#i had a dream last night that my butthole disappeared
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sunsteez · 5 years ago
Wow okay so it has been 2 years (almost 3)?? I feel like Tumblr is a very different place now and 3 years a lot of time so if you’re wondering who the fuck this even is popping up on your timeline I FULLY understand SCROLL ON MY FRIEND
If you’d like to continue reading an extremely long and jumbled stream of consciousness, keep goin under the cut
I’ve been wanting to post an update like this for a while, but it’s been really hard for me to sit down and write something because of how disconnected I am at this point to the Haikyuu community, and how guilty I was feeling for just sort of..leaving abruptly? But I signed into my account recently and realized that after being inactive for years I was still getting the kindest, most warm hearted messages- not just about art, but people saying they missed me popping up on their feed, that wherever I was, they hoped I was doing well, or that I was happy, and folks just checking in and genuinely concerned and wondering if I was okay. I also realized that it was pretty uncool of me to just sort of peace out like that without an explanation, so I thought I owed you all at least that much.
*Things are about to get a little sad here (just a warning, in case you’re not feeling up for that)*
Basically, around the time I left, a very close childhood friend of mine passed away in a very tragic and unexpected accident.  She was like a sister to me, someone who was always there and was always supposed to be there- we grew up together, shared so many first experiences side by side, and of course we annoyed the shit out of each other to no end. She was supposed to be there for my other firsts, but now I have to do them alone. Losing her broke me like nothing I’ve ever felt in my entire life.  The pain was both terrifying and debilitating, and I had to take a break from EVERYTHING for a while. I went backpacking for a month in the woods with a couple of friends to get away, no service or anything, completely detached from everything and days of just walking, eating, sleeping, and being in nature.  It was very healing. And I guess I never really came back.
This blog was a safe and happy escape for me, a place to just have some laughs and fun, and that’s what I wanted it to be for everyone else. My life on social media was always pretty separate from my real life (though y’all got a weird ol chunk of that in the tags), but this especially had no place on my account.  I didn’t want to bring something so unpleasant and painful into my safe space, but that resulted me in completely abandoning this blog altogether since that loss is something I’m still learning to cope with.
I am finally feeling ready now so I’m here to say: I am okay!! I’m still picking myself back up, but I’ve come such a long way.  I’ve been seeing a therapist for almost 2 years now who’s helped me deal with not only the grief of losing my friend but making sense of past traumas I’ve experienced and teaching me to learn how and why I’m feeling the things that I do. I’m still the same fucking weirdo with maybe a bit more emotional depth. I’m now a full-time freelance animator and illustrator, and currently thinking about making the jump into comics!! And you know what, I don’t think any of that would have happened had it not been for the wonderful experience I’ve had on here.
Concerning the future of this account and contents: I guess it goes without saying but Full Eyes Full Hearts is officially being discontinued- thank you for the love and support for this comic, even if it was short lived. I know how frustrating it is to become invested in a story only for it to be discontinued, so I am sorry for those of you who were so looking forward to it. But here is a big 
They love each other.  They always loved each other. WHAT A TWIST THAT IS HUH I BET YOU DID NOT SEE THAT ONE COMING??????
I have no current plans to return to this account, but as Justin Bieber once said, “never say never.” Who knows, maybe someday I’ll get back into haikyuu (I heard my BOYY came back in some of the latest chapters and if there is oikawa content to consume I WILL consume it), maybe I’ll join another fandom? Maybe this brief resurfacing will awaken the tumblr child inside of me. Even I don’t know. For now though, I’ll be doin my own thing, working on my own projects and maybe one day you’ll find my work again!
I’ll also be popping in and out in the next week or so in case anybody has any questions or comments or wants to talk, ANYTHING
The world is wild right now, so I also just want to send some love to everyone. Things are not always happy, and that’s okay. Something that my friend taught me that I hold dear to this day is that: it’s important to laugh, and play, and cry when you’re sad, and just enjoy all the bad and good the world has to offer you. Because feeling means that you're alive.
I cannot thank everyone enough for the love and support you’ve given for me and my art, my mutuals for being there to inspire me and teach me and push me to do more, honestly I would not be where I was today without any of that.  I never took art seriously until I realized how much I enjoyed it on here. Maybe that sounds silly to some people that Tumblr Dot Com changed the course of my life, but it really did.
Thank you!!
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sweetestlamb · 5 years ago
How Do I Look?
Summary: Mun Yeong and Gang-Tae spend their first weekend apart. Things go really well.
Author's Note: I intended for this to be less gutter filth but I'm a pervert so you got this instead. Sorry. A little. I'm the worst. I know. I promise to try to stop being a hornball and write something sweet and wholesome. 
P.s. I just did some edits, so any errors should now be fixed. Thank you to everyone sharing my story, y’all are the realest.  I’ll be posting this on AO3 as well to get that fandom recognized soon. 
The sunlight shines intensely through the windows and Mun Yeong wonders how much it would cost to stop that, just turn off the sunlight that perpetually ruins her sleep every morning. Those ridiculous birds are always chirping outside her window clearly in cahoots with the sun. With menacing eyes she glares at them all.
The cursed Castle is quiet. Still. It is her first weekend alone. She sighs in frustration, annoyed that he planned on keeping his word and going back to the live- in cook and two-faced bitch's house. Threatening to kill him if they left hadn’t convinced him and that was the only thing she could think of to say to him. What other reason could she ask him to stay?
Stay for me.
No. That would scare him away too. Or maybe his answer would scare her. All the same, now she was alone in this huge Castle and she didn't know if she could stand it. The castle felt so much more alive with them here. When they cleaned that day it was as if breathe had been pumped into the lungs of the castle. It no longer felt like she was living in a cemetery.
She didn't want to share him and especially not with that bitch.
Eyes scanning the room, she thought of something to do to pass the time. I want to go and kidnap him. But. He had seemed excited at the thought of seeing Jae-Soo , his dimwitted friend who ran a chicken farm or something. It must have been nice to have a friend. Someone who wanted to be around you, not for money or prestige just because they liked you. She tried to remember if she ever had anyone like that. Anyone besides him.
Lost in her thoughts her eyes landed on her shoes. Black heels, patent leather, five inch heel, crimson red bottom. She had seen them in a store and knew she had to have them. The fact that they were in someone else's hands was a minor inconvenience that a well placed glare solved. The last ones too. Destiny. What do you think you're doing? The minor inconvenience had gasped as she placed the heels on her own feet and found they were a perfect fit. Some things were meant to be.
Shopping, could be fun.
Her over-sized sunglasses dwarfed her face intentionally, she did not need fans approaching her. She knew that her face would do a great job at deterring them as well, resting bitch face was her natural face. She had already been to many different stores. Bags hung from her hand as she approached the next store. Heels clicking rhythmically, she entered and a slow "wow" left her lips as she looked up at the outfit adorning the body of a mannequin.
I want it.
"How can I help you today ma'am?" A young woman approached her with eager steps, plastic smile stretched across her face. She didn't answer verbally, instead pointed at the mannequin. The woman nodded and retrieved an exact replica for her.
"We also have changing rooms." She stated pointing to the rooms in the back but she shook her head no. "I will take it." A smiled dipped across her face that would make the Cheshire cat proud. Now she knew exactly now to have some fun.
Gang-Tae laughed as Jae-Soo swung his arms around recalling the customer who tried to bring their cat in for a free caricature drawing from Sang-Tae.
"Pizza is not for feline companions. Most cats are lactose intolerant and you should not give them any dairy. They will vomit or even have diarrhea and it is very painful for their butthole. You must not give your cat any dairy products." His brother quickly added from his corner, where he laid on his stomach rapidly reading another one of Mun-Yeong's stories.
He snickered and imagined how disgusted she would look if she were here. Rose petal lips twisted in distaste. It had been hours since he had left her and he wondered what she was doing? Sharpening knives? Scaring small animals?
But he didn't have to wonder for long because his phone vibrated in his pocket and her name lit up on the screen. She would probably try to convince him to come home again, ignoring his decision to leave on the weekends. Not understanding that he needed time away, being around her all the time was difficult enough. Seeing her every morning and every night was hard. It would be easy if he could convince his eyes to stop looking at her. But alas, they were disobedient. So the weekends were his only escape from her spell.
He carelessly opened her message and then pressed it shut. Feeling a flush run from the tips of his toes to top of his head. His breath hitched and his blood simmered. Was it possible to hyperventilate and pass out and die from lack of oxygen? He was about to figure out.
Maybe I'm dreaming right now. This is just another one of those dreams. I fell asleep and I'm dreaming.
He almost convinced himself until another message came. And with trembling hands he excused himself to the bathroom and shakily sat on the toilet. Taking a deep calming breathe, fortifying himself only to crumble like a sandcastle when he opened the message.
How do I look?
Her feet were encased in red heels, dainty like the rest of her. But it was the rest that felt him grasping for breathe. A red corset hugged her body making her already small waist look impossibly slim delicate even, but he knew better, her panties were connected to thigh high matching stockings.He had never seen anything this tempting.  He briefly wondered how they would feel on his skin. How would she feel on his skin?
When the phone began to vibrated in his hands, he almost dropped it. He stared down at the phone, fear and lust both raging in his body. Until he finally accepted the call, I must be crazy.
"What are you doing?!" He exclaimed genuinely wondering why she wanted to kill him today.
"Did you like the picture? I got this today. If you were home you could have helped me put it on." She proceeded, ignoring his question and proceeding to kill him further. "But don't worry, if you hurry home you can still help me take it off."
"Stop. Stop talking." He begged. 
She didn't.
"It feels amazing on my skin." She moaned into his ear with that voice of hers, and he felt shivers run though his body just like when she had blown in his ears. "You can't see but it's crotch-less too, so easy access. We don't even need to take it off to have fun!"
He didn't understand how she could say these things as if she were a salesperson simply listing the benefits of the product. Was it possible to die from over-stimulation? Was today his last day? He forced himself not to look at the picture to find the slit she was referring too.
"Please stop." He pleaded again, pleading to both her and his traitor of a body that was now awake and fully aboard with everything she was selling. He glared down at the tent in his jeans, wondering if that would kill him actually, lack of blood available to flow to his brain.
"I miss you, come home."
Those words went straight to his heart without his permission. She really was an unstoppable force. It probably didn't help that he wasn't trying hard to stop her. Or at all.
"I can't." He really, really wanted to. The pin was precariously on the edge. 
She huffed on the other side of the phone and he expected her to explode, volatile, a ticking time bomb ready to detonate but instead she quietly responded, "How do I look?"
"Amazing. You look amazing." He said honestly, stupidly. It took everything in him to not open the message again and see the tantalizing photo again, imagining her wrapped around him as he slammed her into the nearest wall, listening to her moans as he played with her sweet wetness through the new deadly panties. His breathes were a fast staccato, and she moaned at the sound, "It would look even better on the floor."
He didn't get a chance to reply because there was a loud knock on the door.
"Gang-Tae are you okay? We're going to get food, do you want to come?"
He cleared his throat before answering, "No, no you go ahead. I need a minute."
Jae-Soo was silent for a second before he responded, "Okay make sure to use an air freshener we'll see you soon."
He signed in relief glad that he didn't ask any questions. Better they thought he was having stomach problems. 
"Only a minute? That fast huh?" She teased. 
"Stop saying nonsense!" He angrily retorted, blush blooming all over his face and chest. Embarrassed that it really would be that fast, seeing her like that had awakened something primal in him.  His erection wasn't going to go down on its own and he didn't have much time until Jae-Su and his brother were back. Shame washed over him.
"I...um have to go"
"No you don't. I just heard you, you told them to go ahead because you need a..... Oooooooh" He squeezed his eyes shut at her sound of recognition, he felt powerless. His hand was already creeping down to his heavy erection. It felt like it was throbbing now and the sounds she made naturally weren't helping.
"I can stay. I can help, do you want me to send more pictures? I can take one in nothing, if you'd like." She offered and he could hear her moving, and he shouted before she could actually kill him, "NO!!" He didn't want the first time he saw her....like that to be an image. He wanted to be able to touch. If she sent that picture he might run to the castle and....no. He didn't need anymore photos.
"I have to go. Goodbye." He repeated, hand reaching its target and the pleasure was instant, his knees buckled as he almost fell to the ground.
"You sound incredible, send me a photo too. I want to see."
He looked down at this dick, head disappearing and reappearing in his grip. Fluid dripping down the sides, easing his way.
"Okay. You sound like you're having fun. I'll leave you to it. Come home tomorrow." And just like that she was gone. He groaned wanting to shout her name and maybe cry a little. Why did she have to play with him like this, he couldn't handle this. The phone fell from his grip, clattering to the side.
He pulled and twisted, feeling the end approaching as he tugged himself to completion, images of Mun-Yeong spread across his bed with him thrusting into her filling his head. She would be wild under him, giving as good as she got, nails clawing at his back.
With, a final thrust he felt his cum flew out, surging though his body violently, ultimately bringing him to his knees. "Ko Mun-Yeong!!" He rasped out as his vision blurred and after a long minute he opened his eyes, looking down at the mess he had made.
Cum stains dripped down his phone.
He looked down at the phone in shock.
She never hung up.
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vee-angel · 5 years ago
Potty-Mouth Piper (part 2, repost)
CONTENT WARNING: This story focuses on filth-fetishism, and will have substantial amounts of scat, piss, flatulence, snot, menstrual play, and just about every dirty thing I can think of. If that kind of thing isn’t your cup of tea, I suggest you skip this one. I have multiple stories in the works that feature completely different categories of fetishism.
(Part of the Pervert Pentet Series)
Chapter 1, part 1
Mackenzie spent the rest of the day with her mind focused on Piper. Each class she went to, she hoped to see the shit-eating girl. She kept her eyes open for the green mohawk. She had no idea what she’d say if she saw her again, she just knew that she wanted to look.
She wondered how she had known the cheerleader would be in the bathroom, had she snuck laxatives into her food? That must have been it. Piper knew that the girl would probably use the most private bathroom if she intended to make a stink, that’s why she was waiting there. Mackenzie wondered how much planning had actually gone into Piper’s little “prank.”
She started fantasizing about the two of them dating, what that would be like. Would we eat each others shit or would Piper want all of it? Maybe Piper could eat both of our shit and then vomit it back into my mouth! Mackenzie thought, giddy with excitement. She had romantic fantasies about them getting married. She thought about the two of them getting a cat together. Maybe Piper would force me to clean the litter box with my mouth! Maybe when I need  to get up early, Piper could fart loudly into my face instead of an alarm clock. If she gets a cold, I wonder if she’ll use my tongue as a tissue. Maybe our menstrual cycles would sync up! Then we could make tea with each others used tampons! How romantic!
Unfortunately, Mackenzie didn’t come across the delightfully disgusting girl for the rest of the day. Upon arriving home, she did her homework and chores, then headed straight for her room to spend the rest of the night masturbating. She opened up her computer and watched her favorite videos. As always, she imagined herself as the girls in the videos, but this time, she imagined Piper alongside her. She watched, as in her mind, her and Piper sniffed each others farts directly from one another’s assholes. As Piper filled her mouth with shit before making out with her passionately. As Piper pulled up her skirt in public and made Mackenzie kneel down to drink her piss in front of a crowd. She watched herself lick snot from Piper’s nose, and watched as a syringe of liquefied feces was squirted up her own nose.
She hoped that soon she’d be able to share this collection of obscene videos with the girl she admired. Mackenzie slipped a few fingers into her own ass as she watched them. After orgasming for what seemed like the hundredth time that night, she withdrew the digits from her anus and looked at them. A wet brown streak adorned her fingers, she brought it to her nose to inhale the foul stench deeply. A thought crossed her mind. Could she…. put it in her mouth? Could she behave with the obscene boldness of Piper and eat her own shit? She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. She hesitated for a few moments. Her heart raced with the excitement at doing something so dirty.
No, she thought as she grabbed a tissue and cleaned her fingers, it’s not that I can’t do it, it’s just that I want Piper’s shit to be the first that’s ever in my mouth.
With that, the red-headed girl changed into her plain, off-white nightgown and went to sleep.
Mackenzie spent most of the next day searching for Piper in the halls between classes. At lunch time she planned to head to the same bathroom to see if she’d be waiting again. But before she had a chance to, she saw the green mohawk disappear into the cafeteria. She quickly followed behind. She managed to get into the cafeteria line only a few places behind Piper. She was close enough to talk to her, but she was too nervous to say a word. Instead she just stared in awe, hoping she wouldn’t get caught looking.
From this angle, she managed to see the other side of Piper’s head. She had another tattoo, opposite the “Potty Mouth” one she’d seen earlier. This one labeled her with the words “Ass 2 Mouth 4 Life” the last two words beneath the top three. Mackenzie had worried that perhaps her expectations for Piper were too high, but now she was certain that this girl was everything she dreamed of and more!
She stared as Piper retrieved a hot dog, then paid the lunch-lady for it. Mackenzie was so mesmerized, she forgot to even put anything on her tray. When she reached the end of the line, she simply blushed and hurried off to find a seat from which she could stare at her new infatuation.
She sat down just as she saw Piper making her way decisively across the cafeteria. Following her gaze, she saw the cheerleader from the bathroom the other day; there was a decent sized group around her, mostly male.
“Hey, cheer-tits! How’s it going?” Piper said, forcing her way between the cheerleader and the girl sitting to her left. Finding space wasn’t difficult; the girl next to her recoiled with a look of disgust as soon as she saw Piper trying to squeeze in. The cheerleader, unfortunately for her, didn’t have the chance to scoot away; Piper had wrapped her arm around the girls shoulder like an overly-friendly drunk.
“Piper, I swear to fucking god…” the cheerleader said in a low voice, partially threatening, but mostly pleading.
Seemingly ignoring the girl’s comment, she addressed the boys around her, “Hey, so you guys gonna hit her in the shitter after school today?”
“What?” one of the boys replied, seemingly amazed by her vulgarity.
“Ya know, put your fuck-sticks in her fart-cannon, pound her in the poop chute.” she looked around for a moment to a group of smiling but silent young men, before finally clarifying, “Butt sex!”
The cheerleader scrunched her face in horror and disgust, wishing the vulgar little punk would just leave her alone. “I don’t do that.” she finally replied with a superior tone, hoping to reassert her dominance over the situation, “Only whores do anal, Piper. Whores like you.”
Piper seemed indifferent to the attempted insult, “Seriously? I could have sworn I tasted some jizz when you shit in my mouth yesterday. Have you just been gobbling so much cock-snot that it’s flavoring your turds or something?”
“That didn’t happen!” the cheerleader announced to the group of boys who were making little effort to conceal their amusement.
“Sure it did. I think we even had a witness…” she trailed off as she twisted to begin searching the room. Mackenzie’s heart started to pound as Piper’s gaze finally landed on her. “Oh, hey firecrotch!” she called over, “you remember when I chugged diarrhea from cheer-tits’s asshole yesterday, right?”
Mackenzie’s skin tingled at the acknowledgement; she was too shy to vocalize anything more than a timid squeak, but the tightly pursed grin indicated how pleased she was for Piper’s attention. She managed an enthusiastic little nod, only meeting Pipers eyes for a second before demurely looking down again.
“See? Firecrotch over there remembers.” As she spoke, Piper took the hot dog from its bun and, with a sideways lean, casually sodomized herself with it. A couple of boys on the other side of the table stood up to see if she was really doing what it looked like she was doing. After a few quick thrusts and turns she removed the wiener from her anus and put it back into the split piece of bread.
“Did you just put that in your butt??” One of the boys asked.
“Ass to mouth for life, baby!” she replied, tapping the tattoo above her left ear before taking a large bite. She chewed and swallowed, before her eyebrows pulled together in a look of mild discomfort. “Uhh! Mustard kinda hurts in the butthole. I should have gotten ketchup.”
She stood, to the immense relief of the cheerleader who’d been silently praying that her tormentor would finally leave her alone. “I’m gonna look for some napkins or something to clean out my shitter.”
Piper left her tray, but took the hot-dog, which she continued to eat as she walked. She grabbed a few napkins and proceeded to the exit, turning back at the last moment and locking eyes with Mackenzie from across the room. She smiled and winked, as if to say I notice you. Mackenzie’s heart fluttered; Piper saw.
With that, she was gone. Mackenzie didn’t see her again for the rest of the day.
That night was a repeat of the previous one, with Mackenzie masturbating furiously to scat and filth porn, romanticizing the future she could have with Piper. As the post-orgasmic haze waned, she realized she had mixed feelings about the day. She found watching Piper thrilling. However, even though she had multiple opportunities to talk with her; she squandered them all. Piper was bold, fearless; what could a timid girl like Mackenzie do to get her attention? To really get her attention. Not just a glance as she was leaving the cafeteria to clean mustard out of her asshole. Mackenzie giggled aloud at the memory.
She thought for a few moments. The idea of asking her on a date appeared in her mind. Mackenzie rejected it, knowing that while it was an appealing thought, her timidity would never allow her to articulate it. Recalling that there was a pep rally the following day, Mackenzie decided that she would look for Piper, and ask if she could sit next to her. It seemed simple enough; “May I sit with you?” Only five words, she could do this!
She practiced in her head for the rest of the night. Mackenzie knew it was silly to practice a single sentence over and over again, but she hoped by replaying it enough times, she’d have the courage to actually say it aloud.
The next morning was relatively ordinary for Mackenzie; she got out of bed at the first alarm, made her bed, headed to the bathroom to shit and piss, washed her hands while taking special care to clean under her fingernails before breakfast, ate two toaster waffles plus two eggs and a glass of orange juice, brushed her teeth for two and a half minutes, showered while taking special care to clean behind her ears and between her toes, stepped out of the shower to clean inside her ears with a q-tip, before finally dressing, fixing her hair, and grabbing her backpack as she walked out the door to school.
The school day seemed to inch along second-by-second, the only relief came during fourth-period just after lunch. That’s when Mackenzie had Physical Education. She enjoyed that class, not for the often tedious games and exercises, though she didn’t especially object to them, but for the sight and smells of her classmates.
The coaches had the class run the mile that day, circling the outer perimeter of the school to make up the distance. While her running speed was middling, she always rather delighted in seeing some of the other girls dripping with sweat. A particularly heavy blond girl trudged along panting, there was barely a dry spot on her. Mackenzie imagined stealing the girl’s panties after class, wringing out her ass-sweat into a glass and drinking it. This was the kind of girl who was obviously teased for her appearance, but Mackenzie wished that it was possible for the girl to know how sexy she thought she was. If given half a chance she would lick the black gunk from between her toes, suck the perspiration from her armpit hair, motorboat her slick acne-ridden ass.
These thoughts were typical for Mackenzie, she’d been having them for years. They had previously provided some of the material for her spank-bank, but they generally faded from her mind as soon as the next period began, only to be revisited in the privacy of her bedroom each night. Piper, on the other hand, was an obsession.
Fifth period was algebra, which Mackenzie thought was dull. She only found excitement in the prospect that in place of sixth period would be the school assembly where she’d try to sit next to Piper. She actually gasped as the bell rang, both with excitement and nervousness.
She made her way to the gymnasium where other students were already beginning to crowd into the bleachers. She took a seat in the middle of the third row, only a few feet from the front, and began to look around for an axe-shaped formation of green hair jutting from a tattooed pink scalp.
After a few minutes she started getting discouraged; additionally, there were some other students who had decided to sit on either side of her, blocking her in. One of the coaches had just begun speaking when she finally saw the dark emerald colored mohawk appear. Beneath it was Piper, wearing a baggy black sweatshirt over her too-short skirt.
Damn it! She thought, They’ve already started, I can’t get up to go and sit by her now!
Piper scanned the crowd; eventually, her eyes met with Mackenzie and she smiled and began walking forward. She’s coming to sit with me! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I didn’t plan for this! What do I say? What do I do?
Piper came up the aisle and began side-stepping through the crowded row toward her; awkward little steps that one has to make when trying not to trample the feet of those already seated. Mackenzie watched as she came closer and closer; there was a bit of space just next to her where Piper could sit. To her surprise, Piper instead stepped up onto the bench next to her instead of sitting down. Oh, of course, she thought, crestfallen. She’s obviously climbing up to sit with one of her real friends behind me. Her hurt turned to confusion when, instead of climbing up, Piper stepped over her. Her feet straddled Mackenzie’s lap; she looked up to see that Piper had pulled up the back of her skirt and bent forward. Her jaw dropped open as she was now inches away from Piper’s tight pink anus.
A loud fart preceded a torrent of chunky brown slime by a fraction of a second. Piper’s asshole exploded with chunks of shit, the first shooting into Mackenzie’s still gaping mouth. She was blinded a moment later by a torrent of liquid feces. She heard a commotion around her as the other students darted away from the scene. The hot stink made her want to gasp for air, but given that her nose and mouth were flooded with Piper’s diarrhea, it only resulted in her coughing, gagging, and then vomiting.
She couldn’t see, but was astonished that the stream seemed to still be coming. It coated her hair and face with a heavy, wet bulk, and was now pouring onto her chest and lap. Finally, she heard the sound of a few pops of gas as the last few flecks shot onto her face, and it seemed to be over.
Mackenzie was still gagging and coughing, trying frantically to wipe the warm brown filth from her face. After several seconds, she was able to open her eyes to see Piper being held down and handcuffed by a man shouting at her in that angry-yet-controlled tone of voice that every police officer has. She was picked up roughly and perp-walked out of the gymnasium.
An older female teacher approached Mackenzie, though not too closely, and told her to stay where she was. Her tone seemed almost frantic; a few seconds later a younger male approached her with a stack of towels. He handed them to her at arms-length, not wanting to enter the perimeter of filth that had Mackenzie at its epicenter. She stood and looked down to see herself coated in an astonishing amount of shit; it had pooled around her. For a brief moment, she thought that with her red hair, she must look like the titular character at the end of a scat-themed porn parody of “Carrie.”
She began using towels to wipe herself off. Her face came relatively clean, but Piper’s shit still coated her hair and clothing. She did the best she could, leaving a large pile of white towels, now coated in brown. She heard the school staff discussing among themselves; eventually deciding to lead Mackenzie to the girl’s locker room to shower while someone found her some new clothes from the Lost-and-Found. This was repeated to her as explanation and she followed the older female teacher as she led her to the locker room adjacent to the gymnasium.
About forty-five minutes later, she found herself sitting in the principal’s office with damp hair, wearing a black graphic t-shirt and oversized gym shorts. She was informed that her parents had been called and that her father was on the way.
She’d hardly had time to process what had happened due to all the fuss. What Piper did, while surprising, was far from the trauma everyone seemed to act like it was. The most traumatic part was seeing her handcuffed and dragged away. Mackenzie adored her, now more than ever. She actually felt elated that Piper cared enough to arrange the stunt. The amount of liquefied feces was far more than what a girl her size could naturally produce in a day; she must have saved it up and pumped it into her ass as an enema. Knowing that Piper had gone home the previous day and thought about her, had actually planned for her; Mackenzie couldn’t have asked for more.
Her father finally arrived and entered the office. He immediately asked Mackenzie how she was doing. She assured him that she was fine; that everyone was making far too big a deal of it. Her father was a kind man with a gentle voice. His disposition was often compared to Mr. Rogers, and for good reason. He and Mackenzie’s mother brought her up in a progressive Christian household; teaching her that the only thing anyone should be ashamed of was being hateful. They’d even begun taking her to charity events for LGBT+ youths around the time Mackenzie started showing hints of being gay. She never officially “came out” to her parents, they just eventually realized that her gender preferences were different from most girls, and “there’s nothing wrong with being different,” they told her. Still, she held back her more taboo interests.
Only a few moments after her father arrived, a pretty blonde woman entered the office. She was introduced as Piper’s mother, Mrs. Lindeholm.
“Miss Lindeholm,” she corrected. This woman had the air of a controlling business executive one might see in a movie about investment banking. “I want to start off by apologizing for what my daughter did. I will obviously be paying for any cleaning costs associated with the incident, both to the school and the victim.” She sat and addressed Mackenzie and her father directly, “I understand that you may be considering pressing criminal charges against my daughter.” Her tone softened, “I would like you to understand that Piper has a history of… problems with regards to how she interacts with other people. It seemed that she was improving enough to attend public school but an incident like this was… Well it’s not something I anticipated. She’s never done anything so public before. I’m told your name is Mackenzie?”
She nodded. Miss Lindholm then took her hand and looked into her eyes.
“I’m very sorry for what my daughter did to you, Mackenzie. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”
This woman was obviously practiced in taking command of a situation. She was, in truth, a bit overwhelming. Mackenzie thought for a moment and summoned the courage to speak, “I… I don’t want to press charges or anything. I just want to be sure Piper is okay. I don’t think anything bad should happen to her. I mean… the whole thing isn’t a big deal. She just… I mean… she just pooped. Everyone poops.”
Miss Lindeholm smiled at the remark, her face showed equal parts relief and amusement. “I’m very glad to hear you say that. You’re a very kind girl, Mackenzie.”
“So what’s going to happen to Piper?”
“Well, given that she’s backslid quite a bit, I’m going to have her stay in a psychiatric hospital for a time. She’ll be well cared for. She’s also likely going to be suspended for a period of time that I’ll be discussing with your principal shortly.”
“She’s going to be expelled, Mrs. Lindeholm.” the principal interjected.
The woman gave a brief side-eyed glare at the slender, balding man; as if to say We’ll see about that.
She pulled an index card from her pocket and handed it to Mackenzie’s father, “This is my contact information. Please send me the bill for any cleaning services or anything else associated with the incident. I’d even be happy to buy Mackenzie a brand-new outfit. Unless the principal has anything further to discuss with you, I imagine you’d like to get home and get on with your day.”
They turned to the principal who nodded his consent for them to leave. They heard an echo of Miss Lindeholm’s sharp tongue laying into the principal as they walked down the hall.
The next day, Mackenzie elected not to go to school. She was worn out from the previous day’s incident, and even more so from the marathon masturbation session that took up the majority of her evening.
Finally knowing that her interest in Piper was reciprocated, she texted Miss Lindeholm, asking if it would be possible for her to visit Piper in the mental hospital. Mackenzie had tasted Piper’s shit for what she hoped would be the first of many times; she figured it was about time they had their first conversation. Miss Lindeholm texted back, giving the address of the hospital, and even giving instructions on how to get to the psych ward. She obviously wanted to accommodate her request, still fearing that Mackenzie may decide to press charges after all.
She briefly dipped into her father’s home office to let him know that she was going to be visiting a friend in the hospital for a little while (though not clarifying which one), and after a brief exchange, she was off.
Less than twenty minutes later she arrived at the hospital. She spoke to the receptionist and after a brief wait, was led in to meet Piper.
For some reason, the anxiety that had previously plagued her was pointedly absent. She entered a large room sparsely populated by bored looking people in drab pajamas. There were a number of round tables; atop one was what appeared to be an abandoned game of dominos.
As they approached Piper, Mackenzie saw her formerly proud mohawk hanging in a bedraggled mess around her face. Her eyes looked down with a concerned focus at the puzzle pieces on the table in front of her; rather than using them to form a picture, she had merely organized them into neat piles based on their shape and color.
“Piper Lindeholm, you have a visitor.”
Piper seemed startled, having apparently been engrossed in her task of categorizing puzzle pieces. She looked up to see Mackenzie, then looked down with an expression of shame.
“Oh… umm… hi.” was all she said.
Mackenzie sat down and scooted her chair next to the disheveled girl. “Hi, Shit-Pipe. You, said you like to be called that, back when we first met. I’m Mackenzie.” She spoke in a sweet, soft voice.
Piper just stared down at her puzzle pieces.
“Whatcha doing?” Mackenzie asked
“Umm, there are six pieces missing. There’s supposed to be two hundred, but there are only one-hundred-ninety-four. I found one earlier, but it’s still missing six. Umm… Jesus fuck, you don’t care about my puzzle. I’m really sorry about what I did to you. I don’t know why I did it, I guess I just thought… that you liked me or something? And I guess it was like, you know when little boys pull the pretty girl’s hair because they like her and they don’t know what else to do? It was like that, I guess.”
Mackenzie blushed, “You think I’m pretty?”
Piper looked up at her briefly before looking down again with an awkward smile. “I mean, yeah, of course I do. You’re a fuckin’ knockout. Shit, I’d crawl across a field of broken glass just to sniff a pair of panties you farted in.”
Mackenzie laughed, “I’d say the same thing about you, but it doesn’t seem like you wear panties.” They laughed together this time.
Piper’s posture slackened somewhat, “When I saw you, I thought you were here to ‘save my soul’ or something. My mom said your family is like super Christian.”
“Well, yeah, I mean we kinda are. By the way, your mom is really cool.”
“Right?? I know I do some pretty fucked up shit, but she tries really hard for me.”
“I could tell.” Mackenzie wore a huge smile. She was actually having a conversation with Piper! “So… how did you start, being you?”
“What like my ‘origin story?’” Piper curled her fingers into air quotes as she spoke. “Fuck me, where do I start?” Her eyebrows scrunched as she looked off into the distance for a few seconds. “Okay, I guess I started saying and doing really inappropriate shit in middle school. Well, actually it was before that, but I think they tolerated it more ‘cuz I was so young. I used to try really hard to make friends with people and to not say really weird shit that made people… like, change?”
The expression on Mackenzie’s face said she needed elaboration.
“Okay,” Piper continued, “You know how you’re going along and talking to someone and you’re fuckin’ around playing games or talking about teachers or whatever? And everything seems fine, but then you say something and then all of a sudden it seems like they don’t like you. They’re mad, or grossed out, or they just start acting really uncomfortable, and sometimes they make fun of you.”
“You talked about things like eating poo?”
“Well, not at first. Like in sixth or seventh grade I had this best friend. And she just got a dog, so we were playing with the dog, and it was a female, so I wanted to look at her pussy. I was just curious if a dog’s pussy looked like mine. But everyone got really mad at me when I said that and tried to look. I don’t really know why, though. It’s not like I was hurting the dog by looking at it. She stopped being friends with me after that. It’s not even the first time something like that happened. So I guess around that time, I figured that I can try to be normal, but if I do that, then I’ll have to be constantly scared that I’m going to say or do something that’ll make people change and suddenly start hating me. So I figured I can say and do weird, gross shit one-hundred percent of the time and that way, at least I know how people are going to react, so I don’t need to be scared of messing up. Oh, and when I was eleven, I spied on my mom at work and she was peeing in a guys mouth, so after that I got curious and started drinking and eating piss and shit, respectively. My mom’s a dominatrix, by the way.”
Mackenzie was a bit taken aback by Piper’s candid, stream-of-consciousness confession. “Wow, umm, I’m sorry that people were mean to you. But I really like who you are now. I, uhh, I didn’t start quite as early as you. I only started looking at porn a few years ago, and I only started getting really into scat porn after ninth grade. So I, I kinda always fantasized about meeting a girl like you. I’ve actually been thinking about you every night since we met. I mean, I think about you during the day, too. It’s just that at night, I think about you when I… umm, when I, touch myself.”
Piper stared with a slack-jawed smile briefly, “Are you shittin’ me, fire-crotch? You’re seriously into me, like as-is. You know my hair was held up mostly by my own snot.”
“Really?” she giggled timidly, “That’s so sexy.”
“I put my toothbrush up my ass every single night before I brush my teeth.” she challenged
“Can you do that to mine, too?”
Piper still seemed skeptical of the starry-eyed redhead.
“I save my own shit in a container in my room so I can eat it later. I do that with dog-shit I find lying around, too. Actually, I blended that all up, squirted it up my ass, and shat it all onto your face in front of the whole school, yesterday! You’re seriously saying you’re into me after that. Like into me, into me; like you seriously want to date me.” Her tone was unbelieving, as though challenging Mackenzie to convince her that there was really someone who could love her for who she is.
“Maybe I’ll start saving my shit in containers, too. Maybe we can even trade. Or you can just shit in my mouth again, like yesterday. I’ll try not to gag and throw up so much next time. I… hope that there’s going to be a next time?”
The two of them stared at each other for a long time, each of them couldn’t believe that the other one was real. Without knowing it, the same sentiment went through both of their minds, I can’t believe that someone like her actually likes someone like me.
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alex-baebae · 5 years ago
Chapter 26 
“Please no” I begged, my voice was so shaky. I had a flashback inside the nightmare; A flashback of the ocassion when, after she broke my toes with the hammer, she ‘fixed them’ with her bare hands, so, no one would notice it once they had healed, it hurt so much that I passed out. “_____, ______” I woke up, it was dark as in my dream, all my body was covered in sweat, my chest pumping as in the nightmare, my lungs trying to get some oxygen while mi tears soaked my face, I moved rapidly towards the door of our room, I was going to lock it up.  But by the time I reached that place the door was being opened, ____ was there. “___” I spread my armsin an attempt to reach her body, she kneeled down I didnt notice I crawled again “what’s going on?” she asked “s-she” I was not able to speak, my sobbing didn't allow me.
“____” took me back to the bed “sweetie” she was concerned I could see it in her face, my lips were still trembling “I had a n-nightmare” I finally spoke “she was here” I gulped “she was going to” I was still hyperventilating “to rape me” I looked at ___’s face, she kissed my cheeks “no one will ever touch you a single hair without your permission, I promise” she kissed my hands.
That night we didn't sleep, I was too scared and my love was worried, she had to go to the university, I told her to go, but she stayed at home. “Sweetie” she kissed my lips softly I hide my face in her neck. I remembered the first days I did this. I know, I was fool, she could had behaved like the other people I’d met before, but for some reason my heart told me she was not like them; my heart was so needy to feel better, to feel protected from them. I unconsciously did this, she made me feel okay, and her warm arms wrapped around me feel so good that I could say all my muscles relaxed.  
“I love you” I told her, then she kissed my head “I love you too”.  
------ ----------
“Hey, guys!” Neal run into us “have you seen Takashi?” he asked us, since we started to work in our thesis respectively, we hadn’t time to be together “no, I haven't seen him since… a whole week or more!” Josh said “shit! I'm worried. He usually disappears one week when he's sad or something, but no more time! It has been two whole weeks, plus he always tells me if he wants to be alone or if he is nofeeling well”, Neal was biting his lips a lot, he was terribly concerned about his boyfriend  
“If I call him, maybe he will respond” Josh offered “No, he never answers” Neal said “well, I am going to see in the places he usually is when this happens” he said, not even looking at us, he was thinking I guessed “see ya, later” he walked quick towards the main entrance of the campus. “I hope he is okay” Josh said “me too” I whispered.  
In the afternoon I was welcomed by TOP, I started to do some research on internet, and attending some stuff of our company after a nice meal with my lover. Seunghyun was drawing in his tablet on the sofa meanwhile I was doing my business on a desk which was in the living room. Suddenly he was next to me “’___” he said my name “yes?” he sat on my lap, his legs at each side of my hips, his arms around my neck and his ashamed eyes “what's wrong?” I asked, putting my hands carefully on his waist “mh…” he hesitated to tell me.  
“Angel?” I called him again “have you finished your work?” he asked not looking at my eyes “yeah” he locked eyes with me for a second “I’m needy” he finally said, his face totally blushed “oh! I see” I could tell I was blushed as him. I looked down aiming at cool down, it was a total failure, his hard manhood let me know how aroused he was.  
“Sweetie” I gulped “mh… if you don't want to… I-” I kissed his lips “I do want” he smiled “tell me, what would you like me to do?” I asked “could you… could you suck my nipples?” he whispered clearly embarrassed “you do it carefully, I like it a lot” I kissed his neck he whimpered. I moved my hands under his gray sweater touching all his torso, he laid on his elbows, those were on my desk trying to give me a better access “you look lovely” I said he just smiled getting more embarrassed if that could be possible.
I lifted his sweater he got some goose bumps when I touched his hard nipples with my fingers, I sucked the left one hard he moaned loud “____?” he called me “yes?” I stopped for a while “could I take my pants off? The zipper… it hurts” he explained I took his member out “better?” he nodded “yes, better” I continued sucking his chest while stroking him, he moaned uncontrollably, his body shivered at some points “wait” he said with his shut eyes “sorry” maybe I was so rough with his body “no… it feels good but… I-I want to please you, as you pleased me the last night” he said “oh” I bit my lips “sure” I said. “Come with me to the bedroom” he said.  
I sat on the bed while all of our clothes were spread over the floor, I laid down “go ahead” I spread my legs for him. I have never felt so embarrassed, he seemed to be nervous “if you don't like it… tell me” he said.  
He kissed my thigs, my knees before liking my clit a little I moaned, the sensation made me shiver “is something wrong?” he asked “no, it feels good” I said. He then continues liking softly my clit, my inner lips. “You taste good” he commented I laugh a little, he looked at me confused “sorry, it is just that… no one has ever told me I do taste good” he laughed a little as well “if you want, I won’t talk” he said “no, no problem” I said.  
He was back in pleasing my clit, I’m trying to not moan too loud, I reach his black hair, caressing his scalp, his fingers were slowly introduced into my wet flower, he curls them hitting my g-spot “oh my god...” my eyes rolled back, he continued his movements slowly as before “faster, please” I ask him “if it hurts, tell me... okay?” we locked eyes “okay”.  
Them his fingers are thrusting into me the faster he can do it, and his mouth so focused on making me cum, my thighs squeeze his neck a bit. His free hand holds my right hand while I uncontrollable quiver for him. “Seunghyun” I whisper.  
I orgasmed hard it hitt me in waves, he kept liking “please, wait” I caress his cheek “give me a second” I smile, he nodded smiling back. “Would you like me… to be the bottom?” I ask “you want to...?” I nodded “maybe you would like it” I say, he blushed “we can give a try” after his response I laid on my stomach “please” I told him, he positioned between my legs, his member penetrated me carefully. “Can I move?” he asked me “yes” while he was pounding into me, he kissed me passionately, he again licked my lips, however at some point he felt uncomfortable.  
He stopped, he sat on his legs “___?” he called me, while he put his hands between his knees “is something wrong?” he looked to the mattress “can we do it in another position? I feel like I'm hurting you” he spoke timidly “sure”.  
I kneeled on the bed, now being in charge, I took his length into my hands, “uhg-ugh” tears rolled down, his manhood was palpitating “feels good, feels so good” he exclaimed, I could see a plea in his eyes for more stimuli. “Let me please you properly” I said. I positioned behind him, I kissed his back, his neck. Then I continued stroking his member, he kept moaning, his eyes shut.  
“Ng… ahh…stop it, stop it” tears soaked his cheeks “sorry, my love. Sorry” I covered him quickly with a mattress, he was hyperventilating, scared,moaning out of fear “I’m here baby, sorry” I hugged him “_-___” he mumbled “shh, baby… it’s okay” I said.  
“It’s okay, I’m not gonna force you, I love you” he was calmed down after several minutes “sorry, I couldn’t finish this” he said “don’t worry about this, baby. You are what matters the most, I won’t force you and neither do you have to force yourself” he looked at me and nodded.  
“I remembered…” he paused, he was still embarrassed about telling me certain things “when… one day I had to work… well when they raped me…” he got cozier with me looking for protection, I caressed his hands in response while with my other arm I hugged him closer “that man, put many things in my chest, in my penis and inside my butthole” he almost whispered the last words “those vibrated really hard, and I was so scared” he confessed “my body felt strange, it hurt but at the same time… I got hard, I didn’t want” he started to shake “I felt so filthy that night” he tried to continue “I-I couldn’t do anything, I was tied up” his chest was going up and down quickly “that felt horrible, he was behind me all that time, playing with my penis, my body never shook that hard before, I thought I was going to pass out”.
Many days passed since that afternoon, I noticed that TOP seemed to be sad sometimes, after all the despicable things he experienced, he do need medical attention. I asked my mom if it could be possible to take him to see a psychologist or something, she said I had to be careful, that maybe my aunt could help me, so I asked her that favor. She told me to wait a little, she wanted to found the proper person to attend TOP.
“Don’t worry sweetie, it’s normal to go to see a psychologist” I was convincing him to go “but, are you going to stay by my side?” he said while his hands where in the middle of his knees “I don’t want to be alone with anyone else” he added “of course, if you want I will be by your side” I smiled “then, I want to go, I don’t like being sad all the time” I caressed his cheek he bend his face on the palm of my hand trying to feel more of my skin over his, he was closing his eyes.  
Someone knocked the door “I’ll be back in a second” I told him, he only nodding following me with his eyes all the way to the door, I opened it without asking who it was “hello there” it was Takashi “what do you want” I responded serious, I closed the door behind me, he tried to say something, it seemed to be hard for him “I’m sorry” he finally spoke “I don’t know how to start”. 
Hope you are doing well!
Did you miss me?
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decadentenemyturtle · 7 years ago
The Great Unknown
Summary: As if it wasn’t bad enough to fall in a random hole in a road and find yourself in Middle Earth, travelling with Thorin Oakenshield and his company, but also get turned into a dog by Gandalf. And when the wizard doesn’t even know how it happened or how to turn you back, you could only hope that this was just a bad dream. But is it?
Pairing: Thorin's company x Reader
Words: 2308
All parts of The Great Unknown
What else could the howl be than a warg. After Radagast had suggested that he'd lead the orc's to other direction while the company could escape, the so called marathon began. Oin, Nori, Bilbo, Bofur and Bombur took the ponies with them, Bilbo riding his pony and the others were keeping the reins while running. No one complained about Bilbo riding his pony since he had threatened to let her go.
And since you couldn't run because of your paw, you were tossed over one of the ponies like a sac of potatoes. It was uncomfortable, but you'd still be rather on top of Gungoll than trying to run yourself. You were trying to encourage the ponies to carry on, or then they would die. Later on when you thought about it, you surely had good methods in use. "Run bitches, or ya'll die" And the five ponies agreed silently. Running with dwarves was better than being on your own in the wilderness and being killed by orcs, wargs or wild animal.
You didn't know how long you were running, or how long the others were running while you were marveling the scenery. And sometimes getting horrified how close Radagast and the orcs came, until one got too close. You were hiding behind one rock, while the warg and his rider were on top of it. How they didn't notice you until Kili had shot the warg and they fell to the ground, you didn't know. Not that it mattered, they had alarmed the rest of the orcs with their dying sounds.
And now you were running like there really was a fire under your arse, as if the running before had been just a warm up. The orcs and wargs were hot in your trail, Radagast all forgotten. Then you came halt to over a big boulder, Gandalf taking his disappearance. You sniffed the air and spotted his smell over the cluster of rocks.
"The entrance" you whispered, lifting your head. The ponies were moved closer to it, and Bilbo, Ori, Bombur and Oin were looking after them. You started to wiggle yourself so you could get down, and finally managed to drop yourself. You let out a little whine, when your unwell paw hit the ground, but you had to take the pain. You could hear the dwarves shouting to each others. Gandalf had disappeared, left them. Oh, if they only knew...
"Now wait a minute, lass" Oin said when he saw you moving towards the rocks. Then Gandalf appears from behind the tinier rocks and shouts you to follow him. You seem to brighten up, you were almost in Rivendell. You would soon be safe and maybe Elrond could figure out a way to turn you back to yourself. To a human.
The first dwarves ran past you, some trying to take the ponies with them. But they were hesitant to move. Balin, who was helping Bilbo with Myrtle, shot a pleading glance towards you. You sigh and nod to him. Then you turn so that you could see every five pony.
"Move your arses or we'll leave you to wargs!" you say with brisk voice. The ponies paused for a minute and gaped at you, horrified.
"You wouldn't!" Minty breaths out. You take a step towards her and squint your eyes.
"If I'm not going to get you to the secret path over there... I probably would" you say and after this the ponies have a race towards the rocks, dwarves and Bilbo staring after them their mouths open and their jaw almost on the ground.
"Oh my Mahal...." Dwalin says and ruffles then your head. He looks down at you and... smiled. You looked at him, horrified. Dwalin, the killing machine of the Company, smiled to you! And then he even picked you up and followed the rest of the company to the entrance, sliding down.
Balin, Bilbo, Gloin, Oin, Bifur and Bombur had taken the ponies further to wherever you were in now so that everyone could fit in. Dwalin was still holding you, refusing to let you down. He claimed that it was better to carry you where ever you were going to. And you just wiggled your tail to this few times and pressed yourself against him. When everyone were finally down, you heard a sound of a horn. And right after that, a sound of a battle began. Luckily none of you were up there anymore, getting between the fight.
After the dead orc had fallen down and the dwarves had realized where Gandalf was taking them, everyone moved silently towards the elven city. Even the ponies were quiet. Maybe they, too, had realized that it was alright now, thought the dwarves didn't want to go to the city. A further you got, the more you started to feel... something. Was this magic? One time you had readen that strong magic surrounded this city. But you hadn't realized that any person entering the city could feel it. Or then it was just you, since you had encountered a magical accident. And Radagast had mentioned that he felt magic around you, so... Well whatever it was, this feeling felt welcoming.
 You were sitting on the ground, watching the dwarves glaring a new buttholes to the elves, who had just come back home from killing the orcs you had encountered earlier. Nice to know they were now dead.
You sat between Dwalin and Thorin, both of them keeping you still. The ponies were behind the group with Bilbo. And because of the ponies, the dwarves hadn't circled around Bilbo like in the movie. And the elves didn't circle them. They were merely looking at them with keen interest and smiling like they knew a dirty secret they'd happily share.
"We use a toilet and then we'll leave" you heard Thorin whisper to Dwalin, who nodded in agreement. You moved to lean on Thorin's leg and looked up to him. The leader glanced down at you and raised his brow in question. You let out a silent whine and then turned to look at the elves. You could feel Thorin's grip of your neck tightening. You let out a little whine and Thorin loosened immediately. You were still leaning to his leg when Elrond turned to adders him. The elf lord eyes drifted down to you and for a second he stayed quiet. But without saying anything about you, he invited the company to a dinner and offered place in stables for the ponies. And when the invites had been accepted, everyone started to take their leave. Thorin took a step and then stopped, turning towards you. You stayed there, not sure where to go. With the company or with the ponies? You were a animal now, so you kind of had to go with the ponies, but...
"One of our company is hurt" Thorin said suddenly, when Elrond turned to take his leave. He stopped and turned towards Thorin. He didn't say anything, just lifted his brow in question. A quick glance towards the dwarves told him otherwise, that they were all fine. Thorin took a step back and laid hand on top of your head.
"She was hurt last night. She needs a healer" Thorin told to Elrond. You leaned more to his leg, pressing your head fully to him. Behind smiling Elrond was Gandalf, frowning and looking at you. You avoided his and Elrond's gaze all you could. Then you heard Elrond's kind voice and lifted your head.
"I'll take a look of her. She seems to be find, so let us eat first" he said and then he turned and left. Great. You wanted to make sure you were OK, like right now. Your side wasn't that bad anymore but your paw was still killing you. And you needed it to walk. But oh well, dinner waited. Thorin was kind enough to wait you as you limped the stairs to the open terrace like area, where almost every member were already sitting and waiting for their food. Few had went with the elves to the stables, Elrond had gone to change and Gandalf had went somewhere.
 Kili had taken you to sit next to him and shooed Bifur to sit on top of the table. You were served salad like everyone else. Like, what?? Did dogs in Rivendell eat green food too, or did elves favor bunnies and other rodents and didn't know what dogs ate? Dwalin was digging his food and the he lifted his face, looking quite shocked.
"Where's the meat?!" he questioned and looked to the others. You let out growl, agreeing with Dwalin, and moved your plate away from you with your nose. The dwarves grinned to you and Dwalin shook his head, amused.
"Who's idea was it to let a dog to eat with us?" he murmured and let a grin spear on his face, when you shot a death glare to him. No one commented of your appearance more and were now looking at Kili, who was openly flirting with the elf, who was playing a harp. You turned to look at him and sighed. Did he openly flirt with every good looking female or were the elves only exception? In the movies you had seen him looking only elves with keen interest, so you weren't sure. You sneaked closer to Kili's plate and snatched one of his salad's, when he was explaining the beauty of elves to Bofur. When Dwalin snorted, Kili turned to look at you. Then his mouth opened in shock.
"Y/n?! Whaa-y?" Kili questioned, forgetting the good looking elves. You still had the salad hanging from your mouth and you tried to look innocent. You glanced towards the table, trying to assure them that you were innocent. But the chuckles told that they didn't believe you, only finding you looking rather funny with the salad in corner of your mouth. Bifur said something and Bofur nodded, smiling a little. You went and dropped the leaf on Kili's lap and then he turned to look at you in disgust.
"I'm not gonna eat dat!" he said, shooing the salad away from his thigh. You frowned and shot you tongue out. Like he was going to eat his salad anyway. Then you move closer to his salad plate and he snaps your nose, looking at you.
"Mine" he grunts. You let out a growl and try again. And he snaps your nose again, repeating that the plate is his, not yours. This happens few times, Dwalin watching the two of you looking like he had nothing better to do.
"Did somebody die?" you hear Oin ask and you lift your head. What? Did somebody... oh, they meant the music. Then Bofur jumps up, claiming that he had an idea. He got up on the small table-like thing and started to sing. And when the others join in his song, you start to howl with rhythm of the song. They don't stop the singing, but everyone glances at you. Then they start t throw food. What a waste... Even thought that you didn't any of it. When the song is ended and the supper is pretty much ended, Elrond leaves with Gandalf.
You turned to looked after him, being confused. You lift your injured paw and whine. Wasn't he.... supposed to...
You drop your paw back down and let your head drop. Kili starts to pet your back and you turn to him. Every dwarf was looking at you, even Thorin who was standing behind the others.
"I'll look at yer paw, lass. I'll just get ma back first" Oin says and gets up. Kili gets up too and lifts you easily in his arms. You let him carry you near a beautiful fountain, the rest of the company following you, minus Bilbo who disappeared to somewhere. Oin came a little later on with Gloin and started to mend your paw. It wasn't broken, luckily, but it needed time to heal. Oin forbid you to use it, meaning that you rather walk three legs or somebody would carry you.
After your paw was mended, the dwarves started to wonder, where they could bath. And then Fili said jokingly that they were at the fountain and the water was nicely warm. And after Nori and Kili started to strip and jumped in, it was kind decided that they would bath in it. You sigh and turn your back to them watching in other direction and waiting them to finish. Luckily they didn't ask you to join, thought you would have preferred to be somewhere else before they started their bath. When you noted Elrond and the other elf walk close to the fountain and noticing the dwarves, you closed your eyes and played to be asleep. And it kind of worked, those two didn't seem to give two thoughts about you.
It was evening and the dwarves were sitting on one of the terraces. They had refused the chambers, even Thorin had. He and Balin were talking with Gandalf and Elrond about the map. You kind of hoped that they wouldn't talk about you. Elrond hadn't come look for you after the incident in fountain. Or then he had seen your wrapped paw and thought that he didn't need to do anything for it. Well, anyhow, now you were happily eating sausage Nori had stolen from the kitchen. And after that Kili took you on his arms and carried you to the sofa like furniture, sat down and set you down on is lap.
You yawned and stretched. You looked over the company as they were talking and joking around, Kili scathing you behind your ear. A bit by bit your eyes started to drift close and then you fell asleep. 
Tag list;
@lidda​ @bee-wrecker​ @queendarkmuffin​ @silencegetawayfromme​@kettnerjanea​ @sdavid09​ @ealasaid​ @jumpingmanatee @fab-notfat​ @bae-kage @fricking-ghoul​ @k-youre-a-fantasy
Those who I couldn’t, from some reason, tag in this, have been marked in bold. 
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randomnessunicorn-imagine · 8 years ago
"Pants are just an illusion" with a drunk US!Papyrus and his s/o?
— Post Scriptum: Here the reader has the same name of the last time I wrote about Swap! Papyrus, the one I used here was Max, since it’s neutral and I like it. I realized, in those fanfictions I find always the way to talk about Papyrus’ alcohol issues, poor star, I am so sorry for him. Anyway, I don’t know if I should consider these kinds of stories fan-fictions or just longer scenarios, uhm… I hope you still enjoy them!  
Prompt: “Pants are just an illusion”. ( From this list ).Pairing: Underswap! Papyrus x Neutral! ReaderRating: Green (General contents).
Oh, alcohol, my old friend. My true love~
Everyone knew the problems Papyrus got even if he did not like talking about them, because they were his problems and he was able to take care of himself –that was what he hoped, since most of the time he ignored his issues so they were not going to be resolved-. It was not good for his health, at all. Neither for his beloved ones or for his friends was easy, since he constantly made them worry, it was so difficult understanding what he was thinking because he was such an enigmatic skeleton with that lazy smile on his face all the time. These last days, he has tried so hard to stay away from the alcohol but it seemed the bottle called for him. It was just one of the unhealthy drugs and substances his body assumed, it was never enough. He felt like a sort of experimenter, in his past he was truly someone who conducted researches to find out solutions that could help the monsters race to have a better life, but his scientific side suicided itself so many years ago, nothing remained of it. His dreams became dust just like the one he saw in his nightmares every night. For this reason, the only things he liked experimenting were those poisons called drugs. He truly tried every type of them, from cigarettes to serious drugs. They were just a way to make him forget about reality. He wanted to be like Alice in Wonderland, disappearing inside the hole and do not come back at this reality anymore. Unluckily, he was already inside a hole. He would say he felt inside a butthole, finesse was not his speciality, but maybe it has never been. Papyrus was trying so hard to stop this bad habit, but he was sure it was impossible for him. He promised to Sans he would have lived in a healthier way, but he had lied to his brother and to himself. Sans was quite disappointed and worried because of his behaviour, so he decided to take the situation in his hands, hiding his alcohol bottles, or throwing them away. Papyrus was a sly old fox and he always found out a way to procure something because he could not stay too much sober. Sobriety brought back to life the demons of his past; everything was too much clearly and real for him. He did not want to think about his life, it was the reason why he got drunk. The date has begun, and he was so excited. He looked at them and they looked at him, like it was the greatest meeting of the existence. Papyrus bounded with his hand, with a delicate gesture, their hips as if they were ready to dance. No dancefloor. The company of each other was the most important element. He came closer, whispering words of love because he missed them so much. It was a magical moment, which he was yearning with all his soul. Then, he settled his inexistence lips to their mouth, and he started to enjoy this enchanting moment of ecstasy. Pure delirium of joy. It was all he wished for. The fresh liquid slipped through his throat and his brain lighted up, coming back to life again. Nobody could have believed in something like it, that he was truly cheating his mate with some alcohol. It seemed so hilarious to believe. It was sadly the truth because while he was tasting the joy of Bacchus, he forgot something very important. Indeed, he would have had another date, with a real person. Papyrus should have met Max, his partner, but he was too busy to ruin himself in this bad romance to remember what was truly important. He felt so stupid, so he drunk a little more. He downed it in one shot, then one another because he could not feel that terrible guilt. The same shame to be alived. How could Max love a worthless person like him? Who preferred to lose himself drinking like a loser than seeing his chosen one? He would have never forgiven himself for such a sin. He was unforgivable. Another shot. To forget the pain, like usual. Then, another one. Until he was high enough to forget his name and his sin, too.
Papyrus’ phone had so many missed calls, all from Max who had called him a million times without receiving any answer. This was a reason to make a person worried, so Max decided to come back home because they had a certain suspect of what Papyrus was doing instead of preparing himself for their date. Max knew very well the lazy skeleton Papyrus was, even if they did not expect to find him in those horrible conditions. Papyrus was too drunk, he was laying on the floor like a beached whale, laughing like a fool and Max could understand the reason why he seemed so happy. Max entered the room and their expression was confused and tired because they hated seeing Papyrus in that state. «Oh, God. What did happen to you? I thought you have stopped to drink that shit! », Max said while they were trying to help him to pick himself up. He murmured phrases without any sense, «Ouch, Max…! I am perfectly fine, I didn’t know you had a sibling. Helloooo….! ». No, he was too high. He started to laugh again, saying between a hiccup and another, «Oh, shit… Or are we on a roller coaster… I would prefer going to something slower. How about the Ferris wheel? ».  No, he was totally gone to the drunkenness planet. Max sighed, talking with a lower tone of voice because they could imagine how the sound appeared louder through his head. «Oh, God! We are not at the Luna Park. We’re at home, and I am trying to get your skeletal ass together». It was not easy like it seemed. The only answer they got from Papyrus was a laugh. Max had successful to put Papyrus on the couch and he was saying nonsense stuff, again. «But my ass is perfectly fine… Ah, now that I’m thinking about it…», a hiccup came out from his mouth, «My ass pains me. Ouch-!». Max looked at him with a confused face, then they got up directed to the kitchen to bring a glass of water to Papyrus. It was not a good idea leaving him alone with his folly. After Max came back to the living room, they were more shocked than before since Papyrus was undressing himself like he was doing a Strip-tease even if his moves were not that sexy. He moved like a drunkard and it was so embarrassing. Papyrus laughed again, in all his fake happiness. « Pants are just an illusion. So, I made them disappear, it’s real magic, kid!». He seemed slimmer than his usual, and he was still a skeleton so he was not a fat person for sure.Max could not ignore it, and they did not feel turned on because of it, at all. They were so worried for Papyrus, not amused. «Put your clothes back on, please. You’re freaked out, you should take a rest. I don’t care if you forgot our date!». The next morning and when he was sober again, he would have felt truly concerned about it. If he was fine from the principle he would have never drunken, reducing himself like a crap. Max was sure it was not the end of this situation, and Papyrus would have gotten drunk again, so maybe they should have only take advantage of it. It was the time to take a video of this epic moment, since Papyrus was not listening to Max’s worries and words in general. They took their phone starting to film the skeleton, just for fun. They wanted to show him how idiot he appeared when he was too drunk. Maybe it could be an incentive to make him stop. After some time, Papyrus finally fall asleep. Max could not believe that one day they would have been happy seeing Papyrus asleep. It was hilarious. At least, he was calmer despite that horrible smell of alcohol he was wearing. It was time for Max to throw away all these bottles, again. Maybe Max could have blackmailed him with that video but Max was not that kind of person. They had a better idea, they could have pranked him, replacing the alcohol inside the bottles with water and sugar, it was the perfect revenge. Pranks and jokes were always the perfect revenges, especially with this particular skeleton.
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tessatechaitea · 8 years ago
Dark Nights: Metal #2
I could tell this cover was by John Romita Jr. because of Batman's stupid batarang. I believe that's the specialized batarang used for attaching trees to super-villains¹.
This is just cruel. Stop manipulating Swamp Thing into doing your dirty work, Batman!
Now that I know the Batmen were all members of the Bat-family, I want to know which jerk was captured by Aquaman. So embarrassing! I bet it was Red Hood. It turns out Batman was in Robin's VW Minivan which is what they all should have guessed because I guessed it but forgot to mention it. Now you're probably thinking, "Oh right! I bet you did! What a liar!" But you should know I'm telling the truth because I could have just as easily (and more believably!) gone back and edited the review by saying what I was going to say before I got distracted! You know what? I'm going to do it anyway! Fuck your sense of reality! Anyway, Superman figures it out and swoops down to threaten Batman. He picks him up and flies him into the sky saying, "All I have to do is barely squeeze. You can't even imagine how little pressure I need to add to my grip before your torso just rips like wet toilet paper. I mean, it's difficult not to explode you! You realize how many mathematical calculations I'm doing every minute just so I don't destroy everything I touch?! Imagine walking around a world built out of tissue paper and trying to navigate it without destroying it completely?! To me, you Earthlings are less substantive than a jelly doughnut!" But Batman is all, "If you squash me, you'll die because I drank a gallon of Kryptonite after getting out of the shower this morning! I'm like a deadly piñata!" Fun Fact #1: To get the "n" with the tilde on it, I looked up "jalapeno" on Google so I could copy and paste the ñ. I don't know why I didn't just look up piñata!" Fun Fact #2: When I just went to past in the ñ in piñata in the previous sentence, instead of typing CTRL-V, I typed CTRL-N and just about shit myself when my entire review disappeared! Luckily I realized pretty quickly that I'd just opened a new browser page. Batman finally decides to explain everything to Superman instead of being killed by him. It's a simple choice, really. But it's not a simple explanation! On no! The explanation is going to go pretty deep into Scott Snyder's previous story arcs to try to explain the most glaring errors in each of them.
This is even more convoluted than I was expecting! Perfect!
Now it's time to speculate on the fifth element! I bet it's Plasticmannium! Or maybe whatever shit the Orb of Ra is made from. Oh! Maybe it's Kryptonite and Batman doesn't realize he's already become the doorway because he drank that gallon of it earlier! Wonder Woman arrives to make Superman doubt Batman is being honest with him. Only Superman would ever believe anything out of Batman's mouth! He's so credulous! Even Ma and Pa Kent were fond of saying, "That boy'll believe a sack of worms if they told him they were a vagina!" That is so a Midwestern saying. Since Batman is obviously lying, Superman takes a drastic measure.
Superman didn't do this to save the world. He just did it because he's fucking sick of Batman.
Before you start sucking your own dicks (both figurative and literal ones so that all genders are included!) everybody at Marvel thinking DC has just flushed itself down the drain by killing the only one of their characters anybody really cares about, it turns out it wasn't actually Batman. Superman just killed Clayface. Although Clayface can't really die, I don't think. He's like an Oompa Loompa: immortal and weary of life. Meanwhile in Antarctica (unless it's actually the Arctic, seeing as how DC has had some poor history with keeping the two places straight), the Legion of Doom's headquarters rises from a lava pit. The Legion of Doom is currently staffed by all of DC's immortal characters. There's Vandal Savage and The Phantom Stranger and the other immortal guy and that other one plus the one that's immortal and also Cain and Abel and Lady Blackhawk and Morgaine le Fey and Shazam's wizard and all the other ones I can't think of. Their plan is to shoot the astral brain of the Anti-Monitor through the Rock of Eternity and into the core of the Multiverse. I don't know if that will save the world or it's just something they want to do for the lulz. Superman and Wonder Woman finally track the real Batman to the tomb of Prince Khufu. Just before they get there, Dream gives Batman a little advice about how to find his way home when this shit all goes wrong. And it all goes wrong pretty quickly. After Batman pulls Baby Darkseid out of his backpack and threatens Superman with it, I think, "Wait. What?" Um, anyway, it's all a trap! Batman knows everything except where to find the tomb of Khufu because he actually entered the tomb of Hath Set! I know, right? What an idiot! Now the Strigydae are about to mantle the fuck out of him! It's not as confusing as I make it sound, I assure you! I mean, sure, the Court of Owls shows up and some black squiggles take out Superman and Wonder Woman after which the Court pours a substance called Batmanium all over Batman so that the doorway can open for Barbatos. But that's not technically confusing! It's just, um, ridiculous! Batman turns into a cosmic doorway through which steop out eight Dark Batmonsters. One is Aquabat. One is Doomsbat. One is Cybat. One is Wonder Bat. One is Flashbat. One is Green Lanterbat. One is Jokerbat. And the last one is probably BarBATos. Unless he's The Phantom Strangebat. In other words, the Earth is fucked. Because if the Justice League can't even beat one Batman, how are they going to beat however many I just said stepped through the gate? What was it? Seven? Eight? So that's the story of Metal! I bet you all wet your pants over it like I did, right? I mean, I think I just wet my pants because I took too long writing this and didn't get up to go to the bathroom. But I probably would have from the excitement and intrigue and Batman's ultimate failure! That part was really great! ________________________________________________________ ¹I didn't just make that up. See whichever stupid issue of All Star Batman had that bit in it.
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dream-butter · 6 years ago
Markiplier video game Dream
Last night I met Markiplier! In my dreams.
I was in an old Victorian mansion looking around when Mark entered the room, introducing himself with: “Hi my name is Markiplier.” 
I hugged him and found out that he was almost as short as me, (which I mentioned with enthusiasm,)  then I showed him my fanart. His energy was awesome, he was exactly like a giant warm marshmallow! Little did I know what was about to go down.
I woke up briefly and when I went back into the dream I discovered that Mark had disappeared and the mansion had turned into the set of a horror game...
I struggled to find an escape as my pursuer crept closer. I leaned out of the window to see if I could make the fall, but I was on the top floor. 
As the sound of footsteps grew closer, I found a hatch in the ceiling that led me to the attic. I pulled myself up and shut the hatch behind me just as the door opened...
(Then there was a whole bunch of video game stuff that I had to do that I can’t even describe.)
When I eventually escaped the mansion I saw that near the front gate there was a mangled car wreck, and lying near the car was one of the maids from the mansion, but as I looked closer, I saw that under the skin of her face was a bunch of metal and wires. I’m guessing she was a robot.
I never did find out who was chasing me...weird.
Thinking about it now, I’m pretty sure Mark knew I was in a video game and failed to tell me...that butthole. 
0 notes
vee-angel · 6 years ago
Potty-Mouth Piper (part 2)
CONTENT WARNING: This story focuses on filth-fetishism, and will have substantial amounts of scat, piss, flatulence, snot, menstrual play, and just about every dirty thing I can think of. If that kind of thing isn’t your cup of tea, I suggest you skip this one. I have multiple stories in the works that feature completely different categories of fetishism.
(Part of the Pervert Pentet Series)
Chapter 1, part 1
Mackenzie spent the rest of the day with her mind focused on Piper. Each class she went to, she hoped to see the shit-eating girl. She kept her eyes open for the green mohawk. She had no idea what she’d say if she saw her again, she just knew that she wanted to look.
She wondered how she had known the cheerleader would be in the bathroom, had she snuck laxatives into her food? That must have been it. Piper knew that the girl would probably use the most private bathroom if she intended to make a stink, that’s why she was waiting there. Mackenzie wondered how much planning had actually gone into Piper’s little “prank.”
She started fantasizing about the two of them dating, what that would be like. Would we eat each others shit or would Piper want all of it? Maybe Piper could eat both of our shit and then vomit it back into my mouth! Mackenzie thought, giddy with excitement. She had romantic fantasies about them getting married. She thought about the two of them getting a cat together. Maybe Piper would force me to clean the litter box with my mouth! Maybe when I need  to get up early, Piper could fart loudly into my face instead of an alarm clock. If she gets a cold, I wonder if she’ll use my tongue as a tissue. Maybe our menstrual cycles would sync up! Then we could make tea with each others used tampons! How romantic!
Unfortunately, Mackenzie didn’t come across the delightfully disgusting girl for the rest of the day. Upon arriving home, she did her homework and chores, then headed straight for her room to spend the rest of the night masturbating. She opened up her computer and watched her favorite videos. As always, she imagined herself as the girls in the videos, but this time, she imagined Piper alongside her. She watched, as in her mind, her and Piper sniffed each others farts directly from one another’s assholes. As Piper filled her mouth with shit before making out with her passionately. As Piper pulled up her skirt in public and made Mackenzie kneel down to drink her piss in front of a crowd. She watched herself lick snot from Piper’s nose, and watched as a syringe of liquefied feces was squirted up her own nose.
She hoped that soon she’d be able to share this collection of obscene videos with the girl she admired. Mackenzie slipped a few fingers into her own ass as she watched them. After orgasming for what seemed like the hundredth time that night, she withdrew the digits from her anus and looked at them. A wet brown streak adorned her fingers, she brought it to her nose to inhale the foul stench deeply. A thought crossed her mind. Could she…. put it in her mouth? Could she behave with the obscene boldness of Piper and eat her own shit? She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. She hesitated for a few moments. Her heart raced with the excitement at doing something so dirty.
No, she thought as she grabbed a tissue and cleaned her fingers, it’s not that I can’t do it, it’s just that I want Piper’s shit to be the first that’s ever in my mouth.
With that, the red-headed girl changed into her plain, off-white nightgown and went to sleep.
Mackenzie spent most of the next day searching for Piper in the halls between classes. At lunch time she planned to head to the same bathroom to see if she’d be waiting again. But before she had a chance to, she saw the green mohawk disappear into the cafeteria. She quickly followed behind. She managed to get into the cafeteria line only a few places behind Piper. She was close enough to talk to her, but she was too nervous to say a word. Instead she just stared in awe, hoping she wouldn’t get caught looking.
From this angle, she managed to see the other side of Piper’s head. She had another tattoo, opposite the “Potty Mouth” one she’d seen earlier. This one labeled her with the words “Ass 2 Mouth 4 Life” the last two words beneath the top three. Mackenzie had worried that perhaps her expectations for Piper were too high, but now she was certain that this girl was everything she dreamed of and more!
She stared as Piper retrieved a hot dog, then paid the lunch-lady for it. Mackenzie was so mesmerized, she forgot to even put anything on her tray. When she reached the end of the line, she simply blushed and hurried off to find a seat from which she could stare at her new infatuation.
She sat down just as she saw Piper making her way decisively across the cafeteria. Following her gaze, she saw the cheerleader from the bathroom the other day; there was a decent sized group around her, mostly male.
“Hey, cheer-tits! How’s it going?” Piper said, forcing her way between the cheerleader and the girl sitting to her left. Finding space wasn’t difficult; the girl next to her recoiled with a look of disgust as soon as she saw Piper trying to squeeze in. The cheerleader, unfortunately for her, didn’t have the chance to scoot away; Piper had wrapped her arm around the girls shoulder like an overly-friendly drunk.
“Piper, I swear to fucking god...” the cheerleader said in a low voice, partially threatening, but mostly pleading.
Seemingly ignoring the girl’s comment, she addressed the boys around her, “Hey, so you guys gonna hit her in the shitter after school today?”
“What?” one of the boys replied, seemingly amazed by her vulgarity.
“Ya know, put your fuck-sticks in her fart-cannon, pound her in the poop chute.” she looked around for a moment to a group of smiling but silent young men, before finally clarifying, “Butt sex!”
The cheerleader scrunched her face in horror and disgust, wishing the vulgar little punk would just leave her alone. “I don’t do that.” she finally replied with a superior tone, hoping to reassert her dominance over the situation, “Only whores do anal, Piper. Whores like you.”
Piper seemed indifferent to the attempted insult, “Seriously? I could have sworn I tasted some jizz when you shit in my mouth yesterday. Have you just been gobbling so much cock-snot that it’s flavoring your turds or something?”
“That didn’t happen!” the cheerleader announced to the group of boys who were making little effort to conceal their amusement.
“Sure it did. I think we even had a witness…” she trailed off as she twisted to begin searching the room. Mackenzie’s heart started to pound as Piper’s gaze finally landed on her. “Oh, hey firecrotch!” she called over, “you remember when I chugged diarrhea from cheer-tits’s asshole yesterday, right?”
Mackenzie’s skin tingled at the acknowledgement; she was too shy to vocalize anything more than a timid squeak, but the tightly pursed grin indicated how pleased she was for Piper’s attention. She managed an enthusiastic little nod, only meeting Pipers eyes for a second before demurely looking down again.
“See? Firecrotch over there remembers.” As she spoke, Piper took the hot dog from its bun and, with a sideways lean, casually sodomized herself with it. A couple of boys on the other side of the table stood up to see if she was really doing what it looked like she was doing. After a few quick thrusts and turns she removed the wiener from her anus and put it back into the split piece of bread.
“Did you just put that in your butt??” One of the boys asked.
“Ass to mouth for life, baby!” she replied, tapping the tattoo above her left ear before taking a large bite. She chewed and swallowed, before her eyebrows pulled together in a look of mild discomfort. “Uhh! Mustard kinda hurts in the butthole. I should have gotten ketchup.”
She stood, to the immense relief of the cheerleader who’d been silently praying that her tormentor would finally leave her alone. “I’m gonna look for some napkins or something to clean out my shitter.”
Piper left her tray, but took the hot-dog, which she continued to eat as she walked. She grabbed a few napkins and proceeded to the exit, turning back at the last moment and locking eyes with Mackenzie from across the room. She smiled and winked, as if to say I notice you. Mackenzie’s heart fluttered; Piper saw.
With that, she was gone. Mackenzie didn’t see her again for the rest of the day.
That night was a repeat of the previous one, with Mackenzie masturbating furiously to scat and filth porn, romanticizing the future she could have with Piper. As the post-orgasmic haze waned, she realized she had mixed feelings about the day. She found watching Piper thrilling. However, even though she had multiple opportunities to talk with her; she squandered them all. Piper was bold, fearless; what could a timid girl like Mackenzie do to get her attention? To really get her attention. Not just a glance as she was leaving the cafeteria to clean mustard out of her asshole. Mackenzie giggled aloud at the memory.
She thought for a few moments. The idea of asking her on a date appeared in her mind. Mackenzie rejected it, knowing that while it was an appealing thought, her timidity would never allow her to articulate it. Recalling that there was a pep rally the following day, Mackenzie decided that she would look for Piper, and ask if she could sit next to her. It seemed simple enough; “May I sit with you?” Only five words, she could do this!
She practiced in her head for the rest of the night. Mackenzie knew it was silly to practice a single sentence over and over again, but she hoped by replaying it enough times, she’d have the courage to actually say it aloud.
The next morning was relatively ordinary for Mackenzie; she got out of bed at the first alarm, made her bed, headed to the bathroom to shit and piss, washed her hands while taking special care to clean under her fingernails before breakfast, ate two toaster waffles plus two eggs and a glass of orange juice, brushed her teeth for two and a half minutes, showered while taking special care to clean behind her ears and between her toes, stepped out of the shower to clean inside her ears with a q-tip, before finally dressing, fixing her hair, and grabbing her backpack as she walked out the door to school.
The school day seemed to inch along second-by-second, the only relief came during fourth-period just after lunch. That’s when Mackenzie had Physical Education. She enjoyed that class, not for the often tedious games and exercises, though she didn’t especially object to them, but for the sight and smells of her classmates.
The coaches had the class run the mile that day, circling the outer perimeter of the school to make up the distance. While her running speed was middling, she always rather delighted in seeing some of the other girls dripping with sweat. A particularly heavy blond girl trudged along panting, there was barely a dry spot on her. Mackenzie imagined stealing the girl’s panties after class, wringing out her ass-sweat into a glass and drinking it. This was the kind of girl who was obviously teased for her appearance, but Mackenzie wished that it was possible for the girl to know how sexy she thought she was. If given half a chance she would lick the black gunk from between her toes, suck the perspiration from her armpit hair, motorboat her slick acne-ridden ass.
These thoughts were typical for Mackenzie, she’d been having them for years. They had previously provided some of the material for her spank-bank, but they generally faded from her mind as soon as the next period began, only to be revisited in the privacy of her bedroom each night. Piper, on the other hand, was an obsession.
Fifth period was algebra, which Mackenzie thought was dull. She only found excitement in the prospect that in place of sixth period would be the school assembly where she’d try to sit next to Piper. She actually gasped as the bell rang, both with excitement and nervousness.
She made her way to the gymnasium where other students were already beginning to crowd into the bleachers. She took a seat in the middle of the third row, only a few feet from the front, and began to look around for an axe-shaped formation of green hair jutting from a tattooed pink scalp.
After a few minutes she started getting discouraged; additionally, there were some other students who had decided to sit on either side of her, blocking her in. One of the coaches had just begun speaking when she finally saw the dark emerald colored mohawk appear. Beneath it was Piper, wearing a baggy black sweatshirt over her too-short skirt.
Damn it! She thought, They’ve already started, I can’t get up to go and sit by her now!
Piper scanned the crowd; eventually, her eyes met with Mackenzie and she smiled and began walking forward. She’s coming to sit with me! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I didn’t plan for this! What do I say? What do I do?
Piper came up the aisle and began side-stepping through the crowded row toward her; awkward little steps that one has to make when trying not to trample the feet of those already seated. Mackenzie watched as she came closer and closer; there was a bit of space just next to her where Piper could sit. To her surprise, Piper instead stepped up onto the bench next to her instead of sitting down. Oh, of course, she thought, crestfallen. She’s obviously climbing up to sit with one of her real friends behind me. Her hurt turned to confusion when, instead of climbing up, Piper stepped over her. Her feet straddled Mackenzie’s lap; she looked up to see that Piper had pulled up the back of her skirt and bent forward. Her jaw dropped open as she was now inches away from Piper’s tight pink anus.
A loud fart preceded a torrent of chunky brown slime by a fraction of a second. Piper’s asshole exploded with chunks of shit, the first shooting into Mackenzie’s still gaping mouth. She was blinded a moment later by a torrent of liquid feces. She heard a commotion around her as the other students darted away from the scene. The hot stink made her want to gasp for air, but given that her nose and mouth were flooded with Piper’s diarrhea, it only resulted in her coughing, gagging, and then vomiting.
She couldn’t see, but was astonished that the stream seemed to still be coming. It coated her hair and face with a heavy, wet bulk, and was now pouring onto her chest and lap. Finally, she heard the sound of a few pops of gas as the last few flecks shot onto her face, and it seemed to be over.
Mackenzie was still gagging and coughing, trying frantically to wipe the warm brown filth from her face. After several seconds, she was able to open her eyes to see Piper being held down and handcuffed by a man shouting at her in that angry-yet-controlled tone of voice that every police officer has. She was picked up roughly and perp-walked out of the gymnasium.
An older female teacher approached Mackenzie, though not too closely, and told her to stay where she was. Her tone seemed almost frantic; a few seconds later a younger male approached her with a stack of towels. He handed them to her at arms-length, not wanting to enter the perimeter of filth that had Mackenzie at its epicenter. She stood and looked down to see herself coated in an astonishing amount of shit; it had pooled around her. For a brief moment, she thought that with her red hair, she must look like the titular character at the end of a scat-themed porn parody of “Carrie.”
She began using towels to wipe herself off. Her face came relatively clean, but Piper’s shit still coated her hair and clothing. She did the best she could, leaving a large pile of white towels, now coated in brown. She heard the school staff discussing among themselves; eventually deciding to lead Mackenzie to the girl’s locker room to shower while someone found her some new clothes from the Lost-and-Found. This was repeated to her as explanation and she followed the older female teacher as she led her to the locker room adjacent to the gymnasium.
About forty-five minutes later, she found herself sitting in the principal's office with damp hair, wearing a black graphic t-shirt and oversized gym shorts. She was informed that her parents had been called and that her father was on the way.
She’d hardly had time to process what had happened due to all the fuss. What Piper did, while surprising, was far from the trauma everyone seemed to act like it was. The most traumatic part was seeing her handcuffed and dragged away. Mackenzie adored her, now more than ever. She actually felt elated that Piper cared enough to arrange the stunt. The amount of liquefied feces was far more than what a girl her size could naturally produce in a day; she must have saved it up and pumped it into her ass as an enema. Knowing that Piper had gone home the previous day and thought about her, had actually planned for her; Mackenzie couldn’t have asked for more.
Her father finally arrived and entered the office. He immediately asked Mackenzie how she was doing. She assured him that she was fine; that everyone was making far too big a deal of it. Her father was a kind man with a gentle voice. His disposition was often compared to Mr. Rogers, and for good reason. He and Mackenzie’s mother brought her up in a progressive Christian household; teaching her that the only thing anyone should be ashamed of was being hateful. They’d even begun taking her to charity events for LGBT+ youths around the time Mackenzie started showing hints of being gay. She never officially “came out” to her parents, they just eventually realized that her gender preferences were different from most girls, and “there’s nothing wrong with being different,” they told her. Still, she held back her more taboo interests.
Only a few moments after her father arrived, a pretty blonde woman entered the office. She was introduced as Piper’s mother, Mrs. Lindeholm.
“Miss Lindeholm,” she corrected. This woman had the air of a controlling business executive one might see in a movie about investment banking. “I want to start off by apologizing for what my daughter did. I will obviously be paying for any cleaning costs associated with the incident, both to the school and the victim.” She sat and addressed Mackenzie and her father directly, “I understand that you may be considering pressing criminal charges against my daughter.” Her tone softened, “I would like you to understand that Piper has a history of… problems with regards to how she interacts with other people. It seemed that she was improving enough to attend public school but an incident like this was… Well it’s not something I anticipated. She’s never done anything so public before. I’m told your name is Mackenzie?”
She nodded. Miss Lindholm then took her hand and looked into her eyes.
“I’m very sorry for what my daughter did to you, Mackenzie. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”
This woman was obviously practiced in taking command of a situation. She was, in truth, a bit overwhelming. Mackenzie thought for a moment and summoned the courage to speak, “I… I don’t want to press charges or anything. I just want to be sure Piper is okay. I don’t think anything bad should happen to her. I mean… the whole thing isn’t a big deal. She just… I mean… she just pooped. Everyone poops.”
Miss Lindeholm smiled at the remark, her face showed equal parts relief and amusement. “I’m very glad to hear you say that. You’re a very kind girl, Mackenzie.”
“So what’s going to happen to Piper?”
“Well, given that she’s backslid quite a bit, I’m going to have her stay in a psychiatric hospital for a time. She’ll be well cared for. She’s also likely going to be suspended for a period of time that I’ll be discussing with your principal shortly.”
“She’s going to be expelled, Mrs. Lindeholm.” the principal interjected.
The woman gave a brief side-eyed glare at the slender, balding man; as if to say We’ll see about that.
She pulled an index card from her pocket and handed it to Mackenzie’s father, “This is my contact information. Please send me the bill for any cleaning services or anything else associated with the incident. I’d even be happy to buy Mackenzie a brand-new outfit. Unless the principal has anything further to discuss with you, I imagine you’d like to get home and get on with your day.”
They turned to the principal who nodded his consent for them to leave. They heard an echo of Miss Lindeholm’s sharp tongue laying into the principal as they walked down the hall. 
The next day, Mackenzie elected not to go to school. She was worn out from the previous day’s incident, and even more so from the marathon masturbation session that took up the majority of her evening.
Finally knowing that her interest in Piper was reciprocated, she texted Miss Lindeholm, asking if it would be possible for her to visit Piper in the mental hospital. Mackenzie had tasted Piper’s shit for what she hoped would be the first of many times; she figured it was about time they had their first conversation. Miss Lindeholm texted back, giving the address of the hospital, and even giving instructions on how to get to the psych ward. She obviously wanted to accommodate her request, still fearing that Mackenzie may decide to press charges after all.
She briefly dipped into her father’s home office to let him know that she was going to be visiting a friend in the hospital for a little while (though not clarifying which one), and after a brief exchange, she was off.
Less than twenty minutes later she arrived at the hospital. She spoke to the receptionist and after a brief wait, was led in to meet Piper.
For some reason, the anxiety that had previously plagued her was pointedly absent. She entered a large room sparsely populated by bored looking people in drab pajamas. There were a number of round tables; atop one was what appeared to be an abandoned game of dominos.
As they approached Piper, Mackenzie saw her formerly proud mohawk hanging in a bedraggled mess around her face. Her eyes looked down with a concerned focus at the puzzle pieces on the table in front of her; rather than using them to form a picture, she had merely organized them into neat piles based on their shape and color.
“Piper Lindeholm, you have a visitor.”
Piper seemed startled, having apparently been engrossed in her task of categorizing puzzle pieces. She looked up to see Mackenzie, then looked down with an expression of shame.
“Oh… umm… hi.” was all she said.
Mackenzie sat down and scooted her chair next to the disheveled girl. “Hi, Shit-Pipe. You, said you like to be called that, back when we first met. I’m Mackenzie.” She spoke in a sweet, soft voice.
Piper just stared down at her puzzle pieces.
“Whatcha doing?” Mackenzie asked
“Umm, there are six pieces missing. There’s supposed to be two hundred, but there are only one-hundred-ninety-four. I found one earlier, but it’s still missing six. Umm… Jesus fuck, you don’t care about my puzzle. I’m really sorry about what I did to you. I don’t know why I did it, I guess I just thought… that you liked me or something? And I guess it was like, you know when little boys pull the pretty girl’s hair because they like her and they don’t know what else to do? It was like that, I guess.”
Mackenzie blushed, “You think I’m pretty?”
Piper looked up at her briefly before looking down again with an awkward smile. “I mean, yeah, of course I do. You’re a fuckin’ knockout. Shit, I’d crawl across a field of broken glass just to sniff a pair of panties you farted in.”
Mackenzie laughed, “I’d say the same thing about you, but it doesn’t seem like you wear panties.” They laughed together this time.
Piper’s posture slackened somewhat, “When I saw you, I thought you were here to ‘save my soul’ or something. My mom said your family is like super Christian.”
“Well, yeah, I mean we kinda are. By the way, your mom is really cool.”
“Right?? I know I do some pretty fucked up shit, but she tries really hard for me.”
“I could tell.” Mackenzie wore a huge smile. She was actually having a conversation with Piper! “So… how did you start, being you?”
“What like my ‘origin story?’” Piper curled her fingers into air quotes as she spoke. “Fuck me, where do I start?” Her eyebrows scrunched as she looked off into the distance for a few seconds. “Okay, I guess I started saying and doing really inappropriate shit in middle school. Well, actually it was before that, but I think they tolerated it more ‘cuz I was so young. I used to try really hard to make friends with people and to not say really weird shit that made people… like, change?”
The expression on Mackenzie’s face said she needed elaboration.
“Okay,” Piper continued, “You know how you’re going along and talking to someone and you’re fuckin’ around playing games or talking about teachers or whatever? And everything seems fine, but then you say something and then all of a sudden it seems like they don’t like you. They’re mad, or grossed out, or they just start acting really uncomfortable, and sometimes they make fun of you.”
“You talked about things like eating poo?”
“Well, not at first. Like in sixth or seventh grade I had this best friend. And she just got a dog, so we were playing with the dog, and it was a female, so I wanted to look at her pussy. I was just curious if a dog’s pussy looked like mine. But everyone got really mad at me when I said that and tried to look. I don’t really know why, though. It’s not like I was hurting the dog by looking at it. She stopped being friends with me after that. It’s not even the first time something like that happened. So I guess around that time, I figured that I can try to be normal, but if I do that, then I’ll have to be constantly scared that I’m going to say or do something that’ll make people change and suddenly start hating me. So I figured I can say and do weird, gross shit one-hundred percent of the time and that way, at least I know how people are going to react, so I don’t need to be scared of messing up. Oh, and when I was eleven, I spied on my mom at work and she was peeing in a guys mouth, so after that I got curious and started drinking and eating piss and shit, respectively. My mom’s a dominatrix, by the way.”
Mackenzie was a bit taken aback by Piper’s candid, stream-of-consciousness confession. “Wow, umm, I’m sorry that people were mean to you. But I really like who you are now. I, uhh, I didn’t start quite as early as you. I only started looking at porn a few years ago, and I only started getting really into scat porn after ninth grade. So I, I kinda always fantasized about meeting a girl like you. I’ve actually been thinking about you every night since we met. I mean, I think about you during the day, too. It’s just that at night, I think about you when I… umm, when I, touch myself.”
Piper stared with a slack-jawed smile briefly, “Are you shittin’ me, fire-crotch? You’re seriously into me, like as-is. You know my hair was held up mostly by my own snot.”
“Really?” she giggled timidly, “That’s so sexy.”
“I put my toothbrush up my ass every single night before I brush my teeth.” she challenged
“Can you do that to mine, too?”
Piper still seemed skeptical of the starry-eyed redhead.
“I save my own shit in a container in my room so I can eat it later. I do that with dog-shit I find lying around, too. Actually, I blended that all up, squirted it up my ass, and shat it all onto your face in front of the whole school, yesterday! You’re seriously saying you’re into me after that. Like into me, into me; like you seriously want to date me.” Her tone was unbelieving, as though challenging Mackenzie to convince her that there was really someone who could love her for who she is.
“Maybe I’ll start saving my shit in containers, too. Maybe we can even trade. Or you can just shit in my mouth again, like yesterday. I’ll try not to gag and throw up so much next time. I… hope that there’s going to be a next time?”
The two of them stared at each other for a long time, each of them couldn’t believe that the other one was real. Without knowing it, the same sentiment went through both of their minds, I can’t believe that someone like her actually likes someone like me.
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