#i had a super strong stomach as a kid like went 7 years or something without vomiting and then this shit started idk if the way i do it is
genderdog · 3 months
chat is it normal to feel completely desensitized to feeling constantly sick that when you’re actually sick you feel like it’s not enough to warrant it
#due to long covid or possibly weed usage or a mixture honestly still very unsure#i was incredibly nauseous pretty much constantly and would be sick daily for weeks at a time#that lasted like a year i still get flare ups of that if i over exert myself but it’s like basically fine now#but now i have disease that makes me nauseous and throw up and im like. okay 👍#this doesn’t feel like big enough of a problem#like those are my main symptoms but it feels like they’re meaningless bc ive had this just normally before#i haven’t been able to eat or even drink really without feeling or being sick#hoping i wont vomit again tonight almost every time ive eaten since yesterday i have and i had dinner like an hour ago#sorry so fucking tmi i feel really weird talking to anyone about this but i feel like i need to bc ??? fucked up idk#really fucking dehydrated also which is helping me not be sick but i think is giving me more of a headache#i have bad health ocd stuff also so i keep thinking im faking for various reasons anyways#i feel like thinking about this is going to make it reality even though i start thinking about it bc im feeling it#i keep trying to just make myself normal and not experience any of these symptoms bc i feel like i can control it (i cannot)#it’s only with nausea stuff bc it all surrounds emetophobia i know i can’t like stop a sore throat or something but this comes out of me#i could just not#sorry for talking way too in depth about my diseased body and mind#i had a super strong stomach as a kid like went 7 years or something without vomiting and then this shit started idk if the way i do it is#normal??? like this sounds so stupid but i feel like im subconsciously forcing it to happen bc idk how it’s supposed to be and it doesn’t#feel as bad as it should be#i think the fact it’s happening at all is bad but it feels like im being overdramatic#anyways yeah ive been feeling like shit lol i hate this stuff bc while i have the actual physical stuff i also start getting ten billion#mental problems about it as well#emetophobia#vent
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Long Gone - Bucky Barnes x Reader
After weeks of a strained relationship, one fight and a surprise is enough for Y/N to run away and not look back.
By the time you’re reading this, I’ll be long gone. Don’t look for me, you won’t find anything.
You suck in a deep breath and tuck the note into the door. No turning back now.
Sure, you and Buck had your ups and downs but last night was different.
You were dealing with a depressive episode when he came home to the compound. You tried not to bother him with your sour feelings and it worked. He didn’t notice, though you weren’t sure how he could have when he didn’t wander in until well past midnight and smelt like cheap rum.
Then he had the nerve to try and crawl into your bed without a word.
“Are you joking?” You finally muttered.
“Are you that drunk or just that clueless?” You demanded. “You left a shitty note about going to check out a terrorist threat and then ignored my texts all day. And then followed it with a trip to the bar before letting you fiancée know you’re alive? I’ve been worried sick for hours!”
He stopped pulling on the covers and rolled his eyes, “Sorry I didn't text you back, doll. I was busy saving the world. And who cares if I went for a drink?”
You knew it sounded like an over reaction but it went much deeper than that. You’d been having panic attacks left and right the past weeks over his job and he knew that. He had sat on the floor with you in his arms and assured you he’d check in when possible. Told you how he’d call you after every fight to tell you he was okay. You came to find there was no substance behind his words. They were just sweet nothings to calm you down.
“Why would Steve be returning my calls before you? I’m not worried about a stupid night at the bar! I feel like I’m losing you and you don’t care!”
A part of you knew you were looking to start a fight, to feel something from him other than indifference and annoyance. It had been a couple weeks since he’d shown any sign of giving a shit about you. You needed to know if there was anything left before you told him the latest news. You didn’t want Bucky if it was just for the baby. Sure, you knew he would step up but you didn’t know if that was for the best. An avenger for a father and parents that didn’t want to be together? You were pretty sure the baby inside you would be better off raised by a single mother in the middle of nowhere, far from the long list of enemies Bucky had.
He glared for a long second before snatching a pillow, “I’m not dealing with this tonight. I’ll be on the couch if that overbearing urge to check up on me gets to strong.” He slammed the door behind him and you broke into sobs.
You allowed yourself five minutes to be upset before wiping your tears and setting off to pack a bag. You didn’t grab much, only a weeks worth of clothes, a gun, and the running away back pack Tony had made for you. You tucked the duffel and the back pack underneath the bed.
You were faking it when Buck crept in the next morning to get ready for the job of the day. He hesitated in front of you and for a moment you were ready to throw your plans out the door. He shook his head and moved on and your resolve grew. You were leaving and it would be for the best.
Once he was gone you scribbled out the note and fiddled with the engagement ring on your finger. You knew you should leave it but you couldn’t bring yourself to take it off. You still loved him even if he didn’t love you. It wouldn’t hurt to bring one part of him with you. You glanced at your still small stomach, well, two.
Pepper didn’t bat an eye at your request to borrow a car. You snagged the keys to one of the nondescript SUVs and took off. About a mile down the road you pulled over and ripped out the tracking software on the car. You threw it in the dumpster behind a 7-11 along with your cell phone.
You drove, only stopping for gas, until you hit a small town in Virginia. You knew the town well but no one would know you. Every summer from the ages of 5 to 15 was enough to make an impact on you but not the town. You pulled into the drive of your grandmother’s old house. You had inherited the place when she died a couple years ago but due to working with the Avengers you didn’t have a need for it. The key slipped right into the deadbolt. The place looked just how you remembered it, only with more dust. The furniture was still there but you found what was all. The small knick knacks and mementoes were gone, likely claimed by other family members after her passing. 
The old clock on the wall said it was 5. Plenty of time to get started on cleaning the place up.
It was a long and hard pregnancy. The super soldier serum running through your son added a couple complications. He grew fast and was much stronger than he should be. He did a number on your body from the inside but it was all worth it when you held him in your arms. You cursed your luck when he came out with a head full of dark hair and winter blue eyes. 
You found work at a diner, making a living in tips. The great thing about tips is they tend to be paid in cash and it’s hard to trace cash. You were careful. No one was going to find you or your son. Andrew became the light of your life
Life was peaceful, a bit repetitive but safe. The biggest threat was your neighbor Travis. You would take a borderline stalker over Nazis any day. 
“You have got to be kidding me,” You mutter to yourself when Travis saunters into the diner. He was your typical tool. Peaked in high school playing football. Can’t handle rejection. Full of himself. 
“Good afternoon, table for one?” You put on a sweet smile.
“Just me, babygirl.” A chill runs down your spine but you shake it off and lead him to an empty booth. 
“I’ll give you a minute to decide what you want but can I get you a drink?” You hand over the laminated menu.
“I already know exactly what I want and I think you do too.” He gives you a smirk and you have to resist the urge to jam your pen into his eye. 
“Bacon cheeseburger?” You ask innocently.
He laughs it off but hands you his menu so you turn to put his order into the kitchen. You can feel his eyes on you as he walks away. 
The day drags on and Travis sticks around. First for an order of fries. Then a shake. By the time that’s gone it’s late enough for a couple beers. He finally pays his tab and leaves ten minutes before closing. You’re relieved until you notice his Honda still in the parking lot when you leave. 
You pat the holster in the waistband of your pants before making your way to the SUV in the back of the parking lot. The silver car tails you and it takes four right turns before you could go to pick up Andrew from his sitter. 
Travis was back home when you finally pulled in. You double checked that the door was locked behind you before you went upstairs with Andy. He toddled around your room while you got ready for bed. Tonight you didn’t feel like fighting him on sleeping in the crib so you tucked him in you arms in your own bed. 
Around two in the morning you woke up to the sound of glass shattering. You jumped out of bed with Andrew in your arms and grabbed the gun next to your bed. 
Creeping down the stair you hear someone in the kitchen. You’re only ten feet from the front door. You take a deep breath, set Andrew at your feet, and bring the gun up. You were trained by Avengers. You wouldn’t miss the shot as long as you didn’t hesitate. You wait for the figure to come into view and pull the trigger. The deafening bang goes off and he hits the ground. You snatch up Andrew and run for the door. Travis is next to you before you can get in your car. 
“What’s going on? I heard a gun?” He’s half naked and more alert than he was when he left the diner. 
You’re scrambling for your keys when your front door flies off the hinges and the man you just shot steps out. 
“This isn’t happening! How is it still following me?” You’re breaths are struggling to come and go. You push Andrew into Travis’ arms and aim at the man again. It doesn’t seem to do any damage. It just pisses him off. You take another shot and get the same result. You’re about to try again when a blur of a figure tackles the man. The moonlight catches on one of his arms and you’re frozen in place. 
You grab the toddler and turn to run but Travis is a little too ready to play hero. He picks you up bridal style and runs.
He doesn’t make it fifty feet before a blond wall of muscle stops him. “Y/N?” Steve mutters after pulling you out of his arms. “What, what are you doing here?” Andrew begins crying louder and clinging to you. Steve finally looks down and has to take a step back. 
“I can explain,” You start. Suddenly, you’re pushed to the pavement and Travis is throwing a punch at Captain America. Steve’s head turns with the force but his body stays planted. You kick yourself at the satisfaction you feel when Steve shoves Travis back. He crouches down in front of you and offers a hand.
“Let’s try that explanation now.” 
You hear Bucky scoff behind him, “This will be good.” He freezes in his tracks when he takes in the site. You’re wearing a silk slip on the ground clutching a child that can’t be much more than a year old. 
He stares for a long moment before shaking himself out of it and shrugging off his jacket. He wraps it around your shoulders before helping you to your feet. 
You’re caught off guard by the rush of emotions when you look at him and hot tears well in your eyes, “I am so sorry Buck.”
He tries to be mad but can’t stop himself from pulling you into his arms. He buries his face in the crook of your neck, relishing in the feeling of you in his arms again. Andrew reaches his arms up and around your neck protectively, finally catching Bucky’s attention. 
He steps back suddenly, “Who’s this?”
You swallow hard, knowing the storm that’s coming. “This is your son. Andrew James Barnes.”
“My what?” He looks at you in disbelief then back to Andrew.
“Let’s go inside?” You suggest.
Bucky stops inside the doorway and admires the wall of pictures. The majority of them Andrew at every stage so far. You were in a few with him but there was only a handful of just you. They’re different stages of your pregnancy. He swallows hard when he takes in the sight of you in the third month. That’s when the toll started being taken. He broke the first rib kicking right around that time. He was delivered at six months, the serum making him grow much faster. As the pictures got closer to delivery you looked more and more like a corpse. Bucky hated that he wasn’t there for you for any of it, that he didn’t even know you were dealing with it. 
“He definitely takes after you. The serum is in his DNA.” You say quietly. 
“Why didn’t you tell me? How could you just leave and take my child with you?” You can hear the emotion behind each of his words.
“You didn’t want to be with me and I wasn’t going to make you feel obligated to.” You knew it sounded pathetic, “And you have enough enemies to worry about. I didn’t want that for our son.”
“Our son,” He repeats quietly. “How is he so big? You’ve only been gone for a year.”
You rub and hand over his cropped hair, “His development is a lot faster than  a normal childs. He’s only about seven months old but he compares to children almost twice that, but even then he’s much stronger.” 
“Can I hold him?” He seems unsure of himself but you happily hand him over.
Bucky extends his fingers to Andrew in his lap. Andy curiously takes two in his small hands and you flinch, knowing how tight his grip can get. Bucky watches him, unfazed by the ridiculous strength. He holds Andrew close to him for a few minutes before Andrew tries to climb back to you.
“You’re both coming back to the compound.” Bucky stands up.
“Like hell we are! This is our home. This is where we’re safe. And I won’t let you feel obligated to take me back because we have a baby.”
He gives you a serious look, “Bullshit. That ring on your finger says you’re still mine. And in what world is this safer than the compound? An alien broke in tonight!”
Before you knew it you were in the quinjet headed back to the base. Bucky never let you out of his sight. On the bright side, the ride provided plenty of time for apologies. Neither of you were happy with the others choices but you could understand them and move past them.
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The greatest miracle is love - Chapter 8
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Author’s note: Just one more chapter and the story will end (like the series 😰). Thanks again for everyone who’s reading my story. And don’t forget: English is not my mother tongue 😛
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
As you left the plane in Latvia you are greeted by none other than Bruce Banner himself. „What are you doing here?“, your eyes are widened by surprise. 
„Well…“, he grins with his huge mouth. „I got a call from Pepper who got a call from him.“ He points to Bucky. „Heard what they did. How are you feeling?“
„I’m good. No worries. The serum didn’t effect me that much.“, you look intensively at Banner.
„Thats good but I can’t remember you having a degree in medicine. Oh and I’ve got another surprise for you.“ Bruce steps aside and what you see makes your heart jump. 
You let Bucky’s hand go and make weak steps forward. Bucky watches you worriedly, afraid that you might just collapse. And you do. You fall on your knees but not because of your strength but to be on the same high as the boy who runs into your outstretched arms. „My baby.“, you coo as you cradle your son in your arms. 
Zemo observes this scene carefully as he steps next to Bucky. „Ah…family, something so special and yet so fragile.“ Bucky doesn’t respond but Zemo can see how tightly he clenches his jaw. Smirking because he knew that he got under Bucky’s skin he says. „We really need to go. Cant waste our time with this.“
Bucky walks to you and Alex and lays his right hand on your shoulder. „I’ve got to go.“
You turn around and get up from the ground. „Be careful.“
„I’ll come back to you…to you both. I promise.“
„Don’t make promises you cant keep.“ And with that you take Alex’ hand and leave the airport with Banner. And Bucky leaves the airport as well. 
„I didn’t know you had a lab in Latvia.“ You ask Banner. 
„I don’t.“ He chuckles. „But they can’t deny a request I made. I think they are a bit scared of me.“ He laughs loudly. 
You lay down. A doctor took a blood sample to check how the serum affected you. Alex sits next to you on a chair reading or rather looking at the pictures of a small book. 
„So. I’ve got the results and no worries all is fine.“ Banner walks into the room with several papers in his hands. „The antidote I’ve given you when you were pregnant with Alex is still in your system. It’s part of your DNA, so you are immune to the super soldier serum.“ 
You remember how difficult the pregnancy with Alex was. He was a super soldier baby but you were just normal and almost unable to survive. But Bruce and Tony developed an antidote for the serum and because of that Alex is a normal healthy boy. 
„And there’s something else and I think congratulations are in order. The baby is all healthy. So don’t worry about it.“
You look away from Alex and into Banners big eyes. „NO! I’m not pregnant. I lost the baby. I felt it. On the morning I got abducted I bled. I…thought I lost it.“
Bruce’s eyes soften. „Don’t know. But the results are clear. You are pregnant.“
„Again? I really need to attend a sex education class. Seems like I need to learn more about protection.“ You smirk but in the inside you’re screaming. „Thanks Bruce. For being such a great doctor.“ You thanked him and he leaves you to maybe enjoy the news.
James promised to come back to you and Alex but not to another kid. Your current feelings resemble the feelings 5 years ago. The happiness and the sadness. You will be alone in this but that’s okay. Tony taught you how to be a mother, he taught you to be a strong woman. 
„Is there a baby in your tummy?“ Alex’ soft voice interrupts the dark thoughts you had. 
„Yes. There is a baby in my tummy.“ You answer, lifting the blanket so that Alex can crawl into your bed. You caress his dark hair mindlessly. „You’re gonna be a big brother.“ 
„Will dad come home?“ You gulp not really knowing what so say. „You know that your dad is a superhero. He rescues people all the time. Thats not an easy job so he can’t be with us as much as he wants to. But he loves you. More than you can imagine.“
„And the baby? Does he love it too?“
„Of course my love. He loves it but for now this will be our little secret, okay?“
Bucky keeps his promise and comes back to you and Alex. But it is a strange situation and yet so comforting. Bucky didn’t talk much and so does Alex. Sometimes they just lay on the couch reading a book or in case of Alex doodling.They enjoy the presence of the other without the need of talking. 
„I need to visit Sam and bring him the suitcase.“, says James one night as you both lay on the hard floor. „Okay.“, you trail small circles on his stomach while looking at the ceiling. „You can join me. You and Alex.“
„A road trip? That sounds interesting.“ Bucky doesn’t know how to feel. He’s with you but you seem so distant which irritates him. Isn’t that what you wanted? Did your feelings for him change? But he doesn’t know what else to say.
The next day you, James and Alex are on their way to Sam’s home.
„Is Miss Atomic bomb still your favorite song?“, Bucky asks you softly. „Yeah. It always make me cry. I get so sentimental about this.“, you chuckle.
„Why didn’t you give Sam the money for his boat?“, you ask James as stretch your arms outside the window. „What money?“, he asks surprisedly. „The money in our bank account?“, you laugh. „It’s yours and not mine. I don’t spend money that isn’t mine“, he mumbles. „Well it’s not mine either. It’s Tony’s. A fair split between Morgan, Pepper, me and maybe even the kid Peter.“
„Have you read the letter yet?“. On Tony’s funeral Pepper gave you a letter. The answer of the question whether you are his child or not. But you were scared to open it. „No, not yet. Pepper told me that he never read the test results but he was like a father to me. And I like the idea of that. But what if he isn’t my father. All the problems and pain I caused him…for nothing. I will open the letter one day but not  now.“ Bucky caress your leg while driving. „Giving Sam the money he need is a really good idea.“, he smiles.
„Tell me about the argument you had with Steve.“ Bucky asks you after a while. The silence in the car makes him rather uncomfortable because it seems so unlike you. Road trips in Wakanda always resulted in you singing along to every song on the radio. You are surprised that he knows about it.
„Sharon told me.“
„Of course she did. Do you really wanna know? I was horrible to Steve.“ But you remember the fight like it happened yesterday:
You were packing your things to join Clint on his mission. Alex who was a small baby slept silently on your bed. „Why are you so angry with me?  I just want to help you. I promised Bucky to take care of you.“ Steve stormed into your room not understanding why you want to leave the compound. You stopped with packing as you turned around. „What about me? What about the promise you gave me? You promised me that you make sure he survives but he didn’t. You are here and he is not. You failed, Steve. But that’s what you do, isn’t it? When it comes to my husband you always fail. You failed him when he fell off the train, you failed him in Bucharest and you failed him in Wakanda.“ Steve looked like he just got slapped. „I’m deeply sorry, (y/f/n). I know how you feel. When I lost Peggy..“ You interrupted him. „Don’t you dare to compare my marriage with James with your crush on Peggy. Never. What I had with James was real. With its ups and downs and love, and tears, and sex and laughs. Don’t pretend that you know how I feel because you fucking don’t know how it feels when your heart gets ripped out and there’s nothing you can do about it.“ You screamed in anger. „I hate you. I hate the universe for choosing you over him.“, You took off your wedding ring and threw it to Steve. You take your backpack and a crying Alex in your arm and leave the room. Steve stood there for awhile not able to move. Eventually he kneeled down to pick up the small and golden wedding ring and read the engraving. „The greatest miracle is love.“
„Wow. That was tough.“, Bucky grins taking his eyes from the street. 
„Yeah. I was awful at this time.“ You hide your face behind your hands and giggle. „Luckily, Steve is such a nice guy and after I got the courage I apologized and now I’m a better person.“ The drive to Delacroix is relaxing. 
As you both arrive the city is milling with people. „Is this okay for you?“, Bucky asks which surprises you. „Yeah of course. Why wouldn’t it be?“
„You got abducted and you have nightmares. I’m worried.“ He looks into (y/e/c) eyes and caress your left cheek. „I’m fine. No worries.“ You fake a smile and instead of kissing Bucky you take a step back. „I think we should look for Sam. Does he even know we’re visiting?“ You hold Alex in your arms as Bucky takes the suitcase from Wakanda. 
You and Bucky sit in Sarah’s and Sam’s family garden enjoying the bonfire. „No wine for me.“ Sam knows that something is off. The test he saw in your house, the distance and the rejection of alcohol indicate only one thing. So he takes the chance when you went inside to freshen up. „You’re pregnant.“ It wasn’t a question. You nodded not knowing what else to say. „You need to tell him. The sooner the better.“
„It’s not that easy.“
„He loves you. Trust him.“, Sam comforts you. As you both walk outside he yells „Lets call it quits for tonight, Sarah. Lets leave the lovebirds alone for a sec.“ He winks at Bucky and before the leave the garden he turns around: “And no sex on my couch, understand?“
Lost in thought, you stare in the flames, knowing that the time to reveal comes closer. „Whats on your mind, my love?“ James’ voice is just a whisper. You look him into his beautiful eyes that mirror the flames. He looks vulnerable and almost scared. 
„There is something I need to tell you and I get scared shitless.“ You say after you took a deep breath. Your heart is hammering against your chest and you have difficulties to keep a steady voice.
„Are you breaking up with me?“
„No! Of course not but I want to give you an exit.“
„Is that a metaphor from this one series we watched?“ Bucky remembers a show where relationships are compared to freeways. „Tell me what’s going on.“
Like removing a bandaid: fast and with no hesitation, you whisper:
„I’m pregnant. I’m sorry. I didn’t plan this. You have to believe me. I know how you feel about it and I want to let you know that you can take the exit right now. You don’t have to be in this.“
Silence. Bucky doesn’t answer for a long time.
„Since when do you know?“
„I… uhm… a day before the kidnapping.“
„You knew all this time and you didn’t tell me earlier?“ You hear his disappointment in his voice. 
„Thats why they didn’t took Alex, right? You wanted to sacrificed yourself and the baby for Alex.
„I thought I lost the baby. They wanted to take Alex. They wanted to experiment with a super soldier boy. So I offered me.“ Silence again just the crackling of the bonfire.
„You not answering me tells me anything I need to know. It’s okay, James. I did it once by myself and I will do it again.“ And with that you turn around suppressing the tears when you realize you’re going to raise two kids by yourself. 
As you walk closer to the Wilson’s house a hand grabs you and turns you around. „I’m not letting you go again. I love you, (y/f/n). You can’t imagine how much I do. I’ll figure it out… how to be a dad. I want you. And I want this. I’m scared and nervous. But my love for you is greater than my fear.“
He kisses you passionately.
„But we really need to attend a sex education class.“, He chuckles as he hugs you tighter. 
Chapter 9
@inlovewith3 @jackiehollanderr @homesicam@dreamydreamerwriting @losers-club6 @gengen64@agentsofsheilds @crimson-darling @akkinda10 @xemine@bubblegumholland @chipilerendi @iamasimpingh0e @bbmommy0902 @madddiiee26 @teenagedreams-bucky @aya-fay @idontknowwhatthisisfam @w-wolfhxrd @useless-creature-213   @angywritesstuff @supernaturalcat7 @harrys-stan @geek-and-proud @pastel-boy-sungjae @austynparksandpizza @maxsaturdayhatesnarwhals @teenagedreams-bucky @auds24 @ah-blossom @supraveng @lady-loki-ren
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nachotrash · 3 years
ft: @catchmewiddershins @lilikags and @paradise-creator // no haikyuu boys this time
Pauline: No more making fun of me when I misuse dated cultural references, alright? Are we cowabunga on this? Wid, sighing: Fine. We're cowabunga.
Pauline: We're having a baby. Shiyu: Oh, congradu- Wid, slamming adoption papers onto teh table: It's you, sign here.
Pauline: Why are there little handprints all over the walls? Shiyu, whispering: Why are there little handprints all over the walls? Wid, whispering: Because I have little hands. Shiyu: Because they have little hands.
Wid: I was born for politics. I have great hair and I love lying.
Lili: Life keeps fucking me and I can't remember the safeword.
Wid: Pros and cons of dating me. Wid: Pros. You'll be the cute one. Wid: Cons. Holy shit, where do I begin-
(cons. you're the smart one😔)
Shiyu: Sure, you're verified on twitter, but are you verified in the eyes of god?
Pauline: Theater kids are just choir kids who joined forces with the band and strings kids.
Shiyu: Did you just call me a shrimp, you asshole?! I'm still growing, dammit!
(*lipbites in 166 cm*)
Wid: I don't dab. I stab.
(nOw WhEarE HAvE i SeEn ThIs BeFoRe)
Shiyu: I scare people a lot because I walk very softly and they don't hear me enter rooms. So when they turn around, I'm just kind of there and their fear fuels me.
(t-pose to assert dominance)
Shiyu, as a child, reading their school assignment out loud: I love my library because... Shiyu, mouthing words while writing: I love reading, fuck you.
(lmao baby nacho really be bold)
Shiyu: The ‘how the fucks’ and 'why are you so dumbs’ don’t matter. All that matters is that I have a new gun.
Lili: It's not ugly, just aesthetically challenged.
Pauline: The last time I went to an urgent care clinic, I checked off 'excessive crying' on the symptom list, and then the nurse got really confused and said that was meant for babies.
Pauline: All of your existences are confusing. The Squad: How so? Pauline: Your presence is annoying, but the thought of anything bad happening to any of you upsets me.
(we are the squad now)
Lili: Blackmail is such an ugly word. I prefer extortion. The X makes it sound cool.
Wid: Real life should have a fucking search function, or something. Wid: I need my socks.
Pauline: New year, same me. Because I'm perfect.
(yes yes you are how dare you)
Shiyu: Yeah I'm LGBT. Shiyu: cuLt leader. Shiyu: God hates me personally. Shiyu: cowBoy hat. Shiyu: *sniffles* Trying my best.
(my asexual ass be like;)
Wid: *plays shreksophone* Wid: Woo. Wid: Time to listen to this on loop for all eternity. Shiyu: ...Genius coping mechanism my friend
Shiyu: Treat spiders the way you want to be treated. Pauline: Killed without hesitation.
Pauline: The next time I open up to someone, it'll be my autopsy.
Pauline: Sometimes, I don’t realize an event was traumatic until I tell it as a funny story and notice everyone is staring at me weird.
Pauline: I hate Lili. Shiyu: "Hate' is a strong word. Pauline: I have strong opinions.
(oh no)
Wid: How does that even work? Shiyu, mocking them: hOw dO yOu UsE a cOmPUteR aNd KnOw wHaTS GoiNg oN iT DoEsNt mAke SeNSe?! Wid: Your face doesnt make sense.
(...fair enough)
Pauline: Get in, loser, we’re committing vehicular manslaughter!
Pauline: My stomach growled super loud in French. Pauline: I would like to clarify, my stomach did not speak in French. It growled during French class. Shiyu: Bonjour. Lili: Le growl. Wid: Hon hon hon, feed me a baguette.
(reminds me of the 'ill speak french between your legs' tumblr legend and im wheezing)
Shiyu: *tapping fingers on table* Lili: *taps fingers back furiously* Wid: …What’s going on? Pauline: Morse code. They’re talking. Shiyu: -.-- ..- .-. / - …. . / -.-. ..- - . … - Lili: *slams hands on table* YOU TAKE THAT BACK!
Shiyu: For self defense reasons, I'm going to pretend to be a burglar and you guys have to act wisely. Wid, Lili, & Pauline: Okay. Shiyu: If you don't want to die, give me all your money. Wid: Bold of you to assume I have money. Lili: Bold of you to assume I don't want to die. Pauline: Bold of you to assume I can die.
(pauline is a goddess. goddesses cant die)
Lili: If I punch myself and it hurts, am I weak or strong? Wid: Strong. Shiyu: Weak. Pauline: An idiot, is what your are.
(as long as you dont flinch or scream youre strong. unless you get punched in the gut by someone like ushijima ofc)
Shiyu: Those darn tall old people. Wid: Darm em' indeed. Pauline: Don't worry, they'll be gone soon enough. Lili: *sharpening knife* Yes. Dead. The Squad: Lili: Hahaha. Lili: ...Is this self-destructive behaviour?
Wid: Oh god, they texted you ‘hi.’’ punctuation only means one thing, Pauline. They're mad at you. Pauline: No, it's Shiyu. They're just being gramatically correct! *meanwhile* Shiyu: And then I used a period so they'd know that I'm mad at them. Lili: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'. Shiyu: I stand by my choice.
Wid: What do we think of Shiyu? *pause* Lili: *sighs* Nice pal. Pauline: I think they're gay.
Wid: Where is Shiyu? Pauline: I'll do you one better, who is Shiyu?? Lili: Here's a better question, why is Shiyu?
(i dont know man. ive been trying to figure it out for the last few years)
Wid: On the count of three, what’s your favorite cake? Wid & Lili: One, two, three- Wid & Lili: Chocolate cake, peanutbutter frosting, and chocolate chunks! Shiyu: Our turn, Pauline! One, two, three- Shiyu: Vanilla! Pauline: I’ve never had cake before. What is cake?
Pauline: I am darkness. I am an power. I am your worst nightmare. I could kill a man in more ways than you can imagine. I am the night. I am fury, I am a weapon, I am- Wid: A doll. Shiyu: A cinnamon roll. Lili: A sweetheart. Pauline: Pauline: ...stop it.
(cant deny the truth bby)
Wid, Pauline & Shiyu: *screaming* Lili: *runs into the room* What's wrong, Shiyu?! Wid: Wait, why are you asking Shiyu that when Pauline and I are also here? Lili: Because Shiyu wouldn't scream unless it's an emergency. You two scream whenever you have the chance.
(i mean... its true )
Pauline: What’s wrong? You look 10 seconds away from ripping someone’s throat out. Wid: Fucking Shiyu and Lili were trying to invoke one of the minor gods again last night. I didn't get an ounce of sleep, thanks to their bloody chanting.
(manifests dvalin cause i wanna ride on their back and fall off)
Lili: Wake me up- Wid: Before you go go Shiyu: When September ends Pauline: WAKE ME UP INSIDE
(cant wake up- WAKE ME UP INSIDE)
Shiyu, watching Pauline & Lili panic : What's going on? Wid: Pauline is having a midlife crisis and Lili is just having a crisis.
Lili: *Gasp* Pauline: wHAT?? Lili: What if soy milk is just milk introducing itself in Spanish? Pauline: *inhales* Wid, in another room with Shiyu: Why can I hear screeching?
(shiyu: same shit different day)
Shiyu: Christmas is cancelled. Wid: You can't cancel a holiday. Shiyu: Keep it up, Wid, and you'll lose New Year's too. Wid: What does that mean? Shiyu: Lili, take New Year's away from Wid.
Pauline: So, are they your friend or... Lili: They’re like Wid, but if Wid was ordered to be around you. Pauline: Oh, so Shiyu. Lili: Precisely!
(if its about how annoyed i always look then you ahve a point)
Wid: You’re just being paranoid. Again. Pauline: When have I been paranoid? Wid: Um, when you first met Lili you thought they were an undercover cop…? Pauline: No one has a wart that big, I thought it was a surveillance camera! Wid: And last year you were sure Shiyu was a mermaid! Pauline: They hate wearing shirts! COINCIDENCE?! *Later, when Pauline’s theory is proven wrong* Wid: Do you have anything to say for yourself? Pauline: I still think Shiyu is a mermaid.
(id gladly be one)
*Wid drunkenly wanders around the manor and Lili is drunkenly giggling* Shiyu, completely sober: *sighs* Well, looks like it's just me and you against the wold, Pauline. Pauline, going to their room: Nope, just you. *shuts door*
Wid: We need to distract these guys. Lili: Leave it to me. Lili: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss. Pauline & Shiyu: *immediately begin arguing*
(*pulls out dictionary*)
Police: You’re under arrest for trying to carry three people on a single motorcycle. Shiyu, with Wid and Lili behind them: Wait, what do you mean THREE?! Police: Yes…three. Shiyu: Oh, my God— What the fuck!? Police: Wha- Shiyu: Pauline FUCKING FELL OFF!
Wid: What is love? Pauline: An emotional minefield. Shiyu: A neurochemical reaction. Lili: Baby don't hurt me.
Pauline: I currently have 7 empty notebooks and I have no idea what to put in them. Any suggestions? Wid: Put spaghetti in it. Pauline: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you. Lili: Put spaghetti in it. Pauline: I am currently taking suggestions from everyone but you two. Shiyu: Put spaghetti in it. Pauline: I am no longer taking suggestions.
Shiyu, pointing to the wall: What color is this? Pauline: Gray. Lili: Grey. Shiyu, turning to Wid: Now tell them what color you think it is. Wid: Dark white.
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lost-in-sokovia · 4 years
toxic - chapter 7
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i thought this gif would be appropriate since it’s your time to shine with the fam. anyway, enjoy this really chaotic chapter because it is all over the place. (may contain spoilers to Knives Out)
You woke up the morning of Thanksgiving with a knot in your stomach.
You’re telling me you had to go back and deal with Ransom’s chaotic ass family? No thank you!
You decided on a pair of black leggings, a maroon long sleeved shirt, a gray cardigan, and brown low cut boots for this particular event. You didn’t exactly know how everyone there would be dressed, but if you were going to be uncomfortable you might as well be uncomfortable in comfortable clothing.
You sighed as you finished curling your hair and applying some neutral eyeshadow and mascara. You heard a knock at the door and hurried out of the bathroom.
“(Y/N), can’t hide in there forever,” Ransom called. You pulled on your boots before opening the door and blinking in surprise.
He wore a pair of dark blue jeans and a gray sweater with black converse. His hair was combed back and his blue eyes shined brightly.
“Converse, Mr. Drysdale?” You complimented and winked at him. He shrugged as the two of you began to walk downstairs.
“Eh, they were in the back of my closet and I thought ‘this seems like the holiday of trying new things,” he explained with dramatic hand motions. You giggled.
It was a day much like the rest, cloudy, damp, cold, and windy. You shivered as you climbed into the BMW and buckled up. Ransom climbed in next to you and started the engine.
As the two of you took off you began talking.
“So... what should I be expecting?” You asked with a small smile. Ransom smiled back as he kept his eyes on the road.
“Picture your first day with them but closer, more political, longer, and more awkward,” he explained. You scoffed and looked up.
“So it doesn’t get any better?” You said flatly. He chuckled.
“It just goes down hill sweetheart,” he replied with slight pity. Your heart jumped.
Sweetheart, goddammit.
When the two of you made it back to the gorgeous estate, your nerves worked up even more as Ransom parked. He unbuckled and turned to look at you. You were shaking slightly (from cold or nerves, neither of you could tell) and had a forced smile plastered on your face.
“You’re nervous,” he observed flatly.
“You’re crazy,” you shot bsck. He raised his eyebrows.
“(Y/N) I swear you’ll make it through. Look, Joni is going to get tipsy, my parents are going to gossip in the corner, Marta- well I don’t really pay attention to her, Jacob will be on his phone the whole time, Meg-“
“Okay I know you’re trying to help but I think we should just go in,” you cut him off quickly. He stared at you for a moment and saw the urgency in your eyes and shrugged.
“Suit yourself.” He climbed out and you followed. You walked faster to catch up with him and pulled your cardigan around you tighter. You took a deep inhale and exhale as you entered the warm house and smelled lots of different food you were surely excited to eat.
“Marta!” You exclaimed. The nurse caught your eye and smiled, waving. You looked next to you and Ransom had already left your side, making his way to the kitchen and breezing past his family. You frowned briefly but looked back at Marta. “How are you?” You asked. She glanced around the room.
“It’s another Thrombey holiday, one of the few days a year I have to put up with them all at once,” she retorted. You smiled and patted her shoulder.
“Don’t worry, I’m here this year and I’m always willing to help a girl out.” You smiled. She nodded before being called in the other room and leaving to answer. You looked around at the castle house, as you liked to call it. The upside was that you got to spend all day in this beautiful home of a kind man. The downside was that you also had to deal with his all over the place family.
“(Y/N)!” A female voice exclaimed. Joni walked towards you smiling with a glass of champagne in her hand. “Here you are again, how are things with Ransom?” She asked as she surveyed your appearance. She made it seem like the two of you were close gal pals who hadn’t seen each other since college back in ‘87. Maybe this was just her persona... But it was weird.
“Oh, everything is nice,” you replied politely and nodded. She smiled and hummed a soft “mhm,” before regaining eye contact.
“Look, so I was reading your horoscope and-“
“How do you know when my birthday is?”
“Oh easy I found one of your article on Twitter and I just looked you up and-“
“(Y/N)!” Another voice said. You resisted the urge to groan in annoyance and roll your eyes. Is it possible to get tired of hearing your own name?
You looked over and shuddered when you saw Richard walking towards you and smiling. He walked up and put an arm around you and warnings were going off in your head.
“Joni leave the poor girl alone, go have a drink,” Richard shooed her away. Joni rolled her eyes and walked away as her high heels went click click on the wood floor. That left just you and Richard.
“How are ya kiddo?” He asked in a (little too) friendly tone. You smiled nervously and tried to inch a bit out of his grip.
“Oh, wonderfully,” you said through gritted teeth. You looked around for a possible outing but Ransom was nowhere in sight.
“Good, good, listen,” Richard cleared his throat and pointed a finger. “Linda and I were talking and we thought it would be nice for you and Ransom to maybe spend a night with us, you know? I mean we’d like to get to know you too,” He explained. Your head felt light and you were just trying to get away by this point, but his grip around you was too strong.
“Oh, I-I don’t know, Ransom and I seem to be doing just fine-“
“We would love to have you, sincerely! I-“
“Hey perv, let her go.” You heard a stern voice say. You looked up and Meg was standing right in front of you, glaring at her uncle. Richard furrowed his brows and huffed.
“Meg come on-“
“No get off you slimy perv!” She restated firmly and yanked you away from him. You stood trembling with your wrist grasped by her hand and watched Richard storm off. She turned to face you, her naturally-sad green eyes looking you up and down. “Are you alright?” She asked. You sighed and nodded.
“Y-Yeah, I am now. Thanks so much,” you breathed. She hugged you and held your hand.
“Look if he ever comes up to you again just mention something you’ve written at your job. I know you and your work and what you write about is an absolute way to piss him off.” She winked. You smiled and nodded. She gave you a smile before slowly walking off to find something to do.
You pulled yourself back together and started to slowly walk around, hoping you’d run into Ransom somewhere. While passing by a few chairs, Ransom’s cousin Jacob sat quietly on his phone.
“So why are you here?” He asked without skipping a beat. You halted in your tracks and looked down at him.
“Hm?” You replied in confusion.
“Why are you here? Nobody just visits Ransom to visit Ransom,” he said shortly without looking up. You scoffed in disbelief and crossed your arms.
“Uhm, Ransom and I used to be super close. This is just me revisiting an old friend,” you said curtly. Jacob rolled his eyes and put down his phone to actually look at you.
“Look, I don’t know if someone like you would understand,” he began. You did a double take. Someone like me? What the hell kid! “But Ransom always has a play. And since the two of you are so close, I would’ve expected you to-“
“Hey short stack,” Ransom suddenly appeared next to you, cutting Jacob off. “How about you stick to spewing crap through your phone, yeah?” Ransom retorted and drove you away from him. You blinked a couple times. What the hell was happening? You’d only been here for fifteen minutes and you were getting so many mixed signals.
“Ransom what the hell,” you said. He shook his head.
“Don’t mind him, he’s literally insane- Fran!” Ransom called and snapped his fingers above your head as the maid passed by. She stopped and glared at him. “She would like a drink.” Ransom pointed down at you. Fran chuckled and continued to walk away.
“Welcome to the family, kid,” she muttered.
Later that evening after getting to know Marta and having a quite pleasant conversation with Harlan, it was time for dinner. The family sat at a huge table with Harlan to your right and Ransom to your left. Harlan insisted you sit near the head of the table with him because of your “charm and pleasantness.” It made you blush whenever he said that.
After dinner was served and everyone was eating, Harlan took this as an opportunity for everyone to learn more about you.
“So tell me my darling (Y/N), what’s your life like back home?” He asked. You glanced around with wide eyes as everyone slowly turned their attention to you. You cleared your throat.
“W-Well, I live in an apartment in New York and I work at The New York Times,” you began slowly. Harlan nodded with an intrigued expression as you continued. “I-I have a best friend, Claire, and we normally work together on our articles...” You gestured to Marta. “Claire is Latina too, so I’m really blessed to-“
“Makes sense,” Jacob muttered. Richard cleared his throat and leaned forward and held his hands on the table.
“Ah, so an immigrant friend! What’s that like (Y/N)?” he asked. You couldn’t tell if he was trying to be racist or not, but you furrowed your eyebrows.
“What do you mean? She grew up in-“
“Oh please Richard leave the girl alone,” Linda scolded. All of a sudden the table was roaring with stern chatter. Ransom sat there and laughed, glancing at how idiotic his family looked. Harlan rubbed his temples and gently touched one of your hands, glancing at you with an “I’m sorry” expression. You slowly sat back down as you glanced around at everyone talking about immigration and politics. You took a sip of wine and sighed.
“I’m just saying that if women are working the same jobs as men how can they not be getting paid the same?!” Richard said from the couch. The conversation that night had shifted from immigration to feminism. Linda, Richard, Joni, Meg, and Jacob all sat in chairs or couches around the fireplace. Your head was resting on the doorframe as your eyes drooped with boredom and exhaustion. You gently swished around the dark red alcohol in your glass, occasionally taking a sip out of it.
“Oh my god Richard! Obviously if that was the case we wouldn’t need feminism!” Joni explained in annoyance.
“But Joni it would be unreasonable for something like that to happen! Studies show-“
“Richard not all jobs have the same ethics-“
“Shut it Meg you’re still in college,” Jacob said flatly. Meg glared at him and gave him a swift slap on the arm.
“Here, you know what, (Y/N)!” Richard called. You perked your head up and slowly walked into their conversation as Linda scolded her husband and Joni complained. “(Y/N), dear, how are you getting paid at your job?”
You took a sip of wine.
While you were getting quizzed on your job and beliefs, Harlan had called Ransom into his study to talk about you.
“Well my dear boy,” Harlan said. Ransom looked at him blankly.
“Hm?” He asked. Harlan tapped his finger against the desk.
“A fine young girl isn’t she?” Harlan asked. Ransom nodded. “She’s both intelligent and beautiful, how’d you manage to be friends with her in the first place?” Harlan teased. Ransom smiled and shook his head.
“Yeah, she’s really something.”
“What are you planning to do with the next few days you have with her left?” Harlan asked. Ransom looked up for a moment.
“Oh you know, just what we’ve done the last couple days,” Ransom replied casually. Harlan cocked an eyebrow.
“You know, I’d hate for you to lose her somehow,” Harlan replied. Ransom’s insides halted, but he played it cool on the outside. Harlan knew his grandson, he knew there was some sort of scheme he was up to.
“Grandfather what do you mean?” Ransom asked. Harlan leaned back in his chair and shrugged.
“I feel as though the two of you reconnected for a reason, and I just hope it was for something good. And I hope it stays,” Harlan told his grandson. Ransom stared at him blankly for a moment before Harlan chuckled and patted his hand. “Go out there my boy.” He laughed.
Ransom stood up slowly and walked out, shutting the door gently behind him. Somehow his grandfather had made it into his mind and flipped some sort of switch. Did Ransom have feelings for you?
“(Y/N)!” Ransom called. You turned around to see him walking up quickly towards you as you stood in the middle of Joni and Richard, whose tones and volumes were beginning to rise. You sighed in relief.
“Ransom I’m ready to go,” you muttered. He nodded and the two of you quickly walked towards the door.
“(Y/N) and I are leaving!” He yelled. You stood next to the door as Ransom pulled on his jacket quickly. He opened the door and gestured for you to walk out. You walked out into the brisk night air in a small hurry. You could hear confused chatter and people trying to say goodbye as Ransom and you quickly climbed into the BMW. You felt horrible for not saying goodbye to Meg, Marta, and Harlan, but you knew you’d make it up somehow. Ransom was tired of his family. He wanted to go home and spend as much time with you as he could, hoping to figure out some things of his own.
Harlan watched all this through a window in his office. He chuckled as he watched as you and his grandson left in such a hurry. Harlan wasn’t hurt you didn’t say goodbye, he knew you would be back at sometime. Marta looked up from the book she was reading.
“What?” She asked with a smile. Harlan turned to face her.
“She’ll be back,” he said. Marta shrugged and looked back down at her book.
“That was really something,” you sighed as the two of you drove home in the night.
“I was quite surprised how nicely you handled everyone there,” Ransom complimented.
“Yeah well I’m just a good actress I guess, because I was nervous and awkward the whole time,” you laughed. He smiled and was silent for a moment, thinking about everything Harlan had told him.
“You know Harlan really likes you,” Ransom said. You raised an eyebrow.
“Did you two boys talk about me?” You asked playfully. Ransom shrugged.
“He said he thought you and I reconnected for a reason,” he explained. You thought about it for a moment.
“I mean I guess,” you replied in agreeance.
The BMW pulled into the driveway and parked. The two of you got out and you shivered. You were tired and ready to go to bed. You walked into and the two of you took off your coats and shoes as you pulled your curls up into a bun.
You walked into the kitchen to grab a glass of water to make sure you were hydrated since you felt just the tiniest bit tipsy. Ransom followed and turned on a few lights. You hopped up and sat on the counter as you drank your water and Ransom looked over at you. Sure you looked tired but still you managed to impress him.
You began to tell him about your take on the whole night. He laughed, agreed, and told you some crazy stories about his family. Neither of you noticed how close he came up to you. He was right in front of you, and the two of you locked eyes. His eyes roamed your face and body and you exhaled slowly, staring at his lips.
The two of you leaned in slowly as ever and you slightly hesitated right before connecting your lips to his. You closed your eyes and his hand reached up to caress your cheek. The kiss was gentle, not like anything you had expected from him.
When the two of you pulled away you smiled and giggled. He grinned and looked down.
“Shit, how do you do this to me?” He asked in astonishment with himself. You blushed and bit your lip.
“Oh come on,” you replied playfully. Without missing a beat his lips were back on yours and you wrapped your arms around his neck.
Ransom had fallen victim to his feelings; he loved you. How quickly he had realized that astounded him. All Ransom knew was Harlan somehow knew and pushed the stimulation. All you knew was the remainder of that night was a wonderful blur.
*cries in hormonal teenager* god i was fangirling just WRITING that! i really hope you enjoyed, chapter 8 will be out soon!🤍
@heyiamthatbitch @mcuclintasha @captainsmallassrogers @fangirlinacoffeeshopweshare @anisiamoisa @awesomelittledemarco03 @aletteredaffair @castellandiangelo @theangrylizard @frencchfries @takemetooneverlanddd @sp2900 @smilexcaptainx @monpetitcoin21 @marymoon18 @mccunted @iamapersonwholikesunicorns @chuuulip @sweetlittlegingy @lookalivefrosty @brookebradford @patzammit @stucky-is-life-thank-you @bval-1 @need-more-time @blowfishevans @polarcrystall @little-dark-empress @rosalynshields @asianbuttcheek @dailythotdotcom @topstory21 @canny1902 @alexxcorona113 @what-inspirational-name @summer-may @abbyalee @littlefiercequeen @stardancerluv @oncemorewithfeelingg @sophiealiice @snowxbarryxendgame @lilwickedred
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haiyuta · 5 years
Study Session || Felix
Summary: Failing Transfiguration was not what you expected in your 7th year or having to be tutored by a Gryffindor named Felix.
word count: 4k || Hogwarts au, lots of felix rings, accent, fingering, hj, kissing, teasing, 
a/n: I promised a abo chan but here is a felix smut cause he does things to me...I HAD TO look at this boy hes amazing. I do hogwarts au no justice
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Placing your bag on the desk you let out a small huff sitting next to your fellow Slytherin housemate and friend. Minho glanced at you taking out your Transfiguration book 7th-year edition. The only subject you were failing at a rapid pace it was almost comical.
"Well good morning to you I didn't see you at breakfast," he hummed taking out his book.
"Yeah I slept in I was studying all night," you replied. The class hummed with talking from your fellow classmates. "I want to get good marks on my newts I just," you huffed leaning back your mind racing.
"Hey maybe I can help you," Minho said pushing his arm at the back of his chair.
"Maybe," you trailed off looking at the group of red robes that entered the room. Gyfindors you rolled your eyes. Pretnigous and cocky. A dark brown hair one Chan he was loud, to say the least, a captain of the quidditch team he boosted often how much they won. Next to him with dyed blond hair the quieter one  Felix next to him.
Blinking you rolled your eyes when Chan gave you a small nod toward your direction. His motto this year was trying to get houses more 'together'. Yeah right.
"So full of themselves," Minho whispered under his breath. You grinned agreeing with him. "But I heard that Felix kid has amazing marks recently," he added.
Class dragged on slow you tried to understand how the more advanced Transfiguration worked but it felt like a block like you couldn't understand.
"Make sure to do your 2 feet essay by next week," the teacher said. Huffing you got up putting away your books and papers.
"Miss Y/n could you please stay back," the teacher spoke. Eyeing Minho you clenched your fist already knowing what was coming.
"Save me a seat at lunch," you whispered to him. You went to her desk her hands folded glaring up at you.  
"Well miss y/n I've seen your essays and your struggle with this more advanced material," she stated.
Folding your hands in front of your skirt you nodded. "Yes professor I just need to work harder it's almost fall I know I can get back on track," you affirmed.
"As you know this is class is important for the newts I wouldn't like to see you fail this subject," she said. You nodded agreeing silently. "So I asked my best student to help you he didn't have any extra electives and always very helpful," she said.
"Like a tutor," you asked raising an eyebrow.
"Yes Felix is a great student and took an interest in tutoring some of the younger students you'll be his first in his year to tutor," she explained.
"Felix," you said his name out loud. The blond that's always with Chan.
"Yes I believe he'll teach you well," she said.
You frown your brows remembering what Minho said "actually Minho said he would be interested in helping me since he's in my house we probably can work better," you quickly made an excuse.
"Minho is almost at risk of being tutored himself now he'll meet you in the library at 7 and I hope to see some improvement," she eyed you.
You rolled your shoulders "I'll try," you said going back to your desk.
"And Miss.Y/n Felix is quite nice don't let house rivalry stop you from learning something new," she said. Nodding you quickly left hoping Felix would just tutor you and leave.
"So after dinner, you have to study," Minho asked picking at the food.
You looked at your close friend "yeah the library at 7 she said," you told him. Eyeing the table Chan was facing you his friend across from him. Even though you've been at Hogwarts a magical school Felix didn't come here till 6th year making him even more of a mystery.
Eyeing the large clock it was already 6 45 seeing Felix wave bye to his house walking out of the great hall.
"Be optimistic," he laughed grabbing a cupcake taking a bite out of it.
"Yeah I'll you see back in the common room," you huffed grabbing your bag. Walking through the halls you eyed the paintings and the movement going down one hall then another till the library came into view.
The library was quiet as you walked in eyeing the large halls looking for Felix. A few rows in you spotted a red tie and blond hair. He was concentrating on the book he was reading a book. Your mind racing for no good reason as you approached him "Hi you must be Felix," you said clutching your bag to the side.
Facing you he had a smile making his brown eyes go into small suns "Yes I am and you're Y/n right," his deep voice made your spine shiver. You noted he had an Australian accent just like Chan you will ask about that later.
You felt heat crawl from the back of your neck up to your ears "Yeah," you said slipping in the chair next to him.
"Okay well I heard you're failing in Transfiguration," he said in concern.
Rolling your eyes away "Not by much it's just," you huffed suddenly feeling inferior under his gaze. "It's a little confusing," you replied.
Nodding his head his deep eyes slide to you to the book "okay well we'll go back to the basics of last year and see where it's all going wrong okay," he spoke fluidly nodding.
Felix spoke smoothly explaining everything with delicate detail. He was amazing at explaining the more difficult system willing more magical power.
"So you see when you use it it's important you reread each spell a few times these are completed any mispronounce or missed word will make it fail," he said pointing to the book. You noted he had a large silver ring on his middle finger. Your heart leaped a little seeing how small they were. You bite your lip trying not to gush at him and focus on his words. "Since we are transforming harder items it takes more will to make them what you want we'll go over actual spells later," he explained.
Staring at him intently you nodded stretching a little you've been in the position for an hour going over the more important topic. "Yeah we should," you agree.
"Now I know we have our essay due soon if you want you can write and I can look over it," with a charming smile on his lips.
"That sounds good I don't have to meet Minho until later," you said taking out some paper.
Working in mostly silence he helped you fix some parts and made sure you kept the essay on track. "Thank you," you mumbled actually learning a lot from this small study session.
"You're welcome how about we study on Saturday," he said.
Giving a small smile back clutching your book in your hands. "Sure thanks again," you said waving bye. Your stomach slightly fluttering for an unknown reason as you quickly walked back to the Slytherin dorms.
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The next time you met Felix was night. Browsing the shelves you spotted him sitting by a window seat his blond hair pushed back and his robes were fitted and clean.
Looking up he smiled he waved over to him you blush realizing you were staring at him. Sitting next to him he smoothly opened the conversation up.
"Well good Saturday to you," he said his voice deep slightly groggy it seemed he just woke up. By the wave he had a small red mark on his face he was probably sleeping. His voice and his just woke up voice made you shiver.
"It was the one day we got to go to Hogsmeade so I'm happy," you grinned gliding in the seat next to him.
"Oh yeah here," he said handing you a small wooden case.
Eyeing it you raised an eyebrow "for me," you asked.
"Well I didn't know 7th years still use sugar quills I think this better one will keep you writing better," he winked handing you the box. He looked away going back to his work.
It was a quill inside the box a nice one, to say the least. "Thank you," you mumbled feeling the back of your neck heat up.
"You're welcome," He quirked an eyebrow "I actually wanted to review your essay before class if that's okay," he said.
"Yeah sure," you said still in a daze from the gift, pulling from your bag your essay.
"Oh wow when she said two feet you took that super literally," he hummed his deep voice chuckling as he looked at you two-page essay. You spotted his that was at least 4 pages.
Felix reviewed it making a few notes on the paper. You tried not to stare but he was reviewing your work and he looked so focused. You hope he thought it was good. "I think you should look up more on the human-animal area it's a little unclear but overall good," a wide smile lit his face.
"Um, where would you think I should cut out," you asked wondering where he meant.
Felix scooted closer to you pointing at the area "here," he said. Suddenly he was close to you in your bubble but it felt so good. The scent of him so strong you couldn't place his cologne as he was explaining his mouth had a minty smell.
"What book would I reference," your voice broke out. Realizing your stomach was turning at how close he was.  
Felix reached over grabbing a book "I like this one it's the best one for the subject in my opinion," he spoke looking down at you. It was like slow motion as you drunk in Felix's features. From his lightly dusted freckles to his one cute crooked tooth.
"Um," you trailed off wanting to speak but couldn't. All you wanted was for him to capture your lips in a kiss wanting to see if his lips felt as soft as they looked.
"Y/n there you are," Minho said breaking you from your trance. You pulled back looking over at him.
Glaring "this is a library," you whispered yelled at your friend.
He huffed pulling out a chair plopping himself in it "sorry I was looking for you the party in the Hufflepuff dorm starts soon," he grinned leaning back. "They won their quidditch game and invited 5th years and up from all houses," he explained.
"Sorry I can't Felix was looking over my essay," you gently turned down your friend hoping you could spend a little more time with Felix.
"Oh it's fine I know parties are more fun than this," Felix spoke a tightly closed mouth smile he pulled.
"See even your tutor wants you to party," Minho said. "And I think that guy from Ravenclaw Seungmin is going," he teased causing you to glared at him. You knew Minho wouldn't let up if you didn't go.
"I'm sorry Felix cutting our tutoring short I'll finish up my essay tomorrow okay," you said.
Felix gave a look but a smile "It's fine I'll be here all day tomorrow if you have any questions," he said. Grabbing your bag a string of apologies came out as Minho took you by the arm dragging you out the room.
Felix sighed watching you walk away his tight smile slipped into a low frown as the moonlight from the large castle windows filled the area. 
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"So you like like him," Minho said as you walked to dinner on Friday night. You puffed your cheeks heat rising slowly.
You learned a lot about Felix as he tutored you. He was from Australia and came to Hogwarts in his 6th year, he had freckles a nice laugh and welcoming. 
"I just get this fluttery feeling like when I kissed the exchange student Lucas at the Yule Ball," you explained.
"We're friends for now," you added. And it'll probably stay that way you added in your mind.
"Let's eat I have a study session for the newts," you hummed.
"Newts already we're almost out of Hogwarts, he whined sitting down.
You let your thoughts linger You're time at Hogwarts was almost done which was almost done it was a double edge sword. Going and being a wizard getting to work in different world departments. Then the reality of leaving weighed on your mind. Would you a Felix still be friends?
Gazing at him your eyes widen to see Felix facing you eating across was Chan but next to him a female by his side. She had a sparkling look in her eyes as she listened to Chan and Felix but more Felix.
Your stomach turned in distaste at the scene. Felix smiled at both of them as you looked on. You looked at your food trying to ignore the scene.
"So Minho what were you saying about Hogsmead," you said.
Minho gave you a look at you and back at him but decided to not question it "well I was saying," he continued.
Dinner ended and Felix walked out saying goodbye to his Chan and the girl his eyes searching for yours he gave you a small nod in your direction. It was common for him to do this but something about him just cuddling with the girl making you bubble with irrational anger.
"Time to study," you said grabbing your bag heading toward the library. Entering it was quiet only a few people around. You searched through the rows for Felix until you found him sitting in a back row by a window.
"Hey," you said breathlessly,
He gave a small smile back "hey," he responded.
You felt your heart clench looking at his arm where that girl touched him. You wanted to ask him about it but you stopped yourself. Felix isn't yours to claim.
Felix opened up some papers "I have the test newt so we'll go over this," he said putting the paper down.
It was nice to go over the newt the more you studied the more you realize how really hard it'll be. 
it went well but as you went you slowly went downhill as you started to get them wrong and wrong. "Y/n you seem distracted," Felix said stopping.
You gazed up at him "More than normal," you joked lightly feeling your heart clench at his handsome face.
"Funny," he gazed at you with those gentle eyes. The moon illuminated his blond hair making it look lavender.
"Is it your boyfriend," Felix asked staring at you.
You straighten your back confused by his statement "what boyfriend," you questioned back.
He pursed those plump lips up "Minho I think," he stared at you. His lips were in a fine line. 
"Oh he isn't my boyfriend he's just a really good friend," you defended yourself. A small teasing smile lifted to your face "and what about you Mr. I have a girl cuddling on me at dinner," you teased out your words biting back at jealously.
Felix glanced at you and chuckled "I wish I knew I know she's a 6th year I just couldn't tell her to fuck off," he responded. The tension between you two was growing you could feel it even your magic could feel the underline motive of your words.
"What a gentleman," you smirked but continued "I wouldn't let that happen often people will think she's your girlfriend." Both of you were so close your knees were touching while his face felt so close to his.
“Are you jealous,” he asked leaning closer his eyes so intense. 
You hitched your breath deciding to be upfront with him “Kind of,” you quirked an eyebrow. 
You felt your hand go to his knee staring at him "May I kiss you," he breathed out he was staring at you he was so close. You felt your cheeks warm wanting to kiss him so bad. 
"What a gentleman," you breathlessly said leaning in to capture his lips. It was gentle Felix's hand reaching over to cup your chin into his hand as he tested the kiss. It was soft moving your lips against his moving close. He let out a small moan as you massaged one another in the kiss. Your body slowly heating up from the kissing. Your body responds to his message he wanted you and you wanted him.
You gasped allowing his tongue to lightly enter your mouth ever so delicately you moaned tasting the strawberry shortcake we had for dessert in the kiss.
His other arm wrapping it around your waist pulling you closer to him as you to made out.
His fingers danced around your waist holding you tight. As fast as it happened you heard another Australian accent calling for Felix. You jumped from his touch to see Chan whispering Felix's name.
"There he is," Chan said still clad in his uniform. You blushed gazing at Felix his face flushed and his lips were tinted red. "Oh hey Y/n," Chan greeted.
Biting your lip you gave a small hi back. "I have to show you this new set we did its amazing," Chan said a little too loud.
"Dude don’t you see,” Felix palmed his face. 
“Oo sorry,” he said looking at you and slowly getting what you both just did.
“Come on let's go," Felix huffed packing his stuff. Suddenly it hit you what we did you made out with Felix crap you thought. Was he going to stop tutoring you? You hoped he didn’t find you a bad kisser. Self-doubt filled you as Felix and Chan chatted. You got your answer "Hey um Y/n,” Felix paused “wanna go to Hogsmeade with me and then we can study next Saturday," he asked.
Chan raised an eyebrow at the scene "I'll love that," you blushed watching Felix pull his overcoat on giving you a wink picking up his book.
"Dude nice," you heard Chan say lightly bumping his friend's fist as they left. Felix ears a deep red color like his lips.
Touching your lips you grinned you just kissed Lee Felix. 
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Its been almost a month since you kissed Felix you weren't technically together but it still felt good. You were lucky you got to kiss him when you wanted. You liked this a lot. Nothing too serious yet with the perks of affection. 
Currently, you were sitting in the library the spot you always met Felix next to you reviewing for the newts in a month. "What animal is extremely hard to transfigure?" Felix asked pointing to the question
You let out a light laugh "A dragon," you declared. "Come on Felix try a little harder than that," you said.
He nodded "okay okay," his deep voice vibrated out. You felt his hand go to your knee making you straighten you back.
"Okay next question what does vanishment actually do," he asked from the booklet.
Pressing your legs together you lightly bounced the knee his hand was on "its to make things go into non-being" you stated looking at the handsome blond. After a few months, his dark roots shining through.
"Good," he hummed his hand slipping from your knee to the inside of your thigh. Your body buzzed from the warmth of his hand.
Leaning on your arm you shyly looked at him "Felix what are you doing," you asked.
He flashed a handsome grin "giving you a reward for being so smart," he smirked.
"Now the next question "The opposite of vanishment is," he gently rubbed the exposed skin before you got to your skirt.
"Conjuring of course," you said wanting his hand to travel to its destination.
"Good job princess," he mumbled your nickname you glared at him even though you hated when people like Chan called you that something about him made you wet with want at the name.
His hand traveled up past your skirt limits till it reached under panties the slight lace pair at the rim of it.
Placing his pointer finger right at your folds. A small gasp you let out at the new feeling of someone else's fingers and not yourself touching you. The only person who slightly got to this base was at the Yule ball but you stopped him.
"Is this okay," he leaned over and whispered to you. Your heart throbbed at the question.
"More than fine," you replied reaching for his lips for a quick kiss.
"Okay Conjuring being a big part of the newts give me the short definition," he asked his face was twisted with want but also a cute kind of giddy at what his fingers were doing. His ringed middle finger was lightly just lightly stroking your slit causing more wetness to seep through them.
"Conjuring is to "bringing things into being," you stated opening your legs more for him.
He smirked allowing his fingers to move your panties and into your soaking need. He lightly teased with his fingers gently but it did so much to you. Your stomach twisted with want as heat building in you.
You felt Felix come closer and gently kissed your neck. His fingers lazily rubbing your folds in a rhymic manner. "Fuck Felix we should do this here," you whispered turning your head to catch his gaze. Of course, you were worried this was a library and someone could catch you at any time.
"That's why everyone is at the last quidditch match of the year," he hummed in your neck "if you catch two students making out oh well."
Grinning you let out another breathy moan feeling him cup you his rings cold against your heat. "No more questions please," you begged just wanting to let loose on his fingers.
"I think you deserve this Y/n you worked so hard," his deep voice broke out. You leaned over capturing his lips as his fingers went to work. His middle finger found your wetness lightly pressing into you. Your body was warm and his lips were warm and all this was so warm you were addicted.
Your hips pushed onto his fingers wanting more of his touch. "Fuck your wet," he whispered into your ear his warm breath hitting your neck.
"Who are you wet for," his husky voice asked out.
"For you of course," you moaned.
"All for me yes," he groaned his fingers were clumsy looking for the right areas but it all felt good. He circled your wetness making you gasp for me. "Fuck are you close," he hissed. You eyed his slacks they had a small wet mark on them.
"Can I," you asked reaching for his slacks touching the area of where his soft bulge was.
Felix gasped staring into your eyes "please," he barely got out.
Your fingers found his button and zipper greedy to touch him. His black boxers outline a small bulge. Touching him gently he moaned his fingers stopping for a moment.
"Touch me," he moaned. It was probably a site to see two students cuddled up close you would guess we were making out more than touching one another.
Jerking him off lightly you felt his warm dick harden under your touch the tip getting wetter every time you reached the tip. Felix lightly petted you long swipes up and down your slit.
"Fuck Felix," you panted reaching for his lips capturing him trying to keep quiet. "I can't hold it," you panted. 
“Let go princess let go on my fingers,” he whispered so sensually. Taking out Felix's warmth you gently pumped his dick as his fingers found his pace. Your heart thudded your mind-melting with pleasure. The heat inside your lower stomach was building and building. Your pumps on Felix were getting sloppy and you were trying to focus on helping him out.
Suddenly you felt yourself let go your legs clench around his hand as you came. A soft moan let out as you clutched close to Felix. Your body buzzed with pleasure as you came just from his fingers.
"God that was hot," Felix deep voice whispered as you leaned on his shoulder aftershock flowing through your body. Wrapping his hand over your he gently moved it up and down stroking himself. The scene itself was hot as you watch him moan.
Between his warmth and his hand, you watched how his dick twitch as he came a second later. Fuck he moaned he was twitching and squeezing himself as he came.
It was silent for a moment as you placed your lips over his. It was a tender kiss one of want and need.
"We probably should get back to work," you hummed in disappointment. 
Felix sighed "I think the match will be ending soon want to debut as my new girlfriend," he asked a shy smile on his face. God, he was handsome. "Only if you want," he paused. 
Your heart bloomed "I would love that," you smiled back. 
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emisfritish · 4 years
Our gift to the world - Episode 4
Summary: Episode codas of an established Pang/Wave in The Gifted Graduation. Episode 4- This is set after part 1 of the episode when Pang asks Wave to look into the news students... but before all the rest of the episode happens basically. 
Previous parts : Ep.1 /  Ep.2 / Ep.3
Next parts : Ep.5 / Ep.6 / Ep. 7 / Ep. 8
Series on Ao3
Notes : Well this is super late, so my apologies ! But I wanted to get it out before watching the new episode, and before episode 5 can come and potentially crush all of my cute PangWave headcanons. 
Also... will you believe me if I say this was initially supposed to be a light hearted/fun piece ? Yeah... I know. But because I’m apparently incapable of writing these boys any other way than having deep emotional talks, here it goes. 
Wave walks into Pang’s dorm room, intent on convincing his boyfriend that hacking into WeTV in order to see the new season of a show that has yet to be released is actually not really all that illegal and not that big of a deal, only for him to stop as soon as he crosses the doorway.
The eyebrow he lifts in judgement towards Pang when he sees him sitting on the floor, surrounded by the books and documents scattered around him goes completely unnoticed by his boyfriend, who seems far too focussed on what he’s reading to pay any attention to what’s going on.
“Hmm… Hello ?” Wave asks, prompting Pang to finally look up at him and smile quickly in answer, before he looks back down on the sheet of paper in his hand. 
Trying to discern what could have caught his boyfriend’s attention so fully, Wave walks closer and upon looking down, he recognizes the documents in Pang’s hands to be the information on their junior students’ gifts that he had asked him to look up earlier. 
“Pang… what exactly is going on here ?” Wave asks, lifting his eyebrows once again when Pang finally looks up towards him. 
“Check this out, I thought Time’s gift was one of the best ones. But this guy… he can actually extract the information that is in your head and he ca--” Pang starts explaining excitedly, before Wave cuts him off. 
“Pang,” he says quietly, sitting down on the floor in front of his boyfriend, looking down at the years-old yearbooks that are spread around his boyfriend and contain all the information of past classes of Gifted students, as well as the sheets of paper from Wave’s research on the newest Gifted class. 
“Listen Wave, I know that you don’t really care about the younger students,” Pang starts to say, and Wave only shrugs his shoulders in answer. It’s true, after all. “But I think it’s important to understand their gifts, and I want to know more.”
“I can see that, but why ?” Wave wonders, truly puzzled as to why his boyfriend is bent on finding out all of this information about past and future gifted students. 
“It’s just… Don’t you find it strange ? That the school does everything they can to try and prevent us from interacting with each other ?” he asks, and Wave once again just shrugs his shoulders in answer. 
He’s never really thought about it before, and it doesn’t particularly bother him either way. He’d never planned on getting close to any other Gifted Students apart from his friends and Pang, after all. 
“Not really,” he finally replies softly, and Pang deflates at his answer. 
“I think something fishy is going on, and I want to find out what it is,” Pang says determingly, when Wave keeps silently studying him with his eyes. “And I know you and Ohm don’t agree, but I hate the idea of all of our efforts going to waste now. Aren’t you curious ? If it wasn’t for us fighting against the school, none of us would have gotten as close as we are today, and doesn’t that thought sit wrong with you ?”
Wave can’t help but nod in answer to this, because it truly does. 
He never imagined that he would meet this group of people and that he would actually make friends while in high school. But now that he has all of them in his life ? He has a hard time picturing a world where he would be without them, especially Pang. 
“I guess I just worry,” Pang continues after a few seconds. “If the school doesn’t want Gifted students to interact and if they’re trying to keep us apart, what does that mean for all of us ? I know you all have better things to think about, what with college being right around the corner, but I just…”
Pang trails off in the middle of his sentence, and Wave frowns at his words.
Why is Pang suddenly talking about college ? Wave isn’t sure what yet, but he knows that something else is bothering Pang.
Even after everything that happened last week, even after they won, his boyfriend still seems afraid, and Wave hates that he has no idea what he actually fears, or how to ask him about it.
He doesn’t have Pang’s way with words, and he’s never been more frustrated at himself and his inability to communicate properly. 
“Pang, do you really care that much about not knowing the other Gifted students ?” he asks after a few seconds, trying to understand. 
“No, I guess not really. It’s just that… Now that all of this has been solved, what happens ? What do we do ?” he asks in a small voice, and Wave frowns deeper at the answer. 
“We do exactly what you said earlier, we move on. We adapt to the new system, like you were telling me to do, and we move on with our lives.”
At the words, Pang’s breath catches in his throat and his head bows down. Wave tries to bend forward to catch his boyfriend’s eyes, but Pang evades him and Wave feels a tug in his heart at the thought that he’s hurt his boyfriend, without even knowing how he did it.
“Pang, what exactly is going on here ?” he questions quietly. 
He’s starting to think that this has little to do with knowing their juniors and fellow gifted students, and everything to do with… them. And the thought truly scares him. 
“It’s stupid,” Pang replies softly, and Wave moves a little closer to him before nodding his head, even if Pang can’t see him with his eyes still riveted on the floor. 
“Maybe, but tell me anyway.”
“Ever since all of us met, we’ve always had this greater evil to beat, and this fight that we had to all take on together. It’s what allowed us to grow this close. Hell, it’s half of the reason why you and I got together,” Pang trails off and Wave waits him out, still not fully understanding what his boyfriend is trying to say. 
“I know that all of us are going to evolve, and change. To move on. Punn has universities from all over the country that are already knocking on his door, Ohm is looking at a couple universities that offer entertainment degrees, Claire and Korn already know where they’re studying, and I know you have your eyes on a couple different universities with advanced engineering degrees….”
“That’s true,” Wave states. 
He thinks he’s starting to understand what Pang is trying to tell him, but he waits him out, wanting his boyfriend to voice out all of his thoughts to be certain that he’s not misinterpreting or missing anything. 
Talking has never been his strong suit, but if this is going in the direction he thinks it is, it’s never been more important for Wave to actually understand everything and say the right thing in return. 
“Well I’m not like you Wave,” Pang continues self-deprecatingly. “We came together fighting the director and fighting for our rights, and that’s what I’m good at. If we don’t have to fight anymore, then what do I have left ? Take that away from me, and I just go back to being a stupid kid from class 8 that has little to no future.”
At the words, Wave feels his throat tighten and his heart drop to his stomach. 
More used to being the one that needs reassurance in the relationship, Wave doesn’t quite know what to say to help his boyfriend. The only thing he does know right now, is that hearing Pang say those things about himself hurts. 
He has to find the right words, no other option is imaginable. 
“Pang,” his voice breaks on the word. “That’s not true. Thanks to you, that’s not true. You made sure that every student here has a fair chance at a future. So even if you weren’t a part of The Gifted class, which you are, this still wouldn’t be true. Your grades or class aren’t the sum of you, Pang. You’re so much more than that. And people, universities, will see that.”
At the words, Pang finally looks up at him and Wave sees a silent tear run down his boyfriend’s cheek, ripping Wave’s heart out on the way down. 
“Maybe you’re right,” he pursues. “But even if that’s the case, then what happens to all of us ? If we don’t have anything to fight against, and if the school tries to keep us apart, then where does that leave us ?”
“Together,” Wave immediately answers with finality.
He sees the surprise draw itself on Pang’s face, and fondness towards his boyfriend swells within him. 
God, Pang really has to be blind if he thought even for one second, that Wave would somehow leave him behind. Not when Pang is the best part of him in the first place.
“It’s true. We’ll all change and evolve,” Wave explains, hoping his boyfriend can read the sincerity in his words. “Every year, new computers come out and older models need to be updated to remain relevant, it’s the cycle of life.”
In spite of the heavy moment, Wave sees the amused and fond smile on Pang’s face, and he feels his cheeks heat up, realizing that he went back to using tech metaphors like he often tends to do when talking about greater ideas and subjects, which Pang teases him for every single time. 
“Point is,” he continues, clearing his throat. “We’ll change and we’ll evolve, but I was kind of thinking we’d be doing all of that together.”
Quiet follows his statement, and the longer Pang remains silent, the more doubt starts to overtake Wave. 
Had he read all of this wrong ?
Even after highschool, he never imagined for one second that he and Pang would part ways. Not after everything they’ve been through together, and not after how much happiness Pang has brought into his life since they got together, in spite of the circumstances. 
But does Pang actually see things the same way ? Maybe Wave had been too hasty in his assumptions.
“You really mean that ?” Pang finally asks, his voice shaking, and Wave feels relief rush through him, the hope shining in his boyfriend’s eyes at the words erasing the doubts that were plaguing him a second ago. 
Getting up on his knees from where he was still sitting cross legged on the floor, Wave crawls towards Pang, until he is close enough to cup his boyfriend’s cheeks in his hands. 
“Of course stupid,” he reassures him. “I can’t speak for the others, although I doubt they would disagree. But Pang… you and I ? I kind of thought we were a package deal. And I’m not going anywhere, not without you.”
At the words, Pang drops his head down until it’s resting on Wave’s shoulder, all of the tension leaving his body at once.
He can’t remember a time in his life where he’s ever talked more than he just did and he honestly doesn’t know how everything that just came out of him made an ounce of sense.
But even though he can already feel shame crawling within him at everything he just said, Wave knows that Pang is worth it. Pang will always be worth it. 
“A package deal, ok,” Pang finally replies from where his head is still resting against his boyfriend’s shoulder. “That sounds nice.”
Wave’s arms round his boyfriend’s frame, bringing him closer to him, in an intimate gesture that still feels somewhat foreign to him and yet feels so right at the same time. 
“Is that what all of this research was really all about ?” he asks after a minute of them hugging each other, and he feels Pang nod his head against his shoulder.
“So stupid,” Wave says fondly, and Pang knocks one of his hands against his chest, prompting him to laugh at the gesture. 
“For the record, I still think something fishy is going on, and that we should look into it,” Pang states when he lifts his head up from Wave’s shoulder.
Wave feels relief when he sees the tears have completely dried from his boyfriend’s eyes, and he recognizes that Pang seems more at ease than he has in days. 
“Ok, we can look into it,” he replies, and Pang looks at him in surprise. 
“You believe me ?”
“Of course. I trust your instinct, it’s proven time and time again to be correct in the past,” Wave declares.
Before he has the time to say anything else, Pang cups his cheeks and pulls him towards him, pressing a light kiss against his lips. 
“Can that something fishy wait until tomorrow though ?” Wave whispers when their mouths part for a second, and he feels Pang smile against his lips. 
“Why, what did you have in mind ?” his boyfriend asks teasingly. 
“Well…” Wave trails off, before he reaches for his boyfriend and pulls him closer to him, deepening the kiss they were sharing a few seconds ago. Right now, there’s really nothing else he’d like to do except make out with his boyfriend for a little while.
WeTV can wait, really. 
Tomorrow, they’ll have to dig deeper into Pang’s fear that something bigger is going on. Tomorrow, they’ll have to deal with college placement exams, finding a place to live, and all of the other issues that come with growing up, with evolving.
But for today, though ?
Today, they’ve just won a major battle against the director and the school. Today, he just wants to take a moment to be happy, and enjoy this moment of making out with his boyfriend like the teenagers they are. 
And all the rest ? Well, the rest can wait.
When it’s time to deal with all of this, they’ll deal with it like they have everything else, together.
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ladyartemisia28 · 4 years
Say Amen (Saturday Night)Chapter 4
Pairings: Prinxiety, side Logicality, Platonic Moxiety, Platonic/Family Logince.
Warnings: Cursing?
Summary: Sanders Sides Human College AU
Chapter 4- Nine in the Afternoon
Author’s Note- Very advised to get a hold of the song Welcome to the Black Parade- by My Chemical Romance.
After they finished gathering their things, Roman led Virgil out to the parking lot.
He slowly shuffled his feet as he caught up to Roman who walked up to open the trunk of a very nice red car. The symbol on the front of the car was a large L.
Virgil raised his eyes up from the ground to look at the vehicle with wide eyes.
“This is your car?” he roughly tossed his bag in the back set
“Yeah, I was hoping for a Lamborghini.” Roman joked with a wink as gently placed his bag in the trunk.
Virgil attempted silence small bitter voice in his head.
“When I was 14 and my cousin, Adora, got her Quiñceanera. She chose me to be her chambelán de honor or chosen escort. I was SOOOOOO JEALOUS!” He dramatically flourished with his hands as he grabbed the trunk lid and closed it shut. “So to bribe me my parents told me that they'd get me a car a year early.”
“Sorry but I have to ask, but I...I'm not sure what it is?” Virgil asked
“Oh uh, sorry” Roman apologized with a smile.
Virgil hummed as a response.
“It's the big birthday that Cis Latina girls get when they turn into 'women'. Silly and patriarchal, I know!” Roman added with a open palms gesture when he saw the eyebrow raise that Virgil gave. “But it was so fun, so fancy and beautiful!”
Roman pushed the key fob to unlock the car and they got themselves settled in.
“It's fucked up that other genders don't get anything like that.”
“Yeah I even stole the catalogue that she picked her dress out of. I cut out my favourites and glued my face on them. Put them all up and down my mirror.” Roman said with a proud smile remembering the happy memories.
Images of Roman in slinky cocktail dresses rushed into Virgil's mind. His face dropped to a small frown as he struggled to stop that particular train of thought.
Roman was unsure if he had said something that upset Virgil to make him clam up again.
"Uh you can pick the music if you'd like?” Roman offered as a break in the sudden silence. “CD's are in the middle.”
He waited for Virgil to buckle himself in before he pulled his car out of the parking lot. Virgil went through all the preset radio stations before opening the middle console.
“CD's? I would have thought that you would have your car set up with Spotify or Pandora or something like that?” he said as he opened opened the console and looked through the collection
“Eh, CD's are great. No commercials for long car trips. ”
All of the Cds were for musicals, a few that he had heard of like Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, and Guys and Dolls. And some that Virgil didn't know, Dear Evan Hanson, Six the Musical, and...Legally Blonde? He did not know that that was a musical.
Then he spotted one that Roman had mentioned.
“Um, any suggestions from Heathers? You said that I might like this the 7/11 song?”  
“I usually go through the whole thing in order....but I suggest for you, Track number 4.”
“Could I get some context?” Virgil asked as he pressed the button for the track number.
“The uh, 7/11 scene in the movie...But in song.” Roman offered with a bit of a smug smile.
“I probably should have guessed that.” he admitted with a grumble.
Virgil closed his eyes as he listened to the song and imagined the scene in his head.
Just like in the Heathers movie JD was recounting to Veronica how he travelled all over the place because of his father. And because of that he didn't feel like he was able to connect to the people and places. No place felt like home, except for 7/11.
It was always a weird scene in Virgil's opinion. Like JD is just opening up to this person he just met and telling her his very strong feelings about a convenience store and Slushies.
Even though it was strange Virgil had to admit, it was a good song. Parts of the song were a little to close to home, like “When the voice in your head says you're better off dead”.
“So what do you think? ”
“Yeah I get it. Its good.”
“That's all?”  Roman asked exasperatedly
“I guess I was expecting something different???”
“Like what?”
“I just thought that JD was going to be a little more intense. Like crazy sounding or something?”
“Ah what YOU are searching for is 'Meant to Be Yours' number 17.”
He pressed the button until he reached the number and sat back in his seat to listen.
“So is that was you were expecting?” Roman asked as they exited the car after arriving at the store.
“Yeah, it was” Virgil smiled “Real Intense.”
The pair stopped after they reached to threshold to get their bearings.
“I get so lost in here.” Roman complained with a slight whine to his voice. “I don't usually do the grocery shopping.
Before Virgil could comment Roman continued.
“Lo likes to go to make sure that the budget is kept tight, but he's been so busy with his job. He just got his a new taker for his math tutoring.”
“So Logan's your brother?” Virgil
“My brother, well Step brother. My Mama married his Papa. When I was old enough to remember that I was getting a new family, but young enough that it's no longer weird.” Roman offered a little bit more information than necessary.
Roman briefly considered mentioning that he was at the party and Virgil had briefly seen him, but he didn't want to bring up the previous night.
At lest he didn't want to bring it up first.
They were getting along so well that he didn't want to make Virgil uncomfortable.
“Really, I grew up with him so he is my brother. Soooooo do you have any siblings?” Roman began to play with the sleeves of his jacket as he attempted a more personal question.
“Uh yeah, a older sister” he muttered.
“And her name is...?”
“Melantha,” he responded with little inflection “she prefers to be called Missy.”
“Melantha?! WOW, huh! Did your parents just grab a baby name book and open a page at random for ALL their kids!” Roman teased with a mocking laugh as they arrived at the Dairy and Juice section.  
“Yeah haha, Virgil's got a weird name. I've NEVER heard that before.” Virgil rolled his eyes as his tone changed from frosty to salty. “You know Roman isn't really the most common name either.”
“I am far from COMMON! Besides I wasn't saying your name was BAD! It is 'strange and usual like you'.” Roman winked as he tried to steer their conversation back to more friendly waters.
“Quoting Beetljuice at me? You'll have to do better than that.” Virgil grinned in spite of himself as he grabbed a six pack of orange drink and placed it in the cart.
“Come on you gotta give a guy some credit for remembering what your interests are right?”
“Yeah I guess” he said with a reluctantly happier tone.
“Hey do you see the Almond Milk?” Roman asked after he finished his scan bottles and cartons.
“Uh no, I think that might be over in the Organic or like Vegan section. Why does your brother have you on a specialized diet as well as his, what was it? His extremist water agenda? What does that even mean?” Virgil chuckled as he took the cart from Roman and led him toward the other end of the store.
“It's just what I call his super weird thing about getting enough water everyday. And yeah he does keep our kitchen stocked with a lot of green veggies. Also he checks to sure I kept up a sleep schedule”
Virgil's eyebrows rose in surprise at hearing all things.
“Yikes, he sounds like a bit of a control freak...”
“Yeah he is sometimes. Like I have hide my Butterfinger stash from him.” Roman complained. “He's not as bad I make him sound...NEVER tell him I told you that.”  
Roman went over to the shelf and looked over the choices, Soy, Almond, Lactose- Free lined the shelves.
“Oh and to answer why the special milk, I'm THINKING of starting the Paleo diet right now. My brother has no influence on this though, just want to try and see what works. I might try Keto if this one doesn't work for me.
“ah right.” Virgil nodded eyes slightly widened hoping that the look on his face didn't betrayal the fact that he did NOT know what the heck a Paleo or a Keto diet meant.
Virgil felt heard a chime from his pocket so he pulled out his phone.
“Hey I'm going to get this.” he shook his phone up to show Roman before he stepped away from the cold of the meat section.
Roman nodded in return as he turned to look at the selection of skinless chicken.
Virgil got a message from Green_Tea_Gay on his Instagram account, Anxious_On_Main.
'Hey so that “Study Partner” is a hot piece!'
'Remy do you have a point' Virgil replied
'Gurl do you know? have you seen his pics? HOW is he Single!!'
After the three little dots disappeared in their place were several pictures
His face reddened as he looked at the pictures of the previously mentioned selfies. Roman wearing tight jeans in front of a mirror with his backside captured on the camera. Another with him laying on his stomach caught at an angle getting his short clad behind in shot.
He quickly glanced over to Roman, who was still distracted.
He looked back at him phone and quickly texted back.
'Don't send me those!'
'They are posted to the public! I didn't hack his phone'
'I don't care, no more pics of his butt'
Just about the time he was going to put his phone back into his pocket another chime stopped him.
The next series of pictures were of Roman exercising posing with a dumbbell doing a curl, stretching, and other gym activities,  
And the last was Roman in swimwear that exposed more skin than he thought was allowed outside of certain websites.
His body felt instant heat and he looked and took a few calming breaths before returning to message Remy.
'I said no more pics!'
'Sis you told me no pics of his ass'
'Easy there Baby! No need to get your knickers in a twist. I'm just trying to help. Look at what you will be missing if you don't Snatch. That. Up!'
'What the hell Rem! We are NOT getting together! He is not into me.'
'Nah sweetie, you should have been paying more attention. That is totally a smitten kitten'
'You are the worst'
'No I am literally the best and you two are soooo getting together. Don't worry I know I made my point.'
'You asshole'
'Enjoy the pictures ;)'
Roman noticed that after he returned from his handling of his phone business Virgil had gotten quiet again and seemed to shift his gaze away from Roman.
'Did I spent too much time with the chicken?'
They walked down to the breakfast aisle.
As Virgil picked up some a box of Count Chocula cereal Roman slowed the cart to a stop behind him.
“You can only get this one around this time of year” he looked at it with a fondness that made Roman's stomach flip.
“So what are you planning on making?” Roman asked as he leaned his arms on the handle bar of the cart.
“Making? Uh, nothing, just like a bowl of cereal.... like with milk...from a cow” Virgil tilted his head to one side.
Confusion on his face as he held up the box and gave it a shake.
Roman could feel heat creep over his face, he was very caught off guard by the unexpected softness on Virgil's face.
'Shit!...now he thinks I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to eat cereal!'
Virgil turned around and did not see Roman's flushed face as he hide his own.
Basic cereal... I guess I could be making something with it like a cereal bar or something? A cake? Maybe? It isnt very impressive...and it's probably not on the platleo diet or whatever it was...
They stood in awkward silence until Virgil turned back around.
“I guess that cereal isn't something that YOU would be eating.” he looked at the cart. “From what I see here, you eat like you are going to be in the next Avengers movie or something.”
“Thanks, I mean I try.” Roman said with his eyes downwards as his body did an uncharacteristic shy sway.
“Yeah, I gues if you workout half as much as you take all those pictures, you could get away with more than the occasional  Butterfinger.” Virgil's eyes widened as he realized what he had said.
'.. shut up! shut up! shut up!'
Roman's head snapped up to look at Virgil.
“You've seen my gyms pictures?” Roman asked in a whisper.
“Ah Yeah that's like all over your Instagram page,” he attempted to sound super casual
He did not sound casual.
Like at all
They felt a charged moment between them and the longer it went on the longer they were unsure of who was going to break the silence.
Roman took it upon himself to interrupt the quiet as he tool the box of chocolate cereal in hand.
“I like the marshmallow bats.” he said with sheepish smile.
When they returned to the car they loaded Roman's groceries into the trunk and Virgil's bags into the back seat. Then they got themselves settled in their seats.
“SO where am I uh dropping you off?” Roman asked as they pulled out of the parking lot.
“I live in the dorms," Virgil asked as he started his usual habit of checking all the radio stations. “You don't?”
He found a song that he seemed to like on one of stations, Roman recognized it as a song by Imagine Dragons.
“I live in a apartment a little bit away from the college, with Logan.”
“Um, I live in the north dorms.” Virgil said as he a small bit of nervousness as took his thumbnail between his teeth. “With Patton, my best friend.”
After that song ended, a G piano note began the next song. Roman vaguely recognized it from somewhere he couldn't place. He figured when it got to the singing part he would be able to identify it.
Virgil tensed out of both excitement and fear.
He was about to embarrassed himself in front of Roman.  At lest Roman was driving so he wouldn't be stared at. So he took a breath and let himself focus on the lyrics.  
“When I was a young boy, my father took me into the city” Virgil sang out beautifully. “To see a marching band”
Roman's jaw dropped and his breath stilled. He felt like he was going to swoon.
He was so very grateful that they were at a red stoplight.
“He said, son, when you grow up Would you be the saviour of the broken The beaten, and the damned? He said, will you defeat them Your demons and all the non-believers?”
Virgil sang with closed eyes losing himself in the song. While Roman's heart thumped hard in his chest and he felt an assortment of warring emotions.
“The plans that they have made? Because one day I'll leave you A phantom to lead you in the summer To join the black parade”
As the song picked up in tempo Roman realized where he had heard this song before. He remembered that he had a few friends who were into My Chemical Romance, it was 'Welcome to the Black Parade'.
“When I was a young boy My father took me into the city To see a marching band He said, son, when you grow up Will you be the savior of the broken The beaten, and the damned?”
Virgil continued a little more intensely. As the song got more upbeat Roman joined Virgil in singing and continued his drive toward the dorm.  
“Sometimes I get the feeling She's watching over me And other times I feel like I should go”
Virgil eyes popped wide open and he smiled.
“And through it all The rise and fall The bodies in the streets And when you're gone, we want you all to know
We'll carry on, we'll carry on And though you're dead and gone, believe me Your memory will carry on We'll carry on And in my heart I can't contain it The anthem won't explain it”
As Roman turned a corner they continued to sing together
“A world that sends you reeling From decimated dreams Your misery and hate will kill us all So paint it black And take it back Let's shout it loud and clear Defiant to the end We hear the call”
Roman followed the music with dramatic hand gestures as he continued driving with his left hand. Even Virgil joined in with less dramatic the hand motions.  
“To carry on We'll carry on And though you're dead and gone, believe me Your memory will carry on We'll carry on And though you're broken and defeated Your weary widow marches”
Virgil sang with a full grinning face, his relief at Roman joining him in singing the song had caused him to relax and he was able to sing louder with more feeling.
“On and on, we carry through the fears (Oh, oh, oh) Disappointed faces of your peers (Oh, oh, oh)”  
Take a look at me 'Cause I could not care at all”
Roman held onto the note at the end for a bit. Virgil continued on with the lyrics
Do or die, you'll never make me Because the world will never take my heart Go and try, you'll never break me We want it all, we wanna play this part I won't explain or say I'm sorry I'm unashamed, I'm gonna show my scar Give a cheer for all the broken Listen here, because it's who we are I'm just a man, I'm not a hero Just a boy, who had to sing this song I'm just a man, I'm not a hero I don't care
They arrived at the dorms parking lot and Roman parked.
We'll carry on We'll carry on And though you're dead and gone believe me Your memory will carry on You'll carry on
And though you're broken and defeated Your weary widow marches on
Roman contuined his singing the longer held notes as they song concluded.
Do or die, you'll never make me Because the world will never take my heart Go and try, you'll never break me We want it all, we wanna play this part (We'll carry on) Do or die, you'll never make me (We'll carry on) Because the world will never take my heart (We'll carry on) Go and try, you'll never break me (We'll carry) We want it all, we wanna play this part (We'll carry on)
“We'll carry on!”
They both sang as the song ended to the sounds of drums.
At the conclusion of the song both Virgil and Roman were out of breath and grinning.
Roman felt his heart race.
He had thought that he had experienced maximum attraction that morning toward Virgil. But he was very wrong.
'Damnit Virgil why does your voice have to sound like sexy melted chocolate!'
He fought every instinct to just lean over and initiate a vehicular makeout session.        
Roman caught a brief glimpse of Virgil's eyes peak out from underneath his bangs and he gave him a very full smile.
Virgil nervously took a glance at Roman from underneath his dark hair.
Roman had the brightest and most authentic smile that Virgil thought he ever saw on his face.
It wasn't like Virgil thought that Roman faked his other smiles, the feelings of joy and friendliness were not false. But it seemed a lot of the other smiles that Roman gave seemed too perfect, Virgil guessed he practised his expressions in front of a mirror.      
This smile was of shear amazement, it was pointed in Virgil's direction. Like he could not believe what he heard, it caused Virgil to feel an annoying sensation in his chest.
“I didn't know you could sing” Roman spoke softly breaking the silence.
“Uh sure I guess I can sing a tune here or there.” Virgil shrugged with a dismissive sigh.
“I think its more than that!” Roman attempted to offer him a very sincere compliment.
“Yeah I'm not about to sell out stadiums anytime.” Virgil chuckled at the thought.
'I wish you were in a band. I'd buy all your albums. Be front row in your concerts, I'd....shit I can't tell him any of this!'
“So My Chemical Romance huh?” Roman said with a wide smirk.
“What about it?!”
“They are like the most cliché Emo band ever.” Roman snickered.
“Ah cliche? Really YOU want to go there do you?!” Virgil said
“Whatever do you mean by that?” Roman asked with a raised eyebrow.
“For a theatre kid you would think you'd dress a bit more stylish or something?” Virgil attempted to say with an indifferent air.
“What like take the costume from Hot Mikado out around the quad?”
“Absolute no clue what that is.” Virgil laughed as he exited the vehicle.
“It's....never mind that. I have only dressed subtly to spare those around me. ” Roman responded as he walked to back of the car. “How would anyone be able to concentrate on their schooling if I were to show up in full regalia?!”
“Full Regalia, huh, you sure think highly of yourself don't you? I'm not sure you should be bragging quite so much.”
“Is that a formal challenge?” Roman felt his racing heart in his chest in the midst of their back and forth.
“Not sure how impressive you'll actually be, but I'll keep an open mind, I guess.” Virgil shrugged with a small smirk as he began to take out the bags.
'I'll show him'
Roman noticed a few heavier bags that he could chivalrously offer to help him with.
“I can help you carry some of your groceries to your dorm?”
“Ah you just want an excuse to come to my room.” Virgil teased in a deep low voice  as he waited for Roman to banter back.
“YES YOU BET I DO!!!!....play it cool, Roman play it cool!'
“N...no...! I uh... as a gentleman I ... have to help anyone I see that is in need...” Roman sputtered out before he took ahold of small package of bagels “You ...you have... you have to carry..lots there.”
Virgil read his flustering as a rejection of his flirtation.
“No thanks! I got it! ” he quickly and loudly shouted in a panic as he took the bag out of Roman's hands.
Virgil thought that he and Roman had just shared a moment together.
'You just were imaging it! You shouldn't have believed Remy, you complete moron! ' He sling his messenger bag over his shoulder.
Then he draped the loops of the several other bags onto each elbow crook. And then took another bag into his left hand.
As he struggled to stuff the bagel bag into an already full bag, Roman again attempted to offer help.
“It's not a problem!” Roman gestured to the bagels.
“NO! I got it” Virgil just wanted to disappear as quickly as he could. He then placed the plastic of the bag in between his teeth.
“Cee Ou ENESAH.” Virgil shouted through clenched teeth as he retreated.
“Uh yeah.” Roman spoke to an empty damp parking lot. “see you”
Author's Note
The long pause was due to new job and lack of constant access to a working computer.
I think I will still have a job later after the situation clears, but I am unsure....
What do people think of me backtracking and converting all of the mentions of DEE to JAE? It won't be too much trouble as he has not even appeared yet.
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jasontoddiefor · 5 years
Title: Sea shells and all the things he left behind
Summary: Dick Grayson didn’t go to the beach. He didn’t watch any ocean documentaries, he didn’t talk about his childhood and he most certainly did not work with the mers at Blüdhaven’s Ocean Life Rehabilitation center. And then they brought in a kid clinging to an injured mer and Dick was 9 years old again and drowning.
AN: @thursday-batfam-prompts Prompt 7: Mermaid/Siren. Inspired by Gifts From the Sea.” Please go read that story!!
Dick already knew it was going to be a bad day when he got up. His back hurt and his throat itched and he had the taste of seawater on his tongue, though maybe that was just residue from his tears. Dick couldn’t recall what he had dreamed, but when he closed his eyes, orange flashed in front of his vision.
It was better if he didn’t remember.
Dick contemplated staying home sick, playing catch up with another happy kids’ show he had missed out on when he noticed his phone vibrating. It was nothing new for Dick to wake up to a hundred messages or more - the benefits of being friends with a lot of people who kept odd hours.
To his surprise though, it wasn’t the Titanic Idiots group chat blowing up his phone, just Wally. He was getting a new message every second - either Wally was taking his break way too early or they had an emergency at work.
Dick’s shift didn’t even start until twelve and it was what - nine in the morning?
Instead of bothering with reading through all of the messages, he just called Wally. The phone rang only once and his friend already answered.
“Dick! Holy fuck, you need to get your ass here like immediately we’re way too understaffed and nobody knows what we’re supposed to be doing Roy already called up OLRC main office this is why you don’t let a bunch of volunteers and marine life bachelors work on their own without any superior supervision of you know the people who have actually been trained to deal with-”
“Wally. Breathe. Calm down. What’s going on?”
Dick could hear Wally take a few deep breaths before he continued speaking, only a bit slower than before. At least Dick could make out where a sentence started and where it ended.
“We’ve got an emergency. A kid showed up with an unidentified and severely injured mer today. We think it’s a mermaid, but it doesn’t have a tag from what we can tell, and it’s super hostile, well as hostile as mermaids get given they’re the shiest mers, so we can’t get near it. The kid won’t speak either and separating the two already probably broke Donna’s arm. We need some more manpower here.”
Dick couldn’t wait to eat breakfast. Nutella, marmalade, honey - whatever would get rid off the salty taste on his tongue.
“Wally, I don’t work with the mers, you know that.”
“Yes, Dick, and I’m sorry, but you’re the only guy we’ve got.”
Somehow Wally managed to ooze his frustration and worry over the phone. “Please, Dick. You can look after the kid in the meanwhile and I can help check on the mer, but we need someone here.”
Dick’s premonition proved to be true. He should have just stayed in bed. He marched into the direction of his wardrobe, checking if he still had any clean clothes left.
“Give me thirty minutes to get dressed and grab breakfast and I’ll be there.”
“Thank you so, so much. I owe you.”
Wally’s evident relief made Dick smile. The redhead was Dick’s oldest friend. He had helped Dick find his place in a world he hardly understood, willingly shared a dorm with the resident weird kid and had managed to get Dick this summer job in-between college classes, if anything, Dick owed him.
“No prob, Wally,” Dick replied and ended the call.
He quickly grabbed an old pair of jeans and a shirt he was pretty sure was one of Roy’s hand-me-downs. Their small kitchen was always stuffed full due to Wally’s metabolic disorder, so it didn’t take much time to find something sugary and eatable that would still fill him up and prepare him for the stress that was to come.
Twenty minutes later, he was standing in front of Blüdhaven’s Ocean Life Rehabilitation Center. Dick didn’t even study marine biology. He was taking theatre classes, set on his goal to be as far away from the ocean as he could possibly be.
Yeah, that had turned out exactly like planned.
Not trusting himself to not stall any longer, Dick stepped into the strangely deserted building and headed straight to the part where they kept the mers. Before he could even reach the actual aquarium though, Wally already caught him.
His friend looked way too tired for someone who started his shift two hours ago. He stood right next to a couple boxes, his right hand holding an energy drink while his left was occupied with a donut.
“Dick!” Wally exclaimed and quickly swallowed the food in his mouth. “You’re here!”
Dick just rolled his eyes and focused on everything but his stomachs doing flips. “You did ask me to come. So where’s the kid?”
“In the office right here,” Wally said and pointed at the closed door behind him. “The kid’s not speaking at all. We’ve tried every language we’ve got between all of us, even some clumsy ASL, but the kid won’t react. Wouldn’t even look us in the eyes. And since he still has a knife, we don’t want to surprise him. CPS has already been notified, but they’re overrun as always and won’t come until the afternoon, but maybe you can get him to talk? You’re great with kids.”
That was an exaggeration. Dick was good with kids because he could keep them entertained and tell them the stories that captivated them. Generally speaking, that included kids up to age twelve. Everyone above that? Nope, not Dick’s age group.
Dick sighed. “I mean, I can try. Just don’t expect much, alright?”
Wally smiled, exhausted, but as bright as always. “I’m not expecting a miracle, Boy Wonder. Let me just finish and I’ll introduce you. If he doesn’t start screaming on sight seeing the terrible bags under your eyes-”
“And whose fault are they?”
“- then I’ll leave you two and look after the mer.”
Wally inhaled the remains of his snack and wiped his mouth clean on his jacket. Then he slowly opened the door.
The office had been pretty much emptied. Dick recalled that this was Dinah’s office/private break room, but she was on vacation until the end of the month. All of her belongings must be in the boxes.
When Dick and Wally entered the room and the kid looked up, measuring him. The boy had dark hair and his skin was quite pale by comparison. His blue eyes were sharp, evaluating. He definitely wasn’t keeping silent because of shock then.
The boy was dressed almost normally, aside from the old blood sticking to his hoodie. He wore jeans that had obviously been wet in the past hours. No wonder if he had shown up with a mer - Dick should have asked Wally how that had gone down.
“Hey, kiddo,” Wally said. “This is my friend Dick. He’ll stay here with you now if that’s alright?”
The kid didn’t react. He kept staring at Dick and playing around with his knife and the cord of his necklace. Dick studied it and almost took a step back when he realized what he was looking at.
Shark teeth, dark black scales, corals, fish bones, and two shells.
The necklace was identical to the one Dick had stuffed in the darkest corner of his dresser, except Dick’s had seven shells more, one for each year he had survived. Dick had almost thrown it out in anger multiple times, but in the end, he’d always kept it and felt guilty for even thinking of destroying it.
Suddenly, the puzzle pieces slotted together smoothly.
Dick had grown up multilingual until his parents had died. And then, after, he’d spoken only some English. His primary language had been his adopted father’s language made up of clicks and snarls.
“Who are you?” Dick asked, his throat almost hurting from the sounds, and finally, the boy paid attention.
His expression was a stunned one, like Dick’s question had torn down a wall so high you couldn’t even imagine anything lingering behind it.
While Wally looked at Dick like he was crazy, the kid already had tears forming in his eyes.
“You speak!” The kid still had a strong English accent, he couldn’t have been learning to speak for long.
“I was taught, like you,” Dick replied. “What are you doing here.”
“You speak,” the kid only repeated, hope almost choking him. “You’re human and you speak! You’re eldest-who-can-fly-on-land.”
Now it was Dick’s turn to be stunned while the kid started crying for real.
“You’ve got to help us. He’d got hurt badly after missed-love-bright-as-the-sun died and then venom-in-his-blood came and he said not to come but I didn’t know who else to turn to-”
“He-” Dick’s eyes went wide and he jumped up. “Come with me, now.”
“Dick, what the hell is going on?” Wally shouted as Dick turned into the other direction and leaped into a sprint.
He and the kid quickly followed him, but all Dick could think of that they were going to be too late, that he wasn’t going to make it-
“Dick, what are you doing!?”
“Siren!” Dick shouted back. “The mer is a siren, not a mermaid!”
Behind him, Dick could hear Wally starting to curse. None of the people on shift were actually experienced in handling anything above a selkie. And if the kid was as close to Bruce at the necklace suggested, then he wouldn’t just stop at a broken arm, no matter how injured he was.
Dick pretty much kicked the door to the aquarium open, and not a minute too late. Roy had just fallen into the water and a massive dark body was pulling at his clothes while the others desperately tried to reach for him.
Why had nobody broken the cabinet with the tranquilizers?
Dick didn’t hesitate, he didn’t even bother to kick off his shoes or get rid off his jacket, he just jumped right into the water, followed by the hysteric sounds of his friends.
“Where is my son!?”
The water engulfed him and Dick is seventeen and leaving the next, fifteen and on the surface for the first time in years, thirteen and complaining he’s slower than Kori and Babs, eleven and falling asleep on scales, nine years old and drowning alongside his parents, except he got saved by-
The siren suddenly let go of Roy, who struggled to get back to the surface and just stared at Dick like he couldn’t quite believe he was there.
“Dick,” Bruce said. “My eldest-who-can-fly.”
The name Bruce had given him when he’d taken Dick into his family had changed. Somehow that was still what caught him off-guard the most.
Dick had left screaming, spitting poison, but he was the-eldest now, not the-reject-who-left though that opened a whole other can of worms.
Bruce looked less like the predator he had just moments before. His eyes were still dark and cat-like, and his massive black tail with razor-sharp fins lingered in the deep of the pool. He had more scars than years ago, never mind the many festering lacerations they needed to take care off as soon as possible.
But Bruce’s expression was made up of terrified hopefulness. Dick was glad he didn’t have a mirror. He didn’t want to know what face he was making, but going by the sound of roaring waves in his ears, he was close to heartbreak as well.
“Hi, Dad.”
The words were much too weak for what he wanted to say but-
They’d have to be enough for now. 
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milstrim · 4 years
Rise from the Ashes; Just to See You Again
Chapter 2: It’s a Girl!
Mary Fitzpatrick stared at him in disbelief, her brown eyes wide, looking as though everything she had ever known had been a lie. The woman glanced between him, Pepper, and the papers in front of them.
"You want it? You actually want the baby? Thi-this, I--really?!?" A smile was tugging at her lips, as if she was afraid to actually believe him. Her brown eyes were hopeful, before they turned a little doubtful, "This isn't some impulse decision, or a dare or something is it? Because you'll have to be there for it and--"
"--I-yes! I really want it, and that's a promise. I've put a lot of thought into it, Mary, this wasn't just some spur of the moment decision," he gave her a long stare, making sure she knew he was being sincere, "I'm in it for the long haul. This is my kid, and I'm willing to do right by them."
She was smiling in earnest now, her eyes brighter than before, before she seemingly reigned herself in and turned to look at the papers, which he passed over to her.
"In there is another NDA," Pepper started, listing what the woman would be signing, "A contract saying you are waving away your parental rights, that Tony has full legal control over decisions for the baby once it is born..." and on it on it went, making Tony even more glad she was there. Legal stuff always gave him a headache, but it was particularly bad when it involved his baby, he found, "...and of course we'll have to call in our lawyers, each of you needs a legal representative to go over these before anything is signed."
"Does that mean they'll get signed today or not?" Tony asked, turning to Pepper, who shook her head.
"Our lawyers are on standby, but I don't know about Ms. Fitzpatrick..." she trailed off, looking at the woman in question with a hint of doubt. Mary shook her head in response.
"I live in New York. I only flew out here to have a meeting with you and I honestly didn't think anything would get this far," she answered, "Should I call him or...?"
"I suppose," Pepper answered, "unless you want to go find a different lawyer."
"What's his name?" he asked, "I'll pay for his ticket and everything, I want him down here as soon as possible."
And he meant it. The man, Brian Torres, was in California and had arrived at his hotel room by 9:37, exactly 7 hours later. But until then, they had time to fill.
"Perfect," Pepper said, taking up the papers and putting them in a folder, "He'll be here tonight and we can go over everything tomorrow morning."
"Tomorrow?" Tony exclaimed, impatient. Pepper shot him a look, exasperated.
"Yes, tomorrow," she turned to address Mary, "Feel free to let him know all expenses are covered. Hotel, plane tickets, transportation, everything."
"Of course," the woman responded, her smile light, "I'll let him know,"
She stood up to leave, and Pepper followed suit, grabbing Mary's coat and bag for her. But Tony couldn't help but feel disappointed. He had planned on making a huge decision today, and he had basically done nothing. Tony stood up to show Mary to the lobby, and possibly even her car, but the urge to do something more was too strong to resist.
"How about you come by my house,"
Mary and Pepper both stopped, Mary looking surprised and a little confused while Pepper's face was masked with cool indifference.
"You can see where the kid'll grow up and we can throw around ideas. We could move you in temporarily while you're pregnant, so you can stay close by and all."
She tilted her head at that, thoughtful.
"That's not a bad idea, though I'll have to wait until I'm on maternity leave."
"Alright, then," he said, going to hold the door open for her, "I'm driving."
They managed to get to the parking lot, into his car, and completely off the property without Obadiah noticing them. Then again, Tony had told Pepper to keep him busy, and she was nothing if not perfect at her job.
Tony turned on the radio to some random 80's channel, keeping the volume low so they could talk easily. Mary made no move to talk though, and they were halfway to the mansion when he couldn't take the silence anymore.
"Have you thought of any names or is that going to just be a 'me' decision, cause' I've already been looking at some. Of course I don't know the baby's gender, but I was thinking about James or Jamie, though I don't know if James is too basic or not."
He rambled on, trying to hide how nervous all of it really made him feel. He felt mostly successful, which was probably due to his years of practice in front of the press. Mary smiled, apparently amused.
"It's a girl, if you were wondering," she told him, answering the question he hadn't asked aloud.
Tony's heart leaped in joy and he couldn't contain the goofy grin that spread over his face. A girl, a girl! He was going to have a girl. It made the situation feel even more real and Mary had to let him know that the light had turned green.
He didn't stop smiling the whole way back, throwing names back and forth, though he still wasn't satisfied with any of them. He might want to look at some old family names to see if any of them caught his eye.
"This way, Ms. Fitzpatrick," he directed Mary when he parked the car. She followed him inside, taking in the size and the view of the mansion with a pleased smile. She looked worried, however, when she saw the bar, her lips pursed.
"I'm getting rid of it. Going clean and getting rid of all the alcohol in the house."
"Good. And, um, the cliff seems rather dangerous,"
His heart jumped at that, caught between speeding up and stopping all together. His house overlooked a cliff, a fucking cliff.
"I'll get it fenced, and she shouldn't ever be by herself long enough to somehow fall off a cliff," he assured, making a mental note to ask Jarvis to have some people come over to build a fence, "Here, I'll show you to where you'll be staying."
Her room was down the next hallway over from his. Like his room, it had a nice view of the ocean and high tech lined the windows and walls, telling the temperature, news, blocking out lights and creating visuals of whatever she pleased. The tech was nice (obviously), but the room itself was a little plain, after all, it was only a guest room. Mary sat down on the bed, taking in the ginormous room.
"It's nice, Mr. Stark."
"Please, call me Tony."
"Then it's very nice, Tony. Where will the kid's room be?"
"It'll be across from mine. It hasn't been set up yet though, so there isn't much to see," he told her, shrugging.
"I'll take your word for it," she smiled, getting up. Immediately she gasped and doubled over, clutching her belly, Tony rushing to her side in an instant.
"What? What is it? Are you okay?"
"She kicked!" she exclaimed, grabbing his hands and placing them on her stomach. Tony let her, shocked into a stunned silence. After a moment he looked up at her in confusion, not feeling anything, "That was the first time she kicked!"
"I guess she tired herself out," Tony chuckled, standing up and putting his hands in his pockets, feeling awkward, and a little disappointed he didn't get to feel it. Mary seemed to realize his discomfort, and moved the conversation forward.
"What else were you thinking for names? Or godparents?"
"I've already got a godfather in mind, and I was going to look over some old family records for names."
"Have you got them with you?"
He raised an eyebrow, "Yeah?"
And that's how the two ended up, hours later, sitting on the floor combing through old books and photos of Tony's family history. They ordered takeout (and some pistachio ice cream for Mary, who was having cravings) and played a movie while they came up with baby names, Jarvis keeping track of their favorites. They looked at cribs and toys and more baby stuff than Tony had seen in his entire life. It wasn't until Pepper came in to ask him for a signature for some company thing did they realized how late it was, just past nine. Which, okay, wasn't actually late, but he hadn't expected for her to be over for so long. They'd been at his house since 3:45.
Tony offered for her to stay the night, but Mary insisted she'd rather go to the hotel, so he drove her back.
By the time he laid down in bed he was still too excited to go to bed, despite the fact that he'd worked in the lab for four hours after Mary left, and he wasn't quite sure what to do with himself. So he had Jarvis download some parenting-guide books. They weren't anything super complex, just a lot of reading on basic baby needs and how to interact with them.
He shot his AI a dirty look, sure that Jarvis had picked some really simple books to dumb things down for him, but didn't say anything. It was a good start, really. Tony didn't know anything about kids, but he was about to learn. The man smiled again. It was a goofy grin that crinkled his eyes and seemed to lighten his entire being.
"It's a girl, J," he grinned aloud, even though the AI already knew that. Which he was sure to tell Tony, his tone full of sass. Tony fell asleep with that thought repeating, making promises to himself and his kid to be the best dad he could be. I promise:
I'll be there for her. She'll always be loved, and she'll know. I'll tell her everyday. I'll never hurt her, and I'll keep her safe from harm. I'll accept her, I'll love her.
God, he couldn't wait to meet his kid.
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terrifictomholland · 5 years
worst day - Tom Holland x reader
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Warnings: angst, a few curse words, 
Word count: 2K
Prompt: My significant other just broke up with me and I impulse bought like 5 pizzas. Can you help me eat them and make me feel less like shit?
You’d had a horrible, horrible day. First it started with you over-sleeping for work, then as you had gone out to your bike you noticed a flat tire. So you had to practically run to work. Once you got there it was relatively calm and you had a good day there. And you were quite excited because you had a movie night scheduled with your boyfriend, Daniel, once you got home which you had been looking forward to all week. You and Daniel had been dating for about 5 months so it wasn’t super serious, but he made you happy and always made sure you were taken care of, which was why it was like a rug yanked from underneath you when you two were mid-cuddle on your couch that he uttered the words, “Hey Y/N, I-i wanna break up,” he said nervously, looking at you with his lip between his teeth. You whirled your head at him in shock and surprise. “I’m sorry?” You asked completely dumbfounded.
“I just don’t see it working out. You are a truly terrific girl, but I don’t feel we’re on the same wavelength, I think you’re looking for something more than I’m capable of giving right now,” he said gently and you stared ahead of you furrowing your brows.
“But...I really like you,” you said stupidly as tears formed in your eyes but you refused to let them fall. “I’m really, really sorry,” he said slowly extracting himself from you and he got his things, getting up from the couch and moving to the front door. “You’re sorry?!” You exclaimed rushing after him getting angry with him now. “Yeah, I am. But I think we both know that deep down I’m not the guy meant for you,” he said sadly, opening your front door, slipping out. So he knew, and as hard as you tried you couldn't help it, nor could you say that Daniel was wrong, he wasn't the guy for you. That was someone else, namely your best friend in the whole world, Tom Holland. You and Tom had known each other since you were little kids having grown up on the same street and you were the same age. You’d met in the playground where he had hung upside down on the monkey bars impressing your 7-year old self greatly. Not wanting to be one left behind, you climbed right up beside him and hung upside down as well and as soon as you started playing on there, you both knew you’d become the best of friends. After that, you two were inseparable.      But as you grew older, hitting puberty you started noticing things about him. He’d always been cute in your opinion, but now? He was starting to become really, really hot and that was something that you had a hard time comprehending, how you could develop a crush on your best friend? Whom you had shoplifted with once, trick or treated with and babysat his and your younger siblings. For a good while after you came to the shocking realisation that you indeed had a crush on him you tried avoiding him like the plague, and whenever you couldn’t, you were quite sure that your face had permanently turned the same shade as a tomatoe every time he spoke to you. Little did you know that Tom harboured the exact feelings as you, for you, but neither of you ever admitted your feelings to each other in fear of rejection and messing up your friendship.
So here you were years later, heartbroken as you were alone in your flat ready to punch something out of anger, instead you decided to put on a chick-flick and you ordered pizza. Only thing was when you ordered the pizza you were so engrossed in your movie that you managed to order 5 pizzas instead of one. Something you only realised as soon as the delivery guy stood there with 5 boxes. How much worse could your day get at this point? You paid for the pizzas, thanking the delivery guy and took them inside and let out a scream in frustration.
You knew damn well you couldn’t polish off 5 pizzas by yourself, possibly one but not five. So what did you do? You texted Tom. ‘Hey soo..I bought 5 pizzas by mistake. You want a free dinner and the company of my beautiful face? X’ You sent it before you could change your mind about it. You knew Tom loved pizza so he would most likely show up, your phone pinged a moment later which brought a smile to your face. ‘Do I even dare ask how one buys 5 pizzas by mistake? Good thing I haven’t eaten yet! Btw, who says you’re the beautiful one? It’s clearly me you’re fawning over ;) x’ that text alone sent your heart racing at how true it was and he didn’t even know it.       You spent the next 10 minutes tidying up whatever you could before the doorbell rang and you went over opening it. Like always, he took your breath away, making those nervous, fluttery feelings swoop around in your stomach, like they always did when you saw him. 
He wasn’t even wearing anything special, a pair of grey sweats and a black hoodie with a baseball cap on backwards hiding those curls of his. He grinned up at you and your heart skipped a beat, but you couldn't help but to smile back at him. “Hey,” he smiled giving you a hug in which you melted in his strong hold, you hid your face in his shoulder, relishing the moment that you got to hold him like this, “Hey,” you replied muffled against him, subtly breathing in his scent. He smelled like home and safety. “So, am I gonna get to hear the story of how you ordered 5 pizzas?” He wondered pulling away eventually from your embrace and you bit your lip as the two of you walked inside and you shut the door. “Uhm well...Daniel dumped me,” you said glancing at Tom seeing the realisation hit him and his jaw dropped slightly, “What? Why??” He asked shocked and you shrugged, “He said he didn’t see us working out,” you said as tears welled up again in your eyes and you let out a pathetic laugh wiping your eyes. “What a dickbag,” Tom said immediately wrapping you in his arms and that was all you needed as you broke down in his arms clinging to him for dear life. Tom held you as tightly as he could, hearing the love of his life sobbing like this positively broke his own heart and he could feel himself tear up. All he wanted was to take your pain away, but all he could do was hold you tightly and let you know he was there for you. He would always be there for you come high or hell water. “It’s okay darling, let it out,” he murmured against your temple, gently pressing his lips against it. “It just s-sucks you know?” He heard you hiccup and you looked up at him with tears in your eyes and a quivering lip. “Yeah love, it does,” he agreed gently wiping your tears away and he sucked in a small breath as you leaned into his touch, closing your eyes. “I wish I could take your pain away,” he admitted as his heart thumped in his chest feeling you cuddle into him further. “Just don’t leave me,” you whispered closing your eyes, feeling his steady heartbeat, he squeezed you tighter kissing your forehead now, “I wouldn’t dream of it babe, never in a million years,” he said and you smiled to yourself. “I’d never leave you either,” you promised him. “I know,” he said voice full of certainty, starting to pull away now, “Now..I believe I was promised as much pizza as I’d like?” He asked and you laughed wetly, nodding your head taking his hand pulling him to your couch. You both got comfortable on your couch, snuggled up against each other as you munched on your pizzas watching the movie you had paused when he came, in a comfortable silence. "Thank you Tom," you whisper after a while, glancing up at him and he looked back at you confused, "what for?" "Just..being here for me, you always are," you murmured leaning your head on his shoulder and he smiled to himself, holding you close. "Like I said, I'm always gonna be here for you darling," he promised and you snuggled further into him, moving your head up to the crook of his neck. Tom's heartbeat sped up feeling your breath against his neck, making goosebumps break out on his arms. "I know Tom," you murmured, your lips brushing against his neck and you could hear him inhale sharply, which...was very, very interesting indeed and you couldn't help yourself now as you gently kissed his neck now. "W-what are you doing?" Tom breathed feeling like his heart was gonna burst out of his ribcage, his whole body feeling like it was on fire. Hearing his voice so shaky made you pull away from his neck, looking up into his wide eyes, seeing him swallow harshly. "Sorry," you blushed looking down at your hands, that was, until you felt Tom put his fingers under your chin, tilting your head up so that you looked into his brown eyes. Whenever you two locked gazes, it was like the rest of the world just faded away, nothing else mattered but the two of you. You loved those moments, like you were hidden away in your own little bubble. It had gone so quiet now that you could hear a pin drop as you waited for him to say something with baited breath, "Don't be sorry darling," he said, his gaze dropping down to your lips and you licked them nervously, shifting your body slightly so that you moved even closer to him. He brought his hand up to your cheek and you closed your eyes leaning into his touch, his breath fell on your face and you could feel your heart thudding loudly in your ears. At last, you felt his lips on yours and it was as though something finally fell into place, like everything made sense. You wasted no time kissing him back, your hand moving up, threading your fingers in his thick and luscious locks pulling him closer to you. This kiss was everything you'd ever wanted, Tom kissed you like he wanted to devour you whole, not that you were complaining. You matched the passion of his kiss with your own, pouring everything you felt for him into that kiss, hoping he understood. "I love you," he whispered against your lips and you broke the kiss, slowly opening your eyes to look into his, feeling a smile take over your face. Hearing him say those three little words made it feel as though for the first time you could breathe properly. Like when you came up for air after being under water for some time. "I love you too, god damn how I love you," you whispered emotionally, feeling so relieved to finally admit your feelings for him, after all these years. "I've loved you for such a long time," he admitted with a small chuckle and your eyes widened, "Have you really?" you asked in amazement, still having a hand in his hair, playing with the curls at the nape of his neck. "God yes, years even," he smiled and you did too, leaning in kissing him softly, "I wonder how much time we've missed out on, in fear of rejection," you pondered against his lips and he broke the kiss, looking at you. "No point in wasting time on that, you're mine now darling," he said capturing your lips in a passionate kiss, pulling you down on the couch, with him ontop of you, effectively shutting you up. Funny how the worst day of your life, could turn around so quickly to become the best day of your life.
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seriouslyhooked · 5 years
Thank You (For Your Love)
Future set CS Thanksgiving fic. Emma, Killian and their children are hosting the family and their friends for the holiday, but before guests arrive there’s time for a bit of a CS interlude. Rated M for ‘may be a second chapter with real smut…’ In the meantime please enjoy this little tease. Also please keep in mind I never watched season 7, so any issues you all see with this not fitting into that world, my bad. Still, cuteness is cuteness right? Hopefully! Available on AO3 Here and FF Here.
A/N: Hey everyone! It has been a season of irregular writing for me, but I couldn’t let one of my favorite holidays come without adding some fluff and CS family cuteness of my own to our fandom. This is a time of year meant for love and togetherness, so whether you have a happy family life or whether you find yourself wishing for more, I hope you will enjoy this fic and this expansion of a universe I miss so much. It feels like forever since Once has been on, but I still feel super connected to these characters and this world, and every time I hear this song, ‘Thank You’ by Mozella, I think of Emma and Killian. Hope that happy feeling translates here, and thank you all so much for reading!
Busy. That was the primary way to describe the holidays these days in the Swan/Jones household. A few years back that was often because they couldn’t catch a break from big bads and curse-induced disasters, but all of that had changed. Things had been peaceful for quite a while now, but that peace did not always guarantee quiet.
“How much time have we got, Swan?”
The question from her husband prompted Emma to check the clock on the kitchen wall. Guests were supposed to be arriving in an hour and her parents had been advised that she and Killian had Thanksgiving dinner totally handled. So basically, any minute now the Charmings would sail on through the door, completely disregarding that fact.
“Hard to say,” Emma said shrugging slightly, and though it was feint, she swore she heard a growl emanating from deep in Killian’s chest.
A flush of excitement moved through her instantly, but Emma fought against the instinct to meet Killian’s stare. Even from this distance she could feel the tension between them, the heat that flowed in the air around them, and the need that her pirate always had. Forget the fact that they’d managed to sneak an oh so satisfying rendezvous this morning before the kids woke up, with Killian there was no off switch. Oh he was a perfect gentleman most of the time, always reading her wants and following her wishes at every pass, but he was also… well, how to put this delicately? Insatiable. The man was insatiable even with years of history between them.
“Are you toying with me, love?” he asked, coming behind her and wrapping his arms around her, his hand skimming over her with practiced precision. His fingertips brushed across an exposed patch of skin where her shirt had ridden up, and her pulse fluttered. She hoped he’d missed it, but when he pressed a kiss to her neck, nipping ever so slightly she knew he hadn’t. She pushed back against him, and now she understood his words. She’d said it was hard to say, but that wasn’t the only thing that was hard. Not by a long shot.
“When have I ever been known to do that?” she quipped.
He mumbled something into her hair about her being a siren who always called him back again. She swallowed harshly, but leaned back into his affectionate touch before twisting in his arms to look at him.
“The kids?”
“Coloring,” he reported. Emma arched a brow. “Well Hope is. Little Liam is reporting as her first mate and serving honorably.”
“So he’s chewing on the crayons and drooling on the paper?”
Killian’s only response was that roguish smile of his and Emma giggled – yes giggled – at the idea of an image she’d seen many times. Their daughter, spirited and fiery as she was, had it in her brain that she needed to color every day. When pressed on why it was important, Hope said she needed to become an ‘’aw-tist’ (her word for artist). Emma had asked her why, and her response was well thought out if a little harsh:
“I has ta do this, Mommy.”
“Why, honey?”
“Because why?”
“Because Daddy tells me pwetty stories but there’s no pwetty pictures to go with them. My other books have pwetty pictures. Daddy’s stories need them too.”
This would have been a purely adorable thing for her charming and precocious daughter to say save for one small problem. The stories her ‘Daddy’ told her did have pictures, and they just so happened to be drawn by Emma’s father, and Hope’s grandfather.
So far they’d managed to keep Hope’s true objective under wraps from her Dad, who though strong and always doting, would probably be a little hurt about the comments on his sketches. Those homemade storybooks were just supposed to be a cute little project to make for Hope when Emma was pregnant with her, but somehow the stories had clicked. Their little princess was obsessed with tales of the savior and her pirate. She just wasn’t so enthused with the pictures that went with them.
“Henry’s got his eye on both of them, and no interest in being recruited for cooking duty. So that leaves you,” he pressed a kiss behind her ear, “me,” he managed to grasp her earlobe with his teeth in a way that made her sizzle, “and however much time we can manage.”
Emma glanced up at her husband, taking in the handsomeness of his features, and the sexy stubble that still graced his strong set jaw, before pulling him in to her by the collar of his dress shirt. She wanted the kiss that they shared so badly, and immediately they were catapulted back in the thick of the lust that blended so seamlessly with the true love in their hearts. It was so easy to get swept away, to forget that the kids were in the next room and that guests were on the way, but hell if she cared. All that mattered was how good Killian always made her feel, and brilliantly beautiful pleasure that was seeping through her at the promise of what was to come.
“Knock knock!”
Her mother’s call came from the front door, and because she was in the thick of a stolen moment with her pirate, Emma almost ignored it. Then it dawned on her.
“Shit! My parents,” she whispered and though she sought to scramble away, Killian held her firmly where she was.
“Not so fast, my love. Wouldn’t want to hurt the little one.”
His hand came over her stomach which had not yet started to show. In another week or so a bump would start to form, at least if the tendencies of her last two pregnancies held up, but for now, it was still her and Killian’s little secret. A secret they planned on keeping until Christmas day. It seemed only fitting, since all Hope could think to ask for Christmas was a baby sister. Hopefully this would turn out in their daughter’s favor, and Killian was convinced it would thanks to his strange but usually accurate pirate intuition. But no matter who their newest bundle of joy turned out to be, Henry, Hope, and Liam would be happy. There was more than enough love to go around in this family, and all Emma’s children were eager to share it.
“Look what I brought, Henry!”
Emma heard her brother, Neal, excitedly charge to the living room and then heard her oldest’s enthusiastic reply.
“Cool! What is it?”
“It’s a football, Henry. Don’t you know what a football is?”
“Yeah, Henwy, don’t you know?” Hope asked, prompting both Emma and Killian to chuckle, since the likelihood that Hope had any idea was minute at best.
“I was just teasing, bean. Of course I know what a football is. We gonna play later?”
“You bet ya. You want to play Hope?”
“Maybe. I’m an awtist now. Can awtist’s play?”
“Damn, I should –“ Killian started as Emma tried to say “We should handle that.”
“Until later, love?” Killian asked with a wry grin and she smiled, pressing one last kiss to his lips as he went to go swoop Hope up, greet her parents, and prevent a storybook revelation the likes of which this town had somehow never seen.  
After giving herself a moment to regroup and fanning her face a bit to try and blow away the tell tale color of a moment with Killian, Emma joined them all out in the living room. Embracing her parents and her little brother before turning her attention to her kids.
“Looking good, bean,” she said, echoing Henry’s endearment for his sister that had a special history.
When Emma first found out she was pregnant, they’d all taken to calling Hope the little bean and it was Henry originally who said it was fitting. Killian and Emma couldn’t figure why until he reminded them. She and Killian had shared their first real story on the bean stalk, so the product of that kind of true love would be a bean. Killian especially had loved that, so much in fact that the nickname stuck, and the eventual nickname of ‘sprout’ for Liam was just as permanent as well. Emma didn’t know what the new baby’s name would be, but she was eager to see what Killian could come up with.
“It’s my tuckey!” Emma bit back a smile at her daughter’s exuberant words, especially the one that was glaringly mispronounced.
“And what a beautiful turkey she is,” Emma’s mother cooed. It was totally typical. She loved being a grandma just as much as she loved being a Mom.
“Tuckey is a girl?” Hope asked, clearly confused that turkeys could be girls too. But soon enough she did that thing so many four-year-olds tended to do, she decided to roll with it and forget her line of detailed inquiry. “Mommy and Daddy was kissing in the kitchen again.”
“Hope!” Emma said, aghast at having been ratted out so promptly and matter of factly. But her shock grew more profound as she watched her mother take a chocolate from her purse and hand it to Hope. “Mom?”
“My granddaughter and I have a deal. She’s my eyes and ears. My little birdie, so to speak.”
“Oh really? Because it sounds like she’s a spy...” Emma teased.
“A spy?!” Killian proclaimed, play acting like it was his life’s work. He pretended to scour the room, even lifting a squealing little Liam into his arms to help in the exaggerated search. “Tell me we don’t have a spy! A dreaded spy, oh Liam can it really be so?”
“I’m not a spy! Not a spy!” Hope said, immediately shaking her head and looking completely uninterested in this twist on things. She shoved the chocolate back towards Mary Margaret, something that Emma had never ever seen before. “No more tellin, grandma. Sowwy. Love you.”
“And I love you, princess,” she said, pressing a kiss to Hope’s head as she shot a scolding look at Emma. Emma ignored it, but handed the chocolate back to Hope. Her daughter grinned immediately before ripping it open and shoving it all in her mouth as fast as she could, her eyes closing in that intoxicated way that every kid gets with quality candy.
“You mind helping me in the kitchen, Mom?” Emma asked with the benefit of distraction, and her mother agreed with no question, moving behind Emma and stepping into the preparation process seamlessly. After a few minutes though, Emma caved and asked what exactly was up. “So, care to explain why you need a ‘little birdie’ all of a sudden?”
“Oh there’s no reason,” her mother said in that way that said she wasn’t being totally truthful. Emma didn’t even need a super power to feel that either. Her Mom was just a terrible liar. “Fine. I was just thinking that one more baby would really round out this family.”
“Okay, so you and Dad should get right on that,” Emma quipped and her mother huffed.
“Mom. You act like that’s crazy. What’s stopping you from having another kid?”
“Nothing’s stopping us,” her mother said, her honesty back in full force. “We are blessed with the children we have. I’m perfectly comfortable with two kids. I wanted one girl and one boy and we’ve been blessed with exactly that.”
“But we’re different?” Emma asked, intrigued to know why her mother felt that way specifically.
“Yes I think you are. You and Killian were both denied the childhoods you deserved in so many ways. And I know, even though you’ve never told me, I know in my heart that when you wished for us to find you, you also wished for more.” Her mother’s voice broke, a sign that tears were threatening to come, and Emma wasn’t surprised, not when her own tears were lurking at the edge of her vision. “You dreamed of a big family, Emma. You wanted brothers and sisters and parents who loved you more than anything in the world.”
“And I found that, Mom. Well, most of it at least.”
“I know you did, Emma. I know,” she said, hugging Emma to her quickly. “Your father and I do love you. So much it drives me to enlist Hope in trace amounts of espionage.”
Emma laughed at the reminder. “Yeah, not exactly your best moment.”
“Maybe you’re right. But my point still stands – you are an amazing mother, Emma, and you know how magical that dream of a big, huge family can be to a kid. Now you have the chance to make that come true for your babies, and for yourself.”
Emma smiled at the thought, and she was so pleased that her mother truly understood her despite the long 28 years she’d gone without her. Time had been a great healer, but the remnants of Emma’s past did remain, and those dreams, though they were dreamed so long ago, they still lingered, even now. It was on the tip of her tongue to tell her mother that the dream would come true. Another baby was coming, and this family would in fact grow, but just as she was about to she remembered – there was no one in the world less equipped to handle a secret than her mother.
“Just promise me you’ll think about it,” her mother begged, saving Emma from an awkward half response and Emma exhaled a breath of relief.
“Okay, I promise.”
The joy that brought her mother was undeniable, and the rest of their prep time was spent with elated conversation, and genuine familial love. Soon the rest of their family and friends appeared, filling the house with so many personalities, and laughter, and light. It was unbelievable, but somehow, miraculously, it was also their real life.
“Would you like the honors this year, my love?” Killian asked, when the time had come for the Thanksgiving speech. It was tradition now, that each year before their favorite meal they came together and said all that they were thankful for. Sometimes Killian started things, sometimes it was her parents, but this year Emma felt particularly inclined to take the lead. Killian could see as much just from the expression on her face, and he kissed her cheek before taking his spot at the opposite end of the table. When all eyes were on her and an expectant silence descended, Emma spoke her mind.
“Thank you all so much for being here. Every year we say pretty much the same thing. That we are grateful for our health, for our family, and for our friends. We thank whatever forces out there have gotten us to here, and we wish to be just as blessed in the years still to come. Thanksgiving is all about acknowledging what we are thankful for, and I would be remiss to let this moment pass me by without saying how special this is to me.”
“What’s we-miss mean, Henwy?” Hope asked in what tried to be a whisper but was a very loud inquiry. Some of their guests failed to stifle their laughter as her brother explained.
“It means Mommy really wants to say this and share it with all of us.”
“Oh! Okay, keep going Mommy.”
Emma bit back a chuckle but took her precious girl’s advice. “For so many years I did not have this, and I know that really none of us did. We were all dealing with our own burdens. No one’s story had gotten to that promised happy ending just yet. But we’re here now. We have so much, and it’s all because we have each other. I couldn’t ask for anything more than the love in this room. I couldn’t have dreamed of a life as worth giving thanks for as this one. And I want to thank you all for the part you play and for the light you bring on this day and every day.”
“To family,” Killian said, taking Emma’s silent queue that words were beginning to fail her.
“To family!” Everyone echoed.
With that, everyone proceeded to enjoy the rest of the night, eating and talking and sharing stories of all the highs they’d achieved together throughout the years. It was a perfect thanksgiving, or ‘tuckey-day’ as Hope had fondly put it, and though it ended sooner than the kids might have wished, by the end of the evening Emma was feeling the length of the day. She was tired, but she was also tremendously happy, and so comforted by the safety of her children and the presence of her true love at her side.
“Hard to imagine that I could ever be more thankful than I was the day I made you mine, Emma,” Killian whispered as they shut the door to their room behind them. They’d put Hope and Liam to sleep, so they were officially off the clock. Well, at least for a little while.
“And now?” Emma asked, knowing he was about to say something that would take her breath away with its thoughtfulness and sincerity.
“Now every day shows me how wrong I was. Life has only become more incredible, the world is always brighter, and every moment is one I would never trade for all the riches in the world. And I have you to thank for that, Swan. So thank you, Emma. For your love, for your light, and for everything you are.”
“How is it you always say the right things?” Emma asked, pulling him closer to her and running her hand along his face, her eyes tracking every feature that she’d memorized since the first moment they met all that time ago.
“Because, love, we’re one. Two hearts made whole and all of that.”
“Oh really?” Emma teased, running her other hand down the hard lines of his chest. “And does that two parts made whole just go for hearts or -?”
She squeaked out a sound of delight as Killian swept her into his arms and brought her over to the bed, silencing her with a kiss, and then proceeding to outline just how very together they were meant to be. With his hand, mouth, and body he drew her into a frenzy, making her see stars and succumb to that fever in her blood more than once, helping her reach a high that she only ever found with him. And when it was over, and the two of them were spent, catching their breath curled up in bed, Emma brought her hand over his chest, reveling in the feal of his heart synced in perfect time with hers.
“I love you, Killian. Now and forever.”
“And I love you, Emma. The same and somehow more.”
And with those final words they drifted off to sleep, and Emma’s final thought was that she was so immensely grateful and that she’d never take any of this magic that they’d found for granted, no matter how long their fairytale turned out to be.
La la la la la la
Mixed up and lost You showed me love at no cost And when nobody else cared You were there
Down on my luck You helped my life get unstuck And when the world went away You stayed
Thank you for the good times Thank you for your love Thank you for the joy you've given me Yeah, yeah, thank you
La la la la la la
You fight off my enemies You'd take a bullet for me And you know I'd do the same for you
'Cause that's how we roll Connected at the soul And I just wanted you to know how I feel
Thank you for the good times Thank you for your love Thank you for the joy you've given me Yeah, yeah, thank you
La la la la la la
Thank you for loving me every day Thank you for showing me the way Thank you for things that I'd never say
La la la la la
Thank you for the good times Thank you for your love Thank you for the joy you've given me Yeah, yeah, thank you, thank you
Thank you for loving me every day Thank you for showing me the way Thank you for things that I'd never say
La la la la la
Post-Note: So there we have it. Just a little family fluff for everyone in this holiday season. And, at the moment, I am thinking it might be fun to write a follow up for Christmas with the baby reveal and a bit more CS smut. Would love to hear what you all think, but more than anything just want to wish you all the best holiday and a lovely rest of your year!!
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9,Part 10,Part 11, Part 12,Part 13, Part 14, Part 15, Part 16, Part 17, Part 18, Part 19, Part 20, Part 21, Part 22, Part 23, Part 24,Part 25, Part 26, Part 27, Part 28, Part 29, Part 30, Part 31,Part 32, Part 33, Part 34, Part 35, Part 36, Part 37, Part 38,Part 39,Part 40, Part 41, Part 42, Part 43, Part 44, Part 45,Part 46,Part 47, Part 48, Part 49, Part 50, Part 51, Part 52, Part 53,Part 54,Part 55, Part 56, Part 57, Part 58, Part 59, Part 60,Part 61,Part 62, Part 63, Part 64, Part 65, Part 66, Part 67, Part 68,Part 69,Part 70, Part 71, Part 72, Part 73, Part 74, Part 75,Part 76,Part 77, Part 78, Part 79, Part 80, Part 81, Part 82, Part 83,Part 84,Part 85, Part 86, Part 87, Part 88, Part 89, Part 90,Part 91,Part 92, Part 93, Part 94, Part 95, Part 96, Part 97, Part 98,Part 99,Part 100, Part 101, Part 102, Part 103,Part 104, Part 105,Part 106, Part 107,Part 108, Part 109, Part 110,Part 111, Part 112,Part 113, Part 114, Part 115,Part 116, Part 117, Part 118,Part 119,Part 120, Part 121, Part 122, Part 123,Part 124, Part 125,Part 126, Part 127, Part 128,Part 129,Part 130, Part 131,Part 132,Part 133, Part 134, Part 135, Part 136, Part 137, Part 138,Part 139,Part 140, Part 141, Part 142, Part 143, Part 144, Part 145,Part 146, Part 147, Part 148,Part 149, Part 150, Part 151,Part 152, Part 153, Part 154, Part 155, Part 156, Part 157, Part 158,Part 159, Part 160, Part 161, Part 162, Part 163, Part 164,Part 165, Part 166, Part 167, Part 168, Part 169, Part 170,Part 171,Part 172, Part 173, Part 174, Part 175, Part 176,Part 177, Part 178, Part 179 , Part 180, Part 181, Part 182, Part 183, Part 184, Part 185, Part 186
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ladyofmercy · 5 years
Once I was 7 Years Old || Samcedes
Who: 7 year old Mercedes Jones and Sam Evans
What: Mercedes moves into her new home and meets her new neighbor Sam.
Where: Mercedes Jones home in Baltimore, MD
Notes: None
Mercedes Jones stared at her new room. When her parents told her that they would be moving and she would be starting a new school, she was excited but also nervous. She didn’t know anyone and First Grade was scary enough without having to be the only new kid in class. Moving towards her huge bay window, she glanced out, looking across into the house next door and seeing someone staring back at her. Shutting the curtain’s quickly she panicked, only to open then again seeing a little blonde boy staring at her. 
Sam was playing with his Power Rangers set, happy that it didn't get damaged during the move. Even though they moved here a few weeks ago, there were boxes everywhere. His mom was pregnant with his little brother and sister so she couldn't move around much or get to the boxes. His dad started his new job right away so he didn't have time to unpack either. The Power Rangers were easy to get because they were in his little book bag. And although he loved them, he wished his other toys were unpacked. As he was playing he noticed movement in the house next to his. He saw a little kid that looked like his age. His eyes lit up as he went to ask his mom if he could play outside. At her nod, he ran outside and went to the window where the girl was and knocked. He hoped she like Power Rangers.
Mercedes shut the curtain when he ran out of the room and shook her head. He was hyper. She went to her bed. Her lavender room was complemented with her white lace canopy bed. She grabbed her barbie, still waiting for her dad to bring up her barbie dream house when she heard a knock on her window. Walking to it she smiled seeing the boy. "Hi." She said, chubby cheeks cheesing and showing her missing front teeth.
Sam’s smile widened when the girl came to the window. “Hi!, I’m Sam. Sam, I am, and I don’t like green eggs and ham!” Sam hoped she found him funny. He worked on that opening all week with his mother. She assured him that it would help him make friends faster. “Do you want to be my friend? We can play with my Power Rangers set. I have all of them. The green ranger is my favorite.” Sam smiled and tried to remember to let her talk, but he was too excited.
Mercedes eyed him as he talked. He talked fast. But his joke made her laugh. "Dr. Sueuss. I love to read." She held up her black barbie. "This is my favorite toy her name is Michelle and she is a doctor. Maybe she can heal the green power ranger if he is sick."
Sam frowned. “The green ranger doesn’t get sick. He’s super strong.” He emphasized by pointing to the green power ranger’s muscle. “Anyway, do you want to play with me?”
Mercedes rolled her eyes. “Everyone gets sick!” She said smartly. “Poppa said so and he knows everything.” She opened her window wider. “You wanna swing? My uncle just helped put up the swing in the back.”
Sam didn’t care what her father said, Power Rangers didn’t get sick. “Yea, we can swing, I’ll push you first, and then you push me. Do you have a tire swing? That’s my favorite.” Sam waited for her to climb out the window before following her to the swing set. He couldn’t wait for his parents to set up his swing set.
Mercedes ran to her door. “I’m going out back!!” She yelled as she ran back to the window and outside. Going to the swing set she beamed brightly. “We have the seesaw swing and other swings and we have a slide. I can’t wait for them to put my treehouse cause its gonna be my secret club.” She sat on the swing so Sam could push her first.
Sam’s eyes lit up when he saw her swing set. His swing set wasn’t like hers, at least he didn’t think so. He ran behind her swing and began to push her. “Hold on tight. My mom said I’m getting super strong, but I’ll try not to push you too high.”
Mercedes laughed as he began to push her. “Higher!!! I wanna fly.” She squealed as Sam continued to push her. She really loved the swing it made her feel so high.
Sam used all his strength in his push to get her as high as she can. “It would be awesome if you could fly,” Sam said with a big grin. “If I could have a superpower, it would be flying. Then I can go anywhere I want. He pushes the swing again before asking, “What would your superpower be?”
Mercedes laughed. “Flying too!!! Really really high so I can spit on my brothers for being mean to me.” She laughed. After a few more moments she was ready to get down and give Sam his turn. “Okay, your turn!” She said moving her feet out so she could slow down.
Sam laughed at her when she said she wanted to spit on her brothers. If he had older brothers that were mean to him, he would do the same thing. But soon he would be the older, brother, and he hoped his new brother and sister wouldn’t think he was mean. Not hearing Mercedes, he went on to push her again, hard, while still talking, oblivious to what was going on. “I hope my brother and sister don’t think I’m mean when they get older.”
Mercedes moved to hop off the swing when Sam pushed her hard. She flew off the swing landing in the dirt on her arm and she screamed out in pain.
Sam’s eyes widen when he heard Mercedes scream. He didn’t mean to push her that hard. But before he could go to her, adults were rushing out of the house. Sam couldn’t stop the tears stinging his eyes.
Amelia Jones heard that scream and knew nothing good was happening. She ran outside, to see Mercedes on the ground in tears and a little boy standing over her with a worried look on his face. “Oh Mercy, honey what happened?” Mercedes sniffled as her mom helped her up. “He pushed me hard and.. and I fell off the swing.” she cried. “My arm hurts.”
Mary Evans heard a scream and rushed out with one hand protectively on her swollen 8-month belly. She was worried that Sam had gotten hurt. Buy the time she reached the back yard, she saw Sam looking so worried with tears in his eyes, and a little girl crying in her mother’s arms. Mary wobbled to the scene and immediately wrapped her arms around her son, before addressing the little girl and her mother. “Is she okay?” Sam interrupts his mother. “Mom, I didn’t mean to make her fall. I’m sorry.” Mary kisses Sam on the head, before turning to the girl and her mother. “Is there anything we can do?”
Amelia smiled looking over to Sam and his mother. “It was an accident, pretty sure she just sprained her wrist, it’s okay.” She said directing the last part to Sam. She stood smiling at Mary. “What a way to meet huh? I am Amelia Jones, and this is my daughter, Mercedes. We just moved here with my husband and two older boys.” She said dusting Mercedes off and wiping her tears.
“Well, nice to meet you, I’m Mary Evans, and this is my son Sam Evans.” She said smiling down at her now tear-free son. “We moved here three weeks ago. And it’s good to see that Sam has made a new friend so fast.” Mary looks at Mercedes and smiles at her. “And you seem like a brave big girl Mercedes.” She turns to Sam. “And what do you say to Mercedes Sam?” Sam lowers his head and speaks low. “I’m sorry I wasn’t paying attention.”
Mercedes continued to sniffle as Sam spoke. “It’s okay.” She said softly moving closer to her mom as she held her wrist. Amelia looked at Mary’s stomach. “Well, it looks like you guys will be welcoming another baby soon. Are you excited, Sam?”
Sam nods but doesn’t say anything else. “Yea, we’re expecting two more babies. A boy and a girl.” Mary looks back at Sam and decides to take him for lunch. “Well, we will let you go to take care of Mercedes. It’s lunchtime for Sam. But if you ever need anything, you can just ring the bell. May take me a while to get to the door though.” Mary joked.
Amelia laughed. “Yes go right ahead we are going to get our arm checked, right Mercy.” Mercedes nodded tearfully. Her arm really hurt. Amelia smiled back up. “You guys have a nice night, we really should do dinner though.” Amelia pulled Mercedes closer and waved as they walked into the house. Looking back at Sam, Mercedes sniffled following her mom.
Mercedes was awoken by her mom, she was given the children Tylenol for her sprained wrist and it had been wrapped and in a brace since the accident a few days ago. She hadn’t felt much like playing so she just stayed in her room. Though her dad felt bad for her and put a TV there. She sat up as her mom left, promising that if Mercedes left her room, she could have a cookie with her lunch. It was a last-ditch effort to try and lift Mercedes spirits but nothing did she was just sad.
Mary was in the kitchen making breakfast for her and Sam since Dwight had to head in early. She called Sam down and smiled sadly at him. “Why the long face? Are you still upset about Mercedes?” It’s been a few days, and Sam hasn’t smiled since the incident. “I just feel so bad that I hurt my new friend.” Sam sat at the bar stool in the kitchen head in his hands. “Sam, it was an accident.” Mary knew that her words weren’t getting through to her son. “How about if you do something special for Mercedes. For the first time, since the accident, Sam smiled and his eyes lit up. “Mom, do we have construction paper and my art supplies? I want to make Mercedes a card.” Mary helped Sam find his art supplies and watched as he began drawing. Mary decided to make a cake to go with the card as well as a welcome to the neighborhood gesture. After an hour, Sam was ready to head over to the Jones house. “Mom!! Hurry up!” Mary put the cake in her cake dish, and she and Sam headed to the Jones house. She rung the bell, while Sam was hopping up and down in excitement.
Amelia sighed as Mercedes sat on the sofa quietly, she didn’t know what else she could do to cheer her daughter up. Nothing seemed to work. Not even Beauty and the Beast and that always cheered her up. She had finally gotten Mercedes out her room with the promise of once she felt better they would go to the water park, but Mercedes still wasn’t in a good mood. Thankfully her brothers were away at camp for the week or she knew things would be worse. Hearing the doorbell she kissed Mercedes’s forehead and walked too it. Seeing Sam and Mary she opened the door and smiled brightly. “Well hey guys, what brings you over here?”
Mary smiled when Amelia opened the door. "Well Sam feels terrible that he hurt Mercedes, so he made her a get well soon card." Mary smiled encouraging her son. He shows Amelia the card. "Can you give this to Mercedes Mrs. Jones? And tell her it's from Sam? We also made a cake." Mary lifted the cover off the container. It’s Chocolate fudge cake. I hope she isn't allergic or anything."
Amelia smiled. “I think Mercedes would really love that card. How about you take it to her, and I help your mom to the kitchen and get her off her feet.” She moved so they could come in. “Mercedes is in the living room go right in Sam. And you momma come with me, I have some tea with your name on it.” She said taking the cake from Mary.
Sam smiled at Amelia and left his mother to go give Mercedes the card he made for her. He hoped that she liked it. Sam entered the living room nervously. When he saw Mercedes, he took a deep breath before speaking. "Um--- hi Mercedes. I made you a card. In sorry for hurting you and I hope you feel better soon, so we can play again."
Mercedes sat there staring at the teapot singing when she heard Sam. Looking over to him sat up taking the card with her uninjured hand. “You draw really good Sam.” She said after a while. “Thank you.” She held up her arm. “It doesn’t hurt as much. But I can’t play yet.” She said sadly. 
Sam nodded seeing the brace on her arm. "Don't be sad, we can do other things besides playing." He saw Beauty and the Beast on the TV. "Maybe I can watch TV with you? And my mom made a chocolate cake. We can have a slice with some milk. I can get everything if you want." He was determined to show her that they can still have fun.
Mercedes nodded. “You can watch with me! It was just getting to the best part.” She said moving for him to sit with her. “I like chocolate cake almost as much as I like yellow cake!” She said smiling for the first time.” 
Sam smile big, glad that she was smiling back at him. "Okay let me get everything!" Sam ran to the kitchen and up to his mother and Mrs. Jones. Mercedes and I are going to watch a movie, but we want cake and milk. Do you have a tray that I can put everything on and carry into the living room?" Mary smiled at how excited Sam was. “I'm sorry Amelia. When Sam has his mindset on something, he gets overly excited."
Amelia smiled down at Sam. “I do have a tray that I think will be perfect.” She said standing and grabbing two plates. Handing them to Mary to cut the kids slices, she grabbed two cups of Milk and placed them on a tray with two carrying handles. “Are you sure you don’t need any help?”
Sam nodded enthusiastically. "I'm really strong. I won't drop it. I promise." Mary chuckled while cutting two nice size slices of cake and put them on the plates with two plastic forks. "Sam please be careful." Sam rolled his eyes. "I will mom. I promise." Mary placed the tray in Sam's hands, steadying them before letting go. Sam made sure to walk extra slow so nothing spilled. Once in the living room, he placed the tray on the coffee table. "Ready to eat?" He asked Mercedes excitedly. 
Amelia smiled brightly watching Sam walk away. “How cute would it be if those two got married one day?” 
Mary smiled at the thought. Sam never took to anyone the way he took to Mercedes. "Only time will tell."
Mercedes looked up and smiled. “I paused for you. Do you want me to start it over?” She pulled her blanket closer. “This is my Mulan Blanket, I really like that movie too.” She said softly.
Sam nodded and sat next to Mercedes under her Mulan blanket. "My favorite movie is Aladdin. I love the genie. But Beauty and the Beast is my second favorite  movie, also Lion King. I hope the cake makes you feel better."
“I like Aladdin too! I have that and Mulan, Little Mermaid and Sleeping Beauty. OOoooo and Lion King. But my brother destroyed Snow White. I'm glad they’re gone right now.” She took a bite of the cake. “This is so good your mom is a good baker.” She scooted over to Sam and smiled as she started Beauty and the Beast again finally feeling better about everything.
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hornsbeforehalos · 5 years
Forever, Sweetheart: Part 2
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Pairing: Rob Benedict x OFC, past Norman Reedus x OFC
Warning: Smut, Language, RPF, mentions of violence and sexual assault, mentions of miscarriage, recreational drug use (weed), drinking, Rated E for EXPLICT A/N: TRIGGER WARNING: Mingus and Ky talk about the baby in this chapter. If you have triggers regarding subjects such as infant loss, please be cautious. 
As per usual I mean no harm or offense to anyone referenced or mentioned. this is a work of FICTION and no all your favorite people will be your favorite people in this. They’re characters.
Please do not read this if you are under the age of 18. Please do not copy or steal this and put it somewhere else. I will find you.
I do not own anything related to Supernatural or The Walking Dead or any other shows mentioned in this work of fiction. I am not affiliated with AMC or CW in any way.
Tags: @coffee-obsessed-writer @sandlee44 @wildefiction @sorenmarie87 @through-thesilver-lining @runekisses @pink1031 @zelda2248 @kazzieglove @journeyrose @his-paradox @docharleythegeekqueen @beffyblueeyes  Please let me know if you want to be added to the list!
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My eyes drifted open the next morning as my senses kicked in, the strong scent of coffee wafting through the small hotel room. I could hear Rob in the shower, the sound of him singing while washing himself coming from the bathroom and making me smile.
I let out a groan as my body stretched itself out, the stiffness in my shoulders making me roll my neck back and forth for a moment before I climbed out of bed. Walking past the mirror on the wall, I let out another groan, this time as I observed the giant rat’s nest that resided itself on my head from falling asleep with it wet.
Lovely way to start out the morning.
I heard the shower shut off and the curtain be pulled back as I sifted through my clothes for the weekend while sipping on the cup of coffee Robbie had set out for me, selecting a Gishwhes t-shirt from the pile as well as a pair of shorts. I was pulling my pajamas off as I heard Rob open the bathroom door, my butt bent over in his direction as I stepped into my denim shorts.  
A low whistle sounded as he pressed his denim-covered groin against my ass as I straightened myself, earning him a giggle from me as his fingers dug themselves into my waist when I turned around in his arms.
“Don’t even say a thing,” I grunted as I watched his eyes widen as he took in the state of my hair, “Not a God damned thing, Benedict.”
Rob chuckled but made the gesture of zipping his mouth, patting my butt before shaking his head as he released me to select a shirt for himself. I made my way into the bathroom after getting the rest of my clothes on, sighing deeply as I stared at the heap on my head.
It took twenty minutes and Rob’s help to get the shit to cooperate, and I was grateful when I was finally able to get it tied into braided pig-tails. I was just done pressing the false last eyelash to my lid when the Richard’s unmistakable rap sounded at the door.
I exited the bathroom as Rob pulled the door ajar to let Rich inside, the poor man already looking flustered.
“Kay, Mish is looking for you. He’s on the war path already.” Rich warned, raking his hand through his hair as he turned to Rob, “Me and you gotta skedaddle, buddy, Daniella is having issues with the sound check guy.”
“Jesus, okay,” Rob sighed, shaking his head again as he pulled a flannel over shirt on. He walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me into a hug before kissing me, “I guess duty calls, my love. I’ll come find you later?”
I nodded before giving him another kiss, waving to Rich as I watched them leave.
It took about thirty seconds before my phone’s ringtone blared. I slide the answer button across Misha’s face, putting it on speaker as I pulled on my converse.
“Whaaaat? I’m on my way, damn. Let me get my fuckin’ shoes on.”
“Hurry your ass, woman! Did you know Marvel people are here too?” Misha asked excitedly. I could tell he had already made his way downstairs to the green room from the noises in the background, Bri’s unmistakable laughter sounding through the phone, “Sebastian fucking Stan even!”
Giggling, I strapped my laptop bag around my shoulder and grabbed my phone, taking it off speaker and pressing it to my ear as I made sure I had everything, “You’re such a nerd. I’m on my way.”
Misha hung up the phone without a good bye, and I placed it in my back pocket as I headed down to the convention.
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The majority of the day had been hectic yet uneventful, and it was easy to slip back into the routine of convention life. As I had expected, I didn’t get to see Rob for most of the day, save for a couple of seconds here and there in between dragging Misha from one area of the hotel to another. I had hoped to at least be able to have a moment to go to his panel with Rich and Matt, but Misha wanted me to make sure the Random Acts information desk had everything they needed. I was talking to one of the past Gish contestants when Mingus approached with a couple of his friends.
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“Hey Ming!” I beamed at him after the girl left, rounding the corner of the table I was behind to wrap my arms around him, “Glad you could come.”
“This shit is so cool, Ky,” He smiled, folding his lanky limbs across my shoulders as I pulled away to look up at him, “I’ve never been able to actually walk around one of these types of conventions before.”
“It has his moments of being cool,” I chuckled, turning to see two the two guys that came with him staring at me. They both looked familiar, and I remembered seeing them from the time when Ming had stayed with me.
“You guys remember my step mom, Ky, right?” Ming introduced with a wide grin.
Rolling my eyes, I smacked him in the chest with the back of my hand, “I’m like 7 years older than you, dude, don’t call me that.”
“Whatever,” He chuckled, “This is Matt and Kyle. You got time to go with us to get some food?”
I pulled my phone out and checked the time, noting that Rob’s panel was going to be ending soon and he’d texted that he wanted to meet in the green room afterwards.
“I can’t really leave, but ya’ll can come to the back with me if you want, they’ve got hella food piled up back there for everyone.” I replied, placing my phone back in my pocket, “Jensen and Jared should be headed there soon, too.”
“Yeah, that sounds good,” Mingus nodded, watching as I gathered all my things before following me.
I pushed the door to the green room open so the four of us could enter, my eyes instantly finding Robbie perched on the side of the couch with my brother’s guitar, strumming the chords as Jensen hummed. He looked up to me as he felt my approach, his grin faltering slightly as he saw Mingus behind me.
“Mingus! Dude! What’s up?” Jensen said joyfully as he stood up to hug the kid, Jared following suit before moving so everyone could sit down.
I turned to face Rob as Mingus spoke with the others, not missing the glint in his eye as I slotted myself between his legs in front of the guitar. His eyes moved back to the instrument, and he thumbed a few chords before returning his attention to me.
“How was the panel?” I asked sweetly, running my fingers through the thick curls on top of his head. Rob stopped playing and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of the scratch of my fingertips against his scalp.
“Mmmm, it was okay. Couple people asked about you.” He answered, his eyes opening and shifting up to look at me as I stopped my ministrations.
“Anything interesting?” I wondered out loud, watching as Jared and Jensen lead Ming and his friends over to the food table. I pulled the guitar from Rob’s grasp as I sat on the couch beside him, my fingers finding the frets effortlessly.
“Nah, just asking if you were going to start doing conventions again, how you were doing, stuff like that.” Rob replied, a smile on his face as he looked down at me playing, “If you were gonna sing with me tomorrow.”
I looked up at him knowingly, my lips pursed together in a straight line as I rolled my eyes at him and sighed through my nose, “Maybeeee.”
“Maybe means yes.” Rob snorted, his grin splitting his face into a  full blown smile, “What song are we gonna do?”
Shrugging, I looked down at the strings of the guitar, “I don’t know, probably just one ya’ll always do or something.”
“I’ll figure out the details and let you know, ‘kay?” He promised, his hand curling around my shoulders as he leaned down to kiss the top of my head. Glancing at his watch, he stood up, “I gotta get back out there, but I’ll see you in a little bit.”
“Kay,” I replied, looking up at him as he leaned down again to kiss my lips, his hand cradling my head and stroking my cheek, “Love you, Rob.”
“Love you too, babe.” he replied before waving to the others, Jared and Mingus rejoining me with his friends as Rob and Rich left the room.
“Mingus said he could join us for dinner after karaoke,” Jared announced as him and Jensen squished themselves onto the couch next to me, tossing a wrapped sandwich my way, “We’re going to that one place we went last year.”
“Cool,” I smiled, letting Jensen take the guitar from me as I unwrapped the sandwich, my stomach growling loudly, “I’m glad you get to hang out, dude.”
“I’ve got the photo shoot tomorrow and I’ll be busy for the rest of the weekend, so I wanna see you as much as I can. We never get to hang out anymore.” Mingus stated, a sad tone to his voice as he took a sip of his drink, “I miss my super awesome cool step mom.”
“Stop calling me that!” I groaned, rolling my head back and huffing as everyone chuckled, “I’m not your step mom!”
“Anymore!” Ming contested before taking a bite of food, playful grin on his face.
“Not never!” I huffed, tossing a piece of lettuce at him, “So weird, dude.”
“I wish my step mom was as cool as you,” Kyle snorted from beside his friend, “Mine’s a cunt.”
“She’s not as cool as you think, kid,” Jensen chimed in, his hands instantly rising up to defend him against a flying piece of food.
Everyone laughed, and I shook my head at Mingus, “Doesn’t he have a new girlfriend or something anyway?”
“Eh. I mean not really I guess. I’ve seen him hang out with that chick Keagan a few times, and he was dating this one chick for a while, but I don’t know what happened to her.”
Nodding my head, the mention of Keagan’s name brought a flood of memories to the forefront of my mind. She’d been my friend, but had let Jeffrey manipulate her into being the reason for Norman and I’s separation. I had no ill will towards her, though, I was extremely over Norman and extremely happy with Rob, but I still wondered from time to time if things would have been different with the baby if she hadn’t done what she did.
Sensing the change in mood, Mingus pulled the subject away from his father, “We need to hang out when we get back to the states. I’m going to be spending the summer in LA with Matt.”
“I’m down dude, I just work all the time so you gotta let me know.”
“I’m sure we will get it all figured out,” Mingus grinned as the door to the room opened, Misha entering, looking rather stressed.
“Kylin! There you are! I’ve been looking all over for you!” He urged, throwing his hands up into the air, “You gotta come to autos with me.”
“Uhhh, why?” I asked, quirking an eyebrow at him and tilting my head curiously, “There’s no reason for me to be there.”
“Because I said so,” Misha stated, his own eyebrow lifting itself, “Now come on.”
Sighing as I wrapped the uneaten portion of my sandwich back up, I turned to Mingus and the guys, “Sorry, my boss is a dick.”
Chuckling, Ming responded,” It’s fine, we gotta go meet my dad anyway for something with Ride, I’ll text you later for the dinner details.”
After telling them bye and showing them the quickest way to get to the exit, I followed Misha down a different hallway towards the autograph room.
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“You know I wanted you to come with me so I could spend some time with you, right? You’ve been so busy, I’ve barely seen you.” Misha complained as he threw his arm around my shoulders.
“You’re the one that asked me for the help, dude,” I rasped as I wrapped my arm around his waist, “Runnin’ me ragged.”
“I know, I’m despicable” Misha chuckled, squeezing me close for a moment before releasing me as we neared the area, “I’ll give you a raise.”
“Ha. I doubt it.” I snorted, rolling my eyes and jabbing him in the gut with my finer as he held the door open for me.
I took my seat behind him as he got situated, pulling out my phone to scroll through social media while we waited for the fans to be allowed through. I had been tagged in numerous things on twitter and Instagram, and I ignored most of them as I usually did until one from Mingus caught my eye. He’d taken a selfie with him and his friends and Jared, with the caption ‘Supernatural in Rome, thanks step-mom!’ Followed by a winking emoji.
Stop fucking calling me that! I typed back in a comment quickly, adding a few laughing emojis myself as the room started to fill up. I pocketed my phone again and stood up, moving beside Misha to help the handlers take the tickets.
“Um, Kylin? Would you mind signing this too?” A woman asked shyly, about fifteen minutes into the session.
“Um, sure, I guess. What’s your name?” I replied, startled.
I gave her a smile and signed the board she’d placed in front of us before handing the metallic marker back to her, “Here you go, Megan.”
“Thank you so much. It really means a lot. I’m sorry about what happened to you.” Megan smiled sadly at me, her eyes kind and gentle, “I lost a pregnancy myself not too long ago. I don’t know your whole story, but it was devastating for me.”
I could feel the crack in my chest try to reopen again as I gave her a small smile back, looking down at my hands before over at Misha, who wrapped his arm around me and kissed the crown of my head.
“Thank you, and I’m sorry for your loss as well. I don’t know where I’d be without my family.” I replied, my voice low in attempt to conceal the emotions threatening to bubble over. The girl got her hug from Misha and moved on, not realizing she’d broached a tender subject.
“You okay?” Misha asked as he watched me sit back down in the chair behind him, my arms crossing over my chest protectively.
“Yeah, I should’ve been expecting someone to talk about it.” I exhaled deeply, “I think I’m gonna go get a cigarette, okay?”
“Sounds good, after I’m done here I’ll meet you upstairs to figure out dinner plans before you leave for karaoke, yeah? I might just go with Ruth and Briana, Jensen and I are arguing today.”
“Just let me know, I’ll kick him in the nuts for you” I snorted, grabbing my purse and double checking I had everything I needed, “Grab my bag when you leave, please.”
“Got ya.” Misha replied with a wink, throwing a thumbs up in my direction as another fan approached and demanded his attention.
I found the side exit quickly, happy to be able to finally get some nicotine into my system. I exhaled the strong smoke as I scrolled through my phone again, trying to forget about the woman’s words. I jumped as the door I’d just came out of opened, but smiled upon seeing Rob crook his head around it, like he’d been looking for me.
“There you are,” He smirked, verifying my suspicions as he let the door close behind him. “You okay? Misha texted me that a fan had upset you.”
Letting one side of my mouth fall, I shrugged, “Not really, just threw me off guard I guess. I should have been expecting it though. It’s why I haven’t been coming to conventions.”
“I’m sure seeing Mingus doesn’t help either, huh?” Rob asked, leaning up against the wall next to me as I took another drag.
Shrugging again, I exhaled, “I mean he doesn’t really bother me, besides with the stupid step mom shit, but I don’t know. This woman decided it would be a good time to share her story with me, and... like I said, I don’t know.”
"I get it,” Rob nodded, reaching over to grasp my free hand, “I’ve had fans do that stupid shit too.”
He leaned his head over and onto my shoulder, chuckling as he said, “That step-mom stuff is definitely pretty weird.”
“Right?” I snorted, a smile breaking across my face that turned into a full blown laugh, “Kid is out of there, man. I’m so glad Calvin and Audrey aren’t like that.”
“That’s because they hate me.” Rob replied, the tone in his voice instantly shifting as he pushed himself off the wall to stand directly in front of me, our hands still entwined.
“They don’t hate you, Rob,” I argued, looking at him before taking another hit from the cigarette, exhaling quickly, “They’re going through a lot right now.”
“Feels like they hate me,” He mumbled, looking down at his feet and kicking at an imaginary rock, “They barely ever call me anymore.”
The kids had taken the divorce a lot worse than Rob had expected them to. Worse then I think they even expected to. They always knew the divorce was eminent, but their mom had them moved all the way to San Diego before the papers were even filed, making them leave behind everything they’d ever known. In their anger they blamed Rob, his inability to work things out with Mollie uprooting and destroying their whole lives.
“Hey,” I said, tugging on his arm to get his attention and make him look at me,  “They’ll come around, alright? Give it some time.”
He smiled weakly, pulling me to him to kiss my lips. I pulled away for a second to flick the butt of the cigarette into the parking lot before turning back to him and pressing my mouth against his.
Curling both my hands around Rob’s neck, I parted my lips to taste his tongue with mine, a soft encouraging noise coming from his throat as he tightened his grip on me. We kissed for a few moments, my skin growing heated under his touch as I moaned into his mouth before he pushed me back into the wall, the brick biting into the back of my thighs as he ground himself into me.
Panting when he finally pulled away, he rasped, “I love you, Sweetheart.”
“I love you too, babe.” I replied, small smile playing on my lips as I gazed up at him lovingly. “Forever.”
“Forever, Sweetheart.” He grinned before kissing me again.
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After karaoke, Rob and I met up with the boys and Mingus, his friends having something else planned for that evening. Jensen and Misha were still arguing apparently, something Jensen ‘didn’t wanna talk about’, so he’d gone with Ruth and Bri and the rest of the band. 
We got a ride to the quiet restaurant the boys had been to the year before, the lighting low and music soft as we sat in the back corner and conversed between ourselves. Mingus was taking full advantage of the nonexistent drinking age, knocking back shots in between beers at a pace that would rival even his father’s.
“Mingus, you need some water or something?” Jared asked, concern lacing his voice as the boy finally started to sway back and forth.
“I’mmm...okay.” Mingus sighed, leaning his temple against my shoulder as he sat next to me.
“You sure?” I whispered, tilting my head to peer down at him. There was a sad look on his face, and I brushed a piece of his hair off of his forehead as his eyes met mine for a moment. There was definitely an emptiness there, and my heart broke for him. Poor kid was probably still in the grieving process himself.
“Mind if I bum a cigarette from you?” He asked lowly, up-righting himself on the seat, “I think I need some air.”
“Yeah, I’ll come with you.” I replied gently, giving him a small smile as I watched him stand up. He steadied himself by gripping the table, a goofy grin on his face suddenly as the alcohol started moving through his body again.
Shaking my head with a small chuckle, I turned to Robbie on the other side of me and excused myself, kissing him on the cheek and reassuring him I’d be okay. I looped my arm into Mingus’ elbow, my own slight intoxication making me lightheaded. We exited the building and turned down the narrow alleyway beside it, finding the small private smoking area dimmly lit by a street lamp down the way. Leaning against the cool brick, I passed Mingus a cigarette from my pack before placing my own between my lips and lighting it.
“You alright?” I drawled cautiously, my eyes scanning him as he looked down at his feet.
He stayed silent for a few moments, his eyes never leaving the ground before a silent tear rolled down his cheek, barely visible in the lighting.
“Hey, sweetie, you’re okay,” I instantly soothed, reaching my hand out for his and pulling him to me. His long limbs encased my shoulders, a muffled sob retching through him as he pushed his face into my hair.
“Shhhh, Ming, it’s alright,” I cooed, rubbing his back with my free hand as I flicked the accumulated ashes with the other, “Come on, let’s sit.”
I pulled away from him and tugged him towards a nearby bench, making him sit beside me as I helped him wipe his tears away while his breathing slowed.
“Sorry, Ky,” Mingus rasped, his voice still cracking with emotion, “It’s just…this year has sucked so fuckin’ much for me.”
Nodding my head as I exhaled smoke from the drag I’d finally taken, I placed my hand in his, “I know, babe. It’s been hard for everyone.”
“I have dreams about him, you know? Nax. I see him.” He mumbled, his words slightly slurred.
“I do too. Except I won’t ever know for sure if it’s really him I see.” I replied, my own voice shaking as I fought back the tears that were threatening to spring forth.
“What do you mean?” Ming asked, his brows furrowing in confusion. “Dad didn’t show you a picture?”
Shaking my head, I brought the cigarette to my lips for the last time before tossing it, “He never talked to me after the day I woke up. There were no pictures taken of him that I know of.”
“What a dick, are you fuckin’ serious?” Mingus cursed, swaying to the side slightly as he shifted to pull his phone out. Before unlocking the screen, he looked up at me, his eyes meeting mine, “Do you want to see?”
Nervousness pin pricked throughout my bloodstream, stinging my skin as my stomach dropped. I couldn’t stop the moisture from rolling down my cheeks, a sob gasping from me as I nodded my head.
It had been over a year, and I never once had seen a picture of my son.
Exhaling sharply, Ming sniffled before wiping his nose. He unlocked the phone and scrolled for a second. Finding what he was looking for brought a small smile to his face, his watery eyes looking up at me before asking, “You sure?”
Nodding again, I held my breathe, closing my eyes for a second while he turned the phone around. When I opened them again, I was peering into the most beautiful blue eyes of the most beautiful baby I’d ever seen.
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My chest cracked open as a sob wracked through me again, but it was accompanied by a smile spreading across my lips as I took the phone from him. Lucian’s perfect face was was right there, looking up at me. I noted the nasal tube that curled around his cheek, the only thing besides his obvious size that made him appear any form of weak. My shaking fingertips drifted over the screen, tracing the lines of his little nose and lips. I felt strong arms wrap themselves around me from behind, the scent of my brother encasing me instantly. I’d been too absorbed in staring at my son that I hadn’t even heard him and the others approach.
“He was beautiful, sissy,” Jensen croaked, eyelids blinking back tears as I turned around to look up at him, “Just like you.”
Sniffling as I attempted to compose myself, I handed the phone back to Mingus, prying my eyes away from the little thing on the screen.
“Thank you, Ming. Can you please send it to me?” I sniffled, exhaling the tension from me as foot steps could be heard approaching.
I turned my head to see Norman’s silhouette, the looming figure unmistakable.
“You alright, kiddo?” He rasped, his voice husky as he took in the sullen expressions on our faces.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Mingus snapped, pulling hisself unsteadily to his feet.
“I sent him a text when ya’ll hadn’t come inside for a bit. Figured you needed a ride,” Jared spoke, clearing his throat uncomfortably.
“I’m fine.” Mingus spat, glaring at his father, “I’m so fucking pissed at you, dude.”
“What the hell did I do?” Norman questioned, confusion twisting his face.
“What the fuck is wrong with you, Dad, huh? You were so wrapped up in your own asshole that you couldn’t even let her have a fuckin’ picture of her child!?” The boy’s towering figure stepped into Normans personal space, his chest puffed out in fury, “Not only did you fucking blame her, you couldn’t even give her closure for that? And you never fucking told me?”
Mingus shoved his father back, Norman stumbling before catching himself before he could fall. Jared instantly shot his hand out to Mingus’ chest as the boy attempted to advance again, rage flicking in Mingus’ pupils and encasing his irises.
“Enough, Ming,” I begged, my hand wrapping around his wrist and pulling as Jared and Jensen placed a barrier between the son and the father. I could see Rob helping Norman to his feet over their shoulders, hushed words with a sharp tone being spoken between the two.
“Fuck you, Dad, seriously. I hate you!” Mingus continued, fighting against the bodies surrounding him, “I fucking hate you.”
“Ming, you don’t mean that.” I argued, continuing to tug on his arm until he looked at me, “Come on, I’ll get you back to your mom’s hotel.”
I turned to lead him towards the parking lot, when I heard Norman’s voice call out to me.
“Just know I’m sorry, Whiskey.”
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xlazyunicornx · 5 years
all of them pls
99 gay-ish asks
1. how tall are you?
- 1.65 m
2. what is your body type?
- I have an oval body shape
3. what is your favorite part about your body?
- My back
4. is your current hair color your natural hair color?
- Yes
5. are you more outgoing or more shy?
- I'm something inbetween, it also depends on the people I'm with/confronted with
6. are you more femme or butch?
- Femme
7. are you tol or smol?
- I'm again something in between
8. wine mom or vodka aunt?
- Vodka aunt
9. weird habit?
- Biting the insides of my cheeks
10. favorite meme?
- I love vines, especially the "Is there anything better than pussy? Yes, a really good book" one
11. do you sing in the shower?
- No
12. ever used a bow and arrow?
- Yes
13. are/were you a theatre kid?
- No
14. have you ever seen a broadway musical?
- No
15. do you think musicals are cheesy?
- No
16. have you ever been a part of a protest or a march?
- No
17. favorite Cards Against Humanity Card?
- I have sadly never played that game
18. last movie you watched?
- Pokémon Detective Pikachu
19. behind the camera or in front of it?
- Behind
20. favorite tv show?
- Almost anything on the channel TLC
21. meaning behind your url
- Well, I've had this username on twitter, instagram and snapchat already, which I all created when I was between 12-14 years old so I just went with it...I thought I was a unicorn because it was very popular to do so + like everything was unicorn themed and yuh
22. reason you joined tumblr
- To find better fanfiction (I'm coming from Wattpad)
23. who’s your closest tumblr friend?
- I don't have one I'd say I'm the closest to, I'm very close to a lot of my mutuals
24. what’s something most people love that you hate?
- The smell of gas
25. have you ever taken narcotics?
- No
26. have you had sex?
- No
27. have you ever gotten caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
- Not really
28. worst/funniest lie you’ve ever told?
- I can't remember
29. describe your passion without mentioning it.
- I don't really have a passion
30. describe your best friend.
- I don't have a best friend, I see all of my friends equally
31. give us one thing about you that no one knows.
- That I'm probably gonna be jobless after finishing school in July lol
32. how do you feel right now?
- I'm okay, not feeling anything negative
33. what is your biggest fear?
- Heights and depths
34. what’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
- Bounce Back by Little Mix
35. what is the best decision you’ve made in your life so far?
- To remove toxic people from it
36. have you ever tried your hardest and then been disappointed in the end?
- Heeeeeell yeah
37. something you fantasize about.
- Very slow, passionate, vanilla sex; I imagine it to be very intimate and I love the idea of it
38. last time you cried and why
- November 21 because my friend told me face to face that her mum has cancer and I imagined how it would be if my mum had cancer and we basically cried our eyes out for a good half an hour
39. what was the last thing that made you laugh?
- Not a thing lol but my mum
40. do you really, truly miss someone right now?
- No
41. who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
- My two friends that I met when I changed schools
42. the last time you felt broken?
- When I found out one of my friend is in hospital and he texted me saying he feels like dying
43. are you starting to realize anything?
- Yes, that I'm probably jobless after finishing school in July yet again lmao
44. are you more dominant or more submissive?
- More dominant
45. i’ll only date you if _____. (fill in the blank)
- Show respect towards me, are honest, are reliable, are loyal and make me laugh
46. do you prefer to date people the same age as you, younger, or older?
- Girls: The same age as me and younger
Boys: The same age as me and older
But I honestly am not picky, I take whoever catches my eye
47. describe the person you’re in love with/have a crush on in great detail.
- Well, I'm having this on-off crush on him, which isn't his fault, I'm complicated. He's taller than me (ca. 1.80 m), quite lanky and he has a deep voice. We went to the same primary school together and now are in the same grade again. He's very intelligent and he's tutoring me in business studies. He's super loud while speaking and talking. Confident indeed but not in an arrogant kind of way. He's a funny dude as well.
48. do you have any kinks?
- I haven't been sexually active yet so I don't know what I like to be honest
49. first thing you notice in a person?
- Teeth, hands, voice and manners/behavior
50. how can someone win your heart?
- By being respectful, loyal, honest, reliable and funny
51. been rejected by a crush?
- Heeeeeell yes
52. have you ever had feelings for someone who didn’t have them back?
- Heeeeeell yes
53. would you have sex with the last person you text messaged?
- No
54. is trust a big issue for you?
- Yes but I'm working on it
55. did you hang out with the person you like recently?
- No
56. is confidence cute?
- Yes
57. what would you say if the person you love/like kissed another girl/boy?
- I would be happy for him, I'm in no position to be angry towards him. Of course, I'd be a bit sad but it's my fault for not confessing.
58. would you be able to date someone who doesn’t make you laugh?
- No
59. does the person you have feelings for right now know you do?
- No
60. ever embarrass yourself in front of a crush?
- Yes
61. do you want to get married?
- No
62. worst thing you’ve ever done?
- Lie to someone that means a lot to me (for example my mum)
63. three things that turn you on
- Humor, loyalty and honesty
64. who do you hate?
- I don't hate anyone, hate is a strong word. Nobody comes to my mind either.
65. favorite term of endearment?
- hugging and cuddling
66. who was your celebrity/fictional gay awakening?
- 100% CL of 2NE1
67. intimidating girls or kind girls?
- Kind girls
68. what do you look for in a possible partner?
- I'm repeating myself a lot, lol. But honesty, reliability, loyalty and humor.
69. do you tend to like more masculine, feminine, or androgynous girls?
- feminine or androgynous girls but yet again, it doesn't matter
70. are you good at flirting?
- I'm okay at it
71. who was the first person you came out to?
- My ex best friend
72. do you have any friends who are wlw?
- Yes
73. is your crush wlw?
- No
74. last person to make you reconsider your sexuality?
- No one
75. write a short love poem to your crush/self
- I'm not good at writing poems
76. do you fall in love easily?
- I've never been in love, it was just crushes until now
77. is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about?
- Oh yes
78. are you good at hiding your feelings?
- It depends but usually yes
79. are you a forgiving person?
- Yes
80. what is your “type?”
- Generally look at question 68. But for girls, I like ones that are smaller and shorter than me too. For boys, I like boys my height or taller.
81. fall asleep in her arms or rub her back until she falls asleep in yours?
- Depends on how tired I am. If I'm really tired fall asleep in her arms, if not rub her back until she falls asleep in mine.
82. tall girls or short girls?
- Short girls but I honestly don't mind again
83. hugs or kisses?
- Hugs
84. twirl her around or get twirled?
- Twirl her around
85. tummy kisses or thigh kisses?
- Tummy kisses
86. hairline kisses or neck kisses?
- Neck kisses
87. play with her hair or stroke her tummy?
- Stroke her tummy
88. making out or soft kisses?
- Soft kisses
89. hugs around the neck or hugs around the waist?
- Hugs around the waist
90. how confident are you in your sexuality?
- Very confident
91. when you like someone do you blush or get butterflies in your stomach?
- I get butterflies in my stomach
92. have you ever liked a friend as more than a friend? did you tell them?
- No
93. how old were you when you realized you were into girls?
- I was 15
94. most embarrassing thing you’ve done in front of a cute girl?
- Probably trip
95. do you have a favorite lesbian ship? is it canon?
- Yo, I love the concept or Jihyo and Sana, oh my God. Or Hwasa and Wheein. Those ships are most likely not canon but who knows? We might never find out.
96. what is the most aggravating thing someone has said to you about your sexuality?
- There hasn't been anything yet
97. when was the last time a girl made your heart flutter?
- Just a bit more than a week ago
98. what is love to you?
- When a person brings out the best in you and supports you and you do the same.
99. ask me anything. > would you kiss on a roof or in a car?
- Both
3 notes · View notes
let-it-raines · 6 years
Second in Command (Ep - Part 4)
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Summary: Life as the “spare to the heir” isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be when you’re the supposed screw-up of the family, but people don’t know what really happens behind closed doors.
Rating: Mature
A/N: Just wanted to say that you guys are continuously kind people, and I appreciate every read, like, kudos, ask, comment, and reblog on this ridiculously long story! :D
Found on AO3: Beginning | Current
Tumblr Chapters: | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14| 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 |
Epilogue Parts: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 
Tag List: @nikkiemms @resident-of-storybrooke @kmomof4 @wellhellotragic  @ekr032-blog-blog @bmbbcs4evr @onceuponaprincessworld @jennjenn615 @a-faekindagirl @mayquita @captainsjedi @captswanis4vr @teamhook @skyewardolicitycloisdelena91 @branlovesouat @dreadpirateemma @alys07 @andiirivera
Indy walks ahead of him, her leash tugging him along, while Emma walks beside him, their steps matching up as their feet move over the pavement in the gardens. The dullness of the winter plants, brown and gray trees barren of leaves, are fading away and blooming into lush greens and vibrant colors. It’s still cold outside, temperatures dipping low, so he and Emma are bundled up as they take their early morning walk, something they’ve taken up together in the past few weeks.
He finds it relaxing with the simplicity of it all, and he knows that Emma feels the same. It’s a way for them both to get some exercise on days when the gym in their home goes unused as well as a way to give Indy more space to run. She’s calmed as she’s gotten a bit older, but she’s still rambunctious and would likely need acres and acres of land to roam and be completely happy with her running space. Maybe they should travel up to Norfolk and go to their country home so she has a larger backyard and he and Emma have more privacy to go out and about outside of their home without the interference of photographers and reporters aching for a picture of Emma’s stomach.
The last two months of their lives have been, quite frankly, some of the most hectic of his life. Finding out Emma is pregnant was honestly one of the best moments of his life, even if how she phrased it was a little cheeky after such an awful scare. God, when she fell on that stage, he felt his heart drop to his stomach. He’d never been more terrified of anything in his entire life. Something was wrong with his wife, his best friend, and he didn’t know what it was. She was conscious the entire time, but she just wasn’t right. And the two hours between her fall and her telling him that they were having a child, well, he felt as if they’d never end.
Now he knows he was being a bit dramatic, but hindsight is always twenty-twenty instead of the blurry, faded vision that comes when you’re in the moment. Emma and the baby are just fine, growing like a weed really. She’s got the smallest of stomachs, something she woke him up and showed him just a few days ago. She was so excited, her eyes lighting up and practically sparkling under the bathroom’s lights, and sure enough, there was the slightest curve to her stomach, more physical proof that they’re having a child, not that he really needed anymore. But it was something special, and he was just as thrilled to get to see the changes in her stomach.  
And in her breasts, but that doesn’t seem to be a very fatherly thing to think. He thinks it, though, and he really appreciates the growth and how her libido has come back in full force in the past few days. That’s simply something he won’t be sharing with the child one day, but he hopes she (he’s absolutely convinced they’re having a little girl even if he can’t seem to come up with the reason why) can see how enamored he is with her mother. If not, he’s failed them both.
“Hey, babe?”
“Yeah?” he questions, reaching his hand out and twining their fingers together while they continue to walk together, nearing Liam and Abigail’s apartment.
“I think we should go on a babymoon.”
“What the bloody hell is a babymoon? I’m pretty sure that’s not a phase of the moon they taught us in primary school.”
She laughs before taking a step closer to release his hand and tuck her arm around the crook of his elbow while resting her head on his shoulder. He knows she’s being affectionate, but he also knows that she’s not willing to admit that her hands are cold because he suggested she wear gloves before they went out and she didn’t. She’s stubborn as hell, his love.
“I mean, it’s just, like, a vacation before the baby is born. The name is a ridiculous thing. I know it’s super trendy and all, but maybe we could get away for a week or a weekend before I’m not allowed to fly anymore. I think something different might be good for us. Something warm.”
“So before you’re heavily pregnant? When can you not fly? Six or seven months?”
“Yep, I was thinking next month or May. Maybe June if we don’t travel too far away.”
“Well next month is busy.” He runs through the plans he knows they have, trying to remember everything off the top of his head while attempting to get Indy to move away from the rose bushes. “We had to push back the Kidding a Goal two-year event already to May, and Liam’s fortieth birthday party is happening. I’ve also got the trip to Poland. Those are just the big things, I think. We’d also have to work around our engagements, but the middle of May would probably work.”
“We could do it for our anniversary. Just earlier.” “True,” he agrees, continuing to run through his calendar in his head while tugging at Indy’s leash again, the dog finally deciding to move on with her explorations. “Why don’t we work on it when we get home this afternoon?”
“Sounds good to me,” she sighs, nuzzling her head into his shoulder before laughing at Indy attempting to chase a bird that’s flittering between bushes
The three of them return back to their apartment twenty minutes later, Indy’s tired legs and the cool air winning out, in order to shower and get ready to drive to Hounslow for their St. Patrick’s Day activities. Emma’s stylists work on her hair and makeup while he gets ready, dressing in his Irish Guard uniform as he did for their wedding. He catches Emma looking at him in the mirror, and he throws her a wink, smiling while bobby pins are attached to her hair to keep her hat in place over her blonde curls.
This is one of his favorite events and though it’s technically Emma’s responsibility, he always joins her for this particular engagement. It’s likely because he gets to pal around and drink a Guinness with members of the Guard afterward, but he enjoys it all around. It’s relaxed and informal, despite the military aspect of it, and those are always his favorite things to do. State dinners and other diplomatic events are not usually enjoyable, but he understands he’s there for the country and his father, not himself. He can help better Britain even if he’s really there to smile and shake hands while telling a cheeky joke that would get him in loads of trouble if his father ever caught wind of it.
(He’s still eternally thankful Brennan has no idea about the joke he once made while slightly intoxicated about the size of his father’s ego having a negative effect on other parts of his anatomy. It’s not the 1600s, he has a good relationship with his dad, and he feels like he still might get beheaded for that one.)
Thomas drives them to Hounslow, and they get out of the car to go and greet the crowds outside, shaking hands and accepting gifts. Over the years he’s grown accustomed to accepting flowers and letters, the occasional handmade jar of jam after he was once pictured as a child with raspberry jam all over his face, but lately it’s been all baby gifts all of the time. They have quite the collection of baby shoes, which he doesn’t understand because infants don’t need them, but they are damn cute. And tiny, so tiny. How can a human’s feet be so small?
He’s obviously well prepared to be a father if he can’t get past the size of infant shoes.
Sure enough, he’s handed several booties and outfits, the colors ranging as everyone tries to guess if they’re having a boy or girl and bugging him as if he’s going to share the private news with everyone. He and Emma don’t even know yet. She’s not far along enough, though he has a sneaking (see: strong) suspicion they’re having a girl. Emma thinks they’re having a boy, and he’s choosing to think that he knows better.
He very rarely does.
“Thank you,” he tells everyone, handing some of the gifts, including a miniature version of his uniform, to their aides, “this is so sweet of you all. Emma and I give you all of our love.”
He finds Emma near the end of the line, sliding his hand around her waist and pulling her closer while she fumbles with a few gifts too, stuffed bears and clothes along with a few flowers that are already causing some of her allergies to kick in.
“You ready to go inside, my love?”
“Yep,” he whispers in her ear as a camera flashes behind him, “we’ve got some Shamrock to hand out and beers to drink. Well, at least I get to do the second part.”
“Shut up,” Emma playfully whines, waving to people as they walk by, “you’re being rude reminding me of that.”
“Well, I do so enjoy pushing your buttons. Maybe I’ll let you kiss me later so you can taste the alcohol.”
“Yeah, I don’t think you should be counting yourself at getting lucky today, no matter how many four leaf clovers you find.” She kisses his jaw before pinching his cheek, and he barks out a laugh while they walk inside to get situated for the parade and the rest of their duties.
He wakes to kisses up and down his arm, soft lips and softer skin pressing into him as the haze of sleep fades away and the darkness of their bedroom comes into view. He can barely see a thing, his eyes still adjusting to the lack of light, but he can feel the heat of Emma’s body pressing into his back and sending pinpricks of pleasure throughout his body.
“W – what time is it, love?”
“A little past two.”
She kisses the back of his neck, right at his hairline, and the pressure of her breasts and her stomach pressing against him while her foot is running up and down his calves is already too much when he hasn’t been awake for more than a minute.
“Emma, love,” he grumbles when she starts inching down his back, her tongue tracing his spine, “you’ve got to give a man a moment.”
She stops then, rolling off of him and onto her back, the mattress slightly bouncing under her weight, and he groans at the lack of heat between them now. He didn’t mean for her to stop completely, but she’s obviously taken it that way. So he scoots over and kisses up her shoulder and her neck, fast flickers of his lips until he’s slanting them over hers and hovering above her.
“Hey, why’d you stop?”
“You told me to give you a moment, figured you weren’t quite ready or in the mood or something.”
She shrugs, her mused hair moving up and down as her eyes blink and her lips tick up on one side. His hand finds her face, caressing her cheek, and he smiles softly when she smiles back up at him.
“First of all,” he begins, pressing a kiss against each of her eyelids, “I am nearly always in the mood to be with my knock-out of a wife, so don’t get it in that head of yours that I’m not.” He moves to kiss behind her ear then, gently nibbling on the lobe. “Secondly, all I needed was a moment. It’s been awhile since I’ve been woken up in the middle of the night when you’ve already kept me up late.”
She laughs under her breath, the smallest, sweetest sound, before twisting her head and kissing him, slow and sweet so that he feels it in every inch of his body.
“Yeah, well, you can blame your kid for that.”
“Yes, I’ll tell her right as she’s born that she’s made mummy and daddy’s sex life slow down before she’s even born. I’m sure she’ll totally get that.”
“First of all, we still don’t know, and you are being super stubborn with the girl thing. And second of all, since we’re making points, our sex life is fine. We literally had sex three hours ago.”
“I said she’s slowing it down, not ruining it.”
“What?” She laughs, her eyes crinkling up on the sides as her smile stretches across her face. “That’s in no way romantic.”
“Oi, I think it is. Don’t you think sex is romantic?”
“I mean, obviously.” She rolls her eyes before rolling onto her side and pulling the comforter up over her. “But not in this context no. What I was doing before we got into this discussion was romantic sex.”
“That wasn’t sex.”
“It was the preface to sex, which is sometimes the best part. I was doing naughty things to you.”
“Did you just use the word naughty instead of dirty? Darling, you are officially British. Next thing you know you’re going to speaking with an accent.”
“I have an accent,” she protests, scrunching up her nose. “It’s just not the same as everyone over here, which I think makes me unique in all of the best ways.”
He rolls back over on his stomach and hooks his arm over Emma so that she can rest her chin on his forearm while he rests his on his pillow next to her head. “So do you think the babe will sound more like you or me?”
“You.” “Why?” “Because they’re going to grow up around people who sound like you. That’s what influences the accents, not necessarily just the parents. Think about it. I have an American dad and a British mom, and I have an American accent because that’s where I grew up.”
“True,” he hums, moving his hand to tuck her hair behind her ear. “Does that bother you at all?”
“Nah, not at all. It’s like the opposite of how it was in my house growing up. It’s kind of weird when you think about how similar it is.” She tilts her head and smirks at him. “Plus, your accent is damn sexy.”
“Really now?” he purrs, inching closer to her before crawling over her and propping himself up on his forearms and knees, making sure not to press his weight down on her stomach. “You think I’m sexy?”
“I think your accent is sexy,” she corrects, her lips ticking up on one side while her hands frame his cheeks, cool fingertips inching up into her hair and tugging him down so that he can feel the heat of her breath brushing over her lips. “Would you like to get back to where I was trying to go earlier or can I cross off doing naughty things to you?”
“Whatever the first thing was, most definitely.”
He wakes later that morning while Emma slumbers on her side of the bed, hair tangled and falling down her bare back from where the comforter shifted in her sleep. He quietly gets out of bed, attempting not to wake her or Indy who must have wandered into the room while they were sleeping, and makes his way into the bathroom, turning the water in the shower on to get ready for today.
He should have woken an hour ago, but the bed was too comfortable and his body too tired, so he rushes through his morning routine, using Emma’s blow dryer to fix his hair instead of letting it dry naturally. He slips into a suit, putting on a pair of his ever-growing collection of cufflinks, before spritzing on his cologne and grabbing his already packed suitcase out of the closet, letting the wheels trail along the hardwood until he’s back in the bedroom.
Stepping over to the bed, he scratches behind Indy’s ears, the dog opening one eye to look at him before cuddling back into bed as he sits down next to Emma.
“Love,” he whispers, pushing her hair off of her forehead until her eyes flutter open, the green hazy and sleep-ridden, “I’ve got to go.”
“Yeah,” he sighs, leaning down and kissing her forehead, “my flight is in two hours, and Mum likes to travel early.”
Emma yawns before sitting up, pulling the comforter over her and looking every bit like the girl he met nearly eight years ago with her crazy hair and pillow creased face and complete lack of care if she looks put together or not. “Okay,” she sighs, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pulling him into a hug, “but you two be safe. Call me when you land, when you come home, if anything interesting happens, if anything boring happens.”
“I know the long-distance drill, sweetheart.” He brushes his lips against hers then, feeling the softness that comes with Emma. “But it’s only two days. I’ll be back before you know it.”
“Ugh, I know. Two days doesn’t give me nearly enough time to have my affair.”
“You’re a cheeky little minx, so I’m sure you could figure it out.”
“Damn right.” She kisses him again. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” He reaches down and touches her stomach, her skin warm beneath his touch. “And you, little love.” Indy barks then, walking up the bed until she’s breathing in his face. “And you, Indy girl, even if you’re not supposed to be in this bed.”
He and his mother fly to Poland that morning for a dinner the British ambassador is hosting in honor of Liam and his birthday in a few weeks time. They were given short notice on the event, and since Liam couldn’t attend, Killian and Allison agreed to attend, knowing it would be no trouble for them. The morning flies by as all of these official visits do, in a flurry of handshakes and small talk, everyone attempting to fill his head with as much information as they can. It’s been awhile since he’s done an event with his mum, something he used to do when he was younger, but they fall into a natural rhythm. His mum is an expert at things like this, using her quick wit and kind smile to make everyone comfortable, and if there’s ever been anyone he’s tried to emulate, it would be her.
“Oh, this is gorgeous,” Allison compliments as they walk into the dining hall, her hand wrapped around his elbow. “We should decorate one of the rooms at home more like this. It’s more modern.”
“Well then we’d have to get rid of the ancient furniture that no one is allowed to sit on.”
She chuckles next to him as he pulls her chair out for her and waits for her to sit down before taking his own seat next to her. “You and your brother get cheekier the older you get, I swear. I’m pretty sure it’s supposed to be the other way around.”
“Well, you can’t take away our video game privileges now, mum.”
The dinner is indeed wonderful and full of Polish dishes and traditions celebrating Liam. He takes a video to send to his brother, making sure to capture the cake he knows Liam would be stuffing into his face and flipping the camera around to show the smirk on his face that he got to eat it.
Should have shown up to his own pre-birthday event.
Later that night he and his mum are driven back to their hotel, and while they have separate suites, she joins him for a cup of tea, settling down into the living room with the television playing the local news. His phone buzzes just as a segment on their visit begins, and he’s thankful for the excuse to mute the sound.
“Hey, beautiful,” he greets Emma, his lips stretching into a smile as he props his feet up on the coffee table, his socks practically falling off next to his glass, “did you miss me today?”
“Obviously. However could I survive twelve hours without you?”
Her voice is dripping with disdain, and he chuckles to himself as he imagines the roll of her eyes and the absolute disinterest she has when he’s being cocky. “You could at least act a little sad.”
“I can cry if you want me to, if that would make you feel better and boost your already inflated ego.”
“So you’re just as cheeky as you were this morning then. What’d you do today, love?”
“Absolutely nothing,” she sighs, the happiness seeping through the phone speaker. “I got dressed in pajamas, took Indy out, and then we settled down in the darkness of the bedroom and watched Gilmore Girls just to relive all of that nostalgia.”
“Ah, yes, I’m sure Indy has a lot of nostalgia about Stars Hollow.”
“Of course she does,” Emma laughs, and he can hear the theme song playing in the background. “Ruby came over for a few hours with food from the restaurant. I may save some leftovers for you.”
“Yeah, I already know that won’t be happening.”
“Hey, I don’t eat that much! I haven’t even gained any more than regular pregnancy weight.”
“Love, you and the Gilmore Girls all have amazing metabolisms. I’ve gained more pregnancy weight than you simply because our walks aren’t quite the same as our runs.”
“I can still run, you know? Dr. Hudson said so as long as it’s just a jog and not too much.”
“I know. We’ll have to do that when I get home. Mum and I ate a lot of cake tonight.”
Emma hums, sighing into the phone. “I’m jealous. Tell Allison I said hi when you see her in the morning.” “She’s sitting with me in the room right now actually, so if you were going to talk bad about her, now probably wouldn’t be the time.”
“Damn. That’s obviously what I was about to do.”
He and Emma chat for a few more minutes, but he knows he has to let her go so as not to be rude to his mother. She’s been fiddling with her phone and watching the muted television, so he’s sure she’s regretting coming over only to be usurped by a phone call.
“Hey, darling, I’ve got to let you go, okay?”
“Okay, is everything alright?”
“Everything is perfect. I’ve just been boring Mum making her listen to our conversation. I love you. I hope you, Indy, and little love have a good time binging the rest of Gilmore Girls and eating all of my food.” “We will,” she promises. “I love you, too. Bye, babe.”
He hangs up the phone, smiling at the picture of he and Emma that pops up afterward, before shutting it down and placing it on the arm of his chair. He looks up at his mother then who is softly smiling at him as if she really was listening to his conversation.
“What?” he laughs, feeling the slightest bit uncomfortable.
“Nothing,” she smiles, pulling her legs up underneath her and curling into the chair, “I was just thinking about how happy you are.”
His lips twitch, and he swallows the small lump of emotion in his throat. “Well, I am happy, Mum. I’m nearly always happy.”
“I know, I know,” she waves him away, tucking her long hair behind her ears, “but you’ve just been through so much and sometimes I look at you and wonder how I got so lucky that you’re my baby. And now you’re having a baby, and I’m emotional about it all of the time.”
“Mum,” he softly laughs, getting up from his seat to cross the room and crouch down in front of her, taking her hands in his, “what’s going on? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine. I’m simply a crazy old woman.”
“Well, we all know that’s not true,” he promises, guessing that it’s not the time to be making jokes. “You’re bloody brilliant and completely and totally young.”
“Thank you, Killian. It was just that I was watching how natural you are with Emma, how good you’ll both be as parents. And I guess sometimes I feel so much regret over not getting to see you both together for all of those years. You were so cheated.”
“Hey,” he soothes, running his thumb over her knuckles and ignoring the ache in his thighs from the squat, “it’s all okay. I know that a lot of it was bloody awful, but if I’m honest, I liked having those years with Emma. We got to fall in love in peace, and as wonderful as it would be for you to have gotten to know her sooner, we can’t change that. So let’s be happy, yeah?”
“I know, darling. I’m sorry, but being a mum and a grandmother, all you want is for your kids to be happy. And you feel a bit accomplished when you realize they are. You’ll understand that soon enough.”
“Well, once we get over the terror and get used to having a person’s entire life depend on us, yeah, sure, I’ll focus on the happiness.”
His mum releases his hand to stroke his forehead, pushing the hair back. “You two are going to be wonderful, and your baby is going to be the most beautiful little thing.” “Can you say that again for me to send to Liam and Abigail? I’d like to have it on record for bragging rights for the rest of eternity.”
His mother winks at him, smiling before leaning back in her chair and asking him what movie he wants to watch. It’s been a long time since he simply spent time with his mum with no one else, so he savors it, laughing with her and talking about anything she wants until she decides to go to bed in her room next door.
The following day is full of engagements, but the two of them manage to slip away to dinner and sightseeing that evening, covering themselves in the cool early April weather and hiding away from anyone who may recognize them so they can have a normal night. Overseas visits, even with all of their setbacks and frustrations, are some of his favorite things to do if only because he can sometimes slip away and be himself in a place where fewer people know him.
Of course, he managed to slip around London for a few years as well, but he’s decided that was some kind of bloody miracle.
Early Wednesday morning they board their flight and make their way home, the four-hour plane ride seemingly stretching on for double the time until they touch down on land again and he and his mother separate into their different vehicles to make their ways back to Kensington and Buckingham, respectively.
Walking in the front door, he knows Emma won’t be home as she’s at the opening of a youth theater, so he takes the opportunity to let Indy in from their garden, indulging her in her excitement over him being home, her tail wagging so furiously she could create a windstorm. After she’s calmed, he settles down into the living room and pulls up his laptop, answering emails and organizing his schedule all while watching the shows he missed.
Multi-tasking in the best way possible, really.
It’s hours later when he hears the front door open before closing and clicking into place as heels click on their hardwood floor, the sounds getting louder the nearer she gets.
“Hi,” Emma sighs when she walks into the living room, immediately walking toward him and straddling his lap, her knees on either side of his thighs, while she presses a lingering kiss to his jaw and scrapes her fingers through his hair, “I’m so, so, so glad you’re home.”
“Hmm, me too,” he smiles before slanting his lips over hers once, twice, three times. “As much fun as I had with my mother honoring my brother, I quite prefer your company. And I was promised leftovers.”
Emma laughs against his lips as the heat of her breath washes over him and he settles into contentment. “Babe, I hate to break it to you, but those did not last.”
“Well, I guess you’ll have to figure out a different way to welcome me home.”
She smirks before burying her face in his neck, her words spoken against his skin. “A foot rub would be fantastic, thanks. Those heels are a killer.”
Without his permission, not that it has ever been that way before, the first few weeks of April pass in the blink of an eye. He wants his life to slow down, for moments to pass like waves crashing into the shore, continuous and only quickly during a storm, but that’s simply not how things work.
Of course, there are times when he’d like life to speed up the slightest bit, and right now is one of those times.
He’s been sitting on the bed thumbing through his phone for twenty-seven minutes now, half of it spent reading an article about hair loss genes being passed down simply because that’s what was at the top of the page, but he’s gotten a bit bored. There’s also the fact that they’re going to be late for Emma’s doctor’s appointment if she doesn’t hurry up. She always takes longer than him to get ready, but it’s never like this, especially when they’re just hopping over to the doctor’s office and then coming back home to get ready for Liam’s birthday party tonight.
Sighing, he rolls over on the bed until he’s standing, pulling his jeans up so that they rest on his hips, and walks into the bathroom to find it empty of Emma but with clothes strewn across the floor. He tentatively steps over them, keeping himself from picking them up and throwing them in the basket, and makes his way into the closet where Emma is stretched out on the floor with her arms over her face and her jeans on but unbuttoned and unzipped.
Bloody hell, it’s a mess in here.
“Hey,” he tentatively begins, kicking at her bare feet with the tip of his boot so that she uncovers one of her eyes, “what’s happening here?”
“My jeans don’t fit. Not a single pair of them except for the ones that have yellow paint on the ass because mom decided she wanted to have a sunny yellow living room.”
“And this is surprising to you because?”
“Because last week my jeans fit, and this week they don’t. That is some kind of fucked up thing.”
“I believe that’s called pregnancy.”
Her eyes slant and every bit of joy that was remaining on her face disappears while she stares up at him like she’s five seconds away from murdering him. “I will stab you with the first earring I find if you don’t wipe that smug smirk off your face.”
He chuckles under his breath, knowing that she’ll likely do it, before squatting down and lying on the floor next to her, emulating her position. The hardwood hurts his back, but he imagines they won’t be here for long. If they are, he’ll just have to suck it up until this all important jeans situation is resolved.
“So your jeans won’t fit, love?”
“Nope. And I don’t really think I’ve gotten that much bigger. I still just kind of look like I ate too big of a meal when I’m wearing clothes. I don’t know why this is bothering me so much. Obviously, I can just do the hairband trick until I buy new jeans, but I love wearing the damn things. They make me feel normal.”
“What? Wearing heels and a dress that perfectly matches your coat with a hat that was specifically dyed to match that coat and dress doesn’t make you feel normal? I never would have guessed.”
She snorts beside him while her hand finds his, and she wraps her fingers around his palm before pulling it up and brushing a kiss against his skin. “Surprisingly, no, that does not make me feel normal. That makes me feel like a barbie doll.”
“You’re not a barbie doll, love.”
She sighs next to him, but it’s really more of a huff. She’s frustrated, that much he knows, and a part of him is pretty sure that it’s not only because her jeans don’t fit. So he squeezes her hand, silently encouraging her to share her thoughts as he so often does with a touch or a glance.
“That’s just how I feel sometimes, you know? And I know that’s not how it is with you and me. But to the world it’s like I’m this girl who plays dress up and is a wife and an expectant mother and nothing else, which is fine if that’s what you want. And babe, I love that. I love being married to you and having a baby with you who I am so in love with it’s basically an obsession, but if I have to answer one more question about if I think you’re going to change a diaper or wake up in the middle of the night if the baby’s crying, which is literally what a parent does, while you stand next to me and answer a question about global relations, I’m going to lose my damn mind.”
“I know,” he mumbles, the weight and unfairness of her words settling into him. “I’m sorry that you’re so frustrated, and I’m sorry that some people are stuck in an old-timey world view.” He releases her hand and twists on the ground, propping his head up in his hand while looking Emma in the eye. “Why don’t you take up a patronage or two dealing with women’s rights or something similar? I know everyone was on the fence of that because they thought it was too political, but fuck that, Emma. If that’s something you want to do, you sure as hell should do it. It’s not political. It’s human, and you would be an incredible ambassador. You should do things that make you happy.”
Her eyes light up, lips twitching into a smile. “Yeah?”
“Absolutely. The fact that we don’t have any specifically for that is bullocks when we support nearly everything. You could help so many people, and I think you’d be a bloody rockstar at it.”
“I know I would.”
“That’s the spirit,” he encourages, leaning over and brushing a kiss against her lips, letting it go a little further than either of them should when they have to be somewhere soon. “But right now we’ve got to go see if I’m going to win our bet because we’ll finally see that our little love is a girl.”
“You keep thinking that. Also, there was no bet, and if there was, I never lose.”
“Oh shit, that’s cold,” Emma gasps as Dr. Hudson applies gel to her bared stomach, her bump only sticking up the slightest bit while she wears her jeans buttoned together with a hairband, the determined lass. “I don’t think I’m ever going to get used to that.”
“Most people never do,” Dr. Hudson assures them. “So all of your tests look good, everything in normal levels. Are we having any dizzy spells?”
“No,” Emma answers, her eyes focused on the screen that’ll show the baby in a few seconds, “I haven’t. And my diet and eating times are so regularly scheduled and planned thanks to the obsessed man next to me, so I’ve been feeling really good.”
Her hand finds his so much like earlier, and he clasps it between both of his hands before leaning down to kiss her forehead. “She’s been doing well, not a lot of symptoms.”
“Well, she’s in that wonderful sweet spot of the pregnancy. It usually only gets worse from here.”
“That’s not very encouraging.”
Dr. Hudson laughs before focusing all of her attention back on the ultrasound, the baby’s heartbeat suddenly sounding throughout the room. God, the first time he heard it, the rhythmic beat so much calmer than his own, he nearly cried. Okay, so he might have cried, a few tears slipping from his eyes. Emma didn’t even cry until later when she came home with the picture and fell apart saying she couldn’t see the baby and felt like Rachel from Friends.
But he’s grown accustomed to the sound of their child’s heartbeat now, and as the picture pops up on the screen, she’s as clear as can be.
“So we’re looking really healthy, heartbeat is good, growth is good. And you’re eighteen weeks now, so while sometimes I can’t tell, I can tell you the gender today, if that’s what you want?”
He looks down at Emma to find her already looking up at him, a smile gracing her lips as she nods in confirmation. “We want to know.”
“Alright,” Dr. Hudson smiles, looking at the monitor one last time, “you two are the lucky parents to a boy.”
A boy.
He’s going to have a son.
Holy shit, Emma’s never going to let him live this down, but he doesn’t care at this point. They’re having a boy.
“I told you so,” Emma chuckles, looking up at him with tears in her eyes. “I am never letting you live this one down.”
“I know.” He dips his head down to brush his lips against hers, squeezing her hand as tightly as possible as this begins to sink in even more. “Maybe I’ll get the next one right.”
“One human coming into the world out of my vagina at a time please.”
“You have such a way with words.”
“Just being honest,” she laughs, the sound as beautiful as the heartbeat still playing on the monitor. “I love you.”
“I love you too. And the little lad.”
“Yeah, and the little lad.”
He and Emma walk across the gardens to Liam and Abigail’s apartment, Emma’s heels clicking against the cobblestone. He already knows that she’ll be wearing his shoes on the short walk home, but she’d insisted she wear the heels for the portrait they’re taking to commemorate Liam’s fortieth birthday. It’s apparently a major milestone in life, deserving of an official portrait, and as much as he loves his brother, he thinks Liam’s a tad bit over the top.
But he and Liam differ in a lot of ways, Liam’s penchant for large celebrations and dinners with several courses while in evening wear one of those things. They were both raised this way, to expect and want dinners and parties like this, and maybe once upon a time had he never met Emma, that’s how he would celebrate all of his birthdays.
His wife, God bless her, is a fan of the simple things in life. She likes eating takeout on the couch with her feet tucked under her legs which are likely clothed in leggings that have a hole on the inside of her thigh. She enjoys sitting around watching television in the darkness of their bedroom for hours on end, sometimes an entire day (or two), and if she could, she’d probably spend the rest of her time in the garden throwing a ball for Indy to chase. For his birthday, all they did was a small dinner with friends and family, and it was perfect. He couldn’t have asked for anything more.
But he doesn’t mind the party Liam and Abigail are having. Everyone can enjoy what they want, and this day isn’t about him. It’s about his brother.
He and Emma step up to their front door, the towering black wood with moss looming above them, and he’s just about to knock on the door when Emma stops him with a hand on his forearm.
“What?” he laughs, turning to face her, their height difference almost gone with her heels.
“You have to be careful with how you talk about the baby. We’re keeping the sex a secret, remember?”
“Darling, I think they know we had sex. That’s not a secret.”
Her face scrunches up, and he leans down to brush a kiss against her lips before leaving a trail of kisses across her face, making her laugh under her breath.
“You’re going to make dad jokes. I already know.”
“I’ve been preparing for it with my humor for my entire life.” He grins, kissing her again simply because he can. “But I promise I’ll be on my best behavior, and I won’t mention our joyful news. As far as anyone in there knows, we know nothing.”
“That’s right Jon Snow.”
“Hey,” he chuckles, wrapping his arm around her waist and tugging her into his side before knocking on the door and ringing the doorbell, “he lived in the series, so that’s totally not an insult.”
The door opens before Emma can say anything else, Liam appearing on the other side of the door in his suit. “Hey guys,” he greets, a bright smile on his face as he takes a step back, “why don’t you come on in?”
“So nice of you to invite us into your home when we were supposed to be here,” he snarks, knowing it’ll rile Liam.
“Well, I was going to say I’m glad to see you, but I’m apparently only glad to see Emma. Hello, love,” he smiles before leaning into kiss Emma on the cheek and wrap her in a hug. “How are you today?”
“Good, great really. Happy birthday, old man.”
Liam barks out a laugh before releasing Emma, clapping her on the shoulder and throwing her a wink. “Has Killian been calling me older brother, emphasis on the older, all day?”
“Surprisingly not, but that’s just because he calls you an old wanker all of the time anyways.”
“No bit of that surprises me.”
Liam embraces him then, wrapping his arms around Killian’s shoulders as Killian does the same. “Happy birthday, olderbrother. What’d you buy for your midlife crisis?”
“Saving the sportscar for the fiftieth birthday. I’m not old yet, thank you very much.”
“You two are ridiculous,” Emma laughs, walking past the both of them and down the hall where he spies Alexander and Elizabeth running between the archways.
“Are we?” Liam questions, patting him in the back before following Emma. “I don’t think anyone has ever described us that way.”
“There’s a first for everything.”
The two of them find everyone in the dining room, roaming throughout the table and the bar that’s set up through the next room. Emma’s animatedly chatting with Abigail, her hands moving all over the place while Lizzie tugs at her dress until Emma picks her up and rests her on her hip. There’s several of Liam’s old military friends as well as a few of he and Abigail’s friends who he recognizes from events over the years. Their home is packed, chatter filling his ears while he goes around greeting everyone before stopping at the bar and ordering a glass of rum.
“Hey, aren’t you supposed to be in solidarity with your wife?”
He turns to the side and smiles down at Abigail, kissing her temple after he finishes his sip. “Hello, darling. Did Emma send you over here to tell me that?”
“No, but I remember being pregnant and my husband’s lips tasting like whiskey after a party.”
He chuckles under his breath, finding Emma talking to his parents before turning back to look at Abigail. “The only problem with that statement is that Liam drinks whiskey instead of rum. Bloody awful drink. And I’ve cut back on the coffee and tea in solidarity, thank you very much.”
“Oh well look at you Mr. Big Shot,” she jokes, squeezing his bicep. “You’re just so kind.”
“Someone is awfully sassy today, love. Is it because you’ve realized you’re married to an old man and are compensating?”
“Exactly. I’m trying to cope with his ancient age.” “That’s what I thought. I’m going to go kiss Emma so she tastes the rum since I’m just that evil.”
Abigail snorts next to him, and he leaves her with a smile before making his way to Emma and kissing her before she gets a chance to say anything. He lets his tongue flicker out so she can taste the rum, his own little private joke, but he doesn’t think she minds from the way she hums into it. His parents probably mind from the way they cough next to him, but they can wait.
“Hi,” Emma whispers when he pulls back, “did you forget we’ve got company, tiger?”
“No. I just didn’t bloody care.”
His parents laugh behind him, and he turns to greet them then, hugging his parents and asking them how they’re doing before they get called off to chat. Liam really should have held this dinner somewhere other than his home for how many people are in here, and Emma asks him to go sit in the other room, quiet surrounding them until Alex runs in and practically jumps on Emma’s stomach with all the force of his bony limbs.
“Mummy told me that you have a baby in your belly, Emmy.”
“Well, your Mummy is a smart lady because I do have a baby in my belly.”
“Wow,” Alex gasps, his eyes lighting up as he puts his hands on Emma’s stomach before looking up at her and speaking in the cutest little voice with his broken words that are constantly getting better. “Is it a boy or a girl?”
“We don’t know yet,” Emma lies, and Killian chuckles next to her, rubbing up and down her back. “That’s going to be a surprise.”
Alex huffs and crosses his arms, obviously cross at them for not letting him know if his cousin is going to be a boy or a girl. It’s likely a good thing he wasn’t old enough to understand this all when Abigail was pregnant with Lizzie because he would have been up in arms about all of the surprises and secrets. “What’s its name?”
“We don’t know that either, buddy,” he answers to try to take some of Alex’s blame off of Emma. 
“I think you should name it Fish.”
Emma snickers next to him, biting her bottom lip to try to contain it. It’s then that he gets an idea, sticking out his stomach as far as he can and making himself look bloated. “What about me, buddy? Does Uncle Killian look like he’s having a baby?”
“Uncle Killian looks like a silly goose,” Abigail coos as she steps in the room, squatting down next to Alex, “and you look like someone who needs to go to sleep.”
“I don’t want to.”
“You have to. It’s bedtime.”
Alex’s bottom lip starts quivering while his eyes begin to water, the meltdown imminent. Within seconds Abigail has him on her hip walking out of the ballroom and meeting Liam and Elizabeth by the doorway, the two of them walking away to put their kids to bed like some kind of well-oiled machine.
“You know, Abigail isn’t even my mother, and if she told me it was time to go to bed, I’d listen.”
Emma giggles beside him, leaning back into the couch and into him before resting her head on his shoulder. He kisses her hair while he rubs her back, knowing she’s likely tired when they’ll still be here for awhile, but it’s only a short walk home if she asks for it.
“You are a very smart man because you listen to all of the women in your life.”
“Damn right. Even Lizzie. She’s two, but she’s the boss.”
“Who’s the boss?” Brennan asks them, settling down on the couch across the coffee table from them. “Because the answer better be your mother or Emma. If not, you are lying, son.”
“Lizzie,” Emma answers for him, patting his stomach before her hand rests on his thigh, squeezing a little too high as if she’s trying to rouse him. “Lizzie is the boss.”
“Damn right,” Brennan laughs, echoing Killian’s words from a moment ago even if he didn’t hear them. “I’ve never seen a kid with such spunk.”
“Oi, I had that kind of spunk, dad. Still do.”
“Yeah, but you’re old now. I don’t remember these things.”
“Your firstborn is forty! I’m still barely in my thirties! How can you call me old? You’re the oldest person at this party.”
“And the most handsome,” Allison adds in, sitting down next to Brennan and brushing a kiss against his cheek. His parents were never affectionate before, and as happy as he is with everyone’s changes, his fifteen-year-old self is cringing watching them be that way. But it’s only in the best way, his family having felt like a family for two years now, and no part of him would trade things to go back to how they were.
Eventually dinner is served and everyone sits down at the large table, silverware clicking against plates and the laughter and chatter in the home only increasing the more people drink (except for he and Emma of course because he does abstain in solidarity sometimes). There’s several stories about Liam told, some he’d never heard before, and his stomach hurts from laughter. God, his brother was such a crack up, something he never really knew, and he wishes they’d gotten along all of those years.
But they didn’t. There was too much of an age discrepancy, too much of a difference in wants out of life, and most of all, too much hostility. He loves his brother, something that took him a long time to admit, but Liam’s not perfect. He can still be a bloody git and they still argue over some things, but he’s changed. And while there are still flashes of the day he came to this very home to confront his brother, to try to work things through only to be rejected and told that Liam’s only trying to do better for his children, he’s come to terms with it. They can’t change the past. They can’t take things away or add words left unsaid, but forgiveness even when the other person doesn’t deserve it is a powerful thing.
Or so he’s been learning over the past few years.
This is infinitely better than any life he could have lived away from his parents and his brother. And he’d have given it all up for Emma. There’s no doubt about it, and he still fully believes that. She’s worth it all. But this is better.
“Hey,” Emma whispers, rubbing between his shoulder blades before her hand finds the hair at the tape of his neck, causing shivers to run down his spine, “what are you thinking about? You’ve zoned out.”
He hums, closing his eyes before leaning over and kissing her temple, the vanilla of her shampoo invading him. “I was thinking about you.”
“Cheesy.” “Absolutely. But also the truth. I just…all of these stories about Liam, they make me realize how glad I am that we went through all of that to fix it and came out better on the other side because now I have stories to tell about him like that.” “I thought you were thinking about me.”
“Well, that came after thinking about my brother.” “That’s kind of gross.”
“Yeah, well, I was thinking about how I’m glad we’re here, but I’d still give it all up for you. And for the little love, my love.” “Well,” Emma smiles, tangling their fingers together under the table, “the good thing is that you don’t have to. We’re all a big, messy, wonderful package that you get for the rest of your life whether you like it or not.”
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