#i had this idea a few months ago but didn't have the motivation to write it (gotta love writer's block)
Getting Thrashed
Female Alpha Yandere x Male Omega Reader (CW: Noncon/dubcon, heat cycles, scent kink, pheromones, non-traditional a/b/o dynamics, NO mpreg, enslaved reader, conquered society, general yandere behavior, teasing, biting, claiming, space pirates) Word Count: 3.4k (WOW, sorry that took so long. I started off writing fast because I loved the idea then lost motivation halfway through. Hope you guys enjoy the second female yandere fic I have written and the first one I have written with smut. Also first fic I have written where the reader penetrates the yandere.)
Your day on the space colony of Nithyal started out like any other. You diligently did your assigned work of farming a wide array of essential foods for the colony.
It was pretty vigorous manual labor, but you didn't mind. You rather enjoyed the scent of fresh soil and ripe fruits.
And you were fairly compensated. Everyone was in Nithyal. After all, the colony was on the planet Solstan. And it wasn't called a paradise world for nothing. The weather was agreeable, there were few dangerous animals, and everyone lived harmoniously. No homelessness, no corruption, no hunger, no violence. You were very grateful to live in such a place.
Especially since you were an omega.
Many generations ago, human fertility was greatly diminishing. In a bid to save the species, there were numerous fertility experiments.
One of the most extreme experiments that altered human DNA and psychology the most resulted in two new variants of humans: Alphas and Omegas.
They were both given extreme fertility, but what good is being fertile if you just end up with a barren partner?
So they were both given heightened olfactory senses, with omegas being given genes to produce pheromones that alphas were attracted to and vice versa.
They were also capable of quickly forming intense bonds with their romantic/sexual interests.
But the biggest difference from unaltered humans was that alphas entered ruts and omegas had heats. These periods of ultra high libido were to make sure they were compelled to procreate.
The gene editing was not without unintended consequences.
Alphas tended to be larger, stronger, and more aggressive than normal people, and omegas had a tendency to be smaller and a bit more submissive.
Alphas also tended to be possessive and jealous, even going so far as almost always needing to mark their mate with a permanent bite.
These behavioral concerns lead to the discontinuation of the program. Specifically, concerns about omegas maintaining their agency when faced with such forceful alphas that could easily sniff them out.
Human fertility was restored through more refined gene editing later, with suppressants being developed for the humans already altered and their descendants so they could mask themselves.
Heats and ruts were only partly suppressed, though and it wasn't too hard for someone to discover who was an omega when their life was put on hold in a predictable pattern once every few months.
It wasn't ideal, since most people hated such altered humans.
But Nithyal was different. Everyone just cared about each other and didn't bother with any judgement.
There was no better place in the galaxy.
That was... until the dark day that a pirate fleet came from the deepest reaches of known space to upend everything.
They were called The Eternal Eclipse. And they certainly eclipsed any joy you found in Nithyal.
Your people tried to mount a defense, fighting bravely with the few ships and ground to air weapons that were available, but given their numbers there was no chance of victory.
Your colony was pretty isolated from the rest of civilization so once conquered there was little chance of liberation.
They quickly killed or at least maimed anyone who tried to fight back or organize a rebellion.
The colonists had become little more than slaves.
Many continued the hard labors they had before, with more demand to support the new ruling population, others were forced into personal servitude for the higher up pirates, and a decent chunk of the population became personal fuck toys.
At first, when the pirates had gathered up all of the colonists to assign them their fates, you were mercifully going to continue the work that you had already been doing.
But unfortunately you somehow caught the eye of Thrash and for some reason she had taken a liking to you. So instead of cultivating plants, you were forced to be by her side all day as a simple servant. This probably wouldn’t have been too bad if the violent leader didn’t happen to be, against all odds, an alpha.
You had never met one before but you could tell right away. Her scent, her attitude, the fact that she was larger and stronger than most adult men. She had hair like fire and an energy and attitude to match.
At first you were worried that she had pegged you for an omega, but she gave no indication that she knew. You were in constant fear that your omega nature would be discovered. It wasn't unheard of for omegas to be brutally raped, sold to far off black markets, or even just outright killed. Surely if she had known you wouldn’t just be a personal slave.
It seemed that your suppressants were enough to completely hide yourself from her, and you had a huge supply of them. Though you knew for a fact that once your heat started, your pheromones would poke through. And you’d also be rather horny. Maybe you could feign illness and cover yourself in perfume?
That was probably your best bet. Though you hoped no one would notice that you got ill like clockwork. Luckily you still had plenty of time until your next heat.
Working for Thrash wasn’t too physically demanding, you just had to clean up after her, prepare meals, and do little odd tasks like deliver a note or something to one of her subordinates. You actually got a lot of down time between tasks… though you always had to stay nearby in case Thrash needed something.
The overworked farmers would have surely enjoyed such a relatively cushy work detail, but it was absolute hell for you. It was like walking on eggshells, just waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Thrash hadn’t treated you poorly, never hit you. But you had no idea how an omega would be treated.
It was especially scary when she decided to tease you, just because she enjoyed watching you squirm.
When she licked your neck in the cafeteria in front of all her dining pirate crew she cackled at how your face turned red and you got as still as a statue as your brain shut down. You were terrified that she could smell or even taste the omega on your skin.
Thrash didn’t really know why but something in her made her love flustering you. She just couldn’t help it. She had always enjoyed making men uncomfortable or putting them in their place, but you were a bit different. It wasn’t like it was with her male pirate colleagues, where she strove to be the best and made them obey her. No, this was different, seeing your face turn red made her hungry for more.
One night she dismissed you with a smack on the ass and let you go to bed while she stayed up drinking with her best buddies. You felt humiliated and rushed off to your room, which was one that was in the house she had claimed for herself in case she needed you for something she wanted you close by. You were really like a live-in maid.
You tidied up a few things before washing up and going to bed, still embarrassed about having your butt touched in public. Despite that you managed to go to sleep pretty quickly.
Though a few hours later a very drunk Thrash comes stumbling in drunk. You wake up with a jolt and nearly jump out of your bed as a strong arm wraps around your waste and firmly pulls you close.
“Mmm where ya goin cutie? Ya need to stay close to yer alpha!”
She lightly grinded into you for a moment, her crotch against your ass before stopping and nuzzling into your neck.
“Thr-Thrash… uh… I think you accident-”
She shushed you by licking your neck and nibbling a bit. You went still as stone. If she broke the skin the special enzymes in her alpha saliva would cause you to have a permanent mark. Fortunately that didn’t happen, instead remaining content with sloppy kisses, sucking, and gentle nibbling.
You couldn’t help but let out a series of little whimpering moans at the sensation. You also became aware of just how nice she smelled. So dominant. Kinda… safe…
She chuckled at your noises.
“Haha, you’re practically a tiny defenseless omega!”
That made you shake the thoughts and distractions from your mind. This woman was not safe. She stole your home and turned you into a glorified slave. If she knew what you were she’d sell you to the highest bidder!
Luckily after that comment she had passed out in a drunken stupor.
You managed to extricate yourself from her grasp before scrambling to get to the restroom. You had to double check to make sure that the bites that Thrash had so kindly applied to your neck had not broken the skin, luckily they hadn’t.
But you still looked absolutely horrible. Your neck was covered in little hickeys, your hair was a mess, and you were so shaky from the rude awakening that you could barely stand.
Something about looking so debauched made your cock hard. Maybe it was because you had her alpha stink all over you or maybe it was something to do with the bites all over your neck. Maybe it was just because you weren’t used to the attention.
It didn’t matter why the result was the same, you had to do something about this almost painful arousal. And the scent that clung to you.
As you got in the shower you gave your cock the attention it was demanding, thinking filthy and shameful thoughts about Thrash. You tried to pleasure yourself to other thoughts but your mind kept drifting back to the oppressor of your people and the way she smelled as she bit and drooled all over your neck.
You couldn’t spill until you imagined her leaving a permanent claiming bite on your neck.
After your shower you felt dirtier than you had before you got in. You reminded yourself that you hated Thrash and that she and her crew had done to upend the lives of you and your people. It wasn’t your fault she made you aroused. What omega wouldn’t have been after that?
After you got dressed and left the bathroom you wrapped your spare blanket around you and slept in the chair in the corner of the room, you would have rather not been in the same room as the drunk alpha, but you had nowhere else you could go.
When Thrash woke up she found you sleeping soundly in the room and it took her a moment to realize she wasn’t in her room. She must have kicked you out of your bed. She did feel kinda bad about it, but she figured you would live. She was the one with the massive headache.
She went back to her quarters, leaving you to sleep a bit longer.
When you woke up you found her, thankfully gone, you wrapped a scarf around yourself to hide your neck, the weather was cool lately so no one should give a second thought to you wearing one. Then you left to start your day of servitude as you did everyday.
Unfortunately for you, you had to accompany her as she went on one of the landed ships to see what the problem was with it since she had originally been a mechanic and engineer. It was very hot in the engine room.
“How are you wearing that scarf? It’s so hot in here.” The heat wasn’t the only problem you were dealing with, she was sweating and only wearing a tank top, allowing her musk to practically smother you.
It didn’t really take all that long for you to get more than a bit dizzy and flustered. And once you were, it took even less time for Thrash to notice, she often kept an overprotective eye on you, though you had rarely noticed.
She came stomping over and looked down at you.
“I told you it was too hot for that! You’re gonna get sick dumbass! Take it off and let’s go outside for some fresh air.”
You fidgeted under her gaze and mumbled that you were okay.
When you didn’t take it off immediately she growled, jerked you over to her, and yanked it off of you.
She stared wide-eyed at your neck, not remembering having put the marks there herself the night before. And she was fucking livid.
“When the fuck did you hook up with someone, you fucking slut!? You belong to ME and I didn’t give you any permission for that shit!”
The enraged alpha slapped you hard across the cheek, making you yelp and stumble to the ground. You were sobbing and could scarcely manage to croak any words out.
“I-i d-d-didn’t l-let anyone d-do-”
Had one of her men defiled you against your will? Defiled HER slave?
“Tell me who did it!! I’ll cut their dick off and shove it up their own ass!”
Her eyes were like a cats, narrow slits. Your naturally submissive instincts told you to put your head down and obey anything the near feral alpha might demand of you.
“Y-you were dr-dr-drunk and b-bit me last night…”
Tears were leaking down your face. If you had not been on suppressants your scent would surely be one of fear mixed with pheromones to calm down this beast.
That’s right, she had woken up with a bad hangover in your room...
Thrash stared at you, at this tiny crying man in front of her, crying and terrified. She felt awful, and she didn’t often feel bad about her actions. She was a pirate, but for some reason she just didn’t like seeing you suffer at all. Certainly not because of her.
“Fuck… I’m… sorry…” She managed to say as she knelt down and rubbed your back.
“I really have no memory of last night...”
The large powerful woman picked you up easily, with your head nuzzled into her neck, crying into her.
“C’mon crybaby, let’s get you cooled off, I’ll deal with this engine later~”
She carried you carefully back to your room in the housing building, collecting odd looks as she did, which she quickly got rid of with a glare each time.
Thrash placed you into your bed and felt your head with the back of her hand. Despite not having the scarf, having been exposed to the cool outside air on the way over here, and now being in an air conditioned room you were hotter than ever.
Your mind was getting foggier and when she left to go get a cool rag and some medicine from the bathroom you finally realized why you were so hot. You were entering heat. The neck stimulation and all of Thrash’s dominant behavior over you must have somehow triggered an early one.
You had to leave before she came back and smelled it. It would only be a matter of moments before the smell broke through your suppressants.
Something in your brain was telling you to just stay there and let your alpha come back and take care of you, but the other much more grounded in reality part of your brain was telling you you had to hide in a utility closet somewhere and deal with the consequences of your absenteeism later. Better than being sold off or raped by every pirate who wants to try out an omega.
Right then you really wished suppressants just completely eliminated heats completely instead of just diluting them a bit.
Right after you had that thought Thrash entered the room and saw you standing by the door, you saw her hand had a bottle of pills. Though her search in your medicine cabinet yielded no fever reducers she found something else hidden away under your sink. Your suppressants.
And then your scent hit her. It was dulled by your medication, but she was an alpha unused to omega pheromones in any capacity.
She growled low and her pupils were like slits as her stare bored into you angrily.
“You’re MY property! And you’re keeping secrets from ME!?”
Before you could stumble out the door she charged at you, picked you up and slammed you down on the bed a bit harder than she had intended. You looked away, unable to meet her domineering and angry gaze. Your only response was to instinctively whimper in submission to placate her rage.
Thrash sniffed you, inhaling your scent from your underarm to your neck. You leaned your head over to give her easier access and show that you submitted to her will. You were terrified and she could certainly smell it.
Some of her drool dripped onto your neck as she hovered above it, licking you tentatively to calm you down. She was going to bite you and make you into her personal fuck toy and mate, she was mad that you had hidden your nature from her, but she would never hurt you.
Thrash sucked and nibbled at the gland in your neck, with you gracing her ears with a new whimpering gasp or moan each time she touched the sensitive spot.
Your terror evaporated quickly, replaced by heat fueled desire. And if you were honest with yourself maybe not all of the yearning was born from your heat.
The lust filled alpha couldn’t help but inhale your scent over and over, it was literally a drug for her. She had already wanted to fuck you into oblivion even before she got a whiff of you in heat, but now there was no stopping herself. Already she couldn’t wait to drink in your smell during your next heat when your suppressants were out of your system.
She made a mental note to flush them after this.
The pirate rubbed your crotch, palming at your erection, getting you even more aroused before she bit your neck. Hard. Her fangs pumping into you something that would make you smell claimed to any other alphas and leaving a large permanent hickey on that portion of your neck.
You moaned out loud in painful pleasure, arching your back and thrusting your clothed arousal into her hand.
Thrash licked your bleeding wound and then turned her attention to your cock and her own pleasure.
You could only stare and writhe in need as she pulled away from you and took off her clothes.
“Gimme a second, I just need to get our clothes off!”
It was the first time you had seen her breasts. You were in awe of this figure above you. So strong and assertive. So beautiful. A perfect partner.
To her you were the beautiful one. So sweet and pretty and perfect put in your place below her.
She practically ripped your clothing off and buried herself back in your neck as she brought herself down on you, enveloping your entire length in the warmth of her cunt. Her hands pushed down your shoulders as she rode you.
Your pleasured moans mixed with her grunts and growls as she fucked you until you saw stars. Your first orgasm was really quick, and was not nearly enough for either of you. Another perk of heats, insatiable libido.
With each of her downward movements you thrust upwards, desperate to get as deep as possible, the scent of her aroused pheromones combined with your heat making you absolutely unable to care about anything else.
You didn’t care that she had conquered your people or that she controlled them. In this state it only made her stronger in your eyes. A more suitable mate. You wanted to fill her up with so many babies.
The sex lasted hours, until the both of you were too sore to keep moving. It finally ended with you clinging to her and using her tits as a pillow with her arm wrapped around your protectively.
When the fog of pheromones and heat left your brain you were horrified by what had happened. But if you weren’t owned by her before, the new mark on your neck meant you certainly were now, and she would never let you go.
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 4 months
pleeeeaaaasee do more shane x reader (preferably gender neutral). Your writing is so good and the "After everything we've been through, you still don't think that I love you?" one broke me. You're a hurt/comfort master
HAH you've given me another idea from this ask alone (insp by my farmer getting alex's 8 heart event while married to shane)
Sorry gang I swear fluffier stuff with Shane is coming
It was just a few days into summer, and Shane already had plans to change up his usual routine once again.
Ever since moving onto your farmland, he found himself getting more motivated to take longer walks. This morning, he planned on doing so after ensuring the crops were watered and the animals were well-fed.
He greeted the cows, rabbit, pigs, and chickens as they filed out of the coop and barn one-by-one, not letting any of them miss their daily pets. Seeing the ostrich and little green dinosaur emerge didn't faze him as much as it did the first time he saw them--he still had no clue how you acquired their eggs (especially one from the skull caverns), but you didn't treat them any differently.
They were both lovable creatures. Just like the blue chickens he introduced you to several months ago.
Knowing you raised some and kept them on the farm made him beam with pride, glad he got to stay here and help run things in your steed.
He wouldn't trade it for the world.
You set off for the beach earlier than usual today, having left a note on the table, and Shane opted to just hang back and repair some of the fences that were looking a bit worn out.
According to the TV, it was a "good luck day", and you hoped to find fortune in the form of a rainbow shell washed up on the coast. You certainly loved foraging them, but even if there weren't any around, you figured you'd go fishing.
Your husband wasn't the best at either skill, although a few hours after you left, he felt a little bored and decided to go visit the beach. Maybe you could use his moral support since other people--mainly Willy and Elliot-mentioned hearing you curse like a sailor when you were wrestling with a fish...or when said fish escaped your line.
He could be there to cheer you up, or teasingly bet on how many joja cola cans you'll fish out of the ocean.
That would be pretty funny, he thought.
So he headed off on his usual walking route, but instead of going to Cindersap Forest or stopping by Pelican Town's river, he ventured towards the beach, greeting whoever said "hello" to him.
Upon arrival, however, Shane stopped in his tracks as he noticed you weren't entirely alone on the beach.
It wasn't Willy, Elliot, Leah, nor that parrot kid you rescued from Ginger Island, but Alex.
He wouldn't have minded that so much....if not for the fact that you two were sitting awfully close together on the coast, overlooking the foamy waves. You were totally oblivious to his presence, so he hung back with suspicion.
Of course, he knew you were growing more sociable with the rest of the villagers, and he didn't want your marriage to be the reason you stopped talking to people.
Even so..something didn't feel right about this, especially as he watched you move closer to Alex, putting an arm around him. And when the younger male put his head on your shoulder, Shane's heart dropped.
You were talking, but obviously he couldn't make out what you were saying thanks to the noisy waves and annoying seagulls.
At this point, however, it became clear what was going on.
And it made him feel utterly sick to his stomach, his mind constantly circling back to one conclusion. Only one explanation as to why you'd ever be that close to Alex, and perhaps why you've been frequently leaving the farm earlier than normal:
You were seeing him behind his back, thinking he'd never find out.
He didn't know how else to interpret that. How else could he?
But of everybody in this town, why did it have to be the guy who reminded him of his youthful days in gridball?
The guy who radiated positivity and was always in high spirits?
The guy who wasn't old and weak and depressed...like him?
'I knew it..they finally got bored of me. But why would they do this?' Scowling, he felt like storming over and saying something, but he couldn't will himself to freak out here and now.
Why bother?
Instead he decided to turn on his heel and storm back to the farm, nearly tripping over a rainbow shell as he did so. The saloon was closed, so he couldn't escape there...but he'll settle for rotting in bed until you come home.
You'll be back, and he'll confront you then.
Coming back to the farmland around noon, you frowned a bit as you didn't see Shane anywhere outside. He wasn't at the mini coop like he normally was, and poor Charlie was looking for him.
"Where did he go, Charles? Hm?" With a soft coo, you kneeled down to pet the chicken. She clucked, her beak pointing towards the cabin, and you thanked her with a small handful of corn before continuing inside.
However, as soon as you stepped into a rather quiet house, all the excitement sapped out of you. You'd normally hear him playing video games or watching a Tunneler's game, but as you entered your shared bedroom...you found him just laying down, his back turned to you.
"Hey, honey." You sighed, relieved as you sat down on the mattress. "All that farmwork got tiring, huh? I understand. Thank you for doing it."
"..Shane? You still asleep?"
There was a long silence, only for it to be broken by a quiet sniffle, and your heart sunk, wondering what happened. "Hey, what's wrong-?"
As you put a hand on his shoulder, Shane flinched and rolled over to face you, his eyes red and watery, and his expression full of disgust...as though you did something wrong.
You've never seen him get this angry at you. Not since your first meeting with him. "Baby-?"
"No. Enough petnames, [y/n]." He huffed, sitting up and staring at you with contempt. "You don't get to act like everything's fine. Like I don't know what's really going on."
"Why were you with Alex today? Did he convince you I wasn't good enough for you anymore? That I'm past my prime?"
You blinked in bewilderment, wondering how on earth he knew that and why he was getting so upset. "Wha..you were at the beach? Why didn't you tell me?"
"That's..not important." He grumbled. "If you love him more, fine. Just tell me. I was ready for the day you'd finally get sick of me. But..to do that behind my back...I just..." Fresh tears brimmed his eyes as he clutched the mermaid pendant with a shaky hand. "I thought you were different..but I was wrong."
Now you were totally lost, heart racing as you tried to wrack your brain for any reason he'd assume that you were cheating on him with Alex. You knew he had some major jealousy issues, and he's been actively working through them with his therapist, but it was never this bad.
"Listen, I promise that what you saw isn't what it-"
"You don't have to lie. I get it. He's young, better looking...he's everything I used to be. So why don't I just go and you can have him live on this farm with you? At least he won't be a burden. At least he won't-"
"Shane just stop. Stop." You raised your voice, growing infuriated. "What in the hell made you think I wanna be with Alex when we're married?! When I've been nothing but there for you since I moved to town?! If you let me finish, I'll explain everyth-"
"Oh I'm sure you have a "perfect" explanation already lined up." He rolled his eyes. "Unless you can tell me why you were that close to him, I don't see why I'm even-"
"Today's the anniversary of his mom's death."
Shane blinked once.
Then twice.
Then three times.
"She passed away 12 years ago." Frowning slightly, you watched his expression shift wildly. "Alex was sitting there, crying his eyes out, and I just...wanted to comfort him. Like any friend would do. That's all."
At this moment, Shane felt like the biggest piece of shit in the valley, and his shoulders sagged. He didn't know what to say.
"We just hugged, and he told me about the good memories they had," you continued, moving closer to put a hand over his own. "Cross my heart, absolutely nothing was going on between us, honey. You really think I'd do that to you? To the man I love?"
"....I....I didn't know he lost his mom.." He mumbled, still at a loss for words.
"Well it's not exactly something he'd share with the whole town. And I was gonna keep it between us, but you wouldn't let me explain myself." You reminded him with a small huff, and he looked down in guilt.
As quickly as your anger rose, however, it was quick to disappear as you watched him. He seemed very torn up and ashamed for accusing you of cheating, but you could understand his perspective and why he saw it in that light.
You would've been suspicious, too.
"Look..I know it did look like something else was going on. And I'm really sorry-"
"No, no..I should be sorry for acting like a total dickhead." Shane gazed back up at you, and his face tore your heart to shreds. "I didn't mean to freak and accuse you of anything. You were just comforting a kid who lost his mom and...I got angry for no reason. Without hearing your side. I shouldn't be like this..yet I feel like some bitter old man.."
"Hey, you're not old." You shook your head, cupping both sides of his cheeks and giving him a gentle kiss. "You're barely 30."
"Still..my body feels that way." He lightly chuckled, enveloping you in a tight hug. "And again, I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, [y/n]...I promise I'm working on these stupid jealousy issues."
"I know you are, and I forgive you." Smiling, you squeezed him tight. "We're gonna be okay."
"Mhm..also..um..I found something for you." He let you go and dug into his jacket pocket for an unknown item, and when he presented it to you, the grin on your face was infectious.
"Oh my god..you found one for me?!!" Your eyes lit up, as you now held a beautiful rainbow shell in your hands.
Shane nodded. "Iridium quality."
"You're the best. I love you." Laughing, you brought him back into a hug, giving him a few more kisses. "And you said you sucked at foraging, huh?"
"Ah, well..just the "chopping trees" part. Picking stuff off the ground is easy." He shrugged, his smile bashful. "Glad you like it, sweetheart. Take it as my apology for that..um..misunderstanding."
"I forgive you a thousand times over. Now..I think I'll display this beauty in our aquarium. What do you think, Shane?"
"I think I'll go with and see."
You both hopped out of bed and headed over to where you kept the aquarium tanks, with Shane in better spirits than he was before.
He still felt guilty for acting that way towards you, but your everlasting patience and persistence with him prevails.
He's glad he picked up that rainbow shell for you.
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shy-taylorsversion · 7 months
Want You Back | Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Inspired by Want You Back by Maisie Peters
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Fem!Reader
Summary: Over a year ago, Y/n started hunting with the boys. Her and Dean's friendship became more than anything she ever had before. Then he hurt her like never before. The worst part was she didn't really care.
Takes place somewhere in season 6 after Sam got his soul back. Flashbacks are during season five.
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: Cursing (minimal), canon-level violence, few innuendos, and mentions of things. Reader is kinda sad and desperate. Angst. no happy ending :(
A/N: Hi!! After a year of trying to write a complete fic to post, I finally did it. Please excuse any grammar or spelling errors, I relied on Grammarly lol Also I had no idea how to write the action scenes but tried my best. I really don't know if this is worth much but I had so much fun writing sooo I hope you enjoy it!! (gif not mine)
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March 2010
  Y/n’s phone buzzed, drawing her attention from the hunter drunkenly blabbering in her ear. They’d just wrapped up a quick hunt, a werewolf somewhere in northern Montana. She didn’t even really know the guy but Bobby had given him her number to ask for help. She agreed, not really having anything more to do. He was fine for a hunter, other than he never shut up and was getting too handsy for her liking, and him being on his fifth drink wasn’t helping. 
She opened the message, not recognizing the number. Bobby had to stop handing it out to whoever.  
           “Hey, Sweetheart. Whatcha up to?”  
The phone fell into her lap. There was only one person she ever let get away with calling her that, or anything really, and he didn’t come around often. 
           “Depends, who is this?”  
    The response was almost immediate. 
          “Don’t do me like that, Y/n”
 She could almost see his stupid grin on the screen and had to look away to control the heat rising in her face. Within five seconds and two texts, Dean Winchester had turned her into a giggling schoolgirl with a crush. 
          “I’m at a bar, what do you want?” 
         “Ah, a girl after my own heart. Which one? I wanna see you.” 
In any other universe, she would have assumed he had ulterior motives. She had the first few times she’d received that text but ended up spending the night hiding her disappointment. He only wanted to see her. He’d meet with her wherever she was. A bar, a motel, a diner.   
They’d spend hours talking about everything. She’d tell him stories of her recent hunts and the hunters she was stuck helping. He’d tell her of whatever they’d been facing. On rare occasions, when it was super late and they were sprawled on her bed, in a half-drunken stupor, he’d tell her about Sam or their dad. He’d mention their childhood and what he was put through. One night, he even mentioned a girl named Cassie, he skirted around details but Y/n understood. 
   They’d fall asleep like that, on top of the covers of a dirty motel bed. The next morning, he’d take her to breakfast, hug her goodbye, and then he was gone. 
     Her phone buzzed in her hand again. 
       “I miss you.” 
Her blood ran cold as she stared at the screen. He’d definitely never said that before. They just never went there and maybe this wasn’t him going there but it was different. Without another thought, she sent him the address. 
Present, April 2011
  “What Dean did wasn’t ok, you know that right?” Sam said through the phone. “He never should’ve left like that. We just really could use your and Bobby’s help on this case.” 
  Y/n sighed in response. What could she even say? That she knew, that she understood. That it still didn’t matter because even through all of the anger and hurt, she’d take him back tomorrow. 
  Not that he’d ever actually been hers. It was only half a spring, barely two months. 
It didn’t matter either way. There was a job to be done and she had to do it. She could put her feelings aside for a few days. 
 “He always left like that, not like I’m surprised.”  
   “Look, I’ve gotta go but please, Y/n, call us if you need anything. We’ll be there soon.“ 
 “Bye, Sam.” 
  The call ended, leaving Y/n leaning against the railing of Bobby’s porch. The early spring wind whipped around her and she hugged her flannel closer, looking out onto the empty road. 
   It had been over a year since she’d seen either of them. She knew of everything that happened to them. Sam going to hell and coming back without a soul. Dean, living a normal life for over a year with a woman and her kid. 
 Y/n didn’t know her, only hearing about the situation from Sam and Bobby in passing. She knew her name was Lisa and that Dean cared for her. Maybe more. She knew that Dean had promised Sam to live a normal life after he jumped into the cage. And she was happy that he got a year of peace. She was. 
   She could picture him helping in the kitchen, wearing an apron with flour smeared across his face. He’d probably set up family movie nights and weekend outings and birthday dinners. He’d been happy and okay. Against all odds, he had gotten out. 
    That didn’t stop the wave of hurt that washed over at the thought of him, all domestic and soft.  
 The click of the door opening pulled her out of her thoughts. Bobby stood there, a knowing look on his face.  
     “C’mon kid, let’s see if we can figure out something before those boys get here.” 
A few hours later, Y/n stared at the book in her lap. She’d been rereading the same paragraph for thirty minutes. Every time she’d get drawn into the book, the house would creak or the wind would blow and she’d be snapped out of it. 
   She kept waiting for the door to open, for footsteps to trail down the foyer and into the living room. She couldn’t even begin to prepare for what the next few days were going to be like. Her only plan was to act as normal as possible, which was already proving to be difficult. 
  A pit formed in her stomach, there was a lump in her throat and her head was clouded. The whole room was hazy and it felt like she was watching herself exist.
    She didn’t even realize she was crying until something wet hit her hands and slid onto her jeans. She quickly wiped her eyes and tried to focus on the book again. The lines blurred together as more tears filled her eyes.  
    God, she was sitting here crying over some guy. She was a grown woman, she had to get over this. It was pathetic at this point. 
   “You know, what Dean did was wrong. Leaving like that, not telling you what happening.” Bobby said, walking into the room, a stack of books in his hands. “I love the kid but he’s a real dick sometimes.”
       He meant well but she swore if one more person said that Dean had done bad, she was going to go crazy. 
    She knew that. More than anyone, she knew. She was the one who spent months hunting with him, helping him and Sam figure out how to save the damn world. They’d spent nights wrapped up in each other, more than ever before. Farther than before.  
  She was the one who woke up to an empty bed with no trace of him anywhere. He never responded to a call or a text. Never even let her know he was alive. 
  He’d left like an assassin. 
   Part of her couldn’t even blame him. It probably had been for the best because if he’d told her what the plan had been, she’d have begged. 
     In the end, he’d got to be a coward and she salvaged some amount of self-respect. 
 “I know, Bobby.” She said, giving him a small smile, “I know.” 
The door creaked causing Y/n to jump, earning her a concerned look from Bobby. 
  She smiled at him again, trying to reassure him. She could tell he’d been worried about her lately. He was justified in it. She’d been on edge and closed off for the last year and a half. 
   She took a deep breath and steadied herself. She’d known these boys for the better part of her life, it wasn’t a big deal. 
     Sam rounded the corner first, entering with a slight grin. His eyes immediately found hers and without warning he pulled her off the couch and into his arms. 
   Y/n let out a surprised laugh as her feet dangled off the ground and the life was squeezed out of her.  
   “I missed you too, Sam.” She said, unable to hold back more laughter, “Put me down now.” 
   Her feet hit the floor and Sam stepped back. She looked him over, still smiling. 
     “I’m so glad you’re back.” 
   “Yeah, me too.” 
A set of footsteps grew louder causing Y/n to look up, only for her to meet two green eyes. 
  The breath was knocked out of her and she was all too aware of the pit in her stomach again. 
Ignoring the pairs of eyes on her, She spun on her heel to face Bobby.   
    “Let’s get started?” 
March 2010 
“I call shotgun!” Y/n yelled as they walked out of the diner and took off towards the Impala.
   She was probably being unfair. She’d barely shared the passenger side in the few weeks she’d been with the boys. Sam was getting huffy about it, she could tell but she enjoyed the view more from the front.  Sitting in the back she’d miss the way Dean’s hands looked gripping the steering wheel, the way his lips moved as he mouthed the lyrics to whatever was on the radio, or the way his eyes would flicker to hers for just a split second. 
 Dean had also finally let her DJ and she didn’t plan on giving that rare privilege away anytime soon.
   “C'mon, dude. It's my turn.” Sam whined, “My legs are starting to cramp.” 
Sam beat her to the car which wasn’t surprising since he was literally the size of one. She was close to giving in when an arm landed on her shoulder. Dean nudged Sam out of the way, ignoring his protests, and opened the door. 
     “Sorry, Sammy.”  Dean’s eyes never left hers as she slid into the seat, “Need my Darlin’ by my side.” 
Present, April 2011
   Cracked wooden planks creaked under Y/n’s feet as she followed the boys and Bobby into the abandoned house. It was pitch black. She blinked her eyes, trying to adapt to the lack of lighting.  
According to Sam, a nest of vamps had been holed up there for weeks. They’d started leaving a trail of bodies, teens who’d come through as a dare or curiosity. She didn’t know the exact numbers racked up in that time but it was enough for Sam and Dean to ask for help. 
   Dean motioned for them to split up, two taking the downstairs and two going up. She went to follow behind Sam who had taken off into the next room but Bobby beat her to it. She would’ve fought back but it wasn’t exactly like she could cause a scene right then. 
   She followed Dean up the stairs, cringing every time the stairs groaned underneath their feet. 
Dean slowed as he hit the final step before a long, dark hallway. Y/n was a step behind him. His body nearly covered her. She shifted to the side to peer around him. 
  Both raised their machetes, trying to keep their breathing quiet as they waited for any sign of movement.
    A crash came from down the hall. Dean started towards the sound, Y/n following close behind. The complete darkness put them on edge. Being minus one sense in a house of at least ten fanged bastards, not fun. 
      The floorboard creaked behind her causing her to flip around, just in time to dodge the first vampire of the night. 
       She swung her machete, hitting its arm. Distracted, she brought down the weapon. Its head hit the floor. 
        Dean yelled out from behind her. She flung herself around to hear him fighting off, what she guessed was three on his own. Her presence seemed to catch the attention of one of them because it charged at her. 
   She dodged, the vamp lunged again grabbing her by the arm. She twisted out of its grasp. Using the angle to her advantage, she swiped her leg around, knocking it off balance. Its head rolled away as its body hit the ground. 
     She wiped the sweat from her forehead and turned to try to find Dean. She still couldn’t see him but she could hear him panting a few feet away.
She was yanked forward. Hands gripped her forearms tight enough to leave bruises and slammed into the wall. Her head buzzed on impact and she forced herself to stay upright. Its fangs grazed her neck and then its head dropped to the floor. 
   Dean stood in front of her, so close she could feel him breathing, rather than hearing it. Without thinking, she reached out to him and landed on his arm. She went to pull away but his other hand grasped her wrist, holding her in place. 
“Thanks.” She breathed, “You good?” 
“Yeah, You?” 
She wished she could see him, make sure he was being truthful. He didn’t exactly have the best track record with honesty. But in the dark, she had no choice but to trust him. 
    “I’m fine.” There were definitely bruises forming in her arms and her head was still spinning but she’d had worse.  
   Dean’s hand dropped her wrist. She ignored the deflated feeling in her chest and dropped her arm back to her side. 
  Without warning, he ran his hands over her arms and up her shoulders. She tried to pull away but he didn’t stop. 
    “What are you doing?” She whisper-yelled. 
“I literally heard you hit the wall, Y/n,” He said, running his hands over her head, checking for any bumps. 
“I am fine.”  She tried to swat him away but he grabbed her wrists mid-air and pulled them to his chest.  
    The air was humid around them. She heard him panting. Leather and sweat invaded her senses. Any focus she had before vanished. 
He was here, touching her, after so long. 
  Silence enveloped them. The only noise was their panting. 
 This was wrong. Sam and Bobby were probably fighting for their life downstairs and here they were, doing whatever this was.
  She was about to pull away when a loud yell came from downstairs. 
   The moment was broken. They took off down the hallway and stairs. Staying close to not get lost in the dark. 
  They hit the last few steps as a vampire, charged at them. 
 Dean swung his machete and it fell to the floor.  
 They moved further into the first floor of the home, finding Sam and Bobby fighting off at least four vamps each.  
   They split up, him going to Bobby and her going to Sam.  
     None of the vampires were aware of her yet. She grabbed the syringe of deadman’s blood out of her pocket and plunged the needle into the closet to her. 
  Now they knew she was there.
 Two turned towards her giving Sam time to take down his remaining one. 
   Both charged at her, hissing. She ran in between them.She flipped around, slicing the blade in an arc. The one on her left doubled over at the impact. 
    She swung. 
The right one lunged at her. She pivoted and cut the blade up. 
Its head hit the floor. 
She looked around the room, a slight beam of moonlight flooded the house now. She made out Sam helping Bobby up from the floor, right as Dean took down the last vampire. 
   The room was silent other than everyone trying to catch their breath.  
Dean’s eyes found hers. She forced herself to look away. Sam interrupted the non-moment. 
“Time for drinks?” 
Y/n and the boys decided to go out. They were leaving soon but everyone needed time to wash off and get ready. 
   She dragged the black liner across her eyelid, double-checking to see if it smeared the shimmery brown eyeshadow she’d already put on. The cracks in the old mirror made it kind of hard to perfect the make-up but it would have to do.  She already changed from her bloodied hunting clothes into a clean pair of jeans with a simple tank top. She didn’t own much and traveled with less. 
“Broke mirrors are bad luck, ya know?”  
  Dean leaned against the doorframe, flannel pulled taut around his crossed arms. 
She ignored the pit that had reappeared in her stomach and continued applying her lipstick. She flipped through ideas for a response. She could yell at him to get out or cry about how much he hurt her. Instead, she opted to act like nothing was wrong. 
   “I’m pretty sure you’re the one who broke it.”  She said, shoveling her makeup back into the bag, still never meeting his eye. She stood and gathered the rest of her stuff into a neat pile on her bed. Her back was completely towards him. 
    She heard him walk into the room and the door clicked shut. 
“Y/n, look at me.”  
She turned around and looked up at him. Her eyebrows raised like he was boring her. In reality, she was struggling to breathe. Her hands shook and a lump was stuck in her throat.  
 Her eyes glanced over his face. His jaw was set but eyes were soft.  She knew where this was going. 
  Dean took a deep breath before starting.  
“Look, what I did-” 
“Do not finish that sentence, Dean Winchester.” She spat. 
“I just-”
“No. You don’t get to say anything. You don’t get to say that what you did was wrong or how sorry you are. You don’t think I don’t know that what you did was wrong? Everyone keeps telling me that. Bobby, Sam and now you. They kept telling me how horrible of you that was like it wasn’t me. Like I wasn’t the one who spent months with you, like I didn't help you figure out how to stop the fucking apocalypse. Like I didn’t stitch you up after every hunt or spend every car ride next to you. Like I wasn’t the one who would hold you after you woke up screaming or it wasn’t me who spent every single night in your fucking sheets.” 
 Every ounce of refrain she’d worked to keep was gone. Hot tears were streaming down her face as her eyes bored into his. He didn’t try to interrupt her but his jaw twitched and body tensed. 
  “Like it wasn’t me who woke up two months later to an empty bed. You were gone, Dean. You left without a word. No text, no note. Nothing. You fucking left me. And then I found out you were with some other girl for a year? So yeah, I know that what you did was bad.” 
Somewhere in her speech, she’d moved close enough for their chest to touch. Her finger was stabbing into his chest.  He didn’t move, was barely breathing but she wasn’t finished. 
   “Maybe it was cheap to you, or maybe it was some fling to pass the time but it was real to me. It was all I had. You were all I had.” Her voice broke at the last word and she dropped her hand. Her head fell as she cried. Over a year of built-up heartbreak exploding in one moment was too much. 
     His hand found hers and placed it back on his chest. She looked back up at him, his other hand reaching out to cup her cheek. She closed her eyes as his thumb wiped away the remaining tears. 
    “Do you want to know what the worst part is?” She whispered, eyes still shut. “I’d be yours again if you wanted. If you asked. How pathetic is that?” 
She opened her eyes to look at him despite her embarrassment.  
  “You are anything but cheap or pathetic.” His voice was thick and his eyes were glassy. She’d seen him in so many different states but she’d never seen so much emotion written across his face. 
   “Ask me then. Ask me to come with you.” 
His expression darkened and he dropped his hand from her face. He took a step back and looked away. 
   “It’s not that easy.” He said, shaking his head. “It's never that easy.” 
She let out a bitter laugh. 
 She wasn’t even surprised. She should’ve been disappointed or furious but she was just over it. She was tired and desperate. And if she couldn’t have him, he needed to go. 
  She wiped a hand down her face and glanced back into the mirror assessing the damage her outburst caused. She started wiping off the messed-up liner before starting to reapply. Dean stood behind her, brows furrowed in confusion. 
    “Get out.” She said without hesitation, her voice as steady as possible.  
He opened his mouth as if to speak but shut it. He walked towards the door but stopped with his hand on the doorknob. 
   “For what it's worth, I am sorry.” 
The buzz of conversation filled the packed-out bar. Sam found them a small booth in the corner and was now talking about a new piece of lore he’d found about some Egyptian god. Most of the time, she loved hearing what he had to say but right now all she could focus on was Dean's hand trailing up and down the woman’s hip. He never even sat down with them, finding himself a spot at the bar, next to a pretty blonde. She’d watched for half an hour now as he grinned at the girl, whispered in her ear, and bought her a drink. 
  She wanted to puke or cry or both. She decided to get drunk instead. 
She went to take a sip of her beer only to realize it was empty. Motioning to Sam she was going to get another, she slid out of the booth and made her way to the opposite side of the bar from Dean. 
   She planned to order a shot of some vodka and another beer but she couldn’t catch the attention of either bartender.
  A body bumped up against hers causing her to stumble. A hand wrapped around her waist to catch her. She almost jerked away but she looked up to find a familiarly unfamiliar pair of dark green eyes and dark blonde hair.  
   The man was by far the prettiest she’d seen all night. 
 “I am so sorry, It's packed in here. Isn’t it?  Nowhere to stand.” He had a slight southern drawl and a boyish charm about him. 
 “It is. Can’t seem to even order a drink.”  She smiled at him.
 “You see, now that had to be fate or something because I was just wantin’ to buy you one.” He grinned and waited, almost seeing if she’d allow it. His hand was still on her but she found she didn’t really mind. 
 The room was fuzzy and she could only make out the man in front of her. Even then, he was a little hazy and she had no idea what he was saying, only that his mouth looked pretty as he said it.    
  Y/n didn’t know how long it’d been since the handsome stranger volunteered to feed into her night of drunkenness or even how many she’d had so far. She vaguely remembered him buying her the first shot and then the second and maybe a third. They made small talk, she gave some bullshit story about what she did for work and where she was from. Somewhere in between she had a fourth, fifth, and sixth one. 
 And somewhere between the seventh and now, she’d lost track of Dean. She didn’t even know if he was still there. She did know that the new guy made her feel ok, at least for now. His hands never left her and the drinks never seemed to end.
  She could barely remember the events of the day. Maybe by tomorrow, she wouldn’t remember any of it, or at least a girl could hope.
But right now, she didn’t feel like crying or throwing up as long as she didn’t think of it. 
   She decided in her drunken haze that maybe this was what she needed. So when the stranger asked her if she wanted to leave, she agreed. And when he leaned down to kiss her, she let him.
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ironstrange1991 · 23 days
Ambien Slide
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Pairing: Doctor!Strange x Fem!Reader
Synopsis: A Cigarettes After Sex song inspires a sensual moment in the Sanctum's kitchen
Word Count: 1,6k
Warnings: Oral sex with female receiving
A/N: I was making dinner while listening to CAS when I had this idea and I needed to write it as quickly as possible before the motivation went away. It is completely self-indulgent and has not been proof read so ignore any mistakes and have a nice reading ;)
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You were in the kitchen distracted while preparing dinner. You almost never cooked, but when you decided to prepare something, you always made it a special moment.
You decided that night would be special because it was Friday and the week that almost drove you crazy was finally ending. When leaving work, you went to the grocery store to buy the ingredients to make a steak with mustard sauce and garlic and oil paste. Not satisfied with the work you would have to do, you decided to prepare dessert too instead of buying something ready-made.
When you arrived home with your bags in hand, you were greeted by silence and the echo of your footsteps on the floor that indicated you were alone. Before you were afraid of staying in Sanctum alone, now you felt really good there.
After taking your well-deserved shower and dedicating some of your time to taking care of your hair and skin, you put on new satin pajamas that you had bought a few weeks ago and hadn't worn yet. It wasn't provocative at all, but it was pretty and black, your favorite color. It was past 7pm when you turned on your speaker and put the new Cigarettes after sex album on and dedicated yourself to preparing dinner. You had already lost count of how many times you had listened to that entire album in the last few weeks. In fact, you hadn't heard anything else since the album was released and it had been over a month.
You barely noticed time pass as you wandered around the kitchen doing your chores to the sound of those soft tunes. Giving in to self-indulgence you opened a bottle of red and poured a glass which you drank in a few sips and refilled. You liked to cook sometimes, without having to commit to doing it every day, it was like therapy for you. You could completely disconnect from the outside world and all the turmoil in your head when you did it, suddenly it was just you and the subtle art of mixing different ingredients to create something wonderful.
Because you were completely absorbed in your domestic world, you didn't hear Stephen arriving, nor did you hear him calling out to you. You were finishing the berry pie, cutting some strawberries to decorate it, when he entered the kitchen and surprised you by wrapping his strong arms around your waist while hugging you from behind.
"I was wondering what you were up to here." He said, placing a small kiss on your cheek and you felt that feeling of butterflies in your stomach that you always felt when you were around him. You had already given up wondering how long this feeling would last. You had been together for over two years and there wasn't a day that went by that you didn't feel that way around Stephen. You were sure that what you had was one of those that last.
You tried to act normally, just humming a response as you placed the strawberries on top of the pie, but Stephen took advantage of the fact that your hair was tied up in a high bun and began placing little kisses on the back of your neck that quickly made your skin prickle and your whole body tremble in response to which he giggle.
"This looks delicious." He praised.
"You haven't seen anything yet. I got inspired tonight, prepared a full dinner."
He nodded, burying his nose in your neck and breathing in your scent. "What is the occasion to deserve such a special dinner?"
You giggled feeling his goatee tickling you "It's Friday and this week has been horrible. I'm just glad it's over."
He hummed, "And is Cigarettes after sex part of the moment? You said once that every time you listen to them you think of me, so I wonder if I should expect something more from the night besides a nice dinner."
You bit your lower lip realizing that the album in question had ended and started again and was starting the last song already – again.
"Maybe" You replied "If you deserve it."
He let out a small hum.
"I really like this one." He said referring to the music that was playing. “They are all similar, but this one has something special. What's its name?"
"Ambien Slide." You said softly feeling his hands slide to the sides of your waist as he slowly moved from one side to the other making you both sway to the beat of the music in an extremely sensual way and he was right, there wasn't a single time that you listened to Cigarettes after sex without thinking about Stephen. It was your band and you didn't know if he was doing it on purpose or not, but you doubted you could hear that song again without remembering this moment.
"It's not exactly a happy song." You tried to reason and he hummed continuing the movement uninterrupted.
"But they make even sadness sexy, don't they?" He teased you by squeezing his arm around your waist and literally trapping you against his body and you gasped feeling his hard on against your ass.
"You do it. I don't know how other people feel about them, but for me it's about you. Every song is about you. Everything is about you, Stephen." You confessed, turning your face to meet his lips.
Oh those lips, warm and soft, moving against yours with such passion, parting slightly as an invitation to let your tongue in. You let out a gentle moan in response and your hand wrapped around his in your waist, intertwining your fingers with his own while the other slid back holding his neck to keep him as close as possible as your breaths became heavier and heavier until he needed to break the kiss to breathe.
The music was still playing, but it was just a ringing in your ear now, you could feel your heart buzzing above it and your legs went weak and you let out something between a gasp and a chuckle.
"What is it, Sweetheart? Did I make you a little dizzy?" He asked with a smirk on his face. He knew very well the effect he had on you, but he liked to tease you anyway. "Or was it the wine I tasted on your lips?"
At that point you had already completely forgotten what you were doing and the song had finally ended giving way to the first song on the album which was starting over for the third time. You turned to face him and wrapped your arms around his shoulders. "Do you want to taste some more?"
He chuckled and in one movement you were in his lap. Your legs wrapped around his waist as he walked to the table and placed you sat on top of it.
"There's something else I want to taste now." He said pulling down your pajama shorts down your legs, throwing it on the floor and diving between your legs.
You closed your eyes, feeling his tongue on your core and your entire body shook. You would never get used to that feeling, to the way Stephen could reduce you to a moaning mess with just his tongue. He opened your folds with his fingers and sucked on your clit and then went back to using the tip of his tongue flicking it against your entrance to tease you and going up to your clit again taking turns licking and sucking on the hardening bud.
You could hear music playing, but you couldn't pay enough attention to identify the song and it didn't matter, nothing else mattered other than the feeling of having Stephen between your legs.
"Oh shit, Stephen. So good. You're making me feel so good. Gonna make me cum if you keep this up."
But he just moaned and continued with his pace, holding your thighs with both hands to keep them apart and your legs began to tremble involuntarily as you felt the heat rising from your center to your stomach and the knot threatening to break.
"Oh Stephen..." You moaned louder feeling your release washing over you. "F-fuck, oh fuck... I fucking love you... so much, so much..."
When he emerged from between your legs his face was red and wet, but he had never looked so handsome and you grabbed him by his robes and pulled him back to your lips. They tasted like you.
You were feeling dizzy, your heart buzzing in your ears, but yet you never felt better.
"Say it again." He asked on your lips. "I love hearing you saying it."
"I fucking love you, Doctor Strange." You said cupping his face in your hands and he smiles proudly.
"I love you too, sweetheart." He said, pulling away and picking up your pajama shorts from the floor and helping you put them on.
"Dinner?" You asked trying to return to the earthly plane.
He nodded "Sure. But I'll take a shower first.” He said with a smirk and you could see the bulge in this robes pants. You took pride in it.
“Don’t take too long or your food will get cold." You said still trying to regulate your breathing.
He gave you a peck on the cheek “Okay, but I’ll have my dessert upstairs tonight, sweetheart."
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Reblog please! Leave a comment if you liked it. Interact! I will love to read all of your comments and opinions. It inspires me to keep writing!
Tag list: @doctorstrangelovemusic-blog @rachelessfreedom-world @ppatricia34me @strangesgirls @dreamxonxx @benaddictcumberpatch @iamsherlocked1479 @veryladyqueen @notglucose @wickedscribbles @agathassscribbles @rmoonstoner @nicoletk @azu21 @captaincarmel416 @harlekin6 @coffedraven @withalittlehoney
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@thealleydog @anadlockfan @pinkthick @loverofallbroken @butchers-girl @ironstrangeheart @asgards-princess-of-mischief @slytherinqueen4life @spideybv28 @pxanonymous16-blog @kinavet
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jeankluv · 5 months
Birdie - Satoru Gojo | Chapter 07
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Words: 4k
Summary: You didn't like him, at all. But due to your bad luck you would have to be forced to work with him and different circumstances end up leading you to the fact that perhaps the word dislike is not the one you would use to describe him.
ac: _3aem
Tags: modern au, college au, fem!reader, academic rivals, he fell first, fluff, old money Gojo Satoru, abusive parents, slight slow burn, Satoru is a softy, secondary couple (Geto Suguru x oc), a bit of angst, no use of y/n, eventual smut, Gojo plays basketball
Author’s note: so May it’s going to be a busy month for me, I have exams coming up and I’m also traveling for The Eras Tour, which means my time to write will be less, I have already written till chapter 11 but the updates will be slower than usual.
Materialist | previous chapter | next chapter
Birdie playlist
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A couple of hours had passed since you arrived at Gojo's apartment. You felt like your head was about to explode at any moment; you hadn't stopped studying, working through problems over and over again. But at least everything seemed fairly clear now.
You sighed and stretched your back; Gojo had gone to the kitchen, leaving you alone in the living room. Looking around, you noticed there were hardly any photos, in fact, there were no family photos at all. The few pictures that you could see, were of Gojo with Suguru and Shoko.
You didn't want to ask, and you didn't feel it was your place to inquire, but you had a feeling that Gojo's relationship with his parents might not be the best.
The sofa next to you dipped, indicating that Gojo had returned to the living room. You turned and looked at him as he handed you a glass of water. You whispered a thank you and took a sip.
As you sat there in silence, you couldn't shake the nagging feeling that there was more to Gojo's story than meets the eye. It was clear that there was a story there, one that Gojo hadn't shared with you yet. Despite your curiosity, you were hesitant to pry into his personal life without invitation. Also, there was the little fact that you weren’t even that close. What were you?
“Do you feel better?” Gojo finally broke the silence with his soft voice.
You nodded and placed the glass on the coffee table. “Yes, thank you. The water helped.”
A small smile appeared at the corners of Gojo's lips. “That's good to hear. You've been working hard.”
He shrugged, feeling a hint of shyness. “I'm just trying to keep up.”
Gojo's gaze softened, a warmth in his eyes that made your heart flutter slightly. “You're doing great.” He assured you.
A blush crept up your cheeks at his praise, but you appreciated the encouragement anyway. It was nice to know that your efforts were recognized, especially by someone as clever as Gojo.
“Now I’m slightly afraid you will surpass me.” He joked.
“Of course I will pass you.” You replied.
“Remember our bet, birdie.” He smiled.
“Our bet only motivates me even more to surpass you.” You challenged him.
“Is it such a bad idea to go on a date with me, birdie?” He tilted his head.
Your heart skipped a beat. When had you two become so close? Your eyes met and you could clearly see the flecks of different blues in Gojo's eyes.
As you looked into Gojo's eyes, you couldn't help but feel a sense of vulnerability course through you. There was something about the way he looked at you, it was like he could see right through you, unraveling the layers of your being, with just one look he could know everything about you. You felt absolutely exposed before those blue eyes.
With a soft sigh. “I...” You finally turned your gaze away from him, avoiding his.
Months ago the answer would have been clear, no way would you have gone on a date with Satoru Gojo, now…, now you had a thousand doubts.
“You want me to order a pizza?” He said, changing the topic.
You were not facing him, so you didn’t know what type of face he was making. Was he as flustered as you? Was his heart beating like yours? Oh god I’m truly screwed. “Sure.” You whispered. “Pepperoni for me please.”
“Right.” He said and walked away to make the call.
Sitting back down on the couch you let out a big sigh. You were totally screwed. You were about to reach the point of no return, you were about to fall into a dark hole where there was nowhere out.
Satoru Gojo POV
Gojo was usually proud of himself, he would usually had a tight grip on his nerves, able to conceal them better than anyone. But he was grateful that you had stepped back when you did, or else he might have reached out and kissed you right then and there. He knew the consequences that that action would have brought, and how it would have changed your relationship— if he could even call it that, because he was still trying to decipher whether you truly couldn’t stand him and what was the reason behind it.
As he took a moment to compose himself, Gojo couldn't help but replay the scenario in his mind, wondering what might have happened if he had given in to his impulses.
He grabbed his phone from his pocket and made a quick phone call to his favorite pizza place. Ordering the pepperoni one for you and a four cheese for him.
He glanced at you from where he was and noticed you looking through the window. You didn’t look at him after being so close to each other. You avoided him.
He sighed for himself. He noticed how your attitude towards him changed since that strange relationship both of you had began, you were no longer so stoic and distant when you talked or even when he approached you, you didn't give him those looks that you used to give him when you started working on the project together.
The project... would surely be the last one he did in this career. He had tried in every way to find a way to prevent his parents from taking away the only thing he felt satisfied with in life, but it didn't matter, he would have to leave his degree and study law.
He glanced subtly at you and wondered if you would feel some pity when you found out that he would no longer be with you in class. His heart longed for it.
“Gojo…” Your sweet voice took him back from his scrambled thoughts.
“Huh?” He looked at you. “Oh sorry birdie, werre you saying something?” He leaned on the kitchen counter.
You hesitated to respond, leaving him to wonder what was on your mind as you glanced around his kitchen with a nervous energy he couldn't quite decipher. He watched as you struggled to find the right words, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension flickering in his eyes.
In an attempt to ease the tension, Gojo leaned casually against the kitchen counter, masking the turmoil churning within him with a nonchalant demeanor. “Just checking up on me?” He echoed with a cocky smile. “The pizzas are on it’s way.” He said after seeing how you rolled your eyes with his question.
“Nice…” You smiled.
Fuck, that smile drives me crazy.
As both of you waited for the pizza to arrive, Gojo couldn’t shake off the feeling that certainly shifted between the both of you. But as he watched you, a doubt went into his head. Was he reading too much?
“Birdie.” He whispered, making you turn your head to face him.
His heart was pumping like crazy on his chest.
You looked at him impatiently, waiting for him to continue. “This…” He began to speak. “Doesn’t matter.” He whispered.
You tilted your head in confusion. “Gojo you are okay? You know… you can tell me right?”
Gojo shook his head. “Yeah I know. Thank you.”
He wanted to tell you so much, to open his chest to you and speak every single word he was hiding.
The doorbell rang announcing that the pizza had arrived. Gojo headed to the entrance to go pick her up. When he returned to the living room he found you preparing the place for the two of you to eat. God, I wish this was the norm, having you there, spending quality time together. Even though having you close was already more than enough.
He shook his head, clearing the ideas from his head and took a deep breath, approaching you. Placing your pizza in front of you, he sat down next to you.
“By the way.” He spoke. “Why are you calling me again Gojo?” He pouted.
“What else would I call you?” You bite a slide of your pizza.
“Satoru!” He said, almost offended. “You called me that the other day!”
“I don’t know what you are talking about.” You played dumb.
“Birdie, don’t play dumb with me.” He smiled. “I remember the moment perfectly.”
You huffed and rolled your eyes. “Forget it Gojo…”
“Oh come on birdie…” He pouted.
“Why do you want me to call you by your name so much?” You looked him in the eyes.
“Because you call everyone by their first name, everyone except me.” He said. “But now, we are close, right?” He smiled.
“We are…” Gojo saw how you hesitated on what to say. “We are classmates.”
Gojo hung his head in defeat. “Come on birdie, don't you consider me something else?” His eyes shone as he said those words and his heart raced waiting for your response.
You filled your lungs with air and held his gaze until you let out the air you had accumulated. "We are… friends." Gojo smiled widely. “Does that answer seem correct to you?”
Gojo nodded enthusiastically, being called a friend was more than satisfying to him. “Now say it!”
You took a slide of pizza and looked at him with a grin. “Nop.” And you bite the pizza.
An idea crossed Gojo's mind. Would you be angry? Yes, probably. Would it be worth it? Surely. Was he going to do it even though that might give him a black eye in the process? Hell yes.
From your position you saw him smile wickedly and Gojo saw you shake a little.
“What?” You said after swallowing the pizza.
“Nothing.” He said with a smirk on his face and slowly approaching you.
“Gojo…” You said it with a warning tone.
“Birdie, do you have tickles?” He sentenced and your eyes widened.
You dropped the pizza and pointed at him. “Gojo stay away.” But he didn’t listen. “I’m going to kick you.”
“Say it.” He said getting closer to you.
“No.” You shook your head and stood up from your spot. “Do not even think about it.”
But Gojo cared little about your words, as he stood up behind you ready to tickle you until you said just one thing. “Satoru,” he wanted to be able to hear it leave your lips again, even if it was just once. You looked at him with a frown, but Gojo didn't wipe the smile off his face. You took a few steps back and Gojo advanced towards you. He knew you could hit him, after all you were a black belt in taekwondo, but it didn't matter, he probably wouldn't have a moment like that with you again any other time.
When you saw him approaching, you started running through his apartment. Gojo followed you with long strides, he was much taller than you so it wasn't difficult to catch up with you. Gojo had grabbed your wrist and in one quick movement had cornered you against the hallway wall. Under any other circumstances or setting, this could have been a totally different scene. But the only reason you were like this was because you didn't want to call him by his name.
“Birdie…” He murmured under his breath.
But before he could continue speaking, you stepped on his foot, leaving him in pain and taking the opportunity to continue running. Gojo chuckled as he realized what a childish scene the two of you were having. I also swear I saw you smiling when I was chasing you. Gojo composed himself and went in the direction where you had left. When he walked back into the living room he was greeted by a pillow in his face and the sound of your laughter filling the room.
“You had to see the look on your face when I threw you the cushion.” You laughed from the other corner of the room.
It was then that Gojo was struck by the fact that it was the first time he saw you being so… so natural, free and carefree. And he loved it. Oh god it drove him crazy.
“Is it funny?” He said with a grin holding back the pillow.
“Very.” You said with a big smile.
“Good because I’m taking my revenge.” He said and approached you with just a few steps.
In a single movement, Gojo lifted you off the ground and carried you to the couch where he left you lying down. Gojo's heart was beating like crazy, almost bursting out of his chest. Your cheeks were flushed and your eyes looked at him almost without blinking.
I want to kiss you so bad
Gojo shook his head, sending those thoughts away and began to tickle you. Your laughter filled the room as you squirmed trying to escape from Gojo.
“Say it birdie.” He said still tickling you.
You couldn’t help but laugh while tears rolled down your face. “Okay… I will say it.” You finally gave in. Gojo stopped and you were finally able to breathe. Your stomach hurt after laughing so much. “Satoru…” At that moment he smiled wildly. “I hate you so much.” You said punching his arm.
Satoru touched his arm in annoyance and groaned. “Ouch birdie, be nicer to me.”
“Don't do that again, next time I won't be so nice.” You whispered.
“Nice?” Satoru said offended. “Look at my arm.” He lifted his shirt. “You have left everything red on me.” He cried.
You rolled your eyes. “You deserved it. Who in their right mind grabs someone like you did and throws them to the couch?” You replied.
Satoru sighed and then laughed. “Your eyes were wide open.”
“You want me to punch you again?” You said facing him and raising an eyebrow. “Anyways, the pizzas must be cold by now.”
“And what about it? They are still delicious.” He said grabbing one of the last slides he had left and eating it.
The adrenaline of the moment had overwhelmed him so much that at that moment, Satoru had not been aware of the closeness between the two of you, the almost intimate atmosphere that had enveloped them. If someone had walked through the door, they might have mistaken the scene for something else entirely.
He could feel the heat radiating from his face. If Suguru could see him he would be making fun of him.
Satoru cursed himself silently for his lack of awareness, for allowing himself to be swept up in the moment without fully considering the implications of your closeness, it was the second time in less than two hours. He had never been one to shy away from bold gestures or risky decisions, but now, faced with the aftermath of his impulsiveness, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of regret.
As he stole a glance in your direction, Satoru couldn't help but wonder what you were thinking. Did you share his sense of embarrassment, or were you oblivious to the tension that still lingered between them? The uncertainty gnawed at him, leaving him feeling exposed and vulnerable in a way he hadn't anticipated.
Forcing himself to focus on his food, Satoru tried to push aside his embarrassment and enjoy the simple pleasure of sharing a meal with you.
None of you spoke much after it, instead you decided to focus yourselves on studying a bit more for the exam. Well it was actually you who was fully focused on studying, Satoru on the other hand was just too distracted looking at you from time to time.
The sun had set when Gojo got up to stretch his legs, while you stretched your back. It was too much to ask you to stay for dinner, right? His subconscious told him yes. He had already spent enough time with you today, so it would be best to take you home and say goodbye to you there. Yes, that was the best.
“-toru…” He heard your voice softly calling him. “Satoru?”
Turning around he was met with your eyes looking directly at him. “Yes?” He said Wetting his lips that had become dry.
“I think it is time for me to leave.” You finally spoke. “Tomorrow we have class and I don’t want to oversleep.”
“Yeah sure.” He nodded and touched his pockets. “Let me grab my keys and I will take you back.”
Satoru left without waiting for your response. With each hurried step, he felt a pang of longing tugging at his heart, a silent plea to spend just a little more time with you.
Arriving at the place where he had left the car keys, Satoru quickly grabbed them, his mind racing with thoughts of the moments he had shared with you today. He couldn't shake the feeling that he'd missed an opportunity, that he'd allowed his own insecurities to overshadow the possibility of a genuine connection between you.
But without a doubt your relationship was not what it used to be weeks ago and had taken a complete turn. Satoru didn't know what was going on in your mind, but he could read your gaze as if it were an open book and those eyes told him that you didn't hate him so much anymore.
Returning to where he had left you, Satoru's heart sank when he saw you already ready to leave. Seeing you, with your jacket on and your bag hanging over his shoulder, awakened a feeling of disappointment in him.
But when he approached you, he pushed aside his feelings of regret and forced himself to smile. “Ready to go?” He asked, his tone being casual.
You nodded, a small smile appearing on your lips. “Yes, let's go out.”
As you walked side by side towards the door, Satoru couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness at the thought of separating from you. Although it was true that you would see each other tomorrow in class but it was different, there it was just the two of you. There he had been able to see a side of you that he did not know until that moment and that he did not know he needed so much.
As you both stepped outside, the cool embrace of early spring enveloped you, sending a shiver down your spine. Silently, you walked side by side to Satoru’s car, the only sound being the sound of your footsteps.
Satoru couldn’t help himself from stealing glances at you from time to time, his gaze lingering on your face as the chilly air painted your nose a rosy hue. Despite the cold, there was a warmth in his eyes as he watched you, a gentle smile playing on his lips at the sight of your subtle reaction to the weather.
As Satoru held the car door open for you, he couldn't help but steal a glance at your face illuminated by the soft glow of the streetlights. The cool spring air had painted a rosy hue on your cheeks, and he couldn't deny the subtle beauty in you.
He watched as you settled into the passenger seat, a small smile playing on your lips in response to his gesture. Satoru felt a warmth spread through him at the sight, a sense of contentment knowing that he could provide even the smallest comfort to you.
Closing your door with a gentle click, Satoru moved around to the driver's side, his mind buzzing with emotions. As he started the engine and the car hummed, Satoru stole another glance at you, admiring the way your eyes sparkled in the dim light.
Going from the already known streets for him, Satoru's thoughts drifted to wondered what you were thinking, what secrets you were hiding behind your gaze.
Turning his gaze to the road that stretched out before him, he put all his attention on driving.
No more than 20 minutes passed when Satoru parked the car beside the house and turned the car key, causing the car to then go completely silent. Playing with the keys in his hands, he looked at you and doubtfully wet his lips that had become completely dry during the journey.
Turning his face, hoping to meet your profile, his eyes met your gaze, which looked at him calmly and serenely. An unusual sensation ran through Satoru's body, causing a hint of nervousness to creep into his being.
“Satoru?” Your voice filled the silence of the car, making Satoru stop rambling and turning his attention to you. “Thank you for helping me.” You gave him a soft smile. “At first I was really doubtful, but I’m glad I accepted.”
“Oh…” He swallowed. “Yeah… I gladly thank you… what? I mean, I gladly helped you.” He awkwardly laughed.
“Then…” You opened the door. “I will see you tomorrow.”
You stepped out of the car, offering a small wave as you said your goodbyes to Satoru. As you walked away, Satoru remained seated, lost in his thoughts.
Damn, he thought, feeling utterly pathetic as he sat alone in the car. He knew he needed to get a grip on his emotions, to stop letting his doubts and insecurities hold him back.
With a heavy sigh, Satoru started the car once more, his mind already drifting to his best friend's house. He needed to talk to someone, to confide in a friend who would understand without judgment. Shoko was out of the question when it came to matters of the heart, so Suguru was his best option.
Arriving at Suguru's house, Satoru parked the car and took a moment to gather his thoughts. He knew he had to approach Suguru with caution, as his friend had a knack for seeing through his facade and getting straight to the heart of the matter.
Taking a deep breath, Satoru climbed out of the car and made his way to the front door. He rang the doorbell, the sound echoing through the quiet neighborhood. It wasn't long before Suguru opened the door, a look of surprise flashing across his face at the sight of Satoru.
“Satoru, what brings you here at this hour?” Suguru asked, stepping aside to let his friend inside.
Satoru followed him into the house, his mind racing with thoughts of what to say.
“On a scale from 1 to 10, how pathetic do you think I am?” Satoru said still following his best friend.
“What type of situation are we talking about?” Suguru spoke as he reached out to grab one of the soda cans and pass it to Satoru.
"Does it matter?" Satoru asked frowning his eyebrows
Suguru nodded. “Normally you can be a solid 7, sometimes even an 8.”
“Huh?” Satoru blurted out in surprise. "But…?" He questioned, he knew there was something else that Suguru had left up in the air.
Suguru with a smile on his lips pointed at him. “When you are with her you can be an 11 and even more.”
Satoru opened and closed his lips again and again trying to formulate words. “An 11?” Suguru nodded. “Do I look so pathetic?” Suguru nodded again.
“But in a good way.”
“Is that even possible?” Satoru blurted out.
“Don't get me wrong. You are pathetic in the good sense of the word, you behave in a way that you would not do with others, you put aside that pride that you usually have and with it you show yourself the way you really are.” Suguru shrugged. “It's what happens when you're in love.”
“I’m not in love, I just have a crush on her.”
“Since the first time you saw her?”
“Well yeah…”
“Satoru, if telling that to yourself makes you sleep better at night, I won't contradict you.” He tapped his best friend’s shoulder.
“How is to be in love?” Satoru whispered.
“Hm?” Suguru looked at his friend.
“You are dating Kyoko and you are death serious about it. So, you must know right?” He said. “Listen, I know I had girlfriends in the past but I doubt I was in love with any of them, so I need to know what’s to be in love with someone.”
“What does she mean to you?”
“Birdie?” Suguru nodded. “She…”
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Note: comment if you want to be tagged
Tags: @lavender-hvze, @crybabytoru, @sanriosatoru, @norvacaine, @sadmonke, @faetoraa , @hexipessimistic, @gojoful , @kitzusune, @sh0jun , @manyno
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neon-junkie · 8 months
After Dark - Chpt.1
Summary: Tucked away in a lower level of Coruscant, Crosshair finds himself in a bar that he frequents - not for the drinks, nor the music, but for one woman, and one woman alone.
After months of silent encounters and flirtatious glances, Crosshair finally plucks up the courage to approach her.
Hopefully, she reciprocates his admiration.
Pairing: Crosshair x f!Reader
Rating: SFW (but will end NSFW)
Word count: 2k
Tags: Slow burn, Multi-chapter, Strangers to lovers, Flirting, Drinking, Dates.
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Notes: Inspired by After Dark by Mr. Kitty - a favourite song of mine that reminds me of Crosshair.
I've been slowly working on this for a few months, and I figured I should at least post the first chapter lol. Curse depression for killing my motivation to write :(
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She's here. Again.
That girl at the bar, sitting alongside her friends, chatting away in between the soft glances in his direction.
Crosshair's local watering hole, sometimes accompanied by his brothers, is a dingy dive bar near the lower levels of Coruscant. It's no 79's, far from it. Fuck that place, with its thumping music, overprices drinks, and hoards of regular clones. The Batch prefer to drink somewhere quieter - Crosshair prefers to drink somewhere quieter.
He's alone tonight, dressed in a crisp shirt and pressed pants, looking far too tasteful for a man who is simply out for a few drinks by himself. He's always been a fan of his own company, secluded in his usual little corner, a half-empty glass of bourbon sitting on his table. Within a couple of minutes, he'll finish the last swigs, and order yet another.
Crosshair never drinks heavily, a handful of doubles, and then he's gone. He'll stay in this bar for, what? An hour? Two at the most? He just needs some quiet time to himself, an escape from the rush of war and destruction, but coming to this particular bar wasn't his choice.
Back when the Batch were first deployed, and they returned to Coruscant after their first successful missions, they celebrated by going out on a bar crawl. Wrecker's idea, and seeing as they were still young and dumb(er), they all agreed to it.
One thing led to another, and they stumbled upon this place by chance. It's quiet, with soft music playing faintly through the speakers, a range of guests who keep to themselves, and shitty decor that was in dire need of a refurbishment a hundred years ago. But most importantly - they serve clones.
The Batch were only meant to have one drink here, one and done, then onto the next bar! Until a group of ladies entered the venue, a particular one catching the Sniper's eye.
Crosshair has never been one to ogle, stare, fantasize, or even crush on another being. Romance is… phah! Not his thing, Wrecker's maybe, and Hunter's for sure. But Crosshair? What's the point? Wasting your time, credits, and emotions on someone who will string you along for a few months, and then dump you out of the blue. Crosshair's cynical mindset has kept him far from ever obtaining a love life.
Everything clicked into place when he saw you, a revealing dress hugging at your body, heels that were clearly new from their lack of scuff marks, pristine hair and makeup, and a cute little clutch bag hung over your shoulder. Yeah, his admiration was noticeable, as his brothers caught wind of it within an instant, and to this day, Crosshair has never lived it down.
Yet, despite all his years of training, and the woes that he had already faced, he couldn't pluck up the courage to simply… walk over to you, and say hi.
Maker, no. An elite Trooper such as himself doesn't have a lick of courage when it comes to intimacy. Or rather, he didn't. Such a thing has grown over the months that Crosshair has spent returning to this establishment, either by himself, or with one of his brothers. Never the whole pack at once, though, as they'd definitely do something to embarrass him in front of you.
But tonight's the night. Crosshair has promised himself that. Even if (when) you reject him, it'll be worth it. He tried, and he can cross 'love' off his list of things to do, and move onto the next thing.
Although, Crosshair is hopeful. He's met your gaze one too many times, flirty glances from across the room, your girls giving you the odd nudge and wink whenever they notice that Crosshair is looking your way. The void in Crosshair's chest burns with admiration after each and every minor encounter, and the butterflies in your stomach dance and flutter just the same way. Such a pleasant feeling for two people who have never spoken a word to each other.
Your girls, like his brothers, are just as eager to get you two finally talking. This must be part of one big plan, as they inform you that they're going out for a smoke, leaving you to continue sitting at the bar, watching their drinks for them.
Just as luck would have it, Crosshair finishes the last of his bourbon, the liquid courage pumping through his veins. He rises to his feet before his brain can really process what's about to happen, and as he approaches the bar, all he does is rest his hands atop the counter as he waits to be served.
He's standing right beside you, yet you're facing forward. If only you'd tilt your head to the right, and look up a little, you'd finally make close contact with the man who's been clouding your thoughts every night. Finally, you do it, looking at him, only for your words to fall flat.
Crosshair flops worse than you do, almost letting out a squeak from his cracking voice. He's nervous, but he puts in an attempt to mask that daunting emotion. "Hey," Crosshair finally settles. No cheesy pickup line, no textbook flirting, just a simple greeting in hopes that you'll at least welcome him into a conversation.
"Hey," you greet in return, matching (or attempting to match) his content demeanour. Crosshair practically shivers at your voice, smoother than any velvet that he's ever felt. And now that he's up-close, he can already feel himself getting lost within your eyes, warm pools welcoming him in, a sight that he wishes to wake up to every morning.
'Get a grip!' Crosshair reminds himself, and plays his second card. "Would you care for a drink?" he offers. It's a little stereotypical, but it makes his intentions clear.
"Only if you let me buy the next round."
Ah! Your tone, the soft sprinkle of sass. Such wit and charm, and you've only said ten words. Crosshair prays that he's met his match, someone just as dry and cynical as himself.
"It's a deal, Miss…?" Crosshair's words trail off, but his question is quickly answered as you give him your name. He nods, repeating it with grace, and then gives his own. "I'm Crosshair."
"That would explain the tattoo," you point out. Crosshair often forgets about it, the stick and poke tattoo right across his face. He wonders if you like it.
"It's my area of speciality," Crosshair explains with a light shrug. "I'm a sharpshooter for the Republic."
"A clone?" you question, and Crosshair has to bite back at hissing at the word. Ugh, don't remind him!
"To some degree," he shrugs once more, then focuses his attention to giving the bartender his order, swiftly followed up by yours.
Attempting to relax, Crosshair perches himself on the stool besides you. "And what about you?" he questions, making light conversation. You tell him your job, as dull as it can be, "but it pays the bills," you explain.
"Mhm, I know how you feel," he hums. Crosshair's eyes wander across your body, not in a perverted way, but out of sheer curiosity. "You always dress well," he finds himself complimenting without a single thought, throwing both of you off.
"Thank you," you reply with a smile. "I can say the same about you. You can't go wrong with a button-up shirt and smart pants."
Crosshair catches himself smiling. "Thanks," he responds, and for once, not with a hiss.
"You're not with your friends tonight," you point out, vaguely gesturing to the empty booth where his rowdy bunch tend to rest.
"My brothers," Crosshair corrects you. "They can be a bit… much sometimes. I enjoy coming here to get a break from them," Crosshair explains, letting his eyes roll in annoyance at those that he secretly loves.
"Is that the only reason why you come here?" you ask with a wink, causing the tips of Crosshair's ears to turn red, and the sea in his stomach to unravel into a thunderous storm. May the Maker help him, because he's starting to realise just how uneducated he is when it comes to feelings.
"You know damn-well that's not the only reason," Crosshair replies with a chuckle. "I simply adore the decor," he follows up, attempting to bring some humour to the conversation. Internally, he's cringing at his poor attempt, yet it's enough to let you laugh.
"Me too," you laugh. "There's nothing that I love more than old furniture that is soaked with alcohol!"
Crosshair laughs along with you, but with every chuckle, his stomach turns deeper with unease. Maker, he's finally here, speaking to you, and who would have thought that you'd be perfect in every way?
Then again, things are far too early for Crosshair to truly know what you're like. Hopefully, if you allow him, he'll discover who you really are within time.
Your drink being placed on the bar top catches your eye, and you don't hesitate to bring it up to your lips. "Thank you again for the drink," you comment after taking a sip.
"It's no problem," Crosshair replies with a soft shrug, helping himself to his glass of bourbon.
"Why don't we try a different bar for my round?" you suggest, which throws Crosshair off guard. This is swiftly becoming an impulsive date, not that Crosshair minds. Then again, does he? He hasn't got a clue what he's doing, but seeing as you're initiating things, he must be doing a decent job. (For now.)
"I'd like that," Crosshair agrees, being careful to use like and not love. Can't be too eager!
The sound of heels clicking against the hardwood floor draws your eyes away from the Sniper, peering over your shoulder to see that your girls have finally returned. They're nattering away as they approach you, not paying any mind, only they stop in their tracks, mouths agape, when they finally look in your direction.
Never would they have guessed that they'd be met by this sight - their friend, who they left to sit alone whilst they went outside for a smoke, is finally sitting next to that reclusive man who she gets giddy just from the sight of.
"Girls," you call out to them. With a hand raised, you gesture to your new-found friend (date?)
"This is Crosshair."
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fivestar-outlaw · 1 year
New Horizons (Park Seonghwa) (Ch. 3)
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Chapter 3: Scorpions
Pairing: Park Seonghwa x Fem!Reader
Words: 3.5K+
Warning(s): insecurities and discussion of insecurities, angst, someone's rude to MC :( (None of the guys), slight hurt/comfort, dumbdumbs in love but dont realize each others feelings
A/N: Here is chapter 3. I think this one is the second hardest to write (The fourth chapter is kicking my ass rn). I'm not sure how I am feeling about this chapter? I had like three/four different ideas for it. Sooo I did a 'spin the wheel' and went with what it landed on for this lol. I feel like this is the weakest chapter but it has some charm. Regardless, I hope you all enjoy <3
Reader is implied to be living in the US bc uh TIMEZONES ARE FUCKY and i didnt realize how reliant i was on mine (PST) when looking up KST
Summary: Attempting an all-nighter while playing Animal Crossing alongside your bias, you didn't expect your turnip prices to be such a high amount... nor did you expect Park Seonghwa to actually accept your offer to sell his turnips on your island.
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"I can't tell her, Woo." Seonghwa sighed.
Wooyoung nearly ripped out his hair at the very similar phrase he has heard you tell him before. The others all groaned as they lounged around in the recording room, 10 minutes before they needed to start recording and re-recording lines for their last song on the next album.
It was now February, two months since Seonghwa figured out his feelings towards you that night you fell asleep on video call. He immediately told Wooyoung the next day he had been right and ever since then, the younger has been trying to push Hwa into confessing. He even tried assuring the older male that you most likely returned his feelings without giving away you told Wooyoung you developed a crush on Hwa just a few days before Hwa told him.
Woo's mind thought back to his conversation with you a week ago.
"I don't think he likes me like that, Woo. No matter how much you tell me." He heard you say with a dejected tone through the call. He had snuck away on his own during practice, having the choreography down before the others. "I mean, I met him as a fan. I don't want him to think I offered him to sell turnips for this outcome."
"I don't think he assumes any ulterior motives, (Y/N)." He said softly. "He speaks fondly of you."
"And that's another thing. He is Seonghwa. He is the super kind, very lovable, handsome, and talented guy who loves to mimic his villagers, build Legos, and is an all around great person. It's hard not to fall in love with him... and then there is me. The average looking, college student working at the local bookstore. I feel so inadequate-"
"Hey. Don't speak like that about yourself." He scolded, his tone and facial expression serious. "You are amazing. You are beautiful. You've been a great friend and we all deeply appreciate and love you."
"Sorry." You sigh. "I just... I want to believe you, but it's hard, you know?"
"I get it, I do. Just... keep thinking on it, okay?" Wooyoung smiled sadly. He could see the self-doubt was still eating at you and his words didn't fully penetrate the self-conscious wall you built up. He just hoped you'd keep holding out long enough for him to try and push Seonghwa into confessing.
"Okay, why not then?" Yuhno asked, exasperated.
"It's clear she only views me as a friend. And I am fine with that."
"You don't know that for sure, hyung." San offered a kind smile.
"Are you guys sure (Y/N) likes me like that?" Hwa gave them each a pointed look. Everyone tried arguing that it was clear to them you did, though the only one who knew for sure was Wooyoung. "I... I truly come to appreciate her and every time we speak I feel like I am falling further and further for her. She is sweet, funny, gorgeous, and I feel my heart is always about to burst when talking with her..."
"He's a love sick puppy." Yeosang teased, making everyone chuckle. The eldest's face adorned a bright blush but he made no attempt argue against the notion.
"It's adorable seeing you crush so hard on someone, hyung." Mingi cooed.
"Why not try and talk to her now? It should be..." Hongjoong looked at the time, seeing that it was nearly 10am for them. "... about 6pm for her. Try gauging her feelings for you and bring up wanting her to visit next month for her spring break."
"I don't know..." The eldest unlocked his phone and had your contact pulled up. Wooyoung immediately moved spots and sat next to Seonghwa.
"Seonghwa-hyung, just go for it. We are all here cheering you on." Jongho smiled softly and the others nodded in agreement.
"And its not like your confessing now either. We've told you the signs, now watch for them." Wooyoung added. The others decided to join in on the call, hoping to catch anything that gave away you had feelings for their friend.
Seonghwa took in a deep breath before slowly exhaling as he pressed the call button. He felt two large hands on both shoulders pat him and give a firm squeeze as he slowly extended his arm to make sure everyone could be visible to some extent. He felt anxiety building up with each ring, waiting anxiously for you to pick up.
They all smile when you finally pick up. You were sitting at your desk, adding what looked like the finishing touches of your makeup on your face. You looked at the camera with a small smile before you looked down, picking up a tube of lipstick.
"Hello boys. Usually you text me before you start a call. What's going on?" You ask, eyes flickering to the phone again before you focus on your hand mirror.
Seonghwa felt Wooyoung nudge him off camera. "I wanted to check in on you, (Y/N), and they all decided to join me."
"Aw, really?" Your face seemingly brightened at the fact and the eldest could feel Jongho on his left excitedly tap his leg.
"Compliment her, Hwa." Hongjoong hissed into his ear, a toothy grin was on his face as an attempt to mask any suspicion.
"Did one of you say something?"
"O-oh it must of cut out." Seonghwa nervously chuckled. "I said you look amazing. Is there a special occasion going on?"
You got a bit bashful and smiled, though everyone could tell it didn't fully reach your eyes. "I got asked out on a date."
Seonghwa felt like he was punched in the gut.
But his face remained soft with a smile.
"Really? Who is the person?" He asked, his voice steady.
The others eyed him in concern but did their best to mask it while on video.
"His name is Charlie. He is in my English course this semester. We worked on some in-class assignments together a few times before he asked me out today."
"I'm happy to hear. Well, we better get going. We are about get to recording." Hongjoong could pick up some shakiness in Hwa's voice. "Have fun and please periodically message me, just to give me peace of kind on your safety."
"Thank you, Seonghwa, and I will." You gave them a wave goodbye before hanging up the phone.
It was silent in the room. Seonghwa slowly lowered his arm, resting his phone and hands in his laps. The smile he had dropped just as slowly as he took in a deep, trembling breath.
"Hwa, are you okay?" Hongjoong hesitated, placing his hand on his friends shoulder.
"Yes. I'm fine, Joong." He asserted, getting up from the couch.
"Are you sure?" San asked.
Languidly, the eldest turned to face the rest. Their breaths caught in their throats. His eyes were full of tears, his lips were quivering as he still maintained his smile.
"I told you guys I am just a friend to her. And I will be fine with that." He sniffled, one tear rolling down his cheek. He hastily wiped his cheek with the back of his hand. "Please, lets drop it and get work done today."
"Of course, hyung." Yuhno spoke with a comforting voice and stood up, wrapping an arm around the older males shoulders. "Lets grab some waters together." Carefully, the taller of the two led Hwa out of the room. The second the door closed, everyone exhaled.
"Maybe...Maybe we were wrong." Jongho mumbled.
"No we weren't." Wooyoung insisted, pulling out his phone.
"Wooyoung-" San tried to speak but the younger male kept talking.
"We weren't! (Y/N) told me herself she likes Seongwa!" The others watched as he called you, pressing speakerphone.
The phone rung a few times when they hear the line click.
"It's just me, (Y/N)." Woo gave the others a look to be quiet. "What was that? What do you mean date?"
"Exactly that, Youngie." You sighed, your voice sounding as if it lacked any confidence.
"But you like Seonghwa... You love him."
"... I do." The others in the room looked at each other in shock, their eyes wide.
"Then why did you agree to the date, (Y/N)?"
There was a moment of tense silence before you spoke again, starting your sentence off with a sniffle.
"Because I can't logically believe he likes me the same way. He just see's me as a friend and I just feel so inadequate to be on any level with him." You faltered. "I don't have any particular feelings for Charlie but I... I just wanted to try to get over loving Hwa."
"I need to get going Woo. I'll... message you tomorrow." Before he could say anything more you hung up.
The room was just as tense as before. No one knew what to say. Wooyoung pressed his lips tightly together as he kept his own tears at bay. When they heard the door open everyone else started getting up and getting ready to start recording. Seonghwa looked to have calmed down. Wooyoung refused to look at his oldest hyung until he could calm down.
After the video call with Ateez and the call with Wooyoung, you decided to try to to push any negative thought aside and finish getting ready. You put together a outfit that wasn't too fancy but still looked nice. You styled your hair the way you liked most for things like this. Overall, despite the heavy heart, you felt cute. You left your place with an Uber, figuring you may have something alcoholic to drink, with enough time to get to the restaurant on time, sending a message to Seonghwa letting him know you were heading there...
You glanced at the clock on your phone for the umpteenth time. It had been an hour since your uber dropped you off at the restaurant, 50 minutes since you were sat down at a table, and 35 minutes since that sinking feeling in your gut that you had been stood up started kicking in.
You sighed dejectedly as you finished paying for the meal you ordered. You may have been stood up but you weren't going to let that stop you from a nice meal. Luckily your waitress was kind and nobody paid you much mind. You felt that any pity sent your way would make you feel worse.
You slowly walked outside the restaurant, your phone out as you get ready to order another uber, when you heard loud cackling. Your head turned to the left and just a few cars down in the parking lot was Charlie in a car full of people. They were all laughing and looking at you.
It felt like a bucket of ice water was poured over you.
Ignoring them and the button to confirm the uber, you started walking in the direction of your apartment. You needed to get away. You could feel your chest tightening with humiliation and panic.
"Oh come on, (Y/N). It was a joke!" You heard Charlie yell but you just kept walking. You heard the car roar with life and could hear from their rolled down window various jokes directed at you.
They all cackled and decided that was enough teasing. Charlie then nearly squealed his tires as he drove away. The tears you kept at bay finally spilled over. You hiccupped as you glanced down at your phone. It was 8pm for you, which meant it would be around noon for him.
You didn't think, really. You just knew you needed to hear his low toned, comforting voice. You opened your phone and immediately dialed Seonghwa, pressing your cell to your ear as you walked back to your place. You felt pathetic but you knew you needed to speak to someone or else you would be a sobbing mess if you were left to stew.
It was lunch time in the canteen area at KQ when Seonghwa heard his phone ring. His brows furrowed when he saw your name on the screen. He finished his last bite and quickly wiped off any possible crumbs on his hands with a napkin.
"Didn't she leave for her date like an hour ago?" Mingi tilted his head, everyone else had a confused look.
Seonghwa pressed the green answer button and raised his phone to his ear.
"(Y/N)?" His voice with smooth and low. "You're calling me so soon-"
"Seonghwa..." He heard your voice trembling, making him freeze. His face must of gave away to the others something was wrong, as they stared at him intently.
"Hold on, (Y/N). Let me go somewhere private." He quickly got up fron his seat and wasted no time getting into the hallway where there were less people. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"
"I-I got stood up." You sniffled.
"I sat there for an hour looking like a fool. And then... And then I went to leave and I saw him outside in his car with his friends." Seonghwa could feel his blood start to boil with anger. "They laughed at me. They made fun of me." He could hear you take in a shuddering breath.
"Where are you now?"
"I'm walking home..."
"How long until you get back?"
"Maybe... Maybe 10 or 15 more minutes?"
"Stay on the phone with okay? I want to make sure you get home safe." He needed to take deep breaths to stay calm. In the corner of his eye he saw the others leave the canteen, though they stayed back, giving him and you some privacy.
"I just don't get what I did wrong to-"
"You did nothing wrong, (Y/N). Don't start blaming yourself for some asshole's behavior." He glanced to his friends, feel a pinch of confidence. "You are a wonderful person. It's his loss."
There was silence for a moment.
"Did I interrupt work?" You asked in a small voice.
"No, I was just finishing lunch. Did you eat?"
"I had something small after I realized he wasn't showing up." Hwa felt some relief when he heard your voice getting steady. "I'll probably have some ice cream when I get home."
"It better not be mint chocolate chip." He joked and smiled when he heard you giggle. "You really did look amazing, by the way. You should send me and the group chat any selfies if you took any. I'm sure the others would like to see the full look."
"Really?" Your voice was meek.
"I would never lie to you... You truly look beautiful. You always do."
"Thank you, Hwa. I really needed to hear that, especially from you." He could hear your voice tremble again.
"Don't start crying because of me, jagiya." He gently teased, the petname slipping out seamlessly.
"Where are the others?"
"They are watching me down the hallway I'm in." He looked over and saw that they were still there. Wooyoung, San, and Jongho kept their eyes on him while the others were looking at their phones, occasionally looking back at the eldest.
"Am I keeping-"
"I want to be talking with you. They can all wait." Seonghwa huffed, which pulled a giggle from you. He was glad he was able to get you to cheer up, even if it was a miniscule amount. "They are very concerned for you though."
"You can tell them what happened. Woo will bug me when he can until I tell him."
"He is good at that isn't he?"
"Too good." You snort.
There was another moment of silence before Hwa spoke again.
"How close are you to home?"
"Uh..." You pause. "I'm pretty close. I'm passing the park thats nearby. I'll probably be there in two minutes."
"Good." He hummed. "I'm glad you called me."
"Yes, really. Besides enjoying the sound of your voice, I am glad you felt comfortable enough during this vulnerable time to reach out to me. It warms my heart."
"I'm glad you answered."
"For you? Always. Well, unless I am on stage or Joong is lecturing us." He couldn't help but beam when he got you to laugh again.
"I see my apartment. I'm walking up to the door now." Hwa heard your keys jingle in your hand. "I'll let you go now. Thank you for everything, Hwa."
"It wasn't a problem at all. I'll check in on you when I have the time okay?"
"You don't have to." He faintly heard you unlocking the door and then heard the door close.
"I want to." He smiled. "Get comfortable, have that ice cream, and smile for me okay, (Y/N)? I'll talk to you soon. Have a goodnight in case you fall asleep."
"Have a good rest of your day, Hwa." There was a lingering pause before you ended the call.
Seonghwa let out a deep sigh, his face dropping into a scowl as he pocketed his phone. The rest of Ateez took that as a sign to approach him. They nearly froze when they saw the angry look on his face.
"I'm going to need one of you to stop me from buying plane tickets right now." Hwa muttered.
"What happened?"
"Why are you so upset?"
"Is (Y/N) okay?"
Were questions all asked at the same time.
"Let's get back to the recording studio first." Hongjoong offered. It took a lot of restraint for them to not run down the hallways.
The second that door closed to the studio, everyone turned to look at Seonghwa, who still looked pissed off. He sat down on the couch staring past the glass that viewed the recording booth. He needed to take a moment to calm himself down.
"Did something happen to our dear (Y/N)?" Wooyoung sat next to the older male, looking at him with desperate eyes.
"She called me crying, saying her date stood her up." Seonghwa finally spoke. Everyone let out shocked noises and some curses. "That's not even the worst of it. She said he and his friends were waiting for her to come outside to make fun of her."
Wooyoung pulled out his cellphone. "I'm buying you and I plane tickets."
"Count me in, I want to beat that guys ass for making her upset." San sat on the other side of Seonghwa.
Hongjoong quickly snatched Wooyoung's phone.
"You won't be making a spontaneous trip to her place and you all are definitely not going off to fight this guy." He said, using his captain voice.
"Come on, hyung. It'll be worth it." Jongho tried bargaining but quickly stopped at the look he got from their leader.
"Seonghwa." Seonghwa's attention was on Hongjoong's face after he called his name. "You already did most of your recording today. Unless you want to hang out with those who still need to record and need to re-record, or do some choreography practice with Yuhno, you should head back to the dorm and spend some time with (Y/N)."
"Thank you, Joong." Seonghwa smiled and gathered his belongings.
"We want to spend time with her too." Wooyoung whined.
"Too bad. You're assisting Yuhno after you re-record your lines." The eldest male smiled at his friends playful banter as he left the room.
He quickly fished out his cell and called you as he walked down the hallway. He was heading to his managers office to get home. He wasn't entirely sure if he had the confidence to confess right now, nor did he want to spring on a confession to you after the night you had... but he wanted to let you know he would be there for you. That he would never let you feel less than or alone. That stupid guy lost his chance and Hwa wanted to be the one treasure you. He was going to confess and tonight would be the start to his plan to do so.
"Seonghwa?" Your voice sounded confused when you quickly answered.
"Hongjoong is giving me the rest of the day off. Do you want to watch a movie with me? Or we can play Animal Crossing? Whatever you want, I want to do it with you." He took in a deep breath. "I'll even pick up mint chocolate chip ice cream and we can eat it together."
You laughed. "Sure, I would love that."
There was a pause in the conversation. Seonghwa was now waiting in front of the manager's office.
"I have a question for you, (Y/N)." He wanted to wait for later to ask his question but Seonghwa felt he had the confidence to ask now.
"What is it?"
"You said you took time off work for your spring break next month, right?"
"Yes, I have the Friday before that week off to Monday after it. Why do you ask?"
"Come visit me." He was shocked he got it out.
"Come to Korea and visit me. I'll help pay for the flight and you can stay with us at the dorm. Is the issue with your passport?"
"My passport is fine." You sighed and took a moment before speaking again. "Are you sure, Hwa? Are the others okay with that? What about-"
"Everything will be fine. The others, our manager, and I have already discussed this in length and will probably want to discuss with you later."
"Well..." You didn't speak, which had Seonghwa feeling rejection would soon follow. "I would love to."
"...Is this a yes?"
"Yes it is." You chuckled. "I've been actually thinking of planning a visit after I graduate in May, but honestly, the sooner the better."
"Make sure to message the others about this, they'll be so happy." He smiled, unable to hide his excitement. "I am about to leave the office here soon. I will call you when I am back at the dorm."
"Get back safely."
"Of course. I will talk to you soon."
"And- Fuck!" You swore loudly.
"Is something wrong?" Worry seeped into his veins at how your voice sounded.
"I got stung by scorpion while island hopping."
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Taglist: @stopeatread@hee0soo@pocketjoong-reads@seonghwaddict@tridkeys
237 notes · View notes
venerawrites · 5 months
THANK YOU wonderful lovely person for writing for this fandom 😍 so glad you're here!💐
if you feel inspired, may I request some hurt/comfort Sasuke goodness? can be modern au depression or dealing w the aftermath of the truth behind the Uchiha massacre...are there any ways to help him out of a bereft slump or have faith in the future again?
also, your theme and artwork choices are simply gorgeous 🙌🏻 and the delicious angst 🤤
author's note: thank you so much for your beautiful words! I have been waiting to be in the right mood for this one, so I am really sorry you had to wait this long... I really hope you like it, because I always feel like comfort is the hardest for me to write. Thank you for requesting and for the idea! <3
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Some people leave your life just as unexpectedly as they show up. They offer nothing but distant memories of shared late evenings and cold tea, which soon make you question your sanity and if they were ever real at all.
Such person was Sasuke Uchiha.
You met him years ago, while he was working for a shady man called Orochimaru and was in pursuit of revenge against his brother. He was not like any boy you've met before: arrogant, proud, constantly tense, and untrusting. Rarely talked about himself, and much preferred to sit in silence, dwelling on his own thoughts, than to voice his feelings and opinions out loud. He always seemed in a hurry, constantly telling you he could stay no longer than an hour before he had to leave again.
To this day you never learned the true intentions behind his visits. The first time it was a simple call for help - sitting on a lone hill between the borders of the Land of Wind and the Land of Rivers, he easily mistaken your cottage for an abandoned house where he could seek refuge after being badly wounded.
A terrifying surprise was written on both of your faces once you came back home later that afternoon only to find the black-haired ninja bleeding heavily on your bed. You were no medic, but you used your limited knowledge of herbal medicine to help his recovery as much as you could. In return, he spared your life.
He visited irregularly, but often after this. Sometimes he showed up three times per week, and sometimes months passed before you heard from him again. Sasuke never offered any explanation about where he was or what he was doing, instead often justifying his random appearances as his need for alternative treatment for his scars and wound.
The first few times it made you raise your brows in question - you were not an expert healer, all you knew being tales passed down from your grandmother about the properties of a handful of plants. Yet, you never spilled your suspicion out loud to him, instead quietly finding comfort in his presence.
It was strange how well you got along, your shared love for silence and solitude somehow bringing you together. Most of the time you just sat there, next to each other, quietly sipping your tea and staring at the sky.
Sometimes you caught him glancing at you or curiously inspecting all the pictures and books you had on the shelves around your living room, his lips pressed into a thin line of concentration, while he tried to put the pieces of your life story together in his mind. He never asked you for more other than your name and your age. You never offered anything more either.
It took a few months after his last visit for you to realize he wasn't coming back and that in the end, he was no more than a stranger to you - you didn't know anything about him other than his name, his birth village, and the fact that he wanted to kill his brother. His motives were never revealed, and his ambitions for the future - never shared.
Despite this, it always felt like he was some form of friend to you. There was a silent understanding that both of you carried too much weight on your shoulders and you did not wish to revisit a painful past by re-telling it, instead finding peace in watching the beauty of the stars up the sky or the birds, who migrated to their new home in the late summer afternoons.
Years have passed since then. What you cherished as meaningful moments soon turned into dusty memories, that never reminded you of him outside your dreams. Life continued, despite time staying still - time always felt frozen when you lived a life by yourself, away from all humanity.
So when you found him one day, glaring at you with red eyes, you were both dumbfounded and terrified. He looked at you in a way that screamed hatred, rage, sadness, and pain. For a second you wondered if they were directed at you.
"I didn't know where else to go."
His voice was the total opposite of how he looked - it was small and weak, almost on the verge of breaking.
You quickly stepped aside, an unspoken invitation for him to come into your home. His feet hurried past you and you closed the door after him, immediately walking toward the kitchen to prepare jasmine tea. His favourite. Sasuke didn't like tea, but there was something about the way you prepared it that always eased both his muscles and his nerves.
After a while you came back, holding two white mugs in your hands, only to find him with his head buried in his hands and his knee shaking violently. You quickly sat next to him, before placing the drinks on the table and turning toward him, instinctively placing your hand on his back, rubbing small circles.
"I did it", he said with a hoarse voice, his head still hanging low, his black locks covering his face from you. There was no need for him to say anything else - these three words were enough for you to understand that he has finally achieved his goal. The result, however, seemed not to be what he hoped for.
"I am sorry."
Sasuke finally raised his head, looking at you with narrowed eyes. You could see the trail of dry tears covering his cheeks and you easily assumed he must have cried while you were in the kitchen. His lips were twisted in a scowl and he let out an angry breath through his nose.
"I don't need your pity!"
Despite the aggression in his tone, his eyes started to tear up again and he squeezed his eyelids shut in a poor attempt to stop them from falling.
"I have finally learned the truth", he hissed through gritted teeth, "I finally learned why my brother really did it."
The mention of the word "brother" seemed to trigger something in him and the tears started flowing freely from his eyes, while his lips started to mumble incoherent sentences about the Uchiha Massacre, Konoha, and the orders the elders gave to his brother. It was a mess - he kept referring back to his talks with a man named "Madara" while jumping back and forth between the memories of that bloody night and his plans for destroying the Leaf. It took you a while to piece the chronology together, while the feelings he kept bottling for years just kept erupting, reducing what you once knew as a stoic and controlled man, into a sobbing, raging mess on the floor.
It took around an hour for him to finish his story and for you to quietly absorb every detail, while he poured his heart out to you. The hand that was first rubbing soothing patterns on his back, was laying flat in his palm, while his fingers squeezed it for dear life. It almost looked like he was afraid that you were nothing more than a fruit of his imagination and if he let go, you would disappear into thin air and leave him by himself.
"I will destroy them!", the vow was made once there were no more tears left for him to cry, "They will all pay for what they did to my clan! To Itachi! To ME!
Taking a sip of your tea, you hummed under your breath, before turning towards him. For the whole time he was here, you didn't comment on anything he told you, but you also didn't have the chance to do so, as Sasuke left no time between his voiced thoughts for you to mutter even a word.
"And then what?", the question surprised him and he turned to you with confused expression.
"What do you mean "then what?"
Pulling your hand away, you tilted your head to the side.
"You are going to destroy your village, sacrificing the innocent lives of many, including your old friends, teammates, and teachers", you thought out loud, moving your eyes toward the old map of the world that hung framed on the wall opposite you, "And then what? The Leaf's allies would without question turn against you, and then you are going to have to destroy them too. A bloody path, that would eventually end either in your early death or in pushing someone else to take your path and seek revenge on you."
The more you talked, the lower his brows were furrowing to the point he was staring at you under the dark shade of his frowning face. His face was almost distorted - switching from extreme emotions of sadness and grief to anger and aggression, his whole expression was now twisted in an almost inhuman grimace, a mixture of all.
"None of them are innocent", he huffed, his jaw working, "They were all enjoying a carefree life, because of the sacrifice of my brother... and even then, they still called him a traitor."
There were no words of rebuttal you could offer. You didn't know his life in the village, nor how the people there behaved. Perhaps, the people living there were monsters, who lacked both heart and soul. But weren't they like that everywhere? You may have lived alone and detached from society, but you had enough contact with traveling ninjas - both rogue and village warriors - to know that they were all often fighting for the same cause, it was just their ideas of how it could be achieved that differed.
"And is that something that he would wanted?"
The man lifted his knee and rested his arm on top of it. He seemed to contemplate your question, the muscles on his face twitching every few seconds.
"No", the truth came out as a disappointed sigh. His fingers clenched and you could hear his teeth gritting, before he looked at you with cold eyes.
"But I am not him! I won't repeat the same mistakes!"
Holding his gaze felt almost like staring into the eye of a brewing storm. The determination that he radiated hinted that this is was just the beginning - he still had more hate and more anger to give to the world.
"Yet you seem to repeat your own mistakes over and over", the challenge was bold and even he seemed taken aback. Sasuke rarely got people opposing him - other than Naruto, who always had to have a contrasting opinion - but usually his ideas were met either with encouragement or with silence. His own team was either too scared or too busy with their own worries to question him and his motives, often just nodding their heads at whatever he said.
A dry chuckle left his lips before he rubbed his eyes with his fingers. Every time he came he was met with the comfort of silence, your bond built entirely on the feeling of the safety he felt every time he visited. Now he wondered if that bond was even real - never had he expected that you would actually talk so much, let alone NOT support him.
He imagined that he would just come here, you would make him his favourite tea... and he didn't know what he was thinking when he came here. He didn't plan to tell you any of the truth he learned about his clan's death and Itachi, yet the sentences just kept spilling out of his body, almost like he had no control over it.
"What do you know?", he scoffed, giving you a mocking look, "You live here alone in a cabin in the middle of nowhere."
Sasuke suddenly leaned forward, his eyes narrowing.
"What exactly do you know about the world or even about living? The gravest mistake you probably made was to put too much water in your stupid tea. You know nothing about pain or the real world out there! You know nothing about having everything taken away from you!"
Your expression hardened. You held his furious stare, bravely accepting his poisonous words, which cut deeper and deeper into your soul. Once he finished talking, his breath was rigid once again.
"You will be no different than them", you stated blankly and the man grumbled in response, "The people who pushed your brother to commit these crimes. And I know deep down, you realise that too... Because somewhere out there there is a little kid, who just like you will one day waste his whole life chasing you, dreaming of punishing you, till they become just like you. And the cycle will continue."
His eyes were now back to his original onyx colour, yet the burning sensation they brought to your insides was just the same.
"I didn't come here for you to offer me lessons of morality."
"Why did you come then?"
No answer.
"I offer you nothing, but my honesty", you continued, standing up from your seat, "If you are here to seek support and encouragement for your plans of destroying the lives of thousands of innocent people, you are in the wrong place."
It was definitely a mistake visiting you. He should've known better. Why you, of all people, would understand him?
Grabbing his stuff, he followed your figure into the kitchen. You seemed unbothered by his looming presence behind you, instead focusing on washing the two empty cups. Once you were done, you just rested your hands on the counter, facing the big kitchen window that overlooked the forest. If it wasn't for the faint breathing sound, you would have thought he had left.
"There is light inside you, Sasuke", you finally said, "And no matter how hard you try to fight it, it is there. Don't try to kill it! Use it and spread it in order to bring the change you want to see."
"You don't know me!"
"Maybe not as much as I would like", you shrugged your shoulders, your eyes still gazing at the trees whose branches danced elegantly under the wind, "But I know if you were really that heartless, as you like me to think, you would've drawn that katana you rest your hand on a long time ago."
Sasuke moved his fingers away as if the handle of his weapon suddenly burned his skin and his head dropped low. How did you know, when your back was facing him the whole time?
Before he could raise his question, you started walking toward the door, waving your hand after you.
Not leaving any time for an answer, your form was already outside by the time he could register your simple command and follow it. He was not one to do what others told him to, but his body seemed to act on its own, his steps echoing after yours before his mind could protest.
The man found you sitting on your front steps, a place where you and he have shared countless late nights, just gazing at the sky above you. Like a habit, he sat next to you, easing into the comfort of your old routine without further questioning.
"This area was a village back when my parents were children. It was a small one - only a handful of farmers and herb gatherers", Sasuke looked at you in surprise, before scanning the area. He had never paid attention to the surroundings of your home, noting only the existence of a forest on the right and a large meadow on the left. Now, on a closer inspection, he could see the remaining stones and paths, which were half-covered by moss and too strategically placed around to be just random rocks.
There were remaining memories of buildings now long gone.
"My grandmother always said that our ancestors were tasked with the responsibility to restore what the Great Nations destroyed", you continued, bringing his attention back to you, "Where the ninja waged war, we followed to take care of the land and bring it back to life. Where the villagers left burned forests after they sought new places to build, we moved to these places to protect the balance between the human world and the natural one."
Sasuke listened patiently, his brows furrowed in confusion. Where were you getting with this story? And more importantly, where were all these people you talked about?
Almost like you've read his mind, your head turned toward him with a small sad smile on your lips.
"Our communities have been destroyed dozens of times and they rebuilt themselves just as many. This village was destroyed before I was even born by a conflict between the Land of Wind and the Land of River, one which had nothing to do with the hard-working people who were guilty only of trying to take care of the forest and wildlife", you looked towards your crossed fingers in your lap, suddenly overwhelmed of the sad destiny your family must have suffered.
"There is no greater sin than the arrogance of a man blinded by revenge. Shinobi keep waging wars with each other, each drop of blood they spill being with price of at least one innocent life. And they keep destroying, blinded by their hate, claiming that they only want to "save the world"", suddenly grabbing his arm, you pointed at the trees with your other hand, before dragging it across the air to the meadow, "But look!"
The onyx eyes followed the movement of your finger, before they rested on your face unimpressed.
"Look at what? Trees and grass?"
You huffed at his words, rolling your eyes.
"You are blind, Sasuke!", your forefinger poked his temple a few times and you could feel him stiffen under your touch, "You watch, but you don't see! It is not just trees and grass!"
When he offered no other reply than a small curling of his lips downwards, you gently grabbed his chin and forcefully turned it ahead again.
"It is life! A life born out of destruction, out of pain", your hand gestured around you once again, "The truth is the world doesn't need saving! It has existed for many, many years before us and will exist for many, many years after us. It is us, humans, that need saving... and not by more blood spilling or fear, or hate, or whatever other false values they try to teach you in your ninja academies."
His muscles finally started to relax under your touch, while he kept staring ahead, finally understanding the meaning of the words that you were saying. The slow realization that destroying Konoha is not the medicine for his bleeding soul was slowly creeping into his mind, suddenly making him confused and unsure.
"What if we can't be saved?", the heavy doubts that kept holding him down finally came to the surface, "What if we just... keep destroying?"
You looked at him in silence, before finally letting go of his arm. The sudden removal of warmth made him involuntarily shiver.
"We will keep destroying", you finally answered, pressing your tongue inside your cheek in thought, "I guess it is in our nature! But we will also rebuild. And we will learn from our past mistakes, making sure that we will not repeat them again."
Signing, you turned toward him, before reaching out for his hand again. All his life, Sasuke always thought he hated physical touch, but now it felt right. It felt like it was a silent promise that everything will somehow be alright.
"Do not go down the same path of hatred, Sasuke. Your destination will keep being the same, no matter how hard you try to avoid it", the corners of your lips curved slightly upwards, "Your pursuit for a better world is noble, but you can't do it alone! The same way this forest and meadow did not just pop in one day by themselves - it took years for them to grow, helped by bees, the birds, and even the wind and the rain... They all did their own part. The same way you need to do yours, alongside your friends."
The silence that followed was long, yet comfortable. His fingers wrapped around your palm, keeping your hand in his, while his mind considered the truth you just spoke. There was a part inside of him - the one that was still hurt and crying - that wanted to convince him that it was all just an empty talk. That he should not give up what he already started.
Another part, however, what seemed to be a louder one and for some reason sounded a lot like his brother's voice in his head, was agreeing with you, shifting the perspective he was looking from.
A long time passed till he spoke again.
"Promise me", there was no trace of anger on his face anymore, just tiredness, "That you will always be clear and honest with me."
You couldn't help the small smile that formed on his lips.
"I promise."
Two years have passed since the end of the war and Sasuke was once again on the road, this time accompanied by Sakura. Their final destination was unclear, but the first stop was already set in his mind - the cottage sitting on a hill between the borders of the Land of Wind and the Land of Rivers. He has not seen you since that night you opened his eyes to what is really important, but the thought of you never left his mind.
The woman next to him, who still had an unclear status between a teammate and friend, kept trying to make him share where were they going, but was often met either with just silence or with the simple explanation of "someone important". The description make her a bit uneasy, wondering who could have such an impact on Sasuke to want to check on them first thing after he was allowed to leave, but she did not question further, still unsure of how far the man's boundaries lie.
Once they got to the hill, however, her uneasiness grew.
"Sasuke, there is nothing here", she said, looking around the vast field that bordered a forest nearby, "Are you sure that person lived here? Maybe they moved?"
The man did not reply, his body being frozen in place. You were gone, the house was gone, it was just wild nature. He suddenly tensed, once he felt Sakura's hand laying flat between his shoulder blades and running small circles on top of the clothed skin.
Just like you did that night.
Sasuke made a few steps further, before kneeling and touching the ground. While looking the same as the rest at first glance, the grass covering the area where he vividly remembered your house being seemed different... almost greener, yet smaller.
A small parchment of paper poked out of the dirt next to his fingers and he carefully lifted it, revealing a burnt part of the world map that hung on your wall once. The majority of it was gone, but he could clearly make out the names of the Land of Wind, The Land of Rivers, and the Land of Fire. Right in the middle, was a small drawing of a few houses - an indication of where your community once resided. Where you once were.
Sakura peered over his shoulder, looking at the piece of paper with interest.
"There still don't seem to be any indication for a building being here", she noted, before kneeling next to him and caressing the grass with her fingers, "This part of the field was grown by someone. Look, it is a different shade and size from the rest! It is like someone tried to cover the area."
Sasuke stood up, eyes still focused on the piece of paper. There was one, just a brief pencil line, that started from the drawn houses and continued up, till it ended at the burnt end. The man has stared at least a hundred times at the map in your house and he could swear he has never seen this line on it.
"You must have used it to plan where to leave next", he thought to himself. Because deep down he knew you were not dead - everything was left too perfect, including planting seeds in the place which you used to occupy, for him to believe you had met your end.
No, you had to be somewhere out there, rebuilding what shinobi like him have destroyed during the war.
He turned his head toward the sun, watching it slowly dip beyond the horizon. His fingers put the paper in his pocket, before he turned to Sakura, informing her they have to go and find an inn before it gets too dark.
Some people leave your life just as unexpectedly as they show up. They offer nothing but distant memories of shared late evenings and cold tea, which soon make you question your sanity and if they were ever real at all.
And for Sasuke, such person was you.
cc artwork: Clement Tingry
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safe-from-sharp-teeth · 4 months
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Ayo! I haven't answered asks in FOREVER, so it's time for some spring cleaning :) Also answering other stuff, like what I've been up to.
If you sent an ask and it's not here, sorry! I may have deleted it because the prompt required too much work of me and I wasn't feeling it, or I was uncomfortable.
Let's gooooo !
Firstly - where have I been? Work REALLY picked up in a way I wasn't expecting over the last...4 months? I was working double and often triple the hours I was used to. With work, vacations, random illnesses, and many video games I got a bit too obsessed with, this blog took a backseat. Plus, sometimes I get disinterested in vore when obsessed with something else. Sometimes, that lasts months, and it did this time.
But now I can confirm that work will FINALLY chill for a long period of time. I'm free! And more motivated than ever! Wahoo! Thanks for your support ALWAYS.
Next big question - when am I going to do more of my story? The one with Asyr? AHHHHHGHHGHH this story has consumed my life. I think about it daily. I dream about it. And yet I'm not as comfortable writing as I am drawing, so writing is a slow process that my perfectionist ass struggles with. I can assure you that there is a story in the works - and I am working on it at a snail's pace.
Okay, ask time...
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@ponyluvesonic09 AYO maybe I'll make a full ghost pred pros/con list for you, because that sounds awesome! Kir//by is one of the silliest canon preds out there. Honestly getting eaten by him would be like getting vored by a vacuum, LOL. Galaxy tummy!! Imagine a prey floating around in one of those item bubbles all grumpy. Thank u for the ask, this is good stuff.
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no. ( /・・)ノ
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UWAGHHHHH I LIKE HER!!! Never played O/verwat/ch but what a gem!! I have a random fondness for centaur-like preds nowadays. She looks so cozy. THANK U I LOVE HER!!!
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@tiger9o0 I have not played r//ain w//orld or know what it's about, LOL. Looks like a platformer? Man, I'm terrrriiiiibblleee at those. But whoever this is on the cover, I LIKE EM. A+. (That might not answer ur question shdjbghkjg SORRY)
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@heimkoheimkofan LOVE THAT I GOT THE ROBOT ENJOYERS AFTER THAT ONE POST....YES yall are so right and I'm so wrong for just hard metal robot tums. I will rectify my mistake soon I PROMISE. Also oh! You were the one asking about stomachs other than elemental ones! IVE HAD THAT IN MY DRAFTS FOREVER IM SORRY AHHHH. I REALLY love your imagination with tums and you've inspired me to think of some awesome environments! THANKS
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@fastfur07 BWAH?? Ugh I'm all over the place when it comes to art. Some pieces take 30 min (like the zangooc I drew at the top of this post), most take 2 days. Some really hard drawings like my wolf bat creechur from a few months ago and my shrimp from last year took a month. THANK U??
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We're going back so far that I think this is about my naga oc (which I'm in the midst of redesigning cough cough). For him, he would never tolerate being prey, extremely unwilling bahaha. In general, I haven't thought much about naga or snake prey! I get the appeal of slurping up a noodle, but I just prefer human prey :)
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@fastfur07 you fiend, you always give me the best drawing ideas. UNFORTUNATELY, I didn't have time to draw something for this one. BUTTTT....
(i've had this next one in my drafts for forever)
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then i had a silly comic. I'll post the wip here because I won't finish it, so enjoy bahaha.
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@blizzaria123-blog THANK U im rapidly melting into a puddle from ur words
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@mrpotatomanversionsix relevant. i will continue drawing them 4 u
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?!??!!??!?!??!?!?!??!?!? how dare u enter my ask box with this blasphemy
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@sfwsillynoms WAH!!! you!!! I'm currently redesigning my naga oc but when I finish I'll tag you, if you're still around! And he can 100% be drawn with ur preysona :)
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@mystorl i am SO late to this, but SMART. I like it. I shall give my lil guy this friend. I just want to let u know that I see this and it's wonderful and I will do something abt it.
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I remember this ask made me laugh a ton when I first got it. thank u. idk why I find this so funny
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@sillylilprey IM CRYING RIGHT BACK AHHHH this is an ancient ask, but thank u! hope you're still enjoying!
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@terrytheinsane finally, the last ask in my askbox. I love it. You have been wronged with how long it took me to answer you. I have gained knowledge from your ask. THANKS
AND THAT'S IT!! Thanks guys, I hope to make you proud! Feel free to send more asks, and hopefully I will answer in a TIMELY manner.
Goodnight! And remember: Nice Vore ᕕ༼⌐■-■༽ᕗ
33 notes · View notes
commander-rahrah · 8 months
Talking to the Moon: Part VI
Pairing: Astarion x GN!Reader Word Count: ~4800 Warnings: slightly suggestive, swearing, blood, non-con touching (Cazador touching reader), some borrowed in game dialogue, canonical warnings apply!
archiveofourown: here
masterlist: here
part I: here part II: here part III: here part IV: here part V: here
Summary: Set in Act III, after you arrive in Baldur's Gate and have met some of Astarion's siblings but not yet confronted Cazador. Astarion struggles with inner turmoil as he is suddenly thrusted back into the clutches of his old master's influence.
Notes: Long time no update! Long story short December was the month where everything was bad and everything hurt - ER hospital visits and many, many days laying in bed and on the couch very unmotivated and just wanting to feel better! I am very grateful to be feeling better and up to writing as my fics is one of my favorite creative outlets! So thank you for being patient between updates! I really appreciate it and any kind of interaction like a reblog, like or comment truly makes my friggin' day!
So this update and the next chapter will be focused on confronting Cazador! I have had these thoughts and ideas to add more to the in-game scenes since the very first time I played it! I was doing a multiplayer save with my fiancé and the second we finished Astarion's quest (I sobbed the entire time btw) I stayed up all night writing all my thoughts onto my notes app. I didn't even intend to write into a fic back then, I just wanted the outlet of writing it all down to help with how emotional I was feeling about it all! And now a few months later, I have a fic with over 30k words. Aha... whoops!
Anyways, I really hope you enjoy this update and the slight changes and add-ons I've added to this final part of Astarion's quest. I honestly teared up writing parts of it, because Astarion and his and my Tav's story means so much to me, I couldn't help it. ALSO, I don't plan on these being the last updates since it is the "end" of Astarion's quests. I still have plans for this Tav/Reader and Astarion yet. Not enough kissing and happiness had happened yet!! Just some angst and pain has to happen first.
As always, reblogs and comments are very very appreciated ♡♡♡
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You had wandered the streets of Baldur’s Gate before. Long before the nautiloid, in your time living in the city you had explored as much of the exciting city as you could. But never like this.
Your party had taken every cobblestone street, every back alley and shortcut. Astarion lead the way for most of them, pointing things out and sharing antidotes with you.
But you noticed how his smile strained at times, that he was wearing down the stitches on his leather pants from his fingers picking them nervously. At night when you slept side by side you’d wake to him trembling and muttering through a nightmare, which had become more frequent since you stepped into the city boundaries.
The vampire has been so sure of the next step in the Shadowlands and Wyrm’s Crossing. But now anytime you neared the streets leading to Cazador’s castle, he was turning on his heel and looking at one of your companions to ask what they needed to do instead.
Meeting his siblings days ago had been eye-opening. You thought you understood what he had gone through, that the memories he had described to you, and even shown you through the tadpoles, was enough. But after seeing how controlled and manipulated Petras and Dalyria had been… What they were being forced to do…You couldn’t bring yourself to picture Astarion like that.
You couldn’t imagine the turmoil and anguish going through your lover — seeing his siblings, being in the city again in a way he never thought he would, being so close to seizing power that could change his fate forever. You hadn’t voiced that every time he mentioned taking the ritual for himself fear stabbed in your belly. You knew what was motivating him to even consider the choice — outright fear and the call of power that was easily addicting. But too many things in his life has been decided for him… so you didn’t voice that to him, instead insisting that you only needed for him to be safe and happy. You trusted him to make the right choice.
You did trust him. You loved him.
And you showed him as such — throughout the day as you laced your fingers through his, as you rolled your neck for him to feed, as you curled into each other to sleep.
And he had been returning that trust and love back.
He had continued to expand his boundaries with you, slowly but surely as the days went on. Your quiet time together after a long day, you were a reprieve he sought out over and over. You whispered and giggled with each other between kisses in your shared bed in the Elfsong Tavern — tucked into the corner and hidden behind privacy screens. Privacy screens that Karlach had loudly dragged over before giving you both a very unsubtle wink. Then she did the same for her and Shadowheart.
The teasing had been relentless.
You still hadn’t taken those final steps, and you were in no rush too. Astarion’s happiness and agency was the most important to you, always. Yet, you couldn’t help the way your heart thundered and breath got higher as he slowly explored any kind of touch and intimacy with you again.
You were laid together now, draped across each other — you only in your night clothes and Astarion in very thin linen pants. You were pressed gently on top of him, your voice and lips whispering across his pale skin as he pointed his fingertip to various parts of his body. His new game he had started that night — seemingly convinced that he would find a part of himself that you did not love.
Utterly impossible — but you indulged him anyways.
“Even this? You like this?” He pointed to his knobby elbow.
"Hmm,” You hummed approvingly, pressing a gentle peck to the bare, taut skin of his bent joint.
His low laughter rumbled through both of you, shaking you slightly. “I’m running out of ideas.”
You eyed him greedily, “I’m not. You’ve missed some of your best parts.”
“Have I?” He cocked a brow, a smirk spreading across his face. “Alright, go on then.”
“I can—?”
“Mhmm,” He nodded his head against the silk pillow, settling himself deeper into the mattress under your weight.
Swallowing, you took him in underneath you and felt your mind start whirring. Slow, patient, soft — you reminded yourself. You gently touched his jawline, the tip of your finger following the strong line. “Here.”
Then your forefinger and thumb rubbed the cartilage on the tops of his ears, “Here.” His mouth fell open deliciously with that one.
“Here,” You caressed the mole on his cheek with a swipe of your thumb.
You continued your movements, so drawn into him that you didn’t notice his red eyes blazing as they flickered between watching your hand and watching your face.
Your fingers gracefully dragged across him. His Adam’s apple. His knuckles. Collarbone. Inner wrist.
“I told you, there is no part of you that I do not like. Every inch of you I want to—“ You cut yourself off. Perhaps that was too much. This was a fun, teasing game — exploratory and gentle. You hadn’t meant to make it about your own desire and arousal.
He swallowed, his mouth hanging open slightly, “You want to what?”
You let out a fake cough, lifting yourself off of him slightly with a blush crossing your cheeks. “Well, I—“
A grin spread across his face, “Oh, I love it when you get all coy.” He purred, pulling you back before you could fully get away. “Tell me, please.” He whispered.
“There isn’t an inch of you that I don’t wish to kiss. To taste.” You admitted huskily, the heat on your face spreading to your neck.
The groan that escaped him made the fire in your belly sputter even hotter.
“Show me?” He asked softly, but his tone was slightly more sultry than before.
“Sho—show you?”
He nodded before fidgeting under you to display himself more — stretching out his neck, spreading his arms out.
“May I—“
“Darling,” He said the pet name a tad exasperated as his slowly closing eyes snapped to yours. “This was my idea. You don’t have to ask every time.”
“Yes, I do.” You insisted.
He rolled his eyes playfully, shaking his soft curls, “Really—“
But you cut him off. “Astarion, I do. I will continue to. It’s important to me. I never want you to do something you don’t want. I never want to make you feel like that with me.”
“You haven’t. I know you wouldn’t.” He trailed his pale fingers through the hair hanging in front of your face as you hovered over him. He tucked it behind your ear.
“I know it seems like a silly question, especially between us but I want you to know you can—“
It was his turn to cut you off, silencing you with a reassuring kiss. He was looking at you with astonishment when you finally opened your eyes from the deep kiss. “What ever did I do to deserve you my lovely moon?”
You smiled tenderly down at him, “Perhaps it was fate.”
“Hmm," His red eyes blinked slowly, "I used to despise that sentiment.”
“And now?”
Astarion gave you one of the most tender smiles you'd ever seen. “I think you might be right.” He ran his fingers gently down your cheek before letting out a dramatic puff. “Now, stop turning me into a sappy lovesick fool and kiss me already.” He growled playfully.
"As you wish, love." You mumbled as you pressed your lips to his.
• • •
You woke with a stir, the weight of the mattress shifting suddenly and then the sound of scuffling feet. Astarion was standing in front of the bed — in front of you defensively, still only in his night pants with his bare chest rising and falling quickly. A dagger was closed in his fist, aimed in front of him of threateningly. “Stop right where you are.” His voice was commanding like it had never been before, but you could still hear a twinge of uncertainty in it.
“You know why we’re here, brother.” A low, masculine voice said — seemingly coming from the dark shadows in the corners of the large suite.
Astarion's stance grew wider, his grip on his dagger tightening until his already pale knuckles turned white. “Come any closer to us and it will be the last thing you do.”
Peering over your lover's figure, you found four pairs of glowing red eyes studying you intently. The hairs on the back of your neck and arms started to stand up.
"I mean it - get the hells away from us!" Astarion growled again, his hand blinding reaching back for you. You laced your fingers through his and a protection spell was on your lips seconds later, muttered quietly until you felt the magical aura surround him.
The rest of your companions were up on their feet after Astarion's shout, pushing in towards your bed, edging around it in a protective semi-circle. Most of them were scantily clad in only undergarments and nightclothes - but all of them had their hands glowing with magic or weapons drawn. Fury was etched on every one of their faces from the intrusion and threat.
One of the female vampires eyed the rest of your group, counting and calculating. Then she raised her hands up, "We come in peace, brother."
"You call this peace, Aurelia?" He frowned at her. Your grip on him tightened as you stood up and tried to go to his side, but he stepped in front of you protectively once again.
A male stepped forward slightly, his mouth and eyes ruby red with deep scars carved over his skin, trailing down his chin. It was a terrifying sight. But his voice did not match his appearance, and instead was laced with desperation and hope. "The master needs all seven us for the ceremony. Come with us and be reborn. We'll live again."
The suite remained deadly silent. Like you all were waiting to see who would make the first move, who would let loose a spell or swing a blade first.
But it was your meek voice that broke the silence, "How did you find us?"
Their red eyes snapped instantly to you, but it was one of his sister's who spoke. "Master Cazador has known where Astarion was this entire time — where both of you were. He has been watching carefully since you arrived in the city."
"You know what our master will do to them.” His scarred brother warned, nodding his head towards you. His eyes almost looked... sad.
“He won’t get the chance, Leon.” Astarion snarled back.
Leon raised his hands defensively, "We aren't here for them. We are here about the rite. The master needs you. You must attend."
Astarion scoffed, "Oh, I am well aware of what the master needs. But don't we all deserve better?" His features were contorted in a strange mixture of emotion. "After these centuries of torment, I know what you all want. More then power. More than to walk in the sun. You want to see him dead."
The desire for revenge, for Cazador's death, did not surprise you. He had said as much, and bluntly too. You had agreed that Cazador deserved such a fate after the years of abuse and exploitation he had forced upon Astarion.
"If you think I will be a willing sacrifice for him and his deranged ritual, you really are stupidly blinded by him."
"Sacrifice?" Aurelia stepped forward, shaking her head. "No, this is our way to cheat undeath."
"Is that the lie he told you?" He sneered.
Astarion's lips curled up, "You're all fools. You think he cares about us? You think he will grant us such power? We are nothing but pawns to be slaughtered for the king — one final, grand maneuver so he can win the game."
His four siblings shook with disbelief. "The master doesn't need to lie to us. He controls us, fully. Why go through the trouble of giving us hope..."
Leon got there first, his face crumbling. "Because its more cruel... shit."
The vampires exchanged a look — a look between siblings that you knew well. One that you had shared with your own brother many times. A silent conversation had happened between them in an instant.
"That manipulative bastard." The other female finally spoke, her words a hiss between her fanged teeth.
"How did we not see this?"
Leon squared his shoulders, moving his red eyes to look back at his free brother. "Astarion is right... because we are blind fools."
"We must go before he compels us too— agghhh." Aurelia grabbed her head, her expression one of excruciating pain. "Aggghhhhh!"
"Take her." Leon commanded the other siblings who looped their arms around her, dragging her away as she fought them. But he lingered behind them for a moment, stopping to look over his shoulder and study the pair of you. To look at the rest of your companions surrounding you defensively. "Help us, brother." His voice was a whispered plea, his terrifying, red eyes wide and shining. Then with a loud crack and a sudden puff of red, they were gone.
A collective sigh escaped your party as they disappeared, spells extinguished and weapons dropped down to their sides before they turned to face both of you.
Astarion’s shoulders sagged as he realized his family had indeed left. He all but collapsed into your side, burying his face into the crook of your neck as you held him back. Really, as you held him up.
You stroked his hair as he murmured into your shoulder, “Tomorrow. This ends tomorrow.”
“Okay, my love. We’ll be with you the whole way.” You whispered into his pointed ear, returning the concerned expression of your companions watching as your hold on Astarion tightened a bit more.
• • •
Whatever you do... I just don't want to die down here.
Sebastian’s voice was echoing in his ears, his mind, and creeping down into parts of him he had just barely started to recognize again. Parts of him that a few months ago he had deemed long dead. He had to force his pink lips into a firm line just to stop them from trembling. 
This place, his so-called home was his personal hell. Every step through the fading carpets and ostentatiously decorated rooms had gotten harder and harder — until he had started to feel physically ill. Bile was rising in his throat, his back and palms of his hands turning clammy. And now, standing in the secret, buried crypt beneath — it felt like the castle above him was pressing down, screaming at him of what a luxury it had been that he was a prisoner up there and not down here. That voice in his head, that ringing, echoing voice. Gods, he wished it would stop. 
And you... you had been so uncommonly quiet. You who had lent him your strength since the moment he met you, you and your presence a steady reassurance that he had come to depend on. But his little moon who was usually so chatty and poetic, was so quiet. Your eyes were wide as you followed him through Cazador’s castle, your steps clumsy and dazed like he wasn't the only one walking through this twisted nightmare. Perhaps it was for you — realizing the realities of what he had been through.
When Astarion's composure had really started to shake, you snapped back to reality and were with him in an instant. Your warm fingers threading through his icy ones. Your voice, your soft, hushed voice using the smallest amount of words to try and put his cruel mind at ease. The words you had used were choice, but powerful. You insisted that all of this was Cazador's cruelty — not his. 
But how could he believe that as he stood in front of the cells filled with people he had brought his master? How could he deny the role he played in all of this when he could stare into the eyes of all of those victims — the stupid, innocent fools who in a fleeting moment fell for him. 
Especially when he realized how fortunate, how damn lucky, it was that he never stumbled on you on the streets of Baldur’s Gate the past year you'd lived in the city. 
Astarion stood before the precipice of Cazador’s ritual room. The grand doors that would lead to these final moments just a few steps away from him.
The fine outfit he picked for himself suddenly felt unbearably tight and itchy. The lacy neck scratching and digging into his skin, his leather shoes too restricting. He had wanted to use the clothes as a symbol to his old master — look how well I’ve done without you, look who I’ve become without you. His hands became fists at his sides, his knuckles white and half moons appearing on the soft skin of his palms as he squeezed tighter and tighter. The only way to stop them from trembling — with both fear and rage. 
“I'm here for you, love.” You whispered gently, your warm fingers ghosting the sides of his wrists as you stepped in beside him. His fists unclenched slightly as he breathed in your familiar scent, as he savored the soft caress of your skin on his. He pushed down the building sob climbing up through his chest, the urgency of the cry growing as he felt your presence surround him. "Just... remember who you are, Astarion." 
Who was he? It felt even blurrier in this sadistic crypt under the castle he used to call home. Though it never was one. A prison, that's what it was. 
And what version of him did you see? Could he really be what you thought you saw? What you thought he could be?
Astarion had left Baldur's Gate against his will — a tormented, violent, broken thing. A puppet. A slave. He thought he had returned to this city anew — a free male, softer around the edges but no longer a thing to be used. His own person.
Yet the second he felt the influence of Cazador's control, the moment he felt that familiar threat he felt as if he was falling backwards. Being backed into a corner, corralled into the cage and slapped into chains that he had rotted away in for two hundred years. 
He would not go back. 
A shudder went through him as he tried to compose himself once more, taking a deep breath that he knew he did not truly need. Looking sideways at you, he gave you a final nod. "I'm ready for this to be over." 
Something flashed in your eyes, but it was gone as fast as it appeared. You nodded, before following him through the grand doors with the rest of your companions trailing behind. 
The descent down those stairs was brutal. Time seemed to drag to such a slow that it was almost like the scene before them was frozen in time. Astarion could recognize the familiar silhouette of his master anywhere. It had haunted him long enough that he had memorized every harsh line and angle. He loosed a breath as he counted six figures bound and hovering by some form of magic — a seventh spot on the top center left open and waiting.
For him. 
"Could it be?!" The voice that plagued his thoughts, his nightmares and memories echoed throughout the large chamber. It sent hundreds of different feelings throughout his body, his flesh getting goosebumps and steps faltering for a moment on the stone stairs.
"Our prodigal son returned to us!" Cazador's voice was jovial, but there was no mistaking why. The final piece to his game had just delivered themselves to him, the sacrificial lamb for slaughter had seemingly come with no ill intent. 
Astarion would make the vampire bastard regret underestimating him.
He could hear you just steps behind him, the pads of your feet, the familiar thrum of your heart increasing as you both stepped closer and closer to Cazador's place on the central dais. He gritted his teeth, his back molars clenching down so hard he swore he heard a crunch in the back of his mouth. He lowered his head, looking up at the monster that had ruined him through his eyebrows. 
"Do not slouch before me, boy! Have you no respect for yourself?" Cazador snapped, waving his hand dismissively at him. "Look at you, crawling back after abandoning your family. You should be begging for our forgiveness."
"I will do no crawling, nor begging." Astarion snarled, baring his teeth slightly. "And forgiveness? Really? You have never forgiven anything. Every mistake, every slip was punished."
The bastard had the audacity to roll his red eyes, "I strove for perfection in all things — even those as imperfect as you. A pity you amounted to so little, despite my efforts." 
"No!!" He roared, stepping forward once more as he pointed his finger. "No, fuck you and fuck everything you've ever done to me!" 
Cazador raised a single dark brow before letting out a humorless laugh, "You stupid, little boy."
"You son of a bitch!" Astarion couldn't stop the explosion of anger that coursed through him and he charged forward. His pale hand formed a fist as he launched himself at Cazador but a flare of red magic suddenly froze him in place. His body stopped completely, caught mid-lunge with his fingers still curled in a punch. 
He heard a strangled whimper from behind him. It was you, the sound one he had rarely heard — one of you paralyzed from fear. 
But the master mercifully ignored you, only having eyes for his spawn. He smirked as he surveyed Astarion trapped in the swell of magic, "Tut, tut." He clicked his tongue, "Did you think it would be that easy?" 
Astarion let out a groan of pain as he tried to resist the red binding power that started to form around him. Tears began to prickle in the corners of his eyes as they began to squeeze and cut into his skin, seeping into him slowly like a dreadful poison. 
"Astarion!!" His name ripped out of you at his pained cries, stepping forward onto the dais to intervene. The agony in your voice was more unbearable then what he was currently suffering. 
He was a fool to bring you here, to ask you to help him. He had served them all to Cazador on a silver platter.  
“Oh?" The ancient vampire's voice had a hint of wicked glee in it as he turned on his heel and set his eyes on you, with the rest of your companions lingering just behind you. Like he had just finally bothered to notice your presence. "And who do we have here? Your little pet, Astarion?” 
You froze in place, but stood up slightly taller. He watched as you jutted your chin forward, setting your shoulders back as you refused to cower in front of him. Even if he could scent your fear from here.  Then the old master slinked around you, his chest almost brushing your back as he inspected you head to toe. Your jaw set as he circled behind you where you could not see, but you did your best to keep your face neutral.  “And what’s this?” Cazador asked with a flicker of false humor. 
Astarion hissed as the vampire stepped even closer, bending down to eye his puncture marks that had scarred on your neck. “You finally gained enough courage to feed from a being capable of thought? Congratulations, spawn.” Then he took in a large inhale, “And quite an appetizing pick too, they smell absolutely delicious."
His glowing red eyes snapped back to Astarion as he remained behind you, looming over your shoulder. He was gauging every reaction from both of you, he knew.
Studying. Calculating. Deducing. 
Like any manipulative vampire would.
"But it seems my dear boy, you’ve been double dipping with this one haven’t you?” He made to grab your silver hair and Astarion felt his mind go berserk.  “DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH THEM!” He roared, pulling hard enough on the magical red tethers around him that they flared and flickered for a moment. 
An evil grin contorted his master's fingers as he still put his long fingers through your hair and pushed it behind your ear. The action revealed even more of your neck so he pressed his prominent nose against your pulse point, inhaling deeply. “Your scent is all over them.” You shuddered involuntarily, your face wincing and flinching away at his cold touch.
Astarion growled, his fangs barring and snapping at his old master. “Oh, so upset. They are your favorite little pet aren’t they?" A long finger nail dragged down your jaw. Astarion's eyes were glued to yours, your body seemingly immobilized from fear — for both yourself and him. Cazador cocked his head as he watched the pair of you before letting out a scoff. "You fool, you fell for your snack instead. What a pity... for once I was almost proud of you.”
He finally let you go, wiping the fingers that touched you off on his jacket like you were a worm he had picked up from the dirt. He licked his lips as he approached his spawn again, still frozen with his scarlet magic that buzzed and echoed with authority throughout the entire chamber.  “Well, I can give you one last comfort, since I am such a generous master." He whispered into Astarion's ear, both of their eyes locked onto your worried expression. "Once you and all your siblings are nothing but pulp... I’ll treat your special love extra carefully. I’ll be so lonely since the rest of you will all be gone. But this one… they will make for a delectable companion."
Another growl escaped from deep in his chest, but the sound was caught as Cazador wrapped his long fingers around his pale throat. “It’s a pity I have to lose you. So much work, so much time... gone. But my new companion will do a much better job than you, with a pretty face like that no one would resist? I mean, even you didn’t.” He hissed in his ear. 
"ENOUGH!” You barked, stepping forward closer to him with your mouth and brow set in a hardline. "Release him, Cazador, at once."
The bastard only smirked and snapped around to meet you, "Ha. Or what?"
"This all ends here. You end here." You did not stutter or stumble. Your voice was strong and carried across the chamber. Your companions stepped up behind you, hands moving at their sides as they readied their weapons and spells at your word. 
"Is that so? You are willing to risk death for him? A wasted, mistake of a spawn? A stupid, little boy?"
Your nostrils flared, your eyes shining with familiar power that was now coming off of you in waves, "I would do anything for him."
"Stupid mortal." Cazador barked, his lips curling in disgust. "I forgot how foolish you can be when you fall in "love". But not to worry... I'll train that right out of you." He twirled back around dramatically, looking at Astarion as he held onto his staff tighter. The red magic swirled and brightened around Astarion, squeezing him so tightly he felt as if may be crushed from the inside out. "You truly forgot my power, Astarion. You truly thought our bond as creator and creation was all that stopped you from killing me. You are weak, my child. You are a small, pathetic little boy who never amounted to anything. But today, you will finally do something worthwhile. You will burn, and I will ascend."
The vampire master flicked his wrist, and Astarion was soaring across the room — completing the final spot in the ritual circle. The entire chamber room suddenly lit up with the red light, a enormous sigils swirling underneath Astarion and the rest of his siblings as they hovered in mid air. Their tops suddenly shredded from the force of the spell as their naked, scared torsos were revealed — the scars littered across them glowing the same scarlet as the patterns beneath them.  
"ASTARION!" His name was a roar from your lips again as you surged forward, hands outstretched for him across the ritual floor.  
"Witness the birth of the Vampire Ascendant! Ecce dominus!" Cazador's staff slammed down onto the marked stone floor. 
And pain like nothing Astarion had ever felt went through every part of him. 
Read the next chapter: here
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youaremycosmo · 4 months
《i'm jelly, baby》 taemin x reader scenario
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someone said here she's going to write more scenarios this year... T.T Word count// 3,925 words
Pairing// Taemin x you
Summary// You're going on a really short business trip. And Taemin hates it so much, especially after he met your handsome boss a few weeks ago.
Genre// fluffiest fluff
Warnings// if you're reading at night, be careful of white screenshots that may kill your eyesight T.T little dirty jokes, not much ^.^
- Oh, I forgot to tell you something - you suddenly declared, reaching for a glass of water as you ate dinner. It was Friday afternoon, and you came from work about 2 hours ago, then cooked something nice for you both. You didn't really have any plans today, just wanted to relax in each other's company after a long, full of duties week.
- What is this? - Taemin asked, catching a glimpse of you, but then returned his attention to the plate again. He always ate everything you cooked as if he had been starving for at least two days, which never failed to amuse you. Instead of anger, you considered it as a good compliment though.
- I have to go on a business trip tomorrow. Not a delegation, more like a short training - you knew you were practically dropping a bomb right now. You should have told him earlier, but expecting his reaction... you preferred to admit that as late as possible.
Taemin's eyes shot towards you again, this time gazing hard. - Delegation? - he put down his chopsticks, suddenly forgetting about dinner.
- Training. With my co-workers - you shrugged, leaning hard in your chair. It wasn’t that you were afraid of something, but knew Taemin wouldn’t leave this information with a simple “okay, have a good time”. - Well, you know, from time to time they want to increase our competencies and motivation in the office, so they send us on such trips - you explained carefully. - Two days. I'll be back on Sunday - you assured him with a soft smile.
- Two days? - he groaned quietly, frowning. You could easily see how his mood changed in a second. - Can't you say you're busy? I wanted to take you on a date tomorrow… 
- It's mandatory, Taeminnie -  you shrugged, biting your lip. - I'll go quickly and come back quickly, you'll see. You won't even notice I'm gone - you added in hope it would cheer him up at least just a little. But who were you trying to fool?
- Sure -  Taem muttered sadly, looking down for a moment. - Since you're going for two days, where will you sleep? - the next question was asked so quickly.
- In the hotel, I actually need to drive… - you scratched your nape, deep in thought. - Like… 70 kilometers there? They rent a conference room for us, then we’ll have a campfire - you started to eat again.
- Need me to drive you maybe? - his eyes suddenly shone, as he straightened up with this idea. 
- Um… - you frowned and reached for his arm to caress it. - Thank you, Taeminnie, but i’ll be fine - you noticed as his shoulders fell down again. Taemin didn't look overly convinced. In fact, you could see his mood turn sour even more. His tone of voice wasn't even accusatory, just blindsided. That's why you pretended that you forgot about that trip, otherwise Tae would have been walking around and sulking so much for a whole month. 
- Will your boss be there too? - you choked slightly on the piece of meat, immediately reaching for a glass of water again. Tae wanted to get up, but you quickly showed him with your hand that everything was fine. - What type of question is this? - you asked indignantly as soon as you regained your breath. - Yes, he works with me, so he'll be there. It's normal.
- I wish he weren't there - he hissed through clenched teeth. - Not only do you work for so long, you see him five times a week, but now you go on a business trip with him. You see your boss more than your fiancé, really - Taem whined so miserably, digging into his food.
- Taeminnie, it's only one weekend - you said, trying to comfort him somehow. - And when I come, you'll take me on a date, okay? Or maybe we'll go somewhere next weekend? Hm? You’ll plan something great, I'm sure… - you praised him, but it didn’t seem to work. Taemin only nodded absent-mindedly. - But... it’s not like you’re going to be in the same hotel room, right? - he still enquired, which started to tire you out. 
- Of course not, baby - you rolled your eyes. - If someone is going to be in my room, it’ll be a female friend, I promise. Now please eat, I took my time to make a meal for us - you empathized, wanting to end this interrogation for good. 
All you could hear was a loud sigh. Was Taemin really 25 years old and not 10? ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
It was supposed to be a quick packing before watching a movie in a soft, comfortable bed, but Taemin had other plans.
His watchful eyes carefully followed every single thing put into the bag for a few minutes now, fortunately in full silence. 
By the time. - Why are you packing such pretty pajamas? - he suddenly pointed out, furrowing his brows.
You glanced at the pink pajamas in your hands. Just a t-shirt and shorts, nothing special. Girly thing to wear at night.
- Normal pajamas, what do you want? - you were similarly outraged.
- Will anyone be there to watch you? You don't sleep in these usually - Taem muttered, getting up and going to the dressing room.
- Well, I usually sleep in your clothes… - you answered under your breath, following him to grab your underwear this time.
- This will be better - he handed out to you his T-shirt and sweatpants. They were equally casual clothes for sleeping, just... a bit embarrassing if any of your co-workers was going to see you. It was immediately obvious that you had stolen it from a man’s wardrobe.
- No thanks, I prefer my own -  you decided,  pulling out your panties.
- Why do you choose such nice underwear? - he asked again, his voice higher than usual.
- Taemin, gosh, I took the first one from the drawer, calm down - you said, already slightly irritated, taking a deep breath when he started looking for something in your panties.
- Take these - he handed you what was probably the most worn out pair.
- Oh, I didn’t notice it, I thought I threw them all away after I bought new ones - you raised your brow, taking them from his hand but only to throw them into the trash. - So, should I just sleep without any, since there’s a problem with my underwear? - you asked, now teasing him.
- What? Of course not, wait… a moment… - he sounded puzzled, and you heard him rummage around again, finally coming up with black, most basic underwear.
- So these panties are approved by Lee Taemin for me to wear on my butt? - you almost chucked, throwing them into your bag. - Okay... I guess that’s all...? - you asked yourself, but then a dirty idea came to your mind. Not joking around with him in this situation was simply a crime. - Oh, no, I forgot… - you turned your attention to him, one hundred percent serious. - Can you lend me some condoms? You know, not all men remember them like you do... - you smiled sweetly.
The way Taemin widened his eyes, looking like he saw a ghost for a split second and his jaw just dropped was worth anything in the world. Unfortunately, he quickly snorted under his breath, sending you a murderous look.  - Very funny, tearing off my sides - Taem hissed, and climbed onto the bed again.
- Well, I should protect myself, right? - you bit the tip of your tongue, obviously satisfied with your teasing.  As a result, a pillow flew towards you, which you didn’t manage to catch.
- I'll get you sick leave soon and you won't go anywhere - he moaned like an offended little boy.
- I don't understand why you're so nervous, tiger - this time you blew him a kiss. - This is integration training and you're acting like I'm going... to cheat on you - you zipped your bag, shrugging your shoulders.
- I would be calmer if there wasn't a person named Choi Minho -  he grumbled, his eyes following you.
- He's my boss, he must be there - you put your bag on the floor and with a wide smile you climbed onto the bed, sitting on his lap. Taemin immediately wrapped his arms around your waist. - And I have a lot of competition there, you don't even know how many of my co-workers chirp - you clasped your hands and placed them next to your cheek. - "Minho-ssi, you're so smart, I couldn't do it without you" - you moved them to the other side. “Minho-ssi, why don't you have lunch with me, you must be hungry” - you added, rolling your eyes.
- Competition? - he seemed even more worried. - So you're trying too? - his eyes, so big and brown, stared at you innocently.
- No, Tae, could you not trip me up on my words?  I don't understand why you've been so mad at him since he came here... Are you angry that he came over for a moment? It won't happen again, if that's a problem for you  - you swore to him with complete sincerity. 
- I'm not angry - he swallowed, looking down for a moment. - He's just... he's handsome... and manly... and he's your boss... and he's well-built - he started listing. - So... I'm not surprised if you liked him more than me… 
- But you're the one complimenting him - you replied, unimpressed. - Yes, a lot of people look after him, but I already have a fiancé - you hugged him tightly. - Even more handsome... and manly... and he's not just the boss, because he's the co-owner of the studio, and he's well-built too... - you pulled away slightly to lift his shirt and show his tummy. - Definitely well-built - you said flirtatiously, giving him a wink.
Taemin laughed, clearly embarrassed, and slipped the material from your hand, covering himself. - You think so? - he asked quietly, looking into your eyes.
This was one of the moments where you knew there’s no space for teasing anymore. - I know that - you answered, placing a sweet, short kiss on his lips. - I'll be a good fiancée, I promise - you smiled broadly, stroking his hair. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
- Oh, did you put in the ring? - Taemin asked out of the blue in the middle of saying goodbye, lifting your hand. Of course, he asked about the engagement ring, which was so damn expensive that you were afraid to walk around with for fear of losing it. Or that someone will cut off your hand along with that. What a great choice. 
- Yes, I did - you let out a loud sigh. - Anyone from two meters will see that I'm already taken - you grumbled, staring at him as he was kissing your ring. 
- Are you sure you don't want that hickey? - he asked bluntly, staring carefully at your face again.
- Taemin, this isn't elementary school, I'll burn with embarrassment - you answered, removing your hand from his grip. 
- Maybe a small one, behind the ear? -Taem asked again, completely undaunted by your reaction. It was like he already sank into his own world, in which any man passing you on the street could be the one snatching you from him. 
- This one is doing quite well - you lifted your shirt, showing him the hickey he gave you yesterday on your lower stomach - I don't know who is going to see it, but let it be - you crouched down to put on your shoes.
- It's just in case... in case you forgot... that you have a fiancé - he muttered, and you shook your head. So ridiculous, but you didn’t even have time to discuss it with him.
- Everyone knows you are my fiancé. And now I really have to go - you said, straightening up and trying to take your things. - So… see you tomorrow, right?
- Wait, no goodbye kiss for me? - he grumbled, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into a kiss. He was far from sweet and innocent, his lips immediately dominated you, leaving you completely breathless. Soon you were pinned against the wall, fully absorbed into passionate brushing your lips against his. And when he made sure they could kiss only him, he decided to take his time on marking you again.
- I… Taemin… - you tried to say as he was holding your cheek and giving you multiple smooches here and there. - You’re… ruining… my makeup… - you whined, trying to push him from you a little. Like yesterday's intense lovemaking wasn’t enough. 
Taem didn’t look concerned by that, his lips continuously pressing to your forehead, nose, cheeks and chin until he finally decided to back away. 
You couldn’t help, but immediately glanced over at yourself in the mirror and pursed your lips into straight line as you noticed red patches everywhere on your face due to overflowing affection from your fiancé. 
- Baby, drive carefully, okay? And send me a message when you arrive - he asked lovingly, letting you go with visible dissatisfaction.
- Don’t worry, I'll write to you -  you assured in a low voice, taking your things and trying to leave the apartment. You really needed to hurry up to be on time.  - Y/n? - he asked again when you were about to close the door. You run your fingers across your eyelids in slight annoyance. Sometimes you really had to have the patience of a saint for Taem and his lovey-dovey nature. - Yes, Taeminnie? - you replied as calmly as possible, opening them again. Taemin suddenly looked down. It looked like he was thinking intensively for a second before his dark, puppy eyes met with yours again. 
- I love you -  he said with a bit of uncertainty, biting his lip. - And… I'll be waiting for you here, okay? - Tae added with a little pout. You felt your heart melted hearing that. You just couldn’t be mad at him, when he acted so adorably and… was just in love with all his heart and soul. - I know, Tae - you smiled warmly. - I love you too. Very, very much - you whispered enough for him to hear. You could see as he smiled so brightly at those words, before you left for good.  ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
Your training just couldn't be uninterrupted, and you had felt your phone vibrate in your pocket again and again for the last twenty minutes. At first you really tried to ignore it, but soon your thoughts took a different direction as more messages were delivered.
Did something happened? Nobody sends so many texts at once...
You tried to discreetly look around, sensing if a lack of focus for a moment would be noticed. Fortunately, it seemed like nobody paid attention to you, so finally you decided to take out the phone under the table.
And mentally rolled your eyes.
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This time you looked up from your phone and flinched slightly when you saw Minho's sharp gaze as he was sitting across from you. He didn't have to say or show anything, you could immediately sense that you were already in trouble.
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⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
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- I thought you were going to the studio today - it was the first thing you said, when Taemin answered the phone. He didn’t need more than 3 seconds, to be exact. 
- I was in the studio!  - he said indignantly.
- When, since you wrote every half an hour?  - you made fun of him a little, trying to get comfortable on the pillow. One thing you had to admit, Taemin probably spoiled you too much with the mattress in your bedroom, bought because it was especially for desk workers and all the soft pillows. 
- I wrote when I had a break, I don’t dance all the time - he groaned quietly. - What I was supposed to do, I’ve done. Are you going to sleep? - he immediately changed the tone of his voice. - How was it anyway? - Tae got so much quieter and calmer, as he sensed you were preparing for sleep. 
- Sitting and listening -  you muttered, sighing. - It's not the most entertaining thing in the world, at least on the weekend… 
- See, if you just stayed with me...
- Ah, how many times do I have to tell you that it's beyond my control? - you raised your voice a little, already so irritated by his words. - Do you think I want to sit here? - you asked, maybe a little too sharp, then let out a deep breath. - I want to go on a date too... - you admitted quietly, your fingers nibbling on the sheets.
Taemin stayed quiet for a moment before you heard his warm, beaming laugh. - Arasso, arasso - he replied in a warbling tone. - I promise I'll make it up to you, right? As soon as you arrive, okay? Don't be mad... don't be mad... - he purred, while making kissing sounds through the phone that you couldn't help but giggle at. - Better? - he asked and you bit your lip slightly.
- It would be better to feel it - it was already a whisper, since things like that were difficult for you to confess. And Taem knew about it. Still, he seemed a little surprised as he made a little longer pauses before he said anything.
- Tomorrow you’ll get as much as you need, baby - Tae assured lovingly. - I promise, I can kiss you all day, and all night, if you want. 
- I’m sure you aren’t lying - you answered, already imagining it. Somehow, you started to feel how the other half of the bed was empty, left only for you. 
- I won’t torment you more today - he chuckled gently. - You probably really want to sleep, and I'm just a sticker, so… sleep well - you could hear the sincerity in his tender voice. - You worked hard today, and I’m really proud of you. Like, when did my girl grow up so much? - Taem sighed happily, which gave your tummy a funny feeling. You settled yourself more in the pillow, biting your lip. 
- Taem? - you said hesitantly, despite you were repeating it for almost 10 years now. 
- Yes, baby? 
This time you took a slight pause before speaking again. - I love you - you admitted affectionately, which made him giggle. 
- I’m all red now because of you - he whined, but still so amused. - How am I going to sleep now? I think I may love you too - Tae joked, and you rolled your eyes. 
- May love? You’ll regret it as soon as I arrive - you snorted under your breath. - Goodnight, Taem. 
- Goodnight, my princess. Dream only about me - he answered, but didn’t disconnect. You stayed in the silence for a few seconds more, just listening to his slow, calm breaths before you ended the call with slight regret.
You turned off the bedside light and made yourself comfortable on the pillow before closing your eyes. But immediately you corrected yourself again. This bed really wasn't cosy. And that pillow… was so thin. You reached for the other one and tried to position your head better. This bedding, so scratchy. It was already getting hot, even though you had only been under her for a few minutes. Taemin always asked if you wanted to turn the sheets over when he felt it might be too hot for you. But now you had to do it yourself. Cooler. And still scratchy. And so quiet. It should be fine, you were fed up with all the blabbering for all day, along with Taemin, who was behaving like a preschooler whose favorite toy had been stolen. You laid there for a good hour, with all sorts of thoughts running through your head… Until you finally realized why you couldn't fall asleep. It wasn't the wrong sheets or the uncomfortable bed, it bothered you… that no one bothered you. There was no weird man who, as soon as you got into bed, hugged your back tightly and never let go, there was no talking about total nonsense before going to sleep, and there was no his yawning and calm breathing. You opened your eyes, wondering what to do. Taemin was probably just talking nonsense about how he couldn't fall asleep without you, and now he was probably hugging his pillow, long since drifting off to dreamland. The strong light from your phone illuminated your face, making you moan softly before you dimmed it. You bit your lip lightly as you wrote another message. Just to make sure you were right. You weren't right. Taem answered it in like 2 seconds, just like your call before.
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This was just pointless. You locked your phone and thought about what you were about to do for a little more before turning the light. Then, you quickly left the bed and began to pack your things. ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
You sighed deeply, finally entering code to your apartment. All the driving in the night made you even more tired and sleepy, so you just dreamed about lying in bed. You turned on the light in the corridor, and your eyes immediately saw Taemin with ruffled hair, looking so surprised. His eyes weren’t sleepy though. 
- Are you back? Did you miss me? - he asked, suddenly bright-eyed and bushy tailed.
You decided to take off your shoes, turning your back to him. Seeing him made you feel embarrassed. You simply couldn’t admit you actually felt the same. 
- I was cold under the covers - you replied quietly without much emotion. You heard Taemin chuckle at your words before his hands wrapped around your body, lifting you up. You didn't resist him, immediately hugging him so it was easier to carry you to bed.
- I couldn't sleep without you either - he purred smugly, carrying you to the bedroom. Taem helped you undress and soon you were lying on the familiar sheets, with him snuggling into your right side as close as possible. But this wasn’t what you needed today. So, without a word, you turned your back to him. 
- Why? - he whined outraged, lifting up a little. 
- Shhh, let me sleep - you reprimanded him, taking his hand and pulling it. You intertwined fingers with him and put it next to your cheek, as Taemin finally hugged you with a giggle. 
- Oh, you must be missing me a lot, baby - he said, kissing your nape. Fortunately, he was probably so tired that it was the last thing said that night. 
You smiled softly, closing your eyes.
Better. Much better. And of course, you missed him a lot.
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gamebunny-advance · 7 months
Let's Just Rip Off This Band-Aid (Kliff Doll Repaint)
I still haven't finished adding the fringe to his scarf, but at this point, I don't think y'all will actually care that much. It's a personal project anyway, so I'll just finish it on my own time. Right now, I want to be released from the shackles of this project.
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Once again, my poor camera and lack of editing do him no favors (he's got a real bad case of jaundice in that first pic. I PROMISE he's not that yellow-orange IRL ;o;), but he is (mostly) done.
Well, he was (mostly) done like a week ago, but just yesterday I decided to redo a few things to try and "fix" what was really bothering me about him, so I really made recursive progress. That said, I do like him more now than I did a week ago, so I'm not mad about it.
A little backstory: Alongside Kun3h0, I've been working on him for the past month, so I've been pretty occupied with this project for a while. Now, I do wonder to myself why exactly I thought making this would be a good idea. All I can really say is that my impulsive tendencies drive me to do things against my better judgement.
But, I will still give y'all my documentation and thoughts on the process + more pictures.
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(I'll talk a little more about it later, but for those of you that aren't going to go through the long-ass readmore, the Neon J. mask is a reference to an old comic I drew.)
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(It's so old, I was still writing everything by hand~)
So, the "real" answer to "why" I made this is really as simple as "because I could." As I said in the Kun3h0 post, I've been wanting to repaint dolls for a long time, years even, so in the back of my mind, I'm always thinking of ways I could finally start one.
Well, recently I just finally put together the ideas and motivation I needed to start. And of course, that was with Kliff.
I don't remember *exactly* how I stumbled across everything, but I do recall looking at doll clothes online and stumbling across this trench coat (pictured with the other clothes for this project).
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(I took this pic mostly because I thought I was going to take pics of every major step of the process, but that didn't end up happening).
I thought it was pretty darn close to Kliff's coat, and I got the horrible idea that, "I could def make a Kliff doll to go with this coat as long as I can repaint it."
I feel like usually people would think the other way around, but that is basically the truth of this project: I didn't find clothes to fit the doll, I made the doll to fit into the clothes. Because for me, customizing the doll wasn't really the intimidating part: it's making the clothes. I don't know how to use a sewing machine, and currently lack the patience to learn (and due to some personal trauma that I don't really want to get into), but I can hand-sew, so starting any project that involves it requires me to be willing to set aside a lot of energy for me to do it, which I don't often have.
But, if I could find ways to cut down on the sewing, then I'd be more willing to start. And somehow, I was able to find just about everything I would need for a potential Kliff doll without having to sew anything. In the end, I only sewed together one thing, and it's the one thing that isn't actually finished: the scarf.
So, I blame the trench coat for the entirety of this project: if I'd never seen it, I would have never made a Kliff doll. In fact, I got the clothes before I even had the doll.
Since I was brainstorming this project, one of the most important parts is of course the base doll, which was tricky. Male doll repaints are fairly uncommon, especially of older men, so there weren't a lot of resources or places to get inspiration for this project.
From what I found, most male (fashion) dolls were very youthful, and the ones that weren't usually took heavy modifications to achieve, which was out of the question. Kliff was supposed to be an "easy" project, so on top of not wanting to sew any clothes for him, I also didn't want to have to alter the doll that much to make it look like him. This was a lot to ask for without putting in any personal work, but in a way, this goal was supposed to keep me from actually starting this project: really this whole thing was supposed to just live in my head as a fantasy as most things do, but then I just stumbled into the right set of things, so I couldn't stop myself from going through with it.
The doll I landed on was a BTS Mattel doll. Now I've said before that I know basically nothing about BTS, and that is still true, but that's beside the point. In my research for finding a suitable doll to work with, I found out that a popular base were these BTS dolls. At first, I wasn't into it because I was still running into the "youthful face" problem that I was with other brands: most of them had pillowy lips and nice soft faces, but I did eventually find one that I thought was close enough: J-Hope.
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(It's not the worst match up.)
I don't have pics of my doll before I started working on him, but it was pretty close to the stock photo. He has much thinner lips than the others, and a taller, more angular head shape that I thought would work best for Kliff. I did worry a bit that the nose wasn't "strong" enough to really be Kliff (and IMO, it wasn't XP), but it was the closest I found yet, so I decided to bite the bullet and get one, and if I had one, that meant I needed to start gathering everything I would need for this project.
So, no backing out now.
Now, actually acquiring this doll was a whole other song and dance, but here's the part that's important for how the process went:
Due to a miscommunication with the seller I eventually got him from, there was a delay with shipping, so I didn't actually get him until weeks after "officially" starting this project. In the meantime, the clothes and things for Kun3h0 (who I started as an impulse project within the impulse project) had already been gathered.
The original plan was that I was going to work on and subsequently post about Kliff first since he was a comparatively simpler project. All the things I was avoiding for Kliff: sewing clothes and making modifications to the doll, were all going to be incorporated into Kun3h0, so she was theorhetically going to take longer and be posted later, thus telling a small story of "starting simple, ending complex." But since I didn't have his doll, but didn't want to delay working on Kun3h0 just to wait on him, I started on her and repainting his clothes anyway.
So, I don't have any pics of the doll or his clothes from when I was working on them, unlike the sparse ones I had for Kun3h0, I only have pics from after he was finished.
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But I'll still tell y'all what I can to at least preserve the story.
For starters, repainting this coat was probably the most time-consuming part of this process.
I really thought that it would take one or two days maximum to turn this coat bright yellow, but I think it actually took over a week. And I really should have known; the coat was a medium tone, and I know that yellow takes a while to build up on anything that isn't light. I lost count at some point, but I swear that thing has over 20 coats of paint on it. Mind you, the first 10 or so coats were watered down with the textile medium, which also contributed to how long it was taking for the coat to take color, but at some point I just got so frustrated that I stopped mixing in the medium and painting directly onto the coat to get the color to layer faster. This is a huge no-no for painting acrylics onto fabric, lest the paint crack from creasing the fabric, but I just couldn't be bothered anymore. I needed this thing to be dandelion yellow NOW or I was gonna lose it.
There were consequences for taking that shortcut, such as the paint cracking in high motion areas and the coat getting stiff, but it's not terrible. In the end, I accepted the trade-offs or else I might still be painting the coat. Perhaps one day I'll reverse engineer the pattern for the coat and make him a new one, but I wouldn't count on it. In retrospect, I wonder if I would have had an easier time if I had thought to bleach the coat first?
As you might notice, I contoured/shaded part of the coat in orange. That's something that I actually *just* added yesterday and added another couple of hours to the work time. It was just bothering me that the doll was essentially a giant slab of yellow, and was part of the reason I didn't like it very much. But I got inspired by this repaint to try contouring the coat to give it more depth.
(I also used this person's videos to modify the hands. He has one deidcated to just reshaping the BTS hands.)
In the end, I'm pretty happy with the results.
The rest of the clothes weren't as difficult to deal with.
The pants took the paint a lot better, likely due to being dark paint on a light surface. Since I used less paint, it's not as stiff as the coat and still go on very easily. Though, they are VERY high waisted, and I'm not sure if that's normal XP
The shoes are also painted (and slightly modified), though I had to paint them twice because the first time, the paint got stretched off when I tried to put them on the doll's feet: the shoes were just *slightly* too small for the feet of the doll, so they really get stretched to fit his feet, and his heels don't actually go in all the way XP.
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He's still capable of standing on his own, but I try not to remove the shoes, so I can avoid having them crack again.
In my "initial clothes" pic, I put down a different shirt than the one he's wearing. The original plan was to repaint the shirt black, but my work space is very limited, so I couldn't really repaint three pieces of clothes at once without significantly risking that I would stain other things. In the end, after getting scarred by how long it was taking for the coat to take color, I decided to just give him one of the black shirts that came with the coat. This does make him somewhat inaccurate since the current shirt has flowers/plants on it, but I'm gonna say that they make up for the lack of flowers on his scarf. Maybe someday I'll make him a new shirt from an old sock or something, but for now, I don't think it's a bad look.
Other clothing of note is the scarf, but since it's not technically finished I didn't take any close pics of it. It's actually made of an old headband of mine that I just cut and painted to look like his scarf.
Originally, I had actually glued on ribbon to it for the stripes, which took a couple days for the drying, but because I couldn't flatten out the scarf to easily glue the ribbon, it turned into a mess and bulked it out too much: since the scale of the doll is already small, I really needed to keep the fabrics thin. This was especially important for the scarf since it was going to wrap around his neck: if it were any thicker, it was going to practically eat up his face, which it still does, just less so.
Speaking of face...
When I finally got the doll in the mail, I started working on him right away, so I don't have any "before" pics of the doll.
After I did the usual "wiping off the face and pulling out his hair," I started with repainting the entire body and head.
Despite Kliff being ambigously "WHITE 🫵," Kliff isn't as pale as the original doll. I'd say even the stock picture I posted above has more warmth than the actual doll did. So, I got the base to be "coral" all over, dusted him in light orange chalk pastels for contouring, and most of his details are outlined in shades of burgandy. I didn't take any nude pics of this doll, but he is countoured all over his body and you can rest easy knowing I gave him some nips XP. But maybe someday I'll show y'all doll!Kliff's washboard abs XP.
TBH, I did want to detail some tattoos and some body hair too, but I just didn't trust myself to do either of those well with the tools I have (my brushes aren't thin enough, and my hand not steady enough for those kind of intricate details). Maybe someday I'll at least get his tattoos in (and after I've actually designed them XP), but we'll see. I don't plan on having the doll in short sleeved clothes very often, so details like that are the least of my concerns.
TBH, I was pretty proud of how the face paint originally went on. I really took my time to make sure it went down flat. It really was beautifully smooth~
But disaster struck.
I had painted the head while it was still separated from the body, and when it finally came time to reunite them, the paint on the head cracked and peeled when I shoved it back on. And, foolish fool that I am, instead of accepting my losses and starting over from a perfectly clean head, I just peeled the lose ends and repainted the exposed parts, which of course made the paint uneven. I somewhat justified this with the idea that most of it would be covered by other details, but in retrospect, I really should have just started over properly.
But, after that ordeal was over with, it was time to actually work on the face.
I can't clearly remember if I worked on Kun3h0 or Kliff's face first. I think I worked on them simultaneously because it took me a LONG time to actually get the courage to work on Kun3h0's face.
I thought I did a decent job on Kun3h0 since I really only had the 1 eye to repaint (the hidden eye is painted, but it's basically just a void with no details), and it was a bigger "canvas", so it was easier to paint. Besides having 2 eyes that I would need to make nearly identical, they were also a lot smaller, so it took a lot longer to paint them in a way that satisfied me (and since it's not easy to "redo" acrylic paint, his eyes lost a lot of smoothness too).
Again, I don't have any "before" pics, so it won't be easy for me to convey my troubles about it, but I do want to say that I think Kliff with a closed mouth is very cursed.
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He just looks like he's itching to say something heinous and that is no different for the doll.
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It was so difficult for me both match his expression on a face that wasn't *completely* his and still look like him. Although I chose this doll because he most resembled Kliff, he was never gonna be a perfect likeness of him, but despite knowing this, it still bothered me that the face was still just very "young" looking.
Granted, I don't think the original Kliff looks *that* old either (if I didn't know any better, I would assume he was in his 30s, not his 50s, especially compared to other characters around the same age), but still not as *smooth* as the doll is (even with my paint mishaps).
If you can believe it, the face actually used be worse. I don't have pics of it, but like the coat, I actually repainted his face yesterday to again try and fix what was making me dislike it before. I think the problem is that I didn't outline the eyes as much as the final one (like, I don't think I lined his undereye at all), so he was lacking depth. The mouth was also a little more off. Instead of being like "<--->" it was more like "|-|"
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(A rough illustration of what I'm trying to describe.)
So, while it's still not perfect, I do like him more today than I did a week ago.
I think the only things left to talk about are his accessories, starting with his wig:
I'm not actually a big fan of the color. When I started this project, I wanted to try and make him as accurate as possible, and the original Kliff design has a very "cherry jolly rancher" hair color.
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However, how I draw him and how he appears in Encore Edition gives his hair a more red-orange tone which isn't as intense. In the end, I opted for accuracy towards his first design since that's the one I was technically most familiar with and wanted to replicate, but in retrospect, I should have realized that I was never gonna be able to seperate my personal quirks from this personal project, so I should have gone with a color that was more accurate to how I interpret him. (I dunno if I would have gone as far as to give him triangular eyes, but one of my biggest takeaways from this project has been that I should have just allowed this to be "my take" on the character instead of trying to be "accurate," meeting in the middle, and satisfying neither condition.)
I don't think I really got across how much I HATED brushing out yarn for the wigs when I posted Kun3h0. It was just such a tedidus process, from brushing it out, to straightening it, to gluing it down. It was such a mess. I'm still finding loose wisps of yarn hair floating around my home since I made them.
Since I had more than had my fill from making Kun3h0's wig, I once again started taking shortcuts when it came to Kliff: I really should have made more wefts for him. I figured since his hair was (compartively) shorter, that I wouldn't need to make as many, but in the end his wig turned out both too thin and too thick.
Since his hair is so messy, I didn't follow any kind of guide for his hair like I did Kun3h0. I basically just glued around the perimeter of the cap, horizontally on the inside, and made sure it would fold over in the front.
Part of the problem is that I made the wefts too thick: instead of just gluing down what could actually touch the surface of the work area, I wound up gluing layers on top of each other, so the wefts would be like a mm thick when they should have been less than half of that. So, I barely got enough coverage for the scalp, and the parts that I did get down are very thick. I think it makes his head look bigger than it should which kinda adds to the uncanniness of him.
I did try to style it as close to canon as possible, but there are some things that just aren't (easily) possible in certain mediums, and Kliff's wild hair is one of them.
In retrospect, I probably should have just sculpted his hair with clay or something: it probably would have been more accurate, but I don't have much confidence in my sculpting ability, and again, I didn't want to modify the doll that much, so I stuck with the yarn.
I might suck it up and try and make him a new wig, I still have a LOT of red yarn left over, so maybe I can make him some new styles too. But the tedium of going through with it makes it very unlikely that I'll follow through~
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(The wig from other angles.)
Since the beard is made from the same yarn, I'll lightly talk about that. There aren't too many resources about bearded dolls, but I've seen people root it, glue it, and even just paint it if they weren't supposed to be thick. In the end I used this repaint for reference (suggestive content warning) and glued it on.
The scarf covers most of it, but I think it turned out okay. I need to add just a *little* more to his left cheek, but otherwise I feel like I was successful.
Next, it's usually hidden due to all the crap that's on his head, but I did give him an earring.
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I didn't think about it until way too late in the process, and I tried to poke a hole through his ear so he could actually wear it. However, when I tried to do so, I almost ruined his head paint a second time. Saying, "fuck that," I decided to just glue it on.
If I had been more brave with modifying this doll, I might have just resculpted his ears entirely, because, being based on a real life human being, the doll's ears don't flare out that much, so they're easily covered by other things.
His glasses are just a piece of painted plastic that hold to his face using some plastic cord. They fit well while his wig is off, but putting them on with everything else is a goddamn nightmare.
Since his ears are so small, and his hair is so short, there's nothing for the glasses to "grab" onto without the cord, but the cord is too short to fit around the wig once it's on, but I can't make the cord longer to sit over the wig, because the glasses need to go over the headband, and it's a pain in the ass trying to layer everything like that.
So, I have to put the glasses in place first, TAPE the cord to his scalp so they don't move, put on the wig, then put on the headband. It's really such a hassle, but I don't think I can truly convey the annoyance of having to do it all without showing you. So, unless I absolutely have to, I'm never taking any of those things off him again.
I think the last things are the headband, mask, and tablet.
The headband is just a spare scrunchy that I have. I don't have one in the *exact* same color as the real one, so I went with the closest one I had, which was this teal color.
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I didn't feel comfortable repainting one since it's essentially an elastic band, I don't think the paint, even with the textitle medium, would be able to hold up to all the stretching I have to do to even get it on his head.
If I happen to find a white one somewhere in my stash, then I might try dyeing it using water and acrylic paints to see if I can get it green, but for now, I think this works. A little thick, but it works.
The tablet is just a piece of foam painted with paint markers and the mask is a piece of cardboard. I wasn't planning on really recreating any scenes with this doll, but since I remembered that comic, and thought it would be easy enough to make, I went ahead and made it as an in-joke to myself.
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Honestly, I think it's the most charming piece of the entire ensemble. Plus, he can wear it without me having undo/redo any of his other head accessories, so it's easy to make him wear it whenever.
My final comments about the doll itself are that he's fucking huge. I should have taken a pic of him next to Kun3h0, but he is too tall to even fit on my display shelf without sitting.
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(Please ignore any mess you might see in the reflection. This is just one of the only flat pieces of furniture he can stand on without me standing on something to take a pic.)
Despite my interests, I don't actually collect dolls (I'm more into figures and plushies), so I wasn't expecting him to be so big. In fact, Kun3h0, who would be considered a small to medium doll in collector's spaces, was also bigger than I thought she'd be, so you can imagine my surprise when I got my hands on him.
So... I don't really know where I can put him. He obviously can't live in front of my TV, but beyond being too big for my shelf, he also doesn't fit in with any of my other collectibles. And I'll be honest, the contrast of him "clearly not belonging" among my more "kawaii" items was a motivator in starting this project, I live for the gap moe after all, but in practice he really just sticks out like a sore thumb. (This is also why his first pics are in a slightly different location without many props. I just couldn't put together anything from my collection or find a spot among my things to take a good thematic pic with. The magazines/CDs he's with are from my dad's collection.)
I do have space at higher elevations in my room, but it's kinda off putting to have him staring down my room, looking like he's plotting something (my space is too small to ignore it). So I dunno what I'm gonna do with him. I did have plans to make him some... cuter outfits so he wouldn't stick out as much, but that requires sewing, and I'm kinda worn out from this project.
In conclusion, despite my troubles with this project, I'm not entirely displeased with the results. At the very least, it was an experience, and one that I might even be willing to do a third time 👀...?
But for now, I'd like to rest and maybe go back to drawing again. I feel like I haven't drawn anything "real" for a while now. We're inching closer and closer to the next follower milestone (4 digit number BA-BY!), so I'd like to at least get back to being good enough to sketch some stuff for y'all soon~
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yc3iko · 5 months
Commit Osamu Dazai x fem!reader
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TW: Mention of Suicide
The words on the letter was hard to grasp. One held onto the other's dead body. Wishing they would come back.
- No One's POV -
The agency was on its way. The workload piling up since Dazai wasn't around to help. He went missing for a few days and nobody knew why. Maybe he finally committed the suicide he always wanted. He never once contacted anyone after leaving a heartfelt voicemail. It sounded like crying but nobody knew why. They just continued with their days. Working harder on the cases Dazai was supposed to do yet he wasn't there to help. They tried to call him, to bring him into work, but his phone went straight to voicemail. Kunikida tried knocking on his door, but he never answered. They didn't want to parge into his house, if all he was doing was sleeping.
It's been two weeks since that voicemail.
They were worrying. He hasn't shown up. He hasn't gone to any meetings. It was like he truly did just die. Disappear if that was the right word. He truly didn't want to see anyone. The way the agency was quiet. No laughing from Atsushi and Dazai himself. Nobody bugging Kunikida, making him mess his schedule all up. They all waited for the time he walked through that door, with his smile. The smile that made everyone know it was going to be okay. They wanted him to give them ideas for plans. They needed him like they needed Ranpo. Those two were their mind and heart. They knew how to do things.
Once the door opened. And a person walked right on in.
"How is everyone doing?"
"Mr. Dazai your back!" Atsushi exclaimed. "I am Atsushi," Dazai said. "Where were you?" Kunikida questioned. "Grieving," Was all he said. Just like that. He walked over to his desk. Placing down a letter that was in his hands. He tucked it into the desk drawer.
- Two Weeks since Dazai came back to the Agency -
Everything was slowly going back to the way they were. Kunikida was getting bugged like usual from Dazai. Everyone seemed happy. The smiles that were frowns making their way back onto their faces. Cases were getting solved faster. Dazai's new motivation was shocking everyone. He finished his cases alone. He finished writing reports instead of asking Atsushi to finish them.
Until one day, that all changed by a single question.
It was a normal day at the agency. Dazai seemed like his sleepless eyes were finally gone. The red that was underneath was gone. He was bugging Kunikida, as Atsushi noticed he had a letter that was mixed between his and Dazai's work. He thought it was his since him and Kyoka decided to pass notes to talk about different cases they didn't have together. He opened the letter and it read.
Dear Osamu Dazai.
I want you to know I love you truly.
I will miss you forever but it's my time to go.
Know this was never your fault.
I want you to grow as a person, focus more on your work.
I will protect you from the heavens, as I watch over you.
The most handsome man that ever entered my life.
I love you and I wish you the best darling.
Goodbye Osamu Dazai
- (Y/N) (L/N)
"Dazai what's this?" Atsushi asked. When Dazai looked over, so did everyone else. It was the letter he held when he came back to the agency. "Did you have a lover?" Atsushi asked. "I-I did," Dazai stuttered. That shocked people. He never did. He always had the confidence in his words. Even if some were stupid words that were spit out of his mouth. "Do we ever get to meet them?" Yosano asked. "No, you can't," He answered. "Why? You want to keep this person all to yourself?" Kunikida asked. Dazai took a deep breath and said.
"You can't since she killed herself a month ago."
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overthegardenwirtt · 9 months
Asteroid City
I know I'm about 5 months late to the party. I watched Asteroid City for the first time a few days ago and I have seen it twice again since then. The first time, I didn't get it at all. But the second and third times I fell in love. It's a beautiful frame narrative about grief and finding meaning in loss. It's about the things we leave behind. It's about a man playing the character of Augie who is grieving his wife, all the while wondering whether or not he is grieving his own lost lover correctly by honoring the last play he wrote.
I found the movie to be an incredibly interesting play on the "Death of the Author," both figuratively and literally. The Death of the Author, literally, is the central conflict of the protagonist Jones Hall. Upon rewatch, this becomes clear. Jones Hall does not know if he is playing the character of Augie correctly. And while he previously was told by the playwright that his interpretation was perfect, and while the character of Augie was really shaped around Jones in the writing process, after the death of Conrad he has no one to confirm, truly, that his interpretation is doing the character justice. What's more, the death of Conrad gives Augie a different sense of grief, of loss of a lover, that his character experiences. So are we seeing Augie grieve his lost wife? Or is it Jones that we see? What is Augie's motivation for burning his hand? What is Jones's?
The resolution, as much as this movie has one, relies as well on the Death of the Author, in the figurative sense. The idea that the true meaning of Asteroid City, if there even is one, does not matter. Just keep telling the story. And it's implied throughout the film that Conrad Earp wasn't clear on the meaning of many parts of the play. Augie burning his hand on the quickie griddle didn't have a meaning until Jones gave it one. The alien is played as a metaphor, though a metaphor to what is never pinned down. Regardless of whether the play had a meaning, outside of "infinity...and I don't know what else," the death of Conrad Earp solidifies that Jones will never know the true meaning. He just has to get what he can out of his own meaning. He has to allow himself to not understand for a while before he is able to understand.
Something that I found interesting when looking into (the largely negative) reviews of this film is that the relationship between Jones Hall and Conrad Earp is almost never touched upon. Whether it's just overlooked because we don't learn about Conrad's death until the end, or it's intentionally ignored on account of its queerness, ignoring this important aspect of the film is incredibly sad to me. By far the most compelling character in the film is Jones Hall, and adding the layer that Jones himself is struggling to grieve his lover and honor him by playing Augie correctly adds so much more to the story for me. It adds a message about searching for meaning and life in art. Just as Augie (in the deleted scene of the play) finds a bit of meaning in his dream conversation with his wife, Jones is able to find meaning in this conversation too, through the words of Conrad that were cut from the final script.
Another thing I found interesting in these reviews is how the name "Wes Anderson" is so inextricably tied to the film that reviewers cannot go more than thirty seconds without saying it. It frustrates me that on account of being a "Wes Anderson film," Asteroid City is held to a particular set of expectations and standards. Viewers look to it like they look to a marvel movie (though don't tell the wes anderson fans this). They look for visual aesthetics, actors, motifs unique to the director. They look to see Wes Anderson's take on [insert whatever genre here]. It really does the story a disservice to be so obsessed with a director's style that you can't see past that to the story being told.
Look. Maybe I'm biased. I absolutely adore cowboy aesthetics, the wild west, and aliens. I love stage plays and old Broadway. I love frame narratives. This movie has everything I could want. I love train imagery and its association with death. I love the way the play part looked like an animated cartoon and the reality part was staged like a 1955 broadway play. But as challenging it may be to put together everything, although it felt at times like everything was connected but nothing was working, I was able to find something in this film that spoke to me and i loved the journey.
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laufreyjarson · 5 days
some thoughts as i ease back into deity worship;
having to step away from my practice for awhile, i was worried that i wouldn't be able to communicate with my fulltrúi as clearly as before.
granted, communication between me and loki/freyja has always been pretty straightforward, and is only interrupted by my own lack of perception (in this case, i wasn't very open to receiving communication since i was mentally preoccupied). i was nervous, though, that my absence had caused them to lose interest in me. however, as soon as i opened back up to it, things were back to normal, and i didn't lose my ability to tap into their energy and interpret signs!!
i'm neurodivergent and i don't do well with abstract concepts or vague answers, so divination tends to be my best friend when i want to spend some time with deities and confirm any thoughts, feelings, or intuitions i get. that being said, i'm trying to expand my practice, and i think loki and freyja have been reaching out to me in discreet ways to re-incorporate their presences into my daily life.
recent experiences;
- i have pulled the tower in every single tarot reading i've done in the past two years. this card represents what loki tends to represent for me, and i didn't make this connection until recently. i did a deity reading this past sunday, and when pulling the first card to represent the deity i was working with (just to confirm), i pulled the tower! i asked on the pendulum if the tower in my readings has been loki showing up for me, and he said yes. i was really touched by this...!
- so many spiders. as always. and they don't go away until i give loki an offering. please help
- i have a few diagnosed mental illnesses, most of which are manageable but a lot more debilitating than i like to acknowledge. a major symptom is that i have a hard time finding the motivation to take care of myself, but ever since may, i've had the energy to take the extra step and do the best i can! i prayed to freyja regarding this and after acknowledging her role in my self care, my acne started to clear up, which i've had for twelve years, and is cystic + sooo stubborn
- around a month ago, i had the sudden idea to create a journal where i write down nice/positive things people have said about me. this came after a mental rut where i was experiencing extremely low confidence. i asked freyja if it was her idea and if she wanted it dedicated to her as an offering, and she said yes!
- i'm very mild mannered and a huge people pleaser, but recently i've had this fire inside of me that's allowed me to stand up for myself and set better boundaries. i asked loki if this is him, and he confirmed it is!
- i got a very intense impulse to weave bracelets for both of them. i put them around my wrists as a kind of protection, because i do love offerings i can wear! of course loki's snapped after an hour and i had to make a new one, but that was mostly my fault ><
there's so much more, and all i can feel is this huge sense of gratitude as i realize they have been showing up for me in every facet of my life, even though i was too distracted to fully realize or acknowledge it. the silent support that they have shown me is so so meaningful, and only proves to me that my love, care, and respect for them is reciprocated! all i can say is i'm so so happy. i will never take this relationship i have built with loki and freyja for granted.
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monstrifex-art · 1 year
During your art challenge stuff like Vivid Shadows, how do you typically keep up motivation to continue doing it every single day? Because it’s been a struggle to keep writing stuff every single day. Granted this is my first time doing this, but I was wondering if you had any way you prevent creative burnout from doing these.
I have thoughts on this lol. There's a few ways. First a disclaimer, I started working on these Vivid Shadows pieces about a month ago. I have up through day 19 done right now (cough see them early on patreon cough). So I've been spacing these out a bit more than one every other day. I have done the challenge day by day before, and it's doable. But I'm a busy adult that needs to pay bills, and I like to give myself some cushion. But with that established, here are some thoughts I have. 1. Collaborators and Witnesses I doubt I could find the motivation to do these kinds of big projects if I didn't have friends and collaborators doing them with me. This is different for everyone, but I find I'm much more productive when I have someone else to bounce ideas off of, send WIPs to, and honestly to judge me when I don't meet my goals. This can be a friend you're working with, or a discord server where you share updates, or any other online community that you're a part of. 2. Effort Budgeting For big series like Vivid Shadows or longer comics with a lot of panels, I do not put all my effort into every piece. There's just no way. I consciously choose to half ass some things, and tell myself "eh, good enough" even if I know I can spend more time polishing. It is infinitely better to finish a piece at 60% of your full power than to pour all your heart into a project that never sees the light of day. If you feel up to it, you can spend more effort on some select parts that really make you happy. But those should be the exception, not the rule. And the more projects you finish, the better your half-assed work will become. 3. Creative Limitations You have to define some bounding rules for your project, or you'll get stuck with decision paralysis and scope creep. For Vivid Shadows, the rules I use are pretty simple. Each day has a prompt, one color to use, set dimensions and a hard deadline. I mostly use a limited palette (3 colors + black or white) because I know I can spend hours and hours shading and coloring otherwise. Limitations foster creativity. If you have a tight frame around what you can do, your brain comes up with way more ideas. 4. Keep an eye on the clock Part of what I like about projects like Vivid Shadows is that they have built in deadlines. I know I have to wrap things up by a certain day and time, and if it isn't perfect then so be it. I've done enough creative work to know roughly how much I can get done in a certain amount of time, which is very helpful for planning. The program I use for drawing has a built-in clock that tracks time spent on each document, which is a godsend. 5. Find your own methods This is all just stuff that helps me, but everyone's brain works in different ways. It absolutely takes practice to enter creative mode at will, rather than when the stars align and you feel inspired. Start with small projects, and as you train yourself you can eventually finish larger ones. Remember, something small and finished is always better than something grand that never gets done. Also worth mentioning, find the things that light up your brain. Personally, I've found that making my art horny is a powerful motivator for my creativity. In addition to the obvious neuron activation, I find it very satisfying to explore the boundaries of what I find attractive, like a mad scientist or detective. 6. Keep it fun! None of this will work if you don't enjoy the project. There may be parts you don't enjoy, but overall the project should bring you joy. If the project isn't fun, change it or drop it and start one that is. You don't owe your past self anything. Even if you abandon a project, the work you put into it is good practice for your next thing. Make work you like, and move on. Hope this helps! Good luck on your project 🙌
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