#i had to cancel my subscriptions to all the research sites i was using for financial reasons so everything's been put on hold for now
maverick-werewolf · 2 years
Werewolf Promo! Figure, book, and more
Independent and struggling creator/scholar and werewolf lady here with a werewolf-themed promo including real, physical rewards you can touch, handmade with love and care! And they’ll be all yours! Because the world can never have enough werewolf things.
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From now through November 12, if you sign up for my Patreon at the $50 Nightlord tier or higher, you will get a package of goodies that includes lots of great stuff!
Physical, signed paperback copy of the short story collection Tales of Wulfgard, Volume I, updated and revised for 2022! Includes 2 werewolf stories!
Exclusive custom LEGO minifig of wolf-man Chrisanthos, as seen in “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing” in Tales
A handwritten thank you card
Wulfgard art stickers (including some werewolves!)
A Wulfgard bookmark
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Even if you don’t sign up at the $50 tier, here are things you can get at other tiers, including as low as the $1 a month tier!
Participate in polls to decide the next Werewolf Fact and Vampire Fact!, access to writing and artwork journals (all starts at $1)
Monthly previews of folklore books (includes werewolf studies), novels, and short stories several years before publication (starts at $5)
Special thanks in all my future works (starts at $10)
Send me your research questions on folklore and more (starts at $10)
And much more; be sure to check out the tiers on Patreon, including secondary tiers of all price ranges featuring my stranger writing I don’t post elsewhere!
Click here to check out my Patreon; sign up for a $50+ tier to receive this exclusive reward package!
I hope you’ll check out my work and maybe consider supporting me - I deeply appreciate all the support I can get, and I’d love to send you some werewolf goodies! If you can’t support, all signal boosts appreciated! Thank you so much for reading!
(More info on myself, my work, the rewards, some disclaimers, etc below.)
This year, my Patreon reward minifig is Wolf-Man Chrisanthos, a farmboy born a mage with power over frost who had an unfortunate run-in with a werewolf, as seen in “A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing,” a short story featured in Tales of Wulfgard, Vol I.
REMINDER: This offer ENDS November 12! If you do not sign up at any point now until then, you will not be eligible for these rewards!
Expect more wolf-man minifigs to collect in the future, in a variety of colors, including the black-furred bestial werewolf form Tom minifig coming soon for patrons! If you sign up now, you’ll already be a patron when the next minifig is sent out (not all minifigs have promo alerts like this one)!
Check out my About Me page if you’re still not sure who the heck I am!
Not sure what Wulfgard is?
Discover a new world, a land of monsters and magic, of werewolves, shape-shifters, and beast-men, of danger and deceit - a world where all legends are true, where every myth is real and every fight could be your last, where darkness lurks in every corner… a world where only the bravest of heroes rise to answer the call of battle - and to the call of the hunt.
Discover the world of Wulfgard: the ancient-medieval dark fantasy universe where all legends are true, and terrifying werewolves howl in the night.
For more information on Wulfgard, be sure to visit the official Wulfgard site, and don’t forget to come hang out with us on the official Wulfgard and Nova Refuge discord!
All current patrons at $50 or higher (Nightlord and Apex Predator tiers, Lunatic and otherwise) will receive this package.
All new patrons at $50 or higher will receive this package regardless of how long they stay a patron. If you pay the $50 once, you will receive this package, even if you immediately lower or even cancel your pledge.
Tales of Wulfgard: Volume I has been revised and updated, including an all new and fully rewritten and improved edition of “Hunted,” Caiden’s Tale, now in line with The Hunt Never Ends and over twice its original length!
My Patreon renews subscriptions at the start of each month. This means you will be charged for your subscription every start of a new month regardless of when you paid for your first sub fee. If you were to subscribe mid November, for instance, you WILL be charged again December 1. Keep this in mind if it is of concern to you!
Reward packages will be sent out late November or early December. I will keep everyone posted as to when they will be sent. Please note the cover art for Tales as seen in the promo image may not look exactly the same, as the new and improved edition of the book is not yet finalized; the image is of the book’s previous edition.
Please send me a message on Patreon, email me, contact me via Twitter DMs or other social media (NOTE: I do not check Facebook regularly!), or contact me through my personal blog here on Tumblr if you have any concerns or questions!
I hope you’ll consider becoming a part of my Patreon pack!
Happy November!
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starbuck · 4 years
Hi! I just wanted to drop it to say that I come back to your James heath post every so often and it makes me teary every single time. I don’t know what it is about it but it really brings the emotions out
Oh I’m so glad!! I wasn’t sure if it was something that would interest others since he truly is just Some Guy but, to me, that’s the beauty of it. James Heath was just a normal, average person who I wouldn’t even know existed were it not for the unique circumstances of his death, and yet even just the vague sketch I’ve worked out of his life is so fascinating.
I’m not sure if you saw the updates from stuff I found out about him in subsequent research but here are some of the most interesting bits:
James’ step-father was apparently an alcoholic and abusive towards him and his mother, to the point where several incidents made the news. It was less than a month after the last incident (which culminated in James breaking an “earthern pitcher” over his step-father’s head and his step-father being arrested for intoxication) that he enlisted in the navy at the age of 17.
When he re-enlisted at the age of 21, he was noted to have a “Goddess Liberty” tattoo on his right forearm. It’s worth noting that the Statue of Liberty was being constructed at the time. 
Upon rechecking the dates, I found out that he actually WAS serving aboard the USS Trenton when it was nearly wrecked in a storm and had to do that crazy maneuver where all the men went up in the rigging and formed a human sail. Like, James was probably one of those men! How cool is that?
There was a really weird situation three years after his death where a woman claiming to be his widow tried to sue for his money even though his estate had been settled right after he died. It’s technically possible that he could have married at some point since he was stationed on the East Coast for a while before transferring to the Pacific but I can find no records of his marriage and all the newspaper articles about the contested will refer to her as his “alleged widow” even after the case was resolved so I’m assuming that she never proved their marriage. It’s all just very sketchy and weird. But anyhow, she ultimately got nothing because, although he had left no written will, witnesses attested that he had made a nuncupative will on his deathbed which left everything to his brother. 
I’m unclear on what ever happened with his abusive step-father but I know that James’ mother and her remaining children eventually moved to Chicago without him so hopefully a happy ending for them there.
A downside to James Heath just being Some Guy is that it’s so far been impossible to find any quotes or writing from him directly, just things written about him and those mostly after his death. I know that that’s just kinda How It Is but I’m so curious! What were his interests? What did handwriting look like? What did he look like? I don’t know and I probably never will but it’s so cool to think about! 
Thanks so much for the ask - it’s wonderful to know that others find this stuff meaningful as well! 
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A Special Announcement: Introducing Monthly Subscriber Perks [BIG POST!]
Hey there Sketchy Friends, Followers, and Fans!
As you may know, I was recently agonizing over what perks I could offer to anyone who wanted to support me on a monthly basis via Ko-fi. There were a lot of suggestions from everyone, ranging from special commission slots to mystery-box sticker packs to be mailed out every month, and while some of these have been filed in the 'Maybe in the future' pile, I wanted to focus on ideas that
1 -- I KNEW I could execute on; stayed within skills I already had, and wouldn't need to do a lot of extra research for. 2 -- Wouldn't make excessive extra demands on my time; I'm already running myself pretty hard week to week between my online presence and being a homebody in meat space-- I can't put 100% into the community and still have energy leftover to make meals/take care of myself/look after my home. It just doesn't work that way. 3 -- Wouldn't have me making promises I couldn't keep; while this is kinda point 1 again, it's worth stressing. I didn't want to promise anything I couldn't deliver on and lose the trust of the community. It's just bad form.
With all of this in mind. I have come to a decision.
Starting in April, I will be recording all Sketchy Saturday sketches so it is possible to turn them into time lapse/speed paint videos.
Monthly subscribers will get 1 [ONE] sketch of their choice turned into a Time Lapse video per month, WITH A PERSONAL MESSAGE FROM ME IN THE OPENING.
If you'd like to know more about how this works on the nuts-and-bolts level, please keep reading! This cut is here to save people's dash from my long news posts XD
ANY amount at or above 1$ USD per month qualifies for this perk.
The personal message can be from me to you, or a specific dedication you'd like me to make to someone you know. I can also put it at the end of the video, if you'd prefer.
Monthly subs can request ANY sketch to be made into a video, not just ones they specifically requested.
Donators can get extra requests per 10$ they pledge per month-- so if you're donating 1$ USD a month, you're entitled to 1 video request per month. If you're donating 11$, you're entitled to 2, 21$ a month, entitled to 3, ect.
I will be keeping track of these requests-- both earned and used, via yet another one of my spreadsheets which will be publicly viewable, tracked with whatever screen name you're using on Ko-Fi.
If I start my monthly subscription to you NOW, will I earn a request for this month?
YES! I just haven't recorded any of the sketches so far this month, so you won't be able to use them till April.
Do unused video requests roll over?
Yes, but only month-to-month. You can collect video request credits all year long, but at 12:01 AM on January 1st, US Pacific Time, everything resets to zero. I'll be sending out messages on December 20th to remind people of remaining request credits they have, so monthly subscribers don't get screwed on their perks.
This includes if you support me for a few months, but then cancel your subscription-- you KEEP your earned video requests until you USE them, or the NEW YEAR rolls over.
Will you be mentioning the person who requested the video on that video?
Yes, in the video title, calling them the 'Sponsor' of the video, unless that person otherwise specifies that they'd like not to be named.
Can I request ANYTHING in the personal message?
Yes, so long as it is not in any way hateful or harmful. If you wanna use my platform to be an asshole, I don't want your money.
Should a message be deemed to be hateful or harmful after it has already been published, I may take the video down and re-upload it without the dedication. I take all responsibility for the messages uploaded onto my platform, and will apologize for any harm caused-- irregardless of its source. Video request credits may be given back to the requester on a case-by-case basis, after an investigation on how knowledgeable they were about the message being harmful. If it was an accident, the credit will be given back to be used again. If the harm was purposeful, the requester will be blocked and all their request credits considered invalid.
Where will the videos be posted?
YouTube! I already have an account all set up. The account has zero intent on being part of the Partners Program or seeking monetization-- it's simply a display space.
Will these videos be public?
YES! Your monthly donations and requests will be building up a whole new catalog of content for the whole community to enjoy!
Can the video I requested be made private?
Only until a specific date-- like you wanted to surprise a friend on their birthday, or [heaven help me] your dedication has a marriage proposal or baby announcement in it and you'd like the release of the video to be part of the event. I will not make a video permanently private and only provide links to the requester-- I will not fence content away from the community for money, I have an ethical issue with that.
Can I request the video have specific music?
Only if it's not going to set off the copyright bot on Youtube. Otherwise, I have a MASSIVE library of music that I can use from when I used to make time-lapse videos all the time, all sourced from the website OCremix.org -- they're remixes of video game music, kinda like Fanfiction.net but ONLY for games and SPECIFICALLY for transformative works of music. Tracks from that site don't trip the copyright bots, and I always link back to the original OCRemix video so peeps who like the track can check out the person who made it.
If you send me a track to use, you need to provide me with a download. Not a link to a youtube video for me to rip from. An actual, already downloaded and tested MP3, or the link to the page from which to download said MP3, legally.
No. Pirated. Music.
THAT SAID!! If you MADE a track, and want me to use it, I am 9000% down. Hell yes. Just nothing longer than 4 minutes-- short time lapse videos don't do well with long tracks.
I have a question that wasn't addressed here!??
Well, my friend, that's what the ask box is for :3 Hit me up, and I'll do my best to clarify whatever you'd like to know.
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eroticcannibal · 3 years
Common myths and misconceptions about home education
So in case anyone has somehow missed it, I have recently become a Big supporter of home education in a very lefty way, which has meant I have had to challenge a lot of views I have previously held about home education and that I know a lot of other lefties hold too. I am of the opinion that embracing home education, not as a last resort, but as the primary form of education for as many children as possible, is a vital part of achieving the required shifts in society needed to meet the goals of most leftists. So I am taking it on myself to convince you all that it is a very good thing, and also to clear up some misconceptions people have about home education that may make them feel they are unable to do it.
(A note, I am from the UK and shall be using UK terminology and specifics regarding law, policy and other such things will be from a UK perspective. I shall be using the term home education, as that is the legal term in the UK and is distinct from home schooling, which is the term for what school children have been doing during the pandemic.)
And I would also like to extend a quick thanks to Education Otherwise and the mods at Home education and your local authority for teaching me A LOT.
Have any questions about anything I’ve not covered here? Just let me know!
1. “Home education is illegal.”
- Sadly, home education is illegal or restricted to the point of inaccessibility in most of the world. From the research I have done, it seems that only the US and the UK have reasonable laws around home education (if I am using a very broad definition of reasonable, it is still not great). I do hope I can change this section soon, and I would *heavily* encourage people to campaign for the right to home educate post pandemic, perhaps cite any benefits learning at home has provided to children, perhaps???
2. “Home education is a tool used by religious fundamentalists to brainwash children!”
- This is a view many hold, and for good reason. For many of us, when we think of home education, we think of christian fundamentalists in the deep south of America, pulling their children out of school to avoid the liberal agenda. The truth is, anything can be used as a tool of indoctrination. This can happen in home education, and it can happen and has happened in schools too. In my own communities we have had instances of schools being a site of religious radicalization of children. The reality is this is far too complex and deep an issue to be solved by deeming any particular form of education as “bad”. I am not an expert on how best to deal with such issues, but I do feel that things like outreach and building a healthy community with otherwise more isolated religious groups would be a better way to address these issues.
3. “You need to have x qualification to home educate.”
- Again, a reasonable view to hold, given that state run and private education does require educators to hold certain qualifications, but in practice it quickly becomes evident the same does not necessarily have to apply with home education. Educational qualifications are very much focused on delivering an education in a classroom, which is a far cry from home education. During our home education of our child, my partner, who is a qualified SEN TA, has struggled far more than I have with educating our SEN child, despite the fact I hold no qualifications.
We live in amazing times when it comes to education. There are many things that parents and communities have to teach a child, and there are many things a child can teach to themself if given the tools to do so. You can even learn together! Their are endless resources available, books and games and documentaries, and even home education groups and private tutors if you feel that is the right fit for your child. You don’t need a piece of paper for your child to spend a day with their nose buried in a book, or to help the neighbor with his vegetable patch, or to cuddle up on the sofa while watching Planet Earth.
4. “You are required to follow the national curriculum.”
- This does vary by country (that allows home education). As a general rule, the stricter a country is about who can home educate, the stricter they are about what must be taught. In the UK, you are not required to follow the national curriculum. Education must be “efficient” and suited to the child’s “age, aptitude and ability”, and LAs do require that english and maths are covered. Other than that, you are allowed to tailor the content of education to the child and their interests. We have recently dropped geography for now and are only just picking up history again. It has also given us the freedom to focus on areas our child needs that would not be covered in mainstream education, such as anxiety management, trauma processing, self care and hygiene.
5. “Home education looks like school/is just filling out workbooks/etc”
- The thing you will always hear from experienced home educators when you begin home education is “home education doesn’t need to be school at home”. Much like you can tailor the content of the learning to the child, you can also tailor the delivery to the child. Some child need structure, timetable, instructions. Some need freedom and to bounce between topics. Some need to have an hour learning maths and only maths, some need to go dig up your garden “for science”. Some want to learn every day, some will need extended breaks.
Learning happens all the time, from the moment they wake to the moment they sleep. As an example, at home we have some workbooks, as both me and my child have ADHD and need someone to go “ok learn this” rather than us having to work out for ourselves what we need to cover for core subjects like english and maths. For the rest of most days my child is left to their own devices to binge youtube and netflix and work on their art. We try and go for a woodland walk every few days, where we have Deep Discussions about all kinds of topics, and we are also working on growing edible plants and baking cakes from around the world. We are more hands-off at the moment, due to the current bout of anxiety, but when that settles again we will get back to history themed crafts and STEM activities. Post-pandemic, we will be signing our kid up for swimming classes and “after school” clubs, and looking at sending them down to my mum for the home ed groups where she lives, like the forest school. A lot of home education outside of a pandemic is in groups and community based, or will make use of libraries and museums and other public learning opportunities. Frequently very little will happen at home.
In fact many home educators will advise new families to “deschool” for a while before jumping in to learning. This is a period where you “get school out of your system”, and just exist. Learning does not have to be intentional, you will be surprised how much you can achieve by just having fun.
6. “Home education is expensive.”
- It can be, ask my bank account. However, it is perfectly possible to deliver a quality education with little to no money. I’m not saying it’s easy, but it’s doable. Their are many online resources for free (check out oak academy), and libraries have plenty available too. Even paid resources can be very cheap if you know where to look. (psst, if your kid thrives with worksheets and powerpoints, get yourself a twinkl subscription, download everything you need for a year then cancel it.)
(This does not apply to exams. Get saving!)
7. “Home educated children are not properly socialised.”
- This is only really true during the pandemic. The rest of the time, home educated children are free to socialise whenever they want, with whoever they want, in whatever setting they choose. Socialisation while home educating is in the opinions of many of a higher quality, as they are not limited to groups of a similar age and background. Many home educating families form groups for their children to socialise together too. For ND children especially, socialising while home educated can be far less stressful and far more fulfilling than in school.
8. “Home educated children won’t get qualifications.”
- Just plain not true. Arranging qualifications can be costly and time consuming, but it is possible and regularly done. Some children may return to school or college to access exams for free, and I have heard of a handful of cases where individuals were able to secure prestigious university places without any qualifications. Home education also allows for more freedom with how exams and qualifications are approached, for example, many home educated children will pick one GCSE to focus on at a time, rather than covering numerous topics over 2 years and having exams for all of them at once like children in school will.
9. “Home education is a safeguarding risk/is used to cover up abuse/home educated children are not seen.”
- In the UK at least, home education is not considered a safeguarding risk, no matter what authorities may tell you, nor are home educated “not seen”. They still visit medical professionals, they still engage with their communities.
Now I shall add the relevant paper here should I find it again, but the idea that home education is used to cover up abuse to a statistically significant degree, or that home educated children are at more risk of abuse, is false. Home educating families do face a significantly higher risk of social services involvement than other families, but far less abuse is found in comparison to other families. It is also worth considering, when talking about social services involvement, that many families pursue home education due to failures by schools regarding a child’s vulnerabilities. In most cases, especially the Big Ones, where a home educated child is abused, the child was already known to authorities as a victim of abuse, therefore home educating did nothing to hide said abuse.
Children are also routinely abused in schools, which is another common reason for home educating.
10. “Home education has to be monitored or approved.”
- Depends on the country, I know in Japan home education is monitored by schools, however in the UK, monitoring is not lawful. Local authorities may make informal enquiries to ensure a suitable education is being facilitated (keep EVERYTHING in writing and please go straight to “home education and your local authority” group on FB for advice, you WILL need it!). In England, if your child is in mainstream education, you can deregister at will, from a special school will require LA approval. In Scotland deregistering requires LA approval. (Again, head to the aforementioned group for advice).
11. “You can’t work/get an education while home educating”
- It is hard to balance work, education and educating your child, but it is possible, people do it every day. Obviously, having at least one parent free to educate unhindered at all times is an ideal situation, but in the real world it often does not work that way. Parents may have to home educate regardless of their other commitments if a child truly needs to escape the school system. Many parents work or learn from home, and sometimes it is even possible to combine these activities with home education. Professional artists and crafters can pass down their skills while working, distance learners can invite their children to sit in on lectures. The really great thing about home education is it is flexible. Do you have a whole day of meetings? Let the kid play minecraft all day! Going to be in the office all day? Drop the kid off at the local forest school or something else they can do all day. Drop them with the grandparents to help with the gardening!
12. “Home educated are behind/achieve less than school children.”
- Their is no evidence that home education is of a lower quality than school education. Many children are home educated specifically because the school environment was detrimental to their education, and thrive with home education. Plenty of children are able to learn more simply by having 1-to-1 attention, without the distraction of an entire class. And others may well be “behind”, and are educated at home because of their specific needs that mean they will never thrive in an academic setting, so they are allowed to focus on learning skills that will allow them to live independently.
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terrusw-blog · 4 years
Do some eaters bend the rules?
Ye have never envied any one; ye taught others. Now I desire that those things may be confirmed [by conduct], which in your instructions ye enjoin [on others]. For if I be truly found [a I may also be called one, and be then deemed faithful, when I no longer appear to the world.
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brajeshupadhyay · 4 years
Two days before learning that she would lose her job, Lissa Gilliam spent hundreds of dollars online on baby products. A 37-year-old expectant mother, Ms. Gilliam had planned to ask local parents in Seattle for used strollers and secondhand onesies in a bid to reduce waste. But as the coronavirus pandemic ravaged the area, new items delivered in boxes seemed a safer bet. She figured she could afford the splurge, earning $50 an hour as a full-time contractor designing educational curriculums for a nonprofit. But then, on April 2, her employer slashed her hours and told her that her contract would end in early May — a few weeks before she is to give birth. Suddenly, like many others, Ms. Gilliam became hyperaware of her expenses. She and her husband, a high school physics teacher, now take a painful daily tally of their financial priorities: Is that $5 monthly web magazine subscription really necessary? How much does watering the garden cost? When will they need to tap their paltry savings? “We’re OK for now,” she said. “But the bottom may fall out from under us.” As millions of Americans lose jobs, take pay cuts, close businesses and absorb family members into their homes, they are being forced to rethink where their money goes. Even before the scramble for new jobs can begin, people are cajoling creditors, looking for gig work or simply cutting back to get through the first few disorienting weeks. “An economic shock like this could have a long-term impact on people who have traditionally felt like they were being cautious, that they weren’t profligate with their money, but didn’t have to worry about paying for rent or affording food,” said Stephanie Aaronson, the director of economic studies at the Brookings Institution. “They might have more debt, which will make it harder to spend in the future, or they might just feel less secure, which could boost savings and potentially dampen the recovery.” Ms. Gilliam and her husband are waiting for Washington State to make jobless benefits available to contractors through a federal assistance program, and hope to take advantage of a state program for maternity aid once their daughter is born. A $15,000 construction project planned for the rear of their house is on hold. They canceled their gym membership, their Hulu streaming service, multiple newspapers and even the Adobe Acrobat software that Ms. Gilliam uses for design work. On the whole, Ms. Aaronson said, household finances “were in relatively good condition as of six weeks ago — they were actually pretty healthy.” Now, she said, “a much broader swath of households are experiencing a complete loss of income compared to what we typically see in a recession.” Before the pandemic, Carol Cruz’s private health insurance plan cost her $840 a month — up from less than $500 four years ago. The bill ate up most of her $1,200 monthly paycheck, exceeding even the $600 monthly payment on the house she shares with her husband and their 17-year-old granddaughter in Tulare, Calif. On March 29, she was furloughed from her part-time job as a mental health therapist until at least the end of May. Other than the state unemployment benefits she hopes to receive soon, Ms. Cruz, 62, no longer has an income. So she got on the phone for at least three hours a day, asking for leniency from the health insurance provider, her mortgage lender and the credit union that holds the loan for her husband’s Chevrolet truck. All offered her more flexible terms, including 90-day grace periods and pay-what-you-can options. (Some creditors, she said, were less willing to negotiate.) The adjustments help keep the bills manageable, Ms. Cruz said. But her grocery costs have doubled, now that the price of eggs has soared and her granddaughter is no longer having free lunches at school. “I don’t know about my future,” Ms. Cruz said. “I’m not letting myself think about tomorrow, just about whether we have food today and money in the bank.” But some people, many of whom have never seriously budgeted, are now mapping out strict spending schedules for the next few months. After being furloughed in mid-March from her bartending and serving job at a Minneapolis concert hall, Krissy Calbert, 26, went from earning $300 in tips some nights to having no income as she waited for government aid. “It was two weeks of just panic — I was just going off the groceries I already had, trying to ration until money came in,” she said. “You get really creative. You eat little half meals, and you experiment with your seasonings and condiments to try to forget that you’re eating the same thing over and over.” Earlier this month, Ms. Calbert began receiving a weekly infusion of $1,100 from the state. She is now trying to reschedule when monthly bills are due so she can space out the payments: $600 for rent, $75 for her phone, up to $120 for utilities, $60 for streaming services, $200 for credit cards, plus other expenses. “I’m trying to get all of my credit card payments into the same week, so I can have a credit card week, a rent week, a phone week,” Ms. Calbert said. She has switched her grocery shopping from Target to Aldi, where, she said, she can afford to splurge on fresh produce and protein. Without health insurance, she is willing spend an extra $30 or $40 on fruits and vegetables in hopes of keeping her immune system strong, she said. “I can’t take the risk,” Ms. Calbert said. “A hospital bill right now would ruin me.” More than half of lower-income adults in the United States say they will struggle to pay bills this month, compared to a quarter of their middle-income counterparts and 11 percent of those in the upper-income tier, according to a survey of nearly 5,000 adults by Pew Research Center. Researchers defined a three-person household earning $37,500 to $112,600 annually as middle-income. Over all, more than half of those who expect a federal stimulus infusion will use most of the money to cover essential expenses, while one in five say they plan to save the funds. To create a financial buffer, many people are hunting for freelance or part-time work. Searches for work-from-home jobs rose 126 percent in March on FlexJobs, while traffic to the site has boomed 58 percent from a year ago. On Upwork, companies are looking for people to provide tech support for their homebound employees and to draft corporate messages about the coronavirus. Lonn Dugan, a digital marketing specialist in Sylvania, Ohio, has seen many clients scaling back their promotional efforts, such as one nonprofit that cut its budget by 90 percent after a major annual event was canceled. But another client, an agricultural supply company, commissioned a major website update, while a local mental health group wanted to ramp up its virtual support groups. The pressure on Mr. Dugan, 60, is intense. His workday is three hours longer than it used to be, between his existing clients and his attempts to drum up new business. He and his wife lost a third of their incomes; neither is eligible for government aid. “We’re completely overwhelmed by the shortfall. We can afford groceries and maybe the house and car payments, and that’s it,” he said. “But we’re not alone, and we’re focusing on acceptance as opposed to hand-wringing. We’re taking care of necessities, and that’s enough for right now.” Still, Mr. Dugan admits being stretched thin emotionally. He misses his wife, even though they are in the same house and she no longer needs to make a two-hour round-trip commute to her health care job. But the couple are so busy trying to stay afloat that they have stopped cooking fresh meals and turn instead to frozen dinners and fast food. “We just don’t have time,” he said. “We’re exhausted at the end of the day.” The post Finances – The New York Times appeared first on Sansaar Times.
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thorinss · 5 years
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hey y’all. i decided suddenly to make this post because i know it could be super helpful to people out there who might be struggling for money, or even those who just want to earn some extra cash on the side. i’ve been doing this for about 6 months and while it’s not full time or even part time work, it’s extra money that you can use for food, hobbies, gas, etc.
a lot of these sites i am about to list pay very little (we’re talking pennies or dollars) but it accumulates over time if you’re willing to keep at it. in combination these are all good sites to just leave in an open browser or tab and just do the tasks passively as they come in or as you feel like it. half the time i’m playing the sims on one monitor and earning money on my other monitor.
anyways here we go! these are in no particular order; just in the order that i think of them. i will include my referral codes but don’t feel obligated to use them!
Prolific - this one is my favorite because i have had the most success with it. there are a lot of survey sites out there that will kick you out mid-survey after you’ve already invested so much time into them because you’re “not qualified” to answer the questions. prolific is the opposite. you sign up, fill out your profile, and the surveys that fit your demographic will come to you. most of them only take a few minutes to complete but the payout is better than most other survey sites out there. the surveys come from academic researchers who use your data anonymously for studies. some days you won’t get any studies, and some days you’ll get several. you can cash out to paypal once you reach $5. keep a prolific open in a tab and it will alert you when a new study is available!
Slicethepie (non-referral link) - i discovered this one recently and it’s one of my favorites. the pay is very little; i’m only making 4c per review right now but i’m told the pay goes up the more you review. all you do is sign up and get paid to write short reviews for clothing, get paid to watch movie clips or commercials, or get paid to listen to new music (whaaaaat). it’s one of the more fun ways to make money. it takes a couple minutes and you earn a  few pennies after each one. those quickly add up!
Usertesting - this one is really good if you manage to qualify for the tests, which can be hit or miss (mostly miss in my case). it requires a microphone and being okay with recording your screen and sending the info to a company. basically, people pay you to test our their websites and make comments about it. they’ll ask you to go to their website and look for something specific, and you have to voice your thoughts about the site out loud as you look for what it is they asked for. the pay is $10 per test which is amazing, but you have to take a pre-screener test to qualify for them. overall i’ve made maybe $40 total by working passively (not every day) in the last 6 months but hey - that’s a tank of gas.
more under the cut!
rev - if you’re a fast typer, a good listener, and have some time on your hands, this is a pretty good option. rev is a transcription service, so you listen to some audio and type out what the people are saying, and then get paid for it. some of the audio is garbage which is why they pay people to transcribe it, but if you have the time you can make a few bucks. just make sure you take it seriously because if you somehow appear to be “below average” at this, they will terminate your account. the amount of transcriptions that appear varied so you just have to keep an eye out.
GG2U (non-referral link) - this one is pretty dope. sign up for free trials, install and play video games, take surveys, watch videos, and earn points. 100 points = $1. within 5 minutes of signing up i had $7. just be certain to cancel any trials before the trial period ends so you don’t get charged. 
amazon turk - not gonna lie, i have not been able to achieve this one, but i have personally seen people make hundreds and thousands on this platform. if you don’t know already, mturk is where clients post microtasks for humans to do that robots cannot yet achieve. if you are willing to put in more work than me and figure it out, check our /r/mturk or do some googling before pursuing it.
Ibotta (non-referral link) - (get a $20 welcome bonus if you use my referral and scan your first receipt) this is an app that offers cash back for shopping at the stores listed on ibotta. you buy an item from the store listed on ibotta, can your receipt into the app, and boom you get cash back.
qmee - this one makes chump change but it’s worth it. you complete surveys for some change (50c or somewhere around that) and that’s it. there’s also a browser extension; i use this more than the surveys. the extension pops up on the side of your window whenever you search something on the internet - but only if it’s something that qmee is looking for. and occasionally it offers a few pennies if you click on the link. best part is you can cash out no matter how much you’ve made. i cashed out 32c the other day lmao.
inboxdollars (non-referral link) - i don’t know if it’s just me, but this website only works on firefox for me. my chrome hates it. but anyways, this site provides very passive income. i do not recommend the surveys; they’ll have you answer a bunch of questions and you think you’re going to finish it and get the $$$, but then it kicks you out because “you’re not qualified”. the ways to earn that i like are watching videos in the TV/videos tab and playing the games in the games tab. after you watch x amount of videos or play x amount of games, you get a scratch off ticket. i usually get about 15c from them, but it’s something. when i first started i worked my way about to $50. they send you a check in the mail.
redbubble (my shitty store) - y’all know about this one already i’m sure. if you’re creative and think you can make a design for shirts and accessories, go ahead and make an account! you might make zero money, you might make a few bucks every couple months, or you might make a couple hundred. it all depends so this one is really a gamble, but still worth looking at if you’re into that sort of thing! 
crowdtap - haven’t used this one in a while but i will be getting back into it. you take surveys and answer questions for brands and receive points in return. you need to accumulate 500 points before you can begin cashing out, which will take a while. after that, you can redeem the points for gift cards to amazon/sephora/walmart/etc, use the points for a subscription service, or use the points to donate money to a charity.
swagbucks (non-referral link) - this site is wild and just like mturk, i have yet to master it, but have seen others do so. it’s another typical survey site very similar to inboxdollars listed above. you can take surveys for swagbucks (points), watch videos, use their cash back feature, etc. 
vindale research (non referral link) - similar to prolific. it’s surveys from researchers that pay a few dollars for you to answer some questions. length of survey varies. each survey generally pays aroud $1. there is also a jobs tab that gives a list of jobs in your area.
submittable - this one is a recent discovery. my first article was rejected but i’d like to share this one anyways in case someone would like to pursue it! there’s a large list of writing and art contests mainly. a lot of them don’t seem to be offering pay but the ones that do offer a huge payout if you win the competition.
cambly - if you have any type of skill in teaching other languages, being a life coach, of just have any knowledge you think you can pass along, cambly might be for you. when you sign up there are two options, be tutored or become the tutor. if you want to tutor people, you need a webcam and microphone access. my connection never worked with cambly so i have not been able to personally try it, but i have seen people make a lot of money from teaching english to little kids.
ebates (non referral link) - another cash back option every time you buy something online. or you can link your credit/debit card and use it when you buy stuff in stores. so you get money for spending money. good stuff y’all.
lionbridge & appen - these two sites are basically the same thing just different companies. this is the ONLY two sites on my list that pay hourly. i believe it’s somewhere between $9 - $12? i could be wrong. but once you sign up, apply, and get approved, you could be doing a multitude of things, inducing: translation, transcription, social media evaluation, data collection, and more. 
minimum requirements are internet, a computer, and a phone. if you have an extra laptop or computer that still works, set it up and let videos on inboxdollars or swagbucks run in the background. this way you are making money without even thinking about it. you could even just open the videos in another window and mute them, which is what i’m doing right now. you still get the credit for watching them but you don’t actually have to listen to them.
this is not a get rich quick and easy deal. none of these jobs are simple and you won’t be pulling in hundreds per day. it’s hard, annoying work. so don’t expect to be rolling in the dough.
if you can, create a second email for all those times you get asked to sign up for something or subscribe to a newsletter. this way your actual personal inbox isn’t getting spammed with ridiculous things you don’t care about. just check the second email once in a while to make sure no one has sent you anything important. if you choose to get email notifications for new paid surveys on whichever site, i recommend letting those go to your personal inbox so that you may see them. or use the second email and check it daily. it’s up to you!
even though these sites don’t pay a lot, when you use them all together you can get a decent amount of cash. i’ve seen people work entirely from home, pulling $1000-$2000 per month just by using sites like this. but obviously that doesn’t mean it will be the case for everybody. i do this stuff on the side and am happy with just making a few dollars per day.
if it ever feels pointless because you only earned 30c or $1 just remember this - it’s more money than you had five minutes ago. it’s something. it might not pay the bills but eventually it might buy you a coffee or sit in your savings collecting interest. however you want to use it!
CASH OUT IMMEDIATELY. as soon as you are allowed to transfer your money to paypal or wherever, do it asap. there have been times where sites will shut down or glitch out and you are unable to get back all that money you earned.
be careful with some surveys. if they seem fishy or gimmicky or are constantly offering you to sign up for a bunch of bullshit, exit immediately. it will get you nowhere.
do not use VPNs. this usually results in getting banned.
i cannot possibly list every single way to make money online because there is so much! i listed my favorites but please check out these other websites that provide even more information and opportunities. they’re the reason i know so much and have been able to earn money on the side.
down the rabbit hole you go!
r/beermoney (wiki)
the work at home wife
i hope this helps someone out there. i have a job but i don’t get enough hours so i try to make a little extra on the side utilizing all these sites. and i have bad social anxiety so anything i can do to work from the comfort of my own home is my ideal situation. as i said, you won’t make a lot of money to begin with, or even later down the line, but as i’ve repeated - it’s something. it’s $5 more than you had earlier.
again, hope this helps and please let me know if it does! and if you have any questions i can try to help you!
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jyou-no-sonoko19 · 5 years
I’m so fucking upset
In December, I was scrolling Instagram and an offer came up for really nice, affordable  menstrual cups. Now I’ve used one for a few years now and it’s really way better for my body, the environment, and my wallet. And I know quite a few people (young adult, ex-pupils of mine) in really dire situations who could use one but don’t have the money. So I clicked through, saw it was a British company, read the on-site testimonials (man of which included images of their purchases), and decided to go through with it.
All fine and good, I get the charge on my card, and the proof of purchase. (I will say now that I did indeed get the cup, that is not where this is going) In addition, however, I received an email from The Deal Rhino, a name which was not on the site I’d bought from, saying thanks for my purchase and welcome to the Deal Rhino monthly program, where I’m charged a monthly fee to have access to certain deals. I went to their website to see where that lived so I could cancel it, because I very definitely did not sign up for anything else when I bought the cup. But there was no such thing. So then I returned to the email and replied to it, as well as the contact number on the website, saying I didn’t know about the subscription and don’t want it, please cancel.
I got nothing in reply. Did a bit of digging, and found a few people saying they’d been added to this subscription service and been charged monthly, and that getting hold of the company had been hell, because despite being registered in the UK, all phone lines (which are deeply buried info) go to India. 
So I emailed my bank (I couldn’t call, because I was overseas at the time, using up my savings lol), and eventually got a reply saying that they could do nothing unless a charge was made, and then I could contest it. Which for a start is like... okay, so what you’re saying is that even if I warn you, you can’t block a potential threat?
Okay, fun. So nothing happens, until January 11th, when a phantom charge goes off my card from, not the Deal Rhino, but a line item saying FREEDEALSTODAY. I do my research, and find that this is an Indian spamscam company, and that hundreds of people had their details sold to them and charged a large monthly fee. I tried to find a way to lodge a complaint or objection, but complaints against Indian companies are best fought from within India, as none of the business complaint sites I found allowed for international lodging. So I contacted my bank (again, still overseas), and they didn’t reply for ages, because the person I’d mailed was on leave. So I thought, ok, I’ll be home in a little while, I’ve got a month before another charge goes off, and I can get the charge reversed then. 
Now, only after I got back home to South Africa did my bank finally say, well, we can’t do anything over email, you have to come in to the branch to deal with it. I work nights, so I don’t usually get up before one or two PM. And the bank closes at 3 or 4pm, depending. Or 1pm on weekend, of course. So getting there was heck, but I thought, it’s fine, ok, as long as I get there before they charge me again, it’s ok, I can contest two charges if I really have to. 
Add to this the fact of basically daily loadshedding, which means power out for 2.5 hours at a go, in homes and public buildings. So I planned to go this past Friday, and when I woke up the water was off, apparently in the whole area. And I simply cannot just leave the house without bathing, especially in Summer and when I’m on my period. So I was like, ok. Monday. I go Monday. But then I worked through the night on Sunday and that screwed up Monday, and I was away from the area all of Tuesday. Meaning I went in today. And welp...
*They’d charged my card again on Monday. *the bank said they couldn’t just reverse the charges, even though I collected evidence and had an email chain of complaints * They’d have to send off my dispute to the national fraud division, which could take 4-6 weeks (at least) to get back to me *I’d have to kill my card totally, and get a new one, for a not-small fee. And that I might also be charge a similar fee from the fraud department, for doing the legwork (ahem, paying the back for doing what they’re meant to do, over and above their monthly bullshit line items). 
Not only can I not afford these things, but on a monthly basis, there is one large payment I have living on my credit card: The Snow Leopard Trust. I’ve been donating to them for years now, because it’s a cause really close to my heart. But with this scam charging, the payments to the Snow Leopards have been bouncing, and I’ve been charged bigass bounce fees by the bank too, pushing my credit card over its limit.So now I owe the bank tons of cash, I’m sitting with uncertainty if I’m going to get any cash back, the snow leopards get nothing from me, and I don’t even have a credit card anymore. 
I’m so. Fucking. Upset.
I had planned to go to the cafe and write today, but I can barely exist without wanting to cry, so that’s not happening. Fuck everything.
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livelovelaug-h · 6 years
Irreplaceable you pt 1
Sam x reader
Summary- inspired by the movie irreplaceable you. Sickness/cancer and a lot of emotions. Definitely grab a box of tissues.
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You: "What if we stayed in bed all day?"
" That sounds like the best day ever. We should stay here all week."
You: "What if we got bored?"
"Us, bored? When have we ever been bored?"
" What if we got hungry? What would we do for food?
Sam: "Well, we could order takeout and have it delivered right there."
"you know dean would come in and make us get up."
Sam laughs "Stop. Stop worrying."
Full disclosure:
I didn't have to worry about any of that, because this is where my story ends. So does yours, by the way. So does everyone's.
It's okay. Really.
Most of it I don't miss at all.
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One with nature.
Calm. Peaceful.
But then, there's Sam.
Sam was... is the love of my life.
Sams walking to your grave. You narratoring: " Hi, Sam."
Sam by your grave: "Hi, y/n."
But let's start at the beginning.
Even with being a hunter, you were so excited. You were late for your period, it had been a couple weeks late. Now it felt like you were bloated like maybe a baby bump showing.
"Hey what's up ?" He answers as you walk into the library.
"I kind of have some good news." Siting down next to him.
"oh yeah what's that ?"
You smile big "well... we need to make a doctors appointment. Because... I think I'm pregnant. I haven't had my period for about two months."
His turn to smile real big "really????" You nod.
"This so great, I'm gonna be a dad.!" He hugs you and kissed your forehead then nose and then lips. "And I'm gonna be a mom."
You set up your doctors appointment for about a week later. You were getting some stomach pains. You got up to throw away your wrapper when:. "ah ouchhh".
'Why does this hurt so much.' you thought.
You were waiting for the doctor to come back and confirm your good news !
There's a big picture of a baby inside of a belly showing the insides and sam says
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"that picture makes it look gross and painful."
"that's not helpful!" The doctor comes in:
"I'm so sorry to keep you waiting."
"Um, y/n, I have some difficult news. The blood test shows that you are not pregnant.
Oh. Sam grabs ahold of your hands and squeezes them.
" Are you sure?"
"Oh, okay." It felt like someone just ripped your heart out but you couldn't believe it. Sam started rubbing your arms and hands.
"I guess that's okay. I- I mean, the whole thing was kind of a surprise... Yeah. We probably weren't even ready."
" Right-"
"It-it-it's just.. its weird 'cause, um, I know it's super early but I really feel something there." You say.
"The sonogram shows that you have a mass in your pelvis roughly the size of a tangerine. It can mimic pregnancy."
"A mass?"
"What kind of a mass?" Sam asks. He looked pretty discouraged to.
[Dr. Michaelson] "I don't want you guys to panic, because it couldbe nothing."
There's this moment
when everything changes.
You look back, and there was the moment before.
See that person?
Flashback to a few minutes -
"It's not helpful!"
She's thinking about whether she's hoping for a boy or a girl, and tiny fingers and toes, and then...
[Dr. Michaelson] "I'm so sorry to keep you waiting."
[you] and now Suddenly...
End of flashback
You and Sam were laying down in bed:
"At least we won't have to pay for college." You say.
"Unless it's a really smart tumor... Too soon?" He says.
You sigh "It's too soon."
"A tangerine is better than an orange." You say.
"Or a grapefruit."
"Right. Or, um... What's bigger than a grapefruit?"
both of you say "A watermelon."
Cas can't heal you because he's human so there is really no other option.
.... At the doctors again .....
Did I say that was the moment?
[Dr. Kessler] "It's two tangerines and a grapefruit."
Correction, this is the moment.
"That's a lot of fruit."
[Dr. Kessler] "Uh, the tests have shown that it is cancer. And I know how hard this must be to hear. It's incredibly rare in someone your age. It's just... It's just terrible luck. Now we can talk aboutoptions whenever you're ready."
"Is there one that doesn't involve dying?" You ask.
[Dr. Kessler] "Uh, I-I've already consulted with a colleague, and after the initialsurgery, there's a clinical trial I'd like to enroll you in"
"You didn't answer my question."
Did he answer my question?
[Dr. Kessler] "We don't like to make predictions. But in addition to your treatment, I want to talk to you about your quality of life. Uh, we can help with pain management and some palliative care. And also some people have found great solace from supportgroups. I know this is a terribleshock, but let's take it one day at a time."
You knew you would go out one day probably hunting, but not like this. Not cancer.
"hello yes I would like to cancel my subscription to you guys."
"oh why is that?"
"I just have cancer now so I figured I wouldn't really be exercising."
"oh that's terrible. Are you sure you want to cancel?"
"yes . ... I am."
~~~~~ later that night ~~~~~~
Sam: "how you feeling?"
"I'm scared."
"It's-It's gonna be okay."
"What if I die?"
"We're gonna fight this, I'll always be there for you"
Your laying on the floor because They say after surgery there's gonna be some minor discomfort.
It's Stage IV cancer.
Nothing is minor.
Nothing is comfortable.
Your doctor talking :
"So, let's, um, let's take another look at the proposed model for auto-associative memory and its constituent neural network."
'Or not. Let's not and say we did. Class dismissed.' you think.
you're walking to the other clinic and the guy greets me. "Hey."
"How's it going? I'm Dominic."
"y/n, Nice to meet you."
"I'm gonna be running your treatment suite."
"Treatment suite? "
"Oh, yeah, don't get excited. It doesn't even have four walls. Uh, go ahead and grab a seat right there. For the next time, you're probably gonna want to bring your own pillow in from home. You're also gonna need your cell phone with headphones and grab a magazine. Some of these guys tend to hoard 'em. You're gonna end up reading an old ripped up copy of Duck Enthusiast.
"Oh. It's okay, I don't read Duck Enthusiast. "
"Yeah, well, you will. All right, feet up. " he says.
"Uh, yes, you will feel like shit after this, but it's different for everybody. And no, your hair isn't gonna fall out right away. And besides, it looks like you have plenty of it, so you're doing good. Uh, and if you need snacks, you got to bring them from home."
Great. Just great.
You walk into one of the support groups.
"Come on in. We're just getting started. " the girl says. "Go grab yourself a hook and yarn."
One of the people in the group start saying "have you heard of Catholic yoga? It's a full Latin Mass with vinyasa yoga positions, and I come out... "
"You serious? " someone asks. "yeah!"
"How is Estelle holding up?"
"She's good. There's a new hawk in Central Park. Every morning we go out there and watch the little guy. I hope she keeps up the bird-watching after I'm gone. With whatever new guy she's banging.
"Welcome to group." they all say. "It's the way we roll."
" We have fun. "
"Cool." you say. The end of session finishes up and you start walking away when the guy who was talking about the bird calls to you.:
"The whole point is to mingle. "
"Not feeling up to it. " you say.
"Neither does anybody. That's why we do it. Myron. Multiple myeloma. You've never heard of it? Stay a while. " he says.
"I'm not really a mingler. "
"Not a crocheter either, apparently. "
"Didn't have time for pointless hobbies then, really don't have time for them now, and I'm especially uninterested in discovering that crocheting is a metaphor for healing or whatever."
"What you're feeling is totally normal." Myron says.
"You know, I wish people would stop telling me that totally insane things are normal."
"Have you looked around? "
"But you just accept that? You just accept everything that's going on? You make jokes about your wife having a new boyfriend?"
"I don't accept it, but in the event that I do kick the bucket, I hope she does find a boyfriend. Somebody nice. Less well-endowed to be sure, but nice. "
"Well, I just think I am in a different situation. Sam and I met when we were kids, and then started dating 10 years ago."
"How old is he? "
" Thirty-five."
"Yeah, he's gonna go through a major slut phase."
You laugh.
"I also have Tourette's."
You- "Good to know."
"Yeah. You come back."
"Nice to meet you, Myron."
"Nice to meet you, y/n."
"And thanks for the advice. "
" All right"
"Are you gonna go through a slut phase?" You ask Sam.
"What? No. Why would you say that?"
"You're not even thinking about it?"
"That's the absolute furthest thing from my mind right now. It's further than like meeting someone on Tinder." You chuckle.
"Okay, but Tinder can't be that far from your mind because you just said it, which means you had to be thinking about it, which means you're thinking about this too."
"Yeah. I'm busted." Sam says.
"I'm serious. Look at you. The puppy-dog eyes.
" This is a disaster. "
Sam: "What are you talking about?"
"You don't know. Because you have no experience. Women are gonna eat you alive."
" I can take care of myself."
"I know But what if you can't? Who's going to get you to go to bed and stop researching? Who's going to make you real food?"
"you don't make me real food."
"Yeah, but I would, hypothetically. "
"Well, our hypothetical food has been in the freezer for like a year." You got up and started near the kitchen.
"What are you doing?"
"Figuring out how to cook a real meal."
"No time like the present."
"How do I cook a chicken?" You say into the phone.
[Siri] Let me think about that.
Okay, I found this on the web for "How do I cook a chicken?"
"It's gonna be amazing."
Just 'cause you're dying
doesn't mean your life stops.
Sam has been through so much so maybe if you found him a new girl, he wouldn't think about your passing.
In group support-
"And so, uh, when my numbers came back this time, I just, honestly, I just thought I can't keep fighting."
[Kate] "Jim, you don't have to go there. 'Cause it's all about attitude. "
"Well, let's let Jim have his process."
[Kate] "Oh, absolutely. Yeah. I just think that his process should be more positive. Everyone is entitled to... to be sad."
"Thank you."
"You know what I'm loving these days is meditation. And I... I know it sounds trite, but I just have been feeling so blessed every time I sit there in silence. Maybe you could try that now?
You laugh.
"Or we could laugh."
"That's okay too. "
" Sorry. I'm sorry. Just... Some of these women are so cheesy. "I want to dip you in whipped cream and put my cherry on top." What does that even mean, anatomically speaking?" You ask.
"Using a sundae model as a sexual proposition. It is confusing. I have to s... " Myron says.
"I mean, cherry... cherry's got to be a hymen, right?" You ask.
"Probably a busted hymen." You giggle.
[Kate] "Mm-hmm."
"I... I, um... mine broke on a horse. And me, I was born without one. So... It was my favorite horse, though. " ......
"Okay, uh, that's about it for today. "
"Were you sexting just now?" Myron asks while you sitting down looking through tinder.
"Let me have my process." You say.
"Your process is sexting?"
"You're the one who said Sam would go through a slut phase. I thought you were crazy, but then I thought about it more, and he's gonna be a chick magnet. he already is And the worst part is, he's gonna have no idea how to handle it because he's going to be too sad. He hasn't dated to many people in his life. He's gonna be lonely and vulnerable. He already lost his fiance."
"Classic rookie mistake. " Myron states.
"What are you talking about? "
"Thinking you can do something to lessen the loss. There's a word for what you're doing. It's a technical term. You want to know it?"
You: "No, thanks."
"Anticipatory grieving.' Trying to cope with the loss before it happens. So, Meryl over there writes a birthday card to her husband for every year she's gonna be gone, and Jim... makes a video montage of himself as Santa for all the Christmases he's gonna miss with his kids. It doesn't change anything. Look, what do I know? My advice? You're hooking him up, concentrate on a booty. Yours, you know, it's... it's flat."
You laugh "My booty is not flat."
"You have a terrible ass. "
"Fuck you."
"Here, give me that. Oh, you got a match. Sexypants89."
"Okay, let me see that."
You started interviewing girls that Sam got a match on from tinder at a coffee shop.
To be continued.
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limitedfox482 · 3 years
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sharifs · 6 years
6 Basic Ways To Make Money Online
The following is a list of methods that I have seen time and time again employed or suggested for the net
Over the years, as I’ve wanted to learn how to become an entrepreneur who can run his own business, I have done research and observed what online companies have been doing to make money. The following is a list of methods that I have seen time and time again employed or suggested for the net.
1. Ecommerce
Make your own product, setup your own service, put physical products you own on sale or a salable package on freelance or perhour website. In any case the core is the same, setting up your own salable good or value for the customer to be purchasable online, then attracting traffic to your website or host that sells your product or service. This is the same as any business, even when not online, as you will learn, if you haven’t already, that the best way to run an online business is with the principles of traditional businesses but with the flexibility of the modern world.
Although this is the first option, it’s not always easy for busy people starting a side business, people who want to be an entrepreneur but don’t have a solid idea/plan or those who have an idea but don’t know how to get it together and want to practice with someone else’s platform or guidance first. In that case I would look to my next suggestion.
2. Affiliate
This is similar to the first suggestion except instead of selling your own product, you would sell someone else’s products. Many companies large and small offer an affiliate program allowing you to post unique links to purchasable products or services on that company’s website. When a potential customer accesses the purchasable item through your unique affiliate link, when purchasing the item, you will recieve a substantial (often 30%) commission on the sale of that item. For potentially popular yet high priced items, with the proper SEO, website and daily work, the sale could account for a decent side business income which could eventually allow you to transition to full time.
If you are already running an ecommerce business yourself and are ahead of the game, then you should consider setting up your own affiliate program to get more support from salespeople on the ground who are starting side businesses and will work regularly to sell your products and boost your business even further, with you not having to worry about pay until you are paid from the sale of each product.
3. Contract
This method is the method I employed most in my early days of discovering how to make money online. I had found sites like guru.com, peopleperhour.com and even fiverr.com to start hitting the ground running with earning some real money from my work online. This is not my first suggestion but is very doable by anyone who’s willing to give it an honest shot. My first tip would be to learn how to pitch yourself for a job online, and how to properly deal with clients, both for their satisfaction and your sanity.
You have to ensure you have real examples of exactly the same thing (or close) to what the client is looking for already in your portfolio to show when making your pitch. You want to exude confidence like you’ve done it a million times before, yet show care like this potential work is exciting and your willing to do the best job to satisfy the client. At the same time you want to be sure the client doesn’t take advantage of you. I would use peopleperhour where there was an escroll which ensured the client made a portion of their payment upfront.
Besides the above tips, I would suggest pricing what the client expects or is average for that job, or even a bit higher. If you charge too little you will be doubted for quality, if you charge too high it might be hard to sell, but if you charge average, the lcient might have trouble distinguishing you from others, so slightly higher than that says you are going to deliver quality without breaking the bank.
Once accepted for a job you should also be clear in the communication exactly what is being expected of you and exactly what you agree to deliver, when, and how many revisions you’re willing to accept. Get this all in writing, most freelance sites allow you to converse on the site itself, recording all your messages back and forth. Do not allow yourself or the client to take these parts of the discussion off the site, so that if there is a disagreement, you have the convenience of 3rd-party staff from that site to review your communications and decide how payments or cancellations should be handled.
My personal issue with this method of getting an online income isn’t in pitching, getting jobs or doing the work, but in dealing with difficult clients, who can sometimes change their minds on a dime, be very fussy or continuously increase their demands before increasing what they’re willing to pay. This kind of abuse shouldn’t be tolerated, but it can be a difficult balance to see where you yourself may be unfair. One proven way to smooth out this issue is to create a company brand and to work as that brand instead of yourself so that the client feels he is dealing with an establishment which will not easily take abuse. This is a tricky choice however since clients may lean towards individuals over companies in the freelance market because of the added personal touch of such freelancers, but these may not be the clients you want so you need to pick your battles.
4. Advertising
You will find that if you do any of the above methods, there is likely in some respect, going to be involved the work of advertising. As an ecommerce professional you may employ advertising or groundwork marketing camapaigns to raise awareness of your product through mainstream channels, online forums, social media, or even out on the street. As an affiliate partner, you would want to advertise your base or yourself as a trusted source for opinions on products in order to get more affiliate customers. You may, on your affiliate driving website or media also want to host ads from other companies to support on per-click basis. Finally as a freelancer or contracter, you very likely to find work in the fields of online marketing or advertising, in any of the respects from writing copy, graphic design, video production, web development, programming, campaign management and more; so the field of advertising is a competitively lucrative place to work either way.
5. Subscription model
As a subset of ecommerce, I thought I should give a mention to the subscription model which you can either setup from scratch on your website or employ the services of available platforms. Patreon is a very popular example for media creators who want to monetize their content, offering early access, exclusive content, credits, personalized items or gestures, etc to their monthly paying subscribers at different levels of payment and rewards. You could also set something up like a monthly membership to your website allowing for access to products which are usually paid-for to be free, and so on, depending on the nature and status of your business.
6. Crowdfunding
My final suggestion for this shortlist would be crowdfunding. Unlike you might think, Kickstarter is not the only way to do this. Indiegogo and other platforms are also available, while you could always develop your own custom crowd funding campaign from your own website so that you’re in control of when the money is distributed for the product and under what conditions. Using a trusted platform like Kickstarter however may make it easier for adopters to buy in, but regardless you are going to need to properly research and plan in advance both the production of your project and the campaign to raise awareness on the crowd funding launch as well as the continuous campaign to get funded after launch on top of delivering on your promises once your campaign is over.
I would suggest looking into all the success and some of the fail stories that you can in the field of crowd funding using the most popular platforms and apply the same principles fitting to your own situation on your campaign either using those services or via your own platform. Your own platform doesn’t have to be setup by you alone, it could always be setup in collaboration with others or even by hiring freelancers.
Closing Notes
I really hope I was able to give you some of the most important methods and concept to work from and get started on your online money making journey. I wish great success on you and your world to truly improve the lives of everyone you can.
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jointfuel360feed · 4 years
JointFuel360 – Our Best All-Natural Supplement for Joint Pain Relief
What is JointFuel360?
JointFuel 360 is an all-natural supplement for joint pain relief, designed specifically for both men and women. Sold exclusively by Jupiter Laboratories, JointFuel 360 is the ideal drug-free solution to help you move better. Click here to get your first bottle today!
How does JointFuel360 work?
Healthy joints are key in ensuring your comfort and mobility. When joints are damaged it can be extremely painful and can have a significant impact on your life by preventing you from carrying out even the simplest of day-to-day activities, such as climbing the stairs or using a knife and fork. Whatever is causing your joint pain, JointFuel 360 was created with the goal of promoting stronger joints and providing relief. Get moving again! Click here and start your journey with JointFuel360 today!
JointFuel360 Ingredients
100% drug-free, JointFuel 360 is made up of a range of all-natural ingredients with the goal of promoting long-term pain relief and improving joint health.   Turmeric – 200mg Turmeric’s main active ingredient is Curcumin, which has received worldwide attention for its multiple health benefits. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5664031/  Black Pepper Extract – 5 mg Curcumin’s benefits are best achieved when combined with piperine (found in Black Pepper Extract). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5664031/  Boswellia Serrata extract – 100mg Recent clinical research has suggested that Boswellia formulations (along with curcuminoid) could moderate inflammation associated with worsening symptoms of osteoarthritis. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29622343  Resveratrol – 100mg Published studies support the ant-inflammatory effects of Resveratrol and its synergistic activity with curcumin. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3344210/  Collagen (Type II)* – 40mg Type II collagen extracts contain the amino acids found in the framework of human cartilage. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2764342/  Hyaluronic Acid – 5 mg The effectiveness of Hyaluronic Acid in relieving knee pain has been demonstrated in several clinical trials. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4729158/ Serving size: 2 capsules. Servings per container: 30 * JointFuel360 is not suitable for vegetarians. * JointFuel360 is not tested on animals.
Who is JointFuel 360 suitable for?
JointFuel360 is ideal for both male and female adults suffering from joint pain anywhere in the body, including knees, hands, fingers, shoulders, neck, back, ankles, and feet. Like with many supplements, it’s not recommended that expectant or nursing mothers take this product. As always, talk to a medical professional before adding any additional supplements to your health regimen. JointFuel360 contains collagen so is not suitable for vegetarians.
JointFuel360 Prices
Our supplements are available to purchase on our website, and we offer a range of bundles at amazing prices. Each bottle contains one-month worth of capsules. Our product is available for purchase either as an individual bottle or in batches of three or five bottles. We offer quantity discounts, meaning bottles are cheaper if they are bought in bulk, so it’s definitely worth stocking up! JointFuel360 is sold in over 30 countries – and every order includes free shipping. See all prices and packaging here Follow us on Facebook for tips, exclusive offers, and more.
Where can I buy JointFuel360?
JointFuel 360 is exclusively available to purchase on our website: https://jointfuel360.com/jointfuel360/us/s1/lp/#packages It couldn’t be simpler to get your hands on your first bottle of JointFuel360. Simply select your chosen bundle (either 1, 3 or 5 bottles), fill in our quick and easy online form, enter your payment details and you’re good to go!
Where can I buy JointFuel360 with a discount?
JointFuel360 is developed and sold exclusively by Jupiter Laboratories, and can only be purchased directly from our website. We offer a range of amazing bundle deals and discounts on our products!
Where can I buy JointFuel360 in the United States?
JointFuel360 can be purchased directly from our site: (site link). We offer a range of different packages and discounts. We are currently running some incredible promotions: Buy 3 bottles and get 2 free! Buy 2 bottles and get 1 free! Buy one bottle with a $10 discount!  We are also offering free shipping on ALL bundles! All products from Jupiter Laboratories come with a 100% guarantee. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with JointFuel360, make sure to contact us within 60 days from the order date to receive a full refund. Delivery times will vary ever so slightly depending on location, however, most orders should arrive within 5-7 business days. If your order doesn’t arrive within that time frame, make sure to get in contact with us and we’ll be happy to help!   Doctor and Nutritionist’s endorsements E.g “The powerful ingredients in JointFuel360 work by stopping joint inflammation before it has a chance to cause damage, pain, and immobility” Dr. Kimberly Langdon
JointFuel360 Reviews
JointFuel360 has helped thousands of people to get healthier and happier joints. We’ve had some amazing success stories and it’s always great to hear that our products are helping transform people’s lives! Reviews: https://jointfuel360.com/testimonials/ Move Better with JointFuel360 today!
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about JointFuel360. While we have endeavored to provide in-depth answers to our most common queries, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Simply drop us an email at [email protected], and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
What is JointFuel360?
JointFuel360 is an all-natural supplement designed specifically for both men and women who suffer from joint pain.
Is there a difference between JointFuel and JointFuel 360?
No. We changed our product name so that it perfectly reflects all of its many benefits! Don’t worry – it is still the same great formula made with all-natural ingredients and it will deliver the same great results!
Is JointFuel360 suitable for vegetarians?
The JointFuel360 formula contains type II collagen sourced from animal proteins so is therefore not suitable for vegetarians.
Is JointFuel 360 gluten-free?
Yes! JointFuel 360 contains no gluten.
Are there any drugs in JointFuel360?
No – JointFuel360 is made with all-natural ingredients and is completely drug-free! As studies have shown that glucosamine and chondroitin are not effective in reducing joint pain, we do not include these ingredients in our formula.
How much and how often should I take JointFuel360?
For best results, we recommend that you take two capsules of JointFuel360 per day. Take the capsules together after a meal, so that you have a full stomach, with a small glass of water.
How quickly does JointFuel 360 work? When can I expect to see results?
As our supplements are made with all-natural ingredients, the time that it takes to see results will vary from person to person.
Can I take JointFuel360 with other medications and/or supplements?
Our supplements are made with all-natural ingredients. However, we always recommend consulting a medical professional before adding any supplements into your health regimen. This is especially important if you have any pre-existing medical conditions, are taking any medications, or are pregnant or considering getting pregnant.
Can I exercise while taking this supplement?
Yes, you can take JointFuel360 while exercising.
Is this a subscription service?
No, each order is a one-time purchase. There is no automatic subscription to cancel and no need to worry about recurring charges. JointFuel 360 is available for purchase as a single bottle, or in packs of 3 or 5.
What is the recommended serving size for JointFuel360?
The recommended serving size is 2 capsules taken daily, after a meal with a small glass of water. There are 30 servings in each bottle.
Do you offer a product guarantee?
All products from Jupiter Laboratories come with a 100% guarantee. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with JointFuel360, contact us within 60 days from the order date to receive a full refund.
Can I buy JointFuel 360 on Amazon or eBay? 
JointFuel360 is sold exclusively on our website. We don’t sell our products on any other retailers or wholesalers – so make sure to only purchase our supplements directly from our website, otherwise, there’s a high chance you won’t be buying the right product (and be careful of fake sellers)!
Do I have to pay for shipping?
No! We offer free shipping for all our product bundles!
Is there a discount code for JointFuel360?
We are currently offering all our bundles at amazing discounted prices! Click here for more information!
How long will it take for my supplements to arrive?
Delivery times will vary slightly depending on your location, but most orders will take 5-7 business days to arrive. If your order has not arrived within that time frame, make sure to get in touch with us right away and we’ll be happy to help! MOVE BETTER WITH JOINTFUEL360 TODAY   The views and opinions expressed by contributors and or product reviews are their own and not necessarily those of JointFuel360 or Jupiter Laboratories. These reviews should not be taken as recommendations but rather customer opinions of the products they have used. Some of the customers who submitted reviews and/or testimonials on this website were compensated with free products in response for sharing their story. Jupiter Laboratories makes no warranty or representation, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the information contributed by outside sources, and assumes no responsibility or liability regarding the use of such information.  The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information provided in content sections, customer reviews, and testimonials are intended for educational purposes only.  Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, have a medical condition, or are under the age of 18, consult your physician before using this product. Immediately discontinue use and consult your physician if you experience any adverse reaction to this product.
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Draft Project Proposal
What is “The Perfect Escape”?
The “Perfect Escape” is the tag line for a VR product (yet to be named) that allows the user to experience the emotions of their virtual character such as love, fear and pain ect. The product allows the user to become fully immersed in the virtual world by with a HD screen built into the goggles and a neural-transmitter embedded in the arms of the goggles that taps into the central nervous system to allow for other sense to be affected by the in-game decisions/actions of your character. 
Creative Content
Themes and ideas I intend to explore…
Escapism - “the tendency to seek distraction and relief from unpleasant realities, especially by seeking entertainment or engaging in fantasy”.
Technophobia - “a fear or dislike of advanced technology or complex devices, especially computers”.
Dissociation/Dissociative Disorder - “If you dissociate, you may feel disconnected from yourself and the world around you. For example, you may feel detached from your body or feel as though the world around you is unreal”.
Method and Approach
What will I be making?
I will be making a product campaign which contains...
A series of posters/advertisements
A website for the product
A (looped) video of people using the product which will be testimonies
How will I make them?
I will make the advertisements (posters) by doing photoshoots with the goggles, using styles associated with product or commercial photography. 
Here are some examples;
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I have not made a website before however I have inclined to use WIX.
WIX is a free web site designer that allows you to create your own website or use templates, this is a good way to start as I have no prior experience in this area. WIX also allows the users to buy their domain names which many sites do not offer or require you a subscription prior to designing the website.
Here are some example of websites created through WIX...
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The third part of my work will be the (looped) video of my testimonies. The first obvious issue would be that the videos will vary in quality as not everyone will have access to professional recording equipment however, I favor this outcome as it will seem more authentic as opposed to all the videos being uniform and repetitive. If the videos look as though they were all recorded in the same studio with the same script then it loses the idea that it will be mass produced and mass bought.
How will I present them?
I have two ideas on how to present my work - depending on whether I will be able to have an exhibition or whether we will be told to present our work online. 
The two plans are very similar as they both feature the product as the centerpiece of the installation however one will feature a projector that will project my testimonies behind the product.
Please excuse the spelling error on the diagrams.
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This is the first and will be my plan if we are to proceed with an online exhibition. This will feature my three best poster designs printed as A2 or A1 prints that can cover the back wall behind the goggles.
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This is the second and will feature my two best posters as well as a looped audio/visual display of my testimonies that will be collected from various participants.
What equipment will I need? What materials will I need? 
- Canon 5D Mark III (camera) - Photoshop (Photo Editing Suite) - Premier Pro (Video Editing Suite) - Projector (Exhibition/Installation) - “The Product”  - Ring Light/Lighting Equipment - WIX (Website Builder) - A2 Paper & Printing (Final Prints) - Podium (Exhibition/Installation)
How much will all this cost?
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I have budgeted for both outcomes whether it be an online exhibition or an online exhibition. 
Online Exhibition - £105.83
In-person exhibition - £281.24
For obvious reasons, the online exhibition will be far cheaper budget wise as opposed to an in-person exhibition where everything will need to be printed, projected and sorted beforehand.
If I can’t access these, what is my back-up plan?
Most of the equipment and programs have already been purchased or will be purchased by myself however the difficulty will come from the items that I hope to borrow from the University such as; a projector and a camera. I do have my own camera to use however it is of a lower quality (Nikon D800) so I will still be able to create work however it will not be of the same standard. The projector, however, will not be used in the project in the University is closed as the assumption would be that if the University is not allowing the rent of equipment then an in-person exhibition will be out of the question.
Contextual research
Why am I doing this?
I need a project that can be done within my own home but would also benefit from the use of the Universities facilities, this project can be used in both scenarios. I also wanted a project that I could be more directly involved with as I found with last term, I was very removed from the subject and had no control over the outcomes which meant I was limited to what I could do with the subject matter in a short time scale. 
I am also doing this because the lockdown has had such an impact on my own mental state that I have found myself avoiding the reality of the situation by burying myself in fantasy world, games, costume building and other fiction based hobbies. I am curious to fins out whether it is the same for other people and make a project that point out the sinister undertone to what the avoidance strategy is doing as well as its repercussions. 
Does this affect me?
This does affect me as I find myself often drifting further and further from my interest in reality and the ‘real world’. The fantasy realms have excitement, adventure, development (and well dragons) as opposed the real world where I have been made to stay in the four walls of my room to avoid a deadly virus outside, I have not been able to see my loved ones (some have even been lost), my University course and experience has been a shambles compared to my first year. In other words, the ‘real world’ is dismal and depressing, the situation does not seem to be getting better so the temptation to disappear into a book or a game grows.
Does this affect anyone other than myself?
I will be researching into this matter however from brief look, I can determine that a rise is fiction sales and streaming services could mean that others are seeking an escape whether it be from boredom or to avoid the reality of the situation, I do not yet know.
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Professional Development
Do I already have the skills for this?
I am familiar with most if not all of the software however I feel I will struggle with video editing as the workshop for this was cancelled last year. I also have not had previous experience with website building.
What skills do I not have and how/where can I learn them?
I will need to research website building techniques as well as what makes a website authentic, enticing and interesting to an audience. I will also look up tutorials online through YouTube to learn more about WIX.
I will also require workshops arranged with my tutors to refresh my skills with video editing.
Relevant Links
- Watch Advert
- Shoe Advert
- Wix website example (1)
- Wix website example (2)
- Televisual
- Kinship Creative
- Vanity Fair
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bestbabyfoodmakers · 4 years
Yumi Baby Food Review: What Moms Are Claiming About These Organic Baby Foods
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Starting solids with your baby is an exciting time in their growth. I bear in mind looking at all the vibrant containers of purée on Pinterest and couldn't wait to expose my boy to all those beautiful preferences.
Homemade blends seemed like the ideal path for my son as I understood the dietary value of fresh ingredients would be much more significant than the store-bought food packages.
Yet when I came down to making fresh dishes two times a day, I rapidly understood, this whole method took a lot of time.
Each fresh meal required me to buy the components, chop, vapor as well as blend them. Most importantly, there was a ton of necessary cleaning with all the food trays and blender tools.
I was currently finding it difficult coping with milk-feeds, diaper changes, naps, and home tasks (as well as handling a horrible little sleeper). Practically I was too exhausted a lot of the moment and made fresh dishes three times a day became an added tension.
If I was operating at the time or if he was my 2nd child, I most definitely wouldn't have even been able to try making purées from square one.
I additionally discovered it challenging to understand just what to feed my son. I wanted to expose him to many brand-new foods every week, but I wasn't sure just how to deal with presenting them. Or precisely what he must be eating at what stage.
After doing some study, I found that I wasn't alone. Formulating well-balanced meals for babies can get a little tricky.
For example, particular active ingredients need to be stayed clear of because of their high nitrate content. And if your youngster is solely breastfed, it's essential to feed her enough iron-rich foods, which may be lacking in breastmilk.
That's why when I read about Yumi's best baby food maker distribution services; I was certainly interested.
They do all the work of thoroughly making and preparing baby purées in your place that are nutritionally-balanced and fresh.
They use some components that I would never have believed in trying with my baby, and all of the foods are organic.
And also, they send it straight to your door in pre-portioned containers.
I liked that I would get the comfort of store-bought baby food, yet with the nutritional benefits of fresh, homemade purées-- so the most effective of both worlds truly.
In this review, I will enter into what Yumi's natural baby dishes are like and exactly how they create various dish alternatives for babies. You can determine if it's right for you.
What are Fresh Baby Food Distribution Providers?
New baby food delivery services cook and prepare fresh dishes for babies and deliver them to your house each week.
As they deal on a subscription basis, you don't have to worry about ordering the dishes every week. You establish your favored dish strategy and will undoubtedly rotate the appropriate dishes for the baby's age.
They typically satisfy the 4-12 month age and supply purées of different appearances, baby-led weaning dishes, or finger food for older infants.
There's a great deal of emphasis on making these meals healthy and nutritious.
This indicates that all their components are generally organic-- meaning no unpleasant pesticides, plant foods, or chemicals are used to grow them.
They also subject children to a variety of fruits and vegetables. This provides them with different nutrients as they expand and helps reduce fussy consumption later in life.
Some recent studies also claim that children ought to be trying a big range of foods beforehand, as it may reduce allergies in later life. So this could be an included advantage to having a new dish distribution solution which develops meals with a wide variety of active elements.
Unlike store-bought baby food jars, these food items are entirely fresh and also appropriately stabilized.
Recap Table: Yumi Fresh Baby Food
Today I'm taking a comprehensive look at Yumi-- a brand-new and extremely preferred baby meal delivery solution that's even got stars like Jessica Alba and Molly Sims as fans!
They make and provide fresh baby meals weekly.
These are either blends and purées for infants, baby-led discouraging dish plans, or finger food for older children. Dishes are pre-portioned right into hassle-free little jars.
All their recipes are natural and carefully formulated by nutritional experts to satisfy your baby's dietary requirements.
Complete Yumi Baby Food Evaluation
The co-founder of Yumi Angela Sutherland is a mama herself and also comprehends the wish of parents intending to feed their child the most effectively.
When she had her initial youngster, she began researching the relevance of healthy consumption. She found research that stated that throughout the initial 1,000 days of a youngster's life (from conception to age 2), nutrition was more important than any other time.
This is because the nutrients that a fetus and a young child get are being used to develop body organs and support neuron development in mind. This research study confirmed that consuming fresh, healthy, and balanced food early on was more important than ever.
What was sold in grocery shops at the time was primarily high-sugar, preservative-filled baby food that was 'older than her baby.'
She knew she wanted to do better for her child (and every child's) diet plan. With this need in mind, she joined her veteran good friend Evelyn Rusli to begin Yumi.
Their purpose is to assist various other moms and dads in giving their babies fresh, healthy meals without all the preparation job.
What's Special About Yumi Baby Cuisines?
As I browsed the Yumi site, it became clear that supplying children with fresh, nourishing food is a core objective for the company.
What did babies have to state regarding the Yumi's food?
The large bulk of moms and dads reported that their babies liked the food, and several even begin to obtain delight when they see the jars!
Some stated their infants were much better to consume Yumi than the food pouches purchased from the supermarket. When moms and dads themselves tried it, lots of claimed that they liked it also as it smelled and tasted fresh.
What did other moms and dads need to say regarding Yumi?
After reviewing 1,625 evaluations from 2 internet sites, I located Yumi had a general ranking of 4.5/ 5 celebrities. Below's a recap of what the majority of parents needed to state:
Yumi Review Summary Pros:
Conserved time for many parents: This was the biggest favorable for parents as making purées in the house on your own is incredibly time-consuming. Yumi deliveries meant much less time for food preparation as well as even more time with the baby!
Less anxiety concerning what to feed baby: Customers such as that they did not have to consider putting a healthy menu together for their baby, and it was already thought out for them.
Lowered anxiety for new moms and dads: Some stated it was daunting to figure out what to feed their babies. However, Yumi aided in removing any uncertainty about whether they were giving their youngster the appropriate food.
No effort lost: Some such as the reality that even if their baby didn't like the food, there would have been no effort thrown away on their component since they did not need to cook it themselves.
Fantastic range: Numerous liked the variety of flavors available and are encouraged; it will undoubtedly help reduce picky-eating in the future. Some mentioned they wouldn't have subjected their children to these numerous preferences if they had made food by themselves.
Several liked that the active ingredients were organic: There were many reports on the remarkable active ingredient freshness and top quality.
Excellent nutritional worth: Several such as having the satisfaction that each recipe is very carefully created to match baby dietary needs.
No preservatives or nasty ingredients: Unlike some store-bought package food.
Suitable reusable and recyclable packaging: Some moms and dads said they even reused the jars for packing their baby's daycare dishes.
Prompt delivery
Excellent customer care: Even those that canceled their subscription claimed the customer service was responsive as well as valuable.
Some babies did not require the food: I felt this was to be anticipated with any food, whether homemade or store-bought, as different children will have their choices.
Slightly costly for some: Baby food distribution services are more expensive than making it on your own. If you assume regarding all the time and initiative that makes purées and the organic components in them, I feel the added cost is worth it.
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susanshomebiz · 4 years
Page Builders - How Do I Choose?
New Post has been published on http://www.escapingconformity.com/page-builders-how-do-i-choose/
Page Builders - How Do I Choose?
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Today I am faced with a dilemma. I have to choose…
I’ve been paying for Clickfunnels for years, but the truth is I’ve hardly used it at all. Sure I’d get excited about a new product and build a funnel only to stop promoting it when my marketing budget got low. Every once in a while I would consider canceling my subscription, but then I would think about moving my funnels to another system and quickly change my mind.
 At $97 Per Month This Has Been A Costly Mistake
There is no doubt that Clickfunnels is an amazing system, but the reality is it has much more function than I need at this stage in my business. This month I finally decided to bite the bullet and search for another system that would provide the basic function I need at a lower cost.
As part of my Plug-In Profit system I have a membership for Online Sales Pro. I knew it had a page builder as its primary function so I decided to check it out. Given that the page builder is the backbone of the product I was disappointed to find that it only has 9 templates and very basic functionality. It does however allow you to connect your own autoresponder which is a plus. At a price of $37 per month it is definitely a better price point for me.
I quickly found a system called The Conversion Pros that looked like it would be a great fit. It has a seemingly endless number of templates, an incredible number of beautiful photos and backgrounds as well as several lead magnets to help with list building.  
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The system is fairly simple to use if you follow the excellent training videos and they offer a free 14 day trial. I set up some funnels and tested them and was pleased with the results. Then I found what I consider absolute deal breakers for me. 
One, you can’t connect your own autoresponder and two, I couldn’t find any support whatsoever on the site. I even tried posting on their Facebook page with no response. A Facebook page, I might add that hasn’t been updated in quite some time. With a price point of $49 per month, good training and great options for pages, this would have been my choice if only I could add my own autoresponder. 
Next I looked at All In One Profits  
All In One Profits markets itself as a newbie friendly site that provides you with all the basic tools to get started in online marketing. It even provides you with website hosting once you purchase your own domain. I reviewed the training document and must say as someone who built their own blog on WordPress, I think the instructions might be difficult for someone who is just getting started.
But I digress…All in One Profits has three options for page building and in my opinion the page builder is very outdated and frankly too simple for my needs. Even though the cost is only $10 per month, this program isn’t one I am interested in using or promoting to others. 
Lastly, to my great surprise I found a free option that I believe might just be the best option for me at this time. It looks like there is minimal support, but I was able to follow the instruction on using their page builder. They have 13 templates and a lot of functionality for a free page builder.
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Even though they don’t offer support on how to integrate your autoresponder, it is an option. After a little research on Google and the knowledge base in my autoresponder support area I was able to successfully connect to mine.  
So for now, the winner is LeadsLeap. Yep, I must say I’m quite impressed with this little traffic exchange. The free version has amazing tools that would be great for a beginner marketer. The Pro version is available when you first sign up for about $20 per month and is offered again at this low price from time to time. Otherwise, the monthly cost is $27 per month.
The LeadsLeap Tools
A link tracker that allows you to add an ad bar to the top of your landing page. You can also monetize your landing page by adding their ad surfing widget
A rotator that allows you to market multiple links from one URL
A List management system that you can use to collect leads and send broadcast messages Autoresponder is available in the Pro version
A Landing Page Builder
An Optin Form Builder
Hosting service for images and PDFs is available in the Pro version
It is a Traffic Exchange that you can use to post your ads and earn credits and money for surfing ads.
An affiliate program
The Last Word
When I cancelled my Clickfunnels account I was somewhat relieved to find that they have an option that allows you to pause your account for about $10 per month. At least I will still have my funnels when and if I decide Clickfunnels is the best tool for my business.
I must say I was really struggling with this decision when I started writing this post, but getting it all down helped a lot with my decision. For now, I’ll create the capture pages I need in LeadsLeap and continue to look for an option with a little more functionality when and if I need it.
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magnet-girl · 5 years
List of websites for students
So here’s a list of different websites/tools I have PERSONALLY used and think would be really helpful for other students no matter if you’re in highschool or college or anything else. If I think of any others I’ll be sure to add them to this! (website under the site name if you can’t click on the hyperlink) 
Library Genesis
A helpful database to find textbooks for free, search via textbook title OR simply it’s ISBN number, just remember to change the search in field to the appropriate setting! Seriously, I wish I had found this earlier in my life because it had most of the textbooks I and my friends needed. 
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Slader is a website where you can find user-submitted textbook solutions and as they even say on their website, All Slader step-by-step solutions are FREE. Do know that the solutions are USER SUBMITTED, but with a (free to make) account, you can rate the solution on a score of 1-5, and comment under the solution. Each question can even have multiple submissions that can you view and compare!
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An alternative to Grammarly, prowritingaid can help in editing whatever piece of writing in their document editor; While they do have a premium that costs money, their free version uses its tools up to the first 500 words in that document, and it’s ‘real-time’ tool and ‘summary’ tool does the full document (to my experience, it takes a little bit to go through the whole doc while you’re writing to flag all of the real-time issues)
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(and a photo of what their document tools look like)
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Now Scribd is a site where you can read books, magazines, user-submitted documents, listen to audiobooks, and such, it's a nice website to find stuff to enjoy or find some research maybe; While a subscription costs $8.99 USD a month, their free trial is for 30 days and well if you go to cancel your ‘membership’ and click in the reason why ‘this subscription is too expensive’ and maybe type in the text box like I did “broke college student” (Not lying, broke student problems man), they might offer you 30 more days for free. I'M NOT SAYING TO ABUSE THAT, BUT DO WITH IT WHAT YOU WILL.
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