ask-emily-em-emmy · 5 hours
After Sera had left for drinks and still hadn't come back, Ray finally decided to see where she could possibly be. She figured the crowd forming around some sort of commotion and someone screaming would be a good place to start. Ray wasn't bothered by the screaming, it wasn't anything she hadn't heard before.
As soon as the exorcist managed to get past the crowd, she froze in place as her gaze fell on what was causing the commotion. A seraph. A furious seraph, with all her eyes out.
Her first thought was to run, but she found herself frozen in place, lightly shaking in fear. The seraph was still rampaging, but the noise was muted. Ray's ears were ringing faintly and everything was quieter and in the background.
The medic's breathing got heavier as panic rose in her. The seraph slowly turned to her, with a slightly confused expression. She then realised 3 things at the same time.
This wasn't Grace.
This was Sera.
She didn't care about Ray in the slightest, did she?
As Sera's eyes focused on her, Ray started to shake more, terrified. If Sera, whom had seemed so nice before, was capable of making this much of a commotion, then who was to say that she didn't mean any harm to Ray?
It was all just a game. Again. Seraphim don't care. They lie.
Ray quietly watched everything play out, but didn't process any of it. The whole thing was just a blurry and muted daze. After Sera had left, the exorcist walked back to the medical bay, still not aware of everything around her, with only one thing on her mind.
Sera isn't any better than Grace.
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ask-emily-em-emmy · 12 hours
[Sera went to get drinks for herself and Ray. Despite all the angels and winners who kept occasionally distracting her from the deserved rest, for the first time in many years without days off, Sera was finally doing... well? Suddenly she felt a strange, unpleasant and helluva familiar smell. Brimstone.]
[Stunned, Sera dropped the drinks from her hands and silently walked towards the source of this smell. And here it is. Disgusting hellish creature. Right in front of her, in Heaven. Sera flapped her wings menacingly, now towering over Domino. All her eyes were now wide open as she took her full seraphim form. This creature wasn't that spy sinner, but it didn't matter. It came from Hell, which means it must be destroyed.]
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@ask-sera (yes, i used that cursed pic again)
Domino was squinting at the sun, becoming more confused by the moment when it didn't hurt his eyes in any way. It was an abrupt change when what felt like a million eyes blocked the sun and trained their gaze solely on him.
He stumbled back, his fake wings flaring as he let go of Dickie Junior to push him away from the eyes. Panic gripped him.
"I dont- I'm not-," he stumbled over his words before taking a breath, his chest puffing out and in as confident a voice he dared to fake, half heartedly projected, "You should get your eyes- NOSE! your nose checked. There's no smell of brimstone here." Domino took what he thought was a discreet sniff at himself, his fake halo askew and bringing attention to his movements.
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ask-emily-em-emmy · 2 days
*Even after Ass pulled her away and blocked her view the golden light from the explosion could still be seen*
*Millenia of being alive and she’d never seen a death. How privileged of a life she had lived to have been naive to the pain of it. She had not truly known Domino, but all the same, she felt the grief of his loss as if he were one of her own*
*Trust. Trust her. Trust that she was doing the right thing. But how could she allow this from her lover when she couldn’t allow it from her own sister? Was this hypocrisy? Or was there something else at play?*
*Her legs felt shaky. Her eyes closed one by one, her wings shifting back in a dimmed light. If there were tears streaming down her cheeks she didn’t feel them*
*She opened portals behind Sera’s view underneath the fallen, sending them back from where they came before anything else could happen*
*Taking a deep breath she stabilized herself, letting the soothing air of heaven numb her to her core*
“You got your wish, Sera. I believe we’re done here, the awards are soon. It would be unwise to be late.”
*Emily didn’t wait for anyone. She walked away alone*
[Sera went to get drinks for herself and Ray. Despite all the angels and winners who kept occasionally distracting her from the deserved rest, for the first time in many years without days off, Sera was finally doing... well? Suddenly she felt a strange, unpleasant and helluva familiar smell. Brimstone.]
[Stunned, Sera dropped the drinks from her hands and silently walked towards the source of this smell. And here it is. Disgusting hellish creature. Right in front of her, in Heaven. Sera flapped her wings menacingly, now towering over Domino. All her eyes were now wide open as she took her full seraphim form. This creature wasn't that spy sinner, but it didn't matter. It came from Hell, which means it must be destroyed.]
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@ask-sera (yes, i used that cursed pic again)
Domino was squinting at the sun, becoming more confused by the moment when it didn't hurt his eyes in any way. It was an abrupt change when what felt like a million eyes blocked the sun and trained their gaze solely on him.
He stumbled back, his fake wings flaring as he let go of Dickie Junior to push him away from the eyes. Panic gripped him.
"I dont- I'm not-," he stumbled over his words before taking a breath, his chest puffing out and in as confident a voice he dared to fake, half heartedly projected, "You should get your eyes- NOSE! your nose checked. There's no smell of brimstone here." Domino took what he thought was a discreet sniff at himself, his fake halo askew and bringing attention to his movements.
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ask-emily-em-emmy · 4 days
*Emily moved without thinking. In a flash she was in her full seraphim form, her halo, wings and chest opening. She spread herself to be as wide as possible as she stood between Sera and Domino*
“No! I will not allow a murder on sacred holy ground!”
“Turn the other cheek and find a mirror Sera! I wonder, what does genocide looks like to your eyes?! Does it look like the finger prints of a lover or is it a poison in your veins? Does it spread to every one of your fingers? Did the darkness take your heart too? Where is my dear sister who meant so much? Where is she who meant protection and light? Who stands before me now?!”
*Emily’s eyes were dry but her hands shook as they squeezed themselves into fists*
“Is this the crowning achievement of heaven? Loyalty to order before kindness? You have such a respect for the virtues until it is your own in the spotlight! You jump through all of these hoops, these justifications for oppression and suffering and for what? To save face? Is that all you feel you are? I love you Sera! You’re my sister, my guardian, you raised me! Why can’t that be enough? Why can’t we just choose to do better next time? Why do we have to be perfect in imperfect circumstances? Why can’t we just be happy?!”
[Sera went to get drinks for herself and Ray. Despite all the angels and winners who kept occasionally distracting her from the deserved rest, for the first time in many years without days off, Sera was finally doing... well? Suddenly she felt a strange, unpleasant and helluva familiar smell. Brimstone.]
[Stunned, Sera dropped the drinks from her hands and silently walked towards the source of this smell. And here it is. Disgusting hellish creature. Right in front of her, in Heaven. Sera flapped her wings menacingly, now towering over Domino. All her eyes were now wide open as she took her full seraphim form. This creature wasn't that spy sinner, but it didn't matter. It came from Hell, which means it must be destroyed.]
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@ask-sera (yes, i used that cursed pic again)
Domino was squinting at the sun, becoming more confused by the moment when it didn't hurt his eyes in any way. It was an abrupt change when what felt like a million eyes blocked the sun and trained their gaze solely on him.
He stumbled back, his fake wings flaring as he let go of Dickie Junior to push him away from the eyes. Panic gripped him.
"I dont- I'm not-," he stumbled over his words before taking a breath, his chest puffing out and in as confident a voice he dared to fake, half heartedly projected, "You should get your eyes- NOSE! your nose checked. There's no smell of brimstone here." Domino took what he thought was a discreet sniff at himself, his fake halo askew and bringing attention to his movements.
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ask-emily-em-emmy · 5 days
*Emily stood stock still in fear as she watched the exchange, chains that previously had held Ass wrapped around Domino, a hand to Lefty’s throat. This was her fault, she had brought them all here*
*What wasn’t her fault was… whatever it was that Domino had just done*
“Oh my god, she’s going to kill him!” *She didn’t wait, her wings spreading before she took off, flying over the small crowd of winners and landing next to Adina and putting her hands up in what she hoped was a placating gesture*
“Sera! This is definitely not a great situation, but you need to remember where you are right now. Remember who is in attendance. This isn’t the time or place to invoke divine justice, especially not if it goes against contracts set in place to keep heaven safe. This isn’t a hostile takeover, this is a troublemaker here to enjoy a party! It’s what the hellhounds are known for! Release him and show heaven and hell that the seraphim are patient, kind and charitable even to those who may not deserve it!”
*She turns to Adina, pleading with her eyes for a truce, even if only for a few moments*
“There is no threat that heaven cannot win against if we choose to stick to our virtues and our faith in the greater good! This is not a sinner who chose sin in life. This is a hellborn who knows no better than the life he’s always lived. Show him a new way through mercy and forgiveness!”
[Sera went to get drinks for herself and Ray. Despite all the angels and winners who kept occasionally distracting her from the deserved rest, for the first time in many years without days off, Sera was finally doing... well? Suddenly she felt a strange, unpleasant and helluva familiar smell. Brimstone.]
[Stunned, Sera dropped the drinks from her hands and silently walked towards the source of this smell. And here it is. Disgusting hellish creature. Right in front of her, in Heaven. Sera flapped her wings menacingly, now towering over Domino. All her eyes were now wide open as she took her full seraphim form. This creature wasn't that spy sinner, but it didn't matter. It came from Hell, which means it must be destroyed.]
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@ask-sera (yes, i used that cursed pic again)
Domino was squinting at the sun, becoming more confused by the moment when it didn't hurt his eyes in any way. It was an abrupt change when what felt like a million eyes blocked the sun and trained their gaze solely on him.
He stumbled back, his fake wings flaring as he let go of Dickie Junior to push him away from the eyes. Panic gripped him.
"I dont- I'm not-," he stumbled over his words before taking a breath, his chest puffing out and in as confident a voice he dared to fake, half heartedly projected, "You should get your eyes- NOSE! your nose checked. There's no smell of brimstone here." Domino took what he thought was a discreet sniff at himself, his fake halo askew and bringing attention to his movements.
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ask-emily-em-emmy · 8 days
*Her beast’s gentle affection made her shiver, the gentle caresses leaving goosebumps on her skin. Her kisses were sweet and while she would much rather just portal back to their room for a nap (or another round) she understood why they couldn’t, and really, shouldn’t leave yet*
“Right now, I feel so impossibly lucky to have the two most amazing, most stunningly beautiful, talented, and loving girlfriends in all of creation.” *She brushed a hand through her hair* “Thank you for this. Don’t think I’m forgetting about you! As soon as I get the chance, my flame, I’m going to get you too.” *She grinned and kissed her with a little nip to her bottom lip*
*She leaned back, her legs crossing behind Ass keeping her in place* “I don’t know the time but I’m guessing we’re getting pretty close to the award ceremony. We should probably get out there and see the other sandcastles at the very least. I want to see if Shamira placed!”
*Emily sat up and wrapped her arms loosely behind Ass’s neck with a happy sigh. She rested her forehead against Ass’s and knocked their noses together*
“Honestly, I don’t even care where we go so long as I’m with you two.”
A: *spotting Emily with the kite kit, she darts down and lands behind the seraph, fluttering long enough to press a kiss to Em's cheek* "Okay, next time, no darting off before we've agreed on a place to meet up, alright babe?"
A: *she holds out a little cup with vanilla ice cream and sprinkles on it* "Here's your ice cream and, if you'll follow me, Shamira and I cooked up a little surprise for ya."
How well do you expect this to go over?
I think it's the thought that counts.
A: *she flies up and leads Em to a little section of beach away from most of the festivities, where she and Shamira had hurriedly carved out a giant heart in the sand with Emily's name written in the center, an A up in one loop of the heart while a S sat in the other, and six little wings surrounding it* "I know it's... kinda messy- wasn't tryin' to keep you waiting too long."
*Emily smiles wide at the sand heart in the ground* “You did this for me?”
*She summons her hellphone and snaps a picture before anything can be ruined by wind or waves*
“I love it! Look at the cute little wings! And it’s so symmetrical! I always have trouble getting the two sides to match but you-”
*She turns and looks at them, swapping her ice cream to her other hand so that she can grab onto theirs* “Thank you, I love it. And you two.” *She leans over and presses a kiss to their cheek and lightly bumps their foreheads together*
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ask-emily-em-emmy · 9 days
Shamira approaches Sera with her shirt fully buttoned and face mask in place, carrying herself with as much dignity as she can given the shifting sand.
"High Seraphim, please excuse this intrusion upon your day of peace." She bows her head and puts a fist against her chest. "I merely wish to give thanks to you, my creator, for my existence. My gratitude pales in comparison to the magnitude of your gift but I hope to one day make you proud. Again, my sincerest thanks."
[Sera looked at Shamira, pausing her conversation with Ray. Did she just come here to... thank her? After everything that happened? This is actually very noble. And very… interesting. Despite all the internal changes that happened to Shamira, she still had returned to her. Perhaps all is not lost yet.]
[Sera smiled condescendingly, taking a sip of her cocktail.]
I'm not asking for much, my dear Shamira. I just wish you'd look after Emily. Sometimes she may not make the best decisions, so I want you to make sure she doesn't do something irreversible...
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ask-emily-em-emmy · 10 days
So she can only see what Shamira sees. Good to know.
*She cranes her neck down, licking up Shamira’s neck, careful to avoid just behind her jaw as she makes her way to whisper in her ear*
“If it’s a show you want, my flame, then it’s a show you’ll get.” *She presses against her shoulders gently* “Get on your back, lover.”
*Climbing over her thighs, she worked the buttons of her shirt open from bottom to top, not that Ass had elected to button more than two*
*She pushed it aside and her breath hitched as she took in the planes of hard muscles earned from two centuries of brutal labor and being a purpose built machine. Although as Emily lightly clawed down her abdomen with a desperate whine hitching the back of a sigh, she couldn’t help but think that the purpose that she was built for was to be beneath her, above her, wherever she was, as close as she could be*
*Her muscles tensed as her nails drew lines down them, preparing for her.*
*A hand slid up her chest and grabbed her chin* “You look perfect like this, beneath me. You’re going to keep your beautiful eyes open and on me no matter what. Is that clear? Witness me, my love.”
*She climbed over her and suddenly realized she really didn’t know what she was doing. This was, as much as it was a reward, a task, and that meant that she could fail*
*She grabbed Shamira’s hands and set them on her hips* “They can move to any part of my body but just- just keep them on me okay? I need you.”
*She let her hips drag across her abdomen, the pressure just right. Emily rested her hands on Shamira’s larger ones and kept going*
“Hmm, that’s good. Pull me down harder. Arch your back- ah- just- just like that. Good girl, you’re doing so good for me.”
*She snapped and her top was on the floor. Emily lifted Shamira’s hands to her chest*
“You don’t have to be gentle with them- ow! Okay not that rough! Like this, that’s better, good- ah- goooood…”
*Her hips jogged faster pressing down as she groaned*
“Please, I’m close, don’t stop, fuck-”
*She curled in, her mouth open as she shuddered, her hips moving of their own accord as she cried out. Her hands grabbed whatever they could and gripped like it would save her life*
*And when she had come down she fell ungracefully forward, her chest landing in her knight’s face before she rolled off with a laugh*
“Sorry about that, I seem to have lost my legs.”
A: *spotting Emily with the kite kit, she darts down and lands behind the seraph, fluttering long enough to press a kiss to Em's cheek* "Okay, next time, no darting off before we've agreed on a place to meet up, alright babe?"
A: *she holds out a little cup with vanilla ice cream and sprinkles on it* "Here's your ice cream and, if you'll follow me, Shamira and I cooked up a little surprise for ya."
How well do you expect this to go over?
I think it's the thought that counts.
A: *she flies up and leads Em to a little section of beach away from most of the festivities, where she and Shamira had hurriedly carved out a giant heart in the sand with Emily's name written in the center, an A up in one loop of the heart while a S sat in the other, and six little wings surrounding it* "I know it's... kinda messy- wasn't tryin' to keep you waiting too long."
*Emily smiles wide at the sand heart in the ground* “You did this for me?”
*She summons her hellphone and snaps a picture before anything can be ruined by wind or waves*
“I love it! Look at the cute little wings! And it’s so symmetrical! I always have trouble getting the two sides to match but you-”
*She turns and looks at them, swapping her ice cream to her other hand so that she can grab onto theirs* “Thank you, I love it. And you two.” *She leans over and presses a kiss to their cheek and lightly bumps their foreheads together*
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ask-emily-em-emmy · 11 days
*Emily felt a shudder pass through her body before moving forward to claim her with her hands, lips and teeth. One hand steadied her lips against her own while the other grabbed her by the hip and pulled her close against her, letting her feel her pleasure press against her*
*She wasn’t quiet now that they were alone. She whined against her lips as her hips canted. She pulled away from her mouth to nibble on her earlobe*
“If you don’t want something, I need you to use your words and tell me. It’s only fun for me if it’s fun for you. Anything you ever ask of me, even if it’s Ass telling you to say it, only say it if you truly want it. Am I understood, Shamira?” *When she nods, Emily slips down her neck and sloppily kisses the junction between it and her shoulders* “Good girl, very good. Did you mean what you said before? Do you want to serve my pleasure?”
*The nod she receives is all the okay she needs to continue*
*Emily follows a path with her mouth, sucking and kissing her way down the middle of her chest, her abs, making sure to let her tongue linger in the dips between the hard muscles, before settling on her knees below her. She knocked on the side of one knee, prompting her to spread for the seraph, before taking two fists full of loose board shorts and pulling it back*
*She pressed her face against the apex of her knights thighs and took a shuddering breath, taking in her scent. Emily looks up at her, relishing in the need in her eyes as she kisses her, giggling when her hips press back into her. She almost stops to say something but then she hears Shamira’s soft whine and feels the wet heat under her lips her goal instantly changes. She uses the flat of her tongue to give her the friction she craves, pulling away only to give her an order as her guardian seemed to like those*
“Ride. Don’t stop until I tell you to. You serve me right now Shamira.”
*She didn’t wait for a response before returning to her with a moan*
*Shamira didn’t need prompting at this point. She put a hand in Emily’s hair, ruining her ponytail in the best way and rocking against her face. Emily let her hands travel up to where thighs met ass and held her steady, groaning*
*When she finished it was with a hand gripping her hair, gritted teeth, and a muffled cry. If Emily were willing to pull away from her she would have told her to get her hand out of her mouth, but instead she helped her come down*
*Eventually, hard presses turned into gentle kisses. Her legs were shaking and Emily wasn’t sure how much longer she could stay standing*
“Come here, lover.” *At her instructions, her guardian pulled away and Emily guided her down to her knees, bringing them face to face once more. She ran a hand through her hair and pulled her to her chest*
“So good for me, you did so good for me.”
A: *spotting Emily with the kite kit, she darts down and lands behind the seraph, fluttering long enough to press a kiss to Em's cheek* "Okay, next time, no darting off before we've agreed on a place to meet up, alright babe?"
A: *she holds out a little cup with vanilla ice cream and sprinkles on it* "Here's your ice cream and, if you'll follow me, Shamira and I cooked up a little surprise for ya."
How well do you expect this to go over?
I think it's the thought that counts.
A: *she flies up and leads Em to a little section of beach away from most of the festivities, where she and Shamira had hurriedly carved out a giant heart in the sand with Emily's name written in the center, an A up in one loop of the heart while a S sat in the other, and six little wings surrounding it* "I know it's... kinda messy- wasn't tryin' to keep you waiting too long."
*Emily smiles wide at the sand heart in the ground* “You did this for me?”
*She summons her hellphone and snaps a picture before anything can be ruined by wind or waves*
“I love it! Look at the cute little wings! And it’s so symmetrical! I always have trouble getting the two sides to match but you-”
*She turns and looks at them, swapping her ice cream to her other hand so that she can grab onto theirs* “Thank you, I love it. And you two.” *She leans over and presses a kiss to their cheek and lightly bumps their foreheads together*
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ask-emily-em-emmy · 11 days
*Emily wasted no time, rocking herself up onto her side, grabbing a fistful of silver hair and pulling her love to her lips while her other hand gripped the back of her neck where her shoulders met to pull herself closer. Their bodies collided, pulling a shuddering whine from her lips, muffled by Shamira’s*
*This wasn’t just a request. She knew that just as well as saying it was an order for Shamira, actually following through was an order for herself. The thought that she was being judged, that she could do this correctly or incorrectly, that there might be a word or two for her at the end, even if the brunt was for their knight, spurred her on*
*Her hand made a trail from her neck to her shoulder, pushing under her shirt and taking the time to lightly scratch her nails over them before squeezing them*
*Their lips slotted against each other and Emily saw it as her in to slip her tongue past, meeting hers with a quiet groan as her hips jogged hopefully imperceptibly*
*Instead of continuing their path down, Emily pulled her hand away completely, slipping it underneath the bottom edges of her shirt and raking her nails up her abdomen and moaning at the feeling of hard muscles flexing beneath her fingertips like magic as she pressed into her mouth deeper*
“You’re doing so well for me Shamira,” *She kissed her again, nipping at her lip playfully* “how are you feeling my knight? Is this okay?”
A: *spotting Emily with the kite kit, she darts down and lands behind the seraph, fluttering long enough to press a kiss to Em's cheek* "Okay, next time, no darting off before we've agreed on a place to meet up, alright babe?"
A: *she holds out a little cup with vanilla ice cream and sprinkles on it* "Here's your ice cream and, if you'll follow me, Shamira and I cooked up a little surprise for ya."
How well do you expect this to go over?
I think it's the thought that counts.
A: *she flies up and leads Em to a little section of beach away from most of the festivities, where she and Shamira had hurriedly carved out a giant heart in the sand with Emily's name written in the center, an A up in one loop of the heart while a S sat in the other, and six little wings surrounding it* "I know it's... kinda messy- wasn't tryin' to keep you waiting too long."
*Emily smiles wide at the sand heart in the ground* “You did this for me?”
*She summons her hellphone and snaps a picture before anything can be ruined by wind or waves*
“I love it! Look at the cute little wings! And it’s so symmetrical! I always have trouble getting the two sides to match but you-”
*She turns and looks at them, swapping her ice cream to her other hand so that she can grab onto theirs* “Thank you, I love it. And you two.” *She leans over and presses a kiss to their cheek and lightly bumps their foreheads together*
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ask-emily-em-emmy · 11 days
*Emily’s cheeks went golden, her eyes were wide, and her jaw dropped. What was it she had been saying about losing being a sweeter win sometimes?*
*Should she just go for it? She looked around and the closest group of people were pretty far, she could probably get away with it if she were quiet. But they were still in the middle of heaven, what if someone walked past? Or flew past?*
*But Shamira was being brave and they were trying to show her that it was okay, so she steeled her nerves*
*Emily brought the hand in hers up to her mouth, her breathing heavy as she pressed open mouth kisses to her palm and wrist, trying to build up… something! Maybe she was stalling- whatever! It didn’t matter because Shamira’s eyes were glazed over while she was watching her, Ass had her hands on her as much as she could in her semi corporeal state, even if the people could hear it- it would be worth it to give them their due praise and-*
“Mmm… she tastes so sweet, I can’t wait until you get to try her my flame.”
*Her back arches and she lazily drags her tongue up her wrist, stopping when she meets her palm with a soft nip to the meat of it*
A: *spotting Emily with the kite kit, she darts down and lands behind the seraph, fluttering long enough to press a kiss to Em's cheek* "Okay, next time, no darting off before we've agreed on a place to meet up, alright babe?"
A: *she holds out a little cup with vanilla ice cream and sprinkles on it* "Here's your ice cream and, if you'll follow me, Shamira and I cooked up a little surprise for ya."
How well do you expect this to go over?
I think it's the thought that counts.
A: *she flies up and leads Em to a little section of beach away from most of the festivities, where she and Shamira had hurriedly carved out a giant heart in the sand with Emily's name written in the center, an A up in one loop of the heart while a S sat in the other, and six little wings surrounding it* "I know it's... kinda messy- wasn't tryin' to keep you waiting too long."
*Emily smiles wide at the sand heart in the ground* “You did this for me?”
*She summons her hellphone and snaps a picture before anything can be ruined by wind or waves*
“I love it! Look at the cute little wings! And it’s so symmetrical! I always have trouble getting the two sides to match but you-”
*She turns and looks at them, swapping her ice cream to her other hand so that she can grab onto theirs* “Thank you, I love it. And you two.” *She leans over and presses a kiss to their cheek and lightly bumps their foreheads together*
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ask-emily-em-emmy · 11 days
“Is the word you’re looking for ‘breasts’?” *Emily takes a breath that makes her chest heave subtly*
*She gives Shamira a confused look despite being fully aware of what’s happening from where Shamira’s eyes are pointing and her half worded sentances* “I’m sorry, I’m having a hard time understanding, what’s happening?”
*Then her guardian yells and she is quick to wave off any passing glances from other beach goers nearby*
“Shhhh!!! We’re alone but not that alone!” *Emily laughs as she sets a finger against Shamira’s mask where her lips are*
“We wouldn’t want to disturb the peace, so you’ll have to be quiet when you speak, can you do that for me?” *Shamira nods once and Emily relaxes, her hand returning to where her knights is resting, hoping to soothe it and calm her down* “Good, you’re doing so good for me right now my knight.”
*She pulls the hand in hers up to her lips before replacing it against her ribs*
*Emily schooled her expression, trying to go for more curious or confused instead of letting on how much she was enjoying this* “You said she was licking me? Where was she licking me? I need you to use your words for me, Shamira.”
A: *spotting Emily with the kite kit, she darts down and lands behind the seraph, fluttering long enough to press a kiss to Em's cheek* "Okay, next time, no darting off before we've agreed on a place to meet up, alright babe?"
A: *she holds out a little cup with vanilla ice cream and sprinkles on it* "Here's your ice cream and, if you'll follow me, Shamira and I cooked up a little surprise for ya."
How well do you expect this to go over?
I think it's the thought that counts.
A: *she flies up and leads Em to a little section of beach away from most of the festivities, where she and Shamira had hurriedly carved out a giant heart in the sand with Emily's name written in the center, an A up in one loop of the heart while a S sat in the other, and six little wings surrounding it* "I know it's... kinda messy- wasn't tryin' to keep you waiting too long."
*Emily smiles wide at the sand heart in the ground* “You did this for me?”
*She summons her hellphone and snaps a picture before anything can be ruined by wind or waves*
“I love it! Look at the cute little wings! And it’s so symmetrical! I always have trouble getting the two sides to match but you-”
*She turns and looks at them, swapping her ice cream to her other hand so that she can grab onto theirs* “Thank you, I love it. And you two.” *She leans over and presses a kiss to their cheek and lightly bumps their foreheads together*
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ask-emily-em-emmy · 11 days
As you may have noticed, some of the interactions aren’t happening chronologically. Don’t worry though, we’ll be sure to specify where on the timeline each takes place!
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ask-emily-em-emmy · 12 days
*Emily looks back over her shoulder, almost expecting Ass to have appeared, breaking free from her body with the sole purpose of teasing their girlfriend. She blushes when she’s met with empty air because something is happening beyond her scope of vision and she can only imagine what Ass is doing without her knowing*
“I- taking my clothes off?!” *She quickly glanced down at herself to make sure she was fully clothed before mentally smacking her own forehead. Obviously she hadn’t been able to take off her clothes in real life, she was in Shamira’s head, or more accurately her own head. How far could she stretch images though? Could she or was it just her pretending she could to make Shamira squirm?*
*The hand resting on her knight’s face moved to tilt her chin slightly, just enough that she was making eye contact with Emily again* “Ass is here? You can see her?” *Shamira nodded, her chin pressing into the seraph’s palm and she hummed, scheming*
“Well since I can’t see her you’ll just have to tell me everything she’s doing. Just so I can be sure she’s on her best behavior.”
*She hopes Ass understands what she’s trying to convey*
A: *spotting Emily with the kite kit, she darts down and lands behind the seraph, fluttering long enough to press a kiss to Em's cheek* "Okay, next time, no darting off before we've agreed on a place to meet up, alright babe?"
A: *she holds out a little cup with vanilla ice cream and sprinkles on it* "Here's your ice cream and, if you'll follow me, Shamira and I cooked up a little surprise for ya."
How well do you expect this to go over?
I think it's the thought that counts.
A: *she flies up and leads Em to a little section of beach away from most of the festivities, where she and Shamira had hurriedly carved out a giant heart in the sand with Emily's name written in the center, an A up in one loop of the heart while a S sat in the other, and six little wings surrounding it* "I know it's... kinda messy- wasn't tryin' to keep you waiting too long."
*Emily smiles wide at the sand heart in the ground* “You did this for me?”
*She summons her hellphone and snaps a picture before anything can be ruined by wind or waves*
“I love it! Look at the cute little wings! And it’s so symmetrical! I always have trouble getting the two sides to match but you-”
*She turns and looks at them, swapping her ice cream to her other hand so that she can grab onto theirs* “Thank you, I love it. And you two.” *She leans over and presses a kiss to their cheek and lightly bumps their foreheads together*
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ask-emily-em-emmy · 12 days
I made your mononykus a hat.
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ask-emily-em-emmy · 12 days
*The hand on her stomach was tentative, like it was asking permission. Emily rested her own against it for a moment before wiping away any sand on her side and settling it on her cheek, her thumb tracing her lips through the mask*
“I suppose we could just talk about it. Decide on what you want or don’t want ahead of time to avoid confusion, rules and expectations or whatever. That’s an at home topic, but that gives you time to think about what it is you want from the experience or if you even want to experience anything now. I promise I won’t judge you for your wants, I just want to know so that I can be the best partner I can be.” *She kissed her forehead with a smile*
A: *spotting Emily with the kite kit, she darts down and lands behind the seraph, fluttering long enough to press a kiss to Em's cheek* "Okay, next time, no darting off before we've agreed on a place to meet up, alright babe?"
A: *she holds out a little cup with vanilla ice cream and sprinkles on it* "Here's your ice cream and, if you'll follow me, Shamira and I cooked up a little surprise for ya."
How well do you expect this to go over?
I think it's the thought that counts.
A: *she flies up and leads Em to a little section of beach away from most of the festivities, where she and Shamira had hurriedly carved out a giant heart in the sand with Emily's name written in the center, an A up in one loop of the heart while a S sat in the other, and six little wings surrounding it* "I know it's... kinda messy- wasn't tryin' to keep you waiting too long."
*Emily smiles wide at the sand heart in the ground* “You did this for me?”
*She summons her hellphone and snaps a picture before anything can be ruined by wind or waves*
“I love it! Look at the cute little wings! And it’s so symmetrical! I always have trouble getting the two sides to match but you-”
*She turns and looks at them, swapping her ice cream to her other hand so that she can grab onto theirs* “Thank you, I love it. And you two.” *She leans over and presses a kiss to their cheek and lightly bumps their foreheads together*
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ask-emily-em-emmy · 13 days
“I accept your apology, although I don’t think it’s entirely necessary. And also, here’s the fun part: you don’t have to nurse me back to health or take me on a date. I mean, it would be nice someday if you took us on a date you planned, but that doesn’t have to happen right now. We have forever for all that!” *She paused with a wild grin* “And really, this is like one long date right now! And we went shopping, that’s a date in my eyes! And then we laid in Eden which looking back is so romantic! Maybe you didn’t plan them, but that’s okay, you still partook in them and still helped make them what they were.”
*She pulled the hand still in hers to her lips* “My knight, you may not have nursed us back to health but you did keep us sane after I dragged you both to the mall. What would I have done had you not been there? Ass would have just continued to be tense until she eventually either took it out on someone or I finally realized what was happening and left but what are the chances that would have gone well? Who’s to say I would’ve even noticed? But you, my observant guardian, noticed and knew exactly what to do for both of us. You took care of us, protected us from dangers within. You don’t have to earn our love but if you did you’d be just as worthy as us.”
*She gripped Shamira’s hand hard* “Also, you are not Ass. You will never be Ass. You’re both like night and day, and that’s okay! You don’t have to be Ass. You just have to be Shamira. I know you, and Ass knows you. You’re brave, fiercely protective, loyal, kind, modest, honorable, righteous and artistic. You value a job well done and are unafraid of doing the work to make it so. We’re still learning things about you, yes, but that will never stop happening. You will never fully know yourself because you are alive, you live and grow and change and that’s beautiful. You have a beautiful soul Shamira and no matter what form you take I will still think you are beautiful, my knight.”
A: *spotting Emily with the kite kit, she darts down and lands behind the seraph, fluttering long enough to press a kiss to Em's cheek* "Okay, next time, no darting off before we've agreed on a place to meet up, alright babe?"
A: *she holds out a little cup with vanilla ice cream and sprinkles on it* "Here's your ice cream and, if you'll follow me, Shamira and I cooked up a little surprise for ya."
How well do you expect this to go over?
I think it's the thought that counts.
A: *she flies up and leads Em to a little section of beach away from most of the festivities, where she and Shamira had hurriedly carved out a giant heart in the sand with Emily's name written in the center, an A up in one loop of the heart while a S sat in the other, and six little wings surrounding it* "I know it's... kinda messy- wasn't tryin' to keep you waiting too long."
*Emily smiles wide at the sand heart in the ground* “You did this for me?”
*She summons her hellphone and snaps a picture before anything can be ruined by wind or waves*
“I love it! Look at the cute little wings! And it’s so symmetrical! I always have trouble getting the two sides to match but you-”
*She turns and looks at them, swapping her ice cream to her other hand so that she can grab onto theirs* “Thank you, I love it. And you two.” *She leans over and presses a kiss to their cheek and lightly bumps their foreheads together*
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