#i guess it's not gonna show up in the tags but hopefully it'll still count for the fandometrics?
purpurussy · 4 days
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face journeys
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harrumphingtons · 1 year
Alright, theories for tomorrow's episode... this got long, so this post is entirely just theories about the Jamie plotline.
The title "Mom City" is obviously a play on Man City which is making me associate the mom that will appear in this episode with Man City/Manchester in general so... Jamie's mum appearance?? Considering that this kinda has to be the episode with the Jamie's childhood bedroom appearance in it, I'm pretty sure we're gonna get to meet Jamie's mum!
As @gottagobackintime (sorry to have tagged you if I'm not supposed to do that, still kinda new to tumblr and I'm not sure if I should tag a person if I'm mentioning/linking one of their posts?) pointed out last week in this post, 'mom' is an American and definitely not British way of addressing one's mother, and it just have easily could have been called 'Mum City' if Jamie's mum is the only Appearance Of A Mother, so I'm guessing, like most people, that Ted's "unexpected guest" (episode blurb) is going to be his own mom. Fathers and sons have been a very obvious recurring theme throughout this whole show, and two of the most prominent father-son relationships in the show have been Ted and Jamie with their fathers, so it'll be pretty sweet to see the both of them interact with their moms this episode, instead.
Ok, so Roy and Keeley are going to be worried about Jamie. My first thought was that something's going to happen to his mum, considering the episode title. But it's more likely that his doesn't-deserve-to-be-called-a-dad is going to show up again, especially considering we (and Jamie, probably) never got any closure/follow-up after the Wembley locker room scene in 2.08 "Man City" -- which, by the way, that episode title kinda mirrors "Mom City", so that's another reason to assume Tartt Sr. is going to show up again. And, Jamie was (I think?) playing at Wembley last episode for the international matches, which is, again, the sight of the last know Tartt Sr. sighting, so... does that count as foreshadowing???
Is it just me, or does Jamie literally look like he's about to cry in the promo pic/episode thumbnail? Ok, I've thought he looks like he's about to cry many times when he didn't end up crying, so maybe he just has glassy eyes, or something but. Still. I've got a feeling we might get a Jamie tear or two this episode. We're definitely getting an emotional scene I myself am I going to cry while watching, though.
I'm assuming that Richmond is going to finally beat Man City this episode. I'm really hoping that Jamie gets to put in the winning goal, because I kind of feel like narratively that just makes sense. I don't know. I like the idea of it. And, correct me if I'm wrong, but we still haven't scene Jamie make a goal on screen this season! Considering his England call up, I'm guessing he's probably scored a couple off screen, but I also don't know much about football so maybe I'm totally off. But anyways, I really hope we do get to see him score a goal at least once this season, and hopefully more than once!
Adding on to the last one, I'm trying to figure why, exactly Jamie would be doing a press conference with Roy, and so far the only thing I can think of is he scored some super amazing winning goal and they want him to talk about it. Maybe he's pointing at Roy, like, "his extra training is how I got here"? But he also looks, if not about to cry, at least pretty upset in that picture, so I really don't know what's going on there.
My other, not Jamie-related theories for "Mom City" are here.
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jadespadegames · 2 years
2022 Greatest Hits
Uhhh technically tagged by @cassthecringe and I guess I'm supposed to think of 10 good things that happened this year.
Even though this year ended pretty badly, looking back there was plenty of stuff that went pretty well. At least, compared to previous years.
1) After like 6 years of online friendship I finally met my dear friend @eldridgeparking IRL! It was so much fun and honestly I still can't believe that really happened. (Wtf my online friends are real tangible people?)
2) I guess I was technically approved for a big raise a few months back but some stuff's kinda made that raise not yet take effect :/ Hopefully it'll go through in January but I'm still gonna count that as a good thing for this year.
3) Uhhh I guess I wrote a good chunk of Part 01 for THV, although a bunch of it needs to be rewritten later lol. Figured out a lot of important plot/character stuff tho that I think are major improvements.
4) Watched a bunch of good movies and TV shows this year, rn I can think of Everything Everywhere All At Once, Glass Onion (managed to watch it in theaters last month :'D), Mob Psycho 100 (finally finished the whole series augh), Spy x Family
5) Went to the San Diego Zoo, that was cool. Finally saw a California Condor irl which was something I've wanted to see for a long time. Plus, San Diego Zoo is responsible for saving the species from certain extinction so it was nice to see them there of all places.
6) Got a new phone, a Samsung Galaxy Flip 4. I was skeptical about the foldable function but it's actually working pretty well and I like being able to put my phone easily in my pockets again.
7) Wait I can't believe I forgot this happened only this year until now but I got my own room for once! Not that I didn't have one when I was a kid but it was so full of my childhood stuff and also stuff my parents didn't have room for that it didn't really feel like My Room. In college I always lived in a small room with roommates. But now I have my own space for once that I sorta put together which is nice.
8) Saw Wicked live, thought it was enjoyable (at least the first act, second act was a bit. Hmm). Glinda's actress stole the show though she was an absolute riot. After seeing two musicals live tho I really wish I could read captions because I can't tell wtf they're singing most of the time and I feel like that makes me miss a bunch of stuff-
9) Uhhh my DrakeNier Meme Twitter sorta took off after I posted a few bangers
10) (If you can't tell I was really struggling to come up with things towards the end) I bought and finished the Bone comics after never finishing them as a child and they were wonderful. Netflix how dare you cancel the adaptation YOU HAD GREATNESS AT YOUR FINGERTIPS
Uhhh I tag anyone who wants to do this, happy new year everyone (:
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acescreations · 6 years
Moody Manipulations - Patton
[Part 2 to the Connected Youtuber Ego Universe(CYEU) stories I'm doing on Amino.]
Characters: Logan Sanders, Patton Sanders, Virgil Sanders, Roman Sanders, Thomas Sanders, Elliott (Cartoon Therapy), Kai (Cartoon Therapy), Lauren (Cartoon Therapy), Missy Sanders [background character], Pranks Sanders [refrenced], Mitchell (Cartoon Therapy) [mentioned]
Warnings: Patton has a really bad day, cries, and hides his emotions, Patton also has a retail job I feel like I should mention that, Mitchell is implied to be a little b*tch, Patton gets verbally abused
Word Count: 1798
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It really didn't take me long to figure out what my emotions do. Whenever I was happy, things went right in the world, and when I was sad things went wrong. At first I thought it was a coincidence, but the correlation was too obvious to be chance. After that, I always did my best to stay in a good mood. I'd do things I enjoy, and avoid people and things that upset me.
I have to admit, staying happy became a lot harder. It almost seemed like a job at this point, since it was my responsibility to be happy. I still tried my hardest despite this, and when I was happy, hearing about all the good things happening in the world put me in an even better mood. Though that did go both ways, and hearing about bad things happening made me more upset, so I eventually decided to not look at the news when I was already uspet.
This was all a pretty good strategy for keeping my mood up, but one day everything went wrong, and I had no idea how to stay happy then.
I was heading down to my job at the local retail store and I bumped into someone on the street. "Whoops! Sorry about that." They said nothing, and just kept walking. I was surprised I didn't see them sooner. They had a head full of messy green hair along with bright blue eyes. I didn't really think much of it, after all, it was a busy street, people run into each other all the time. Once I got to my job, I saw my best friend getting his stuff. It looked like he was leaving, but we were supposed to be on the same shift today. I walked up to him as he was putting his hat on. "What's going on Chase? Are you leaving?" He turned to me with a sigh. "Yeah, I just got fired. I have no idea how I'm gonna pay for my date with Stacy now."
"Oh, geez." I was pretty disappointed myself. I always looked forward to the days when we worked together. "Well, good luck on finding a new job, I guess." Chase nodded as he walked past me. "Yeah, I guess."
I sighed as he left. This job was going to get a lot harder without him here. But, I still had my job to do, so I put on my name tag and I clocked in.
After a while of uneventful work, a woman came in and slammed a box of party supplies onto the counter. "I need to return these," she demanded.
"Okay ma'am," I said, a little nervous, "do you have the receipt?"
"No, but I don't need this anymore. I never needed it, so give me a refund on it!"
"I'm sorry, but can't return anything without proof of purchase." I had never had one of these conversations before, and this lady was really intimidating.
"I'm not keeping stuff my husband bought as a prank! Of course you teenagers don't care about how much money all this costs, you probably get handed money just so you can spend it all on stupid parties, don't you?"
Of course, I didn't actually do any of that, but she didn't know that, and I wasn't allowed to tell her that. "I want to help you, but I can't give you a refund on anything without a receipt."
The woman let out a frustrated growl. "I don't have time for this." She stormed out of the store, leaving the box on the counter. I allowed myself a sad sigh as I picked up the box and moved it off the counter, putting on a brand new smile as the next person in the line brought up their stuff. "Good afternoon, did you find everything you were looking for?"
~ ~ ~
By the end of my shift, I was exhausted. I wanted to call someone for a ride home, but my phone had died, so I had to walk. To make matters worse, I saw a cat that had been hit by a car on the side of the road. By that point, I was barely holding back tears, although I kept telling myself to stay cheerful, which only made it harder. I decided that I'd have a few cookies to cheer myself up when I got home.
I walked through the door, and saw Logan and Thomas sitting on the couch, watching the news. Obviously, it was all bad news. Logan turned off the TV as they both turned to me. "Bad day?" I must have looked pretty upset, because I never told Thomas about what my emotions do, but something must have prompted him to ask that. I just shrugged. I didn't want to talk about it, because I felt like I'd break down in tears if I did. I walked past them wordlessly and went into my room to change out of my work clothes. When I walked back out, I was determined to improve my mood, so I put on a smile and went to get that cookie, but I opened the cookie jar to find that it was empty. "When did we finish the cookies?" I asked to anyone who was listening. Thomas spoke up from the living room. "I'm pretty sure Lauren finished them with Roman and Virgil." I wanted to be upset about this, but I was determined to stay positive.
It's okay Patton, you can just make some more. That should be fun, that should make you happy.
I began taking out ingredients, but it turned out we were out of a flour, sugar, and eggs. That was definitely a disappointment. I told myself I'd be able to get through it anyway.
After that, though, was when I completely lost composure. Elliott walked out of their room, their shoulders hanging as they sat down next to Thomas on the couch. Logan looked up from where he was reading on the other end of the couch. "Mitchell left another message today." I overheard them saying. My heart broke in sympathy for my parent, and I quickly walked out of the kitchen and into my room, barely even trying to hold back tears anymore.
As soon as I was alone in my room, I collapsed to the floor, letting out all the sobbing my day had been leading up to. I don't know how loud I was being, but after wiping tears from my eyes, I looked up and I was surrounded by my family, all with faces of varying levels of concern and sympathy. Once my crying slowed, Virgil, eho was sitting in front of me, said "Hey, what's wrong?" I lowered my head onto my knees. "Bad day," I muttered, overcome with guilt for how many people I must have gotten hurt today. "Patton," I heard Logan say at my right, "you can't keep getting upset at yourself for being upset." I shook my head. "No, you don't understand," I said.
"I'm pretty sure I do, and Patton," Logan continued, "you're going to have your ups and downs, and it'll be less... disastrous if you just let the bad days be just a little bad. The world can take a little bit of misfortune, believe me."
I looked up at him, confused. "Are you saying you-"
"Yes Patton, and for your information I regularly keep up on the news so I can tell how your feeling. And yes," Logan continued, "everyone else knows too."
"Oh." I looked around at everyone, unsure of how I never found out.
"So why don't you just tell us what's going on today?" Virgil asked, scooting over to sit next to me. I shrugged, not really sure when exactly my day started going terribly. "Well on the way to work I bumped into this guy, which I really didn't mind that much, but after that I found out my friend got fired," I then just started stating everything that happened that day. I didn't mean to, really, I just started talking and then I couldn't stop myself. Once I was finished, Roman gave me a thoughtful look. "What did the guy on the street look like?" I blinked at him, confused as to why he was questioning that. "Well, he had blue eyes, and really messy green hair."
"What was he wearing?"
"I dunno, this big wavy coat?"
"Roman," Logan sighed, "what does this have to do with anything?" Roman didn't answer, despite everyone beong equally confused. He just stood up, muttered something about "Marvin" and walked out. "I have a hunch about something, I'll be back, hopefully with good news." Thomas sighed and shook his head after Roman left the house. "That boy, honestly. Anyway, how about me and Elliott go get those ingredients you were needing? You can just stay here and relax."
"No!" I said, a little too frantically. "I-it's just," I mumbled, "you could get hurt."
"It's fine," Logan said. "Camden's got an eye on the TV, and things are improving. They should be able to get there and back safely." Camden was the name Logan gave his familiar. I slowly nodded, and Virgil stood up and grabbed my hand. "All right, now you come here and watch some TV." I stood up and followed him as he led me to the couch, Logan, Kai, and Lauren following behind while Thomas and Elliott got ready to go to the store. Me and Virgil sat next to each other on the couch, Logan sitting a small distance away while Kai and Lauren sat near us.
After a while of watching Steven Universe, Roman burst back through the door. "Patton, you will have to worry about this misfortune no longer!"
"O-okay. Um, what did you do?" I asked.
"Well that person you bumped into, I'm actually acquainted to him. He calls himself Marvin the Magnificent. He claims to be a magician, but for as long as I knew him he couldn't do any actual magic. Turns out he got magic powers through a deal with a demon or something, and he had to agree to curse you with misfortune." He sat down on my other side, so now I had one sibling at both of my sides. "I talked him into releasing the curse," he said, probably more casually than what the situation would call for.
"Okay, thanks then," I said, despite Roman already being immersed in the show. We continued watching until Thomas and Elliott returned with the baking supplies, then Virgil, Thomas, and Lauren joined me in baking cookies. Once I tasted one of the cookies from out of the oven, I figured that the day wouldn't be as bad as it had been.
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