#i greatly dislike live actions unfortunately
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lcafman · 3 months ago
please note : the following is a rant regarding live action movies and contains mention of the recent live action httyd trailer in a negative context . i am in NO way shaming those who are excited to see it , nor do i have any intention on taking away the amazing achievements of the people who poured their heart and soul into creating this movie / the amazing young actors . this is purely frustration towards corporate .
so i just saw the live action httyd trailer . httyd was one of my favorite movies growing up ( it made me feel very close to my scandinavian / celtic heritage ) , and i’ve always felt like i related a lot to hiccup . the cgi looks phenomenal and mason is a PHENOMENAL actor , i can tell he’s gonna crush this role .
it looks . exactly the same as the movie . exactly the same .
which is good ! but also like — what’s the point .
i’m so sick of live action movies in general , y’all . in regards to corporations , it’s so lazy . “ oh let’s just pump out a regurgitation of the SAME story we’ve ALREADY told because our idiot audience will buy into it . “ no , i want to see NEW stories . i want to see creative risks and be taken on new adventures . if i wanted to watch httyd , i’d watch httyd .
and it’s frustrating too that they seem to care less about casting people who are right for the role and more so about grabbing the biggest names they can for these roles . not that these aren’t talented actors / this isn’t done for the animated movies , but it’s so much more apparent when it’s a story that’s already been told .
it’s so lazy . it literally reeks of corporate being like “ these dumbasses will buy anything we shove in their mouths “ . give us new stories ! give us new cultures to explore ! give new actors / actresses a CHANCE ! i want to see more things that were done with moana / tangled , where the leads were teenage girls / new actresses ! if i have to see influencer #2872828 play a disney princess i’m going to rip my hair out .
i would genuinely rather have a dry spell from a company of crappy movies than them to continue to pump out this heartless , soulless medium of “ let’s take the animation medium and make it ✨real✨ . “ i’m not an animator so any animators can feel free to correct me but it feels a little insulting to the countless hours of work and talent the animators have put into these movies . why was that not good enough ? why do you have to retell the SAME MOVIE but with ✨ conventionally attractive people ✨ and probably ✨c.hris p.ratt✨ for some reason .
i dunno . it ticks me off , and i won’t spend any of my own hard earned money to see it . and yes , this would ESPECIALLY apply to a live action epic . thank god disney has entirely forgotten the film exists because i swear to god if they tried to pull that shit i would break into the studios and eat all of their storyboards
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picaroroboto · 1 year ago
For the past couple days, I've been unfortunately cursed with thinking about Zenos yae Galvus. I don't even particularly like him - not that I dislike him either, Zenosfuckers you can put your scythes down - but it seems to me like a lot of the fandom either greatly misunderstands him, or doesn't even care to try to understand him, which from an objective standpoint as someone who cares deeply about writing in video games kind of pisses me off. But I'm more pissed about the fact that I'm apparently going to keep thinking about this issue until I actually write a character analysis of him.
Q: "But, what even is there to analyze with him? Isn't he all about wanting to fight the WoL and nothing else?"
Well, you wouldn't be wrong with saying that. That motivation is at the forefront of his character, and even if you look closer, everything about him comes back to either "violence" or "lack of understanding of others". But there are more meaningful sides to his deceptively simple character. That question of meaning is what I really want to look into - what does his character mean, what symbolic or thematic role does he play in this story?
Q: "Better question: why are you posting this on your art blog/Fate meta sideblog?"
Good question, with a stupid answer: I have all of 6 followers on my FF14 sideblog, and around 150 here. Let's go under the cut so they don't have to read a wall of text, unless they want to.
When you look at and compare FF14's villains, you can see a very clear change, no doubts thanks to the change in main writers. ARR Gaius and Thordan are more or less two-bit villains - Gaius's memeable iconic Praetorium speech gives us insight into how fascists try to justify themselves but little into Gaius's actual personality, while all Thordan gets as far as depth of character is an NPC in a sidequest remarking that he wasn't always a bad person and was probably doing what he thought best for his nation. Nidhogg is a little more understandable, since revenge is a relatable motivation to anyone who's been hurt by others. In Stormblood, Zenos and Yotsuyu are both presented as deserving of pity even as they do terrible things. Come Shadowbringers and Endwalker though, the story takes a greater interest on why villains like Emet-Selch and Elidibus do the things they do, and the player is allowed more options to try to understand them and see how similar they are to the WoL. Hell, Hermes and the Endsinger are barely "villains" at all, with the level of sympathy the story shows them.
What I'm getting to here is that Zenos, with half his arc in Stormblood and the rest in Endwalker, is sort of caught in the middle of this shift. He played the role of the rival character in Stormblood really well, but come Endwalker, he's standing on a stage full of heroes and villains with grand causes and deep motivations, as the guy whose sole motivation is fighting for pleasure.
It seems he's not unaware of this contrast himself - when Jullus confronts him for ruining Garlemald for no good reason, he retorts with "Would you be happier had I a good reason?" Zenos makes no attempt to justify his own actions and doesn't care that his reason seems incomprehensible and unforgivable to others. Yet in that same cutscene Alisaie hits him with the fact that if he keeps living solely for pleasure, he'll die alone. When next we see Zenos, he's alone at the Royal Menagerie waxing philosophical about what he really sought in the battle with the WoL.
See, what really motivates Zenos isn't just the thrill of battle - this guy has gotten Battle High and the joy of human connection confused. Really.
Even before he gets so perturbed by the idea of dying alone, there's other suggestions, like his proposal of friendship to the WoL when they fought in Stormblood, and then later his dying words in which he explains that he never understood others - at his core, he's just lonely. I know there's an official side story that tells it, but you don't need to know the exact details to glean that he had some sort of tragic backstory. Sad, but not a surprise, considering he's the prince of the Garlean Empire, raised to take the throne and continue the Empire's legacy of violence.
At his core, he's a very lonely person, but also a thing of violence, raised using violent methods for the purpose of causing more violence. Violence is how he lives and breathes - the only way he gets any sort of connection with others in a world of hurting and being hurt is the brief connection warriors dueling as equals can sometimes find. Don't deny that this sort of connection exists - FF14 is great at making fights that are both fun and tell a story. Hence, why he goes crazy for the WoL, but also refers to them as "friend". In their fights, he senses (or thinks he senses) similarity between him and them. Beneath all the madness is a pure, genuine joy in seeing the self reflected in the other...but he also instantly gets on the train to projection-town, population Zenos, and assumes the WoL is exactly like him, ignoring or failing to notice that they also fight for deeper meanings. The worst part is, he doesn't even notice that what he's actually seeking in fighting them is connection until Alisaie's aforementioned callout.
So he goes and angsts for a while, then turns into a dragon again and flies across the universe to help us kick the Endsinger's tail feathers, then issues his challenge for that duel he'd been longing for. But what's changed is that he starts with a question - "Such pleasures you sought for their own sake, and for no other reason, is that not so?". Dying after the duel, he's full of questions too: "Was your life a gift or a burden? Did you find fulfillment?" Alisaie's suggestion that he'd die alone actually spurred him to realize what he actually sought in the WoL, and now he's asking all these questions in an attempt to, for the first time in his life, genuinely connect with another human being.
The questions aren't important just because they're a sign of how Zenos has changed in Endwalker - they're actually the thematic heart of Endwalker! ARR may have had "Answers" as it's theme, but EW is the expac of questions. Namely the biggest question of all: What is the meaning of life? Different characters have different answers to that, leading to the grand-scale symbolic conflict being the Endsinger's despair - her belief that there is no meaning in life - versus whatever reasons the WoL chooses to live for, left, as always, up to player interpretation.
When you look deeper, Zenos isn't actually as out-of-place in the symbolic conflict as he first seems. His depressed worldview - that metaphor about drowning in a swamp again - seems to align with the Endsinger's view about life being meaningless. But he aids the WoL in defeating her. In that way he serves as part of the answer to her question about the meaning of life. He may have resented life at times, but he still found meaning in chasing pleasure. Not the strongest or most beautiful reason to deny oblivion, perhaps, but it did enable him to help the WoL triumph. I think of Zenos's philosophy as being connected to the concept of "Amor Fati"...largely because this quote explaining it sounds like something he'd say, or at least agree with on some level:
"and if our soul has trembled with happiness and sounded like a harp string just once, all eternity was needed to produce this one event—and in this single moment of affirmation all eternity was called good, redeemed, justified, and affirmed."
So he does have a meaningful role in Endwalker, as the "Amor Fati" against the Endsinger's "Memento Mori". I think that in this the story shows that his reason for living, while somewhat shallow, is not necessarily a morally wrong thing in and of itself (setting aside for a second all the people he hurt in his pursuit of that). It's just that, since it is a lonely pursuit that denies everything except for his target, it still feels empty. The core of the counterargument against the Endsinger's despair is that both pleasure and fulfillment are necessary to live a meaningful life in a meaningless universe, and that's why Zenos is here in Endwalker. Why he even exists in the story in the first place.
Even if you're one of the people who deeply hates Zenos...well, you probably wouldn't have read this whole thing if you did, but I still think it's important to read into characters you dislike, because every character in a story is written for a reason. Plus, trying to understand even their worst enemies is one of the WoL's key traits as of ShB and EW. With his last breaths, Zenos was trying to understand the WoL too - carrying this understanding of him with you as we move into our next adventures is the least you can do for your "friend".
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kermyywhat · 1 year ago
For those interested in AU with Siren Wilbur and Captain Quackity from the lower post
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this AU has quite a rich lore and plot, it is mainly based on psychology and is quite difficult to understand, there are a lot of characters and they all went through a lot of suffering. If I talk about EVERYONE then it would take a VERY long time, but I can talk about the main characters: Techno, Tommy, Wilbur, Sally, Puffy, Quackity.
Everything begins with the kingdom of mermaids and sirens in the Black Sea.
A quick explanation about mermaids and sirens.
Mermaids have the tails of river and lake fish, such as salmon, herring, etc. That is, almost everyone, except predators.
Of course, there are always some cases-exceptions, so sometimes there are mermaids with the tails of predators. Also with sirens, sometimes you can meet a siren with a tail, for example, a goldfish (like Tommy).
Mermaids themselves are smaller than sirens, also dangerous, but mostly weaker.
Sirens are always predators, such as sharks, killer whales, piranhas, etc. (Although piranhas live in fresh water, they still belong to sirens that live in the sea). Sirens can use their voice in hypnosis, have very sharp claws and teeth, they are the strongest creatures in the black sea, so there is racism in the kingdom, where sirens humiliate mermaids.
An interesting point: pairs of sirens and mermaids.
Both sirens and mermaids are very jealous and loyal. They can only have one partner for life (or polyamory - 2 partners for life). That is, when a pair of sirens/mermaids dies, the other dies as well. The only way for one of the partners to survive is to have a child.
I can tell more about lore in other answers and posts, because there is a lot, a lot of information (after all, AU is exists more than a year, I came up with a lot lol)
Now plot & lore.
Technoblade is the eldest son, he is a siren with a white shark tail, and despite the fact that he is older and should be the heir to the crown, he joined the ranks of the knights of the kingdom.
Wilbur is the middle son, has a killer whale tail, he became the heir to the crown, so he has a lot of responsibility and interest in his every action. By himself, Wilbur is quite calm and wise, tries to be fair, but sometimes he breaks down and runs wild.
Tommy, the youngest and last son, he is pretty childish and in refers to things from a positive point of view. Wilbur doesn't always share this, and is more inclined to listen to the advice of Techno and their father Phil.
Tommy and Wilbur are often called the sun and the moon in the kingdom.
Sally is a river mermaid with a salmon tail. She, like other mermaids, unfortunately succumbed to humiliation from sirens and even other "privileged" mermaids. In the course of the story, she became Wilbur's girlfriend, which was greatly disliked by the other mermaids and sirens of the kingdom and eventually killed Sally, but Wilbur was able to survive because he had a child, Fundy/Tallulah, by Sally at the time. (I used to think that they would have a son Fundy, but now I think it would be better if it were Tallulah, because then Fundy would be a human child, and Tallulah would be a siren). But even though Wilbur managed to survive, he began to slowly lose his mind and go wild, due to which Phil had to put Wilbur in the kingdom's prison for a while.
Puffy. She plays quite a role in this story because she is a loyal knight of the kingdom and the best friend of the king and his sons. She is quite wise and compassionate, Puffy plays the role of a psychologist in this story. She is a siren, but I haven't decided what kind of fish her tail will be XD
captain Quackity. A cruel and influential man, he has been hunting sirens and mermaids for a long time. He is not a pirate, he is a hunter.
Pirates and hunters are a little different: pirates do not affect the inhabitants of the seas, they attack other ships, and hunters attack both the inhabitants of the seas and other ships.
after capturing Wilbur, the captain will treat him more gently than the other sirens and mermaids, because this is the first time a blue-blooded person has been on his ship. Despite this, he will still be quite cold towards Wilbur, and will try all kinds of methods to find out as much secret information as possible.
By the way, at the moment when Wilbur is on the hunter ship, Stockholm syndrome will happen and Wilbur will start to think that he loves the captain :(
so now there will be a spoiler for the ending:
The ship will be caught in a severe storm, sirens will attack their ship, killing many of the crew and tearing the ship apart. Quackity will drown when he tries to save himself and others, he will be stuck in the closed cabin. Wilbur will look for the captain and then he will find him, but it will be too late.
Wilbur will drag Quackity's body to the shore, there will be a difficult scene with Wilbur tearing his own body to pieces in front of Tommy, who will be hiding behind a rock nearby.
Tommy becomes the new heir to the throne.
The kingdom despises Tommy and Phil for his choice. The kingdom is in chaos, Tommy will have to make up for all his wrongdoings and prove that he is a good king.
Here's the story in a VERY short summary. I wanted to do it in the form of a fanfic, but I understand that I will not be able to, because it's too difficult mentally, I still need to study psychology.
I hope you like the idea if you're still here XD
Also, English isn't my native language, I apologize for possible mistakes in the text.
I hope I haven't exceeded any word limits here...
here is another sketch and art of this AU, which I drew in 2022:
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lol I noticed that Quackity is on the right side in each illustration.
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ask-emily-em-emmy · 1 month ago
1, 6, 7, 11, 13, 14, 17, 22, 27, 37, 40, 52, 57, 61, 62, 64, 67, 69, 70
1. Do you have a good relationship with your parents?
“My… parents? I wasn’t really… birthed in the sense that other people were so I guess it’s less of a parent and more of a guardian. Unless you mean my creator, which would be the divine.”
“I haven’t really talked with them since my creation. The Seraphim don’t have the same connection as, say, human soul does. It’s all done through missives. I’m important, yes, but I’m not high enough on the food chain to ever receive anything like that.”
“I have spoken to them, once. I don’t know if they heard me or if my claim was given any merit at all, but everything I asked for turned out for me in the end. We all, in heaven, hell, and beyond have free will. I can only hope that I use mine the way they would wish me to while not sacrificing my own joy.”
6. How do you want to die?
“You know, this may sound as a shock, but this isn’t the first time I’ve been asked this! Mortals are obsessed with death, and really I can’t blame them. Their lives are so short, it’s sitting over their shoulders their whole life.”
“As a seraphim, it’s all a hypothetical. How would I want to die, if I could? Something quick or gentle. From what I’ve gathered, the best way is in your sleep surrounded by loved ones, although I’ve also been told that being instantly vaporized isn’t a bad way to go either. If it had to be anything else, I would want to die protecting those I love. Give it some meaning and purpose.”
7. What did you last eat?
“Lightly burnt chicken and dumplings!”
11. Do you like someone?
“Yes!” *Flips picture of Emily, Ass and Shamira sitting on the couch in Pajamas.* “They like me too!” * :3 *
13. Do you hate anyone at the moment?
“Nope! Hate is too strong. I greatly dislike certain people’s actions and I would prefer to stay away from them, but I do not hate them.”
14. Do you miss someone?
“A few people. It would be nice to see some of the friends I made in hell.”
“It would be nice to see Sera again.”
17. Ever made out in the bathroom?
“Next question.”
22. Do you want to have kids? How many?
“Oh, I answered this recently and I- I mean theres probably no reason to give much stock into it. It’s not likely we’d even get the opportunity to adopt much less anything else, but I- well, I mean, I think that my loves, they’d be good parents. Ass has so much experience and wisdom to pass down and Shamira has such an amazing heart and, despite the imposing figure she cuts in her armor, she’s so gentle and sweet. I know that any child of theirs would be safe and happy with them.”
“They’d be generous with their affections, fair with punishments, open to any opinions that their child would have, and they would love them. Goodness, if nothing else, I know they would love them until their hearts gave out. I know without a shadow of a doubt that they would be good parents.”
27. Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
“An… unfortunate side effect of my position with the winners is that sometimes they get… too attached. I have no interest in any of the winners, it’s a conflict of interests and it just feels wrong with my position, so I have avoided relationships with any of them despite the occasional advances made.”
37. Is it easier to forgive or forget?
“Forgive, for sure. I can only control one of those factors.”
40. Have you ever walked outside when completely naked?
“Next question.”
52. Do you believe everything happens for a reason?
“No, but we can make meaning from anything if we so choose.”
57. Do you believe in true love?
“In a sense. I don’t believe it’s ‘written in the stars’, but I believe that people can love true and deeply, grow together, as it were.”
61. Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you baby?
“Depending on the context, I think it can be. I prefer other pet names but this one isn’t bad.”
62. What makes you happy?
“I’m not sure if we have time to list everything here, but hugs, animals, fresh air, cool water against your legs as you sit by a stream, long conversations with a friend, short conversations with a stranger, giving compliments, children’s laughter- well all laughter, art made with love, a good meal, hearing good news, a warm blanket, bubble baths, looking at the stars, giving gifts, putting on a sweater, spa days, playing word games… I have to stop, theres too many things!”
64. Would it be hard to kiss the last person you kissed?
“Ha! Absolutely not. If anything, it’d be hard to not kiss the last person I kissed.”
67. Who was the last person of the opposite sex you talked to?
“I think Terry? I’m not sure why that really matters.”
69. Do you believe in soulmates?
“No, free will means that we could be different people and fit in different ways. I’m simply grateful for what I have now.”
70. Is there anyone you would die for?
“Absolutely, a mission I believe in, but two people I believe most firmly that I would, and isn’t that a beautiful thing? To love so fiercely, to be so vulnerable, to be so warm that your hearth, your home becomes such high priority?”
*Emily grabs a rarely used pencil from the cup on her desk and fiddles with it, her lips pressed together.*
“Would it be so bad to save the ones who mattered to you the most? I’ve lived so long and, relatively, they’ve been here a mere blink of the eye. Theres so much they’ve yet to do. So many things they could give to the world that they haven’t had a chance to yet, so much beauty that they’ve yet to present…”
*Gripping the pencil in her hand, she looks back up, her jaw set. More resolute.*
“Even if I had the chance to regret that decision, I don’t believe I would. Yes, there are people I would die for.”
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cruelfeline · 5 years ago
In light of all that we’ve learned with this most wonderful final season, some people have asked me to reassess Hordak’s backstory monologue. To see how Hordak’s narrative fits with what we now know about his home. To try to discern exactly what its discrepancies are, and why.
I’m going to do that! But before I do, I would remind everyone: this is a little difficult to fully untangle because, given that Hordak is not a main character and thus does not have the focus that we’d like, we really don’t know a whole lot about the Horde in terms of function, social roles, and general history. So this is going to be very much limited by what I can glean from exactly what the show gives us.
That said, it’ll hopefully still be interesting. So!
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During season three, after recovering from his syncopal episode, Hordak describes to Entrapta what he is, what he was, and how he came to be on Etheria. He describes himself as a defective clone who, once upon a time, was the top general in the galactic Horde. When his defect became too much of a burden, he was apparently demoted, sent to the front lines to fight until death, and arrived on Etheria by way of unexplained portal.
This is what Hordak tells us, and, as far as we know, he’s not lying. Hordak, as portrayed in the show, is a very honest person, both in his own actions and in the actions he expects of others. He greatly dislikes deception and does not appear skillfully capable of it himself (save for that one time). Knowing this, we generally have to assume that, in his own mind, what Hordak is saying is true.
So. What gives, right?
After all, once we see the galactic Horde in action, we learn that it is a played-straight, honest-to-the-gods cult. There’s nothing distinctly military about it. It’s not a bigger, grander version of Hordak’s Etherian Horde.
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It is a cult with a god-brother-creator at the helm, commanding countless identical acolytes who live their lives in slavish devotion to their master. There do not appear to be any ranks. We hear nothing about any generals, let alone a “top general.” There doesn’t even appear to be a need for anything like that, because Prime doesn’t seem to really delegate to his brothers in a way that singles them out or relies on real autonomy from them.
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He can, after all, read their minds at will and slip into their bodies whenever he fancies. If he needs to make a decision about a battle on a planet at the other edge of the galaxy, he can just take over a body on that planet and make said decision himself. Or, at the very least, enter the relevant clone’s mind and influence the decision as needed. He doesn’t need, and certainly doesn’t appear to tolerate, clones taking their own initiative.
So, again: what gives? What does Hordak mean by “top general”? Why does he think he has this elevated role when we can see that Prime considers all of his clones the equivalent of faceless bodies to be used a he likes?
Well, while we will likely never know the full truth, given the lack of Horde background detail, we can safely assume some things from what canon shows us.
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Namely that, while all clones appear indistinguishable and do not seem to have named rank, there are definitely clone positions that work more closely with Prime than others. His attendants are one example. Those who are in his throne room feeding him information while he is working are another. (Hordak actually appears to be one of these, at least while Prime is trying to hack the Heart of Etheria, when Entrapta is captured.) And then, of course, there are the chosen vessels that will one day house Prime’s consciousness.
All of these positions can likely be occupied by any clone, with bodies switched out as needed (likely what happened when Hordak got sick). I doubt that individual clones have any sort of real rank. Prime knows this. Hordak and his brothers, I suspect, may not fully understand it. 
Rather, I would not be surprised if Hordak, deceived and indoctrinated into believing things about himself and about Prime that are not true, misinterprets the nature of his purpose and the truth of his relationship with his Brother. He believes that, fulfilling whatever role he was fulfilling for Prime, he was a general, an individual of note, an individual that Prime specially valued. Perhaps he fulfilled the role long enough that, in all but name, it became “his.” Perhaps he even fulfilled it well enough that Prime praised him frequently, cementing this unfortunate delusion. Perhaps Prime gave him legitimate favor -  a false thing, of course; simply a controlling tool, but Hordak did not realize that. 
Without canon confirmation, we can really only speculate, but these ideas seem reasonable.
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Details aside, the point of the matter is that Hordak sees himself as “top general” because he sadly doesn’t understand that he is an interchangeable piece of a utilitarian machine. He truly thinks that he has this coveted position, that he is particularly useful, special, of great value. It’s a tragic misunderstanding that simply fuels his misguided devotion to Prime and prevents him from seeking freedom when he is given the opportunity. 
It’s something, I think, that people in very controlling religious organizations often end up thinking: that they are especially valued, worthy in some way that others are not. It’s part of how the organization controls them. 
By the by, there is also the theory that Hordak has suffered memory erasure before and is thus doubly confused, filling in blanks with fantasy, but given that we have no direct evidence of that, I’m not really going to go into it; it’s a popular bit of speculation, though.
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Now, however, let us examine a different aspect of this. Labels aside, delusions aside, we are left with another conundrum: however Hordak interprets his position, it is very clear to us that said position does not actually offer the power or respect that a legitimate high military rank would offer. It does not appear to provide Hordak with any special treatment. 
Once upon a time, back when we first learned of Hordak’s backstory, it was somewhat assumed that the position would do something like this. Numerous fans speculated about how it might be a position that gave a clone dominion over others, or over their own personal ships or planets; some fans suggested that it might give a clone the right to a name. Now, of course, we know that none of these speculations are true: all of Prime’s clones are essentially interchangeable; all are part of a hive mind that eliminates the need for certain clones directing others; no clone is allowed a name, no matter what their current job might be.
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So. What, exactly, is Hordak practically gaining here? Despite this position appearing to hold zero effective esteem, despite it necessitating Hordak giving up his self and his autonomy, it is abundantly clear that he desperately wants it back. Why? 
What about this position, whatever it may or may not be called, would provide Hordak with this sense of value, of specialness, of personal worth? After all, Hordak may be deluded, but he’s not stupid; even indoctrinated, he can tell that he doesn’t hold dominion over other clones, or have a right to his own name. He can tell that he doesn’t receive any functional privileges, that his own sense of value doesn’t translate into anything that you or I would think is “worth the price of admission,” so to speak. 
In light of that incredibly steep price, what does this position offer, in a world where military rank appears irrelevant? What does it offer, in exchange for Hordak’s name and his bodily autonomy and his freedom? In short, what does it offer that makes Hordak think it worth sacrificing so much for? 
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It offers closeness to Prime, doesn’t it? It offers the chance to work near him, to bask in his presence, to be spoken to and looked upon and touched by him. It offers the chance to receive his praise, personally. It offers the chance to perhaps -  hopefully, wishfully - receive his love.
Because that’s what Hordak really wants. Not dominion over others, or a fancy military title. He wants that emotional connection. He wants that approval and validation. He wants love. And for so much of the series, for so much of his life, he believes that love comes only from Prime. That working closely with him, being of use to him, will provide him with that sense of belonging and acceptance and affectionate care that he hungers for. That it will make him worthy and loved.
(There’s a line in the deleted Entrapdak scene, where Prime calls Hordak the “most unloved and unworthy” among his brothers that really cements the idea that worthiness is synonymous with love within the galactic Horde)
This is what marks the position as “special” in Hordak’s eyes: it is special because it stands the greatest chance of providing him with Prime’s love.
All of it is a lie, of course. Because Prime only “loves” his brothers as extensions of himself, and even then, only if they are physically useful to him. Once Hordak starts to lag behind due to his illness, he is quickly removed from Prime’s presence and sent to the front lines, destined to fight until defect or battle kills him. And yet it is a lie so powerful, and the clones’ need for Prime’s love so great, that he is able to use it to control them even when they are separated from him. To the point that a sickly clone trapped in a shadow dimension will forgo freedom in his desperate bid to feel wanted and treasured by his cruel god.
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Eventually, thankfully, Hordak finds a true version of the connection he craves, someone who looks at him and acknowledges him, values him and loves him as he is, without him needing to prove himself useful. He finds Entrapta, and she provides that love that he sought from Prime.
This is why, even though Hordak actually ends up working in Prime’s throne room again, ends up close to him once more, he breaks free from control and kills his Brother. Throughout season five, Hordak remembers Entrapta. He remembers how she makes him feel. He remembers her love... and he realizes that it is not the same as Prime's. It is sincere. It is unconditional. It accepts him as his own flawed person, rather than the perfect drone Prime wants him to be. It is deeper and more true and more real than the hollow sham Prime offers.
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And so Hordak rejects this once-coveted position, rejects Prime, and frees himself. He makes the choice between a false, controlling “love” and the real, heartfelt thing. He makes the choice, and he chooses Entrapta.
In the end, the greatest disconnect between what Hordak tells us in season three and what is true isn’t the word “general,” or even the cruel difference between how Prime views the clones, and how they view him. It is the impression of why Hordak wants such a position at all, of what it means to him. What initially comes off as a disgraced military man seeking to regain former glory is actually a lost, unloved soul desperately searching for the emotional connection he needs.
And, after many mistakes, after much hardship, he finally finds it.
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dreaminlittlenightmares · 3 years ago
How do adults treat children? (I love your write)
Oh, thank you! I try~ Best to Worst Parent might also be something of interest for you
The Maw
the Janitor: The Maw's designated caretaker, so he treats the children well enough. He's used to managing a lot of them at once, that includes disciplinary action, if needed. Unfortunately, none of the children seem to like him the Twin Chefs: The only reason why they're both bad at handling children is because they're both immature themselves. At least the kids will get cool snacks...assuming that the Chefs don't accidentally cook them first the Lady: Greatly dislikes children and doesn't want to be anywhere near them. Seriously, why the Ferryman keeps bringing them to her ship, she doesn't know. Can be nice to kids, if she tried the Granny: Another Maw crew member that dislikes children, but the kiddies like her for some reason. While not as hostile as the others, she's not a good influence on them either. Encourages trouble making and breaking rules
Pale City
the Hunter: HATES. CHILDREN. Don't drop them off near the Wilderness. Don't leave them around him. He will find a way to make their lives miserable, if they're lucky the Teacher: Says she's good with children, but everyone thinks otherwise. Too strict and cruel, and has no problem with corporeal punishment. Just...don't leave the kids with her either the Doctor: Very kind and very nice, but many children are afraid of him anyways. Aside from his strange crawling behavior, the idea of a doctor frightens most of them. May bribe the kids with lollipops to win their favor the Thin Man: Adorably fatherly, it's too cute. Enjoys playing games or helping with mischievous plans. He'll take the fall for them, no problem. Just wants the kids to have a good childhood
The Nest
the Craftsman: Doesn't particularly like children, and children have mixed feelings about him. On one hand, he'll build whatever you ask for if you ask nicely. On the other hand, he's kind of mean. These two deal with each other if they have to; but normally don't interact the Butler: Stricter than the Janitor, but not as strict as the Teacher. He's used to handling the high maintenance Pretender, so he's auto-set to treat the other kids the same way. He's not exactly bad, but it's ill-advised to cross him
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we-eternal-rp · 3 years ago
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—  ☄ STYX !  aka. sofiya ‘fee’ morozov, 26, (anya taylor-joy)              is looking for their half-sibling
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okay so the dealio is that fee’s father had a family before this, the specifics of which are totally utp. the only real thing of note is that they would have to have not been well off at the time. why or what happened after he left is also totally utp. fee doesn’t know the specifics of this ( unless you want her to ), she was always much closer with her mother and her mother’s side of the family. her father is a very famous diplomat now and also tries to protray fee as the perfect heir to the family fortune, but she could not want less to do with that. also he kind of only gets money because fee is still around otherwise he probably wouldn’t care about her either. unfortunately, he deems her actions as reflections on him so he still tries to keep tabs on her even when she literally flees a country. i doubt fee and her half sibling would really be close as fee grew up with a silver spoon and wanting for nothing ( except maybe affection oop. ) and even if they did manage to be close before, with all the craziness in her life she would have wanted to put distance between them. and if they’ve lived on magnetic island for any sort of extended period of time, fee would have to be unaware of that or she would never have come.
suggested fcs: ben barnes, johanna braddy, cillian murphy, crystal reed, charlie hunnam, lauren german, joseph morgan, elizabeth olsen, jonathan bailey, bradley james, margot robbie i could literally go on for days
key connection details.
disallowed fcs: n/a
suggested/requested ethnicity: at least half-caucasian???? fee’s mother was russian and argentine but her father is white ig?? he could have been argentine if need be
deity suggestions: lethe but not required
gender preference: no preference
wc name: they should have different surnames as fee has her mother’s
wc age: 28+
key features: they’re eyes could match if you wanted
how long have they known each other?: utp, fee could only have learned about them recently or they could grown up together
where did they meet?: they either would have met in australia, london (uk) or washington (us) — those were areas she’s spent a lot of time but other options are definitely open too
connection description.
canon details this wc would know about fee: they would know at the very least that their father left them and their mother to get married to fee’s mother, beyond knowing that ( i.e., actually about fee ) is up to the player. they would also know that fee’s family was well of which would be why he left them.
hc’s for this wc: whether they’ve known each other in the past or they’ve only met recently, fee would not want to be close with them and would arguably by just being related to their father, greatly dislike them
do you require the applicant to contact you before applying?: no, but you can im me ( @unfortunvte ) if you want to chat about anything!
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astrowithkaro · 4 years ago
Hello! I hope you're doing well and having a great day! I like your series "Language of Birthdays" and I was wondering if you can do one for March 3. Please and thank you in advance! Also keep up the amazing posts! 👍🏾
Language Of Birthdays: March 3 - Pisces
[You can find the rest of the series here; or check out my masterlist]
The Day Of Design
Those born on March 3 usually have a pretty clear picture in their minds of what they wish to accomplish. Although highly imaginative, they have a firm pragmatic side that enables them to put their ideas into practice. Unlike those who seek acclaim or reward before finding a way to be useful, they recognize first a substantive need, and then apply what- ever talents they have to provide for that need. Not only able to see the big picture, those born on this day are capable of focusing on details as well. It doesn't hurt that their visual skills are generally well developed.
March 3 people are usually socially involved in their work, and as mentioned, pragmatic. Yet they may feel a need to live highly private, even secretive, lives away from their career. Those born on this day can be prone to escapism, whether they lose themselves to an earthly world of sensation or a romantic world of the imagination. Nonetheless, successful March 3 people are able to neatly balance their public and private lives, not allowing either to dominate at the expense of the other.
Whether more social or reserved types, most March 3 people are taken up with plans and designs. The need to prepare carefully for eventualities is highly characteristic of those born on this day and they usually examine a problem minutely before acting. Indeed many March 3 people enjoy the planning more than the execution of an endeavor. But because they put so much energy into these formal constructions they run at least two dangers. The first is getting bogged down in the planning phase and losing the motivation to act; the second is losing a sense of spontaneity and thus deadening the experience itself, and perhaps facing disappointment by having too many preconceptions about what is going to happen. Because it is difficult for many March 3 people to make up their minds about what course to pursue, they are often better off just making a decision and getting on with it, rather than endlessly weighing alternatives and not acting on them.
March 3 people often become overly absorbed in what they do. Though their activities give them great satisfaction, they may be avoiding the underlying reason why they lose themselves in this way. Perhaps some born on this day have an actual dislike of or discomfort with their own personality due to an overly critical parent or social pressures in their childhood. It is important that such March 3 people learn to like themselves more, not just for what they do, but for who they are. Gaining such a sense of wellness and security will also aid them greatly in their career, lending them the confidence needed to follow through on their plans and make a success of themselves.
Well prepared
Those born on March 3 generally have a strongly physical nature in addition to their visual and conceptual abilities. They sometimes overdo activities, however, due to the fact that their mind drives them too hard, and pushes their bodies beyond what they can handle. Therefore, those born on this day must beware of exhausting themselves, thus lowering their immunity. Those born on this day are recommended to take vacation at least once yearly. March 3 people may be accident prone and must be particularly aware of doing damage to their lower limbs and feet. They should be on the lookout for unforeseen complications, of which they will usually have some warning if they are tuned in and observant enough. Consumption of fats and harmful additives should be limited, but not at the expense of their spontaneous appetite, which can be adversely affected by too much structure in planning meals.
Get to know yourself better
If you don't like what you find, do something about it
Don't let a self-critical attitude hamper you
Beware of making plans without setting reasonable deadlines
There is a time to take action
Hello, I hope this resonated to some degree. I unfortunately could not interpret the weaknesses or any advice for this specific page. As you may know, I get this information from an astrology book that I read and then summarize in order to create this post. It just happened that the page in the book was printed poorly and I couldn't make out any information, apologies <3
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ddarker-dreams · 5 years ago
Trips. Yan Illumi x Reader [COMM]
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Life brings with it new situations, impeding obstacles that need to be overcome. 
Flexibility is the trait that allows such things to be navigated properly, to accept and work with the cards that you’ve been dealt. Unfortunately for you, this character trait has always seemed to be one of your greatest fallacies. 
Why this incontestable fact wasn’t enough to deter Illumi, you would never know for certain. Determined is the word you found to fit his likeness the best. Illumi sought out on the long and cumbersome journey of sculpting you into his ideal masterpiece, chipping away at elements unfitting of his taste; while emphasizing any desirable traits. 
Dehumanizing as it is, it’s your new reality. One that you never expected to be a chapter in the book of your life, if not the falling action and conclusion now all together. But, as inflexible as you are at times, you can still attempt to make the most of it in your own way.
Having already offered any serious forms of opposition, you quickly learned the petty endeavors would ultimately be pointless. Illumi never so much as blinked at any of your trite attempts at upsetting him, not taking the offenses as seriously as you hoped. Maybe that was for the best, as he’d still reprimand you despite seeming unaffected. 
“Aina,” you invite over in a low tone. “Can you come here for a moment?” 
There isn’t any reason to voice your desires in a polite manner, seeing as the Zoldyck butlers would carry out your every reasonable whim without complaint. Even if they held the key to freeing you from this grandiose prison, you still couldn’t find it within yourself to harbor any serious resentment against them. 
Even if they did come to their senses, and ever tried to assist you, you didn’t want to imagine what the consequences would be for such an offense.
“Do you need something, Master [First]?” 
Aina appears next to you faster than the human eye could comprehend, her serious gaze set wholly upon you. Aina was who Illumi assigned to be your personal butler during your first few days here, someone who has become a familiar face. You had asked her before for her age, only to learn she was only a year older than you. 
Illumi most likely picked her out for that very reason, wanting to “ease” the transition into your new life. 
Aina sports a well cared for bob, having light brunette hair and honey colored eyes. It seems you fell right into Illumi’s trap, feeling a kindling of friendship with her. Even if it wasn’t formed in a natural way, a friend is a friend. 
Leaning back in the garden chair, a soft noise leaves your lips as you stretch your stiff muscles. The relaxing sounds of nature always felt like a welcome change of pace. You’ve always expressed your preference for the gardens in the Zoldyck estate, preferring them greatly over the Gothic style mansion. 
The air out here feels lighter, the sun inviting as it gently kisses your skin. Different cries from exotic creatures you couldn’t even begin to name fill your ears, along with the sounds of running water from the fountains. 
Aina waits by your side ever so patiently, while your mind is full of these thoughts.
Sheepishly looking up at her through your eyelashes, you smile. “I have a bit of a request, actually.” 
She’s capable of picking up on every nuance to your words, of reading all the twitches of your muscles and knowing what emotions they indicate. In a way, it almost reminds you of Illumi. But whereas Illumi would exploit this telling information for his own gain, Aina uses it only to serve you better.
“If by chance I’m asking for too much, just let me know,” you request, a nervous laugh leaving your lips. At this you notice her jawline tightening, most likely anticipating the worst. “It’s been on my mind to get some new decorations to spruce up my room. Not to say I dislike the whole, vampires living in the 1800s look, but it’s a tad dreary.” 
Aina’s lips quirk up, before she swiftly changes to a neutral look once more. 
“Since I can’t really use the internet, it’s not like I can do online shopping. And I’d feel bad for someone having to deliver it on a mountain too. So how do I go about this? Is there like a special Zoldyck amazon that I can use, but no one has told me about yet?” 
At any hints of humanity Aina offers, you find it easier to talk without holding yourself back. Being all doom and gloom nonstop is tiring after all, sometimes you just have to roll with the punches. Even if that phrase most likely is not intended for being forced into marriage with an assassin, it could still apply here, right? 
“If I’m being honest with you, I’m not entirely sure,” Aina places a tentative hand to her chin, eyes narrowing in deep thought. “I’d need to contact Master Illumi for his instructions. Do you want me to do so now?” 
At the mention of your husband’s name, you frown. Even if you were expecting your request to be run through multiple channels for permission to be granted, it doesn’t soothe the sting any less. Most things in your life, if not everything, are controlled entirely by Illumi. 
Puffing your cheeks out in mild annoyance, you can’t help but sigh dejectedly. “Yeah, yeah. I guess I don’t have much of a choice if I want to get my pink sheets…” 
Aina doesn’t so much as flinch at your thinly veiled sarcasm, instantly getting herself to work with the matter at hand. You find yourself watching her carefully as Aina reaches for the black phone in her pocket. If you remember correctly, Aina had informed you that Illumi is on his way back from a job that had him absent a week. 
Seeing as he must be in transit, you assume Aina has the green light to contact him whenever necessary without the concern of impeding on his work. 
With the press of a button, you hear a low dialing tone come from her phone. One ring later you hear him pick up, Aina’s posture straightening even more than it was before out of respect. Tilting your head at the half heard exchange before you, you’re unable to determine much from Aina’s stoic facade.
Eventually, she pulls the phone away from her head. Before you get the opportunity to ask if you’re in the clear, she holds the phone out in your direction. 
“Master Illumi wishes to speak with you.” 
At this instruction, you swallow thickly. Speaking to Illumi is always a tricky battle, his words blunt yet crafted all the same. Aina subtly nudges the phone forward once more, prompting you to gingerly pick it up. Placing it against your ear, you bite your lip before finally speaking. Not wanting to give off the impression of being frightened, you put your all into sounding casual.
“So uh, what’s up?” you inquire to him, looking down at your tea cup. By now it’s undoubtedly cold, the amber colored liquid held in a fine china worth more than you could imagine. The desire to fiddle with your hands overwhelms you, so you reach for the handle. 
At your voice, Illumi responds immediately in his signature deadpan. “Aina mentioned you wanted to go shopping.” 
‘Is this… newsworthy or something?’
“Yeah, I thought it could be a nice change of pace,” you let out an airy laugh, your grip on the handle growing tighter. Even when Illumi isn’t face to face with you, you still can’t help but feel nervous. “It’d make me happy. But I understand if it’s too unreasonable.” 
You sit awaiting a response, hearing nothing but the propellers of the blimp Illumi must be travelling on. Does that mean he’s considering it? There’s always a chance he has already made up his mind, but wants to give the impression of taking your feelings into account. It’s a creepy tick you noticed he has, trying to act more human for your sake. 
“Alright. We’ll go when I get back this evening,” Illumi eventually concludes, much to your surprise. “You can hand the phone back to Aina now.” 
Nodding your head despite him not being able to see you, you give the dark phone back to Aina who stands in waiting. She takes it before confirming a few more minor details, and then ultimately ending the phone call. It’s strange, you believe, that such a mild request requires so many moving parts. Whether it be Illumi’s suffocatingly protective nature over you, or the cost of being a Zoldyck, you’re unsure. 
Aina busies herself with contacting other butlers at your behest, most likely planning out in great length how everything will work. If it weren’t for being held here against your will, you might even feel bad for all the effort they’re putting in for your sake. But even if it’s a small one, this is a victory nonetheless! 
Having been with Illumi for over a year now, you quickly picked up on what you should and shouldn’t do. Even when you’re upset with him, which you can’t help but be a majority of the time; it’s in your best interest to not show it. A few snarky quips here and there don’t do much damage, but anything other than that can place you in boiling hot water.
Illumi had expressed to you in the past a similar sentiment. That once you adjust to your new life, things will flow a lot smoother for you. Now the fruits of your labor are starting to show, you believe. If he’s placing enough trust in you to do this, then maybe, just maybe; you can have even more freedoms over time.
Once Aina looks to be free for a moment, you begin to speak to her again.
“You know, in the past when I wanted to go shopping I’d just get in my car, and head to the mall.” you recall over to her, wistfully sighing for extra effect. Aina never seems bothered by your musings, always indulging you without a hint of irritation.
“I’m sure things were simpler then. But now that you’re a Zoldyck, there are a lot of extra factors to account for,” Aina points out with a soft smile of her own. Whether it’s genuine or not, you’re unsure. “Master Illumi does the utmost to ensure your safety.” 
“I’m surprised he hasn’t wrapped me up in bubble wrap yet,” you snicker at the thought, before your eyes widen in realization. “Wait, I shouldn’t give him any ideas…” 
“If it makes you feel any better, I doubt he’d do that.” 
‘For some reason, that doesn’t make me feel much better.’
Shaking your head, you decide to curve the conversation away from your overprotective husband. “What time are we heading out? I have to wear my finest threads and all, since I’m representing the family.” 
Pulling the cuff of her suit back, she looks down at her watch.
“Four hours, give or take. You still have some time.” Aina responds in haste, before covering her watch yet again. 
Owlishly, you stare at her, finding her every move to be of interest. It further cements the feeling that you don’t fit in with this estate, despite Illumi’s attempts. The grace the family members have, and even their servants have, is still far from your grasp.
That still doesn’t stop him from trying though.
“In that case, I’ll return to my previous philosophical musings.” you respond while stroking your chin, stifling another laugh. If there’s anything that can bring you comfort in this foreign place, it’s your own stupid words. 
Why you caught the interest of Illumi Zoldyck is still one of the world’s wonders, not to say you don’t have your own theories. Some ranging from being cursed as a baby, to having done something in your past life to deserve this. 
‘How does the saying go again? Opposites attract, or something. Illumi is probably the opposite of me in every conceivable way, after all.’
“Would you like me to brew you some fresh tea?” Aina asks you, having taken notice of your cold beverage. You purse your lips, knowing that trying to understand Illumi is a lost cause.
“Yes please.” 
When you used to watch events where celebrities would gather, one of the coolest aspects to you were the cars they’d emerge from. Sports cars, luxury vehicles, limousines. All of them filled you with awe and wonder, a class above what you could ever hope to afford. 
Now you stand here, face to face with a limousine of your own, gaping at the tinted windows and expensive tires. Three vehicles just like it line up behind, most likely your other escorts. 
Aina looks over at you once more, straightening her posture and then subtly motioning to you. It takes a moment for it to click, before realizing that your gawking isn’t as subtle as you thought it was. Following her example with less grace, you walk towards the car door.
Before you can continue to do so, you hear Aina speak up behind you. 
“Do you recall everything I told you earlier?” she inquires, causing you to turn your head back to her. Humming lowly, you remember the myriad of boring guidelines you had to endure earlier. It all felt so dramatic, and if you’re being honest, you zoned out for a majority of it. 
Scrunching up your nose, you place a finger to your cheek. “Don’t go around yelling ‘Help! I’ve been kidnapped!’ or something.” 
Aina pinches her nose, before shaking her head. “Well, you’re not wrong per se…” 
Giving her a cheeky smile, you go to reach for the door handle. But before you get the opportunity, another servant swiftly opens it for you. 
“Please, allow me, Master [First].” 
He opens it with a respectful bow, revealing a black leather interior. Letting out a small “oooh!”, you bite your lip upon noticing the other occupant of the limousine. Waving off the servant’s attempt to assist you into your seat, you hear Aina speak to you once more.
“I’ll be in the car behind you if you need anything.” 
“I’ll yell out the window in that case.” you yell back, undoubtedly earning a reprimanding look from her. Plopping yourself down into your seat, your door is closed before you even get the chance to do it yourself.
“No greeting, huh?” Illumi tilts his head, blank eyes staring at you with an unreadable expression. Fiddling with your seat belt, you finally look over at him in acknowledgement. Managing to hear a click signifying your seat belt is locked in place, you give Illumi your full attention.
“Hey, didn’t see you there.” you greet Illumi who doesn’t so much as blink at your words. 
“You looked at me when getting in,” he points out, any form of humor flying over his head. “Do we need to get your eyes checked?” 
Throwing your hands up in defense, you swiftly shake your head at his offer. “I was just joking, Illumi.” 
Illumi’s tone is as flippant as ever, one of his signature trademarks. On the other side of the partition, you hear keys being flipped to turn the car on. With a soft hum, the car gains traction with remarkable ease. On such a rocky terrain, none of it is felt as the luxury vehicle glides across the ground. 
Returning your attention to Illumi, you find him staring at you as well. For a while it gave you a jittery feeling, having those dark voids for eyes thoroughly observing your every move. While it certainly isn’t any less frightening, you suppose that all this time with Illumi has given you a sort of immunity to it. 
“So… how did your job go?” you inquire in a soft voice, hands set in place on your lap. There isn’t much else to talk about, so might as well try your luck with this. Illumi would sit next to you in total silence if he so chose to, not being the type to entertain conversation himself without some kind of agenda. 
“As well as expected,” Illumi responds earnestly, seemingly pleased that you’re taken interest in him. “The target was killed without a hitch.” 
You let out a hesitant laugh. “Oh. That’s uh, that’s good I think...” 
Trailing off your sentence, you find yourself scratching the back of your neck at the topic in progress. The thought of the person next to you having killed someone in the last twenty-four hours is dizzying, so you’re quick to move onto something new.
“So, where exactly are we going?” you ask, the question having been on your mind for the past few hours. The fact you were even leaving Kukuroo mountain in the first place is a surprising one, even your honeymoon took place here. Unless there’s some other Zoldyck owned establishment that happens to double as a mall, your mind is clueless to any possible destinations.
“I made arrangements to empty out a shopping center for a few hours. Aside from employees, that is,” Illumi explains, still not blinking. “Aina went over everything with you, right?” 
‘She did, but it’s not like I was really paying attention.’ 
Clearing your throat, you quickly nod your head to deter any negative repercussions. “Yeah, I remember everything she said.” 
He studies you once more, before leaning back into his seat. You feel a sudden urge to do the same, but find it difficult to ever fully relax when Illumi is present. Among other things, there’s still one damning question you still can’t fully understand. 
Why Illumi is even allowing this in the first place, after all the insane precautions he’s taken to seal you off from the world. Maybe it’s best not to pry into your sudden good fortune? Since curiosity killed the cat, quelling this question will be in your best interest. 
Leaning your head against your fist, your eyebrows furrow. 
“You have more questions.” Illumi points out, alarming you. Of course he notices any change in your behavior, having spent hours studying every aspect about you. In his own words, there’s nothing you can hide from him. At every given opportunity he proves those words to be correct. 
“W-well, yeah,” you admit out at the unexpected heckle. “If I’m being completely honest… I’m just a little taken aback that you’re actually allowing this. I guess.” 
For a moment you wonder if your words were too blunt, as Illumi sits there in rigid silence. 
“Think of it as a reward for your good behavior,” Illumi eventually concludes, lips curling into an unnatural, proud smile. “Even though you weren’t too compliant at first, you never made any escape attempts. I would’ve known had you tried. I was largely expecting the possibility, but you never made any serious offenses.” 
‘I feel like this is how a judge talks to a defendant or something.’
“I suppose that’s true…” you consider, reflecting back to your time here. Although escaping had crossed your mind numerous times, you never had the guts to act on it. The odds were insourmantable against you. What with all the highly trained assassins and butlers running about, you’d have better luck at winning the lottery than pulling a successful escape.
“I’ve always liked outings like this. I would treat myself to a five dollar coffee and then immediately regret it when I got home,” you recall with a snicker. “There’s nothing quite like opening your bank account and wondering, ‘What was I thinking?’ when you’re out of the moment.” 
Illumi nods his head. “That’s true. Your bank account wasn’t in the best shape.” 
“How do you even-- whatever, I probably don’t want to know,” you murmur while rolling your eyes at his lack of tact. “The point being that the most fun part is all the little treats you buy yourself in between the stores. Sometimes I’d get those cups of small pretzel bites, then have to eat them really quick since you can’t bring them in the stores.” 
“Ah! That explains all the small transactions I saw.” Illumi proclaims, eyes lighting up for a moment. 
‘The art of being subtle is all but lost to my husband.’
“Have you ever had pretzel bites, Illumi? For some reason, I get the feeling you haven’t been to the mall that often.” you comment while giving him a once over, taking in his unique fashion that would certainly stand out. How he even goes in public without people badgering him is remarkable. 
“Only once for shadowing on a job.” Illumi answers, piquing your inner curiosity. 
“You were hired to assassinate someone who hung out around a mall? I thought you only went after politicians or important people.” you point out, tilting your head.
“There’s some variety. The client himself was a wealthy individual, who wanted his daughter’s boyfriend killed. She had been dating someone who worked at a clothing store, going against her father’s wishes.” 
Frowning, you lean back into your seat. Some people will do anything for the sake of image, but the thought of doing something that would actively hurt a member of your family doesn’t make any sense to you. But the people that Illumi deal with are in a league of their own, taking part in a world you will never understand.
A somber atmosphere begins to set in, to which you attempt to alleviate with a joke. “Did you trail the guy in one of those mascot suits? Like the ones people give free samples in?” 
For a moment, you swear you saw Illumi’s eyebrows knit together. He’s still getting used to unfiltered comments, even after all this time. You’ve been told your personality is a tad on the eccentric side in the past. It doesn’t help that Illumi is incapable of spotting humor even in others. 
“No. That wouldn’t have been effective.” Illumi plainly states, unimpressed with your guess. 
At his dismissal, you further explain your reasoning. “Think about it! It’s an efficient method. You’d blend right in with the atmosphere around you, and no one would be able to tell that you’re looking at your target because of the mask. I think this is genius, actually. Maybe I should patent it…” 
Illumi purses his lips together at your further insistence. At the very least you know Illumi never tunes you out like most would be inclined to at this point. He soaks in every word, every movement of your lips. 
“That’s certainly something you would say.” he ultimately decides, knowing your carefree nature and comments well. 
‘Is that a good or bad thing? That’s probably a bad thing.’
Not giving too much thought to Illumi’s blunt comment, you content yourself by looking out your window. On the outside it’s impossible to see the interior of the car, but from this angle you’re able to see blurry scenery as it goes by. Having familiarized yourself with most of the Zoldyck estate, this felt like an entirely new world. A welcome one at that.
The temptation to lower the window for fresh air presses against you like a thorn, but you ultimately deny it. Who knows how Illumi would interpret the act, it’s better to not risk it. Instead your eyes go wide at the sights around you, seeing the outside world in what felt like forever. 
You can still feel Illumi’s gaze boring into the back of your head, but you think nothing of it. He watches you enough as is, it’s not worth getting worked up about. Through winding roads, a hint of civilization finally makes itself known. Seeing people not donning the standard Zoldyck tuxedo fills your heart with nostalgia of a time before.
Eventually, the vehicle comes to a stop in an almost empty parking lot. Not wanting to make any wrong moves, you sit patiently for whatever security checks the butlers are most likely performing at the moment. Illumi gets out before you do, the chauffeur eventually coming to open the door for you just a minute later.
Taking in the fresh air, you appreciate the ability to stretch your legs while awaiting further instruction. Aina catches your eye for a brief moment, giving you a reassuring nod before returning her attention to looking at the premises. The butlers continue to speak among themselves, occasionally running a few words by Illumi who returns to your side.
Once everything seems to be in order, you’re prompted to walk towards the entrance. It reminds you of a scene from an apocalyptic movie, seeing how this large mall is almost entirely devoid of human life. It seems Illumi’s comment about only employees being present rings true, as you cheerfully enter into the grandiose mall. 
Looking around at the interior, you come to the realization that this is an extremely high end mall. 
‘So much for my pretzel bite dreams… Maybe they have caviar stands here instead.’
Pausing, you glance over at Illumi to make certain that you’re still in the clear. Not sensing any indication that you’ve done something wrong, you continue on your merry way. It’s an overwhelming selection before you, but you want to treasure this moment for as long as you can.
Anything that catches your eye you indulge, walking into the store while being surrounded by numerous butlers. The employees at the store seem understandably hesitant at your presence, so you make an effort to not disturb them more than necessary. The shops that catch your eye the most are clothing stores.
Eventually, you approach one with a variety of cute outfits. The collection of clothes you currently have is surprisingly tailored to your taste, Illumi most likely having studied that aspect about you. An overall outfit in particular stands out to you, causing you to walk over to it with urgency.
“Illumi! How do you think this would look on me?” you call over to him with a snicker, grabbing the hanger and holding it against your person. Illumi looks at you as if you have three heads, mind undoubtedly wracking to form a husband like answer.
“It would look acceptable.” he eventually responds, to which your shoulders slump. It’s not like your expectations are high, but Illumi’s lack of enthusiasm never fails to shine through. A mischievous thought passes through your mind, grin adorning your face before you can stop it. Placing the outfit back to its previous spot, your eyes roam over the selection.
Spotting a bright pink tuxedo, you pick it up before examining Illumi.
“I think you need a new outfit or two. How about this? It’d really bring out your eyes.” you beam, using all of your strength not to laugh. Illumi looks at the bright, hot pink tuxedo and then looks at you. In your peripheral vision you see Aina place her hand to her forehead. Shouldn’t she also be used to this by now?
“I’ll consider your input.” Illumi reaches for the tuxedo, much to your astonishment. Could it be? Is he actually going to purchase this in an attempt to further win you over? Victory is a fleeting emotion, as he stretches his arms to place the outfit back in record time.
“I don’t think that’s what I’d call considering,” you point out with a frown, Illumi seemingly content with the outfit being out of your hands. “You didn’t even give it a shot. At least try it on.” 
At your additional pressure, Illumi offers a simple response. “I am considering it.’ 
Giving an over dramatic sigh, you nod before busying yourself with the other selections. Adding a few more odds and ends to your bag, it’s paid for by one of the butlers. Most likely to further limit any of your contact with the outside world. You get the feeling that if you even attempt to make conversation with them, they’d be too skittish to say anything in response. It doesn’t help that you have Illumi looming over you. 
Humming to yourself, you move onto the next few stores. It’s impossible to curtail all of your old habits, still checking the price tag before remembering it doesn’t matter anymore. This part of being with Illumi isn’t all that bad, despite its shallowness. Guilt never comes to you, however, as you recall with ease all Illumi has taken from you. 
The sun starts to set in the sky above you, the glass ceiling of the mall further showcasing the bold oranges and reds. All of the recent sunsets you’ve seen have been on Kukuroo Mountain, where you almost felt you could reach out and touch the clouds yourself. Stopping in your tracks, you gape at the nostalgic scene.
‘This is how it used to look like.’ 
The thought of never being able to see the sky from your own residence never occurred to you. Despite the undeniable beauty witnessing a sunset on a mountain brings, it’s too surreal. This is a familiar comfort, one that you’ve experienced your entire life before Illumi entered it.
“There aren’t any shops up there.” Illumi points out, his monotone returning you to reality. Jumping slightly at his sudden speech, you offer a small laugh. In a way, Illumi’s bluntness can be unintentionally humorous. 
“Now that you mention it,” you begin, squinting and looking around. “You’re right. There aren’t any. Strange, I could’ve sworn I saw some.” 
“Maybe you should see an ophthalmologist after all.” 
“I’m still joking, Illumi.” 
A butler who you don’t recognize approaches Illumi carefully, whispering a few words into his ear. Illumi looks back towards you, his attention once again yours. Your stomach sinks before he even speaks, capable of guessing what he’s already going to say.
“We’ll be heading back home now,” Illumi states, leaving little room for debate. “Did you get everything you wanted?” 
It’s a rhetorical question, you feel. At this point it’ll be best for you to offer your abundant gratitude, for him having allowed this entire trip to begin with. Giving one more glance to the sky, you can’t help but wonder if you’ll ever be able to look at it like this again.
Giving Illumi a bittersweet smile, you nod your head. “Yeah. Everything I wanted.”
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otverzhennyy · 4 years ago
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Viktor on every Harbingers.
As stated before, Viktor’s loyalty tend to be more to the people of Snezhnaya and the Harbingers than the Tsaritsa, who he sees more as a faceless tradition despite, yes, believing in the cryo archon’s mission. However, when it comes to his daily life, it is actually the Harbingers who possess his devotion.
Viktor is implied to have, at the very least, witnessed the harbingers which I imagine are during Fatui events, speeches and such, and is knowledgeable of both their way of work, their abilities, the personality they present, quirks and what the other Fatui think of them in general. This is a post based on the information we got so far in canon, the Commedia dell��arte and of course liberal interpretations to flesh out Viktor’s relation towards the harbingers, it is HEAVILY subject to change.
This list goes from who Viktor would like to work for the LEAST to the MOST. Viktor admires all Harbingers and see how incredible they are to the Fatui cause, but this is purely him speaking selfishly in terms of working under them.
SCARAMOUCHE Scaramouche is implied by Viktor to be pretty much universally disliked by the Fatui, which is supported by his shown temper. Scaramouche is one to belittle and not respect underlings, even potentially harming them physically through electro, and lead them with fear. Scaramouche throws emotional, gratuitous tantrums.
This is something Viktor cannot respect when strictly speaking of ways to run the chain of commands. This is no way to be a leader, not when you do not have reasons to apply this kind of authority. Scaramouche’s devastating power, however, is no joke, and given that the Tsaritsa has had her own reason to choose him, there is no question that Viktor would answer the man’s call and orders, but would he enjoy his daily working life under such a self-centered man with no respect for the lives he is responsible for but his own ? Not really. He’d sooner ask for a transfer... which is, unfortunately, not really possible within the Fatui, as you are to believe that where you are stationed is where you should be.
PIERRO Pierro’s crazed antics constantly have one question his state of mind, and his chaotic mockery and obvious bitterness are made for a sour association, where one can never really rest as the man is too unpredictable. Underlings unable to guess what his plans are, given he never tell anyone anything.
Pierro doesn’t care what happens when his subordinates are sent on assignments, not caring if they are casualties or not. As someone who values his life, even if he is loyal and swore an oath to the chain of command, Viktor much rather stay alive. The man is... devastating.
SANDRONE Sandrone uses underhanded tricks and manipulates people to get what he wants, hiding behind a face of kindness to the people. Although Viktor is one to recognize the grey areas of politics, which is, politics is everywhere in any social interactions, Sandrone stands out because he is not influencing people’s judgements, he is a hypocrite who takes advantage of commoners when they meet their lowest points.
This, alongside his eerie puppets... is absolutely terrifying. Viktor cannot help but, unlike Scaramouche where he sees the immaturity and lack of professionalism of one man, feel genuine fear... and fascination. The things he could learn from this man, he cannot even start to comprehend.
PULCINELLA Pulcinella is the harbinger in charge of the Fatui’s military and, alternatively, its recruits camp. Viktor would be more than happy to give his body for the nation if needed, even if the battlefield is not his ideal position.
Technically, all Fatui receives a form of military training. The difference with Pulcinella is mainly that the Skirmishers are constantly enhanced through the Fatui technology, modified as their body belongs to the nation. Viktor personally has no interest in being cut open and changed, as he spent a significant amount of time perfecting his form and knowing his own body. Not everyone has the mental fortitude to be more than happy to be pumped with drugged and have their brain reconstructed to be a better martial weapon.
PANTALONE As the one gathering all funds related to Snezhnaya and the Fatui, working for Pantalone is about contributing to the wealth of the nation, an absolute vital part which, however, comes with a ruthless environment. Whereas politics and influence are more subjective, wealth is about cold, hard numbers in an unsure, competitive scene.
Although Viktor is the first one to tell that there is no bad way to gather money and actually admire the length the man goes for the nation’s mission, what is more of a desk job with very little flexibility (the way political debates and diplomatic exchanges do) is bound to bore him out, thinking like his wits could be used elsewhere.
TARTAGLIA When there is need for intimidation, Tartaglia Childe is the one sent by her Lady Tsaritsa. When there is need for muscles on the field, Tartaglia Childe is also the one sent. Although Viktor’s hunting background would technically make his skills appropriate for the task, Viktor is still not one who actually enjoys applying, let’s say, physical matters, especially unconventional ones Tartaglia Childe is sent into : it is not a straightforward army VS army combat. It is something which require finesse... a dangerous game which doesn’t necessarily fit Viktor.
As for the young lord himself, although he is one of the most respectable harbinger, Tartaglia’s impulsiveness and free spirit is known to suddenly put operations into chaos, without him going through the proper channels. This, honestly sounds both thrilling, rewarding and amazing... which is not Viktor’s cup of tea. However, Tartaglia has been proven to be the harbinger who respects underlings the most as individuals, despite his casual attitude giving some rookies the false impression that he is a softie... it just makes getting a disciplinary action from him harder.
SIGNORA La Signora is her majesty’s most direct representative in the manners of political and courtly presence. Although working for Signora is a door to open many opportunities to political events for one’s ascension in their career, Signora knows the game... and plays it dirty. Many threats are given under technically diplomatic moves, and as someone who hates losing time on something else than her goals, she has no olive branch to any subordinate, who are pawns for her to be at her service like a mighty mistress... but her ways are always so bloody efficient, the results speak for her manners. Always ahead of the whole court. A queen in any place she walks in.
Technically, Viktor cannot complain about his position, although he is very disgruntled about being that low in the food chain... and extremely neglected. Sigh. Even if he is one to not bother about a pause to his advancements, Viktor cannot get, at least, the satisfaction of doing something for his home... because he’s not doing anything and he’s denying the fact that he’s been forgotten.
DOTTORE Dottore is the most cerebral and knowledgeable of the harbingers, with actual results and hard work to show. As someone in need of mental stimulation, Viktor cannot help but be mesmerized at the constant studying opportunity, under a man who knows exactly what he is doing, what he wants, and makes it clear.
The practical application of skills and sense of professionalism make Dottore both a harbinger Viktor personally admire greatly and would like to work under : with such talent which shouldn’t, for Viktor, be wasted for a single second, he is no scientist, but would gladly do anything to remotely be useful to him. Dottore is actually one of the three harginers where Viktor’s respect, for various reasons, actually cancel part of the fear he would normally get from a man doing such harsh experiments.
CAPITANO The first time Viktor laid his eyes on Capitano, he’d never forget. For whatever reason the man was in his region, probably some undisclosed assignments, he had never seen a man breathing so much charisma by merely existing. Amidst the men who’d try to appear strong and tall, Capitano didn’t have to be the tallest or largest to be absolutely mesmerizing. A man who commanded authority by presence alone.
He needed to be like him. And this is when a young Viktor decided to join the Fatui, not telling a single word that a single man triggered it all. Viktor doesn’t see himself as someone with particular talent, drive or patience to change the world... but if he could be half the man his idol was, that would be enough... but did he want to be the man, or solely be by his side, even if it meant potentially never working under him ? ... both.
As a recruit, Viktor would always run to the pavilion up the Fatui base to see Capitano entering the premises whenever his arrival was announced, watching from afar, get information on what the man had been up to. The stories of the man’s conquests, exploring uncharted territories while keeping such a solemn expression, an inspiring leader who’d run his affairs with the most unforgiving grip, to the perfection, with every bit of professionalism and no break in his composure.
If Viktor was to work under this man, he wouldn’t care a single bit about the treatment on his person. If he can be the slightest bit not indirectly, but directly useful to such a man, he would gladly serve him with every bit of devotion he has. Travelling at his side with the most powerful assets to the Fatui, each challenge only one exciting puzzle after one another.
If Viktor sees the holy Tsaritsa as the Fatui’s queen, Capitano is his King.
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almond-lebkuchen · 5 years ago
Sebastian Route Summary Chapter Three
I’m going to pause here for tonight, I got a good quarter of a way in the game, but I can’t type up everything today. I’ll leave that for tomorrow. Sebastian is definitely an odd duck, but he’s lovely. Spoilers down below.
It’s night now, and the moon has moved higher into the sky. The MC is walking along the corridor, her duties finished for the night. As she walks, she remembers the conversation she had earlier that day with Theo and Arthur, and how everyone in the mansion was resurrected for their own purposes and stays here. For example Vincent, who wanted to be able to draw more, or his brother Theo, who wanted to be able to show the world more paintings from artists and showcase his brother’s art, and Mozart, who wanted to create music again. Sebastian on the other hand is a human being, but he’s amazingly passionate about history. As she helped him out in the Mansion, she got a glimpse of his dangerous exuberance for it. 
The scene changes, and one day while the MC was cleaning the garden, an incident happened. “Hmm? Something ran to the other side of the garden.” Suddenly an animal came running towards her. A sheep! Surprised, the MC wonders why there’s a sheep in the Mansion.
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The sheep then starts to baaaa, and as it did, something dropped from its mouth. She bends down to pick it and sees that it’s some kind of notebook. When she opened it, it was filled with beautiful Japanese characters. And inside it was many notes and details about all the mansion residents.
“For Lunch, Napoleon will have crepes. Not only the sweet kind, but also some meal type crepes with teriyaki. Get Leonardo to go shopping for alcohol and try to find out where the location of the store that sells the crepes. 
“I’m considering trying to bake seven colour bread, by imitating seven colour rice”
As the MC reads the notes, she thinks about how interesting it is that Napoleon likes crepes a lot, and how well put together the notebook it detailing the behaviors and hobbies for everyone at the mansion. 
All of a sudden, she heard a loud voice and couldn’t help but shout out in surprise. She turns around and sees Sebastian and admonishes him for surprising her. He tells her that he was surprised himself as that was his notebook, as he was wondering what she could be reading about so enthusiastically. Stunned, the MC asks him if that really was his notebook.  Then he sighs and grabs hold of the lamb. He says that he didn’t expect that Rottie would rob him of his diary. When the MC questions his words, Sebastian goes to introduce the lamb. He says that it is his pet, Rottenmeier, or Rottie for short. At the sound of her name, Rottie baas again. Sebastian explains that Rottie must have taken his notebook when he was busy. The MC then apologizes to him for looking through it without permission. She continues on to say that it was enthusiastic of him to take notes about everyone like that for work. As Sebastian receives the notebook back, he denies her words, saying that his observations were rather for a personal hobby of his. 
Curious, she asks him what he means by his observation being a hobby?
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Sebastian fesses up then, saying that since she saw it, he should reveal that his real name is Akihiko Sato. An unrivaled maniac who loves history and chasing people who’ve lived in it. He was a former historian who wandered around Europe until he was scouted by Comte and came into the 19th century. He continued to observe and write all the while living and working with the admired great men. Sebastian continues on to say that this job was like his vocation, and an important workplace to him. But he doesn’t want to be disliked by them, so he tries to keep it a secret. The MC thinks about how cool Sebastian is, and that her image of him is now greatly updated. 
Later on, the MC remembers what happened that day with a smile on her face. She thinks about how amazing Sebastian’s passion was, that he loved history enough to slip through time. Sebastian and everyone else had that passion to stay in the mansion for their goals, but the MC reflects on how she doesn’t share that same gaze of passion. Just when she starts to feel lonely about it, she hears a voice behind her. She sees Sebastian, who beckons the MC to come over to him, which she does. Sebastian takes a cryptic once over to his surroundings before lowering his voice to a whisper. He tells the MC that he wants to talk to her alone, just the two of them. 
He leads her to a nearby guest room where Sebastian quickly closes the door behind them. As he does, the MC anxiously begins to wonder what he could want to talk to her about. Was it about the kiss? Or her weird attitude at work? Sebastian then sees how nervous she is and assures her that he’s embarrassed by what he’s about to say as well. Worried, she asks if Sebastian is having trouble himself, thinking back to the kiss and her actions, which he goes on to affirm. Alarmed now, the MC hurried to apologize again for everything when Sebastian interrupts, He says that he has a mission for her. With a serious look, he takes something out of his pocket and gives it to her. As the MC inspects it she sees that it’s Sebastian’s diary and she raises her confusion. Sebastian shakes his head and tells her that no, that it’s the one that she will use. The MC takes a closer look at the book and sees that while exactly the same as Sebastian’s, it looks brand new, and it’s empty. Sebastian then takes the MC by the hand. He tells her that he also is giving her a great men observation diary, and wants her to use it. Surprised, the MC questions why Sebastian would give her this kind of mission. 
Sebastian explains that he loves the Great Men living here and wants to be able to know even more about them, and respect them more. He says that there are unfortunately limits to him studying this all on his own by himself, so he needs an accomplice her cooperation. The MC, flabbergasted, comments on his word choice of accomplice, but Sebastian steadily denies saying it, and that she must have heard wrong.
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Then he pleads that if she hears or sees anything, to write it down in her notebook with her fresh perspective, and that this was a great opportunity to learn more about History. Overwhelmed, the MC reluctantly agrees to his proposal. Sebastian smiles, and tells her that with this, they can hold regular briefing sessions, and that it will be their own little secret. 
The MC comments that when he says it like that, it sounds pretty exciting. Sebastian then points out that he got a lock and key for the two notebooks, so if Rottie ever stole it again, the contents would be guarded. 
Learning from failure, this is how the beginning of their observation of the great men begun.
End Scene. 
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sonderrow-moved · 4 years ago
I was expecting a good memeing but instead I got thoughtful and heartwarming investment I’m weeping, my chest is all warm and fuzzy. @solaoccasum
i read that archer enjoys bathing, because it’s akin to the strange euphoria when one is drunk. so i have to ask, does he ever combine the two? has he ever accidentally drowned himself, if so?
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That’s a great observation I don’t mention often ! ;; Archer does combine the two at times ! Only very rarely. It could be because a) he’s often drunk anyway or b) it is not easily available where he bathes/practical to bother with a container he’d need to personally arrange or c) bath houses, for obvious safety reason, do not serve or allow alcohol while bathing. Drinking alcohol, in Archer’s alcoholic habits, is a common occurrence, while long bathing times is more of a luxury he allows for himself, so he tends to not necessarily associate the two hand in hand. Usually, the sensation of bathing is strong enough that alcohol wouldn’t change much given his personal resistance (atop of the now vampire one that just tripled it).
The times Archer would have drunk while in a bath was when Integra ( @midorigxrxge​) would treat him to a large bath and serve him a glass (more like a bottle given how much he asks for). The earlier times would be while his sire would (near forcibly) throw him into his bathtub to bathe together, because Alucard was just like that, indulging in everything at the same time, wanting to drink strong alcohol with Archer in the same “large but just small enough for two grown men to be uncomfortably snuggled against one another in a tub”―ideally (for Alucard and Alucard only), they would have had sex while bathing and drinking, but since Archer wouldn’t have any, he mostly just decided to drown him for amusement.
So the happenstance of Archer mixing the two pleasures together would mostly be for an occasion where he had company to drink with.
has jael ever had an immediate attraction to someone, when courting hasn’t been involved? does he like doing grand gestures for a s/o? has he ever been courted?
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That’s another good question !! Jael is quite a shallow person when attraction is involved. So, to put it elegantly, when someone’s body is showing great sexual assets, he does have this immediate attraction, even if they don’t directly make a move on him.
There is no real way for the moment to know if Jael likes grand gestures from a significant other, because he’s never had a grand gesture that was actually thoughtful about his person done to him. Every time it was made, it was a traditionally more of the shallow, generic type of grand gesture, like a surprise party or large gifts that “anyone would like”, but never something that could truly touch him. I’d tend to say that he doesn’t like those, but something that was truly thought through and very personal to him ? Given he’s a pretty laid back and low-key kind of romantic partner, I wouldn’t know exactly yet !
Jael has been courted in the past. As a jock type person and a guy who grew into a typically masculine good-looking white man in North America, it is not hard to imagine people making a move on him, even in the more sentimental way, all cisfemales, as he always gave too much of a I’m absolutely straight vibe. Unfortunately for those who flirted with more romantic and emotionally invested type of thoughts, Jael never (and may never?) fulfilled those expectations, albeit not on purpose.
what would archer do if his immortality was suddenly gone? would he react? would he worry about his mortality? 
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It would be quite a shock for sure, as it was already a massive trauma AND shock to be suddenly turned in one of the most painful way possible and be hit in the face with the fact that everything about his nature was to change, for eternity. However, I do believe that after time spent to come in terms with this, Archer ultimately wouldn’t mind so much. Even as a vampire, some form of mortality always loomed, and his cynical, depressive mindset always thought of the worst-case scenario. The immortality did give him some courage to make some leaps, but he would keep on living the same way he does right now. Because as a vampire or a human, Archer only tries to live his life (or unlife(?)) one day at a time.
when it comes to quinn’s...slimy limbs, has he ever throttled someone to death? does he found the thought horrific? is he overstimulated, scent wise, when it comes to being in an environment that is alight with smells?
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Quinn has, so far, never used his limbs in an offensive way. It simply doesn’t compute with his prey-leaning instincts. He and his slime peers are no predators, and he has never seen his extra arms as something which could potentially cause harm to someone, only something practical for himself to reach farther places in a timely fashion. Given he still hasn’t fully developed nor explored the potential of his tentacles in Earth’s gravity, a lot is open to possibilities, especially now that he’s maturing amongst humans, and his thoughts are becoming more concrete.
That’s a very good supposition because yes, Quinn is VERY sensitive to scents !! Much like multiple mammals. Given his prey role, his senses are very aware of what surrounds him, and his scent is very sensitive, as it is so much more reliable than sight when wanting to survive. Quinn’s sense of smell, like all other senses is felt like a closer to a human (or more like a mammal since it’s so much more accute) when in a human form, while it is computed very differently while a slime, but to the same result. Quinn associates scents much like an animal does, as in he is not necessarily disgusted by their sources unlike a lot of humans (say, for example, trash and body odors), but seeing them as identifiers. And, just like certain animals, his emotional response is also dictated by what he smells, like a loved one for example.
if roy could give up one insecurity/normalization of something he dislikes, what would it be? does he expect to live a long, full life? if not, does he have some sort of twisted bucklist to complete?
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I assume you mean anything in the world ? If that is so I think that Roy would like to suppress entirely blissful ignorance, especially the type which people decide to stay in. Things like people reposting cute seals pictures with “uwu so cute” while they take no care of the environment are what greatly grind his gear. He would take someone who actively dislikes seals and the environment and has full conscience of the consequences of their action than someone who starts to make jokes when confronted by such things. From small to crucial matters.
Roy doesn’t expect to live a long, full life, as he is very lonely, and aims to live a life without regrets, even if it is not necessarily a happy one. However, you may argue he has already lived a long life. As far as bucklists go, yes, actually ! He has one, which is, to make it short, full of goals to control how other people think and act, and is basically impossible to achieve.
when it comes to archer’s and olu’s ( @nvrcmplt​  ) relationship, does archer have any hang ups. are there desires he’s yet to explore with the lion? does he trust him? do they trust each other? does he ever....wonder about what if they never met?
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That is another great and also embarrassing question !
Archer would... love to explore the very limit of how much abuse Oluwayemisi can take in the bedroom, but abstain to do so given the lion’s antecedents with genuine, non-roleplay abuse which Archer was key in being responsible for it*. The desire DOES show, especially when he is topping, atop of how much of a bloody mess both their maw and claws can do.
*So, for those who didn’t know, Archer played a key resource role with the people responsible for Oluwayemisi’s pride death, torture, enslavement, experimentation, you name it, which only left his son Osakwe luckily estranged with a healthy adoptive family, and Oluwayemisi a slave forced to fight in pits like an animal while being treated like a piece of meat. Not knowing how much he had actually been involved with Olu as he and his kind were, at the times, for Archer, numbers and words in business emails related to atrocities he had been numbed of, Archer fell in lust sponsored Oluwayemisi’s fights. And, as Oluwayemisi turned out to be very intelligent which just made the whole lust thing way worst, the two of them started to have actual discussions and rapports, despite the discrepancy in power role. Olu showed a care and thoughtful, wise responses to his antics that Archer couldn’t have cared if the second he dropped his guard he’d find out it was all a scheme to kill him and run away, he had just fallen too deeply in love. And he’d gladly have been ripped apart by someone he already found so great.
The thing is, Archer is very aware of how unusual the kink scene can be to Oluwayemisi. The rawer type of violence they can use at times plays on familiar, animal instincts the both of them carry, but more elaborate plays is potentially puzzling. Olu has been very receptive to a lot of Archer’s material, but never to the extent he’d take it if possible. Because a) Archer is too afraid to ask (a rare occurence) b) he loves Oluwayemisi way more than risking triggering something and c) even with his moral ambiguities and wrongs, Archer can definitely see the amount of fucked up this would imply.
Since they, although messily because as you can read Archer is just like that when things reach a personal level, are open to sexual encounters outside their relationship, Archer contents himself with letting out this preference out on willing (or not really all the time...) partners who know they are into it.
Does Archer trust Oluwayemisi ? He would love to say yes, but, ultimately, no, Archer doesn’t trust Olu. Despite everything the lion could tell him, Archer is sure that, if the right mother material would come up, he would rather Oluwayemisi leaves him for the freer lifestyle he tore him away from. He is sure that, if it came down to it, Olu would choose his son over him and he would be right to do so. And, most of all, Archer is sure that, as Olu discover more about him, he will end up hating him, like he should have done from the very beginning.
Do they trust each others ? There’s so little change in the wording, yet my answer would be the total opposite, I do think that Olu and Archer trust one another. They trust one another to love and care for the other, trust that they will both take into account the other’s desires and needs. That they will both compromise if one has different preferences than the other. As chaotic as Archer can be, they actually have quite a stable, solid relationship going on. On top of all this, Oluwayemisi can read Archer like an absolute open book, which Archer has no idea on how obvious he is to Olu’s eyes. This makes Olu’s view of Archer drastically different and much more stable.
Does Archer wonder if he never met Olu. He does, a lot. Because of his insecurities on how much he finds himself out of Olu’s league. Archer thinks that he may have never found out, and that he doesn’t even admit it to himself and probably never will but that is only the truth, that Archer needed to be literally fucked as hard as he had fucked others over in his life. That he yearned to be punished so badly and still does. The need to have at his side a powerful person who’d constantly challenge him, to punish and be punished. Archer thinks he could have continued settling with people he can use, weaker people he can play around with as they kneel and beg to be abused by him. That he would have thought that finally admitting he was into men was enough, and there was nothing else more to admit to himself.
Help me when it comes to them I write so much.
does jael ever worry about his age when it comes to sex? or relationships? even for like casual things with friends? is he up to date on slang and such with the younger generation lol ?
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That is both hilarious and amazing thank you so much hahahaha !
Jael is someone who is at the peak of shape given his lifestyle and profession, so he never truly worried about his age when sex was on the table. If anything, with his age, he worries more about his practical, physical skills degrading with time, and him not being able to perform his job and protect his brothers and sisters in arms efficiently, especially since he has the role of the heavy stuff in his unit.
On relationships, however, as much as he’d hate to admit, yes. Jael thinks he has become way too old to have a significant relationship, but that is something he actually gave up on pretty early on, as he was never good at this kind of things. It is one thing to dream about a fulfilling romance, another to put up with the hardships that comes with a real one.
When it comes to friendship, Jael does have a hard time. However, age is less of an issue than his lifestyle. Not everyone is military and can bond with one who has been so deeply in it. It is a unique culture, a unique mindset. Some people in service are more flexible, but those like Jael who had service define all they are have a harder time bonding with others that are not on the job, and an even harder time bonding with people in service who are not in active duty anymore, as things can degrade rapidly.
Is Jael up for woohoo and such with younger people ? Absolutely. I mean he did... kinky stuff under a restaurant table with someone who seemed younger ( @lightpersists​ wink wonk). When you go past the weird mask thing and the foul mouth, he finds himself often attracting people in their early thirties or even twenties. Jael doesn’t really... have a moral compass on the matter. It is pretty much “as long as it is legal I’m good” type of deal, and even then he’s the kind of stupid, irresponsible, yikes man who would believe a 17 yo by word if she said “I’m 20 I just look younger”. (though if we go into specifics, he wouldn’t do it with someone he physically saw looked like a kid he prefers womanly ladies) Younger people are actually less put off by Jael’s appearance and behaviour, so he does tend to naturally be around them. If he hits it off with someone younger than him who is also an adult, it is only natural to him. He doesn’t feel guilty about getting along with groups in their 20s or early 30s, but maybe a bit of shame because, even for him, it sometimes feel a bit off...
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spoppersonality · 4 years ago
SPOP Character Typing: Adora
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ESTJ, 9w1, 953, so/sp
I’ve seen Adora typed as ESFJ and ENFJ, and I get why people don’t think she seems “hard” enough to be an extroverted thinking dominant type. But I think this is exactly the kind of mistype that happens when people don’t know Enneagram. Adora is an interesting mix because she has a super soft Enneagram core type and a harder “take-charge” MBTI type.
So, let’s get into that.
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I think what people forget when they type Adora as an extroverted feeling dominant type, is how incredibly personal and tactful Fe-doms are. (On a good day, anyway.) Adora, however, tends to be more impersonal and straight-to-the-point. Te-doms can also come off as people-oriented, that is not exclusive to Fe-doms, but they go about it differently. There is an Fe-dom in the Best Friends Squad, but that is not Adora.
If you think about it, Adora is a very classic Te-Si type. She likes rules and has a natural inclination towards implementing those rules in a very practical, hands-on type of manner. She’s very action oriented. She sees what needs to be done, and does it. ESTJs are highly effective in the sense that they don’t often stop to ask as much questions as some other types. They go about things based on what gets them from point A to point B, and what has worked in the past, or how they are used to doing things. They can also get quite hooked in moving from one plateau to the next in a routinely manner. This can often be how ESTJs go through life, if they don’t stop to think about why they are doing what they are doing, and specifically what personal values drive their actions. No wonder ESTJs are generally the jockiest jocks to ever jock.
Being a Te-dom doesn’t mean you’re not empathetic. Adora definitely is. It just means that you primarily show it through action. If a friend cries, for an Fe-dom the most natural course of action may be to sit with them and listen, and for a Te-dom it might be eliminating the reason for the crying. This is overly simplified of course, and real people as well as good fictional characters are multifaceted, but you get the idea. This is how Adora most often works. It’s not: “Catra, I can see something is bothering you, do you want to talk about it?” It’s: “Let’s take a skiff for a ride to cheer you up.”
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Adora can also be quite funny in a random seeming way, which is due to her tertiary extroverted intuition. ESTJs and ESFJs (tert Ne-types) are often one of the most hilarious people alive, because they like to use their extroverted intuition in tandem with their dominant function. The level of control they have over it isn’t often that great, so it comes off as child-like randomness. Their first two functions lead them towards order and predictability, but when Ne comes into play and they venture out of their usual habits, they may surprise you. The results might be unpredictable: Turns out licking sand didn’t work for Adora but with the help of her friends she managed to play Double Trouble’s game nicely.
In general ESTJs are not in their comfort zone with Ne-type of creativity or innovation but they are not hopeless with it. Adora struggles with the more unpredictable qualities of her sword, like turning it into different objects. She doesn’t use that quality too often and doesn’t have too much variety when she does. While Adora’s first instinct is to simply charge ahead, someone with high Ne would’ve been likely to utilize the flexible qualities of the sword to the max. But Adora can still manage it, her Ne isn’t low enough to be considered her Achille’s heel. She takes a bit of time with it but eventually comes up with solutions that work, such as carrying her sword as a bracelet.
Introverted feeling is what Adora desperately needs in her life and has trouble figuring out. If you think about Fi-doms, they are people who spend a lot of time thinking about who they are, what they want, what they value, and their life builds around that. It’s their most natural state, thinking about whether or not everything they face is something they like/dislike, if it’s good/bad, right/wrong, desirable or not, them or not them.
This is what makes the planets align for an ESTJ. They neglect this function, and when they finally start developing it, the whole world is new for them. This is very literal in Adora’s case, it’s like Etheria’s magic is waking up with her introverted feeling. (Because when all your four functions finally align it IS magic.) That function, introverted feeling, is essentially where she keeps her love for Catra, or rather, it’s the function she needs to be able to make one person, whether it’s Catra or herself, a priority. Te is a rather utilitarian function, and since Adora leads with that and has internalized the belief that her desires don’t matter, there’s nothing in her dominant extroverted thinking process that would justify her “selfish” desires. Te cares about numbers, masses and large scale consequences. She needs Fi, the function that is all about individuality, and essentially yourself. We know how much it takes for that function to surface for her, but when it does, oh boy.
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Core type: 9
As a type 9, Adora comes off as unassuming, warm and friendly. 9’s are all about forgiveness, self-neglect and acceptance.
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9 is the most “traditionally selfless” type, because unlike Enneagram 2s for example, 9s don’t expect anything in return for what they give to others. Adora’s upbringing has magnified that quality in her (which was obviously very intentional from Shadow Weaver). 9s also have a natural tendency to ignore negative feelings, so they can keep feeling “okay” and unaffected by the external world. This quality makes 9s susceptible to staying in bad situations and bad relationships for a very long time, because they so persistently see the good in others. This is why it took Adora so long, and why she needed evidence that was impossible to ignore to realize that the Horde didn’t have a good cause. 9s are conflict-avoidant because they fear loss and separation above all. That’s why Adora too is such a people pleaser. She would rather live in “fake” harmony, than be the one to create conflict that causes emotional pain. Unfortunately, that’s exactly why 9s sometimes upset others. Like how Adora is unwilling to do anything that would get her on Shadow Weaver’s bad side, which hurts Catra. Or how she pretends to be the She-Ra Plumerians expect her to be so she wouldn’t disappoint them, which only leads her to disappoint them more later. It’s very classic 9 of her to let things develop to a point where everything comes crashing down before addressing the conflict she really needs to address. 9s tend to go with the flow, and sometimes too far.
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One of the big things with 9s is that they lack a solid sense of self. They are out of touch with their needs, desires, and identity. Another thing that Shadow Weaver magnified in Adora. Basically, if you break a 9’s sense of self-worth far enough, they’ll become a blank canvas for others to write on, because they already believe they are somehow inherently “less” than others. They always assume to be the least important person in the room. As a 9, what being She-Ra essentially meant to Adora was being everyone else’s servant. For other types it would have meant different things, like to a type 4 it would have been about having personal significance in the world, and to a 3 it would have essentially been about being a celebrity. As a 9 Adora was also one of the most likely people to just roll with it. Like, if you threw something like that at a type 6, they would have most likely just bolted, and half of the storyline would’ve been about “I can’t/don’t want to do this!”. (=a tip for anyone who wants to write certain role swap AUs. ;D)
As a 9, Adora integrates to 3, so at her best mental state, she becomes driven, ambitious, present, and sees her value as a person. She’s no longer someone things happen to, but she’s the driving force in changing her life and the things around her. She disintegrates to 6, so in times of prolonged stress she can get easily irritable, pessimistic, and feel helpless.
Wing: 1
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This is where Adora gets her grit, and the moralizing side to her character. Having a strong 1-wing definitely helped her survive in the Horde but it also frequently adds fuel to her self-sacrificing: it’s so easy to back up that 9 quality by telling herself it’s “the right thing to do”. The Right Thing is all 1 cares about. It also plays directly into her dominant Te tendency to follow rules, and makes her the typical “Lawful Good” type of person. Catra’s accusation that Adora “thinks she’s better than everyone” doesn’t miss the mark too far. Even though Adora isn’t a core 1, and as such her whole identity isn’t wrapped up in being morally superior, she does care about having integrity to a certain extend. So, maybe she doesn’t literally think she’s better than everyone, but she still strives to be above certain things, and hates the idea of being “bad”.
Head fix: 5
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This is largely where Adora’s nerdy side comes from. 5s want to be competent, and they hate not knowing what to do, so they want a lot of information. Not knowing and not understanding frightens them. The most blatant expression of this with Adora is probably the whole thing with the princess prom. This side of her comes to surface when she can’t just adapt (=9) or do the right thing (=1). 5 is also detached and uncomfortable with their feelings, so this only strengthens Adora’s 9-tendency to not address hers. 5s are also big on compartmentalizing, so this greatly helps Adora to entertain certain difficult realities inside herself as if it’s nothing, such as Catra is an enemy she routinely fights, but she would also die for her in a heartbeat.
Heart fix: 3
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If none of the three other strategies work, Adora will try to solve things and get people on her side by showing off. 3s want to be viewed as valuable and useful by others, and in Adora’s case it’s probably best seen in the way she acts when she meets Huntara. 3 is where she gets her cocky side. It’s a funny contrast with her humble 9-core, and in most cases she only has enough confidence to act like this when she’s with Catra, or when she’s She-Ra. Having a 3-fix also plays into her need to be useful, because while 9s often want to be useful to excuse their existence, 3s also want to hear that they are useful, so whatever little vanity Adora has will always directly reinforce the idea that good things come from her overexerting herself.
Instinctual Variant: so/sp
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Social instinct is Adora’s primary instinct. She has a natural inclination to play by the rules of the group and acknowledge hierarchy, because social variants get safety from belonging and having a place, a role, in something bigger than themselves. Even though she has her hero complex, she doesn’t tend to fly solo until the stakes are really high. She never questions the Princess Alliance, it’s simply natural for her to move from one group to another, and that She-Ra’s strength belongs for the rebellion. She doesn’t really seem to get why some other people don’t seek the strength in numbers. Losing She-Ra also primarily means losing her place in the group for her, and she very much struggles to accept this.
Self-preservation instinct is Adora’s secondary one. It may seem like it isn’t because she’s so ready to die for others, but self-preservation isn’t really about that. It’s more about being preoccupied with questions of resources. Like, after turning against the Horde, Adora isn’t just concerned about losing the support of the group, her mind also immediately goes to “I don’t have a roof over my head”. She’s not as particular about having her physical needs met as a primary self-pres would be, but it’s included in her priorities. She feels out of place in Bright Moon because she’s used to different kind of surroundings, and losing She-Ra’s power is a hard blow because of losing the physical strength she has as She-Ra: her means for providing physical safety for others. She also desires some amount of independence, and She-Ra gave her that as well.
Sexual instinct is what Adora needs more in her life. That’s so tied to the whole point of the show that I’m not even sure what would be worthwhile for me to say about it at this point. The whole conflict between her and Catra relates so closely to it. Adora will routinely make sacrifices in her personal relationships for the common good, because one-to-one relationships are not her first concern in life. People who neglect their sexual instinct are uncomfortable with their more “primal” and intense feelings, so even in her closest relationships Adora is more about being friendly and accommodating and showing warm feelings to the other. She doesn’t have the “let me stare you deep into the eyes for hours and drown myself in them” quality that is characteristic of the sexual instinct. However, this is exactly the part she needs to accept in herself to be fully satisfied and to take her relationships to another level.
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SPOP is so juicy because it’s so much about personal growth. We see Adora face pretty much every weakness and blind spot that relates to her personality, and we get to see her change for the better. At least that makes it very satisfying for me to analyse, because I’m such a fan of growth. Can’t wait to get to analyse the other main characters, and the supporting cast too.
Also, if you wish I would do a particular character, just tell me and I’ll take that into consideration!
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the-cooler-snimbusjavy · 5 years ago
XCOM: Chimera Squad Character Trivia Masterpost
So with XCOM: Chimera Squad having been out for a bit of time now, I’ve come to love and appreciate every single member of the squad we got, so I went ahead and decided to take a look at everything possible we have on the gang. Between character bios, in-game dialogue and conversations, lines pulled from the config files, concept art, all coupled with my personal interpretation on the information given, I have tried to give a go at making a post with every detail of each character I found worth mentioning (in absolutely no particular order). So, enjoy! Also fair warning, it’s long, ayy
SPOILERS AHEAD While not too important in the great scheme of things in Chimera Squad’s story, do read at your own risk.
Terminal - China, 29 years old
Terminal lost her parents during the invasion of 2015. They were a factory worker and a cook. Afterwards, she escaped with her uncle to a relocation camp, who unfortunately died of disease the following year.
After this event, she was adopted by a doctor who lost her only daughter. It was her who inspired Terminal to become a combat medic. In a cruel turn of events, she was killed during a retaliation attack from ADVENT. It is said Terminal’s personality severely shifted after this.
Terminal keeps a photo of her deceased adopted mother in her locker.
She was originally rejected to join the Reclamation Agency, so she requested the use of psionic probes to prove her worth. She was then admitted in probationary period.
Terminal believes Verge is the only one in the team who truly understands her. Verge “knows” this.
Terminal wants to have a fight between hers and Patchwork’s GREMLINs, for “training purposes”.
Terminal nicknames Patchwork “Patches” on occasion.
Whenever Patchwork “smack talks” Terminal down, she expresses she’s “so proud” of her.
Terminal often eats Whisper’s lunches in the fridge, under the excuse that he doesn’t label them.
Terminal seems to know the Jabberwock, and perhaps other stories surrounding it, as she wished to hear Zephyr pronounce said word, likely out of Terminal’s mocking of her Australian accent.
Terminal claims to be the “biggest fan” of conspiracy theorist Floyd Tesseract’s radio show, You Should Have Believed, and is absolutely delighted to meet him. This is much unlike every other member of the team, who all seem to either disregard him, dislike him, or outright suggest he be captured.
According to Terminal, the restorative mist within her GREMLIN is “minty fresh”. It seems Cherub once sniffed it on accident.
Terminal seems to consider Verge’s singing to be “the second worst thing she’s heard all year”.
Whisper accuses Terminal of sleeping during their briefings. According to Terminal, she’s just “resting her eyes”, as well as her “ears” and “interest”.
According to Godmother, Terminal tenses up whenever she pulls the trigger of her gun. Terminal attempts to deny this, unsuccessfully.
According to herself, Terminal has always wanted a “heavily-armored entourage”.
Terminal doesn’t know what a vertipad is, and upon learning of it, she questions who calls them that way, thinking it “stupid”. Seemingly, everyone else on the squad calls them by their name without issue.
According to Terminal, she’s never gonna retire, she expects to just die some day in the field (five years at most). Afterwards she confesses that she’s no good anywhere else, suggesting that she has an issue in finding direction with her life. Godmother claims that she knows well what she means.
Verge - ~40 years old
Verge originally worked alongside Thin Men in order to infiltrate society and psionically control them to share good word of the Elders’ occupation of Earth. It was due to his constant exposure to human thoughts that gained him empathy.
He worked as a mole during the events of XCOM 2 and provided the Resistance with information, making him the only* known alien to aid XCOM during their war against ADVENT. (*Ethereal Asaru is theorized to have aided XCOM by merging with the Commander, and sometimes even implied, but it still remains devoid of official word about it)
Sectoids can mind-merge with someone in order to “taste” whatever they may be eating. He suggests doing this with Cherub by offering to go to a new restaurant that serves “authentic old world cuisine”, but only with Cherub’s own consent.
Sectoids, and Verge as an extension, seemingly cannot eat terrestrial meat and eggs, or “greasy” food as worded by Cherub.
On that note, it would seem Sectoids are also intolerant to jam, as it’s considered poison for them. It’s possible Godmother was aware of this fact, as she instead replaces “jam“ with “butter“ during a phrase pre-mission.
Verge recognizes his acts during the original invasion were wrong, and there having been worse alternatives don’t excuse his actions still, according to him.
That said, he doesn’t seem to want to talk about his part in it, when asked by Godmother if he regret any of it.
Verge finds butter delicious, though he also believes the consumption of “the churned remains of another lactating mammal” to be slightly disturbing.
Terminal seems to be “creeped out” by Verge’s Battle Madness ability. Blueblood similarly finds it unsettling, yet still appreciates the “breathing room”. Surprisingly, Torque seems to outright love it, and even requests Verge to have the enemy “dance”.
Cats apparently find Sectoids to be adversaries for undisclosed reasons as declared by Verge, yet according to Axiom, he’s seen “a lot of Sectoids with cats”.
Verge keeps a ramen shop sticker, as well as an excerpt of a ramen cooking magazine in his locker, suggesting either or both an interest in cooking and enthusiasm towards this particular dish.
It seems Verge was acquainted with conspiracy theorist Floyd Tesseract during the invasion, claiming that he was “just as insufferable“ throughout it as he is now.
Verge enjoys “messing” with Whisper whenever he makes a comm check, by instead listening to him psionically. Whisper at least appreciates the honesty.
Verge seems to respect and care greatly for the Archons, as he states they will never be slaves again, and that the Progeny will do them no harm. He becomes particularly angry when threatened by the terrorist faction.
Verge claims that he enjoys collecting old watches.
Godmother - France, 48 years old
Godmother lost track of her family during the 2015 invasion. She spent a year looking for them, with no result.
Godmother does not consider herself a leader, but rather a teacher. This is the case in her old job as a police trainer, as a member of the Resistance, and now as provisional member of Chimera Squad.
Godmother plans to retire soon, but has decided to stick around Chimera Squad to aid them until she feels they are truly ready.
Terminal seems to be an example of the above, with Godmother constantly guiding the former.
Godmother witnessed Cherub’s adoption papers under request of Headquarters. She also signed them in addition.
Godmother believes Cherub has a talent to “bring people together”.
Godmother seems to consider the Sacred Coil faction as “re-heated ADVENT propaganda”.
Godmother seems to be good with card games as she claims her hobby to be “bluffing” with them, after being asked by Cherub if she had any.
According to Verge, Godmother still does not trust aliens. However, she’s actively trying to do so, which Verge claims is enough.
On the same note, Godmother is said to not trust the world leaders after surrendering so quickly, suggesting over the years she’s lived with trusting issues around her.
According to Godmother, she was once pinned down in a bank of Paris for three days.
Godmother seems to enjoy crêpes, as she orders Terminal to “stop making her hungry” after the latter desired donuts and crêpes respectively during a mission.
Godmother seems to be proud of her French heritage, as she keeps a touristic poster of the Arc de Triomphe in her locker.
Alongside this, a photo of presumably Godmother herself and a long-haired blonde woman both in police uniform is present. Who this woman is is not disclosed.
Cherub - Estonia, 5 years old
Cherub belonged to a batch of ADVENT clones under the name of the Empty Cohort, who never got to receive the respective indoctrination.
After being discovered there, Cherub was only recently adopted by the two resistance members who originally found him in his ADVENT facility of origin, as they found themselves responsible for him and his safety. They fell in love precisely due to this, having married one year prior to the events of XCOM: Chimera Squad.
On the same topic, Cherub keeps a picture of himself and his parents in his locker.
Alongside the aforementioned picture, Cherub keeps a card celebrating his fifth birthday. It presumably comes from his parents, seeing he put it alongside their picture.
Cherub was originally a clone of Bellus Mar, former ADVENT Officer and leader of the Sacred Coil terrorist faction. Cherub seems to be concerned of his teammates believing something of Mar could potentially be present in himself, which Director Kelly assures is not the case.
Cherub believes that friendship cannot be forced on others, and is content with simply letting others know that they are not alone.
Despite this, his naturally innocent and naive attitude allows Zephyr to use him as a “practice dummy”.
Cherub used to pronounce DJ as “deej” before he actually heard it aloud.
Cherub believes that it would be normal that everyone voiced whatever was exactly in their mind, without having the need to hide anything. Verge reveals to him that rarely do people do so, and that they choose to hide many things for a number of reasons. Cherub believes it to be too much work to think about, so he’d rather say things as he actually means to say.
Cherub believes sunrise, waffles, laughter, and wood smoke to be important things of life.
Cherub doesn’t understand the protection of money. He believes it’s not as rewarding as protecting people.
According to himself, Cherub is “so bad” at riddles.
Cherub enjoys watching wrestling from the old world whenever he gets the chance to find it. Whisper offers to search some for him, however, still forbids him to actually compete in it.
Cherub enjoys making puns and, apparently, he was taught of them by Whisper, who seemingly now regrets his decision.
Patchwork - Mexico, 29 years old
Patchwork lost her legs and left arm during the invasion of 2015. ADVENT provided her with new ones as part of their propaganda plan.
It was Patchwork herself who orchestrated her escape from the ADVENT City Centers, in order to join the Resistance.
Patchwork doesn’t name her GREMLINs anymore, presumably as they usually tend to be destroyed, as per Cherub’s inquiry. She counts at least 25 destroyed GREMLINs, one in particular destroyed by a Muton
Everyone apparently hates the androids they use on reinforcements for undisclosed reasons. Patchwork is the exception, as she considers them “robot friends” who fill in when they cannot.
On that note, it seems Patchwork is very protective of any sort of Android, and even refers to those stolen by Sacred Coil as her “niños” (Spanish for children).
Contrary to common belief within the squad, Patchwork did not choose her callsign due to her own state. In Terminal’s words, it was due to her affinity at “slapping software together”, and that everyone who thinks otherwise is an idiot.
Patchwork sometimes wonders if she and Terminal should switch callsigns, under the reasoning that she “works with computer terminals”, while Terminal “patches people back up”.
On the same note, Patchwork claims Terminal’s mouth moves at “terminal velocity”. The latter finds this very amusing.
Patchwork seems to refer to psionics as some sort of “music”. Stating she enjoys the “tune” of Shelter’s psi abilities, as well as claiming that Progeny’s leader Violet’s own sounds like a “symphony”. Similarly, when failed to be mind-controlled she states she doesn’t enjoy that kind of “music”.
Patchwork believes the ADVENT Gene Therapy clinics should not have been outlawed, as she considers ADVENT themselves to be the ones to blame for what they did to humanity, not the “tool” itself.
Patchwork is seemingly not allowed to enter tech vaults anymore. According to her, it was due to her mistakenly pushing a particular button that started some form of countdown. Seemingly, Director Kelly was “nearly irradiated” due to this mishap.
According to herself, Patchwork doesn’t like to go dancing, though it’s most likely due to the fact she distrusts the people running clubs.
Patchwork seems to be close to both Lily Shen and Richard Tygan, as she keeps a photo of herself alongside them both in her locker (John Bradford and the Commander can be seen in the background, with the latter strategically concealed).
Having worked as an engineer in the Avenger during XCOM 2, coupled with their personal love of robotics, her bond with Shen is easily explained.
As for Tygan, it is presumed by many he was the man in charge of providing a young Patchwork with her first prosthetic arm and legs back during his ADVENT days, explaining their bond now both together as members of XCOM.
Axiom - Born within an invasion ship, 46 years old
Mutons are apparently issued pet cats to demonstrate their capacity for compassion. Axiom did not get one as he proved himself while saving human lives during the Bugtown Massacre under his own initiative.
Despite this fact, Axiom still seems to be greatly fond of cats, as he owns a sticker of one surrounded by hearts in his locker.
According to Axiom, Mutons had a “spiritual connection” with their starships, returning to it signified some form of “pilgrimage”. Axiom’s ship, however, was destroyed back in 2015.
On this topic and true Muton nature, Axiom is fond of the space as well. He keeps a poster of Earth’s solar system in his locker.
Axiom considers Blueblood’s choice of weaponry to be inferior and small. However, after Blueblood explains his strategy of it being so unnoticeable that enemies focus on Axiom instead so then the former can pick up on those distracted, Axiom praises his cunning and respects the strategy.
Axiom believes Claymore fights like a woman, in that he’s fearless, calm under pressure, and is an inspiration to squadmates to give their all. After claiming he learned much from his sister, Axiom praises her as formidable and wishes to meet her, despite her views on the current world.
Axiom is surprised Godmother managed to fight and survive during the invasion of Paris, in her homeland in France. According to Axiom, the mortality rate was extremely high. They soon decide not to continue the conversation.
Apparently, Axiom wishes new boots, as his current footwear seemingly “pinch his ankles”.
Both Axiom and Torque seem to agree that Andromedons are “the worst”.
According to Axiom, Gray Phoenix leaders Custodian Xel and Crew Chief Yarvo’s names are aliases, and starship dialect. Xel meaning “good route” or “safe passage”, whereas Yarvo means “newly forged” or “birthed in flame”.
Claymore - India, 32 years old
Claymore has an older sister that he apparently worked with alongside the Resistance. According to Claymore, she’s the one that taught him many of the things he knows. However, she also seemingly has not come to terms with the current state of the world, presumably the peace between humans and aliens.
Other than her, Claymore also seemed to have an older brother. He, alongside their mother, however, lost their lives during the 2015 invasion.
Claymore worked on the Avenger during the events of XCOM 2, disassembling recovered alien explosives.
Claymore appears to be religious, as he claims that prayer brings him peace of mind. As to what religion he follows, is not disclosed.
When asked by Verge how he attains the aforementioned peace of mind, Claymore also adds that he does exercise and that he allows himself to love the world and the people around him.
On that same note, Claymore states that he “never touches” caffeine.
Claymore seems to enjoy food overall, and also appears to be a good cook, as he brings enough fish curry he made for everyone upon his arrival.
He and Verge enjoy visiting ramen shops together, cataloguing the good and bad places. They plan to go to the recently opened shop U.F.Oodle.
Claymore and Torque seem to have a thing against each other, referring to the other as a “rebel goon” and a “despotic flunkie”, respectively. Whisper facetiously refers to their aversion as “young love”.
Torque - Siberia, 20 years old
Torque was offered to act as “opposing force“ in training of XCOM agents post-war. She accepted as she considered prison to be “boring“.
During these events, Torque formed a bond with then-Colonel Jane Kelly, who seems to be the only person Torque truly respects and appreciates. It was thanks to her Torque was admitted into the Reclamation Agency and Chimera Squad.
Torque is afraid of losing her friends, so she tries hard to push them away with her unwelcoming attitude. This is due to her fear of forming bonds, since they may not come back from a fight the next day. She is incredibly self-aware of this fact. Director Kelly offers to talk with her about it, which Torque accepts.
On that same note, Godmother claims that Torque does in fact care about getting her team’s respect and appreciation, a topic Torque evidently wishes to avoid.
Despite these facts, Torque seems to be keen on improving as a person, as her locker shows she owns a book under the name of Meditation for the Exceptionally Stressed.
Torque sees herself as an earthling, as she was born on Siberia in 2020.
Torque seems to have something against off-worlders, but it’s unknown if this is due to her attitude, guilt about her own actions during the war that she projects against others, or legitimate aversion against them.
Terminal seems to be absolutely thrilled whenever Torque uses her Tongue Pull with the former, with her exclaiming she wants to “go again”.
Torque seems to have a heavy disliking of Whisper for undisclosed reasons, under occasions having suggested him to perform a lobotomy, as well as telling him to “bite his tongue off and bleed to death” after he asks the team to bring him a “souvenir” from a Viper-themed mature bar.
After Whisper reveals himself to be Canadian, Torque claims Canadians taste like maple. Whether it’s her joking with Whisper or not is not confirmed.
Torque believes Codexes to be “insufferable show-offs”. On that note, she’s always believed they judged her with their “creepy glowing eyes”.
Torque seems to enjoy drawing, as she keeps a bunch of sketches in her locker, most notably of terrestrial creatures like dogs and frogs. But most importantly, she has one of Axiom in civilian clothing eating noodles, scribbled in it reads “I’m never eating anything else ever again” in Axiom’s perspective. Axiom himself keeps this sketch on his own locker, demonstrating he values it.
Also present on her locker seems to be a touristic poster of the northern lights, presumably Siberian, suggesting she’s fond of her birthplace.
Blueblood - United States, 34 years old
Blueblood managed to live a peaceful life with his family under City 31 during the ADVENT regime. Despite this, he helped others where he could, even members of the Resistance.
Blueblood seems to love and respect his father dearly, as he decided to continue the family tradition of being policemen. The former also keeps a picture of them both after a fishing trip.
On the same note, Blueblood seems to be a fishing enthusiast, as he keeps a poster of the various fishes near City 31.
Blueblood personally knows City 31’s Police Department’s Commissioner Maloof, and even seems to be on friendly terms with her, calling her by her first name, Halia.
Blueblood is seemingly concerned that Terminal seems to be far too eager to put herself into danger. According to her, it’s just that she understands the concept of ”acceptable risk”. Blueblood fears it’s a “death wish“.
Blueblood states that he would not shoot any of his teammates, not even with training purposes, after being asked by Cherub. He instead suggests him to use the ballistic mannequins they already possess.
Blueblood states that Godmother reminds him of his mother, in that she lead his whole family without ever taking charge herself, always pushing them enough to reach their potential. Godmother claims that Blueblood has exceeded his.
Blueblood’s mother passed away back in 2014 due to cancer, and the former claims that “this time of year” always hits him due to it (presumably somewhere between March and May). That said, he’s glad she never got to live to witness the invasion.
On this note, Shelter feels the need to comfort him after noticing something was wrong. Blueblood appreciates this.
Blueblood states that his father used to love heist movies, and the two of them watched them together.
According to Blueblood, ADVENT’s soldiers helmets are “stupid”.
Shelter - Chile, 36 years old
Shelter lived in a big family, but got separated from them during the 2015 invasion.
He was found and experimented on by ADVENT after discovering he had latent psionic potential, forcing him to kill and torture “criminals“ with his abilities. This affected him to the point of crying. He managed to escape from them afterwards.
Shelter is a proud farmer. He was taken in by the Resistance thanks to these skills, and in his locker he keeps a picture of a younger self standing in front of plentiful crops, as well as posters promoting new “delicious and nutritious” breeds of vegetables.
Shelter seems to enjoy chilli, as he was joyed to have some upon his arrival.
Shelter doesn’t like to read other’s minds, as evidenced by Cherub playfully asking him to read his, with Shelter claiming that he “would never” do so.
Shelter knew to some capacity of the Progeny’s leader, Violet. Upon his escape, he psionically contacted her during the event, but then lost connection. Presumably, she was yet to lose her mind due to ADVENT’s experimentations on her. He refers to this connection of emotions as a sort of “poem”.
Shelter is very fond of his squadmates, complimenting them whenever the chance is available, as well as exclaiming against enemies that he won’t allow them to hurt his friends.
Claymore seems to hate it whenever Shelter switches their positions with Relocate, as it makes him feel “queasy”. Blueblood similarly thinks it’s “freaky”. Cherub, on the other hand, consider it to be “so fun”.
According to himself, Shelter doesn’t like banks.
Shelter doesn’t understand why their enemies, in particular members of the Gray Phoenix faction, would be willing to die for their causes.
According to himself, Shelter’s teeth itch, or otherwise rattle, whenever there’s high spikes of power or energy. It’s unknown if this is normal in other human psions.
It would appear that Shelter has a crush on Zephyr, as the latter noticed his face turned red whenever she was around (which she mistook for anger). After discovering this, Zephyr does not seem to be visibly upset, but perhaps surprised, to which Shelter reacts with embarrassment.
Zephyr - Australia, 33 years old
Zephyr is not a clone unlike many former ADVENT soldiers. She presumably was amongst the first humans to be turned into hybrids and then brainwashed to follow the ADVENT regime, presumably similar to Sacred Coil leader Bellus Mar, off whom Cherub was cloned from. It is not known, however, if Zephyr was cloned at any point.
After being liberated the the Skirmishers faction, she joined their ranks and operated near City 31.
Zephyr seemingly does not want hammocks in HQ as per Patchwork’s desire to improve the place. Apparently, there was a mishap regarding this in the past.
According to herself, it seems Zephyr has “always wished” to go bowling.
At least visibly, Zephyr seems to not be too fond of Cherub, as she’s seen referring to him as “knock-off” on occasion.
According to Zephyr, “punch-a-bastard-in-the-face” day is a “roving holiday”, which she enjoys to celebrate.
Zephyr seems to refer to Patchwork as a “nerd”, as she stood by her words whenever the latter was offended by Zephyr’s accusation towards computer-savvy Gray Phoenix members.
Zephyr believes that she has no place in the Skirmishers (or anywhere)  anymore as it began accepting more clones, and due to the fact of her not knowing of her own past as a human. Claymore expresses his profound disagreement, and even though Zephyr states it’s not as simple, she appreciates the words.
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missizzy · 4 years ago
An Account of the Lives of the Weyard Sisters, and Fian Ollivander's Three Most Remarkable Descendants, Chapter 6
(Read entire work on AO3)
Unfortunately, the only real account we have of the confrontation between Dian and Gumboil of Wye is Dian's. Gumboil himself was not a writing man, or one who discussed his more tender feelings with anyone, and it seems when Dian's rejection hurt him enough he therefore did not talk about it, except to heap scorn on her, and tell a few tales that are almost certainly untrue. Dian does not deal with this meeting either in any great length, in the account she wrote of her history with Gumboil, she dedicated only a single paragraph to it:
We didde meet at the time and place at whiche we hadde agreed, and there I tolde him whatte I truly thought of him, giving him a fulle account of alle he had donne to offende. He didde shew himself to be a blinde foolle, for alle he had failed to see. He was taken with a madde fury, and hadde I been weaker with my wande I might have even feared for my swete lyfe. But he had not attemptede to laye hande nor wande on me, when he spoke curses to me insteade, if notte of the kind thate would do me harm, and then turned and lefte me there alone. Ne'er again woulde I lay eyes upon him.
The family might never have seen Gumboil again, but someone else would. Presumably looking to take revenge on Dian, and finding himself willing to do so by going after one of her loved ones, that afternoon he went to the market when Golpalott was known to be there making his daily purchases of potions ingredients, and contrived to "accidentally" fall in with him. An herbalist who recognized them both and witnessed the meeting, wrote about it in a letter to his sister, "All could see he meant it as no accident." According to him, Gumboil invited himself along with Golpalott while he finished up his shopping, and the latter, who of course would have no idea that they were no longer both seeking to marry a pair of sisters, seemed to welcome his company.
The two of them then went off together, and, unfortunately, theirs is another meeting of which there is little record. Golpalott did keep a journal, but he rarely wrote in great detail in it about anything other than his work, and in reference to that meeting, he only spoke of what Gumboil said to him as "enlightening," an adjective he would later retract when he learned that most of what the man said to him that day were lies.
Our only source of knowledge of what those lies were are third-hand, coming from what he told Gaius-Claudius, and what he told Nian much later, and then from what she wrote down about it. The basic gist of it appears to have been that not only had Dian admitted to him that she had led him on from the start without ever having an intention of accepting him, but he had also gotten out of her that apart from Fian, who had, according to Gumboil, only agreed to marry Gecundus to secure the financial support of the Ollivanders for her and her sisters, they had all agreed they would lead on and disappoint someone famous, as this would increase their powers. He accused Cian of doing that with Overdramblus.
He apparently was convincing enough that Golpalott not only believed him, but in his anger he decided to stand Nian up. All the afternoon and well into the evening Nian was left to sit waiting, until finally Gaius-Claudius Ollivander, having heard from Dian a less than honest account of what had happened between her and Gumboil, and determined to benefit from at least one advantageous match, decided to pay the famous potioneer a visit.
Golpalott, who had not believed any ill of the wandmaker, invited him in and informed him of Gumboil's accusations. This made him aware of Dian's deceit, but he was not entirely willing to believe the story that all of the sisters together had formed such a conspiracy, and he told the potioneer so. However, he seemed unwilling to admit to his own behavior in the matter of Overdramblus, and Golpalott seems to have sensed that he was being less than honest. It was likely partly due to this that his attempts to persuade him that Nian was innocent of wrongdoing did not succeed that night.
When he got home that night, he had a meeting with both sisters still living under his roof and their parents, where he informed Dian of the consequences of her actions, which by his own admission he might have exaggerated. All three of him, Nian, and Dian described her great distress upon learning what had happened. She first pleaded with her sister and parents for forgiveness, which they granted, as none of the three of them were ones to deny it when a member of their family had truly not intended the harm she had caused, and was so greatly repentant. Nian did call her a fool, however, something nobody protested. Gaius-Claudius ended the meaning with a promise to Nian to do what he could for her, one certainly sincere on his part.
However, if Dian's feelings of guilt did not go away after the meeting, in the hours afterwards, about which she later wrote, "I slepte not a wink thatte night," as she thought the situation over, she eventually found herself thinking, perhaps rightfully enough, that she was not the main one to blame, but that Nian's unhappiness was in fact because Gumboil had chosen to take his revenge in the way he had. By morning, when it became their unhappy task to visit their two married sisters and break the news to them, she had decided the most appropriate thing for her to do was take revenge herself on her former suitor.
Luckily for him, Gumboil of Wye, probably in reaction to such a great disappointment, chose that day to leave London, and in fact headed south and eventually left Britain all together for the continent, on which he would stay for a number of years. All of Dian's efforts to seek him out, done over the following weeks, would be in vain. However, her quest would bear other kinds of fruit.
She made her first attempt the day after, sneaking out of the Ollivander residence very early the next morning, before anyone else in the household woke up, and would repeat this pattern four more times in the following days. The first three days she lurked around Gumboil's residence, and met with no one more significant than his neighbors, who on her third visit told her they believed he was not currently there. One believed, mistakenly, that he had temporarily taken residence in a concealed place outside London. Her fourth morning out took Dian outside the city walls, trying to determine where that could possibly be. There she first met Tuck and Tarra Potter.
At this point in time, the later famous couple were so poor they did not even have a proper home. They were living out in the open, with only what spells they could cast to shield them from the elements, always on the move except when they had to stop to sleep, owning only what they could carry without too much extra effort. This was a life they took on with the same cheer that they would become known for doing everything with. When they happened upon a young, sad-looking witch, they thought nothing of inviting her to walk and talk with them until she had to go back home for the day.
To Dian, overwhelmed with anger and guilt and uncertainty about what she even wanted in life, the complete lack of these feelings from two people whom she recognized as being much more unfortunate than herself had been unfathomable. Their words and philosophy were ones which under most circumstances she likely would have scorned. But on that day, her mind was in the exact place where she instead listened, and their words had a great impact on her.
She certainly did not change her ways completely. She would even go out several more times in search of her vengeful lover. But each time, she would end the search early to instead spend the afternoon with her two new friends. She was by now becoming persuaded that the neighbor had either told or heard a false story, and with no other leads, it was not too difficult for the Potters to talk her into letting go of her quest.
Instead, the Potters introduced her to another friend of theirs, another potioneer named Sigrid Gurndrune. They probably did not do so with the thought that she might rope her into another quest for revenge, even one that would eventually prove unnecessary. And they certainly had not intended for Dian to goad Sigrid into openly trying to steal customers from Golpalott. Dian insists in her writings, however, that she did not need much encouragement. Apparently she was an ambitious woman.
By this time, several weeks had passed, during which Gaius-Claudius had not sat idle. He had now decided to admit the truth about Overdramblus, only to have two more attempts to talk to Golpalott rebuffed. Finally, he went to Overdramblus, and asked him to go to the potioneer and tell him exactly what had happened with Cian himself.
Overdramblus still was not happy with the wandmaker, and he almost certainly had an even lower opinion of him after that day, with him even afterwards quoted as viewing him as "the worst of grasping merchants." But he retained a strong fondness for all four of the Weyard sisters, as well as a great respect for Cian, and he admitted right away he disliked hearing her name slandered in such a manner. So a few days later, for their sake, he went to talk to Golpalott.
Nor had Nian been willing to give up the man she wanted without a fight. While her guardian had been trying to talk to him in person, she had written letters, lengthy ones, sometimes taking hours over them. She might not have continued had she known he threw out the first two unread, but when he received a third lengthy missive, delivered by what he described as "a likely overtired owl," he finally gave in and read it.
From both their accounts, it was mostly pleas, intermixed with the occasional ramblings about potions she thought he might be interested in reading. After reading it, Golpalott wrote "I can't doubt thatte she likes me very much, both from how much she wrotte and how close she has paid heed to alle I did saye to her, both about my own selfe, and about my work and my field of study." Still he was not entirely satisfied of her innocence. Also, he too was about to leave London for a few months, traveling to meet with a Welsh potioneer he was planning to exchange recipes and brew more experimental potions with. From his writings, it seems he decided not to think further on the matter until his return.
Many years later, Nian would express a wish that she had thought more about the fact that he hadn't sent her at least a brief note. "I woulde have rested far easier thatte month," she said, and she certainly would have. Instead she spent it writing letters that grew desperate, and then angry, and her letters from late in the intervening time period would include a few things that would actually give Golpalott further pause about forgiving her; he described some of her more angry words as far beyond anything he was used to hearing from anyone. Nian would also later wish she'd paid more attention to the obvious signs of his self-importance.
One wonders what would have happened had he at that time learned that her sister had instigated a conspiracy to steal his customers. But while he did note a slight drop in business that month, he apparently didn't think much of it. It wasn't enough to seriously inconvenience him financially, and he would never be all that interested in wealth.
While Dian and Sigrid's campaign to cause Golpalott trouble was not a success in its goals of truly hurting him or getting his attention, his rival's business did enjoy a substantial boost, and her profile rose in London's society. She began forming her own social circle, which of course included Dian, as well as the Potters. Gaius-Claudius also became something of a member of it, especially since he thought any potential husbands he picked out of it would likely be ones Dian would be willing to have.
Dian's sisters, too, also befriended her new friends. Fian and Gecundus grew very close to the Potters, especially since, of course, they would name their eldest two children after them. Gecundus would also set about trying to improve their situation, and they believed it was due to his influence that they shortly afterwards offered the place on the caravan traveling to Wales, where of course they would first develop the set of charms that would become their first claim to fame.
Also in Sigrid's circle was a distant cousin of hers named Brom Constantinis. Although only two years older than Dian, he was already know as an accomplished duelist, and if he had not had the kind of adventures Gumboil had been able to boast to her about, he was still very well-traveled. He seems not to have impressed her much at their initial meeting, and while her opinion of him was generally good, other older, more experienced duelists she was introduced to interested her more, at first.
It was instead Gauis-Claudius who singled him out as a good candidate for her husband. His reasons mostly involved who else he was related to. On his father's side he had two uncles, Rowan and Wiliam Constantinis, who were looking likely to make the Council sooner or later, and his great-grandmother, Margat of Harlowe, was a very famous witch, known for having traveled as far as China. Within days of meeting him, he was already plotting out how to maneuver them into marriage. He knew, of course, that Dian could not know of his hand in it. But Sigrid too had thought of the match, especially since while Brom had not quite caught Dian's eye, she had caught his. He easily persuaded her to work with him to bring it about.
Though Gauis-Claudius does not describe exactly how they managed it, he claims it was due to their machinations that the two youths found themselves spending time together regularly, running errands from their elders or even find each other's company during their free time. It did not take very long for Brom to fall fully in love, at which point he began to openly woo. Dian admits to being thoroughly charmed, and quite ready to be won. Gaius-Claudius must have felt triumphant indeed on the day she burst into his study and announce whom she wished to marry, and he genuinely surprised her when he said he approved of the match. So much so that she made no protest when he then suggested he do proper negotiations with both Brom and his parents.
Later, she would say that perhaps she ought to have suspected then she had not found her husband as independently as she'd believed. Although even then she did suspect Sigrid's hand in events, but her interference she didn't mind. She would, two years later, finally learn the truth, which would leave her quite irked at her former benefactor, but, she wrote, "however he became so, Brom is now mine own heart's love, and I shalle not give him up, merely for what Master Ollivander has donne; for I thinke my husbande hadde no knowledge of that." The evidence does indeed suggest Brom didn't know. It is unlikely either of their elders would have trusted him not to tell her.
Having finally brought about an advantageous match, Gaius-Claudius certainly not willing to risk losing it by giving Dian much time to find the truth out before the wedding. It had to be alarming enough when, a week after the engagement became official, Dian stormed into the house and declared all was over between the two of them, though it was only three hours later that an owl from Brom changed her mind back. Much later, everyone would become used to such behavior between the volatile couple, but at the time, both Gaius-Claudius and Brom's own family were keen to get things done as soon as possible. Within three months of negotiations starting, the young couple had received a settlement consisting largely of his grandmother's money, and they were married almost right after, on May 17, 1043. Initially they too settled in London, though they ultimately would not stay there very long.
By Dian's wedding, Golpalott had returned to town, and then he finally wrote to Nian, saying he would like an interview with both her and her benefactor. Arranging things with the latter took another month or so, during which the Weyards found one reason for joy: Cian was expecting the first of the five children she would ultimately give birth to. Nian expressed a worry for if they would like to have the stresses of children so soon, but generally the young couple and their families were pleased by this new development.
The grandparents-to-be, especially, began talking of trying to stay in London indefinitely. Arthur and Sinead had by now been there so long they had gotten used to the easier life they were able to live there. They were also old enough to start to lose their hardiness. Nian had even expressed a concern for her mother's health if she returned to their homestead. They and their daughters, having now become a reunited family, very much did not want to separate the way they had in the past either.
When Golpalott returned to the Ollivander household, it was considerably emptier than it had been when he'd last visited it. Still, he apparently decided to talk to everyone else in the household before talking to either his would-be bride or her guardian, including her parents. Gauis-Claudius was left to worry what his younger children would say about him. He need not have; Golpalott records them as having said nothing but good of their father. Sinead Weyard apparently rambled at length in response to only a couple of questions from him, and left him uncertain what to make of her words.
From Arthur Weyard, however, he got a clear, thoughtful appraisal of Gaius-Claudius Ollivander, as well as something of the story of what had happened between Dian and Gumboil, which seems to have finally cleared Nian of wrongdoing in Golpalott's mind. It might have even improved his opinion of the wandmaker enough to make him mind the subsequent negotiations with him less.
Finally, he asked to see Nian, and she was summoned downstairs to see him. She apparently had only become aware of his being there an hour previously, which was nonetheless time enough for her to write out and tear up several speeches to him. Her mother would comment to her the following day that she had never in her life seen the eldest of her daughters look uncertain or frightened, until she saw her descend the stairs.
She need have neither worried, nor gone to such lengths to prepare her words. Barely had she began her entreaties before Golpalott assured her they were no longer necessary, and things were quickly settled between them.
Between him and her guardian, however, matters took longer. During the subsequent months, Golpalott even seriously considered breaking negotiations off and marrying Nian without any aid or goodwill from her guardian. He might have even asked her to do it if not for Fian's being married into the man's family; he knew well that nothing was more important to the sisters than each other, and did not want to risk Gauis-Claudius pressuring her not to see them.
In the end, however, he finally got the wandmaker to be generous by offering to take not one, but all three of the final Weyards left in his house off of his hands. Everyone by then had become aware Arthur and Sinead did not want to go home. But Gaius-Claudius did not want to keep a pair of adults in his house for much longer, and Golpalott was quick to guess that.
He quickly hinted that a large settlement on Nian could be used to support her parents as well. Gauis-Claudius made an offer he afterwards declared as big as he'd hoped for, and the two men also made arrangements that would help them both acquire many of the ingredients of their respective trades in the years to come. They also talked about sharing and even collaborating on research, but their plans to do so would never come to fruition.
Nian Weyard was married to Golpalott on January 5, 1044. Dian wrote not long after it, "Nonne coulde look more triumphante on the day they wedde than she." She had reason to be, perhaps. Of the four sisters, she was the one who had truly fought for her choice of husband, and had suffered a true extended ordeal of not knowing if she would ever have him. Which makes it ironic that while her sisters' marriages would all have their ups and downs, Dian's especially, hers would be the one that was ultimately unhappy.
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bedlamhammer · 5 years ago
Fun and Games
All areas of the Last City were not equal in her eyes. While she disliked being in the designated Vanguard section of the wall near where the remains of the old Tower stood, she greatly enjoyed being in the city itself. It gave her time to check in with people she knew, many of whom she had escorted to the City personally. She kept her helmet on, mostly to avoid the exhaustion of having to explain to everyone why a Lightbearer had scars on her face, but it currently wasn't sealed against the atmosphere and allowed her to detect the odors of the street level bazaar around her. Most of the food smells were pleasant, though occasionally she would catch a whiff of excessively strong curry from one of the stalls at the far end of the area or the stench of some unwashed individual.
It was as she passed by a small bookstore that she spotted them. A group of teens huddled around a table that was far too small for their number, talking animatedly and gesturing and laughing. She couldn't hear them through the window, but curiosity got the better of her anyway and she slipped inside. Murdoch didn't exactly take up a lot of space, even with her Titan-esque armor, so it was easy to maneuver the disorganized bookshelves to get closer.
“Alright. The gremlins are advancing on your caravan, so everyone roll initiative!” The voice was familiar, feminine, but she didn't have the speaker in sight just yet. The sound of dice rolling across the table mixed with several thoughtful murmurs, shuffling paper and a couple groans of disappointment before the voice continued. “I saw that, Mick. What was that?”
“A one. I rolled a one.” The voice belonging to Mick replied with a snort. The mechanical echo told Murdoch Mick was an exo.
“That's a shame. You have no clue what everyone else is panicking about, you're still half buried in the back of the wagon thanks to Boga the goblin.” Laughter followed. “Everyone else, get ready to fend off a gremlin ambush.”
Murdoch and her ghost exchanged a look before they stepped around the corner made by two bookshelves coming together. The group was a mix of human and awoken, with a trio of exos. Most of them were focused on the table, which held some sort of board that looked like it was supposed to be a model of a valley, complete with a river and a couple trees. Small figurines were arranged across the board to represent the gremlin ambush and the caravan. The girl at the head of the tiny table looked up as Murdoch was examining them, and her face lit up. “Murdoch!”
No wonder the first voice had been familiar. Murdoch hadn't seen Hannah since the onset of the Red War. She had escorted the girl's father, then a young boy, and grandparents to the Last City many years ago. Hannah's father was killed in the Red War defending Murdoch from a pair of warbeasts when she had lost her Light. The memory made the Lightbearer's chest tighten briefly before she spoke. “Look at you, kid. You've grown up a bit since the Legion got kicked out,” Murdoch said, grinning under her helmet. “What's this here?”
“It's a game!” Hannah beamed. Several of her group eyed Murdoch warily, but the girl didn't seem to notice. “We're pretending to be adventurers on a quest to deliver an artifact to a king. Do you want to play?”
Murdoch cocked her head to the side as Sybil floated by her shoulder. She could see the reluctance on the faces of several people. “I'm afraid I'm terrible at pretending. If it's alright, I'll just watch.”
“That's weird, dad used to tell all kinds of stories of you entertaining people back at Ridgevale. He said you were pretty good at improv.”
“I think he embellished a little, if you ask me.” That was a lie. Murdoch had, on occasion, helped to lighten the spirits of the people she and several other Lightbearers protected by performing small acts. Those had been good times. “I'll watch. I don't know how this sort of game works, anyway.”
It didn't take long. Each player had a little figure that represented their character, and they either acted out or narrated their actions in the scenario. Dice rolls determined how well or how badly they did actions. Hannah was the storyteller, in a way, and was responsible for the actions and rolls of everything the group encountered. By sundown, the players had successfully reached the castle the king lived in with the artifact still in their position. Miraculously, no one's character died.
“Are you here in the City for long?” Hannah asked as she and Murdoch made their way down the street towards her family's apartment building.
“We're here for a while. After spending a few months working between Mars and the Reef, we could use the vacation.” Sybil answered for them. She hadn't spoke while Hannah's group of friends were still present, but now that it was just the three of them, she was more talkative. “I have to ask. Why do you all crowd around such a tiny table? They don't have anything bigger?”
“Not since the Red War. The bookstore owner gave their old table up to help the resistance here, and they've been using these tiny little tables ever since. They can't afford a replacement just yet.”
“That's unfortunate.” Murdoch stopped in front of the structure Hannah had lead them to. It bore battle damage from the Legion's occupation, but repairs had been started on the southern wall. This building was luckier than most. “Your game seems like fun, at least. If a bit crowded.”
“It is, but it's still fun. I'm sorry about how they acted towards you. We don't get to see too many Lightbearers down here, not even the Guardian sort.” Hannah shrugged as she ascended the building's short staircase towards the door. “But I'm sure they'd warm up to you, if you want to come back next week.”
Murdoch considered that for a moment. “When?”
“Every Friday. We start around midday, and go till the sun's down behind the mountain.”
“I'll think about it. Tell your family I'll come visit later, and Joran and Zaeya send their regards.”
She had the table delivered halfway through the week, before Hannah and her friends held their next game. It wasn't fancy, but it was solid and bigger than the little card table they had been using. The shop owner tried repeatedly to repay her, saying that the table would be used by more than just kids playing games, and Murdoch declined it each time. The store had given up one table, she had explained, and it was only right that it get a new one.
When she returned that Friday, everyone else had already arrived and was setting up. Hannah patted a chair next to hers, ignoring the wary looks given to her. “We've got a guest today! I've known her my whole life, like most of the rest of my family. She and my dad were real good friends.” After an awkward silence, one awoken teen finally came forward and welcomed Murdoch, and the introductions quickly commenced before Murdoch sat down to set up her character for the session.
“So, hold on. You want to be a merchant?” Mick asked incredulously. “Just a merchant? Not a mage, or a barbarian, or even a cleric?”
“Nope. Just a merchant.”
“That's not near as exciting as a warrior or paladin.”
Murdoch peered at Mick as she fidgeted with the little horned figurine in her hand. It was supposed to be her in this game, and Hannah had pointed out the horns on her helmet almost matched the ones on the model. “It might not be exciting to you, but I've spent the last couple hundred years or so being a warrior and fighting monsters. Being a trader sounds pretty good to me.” She watched the thoughtful expressions that crossed several faces, and so it was agreed she would be the proud minotaur owner of a shop.
Over the several hours that the game's session lasted, the questers encountered cut-purses and a mind controlled mob before reaching Murdoch's pretend shop. Her part in the game was small, but by the time she had nearly cleaned each of the other characters out of most of their money (and, sadly, had to sell a very nice magical weapon for almost nothing because of a bad dice roll) before seeing them off to the castle itself, Murdoch found herself smiling. At the end of the session, the artifact was delivered to the king and everyone was able to continue on for their next adventure.
“So how'd you like your first ever roleplay game?” Hannah was asking as she and a few others helped to clean the store up before it closed. “Did you enjoy it?”
“I kind of did, actually. It seems like a fun way to pass an afternoon.”
“Then you're going to love this.” Mick held out something out to her, wrapped in paper. It was a book, and a fairly thick one at that. “It's the latest edition book for the game. Goes over classes and races, skills, the whole bit.”
Murdoch hesitated, book in hand. “You're giving me this? You're sure?”
“Sure am. Just promise me you're going to be something more interesting than a trader.”
“Hahah! Alright, that's fair. You've got a deal.”
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