#i guess i was wrong about jinx (depending on how you look at it ???????) but idc one is already way better than i ever thought id get :D
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cheriboms · 4 months ago
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aldana-brillantina · 5 months ago
Nobody is good in Arcane(maybe Ekko). If you watch the show you can take a side depending on who you empathize with the most or who you consider their reasons to be good and justifiable to a certain point. This is a story of sides, of perspectives.
Caitlyn is a good person, who has never had anything bad happen to her and lives in a perfect world where her city is an example of progress, she is a person raised in a peaceful environment and she never had the need to be bad or wish evil. That makes her naive, like a baby. That makes her even somewhat insensitive in very specific occasions like when she sees a reality that is not hers (You don't have parents? You're wrong) but it also makes her feel empathy because she doesn't conceive that someone can live like garbage (when she hugs that man addicted to shimmer, when she criticizes her mother and the council for the situation in undercity). But what Jinx generates is what I want to discuss. Before her encounter with her, Cait had never been in danger and bad things classified as horror movies had happened to her, that was in the past. That's when you start to think, she was good because she never had or felt the need to be anything else. Hate can warp a person, and someone like Cait who never felt it, really felt it, well. She's still a person.I think bad situations are the ones that really bring out some hard truths about a person. But also, do we all process trauma the same way? No, does that justify any wrong you do? No, it makes it understandable.I think people are very unfair to Cait, Jinx, Vi, and even Jayce. I think it's because we all judge them from one reality, our own. But they have many.
If we look at it from Piltover's perspective, the Enforcers are heroes, people who protect them from those who want to harm them and risk their lives all the time, that it is thanks to them that they sleep peacefully in their beds and that it is thanks to the council and their good management that everyone has what they need to live. If I grew up under that reality, the Zaunites are wild animals, less than them.Jayce did not belong to the elite in the beginning of the series, he really worked hard to reach the position he is in and he believes that with enough dedication one can achieve their dreams. That is not Viktor's reality, because no matter how hard he tries or how much effort he puts into it, he is a Zaunite and people will always look down on him. That is when two realities collide without letting the other be a lie. Because Jayce really tried hard and Viktor is still less.
Jinx is a killer, a monster in Piltover, the bogeyman who took the city of progress out of peace and balance. She is Silco's attack dog, his pet for most of Zaun. She is the daughter of her boss, for Sevika. His daughter, the representation of the city he always wanted and his greatest weakness for Silco. But I think the worst thing is that she is a product of a violent environment, an environment that never saw any other way to survive than by stealing like rats or kicking others, and this was Piltover's fault. How much of the damage she does is justified if we look at it from the Zaun perspective?
For Undercity, Zaun, Piltover's live off their blood and beat them in the streets since before Silco. How many of them lost families, friends and lovers at their hands? The protests are the result of rage, pain and hunger. My dad said that if there's one thing you never forget it's hunger, guys, this is a city that lives hungry and on crumbs. No, Enforcers are not heroes, they're boogeymen and it's been a reality for, if my calculations are correct, over 150 years (I'm guessing a bit here, taking into account Vi's birth date and Piltover's founding in the lore). So the Zaunite mentality is different, like, you slaughter us for a few when you slowly killed thousands over all these years? It's not right because I'm sure there are innocent people in Topside who live in ignorance of the cost of all the pleasures they enjoy and probably see them even more as animals after these "senseless" attacks. But this makes a lot of sense to them. And Caitlin along with Mel's mom, how many lives will they take, how many mothers? She would be someone else's Jinx.
I remember Silco, in his meeting to remind the chemis of their place, mentioned the mines and how they all breathed shitty air and did they remember it. They don't look old, they started young. Vander and Silco met there, young. Because, here I am playing devil's advocate, Silco despite being a shitty person did not invent child labor or all evil as some of us like to believe, he is a product and he grew up with it, it is normal for him. And yes, at some point, even before he died, he wanted something more, believed he deserved something more when many people simply continued to think they belong under the boot of topside. But he also poisoned his people and did not change the reality for younger generations, he only made it harder for them to prosper. Because in his reality, people who want to survive will do so at all costs, for him only the one who manages to reinvent himself deserves to remain standing, because that's what he did to live. Swim or you sink, there's no other option.
And isn't that the reason why Ekko and his community are still alive? They reinvented themselves, but by lifting each other up rather than tearing each other down. And that's their reality. They didn't need to leave anyone behind because they all contributed to the boat instead of swimming individually.
People who work for Silco, do they have families? Children, siblings. When you hurt someone, regardless of whether they're bad or good, it's someone's brother, someone's child, someone's friend. Someone always gets hurt, directly or indirectly. The Firelights are the good guys, probably the most well-intentioned organization in the series. That doesn't change that how much they screw up those Silco jobs (for good reason) they put other people in danger who may have children or family and they'll think, even if they're wrong, that they're the bad guys.
But did Silco have Vander and were leaders in their own movement for independence? Well, it didn't work out and they lost everything. That formed Silco. What would Ekko do if he lost everything? Even though he's done it once, can he do it again?
That's the litmus test for every character, who you are, what's left, after a great loss. You become like Jinx or Cait, who get lost in their grief and punish people regardless of whether they're responsible or not. Or like Ekko, who like a tree, resists blows because his roots are stronger.
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zerolostwalks · 1 year ago
"I can't be a dad, I don't know how to braid hair." "That was not what I expected you to panic about, but okay we can fix that." / writer's choice
Also for @invisibleraven who asked for the same prompt for rulie. A sort of spiritual successor to this prompt fill
Six months. 
Reggie’s not sure if he’s ever had any relationship last this long. Technically, he’s not even sure if this relationship has lasted this long. It all depended on where he wanted to start counting. 
If he started from the night he and Julie first got together. The night that was meant to be a one time thing. Then they’ve definitely hit that six month mark. 
If, instead, he counted from when they sat down and actually talked about what they were. The day they openly acknowledged that maybe this wasn’t as much of a casual thing as they were both pretending it was. Then well, it’s still the longest he’s ever been with anyone but not by much. 
Which was great, more than great, it was awesome. Reggie never knew any relationship could be like this. And he really wanted it to keep going. Which is why he wanted to talk to Julie about finally letting everyone know they were dating. 
They’d agreed to keep everything secret, first because well they weren’t exactly dating. Then because, well, after the media circus their last relationships had turned into, it was nice having something be just theirs. Plus, though he didn’t tell Julie, he didn’t want to jinx it. It was an entirely irrational chain of thinking but after so many of his past relationships had gone down the drain after he told his friends and family, he’d sort of started keeping most of his relationships secret in the early stages. 
He thought he wouldn’t have to worry about that with Julie but he didn’t want to risk it. Not at first.
Except now, he’s wondering if he was right to worry. In the few days since he’s decided to bring up the subject with her, Julie she’s been acting…off. Withdrawn, distant, avoiding being alone around him. Every quickly averted guilty gaze and hasty excuse rending another piece of his heart.
By the time Julie finally asks if they can talk, he’s worried himself to the point where he’s resigned himself to the idea that she’s about to end things with him. Unsure of what it is he’s done wrong. Maybe they should have just been more open about the whole thing from the very beginning.
He sits stiffly on the edge of her bed, fingers fidgeting with the edges of his flannel. She’s just as stiff beside him, staring at her shoes, clearly chewing the inside of her bottom lip. He can’t recall there ever being this much awkward tension between the two of them, his mind races trying to think of anything to fix whatever it is he’s broken. He can’t come up with anything but his mind runs away from him regardless.
“Julie, I’m sorry.” 
Her curls bounce around her, nearly hitting her in the face, she turns so fast to finally, finally look at him. Her eyes glittering under her plethora of fairy lights, heavy with that guilty look again under her confused brows. Definitely not helping know what to do. 
He doesn’t even realize he’s continued to ramble, more apologies if he had to guess. He honestly doesn’t know, and he pretty much forgets entirely when Julie’s hands cradle his face, gently forcing him to keep and maintain eye contact with her. 
“No, no Reggie. I’m sorry. I know I should have said something sooner but I wasn’t sure how, and I didn’t want to scare you off.”
Slowly her hands drop from his face and now she’s back to averting her gaze. “It’s not something we’ve talked about. We’ve been so careful I didn’t think we’d need to talk about it.”
Any theory and worst case scenario he’s had continues to run through his brain but not one of them fit quite right with what she’s saying. “I don’t….what’s going on?”
She sighs deeply, “I’m late.”
“My period, Reggie.” She says through a groan. “It’s late.”
His mind goes silent as her words sink in, realization slowly dawning on him. “You’re pregnant?” He barely manages to whisper out. “I-I can’t, Julie, I can't be a dad, I don't know how to braid hair." 
"That was not what I expected you to panic about, but okay we can fix that." She says, wrapping an arm around his shoulders, her other hand grabbing hold of his. “Besides, I don’t know if I’m pregnant yet.”
“You don’t?”
“I haven’t taken a test yet,” She guiltily laughs “Not really sure, if I’m ready. For any of it.”
He pulls his hand out of hers but only so he can wrap her tighter in a hug. “We’ll figure it out, Jules, I promise.”
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lady-griffin · 2 years ago
This is why I think the Joker's philosophy of – all it takes is just “one bad day” - is such an interesting way to consider things; particularly when looking at certain stories and characters.
What if the only difference between the Joker and everyone else isn’t something inherently “wrong” with him?
What if he’s right, what if, all it takes, is just “one” bad day?
And lots of people miss the point when it’s brought up – because they’ll say, well the Joker is wrong because this person didn't break or didn’t become any crueler, even though they suffered. In fact, they became a kind and good person specifically because of all the pain and suffering they experienced, and no other reason at all.
And it’s like, sure...
I guess?
But if someone doesn’t break, is that really because they were so truly good their core? Or is it because Batman saved them in time and they were able to get help afterwards?
Also, what if you endure countless amounts of suffering and you simply don’t stay “strong” enough to last long enough to be saved? Is that on you then?
Does that just mean you’re a weak person? Evil? Were you always going to become like this? Did you deserve this, by not being enough? Is it your fault for “giving in”?
Personally, I like the idea that we aren’t inherently good or evil we’re just humans and it’s what we choose that can defy us.
But sometimes, life doesn’t give us many choices, let alone any good ones, and we’re simply screwed. Or when we did choose to do good, we were punished or hurt for it.
How many of us, could actually keep taking that again and again and again? For how long could we endure that?
If we break sooner than someone else, is that really our fault? Is the other person truly so much better than us?
Personally, I really loved in the Joker movie Arthur trudging up the stairs each and every day – it’s not easy and it was getting harder and harder.
Can we really fault someone, for being so exhausted that they just can’t keep going on? Or that they want the ease of gleefully dancing down the stairs, rather than the suffering it takes to climb them up another time?
The point isn’t to justify the Joker, but recognize something within ourselves.
We all have stairs we’re struggling to go, so, I think we should just realize that it’s a possibility for us too.
Again, it’s not about the Joker, not really; it’s more about all these questions I’m throwing out there, particularly these -
How many stairs to you have to go up each and every single day?
How much can you carry up those stairs?
How much do you actually end up carrying?
How many times can you go up those before you just can’t anymore?
Even if someone has less stairs then you, that doesn’t mean they’re weaker or simply have it better. It doesn’t.
You don’t know what everyone else is going through, only yourself.
And look, maybe for some people, they simply are such amazing, good people, that all the awful things they’ve suffered, can’t break them.
But is that really because of who they are, or more so, because what they’ve endured wasn’t actually up to their specific breaking point?
Can you even know what’s your breaking point or “bad day” is, if you’ve never come face to face with it?
I mean, we all have a different breaking point inside us, it’s certainly not one trauma fits all, kind of thing.
This is also why I think Harley Quinn and Jinx are such great representatives of this philosophy, even better than Joker himself (depending on the iteration); especially Jinx and what Arcane shows us with her journey from Powder to Jinx.
For both Harley and Jinx, their choices absolutely matter in the equation of how they went from who they use to be to who they became, but we also see that sometimes life just gives you awfulness and shit choices.
Or that we’re all flawed, breakable people trying are best.
Or that we honestly can’t even begin to think of ourselves as any kind of villain or monster, simply because we know we’re a good person. We know. Don’t we?
We see how with characters throughout different stories, that their fate is impacted by what they chose do to (intentional or a mistake), but also how so much was outside their control, and all they could do was just respond and react.
For me, the whole ‘bad day’ philosophy isn’t to justify villains or bad people doing bad things in the real world, but to make us (hopefully) stay sympathetic to others and keep in mind that for all we know, that could be us. We need to in some way acknowledge what we can become if we’re pushed past our breaking points.
It’s easy to say you would never become like that person or do something like this; it’s easy to just believe nothing bad can happen to you and even if it did, you couldn’t possibly change for the worse. Not you. Not me. Not any of us.
We know who we really and are all those other people, they chose to be bad and they did so willfully, and we don’t have to worry about that, because we all know that being kind and good are such easy, automatic things that are never ever inconvenient or uncomfortable or just difficult to do at times.
We always know what’s right and wrong, because we know ourselves and we would NEVER be a monstrous villain, simply because it can’t happen, not to us. Not ever.
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mistiell · 3 years ago
Quirks Arcane Characters Have Pt.2
A/N: I am fresh out of ideas but I wanted to give y’all something today so here’s this. Also, I’m working on a kinda long Viktor x reader fic rn so stay tuned for that! I might put out a preview for it tomorrow depending on how much more I get done. Anyways, enjoy!
- Has a raging sweet tooth
- one of your cupboards is dedicated to his stash of sweets
- You’re the only one who’s allowed to steal from it
- Also, this man can put away food like it’s nothing
- Like, you would never guess just looking at him, but he can eat
- If you cook/bake as a hobby, he will gladly try anything you make.
- Will eat your food 100% of the time
- It does not matter if it tastes good or not. If you make it, he will eat it.
- He steals your clothes
- He says it’s because his are in the laundry but it’s actually because they smell like you
- Dw though cause he’ll give you his to make up for it :)
- leaves his laundry all over the bedroom
- He doesn’t do it on purpose, but it can be so annoying lmao
- does a little happy dance whenever something goes his way.
- Sometimes it’s just a little fist pump, other times it’ll be, like, a little jig
- It depends on how big the success is
- Has a dream journal
- I will not explain myself on that one
- Doesn’t like sweet things very much
- If a food is too sweet, it actually makes him nauseous
- Cannot stand when you twist around to crack your back
- He actually gags
- He keeps all of the drawings Jinx makes for him on the fridge like the proud dad he is
- Drums random beats with her fingers when she’s bored
- does it on any surface that’s available
- Willing to fight anything that looks at you the wrong way
- Doesn’t mean she will, but she is ready to at the drop of a hat
- Physically incapable of remembering to make the bed
- Will do it with you when you ask her, but always forgets otherwise
- Her logic is that she’s gonna mess it up at the end of the day anyway (I mean, same, honestly-)
- terrified of spiders
- Will not admit it though
You, running into the room after hearing a scream and several objects being knocked over: wHAT? WHAT HAPPENED??
Jinx, standing on a chair looking like a deer in the headlights: I-... um...
- you look at where she keeps glancing and spot the issue
You: ... You screamed bloody murder... because of a spider.
- You’re gonna have to kill the spider for her
- which is gonna suck if you’re also scared of spiders but like
- she’s not gonna do it so-
- Unlike Vi, she has to make the bed in the morning
- She feels like it makes the room look too messy
- Has so many pillows
- The queen at comebacks
- Unafraid to roast the fuck out of someone given the correct circumstances
- If someone ever makes a snide comment about you, she will make them regret every decision they’ve made that’s lead them up to this moment
- Makes you little paintings every so often just to show you that she’s thinking of you
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divinegrey · 3 years ago
ꜱᴜɴ ɢᴏᴇꜱ ᴅᴏᴡɴ / ᴊɪɴx x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
i wasn't in a great place mentally last night so i kinda wrote a vent piece with jinx about it. nothing like projecting onto your favorite characters to feel better. title from the song 'sun goes down' by lil nas x.
prompt: you try and find some peace on a rooftop, and for the first time, you have some company. things don't feel so lonely.
words: 2097
warnings: talks of depression, mental illness and health, brief mentions of suicide
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Would it truly be that bad if you were gone? Would things change much at all?
You bring a knee to your chest, the cold wind a balm to your head that just hurts with how much you’re thinking. Sometimes, you feel stuck in your own skin with no way to get out. Pounding on the walls of your skull to break free won’t do much.
At least the view is nice from up here. Watching the sun go down from five stories up on the roof of a building you’re not even sure you’re allowed to be on makes for a nice feeling that does help ease some of the aching in your ribs. The last hour has felt incredibly hard to breathe, but the sun… it helps. Just a little bit.
Your leg swings back and forth, either of its own volition or your body just trying to keep itself warm. You will admit that you neglected to remember a jacket before leaving your family’s estate in a haste to just be alone, but you’re not quite ready to go back yet.
Some days, you wonder if you could just run away and forget about all of this.
Why am I thinking like this over the stupidest fucking things?
You scoff at yourself, putting your chin on your knee. The horizon is a glow of orange, the coming of twilight pink and purple rising from the wings into your vision. How long would it take for you to go blind if you stared at the sun? A theory to put to the test, but you’d be sad if you couldn’t see the sunset anymore. It’s nice. You like the sun. It’s warm, it’s vibrant. Reassuring, you’d say.
You exhale, running a hand over your head. You’ve had a headache all day and it’s only gotten worse. Bless your parents, you love them to pieces, but god, they can really just say the wrong things sometimes and make you feel even more horrible than you did before. Your dad does his best, you’ve always been able to rely on him, but your mom…
“Fuck,” you whisper, rubbing your temple with your fingers.
“That kinda day, huh?”
Your head snaps to the side to see a rather lanky, blue-haired woman walking on the edge of the building with her arms stretched out to the side.
“How the—”
“Don’t ask,” she cuts you off, lowering herself next to you. She looks at you and oh, her eyes are a vibrant shade of purple. “I’ve seen you up here a lot. You’re a thinker, aren’t you?”
“Depends. Who’s asking?” You reply a bit cautiously, but you feel too tired to even move away from her. You don’t fail to notice the gun on her leg or the several grenades on her hip, but you’re in no mood to run screaming.
“Jinx,” she says, and it takes you a moment to realize that Jinx is her name, a name you’ve seen on neon graffiti in the streets. A name you’ve heard your parents say; they’re enforcers. Jinx is one of their targets.
And she’s sitting right next to you with a cupcake in her hand.
“Want a bite?” Jinx asks, holding out a piece to you in between pink and blue painted fingernails.
With a small hum, you just take the cake and put it into your mouth. The sugar on your tongue is a burst of flavors. “Is this strawberry?”
“Yup,” Jinx pops the ‘p,’ and you have to wonder how someone like her is a criminal. She’s your age, has to be. Hell, she looks harmless. Jinx turns her head to you and offers you some more with a grin. “Stole it myself.”
“I guess stolen sweets do taste better,” you say, taking the half of the cupcake she gives you. It’s soft in your hands and the frosting is delicious, but the rational part of you asks, “... why are you here?”
“Why are you here?”
“Fair enough,” you mutter.
“Like I said, I see you up here a lot. Can’t blame you, it’s a fuckin’ great view,” Jinx says, swinging one of her legs in time with yours. She tilts her head back to inhale the last bit of the cupcake and dusts off her hands by clapping them together. “You look sad. Why are you sad?”
Damn, is it that obvious? You take a bite into the cupcake, licking your lips free of the frosting. Is that cream cheese frosting? Sheesh. Your shoulders raise in a brief shrug because you can’t bring yourself to say anything. You hate that you’re one of those people who will just start crying on the spot if someone even so much looks at you the wrong way. Goddamn it, not in front of a fucking stranger.
Your next inhale causes a full-body shake in your lungs, your throat closed shut. You manage to say, “Not a good day.”
Jinx nods. “Yeah, those suck, don’t they?”
You laugh, but it’s a wet-sounding noise. You wipe your eyes. “Yeah, it really fucking does.”
Jinx scoots closer and bumps her shoulder to yours. “C’mon, talk to me about it.”
“Why?” You shake your head. “You’re just— I mean, I’m a stranger, who the hell would you wanna listen to my stupid problems.”
“If they’re problems then they’re not stupid,” Jinx replies, her voice deadpan. “It’s obviously hurting you. If it ain’t something you can shoot away then… talk about it.”
She looks at you so earnestly that you find it hard to say no. So, you just devour the last part of the cupcake and take a few moments to collect yourself. Your vision is going blurry and it’s difficult to breathe again, but somehow, having Jinx sitting right next to you doesn’t make it as bad, even if you’ve only just met her. Hell, she could be planning to shoot your head off in the next ten seconds.
Maybe that’d be a mercy.
“My parents are, uh… stressing the importance of me finding an adequate suitor,” you start. “Could be anyone, guy or a girl. They’re a little old-fashioned. I’m one of the smartest students in my class and I’m trying to focus on that but all they talk about is some great son or daughter of another family they think would be a good fit for me. As if marrying someone would make all my problems go away.”
“Well, that’s bullshit,” Jinx says. In a moment of no thought, you rest your head on her shoulder Jinx tilts her head to rest on yours. “Just tell them no.”
“Not that simple.”
“Why not?”
“It’s a thing of status. Piltover politics, you’d probably hate it.”
“Oh, toots, don’t get me wrong, that stuff is fucking awful,” Jinx says, making you laugh. “Seriously, what’s up with the parties? And the tiny little snacks? How are those things supposed to feed anyone? Aren’t you Pilties overwhelmed with resources?”
“It’s fickle, I’ll tell you that. Lots of traditions that people don’t care to change because it benefits them,” you say.
A drop of water lands on Jinx’s thigh.
Oh. You’re crying.
“Sorry, I—” You pull away, putting your hand to your eyes and wiping them away. You don’t realize it, but you’ve fully turned away from Jinx to hide it. Turns out to be worthless, because Jinx puts her hand on your cheek and turns your face to look at hers.
“Hey now,” Jinx whispers. “Nothin’ to be sorry for. Shit happens, we all have bad days.”
You admit, “Sometimes I wonder if I should just fuck off and disappear.”
“If you mean running away, do it. If you mean dying, absolutely not,” Jinx says, putting a strand of your hair behind your ear. “You’re not allowed to do that.”
“Who said—”
“I did,” Jinx says and you realize that Jinx doesn’t really care about letting you finish your sentences. Most of the time. Jinx puts her arm around your shoulder and squeezes it. Shit, she’s strong, you think as your body presses into hers. “Listen sharp, toots. It’s okay to break sometimes. Happens to the best of us.” She laughs. “Aw, what am I saying? I’m no therapist. Look at me, a fucking loon giving advice to someone having a rough day.”
“You don’t seem that bad,” you counter, but Jinx just keeps laughing.
“You haven’t seen the worst of it, darlin’, I’ve got people fuckin’ up my head on the daily,” Jinx says, scratching your neck with her nails in a way that feels ultimately (and strangely) very comforting. “I blow up buildings for fun. What sane person would do that?”
“We all have our hobbies.” The joke, thankfully, lands and you find yourself smiling at the sound of Jinx cackling. She holds you tighter and you allow yourself to sink into it. But, even with the brief happiness, the sadness comes back, crashing like a wave until your eyes are teary again.
Jinx, of course, notices. “It’s okay to let it out, you know? I knew someone like you who’d bottle it up until they cracked.”
You never thought you’d be crying out all of your stress in the arms of a stranger, but weirder things have happened, and you’re not about to start complaining when Jinx fully lets you cry into her shoulder. She doesn’t even seem to be bothered by it and even when you ask, she reassures you with it’s okay, toots, I wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t wanna help.
The sun has fully disappeared by the time you stop. You’re not exactly aware of how much time that is down to the minute, but the fact that Jinx is still there— if not a little fidgety and playing with your hair— means something, right?
“Thank you,” you manage to say when you finally pull away. Jinx smiles at you.
“Not a problem. You looked like you could use a hug— I ain’t the best at giving them, but I try,” Jinx replies, rubbing her fingers on a metal band around her wrist. She considers it for a few moments, then takes it off. She takes your wrist (you have no room to argue) and snaps the band around it.
The leather is snug and you run your finger over the metal engravings on the top of it. It’s a language you don’t understand. Demacian? Ionian? You look at her. “Why?”
Jinx shrugs. “It’s pretty. I found it one day, so I took it. Shiny things make me feel good. What makes you feel good?”
Huh. What a question.
“I guess… talking to my friends makes me feel nice. Building stuff makes me feel nice. Inventing.”
“Then go do those things. Fuck your parents, you don’t have to do what they say. Some parents are assholes.”
“I love them, I do, they’re just a little misguided.”
Jinx huffs. “Aren’t they all?”
You hold your wrist tightly. Part of you has a feeling you won’t take that leather band off again.
In the distance, sounds of shouting catch your attention. Jinx snickers.
“That’s my cue. Gotta go, toots,” Jinx says. She leans over and to your surprise, cups your face and gives you a long kiss on the forehead. You think she might’ve left a mark because of her lipstick, but you’re a little too stunned to say much about it. Her eyes twinkle in the moonlight. “One step at a time, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you whisper.
“Good.” She stands up and starts walking away. She gets to the edge of the building before turning around. “Oh! Uh… you’re beautiful. Just wanted to say that.”
Your cheeks burn. You try and hold back the smile but ultimately fail. That makes Jinx grin from ear to ear.
“Remember, the world ain’t worth shit without you in it, alright?” Jinx continues, giving you a finger-guns gesture.
“Will I see you again?”
She laughs. “Definitely! I’ll find you, toots, don’t worry.”
“Where are you—”
“Bye!” She drops off the side of the building, her pigtails flying up into the air until she’s out of sight completely. You don’t have time to follow her, but below, you do see a shock of blue hair sprinting through the streets, followed by a bright pink-colored smoke bomb that throws off an entire group of enforcers off their trail.
Against all odds, you laugh.
You look down at the bracelet.
Things will be okay. You’ll figure it out.
The moon shines down on you and you smile. One step at a time.
A/N: i actually felt a lot better after writing this. take care of yourself guys, you're never alone in this world. there will always be someone there for you. to my best friend, thank you for being there for me.
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monomonomagines · 4 years ago
Could I get a thing where gundam, fuyuhiko, kazuchi and ryoma are getting all hot and steamy with their s/o but then.... S/os cat starts meowing and will not BE QUIET.
I’d be honored to do this request for you Anon! I love all of these boys and this scenario is hilarious as well. Thank you so much for being so patient with us taking so long to get to your request, I hope that you’ll enjoy these as much as I did writing them!
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things had grown hot between the two of you as one kiss turned to far more.
He was lost in the moment, heat flooding his body as the two of you touched and kissed the other, hungry for more.
It was because of this passionate fervor that you both felt that you hadn’t noticed your cat in the other room meowing at first. That quickly changed as your little feline friend decided to make their entrance though, meowing loudly as if to yell out its own greeting. 
Pulling away from your current makeout session you try to shoo the little guy away, giving a quick shoosh to it before going back to your previous antics. This time, sitting on Gundham’s lap and pulling him closer as you pressed your lips desperately to his.
That was to no avail however, as your cat decided that they would not stop meowing whatsoever. Instead, all the furball did was keep meowing nonstop as if it wanted to block you from getting anything.
This time Gundham gave it a command. Yelling about how it’d, “respect the Overlord of Ice and his chosen mate,” silencing it for a moment.
That moment was short-lived though. As soon as Gundham pulled his arms around you and began kissing you again the cat just kept meowing.
Pulling away frustratedly you let out a sigh as Gundham and you stand to see what your furry pal needs.
“What do you want you fiend? Do you dare challenge the Overlord of Ice, Gundham Tanaka to a duel!?”
And now Gundham was picking fights with your cat. Just great maybe he’d try to tame them while he’s at it because you were well aware by now that tonight was not ending how you had hoped it would a moment ago.
Despite his tough exterior Fuyuhiko was always soft when it came to you. He was yakuza so he didn’t experience gentle things often nor did he want to hurt you so he tried his hardest to treat you the best he possibly could, that going for when things got more intimate as well.
Fuyuhiko didn’t often plan for days where the two of you would get to be so close other than for special times but today happened to be an exception.
The two of you weren’t supposed to do much more than sleeping together after your date earlier in the evening and you were wiped. You just weren’t wiped enough to stop from teasing him a little however and with just a few nips and kisses at his neck he had decided that today was a special occasion after all.
Situating himself on top of you, Fuyuhiko quickly got to work with getting his revenge, nipping and kissing all along your neck and collar bone. The raw passion he was using to ravage you already was enough to make your head spin even making it so that you didn’t even realize that there was a soft mew that sounded nearby.
Fuyuhiko didn’t seem to hear it either, starting to get handsier with you as he grabbed at your body only to pause as he heard that same sound you did. It was louder now and it was indeed a meow as your cat had been under your bed the whole time, not taking kindly to being disturbed.
Growling in annoyance, Fuyuhiko tries to resume his makeout with you. If he put enough passion into it he was sure the damn fleaball wouldn’t disturb them and would eventually leave on its own. It wasn’t typical for your cat to stay long in your room anyway.
But, even with his new attempts that meowing just wouldn’t stop. Now the cat decided to meow louder and louder each time until Fuyuhiko could do nothing but throw his hands up in defeat.
“Fuck this! I’m not in the mood anymore!” He hisses out as he moves to lay next to you like he had previously, the cat soon jumping up onto the bed at your feet.
“Oh fuck off!” Fuyuhiko yells again, earning a small laugh from you as your cat lays by his feet.
This was going to be a long night wasn’t it?
Kazuichi was always unlucky with animals but he would have never imagined he’d be this unlucky.
He had always liked to try to initiate getting more intimate with you when he wasn’t too awkward to act but more than half the time he wasn’t confident enough or his timing or luck were horrible.
Today he had felt that he had finally gotten lucky when it was just the two of you alone and you had initiated a makeout session, pulling him close to you as you pressed your lips to his fervently peppering him with kisses all over.
He wanted this more than anything and there was no way in hell he was missing this opportunity. You may have started your session in the laundry room but he didn’t mind that in the slightest. Using all the strength he can muster between your kisses he pushes you against the washing machine, encouraging you to sit on it so that you can go further maybe.
He wasn’t sure if his advances would work so when he saw you break away just to sit on top of the machine and pull him right back in for a kiss he was elated. He was going to get more than just kisses he was certain!
As Kazuichi got to kiss you more he began to grow more confident. He now was giving you nips and kisses all down your neck occasionally opting just to trail his sharp teeth against the sensitive skin. Nothing could ruin this moment he thought until he heard a loud sound coming from behind him.
Not meaning to jump, Kazuichi smacks his head against your chin causing both of you pain as your ears pick up on the sound as well. It was your cat meowing at the two of you from the other side of the room.
Narrowing his eyes Kazuichi groans. “Get out of here! We’re in the middle of something!”
Seeming to have shut up for now the cat merely looks at him earning a sigh of relief from him. He didn’t jinx this he has a chance right now.
As soon as Kazuichi presses his lips back to yours you press into him, reciprocating his advances only to be startled once again by frequent loud meows coming from your cat.
Now ripping away from you, Kazuichi yells at the cat, eyes tearing up as he agonizes over the current situation.
“Ahhh shut up shut up shut up, you’re ruining the moment!”
Having intimate times was extremely rare with Ryoma. Not because he didn’t like to be close to you though, it was just because he didn’t often want that sort of thing from you.
He always had his own issues with opening up and being so close to you but you were fine with that. Normally you both were content just to be clinging onto each other under some warm covers while watching some TV with your cat in the bed to give you company.
Today didn't happen to be one of your usual days though. It was a rare event today. Ryoma had initiated a few kisses that turned to more soon after.
It wasn’t his intent you were sure to actually start anything other than a few kisses and snuggles but today sparks were flying and you didn’t care why they were or how. All you wanted was more of him you thought, as you pulled his small form closer to yours.
As the two of you grew more and more passionate with your kisses you could tell that it’d get a bit handsy at least so you didn’t mind when Ryoma lightly grabbed at your form. His touches are almost hesitant, gentle even, as if he was asking for permission before doing more and you knew he had you permission.
Pulling away to look at you he asks with a breathy voice if he can touch you more, earning a fast nod in approval from you.
Keeping the same gentle smile he always looks at you with on his face, Ryoma continues what he was doing before when suddenly he freezes. You didn’t quite understand if you did anything wrong but before you could ask you understood what he froze for as you heard a meow from the foot of the bed.
Detaching himself from you again Ryoma gives you a look as if to say, ‘what now?’ as you both turn to look at your cat making themself comfortable at the end of your shared bed.
It wasn’t a big deal you thought, the passion from before blinding you so you decided not to answer him, pulling him back down into a kiss like before only to be interrupted once more by your cat meowing, only it being louder this time.
Groaning in frustration you remove yourself this time to look at your feline friend simply staring right back at you. Your now ongoing staring contest with the cat being broken by Ryoma lightly laughing, an even rarer occurrence than anything else.
It seemed that your cat and you were both aware of the miracle that happened as you both broke your sudden contest to stare at him. A warm smile on his face as he lowly chuckles at the scene.
“I think they’re jealous.” He cooly says reaching a hand out to signal for your cat to come closer to him. An invitation they quickly accept as they rub and nuzzle their face against his small but dependable hand.
You guess tonight was a bust though it wasn’t as if you minded. It was far more worth it to see him smiling than to get to be intimate.
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katsukikitten · 4 years ago
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Warning : 18 plus AU, adult themes, collage au
Part one Part two
"Mina, I really don't see why I have to wear this Bikini, I prefer a cutout  one piece." You say sipping your iced coffee as Mina packs her beach bag with sponges, rags, and tons of bottled water. You wait impatiently by the door of your shared, temporary dorm. 
"Becauuuusssse, I already told you! That Instagram post I made of all of us blew up, even with my large following. Remember how many people we brought in last time?"
"Yes, we made 45% more profit…" You bite at the inside of your lip as you think, adjusting your white t-shirt so it sat nicely above the black bikini bottoms. You weren't one to argue with numbers.
"Well now with the combined efforts with the shirtless boys we can actually use that allowance you got us for unlimited kegs." 
"No, Mina new windows and installation. They said the house was hot, which means winter will be brutal." You roll your eyes, "Unless you want to freeze this winter, personally I have no problem with freezing." 
She giggles at your joke, pulling you along as if you were the reason for being late instead of her. Mina spies Uraraka and Jiro waving them towards the two of you before she whispers softly to you.  
"Just, try to have fun today no matter what." 
You wondered if that was an omen, a jinx or if she already knew what lied ahead. Either way you would not being having too much fun. 
The four of you arrive just before the first customer's begin to line up and already you want to organize. Counting the heads until you see a certain ash blonde causing your normally cold blood to run hot. Too hot. 
"Mina?" Your voice dips low, as ice dances in the air around you, "What is he doing here?" 
"Who?" She plays dumb as the other two women greet the group of men. Harsh garnet cut to you as you steel your glare. 
"Oi, Icy Brat. What are you fucking doing here?" His voice grates your nerves and for a moment you see red. Thinking of freezing him and going about your day. Instead you choose to give him the cold shoulder, averting your gaze. 
"We're doing pairs for washing today. I'm glad you could make it" Kirishima beams, coming in for a hug, you take a step back offering him a polite smile. His smile doesn't lose an ounce of shine, it makes you respect him a bit more. 
"I'll handle the cash and direct cars then." You say pointing to the box, ready to grab the fanny pack and head to the street. Denki grabs onto you gently, releasing you as if you were hot to the touch.  
"No it has to be a boy girl ratio. I promise the outcome will be worth it, please!" This won't be the first or last time both Denki and Mina beg for your help. You look around at what must be their subconscious pairings. Jiro calls Denki over as the first car pulls up, Kirishima seems to wait patiently, his eyes lingering on bubble gum pink skin, while Sero is already guiding cars with Uraraka in tow. 
That leaves you and Bakugou who has his arms crossed, sneering at the customers. 
Your hope dwindles that today would be a good day.
Sero points to a blue car indicating that this was going to be yours to share with the hot head. Sighing you waltz over in your black wedge heels and begin your work. Bakugou looms over the wet car, sponge in hand. The two of you work in silence until the third car, a red coupe with a couple inside about to receive the show of their bi lives. 
They comment on the tension they feel between the two of you right away, they notice the glares and lack of communication. Even making small jokes about how funny it would be to see one of those cliche water fights between the two of you. 
"Icebrat, you're doing it fuckin wrong." Bakuogu barks, you ignore him, continuing to wash the car. Anger burns in his chest, never understanding why you acted so high and mighty. 
"Gonna give me the cold shoulder are ya?" He growls, eyeing the dirty water before a thought crosses his mind, "Love to see you ignore this."
His voice is sadistic before he throws the dirty water across the car onto your frame, suds and water cling to your white t, showcasing the black bikini top underneath. Your temper spikes enough that your shirt collects frost at the seams before you slowly remove it. Glaring at the hot head when you're done.  
"Fuck." The couple say aloud grabbing onto each other as they watch the scene unfold. Your powerful frame guiding you with a deadly clack of your heels. Your hands find the bucket of water Mina and Kirishima were using, your fingers tap the bucket and the water forms a film of ice at the top. Meanwhile Bakugou goes to "correct" whatever mistake you were making. The couple's eyes watch the unsuspecting Bakugou reach up their hood to clean a particular spot before water is dumped over his spiky blonde hair. 
You tap the back of his shirt making it stiff with frost, when he moves to face you it shatters away from his body. Revealing the sculpted plans of his abs and the scars of untold stories. 
If it weren't for all of that ice water Bakugou would have blown you sky high, he comes close to you. Huffing as his eyes become wild and wide. All you offer him is a deadly polite smile as you stare him in the face, unbothered and unphased by his towering presence. 
"What? I was only getting the spot you missed." When he says nothing you allow yourself to relish the silence, placing your hand on his shoulder capping it in obvious ice. 
"Are you giving me the cold shoulder now?" The question is nonchalant before you signal to Sero for another car as you walk to get more supplies. Sero whistles at a bristling Bakugou before leaning into the driver's side window to give directions. Before he can ask for a tip the driver is offering a twenty dollar bill while his eyes are flickering between yourself and Bakugou. 
"Mark us down as a regular." He sighs as his girlfriend does too.  Sero happily tucks the money into the fanny pack.
"Will do." 
Somehow the two of you manage quips and water pranks back and forth without killing each other. Making it through the long day but earning a high amount of tips. Mina clings to you as you count cash, sweat on her brow as the sun settles into an unbearable afternoon heat. 
"Uuugghhh how much longer mom?" She asks, sighing at your icy touch. You roll your eyes as you count the last stack. 
"Not too much hush." You place the money into the lock box, wondering how the hell the eight of you made so much money in just seven hours. 
"But I'm starving! Plus we still have to pick our rooms!" 
"You're that excited to move all of our items into what was a male dominated space?" You ask coolly as Jiro and Uraraka lean against the collapsible table. 
"I'm stoked." Jiro comments, her earjacks twirling themself as her eyes wander.
"It will be nice to be settled before the fall term." Uraraka sighs looking down at her phone, idly scrolling through her socials. The two women nod as the guys approach. You purposely ignore the hot head and allow your eyes to meet Denki's, although it takes him a few long seconds to meet your gaze. He was a little preoccupied with a black and white checkered bikini with matching Van's. 
"Earth to space cadet." Sero nudges his ribs subtly pointing to you as you gaze at him as a teacher would a student caught daydreaming. He clears his throat. 
"Well it seems your theory has paid off. We've made quite a bit of cash today." You lock the box before standing, reluctantly adding, "The pairing of female and male will be standard from here on out. Although we should only need a few more fundraising events depending on what the house needs. Which I trust won't be too much."
Three of the four boys shared a concerned look while the fourth knows how bitter your words were going to taste.
"We'll meet you at the house." 
The four of you cannot deny the excitement you feel as yall walk up to the historical home. The upper balcony seems to wrap around the back but only partially in the front while the porch below stretches across the front of the home. The siding had been repainted and the banisters above and below are wrapped in what will be sparkling lights at night. A stately set of double doors catch your eye before they yawn open by the hands of Denki Kaminari who is trying not to visibly sweat. 
"Home sweet home!" Denki steps aside to let the four of you in with your belongings. Your eyes dissect the place as you press your tongue into your bottom lip, trying your best to keep your cool. This place needed a lot of what you deemed necessities. You notice the familiar dining room table as the foldable card table they had at the carwash surrounded by the cheap camping chairs you thought you had replaced. 
The only decent looking room was the living room and even then it was only thanks to you. The leather arm chairs were placed haphazardly around the new sectional you had delivered as it circled around the TV you demanded from the dean.
Denki watches your manicured nails rap against your skin as you think.  
"The window installation and insulation went smoothly?" 
"Yes." Sero answers as your eyes wander around the room landing on your mattress and platform bed frame resting against the wall in the nook by the study turned bedroom. 
"We didn't know where to put it since the bedrooms aren't sorted out for you lovely ladies just yet." Kirishima smiles but your mind isn't on why it is there. No, your mind is wondering why there is only one.
"Was I the only one to order my mattress?" You look towards your sorority who holds a guilty look before you glance at the three men who mirror the women. 
"Well I guess that is for the better. We can spend extra on them now anyway." 
"Are you sure? I thought the budget was tight." Denki asks, earning a rare boasting smile from you. You make your way into the kitchen and six ducklings follow. Your nail taps the stainless steel of a high end commercial fridge. 
"It was tight before but not after I got this." Smile remaining on your lips as you speak, "It was 3,000 off due to some cosmetic dents but I got it as a donation. An alumni donation." 
"Wow for free?!" Denki and Sero ask in unison, amazed by your skill. 
"For free boys." 
"Wow, Bakugou might love that fridge even more now. Every time he cooks he mentions how great it is." Kirishama laughs but a certain name causes you to freeze to the tiled floor. 
"Bakugou…" You turn to Mina with a deadly glare as ice crystals form in your hair, "As in Bakugou lives here?!" 
The silence echoes throughout the kitchen and all that can be heard is the hum of the fancy fridge. Just as you're about to snap, Denki intervenes. 
"Uh. Did you want to talk bedrooms?" 
"YES!" The girls yell pulling the boys back into the safety of the living room as you collect yourself for a moment. 
God you hated the effect his name had on you but even more so how stupid you felt. As if this was some half baked plan to leave out the important detail that the man you loathed most would be under the same roof. Finally after a few deep breaths the ice in your hair melts and you step into the living room with a level head. Reminding yourself that this house was going to be rent free. You would have a full sized kitchen and your own bedroom, this was a much better option than the dorms even if it meant Bakugou came with it. 
"There is one bedroom upstairs not claimed, the rest of us guys are up there too. Then that door next to the nook is the study, it's not huge but it has a lot of shelves and big enough to fit a queen. Um there are two bedrooms in the basement but it's not totally dark down there. Plus the second living room with the pong table is down there. What else?" Denki taps his finger to his lips, "Oh half bath is here. Full bathroom is upstairs and there is technically another full bath in the basement, it's just more 'open concept'." 
"Open concept?" Jiro asks, earjacks perking with curiosity. 
"He means no walls. Just a toilet and a shower head chilling next to the laundry sink and washer, dryer." Sero explains, again you tongue the inside of your bottom lip. 
"Girl huddle!" Mina shouts, pulling the three of you into a small circle, "I personally really would like one of the bedrooms in the basement. I'm loud and I wouldn't mind the late hours that come with the pong table. I am the QUEEN after all." 
"I want a bedroom in the basement too. You know my music gets super loud!" Jiro pipes in. Uraraka wants to say something but politely waits for you, instead you gesture for her to speak first. 
"I...I would be much more comfortable in the study. I don't mind it being small." Her brown eyes bore holes into the floorboards as you read between the lines. 
"I would be much more comfortable on a different level than all four men." Is what she means, you sigh internally, swearing this will be the last compromise you make for these women. 
"Then I'll take the room upstairs." You state before telling the boys the arrangements. You look at your watch to check the time. 
"If we leave now in the college van and trailer I borrowed we could get everyone else's mattresses tonight." You look around the room before asking, "So where is Bakugou anyway?" 
The three boys glance at one another, Kirishima speaks up. 
"He had a….previous obligation." He laughs, rubbing the back of his head. You narrow your eyes. 
"Let me call him. This is more important than whatever he is doing. It clearly isn't school related." You hold out your hand for the red head's phone, he pulls it from his pocket reluctantly. 
It rings before going to voicemail but that's never stopped you before. You call until he picks up screaming into the receiver. 
"Enough with the dramatics, what could be more important than your other roommates deciding bedrooms in the house?" 
"Is that?!" A female voice screeches your name once she figured out who you are, "Listen here slut, I'm in the middle of getting my back broken and…" 
"Bakugou we are leaving in fifteen minutes. I advise that you get here on time. Otherwise we will leave without you." You interrupt the angry booty call. 
"And if I fucking don't, Icebrat?" You roll your eyes at the nickname as you sigh. 
"Then I'll spend your portion of the allowance on something else. Fifteen minutes." 
"OI!" Bakugou shouts before a woman's voice comes across the speaker.
"Stop ignoring me bitch and stop talking to my man!"
"Oh sweetheart your 'man' is only going to your place cause he sleeps on a crusty ass futon not because he actually likes you." Your voice is honeyed in venom before dipping low, "Bakugou be home or you forfeit the fucking funding for your bed."  
With that you hang up, passing Kirishima's phone back to him. Everyone shares a glance as they remember just how icy you can be, there was no threat in your voice. Only a promise to Bakugou. 
"Sero be a dear and help me take my mattress up." You ask lifting the box with the unbuilt frame with ease. Suddenly skittish Sero takes a moment to grab your mattress as Denki helps him bring it up the stairs but abandons Sero by the bathroom at the top of the stairs, forcing the tape hero to face this challenge alone. Sero only hopes the room neighboring yours is shut and he sighs with relief when it is. 
He helps you set the items into your room that is located in the front of the house.  You take in the view of the perfectly sized yet small bedroom. Two large sets of sliding doors that meet in the corner force you to place your bed against what you assume is the shared wall of one of your roommates. Sero swallows thickly as he realizes just why Denki abandoned him. He can see it in your eyes, the curiosity sparkling as you turn to face him, you're going to inquire about the room next door. 
Please Gods do not ask him. 
Don't fucking asking him please. 
"Who do I owe the pleasure?" You smile sweetly, praying it is Kirishima or Sero at the very least. Hell you'd even take Denki who sings loudly off key, as long as it wasn't Bakugou. You watch the raven hair man's face fall, his dark eyes avoiding yours as he answers and yet somehow you already knew. 
"Ba-Bakugou's" The room drops twenty degrees as the floor freezes beneath your feet, snow floating gently to the floor as Sero's breath puffs in the new found tundra. 
"SERO I NEED YOUR HELP MAN! JIRO'S DRUM SET AND AMPS ARE HEAVY!" Denki calls from downstairs, saving Sero's hide. The man rushes and catches himself from slipping before he practically jumps down the entire set of stairs. 
"How did she take it?" Mina whispers before following Sero's eyes to where your bedroom should be. Urakaka comes from the study with snowflakes dusting her hair and a shiver. 
"Well at least I'll never be hot in the summer." 
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anjuschiffer · 4 years ago
Amira Wayne - Chapter 17
Another chapter! Woo! And yes, I’m still going on with @biodad-bruce-month event despite being two months since it ended :D
Chapter 17: Villain (2)
P.Tag: @theatreandcomicfreak @damianette-is-life @toodaloo-kangaroo @elijahcrevan @vixen-uchiha @nathleigh
Tag: @we-want-mini-mini @ramos123 @bluesimani @redscarlet95 @greatcatblaze @promiswords @fantasiame @corabeth11 @anonymously-odd @alexandriamw @officiallydarkgeek @galla02006 @maleive07 
Something wasn’t right and no, it didn’t take Wally having to see fog outside Amira’s bedroom to know that. 
He had been on the phone with Dick, telling him of Amira’s stress baking when the chilly afternoon became a dark, foggy evening. 
Rolls of mist covered the Parisian roads, people yelling out to each other as they stumbled to find each other. 
“Dick. I have to call you back.” Wally said as he scrambled around the room in search of his suitcase. 
To think he would need Barry’s gift so soon. 
“Back? Wally what is-“ Wally hung up when he found the comms, his eyes darting around the room until he found a box tucked under the desk labeled ‘utilities.’
Rummaging around it, he grabbed some flashlights, batteries and some goggles before heading into the Parisian street. 
He thought the fog was bad from behind the window, but now standing in...it was a nightmare. 
Amira, please...be safe...
Fishing for his phone, Wally quickly scrolled through his contacts until he found Amira’s and began to call it. 
The longer the call rang, the more Wally began to worry. 
When his call didn’t get through, he tried again, turning on the goggles, taken aback at how high tech they were. 
The perks of being rich he guessed. 
When he noticed that the night vision wouldn’t work in this situation, Wally switched over to thermal, running into the school across the street and up the stairs.
“Marinette!” Wally yelled, holding back the urge to yell out her real name. But he knew better than that. 
He knew better than to yell out Amira’s real identity.
“Marinette! Where are you?” Wally yelled out again, looking to see if anyone reacted to the name. That’s when he noticed a heat carefully walked towards the doorway of a classroom on the second floor.
“Hello?” A Parisian asked him, Wally biting his tongue. Damn it!
“Listen, do you speak English?” 
“A little.” The person said back.
“That’s fine. Do you know where Marinette is? Do you know what happened to-”
“She was akumatized!” The person bellowed back, Wally feeling his heart stop.
Amira...Amira is the akuma? She...she got akumatized...by Hawkmoth?
How? This wasn’t part of the plan she told him last night!
Snapping from his spiraling thoughts, Wally cupped his hands around his mouth.
“What caused it?” Wally asked, wondering what the hell happened to Amira that caused her to lose control of her emotions.
What caused her to snap?
“She had a little argument over a boy with her classmate. About a boy named...Jason.”
Holy shit.
“No, no, no, no.” Wally muttered to himself, digging his hands into his hair, hating the answer to his questions.
“Are you-” The person asked, Wally seeing them almost hit with the balcony in front of them.
“Stop! Don’t leave the classroom! Stay in there and wait for La-Chat Noir and the team to arrive.” Wally managed to say, his brain running through every possible situation to help him cope with the idea that Amira was somewhere out there, distorted by her emotions…
Alone..dealing with emotions she never liked lingering in for too long...walking with her baggage of pain...and guilt…
Wait...the person said she was arguing with someone who knew Jason...but how was that possible?
“-can do for you?” Wally managed to register, running up the stairs and walked into the classroom, shutting the door behind him.
“I need you to tell me what exactly happened before Marinette got akumatized and don’t you dare try to cover up any details. If you do…” Wally closed his eyes and took a deep breath, hoping he wouldn’t jinx the situation. “This akuma may become your livelihood for a very long time and not only that...this maybe be the Miraculous Team’s last fight and be Hawkmoth’s victory.”
Adrien held Chloe close as she continued to grip at his shirt, her body shaking violently as she muttered incoherent words. Tears ruined her makeup, her eyes bloodshot red as Chloe remained curled against Adrien’s shirt.
“Adrikins...you’re still there...right?”
“I’m still here.” Adrien assured, hugging Chloe closer to him.
“Maman and Daddy… I saw them die before my eyes. And I saw Sabrina and Mari...they..they also-”
“You don’t have to tell me.” Adrien hushed, turning to where Plagg was despite not being able to see anything but his glowing green eyes.
After Mari-Banshee caused Chloe to collapse and then disappeared from his sight, Adrien ordered Nino and Sabrina to head back to the class while he took care of Chloe.
Carefully dragging her to the locker room, Adrien began to softly talk to her, holding her hands as he tried to think of a way to lessen the effect of Banshee’s power on Chloe so that he could-
“-help her.” Cloe muttered out, Adrien feeling her hesitantly push herself away from him. “Go help her, Adrien.”
“Chloe, you aren’t-”
“But she needs more help than me Adrien.” Chloe echoed. “I know this will go away once the akuma is found, but right now...we need to do something about the akuma. Who knows how long Ladybird will get here and get rid of the akuma, but we’re here. You’re here.”
Adrien felt as Chloe untangled her hand from his. “I can’t do anything, but you can. You can help de escalate the situation and you even know who she is after. So please...help her Adrien...she’s our friend...who knows how long she can endure it…”
Adrien bit his lip, feeling Plagg settle back into Adrien’s pocket inside his jacket.
“I’ll try Chloe. I’ll try.”
Giving Chloe’s hand a squeeze, Adrien slowly makes his way back to where he last saw Marinette, holding back a scream that nestled in his throat.
“Kid. We need to hurry.” Plagg reminded him. “Because Chloe was right. We don’t know how long it will take Ladybird to find Marinette so we need all hands on-”
“I know Plagg.” Adrien cut off, digging his nails into his palms. “Plagg, claws out!”
Dick paced around his apartment, putting his phone to his ear as he attempted to call both Wally and Amira, only to get sent to voicemail. 
Huffing, Dick was about to call again when Tim called first. 
“Tim, can this-“
“This is urgent.”
“Tim, I’m trying to-“
“Something wrong is happening in Paris right now. Just open the link I sent you right now.”
With Tim hanging up, Dick got a message and opened it, watching a Parisian news station play on his screen. 
“Nadja Chamack. Don’t bemused, it’s just the news. As you can see, it’s currently XX:XX and yet-“ Then the camera pans to show the conditions outside. “Our once sunny December day became a foggy night, our reporters are trying to- what? An akuma?” 
The station then transitioned into a live feed of what seemed to be a figure walking within the fog. 
“This just in! Turns out that this is the result of Hawkmoths most recent akuma! So everyone who is watching, under no circumstance, do not leave the premises you are-“
Nadja went on to talk about akuma protocol when Dick notices something oddly familiar about the figure that walked within the live video. 
That bracelet on her hand…
Dick felt his heart sink to his stomach. 
Grabbing some keys and his bike, Dick began making phone calls again, hating that no one was picking up... 
Or so he thought. 
“Selina? Yes... I need a favor.”
Wally slammed his fist against the teacher’s desk, hearing a few gasps escape from the students in the class. 
Damn that Lila. Can’t even face the consequences of her own actions. 
“Did you idiots seriously not think something was wrong when someone you knew was acting unusual? Even if they weren’t your friend, when someone isn’t acting like themselves, that means you should be concerned.” Silence filled the room. Wally recomposed himself. 
This was no time to lecture these idiots. Right now I have to track down both Marinette and Lila Rossi. “Does anyone know where Lila would have run off to?”
When he got nothing but silence for an answer, Wally held his composure. “Okay so no one actually knows this girl. Fine. I’ll look for her my-“
“Shouldn’t you leave this to Ladybird and her team?” The teacher spoke, Wally really wondering how dependent Parisians have become on their ‘heroes’ taking action first. 
“My best friend has been akumatized and we haven’t heard a single update about the situation from the Parisian vigilantes. My thoughts? The Miraculous Team is having trouble finding either person and if I can at least help to locate Marinette, then so be it. 
I’m not going to stand here and just depend on the vigilantes when I know I can actually do something to help.”
Walking towards the door, he stopped. “I suggest you guys find a way to deal with the mist inside this classroom. Perhaps turn the ventilation system on or something. You rather be able to see each other can keep each other company rather than not knowing what’s going on in the very room you think you’re safe in.”
With that, Wally dashed out the room, not noticing two other people walk behind him. 
Lila stumbled as she ran away from the thing that was supposed to be Marinette.
That creature dressed in an ombre dress that transitioned from white to black and whose eyes haunted her was no Marinette!
That was a creature straight from tales she used to hear from the nanny that took care of long ago.
A banshee.
Lila held in a whimper as tears filled her eyes as she heard the akumatized Marinette’s hums, hums that fluctuated between her name being shrieked and soft wails. 
“Lila.” She would whisper in a hoarse voice, causing Lila to run even more. “Where are you?”
Lila turned a corner and scrambled to hide behind a dumpster, collapsing her hands over her mouth as she heard Marinette slowly make her way towards her.
Lila shut her eyes tight as she heard the hum grow louder, Lila hating that the hum kept getting louder by the second.
The hum was now right at the corner Lila had finished turning when it came to a halt.
With the foggy streets and the humming coming to a stop, Lila could hear her footsteps nice and clear, listening as her heels clicked and clacked as Marinette walked on the cobblestone street. 
Lila didn’t dare to move, she didn’t dare breath as she kept hearing those dreading footsteps. She did, however, wish she had another set of hands as a piercing shriek, in the form of her name, rang throughout the Parisian streets.
Lila didn’t know what happened next as the shriek caused her ears and head ring, her vision becoming muddled as Lila attempted to open her eyes.
She wishes she had not.
As she fluttered her eyes open, bloodshot red eyes looked back at her, a thin smile directed at her.
“Here you are.” Marinette sang in her raspy voice.
Lila felt herself begin to violently shake as Marinette helped her get up by grabbing her wrists. “You know, you didn’t have to make up all those lies to get the class to like you. They just love to throw themselves to anyone if it meant gaining a new friend. They’re just so open hearted like that.
Of course, those types of people are the type whom I’m not fond of, so I steered away from them.
Sadly, you thought lying to them was the best course of action instead of checking to see if you had to lie or not to get their adoration. I could only assume you thought this was the best course of action as it's been your main way of getting attention.
Sadly, you have to pay for your actions this time ‘round. 
Didn’t your mother teach you that every action has a consequence?”
Lila watched as Marinette let go of her hands.
“While they might forgive you for lying to them, I will not. You disparage my brother’s name and for that, you shall pay, Lila Rossi.”
She grabbed hold of Lila’s hand, Lila letting out a deathly scream as her hand went ablaze, watching as Marinette’s veil turned pitch black in color.
“Pay for your lies, for your manipulations and schemes.”
Lila felt her other hand go ablaze and soon her heart began to burn, screaming her lungs out as she watched her get swallowed by the ground.
She screamed and cried as she clawed to bring herself back up to the surface, only to feel cold hands pull her down.
“This is your punishment, Lila Rossi. Suffer like I have at the loss of my dear brother.”
The last thing Lila saw before being pulled underground was Marinette’s veil and dress turn pitch black, a vivid black she had never seen before.
Black just like the void that swallowed her, a black that was the only thing Lila could see for miles around her.
She didn’t know for how long she kept screaming, how long she was crying but she knew for quite some time as her throat grew dry. It became itchy, her eyes stinging and she started to grow cold. 
She began to walk through the darkness, not daring to stretch out her arms in fear that she may attack her once again. 
That’s when she saw him. 
Standing there, in the darkness, was a man with olive green eyes and chestnut hair staring back at her.
A man she knew...
“Papà?” She said hoarsely. 
She watched as the man looked at her with a smile, opening up his arms, welcoming her. 
With a warbling smile, Lila ran to her father, only for him to disintegrate upon her touch. 
“Papà!” Lila screeches, running after the dust. Why? Why?!
“Lila.” She heard her mother say monotonously, causing Lila to promptly shut up and stop pathetically trying to get her father back. 
She slowly turned to her side, having to look up to see her mother’s pale face. 
Was she always this tall? 
Looking at herself, Lila realized she was holding her mother's hand and standing before her father’s grave. 
She was 9 again. 
9...“You can’t keep crying mia stella. We have to keep moving, no matter what. It’s what he would have wanted us to do.”
“Yes, Mamma.” Lila complied, watching as the two walked from the grave, watching how the grave quickly got invaded by thorn covered vines with each step she took. “Bye, Papà.”
“Bastarda! Bastarda!” The boys chanted as they circled her, Lila covering her ears, shutting her eyes as she crouched towards the floor. 
“Smettila! [Quit it!]” Lila yelled, holding in tears as she heard the girls in her class whisper and snicker about her. 
It wasn’t her fault that her mother couldn’t afford the latest clothing, the latest car or anything new for that matter. 
If only her mother were more than just a secretary. If only her mother were someone important. 
How she hated that they were able to see through her lies. 
She could hear the laughter ringing around her, the chants of her being a bastard and bugiarda [poor] echoing in her mind. 
She watched as smeared faces of her past circled around her, laughing at her and began to sing. 
“Delilah! Delilah! Delilah the liar!”
“Shut up!” Lila screamed, but it went ignored. 
The faces continued to sing and ridicule her, Lila screaming until she couldn’t anymore. 
Chat looked out to the city below him, clicking his tongue when he wasn’t able to see anything below despite being at the very top of the Eiffel Tower.
Taking out his staff, Chat called Queen Bee, only to be sent directly to voicemail. He tried again, this time using their other mode of communication.
When he heard a click, Chat was about to talk when Bee beat him to it.
“I’m down Chat.’
“I was in the area when the akuma struck. I tried to apprehend the Victim, but she got to me first. I don’t think I can...I don’t think I can fight in my condition Chat.”
Chat huffed, picking up a shriek in the distance. Narrowing his eyes, Chat started to sprint to the direction of which the shriek came from. 
“Have you heard anything from Ladybird?” Chat asked, almost crashing into someone when he got to the ground. “I tried calling her, but-”
“I didn't get anything from her…” Chat heard a shuddering of breath from the other side. “Do you think...do you think the Victim got to her?”
“Let’s hope she didn’t.” Chat said, realizing where he was. Extending his staff, he went straight to their usual training grounds, glad to be up high again. “After all, she’s the only one who can reverse all of this.
Without her, we’re screwed.”
“I know Chat...I know. But what are you going to do without me? Without her? You need allies now more than ever Chat! Without them, who knows how long it will take to defeat this Victim!”
“I’ll find a way Bee, don’t you worry. For now, rest up. We’ll win this fight, you’ll see. We won’t let Hawkmoth win, not on our watch.”
With that, Chat hung up and mumbled a ‘claws in.’
“Did we-hey! Isn’t the reason why I give you my power to-”
“Plagg, you mentioned a Master Fu before.” Adrien cut off, handing some camembert towards Plagg. “You need to take me to him. I need to-”
“I know.” Plagg said, swallowing the cheese whole. “Something tells me you might need his help for this fight.”
“Thank you, Plagg.” Adrien said, eyeing a bag of utilities nearby. He rummaged through it before finding what he needed. 
Plagg eyed the grappling hook in Adrien’s hands, wondering if he should tell him or not.
Should he? Should he tell him that Ladybird wasn’t going to come? That she was the Victim this time ‘round?
“Alright then, follow me!” Plagg said with a smile.
No, he shouldn’t tell him. Who knows what might happen if the kid would be at risk of also getting akumatized and that he couldn’t risk.
Not his kitten...not on his watch.
That is what Amira first saw when she barely came to her senses.
Amira felt herself walking, watching as something else took over her body.
Is this what every Victim felt like when they got akumatized by Hawkmoth?
Amira tried to move her arms, or attempted to stop herself from walking, but to no avail.
She kept walking to who knows where, hearing herself hum as she did, humming as she was looking for someone…but who?
The humming continued, Amira wondering why it resonated so much with her. 
Amira listened to the hum, closing her eyes and soaking in the melodies as the hum continued, 
Wally stood still as he barely made out the figures of the neatly aligned parked cars on either side of the road. Not a single person was in the street, not a single piece of paper dared to flutter within the dense fog.
Only the dim lights of the streetlights and of a few store lights allowed Wally to know where he was.
“Marinette!” He screamed, holding his breath as he strained his ears for any type of noise. When he heard nothing, he walked a few meters before standing still again and calling out for Marinette.
He kept doing his for what seemed an hour until Wally found himself right by the Seine. 
The moment he stepped onto the Pont des Arts, he heard the faintest of hums, Wally feeling the edge of his lips begin to turn upward.
“Marinette!” He yelled out, but got nothing in return.
Sprinting to the other side of the bridge, Wally was glad to hear the humming grow louder, but hated that he had yet to see Amira.
“His chirps brightened my days
Talks that would last for hours
My jay, my jay.”
“Amira!” Wally yelled, his head swinging from side to side in hopes of seeing her, but nothing. 
The quiet Parisian street taunted him, the rolling fog egging him to follow the only clue he had of tracking Amira. 
“One day after you left
For you I did wait
Another gentle night like no other.”
Wally quickly began to follow the song, hating that no type of heat was registering through the goggles.  
“I awaited for your arrival
But a visit I did not get
As I approached the window
I saw you there...
There you were.”
Wally felt like he was running towards nowhere, seeing as he had been running in the same direction for a while. 
“On the ground
Your blue feathers now dyed red
Your flight towards me
Was a flight towards another place.”
Just where the hell was he?!
“Goodbye my Jay...goodbye.” 
As those last words were said, the fog started to lift up a bit, Wally turning to see Amira staring back at him through her black veil. 
Her eyes were a dull emerald, her hair long and straight just like it was when they were younger. She wore a black lace dress that seemed to sparkle under the dim Parisian streetlights. 
“Wally. You’re alright.” Amira said, walking up to him, stroking his cheek with the back of her hand. He felt his breath hitch. “Are you hurt anywhere?”
I’m more worried about you.
“I’m fine.” Wally tried to hold her hand when she pulled it away.
“That’s good.” Her hand returning to her side, averting her gaze from him and biting her lip. “What about Chloe? Is she doing alright? I didn’t mean to hurt her like that.”
Wally gulped. She had used her power on Chloe? 
Were those tear trails running down her face?
“She’s doing alright. She’s still under your power, but she isn’t as in much pain as she was before.” Wally lied, holding her wrists in his hands, ignoring the pain her got from placing pressure over her bracelet.  
So it’s her hands he has to be wary of…more specifically, her palms.
“What about the rest of my team? Do they know where I am?” Amira asked him, Wally biting the side of his cheek.
“I think one of them might know where you are. As for the rest, I do not know.”
“I see.” Amira said, looking back at Wally, turning away from him.
“Where are you going?” Wally asked her, watching as her veil flared out a bit. He watched as a grin emerged from her once stoic face.
“I’m going to go check on Lila. You should’ve seen the look on her face as she succumbed to my punishment.”
“Amira, what have you done?” Wally almost growled out, noticing the small rips on her dress, how it seemed to merge with the shadows.
“She got the punishment she deserved. Right about now, she should be screeching her heart out.”
“How...how could you do something like that Amira?” Wally yelled, tightening his grasp on her wrists. “Vengeance isn’t the way to-”
“This was the only way to make her pay for trying to use Jason’s name for her own personal gain! Every action has a consequence, whether it be a good one or a bad one.”
“Amira, can’t you see-”
“If you are here to stop me, then don’t. I already made up my mind.” Amira tried to jerk her hands from Wally’s grasp, but couldn’t. He wouldn’t let her escape, not when she was right in front of him.
“Amira, please! Think-”
“I have. And this,” she lifted her arm ever so slightly, the corners of her mouth curving upwards as her palms hovered over Wally’s wrists. “This is my answer.”
Placing her palms on Wally, Wally screamed in agony as he collapsed to the floor, his hands grasping on his shirt, his knuckles turning white as his head and chest began to ring in pain.
Wally watched as his vision flickered between seeing Amira walking away from him in her black dress and her yelling out his name as she was being pulled away from him.
Wally watches as she tries to crawl back at him, as she claws at the ground as she’s being pulled away by purple miasma. 
Her nails are scratched, her skin peeling off her fingers as she tries to hold onto loose cobblestones on the ground.
She screams for him, her tears merging with the blood that trailed from her head, mixing with the dirt on her face.
Cuts, both new and old were scattered, dried blood seeping from her mouth.
She manages to get up before she’s thrown back to the floor, a scream escaping from her.
“Amira!” Wally yells, trying to reach for her as he feels tears slip from his eyes. He watches as Amira stares at him one last time before her head limps forward, her hair draping over her face.
Wally feels himself stop breathing, raising his head as he sees Joker above her. 
Why? Why were they back at Gotham?
His eyes register the crowbar in his hand, covered in blood...Amira’s blood...
Blood that dripped from the same hands that killed his friend, the same feral clown that looked down at him with his feral smile and crooked yellow teeth.
Wally let out a scream as he watched Joker walk away, leaving Amira’s corpse on the floor.
Managing to find the strength to get up, Wally ran next to Amira’s limp body, only for it to turn into mist upon lifting it.
Wally watched as the illusion merged with the mist around him, the mist slipping through his fingers as he watched his surroundings return him to the present...to Paris..
“Illusions…” Wally said, finding himself laughing as he ran one hand through his hair while the other pulled at it, feeling himself still shaking...
This is exactly why he wasn’t very fond of magic...
Nino jumped when he felt a hand on him, feeling his racing heart relax upon seeing Master Fu.
After having left the classroom when the mystery guy had run out, Nino tried to look for Ladybird, hoping to once again help his friend. But he had been running for hours, not seeing a single person at all as he searched for the Miraculous Team or Banshee.
“Master Fu, what are you-”
“You know clearly why I am here.” Fu said, slipping off the Turtle from his hand, Nino stretching out his hand towards him. “Ladybird and Queen Bee are down for this match, leaving Chat on his own.”
Nino couldn’t believe that. Chat...was on his own? Ladybird and Queen Bee...were out of commission? How?
Placing the bracelet into Nino’s hand, Master Fu closed it and looked at Nino. “Now go.”
“But Master Fu! How are-”
“The two of you are not alone.” Master Fu clarified. “Gris is to join you alongside a new ally. With you four, you must do what it takes to defeat this akuma. If not,” Master Fu lowered his gaze. “Hawkmoth might just get his hands on several miraculous tonight.”
Nino gulped, feeling unspeakable pressure pushing down on him. 
Looking down at the bracelet, Nino furrowed his brows, slipping it on. Wayzz appeared before him, smiling at him.
“Don’t worry Master Fu. I will do what it takes to protect my team, the miraculous and the people of Paris! I will not let Hawkmoth win! Wayzz, shell on!”
Chat’s ears twitched when he heard a thud from behind him, turning to see Carapace walking towards him.
“About time you came.” Chat said, greeting Carapace. Gris waved at the turtle hero who returned the gesture.
“Master Fu mentioned having a new member. So, where are they?”
“A new user?” Gris asked, wondering why she didn’t get the memo.
“I would like to introduce you two to our newest member.” 
The three turned to where Chat gestured, watching as a person with golden horns emerged from the doorway that led to their training grounds on the Montparnasse Tower. 
“Hello everyone. My name is Ryuuko, wielder of the Dragon miraculous. I hope to be of some help.”
“Woah, she has a whole katana by her side! Is that allowed?” Carapace asked, stretching to see the black sheath that held the katana.
“Carapace. Focus.” Chat stern said. “It’s our job to deal with this akuma as soon as possible. As you know, Queen Bee is down and Ladybird might be due to her absence. 
For this to be a success, Ryuuko, you are in charge of finding a way to lift up this fog to help with the search. Gris, multiply and scatter yourself around the city for any hints of where the akuma might be.” 
“Got it.” “Roger that!” Ryuuko and Gris said, jumping off to complete their tasks.
“What about us?” Carapace asked.
“I want you to look for Lila Rossi. She’s who the akuma is after.”
“Right. But what about you?”
“I’ll keep searching around this area. Something tells me to stay put.” Chat said. 
He watched as Carapace nodded, leaving him by himself.
Chat looked out towards the city, wondering if he was up to the job, if he was able to shine a candle to Ladybird, now that she was nowhere to be found. Would he be able to save Chloe? Marinette?
Sighing, Chat looked up to the sky, shutting his eyes firmly.
“What should I do, what should I do...Mom?”
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apiratewhopines · 4 years ago
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Thanks to @teamhook for the the eye candy :)
In the Offing
Chapter 16 — Heart of Darkness
Summary: In which our heroine buries multiple hatchets
Notes: This one gets a little gruesome!
Chapter 16 on AO3
“Some mistakes get made
That’s alright, that’s okay
In the end it’s better for me
That’s the moral of the story babe”
-Moral of the Story, Ashe
In the dead of night, her phone started ringing. Looking at the clock, she tried to shake off the fog that threatened to pull her back under. Reaching blindly for her cell and seeing the ID, she groggily answered, “What do you want, Killian?”
“Bloody hell, Swan! If I had known you would get in trouble the second I walked out, I never would have left,” he swore, words breaking with stress. She imagined his hair looked wild at this point if his voice was any indication. “Are you alright?”
“Finally got around to reading the paper, I see,” she replied without emotion as she shifted to sit up in bed. Unable to keep an accusation from seeping into her tone, she continued, “Yes, I’ve had a day to get used to the idea that I’m the most hated person in town but it’s nice of you to join the party. Better late than never I suppose.”
“Liam and I went out on the sailboat, we didn’t get back until a couple of minutes ago. Surely you don’t think I would have left you to fend for yourself if I had known,” he rebuked. When she didn’t say anything, he said grimly, “Or maybe that’s exactly what you thought. Love, you’ll not get rid of me that easily. Can I come over? As a friend.”
She hated that he felt like he had to clarify his intentions. Hated even more that she craved his presence. “No, I’m okay. I need to sleep. I...I’m glad you called though,” she confessed, too tired to maintain the facade that she didn’t care.
“Emma, please—”
“I’ll talk to you later,” she cut him off and hung up before she could change her mind. As much as it hurt, the lines between them were blurred enough without him holding her while she slept which is exactly what would happen if he showed up in the middle of the night. She was beginning to realize that a platonic friendship with him would be impossible. For them it would be all or nothing.
She drifted back to sleep and dreamed of the cottage. The sunshine softly illuminating the porch in the early morning, tiny feet running barefoot across the wood floors, laughter filling every corner of the home. She awoke hours later with a deep sense of peace that was foreign to her.
The seagulls squawked longingly as they flew back and forth across the marina docks in search of food left behind by visitors. Emma sat on the bench looking out at the ocean, the heat of the day warming the metal in a pleasant way. While she didn’t want to admit it, she knew she had come to this place in search of Killian.
Instead someone found her.
“I was hoping I would run into you soon,” Liam greeted her as he settled on the bench. As was his norm, he didn’t crowd or even look in her direction. His gaze was fixed out on the distant waves. The stony countenance that always graced his face, the one that used to irritate her so, had somehow changed into a soothing kind of companionship that she had missed.
“Well, you did and here we are. Two grumpy Bostonians stuck in a picturesque nightmare,” she commented, only half joking. She realized that even before their fight, she hadn’t really spent time with him in weeks. Sneaking a look out of the corner of her eye, she saw that the gash on his head was healing nicely, only a thin red line marking the place where the injury occurred. His arm was still in a sling and probably would be for a couple more weeks but he wasn’t as stiff as he had been. Still stiff of course, this was Liam Jones after all, but pompously so instead of painfully.
“Too right,” he agreed. “Although I think you might have gotten the worst of it.”
“Trip’s not over yet. Don’t jinx yourself,” Emma pointed out with a grimace. “Thank you for the transfer. I wasn’t sure you’d come through.”
“Have I ever not lived up to my end of the bargain, Emma? You did what you said you would, you found half the missing persons on our list, doing it admirably and with your normal tenaciousness. If I ever made you think I doubted your abilities or didn’t count you as important, I regret it. I didn’t bring you along as a...what did you call it? A pretty blonde distraction.”
“I haven’t given up, you know. I still want to help you. It’s only that my priorities have to shift for a while,” she told him. Saying that she needed to save her own skin first would have been too melodramatic but she trusted he understood what she meant. He usually did.
“What they printed in the paper was out of line,” he said heatedly. “It was a smear job and it means nothing. You aren’t alone, Emma. You have friends and we will sort this out. It is a fine tangle though.”
“I’m sure it was a shock to read about my past in the Storybrooke Daily Mirror. At least it was for me. There is a reason I like keeping to myself.”
“I knew about your past the second time I talked with Henry, lass,” he laughed. “I think he was feeling me out as a potential suitor. The hope of youth is vast and diabolical.”
Chuckling because that sounded exactly like something Henry would do, she reached out and lightly slapped his shoulder. “Don’t get any ideas. I’m too good for the likes of you, even with a criminal history and fresh charges pending.”
“Aye, you’ll get no argument from me,” he agreed. Clearing his throat uncomfortably, he muttered, “Speaking of women who are too good for me, Elsa and I are getting married this Saturday.”
Eyes wide, she gaped at him in surprise. The tips of his ears were a faint pink and his lips had softened into a satisfied grin. “I don’t know what to say. Congratulations! That’s really fast.”
“Or really slow depending on how you look at it,” he responded. “I’ve loved her for years and I don’t want to wait another minute. Her sister will be in town on a short break for the holiday so we decided it was the perfect time. We want you to be there. After all if it weren’t for you, I’d still have my head stuck up my ass.”
Snorting, she nodded. “That’s probably true. Honestly, I thought you were an incurable case so I guess you deserve some credit too. But Liam, I’m not sure it’s a good idea. I have this shooting hanging over my head and people will talk. I don’t want to detract from your day.”
“Hang them. Have I ever cared what people thought? The whole town will be there whether they are invited or not so what better way to show our solidarity.”
Forcing herself to be truthful, she added, “Things between me and Killian are...unsettled. He might be uncomfortable if I show up.”
Looking at her for the first time, his eyes crinkled in a way that was reminiscent of his brother. “No kidding. His moping around the house and general state of sullenness were my first clues. Trust me, he won’t mind.”
“How do you know?”
“Because he’s smitten with you. Has been since the moment we stepped foot in town,” he said in a voice that made it clear he thought it was obvious. Smiling out at the horizon, he explained, “Killian has taken to you in a way I’ve never seen before. In the interest of fulfilling my role of wing man, I have to confess that he was on me to tell you about the map and treasure from the minute we made it back to the cottage after the accident, long before you had formed an attachment. I’m sure he’ll give you plenty of reasons to be angry with him in the future but place the blame for this one where it belongs. Squarely on me.”
“I think I may have already burned that bridge,” Emma declared, her smile a sad answer to his.
“Good that my little brother is an excellent swimmer then,” Liam countered, standing up and facing her. “Come to the wedding. Then we’ll get back to work.”
Emma walked into the loft several hours later discouraged and annoyed. Having spent a good part of the afternoon at the docks, she decided to stop off at the hospital on the way home to check on August. It was there that the full import of her situation hit her. The ICU staff followed her every move, never leaving her alone with her friend as if they were afraid she would rip out his heart with her bare hands as soon as their backs were turned.
So much for innocent until proven guilty.
Mary Margaret’s sunny smile welcomed her as she stepped across the threshold. “Emma, you just missed Killian. He’d been waiting for you for hours.”
“Hmm” was her only reply. As much as she might want to see him, after her chat with Liam she wasn’t sure she was ready to. There were things she needed to settle in her own mind before she interacted with him again. It wasn’t fair to keep jerking him around. She was going to have to pick a path and stick to it. The problem was her mind was set on one direction and her heart was urging her in another.
“Uh oh, I know that look,” Mary Margaret commented. “You’re reverting.”
Amused in spite of the dark turn of her thoughts, Emma asked, “Reverting? What do you mean?”
“You’re pulling on that armor of yours and you’re readying for battle. Am I right?”
“I’m tired. That’s all. The hospital staff clearly believes everything they read,” she explained while moving into the kitchen to get something to drink. “It’s one thing to think someone capable of murder but it’s another to think they would be stupid enough to do it in broad daylight in a well monitored hospital room.”
“Most people are too wrapped up in their own lives to question the things that people present to them as facts,” she observed sagely. “Regardless, I know what you need to get out of this funk.”
“Do you? And what would that be?”
“We’re going out for a girl’s night. I’ll call Elsa and Ruby. We’ll get dressed up and we’ll show the town that they are wrong about you.”
“I’m not sure there is enough makeup in the world to change their opinions now,” Emma joked, not completely averse to proposal. “I’m also not sure I’m ready to see another story in the paper about how I callously partied my way through Storybrooke while August is on his deathbed.”
“It’s Storybrooke, Emma. How much trouble do you think we could get into? I’m not suggesting an orgy. It’s dinner with people who care about you. Maybe a few drinks.”
Nearly spitting out her orange juice when the word orgy slipped from Mary Margaret’s mouth, Emma shook her head in disbelief and teased, “What in the world has David been doing these last couple of days? You know when I met you, I would have sworn that you didn’t know any four-letter words.”
“Well now I know all of them,” she joked back, her cheeks flushing and eyes dancing with the deep emotion that only comes from being in love and being loved thoroughly and repeatedly. “Get changed. I’m not taking no for an answer.”
Hours later, Emma had to admit she was glad she didn’t put up too much of a fight. Elsa and Ruby rounded out their merry little band quite nicely, the cool elegance of the former a stark contrast to the vivid earthiness of the latter. Overall they were a nice blend of independent, intelligent women who, for whatever reason, seemed to have her back.
She also appreciated that they were giving the topic of her brief arrest a wide berth. There was no better way to kill a buzz than to give into harsh realities. They kept the conversation light, discussing Elsa’s imminent wedding and Mary Margaret’s newfound saltiness. Ruby sighed and said, “Everyone is pairing up. It’s about to be nothing but babies and boringness. Then Emma will leave and nothing exciting will ever happen again.”
“That’s me, the bringer of excitement,” Emma commented dryly as her phone vibrated. Seeing that Henry was calling, she excused herself and went to stand outside so she could hear him. She watched a steady stream of people make their way into the bar as Henry begged to fly into town for Liam’s wedding. Figuring her son’s well-informed status must have come from the man himself, she laughed at his logical arguments for the last minute trip. Starting with the ability to celebrate the holiday with her and ending with meeting her new friends, he laid out his reasons as if he were forty instead of ten.
She hadn’t realized the individuals she had met since her arrival had trickled into their conversations so much but the casual way he referred to half a dozen people he had never met drove the point home. Tempted as she was to give in to his earnest and well-thought out pleas, she did not think it was a good time for a visit. She needed to clear her name first. Explaining that there would be time to meet everyone later and promising to send pictures of the ceremony, which effectively made the decision for her about attending, she ended the call and leaned back against the outer wall.
She heard gravel crunching under footsteps before she heard his voice. “Fancy meeting you here,” Graham said as he approached her.
“This is where all the cool kids hang out apparently,” she remarked, turning toward him. “How are you doing, Sheriff?”
“I’ve been better,” he admitted, stopping a couple of feet away and taking up a similar position against the wall. They stood there in silence for several minutes, neither one sure what to say now that they were alone and not interrogating each other. “The forensics came back. The gun was wiped clean. No prints.”
“Dead end then,” she observed, not particularly surprised. If it had been that easy, the guy would have already been caught.
“Not quite. You’d be surprised at the number of criminals who wipe the weapon and completely forget about the bullets. We pulled a partial off one. No hits yet but it definitely doesn’t match Liam’s or yours. They are also analyzing an unusual substance they found on the rags. We may still get lucky.”
“So, what does that mean?”
“It means you are no longer my prime suspect, Emma,” Graham explained with a small smile. “You can go back to hating me with a clear conscience.”
“I never hated you,” Emma argued, sheepishly looking at him from under her lashes. “I just didn’t trust you.”
Laughing softly, his lilting voice carried to her with a hint of delight. “I do love how direct you are.” Gazing into her eyes searchingly, he asked with a quirked brow, “Why is that? What did I do within minutes of meeting you to put you off me so completely?”
“You lied,” she said simply. Returning his searching glance, she took in his handsome face and lean body. In another time or place, if things had been different, she wondered if there would have been something between them. The odd tension stretched around them, forming a little bubble where the outside world didn’t exist. Deciding she had nothing to lose, she asked, “What were you really doing in the woods the night of our accident?”
“Clever girl,” he complimented her with a wink that showed he was teasing rather than patronizing her. With a shrewd look, he asked her, “Do you trust me now?”
“I think you’ve earned a little faith from me,” she replied, curious about the sudden shift in his demeanor. “Why?”
“It might be better if I show you,” he said mysteriously. A second later, her hand was clasped in his and he was pulling her toward his cruiser. “Let’s go.”
Sending a text to her friends to let them know something had come up and she wouldn’t be rejoining them, she buckled herself into the passenger seat and questioned humorously, “Are you taking me to the wolf’s den?”
“There really have been complaints about wolves,” he defended. “Although they are more likely to be coyotes in this area. But you’re right. I wasn’t being honest because I wasn’t sure what I had found. This town has a violent history and this particular investigation I’ve been keeping under wraps. I haven’t even told Nolan about it.”
“So why me? Why now?”
“I don’t know, Emma,” Graham responded truthfully. “There’s something about you. I’ve always been on your side, you just didn’t want to see it. I have a feeling you’re going to be the one to solve everything.”
“Everything is a tall order,” she groused. “I’d settle for finding who shot August.”
They fell into silence as the buildings gave way to trees. In no time, they were approaching the to town line. They emerged from the cruiser at nearly the exact point Liam’s SUV had left the road. With a dubious look at her sandals, he said, “You going to be okay for a walk?”
Mimicking his doubtful glance, she countered, “Are you offering to carry me the whole time?” Before he could say anything, she stepped off the pavement and ordered, “Lead the way.”
Even with the high-powered police flashlights, it was slow going in the inky darkness of the night with the overgrown forest floor threatening to trip them with every footfall. They had probably been hiking arm-in-arm for about thirty minutes, Emma having given up the pretense of making it on her own shortly after they started. “Are you taking me to our crash site?”
“I’m taking you to a crash site,” he corrected. Huffing a bit and wishing she had gone with jeans rather than a dress, she nodded. Then, there was a break in the trees and she could barely make out the charred remains of a sedan.
Pulling away, she carefully circled the burned out car. The light bounced eerily off the blackened metal and with only a slight hesitation, she flooded the front seat with the beam. Letting go of a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding, she was relieved that it was empty. She really hadn’t been looking forward to finding any more skeletons in Storybrooke. “Who do you think it belonged to?”
“I don’t have to think, I know,” he assured her. “The car was registered to the city. It was reported stolen about twenty-eight years ago.”
“Someone stole city property, took it for a joyride, crashed it, and burned the car to hide the evidence?”
“There’s something you haven’t told me, isn’t there?”
“You do have a knack for ferreting out the truth, Emma,” he respectfully observed. “It would be nice to have you around to help out the department from time to time.”
“Don’t get attached,” she warned seriously. “I’m merely passing through. What else have you found?”
“Follow me,” he directed, taking her arm lightly in his grasp to steady her as they moved deeper into the woods. Less than a quarter mile away from the car, they came upon an abandoned cabin. Flashing her light through the grimy windows, she detected no sign of movement.
Graham entered the one room cabin first and flicked on the light switch. A couple of the bulbs were still working and a dingy, yellow glow filled the room. It was then that she saw the blood stains on the small bed pushed against one wall. Her flashlight continued to trail around the room, illuminating several more bloody rags strewn on the floor. “What the hell happened here?”
“I can’t be sure,” he answered, steadying her again as her knees buckled a little at the overwhelming sight. “If it’s too much, we can go outside. You’ve seen everything there is to see now.”
“No, no, it’s fine,” she told him, taking slow breaths in through her nose. “What do you think happened?”
“I think someone had a baby.” He watched her reaction as if concerned she might pass out. Honestly, his fears weren’t totally unfounded. “I’ll spare you from reviewing the evidence that led me to that conclusion since you’re white as a sheet and look like you could double over at any moment.”
“Why haven’t you processed the scene?”
“I’m waiting for the state lab to come. Emma, something happened in Storybrooke decades ago, something that is having a ripple effect to this day. I don’t trust that we’ll find answers locally. I’ve been doing what I can to comb through records regarding pregnancies around that time but it’s slow going with the privacy laws and the fact that I doubt there was a birth announcement for this particular baby.”
“I think I can help you there.” Exhaling shakily, she hurried outside. She heard him come up behind her and didn’t resist when he wrapped his arm around her shoulders as if to funnel some of his strength to her. “I’m positive that Eva Blanchard had her baby in that cabin, Graham. I’m also sure that if we continue searching, we’ll find her and Leo’s body somewhere around here. Maybe the baby’s as well.”
Feeling sick, she didn’t protest as he pulled her closer and began the trek out of this grisly corner of the forest. He didn’t question how she knew the things she knew and didn’t pressure her to talk, merely nodding at her in thanks when he dropped her off outside the loft.
That night, her dreams were anything but peaceful.
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punkscowardschampions · 4 years ago
Libi & Bobby
Libi: I’ve just found my phone in the sea of costumes
Libi: How so many people need alterations and mending at this point 😱😱😰
Libi: I’ve got a… well, it’s not weird
Libi: but it is, but that’s not really the right word to describe it but I can’t think of said word so it’ll have to do
Bobby: Hang on, forget the play a sec
Bobby: What’s this message? 🤨
Bobby: is it the sender or what they said that’s making it feel weird?
Libi: That’s practically blasphemy Bobs! 😏 Mullans will have you helping Tom with his lines for that, poor boy… we’re all officially off book this week and he is not a little bit ready
Libi: Um, both?
Libi: I mean it’s Louie, so it’s not that weird he’d message me, I guess
Libi: We have messaged back and forth a bit, obviously, it isn’t totally random
Bobby: Sir would have to reckon I’m capable of something first, that’s a subject change though
Bobby: go on, what’s the but? What’s Louie said?
Libi: I was going on the assumption he’d forget you were deaf altogether and act like you’ll be able to hear Tom
Libi: He is quite loud in his delivery but still
Libi: 🙄
Libi: At least we have Ms Howe backing up all our other ideas
Libi: I think he’s asked me out on a date
Libi: Well I know because he said did I want to go to the cinema, to see that latest adaptation of Orient Express, and I thought he meant did we ALL wanna go so he corrected me when I started planning as such… which was awkward
Bobby: Mullan does dress a bit like you did when we met,‘course it doesn’t look as cute on him, but makes sense he’d also rob your 🔊 by chucking Tom at me
Bobby: well alright, awkward is the right word there, are you still gonna go?
Libi: I don’t know who that’s more insulting to 😂 shocking behaviour
Libi: I can’t really process it, I don’t know
Libi: Should I?
Bobby: Depends if he’s okay with you just going as mates
Bobby: he might be too 💔 and that’ll make it more awkward
Libi: It’d make the play really awkward
Libi: I’ve already put my foot in it with thinking it was a cast and crew thing
Libi: I can’t very well be like IS THIS AS FRIENDS as well, can I?
Bobby: 🤔 I dunno if there’s a way it wouldn’t be a 🤏 now but saying no and not making it obvious you still wanna be mates could mess up the play even more, you have gotta kiss, it’d probably be better if he don’t 💭 you think he’s gross or whatever
Libi: Right, maybe it sounds silly but I really do not want to jeopardise the play in any way, not at this stage
Libi: I really want it to go well for all of us, we’ve all put way too much work in for something like that to spoil it
Libi: I couldn’t just go, could I?
Libi: Not qualify it either way
Bobby: It’s not silly, everyone knows how invested you are, you’ve worked harder than any of us
Bobby: but you don’t owe the play going that far
Bobby: what are you gonna do, fake date him til after it’s over? Come on, Libs
Bobby: he must like you for real, one date would lead to him asking you out on another
Libi: I don’t think Jan would ever speak to me again if I stole the bit for such a pathetic reason
Libi: she’d judge me hardcore anyway and can’t have that
Libi: You’re right, I’ll have to let him down gently then
Libi: Whatever that sounds like…
Bobby: I know our lil 👰🤵 wasn’t legally binding but I’d rather you didn’t either
Bobby: I’d still be 💔
Bobby: for you, I mean
Bobby: Louie’s a bit
Libi: Is he?
Libi: I don’t really know him outside of the context of this play
Libi: like I didn’t know him before, I mean, obviously I’ve spoken to him as him now, a bit
Bobby: obviously I've had even less to do with him than you, but I've noticed when you're speaking to him as him you're not 😁
Bobby: even the 1 cinema trip might be asking a bit much of how 😇 you are
Libi: How much of an 😇 can I really be if I’m all 😒 😞 😔 😟 😕 🙁 ☹️ 😣 😖 😫 😩 🥺 😢 😭 😤 😠 😡 apparently
Libi: He’s a nice guy, I don’t know why I don’t want to date him
Bobby: In his pov or mine?
Bobby: I’d say your reaction is loads better than being unbothered, that’d make you really 😈
Bobby: anyway being a nice lad he’ll understand and it probably won’t be long before someone else does wanna go out with him
Bobby: you can’t force or properly fake 💘
Libi: He’s probably going to ask someone else, you’re right
Libi: it’s not a big deal
Libi: I could say you really wanna see it too, that would work
Bobby: It can’t be a massive deal, he hasn’t known you THAT long, not before the play, like you said
Libi: Totally
Libi: it’s not like he’s 💘 or anything, just interested
Bobby: Yeah, he’ll be alright and so will the play
Libi: Thanks, Bobby
Libi: even if I still need to think of what to message back
Bobby: Just be as honest as you can handle without 😳
Bobby: lying isn’t a top skill of yours and you don’t want him to work out you are
Libi: I can’t argue with you even if I feel I should
Libi: I’ll try my best
Libi: I might leave it for a 🤏 bit
Bobby: can’t fault you for it, and I won’t need to ‘cause it’ll be okay
Libi: A woman’s prerogative, so I hear
Bobby: deffo can’t argue with that, it’d have me coming across like a nice guy ™️ ❌👏
Libi: 😬 it isn’t lost on me that I friendzone Louie’s character in the harshest way by being a murderess
Libi: I won’t bring that up though, hopefully he won’t be thinking it
Libi: 🩸👠 isn’t an association I’d love to bring into my everyday
Bobby: I’m more 🤞 Mr Mullan doesn’t hear about art imitating life ‘cause you’ll never hear the end of it
Libi: Oh no
Libi: he’s so…
Libi: he’s a lot
Bobby: See, an 😇 way of putting it 😏
Libi: I can see why China and him get along, is a less polite way
Libi: but as true
Libi: she’d much prefer femme fatale over hysterical American
Bobby: It won’t kill her not to get her own way for once
Libi: It might drive poor America insane
Libi: How are her and Sean now?
Libi: I cannot believe I managed to put my foot in it like that, I felt awful but she wouldn’t hear it and if I tried to apologize to him he’d have thought I was meddling more than he probably already reckoned
Bobby: 💰 on her mates going insane 1st how often she must stay with some of them
Bobby: not that I blame her for not going home and you shouldn't blame yourself for anything that happens between her and Sean, he knows what she's like and what's been going on
Bobby: I guess they've sorted it? I dunno, have to go off their insta stories more than whatever he'd actually admit
Libi: I have been wondering about that
Libi: if I should more officially ask my grandparents/offer her the spare room
Libi: or if that’ll be insulting, or they might say we shouldn’t put ourselves into people’s family affairs
Libi: glad it’s not just me 😅 again, they’re hardly the only on-again-off-again couple around that I find totally perplexing so it’s no dig
Bobby: 🤔 I was 💭 the same but I wasn't sure if it'd be weird coming from me as a lad, especially if they're off again when I make the offer
Bobby: I reckon it's a good idea though if you're allowed to
Libi: I don’t think she’d take it that way but emphasis on the I part, I see how she could and why you’d be hesitant
Libi: I think the best way is to ask her first, if she would want me to then ask my grandparents… the potential disappointment if they say no is better than me doing the wrong thing and making it worse, right?
Bobby: Her sister has told me that lads and girls can't be mates so she would probably have loads to say which we can all do without
Bobby: 👍 getting your grandparents involved more than you need to when you don't need to isn't a 🥇💡 you're totally right
Libi: She would think that 🙄
Libi: guess it makes her feel better that Jake doesn’t want to be her friend
Libi: Cool, that’s the plan of attack there then, an easier message to send for sure
Bobby: 💔 Jake doesn’t know about Louie asking you out, it might’ve got him to back off 🤏
Libi: Or get him to do the same
Libi: Wow, that sounded really conceited 😲😅
Libi: You know what I mean though, more that he’s that type of lad than I’m that much of a catch
Bobby: you can still be a catch even though he's a dickhead but hey
Bobby: least if he does ask you you've already practiced a rejection text, type of lad he is isn't gonna take a no as easy 😬
Libi: Don’t jinx me!
Libi: He’d probably just send me a bootycall and expect me to jump, right? Ick
Libi: You don’t behave like that, do you Bobs?
Bobby: 😲❗️ can’t believe you’d ask me that Libs
Libi: Come on, you’re my only insight into what boys are like
Libi: it seems pretty par for the course, maybe not Jake levels of extreme but
Bobby: Soz I’ve got no insight into bootycalls
Libi: Okay
Libi: I’m not mad about that
Libi: that’d be a LOT to process about you rn
Bobby: I’ve got no secrets I’m keeping from you, especially not 💘🔐
Libi: 😊💚💜
Libi: Lucie has turned out to be less cute than I thought
Libi: IMO anyway
Bobby: what’s she said or done that you’ve not told me about?
Libi: Nothing compared to China, so nothing
Libi: I can see how they were friends though, before they dramatically weren’t
Libi: I wonder who Jake will choose, if he ever does
Bobby: I think he likes not choosing and keeping everyone dramatically in suspense 🙄
Libi: Begrudgingly admit he’s suited to his role in that respect
Libi: he’ll fall for someone totally out of left-field and leave both of them in the dust
Libi: if romcoms have taught us anything
Bobby: If it’s gonna be Am I better warn Sean
Libi: She hates him
Libi: which in certain stories WOULD make him 😍
Libi: but I can’t see it
Bobby: exactly it’s the plot twist everyone saw coming and the most obvious trope going, but thankfully we don’t live in a romcom
Libi: it does all feel a bit romcom rn, I think that must be what inspired Louie
Libi: not my preferred genre, tbh
Bobby: I’m alright with swapping Orient Express for whatever horror is playing, doubt he’ll be in another row of that screen waiting to spy on you
Libi: If anyone’s destined to be the stalker, right?
Libi: we better go, he’s not done anything wrong
Bobby: 📌📅 for when? How keen was he?
Libi: [Probably this weekend from whichever day he’s asked because keen is the vibe, sorry Louie]
Bobby: 👌😂
Libi: don’t be mean 😫😅
Libi: plenty of girls would be happy to go out with him
Bobby: Yeah and I’m not running him down to any of them, or you even really, I already told you I think he’s a bit
Bobby: 🤓🥀
Bobby: He gestures A LOT, is he one of those OTT doing shakespeare in the theatre type actors or what?
Libi: I guess the role is pretty...campy
Libi: I can see what he’s going for even if I’d suggest toning it down 🤏
Libi: It’s a good thing you aren’t slagging him off to the girls, he’d not stand a chance then
Bobby: Who am I that they'd be bothered what I think? Not ever asked or been asked, me
Bobby: and everyone knows the butler has always got a massive agenda anyway
Libi: Lots of girls think you’re cute though
Bobby: 😳
Libi: What? I can’t tell you you’re handsome
Libi: and that girls have obviously noticed that
Bobby: I guess 'cause I don't 👀 it I don't 💭 about it, I dunno but it's 😳
Libi: I get it
Libi: it IS weird when other people say it
Libi: @ Louie @ Jake
Libi: it’s not like when family say it but you know they have to say it, even if they mean it… 🤔 first and foremost it’s ‘cos they 💘 you
Libi: Saying we’ll get used to it sounds very big-headed but I guess it won’t freak us out as much from now on
Libi: 🤞
Bobby: I'm not sure there's a proper way for me not to get freaked out when other people notice me, even if it is only with their 👀 'cause I still forget I exist to them most of the time 🤷‍♂️
Bobby: but obviously the play was just the start for you, loads of lads are gonna wanna be more than mates with you everywhere you go, soon as they realise how great you are, so yeah, I better get used to that
Bobby: 🤞🤞 I find stuff to 📌📅 when you're on all these dates
Libi: Of course you exist to them! The school is just too bloody lazy to actually make it so more students can acknowledge and actually converse with you like everyone else 😤
Libi: though acting like they’re the issue when it’s actually the world at large is not helpful of me at all
Libi: Ha! I’ll still be sharing a stage with the likes of Lucie, I think the majority of the male population will find other places to look, Bobs 😏
Libi: Anyway, I’ll soon lose any points if I brush enough of them off like poor Louie 😕
Bobby: Alright, maybe I’m not fully 👥 but nobody knows me well enough for 💘
Bobby: and anyone who prefers Lucie knows literally nothing
Bobby: you’d score all ✔️ in everything that makes people 😁 and 😍 you’re not losing any points for Louie or Jake, don’t even worry
Libi: Yet
Libi: Pretty sure that’s the point of dating
Libi: not that I’m an expert on the subject 😅
Libi: you’re sweet
Bobby: You know what I mean, unless it’s a blind date you usually already know each other a bit, enough to be interested anyway
Bobby: nobody’s there yet
Libi: You want to start looking?
Libi: Lots of girls still like the boy to initiate, old-fashioned but works in our favour
Bobby: not my prefered genre either, it’s okay
Libi: 👍
Libi: We could go see the horror after, I’ve checked the times
Bobby: long as your nan doesn’t mind me keeping you out that late, I’m cool with it
Libi: She wouldn’t hold back telling you if she did by now
Bobby: True
Bobby: but don’t mention to Louie what a lucky escape he’s had there or he’ll fancy himself as Romeo next
Libi: Thank GOD we’re not attempting Shakespeare… what Lady Macbeth and the young lovers might inspire in everyone isn’t something I’m ready to find out yet
Bobby: he does put a silent character in most of his plays though, that’d make sir’s job of casting me well easy
Libi: let’s not make his job any easier
Libi: his creative ‘vision’ (as he puts it, I would never) is lacking in well, any creativity
Libi: casting potential included, of course
Libi: I think we’ve all made the best of though, don’t you?
Bobby: What you’re saying is, where’s the blind-deaf solidarity if he’s gonna keep his 👀 shut the whole time 😏
Bobby: *you’ve made it loads better than it should be and deserve all the credit he’ll lap up on opening night
Bobby: that’s what I think
Libi: It definitely wasn’t a one-woman mission
Libi: you’ve done loads, for example
Libi: we’ll have our own afterparty of sorts, and he won’t be invited to make a speech 😏🙌
Bobby: Only props which anyone who takes art could’ve done but I’m not gonna say no to a 🥳
Bobby: is Louie invited?
Libi: I think everyone but the teachers will have to at least be offered an invite
Libi: wrap parties are tradition… I think 🤔😋
Bobby: what about China and Jake?
Libi: Yeah, them too…
Libi: In American films they go to diners, we could do an equivalent, not necessarily a party party
Libi: so we don’t look like we’re ‘taking over’ or whatever
Bobby: Let’s go to [somewhere that has an american diner vibe because I’m sure there is] they have the best 🍨
Libi: Yes! 💡
Libi: Who can be 😠😒🙄 at sundaes?
Bobby: J and J weren’t and they always were back then
Libi: Exactly
Libi: If they can manage to crack a smile, like
Libi: I won’t be heartbroken if certain people don’t want to do it but not going to be accused of any more cliquey-ness
Bobby: me either but I’d be 😁 if we were the only ones there
Bobby: which is why I’ll never be the main character of anything but a really low budget indie
Libi: I find socializing exhausting so I can only imagine how much more you do
Libi: Much easier staying kids and not being expected to do anything we didn’t 100% want to, yeah
Bobby: yeah
Bobby: have they done Peter Pan before? Be more fun than shakespeare
Libi: Not that I know of
Libi: we should ask Ms Howe
Bobby: Alright, but I won’t mention to her how I reckon Jake and Louie could fight it out for who’s gonna be the 🐊⏰ depending which one’s the fastest at taking your hints you’re not interested once this play’s over
Bobby: Or that China’ll have to be 🧚 if you’re Wendy
Libi: Ugh, don’t! She’d LOVE the outfit, if she could convince Mullan to let her wear it… 🙄
Libi: I’d cast her as Nana for the shade of it all, as I’m such a bitch don’t you know, but she’s far too lovely a dog to warrant such a miscast 😏
Bobby: Mr Mullan will probably wanna cast me when he realises it’s not a talking 🐶 she’d have a fight on her hands again 😏
Libi: I think you’d look excellent in a bonnet 🤭
Bobby: I’d rather be the lil brother with the 🧸 be a good luck charm and a weapon against dickheads if needed
Bobby: he’s too young to say much anyway if I remember right
Libi: You’d get to wear pajamas for the whole first act too 👍
Libi: Again, not to sound like a broken record about it, making Peter deaf could be really interesting and make the plot even more heightened
Libi: There’s lots of things he doesn’t understand about real life and real people because he’s immortal, if there’s that added communication barrier between him and the lost boys, it makes the way he is even more logical, in its way, it’s a easy, perhaps a little cliche way, to show he isn’t an ordinary boy
Libi: Not to mention the relationship he and Wendy manage to forge despite this would break the audiences hearts even more when they inevitably lose it
Libi: Clearly, I’ll have to write this persuasive essay for Sir before the next play is decided 😅
Bobby: 😲
Bobby: that’s SUCH a 🥇💡
Bobby: now I’m actually speechless
Libi: I’m pretty proud of that one, ngl
Libi: need to expand the 💭 but it’s got legs, right
Libi: I thought our last idea did but there’s less wriggling out of this, it being a fantasy and all
Bobby: Like you said, we’ll go to Ms Howe, convince her and let her worry about dealing with him, I’ll help you, transition year is a massive faff Jim was right
Libi: Is it nice to have the break though? After your exams last year
Bobby: 🤏 work experience is the best bit by far though and I don’t get many breaks there
Bobby: gonna have to start going 🛌 proper early like I’m 👴
Libi: ⏲ if you mean it
Bobby: 💔 but yeah
Libi: 💔 is easier to deal with than 🥱 in the morning
Bobby: Dunno about that, maybe when it’s Louie on the receiving end of the 💔 and you’re 🥱 of his 😍
Libi: Shh, don’t remind me
Libi: dreading this reply more than my homework
Bobby: [knows her well enough that he writes the kind of reply he knows she would send and it doesn’t even sound like a pisstake]
Bobby: ✔️
Libi: See, you’re a natural actor
Libi: that was a little TOO convincing, if anything
Libi: but I’m not in a position to turn down help 🙏🙌
Bobby: Not if you want me to come round and help with your homework before the ⏲ runs out and all
Libi: 😘
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tefanfics · 5 years ago
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Chapter 13
That afternoon, I stood in my bathroom and checked myself over. I had curled my hair, leaving cascading waves of red to fall over my shoulders. I did my makeup and kept it simple, eyeliner and mascara and a red lip. The next challenge was convincing myself that the few dresses I had brought were considered nice enough. Taron told me to dress up. Which was fine except for I had only brought a couple of options to dress up in.
I opened my closet and peered in, realizing just how empty it truly was. Most of my clothes were still back in the States. With a sigh, I moved some of the hangers and looked at my choices. The floral dress I had worn a couple of weeks ago, a red dress that had a low neckline and a box-pleat skirt or a lacy black dress.
I opted for the black dress and pulled it off the hanger before putting it on. The skirt landed above my knees and the dress hugged in in the right spots. The neckline was a little revealing but left enough to the imagination. The dress was black with a black lace overlay and long sleeves made of lace. I grabbed my heels and slid them on before returning to the bathroom to check myself over. I turned and looked over my shoulder to make sure the dress wasn’t too short. I gave it a nod of approval before reading for my gold rose necklace. I put it on and made my way to the living room, grabbing my clutch on the way.
I put the things I needed from my normal purse into the clutch, including the red lipstick. “Shit,” I muttered as I checked the time. I was running behind. I double checked I had everything then hurried downstairs as quickly as I could in heels. In front of my apartment building, a car waited for me. The driver greeted me and helped me into the backseat before returning to his seat.
I wasn’t entirely sure where we were going but Taron had arranged everything. I played on my phone to distract myself but that didn’t last long, so I watched out the window instead. A little while later, the car pulled up in front of a building and stopped. The driver didn’t move from his seat but the door opened. I looked as someone held their hand out to me.
I took it and climbed out of the car, adjusting the skirt of my dress as I stood up. I looked up and met Taron’s gaze. “Hi.” I grinned as I noted how he was dressed. Black slacks, a nice black, leather coat and a gray button up t-shirt. “Looks like we both picked the safest color.”
Taron grinned as he took me in. He didn’t seem like he had even heard the words I’d said but I didn’t mind. Not by the way he was looking at me. He used my hand to help me twirl and then pulled me close. He kissed me sweetly before stepping away. “You look… Wow.”
Thank god I hadn’t bothered with blush because I would have been as pink as a flamingo. “You don’t look half bad yourself.”
Taron shook his head. “No, I look like a peasant compared to you. Rose, seriously, you’re stunning.” He started toward the building, me following closely behind. He pulled the door open for me as I stepped in. I realized it was a restaurant as I started to look around. There was a lot to take in but what stood out the most was the scent. It smelled amazing in here. We were escorted to a table right in the center of the restaurant. I noticed heads turning as we walked through, hearing a wave of whispers.
“They’re looking at us,” I whispered to Taron as we sat down. This was something I truly wasn’t used to. Being the center of attention had never been my favorite thing.
“Let them,” Taron said with a shrug. He reached across the table and took my hand. “They’re all just jealous anyhow.” He gave a quick squeeze to my hand before pulling his hand back and grabbing the menu on the table.
I looked at the menu but had no clue what I wanted. There were too things that looked good to me. The waitress came and took our drink orders. I sat the menu down and let my eyes wander around the restaurant for a couple of minutes before looking at Taron. “I have no clue what I want to eat,” I said, laughter coming from me shortly after.
“You can’t go wrong with either of these,” he answered. He turned the menu toward me and pointed at a couple of options.
“Surprise me,” I said finally.
And he did. When the waitress returned with our drinks and took our order, Taron pointed at the menu for just her to see to order for me. I grinned as she left and it was just the two of us again.
“This is where I originally planned to take you for a first date,” Taron said as he looked at me, his drink in his hand. “But then the concert.”
“The concert was an excellent first date.” I grinned at him, pulling my glass to my lips. I sipped on the whisky sour I had ordered and sat it back down. Red lipstick remained on the rim of the glass.
He nodded in agreement. “How are you liking the job so far?”
“I’m not going to lie. I actually really enjoy stepping in and kind of bossing people around,” I giggled. “But in all seriousness, I really love it. It’s something I can really dive into and I feel good about what I’m doing.”
“I’ve heard nothing but good things about you,” Taron said. “I know Matthew is really happy with how you’ve done.”
I couldn’t help but to grin. It was reassuring to hear that I had been doing well. “I’m kind of surprised we haven’t been caught yet.”
“Well don’t jinx it,” Taron laughed. “I quite like the secret kisses. They feel very-“
“Forbidden?” I cut in. I smirked at him before averting my gaze. I bit my lip as I felt those butterflies again and looked back up at him again.
“Very much so,” he answered. I could see him gulp. I could see the playful smirk forming as he took another drink.
I held my hand out on the table and he took it. We stayed like this for a few minutes until our dinner arrived. We ate in the silence that had grown comfortable to me. I didn’t feel as though I really needed to say anything to fill the quiet moments. There was an easiness with Taron that I enjoyed.
I crossed one leg over the other, leaving my foot to hang in the air. The table was small and I knew Taron’s legs were close to my. Slowly, I moved my foot forward until I had met Taron’s leg. I didn’t look up from my plate as I kept my foot there, gently pressed against him.
I excused myself and disappeared to the bathroom. I stood in front of the mirror and retrieved my red lipstick, fixing it. My cheeks were red and my face was warm, thanks to the alcohol. I left the bathroom with a smile plastered on my face.
As I walked back, I spotted Taron. There was a change in Taron’s demeanor as he sat there. He reached for his wallet and signaled the waitress over. He signed the check before finishing what little was in his glass. I returned to the table and sat down, wrapping my fingers around my drink. I looked at the glass in my hand. I had switched to just plain whisky. I lifted it to my lips and downed the rest of the amber liquid, burning as it went down my throat.
Taron raised his eyebrows at me as I sat the glass down. I heard him chuckle as I felt the warmth of the alcohol take over. “Does whisky always go down that easy?” He asked as he stood up and held his hand out to me.
“It does,” I answered with a nod. I took his hand and stood up, following him to the exit of the restaurant. “Usually helps with bad decisions too.”
“Are you planning on making bad decisions this evening?” Taron continued as we started down the sidewalk in the beautiful evening.
“Depends on what the rest of the evening holds,” I retorted, a smirk forming on my red lips. “Guess we’ll see.”
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surveys-at-your-service · 4 years ago
Survey #290
“you’re a little pistol, & i’m fuckin’ pistol-whipped.”
What’s the biggest argument you’ve ever had with a family member? Did things ever go back to how they were beforehand? Definitely something with Mom. The biggest was probably in the car one night where she got so mad at me that she tried to kick me out of the car. No, I didn't listen. I don't really remember exactly what we were arguing about... other than it was something small that blew up about bigger themes. Have you ever experienced some kind of natural disaster? Hurricanes. If you have pets, do you feed them human food or do they just get regular pet food? If they do get human food, what’s their favorite thing to have? Roman only gets cat food. He's actually really well-trained about not taking human food after he did once as a kitten. Now he might just sniff around curiously and give it a look, but food can be pretty close to him and he doesn't go for it. Have you ever been in a physical fight? Who won? No. What were you lighting the last time you used a lighter or matches? Probably a candle. What’s the mode of transport that you take or use the most? Mom's car. Are there any sequels to things that you prefer to the original? I'm sure. Oh, Shrek comes to mind; I love the original, but the second is my favorite. What games do you play on your phone, if any at all? Just Pokemon GO, really. I have a couple others up there just for my niece and nephew to play. Aside from family, who was the last person you spent time with? How do you know that person? miss rona doesn't allow "hanging out." Do you spend a lot of money on your appearance? No. Have you ever had a zoo keeper experience or anything where you’ve been able to go behind the scenes and look after/feed the animals? I wish! :( Do you have an item that is your good luck charm? No. Your favorite thing about your job (or school)? N/A Least favorite thing about your job (or school)? N/A Do you have a "funny" toenail? No. Favorite canned soup? Meh, not a soup person. Do you have a particular coffee mug you drink from? No. Your take on declawing cats? It's cruel as fuck and you're despicable if you think it's all good and well to torture your cat like that. Do you have smoke detectors in your home? Yeah. What was your favorite snuggle toy when you were a child? First it was my little stuffed bunny that held a polka-dotted blanket, but through most of my childhood I cuddled a stuffed moose I got from Ohio at Cabela's. Brownie is still on top of my dresser. :') What did you do on your first date? Got Sonic and saw Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance in the theater. I had the weirdest first date in that he invited my mom lmao. I still count it as our first one, though. The last time you let someone go, was it to make yourself happy or them? Myself. Who was the last person that could tell something was wrong with you? My ma. Have you ever thought about online dating? If so, were you desperate? Well I had a long-distance relationship, but it wasn't through a dating app or anything. Had one of those once and am mortified by it (even though no one shoud be), but no, I wouldn't have called myself "desperate." I was just incredibly lonely. Do you try not to take a lot of medicine or do you take it whenever? I just take it if I need it, honestly. I've been medicated pretty heavily most of my life, so whatever. Are you ever scared of people reading your survey answers? I wouldn't put them out there if I was. Would you ever go back to your most recent ex? That's the plan if things go ideally, but I'm not letting my hopes get too high. It'll be nice if that happened, but I'll still live on if not. What’s your best friend’s pet’s name(s)? She has lots of pets. There's Martha, Crowley, Little Dot, Jane Marie, Doris, Buster, Mango, and for her fish, I only know the one pleco's name: Raisha. When was the last time you got a splinter? I'm not sure. Are there any spiders in your room right now? I mean, probably. Somewhere. Have you ever taken a picture while laying in the grass? Not of myself. Who’s your favorite Disney charater? Dory. Are there any framed pictures of you in your house? In family shots, yes. What was the first television show you were obsessed with? Pokemon. Do you and your friends normally say you love one another? Definitely. How often would you say you get sick? Almost never. Let's not jinx it. Is there anything you get for free as a benefit for being a member of something? No. When were you the saddest in your life? 2016 was a year I'd wish upon absofuckinglutely nobody. Do you think bald guys are attractive? It would depend on the person? I don't find them inherently unattractive or attractive. If you don’t recognize the number of who’s calling, do you answer anyway? Nope. How do you pronounce route? "Rowt" What's the last thing you looked at under a microscope? Something during a biology lab when I was still in school. We looked at a number of stuff. Pretty cool. What internet service provider do you have? ... We just moved and changed providers and I already don't remember. Do you ever hear of something disgusting that you haven’t seen, so you go and look it up? This is very rare. If something is *disgusting*, I don't exactly wanna see it. If you had to get a tattoo on your face to save your life, what would it be? I'd have to think on this. I'm not opposed to a subtle face tat anyway, maybe near my ear or eye. Has someone ever made you a Build-A-Bear? No... but I've always kinda wanted a partner to lmao that's cute as fuck. Who was the last person you were “in a relationship with” on Facebook (including anyone you may have put “in a relationship with” for a joke)? Sara. Were you ever “the other man/woman”? How did it turn out? How do you feel about it today? No, and I never would be. What do you think of open relationships? If your partner suggested it, what would you say? Not for me whatsoever, but it works for some people. I'd honestly leave the relationship because I'd feel like I wasn't good enough. Would you ever date out of your race? I have before, would do it again with no problems. Have you ever had a reptile for a pet? Oh, plenty! Did you have a swing set when you were a kid? Yes. Swings were my favorite outdoor "toy" as a kid. What is a book that you really want to read? The Testaments by Margaret Atwood. I fucking adore The Handmaid's Tale and I literally have the book, I'm just too into WoF to make time for it. What is something that you really want to try, whether it’s a hobby, food, etc.? A lot of things. I guess to name one... wow, now that I'm actually thinking, nothing is coming to me, lmao. What sort of things do you like to post or look at on Tumblr? Mark-related stuff, what a shocker. What type of people are you usually attracted to? "Different," but not in a super weird-you-out way. I like clearly unique, truly one-of-a-kind people. What song are you listening to at the moment? "Watching For Comets" by Skillet is on. I'm surprised I feel okay listening to it. How often do you take naps and how long do they usually last? Almost daily. They can be an hour or two... embarrassingly, haha. Who’s one person who changed how you viewed something? Hannah Hart on gay rights. How many pillows do you like to sleep with? Two. What was the best conversation you’ve had recently? I dunno. Have you ever considered modeling? Nooooooooooo sir. When was the last time you did something daring? ME? DARING? Who in the world knows. List five of your favorite foreign foods. Uhhhh. 1.) This requires a lot of thinking and 2.) I'm very uninformed in what is *actually* truly foreign food that I've eaten and not just an American adaptation. I'm not very adventurous with foods, either, especially when I know it's "foreign." What types of seafood are your favorite? I just like shrimp. Do you write a lot for pleasure? I wouldn't say "a lot" anymore. Do you like bacon? Oh yeah. Do you like Rammstein? Hell yeah, they're in my favorites list. Have you ever been to a State Fair? Maybe, but I don't think so. Do you like YouTube? Maaan, I don't know what I'd do without it lmao. If so what's your favorite channel? I like that Mark R. Pliers guy a little bit, and lately I've really been digging Snake Discovery and Hazelnuttygames. Good Mythical Morning/Rhett and Link are deep, deep in my heart still, even though I don't watch them anymore. There is truly a *lot*, it's why I don't need television, haha. What is your favorite small dog breed? Papillons, probably. When was the last time you went through a McDonald's Playplace? Oh yikes, no clue. I definitely haven't ~really~ been in one since I was much younger (uhhhh and smaller), but I do have a faint memory of starting to go in one chasing after a kid. Maybe my nephew when he and his dad visited? idr What was the first comic book you ever had an obsession over? I was never into comics. Do you like kids pop-up books? BITCH you are LYING if you say you don't like looking at the cool effects lmao. Have you ever ridden a camel? No. Have you ever punched somebody? No. Can you sing opera? Oh, definitely not. Who was the last person you video-called with? Have you done this more often since COVID hit? My therapist, and you could say that, considering I never did before because I hate video calls. If you have pets, when was the last time one of them annoyed you? What happened? Roman (my cat) was just playing too rough with my hand. He's always hyper in the morning. When was the last time you took a dog out for a walk? Is this your own dog or did you borrow someone else’s? Wow... it's been many years. I walked Teddy sometimes, but that definitely slowed down and eventually came to a halt as he aged and his joints got bad; he would hesitate going down the porch steps, and I didn't want him to get too tired mid-walk and then have to go up them. Have you ever been the victim of a theft or robbery? What was stolen? Did the police ever catch the person who did it? No, thankfully. Are you a fan of garlic bread? Do you eat it on its own or as part of a bigger meal? Garlic bread would ruin my life if I let it, lmao. It's always a side. When was the last time your area was under some kind of weather warning? Did it end up being as bad as predicted? There was literally a tornado warning three days ago. I don't think so, no, but then again I didn't really look into it. Do you prefer having the blinds/curtains open or closed when you’re at home? Does it depend on the weather or the time of day? OPEN. You NEED natural light, I promise. I used to like my room as dark as possible in my worst times, but I am so glad I cut that out. I like, feel a part of me lighten up when I open my blinds in the morning. Who was the last person to tag you in something on social media? How do you know that person? My mom shared something that reminded her of Roman. Have you ever eaten a Big Mac? No; I don't like lettuce in my burgers, so I'm sure I wouldn't like it. What brand is your vacuum cleaner? I'd have to check. Where was your favorite hangout as a kid? So at my childhood home, down the road was a "stream" (aka a ditch and drainage pipe going underneath the road) that usually had at least some water in it, but if it rained, it really started to feel more like a real stream to us kids because of the movement. It drained into the pond just beyond the woods, and my sisters and some neighbors loved to play around that area. What’s your favorite pizza topping? Pepperoni,ig. Which sport do you suck at the most? All of 'em lol. My hand-eye coordination is awful, and hell no can I run. Are you good at rapping? I've never tried, but I'm certain I wouldn't be. I stutter so badly, and it's been getting worse. Can you say the alphabet in more than one language? I know it in German. Do you eat three meals a day? It varies. What do you want out of life? Fulfillment. To feel like I did something worthwhile.
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sanfl0werrr · 5 years ago
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Back to 2003 ▪︎part 1
“there's more than what the eye can see, the heart can love, and the brain can understand.” ― Louise Philippe Dulay
p r e s e n t
시작은 달콤하게, 평범하게 나에게 끌려
at the start, you were sweetly, naturally attracted to me
언제나 그랬듯이 먼저 말을 걸어와
you stepped up to me and told me it would forever be like that
모든 가능성, 열어둬 oh
all the possibilities, opened up oh
it was at that moment, when Mirotic starting playing in the restaurant, the memories of being 17 came rushing back to you like a flood.
you recalled the times when you stayed up late to record DBSK's performances and shows they appeared on, the times you got scolded by your parents for skipping school and the times you made memories with your friends who were also a Cassiopeia.
it was the most memorable moments during your youth because you loved endlessly and vigorously despite the judgement from others. some supported the love, others not so. regardless, DBSK was once the sole receiver of your affection and that had somehow changed along the way.
2020 had just started, and a couple just announced they were getting married at a class reunion after 17 years.
"this song was everywhere, wasn't it? i'm guessing the fan in you has toned down, y/n?" danoh asked, full of curiosity.
you gasped in shock, "how could you even think that?"
your best friend, sooyoung, rolled her eyes, "don't even start. remember the news regarding them splitting around 2010-2011? you should have seen her then. an utter mess."
"how could you say that?" you nudged her and squinted your eyes, feeling betrayed, "you liked them too! that's how we became friends."
"and i wish i hadn't introduce myself to you that way," sooyoung fake cry, "the love and dedication you had for them were continuously increasing over the years, i couldn't keep up!"
the others who were there had laughed and immediately after that, aera spoke up, "honestly, i thought you would be single for life. who knew you'd marry before sooyoung?"
you scratched the back of your neck and laughed awkwardly, "i thought so too."
"another amazing thing was that y/n married one of our classmates too!" danoh squinted her eyes, deep in thought while counting with her fingers, "you know, that famous clique? lee jeno, huang renjun, lee donghyuck and na jaemin?"
"they were undeniably popular! even the juniors and seniors cried at the wedding," aera laughed, recalling the memory.
all of a sudden, sooyoung, danoh and aera placed their face on their hands, expectations were evident on their expressions.
you looked at them in confusion, "w-what?"
"tell us how you did it," danoh fluttered her eyes, "how did you managed to get him, the guy everyone wanted to be with, to love you?"
"it's like you getting married to DBSK! that was how we felt when we heard the news!" aera dramatically explains.
"even i want to hear it for a second time," sooyoung added on, "it was chaos."
you paused for a moment.
"i don't know if we should be happy, getting compared to DBSK," everyone turned towards the voice that was suddenly heard.
everyone gasped.
"glad all of you could make it! and of course you should be happy. it's an honour to be compared to DBSK, renjun," you rolled your eyes.
he rolled his eyes as a response, "hello to you too, mrs hero y/n."
your eyes sparkled in glee, "it's been so long since someone called me by that nickname."
"i wouldn't be so happy if i were you," jeno chuckled, "just think of the bad coincidences that happened right after someone says that nickname."
"it's a sign that you and kim jaejoong were never meant to be, y/n," donghyuck added, laughing while shaking his head.
your lips quiver, tears forming in your eyes, "why do you all keep mentioning that? don't jinx it!"
"there, there. it's alright," jaemin stood behind your and patted your head, "you got to admit, she's toned down a lot."
you rolled your eyes.
"i mean, it's because she's currently loving two men at the same time right?" sooyoung explains.
"hey!" you smacked her, "you make me sound like i'm committing adultery."
"well, aren't you?" jeno squinted her eyes.
donghyuck claps his hand and exclaims, "all of you should see the shrine of jaejoong she made. until now, i can't get used to it."
"i don't know if she comes home to see jaejoong or her family, you know?" renjun shook his head.
jaemin nodded his head, agreeing with what renjun said, "thinking about the past makes me get goosebumps."
"well, what does your husband say about it, y/n? i'm really curious about it," aera turned to look at you in anticipation.
you gestured your hand towards your husband and sighed out loud, "why don't you just ask him yourself? and for your information, i had a hard time convincing him too!"
all four of them; renjun, jeno, donghyuck and jaemin; shouted in unison, "you deserved it!"
2 0 0 2
“kim y/n!” your mother shouted, “you better come out and eat your breakfast!”
you had your headphones in, listening to BoA’s album on repeat while trying to put on the eye contacts that you’ve previously begged your father to buy for you. it was the first day of school and you wanted a new look for a brand new year.
“what’s this girl doing?” your mother groaned to herself while making breakfast, “kim y/n! this girl-”
“kim y/n, if you’re not coming out this very instant, i will destroy that door and you will have no privacy!” your mother raised her voice.
"i’m out! i’m out!” you huffed in annoyance, “i can’t even get ready in peace.”
“guys, notice anything different?” you smiled widely and posed for them in different angles.
“how is it?” you fluttered your eyes at everyone, “am i pretty? am i pretty? how’s my new look, renjun-ah? jaemin-ah? jeno-yah? donghyuck-ah?”
all you could hear as a reply was their coughing and how they tried to avoid your eye contact. you squinted your eyes in annoyance and pouted at the silence or in this case, lack of response.
“minus lee donghyuck and lee jeno,” you huffed in annoyance, “why are the two of you always here?”
“free food,” renjun stated.
“i think it’s nice to eat breakfast with friends,” jaemin chuckled.
“all of us are neighbours. what’s wrong with two extra people?” your mother defended renjun and jaemin, “and you don’t even finish your food, y/n!”
“why do you always scold me when they’re around? and do you know how much food you make? you could even feed the whole neighbourhood!” you defended back, “forget it! i’m going to school!”
“y/n! don’t forget your lunch!” your mother shouted back.
you mentally cursed yourself for forgetting to bring lunch. you thought that you wouldn’t get hungry but even during the first day of school, it was already filled with lessons, lessons and more lessons.
the teacher said that it was the preparation of ‘major examinations’, which you rolled your eyes at. you wanted to at least enjoy the first year of school, which now seems like an impossible feat.
“hey,” someone tapped your back, “do you want to share this with me? i don’t think i can finish and you looked like you forgot your lunch.”
you widen your eyes in glee, “c-can i really?”
“yeah!” the girl nodded and laughed, “i’m naeun!”
“i’m y/n!” you introduced back, “thank you so much, naeun.”
even before you could take a bite of the food, the door to your classroom banged open, “y/n.”
the girls in your class screamed. 
you turned around and raised your brows, “jeno? why are you here?”
“the reason why i’m here,” he placed your lunch down on the table, “you forgot this.”
“okay, thanks, but why are the rest here too?” you pointed towards the door.
“we’re in the same class and just finished lunch,” he explained.
you tilted your head to the side, “wait, you mean to say you finished your lunch first, then you decided to bring mine? when it ends in 15 mins?”
“time’s ticking, young lady,” jeno winked and left.
“that crazy bastard,” you whispered to yourself.
you turned back to naeun with an apologetic expression, “i will bring you lunch tomorrow, okay?”
she nodded back, gleefully. “no worries about it, y/n!”
school after that became chaos. the girls in your class became envious of you for knowing lee jeno, lee donghyuck, huang renjun and na jaemin. not only that, you could sense the seniors kept keeping watch outside your class during lunchtime every now and then.
one day during lunch, you brought this up to naeun, “is it just me or does it feel really ominous today?”
“it does feel weird,” naeun looks around, “even the seniors aren’t here.”
“when you said it like that,” you made an uncomfortable expression, “it feels really scary.”
she laughed, “i’m sure it’s nothing!”
it felt like someone was following you when you were walking home that day after school. it was just your luck that you still didn’t have a phone, while the rest of your friends do.
you thought to yourself, please go away.
you were holding onto the straps of your bag as if your life depended on it, praying and hoping that you were going to reach home safe.
“y/n!” someone called out to you from afar.
you looked up and saw them; renjun, jeno, donghyuck and jaemin. you heaved a sigh of relief and ran up to them.
“woah, what happened?” jaemin peered into your face, “why are you sweating so much?”
you immediately cling onto jaemin and whispered, “i thought someone was following me. the whole day felt weird.”
jeno flicked your forehead, “don’t get home so late if you’re scared.”
“crazy bastard,” you glared at him, “i can fight! i will fight! let’s settle this once and for all.”
jeno laughed, as if mocking you, “with that height?”
“lee jeno, you’re freaking dead,” donghyuck laughed.
you cursed under your breath, pulled your jacket sleeve up and glared at jeno, “come here. why are you running? come back here!”
“there you go again,” renjun sighed, “stop fighting!”
“i think it’s hilarious,” jaemin put his hand over renjun’s shoulder, “let them play.”
“let’s go home,” jaemin finally put a stop to the endless fight, “let’s get ice cream!”
the moment ice cream was mentioned, all five stood in a line, with you in the middle. you, jeno and jaemin got mint chocolate while renjun and donghyuck got vanilla.
“confession time!” donghyuck suddenly started out.
“i like donghyuck and jaemin the best!” you joked and laughed out loud, “jeno and renjun are too mean for me.”
“you realise that nice guys always don’t get the girl, right?” renjun teased.
you rolled your eyes, “we’re friends, in case you’re wondering. let’s stay friends for as long as we live.”
at that moment, you had temporarily forgotten the bad ominous feeling you had been feeling in your gut., but you knew it wasn’t ending so soon.
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lokisgame · 6 years ago
A Generous Donation [12]
[part 1] [part 2] [part 3] [part 4] [part 5] [part 6] [part 7] [part 8] [part 9] [part 10] [part 11]
The food looked and smelled as delicious as always, but when Charlie took his place at the table, looking around the faces gathered there, it all felt wrong, he didn't feel grateful at all. Dana and Will's absence gaped like a black hole, a fearful reminder sucking up all cheer. Even young Mathew kept his head down, bending under pressure of being the only child present. Him, Bill and Tara, lived their lives in California where Bill was stationed, making them rare guests at the table. That however didn't stop the eldest Scully son from taking place of honour and carving the turkey. After short and meaningless grace, he started handing out thick slices, leaving the best and most tender for himself. "Dana isn't coming?" He asked, finally sitting down. "She's at the hospital," Maggie said, "with Will." 
Charlie noticed disproval on his brother's face and glared, ready for the sermon, Bill Jr. was about to deliver. "I always knew that pride would be her fall." He said apropos of nothing, around a mouthful of turkey. "Like you said mom, back in the day, IVF was for people who can't have kids, not to satisfy her whims, and now God is making her see it." He stuffed his face while others looked at him in disbelief. "She should accept his will, letting the boy spend last days with his family and not keep poking and prodding him, if it was clearly never meant to be." Bill loaded his fork with stuffing and peas and Charlie snapped, pushing his chair back so hard it almost fell back. His fists were clenched, knuckles white, but he said nothing. Instead he rounded the table and took Bill's mostly full plate away from him. "What the hell!" "Shut up Bill," he said, "just shut up." "What do you think you're doing?" Bill yelled, while the rest of the family sat frozen in their places. "I'm taking this to Dana," Charlie said not bothering to stop, his voice thick with rage. "She needs this more than you do." "Charles, please." Maggie said, finally finding her voice among tears and shame. "No, mom, I'm not sharing table with him, not tonight." He said and went to the kitchen. Doors and drawers began slamming and Emily got up, taking her plate with her. "I'm going with him." "Emily, don't." Missy said with a hint of plea and warning. "Don't what? Tolerate this kind of talk?" Emily looked at her mother, cold fury burning behind her blue eyes, then around the table, at all the food and family, growing colder by the second. Charlie came back with boxes, handing one to her, and they began loading them up with turkey, mashed potatoes, salads and stuffing, while the rest watched in stunned silence for a few excruciatingly long minutes. "I'll get you the pie," Maggie said, finally getting up and wiping tears from her eyes. "Thanks mom." Charlie said, and started loading another box. "Now listen, Charles," Bill tried to get up, but Tara caught the sleeve go his jacket and pulled him down. By the time Maggie was back, they had all four boxes filled and packed, along with their own plates. Somewhere in the middle, Missy and Tara began to help, while Bill sat with his arms crossed, in stubborn silence. "I should go with you," Maggie said, walking Charlie and Emily to the door. "No point, they won't let all of us through the quarantine zone." "Right, right," she sighed, resigned, and Charlie let go of some of his rage, putting his arm around her. "I'll call you once I know how Will is doing, okay?" "Thank you, give them my best." "Will do," Charlie said and followed Emily out.
They did the best they could to blow out his spark, reducing him to a tiny blue flame, a tea-light with one last drop of paraffin keeping it alive. She held his hand, stroking its' back with her thumb, while life trickled down the line, back into his veins. She should have asked Mulder about that vampire joke. "Why does Mulder call you Scully?" Will spoke suddenly, his voice barely audible, head turning on the pillow with tremendous effort. "It's an FBI thing." She said and his brow furrowed. "He did some consulting for the bureau in the 90's and it turned into a habit. I don't mind really. Do you?" Will's head twitched sideways. "Rest honey," Scully said, pressing her lips to his hand, ignoring the sterile mask, "save your strength." Her phone chirped in its' ziplock bag and she glanced anxiously at the ID. It was her second favourite caller.   "Hi sis," said a cheerful voice, "come out for a minute, we brought you something." Scully looked up and through the glass to the corridor beyond, and saw Charlie and Emily waving at her just outside the airlock doors. "I'll be right with you." She said and hung up. "Who is it?" Will mumbled half awake. "Charlie and Em are here," she said, patting his hand and he opened his eyes, managing a faint smile. He lifted his head and waved at the couple outside. Emily grinned and made a face, crossing eyes and sticking out her tongue and Will smiled back, a little wider this time. "Tell them hi," he said and fell back down. "I'll be right back."
"Hi," Scully grinned, hugging her brother and niece, "did mom send you?""We sent ourselves," Emily said, handing her a paper bag, "but grandma cooked." "We figured you could use some real food." "Thanks," she said, opening the box, "how bad was the dinner?" "I hate Bill," Emily said, staying by the window, her eyes never leaving Will. "He's been a royal asshole." "Charlie." "Good thing you weren't there to hear it." "That bad?" She looked up from her cold turkey, fork half way up to her mouth. "I wanted to kill him," Charlie said, gritting his teeth, "self-righteous prick. You know, sometimes I think he's been switched in his crib and he's some kind of half-troll changeling." "His neck is short enough for it," Emily said, grin in her voice. "You're both so mean," Scully said, but smiled as well. Mocking Bill behind his back was a long-standing tradition of theirs. "How's Will doing?" Charlie asked. "He got the marrow around 3pm, so now we wait. He's stable, no sign of immediate rejection." "That's good, right?" "It's too soon to tell, but it's definitely not bad." "When will we be able to see him?" "Give it a couple of days, it will all depend on his progress." "I hate waiting." Emily said. "I know Em," Scully said and got up, standing by the window with her arm around her, "I'll make sure he calls you, once he's lucid enough." "Okay," Em nodded, locking her eyes with Will, and putting her hand to the glass. She never saw him this fragile, even when he was a child and she filled her with dread. "We'll let you go back to him," Charlie said, joining them, "unless you want to feed him turkey as well." "Can't, hospital food only." "Rain check then, you need anything else?" "No, I think I'm good now," she said, feeling a little more human. Few days ago she wouldn't be able to swallow home cooking without bursting into tears, but she ate it all and talked to her family and finally had a feeling, that life would go back to normal. "You know," she said remembering the calls she made earlier, "I tried to reach Mulder but he didn't answer, could you?" "Sure," Charlie said, "just give me the address." "Thanks."
Mulder slept through the day. His aching back chained him to the couch, making anything beyond a bathroom trip, not worth the pain or the nausea. He ate toast for breakfast and canned soup for lunch, and slept with the tv on low for background. It was easier to handle the stress that way. If the transplant wouldn't work and the kid forfeited his life, the pain Scully would feel was impossible for him to imagine. So when the doorbell rang somewhere around seven, his heart began to pound, filling his head with worst images possible. He forced himself to get up, bracing for tears, fists and knives in his heart, then turned the lock and his jaw dropped. "Good evening," said Charlie Scully, accompanied by willowy, short-haired girl, who looked like something between him and Scully. "It's too soon for carolling," Mulder said, trying to read the news from their faces. "We're the Thanksgiving committee." The girl grinned and relief washed over him, making his knees weak. "Easy man, Will's okay," Charlie said catching him and stepping through the threshold, guiding Mulder back to the couch. The girl closed the doors behind them from the inside. "They did it?" "Yeah, this afternoon, he's sleeping it off." Charlie eased Mulder to the seat, lifting his face up for a second, glancing at his eyes and checking pulse. "You feel dizzy? Faint?" "You a doctor too?" "No, but I had first aid training." "EMT?" "Cop," Charlie smiled, and moved back. "This is my niece, Emily." "Hi," Emily said, smiling. Mulder looked at the girl, who looked like a punk who raided Scully's closet for her business casual. She showed him the paper bag. "We brought dinner." Mulder laughed and leaned back. "Sure you did." "May I?" Emily asked and nodded towards the kitchen. "Go ahead." "We brought more, mind if we join you?" "Not at all." Mulder said and looked at Charlie again. "How's Scully," "We fed her too, don't worry, she asked us to come check up on you, said you didn't return her calls." "She called?" Mulder picked up his phone from the coffee table and found three unanswered calls and the switch on the side set on mute. "Frohike must have turned it off so no one would wake me. Excuse me." "Sure, I'll go help Emily."
Scully picked up on the fourth ring. "Hi." "Hi, it's me, sorry I didn't call back, a bee stung me, had to sleep it off." She laughed. "It's okay, how are you feeling?" "Weak and aching, but I'll live. Will's better?" "He's not worse." She said cautiously. "Afraid you'll jinx it?" "Something like that. Charlie’s there?" "Yeah, I guess feeding people runs in the family." "We're old fashioned, if we feed you, you're part of the family." "In that case, I'll have seconds." "Knowing my brother, you'll have enough for it and probably lunch tomorrow." "We'll see, smells good." Mulder paused, then added softly. "You're not bailing on me, are you?" "Wouldn't dream of it," she said and the warmth in her tone was all the assurance he needed. Someone tapped his shoulder and he looked up to see Emily. "Dinner's ready." "Thanks," he said to the girl, then to the phone. "Food's here, wanna know what I'm thankful for?" "You'll tell me when I see you." "Why?" "Because I want to tell you too, in person." "Then, I'll see you." "Take care of yourself." "Ha, I've got people for that now." "Right, go eat, we'll talk later." "Bye." Mulder hung up and dragged himself off the couch. “Who wants to say grace?” Asked Charlie, reaching hands across the table, palms up. “I’m half jewish,” Mulder said, but took Emily’s hand. “No problem,” Charlie grinned and closed the circle, pausing, before he began speaking in a low voice. “We’re thankful for this year, with all its’ graces and trials, ones we've overcome and the ones we’re still facing. We’re thankful for our family and friends, old and new, and all the kindness we received, hoping that we can be there for them too, in time of need.” Both hands tightened around Mulder’s fingers and when he looked up, he couldn’t speak. “Amen,” said Emily, smiling at him. “Amen,” Charlie echoed and Mulder nodded, touched to his core. “We should have brought some gravy,” Emily said, breaking the moment as she reached for potatoes. “I’m hungry.” “There’s wine,” Mulder said, clearing his throat, “I shouldn’t, but you’re welcome to it.” “Got beer?” Charlie asked. “Yeah,” he chuckled, “there’s beer too.” “Perfect.” “I’ll have one too.” Mulder stared to get up, but Charlie stopped him. “Fridge?” He nodded and Charlie retrieved two bottles and glasses from the cupboard. “Glass, classy,” Emily grinned. “It’s Thanksgiving, you can behave like a human for one evening.” “Do I have to?” She looked at Mulder and hit him with a pout that would befit a five year-old, if it wasn’t for all the piercing. He couldn’t stop the laugh. “You brought food, do what you want.” “Thank you!” She sang and took the bottle from Charlie, who too, gladly skipped the glass. “Less dishes,” he chuckled and sat back down. “Try the turkey,” Emily told Mulder, “it’s the only reason I dress up for grandmas’ dinners.” “I had your aunts’ lasagna, was that where Scully learned to cook?” “Mostly,” Charlie said, finally tasting the turkey. Even reheated, it was great. "Don’t get your hopes too high though, lasagna is her specialty, watch out for the meatloaf.” “Okay.” “I like Dana’s meatloaf," said Emily. “Because you’re still practically a student, if it’s free, you’ll eat anything.” “It’s not a money thing, I work too much,” she bristled, “I get distracted, and things just...” “Burn.” Charlie finished for her. “Is that a challenge?” “Yup, when you’re staying with me, you cook once a week.” “Sure,” she said, unfazed. “But if you burn it, it doesn’t count.” “Fine.” She mixed the potatoes with stuffing, her interest fading. “And it can’t be takeout,” Charlie insisted. “I said fine!” Emily mumbled around mouthful of turkey. “Mulder heard you, so you can’t back out” Charlie grinned, then turning to Mulder said in a stage whisper, “I’m joking, she only burned one pie.” “And I’ll never live it down.” Emily said, taking a swig from her bottle to wash down the food. “So what do you do Emily?” Mulder asked, changing subject politely. “I’m a programer," she replied, before taking another bite, "I spent some time in Silicon Valley, but I’m moving back here, to finish my thesis at MIT.” “I have friends there, what's the thesis about?” “Statistical analysis of data shared through social media and potential applications. But let's not talk about work, or at least not my work, Charlie catching bad guys is so much more interesting." "Yeah, like I can ever talk about it." He chuckled, deflecting, "Mulder, Will showed me your book." "He did?" "You wrote about this former FBI guy, who though he was abducted by aliens." "Duane Barry, yes." "Any truth to that? He was injured in the line of duty, wasn't that just the brain damage talking?" "He did have pieces of metal in various places inside his body." "So you believed him?" "Every story of alien abduction is different, touching different people, coming from different backgrounds. Some accept it, feeling chosen, and some break under the pressure of constantly looking over their shoulder. Ask yourself, why would you make up a story, that would make everyone think you've gone crazy?" "Attention?" Emily asked, sipping her beer. "It's usually negative, where's the pay off?" "You're the psychologist," Charlie said, "you tell me." "I can't, that's my point, some of these people are lying, that's just people, but some of them have gone through crazy things, and they didn't do it to themselves. Someone had to seek out and target these specific individuals, using them for their experiments without their consent, and since it's all so crazy and no one really takes it seriously, these people end up marginalised, ridiculed and never see justice, so the circle of exclusion closes. There are private groups and societies that provide support and connect people with similar experiences, but like I said, it's all very us against them." "I know what you mean," Emily sighed, chasing peas around her plate, "try being a math geek in a hippy home. Mom was supportive, but she never really understood me." "Good thing you're a Scully," Charlie said, "we're a stubborn lot." "And thank God for that." Mulder smiled and raised his glass of water, for lack of a better toast. "To stubborn Scully's, who never give up without a fight." Emily glanced up and met Mulder's eyes, his warm smile oddly familiar, and a thought dawned on her. "Never," she grinned and raised her beer, looking at Charlie. "We don't mind some help, though." He said, raising his bottle. Glass clinked. "And that's probably the core of your strength."
They left Mulder's place around nine, full and happy, the Bill incident all but forgotten. Emily looked out the windshield at the rain that started drizzling, waking up the wipers to squeak lazily. The streets were almost empty, carb coma took over the city. "Does Will know?" She said, moving her gaze to Charlie. "Know what?" "No Will," she let her breath wheeze, "I am your father." "What?" "Search your feelings," she kept up the poor Darth Vader impression, "you know it to be true." "Stop that." "C'mon Charlie," she grinned, sensing she was onto something, "the smile, the jaw, the matching DNA!" Charlie kept his eyes on the road. "You really are a Scully." "Holly shit!" "Language!" "So it is true." "Dana's going to kill me," he sighed, "yeah, Mulder is Will's dad." "How does that work?" "Listen kid," he said, emotions flaring, "it was a long time ago. You were just a toddler, rambling with your mother when it happened. What Bill said tonight, was just a shadow of how it was back then and none of us want to go back. If you have the guts, ask Dana about it. All I can say, is that it ended when Will was born and everybody loved him ever since, he's ours. And even if Dana's reasons might have been childish, she loved him the most and she's a great mom." "Easy there, uncle Charlie," she said, teasing but only slightly, "I won't tell anyone, if that's what you mean." "Don't tell Will," Charlie took a deep breath, reining in his temper, "or Mulder. Let Dana do it, when she's ready." "Okay, I promise." She said, smiling slightly. "But you have to admit, it's cute as hell." "Em, Will is going to live," he sighed, "that's all I care about." "What are the odds." She mused, laugh still in her voice. Charlie smiled and said, "Apparently, one in five billion."
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panickypeachboy · 5 years ago
FILL OUT & REPOST ♥ this meme definitely favors canons more, but i hope oc’s still can make it somehow work with their own lore, and lil’ fandom of friends & mutuals. multi-muses pick the muse you are the most invested in atm.
TAGGED BY:  @sternenteile, #1 Geno fan. TAGGING:  Do it.
MY MUSE IS:  canon / oc / au / canon-divergent / fandomless / complicated
is your character popular in the fandom? YES / NO. [ Nope. Most people just call ZPiW the game with anime girls wielding guns. Outside of me, not much fanart is produced of the peach boy, as it’s well, mostly the girls. Miiverse revealed that the ratio is a bit more even but still, peeps really like them girl designs (designed by a female artist) ]
is your character considered hot™ in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ i mean ?? i’ve met and seen many people who have/had crushes on geno so ??????? but i don’t think it’s like. that. ghfskjhgsg??? ]
is your character considered strong in the fandom?  YES / NO / IDK. [ Personally, I have to say yes. Momotaro is strong as frick because in game, you’re supposed to level towns to “clean them up”. And this is in addition to the traditional Momotaro folktale that, a Momotaro is a strong child who can lift. However, most just look to Snow White as the strongest cuz she dented metal bare handed...and well is the “face” of the game.]
are they underrated?  YES / NO / IDK. [ This game is better known for having girls...with guns. But I wouldn’t say he’s really *that* underrated, considering the basic character is just that...basic. ]
were they relevant for the main story?  YES / NO. [ Well, my theory is that he just stumbled upon the fight between survivors and zombies so...kind of yes? Momotaro was one to actually gather folks to storm the castle as they say, because it seems before hand the other heroes were just minding their own business. So, being the one who talks the most (ironically) and the one that the game follows...yeah he’s relevant.]
were they relevant for the main character? YES / NO / THEY’RE THE PROTAG. [ Sadly so, in the sense that I wished the devs would’ve allowed for branching plots depending on which character you choose. This is including the fact that the game is purposely trying to emulate how old-school games were bare bones in characterizations and plot.]
are they widely known in their world? YES / NO. [ Just another folklore hero in the world of Wonderland...a place chock FULL of fairy tales and folktales. Though he might’ve garnered a reputation of being destructive after ZPiW... ]
how’s their reputation?  GOOD / BAD / neutral. [ ]
HOW STRICTLY DO YOU FOLLOW CANON?  —  Ehhhh...I think I make do with what I got from the teeny breadcrumbs of canon I got...however, many folks commented that Momotaro looks WAAAAAAY tougher than what I make him out to be so...I guess that’s a fail for following canon strictly on my part. .w.;; If I truly went 1:1, things may be bland...or not...I mean there’s as many subversions to the traditional heroes as there are well, the typical shounen stuff.
SELL YOUR MUSE! AKA TRY TO LIST EVERYTHING, WHICH MAKES YOUR MUSE INTERESTING IN YOUR OPINION TO MAKE THEM SPICY FOR YOUR MUTUALS.  —  Is Momotaro an OC at this point? Probably. But hey, if you guys want a lad who’s adorable but tough...you could look elsewhere...or you can find that in Momo! I wanted to try to represent some stuff of special needs, but I’m still working out the kinks...but the kid’s loyal, and a very good cook at that! He definitely needs a confidence booster, but could that be part of his charm? Maybe. But hey, I think y’all might really like the idea I got for him, and mainly Smash! Like, have you ever wondered what goes on in that mansion? ...well yes, but what about those who aren’t fighters? Or even assist trophies! That’s where the smash verse comes in! Take a peek into the (tough) lives of Waddle Dees and the peach boy, along with other creatures not suitable for Smash! They’re just as handy for making sure the place is well run and fed! If someone isn’t cleaning and cooking to maintain 70+ fighters, and 20+ assist trophies...who is?
NOW THE OPPOSITE, LIST EVERYTHING WHY YOUR MUSE COULD NOT BE SO INTERESTING (EVEN IF YOU MAY NOT AGREE, WHAT DOES THE FANDOM PERHAPS THINK?).  —  This is a character from a game whose designers may appreciate the female figure a bit too much. I always have a tough time recommending this game to others, and hell, I’m terrible at playing it myself. Hell, the fact that most of the characters are minors is just a...”why do you design them like this Bo.mi” thing. Most do seem to think highly of those designs though, as that’s the main aspect of the game I keep hearing in my searches. Now, I’ve received a good amount of concerns over the years that Momotaro not speaking proper English is either racist or babyish...or both. Is my take too depressing? There are often times I think yes, and feel unbelievable shame over it despite others going hard on the angst train.
WHAT INSPIRED YOU TO RP YOUR MUSE?  —  Well uh, I believe I was charmed by his rugged but baby appearance in the game..and it just so happen at the time that I was part of a budding rp group. Despite the theme being mostly “OUENDAN”, that was the start of me shoving Momotaro into every fuckin’ thing because he’s cute as shit and obscure muses can be fun too! It was also probably relaxing for me because gosh dang back then I was scared of getting something wrong about someone canon with more lore...and I am still scared about that to this day.
WHAT KEEPS YOUR INSPIRATION GOING?  —  Studying about Japanese culture, learning the language...the fact that I’ve been rping him for almost 10 years (read like 8-9 at this point)...I do wonder if I should stop rping him...and then I keep hearing that people only want characters only in as fighters, fighters are the only important thing about smash and that grows my weird spite and just continue this “backstage” plot of Smash. Yes, getting a franchise in as a fighter is a VERY high commemoration but, I think it’s just as equally amazing when a franchise gets in as an assist trophy or even a spirit/trophy! So yeah it’s petty and I better find some other motivation soon because it’s exhausting.
give your mutuals some insight about the way you are in some matters, which could lead them to get more comfortable with you or perhaps not.
do you think you give your character justice?  yes / NO / I SINCERELY HOPE I DO? [ Ahaha....I’m starting to give up on that idea at this point, as several noted that Momotaro isn’t as timid in canon as I write him. But I do try to keep those boneheaded traits of the peach boy in my portrayal. ]
do you frequently write headcanons?  YES / NO / SORT OF? [ It’s a must for Momotaro, whose game is a tribute to how the old timey arcade games didn’t have much to their plots. Otherwise, I would think that playing him would end up pretty dry..whether I play him closer to canon or not. ]
do you sometimes write drabbles?  YES / NO [ ...I should write more. ]
do you think a lot about your muse during the day? YES / NO [ Stupidly yes. Been playing him for 8 years so it’s a hard habit to break. ]
are you confident in your portrayal? YES / NO / SORT OF? [ I mean, if I wasn’t confident enough I would’ve dropped him...though I have thought about that several times. There be times where I run into some sort of writer’s block due to his meek (and traumatized) nature, and because of how he speaks, it’s scary. Am I pushing his issues too much...? Or just HIM in general...? ]
are you confident in your writing?  YES / NO. [ Again, writer block happens when some muses don’t click, or personally I don’t want to interact with someone. And then when I do want to write with someone, I fear that my simpler (children’s book) ways of writing would be a turn off. I don’t want to end up babbling too long that there’s too much detail but I shudder at seeing single lines in response to long prose. ]
are you a sensitive person?  YES / NO. / sorta. [ Yeaaaah i get stressed and cry at lot at confrontation and just...anxiety in general. Been trying to keep that off the dash though, as I’m sure peeps got their own troubles already. DMs are good to have y’all. ]
DO YOU ACCEPT CRITICISM WELL ABOUT YOUR PORTRAYAL?  —  I do my best to take crits when I get them but sometimes it just haunts me because I have mixed feelings on being told that the way he speaks is racist or childish.  But hey, if you got more advice on how to write trauma and special needs, I’m all ears! Particularly because I’m writing from my own experience in my life and research. ...Dad isn’t that superb at speaking English and that's where I got the Momo speak.
DO YOU LIKE QUESTIONS, WHICH HELP YOU EXPLORE YOUR CHARACTER?  —  Yes please...but at this point I kinda have sadly accepted that’s just gonna be rare because he’s obscure.
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES TO A HEADCANON OF YOURS, DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?  —  as my take on Momotaro is very meek, I’d like to see how one would take  on a more confident/more canon true take on him. But that’s a pipe dream. Coruse the only headcanon I will never take (that I fear the fandom will have due to perverted nature) is that he’s just a fuckin harem protag wanting to get into pants. To that I say: NO. In canon he doesn’t give a fuck about the fact his teammates are girls...or even acknowledges that they're girls. It’s the time to survive, not boogie on beds...or at a tree.
IF SOMEONE DISAGREES WITH YOUR PORTRAYAL, HOW WOULD YOU TAKE IT?  — I anticipate that wholly because again, I have gotten comments that my take on Momotaro has not properly prepared them to witness the sheer destruction and toughness that is canontaro. Honestly I’d be hyped to see more takes...except for the harem route ones. Am I gonna jinx myself for saying it that much?
IF SOMEONE REALLY HATES YOUR CHARACTER, HOW DO YOU TAKE IT?  —  I probably would be sad but understanding...I mean it’s not the first time that someone has taken deep offense at Momo and me, mainly in the rp sense. I would hope they would at least go find something that makes them happy.
ARE YOU OKAY WITH PEOPLE POINTING OUT YOUR GRAMMATICAL ERRORS?  —  Yep yep. Or well stealth editing too, that helps.
DO YOU THINK YOU ARE EASY GOING AS A MUN?   —  Ehhhh....maybe...? I mean most think I’m chill but, I’m a ball of anxiety at times. But, I am also one who reaches out because, gosh dang...a lot of peeps are nervous beans and that’s okay. So...it’s a sort of, yeah.
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