#pervertpentet pottymouthpiper
vee-angel · 4 years
Potty-Mouth Piper (part 1, repost)
(Part of the Pervert Pentet Series)
Chapter 1, part 1
WARNING: This story focuses on filth-fetishism, and will have substantial amounts of scat, piss, flatulence, snot, menstrual play, and just about every dirty thing I can think of. If that kind of thing isn’t your cup of tea, I suggest you skip this one. I have multiple stories in the works that feature completely different categories of fetishism.
Mackenzie had just turned eighteen and had recently transferred to a new high school. Despite being rather pretty, she tended to go relatively unnoticed. She had dark red hair that hung flatly down to her mid-back, and ivory skin that she never adorned with makeup. She was on the slim side, but took pride in the fact that she had rather pretty breasts, a bit more full than would be expected from her frame. Not that anyone ever saw them, her plain and somewhat modest clothing saw to that.
While rather timid in real life, her online activities were anything but. She had discovered internet pornography at a relatively young age, and her curiosity led her, over the years, to pursue greater and greater levels of filth. In her younger days, she was satisfied merely to watch videos of women urinating, but her tastes evolved from there to piss-drinking, fart porn, vomit, spit, snot, and of course, scat. The idea of “dirty women” captivated her. Her interest primarily centered on images and videos in which a woman was on the receiving end. She often imagined herself taking the place of the women.
Sadly, her shyness and modesty kept her from actualizing her fantasies. She had tasted her own urine once, and for days afterward had feared that someone would discover the shameful thing she had done. She wished that she could be as bold and shameless as the women she looked at online. She fantasized that someday she’d find a women who somehow knew what she wanted without her ever having to say it, someone who could elicit a passion in her that was so irresistible that it left her inhibitions shattered.
Little did she know that today was the day her fantasy would become flesh.
She didn’t really mind that her parents moved often. She was forced to change schools multiple times, but it’s not as if she ever made friends anyway. The first day at this new school was much like the others. She quietly kept to herself, and when lunch-time rolled around she made her way to the bathroom to avoid having to interact with any of the other students.
She always tried to find the least-used bathroom, usually the one farthest from the cafeteria and common areas. If she was lucky she could go an entire lunch period without having to see another person.
When the lunch bell rang, she made her way through the halls, trying to avoid attention until she reached her bathroom sanctuary. She finally made her way there, opening the door and putting her purse on the counter. A confident voice from behind her made her jump, “Hey fire-crotch, what’s your deal? You new here?”
She turned around to face the girl who spoke. As she laid eyes on the young woman, her heart felt it was clamped in a vice.
She was both awed and shocked at the vision she saw before her. The deep green mohawk caught her attention first. Her hair fully shaved on both sides. The right side of her head adorned with a tattoo reading “Potty Mouth” in a vomit-looking punk rock font. Her pretty face had delicate features, and other than the generous amount of eyeliner, she wore no makeup. A short leather jacket and tiny tattered black t-shirt covered her torso. She was skinny, with minimal body-fat hiding the taut muscles of her youthful abdomen. Her tall black boots contrasting with the exceptionally short red-plaid skirt, barely long enough to cover her ass.
Mackenzie wanted to speak, but felt intimidated by the extreme looking girl in front of her. She decided to quickly turn around and pretend to be looking at something in her purse. The wet sound of her chewing gum was the only sound in the room for a few seconds.
“Don’t talk much, huh? That’s all right, I’m sure you’ll open your dick-holster when you’ve got something to say.” the punk-rock girl said.
Mackenzie thought, did she just call my mouth a dick-holster???
“Anyway, I’m doin’ a thing in here. Feel free to stick around, should be a good show. I’m Piper, by the way, feel free to call me Shit-Pipe.”
My god! thought Mackenzie, can this girl go five seconds without saying something vulgar?
As much as Mackenzie wanted to be judgemental, inwardly she was exhilarated by the idea of this shameless classmate of hers.
She glanced in the mirror to see Piper removing some cable ties from her backpack and fastening them on the handles of the stall doors, seemingly blocking access to the toilets for anyone who might happen to come in.
The two girls waited in silence for a couple of minutes, Mackenzie glancing at Piper’s reflection in the mirror. Each time she checked, it appeared that the girl was chewing gum with an appreciative smile as she stared intently at Mackenzie’s ass.
Just then the door burst open and a pretty blonde cheerleader rushed in. She yanked the door to one stall, then another.
“Piper! What did you do?” the cheerleader yelled exasperatedly.
“Hey, who says it was me?” Piper replied with a confident-yet-sarcastic smile “Maybe I just heard that the toilets were out of order and thought it was a chance to volunteer my special services as a shit receptacle.”
Mackenzie perked up. Did she really just hear what she thought she heard?
“Oh my god, Piper, what the fuck? I know what people say about you, but you’re not really into that, are you?” the cheerleader asked as she danced about with one hand holding her ass.
“Hey, looks like you don’t have much of a choice.” Piper said as a grumble emanated from the cheerleaders stomach, “You can either shit your panties or shit in my mouth.”
“Stop fucking around and open the door, I really, REALLY have to go!” the cheerleader exclaimed.
Piper pulled the piece of gum from her mouth and lifted one leg as she inserted it, like a suppository, into her own anus. She then dropped to her knees and opened her mouth wide, sticking out her tongue obscenely.
“Oh my god! I can’t believe this. You’re so fucking nasty.” the cheerleader said. Accepting the fact that she had no choice, she scrunched up her face in disgust and turned around.
Piper wasted no time, immediately lifting up the back of the cheer-girls skirt and yanking down her panties. She thrust her open mouth between the girls butt cheeks before reaching around and giving a good squeeze to the girls lower abdomen.
Mackenzie watched in the mirror, transfixed on the vision behind her. A loud fart, muffled by Pipers mouth echoed through the restroom. A loud rhythmic swallowing sound could be heard as Piper chugged the blonde girl’s diarrhea. A few seconds of this passed before the sound turned to muffled, sputtering flatulence as the shit exploded directly into the walls of the green-haired girls mouth. Apparently a new stream of feces began to flow, as she once again heard the loud chugging noise, though this time it was periodically interrupted by a wet chewing.
While Mackenzie didn’t have the best vantage point, she thought she observed a trail of brown slime drip from Piper’s chin before a few drops landed on the firm, pale skin of her stomach.
After several seconds, the mortified cheerleader finally pulled away. She waddled toward the paper towels next to the sink, her panties still around her knees. “Hey, you didn’t even give me a chance to clean you up. I can put a real spit-shine on that turd-cutter of yours!” Piper called in a mocking tone from across the room, the cheerleaders brown ass-slime still dripping from her chin.
The blond girl quickly wiped with a paper towel before pulling her panties up and rushing out of the bathroom.
Piper gathered up the shit from her chin with her finger and licked it clean, she repeated the process a few more times, making sure to get every drop. She then looked down and scooped the two dollops of cheerleader diarrhea from her tummy and swallowed those down as well.
“Bitches just don’t appreciate good customer service, eh fire-crotch?” Piper asked.
Mackenzie still just stared down at her purse, her heart racing with excitement at what she just saw. She never imagined that this was something she would just come across in her everyday life.
“Oh, hey where are my manners? Do you need to squirt a turd, too? ‘cuz I still got plenty of room in here” Piper said, slapping her flat belly.
“Nnn…. na… no.” Mackenzie replied shaking nervously. This girl was a dream come true, and she had no idea how to act.
“Hey, well I’ll be around if you change your mind,” Piper said before turning around and sticking her leg up onto the sink right next to her. She bent over and looked up at Mackenzie from between her legs. The shy girl actually turned her head to look down at the girl in the obscene pose, her skirt having ridden up to expose her tight pink asshole. Piper looked up at her as she dug her finger into her sphincter and retrieved the piece of gum she’d stored there earlier. She stood up and popped it back into her mouth before walking to the door.
“See ya around, red,” she said before casually flipping up the back of her skirt and farting loudly toward the shy red-head. She walked out of the room and Mackenzie was suddenly alone to process the mind-blowing scene she had just witnessed.
“Holy shit.” she whispered quietly to herself.
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vee-angel · 4 years
Potty-Mouth Piper (part 2, repost)
CONTENT WARNING: This story focuses on filth-fetishism, and will have substantial amounts of scat, piss, flatulence, snot, menstrual play, and just about every dirty thing I can think of. If that kind of thing isn’t your cup of tea, I suggest you skip this one. I have multiple stories in the works that feature completely different categories of fetishism.
(Part of the Pervert Pentet Series)
Chapter 1, part 1
Mackenzie spent the rest of the day with her mind focused on Piper. Each class she went to, she hoped to see the shit-eating girl. She kept her eyes open for the green mohawk. She had no idea what she’d say if she saw her again, she just knew that she wanted to look.
She wondered how she had known the cheerleader would be in the bathroom, had she snuck laxatives into her food? That must have been it. Piper knew that the girl would probably use the most private bathroom if she intended to make a stink, that’s why she was waiting there. Mackenzie wondered how much planning had actually gone into Piper’s little “prank.”
She started fantasizing about the two of them dating, what that would be like. Would we eat each others shit or would Piper want all of it? Maybe Piper could eat both of our shit and then vomit it back into my mouth! Mackenzie thought, giddy with excitement. She had romantic fantasies about them getting married. She thought about the two of them getting a cat together. Maybe Piper would force me to clean the litter box with my mouth! Maybe when I need  to get up early, Piper could fart loudly into my face instead of an alarm clock. If she gets a cold, I wonder if she’ll use my tongue as a tissue. Maybe our menstrual cycles would sync up! Then we could make tea with each others used tampons! How romantic!
Unfortunately, Mackenzie didn’t come across the delightfully disgusting girl for the rest of the day. Upon arriving home, she did her homework and chores, then headed straight for her room to spend the rest of the night masturbating. She opened up her computer and watched her favorite videos. As always, she imagined herself as the girls in the videos, but this time, she imagined Piper alongside her. She watched, as in her mind, her and Piper sniffed each others farts directly from one another’s assholes. As Piper filled her mouth with shit before making out with her passionately. As Piper pulled up her skirt in public and made Mackenzie kneel down to drink her piss in front of a crowd. She watched herself lick snot from Piper’s nose, and watched as a syringe of liquefied feces was squirted up her own nose.
She hoped that soon she’d be able to share this collection of obscene videos with the girl she admired. Mackenzie slipped a few fingers into her own ass as she watched them. After orgasming for what seemed like the hundredth time that night, she withdrew the digits from her anus and looked at them. A wet brown streak adorned her fingers, she brought it to her nose to inhale the foul stench deeply. A thought crossed her mind. Could she…. put it in her mouth? Could she behave with the obscene boldness of Piper and eat her own shit? She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. She hesitated for a few moments. Her heart raced with the excitement at doing something so dirty.
No, she thought as she grabbed a tissue and cleaned her fingers, it’s not that I can’t do it, it’s just that I want Piper’s shit to be the first that’s ever in my mouth.
With that, the red-headed girl changed into her plain, off-white nightgown and went to sleep.
Mackenzie spent most of the next day searching for Piper in the halls between classes. At lunch time she planned to head to the same bathroom to see if she’d be waiting again. But before she had a chance to, she saw the green mohawk disappear into the cafeteria. She quickly followed behind. She managed to get into the cafeteria line only a few places behind Piper. She was close enough to talk to her, but she was too nervous to say a word. Instead she just stared in awe, hoping she wouldn’t get caught looking.
From this angle, she managed to see the other side of Piper’s head. She had another tattoo, opposite the “Potty Mouth” one she’d seen earlier. This one labeled her with the words “Ass 2 Mouth 4 Life” the last two words beneath the top three. Mackenzie had worried that perhaps her expectations for Piper were too high, but now she was certain that this girl was everything she dreamed of and more!
She stared as Piper retrieved a hot dog, then paid the lunch-lady for it. Mackenzie was so mesmerized, she forgot to even put anything on her tray. When she reached the end of the line, she simply blushed and hurried off to find a seat from which she could stare at her new infatuation.
She sat down just as she saw Piper making her way decisively across the cafeteria. Following her gaze, she saw the cheerleader from the bathroom the other day; there was a decent sized group around her, mostly male.
“Hey, cheer-tits! How’s it going?” Piper said, forcing her way between the cheerleader and the girl sitting to her left. Finding space wasn’t difficult; the girl next to her recoiled with a look of disgust as soon as she saw Piper trying to squeeze in. The cheerleader, unfortunately for her, didn’t have the chance to scoot away; Piper had wrapped her arm around the girls shoulder like an overly-friendly drunk.
“Piper, I swear to fucking god…” the cheerleader said in a low voice, partially threatening, but mostly pleading.
Seemingly ignoring the girl’s comment, she addressed the boys around her, “Hey, so you guys gonna hit her in the shitter after school today?”
“What?” one of the boys replied, seemingly amazed by her vulgarity.
“Ya know, put your fuck-sticks in her fart-cannon, pound her in the poop chute.” she looked around for a moment to a group of smiling but silent young men, before finally clarifying, “Butt sex!”
The cheerleader scrunched her face in horror and disgust, wishing the vulgar little punk would just leave her alone. “I don’t do that.” she finally replied with a superior tone, hoping to reassert her dominance over the situation, “Only whores do anal, Piper. Whores like you.”
Piper seemed indifferent to the attempted insult, “Seriously? I could have sworn I tasted some jizz when you shit in my mouth yesterday. Have you just been gobbling so much cock-snot that it’s flavoring your turds or something?”
“That didn’t happen!” the cheerleader announced to the group of boys who were making little effort to conceal their amusement.
“Sure it did. I think we even had a witness…” she trailed off as she twisted to begin searching the room. Mackenzie’s heart started to pound as Piper’s gaze finally landed on her. “Oh, hey firecrotch!” she called over, “you remember when I chugged diarrhea from cheer-tits’s asshole yesterday, right?”
Mackenzie’s skin tingled at the acknowledgement; she was too shy to vocalize anything more than a timid squeak, but the tightly pursed grin indicated how pleased she was for Piper’s attention. She managed an enthusiastic little nod, only meeting Pipers eyes for a second before demurely looking down again.
“See? Firecrotch over there remembers.” As she spoke, Piper took the hot dog from its bun and, with a sideways lean, casually sodomized herself with it. A couple of boys on the other side of the table stood up to see if she was really doing what it looked like she was doing. After a few quick thrusts and turns she removed the wiener from her anus and put it back into the split piece of bread.
“Did you just put that in your butt??” One of the boys asked.
“Ass to mouth for life, baby!” she replied, tapping the tattoo above her left ear before taking a large bite. She chewed and swallowed, before her eyebrows pulled together in a look of mild discomfort. “Uhh! Mustard kinda hurts in the butthole. I should have gotten ketchup.”
She stood, to the immense relief of the cheerleader who’d been silently praying that her tormentor would finally leave her alone. “I’m gonna look for some napkins or something to clean out my shitter.”
Piper left her tray, but took the hot-dog, which she continued to eat as she walked. She grabbed a few napkins and proceeded to the exit, turning back at the last moment and locking eyes with Mackenzie from across the room. She smiled and winked, as if to say I notice you. Mackenzie’s heart fluttered; Piper saw.
With that, she was gone. Mackenzie didn’t see her again for the rest of the day.
That night was a repeat of the previous one, with Mackenzie masturbating furiously to scat and filth porn, romanticizing the future she could have with Piper. As the post-orgasmic haze waned, she realized she had mixed feelings about the day. She found watching Piper thrilling. However, even though she had multiple opportunities to talk with her; she squandered them all. Piper was bold, fearless; what could a timid girl like Mackenzie do to get her attention? To really get her attention. Not just a glance as she was leaving the cafeteria to clean mustard out of her asshole. Mackenzie giggled aloud at the memory.
She thought for a few moments. The idea of asking her on a date appeared in her mind. Mackenzie rejected it, knowing that while it was an appealing thought, her timidity would never allow her to articulate it. Recalling that there was a pep rally the following day, Mackenzie decided that she would look for Piper, and ask if she could sit next to her. It seemed simple enough; “May I sit with you?” Only five words, she could do this!
She practiced in her head for the rest of the night. Mackenzie knew it was silly to practice a single sentence over and over again, but she hoped by replaying it enough times, she’d have the courage to actually say it aloud.
The next morning was relatively ordinary for Mackenzie; she got out of bed at the first alarm, made her bed, headed to the bathroom to shit and piss, washed her hands while taking special care to clean under her fingernails before breakfast, ate two toaster waffles plus two eggs and a glass of orange juice, brushed her teeth for two and a half minutes, showered while taking special care to clean behind her ears and between her toes, stepped out of the shower to clean inside her ears with a q-tip, before finally dressing, fixing her hair, and grabbing her backpack as she walked out the door to school.
The school day seemed to inch along second-by-second, the only relief came during fourth-period just after lunch. That’s when Mackenzie had Physical Education. She enjoyed that class, not for the often tedious games and exercises, though she didn’t especially object to them, but for the sight and smells of her classmates.
The coaches had the class run the mile that day, circling the outer perimeter of the school to make up the distance. While her running speed was middling, she always rather delighted in seeing some of the other girls dripping with sweat. A particularly heavy blond girl trudged along panting, there was barely a dry spot on her. Mackenzie imagined stealing the girl’s panties after class, wringing out her ass-sweat into a glass and drinking it. This was the kind of girl who was obviously teased for her appearance, but Mackenzie wished that it was possible for the girl to know how sexy she thought she was. If given half a chance she would lick the black gunk from between her toes, suck the perspiration from her armpit hair, motorboat her slick acne-ridden ass.
These thoughts were typical for Mackenzie, she’d been having them for years. They had previously provided some of the material for her spank-bank, but they generally faded from her mind as soon as the next period began, only to be revisited in the privacy of her bedroom each night. Piper, on the other hand, was an obsession.
Fifth period was algebra, which Mackenzie thought was dull. She only found excitement in the prospect that in place of sixth period would be the school assembly where she’d try to sit next to Piper. She actually gasped as the bell rang, both with excitement and nervousness.
She made her way to the gymnasium where other students were already beginning to crowd into the bleachers. She took a seat in the middle of the third row, only a few feet from the front, and began to look around for an axe-shaped formation of green hair jutting from a tattooed pink scalp.
After a few minutes she started getting discouraged; additionally, there were some other students who had decided to sit on either side of her, blocking her in. One of the coaches had just begun speaking when she finally saw the dark emerald colored mohawk appear. Beneath it was Piper, wearing a baggy black sweatshirt over her too-short skirt.
Damn it! She thought, They’ve already started, I can’t get up to go and sit by her now!
Piper scanned the crowd; eventually, her eyes met with Mackenzie and she smiled and began walking forward. She’s coming to sit with me! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I didn’t plan for this! What do I say? What do I do?
Piper came up the aisle and began side-stepping through the crowded row toward her; awkward little steps that one has to make when trying not to trample the feet of those already seated. Mackenzie watched as she came closer and closer; there was a bit of space just next to her where Piper could sit. To her surprise, Piper instead stepped up onto the bench next to her instead of sitting down. Oh, of course, she thought, crestfallen. She’s obviously climbing up to sit with one of her real friends behind me. Her hurt turned to confusion when, instead of climbing up, Piper stepped over her. Her feet straddled Mackenzie’s lap; she looked up to see that Piper had pulled up the back of her skirt and bent forward. Her jaw dropped open as she was now inches away from Piper’s tight pink anus.
A loud fart preceded a torrent of chunky brown slime by a fraction of a second. Piper’s asshole exploded with chunks of shit, the first shooting into Mackenzie’s still gaping mouth. She was blinded a moment later by a torrent of liquid feces. She heard a commotion around her as the other students darted away from the scene. The hot stink made her want to gasp for air, but given that her nose and mouth were flooded with Piper’s diarrhea, it only resulted in her coughing, gagging, and then vomiting.
She couldn’t see, but was astonished that the stream seemed to still be coming. It coated her hair and face with a heavy, wet bulk, and was now pouring onto her chest and lap. Finally, she heard the sound of a few pops of gas as the last few flecks shot onto her face, and it seemed to be over.
Mackenzie was still gagging and coughing, trying frantically to wipe the warm brown filth from her face. After several seconds, she was able to open her eyes to see Piper being held down and handcuffed by a man shouting at her in that angry-yet-controlled tone of voice that every police officer has. She was picked up roughly and perp-walked out of the gymnasium.
An older female teacher approached Mackenzie, though not too closely, and told her to stay where she was. Her tone seemed almost frantic; a few seconds later a younger male approached her with a stack of towels. He handed them to her at arms-length, not wanting to enter the perimeter of filth that had Mackenzie at its epicenter. She stood and looked down to see herself coated in an astonishing amount of shit; it had pooled around her. For a brief moment, she thought that with her red hair, she must look like the titular character at the end of a scat-themed porn parody of “Carrie.”
She began using towels to wipe herself off. Her face came relatively clean, but Piper’s shit still coated her hair and clothing. She did the best she could, leaving a large pile of white towels, now coated in brown. She heard the school staff discussing among themselves; eventually deciding to lead Mackenzie to the girl’s locker room to shower while someone found her some new clothes from the Lost-and-Found. This was repeated to her as explanation and she followed the older female teacher as she led her to the locker room adjacent to the gymnasium.
About forty-five minutes later, she found herself sitting in the principal’s office with damp hair, wearing a black graphic t-shirt and oversized gym shorts. She was informed that her parents had been called and that her father was on the way.
She’d hardly had time to process what had happened due to all the fuss. What Piper did, while surprising, was far from the trauma everyone seemed to act like it was. The most traumatic part was seeing her handcuffed and dragged away. Mackenzie adored her, now more than ever. She actually felt elated that Piper cared enough to arrange the stunt. The amount of liquefied feces was far more than what a girl her size could naturally produce in a day; she must have saved it up and pumped it into her ass as an enema. Knowing that Piper had gone home the previous day and thought about her, had actually planned for her; Mackenzie couldn’t have asked for more.
Her father finally arrived and entered the office. He immediately asked Mackenzie how she was doing. She assured him that she was fine; that everyone was making far too big a deal of it. Her father was a kind man with a gentle voice. His disposition was often compared to Mr. Rogers, and for good reason. He and Mackenzie’s mother brought her up in a progressive Christian household; teaching her that the only thing anyone should be ashamed of was being hateful. They’d even begun taking her to charity events for LGBT+ youths around the time Mackenzie started showing hints of being gay. She never officially “came out” to her parents, they just eventually realized that her gender preferences were different from most girls, and “there’s nothing wrong with being different,” they told her. Still, she held back her more taboo interests.
Only a few moments after her father arrived, a pretty blonde woman entered the office. She was introduced as Piper’s mother, Mrs. Lindeholm.
“Miss Lindeholm,” she corrected. This woman had the air of a controlling business executive one might see in a movie about investment banking. “I want to start off by apologizing for what my daughter did. I will obviously be paying for any cleaning costs associated with the incident, both to the school and the victim.” She sat and addressed Mackenzie and her father directly, “I understand that you may be considering pressing criminal charges against my daughter.” Her tone softened, “I would like you to understand that Piper has a history of… problems with regards to how she interacts with other people. It seemed that she was improving enough to attend public school but an incident like this was… Well it’s not something I anticipated. She’s never done anything so public before. I’m told your name is Mackenzie?”
She nodded. Miss Lindholm then took her hand and looked into her eyes.
“I’m very sorry for what my daughter did to you, Mackenzie. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”
This woman was obviously practiced in taking command of a situation. She was, in truth, a bit overwhelming. Mackenzie thought for a moment and summoned the courage to speak, “I… I don’t want to press charges or anything. I just want to be sure Piper is okay. I don’t think anything bad should happen to her. I mean… the whole thing isn’t a big deal. She just… I mean… she just pooped. Everyone poops.”
Miss Lindeholm smiled at the remark, her face showed equal parts relief and amusement. “I’m very glad to hear you say that. You’re a very kind girl, Mackenzie.”
“So what’s going to happen to Piper?”
“Well, given that she’s backslid quite a bit, I’m going to have her stay in a psychiatric hospital for a time. She’ll be well cared for. She’s also likely going to be suspended for a period of time that I’ll be discussing with your principal shortly.”
“She’s going to be expelled, Mrs. Lindeholm.” the principal interjected.
The woman gave a brief side-eyed glare at the slender, balding man; as if to say We’ll see about that.
She pulled an index card from her pocket and handed it to Mackenzie’s father, “This is my contact information. Please send me the bill for any cleaning services or anything else associated with the incident. I’d even be happy to buy Mackenzie a brand-new outfit. Unless the principal has anything further to discuss with you, I imagine you’d like to get home and get on with your day.”
They turned to the principal who nodded his consent for them to leave. They heard an echo of Miss Lindeholm’s sharp tongue laying into the principal as they walked down the hall.
The next day, Mackenzie elected not to go to school. She was worn out from the previous day’s incident, and even more so from the marathon masturbation session that took up the majority of her evening.
Finally knowing that her interest in Piper was reciprocated, she texted Miss Lindeholm, asking if it would be possible for her to visit Piper in the mental hospital. Mackenzie had tasted Piper’s shit for what she hoped would be the first of many times; she figured it was about time they had their first conversation. Miss Lindeholm texted back, giving the address of the hospital, and even giving instructions on how to get to the psych ward. She obviously wanted to accommodate her request, still fearing that Mackenzie may decide to press charges after all.
She briefly dipped into her father’s home office to let him know that she was going to be visiting a friend in the hospital for a little while (though not clarifying which one), and after a brief exchange, she was off.
Less than twenty minutes later she arrived at the hospital. She spoke to the receptionist and after a brief wait, was led in to meet Piper.
For some reason, the anxiety that had previously plagued her was pointedly absent. She entered a large room sparsely populated by bored looking people in drab pajamas. There were a number of round tables; atop one was what appeared to be an abandoned game of dominos.
As they approached Piper, Mackenzie saw her formerly proud mohawk hanging in a bedraggled mess around her face. Her eyes looked down with a concerned focus at the puzzle pieces on the table in front of her; rather than using them to form a picture, she had merely organized them into neat piles based on their shape and color.
“Piper Lindeholm, you have a visitor.”
Piper seemed startled, having apparently been engrossed in her task of categorizing puzzle pieces. She looked up to see Mackenzie, then looked down with an expression of shame.
“Oh… umm… hi.” was all she said.
Mackenzie sat down and scooted her chair next to the disheveled girl. “Hi, Shit-Pipe. You, said you like to be called that, back when we first met. I’m Mackenzie.” She spoke in a sweet, soft voice.
Piper just stared down at her puzzle pieces.
“Whatcha doing?” Mackenzie asked
“Umm, there are six pieces missing. There’s supposed to be two hundred, but there are only one-hundred-ninety-four. I found one earlier, but it’s still missing six. Umm… Jesus fuck, you don’t care about my puzzle. I’m really sorry about what I did to you. I don’t know why I did it, I guess I just thought… that you liked me or something? And I guess it was like, you know when little boys pull the pretty girl’s hair because they like her and they don’t know what else to do? It was like that, I guess.”
Mackenzie blushed, “You think I’m pretty?”
Piper looked up at her briefly before looking down again with an awkward smile. “I mean, yeah, of course I do. You’re a fuckin’ knockout. Shit, I’d crawl across a field of broken glass just to sniff a pair of panties you farted in.”
Mackenzie laughed, “I’d say the same thing about you, but it doesn’t seem like you wear panties.” They laughed together this time.
Piper’s posture slackened somewhat, “When I saw you, I thought you were here to ‘save my soul’ or something. My mom said your family is like super Christian.”
“Well, yeah, I mean we kinda are. By the way, your mom is really cool.”
“Right?? I know I do some pretty fucked up shit, but she tries really hard for me.”
“I could tell.” Mackenzie wore a huge smile. She was actually having a conversation with Piper! “So… how did you start, being you?”
“What like my ‘origin story?’” Piper curled her fingers into air quotes as she spoke. “Fuck me, where do I start?” Her eyebrows scrunched as she looked off into the distance for a few seconds. “Okay, I guess I started saying and doing really inappropriate shit in middle school. Well, actually it was before that, but I think they tolerated it more ‘cuz I was so young. I used to try really hard to make friends with people and to not say really weird shit that made people… like, change?”
The expression on Mackenzie’s face said she needed elaboration.
“Okay,” Piper continued, “You know how you’re going along and talking to someone and you’re fuckin’ around playing games or talking about teachers or whatever? And everything seems fine, but then you say something and then all of a sudden it seems like they don’t like you. They’re mad, or grossed out, or they just start acting really uncomfortable, and sometimes they make fun of you.”
“You talked about things like eating poo?”
“Well, not at first. Like in sixth or seventh grade I had this best friend. And she just got a dog, so we were playing with the dog, and it was a female, so I wanted to look at her pussy. I was just curious if a dog’s pussy looked like mine. But everyone got really mad at me when I said that and tried to look. I don’t really know why, though. It’s not like I was hurting the dog by looking at it. She stopped being friends with me after that. It’s not even the first time something like that happened. So I guess around that time, I figured that I can try to be normal, but if I do that, then I’ll have to be constantly scared that I’m going to say or do something that’ll make people change and suddenly start hating me. So I figured I can say and do weird, gross shit one-hundred percent of the time and that way, at least I know how people are going to react, so I don’t need to be scared of messing up. Oh, and when I was eleven, I spied on my mom at work and she was peeing in a guys mouth, so after that I got curious and started drinking and eating piss and shit, respectively. My mom’s a dominatrix, by the way.”
Mackenzie was a bit taken aback by Piper’s candid, stream-of-consciousness confession. “Wow, umm, I’m sorry that people were mean to you. But I really like who you are now. I, uhh, I didn’t start quite as early as you. I only started looking at porn a few years ago, and I only started getting really into scat porn after ninth grade. So I, I kinda always fantasized about meeting a girl like you. I’ve actually been thinking about you every night since we met. I mean, I think about you during the day, too. It’s just that at night, I think about you when I… umm, when I, touch myself.”
Piper stared with a slack-jawed smile briefly, “Are you shittin’ me, fire-crotch? You’re seriously into me, like as-is. You know my hair was held up mostly by my own snot.”
“Really?” she giggled timidly, “That’s so sexy.”
“I put my toothbrush up my ass every single night before I brush my teeth.” she challenged
“Can you do that to mine, too?”
Piper still seemed skeptical of the starry-eyed redhead.
“I save my own shit in a container in my room so I can eat it later. I do that with dog-shit I find lying around, too. Actually, I blended that all up, squirted it up my ass, and shat it all onto your face in front of the whole school, yesterday! You’re seriously saying you’re into me after that. Like into me, into me; like you seriously want to date me.” Her tone was unbelieving, as though challenging Mackenzie to convince her that there was really someone who could love her for who she is.
“Maybe I’ll start saving my shit in containers, too. Maybe we can even trade. Or you can just shit in my mouth again, like yesterday. I’ll try not to gag and throw up so much next time. I… hope that there’s going to be a next time?”
The two of them stared at each other for a long time, each of them couldn’t believe that the other one was real. Without knowing it, the same sentiment went through both of their minds, I can’t believe that someone like her actually likes someone like me.
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vee-angel · 4 years
Potty-Mouth Piper (part 3, repost)
(Part of the Pervert Pentet Series)
Content Warning: The following story contains depictions of feces, flatulance, vomit, and mucus; with most being eaten. Also, just some absolutely depraved examples of hand-holding, kissing, cuddling, and heartfelt declarations of lesbian teenage love.
Also, this finishes out Chapter One of Piper’s story. Her next appearance will be when her story intersects with another member of the Pervert Pentet (Sharking Sherry, who’s one of the last two members to be introduced).
Part 3
Piper spent the next few weeks in the psych ward; Mackenzie visited as often as she was able. She couldn’t get enough of seeing Piper’s face light up every time she saw her. She had even scouted some nearby stores to see if she could find the same puzzle that Piper had been working on when she first visited her in the hospital. When she finally found it and presented the gift, Piper seemed so touched that she actually held back tears. The green-haired filth-fetishist was smiling ear to ear as they were finally able to complete the puzzle together.
“Together” may be an overstatement. In truth, Piper did well over ninety percent of it, mostly while explaining the geometry of irregular tessellations in jigsaw puzzles and something about how the pieces could be categorized by pattern… or something. Mackenzie honestly couldn’t follow when she started going on about things like that, but she loved seeing how happy it made her to have someone who actually listened to her ramblings. She learned a lot about Piper in those few weeks; one of the most surprising things is that the mohawked, foul-mouth punk was really, REALLY smart.
It took a few awkward conversations for Mackenzie to get her parents to believe that she kept visiting because she just sincerely liked Piper. They weren’t the type to pry much, but at first it seemed like they believed that she felt sorry for the green-haired girl, or that it was part of her learning to forgive Piper for what had happened during the school assembly. She had to be clear that she really just thought Piper was interesting and sweet, and that despite her “behavioral problems” she might want to start dating her once she was released from the mental hospital.
When that day finally came, Mackenzie wanted to spend every moment with her and finally get a chance to do more than talk with her in the visiting room of a hospital. Unfortunately, Piper explained that she wanted some time to smooth things over with her mom, first. A few agonizingly long days later, Mackenzie finally got a text saying that Piper’s mom was okay with them having a sleepover! She still felt like this was all some kind of fantasy! As if all the disgusting porn she’d watched online over the last few years congealed into this perfectly vulgar woman who was too good, too dirty, too pretty to be real. There were even times where she considered that maybe she was spending so much time in a mental hospital because Piper was a delusion, a fantasy she made up to help the shy girl act out all of her obscene secret desires.
But as she approached the brick ranch-style house where Piper lived, she knew it was all real. She walked up the steps and rang the doorbell, her heart racing with anticipation. Her tension grew a bit when she saw that it was Piper’s mother who answered the door. She had heard mostly good things about Miss Lindeholm, but she couldn’t help but be a little bit intimidated now that she knew she was a professional dominatrix.
Mackenzie was invited inside where she barely had time to set down her overnight bag before she saw a grinning Piper barreling toward her. Their chests collided as she threw her arms around her and squeezed. Mackenzie couldn’t help but giggle at the unrestrained eagerness. She returned the hug and couldn’t keep her heart from fluttering as her hands touched Piper’s bare skin. She wore a threadbare black tank top that had been cut off at the bottom of her ribs and a plaid mini-skirt. At the hospital, they hadn’t been permitted to touch very much, and the pajama-like outfit almost made her forget how delicately slender Piper’s body was. If she were a couple inches taller, she could have been a runway model.
Piper’s mom watched with a slight smirk for several seconds as the two girls embraced. “All right, you’ll have plenty of time for that later. I’d like to talk to Mackenzie now. Please give us the room, Piper.” Her tone seemed pleasant, but firm. Though that didn’t do much to assuage Mackenzie’s nervousness.
As they reluctantly pulled away from each other, Mackenzie caught Piper’s eyes. The worried expression on her face prompted Piper to explain, “No, it’s cool. My mom’s rad as fuck. She just wants to make sure I’m not, like, blackmailing you with pictures of you sucking a dog’s dick or something.”
“What?? Oh! Oh gosh, no.” She turned to the older woman, “No, it’s nothing like that, Ma’am. I really, really like Piper.”
“All the same, I’d like Piper to excuse us so that we can talk.” Miss Lindeholm led Mackenzie to a sleek looking leather and metal couch in the living room that faced a glass coffee table. A slightly dejected Piper made her way to what looked like the kitchen.
Mackenzie sat next to the professionally dressed blonde woman. “I sense you’re nervous, Mackenzie,” she began in a kind voice as she took her hand, “but I promise you that you’re safe. If my daughter has said or done anything to compel you to come here or to have a relationship with her, you can tell me and I’ll protect you.” There was something about her that almost immediately instilled trust, there was an effortless confidence that was also nurturing. Mackenzie supposed that was part of what made her a good dominatrix.
She took a deep breath to try to still her nerves before responding. “I really, really, REALLY like your daughter, Ma’am. I… Well I guess I’ve only ever told her this, but umm, I fantasized about things like this a lot for a long time before I met Piper. And I would look at… umm… ya know… scat porn.” Mackenzie’s face scrunched up and turned beet red for a moment as she realized that she’d just told her friend’s mom that she’d been looking at scat porn on the internet for years. She tried to power through it, “So, Piper is just sort of like all my… fetishes, and everything else I ever fantasized about. All put together.”
There was a momentary pause before Piper’s mom spoke, “Okay. I’m very happy to hear that, Mackenzie. To be honest, I was skeptical that the things Piper was telling me about you were true. She almost never lies, but she also can’t tell when other people are lying to her. So a part of me was worried that you were playing a trick on her. But I’m very relieved by what you’ve told me. Piper has mentioned to you that I’m a sex-worker, correct?”
“Yes, Ma’am. She said you’re a professional mistress?”
“That’s right. I get the sense that you feel hesitant in talking about your fetishes, but I want you to know that you won’t be judged in this household for any of those feelings. It’s okay to be sexually aroused by touching or eating shit, or watching others touch or eat shit. It’s actually a lot more common than most people would believe. Has anyone ever told you that before?”
Mackenzie thought for a moment about what she’d just heard. Obviously no one had ever said that to her before, as she was only the second person to even know about her fetish, but she’d also never had anyone tell her that it was okay. She never thought of herself as someone who held a lot of shame for her kink, yet somehow, it was as if she felt the release of a huge burden that she didn’t even know she was carrying. After briefly getting lost in thought, she realized that Miss Lindeholm was still sitting there waiting for a response. “No, Ma’am.” she took a deep breath to steady her resolve and then released it, “Miss Lindeholm, it really turns me on watching girls eat poop. And I want to eat poop, too… because I think it’s a really sexy thing to do.” She let out a tiny giggle after she finished her admission. “I can’t believe I really said that to you! It actually feels really…relieving, I guess!”
“I’m glad. Being able to communicate about what turns you on is important. And so is consent. If you’re going to have a relationship with my daughter, I want to talk to you about some things. Given the things Piper likes to do, there’s a bit of a unique ‘sex talk’ that’s specific for her.
“But first, the basics: Remember that you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Anything you do with a partner should be because you both want to be doing it. Now relationships are complex, and consent is complex. But a good rule of thumb is that ‘no’ means no, ‘maybe’ means no, and only ‘fuck yes’ means yes. What that means is that you should both be enthusiastic about the sex acts you engage in. If you perform certain activities solely because the other person wants you to, it eventually causes problems in your relationship. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“Good. Now getting into specifics: First, Eating feces runs a high risk of making you sick at first. It is possible for your digestive system to adapt, god knows Piper is evidence of that, but if you choose to engage in that fetish, you should go slowly at first. I’ve left a bottle of medicine in Piper’s room to help minimize the chance of you becoming ill, you should take one every twelve hours for a couple of days, even if you don’t feel like anything is wrong. Second, urine is mostly safe to drink, but keep in mind that your body will be filtering it a second time when you swallow it. So as sexy as you might find it to only drink each others piss, over time it can put an unhealthy strain on your kidneys.
“So to sum up, you can drink piss every day, but you still need to drink real water to stay healthy. And you can work up to eating shit every day, but you need to be careful, and you’ll still need real food. Do you have any questions, Mackenzie?”
She sat for a moment taking it all in. While the brief lecture from a women she barely knew was, without a doubt, unfathomably awkward, Mackenzie also found it really helpful. Not only because of the information, but because of the assurance that while she was in this house, she could feel like she was normal. This woman had explained the risks of trying to drink nothing but Piper’s piss with more comfort and ease than her own mother did when she explained why she shouldn’t flush tampons. “No, Ma’am. No questions. Umm, thank you for all that, though. Can I see Piper now?”
She released Mackenzie’s hand that she’d been gently cradling through the conversation and gave a small nod. As she stood up, she saw Piper eagerly stride into the room; apparently she’d been eavesdropping the whole time. “Okay, cool. So I made dinner for you and me. My mom doesn’t like when I make food for her because I always put the food in my ass first, but you said that’s something you wanted to try?”
“Yes!” Mackenzie replied enthusiastically. Piper took her gently by the wrist and led her into the kitchen. She was increasingly noticing that Piper’s home had a very sterile, modern look to it. Best she could tell, her mom ordered all their home furnishings from a Sharper Image catalogue.
The two of them finally came to be in front of a large bowl of green goo that had been set on the marble countertop. Next to it was a enormous tube with a plunger that Mackenzie recognized from her videos as an enema syringe. “So I made us split pea soup. It looks gross as shit, but it tastes really good. Also, it makes you fart a lot. I thought about squirting it up my asshole before you came over, but I figured you’d probably want to watch that part. Oh! And it’s vegetarian.”
Mackenzie had revealed that her family didn’t eat meat during their conversations at the hospital over the last few weeks, so she appreciated the consideration. In fact, she was impressed with the amount of thought Piper had put into everything. She gave an joyful nod of approval and then watched Piper suck up a large quantity of the bright green sludge into the enema syringe.
“Here.” Piper said with a confident smile as she handed the large tube to Mackenzie. For a moment, Mackenzie almost looked confused. Piper smirked and gave a confident shrug, “Figured you’d want to do the honors and fill up my fart-hole.”
Mackenzie gasped gently in awe, and then nodded her head excitedly. Piper leaned over onto the counter and flipped up the back of her skirt. She used one hand to pull her ass apart, but in truth it was unnecessary; while Piper’s ass had a pleasant roundness to it, the long, lean girl’s butt was rather small, and her cheeks readily parted to reveal her little pink anus and shaved vulva as soon as she bent past forty-five degrees.
“You don’t have to do anything special, just stick the end in and push that part on top down slowly.” Mackenzie nodded in response to Piper’s instructions. She took a deep breath and lined up the tip of the big acrylic tube. She pushed and felt Piper’s asshole give minimal resistance; the actual tip was about two inches long, and once it was all the way in, she noticed the girl’s sphincter clench around it to create a tight seal. As Mackenzie began to push down the plunger, she considered how practiced Piper must be at this. After all, she was so dedicated to ass to mouth that she had it tattooed on the side of her head. Though the tattoos had recently become slightly obscured by the yellow stubble that had grown during her stay in the psych ward.
“Do you really do this with everything you eat?” Mackenzie asked as she gingerly pumped the tasty green slurry into her friend’s bowels.
“Well with soup and stew and that kinda shit, yeah,” she began casually, as if she weren’t actively receiving a warm pea-soup enema from a conservatively dressed teen redhead, “Other stuff I just need to make sure it’s dick-shaped like baguettes or wraps or carrots. And there are things you can kinda stuff up there like french fries or scrambled eggs, and big things like pizza I just tear into pieces and shove up my ass a piece at a time.”
“Wow.” She had talked to Piper about her compulsion to only ever eat things that had been inside someone’s asshole (normally her own, purely out of convenience), but that had been so abstract before now. “Why…” she began the question hesitantly, “I mean, why do you do it?”
“Uhh, because I’m fuckin’ awesome?” Mackenzie giggled girlishly at Piper’s response.
“I think it’s empty now.” she noted as she finished emptying their soon to be dinner up the girl’s shitter.
“Okay, pull it out slowly.” Piper’s asshole immediately clenched shut to trap the liquid inside her as Mackenzie withdrew the enema syringe. She stood up and began massaging her slightly distended abdomen. “Seriously, though, I had the idea a long time ago, and I think I’m probably the only person in the world who does this. I mean, if you read fantasies about people being full toilet slaves, there’s a bunch of people who fantasize about eating nothing but shit for their whole lives. But it’s not medically possible; there are things your body needs and doesn’t excrete, so if you only eat shit you eventually end up with serious nutritional deficiencies. But if I do it this way, then even if I’m not always eating shit, I’m always eating something that someone shit out of their ass.”
“So… you’re kinda like the number one scat-girl in the whole world?” Mackenzie asked, excitement slightly overtaking her timid manner.
“Fuckin’ awesome, right??”
“Totally awesome.” She replied as Piper placed a green bowl on the floor and squatted over it. Mackenzie was transfixed as she watched her friend skillfully dispense the thick green soup from her asshole. She’d watched plenty of videos of girls getting food enemas (milk or whipped cream seemed most common), normally it would come out in squirts and sputters, but Piper may as well have been a mechanical food dispenser as smoothly as she plopped the ass-slime into the bowl. It just reinforced the idea that Piper was a queen of filth; the girls in videos only did those kinds of things for porn. But Piper did them every day.
The first bowl was full and she clenched her hole briefly as she switched to the second bowl. She repeated the process of dispensing split pea soup with a wet plopping sound. It only took about thirty seconds for her to fill both. She kept her legs wide as she stood almost all the way up into a half-squat. She grabbed a paper towel and began to move it toward her backside to clean the last residue of the green goo.
“Wait!” Mackenzie shouted, probably too loudly, while grabbing Piper’s wrist. “Can I…? I mean…can we use my tongue to be toilet paper… for you?” She was embarrassed by the awkward phrasing, but she was proud of herself for being bold enough to ask.
Piper nodded with surprise and approval, before bending forward to grab her ankles. Mackenzie hesitantly squatted down behind her, staring at the few specks of green still sticking to her anal ring. She finally stuck out her tongue and launched her face at Piper’s butt. She almost knocked the skinny girl off balance with her eagerness, but grabbed onto the front of her hips to steady her. She gave one long, hard lick from the back of Piper’s pussy all the way to the top of her ass-crack. She swallowed hard with a tight-lipped grin as the other girl turned around to face her.
“You make really good toilet paper.” For a moment, Piper’s big grin seemed almost coy. Anyone looking at the two young women at that moment would know that they were lovestruck, in that special and charmingly awkward way that only teenagers can be.
Piper picked up the two bowls before spending a few moments getting lost in Mackenzie’s cerulean-blue eyes. She took a quick breath and let it out sharply to focus herself before handing a bowl to Mackenzie. “Okay, we should go to the dining room. My mom’s probably getting tired of waiting.”
She handed one of the bowls to Mackenzie and the two of them headed into the next room where Piper’s mother sat patiently at the head of a rectangular table in front of what appeared to be a chef’s salad that had been prepared by a high-end food delivery service.
“Sorry we took so long, Mom.” Piper said as the she and Mackenzie sat next to each other at one side of the table.
“It’s perfectly all right. Mackenzie is experiencing a lot of new things, and there’s no need to rush her.” She picked up her fork and stabbed the salad a few times, collecting the different elements into a single bite. Piper dipped her spoon into the butthole-flavored soup that had been freshly prepared.
There was a brief moment of awkwardness as Mackenzie bowed her head and clasped her hands, briefly whispering a quick prayer of gratitude before eating. When she opened her eyes, she could tell by the slightly uncomfortable smiles that her dining companions were unaccustomed to the ritual. She couldn’t honestly blame them; a sex-worker and a lesbian scatgirl no doubt had experiences where they’d run afoul of some of the less progressive followers of Christ.
“So how did you become a professional mistress, Miss Lindeholm?” Mackenzie asked to break the tension. She reverently brought the first spoon-full of pea-soup to her mouth as the older woman began to answer.
“Well, hmm, where to begin.” she mused to herself briefly. “My family moved here from Sweden just before I started high-school. Being a tall, pretty blonde with a foreign accent meant that I became something of an obsession for the boys at school. Even at that age, I could tell that I was more of a fetish for them, so rather than ending up with a boyfriend, my interactions were more… transactional.”
“Transactional?” Mackenzie thought she knew what the word meant, but she wanted to be sure.
“It means that we were each trading things we wanted from the other, dear. I would get gifts and favors, and the boys would get what they wanted. As an example, the going rate was five dollars to flash my breasts for five seconds.” she said with a self-satisfied smirk.
“That’s… like a dollar a second!”
Piper’s mom flashed an amused grin at the shy redheads excitement. “Eventually they started doing bigger and bigger things for me and expecting more in return, which is how I ended up pregnant with Piper my Junior year. My parents were furious but they couldn’t disown me while I was a minor, so they kicked me and Piper out of the house when I turned eighteen. Piper was almost two at the time. We were briefly homeless, and the only way I knew how to make money was to let boys pay to do what they wanted with my body. It was… difficult for a few years but I kept working until I could charge more and more.. Eventually I trained to be a pro-domme, and now I run my own dungeon where I make a lot of money, and I get to tell everyone else what to do.” She finished her story with a proud smile.
“Wow!” was all Mackenzie said. She had been so obsessed with Piper, she had hardly taken the time to appreciate what an impressive woman her mother was. And beautiful, too. The golden-haired scandinavian beauty should be around thirty-five by Mackenzie’s math, but she had a timeless quality that could easily have allowed her to pass for ten years younger.
She turned her focus to the bowl of food that she’d been absentmindedly slurping as she listened to Miss Lindeholm’s brief recap of her life, taking the time to really enjoy the flavor. It was good! Comfortingly warm with all the right spices in subtle combinations, and a slightly earthy flavor that she suspected (hoped) came from its brief time inside Piper’s ass.
“What about your parents, Mackenzie. What do they do?”
She briefly glanced over to see Piper smiling widely as she ate, she seemed happy to see her two favorite women bonding with one another. She turned back, “Well, my father writes early chapter books for elementary and middle-school kids. He does a lot of ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ stories, ‘cus he says that if people learn how to make decisions when they’re young, they’ll be better at it when they grow up.”
“And that’s how your parents raised you?” she asked as she popped another mouthful of the crisp salad into her mouth.
“Mhm! My parents always tried to let me make my own decisions. I guess that’s why I never really went through a rebellious phase. Oh, and my mom does arts and crafts. She sews and knits and crochets, she even draws and paints sometimes, too. She illustrated a couple of my dad’s books, and she makes most of my clothes. She’s kind of a workaholic.”
Around that time she heard Piper reaching the bottom of her soup. She hadn’t said much, but she seemed content, if slightly eager to move the evening toward the fun part.
Mackenzie, sensing Piper’s eagerness, rushed to finish her own soup. Piper finally spoke up, “Okay, mom. We’re done, can we be excused now?”
“Oh, but I’m having such a nice time talking with your new friend.” her mom teased. “We have ice-cream for dessert, you know.”
“I’m lactose intolerant.” Mackenzie interjected.
Piper’s eyes widened, “Wait, really??”
“Well, like, does it hurt you, or are you just like… PPFFFTTT!!” Piper ended her sentence by making a vulgar, simulated fart noise with her mouth.
Mackenzie blushed for a moment, finally grasping the reason for Piper’s excitement. She looked up to catch Piper’s expectant gaze. “We should have ice cream.” she giggled.
“Can we have dessert in my room, Mom? Please?” Piper pleaded.
Miss Lindeholm sighed with a smile, knowing there was no point in trying to keep the scat-addicted lesbian love-birds apart. “Okay, sweetheart. Just keep everything contained to your room.”
Piper leapt up from her chair and ran to the kitchen. She returned a moment later holding a pint of ice-cream and a spoon before she grabbed Mackenzie by the wrist and pulled her excitedly down the hall.
The happy duo reached the threshold of the bedroom, but Mackenzie felt her foot catch on something in the doorway. They tripped and she tumbled to the floor on top of Piper. “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry! Are you okay?”
The two of them stood up, realizing that maybe they should tone down their excitement just a tad. “It was my fault,” Piper began with a contrite smile, “I forgot to warn you about the edge. I always used to think that if I ever had someone over that I should remember to tell them that it’s a tripping hazard, and now I finally have someone here and I forgot.”
Mackenzie looked down to see what she’d tripped over, and realized that there was a lip coming up about two inches separating the floor of Piper’s room from the rest of the house. Furthermore, while most of the house was floored with an elegant grey carpet, Piper’s room seemed to be lined with a sturdy, off-white linoleum. The furniture, she realized, was all either on legs, or raised a few inches off the ground with risers. “Do you…” she began piecing together the reason for the odd decor, “pee and poop on the floor?”
“Not just on the floor!” Piper responded excitedly as she motioned over to the bed, placing the ice-cream on a nightstand. “Feel it.” she said, offering a piece of what appeared to be oddly thick black sheets. Upon examining the material, she realized that it felt somewhat like a wet-suit. The mattress covering and pillowcases seemed to all be made of the same soft, yet waterproof material.
Every time Mackenzie thought she had a grasp on the intensity of Piper’s filth fetish, she showed her a new dimension. This, she thought, truly takes the cake. Piper’s entire bedroom was designed to be used as a toilet!
She almost couldn’t conceive of someone whose life was that dedicated to a filth fetish. She couldn’t believe that Piper’s mom had been so accepting! This actually required pretty major renovations of the house!
“Oh, and check this out.” Piper continued as she opened a door that Mackenzie had previously assumed was a closet, “Ta-da! Private bathroom.” She looked inside to see a sink and bathtub, but where she expected the toilet to go was a stacked washer/dryer combo. There also seemed to be an industrial wet-vac against one wall. “My mom doesn’t like me making a mess in the rest of the house, so she made it so that I can do whatever I want in here as long as I keep the door closed, and I clean up after myself.”
“This…is incredible.” Mackenzie was awed. Before she met Piper, she’d always fantasized about dating the type of vulgar, filthy women that made scat porn, but Piper was definitely not that kind of woman. She was so far beyond them.
“Oh! Before I forget…” Piper hopped over to the dresser beside the door from which they entered and opened the bottom drawer. It was empty. “I cleared this out, so you could have a place to put your stuff when you come over. I made it the bottom drawer so I could look at your butthole when you bend over to get stuff out of it. I mean, if you’re naked in here. Which I usually am. But you don’t have to be if you don’t want to. Redheads usually have really pretty buttholes, so I hope I get to see yours.”
Mackenzie had learned that Piper had a tendency to announce her inappropriate thoughts aloud, and also that she never acted like they were inappropriate. Somehow it always made her feel like she could be liberated from her shyness. At one point, she actually spent a few hours one evening trying to think of something she could realistically say or do in front of Piper that might incur her disapproval. Despite her best efforts, nothing came to mind.
“Okay, well… I think I left my overnight bag in the other room. I’m gonna go get that. And, I mean, if you want to get naked while I do that, it would… make my pussy really wet?” Mackenzie attempted to mirror Piper’s obscenely inappropriate manner, but it didn’t quite suit her just yet.
She headed back toward the front door where she’d dropped her bag, and returned a few seconds later to find the skinny girl proudly displaying all ninety-six pounds of her shaved five-foot-seven frame.
There was a brief pause as Mackenzie felt overwhelmed by the sight before her. She didn’t know if it was love, or lust, or simple adoration; she just knew that she was so thankful that Piper was hers for that moment. She tossed her bag in the drawer as she strode forward with a burning passion. Her arms coiled around the naked girl and their lips met in unbridled intensity. A moment later they were on the bed, Piper beneath her with legs wrapped around the redhead’s hips. Mackenzie’s tongue forcefully pushed its way into Piper’s mouth, an invasion that she welcomed happily, judging by the little moan that escaped her throat. A few seconds later Piper’s tongue pushed back. Meanwhile, Mackenzie’s hands were running over the soft pink flesh beneath her, kneading and groping her tiny breasts, feeling the ribs just beneath her skin, down to the serpentine, writhing muscles of her waist, then sliding around to dig her fingers into a firm handful of Piper’s soft, little ass.
Eventually, the two of them needed to come up for air. They breathed heavily and stared at each other from inches away, both still happily imprisoned in a cage of one another’s limbs. “Wow,” Piper said, “You’re a really good kisser.”
“Did I do okay?”
“You’re amazing.” Mackenzie replied.
“Oh good. ‘Cuz I’ve kinda never done that before.”
Mackenzie’s jaw dropped open. “What?! Piper, was that your first kiss???”
She blushed a little bit while smiling. Then nodded.
“But… You’ve had sex!”
Piper looked away with a shy grin, “I mean, only with dudes and like a couple of dogs. And I’m super gay, so I only do that kinda shit because it’s gross and I like saving the cock-snot in my ass for later. But, I’ve never been with a girl before, and… nobody ever wanted to kiss me before.”
“So, you’re kinda like a virgin? With girls at least.”
“I guess.” Piper replied, “What about you?”
Mackenzie shook her head while wearing an uncharacteristically cocky smile. “Nope! Church camp when I was sixteen, and I dated a girl for a couple months last year before we moved here.”
“Wow, I didn’t know you were such a slut.” Piper teased, her words dripping with sarcasm, “In that case, we better keep this on the downlow, I can’t be seen running around with women of low morals, I’ve got my reputation as a good-girl to maintain!” She punctuated the end of her sentence by cocking her hips and releasing a deep, rumbling fart that turned to a wet squeak just at the end.
The two girls burst out laughing and untangled from one another’s arms. “We should close the door if we’re going to be doing that kinda thing, right?” Mackenzie asked, remembering that Piper’s mom went to great lengths to keep the various messes and smells contained in Piper’s bedroom. Piper nodded.
Mackenzie hopped up and shut the door. She turned back to Piper. For a brief moment, she tried to think of some clever or flirty way to say she wanted take her clothes off, but “I’m going to get naked now, okay?” Was all she came up with.
“Okay!” Piper replied, hopping up to a cross-legged position so she could watch. Mackenzie always felt awkward about talking to people, but oddly she never experienced bashfulness when it came to her body. So when Piper treated her undressing as though it was a performance, she was flattered, rather than embarrassed.
She stood in the middle of the room between the bed and the dresser. She grasped the bottom of her yellow knit sweater and peeled that off before placing it in the empty drawer next to her bag. She undid the buttons of her undershirt and dropped it in the drawer as well. She elected not to wear a bra to the sleepover. Despite being a full C-cup nearing a D, her teenaged breasts were still extremely perky. In fact, she considered them possibly her best physical feature. She paused a few moments to give Piper the opportunity to stare at her now naked tits.
She took off her sneakers and socks next. She tried to figure out a sexy way to do that, but after almost falling on her ass twice in the attempt, she decided to just bend over and take them off normally.
“Hey, do you not shave?” Piper asked suddenly. Mackenzie had just finished taking off her shoes and socks, and realized that Piper must have gotten a glimpse of her underarms in the process. Mackenzie always dressed rather conservatively, and what little body-hair she had was extremely fine and light. So she rarely made the effort to remove it. In fact, even though she often wore shorts or knee-length skirts, she’d never had anyone comment on the imperceptible amount of peach-fuzz that adorned her legs. But her armpits did have a small patch of fine, strawberry blonde hair that was noticeable to anyone looking closely. And Piper was looking closely.
“I don’t usually bother. But I can if you want me to. I actually brought a razor just in case. I wasn’t sure what you liked, since I know that you shave everything.”
“It’s cute, don’t shave it!” Piper replied.
She smiled and continued to strip, undoing her flowy ankle-length skirt and letting it fall to the floor. She had worn her cutest pair of white cotton panties with a little pink bow at the top. But she hooked her thumbs in the waist and dropped those to the floor as well.
Mackenzie took a step forward, naked as the day she was born. Her long red hair hung flatly down her back. That and the patch of dark auburn pubic hair were the only splashes of color upon the marble-white canvas of her skin. Her first girlfriend had once commented that her body looked just like the Venus de Milo. At the time, the resemblance was almost uncanny, but her tits had grown a bit since then.
She laughed slightly as she watched Piper’s wide-eyed, slack-jawed expression. She turned around to give her a good look at her backside before bending over to pick up her skirt and underwear so that she could put them in the drawer. Her stance was wide as she bent forward, neatly folding and organizing the pile of clothing she’d dumped. She remembered Piper’s comment about wanting to look at her butthole, and wanted to make sure she had an opportunity to get a good, long look.
Finally she turned around to see the green-haired girl looking a bit awestruck. Piper swallowed before speaking “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world. Did you know? I feel like someone should have told you. That you’re the most beautiful woman in the world, I mean.”
Mackenzie smiled and blushed, but there was no hint of joking or sarcasm from Piper. Her words were dead-serious, that made Mackenzie blush even more. She took a few steps forward and crawled onto the bed next to her. “So what do you want to do now?”
“Whatever you want to do is cool with me. We can do anything. I’ll… do anything for you.” Piper’s reply sounded almost like she was intimidated. Mackenzie wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. Did she really think she was that beautiful? She knew she had a nice body, but she’d always considered herself rather plain looking. One thing was for certain though. Piper was every bit as in love with Mackenzie as Mackenzie was with Piper.
“Seriously,” Mackenzie began, taking the lead, “You said you’ve never had a girl in your room. What’s something you always fantasized about doing in here?”
“Well,” she swallowed nervously, “I guess I always had this fantasy of being with a girl where we just… I don’t know how to describe it, but sort of like…ignored grossness, I guess? Like if we were watching a movie and cuddling, and one of us needed to take a piss, we’d just do it like it’s no big deal. Or if I’m eating your pussy and you need to fart or take a dump, you just do it like it’s nothing, you don’t even ask or say anything. Or if we’re both eating ice cream together and- Oh shit! We still have ice cream, I almost forgot!” She quickly grabbed the thawing pint of ice-cream and the spoon and placed it between them on the bed. “If we’re eating ice cream and you need to blow your nose, you can just, like, blow snot into the ice cream and we both just keep eating it like we don’t care. Is that… something you’d be into?”
Mackenzie’s realized that the two of them were negotiating consent, and her mind flashed back to the little lecture Piper’s mother had given her earlier about that topic. She wanted to be absolutely clear in her enthusiasm. “Fuck yes I’m into that, Piper. Let’s do that!”
“You know, you hide it well, but you’re a seriously bad-ass bitch, aren’t you?” Piper opened the lid of the vanilla bean ice cream and scooped a dollop from the thawed bit around the edges onto the spoon and offered it to Mackenzie. She opened her mouth to allow Piper to feed her and pursed her lips as she withdrew the utensil. Piper then took a second scoop and ate it herself.
“It’s really good.” Mackenzie commented before an observation dawned on her, “Hey! Wait a second! How come you’re eating that? It hasn’t been in your butt.”
“Yeah it has. See? Green sticker.” Piper turned the container to show her. “That’s how we label stuff that’s mine. Sorry if there are ice crystals in it, it’s dangerous to get an enema with stuff that’s really cold, so I had to thaw it all the way and refreeze it.”
“That’s okay. So green is your favorite color, huh?” Mackenzie asked as the pair of them casually shared a pint of ice-cream that had been squirted out of Piper’s shitter at some indeterminate point in the past.
“Yeah, it’s versatile. I mean, it’s the color of boogers and slime and puke, but green is also, like, the color of nature and money and all this good stuff, too. Brown’s the same way; people think of it like a gross color because their shit’s brown, but so is chocolate and coffee, and soil, and wood, and a lot of really hot girls. So I guess I like green and brown because they’re really pretty colors, but they’re underrated or something, I dunno.”
“And they’re the colors of your eyes.” Mackenzie observed. Back when their relationship was across the table in the psych ward, Mackenzie noticed that Piper’s eyes were different colors. Once they had both worked up the courage to make eye contact with one another, that is. Heterochromia. She’d memorized the word. Piper had one green eye and one brown; though the obscene girl joked that she had a second ‘brown eye,’ before displaying her anus and farting loudly. The hospital workers didn’t approve of the display at the time, but it made Mackenzie giggle, and that was all that mattered to Piper.
Mackenzie felt the dairy-based confection stimulating her mucus production, so she gently took the container from Piper, used a finger to block off one of her nostrils, and with a firm exhalation, shot a large wad of clearish-yellow slime from her nose onto the top of the ice-cream. She took the spoon, and scooped a large measure of the desert, topped with her snot, and popped it casually into Piper’s mouth.
She swallowed with a tight-lipped grin. “That was perfect!” Piper whispered intensely. “I know the whole point is to kinda ignore it, but seriously, that was exactly the way it is in my fantasies. I’m fucking it up now. I’m gonna go back to pretending it’s not a big deal. Do you want to watch something on tv?”
Mackenzie giggled, “Sure!”
She took the remote from the nightstand and turned on the television that sat on top of the dresser. She placed the remote back and picked up a small laptop. It was the only piece of computer equipment in the room outside the large shrine of high-end electronics that had been portioned off by a set of plastic shower-curtains in the corner to the right of the bed. She’d gotten to know Piper well enough to know that when she wasn’t talking about sex and filth, she was talking about computers. That or Alan Turing, whom she idolized and about whom she seemed to know an extraordinary amount.
“Do you want to watch scat porn or anything, or should we just put on something normal?”
“Let’s go with something funny we can just have on in the background while we hang out.” Mackenzie replied.
Piper used the laptop interface to put on a late 2000’s comedy show that they half-watched as they finished the vanilla bean and punk-girl-asshole flavored desert. About ten minutes later, the two naked girls were watching tv and spooning when they heard a grumbling bit of commotion coming from Mackenzie’s gut. Piper, who was being the big spoon at the time, moved her hand down to her tummy and rubbed lovingly.
The red haired girl emitted a whining moan of discomfort. The ice-cream really was making her bowels cramp up. This would be about the time she’d normally go and spend the next half-hour sitting on the toilet, but she felt a certain sense of freedom knowing that her digestive troubles wouldn’t have to interrupt the sleepover. Nor would she have to worry about her legs falling asleep from sitting on the toilet for too long. She managed to let out a small, barely audible bit of gas that did nothing to relieve the pressure, but she could feel her guts churning. There was definitely more coming any minute. Piper could tell, too, as she pulled closer. She pressed the front of her naked hips into Mackenzie’s ass. Her legs were fidgeting a bit, as though she was turned on, which she most likely was. About a minute later she felt a pressure inside her colon. It felt a bit like the fart, but she could tell it was more substantial this time. She let loose with wanton abandon and there was a bit of wet sputtering that was slightly muffled by the barrier of flesh formed by the two women pressed together. She could tell that a few wet chunks of shit had exploded out of her ass and hit Piper in the pussy. A moment later, the bulk of her diarrhea began to erupt. The satiny-wet sound of soft shit correlated with the hot muddy feeling that coated her buttocks and Piper’s crotch. The whole ordeal ended with a few last bits of popping flatulence. Piper responded by moaning gently and kissing her on the neck. Then they went back to watching tv and cuddling, ignoring the hot puddle of feces that was spreading across the bed beneath them.
The bowel movement relieved the discomfort, but she knew from experience that the process would repeat at least a couple more times before her digestive system would be a hundred percent again. She decided she wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. “Hey, Piper. Do you want to lick my pussy?”
“Fuck yeah I do.”
“Okay, you stay there, I’m gonna spin around.” she said. Piper’s eyes lit up. She realized what Mackenzie intended. She was going to maneuver onto the top of a sixty-nine position so that she could shit directly onto Piper’s face as she ate her out. She considered that this might be the first time Piper actually got to experience that. Mackenzie herself got to have the experience of a pretty girl shitting on her face at school a few weeks before, and while she lamented the time Piper had spent institutionalized because of it, she had to admit that it was an exhilaratingly decadent experience.
Mackenzie found herself thinking how unexpected it was that she seemed to be falling a bit into the dominant role with Piper; even more unexpected was the fact that the virginal seeming Christian girl was actually more experienced when it came to lesbian sex.
She felt Piper’s tongue immediately attack her pussy the moment she was in position. There were still some brown streaks caking her ass, but her auburn-haired crotch was still mostly clean. Piper’s cunt, Mackenzie noted as she looked down on it, was a different story. It was still dripping with her excrement. The liquid butt-mud having collected so heavily between her legs that her hairless little slit wasn’t even visible. She wasn’t quite ready to wade through her own filth in order to please Piper orally, and she was becoming distracted by another round of slightly painful clenching in her bowels. She tried to watch tv as Piper’s tongue invaded her cunt, nose pressed firmly against her shitty and soon to be explosive asshole.
Piper was eager, but not yet skillful with regards to cunnilingus. Mackenzie enjoyed the sensation, but the stench of her own filth a few inches beneath was starting to get to be a bit much. She knew she wanted to eventually be like Piper, to be able to chomp down turds like they were hot-dogs at a competitive eating contest, but she’d have a ways to go.
She felt another wet bowel movement pushing to escape her butt, and she did nothing to hold it back. The sensation like hot, chunky water squirting out of her ass preceded the feeling of a more normal brown log escaping from her body. She could tell the first round of chunky liquid shot straight up Piper’s eager nose, but based on the continued eagerness of her tongue, she didn’t seem to mind.
She thought she was finished when a sudden round of nausea hit her. Maybe it was the smell, maybe it was the sight of cooling poop caking Piper’s crotch, or maybe it was the realization that the girl going down on her has a nose-full of her turd-juice, but she found herself gagging.
The contents of her stomach shot up and poured out of her mouth. In an instant the cold shit in Piper’s lap had been replaced with hot puke. The heaving of her stomach stimulated her guts enough that she unleashed another round of partially digested liquid brown with particular force against Piper’s face. She was projectile squirting simultaneously from both ends. Somewhere in all the bodily commotion she half-noticed that she was pissing as well. There were multiple rounds in which her core clenched and filth rocketed out of three orifices at once. In the end, she was spitting out the last bits of phlegm and gastric juice while pathetic little farts signaled the last of her digestive issues. She closed one nostril with her fingers and blew bits of snot-mixed-with-vomit out the other, then repeated the process on the opposite side.
Piper sounded to be doing the exact opposite. She heard the girl behind her sniffing, as though she was trying to snort the scat that filled her nose down the back of her throat to swallow it. She felt the slender girls hands come up reassuringly to her ribs. It seemed like her hands were shaking a bit. “You’re okay, right?” Piper asked, her voice quivering.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She replied a bit unsteadily. The ordeal had been a bit trying for her physically, and she was mentally a bit overwhelmed.
Based on Piper’s voice, she was overwhelmed too. “Okay!” Piper’s voice was high pitched, her excitement easily could have been mistaken for panic. “That was amazing. Kenzie, that was fucking amazing! You’re a… you’re a motherfucking, incredible-ass, rug-munching, ginger-snatch cunt! You know that? I mean holy cock-sucking, pants-shitting fucking shit!!! Jesus fuck-tits! You’re a goddamn fucking goddess!”
Mackenzie burst out in hysterical laughter and fell over into the slurry of bodily goo that pooled across the bed and was now dripping onto the floor. She hoped Piper wouldn’t be offended, but the frantic string of obscene language just struck her as incredibly funny. When Piper was excited, she was somehow, incredibly, even more of a potty-mouth!
Piper laughed with her for a moment before having a coughing fit. Mackenzie looked back to see the green-haired girl’s face dripping with brown. It seemed that her laughter had caused her to inadvertently inhale a bit of poo, an idea that elicited another round of screaming laughter from Mackenzie.
The clenching feeling in the bottom of her throat still hadn’t totally subsided. Her stomach and head still ached a bit from projectile retching the contents of her stomach all over Piper’s crotch and bed. And as sexy as her mind found the whole situation, her body’s instinctive aversion would take some time to convince. She’d fantasized about doing things like this for years, and while internet porn had prepared her for the sights and sounds, the magnitude of the smell was a bit much for her to take in. The stench of both fresh and stale diarrhea combined with the acidic odor of vomit imposed upon her nose and eyes. She could even taste it in the air.
“Hey, Piper? This is all really sexy, and I’m for sure going to think about this when I masturbate like… forever. But… I mean, I hate to ask, but could we… clean up maybe… ninety percent of this? I mean, I want to get to the point where I can handle-”
“Hey, it’s no big deal!” Piper interjected while wiping some bits of brown goo from around her eyes, “I guess I kinda threw you in the deep end, huh? I’m sorry, I didn’t know you’d get that sick. I mean, it was fucking amazing as a motherfucker, but I don’t want you to feel bad.” She took a moment to formulate a plan for how to proceed. “So tell me what you think of this sequence: You go start taking a shower in my bathroom while I scoop the bulk of the shit and piss and puke into containers, ‘cus I mean, I really wanna save it for later. Then I’ll hop in the shower with you for a minute to clean myself off. Then I’ll grab the wet-vac and clean the rest while you take a bath. I actually have scented oils that’ll make you smell like flowers afterward. Then when you’re done, there’ll just be some residue on the sheets that’s still gonna smell a bit, and parts of the bed are still gonna be kinda sticky, but it won’t be nearly this strong. It’ll just smell kinda like bad farts.”
Mackenzie’s eyes widened in surprise. “Wow, that sounds… really efficient. You have scented bath oil???”
“Well yeah, I mean, it’s cool to smell like shit sometimes, but most people like girls to be clean and smell nice. And there are some dudes I hang out with and play video-games with. I mean, I know they mostly hang out with me ‘cus I let them buttfuck me, but I dunno, maybe part of me wants to be a pretty girl; like you. Or maybe I just like smelling like coconuts and lilac in the morning, and cheese-farts and asparagus-piss at night.” Piper’s eyebrows knitted together in sudden contemplation. “Huh, you know what? I think I just realized that I like all smells. Fuck, I never thought about that before.” She contemplated a moment longer before realizing that Mackenzie was still slowly edging her way to the bathroom on the left side of the room from the bed. “Oh yeah, you go take a shower, and I’ll be there in a minute.”
Mackenzie followed Piper’s suggestion. She noted that the bathroom had a rather normal assortment of shampoos, conditioners, lotions, oils and the like. If anything, Piper’s collection of hygiene products would be enviable to the average girl. It was actually a comfort that Mackenzie hadn’t realized she needed. She had always been fastidious about cleanliness; both of her body and her environment. She didn’t need a psychologist to tell her that the origins of her fascination with filth lie in her almost obsessive-compulsive tidiness.
Deep down, there had been a spark of worry that despite their common fetish, actually building a life with Piper may have been implausible. But those worries had been laid to rest. Piper’s home was crisp and clean. Her bedroom had a bit of clutter around the computer station, but was otherwise neatly organized and tidy. As she peaked out of the shower to see the shit-caked girl using a small squeegee she apparently had stashed somewhere to scrape the slurry of filth neatly into a tupperware container, she realized that they could have a future. At that moment she knew; this was the girl she was going to marry.
Almost forty-five minutes later, Mackenzie came out of the bathroom smelling like roses. The naked and still slightly moist Piper stood eagerly. “I left some residue on the sheets, but if you decide you want everything to be a hundred percent clean, I can change those and put them in the washing machine.”
“It’s okay.” Mackenzie replied with a lovey smile. “It smells sexy in here.” She took deep breath and let out a contented sigh. “I feel better now. Throwing up makes you feel bad. Even though it’s hot.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I should have planned for this better.” Piper gave a contrite smile. “Sorry if I was being kinda selfish by making you eat ice cream so you could fart and shit on me.”
“Piper. Stop apologizing.” Mackenzie was almost surprised to hear such a commanding tone come out of her own mouth.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I- Shit! Sorry. Fuck!” Her contrite smile disappeared and was replaced by genuine anxiety.
Mackenzie felt a little sorry for her. She had always hidden her own kink. So as shy as she was, she still made the occasional friend or acquaintance. But Piper’s in-your-face filth obsession must have made her feel alienated from the rest of the world. As best she could tell, her only friends were men who mostly used her for sex. It was no wonder she seemed a bit desperate to please.
“Okay, take a breath.” Mackenzie stepped forward and held Piper’s pixie-like face in her hands, peering into her green and brown eyes. “From now on, whenever you want to say you’re sorry, just tell me you love me instead. Say ‘I love that you accept me for who I am. I love that you forgive me for my mistakes. I love that you want to be with me no matter what.’ Because I do. And I will. You’re… amazing, Piper. And I’m absolutely, positively in love with you.”
Piper stood blank-faced for a moment. “I… I love you too, Kenzie.”
“Come on. Let’s go to bed. It’s getting late, and I think that’s a nice thought to fall asleep to.”
The two of them crawled beneath the feces and vomit smeared sheets, kissed one another gently, and drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms….
Mackenzie woke up first the next morning. She laid in bed staring at Piper through the mess of green hair that tangled over her face. She watched as her eyes lazily drifted open and turned to meet hers. She yawned and smiled before speaking groggily, “I’ve got to take a monster dump right now.”
Mackenzie giggled and kissed her. “Good morning to you, too!”
Piper slipped out from under the rubbery covers and stood naked, wreathed in the small bit of morning light that peaked through the curtains above the bed. “I’m thirsty, are you thirsty?”
“Mhm. I actually feel a little dehydrated. I probably should have drank something after I threw up last night.”
“Oh fuck, I should have offered you something, I’m sor- I mean… uhh… I love that you put up with the fact that I don’t know how to have guests.” She grinned a bit, proud of herself for remembering Mackenzie’s insistence that she express love rather than regret.
Piper opened the clear shower-curtain to enter the tech corner of the room, the mess of cables and wires running between custom made computers and monitors and various other pieces of plastic and circuitry that Mackenzie couldn’t begin to decipher. She opened a small mini-fridge positioned in the underside of the desk and pulled out one clear bottle and one red one. “I’ve got water and Mountain Dew Code Red.”
“Oh, just the water is fine.”
Piper returned to the bed and handed Mackenzie the clear bottle. She opened the red one herself and took a swig. The scent of artificial cherry flavor briefly overwhelmed the aroma of ass that lingered on the bed and on Piper’s skin. Mackenzie cracked the water and drank a third of it in a few large swallows.
She contemplated for a moment, “Hey, have these been in your ass?”
“Nah, I just do that with stuff I eat. I leave drinks alone. I thought about making it so that everything I eat is something I shat out and everything I drink is something I pissed, but I’m not about to give myself a catheter every day to squirt coffee and soda and juice into my bladder. I tried it once and it kinda hurts, like… kinda a lot. I still drink piss, though. Wanna see?”
Mackenzie groaned adorably and hit Piper gently with a pillow, “How are you this chipper this early in the morning? And also, yes, of course I wanna watch you drink piss.”
Piper laughed as she went to the dresser to retrieve a large green cup from one of the upper drawers. Mackenzie was slowly figuring out that a dish or food being labeled green seemed to indicate it was for Piper only. She watched, as the skinny, naked girl turned her knees out and squatted slightly. A pale yellow liquid poured from between her labia and filled the cup about two thirds of the way. She returned to bed next to Mackenzie and sipped the cup of urine while making casual eye contact with her bed-mate. “Wanna try some?”
Mackenzie nodded. Piper handed her the cup, “Just take a little sip.” she cautioned, “I don’t wanna go overboard again. We have time to help you get used to all this kinda shit.”
She took the cup and smelled it. A relatively normal scent of salty urea. She took a small sip and found it tasted similarly. The acrid taste made her face scrunch a bit. She followed up the sip of Piper’s pee by taking a few delicate swallows from the bottle of clean water. “Thanks for going slow with me, Piper.”
“No problem, babe. Hey, hand me that empty ice-cream container, I’m gonna take a huge dump in it while you watch, okay?”
She handed Piper the container and turned on the bedside lamp to get a better look as Piper turned around and knelt down with her chest pressed onto the top of the bed. She held the container in one hand between her legs; obscenely spread ass proudly displaying her cute, puckered anus. She watched as the muscles in the girl’s lithe abdomen writhed and her shitter opened up. A large, solid log of brown excrement pushed its way out of Piper’s asshole and broke off to plop into the empty container. A slightly softer brown cylinder emerged and kept emerging; it curved down, beginning to coil as it hit the bottom of the container. She realized that Piper’s practiced skill was being utilized to fill the container the same way an ice-cream man would fill a cone with soft-serve. Despite her small size, she managed to fill the container almost all the way to the top with a perfectly tipped swirl.
“Impressive!” Mackenzie remarked.
“I watched some YouTube videos of the techniques people use for soft-serve. It took some practice to get it right at this angle, but I can usually make a pretty nice-looking shit-cup.” She explained as she wiped her ass with her fingers and licked them clean.
Piper grabbed the spoon and sat in bed next to Mackenzie. She began casually eating her own shit from the used ice-cream container as if it actually was soft-serve, occasionally washing it down with a swig from the bottle of red soda.
“Can I try?” Mackenzie asked, stopping Piper in her tracks.
“Are you sure? Just so you know, this thing doesn’t need to be a two way street. If you want to just dump out turds in my mouth every day, and never put your mouth anywhere near me, I’d be a hundred-percent cool with that.”
“I wouldn’t be. I like kissing you. And I don’t feel like you’re pressuring me. I’ve fantasized about eating your shit since the first day we met. I guess I kinda did at the assembly, but mostly I just threw up. I didn’t really get a chance to take my time.”
“Yeah, I… love you for being the kinda girl that enjoyed that crazy-ass prank. Okay, I don’t want you to get sick again, so just have a little.” Piper collected a small spoonful of her own crap and held it out toward Mackenzie.
“I love you, too.” she said before she suddenly took the small scoop of feces into her mouth. She pulled back and felt the slightly warm brown sludge on her tongue. The taste was bitter and earthy; like fermented soil and coffee grounds. With a substantial stretch of the imagination, she could almost convince herself that the turd tasted like unsweetened dark chocolate. She mushed it against the roof of her mouth with her tongue and swallowed. She gagged briefly, but quickly washed most of the taste out of her mouth by downing the rest of her water bottle.
Piper watched with anticipation. Mackenzie took a few deep breaths to make sure that she wasn’t going to throw up, then smiled at Piper. Piper looked excited and hugged her. “I’m so proud of you! Just so you know, that shit was mostly made out of your shit from last night, so you’re kinda gettin’ double shit flavor there. But now that I know for sure you want to do that, I’ll try to do stuff to make it taste better when you come over. Oh! And you should take the antibiotics my mom got for you so that you don’t get sick from that.” She produced the small prescription bottle from a drawer in the nightstand before going back to her mini-fridge to bring another water bottle.
“Thanks,” she said as she downed the first dose of medication. “Hey, Piper? Can I… make a request? It’s okay if you say no, but it’d mean a lot to-”
“I’ll do anything for you, Mackenzie.” The adoration was clear in her voice.
“If I’m going to be… ya know, eating your poop, is there any chance you could… stop eating meat?”
Piper’s cheeks widened into a big, toothy grin. “I already stopped. I knew there was a chance you’d want to do that, and I know you don’t eat meat. I’m not going to have you eat second-hand meat out of my butt.”
The two of them spent most of the rest of the day in bed watching tv. It seemed that the little laptop on the nightstand could set anything she could imagine to play on the screen. Mackenzie wasn’t sure if the Lindeholm household just happened to have a subscription to almost every streaming service, of if Piper was pirating them. She decided that she didn’t particularly care about the answer. She did care about the fact that they seemed to have more in common than she would have thought. They both liked Star Trek, and spent a good portion of the day revisiting favorite episodes. Their taste in comedy shows was similar; and Mackenzie found herself genuinely enjoying being a cheerleader for Piper as she played video games. Mackenzie was more into horror movies than Piper, who got scared easily, but claimed she could tolerate them as long as she could bury her face between Mackenzie’s boobs during the scary parts.
Toward the end of the day, the two of them worked together to clean the last of the filth from the room as Mackenzie prepared to depart that evening. She wished that she could stay forever, but a part of her also wanted to get home to Saturday-evening dinner with her family, where she could tell them a heavily censored version of her adventures with her new girlfriend. Plus, she enjoyed the weekly family ritual of Sunday morning breakfast, followed by church.
She was saying her last goodbyes and thank-yous to Piper and her mother, when Piper blurted out a question randomly.
“Hey, should I shave my head again by Monday? Like, do you want to see my tattoos at school?”
Piper’s hairstyle had been a bit neglected during the few weeks in the mental hospital. The formerly bare sides of her head that read “Potty Mouth” and “Ass 2 Mouth 4 Life” were now mostly obscured by a dense stubble of golden-blonde hair.
Miss Lindeholm stood behind Piper, making intensely wide eye-contact with Mackenzie and pleadingly shaking her head in tense little gestures.  
“Well… I think your hair is really pretty, and, I dunno, maybe the tattoos can be just something that you and me know about.”
Piper’s mother made a silent sigh of relief and mouthed ‘thank you’ at Mackenzie.
“Okay,” she began, rubbing the side of her head, “I guess I can grow it out for now. Least I can do is try to look pretty for you.”
Mackenzie didn’t fully understand the comment until they passed each other in the hall Monday at school. Piper kept her eyes downcast, only raising them briefly to flash a subtle knowing smile at Mackenzie before proceeding on her way as if they were strangers.
Mackenzie wheeled around to catch up and glomped Piper with a big hug from behind. “Hey, pretty girl! You aren’t even going to say hi to me?”
Piper looked panicked, she spoke in a rapid whisper, “Kenzie! You can’t hang around me at school! People are gonna… see you! With me!”
A flash of anger stirred in Mackenzie’s heart. Not directed at Piper, but at the society that made her feel that she needed to protect Mackenzie from mockery by pretending to be strangers.
Her face turned stern. “Piper! I don’t care what anyone thinks.” She began to speak a bit more loudly in the crowded hall to make her point, “You’re my girlfriend and we’re in love. I feel sorry for anyone who thinks they need to make fun of someone because of who they choose to spend their life with.”
Piper continued to fret for a while, but eventually acquiesced; she still seemed a little nervous. They spent a lot of time together in school, but Piper always preferred to spend it away from other students who may be compelled to comment on Mackenzie’s choice of partner. In fact, most of the time, the two of them spent their lunch period in the out-of-the-way bathroom where they’d first met. They occasionally did unspeakably filthy things when they could be sure they would have privacy in a stall, but mostly, they just held hands and talked about their lives.
Mackenzie’s parents eventually had Piper and her mother over to their home for dinner; something that both girls stressed about on account of Piper’s inadvertent compulsion to be vulgar. Piper’s mother seemed uncharacteristically cavalier about the whole thing, as though she had a secret plan to ensure the evening went well. Which, as it turns out, she did! Almost as soon as the two of them walked in the door, Miss Lindeholm dominated the conversation by praising them for the way they reconciled their Christian faith with their daughter’s homosexuality, which she segued into offhandedly mentioning a project that Piper had done a few years before about her personal hero and gay icon, Alan Turing. That had apparently set things in motion, as Piper spent the rest of the evening excitedly lecturing everyone present about the life and legacy of the father of modern computer science, along with far too many details about computer science itself. Mackenzie’s family was too polite to stop her multi-hour soliloquy, but left the evening believing that their daughter’s new sweetheart was an exceptionally bright and spirited young lady whose odd behavior at the school assembly had been an isolated incident.
A few weeks later, Piper had grown more comfortable spending time with Mackenzie in the more public areas of the school. At one point a large boy from the football team had approached them, mockingly inviting Piper and Mackenzie to a party they were throwing… as the toilets. Piper initially accepted the invitation happily, not realizing the boy was making fun of them. When Mackenzie explained, she seemed disappointed. She didn’t become angry until the boy continued piling on, and when he called Mackenzie a ‘retard’ she attacked him. The ninety-six pound girl was about as effective as one would expect against the two-hundred-forty pound linebacker; the fight ended about two seconds after it began with Piper lying in the dirt with a split lip. Despite being the one bleeding, she still seemed much more worried about Mackenzie.
The boy was suspended for a week, a penalty that Piper’s mother thought was insultingly low. Though it seemed karma was on their side, as the boy was arrested soon after when hundreds of gigabytes of brutal pornography featuring a ten-year-old girl named Darla was found on his personal computer. Mackenzie had a sneaking suspicion that Piper was responsible, but being as she wasn’t sure she wanted to know just how far Piper would go to defend her, she never asked.
A few weeks before graduation, Mackenzie proposed in the bathroom where they’d first met. It was the first time she’d ever seen Piper cry.
That summer, the two of them found an apartment and moved in together near the university that Piper would be attending in the Fall. Mackenzie decided that she wanted to take some time off and figure out what she wanted to do with her life. The two of them often joked that Mackenzie was preparing for a life as Piper’s trophy wife.
Life was good; and the strange and depraved story of Piper and Mackenzie’s ‘Happily Ever After’ was just beginning…
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vee-angel · 5 years
Potty-Mouth Piper (part 3)
(Part of the Pervert Pentet Series) 
Content Warning: The following story contains depictions of feces, flatulance, vomit, and mucus; with most being eaten. Also, just some absolutely depraved examples of hand-holding, kissing, cuddling, and heartfelt declarations of lesbian teenage love. 
Also, this finishes out Chapter One of Piper’s story. Her next appearance will be when her story intersects with another member of the Pervert Pentet (Sharking Sherry, who’s one of the last two members to be introduced).
Part 3
Piper spent the next few weeks in the psych ward; Mackenzie visited as often as she was able. She couldn’t get enough of seeing Piper’s face light up every time she saw her. She had even scouted some nearby stores to see if she could find the same puzzle that Piper had been working on when she first visited her in the hospital. When she finally found it and presented the gift, Piper seemed so touched that she actually held back tears. The green-haired filth-fetishist was smiling ear to ear as they were finally able to complete the puzzle together.
“Together” may be an overstatement. In truth, Piper did well over ninety percent of it, mostly while explaining the geometry of irregular tessellations in jigsaw puzzles and something about how the pieces could be categorized by pattern… or something. Mackenzie honestly couldn’t follow when she started going on about things like that, but she loved seeing how happy it made her to have someone who actually listened to her ramblings. She learned a lot about Piper in those few weeks; one of the most surprising things is that the mohawked, foul-mouth punk was really, REALLY smart.
It took a few awkward conversations for Mackenzie to get her parents to believe that she kept visiting because she just sincerely liked Piper. They weren’t the type to pry much, but at first it seemed like they believed that she felt sorry for the green-haired girl, or that it was part of her learning to forgive Piper for what had happened during the school assembly. She had to be clear that she really just thought Piper was interesting and sweet, and that despite her “behavioral problems” she might want to start dating her once she was released from the mental hospital.
When that day finally came, Mackenzie wanted to spend every moment with her and finally get a chance to do more than talk with her in the visiting room of a hospital. Unfortunately, Piper explained that she wanted some time to smooth things over with her mom, first. A few agonizingly long days later, Mackenzie finally got a text saying that Piper’s mom was okay with them having a sleepover! She still felt like this was all some kind of fantasy! As if all the disgusting porn she’d watched online over the last few years congealed into this perfectly vulgar woman who was too good, too dirty, too pretty to be real. There were even times where she considered that maybe she was spending so much time in a mental hospital because Piper was a delusion, a fantasy she made up to help the shy girl act out all of her obscene secret desires.
But as she approached the brick ranch-style house where Piper lived, she knew it was all real. She walked up the steps and rang the doorbell, her heart racing with anticipation. Her tension grew a bit when she saw that it was Piper’s mother who answered the door. She had heard mostly good things about Miss Lindeholm, but she couldn’t help but be a little bit intimidated now that she knew she was a professional dominatrix.
Mackenzie was invited inside where she barely had time to set down her overnight bag before she saw a grinning Piper barreling toward her. Their chests collided as she threw her arms around her and squeezed. Mackenzie couldn’t help but giggle at the unrestrained eagerness. She returned the hug and couldn’t keep her heart from fluttering as her hands touched Piper’s bare skin. She wore a threadbare black tank top that had been cut off at the bottom of her ribs and a plaid mini-skirt. At the hospital, they hadn’t been permitted to touch very much, and the pajama-like outfit almost made her forget how delicately slender Piper’s body was. If she were a couple inches taller, she could have been a runway model.
Piper’s mom watched with a slight smirk for several seconds as the two girls embraced. “All right, you’ll have plenty of time for that later. I’d like to talk to Mackenzie now. Please give us the room, Piper.” Her tone seemed pleasant, but firm. Though that didn’t do much to assuage Mackenzie’s nervousness.
As they reluctantly pulled away from each other, Mackenzie caught Piper’s eyes. The worried expression on her face prompted Piper to explain, “No, it’s cool. My mom’s rad as fuck. She just wants to make sure I’m not, like, blackmailing you with pictures of you sucking a dog’s dick or something.”
“What?? Oh! Oh gosh, no.” She turned to the older woman, “No, it’s nothing like that, Ma’am. I really, really like Piper.”
“All the same, I’d like Piper to excuse us so that we can talk.” Miss Lindeholm led Mackenzie to a sleek looking leather and metal couch in the living room that faced a glass coffee table. A slightly dejected Piper made her way to what looked like the kitchen.
Mackenzie sat next to the professionally dressed blonde woman. “I sense you’re nervous, Mackenzie,” she began in a kind voice as she took her hand, “but I promise you that you’re safe. If my daughter has said or done anything to compel you to come here or to have a relationship with her, you can tell me and I’ll protect you.” There was something about her that almost immediately instilled trust, there was an effortless confidence that was also nurturing. Mackenzie supposed that was part of what made her a good dominatrix.
She took a deep breath to try to still her nerves before responding. “I really, really, REALLY like your daughter, Ma’am. I… Well I guess I’ve only ever told her this, but umm, I fantasized about things like this a lot for a long time before I met Piper. And I would look at… umm… ya know… scat porn.” Mackenzie’s face scrunched up and turned beet red for a moment as she realized that she’d just told her friend’s mom that she’d been looking at scat porn on the internet for years. She tried to power through it, “So, Piper is just sort of like all my… fetishes, and everything else I ever fantasized about. All put together.”
There was a momentary pause before Piper’s mom spoke, “Okay. I’m very happy to hear that, Mackenzie. To be honest, I was skeptical that the things Piper was telling me about you were true. She almost never lies, but she also can’t tell when other people are lying to her. So a part of me was worried that you were playing a trick on her. But I’m very relieved by what you’ve told me. Piper has mentioned to you that I’m a sex-worker, correct?”
“Yes, Ma’am. She said you’re a professional mistress?”
“That’s right. I get the sense that you feel hesitant in talking about your fetishes, but I want you to know that you won’t be judged in this household for any of those feelings. It’s okay to be sexually aroused by touching or eating shit, or watching others touch or eat shit. It’s actually a lot more common than most people would believe. Has anyone ever told you that before?”
Mackenzie thought for a moment about what she’d just heard. Obviously no one had ever said that to her before, as she was only the second person to even know about her fetish, but she’d also never had anyone tell her that it was okay. She never thought of herself as someone who held a lot of shame for her kink, yet somehow, it was as if she felt the release of a huge burden that she didn’t even know she was carrying. After briefly getting lost in thought, she realized that Miss Lindeholm was still sitting there waiting for a response. “No, Ma’am.” she took a deep breath to steady her resolve and then released it, “Miss Lindeholm, it really turns me on watching girls eat poop. And I want to eat poop, too… because I think it’s a really sexy thing to do.” She let out a tiny giggle after she finished her admission. “I can’t believe I really said that to you! It actually feels really...relieving, I guess!”
“I’m glad. Being able to communicate about what turns you on is important. And so is consent. If you’re going to have a relationship with my daughter, I want to talk to you about some things. Given the things Piper likes to do, there’s a bit of a unique ‘sex talk’ that’s specific for her.
“But first, the basics: Remember that you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. Anything you do with a partner should be because you both want to be doing it. Now relationships are complex, and consent is complex. But a good rule of thumb is that ‘no’ means no, ‘maybe’ means no, and only ‘fuck yes’ means yes. What that means is that you should both be enthusiastic about the sex acts you engage in. If you perform certain activities solely because the other person wants you to, it eventually causes problems in your relationship. Do you understand?”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
“Good. Now getting into specifics: First, Eating feces runs a high risk of making you sick at first. It is possible for your digestive system to adapt, god knows Piper is evidence of that, but if you choose to engage in that fetish, you should go slowly at first. I’ve left a bottle of medicine in Piper’s room to help minimize the chance of you becoming ill, you should take one every twelve hours for a couple of days, even if you don’t feel like anything is wrong. Second, urine is mostly safe to drink, but keep in mind that your body will be filtering it a second time when you swallow it. So as sexy as you might find it to only drink each others piss, over time it can put an unhealthy strain on your kidneys.
“So to sum up, you can drink piss every day, but you still need to drink real water to stay healthy. And you can work up to eating shit every day, but you need to be careful, and you’ll still need real food. Do you have any questions, Mackenzie?”
She sat for a moment taking it all in. While the brief lecture from a women she barely knew was, without a doubt, unfathomably awkward, Mackenzie also found it really helpful. Not only because of the information, but because of the assurance that while she was in this house, she could feel like she was normal. This woman had explained the risks of trying to drink nothing but Piper’s piss with more comfort and ease than her own mother did when she explained why she shouldn’t flush tampons. “No, Ma’am. No questions. Umm, thank you for all that, though. Can I see Piper now?”
She released Mackenzie’s hand that she’d been gently cradling through the conversation and gave a small nod. As she stood up, she saw Piper eagerly stride into the room; apparently she’d been eavesdropping the whole time. “Okay, cool. So I made dinner for you and me. My mom doesn’t like when I make food for her because I always put the food in my ass first, but you said that’s something you wanted to try?”
“Yes!” Mackenzie replied enthusiastically. Piper took her gently by the wrist and led her into the kitchen. She was increasingly noticing that Piper’s home had a very sterile, modern look to it. Best she could tell, her mom ordered all their home furnishings from a Sharper Image catalogue.
The two of them finally came to be in front of a large bowl of green goo that had been set on the marble countertop. Next to it was a enormous tube with a plunger that Mackenzie recognized from her videos as an enema syringe. “So I made us split pea soup. It looks gross as shit, but it tastes really good. Also, it makes you fart a lot. I thought about squirting it up my asshole before you came over, but I figured you’d probably want to watch that part. Oh! And it’s vegetarian.”
Mackenzie had revealed that her family didn’t eat meat during their conversations at the hospital over the last few weeks, so she appreciated the consideration. In fact, she was impressed with the amount of thought Piper had put into everything. She gave an joyful nod of approval and then watched Piper suck up a large quantity of the bright green sludge into the enema syringe.
“Here.” Piper said with a confident smile as she handed the large tube to Mackenzie. For a moment, Mackenzie almost looked confused. Piper smirked and gave a confident shrug, “Figured you’d want to do the honors and fill up my fart-hole.”
Mackenzie gasped gently in awe, and then nodded her head excitedly. Piper leaned over onto the counter and flipped up the back of her skirt. She used one hand to pull her ass apart, but in truth it was unnecessary; while Piper’s ass had a pleasant roundness to it, the long, lean girl’s butt was rather small, and her cheeks readily parted to reveal her little pink anus and shaved vulva as soon as she bent past forty-five degrees.
“You don’t have to do anything special, just stick the end in and push that part on top down slowly.” Mackenzie nodded in response to Piper’s instructions. She took a deep breath and lined up the tip of the big acrylic tube. She pushed and felt Piper’s asshole give minimal resistance; the actual tip was about two inches long, and once it was all the way in, she noticed the girl’s sphincter clench around it to create a tight seal. As Mackenzie began to push down the plunger, she considered how practiced Piper must be at this. After all, she was so dedicated to ass to mouth that she had it tattooed on the side of her head. Though the tattoos had recently become slightly obscured by the yellow stubble that had grown during her stay in the psych ward.
“Do you really do this with everything you eat?” Mackenzie asked as she gingerly pumped the tasty green slurry into her friend’s bowels.
“Well with soup and stew and that kinda shit, yeah,” she began casually, as if she weren’t actively receiving a warm pea-soup enema from a conservatively dressed teen redhead, “Other stuff I just need to make sure it’s dick-shaped like baguettes or wraps or carrots. And there are things you can kinda stuff up there like french fries or scrambled eggs, and big things like pizza I just tear into pieces and shove up my ass a piece at a time.”
“Wow.” She had talked to Piper about her compulsion to only ever eat things that had been inside someone’s asshole (normally her own, purely out of convenience), but that had been so abstract before now. “Why…” she began the question hesitantly, “I mean, why do you do it?”
“Uhh, because I’m fuckin’ awesome?” Mackenzie giggled girlishly at Piper’s response.
“I think it’s empty now.” she noted as she finished emptying their soon to be dinner up the girl’s shitter.
“Okay, pull it out slowly.” Piper’s asshole immediately clenched shut to trap the liquid inside her as Mackenzie withdrew the enema syringe. She stood up and began massaging her slightly distended abdomen. “Seriously, though, I had the idea a long time ago, and I think I’m probably the only person in the world who does this. I mean, if you read fantasies about people being full toilet slaves, there’s a bunch of people who fantasize about eating nothing but shit for their whole lives. But it’s not medically possible; there are things your body needs and doesn’t excrete, so if you only eat shit you eventually end up with serious nutritional deficiencies. But if I do it this way, then even if I’m not always eating shit, I’m always eating something that someone shit out of their ass.”
“So… you’re kinda like the number one scat-girl in the whole world?” Mackenzie asked, excitement slightly overtaking her timid manner.
“Fuckin’ awesome, right??”
“Totally awesome.” She replied as Piper placed a green bowl on the floor and squatted over it. Mackenzie was transfixed as she watched her friend skillfully dispense the thick green soup from her asshole. She’d watched plenty of videos of girls getting food enemas (milk or whipped cream seemed most common), normally it would come out in squirts and sputters, but Piper may as well have been a mechanical food dispenser as smoothly as she plopped the ass-slime into the bowl. It just reinforced the idea that Piper was a queen of filth; the girls in videos only did those kinds of things for porn. But Piper did them every day.
The first bowl was full and she clenched her hole briefly as she switched to the second bowl. She repeated the process of dispensing split pea soup with a wet plopping sound. It only took about thirty seconds for her to fill both. She kept her legs wide as she stood almost all the way up into a half-squat. She grabbed a paper towel and began to move it toward her backside to clean the last residue of the green goo.
“Wait!” Mackenzie shouted, probably too loudly, while grabbing Piper’s wrist. “Can I…? I mean…can we use my tongue to be toilet paper… for you?” She was embarrassed by the awkward phrasing, but she was proud of herself for being bold enough to ask.
Piper nodded with surprise and approval, before bending forward to grab her ankles. Mackenzie hesitantly squatted down behind her, staring at the few specks of green still sticking to her anal ring. She finally stuck out her tongue and launched her face at Piper’s butt. She almost knocked the skinny girl off balance with her eagerness, but grabbed onto the front of her hips to steady her. She gave one long, hard lick from the back of Piper’s pussy all the way to the top of her ass-crack. She swallowed hard with a tight-lipped grin as the other girl turned around to face her.
“You make really good toilet paper.” For a moment, Piper’s big grin seemed almost coy. Anyone looking at the two young women at that moment would know that they were lovestruck, in that special and charmingly awkward way that only teenagers can be.
Piper picked up the two bowls before spending a few moments getting lost in Mackenzie’s cerulean-blue eyes. She took a quick breath and let it out sharply to focus herself before handing a bowl to Mackenzie. “Okay, we should go to the dining room. My mom’s probably getting tired of waiting.”
She handed one of the bowls to Mackenzie and the two of them headed into the next room where Piper’s mother sat patiently at the head of a rectangular table in front of what appeared to be a chef’s salad that had been prepared by a high-end food delivery service.
“Sorry we took so long, Mom.” Piper said as the she and Mackenzie sat next to each other at one side of the table.
“It’s perfectly all right. Mackenzie is experiencing a lot of new things, and there’s no need to rush her.” She picked up her fork and stabbed the salad a few times, collecting the different elements into a single bite. Piper dipped her spoon into the butthole-flavored soup that had been freshly prepared.
There was a brief moment of awkwardness as Mackenzie bowed her head and clasped her hands, briefly whispering a quick prayer of gratitude before eating. When she opened her eyes, she could tell by the slightly uncomfortable smiles that her dining companions were unaccustomed to the ritual. She couldn’t honestly blame them; a sex-worker and a lesbian scatgirl no doubt had experiences where they’d run afoul of some of the less progressive followers of Christ.
“So how did you become a professional mistress, Miss Lindeholm?” Mackenzie asked to break the tension. She reverently brought the first spoon-full of pea-soup to her mouth as the older woman began to answer.
“Well, hmm, where to begin.” she mused to herself briefly. “My family moved here from Sweden just before I started high-school. Being a tall, pretty blonde with a foreign accent meant that I became something of an obsession for the boys at school. Even at that age, I could tell that I was more of a fetish for them, so rather than ending up with a boyfriend, my interactions were more... transactional.”
“Transactional?” Mackenzie thought she knew what the word meant, but she wanted to be sure.
“It means that we were each trading things we wanted from the other, dear. I would get gifts and favors, and the boys would get what they wanted. As an example, the going rate was five dollars to flash my breasts for five seconds.” she said with a self-satisfied smirk.
“That’s… like a dollar a second!”
Piper’s mom flashed an amused grin at the shy redheads excitement. “Eventually they started doing bigger and bigger things for me and expecting more in return, which is how I ended up pregnant with Piper my Junior year. My parents were furious but they couldn’t disown me while I was a minor, so they kicked me and Piper out of the house when I turned eighteen. Piper was almost two at the time. We were briefly homeless, and the only way I knew how to make money was to let boys pay to do what they wanted with my body. It was… difficult for a few years but I kept working until I could charge more and more.. Eventually I trained to be a pro-domme, and now I run my own dungeon where I make a lot of money, and I get to tell everyone else what to do.” She finished her story with a proud smile.
“Wow!” was all Mackenzie said. She had been so obsessed with Piper, she had hardly taken the time to appreciate what an impressive woman her mother was. And beautiful, too. The golden-haired scandinavian beauty should be around thirty-five by Mackenzie’s math, but she had a timeless quality that could easily have allowed her to pass for ten years younger.
She turned her focus to the bowl of food that she’d been absentmindedly slurping as she listened to Miss Lindeholm’s brief recap of her life, taking the time to really enjoy the flavor. It was good! Comfortingly warm with all the right spices in subtle combinations, and a slightly earthy flavor that she suspected (hoped) came from its brief time inside Piper’s ass.
“What about your parents, Mackenzie. What do they do?”
She briefly glanced over to see Piper smiling widely as she ate, she seemed happy to see her two favorite women bonding with one another. She turned back, “Well, my father writes early chapter books for elementary and middle-school kids. He does a lot of ‘choose-your-own-adventure’ stories, ‘cus he says that if people learn how to make decisions when they’re young, they’ll be better at it when they grow up.”
“And that’s how your parents raised you?” she asked as she popped another mouthful of the crisp salad into her mouth.
“Mhm! My parents always tried to let me make my own decisions. I guess that’s why I never really went through a rebellious phase. Oh, and my mom does arts and crafts. She sews and knits and crochets, she even draws and paints sometimes, too. She illustrated a couple of my dad’s books, and she makes most of my clothes. She’s kind of a workaholic.”
Around that time she heard Piper reaching the bottom of her soup. She hadn’t said much, but she seemed content, if slightly eager to move the evening toward the fun part.
Mackenzie, sensing Piper’s eagerness, rushed to finish her own soup. Piper finally spoke up, “Okay, mom. We’re done, can we be excused now?”
“Oh, but I’m having such a nice time talking with your new friend.” her mom teased. “We have ice-cream for dessert, you know.”
“I’m lactose intolerant.” Mackenzie interjected.
Piper’s eyes widened, “Wait, really??”
“Well, like, does it hurt you, or are you just like… PPFFFTTT!!” Piper ended her sentence by making a vulgar, simulated fart noise with her mouth.
Mackenzie blushed for a moment, finally grasping the reason for Piper’s excitement. She looked up to catch Piper’s expectant gaze. “We should have ice cream.” she giggled.
“Can we have dessert in my room, Mom? Please?” Piper pleaded.
Miss Lindeholm sighed with a smile, knowing there was no point in trying to keep the scat-addicted lesbian love-birds apart. “Okay, sweetheart. Just keep everything contained to your room.”
Piper leapt up from her chair and ran to the kitchen. She returned a moment later holding a pint of ice-cream and a spoon before she grabbed Mackenzie by the wrist and pulled her excitedly down the hall.
The happy duo reached the threshold of the bedroom, but Mackenzie felt her foot catch on something in the doorway. They tripped and she tumbled to the floor on top of Piper. “Oh my gosh, I’m sorry! Are you okay?”
The two of them stood up, realizing that maybe they should tone down their excitement just a tad. “It was my fault,” Piper began with a contrite smile, “I forgot to warn you about the edge. I always used to think that if I ever had someone over that I should remember to tell them that it’s a tripping hazard, and now I finally have someone here and I forgot.”
Mackenzie looked down to see what she’d tripped over, and realized that there was a lip coming up about two inches separating the floor of Piper’s room from the rest of the house. Furthermore, while most of the house was floored with an elegant grey carpet, Piper’s room seemed to be lined with a sturdy, off-white linoleum. The furniture, she realized, was all either on legs, or raised a few inches off the ground with risers. “Do you…” she began piecing together the reason for the odd decor, “pee and poop on the floor?”
“Not just on the floor!” Piper responded excitedly as she motioned over to the bed, placing the ice-cream on a nightstand. “Feel it.” she said, offering a piece of what appeared to be oddly thick black sheets. Upon examining the material, she realized that it felt somewhat like a wet-suit. The mattress covering and pillowcases seemed to all be made of the same soft, yet waterproof material.
Every time Mackenzie thought she had a grasp on the intensity of Piper’s filth fetish, she showed her a new dimension. This, she thought, truly takes the cake. Piper’s entire bedroom was designed to be used as a toilet!
She almost couldn’t conceive of someone whose life was that dedicated to a filth fetish. She couldn’t believe that Piper’s mom had been so accepting! This actually required pretty major renovations of the house!
“Oh, and check this out.” Piper continued as she opened a door that Mackenzie had previously assumed was a closet, “Ta-da! Private bathroom.” She looked inside to see a sink and bathtub, but where she expected the toilet to go was a stacked washer/dryer combo. There also seemed to be an industrial wet-vac against one wall. “My mom doesn’t like me making a mess in the rest of the house, so she made it so that I can do whatever I want in here as long as I keep the door closed, and I clean up after myself.”
“This...is incredible.” Mackenzie was awed. Before she met Piper, she’d always fantasized about dating the type of vulgar, filthy women that made scat porn, but Piper was definitely not that kind of woman. She was so far beyond them.
“Oh! Before I forget…” Piper hopped over to the dresser beside the door from which they entered and opened the bottom drawer. It was empty. “I cleared this out, so you could have a place to put your stuff when you come over. I made it the bottom drawer so I could look at your butthole when you bend over to get stuff out of it. I mean, if you’re naked in here. Which I usually am. But you don’t have to be if you don’t want to. Redheads usually have really pretty buttholes, so I hope I get to see yours.”
Mackenzie had learned that Piper had a tendency to announce her inappropriate thoughts aloud, and also that she never acted like they were inappropriate. Somehow it always made her feel like she could be liberated from her shyness. At one point, she actually spent a few hours one evening trying to think of something she could realistically say or do in front of Piper that might incur her disapproval. Despite her best efforts, nothing came to mind.
“Okay, well… I think I left my overnight bag in the other room. I’m gonna go get that. And, I mean, if you want to get naked while I do that, it would… make my pussy really wet?” Mackenzie attempted to mirror Piper’s obscenely inappropriate manner, but it didn’t quite suit her just yet.
She headed back toward the front door where she’d dropped her bag, and returned a few seconds later to find the skinny girl proudly displaying all ninety-six pounds of her shaved five-foot-seven frame.
There was a brief pause as Mackenzie felt overwhelmed by the sight before her. She didn’t know if it was love, or lust, or simple adoration; she just knew that she was so thankful that Piper was hers for that moment. She tossed her bag in the drawer as she strode forward with a burning passion. Her arms coiled around the naked girl and their lips met in unbridled intensity. A moment later they were on the bed, Piper beneath her with legs wrapped around the redhead’s hips. Mackenzie’s tongue forcefully pushed its way into Piper’s mouth, an invasion that she welcomed happily, judging by the little moan that escaped her throat. A few seconds later Piper’s tongue pushed back. Meanwhile, Mackenzie’s hands were running over the soft pink flesh beneath her, kneading and groping her tiny breasts, feeling the ribs just beneath her skin, down to the serpentine, writhing muscles of her waist, then sliding around to dig her fingers into a firm handful of Piper’s soft, little ass.
Eventually, the two of them needed to come up for air. They breathed heavily and stared at each other from inches away, both still happily imprisoned in a cage of one another’s limbs. “Wow,” Piper said, “You’re a really good kisser.”
“Did I do okay?”
“You’re amazing.” Mackenzie replied.
“Oh good. ‘Cuz I’ve kinda never done that before.”
Mackenzie’s jaw dropped open. “What?! Piper, was that your first kiss???”
She blushed a little bit while smiling. Then nodded.
“But… You’ve had sex!”
Piper looked away with a shy grin, “I mean, only with dudes and like a couple of dogs. And I’m super gay, so I only do that kinda shit because it’s gross and I like saving the cock-snot in my ass for later. But, I’ve never been with a girl before, and… nobody ever wanted to kiss me before.”
“So, you’re kinda like a virgin? With girls at least.”
“I guess.” Piper replied, “What about you?”
Mackenzie shook her head while wearing an uncharacteristically cocky smile. “Nope! Church camp when I was sixteen, and I dated a girl for a couple months last year before we moved here.”
“Wow, I didn’t know you were such a slut.” Piper teased, her words dripping with sarcasm, “In that case, we better keep this on the downlow, I can’t be seen running around with women of low morals, I’ve got my reputation as a good-girl to maintain!” She punctuated the end of her sentence by cocking her hips and releasing a deep, rumbling fart that turned to a wet squeak just at the end.
The two girls burst out laughing and untangled from one another’s arms. “We should close the door if we’re going to be doing that kinda thing, right?” Mackenzie asked, remembering that Piper’s mom went to great lengths to keep the various messes and smells contained in Piper’s bedroom. Piper nodded.
Mackenzie hopped up and shut the door. She turned back to Piper. For a brief moment, she tried to think of some clever or flirty way to say she wanted take her clothes off, but “I’m going to get naked now, okay?” Was all she came up with.
“Okay!” Piper replied, hopping up to a cross-legged position so she could watch. Mackenzie always felt awkward about talking to people, but oddly she never experienced bashfulness when it came to her body. So when Piper treated her undressing as though it was a performance, she was flattered, rather than embarrassed.
She stood in the middle of the room between the bed and the dresser. She grasped the bottom of her yellow knit sweater and peeled that off before placing it in the empty drawer next to her bag. She undid the buttons of her undershirt and dropped it in the drawer as well. She elected not to wear a bra to the sleepover. Despite being a full C-cup nearing a D, her teenaged breasts were still extremely perky. In fact, she considered them possibly her best physical feature. She paused a few moments to give Piper the opportunity to stare at her now naked tits.
She took off her sneakers and socks next. She tried to figure out a sexy way to do that, but after almost falling on her ass twice in the attempt, she decided to just bend over and take them off normally.
“Hey, do you not shave?” Piper asked suddenly. Mackenzie had just finished taking off her shoes and socks, and realized that Piper must have gotten a glimpse of her underarms in the process. Mackenzie always dressed rather conservatively, and what little body-hair she had was extremely fine and light. So she rarely made the effort to remove it. In fact, even though she often wore shorts or knee-length skirts, she’d never had anyone comment on the imperceptible amount of peach-fuzz that adorned her legs. But her armpits did have a small patch of fine, strawberry blonde hair that was noticeable to anyone looking closely. And Piper was looking closely.
“I don’t usually bother. But I can if you want me to. I actually brought a razor just in case. I wasn’t sure what you liked, since I know that you shave everything.”
“It’s cute, don’t shave it!” Piper replied.
She smiled and continued to strip, undoing her flowy ankle-length skirt and letting it fall to the floor. She had worn her cutest pair of white cotton panties with a little pink bow at the top. But she hooked her thumbs in the waist and dropped those to the floor as well.
Mackenzie took a step forward, naked as the day she was born. Her long red hair hung flatly down her back. That and the patch of dark auburn pubic hair were the only splashes of color upon the marble-white canvas of her skin. Her first girlfriend had once commented that her body looked just like the Venus de Milo. At the time, the resemblance was almost uncanny, but her tits had grown a bit since then.
She laughed slightly as she watched Piper’s wide-eyed, slack-jawed expression. She turned around to give her a good look at her backside before bending over to pick up her skirt and underwear so that she could put them in the drawer. Her stance was wide as she bent forward, neatly folding and organizing the pile of clothing she’d dumped. She remembered Piper’s comment about wanting to look at her butthole, and wanted to make sure she had an opportunity to get a good, long look.
Finally she turned around to see the green-haired girl looking a bit awestruck. Piper swallowed before speaking “You’re the most beautiful woman in the world. Did you know? I feel like someone should have told you. That you’re the most beautiful woman in the world, I mean.”
Mackenzie smiled and blushed, but there was no hint of joking or sarcasm from Piper. Her words were dead-serious, that made Mackenzie blush even more. She took a few steps forward and crawled onto the bed next to her. “So what do you want to do now?”
“Whatever you want to do is cool with me. We can do anything. I’ll… do anything for you.” Piper’s reply sounded almost like she was intimidated. Mackenzie wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. Did she really think she was that beautiful? She knew she had a nice body, but she’d always considered herself rather plain looking. One thing was for certain though. Piper was every bit as in love with Mackenzie as Mackenzie was with Piper.
“Seriously,” Mackenzie began, taking the lead, “You said you’ve never had a girl in your room. What’s something you always fantasized about doing in here?”
“Well,” she swallowed nervously, “I guess I always had this fantasy of being with a girl where we just… I don’t know how to describe it, but sort of like…ignored grossness, I guess? Like if we were watching a movie and cuddling, and one of us needed to take a piss, we’d just do it like it’s no big deal. Or if I’m eating your pussy and you need to fart or take a dump, you just do it like it’s nothing, you don’t even ask or say anything. Or if we’re both eating ice cream together and- Oh shit! We still have ice cream, I almost forgot!” She quickly grabbed the thawing pint of ice-cream and the spoon and placed it between them on the bed. “If we’re eating ice cream and you need to blow your nose, you can just, like, blow snot into the ice cream and we both just keep eating it like we don’t care. Is that… something you’d be into?”
Mackenzie’s realized that the two of them were negotiating consent, and her mind flashed back to the little lecture Piper’s mother had given her earlier about that topic. She wanted to be absolutely clear in her enthusiasm. “Fuck yes I’m into that, Piper. Let’s do that!”
“You know, you hide it well, but you’re a seriously bad-ass bitch, aren’t you?” Piper opened the lid of the vanilla bean ice cream and scooped a dollop from the thawed bit around the edges onto the spoon and offered it to Mackenzie. She opened her mouth to allow Piper to feed her and pursed her lips as she withdrew the utensil. Piper then took a second scoop and ate it herself.
“It’s really good.” Mackenzie commented before an observation dawned on her, “Hey! Wait a second! How come you’re eating that? It hasn’t been in your butt.”
“Yeah it has. See? Green sticker.” Piper turned the container to show her. “That’s how we label stuff that’s mine. Sorry if there are ice crystals in it, it’s dangerous to get an enema with stuff that’s really cold, so I had to thaw it all the way and refreeze it.”
“That’s okay. So green is your favorite color, huh?” Mackenzie asked as the pair of them casually shared a pint of ice-cream that had been squirted out of Piper’s shitter at some indeterminate point in the past.
“Yeah, it’s versatile. I mean, it’s the color of boogers and slime and puke, but green is also, like, the color of nature and money and all this good stuff, too. Brown’s the same way; people think of it like a gross color because their shit’s brown, but so is chocolate and coffee, and soil, and wood, and a lot of really hot girls. So I guess I like green and brown because they’re really pretty colors, but they’re underrated or something, I dunno.”
“And they’re the colors of your eyes.” Mackenzie observed. Back when their relationship was across the table in the psych ward, Mackenzie noticed that Piper’s eyes were different colors. Once they had both worked up the courage to make eye contact with one another, that is. Heterochromia. She’d memorized the word. Piper had one green eye and one brown; though the obscene girl joked that she had a second ‘brown eye,’ before displaying her anus and farting loudly. The hospital workers didn’t approve of the display at the time, but it made Mackenzie giggle, and that was all that mattered to Piper.
Mackenzie felt the dairy-based confection stimulating her mucus production, so she gently took the container from Piper, used a finger to block off one of her nostrils, and with a firm exhalation, shot a large wad of clearish-yellow slime from her nose onto the top of the ice-cream. She took the spoon, and scooped a large measure of the desert, topped with her snot, and popped it casually into Piper’s mouth.
She swallowed with a tight-lipped grin. “That was perfect!” Piper whispered intensely. “I know the whole point is to kinda ignore it, but seriously, that was exactly the way it is in my fantasies. I’m fucking it up now. I’m gonna go back to pretending it’s not a big deal. Do you want to watch something on tv?”
Mackenzie giggled, “Sure!”
She took the remote from the nightstand and turned on the television that sat on top of the dresser. She placed the remote back and picked up a small laptop. It was the only piece of computer equipment in the room outside the large shrine of high-end electronics that had been portioned off by a set of plastic shower-curtains in the corner to the right of the bed. She’d gotten to know Piper well enough to know that when she wasn’t talking about sex and filth, she was talking about computers. That or Alan Turing, whom she idolized and about whom she seemed to know an extraordinary amount.
“Do you want to watch scat porn or anything, or should we just put on something normal?”
“Let’s go with something funny we can just have on in the background while we hang out.” Mackenzie replied.
Piper used the laptop interface to put on a late 2000’s comedy show that they half-watched as they finished the vanilla bean and punk-girl-asshole flavored desert. About ten minutes later, the two naked girls were watching tv and spooning when they heard a grumbling bit of commotion coming from Mackenzie’s gut. Piper, who was being the big spoon at the time, moved her hand down to her tummy and rubbed lovingly.
The red haired girl emitted a whining moan of discomfort. The ice-cream really was making her bowels cramp up. This would be about the time she’d normally go and spend the next half-hour sitting on the toilet, but she felt a certain sense of freedom knowing that her digestive troubles wouldn’t have to interrupt the sleepover. Nor would she have to worry about her legs falling asleep from sitting on the toilet for too long. She managed to let out a small, barely audible bit of gas that did nothing to relieve the pressure, but she could feel her guts churning. There was definitely more coming any minute. Piper could tell, too, as she pulled closer. She pressed the front of her naked hips into Mackenzie’s ass. Her legs were fidgeting a bit, as though she was turned on, which she most likely was. About a minute later she felt a pressure inside her colon. It felt a bit like the fart, but she could tell it was more substantial this time. She let loose with wanton abandon and there was a bit of wet sputtering that was slightly muffled by the barrier of flesh formed by the two women pressed together. She could tell that a few wet chunks of shit had exploded out of her ass and hit Piper in the pussy. A moment later, the bulk of her diarrhea began to erupt. The satiny-wet sound of soft shit correlated with the hot muddy feeling that coated her buttocks and Piper’s crotch. The whole ordeal ended with a few last bits of popping flatulence. Piper responded by moaning gently and kissing her on the neck. Then they went back to watching tv and cuddling, ignoring the hot puddle of feces that was spreading across the bed beneath them.
The bowel movement relieved the discomfort, but she knew from experience that the process would repeat at least a couple more times before her digestive system would be a hundred percent again. She decided she wanted to take advantage of the opportunity. “Hey, Piper. Do you want to lick my pussy?”
“Fuck yeah I do.”
“Okay, you stay there, I’m gonna spin around.” she said. Piper’s eyes lit up. She realized what Mackenzie intended. She was going to maneuver onto the top of a sixty-nine position so that she could shit directly onto Piper’s face as she ate her out. She considered that this might be the first time Piper actually got to experience that. Mackenzie herself got to have the experience of a pretty girl shitting on her face at school a few weeks before, and while she lamented the time Piper had spent institutionalized because of it, she had to admit that it was an exhilaratingly decadent experience.
Mackenzie found herself thinking how unexpected it was that she seemed to be falling a bit into the dominant role with Piper; even more unexpected was the fact that the virginal seeming Christian girl was actually more experienced when it came to lesbian sex.
She felt Piper’s tongue immediately attack her pussy the moment she was in position. There were still some brown streaks caking her ass, but her auburn-haired crotch was still mostly clean. Piper’s cunt, Mackenzie noted as she looked down on it, was a different story. It was still dripping with her excrement. The liquid butt-mud having collected so heavily between her legs that her hairless little slit wasn’t even visible. She wasn’t quite ready to wade through her own filth in order to please Piper orally, and she was becoming distracted by another round of slightly painful clenching in her bowels. She tried to watch tv as Piper’s tongue invaded her cunt, nose pressed firmly against her shitty and soon to be explosive asshole.
Piper was eager, but not yet skillful with regards to cunnilingus. Mackenzie enjoyed the sensation, but the stench of her own filth a few inches beneath was starting to get to be a bit much. She knew she wanted to eventually be like Piper, to be able to chomp down turds like they were hot-dogs at a competitive eating contest, but she’d have a ways to go.
She felt another wet bowel movement pushing to escape her butt, and she did nothing to hold it back. The sensation like hot, chunky water squirting out of her ass preceded the feeling of a more normal brown log escaping from her body. She could tell the first round of chunky liquid shot straight up Piper’s eager nose, but based on the continued eagerness of her tongue, she didn’t seem to mind.
She thought she was finished when a sudden round of nausea hit her. Maybe it was the smell, maybe it was the sight of cooling poop caking Piper’s crotch, or maybe it was the realization that the girl going down on her has a nose-full of her turd-juice, but she found herself gagging.
The contents of her stomach shot up and poured out of her mouth. In an instant the cold shit in Piper’s lap had been replaced with hot puke. The heaving of her stomach stimulated her guts enough that she unleashed another round of partially digested liquid brown with particular force against Piper’s face. She was projectile squirting simultaneously from both ends. Somewhere in all the bodily commotion she half-noticed that she was pissing as well. There were multiple rounds in which her core clenched and filth rocketed out of three orifices at once. In the end, she was spitting out the last bits of phlegm and gastric juice while pathetic little farts signaled the last of her digestive issues. She closed one nostril with her fingers and blew bits of snot-mixed-with-vomit out the other, then repeated the process on the opposite side.
Piper sounded to be doing the exact opposite. She heard the girl behind her sniffing, as though she was trying to snort the scat that filled her nose down the back of her throat to swallow it. She felt the slender girls hands come up reassuringly to her ribs. It seemed like her hands were shaking a bit. “You’re okay, right?” Piper asked, her voice quivering.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” She replied a bit unsteadily. The ordeal had been a bit trying for her physically, and she was mentally a bit overwhelmed.
Based on Piper’s voice, she was overwhelmed too. “Okay!” Piper’s voice was high pitched, her excitement easily could have been mistaken for panic. “That was amazing. Kenzie, that was fucking amazing! You’re a… you’re a motherfucking, incredible-ass, rug-munching, ginger-snatch cunt! You know that? I mean holy cock-sucking, pants-shitting fucking shit!!! Jesus fuck-tits! You’re a goddamn fucking goddess!”
Mackenzie burst out in hysterical laughter and fell over into the slurry of bodily goo that pooled across the bed and was now dripping onto the floor. She hoped Piper wouldn’t be offended, but the frantic string of obscene language just struck her as incredibly funny. When Piper was excited, she was somehow, incredibly, even more of a potty-mouth!
Piper laughed with her for a moment before having a coughing fit. Mackenzie looked back to see the green-haired girl’s face dripping with brown. It seemed that her laughter had caused her to inadvertently inhale a bit of poo, an idea that elicited another round of screaming laughter from Mackenzie.
The clenching feeling in the bottom of her throat still hadn’t totally subsided. Her stomach and head still ached a bit from projectile retching the contents of her stomach all over Piper’s crotch and bed. And as sexy as her mind found the whole situation, her body’s instinctive aversion would take some time to convince. She’d fantasized about doing things like this for years, and while internet porn had prepared her for the sights and sounds, the magnitude of the smell was a bit much for her to take in. The stench of both fresh and stale diarrhea combined with the acidic odor of vomit imposed upon her nose and eyes. She could even taste it in the air.
“Hey, Piper? This is all really sexy, and I’m for sure going to think about this when I masturbate like… forever. But… I mean, I hate to ask, but could we… clean up maybe… ninety percent of this? I mean, I want to get to the point where I can handle-”
“Hey, it’s no big deal!” Piper interjected while wiping some bits of brown goo from around her eyes, “I guess I kinda threw you in the deep end, huh? I’m sorry, I didn’t know you’d get that sick. I mean, it was fucking amazing as a motherfucker, but I don’t want you to feel bad.” She took a moment to formulate a plan for how to proceed. “So tell me what you think of this sequence: You go start taking a shower in my bathroom while I scoop the bulk of the shit and piss and puke into containers, ‘cus I mean, I really wanna save it for later. Then I’ll hop in the shower with you for a minute to clean myself off. Then I’ll grab the wet-vac and clean the rest while you take a bath. I actually have scented oils that’ll make you smell like flowers afterward. Then when you’re done, there’ll just be some residue on the sheets that’s still gonna smell a bit, and parts of the bed are still gonna be kinda sticky, but it won’t be nearly this strong. It’ll just smell kinda like bad farts.”
Mackenzie’s eyes widened in surprise. “Wow, that sounds… really efficient. You have scented bath oil???”
“Well yeah, I mean, it’s cool to smell like shit sometimes, but most people like girls to be clean and smell nice. And there are some dudes I hang out with and play video-games with. I mean, I know they mostly hang out with me ‘cus I let them buttfuck me, but I dunno, maybe part of me wants to be a pretty girl; like you. Or maybe I just like smelling like coconuts and lilac in the morning, and cheese-farts and asparagus-piss at night.” Piper’s eyebrows knitted together in sudden contemplation. “Huh, you know what? I think I just realized that I like all smells. Fuck, I never thought about that before.” She contemplated a moment longer before realizing that Mackenzie was still slowly edging her way to the bathroom on the left side of the room from the bed. “Oh yeah, you go take a shower, and I’ll be there in a minute.”
Mackenzie followed Piper’s suggestion. She noted that the bathroom had a rather normal assortment of shampoos, conditioners, lotions, oils and the like. If anything, Piper’s collection of hygiene products would be enviable to the average girl. It was actually a comfort that Mackenzie hadn’t realized she needed. She had always been fastidious about cleanliness; both of her body and her environment. She didn’t need a psychologist to tell her that the origins of her fascination with filth lie in her almost obsessive-compulsive tidiness.
Deep down, there had been a spark of worry that despite their common fetish, actually building a life with Piper may have been implausible. But those worries had been laid to rest. Piper’s home was crisp and clean. Her bedroom had a bit of clutter around the computer station, but was otherwise neatly organized and tidy. As she peaked out of the shower to see the shit-caked girl using a small squeegee she apparently had stashed somewhere to scrape the slurry of filth neatly into a tupperware container, she realized that they could have a future. At that moment she knew; this was the girl she was going to marry.
Almost forty-five minutes later, Mackenzie came out of the bathroom smelling like roses. The naked and still slightly moist Piper stood eagerly. “I left some residue on the sheets, but if you decide you want everything to be a hundred percent clean, I can change those and put them in the washing machine.”
“It’s okay.” Mackenzie replied with a lovey smile. “It smells sexy in here.” She took deep breath and let out a contented sigh. “I feel better now. Throwing up makes you feel bad. Even though it’s hot.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry. I should have planned for this better.” Piper gave a contrite smile. “Sorry if I was being kinda selfish by making you eat ice cream so you could fart and shit on me.”
“Piper. Stop apologizing.” Mackenzie was almost surprised to hear such a commanding tone come out of her own mouth.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I- Shit! Sorry. Fuck!” Her contrite smile disappeared and was replaced by genuine anxiety.
Mackenzie felt a little sorry for her. She had always hidden her own kink. So as shy as she was, she still made the occasional friend or acquaintance. But Piper’s in-your-face filth obsession must have made her feel alienated from the rest of the world. As best she could tell, her only friends were men who mostly used her for sex. It was no wonder she seemed a bit desperate to please.
“Okay, take a breath.” Mackenzie stepped forward and held Piper’s pixie-like face in her hands, peering into her green and brown eyes. “From now on, whenever you want to say you’re sorry, just tell me you love me instead. Say ‘I love that you accept me for who I am. I love that you forgive me for my mistakes. I love that you want to be with me no matter what.’ Because I do. And I will. You’re… amazing, Piper. And I’m absolutely, positively in love with you.”
Piper stood blank-faced for a moment. “I… I love you too, Kenzie.”
“Come on. Let’s go to bed. It’s getting late, and I think that’s a nice thought to fall asleep to.”
The two of them crawled beneath the feces and vomit smeared sheets, kissed one another gently, and drifted off to sleep in each other’s arms....
Mackenzie woke up first the next morning. She laid in bed staring at Piper through the mess of green hair that tangled over her face. She watched as her eyes lazily drifted open and turned to meet hers. She yawned and smiled before speaking groggily, “I’ve got to take a monster dump right now.”
Mackenzie giggled and kissed her. “Good morning to you, too!”
Piper slipped out from under the rubbery covers and stood naked, wreathed in the small bit of morning light that peaked through the curtains above the bed. “I’m thirsty, are you thirsty?”
“Mhm. I actually feel a little dehydrated. I probably should have drank something after I threw up last night.”
“Oh fuck, I should have offered you something, I’m sor- I mean… uhh… I love that you put up with the fact that I don’t know how to have guests.” She grinned a bit, proud of herself for remembering Mackenzie’s insistence that she express love rather than regret.
Piper opened the clear shower-curtain to enter the tech corner of the room, the mess of cables and wires running between custom made computers and monitors and various other pieces of plastic and circuitry that Mackenzie couldn’t begin to decipher. She opened a small mini-fridge positioned in the underside of the desk and pulled out one clear bottle and one red one. “I’ve got water and Mountain Dew Code Red.”
“Oh, just the water is fine.”
Piper returned to the bed and handed Mackenzie the clear bottle. She opened the red one herself and took a swig. The scent of artificial cherry flavor briefly overwhelmed the aroma of ass that lingered on the bed and on Piper’s skin. Mackenzie cracked the water and drank a third of it in a few large swallows.
She contemplated for a moment, “Hey, have these been in your ass?”
“Nah, I just do that with stuff I eat. I leave drinks alone. I thought about making it so that everything I eat is something I shat out and everything I drink is something I pissed, but I’m not about to give myself a catheter every day to squirt coffee and soda and juice into my bladder. I tried it once and it kinda hurts, like... kinda a lot. I still drink piss, though. Wanna see?”
Mackenzie groaned adorably and hit Piper gently with a pillow, “How are you this chipper this early in the morning? And also, yes, of course I wanna watch you drink piss.”
Piper laughed as she went to the dresser to retrieve a large green cup from one of the upper drawers. Mackenzie was slowly figuring out that a dish or food being labeled green seemed to indicate it was for Piper only. She watched, as the skinny, naked girl turned her knees out and squatted slightly. A pale yellow liquid poured from between her labia and filled the cup about two thirds of the way. She returned to bed next to Mackenzie and sipped the cup of urine while making casual eye contact with her bed-mate. “Wanna try some?”
Mackenzie nodded. Piper handed her the cup, “Just take a little sip.” she cautioned, “I don’t wanna go overboard again. We have time to help you get used to all this kinda shit.”
She took the cup and smelled it. A relatively normal scent of salty urea. She took a small sip and found it tasted similarly. The acrid taste made her face scrunch a bit. She followed up the sip of Piper’s pee by taking a few delicate swallows from the bottle of clean water. “Thanks for going slow with me, Piper.”
“No problem, babe. Hey, hand me that empty ice-cream container, I’m gonna take a huge dump in it while you watch, okay?”
She handed Piper the container and turned on the bedside lamp to get a better look as Piper turned around and knelt down with her chest pressed onto the top of the bed. She held the container in one hand between her legs; obscenely spread ass proudly displaying her cute, puckered anus. She watched as the muscles in the girl’s lithe abdomen writhed and her shitter opened up. A large, solid log of brown excrement pushed its way out of Piper’s asshole and broke off to plop into the empty container. A slightly softer brown cylinder emerged and kept emerging; it curved down, beginning to coil as it hit the bottom of the container. She realized that Piper’s practiced skill was being utilized to fill the container the same way an ice-cream man would fill a cone with soft-serve. Despite her small size, she managed to fill the container almost all the way to the top with a perfectly tipped swirl.
“Impressive!” Mackenzie remarked.
“I watched some YouTube videos of the techniques people use for soft-serve. It took some practice to get it right at this angle, but I can usually make a pretty nice-looking shit-cup.” She explained as she wiped her ass with her fingers and licked them clean.
Piper grabbed the spoon and sat in bed next to Mackenzie. She began casually eating her own shit from the used ice-cream container as if it actually was soft-serve, occasionally washing it down with a swig from the bottle of red soda.
“Can I try?” Mackenzie asked, stopping Piper in her tracks.
“Are you sure? Just so you know, this thing doesn’t need to be a two way street. If you want to just dump out turds in my mouth every day, and never put your mouth anywhere near me, I’d be a hundred-percent cool with that.”
“I wouldn’t be. I like kissing you. And I don’t feel like you’re pressuring me. I’ve fantasized about eating your shit since the first day we met. I guess I kinda did at the assembly, but mostly I just threw up. I didn’t really get a chance to take my time.”
“Yeah, I… love you for being the kinda girl that enjoyed that crazy-ass prank. Okay, I don’t want you to get sick again, so just have a little.” Piper collected a small spoonful of her own crap and held it out toward Mackenzie.
“I love you, too.” she said before she suddenly took the small scoop of feces into her mouth. She pulled back and felt the slightly warm brown sludge on her tongue. The taste was bitter and earthy; like fermented soil and coffee grounds. With a substantial stretch of the imagination, she could almost convince herself that the turd tasted like unsweetened dark chocolate. She mushed it against the roof of her mouth with her tongue and swallowed. She gagged briefly, but quickly washed most of the taste out of her mouth by downing the rest of her water bottle.
Piper watched with anticipation. Mackenzie took a few deep breaths to make sure that she wasn’t going to throw up, then smiled at Piper. Piper looked excited and hugged her. “I’m so proud of you! Just so you know, that shit was mostly made out of your shit from last night, so you’re kinda gettin’ double shit flavor there. But now that I know for sure you want to do that, I’ll try to do stuff to make it taste better when you come over. Oh! And you should take the antibiotics my mom got for you so that you don’t get sick from that.” She produced the small prescription bottle from a drawer in the nightstand before going back to her mini-fridge to bring another water bottle.
“Thanks,” she said as she downed the first dose of medication. “Hey, Piper? Can I… make a request? It’s okay if you say no, but it’d mean a lot to-”
“I’ll do anything for you, Mackenzie.” The adoration was clear in her voice.
“If I’m going to be… ya know, eating your poop, is there any chance you could… stop eating meat?”
Piper’s cheeks widened into a big, toothy grin. “I already stopped. I knew there was a chance you’d want to do that, and I know you don’t eat meat. I’m not going to have you eat second-hand meat out of my butt.”
The two of them spent most of the rest of the day in bed watching tv. It seemed that the little laptop on the nightstand could set anything she could imagine to play on the screen. Mackenzie wasn’t sure if the Lindeholm household just happened to have a subscription to almost every streaming service, of if Piper was pirating them. She decided that she didn’t particularly care about the answer. She did care about the fact that they seemed to have more in common than she would have thought. They both liked Star Trek, and spent a good portion of the day revisiting favorite episodes. Their taste in comedy shows was similar; and Mackenzie found herself genuinely enjoying being a cheerleader for Piper as she played video games. Mackenzie was more into horror movies than Piper, who got scared easily, but claimed she could tolerate them as long as she could bury her face between Mackenzie’s boobs during the scary parts.
Toward the end of the day, the two of them worked together to clean the last of the filth from the room as Mackenzie prepared to depart that evening. She wished that she could stay forever, but a part of her also wanted to get home to Saturday-evening dinner with her family, where she could tell them a heavily censored version of her adventures with her new girlfriend. Plus, she enjoyed the weekly family ritual of Sunday morning breakfast, followed by church.
She was saying her last goodbyes and thank-yous to Piper and her mother, when Piper blurted out a question randomly.
“Hey, should I shave my head again by Monday? Like, do you want to see my tattoos at school?”
Piper’s hairstyle had been a bit neglected during the few weeks in the mental hospital. The formerly bare sides of her head that read “Potty Mouth” and “Ass 2 Mouth 4 Life” were now mostly obscured by a dense stubble of golden-blonde hair.
Miss Lindeholm stood behind Piper, making intensely wide eye-contact with Mackenzie and pleadingly shaking her head in tense little gestures.  
“Well… I think your hair is really pretty, and, I dunno, maybe the tattoos can be just something that you and me know about.”
Piper’s mother made a silent sigh of relief and mouthed ‘thank you’ at Mackenzie.
“Okay,” she began, rubbing the side of her head, “I guess I can grow it out for now. Least I can do is try to look pretty for you.”
Mackenzie didn’t fully understand the comment until they passed each other in the hall Monday at school. Piper kept her eyes downcast, only raising them briefly to flash a subtle knowing smile at Mackenzie before proceeding on her way as if they were strangers.
Mackenzie wheeled around to catch up and glomped Piper with a big hug from behind. “Hey, pretty girl! You aren’t even going to say hi to me?”
Piper looked panicked, she spoke in a rapid whisper, “Kenzie! You can’t hang around me at school! People are gonna… see you! With me!”
A flash of anger stirred in Mackenzie’s heart. Not directed at Piper, but at the society that made her feel that she needed to protect Mackenzie from mockery by pretending to be strangers.
Her face turned stern. “Piper! I don’t care what anyone thinks.” She began to speak a bit more loudly in the crowded hall to make her point, “You’re my girlfriend and we’re in love. I feel sorry for anyone who thinks they need to make fun of someone because of who they choose to spend their life with.”
Piper continued to fret for a while, but eventually acquiesced; she still seemed a little nervous. They spent a lot of time together in school, but Piper always preferred to spend it away from other students who may be compelled to comment on Mackenzie’s choice of partner. In fact, most of the time, the two of them spent their lunch period in the out-of-the-way bathroom where they’d first met. They occasionally did unspeakably filthy things when they could be sure they would have privacy in a stall, but mostly, they just held hands and talked about their lives.
Mackenzie’s parents eventually had Piper and her mother over to their home for dinner; something that both girls stressed about on account of Piper’s inadvertent compulsion to be vulgar. Piper’s mother seemed uncharacteristically cavalier about the whole thing, as though she had a secret plan to ensure the evening went well. Which, as it turns out, she did! Almost as soon as the two of them walked in the door, Miss Lindeholm dominated the conversation by praising them for the way they reconciled their Christian faith with their daughter’s homosexuality, which she segued into offhandedly mentioning a project that Piper had done a few years before about her personal hero and gay icon, Alan Turing. That had apparently set things in motion, as Piper spent the rest of the evening excitedly lecturing everyone present about the life and legacy of the father of modern computer science, along with far too many details about computer science itself. Mackenzie’s family was too polite to stop her multi-hour soliloquy, but left the evening believing that their daughter’s new sweetheart was an exceptionally bright and spirited young lady whose odd behavior at the school assembly had been an isolated incident.
A few weeks later, Piper had grown more comfortable spending time with Mackenzie in the more public areas of the school. At one point a large boy from the football team had approached them, mockingly inviting Piper and Mackenzie to a party they were throwing… as the toilets. Piper initially accepted the invitation happily, not realizing the boy was making fun of them. When Mackenzie explained, she seemed disappointed. She didn’t become angry until the boy continued piling on, and when he called Mackenzie a ‘retard’ she attacked him. The ninety-six pound girl was about as effective as one would expect against the two-hundred-forty pound linebacker; the fight ended about two seconds after it began with Piper lying in the dirt with a split lip. Despite being the one bleeding, she still seemed much more worried about Mackenzie.
The boy was suspended for a week, a penalty that Piper’s mother thought was insultingly low. Though it seemed karma was on their side, as the boy was arrested soon after when hundreds of gigabytes of brutal pornography featuring a ten-year-old girl named Darla was found on his personal computer. Mackenzie had a sneaking suspicion that Piper was responsible, but being as she wasn’t sure she wanted to know just how far Piper would go to defend her, she never asked.
A few weeks before graduation, Mackenzie proposed in the bathroom where they’d first met. It was the first time she’d ever seen Piper cry.
That summer, the two of them found an apartment and moved in together near the university that Piper would be attending in the Fall. Mackenzie decided that she wanted to take some time off and figure out what she wanted to do with her life. The two of them often joked that Mackenzie was preparing for a life as Piper’s trophy wife.
Life was good; and the strange and depraved story of Piper and Mackenzie’s ‘Happily Ever After’ was just beginning…
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vee-angel · 6 years
Potty-Mouth Piper (part 2)
CONTENT WARNING: This story focuses on filth-fetishism, and will have substantial amounts of scat, piss, flatulence, snot, menstrual play, and just about every dirty thing I can think of. If that kind of thing isn’t your cup of tea, I suggest you skip this one. I have multiple stories in the works that feature completely different categories of fetishism.
(Part of the Pervert Pentet Series)
Chapter 1, part 1
Mackenzie spent the rest of the day with her mind focused on Piper. Each class she went to, she hoped to see the shit-eating girl. She kept her eyes open for the green mohawk. She had no idea what she’d say if she saw her again, she just knew that she wanted to look.
She wondered how she had known the cheerleader would be in the bathroom, had she snuck laxatives into her food? That must have been it. Piper knew that the girl would probably use the most private bathroom if she intended to make a stink, that’s why she was waiting there. Mackenzie wondered how much planning had actually gone into Piper’s little “prank.”
She started fantasizing about the two of them dating, what that would be like. Would we eat each others shit or would Piper want all of it? Maybe Piper could eat both of our shit and then vomit it back into my mouth! Mackenzie thought, giddy with excitement. She had romantic fantasies about them getting married. She thought about the two of them getting a cat together. Maybe Piper would force me to clean the litter box with my mouth! Maybe when I need  to get up early, Piper could fart loudly into my face instead of an alarm clock. If she gets a cold, I wonder if she’ll use my tongue as a tissue. Maybe our menstrual cycles would sync up! Then we could make tea with each others used tampons! How romantic!
Unfortunately, Mackenzie didn’t come across the delightfully disgusting girl for the rest of the day. Upon arriving home, she did her homework and chores, then headed straight for her room to spend the rest of the night masturbating. She opened up her computer and watched her favorite videos. As always, she imagined herself as the girls in the videos, but this time, she imagined Piper alongside her. She watched, as in her mind, her and Piper sniffed each others farts directly from one another’s assholes. As Piper filled her mouth with shit before making out with her passionately. As Piper pulled up her skirt in public and made Mackenzie kneel down to drink her piss in front of a crowd. She watched herself lick snot from Piper’s nose, and watched as a syringe of liquefied feces was squirted up her own nose.
She hoped that soon she’d be able to share this collection of obscene videos with the girl she admired. Mackenzie slipped a few fingers into her own ass as she watched them. After orgasming for what seemed like the hundredth time that night, she withdrew the digits from her anus and looked at them. A wet brown streak adorned her fingers, she brought it to her nose to inhale the foul stench deeply. A thought crossed her mind. Could she…. put it in her mouth? Could she behave with the obscene boldness of Piper and eat her own shit? She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue. She hesitated for a few moments. Her heart raced with the excitement at doing something so dirty.
No, she thought as she grabbed a tissue and cleaned her fingers, it’s not that I can’t do it, it’s just that I want Piper’s shit to be the first that’s ever in my mouth.
With that, the red-headed girl changed into her plain, off-white nightgown and went to sleep.
Mackenzie spent most of the next day searching for Piper in the halls between classes. At lunch time she planned to head to the same bathroom to see if she’d be waiting again. But before she had a chance to, she saw the green mohawk disappear into the cafeteria. She quickly followed behind. She managed to get into the cafeteria line only a few places behind Piper. She was close enough to talk to her, but she was too nervous to say a word. Instead she just stared in awe, hoping she wouldn’t get caught looking.
From this angle, she managed to see the other side of Piper’s head. She had another tattoo, opposite the “Potty Mouth” one she’d seen earlier. This one labeled her with the words “Ass 2 Mouth 4 Life” the last two words beneath the top three. Mackenzie had worried that perhaps her expectations for Piper were too high, but now she was certain that this girl was everything she dreamed of and more!
She stared as Piper retrieved a hot dog, then paid the lunch-lady for it. Mackenzie was so mesmerized, she forgot to even put anything on her tray. When she reached the end of the line, she simply blushed and hurried off to find a seat from which she could stare at her new infatuation.
She sat down just as she saw Piper making her way decisively across the cafeteria. Following her gaze, she saw the cheerleader from the bathroom the other day; there was a decent sized group around her, mostly male.
“Hey, cheer-tits! How’s it going?” Piper said, forcing her way between the cheerleader and the girl sitting to her left. Finding space wasn’t difficult; the girl next to her recoiled with a look of disgust as soon as she saw Piper trying to squeeze in. The cheerleader, unfortunately for her, didn’t have the chance to scoot away; Piper had wrapped her arm around the girls shoulder like an overly-friendly drunk.
“Piper, I swear to fucking god...” the cheerleader said in a low voice, partially threatening, but mostly pleading.
Seemingly ignoring the girl’s comment, she addressed the boys around her, “Hey, so you guys gonna hit her in the shitter after school today?”
“What?” one of the boys replied, seemingly amazed by her vulgarity.
“Ya know, put your fuck-sticks in her fart-cannon, pound her in the poop chute.” she looked around for a moment to a group of smiling but silent young men, before finally clarifying, “Butt sex!”
The cheerleader scrunched her face in horror and disgust, wishing the vulgar little punk would just leave her alone. “I don’t do that.” she finally replied with a superior tone, hoping to reassert her dominance over the situation, “Only whores do anal, Piper. Whores like you.”
Piper seemed indifferent to the attempted insult, “Seriously? I could have sworn I tasted some jizz when you shit in my mouth yesterday. Have you just been gobbling so much cock-snot that it’s flavoring your turds or something?”
“That didn’t happen!” the cheerleader announced to the group of boys who were making little effort to conceal their amusement.
“Sure it did. I think we even had a witness…” she trailed off as she twisted to begin searching the room. Mackenzie’s heart started to pound as Piper’s gaze finally landed on her. “Oh, hey firecrotch!” she called over, “you remember when I chugged diarrhea from cheer-tits’s asshole yesterday, right?”
Mackenzie’s skin tingled at the acknowledgement; she was too shy to vocalize anything more than a timid squeak, but the tightly pursed grin indicated how pleased she was for Piper’s attention. She managed an enthusiastic little nod, only meeting Pipers eyes for a second before demurely looking down again.
“See? Firecrotch over there remembers.” As she spoke, Piper took the hot dog from its bun and, with a sideways lean, casually sodomized herself with it. A couple of boys on the other side of the table stood up to see if she was really doing what it looked like she was doing. After a few quick thrusts and turns she removed the wiener from her anus and put it back into the split piece of bread.
“Did you just put that in your butt??” One of the boys asked.
“Ass to mouth for life, baby!” she replied, tapping the tattoo above her left ear before taking a large bite. She chewed and swallowed, before her eyebrows pulled together in a look of mild discomfort. “Uhh! Mustard kinda hurts in the butthole. I should have gotten ketchup.”
She stood, to the immense relief of the cheerleader who’d been silently praying that her tormentor would finally leave her alone. “I’m gonna look for some napkins or something to clean out my shitter.”
Piper left her tray, but took the hot-dog, which she continued to eat as she walked. She grabbed a few napkins and proceeded to the exit, turning back at the last moment and locking eyes with Mackenzie from across the room. She smiled and winked, as if to say I notice you. Mackenzie’s heart fluttered; Piper saw.
With that, she was gone. Mackenzie didn’t see her again for the rest of the day.
That night was a repeat of the previous one, with Mackenzie masturbating furiously to scat and filth porn, romanticizing the future she could have with Piper. As the post-orgasmic haze waned, she realized she had mixed feelings about the day. She found watching Piper thrilling. However, even though she had multiple opportunities to talk with her; she squandered them all. Piper was bold, fearless; what could a timid girl like Mackenzie do to get her attention? To really get her attention. Not just a glance as she was leaving the cafeteria to clean mustard out of her asshole. Mackenzie giggled aloud at the memory.
She thought for a few moments. The idea of asking her on a date appeared in her mind. Mackenzie rejected it, knowing that while it was an appealing thought, her timidity would never allow her to articulate it. Recalling that there was a pep rally the following day, Mackenzie decided that she would look for Piper, and ask if she could sit next to her. It seemed simple enough; “May I sit with you?” Only five words, she could do this!
She practiced in her head for the rest of the night. Mackenzie knew it was silly to practice a single sentence over and over again, but she hoped by replaying it enough times, she’d have the courage to actually say it aloud.
The next morning was relatively ordinary for Mackenzie; she got out of bed at the first alarm, made her bed, headed to the bathroom to shit and piss, washed her hands while taking special care to clean under her fingernails before breakfast, ate two toaster waffles plus two eggs and a glass of orange juice, brushed her teeth for two and a half minutes, showered while taking special care to clean behind her ears and between her toes, stepped out of the shower to clean inside her ears with a q-tip, before finally dressing, fixing her hair, and grabbing her backpack as she walked out the door to school.
The school day seemed to inch along second-by-second, the only relief came during fourth-period just after lunch. That’s when Mackenzie had Physical Education. She enjoyed that class, not for the often tedious games and exercises, though she didn’t especially object to them, but for the sight and smells of her classmates.
The coaches had the class run the mile that day, circling the outer perimeter of the school to make up the distance. While her running speed was middling, she always rather delighted in seeing some of the other girls dripping with sweat. A particularly heavy blond girl trudged along panting, there was barely a dry spot on her. Mackenzie imagined stealing the girl’s panties after class, wringing out her ass-sweat into a glass and drinking it. This was the kind of girl who was obviously teased for her appearance, but Mackenzie wished that it was possible for the girl to know how sexy she thought she was. If given half a chance she would lick the black gunk from between her toes, suck the perspiration from her armpit hair, motorboat her slick acne-ridden ass.
These thoughts were typical for Mackenzie, she’d been having them for years. They had previously provided some of the material for her spank-bank, but they generally faded from her mind as soon as the next period began, only to be revisited in the privacy of her bedroom each night. Piper, on the other hand, was an obsession.
Fifth period was algebra, which Mackenzie thought was dull. She only found excitement in the prospect that in place of sixth period would be the school assembly where she’d try to sit next to Piper. She actually gasped as the bell rang, both with excitement and nervousness.
She made her way to the gymnasium where other students were already beginning to crowd into the bleachers. She took a seat in the middle of the third row, only a few feet from the front, and began to look around for an axe-shaped formation of green hair jutting from a tattooed pink scalp.
After a few minutes she started getting discouraged; additionally, there were some other students who had decided to sit on either side of her, blocking her in. One of the coaches had just begun speaking when she finally saw the dark emerald colored mohawk appear. Beneath it was Piper, wearing a baggy black sweatshirt over her too-short skirt.
Damn it! She thought, They’ve already started, I can’t get up to go and sit by her now!
Piper scanned the crowd; eventually, her eyes met with Mackenzie and she smiled and began walking forward. She’s coming to sit with me! Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! I didn’t plan for this! What do I say? What do I do?
Piper came up the aisle and began side-stepping through the crowded row toward her; awkward little steps that one has to make when trying not to trample the feet of those already seated. Mackenzie watched as she came closer and closer; there was a bit of space just next to her where Piper could sit. To her surprise, Piper instead stepped up onto the bench next to her instead of sitting down. Oh, of course, she thought, crestfallen. She’s obviously climbing up to sit with one of her real friends behind me. Her hurt turned to confusion when, instead of climbing up, Piper stepped over her. Her feet straddled Mackenzie’s lap; she looked up to see that Piper had pulled up the back of her skirt and bent forward. Her jaw dropped open as she was now inches away from Piper’s tight pink anus.
A loud fart preceded a torrent of chunky brown slime by a fraction of a second. Piper’s asshole exploded with chunks of shit, the first shooting into Mackenzie’s still gaping mouth. She was blinded a moment later by a torrent of liquid feces. She heard a commotion around her as the other students darted away from the scene. The hot stink made her want to gasp for air, but given that her nose and mouth were flooded with Piper’s diarrhea, it only resulted in her coughing, gagging, and then vomiting.
She couldn’t see, but was astonished that the stream seemed to still be coming. It coated her hair and face with a heavy, wet bulk, and was now pouring onto her chest and lap. Finally, she heard the sound of a few pops of gas as the last few flecks shot onto her face, and it seemed to be over.
Mackenzie was still gagging and coughing, trying frantically to wipe the warm brown filth from her face. After several seconds, she was able to open her eyes to see Piper being held down and handcuffed by a man shouting at her in that angry-yet-controlled tone of voice that every police officer has. She was picked up roughly and perp-walked out of the gymnasium.
An older female teacher approached Mackenzie, though not too closely, and told her to stay where she was. Her tone seemed almost frantic; a few seconds later a younger male approached her with a stack of towels. He handed them to her at arms-length, not wanting to enter the perimeter of filth that had Mackenzie at its epicenter. She stood and looked down to see herself coated in an astonishing amount of shit; it had pooled around her. For a brief moment, she thought that with her red hair, she must look like the titular character at the end of a scat-themed porn parody of “Carrie.”
She began using towels to wipe herself off. Her face came relatively clean, but Piper’s shit still coated her hair and clothing. She did the best she could, leaving a large pile of white towels, now coated in brown. She heard the school staff discussing among themselves; eventually deciding to lead Mackenzie to the girl’s locker room to shower while someone found her some new clothes from the Lost-and-Found. This was repeated to her as explanation and she followed the older female teacher as she led her to the locker room adjacent to the gymnasium.
About forty-five minutes later, she found herself sitting in the principal's office with damp hair, wearing a black graphic t-shirt and oversized gym shorts. She was informed that her parents had been called and that her father was on the way.
She’d hardly had time to process what had happened due to all the fuss. What Piper did, while surprising, was far from the trauma everyone seemed to act like it was. The most traumatic part was seeing her handcuffed and dragged away. Mackenzie adored her, now more than ever. She actually felt elated that Piper cared enough to arrange the stunt. The amount of liquefied feces was far more than what a girl her size could naturally produce in a day; she must have saved it up and pumped it into her ass as an enema. Knowing that Piper had gone home the previous day and thought about her, had actually planned for her; Mackenzie couldn’t have asked for more.
Her father finally arrived and entered the office. He immediately asked Mackenzie how she was doing. She assured him that she was fine; that everyone was making far too big a deal of it. Her father was a kind man with a gentle voice. His disposition was often compared to Mr. Rogers, and for good reason. He and Mackenzie’s mother brought her up in a progressive Christian household; teaching her that the only thing anyone should be ashamed of was being hateful. They’d even begun taking her to charity events for LGBT+ youths around the time Mackenzie started showing hints of being gay. She never officially “came out” to her parents, they just eventually realized that her gender preferences were different from most girls, and “there’s nothing wrong with being different,” they told her. Still, she held back her more taboo interests.
Only a few moments after her father arrived, a pretty blonde woman entered the office. She was introduced as Piper’s mother, Mrs. Lindeholm.
“Miss Lindeholm,” she corrected. This woman had the air of a controlling business executive one might see in a movie about investment banking. “I want to start off by apologizing for what my daughter did. I will obviously be paying for any cleaning costs associated with the incident, both to the school and the victim.” She sat and addressed Mackenzie and her father directly, “I understand that you may be considering pressing criminal charges against my daughter.” Her tone softened, “I would like you to understand that Piper has a history of… problems with regards to how she interacts with other people. It seemed that she was improving enough to attend public school but an incident like this was… Well it’s not something I anticipated. She’s never done anything so public before. I’m told your name is Mackenzie?”
She nodded. Miss Lindholm then took her hand and looked into her eyes.
“I’m very sorry for what my daughter did to you, Mackenzie. Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?”
This woman was obviously practiced in taking command of a situation. She was, in truth, a bit overwhelming. Mackenzie thought for a moment and summoned the courage to speak, “I… I don’t want to press charges or anything. I just want to be sure Piper is okay. I don’t think anything bad should happen to her. I mean… the whole thing isn’t a big deal. She just… I mean… she just pooped. Everyone poops.”
Miss Lindeholm smiled at the remark, her face showed equal parts relief and amusement. “I’m very glad to hear you say that. You’re a very kind girl, Mackenzie.”
“So what’s going to happen to Piper?”
“Well, given that she’s backslid quite a bit, I’m going to have her stay in a psychiatric hospital for a time. She’ll be well cared for. She’s also likely going to be suspended for a period of time that I’ll be discussing with your principal shortly.”
“She’s going to be expelled, Mrs. Lindeholm.” the principal interjected.
The woman gave a brief side-eyed glare at the slender, balding man; as if to say We’ll see about that.
She pulled an index card from her pocket and handed it to Mackenzie’s father, “This is my contact information. Please send me the bill for any cleaning services or anything else associated with the incident. I’d even be happy to buy Mackenzie a brand-new outfit. Unless the principal has anything further to discuss with you, I imagine you’d like to get home and get on with your day.”
They turned to the principal who nodded his consent for them to leave. They heard an echo of Miss Lindeholm’s sharp tongue laying into the principal as they walked down the hall. 
The next day, Mackenzie elected not to go to school. She was worn out from the previous day’s incident, and even more so from the marathon masturbation session that took up the majority of her evening.
Finally knowing that her interest in Piper was reciprocated, she texted Miss Lindeholm, asking if it would be possible for her to visit Piper in the mental hospital. Mackenzie had tasted Piper’s shit for what she hoped would be the first of many times; she figured it was about time they had their first conversation. Miss Lindeholm texted back, giving the address of the hospital, and even giving instructions on how to get to the psych ward. She obviously wanted to accommodate her request, still fearing that Mackenzie may decide to press charges after all.
She briefly dipped into her father’s home office to let him know that she was going to be visiting a friend in the hospital for a little while (though not clarifying which one), and after a brief exchange, she was off.
Less than twenty minutes later she arrived at the hospital. She spoke to the receptionist and after a brief wait, was led in to meet Piper.
For some reason, the anxiety that had previously plagued her was pointedly absent. She entered a large room sparsely populated by bored looking people in drab pajamas. There were a number of round tables; atop one was what appeared to be an abandoned game of dominos.
As they approached Piper, Mackenzie saw her formerly proud mohawk hanging in a bedraggled mess around her face. Her eyes looked down with a concerned focus at the puzzle pieces on the table in front of her; rather than using them to form a picture, she had merely organized them into neat piles based on their shape and color.
“Piper Lindeholm, you have a visitor.”
Piper seemed startled, having apparently been engrossed in her task of categorizing puzzle pieces. She looked up to see Mackenzie, then looked down with an expression of shame.
“Oh… umm… hi.” was all she said.
Mackenzie sat down and scooted her chair next to the disheveled girl. “Hi, Shit-Pipe. You, said you like to be called that, back when we first met. I’m Mackenzie.” She spoke in a sweet, soft voice.
Piper just stared down at her puzzle pieces.
“Whatcha doing?” Mackenzie asked
“Umm, there are six pieces missing. There’s supposed to be two hundred, but there are only one-hundred-ninety-four. I found one earlier, but it’s still missing six. Umm… Jesus fuck, you don’t care about my puzzle. I’m really sorry about what I did to you. I don’t know why I did it, I guess I just thought… that you liked me or something? And I guess it was like, you know when little boys pull the pretty girl’s hair because they like her and they don’t know what else to do? It was like that, I guess.”
Mackenzie blushed, “You think I’m pretty?”
Piper looked up at her briefly before looking down again with an awkward smile. “I mean, yeah, of course I do. You’re a fuckin’ knockout. Shit, I’d crawl across a field of broken glass just to sniff a pair of panties you farted in.”
Mackenzie laughed, “I’d say the same thing about you, but it doesn’t seem like you wear panties.” They laughed together this time.
Piper’s posture slackened somewhat, “When I saw you, I thought you were here to ‘save my soul’ or something. My mom said your family is like super Christian.”
“Well, yeah, I mean we kinda are. By the way, your mom is really cool.”
“Right?? I know I do some pretty fucked up shit, but she tries really hard for me.”
“I could tell.” Mackenzie wore a huge smile. She was actually having a conversation with Piper! “So… how did you start, being you?”
“What like my ‘origin story?’” Piper curled her fingers into air quotes as she spoke. “Fuck me, where do I start?” Her eyebrows scrunched as she looked off into the distance for a few seconds. “Okay, I guess I started saying and doing really inappropriate shit in middle school. Well, actually it was before that, but I think they tolerated it more ‘cuz I was so young. I used to try really hard to make friends with people and to not say really weird shit that made people… like, change?”
The expression on Mackenzie’s face said she needed elaboration.
“Okay,” Piper continued, “You know how you’re going along and talking to someone and you’re fuckin’ around playing games or talking about teachers or whatever? And everything seems fine, but then you say something and then all of a sudden it seems like they don’t like you. They’re mad, or grossed out, or they just start acting really uncomfortable, and sometimes they make fun of you.”
“You talked about things like eating poo?”
“Well, not at first. Like in sixth or seventh grade I had this best friend. And she just got a dog, so we were playing with the dog, and it was a female, so I wanted to look at her pussy. I was just curious if a dog’s pussy looked like mine. But everyone got really mad at me when I said that and tried to look. I don’t really know why, though. It’s not like I was hurting the dog by looking at it. She stopped being friends with me after that. It’s not even the first time something like that happened. So I guess around that time, I figured that I can try to be normal, but if I do that, then I’ll have to be constantly scared that I’m going to say or do something that’ll make people change and suddenly start hating me. So I figured I can say and do weird, gross shit one-hundred percent of the time and that way, at least I know how people are going to react, so I don’t need to be scared of messing up. Oh, and when I was eleven, I spied on my mom at work and she was peeing in a guys mouth, so after that I got curious and started drinking and eating piss and shit, respectively. My mom’s a dominatrix, by the way.”
Mackenzie was a bit taken aback by Piper’s candid, stream-of-consciousness confession. “Wow, umm, I’m sorry that people were mean to you. But I really like who you are now. I, uhh, I didn’t start quite as early as you. I only started looking at porn a few years ago, and I only started getting really into scat porn after ninth grade. So I, I kinda always fantasized about meeting a girl like you. I’ve actually been thinking about you every night since we met. I mean, I think about you during the day, too. It’s just that at night, I think about you when I… umm, when I, touch myself.”
Piper stared with a slack-jawed smile briefly, “Are you shittin’ me, fire-crotch? You’re seriously into me, like as-is. You know my hair was held up mostly by my own snot.”
“Really?” she giggled timidly, “That’s so sexy.”
“I put my toothbrush up my ass every single night before I brush my teeth.” she challenged
“Can you do that to mine, too?”
Piper still seemed skeptical of the starry-eyed redhead.
“I save my own shit in a container in my room so I can eat it later. I do that with dog-shit I find lying around, too. Actually, I blended that all up, squirted it up my ass, and shat it all onto your face in front of the whole school, yesterday! You’re seriously saying you’re into me after that. Like into me, into me; like you seriously want to date me.” Her tone was unbelieving, as though challenging Mackenzie to convince her that there was really someone who could love her for who she is.
“Maybe I’ll start saving my shit in containers, too. Maybe we can even trade. Or you can just shit in my mouth again, like yesterday. I’ll try not to gag and throw up so much next time. I… hope that there’s going to be a next time?”
The two of them stared at each other for a long time, each of them couldn’t believe that the other one was real. Without knowing it, the same sentiment went through both of their minds, I can’t believe that someone like her actually likes someone like me.
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vee-angel · 3 years
By the Power of Friendship and Hentai!
(A Pervert Pentet story featuring Potty-Mouth Piper and Sharking Sherry)
Content Warning: While there are plenty of references to human-toilet type activities, none of them actually occur in this story. Though there is a bit of flatulence and a big enema scene at the end. Honestly, this was just kind of a fun one to write. Reading it back makes me smile or laugh in quite a few places 
This is also my most illustrated story so far, and as you can see by the vastly changing art style, I’m still definitely finding a way of illustrating things in a way I enjoy. EDIT: Also, I apparently ran afoul of tumblr’s bots, so I censored the images here and linked to the uncensored versions posted on Twitter.
Sherry had settled into college life rather nicely by the beginning of her third year. There was a routine that was comfortable for her; her schoolwork was challenging but she prided herself on being smart as well as pretty. She excelled at math, which was good, but as she was becoming a young adult, Sherry wondered if the reason for that was because she worked harder on account of her belief that asian girls were supposed to be good at that sort of thing. 
But none of that mattered right now. Right now, Sherry was at the park, hiding behind some bushes with her friend Josh, waiting for some cute girl to walk by in a little skirt that Sherry could yank up, or a tube top she could pull down. Josh was her camera-man, so his job was to get a good shot of the unsuspecting girl’s non-consensually exposed tits or pussies so that they could post it online later. 
It was fall, so unfortunately most of the girls were starting to cover up. She was about to give up when a prime sharking candidate came into view.  She was tall and skinny like a runway model, but she had this punky tomboy vibe. She had this big green flop of hair that hung over one side of her face, but the rest was short and dyed black. Most importantly, she was wearing this teensy little red-plaid skirt. The thing couldn’t have been more than six inches long! 
She was holding hands with this red-headed girl who looked like almost her exact opposite. The red-head seemed a bit shy with this over-baggy knit sweater and brown khakis. The punky one was making googly eyes at her like they were high-school sweethearts. Wait, Sherry thought, Maybe they are! 
“Josh! Do you think those are yuri girls??” Sherry whispered the exclamation at Josh. 
“What?” Josh wasn’t as acquainted with Japanese culture as Sherry. In fact, he didn’t really share many of her interests, and he mostly just hung out with Sherry because of her penchant to “accidentally” expose herself. She was also pretty sexually aggressive in a bizarrely cute way. Case-in-point was her habit of asking him to film while she yanked strange girl’s clothes off in public. 
“Yuris! You know, lesbians!” Sherry clarified, exasperated. 
“I dunno, but the punk girl seems kinda… scary. Girls like that carry switchblades and shit.” 
Sherry had pretty much stopped listening to Josh’s objections, she was focused on what might be under that little plaid skirt. Cotton panties? Boyshorts? G-string? Maybe even the holy grail, pantyless!
She couldn’t wait another second to find out, she was going in! Sherry pulled up the hood on her sweater and made her way casually to the gay girls who had stopped to talk. She didn’t even notice Josh excusing himself to leave, mumbling something about, “... she’s hot, but this is all getting too weird.” 
Sherry was practiced at the maneuver that came next, she just had to act real casual, like she was just walking by. She had the advantage of being short, so she barely had to bend down to get a good grip on the hem of the punk girl’s skirt and with a sudden jerk, she pulled it up to the unsuspecting lesbian’s armpits. 
She looked down to see nothing but naked skin beneath the garment! Pantyless! She finally found one! Her brain rushed to figure out what to do next; this was a rare opportunity to expose this girl’s secret shame to the world. She reached down to spread the girls ass and legs apart, and tried to angle it so Josh could get a good view of her most private areas from behind. Her eyes darted up to see where he was, but to her shock, she saw him walking away! 
“JOSH!!! YOU DIDN’T GET THE SHOT!!!” She screamed after him. 
Sherry was briefly frozen by awkwardness as she met the eyes of the now-exposed girl who was currently less than two feet away from her. A brief moment of stillness passed as she considered what to do. 
“Eeep!” She exclaimed before slowly turning and running away as fast as she could. 
Things for Mackenzie and Piper had been going really well over the last several months. The two of them had gotten an apartment that was really cheap because the previous tenant was a young trans man who had passed under tragic circumstances in the unit. Mackenzie initially had reservations about renting a place with such a tragic history, but after some thought, she decided that it felt right that when he looked down from Heaven, he’d see an queer couple turning the place where he felt so much pain into a place filled with love. She kept him in her prayers every night. 
Of course Piper didn’t believe in any of that, nor did she really even understand how people could be religious, but she was coming around on at least being understanding about it.  
The apartment had these stone tile floors that could accommodate the couple’s filthy love-making, along with Piper’s tendency to relieve herself whenever and wherever the need arose. The toilet rarely, if ever, got used. In fact, Piper got a tiny bit jealous if Mackenzie used anything but her mouth to piss or shit into. 
Mackenzie didn’t seem to have a sense of jealousy with Piper. They identified as sexually polyamorous, but Mackenzie didn’t have any other partners. Piper technically had sex with a lot of men, but it was more that she welcomed anyone to use her asshole to masturbate into. Such encounters were always very casual and very platonic; with Piper’s demeanor making it clear that she was extremely gay and extremely comitted to Mackenzie. She often told charming anecdotes about her paramour to guys as they were pounding her in the shitter. Other times she’d just ignore it and carry on with whatever she was occupied with. Mackenzie VERY quickly came to see the appeal of Piper’s fetish for ignored grossness and ignored sex.    
In fact, the only nagging worry Mackenzie had centered on was Piper’s tendency to hyperfocus. She had a few obsessions that superseded the rest: computer sciences, Alan Turing, and the many functions and uses of girl’s anuses (mainly her own), but Piper’s obsession with her had taken center stage lately. 
Mackenzie fell in love with Piper for how daring she was. But whenever there was the slightest chance that she might be unhappy in any way, Piper suddenly seemed timid and desperate. It was understandable. Piper had never had a girlfriend before, and the more Mackenzie paid attention, it seemed like her male friends didn’t care about her that much beyond her free-use asshole and affinity for video games. Obviously it was expected that she’d be the most important thing in Piper’s life, they were going to get married someday, after all. It’s just that she didn’t want to be the ONLY important thing in Piper’s life. 
College recently started for Piper, so the hope was that things would sort themselves out as the school-year progressed. She hadn’t mentioned any new friends, and mostly complained about what she called the “remedial” math class they’d put her in. It was actually the most advanced mathematics class she was supposed to be able to take as a Freshman, but she said it made her feel like a child. Piper’s mom was able to use her considerable powers of persuasion to advocate for her daughter and eventually got her transferred to the most advanced class she could be in without being enrolled in a Graduate Degree program. Piper still expected to be bored, but at least she was farther along the path to learning something that would interest her. 
It was a small victory, but one Mackenzie wanted to celebrate by spending an afternoon together at the park. Piper needed to spend more time outside anyway. 
“Are you having a good time?” 
“Yes, Piper, I’m having a good time. You know you could spend some time looking around,” she gently suggested with a little laugh, “you don’t have to just look at me.” 
“But why would I want to look at anything else when you’re here?” Piper replied with her dreamy-eyed stare locked on the conservatively dressed red-head. 
Mackenzie sighed. “Actually, that kinda reminds me of something I wanted to talk to you about.”
“I’m sorry!” Piper blurted out. “Whatever I did, I’ll fix it. I’ll do anything! I love you, I’ll-”
“Piper.” Mackenzie cut her off firmly, looking at the love of her life; her brows now knitted together in desperate worry. “You are my soul-mate. I am going to marry you and spend the rest of my life with you.” She stated these things matter-of-factly, to reassure her. Piper eased up slightly. “But it’s scary feeling like I’m everything to you. It’s… it’s important to me that we share our lives with each other. I can’t just be the total focus of yours. I know you’d do anything for me, and… well that’s honestly not healthy. I want us to be equals, and I don’t want to have that kind of power over you.” She paused to think for a moment. “Meeting you, and then getting to be with you is the best thing that ever happened to me. Our relationship is my favorite thing in the world, but I also love my friends from Church, and I love writing, my family, and my relationship with God, and… and horror movies. So I feel like I have a life that is made infinitely better by having you be a part of it, but…. I guess I have things that are separate from you…. And I guess I feel like you’re not really living a full life unless you have things and people that are separate from me, and I want you to have a full life. Does that make sense?” 
Piper looked contemplative for a long moment. “Yeah… Yeah! Yes. It does. I get obsessive about shit. I mean, that’s literal because I’m fucking obsessed with shit, but I know I get intense about stuff sometimes. I should probably read some psychology books and maybe relationship books? I’ve never been in a relationship before this one, so I guess I need to figure out, like, what I need to do to… contribute to… us both being happy… and healthy? Mentally?” 
“I’d like that.” Mackenzie replied with a warm smile. Open communication was sometimes uncomfortable in any relationship, but at least with Piper, she generally responded logically. “And who knows?” She began as she took Piper’s hand and continued to walk with her, “Maybe you’ll make some new friends in college.” 
Piper gave a skeptical laugh, and it seemed like she was about to say something but suddenly, this girl in a black hoodie and sunglasses came up behind them and yanked up Piper’s mini-skirt. Mackenzie was startled by the sudden assault, but the girl didn’t seem to be violent in any way. After Piper’s skirt was wedged up under her armpits, the diminutive stranger pulled Piper’s buttcheeks apart and looked off into the distance. She released her a moment later and shouted something about how someone “didn’t get the shot.” 
What followed was an awkward moment where the strange girl just stared wide-eyed at Piper as Piper stared back with a curiously amused smirk. Then the stranger literally said the word “Eep'' and sprinted away. 
“Uhh. Any idea what that was about?” Mackenzie asked with a laugh. 
Piper shrugged. “No idea. Seemed like she wanted a picture of my butthole.” 
“She should have just looked on your Facebook.” 
“Nah, they banned me again.” 
“Well maybe you should stop trying to make it your profile picture.” Mackenzie giggled. 
“Hey, whose to say which end of the digestive system is appropriate for social media?” Piper joked. She still hadn’t done anything to adjust the skirt whose hem was now barely hanging past her navel. 
“You should fix your skirt before someone calls security on us.” 
“What? You mean you don’t like it like this?” Piper teased, waving her bare pussy in Mackenzie’s direction as a small handful of middle-aged park-goers eyed the duo. “Come on, I bet this is how everybody wears ‘em next year. That girl was probably the fashion police.” 
They laughed together as Mackenzie pulled Piper’s skirt down to her waist before drawing her in for a kiss.
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The rest of the weekend was a bit rough for Sherry. Her friendship with Josh had kind of fallen apart in the conversation following the incident at the park. His official explanation was that he “stuck around because she was really hot” but that he was “weirded out that she insisted on constantly acting like a pervy anime girl.” 
“Well that’s his loss,” She said to herself at full conversational volume as she was walking to her first class on Monday, “If he can’t appreciate what I have to offer, I’ll just have to find someone who can! After all, how hard can it be to find someone who appreciates a life filled with boobs and butts?” Sherry got a few strange looks as she made the strangely expositional speech to herself. 
If anything, Sherry had leaned even farther into the cutesy schoolgirl look when she started going to college. There wasn’t really a dress code to say her skirt was too short or anything. She made a particular effort to be cute today, but at the moment she had to get her mind focused on class.  She was good at math, but she worried that she’d bitten off a little more than she could chew with this particular course. It really required her full focus. 
It was one of the smaller classrooms, with only a couple dozen seats. Sherry sat in the back because while she enjoyed other people looking at her, it also distracted her. She had a few minutes until class began and she spent it reviewing her notes. 
Eventually the Professor entered and began speaking. Sherry scrolled to a blank page on her notes document, but her mind latched onto a strange spot of green in her peripheral vision. She turned her head. 
Sherry gasped! It was her! The pantyless girl from the park! What could she be doing here, she wondered. Did she track me down somehow? Was she mad? Calm down, maybe it’s just a coincidence and she just happens to be taking the same class. 
Sherry glanced back at the girl. She was staring right at her! Sherry began to sweat. What were you thinking? Of course it’s not a coincidence! Does this really look like the type of girl who wants to learn about the Cholesky decomposition of symmetric matrices?? 
“Hey.” The whispered greeting from the green-haired girl made Sherry jump in her seat, “You’re the girl from the park who wanted to take pictures of my butthole, right?” Sherry remained nervously silent. 
The girl next to her shifted in her seat, Sherry saw her lean sideways to reveal that she was still naked beneath her scandalously short skirt. The green haired girl grabbed her ass and spread it, revealing her pink pussy and equally pink anus. Sherry’s eyes widened as she realized what the girl was doing. Here?? Now? In the middle of a math class?  
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The green haired girl didn’t seem remotely rushed to cover herself back up. As far as Sherry could tell, she was perfectly content to sit there with her most intimate areas on full display to anyone who happened to be looking at her. Was this for real? Is this girl a real-live pervert like me?? Sherry thought to herself as she grabbed her phone. 
Fortunately, Sherry was always careful to keep the flash and the shutter-sound on her phone turned off. She learned that the hard way in her early days of snapping upskirt pics. She got a few close-up pictures first, then she moved backward to be sure that she could capture the girl’s face in the same picture as her holes. 
In a somehow even more shocking display of vulgarity, the girl slipped a finger up her asshole for a brief moment before putting it in her mouth in a flirtatious pose. Sherry got a few more pictures. She couldn’t believe this was really happening! This was like a dream! Was this girl really just going to let her take all these pictures and do whatever she wanted with them? Sherry was already thinking of all the websites she could post them to! 
As Sherry was beginning to wonder if she’d just met her new best friend, a strange noise suddenly echoed through the room, briefly overtaking the drone of the professor. It at first sounded like air being let out of a balloon, but soon deepened to a strange croak.
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[Uncensored: https://twitter.com/VeeAngel10/status/1430185858380959751 ]
“What was that?” the professor asked suddenly as he turned around. 
The green haired girl piped up, “Oh, sorry! This girl was taking pictures of my butthole and I farted really loud.” The mild sulphur smell that followed a moment later confirmed that she was being honest. Sherry mentally noted that the girl didn’t use the word “accidentally.” 
Sherry felt a type of embarrassment that she hadn’t felt in a long time. Her new friend’s lack of shame threatened to out her for her perversions; though it’s not as though Sherry was particularly secretive with them anymore. But beyond that, she’d become distracted at a time she’d meant to focus. 
It looked like Sherry didn’t need to worry. Everyone’s attention was on the green-haired girl. And in all likelihood, the professor would realize she didn’t belong and kick her out. Then Sherry could redeem herself by spending the rest of the class trying to catch up on what she missed. 
The professor looked irritated for a moment, but then softened. In fact, he almost appeared pleased with an idea that popped into his head. “Miss Lindeholm, I recognize that this class might seem too simple to keep your attention. So why don’t you focus on helping your classmates learn? I know this is your first class, but I understand you’re up to date on what we’ve covered so far this semester, yes? Would you like to come up and lead us in a review?” 
Sherry’s mind reeled. … wait, what? 
The girl popped up and headed to the front of the class. “Fuck yeah, I love talking about cool shit like this.” She turned to introduce herself to the class. “Uhh, hi. I’m Piper. I just got here, but I used to like reading about this kind of math when I was like eleven. I actually had an older edition of this textbook. When I was a kid, they said I had savantism, but they don’t really use that term anymore. Umm, I moved in with my fiance a few months ago, I’m psyched as fuck about that. We’re dykes; we do a lot of butt stuff. Umm, my personal hero is Alan Turing and-” she paused her overly forthright introduction as she seemed to realize it was enough. “So anyway, chapter one began…” 
Piper continued on for the rest of the class period in what was, perhaps, the most peculiar lecture taking place on the planet that day. She explained the arithmetic interactions of matrices by asking the class to visualize a very neatly organized orgy with “cocks” representing one matrix and “holes” representing another. She attributed traits such as length and girth to the cocks at first, but eventually factored in strap-ons, dildos, and vibrators as additional elements along with ejaculatory volume and time to orgasm as she went over more complex mathematical interactions. The “holes” matrices became equally intricate over the next two hours. 
But the thing is, it kinda made sense to Sherry. It actually really made sense. As she looked around the classroom and listened to the questions the other students asked, it seemed like she wasn’t the only one who thought so. 
The professor spent most of the period quietly laughing to himself and shaking his head, not quite believing he was letting this happen, but not entirely wanting to stop it. 
When class ended, Sherry rushed out to catch up with Piper, who had collected her things and walked out absentmindedly. “Piper!” she called out after her. The slender girl turned to face her. 
“Oh, hi.” she seemed unsure of exactly what to do. Sherry got the sense that wheels were turning in the girl’s mind.  
“My name is Sherry. I just wanted to ask” Sherry paused meaningfully, “Are you a pervert?” Her tone was hopeful, and almost seemed as though ‘pervert’ was some special designation or secret society of people in her mind. 
There was an awkward few seconds as Piper and Sherry made awkward eye contact. “Yes.” Piper eventually replied decisively, albeit questioningly. “Is that… good?” 
“That’s great! I’m a pervert, too!”
All the tension seemed to drain out of Piper’s body at that moment. “Oh, good. I used to just do and say whatever-the-fuck and then not give a shit if people thought I was weird. But my fiance has friends, and a family who’d probably be weirded out if they knew how much I ate out of her ass and pissed on the floor and shit. So I’m trying to practice not being weird when I first meet people. Hey, is it the right time to ask you if we can be friends yet?” 
“Oh! This is all happening so fast!” Sherry replied with a giggle. “It’s definitely the right time to ask, and the answer is yes, I’d love to be your friend! I’ve actually never met another female pervert!” 
There was a part of Piper that was still waiting for the other shoe to drop socially, but so far Sherry seemed like a weirdo who enjoys taking pictures of strange girl’s buttholes, so as far as Piper was concerned, that was a point in her favor.  
There was a brief moment of pause in which neither girl quite had the experience to know what to do in the situation of a new formally-declared friendship, but thankfully the silence was broken by a passerby. 
“Hey! Fart-girl!” The voice came from one of the guys that had been in the class. 
Piper turned to face the approaching student, “Did you just call me fart-girl?” 
“Oh, sorry I didn’t mean-”
“Because that’s fucking awesome! It makes me sound like a superhero with a magic shithole or something. I mean, my shithole is pretty nice already, but it doesn’t do anything special. Well, I guess sometimes when I fart, some rando’s cock-snot shoots out, but that’s not really a superpower.” 
“Uhhh…. ummm…. wow. Okay, so anyway I actually have kind of a hard time with math, and it seems like you really understand it. And the way you explained it was so crazy that I feel like that’s going to stick in my brain forever? So I wanted to know if you offer tutoring or anything.” 
It looked like the wheels were turning in Piper’s head. “People would pay me to talk about math??” The young man nodded enthusiastically in response. “Well then!” Piper declared as she puffed out her nearly flat chest and dramatically put her fists on her hips, “Fart-girl is here to help!” 
“Apparently it’s a thing called sharking.” Piper explained as Mackenzie was attending to her fiance’s new friend, “Sherry says it started in Japan.” 
Mackenzie listened intently as Piper introduced the new friend she’d brought unexpectedly to the apartment. She was playing the good host, brewing a pot of green tea for Sherry while discreetly filling a mug with her own hot piss for Piper. She placed the mugs in front of the two girls and sat down. 
“It’s the best!” Sherry continued from where Piper left off, “Especially if you like looking at girls boobs and butts. Sometimes it’s staged, but the best is when it’s a total surprise! I actually got to star in a few videos, maybe I can show you later.” In that moment, Sherry’s nose scrunched up for a brief moment, “Piper, your tea smells… interesting.” 
Piper beamed for a moment, as if about to announce some great accomplishment, she lovingly took Mackenzie's hand in hers and announced, “I get to drink her pee.” Her tone was almost boastful. Mackenzie blushed and grinned sheepishly for a moment, before her eyes made their way to Sherry. She could tell the Japanese girl expected to see embarrassment at her lover’s comment, but there was none of that. She was gently scrutinizing Sherry, waiting to determine if this new girl would be open-minded enough to be welcomed into their lives or if she’d have to spring to Piper’s defense. 
“Wow! You must really love each other,” Sherry remarked thoughtfully, “I’ve never had a boyfriend who wanted to drink my pee.” 
The slight tension in Mackenzie’s shoulders went slack as Piper replied, “Hey, well if you ever want someone to drink your piss, I’m all about that. And I guess since we’re friends now, you can take a shit in my mouth whenever you want, too.” she turned to Mackenzie, “If that’s okay with you, of course. Are you okay with me sucking poop out of other girl’s buttholes?” 
Mackenzie took a deep breath and nodded enthusiastically with a reassuring smile. She looked a bit flush and felt her nipples suddenly harden against her floral button-down shirt. Of all the blessings that came with sharing a life with Piper, getting to have her own private porn-star was among Mackenzie’s favorites. 
“Oh!” Mackenzie said as a sudden thought popped into her head, “Speaking of which, that… stuff we ordered got here this morning. Maybe since Sherry seems to like taking pictures, umm, she could... “ 
“Oh! Fucking rad! Hey Sherry, remember how I was telling that guy who called me ‘Fart-girl’ about how I sometimes get jizz-farts when a bunch of dudes jerk their dicks with my shitpipe? ‘Kenzie thinks it’s super hot when that happens, but most guys don’t squirt enough cock-juice to totally fill my butthole so she found this cum-lube stuff and we bought, like, literal fucking buttloads of it so that she can watch me just explode fake-cum out of my fart-box. Wanna take pictures while we try it out?” 
Sherry looked thrilled as she listened to one of Piper’s signature strings of vulgarity-laden prose. “You know, Piper, it’s really exciting listening to you talk! I never thought I’d get to be friends with a girl as perverted as I am! And the answer is yes! I’d love to take pictures for you! Maybe I could even do it, too? I mean, I certainly don’t want to make a bad first impression, so it seems like the best thing for me to do is to be as perverted as possible so that I can prove myself to my new friends!!” This last sentence was punctuated by Sherry leaping to her feet and thrusting a finger skyward in a cartoonish display of enthusiasm. 
However, in doing so, she knocked over her tea, which spilled onto the stone-tile floor. “Oh no! You invited me into your home and I’ve made a mess!” Sherry dropped to her knees and pressed her forehead against the floor in the dogeza position. “Please forgive me! I’ll accept any punishment you want to give me!” 
Piper and Mackenzie looked at each other briefly. “Umm, you might not want to put your face so close to the, uhh, the floor? Piper kinda… poops on there.” 
Sherry sniffed briefly, her forehead still pressed to the file, “.... I can tell.” 
“So… do ya like her?” Piper asked as Sherry was taking her clothes off and practicing ahegao faces in the mirror in the room behind them, “I’m realizing that she’s a little bit of a weirdo.” 
“Best not to bring her around anymore, then. You know that I have no tolerance for girls who are the slightest bit unusual.” Mackenzie teased as she opened up the jug of cum-lube and laid out a large enema syringe. After a few seconds of silence, Mackenzie looked to see Piper mentally trying to unravel the puzzle she’d inadvertently given. “Oh! I like her. A lot. I was using sarcasm, sorry.” 
A satisfied smile appeared on Piper’s face, “I would have gotten that.” 
There was a brief pause, “How many seconds ago was I born?”
“Seven-hundred-fifty-one-million, eleven-thousand aaaand... ,” Piper briefly checked the time on her phone, “two-hundred four, roughly.” 
They smiled at each other; Mackenzie knew Piper sometimes felt dumb when it comes to interpreting subtext, so she liked reminding her how smart she really was. “By the way, who was calling you ‘fart-girl’ at school?” 
“It was just this guy who was in class with me and Sherry. She was taking some upskirt pics of my butthole and I farted really loud, and I think the professor thought I was trying to get attention, so he sort of let me teach the class. Then afterward the guy called me “fart-girl” and asked if I could tutor him in math. I hope it catches on! I was thinking it’d be cool to make some “Fart-girl tutors math” flyers and put them around campus. 
“Piper-san! I can’t stand waiting any longer! Please, fill me up and show me what it’s like to be a true pervert!” Sherry called in a desperate baby-doll whine from the other room. 
Most surfaces in their studio apartment were prepared for various types of “spillage,” but everything in proximity to the bed on which Sherry was now waving her naked ass was especially resistant to bodily fluids. 
Piper got in position next to Sherry on the bed, ready to hold her surprisingly shapely ass open while Mackenzie took pictures. The filled, half-liter enema syringe laid in wait, the tip gently oozing a thick, milky white drop onto the neoprene-fabric bedsheet. 
“I feel like I should check,” Mackenzie said between taking pictures of her fiance spreading the asian girl’s buttcrack, “Is this moving too fast? I mean, this is technically the first time we’re meeting.” 
Sherry, on hands and knees, looked back, “Well, if we want to get technical, I did spread Piper’s ass so someone could take pictures of her holes the first time we met, so this seems like a fair exchange!” 
“Plus,” Piper added, still spreading Sherry’s ass, “I didn’t even know your name the first time I unloaded my bowels in your face, just that you were the prettiest girl I’d ever seen.” 
“Wait, that really happened??” Sherry asked in delighted surprise.
“Yup, high school assembly. What can I say, that’s how I flirt!” 
“Okay! I’m convinced,” Mackenzie replied with a shrug, “Let’s get to the fun part.” She proceeded to pick up the enema syringe and shoved the well-lubed nozzle up Sherry’s little anus. 
She let Piper take the tube from her so that she could step back and continue acting as photographer for the scene. Piper placed her palm on the plunger and began to push gently. 
“Mmm! I can feel you filling me up, Piper-san! It feels so good!” she moaned. 
Mackenzie blushed slightly at the lewd noises Sherry constantly emitted. She’d become used to Piper’s vulgarity, but her vocalizations at the apex of their strap-on sessions were generally more along the lines of a tomboyish “Fuck yeah! Solid dick-work, babe!” The girlish whines and moans actually made the red-head giggle awkwardly. 
“Uh! Uh! More! I want to take so much for you!” Sherry writhed, even with Piper’s arm over her hips to keep her still. 
Piper continued slowly compressing the plunger, wondering how much of Sherry’s pleasure was performative, “We’ve got to go slow with this, it needs a little time to work its way deeper into your shit-pipe and to warm up to your body temperature.” 
“I can feel it going inside me! Eeeaah!” 
“‘Bout halfway in now. Ya ever consider voice acting in hentai? Bet there’s plenty of dude’s who’d jerk out all their nut juice just from the audio of this kinda shit.” 
After a few more minutes of emptying the enema tube into Sherry’s bowels, along with Sherry’s orgasmically lewd narration of the process, Piper withdrew the syringe and absentmindedly licked the nozzle clean. 
“I’m so full, pervert-senpai! You pumped so much of your cum inside me, I don’t think I can hold it much longer!” 
“Well, ‘Kenzie’s got the camera in position, so whenever you get tired of clenching your shit-pipe, just let loose and cum-blast me right in the mouth.” Piper said with a reassuring slap on the ass-cheek. She knelt down behind Sherry and eye-balled the trajectory so that when the enema exploded out of Sherry’s asshole, she could get as much as possible to shoot straight down her throat.
They both stared into Sherry’s twitching anus for several seconds, the girl seemed to be enjoying the mass of the cumlube in her bowels and struggled to keep it inside. The combination of pleasure and exertion began to slicken her skin with perspiration. 
“There’s so much of it inside my ass! It’s going to come out soon!” 
There was an excited tension building within the room, everyone waiting for the strength of Sherry’s anus to finally give way… 
“I can’t hold it anymore, Piper-san! It’s going to explode out of meeeeeeaaaaAAAAAHHH!”
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[Uncensored: https://twitter.com/VeeAngel10/status/1430188744976453632 ]
The cumlube exploded out of Sherry’s asshole like a fire-hose. The spray hit Piper in the uvula hard enough that she almost gagged for the first time in nearly a decade. The thick, warm goo filled her mouth faster than she could gulp it down. The force of Sherry’s anal explusion splashed against the fake semen filling her mouth before it even had a chance to drip down Piper’s chin. 
The sustained, forceful jet of anally expelled cum began to slow, though just barely, as it turned to a sputtering spray of cum-farts that splattered across Piper’s face and a good distance across the apartment floor. Her face and green hair soon became obscured by the layers of translucent white goo being sprayed upon it by the girl’s garden-hose bowels. 
The cum-splorting sound was eventually overtaken by Sherry’s mewling of pleasure, with only an occasional spurt from her anus, and the odd incidence of flatulent jizz-mist. 
Sherry seemed spent by the ordeal, and lay face down, ass up on the bed. Sweat pooled around her body, as did drool from the tongue that had been hanging out of her mouth continuously for the last several seconds. The last bits of cumlube dribbled out of her exposed butthole and oozed down her smooth, glistening pussy. 
Piper meanwhile, was grinning and wide-eyed, frantically scooping handfuls of the warm, thick anal explusions into her mouth; pausing occasionally to give a kid-in-a-candy-store smile to Mackenzie as she continued to document the scene with her camera. Piper slurped and gulped loudly, often pressing her tongue to the floor to eagerly consume the ass-slime that her new friend had been so recently storing in her bowels. 
Finally the green-haired pervert had mostly cleaned the butt-sludge off of her body and floor and set her sights on the dribbling hole in front of her. Piper slapped her face between Sherry’s cheeks so hard that it surely stung for both of them. A loud sucking sound dominated the room as she tried to drain the last contents of the Asian girl’s bowels with the same force as trying to draw a thick milk-shake through a straw. 
Sherry once again went cross eyed and shuddered in pleasure as Piper’s skillful and greedy mouth sucked and licked at her shit-hole. After a few minutes, the pair had settled into a more relaxed posture, with Sherry contentedly resting her eyes as she lay in the fetal position, with Piper gently sucking on her butthole like a pacifier. 
A small shock of worry crossed Piper’s mind suddenly; she hadn’t seen or heard ‘Kenzie over the last couple minutes. Had Piper gotten carried away eating out Sherry’s asshole? Was Mackenzie hurt or jealous? 
Piper’s worries were put to rest as the now-naked ivory skinned form entered the room. Mackenzie was grinning ear to ear as she held the heft of a freshly refilled cum-lube dispenser. 
Mackenzie bit her lip with a delightfully sinister glint in her eye as she gestured at Piper to get in position on the bed; holding the jumbo enema syringe as if it were a weapon. 
“Your turn.” 
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vee-angel · 6 years
Potty-Mouth Piper
(Part of the Pervert Pentet Series)
Chapter 1, part 1
WARNING: This story focuses on filth-fetishism, and will have substantial amounts of scat, piss, flatulence, snot, menstrual play, and just about every dirty thing I can think of. If that kind of thing isn’t your cup of tea, I suggest you skip this one. I have multiple stories in the works that feature completely different categories of fetishism.
Mackenzie had just turned eighteen and had recently transferred to a new high school. Despite being rather pretty, she tended to go relatively unnoticed. She had dark red hair that hung flatly down to her mid-back, and ivory skin that she never adorned with makeup. She was on the slim side, but took pride in the fact that she had rather pretty breasts, a bit more full than would be expected from her frame. Not that anyone ever saw them, her plain and somewhat modest clothing saw to that.
While rather timid in real life, her online activities were anything but. She had discovered internet pornography at a relatively young age, and her curiosity led her, over the years, to pursue greater and greater levels of filth. In her younger days, she was satisfied merely to watch videos of women urinating, but her tastes evolved from there to piss-drinking, fart porn, vomit, spit, snot, and of course, scat. The idea of “dirty women” captivated her. Her interest primarily centered on images and videos in which a woman was on the receiving end. She often imagined herself taking the place of the women.
Sadly, her shyness and modesty kept her from actualizing her fantasies. She had tasted her own urine once, and for days afterward had feared that someone would discover the shameful thing she had done. She wished that she could be as bold and shameless as the women she looked at online. She fantasized that someday she’d find a women who somehow knew what she wanted without her ever having to say it, someone who could elicit a passion in her that was so irresistible that it left her inhibitions shattered.
Little did she know that today was the day her fantasy would become flesh.
She didn’t really mind that her parents moved often. She was forced to change schools multiple times, but it’s not as if she ever made friends anyway. The first day at this new school was much like the others. She quietly kept to herself, and when lunch-time rolled around she made her way to the bathroom to avoid having to interact with any of the other students.
She always tried to find the least-used bathroom, usually the one farthest from the cafeteria and common areas. If she was lucky she could go an entire lunch period without having to see another person.
When the lunch bell rang, she made her way through the halls, trying to avoid attention until she reached her bathroom sanctuary. She finally made her way there, opening the door and putting her purse on the counter. A confident voice from behind her made her jump, “Hey fire-crotch, what’s your deal? You new here?”
She turned around to face the girl who spoke. As she laid eyes on the young woman, her heart felt it was clamped in a vice.
She was both awed and shocked at the vision she saw before her. The deep green mohawk caught her attention first. Her hair fully shaved on both sides. The right side of her head adorned with a tattoo reading “Potty Mouth” in a vomit-looking punk rock font. Her pretty face had delicate features, and other than the generous amount of eyeliner, she wore no makeup. A short leather jacket and tiny tattered black t-shirt covered her torso. She was skinny, with minimal body-fat hiding the taut muscles of her youthful abdomen. Her tall black boots contrasting with the exceptionally short red-plaid skirt, barely long enough to cover her ass.
Mackenzie wanted to speak, but felt intimidated by the extreme looking girl in front of her. She decided to quickly turn around and pretend to be looking at something in her purse. The wet sound of her chewing gum was the only sound in the room for a few seconds.
“Don’t talk much, huh? That’s all right, I’m sure you’ll open your dick-holster when you’ve got something to say.” the punk-rock girl said.
Mackenzie thought, did she just call my mouth a dick-holster???
“Anyway, I’m doin’ a thing in here. Feel free to stick around, should be a good show. I’m Piper, by the way, feel free to call me Shit-Pipe.”
My god! thought Mackenzie, can this girl go five seconds without saying something vulgar?
As much as Mackenzie wanted to be judgemental, inwardly she was exhilarated by the idea of this shameless classmate of hers.
She glanced in the mirror to see Piper removing some cable ties from her backpack and fastening them on the handles of the stall doors, seemingly blocking access to the toilets for anyone who might happen to come in.
The two girls waited in silence for a couple of minutes, Mackenzie glancing at Piper’s reflection in the mirror. Each time she checked, it appeared that the girl was chewing gum with an appreciative smile as she stared intently at Mackenzie’s ass.
Just then the door burst open and a pretty blonde cheerleader rushed in. She yanked the door to one stall, then another.
“Piper! What did you do?” the cheerleader yelled exasperatedly.
“Hey, who says it was me?” Piper replied with a confident-yet-sarcastic smile “Maybe I just heard that the toilets were out of order and thought it was a chance to volunteer my special services as a shit receptacle.”
Mackenzie perked up. Did she really just hear what she thought she heard?
“Oh my god, Piper, what the fuck? I know what people say about you, but you’re not really into that, are you?” the cheerleader asked as she danced about with one hand holding her ass.
“Hey, looks like you don’t have much of a choice.” Piper said as a grumble emanated from the cheerleaders stomach, “You can either shit your panties or shit in my mouth.”
“Stop fucking around and open the door, I really, REALLY have to go!” the cheerleader exclaimed.
Piper pulled the piece of gum from her mouth and lifted one leg as she inserted it, like a suppository, into her own anus. She then dropped to her knees and opened her mouth wide, sticking out her tongue obscenely.
“Oh my god! I can’t believe this. You’re so fucking nasty.” the cheerleader said. Accepting the fact that she had no choice, she scrunched up her face in disgust and turned around.
Piper wasted no time, immediately lifting up the back of the cheer-girls skirt and yanking down her panties. She thrust her open mouth between the girls butt cheeks before reaching around and giving a good squeeze to the girls lower abdomen.
Mackenzie watched in the mirror, transfixed on the vision behind her. A loud fart, muffled by Pipers mouth echoed through the restroom. A loud rhythmic swallowing sound could be heard as Piper chugged the blonde girl’s diarrhea. A few seconds of this passed before the sound turned to muffled, sputtering flatulence as the shit exploded directly into the walls of the green-haired girls mouth. Apparently a new stream of feces began to flow, as she once again heard the loud chugging noise, though this time it was periodically interrupted by a wet chewing.
While Mackenzie didn’t have the best vantage point, she thought she observed a trail of brown slime drip from Piper’s chin before a few drops landed on the firm, pale skin of her stomach.
After several seconds, the mortified cheerleader finally pulled away. She waddled toward the paper towels next to the sink, her panties still around her knees. “Hey, you didn’t even give me a chance to clean you up. I can put a real spit-shine on that turd-cutter of yours!” Piper called in a mocking tone from across the room, the cheerleaders brown ass-slime still dripping from her chin.
The blond girl quickly wiped with a paper towel before pulling her panties up and rushing out of the bathroom.
Piper gathered up the shit from her chin with her finger and licked it clean, she repeated the process a few more times, making sure to get every drop. She then looked down and scooped the two dollops of cheerleader diarrhea from her tummy and swallowed those down as well.
“Bitches just don’t appreciate good customer service, eh fire-crotch?” Piper asked.
Mackenzie still just stared down at her purse, her heart racing with excitement at what she just saw. She never imagined that this was something she would just come across in her everyday life.
“Oh, hey where are my manners? Do you need to squirt a turd, too? ‘cuz I still got plenty of room in here” Piper said, slapping her flat belly.
“Nnn…. na… no.” Mackenzie replied shaking nervously. This girl was a dream come true, and she had no idea how to act.
“Hey, well I’ll be around if you change your mind,” Piper said before turning around and sticking her leg up onto the sink right next to her. She bent over and looked up at Mackenzie from between her legs. The shy girl actually turned her head to look down at the girl in the obscene pose, her skirt having ridden up to expose her tight pink asshole. Piper looked up at her as she dug her finger into her sphincter and retrieved the piece of gum she’d stored there earlier. She stood up and popped it back into her mouth before walking to the door.
“See ya around, red,” she said before casually flipping up the back of her skirt and farting loudly toward the shy red-head. She walked out of the room and Mackenzie was suddenly alone to process the mind-blowing scene she had just witnessed.
“Holy shit.” she whispered quietly to herself.
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