#i had so much writing this one augh these boys are dangerous
naffeclipse · 3 months
Reader x Mob Bosses!Sun and Moon
Commission Info
Many thanks to Anonymous for letting me go ham with the mob boss brothers and making them absolutely dastardly! I love the scenario for this one and just how sinister but sweet Sun and Moon can be when they have their favorite little thing sitting in their laps. The boys just love to show off what's theirs.
Content Warning for suggestive themes.
You are anxious, to say the least. Two large hands escort you. One rests on your shoulder, the animatronic’s off-white and yellow thumb sliding slightly underneath the neckline of your dress to stroke the bare skin of your shoulder. The other is on your waist, dark blue and silver, keeping you close despite your urge to race straight out of the speakeasy.
The mob bosses smile down at you with the wicked, wide smiles of sharks. In no uncertain terms, they are keeping you with them.
Swallowing your visible nervousness becomes hazardous as you realize that the illegal venue is very much open for business. Instead of a nightlife of posh people prepared to spend exuberant amounts of money on smoking and drinks, then swing away on the dance floor open before a small stage for a band, there are gangsters everywhere. They line the bar stools, sit in the plush, rich leather couches and seats, and musicians play low, soft jazz as if to not disturb the entrance of the crime lords of the Celestial Gang.
Your throat becomes thick as you smell cigarettes and alcohol and sharp, overapplied cologne. Low lights burn yellow and cast thick, clogging shadows around the open room. Several animatronics already flank a center sitting room away from the bar and dance floor. Human men dressed in sleazy suits quickly move towards the mob bosses. 
The small swarm settles when Sun and Moon escort you to a fine, black leather couch big enough for just the three of you. You bow your head under the scorching attention, all eyes seemingly upon the outsider their bosses brought along to the business meeting. Your hair falls into your face as a brief curtain to the overwhelming atmosphere. 
How did you get here? One moment, you’re researching the famed Celestial Gang for a column in the newspaper which pays you well to find the best, most reliable information, and the next, you were ‘borrowed’ by none other than Sun and Moon. The crime lords have done dark and dirty deeds to keep themselves high in the underground. Why kidnap you for a few days just to put you in a red dress and take you into the heart of their illegal dealings?
“Take a seat, love.” Sun presses close to your ear, warming your face when his faceplate touches the corner of your cheekbone.
“Make yourself comfortable,” Moon’s rough voice touches you. He lifts a hand and removes the shield of your hair and sweeps it behind your face, exposing your freckles and wide, green eyes. “What would you like? A drink, perhaps, my dear?”
You recoil, revealed by force once more to the many eyes, but the real danger is the ones with their hands on you, refusing to allow you to escape. A stutter begins in your throat. Swallowing it down, you force yourself to say in a tiny, demure voice, “No, thank you.”
“Later then.” Sun nods his sharp sun rays towards a man behind the bar. He moves swiftly, his hands flying out of sight. 
Sun and Moon promptly set you down on the couch, and you can’t help but wonder if this is what a minnow feels when crowded by two sharks as they take their seats on either side of you. Caging you with their bodies, your eyes widen at how they press their legs against yours. 
Sun leans forward in the slightest to take your hand between his own and unfurl the anxious fist you made. Moon leans deeper against the backrest and slides his arm behind you, cradling your waist. Stiffening, you hold as still as a doe deer in the sights of a hunter. All the while, every last goon stares down the three of you but not a word nor electric breath leaves those who await their bosses’ command.
The man behind the bar emerges carrying a silver tray with one lowball glass filled with a rich amber liquid. Close beside it is a dark blue pack of cigarettes.
You shift in your red dress as the bartender approaches. The fabric of your gown is rich and built to flare out when dancing. You didn’t want to put this on—no matter how lovely—but Sun and Moon cowed you with firm reminders. While they’re ‘borrowing’ you, they intend to dress you as they please. 
The checkered shrug was all you could manage. It took much to convince them to allow you to wear it but you pleaded, and they seem to enjoy it, much to your embarrassment.
The bartender bows and offers the tray to Sun first. Strangely, the animatronic accepts the glass while containing your hand in his other grasp. The amber liquid swirls between his nimble fingers. The bartender crosses to the other side of the couch. Moon tilts his head. His red eyes glance at the offering in approval before plucking the pack and immediately opening it.
Your mind spins with how they might indulge in the very human vices, but to your amazement, it seems to be a sort of ritual. There’s something ceremonial about the presentation. The enjoyment of something refined and toxic without partaking.
You watch the liquor glimmer in the crystalline cup. Sun pale eyes, sharp and dagger-like, pierce you with a glance.
“It’s bourbon, dollface.” He tips the glass closer, offering it to your lips. “You couldn’t imagine how much blood and money went into acquiring this one small glass. Would you like a taste?”
You flick your gaze up. He leans over you, crowding you, dwarfing you until you’re almost sliding onto Moon’s lap. His brother eagerly keeps you in place as Sun studies you. His smile holds an edge while he squeezes your hand in the slightest.
“I shouldn’t,” you murmur, but you shrink as you speak.
Sun’s eyes flash like the tip of a blade. He lowers the glass closer still to your mouth until a rich aroma spills upward and invades your senses. 
“Oh, but I say you should.” His grin bears down upon you. “No one touches my bourbon but I do want to know if it’s as worthwhile as the bottle says. One sip, turtle dove.”
You hold his gaze, almost trembling. It won’t kill you, certainly, but this is more than the pressure of a drink.
“Okay,” you concede meekly.
Sun’s smile is lethal as he presents it to you. Gazing into the amber liquid, you lean forward, unable to even hold the glass as Sun carefully presses it to your mouth and gently tilts it. A sweet spiciness spills over your tongue, reminding you of the solar crime lord. You merely wet your lips before it smoothly slides down your throat before you turn your head away. Sun allows it, satisfied with a sharp electric click of his tongue.
“How does it taste?” he purrs, catching your chin and lifting it higher as he admires you. A flutter overtakes your middle.
“Expensive,” you manage, “and strong.”
Tilting his head, Sun’s grin widens as his voice enters a growl so sweet it matches the bourbon’s flavor, “Good. It’s earned all the blood and money I spent on it.”
A few bodies shift from foot to foot and animatronics blink a few optics. Mercifully, Sun releases your chin. Again, you duck your face to hide as the liquor cools your stomach. Only a few drops and you already feel strange and tiny like a trapped rat.
Moon flicks a lighter. The sharp spark of it catching causes you to jump, and Moon chuckles a dark, rolling sound deep within his chassis.
“Relax, baby.” His red eyes search through the curtain of your hair. “You’re in good hands.”
You take a long strand of hair hanging in your face and begin twirling it around your finger. Twisting and twisting the lock, you watch Moon methodically pick a cigarette from the pack using one hand. Slowly, he slides his arm out from behind you. A dark pulse to his gaze washes down you until he reaches for your face and sweeps back the hair dangling in front of you.
“Look me in the eyes. You’re too pretty to hide from me,” he says in both warning and affection, and it chills you to the bone. “Don’t do that again.”
“Okay,” you breathe. Every function within you shrivels under the intensity of his red eyes holding you captive.
His fingertips slide over your cheekbones, lingering for a moment as if he might count every freckle dusting your skin. You tremble inwardly. Moon shifts the cigarette dexterously to his fingers. Holding it steady, he leans forward.
“Be a doll,” Moon rasps. He’s not asking.
“I—” you take a deep breath, your heart pumping hard. “I don’t smoke.”
“I know, my dear,” Moon chuckles sinisterly. You do not doubt that he does. “You’re going to help me light it, nothing more.”
A part of you writhes but you can do little but part your lips. Your fingers twitch as if you had a hope of taking it yourself, but Sun’s firm grasp on your hand is thick as shackles and Moon is as unyielding as a cold night.
He sets it softly on your lips. Unfamiliar with such a ritual, you freeze as Moon holds out the pale flame. He cups it, looming over you while he sets the end aglow with red-hot heat, and all the while, his eyes are devouring you whole.
“Hold still,” Moon commands. 
He lights it, and on instinct, you inhale. A poor choice, considering the flood of smoke that quickly sets fire to your lungs with a singing flavor of anise. A fierce cough overtakes you. Moon takes the cigarette from your lips as Sun tuts his tongue. 
“Naughty thing,” Moon chastises as he allows you to finish your fit, but he draws the cigarette away from you, holding it perfectly between his fingers while his other hand roams your back, hitting softly until you, at last, expel the last of the forsaking tobacco now staining you fiercely.
“You need to be good, love,” Sun reminds close to your ear. His digit plays with the dangling jewelry hanging from your earlobe. A shiny, silver sword. “What are we to do with you if you can’t behave?”
You choke but for a far different reason.
“I’ll be good,” you say, unable to get out anything else but whatever might please them.
“That’s all we ask, baby.” Moon’s hand slips under your chin to turn you towards him. Your lips part as he squeezes in the slightest, and you feel like a fish with your lips puffed into a pout. “Business will only take a moment, then we’ll get back to you.”
You bleed a fierce blush at how he holds you, his eyes commanding you without restraint. You utter a pathetic sound of agreement before the crime lords share a look.
They keep you firmly in place all the while they conduct the mafia meeting. Throughout, Sun’s and Moon’s hands are constantly upon you. Sun speaks of numbers, how well the handling of merchandise such as alcohol has transpired and Moon focuses on conflict, the safety of the gang and the casualties suffered, and how to strike back against those who crossed the line against them. You listen, feeling little more than a plaything in their palms. Moon rubs your side gently. Sun traces his thumb over your knuckles. You endure their forced closeness, unable to even hide behind the curtain of your hair as per their warning.
Then, at last, Sun and Moon lean back with a sort of finality. The goons relax in the slightest, able to ease off from their strict attentiveness before a slow murmur of talk stirs the air. The music picks up a touch louder. A slow, smooth sound of jazz that fills you to the brim. You can hardly unclench your jaw before Sun and Moon share a look so devilish, you fear for your soul.
“We worked hard today, Sun,” Moon drawls out sinisterly.
“We have. We need a reward,” Sun hums, pleased and dastardly. 
“What are you talking about?” you ask, your heart racing within you.
“A dance, of course, dollface.” Sun takes your hand and lifts it high. Moon captures your other before you register how they lift you from the couch in one swift motion.
You reel as they escort you to the dance floor. One flick of Moon’s hand commands the musicians to turn up the music, and the gangsters’ eyes follow you as you’re pulled onto the last place you want to be. The dance floor. 
In one sure motion, Sun begins to remove the shrug from your shoulders. Any resistance you might have made is cut by Moon holding you in place by your chin until Sun carelessly tosses the checkered cloth off to the side. 
“Beautiful,” Moon announces. His thumb finds the tattoo of a quill on your right bicep and strokes it adoringly. You shiver under the caress.
You freeze when another presence falls into your shadow.
“Lovely little thing,” Sun says as he traces a finger along the line of your bare shoulder. Another shudder rolls down your spine.
You turn as if you might escape but Sun seizes you by the hip and lifts your arm high, twirling you until the world is a blur of low light and smoky haze, and dips you. You gasp. The same nefarious hands catch you by the waist, bowing so close to your face, the sharp crown framing Sun’s head in sharp, yellow rays takes over your vision. A blush fills you to the brim.
“There’s nothing to fear, love. We’ll lead,” Sun reassures you with a laugh that flips your heart. “Won’t we, Moon?”
“We will.” Moon answers by stealing you away into a swift step that leaves you dizzy and with a head rush. He half drags, half carries you with a tight grip on your hands. You can barely catch up. 
You flush, trying to protest that you want to leave, now, and stop being a shining new toy to show off to their underlings, but there’s no denying the crime lords. Moon sweeps your feet off the ground as he grabs your waist and lifts you in a half circle. The red fabric of your dress flares out. Your stomach drops and your heart soars.
Then you’re back on your feet. Breathless, left spinning after Sun’s dip and Moon’s twist, you can hardly register the closeness until both mob bosses are upon you. At your back, Sun clasps your hand, holding it behind your waist as if he intends to pin you against his brother. Moon likewise captures your other hand, holding it shoulder-level. Two palms fall to your hips, and in a strange, electrifying motion, Sun and Moon force you to dance with both of them.
“How do you know how to do this?” is all you can gasp. It’s too perfect. Too prepared. Sun looms over your shoulder with a lethal warmth while you turn your cheek as if you might keep both of them in your vision. Moon presses closer to you, hanging over you like the cool threat of a storm.
“We have thought long and hard about what we might do with a troublemaker like you,” Sun speaks low into your ear. “You’ve been learning too much, turtle dove.”
You stiffen in the slightest. Despite this, your feet are caught in their rhythm, slowly spinning in time to the romantic tune floating in the air.
“What?” you breathe. “How did you—”
“We have our ways,” Moon reminds. He tilts his head, his fedora covering the lowlight and shadowing his face even deeper. 
They know. You found out their relation to their elder brother. The police chief.
You also found that they haven’t spoken to each other in years.
Your pulse picks up in horror. This is what this has been about. This whole time, the cat-and-mouse game, is because they’re going to kill you.
“Please,” you say, trembling. Their hands squeeze your own. 
“Hm? Speak up, love,” Sun laughs, taunting you. “I can’t hear you.”
“Don’t kill me,” you say it starkly, quietly. Your eyes are wide. There is nowhere to hide while they trap you between their chassis. 
Moon stares at you, his red eyes darkening into crimson before he releases your waist and slowly leans down. He captures your face between his palms. With Sun holding you in place, there is nowhere to run. You close your eyes.
A brush of something cool and tasting of anise falls against your lips. You start under the lunar crime lord’s kiss. When you open your eyes, his grin is pleased, wicked. He holds you a moment longer under his sharp teeth.
“That would be a waste, don’t you think?” he rasps.
Sun grunts something before he spins you around by the hips. Moon allows him, and he takes you by the waist to keep you on your feet while Sun looks upon you with desire so fiery, that you fear it will engulf you. His pale eyes gnaw away at your every edge.
“I thought…” you murmur senselessly. 
“You thought wrong.” Sun presses a finger to your lips with a wicked grin. “I need to take a bite out of you too.”
This time, your eyes are wide open when he bends down to press his faceplate to your lips, and you gasp underneath his hungry kiss. He pushes and pulls, and you almost sway were it not for the Moon stabilizing you. Sun releases you slowly, greedily.
“That’s right, dollface,” Sun purrs as Moon presses close and kisses the back of your neck. “We have plans for you.”
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branmuffins22 · 9 months
for the toh ask game- 2, 8, 12?
from this ask game:
2. Ramble about your favorite character of all time as much as you want. We're listening
Ohhhh boy. Oh man. Oh geez. You play a dangerous game, starting out with the kicker.
The obvious choice would be Luz, right? because she's like, the perfect main character. Lovable, relatable, flawed, believable (mostly; those fireworks were a bit much), clever, emotional, funny, the list goes on.
I have to go with Vee.
To me, Vee is all those things and more. She's still relatable, but for completely different (some unaddressed by canon, some completely made up by me) reasons. She's the cutest sweetest little shapeshifter we actually got the chance to get to know (sorry Stringbean). She's flawed, she'd completely given up on Luz's return and was ready to throw away whatever parts of her life she didn't jive with, and then even after most of a day of hanging out with her, she was STILL kinda mad at her! She's got confusing emotions and she was able to admit it! She's a tortured and traumatized kid who's trying maybe a bit too hard to put it all behind her, and even her more fantastical struggles are made to make perfect sense in that context. She's clever and observant enough to blend in with humans (and even convince Camila she was Luz for a while), and she was instrumental in solving the rebus. She's funny not just in her sense of humor (which is anywhere from awkward to earnest to dry, all hilarious), but also in the dichotomy of being one of the more "normal" "human" characters in the show, despite not really being either of those things (part of a thought-extinct species, and unique even among others of that species. said species is a kind of magic-eating shape-shifting demon from another realm, and here she is in suburban connecticut, idly learning spanish with her friends).
She's my precious baby blorbo and I love her. She's chubby (I'm chubby), she's awkward around her crush (I'm awkward around my crush (and also in general)), she likes to wear warm colors and big boots (I like to wear warm colors and big boots (not that I have any that fit well enough for daily wear)), she's got a bit of an overbite (I had one when I was young), she is (or, I guess, was?) kinda sorta something like a twin (I'm a twin), her hair is poofy and long (at least in her epilogue design) (my hair is poofy and long), augh, she feels basically tailor-made for me. I'm not exaggerating when I say I learned to love certain parts of myself by loving them first in her.
She's perfect.
also. im gonna rant about her even more in the next bit, sorrynotsorry.
8. Any headcanons? If so, which are your favorite?
Soooo many. Like, enough that I'm writing a whole ass barely-even-canon-divergent AU just to give myself the excuse to explore them. Actually, kinda writing two if you count MatVNN, but it's more of a post-canon affair.
Probably my favorite, though, is Vee being trans (and a bunch of other flavors of queer). I'll admit, a lot of the things that make me like Vee so much are just Sorta Plausible Shit I Came Up With, and chief among them is my trans Vee theory.
So, I'll start with the canon stuff:
Vee is rather unique, even among basilisks. Her tail has 3 fins rather than the other basilisks' 1 or 2 fins, her eyes have a different structure (and more individual colors) than the others', and she has a distinct head and neck that the other basilisks don't have. She's also a lot smaller than the other basilisks: about half the size of III and IV, and even smaller compared to the "greater basilisk" which attacked Hexside (we'll call her the Inspector). In the epilogue, Vee's size doesn't appear to have changed much, if at all (hell, even in her human form, she doesn't look much taller), nor have the sizes of III and IV. The only change any of them appear to have gone through is that Vee has more/longer hair, some of which is a lighter cyan than the previous navy blue, which still remains at her roots and on her ears.
Those are the facts. Now, there could be any number of reasons for her unique traits.
The doylist reason is the easiest: she was designed to look smaller and more humanoid to appear to the audience as more sympathetic. Her strange eyes could just be a bit of fun character design, something to make her stand out on screen. No biggie.
The watsonian reasons are a lot more compelling to me though.
She could very well be quite young for a basilisk. Perhaps their eyes change shape and lose some of their color as they grow up. Perhaps the neck becomes less distinct as they get older. Perhaps even after the 3+ year timeskip before the epilogue, Vee was still prepubescent for a basilisk.
Perhaps the various basilisks are representative of different species within the same family (ex. the Inspector is called a "greater basilisk", but the others are just referred to as "basilisks"), and Vee's unique traits are staples of whatever specific species she is (I first came across this theory in A Blight on Bonesborough, by GeminiAlchemist, and they proposed "fat-tailed basilisk" as the name of Vee's species, mostly for the sake of a gag)
One of the more interesting theories is that she's only half basilisk. I wasn't the one to come up with it, but I don't remember who was, so for that I apologize, but basically, there was a theory going around for a little while after her introduction, that Vee was actually the bastard child of one of the other basilisks and Warden Wrath. The biggest point of evidence was the yellow pupils, a trait only shared between Vee and Wrath, as well as the fact that Wrath was clearly involved in the basilisk project, as shown in Vee's flashbacks in Yesterday's Lie. It's not my favorite theory by any means, but it's a super interesting one, very angsty.
My personal theory, however, and the theory on which I base a few of my other Vee headcanons, is that all the myriad differences between Vee and the other basilisks can be explained away by a simple case of sexual dimorphism in the basilisk species. "Number 5" was simply the only "male" basilisk shown on screen.
Now, what's the evidence for this theory? There is none! As with all the best headcanons, there's no real reason it should be true, but there's ALSO no definitive evidence it isn't true.
So, Number 5 escaped the labs, wandered into the Human Realm, took the form of the only human he'd seen, and spent 3 months at summer camp incidentally trying out being a girl. Turns out, she liked it! So when the time came to give Luz back her identity, Vee made her own new form a girl too.
Now, this headcanon comes with some... caveats? Complications? Sprinkles of realism? I like to imagine some extraneous silly little plot points surrounding this.
Gonna mention 'nads & stuff in purple, so skip past it if you're squeamish about people having body parts or whatever.
When Vee took on Luz's form, she didn't really know what was going on under all those clothes, so she improvised, and kept things as close to her basilisk form as possible. It was partly to conserve magic during the shift, and partly just because she couldn't imagine what to put there. This meant she had a dick, and probably a pretty funny-looking one, too, until she came across a human health textbook and got a better picture of what that whole situation is supposed to look like.
Eventually, during an accident with someone in the Cabin 7 crew (probably standard "woops, didnt realize you were changing in here" shenanigans), someone catches her with her pants down, and she accidentally makes them think Luz is trans. A silly little mixup, definitely no consequences in the future, for sure.
After this, Vee ends up learning about pride flags and their meanings, and starts collecting those things like trading cards. She is staggeringly queer. I tend to think of her as bi/pan/demi-rose, genderqueer, genderfluid (usually on a sliding scale between fem and neutral, but outside that range often enough to be noteworthy), and polyam (in theory, anyways, but even by the epilogue she's still only had one partner, Masha. Granted, she's only maybe 18 by then, so she's got a LOT of time left to try things out), but because that's So Many Labels, she tends to simplify down to Queer. Am I projecting? Yeah, a little. Maybe a lot. So what?
Anyways, when Luz comes back and Vee picks out her own human form, she mostly performs a 1-1 translation from her basilisk form to her human form (matching her standing height, size, approximate face shape, etc), and in so doing, takes on a few typically-masculine characteristics (like a mostly-flat, somewhat-wide chest, bodyfat mostly at her belly, and of course, a (normal, human) dick (most of the time, anyways; she is a shapeshifter, and can do whatever she wants forever)), resulting in her rather androgynous appearance. If her human form is gonna be her, it's gonna reflect her truth: she wasn't always a girl, but she is now. In the epilogue, her human form looks a bit more feminine/less androgynous than before (most notably with wider hips), as if she'd been on HRT for long enough to see some changes.
Now, I've also got all manner of general Basilisk Biology Headcanons, such as how shapeshifting works (magic is used to perform transformations, and reverting to their natural form doesn't use any; holding a transformation only burns calories, not magic; transformations are holistic, inside-and-out, with the two exceptions being the brain and whatever organ stores collected magic), how magical hunger works (it doesn't quite exist, they're not vampires, eating/draining magic is just a thing they Can do in order to transform, not a thing they Have to do to live; however, when a basilisk is hungry, it begins burning through its magic to stave off malnutrition, causing them to seek out magically dense food (really just magic in general, kinda maladaptive like humans' sugar cravings)), how mass distribution works when they transform (they retain their weight when they take on new forms, which limits their transformed size by how far they can compress/decompress their mass. this is part of why the Inspector was so hungry; they were near the limits of how far they could compress, and burning through calories like crazy to stay that way), their natural habitat (fins on their tails suggest they're at least semi-aquatic, but the fact that they stayed on the Boiling Isles as they fled from Belos suggests that they're not immune to (and thus not native to) the Boiling Sea, therefore I propose that they were native to lakes, the only bodies of water shown not to be boiling all the time. also they use their shapeshifting to change their bouyancy as they dive for mollusks or whatever), reproduction (internal fertilization, followed by egg laying; they can change their physical sex pretty much at will, because they're shapeshifters, but if it's not their "natural" form, it still consumes magic to get into that form and burns extra calories to hold the form; fertilization and pregnancy tends to go quite poorly if a basilisk changes/reverts to a form that doesn't have the proper equipment for whatever child they're currently bearing), and so on (basilisk eyes are adapted for underwater, leaving them relatively nearsighted unless transformed to be otherwise, and they have a short-term photographic memory to make assembling accurate disguises on the fly easier/possible), but I don't really feel the need to go tooooo into detail with all that >.>
12. What do you consider the most memorable scene? Why?
That's a very tough choice, between the graveyard fight in Thanks to Them (Very intense. Very beautiful, very powerful) and the Lumity dance in Enchanting Grom Fright (Very romantic. Very beautiful, very powerful). They both basically defined the fandom brainrot after their respective releases, and unlike the various season finales, there was little else cutting in to interrupt and distract from them. Just tasty, tasty action, one at the breathtaking height of fluff, and the other in the soul-crushing depths of angst.
A close third, to whichever one of those is only second-best, would be the duel for the portal key in Eclipse Lake (Very dramatic. Very beautiful, very powerful). Another big action scene, who'd'a thunk it, and another angsty one, too.
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sugarrspice · 2 years
"Do you want to go out sometime...?" || "Like a date?" || "Y-yeah, like a date" Antiaverage again because why not-- //SHOT
((I adore writing Fae!Anti, and quite frankly, Fae!Chase as well. Thank you for your kind words! I see the king of Antiaverage is among us, haha.))
Jackie's out, with Marvin, tonight; something or the other about testing out Marvin's new runes on Jackie. What that means is the house is quiet, with Jameson off bartending, and Henrik running a late shift.
It's the perfect night to get work done, but Chase just can't focus. There's a delicate ringing in his ears; Anti's in, then, and trying not to make himself too obvious, which means that he's in the room. Probably watching, like he tends to when it's this slow. Something about them being fascinating to a nondescript mirror figure, Marvin said.
It should scare him that they all know Anti so well, and that he knows them, but it's just- comforting, instead, to look, and be seen.
He tries not to look into that too deeply, and instead, shuts his computer with a sigh, scrubbing a hand over his face. He's not getting that paper done tonight.
"You're the peak of productivity tonight," Anti observes, with a hint of wryness, and Chase jumps. Oh, okay. Anti is just sprawled across the back of the couch, that's normal, and expected. He eyes the way that Anti's laid himself out, almost lounging, and then tears his eyes away before he's caught staring.
He's unsuccessful, judging by Anti's smirk, and- oh, boy. That's a dangerous fucking road. He's so glad nobody else is home. Marvin's already been giving him shit for that time he nearly had a heart attack when Anti'd pinned Jackie during one of their spars, because sometimes Anti needs to move and gets all antsy, and Jackie's one of the best equipped to keep up with them.
"Yeah, well," he gripes back, "you try to finish both a video and a paper. You just get to sit around and look pretty."
Anti arches an eyebrow, sharp as anything, and Chase quietly wishes for Henrik's filter. God.
"You think I'm pretty," Anti says, voice lilting with amusement, and he even lowers his eyelids to look at Chase, all teasing and- okay, smoldering. Chase distantly wonders if it's too late to jump out the window. Or go back to his paper. Instead, he leans back, and sets his laptop aside, folding his arms.
" 'less you prefer to be called handsome, 'cause you're definitely that, too."
Anti stares at him for a moment, and Chase genuinely cannot parse what that look in his eyes means, which is- unsettling. It's a little hungry, a little cautious, a little curious. Much like their first days together, when Chase woke up and found Anti pulling himself out of their mirror like a bad horror movie. He's not ashamed to say he shouted loud enough to wake up Marvin and Jackie, and-- right, focusing. Anti's expression has cleared up, and now he looks more amused.
Still hungry, though.
"You're such an idiot."
Chase blinks, and frowns at Anti. He only rolls his eyes, and flickers out of sight, reappearing on the arm of the couch by Chase, one leg crossed over the eye. "You look cuter when you're not overthinking it."
"Aw, you think I'm cute?" Chase's mouth moves without any conscious input from his brain- he's just handing in the reins, at this point, and letting that little disaster goblin run free. It seems to make Anti laugh, anyways.
Anti smirks, and ruffles a hand through Chase's hair instead of responding. He's so normal about that, and he's so glad he doesn't have that awful hat hair right now.
Today has turned completely on its head. Chase takes a deep breath- in for four, hold for five, out for six, just like Jameson's taught them. And again. He can be normal about this, about the way Anti doesn't have eyes for anybody in the room but him.
"I'm not doing anything this evening," he says finally. "Definitely not focusing. The house's kinda small. You want to go out somewhere? There's a really good bar down the street- I don't drink, you know this, but their wings-"
Anti huffs again, cutting off his little ramble, and swings himself upright. "Are you asking me out on a date, Brody?"
Chase opens his mouth, shuts it. Opens it again.
"...Y-yeah. A date. Like a date." He promptly shuts it before he can embarrass himself further. Anti only watches him, carefully, before smirking, and rolling to his feet in one fluid motion. It takes another moment to process Anti's holding out a hand to help him up, and he abruptly realizes, oh, shit, he wants to go.
This is great, actually. He tentatively takes Anti's hand- Anti's a prankster, but not cruel, and does not squeak with the ease he's hauled up.
"I'm holding you to a good dinner," Anti says, and there's mirth dancing in those bright, bright eyes, greener than Marvin's little garden. And oh, he knows how to play this game, picking up his cap to grin at Anti, cheerful and giddy.
(Marvin is never going to let him live this down.)
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leafcabbage · 1 year
okay okay spiderverse au lore time!!!! so excited :)))
ranboo, tommy, and tubbo live in three parallel universes- in each of their respective universes they are the singular spiderman. however, they all exist in each universe, and all that’s supposed to change is the person getting bit. i’d imagine some kind of situation occurs with the spider-society that leads to tommy (im gonna call his universe #1) and tubbo (universe #2) already knowing each other before meeting ranboo (universe #3), and they bond over their very similar canon events; aware that the reasoning for similarity is their worlds being paralleled.
and then by complete accident (still not quite sure how), they meet spider-pog. identities arent revealed immediately, but when they are it wasn’t in dramatic fashion until tommy and tubbo both completely breakdown in front of ranboo (universe 3) upon seeing his face.
in every parallel universe, ranboo is supposed to die. spiderman knows them because he’s saved them before, recognized them around and decided to keep an eye on them as tommy/tubbo, which leads to them becoming best friends and forming their trio. for both tommy (1) and tubbo (2), ranboo was killed in action after recognizing their identities and trying to deescalate a dangerous situation. both boys were unable to save them in their universes, and upon getting a second chance are completely lost on how to proceed.
in ranboo’s (3) universe, he hasn’t experience much tribulation to speak of. the rate of crime is very low due to a strict police force, so there isn’t much for him to do until his universe is invaded by villains from other worlds. too scared to do anything as spider-pog, he can only watch in horror until two other spidermen appear to fight back for him. he learns about the spider-society and is reluctant to join as he is unsure how he would measure up as a superhero. but he wants to continue to see his new spider-friends, so they have hangout in his dimension on occasion. spider-pog becomes a stronger hero under their guidance and care, but when he reveals his identity tommy becomes incredibly distant while tubbo becomes extremely overbearing, similar to sssd.
tommy and tubbo are aware that ranboos universe parallels their own and being given the opportunity to stop the events that they “know” are coming, they take things in different ways. tubbo moniters ranboo’s every move in an attempt to stray him away from any path that may lead to one he’s already seen, and tommy steps away out of fear of both changing the canon and having to lose ranboo again.
what happens next is up to you! i’ll be keeping this in mind as you continue writing, maybe he dies and maybe he doesnt!! time will tell :) but i hope you enjoyed it and i hope i explained well enough (please ask questions if you want!!!)
the way i GASPED like four separate times reading this oh my god this is. incredible. i love this set up so much oh my goddddd. augh i LOVE ranboo not being confident as spider-pog (STILL absolutely love that name for them too) and tbh probably not feeling like they deserve the powers in the first place. ALSO RANBOO DYING IN THE OTHER UNIVERSES AUGH thats GENIUS i love IT
okokok so all the universes have their respective tommy, tubbo, and ranboos? what are the relationships like comparatively if thats the case? i mean obviously ranboo fucking DIES but yknow. like for example, is tommy close with both spider-tubbo and his own universe's tubbo, and if so, have the tubbos met?
also does any of ranboo's backstory in drdi translate into this au of it? honestly id love to hear any backstory thoughts youve had in general if you want to share!!!
obviously NO rush to explain or anything but ooohhhh im SO INVESTED oh my goddddddd
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youssefguedira · 2 months
Okay okay so I’ve been reading close your eyes and find your way and first of all: amazing writing. Second, the inevitable, whumpy concept that comes to mind is how out of his mind Nicky would be in a mission if Joe was out of his grasp, threatened and in the hands of someone who would oh so easily shove him this way and that (unaware of his story? Aware and thinking he’s still immortal? What’s a little head injury to someone who instantly heals anyway) and point a gun to his head.
Because there’s the desperation of the threat. And the reverent heartbreak at the humiliation of the most ancient soul that walked on Earth, the other half of your heart being touched like that.
augh if ill be real i genuinely haven't thought through that universe past the one night after joe loses his immortality mostly bc i am Not a mcd person. i do have a vague outline for how joe dies in this au that i think about on occasion but itd make me too sad to write so i havent. HOWEVER. that being said
i do think there's definitely a conversation to be had between the two of them about when they start going on missions again. ultimately i think as much as there's a part of nicky that would really want to just retire off somewhere and live out the time they have in safety they'd both recognise that's not viable + they'd have to go back to it eventually. in that scenario i think nicky Fully throws himself into protecting joe to his own detriment like. throwing himself in front of bullets, over bombs, etc. this lasts a couple missions before joe goes Can You Please Stop Getting Yourself Blown Up Violently It's Very Sweet And Romantic But I Would Rather You Stop Endangering Yourself. fun little conflict there.
and if joe were to get caught by a Bad Guy.... hoo boy. i dont think nickys handling that well. bad enough joe being in danger but if nicky were unable to do anything??? you know in the movie the way he loses it entirely when merrick starts stabbing joe??? like that but dialed up to 10 if he knew joe couldn't come back from whatever they did to him. definitely Things to Muse On for sure.
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gumnut-logic · 4 years
Number 23 :)
Also for @fictivekaleidoscope ::hugs you both::
If you were to revise one of your older fics from start to finish, which would it be and why?
Love and Sacrifice - I tried a different way of writing with that one and it sucked.
I usually write chronologically. Start at the beginning of a fic and write to the end. Sometimes I might have an idea halfway and have to go back and weave in a few facts or a little foreshadowing, but generally I write in order of the fic - is great for posting as I go.
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When I started writing Warm Rain I had no idea what I was doing. I had never written ship before. Canonically I couldn’t see Kayo getting together with Virgil ::hides from everyone:: but I was challenged to make this work. So I started writing shorts from various points in a developing timeline to see if I could make get them together. Love and Sacrifice ended up being a bunch of those short scenes stitched up with a little hope and wishful thinking :D I think the plot suffered for it badly. i groan when I reread it...well, when I can convince myself to read it. It does have a great whump scene in it!
Virgil whump warning! Some blood.
“Thunderbird One, we are clear of the building. Both Gordon and Virgil are aboard. Advise we leave the danger zone.”
Kayo’s voice was music to his ears.
“FAB, Thunderbird Two.” He detached his grapple from the latest piece of masonry he had disassembled, and spun his ‘bird on her axis. TB2 was rising on her VTOL above the main building.
“Thunderbird Five, do you have Thunderbird Shadow?”
John’s clear, calm voice answered in the affirmative, and the ghost rose from the ground and followed her sisters. “Scott, you are needed on Thunderbird Two. Gordon is unconscious and Virgil is seriously injured.”
Before he could react, his sister’s voice broke through, much less calm than before. “Scott, I need help. Virgil-“ A pause. “Please hurry.”
A breathless FAB and he was moving. Aligning his ‘bird with his brother’s and slaving her to Thunderbird Five with her sister, he jetpacked across to TB2’s overhead hatch. John, the master of multitasking, let him in.
Thunderbird Two’s cockpit was empty, her control slaved to remote auto. At John’s prompt, he hurried down to the module bay.
The smell of burnt fabric hung in the air.
A groan of pain, a whispered ‘sorry’, and Scott made it around the rescue rig to find Virgil kneeling on the deck, leaning his chest and arms against the rig as his sister used a laser cutter to remove the back of his uniform.
His baldric lay discarded beside him. Virgil glanced up at him only to grimace as Kayo pulled away more cloth from his skin. “Check, Gordon.” His brother’s voice was tight with pain.
His younger brother was still strapped to the rescue rig. Scott assessed him quickly, all his vitals checked out. A lump on the back of his head the likely cause of his unconsciousness, but Gordon began to stir at his touch.
His little brother groaned. “Augh.”
“You with us?”
“I wish I wasn’t.” A hand rose to his head. “Who hit me?”
Scott opened his mouth to answer, but was interrupted by Kayo. “Virgil?!”
And his dark-haired brother was sliding towards the deck.
Scott slid to his knees and caught him, only then catching sight of how much blood had soaked into the remains of his undershirt and uniform. His brother was weakly attempting to take his own weight, but failing, one arm refusing to respond properly, the other scrabbling at Scott’s chest. “Check Kayo.” It was a moaned whisper as Scott brought his brother’s head to rest on his shoulder.
Scott shot his sister a concerned look.
“I’m fine and not the priority. You have two bullets in you, Virgil.” And she was suddenly angry under her bruises. It washed away the fear in her eyes. As she removed the last of the blood-soaked material, Virgil groaned, flinching in his grip, and the two neat holes in his brother’s muscular back were lit up by the overhead lighting.
One in his left shoulder.
The other on his lower right side.
Kayo didn’t hesitate. She handed Scott a wad of dressing indicating he should take care of the upper wound while she grabbed some dressing of her own and applied pressure to his lower back.
Virgil cried out, his body tightening up against Scott, but Kayo was merciless, her efficient hands binding the dressing under pressure in an attempt to stop the bleeding.
Scott grit his teeth and reached to do the same with the shoulder wound, steeling himself, but suddenly Gordon was there, taking the wadding from his fingers and pressing it to his brother’s back.
Virgil groaned into Scott’s shoulder, the grip on his arm tightening. Gordon worked as quickly as his sister, binding the wound as firmly as possible. “Sorry, bro.” His voice was parched and rough, his expression grey.
Virgil was trembling. But his concern still lay with his sister. “Scott, check Kayo. Please.” It was muffled against his uniform and barely whispered, but they all heard it.
The expression on Kayo’s face threatened anyone who even attempted to look at her, but Scott felt Virgil struggling to push himself upright to do the deed himself. The man wouldn’t rest until he knew she was okay.
He wasn’t willing to let go of Virgil himself. He looked up at Gordon, visually gauging the younger man as best he could. “Gordon, assess Kayo’s injuries.” Scott turned to his sister, his expression attempting to convey his reasoning, indicating his prone brother’s concern.
Her bottom lip cracked a little as she glared at him, but stood so Gordon didn’t have to bend down. The aquanaut looked her over quickly, but professionally. “She’s only sporting bruises, bro.” Gordon caught her eye as his fingers probed her ribs. Scott saw her flinch, but Virgil was in no position to see anything.
Scott would make sure she was seen to as soon as possible. “Kayo is okay, Virgil. She’s safe.”
“Thank you.” And Scott had to tighten his grip as his brother slumped in his arms, not quite unconscious, but teetering, his breathing harsh against his ear. “Thank you.”
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Of course, having said that, several of my recent fics could do with a rework. For example I actually forgot to foreshadow Kayo’s presence in V.T Green so when she appeared at the end, it was out of nowhere - I actually got a comment that highlighted that ::pouts:: I had planned from the very beginning that she was going to play that role, but I forgot to weave her properly into the main part of the fic. Virg, you are too distracting.
And yeah, if it isn’t V/K, I am guilty of not writing her in at all ::hangs head in shame:: The boys are just too distracting :D
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
Hello. Thoughts on Dads!Harringrove??? the boys like in their mid 40s with 3 kids. what type of parents do you think they’ll be??? will their grandpa jim spoil them??? i love harringrove parents w all my heart. they both deserve a big happy family of their own 🥰
Hello, my thoughts are it’s the cutest damn thing ever and i could cry just thinking about it aUGH HARRINGROVE DADS.
Okay, so i’ve read quite a few things talking about the Harringrove Dads and adopting little babies, adopting sweet little girls, etc. and i absolutely live and die for that shit. Like i’m so serious, i think it’s so sweet, it warms my heart, i eat it up, i LOVE it
But also (and i’m sure i’m not the first to say it) I feel like they’re NOT the type to go adopting babies. They’re not getting a surrogate to raise a kid from infancy. They may want to, they may have that inkling, they may see Jonathan and Nancy having a baby and get that infamous Baby Fever, but I just… I really can’t bring myself to write that.
Bc (in my canon) Billy was adopted as a 17 year old delinquent. El was adopted as a 12 year old lab rat. Steve was basically abandoned at home when he got too old to be the “cute little boy” their parents could tote around to promote their Nuclear Family image. They’re two boys who were made very keenly aware that there are shitty people out there who believe kids get less desirable the older they get. Shitty people who think babies are worth more than older kids who probably just come with “problems”.
(i’ve also been rewatching Boy Meets World and GUYS. i see a lot of Billy in Shawn Hunter. Boy who’s taken in bc he’s been neglected and he’s a sensitive kid underneath but he’s got this hard, bad boy shell bc it’s easier than crying every day)(AUGH and just like Will in Fresh Prince goddamnit i fucking LIVE for those kids who think and act all tough and use their pretty looks like a weapon but all they really need is a caring and stern hand who’s gonna keep them on the straight and narrow and help them out along the way i am SOFT.)
So if these boys have 3 kids, it’s 3 kids who were seen as the “worst” of the bunch. 3 kids they fought to connect with bc these kids didn’t see anything in themselves anymore but goddamnit, Steve and Billy saw 3 kids beat and broken by the system that told them the older they got, the smaller their chances were of ever getting out of this place. They came with problems and fears and shells harder than Billy’s steel toed boots but like hell were Billy and Steve going to let these kids go the rest of their lives thinking they were damaged goods.
(god now i wanna write OCs of their children. look what you did to me!)
Okay so their parenting style changes as they grow and adopt more kids, as what happens with most parents. They learn what’s good and what’s not so good and they get better at fixing problems (but of course it’s never quite that easy bc they’re adopting kids of different ages).
And of course i’m saying they adopt the kids everyone has turned away, but for their first kid they adopt a little boy, about 5 years old, bc they gotta start small. He’s very cute and has a bit of a lisp and he mixes up some of his letters and he’s… energetic. He runs and he screams and he tires himself out real quick to the point where he just flops down and takes naps where he is, meaning there has been more than one occasion where Billy or Steve has found the child sleeping face first in the middle of a room (the entry room seems to be his favorite. Billy doesn’t blame him, the carpet is softer there than anywhere else.) One time he even flopped down on the middle of the sidewalk and again in the middle of a department store. Both times Billy scooped him up like a rag doll and carried him around the rest of their trip out.
And i know it’s not the BEST movie but i can’t help but think their parenting at the beginning would be a bit like the movie Big Daddy. Like, a lot of well-intentioned but misguided advice, a lot of “real world” lessons (like how to piss on the side of the road), a lot of hurried and frazzled solutions to things because “kids are messy why are kids so fucking messy why can’t he ever stay clean?”
“He’s just a kid, Steve, c’mon-”
“He’s always sticky! How! How is he always sticky? What’s making him so sticky!”
And I just!! Augh!! Imagine Steve at work all day and Billy has off/maybe he’s inbetween jobs right now so he can be home with the kid/whatever and so he has errands to run and takes their little kid with him and the kid’s like:
“What’s your real name?”
“You know that. It’s Billy.”
“…. why?”
And Billy shrugs with an “I dunno, cuz I couldn’t talk and my parents could and they had to call me somethin.”
“You could’n talk?”
“Hey, you couldn’t either.”
The boy thinks for a second before: “Could too.”
“Could not. Not when you were a baby.” He pokes the boy in the shoulder, still very tentative with how much the little tike can take. “Don’t start attacking me! You didn’t name yourself.”
They walk for a second but Billy chimes in before the kid can.
“Hey, that’s not fair though, is it?”
The boy looks up and shakes his head, but he can see the confusion in his eyes.
“You should be able to name yourself, right? What do you want your name to be? Anything in the world, what do you want me to call you?”
Which is how Steve comes home to their child and Billy eating some baby carrots smothered in BBQ sauce and his husband telling him: “By the way, the kid’s new name is Hot Dog.”
“…. what?”
“He picked it out himself.”
And just imagine Billy and the kid are going grocery shopping and Billy catches the boy reaching for a can of spaghetti-o’s.
Billy reaches for the can and takes it off the shelf. “You like these?”
The kid nods.
“Alright then. Watch out-” he hold the kid back gently before chucking the can at the ground. He turns to his boy. “Dented cans are half off. Y’know, Microsoft dropped 3 points.”
His kid nods in awe.
“Wanna pick that up for me?” Billy asks and the kid follows, before rearing the can back to throw it on the ground.
“Woah woah woah! Watch it there!” Billy grabs the boy’s arm, before aiming it a different way. “Aim away from your feet… there ya go. I know they’re kinda tiny targets but still, don’t wanna give yourself a flat tire there.”
The kid chucks it and Billy laughs. “Nice job, little dude.”
And i just have so many THOUGHTS about this!!! Their second kid being a little 9 year old girl who’s real fucking good at boxing and fighting and also a little too good at sneaking out the window. They’ve caught her a few times in the backyard or the front yard, just sitting around shivering. It always gives Billy and Steve a heart attack.
“What are you doing out here?” Steve asks, kneeling down to look at the girl, Billy taking note of her hands balled up into little fists.
“I heard a… noise. A loud noise.”
“Oh, yeah, your brother just dropped a glass.”
“Oh. Did you… did you… hurt him?” Her fists clench tighter, her shoulders get tighter, closer to her ears. Billy sees himself in it. He wants to ease her shoulders down out of her ears.
“No! No of course we didn’t.” Steve soothes, rubbing the girls arms soothingly. She looks skeptical.
But it becomes a pattern, and they realize it’s whenever she thinks something is going on or someone is in danger. To the point where if any loud noise happens, one of them rushes outside to look for Jordan climbing out a window.
Steve’s out there this time, grabbing hold of her middle and helping her out of the window because they’ve let their plants grow a little wiley and she was having a hard time getting past them. He sets her down gently.
“It’s fine, hun. You’re fine. Your dad just dropped a pan.”
“Y’know, you can’t keep doing this.”
“Ditching out the window like this.” He kneels down to look at her. “It’s not safe. And one of these days it’s gonna be snowing and you’re gonna jump out in your PJs and be all cold.”
“I’ve done it before.”
And if that doesn’t break Steve’s heart. He thinks about Billy when he was a kid. About the stories Billy has told him when he’s tired and a little drunk and feeling a little emotional. Steve loses himself in the sadness of the thought for a second.
He brushes a little bit of dirt off her shoulder.
“Yeah… well you don’t have to ever again, alright? I mean it. Nothing is happening to you here. We’re not gonna hurt you… Now give me a hug.”
She accepts it, which is big for her, and Steve squeezes her as tight as he squeezed Billy that one night he found him with a cut on his cheek and bruises all up and down his arms.
And then they adopt another boy. A 17 year old boy. A boy who’s been in and out of so many homes he doesn’t have a number for it. A boy who’s angry and jaded and… loves poetry and is so gentle with children and animals.
And him and Billy butt heads… a lot. They’re so similar… at least he’s similar to what Billy used to be. And it pisses them both off bc suddenly Billy knows what Hop felt- frustration. Utter frustration at this boy not understanding his fucking potential.
And i’ve written a whole dialogue for this but it’s long and very dramatic and I might just end up writing a fic about all of these little sweethearts (bc i have so many ideas!!!) but basically the boy telling Billy and Steve that he’s fucked up. He’s fucked up and no one will ever be able to change that and Billy is adamant that he’s not until he admits-
“No. You’re right, you are fucked up.”
Steve is shocked. “Billy!”
“No, shut up Steve.” Billy points at the kid. “You are fucked up. You’re a fucked up kid, and you know what? I’m fucked up too. And so is Steve. And so is your aunt El, and your Aunt Max, and your Uncle Will and Uncle Jonathan. And y’know what else? Your grandpa Jim is fucked up too. Hell, even your Grandma Joyce is fucked up. Wish I could tell you she’s not but ding ding ding! She is!”
And they get in a fight. There’s no fists, no touching, but it’s a major fight of Billy telling this boy what Hop told him once: You’re our kid now and we love you. And you can leave and never think about us again but we’re never gonna forget you.
And: “Don’t you dare fucking compare us to those assholes because I’m not giving up on you. We’re not giving up on you. You’re family now and no matter what you do, I’m gonna be there to worry about you and be happy for you because you deserve it!”
And Billy gets frustrated with all of his yelling so he grabs his stress ball and walks away, breathing heavy, and Steve is there to look the boy in the eye and tell him Billy’s right. And that he understands that the boy has a past before they ever met him “but Billy had a life before he met me… and same with me and him, and we can still love each other. So maybe we’re just on an even playing field. We get to learn about you while you learn about us and… and even so, we can still love each other, right?”
Hop and Joyce spoil them fucking rotten. It’s really hard to spoil a 17 year old boy as stubborn as an ox (“You were bad enough, now you bring me another one?” “You saying you didn’t like taking care of me, Pops?” “I’m saying I have enough gray hair as it is.” “Oh shush, Hop!” Joyce hits him) but they do their best. They give him love and support. Joyce bakes a shitton of cookies and cakes and Hop buys the kids toys (and the older boy CDs and records and band tees)(“I’m trying! The older I get, the less I know what kids what.”)
And they love all their aunts and uncles too! The little girl has a hard time reading and she reads way below her level, so Aunt El helps her out!
“I understand. I learned to read really late.”
“Really?” The girl’s heart lifts a bit. “How late?”
“I was twelve.”
El nods and gives a kind smile. “Yeah, but I learned, didn’t I? I had a lot of help, and I can help you, too! Just like your dad helped me.”
The girl smiles brightly.
Will’s favorite is the youngest boy (but he would never tell the other two that. Of course not.) because he’s silly and he took to Will almost instantly and he likes to roll around in the grass and catch bugs and those were never really things Will liked as a kid and he… he likes that. He didn’t think he’d ever like that but there’s something about this kid that brings out adventure in him. He reminds Will of Mike when they first met. A bundle of energy and excitement that always dragged Will around on adventures.
The older one hangs out a lot with Max and Jonathan. Jonathan likes hanging out with the kid cuz he reminds him of Billy when Billy was young. (“I don’t remember you being this… exhausting though.” Jonathan tells Billy.) (“You’re just getting old, bud.” Billy says with a laugh and a clap on the back) They smoke weed whenever they can and Jonathan gives the boy some good old 70’s and 80’s music to listen to and tells the boy “Meatloaf is not the best of our decade, don’t listen to your father. Either of them, honestly. Their music taste is shit.”
Max hangs out with the older one too. She gives him advice about girls and how to talk to them and she picks up a skateboard for the first time in years because of him. They go to the skate park sometimes and everyone there is amazed that a twenty something year old girl is here to skate with them until she skates circles around them. (She becomes the hit of the skate park)
She also wrestles around with the little 8 year old girl sometimes! She has a lot of heart to hearts with the kid, giving her advice as well and telling her silly stories of both Billy and Steve so that the girl learns to trust them more.
And overall they’re a big, loving family!! And they’re slightly dysfunctional too and i just! Can’t see it happening any other way!! Bc they’re a little dysfunctional but they’re dysfunctional with LOVE and isn’t that what matters???? It’s a lot of work and a lot of sweat and a lot of tears but it’s their family and in the end their kids love them to death bc they realize their fathers love them to death and!!! Everyone’s heart is full and happy and i’m crying!
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gaamagirl565 · 4 years
Matters of the heart S2 Ep 5
Matters of the heart Season 2 Episode 5
Something in the shadow {OPENING CREDITS} {Open to Isaiah walking in main Corona up to the castle where two guards stand} Isaiah: Hey guys! Pete and Stan right? {they both look at each other then back at him} Pete: Yes? Isaiah: umm...Nothing I was just saying hi. Stan: hi. Isaiah:... alright then... awkward… {Isaiah walks in but overhears them talking} Pete: poor kid… Stan: you heard about the stuff that's been happening to him? Pete: it's hard not to...  violent outbursts,  people say that he just looks like the embodiment of pure anger whenever he gets like that. Stan:  yeah…
{Isaiah has magic crackle around him for a split second} Stan: ah!  did you see that!? tell me you saw it! {Isaiah runs down the hall in a sprint} Stan: ... do you think he heard me? {Pete smacks the back of his head; cut to the royal gardens where Lily is reading} Lily:  what a lovely day... everything's just so peaceful. I have longed for a day like this. Isaiah: Hi Lily! Lily: AH!... and the peace is gone… Isaiah:  sorry...  didn't mean to scare you. Lily:  no it's fine. you're always welcome at the castle. {Isaiah smiles sadly and looks away} Lily:  Isaiah? is something wrong? Isaiah:  am I... Lily I want you to be completely honest with me… {Lily sits next to him on a bench and holds his hand} Lily: always… Isaiah:  do you think I'm becoming... evil? Lily:  what makes you think that!? Isaiah:  these powers are getting harder to control.  it's terrible.  every once in a while... I completely lose control of my own body and something else takes over. I don't know what it is but it makes me do awful things. just yesterday I lost control and destroyed the baker's bread cart!  and I don't mean just destroyed I demolished this thing! Lily:  Isaiah... evil doesn't worry about doing good.  the fact that you are afraid of being this way means that you're a good person. we just have to find an outlet for you. or some way to control this whenever it happens. Isaiah: Yeah I guess… Lily: Do you know when they tend to happen? Isaiah: they're completely random I could have one right now. Lily: hmmm...There has to be something that's triggering it. And we’re going to figure it out! Come on! Isaiah: Whoa! {Lily pulls him along off screen; cut to the edge of the forest where Noremoth is watching old Corona with a telescope; Zapada is hanging laundry and a small boom is seen in which Varian stumbles out the house in a puff of smoke; Zapada giggles and walks over to him; Varian sheepishly smiles; Noremoth sighs and puts down the telescope} Catalina: You know... I find it easier to make friends if I'm actually talking to the person rather than spying on them. Noremoth: GREAT MOTHER OF THE SUN! Do you get enjoyment out of doing that to people!? Kiera: she might not...But I do… {Noremoth puts his hand on his sword} Catalina: *growls* Noremoth: EEK! Kiera: Yeah I wouldn't try it buddy... you don't want to see her when she's angry. Noremoth: *puts his hands up*  alright... you got me. so what now?  going to kill me? Kiera: no...too messy… Catalina:  we'd like your name... and what you're doing here. Noremoth:  how about a trade? you put your swords down and I tell you my name Kiera:  fair enough... spit it out Noremoth: I’m Noremoth.  I'm out here on a scouting mission nothing more. Catalina:  kind of weird for a scout to be so heavily armed. Noremoth:  kind of weird to find a lovely lady in a forest of all places. Catalina:  maybe I like the forest. Noremoth:  maybe I like your spunk. Kiera:  hey! okay, focus! we’re kind of in the middle of a fight here! Noremoth: Look like I said I'm on a simple scouting mission nothing more.  I'll be here for another few hours and then I'll leave the territory. and if it would make you ladies feel any better I'll even hand over my weapons. Deal? Kiera:  who are you working for?  if who you're working for isn't a threat to Corona then we'll leave you be.  and you better tell the truth. if we find out you're lying let's just say you won't want to be on the receiving end of Catalina's fangs. Noremoth:........ I’m doing work for a woman out to the north…She's paying me to scout out Corona. probably interested in the landscape.  and as an explanation for my weapons,  as a scout, you meet many dangers. Such as two armed lovely young women. Kiera: ugh Catalina: *smirk* Kiera:....fine... but if you give us any reason to suspect you of anything… Noremoth:   I will do no such thing...you have my word. {Cut to the marketplace} Isaiah: Lily what are we doing here? Lily:  like I said before,  the magic that surging through has to be triggered by something. even if it's random something has to start the spark right? same with a fire! Isaiah: I mean... I guess but... Lily:  just walk with me... Isaiah: okay… {They start walking down the road; it seems normal at first but people start to turn and look} Villager 1: isn't that the Royal Engineers boy? Villager 2:  yes it is!  what's Princess Lily doing with him? Villager 1:  well didn’t queen Rapunzel mingle with the common folk when she was a princess? Baker: yes at least she knew when people were dangerous. {Isaiah stops} Lily: Isaiah? Villager 1:  dangerous? how do you mean? Baker:  that boy blew up my bread cart not too long ago.  it's like nothing I've ever seen before. {Isaiah has magic crackle around him} Villager 2:  well I have been hearing rumors about him from old Corona... something about violent outbursts. Villager 1:  wasn’t the Royal engineer considered dangerous at one point? I mean from what I remember... didn't he attack the princess at one point? {the magic gets harder to control and the ground under Isaiah begins to crack} Lily:  Isaiah can you hear? are you okay? Baker:  maybe it's just in their family’s blood to be dangerous… {Isaiah jolts his head up and has pink and green eyes; he stomps his foot and breaks the cobblestone under his feet before running away} Lily: Isaiah wait!! {Lily looks over to the crowd of people} Lily: Well I hope you’re all happy! {she runs after him; cut to the edge of the forest Noremoth is looking over old Corona and writing in a journal} Noremoth:...So many happy families here…. Corona the happiest place on earth... pffftt not… {Catalina swings down out of the tree} Catalina: oh really? Noremoth: AHHH!.... Are you just hell-bent on giving me a heart attack!? Catalina: Maybe… what you got against Corona? Noremoth:   it's none of your business…. Catalina:  Corona is my business. now, what do you have against it? Noremoth:... I used to live here. Catalina:  really? why’d you leave? Noremoth:.... bad memories I'd rather not talk about it. Catalina:  then at least answer me this one question. Noremoth: my God you never go away!  Fine! one question. Catalina: if you hate Corona so much why did you agree to scout it out for someone? Noremoth: Because it's my job. I was told to do it so I'm doing it. Catalina:  couldn’t you just tell them that you don't want to do it and take your business somewhere else? Noremoth: ...it's not like she’d listen to me… Catalina: from the way you're talking about this person it sounds like you've worked together a lot. Noremoth:  so what if we have? Catalina:  you would think she'd respect your opinion more.  I remember when I was younger I was afraid to speak my opinion on certain matters. But after a certain event in my life, I learned that it's important to say what's bothering you.  if people truly respect you they’ll listen. Noremoth:....... Catalina:  how long are you here by the way? Noremoth:  my mission is one week-long... Catalina: You should come by the treehouse sometime... have a hot meal. Noremoth:... that would be grand. {cut to the royal garden} Lily: Isaiah? Isaiah where are you? Isaiah: I’m over here… Lily: where? {Lily walks into the bushes} Isaiah: AUGH! Lily: Isaiah!? Isaiah: You're standing on me! Lily: What!? {She steps off of him and he jumps up to breathe} Lily: why were you laying down in the bushes? Isaiah:  I was hiding from people of society. Lily: Isaiah I'm sorry that happened... I had no idea that people were going to be so rude. Isaiah:  I don't blame you... I'm just sick of everything always going wrong. Lily:  I did come up with a bit of a... hypothesis if you will. Isaiah: you're sounding like my dad. Lily:  I noticed your magic started surging when people started talking bad about you.  maybe it's connected to your emotions? Isaiah:  now that you say it... maybe. Lily:  I also noticed you looked like you were in a lot of pain. does it hurt? Isaiah:  it gives me a headache…. especially since I'm trying to hold it back… Lily:  hold it back? Isaiah:  Yeah.  I saw what this did to miss Cass. I don't want it to do that to me. Lily:  your outbursts are only getting more violent don't you think it might be because you're holding back? Isaiah:.... Explain. Lily:  what if you holding back this power only makes it build up until it can't hold back anymore creating a giant explosion of magic. Isaiah:  I never really thought about that. so what just let it go? Lily: if only for a few minutes.  I saw what the magic did her too. it seems like it's only able to take hold for a few minutes at a time it doesn't look stable.  maybe just for a few minutes let it run its course?  Maybe it won't hurt so much then. Isaiah:.... I don't want to hurt you. Lily:   Look we're in the Royal Gardens right now.  if you do it here there's tons of guards inside.  I want you to know I'm right here for you and this is probably the safest place for you to do it.  no prying eyes.
Isaiah:.... alright... I'll do it Lily:  if it makes you feel any better I'll go hide somewhere Isaiah:  go behind the stone wall. that way if anything goes flying you'll be protected.
       {Lily runs behind the stone wall And Isaiah walks to the center of the garden} Lily:  okay... I'm ready when you are! Isaiah:  alright…. { Isaiah takes a deep breath and closes his eyes} Isaiah:... please work. {he starts thinking about the negative things that have happened to him within the past years;  pink magic starts crackling around him} Lily: Remember just take a deep breath and Let It Go! {Isaiah’s breathing quickens and he starts shaking as his canine teeth grow to fangs and his eyes turn pink and green} Isaiah: L-lily! I..I don’t… Lily: it's okay, ‘saiah!  I'm right here I'm not going anywhere okay? {Isaiah screams as he lets it take hold and he falls to his knees} Lily:...I-Isaiah? Isaiah: *chuckles* Lily: huh? Isaiah:  finally... the pain finally stopped... I find it hilarious that giving into the very thing I was trying to fight would bring about such clarity. Lily: What are you talking about? Isaiah are you okay? Isaiah:  am I okay? AM I OKAY!?  how Noble of the princess to care about the common Folk... as if you actually care.  All you rich folks care about is your title and how you look!  perhaps I should Rectify that. Lily: you're not Isaiah you're something else… Isaiah:  just think about it princess.  my life has been doomed from the start.  I was born to a duchess and a royal engineer.  I'm said Royal engineer had previously committed a crime known as treason.  a crime that is not so easily forgiven.  and on top of that I almost killed people myself...hehehe... the marketplace remember? all those months ago.  what does it matter if I go absolutely mad now? I bet half of the Kingdom would have expected it… Lily:  you're not Isaiah!  Isaiah is sweet kind and caring!  he would sooner die than betray his kingdom!  I know that to be a fact. Isaiah:  then you don't really know me now do you, princess?  all this Kingdom has ever done for me is cause me pain... maybe I should cause it some pain in return!  I could start with their princess… Lily: W-what?  Isaiah would never hurt me! Isaiah:  oh really? Do you really think I would never hold some sort of resentment for the person that's going to sit on the throne of the Kingdom that despises me? Lily:  you know for a fact that isn't my fault and I don't despise you. I...like you...Like...really like you… Isaiah: you know they say the biggest lies are often the sweetest. {He walks closer to her} Lily: Isaiah...Please... {Lily hugs him tightly; he goes to reach for her neck but then the magic fades;  Isaiah Falls to the ground but Lily catches him} Isaiah:  what happened?.... what hit me?...Lily? are you okay? {Lily cries into his chest} Isaiah:  Lily!?  what did I..? I didn't hurt you did I? Lily: no... but I never want to see you like that again… Isaiah:..I... I'm sorry… {He holds her as she cries} {END CREDITS}
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rcris123 · 5 years
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Isaac was up before any of them. And maybe to his own surprise Arthur slept throughout the night with Sebastian’s hand into his own. More or less at least. The medallion was on the ground. A light squeeze of the palm he’s holding. Eyes dart up – Sebastian’s still asleep, leaned against the foot of his table. Poor bastard; came all this way and for so little as himself...
Thoughts were all over; his forehead burned up like a furnace – but he knew that. Everything else, one big goddamn mess in his head.
Colm wanted to sell ‘em to the Pinkertons, using him as bait. It’s the one thing he told Dutch when he came back...
And Isaac. All that time he couldn’t forgive himself for leaving Isaac alone like he did. And the boy clearly ran off to Sebastian wondering where the hell his Pa’s gone. And nothing tore his chest apart more than knowin’ they barely survived another one of these...
This one was worse... He hoped, prayed the shoulder ain’t gonna come down with gangrene, ‘cause at this point it’s already feelin’ numb, itching up and down like an ant’s nest. He still felt Sebastian’s hand in his own.
He should try getting-
“Augh- Shit!” Well that woke him up. “I’m sorry...”
He can’t move. Just getting his head off the pillow made it feel like it was made of lead and like the brains fell out of the back of his skull. A light tug of the arm from Sebastian; teeth grit, air’s sucked in with a wheeze.
“Shouldn’t of done that-” Sebastian’s voice is thickened by sleep.
“Ah, you couldn’t of known.” And he still hasn’t let go. A pang inside his guts. The gang met him, that much was obvious, he wondered what Isaac told them about him. But words don’t come help him.
“How are you feeling?”
“About as well as I look, I guess...” Arthur sighed. “What ‘bout you?”
“I ain’t feelin’ half my body.” Sebastian cracked a laugh, and he tried one for himself, but the groan bubbled inside his chest regardless.
A short silence, allowing the pain to settle: “So... They let you stay?”
“Don’t know.”
“What did Isaac say-”
“I escorted him back to camp the day he couldn’t find you. John and the Irishman brought me in thinking I’ve done something to the kid.” A deep breath in from Sebastian, as if drawing courage: “He said we was lovers. So they won’t shoot me then and there I guess.”
Lips purse, another pang inside his guts and a shiver flowing up: “Guess that’s that then...”
But they ain’t lovers. Far from it. They-... What the hell was they that they ended up like this.
Do he have to play enamored now? He ain’t no actor and he rather despised pretending.
“You don’t have to-”
“I ain’t intending to.” Arthur had to be blunt, and it might of come off as rude, but he just ain’t knowin’ what he’s feelin’. It ain’t uncomfortable, just rather odd, ‘cause he still held onto the man’s hand like his life somehow depended on it. Heart picked at a gallop; he just had to say this: “Well, to be perfectly honest with you, I can’t make heads or tails of it all.”
“I ain’t much smarter on the subject, Arthur...”
“Guess we gotta figure something out-”
He ain’t noticed how he used them words until it came outta his mouth.
“Guess there’s a we now... At least if you intend on stayin’.” Do you?
“Ain’t decided yet...”
Somehow the decision seemed to of been made the moment they put their hands together the night before ‘cause they ain’t let go yet.
Miss Grimshaw checked up on Arthur not much later, and by extension that meant Sebastian too – who got a scolding only Susan could pull off. She would of kicked him onto his feet. That’s when she notices, both of them did: Sebastian screamed in pain, trying to get up, grabbed his shoulder. Miss Grimshaw seized him and yanked the shirt off. Bandages, a fresh wound.
“Where’d you get this Mister-”
“We gotta find you a bed. Quick. Arthur how’d you let him sleep like that-”
Arthur didn’t know, just looked on with concern as he was dragged off; and Sebastian looked back at him. Isaac just returned then from where-ever he’d been gone before.
“Someone’s hurt him...” Again.
 They found him a spot somewhere by Kieran, not too far off his tent. That kid’s been nothing but kind, to them all and Sebastian too; both outsiders. It’s been fun for a while, makin’ fun of the ‘O’Driscoll’ but that clearly ain’t the case no more. Boy’s been delegated to goddamn nursemaid. Arthur insisted on apologizing. Then Sean came and chewed Sebastian’s entire ear off. Sat on a chair, accused him first, then started talking of his Da and other things of his homeland. Bedridden both o’em they got no place else where to be, so it was Irish history hours for the both of ‘em. Ain’t been so bad after a while: slept like a baby to that, or maybe it was just the fever that made him so goddamn drained. One thing’s for certain he’ll be hearing Irish slang in his dreams from now on.
All week Ms. Grimshaw and Mr. Pearson swung by often; both trying their best to keep Sebastian down. He knew the feelin’ all too well. But they got fed well, bandages cleaned.
Still Arthur’s fever ain’t subsided well. Bouts of sudden dizziness and heat. No matter how much he tried to get back to functioning like a human it ain’t seem to be possible.
It took two more days until he could sit up for more than half an hour.
At least Sebastian’s doin’ better than him. Dutch got rather sick o’ him one time thou, squawked about a wounded dog in his camp; so Kieran took him fishing for most that day. Pearson was ecstatic to have so much fish. He made a fish broth, and it’s been something he ain’t known he needed or longed for.
Both Isaac and Sebastian stood on his bed, slurping hot soup like they ain’t ever had it before. And that somehow stuck with him. He pushed himself to draw that, even if it wasn’t one of his brightest ideas, a monster of’a headache split his head by the end. He ain’t known what to write beneath it thou. Not yet.
Days pass still and the camp’s getting all the friendlier to Sebastian, what Isaac said about them felt almost like a memory and the man like he’s always been there. He was a father. He could tell, by the way he’s taken to the youngest in the camp, and especially the girls; he snuck in to help Tilly and Marry-Beth with the chores Grimshaw gave ‘em. Arthur was sure they ain’t ever got cleaner clothes. Sebastian even taught Isaac how to properly scrub a shirt.
He got pangs inside his stomach whenever he thought about that. About, well, Sebastian, and what a whole ‘nother breed of man he was. How’d they even end up in the same place. How’d Sebastian end up in a whore house! That man laying down for others... And he ain’t sure how all that’d be working; lay on one’s back, spread his legs and hang his mouth open. Did his cock get hard-
It ain’t like that...
 No. There ain’t no denying it.
One day, Sebastian came to him. His shoulder was doing only better; at last he could move it with at least somewhat more accuracy. He was thinking of going hunting again, but Sebastian came to him.
“I saw you writing a lot.” He did. Kept him busy all these long dreary days where he was in-between ill and well. “I thought you’d have more use for this than I do.” Sebastian hands Arthur a pen.
A real fancy one: polished copper, and it ain’t no fountain pen, it had all the ink inside, and on the side two arrows. Jaw clenches. It was the first time since they held hands all those weeks ago that Arthur got that physical or affectionate: he pulled Sebastian into a hug. Man huffed against him.
How thy hell was he supposed to thank for that. He ain’t got no words. Nothing, nothing at all than a heart that drummed. He ain’t deserved any of the kindnesses Sebastian did to him.
Arthur ain’t deserving nothing...
“Thank you.” It was low, a rumble, spoken right next to the man’s ear. “Thank you.”
 That day, Arthur tied that medallion ‘round his neck, the Saint Sebastian one. It had to be a lucky talisman. And he finally knew what to write in his journal next to that drawing of him and Isaac eating fish broth; with the new pen to boot. That day he went up to Dutch:
“How are you feeling?” man asked, smoking his afternoon cigarette like it was a ritual; the gramophone blaring its high pitched song.
“Much better.” Arthur replied; inhaled to gather courage:  "Guess I need some days away after beein' cooped up in 'ere for weeks. Just me and the kid."
Dutch looked at him before puffing out the smoke, voice was inquiring: "And Sebastian?"
"And Sebastian."
Dutch threw the cigarette away, stomped the butt with his heel and moved closer to him:
"You know it smells of rotten business to me"
"Dutch!” Arthur got insulted plenty times but being called a fool for trusting a man he knew he could trust really offended him. Arthur can fend for himself and Sebastian ain’t no danger to the camp, just like goddamn Kieran. But that ain’t what Dutch meant. Lips purse, Arthur draws away; the remark is cold: “You know that all that matters to me is loyalty. ..And Isaac. Isaac's been all uppity these past few weeks. He needs some time with his Pa."
“Ye’r coddling him Arthur.”
“That ain’t ye’r call to make.” Don’t talk to him about parenting, Dutch. They were both outlaws and that ain’t a gentle life and not one fit for a kid that ain’t asked for none of this, least of all his Momma getting murdered like she did. “The kid ain’t an outlaw and I ain’t makin’ one o’ him. I want him to have better than I had. We all do.”
Dutch fell silent for a moment, then next he spoke his accusatory tone was gone:
“I hope you know you’re like a son to me, Arthur.”
“I know...”
 They still left that day.
“Where we headed, Pa?” They barely left camp, but the boy was smart enough not be heard.
“Sebastian?” Arthur ain’t really got much ahead of him, while he reckoned the man had something to return to.
And in all these weeks he still ain’t learned what exactly happened that Sebastian got his shoulder stabbed; he only said the obvious: someone was displeased and took corrective action. Arthur could only wonder if he was from the Molly-house, or maybe a client, to say it delicately.
“Well... I should be heading back to Saint Denis.”
“Then we’re comin’ with you.”
“No-” A purse of lips, a deep inhale. “No matter what I say you’ll still come with me, won’t you?”
“Guess that much is obvious. Lead the way, pardner!”
“How the hell did I get stuck with you?”
“We have a bad habit of getting nosey.” Isaac said in Arthur’s stead. This kid...
“You’re a menace and a half, boy. Hope you’re well aware of that.” Arthur intervened; yeah there was still a smile on his lips.
“Yes, sir.”
Laughter from all three of them.
“You raised quite the son there, Arthur.” Sebastian spoke. “Knows how to talk back, but for Christ’s sake can’t wash a shirt.”
“It ain’t like that!” Arthur chucked and the offense in Isaac’s tone could be felt, not just heard. “Pa!”
“Settle down, Isaac. He means you no harm.” Father talked to son; Isaac scowled but the road went on regardless.
It took a while before more serious topics arose:
“Where are you intending to stay? In Saint Denis I mean.” Sebastian asked.
“Can’t we stay with you?” Isaac replied with another question.
“Don’t think it’s a great idea to be staying in a Molly-house of all places.” Arthur tried, but he knew where that sentiment came from. Kid got used to Sebastian.
“It’d be for the best...” Obviously Sebastian ain’t enthusiastic either. “But there’s plenty hotels around the city. The Grand Hotel has plenty rooms, you should check there.”
“And now that leads to the question of money. We ain’t the richest people...”
“One dollar per night.”
Shouldn’t be too bad, but-
“How long are we gonna stay?” Isaac took the thoughts from his head.
“Dunno. I...” He looked at the boy. “I gotta think of some things over.”
More exactly: how to honor Isaac’s wishes without leaving any of the gang behind. John’s got a family of his own, wife and child. The girls, they can’t keep living like this. There’s a few men he reckons would fit better someplace else; the young ones: Sean, Lenny, Charles, even that Kieran kid, get the boy to work at a stable or something. But it ain’t easy talking to stubborn idealistic men: Sean might sooner die than give up robbing rich folk. Well he ain’t wrong, but their goal’s always been getting the money then getting out.
Seems there ain’t enough money in the world for people like them. They almost had all they needed in Blackwater, but that’s done and over-
Or was it. They ain’t knowin’ Sebastian, if only he and maybe that Kieran kid went back to collect, they might just get their hands on those money. It could give Sebastian a life. Whatever he got hurt over ain’t worth it and he reckons the man should pack his things and go.
But he can’t without the money, and Arthur ain’t sure he wanna pop that question to him.
A sigh.
“Everything a’right?” Sebastian sounded caring, and truth be told Arthur’s been silent for a while now.
“Nothing worth ruining a good mood over.”
“We in a good mood?” Sebastian cracks a laugh.
“Would you wanna be?”
“If I wouldn’t know you any better, I’d be sayin’ you’re flirting with me, Arthur.” Was that a dare, Sebastian...
But the kid had to speak up: “Everyone in camp think that anyway...”
“In no small part thanks to you.” Sebastian says.
“My own son snitching on me...”
“But the two of you are getting along.” Isaac continued with his statement. “You held hands- ”
“Isaac... It ain’t like that-”
“I just wanna know, Pa.” Isaac bowed his head then picked it up again: “You ain’t got sweet on anyone since I can remember. And it ain’t like you gotta be Dutch, bringin’ in girls once every few years, but... Well, Sean and Lenny all got sweet on the girls in camp, and it made ‘em happy! Thought someone might make you happy too, ‘cause Momma’s-”
“Isaac... You sweet kid. I’m well enough happy just to’ave got you.” He’d smooch the boy’s forehead if he wouldn’t be galloping.
He saw that, Sebastian, he saw that smile. And he ain’t quite sure what to make of this feeling; the heart’s heavy thinking that somehow he led the kid to think that it’s his job or someone else’s to keep this poor fool happy, at the same time’s filled with warmth ‘cause Isaac was, despite Arthur’s worst, shaping up to be a real good man. The boy has a chance at a real family, if only Arthur could gift him the freedom of a steady life.
There ain’t nothing easy...
Silence falls again and Saint Denis opens at their feet. They left Sebastian at his place, while they went on towards the Grand Hotel. They lodged in.
He was thinking of ways to earnestly earn money and maybe get Isaac involved as well to try and give him the chance of a honest livin-
“Mary?...” His mouth hangs open and he holds Isaac back, pressing the boy against his body.
“Arthur...” She was just as surprised to see him as he was to see her. “I... I would have wrote you a letter...” She looks down at Isaac, whose head whipped back looking for an explanation from his father. “That’s your son.”
“Isaac. Yes. He was real young when we- uhm...” The explanation was for the boy.
“How old is he?”
“17 this upcoming October...”
“I didn’t know- I. Arthur, I didn’t think you- You raised the boy an outlaw too.”
“No!” Don’t go accusing him, Mary... “He ain’t ever robbed someone- He’s always helped people, Mary. He’s most considerate.”
“Oh, Arthur, but if you couldn’t get out of your ways how’d you ever expect him to do so? You’re so tied up in your, your ideology-”
Isaac snapped: “We will get out.” Arthur kept him down. “We just gotta take care of a few people.” His son’s sounding more and more adult by the moment.
Mary looked at Isaac most shocked, a hint offended, then back at Arthur: “I’m sorry, Arthur... I see it now, no matter how much I still think of you, it would never have worked between us.” Arthur pins Isaac down when the boy tried to speak up again, shooting a glance back at his father with irritation. “You’ve been lying to yourself and your brought up your son to think the same! You think this ends somewhere? If it does, then change something, Arthur-”
“Don’t you speak to my Pa’ like that.” Isaac growled.
“I’m sorry, Arthur... I... I have to go now.”
Mary passes by them and trots downstairs. Arthur inhales deeply.
“C’mon. To our room.” A gentle nudge, and of course the boy picks up on the shift in his voice, the way the tone lowered and got drained of it’s usual sarcasm.
“Pa’, you can’t let people, that know nothing of us, speak to you like she did. It’s unfair.”
“People ain’t always fair, Isaac.”
“But you cared for her. She should have been.”
“Ain’t you getting your lil’ head wrapped up in some drama it ain’t supposed to be in?”
“You loved her, Pa, didn’t you...”
“Long time ago. Yes. You were real young.” Arthur sighs, opens the door to their room and steps inside after Isaac. “She couldn’t compromise and I couldn’t neither; ‘cause I was an outlaw.”
“But you tried.” Isaac sat on the edge of the bed. “I know you did.”
Arthur sits beside him: “That ain’t meaning I did my best...”
“I ain’t no outlaw.”
Arthur drags the boy onto his lap and presses a kiss on his back: “No, you ain’t.” A hand goes to comb that always messy hair of his: “You got gentleman material about you. You’ll be a great man, a great husband. Don’t let me stop you.”
Isaac shifts in his father’s embrace to wrap his arms around him.
“We gonna get out. And it ain’t only gonna be me.”
That’s a big dream, son...
 Night fell. He couldn’t sleep, but Isaac found it soon enough, sprawled on the expensive bed. Instead Arthur found himself on the narrow balcony smoking a cigar; cause just a lil’ bit of tobacco won’t do right now.
Mary just had to come in and make it all the more complicated – well, more like heartbreaking. At one point he dreamed, he really dreamed that he could be a husband to her, and her a mother to his son. But there was no way that was ever goin’ to happen, just ‘cause he is who he is. And how can he blame her and say he ain’t at fault that he’s an outlaw that can’t leave the life.
He should of left now, with Isaac for his sake. And he really wanted to. But it ain’t that easy. Arthur ain’t alone out there; John, Abigail, Jack, they’re going through the same struggles as him. They need a way out too. And if Arthur just left the guilt’ll follow him to his grave. Him and John grew up almost like brothers, annoying and dumb as he was Arthur cared ‘bout him, but mostly about his family, ‘cause the moron became a father almost entirely by accident.
And it wasn’t like Arthur became a father by design.
He can barely remember Eliza’s face. He saw her few times...
The cigar was reaching its end...
He left the balcony after the butt was thrown away. A hand goes in the satchel to grab a bottle of whatever liquor he had in there. And it all went down his throat in one go. Then Arthur went out the door, downstairs and out into the street.
He thought back to Sebastian-
He found a few more bottles of alcohol on himself. He stumbled half drunk into the brothel:
“Hi there mister-” language is slurred. “Hav’you seen Sebas-”
“Arthur?” he climbed downstairs, barely in a shirt and suspenders.
“Sebastian!” a big smile, a stumbled forward.
They more or less landed in each other’s arms. The lil’ saloon was quite busy tonight-
“You drunk, friend?”
“Just a lil’ tipsy.” And kind of missing a friend, hey- did Sebastian just call him friend...
“How’s Isaac?”
“Asleep- Can I talk to you ‘bout something-”
A hand lands heavy on Sebastian’s chest and stays there, fingers finding their way underneath the suspenders; head bows:
“I met Mary today.” He doesn’t know who Mary is, Arthur. “Mary’s- You see, I loved her a long time ago. I missed her so long.” Sebastian’s body stiffens. “I met Mary today an’ I made a fool o’myself... Said I wouldn’t- couldn’t change. And Isaac’s... Isaac’s told her off-”
“Sebastian, take him upstairs!” the bartender shouted.
“It ain’t like that!” Arthur shouts back at the man, returns his head to Sebastian soon after- “I ain’t wanting sex-”
He guesses he just wants a companion.
“Come outside with me.” Sebastian drags him outside, more or less pulling him on the hand; Arthur follows.
“Sebastian- I ain’t got ‘nough words to, just, thank you- Oh, I’m afraid you caught a fool...”
“At least you ain’t a moron.”
Arthur laughs: “Guess I got that...”
“I was thinking you got more than that...”
He’s not sure what he was alluding to: “You?”
Voice gets low and raspy: “Do I got you?...”
It ain’t that cold out, but there’s goosebumps raised on Sebastian’s arms. The man looks down; a pause:
“You’re wearing it-”
“You saved me countless times, I-”
“I didn’t bring you back when Isaac needed it.”
“But that ain’t the point! You saved me.”
“You have any idea what place you pulled me from.” Sebastian grabs the collar of his shirt and brings him closer. “Those three weeks in the camp were the most pleasant since-”
“Don’t think ‘bout that-”
Sebastian’s head drops again, fists pull Arthur closer and he just leans in. “I ain’t no Saint.”
“Like that’s what we’re meant bein’. I’m an outlaw for Chrissakes...”
A bitter laugh bubbles out of Sebastian: “Maybe I should be one...”
“And I who though we were tryinna become more upstanding citizens.”
“We... We.” His fists clench in Arthur’s shirt. “You still ain’t told me what you’re wanting to talk about.”
“Do I gotta ask again, goddamnit-” He’s feeling light on his feet. “What’s it with you? Do I. Got you.” He leans into Sebastian.
Silence. Bent over each other on the side of the road, Sebastian’s fists into his shirt, Arthur’s arms at ease beside his body, breath stinking of all sorts of cheap alcohol they just sit like that, like some broken down statue that you can’t tell what’s was ever meant to represent.
It’s a strange feeling bubbling in his gut, sweet and sour, tastes and burns like bourbon on his tongue; the more he sits like this the warmer his insides become, his palm, his temples, and heart starts beating like a drum, heavy. He remembers Mary for some reason... An electric shiver runs through his body, from the chest down, into his guts.
Arms lift at last, place themselves on Sebastian’s waist. Head dips up and closer in. He only catches the sound of a breath cut short when his lips press onto the other’s neck, just above the collarbone.
Retreat came quick.
Sebastian tilts his head away from where Arthur kissed, as if ashamed, as if allowing him for more.
Silence once again until Arthur couldn’t handle him looking at him like that, hair swept to the side of his face, eyes half lidded and expecting.
“That’s what I am to you?” Arthur speaks up at last.
“If you want that...” Sebastian’s lips tremble.
“Dunno what I want.”
“You seemed pretty convincing to me-”
The second one is ravenous, mouth presses wide and wet onto Sebastian’s neck, lips draw skin beneath them, then teeth. He moaned.
Arthur pulls away, startled, until bodies are no longer together. Breath is quick and shallow. He looks away. So does Sebastian, but his gaze quickly returns:
“Anything you want to take upstairs?”
The word that bubbles in his mouth is different that what his mind’s thinking, but lips purse and he’s got the notion that he has to weigh the heaviest feeling: that part of him wants this. Sebastian cares...
His name dangles from his neck, and his pen in his pocket.
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casualcatte · 5 years
[ FFXIV ] Writing Challenge #9: Hesitate
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@sea-wolf-coast-to-coast || Prompt List || Previous Entry
Sillesti moved about the cabin, fetching up the various things that he knew he’d need on this trip, stowing them into packs and satchels to be loaded onto his chocobo outside. As he strode across the living area, he looked over at the door to Aultena’s room. The miqo’te girl hesitated in the doorway, looking at her godfather with determined eyes.
“I told you, Tena, I can’t take you this time. It’s too dangerous.”
“I’ve been hunting with my parents all my life, since I was six!  You can’t tell me I’m not ready.  I was practically born ready!” She argued, leaving her position against the doorjamb and advancing on her elezen guardian. “I go on hunts with Rayne all the time and you never stop me then, so why do you hesitate now?”
“You and Rayne rarely come back with anything. I’m convinced you just go out and make flower garlands to put in your hair and talk about boys.” Sillesti said with a shrug, stuffing some clothing into a rucksack. 
“Augh! You’re so infuriating.” Aultena said, picking up one of his packs and shoving a set of blankets into it, along with a first aid kid. “You know I hate that nonsense. Rayne is the only reason we come home empty handed. If I was by myself -- or better, with you -- you’d see how much better my hunts would go.”
The elezen paused, looking over at her. “Well, I suppose you’re seventeen now. I can’t really pretend you’re a child anymore.”  He paused, weighing the decision, perhaps only for dramatic effect. As he looked over at the miqo’te, the girl was practically vibrating with her excitement, just waiting for him to say the answer she knew was coming. “All right, go get your things.” 
She whooped, running off to her room. Aultena was only gone a moment before she came back out, carrying her already packed bags. He had to admire her determination. A dangerous thing for someone in the future, but for today, he was just glad to see her so happy.
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darling-i-read-it · 6 years
Why Are You Together Again?
Billy Hargrove x reader
Word Count:1901
Warnings:language, slight implications of sex
Author’s Note: I know you said I could make it a blurb but I couldn’t because I just couldn’t I’m sorry I got carried away with this one and decided it needed to be essay length.
Request by @hotstuffhargrove :Request for fluffy billy hargrove, where he just babies you and give you small quick kisses and tickles you when you have free time and HE'S JUST A BIG FUCKING SOFTLY AND LETS THE L WORD SLIP AND UGH THANK YOU you can make it a blurb not an imagine that way you don't have to take a whole essay for that. Thank you!
Summary: request
Billy’s Playlist
(not my gif)
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Now. Whenever you tell people that you’re in a committed relationship with Billy Hargrove they think that you’re absolutely crazy. They ask if you’re alright, they ask if you really think it’s gonna work, they ask how you managed to get Billy Hargrove, the hottest guy in the school and what others say, the sleaziest.
And most of all they ask why you’re dating him.
And you never really know what to tell them. You could say because you love him but you had yet to tell even Billy that so that was a no go. He was always super nice and soft with you, always asking if you were alright, never laying a hand on you. You had been together for four months now and you had yet to have a fight that couldn’t be resolved even with Billy’s temper issues. Your relationship was healthier than most married couples but Billy never really showed that.
You sat in his car outside the school, late for class as usual, his head laying on your head softly. He only did things like that when there was no one outside to see him. You knew why, he loved his ruler of the school reputation and you felt no need to jeopardize that so you let him be his hard self in front of the school. In return he did this when you were alone.
“Babe?” he whispered. You didn’t look down at him so he didn’t have to move but you grabbed his hand and rubbed his bruised knuckles letting him know you had heard him.
“Yeah?” you asked, your voice equally soft.
“If I beat up that kid who’s been hitting on you, would you be mad?” he asked. You chuckled and you could practically see his smile despite not looking at him.
“I would advise you not to Billy,” you told him and he huffed.
“But I mean would you be mad?” he asked again. You rolled your eyes and looked down at his knuckles again, your fingers lumping over the scars he had made there.
“I would be mad. I hate it when you put yourself in danger,” you confessed. Billy hummed.
“I’ve never lost a fight Y/N.”
“Oh? So the fight with Steve was rigged,” you joked. Billy groaned and sat up. You whined when his warmth was pulled away but he just stared at you. You laughed lightly, bringing his face to yours and kissing him quickly. He rolled his eyes and turned to the window, pouting. You whined again and pulled at his arm. “Baabbbbeee! I’m sorry!” you said but you were giggling. He didn’t turn to you and you sighed leaning back. “Guess I’ll just have to find a new boyfriend. Maybe Harrington’s still single. It never hurts to ask,” you trailed off, your eyes wandering away from Billy. In your peripheral vision you could see him look back at you slightly and you snapped your head back.
“You wouldn’t,” he muttered. You shrugged, facing him again.
“If I was desperate,” you told him. He sighed and leaned back into you. You smiled and moved your hand back over his shoulder, messing with his denim jacket.
“Don’t do that,” he whispered and you nodded.
“Never ever babe,” you whispered.
You stood outside before school, early for once due to the fact you were driving and could ignore Billy’s advances when you were driving. He leaned against the car and you sat on the hood, feet dangling off the ground, one wrapped tightly around Billy’s leg. You were flipping through a magazine and he was surveying the school ground.
“Hey Y/N,” Tim walked up to the side of the car. Tim was your 5th period chemistry partner. He was a dorky little boy and hopelessly in love with you. You were nice to him but Billy would never be so you slid off the car quickly.
“Yeah Tim?” you asked. He glanced at Billy who was eyeing him, full aware of his presence after his girlfriend had unhooked her leg from his. Tim was shaking.
“The paper? You weren’t here yesterday I thought I’d grab it,” he spoke quickly. He handed you the paper and you smiled warmly at him, taking it
“Thanks Tim,” you whispered and let him go.
“What was that about?” Billy asked, rounding the car. You shrugged and held up the paper.
“Chem homework I guess. I-” you were walking away from the car backwards, talking to Billy and heading to class when your foot got stuck under the wheel of the truck parked beside Billy’s car. You twisted it and fell back with a yelp, wincing at the pain when you hit the ground. Billy was by your side in an instant, holding your hand and asking if you were alright. You nodded quickly but couldn’t hide the wince that came on as Billy examined your leg. He looked back at you, red faced and looking incredibly nervous.
“I’m gonna take you to the nurse k? Put your arm around me,” he instructed. Some people had gathered to see what had happened and Billy shoved them away as he carried you to the nurses office. It really wasn’t that bad, your ankle was twisted at worst but Billy was acting as though you had just had a heart attack.
“Babe,” you whispered. Billy glanced down at you as he shoved through the school doors.
“Relax,” you smiled through the pain and he rolled his eyes, walking through the office doors to the nurse.
The nurse concluded that you were going to live, at which Billy sighed. She would wrap up your ankle for the day and it would feel a little sore so she suggested you call a parent or guardian to take you home. Immediately Billy jumped in.
“Both her parents work all day. I’ll take her,” he said. The nurse eyed him and raised a wrinkled eyebrow.
“You her friend?” she asked. You smiled lightly.
“Boyfriend actually,” Billy stated. You rolled your eyes. The nurse nodded then looked at you. You didn’t realize she was silently asking if it was okay for a moment.
“Oh yeah I’d love for him to take me. He’ll get me ice cream my parents won’t,” you said. Billy rolled his eyes even know he knew that was true. The nurse nodded curtly, eyeing Billy again before writing you a absence paper and Billy a temporary one.
“Thanks Miss,” he winked as she handed it to him and you rolled your eyes, slinging your arm around Billy’s shoulders. He secured a hand on your waist to hold you up and helped you limp out of the school to his car.
“The one time we were early!” you complained as he softly put you in the passenger seat. He shook his head and laughed at you quietly as he slid in beside you. He started the engine and drove out, slower than he would have usually and drove for a while in silence.
“So where are you taking me?” you asked. He looked at you for a moment.
“Your house?” he said. You gasped.
“No. Billy Hargrove is actually listening to a teacher? We aren’t going to a bar or to a dance club or to the park? Who are you and what have you done with my Billy!?” you shook your hands dramatically. Billy grabbed one and held it, bringing you back to earth.
“You need to rest and so I’m taking you home.” You eyed him again until you realized he was actually telling the truth.
“Wait really?” Billy nodded. You stared ahead and then back at him. He was driving the speed limit. “No like really?” Billy rolled his eyes.
“Yeah Y/N.” You nodded and looked forward again, thoroughly confused but nonetheless grateful for him being such a good boyfriend.
That week and a half went by very slowly. Billy skipped every day of school to watch over you and although you knew he didn’t mind skipping you didn’t want him to get in trouble with his parents or the school board.
Luckily today was to be your last day at home, as instructed by the doctor and your parents who had no idea your boyfriend stayed with you sometimes. Your ankle was feeling much much better than it had and you were ready to be Billy Hargroves badass girlfriend again. But Billy Hargrove was having a bad time being badass now.
He sat on the bed with you, your head rested on his chest as he brushed through your hair with his fingers.
“Hey Bill?” you whispered. He hummed a sound a recognition. Your hand traced up his chest to the part of his button up shirt he had opened. He hummed again, this time in interest and was not expecting it when you turned to tickle him. He screamed, a really manly scream that made your head go back in laughter, exposing your easily tickable neck to which Billy reached for. You laughed in delight and screamed, trying to get away from him playfully and he wrapped his arms around your waist so that you couldn’t. You squirmed with laughter and breathlessly spoke,
“Babe! Stop augh,” you said laughing again. He stopped after a moment and you both laid back on the bed, both of you out of breath.
“Oh geez I love you,” he whispered. You both froze. He’d never said that before. A smile crept onto your face.
“Oh?” you asked quietly. He gulped.
“I mean only if-”
“I love you too Billy,” you said back. He relaxed considerably much. You reached for him and rested a hand on his cheek while kissing him. He placed his hand on your waist and it was soft and quiet and kind and slow and gorgeous.
The next morning as Billy walked to the principal to talk about the absences you sat on his car once more, waiting for him to return. Carol approached you, bubble gum popping in her mouth and judgement lining her eyes.
“So?” she asked, flanked by the group of popular girls. You looked up at them.
“So what?” you asked laughing. Some of the girls looked fidgety and nervous to be talking to the queen of the school. The only girl that had no problem chatting with you was Nancy Wheeler but she was much to good for Carols group of plastics.
“Why are you with him? Is it because the sex?” she asked. You choked on your saliva laughing.
“I love him. But the sex is pretty good too.”
All day: @swanky-batman @drunktnkmelomaniac
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… Hey, wireless?
Okay. Thank god for common sense. I accidentally lost my post bc my wireless conked out.
I was wise, and copied the contents. so we have lost nothing but the tags. Which weren’t that interesting any way.
So here we go!
In no order: (also, I apologise for any typos my fingers decided they wanted to type a mile a minute… DX)
Aw, Naohisa (still thinking I’m spelling his name wrong) is giving them science lessons…
That Melto loves and Asuna doesn’t get… XD It’s okay Asuna, I’m not sure I understand, either.
Melto’s so starry-eyed, gods love him. XD
Aw, Tyramigo. It’s okay, Melto, he doesn’t mean it meanly. ^^
They’re really cute though. XD
I guess Kou got the idea to see the world in his head from watching tv…
But I feel like there are better places to get into the river than jumping over this railing…
He’s clearly got no idea why that’s shocking. ^^
I guess she decided that she couldn’t really tell a 209 year old what to do…
This episode officially made me conclude that Ui and Touwa are the smols. They’re the youngest of the siblings. Kou is next, then Melto and Asuna are like… Twins who are slightly older than him. No one can agree which one of them is older. Banba is obviously the eldest and stuck managing them. Maybe until Gold gets here. Unless he’ll have to manage Gold, too.
Touwa’s fast, but Banba outweighs him… A for effort, though, sweetie. <3
To continue reading foreshadowing in everything… I wonder if Touwa commenting he doesn’t think Banba can lose in one v one means we’re eventually going to see just that happen.
Or, potentially, maybe Banba did once lose to someone in one v one?
Or both?
Touwa, honey, I just want you to know I very much support the concept of you and the others just tackling your brother. Like Merry and Pippin w/ Boromir. Just jump him. He could use the hugs.
Banba gazes majestically off into the distance as he prepares to be angsty.
Banba: ‘People will always betray you.’
I so want whoever hurt him like this to be an absolute dickwad and I want to see them get their asses kicked, esp by some truly pissed off little sibs.
By Banba, too, absolutely. But I would kill for an ep where the kids find out what this person did and go on a roaring rampage of protectiveness for their big brother. TT^TT DX
Touwa definitely doesn’t know what happened… DX I think he knew Banba was distrusting towards others and very much a loner, but he looks so sad and confused that I don’t think he knew it went this deep…
I wanna hug my little green gremlin son, too! DX I WANNA HUG ALL OF THEM!
Eh. I’m sure she’s fine.
Mook suit actors, the unsung heroes of any and all Sentai. XD
Hey, Green final slash! And Black again. ^^
XD Touwa. Banba’s just like ‘irritated growl.’ ^^
I’m… Pretty sure Ui just insulted this guy…?
Okay, here’s the thing. I don’t see nobody glowing green and losing life force. So… Did they just decide not to put that effect in, or… Or did the Minusaur actually come from someone else?
Like… Tall Cheese?
Ahem. Sorry. I mean Fita.
Though she’s not glowing either… Augh. I dunno what I’m saying.
Why would they chain up Ui, but not Kou?
Well done, Kou. ^^ Boy’s clever is a fight. XD
… What the heck was that boise and dramatic shot of her face? Where they just trying to remind us she’s an idol? I think it happened when the brothers find her, too… Does it mean something? Hmm… I dunno.
Kou’s reaction is hilarious, though.
Ui’s neck is gonna hurt later… DX
Okay, but later the brothers wake her up just fine? I guess the effects were only temporary… That’s probably why they chained them up, so that they couldn’t escape even when they woke up.
And… Kou’s sense ends here. Why didn’t you call the others, you dork? XD
Hmm… I miss Tankjoh, but I kinda like the new guy’s music…
I think he’s meant to be a drastically different personality. Where Tankjoh was surly and serious, this guy is bombastic and childish.
These are the most badass children I have ever seen.
Actually, that’s not true, but, they’re up there.
I’m wonder if it’s an effect of the brainwashing.
I love that girl in the lavender sweatshirt who just goes for the spinning kick. XD
Touwa probably bothered Banba until he agreed to bring her here. XD Which may have been easier bc Banba probably didn’t want to have to deal w/ her…
Melto thinking ‘oh, crap, she’s pretentious, the only way we’re gonna get her to talk is… *sigh* okay, someone has to take this bullet, it might as well be me…’
Honestly, though, I think the only other person who would possibly be willing to do that is Touwa, and probably not. Asuna wasn’t taking well to getting ordered around, and Banba would never kneel to anyone (… Well… Actually, no comment). My interpretation is that Melto realises she’s rather high and mighty, and that she’ll respond to an act of 'reverence’ like that, and he knows no one else in the room is gonna be willing to do it w/out complaining. So he just steps in to save them all the trouble. Mom friend to the rescue.
Honestly, it’s very sensible of him. ^^
I need to write more w/ Melto… DX
Banba is the back modelling. Bc boy can’t be in a single scene where he isn’t posing in some way at every opportunity.
Sorry Short Cheese, Banba doesn’t care if you think he has manners (I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to ditch her in the forest earlier XD). Touwa looks slightly miffed, but I think he’s less effected by it coming from you. The only one you’re offending is Asuna. And, actually, I’d advise against that.
Hey, isn’t Asuna also technically a noble?
Asuna’s like ‘First off, how dare you? Second, how dare you? And third… How dare you?’
XD This is even funnier bc of one of my casual ships. ^^
Melto hates this so much, but he’s willing to do it to find out what’s happening. XD Poor baby.
Oh, okay. So the mind control is just his thing.
This is so vague I can’t trust it… I mean, I guess most of it could be on the level, but… Hm. I gotta wonder if they were allowed to escape… And what exactly he’s got on them to have them still be doing this? (Bc next ep pretty much reveals they’re trying to trick the team) Is Short Cheese mind controlled? Is Tall Cheese? They repeat her ‘I would risk my own life to save her’ twice this ep, so I’m guessing Tall Cheese/little sister’s life is still in danger somehow…? I dunno. I guess we’ll learn this weekend.
So… What, you can just teleport? Why didn’t you do that when you were running before? SUSPICIOUS?
Also, I’m not sure I trust these flashbacks either, bc they’re from Short Cheese’s point of view, and next ep indicates she wasn’t being on the level w/ the team. I mean, she’s holding that orange rock in a bottle… But… Did it come from her planet? Is it something they stole from the Druidons? Or is there a part of this story that was left out (actually, that much is obvious bc Short Cheese didn’t mention the rock at all), where the Druidon gave it to her? Too many variables, even if I didn’t know they were up to something.
I should note that it’s pretty obvious they’re not actually evil and are being forced into doing this. They’re only here as guest stars and they’re being promoted as being idols (exhibit A, the abrupt song sequence coming up), so I HIGHLY doubt they’re gonna pull out the rug and make them outright evil.
And, anyway, the next ep preview practically confirms that. XD
Girl in the lavender sweatshirt is ready to kill something, I swear.
I also like the boy in the burgundy and white sweatshirt. XD He’s paying such good attention. ^^
Asuna’s offended, Melto’s somewhere else thinking about Wyzul, Banba doesn’t care and Touwa’s in. XD
Touwa clearly here thinking ‘dear god, I know I never want to go through that… O_o’
Honey, I am so sorry, but I make no promises. DX
That’s a very direct question, but no less then I’d expect from Banba. Though also… Kinda odd? What are you trying to establish here, sweetie? Why are you asking this?
This line is very important, clearly. They repeat it twice. Pretty sure it’s to make us understand that whatever is going on next ep, it’s bc the sisters are trying to protect each other. Like I said, I’m presuming that Tall Cheese is actually still in danger somehow.
WHAT WAS HE TRYING TO ESTABLISH W/ THAT QUESTION? And then he just accepts her answer? I’m confused…
I really can’t tell if he’s finding something odd w/ this, or if he’s accepting it bc he’s sympathising w/ her… DX Tatsuya is being unreadable too well! DX
And then she… Just starts singing? Like, I love this show, but… There could’ve been a better lead up to that.
Though I do love Naohisa reacting to the lights. XD
So… Was this just a random musical interlude, or… Was she doing something? I guess it was so that Kou could hear it and make the connection, but the execution could have gone a little better.
Banba takes that extra moment to pose. XD
Untransformed fight! ^^
I love how Banba just delays transforming to take off. :D
I needed to use a new emoticon.
Kou’s little ‘Ah!’ and pointing when the kids show up! XD
Girl in the lavender sweatshirt is going to cut something.
See, this is an effective use of the singing.
Uh… What. Melto, what does that… Whatever. Sentai logic.
Now he says ‘Okay, Tyra!’ instead of just ‘Tyra!’
Banba would be SO AWKWARD. XD
Oh, NOW you transform. XD Well, we wouldn’t have had that beautiful weapon toss if you had before. ^^
See? We bring up the line again, and there’s a weird sound cue? Does it mean anything?
Touwa sees the other smollest sib and must immediately go help her. XD
I do like the improve mobility of this mech. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely adored the clusterfuck of orbs that was the Kyuranger mecha, but… It’s nice to seem something more dynamic once in a while?
Kudos the new suit actor, too. Whose name still escapes me… DX
Convenient train tracks. XD Sentai logic.
Actually, just Toku logic.
I love MirNeedle and his honk and his spinning attack. XD
Could you be more tsundere in one sentence???
Touwa’s just like ‘stages of realising your brother is a tsundere, stage 3: acceptance’
Kou doesn’t mind, though. XD
I do think Banba is starting to kind of like the trio, but boy is very damaged and the concept scares him, so he’s trying to fight it as much as possible, even though it’s just kind of a slight, vague fondness at this point.
Like, eventually, he’s going to end up adopting them, it’s going to happen, he’s going to have at least four younger sibs, actually five. But we’re not there quite yet.
I would love a ‘we’re not each other’s only family anymore’ sort of thing from the brothers. Or maybe one of the trio telling them that. XD
One day, a Mosasaurus will be in that empty spot, I bet.
Melto and Banba on the same wavelength. ^^
So… The Minusaur host is dead now?
This is cute, but I already know there’s more to this.
XD Oh, Banba. You’re starting to like them, I know you are. You’re not getting out of this. Though I do get why you really don’t want that to happen.
Though I do think his getting emotional next week is a partially due to it. ^^ Like, yes, there’s the fact that he’s mad at Kou for being too trusting, and that it might be dangerous for all of them/earth, but… I dunno. Probably overthinking.
But I’m gonna wax on about that shot in the preview later, don’t worry. XD
Or worry, if you don’t want to hear my rambling. In… Which case why would you even be reading this.
Melto on point again. XD I really need to write more w/ you… DX
Though on the other hand, I guess there’s a possibility that she could have read it in Naohisa’s papers at the house, or he said it to her. But she didn’t seem interested in the research, and they could just ask Naohisa if he mentioned it.
Hm… Maybe they’re waiting to update the ED until Gold gets here.
Why does Kou have the inflation Soul activated?
… That sounds like he knows way  more about economics than he actually does. XD
As far as the preview, I like the drama that seems to be happening. ^^ Maybe they’ll finally give us some slightly more concrete info on what happened to Banba. Or just… Anything about the brothers’ past? And what about that hooded person? The sisters are up to something, but they’re obviously being forced into it somehow, Wyzul is definitely the sneaky type. We’re also heading into May, which means DimeVolcano and possibly Gaisorg/Gaisoulg? Though he wasn’t in any of the scans so even if his figurine is releasing, we likely won’t be seeing him until the very end/month after.
There are so many better possibilities. DX I know who I want it to be (even though I don’t strictly know ‘who’ that is XD), but there are other possibilities too.
And while I would like to see next ep, I am also curious about the arc coming after it. I really wanna know if my crazed visual analysis madness was right about it only being the kids who are trapped in Wonderland and Banba is trying to get them out. I wanna know.
Hm… Does anyone know where the ‘newspaper summaries’ come from? Like, we got the ones from 5 to 7… Are we gonna get ones for 8 to 11 at some point?
I am an impatient baby. DX ^^;
That’s all folks! Virtual chocolate eclairs for anyone who read all that. But, actually, that’s not all! I still wanna ramble about something—namely, and silly personal theory/hc of mine.
Bc of this face:
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Okay, so. During that conversation where Banba did the whole ‘Kindness can make one weak’ thing, I mentioned that I found Kou’s reaction interesting? Bc it might’ve been in his characterisation to get mad and insist that kindness does not make people weak—esp since he clearly still doesn’t think that. But instead, he just looked a little hurt, and looked sad? Like… It seemed to me he was more saddened that Banba thought that way at all than being offended by the statement. Not ‘how could you think that?!’ but more… Like ‘that’s so sad that you’ve been made to believe that?’ If that makes sense? That somehow, Kou caught on that Banba has this view bc he was hurt terribly in the past? And then there’s this face here. Boy looks like a sad puppy. It’s totally my skewed interpretation bc I had that thought before, but to me it looks like he’s looking at Banba like… Empathetically? Like he pities him? So now I’m falling even deeper into the idea that Kou doesn’t find Banba’s distrust of others insulting of offensive in anyway, but is just sad for the fact that someone could come to think that way. Realises that Banba is like this bc he got hurt and is scared, and is just heartbroken by that? That someone could get hurt so badly that they lose faith in nearly all goodness in the world? I might like it if there’s a moment where Kou proves he’s more thoughtful than he seems (like, he can be thoughtful, he has his moments—though he is still an impulsive, goofy doofus) by, like, outright asking Banba what happened to him. That’d def throw Banba for a loop, I think. This is, of course, just my overthinking and incoherent rambling. But I do like the idea. ^^ Last note: my god Tatsuya has pretty eyelashes! DX
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the-canine-king · 5 years
i answered all 50 questions in that oc question post
note: i'm only talking about the ones i made lol i was gonna link them all the character’s names to their profiles but that shit’s way too much work so: https://toyhou.se/CanineKing/characters/folder:all/tags:1/tagged:Original
1. Your first OC ever? hmm, there's probably two answers 1) an unnamed character who was basically a fantasy dressed fox kemono boy. do you remember playing a game as a kid where you look out the window in a car and you imagine someone doing sick parkour beside your car? he was the character i imagined (there was also a whole other story i dreamt up where i was some long lost princess from other world and he was gonna save me from this one but that's a whole other thing) he's technically a character i thought of but never thought of anything beyond that, i don't think i ever drew him either 2) 4 (maybe 5) characters i made in middle school where it was about these characters that come from families that can bend one particular element, and they're all friends on school trying to get used to their passed down powers and also be basically kid superheroes. i drew them out and gave them names, but i never wrote anything beyond that, but they were definitely ones that i would call my first actual written ocs 2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs? -looks at ace, eliott, and mel- no 3. Have you ever adopted a character or gotten a character from someone else? yup! before i wasn't so big on the adopt thing, but i turned into a fan w/ collecting designs and writing a lil story for them! i adopted 38 characters, and one other that's currently still in the process of trade :P (and unfortunately trying to purge some away) 4. A character you rarely talk about? unfortunately that'd be a lot of characters bc i'm super focused on drawing ace/ mel smooching for the 548787th time 5. If you could make only one of your OCs popular/known, who would it be? i'd probably make it eliott bc who else doesn't love a cute, shy, goat boy on the internet 6. Two OCs of yours that look alike despite not being related? ...... i can't think of any lmao 7. Are your OCs part of any story or stories? i literally only make ocs to make stories so 8. Do you RP as any of your OCs? If you do, introduce one of your RP OCs here! nah i can't do rp stuff :'D 9. Would you ever be willing to give any of your OCs to someone else? honestly, not really if i made them lol but i guess i can if i'm not attatched to them and such, so if i just made a design and offered them up then yeah i can trade them (unless i love their design lol) 10. Introduce an OC with a complicated design? even thought i haven't fully drawn my plans for his outfit, azazel would be the most complicated in my standards 11. Is there any OC of yours you could describe as a “sunshine”? me personally, i'd say eliott bc that baby boy is trying his best story wise, either thorne or lucas (but totally lucas since thorne is a liar at heart) 12. Name an OC that isn’t yours but who you like a lot TOO MANY AUGH the very first oc i fell in love with but was forever homes was like a fantasy setting character that was an adventurer and had eagle legs/ other features w/ banging colours but other than that too many others 13. Do you have any troublemaker OCs? again, a lot, i guess. bc they mostly fall into that trope? aiden (even though he's trying to be a better person), damien, eve, hugh (in a way), jack, ollie, ricky, roman, and wyatt 14. Introduce an OC with a tragic backstory uhhhh, hard to choose, i don't have any more bc i haven't written their backstories yet lol - growing up as a theif his whole life to support him and his mother, accidentally kills someone after an awakening of powers and is had to run from his hometown - growing up being shadowed over and forced to be someone that they're not, only to get their hubris get to them, causing themselves and others get hurt and can't even remember the person they loved - growing up w/ betrayal after betrayal she closed herself off, but they met someone and slowly opened up and accidentally fell in love w/ them, only later getting caught and fell from grce, then only to find the person they trusted before not remember them - after being caught on what seemed to be a fatal accident, gets rescured from a miraculous surgery, but he's slowly forgetting what he looks like and who he was every passing second - two people close to each other, only to end up w/ betrayal and lies 15. Do you like to talk about your OCs with other people? absolutely but if they ask me something i haven't planned yet i'm just "UHHH" 16. Which one of your OCs would be the best at biology (school subject)? 17. Any OC OTPs? nah ace/ mel is my notp :/ anyways if it's couples in general then: - ace/ mel - lucas/ darla - kaiko/ caspian - + a bunch of the parents in the monster family story - damon/ ollie (okay i'm really not planning for them to be together, but they cute u.u) - jebediah/ demon boyfriend - gunther/ harem - nadiya/ her girlfriend which i still haven't decided if i want her to be like a princess or a traveling swordsman of sorts) - the chimera girl i designed/ her human girlfriend - the fallen god/ mercenary 18. Any OC crackships? uhh i actually don't know :V anyone of the people listed  being w/ someone else would be a crackship? idk every other pairing i know i wouldn't like lol 19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why) i guess eliott! i guess also catherine, ricky, comet, and/ or captain since they were my fist group of ocs i wrote a bit about, but i think eliott means a lot more bc he was the one that got me thinking more about ocs  :> 20. Do any of your OCs sing? If they sing, care to share more details (headcanon voice, what kind of songs they like etc)? for some reason i feel like rosa would be a singer? va hc would be someone w/ a strong husky voice and she would probably sing really well in kind of old slow songs you hear in old bars i also thought maybe lillie could sing too, but they’d usually be softer songs or lullabies to calm herself down it’d be nice/ cool to write for fallen god to be able to sing as well, and maybe the mercenary too so they can have nights signing together. maybe fallen god can sing songs that are in their own god language or whatever, and mercenary can watch in awe there may be others but i can’t think of them rn/ they might be charas i haven’t fully made yet 21. Your most artistic OC lmao it’s a bunch of ocs that i haven’t developed my ocs enough for me to know so let’s skip i guess 22. Is there any OC of yours people tend to mischaracterize? If yes, how? i mean, people get some stuff wrong about my ocs sometimes but they’re usually so small that i really don’t care about it lol 23. Introduce OC that has changed from your first idea concerning what the character would be like? hmm they relatively stayed the same personality wise but i assure you everyone’s changed from their initial drawing of them 24. If you could meet one OC of yours, who would it be and why? that's. a really hard choice actually lol bc i wanna be hugged by one of the parents in the monster family story i made, but i also wanna hang out w/ the characters that i can comfortably hang out w/ lol 25. The OC that resembles you the most (same hobby, height, shared like/dislike for something etc?) everyone’s got a bit of shared piece of themselves w/ their ocs don’t they? 26. Have you ever had to change your OC’s design or something else about them against your will? against my will? i can’t think of anything that i changed against my will so no :V 27. Any OCs that were inspired by a certain song? the only two i can come up rn are: alistair (devil wears a suit and tie) and rosa (o, raven) 28. Your most dangerous OC? i guess the chimera girl i made since she’s trying to fit in the modern life? i mean i still haven’t thought of her story yet but i know she Angery 29. Which one of your OCs would go investigate an abandoned house at night without telling anyone they’re going? ace, aiden, maybe keaton 30. Which one of your OCs would most likely have a secret stuffed animal collection? mel, eva, roy 31. Pick one OC of yours and explain what their tumblr blog would be like (what they reblog, layout, anything really) eliott: landscape stuff, muted colours, mystical content here and there ace: default theme, memes, probably has a side blog that’s more of an aesthetic blog mel: super aesthetic blog, romance themed 32. Which one of your OCs would be the most suitable horror game protagonist and why? literally anyone in the renegade group i could’ve said anyone in the hunters group but they’re all fucking idiots (lee would be more closer to the renegade’s level tho) 33. Your shyest OC? eliott, roy, audrey, fallen god 34. Do you have any twin characters? i literally want to design twin ocs just to have twin ocs jdshfkjsdf 35. Any sibling characters? audrey, dylan, and elle + eve and juno + ace and jack 36. Do you have OC pairs where the other part belongs to someone else (siblings, lovers, friends etc)? nah not really lol 37. Introduce an OC who is not quite human ?? i barely have human characters in the first place, unless this one means humanoid :V 38. Which one of your OCs would be the best dancer? iiiii can’t think of anyone other than the two parents i thought of that i’m planning to be dance teachers lmao 39. Introduce any character you want i haven’t drawn them yet but fallen god and mercenary are two unnamed characters that i recently started thinking of where fallen god falls from the heavens and looses their sight, and the merc runs from their past meet and they team up together w/ the merc being fallen god’s eyes and the fallen go being their protector 40. Any fond memories linked to your characters? Feel free to share! i guess it;s just sentimental ones like, first ocs, first compliments, first art/ fic of them, etc. 41. Has anyone drawn fanart of your OCs? If yes, maybe show a picture or two here (remember sources & permissions!) YEAH AND EVERYONE DRAWS THEM CUTER THAN I DO (well i mean these were from freebies, art trades/ games, and gifts but still) please check out ace’s other’s art gallery and eliott’s other’s art gallery, bc they have the most of them (bc i ask for them a lot lol) 42. Which one of your OCs would be the most interested in Greek gods? whoever in middle school age i guess 43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess big n beefy, jokesters, heart of gold 44. Something you like about your OCs in general that i made them all (well of course not the adopted kids) 45. A character you no longer use? everyone every time i don’t focus on their story anymore than i used to ;;;; 46. Has anyone ever told you that you treat your OCs badly? fortunately no, and i hope no one does and it’d stop to others bc wow that’s rude as hell 47. Has anyone ever (friendly) claimed any of your OCs as their child? okay literally the first time i made eliott, everyone i knew wanted to adopt him as their kid lol 48. OC who is a perfect cinnamon roll, too good for this world, too pure eliott, parker, elle (i love all of them tho :’D) 49. Which one of your OCs would most likely enjoy memes ace, roman, ricky, aiden, dylan, eva, ollie 50. Give me the good ol’ OC talk here. Talk about anything you want i love all of my babes okay good night
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spiteweaver · 5 years
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“Lutece!” Banrai cried.
“Lutece?” Dreamweaver said again.
“Lutece!” Myrtle exclaimed.
“Lutece!” Phantasos declared.
“All right,” said Dreamweaver, “that’s enough of that.”
Lutece laughed, and to a crowd of cheering bystanders, leapt from the side of the ship. Dreamweaver clutched Banrai’s arm tightly, their hair growing wild with panic, but Lutece landed before them with all the grace of his lovely mother. (Although they thought he more closely resembled his reckless father, in a number of ways.)
“Delphine and Corentin’s boy,” Dreamweaver said, and immediately pulled Lutece into an embrace equal parts warm and crushing. “I cannot tell you how wonderful it is to see you again, dear one. It’s been far too long.”
“I wanted to come back sooner,” Lutece insisted, “but I thought I ought to get established first--augh!”
“You--didn’t--visit!” Phantasos chided, lifting Lutece off his feet with ease. “You--didn’t--write! You were my first love, you know? You said you’d never forget me, and then you ran off to the Shifting Expanse for two cycles!”
“Am I still your one and only?” Lutece asked.
“Eh, you were taller than me then,” Phantasos replied (Dreamweaver could tell that Lutece wanted to point out Phantasos’ ability to change his height at will, but wisely kept it to himself), “and you could beat me in a wrestling match. I’m pretty sure I’d wipe the floor with you now.” He swung Lutece around, then set him back on his feet. “Case in point.”
“So that’s how you choose your drakes,” Lutece teased.
Looking at him now, Dreamweaver could hardly believe he was the same little Lutece they had known so long ago. He’d grown into a fine young drake, with wild eyes and calloused hands. They recalled him as quiet and shy, always found in the shadows of his peers, but now he kissed Phantasos’ cheeks without a hint of bashfulness, almost seeming to revel in the attention.
Their expression softened, and they guided Lutece back to them (much to their son’s chagrin), brushing the hair out of his face. “You’ve come into your own,” they said. “The Shifting Expanse did you some good, I see.”
“You’re not really allowed to be timid over there,” Lutece replied with another laugh.
“What brings you back?” Banrai asked. “Not that we aren’t thrilled to have you, but I hope it isn’t anything serious.”
“Not at all!” Lutece assured. “I’d always meant to come back! Maman and papa have gone into exaltation, my siblings all have lives of their own, business is booming, and so I thought now was the perfect time!”
Lutece cleared his throat, and Dreamweaver saw a shard of the boy he’d once been in the way he cast his gaze downward. “I wanted to come home once I’d made something of myself,” he confessed. “I couldn’t show my face if I had nothing to offer...”
“Oh!” Dreamweaver took his hand in theirs. “That doesn’t matter,” they said, “we’re just happy to have you back!”
“Stop,” Lutece whined, “you’ll make me cry.”
“We’re the ones who should be crying,” Banrai said, and slung an arm around Lutece’s shoulders. “When we last saw you, you were no bigger than Morpheus and Phobetor.”
“Speaking of...”
Phantasos gave a shrill whistle, and the twins came to him--Morpheus tumbling head-over-heels, Phobetor with their hands shoved in their pockets. Phobetor gave Lutece a thorough examination before asking, “Who’s he supposed to be?” in just about the rudest tone they could manage.
“Brat,” Phantasos jeered, but before he could tug on his younger sibling’s ear, Phobetor had scurried out of reach. “He’s your elder, so show some respect.”
“Respect is earned,” Phobetor retorted.
Dreamweaver smirked. “You’ve taught them to be a bit too independent, haven’t you, Phantasos?”
“Hullo, Mr. Lutece!” Morpheus said, and thrust out their hand for Lutece to shake--which he did, very graciously. “I’m Morpheus, and that’s Phobetor! We’re Phanny’s little siblings!”
“Th-they’re yours, founder?” Lutece stammered. “But I thought...”
“They were even more of a happy accident than Phantasos,” Dreamweaver replied. “We never expected to have another successful pregnancy, let alone twins. Morpheus, Phobetor, Lutece was born in the territories, and now he’s come back; you can trust him.”
“Why’d he leave in the first place?” Phobetor asked, crossing their arms over their chest and jutting out their chin.
“My father was a mechanic.” Lutece squatted, and Phobetor’s bravado wavered. They took a step back, dragging Morpheus with them. “Feldspar wasn’t exactly technologically inclined in those days,” Lutece elaborated, “so him and my maman--that’s my ma--picked up the whole family and moved us out near the Lightning Farm.”
“Don’t let Phobetor’s cold welcome get to you,” Banrai said, “they just take Dreamy’s lessons about ‘stranger danger’ to heart!”
“Bet a ride on Cloud Nine’ll change their tune.”
Phobetor crinkled their nose, but Morpheus peered from behind their sibling’s shoulder with wide eyes. “What’s Cloud Nine?” they asked, their little fingers fidgeting with Phobetor’s shirt.
“My illustrious and esteemed vessel.” Lutece winked. “Want a tour?”
“Really?! I can go aboard?!” Their uncertainty all but forgotten, Morpheus bounded forward to yank on Dreamweaver’s sleeve. “Dede, please, please let us go!”
“What ‘us?’” Phobetor grumbled.
“You’re coming and you’re gonna like it!”
“That’s what you meant by ‘established?’” Dreamweaver turned to survey the airship, once more marveling at its great size and immaculate artistry. Now that they looked closer, they could see its name carved into its side in bold letters: Cloud Nine. “You’re a pilot?”
“Pilot,” Lutece replied, “and captain, and navigator, and mechanic--although I leave most of the technical stuff to my business partner!”
“Business partner?”
“You didn’t think I did all this on my own, did you?” Lutece snorted and rolled his eyes. “Shasta’d kill me if I didn’t give her equal credit--or, actually, majority credit, seeing as she’s the one who designed ol’ Nines. We’ve been working together for, oh, a full cycle now, I’d reckon.”
“Is she cute?” Phantasos asked, nudging Lutece playfully in the ribs.
“Sure,” Lutece replied, “but I’m not really her type. She’d date Dreamweaver before she dated me.” Grinning mischievously, he nudged Phantasos in return, hard enough to make the young heir double over. “We’re thinking about nesting, though, since we both want kids ‘n all. That’s another reason I came back; no better place than Feldspar to raise a family.”
“My spleen,” Phantasos wheezed, “my gallbladder.”
“Those aren’t on the same side, Phantasos,” Myrtle said. “Isaiah would be very disappointed.”
“Hey, you lazy son of a bitch!” As one, the group looked up to where another figure now stood, leaning over the very railing Lutece had leapt from. Judging by the blue-green feathers along her neck, she was a Coatl--and not a happy one. “I know you like playing at being a rogue without a cause,” she spat, “but we need every hand we can get up here!”
“Shasta,” Lutece hollered back, “these are the founders and their children! You should come and greet them!”
“Are you off your fuckin’ block?!”
“Well,” Lutece said, “if she won’t come to you, I suppose I’ll have to bring you to her.” Timidly, painfully so, he offered his arm to Dreamweaver, and they were struck again by how much he had grown, and yet how little had changed. “If you’re amenable,” he went on, “I’d like it if I could give all of you the grand tour.”
Dreamweaver smiled. “I would like that too.”
@nostlenne  @serthis-archivist @airris-fr @reanimatedfr @jollyroger-fr @megane-pigeon @griminal-rising @windkissesfr
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dylanobrienisbatman · 6 years
Rewatch: Episode 1x08, Day Trip
Some of our best commentary from our rewatch 
Why does Clarke mention never having ‘floated in the water’ in her little monologue? it seems weird. Like not, felt the breeze in her hair, or seen plants, or felt the grass on her feet? Bri got us thinking about this. 
Bellarke was a perfect ship and then Clarke went bonkers and ruined it all. 
We got strangely into the minutia this week. 
Bellamy sitting there staring at Lincoln, the GUILT in his face. god, we love our sad son. 
Why does Miller get that job, telling parents their kids died?
Bri just reminded us to mention how pretty s1 Bellamy is. Very important
Miller getting head butted is so fucking funny. 
Where did they get a camera, for that video chat?? 
Bri said probably the art supply store lol
Always all up in the Jonty feels during s1. 
We’re all so pumped for High Jonty
Shumway is the fucking worst. 
Octavia is such a petulant child, we love it. S1 Octavia gets to be a part of Pettykru. 
Her little “why do you even care, if i ruined your life”... man, siblings. 
Bellamy is such a grumpy boy. He needs to find a book and chill out. 
Elyse said he’s grumpy because there are no books. 
We love our Grumpy Boy™
Bellamy Blake, at it again with the iconic lines
Seeing Monty just makes us sad
Raven bby leave him you deserve so much better. 
Finn needs to stop being stressed about Clarke when his peRFECT GIRLFRIEND RAVEN REYES IS RIGHT THERE. 
Octavia asks Lincoln “its good right” when she giving him a drink. Babe.. Honey.. its WATER. he has definitely had it before. 
Elyse reminded us that she was never properly socialised. We will give her a pass. 
The line about Bellamy being a dick always makes me laugh, its so true. I love my dickhead son. 
A Necessary™ shot of Ricky Whittles Abs. 
Octavia taking responsibility for something? are we hallucinating? did WE ingest jobi nuts? 
Octavia being Petty again, but Raven is such an adult. 
Why are Raven and O always best friends in fics? like obviously no shade on any fic writer your stuff is always amazing everyone, but the show never really digs into that friendship, far as we can remember. They actually kind of actively dislike each other for a while.
I said i wanted to Vom about finn, and Elyse told me to drown him with it. So thats gross.
Clarke talking about the dirty bunker, such a princess
Bellamy is so grumpy about the blankets? like dude. Chill. 
He DOES chill, almost immediately, upon finding guns. the nerd. He’s like a kid on christmas. that smile is blinding. 
High Jonty is the best Jonty tbh. 
Monty is such a calm stoner. Just wants to hug the Earth. 
The camera angles used in this to show us that they’re all high is so cool. 
this is such an awesome episode all around. 
Octavia definitely only knows slang because her entire socialisation is a bunch of teenage criminals. 
Miller definitely doesn’t have siblings because if he did he would have never ever trusted those nuts Octavia gave him. His lack of suspicion is entirely because he doesn’t have a sister. 
INTENSE keysmashing over the bellarke gun shoulder touch. THROWN BY THE INTIMACY OR SOMETHING RIGHT?!?! 
They banter like an old married couple “we NEED to do this” “No we NEED to do that” lol. 
WHy couldn’t bellamy have a nice happy trip like Monty. poor sad boy. 
The difference in everyone’s trip was really awesome as a narrative choice
How is Clarke not MORE messed up after a year in solitary. 
okay we all love the ‘i can’t change the tide’ line, but i never noticed that when he comes into Finn and Raven’s tent, he starts with “Is the moon in here?” lmfao monty is an angel 
Raven making finn come out because everyone is so high is so funny. 
Clarke is so YOUNG. Like sometimes we all forget how young she was in the first season. Shes literally 17, season 1 doesn’t even go a whole month and in episode 1 she says she doesn’t turn 18 for another month. 
She just misses her dad, its so sad. 
They’re all just kids! Even Bellamy is only like 22/23 which is just about our age. 
Clarke being such a Teenger™ to her halucinated!Dad is so funny 
Okay but actually how old is Lincoln supposed to be? 
I have made Bri reevaluate the entirety of Linctavia. 
“The most beautiful broom, in a broom closet, of brooms” and then the kid just sort of hums at her. What a great Raven line. @the-most-beautiful-broom we miss you <3 
On first watch we were definitely all nervous that Lincoln wouldn’t get away. This is one of Finn’s few good moments. 
Elyse pointed out that Finn is like two separate characters, and Bails (no surprise) mentioned how they talk about that a lot in the @metastation podcast, about how they just sort of attribute random traits to Finn to fit his plot line. Go listen to the podcast, especially for s1. 
Jaha’s line “You want the peace of death” is so intense and well delivered. 
Bell saves Clarke, Clarke saves Bell, they save each other, they forgive each other, god s1 Bellarke is so alsdhfinsakldmjsdkjfh
Bullet to the neck Bell? *Jake Peralta Voice* Smort
Augh the forgiveness scene
Forgiveness... can you imagine. Hamilton references are always necesary. 
Bellamy is SO SAD AUGH. 
He just wants to be the man his mom raised him to be (our thoughts on aurora blake are... not so positive but its still super sad.) 
We all just wanted to cry because Bell is so so sad. 
Can they please ACTUALLY parallel the forgiveness moment in s6, and not this half assed shit they did at the end of s5? because thats not forgiveness. 
God these babies need a nap. 
Monty the Pine Cone Eater
“They’ll kill us” “Or Worse!” Okay, random kid... whats Worse? exactly? 
That synchronised Power Couple Strut™ and dropping of the guns, the epic power couple speech. Iconic.
Bellamy definitely made them practice this before they went in. “No clarke, you gotta say it like this”. He’s a Drama Hoe. We love our Drama Hoe. 
For real though, even with all the problems they have later, the way they actually write the Blake Siblings is so good. They feel like real siblings. There are a lot of shows that write siblings that you can just tell the writer doesn’t have siblings and didn’t ask anyone’s advice. But the Blakes have that dynamic of like “I’ll definitely kill you, but if anyone else says a bad word about you, I’ll kill THEM.” They have this petulant back and forth, but its always sort of underlined with this deep love. The writers know how to write a sibling relationship. Even when it becomes abusive and terrible later, that sort of weird dynamic is still there. Problematic, but the dynamic is well done. 
Finn is so high up on his own pedastal. Bellamy tortured Lincoln to SAVE YOU. How are you gonna shit all over him for it. How are you gonna question him like that. 
Clarke saying she trusts Bellamy is so lakdhjflsjhafkd;sa
Finn is such a fucking tool. 
The whole scene where Bellamy and Clarke talk to Jaha is so amazing
The scene where Diana kills shumway is intense. 
Kills: Bellamy: 1 Diana Sydnee: 1  Attempts:  Dax: 1 
“How many times did we talk about hating Finn” Tally: 6
Countdown till Raven meets Zeke: 6 years 6 months and 15 days, 56 episodes.
Times Bailey mentions the @metastation podcast (because she has a problem):  2
Times Octavia takes actual responsibility: 1 
How many times we called Octavia Sneaky: 5
Times Clarke’s Canon love interest is jealous of her relationship with Bellamy: 1
Countdown to Finn’s Death: 26 days, 13 Episodes  
 @granger--danger @raven-reyes-of-sunshine
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The Worm Reads: Empire of Storms, Ch 42 - 43
Manon Blackbeak cracked open eyelids that were too heavy, too burning, and squinted against the flickering lantern light that swayed upon the wood panels of the room in which she lay.
HHHH I’VE BEEN DREADING THIS. Please kiss the Manon we know goodbye, because we’re likely gonna never see her again after this chapter.
[Manon] bolted upright. Abraxos. Where was Abraxos—
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Unghhh their relationship is too pure and wholesome for this shitty novel. I seriously want Manon to leave this series and go to HTTYD, it’s what she deserves.
(...) the chains now around Manon’s wrists, around her ankles—anchored into the walls with what appeared to be freshly drilled holes.
FRESHLY DRILLED HOLES. What did they use to drill those holes? Don’t tell me they popped down to Home Depot and picked up a brand new screw gun I am l aughing
Alien is there and already I’m seeing red please SJM i am begging u keep Alien’s crusty ass 100000 miles away from Manon
[Aelin] jerked her chin toward the floor. A pitcher and cup lay there. “Water’s next to the bed. If you can reach it.”
And as it turns out, Manon can’t reach the water and passes out soon afterwards. Fuck Alien I can’t think of one character I hate more than her fucking selfish ass.
Even unconscious, Manon’s every breath, every twitch, was a reminder that she was a born predator, her agonizingly beautiful face a careful mask to lure the unwary to their doom.
idk this seems weird... Manon is passed out from pain but they’re all splooging over how hot and dangerous she is... idk...
They were nearing Banjali now—and Dorian had tried and failed not to think of his dead friend with every league closer to the lovely city. Tried and failed not to consider if Nehemia would have been with them on this very ship had things not gone so terribly wrong.
*sobs* I miss Nehemia.... she deserved so much better....
“Hello, witchling,” [Dorian] said. [Manon’s] full, sensuous mouth tightened slightly, either in a repressed grimace or smile, he couldn’t tell.
What the fuck is up with SJM making all her men horny for the women’s lips during situations that are in no way sexual?? Like Manon is a prisoner tied up and dying of hydration, why is Dorian thinking about her mouth this is so fucking weird
Dorian didn’t feel like mentioning that he’d been the one who’d jumped into the water [to save Manon]. He’d just … acted, as Manon had acted when she’d saved him in his tower. He owed her nothing less.
Ungh SJM is totally gonna make this a thing ain’t she. Like Dorian is just repaying her here but you know, you just know SJM is gonna use this for them to hook up.
Manon asks Dorian about Elide and the Thirteen and Dorian is like “who the hell are those guys” and Manon gets all sad and I’m :(((((
Whatever had happened, whatever [Manon] had endured … Dorian draped an arm along the back of his chair. “It’s coming in a few minutes. I’d hate for you to waste away into nothing. It’d be a shame to lose the most beautiful woman in the world so soon into her immortal, wicked life.”
Heh, that’s typical Dorian for you. Hey, maybe this ship won’t be so bad! Maybe they’ll become really good supportive friends who bond over all the trauma they went through and-
“I am not a woman,” was all [Manon] said. But hot temper laced those molten gold eyes. [Dorian] gave her an indolent shrug, perhaps only because she was indeed in chains, perhaps because, even though the death she radiated thrilled him, it did not strike a chord of fear. “Witch, woman … as long as the parts that matter are there, what difference does it make?”
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Sorry about that little tangent but my jaw actually hung wide open when I read that line. Holy fucking shit this novel is going to put me in the ground six feet under.
Dorian offered a lazy grin in return. “Believe it or not, this ship has an unnatural number of attractive men and women on board. You’ll fit right in. And fit in with the cranky immortals, I suppose.”
I’m so heartbroken but... I have to disown my baby boy. Dorian was once one of my few favorite characters but SJM has killed him and replaced him with a transphobic asshole. I’m so sorry my baby boy, you flew too close to the sun. You are hereby demoted to Dorito.
Assdion rears his ugly ass head to be rude to Manon and kiss Alien’s ass before leaving. Bye bitch, hope you fall off the ship and drown.
“Then I suppose you and I are both heirs without crowns.”
Remember last time Alien said this and I defended Dorito, saying he deserved his crown? Oh, how I took those earlier chapters for granted......
The rest of the chapter is Manon angsting about all the shit she’s been through lately. Since I like Manon and she has reason to be upset, I don’t have anything to make snarks about so next chapter.
Lorcan was still wondering what the hell he was doing three days later
Oh fucking great, I just witnessed the murder of my son Dorian and now I gotta read in Lorcan’s POV? Just keep kicking me while I’m down why don’t you, SJM.
“It’s going to rain.” [Elide] slid a flat glance at him. “I do know what thunder means.”
Just fucking stop. This isn’t entertaining at all to watch two people bicker and made snarky remarks 100% of the time to one another and yet we’re supposed to believe they’re bonding I want to d ie
“Drink,” Elide commanded him. Lorcan debated telling her not to give him orders, but … he liked seeing this small, fine-boned creature in action.
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What the fuck does that mean?? Fine boned?? Is that really a way people describe others???? What the fuck am I reading???
So Lorcan drank and watched [Elide] while she watched others. So many calculating thoughts beneath that pale face, so many lies ready to spill from those rosebud lips.
I’m so tired like. You guys have done nothing but argue and avoid each other and now Lorass is getting horny at the sight of Elide’s lips I’m so tired.
[Elide] was going to leave. Tomorrow, whenever the carnival rolled out. She’d likely hire one of these boats to take her northward, and [Lorcan] … he would go south. To Morath.
:(( the girl I emotionally abuse is going to leave after we both lied to one another :((( this is so sad can we get 100 likes
Elide talks to some people inside a tavern about Alien.
“Seems like the queen has a habit of showing up where she’s least expected, unleashing chaos, and vanishing again.
Elide walked out of the third tavern, Lorcan on her heels. They hadn’t spoken once since she’d gone into that first inn. He’d been too lost in contemplating what it would be like to suddenly travel on his own again. To leave her … and never see her again.
I am utterly baffled you two have been nothing but assholes to each other!!! Like seriously you haven’t done anything nice for each other!!! Like wtf SJM is trying make us all :’((( about them splitting up but I can’t wait until this stupid subplot ends!
Elide reveals she can’t read to Lorass and he tries to compliment her, but...?
He wondered if he would have ever noticed if she hadn’t told him. “You seem to have survived rather impressively without it.”
I mean, good on him for not judging her, but like, she was locked up in a tower doing maid work? Reading skills really wouldn’t have made much of a difference there.
Turns out their carnival co workers ratted them out and sent guards after them. Lorass hauls Elide over his shoulder and makes a run for it.
“The gates at the city entrance,” [Elide] gasped as muscle and bone pummeled into her gut. “They’ll be there, too.”
Holy shit that sounds painful. She’s not a sack of potatoes Lorass, try some gentleness.
Lorcan pocketed the axe he’d thumbed free
You literally just took out your axe like two paragraphs ago on the same page. What was the point of this?
They find some rando and force him to get them the hell out of dodge on his boat. Elide hears a splash but doesn’t think anything of it until she sees Lorass again.
[Elide] glanced at the hatchet at [Lorcan’s] side as he strode out of the cabin. “You killed him, didn’t you?” That was what the splash had been. A body being dumped over the side.
So, just to recap, according to Lorass.... killing an innocent man who helped you escape the guards; completely justifiable. Stealing something you suspect is bad from a woman you don’t even like; evil, unacceptable, crossing a line. 
“He might have had a family depending on him.” [Elide]’d seen no wedding ring, but it didn’t mean anything.
I was about to get tilted but SJM corrected herself. I hate the mentality that if you don’t have a spouse, you clearly can’t have a family who depends on you. Kids from previous relationships, parents, grandparents, siblings, they’re family too y’know.
Lorass finds out the Wyrdkey he carried is a fake and loses his shit.
Then Lorcan flung open the door, so violently it nearly ripped off its hinges, and hurled what looked to be the shards of a broken amulet into the river. Or he tried to. Lorcan threw it hard enough that it cleared the river entirely and slammed into a tree, gouging out a chunk of wood.
I enjoy his misery tbh. Lorass is so pissy he reveals to Elide that Alien was Celaena, or as I like to call her Celery, at one point.
“You knew, and you didn’t tell me. Why?” “You still haven’t told me your secrets. I don’t see why I should tell all of mine, either.”
I mean, yeah, hate to agree with Lorass but fair enough. You’ve both done nothing but lie to each other’s faces, why would he tell you that? I want to like Elide but all this shitty drama and bickering is making my affection for her wear thin.
Then - holy fucking shit, there’s like a bunch of huuuuuuge paragraphs of Lorass and Elide bickering and they’re so fucking big. This hurts my eyes to look at. I’m gonna screencap one of them, just to show you how fucking huge they are.
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HOLY SHIT SJM BREAK UP YOUR BIG ASS BRICKS OF TEXT PLEASE. My eyes started to cross trying to read this, it took me like three tries.
tl;dr because of some bullshit Lorass is staying with Elide because they both have business with Alien. Fuckin’ great, I love everyone’s agendas revolving around the main special snowflake, just fuckin’ great.
There’d been nothing inside the amulet but one of those rings—an utterly useless Wyrdstone ring, wrapped in a bit of parchment. And on it was written in a feminine scrawl: Here’s hoping you discover more creative terms than “bitch” to call me when you find this. With all my love, A.A.G.
Maybe I’d find this amusing if Alien wasn’t a walking shitstain, but... I’m tired. I’m so goddamn tired.
[Lorcan]’d kill [Aelin]. Slowly. Creatively.
Damn wish you would fam, but Alien’s got plot armor bigger than her fuckin’ ego. Lorass ends the chapter by saying he’ll kill Alien, which we all know won’t happen. I’m betting money that there’ll probably be a Lorass/Rowboat/Alien love triangle once Lorass sees what an ~uhmazing~ queen Alien is. Don’t give me that look, you know SJM would.
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