#i got ideas... Im debating whether or not i should post them- that and i actually have to write them XD
marinerainbow · 1 year
I've talked about how Poppy would treat the weasels here and there. But I've never really discussed how I imagine their friendship would be (if they could be friends). So here it is!
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(If my resources are correct, yellow roses symbolize friendship)
Since Poppy lives Downtown and has heard a lot about them, it would more than likely take a lot for her to trust them, let alone be friends with them (though she would be polite/nice either way. She believes one should take the high ground and remain at least civil during meetings. But she'll still be cautious). Though if she did grow to trust them, and they trusted her...
Poppy is the mom friend. The kind who will call you up just to make sure you're taking care of yourself, or try to be the mediator when there's conflict. So, in a way, that kind of makes her the opposite to Smartass' more harsh approach. But, even with his abrasive attitude, he does care for his team as well.
Even though she's not an official member of the gang, she would care for the others like she was. So she'd be talking to Smartass and asking him how things have been going, and she'll even ask how he is doing ("You seem really stressed. Are you ok?"). He may try to deny he needs help, but she can see through it (she knows too well trying to hide your problems rather than reaching out for help).
Smarty, I imagine, probably isn't used to people fretting over him. And he doesn't want to look weak since he's supposed to be the boss. He'd probably be harsh with her in the beginning, both to hide his confusion and subconsciously trying to see if Poppy is actually going to stick around.
It would take a long time for her to get through to him. Once she does though, he starts sharing more with her; what's going on with the group, how business is going, and eventually... He may accept her help whenever she offers it. And when that happens, they are officially the mom and dad of the group (the other weasels make jokes about this, it drives Smartass insane).
Greasy and Poppy would be an... Odd pairing. This weasel flirts with anything that moves, and that includes Poppy. And considering his approach with women, she uh... Gets overwhelmed, to say the least (she may or may not have held a chair against him like a gladiator at one or two points). So yeah, Greasy was only interested in getting some at first, and Poppy tried to keep her distance from him as much as she could.
Though, she still would have tried to ask about him if she doesn't see him. Mainly because she's friends with the others, and feels bad about not asking about him. Though she still does show care. And when she saw him genuinely upset for the first time (which was quite a shock to her; she's used to flirty Greasy, not negative Greasy), she would take the initiative to try to help him. Which in turn, would show Greasy the kind of person she was (he did always know, since it's his job to know people... But he was also blinded by the horny most of the time 😅). And seeing these different sides to each other probably would have been the turning point for their relationship.
Greasy probably does still flirt on occasion. But it's more him trying to be playful and less because he has an agenda (not that he would oppose getting laid if she was interested. This is still Greasy we're talking about after all 😅), and Poppy now takes it with a grain of salt. But more often than not, they'd be more like the 'extrovert adopts introvert' friends. Greasy tries to invite Poppy to go with him when he goes out, he shares the Toontown gossip with her (she wasn't much for gossip before... Buuut Greasy has ways of getting her full attention XD). And Poppy is just there, nodding along with him, and making sure he doesn't flirt with anyone he's not supposed to.
Also, they're totally cooking buddies. I love the idea of Greasy being the best cook, and Poppy would be pretty decent in the kitchen too (she's lived on her own for years. She's gotta be skilled for her own sake). They'd be spilling the tea in the kitchen and taste each other's cooking, and share recipes. Which she absolutely uses against him if necessary, ("Greasy! If you flirt with that married woman- I see the ring, and I know for a fact you do too- I'm taking away the chicken parmesan recipe!")
Being the most chill member of the group, Wheezy was probably the one Poppy found herself drawn to. Yes, his appearance and smoking was alarming to her at first, and she's still worried about Wheezy (even if they are toons). But between a guy with a napoleon complex, a serial pervert, a giggling loon, and a big oaf with a bat, Poppy would prefer being on the side of the room with the quiet guy.
They more than likely didn't talk that much. Especially at the beginning. They both can appreciate the quiet. As long as Poppy doesn't try to bother him while smoking, Wheezy wouldn't mind having her around. And when the others are being crazy, they both glance at each other in understanding for what's about to happen.
Since she doesn't want to disturb him and he doesn't show any interest in conversation (that she picked up on at least), then she would be nervous about talking with him outside of the usual checkup. So this time, it'd actually probably be Wheezy who opens up first. Maybe he asks how she's doing, or brings up a topic that he thinks she might be interested in. And if he does, Poppy would be happy to chat.
He also can help calm her down, in a way. If one or more of the others are stirring chaos, and Wheezy isn't reacting in any way, Poppy takes that as a sign that things are still cool. Or, when they get close enough, she starts opening up with him about what's on her mind (and offers him her own ear too). They'd just be two, very relaxed buds.
Also, as a bonus. I hc Wheezy has some sort of intuition pertaining to the whether. And Poppy will ask him what he thinks the whether will be more often than not, especially if she's got a bad feeling, ("Hey, Wheezy? What do you think is gonna happen today?" "Eh... A storm is brewing. Gonna be a loud one. Why?" *internally screaming in astraphobia*)
Another odd and very unexpected friendship would be Psycho and Poppy. They are from the same genre, but on two different sides. Not to mention with how easily frightened Poppy is, anyone would have expected Psycho to scare her off more than Gressy would have. And, initially, he did frighten her.
But, at the same time, they come from the same genre. They know what kind of life the other must have lived, they know what the other must have gone through during their time in front of the camera. They don't know each other, but there is an underlying sense of understanding for the other.
And that would have led them to finding out they have similarities. They're both oddballs in their own way, they both have interests in things more macabre (Psycho, everything related to horror. And Poppy, history, including the darker aspects of history, etc), and some things they both like. Like chatting about insects and paradoxes.
Sure, he may still startle her- both accidentally and purposefully- and there are things he does that greatly concern her, and she would be constantly apologizing for him in public ("I'm so sorry sir. Please, you don't have to call the police, he's my friend, I'll take care of this."). But they both look out for each other, and there are things that they share only with each other. Because they understand each other.
Stupid, in her eyes at the very least, is the sweetest member among all of them. Sure, he's clumsy, not the brightest, and follows Smartass' orders, but there's no way he can be that bad, right? She can hardly believe that Stu is a part of this gang in all honesty.
They probably would have taken the least amount of time to become friends. Stupid likes talking to people, and Poppy wouldn't mind a conversation with him. And she wouldn't really have the heart to get irritated at him- or anybody- if she had to translate things for him ("-And that's only going to exacerbate things." "What do you mean?" "Well you know how they can get." "No, what does 'ex-ah-cer-bate' mean?" "Oh! It means 'to make things worse'.")
Honestly, I can see her taking on like a big sister role for him. Sticking up for him when some stranger is giving him a hard time, and offering to help him better understand things he has trouble with. And I think Stupid would like that a lot. And even if she didn't help him, she is still nice to him; who can turn down kindness?
Also, Stupid would love sharing his interests in baking and sci-fi media, and Poppy would be more than happy to listen. Especially with baking; she isn't the greatest at baking since she doesn't do it so often, so this is Stupid's chance to teach Poppy instead of the other way around!
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williamswifey · 2 years
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part one ; the exit
pairing ; bella ramsey x fem!reader
summary ; your ex bella had texted you after months of no contact. you knew what you were getting yourself back into as soon as you replied.
content warnings ; slightly toxic dynamic, angst with a happy ending, bella is still sort of an asshole but working on it
a/n ; hi lovelies <3 im absolutely honored at how much love part one got, i knew i had to get a part 2 up asap 😩 i hope this ending is satisfactory !!
your face paled as you read the text on your screen. was this some kind of joke? was your phone company fucking with you?
your heart rate soared as you looked at the words on the screen. should you respond? should you leave them waiting? you didn’t know how to react, and your palms were growing sweaty as you felt your chest tighten.
“what’s wrong?” heather’s voice rang out cautiously, “you’ve got this…look on your face.”
“bella just texted me.” you replied, voice void of emotion.
“oh, shit.” came her softened reply.
oh shit was right.
you spent the entire afternoon staring at the text. you were tempted to reply immediately, but you didn’t want to seem desperate.
you were barely able to get any work done, you were thankful that it had been a slow day with barely any customers. you didn’t have it in you too deal with anyone else today, as you stressed and stressed over the text message.
a part of you—the smarter part, knew the best idea would be to not reply at all. you didn’t like that idea very much.
you took a deep breath, and opening the text.
‘hi :)’ you typed out, before deleting. too flirty, not enough anger.
‘what the fuck do you want?’ you typed out seconds later, before deleting the text entirely. definitely don’t send that.
‘hey.’ you message parroted theirs, but you deleted it again. what if it was too boring and they didn’t reply?
‘who’s this?’ you wanted to send out of spite.
you weren’t above being petty, but that just felt plain mean.
a part of you wanted to call them, to hear their voice again. your missed the sound of their voice, even if you only heard it for a few seconds before your call disconnected.
that idea was the worst of all.
you sighed as you flopped against your sheets, a deep sigh rumbling out from your chest.
anxieties began to rush in your mind. what if bella texted the wrong person? what if they were drunk? what if it was a prank?
you stilled your shaking hands, sending a simply ‘hi.’ as you threw your phone across the room.
you didn’t expect your phone to buzz seconds later, the sound amplifying from the pile of clothes it had fallen into when you tossed it aside.
you walked over to your phone, unlocking it.
“it’s been a while. how are you?”
jesus. so it wasn’t the wrong person, nor was it a drunken text.
‘fine. u?’
you tried to keep your text brief, debating whether or not to continue the conversation. you knew that being in touch with bella again would only lead to more heartache, but you couldn’t ignore the thrill you felt in your stomach at the chime of their texts.
‘do u still live near our old apt?”
bella’s text made you furrow your eyebrows, as you quickly sent a reply. the term ‘our apartment’ made you feel sick to your stomach.
‘i live about two hours away. why?’
your heart raced as bella’s text bubbles appeared.
‘i’m in the area for a press conference. was wondering if you wanted to grab lunch.’
your heart raced as you read the message over and over. what did they want? were they just looking for closure, or did they want you back?
for the next few hours, you struggled with your emotions. you couldn’t decide whether it was a good idea to meet them or to leave things as they were. in the end, bella was your weakness—they always had been.
‘sure. when?’
bella was quick with their response, even though you had left them on read for a solid three hours and forty-five minutes.
‘tomorrow afternoon. come to our spot, my treat.’
your heart raced. ‘our spot.’ you and bella had found a small italian restaurant a few years back, with food that was to die for. it wasn’t well known, and it was your secret.
you had barely slept all night. you were awake just past 9am, you had a two hour drive to make to get to the restaurant.
you showered and changed, putting on a light floral dress, your hair natural and flowy. you would pretend you didn’t put extra time into your appearance, but you knew it was a lie.
when you approached the restaurant, your heart felt like it was about to beat out of your chest. you were a few minutes late—due to traffic, and while you should’ve felt apologetic, you felt bella deserved it for being an asshole.
you walked into the restaurant, fiddling with your necklace. bella spotted you immediately, flagging you down as they called your name.
“over here,” they called, as you nearly knocked yourself to the ground from how fast you spun around.
bella was sitting in a booth, smiling at you as they gestured for you to sit across from them.
bella looked…different. a little taller, much more confident. their style had changed, and you hated to admit how good they looked.
you wanted to run out of the restaurant, your intuition told you this was a bad idea. but the heart wants what it wants.
you sauntered over to them, plastering on a smile that you hoped didn’t look too painful as you slid into the booth across from bella.
“you look stunning as always,” bella commented, a small smile on their face.
you had to remember they were just being polite as you fought back the blush on your cheeks. you thanked them, drinking a large gulp of your water, feeling the cool liquid trickle down your throat.
it was soothing, and it took your mind off bella, who was staring thoughtfully at you from the other side of the booth.
neither of you wanted to start the conversation you knew had to take place, so instead, it was silent.
you noticed they tried not to be on their phone, eyes darting all around the restaurant. you wondered if nostalgia was hitting them the way it was hitting you.
you remembered going here with bella at least once a week when you were dating, making a night out of it. it was your favorite day of the week.
now, the restaurant seemed to have lost its magic. it didn’t feel like home, not like it used to. you wondered if it had been simply being with bella that made the place so magical all those months ago.
“so, how are you?” bella asked, picking at their nails.
“i’m okay,” you replied, voice a little breathy. your heart hadn’t stopped its somersaults in your chest since you arrived, “and yourself?”
bella began to update you on their life. it was painful, seeing how much they had accomplished without you. your heart ached at the twinkle in their eyes, the excitement in their tone. the way they made you feel hadn’t changed.
it was easy to talk to bella, you forgot how much they made you feel like you belonged. it was like old friends catching up, not missing a beat. it felt like nothing had changed…but deep down you knew that everything was different.
bella was like an addicting drug. so easy to go back to…so hard to let go of. you remembered why you put up with their bullshit for so long—because they were bella and you were you.
when the waiter came, bella listed off both of your orders without a second thought, like second nature.
perhaps they noticed you slight glare as the waiter walked away, causing them to speak up.
“oh, sorry,” they said, “is that not your order anymore?”
you sighed, shaking your head.
“it’s not that, bella,” you began. their brown eyes glanced your way, and you felt suffocated under their dreamy gaze.
“it’s just—what are we doing here? i mean, you’ve been doing your own thing and i’ve been doing mine. why all the sudden did you decide to reach out?”
bella was quiet for a moment, fiddling with their rings as they cleared their throat.
“i’m sorry,” they said, catching you off guard, “for what i did. i was a selfish asshole, and i know i hurt you.”
you wanted to say it was okay, but you’d be lying.
“thank you for the apology, i appreciate it,” you decided to reply instead.
you hated how it was between you two. it should’ve been easy—it was easy…when you two were pretending that nothing had changed. the two of you had always fit together, like two pieces of a puzzle.
now that you were tackling what had gone wrong, the atmosphere didn’t feel quite as comfortable.
“i don’t want things to be like this anymore. i miss you.” bella said.
six months ago, it was everything you wanted to hear. but now, the words that rolled off their tongue settled bitterly in your stomach.
“did you think all you had to do was say you’re sorry and i’d come running back?” you spat, “plus, don’t you have a girlfriend?” you asked.
bella looked at you with furrowed eyebrows. they opened your mouth to reply, then shut it again after a few seconds out of pure confusion.
bella looked at you as they tilted your head. what about everything you saw?
“you don’t?” you asked in confusion.
“last i checked, i’ve been single single we broke up,” bella now seemed just as confused.
“but, your instagram and the news headlines—”
“you’ve been stalking my instagram?” bella asked, a slight teasing tone in their voice as your face went red.
“i—” you tried to defend yourself, but the words died in your throat.
“i’m just messing with you,” bella said, the atmosphere balancing on the line of tense and airy, “if you’re talking about amara…she’s just a co-star. news and headlines just like to gossip.”
“oh.” you felt stupid for bringing it up. you hated how bella could manipulate your emotions so easily, for better or for worse.
they knew it too, it’s not like they were that stupid.
you felt bella’s hand brush against yours, bringing your attention back to them.
“i’ve had a lot of time to think. no one compares to you.” bella spoke, and you didn’t know how to react.
you wanted to slap them, kiss them, scream at them, and cry, all at the same time.
“you put me through hell, you know?” you said sadly, fiddling with your necklace yet again, “i was there for you. before your career took off, when you needed a shoulder to cry on.“
“i’ve beat myself up everyday for what i did. there’s no excuse. i was new to all the fame—all the interviews. i wanted to leave my old life behind—so that’s exactly what i did. i was shitty. i owe an apology for everyone i’ve wronged, but especially you.”
bella looked down guiltily.
“i can’t take back what i did,” they said slowly, “but i’d like to try.”
you licked your lips, noticing the sincerity in their voice.
their eyes were doe-eyed, lips puffy from biting down on them.
you knew you should walk away, prevent the inevitable hurt you’d go through again when bella got bored. but for now, you picked your poison. you’d take the happiness for now, a fair exchange for the pain you’d feel later.
you tried to shush the voice of insecurity in the back of your mind. for now, bella was yours, and you were theirs. they looked at you the same way they did when you first started dating, all giddy and love struck.
you laced your hands with bella’s, a smile growing on your face.
“yeah,” you agreed, as bella shifted in their seat hopefully.
“i’d like that.”
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ghostyclay · 3 months
Since yall seem to like my other AUs/headcanons, I've decided to rant a bit about my 'main' one :3 (kept vague to avoid spoilers)
Small summary: (more indepth rant below)
it's a villan & hero hermitcraft / life series / empires au, focused on bad boys (at least during the first arc). Joel creates a bar as a cover for a fighting ring/information selling business, joined by pearl effo gem grian and jimmy. Grian refuses to participate in the criminal activities at first, but doesn't rat them out either. (inspired by his resisting the resistance thing in s9)
However, as u can probably guess, this doesn't last long and he slowly gets more n more involved, especially once random people mysteriously start getting "the red curse", which he recognizes from his past... (hehe watcher lore) Grian continues to pretend to stay uninvolved while trying to keep the Watchers at bay behind the scenes, even going as far as creating multiple alter egos / secret identities in order to hide his involvement.... (poultry man, cute guy, mother spore,...) Sadly, the Watchers think identity reveals are incredibly amusing and make it their mission to reveal Grians secrets... :)
Now, lil poll bc i wanna know yalls preference:
Im not a very experienced writer, so I can't guarantee the fics would be any good- while i def prefer comics, it would take a long ass time and I'm not sure whether its a good idea since i tend to loose interest in projects p fast wkdhakdj
Still debating what to name it, I think ill call it "Web of lies", "Wolau" for short LMFAO. Im not very good at naming things 😭 suggestions are welcome!!!
Some more background info:
Joel is a fairly new villain who has decided to start a business focused on fighting rings, selling information and just generally doing criminal stuff. (inspired by his secret fighting club in s10). He hires Gem and jimmy, two ex-vigilantes who became a bit more... Villainous. Their cover is a normal bar, which ofc means they also need normal employees who won't snitch. Jimmy suggests Grian toJoel, since he's a retired informant. He basically started out as an investigative journalist in another city, but got more n more involved with both villains and heroes (which is how he knows jimmy) before joining a cult (watcher lore watcher lore watcher lore-) and suddenly dissappearing.
Although he went missing a few years ago, they manage to track him down. He joins, but tells them he's not involved in the world of villains anymore and that he wants to stay out of everything (so hes basically working in the bar that they use as a cover as a 'normal' employee and turns a blind eye to anything criminal going on)
That's kind of the start of the story? Afterwards, Pearl, a villain who used to be a vigilante that worked with Scott (<-number one hero), then got betrayed by him and is now plotting his murder, joins in. Later on etho joins, who is originally sent by the hermits as a spy (<- p big villain&vigilante alliance in the city) but ends up deciding to side w/ them. (BOAT BOYS BOAT BOYS BOAT BOYS-)
(pearl & Scott's conflict is ofc a double life ref and etho is a mycelium resistance ref, he also ends up finding out about some of grians secrets and helping him behind the scenes)
Although its focused on the members of the bar, later on it focuses more on other hermits (since they get more involved w/ the villain group "hermits" which most of the hermits are a part of) but there's also some side stories that focus on other ppl (there's a whole side story about Ren and Doc getting to know each other after Ren gets infected by the curse, or martyn whole listener thing & how it's connected to renchanting/ren getting cursed and the Watchers showing up in the first place... But i dont wanna spoil too much :3)
Oh also! Hermits r mainly criminals(vigilantes, villains, big salmom mafia,...) and Empires members r usually heroes! But there is some exceptions to this rule. (jimmy n martyn for example)
ANY KIND OF QUESTIONS OR SUGGESTIONS R WELCOME!!! might not be able to answer everything bc of spoilers, but ill def try to do some foreshadowing instead :3
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blehcupidd · 1 year
One in the Same
Chapter Two
Wilbur Soot x f!reader
Summary: You and your streamer friend react to thirst traps, but on of them sticks out
Warnings: angst, fluff, cursing, no use of y/n, correct british terminology (I am british), grammar and spelling mistakes (I'm dyslexic), Gnomeo and Juliet vibes, incorrect music terminology, other peoples music used for readers band, battle of the bands au
A/N: ty for the likes a reblogs last chapter <3 also this chapter is based off of this stream/video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dwv4tWbzkSE&t=54s 
just realised it’s 12:30 am and i realised i didn’t add this to the series master list sorry i posted it yesterday afternoon
Series Master list
Previous Chapter
Next chapter
A week or so later, ‘Cupid Records’ had replied to your submission for your band to perform in their battle of the bands. A simple text to the other band members got the creativity flowing. ‘we’re in!!!’.
For the remainder of the week, you didn't have practice. This left you to your own devices. Not having very many friends outside of your band, but this didn't apply online.
You didn't have your own following, you had an Instagram account with ten followers on private. Granted, not a good idea if you wanted your band to gain popularity. Your reasoning was the band's Instagram had more of a following. Sending a quick text to your internet famous friend, saying that you were bored, he replied with a ‘wanna come over and join my stream?’. Who were you, a bored individual on a Thursday afternoon, to refuse a fun offer?
Arriving on your friend's doorstep, you can already hear the shouting from inside. After knocking you can hear him utter a ‘one-second chat.’. Opening the door he is met with a bright smile on your face, accompanied by a cold pink glow of it. “James!” in return your brown-haired friend said your name in the same tone.
Walking into the camera, you could see all of James’ viewers wondering what was happening. “Chat, as you may see, we have a guest. Not only does she not know what we will be doing today, but she is also joining in!” Chat erupted into happiness whilst your face went into confusion. You cautiously sit down in the provided chair, “I need to do the intro, so we will all find out together what we are doing.”
“I asked my audience to send over the worst thirst traps they've seen recently,” you couldn't keep the surprised look off of your face, making chat and James laugh as he continued the intro. “And they didn’t disappoint, I am horrified. However, I am more horrified by the fact that you are not subscribed. I want a million subscribers. Do it now!” He then motioned towards you, “This is also our special guest today, and we will be tormenting her as a team. Now let's get right into the cringe.”
The first video was a duet of an older man with a younger boy, “That's you in like three years.” You pointed to the more unattractive guy in the video. This just caused James to look at you in shock, slowly morphing into realisation.
“You’re not wrong.”
You started reading out the title card of the next thirst trap, “Some of the finest animated men in my opinion. Im excited.”
“Okay, dude.” James sighed, leaning back in his chair as Flynn Rider came onto the screen. You then looked at James with a smug look, as if you were saying ‘See,’. “I get it.” He gave in.
As that video went on there were some agreements and disagreements, leading the two of you onto the next video. That being a built guy in a pool, in his underwear. This gained a shocked look from you and a disgusted one from James. “Not the tighty whities bro!”
“No one should wear tighty whities anywhere, especially a pool.” Your statement sounded as if it was a question. Which it was, debating on whether you would still be friends with James after this.
The next video was one of James and your other friend WillNE.
‘Where’s your head at at’ James said in the video, then showing a clip of Will about to laugh, then cutting back to James. 
“This right here,” James showcased his hairline in the video. “Is a problem.”
“That's why I said that bald guy was you.”
‘I got bitches on my dick every day.’ Started playing to a video of someone dressed as Red Guy from Dont Hug Me, Im Scared on a pole, doing some impressive moves.
The next video caught your attention, ‘All I see is red, ah’ started playing ‘She said fuck me like I'm famous, I said ok.’ Whilst Slow Down was playing, you couldn't help but laugh and poke fun at James, talking about his song ‘Slow Down’. “I've seen these so much!”
“Your smile says you like them.”
Tuning into the video at hand, you saw an edit of a taller man, looking angsty. This was probably the first video that you liked, the song choice obviously. The handsome guy on the screen also played a key into that. Your internal gawking was also external, making James and Chat tease you.
“I know him, so…” Your face flushed, not able to blame it on the cold weather anymore, and your eyes widened.
“Is he gonna watch this?”
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scarletiswailing347 · 5 months
discliamer since i havent really done that for these kinds of posts and i feel like this one is worded in a more demanding way than i usually do: any post of mine regarding what the ccs "should" do is less me actually wanting them to do what i say and more me speculating on the kinds of actions that they could take, not cause i think im smart or tactical or anything but because this is my idea of what fun is
im watching the tower vod rn and i think the only real way to deal with minute and jumper at this point in the server is to. not
like it probs wont be satisfying to the PlayersTM considering the kind of ppl they are (proactive, confrontational, plays along with the spirit of the server, self-focused morals) but considering the kind of ppl minute and jumper are (reactive, avoidant, prioritizes survival even if it means not great content, normative morals) i think its the only real way to engage with them when it comes to this kind of recursive conflict
like everytime they confront one another it keeps circling back to this moral debate regarding the ethics of killing ppl on fucking Lifesteal of all things and i highly doubt its ever gonna stop (at least for this season) considering none of the new members have really been traumatized the lifesteal way, i dont mean regular smp trauma like war and betrayal and all that jazz cause theyve already got that, i mean Lifesteal trauma: the realization that everything is a cycle, that good and evil doesnt matter, that feeling of hope shattering over and over again, that realization that in the grand scheme of things your ideals dont matter and the only thing you can truly hope for in the server are teammates and allies that wont backstab you, and that even then thats a tall order
so back to Not dealing with jumpertech, i dont mean forgetting what they did, i mean actively avoiding them, acting irrationally scared of them even when theyre being civil, fully putting them in the role of big scary villains, basically still putting what they did at the very forefront but acting like its an insurmountable trauma, planting doubt in their status as heroes, continually being the aggressors just cements in their minds that yes they are the heroes and that yes they are doing the good things
like whether the PlayersTM like it or not this is an unstoppable force vs immovable object kind of situation except the unstoppable force has more to lose by virtue of having a goal that can easily be tided by the immovable object
and i do think they can pull it off, they can lose a fight and lose so much that it breaks their spirit, like jumpertech have both been in kings, they both know how determined at least zam and mapicc are, surely it would be really offputting to see someone youre so used to seeing never giving up to do just that
#mine.txt#i think 4c is maybe the closest to having that Lifesteal TraumaTM i was talking bout but hes not quite there yet#possibly wemmbu as well but truth be told i dont think hes absorbing any of it lol#not even cause hes dense or whatever i just dont think he gives a fuck since hes already inclined to the kind of server ls is#so it would take A Lot to give him Lifesteal TraumaTM#pentar i think rather than being Inclined to the server its more that hes uhhh Adaptive to it for lack of a better word#like hes got the kind of personality where it would also take A Lot to give him Lifesteal TraumaTM#but i think its in the opposite way to wemmbu almost#where rather than it being because hes got the exact kind of personality the server looks for#its instead where his inclinations almost. parry everything that could give him Lifesteal TraumaTM#like he doesnt care that much about loyalty but hes no traitor either; hes good at pvp but doesnt engage in it self-destructively#he goes along with plotlines if he gets involved in them but will set up his own plotlines as well#so om the topic of jumpertech#they seem to firmly put themselves into the role of ''cyclebreakers''#im curious to see how far they go with it as well as how theyd react to the servers inclination of breaking the hero archetypes#would be interesting to see at least one person not be caught by the cycle even after the Lifsteal TraumatizedTM and actively reject it#i dont even know what thatd look like#closest i can think of is spep but i think he has an acceptance of things and just finding joy in it rather than a rejection#i wrote this all at around midnight so maybe this is all just complete nonsense but its interesting to think of at this moment at least
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hergrandplan · 5 months
Hey Nina 💜,
I was wondering about 🌀❄️🌩️ for the writer asks.
Hope you're having a beautiful day!
Hi Sophia, I hope you're having a wonderful day too!!
🌀Post the fic summary for a fic you haven't written/published yet. It can be hypothetical or something you really plan on releasing...
Simply because @bigalockwood shared her end of the deal... (like hers, I am writing summary right now, no other part of this fic exists yett but... it will. this summary is a lot less long though so i apologize if you expected more sakldgj)
If there's one thing you can be sure about when it comes to a Simon Eriksson music video, it's that Wille's going to be in it, one way or another.
Or: despite growing protests of directors and producers, Simon and Wille do everything in their power to get Wille a cameo in every. single. music video
❄️Share a snippet from a WIP of your choosing.
okay i took the longest time debating over what to share and mostly, whether im not plugging this fic that won't go up for months too much but.... have the first few passages of a fic that i'm way too excited about
“I’m going to the Oscars, of course I’m going to bring my best friend as a plus one.”
The video cut to a shot of Felice Ehrencrona, former-actress-turned-food-influencer, walking arm in arm with former Crown Prince Wilhelm, laughing at some joke the audience wasn’t privy to. Simon scrolled past it, onto the next video, the same trend but a different person. “I’m an older sibling, of course”. He closed the app, choosing to stare out the window, watching the LA skyline pass by instead.
Why the Oscars thought it a smart idea to also start inviting influencers, despite the backlash other award shows like the Grammy’s and even the MET gala had received over doing exactly that, was beyond him.
It’s not like anyone actually cared enough about them, and people would only complain about it online.
Plus, what right did they have to be there? It was an award show for actors and actresses. And sure, Felice had done some acting gigs in the beginning of her career, but that was years ago. Inviting influencers took the whole prestige out of it. And to bring the former crown prince with her on top of that? Ugh.
Simon already found it hard enough that he had to deal with actual celebrities who’d probably manage to complain about every minor detail, and now he had to deal with influencers as well? Who somehow had gotten the thought in their head that they were even better than anyone else?
And not to mention a former crown prince, who probably had everything that ever happened to him, every opportunity, just handed to him on a silver platter, and who had never been told no or what he could or couldn’t do.
Maybe Simon should also hop on the trend.
“I’m going to be working at the Oscars, of course someone is going to yell at me because I brought them a regular coke instead of a diet.”
What a glamourous life he had.
🌩️ Share something funny/cracky from your WIP.
Simon sat down on the couch next to Wille, the widest grin possible on his face and a sparkle in his eyes. “I met someone. And I’m pretty sure he’s the one.”
“You said that about the previous guy. And the guy before that. And the guy before that.”
“Yeah, but this time I’m sure of it.” Simon fell back against the couch cushions, and ran a hand through his black curls. “He’s sweet, and considerate, and incredible in bed. I mean the way he–“
“Okay, okay, I do not need to hear you go on about your sexual escapades again, please. Where did you meet him?”
Simon’s hand got stuck in his curls, and he blushed. Actually blushed, and that’s how Wille knew the answer.
“Please don’t say the club.”
Simon didn’t reply.
“Simon, we talked about this. Not every guy you fuck is the one.”
Come ask me about WIPs! (and i have too many so repeats are fine)
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viridian-rat · 2 months
hey gang! i wasn’t kidding about that 50 sub special :3 but uhhhh I’m kinda indecisive so im leaving it up to u guys on this one!
[OOC info under the cut]
okay so! not much to say here but i wanna elaborate on the options in case u wanna make a more informed decision!
Rat would be hosting an in-character QnA where she’d be answering questions from her point of view. This means that she may not know some answers or be a bit of an unreliable narrator here. I might provide OOC answers in tags, but there’s no guarantee. If there are OOC questions directed towards me, the mun, then I reserve the right to ignore it, as this is primarily an in-character QnA. However, if I do really wanna talk about a questioned directed towards me OOC, then I might step in to answer it.
Robin and Bugs
I’m debating whether or not this means that Robin and Bugs get access to the blog for a limited time OR if this means they get unlimited access. Right now I’m leaning more towards limited time access (like probably a week) just because Rat doesn’t seem the type to share passwords even with trusted friends. However, if enough people really want Robin and Bugs to be a constant presense that they can interact with whenever they want (as opposed to their presence and interactivity being a rare occasion), I might let them stick around.
Battle Video
This option refers to the video that Rat had her friends record of the battle between her and her rival on Monday, July 15th. She decided not to post it because she, as she put it, “got her butt kicked”. In-character, she would not want this video to get out because she thinks it’s embarrassing. However, OOC it would be really funny. So to compromise, she kinda just reluctantly put this as an option.
Unlike the previous two, this option would require a bit of time because I’d have to either write or draw out the battle taking place. Haven’t decided which just yet.
Something Else
Pretty straightforward. Don’t like the other options/think you have a better idea? Let me know!
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hyperrealisticblood · 6 months
thoughts on banwally. i've never played any of garten of banban so you are my only reference for what happens in those games and consequently, what makes banwally a compelling crackship.
buddy..... you have opened a can of worms you could have never prepared for
when or if I started shipping it: i actually have an exact date, may 29th of last year. everyone in my friends server is really into crackshipping so we like to share random ideas with each other and i posted them as an idea on that date. i have never been the same since
my thoughts: crackships are kind of hard to talk about in this context because there isnt anything canon to go off but ill do my best. when welcome home first started gaining traction i saw a lot of people saying "this is what good mascot horror looks like" (whether or not wh even counts as mascot horror is. debatable.) so me associating banban and wally with each other was already a thing before i started shipping them. at some point i realized they both have a lot in common (monotone voices, often associated with devil imagery, passive most of the time but gets a little Silly with it sometimes) and i was like woah.... they should kiss. again a lot of my thoughts surrounding them are based in headcanon so im struggling to talk about them in a way that doesnt make me sound fucking insane BUT im a sucker for pessimist/optimist ships and they very much fit that to me. i think they balance each other out in a way, wally is a bright spot in the Endless Misery banban deals with on a daily basis, and banban is pretty logical and grounded which levels out wallys spacey-ness. theyre very much a jessica and roger rabbit "he makes me laugh" type of deal but with the fun addition of identity issues and whatever the fuck wallys deal is
what makes me happy about them: the fact that theyre both freaks of nature (banban is a weird clone manmade abomination thing, wally is either straight up an eldritch entity or a manmade puppet with eldritch qualities) is another thing they have in common to me, so i think theyd be accepting of each others weird traits because they know what its like. banban doesnt give a fuck that wally is up to some scp shit, he might as well live in the scp containment facility. theres a kingdom run by a giant kangaroo woman with a magic scepter who is in charge of keeping a bunch of baby demons and the father(?) of those baby demons trapped in her pouch or else the entire kingdom will be destroyed. he has seen weirder. banban wouldnt just love wally because hes handsome and hes nice to people, he loves all of his weird traits too because they arent even weird to him.
what makes me sad about them: they lend themselves pretty well to angst (i hate that word but idk a better one to describe this) because theyre both from horror media, and i like to pelt my favorite characters with hammers so >:) my friends and i (same friends who got me into crackshipping) have a group rp thing going on, and theres a mini arc going on right now based on the fact that banban got SUPER fucked up trying to fight sir dadadoo and his army. wally wants banban to leave the kindergarten because of how dangerous it is, he wants him to live in home where he doesnt need to fear for his life all the time. but despite all the horrors he has to put up with, banban doesnt want to leave everyone in the underground behind. theyre still his friends, and he wants to protect them. as much as wally wants him to be safe, he understands where hes coming from because he wouldnt want to leave his friends behind either. this leaves him feeling really conflicted and confused, and the homewarming update taught us that wally doesnt do well with those kinds of feelings. just some thoughts for yall <3
things done in fanfic that annoys me: nobody except me would wanna write fanfic about them and im too depressed slash lazy to actually write anything so. uh
things I look for in fanfic: see above
my kinks: size difference where the top is the smaller one i have no such things. i am a man of the lord.
who i’d be comfortable them ending up with, if not each other: wallaby (wally/barnaby) is pretty epic so if that ends up being canon i wouldnt be mad lmao. ive also been wondering if wally might end up whoever "w" is (the awayfrompryingeyes.net mod) because clown said theres another ship that will be canon but that he cant talk about because its inherently a spoiler somehow, id be fine with that too. not much to say about banban because gobb doesnt do romance aside from whatever the fuck nabnab and nabnaleena have going on
my happily ever after for them: things finally calm down at the kindergarten to a point where banban feels comfortable leaving to be with wally, and whatever the hell is going on with home also calms down. banban would still visit the others obviously (i think he would introduce some of them to wallys friends, barnaby and bittergiggle would get along super well i think) but he can finally be somewhere where he isnt constantly fearing for his life :]
uhh tldr dont say "what if i shipped this" as a joke. it will become no longer a joke and you will write like a million words about two characters from entirely different media who have never met and never will meet. worst mistake of my life
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fic idea but i failed creative writing:
context: they're not together but they have fooled around before and they both know they're more than just friends, post amsterdam, they are 24-27 and travelling europe together
boris (amazingly) convinces theo to go out clubbing with him and he takes theo to a high end gay club in some big european city. theo (mr internalised homophobia) was awestruck at boris dancing in this random club (insert some detailed description of boris under the club lights). then theo gets all jealous and up in his feelings when he realises that boris is being flirted with left and right by much better looking guys. the next bit im debating whether theo should go over to boris and them have some kind of conversation that moves into a bathroom because "its quieter" leading to making out or if boris should go over to theo who's been sipping on the same (alcohol of choice) since they got there and force theo to dance with him which leads to the bathroom which leads to a conversation which leads to making out. i dont know, but all of it will lead to them going back to their hotel, rather drunk. theo starts up a conversation about how boris looked in the club and, after a bit of inner turmoil, how hes seen him his whole life. they fall asleep in the same (albeit cramped) bed even though they booked a double. they pretend it didnt happen of course but after a period of time theo is fed up of pretending he didnt say anything that night. and so, completely sober, at night while driving through the mountains of somewhere or other theo brings it up again. cue heartfelt conversation after boris pulls to the side of the road. they end up moving to the back of the van they had bought and falling asleep on the mattress.
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oceangirl24 · 8 days
Why Am I Blocked?: An Ask Answered
For those who have come to Tumblr via my AO3 profile or by other means looking for an answer to this question, I'm compiling the answer here along with the links to the original answers.
I hope this will help anyone who have found themselves blocked from commenting on AO3 and occassionally FFN.
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Anonymous asked: I'll admit i was very angry and hurt that i was on your block list until i read your user profile. sorry you got bullied and harassed by this person. now i'm kinda of nervous of who she is because i don't think i could take 16 months of bullying.
I debated overnight if I should answer this. I am going to respond so that my readers understand what's been going on.
This ask is very typical of the type of thing the person who harassed me, and plagiarized Autumn in Philadelphia does. Since she found out about the link to the report, she has sent readers and has impersonated readers to get the link to that report which details not just the plagiarism but also her harassment.
I have had mutual readers gain my trust, participate in my BMW discord server, and pretend to be supportive through this ordeal all while relaying information to her.
She has also used her readers from other fandoms to try to do the same.
This is why I preemptively block readers who gush over her or indicate that they are in private communication with her (all of this is public information on her stories that I found while compiling my report).
Why is this ask typical of her methods to gain access to me and the report?
There is no indication to which user profile this information is on as those of you who follow me know I post on three sites.
I would think if this ask was by a legit reader and not by her or one of her friends (she is blocked on every single site I know we share as are any associates of hers that I'm aware of) I would think the reader would want me to know who they are so I can directly address them and the site they are on.
Which I would do privately.
The fact that immediate concern is about who she is also bothers me. I would assume once I named the person, they would want proof in the form of the link to the report.
That will not happen.
If this ask is from a legitimate reader or follower, then I really am sorry you've been caught in this.
To be clear: I am not upset with anyone who follows her or interacts with her works. This issue should have stayed between us but she chose to bring others into it and use them.
Even if you have been a part of this with her, I'm honestly not upset with you. I know how manipulative she is. I'm sure you thought you were helping a very sweet loving Christian writer obssessed with Jon and Shawn (aren't most of us obssessed?).
I fell for it myself. Hard.
I care about all of my readers very much, but it has come to the point where I have to protect myself.
If this is not a legitimate ask and you are doing this on her behalf or she's gotten another account, then we now stand close to 20 months of harassment.
To my readers, you know where to find me and how to interact with me that is not AO3.
I thank you for sticking with me through all of this and for supporting AiP, whether you comment or simply just read as I post.
I appreciate you more than I can say.
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Anonymous asked: Hi, im the anon from last night. I only found your stories recently. I had no idea who you were. I have no clue who bullied you I wasn't actually expecting you to tell me. I'm pretty new to the fandom (writing since 2023). The reason I said I was nervous because I had a bad experience with a user in a previous fandom who falsely accused me of sending them hate, and they still do it occasionally. That's why I don't post links of my bmw fanfics to Tumblr. Again, I'm sorry that happened to you. I know you're going to have your guard up, but there are people who genuinely don't know what was going on. Also I wasn't expecting you to unblock me. I was just relieved it wasn't anything I done or that you disgusted by my writing. I won't bother you after this. I just wanted to clear things up.
Oh, I see.
If you are who I think you are then, you recced one of her works in a space we share. That place was one of the sites she tried to get a foothold in the fandom and was never able to and resented my presence there. It was also one of the places she focused her harassment until the report went out. Then she left and started on other sites.
Obviously, I overreacted when I saw her name come up and my instinct was to block everywhere just in case.
I apologize for that. I am really sorry.
I'm also sorry that you've had to deal with your own situation. I know how much these things mess with you. 🫂
No, I don't have any issues with you or your writing. And you haven't done anything. This was just an unfortunate coincidence.
I've unblocked you in both places. Best of luck with your writing and belated welcome to the fandom.
I hope to see you around.
I really do.
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Anonymous asked: Thank you for unblocking me :) Also,I want to say sorry about the recc list. If I had known about your situation I wouldn't have done it. Anyway, I'd like to be more of an active member of the bmw fandom one day. But for now I'm gonna keep my tumblr private.
You're welcome. 😊
There's no way you could've known about the situation. And all of the other recs were solid choices. ❤️
Totally understand about keeping Tumblr private. There is also the Discord server if you're interested. You are most certainly welcome there. There's a section just for fanfiction writers, too.
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I hope this clears things up.
Much love,
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butterflyeffectiooon · 5 months
wait i've been watching thai dramas in my own bubble completely isolated from anyone else's thoughts and opinions so... why were people so mad about the end of Last Twilight?? 😵‍💫 like i have my own ideas .. a guess or two .. but im nosy as hell so please let me in on the drama 😬🙏🫣
I did not see this!! I get so few asks that I guess tumblr gave up notifying me lmao
A LOT of people were very disappointed by the last 2-3 episodes but some ppl thought it was ok, the poor reception was due to:
1. Day got a successful cornea transplant after the failed one so we were kinda like ?? There is a lot of debate about this but it makes me think ok well what was the message of the story then? I have a whole post about it that got a hell of a lot more notes than I am used to lol
2. The way they handled the breakup was really… just bad. At first I was super pissed that they had them break up at all but that wasn’t the problem so much as how they went about doing it. They really made day out to be like unwilling to do any emotional labor and really kinda used mhok’s trauma against him the ONE time he decided to actually be vulnerable and open about it. It did not have to be this way, they could have broken up (or at least separated) mutually and maturely bc they realized they needed to grow individually but this completely did not happen.
3. The reduction of mhok to a plot device essentially with no motivation or thoughts other than day. They broke up and went 3 years with no contact, a break up which should have been extremely hard for mhok (given how day abandoned him for being vulnerable), but literally within seconds of seeing day again mhok is flirting and seems to have forgotten that day ripped his heart out and stomped on it…. My brother in Christ WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!!!
4. The inconsistency of day’s character- he forgave his mom and august super easily even tho they hurt him really badly but, well, see points 2 and 3 above lmao. It was so bad that I questioned whether day (and the whole show!!) was actually ever good or did I just want him (/it) to be and was fooled by the beautiful presentation.
5. Related to above, and this is sort of a minor gripe, I thought it really showed day’s true? character when he forgave night. He shouldn’t have forgiven him, he should have reassured him that he never did anything wrong and it was not his fault. Even tho night knows there are no hard feelings, he still has to live with the guilt of having caused his brother to go blind.
I have NUMEROUS posts elaborating on all of this as eloquently and coherently as I could manage at the time (so to say maybe not so eloquently and coherently lmao) tagged under last twilight, you can search them if you want but I don’t really recommend it 😅 it’s mostly just angry 3 am rambling lmao.
Honestly, last twilight was the bamboozlement of the century and now I am afraid to blind watch 23.5 even though I’ve been waiting for it desperately since the original pilot trailer in 2022 😭😭
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julietasgf · 7 months
I have many ideas for the latam au, but I will answer that later or tomorrow because TODAY IS MARCH 15 JULI.
I've been debating with myself whether I should try to summarize it or would it be more useful to send you a post that explained the plot but I have a terrible physical and psychological need to talk about Raffles when asked, so I'm sorry you'll have to endure verbal vomit about these books but before I lose my mind about the cricket boys, I'll lose my mind about your ocs ~
🥰 Vienna!!! My love!!! She sounds so interesting. I really wanted to know more about the journalist, so appreciated getting to know some of her background. Oh buddy, you can feel her frustration, as she tries to escape the dramatic world of racing only to end up stuffed to the bottom jsjsjs literal in a rabbit hole but she won't be able to complain about the lack of gossip
Oh and I read about Rodri. Im fine :)))) I haven't suffered any emotional damage that will leave sequels for life *I'm going to cry next to Ale for the rest of my days*
I only knew him for a couple of days but DAMN I didn't expect to lose him like that, Rodri didn't deserve to leave 😭😭😭😭 (not complaining tho, I actually love the angst and the idea of Ale spending the rest of his days affected by the love he lost AFTER THEY RECONCILIATED 👌 it's BRILLIANT AND TRAGIC)
And I appreciate that you told me what happened between them... I can only say that oh boi I need to hug Ale, at the end of the road he took the worst part although he had a good part of the blame in the argument doesn't take away that his lifetime trauma will not be taken away by anyone and oh poor Rodri, he also had his part of the blame but I can't imagine how much it must have hurt at the moment to realize that Ale wanted him in his shadow although yes it was very dramatic on his part to crash, f1 guys can't fight like normal boyfriends, they have to destroy their cars and put their lives at risk 😭
🙏🙏🙏🙏 Andrea is an easy going it kid, vibe of be the sun, charming, friendly but full of pressure (and guilt) to be somebody because of his parents' sacrifice to support him in his career? THATS MY KIND OF GUY, he is my babygirl now. Im protecting him, I WILL FIGHT FOR HIM AND HIS HAPINESS
Also me: but Kimi kinda slay you know?
Btw although I'm really worried about Kimi's fate because you mentioned "he doesn't mind risking his life" and because he has substance addiction issues *panics* 😊
I HAVEN'T READ THE BOOK EITHER FOR THE SAME REASONS. I SIMPLY BELIEVE DUNE MUST BE READ ON PAPER 🥺, it's worthy of that honor and other than that I read too much pdf already because of college. I need a break when I read something for fun even though I spoiled some things hehehehe
I LOVED THE FIRST MOVIE TOO. A lot of people say it's boring but I thought it was amazing, I can rewatch it a million times and never get tired of it because it's a visual and sound delight 😔🙏
Every day I confirm more and more that one of these days I must read and watch GOT, (I only saw the house of dragon; rhaelicent my beloved) jsjsjsjsjs but I guess you mean the wonderful political plot, and if that's it I agree that it's one of the best done and most interesting aspects that Dune has
Part 2 did not disappoint, Chani my girlfriend, I will treat her right 🥺💜, I really liked that we finally got to meet her, and that while she is Paul's love interest, she is her own person with her own ideals that she is true to. While it broke my heart to see her leave so disappointed, I was so glad that she was able to go her own way ah
OH BOI PAUL. 😭 I have a huge love- hate on him. I guess you've also seen these "my twink boyfriend turns bad" memes where people compare him to Anakin and Coriolanus; and while I see the similarities I think out of the three, Paul is the only one I'm a more willing to defend than the other two. The boy was born without much autonomy over his destiny - and body - and genuinely fought against the idea of being the messiah for the fremen because he was well aware that this was a bene g. project, and that he had no right to intentionally feed the lie any further. And his visions, they were terrifying and you could see the fear Paul felt for them: he really didn't want to unleash a war and was so willing to listen to Chani and fight by her side BUT WELL :)))) WE SAW WHAT HAPPENED AND YES I THINK THAT WAS THE WORST PART.
The good news is that I have heard that most likely we will have a third part that will tie together all the loose threads that were left. I hope Chani ends well and that maybe she kicks Paul's ass <3
Now it's time.
The time has come *thunder my fingers* let's talk about Cricket AND CRIME!!!!
You should know that before my TBOSAS - Sejanus fever, my blog and my fics and my everything, was dedicated to Sherlock Holmes (the books please, I'M TALKING ABOUT THE BOOKS BECAUSE MY DETECTIVE HAS BEEN TREATED VERY BADLY BY THE ADAPTATIONS), and it was thanks to Sherlock Holmes that I discovered my cricket boys:
AJ Raffles and Bunny Manders!!!!
Pd: Here I leave another post saying why you should read these books
The connection between them and Holmes is that Arthur Conan Doyle's brother-in-law, Ernest Hornung, was inspired by Holmes and Watson when he make Raffles and Bunny and these stories also share a very close temporality (end of 19 century) to the one existing in Holmes stories
But let's begin:
The plot follows the association of Bunny Manders (Bunny is not his name, it's a nickname) with the infamous Arthur J. Raffles, the amateur cracksman.
Bunny and Raffles attended school together, but their paths diverged when Raffles (who is older than Bunny) graduates, until the two meet again years later and end up becoming partners in crime (and maybe they are partners not just in a particular type of crime, laws against homosexuality were a thing at the time...👀)
AJ Raffles is a famous cricketer. He is charming, handsome, and brilliant. He has a reputation for being rich and moving among exclusive high society circles but it's all a facade, because in reality he's broke, doesn't earn a penny playing cricket and can flaunt his luxurious lifestyle because he's a jewel thief. He steals from wealthy people in the exclusive circles he moves in.
And the story narrated by Bunny who has an anxious, nervous, fragile and intense personality. Who is an aspiring journalist and occasional poet, tells us about what he calls his "fall from virtue." (Although as someone who has already read the books, I can tell you that it is Bunny's recounting of the most important person in his life: Raffles)
Bunny is an unreliable narrator <3 I should clarify tha. It's fascinating to see how fickle his memory of Raffles (who we know only through his eyes). There are 3 books made up of short stories:
1. The Amateur Cracksman
2. The Black Mask
3. A Thief in the Night
All by E. W Hornung
You can read them on a page called Raffles redux, on Project Gunterbeng or there is a project called Letters from Bunny where they will send the stories to your email
WARNING: THEY WERE WRITTEM IN THE 1890s BY A BRITISH AUTHOR, I think that pretty much sums up the flaws and criticisms of the text although it is an interesting study of the dynamics of the social classes in London at the turn of the century and a glimpse into the criminal world of the time.
Ah yes, the reunion of Bunny and Raffles. The first story in the saga takes place on March 15 and is called:
The Ides of March
HELLOOO AND HAPPY IDES OF MARCH!!!! (1 day later tho, but still 😭)
(and also, can't wait to hear your ideas for the latam au, bc I'm this 🤏 close to asking you if I can write something abt it bc it's driving me CRAZY)
KSLSKLKS noooo don't say you're sorry, first bc I love hearing when ppl are passionate abt something, second bc I LOVE anything related to sports, and knowing now it's also related to crime and sherlock holmes made me even more interested!!! (but before let me answer abt my silly little guys)
poor vienna, all she wanted was to get out from the formula 1 world somehow because she knows abt how the drama is insufferable, and now she's deeper than ever, you can almost hear her screaming into the void and trying to explode her mom with her mind 😭 BUT at least she starts getting interested because it's really bizarre how the cycle never ends and just keeps going on and on
I'M SORRY ABT RODRI 😭😭😭 but welcome to the "mourning over rodrigo" club, founded by alejandro himself!! rodrigo deserved much better, even though his death was mostly a terrible accident. he was such a young driver with such a bright future ahead... and plus, he just reconciliated with alejandro, he missed him so much. things were fine. they were, really. also, it's worth saying that after this, alejandro spent the rest of his career as a team principal trying to reinforce the security for drivers and proposing changes to make it safer. each time a crash happened on the racetrack, that man was on the verge of fainting. and the worse is that... he could only think abt how things could've been different. maybe if alejandro was more mature, or if he listened to rodrigo, or if he tried to talk to him much before that crash... would it still happen? it's all so tragic (and that's why I made it that way ☝️
ale definitely got the worst, that man got a trauma for LIFE. racing was his passion, before rodrigo died he didn't intend to stop any soon, but after his death, he couldn't get inside a car without panicking. and things just weren't the same anymore, you know? he tried to go out in dates with other people, but he couldn't move on, he felt too guilty, he felt too bad about it ("trends change, rumors fly through new skies, but I'm right where you left me"). rodrigo was so hurt atp, because he believed alejandro wanted him alongside him, not below him; alejandro was treating him more like a decoration than anything and it HURT. but yeah, these two guys should've gone to therapy instead of risking their lives, racing boyfriends really are the worst 😭
(it's so funny what you said abt f1 guys not fighting like normal boyfriends and instead crashing their cars bc this actually happened a couple of times in real lifeKSLSKLSKLKLKS)
YESSSS THE STORIES ARE CONNECTED!!! :D that's also how vienna have it easy to be able to talk to these guys, because everyone kind of knows everyone somehow
ANDREA IS SO SWEET 😭😭😭 he's a sunshine, rlly. like, I always say that rodrigo is the devil, but tbf him and alejandro are kind of made for each other (nobody else would be able to stand them). but andrea is such a sweet guy who was unlucky to be teammates with kimi, from all people. he got a heart of gold, just wants to help and to not disappoint his parents after everything (he doesn't know they are already so proud of him, like, their son is a FORMULA 1 DRIVER, this is already so awesome!!!)
I love kimi so muchKSLSKLSK his whole character is just so fun, even though he's a prick. and yesssss in almost every single aspect, he's a foul to andrea!!! but at the same time, they have a lot in common (ahem, being so insecure about themselves and failing people around them, feeling alone while being surrounded of people, and, ofc, their unconditional love for racing and how it's their life).
(since you asked, and also because I can't keep my mouth shut... I particularly find kimi's fate to be more cruel than rodrigo's. he didn't die on the racetrack. atp of the story, kimi and andrea had a better relationship, and andrea knew more abt his secrets and some of kimi's reasons. kimi had just won this year's championship. he was supposed to be celebrating with the team, after all, they all worked so hard for it. but andrea notices kimi isn't around. he's worried, he knows kimi, he knows abt kimi's deal with his parents. he decided to go to kimi's hotel room. he found kimi so high, so drunk. andrea helped kimi clean up and they had an emotional talk, even though kimi was not sober. andrea promised he would help kimi, that kimi wouldn't need to go back to his parents again. he put kimi to sleep and left the hotel. the next day, andrea woke up with countless calls on his cellphone. kimi eriksen had died from an overdose on his hotel room during the night.)
YESSSSS dune is that book to be full of post-its and highlights, I CAN'T read that book on digital 😭 KLSKLSKLS ans yeaaaah absolutely, when you read too much pdf for college, it's just authomatic your brain will associate it with studying, while reading physical books become more associated with fun (plus, this is more personal now, but I love scribbling on my books, can't do that on digital)
yesssss I get why people say it's boring (it's rlly slow), but the worldbuilding is just so nice + it's gorgeous visually + LETO ATREIDES IS IN IT OKAY IT'S ENOUGH FOR ME. idc if it's boring, I would watch it 100 times for that man.
(pls read got, it's so worth it, even though I think we as a fandom collectively accepted we'll never get the ending 🙏)
((and also NO WAY YOU LIKE RHAELICENT TOO, THESE ARE MY GIRLS 😭 you know that when I prefer the adaptation rather than the original work it's bc they did something right, and when it's related to alicent and rhaenyra, I like the tv show sooooo much better actually, they gave so much more depht to their relationship which is basically non-existent in the book))
save me chani.... chani save me.... and yes!!!! I remember that everyone was so excited during the first dune bc of zendaya, but when it actually premiered, there was like 10 minutes of her in the whole movieKLSKSLSKL but I'm so glad we got to know her bc she's such an interesting character!!! and it's just like you said, she's actually her own character, and it's just really refreshing seeing this and seeing how they decided to wrap up her arc (specially in a science fiction franchise)
PAUL WAS SOMETHING ELSE. from the three, he's actually the one I genuinely like as a person; imo, I feel like he tried to resist until the very end, that was not what he wanted. he only gave in when he felt like there was no other choice, specially after the whole thing with the harkonnens..... that's what hurts the most regarding paul, I actually LIKED him. anakin and coriolanus, we knew who these guys were, we knew their end, we knew what was going to happen. but paul? we could have this hope that things would be different, that he could choose or change things. but... yeah, things end the way they do and I felt betrayed over a characterkslsklsk 😭
NAHHHHHHH HE WAS SO WRONG FOR THAT, SRSLY, I was so happy chani left at the end of the movie because she deserves so much better 😭 (I know things in the book are different, but in this case I'm willing to block my ears and go LALALALALA to pretend that only the movie exists)
and yessssss!!! from what I've searched, the first book ends exactly where the movie ended, but the little change of chani leaving can actually make such a big change on the story, and I'm really interested to know where this will lead (and plus, there's the whole thing with paul's little sister, which is also another loose end I'm excited to know more abt).
but now: CRICKET!!!!
buddie, I've seen some of your reblogs abt raffles and bunny, and I was like "oh, this reminds me of sherlock holmes a bit, the aesthetic and all" (even tho I've never read sherlock holmes, I could recognize the close temporality) and I kept wondering if the stories were connected, like some thrillers' I've read, that are on the same universe but with different characters, sometimes with the same detective, so I thought this was the case.
I'm kinda shocked to discover that its setting is about cricketLSKSLSKSLKS I WOULD'VE NEVER EXPECT THIS, AND I LOVE IT
(also, I've read the post, it won me at "it will KILL YOU" and "the incredible adventures of two broke idiots", specially because I myself am a broke idiot, so I related)
I like the concept of this so much???? first because, again, SPORTS, second because it's also mixed with crimes and aaaaaa it sounds so cool 😭 raffles sounds like a demon, I already love him (every generation have their own saltburn /jk). bunny sounds relatable (cries in crippling anxiety language) and the fact that not only he's an unreliable narrator, but we also only know raffles from his pov is really interesting, idk, there's something fascinating abt never rlly knowing a character bc you only know them from a sole point of view...
tysm for telling me abt it and also for telling me where to read it, I'm already writing down to read it ✍️ (I just can promise to read it soon bc I have a pile of books which are here for MONTHS and just today I came back to reading again 😭 BUT I'll definitely read it, the mix of crimes and sports got me hooked + the gay undertones too ofc, but tbf there's nothing gayer than sports)
(also the fact that their reunion is on the IDES OF MARCH, why do I get a feeling that this is not going to end very well for one of them? 🤠)
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rnelodyy · 3 years
/dsmp /rp im referring to the characters not the content creators
Okay, I've seen SO many posts calling Sapnap a shit friend and calling his reaction to the Spirit-speech a betrayal and I gotta make this clear. Sapnap "leaving" Dream wasn't a sudden thing, it wasn't JUST about the Spirit speech, and I think he was COMPLETELY justified.
The friendship between Sapnap and Dream had been starting to fracture LONG before the exile conflict. Sapnap had previously been shown to be scared of going against Dream, and Dream hadn't exactly been nice to him. For instance, during the Pet Wars, Dream led Fundy and Niki to Sapnap's pets, and outright handed Mars to Tommy for blackmail purposes.
The Spirit-speech didn't suddenly make him believe that Dream meant Him Specifically when he said he didn't care about anyone. The Spirit-speech was Dream tripping on the curtain, forcing Sapnap to rethink his opinion on Dream, and coming to the realization that yeah, the guy who repeatedly fucked him over with no hesitation and without ever apologizing for it probably didn't value him as a friend. So he went to Tommy for a second opinion.
I should also add, Tommy and Sapnap were friends by this point. Tommy wasn't just some guy Sapnap vaguely knew, he was a friend that he trusted, and valued the opinion of.
The most important point however, is what Sapnap actually wanted when he asked Tommy whether or not Dream actually cared about him. Sapnap wasn't looking for Tommy's honest opinion, he wanted Tommy to confirm what he was already thinking. Tommy initially hesitated, and tried to say that Dream did care, but Sapnap cut him off, telling him to just be honest.
Sometimes, you know deep down that a friendship is toxic. Sometimes, the only thing keeping you there is this idea that you're the only one seeing it, that it's just your brain being dumb. Having someone else voice what you're already thinking can be the push you need to leave, and for Sapnap, the conversation with Tommy was that push.
Sapnap "formally" cutting Dream off happened at a moment that pretty much confirmed everything he'd already been thinking. Dream was in the middle of dethroning George for not being "neutral" enough (AKA, not wanting to sit on the sidelines while Dream "solved" all his conflicts for him), and dismissing his genuine upset by calling him a baby and saying he was just being dramatic. When Sapnap accused him of not caring, Dream blew him off with "Of course I care!" and then went right back to making decisions for George and ignoring his input.
And yeah, I think Sapnap is wrong in thinking Dream doesn't care, because I do think he cares, and I don't think Sapnap and George leaving him was something he'd planned. But here's the thing: while Dream absolutely cares about people (sometimes in really fucked up ways but whatever), he doesn't trust them. Not in the sense that he's constantly looking over his shoulder, but in the sense that he doesn't think they can handle making decisions about their own lives. He's also got no qualms about betraying or hurting his friends without apologizing or showing any remorse, and then just continuing on like nothing happened. By this point, he'd also likely started buying into the "attachments are a weakness" line of thinking (likely informing his decision to not try and mend the friendship) and was orchestrating the exile-conflict with the full intention of abusing Tommy into compliance.
Thing about friendship is that it's a two-way street. If you take and never give, people aren't gonna wanna hang out with you. And yeah, disagreements and misunderstandings can happen, but when they do, there's something that exists called talking it out. If my friend came up to me and said "i dont think you care about me", I'd go "woah what the hell made you think that?" and sit them down and talk about it to figure out what the actual problem is. It could be miscommunication, rumors they've heard about me, mental illness giving them paranoid thoughts, or maybe I had been shitty and should change my behavior.
Dream never tried this. He just said "obviously I do care", and then never showed it. After the Spirit-speech and George's dethroning came the conflict around Mexican L'Manburg, which didn't exactly improve Sapnap's opinion on Dream. Then came Doomsday, where Sapnap was still debating whether or not he wanted to side with Dream... And then Tommy came along, genuinely apologized for treating Sapnap badly in the past, gave him Mars back, and then asked for his help. Dream never even talked to Sapnap before Doomsday, so of course Sapnap chose Tommy over Dream.
And then about a week later, Sapnap walked into the vault of attachments, where Dream was about to imprison and murder two of his teenaged friends, and had an entire hallway full of everyone's most valuable items, INCLUDING Beckerson and Mars.
There's a saying that nobody goes from 0-100 instantly. If they do, you've just been underestimating how long they've been at 99. The Spirit-speech wasn't the catalyst to Sapnap leaving Dream, it was the final straw.
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
Never Have I Ever - Harry Styles (part 3)
i did not expect this to turn into more than just a oneshot, but here i am, posting a part 3?? and there’s more to come??? lmao, im a mess, having a million wips at a time, whatever. enjoy this DIRTY piece in the world of Harry and Actress!Y/N hehe!
pairing: Harry x actress!reader
word count: 3k
warning: NSFW content (we are taking a dirty turn in this part babes)
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“But are you really sure you’re fine?” Florence asks for the millionth time over the phone. “You know, I could come over anytime, have a few drinks and forget about the idiots who decided you don’t deserve that Emmy.”
“I’m very sure,” you chuckle, sinking further down on your couch, kicking your heels off your feet. “It’s not a big deal.” “Oh it is, but you are trying to act all tough, though I know it bothers you.”
“I didn’t say it doesn’t bother me, but there’s nothing I can do about it,” you tell her truthfully.
“You know, sometimes I forget that you are this wise ass bitch, not some petty loser that I usually am.”
You snort at her words laughing loudly. Florence is by far one of the funniest people you know, she never fails to make you laugh, no matter what’s the situation.
“It’s sad that I didn’t win, but I’m fine. Really. Maybe next time it will be me,” you say, genuinely hoping this wasn’t your first nomination.
“Okay, I’ll stop bugging you, but call me if you change your mind and want company.”
“Thank you, Flo. Talk to you later.”
Once you end the call you let a long, heavy breath out that feels like you’ve been keeping in all night. Walking into your closet you stop in front of the floor-to-ceiling mirror, taking a look at yourself, still wearing the burgundy pant suit you wore for the award show. You were the only woman in pants all evening and you felt more powerful than ever. You’ve always loved to make a statement with your fashion choices and tonight you feel like you definitely succeeded in getting the message through: you are a bad bitch.
Stripping out of the outfit you hang it carefully before putting on some sweats and an oversized vintage t-shirt, feeling so much more comfortable already. Your hair is still in loose waves and you kind of like the texture, so you just leave it like that, moving into your bedroom to check up on some emails.
Cozied up under your duvet, laptop resting on your thighs, you start replying to some emails, updating your schedule for the next week. You almost don’t notice the text you get, barely catching the lit up screen from the corner of your eyes. Grabbing the device from the night stand you smile down at the series of messages from Harry.
“Bunch of idiots,” the first one reads.
“I’m suing them. All of them.”
“You looked fucking unreal by the way. Couldn’t take my eyes off you.”
Biting down on your bottom lip you read the last one over and over again. It’s been weeks since your number landed in Harry’s phone and you’ve been texting nonstop since then. Whenever you pulled your phone out to check if someone had tried to reach you, there was always a text rom him waiting for you, making you smile most of the time.
“Thanks Xx,” you reply shortly, not sure how to react to his heated words of calling the whole Television Academy a bunch of idiots, though it surely warmed your heart.
“Enjoying the after party?” his next text comes fast.
“Nope, I’m home already. Didn’t feel like partying.”
“What?! You not winning is not an excuse to skip celebrating. You still got nominated!”
“Already celebrated that, so I’m out of occasions.”
“I’m sorry, but I can’t let you do that. Text me your address, I’m going over with wine and takeout.”
His bluntness in flirting and shooting his shot has been amusing to you since the moment he sat next to you on The Ellen Show. Harry Styles doesn’t shy away to try and show his attraction, or at least not towards you.
You hesitate a little, not sure if you want him here, but something deep down in your guts is telling you that you definitely want him to come over, some dirty thoughts already popping into your mind, but you are quick to get rid of them.
You send him your address and he tells you he’ll be over in twenty. You use that time to clean up a little around your apartment. You left in kind of a rush earlier, being a little late with your glam team, so you didn’t bother to leave the place in a decent state. It doesn’t take long though to clean up the mess and checking the time you see that you still have a little time until Harry arrives. As you walk past one of the mirrors in your hallway, you take a look at yourself, debating whether you should change or stay in your comfy homey outfit. At last you drop the idea to put on a different outfit, not wanting to look desperate when Harry arrives.
Not long later you get a notification from downstairs that a so called Mr. Styles has entered the building and is heading up to your floor. Running a hand through your hair you walk over to the front door and opening it you stand there, waiting for the elevator to arrive. When the familiar ding hits your ear you notice how your heart skips a beat upon seeing him walk out.
“Hi,” you smile at him holding the door open for him. He looks amazing, as always, wearing a pair of brown high-waisted pants with a loose white shirt tugged into it, a teal denim jacket topping the outfit. He looks comfortable, but still well put together, something you have always admired in his style.
“Hello, Love,” he smiles back at you and pulls you in for a short, one armed hug before walking fully inside. “Didn’t know what stuff you fancy, so I got a bunch,” he admits with a chuckle, holding up two plastic bags completely stuffed.
“You really shouldn’t have,” you shake your head at him smiling as you lock the front door and lead him into your open concept kitchen.
“But I should have,” he argues, setting the bags down to the counter, packing out everything he brought.
Three bottles of wine, all of them different kinds, snacks, both sweet and salty, topped with an insane amount of Chinese takeout that could feed a whole family, not just two people. You put the wines into the fridge though you know they won’t get chilly enough by the time you open it. Turning to Harry you smile at him shyly, only just now realizing that he is in your home for the first time.
“Want a tour?” you ask, pulling your shoulders up to your ears.
“Would love that,” he smirks and lets you lead the way.
The modern apartment in Manhattan has been your home for a little over a year now. One of the first things you invested into once you started earning like an A-list celebrity. It’s spacious, you did the interior over once you bought it, formed it a little more to your taste. You walk Harry through the living room, the three bedrooms from which one is yours, the others function as a guest room whenever a family member of one of your friends needs a place to stay. There are three bathrooms in total, a study room that’s always a mess, your desk filled with scripts and books most of the time, but Harry tells you it suits your vibe.
“And this here is my wardrobe,” you end the tour, flicking the lights on in the walk in closet, probably your favorite part of the place. It’s bigger than your bedroom, but it’s exactly what you and your passion for fashion needs.
Harry curiously walks inside, his eyes immediately stopping on the burgundy pant suit you wore earlier that night.
“This, Darling, was an excellent choice,” he smirks over at you, his fingers dancing over the soft fabric of the pants.
“Felt amazing in it,” you nod smiling.
“I bet you did,” he chuckles softly.
The two of you head back to the kitchen and sit at the kitchen island, roaming through all the food Harry has brought. A short silence comes over the room that’s broken by Harry first.
“So how are you really feeling about tonight?”
“I’m fine,” you shrug, but then feel his hand on your knee that’s closer to him and your eyes flicker over to him, his gaze burning down on you intently.
“No, I’m asking fo’ real. You don’t have to mask your disappointment.”
Licking your lips you look back at your plate filled with dumplings and you start to just poke them around with the chopsticks in your hand.
“Of course I’m disappointed. Who wouldn’t want to win? But there’s not much I can do about it, right?”
“Still, you shouldn’t push it all down.”
“I’m not the type to rage very publicly, if you haven’t realized that,” you chuckle, diverting your eyes back at him, catching a soft smile on his lips.
“That I know of. Miss No Beef,” he teases you, even though you could pretty much say the same thing about him. “I was properly screaming at the screen when they said someone else’s name over yours.”
“Yeah?” you chuckle.
“Mhm. I was rooting for you big time.”
“Well,” you sigh turning back to your plate. “Sorry to disappoint.”
“Nah-ah, none of that crap, Y/N,” he protests right away, dropping his chopsticks to his plate as he slides off his stool, stepping closer to you, one hand lying flat on the counter, while the other one finds the underside of your stool and he easily turns you so you are facing him, your knees involuntarily parting so he could stand between them. “I’m not letting you think of any less of yourself because of some stupid award.”
“The Emmys are not stupid,” you correct him, but it seems like he doesn’t even hear you, staring down at you with a smug grin, his hand moving from the stool to your waist.
“Mhm, they are. They made the most talented and beautiful woman think she is not the best of all.”
You can’t push down the smile that tugs on your lips as you watch him slowly lean closer. Heart beating faster, you let him do whatever he has on his mind, not finding the will to push him away. Not that you want to do that, you’d be stupid to say no to this man.
“Who’s this woman we are talking about?” you breathe out with a teasing smile. Harry smirks back at you, his hand squeezing your waist gently as his other hand moves up to the base of your neck, his thumb running along your jawline.
“The woman I’ve been fantasizing about lately.”
A desperate whimper tries to escape your lips, but you bite it back in time, feeling so lost how much effect he has on you with just a simple sentence.
“What are these fantasies about?” you find yourself asking as he leans closer, his nose brushing against yours.
You’re aching for his lips, to feel him touch you everywhere. You want to come undone under his hands and the breaking point where you won’t be able to mask up your desperate feelings is threateningly close.
“I’ve been thinking about making her feel real good. Watch her fall apart under my touch,” he murmurs lowly and this time, you can’t hold that moan back. Your lips brush against his, but he pulls back smirking, not kissing you.
“Fuck,” you breathe out when you feel his hand move from your waist to your stomach, cheekily teasing you as he is drawing circles around your belly button over the soft fabric of your shirt.
“Can I touch you, Y/N? I really want to make you feel appreciated and good. Will you let me do that?”
Not able to find your voice you whimper out something that’s close to being a yes, but it’s not enough for him and while you are losing touch with what’s really going on, Harry is very much enjoying seeing you like this, all for himself.
“Use your words, Love. I wanna hear you say it.”
“Yes!” you choke out and luckily, he doesn’t waste any more time.
You feel his lips connect with your neck as both his hands work on the waistband of your sweats, pushing them further down a little before his right hand taps on the top of your lacy underwear, the one you wore under your suit tonight, the one Harry definitely thought about when he first saw you through his screen.
You gasp when his hand slides into your underwear, fingers finding your sensitive bud of nerves, pressing down on them softly. You desperately turn your face, eager to meet his lips, but he pulls back for your dismay.
“Not now, Love,” he tells you and though the words sting a little, you don’t have much time to dwell on them when you feel his fingers slide back and forth between your soaking wet folds. “So wet for me, aren’t you?” he smirks while you’re trying to breath evenly, though it’s quite the challenge.
His lips return to your neck and your hands fly up to grab onto the back of his neck and shoulders, his fingers teasing you around your hole, not entering just yet. You start buckling your hips, desperate to get him take the next step and he is surely enjoying the show you are putting on for him.
“Ready to feel good?”
“Yes,” you breathe out, hands grabbing onto his hair roughly and a loud moan escapes your lips when he pushes two of his fingers inside you.
“Fuck, this feels so nice,” he groans, lips nipping on the soft skin under your ear. He is quick to take up on a pace, moving his digits in and out, his thumb circling on your clit, adding that extra magic most men always forget about. But not Harry, he is eager to please you the best he can and if you weren’t sitting, you’d be on your knees for him by now.
“Yeah, tug on my hair, Darling,” he growls, his voice sending chills down your spine as you tighten your grip in his hair just as he asked, while you feel your climax building up.
He picks up his pace, curling his fingers inside you every time he thrusts them in, making you almost see stars. Your legs fly around his waist, ankles crossing above his bum as you bring him closer, and a whimpered groan bursts out of him, probably because his erection just got squeezed against his hand by your action, his nonstop moving hand now stuck between your heated core and his throbbing member. When his head pulls back you quickly look at him, about to ask if he is alright, but he just presses a soft, lingering kiss to the corner of your mouth as his unsaid answer that he is perfectly fine.
His forehead comes to rest against yours as he adds a third finger, making you moan his name in ecstasy. Your mind is starting to completely shut down, the sensation of utter pleasure taking over your whole body as you can feel your orgasm just a few thrusts away.
“C’mon, Love. Let it go for me,” he mumbles, his free hand sliding to your back so he keeps you flushed against him, your heaving chest touching his upper body with each drawn breath.
“Fuck, I’m so close,” you pant, eyes screwed shut, tipping over the edge of your climax. “Please don’t stop!” you beg whining.
“Never, Darling.”
And he keeps his words. He keeps going and going until your walls close up around his slick fingers and your thighs tremble around his waist. You tug on his hair once again, pulling his head back just enough so your eyes meet right when you come undone. His fingers keep moving a little longer, bringing you down from your high before the last wave of your orgasm dies down and you are brought back to reality.
When his fingers slide out of you, the feeling of emptiness makes you breathe out in dismay and it brings a smile to his lips as he licks his fingers clean and you swear that’s the hottest thing you’ve ever seen, watch him taste your pleasure on his own fingers.
Glancing down you see the very visible bulge in his pants and you reach down to return the favor you just had the pleasure to get, but his hands wrap around your wrists stopping you, your eyes snapping up to meet his.
“Not now, Love. This was all about you. I’ll be fine.”
“But—“ “No,” he cuts you off shaking his head gently. “Seeing you like this was more than enough for me.”
Biting down on your bottom lip you feel yourself blushing at his words, the whole situation that just went down dawning on you just now. Harry really did just finger you on one of your kitchen stools and it was one hell of an experience for sure.
When your gaze wanders over to his lips you remember how he refused to kiss you and now you actually have the chance to pay more attention to this tiny detail.
“Why didn’t you kiss me?” you ask him, legs falling from his waist as he goes to sit back on his stool. He glances at you, a soft smile on the lips that never touched yours.
“I wasn’t planning to do this, but I just couldn’t stop myself. However, I’m still trying to be a gentleman, so I won’t kiss you until I’ve taken you out on a proper date.”
“I can’t believe you,” you chuckle shaking your head at the absurdity of what he just said. “So you are fine fingering me shamelessly, but you won’t kiss me without a date?” you ask, rephrasing his words.
“That’s right,” he nods, his smile growing into a smirk now. Shaking your head you turn back to your probably cold plate of food, chuckling to yourself.
“Harry Styles, you are… something else.”
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fullfledgedghost · 2 years
i do not have ao3 or any other fanfiction posting website so i will put my fic on tumblr instead! anyway i wrote a fic about nageki inspired by https://nageki-the-friendly-ghost.tumblr.com/post/690720841841934336/i-wanna-see-the-five-years-of-nageki-alone-in-the <- this post. thank you @nageki-the-friendly-ghost for allowing me to run with your idea lol =)
spoilers are alluded to but not actually stated. you could probably guess what im alluding too though im not great at being subtle lol.
this got really long i apologize. i hope you enjoy!
Fujishiro, Nageki. Freshman. He knew this much from the ID card found in his pocket. There was some other information on the card as well, but he didn’t think it was important. The card was blackened on the edges, almost sooty. He had tried to scrape it off more than once. All he had accomplished was getting his wingtips dirty.
He was in the library. He probably could’ve guessed this from the books scattered around, but some other birds solidified this in their idle chatter with one another.
He wasn’t sure when he had entered the library. He assumed he had fallen asleep in there before class, because that was where he had awoken. He didn’t seem to have any books on him.
For the moment, he was content to remain in the library. He was still a little tired, and when he tried to stand he became light-headed and had to sit down again. The library was comfortably warm, and he found himself drifting back to sleep if he wasn’t careful.
Eventually, the lights dimmed and the students left. Noticing people starting to leave, Nageki stood up (with some difficulty), stretched his wings, and followed the other students into the hallway.
....except he didn’t.
Nageki didn’t know why he couldn’t leave the library, but he didn’t question it as much as he probably should have. Honestly, he was very tired, again for a reason he did not know and could not understand, which made it difficult to put much effort into figuring anything out.
For the moment, he was content to remain in the library and read all day. He hoped his teachers weren’t worried about why he wasn’t coming to class. If he had teachers. He couldn’t remember if he did.
He wondered why nobirdie else was talking to him. The other birds weren’t there when he had first become aware, but they started showing up a little while later. For the most part, they stayed quiet and worked on whatever they were working on, but even when they passed by Nageki’s corner, they never tried to make conversation. Never even looked at him.
Once, he tried talking to one of them. A bird had been looking for a book on a shelf beside Nageki’s usual corner haunt, and he was beginning to grow restless.
“Hey, do you have the time..?” Nageki asked awkwardly. His voice was quiet and a little bit strained. Nageki realized he had forgotten what his own voice sounded like, at some point.
The other bird didn’t respond. They kept searching for a book.
“Um. Excuse me?” He asked again, a little louder this time.
The bird pulled away from the bookshelf, looking annoyed. They sighed and walked to the opposite side of them room, then began looking through another shelf.
Nageki felt.. strange. Was the other bird’s reaction directed at him? It could’ve been at the bookshelf, maybe, but he wasn’t sure.
Maybe everyone hated him, and that’s why they left him alone. Maybe he was just being bullied.
He felt uncomfortable, thinking this. Maybe he would take a short nap to get his mind off things.
One day he saw somebody writing in their library book. He grit his beak and mentally debated whether he should approach the vandal or not. If he really was being bullied, as his current theory stated, it would be a bad idea. But, sometimes it seemed to Nageki that he was the only one who cared about these books. He was the only one who would say anything.
He ruffled his feathers, mustered his courage, and stood up, walking over to the table where the vandal bird sat.
“Hey.” Nageki said, quiet but firm. “Is that your book?” He knew it wasn’t.
The other bird didn’t say anything in response. They didn’t even look up.
Nageki was beginning to grow annoyed.
“Excuse me, sir, but you shouldn’t write in library books. Those are school property.” He knew he sounded kind of dorky, protecting the library books, but he was resolved.
The other bird still didn’t respond. Nageki looked around nervously. What was happening? He had stood up, walked, and started talking to somebody, and yet nobody had looked up from their work. Nobody acknowledged him.
Nageki suddenly became very uncomfortable. Like he was about to remember something he’d much rather forget.
He looked back at the vandal bird. Quickly, and without thinking about it much, he picked up a pencil from the desk and threw it lightly at the other bird. Then he turned around and walked away.
“H-hey, who threw that??” An angry accusation came from the vandal bird. Nageki did not respond. The bird did not ask him to, even if he was the most likely suspect.
He returned to his corner and sat back down, picking up his book but not reading it. Instead, he watched the other birds go about their studying, then leave when the sunlight filtering through the windows started to fade. Eventually, a teacher came in to catch any stragglers, took a look around, and then locked the door. Locking Nageki in.
Nageki no longer thought he was being bullied.
People weren’t coming to the library as much anymore. He’d overheard some of them complaining about the temperature always being too cold. Others mentioned that the room smelled faintly of smoke, and it gave them headaches. One bird mentioned a ghost who stole pencils.
Nageki didn’t know what they were talking about. He hadn’t felt cold in a while, and couldn’t really smell anything either. Maybe they were just being dramatic?
Either way, the library steadily grew emptier and emptier. At first, he was worried about everyone leaving, but once he remembered that nobody could see him anyway, he resigned himself to his fate. He didn’t mind getting to read by himself, he thought. This was what usually happened to him anyway, left alone to read.
...what? What usually happened? When is ‘usually’?
Nageki wished somebirdie would put up a calendar in the library. He had no idea what year it was, or even really what month. He could tell when it was winter because of the snow, and summer because the library was suddenly crowded with birds escaping the heat, but otherwise he was completely blind to time.
He wondered when his birthday was. He wondered if he could still get older. He wondered a lot of things.
Nageki didn’t dream. But when he did, he dreamed of fire. It made him feel guilty. He couldn’t understand why.
It had probably been a while, now, since Nageki had first woken up in the library. He couldn’t quite remember.
He had read a majority of the interesting books in the library, at this point. A few of them, his favorites, he had read more than once. He wished the library would get new books, but it didn’t seem like anyone cared enough to buy any.
This library, for the most part, had remained unchanged since he arrived there. Like it was stuck in time with him. Maybe that’s why he was stuck there, in that library, that place beyond time.
Was he.. beyond time? He wasn’t sure.
He had been sporadically keeping a journal for some time now. He wasn’t sure why, since he knew nobirdie else would read it. He supposed it was nice to keep his thoughts in order.
He had never considered himself much of a writer, better suited to reading books than creating them. But journaling was...... well, it was a way to pass the time. Reading had become less of a hobby and more like the only activity he was permitted to do while stuck here. He needed a new hobby.
Nageki tried to escape from the library a variety of ways. It was sometime over summer, he assumed, because no birds had visited the library in a while. He tried sleeping through those long months, but that hadn’t worked. Eventually, he became restless.
The door, obviously, didn’t work. He knew that. He still tried a few times, but nothing new happened.
There were a few windows leading to the courtyard. Nageki wasn’t sure if they were locked or not, but upon testing them, he found they were unlocked.
He knew trying to leave via window wasn’t actually dangerous for birds, who had wings and could fly, but the action still felt dangerous. It made Nageki’s heart race to stick his head out of the library window. He hadn’t realized how long it had been since he had felt a real breeze.
Unfortunately, the windows all proved unhelpful as well. No matter how hard he tried, he was pushed back into the library much like when he tried to leave via the door.
He sighed and flopped down in the center of the library. He was tired. It took a lot of effort to attempt an escape from the library.
Laying on the floor, Nageki wondered if he could break through the floor and escape that way. As he slowly fell asleep, he wondered why he wanted to leave so bad. Was anything even waiting for him out there..?
When he awoke in a different room, Nageki was surprised. Had he finally done it? Had he finally escaped?
He did not recognize the room he was in, but from the beakers and other equipment scattered around he assumed it was some sort of science classroom. Maybe a lab room.
The presence of a human skeleton on the wall unnerved him. He hoped it wasn’t real. From the books he had read, he knew humans were endangered, and having one’s remains on a wall felt distasteful to him. Yes, that was probably why the idea made him uncomfortable.
A bird he had never seen before entered the room. He began setting up the lab equipment as if he was going to perform an experiment.
Something about this bird made Nageki want to hide from him, even though he knew he couldn’t see him. Maybe it was his suspicious, red-rimmed eyes? Or the expression on his face as he readied whatever experiment he wanted to conduct?
Whatever it was, Nageki took a step back from him. In doing so, he bumped into a rack of empty test tubes and knocked one over. It fell to the ground, shattering.
The suspicious bird looked up, annoyed. “Who’s there? I know that test tube didn’t jump off the desk of its own accord.”
Nageki’s eyes widened, and his feathers ruffled in fright. He had no idea what to do. He didn’t want to be found by this bird.
For some reason, he remembered that certain birds will fly straight up when they are surprised. This seemed like a horrible idea, but Nageki couldn’t think of anything else to try. Quickly, he flapped his wings and accelerated towards the roof of the lab room. Closing his eyes, he braced for impact......
But felt nothing. Opening his eyes, he found himself once again in the library.
What???? Had he been dreaming?? He quickly looked around and found everything as he had last seen it. He sighed.
Though, thinking about it again.... Nageki had an idea. Not giving himself any time to talk himself out of it, Nageki closed his eyes and tried to put his head through the library floor.
...no impact. He opened his eyes. He could see the suspicious bird and the chemistry materials!
He smiled. He was pretty sure this was the first time he’d smiled since waking up, minus smiling while reading.
Nageki pulled his head back into the library. Tentatively, he tried to fly up as well, into the library ceiling. Success! He was outside of the school, on the roof!
He could feel the breeze on his feathers, though it didn’t ruffle them. He assumed whatever made him able to pass through solid walls also made it impossible for the wind to touch him. But he didn’t care. For the first time in however many years it had been, Nageki could actually leave the library.
A few days later, however, his discovery had turned into just more punishment. Sure, he could move up and down, but he still couldn’t go anywhere. No matter what he could see from the rooftop, he was cursed to remain on the rooftop. He still couldn’t really leave.
Nageki was already resigned to his fate anyway. He remained in the library, and didn’t do much except sleep for a while. When he could stay awake, he re-read some of his favorite books. Though, even those were beginning to get boring.
Nageki was bored. Nageki was tired.
He had stopped getting excited when the school year began. Sure, it was fun to watch the other birds go about their high school lives, but it only made him ache for his own. And he knew it was foolish to hope that somebody would finally, finally see him, finally speak to him.
Nageki decided to forget about the other birds. He kept to himself even in the library, preferring to haunt the areas with as few birds as possible. He tried to ignore their conversations, but he still caught a few stories about a new math teacher falling asleep while teaching, or rumors about a human being accepted to the school.
If the library became too crowded, he would fly up to the roof and sleep in the sun for a while. He slept a lot more, these days. Sleep, read, sleep, read, sleep. At least it kept him busy.
And then, one day, something interrupted his routine. It was the beginning of a new school year, and he hadn’t seen many birds in the library yet. He was mostly waiting for some books to be returned, as one that he was in the middle of reading had been checked out over the summer by an unknown student.
And suddenly, a girl walked into the library. A human girl.
Nageki couldn’t help but stare at her. He hadn’t seen a human in years. Or ever. He couldn’t remember. They were such strange creatures. He couldn’t imagine a world where they were in charge. Not that he hated humans, he actually liked them, he was just fascinated by their unique characteristics. He’d heard they were very powerful. This human certainly looked powerful.
The human looked at him. No, she looked through him. He knew she couldn’t actually see him.
“Umm... did you want something from me?” She asked.
...or maybe she could?? She was looking right at him, seeming confused. He panicked and looked away. Was she actually talking to him?????
Well, there was only one way to find out. Still looking at the ground, Nageki spoke for the first time in a while.
“Not really...” he said quietly.
The human was quiet for a moment. He knew it, she was talking to somebirdie else, nobody could see him, nobody would talk to him.
“Are you sure?” She spoke again. Nageki couldn’t believe it. He had no idea what to do.
He had noticed while watching the human that she was carrying some books. He decided to switch the conversation back to something he understood better.
“Yes. I don’t want anything with you.” He told the girl. “...it’s the things you’re carrying that I’m interested in.”
Nageki looked at the stack of books, then at the table, then back at the floor. He had no idea what he was doing.
“Oh... sorry.” The girl responded sheepishly. “Ehehe, they were a little too dense and I never finished them. Were you waiting for them all summer?”
Was she teasing him? He couldn’t tell. He didn’t know what to say. So he said nothing. He simply went back to reading his book. Maybe, if he were lucky, she would just leave him alone to return to his routine.
Understandably, considering his streak of bad luck, the human spoke again. “I’m Tosaka Hiyoko. A sophomore. What about you?”
Nageki wasn’t sure what he was at this point. He had been stuck in this library for so long, he had no idea what was happening in the outside world. And despite how much time he had spent alone, he had no idea what had happened to him, either. Why he was stuck here.
“Y-you’re...?” She asked, awkwardly. He realized he had just ignored her question.
If he hadn’t figured out his past while he was stuck here, alone, all those years, maybe he never would. Maybe, just maybe, this was him being given a chance to change his fate. To end his boring routine.
He remembered the first time he had woken up in the library. How he had looked over his student ID with the blackened corners so many times.
“Nageki.” He said finally. “Fujishiro, Nageki. Freshman.”
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kylie-writes-stuff · 4 years
PART 5: NO ??
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previous. masterlist. next.
a/n: if you saw my last post yk i was debating whether i should post this or save it for a later chapter, but i decided to just go for it. i might have them both ignore their feelings for a while. like i said, i just wing the entire story lmao idk where i'm going w it. let me know what you think or if you have any ideas :)
taglist: (hope i got everyone, lemme know if u wanna be added/removed)
@liljennyx3 @newestro​ @peachdoppi @makeithotlikefire @peteysgf​ @mxqicshxp @youretheonlyonewhomakesme @letsloveimagines @evans-dejong @princezukohere @yoongi-holland @a-dot-dev @butterfly-skinnylegend @tvblonde @elenath-s-misc @winterblake @deathcompass @the-shota-king-masayuki @lowasdefinitelytaken @lovelysmp @lo-manburg @fairywriter-oracle @littlemaladaptivedaydreamer @summerbbygirl @xoxohannahlee @jades-bullshit @s1llygoose @livie-bug82108 @mirahg @loraleiix @insanedeathwish @just-a-stan @fo-love @siriuslystupid @rhino-zucchini @victoria-a567 @coryisagee @im-your-possession @empress-cheshire @tegscar2103 @crushingfeelings @peneflop @truthdaze @majasophieanna @acciowilltolive @cherry-piee @wreny24 @captain-willowwitch
if your name is in italics i couldn't tag you for some reason
btw, i see all your guys' comments n i love them n really wanna respond to them but like this is my side blog. so if you see @/gabriels-golden-kazoo (i barely use it anymore) respond to anything,,, ignore it, it's me.
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