of the muscles beneath me.
The meal had ended a short time ago, but somewhere around mid-way, my new husband had coaxed me onto his lap, not-so-stealthily slipping his hand beneath my skirt and moving the fabric out of the way just far enough for him to impale me on his lok.
“That’s my good girl,” he whispered before raising his voice. “The gods only send women like you to leaders who have shown restraint, wisdom, ruthlessness, and courage in the correct proportions.”
Several of his men made sounds of approval at his statement despite their own jealousy. As they did, Soval leaned back in his chair, pulling me with him to half-lay against his torso. The warmth of his skin where his tunic parted to expose part of his chest was almost soothing amidst this public chaos. The hair across his pecs tickled my back where my ceremonial clothing left me exposed.
“A reward as precious and fragile as this is only meant for those who demonstrate that they can cherish it,” he continued as he wrapped one arm solidly around my waist. With a savage sort of smile, he made a show of pushing his free hand beneath my skirt and rubbing my clit. Whimpering and shutting my eyes to block out the rest of the guests, I tried to focus only on Soval, his hand touching me, and his lok stretching me. “How many instances have there been in our history involving the gods giving their most trusted leaders a mate with rounded ears and red blood? How many times have such fertile, delicate miracles been granted? Four? Five? We’ve all heard the legends. Those who prove themselves worthy of such partners have long, strong lines and are blessed beyond measure, and now...now, we can behold living proof of the gods’ generosity.”
Loud cheers met his declaration, and Soval smiled wolfishly into the crook of my neck as he throbbed within me. I whimpered and arched in his grasp as his fingers swirled unrelentingly over and around my clit. Ever the strategist, Soval had stirred his clan members’ excitement as steadily as he had my own pleasure, and we were all heading toward a breaking point.
“Before the members of my clan and my gods, I claim this woman as my mate,” he called, and right on cue, the taught string of building pleasure in my abdomen snapped, drawing a shout of his name from me as I convulsed around his lok. Several raucous yells and cheers erupted from the others, but all I felt was Soval holding me close and playing my body expertly like a musician with an instrument. His teeth clamped onto my neck as he thrust roughly up into me once, then twice before spilling his seed. He growled against my skin as the crowd that was gathered in the hall watched on, palming their own growing arousal and looking eagerly at their partners.
Reaching back and burying a hand in Soval’s long, surprisingly silky, silver hair, I tried to catch my breath, savoring the sensation of his lips leaving wet kisses across my jaw.
“When we get back to our room tonight, I’m going to prove to you that I’m worthy of you,” he whispered as he nuzzled into my hair. Until then, I basked in the safety that being in his arms afforded me, even amongst such an unpredictable group of beings with three times my strength. This savagery wasn’t as difficult to adjust to as the Ambassador had made it out to be.
@android-boyfriends @attention-bajoranworkers @bigblissandlove1 @darkmattervibes @emilie786 @horta-in-charge @live-logs-and-proper @slutty-slutty-vulcans @starrynightgardens @toebeans-mcgee
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ivpapaemeritusiv · 2 months
Chapter 17: Your Beauty Never Ever Scared Me
Summary: In this chapter, Addy and Papa wrap up the tour, navigating the challenges of caring for a newborn in a cramped bus. Fortunately, the multi ghoul is on hand to offer support and assistance during this demanding time.
Word Count: 4,100 words
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Kaisarion was a few weeks old, and the tour was back in full swing and it was show time! Addeline had missed the fast-paced life of moving from city to city. She missed hearing Papa on stage and the way the crowd cheered for him. She loved seeing everyone else adore him as much as she did—recognition for his hard work. She knew it made him feel good to be appreciated. It was a validation she was unable to provide.
She was in the green room with him, holding Kaisarion in her arms. The newborn was wide awake but very quiet. Ashley was applying the final touches to Copia’s face—a mask that changed him from just Papa to Papa Emeritus the IV.
He turned around in his seat, “How do I look?”
Addy took a deep breath in, “Very dashing.”
“Ah, good,” he responded, giving his child a pat on the head, “That’s what I was going for.”
He stood up so that he could dress quickly. There wasn’t much time until he had to be on stage.
“That is one quiet baby,” Ashley said as she helped the Cardinal with his wardrobe.
As the man threw on his shiny sequin jacket, he gave his wife a small wink, “That’s because his mother is holding him. As soon as she puts him down, he will be louder than the crowd.”
The people in the room laughed as Papa started walking off. He turned around to notice Addy was not following him, “My dear, are you coming? Or should I carry you while you carry him?”
“Oh…” she was confused, “You want me to… you mean I can…”
“Yes, yes, come darling! Did you think I was going to keep you locked up in this green room? Nonsense! My little ragazzo needs to see what his future looks like.”
Addeline ran to catch up with her husband. There were so many people walking in all directions—so many people that made the show possible. It was a rush of adrenaline.
After quite the stroll, they finally reached backstage. Addeline had to admit, she actually missed Sister Imperator being in front of the monitor. Papa looked at his wife who was deep in thought, “A kiss for good luck, Amore?”
She gave him one of the kindest kisses she possibly could and sent him out on stage. Of course, as always, the crowd yelled out for him upon his entrance.
“Good evening, Lyons,” he addressed the crowd as he always had, “We’re going to have some fun tonight.”
He went through and introduced all the ghouls, allowing them to play a solo for the audience one at a time.
“I want to introduce you all to one more person,” he began to say, “Well… two more people. You see, just recently I became not just a Papa but a daddy,” he held up two fingers in the air, “for the second time.”
Upon hearing this, the crowd went insane. She was sure some of the hardcore fans probably knew Papa Emeritus had a family, but the couple was very good at concealing their private lives. Many people had no idea of their relationship.
“Yes, yes. I am a daddy to two beautiful children, a girl and now… a boy.”
The faces in the audience emitted more noise with each revelation Copia threw at them, “And they are backstage right now.”
Oh boy… Addy thought to herself, knowing what Papa was about to do.
“Can somebody get my wife out here for a second?”
Addeline, already hearing that she’d been summoned, began to walk out on her own. She was met halfway by Swiss who helped her across the stage to where Papa was standing. Papa gave her a kiss, and whispered in her ear away from the microphone, away from the busy crowd, “I want them to know what drives me to continue doing what I do.”
She blushed.
“Everyone, my wife.”
Papa let the crowd’s claps and whoops subside before introducing his next guest of honor, “And this little guy right here is Kaisarion.”
The sounds of screams were so ear piercing it stirred the infant and he began to cry, “Shh, shh,” The Cardinal quieted the crowd, “Do not fret everyone. Kaisarion always calms down when his mother is holding him.”
Addeline took this as her queue to leave. She gave Papa a passionate kiss as the crowd ooohed and ahhhed at the sight. Not being a big fan of public affection, she walked off stage as red as a beet.
“This next song is dedicated to that beautiful woman! You might like this one!”
The music started and Addy could hear, “Call me Little Sunshine,” begin to play. She sang the lyrics to her young son who quickly quieted upon hearing his mother’s melodic voice.
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The show ended and as usual the crew began packing up. They had decided to drive through the night to the next city so that they could rest at the hotel the next day. Papa, Addeline, Kaisarion, Swiss and Cirrus rode in one bus while the rest of the crew and musicians rode in the other.
The two ghouls were in the middle of the bus playing cards while Addeline was lying next to Copia in their space in the back. He lay very still although she knew he was not yet asleep. He could sense her staring at him—or maybe it was the little movements of the bed that gave her away every time she glanced in his direction.
“Is there something you need, “Bella mia?” he asked, without opening his eyes.
“No… nothing,” she softly whispered.
He was not convinced, “Can you not sleep?”
“I… I…”
“Ah, you want your Papa? Is that it?” he said, still without moving an inch.
Addy let a very timid, “Yes,” escape her lips.
Papa turned his head toward her, “My dear, your Papa is very tired.”
She scowled, disappointed that he had teased her.
“Don’t look so blue,” he told her, “Perhaps I can find enough energy to put my little pet to rest.”
Her eyes lit up. They were so beautiful, Copia thought, so full of optimism at what he would give to her.
“Are you naked, Papa?”
“I am, Tesoro,” he admitted, although he had been too tired to remove his make-up from earlier.
Addy herself was only wearing a T-shirt she’d bought from an earlier concert—of course with Papa Emeritus’s face on it.
Making decrepit noises, he climbed on top of her, being very careful not to press on her stomach. He started to give her light kisses around her ear. A well-placed shiver swam through her body, down to her toes.
“Shh,” Papa tried to quiet her, as she made soft grumbles from underneath his chest, “The ghouls in the next room might be trying to sleep.”
She attempted to stifle her own noises but accidently let out a shrill gasp when Papa grabbed her thighs and forcefully pulled them apart. He pushed himself in between them and slid the tip of his cock into the wanting girl. For her, it was enough to make the room turn upside down.
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Addy’s eyes seemed even blacker to him in the dark of the night. They were enchanting. He slowly began to push himself in—as slowly as he had ever done in the past. He definitely did not want to fill her up all the way as he knew they were not even supposed to be playing in this manner.
“Papa, you have to pull out.”
The tiny command from his wife made him chuckle.
“You are telling me how to fuck you?” he asked, not missing a beat.
She recoiled. He continued sliding in and out, delicately and slowly, but it was enough. After going so long without feeling one another, it was more than adequate.
“Papa, I’m not going to last much longer.”
He knew this was her way of asking for consent to get off—something she’d been taught to do from the very first fuck. Normally, he would not want it to end so suddenly, but he too was on the brink of letting go.
“Be my guest, my dear.”
She entered a trance-like state, screaming into the room. The cardinal cuffed her mouth with the inside of his palm and muffled the cries as he went on making love to her. When he saw the intensity of her orgasm subside, he quickly withdrew, spilling himself onto her stomach.
Addy, breathing very heavily, felt the warmth of it trickle down the sides of her, “You… you pulled out?”
“It was difficult,” he admitted, “But we can’t break two rules in one night, eh?”
Just then, a voice from the other side of the curtain shouted, “Hey, will you two assholes keep it down in there? There’s a fucking baby on the bus for God’s sakes!”
“Oh my, God!” Addeline shrank beneath the covers, “I forgot about them.”
“Yes, you did,” he agreed, his ears still ringing from the sounds of her shrieks, “But, Swiss has caught us in the act before. He will not be traumatized by this.”
“Permission to enter Papa,” Swiss said outside the curtain, obviously teasing Addy.
“Ah yes, entrare, entrare.”
Swiss opened the curtain, Kaisarion in his arms, “Here’s your baby. If you guys aren’t too busy, I think he’s hungry.”
Addy reached out for the infant who was making quite a fuss as the Cardinal took his original spot in the bed.
“Thank you so much for keeping him occupied for a bit,” Addeline expressed her gratitude. It was hard to be on tour with a newborn. The infant was attached to her hip every hour of the day. Any time Addeline put him down he seemed to cry but it was established quickly that for some reason the tiny boy enjoyed the embrace of Swiss.
“He’s a sweet kid and he hates everyone but you and me and that makes him okay in my book.”
“You just want to feel special,” Cirrus called from outside the open curtain.
“Yea,” Swiss continued, “Well, you’re just mad he likes me more than you.”
An object came hurling toward Swiss’s head. It caught him right between the eyes.
“Alright, out!” Papa shouted, as Addeline began to feed their son.
Swiss closed the curtain and ran to tackle his ghoul friend. The family dynamics amongst the crew were strong.
“Lay down and feed him, my sweet,” the Cardinal told his wife, “You need to get some sleep.”
Addy laid down, her back pressed up against Papa’s chest, and let one breast rest in Kaisarion’s mouth. Now, with the child being calm and her urge satisfied, she was able to drift off to sleep.
* Papa was awoken by the sound of his son’s crying. Still very tired, he grabbed his watch off the nightstand and glanced at the time. He’d been asleep for just 3 hours and there was still another 3 to drive. All was silent, except for Swiss snoring beyond the curtain.
The Cardinal grumbled, “Amore?”
She was sleeping heavily and not answering. The baby continued to cry.
“Addeline?” This time he nudged her. She repositioned slightly but did not wake up.
“Addy?” He said more loudly, “Kaisarion is awake.”
She groaned and mumbled something unintelligible under her breath.
Papa could see that she was not going to get up. He reached over her body and gently lifted the baby. Trying to console little Kaisarion, he rocked him back and forth, “There, there…”
After several minutes the Cardinal got out of bed with his son and walked into the middle of the bus where his other two companions lay resting. The little screams from the baby woke Swiss.
“Ah, good,” he said, “You’re awake.”
“Yea, how can anyone sleep with you bringing that racket in here?”
“What do I do? I don’t know what to do?”
Swiss sat up and rubbed his eyes, “He’s probably hungry. Give him to Addy.”
“Addy won’t wake up.”
“Oh,” the ghoul said flatly. “Well, you feed him then.”
Copia looked around, somewhat frantic, “Feed him what exactly?”
Swiss burst into laughter, “Breast milk. Babies drink breastmilk.”
The Cardinal answered frustratedly, “The milk is in the breast and the breast is on my wife who will not wake up.”
“Check the fridge. Adds keeps some in there.”
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Swiss watched on shaking his head, as Papa walked to the fridge to get his son’s food, “Cardinal isn’t this your second kid? Have you not been alone with your spawn before?” he continued ridiculing the frontman.
“Fa schifo al cazzo! Just get up and help me!”
Swiss threw himself out of the small cot that attached to the wall and walked over to a black mini fridge, “She keeps bottles in here just in case.”
“Just in case what?” Papa wondered out loud.
“Just in case you wake up in the middle of the night, and don’t know what to feed your kid.”
Swiss handed Papa the bottle, teasingly, and watched him shove it into Kaisarion’s mouth.
“What are you doing?” he wondered.
Papa, somewhat flustered, repeated the question, “What I am doing? I’m feeding the baby!”
Swiss covered his forehead in angst, “Papa, you gotta warm the bottle up first.”
The Cardinal went to put the bottle in the microwave.
“No!” Swiss quickly closed the microwave door shut. He reached under a cabinet and grabbed a pot to fill it with hot water, “You can’t put it in there! You have to let it warm up like this.”
“How do you even know all this,” Papa asked puzzled.
Swiss shrugged, “I watch Addy do it.”
The ghoul took the bottle from Copia and placed it in the pot, “Hey, I know it’s not my business, but you might want to start helping her take care of these babies you keep making.”
“Excuse me,” The Cardinal was a bit offended.
Swiss lowered his tone, realizing he may have been making Copia angry, “No offense, but that’s why you can’t wake her up. She’s exhausted. If you haven’t noticed that baby is literally suckling her for life support. She can’t put him down.”
Papa nodded, “Yes I have noticed that.”
“She told me she’d love to sing in the next couple shows.”
Papa quickly looked at Swiss, moving his neck so quickly it made a snapping sound, “She said that to you?”
“I mean… yea. But how can she? Kaisarion won’t let her do anything.”
“Well, she’s just had a tough delivery. She always thinks she can do more than what she’s capable of.”
“I don’t know,” the ghoul said, “I think she’d surprise you.”
“When does she talk to you about this? What else does she say?” Copia was quite dismayed that his wife would confide in somebody else instead of him.
“Don’t take it personally but you two have this weird power exchange going on all the time,” Papa listened as Swiss explained to him the dynamics of his own relationship, “She hangs on to your every command—she waits for you to tell her what to do.”
The Cardinal seemed oblivious to this information, “I don’t tell Addeline what to do.”
“Cardinal, with all due respect, I’ve never banged a woman who needed my permission to get off before.”
“You think she is afraid to talk to me?”
“It’s not that. She likes being subservient to you. It’s some fetish you guys have had from day one. It kind of makes me want to throw up honestly,” he joked.
Swiss gently removed the infant from Copia’s grasp as he reached for the bottle to begin feeding the newborn, “I’m saying you gotta approach her. You gotta pick up on what she wants, what she needs, cause she’s not gonna tell you. You’re HER master. You gotta tell her what’s best and what’s best is what SHE wants. Make sense?”
The Cardinal wore a blank gaze, his mouth gaping wide. He waited a few seconds before snapping, “It’s too early for this shit, Swiss.”
“Ah go back to bed; I’ve got the kid.”
Copia graciously nodded, retreating back behind the privacy of the curtain that separated him from the rest of the bus.
* Addeline woke up when she heard the squeaky brakes of the tour bus. Finally she thought. The bus was quite an uncomfortable and cramped place to sleep. The movements of the vehicle across the bumps and gravel of the road did not help with slumber. She looked at Papa, who had finally passed out, then noticed that Kaisarion was not next to her. She panicked, frantically looking around for him. She called his name while tossing blankets around the bed. This still was not enough to wake the Cardinal.
She busted through the curtain, hyperventilating but quickly calmed down when she saw the baby sleeping soundly next to Swiss. Oh my God she thought as her fight or flight instincts settled. She walked over to where the ghoul lay and knelt by the bed. She rubbed her son’s head and softly whispered good morning in his ear.
This woke up Swiss whose eyes fluttered open at the sound of Addy’s voice. He took a while to come to but met her eyes after blinking and rubbing his own, “Good morning, you.”
“Thank you. You are so good with him.”
“You need to train your old man, Addy. Poor guy can’t even heat up a bottle.”
She giggled and began to reach for her baby, “When did he eat last?”
“A couple hours ago,” the ghoul said, “He took a bottle and a half but there’s one full bottle left in the fridge.”
“I think I’ll just feed him from the water hose,” Addy laughed, speaking about her engorged boobs.
Swiss couldn’t help but noticed Addy was leaking through her T-shirt, “Looks like you need milking.”
Cardinal walked in to see his wife at Swiss’s bedside, “What’s this,” he asked, perplexed.
Addeline quickly looked up at him and then back to Swiss, hurrying to grab her child so that she could stand, “Nothing, Papa. Kaisarion fell asleep with Swiss. I heard someone had trouble feeding him,” she joked.
Copia grumbled as he walked over to steal a kiss from Addy, “Unfortunately, I am not as perceptive as he.”
Swiss furrowed his brow as Addy shrugged in his direction. At about this time Cirrus also woke up.
“How the fuck did you sleep through the night,” Swiss asked her.
“Why? What happened?”
Before Swiss could answer, the Cardinal walked toward the exit of the bus, summoning Addy to follow him, “Tesoro, can I speak to you for a minute?”
She followed Copia outside, a little uneasy at the manner he called her in, “What is it, Papa? Did I do something wrong?”
“No, my darling, of course not. I wanted to know if you would like to do backing vocals for the next show?”
Her eyes lit up, “Really? You mean it?”
“Yes, Amore, I mean it.”
Addeline jumped into his arms. She was ecstatic and the Cardinal quite pleased he had taken Swiss’s advice.
“Do you think my ghoul costume will still fit?”
Copia looked her up and down, noticing that she had lost most of her baby weight already, “You bounce back quickly, my darling. The costume will fit perfectly.”
“What about—”
“—Kaisarion? There are plenty of people on standby to watch him, my dear.”
Addy was thrilled at sound check, unlike everyone else who had done the same one an endless number of times now. She walked onto the stage fully equipped in her nameless ghoul attire and walked up to Swiss.
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“Wow, you’re the sexiest ghoul here,” he joked.
She took a playful bow, thanking him for the compliment, “So where do I stand.”
Swiss looked behind his shoulder at a small circular platform, “You’re behind me. They’re keeping us altos over here while the banshee stands on the opposite side of the stage,” he referred to Cumulus who was a skilled soprano.
Swiss pulled out a book of sheet music with all the lyrics to the songs they needed to perform, “You’re not going to be on stage the whole time but I’m going to go over the songs Papa put you down for.”
“Okay,” she said bright eyed and ready.
“And you’re not getting paid either so calm down.”
She smirked and crossed her arms, “Just tell me what I’m doing.”
“So, for Mary on a cross we’ll have you matching my vocals, so I’ll show you how to do that. My mic will be louder because I’m better.”
Addeline shoved him playfully, causing him to lose his balance a bit.
He chuckled and continued, “We need you for Darkness. Papa Emeritus likes that thing you do when you’re singing a lower note and you cut to the high note real sharply, it’s almost whiny, so we’re putting you on for Spillways and Pro Memoria—we especially need you to carry the harmonies on the…” Swiss demonstrated, “To ride with me… to ride with me…” raising his hands in the air as though he had a baton, to show Addy a visual representation of the musical note.
Swiss put in a solid hour of hard work, guiding Addy through her parts. As they practiced the ending for Mary on a Cross she struggled to catch her breath before the final note. Frustration escaped in an exasperated “Ugh.”
Swiss quickly reassured her, saying, “Don’t worry, it’s not a big deal. Just a long note.” He gently positioned his hand on her back and under her rib cage, sandwiching her diaphragm, “Take a deep breath and stand tall,” he advised. “Save all your breath at the beginning and release it all for that powerful final note.”
Papa walked up to the two to see if Addy would be ready for the show.
“How’s she doing, Swiss?” he asked.
“Well,” Swiss began, “She thinks she’s the main character,” he laughed, “She needs to be part of the vocal harmonies instead of singing on key with the frontman.”
“Trying to steal my job, Amore?” The cardinal joked, giving her a small pinch on the waist.
“There’s actually a lot going on out here, Cardinal. If you don’t mind, I think it might be easier to go backstage with some earpods.”
“Yes, yes, do what you must,” Copia gave them permission to retreat and practice in a quieter place.
Swiss and Addy went to the green room to continue their session while everyone else practiced outside. The two worked diligently for one more hour, preparing for the upcoming show.
“I can’t believe you guys do this so many times in a row,” Addy said.
“Well, if you enjoy something it’s easy to do it over and over again,” he looked down, smirking, “You should know that, Adds.”
She laughed, assuming Swiss was talking about having sex with Copia.
“In any case,” he continued, “I think you’re ready. We need to get out there and do the real thing now. You should probably go find Cumulus so she can grab your ghoulette get up.”
He started to walk off but then noticed Addy’s shirt was wet, “Adds? Go milk yourself.”
The woman looked down and realized it had been a few hours since she fed her son. She covered herself, somewhat frustrated, “Goddamn it, this always happens.”
“Ha!” Swiss chuckled, “I don’t mind it. It’s kind of hot.”
She glanced up, meeting his gaze, and her words spilled out, “You know? I love the kids, but I think Kaisarion is my last. It’s not that I don’t adore being a mother, but sometimes I feel like I’m meant for so much more.”
“I’ll buy you a box of condoms then if the show goes well tonight!”
“I’m serious,” she said, “And having Kaisarion was so scary. If you hadn’t found me in the hallway—”
“—But I did find you,” He interjected.
She looked at him, a playful glint in her eyes. He always seemed to be coming to her rescue.
Swiss met her gaze too but quickly shook himself out of it and looked down at his guitar, “Anyway, just tell him you’re done having kids. I’m sure he’ll understand.”
“Yeah,” she nodded,” a hint of skepticism in her voice.
Swiss himself was being facetious. He couldn’t help but be amused at the idea of Addy telling the Cardinal how things were going to be. He also knew the man wanted more children and that it would be a heated discussion. Still, he was curious to see what would happen.
“Alright, see ya out there,” he said, disappearing from the room, the thought lingering in his mind.
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the-lincyclopedia · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Pretending I got tagged by @cricketnationrise!
How many works do you have on ao3?
As of an hour ago: 214. I just recorded a podfic tonight.
What's your total ao3 word count?
494,201. I really hope to pass the half-million mark this year. It won't take much. I just haven't had basically any writing energy lately.
What fandoms do you write for?
These days? The Queen's Thief, when I write fic at all. Historically also Check Please, Carry On/the Simon Snow trilogy, Sherlock, the Lizzie Bennet Diaries, Yuri on Ice, PJO, Boyfriend Material, Good Omens, and more.
Top five fics by kudos:
Love in the Time of Influenza - Carry On - Snowbaz sickfic
Face the Future with You - Check Please - autistic!Jack x ADHD!Bitty
The Aftermath of Angelic Assumptions - Good Omens - Ineffable Husbands sickfic
Man Oh Man, You're My Best Friend - Check Please - Zimbits fake dating
Nightmares - Carry On - Snowbaz hurt/comfort
Do you respond to comments?
Basically always.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
the only soul who can tell which smiles i'm faking - a Kent-centric ficlet set just after Jack's overdose
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my 200+ fics have happy endings, so I don't really know how to answer that.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not recently, but it was a pretty regular and normal occurrence when I was on FFN in my teens. Once, someone sent me flames on 18 separate chapters of a multi-chapter fic in a two-day period. It sucked. But also, comments with concrit were so, so common for me to receive in my teens that I figured they were a normal and expected part of the fandom experience, and I have so much cognitive dissonance when people say they're not and never have been. I've neither given nor received unsolicited concrit in quite a few years, and I fully understand that they're not part of the culture on AO3, but two of my longest-lasting fandom friendships began with concrit on FFN (once giving, once receiving), and I think "this has never been a normal part of fandom culture" is an overstatement. I also think there's a difference between hate (which I've received several times) and the majority of unsolicited concrit that I've received. Not everything that's rude is hateful.
Do you write smut?
I have written M-rated grinding once and E-rated sex once. Not sure if I'll write either again. I'm pretty darn ace.
Weirdest crossover:
A Little Help - Lizzie Bennet (firmly of the Lizzie Bennet Diaries canon, not the original P&P) meets Eric Bittle at Vidcon and the two of them become close friends.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge. I know of at least three spinoffs of fics of mine, though.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Not to my knowledge.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Not exactly, but when I'm in a relationship with someone I share fandoms with, the alpha reading/cheer reading/yes-and-ing/etc can blur into co-creation. And honestly I've also had key alpha readers who I haven't dated.
All time favorite ship?
Gosh, I can't pick.
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
My Queen's Thief fic where the characters all study abroad together. I have a detailed outline and a few thousand words, but I've had so little creative energy for the past several months.
What are your writing strengths?
I usually say persistence, but I don't know if I've had as much of that lately. Um . . . clarity, SPAG, and like--I have a really clear memory of what it was like to be younger, and I think that brings life to the stuff I write about college/other parts of life that I've already passed through.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Describing things. I prefer writing dialogue, but I'm also never sure if my characters sound like people. Realism in general is tricky for me--I get too hung up on logistics and then completely fail at writing people with realistic motivations. So lots of stuff.
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I almost never do it. I could maybe swing it with Swedish, although one time I tried and got corrected by a Finn (which was welcome and they were right, but it made me wary of trying again).
First fandom you wrote in?
I don't want to answer this publicly because I feel like the story of me getting into fandom/into writing in general is pretty unique, and I might tell it someday with my real name attached if I ever get published. (I just checked, and there are literally zero fics on AO3 for the book I first wrote fic of. The fic that I wrote is not on AO3, since I was ten years old and it was 2006, and I'm very grateful that, although I entered online fandom young, I didn't enter it quite that young.) The first fandom for which I posted fic was probably the wizard one that we're no longer naming. May have been Artemis Fowl or PJO, though.
Favorite fic you've written?
To Every Single Kid I Used to Be - an epistolary fic in which 25-year-old Jack Zimmermann writes letters to his younger self, one letter per year of his life. Featuring autistic!Jack and a whole lot of real details from my own life.
Anyone who wants to play, feel free to say I tagged you, but I'm specifically tagging @doggernaut, @eponymiad, @worldsentwined, @cartograffiti, and @the-knights-who-say-book!
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triptychgrip · 3 months
Yuuri's final career interview (and grieving "the end")
There's something so appealing to me about developing in-universe Yuri!!! on Ice social media or interview content, probably because it gives me an opportunity to write about Yuuri's continued success, as well as how others perceive the Viktuuri relationship (i.e. how adorable/supportive they are with one another). This was especially true when I was putting together content for the newest chapter in my 2018/2022 Olympic Games fic, which contains part of a BuzzFeed interview detailing Yuuri/Viktor's mindset a few days prior to the 2022 Beijing Games' Men's Singles Free Skate: the final performance of Yuuri's illustrious career.
(Spoilers ahead around some foundational aspects of my fic)
The world is clamoring to know how Yuuri -- not only the reigning Olympic Champion, but a 3-time GPF and 3-time World Champion as well -- feels about potentially becoming only the third skater in figure skating history to become a multi-Olympic champion. I thought it was pretty cute to be able to highlight that as Yuuri is contemplating defending his gold from the PyeongChang Games, that he's sitting right next to his spouse (and coach), who is a multi-Olympic champion due to winning gold at the 2010 Vancouver and 2014 Sochi Games.
Indeed, their interviewer is quite taken with them, and can barely hold back from gushing at every turn about the power couple that they are.
It goes on to include some quotes about the Viktuuri relationship from Phichit and Yurio's perspective, and also, naturally, touches upon Yuuri's mindset as he approaches the end of his career.
I imagine that Yuuri and Viktor are in a really unique situation when it comes to contemplating "the end", because most coaches and skaters are not as personally/professionally dependent on one another as they are (i.e. having been together for over five years, married for nearly 3). As such, it's not only Yuuri that has a lot of grieving to do around this chapter of their lives coming to an end, but Viktor as well.
Below is an excerpt that captures this sentiment, and I hope it'll pique your interest in checking out my work if you haven't already done so (note: the Viktor of my fic-verse comes out as gender-fluid in the summer of 2021, and is using feminine pronouns in this interview)
“I think one of the toughest parts of this is that we don’t really have a “model” to go off of, in the sense that others we know – that is, other coach/skater pairs, aren’t quite so emotionally entangled as we are,” Yuuri responds, his lips quirking a bit. “There was a moment last year when my therapist got me to see that Viktor wasn’t allowing herself to properly grieve because she’d gotten it into her head that she wasn’t allowed to…that as my coach, she had to make room for only my grief.” 
He pauses, bringing their interlaced fingers up to his mouth to kiss Viktor’s wedding ring.
“But the end of my career isn’t just about me. It’s about her, too, because she’s an intrinsic part of my story…the very core of it,” he goes on, his eyes beginning to shine with tears.
“I wouldn’t have made it this far without Viktor, both in the sense of having a benchmark to strive for, but also in terms of having the person I’d looked up to for most of my life demonstrate their steadfast belief in me time and time again.”
It’s at this moment that Viktor wrests her hand away, encircling both arms around her husband’s midsection in a tight hug (which may have prompted me to make a slightly embarrassing swooning sound). 
 “There’s many tools that I use to quiet my anxiety, but on the occasions when I’m able to ground myself in that fact – the fact that Viktor has promised to stay close to me, no matter how I do on any particular day and in any particular performance – it’s on those occasions when I’m unstoppable,” Yuuri goes on, his countenance transforming into that determined one he sometimes adopts, right before executing a dazzling step sequence or setting up for the Katsuki Combo: the quad flip/triple toe-loop that he debuted for the first time in competition at the 2018 Games (note: at the time this interview was conducted, no other skater had managed to land such a jump in competition, but this changed when Phichit Chulanont executed a flawless version during his Short Program).
“I don’t think I’m speaking out of turn when I say that she’s had an insurmountable weight on her shoulders from a very young age…which resulted in this expectation that she must be strong at all times, like some kind of emotionally impenetrable fortress,” Yuuri says, looking to her for confirmation (which she gives with a sobering nod). “So part of the journey we’ve had to go on together in our relationship is one where she’s had to learn how to lean on me, too, and I’ve had to shore up my confidence so that I don’t falter when she does so…or, at least, don’t falter as much.”
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truefaithmp3 · 2 years
Myztify Euphoria Fic Masterpost 🤍
💔 Angst:
- all i need in this life of sin (is me & my girlfriend) — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA Lexi and Fezco reunite years later
- you had a long time, to think who you are — Cassie-centric, Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA Fezco and Lexi’s relationship through Cassie’s eyes
- all your secret wishes (could right now be coming true) — Fezco/Lexi, rated M, multi-chapter AKA Lexi struggles to get pregnant, Fezco struggles to cope with his grief
- a certain kind of light — Fezco/Lexi, rated M, multi-chapter AKA teacher!Lexi moves to Chicago and runs into Fezco
- lost in the lie of us — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter ⚠️ minor Cassie/Fezco AKA the early-2000s angsty teen drama
- can’t get used to losing you — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA Fezco has an affair with married Lexi
- (oh, honey) a heart that never breaks — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA best friends Lexi and Fezco decide to have a baby
- (i don’t want to be your friend) i just want to be your lover — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA non-linear Fezco and Lexi can never quite make it work
- there ain’t no romance around there — Fezco/Lexi, Maddy/Rue, rated M, multi-chapter AKA Fezco, Rue and Lexi are roommates in LA
- my sister’s boyfriend — Fezco/Lexi, minor Fezco/Cassie, rated E, two part series AKA Lexi fucks her sister’s boyfriend, Fezco
- my bright is too slight (to hold back all my dark) — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA a soulmates AU
- (you’ve got) skeletons in the closet, my dear — Fezco/Lexi, rated M, one shot AKA Lexi observes how her husband has changed
- just some lover — Fezco/Lexi, rated M, one shot AKA Lexi and Fezco marry young and divorce
- maybe i’m too young (to keep good love from going wrong) — Fezco/Lexi, rated M, multi-chapter AKA Fezco and Lexi are broken up when she finds out she’s pregnant
- whenever i’m alone with you — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA formerly incarcerated Fezco stalks married Lexi
💕 Coming of Age:
- a strangers heart without a home — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA foster kid!Fezco moves into the Howard home
- love, i get so lost sometimes — Fezco/Lexi, rated M, multi-chapter AKA a Say Anything AU
- (i want more) impossible to ignore — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA the video store kids
- are you wild like me? — Fezco/Lexi, Rue/Jules, rated M, multi-chapter AKA a Booksmart AU
- (what i need is a good defense) ‘cause i’m feeling like a criminal — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA cheerleader!Lexi falls for stoner!Fezco
- we can make it so divine — Fezco/Lexi, rated M, multi-chapter AKA Lexi has always had a crush on her best friend’s older brother (5+1)
- (my, oh my) what a girl — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA Fezco hooks up with dream girl Lexi on the last day of high school
🥰 Fluff:
- (please) be my baby — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA journalist!Lexi meets farmer!Fezco
- i wanna kiss you (until i lose my breath) — Cassie/Maddy, rated E, multi-chapter AKA Cassie gets over Nate and falls for her best friend
- i’d take care of you (if you asked me to) — Fezco/Lexi, minor Ash/Cassie, minor Rue/Jules, rated M, multi-chapter AKA a New Girl AU
- now i’m older, i’m tattooed all over — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA tattoo artist!Fezco gives Lexi her first tattoo (5+1)
- cradle me (i’ll cradle you) — Fezco/Lexi, Ash/Cassie, rated M, multi-chapter AKA Fezco’s brother knocks up Lexi’s sister
- don’t be alarmed if i fall (head over feet) — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA a friends with benefits AU
- (last christmas) i gave you my heart — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA christmas fic AKA the gang goes to a cabin in colorado
🍆 Smutty:
- heaven holds a place for those who pray — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA older!Lexi starts fucking her weed dealer
- young adult friction — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA Fezco wants to bone librarian!Lexi
- gonna set my soul on fire — Fezco/Lexi, minor Ash/Maddy, multi-chapter AKA Fezco and Lexi go to Vegas for a bachelor/bachelorette weekend
- my body is the canvas (you could be the pen) — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA tattooed!Lexi begins working at Fezco’s bar
- you know i need your love — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA good catholic boy Fezco wants Lexi
- let’s talk about sex, baby — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, two part series AKA the sexual histories of Fezco and Lexi
- girls need love — Ash/Cassie, minor Fezco/Lexi, rated E, five part series AKA the Ash/Cassie extended universe
- pour some sugar on me — Fezco/Lexi, Ash/Cassie, rated E, two part series AKA the 80s groupies AU
- the animal instinct in me — Fezco/Lexi, minor Ash/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA an A/B/O AU
- too busy being yours — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA Lexi determines whether cocky!Fezco really does have a dick piercing
- feeling too good to me — Fezco/Lexi, rated M, one shot AKA the breeding kink AU
- you’ve already got me right where you want me — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA older!Lexi is Paulie’s girlfriend
- (if you want a lover) i’ll do anything you ask me to — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA a Secretary AU
- lost in the heat of it all — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, one shot AKA Fezco gives Lexi just the tip
- (i think you should know) i think this will work — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA Lexi and Fezco have an eight year age gap
🤪 Stretching the AU Limits:
- i’m a fool to do your dirty work — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA Lexi is a ‘fixer’ who cleans up crime scenes
- fall fast, fall free, fall for me — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA boxer!Fezco pisses off Lexi’s gangster father
- (nobody stands between) me & my man — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA Fezco chooses a life of crime and Lexi becomes a gangster’s moll
- i made a lot of mistakes (in my mind) — Fezco/Lexi, rated M, one shot AKA a The Bear AU
- got a blue moon in your eyes — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA a The Sopranos AU
- can’t nobody love you (like i’m loving you) — Fezco/Lexi, minor Ash/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA Lexi is arranged to be married to Ash
- into my arms — Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA Fezco and Ash are prohibition bootleggers
👻 Spooky:
- wolf like me — Cassie & Lexi-centric, minor Fezco/Lexi, rated M, multi-chapter AKA a Ginger Snaps AU
- ambitiously vicious — Lexi, Cassie, Maddy & Jules-centric, Fezco/Lexi, rated E, multi-chapter AKA a The Craft AU
101 notes · View notes
lovelylogans · 1 year
the parent trap
CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE: where dreams have no end
A hello, a goodbye.
Janus examines the pot critically. There is the occasional bubble, here and there, the pot taking its precious time to work its way up to a simmer, let alone a boil.
“Smells good in here!”
Janus turns, seeing Patton; hair a little damp, the scruff around his jaw trimmed down to at least a five o’clock shadow, wrapped in a comfy-looking button-down and big, chunky-knit cardigan, the sort that must keep him awfully warm on chilly vineyard nights.
“I’m boiling salted water,” Janus says, amused. 
Patton shrugs, smiling at him. “Must be my imagination. Um—are you in the mood for wine?”
“Ooh, yes,” Janus says, pleased. 
“Red or white?”
“You tell me, vintner extraordinaire,” Janus says. “What goes best with canned vodka-tomato sauce?”
“Hmm,” Patton says. “Homemade or store-bought?”
“Homemade, it looks like,” Janus says, lifting the mason jar for Patton’s eyes; it’s scrupulously labeled, with what must be Virgil’s handwriting, as Janus can’t recognize it.
“Ooh! Good, Virgil’s vodka sauce. We’ll want a red.”
Then, oddly shy: “Would you like to see…?”
“The wine cellar!” Janus says, pleased, setting a lid atop the pot. “I knew you must have one, I just wasn’t sure which key went to which door…”
“Well,” Patton says, picking up a key. “Follow me, then—we’ll go to my private cellar,” and Janus falls into step slightly behind him.
“There’s the public one open for tours, of course, but I keep my favorites down here…” Patton unlocks the door and descends the stairs, talking all the while. “Did you know, I’ve also started collecting wine?”
Janus laughs. “A man of many interests, I see.”
Patton chuckles, too, briefly detouring flick a light to light dim lanterns hanging overhead, and then, in a well-practiced maneuver, strikes a match and quickly lights a genuine candelabra, blowing out the match before he’s lifting it up.
He smiles bashfully at the look that Janus is giving him. “I know it’s a little overdramatic—”
“Far be it from me, to criticize someone else’s flair for drama,” Janus says.
“—but the cellar down here does get pretty cold, just by design. So a lot of candles is really multi-purpose. C’mere—I’ll show you some I think you’ll be interested in...”
Janus follows, but he does take time to examine the space. 
Descending the stairs with his ex-husband would probably make anyone think that Janus was about to be Cask of Amontillado’d, if it had been anyone but Patton’s wine cellar.
Gray stone walls and floors, with big columns holding up load-bearing rafters; Patton’s taking the time to light some extra candles, even as a small, battery-powered chandelier has been turned on. There are more traditional wine racks, a third of them empty (“room to grow,” Patton says) and some slightly less-traditional wood cabinets.
Janus follows him over to stand by an alcove—filled with wine racks, of course—and examines the bottles; some are a little dusty, but they’re mostly looking like Patton’s secreted little treasures.
“Ah! Here,” Patton says, stopping before a particular section, pulling one free and presenting the label to Janus, exactly like any trained sommelier would. “A 1921 Burgundy. They say the rain this year made this the best Burgundy ever harvested.”
Janus touches the worn label, fascinated. Patton carefully replaces the 1921 to its place of glory.
“Oh, and here—you’ll appreciate this one—” He opens another cabinet, removing yet another bottle, tilting it so Janus can read it in the candlelight.
“V-E Day, 1945,” Janus reads in a stunned whisper. “That’s incredible.”
“I love this one,” Patton says fondly. “Oh, aw, and this one too—”
He points to V-E Day’s neighbor. 
“What makes this one special?” Janus says. “Bottled the day of the moon landing?”
Patton laughs. “Not quite. Um—it’s a Bordeaux ‘52. My parents served this wine at their wedding. My sister might—what?”
“Oh, Patton,” Janus says, smiling up at him. “That’s so you.” 
Patton blushes, and Janus takes the time to examine him; he’s showered and changed since the aftermath of the disastrous hike, which means he’s also shaved away that clinging five o’clock shadow—Janus remembers it once seemed to sprout up on his face like it truly was clockwork.
Patton, a fully-grown adult now, with a vineyard and his own wine collection, and here was the cabinet full of his favorites. The one of historical significance seemed obvious for most, but placing the ones of great sentimental value in places of pride?
That was Patton Parker all over.
Patton moves to put it back, and Janus examines the next in line.
“What’s that one?” He says, reaching for it, and Patton jumps.
“Oh! Um—”
But Janus already has it in hand, reading the label. “Where Dreams Have No End…, 1983.”
There’s an illustration of an oblong sort of wheel, cut into slices, with each segment staggered; some white, some with every color of the rainbow, two opposite segments containing an illustration of the phases of the moon.
Patton clears his throat awkwardly, rubbing at his freshly-shaved face. “Um—that one actually took me years to track down.”
“What’s so special about this one, that it’s earned the place right between your parents’ wedding wine and V-E Day?”
Patton smiles at him, a soft, shielded thing.
“That’s the wine we drank at our wedding.”
Janus inhales sharply. He suddenly feels as if he is holding the most precious diamond in all the world. 
The wine they drank at their wedding. That rushed affair, so long ago, with their fellow passengers and the captain who’d married them as their guests. Janus had worn the best suit he’d packed—Patton wore the only suit he owned—and they had been married at the bow of the ship, overlooking the sea.
Patton had wept from happiness at seeing him and Janus’s cheeks had ached for days afterwards with the width of the smile. They had been constantly touching, then; Patton’s calloused hand holding his, Janus leaning against his shoulder when he’d felt sleepy after another excellent dinner. On their wedding day, they’d been like giggly, flushing teenagers, giddy with the brush of first love, their hands on each other constantly, whispering we’re married, we’re married, you’re my husband, I love you, back and forth, back and forth.
They’d been so happy.
“Oh,” Janus breathes out at last. It seems too small and too large a reaction all at once.
“I now have every bottle ever made.”
Janus stares up at him, his lips parting in shock.
“You do?”
“I do.”
Patton says the words differently than he had then, but the tenderness of them still hold true, even a dozen years and a divorce later. Janus looks to the bottle, back to Patton.
“Can we open one?”
“Of course we can,” Patton says. “You’re the only one I’d ever drink it with.”
They inch closer. Closer. Patton smells of body wash and aftershave,  
Janus tilts up his chin, his face getting closer to Patton’s and he waits for one heartbeat with bated breath.
 Janus wonders wildly if this is it, if this is it, the moment they pick up where they left off all those years ago, and keep going forward, if he’ll go upstairs and Patton will stand behind him and kiss the back of his neck as he puts the finishing touches on dinner, and if they will be smiling and secretively giddy at the dinner table, feet touching under the table where their children wouldn’t be able to see. 
Two heartbeats. 
Janus’s heart sinks. He knows before Patton even has to say it.
It’s a nice daydream. But for them, there is no moving forward.
Janus peers up at him through his eyelashes, hoping to find—find something of the joyous man that Janus had once married. But Patton’s eyes are closed, and he looks pained, lips are pressed together and jaw tense.
“I’m sorry,” Patton whispers. 
“No,” Janus says. “Of course. Of course not. I’m sorry. You just broke up with your fiancé today. Of course you shouldn’t be sorry.”
“I just—”
“I know,” Janus says. “Perfectly reasonable. The wine—remembering our wedding—it got to me. I’m fine now.”
“Are you sure?” Patton says, quietly concerned. “I can offer you—” he pats his pocket. “Well, not a handkerchief, but I guess a clean sleeve…”
“No,” Janus says, putting a resolutely calm expression on his face. “Really. Little wobbly. Fine now.”
And then, there’s the rumble of car tires across gravel, the flash of a headlight in a window.
“That will be Virgil and Logan.” Patton murmurs. “I should probably—”
Janus does not mention that Virgil surely has a key.
And then Patton is backing away a couple of steps, his face now half in darkness, a slanting line of the light directly across those incredible brown eyes. 
And Patton stares at Janus, his mouth twisting up.
Janus would reach for him.
Patton, barely moving, shakes his head. 
“Hello?” Virgil’s voice filters in from above. “Anyone home?”
Their eye contact breaks; the moment dies.
Like their marriage did.
“We’ll be right up!” Patton calls, and, oh so carefully and tenderly, he tucks the bottle of wine back in place.
He locks the cabinet. 
He turns away, and leaves.
Janus takes a moment to wipe his eyes dry on his own sleeve, and put on a good show for his children.
For their children.
Sammy whines at the sight of suitcases coming down the stairs, the sight always just enough to put him on edge.
“It’s all right, Samster,” Patton mumbles, though it doesn’t feel like it’s going to be all right. “It’s okay. Me and Remus and Virgil—we’ll be right here.”
Sammy chuffs, displeased, but he stays put even as Patton goes to help Logan put the suitcases out on the front stairs, where the roof will shield them from the rain, coming down in an onslaught.
Logan clears his throat, looking out to the vineyard.
“Erm—if I were ever to accompany Roman back. To visit here.”
Patton catches onto his meaning quickly.
“You’d be welcome any time,” Patton says. “Any time. Of course you would be, you’re family. Remus would be thrilled to bits to see you.”
Logan smiles, in his muted way.
“Hey, even if—even if Remus is over there.” Patton says. “You’d be welcome to come and stay with me, to see him. God knows we need all the love we can get around this place.”
And then Logan’s sticking out his hand, looking too overwhelmed for words.
Patton takes it with a firm grip, like his own father taught him, and shakes it.
“Come whenever you’d like,” Patton says. “I’m not just saying that: you’re welcome anytime. You—you seem to make him really happy.”
“Yes,” Logan says, his voice quiet and melancholy, as everyone’s voices have been this morning. “Yes, I rather I hope I do.”
There’s the creaking of the door, and the sound of quiet footsteps.
“I’ll give you two a moment,” Logan says, and withdraws back into the house. Surely to have his own moment with the new flame he’ll be leaving behind.
Patton swallows hard, the tears already springing to his eyes.
He doesn’t want to say goodbye to his creative, flamboyant, mischievous, brave, polite, precious boy.
“Hey there, sweetie,” Patton says, leaning against the door. He can see Remus and Janus out of the corner of his eye, Janus bending to hug him, the pair of them with matching, wretched looks on their faces, and if he focuses on that any longer he’ll start bawling immediately.
Roman swallows once, twice. Then:
“I’m really gonna miss you,” he chokes out.
“Oh, honey, me too,” he says, and he barely gets the words out before Roman’s flung himself into his arms.
“It’s not for forever,” Patton says, trying to comfort himself as much as he’s trying to comfort Roman. “We’ll be spending Thanksgiving together in a couple of months, you and me and Remus and your Grandfather.”
“We are?”
“Of course we are!” Patton insists, clutching him tightly. “I’ll show you all the wonders of American cooking. Or—Virgil will. Turkey and stuffing and gravy and biscuits and cranberry sauce and pumpkin and pecan pie. The whole nine yards.”
“Promise me,” Roman insists. “Promise me I’ll see you then.”
“I promise,” Patton croaks out. “I promise. A herd of thundering horses wouldn’t be able to tear me away.”
“You’re sure?”
“I am,” Patton insists. “I am. I’ll take you to an American football game, like a lot of families do, and we’ll carve pumpkins even though it’ll be a month late so Virgil can make us pumpkin pie and seed snacks, and we’ll make mulled wine and cider, and we’ll rake big old leaf piles for you and Remus to jump in…”
And so Patton holds his son close, weaving him the mental image of a perfect, idyllic Californian autumn day until he sees Janus and Remus separate, Janus stroking back Remus’s hair and staring at his face intensely, as though memorizing it until he can see him again.
And, as though sensing it, the twins turn to face each other at the same time.
“I’ll see you, Papa,” Roman murmurs.
“I promise,” Patton says again, and the twins walk toward each other.
Roman takes a deep breath. Remus practically lunges for him.
The kids seize each other in a massive bear hug, Remus looking like he’s one wrong arm placement away from strangling Roman, Roman pressing his face into Remus’s shoulder as if they’ll merge together if he stands close enough, as if he won’t have to go.
Patton tries his hardest not to sniffle, but he does reach up and wipe a finger under his eye.
There is a silent presence who steps up beside him, close enough to touch, close enough that Patton can feel the heat of him in this chilly rain.
Probably the only person who can understand this specific heartbreak, of divvying up your children again, of watching one of them go.
The pair of them watch their children go, Roman holding the umbrella aloft above them, Remus’s arm slung over Roman’s shoulders, as though trying to extend the hug for as long as he humanly can.
Patton reaches out to squeeze Janus’s arm, rubbing up and down.
“Take care of yourself,” Patton murmurs. It doesn’t feel like enough. But what else can he say?
“Yeah,” Janus says. “You too.”
And he hesitates. Before Patton turns and, wishing desperately he had acted differently the night before, presses a soft kiss to Janus’s cheek.
Janus’s eyes are closed when Patton draws back to look at him again.
“Bye,” Janus murmurs. He steps away, onto the balcony, opening his own umbrella and rushing for the car.
“Bye,” Patton sighs after him.
Remus opens the car door for Janus, the sound of their “I love you” “I love you too” between them reaching Patton even through the loud pattering of the rain.
He watches Virgil gently close the car door on the other side, stepping back, putting his hand over his mouth.
He watches Remus slam the car door, waving at the window, before he sprints back to the porch, running to get the best vantage point of the car leaving.
Virgil follows, pale and silent as a ghost.
Remus waves, but then he falters, Patton puts a hand on his shoulder, squeezing.
“Pa,” Remus says, his voice cracking, leaning back against him hard. Patton wraps his arms around him, taking his weight, and bending to press his lips to the top of his head.
“I know, kiddo. I know. I’m sorry,” he whispers, his own voice wet, rocking him back and forth, just like he did when Remus was a baby.
When Remus and Roman were babies.
But they’re just so big now. 
“I’m so sorry.”
Please don’t go, Patton wants to say. He wants to sprint out into the rain, fall to his knees in the mud, plant himself in front of the car, and cry out to the world to hear to beg for them not to go.
But he doesn’t.
And so they go.
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Several Sentences Sunday
Fanonwriter2023 on AO3
Where CANON and FANON collide!
Season 7 FANON FanFic: Buddie Multi-Chapter - Hiatus Reading: “I’m still in love with you but... I needed to learn how to love myself too!”
Chapter 29 will be posted one day this week. (Hopefully by Tuesday but no later than Wednesday.)
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Currently 28 chapters completed: 1.77M Words; Rated: Mature
One chapter will be posted at a time.
#1 {Previous snippet} #2 {Previous snippet}
#3 {Previous snippet} #4 {Previous snippet}
I'm excited to finish writing Chapter 29 because at the end of Chapter 28, it was early in the morning and Buck and Eddie were lying in bed having a serious conversation about whether Eddie's going to delay the pursuit of his second paramedic certification, the ACP-C. Buck doesn't want him to give up his dream, especially now since they know what caused Buck's bradycardia and he's on medication. He's doing better and even though he's still grieving, he believes once he passes the last two stages of grief, Frank may clear him to return to work but he's still not sure if he wants to go back to being a firefighter. Also, Eddie's FMLA ends on January 31, 2024 but the question is will he extend it or return to the 118?
Additionally, Chris is still dealing with one of his classmate's lack of participation in their video game project and it's stressing him out. Furthermore, during their last group therapy session, Buck had a conversation with Captain Jeshan Mehta and he asked him if they could meet so he can get an objective viewpoint from someone about whether he could be a captain someday with the LAFD. He decided not to ask Bobby since he doesn't believe he'll give him an objective viewpoint because in September 2022, he told him he needed more life experience. Things are getting interesting as the Diaz family gets closer to their "New Beginnings".
Here's a snippet from Chapter 29. It's from one of Buck and Eddie's conversations.
This will be the last snippet before the chapter is posted.
Eddie taps end on his phone, then he leans back and takes Buck’s hand in his. They’re quietly sitting on the couch and they're allowing the weight of everything that they just discussed during the call to surround them.
After a few seconds, Buck asks, “Babe… what do you think?” 
He looks at his husband, meets his eyes and admits, “I know we didn’t look up the population in the area before we bid on it and I don’t think we needed too since we loved staying in a villa that was on a hill and it was miles away from any neighbors.  The solitude alone was great and there wasn’t any traffic in the area, unlike here in L.A.  Additionally, we didn’t research establishing residency or applying for dual citizenship but amore mio…”  He trails off but there’s a smile on his face and while they hold each other’s gazes, he continues.  “I’m excited about it and I still want that house for us.”
“Me too.”  Buck replies with a smile, then he leans in and kisses him.
It’s deep, languid and tantalizing and as their tongues tangle, they gasp and moan into it.  After they break it, they’re both breathless and they lean their foreheads together.
“Babe?”  Buck whispers.
“Yes, my love?”
“We bid on a house in Italy while we were on our honeymoon!”
Eddie smiles, chuckles and replies, “We sure did and I hope we get it.”
“I hope we do too.  Um... Thursday is the 1st and didn't Angelo say he’d call us at the beginning of February?”
“He did and hopefully, he’ll call us to let us know something soon.”
He nods. “I think Jackson and Nancy are a friendly couple and they were very helpful.  I—I mean they answered all of our questions.”
“You’re right they did and while we were in San Gimignano, I enjoyed spending time with them.  Also, they have sons around Chris’ age… if I’m not mistaken, Darren’s 13 and Scott is 11 which means Chris will have someone close to his age whenever we travel to our new home.  When we go in June, Mario and Vincent will be with us and if they get accepted into the University of Florence’s computer science program, all five boys will be in it and we’ll get to visit Jackson and Nancy’s vineyard and the coolest part is they’ll be our neighbors.”
Who is Jackson, Nancy, Darren and Scott? 😉 (hint they met them in Chapter 23)
Will Angelo call Buck and Eddie at the beginning of February like he said he would?
Will Buck and Eddie get the house they bid on in December and if they do, will they move to Italy or are they planning to maintain two houses, one in L.A. and the other in San Gimignano?
Fic Summary: Months after Buck and Eddie were hit by the same lightning strike; they’re still struggling with the aftermath of it.  But before they make their love confessions, they’ll spend time getting to know themselves as individuals first. Eddie learns to enjoy the simple things in life as he participates in activities on his own and with new friends while Buck learns the rest of the 31-year-old deep dark family secret about his conception and birth. Their journey to forever is still a work in progress but once they finally admit they’re in love with each other, everything that follows their love confessions will be cataclysmic.
Chapter Summaries
Chapter 1 - Eddie makes a new friend while Buck receives devastating news regarding the sperm donation he made for Connor and Kameron.
Chapter 2 - Buck does a lot of research to learn more about the abnormalities found in his red blood cells and Eddie starts a new therapy journey that’s all about him and not the traumas he’s experienced.
Chapter 3 - After more than a month, Buck and Eddie finally spend time together outside of work but it doesn’t end well and they part with a lot of uncertainty regarding their places in each other’s lives.
Chapter 4 - Eddie has a few realizations about his life which causes him to consider moving back to El Paso, TX while Buck continues to be reminded of his past which causes him to take an impromptu road trip across America.
Chapter 5 - Both Buck and Eddie have difficult conversations with their parents and Buck finally learns the truth behind the reason why his mother despised him while Eddie finally tells his mother about the way she tries to control him.
Chapter 6 - More than two weeks after Buck pushed Eddie away after suggesting they needed a break; Eddie decides to try again. Eddie’s there for Buck when he’s at his worst just like Buck was there for him when he was at his worst and he won’t let Buck give up.
Chapter 7 - After Buck’s mental breakdown, Eddie has his back the same way Buck had his when he had his own breakdown more than a year ago.  They share several vulnerable and emotionally intimate moments with one another and they begin to realize their small, sweet and caring gestures matter just as much if not more than any grand gesture ever could because these are the foundations of a long-lasting love relationship.
Chapter 8 - Buck, Eddie and Chris all have their own therapists and during their sessions, they reflect on their pasts while they’re in the present so they can prepare for their future together as a family.
Chapter 9 - Buck and Eddie are there for each other when Buck has to testify as a witness during the trial.  But by the end of it, they’ll both realize their individual and shared traumas are going to keep resurfacing until they talk about them, deal with the fact that they’re in love with one another and face the fact that they can’t live without each other.
Chapter 10 - As Buck and Eddie finally begin to confront their past traumas, they realize how much they need each other to fill in the gaps of their memories.  Additionally, the universe screams at them for what appears to be the one hundredth time so Buck can realize he doesn’t have to ‘find it’ because he already ‘made it’ and Eddie’s reminded tomorrow isn’t promised and he doesn’t have to die alone if he doesn’t want to.
Chapter 11 - A “virga” or dry thunderstorm is in the forecast but once the rain starts, the thunderstorm happening outside won’t be able to match the storm brewing inside between Buck and Eddie.  It’s the universe’s final scream and when the tumultuous winds begin to blow, they’ll have one last chance to hold onto everything they’ve built over the last six years or they’ll lose it all forever.
Chapter 12 - Buck and Eddie have always shared a deep physical attraction and an emotional intimacy that’s unmatched but now that they’re in a relationship, they’re learning how to navigate the romantic intimacy they’ve been waiting for six years to explore. The love they have for each other is a once in a lifetime, soulmate, love of their lives type of love that transcends space and time.
Chapter 13 - While navigating the newness of their romantic relationship, Buck and Eddie take advantage of every moment they spend together. As their individual lives, people from their pasts, time constraints and the possibility of losing each other again make attempts to interrupt and interfere with their journey to forever, they love, care for, support and hold onto each other even tighter to withstand it all.
Chapter 14 - Buck and Eddie can see the lights at the end of the tunnels regarding the results of Buck’s Cancer Screening along with everything else they’re dealing with. But are the lights they see exits to the tunnels or are they headlights on different runaway trains that are speeding towards them in an effort to interrupt their forever?
Chapter 15 - Buck and Eddie have known they were exactly who the other one wanted in a partner since they met six years ago when they agreed to have each other’s backs. They’re in a romantic relationship, they’re both preparing to ask the other one to spend forever with them and by the end of the seventh week into their relationship, together they will plan their most important and greatest adventure for their future.
Chapter 16 - As Buck and Eddie begin to prepare for their marriage ceremony that will take place in Rome, Italy in December 2023, they start planning their first international adventure as a romantic couple. Even though Chris is still the only person they’ve told about their relationship, several people who know them have already witnessed the love they share and as the days continue, others will witness it too.
Chapter 17 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to departing Los Angeles for their international adventure, a moment in time will remind them; life is fragile, tomorrow isn’t promised and every second of everyday should be cherished because everything can change in an instant. The result of that realization will cause them to hold onto each other even more.
Chapter 18 - As Buck, Eddie and Chris prepare for family gatherings before and during the Thanksgiving holiday, the “Santa Ana Winds” start to blow and all sorts of expected and unexpected familial drama ensues.
Chapter 19 - As Buck and Eddie get closer to their wedding day, the universe begins to align everything so that some of their parent and children's relationships are strengthened while others come to an abrupt end.
Chapter 20 - With only 14 days remaining until Buck, Eddie and Chris depart Los Angeles, CA traveling to Rome, Italy, for their first family adventure, an early morning conversation about “tying up loose ends” helps Buck and Eddie realize there are still several things left unfinished on their ‘To Do’ lists. The question is will there be enough time to complete all of them?
Chapter 21 - Buck, Eddie and Chris are finalizing their ‘To Do’ Lists, double checking their itineraries and packing their suitcases in preparation for their trip to Europe so they can board their flight that departs Los Angeles, CA on Friday, December 15, 2023 at 3:25PM.
Chapter 22 - While Buck, Eddie and Chris spend the first 8 days of their European family adventure in Italy, their primary reason for going will be fulfilled as well as several others they hadn’t considered or anticipated.
Chapter 23 - As the Diaz Family continues their Italian family adventure, they’ll say, “Ciao” or hello and goodbye to a lot of things almost immediately after they become an official and legal family.
Chapter 24 - After Buck, Eddie and Chris arrive in London, England on December 24th; the Diazes immediately start preparing to spend their first family Christmas together. During their stay, each of them will hear a few choice words that will be the life raft to get them home to complete their searches to be seen and to be found.
Chapter 25 - After spending more than two weeks in Europe, Eddie, Buck and Chris are back in Los Angeles and they’re getting ready to attend Maddie and Chimney’s New Year’s Eve party. During the event, they have plans to make two surprise announcements but the question is, who’s really going to be surprised, the Diaz family or their found family at the 118?
Chapter 26 - Buck and Eddie are once again faced with their greatest fear of losing each other but this time it could be permanent and if it is, then they won’t be able to spend the rest of their lives together.
Chapter 27 - After Buck resumes therapy, he’ll continue to face the fact that he “DIED” in March 2023 and during those sessions, he’ll learn about the 7 stages of grief. As he continues his healing journey, Eddie will be right by his side just like he promised and the Diaz family will start to deal with their three minutes and seventeen seconds loss as a family.
Chapter 28 - Two years ago, Eddie was asked, “What are you afraid of?”; twice, once by Frank and once by Buck but he only answered one of them without deflecting. Since that time, he’s been to therapy and him and Buck got married but the question resurfaces when Frank asks Buck the same question and Buck asks it of Eddie for the second time. However, when Buck asks, his reasoning will be about something else entirely.
Chapter 29 - Will be posted soon.
Read chapters 1-28 are available on AO3.
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thus-spoke-lo · 1 month
Fic authors self rec!♡
When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Let’s spread the self-love❤
^^^^ saw this and thought of you!! No pressure, but I'd love to know what your five faves are!
Hey hi, sorry I'm just getting around to this, but you know I can't pass up an opportunity to talk about myself and my fics so sure! Picking only five is hard tbh, I'm kind of a fan of my own work (because I wrote it for meeeee lmao) butttt I narrowed it down. I'm excluding Pain Management because that's my only multi-chapter, so I'm just comparing one-shots against each other.
Links and explanations under the cut (cw for discussing a couple works that feature incest/stepcest):
Have Mercy (Franky x reader)
Say what you will about One Piece men, Franky is the most husband-coded character to me, and making him Reader's "one that got away" absolutely breaks my heart. But also I like to think Reader brags about having routinely been hitting that once his wanted posters start getting around.
Runs in the Family (Rosinante Donquixote x sister!reader)
This was deeply fucked-up and the thought of it was vexing me for weeks until I got it all down. I have a lot of headcanons about how incestual the Celestial Dragons and their descendants are, and I like to think Rosi was convinced he was above it all, had escaped the inevitable. But sometimes, you can only run so long before that which you tried to avoid catches up to you.
Between What Was and What Will Be (stepdad!Shanks x reader)
Oh boy, this was one that I just had a super-clear idea for in my head and it was driving me insane until I wrote it. I think I finished this in a weekend. The most important theme of this is that daddy kinks are passé, dad kinks are in. (I'm JOKING, it's about shared trauma and what defines family and breaking taboos.)
A Ride for a Ride (taxi driver!Zoro x reader) / Compliments to the Chef (linecook!Sanji x reader)
Pairing these together because they're both Slimeball AU works and also linked by the same Reader. I had such a fucking blast writing them both, feeling free from giving too much of a shit if Sanji or Zoro were in-character, because their Slimeball AU personalities were whatever I wanted them to be. (Yet, they still felt in-canon somehow, just a little to the left.) I love how just... down for whatever Reader really is in these lmao.
Secondhand Smoke (Spike Spiegel x reader)
I like writing pieces without dialogue sometimes as an exercise, since that's usually what I prefer to write first, and this was so very sexy of me to write imo. Writing about a character I've been in love with for 20+ years is always special to me, it's silly but I try to write Spike with such care and keep him in character as closely as I can because it's like, important to me to write him as I experienced him. If that makes any sense.
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