#i got plot paralysis XD
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The very first wip i'm finishing this year is one from my prucan minifics back in september, it's the very last one from that batch!! Should be done soon :D
#this one gave me so much trouble oh my g o d#the prompt is fantastic but it's also so wide open#i got plot paralysis XD
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28 and 33?
28. Which fic is closest to your heart?
Probably Passengers :D. It was my favorite one to work on and was on the heels of me having just watched season three of Infinity Train and feeling like I needed to scream about the show XD. One of the tags says that I wrote it instead of sleeping which was semi-true lol. The fic originally had a completely different concept/plot and then at like 2 am, I basically scrapped that first chap I had been working on and came up with what I ended up posting. Also a few people told me that that fic got them into IT which blew my mind lol.
33. Which of your fic titles is your favorite?
Hehe I'm guilty of using song titles and lyrics as fic titles XD. I liked Sweet Dreams Are Made of These :D. Besides just liking the song itself, I thought it fit really well with the themes of both sleep paralysis in the fic and with the idea of the relationship between L and Light being like a sweet dream.
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Lights of Zetar (live reaction)
Awwwww Scotty has a crush (it’s always cute when this happens imo, even if nothing comes of it) Doohan is cute when he plays it like he’s in love
Spoooky paralysis sparklies
Girl? You gotta thing against doctors?
Chapel did you just SASS Scotty lmao
Ohhhh Scotty defo has Astrophobia I KNEW IT!!!
Oh? Memory Alpha is a canonical planet??? I thought it was just a cool name for the wiki
Whelp, there goes the library of Alexandria
That was a long ass idk Spock my man
Bruh. Scotty. My man. Get it together.
Offfff COURSE she’s possessed that’s what happened
Great let’s give Kirk more “evil cloud creature” flavored trauma
Transporter Chief Neil should’ve got a little something something plot wise! He’s this show’s O’Brien! He’s here almost every episode S2 onward!
SCOTTY 👏🏻 HAS 👏🏻 ASTROPHOBIA👏🏻 (I knew it! I should update my phobia post!!! Sorry my dude it’s not normal to be terrified all the time while in space, you and Mira experiencing the same anxiety means you have an issue my dude.
Believe women when they say freaky shit is happening in TV Shows and Movies they are usually right!!! JFC.
This is like that one episode of the 1980s Thundercats where Cheetara mind fused with that alien AI that hurt her when it got hurt. Good episode!
Scotty is a big softie ☺️
Mira is cool actually! We stan!
Y’all, you’re in space, why are you even surprised something you thought was impossible has happened?
That was the stupidest zoom shot ever XD aaaaand foreHEAD!
Oh that’s cute if a lil hamfisted.
Bad ass good girl!!
Yo if they wanna kill Scotty why is Scotty allowed to be in the room???
This is cool! I feel like they could’ve shot it in less boring way at some points but S’ril really really cool conceptually!
Poor Scotty! Why do bad things always happen to him when he’s got a gf or a nice new thing?! He deserves a break!
Under pressure DUN DUN DUN DUH DUH DUN DUN 😂
Oh yay she didn’t die! Good for her!
“Love as a motivation?” Mhmmm we know Spock 💕
Awww I wanna know what happened with Scotty and Mira! I would’ve loved to see more of that play out that was cute af!
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Demon Lover
Ok ok ok ok I know if I don’t dump this somewhere it’s going to fester and bother me and interfere with the other stuff I’m working on so here: FIC BUNNY I AM RELEASING INTO THE WILD if you write it please let me know so I can read it.
Anyway. This is related to @doomspoon888‘s post/ask reply about Cyberverse season 2 and episode 8 and Starscream’s children and ghost writing and... You know how your brain takes a bunch of unrelated things and gloms them all together and makes connections that no sane person would ever make? Let’s just say that this post blessed me with such a connection.
All right. Let’s get down to business. First I need to talk about demon lovers. ...Then I’ll talk about Starscream and Megatron. 😈
Incubi and Succubi
From Wikipedia: an incubus is a demon in a male form, while a succubus is a demon in a female form. I’m sure everyone’s quite aware of how these demons seek out sex with humans and impregnate women with a child. (This was an explanation for how an otherwise chaste nun might suddenly “fall pregnant.”)
What I didn’t know until I was attacked by this bunny was that since demons aren’t supposed to have souls, a male demon can’t impregate a woman on its own. (Because, ya know, only men can pass on souls cue the eye rolling.) So the theory was that a succubus would have sex with a man, transfer the sperm to an incubus, and the incubus would have sex with a woman and impregnate her with the sperm. (The child was sometimes called a cambion, and exhibited symptoms of its demonic origin such as being very heavy, unable to be drowned, or malformed in some way... Or was occasionally perfect but in an unnatural way.)
But another theory was that incubi and succubi were actually the same demon.
Plot Bunny
And here is what my muse handed me when I gave it all of those data points I just explained. Either enjoy this half outline/half fic, or feel free to expand on it yourself, or run away screaming.
I just needed to get it out of my head! XD
Setting: G1ish, prewar maybe. Before Megatron met Starscream, anyway.
Warnings: Dub-con to enthusiastic con, sleep paralysis, demonic sex, mech preg
Plot: Megatron is a high-value gladiator, and his handlers frequently purchase buymechs for his use. Megatron doesn’t really want them, though. Usually he just ignores them and waits for them to leave. No matter how many times he insists he doesn’t want them, he will still return to his rooms after a match to find some shiny racer or aerial draped over his berth.
It’s a bother, really.
One night he returns to his rooms and there’s no one there. It’s a relief, really, because he was tired and wanted to recharge right away without having to wait for the buymech to leave. He falls asleep, but wakes a few hours later to find himself unable to move... And there’s a mech on top of him, grinding against him. All he can see is a wing at first, and then the mech’s face... It’s a Seeker, his optics glowing an unnaturally bright red, and his mouth is turned up in an impish grin...
Primus, he’s gorgeous.
Megatron’s battle systems are trying to come online (he’s still freaked out that he can’t move and is getting molested by this strange mech) but nothing works, and the other mech’s motions finally build up enough charge so that his modesty panels slide aside on their own and his spike pressurizes, and suddenly the strange mech is on him, riding him like a wild zap pony, and it’s the best fucking sex he’s has in a while, and it’s not long before he overloads and slides into reboot.
When he wakes up, he’s alone.
He chews out his handler for sending a buymech into his rooms while he’s asleep, but his handler insists that he did nothing of the sort. He even shows Megatron the security tapes that show no one entering his rooms after Megatron goes in. There was also no evidence on him that he’d interfaced with anyone...
Maybe it was a dream.
Except a few nights later it happens again. Megatron wakes up to find the same mech on top of him, and his body remembers what it did before and it’s just a few minutes before the mech is riding him again, moaning and touching Megatron in just the right places and waggling his wings in the most alluring way, and Megatron overloads again.
Megatron manages to stay online this time, and the Seeker slides off of his spike with a low groan. His wings flutter as he reaches down at brushes his fingers against Megatron’s valve - oh hey, when did that panel open? - and Megatron can feel that he’s slick already...
And then the mech slides into him and starts pounding away. [yada yada, fill in sex details here]
Right when the Seeker overloads inside him, he leans forward and kisses Megatron in the most passionate way he’s ever been kissed. Megatron has his second overload of the night and that one sends him into reboot.
He wakes up alone again.
There’s no signs of interfacing, though. No paint transfers, no transfluid stains on the sheets, nothing in his valve...
...A dream. Yeah, definitely a dream.
This goes on and on, for weeks. It’s the same thing every night: Megatron wakes to find the Seeker on top of him. He always takes Megatron’s spike first, and then spikes Megatron in turn. It’s always in that order. There is never any sign of the strange mech in the morning, but...
A dream? Megatron decides he needs to find out.
Finally, one night, Megatron tries to stay awake. He puts himself in an attentive but meditative state (which is part of his gladiator training) - it slows his ventilations and mimics recharge - and about an hour later he senses movement in his room.
Megatron’s hand darts out, and he grabs the Seeker by the wrist before it can immobilize him.
“Who are you?” Megatron growls.
The Seeker smiles at him like he always did, and leans forward to kiss him. Megatron can feel his systems seizing, sliding into the paralysis that he’s always in when he wakes. As their lips part, the Seeker says, “My name is Starscream.” His voice sounds like glass scraping on concrete, and Megatron is sure that no mortal mech has ever sounded like that.
He wakes up alone again.
The next time Megatron has his maintenance check, the doctor frowns at something in the readings he’s getting. “I don’t understand this. Your inhibitor is still activated, and you shouldn’t...”
“Spit it out,” growls Megatron.
“You’re sparked,” says the doctor, turning the monitor around. It shows a clear image of Megatron’s spark with another circling it.
No wonder he’d been feeling tired.
Megatron keeps fighting until the swelling in his abdomen becomes too obvious, and the referees pull him from the ring. It’s irritating but... Megatron is more angry/worried/sad that his mystery lover has vanished. The sparkling is obviously his, but searches of records for a Seeker named ‘Starscream’ turn up nothing.
It’s infuriating.
When the sparkling finally emerges, it’s grey and silver and blue and red, and has little wings and unnaturally red optics. When it cries, its voice sounds like glass scraping on concrete. And the sparkling is the most wonderful, adorable, precious thing that Megatron has ever seen.
But the strangest thing is after its emergence, Megatron’s handler insists on having the sparkling’s CNA tested. He’s positive that Megatron got knocked up by one of the other gladiators (since all buymechs have working inhibitors by law), and he wants to go after that other mech’s handler for his monetary losses while Megatron was sidelined.
However, when the results of the test come back, it’s the strangest thing... The little winged sparkling’s CNA is identical to Megatron’s.
That night, in his bed at the medical centre, Megatron drifts into a light recharge while feeding the little mech... But he opens his optics again when he feels a weight on the bed.
Starscream is sitting beside him, smiling at the sparkling in his arms.
#bunny#fic idea#megastar#tf starscream#tf megatron#lemons#no seriously this is pretty dirty#have at it#valveplug
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Fanfic Writer Appreciation (and a little self love)
Sooooo, as talked about I wanted to do a little promo. I may not always be my favorite writer, but I try to be one of my cheerleaders. And well, if you’re here you obviously have some interest in what I’m up to.
SO! Here’s a list of my currently-published WIPs and some info about them, in the order that I’ve updated them, most recent to oldest.
Feel free to ask questions about any of them!
Dog Whistle (Ao3 || FFN) - started off as a prompt from @snackarey when I reblogged some Soulmate AUs. This one was a prompt for soulmates (Zack/Kunsel) who felt what each other felt - like pain. Needless to say, this went into a canon divergent AU where Kunsel felt some of what Zack was going through when Hojo got a hold of him after Nibelheim. And saved him, setting off an ever-increasing list of revolutionary consequences. It’s nearly 58K, and though I’m a little stuck I’m looking forward to seeing where it goes.
Dewprism: Journey to the [Relic] (Ao3 || FFN) - this actually has a lot more written than I’ve posted, I just got a little frustrated because well... the fandom is teeny tiny and there’s no real feedback. But! It’s an interesting piece. It’s a semi-novelization where I’m taking the old PS1 Classic from Squaresoft, Threads of Fate/Dewprism and merging the two storylines. Basically... you can’t play the game anymore unless you got it from the PSN for your PSP or... PS2, I think? Or emulate it, of course, you can do that. And I wanted to bring the experience to more people, because it’s got such a great story.
It’s Not a Game (Ao3 || FFN) - this is my Avengers/FF7 crossover, and funny story, it was actually born out of a comment back on my old Genesis RP blog about how Genesis would totally be Tony Stark’s favorite character if he played Crisis Core. It’s turned into a full blown fixit I have a type and I actually have like, 90% of the next chapter done, it just doesn’t feel quite right so I haven’t posted it. And am, of course, stuck. There’s a case of choice paralysis here; the premise is that, in the MCU, FF7 is a series like it is in our world, and Tony is a fan. So he goes to make a simulation to do a self-insert... only he somehow transports himself (and Bruce) to a dimension where it’s real. A “Stark-insert” someone called it; and it does use a lot of “Self-Insert” tropes, actually. There’s just so many ways it could go that I’m stuck on choosing exactly how to progress here.
Party of Five (Ao3 || FFN) - the MMO AU! This was actually originally a prompt @up-sideand-down got, that I got permission to take off with. It’s a modern AU AGSZC where they meet online playing this MMO I made up that’s based off of FF7 and modeled after a mashup of like, me studying WoW and my experiences playing SWTOR. I’ve actually got some ideas of where it’s going, I just got too caught up in technicalities and need to reroute it back to the relationships going on.
Welcome to FF7 (series link, Ao3) - this is me hashing out basically what I think went down pre-games. Most of it is headcanon, I cannot stress that enough. It’s based off of the little we know, of course, but there’s just so much we don’t that it’s mostly headcanon. Tons of OCs. It’s a whole series, and they overlap - different sections that follow different departments, mostly. The base story is Welcome to ShinRa (Ao3 || FFN) and that follows the man who will become President Shinra from back when they first discover mako energy. I’ve also got Welcome to the Science Department (Ao3 || FFN) which starts off with college students Gast and Grimoire and how they get drawn into the beginnings of what becomes ShinRa Electric.
And last but not least, honorable mention to Times of Change (Ao3) - this was actually a piece inspired by @deadcatwithaflamethrower‘s Re-Entry series. I desperately need to reread that before I can hope to continue this, but... one day. One day.... I don’t suggest reading it right now, my headcanons have changed and it needs an overhaul. But you’ll see eventually.
And now... the WIPs you haven’t seen. (Under a cut)
By fandom, just to keep things straight, but in no particular order otherwise.
Compilation of FF7
The Snowball Effect (Ao3 || FFN) ... sequel? continuation? - as one of the gift exchange presents I’ve just done this past month, it is definitely standalone as is, but if I ever figure out where I want to take it, I’ll continue that one. It was just far too much fun.
The Price of Freedom - the sequel to To Be Human, which... I’m looking forward to, but I really burnt myself out on TBH so it’s going to be longer than anticipated before I approach this one. TBH definitely stands on its own, but there were some loose ends left to tie up, so we’ll see how that goes. And when it goes, when I’m ready to approach that again. TBH needs some editing, too... lots of work there.
The Unnamed Pokemon/FF7 crossover that I’ve talked about for... a couple years now (yikes) but now actually have a plot for. It’s very interesting to me, putting Pokemon on Gaia, and seeing how that changes everything. Because like, they’d have presumably used Mew’s DNA since there’s no Jenova (I can’t see them using Deoxys, which would be the closer parallel) and since there’s no Chaos, Grimoire is still alive. Which means no extra Drama between Lucrecia and Vincent - and really, there shouldn’t be the stress between Vincent and Hojo over her being sick because Mew would theoretically be much more compatible with humans than Jenova was.
What I’m saying is Seph has three parents and at least one set of grandparents and a much more stable Sephiroth (and Genesis and Angeal, thanks to Lucrecia teaming up with Gillian) leads to some very interesting changes. Like deciding they don’t want to fight the Wutai war anymore. >_>
Hold My Flower - a timetravel fic featuring our one and only flowergirl, who has had enough of people messing up her planet and refuses to just... let it die. She is, unquestionably, a force of nature. No fragile flower to be found here, this is the gal you see in the OG who threatened a mob boss and meant it. Heaven help anyone who gets in her way. She’s going to save the world. Possibly in a Turk Suit, don’t look at me.
The Long Game - Reeve goes back in time, and holy crap this one is a monster I am truly intimidated by so it’s gonna take a while for me to get going on that. XD But basically, similar premise to the above - the world isn’t healing and someone has to do something, so Reeve is nominated due to his position in ShinRa and potential to... he’d say “influence” but let’s call a spade a spade - manipulate people and events to a more favorable outcome.
A third BIT fic is one that I started writing with my friend @askshivanulegacy back in... damn, somewhere between 2011-2013, before we switched to writing SWTOR fic together. It’s one where Zack is sent back in time, and the differences in him post-Hojo change things even before he can start deliberately changing anything. But I got permission to take and remake that, so I intend to, one day. It was Good Stuff. And you can never have too much timetravel.
Dragon Ball Z
So, this is an oooooold fandom of mine - the first fanfics I ever wrote (under a different name, no I’m not telling XD it was ten years ago) were for DBZ, and definitely the first ones I ever read, back in the days of dial up. And I read a couple interesting takes on Chichi/Vegeta fic... and I was talking with @vorpalgirl about it and said I’d love to try my hand at something with that one day. I think they have the potential to be a really great pair (don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the canon pairings but those two have a lot of potential) so... yeah someday I might dip my toes back into Z. It’s on the wishlist, as well as reviving and cleaning up an old unfinished work of mine. Someday~
Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Seven Years Lost - this one I’ve been debating a long time, and even did a little on! It’s basically how I rationalize what happens when Link pulls the Master Sword out and - well, spoilers but it’s a really old game so - when he comes out as a teenager and is immediately able to handle a nearly-adult body. It involves a dreamscape scenario where he communicates with his past incarnations and learns from them, and from sharing dreams with Zelda due to their bond.
Sailor Moon (manga/Crystal based)
Second Chances - I read a lot of SM fanfic back in the day, and my favorite ones were... more real? Like, there were more consequences to these 14 year old kids out there fighting for their lives and sometimes losing them. I’d like to tell a story through Minako/Venus’ eyes primarily, covering what that’s like, and then I also just really want a happy ending for the senshi/shittenou? So... yay canon divergence, lol. You guys know the deal by now. XD
Star Wars: Legends Era
United We Stand - SWTOR fanfic, baby! Basically, I’m just dying to see the eight classes cross over each other, and I will bend canon to do it. For anyone that’s played the original class story lines, there is some cross over but believe me when I say there were huge opportunities that were let drop by nature of the game. Just with the two Jedi stories alone... but that’s #spoilers for a not-as-old game so I’ll leave that be and only elaborate if asked.
(And do feel free to ask about any of these! I’d love to hash them out more.)
#writer ramble#rambles#ff7#avengers#ff7/avengers#threads of fate#dewprism#star wars#pokemon#pokemon/ff7#dbz#sailor moon#swtor
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Hi! I'm wondering how you outline stories, if you're interested in sharing some about it? You wrote something about outlining the prompts for Whumptober, and I guess it makes me curious: do you do that every time, with every story? Or is it like .. a tool to get started or.. I'm hungry for details I guess. Do you ever write and just see what happens, or are you like 'A Planner'? Anyway! The things you write are great and incredible and I thank you immensely for sharing them with the world
I love talking about outlines. You can ask my former students, I always got real weird about outlines before their first essays were due.
For academic/nonfiction writing, I make four outlines: 1. general ideas, flow of essay 2. detailed paragraph by paragraph breakdown 3. quotes/evidence/references (so I don’t have to go hunting for quotes/refs while writing) 4. finally I open a new Word document, add header/title/page#s, and in bold write the thesis statement and the first sentence of each paragraph (the topic/introductory sentence). Theoretically this should result in a paragraph that is direct and simple, but reads like a coherent argument. It helps keep the ‘plot’ of the essay in focus. (I had a bad habit of losing the thread and veering off by the end.) And it helps break that ‘blank page’ paralysis. That’s what I found helpful for essay writing. :-)
For fic, it definitely depends. I would say like...half and half. I don’t get that^^ intense about it, but most longer fics I do a like ‘bracket outline’ in the document. Like [conversation about X] [they go here and do this]. (I would provide an example but...I delete the brackets as I go.] It helps because I do like to write out of order, starting with the scenes that I have actual inspiration for, and then filling in the ‘boring’ stuff later.
But I definitely also just go for it! Sometimes I write fairly coherent longer narrative things in one go and it’s like O.o ‘how you do that brain?’ I’d say for Whumptober it’s more like an 80/20% split - I’m mostly not outlining, just going for it, because they’re mostly single descriptive scenes, but there are a couple that are more complicated that I was struggling with so I have actual outlines. And one that I did and was like ‘wait I hate this’ then found earlier notes I’d taken about what I wanted to happen and forgotten about so I’m redoing that. XD
The one fic that probably looks most like my academic writing process is the Endgame AU. There is an actual outline involved.
I mean also it’s the one fic I’m intentionally writing a rough draft for (The Worst Draft, as I’ve been calling it) so that’s a totally different beast.
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You also have a tendency to write Katsuki as a deer in the headlights or suffer emotion induced paralysis/stupidity/recklessness which works for your plots. Usually by the time that comes up you have written him into a state where that response is believable. Path to Villainy/early Villainy featured glimmers of intelligent, competent and cautious Katsuki, but recent stories and updates he seems to have lost his brain which is a shame because his intelligence would make him more of a challenge-
- for your villain Izukus. Canonically his emotional immaturity does compromise his intelligence and in One exception there is very good reason why he’s compromised, so I see why you write him like you do.
However, is it because you do see him a little stupid that you tend him write him this way, or is having two intellects/tactians against each other difficult to write that you need to nerf one or is it just so he is vulnerable in a way that Izuku can win.
I hope this is not read as me getting at you. I am more curious about your process as a writer and challenges when writing the plots and characters as well as this emerging trend. Is it so you can keep the stories reasonably short? Is it because you don’t see the character as intelligent or is it just how you characterize Villain Izuku is so much smarter or his will so much greater that Katsuki’s comparative intelligence is barely a factor.
I am asking because I think your a greater writer and care about your thoughts but if this upsets you and you don’t want to answer, that is perfectly reasonable and I’ll apologize in advance.
[I only jumped in your ask box because you showed self awareness about Izuku and this trend with Katsuki is something I noticed in your stories and was interested in but I don’t want to put something that looks negative in your comments so I just leave kudos in AO3.]
Yo! Oh man. I saw this an hour ago and was upset I wasn’t someplace I could answer. I love attention and I could ramble about my fanfiction and the headcanons behind it all day if you let me (If any of you want to hit me up on Skype or Discord to talk fic meta I’m here. Just sayin’). Ha ha. So this was awesome to see and I’m gonna’ just drop an essay in your lap because I can. :D
My next thought was “Ah yes. That lovely thing happened where what an author intends doesn’t always make it to the page, which is why for all my original writing I try to have a beta reader” followed immediately by “This is karmic retribution for giving Harry such a hard time in his fifth book when I read it with absolutely zero thought or awareness given to his mental state.”
It’s my turn on the other side. Ha ha ha. XD Anyway this is a super long post so I’m just gonna smack a cut right here~
I guess I’ll start with saying that fanfiction is a fun, self-indulgent thing for me so I am very guilty of exaggerating traits of characters that I like.
In the case of Izuku, I make him way thirstier for Katsuki than he actually is (for rule of funny & shipping purposes) and I like to play with his more selfish/greedy side such as Izuku specifically wanting to be the star hero that people look up to to make them smile/feel better/cheer, even if it was unreasonable because he was Quirkless etc. vs Just Helping People However He Can, even if it’s not in the limelight.
This sort of leads to writing an Izuku that wants Katsuki to see him specifically. A “I worked hard for this and became someone amazing so he should notice me.” attitude.
(I’m not saying this is a bad thing. Wanting to be a public role model & person people look up to is natural. But there is a fine line between genuinely wanting to help people, and wanting to do it for the fame & spotlight. Which is a much longer discussion. Canon Izuku is genuinely empathetic and cares about people and he’s definitely a Hero, but he’s also selfish, angry, and reckless and I like highlighting that second part of his character because it often gets ignored.)
Whereas for Katsuki, I like exaggerating his general lack of social awareness (he has a bad habit of not paying attention to the people around him; like not learning their names or not knowing his classmates Quirks at the Sports Festival), his misunderstandings of others due to his pride and his general insecurities (The entire “Deku was looking down on me” thing), and I like to headcanon a little bit of self-hatred and denial (Less in canon and more things I like to explore as ‘what-ifs’). Etc.
I also am very guilty of exaggerating how much he picked on Deku in middle school. In the canon, I honestly don’t think it was that bad. I think there was the one time he beat up Deku when they were tiny, and then the rest of it was a lot of Katsuki ignoring Izuku. Their interactions in the first episode seem like a special case due to Izuku being an open threat to Katsuki’s future (He was scared enough Izuku might actually make it in and ruin his “I’m the only one who got in” that he didn’t want him to even try). He was threatened and lashed out with harsh words that even his friends thought were “too much.”
But I admittedly like violent characters, so I tend to exaggerate Katsuki’s physical side. Heh.
However, one thing that I’ve never seen him as is stupid. Ignorant at times? Sure. But stupid? Never.
In fact, I had to laugh because I end up writing a lot of his “Deer in the headlight/Panic” moments very specifically because I think he’s a smart guy.
I like to write Katsuki as someone who does not understand & can’t wrap his head around why Izuku would like him. Katsuki remembers Middle School too and this “I totally forgave you the second you finished beating me up” just doesn’t make sense to him. Izuku is dropping Unconditional Love in his lap and he’s like “What is this? Who does that?”
Because I also like to headcanon that Katsuki is in constant denial that he likes Izuku. Because if he admits that, he has to admit to all the things he admires about Izuku that makes him special which leads to Katsuki admitting that Izuku is heroic in nature and kind and all the things he wants to be, which leads him down the jealousy/angry/frustrated route of insecurity so he just covers it up with “I hate him” - when it reality it’s a “I hate that I don’t hate him” if that makes any sense.
(Long story short, I like Katsuki as an emotional mess that doesn’t know what he wants or how to deal with himself which often leads to him making bad choices, whether it’s punching Izuku in the face or just flat out avoiding him.)
However, I can’t really think of anything I’ve written so far that makes Katsuki seem ignorant or stupid? Which makes me wonder what I missed.
I’ve tried very hard to keep most of his bad decisions be due to being overemotional and not thinking things through clearly. I wouldn’t call someone stupid or dumb for making rash decisions while they’re angry or upset. Heh.
OH. Or like. The latest chapter in Villainy. I’ve gotten a lot of comments that read along the lines of “Why was Katsuki so stupid to walk into a trap?” which confused me because I actually put in the effort this time around to set all that up.
(Spoilers for Villainy now if you haven’t read it. Also it’s a little long on the “This is why I did stuff” front…)
I’ve been planning Toga’s attack on Katsuki since Chapter 3. In chapter eight I made sure to add in a line that he’s got Mrs. Midoriya’s phone number in case she needs anything while his parents are out of Town. Katsuki was prepared to get a phone call or text from her asking for his help.
Toga saw that text exchange which is why she made her plan to Text Katsuki pretending to be Deku’s mom.
Why would Katsuki question that she needs a bookshelf put together? She’s a small, single woman and probably doesn’t have anyone else to call. Katsuki has no reason to think twice about it.
As for why he didn’t react to seeing “Izuku” there, one of the reasons Katsuki’s dreams have been such a big deal is because I wanted to highlight his mental state after Path to Villainy - he’s not in a good way. He is still seriously anxious and disturbed after watching Izuku try to kill Kirishima. Kirishima almost died. And he’s upset because he liked Izuku the entire time.
“Villainy” Katsuki has had a crush on Izuku since they were little and he feels guilty about it because of his behavior. He got a kick out of roughing Izuku up and he feels bad about it. He doesn’t think Izuku would want anything to do with him and then he finds out it’s the opposite so then he’s just guilty and confused and “I still like the guy who tried to murder my best friend” messed up.
Second, his dreams having been getting worse. Those dreams where I fooled the readers into thinking it was real? Did that on purpose. Because Katsuki’s having a hard time realizing when he’s in a dream at first, too. That’s why he’s been having intrusive Dream thoughts, too. Just to help blur that line a little.
I also made sure that only Dream!Izuku calls Katsuki “Katsuki” so that when Toga did it, he’d question whether he was awake or not.
Toga calling Katsuki “Stupid” was a callback to when she said “He’s not too bright is he?” at the theme park, and because she isn’t aware of Katsuki’s own internal issues or about all his “Make out with Deku” nightmares, she just thinks it’s dumb he’d make out with a guy who’s been trying to kidnap him.
Anyway, long story short, I don’t see anything Katsuki did in that situation as “Dumb” aside from maybe going by himself. Which is less “stupid” and more exactly the reason he gave in the text itself with a “I need some time alone doing something mindless like putting together a shelf” to get his thoughts together.
(End spoilers)
I hope that wasn’t too long. But I really can’t think of any other moments where he’s been particularly unintelligent?
I mean, there were a few moments were I exaggerated his social awkwardness for laughs (Like in One Exception, I’m pretty sure Canon!Katsuki would pick up that Kirishima was trying to play nice and be friends–like he did in Path to Villainy–but that story was so dark, I needed a little humor to balance it out), or had him act rashly from time to time for drama’s sake.
I guess overall I just sort of feel like Izuku and Katsuki are weak points for each other, so when they get involved they tend to act more recklessly and emotionally than they would in other situations, which I guess may come across as unintelligent as they make Bad Life Choices? XD
Anyway, I’m not sure if that answered your question or not but I’ve rambled enough. Ha ha.
Thanks for the asks!! :D
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Up to Fortree we go!
The current team:
Chickweed the Blaziken | level 37 | male | Blaze | Serious, takes plenty of siestas | Flame Charge, Blaze Kick, Double Kick, Cut | starter
Snowdrop the Mightyena | level 34 | female | Intimidate | Lonely, loves to eat | Ice Fang, Bite, Odor Sleuth, Rock Smash | found route 101
Sequoia the Gyarados | level 30 | female | Intimidate | Bashful, nods off a lot | Surf, Tackle, Bite, Dragon Rage | found route 106
Edelweiss the Skarmory | level 27 | male | Sturdy | Gentle, very finicky | Assurance, Steel Wing, Sky Drop, Swift | found route 113
Sage the Baltoy | level 27 | no thank you | Levitate | Bold, sturdy body | Rock Tomb, Psybeam, Ancient Power, Dazzling Gleam | found route 111
Oleracea the Electrike | level 15 | female | Static | Brave, capable of taking hits | Thunder Wave, Spark, Howl, Quick Attack | found route 118
Oleracea Snowdrop, Sage are going to be doing the heavy lifting for Fortree Gym, particularly Oleracea. Looks like the strongest Pokemon there is 35 - Chickweed is actually already over that level, although, uh, definitely not letting him anywhere near a Flying gym lmfao.
So. 20 levels to go. No biggie.
First trainer encounter! Bug Catcher Greg has a Beautifly, level 29. A Flame Charge dispenses of it (after he tanks an Air Cutter - I have Oleracea leading.)
Bug Catcher Kent has a Dustox, level 29! Hey, twins. Gonna give Sage a try. Hmm, Psybeam was SE but only did half damage WITH a crit, and they’re vulnerable to Silver Wind. Gotta work on that! Oh well, back to Chickweed, haha. Huh, IT had Psybeam too XD Flame Charge takes care of it.
Next up, Bug Catcher Doug leads with Volbeat, level 26. Chickie takes it. Next is Illumise, level 28. Let’s give Edel a shot! NYOOM. Wow, hits hard but still no OHKO? Aaand it’s down, haha.
Bug Maniac Donald has a Beautifly, level 30. Flame Charge hits hard. Whoops, Whirlwinded out! You know what let’s see if li’l Oleracea can take it out - she caaaan!
Bug Maniac Brent leads with Masquerain, level 28. Maybe Sage? Nope, too slow, got hit twice and got into the yellows in the time it took to land a Rock Tomb. Okay, Chickweed can finish it off. Paralysis you dick - never mind he still hit it XD Next up is Ninjask, level 28. This one DOES outspeed Chickweed, but it doesn’t do too much damage before it’s down!
Finally, Bug Maniac Taylor, then I think we’re out of the long grass XD Dustox, level 30. Gonna give this to Edel! Only into the yellows, that’s okay. Silver Wind does... like nothing. Second Sky Drop does it!
...So much for all those healing items, there’s a house here XD
Hey, a Ranger! Pokemon Ranger Catherine has a Breloom, level 31 <3 This calls for Chickweed! I’m just picturing Chickie being like, “...you fight good.”
Anyway, local trainers taken care of, time to catch! And it is... Kecleon! Okay XD He will be named Hydrangea, because colour change!
Ooh, Brains and Brawn team, Jael and Kael! Kadabra and Machoke, levels 31. Let’s get Snowdrop out here for the Kadabra and Edel for the Machoke! RIP Kadabra, OHKOed XD Whoops, Sky Drop was NOT a OHKO and Snowdrop tanked a Vital Throw, let’s get someone in who isn’t weak to Fighting... Sage should do it! Only gets in a single Psybeam before the next Sky Drop takes it out, haha.
JFC. I have minions now.
Ranger Jackson leads with Seviper, level 29. Oh dear, it has Night Slash. I’m glad I went with Edel and NOT Sage! Next is Vigoroth level 29, that’s Chickweed’s! OHKO!
Bird Keeper Hugh has a Swellow, level 30. Is Oleracea strong enough to take it? Let’s see... not quite, at level 22 her Thunder Fang does like a third damage XD At least she paralyses it via Static, though! UUUGH DOUBLE TEAM. Snowdrop still finishes it off with Ice Fang!
Bird Keeper Phil has a Doduo, level 30. After a VERY TENSE battle, Oleracea manages it all on her own!! <3
Oooh, I see the Weather Institute up ahead. And Aqua! “Hey don’t go into the Weather Institute!” “Okay. *goes in*”
First grunt leads with Mightyena, level 28. This is Chickweed’s! Ayyy and he hits level 40! Next is Golbat, level 28. Oleracea is still a bit low, so this is Sage’s! They get poisoned and take some damage, but still 2HKO it!
Next grunt! Ew, Grimer. Level 30. This one is aaaall Sage’s! AHHH STOP MINIMISING. FINE. EDEL HAS SWIFT. Ha, it can’t hit him with Mud Bomb OR Sludge Bomb!
SHELLY. HI SENPAI. I love her she passes science classes. Oi Grunt your boss has already stopped! Oh well. He leads with Carvanha, level 28. Oleracea OHKOs it!! Next is Mightnyena, level 28. All Chickweed’s!
Last grunt! Has Golbat, level 30. Okay, Thunder Fang doesn’t do much, let’s get in Sage. Extrasensory takes care of it!
“I wonder why that is... Maybe we’re destined to be together...” SHELLY I’M TWELVE. Oh okay I guess we’re battling. Sharpedo, level 32. Oh crap Swagger - good, Thunder Fang right down to yellows! Slash down to the reds YIKES. Fuck it Chickweed is like eight levels higher. Double Kick finishes it off!
PLOT. Okay, will pop downstairs to box someone and get Castform! Just reserves, I think.
Sunflower the Castform | level 30 | female | Forecast | Lax, mischievous Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Hail, Weather Ball | found Weather Institute
Healed up, and onwards!
Hey, it’s Brendan! TIME FOR BATTLE. He leads with Shroomish, level 31. Chickweed gets poisoned, but Flame Charge takes care of it! Next is Marshtomp, man I really have nothing good against them... well, it’s level 33, Snowdrop is level 37, let’s just go for pure OP, haha. Chomp chomp! Last is Slugma, level 31. Sequoia sends it on a lovely surfing trip :’)
AWW YES FLY HM. I need to beat Winona first, but found the replacement for Edel’s Sky Drop!
Alright, Hidden Power! Let’s see what everyone has! Oleracea has Psychic, Snowdrop has Fighting, Sequoia has Fighting, Edel has Bug, Sage has Dragon, and Chickweed has Poison. Hmm.
Iiiii spy a Steven~! Oh bye Steven. On to route 120, then!
Parasol Lady Clarissa leads with Goldeen, level 31. Oh Aqua Ring you pest. Okay, spamming Thunder Fang it is, then! Ayyy eat that crit! Next is Seaking, level 33. Oleracea took a hit there, so I’m going to bring in Snowdrop. Oooof Waterfall hits hard - oh that was a crit, nvm. Couple of Bites and it’s down!
Oleracea evoooolves! And our first encounter is... Linoone XD Dupes clause!
Bird Keeper Robert has a Swablu, level 34. Baby <3 Oleracea 2HKOs it!
TROPIUS :D The best part is because I’m doing a plant theme I actually can call him Banana.
Oh thank god my second (well, third after Linoone) was Gloom. Much happier with Tropius, haha.
Anyway. Off to say hi to Steven, and to pick a fight with a Kecleon! Well, not much fight, it was a OHKO from Chickweed XD BETTER GIFT: BLAZIKENITE.
I am now going to test it on this completely helpless and innocent Linoone.
God, I’ve missed Mega Evolution. Linoone gets Double Kicked into the STRATOSPHERE.
Back into town, I want to see what that TM is. Oh, Grass Knot! Dang, only one that can learn it is Sage, and I wouldn’t want to put them against a Water type. Oh well.
Still got to train more before the gym, I want to get Oleracea to at least 30, but we’ve made some really good progress!
Current Team
Chickweed the Blaziken | level 41 | male | Blaze | Serious, takes plenty of siestas | Flame Charge, Blaze Kick, Double Kick, Cut | starter
Snowdrop the Mightyena | level 38 | female | Intimidate | Lonely, loves to eat | Ice Fang, Bite, Odor Sleuth, Rock Smash | found route 101
Sequoia the Gyarados | level 33 | female | Intimidate | Bashful, nods off a lot | Surf, Ice Fang, Bite, Dragon Rage | found route 106
Sage the Baltoy | level 33 | no thank you | Levitate | Bold, sturdy body | Rock Tomb, Extrasensory, Ancient Power, Dazzling Gleam | found route 111
Edelweiss the Skarmory | level 32 | male | Sturdy | Gentle, very finicky | Assurance, Steel Wing, Sky Drop, Swift | found route 113
Oleracea the Manectric | level 27 | female | Static | Brave, capable of taking hits | Thunder Wave, Thunder Fang, Bite, Quick Attack | found route 118
Wattle the Taillow | level 9 | female | Guts | Quirky, alert to sounds | Peck, Growl, Focus Energy, Quick Attack | found Petalburg Woods
Bristlecone the Zigzagoon | level 14 | female | Gluttony | Lonely, good endurance | Tackle, Headbutt, Baby-Doll Eyes, Odor Sleuth | found route 103
Onion the Whismur | level 16 | female | Soundproof | Adamant, likes to relax | Pound, Echoed Voice, Astonish, Howl | found Rusturf Tunnel
Poison Ivy the Tentacool | level 5 | male | Liquid Ooze | Sassy, capable of taking hits | Poison Sting, Supersonic | found Dewford Town
Euphorbia the Makuhita | level 12 | male | Thick Fat | Hardy, capable of taking hits | Focus Energy, Sand Attack, Arm Thrust, Fake Out | found Granite Cave
Lithops the Numel | level 14 | female | Simple | Quiet, likes to run | Tackle, Ember, Focus Energy, Magnitude | found route 112
Rauvolfia the Seviper | level 19 | male | Shed Skin | Careful, impetuous and silly | Poison Tail, Screech, Venoshock, Glare | found route 114
Moraea the Spoink | level 23 | female | Own Tempo | Quirky, quick tempered | Psybeam, Psych Up, Confuse Ray, Magic Coat | found Jagged Pass
Agapanthus the Pelipper | level 33 | male | Keen Eye | Modest, a little quick-tempered | Water Pulse, Wing Attack, Steel Wing, Quick Attack | found route 104
Rosemary the Latias | level 30 | female | Levitate | Sassy, somewhat vain | Heal Pulse, Dragon Breath, Mist Ball, Psycho Shift | found Southern Island
Milkweed the Beautifly | level 26 | female | Swarm | Lax, somewhat stubborn | Air Cutter, Mega Drain, Silver Wind, Morning Sun | found route 102
Hydrangea the Kecleon | level 25 | male | Color Change | Lonely, often lost in thought | Feint Attack, Psybeam, Ancient Power, Slash | found route 119
Sunflower the Castform | level 30 | female | Forecast | Lax, mischievous Rain Dance, Sunny Day, Hail, Weather Ball | found Weather Institute
Banana the Tropius | level 27 | male | Solar Power | Brave, a little quick tempered | Stomp, Magical Leaf, Whirlwind, Leaf Tornado | found route 120
Catnip the Skitty, found route 116, killed by Lass Janice’s Marill in route 116
Daisy the Pikachu, found Slateport City, killed by Archie’s Sharpedo at Mount Chimney
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