jointfuel360feed · 4 years
Benefits of Black Pepper with Turmeric
For thousands of years, spices have been used to improve the flavor of meals. However, they have also been used medicinally, and with remarkable results that have now been proven by modern science. Black pepper and turmeric are both powerful spices on their own, with numerous health benefits. However, when combined together, they are significantly more effective and potent. In this article, we will go over the benefits of black pepper with turmeric so that you can get the most out of these extraordinary spices.
What Makes Turmeric and Black Pepper Special
Turmeric is a space that has a vibrant yellow color and has a history of being used medicinally spanning thousands of years. The magic of turmeric lies in its key ingredient curcumin. This is the most active ingredient in turmeric, and the most important one. That is because it is a potent polyphenol delivering antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anti-fungal properties. As beneficial as curcumin is, there is a catch – the body does not absorb it that well.
That is where black pepper comes in. There is a bioactive compound in black pepper called piperine. It is something that is also found in cayenne pepper and chili powder. It’s got plenty of benefits of its own, and can reduce nausea, headaches, and indigestion. It is also a powerful anti-inflammatory. Perhaps its most remarkable benefit is its ability to significantly boost curcumin absorption by the body.
Given how poor the absorption of curcumin is in the body, you will not receive the full benefits of it when you take it by itself. Thankfully, combining it with black pepper does wonders for its absorption. In fact, when you combine curcumin and black pepper, you can increase absorption by a massive 20x. Even adding a small amount, such as 20 mg, of piperine found in black pepper to 2 g of curcumin will skyrocket how much curcumin is absorbed.
While we do not understand exactly why this occurs, we have two theories. One possibility is that piperine allows for curcumin to get through intestinal walls more easily. From there, it can enter the bloodstream more readily. Another possibility is that piperine slows down the process of curcumin breaking down in the liver. This leads to high levels of it in the bloodstream. The end result is the reception of major health benefits.
Health Benefits of Black Pepper With Turmeric
There are several major benefits of black pepper with turmeric. Here are the most common ones:
Reduce Inflammation and Joint Discomfort
When combined, the potency of the anti-inflammatory properties that piperine and curcumin have go through the roof. They can deliver the same level of benefits as certain anti-inflammatory drugs, but without the nasty side effects that come with those. Studies have also found that curcumin combined with piperine can reduce the inflammation and joint discomfort stemming from rheumatoid arthritis, and even completely prevent it.
The reduction in joint discomfort and inflammation these two powerful compounds provide help desensitize certain pain receptors in the body, improving the overall well-being of someone who is suffering from joint stiffness or soreness. The curcumin-piperine duo packs quite a punch in the reduction of discomfort and stiffness.
Potentially Prevent Cancer
Both piperine and curcumin have proven themselves to be formidable foes to cancer cells. Curcumin has been found to reduce the growth and spread of cancer, as well as prevent its development at the molecular level. Remarkably, it may also help kill cancer cells entirely! Piperine is able to help in killing them as well, reducing the risks of getting tumors, along with inhibiting the growth of cancer cells.
Studies have looked into the roles curcumin and piperine hack in killing cancerous cells both individually and together. It was found that they can effectively do so in either case but will be more effective when combined together. For instance, they have been found to interrupt the self-renewal process that breast stem cells for through. This is very helpful given that this is the origin of breast cancer.
There are a number of different cancers that piperine and curcumin have been found to protect against, which indicates that they may be universal in preventing and treating all cancers. Some of these include prostate, pancreatic, and colorectal, among others.
Improves Digestion
Another one of the benefits of black pepper with turmeric is aiding in the digestive process. Taking them together can reduce gut spasms and passing gas. They have the ability to increase how active digestive enzymes are within your gut, helping your body process food in a quicker and easier way than without them. Additionally, their anti-inflammatory properties reduce gut inflammation, which results in better digestion.
How to Maximize the Benefits of Black Pepper With Turmeric
If you want to get the most out of black pepper and turmeric, then you can take a supplement like JointFuel360. This potent all-natural supplement comes packed with high-quality black pepper extract and turmeric. There is plenty of piperine and curcumin that will provide all of the benefits listed above. Not only that, but the addition of potent antioxidants like resveratrol will further improve your health and well-being, especially if you suffer from joint discomfort.
Humans have been using black pepper and turmeric as spices for thousands of years. However, they have also used them medicinally as well, especially in India. With their effectiveness increased by 2,000% when taken together, it is well worth taking a supplement like JointFuel360 to maximize the benefits you can receive from black pepper and turmeric. You will save a great deal of money on pharmaceutical drugs, and will also avoid unwanted side effects that come with them. The remarkable properties of these two have been proven by numerous studies, so you can confidently begin benefiting from what these two have to offer you. Whether you want to prevent or treat joint discomfort, inflammation, cancer, or indigestion, you can do so with the help of black pepper and turmeric.
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jointfuel360feed · 4 years
Quick & Easy Updates to Your Home
Everyone loves the look of a well-designed house. Some homes come looking absolutely perfect as far as our tastes are concerned. However, most could use a little bit of DIY updating. If you don’t have that much time on your hands, yet still want to benefit from having a great-looking home, there are several quick and easy updates to your home you can do.
DIY Updates to Your Home
Here are several ways you can bring new life to your home or customize it a little more according to your tastes.
Splash a Fresh Coat of Paint on the Walls
Are your walls looking a bit dull or appear as if they have become washed out? You can splash a fresh coat of paint on the walls. One or two coats of paint are all it will take. This is actually one of the most common DIY hope updates performed. It is quite simple and easy to do.
Even though you don’t need to be an expert painter, there are some important steps you should follow to get that fresh coat looking its best. You can follow a DIY guide for how to paint a room to make sure this home update comes out looking great.
Apply a New Bead of Caulk in Your Bathroom
You know very well how off-putting old caulk looks in your bathroom. That brown tinge definitely does not look appealing. What used to be smooth caulk may have also become brittle and filled with cracks. Those cracks can harbor mildew, which can lead to dangerous black mold. Also, water could seep through them and begin to damage your wallboard.
You can apply a fresh bead of caulk around your sink, bathtub, shower stall, or somewhere else that could use it. Given how inexpensive caulk is, along with how simple it is to apply, this is a very quick and cheap DIY update to do. If you have an hour, tops, then you can do this. However, you will still want to follow a guide for how to caulk so you can make it look professional.
Install Laminate Flooring in Mudrooms and Laundry Rooms
You can get affordable laminate flooring that is a breeze to lay down and install. They clean easily and hardly ever get damaged. You can pick up 12”x12” tiles in a variety of colors, patterns, and textures, allowing you to truly customize mudrooms and laundry rooms, among other areas in your home. As long as you follow a guide for laying down laminate flooring, you shouldn’t have any issues with the end result not looking good.
Add Classy Crown Molding
Crown molding instantly updates every home it is installed in and makes it look classier. This quick way to add more charm (and value) to your home is a relatively simple DIY project to take on. You are going to find it aesthetically pleasing to see that great-looking crown molding between your walls and ceiling.
Today, there is lightweight polystyrene foam coated in rigid plastic that can cut very easily using a simple handsaw. Add a little bit of joint compound and you’ve got yourself your crown molding upgrade. Upgrade any room in your home into a more sophisticated version of it by following a guide for installing crown molding.
Add New Lighting
When you install new lighting into a room or area of your home, it’s almost as if it receives a new life. When a room is poorly-lit, it looks and feels smaller, darker, and more cramped. When you have plenty of good lighting, you feel everything is more open and inviting. There are a number of ways you can brighten your home with new lighting. You can go as simple as buying a few table and floor lamps. When you place these in strategic areas, such as dark corners, your rooms will come to life! You can also run LED rope lights or similar track lighting along where the floor meets the wall, or in select areas like your kitchen or media area.
You can also swap out old and outdated ceiling fixtures with beautiful modern ones. It isn’t as complex of a job as you may think. As long as you turn off the power for the area you are working in and follow instructions, you will be able to enjoy brand new ceiling fixtures as well.
Before You Begin
Before you set out to do any of these great DIY updates to your home, you should prepare to be standing, kneeling, and bending in all sorts of ways for extended periods of time. If you already sometimes have aches and pains in your joints, such as your knees, lower back, or neck, then you will want to consider taking a natural joint supplement every day.
A popular and effective joint supplement is JointFuel360. This supplement has all-natural ingredients that reduce joint pain and strengthen joints. Antioxidants like resveratrol, along with anti-inflammatory ingredients like black pepper extract and turmeric, help reduce inflammation and swelling that often leads to joint pain. If you want a proven way to get rid of joint pain, or prevent it in the first place, then JointFuel360 is a great option.
All of these DIY updates to your home are quite easy and quick to do when you have some free time on your hands. When you plan them right, you can see a complete transformation in entire rooms of your home. The best part of all is that these updates to your home are not going to break the bank. Just remember to keep your joints healthy so that you aren’t getting any aches and pains from the DIY projects to take on. Taking a joint supplement every day is a good habit to get into regardless of whether you tackle any DIY projects or not. However, when you do, you will come to enjoy any one of these projects if you take them on.
The post Quick & Easy Updates to Your Home appeared first on Joint Fuel 360.
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jointfuel360feed · 4 years
Benefits of Swimming for Joint Pain?
Swimming is a low-impact activity that can help you maintain flexibility, experience less stiffness, and boost your mobility. With minimal stress being placed on your body, especially your joints, while swimming, it could be the perfect activity for you to enjoy if you suffer from joint pain.
Thanks to the buoyancy of water, you can enjoy a range of motion that you perhaps are unable to out of the water without a considerable amount of pain. There are a number of benefits of swimming for joint pain, which we will go over in this article. We will also let you know how you can reduce your joint pain even more. With up to a third of all adults suffering from arthritis in certain states, it is a good idea to help out your joints, even if you don’t have arthritis right now.
Why Swimming Reduces Joint Pain
The benefits of swimming for joint pain exist because of something mentioned earlier: buoyancy.
Imagine being on the surface of the moon. You have seen the videos of astronauts jumping effortlessly, staying suspended in the air for much longer than here on Earth. This is due to the force of gravity being weaker. When you are swimming, you also experience less gravity, which means there is less of a downward force being inflicted upon your body.
The buoyancy in the water will support your body weight more easily. This leads to suffering from less stress on your joints, reducing pain.
Besides buoyancy, water has greater resistance than air does. This means that when you are swimming or doing water aerobics, your muscles are working quite a lot, but it doesn’t necessarily feel that way. That is what makes swimming an excellent way to exercise more intensely, but without the side effects of potentially injuring yourself.
If you swim in warm water, especially warm saltwater, then you will notice that the warm temperature and salt will soothe and reduce any pain you may have in your joints. Also, the more salt there is in water, the more buoyant you are. This gives you a great excuse to take that tropical island vacation you have been dreaming of going on!
Regardless of what fitness level you are at, you will get to enjoy all of the benefits of swimming for joint pain. It’s a great way to get that cardio your heart needs while going easy on your joints. Also, you will notice that you become calmer after swimming or doing water aerobics.
Other Benefits of Swimming
Here are several other benefits you will get to enjoy when you go swimming: • Full body workout – Besides strengthening the muscles around your joints, you will also be strengthening all of the other muscles in your body. This is due to swimming utilizing all of them, regardless of whether you do a gentle breaststroke or go full-on with a hammer butterfly. • Improved overall well-being – When you swim for at least half an hour three times every week, you will significantly improve your physical and mental health. When you combine this with a healthy diet and lifestyle, you are going to have a much more enjoyable day-to-day life. • Less stress – All sorts of things in life can stress us out. Around half of all adults say they feel some degree of stress in their daily lives. You could say that it is an epidemic. Thankfully, swimming can reduce stress levels very effectively. It can also reduce anxiety, depression, and sadness while improving the quality of sleep you get. All it takes is a gentle swim. • Lose weight – Swimming is a high-intensity exercise, even though it won’t necessarily feel like it. It is an excellent way to burn calories, especially if you have trouble shedding unwanted weight. When you take a light swim for 30 minutes, you are burning a massive 200 calories! That is twice as much as you would burn if you were taking a walk. • Reduced risk of diseases – Even if you just swim for half an hour a week, you can protect yourself from issues like heart disease, stroke, and type II diabetes. • Provides excellent support – Water has the remarkable ability to support up to 90% of your body’s weight. That makes it great for people with joint problems due to arthritis or injuries. You will get to stay active while not putting too much strain on any pain points. • Boosts energy – Staying active is the key to a healthy life and increased energy levels. When you swim for half an hour three times a week, your energy levels will stay higher throughout the week. • No sweating – Great news for those of you who want to exercise but can’t stand sweating profusely. When you are swimming, you never feel sweaty, no matter how intensely you are exercising. That is thanks to the water you are swimming in continually cooling you down.
Take a Joint Supplement
If you want to magnify the benefits of swimming for joint pain, even more, you can take a joint supplement. With 15 million people in the US suffering from intense arthritis-induced joint pain, it is a great idea to take a joint supplement if you are one of them.
A popular joint supplement is JointFuel360. This powerful and natural supplement delivers all the nutrients your joints need to become stronger and feel less painful. The antioxidants included in this supplement, such as resveratrol, along with the anti-inflammatory compounds, including turmeric and black pepper extract, reduce inflammation and swelling. The added type II collagen builds up deteriorating collagen. These, and more, help keep your joints healthy and in the best shape possible.
Swimming is a popular low-impact activity that delivers several benefits that help reduce joint pain. When you commit to swimming for 30 minutes a day three times a week, you will be to maximize the benefits talked about in this article. Along with swimming, taking a joint supplement like JointFuel360 will help ensure that your joints are healthy and strong.
The post Benefits of Swimming for Joint Pain? appeared first on Joint Fuel 360.
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jointfuel360feed · 4 years
Tips for Cooking with Arthritis
Over 50 million Americans have arthritis, making it very painful to do basic tasks like cook. If you suffer from arthritis then you may think that cooking with arthritis is all but out of the question. Thankfully, that’s not the case! You can still enjoy the joy of cooking if you have arthritis. All you need to do is follow a few guidelines before doing so. When you use our tips for cooking with arthritis as a guide, you will successfully get rid of that aching joint pain that has made it difficult for you to cook.
Here are our suggestions for making cooking with arthritis more enjoyable.
Preparations to Make Before Cooking
Your work will begin before you start cooking. That means preparing for making cooking easier on you.
Take a Joint Supplement
We recommend getting the essential vitamins, minerals, and nutrients you need for healthy joints. When you take a joint supplement every day, you help your joints become less inflamed and stronger. This leads to all of that time spent cooking can actually be easy on your body.
A popular and effective joint supplement is JointFuel360. This potent supplement is packed with natural ingredients that support joint health. The included black pepper extract and turmeric have powerful anti-inflammatory compounds that will reduce swelling and inflammation, and the pain that goes along with them. Also, antioxidants like resveratrol and type II collagen deliver much-needed compounds that promote healthy joints.
Select Healthy Fats
Make sure the fats you cook with and include in your meals are ones that have omega-3 fatty acids and are anti-inflammatory. This could include using olive oil or coconut oil for cooking. It could also mean cooking fish and including soy, walnuts, flaxseeds, and other ingredients that will keep your arthritis symptoms at bay.
Plan to Make Simple Meals
Make life easier for yourself by skipping out on complicated meals. Instead, go easier on your joints by making meals that only require a handful of ingredients and don’t require spending too much time standing and walking around in the kitchen. There are plenty of great simple meal options you can go with. Even better, making them anti-inflammatory meals.
Avoid Inflammatory Foods
Speaking of anti-inflammatory foods, you will want to avoid using any inflammatory foods in your recipes. Anything with trans fat is a big no, as is anything deep-fried. When you avoid foods that cause your arthritis to flare up, you will have an easier time cooking and going about the rest of your day. There are also a number of other foods to avoid, including processed sugar, nightshades, foods high in purines, and others.
Buy Convenient (But Healthy) Foods
You can make life easier for yourself by buying pre-cut veggies and fruits. There are usually plenty of frozen vegetables and fruits available in bags that help cut down significantly on the amount of chopping and standing you would be doing. Some other arthritis-friendly foods you can load up on for your meals include garlic, ginger, and broccoli.
Use Sharp Knives
Knives are a staple tool in the kitchen. Depending on how sharp your knife is, you will either have aching hands after chopping, slicing, and dicing, or you won’t feel much of a difference. We recommend using high-quality serrated knives. These may cost a bit more but we promise it will be worth it. There are special ergonomic knives that will be easier for you to handle and reduce the amount of strain you put your hands through.
Buy Special Kitchen Tools
Certain tools have been created due to the staple kitchen tools not being a perfect fit for the job. This includes things like lobster claw crackers, spiralizers, and others. Additionally, you may find that your special kitchen tools can also serve more than just the purpose they were designed for. This all makes your cooking tasks easier and less physically painful.
Sit Down More
You don’t have to be standing all of the time while you are cooking. You should invest in a comfortable stool you can sit on when you need a break, or while you are doing something like chopping. Your legs are going to thank you.
What to Do After You Are Done Cooking
After you are done cooking, you can try out a few tips that will make your cleanup process much easier for you.
Keep the Mess to a Minimum
You can minimize the amount of cleanup you need to do by thinking ahead. That can include cooking with just one or two pots and pans. Alternatively, you can go even easier and just make meals that use a slow cooker. That will significantly cut down on the amount of cleanup you have to do.
Use Disposable Plates and Utensils
You can use disposable plates and utensils to cut down on how much you need to clean up after eating a meal. If you want to go a bit greener, you can opt for dishes and plates made out of biodegradable or recycled materials.
Make Enough for Leftovers
Instead of cooking just for one meal, make a little extra so that you have enough for at least one additional meal. Those leftovers can be eaten at lunch or dinner on another day. This will cut down on how much you need to do in the kitchen. However, there is also the issue of hard-to-open food storage containers. The trick to this is to experiment with various containers in the store before you buy them. The ones that are the easiest to open and close should be the ones you get.
Wrapping Up
Cooking with arthritis doesn’t have to be painful or challenging. When you follow these tips, you can have a much more enjoyable time cooking your favorite meals in the comfort of your own home. Cooking can be a fun experience and is one you deserve to be able to enjoy.
The post Tips for Cooking with Arthritis appeared first on Joint Fuel 360.
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jointfuel360feed · 4 years
Do You Know the Benefits of Collagen?
Collagen has become increasingly popular in recent years. It has been highly sought after, given its near-miraculous effects. What is collagen, exactly? We are going to go over what it is, as well as the benefits of collagen so that you can see just how extraordinary it is.
What Is Collagen?
Collagen is a protein that helps keep certain cells together. In fact, it is the most abundant one that is produced by your body. You have collagen in your skin, bones, cartilage, tendons, and teeth. It also makes up the connective tissue everywhere in your body.
Collagen keeps your skin appearing youthful and elastic, and also maintain healthy joints. However, as you get older, your body starts producing less of it. Your collagen levels will keep dropping unless you take something like a joint supplement. If you want to prevent wrinkles, achy joints, and dull-looking hair, among other things, then you should consider taking a collagen supplement.
Benefits of Collagen
There are numerous benefits of collagen that make it well worth taking a collagen supplement. The following are some of the most significant benefits you will receive from getting more of it.
Promotes Better Skin
There is a tremendous amount of collagen in your skin. It helps keep it elastic and hydrated. The less you have of it, the drier and more wrinkly your skin becomes. Studies have found that taking a supplement with collagen can reduce the number of wrinkles and dry skin you have.
Collagen supplements can get your body to begin producing more collagen on its own as well, which is quite astonishing. Also, taking collagen will also get the body to produce other important proteins, like elastin.
Reduces Joint Pain
One of the major benefits of taking extra collagen is enjoying a reduction in joint pain. Collagen is a major component of cartilage, which is the material that protects your joints. As you get older, you become more prone to suffering from degenerative joint disorders like arthritis due to having less collagen and cartilage.
There have been studies that have found taking a collagen supplement can reduce the symptoms of arthritis, specifically osteoarthritis, and also lower how much joint pain you experience. Taking 10 grams of collagen every day for about six months has been found to drastically reduce joint pain while you are both mobile and resting.
Prevent Bone Loss
Just like skin and cartilage, your bones are mostly collagen as well. Collagen will provide structure to them, which ensures they maintain their strength. Bone mass drops the older you get due to less collagen being produced by your body. This results in being more susceptible to getting fractured bones.
Studies have uncovered that taking a collagen supplement can block the loss of collagen in bone, meaning it can help you avoid suffering from osteoporosis. Anything that safely improves bone density is definitely something that is worth taking, especially the older you get.
Increase Muscle Mass
Although it doesn’t make up the majority of muscle mass, collagen accounts for anywhere between 1% and 10% of the total mass. Collagen is an essential protein for your muscles, keeping them strong and functioning at their peak performance.
Studies have suggested that taking a collagen supplement will increase the amount of muscle mass, especially in people who gradually lose their muscles as they get older. There is enough evidence now to support that taking collagen supplements will increase both muscle mass and strength.
Improves Heart Health
Research has been looking into how collagen affects other organs and areas of the body, including the heart. As it turns out, taking a collagen supplement has the power to reduce the risk of having heart-related issues. If you want to improve the health of your heart, then you may want to consider taking a joint supplement.
What collagen has been found to do is provide structure to arteries. This is important due to the fact that they are the carriers of blood from your heart and throughout the rest of the body. If you do not have enough collagen, your arteries may end up becoming weaker and more fragile as time goes on.
There was a study done that found that people who took 16 grams of collagen for half a year had far less artery stiffness than before they began taking the extra collagen. That is quite an impressive outcome, to say the least.
Taking collagen supplements has proven to be very much worth it, as you can see from all of these benefits listed above.
How to Get More Collagen
There are a few great ways to get more collagen. One method involves making bone broth. This would mean you would have to take something like chicken bones or feet and placing them in a slow cooker for around 24 hours, with a shot of apple cider vinegar. This process will coax the collagen out of the bones and feet, providing you with “liquid gold” that will work better than Botox for improving the look of your skin. However, unlike Botox, you won’t be doing anything for your joints or other areas of your body that benefit from collagen.
Collagen by way of a joint supplement or bone brother is an excellent way to get the benefits of collagen. JointFuel360 is a popular joint supplement that contains natural ingredients, including a whole lot of type II collagen. Besides collagen, it also comes packed with anti-inflammatory compounds like black pepper extract and turmeric, which reduce joint inflammation. Antioxidants like resveratrol have also been included to further reduce pain and swelling in the body.
Wrapping Up
Now that you know the benefits of collagen, you can do something about the loss of collagen you have been suffering from for years. Whether you make bone broth yourself or pop a joint supplement every day, you can restore the collagen you have lost, reducing and preventing unwanted joint pain.
The post Do You Know the Benefits of Collagen? appeared first on Joint Fuel 360.
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jointfuel360feed · 4 years
Christmas Shopping Tips for Chronic Pain
Christmas shopping with joint pain can be a real nightmare. After all, you will be doing a whole lot of standing, walking, and carrying. If you are one of the 20% of people who are already suffering from chronic pain, then all of that shopping can magnify the aches and pains you feel in your joints. That is why we have put together some tips to help you have an easier time going Christmas shopping with joint pain.
Here are our recommendations for reducing any potential joint pain while going shopping for the holidays.
Shop Online
Shopping online is the easiest solution to avoid Christmas shopping with joint pain. You may just want to do this from now on! You can probably get everything you want as gifts from the comfort of your own home. There is a tremendous amount of online shopping going on right now. In fact, before the pandemic, 63% of shoppers began their shopping online. Now, due to various lockdown and stay-at-home mandates around the nation, the figures are even higher.
There are often incredible deals to be had when shopping online compared with brick and mortar stores. There is often free shipping over a certain amount that is offered in the world of e-commerce, so be sure to keep an eye out for that. The best part of shopping online is that you don’t even have to get dressed for it!
Create a Shopping Strategy
If you do decide to venture out into the real world and shop in person, you should create a strategy before you go. For instance, if you are going to go and shop at a mall, see if you can pull up its layout online. This will help you figure out where the stores you want to visit are located, where the closest parking areas are, and what the most efficient walking path would be.
Dress Comfortably
You will probably want to wear something soft and comfortable. That’s because clothes that is rougher and more form-fitting will produce pressure on your body, leading to additional pain you could be living without. The longer you shop, the more irritating your clothes will feel against your skin. So, if that means wearing sweatpants and a bamboo or silk shirt, then that’s what you should do.
Use the Assistance of Mobility Aids
Mobility aids, like canes, walkers, and motorized scooters, can be a major help when doing Christmas shopping with joint pain. After walking around for hours and standing in lines, you are going to be grateful that you decided to use a mobility aid. Often, many larger stores even have these aids available to use for free while you are shopping. Also, malls will often have motorized scooters available to rent.
Ask for Help
With so many people buying things for the holidays, it can get overwhelming and challenging to find the products you are looking for. When you are unable to find something you are looking for in a reasonable amount of time, then go ahead and ask a sales associate for some help. There is no reason for you to walk through every aisle when there are people in the store who are paid to help you. They will probably know exactly where the item you are looking for is, and help you be out of the store sooner.
Don’t Carry Heavy Packages
Just as there are people in stores who can help you find something, there are usually sales associates who can help you with carrying your packages. If there is nobody available to help you carry your packages, then look for pushcarts that may be there. If a store you go to doesn’t have either of these, then you can bring something like a baby stroller and place heavy items inside of it as you cart all of your items around.
Rest Frequently
If you notice that you are getting tired or are starting to feel the aches and pains in your joints, then take a rest break. Resting by sitting down somewhere for a few minutes will make a big difference in how much pain you are in. Take these rest breaks frequently so that you have the ability to persevere through your Christmas shopping.
Wear Comfortable Shoes
Your feet are going to take the brunt of the strain while shopping. That means you should make sure you are wearing comfortable shoes. For women, it is a good idea to leave your heels at home. Instead, wear a pair of comfortable sneakers that provide cushioning and support that heeled shoes simply can’t provide.
Be Mindful of How You Stand
Standing for a long time will start to put a strain on your lower back, which will begin shooting pain through your body. During the holidays, there are undoubtedly long checkout lines. When you have no choice but to stand in line, you want to be mindful of how you are standing. Make sure you have an even amount of weight on your feet. Standing up straight, with your lower back in that natural arch towards your front will help you avoid more severe strain.
Take a Joint Supplement
Taking a joint supplement every day before you start your day is an excellent way to keep joint pain away. A popular and natural joint supplement to take is JointFuel360. This supplement is packed with anti-inflammatory compounds, like black pepper extract and turmeric, as well as antioxidants like resveratrol. It even has type II collagen and other ingredients that not only reduce pain and inflammation but can actually help heal your joints.
Wrapping Up
Christmas shopping with joint pain is definitely not fun. Thankfully, you now know several tips that will help alleviate the aches and pains you may experience when out on a long day of holiday shopping. When you follow our tips, we promise you will have a more comfortable Christmas shopping experience than you were expecting to have.
The post Christmas Shopping Tips for Chronic Pain appeared first on Joint Fuel 360.
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jointfuel360feed · 4 years
Relieve Back Pain With Better Posture
When you sit and stand up straight, you will have a strong and stable spine that doesn’t lead to any back pain. However, if you have a tendency to slouch or stoop, you will cause greater strain on the muscles and ligaments in your back, which leads to back pain, among other issues. Standing up straight lets your back muscles keep you balanced and supported.
Everyone experiences back pain at one point or another. This will usually develop when we’re going about our daily lives. When you take part in repetitive movements or are sitting in one place for a long time, or even lifting and carrying heavy items, you create tension and tightness within your back muscles.
The best way to relieve back pain quickly is to have better posture. All it takes is some mindful awareness that you are slouching. When you’re aware that your posture could be improved, you can readjust it right away. When you have good posture, all the vertebrae in your spine will become perfectly aligned. There won’t be any additional strain on any one area of your back. The load will be distributed across your entire back.
How to Relieve Back Pain With Better Posture
There are a number of ways you can relieve back pain by having better posture. Here are a few tips for how you can reduce that unwanted back pain.
Stand Properly
You will want to be mindful of keeping most of your body’s weight on the balls of your feet. Also, you can have a slight bend in your knees when standing, while your feet are shoulder-width apart.
How you have your arms can also make a difference. Let them hang naturally at the sides of your body. Also, you can slightly hold in your stomach, which straightens out your upper back and helps you stand taller. You could also pull back those shoulders for even better posture. Finally, maintain a level head, with your ears being lined up with your shoulders.
Sit Properly
There are a few ways to improve your posture while sitting as well. First of all, you will want to sit while your feet are flat on the floor. You will also want to make sure that your back is flush against the chair you are sitting in.
When it comes to your shoulders, keep them back against your chair, while your arms stay parallel to the ground. If you sit at a table or desk that is either higher or lower, then you should either raise your seat, lower it, or sit at a different table or desk.
If you work in an office, be it at home or elsewhere, you will probably be sitting for extended periods of time. Over time, this can lead to back pain. You will want to avoid sitting in the same spot for too long without getting up and walking around. Aim for getting up out of your chair every half an hour or so. All it takes is a minute or two of walking around to avoid straining your back muscles too much.
Lift and Bend Properly
You should be aware of your posture while you are lifting objects and bending your spine. Whenever you need to lift something heavy, make sure you are keeping your back straight. You’ll want to bend at your hips and knees, which will allow the muscles in your legs to take on most of the redistributed weight. Heavy objects should stay close to your boy at all times when you’re carrying them since this will relieve some of the strain on your back.
Practice Visualization
You can use visualization to adjust your posture and relieve unwanted back pain. Here is one type of visualization you can practice:
Start off in a standing position. Imagine a straight line going through you, all the way from the floor to the ceiling. Then, visualize a strong cord that attaches to the top of your head and is pulling you up to make you taller. Avoid getting on your tiptoes. Stretch your head upward toward the ceiling, while making the space between your rib cage and pelvis bigger.
  Shoulder Squeeze
Sit in a chair with your back straight. Place your hands on your thighs. Make sure that your shoulders are down and no higher than the bottom of your chin. Then, move your shoulders back very slowly until they squeeze together. Hold this position for five seconds. Repeat this exercise a few times.
Upper Body Stretch
You can relieve back pain by stretching your upper body. To do this, start off facing a corner of a room, while your arms are raised up high. Place your palms on the two walls in front of you, while keeping your elbows at the height of your shoulders. One foot should be slightly in front of the other, with the foot out the most also having a bent knee. Breathe out while leaning toward the corner. Maintain a straight back during this exercise, while holding the position for around half a minute.
Wrapping Up
Nobody wants to have back pain. Now that you know several ways of relieving pain from having poor posture, you can avoid suffering needlessly in the future. One more tip we can share is to take a joint supplement. Better posture can be supported by taking a natural joint supplement like JointFuel360. Your joints are the areas that are most likely to be the source of your back pain. With powerful anti-inflammatory ingredients like turmeric and black pepper extract, along with hyaluronic acid and Boswellia serrata, you can ensure that your back no longer causes you trouble from having poor posture.
Practice the exercises we provided throughout your day. You can turn them into a habit so that you are aware of when your posture is slipping. When you take our advice, you will experience all the benefits of having better posture.
Don’t wait until joint discomfort sets in. You can implement strategies for health and wellness over the long term. An active lifestyle, combined with a healthy diet and quality health supplements is a great way to help you keep moving!
*These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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jointfuel360feed · 4 years
8 Easy and Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Desserts
Everyone loves dessert. However, a lot of desserts cause inflammation in the body. Thankfully, there are also quite a few anti-inflammatory desserts that you can enjoy. That means you can enjoy delicious treats without worrying about expanding your waistline or increasing the inflammation in your body. In fact, some anti-inflammatory desserts are quite healthy! That’s why we’ve put together eight anti-inflammatory desserts that are both easy to make and delicious to eat.
If you have arthritis, you know all too well how debilitating the aches and pain can be every day. You probably would love to enjoy some delicious treats here and there. After all, food is one of those things we all take comfort in. You’re in luck because we have a surprise for you. Here are eight anti-inflammatory desserts that you can enjoy while reducing inflammation that causes joint pain.
Blueberry Lime Cheesecake
Blueberries and limes both contain antioxidants that can help reduce joint pain. Nuts and coconut cream, on the other hand, contain powerful anti-inflammatory properties that will help reduce joint inflammation. All of these ingredients can be put together to make a sensational blueberry lime cheesecake. Besides being a healthy dessert packed with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, it’s incredibly delicious! You can get the recipe for this anti-inflammatory dessert here.
Cookie Dough Freezer Fudge
This could be one of the most mouth-watering anti-inflammatory desserts on our list. Cookie dough freezer fudge sounds like it wouldn’t be on this list. However, when made with almond and coconut flours, as well as dark chocolate and collagen peptides, it’s actually quite healthy! You get the sensation of eating cookie dough while getting healthy fats and even additional collagen to support healthy joints. Also, you will be getting plenty of fiber and protein with every bite. You can make your own cookie dough freezer fudge here.
Pumpkin Pie Squares
If you’re looking for an anti-inflammatory dessert that is both healthy and vegan, pumpkin pie squares are for you. These are an excellent treat during the fall season but can be enjoyed at any time of the year. The pumpkin will help support your healthy eyesight and skin, while the ginger and cinnamon act as powerful anti-inflammatory agents. You will be supporting a pain-free body thanks to these spices reducing the amount of inflammation in your body. You can quell your cravings by following the recipe here.
Avocado Chocolate Mousse
If you enjoy dense, decadent, and silky-smooth desserts, you will love avocado chocolate mousse. Yes, avocado is technically a fruit and can be part of a dessert. The rich texture of avocado brings more to the table than its creaminess. Avocado is also a potent anti-inflammatory fruit, which will be something your joints will be begging for you to eat. This special mousse is something you have to try, even if you aren’t usually a fan of avocados. You can make avocado chocolate mousse by using this recipe.
Peanut Butter Cups
Who doesn’t like peanut butter cups? However, instead of buying the unhealthy variety in the store, you can opt for making your own healthy version. When you make your own, using just four ingredients, you get peanut butter cups that are packed with antioxidants, healthy fats, and anti-inflammatory ingredients. The peanut butter, coconut oil, cacao powder, and maple syrup together create an amazing anti-inflammatory dessert that you’ll want to keep making again and again. Make these peanut butter cups using this recipe.
Fudgy Brownies
One of the most iconic desserts out there is brownies. You may be surprised to find them on this list, but they can actually be one of the anti-inflammatory desserts you can enjoy. This is due to the dark chocolate used in them. Without all the artificial ingredients you get in store-bought brownie mix, you can get fudgy brownies that will actually be able to reduce inflammation in your body. What’s more, these brownies can even help you shed some body fat. You can start making these paleo fudgy brownies by using this recipe.
Homemade Twix Bars
The Twix bars you can get in the store are not anti-inflammatory. In fact, they can increase the amount of inflammation in your joints. However, there is a healthy homemade version of Twix bars you can enjoy. Instead of refined sugar, you will be using maple syrup, which has both anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. This is a great option if you are particularly fond of Twix bars but wish you could have a healthy version of them. You can make your own using the recipe here.
Almond Coconut Macaroons
One other anti-inflammatory and paleo dessert is a batch of delicious almond coconut macaroons. Combining almonds and coconut will create a healthy treat that can be enjoyed whenever you feel like it. Given how small and dense these are, you can just have one and have your taste buds feeling satisfied. The natural honey sweetener is rich with antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, making this a great anti-inflammatory dessert to make at home. You can get the recipe for these macaroons here.
Wrapping Up
Don’t wait until joint discomfort sets in. You can implement strategies for health and wellness over the long term. An active lifestyle, combined with a healthy diet and quality health supplements is a great way to help you keep moving!
* These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
SOURCES: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/ageing-muscles-bones-and-joints https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/staying-healthy/effects-of-aging/ https://www.healthline.com/health/osteoarthritis/understanding-aging-and-joints https://health.clevelandclinic.org/5-best-ways-to-safeguard-your-joints-as-you-age/ https://www.fishertitus.org/health/protect-joints-as-you-age https://www.healthline.com/health/improving-mobility-in-old-age https://hcamidwest.com/blog/entry/aging-bone-joints https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/what-it-takes-to-be-agile-at-any-age/ https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/special-topic/aging-changes-in-the-bones-muscles-joints https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/features/common-pains-of-age https://www.bannerhealth.com/staying-well/expert/joint-pain-aging https://www.physio-pedia.com/Effects_of_Ageing_on_Joints https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/staying-healthy/smoking-and-musculoskeletal-health
The post 8 Easy and Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Desserts appeared first on Joint Fuel 360.
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jointfuel360feed · 4 years
Blog Posts
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jointfuel360feed · 4 years
5 Best Stretches for Arthritis Pain
If you suffer from joint pain in the morning, there is a chance you have arthritis. Those achy and swollen joints can wreak havoc on how you feel, both physically and mentally. The older you get, the most likely you are to have arthritis pain. Your first reaction may not be to do stretches for arthritis pain, but instead, stay as motionless as possible. After all, whenever you move, you feel joint pain. However, the opposite is true!
If you have arthritis flare-ups, you’ll want to do some light stretching. By stretching, you help warm up the area around your joints, increase your range of motion, and lubricate joints. After stretching, you will notice that your joints are not as stiff or painful as they were before.
  There are a whole bunch of stretches for arthritis pain you could do, so we’ll narrow it down for you and give you five of the best stretches you could be integrating into your daily routine right now. These stretches will focus on your major joints so that you can be more mobile and enjoy a life with less joint pain.
Here are the five best stretches for arthritis pain:
This is one of the best stretches you can do to get your upper back loosened up. As long as you do it slowly, you will be warming up your back in a way that will prepare you for a wide range of motions throughout your day. This even includes physically-demanding activities like dancing and cycling.
To do this stretch, start off with your hands and knees on a soft mat or rug. Place your wrists in alignment with your shoulders, while your knees are in alignment below the hips. Start off by extending your spine and tucking your toes. With your head dropping down towards the floor, inhale and let your stomach expand towards the floor as well. Raise your head up towards the ceiling on that inhale, while arching your back. Your tailbone will tilt towards the floor as well. Then, exhale while carefully rounding your spine. Bring your chin in towards your chest. You will want to repeat this stretch eight times.
Floor Angels
You’ve heard of snow angels, but have you heard of floor angels? With this stretch, you will increase the range of motion your shoulders can do. Doing this stretch will reduce pain and the potential for any shoulder-related injuries.
To do this stretch, start off by lying down on your back while bending your knees. Also, make sure your feet are flat on the floor while your arms are on the sides of your body, staying slightly bent. Keep your palms up throughout the stretch. Your arms should always stay in contact with the floor. Take an inhale while you move your arms up towards the top of your head. Once they are over your head, make sure your index fingers make contact with one another. Upon exhaling, bring your arms back down to their original starting position. Remember that your arms should stay on the floor at all times. Repeat this stretch for a total of eight times.
Ankle Circles
Doing ankle circles may seem easier to you than the previous two stretches due to one of your ankles and lower legs being used. Also, you get to sit in a chair. When you do ankle circles, you loosen up the joints in your ankles, which means you’ll feel less pain when walking or running. This stretch can even reduce any knee pain you may have.
To start this exercise, grab a chair and sit down in it. You will want to sit close to the edge of it while placing your feet squarely on the floor. Your hands will rest beside your thighs. Begin the stretch by lifting your right foot and extending it away from you. Keeping that leg in the air, rotate its ankle five times in a clockwise direction, followed by five counterclockwise rotations. Place that foot down back onto the ground and repeat the same movements with your left foot. Repeat this exercise five times for each foot and in each direction.
Arm Circles
Arm circles will extend the range of motion your shoulders enjoy. Also, this stretch will warm you up for any activity you may get involved in over the course of the day.
To do this exercise, begin by standing hip-width apart. Extend your arms straight out so that they are horizontal to the ground. Keep your palms facing the floor. Start circling your arms forward, first doing small circles and then making them larger. After doing this 10 times, go backward and repeat the process. You will want to perform this stretch five times per direction.
Hinge & Reach
For the final stretch, you will be doing the hinge and reach movement. This will warm up your joints and get you prepared to perform both errands and recreational activities.
To begin this stretch, place your feet hip-width apart. Let your arms drop down into a relaxed position alongside your body, while your palms are facing up. You will also want to maintain a slight bend in your knees. Stretch your arms out in front of you so that they are horizontal to the ground. Keep your back straight during through but angle it towards the front. Keep the palms facing one another. Then, swing your arms back down to face your hips and get your back into its original vertical position. Repeat this stretch 10 times.
Wrapping Up
Now that you know the five best stretches for arthritis pain, you can work on them. However, don’t stop there. Take a joint supplement as well. Jointfuel360 is a powerful and popular joint supplement that has antioxidants like resveratrol and anti-inflammatory compounds like black pepper extract and turmeric that, combined, will significantly reduce arthritis pain in your joints.
Don’t wait until joint discomfort sets in. You can implement strategies for health and wellness over the long term. An active lifestyle, combined with a healthy diet and quality health supplements is a great way to help you keep moving!
* These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
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jointfuel360feed · 4 years
6 Tips for Managing Chronic Pain
Chronic pain is something that up to 40% of all adults in the United States suffer from. This makes it one of the common reasons for doctor visits. When someone has chronic pain, they feel some degree of continuous pain for weeks or months. Even though this is a challenging condition to live with, there are ways to effectively manage the pain.
People will usually automatically assume that resting in bed for extended periods of time is the best approach when dealing with chronic pain. However, this could actually make it last far longer due to the effects of a lacking of physical activity. Muscles get stiff, and bones become weaker. Also, sleep quality will significantly decrease. There are psychological issues that arise as well, including loneliness and depression. Chronic pain gets worse if you take the route of being bed-ridden.
Thankfully, there are several effective methods you can employ in your life if you are dealing with chronic pain. We are going to go over six of the best tips for managing chronic pain.
Perhaps the biggest difference you will notice is the use of exercise as a way to relieve chronic pain. Your body is designed for movement. When you keep moving, you keep your body flexible and strong. As long as you don’t take on too much, you will significantly benefit from exercising to relieve chronic pain.
There are a number of great options to choose from. Some of these include:
Taking a walk
Riding an exercise bike
Tai Chi
Water aerobics
Before doing any of these, you should do some light stretching as well. You should make sure you do this, given how vital it is to loosen up your muscles that can stiffen up.
Even doing everyday errands and household chores will help you stay physically active. Of course, you will not want to take on too much when you feel the pain is too overbearing for you. When there are days that the pain is manageable, you can exercise and help reduce it. As long as you avoid overdoing it, exercise can be incredibly helpful.
Reduce Stress
Stress is sometimes regarded as being the mother of all diseases. This is because it weakens the immune system, which allows for diseases, ailments, and illnesses of all kinds to more easily create distortions within the body’s ecosystem. When you are depressed, anxious, angry, or stressed out in some way, you will become more sensitive to pain.
By reducing stress in your life, you reduce how painful your chronic pain is. There are many relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing, meditation, and soothing music, that can reduce your stress levels.
You can even practice guided imagery techniques that help you escape into a mental world where everything is serene and tranquil. The newfound inner peace you then have will help you manage chronic pain more easily.
Tension and tightness can take hold of your muscles when you become stressed. When you practice stress-reducing techniques, you may not get rid of all the pain, but you become less affected by it.
Maintain a Healthy Diet
You are what you eat. If you feed your body processed and inflammatory foods, you are more likely to either develop or perpetuate chronic pain. The best diet is a well-balanced one full of dark and leafy greens, vegetables of all kinds, whole-grain foods, low-fat dairy, fruit, and lean meats. Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich foods are also tremendously helpful in maintaining a healthy diet.
It also goes to mention that a healthy diet should lack certain foods and beverages. Alcohol is a major one that will easily magnify your chronic pain. It will become more challenging to fall asleep when you are regularly drinking alcoholic beverages. Ideally, you should cut alcohol out of your diet entirely. However, if you must, at least significantly reduce the amount that you drink.
Take Pain-Relieving Supplements
As mentioned before, a diet consisting of anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich foods will help you manage and relieve chronic pain. However, since the nutritional quality of food has significantly dropped over the past few decades, it has become essential to take supplements. This brings your vitamin, mineral, and nutrient levels back up to where they should be.
One popular supplement that has helped many is JointFuel360. It is effective due to the all-natural ingredients like turmeric and black pepper extract, as well as antioxidants like resveratrol.
Join a Support Group
While this may seem intimidating at first, joining a support group for chronic pain sufferers can be very helpful. This is due to feeling supported by others and belonging to a group. Humans are relational beings who need a sense of community to maintain a positive mental state.
There is an enormous amount of wisdom within a group coping with chronic pain. Their knowledge and advice can provide you insights that are hard to find anywhere else. There are many groups today for chronic pain, given how many people suffer from it. Even in places where it’s challenging to physically get together today, support groups have shifted to being online in video meetings. While perhaps not ideal, it will still definitely help more than not being part of a support group at all.
Finally, getting massages regularly can both reduce physical tension, as well as stress. People suffering from chronic pain swear by massages, especially for back pain and neck pain. Seek out a professional massage therapist who has experience with providing this relief for those suffering from chronic pain.
Wrapping Up
Don’t wait until joint discomfort sets in. You can implement strategies for health and wellness over the long term. An active lifestyle, combined with a healthy diet and quality health supplements is a great way to help you keep moving!
* These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
  The post 6 Tips for Managing Chronic Pain appeared first on Joint Fuel 360.
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jointfuel360feed · 4 years
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The post Terms of Use appeared first on Joint Fuel 360.
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jointfuel360feed · 4 years
Joint Pain vs. Muscle Pain
Do you feel pain in your joints or muscles? Can you tell the difference? Before you start treating it, you want to know whether what you are feeling is joint pain or muscle pain. You may believe you know which one it is, but it can be trickier to differentiate the two than you may realize. When you correctly diagnose what kind of pain you have, you will be able to treat it more effectively.
We will go over what is joint pain and muscle pain, how you can differentiate the two, and what you can do to relieve them.
What Is Joint Pain
Joint pain is pain that stems from your joints, where bones, ligaments, and cartilage are located. Your joints also have synovial fluid that helps everything move seamlessly. Joint pain is also the type of pain you feel even when you’re resting and your muscles aren’t being used. As you get older, arthritis (rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis) will usually be the primary reason why you start feeling joint pain. Other issues leading to joint pain include Lyme disease, fibromyalgia, bone cancer, and gout.
Bones are not as well-protected the older you get. This will lead to pain and discomfort. You may experience joint pain for just a few days and then see it go away. However, you may also notice it gradually set in and stick around. Some of the most common areas to experience joint pain are the wrists, elbows, ankles, knees, and lower back. Joint pain will take a longer time to recover than muscle pain.
What Is Muscle Pain
Muscle pain differs from pain in your joints in that it arises due to overusing, straining, or injuring muscles. Athletes are the most susceptible to muscle pain, given their frequent use of muscles in exercises, performances, and activities. You are more likely to suffer from muscle pain after being physically inactive for a prolonged period of time, especially if you don’t correctly stretch beforehand.
It is also possible to experience muscle pain as a result of certain illnesses and infections. Some illnesses include the flu, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and hypothyroidism. Lyme disease and fibromyalgia, which were mentioned as causes of joint pain, can also cause muscle pain. For the most part, the pain you feel in your muscles is caused by them becoming inflamed. Cramps, aches, and pains are all symptoms of muscle pain.
Usually, the only time you feel muscle pain is when you are using your muscles. Also, muscle spasms are a possible tell-tale sign of pain you are feeling coming from muscles. This is due to extreme physical activity releasing lactic acid, along with toxins that build up in the body.
How to Get Joint Pain Relief
Typically, physicians may suggest that you take an anti-inflammatory drug, along with a topical cream, to get relief from pain in your aching joints. However, this comes with potential side effects, and it will not actually address the root cause of the joint pain.
There are both lifestyle and nutritional changes that you can make to achieve the best results. Losing weight and taking part in low-impact exercise can help release the burden on your joints and strengthen muscles around your joints. Your diet plays a major role in whether you feel pain in your joints or not. It’s recommended that you eat foods that are rich in anti-inflammatory compounds and omega-3 fatty acids.
Another way you can get rid of joint pain is by taking a joint pain supplement like JointFuel360. This is a supplement packed with all-natural ingredients.
How to Get Muscle Pain Relief
You can get relief from muscle pain in a number of ways. A quick go-to method is to simply apply ice to the area where you feel the pain. Then, you can rest that area in a way where it can be immobile for a while until the pain goes away.
A very helpful modality you can use is massage. This therapeutic activity will loosen up any tense muscles, even if that tightness is deeper. Massage is a great all-around modality to receive on a regular basis since it gently stretches muscles and helps promote total body relaxation. If you are unable to get a massage, you can take matters into your own hands and massage the muscles that hurt, if you can easily reach them. If you cannot, you can stretch those muscles after taking a hot bath.
You can also avoid certain weight-bearing exercises that place a great deal of strain on your muscles. You should avoid lifting heavy weights until your muscles have healed. Otherwise, you will prolong the healing process and may potentially damage your muscles in some way. Overall, you should rest as much as possible. This does not mean staying in bed all day, but it does mean performing some like physical therapy.
If you have other symptoms accompanying your muscle pain, such as a fever or vomiting, it could be an indicator that there is something more serious than normal muscle pain.
Wrapping Up
Don’t wait until joint discomfort sets in. You can implement strategies for health and wellness over the long term. An active lifestyle, combined with a healthy diet and quality health supplements is a great way to help you keep moving!
* These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.
SOURCES: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/ageing-muscles-bones-and-joints https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/staying-healthy/effects-of-aging/ https://www.healthline.com/health/osteoarthritis/understanding-aging-and-joints https://health.clevelandclinic.org/5-best-ways-to-safeguard-your-joints-as-you-age/ https://www.fishertitus.org/health/protect-joints-as-you-age https://www.healthline.com/health/improving-mobility-in-old-age https://hcamidwest.com/blog/entry/aging-bone-joints https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/what-it-takes-to-be-agile-at-any-age/ https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/special-topic/aging-changes-in-the-bones-muscles-joints https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/features/common-pains-of-age https://www.bannerhealth.com/staying-well/expert/joint-pain-aging https://www.physio-pedia.com/Effects_of_Ageing_on_Joints https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/staying-healthy/smoking-and-musculoskeletal-health
The post Joint Pain vs. Muscle Pain appeared first on Joint Fuel 360.
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jointfuel360feed · 4 years
JointFuel360 Reviews
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JointFuel360 Reviews*
With over half a million bottles sold, we reached out to our best customers and offered them a free month supply of JointFuel360 to share their story…
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The views and opinions expressed by contributors and or product reviews are their own and not necessarily those of JointFuel360 or Jupiter Laboratories. These reviews should not be taken as recommendations but rather customer opinions of the products they have used. Some of the customers who submitted reviews and/or testimonials on this website were compensated with free products in response for sharing their story. Jupiter Laboratories makes no warranty or representation, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the information contributed by outside sources, and assumes no responsibility or liability regarding the use of such information.  The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information provided in content sections, customer reviews and testimonials are intended for educational purposes only.  Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, have a medical condition, or are under the age of 18, consult your physician before using this product. Immediately discontinue use and consult your physician if you experience any adverse reaction to this product.
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jointfuel360feed · 4 years
JointFuel360 – Our Best All-Natural Supplement for Joint Pain Relief
What is JointFuel360?
JointFuel 360 is an all-natural supplement for joint pain relief, designed specifically for both men and women. Sold exclusively by Jupiter Laboratories, JointFuel 360 is the ideal drug-free solution to help you move better. Click here to get your first bottle today!
How does JointFuel360 work?
Healthy joints are key in ensuring your comfort and mobility. When joints are damaged it can be extremely painful and can have a significant impact on your life by preventing you from carrying out even the simplest of day-to-day activities, such as climbing the stairs or using a knife and fork. Whatever is causing your joint pain, JointFuel 360 was created with the goal of promoting stronger joints and providing relief. Get moving again! Click here and start your journey with JointFuel360 today!
JointFuel360 Ingredients
100% drug-free, JointFuel 360 is made up of a range of all-natural ingredients with the goal of promoting long-term pain relief and improving joint health.   Turmeric – 200mg Turmeric’s main active ingredient is Curcumin, which has received worldwide attention for its multiple health benefits. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5664031/  Black Pepper Extract – 5 mg Curcumin’s benefits are best achieved when combined with piperine (found in Black Pepper Extract). https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5664031/  Boswellia Serrata extract – 100mg Recent clinical research has suggested that Boswellia formulations (along with curcuminoid) could moderate inflammation associated with worsening symptoms of osteoarthritis. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/29622343  Resveratrol – 100mg Published studies support the ant-inflammatory effects of Resveratrol and its synergistic activity with curcumin. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3344210/  Collagen (Type II)* – 40mg Type II collagen extracts contain the amino acids found in the framework of human cartilage. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2764342/  Hyaluronic Acid – 5 mg The effectiveness of Hyaluronic Acid in relieving knee pain has been demonstrated in several clinical trials. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4729158/ Serving size: 2 capsules. Servings per container: 30 * JointFuel360 is not suitable for vegetarians. * JointFuel360 is not tested on animals.
Who is JointFuel 360 suitable for?
JointFuel360 is ideal for both male and female adults suffering from joint pain anywhere in the body, including knees, hands, fingers, shoulders, neck, back, ankles, and feet. Like with many supplements, it’s not recommended that expectant or nursing mothers take this product. As always, talk to a medical professional before adding any additional supplements to your health regimen. JointFuel360 contains collagen so is not suitable for vegetarians.
JointFuel360 Prices
Our supplements are available to purchase on our website, and we offer a range of bundles at amazing prices. Each bottle contains one-month worth of capsules. Our product is available for purchase either as an individual bottle or in batches of three or five bottles. We offer quantity discounts, meaning bottles are cheaper if they are bought in bulk, so it’s definitely worth stocking up! JointFuel360 is sold in over 30 countries – and every order includes free shipping. See all prices and packaging here Follow us on Facebook for tips, exclusive offers, and more.
Where can I buy JointFuel360?
JointFuel 360 is exclusively available to purchase on our website: https://jointfuel360.com/jointfuel360/us/s1/lp/#packages It couldn’t be simpler to get your hands on your first bottle of JointFuel360. Simply select your chosen bundle (either 1, 3 or 5 bottles), fill in our quick and easy online form, enter your payment details and you’re good to go!
Where can I buy JointFuel360 with a discount?
JointFuel360 is developed and sold exclusively by Jupiter Laboratories, and can only be purchased directly from our website. We offer a range of amazing bundle deals and discounts on our products!
Where can I buy JointFuel360 in the United States?
JointFuel360 can be purchased directly from our site: (site link). We offer a range of different packages and discounts. We are currently running some incredible promotions: Buy 3 bottles and get 2 free! Buy 2 bottles and get 1 free! Buy one bottle with a $10 discount!  We are also offering free shipping on ALL bundles! All products from Jupiter Laboratories come with a 100% guarantee. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with JointFuel360, make sure to contact us within 60 days from the order date to receive a full refund. Delivery times will vary ever so slightly depending on location, however, most orders should arrive within 5-7 business days. If your order doesn’t arrive within that time frame, make sure to get in contact with us and we’ll be happy to help!   Doctor and Nutritionist’s endorsements E.g “The powerful ingredients in JointFuel360 work by stopping joint inflammation before it has a chance to cause damage, pain, and immobility” Dr. Kimberly Langdon
JointFuel360 Reviews
JointFuel360 has helped thousands of people to get healthier and happier joints. We’ve had some amazing success stories and it’s always great to hear that our products are helping transform people’s lives! Reviews: https://jointfuel360.com/testimonials/ Move Better with JointFuel360 today!
Frequently Asked Questions
Below are some of the most frequently asked questions about JointFuel360. While we have endeavored to provide in-depth answers to our most common queries, if you can’t find what you’re looking for, don’t hesitate to get in touch with us. Simply drop us an email at [email protected], and we will get back to you as soon as we can.
What is JointFuel360?
JointFuel360 is an all-natural supplement designed specifically for both men and women who suffer from joint pain.
Is there a difference between JointFuel and JointFuel 360?
No. We changed our product name so that it perfectly reflects all of its many benefits! Don’t worry – it is still the same great formula made with all-natural ingredients and it will deliver the same great results!
Is JointFuel360 suitable for vegetarians?
The JointFuel360 formula contains type II collagen sourced from animal proteins so is therefore not suitable for vegetarians.
Is JointFuel 360 gluten-free?
Yes! JointFuel 360 contains no gluten.
Are there any drugs in JointFuel360?
No – JointFuel360 is made with all-natural ingredients and is completely drug-free! As studies have shown that glucosamine and chondroitin are not effective in reducing joint pain, we do not include these ingredients in our formula.
How much and how often should I take JointFuel360?
For best results, we recommend that you take two capsules of JointFuel360 per day. Take the capsules together after a meal, so that you have a full stomach, with a small glass of water.
How quickly does JointFuel 360 work? When can I expect to see results?
As our supplements are made with all-natural ingredients, the time that it takes to see results will vary from person to person.
Can I take JointFuel360 with other medications and/or supplements?
Our supplements are made with all-natural ingredients. However, we always recommend consulting a medical professional before adding any supplements into your health regimen. This is especially important if you have any pre-existing medical conditions, are taking any medications, or are pregnant or considering getting pregnant.
Can I exercise while taking this supplement?
Yes, you can take JointFuel360 while exercising.
Is this a subscription service?
No, each order is a one-time purchase. There is no automatic subscription to cancel and no need to worry about recurring charges. JointFuel 360 is available for purchase as a single bottle, or in packs of 3 or 5.
What is the recommended serving size for JointFuel360?
The recommended serving size is 2 capsules taken daily, after a meal with a small glass of water. There are 30 servings in each bottle.
Do you offer a product guarantee?
All products from Jupiter Laboratories come with a 100% guarantee. If, for any reason, you are not satisfied with JointFuel360, contact us within 60 days from the order date to receive a full refund.
Can I buy JointFuel 360 on Amazon or eBay? 
JointFuel360 is sold exclusively on our website. We don’t sell our products on any other retailers or wholesalers – so make sure to only purchase our supplements directly from our website, otherwise, there’s a high chance you won’t be buying the right product (and be careful of fake sellers)!
Do I have to pay for shipping?
No! We offer free shipping for all our product bundles!
Is there a discount code for JointFuel360?
We are currently offering all our bundles at amazing discounted prices! Click here for more information!
How long will it take for my supplements to arrive?
Delivery times will vary slightly depending on your location, but most orders will take 5-7 business days to arrive. If your order has not arrived within that time frame, make sure to get in touch with us right away and we’ll be happy to help! MOVE BETTER WITH JOINTFUEL360 TODAY   The views and opinions expressed by contributors and or product reviews are their own and not necessarily those of JointFuel360 or Jupiter Laboratories. These reviews should not be taken as recommendations but rather customer opinions of the products they have used. Some of the customers who submitted reviews and/or testimonials on this website were compensated with free products in response for sharing their story. Jupiter Laboratories makes no warranty or representation, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy or sufficiency of the information contributed by outside sources, and assumes no responsibility or liability regarding the use of such information.  The statements on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The information provided in content sections, customer reviews, and testimonials are intended for educational purposes only.  Products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, have a medical condition, or are under the age of 18, consult your physician before using this product. Immediately discontinue use and consult your physician if you experience any adverse reaction to this product.
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jointfuel360feed · 4 years
Why Do I Wake Up with Stiff Joints in the Morning?
When you wake up in the morning, does your lower back hurt? When you roll out of bed to get up, are your knees feeling painful or stiff? If so, you’re not alone. Stiff joints are common to have in the morning. However, not that many people know why they get stiff joints. In this article, we will go over what the most common reasons for stiff joints are, as well as what you can do to avoid experiencing stiffness in the morning.
What Causes Stiff Joints in the Morning
Feeling stiffness in joints is usually due to joints going through normal wear and tear. Unfortunately, joints age in a different way than the rest of our bodies. A special material called cartilage is what provides cushioning for your joints. As time goes on, it can dry out and get stiff. When someone is overweight, there is additional wear and tear due to the extra weight being put on the joints. Also, over time, joints lose their natural lubrication. The muscles surrounding the joints can become weaker, and the tendons attached to them can get stiff. While you are asleep, everything tightens up, which is why you feel like you have stiff joints in the morning. Some people automatically assume that having stiff joints means that they have arthritis. While this is a symptom of arthritis, it does not necessarily mean that you have it. If you are unsure whether the stiffness in your joints is due to having arthritis, you can talk to your doctor and get their expert diagnosis. Arthritis can lead to wearing out joints, feeling tight muscles around joints, and experiencing inflammation within those joints. Osteoarthritis is the kind of joint stiffness that occurs due to wear and tear, while rheumatoid arthritis is what happens when there is both swelling and inflammation involved. Both of these kinds of arthritis can lead to you experiencing joint stiffness in the morning. On average, morning joint stiffness lasts for approximately 10-15 minutes. Once you start moving around for a little bit, you get your joints more lubricated and warmed up, which is why you feel the stiffness go away. However, for some people living with rheumatoid arthritis, the stiffness can last over an hour.
How to Reduce Morning Joint Stiffness
While it’s difficult, if not impossible, to reverse joint deterioration due to aging, you can definitely reduce the amount of stiffness and pain you feel in your joints in the morning. Here are a few ways to can do so.
Have Comfortable Bedding
You will be spending a third of your life essentially motionless in your bed, and for long stretches of time. This is what will be the likely reason for your stiff joints in the morning. It is also why you should conduct an audit of your bedding to ensure it is comfortable. When it’s not, it will lead to experiencing more considerable pain and stiffness when you wake up in the morning. The most significant factor to inspect is the mattress. Make sure it can hold up your entire body, without allowing your hips to sink in. Also, make sure it provides relief, along with comfort, for areas of your body containing pressure points. These include your knees, hips, shoulders, head, and other points of contact. You also want to make sure your back feels comfortable when you are resting on it. This is a very subjective and personal decision that needs to be made, and it may require you to test several mattresses in person before you find the one that suits you. Also, you will notice your sleeping preferences change as you age, which is something to take into account. On average, a mattress should provide you with 7-8 years of comfort. After that, you will have to get a replacement mattress. Mattresses that are less expensive and made using lower-quality materials will last less than this. It is essential to make this investment in your comfort since it can reduce the morning stiffness you feel in your joints. The older you get, the more supportive of a mattress you will need. Besides a mattress, you also need to make sure your pillows are comfortable. Otherwise, you’re going to wake up with a stiff neck. Ideally, your pillow will align your cervical spine in your neck, so that it does not bend while you are asleep. A pillow that is either too thick or thin will not maintain this spinal alignment. Not only will you experience pain in your neck, but your upper back will hurt as well. To discover whether your neck is properly aligned, ask someone to look at how your neck appears while you lie down in your preferred sleeping position. As with a mattress, the most comfortable pillow will be a largely subjective decision you will need to make. Once you have found the ideal pillow for you, remember to replace it every 18 months. Pillows lose their support and become less comfortable over time. A memory foam pillow can last upwards of three years.
Take a Joint Supplement
Besides comfortable bedding, one of the best decisions you can make to reduce joint stiffness is to take a joint supplement. An all-natural supplement that can help is JointFuel360. This is a popular supplement containing numerous natural ingredients.  
Wrapping Up
Don’t wait until joint discomfort sets in. You can implement strategies for health and wellness over the long term. An active lifestyle, combined with a healthy diet and quality health supplements is a great way to help you keep moving! * These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. SOURCES: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/ageing-muscles-bones-and-joints https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/staying-healthy/effects-of-aging/ https://www.healthline.com/health/osteoarthritis/understanding-aging-and-joints https://health.clevelandclinic.org/5-best-ways-to-safeguard-your-joints-as-you-age/ https://www.fishertitus.org/health/protect-joints-as-you-age https://www.healthline.com/health/improving-mobility-in-old-age https://hcamidwest.com/blog/entry/aging-bone-joints https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/what-it-takes-to-be-agile-at-any-age/ https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/special-topic/aging-changes-in-the-bones-muscles-joints https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/features/common-pains-of-age https://www.bannerhealth.com/staying-well/expert/joint-pain-aging https://www.physio-pedia.com/Effects_of_Ageing_on_Joints https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/staying-healthy/smoking-and-musculoskeletal-health
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jointfuel360feed · 4 years
Turmeric and Curcumin for Joint Pain
Turmeric is a golden-colored powdered spice you are probably familiar with. It adds a robust flavor profile to foods, giving food a vibrant color boost as well. Coming from a plant hailing from the ginger family, turmeric also has a compound called curcumin. This is the chemical compound that scientists have uncovered that provides potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. Thanks to this, it’s possible to use turmeric and curcumin for joint pain. Turmeric is an excellent source for getting curcumin that combats joint pain. Curcuminoids, a group of natural chemicals that curcumin is a part of, have distinctive bright, yellow colors. The average turmeric root contains anywhere between 2% and 5% of curcumin. The fascinating function of curcumin is that it can work on several functions and processes simultaneously. This allows it to be used to treat and cure everything from pain and inflammation to increased brain health and reduced tumors. When it comes to turmeric and curcumin for joint pain, it can reduce the symptoms people with osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, and other arthritic conditions suffer from.
How Curcumin Works
To understand how curcumin can help relieve joint pain, we have to take a look at its role as an antioxidant, TNF-inhibitor, and COX inhibitor. At least some of the inflammation that sufferers of arthritis experience are caused by free radicals that are within the body. When too many of these are in your body, you experience oxidative stress. This is something that can lead to inflammation. When you take antioxidants like turmeric and curcumin for joint pain, you neutralize free radicals. Curcumin can also suppress your body’s reaction to what is called the tumor necrosis factor, or TNF. This is a chemical that gets made by your immune system and leads to inflammation, especially for those suffering from rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis, and other arthritic conditions. It’s not entirely understood yet how curcumin can suppress TNF, but we know it does. Researchers have also found that curcumin has properties that make it a COX inhibitor. This means that they can offer some helpful pain relief, due to blocking COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes. This has a direct influence on reducing inflammation that leads to joint pain. There is more to how inflammation occurs in the body. Your body produces cytokines, which are inflammatory proteins. Many of these cytokines are controlled by a molecule called N H-kB. This is essentially an on/off switch for certain genes. When taking something like curcumin, you are able to “turn off” the molecules that are causing inflammation. This can all be done without experiencing any unwanted side effects that certain anti-inflammatory drugs can produce.
Can Turmeric Help Reduce Arthritis Pain?
There has been research done that suggests turmeric can help people with conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. The benefits supersede those that come with taking anti-inflammatory drugs, due to the absence of adverse side effects. Additional research has been done on the effects of curcumin on osteoarthritis that has revealed even more exceptional benefits. For example, people who have joint pain in their knees due to osteoarthritis see their condition improve significantly after taking a curcumin supplement. Other research has found that turmeric extract can be just as effective as taking the anti-inflammatory drug ibuprofen. However, there will be far less gastrointestinal issues when considering the turmeric extract over the ibuprofen. Other studies have corroborated the findings in ones like we already mentioned. They all found that within a few weeks of taking a standardized turmeric extract, you can see any arthritis-related joint pain become significantly reduced. While there is a tremendous amount of supporting evidence indicating the anti-inflammatory effects of curcumin, we are only in the early stages of research. It is very likely that even more benefits will be uncovered, whether it’s for people suffering from arthritis or other diseases and conditions. Due to turmeric being a natural product of the environment, it leads to far fewer side effects than pharmaceutical drugs. If something that is “natural” can provide the same, or even more significant, level of relief for joint pain, it’s definitely preferred over something synthetic that has unwanted side effects.
How to Take Turmeric and Curcumin for Joint Pain
Since only up to 5% of turmeric consists of curcumin, you will want to get more curcumin into your body. The best way to get the amount of curcumin that helps reduce joint pain is to take a supplement that contains it. That is why a joint supplement like Jointfuel360 can be incredibly beneficial.
Wrapping Up
Don’t wait until joint discomfort sets in. You can implement strategies for health and wellness over the long term. An active lifestyle, combined with a healthy diet and quality health supplements is a great way to help you keep moving! * These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. SOURCES: https://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/health/conditionsandtreatments/ageing-muscles-bones-and-joints https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/staying-healthy/effects-of-aging/ https://www.healthline.com/health/osteoarthritis/understanding-aging-and-joints https://health.clevelandclinic.org/5-best-ways-to-safeguard-your-joints-as-you-age/ https://www.fishertitus.org/health/protect-joints-as-you-age https://www.healthline.com/health/improving-mobility-in-old-age https://hcamidwest.com/blog/entry/aging-bone-joints https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/fitness/in-depth/what-it-takes-to-be-agile-at-any-age/ https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/special-topic/aging-changes-in-the-bones-muscles-joints https://www.webmd.com/pain-management/features/common-pains-of-age https://www.bannerhealth.com/staying-well/expert/joint-pain-aging https://www.physio-pedia.com/Effects_of_Ageing_on_Joints https://orthoinfo.aaos.org/en/staying-healthy/smoking-and-musculoskeletal-health
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