#i had so much going on in middle and high school i’m glad my lotr phase got delayed to now so i can give it the attention it deserves
magicae · 1 year
i’m very much back on the constantly thinking about legolas lifestyle
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euronymous-files · 3 years
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What follows is a summary of the most interesting information (about Euronymous) that Marius Vold gave during an interview with Thomas Eriksen of Mork. The direct quotes are in bold, and the rest is a concise version of what was said. You should definitely check the whole interview here.
note: M is Marius, E is Euronymous, V is Varg and T is Thomas (the interviewer).
- M worked at Helvete, he made many of the medieval weapons, chain mail and clothing that can be seen in various bands' pictures in the first days of norwegian black metal - fun fact: M got scared the first time he listened to "Deathcrush" - M talked to E a few months before E opened Helvete. E told him about his idea of opening a record store and M liked it. Then one day E called M and told him to come and see the shop. When M got there he was impressed with the atmosphere but he also remembers there was almost nothing on the shelves. "They painted the whole thing black, he and Metalion, I think". - E was importing records for the store but there weren't many of them... but people came to the store and donated some of their records; everyone was contributing in some way, as a community. Some would also give them other stuff like candles, curtains, or a telephone. - "It was all black. When you came in from outside into the store you couldn't see anything. You had to stop and just wait for the eyes to focus. And the most funny thing was right inside the door there was a step up and EVERYONE tripped! [laughter] We were just sitting there in the dark and waiting for someone to come in and trip. Really fall on the floor and then point and laugh [more laughter]." - So at the beginning they got free records from their supporters, plus E through his contacts abroad managed to import some more records, and by selling them they started to make some capital, but they never actually got any money out of it because all the income was barely enough to pay the monthly rent which was around 6000 kroner. - apart from records (especially demo tapes), they would also sell the weapons that Marius and Sverd (Steinar Johnsen) made. - They would get lots of customers but "E had this idea that you shouldn't make too much money, you shouldn't be greedy, so when he sold an album for like 120kroner he's like maybe 20 kroner for him, so you can't run a record shop." So if he bought an album for 100 he would resell it for 120, but those 20 went all into the rent. "So he wasn't greedy, then?", asks T. "Absolutely not!" replies M. - The staff at Helvete was: E, M, Occultus, Thrasher, a girl named Tove and another young boy who didn't want to go to school anymore and wanted to work in Helvete, so his teacher came down to the shop one day to check the place and asked E if the kid could work there and E was like "sure". - E lived in the back room. "It was no way to live. Mattress on the floor, with all the books [...] then he found kind of a secret room in the ceiling [...] 1.20m high, so he put his bed in there, but it was so difficult to get up and down. [There was no ladder] He had to climb on the shelves and pull himself up there. I think he was glad when he finally got another place to stay when he closed the shop." - "E was a guy with a lot of ideas". "In a positive way?" asks T. "Both ways", replies M. [laughter] "He had all these thoughts about the music [...] what it should mean and the feeling around it, and it was very important for him that most people didn't like it. They shouldn't like it. Less people the better." "It's a funny way to look at things when you're trying to run a business", says T. "Yeah, but he was really not TRYING to run a business.", answers M. [more laughter] He was rather interested in enjoying the sense of community and being around like-minded people, and with time more and more people gathered around the shop, and with them came also "the wrong people". - The satanic part was just image, there was nothing "ritualistic" going on. "It was to scare the guys in the street". "The closest satanic thing was maybe lighting the candles, having a photoshoot in the basement, corpse paint, walking around in capes and stuff, but you didn't talk in old latin and write big pentagrams or anything, you know? No killing sheep...". - M never liked Burzum’s music at all - T says he knows E's girlfriend. M asks "which one?" and T replies "The last one". Then T says "I remember the first time I met her - I'm not going to use any names - but the first time I met her we were in the same room and I was talking about music, as we do, and I happened to say that I like Burzum, as a reference, and she kind of had it with me... We're friends now, there's no problem, but I understand that you guys were so close to it..." - the first time M saw V it was in Helvete. E called M and said "I have a strange guy in the store, he's been here for the whole day... just been there, you know... and he's talking about fantasy and LOTR...". E wasn't into that but knew that M was so E asked M if he wanted to come down to the store to talk to this weird guy. After talking for a night, M says about V: "He rubbed me the wrong way, he wanted everything more extreme. He was talking about 'it would be really cool to make a live with just black metal people'...ok, what's that about?... 'Just hunting each other in the forest with real swords and real knives'... ok, ok, you know I don't want my arm cut off... so I took a step back, let him just talk." - the moment V entered the picture and he became friends with E, M says was the point where everything turned to the worse. - the Black Circle - as it was indeed called at the time, according to M - was just around 10 people. They were in because of the way they looked at things, how they fitted into this cult-like vision. The members were E, M, V, Snorre, Faust, Fenriz, Ted, Occultus and Hellhammer (but he was in and out). Some people asked to get in but that's not how it worked, you needed to be considered worthy. It was essentially like a gang of friends, they would hang out in the basement and have parties, listening to metal and stuff... - Helvete closed in march '93 both because of the amount of attention from the media and because of the rent being too high. E also had some pressure from his family. He was living in the store in terrible conditions, he wanted out, so his parents basically told him that if he closed the shop, they were going to help him get a place to stay. So he accepted, deciding to concentrate more on the label. - there wasn't really any written contract between E and V, it was more a verbal deal. In the beginning V said he could pay for the whole thing, that he wanted his album to come out on DSP because he wanted to use the DSP name to get more attention. M never heard V being unhappy with the economical part and he doesn't know where the hostility came from. M doesn't remember E ever telling him why things got wrong with V. He says "V often lied about things. For me he lied a lot." - After Helvete closed, M remained in contact with both E and V but he never liked V so it was only V who called him and M just listened to V talking and then replied in a disinterested way. M recalls V telling him "If you come to Bergen and if you support me and not that fucking guy in Oslo, then I will buy more clothes from you and the chain mail and stuff". M says "I could see through that, it was just bullshit, he was saying that to butter me up". - M was informed of E's death by Hellhammer. M was shocked and kept thinking who could have done this; he couldn't figure it out but he went to the police because he had to tell them that in his opinion E must have known his murderer, since the only way to get into the apartment complex was to ring the intercom and announce yourself. Also, there was no name on E's button, so the killer must have known which one to push and E must have recognized the person, and let him in, in the middle of the night. M also says that E was very careful about that, he never let in anybody he didn't know, not even someone who claimed to be the mailman. - After E's death, M didn't have any more inspiration and didn't want to stay in the community. "I had kind of a reaction to metal after the death of E. I couldn't listen to metal for several years."
----------------------------------- The Thomas Eriksen Podcast #10 - Marius Vold
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1}The reader (who's basically grew up abused and without love) comes to middle earth and for some reason she's blessed with long life (like Aragorn) she went through the whole fellowship adventure. After, she gets an offer to stay at Rivendell from Elrond. She agrees, since then she's seen him as a father figure and he's the only one she feels 100% comfortable with. She then accediently calls him dad and immediately she rushes off and aviods him. -Nina
⚠️ trigger warning for reference to abuse ⚠️
I hope you’re doing okay xx this will probably be split into two parts the way you made the request 💖
(I do not own LoTR or it’s characters)
Your legs ached. Sometimes you were humoured at how after everything you did with the fellowship your legs still felt like they would give way beneath you after walking. However they were rather typical after a long walk, however long walks were one of the things that kept your head clear at the worst of days. Sadly there seemed to be no shortage of those days especially today. There wasn’t any particular reason for it but still the curse of feeling saddened and a tad angry at the world didn’t ever need a reason to plague your mind.
Usually, when you felt as if your mind had betrayed your body with such heavy thoughts, you’d spend time with Legolas. He was speaking in terms your best friend. Sometimes you questioned if you both had some sort of mind connection. He knew when things were wrong at the flick of a switch as did you but no matter how close you got, you never told him of the past that haunts you but in his own way he figured out how much it troubles you to speak of such pains, he himself has had similar experiences as you and always deemed better than to push. You only trusted one man with the weight of your world.
Elrond. The one person you felt calm around you’d go as far to say loved. You didn’t expect him to know the true extent of your comfort around him not to mention how much of a father figure you saw him as. When you were young you couldn’t fathom what connected two people but you yearned for it. Every day you’d glance at a family walking back from school, a group of friends laughing in the playground or a couple holding hands and the cogs in your mind twisted and creaked looking for an answer. The deep seated loneliness forever gripping onto you until you fell.
Usually falling is an awful thing, wind whipping your skin as you continue to travel to the most permanent destination the world can offer. Not this time. Your fall was the most beautiful thing you’d ever experienced. One day you fell right into middle earth, right into the friendships that chipped away the loneliness until you had finally met someone who dispersed it completely and for once your mind no longer raced to find an answer.
You walked back into Rivendell. Legs still burning but the fog that lay in your mind gone with the flutter of the wind. Immediately you’re immersed in the golden hues caressing the archways and stone. The sun was perhaps one of the most captivating things you’d ever laid eyes on. It could make the most common things stunning, the darkest things shine and the prettiest things bathe in golden glitter. It was in other words the worlds enhancer, the thing that found beauty in everything and exploited it.
“I see you admire what the sun brings in its final hours.”
You felt yourself calm a little and the warm feeling of home tore apart the last remaining ugly strips of sadness you had hours before. Often the calming effect Elrond had. He was the opposite of the people you had known before middle earth. He was kind. Just kind. Something you thought to be so rare and fragile yet he never seemed to have a shortage of it.
“It’s so beautiful here.”
You turned to face him and a proud smile tugged at his face. Elrond was happy beyond belief you decided to stay in Rivendell. In a completely platonic way he loved you as his own. In his eyes you were his own, family is not a title given at birth it is earned. He couldn’t care if you didn’t resemble him or have Elven blood.
“I am glad you like it here, Mellon, tell me about your whereabouts this morning.”
Elrond has taught you a bit of elvish since you made home in Rivendell. Something hurt in the way he called you friend and for a split second you forgot any question had been asked and dwelled on that feeling. Perhaps he didn’t see you as a daughter. That thought cut you deep.
“I was out I just went for a walk to clear my head.”
Elrond frowned a little reaching out his hand to touch the top of your arm.
“Are you alright, Y/n?”
You swallowed thickly.
“Yes I’m alright, I was just thinking about before I came here and needed some time.”
You couldn’t see but Elrond’s eyes pooled with worry and sadness. It hurt him that you were mistreated by others. Whoever caused such turmoil to a child’s heart which continued to lay heavy on their mind for years was the lowest act to exist. However he was proud of you not only for being strong and continuing in pursuit of a new life but for finding the courage to speak of it. When he first met you, your walls were so high it seemed impossible to get in but eventually you no longer resisted his touches of comfort and began to slowly let him in. He couldn’t be prouder.
“Y/n, it troubles me to see you in the clutches of your mind, please if these thoughts or memories return come to me, I hope you know I value you highly among people.”
His words felt so sincere and held such genuine concern that you’d ached for since as long as you could remember it wasn’t a wonder why you felt so comfortable around someone. It was just like the sun, shining light into the darkest of corners but like most good things the light faded all too quick.
“Thank you, dad.”
The words fell from your lips without having even been processed. You felt your blood run cold, not a quick flourish but an icy coursing feeling that made your limbs ache. You didn’t think. Why would you? You were comfortable for the first time in a long while you deserved to have a break from the tension. If only you saw it that way. A lump grew in your throat and for a moment you thought maybe you could fool him into believing the word you just spoke meant something utterly different but one quick look at his face said otherwise.
Pure shock. Nothing else. Just shock. It was inches across every inch of his face practically screaming at you. Of course he knew what it meant, he knew languages elves, dwarves and orcs alike hasn’t even heard the name of. You wanted to cry. You’d felt awful in your life but this felt like the deepest pit you’d ever fallen into. You and Elrond both looked at each other for a while, you taking in the shock and what would probably be the end of the relationship between the person you felt comfortable with for the first time and Elrond processing your words over and over unable to grasp the fact you are him as your father.
You decided to save yourself from slipping impossibly deeper into the pit you dug yourself into and leave before Elrond could give you any kind of response other than the one that already claimed his features.
“I just remembered I left my-.”
You never finished the sentence. Already so desperate to leave that you broke into a run. You didn’t know where you were going or even where you wanted to go. Your mind was racing. The only thought left to run it’s track bouncing off every wall of your head. You might have well yelled it for everyone in middle earth to hear it raced through your head that many times as the loudest scream it could muster.
‘You ruined everything.’
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@sorrowmarked​: His first response startles her, she’s about to object when he apologizes for saying it. A frown still tugs at her lips. Not because of his reaction to her confession, but because his first impulse was to assume he wasn’t good enough for her. Her brows pinched together, “Hey, it’s okay,” she said, reaching over to comfort him, her fingers brushing his knuckles. “And that’s not true." Most days she didn’t feel she she was good enough for him, but love wasn’t about worth. Love was about loving. It was a verb. It was an action. It was a choice. She loved him. She chose to. Maybe if she was lucky he would choose to love her back. And she would do her best to respect him, and treat him with kindness, and trust him, and support him, and be his biggest cheerleader. But worth didn’t factor into it. It was all … just action, and choice. What she decided to do, for the person she loved. Now that she had said it, now that she had done it, she didn’t feel so nervous now. There was no worry hanging over her head. There was just this. The after, the what came next. He’d tell her he returned his feelings, or he he would tell her he didn’t. Suddenly all that worry felt so … silly. Of course, they’d still be friends after this. Of course. Because that’s how they worked. They’d always be best friends. But then he was smiling at her and his eyes were watery, and she knew. Knew where this was going. Should have just told him ages ago. I worry too much over nothing. He pulled her in close and her arms wrapped around him, her cheek against his chest. There’s never been anybody but you, she didn’t know if she felt guilty or elated. Both, she guessed. Her hands tightened on the back of his shirt, bunching in the fabric. "I wasn’t as quick on the uptake,” she said, voice soft, and warm, smile bleeding into her words. “I just needed the time to realize that I loved you,” she said. She paused, “That’s not right, I’ve always loved you,” she said, which he should know. “I just needed to realize I was in love with you." Closing her eyes she paused a moment, listening to the way his heart was pounding in his chest. "You’re my best friend Daisuke,” she whispered. “My life has always been better, my days have always been better, because I have you. I remember how lonely it was before I met you,” two little kids, prone to illness, unable to run and play like they wanted to. He’d become her best friend fast. Stayed her best friend. “You’re my best friend, and the guy I love, I think both can be true,” she whispered. Her arms tightened around him. “Both probably should be true, and I am proud that you’re my best friend. I’m proud you’re the guy I love. I sometimes … god I wish you could see yourself the way I see you. Because if you could you’d know there was no one better than you. No one else with your heart, and your kindness, and your compassion, and your optimism. You amaze me every single day.”
[I put this under a cut because it's SO FUCKING LONG????? Have fun reading the extended lotr script I guess LMAO??? Daisuke is extremely smooth here tho tbh]
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"...In your defense, I probably didn't make it an easy conclusion to reach," Daisuke says on the tail end of a chuckle rumbling through his chest. The sensation brings with it the odd realization that it's actually been quite some time since he really hugged her, and the last time he did his voice was still only just starting to change.
It'll probably still deepen a little more before he finishes growing, but what used to be a cracking, faltering high tenor is now balanced and smooth and almost baritone. Limbs that were wiry and angular are lean and strong and growing stronger by the day. And he was babyfaced even into his third year of middle school, but when he looks in the mirror now his face is stronger, sharper, almost a little rugged- especially since he's started needing to shave every few days.
In fact, until near the end of third grade, Hikari was taller than him.
They're on the edge of their second year of high school now. Then it'll be their third and final year, they'll graduate...he winces internally at the prospect of having to fill out career plan forms, but what really has his focus is just how long it's been and how much has changed.
They've known each other since before they could string together proper sentences. Since a time when Daisuke was even more timid and prone to crying than her.
He hasn't recalled in a very long time that the reason he first started working so hard to be more assertive and outgoing- to be stronger, tougher, braver- was all because he wanted to be someone who could protect and support her. Not because she needed him, but because she was a source of incredible fortitude for him. Someone who shone brighter than the white hot light of a summer sun.
He'd worked hard to be strong and brave all because Hikari had been his hero. On a bigger level than even Taichi ever was. Taichi was and still is a mentor, a role model, a brother to him. But he knows that if not for meeting Hikari, if not for her friendship, he never would have dared to break out of that timid, isolated little shell. Everything that makes him strong ultimately stems from her, even though he's never told her that.
A hazy, old memory comes to him, and he finds himself recounting it to her out loud without really thinking about it. "...You know, the first thing I ever learned to 'cook'- putting it loosely...it was instant ramen. The kind you cook in a pot, yknow? We were probably in first grade, I think?"
He's holding her more loose and relaxed now, chin nestled atop her head. "You'd been in bed with a fever for a couple of days, and I think at first I was just there to drop off some handouts from school that you needed to catch up on. Neither of us had very many other friends yet."
"Taichi was probably out with friends or something, and your mom was leaving on an errand just as I was arriving and let me in...and you were just waking up when I let myself into your room to check on you."
A quiet laugh bubbles out of him, "...I couldn't even get a word out before you mumbled about being hungry 'for the first time in forever'. 'Course, I knew just how hard a fever could hit your appetite and how much of a pain in the neck it was once it finally came back. I think I stood there all of two seconds before I dropped the handouts and my stuff and turned right around to let myself into the kitchen."
"I don't know how I managed to get everything together but I remember dragging a chair from the dining room so I could reach the cabinets and the stove, opening about a million drawers before I found any measuring cups for the water...I at least knew roughly how much heat I needed for boiling water- probably wouldn't have tried to mess with the stove otherwise, I think."
"...Anyway, I think I undercooked it just a little, but your mom commented all dry and deadpan that she was just thankful I didn't start a fire, once she got back. I ladled out bowls for both of us and I couldn't find a tray or anything so my goofy ass just scrambled to your room as fast as I could without spilling and set them on the kotatsu. While making a noise that probably sounded like a teakettle all heated up."
He snorts at that, "That particular strain of brainlessness has always been a hallmark of me, I guess. Still. You looked so relieved, seemed so glad that I'd thought to make something that would be light on the stomach. Most of all, though..."
He pulls away, dropping his hands to his lap. "I'd never seen you anywhere near that happy because of anything I'd done. It was the first time I'd ever felt like I'd actually done something worthwhile for you, at a time when you were still the only friend I had. I felt so powerful in that moment, more powerful than I ever have since."
Shyly, gingerly, he lifts a hand and brushes some hair out of her face. "I stared up at the clouds all the way home that day and I clung to that feeling for as long as I could, and I knew. I knew then that if it was for you I could become anything in the world, do the most impossible things, carry the heaviest weights. I didn't have the words then, of course. I was six and barely reading. But I felt it. And god, I understood that feeling more intimately than anything else the world had ever taught me."
He knows he's probably pink up to his hairline at this point, but isn't it about time he actually told her how significant she's been? In completely frank and honest terms, without the joking or the melodrama?
"You said that you wish I could see in me what you see in me." His fingers trace down her cheek, "But sometimes I think I do. All I have to do is look at you, and I see myself. Everything I've been, everything I want to be, everything that drives me forward and compels that compassion you're talking about, none of it could ever have sprouted or grown if I hadn't met you."
"I could never have stood and taken my first steps outside of myself if you hadn't been holding my hand." he continues, "And every step forward I've taken since then, I've taken it hoping beyond anything else that I could give you even an ounce of what you've given me."
His hands are shaking when he takes her face more firmly, and his eyes are a little misty again. "I didn't always know I was in love with you, Hikari. But since the moment we met you've been something even stronger than the sun for me. You're the gravity that keeps me grounded so I can run. And what is there to make us fall if not gravity, right?"
It's a horrible, corny line to end on and it has him smiling awkwardly. But even so he leans in, and he presses a firm kiss to the center of her forehead, holding it there for a long moment, only to rest his own against hers when he pulls away. "There's nobody I'd rather have as my core."
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hiighwarlock · 4 years
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@wordbound sent: fandom! Multimuses: send me the word “Fandom” and I’ll tell you which of your muses’ canons I’m familiar with.
          Well, obviously I'm familiar with The Shadowhunter Chronicles fandom, as it's the focus of this blog as well! But beyond that, I actually know quite a few of the canon universes listed in your multimuse blog! Like.... a lot! So many so, that I am going to have to put this under a cut, good heavens. Let's see:
Good Omens - ohhhhhh my, how I love Neil Gaiman and Sir Terry Pratchett. I was a massive fan of this book for years, and when the show came out, I loved it too. I even wrote in this fandom, because how can you not?? Ugh, Michael Sheen and David Tennant were sublime, I adore them both. That show gave me LIFE.
Sherlock - I was a massive fan of the BBC Sherlock series up until series 3, and I do still think series 1 is a true masterpiece. I'm also a massive fan of Martin Freeman, and adored him as John Watson (so much, that I wrote Watson for a brief time in an RP group!)
RENT - I have loved/obsessed/cried over RENT since I was in highschool. I can literally sing the entire musical from memory, start to finish. I sob like a baby every time I see it live (and I have seen it live alot) and I will go to my grave loving the filmed version because at least it had most of the OBC. Also, one time Anthony Rapp responded to my tweet and it made my whole life valid.
Star Trek - ST is actually one of my original homebases for roleplay! One of the first blogs I ever created for RP on tumblr was a Leonard McCoy rp blog. Even before tumblr, I was obsessed with various Trek universes, from TOS to DS9 to Voyager. TOS is a big part of my childhood and my relationship with my mother, and NuTrek let me recapture that relationship in recent years, so I owe so much to Roddenberry, I can't even tell you.
Doctor Who - I am a Whovian, and my whole heart belongs to David Tennant (although, Vincent & the Doctor is still the best Dr Who eps I've ever seen)
Tolkien - I literally hollared when I saw you were writing Elladan! He and Elrohir are two of my favorite characters from Middle Earth and I will forever be big mad that they left them out of the Jackson films. (don't tell me that random cameo was sufficient, it was not). LOTR is another universe "homebase" for me, being one of the first fandoms I ever roleplayed in. Here's the fun bit.... figuring out which character I wrote! ;)
DnD - I'm an avid DnD player, and I cannot speak highly enough of the lore
Mythology - lol, fun fact, I used to write in a Mythology group RP. This was years ago now, long before the likes of Lore Olympus or Percy Jackson. I penned the sun god, Helios, and it was loads of fun. Because of this, I know a good amount about Greek and Roman Mythology!
Marvel/MCU - Another fandom I've RPed in! I've actually been a comic book reader since about the age of 7, so I've been obsessed with the storylines of the X-Men/Avengers/Luke Cage/Alpha Flight/Mrs Marvel for a loooong time. When the films started getting really high quality, I couldn't resist writing in the MCU. I still love the characters, but that RPC is a bit... rough... so now I just admire from afar!
Glee - Hoo boy. I was such a Gleek when this show originally aired. God I loved Lea Michele and Mark Salling.... at least back then. Suffice to say, that show did not age well, the later seasons were almost painful to watch. And with everything that happened with some of the actors working on it.... ah, well. I still appreciate the early seasons, and the impact that Glee itself had on shaping musical Television for future shows.
Repo - Is this Repo the film? Or Repo: The Genetic Rock Opera? Because I am a big fan of the Latter! I thought it was a stunning and peculiar musical!
Kingdom of Heaven - if you can believe it, I really loved this film when it came out. Largely because I had a massive thing for Orlando Bloom, but also because I thought the movie was aesthetically gorgeous. I haven't watched it in perhaps ten years now, but still consider it a film that deserved more love than it got.
Jurassic Park - I'm an 80s kid, so of course I loved the first Jurassic Park film. I'll even admit that I love a lot of the sequels (though, not all). I’ve never written in this fandom, but I enjoyed the book(s) tremendously when I was younger. 
Buffy - I loooove Buffy, that show was my jam in high school. I haven't gone back to do a rewatch in ages, but suffice to say, I thought Angel was *chef's kiss*
And... wow. There you have it. Apparently we have a lot in common, at least in regards to our fantasy/sci-fi interests! I’m so glad I met you on here and that we are now friends on discord! Thank you for being such a great writing companion! 
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janiedean · 7 years
Why don't you like Harry Potter?
I could reply ‘because it’s not a given that anyone would like it’ but if we want to be specific (SORRY ANYONE WHO LIKES IT TAKE IT AS MY PERSONAL OPINION):
I tend to not care about things where the protagonists are teenagers and in high school (asoiaf is the exception and the teenagers/children aren’t all of it and they’re not in high school) in general and HP is basically that except with magic
I am absolutely not into **magic** stuff when we’re discussing fantasy - I like lotr and asoiaf and discworld (which is satire/trope subversion anyway) and I have other exceptions but stuff like WIZARDS AND WITCHES AND STUFF is one of the things that I can care less as far as fiction is concerned
I find it really too simplistic in plot conception and execution, like I read maybe a bit of it and I couldn’t get into the style whatsoever because I thought it was nothing special
I watched like movie four and a part of two and I fell asleep during both for how little I could care
there is like one damned gray character in those books/films - ONE - and I’ve been hearing discourse about whether he’s GOOD OR BAD since I was in middle school
I’ve been withstanding snape discourse since middle school excuse me if I can’t stand it anymore
my friends back in the day couldn’t talk about literally anything else so if you didn’t care you either were uncool or you just had to listen to them harping about it when I was just like CAN WE TALK ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE
they also proceeded to spoil me the entire thing at least for the main stuff so why the hell would I be interested if I already know everything and excuse me it sounds like the least interesting chosen hero story in existence to me at least
(no honestly harry is such a Chosen Hero trope in all the worst ways like sorry I really don’t care)
I’ve read/seen so much shit with the same moral which was better written and conceived that I’m nowhere near interested in getting into that, too
I really don’t care about wizards under the age of eighteen (and over the age of eighteen it’s... a very selected choice)
I can’t stand that this fandom is so entitled that they got eight movies, one play, the books, THE PREQUELS, I don’t even know how fucking much extra canon and so on and THEY HAVE TO KEEP COMPLAINING ABOUT IT EVERY OTHER MOMENT and the play was shitty, and the prequels are cash grab and the movies sucked and HERMIONE’S DRESS WAS PINK AND NOT BLUE AND THAT WAS A PLOT POINT THAT I HAD TO SEE DISCUSSED FOR ANOTHER THREE YEARS LIKE WHY DO YOU FUCKING CARE WHAT HERMIONE’S DRESS LOOKS LIKE, never mind that y’all have such a large fandom you can find virtually any pairing or ship or kink in it but of course I only see wanking about stuff when my favorite fantasy series is a perpetual yuletide fave, my otp has twenty fics half of which are tied to me somehow and got one shitty movie after years which sucked ass but of course AFTER EIGHT MOVIES THE PROBLEM IS *HERMIONE’S DRESS*
the harry/hermione vs ron/hermione shipwar that people still can’t let go about wanted to make me go murder people back when I had to read discourse about it oN LIVEJOURNAL, ON TUMBLR, ON FB AND IRL at the same time
the fucking snape discourse
the fact that people can’t seem to tag their posts with hp assuming that everyone likes it so I had to blacklist that, snape, hermione and idk how many characters just to make sure that shit wasn’t on my dash anymore and I still see it
once I said that I wasn’t gonna read it anyway because if I did I’d only care for some of the adults and I knew they were gonna die since everyone spoiled it for me already and then someone had the disgrace to say ‘if you liked theon in asoiaf you’d probably like snape as a character’ and I had to go through four hours of anon wanking about SNAPE DISCOURSE when I didn’t even know how to reply and my experience with this fandom is ALWAYS like that
I find it utterly boring and predictable and I can’t care less
also: let’s get it out of the way that I watched fantastic beasts with friends who dragged me and I didn’t dislike it actually I thought it was cute and GUESS WHY IT WAS BECAUSE EVERYONE WAS AN ADULT AND DIDN’T GO TO SCHOOL and it was touching somehow more serious themes than your usual trite YA stuff that the original is, and obviously the fandom is so full with discourse I’d never even touch it with a ten foot pole but it also shows people can’t seem to read/interpret anything related to HP in a sane way and without realizing that IT’S NOT ALL BLACK AND WHITE GDI, same as apparently they can’t let go of the fact that they have to put poor snape in one specific box instead of admitting that assholes can do good things for a good cause without meaning they aren’t assholes and be fucking done with it already. I also have no ill will towards poor jkr who has decent political views and only made money out of doing what she liked but which I have a feeling is a way better adult writer than YA writer but she never will have the chance to because if she gets out of the HP sphere no one cares about what she produces and/or doesn’t get it (guys I had to read there wasn’t racism talk in FB when it was set in the US like what did you think wizards not being able to marry normal humans was standing for).
but tldr: I find it a bunch of YA re-heated tropes put together in a way that can work for kids and was very smartly put together but is not really greatly written and does not work for me and I can’t give less of a fuck about the original series especially about teenager protagonists, the fandom is the incarnation of walking discourse, I hate that everyone seems to assume that you have to like HP and that it’s impossible that you might actually not give a fuck, I hate that I’ve had to hear HP discourse/talk since I was nine years old ie for the previous twenty years of my life, I hate that I can’t seem to escape idiotic discourse even if I try to get it out of my way and ah I forgot, I can’t anymore with people fighting bloody battles over freaking hogwarts houses and ah wait again I hate how in any small fandom in existence you won’t find a lot of things but THE HOGWARTS AU HAS TO BE THERE and if you don’t care for it you’ll have to read it anyway while being bored out of your mind because you really just don’t care for that setting.
ah, and I’m sick tired of having to justify the fact that I don’t like HP to about everyone I know irl because apparently it’s impossible that I can, you know, not like something that everyone else likes.
again: I don’t mind discussing it on my terms and with people I know who also know I’m not interested in reading or watching it, but I’m really sick tired of seeing it everywhere after twenty years of telling everyone I don’t care. I mean. twenty years. I’m glad people enjoy it and I’m glad it got people into books and I absolutely don’t want to tell people they shouldn’t enjoy it because I can’t get into it - it’s their childhood and their favorite series and I’m sure it was great for them same as the stuff I liked was good for me - but it doesn’t mean I actually have to like it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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emphasisonem · 7 years
It’s My Birthday Too
“Look, I, um, I wanted to apologize again,” Bucky exhales. “I didn’t mean to offend you or anything when I asked if you needed help earlier. I was just trying to be polite, and I hope you won’t hold it against me.”
Steve huffs out a laugh. “I think I might be able to forgive you, yeah.”
Bucky’s positively beaming at that, and Steve kind of can’t believe that something so simple has made this handsome man so happy.
“Glad to hear it,” Bucky replies, batting his eyelashes in a way that Steve would love to read as flirtatious, but there’s no way-
“Be a shame to make a bad impression on somebody as pretty as you.”
Ok, so maybe there is a way, Steve thinks as he gapes up at Bucky.
In which Steve has to work on his birthday, but it turns out pretty damn well.
You can read it on AO3 here.
Edit: Forgot to add that this was inspired by an A+ prompt from the lovely @talsywalsy who is a genuine gift. 
“But Tuesday’s your birthday!”
Steve levels an icy glare at Natasha as the two of them sit at the kitchen table chopping vegetables. Sam snickers from where he stands at the counter as he places chicken into a dish to marinate for their Sunday dinner.
“You think I don’t know that?” Steve grumbles, practically slamming his knife through the zucchini before him. “Of course I’d rather not work on my birthday, but we’ve only got so much of a grace period before July’s rent is due and I’m short on my share. I already picked up all the hours I can down at the art supply store, and it’s not like there’s a ton of work to be had on a holiday.”
Sam turns to face Steve and Nat and leans back against the counter, folding his arms across his chest as he smirks.
“You’re gonna kill me for suggesting this,” Sam begins, and Steve’s eyes narrow.
“Then don’t fucking suggest it,” Steve bites out as he begins to place the vegetables he and Nat have chopped into a roasting pan.
“I could spot you the extra cash for rent this month,” Sam continues, unperturbed even as Steve’s jaw clenches.
“Absolutely not, Sam,” Steve replies. “It’s not like I’m the only college student strapped for cash living in this apartment. Besides, you’ve been saving for ages to make that trip out to the Grand Canyon with Riley next month somethin’ special.”
Sam shrugs, smile still on his face as he says, “I really can spare the money if you need me to. Wouldn’t be the first time one of our trips has had a tighter budget and it won’t be the last.”
“I can chip in some extra too,” Nat chimes in with a slow smile. “We know you’re good for it, and we wanted to celebrate with you, Steve.”
Steve’s anger leaves him in a heavy exhale and his shoulders slump as he stares down at the worn wood of their kitchen table.
“Look, guys, that’s really, really nice of you, but it’s not that big a deal,” Steve says, brushing his light hair away from his forehead. “Besides, we all have work pretty early on Wednesday. Sam, you really wanna handle customer service calls hungover?”
“Well, no,” Sam admits sheepishly.
“And, Nat, you wanna be sittin’ out in the sun and tryin’ to keep a bunch of screaming children in line at the pool with a killer headache?”
Natasha sighs, slumping back in her chair.
“I guess not,” she replies. “Although, you’re turning 22, Steve, not 21. I think we have just a little more self control now than we did last year. But you’ve clearly made up your mind, so we’ll go out next weekend instead.”
“Thank you,” Steve grins, picking up the tray and walking toward the oven. “Now, can we get dinner going already? I’m starving.”
“I cannot believe-” Bucky hisses into his sister’s ear as the two of them stand in the Robinson’s backyard watching a bunch of five-year-olds sprinting around armed with water balloons and Super Soakers- “That I let you talk me into this.”
Becca grins up at Bucky, her dark brown eyes wide with feigned innocence. She’ll be starting her senior year of high school in the fall, but Becca never misses an opportunity to play the little sister card. And Bucky always falls for it.
Which is why he’s helping Becca chaperone Angela Robinson’s birthday party instead of enjoying a barbecue or a pool party or any of the number of options with which his old high school buddies had presented him.
“You love kids,” Becca replies, that shit-eating grin still gracing her suntanned features. Hours of playing outside with Angela, Bucky figures, wondering how Becca manages to keep up with a kid in the summer heat day after day.
Bucky’d asked her about why she’d gone the babysitting route instead of just getting a job at the local grocery store or the movie theater or the public pool or something. Becca had simply shrugged and said it was good money and that she was a more affordable option than summer camp for Angela’s parents.
“Kids are fine,” Bucky sighs as he dodges to avoid a little boy sprinting between him and Becca, somehow getting sprayed with cold water in the process. He’d be annoyed, but it’s at least 95 degrees outside. “I just- I prefer them in smaller, calmer groups.”
Becca just rolls her eyes, and turns her attention back to the kids. “You’re gonna make a heck of an educator, big brother.”
Bucky’s about to snark right back but then Aileen Robinson, Angela’s mother, slides open the back door and walks into the yard with a fresh bowl of fruit in hand. Following her is a short, slim blond boy wearing a backpack and carrying a sizable canister of what Bucky guesses is helium. It is a birthday party, after all.
Aileen sets the bowl down on one of the folding tables on the patio, and then motions for the blond to follow her to where Bucky and Becca are standing.
Bucky can’t quite pinpoint how old the the stranger; he could be all of sixteen, but he could also be closer to Bucky’s age. Bucky really hopes the guy’s not in high school because he’s about a hundred percent Bucky’s type.
The guy’s hair gleams golden in the afternoon sun, a little bit tousled and very soft-looking. His eyes are large and bright, the kind of color Becca and her goofy friends would refer to as fanfiction blue. His cheekbones are sharp, giving him sort of a elfin look that the LOTR nerd that lives inside Bucky finds absolutely adorable. His nose is just a touch too big for his finely drawn features, and it looks like maybe it’s been broken a time or two, but Bucky finds it oddly charming. The guy’s lips are plush and look incredibly kissable.
When Bucky manages to drag his gaze away from the stranger’s mouth, he finds those pretty blue eyes trained squarely on him, and the guy’s brow is furrowed. Bucky’s not sure if it’s annoyance or confusion or a mix of both.
Bucky does his best to smile, but it feels tight and unnatural, and he knows there’s a blush blooming on his cheeks. Becca snickers softly beside him - of course she’d noticed - and Bucky elbows her in the side, hard enough to make her yelp.
Aileen seems completely unaware of the strange tension between the young men as she shouts for the kids to settle down for a moment.
“I have a surprise for all of you!” the woman beams down at the children as they fidget, eager to get back to their games. “This is Steve Rogers, and he’s a balloon artist, so if any of you would like a balloon animal or anything like that, he’ll be here all afternoon!”
Steve smiles and waves at the kids, none of whom seem particularly interested in balloon art at the moment. Bucky figures that might change when they’ve worn themselves out a little bit; the heat’s too thick and humid for them to be this active all afternoon. But now, all they do is stare at Steve for a moment, and then go back to sprinting after each other through the yard.
Steve just shakes his head with a rueful smile.
“Steve, let me introduce you to our party chaperones,” Aileen says, and Bucky shakes himself so that Steve doesn’t catch Bucky staring at his mouth again.
“This is Becca Barnes, Angela’s babysitter,” Aileen smiles as she gestures to Becca. “She’s been an absolute lifesaver so far this summer for Jeff and I. And this is her brother Bucky. Now, Jeff and I are going to be busy getting the food together for the kids, but these two can help you out if you run into any little problems.”
Aileen then turns her attention to Becca as she continues, “Of course, any emergencies, you know you come and interrupt us right away.”
“Of course, Aileen,” Becca nods, taking the older woman’s arm and gently steering her back toward the house. “Bucky and I will handle the kids, and we’ll help Steve out with anything he needs. You just worry about getting lunch together, OK?”
Becca follows Aileen back toward the house, leaving Bucky and Steve standing awkwardly in the middle of the yard.
“Um,” Bucky starts, trying to break the ice as he points at the canister in Steve’s hand. “Can I, uh, help you with that?”
Bucky knows he’s said the wrong thing as soon as Steve’s eyes narrow and his lips thin into a tight line.
“I’ve got it, thanks,” Steve replies cooly. “I know I’m small, but I’m not incapable of carrying the stuff I need to do my job.”
“I- I didn’t,” Bucky stammers out, hands spread out in what he hopes is a placating manner. “That’s- that’s not what I meant. I was just tryin’ to be helpful; I’m sorry.”
Steve’s expression has softened slightly, but it’s still wary as he says, “It’s fine. But really, I’m good. Thanks anyway.”
And then Steve’s walking toward the picnic table on the other side of the yard and Bucky is cursing himself. He’s supposed to be the charming, confident Barnes sibling and he’s already completely fucked up his chances of chatting up Steve.
Bucky sighs, resolving to just do what he came here for - keep an eye on some kids and hang out with his little sister.
And, ok, yeah, maybe he’s gonna sneak a few glances at the pretty blond that Aileen Robinson hired as party entertainment.
He’s only human.
Steve’s actually having a pretty solid birthday in spite of the fact that he has to work. The gig’s gonna pay well, the kids asking for balloon animals have so far been very polite and grateful, and he’s found the only patch of the yard that appears to be permanently in the shade.
The tall, dark and handsome brunet chaperoning the party with his sister certainly isn’t hurting matters either, Steve thinks with a smile as he glances over at Bucky. The young man is nodding and grinning as the birthday girls talks animatedly about lord knows what.
Steve takes a moment to study Bucky while Bucky’s attention is on the child. He’s got dark hair that’s long enough to pull back into a sloppy bun, which Steve finds absolutely adorable. His eyes are the color of a stormy sea (Steve cringes internally at the cliché, but it fits). And that smile, god, but it makes Steve a little weak in the knees.
It’s sort of pathetic, really, that a stranger can have such an immediate affect on Steve, but the guy had blushed a pretty shade of pink when Steve had caught him sharing, so sue him for enjoying the attention.
Angela’s gaze strays to Steve after a few minutes of chatter, a shy little grin on her face before she stares down at her feet and shakes her head. Bucky follows her gaze, then tugs on the kid’s arm, pulling her in Steve’s direction. She follows a little reluctantly, refusing to look up as she and Bucky reach Steve.
“Angela, it’s your birthday,” Bucky reassures the child as he aims a grin Steve’s way, and the hot summer day must be affecting Steve’s weak lungs because he’s having a little trouble breathing.
Definitely just the heat, Steve thinks as Bucky continues, “I’m sure Steve here would be more than happy to make you a balloon flower.”
Steve’s lips twitch slightly before he squats so that he’s at eye level with Angela.
“A flower balloon, huh?” Steve asks, chuckling as Angela finally meets his gaze and nods. “Of course; anything for the birthday girl. What colors would you like me to use?”
Angela tugs on the leg of Bucky’s shorts, a pleading look on her face. Bucky smiles and leans down so that she can whisper something to him, winking at Steve when he catches the blond’s eye.
Shit, Steve thinks as his heart rate  begins to speed up. He’s really hot.
Of course, Steve couldn’t meet a guy this cute in a normal setting like out at a bar or a concert or something, oh no. Had to be at a kid’s party where he’s hired to making fucking balloon animals and shit.
“Angela would like you to use purple and blue for her flower, please,” Bucky says, drawing Steve from his thoughts. Steve smiles and nods before he gets to work, filling each balloon with helium and twisting until he’s holding out a flower to the little girl standing before him.
“Wow,” Angela breathes, a wide grin breaking across her features as she looks up. “Thank you, Mister Steve!”
And then the kid’s tearing off back toward Becca, shouting to her about how pretty her birthday flower is.
“Yeah, thanks, Mister Steve,” Bucky chuckles, suddenly looking a little shy as the two of them stand alone once again. The brunet tucks a strand of his dark hair behind his ear as he smiles at Steve, gray-blue eyes unsure.
“Look, I, um, I wanted to apologize again,” Bucky exhales. “I didn’t mean to offend you or anything when I asked if you needed help earlier. I was just trying to be polite, and I hope you won’t hold it against me.”
Steve huffs out a laugh. “I think I might be able to forgive you, yeah.”
Bucky’s positively beaming at that, and Steve kind of can’t believe that something so simple has made this handsome man so happy.
“Glad to hear it,” Bucky replies, batting his eyelashes in a way that Steve would love to read as flirtatious, but there’s no way-
“Be a shame to make a bad impression on somebody as pretty as you.”
Ok, so maybe there is a way, Steve thinks as he gapes up at Bucky.
“You should, um, you should sit and eat with Becca and me when the food’s ready,” Bucky says, shoving his hands into his pockets. “If you want to, I mean.”
“Sure,” Steve somehow manages to get his vocal cords working again, and he’s impressed by his even tone. “That’d be nice.”
A pretty solid birthday, indeed, Steve thinks as he watches Bucky make his way back over to Becca, a disbelieving smile on his face.
“So, Steve,” Becca asks in between bites of her hot dog. “How old are you?”
Bucky casts a sidelong glance at his sister, and Becca just shrugs and smiles innocently like she’s not about to embarrass the hell out of him.
Granted, they got through the first twenty minutes or so of their meal just chatting and laughing like normal people, so Bucky guesses he should be grateful for that much at least.
“Twenty-two,” Steve answers as he pops a French fry into his mouth. “How old are you?”
“Seventeen,” Becca says with a grin as she looks over at Bucky. “You know my big brother is also twenty-two. Just graduated from college this past May, and he’s planning on staying in town for the foreseeable future. Got a job at the local middle school and everything.”
Jesus Christ, Beck, Bucky thinks as he gives his sister a look that he hopes conveys, For the love of God, shut up.
Becca does not shut up.
“I bet you guys would get along great,” Becca continues with a sly smirk in Bucky’s direction.
“What makes you say that?” Steve asks, clearly trying not to laugh at the two of them, and Bucky’s embarrassed but also glad that Steve is amused and not absolutely horrified by his little sister’s teasing.
“Just a hunch,” Becca winks, before standing and grabbing her plate. “I’m gonna go grab seconds and check in with Angela. You two have fun chatting.”
Bucky has no doubt that there’s a light flush coloring his cheeks as he looks up from his plate and meets Steve’s eyes.
“You all right?” Steve asks with a wry grin.
Bucky sighs, a smirk tugging at the corner of his lips as he says, “Yeah, I’d just like to apologize to you again. My little sister can be a little, uh, obvious when she thinks somebody’s my type.”
Steve chuckles, tilting his head to one side as he says, “Hate to break it to you, Bucky, but callin’ me pretty was fairly obvious, so that must run in your family or somethin’.”
Bucky just stares at Steve for a moment, completely unsure of what to say because, yeah, that hadn’t exactly been subtle, had it?
Steve startles Bucky from his thoughts by placing his hand gently over Bucky’s.
“Relax, Buck,” Steve says. “I didn’t mind.”
“Oh,” Bucky replies, trying to ignore the way his voice cracks. “Ok, good. Wouldn’t wanna make things awkward for you at your job, you know?”
Steve just laughs and tells Bucky to shut up and finish his burger.
Steve knows somebody’s in trouble as soon as he sees one little boy sprinting after another. The second child has stolen the first’s piece of cake, if Steve’s deciphering the nearly incoherent shouts of rage correctly.
He just doesn't expect for the kid holding the cake to trip on a root of the tree beneath which Steve’s standing. Or for the cake to go flying into the air. Or for it to land on his head.
But that’s exactly what happens.
For a moment, everything is still, as though the party is holding its collective breath as frosting drips down Steve’s face. And then it’s chaos.
“Oh my god,” Aileen cries as she hustles over toward Steve, ignoring the kids’ shouts and shrieks of laughter. “Aiden, Kyle go sit down right now. Steve, I’m so sorry. Here, let me help you get cleaned up.”
Steve’s about to reassure the woman that he can handle it, but then Bucky’s standing up and clearing his throat to get her attention.
“Let me take care of it, Aileen, really,” Bucky says. “Better if a real authority figure stays out here and talks to those boys.”
Aileen nods, thanking Bucky and telling him to take Steve to the upstairs bathroom so he won’t be disturbed - “second door on the left” - and then Bucky’s herding Steve inside.
“You know, I think I can find the bathroom myself,” Steve protests, but Bucky just takes his hand and drags him up the steps. Steve’d be lying if he said he’s not kind of enjoying the warmth of Bucky’s palm along with his firm grip.
“Yeah, you probably can, but I kind of need a break from the munchkins, and this feels like a pretty good excuse,” Bucky replies, and sure, Steve can understand that.
They reach the bathroom, and Bucky lets go of Steve’s hand. Steve misses the heat immediately.
“I’ll just wait out here while you get the icing outta your hair, all right?” Bucky says.
Steve nods, walking into the immaculate, white-tiled bathroom and pushing the door until it snaps closed. The Robinsons have one of those removable shower heads, thank god, so Steve simply kneels down on the blue bath mat at the edge of the tub and washes his hair.
He likes their shampoo; it smells like apples.
Once Steve has rinsed his hair and scrubbed his face, he towels himself dry. Then, he opens the door and motions for Bucky to walk through the frame.
“Do me a favor and let me know if I missed a spot or anything?” Steve asks.
Bucky’s smile is soft as he nods, motioning for Steve to do a little twirl so he can check the back of Steve’s head. Steve spins slowly, acutely aware of Bucky’s eyes on him.
Once Steve’s done a complete rotation, Bucky reaches out and grabs Steve’s arm, tugging him forward.
“Missed a spot,” Bucky murmurs, and holy shit, they’re standing very close, and Bucky’s hands are on him, and Steve can’t seem to breathe.
“Want me to get it?” Bucky asks, voice raspy and low, and there’s no trace of his earlier shyness, just a predatory sort of gleam in his stormy eyes.
Steve’s voice refuses to cooperate, so he just nods, breath hitching as Bucky leans closer.
Bucky’s finger brushes along the skin at the corner of Steve's lips, and Steve sees a trace of icing at the tip as Bucky pulls it back.
And Bucky's tongue is curling around the digit and sucking, his intense gaze never leaving Steve. It's a small miracle that he's standing so close to the sink because this little display has Steve’s knees buckling, and he has to grab the edge to stay on his feet.
Bucky seems to notice Steve’s predicament and wraps an arm securely around his waist, pulling him even closer.
“Shit,” Steve whispers as Bucky’s warm breath ghosts across his lips, unable to help the small shudder that wracks his body.
“I think you should kiss me,” Steve blurts, more than a little amazed that one, he’s actually just voiced that thought aloud, and two, that his voice is remarkably composed.
Bucky apparently doesn’t need to be told twice.
Bucky really likes the feel of Steve’s mouth moving soft and slow against his own. Likes the way Steve kind of sags into him, his small, yet long-fingered hands gripping Bucky’s shoulders tightly. Like the soft sounds slipping from Steve’s lips as they kiss.
Bucky breaks for air a moment later because the two of them have already been gone a while and if they keep going, Bucky’s not sure he’s going to be able to stop kissing Steve. He rests his forehead gently against Steve’s and listens to the blond try to catch his breath.
“How was that?” Bucky asks, liking the laugh Steve exhales.
“That was great,” Steve says. “This is turning out to be maybe the best birthday ever.”
Bucky jerks back, eyes narrowed as he surveys Steve.
“Party,” Steve amends quickly, eyes downcast as a blush suffuses his cheeks. “Best birthday party.”
Bucky can feel the slow smirk spreading across his lips as he presses Steve back against the sink, loving the gasp that leaves the blond’s kiss-swollen lips.
“Rogers,” Bucky begins, unable to hide the glee in his voice. “Is today your birthday, too?”
“Wh-what?” Steve stammers, whining as Bucky’s hands find his hips and squeeze. “No, of course not. Why would I be working on my birthday?”
“Don’t lie to me, Steve,” Bucky teases, leaning in and pressing open-mouthed kisses along Steve’s neck, relishing the way Steve arches up into him.
“Buck,” Steve groans as Bucky’s teeth graze the smooth skin of his throat. “Shit, ok, yes. Yes, it’s my birthday too. You happy?”
“Steve, I can’t imagine a scenario where I’d be happier than the one I’m in right now,” Bucky replies, as he pulls back and smiles down at Steve. “You should let me take you out after the party. As a birthday present.”
Bucky watches as Steve’s eyes widen in surprise, his lips parting slightly as Bucky takes a step back, giving Steve some breathing room.
“You-” Steve enunciates each word slowly- “want to take me out?”
“Yeah, Steve,” Bucky replies, shoving his hands into his pockets with a shy smile as he prays Steve will agree to this. Bucky’d been pretty sure Steve would be the only thing occupying his thoughts tonight and that was before they’d kissed. All he wants is to be around the blond for as long as possible.
So he says so.
“I really would,” Bucky continues. “If, uh, if you’d be interested.”
For a moment, Steve’s brows furrow and Bucky’s stomach drops because that look suggests that the blond’s about to turn him down. Which would really, really suck.
Instead Steve says, “You don’t even know me, Buck.”
“You’re right,” Bucky replies, reaching out to brush Steve’s damp hair back from his forehead. “But I’d like to, Steve. If you’ll let me, that is.”
And suddenly Steve’s smiling so bright that Bucky’s chest actually aches.
“Yeah,” Steve breathes, leaning up and catching Bucky’s lips in a quick kiss. “Yeah, I’d like that a lot.”
Somehow managed to get a date with a guy helping out at this birthday party, Steve texts his roommates as the party begins to wind down and parents come to collect their children. Don’t wait up.
When Steve looks up from his phone, Bucky’s grinning and waving him over, and yeah, Steve’s reaction after that first kiss was dead on.
This is definitely the best birthday ever.
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berjhawn · 7 years
Lost Lothlorien Princess - Part 16 - Feast For The Fallen
Tumblr media
Warnings: Arguing, self doubt, loss
Pairings: LOTR X Reader ; Legolas X Reader
Part 1 - High School
Part 2 - Rivendell
Part 3 - Concerning Hobbits
Part 4 - Merry and Pippin
Part 5 - Bree
Part 6 - Aragorn
Part 7 - The Council
Part 8 - The Road Ahead
Part 9 - Moria
Part 10 - Lothlorien
Part 11 - Boromir
Part 12 - Fangorn Forest
Part 13 - Rohan
Part 14 - Helms Deep
Part 15 - Haldir
Gandalf, Eomer, Aragorn, Legolas, Gimli, Theoden and I all ride through the forest looking warily around. Suddenly distant laughter is heard. I glance forward to see Isengard in ruins and smile. “Ahaha!” Pippin call out as he salutes us with his mug and Merry Stands. “Welcome, my lords and lady to Isengard!” 
“You young rascals. A merry hunt you’ve led us on and now we find you feasting and … and smoking!” Gimli says as he chastises the hobbits. Pippin slurs as he say, “We are sitting on a field of victory enjoying a few well earned comforts, The salted pork is particularly good.” I can practically see the drool drip down from Gimli’s mouth as he says, “  Salted pork…”
“Hobbits!” My father cries out and Merry smiles as he says, “We’re under orders from Treebeard who’s taken over management of Isengard.” I smile as I say, “If you’ve had enough shall we be off?” Merry’s eye find me and huge smile fills his face as he calls out my name and grabbing his coat jumps down and runs over to me. When he nears Fili he stares at him for a moment before he says, “Is he safe?” I chuckle as I climb down and wrap my arms around the little hobbit and say, “I have missed you my friend.” He hugs me back as Pippin runs up to us. “Shall we then?” I hear Gandalf say and I roll my eyes as I say, “Come along,” I lift them up onto Fili’s back before lifting myself up behind them.
We ride to Orthanc with the Hobbits on board with us.  “oooom, young master Gandalf, I’m glad you’ve come. Wood and water, stock and stone I can master, but there is a Wizard to manage here locked in his tower.” Aragorn looks up at the tower as he calls out, “Show yourself.” 
“Be careful. Even in defeat, Saruman is dangerous.” Gandalf says and I let out a sigh. “Well then let’s just have his head and be done with it.” Gimli says growing impatient. “No, we need him alive. We need him to talk.”
“You have fought many wars and slain many men Theoden King and made peace afterwards. Can we not take counsel together as we once did, my old friend? Can we not have peace you and I?” Saruman says and I grit my teeth. 
“We shall have peace…. We shall have peace when you answer for the burning of the Westfold and the children that lie dead there! We shall have peace when the lives of the soldiers whose bodies were hewn even as they lay dead against the gates of the Hornburg… are avenged! When you hang from a gibbet for the sport of your own crows… we shall have peace!”
“Gibbets and crows! Dotard! What do you want Gandalf Grahame? Let me guess… the key of Orthanc? Or perhaps the keys of Barad Dûr itself? Along with the crowns of the seven Kings and the rods of the Five Wizards!” Saruman says as he turns his attention to Gandalf. 
“Your treachery has already cost many lives. Thousands more are now at risk. But you could save them Saruman. You were deep in the enemy’s counsel.” 
“So you have come here for information. I have some for you.” Saruman holds up the palantir and looks into it as he continues, “Something festers in the heart of Middle Earth. Something that you have failed to see. But the great eye has seen it! Even now he presses his advantage. His attack will come soon. You are all going to die! But you know this don’t you Gandalf? You cannot think that this Ranger will ever sit upon the throne of Gondor. This exile, crept from the shadows will never be crowned King. Gandalf does not hesitate to sacrifice those who are closest to him… those he professes to love! Tell me, what words of comfort did you give the Halfling before you sent him to his doom? The path that you have set him on can only lead to death.”
“I’ve heard enough! Shoot him! Stick an arrow in his gob!” Gimli says clearly have reached his limit causing Legolas to reach for an arrow. Saruman’s eyes find me and I instantly feel a shiver run down my back as he says, “And what of the Elven Princess, the halfbreed. She will follow in her father Sauron’s footsteps. It is inevitable.” 
I feel everyone’s eyes turn to me and I grit my teeth as I yell out, “Jesus Christ how many times do I have to say it, Sauron is not my father; Gandalf is!” I hear my father clear his throat and my eyes widen as I say, “Oops,” 
“Come down Saruman and your life will be spared!” Gandalf says and grumbling under my breath say, “Not after I get ahold of him.”
“Save your pity and your mercy. I have no use for it!” Saruman says as he directs a bolt of fire at Gandalf which he survives with no ill effects. “Saruman….. your staff is broken!” Gandalf says and Saruman’s staff bursts asunder! Grima Wormtongue appears behind Saruman causing Theoden to say, “Grima! You need not follow him! You were not always as you are now. You were once a man of Rohan. Come down.” Grima looks like he going to come down.
“A man of Rohan? What is the house of Rohan but a thatched barn where brigands drink in the reek and their brats roll on the floor with the dogs? The victory at Helms Deep does not belong to you Theoden Horse Master. You are a lesser son of greater sires!” Saruman says and my jaw drops at the insult.
“Grima…. Come down! Be free of him!” Theoden yells out again. 
“Free? He will never be free!” 
“No!” Grima yells out and Saruman turns around to says, “Get down cur!” As he slaps him to the ground. 
“Saruman! You were deep in the enemy’s counsel. Tell us what you know!” Gandalf says drawing Saruman’s attention back to him. Grima pulls a knife out behind Saruman. 
“You withdraw your guard and I will tell you where your doom will be decided. I will not be held prisoner here!” Saruman says Grima rises up behind him and attacks him with the knife, stabbing him twice in the back. Legolas aims an arrow at Grima who falls shot in the heart. Saruman falls from the tower and is impaled on a great wheel below.
I stare at him as Gandalf says, “Send word to all our allies and to every corner of Middle Earth that still stands free. The enemy moves against us. We need to know where he will strike.” The water wheel turns and Saruman disappears beneath the water head first. The Palantir drops from his hand into the water.
 “The filth of Saruman is washing away. Trees will come back to live here.” Treebeard says but I can’t help but stare at Saruman. What did he know about me? Pippin sees the Palantir and dismounts from Fili’s back. “Pippin!” Aragorn cries out as he runs past him and towards the Palantir. Pippin looks into the Palantir and it holds his gaze for a minute.
“Bless my bark!” Treebeard exclaims as he stares down at Pippin. 
“Peregrin Took. I’ll take that my lad! Quickly now!” Gandalf says as Pippin hands the Palantir to him and he wraps it up. Pippin looks sheepish at Gandalf and watches him intently as he turns away. We turn and quickly ride towards Edoras. 
As we reach the city I look up to see Eowyn standing on the parapet of the great hall waiting for us. When we reach the city Theoden calls out, “Tonight we feast.” I climb off Fili’s back and turning back help Pippin and Merry off as well. Eowyn walks up behind me and says, “My Lady, will you be joining us for the feast?”
I glance at the rest of my companions and am about to decline when my father says, “Of course she will be.” I sigh inwardly as I nod to her. She smiles as she says, “Then perhaps I could help you prepare?” I turn to Fili and am about to say something when he spots a familiar group of children and runs off to play with them. I smile as I turn back to her and say, “Sure,” I follow her to what I guessed was her room and fidget while she digs through a trunk full of dresses. “Aha!” She exclaims as she pulls out a green and white gown. The green was of a velvety fabric as the white shined like silk.
“It’s beautiful!” I say as I run my finger across its soft fabric. “Then it would please me if you were to wear this to the feast tonight.” She says and I feel my face flush as I say, “I couldn’t, it’s too beautiful.” Her smile brightens as she says, “You must, it is my gift to you.” I gaze down at the beautiful fabric and smile as I say, “Thank you Eowyn.”
“You are very welcome, now if you’ll allow me; I’d like to prepare your hair.” I stare at her in shock as I say, “My hair?” she smiles as she says, “Yes, now off with you. I have had a bath prepared for you.” I smile as I let her lead me to a room with a bath and after my bath I quickly put the dress she gave me on and let a group of women tailor it to my form.
Then when they are done Eowyn leads me to a chair where she intricately braids my bangs out of my face. After a few moments she smiles as she says, “Done!” She hands me a little handheld mirror and I stare at myself in shock. My skin shined like a diamond against the candlelight. I reach up and touching my hair smile at its softness. “This is unbelievable!” I cry out as I jump to my feet and wrap my arms around her. “Thank you so much!” She smiles as she says, “It is all I could do after your help in saving our people.” I look at her pale cream dress and smile as I say, “Eowyn you look beautiful.”
She chuckles as she says, “If only I was half as beautiful as you.” Before I have a chance to argue there is a knock on the door and her smile brightens as she says, “It is time, come we must not be late for the feast.” I start to argue but am quickly pulled from her room and lead to the dining hall where I see a giant crowd of men waiting patiently. “I must leave you now, but enjoy the feast.” She says and as she walks away from her I reach after her only to pull my arms back to my sides and bite my lip.
I look around at the men staring at me and I clear my throat as I instantly try to find my father. Suddenly the room goes quiet as Eowyn offers a goblet of wine to Theoden as she kneels in front of him. After she retires behind him. Theoden offers the goblet in toast to the people of Rohan, “Tonight we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country.” He offers up the goblet. “Hail the victorious dead” I watch as the people raise their glasses and say, “Hail!” I look over right as Aragorn hesitates and thinks of them before he drinks. People start to feast at long tables as I once again look for my father.
Instead of him I find Legolas and Gimli standing next to Eomer and taking a deep breath walk over to them. When I reach them I hear Eomer say, “No pauses, no spills.”
“And no regurgitation!” Gimli says as he lifts the tankard to his mouth. 
“So… it’s a drinking game?” Legolas says and the Rohirrim agree.
“Last one standing wins heh heh heh!” Gimli says as he drinks his tankard in one go.  Throughout the hall I hear men shout out, “Lets drink to Victory! To Victory!” I watch as once again Gimli finishes his drink in one go. Legolas begins to drink from his tankard.
I sigh as I look around to see Eowyn with a goblet in her hand smiling and approaching Aragorn who approaches her and takes the offered goblet. He takes the goblet and drinks. She smiles at him and he looks intensely at her. With a little smile he walks away. I sigh as I turn back to Gimli drinking another tankard of ale and across to Legolas also downing another tankard. Gimli farts as he laughs. “Here, here.” Gimli takes another tankard as he continues sayin, “Raaar it’s the dwarves that go swimming with little, hairy women haha!” 
“I feel something.” Legolas says as he looks at his fingers and Eomer raises an eyebrow. “A slight tingle in my fingers, I think it’s affecting me.” He continues his face filling with concern.
“Heh heh heh (slurring his words) what did I say? He can’t hold his liquor.” Gimli says as his eyes are crossed and he sits quiet for a moment, then keels over backwards off his stool. Legolas watches him fall, raises his eyebrows and looks over at Eomer as he says, “Game over!” 
Turning I once again start to look for my father when I hear Merry and Pippin singing, “Oh you can search far and wide, You can drink the whole town dry, (they dance on the table kicking their feet against each other) But you’ll never find a beer so brown, But you’ll never find a beer so brown, As the one we drink in our hometown, As the one we drink in our hometown. (they stamp on the table) You can drink your fancy ales, You can drink them by the flagon, But the only brew for the brave and true,” They pause for a moment and I follow Pippin’s eyes to see him look at Gandalf.
“Pippin!” Merry calls out and Pippin turns back to Merry and continues with the song. “Comes from the Green Dragon!” The room fills with laughter and applause. I start to make my way to my father when all the sudden I hear Merry say, “_____!” I turn toward them with shock in my eyes as I say, “Yes?”
“Sing us a song?” Merry says and I shake my head as I say, “Oh no I couldn’t,” 
“Oh come on _______, don’t be shy!” Pippin calls out and shaking my head start to pull away when the men around me start pulling me forward to the table where Pippin and Merry stood waiting.
“Please, I don’t want too!” I say once I reach them but they are all too drunk to listen to me. I groan out in annoyance as I look around at all the happy men and I close my eyes as I try to think of a song that wouldn’t throw them into either confusion or sadness. “I’m afraid I don’t know of any songs fit for the halls of King Theoden and his Riders.” 
“I am sure you know of one that is suitable.” I hear my father say and I smile as I reach down and taking Merry’s hands say, “Hold onto my waist and place your feet on mine.” He tilts his head but does so. I smile as I start to sing out:
I know you,
I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you,
The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know its true
That visions are seldom all they seem
But if i know you
I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.
As I sing the words over and over again Merry smiles and I dance around with him following along. I glance up to see the men staring at me longingly and I stop suddenly and give Merry a quick bow. I turn to Eomer who is now standing a few feet away and as I start over I take his hands in mine and lead him in a waltz. He smiles at me as he quickly picks up the dance and starts to twirl me around the room as I hear the men now sing out the lyrics.
I laugh as they sing out behind me while banging the rhythm out against the tables. Suddenly one of the other soldiers appears and tapping Eomer on the shoulder asks for a chance to dance with me. Eomer nods and giving me a smile and a quick bow walks away. I turn to the soldier and smile as he places his hands on my waist and we start dancing. This happened for a few more turns before I see a familiar hand touch the soldier’s shoulder and I turn to see Legolas.
“May I?” I hear him ask and the soldier nods to him before turning to me and saying, “Thank you my lady.” I nod giving him a pleasant smile before I feel one of Legolas’s hands find my waist while the other grasps my hand. I stare at him fear filling my body; but it suddenly fades as he gives me a reassuring smile and starts leading me in a waltz as I once again sing out:
I know you,
I walked with you once upon a dream
I know you,
The gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam
And I know its true
That visions are seldom all they seem
But if i know you
I know what you'll do
You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream.
As I reach the end of the song I find myself transfixed on his. His icy orbs were cloudy, mixed with intoxication and longing. The men around me start applauding and cheering and I quickly pull myself out of Legolas’s arms and looking around force a smile and giving a quick nod walk out of the hall and out into the cool night air. What was I thinking? I look up into the night sky and breathe in and out as I try to calm my now racing heart. “Dammit!” I cry out as I walk back and forth along the top of the stairs.
Why had he danced with me? Why had he even looked at me that way? Wasn’t he angry with me about my lie? I stop walking and looking out over the plains wrap my arms around me as I say to myself, “I am so confused.” I hear footsteps behind me and I turn to see my father walking toward me. 
“Are you alright my child?” He asks as he stands beside me. 
“I don’t know anymore,” He gives me a confused look and I sigh as I say, “I may have let it slip to Aragorn, Legolas, and Gimli that I know the future; and that even though I knew it I couldn’t save Boromir nor Haldir.” He stares at me for a moment not sure what to say before he clears his throat and follows my gaze out over the valley.
I look at him for a moment before I turn back to moonlit valley and sigh as I say, “I know everyone’s fate cept my own. How can I go on knowing that?” 
“Knowing ones fate and changing it are two separate matters my dear. You cannot change ones fate.” 
“Then is Saruman right? Am I fated to follow in Sauron’s footsteps? I mean I know he’s not my father but somehow I am connected to him.” 
“I said you cannot change someone else’s fate; but perhaps you can change your own.” I stare at him for a moment before he gives me a quick smile and walks back inside.
I turn back to face the valley and taking a deep breath say to myself, “Change my fate. Okay, now how the hell do I do that?” A few minutes pass before once again I hear a noise behind me and turn to see Legolas walking out toward me. I feel my body straighten as my heart starts to race. “Can I help you?” I ask as I fold my arms over my chest. 
“Peditham hi sui vellyn?” (Can we talk?) He says and I sigh as I reply, “Ú-iston,” (I don’t know) He walks up to me and putting his hand on my shoulder says, “An ngell nîn,” (Please) I quickly pull out of his embrace as I reply, “Fine, what do you wanna talk about?”
His hand lingers for a moment before he pulls it back to his side his fist clenched. “Why did you not mention that Gandalf was your father?” I roll my eyes as I say, “And why should I have had too? It’s not like it’s any of your business anyway.” 
His eyes narrow as he says, “You are mad at me, Why?” 
My mouth gapes in anger as I say, “Well let’s just name the reasons shall we? For starters instead of talking to me about it you believed the lie that Sauron was my father; Or perhaps that every time I try to talk to you, you ignore me yet I’m supposed to answer when you call no I don’t think so.”
He gulps down a breath of air as he says, “Amin hiraetha, _____.” 
“Sorry, you’re sorry!” I yell out my anger getting the better of me. “What is going on with you? One minute you’re as cold as ice the next you’re a raging fire, I swear you’re giving my whiplash. What do you want from me?” His icy eyes search mine as he thinks of what to say. I start to turn away again when he grabs my elbow holding me in place. “Melamin,” My body freezes at the sudden endearment.
Slowly I turn back to see his eyes full of sadness and longing. “What?” I say my eyes staring deep into his. “I was wrong to treat you the way I did. I should have talked to you before passing judgment.” I smirk as I say, “It’s just your father in you.” He smiles as he reaches up and gently starts running his fingers along my jaw line. I gulp down a breath of air as his lips start to near my own; but before they touch I push away from him and say, “I can’t do this. I can’t be what you want me to be.” He stares at me confused before he asks, “Mankoi?”
I sigh as I walk out of his grasp and back to the edge of the balcony, “Because I don’t know what is to become of me. I may not be Sauron’s daughter but he did something to me when I was very young and because of that he has some weird connection to me.” He starts to walk over to me but I hold my hands up as I say, “Please don’t, I don’t want you to end up like your father.”
 “What do you mean?” I sigh as I say, “Legolas I know your future, and I am not in it.” He stares wide eyed at me and he opens his mouth to say something but just shakes his head and turns around. I grit my teeth as I watch him walk back toward the Great Hall. Right before he reaches the door he turns around and says, “Quel kaima mela en' coiamin,”
My heart clenches as he walks back inside. I didn’t want him to go but I couldn’t get his hopes up just in case I was to fall in the upcoming battle; or if I was to end up becoming just another pawn in Sauron’s evil plot. I look back toward Fili and smile slightly as I walk over to him and giving him a quick pat curl up beside him and quickly fall asleep.
Will Continue in - A Past Revealed 
@Talknerdytome25 @renner-hawkeyeloves @jotink78 @ohmigooosh @laurykat23
129 notes · View notes
berjhawn · 8 years
Lost Lothlorien Princess - Part 7 - The Council
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Warnings: None really
Pairings: LOTR X Reader
Part 1 - High School
Part 2 - Rivendell
Part 3 - Concerning Hobbits
Part 4 - Merry and Pippin
Part 5 - Bree
Part 6 - Aragorn
When I awake I open my eyes to see the familiar drawings that hang in my room at Rivendell and smile. “I see you are awake.” I hear the familiar voice of Elrond say and turning to him smile. “How is Frodo?” I ask as I force myself to sit up. “Healed; though he will forever feel the effects of the poisoned blade.” I nod as I look around at my drawings and smile. “How do you fare?” He asks and I sigh as I stretch my back and suddenly realize I am wearing a dress groan in annoyance, “I was fine until I saw this dress. Tell me again why I must wear a dress?” 
Elrond groans and rubs his forehead as he says, “because you are the princess of Lothlorien and the council is about to meet. Therefore I need you to be dressed appropriately.” I narrow my eyes as I say, “Avon.”
 “You refuse?” 
“Too bad, now hurry and let the ladies prepare your hair.” I stare at him in shock for a moment before saying, “Did you just use my own time against me?”
“I learned from Arwen while you were gone.” I smile and standing I walk over and wrap my arms around him hugging him tightly. “I am happy that you have returned safely.” He says as his arms wrap tightly around me comfortingly. 
“I’m not going to lie I was pretty scared at times but I knew what I was getting into when I left for Bilbo’s birthday.” Elrond nods and I instantly remember what the Witch King had said about my father and my smile suddenly fades. “Elrond, who is my father?” I ask making the elven lord tense. “I do not feel it is my place to tell you. If you wish to know that badly I insist you ask your mother.”
“Ask my mother? I haven’t even met her yet.” I say angrily as I pull away from him and quickly walk over to a window overlooking a waterfall and sigh heavily.
I suddenly feel his hands on my shoulder as he says, “______, I know you are eager to meet your mother but it is imperative that she doesn’t leave Lothlorien.” 
“I know, I know. I just fear that even if I ask her she won’t tell me the answer.”
“I think if you seem inquisitive enough then she will you just have to try.” I nod and with a quick hug to the closest thing to a father figure I have say, “I’ll get dressed, and meet you in the council room.” He nods and then placing a quick kiss on my forehead says, “I shall see you then.”
After he leaves a group of She-elves rush into my room and hurriedly start to tug at my hair brushing and combing through the tangles I acquired from my recent journey. I sigh as I stare into the mirror in front of me and impatiently watch them. Suddenly Arwen bursts into my room a bright smile cover her lips. “I take it someone had a very productive morning,” I say as I smile lovingly at her. She raises an eyebrow as she says, “You know?” 
“You constantly forget that I know the future.” She smiles as she says, “I do,” I smile and as I reach down and lifting a glass of water to my lips hear her say, “Are you excited to meet your betrothed?” I spit the water out in front of me as I say both in shock and anger, “My what?!”
She stares at me in shock as she says, “Did you not know?” 
“No I didn’t know! Who is he?” I say as I wave the other ladies off my hair as they finish the final touches, the jeweled crown hanging perfectly across my brow. “It is the prince of Mirkwood, Legolas Greenleaf.” My eyes widen as I say, “What. The. Actual. Hell. I can’t marry Legolas!” 
“Why not? He is as you say a great guy, sweet, kind, and handsome.” 
“That’s not the point, I don’t even know who I am.” She tilts her head in confusion and I sigh as I say, “I know who I am but not my lineage my true lineage. I don’t know who my father is, what if he is someone evil? I don’t think I could handle it.”
“Why not just meet him and then make your decision?” I sigh but nod and say, “Fine, I’ll at least give him a chance.” She smiles brightly as she wraps her arms around me and says, “I am so happy to have you as not just a friend but also family.” I smile as I say, “You are like the sister I never had.” She pulls away and glances at me confused causing me to smile and say, “I know I have a sister but to me you are like a sister.” 
She smiles again as she leans down and gently kisses my cheek as she says, “You are like the sister I never had.” I smile as I say, “See it makes better sense when you say it.” She laughs as she quickly runs off leaving me to dwell on my upcoming introduction. I look into the mirror and stare in shock at my reflection. How had they managed to make me look as beautiful as the woman I was looking at in my reflection?
My hair had subtle braids holding my bangs back out of my eyes while the silver crown lay perfectly above my brow. I gently graze it with my fingers in disbelief as I suddenly think of the parents who had raised me from and infant. I shake my head as I try to push them from my mind. “What am I thinking they are probably happier now that I am gone?” I say as I stand and walking over to my drawings look at the portraits I had drawn of them and sigh. Would I ever return to my old world and even if I could would I want too? I quickly clear my thoughts and start heading toward the council room where the council was about to convene.
When I arrive I am lucky to be the only one save for Elrond there and I quickly make a beeline for him my anger filling my body. “Can I ask why I was not informed of my betrothal?” He sighs as he says, “Your mother thought it best if given the new circumstances, that we move up the introduction.” I sigh as I say, “How can I marry someone I don’t know let alone love?” He wraps his arm around my shoulders as he says, “How do you know you do not love him? You haven’t even met him.” I nod as I say, “Fine, Geez I swear you and Arwen can talk me into anything.” He smiles and is about to respond when groups of people start to flood into the council room.
“We shall continue this later.” I nod and taking a deep breath follow him to his chair where I take a seat next to him. I look around at all the different types of people: men, dwarves, and lastly the elves. I look at each of them as I try to decipher which one is my future husband. I bite my lip as I look at each one questioningly. I silently am thankful that they are too busy talking amongst themselves to notice me peering at them like a creeper. I see Frodo walk in with Gandalf and before I am able to stop myself, I jump from my seat and instantly wrap my arms around the old wizard. “I am glad to see you safe and sound.” I say as I quickly pull away from him and looking from him to Frodo say, “The same goes for you my friend.”
Frodo smiles and I turn back to see Gandalf with a smile as he says, “I must say a dress suits you far better than your usual trousers, My Lady.” I smile as I say, “As much as I hate dresses I have to agree with you that I do indeed like the way I look today; but I wouldn’t get used to it.” He smiles and I open my mouth to say something else when Elrond clears his throat causing me to nod to them and quickly head back to my seat.
I take a deep breath and watch as Elrond addresses the council. “Strangers from distant lands, friends of old; You have been summoned here to answer the threat of Mordor. Middle-earth stands upon the brink of destruction. None can escape it. You will unite, or you will fall. Each race is bound to this fate, this one doom.” I fidget in my seat as I watch Frodo bring forth the ring and place it on the plinth before he reluctantly returns to his seat. 
“So it is true!” A man says making you revert back to your memory of the book and smile as you realize that he was in fact Boromir. “Sauron's Ring! The ring of power!” An elf says and your eyes suddenly widen as you realize that this elf was in fact your betrothed himself. He was actually as handsome as Arwen had lead you to believe. You gulp down a breath of air as you suddenly find yourself entranced by him. “The doom of man!” A dwarf says and you are instantly drawn away from your staring by the sudden realization that he was in fact Gimli himself.
“It is a gift, a gift to the foes of Mordor! Why not use this Ring? Long has my father, the Steward of Gondor, held the forces of Mordor at bay, by the blood of our people are your lands kept safe. Give Gondor the weapon of the enemy; let us use it against him!” Boromir says making me roll my eyes at his stupidity.
“You cannot wield it. None of us can. The one ring answers to Sauron alone, it has no other master.” Strider says causing Boromir to turn and look at him as he says, “And what would a ranger now of this matter?” Strider says nothing and Boromir turns away dismissively.
I am about to stand and be really hateful when I see out of the corner of my eye Legolas stand and say, “This is no mere Ranger. He is Aragorn, son of Arathorn. You owe him your allegiance.” Frodo looks at Strider questioningly and Boromir turns sharply. 
“Aragorn? This is Isildur's heir?” Boromir says dismissively causing Legolas to retort with, “And heir to the throne of Gondor.” 
“Havo dad, Legolas” Aragorn says causing the elf to nod and sit back down. “Gondor needs no king.” Boromir says rather hatefully and I grit my teeth trying to hold my temper back.
“Aragorn is right...we cannot use it.” Gandalf says and I let out a sigh. “You have only one choice, the ring must be destroyed.” Elrond says and I glance at Boromir to see disappointment in his eyes. All the sudden I start to hear a humming sound. I narrow my eyes until realize I am staring at the ring. Gimli suddenly stands, excited and says, “Then, what are we waiting for?” Gimli suddenly rushes forward! He swings his axe down on the ring. The axe shatters with a deafening crack! As the axe hits the ring I suddenly feel like I have been kicked in the chest. I grab my chest coughing which causes Arwen to rush to my side.
“The ring cannot be destroyed, Gimli, son of Gloin, by any craft that we here possess. The ring was made in the fires of Mount Doom...only there can it be unmade. It must be taken deep into Mordor, and cast back into the fiery chasm from whence it came. One of you must do this.” Once I get my breathing under control I stare at them all as they sat there in a stunned silence. The council sits with downcast eyes, as if a great dread has descended on them. 
Boromir addresses the council in a quiet voice, “One does not simply walk into Mordor. Its black gates are guarded by more than just Orcs. There is evil there that does not sleep and the Great Eye is ever watchful. It is a barren wasteland, riddled with fire and ash and dust...the very air you breathe is a poisonous fume. Not with ten thousand men could you do this. It is folly.”
“Have you heard nothing Lord Elrond has said? The ring must be destroyed.” I roll my eyes at Legolas’s sudden cockiness. “And I suppose you think you're the one to do it?” Gimli says and I wince at the next known comment that would come from the dwarf’s mouth. “And if we fail, what then? What happens when Sauron takes back what is his?” Gimli leaps to his feet and cries out, “I will be dead before I see the Ring in the hands of an Elf!” ‘Oh shit he said it!’ I say to myself as a storm of argument erupts around the room. 
All the sudden the hum returns and I watch as the ring fills with visions of angry faces, shaking fists, the accusatory fingers, my eyes move across to the ring as the hum grows louder in my head. Suddenly streams of blood flow across the surface as flames flicker within the Gold Band. I break my glance from the ring to see Frodo breathing rapidly, Caught in the grip of his hideous vision. With a huge effort or will, Frodo tears his gaze upon the ring. 
Frodo suddenly stands and speaks in a strong, clear voice, “I will take it, I will take it, I will take the Ring to Mordor.” My eyes fill with sadness as the room suddenly become silent. Frodo looks around the room at the astounded faces his landing on mine before he turns back to them and says quietly, “Though, I do not know the way.”
Gandalf rises to his feet and says, “I will help you bear this burden, Frodo Baggins, as long as it is yours to bear.” I smile at him before Aragorn walks over to the hobbit and says, “If, by my life or death, I can protect you, I will.” He kneels before Frodo as he continues, “You have my sword.” Legolas is the next to step forward as he says, “And you have my bow.” I smile as I see Gimli step forward as he says, “And my axe.” Boromir looks at them all then walks towards Frodo and says, “You carry the fate of us all, little one.” Boromir looks towards Elrond and Gandalf. “If this is indeed the will of the Council, then Gondor will see it done.”
Frodo stares in wonder as the Greatest Fighters in all Middle earth stand at his side. I smile as I say low enough for Arwen to hear, “And chime in Sam,”
“Here!” A sudden noise and Sam pops up from behind a Bush! “Mr. Frodo's not going anywhere without me.” I smile as I hear Elrond reply, “No, Indeed, it is hardly possible to separate you, even when he is summoned to a secret council and you are not.”
My smile grows as I say again, “And cue Merry and Pippin.” Merry and Pippin jump up from behind another bush and running toward the group Merry says, “Oi! We're coming too! You'll have to send us home tied up in a sack to stop us.” I smile as Pippin adds, “Anyway, you need people of intelligence on this sort of mission...quest...thing...” Merry rolls his eyes as he replies, “Well, that rules you out, Pip.”
Elrond surveys the group as he says, “Nine companions, so be it; You shall be the ‘Fellowship of the ring’.” Before Pippin says what I know he’s going to say I jump from my seat and say, “Wait!” Standing I look at the group of men before I say, “I would like to go as well, that is if Frodo will have me?”
“_______?!” I hear Elrond say and I bite my lip as I stare at Frodo my eyes pleading him to let me go. “You have already saved my life once, I would be honored if you were to accompany me.” Frodo says and I smile brightly as I turn back to see Elrond giving me the dad look and my smile instantly fades. “You must promise to not do anything rash!” My smile returns as I say, “I promise!”
“I give you your fellowship of the ring!” Elrond says and I smile brightly my eyes meeting Arwen’s worried ones. “Great. Where are we going?” Pippin asks and I burst out laughing as I say to the Hobbit, “Merry will explain it later.”  We all start to head our separate ways to prepare for the journey when Elrond grabs my arm stopping me dead in my tracks. “A word,” I gulp down a breath of air as I slowly turn toward the Lord of Rivendell. “Why do you insist on traveling with the company?” I sigh as I say, “Because I know the outcome, they could use another hand and I can be that hand.”
Raising and eyebrow he says, “Though I am not happy about it I will let you go; but you mustn’t tell them that you know the outcome of this war. Promise me ______.” I nod as I say, “I promise.” 
“Good now it’s time you met Legolas.”  
My body tenses and I suddenly have the urge to run. I am so deep in thought that I don’t hear Elrond call Legolas over until he says, “Legolas, this is ______.” My body tenses and I slowly turn toward them to see Legolas staring at me with an unreadable expression on his face, but I can tell its not a happy one.
“Êl síla erin lû e-govaned vîn, ______.” (Basically saying it’s his pleasure to meet you) He says giving a slight bow. When his eyes leave mine I turn toward Elrond and give him and pleading glance as I think to myself, ‘You smooth cocky Elf.’ I quickly look back at Legolas before his eyes meet mine. “Um, Êl síla erin lû e-govaned vîn Legolas.” I say trying to be polite. “I will leave you two to get better acquainted.” Elrond says and you groan inwardly as he suddenly walks away leaving you alone with Legolas. 
Once he is gone you glance back at the elf and say, “So, um, I hear we are to be married.” He nods as he says, “Aye.” I let out a heavy sigh as is say, “Look just be honest with me, what’s your whole take on this marrying a stranger thing?” He raises an eyebrow before he says, “It is my duty as a Prince of Mirkwood,”
“I know that but honestly what do you think?” He sighs as he say, “If we are to speak truthfully I was already in love once but she loved another. Therefore I am very set on if possible us not marrying.” I let out a sigh of relief as I say, “Thank you I completely agree, I am far too young to get married anyway. We elves live for thousands of years so in reality I have plenty of time to spare.”
He nods and I smile as I say, “Thank you for being honest and I am sorry about your unrequited love. I only wish I could fall in love that deep.” I say as I gently touch his arm. Giving him a genuine soft smile I turn and quickly walk away not aware that said Prince was staring off after me a look of curiosity and Intrigue filling his handsome face.
Will Continue in - The Road Ahead
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