#i had a PHENOMENAL time writing these!
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i want to make sure this doesn’t get lost in the tags, so i’m gonna put it up top so it can’t. i don’t even know if i got the prompt right, i had a WONDERFUL time writing these and i didn’t stop until i was done. that’s why it’s so stupidly long. i listened to dentures out by the proclaimers as i wrote these, and in my head i couldn’t stop repeating “nostalgia, i love you”. this was such a tender writing experience, to cradle these characters in my hands and write them with a gentleness i don’t give them anymore in my decade of thinking about these fictional men. this is my 14 year old self’s daily imaginings, mature and manifest. i hope the requester likes it. i LOVED getting to write it!
scout: scout likes a sense of humor. anyone he can crudely (or rudely) joke with without it devolving into a fist fight is okay in his book. and he’s so cocky, he needs someone with a good head on their shoulders to keep him in check. it’s hard for him to register when he’s pushing himself, or a situation too far. needs people who can keep up with him. he’s not particularly interested in, nor capable of metaphorically slowing down to keep pace. he is a tone setter. you can either get with it, or get out of the way. if you yourself are a tone setter, or the immovable object to his unstoppable force, you might butt heads. but he appreciates it for what it is. he actually really likes it. he enjoys a mentally stimulating conversation as long as both sides keep it respectful. generally, it’s really hard for scout to vibe with someone that is his total opposite. if you don’t see eye to eye on your views, he can get past that if you both have the same ferocity about your respective things. if you have the same views, it’s okay if you go about it differently than he does. you just have to agree somewhere and he can be flexible as needed. and understand that sometimes he sounds like an ass and is really not meaning to. he can’t be around sensitive people, his brain is not wired for them. and i would like to state the difference between someone with empathy and sympathy and someone who is sensitive. if he is worried about everything coming out of his mouth hurting you, very specifically you, he is going to resent you. that’s not to say if he genuinely says something out of pocket he’s not going to listen, but he knows everything he’s saying can’t be out of pocket.
soldier: soldier is, well, a soldier. there’s two ways to go about it. you can either fall beneath him, or rise above him. both of these are essentially the same thing with one key difference. if you are reliable and trustworthy, and he knows he can tell you something and it’s either going to get done or handled, you are a valued member to soldier’s battalion, regardless of rank. the difference as to whether or not he’s going to see you as an equal is through your battle sense. don’t think he’s not watching. he’s checking your verbal, mental, emotional, and physical battle sense. if you can’t cut someone down within minutes, he will probably not trust you with his largest issues. but he does know that you’re willing to try, and he does give credit for trying. he doesn’t register this himself, but he gets along a lot easier with people who are not high energy. he is really good at carrying conversations, and not very good at fostering social relationships. if you give him an inch he will take that mile, and it makes it easier for him to move at his pace, which is lightning speed. and don’t be afraid to put your foot down if it gets to be too much. he likes moxie.
pyro: pyro, in all reality, past the large flamethrower and flame retardant suit and the abyss of the mask’s goggles, is a very soft person. they do best with people willing to play along with their softness. they register, and don’t really care that they currently have multiple charges they’re fighting the united states government on. they need softness. they need kindness. anyone willing to show that for them consistently, without abandoning them when things get bad (or when the feds come knocking on the door), will always have a best friend in pyro. gift giver, and loves to receive gifts in return. it’s the fastest way to start on the right foot. they’re looking for a partner in their crimes. or at least someone who’s willing to lie to the police about their whereabouts. and this might seem obvious, but if you’re averse to fire they’re not gonna like you; and it’s not you, it’s the fact that your aversion to fire is spitting in their face, ripping their heart out of their chest, throwing it on the ground, calling all of your friends, stomping it into dust, and laughing about it as you walk away, is all. you might be able to offset that with a stellar gift though. have you considered ten gallons of kerosene? or a new ignition for their flamethrower? oh, or maybe some of those packets of dust you put in campfires to change the color. they would love that for battle.
demo: tavish i love you so much man. demo is a fun loving guy with a sharp wit, and a decent balance of his work and home life. he can’t really hang out with anyone who isn’t at least on a similar wavelength. like if we’re using the metaphor of being on the same page, you can’t be any further than a couple paragraphs ahead or behind him. in all forms of his life, really. demo spends a lot of time having to justify to his loved ones that he’s doing right by himself. if he can come to you, tell you something, and you take the moment you need to register what he said, and say “well, alright then. no more information needed. got it.” he might kiss you right there. likes people with the same zest for life. doesn’t have to be bombs, but it helps if you’re also in a dangerous job that kills you and brings you back regularly. you’ve got bonus points if you love the proclaimers. chatty cathy, loves someone who can’t stop talking. he’ll listen to you for hours if you’ve got something worth talking about. which could genuinely be anything. you just have to know what you’re talking about. this man has his what, masters? in chemistry. come at him with a masters degree worth of knowledge at minimum. in something. in anything. unload something on him in an hour or three that took you years to get to the point you arrived at. leave nothing out. you’ll leave him breathless and connected to your hip. expect the same in return. he likes pictures. he will take pictures with you. for the memories. he’ll write on the back, instead of a date and a name, what you spoke about.
heavy: heavy is a big guy, and heavy likes to cut loose sometimes. he needs someone who can handle accidental rough treatment. literally. and sometimes metaphorically. he does his best to not injure the shorter members of the team, but they know at this point that heavy is a man and a half, and to brace themselves if he’s approaching them, in case he’s decided to let loose. he stays away from anyone who is a third of himself or less unless you’re buffering that somewhere that counts. it’s why he likes scout. he might crush scouts lungs, but he has to catch scout first. and he will rarely, if ever, catch scout. and he can never catch scout the same way twice. same reason he has a fondness for pyro. he has no idea what pyro is. just knows pyro is one of the few teammates who can beat his damage output fairly regularly if they’re strategic on the field, and when he’s staring down a gas mask that has bloodier hands than he does, the cat plushie being offered as a gift seems really nice in juxtaposition, and he feels a lot more inclined to be softer when pyro seeks softness. needs people that can take care of themselves, he already has enough responsibility with his family. and he loves his family! that’s why he protects them. you need to protect yourself, you cannot rely on him. if you can show that you are something else if you are not strong, you’ll make a beginning mark at warming him up to you. if you are weak, but dexterous; frail, but strategic and vicious; frightened, but accurate in your judgement all the same— those are all giving him things to rely on with you. a relationship with heavy is a relationship of trust. mutual trust and self-trust. you have to be your own rock before he’ll consider helping you with your weight. or, you can also take the unconventional route and yknow… talk to him. tell him what your plans are. he’ll work with what you give him. he’ll tell you what he needs to see before he’ll give you the results you want. heavy is an easygoing guy! heavy does not invite difficulty where it is not needed! if you want something from him, ask! he is happy to talk! now, he’ll probably get flustered if you approach him and say “i want to date you give me the step by step instructions in detail also i’m a visual learner” but he’ll definitely sit down and chat with you about compatibility, and even if one of you find that the other may not truly be what you want or need in that sense; he might still like you enough to be your friend! he kind of likes being worn down over time.
engineer: engie’s dream idea of a partner, in any sense of the term, is a fresh brewed mug of coffee with a splash of milk on the coaster of his desk every morning and a list of some side quests he can do to get away from his desk and out of his workshop. he is looking for a fort he can take shelter in, metaphorically. engie builds machines because they’re reliable and consistent. his teammates, his friends are reliable and consistent. he is reliable and consistent. he is not someone who considers himself often. so if he’s watching everyone else’s back, he needs someone watching his. he needs someone who’s not gonna bend to his texan charms, or his anger, or his annoyance, or his condescension, and give him a frank reset when he needs it. he needs people who can not only weather a storm, but stand out and scream in it. he needs someone with his best interests at heart. but he doesn’t want a caretaker. he just needs someone who keeps a closer eye on himself than he does. it’s why he can’t entirely hate medic when the doctor can look at him and make an accurate assessment that he needs rest, or sunlight, or to get the fuck out of the base, or protein, or a word of comfort. you can’t be underhanded about trying to look out for him, because he’s from texas; he knows the southern hospitality game much better than you do and he’ll use it to deny deny deny. it’s why scout makes headway with him with his lack of any charisma to circumvent. he is almost never expecting a direct approach from anyone. you can’t buckle to his massive fucking brain and the 5D chess he’s playing in it. you’ve got to be strong, a confident decision maker, unwilling to play semantics with him, willing to bare your arm to a lunging dog and push in further to get the dog to let go when he latches. and don’t question yourself because he can sniff fear out of you like a bloodhound. he almost likes feeling like a robot, of going through the motions he knows. but he likes a firm reminder to look out for himself.
medic: medic is a man who has the world eating out of his palm. handsome, intelligent, charismatic if you don’t talk to him for long periods of time. medic can hate a trait in someone and love it in someone else. and almost everyone he’s met is itching to get in his good graces, so he’s oddly attracted to people who seem to not give a shit about him. he wants to know what’s rattling in that empty peanut head of yours. if he can actually get to know you at your worst first, he’ll be more approving of you at your best. likes someone who’s willing to lay their cards on the table, he will reciprocate. also a chatty cathy. this man is a literal doctor. went, graduated, got the license, subsequently got it taken away and everything. he has so much information running through his brain at any time, he’s always willing to add to his expansive knowledge. unlike demo though, he fact checks. so if you need to know what you’re talking about with demo, you sure as fuck better know with the doctor, because he’ll clock you on it every time, and you can only be wrong so many times before he thinks you’re an idiot. he hates idiots. on the opposite end, he LOVES people who are pathologically passionate. if you don’t have the flair to get down get away from him, because he’ll make you feel bad. gives real “HEY EVERYONE, BOO THIS GUY” energy. if he’s dancing and asks you to join, you dance with him! dance worse! the way his face lights up is euphoric. if you’re mad, go ahead and take it up a notch. scream at him. shove him! medic wants to see what you do. you like him? tell him you love him. whisper it in his ear during a meal as you pass by. he loves being treated like a lab rat. loves being the experiment as much as he loves being the experimenter. people fascinate him in that sense, that relationships are just a big game of doing things to one another and seeing how it unfolds.
sniper: snipes is a guy who can get lost in everyone’s eyes with enough time, but doers will always take him fastest. loves someone with a fire under their ass. take firm grip on him and don’t let go. don’t let go unless your arm is being cut off. then grab on with the other one. his own energy is normally so low that someone who can bring him up to speed is greatly appreciated. and affirming him you’re not going anywhere helps, but he is a man of action. don’t flinch if he asks you to hold the piss jars. don’t hesitate taking his rifle if he’s handing it off to you. don’t hesitate letting off a shot if you can handle it, because he’s watching. he’s noticing what you do and how you react. and the second he gets a whiff of “mmm actually i don’t know if i like this” those walls are BACK UP. you can always be friends though. he likes people with the urge to take initiative. he swoons for anyone who spares him enough “how are you, really”s. he just gets lost in vulnerability so easily. he’ll lose himself when you’re alone together. in your hands. in your eyes. he can’t help how red he gets, he’s living in la la land. he’ll have rom com soundtracks playing in his ears as he envisions what your kids would look like, and you’re just asking if he’s had lunch yet. and all of this would be so cute if he wasn’t staring at you like you’ve whispered knowledge unknown to man in inconceivable language in his ear. but all one on one interactions lead to epiphanies with snipes. it’s easy to become the one person he can’t stop thinking about if you’re around enough. but it’s hard to stick it out with him. he’s on the road a lot, for one.
spy: he’s so messyyyy he loves a manipulator. human relations to him are a very large game of chess. he loves a conniving, cunning, genuinely evil person. loves being used as a pawn, it happens so rarely for him that when the tables get turned baby he is BARKING LIKE A DOG WHERE IS HIS COLLAR. he wouldn’t even like you otherwise! how is he supposed to trust someone who’s not willing to turn on him? he just needs to know where you draw your line in the sand. what is enough for you to toss him to the wayside? because he guarantees he can accomplish it and more. it’s his insane confidence in himself that attracts him to people who could genuinely hope he gets hit by a car and dragged under the chassis for fifty miles without a stoplight in sight. and he plays it so coy. because he knows with enough time he will get the jump on them too. loves people he can play mind games with that won’t negatively backfire on what’s public about whatever character he decides to play. really does best without fluffy emotions getting in the way. those are harder for him to cope with. someone who is just unyieldingly kind to him is a fool. and he distrusts them greatly, because they don’t know the danger they’re in associating with him, and that puts everyone not only around them, but those with confidential identities around him in danger. and hates to mention it, but his son does work with him? and he won’t willingly state this either, but he does consider everyone on the team a… friend, in some sense of that word, except his son, and he will not be happy if foolishness gets them into a situation that’s bigger than he can handle on his own. at least if he is the pawn there’s nobody to ruin in that case but himself. and he willingly and knowingly takes that risk. it’s a vice he genuinely can’t help it he just loves sinister people. loves a villainous vibe. people who are too good should go get someone nicer. and when these doomed romances with literal supervillains implodes in his face, he is not crushed. he is not upset. he is exhilarated. remember how i said with enough time he’s gonna get the jump on them? yeah, he loves to be the beginning of the end like that. he gets a rush from being the omen. it’s not fun when the pawns are nice. someone’s trust will always, eventually, be betrayed with spy, and if you don’t betray him first… that’s on you. and even if you do betray him first… just wait. he’s got something for that.
#team fortress 2#team fortress two#tf2 demo#tf2 demoman#tf2 engineer#tf2 heavy#tf2 medic#tf2 pyro#tf2 scout#tf2 sniper#tf2 spy#tf2#tf2 soldier#i had a PHENOMENAL time writing these!#thanks for appreciating my hcs if you got this far!
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save me ponyboy little brother monologue save me
#like god it’s so good#bc like excuse me what#wdym by the time you got there the east bound Cherokee sub freighter had already blown through him#wdym he left his t shirt next to the tracks and you picked it up bc it didn’t look right lying there like that#wdym it was still warm with his sweat and you could still smell the cigarettes he always smoked#winstons#wdym the train derailed shortly after the collision#wdym you’d figure the body of a boy wouldn’t cause a big mighty freight train to that but it did#wdym it’s because dally wasn’t just any boy#wdym sometimes you think about him standing in front of that big train engine#wdym he probably squared up his shoulders and dug his heels into the ground#wdym for a few seconds he mighta felt pure again#wdym you’d like to believe that the smallest parts of him made it all the way back to New York City#wdym maybe the dust of his soul is still on the front of that freight train#wdym the truest bits of Dallas Winston#WDYM THEY BURIED WHAT WAS LEFT OF HIM IN OAKLAWN CEMETARY RIGHT THERE IN TULSA#WDYM IT WAS EXACTLY 27 STEPS FROM WHERE THEY BURIED JOHNNY CADE#WDYM BOTH THEIR TOMBSTONES ARE PRETTY SMALL AND THEY DIDNT EVEN BOTHER PUTTING THE DAY THEY WERE BORN ON EM JUST THE YEAR THEY DIED#WDYM DALLAS WINSTON 1967#WDYM JOHNNY CADE 1967#ok I’m done crashing out#this monologue is just my favoritist thing ever#and I think about it 24/7#because it’s so fucking good#and the delivery of it is always phenomenal#because the writing is just that good#the outsiders musical#the outsiders broadway
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someday soon I’m going going to inflict my intense feelings about the first twelve episodes of Goodbye My Princess (the director’s cut) on you all. A preview: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHRRIAKCBRGFBWHALL,th e pain the pain th e
#this show is phenomenal#goodbye my Princess#I came for the Chen Xingxu and the visuals and the tragedy#it’s been an A+++++++++ on all counts#anyway it might be the best cdrama I’ve seen to date#admittedly I haven’t seen many#and also#I’ve got forty episodes to go on this one#but those twelve first episodes were like. astonishingly good#last time I rode a stretch of TV that solid with such an amazing culmination of everything the show had been building up to#was the legendarily brilliant second half of season two of Avatar: The Last Airbender#which remains my gold standard for television writing and directing
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🎶✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, and publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favourite followers (positivity is cool)🎶✨
✨Here’s 10 since I got sent this ask twice! ✨
1. Karma by Sarah Kinsley
2. La Robe rouge by Granville
3. Dinosaur Bones by Stoplight Observations
4. Hills of Fire by Sarah Kinsley
5. Saturn Return by MS MR
6. Run the Credits by Oliver Sim
7. The Walk Home by Young the Giant(my all time fav band)
8. The Heart is a Muscle by Gang of Youths
9. The King by Sarah Kinsley (idk what she put in this one but it’s like crack)
10. Dancing in the Rain by Young the Giant
#music#music recommendations#music that speaks to my soul#songs that altered me on a cellular level#take your music recs from autistic people guys#young the giant#sarah kinsley#Sarah Kinsley is incredibly underrated and I hope she starts to get more attention#she literally produceswrites and sings all of her own music#and she’s only 24 like wtf#young the giant is also criminally underrated#imo Sameer Gadhia is a generational talent like he has such a truly unique voice#and as a band it’s so refreshing and beautiful to see them growing and adapting and embracing a new style and doing it so phenomenally well#I could write a thesis on the American Bollywood album and tour and the artistry behind the short films they played on the big screen#like they had one for each section of the album it was phenomenal#and they legitimately sound BETTER IN PERSON only concert I’ve ever been to where that was the case#saw them two summers in a row these past two years and I’d been waiting to see them since I was twelve#I cried tears of joy at both concerts and probably will every other time I’m lucky enough to see them#ok I’ll stfu now heehee
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Replaying Shadow of the Colossus again for the first time in an astounding SIX YEARS somehow??? And I'm 10 colossi down, 6 to go, and AUGH it just feels like home being back I love this game so much 🥰🥰🥰
#fought dirge this morning and FUCK that guy scares me to this day he's scared me since the ps2 days as a kid#he gets right up in uour face and you have to fight him off agro's back while she runs around the arena and you have to shoot him in the#eyes with your bow and his fuckin majora's mask moon eyes right in your face chasing after you from behind slithering through the sand 😭#but I had a really good run of the fight so it's fiiiiine lol#and man that world just feels like home it's so beautiful and the vibes are immaculate and the MUSIC 😩#the ost is simply phenomenal I put it on while I'm writing all the time#I'm so happy to be back I have no idea how I hadn’t played this game since 2018 like I saw the save data on my ps4 when I restarted#and I literally died that's insane!! SoTC is one of my favorite games of all time how could that time have slipped me by?????#I think I tricked myself into thinking it hadn’t been that long because of how many times I've rewatched my favorite playthroughs of it#but could not recommend this game enough if you haven't played it it's amazing and there's truly nothing like it in this world ❤#aberooski games#shadow of the colossus
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hi how's your summer going? read any good books? had delicious ice cream? some craft project you're working on? have you sat round a campfire with friends? do you have any juicy gossip or a new celebrity you're obsessed with?
#i've read good books. the runners by olga tokarzcuk and the castle by kafka were phenomenal. now im rereading the witcher series so i can#eloquently point out to my brother everything i hate about the netflix show. even if they're not gonna follow the story to a tee they could#at least match the vibe. the atmosphere the philosophies presented. at the very! least! the traits in the characters and their relationship#that actually endears us to them but they had to be some stupid game of thrones meets marvel with every line a chewpid quip filled w as muc#cussing as possible whether it makes sense for the character or not#uhm sorry didn't mean to rant#i've also been knitting and am in fact not yet watching the og star trek as i'm rewatching the most memorable episodes of ds9 and writing#reviews for them in a little notebook. stuff i get up to with the time gained not being on tumblr
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love wins, happy gastiro day <3
#HAPPY GASTIRO DAY!!!!#so fucking excited for today#please please please check out gaybarbiegirl's art for the fic it's fucking phenomenal#gastiro nation won so hard today#this was such a blast to write i had the time of my life being over dramatic for no reason#we gave everything we had for today we've been suffering together to get it done in time for weeks#AND IT WAS SO WORTH IT#soy luna#gastiro
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#.•°.•..°.Gotham Phantom GOAT.*..•°.•.Phantom.•.°•..•.°•.M|§§|=K0=~|.•°.•. .•°|M|.•°§°•.|E|°•─=≡Σ(§•Fudijar•§)X}§><§{X:•..•:X}§><§{X#.•°•.\*/.•°M|§§|=°•./*\.•°•.*.•°•.\*/.•°*0=~|°•./*\.•°•.*.•°.•°AIZeroG°•.°•. (§*•°§) De>>X<<aDeXaDe<<X>>aD#DeXaDNeuroDefectAccentAndPeopleCan'tUnderstandWhereIt'sFromD<>X<>DBirdPrint13536•D•BIRDII•K#X*oeni•°§) XAutodidact+Autodidacticism I See Me! AIZeroGORE'zia = BirdiD>eXa<Didumb You See You#Phantom Magic Circle @ SNFL Featuring Patience & Fortitude .•°.•..°.Gotham Phantom GOAT.*.#But Please Be Aware Of My Own Personal Experience Alone In NYC ShowBiz Production Itself #Who Do You Think Taught Them Not To Do That In Real Time Live On Stage Before !ARTIST! Blinked#.•∆•.\•/.•§•./•\.•∆•.Bob Ross.•:X}§>0<§{X:•.Banksy#Phantom; Tell me where Joey is? •°§) MOVE! Joey#.°.~As the only 2 people standing inside the rectangle....#BirdiiOpen your mouth or I'll open it for you and insert words like a puppet in a movie Birdii#D(°•.§.•°)K•.|•*•Koeni•*•|<Congressional Hearing Open Mouth#+•Phenomenal Pheno-MissiEntal√π•E.Brainment.Library Education.BANG!§|Phantom Inc#A;u+Thor/did\act✓Gossamufantomu gōtoG°ss*m\u/f*ndom/u\ gA;uT{BWC}Bow Down!GothamPhantomGOATINIT!#Boo2LMPO+GothamporeanThumbtackShowwww+phenomenalpheno-mental•squarerooted•GodTold.MeToo!#Albuquerque Style LeftFor when it's an actual One Block Albuquerque Style Left#NOW YOU CAN BE FORCED TO SPEAK COI LERAY JOEY LIANA NICOLE 59TH BLOOMINGDALE'S#INSIDE “Artist Name” fans own head to be revealed as the (.•°•.\*/.•°•.°.•°•./*\.•°•.}.•°•.\*/.•°.§)“Mona Lisa Image” ({Ice Water Cloud})#Coi Leray i'm writing the first entertainment Don't Dare Do It on your fucking face like the dead sea scroll#to tell the world for the rest of planets earths time on actual Earth Bruce Wayne Gangsta#Coi Leray herself had turned around on that very spot could have learned how this footage ends out#I am Gotham Phantom GOAT You Have Now Just Met A Real NYC BackStage Gangsta#Nobody Knew Was A BackStage ShowBiz Gangsta In My Video •́⍛•̀ Fudijar.*..°.~MackDic BouNoiseZino Pov Mide*$BIRDII#Ok now let me fully explain how that production actually works in real lifeIf you do that production I Missie Koeni will personally hunt you#Doing your best Milli Vanilli Imposterazation with sunglasses on 'EM in EM-\BaR`Assing Corey HartStudio Box By Missie (*)Ice Water Cloud(*)#No One In Your Entire Fucking Click Can Step To Nor Back Me Down About Face Is The Only Place You Go#.*..°.~Coi Leray; Lol I'm Outttttttt fuck the skirt !!!! (§*•Fudijar•°§)D(°•.Paula Abdul Embarrassment.•°)K MACKD I C BOUNoiSEZINO is Guilty#Gotham Phantom GOAT Missie Koeni“you can not be famous around me because you have to learn to communicate with me”#Phantom Magic Circle Warlord (§*•Fudijar•°§) Your Entire Fucking Click •.|•*•Koeni•*•|D(°•.§.•°)K My Dope Gangsta Shit Is First#“Imaginary Drive By Shooting” Stupidity's Bankoss MF © On a neutral target*Pew And used a CAMERA**PewPew Instead of a GUN***PewPewPew
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“who’s the cute guy with the wide blue eyes and big bad mmm like…”
𐙚⋆.˚ cw : nervous and kinda loser gojo, thought it was cute.
satoru was handsome, funny, sweet, patient, and caring—all the things you could ask for in a man.
who knew the nerdy guy in your lecture who stared at you throughout it and drew pictures of you in his notebook would be your boyfriend?
“so, uh… w-what’s your major?”
that was the first thing he ever asked you, pushing up his glasses with a grin on his face, leaning against the table, trying to look cool.
it worked because you already thought he was cool; you adored him.
even your friends thought he was the perfect match for you, yet you always kept your crush on him private.
you never really spoke to him, not wanting to be a nervous wreck, so you kept to yourself, occasionally watching him from afar.
the crush went both ways for a pretty long time until satoru finally caved in and asked you out, with confidence, i might add; it was the cutest thing.
“i just really like you. i haven’t felt this way in a long time. no, no, wait, i’ve never felt this way.”
that was that; he took you on a date right after, and it’s been history ever since. of course satoru had his flaws, and so did you; who didn’t? but being with him was so refreshing.
satoru was understanding about everything, even when he was a little prick about it, just so you could see it from his perspective.
he loved you, and he couldn’t have you doubting yourself or beating yourself up about things.
“stop saying that; it’s annoying. you’re great, amazing, phenomenal, spectacular, perfect.”
he would go on and on reassuring you that what you were doing and going in life was good enough. satoru wasn’t going to have you talking bad about yourself or even hinting at it; it pissed him off.
“okay, okay, i get it, thank you.”
snuggling into his neck while he was at his desk just scribbling away on his paper, even when he was busy, he still made time for you to show that he loves and supports you through and through.
“there we go.”
sometimes days would go by, especially when satoru had an upcoming test where he was too into whatever he was doing to see you, so he would get you and bring you back to his dorm just to have you in his lap the entire time.
god, he loves you on his lap. it became an ongoing thing that whenever you weren’t on his lap, he found himself fidgeting or bouncing his leg.
sometimes that even led to… well, you know.
starting with you slowly kissing his cheeks, then going down to his jaw, then going down even slower to his neck that was on display like some freshly baked cookies.
once you started, satoru couldn’t focus on a damn thing, even writing gibberish on his paper while his arm tightened around you, taking off his glasses and smirking.
“don’t start something you can’t finish.”
leaning his head back so you could get to where you needed to be easier, a smile now on his face when he could feel you getting lower.
“control yourself, gojo,” mumbling into his neck as you kept going.
he got turned on so easily it was pathetic but also cute, telling you that he wanted to show you something in his bed just to flip you over like a pancake.
see? he could do both. that’s why you love him so damn much, a very versatile man.
one thing he learned while being with you is that while yes, school and classes and making sure his grades were where they needed to be was important, so were you.
you started being a priority for him along with his work and he had to balance them, and he did well with that.
did well with you; he loves you, but he'll never tell you; he would probably fall into a heart attack.
#jujutsu kaisen#jjk#jjk x reader#jjk x you#gojo satoru#jjk satoru#jujutsu kaisen satoru#satoru gojo x reader#jujutsu satoru#satoru gojo#gojo#nerdjo#jujutsu kaisen gojo#jjk gojo#gojo saturo#jujutsu gojo#i tried#x reader#jujustsu kaisen x reader#satoru x reader#satoru x you#gojo satoru x reader#gojo x reader#gojo fluff#jujustu kaisen#gojou satoru x reader
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drew starkey x fem!reader

(mood board does NOT depict reader’s appearance!)
SUMMARY: daniel craig introduces his daughter to his co-star drew starkey at the after party for the ‘golden globes,’ and they do more than just hit it off.🫣
based on this ask !! i got a little carried away with this one and i could genuinely write a WHOLE fic with drew x daniel craig’s daughter😫 i have so many ideas for this pairing, so lmk if you wanna see more !! i hope you enjoy this @drewstarrrkey <3
WARNINGS: fluff & smut (18+, MDNI!), cursing, alcohol consumption, flirty!reader, cursing, p in v, fingering, unprotected sex (wrap it before ya tap it😣), switch!drew (mostly dom), like one (?) use of ‘good girl,’ body worship, LOTS of foreplay😝. (lmk if i missed anything!!)
WORD COUNT: 5.2k (i got REALLY carried away😭)
The energy of the Golden Globes after-party was electric. The clinking of glasses, low hum of laughter, and faint music filled the space. Celebrities mingled under the soft glow of chandeliers, conversations buzzing with excitement about the evening's wins.
Drew Starkey sat at the bar nursing a glass of champagne, still slightly stunned from his earlier win. He'd barely had time to process the moment—his first major nomination and now his first big award.
The crowd was overwhelming, but his co-star, Daniel Craig, had insisted he celebrate properly. Drew watched as Daniel cut through the party with his unmistakable presence, shaking hands, embracing friends, and flashing that rare smile that could light up a room. Behind him, someone followed, and Drew's attention lingered just a little too long.
"Starkey!" Daniel's voice carried above the noise. Drew straightened instinctively, placing his glass back down as Daniel approached.
"Hey!" Drew smiled. "Congrats again. Well deserved, man."
"Thank you. Same to you." Daniel clapped him on the shoulder before stepping to the side. "I want you to meet someone."
Stepping forward with a confident stride was a young woman, poised but relaxed in a way that suggested she belonged in a room like this. Daniel turned to her with an almost affectionate roll of his eyes.
"This is my daughter, Y/N."
Y/N smiled and offered her hand to Drew. "Hi. I've heard so much about you."
Drew shook her hand, his mind scrambling for composure. "You too. I mean—I haven't heard about you in that sense, but your dad's mentioned you. Not in a bad way—uh, I mean—" He stopped, exhaling with a self-deprecating laugh. "Sorry, I'm a bit flustered. It's nice to meet you."
Y/N grinned. "Quite the introduction, Drew."
Daniel raised a brow at them both, clearly amused. "Well, I'll leave you two to it. I see a few friends I need to go bother." He glanced at Drew. "Behave yourself."
Drew let out an awkward laugh. "Of course. Always."
Daniel walked away, disappearing into the crowd. Y/N turned back to Drew, tilting her head slightly as she observed him. "He's very fond of you, you know."
"Is he?" Drew replied, trying to play it cool. "He's great. Working with him was... surreal, honestly."
"I'd imagine. I've seen the movie, of course. You were phenomenal." Her tone was warm, genuine, and Drew found himself smiling at her praise.
"Thank you. That means a lot."
She leaned against the bar, signaling to the bartender for a drink. "You look surprised."
"I guess I just... still don't know how to take compliments," Drew admitted, rubbing the back of his neck. "It's all been a bit overwhelming."
"You shouldn't be so modest. Your performance was stunning. And you've got the trophy to prove it." She shot him a teasing smile. "Don't let it go to your head, though."
Drew laughed, finally feeling himself relax. "I'll try my best. And you—your dad said you're an actress as well? And a model?"
"Here and there. I've done some niche indie films—ones that play in small theatres no one ever goes to." Her voice was light, self-deprecating but playful.
"Niche or not, that's impressive." Drew met her gaze. "What kind of roles?"
Y/N paused as the bartender slid a glass of wine her way. "I guess you could say I play a lot of brooding, lost souls. The ones who always seem to sit by windows and stare out dramatically."
"Ah, very serious. Lots of silent contemplation?"
"Exactly." Y/N laughed softly. "But enough about me. Tell me about Queer. It must've been... intense to film."
"It was." Drew nodded, leaning his elbow on the bar as he turned toward her. "Luca Gaudagnino has this way of making you feel completely vulnerable. It was a challenge, but I trusted him. There's this scene—I'm sure you remember it—where my character completely unravels."
"How could I forget?" Y/N said softly, her eyes locked on his. "You were so raw in that moment. It was almost uncomfortable to watch because it felt so real."
Drew blinked, feeling his ears heat. "That's what Luca wanted. He kept pushing me to 'stop acting,' as he put it. He'd say, 'Feel it. Don't pretend to feel it.' I'd never worked like that before."
"Well, it paid off. Watching you was like watching someone break open right in front of me. Vulnerable, stripped back..." She paused, taking a sip of her wine. "And now here you are, Golden Globe in hand."
Drew looked away, smiling sheepishly. "I'm still processing it."
"You deserve it," Y/N replied firmly. "And no one here is going to let you forget it."
Drew looked at her again, unable to ignore the spark in her gaze. She was bold—not just in what she said, but how she carried herself. It was disarming. "You've got a way with words."
"I'll take that as a compliment." Y/N smiled mischievously. "So tell me, Drew Starkey... how's the fame treating you?"
He groaned playfully, shaking his head. "You're going to make me sound insufferable."
"On the contrary, I think you're handling yourself rather well."
"You say that now," Drew teased. "Talk to me in six months when I've gone completely Hollywood."
"Mm, I don't think that's in your nature." Y/N tilted her head thoughtfully. "You seem far too grounded for that."
"You don't know me yet," Drew countered.
"Well, I'm a very good judge of character. Comes with the territory of being Daniel Craig's daughter—lots of egos to sift through."
Drew raised his brows, amused. "Is that right?"
"Absolutely. I'm rarely wrong." She gave him a sly look. "And my read on you so far is: humble, charming, and maybe a little too hard on yourself."
Drew chuckled, caught off guard. "You're bold."
"Life's too short not to be."
Drew shook his head with a small smile. "And what's your read on yourself?"
Y/N leaned in slightly, her voice dropping just enough to feel conspiratorial. "That would spoil the fun, wouldn't it?"
Drew swallowed, the teasing lilt in her voice setting him slightly off balance. There was a beat of silence between them, the kind that crackled with unspoken tension. He cleared his throat, reaching for his champagne. "You're a mystery, Y/N."
"And you're still a little flustered," she teased, her grin widening. "Do I make you nervous, Drew?"
"Maybe." Drew gave her a crooked smile, holding her gaze. "But I think you like that."
Y/N laughed, the sound light and rich. "I do. I'm not afraid to admit it."
Drew shook his head in disbelief. "You're something else."
"So I've been told." She took another sip of wine, her expression softening just a touch. "But really—what's next for you? After all this?"
Drew shrugged, glancing around the room as if the answer might be hidden somewhere among the guests. "I don't know. This feels like such a huge moment, you know? I almost don't want to think about what's next. I just want to enjoy this."
"As you should." Y/N nodded approvingly. "Don't let anyone rush you."
"I won't." Drew paused, meeting her eyes again. "But... I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little scared of what comes after. What if I can't live up to it?"
"You will," Y/N said softly, her tone sincere. "You've got the talent, Drew. The rest will follow."
Drew studied her for a moment, his chest feeling strangely warm. "You're very good at this."
"At what?"
"Making people feel seen."
Y/N smiled, her expression unreadable. "Maybe you just needed someone to see you tonight."
Drew felt his heart skip, the weight of her words settling between them. Before he could respond, Y/N placed her empty glass on the bar.
"Come on," she said, standing. "You're far too interesting to spend the whole night glued to this bar stool."
"Where are we going?" Drew asked, standing to follow her.
Y/N looked over her shoulder with a mischievous smile. "You'll just have to follow me."
And he did. Without hesitation. A “Yes, ma’am,” slipping from his lips.
Drew followed Y/N as she led him away from the bar, weaving effortlessly through the crowd. She moved with a sort of practiced ease, as if she'd spent her whole life in rooms like this—grand, glittering, and full of famous faces. Drew, still buzzing from the champagne and the residual adrenaline of the evening, was mesmerized.
"I'm dying of curiosity here, where exactly are we going?" Drew asked, his voice tinged with amusement as they turned down a quieter hallway leading away from the main party.
"Somewhere a little less chaotic," Y/N replied, glancing back at him. "Unless you'd rather keep bumping elbows with half of Hollywood."
"No complaints here," Drew said, matching her steps. "I think I've shaken enough hands tonight to last me the rest of the year."
Y/N pushed open a door at the end of the hall, revealing a small terrace overlooking the city. The night air was cool, crisp against their skin as they stepped outside. The noise of the party dulled behind them, replaced by the distant hum of Los Angeles and the quiet rustling of trees in the breeze.
"Better?" Y/N asked, turning to face him.
Drew exhaled, his shoulders relaxing as he looked out over the skyline. "Much better. Thanks."
Y/N leaned against the railing, watching him with an unreadable expression. "You looked like you needed an escape."
"I guess I did." Drew joined her, leaning beside her, their arms nearly brushing. "It's a lot, you know? I'm grateful—don't get me wrong—but... I don't think I'm cut out for the whole schmoozing thing."
"Most people aren't. They just pretend they are." Y/N's lips curled into a small smile. "Besides, you've already done the hard part tonight. The rest is noise."
Drew glanced at her, the city lights reflecting in her eyes. "You're good at this—reading people."
She shrugged lightly, her tone playful but laced with truth. "It's my party trick."
"Anything else I should know about you?" Drew teased. "Other hidden talents?"
"Plenty," she replied with a grin and a cheeky wink. "But I'm not about to give them all away at once. That would ruin the mystery."
Drew shook his head with a laugh, tucking his hands into his pockets. "You're impossible."
"I get that a lot," she said, unfazed. "But you haven't run off yet, have you?"
"No," Drew admitted, his smile softening. "I haven't."
Y/N's gaze lingered on him for a moment before she looked back out at the city. "Can I ask you something?"
"Did you ever think you'd end up here?" She gestured vaguely to the world around them. "Holding a Golden Globe, being the name on everyone's lips?"
Drew was quiet for a beat, choosing his words carefully. "I don't think it ever felt real enough to imagine. I wanted it, of course—I worked for it—but this? This feels like someone else's life."
"And yet, here you are."
"Here I am," he echoed, looking at her. "What about you? You've grown up in all of this. Does it ever lose its shine?"
Y/N's expression faltered, just for a moment, as if the question touched on something deeper. "Sometimes," she admitted. "It's easy to feel like you're just a part of the machinery—another face in a sea of them. But then you meet someone who reminds you why you love it, why it's worth it."
Drew tilted his head slightly, his curiosity piqued. "Is that why you act? Because you love it?"
"Because I can't not do it," Y/N said simply. "Even when it's thankless, even when no one's watching... I need it."
Drew understood that. It resonated deep within him—the need to create, to express, to push boundaries for reasons that weren't always tangible.
"I get that," he murmured. "The best moments are the ones no one else sees. The ones you do for yourself."
Y/N turned to face him fully, her eyes sharp and intent. "Exactly. And that's what makes what you did in Queer so powerful. It didn't feel performative. It felt real, like you gave a part of yourself away for it."
Drew swallowed, her words hitting him harder than he expected. "I'm honoured. That's... the best compliment I've ever gotten."
"It's true," she said softly. "And for what it's worth, I think you're just getting started."
Drew looked at her, something shifting between them in the quiet. He felt seen—more than that, he felt understood. Y/N Craig, with her razor-sharp wit and unwavering confidence, had peeled back his layers in a way no one else had managed all night.
"You really don't hold back, do you?" Drew said, his voice low.
Y/N smirked, stepping closer. "Why should I? Life's too short for subtlety."
Drew's breath hitched as the space between them narrowed. She was close enough now that he could catch the faintest trace of her perfume—something heady and elegant that suited her perfectly.
"You're dangerous," Drew said, his voice a little unsteady.
Y/N arched a brow, clearly amused. "Am I?"
"Yeah." Drew's lips curved into a small smile. "The kind of person who makes you forget to play it safe."
Y/N tilted her head, her eyes locking with his. "And do you always play it safe, Drew Starkey?"
Drew hesitated for just a second before answering. "Not tonight."
Y/N's smile widened, a knowing glint in her eyes. She reached up, her fingers brushing the lapel of his suit jacket. "Good."
The air crackled between them, thick with unspoken possibilities. Drew could feel his pulse quicken, every sense heightened as Y/N held his gaze. She was testing him, waiting to see what he'd do.
And for once, Drew didn't think—he just acted.
"Do you want to get out of here?" he asked, his voice low and rough.
Y/N's smile was slow and deliberate. "I thought you'd never ask."
Drew grinned, a mix of nerves and excitement flickering across his face as Y/N tugged him by the hand, leading him back through the terrace door. The pair slipped back into the hallway unnoticed, the music and chatter of the afterparty drowning out their hasty footsteps.
"Are we seriously sneaking our way out right now?" Drew whispered, though the grin he wore betrayed any hesitation.
"Unless you'd rather stay and talk to George Clooney about his favorite vineyards," Y/N teased, looking back at him with a mischievous smile. "Then we need to make haste!"
Drew huffed a quiet laugh. "Okay, fair point. Let's go."
They moved quickly, dodging small clusters of guests and waitstaff like a pair of teenagers sneaking out of school. Every time their eyes met, a fit of laughter threatened to spill out of them.
"Act natural," Y/N mock-coached as they passed one of the party coordinators.
"Yeah, because that's going well," Drew shot back, trying to suppress his smirk.
Finally, they pushed through a side exit and found themselves in the cool night air, away from the golden haze of the afterparty. The parking area was quiet, save for a valet who barely looked up as Y/N called for a car.
"God, I feel like we just got away with murder," Drew muttered, running a hand through his hair as he stood beside her.
Y/N grinned up at him, her cheeks flushed. "Feels kind of good, doesn't it?"
He chuckled, shaking his head. "Yeah... yeah, it really does."
The car pulled up, and Y/N wasted no time climbing into the backseat. Drew followed, sliding in beside her and shutting the door. The silence in the car was loaded, broken only by the faint hum of the radio and the distant sounds of the city.
"Your hotel, I assume?" Y/N asked, glancing at him.
"Yeah." Drew cleared his throat, suddenly feeling the weight of what they were doing hit him. He glanced at her and added softly, "If that's okay."
Y/N gave him a teasing look. "Wouldn't be here if it wasn't, would I?"
Drew felt the heat rise to his cheeks, and he covered it with a laugh. "Right. Fair point."
The ride to the hotel felt like a blur, the two of them making light conversation as they both tried to ignore the electric undercurrent running between them. When the car finally pulled up to Drew's hotel, he shot Y/N a nervous glance.
"You sure about this?" he asked quietly.
Y/N's lips twitched into a smirk as she leaned closer, her voice low and teasing. "You're not getting cold feet, are you?"
"Definitely not," Drew said quickly, earning another quiet laugh from her.
They hurried through the lobby—heads down, hands brushing but never fully touching. Drew felt like his heart was pounding in his ears as they reached the elevator. The moment the doors slid shut, Y/N let out a giggle, biting her lower lip.
"We look so suspicious right now," she whispered.
"You look suspicious," Drew shot back with a grin. "I look like someone trying not to have a heart attack."
She rolled her eyes playfully, stepping closer to him. "Relax, Golden Globe winner. No one's paying attention to us."
"That's the problem," Drew muttered under his breath, earning another soft laugh from her.
The elevator dinged, and they stepped onto Drew's floor. He fumbled briefly with the keycard as Y/N watched, clearly entertained by how flustered he'd become.
"Need help?" she teased.
"I've got it," Drew replied quickly, finally getting the door open. He held it for her as she stepped inside, and he followed, shutting it behind them.
The hotel room was simple and sleek, the lights dim as Drew tossed his keycard onto the desk. He turned to find Y/N standing near the window, looking out at the glittering cityscape. She turned to face him, her expression softer now, though still full of that familiar mischief.
But it was like something had switched in the air. Drew leaning back against the door as he studied her.
"So," he began, his voice quiet but laced with an edge that made her stomach twist, "I bet you think you're calling the shots tonight?"
Y/N raised an eyebrow, crossing her arms over her chest. "I mean, I guess we'll see who's running this show, won't we?"
Drew pushed off the door, taking a slow step toward her. His movements were deliberate, almost predatory, and Y/N found herself instinctively taking a small step back. But she wasn't about to let him see her falter. She leaned forward slightly, her lips quirking into a smirk.
"You walk like you own the place," she said, her tone teasing. "But I bet you're all talk."
Drew stopped just inches away from her, his breath warm against her skin. He lifted a hand, brushing a strand of hair away from her face, his touch surprisingly gentle for someone who seemed so intent on dominating the situation.
"Careful, Y/N," he warned softly, his voice almost a whisper. "You might be surprised at what I'm capable of."
His fingers trailed down her neck, and she shivered despite herself. What is this? she wondered, her earlier confidence beginning to waver. There was something magnetic about him, something that pulled her in despite her best efforts to maintain control.
"Or maybe," she countered, tilting her chin up defiantly, "you're just trying to scare me."
Drew's lips twitched into a smile, but there was no warmth in it. "Maybe I am," he admitted, his voice dropping lower. "But why don't we find out?"
Before she could respond, his hands were on her hips, pulling her closer until their bodies pressed together. Y/N gasped softly, her pulse quickening as his proximity overwhelmed her senses. His lips were so close to hers, his breath mingling with hers, and she couldn't help but tilt her face upward, drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
"You're playing a dangerous game," he murmured, his voice rough and intimate. "And I'm not one for playing games."
Y/N swallowed hard, suddenly very aware of how much taller and stronger he was than her. But she wasn't about to back down. "Good," she said, forcing herself to meet his gaze. "Because I like a challenge."
Drew's eyes darkened, and without warning, he dipped his head, capturing her lips in a kiss that was anything but gentle. It was commanding, urgent, and left no room for doubt about who was in charge. Y/N's hands flew to his shoulders, gripping tightly as she tried to steady herself against the wave of desire that washed over her.
His tongue traced the seam of her lips, demanding entry, and she parted them instinctively, allowing him access. The kiss deepened, grew more intense, and Y/N felt her knees weaken. Drew held her firmly, his hands sliding up her sides to cup her face, angling her head to deepen the connection.
When he finally pulled away, Y/N was breathless, her cheeks flushed and her chest rising and falling rapidly. She blinked up at him, dazed and disoriented, and realized with a jolt that she'd completely underestimated him.
"As wonderful as that was," Drew said, his voice husky and raw. "I think I need to go slower. Test your limits."
Y/N's heart pounded in her chest as she stared up at him, realisation dawning. He's not bluffing, she thought, her earlier confidence faltering. Drew was lethal, charming, and utterly in control, and she had walked right into his trap.
"What do you want from me?" she asked, her voice barely above a whisper.
Drew's lips curved into a wicked smile as he leaned in, his breath hot against her ear. "Everything."
His hand slid from her hip to the small of her back, pressing her closer against him. The heat between them was electric, a palpable tension that threatened to ignite at any moment.
Y/N's breath came in short bursts as she tilted her head up, her lips parted in anticipation. He's not going to kiss me, she thought, not yet. But the way his eyes darkened, the way his fingers flexed against her skin, told her she was wrong. He was going to do exactly what he wanted, and she was going to let him.
"Tell me what you want," he murmured, his lips hovering just inches from hers. "Tell me how much you like this."
She hesitated for a split second, but only a split second. Her boldness was ingrained, a survival mechanism honed by years of attention and expectation. "I like it," she said, her voice steady despite the storm raging inside her. "I like that you're taking control."
Drew's smile was slow, predatory. "Good girl," he said, the words soft but laced with authority. He kissed her then, a deep, bruising kiss that left no room for doubt. His tongue swept into her mouth, demanding, exploring, claiming. Y/N melted into him, her hands gripping his shoulders for balance as the world around her dissolved into sensation.
When he finally pulled away, they were both breathless. Drew stared down at her, his blue eyes gleaming with something that made her stomach twist. "You're not in control here, sweetheart," he said, his tone conversational but firm. "Not anymore."
Y/N swallowed hard, her earlier confidence faltering. He's right, she realised. I walked into this thinking I could handle him, but he's handling me. And God, it was intoxicating.
Drew didn't wait for her response. Instead, he turned her gently, positioning her with her back to him. Her heart raced as she felt his body press against hers, his chest warm and solid against her spine. His hand cupped her breast, thumb brushing over her nipple through the fabric of her dress. She gasped, arching into his touch.
"Do you trust me?" he asked, his voice rumbling against her ear.
She nodded quickly, too caught up in the sensations to form words.
"Good," he said, his grip tightening momentarily before he released her. Y/N blinked, confused, as Drew stepped back. He moved to the bed, sitting down and leaning back on his elbows, his legs stretched out in front of him. His gaze was intense, predatory, as he watched her.
"Take off your dress," he said simply.
The command hit her like a bolt of lightning. Y/N hesitated, her hands moving instinctively to the zipper at the back of her gown. She glanced at Drew, expecting... something. A smile, maybe, or a reassuring word. But his expression remained unchanged, a mask of calm dominance.
He's serious, she thought, her pulse quickening. He wants me to do this for him.
Slowly, deliberately, she began to unzip her dress. The fabric slid down her shoulders, pooling at her hips. She shrugged it off, letting it fall to the floor in a heap. Beneath it, she wore only a lace bra and matching panties, the delicate garments doing little to conceal her arousal.
Drew's eyes roamed over her body, lingering on the curve of her waist, the swell of her breasts, the slight tremble in her thighs. "Beautiful," he murmured, his voice thick with approval. "But not enough."
Y/N's brow furrowed. "What—"
"Shh," he interrupted, raising a hand to silence her. "Don't talk. Just listen."
Her breath caught in her throat as Drew leaned forward, his movements fluid and precise. He reached out, his fingers brushing against the strap of her bra. With a flick of his wrist, he sent it sliding down her arm. Her nipples tightened immediately, peaking under his scrutiny.
"Perfect," he said, his voice a low purr. He cupped her breast in his hand, squeezing gently. Y/N bit her lip to stifle a moan, her legs trembling beneath her.
Drew's free hand reached for the waistband of her panties, tugging them downward until they clung to her hips. He paused there, his fingers tracing the edge of the fabric before hooking his thumbs into the sides and pulling them down her legs.
Y/N stood before him completely exposed, her cheeks burning with embarrassment and arousal. Drew's gaze was relentless, unapologetic, as he took in every inch of her.
"Turn around," he commanded, his voice leaving no room for argument.
She obeyed, her movements stiff with nervousness. When she faced away from him, Drew's hands returned to her body, one stroking down her spine while the other traced the curve of her ass.
"So beautiful," he whispered, his breath hot against her skin. He pressed a kiss to the nape of her neck, his lips lingering as his hands explored her body with increasing boldness.
Y/N's knees nearly buckled beneath her. This is happening, she thought, her brain struggling to keep up with the intensity of the moment. He's really doing this.
Without warning, Drew spun her around and pushed her backward onto the bed. Y/N landed with a soft thud, her heart pounding as she looked up at him. Drew loomed over her, his expression dark and commanding.
"Spread your legs," he ordered, his voice sharp and clipped.
Y/N hesitated, her mind racing. Is this what I want? The question flashed through her mind, but the answer was already there, buried beneath the haze of desire clouding her judgment.
She spread her legs, her breathing shallow and uneven. Drew's eyes flicked down, noting her readiness with a smirk.
"Good girl," he said, the words dripping with approval. He knelt between her thighs, his fingers skimming the inside of her knee before moving upward. Y/N's breath hitched as his touch neared her core, her body tensing in anticipation.
And then, quite suddenly, he stopped.
"Wait," he said, his voice firm.
Y/N blinked up at him, confusion and frustration warring within her. "What?" she managed to whisper.
Drew's smile was wicked, almost cruel. "I need to hear you say it."
"Say what?"
His fingers pressed against her inner thigh, applying just enough pressure to make her squirm. "Tell me what you want," he demanded. "Tell me how much you need this."
Y/N's cheeks flushed crimson, her confidence faltering under his unrelenting gaze. "I... I don't know," she stammered, her voice barely audible.
Drew's expression hardened, his hand withdrawing from her thigh. "Then we're done here."
"No!" she cried, desperation clawing at her throat. "Please, Drew, I—"
"Say it," he interrupted, his voice a low growl.
She hesitated, her pride warring with her need. But she needed this, more than she cared to admit. "Please," she whispered, her voice breaking. "I... I need you to fuck me."
At her admission, Drew's control snapped. His hands and lips were everywhere, leaving no part of her untouched, no moment unexplored.
And within a split-second, he pushed into her, filling her completely. She gasped, her body adjusting to his size, her muscles tightening around him. Drew began to move, his rhythm slow and steady, building the tension once more. He watched her face intently, reading every twitch and moan, adjusting his movements to maximise her pleasure. It was as if he could feel every sensation she was experiencing, as if they were connected in a way that went beyond the physical.
He leaned down, capturing her mouth in another bruising kiss. His hand found her clit, his thumb circling it in time with his thrusts.
The cacophony of sounds filled the room: slick skin connecting, Y/N's breathless whimpers and cries of pure pleasure, Drew's soft moans. But to them it sounded like a symphony; a truly bewitching one.
"Y/N," Drew said her name like a prayer, his voice ragged with volatile emotions. "Look at me."
She obeyed, meeting his gaze as tears of ecstasy blurred her vision. This was it, she realised. This was what she'd been missing. The raw, unfiltered connection, the trust, the surrender.
"Don't look away," he commanded, his voice fierce but tender. "Stay with me."
She nodded, her breathing shallow as she clung to him, her body tense with anticipation. And then, as if on cue, her climax hit her like a tidal wave, her entire body convulsing with pleasure as she screamed his name.
Drew followed soon after, burying his face in the crook of her neck as he poured himself into her, his body shuddering with release. For a moment, they lay there in silence, their hearts pounding in sync.
"So," she said quietly, breaking the silence. "Not a bad way to celebrate your first Golden Globe win, is it?"
Drew let out a soft laugh, pressing a kiss to the top of her head. "Not bad at all."
Y/N grinned, lifting her head to look at him. "Good. Because I plan on reminding you about this night for years."
Drew rolled his eyes, though he was smiling. "You're never going to let me live this down, are you?"
"Not a chance."
Drew shook his head, pulling her closer. "You're the worst."
"And yet, here we are," Y/N teased, settling back against him.
Drew couldn't argue with that. As he lay there, listening to her quiet breathing and staring up at the ceiling, he couldn't help but think that this was, without a doubt, the best night of his life.
(dividers by @kodaswrld !!)
betty’s notes ౨ৎ ⋆。˚
i had SO much fun writing this request and i REALLY got carried away XD i hope this wasn’t too long, and was exactly what you wanted my lovely :) request are going to be open for the next 24 hours so get some in if you have anymore everyone !! <3
thinking of starting a tag list if anybody’s interested? as always, hearts and reblogs are always appreciated <3
#rafe cameron#drew starkey#fluff#outer banks#bettys asks !! ౨ৎ ⋆。˚#drew starkey x reader#drew starkey x you#drew starkey x y/n#drew starkey ౨ৎ ⋆。˚#drew starkey outer banks#drew starkey one shot#drew starkey fluff#drew starkey smut#smut#bettys work !! ౨ৎ ⋆。˚
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saw your post and comment about heehoon getting off together bc they both want yn…that is so hot I want to read that. Please
I want to read that too 😋 I would love to write more of this type of content so please let me know if you’d read it!
warnings: heehoon jerk off together, mentions of wanting to fuck reader and suck on her tits and pussy, mentions of dry humping, blowjob mention, exchange of fantasies, subtle mxm context (they sit next to each other on the couch and watch each other jerk off), mentions of a sex toy, implied share use of a toy at the end.
send in your hard thoughts x
“Dude, are you hard?!”
Heeseung looks over to his friend who sits beside him on the couch in nothing but sweatpants and a flimsy t-shirt. The two of them have sat in silence for the past few minutes or so after their friends left their apartment with you in tow, giving them each a hug goodbye as Jay and Jake undoubtedly drove you back to your apartment.
Still, your perfume lingers in the air. It smells somewhere between vanilla and peaches.
The TV has something playing in the background but neither of them can say they’ve been paying much attention to it. Sunghoon’s been scrolling on Instagram for the past few minutes when Heeseung happened to look over at him to ask what he wanted to watch when he saw the slight tent in his roommate’s pants.
Sunghoon looks up, unashamed. He turns his phone towards the elder. “Can you blame me? Look at her?”
Heeseung squints and sees your profile. “Have you been hard this entire time?”
“Since she walked in. Don’t tell me you don’t feel that way either. I always see you looking at her ass when she walks in front of you.”
Heeseung blushes for a moment. “I can’t help it. Her ass is phenomenal and she always wears those short shorts when she comes over.” Sunghoon groans.
“Yeah, the ones where you can see her panties, right? I swear she’s doing it on purpose.”
“Have you two ever…”
Sunghoon nods his head. “Once.” He bites his lip at the memory. “It was late, really late. She was sobering up after getting drunk at our place a few months ago when you were visiting your cousin. I told her she could sleep over since I was too tired to drive and the guys already left.
“What happened next?”
“I insisted she take my bed while I take the couch but she put up a pretty good fight. She insisted I sleep there with her since it’s my apartment and we’re both adults. We ended up dry fucking, man. She woke me up the middle of the night and I think she was having a wet dream or something.”
“Fuck, really?”
Sunghoon nods. “Yeah. Her leg was over mine and she got so shy when she realized we were both awake but I was so hard since her pussy kept rubbing over me.”
“But you two didn’t fuck?”
He groans. “Wish we did but it felt too good to stop. I took off my sweats and tried to get us naked but Y/N kept rubbing herself on me like she was desperate. That shit was so hot. That was the only time I get to see her cum, too. She let me on top of her and I had to pretend that I was fucking her balls deep since our clothes were still on.”
Heeseung curses and pictures himself in this exact position, running a hand through his hair to tug at his roots. “Were her panties wet?”
“Soaked. I could feel her through my boxers.”
“Y/N is too hot for her own good.” Heeseung watches Sunghoon’s cock jump as he readjusts his position on the couch.
“Wish I could touch her, you know? Knowing she he’s really wet turns me on. Shit.”
Heeseung can’t help but think about it. He’s seen you in swimming suits before and it doesn’t take much for him to imagine what you’d look like without them on. His cock stirs in his pants when he thinks about you gushing for him. Something about Sunghoon’s words turn him on too.
“What else do you want to do to her?” Heeseung finds himself asking his friend.
He laugh. “What don’t I want to do to her? I want to suck on her tits, man. It kills me that she doesn’t wear a bra when she comes over because I can see everything, especially when it’s a little cold. Perky nipples and everything.”
“Fuck,” Heeseung moans. “What else?”
“I’d want to eat her cute little pussy too. Fucks me up every time she flashes us with her shorts…I want to know what she feels like on my tongue.”
Heeseung laughs incredulously. “Damn, Hoon. You’re making me hard.” Sunghoon returns the laughter and doesn’t shy away from looking at his friend’s lap. Heeseung is almost as hard as he is but that seems to make him harder. “Is it bad that I want to cum inside of her?”
“No, fuck no it’s not.” Sunghoon bucks his hips involuntarily against his sweats. “Had a dream the other night that Y/N let me fuck her and creamed all over me…Goddamn, it felt so real.”
“Sometimes I think about her when I watch stuff,” Heeseung admits. “It’s better when I can’t see the girl’s face. I pretend it’s Y/N and it always makes me cum the hardest.”
“Me too. I love those twitter videos more than anything. Sometimes I pretend she’s the one who sent it to me.” Sunghoon brings a hand to his hardened cock and palms himself without a care in the world, even if Heeseung’s eyes grow wide at the movement. “C’mon, man. You can’t say you aren’t turned on.”
“Jesus. You jump right into it, huh?”
Sunghoon scoffs. “Don’t sit there and pretend you haven’t gotten off to me bringing girls home. I hear you in your bedroom, you know.” Heeseung laughs as if to challenge him.
“And you can’t say that you haven’t gotten off when I bring girls back.”
“Yeah, yeah.” Sunghoon looks back at your Instagram profile and curses under his breath, gripping his cock above the fabric. Heeseung pulls his phone out to look at you too.
“Her tits are incredible,” Heeseung moans as he brings his hand to palm himself. “I wanna put my dick between them and fuck her like that.”
“Cum all over her tits,” Sunghoon adds. “I’d kill to see her on her knees for me like that. Her tits are my weakness.” Palming himself isn’t nearly enough. “Fuck it.”
Heeseung loses his breath when Sunghoon pulls his hard dick out of his pants. “Woah, now? Don’t you want to like, go to your room or something?”
Sunghoon rolls his eyes. “It’s not like you haven’t seen my cock before. You don’t usually get this shy when we share a girl.”
Fair point. Heeseung pulls his dick out too.
For a minute, the soft sound of the TV permeates throughout the room as the two of them look at your photos and slowly stroke themselves opposite each other on the couch. Heeseung hears Sunghoon grunt under his breath and hold back a deeper moans when his thumb swipes over his swollen slit that drools precum.
Heeseung’s cock is just as hard. His fingers grip himself with fervor and for just a moment, he pretends it’s your hand that’s stroking him. He imagines the look you’d give him if you were on your knees before him and throws his head back when he moans.
“Feels good, doesn’t it?” Sunghoon asks as he twists his wrist to stroke himself better. “Fuck, thinking about her always gets me so hard.”
“Want her mouth on me,” Heeseung says in a broken moan. “Her cute little mouth is always telling us off but fuuuuck. She should use it on me instead.”
Sunghoon squeezes himself at the base and flickers his gaze from his phone to his too to watch even more precum ooze out of himself. Thinking about you like this gets always makes him incredibly hard and wet. He can only imagine what would happen if he got the chance to fuck you.
The sounds of their arousal splashing against their cocks as their hand moves up and down is the loudest sound in the room and neither Heeseung nor Sunghoon can for certain say they aren’t turned on by it. In the past, they’ve had their fair share of threesomes with girls they’ve met at parties and past hookups who’ve expressed interest in fucking two guys at the same time, but never have they ever found themselves in a predicament like this.
You are the common denominator within their friend group. Somehow, senior year of university brought the give of you together after an assigned group project in one of your classes that forced you all to spend a good majority of your time together, slaving away for a good grade. The semester ended but the five of you still continued to see each other, project be damned.
Both of them are pretty sure Jay and Jake probably have a thing for you too. You’re hot, smart, and really funny. You’re everything any guy could ever want and it’s always a shame that you’ve preferred to keep to yourself instead of become as promiscuous as the four of them, even if they don’t judge you for it.
Sunghoon speeds up his hand and throws his phone down on the couch to cup his balls. “Ah, damn. I’m close.”
“Me too,” Heeseung breathes. He puts his phone down too and mimics Sunghoon by squeezing his own balls, pretending it was you getting him off. “You wanna cum together?”
“Goddamn,” Sunghoon says with a laugh as his arm flexes. “Why do I find that really hot?”
“Imagine if Y/N was here with us.” Heeseung licks his lips and zeroes in on Sunghoon’s cock, imagining as it disappears inside of your pussy. “Imagine if we both came in her.”
“Always wanted to try that double penetration shit. Shame we didn’t do that before.”
“Soon,” Heeseung promises. “Y/N looks like the kind of girl who’d be into that. If she let you dry hump her then I’ll bet she’s let us fuck her pussy at the same time.”
The logic doesn’t make any sense but neither of them care. They squeeze themselves until choked moans become louder than the TV in front of them.
Heeseung cums with white tall spurts ruining the hem of his shirt but the wet stain doesn’t bother him. At the same time, Sunghoon spills out much slower, his cum seeping out of himself like a water fountain as it dribbles onto his hand. Heeseung watches his friend continue rubbing himself while he spreads his cum down his cock and onto his balls.
Both of them regain their breathes and feel strangely turned on by the events that just transpired. Heeseung finds himself wondering what Sunghoon would look like when he’s got you underneath him. He tugs at his cock at the thought and surprised himself when he doesn’t soften up.
Sunghoon smiles wickedly at Heeseung when he sees his friend’s cock twitching, his own dick remaining hard. “Wanna go again?”
“You want to jerk off again?”
He nods and stands up from the couch. Sunghoon pulls his pants up just comfortably enough until they rest below his ballsack and walks to his room, leaving a dumbfounded Heeseung sitting on the couch in his soiled boxers until he Sunghoon comes back out with a toy that looks a lot like a woman’s torso, ass, and pussy.
“Fuck, you actually own one of those things?!”
Sunghoon nods. “I use it when I get off to porn. Don’t you have anything?”
“Just a fleshlight but I’ve always wondered what those feel like.”
“Kinda like the real thing by more rubbery and smooth, obviously.” Sunghoon holds it up for Heeseung. “Since you mentioned double penetration…”
Heeseung cuts him off. “Let’s practice.”
please reblog and leave a comment if you enjoyed :)
#enhypen smut#sunghoon smut#heeseung smut#enha smut#enhypen x reader#heeseung x reader#sunghoon x reader#enha hard thoughts#enha hard hours#enhypen hard thoughts#enhypen hard hours#hard thought
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hey i have a fucking bone to pick with sapphic fandoms
like, i get it okay. i've been on tumblr since 2011, i was in the trenches during the bury your gays nightmare, i grew up on buffy, i watched the 100, i've been through the furious and devastating queerbaits, and i've watched helplessly as the boom of proper progress with sapphic rep has burned and disappeared with the faults of the industry as it is rn and the resurgence of bury your gays in the form of tv cancellations
i even did a fucking guest lecture for a film & tv university course a couple years ago on all of this
we joke about the fact that queer (specifically sapphic) fans flock to any show with the barest hint of rep in it because we're so starved for it, and we talk about the fact that if nothing else, that proves that there's a market and an audience and it usually creates a huge wave of viewership and attention for the show
but i need to fucking point out: acting as though a show exists for the sole purpose of the sapphic relationship you've started watching it for is fucking detrimental to how you'll perceive the show, how it'll get talked about in fandom spaces and then beyond that (bc the line between fandom spaces and wider online discussion of media is a lot thinner than it was ten years ago) and isn't actually going to do any good for sapphic rep! like, at all! because guess what! unless you're watching a show where the entire storyline revolves around romance, this couple you're watching for ISN'T going to be the centre of the story! it's a part of it! and there's such a weird fucking entitled toxicity to how fans act around brilliant storytelling and worldbuilding and writing and characters throwing tantrums about not getting more screentime for the relationship they like because they don't actually care about any other part of the story. and the thing about people who watch something solely for a ship rather than the wider story it exists in, is that a lot of the time, you'll fundamentally misinterpret the characters and their dynamic because you're not taking any of the wider context of the world and story into account at all.
and yes, of course i'm talking about agatha all along in the immediacy. because we knew a long, long time ago that billy maximoff was gonna be an integral part of this story, long before we knew anything about what the vibe of this show was gonna be, long before anyone even had the tiniest whisper of rio's existence. the same way wandavision was monica rambeau's origin story even though the show was wanda's, we suspected that agatha all along would be billy's/wiccan's origin story even if the show focused on agatha. and you know fucking what. that's good fucking storytelling. this show is smart, it's funny, it's curious, it's campy, it's queer, and it's ensemble. that's always been the point. agatha and rio were a delightfully unexpected part of it that added such delicious tension and phenomenal sapphic rep, but you know what else! the point of that dynamic is to flesh out agatha's character! this show isn't about agatha and rio! it's about agatha and billy, who they are, how their pasts and their magic are connected, their traumas and their power and how the road shapes their futures! rio is a part of exploring agatha's past, and it's phenomenal, but i am so fucking bewildered by the ridiculousness of people's reactions to billy now having a bigger part in the story and there being less focus on agatha and rio. you do know that you write scenes and characters and stories in a way that makes sense right? that because of the nature of this show, even if we don't get more than a handful agatha and rio scenes for the rest of the episodes, they're both still sapphic characters, this is still wonderful sapphic rep, and this show is still very, very queer?
like, it's obviously not fair that we have to beg for scraps to have queer shows to watch. but that doesn't mean that any of us get to do such a fucking disservice to the people who make amazing shows and fight to put sapphic rep in them within the contexts of the stories they're telling by whining that it's not enough. what we're getting with agatha all along, what kathryn han and aubrey plaza and jac schaeffer have said with such grace and nuance and intrigue and depth about agatha and rio's relationship, is so fucking rare! and it's nestled within a story that's got so much other intricate storytelling that makes agatha and rio richer characters when you actually pay some fucking attention and care about who they are outside of their sexual tension!
and i'm saying this because this is an issue i see with So many other shows, where the worth of a show gets boiled down to fandoms wanting content of their ship and nothing else and then poisoning the conversation and reception around what else it is that show is doing with its story. idk get some fucking media literacy, grow up and respect artists and creatives.
#anyway#haven't had a rant on tumblr in a hot minute#agatha all along#agathario#billy maximoff#agatha harkness#rio vidal#queer tv
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⁺‧₊˚ ཐི⋆♱⋆ཋྀ ˚₊‧⁺ dark!fic recs
CW: once again, these works contain dark and explicit themes that may be upsetting or triggering to some. please use your discretion and discernment.
@cherienymphe : when i first seriously got back on tumblr and got into dark!fanfic, cherie's was one of the first blogs i found. her writing was essentially my indoctrination. it was terrifying how much i loved it/her writing. truly phenomenal. i've read quite of few of her stories (mainly for rafe cameron, jj maybank, steve rogers, and peter parker) but i'll list my faves.
"when the party's over" - its something about this series...i think about it often. if you're into forced pregnancy or corruption tropes, tap in.
"wicked games" - i actually first read this one on ao3 before i discovered her tumblr and was absolutely gagged. another one i think of often.
"amnesiac" - the first series of hers that i ever read. absolutely traumatized me and i sobbed reading it. amazing storytelling.
"the hills" - another bangerrr. a one night stand ends in complete and total blackmail and entrapment. he just wanted to give her a better life *clown face emoji*.
"his father's son" - after ward death, rafe takes over the reins in more ways than one.
"teenage dirtbag" - this series single handedly made me a jj girl. the tension??? yup yup mhm.
"the less i know the better" - ironically my favorite part of this story is readers relationship with rafe but seeing jj slowly and then rapidly descend into madness? yeah.
"claimed" - a/b/o dynamics. brought me back to my wattpad days. still eat it up.
"daddy dearest" - steve meets a single mom and decides to be not the stepdad, but the dad who stepped up.
i'll be honest, i was a non believer in dark!peter but: "she's with me", "one last time." "suburbia" and "basic training" made a believer outta me. hands. down.
@lambtotheslaughterr : it absolutely amazes me the things that come from her mind. the level of creativity and originality needs to be studied. oona, you are criminally underrated.
“rise” - the first series of hers that i read. arguably the best series i’ve read on here thus far. this is the first part to her “the day the world ended” universe and it completely blew me away. i couldn’t believe that something like it had come from some silly little boat show. just brilliant.
“when the bough breaks” - the first work of hers i read. this one for me was a heartbreaking slow burn story, but the smut…makes up for it. yes yes.
“i burn” - sex!addict reader x rafe cameron. need i say more? actually, i will. the smut and tension in this one towards the end? it was shameful how turned on i was.
“one way or another” - buckle up, grab a snack, and prepare for the ride of a lifetime. that’s it.
“something wicked this way comes” - a single mom trying to escape her past, except her past is rafe cameron. this was one very spooky scary la la.
"summit" - the second part to the tdtwe universe. its still brand new but its already feeling like another banger, i mean it's oona. tap in.
@harryspet : rae was also apart of my indoctrination and boy did she do what needed to be done. her perfectly curated moodboards alone did it for me. very mindful, very demure.
"homestead" - what can i say...i'm a sucker for pregnancy stories :( and this series was no exception. absolutely delectable. enjoy.
"well kept" - classic millionaire ceo x reader, my younger wp reading self cheered gleefully. my love language is acts of service and boyy was this one speaking my language. had me at "scheduled braiding appointment."
"bambi eyes" - this one was one of those that made me want to take a good long look in the mirror and ask myself, "is this who we are...is this what we represent?"
@sherrybaby14 : this one is for the mcu girlies. more fics than you could ever ask for. everyone say "thank you, mother!"
"the distraction" - i'm starting to notice a kidnapping/stockholm syndrome pattern here...ANYWAY! work is realllyy stressful for steve and you just happen to be the perfect distraction.
@straywords : she's no longer active but her incredible writings remain so please, peruse. its like a beautiful museum over there.
"a break" - *gasp* another pregnancy story! stucky edition.
@darkficsyouneveraskedfor : an icon, a legend, she is the moment! another infinite library for my mcu girls. roo has all you could ever want or ask for.
"all too well" - yes, yes, another one, its who i am. rafe cameron proving once again that you can't escape him.
"lucky" - best friend!rafe x reader. he didn't know what he had until it was almost gone
"tag, you're it" - never read a scream fanfic before this one but boy did i have fun! chad is so pookie in this too :(
@honestsycrets : back when i was in my miguel era, sy single handedly kept me fed.
"starved | mio" - "mio", in which you babysit mayday and it gives miguel baby fever and "starved", in which he made you a mom...but its left less time for other activities.
"stung" - sex pollen/abo. reader gets bitten by an anomaly causing a reaction that only miguel can cure
"amor y respeto" - he just can't love you the way you need to be. so you and miguel break up...at the worst possible time.
"exclusive" - you and miguel are fuckbuddies. you want more, but miguel can't bring himself to give it to you. so you find company in hobie, who's there for you in all the ways that you need. miguel's not happy about that.
"canary" - you're a singer in the 1920s who's fallen in with the dangerous o'hara brothers.
"grande" - sex!worker miguel x assistant!reader. think...a pepper x tony kinda dynamic. except, miguel doesn't take kindly to certain slights. :)
@starfxkrinc : last but certainly not least! moony is a ridiculously talented writer and a mutal of mine. i found her early on during my resurgence on here. this is her new side blog (rip lovesickbrat and starfxkr!!) luckily she was able to salvage a lot of her past works and is back like she never left. i recommend her "western nights" series (really just the trailer park!jj tag in general) and her "ode to eaters" au. a queen of all things taboo. she does it for the girls who are drawn to the dark and scary. the gross and weird. <3
#lari's fic recs#dark!rafe x reader#dark!rafe cameron#dark!steve rogers#dark!steve rogers x reader#dark!peter parker#dark!peter parker x reader#dark!jj maybank#dark!jj maybank x reader#dark!ethan landry#dark!ethan landry x reader#dark!ransom drysdale#dark!random drysdale x reader#miguel x reader#miguel o'hara x reader#rafe x reader#jj x reader#rafe cameron x reader#jj maybank x reader
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loser vi who needs you as motivation when she's studying for her finals!!
warnings: fingering, praise, reader is very kind, reader is the best supportive gf, vi is a loser, vi is lowk dumb in this i'm so sorry, i think that's it



vi was laying on her side, her eyes boring into the bright screen of her laptop while she messily wrote seemingly important words and sentences into her book, her hand beginning to cramp from the repeated motions. you were laying behind her, propped up on your elbow with her ass tucked against your lower abdomen. you could see past her shoulder enough to see what she was reading and writing about, occasionally moving forward to kiss the reddish pink hair on the top of her head every time you notice her write something important down.
you know your girlfriend is smart, in many aspects you wouldn't expect. she's good at maths and writes phenomenal essays for english- a very interpersonally and emotionally intelligent person in ways you've never been able to find within someone else.
but she's never been good at foreign language in any aspect whatsoever.
"baby, 's too much." she whines, her back arching away from your torso when you curl your fingers inside her. her boxers were discarded awhile ago, since she opened her laptop and told you that it was too hard for her to remember all of the syllabus in hiragana (me too). you don't even know why she chose this as one of her electives, especially when you tried to talk her out of it at the beginning of the year. you're starting to think she only chose it for this.
"read back through your notes. i watched you write it down earlier." she murmur into her soft hair, watching as she dropped her pen onto her mattress to begin flipping through the past her pages of her book at just the same speed of someone who's slightly panicked, bored, and wants an orgasm.
your fingers are pumping in and out of her at a relatively slow pace, one that you knew had her as equally frustrated with her work. "there you go," you coo, moving your hand away from your face to brush some of her hair away from the crown of her head to kiss it, said hand reaching to pick up her discarded pen to underline what she was looking for in the middle of the page, the letters that just looked like small drawings to her.
the repeated sound of her pussy squelching like a whore from your fingers has never paused for one second on the past thirty minutes, and it's the same with her moans. her inner thighs and your shorts are coated with her cum and arousal from when she was doing good.
"uh," she started, her voice slightly hoarse but still whiny in a way that was so sexy you're sure you'd never tire of. "hiragana is a simplified form of kanji along with katakana. there are forty six curvy characters, contrary to the sharp corners katakana has." eighth grade level definition, but it was good enough. "it's the most commonly used and spoken alphabet used in japan." she added, resulting with your fingers pumping in and out of her at a much more rapid pace than before, earning a soft whimper and moan slipping past her lips.
"can i-" she began, only for you to cut her off. "you can." and from your permission, she's cumming around your fingers with a loud moan, practically burying her face into her pillow with her heart shaped lips parted and eyebrows furrowed as you finger fuck her though it, her crooked glasses falling onto the mattress.
"that's my good girl."
#violet arcane#vi x reader#arcane vi x reader#vi arcane#arcane#vi#vi arcane x reader#arcane vi x you#violet x reader#piltover's finest#loser vi#vi is so hot#sub vi#japanese is my and hers biggest enemy#♡
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I have a question, well 2 questions to be exact that’s been rattling around in my head since I started reading platonic yandere batfam fics, why would reader stay in Gotham? I’d be sneakily stealing as much money as I could without getting caught as soon as I reach a “fuck these guys” mentality. Like, asking to have some money for groceries or something and just pocketing it so that I could get a bus ticket and leave the city. Would you do it if you were reader? It just makes sense to me “this place sucks, these people suck, I’ve gotten enough to leave”, this is with me assuming that reader has the means of course, if the reader doesn’t then okay, yeah that makes sense
And my second question, do you ever feel resentful towards Alfred when you read batfam photonic yandere content? I do sometimes, especially when the reader is neglected. I know this might sound odd but when I read these fics I recognize that Alfred could do more, out of everyone in the manner, I think Alfred’s word carries the most weight, especially with Bruce due to him raising Bruce. I also notice in some batfam fics that the reader doesn’t get mad at him due to him giving them attention, but idk it feels kinda like a slap to the face, knowing that I don’t have the power but he does and yet not exercising it until I’ve burned every last tie to that family.
I know my thoughts are a more “well you’re on the outside looking in” type takes, but idk, it hurts my heart knowing that if reader stays in that city, it will be far more easier for the batfam to find them, where if they were outside the city, they’d have a fighting chance to make a new life for themselves
On a side note, I think we are underutilizing the angst potential of reader legally changing their name and the batfam not knowing until months or even years later when reader leaves. Like Bruce and the fam would just have to sit and realize that reader hates/dislikes/doesn’t care about them enough to legally change their name from Wayne to whatever reader chooses. Jason was Batman’s greatest failure, but Reader would be Bruce’s greatest failure, and what a delightful public failure it would be if the tabloids were to somehow find out that one of Bruce Wayne’s biological children changed their legal name
I’m loving your batfam content btw, like it makes me want to create one of those “screw therapy, I need to fist fight my dad” tiktoks and tag Bruce Wayne, that’s what I can phenomenal writing!! And sorry for making this so long! Hope you have a great existence!
slight spoilers for future chapters.
this is one of my favorite asks... anon, you are so brilliant because your two questions tie into the reader's character so well and the flaws that they (you) conjured from years of neglect, so i hope my answers would suffice (i am answering based on the perspective of the reader from my series: again & again with a bit of my own perspective). tysm for sending this in, i actually really enjoy long asks and appreciate it when people take the time to send me these things!
why would the reader stay in gotham?
chapter one wasn't all the detailed about why they stayed in gotham. firstly, their self-worth had them reason that in no way, shape, or form would their family that basically estranged them would come running to them, especially not when the only time the reader could even stumble across them is by some miracle of coincidence. this also ties into their lack of knowledge about their family. sure, they know that babs is the oracle but do they know just how much access she has across gotham? not really. they know tim, like bruce, has a tendency to collect information about other people, but they don't know that they have contingency plans to be creeped out enough to get away from gotham and from their reach.
"it's not like tim or bruce or barbara considered you important enough to be stalked. hah, as if!"
and the third point is, despite bruce being a billionaire of some sort, it was stated that the reader was too well-behaved and quiet. how does this make sense? as you've stated, they wouldn't simply have the means to get out. seeing as they were sheltered by alfred and never really explored the concept of traveling far away, they never asked for money; the only advantage of being a wayne is having quite a lot of things served on a silver platter.
they have this sort of toxic bond for staying with the people who have hurt them and it materialized to them physically staying despite knowing it would only cause more pain than anything else, and they don't know that. plus, they'd rather not have the wayne name associated with them and getting money from cheques or credit cards would be too risky for the reader's safety.
they've only realized just how shitty their family is after more than 10-13 years of staying in the manor, and saving up to move to an entirely different place would be difficult, alongside college and the jobs they have to take. so the next best thing they could do is rely on any means of advantage they could get whilst also moving on to the path of self-discovery and recovery.
but that doesn't mean they're staying in gotham forever, definitely not. the moment the reader realizes that dick gained some sort of interest towards them, they're booking it out of gotham. preferably to metropolis or central city or even somewhere far, far away— they're naive, but not stupid. sudden interest towards them means danger rather than anything else. and they're aware that alfred is capable enough to pull strings, so that's why spoiler alert: they have a secret stash of money hidden somewhere and like any children of bruce, they inherited the capability to be smart enough to already back up their contacts and everything on their phone, buy a burner phone and even change their entire identity in one quick go right after they move into an entirely different city or country.
gotham is merely their practice course.
do you ever feel resentment towards alfred?
quite frankly, yes. the reader in the fic feels resentment towards everyone for a reason actually, but alfred's part was stated vaguely as to not spoil a future chapter that focuses on his perspective. they know that he has the more power inside the manor more than bruce has. everyone, and i mean everyone respects alfred, and it doesn't take a genius to know that if you mess with him, you're messing with an entire family of crime fighters.
it's not obvious, but the reader's narrative in chapter one is them trying so hard to delude themself into thinking things can be better until it's too late. so in a sense, there's false narrative coming into play.
"alfred would be too busy sometimes to attend your school ceremonies because he had to assist bruce with missions. of course, you understood his priorities. after all, he tried his hardest to make you feel less lonely inside the mansion, it wasn't enough but he was there at least."
at some point in time, alfred had also neglected the reader emotionally with the same reasoning as the others; he was busy with their father. and this all could've been avoided if alfred had tried to confront the entire family about it. i'm not delving deeper into this to really avoid spoilers other than pointing out some details in the first chapter.
just know that alfred relishes in your newfound favoritism towards him, and that he may or may not have pulled some strings himself from helping you become closer to the family.
the part about reading changing their name from (name) wayne to (name) (last name) is what made me so drawn to this ask. you have pretty much predicted one of the chapters that explored (name) wayne to the public eye. they're not so much of an internet celebrity because of their rare appearances in public, but that's what causes immense curiosity about their identity to uprise in gotham, and their fame was one of the means to get to you.
there was one news article published that was the reason that made bruce distant towards you.
but let's focus on what yan! bruce would've felt once he turns a full 360.
because the first thing he would do once he has you in his grasp is to change your last name back to his. you are not the child of a (last name), you are a wayne first and foremost, bruce's third child and his greatest mistake, quite literally. you were a product of a one-night-stand, and because he was drowning in despair from jason's death, he had failed to notice you. all his years of neglect, and he doesn't even know a single thing about you, simply because he refused to acknowledge your presence.
and you rightfully hated him, he should've accepted that. but your diary entries and the way you innocently thought of him destroyed any sliver of hope for a peaceful reconciliation. he hates how you were experiencing the same type of despair as him when it comes to battling your own monsters— you truly are a wayne at heart. he couldn't afford to let you get away any further. just like dick, he needs to fix it now or further sever the already broken ties you have with him.
it's not batman now, but rather bruce. bruce wayne had failed to save another one of his children, not as a vigilante, but as a father.
knowing bruce, he's quick to take into action and search for you.
holy shit, this is a really long post but i hope it does answer the questions ! im so grateful that you like my writing enough to write a really long ask, and i hope to see your messages more once the new chapters are published <3
#🍨... yael's talking#series: again & again#yandere dc#yandere batfam#yandere batman#yandere batboys#yandere alfred pennyworth#yandere bruce wayne#yandere dick grayson#yandere#yandere x reader#yandere x male reader#yandere x gn reader#yandere x you#yandere x y/n#platonic yandere
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only angel
pairing: bau!f reader x spencer reid
summary: in which reader is part of the bau and has to go undercover as an exotic dancer in order to catch the unsub. but the reader has been hiding lots of tattoos underneath her seemingly innocent facade. spencer goes to readers hotel room afterwards after holding in his feelings for so long.
warnings: violence, smut, oral (f receiving) unprotected p in v (wrap it up!!!!)
a/n: hey guys i hope you enjoy this quick little one shot!! this is inspired by the song only angel by harry styles :) also this is my first attempt at writing smut so i hope this good lmao
this is the song i imagined playing in the club lol
you and team gathered into the conference room in the local police station to go over the case you were all assigned to once again. the unsub had been killing exotic dancers and the amount of overkill was increasing with each body that was getting discovered.
“this unsub is progressing at rapid speed, we keep missing him each time we go out into the field. we have no other option but to send someone to go undercover as one of the dancers.” hotch said sighing.
everyone’s heads immediately turned round to you. jj was a mom and couldn’t risk it, emily was deemed “too old” to be a dancer but you were the youngest.
“you’re the only right person for this, y/n.” emily said. “i don’t want to mess it up what if im not convincing enough?” you questioned as you felt your face flush. “you’ll do great!” penelope chimed in.
“if you really don’t feel comfortable we can find someone else.” hotch said not pressuring you. “no.. no it’s fine.” you smiled shakily and he nodded.
“i feel so weird.” you said to emily as you looked at your appearance in the mirror. your hair was curled, you felt like you had a ton of makeup on, and you were wearing a shimmery pink bralette and booty shorts your tattoos that you had been hiding on full display.
“you look hot.” emily reassured. “also your tattoos are great, i didn’t know you had all of these.” emily said her eyes trailing up and down your body. you had a tiger tattoo on your stomach and a big flower tattoo down your spine. “thank you” you blushed.
emily had fixed your earpiece for you so your team could hear everything you were saying.
“are you ready?” emily asked and you nodded and walked out. you noticed all your team situated at different points in the bar. you strutted confidently up to the stage.
you weren’t much of a dancer but you thought may aswell give it your all, and thats exactly what you did. you copied all the other dancers and eventually got caught up in doing it and realised how easy it was as your hips swayed to the music. you had taken some pole dancing classes in the past so you decided to get on the pole and try it again and you were surprised when you noticed you hadn’t forgotten the skill.
your eyes darted around the room to look for your team and saw them all staring back at you with wide eyes, you chuckled to yourself.
you scanned the room for the unsub and you finally zeroed in on him. you recognised him immediately from the sketch that a surviving victim had provided. “i see him.” you whispered. your team was about to approach him to arrest him. “hold off. i have a plan” you said again and you saw your team looking confused.
you met your unsubs eyes and you made a motion with your finger indicating for him to follow you.
your set was over so you sauntered off stage to go to the back. “y/n someone wants to see you” the club manager said who was in on your plan to catch the unsub.
you walked to the back to where sure enough the unsub was sitting on a couch waiting for you.
“oh! hey” you smiled sweetly. “hello darling, i saw you dancing up on that stage and had to come meet you personally, you were phenomenal” the unsub said. “thank you” you smiled.
“what’s your name?” he asked. you didn’t want to give him your real name so you gave him a fake one. “angel.” you lied. “very fitting.” he said noticing the angel tattoo on your thigh.
“how much money would it cost me for me to have sex with you?” the unsub said sickly now practically pinning you to the wall. “i’m sorry but i don’t have sex with customers” you said a bit shakily. “what if i beg?” the unsub said now grabbing your hand and pinning it above your head. “i said no!” you said pushing him off you.
“bitch!” the unsub said angrily and he grabbed your hair and bashed your face into the wall. you felt blood trickling down your nose.
“fbi put your hands up!” derek said as him and the rest of the team burst into the room. “are you okay?” spencer said immediately rushing to you as your team arrested the unsub. “i will be” you smiled as you tried to catch your breath.
“i’m taking you to get checked over” spencer said putting his arm around your shoulder towards the ambulance. “spencer im fine” you said trying to reassure him to which he just stared at you disbelievingly. “fine” you chuckled.
“here” spencer said giving you his jacket to put over yourself as it was freezing. “will you stay with me? just until i’m finished being checked over” you asked nervously and you saw spencer’s whole face soften. “of course” he said sitting down next to you.
once you were checked over you and spencer both made your way over to the rest of the team. “everyone great work today, especially you y/n. without you who knows if we would’ve caught this unsub” hotch said. “thank you sir” you blushed.
“since it’s late why don’t we all go back to the hotel room and get some rest and leave in the morning” hotch offered. “agreed” jj said and you and the rest of the team nodded.
“i didn’t know you had tattoos y/n?” derek said when you were all walking up to each of your rooms. “you didn’t ask” you chuckled. “and we all thought you were the innocent one” derek said.
you were about to shower when you heard a knock at your hotel door. you looked at the time to see that it was 3 in the morning and wondered who would be calling at this time.
“spencer! hi” you said in shock when you opened the door. “come in” you said stepping to the side to let him in.
“are you alright?” you asked subtly wrapping your arms around yourself when he kept staring at you and not saying anything. “i can’t stop thinking about you” spencer said suddenly which made you stop in your tracks.
you had had the most hopeless crush on spencer since your first day at the bau but never thought those feelings would be reciprocated.
“and it wasn’t just because of today but i’ve liked you for a long time and i think about you all the time. you looked so breathtaking today” spencer said moving closer to you. “those dance moves… fuck it was hot” spencer said his eyes darkening.
“say something y/n” spencer practically demanded. “i feel the same way spencer, and i have for a long time now” you said feeling quite breathless as you stared at his lips.
spencer looked into your eyes for a little while before eventually cupping your face and bringing his lips down onto yours. his lips felt soft and pillowy and you immediately melted into his touch.
“let me make you feel good” spencer begged. “do it” you nodded. “let’s get this off you” spencer said helping you take off your outfit until you were naked and you helped take off spencer’s clothes.
“so fucking beautiful” spencer said taking you all in. “can i?” spencer’s asked as he spread your legs apart to go inbetween them. “please” you sighed.
he dove his head down to your pussy and began eating you out. his tongue hitting your clit just right. “oh fuck!” you screamed out, your hands finding his hair and pulling on it tight.
you felt him smile against your pussy as you tugged his hair tighter. spencer’s tongue now began to move at rapid speed to make you cum. “spencer im gonna cum!” you shouted out. “let go for me baby” spencer reassured and you did.
spencer lapped up your juices onto his tongue. “you taste so sweet baby” spencer said leaning down to kiss you.
spencer kissed your “angel” tattoo and trailed his tongue up your tiger tattoo and the rest of your body making you wriggle until he got to your mouth and kissed you ferociously.
spencer knelt down on his knees and lined himself up with your entrance and pushed in slowly. “is this okay?” he said wanting to make sure he wasn’t hurting you. “you can move” you reassured and spencer began going in and out of you at a steady pace. you grinded up against him to get him to hit deeper. “faster!” you demanded and he obeyed.
“right there” you sighed as he hit your g spot. spencer’s head found its way to rest into the crook of your neck to hit deeper into you. “oh my god” spencer said as you ground yourself up against him.
your nails dug into his back as you trailed your nails up and down. that pain only made spencer go faster and now your head was hitting off of the headboard. spencer leaned down to kiss the top of your head as a form of an apology.
“i’m gonna cum” you shouted out as you dug your fingers into spencer’s curls. “so am i” spencer said out of breath.
you clenched around spencer’s which sent him over the edge as he pounded even faster, the only sound that could be heard in the room was the sound of skin slapping together. spencer felt you let go as he did at the same time and you both rode out your orgasms.
spencer stayed inside you for a little longer and kissed you on the lips tenderly. he pulled out to flop down beside you and you whined at the feeling of him pulling out.
“that was…” spencer said at a lose for words. “out of this world?” you joked. “yeah..” he said rolling over to kiss you again. “been meaning to get that out my system for years” you smiled at him and he agreed.
“sorry about your back that’s going to leave a very big mark….” you apologised as you looked at his back which was covered in deep red scratches. “don’t worry about it, it was worth it” he chuckled.
“i was about to shower before you got here…. do you want to join me?” you asked innocently as you got up from the bed. “yes!” spencer said greedily as you laughed and walked to the bathroom together.
#spencer reid x reader#spencer reid smut#criminal minds#spencer reid#bau x reader#female reader#Spotify
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