#i got bored playing dai so i decided to sketch a little
kylominis · 29 days
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i missed him so i just wanted an excuse to stare at him [♡]
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koolades-world · 8 months
Hey there! I'd Like to request something. So like, MC is an Artist (Style doesn't matter they just have to draw humanoid things) and then they draw the brothers+dateables in their style, what would the reaction be?
hello! sure thing :)
I myself am admittedly not a very good artist, which is my my preferred art form is writing. the only time I draw is usually during gartic phone games with friends, and thanks to my franticness under a time limit it's always very chaotic. but at this point I've just embraced it and it's always funny
Artist Mc
you draw him while he's seated at the dinner table on a saturday morning while he's reading the newspaper and enjoying a coffee
not that you didn't intend to show him, but suddenly he was leaning over your shoulder, staring, and it caught you off guard
as you scramble to explain, he just smiles and sits back down in his chair and goes back to what he was doing to keep being you model
once you're done, he asks if he can at least have a copy to keep, which in itself is a huge compliment, but it's so he can think of you every time he looks at it 🥺
during class, he happened to look super cute as always while looking wistfully out a nearby window a few rows in front of you and the lesson was getting boring anyways. next to your notes, you begin to doodle him, using highlighters for color
you forget it's there and lend him that very notebook since he had tuned out that same lesson
once he opens it, he seems himself and doesn't know how to react. he's a babbling, red mess
once he regains motor functions, he shakily declares that it's very becoming of the Great Mammon and that you did a great job. success!
the two of you are hanging out in his room. he's playing a ruri game and you're lounging behind him, sketching on a bean bag
you're not drawing anything in particular and were searching for an idea when suddenly, the idea found you
levi wasn't paying attention to you, so you could easily look at him and ruri, and sketch them side by side in matching outfits
once he stops for a moment to get a snack, you happily show him the drawing and he does the demon equivalent of blue screening. give him a minute to reboot then try again haha
when you decided to draw him, the two of you were seating together, with you in his lap while he read a book so he saw the drawing from it's first line to it's last
made positive comments about it the entire time, like about how you captured the green of his eyes perfectly, or telling you his hair looked better in the picture than it did in real life
at some point, he stopped pretending to read the book and sat watching you with his chin on your shoulder
he added cute little notes around it once you were done with little hearts around them
he's asked you to draw him jokingly a few times, but never expected you to actually do it the next time he asked
when you tell him if he wants, he can pick something else to wear, he almost strips down so you can draw him nude but you stop him as soon as he started to take his shirt off
he scurried away and was back quickly in a new outfit, and posed how he would for a picture
talks to you basically the entire time you draw, and once you're done, he squeezes you into a tight hug and asks if he can post it on his Devilgram
after joining him enough times for Fangol practice, you knew it well enough to begin making sketches of him as he practiced
drawing him in action was a little challenging since he never held still, but you were determined
you drew a few since his practice went on longer that day, and got to proudly show him the results
he was equally as proud of you since he thought you did a great job. he asks if he can have one, and if you give it to him, you'll find it hanging up next to his bed next to all his Fangol trophies <3
he's an easy model to draw thanks to his lethargy, so you often find yourself sketching him
something about his peaceful nature and natural frosted tips was just so drawable, so you had at least a few pages full of him napping in various positions with different blankets
one time, he wakes up while you're next to him drawing, and is a little shocked in a good way. he didn't know you viewed him that highly
he's still half asleep, so he just compliments your artwork and moves to lay his head on your lap, then falls back asleep, ensuring you're the flustered one now
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deedeeznoots · 3 months
You’re? Correction! I’m Yours 
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➺ Characters: Ryomen Sukuna, GN!Reader 
➺ Word Count: 900+ 
➺ Genre: Fluff
➺ Content: Non-Curse!AU, Nerd!Sukuna, Established Relationship (with some pre-relationship sprinkled in), Swearing
➺ A/N: Shout out to my wonderful mutual @heian-era-housewife for this post about Heian Era Sukuna doing poetry. If she’s reading this: I hope you don’t mind the tag but your post seriously inspired a huge chunk of these headcanons 🥹
➺ Synopsis: Headcanons of all the nerdy things Sukuna does because deep down inside that’s all he is and all he wishes to be ❤️
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➺ At first glance he doesn’t read as someone who would be super nerdy or all that interested in learning. 
➺ I mean, can you blame anyone? No one really expects the dude constantly looking for a fight to pull up with some textbooks during his free time.
➺ Once you get to know him though, you realize that on the inside he is in fact a giant nerd about basically everything.
➺ It starts off subtly: at first you’d ask him questions and he’d be able to easily come up with answers without even giving it a second thought.
➺It could be a question about anything, regardless of the subject or perceived difficulty, and Sukuna would be able to explain it to you. Not only that, but he’d be able to explain it to you in a way that made it sound like the simplest thing in the world. 
➺ At one point you basically just started playing trivia and just started asking him stuff normal people didn’t know the answers for and he’d answer with ease, albeit he’d get really annoyed with your constant random questions.
➺ Sometimes if he’s really excited about a subject his explanations would turn into full lectures that’d put most college professors to shame.
➺ Although it was shocking at first, it started to make sense when you realized that the main reason why he takes time to learn about stuff is because he’s constantly bored and looking for new things to entertain him.
➺ He’s good at basically everything so long as it piques his curiosity, but his one and only love will forever be literature, mostly because of how infinite the possibilities are with the medium.
➺ He’s well versed in literature of all genres and different cultures, but he is the most drawn toward Japanese works (and let’s be honest, his favorites would probably come from the Heian Period).
➺ Ever since getting with you, he’s been leaning more toward the romance genre. Just in case he needs any inspiration on how to spice up your relationship, you know? 
➺ He’s taught himself multiple languages just for fun and to see how far he could go.
➺ He LOVES poetry, he both writes and reads it a lot and it’s his favorite hobby besides eating.
➺ Other than literature, he also has a huge fascination with art.
➺ He designed his own tattoos because he wanted to play with the idea of turning his body into a canvas. It also just so happened to make him look intimidating as hell which was a plus in his book.
➺ He also has a little journal that he carries around and he sketches a lot whenever he’s bored or sees something interesting.
➺ As for styles, he’s a really big fan of Sumi-e painting because he’s allergic to color but he basically just uses and does whatever he feels like at the moment. 
➺ He’s the type of person who draws what he sees, but he would especially enjoy drawing nature. 
➺ He would go out on hikes whenever he felt the need to draw and would walk until he found something interesting. 
➺ He’s really into meditation while he draws and he uses sketching as a way to keep himself level headed during particularly annoying days.
➺ He isn’t too fond of drawing people, but you’d be the exception. 
➺ He would 1000% draw you while you sleep. It’s the perfect time since you’d be still for most of it. 
➺ Sukuna is able to write really good cursive and also does calligraphy because he got bored one time (shocker) and so decided to see if he was able to do it well and to no one’s surprise, he was eventually able to.
➺ The reason why he leans towards the humanities so much is because they’re both subjects no one can really “master”. With both art and literature, there isn’t a point where someone knows absolutely everything about either subject. Since Sukuna loves a challenge, he wants to be the first person to go “Fuck you, I DO know everything about this”.
➺ One of the little things he does every day includes writing you short little romantic poems on a post it note and leaving them in out random spots for you to find. 
➺ Sometimes they would be in your pocket or other times on the bathroom mirror, wherever it is they would make you smile. 
➺ Though, sometimes he would stick them onto such odd spots that you’d wonder just how he did it?
➺ He has TONS of pride in his writing (to be fair, he’s prideful about basically anything he does) and he always appreciates it when you mention his little notes and complement the work he put into writing them.
➺ Sometimes when the both of you are talking together he’d say some of the most poetic sentences that you’ve ever heard like it’s nothing. 
➺ When you gasp he just goes “What? Why are you staring at me like that?” as if he didn’t randomly drop lines that sounded like they came from straight out of a novel.
➺ He’s a dick when it comes to spelling and grammar, especially during petty arguments.
➺ “How many times do I have to tell you, if your going to the restroom put the damn seat down afterwards” ➺ “It’s YOU’RE*, actually” ➺ “Fine, YOU'RE** a piece of shit Ryomen!”
➺ Don’t fret though, because while Ryomen Sukuna wants to know anything and everything there is to know about the world, he knows deep down inside that the best thing the world could have ever offered him was you.
➺ Edit: Okay I made this story quite a while ago but I HAVE ANOTHER HEADCANON TO ADD! I think his observation skills are super on point which is how he’s able to understand things so easily
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A/N: Everyone list what you think Sukuna’s favorite book(s) would be 🗣️
A/N: If you enjoyed my thoughts on Sukuna, you’d love this story I also wrote paired with some headcanons! 
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Garden of Secrets [24] - Geraniums
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback and support my loves, it made my whole week, you’re amazing!❤ I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think, thank you! ❤
Thanks so much to @theskytraveler​ for helping me with the chapter!
Summary: Inspiration can strike at midnight.
Warnings: Regency era society and social rules, some gender specific language and terms, mentions and descriptions of domestic violence, injuries and trauma. 
Word Count: 3400
Series Masterlist
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Playing the madly in love couple in public had never been challenging so far, so it was quite surprising that the mask was slipping.
You had a feeling that it was mostly because of you though.
For the past week, you had managed to keep your interaction with Benedict to a minimum even though it felt incredibly hard. Whenever you saw him in the hallway or you two went to your separate rooms, you were filled with this powerful urge to talk to him, but after that duel you weren’t so sure you could.
Though, there was no denying it. You missed him terribly.
Benedict on the other hand was respecting your wishes and giving you the space you wanted. Though you two pretended as if nothing was wrong in public, the usual displays of affection were not there, no doubt because he didn’t want to cross the line you drew between you two.
“Are you sure everything is alright?” Felix asked you while he sketched beside you under the tree you were leaning your back against. Charlotte had asked both you and Benedict to join her on a picnic but Anthony had spent no time to whisk her away, and Benedict was busy talking with his artist friends so you had excused yourself to read a book in the shadow of a tree, Felix soon joining you to sketch the view in a peaceful corner.
“Absolutely,” you said. “Why do you ask?”
Felix shrugged before tilting his head. “Is that your brother-in-law?”
You turned your head, then raised a hand in the air so that Andrew could see you, a smile lighting up his face immediately.
“This is a lovely surprise,” he said as he threw himself next to you. “Clover. Felix.”
“Andrew,” Felix said with a smile and you held back a grin upon hearing the first name basis.
“What are you doing here?” you asked and he motioned at the entrance of the park.
“Oh I had this business with an incredibly boring lord about—it doesn’t matter,” he said. “How about you? Is Jo around as well?”
“Mm hm, she and Bess decided to take a walk around the park,” you said and he grinned.
“They do love their walks.”
You shot him a mischievous glance and he looked inside the picnic basket.
“No cookies this time?”
“My reaction exactly,” Felix said and Andrew tut-tutted.
“You play with our feelings, Y/N.”
“I’m just sitting here doing nothing,” you deadpanned, turning your gaze to Benedict at the moment he stole a glance at you, and you both looked elsewhere at the same time. Felix raised his brows and Andrew looked between you.
“Oh something happened.”
“That’s what I said!”
“Nothing happened, you both are being nonsense—” you started but got distracted the moment your looked at Benedict again who was just approached by Lady Margery. That bitter taste climbed up your throat as you gritted your teeth, but then forced yourself to turn back to your book.
“Oh it’s a jealousy issue,” Andrew pointed out and turned to Felix while your eyes widened. “That settles it.”
“It’s not a jealousy issue!”
“Of Lady Margery?” Felix asked Andrew who nodded solemnly.
“Seems like it, is that her name?”
“I’m sitting right here,” you grumbled, turning to glare at Andrew who rolled his eyes at you.
“You were a scrawny little thing when I first met you, that glare doesn’t work on me.”
“You might be the only person in the ton who doesn’t get intimidated by her.” Felix pointed out and Andrew chuckled.
“I built up an immunity.”
“Great, I’m still waiting for that day.”
“Oh you need to put in years before that happens.”
You shook your head slightly and kept your gaze on the book.
“Who is Lady Margery?” Andrew asked Felix who took a deep breath.
“She’s a very wealthy widow,” he said. “A lover of arts and the last I heard, she likes Benedict’s works.”
“Where did she see his works?” You couldn’t help but ask and Felix shrugged.
“At a party, I’m told,” he said. “Either that or Henry showed her.”
“Benedict is in love with you though, don’t feel threatened.”
“I do not feel threatened by her,” you deadpanned, still trying to ignore that burning in your throat. “A lot of people admire Benedict’s works.”
“Not all of them look like that though,” Andrew mused and you narrowed your eyes at him. “Not as pretty as you, obviously!”
You huffed out and closed your book as soon as you caught the sight of Josie and Bess. “I’ll get some fresh air.”
“We’re sitting outside, Y/N.”
“Fine, then I’ll go and join Bess and Josie,” you said. “They’re over there.”
“I’m fine,” you said as you stood up, painfully aware of Benedict’s gaze immediately turning to you. “Really. I just need to stretch my legs, I’ve been sitting here for way too long.”
You walked away from them, ignoring the way Benedict’s eyes were following you as you passed through the garden to make your way to Bess and Josie.
The dinner was quiet at first and you weren’t particularly hungry, so you kept playing with the food on your plate, pushing at it with your fork, trying your hardest not to look at Benedict even if you could feel him stealing looks at you.
He took a deep breath when you pushed at your plate, ready to retrieve to your bedroom but before you could stand up, he cleared his throat.
You looked up at him. “Hm?”
“I was going to tell you,” he said. “My mother invited us for dinner this weekend.”
“Oh?” you said. “Sure. What brought that on?”
He grimaced, making you bite back a smile.
“She wants the family to have dinner with Charlie’s family,” he muttered. “Which would have been fine if it were for any reason other than…you know.”
“Lottie and Anthony courting?”
He let out a noise of discontent and nodded his head. “That.”
“Will you be alright?” you asked. “During that dinner?”
He thought for a moment.
“…Uh huh.”
You raised your brows. “Very convincing.”
“It’s just—” he motioned with his hand. “Charlie and him?”
“It’s been almost a week since they started courting each other, how are you still so shocked about this?”
“Neither of them told me.”
“I wonder how that feels,” you pointed out and he scrunched up his nose, making you bite down on your lip.
“Walked right into that one.”
“Kind of like walking into a duel,” you mused and he nodded.
“Mm hm, kind of like that,” he said and his head shot up. “Which reminds me, I have something for you.”
You pulled your brows together in confusion.
“What?” you asked as he got up from his chair to come closer to you, then pulled the chair near you to sit down. He reached into the inner pocket of his waistcoat, then pulled out a tiny bag to put it on the table, making your frown deeper.  
“What is this?”
“It’s a gift,” he said, crossing his arms over the table so that you would see he wouldn’t pull the gift out of your reach. “Along with my heartfelt apologies and promise to not keep things from you.”
You stole a look at him, then slowly reached out to take the small bag. You untied it and turned it over, then blinked a couple of times when you saw the tiny seeds falling into your palm.
“Geranium seeds,” Benedict said. “I figured maybe you’d want to plant them.”
Your eyes found his, your heart skipping a beat.
“And I’ve been told geraniums represent foolishness,” he added with a small grin. “Considering my actions of late…”
A small giggle escaped from your lips and you ran your fingertip over the seeds.
“But I haven’t been gardening lately.”
“I know,” he said. “They can grow in a vase as well, did you know that?”
Your jaw dropped, a laughter climbing up your throat.
“Wow, really?”
“Mm hm,” he said, that proud smile playing on his lips before his gaze turned soft. “So until you want to put it in the garden, it can be in your room in a vase. If that’ll be more comfortable for you.”
He was giving you a way to garden and making sure you knew he couldn’t take it from you.
That familiar warmth spread through your chest as you put the seeds back into the small bag, and carefully tied it up before turning to look at him.
“Thank you,” you managed to say, “Really, Benedict. It means a lot.”
He shot you that lopsided grin and you held up your pinky.
He raised his brows, then hooked his pinky with yours.
“Truce,” he said, tugging at your finger with his before pulling his hand back. You narrowed your eyes at him.
“Who told you where to get geranium seeds?”
“Lady Margery,” he said, making you raise your brows but he looked nearly oblivious to your reaction. “You two have a lot in common, she likes flowers as well. She was telling me about it today—she also has a garden, apparently. Invited us for dinner whenever we’re available.”
“Did she now?” you asked, trying to ignore that bitterness in your throat. “Interesting.”
“You would get along well with her I think.”
“I doubt that,” you murmured and he tilted his head.
“Just a feeling,” you said with a shrug of your shoulders, and cleared your throat. “Speaking of gardens, I think I want to take a walk in ours and get some fresh air before bed.”
“Oh,” he said. “Alright. Do you—?”
You shook your head and pushed your chair back to stand up. “No worries. I’ll just walk around, that’s all. It’ll help me sleep better.”
“Alright,” he said. “I’ll see you later then?”
“Mm hm, enjoy your meal!” you said and walked out of the dining room, still holding the small bag tight in your hand, a smile curling your lips once again.
The interesting thing about your nightmares was that they had changed quite a bit after you had found out that Benedict had gone on a duel. Contrary to before, now your night terrors were about his death, getting shot in the duel, bleeding out in that field—
A gasp got caught in your throat as your eyes snapped open into the dark room, and you blinked a couple of times before wiping up the cold sweat off your forehead, realizing just how freezing the room was. Contrary to the pleasant weather from earlier, the warmth was replaced by the cold as soon as the night fell, and not only you had told the maids they didn’t have to start a fire in the fireplace, you had also left the window open as you went to bed.
You pushed the covers off of you and got up from the bed, now realizing you had no idea where the matches were because you hadn’t had to do anything related to fireplace ever since you had moved into this house. The familiar ache in your wrist that came back whenever it was cold made you grimace and you closed the window, rubbing at your arms. You thought for a moment, then walked to the door to peek your head out, the faint light at the end of the hallway catching your attention immediately.
Benedict’s studio.
Well, that room had to be warm.
You lingered at your doorstep only for a moment before you left your room, then made your way down the hallway to reach the studio to find Benedict sketching by the fireplace. Your heart skipped a beat at how effortlessly handsome he looked, and you knocked on the doorframe, making his head shoot up.
“Mind if I join you?”
“Not at all, come in,” he said, motioning at the other armchair across from the fireplace and you smiled at him, then sat down on the armchair.
“Nightmares again?”
You stole a look at him, then shrugged your shoulders.
“Just cold,” you said, holding out your wrist so that you could feel the warmth of the flames in the fireplace just so that the throbbing would ease a little. Benedict’s gaze fell on you as you turned your wrist, clenching and unclenching your hands. “What are you drawing?”
“Hm? Oh—” Benedict snapped out of his thoughts and looked down at the sketchbook before looking up at you. “Just some practice, that’s all.”
“Can I see it?”
He thought for a moment, then made a face. “You don’t want to.”
“Why not?”
“Because it’s you.”
You raised your brows, your stomach doing a happy flip.
“The sketch?”
He nodded his head and you arched a brow.
“I don’t want to see it or you don’t want me to want to see it?” you asked and he shrugged his shoulders.
“I’m not sure it’s good.”
“Can I be the judge of that?”
“Will you spare my feelings?”
“Absolutely, because I walk around sparing people’s feelings,” you retorted, holding out your hand. “Come on.”
He heaved a sigh, then handed you the sketchbook, making you giggle before you turned your gaze to the page.
The sketch was so beautiful that for a moment you couldn’t help but stare at it, your mouth slightly open. It was a sketch of you from today, when you were sitting under the tree with a book in your lap, surrounded by beautiful flowers-
When you thought he was busy with Lady Margery.
Benedict’s voice pulled you out of your daze; “It’s that terrible huh?”
You looked up at him in disbelief, then shook your head.
“I was thinking the opposite actually,” you managed to say, turning your glances to the page again. “It’s just…”
“Tell me,” he said when you fell quiet and you licked your lips, then shook your head again.
“You drew me prettier than I actually am,” you mumbled, still admiring the sketch in front of you but you saw him tilt his head out of the corner of your eye.
You shot him a small smile, then handed him the sketchbook back.
“It’s beautiful,” you said. “Too beautiful.”
Benedict let out a small chuckle, his gaze soft on you.
“Nothing I draw or paint comes close to how beautiful you are, you do realize that?” he asked, a fire spreading on your face. “That’s why I keep thinking it’s not good enough. It’s nowhere near a reflection, merely a shadow.”
It felt as if your heart was trying to escape from your ribcage with how fast it was beating and you felt a smile warm your face, then shot him a look.
“Well then I’m afraid I have no criticism for you,” you said, making him clutch at his chest.
“Oh no.”
“Mm hm,” you said. “Just what every artist hates. No criticism, only admiration.”
“You have no idea,” he played along and you giggled, holding your wrist closer to the fireplace again to feel the warmth on your skin, even in your bones. He watched you in silence for a couple of seconds, then took a deep breath.
“Does it hurt?”
“Not normally but cold makes it ache,” you said. “It should go away soon.”
“How did you break it?”
Your stomach did a painful flip and you bit inside your cheek, pursing your lips.
“That’s not important information,” you said, your voice completely flat and he paused for a moment, then nodded.
“Still don’t trust me huh?” he said with a small smile as you pulled your gaze off the fire to steal a look at him.
“It’s alright,” he said. “You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to.”
A silence fell upon you both and you could feel the nervousness filling your system, but you managed to ignore it as you cleared your throat.
“It wasn’t…” you trailed off. “Peaceful. Back home, before my uncle took me in.”
He pulled his brows together in confusion as if he couldn’t understand how it was relevant and you turned your wrist again, still holding it to the fireplace.
“My parents were very different than yours, or my uncle and aunt,” the words left your lips very easily. “We could never tell when it was going to get bad because most of the time there wasn’t even an actual reason behind it, my father was always angry and my mother wasn’t any better than him, they just had different ways of discipline and punishment.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him pulling back but you didn’t turn to look at him, keeping your eyes on the fireplace.
“Josie got the worst of it, mostly,” you muttered. “She always got in the way to protect me no matter what and like I said, they had different ways, my mother would mostly just slap us or push us around, but my father…” You let out a bitter laugh. “My father was the type of person who would only stop beating the hell out of you when he decided it was enough, regardless of how much you cried—not that Josie ever really cried. I used to, but I learned to stop myself after a while.”
The memory hit you and you shook your head slightly, trying to focus.
“Anyway, there was this one time he got really mad at Josie and he was drunk, and in all that pushing and pulling this bottle got broken, and he had this…this idea to cut her hand with it so that she would ‘learn some respect’,” you quoted him, the words giving you goosebumps even now. “But my mother stopped him, saying it would ruin Josie’s chances to get married if he left any actual scars that her potential suitors could see, making her—what was the term?” you asked more to yourself and scoffed. “Damaged goods, she said.”
Benedict could only stare at you in silence.
“I was very young when it happened, so in my mind I figured that if I had an actual scar, then no one would want to marry me and no one could put me through what my father put my mother through,” you said. “But the problem was that I didn’t have any, so that night after everyone went to bed, I went to the kitchen to give myself one.”
The crackles of the wood in the fireplace echoed through the room, making you heave a sigh.
“I couldn’t really do it though, because it hurt way worse than I thought it would,” you added. “I stopped before I could push the knife deeper or drag it down, but my mother walked in the kitchen and saw me doing that.”
You could feel the tears burning your eyes and you blinked a couple of times to push them back.
“I begged her not to tell my father but of course she did, and father was absolutely furious,” you said. “He yelled at me, then shoved me headfirst into the wall and I hit my head very hard. And the thing about hitting your head is that you can’t really find your balance when it happens, so I tripped backwards and fell right on my wrist.”
For a second, the only thing you could hear was the burning wood and you shrugged your shoulders, then retrieved your hand and turned to look at him.
“That’s how I broke it.”
He looked nearly frozen, staring at you in complete silence as he blinked a couple of times like he was trying to wrap his mind around what you had told him. He gritted his teeth, that fire coming to life in his eyes and he opened his mouth but you stopped him before he could say anything.
“Don’t say you’re sorry,” you said, shaking your head. “I don’t need anyone to do that, I hate that nonsense. I’m fine, that’s not why I…”
You trailed off for a moment before you took a deep breath, your eyes locking in his.
“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t trust you Ben,” you rasped out, then offered him a small smile and got up from the chair. “That’s the moral of this story.”
“Good luck with your sketches,” you said, nodding at the notebook in his lap. “Being immortalized sounds rather lovely now to think of it. Keep drawing me prettier than I am, will you?”
With that, you walked out of the room, your heart still beating in your ears. 
Chapter 25
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fallingdownhell · 1 year
Genshin.l men when you pluck off their first grey hair.
Uhh, I know some good candidates for this one! xD
Characters Included: Itto; Kaveh; Zhongli; Kazuha
Content: Fluff; established relationship; overall just good feelings and joking around; no drama at all in this one
Word count: 1,3k words
Have fun with this one!
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It was your usual hangout day with Itto and his gang, but you were bored
You guys weren't doing anything interesting or fun, just sitting around, playing cards
well.. Kuki may be entirely satisfied that the boys were keeping low on their shenanigans, but you were bored out of your mind. Your boyfriend wasn't really paying attention to you, too invested in his stupid card game
somewhere along the way, you decided to lay your head in his lap, hoping to garner some attention this way
when that also didn't work, you started to play with his hair to get a rise out of him, but that also failed. He did enjoy your touch, but ulimately, it wasn't enough to distract him
that was, until an idea formed in your head. True, it may sound like a stupid one, but your boyfriend was also known to not exactly be of the brightest sort
so, with feigned shock, you suddenly gasp as you pluck one of his hair out of his head, the sudden exclamation finally getting Itto's attention
"What? What's wrong, babe?"
"Itto.. I think you're getting old.. Look, your hair is going white!"
You play your part good, but it obviously was a pretty stupid prank to pull on him. Everyone caught onto it the moment you spoke it out loud. Well.. everyone, except..
Itto practically jumped up, panic written all over his face
"This can't be! Not my hair!"
You look at him, puzzled, confused that this stupid joke actually worked on him. You looked to the other gang members, but they only sigh and shake their heads
When Itto finally got in front of a mirror, you could almost see the gears turning in his head.. it took him a solid minute until he realized it, too
"(NAME)!!", he screamed and now you couldn't hold back your laughter
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For a man, Kaveh was overly focused on his physical appearances
he always made sure to stay relatively on top with his choice of clothes and his hair is always well taken care of
and while that might sound like someone who would be overly arrogant, Kaveh was not like that at all
he just really cared about what he looked like, always wanting to "Impress", if you can call it that
so, one day, you thought about a little prank. You didn't think anything bad of it, it was just a harmless joke...right?
well... one time, after waking up in bed together, Kaveh asked for you to brush through his hair while he was looking through some sketches again, and that was just the perfect opportunity to execute your plan that has been brewing in your head for the last few days
For a few seconds, you silently brush the comb through his hair, followed by your fingers to smoothen it up again, when you suddenly gasped
"What? What's wrong, (name)?", Kaveh sounded confused at the sudden change in atmosphere, slightly alarmed
"Kaveh.. I think I found a grey hair here.."
"...WHAT? PULL IT OUT! PULL IT OUT!", he screamed.
This couldn't be happening! Not yet! He wasn't even THAT old!
You plucked the single hair out like he requested. And while it was just a normal, blonde strand of hair like the rest of it, Kaveh was an expert in stressing himself out so much that he actually thought to see it as well
"No, no, no, no!"
He began pacing through the room, trying to think of a solution. This couldn't be happening!
You almost couldn't hold back your laughter, but when Kaveh suddenly ran out of the room, completely forgetting about anything else, you knew that you might have messed up a little bit with your prank...
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You and Zhongli were laying on the couch, his head rested in your lap as you massaged through his scalp
The events of the day had tired him out more than usually and you noticed that as soon as he came through the door of your shared home
so, you offered to help him relax a bit. You made him a cup of his favourite tea and were now spoiling him with this incredible massage, he felt like all his dreams had come true at once
his eyes were closed, humming from time to time, telling you just how much he enjoyed this
"Hmm..", you let out after some time of you being quiet. Zhongli rose an eyebrow at that, but otherwise remained as he was
when nothing else came from you, he opened one of his eyes, staring up at you
"Is something the matter, darling?"
"Hmm? Oh, not really.. I just noticed, you seem to have gotten a few grey hairs.."
Your tone was gentle and you kept up the relaxing movements through his hair
"Ahh.. Is that so?", Zhongli quietly spoke, closing his eyes again
"So it seems that the wheel of time is finally catching up to me, as well."
"...Are you bothered by it?", you ask, carefully, not knowing how he would react to that revelation
"Not at all. This is just how things are supposed to be. I don't mind it at all."
And he meant that. He couldn't be bothered by his hair turning a different colour, when everything else in his life was just perfect...
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You and Kazuha were currently on board of the Alchor, making their way back to Inazuma
You had decided to accompany him on one of his travels and it has truly been one of the most amazing experiences in your entire life
The things you got to see during your travels, the people you interacted with, and the memories you made together with Kazuha.. it would surely stay in your mind forever
Currently, you were both out on the deck, just looking out into the distance, silently enjoying each others company
normally, you would sit with your back against Kazuha's chest, his arms would be around you while he simply held you like this. Sometimes he would kiss your hair and other times, he would tell you a poem that he just came up with. You cherished those peaceful moments with him
This time however, your roles were reversed, with Kazuha sitting with his back against your chest, half sitting against you and half laying in your lap, while you gently stroke through his hair
he wasn't really thinking about anything in this moment, instead enjoyed the gentle breeze of the wind and your touch in his hair.. surely this must be what heaven felt like
he was sighing every now and then with content and each time, you smiled at the sound, glad that he was enjoying this
then, one time, when you took your hand out of his hair to put it to a different position, you noticed a few loose strands of hair caught between your fingers
you pulled them out and stared at them a bit.. something felt off about it somehow..
"Kazuha.. is your hair starting to grow grey?"
At first, he wasn't sure if he heard you right. He opened his eyes, only to find a serious expression on your face
You really weren't joking...
"My dear...", he only said, sighing a bit
"What?", you asked, feeling a bit offended at his tone. You looked at him a few more seconds until you realized it..
your eyes grew wide and Kazuha knew you finally got it, a sly grin making it's way on his lips
"Oh...", was all you said, embarrassed that you forgot something like that
Kazuha just smiled, but said nothing further about it, just closing his eyes again as you continued with what you were doing before
Would he ever let you live that down? ...No, of course not...
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zyhkoo · 5 months
eye candy ♡ willy wonka 2023
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✦✦ 𓏏𓏏 part 2: ms. y/n rosewell, a famous botanist has come back from town after a year. she had returned with special flowers from her trip and famous willy wonka has caught her attention. will they get along? ♡ part 1
a/n: i got lazy for this, so the writing style will be a little different!
The next morning, a jar of chocolate arrived on your porch. It seemed a bit nicer than the chocolate he had given you before, with a more classy appearance and a somewhat larger size. It's Valentine's day, but unfortunately you were closed.
Today was the weekend, and you do not work on weekends. You'd usually sleep in or go grocery shopping on weekends, although they may get boring at times. During working hours, when you had nothing to do, you would normally read or sketch to pass the time.
Your favorite activity, however, was listening to the radio; you enjoyed the music and the issues spoken by others. Unfortunately, your radio had broken down while you were gone. So that's a bummer.
You thought for a moment, why not try something new? You never considered walking around town, it could be fun.
You stood up and dressed more formally. When you were about to leave, you opened the jar of candy and popped one in your mouth. It really tasted good, you loved the bitterness especially.
You locked your shop, dusted your clothes and begun to walk around the town. There were a few changes here and there, but was still the town you remembered. You remembered playing with your sister, while your father would bring home a toy or two every week.
You weren't poor, but you didn't had a lot. You wished you switched places instead of them, because you knew that nothing lasts forever. You wanted to move on, but you couldn't help but think about them.
You walked in the gallery gourmet. You noticed that Slugworth, Ficklegruber and that other guy's shop had disappeared. Could they really have gone? You walked deeper into the place, new candy and chocolate shops were built and in the middle was Willy's store.
Something was telling you that you should go inside. But I don't even like sweets that much. You thought. Never mind, I shouldn't be saying anything. I literally traded over my most expensive flower for chocolate!
Maybe a peek?
You walked forward, it was quite the busy place for sure. You stopped on the front glass, taking a peek inside the store. It looked so beautiful. It looked like the placed you explored in when you were traveling, so wonderful. You made up your mind and decided to enter the store yourself.
Behind you, someone greeted "Welcome to Wonka's Miss! May I help.. Ms. Rosewell?" you recognized the voice behind you and you turned around "Hello, Mr. Wonka." you couldn't help but smile to him.
He smiled back "What brings you here Ms. Rosewell? Are you interested to buy some chocolate?" you shook your head "No, no, no. I just came to look around, this is very beautiful." you complimented him.
"Well, I'm glad you like it! Why won't we find somewhere to sit?"
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He led you in a private room, he took a chair and then offered you to sit down. "Tea?" he offered "Sure." you replied. "I was hoping to see you again, I am quite interested about you from all the stories I heard." you softly smiled "Hm, I guess the town has heard about my deeds from afar.. I'm quite embarrassed."
"How so?" he asked, "I like attention, just not too much." you said, Willy understood "I see, but you deserve praise! You've been to a land full of danger just to retrieve beautiful flowers." you laughed "Well, aren't we the same though? Willy Wonka would climb mountains and swim oceans to make the perfect chocolate."
"You got that right," he proudly beamed. "But have you noticed that I am also a great magician? Watch this." His eyes were filled with a strange mix of mischief and affection. You tilted your head and, in a blink of an eye, he took out a rose with an unusual pattern.
Wait a minute.
"Hey, isn't that mine..??" you reached to his hand, then suddenly it turned to coins. "2 sovereigns right?" you stared speechless but accepted the coins "Silly.. don't steal from me again." Willy's eyes widened "Willy Wonka never steals! In fact, what I just did there is called: buy now, pay later."
"Well, thank you for paying me back Mr. Wonka."
"It's my pleasure."
You hadn't felt this warm in a long time. You couldn't recall laughing with anyone like this before; it seemed unfamiliar. "You put your pride and love into this store, didn't you?" You said, continuing the conversation, "Truly, what could be better than a candy land? Or.. edible change?"
"You can make anything edible at this point."
Willy grinned. "What matters to me the most is that if people are happy. I'm happy, what about you?" you choked on your tea a bit "Me?" you asked.
What did make you happy? Flowers? Traveling? The radio? You thought for a while "I feel happy right now, talking to you like this." you answered his question, "But, don't get the wrong idea.." Willy answered, "Why would I? Thats not bad at all, I enjoy talking with you too."
A blush crept up your face "You mean it?" you asked "Of course, I've never met someone similar to me." you smiled "Maybe so." you never knew talking with a person you just met would make you happy.
"Do you have any hobbies?"
Strangers never asked personal things about you, it was usually how skilled you were.
"Bouquet design, drawing and I suppose singing.."
Almost everyone asked you the same question. How do you create bouquets? Where do you get your flowers from? How can I get money with flowers? And honestly, you thought that people only saw you as a botanist.
"Singing! I love to sing too." Willy said, "Maybe you should give me a performance, imagine this: (name)'s spectacular singing show!"
You would ignore any signs of friendship and love, because you were scared of losing it. But maybe you should give this a chance.
"You're such a dreamer.." you rolled your eyes "Thats my specialty." Willy smiled.
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Yesterday was nice, the two of you spent your time getting to know about each other. It felt really good finding someone to talk with topics you actually enjoyed. And because he made you happy, you felt like you owed him something.
"Welcome to Timmy's Tailors! Can I help you madam?" you entered a tailor shop, you thought that a coat would be good gift. "I want a coat, he's this tall and hm.. maybe red? Im not sure what his size is, I just want it to be a surprise." you explained.
The tailor nodded "Who is it for? Your brother? Your father? A lover?" you shook your head "Just a gift for a friend, do you mind if I picked a size?"
You ended up picking a coat with a (pattern) felt, it perfectly fits you as well. You were a tall woman, just 3 inches away from Willy. If it didn't fit him you could always come back to the tailor and fix it, it was no problem. This was the first gift you gave that wasn't a flower, you realized he was one of your firsts.
A first friend and a first gift.
That warm feeling came into your senses again, you were changing. What is up with you and that chocolate maker? You felt stupid, you've only seen him twice and it felt like you've known him forever. You snapped out of your thoughts, think! You just met this guy for 2 days, you shouldn't get too attached.
You arrived back to your shop, you went upstairs and placed the paper bag on the table. For a moment, your stomach growled. You couldn't cook, at all. In fact you were a very terrible cook, that was one thing you didn't have common with Wonka. So you would usually get pre-heated food or take out.
Unfortunately, you were out of food so you were planning to eat out for dinner and forgot, but hold that first thought.. why did you even go home in the first place?? Aren't you supposed to give this to him??
You covered your face and groaned in frustration, okay so new plan:
You go out and eat for dinner.
Give the coat some other day.
But maybe give the coat after you eat?? No, it would be embarrassing for some reason. Well if you do give the coat, what on earth are you going to say? Thank you for talking to me, heres a coat! Absolutely not, you need to think this through. You went out your store again and double checked to see if you forgot anything.
Okay, everything looks good.
You walked out, locked the door and started to walk to the restaurant. You decided to treat yourself to your favorite place, you missed eating food from this town. Sure, you've eaten one of the finest dishes before when traveling but nothing hits hard like the ones at home.
The restaurant you were looking for was a bit far from your house so you needed to ride a cable car for fifteen minutes to arrive. But you didn't mind, all you wanted was to eat.
You entered the restaurant, the waiters smiled and welcomed you. Thankfully there was one table available. You placed your bag in your left side and took the menu, no way everything got cheaper!
You double checked the menu to see if you were actually not getting crazy. It is definitely real. You couldn't wait so you immediately called the waitress.
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That was so amazing. You felt like you unlocked a core memory in your mind, you felt so happy. It was evening, there were barely people in the streets in this hour. You walked the streets while humming a tune, you could hear your boots syncing with your tunes.
One things for sure, you loved the night. While you traveled, you would often stare into the stars above. They all had their own place fit just for them. You looked up to the sky, you couldn't see any stars tonight. Instead, it looked rather cloudy.
Drip, drip, drip.
Suddenly it started to rain heavily, at this point you didn't even try and look for shelter. It could be worse. No wonder no one was walking in the streets, they probably noticed that rain was going to pour.
You exhaled, the unexpected keeps happening to you. You could hear footsteps approaching behind you, but you didn't look. You could tell this person stopped for a moment, thats when you decided to turn around. Your breath hitched.
You both looked at each other for a brief moment "Hello again." you said.
Willy approached you, tilting his umbrella for a bit so the both of you could share. He smiled "Now what are you doing getting drenched by the rain?" you huffed "Well, in my defense I didn't expect it to rain." you told him. A hint of mischief was written on his face "Really now?"
You sighed "I was spacing out as well, anyways what brings you here?" you asked casually as if you're not drenched in rain "I live near here. Hold on to this, you're soaked." he gave the umbrella handle to you then he let you hit coat and hat.
"Thank you Willy." he was caught off guard for a moment. "You're welcome (name)." he replied.
"Why wont I escort you home?" he suggested "..You see I live quite far from this place. I only came here to watch at my favorite restaurant." Willy laughed, "Is that so?" you frowned "Don't embarrass me please."
"I'm sorry, alright enough talking. Would you like to come over to my place?" he asked.
You nodded "Yes please, I'm going to freeze."
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His home was nice, it writes 'Willy Wonka' everywhere. "Why don't you go take a shower? I'll gladly lend you my clothes." he offered "Will they even fit?" you asked "Oh, I'm sure they would." he reassured you "Shower is upstairs!" he said.
After a long hot shower, you dried yourself up and wore his clothes. He was right it did fit, you sighed in relief because that meant the coat probably fit him. The clothes you wore were very comfortable, probably something he'd only wear when he was at home.
You wouldn't mind wearing masculine or feminine clothes. Either would fit you well anyway, so it doesn't matter. You walked downstairs, you couldn't see Willy anywhere. You figured he was in a different room, so you just looked around his living room.
He walked in the room, holding two glasses of hot chocolate. He placed the glasses on the table and walked towards you "They fit you perfectly!!" he said, he sounded really excited just the sight of you wearing his clothes. "It looks real good on you too." he added.
You smiled at him "You think so?" you said "Well I most certainly do! You look real nice." he reassured, his hands holding your arms "Oh, sorry. I just felt excited to see it fit you perfectly." you sighed "Its fine, can I sit?" you said.
"Oh, right. I got hot chocolate." he said "Nothing is better than Wonka's late night lax hot cocoa." you carefully took the cup out of his hand, the heat stung your fingers a little.
You drank the hot chocolate, Willy watched and waited for reaction. You looked at him "Is something wrong?" you asked "Not at all," he answered "I just wanted to know if you like it." he said.
You hummed "Well, I love it." you said "Glad, I changed it a little for your own liking." he said. Though his tone was calm, his face was full of excitement and you couldn't help but chuckle. "What's with the face?" you asked "I just feel happy. I've never invited anyone in my house before." he said. "Well it's quite lovely." you said.
It was still raining outside, thunder had already to clap. It would be a real hassle to go back home, hopefully your flowers won't get ruined by the rain though, oh no.
"Mind if I stay for the night?" you asked "Of course you can, you don't even need to ask." Willy said "You can sleep in my bed." you squinted "Well, where will you sleep?" you asked, Willy shrugged "Oh, don't you worry. I'll sleep on the desk."
"No, I can sleep in the couch. I'll feel bad." you told me "Its fine (name). It's really no problem for me." you sighed "You're too nice, are you plotting something?" you asked, Willy shook his head "Of course not! Why would I?" you chuckled "I was just kidding."
The two of you talked the whole night, eventually the clock strikes 12 and you were getting sleepy. "I feel sleepy, I think we should head to bed." you suggested "Sounds great." he said standing up "Are you really going to sleep on your table?"
He extended his hand to you "Well I don't see a problem with that. As long as my first guest is comfortable it's fine." you reached out his hand and pulled you up.
His bedroom felt like healing your inner child, it was beautiful. "I love.. your bedroom." you said, amazed by everything around it. From the glowing stars on the ceilings, and the numerous amount of small lights everywhere. "Thank you! I designed it myself." he said.
"I'd definitely enjoy this if I was a kid." you said "My old bedroom was somewhat similar to this." he said "I took inspiration from that." Willy smiled "You can lay down if you want, i'll just be here. See?" Willy extended out a chair, in front of him was a small cute factory. It was reminiscent to the luggage he carried.
You got into the covers getting comfortable "Thank you Willy, I owe you a lot." you smiled, he looked at you "Its no problem. Anything for a friend." he reassured "You're not going to sleep?" you asked him, you still felt guilty for hogging his bed. "Nope, i'll work on this first. Now go to sleep."
Something about his soft voice would always make you feel warm on the inside.
"Good night, please don't stay up too late, Willy."
"You too, (name)."
You woke up, your eyes still felt heavy and your body was still tired. You recalled everything that happened last night, the rain, the hot chocolate and the clothes you wore. You looked at the clock hanging in the wall, it was 7:13 in the morning. You said to yourself. "Well, I slept real late. And it's still early, so I'll just sleep in."
Then, the door opened "Wake up sleepyhead, time to wake up!"
"..." you stayed silent.
You could sense him sitting down on the bed "Is she awake?" he said to himself "No." you responded. Willy decided to play along with you "Is that sleep talking I hear?" he mischievously said "Do people still get hungry when they're asleep?" he asked you "What's for breakfast?" you muttered.
"Croissant, crispy bacon and some chocolate bread." he said. You told him; "Eggs.. with bacon.. and some milk." he hummed "That's quite a delicious dream. Well, when shes ready to get out of bed. Can you tell her I got her some breakfast?" Willy said with a soft voice.
You slightly covered the blanket to your head "She'll come out in a few minutes." you said, you can feel him stand up from the bed "Alright, then tell her to come to the kitchen." he said, closing the door. You immediately sat up, pushing your knees to your chest.
"What's going on with me?"
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You went downstairs and found the kitchen "Good morning, Willy." you greeted him, your voice was still raspy. Willy greeted back, "Good morning (name)! Huh, I thought you'd get up a little late." he said, cracking some eggs.
"I envy you," you told him "Really? How so?" he asked while you softly sighed "Well, you can cook and I cant. I usually just eat pre-made foods or go out in restaurants." you explained.
"I see, then how did you eat when venturing?" he asked, you thought for a while "Hmm, from what I can remember. I packed a lot of foods like berries and such, a shame to say I ate a few flower petals."
You explained further "I have the fear of fire and heat, so maybe thats one of the reasons why I don't want to cook. A restaurant can be pricey sure, but it's delicious."
Willy hummed "Well, why won't I teach you how to cook?" Willy said as he placed the cooked egg on the plate.
You stared at him "You might not want to trust me to cook." you said, averting your gaze away from him. "It'll be fine, I'll be here watching you! You won't be injured in any way, I promise." he said. That smile of his, how could you say no?
You gave in "Fine," you sighed "What would you like me to start on?" he grinned "Let me prepare these first."
After preparing a few things, he told you to come and cook some bacons. "So, I just.. place them there right?" you were holding some tongs and a plate of uncooked bacon.
"Yep, the stove hasn't turned on yet so it's fine." You carefully placed the 5 bacon strips on the stove.
Willy nodded in approval "Now, turn on the stove and use medium heat." you turned the stove "Like that right?" he hummed "Hmm, the fire is too weak." Willy turned it further "There we go, now you need to wait till it sizzles. Then flip it over till its ready." he advised.
10 minutes passed, you managed to cook decent bacons. Although the last one burnt "See, it wasn't that bad!" he smiled while you were frowning "But one of them got burnt." you reminded him.
"Well, it doesn't mean the others are bad." he reassured you "Lets eat! Can you help me with the plates?" he asked "Of course." you replied.
The two of you settled down the table "It's been a while since I cooked some heavy breakfast." Willy said "Oh, me too. I usually eat cereal and start my day." you told him "I'd say the same, I eat a lot of sweets." he said "I can see that." you chuckled. "I feel quite ashamed for you to let me in your house like this. Let alone borrow your stuff."
He tilted his head "Why so? You're a friend of mine, they're meant to help each other." he reassured you, you looked at him with a soft gaze "If thats what you think." you told him "If I were in your shoes, I'd probably escort them home. I wouldn't trust a stranger whom i've meet for a few days." you added.
"Well I trust you." you huffed "Oh don't say such nonsense." you said, looking away from him "Well, didn't you trust me the moment I gave you shade with my umbrella?" he said. You stayed silent "...Eat the bacon." you turned away from him. He tilted his head, afraid he said something for you to act like that.
"Sorry, did I say something?" now you felt bad "No, nothing. Thank you for taking me in, Willy." you reassured him. His smile returned, "Of course." he said.
After breakfast, the two of you talked again. Your clothes weren't dry just yet, so Willy allowed you to have his clothes. You were about to leave his house, but you wanted to bid your goodbyes first. "Willy?" you called out his name, you looked around and saw him sleeping in the couch.
He must've had stayed up all night, you spotted a blanket on the side of the couch and wrapped it around him.
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hi everyone! ive decided to stick with (name) instead of y/n because to me it feels more normal. but anyways, yay!! another chapter, sorry if their relationship is quite rushed here.. im trying to write slowburn haha but i couldn't help it
happy reading!
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tiredly101 · 1 year
do Wally’s home x fem human reader romantic fluff :))))
Wasn't very specific so I chose to some headcanons but I hope you like it Anon!
Edit: I just re-read the message and noticed it said Wally’s home and not Wally guess that is what happens when you read something at one in the morning half asleep
Illustrated Au
Lovely days
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∆ At first you didn't really think Wally liked you since he has always being very friendly. He normally is always hugging or having some sort of physical contact with someone.
∆ You were actually doing quite well at not falling in love with Wally and his charms but that soon backfires in one of Sally's play. Wally and you were supposed to dance since your characters had this thick tension that is expressed in the dance itself but when Wally dipped you just as script but looked at you with so much adoration you knew right then and there that you were a goner.
∆ Barnaby was the first one to notice Wally's feelings and he kind of knew before even Wally knew himself that he had a thing for you which in his opinion was funny since hearts normally lived on top of Wally’s head when he saw you in the distance. It was until he got bored of watching the mutual pinning so he took matter into his own hands or better said paws and threw you and Wally on a date.
∆ What Barnaby did was easy, he asked you two to hang out and go to a restaurant. Not to fancy but fancy enough to dress up which seemed odd since he preferred hot dogs over real food but nonetheless as soon as you accepted Wally decided to join (even though he told Barnaby no before your answer).
∆ You wore a dress that hugged all the rights things but you still felt insecure so you ended up putting a jacket albeit Julie's opinion. It still left Wally speechless and when Barnaby didn't show up you knew that he did this on purpose. The night ended with you kissing Wally on the cheek shyly before running inside your house and Wally just stood there smiling like a fool.
∆ When you guys start dating, which happened faster because of Barnaby, Wally would get fluster so much easier and would do little things to express his love better such as making love letters, writing songs for you (this one you know because Home told you against his will), painting/sketching you when you're not looking, etc.
∆ As I said before as far as your concerned he is a very physical person so your surprised to say the least when you hugged him and he goes limp in your arms but you knew you didn't do anything wrong from how red his cheeks became. You couldn't help but think "Adorable".
∆ He didn't really understand why you would blush everytime he kissed your hand until you told him. You blush easily which he will take into advantage trying to flirt (he is not that good at it but it still works!) but it backfires when you flirted back which left him speechless for hours on end and with the biggest blush that you ever seen.
∆ The fist time Wally saw your hair in the morning he got worried for your health since you were quite literally having a fight with the hairbrush and your hair. If you brushed a strang of your hair another will try to pull you down. It was funny in the beginning for him until it got to the point where your hairs were trying to choke you while you tried to win with the hairbrush. That is when he got worried and looked at his hair with some fear as if it might attack him.
∆ Home loves you, thinks your very funny but loves when you give Wally any sort of physical contact or a kiss on the porch before you leave because it has a reason to tease him afterwards.
∆ You guys together are very adorable together, it’s like tooth rutting sweet but in a good way.
Hope you liked it Anon!
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llvmos · 1 year
"Hi, could you make a fic where Dalton lambert where he teaches the reader to draw, and one of these days she draws a drawing of him"
This was requested by @daltonshotgf!
A/n: I finally finished this even though it took forever. I decided to make this multiple parts just so i could include the progress of the readers drawing ability. Im thinking maybe this will be 3-4 parts but im not entirely sure. (I dont own any gifs used in my fics)
Warnings: gn!reader (but reader is Chris' roommate), use of y/n, i think thats it.
Word count: 1.6k
!Not proofread!
I’ll teach you. — Dalton Lambert
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Everyday, you would let yourself into Dalton’s dorm while he was at class and wait for him to come back to his dorm.
This wasn’t a new thing. Ever since you and Dalton met, due to you being Chris’ new roommate, you guys instantly connected and its like you had known each other for forever. Since Chris still had the key to Dalton dorm from when they were roomed together, she would let you borrow it if you ever wanted to.
You started coming over before he got back from class so now he just expects you to be there. If you aren’t at his dorm when he gets home from school, he will text you and ask where you are. It has become a routine in which you both follow.
Today, Dalton gets back to his dorm from class at 3:15. So, following routine, you let yourself into his dorm at 2:45, 30 minutes before he gets back.
You try to find ways to entertain yourself. Playing on your phone, listening to music, watching Netflix, but everything bored you out so quickly.
You look around his dorm and noticed the clothes, papers, and artwork scattered everywhere around his room.
You let out an audible sigh as you stand up and start to pickup the clothes and set them in his laundry hamper, pick up the papers and set them on his desk, and organize his artwork, notably because cautious of the not yet dry painting of what looks to be a door.
You start to pick up the various drawings and take a look at each one. You notice his pattern of his drawings being people. Specifically, people that are important to him. As you flip through the drawings, you recognize his mom, brother, and his grandma, all of which you’ve seen in pictures and other drawings that are hanging above his bed.
You notice the immense amount of detail Dalton has put into these drawings. It seems as though he had thoughtfully placed each and every freckle and eyelash.
While you look at the drawings, you cant help but wish that you could’ve been blessed with such talent.
You continue to admire the drawings when you hear the door of the dorm open.
“I’m back.” Dalton states as he sets down his portfolio as he shuts the door.
“I see that.” You respond, as you set the sketches down on his desks.
Dalton looks around his room, noticing the cleanliness of his room. You see him looking around, looking a bit confused.
“I got bored here alone so i cleaned your room for you, like the good friend i am”
“And somehow you manage to make my room look better than when I clean it. ” He chuckles a little as he sits on his bed, looking at you still picking up random things off the floor.
“That’s not very hard to do, Dalton.” You say with a sarcastic tone.
“Well, if you enjoy cleaning my room for me, be my guest. Less work for me.”
You continue cleaning as you think about how good his drawings are. Part of you wants to ask him to teach you but you think he probably doesn’t have the time for that. You look at him and notice that hes on his phone, probably texting Chris.
“How did you learn to draw so well?” You ask, suddenly.
“I don’t know. I guess i just practiced and overtime it got better. I used to draw a lot when I was little.”
You pick up the last shirt and set it in the hamper. Then, you go to sit on what used to be Chris’ bed.
“I’ve always wanted to learn how to draw, but I think with my lack of talent, im hopeless.”
“You’re not hopeless…maybe.”
You fake gasp as you walk over to him and sit down next to him on his bed.
“I’m so very offended.”
“I don’t know why. You said you were hopeless first.” He looks back at you with a slight smile on his face.
You look at him as you back track on the conversation.
“I did, didn’t I?”
“Yes. You did.”
“Oh. Well what i’m trying to get at is if you will teach me how to draw.”
He looks you and acts like he is thinking about it, when really he would want nothing more than to teach you one of the things he loves doing most.
“Mmm. Sure.”
You’re heart jumps as you think about him teaching you.
“Yeah, ill teach you. You don’t seem too hopeless.”
You roll your eyes at him before he continues.
“You want to start now? I don’t have anything to do for a while.”
“Yes, yes.” You say quickly, sounding almost too eager.
He grabs his sketch book and sits down on the ground. You follow after him.
As he starts explaining drawing and art to you, you start to notice all the light freckles that scatter his nose, one freckle that is placed below his right eye appearing slightly darker.
You notice the way his hair falls in front of his face when he looks down at his sketchbook.
You notice the way his lips move when he talks.
You notice how he smiles when he talks about one of the things he most passionate about.
But what you didn’t notice is that he had asked you something.
“You got all that?” He looks back up at you from his sketch book.
You look down at his paper and see that he has some sort of shape that resembles somebodies jawline.
“Yeah…” You say with an unsure tone of voice.
“You didn’t draw anything.” He looks down at the piece of paper he handed you and sees its still blank.
In fact, you didn’t even realize he had given you a piece of paper.
“Oh, yeah, sorry.” You grab the pencil you had next to you and try to copy what he has on his paper, but no where near matching it.
He looks at the paper you had drawn on and sighs as he looks at the 3 lines you had drawn.
“Okay, lets try something different.” He says as he goes to sit next to you instead of across from you.
He grabs your hand along with the pencil as he guides your hand where to go. You feel your heartbeat speed up at the unexpected contact. The only thing you could think of was how his hand would feel casually holding yours. How it would feel resting on your waist as you kissed him.
All of these thoughts were all hitting you at once. You had never thought of Dalton in a more-than-friendly way. So why were you thinking of him like that now? Was it just your mind confusing a close friendship with romantic feelings? Or was there something there?
Once he had sketched out a similar pattern to what was on his paper, he lets go.
“There you go.” He smiles.
You don’t say anything as you smile back.
He disregards your silence and continues on with his teaching.
“Okay, so, you’re going to sketch out the features. I cant help you with that since that’s probably one of the most difficult parts.”
He offers to basically hold your hand again. But it was only to teach you what you asked him to teach you. Right?
“Ill try it myself.” You say to try and avoid anymore physical contact with Dalton.
“Yeah, I don’t think i can draw.” You say with a laugh as you try to sketch out the first eye.
“Here, let me show you a trick.”
He brings his paper over to yours and tells her the trick that helped him learn how to draw symmetrical and proportional facial features.
“Now you try it on your paper.” He hands you the pencil back and looks at you as you try to draw the features.
After 2 hours of drawing back and for and little side conversations, its hits 5:45. Your hand was cramping, and your legs were numb from sitting in the same position for so long.
“My hand hurts, Dalton. I don’t want to draw anymore.” You whine out.
“Fineee, we can finish it tomorrow.” He says as he stands up and sets his sketchbook on his bed.
“Yes, tomorrow. I just need to stand up and walk.” You say as you try to stand without falling over.
You pick up the piece of paper you had been drawing on. You weren’t aware of who you were drawing, but you were just drawing whatever Dalton told you to.
“I’m gonna go back to my dorm. Chris should be there by now.” You grab your bag and the drink you had brought with you there.
“Alright, Ill see you tomorrow though, right?” He says as stands up and walks towards you.
“Of course, you see me everyday.” You laugh as you guys pull each other into a hug.
Even though you guys have hugged a million times before, this one was different. Maybe it was his hand placement, or maybe it was just the thoughts you had before, or just maybe it was the fact it lingered a little longer than previous hugs. But whatever it was instantly made your heart race and your face grow pink.
Dalton pulls away as he smiles as you.
“Well, ill see you tomorrow then.” His hand is still laying on your hip.
“Yeah, of course.” You open the door and walk out into the hallway.
“Bye.” You smile at him as you see him walking back towards the bed with his hand in his hair.
He swiftly turns and looks at you.
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Steddie Flower Shop / Tattoo Parlor AU
Thanks everyone for the continued warm reactions! I love hearing what you guys are thinking so feel free to reach out!
Part One I Part Two I Part Three I Part Four I Part Five I Also on AO3!
The first month celebration seemed to open the floodgates on Team Tattoos and Team Flowers (as Robin affectionately named their now fairly active group chat) seeing each other outside of work. It wasn’t always all four of them but Steve would start bringing over lunch to eat with Eddie when he picked up his order or Robin would stop by with coffees after doing a run. Chrissy would go over to the tattoo parlor when she needed a break from heavy metal while doing bank reconciliations. 
Steve was in the studio alone on a no client day to get some sketching done and other small things around the shop. Robin had elected to avoid the winter weather and stay at their apartment. 
“Hello! I come bearing lunch!” Eddie called out as he swung open the door. 
After his first formal visit to the tattoo parlor, Eddie had gotten more comfortable waltzing in when the shop was slow. Steve was happy to see Eddie more as he slowly wore down the stubborn metalhead. Robin had started dropping some pretty heavy hints that Steve should just go for it and ask Eddie out but Steve wasn’t quite sure he was ready. As much as Steve was learning Eddie was different, he reminded Steve of the counterculture guys at some of his old studios. Steve couldn’t quite shake his insecurity that Eddie still thought he didn’t have any business running a tattoo parlor. Of course this didn’t stop Steve from becoming more and more obsessed with the man as they became something approximating friends. They even started giving each other small tokens. Eddie would find some cool rock or a weird stamp or something equally random and leave them on the reception desk when he stopped by to rap his knuckles on the desk and tell Steve whatever important fact he’d learned that he “couldn’t possibly just share via text, Steve, the delivery is half of the point.” Steve would always laugh, shake his head, and get back to whatever he was working on before Eddie burst through the door.
After Steve had amassed quite a collection of Eddie’s found treasures, Steve felt like he needed to reciprocate. Eddie had told Steve about his collection of heavy metal tapes for the De Lucas’ van so the next time Robin dragged Steve to a thrift store he scoured the tape offerings for something that he could give Eddie. After sifting through the options for so long that even Robin had gotten bored of shopping, Steve decided on Voices from Hall & Oates. It was just cheesy enough he could play it off as a joke if Eddie made fun of it but it also had some absolute classics Steve loved. And if they happened to be love songs, well, the 80s were a love song filled decade, it couldn’t be helped.
“Munson! Welcome!” Steve called as he walked out of the back office. “Whatcha got for me?”
Eddie situated himself on the couch that he continued to insist he hated and Steve sat in one of the nearby armchairs and started setting out food. 
“Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup, Steve-o!” Eddie said as he stooped into a low bow and spread out his arms to show off the offerings on the coffee table.
“This is so good, holy shit,” Steve said as he started wolfing down the sandwich. He should probably work on his table manners but hopefully Eddie didn’t mind. “Where’d you get this, dude?”
“Oh, uh, I made it,” Eddie looked a little embarrassed to admit it.
“Seriously, dude? Unfair,” Steve said.
“Unfair, why?” Eddie asked.
“Well you have the whole flower thing and you’re good at cooking? That’s like a whole first date package, man,” Steve’s mouth moved quicker than his brain could tell him to shut up and run into the nearest snow bank. “Not that, that’s, I mean–”
“Thanks, I think?” Eddie cut Steve off. “I owed you one.”
“Oh wait! That reminds me, stay here.” Steve ran off to the back room to pick up the cassette tape. “I got you this, if you ever feel like diversifying the van’s musical options.”
“You got me a tape?” Eddie looked skeptical. Steve couldn’t figure out if that was a good thing or not.
“Yeah, I mean, it’s not a big deal, but it’s Hall & Oates. I play them a lot at the shop. They’re kind of chill and I figured maybe if you ever wanted a change of pace, or whatever.”
“Steve, I know who Hall & Oates are.”
“And you hate them. Listen, it was a silly idea,” Steve said as he went to grab the tape back from Eddie.
“Nope, you already gave it to me, no take backs!” Eddie said as he jolted upright and nearly sprinted across the street. Steve was left a little aghast as he went back to the tomato soup Eddie had apparently made him. This was getting out of hand.
The next day Steve got to his studio and saw a square package waiting on the stoop.
Payback, Harrington. – EM
Steve opened the package to find a Led Zeppelin record. He knew he’d heard the name before but other than that he didn’t recognize it. It had a picture with what looked like an explosion and some historical photo.
“What’s that, Steve?” Robin asked as she walked in.
“Oh I guess Eddie left it?” Steve said and flipped the album around to show Robin.
“Ooooo, Eddie, huh?” Robin teased and wiggled her eyebrows. “Oh, get the Led out. Rad.”
“What?” Steve had no idea what Robin said.
“Get the Led out? Led Zeppellin? The band whose record you’re holding?” 
“None of that means anything to me, Robin.”
“You’re such a square, Harrington.”
Steve elbowed Robin but went to put the record on. “I guess it’s good to have some emergency rock?” Steve joked. He wasn’t sure what he thought about the band as the record started spinning.
“You’re ridiculous. You’ll have to set it off to the side so someone doesn’t put it on while you’re in the middle of a tattoo and scare you out of your trance,” Robin said. 
She told Steve that sometimes he seemed so fully wrapped up in his work that she would get nervous that he’d spook at any sudden or unexpected noise. He knew she was fully kidding but Steve decided it would be a funny gag to get a frame to put the record in. He used some of the window paints Robin had got for the studio windows to scribble “Warning! Don’t let the Led out!” Robin thought it was the corniest thing she’d ever seen. That didn’t matter once Eddie saw it and laughed for a full thirty seconds.
Eddie started coming to visit Steve when De Lucas’ closed up and Chrissy left for the day. Steve noticed Eddie picked days where Steve didn’t have afternoon clients and was mostly just sketching and doing shop maintenance stuff. Sometimes Eddie would bring Steve coffee or a snack and other times Eddie would just bring over a book and read on the couch while Steve worked. Steve started joining him on the couch and Eddie would read out loud while Steve sketched. Those were Steve’s favorite days.
“Great engines crawled across the field; and in the midst was a huge ram, great as a forest-tree a hundred feet in length, swinging on mighty chains. Long had it been forging in the dark smithies of Mordor, and its hideous head, founded of black steel,” Eddie was reading while Steve was snuggled into the other arm of the couch working on his iPad.
“Oh! Mordor! I know this–it’s in that song from that band’s record you gave me!” Steve interrupted.
“Holy shit, you actually listened to it before you put the album in jail?” Eddie 
“Of course, dude! Sorry I’m not much of a reader, what book is this?” Steve answered.
“It’s Lord of the Rings, it’s a pretty classic fantasy book,” Eddie looked over at Steve. “There’s actually a decent movie adaptation if you ever want to have movie night.”
“Oh, yeah, I think Robin likes that movie, it has elves, right?” 
“Yes, Steve, there are elves,” Eddie laughed.
“Sounds fun!” Steve stretched out and kicked Eddie’s thigh accidentally. Eddie reached over and pulled Steve’s feet onto his lap, placed his book back on Steve’s shins. Eddie snuggled back into the couch and Steve stifled a laugh. “I don’t think you’re allowed to make fun of this couch anymore, dude.”
“It’s still obnoxious even if it also happens to be unfairly comfortable. Do you want me to keep reading or do you want me to stop so I don’t spoil it? I honestly kind of thought you weren’t paying attention,” Eddie said.
“Keep reading. I’m enjoying it.”
“Alright Stevie,” Eddie responded. “founded of black steel, was shaped in the likeness of a ravening wolf; on it spells of ruin lay.” Steve listened to the familiar timbre of Eddie’s voice and settled back into his work.
“Hey, Eds,” Steve started as he finished up his work. “Have you ever thought about getting, like, an actual tattoo?”
“What do you mean?” Eddie shut his book and pushed Steve’s legs off his lap.
“You know like the kind of stuff I work on? Hang on, I don’t think I’m explaining this very well. Let me show you.” Steve could tell something was off. He knew his work wasn’t Eddie’s style but he kind of couldn’t stop thinking about tattooing Eddie. Steve thought Eddie was absolutely breathtaking and he wanted to give him something equally pretty. Steve hadn’t realized it at the time but he was absolutely thinking of Eddie everytime he sketched one of the bouquets he brought over. He flipped through his iPad and found the drawing he was working on of the bouquet Eddie had made for their one month anniversary. “Something like this? Maybe? I dunno.”
“What is this?”
“It’s just a sketch I did of one of the bouquets I picked up? The one from the day we went to the Hideout?” Steve explained.
Eddie took a closer look at the sketch and Steve couldn’t read the expression on his face. “Oh shoot, is that the time? I gotta get back to my side of the street.” Eddie abruptly stood and walked out, leaving Steve to wrack his brain as to how he fucked it up this time.
Steve was confused. He didn’t know what he did to make Eddie leave. His face was hot and he felt tears well up in his eyes. He’d thought Eddie was different. That he was at least starting to understand Steve. He must have missed something. Obviously, Eddie, with all his metal tattoos, was absolutely not the kind of guy who was into floral tattoos and in fact maybe judged Steve for his style. It was probably stupid to offer to tattoo him. Steve never did that. Robin bugged him as soon as he started tattooing clients until he had to explain that he just couldn’t. He didn’t want to mess up and have someone he was actually close to hate something that was relatively permanent. He knew it was sort of a weird hang up for a tattoo artist but he couldn’t get past his mental block. That was until he met Eddie. Something about Eddie and his flowers had so captivated Steve.
Steve closed up his shop on autopilot. He put everything away for the night and locked up trying to put the metalhead across the street out of his mind. He kept his head down as he walked out to avoid seeing De Lucas’ and Eddie’s stupid van. He managed to mostly keep himself together on the L until he got home. Thankfully Robin wasn’t home yet so Steve pulled on his softest sweatshirt and rolled himself into a tight blanket cocoon and stared at the ceiling until he fell asleep.
Part 7 now available here!
Please let me know if you’d like to be added or removed from the tag list! I’m sorry for the angst! I promise there’s a happy ending coming!
Also if you’re enjoying my writing I have a Warped Tour AU up on my AO3 if you’re interest! It’s available here.
Taglist: @a-little-unsteddie @maya-custodios-dionach @eboyawstenn @swimmingbirdrunningrock @sadcanadianwinter @thehumblefigtree @throwbackthrowaway @micheledawn1975 @blisschaoss @vecnuthy @grimmfitzz @spectrum-spectre @croatoan-like-its-hot @momotonescreaming @beckkthewreck @korixae @citrus-owl @baron-zemo-trash @sleepdeprivedflower @nuagedemots @lololol-1234 @books-and-current-obsessions @acrolius @mightbeasleep @vi-an-te @gregre369 @i-must-potato @vampireinthesun @steveisabicon @child-of-cthulhu
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the-knaves-world · 2 years
Albedo x reader: normal nights
Albedo x GN!reader as always
Warnings: none
Hope you enjoy!
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Time with the alchemist can be hard to come by. Not for a lack of trying but rather for the fact that Albedo is always either working or taking care of his sister. Klee, however, had already decided she would drag Albedo to you or vice versa because she wanted both of her big siblings to play with her.
Catching crystalflies is a task that the little elf girl always asked you to help her with. It was interesting and quite adorable, watching her run around and try not to throw bombs at everything that looks like it could be blown apart. 
Albedo, on the other hand, always sits back and watches you run around with Klee. Sketches abound whenever Klee and yourself were able to whisk him away from work. The one sight that Albedo never gets tired of…watching you lit up by the glow of the just risen moon. The crystalflies and the fireflies working in tandem to light you up in the most fascinating way.
Truly a work of art. Albedo felt that he could never quite capture just how ethereal you looked while laughing and playing with his little sister. That does not mean he will ever stop trying.
The laughter of his lover and the giggles of his little sister prompt the alchemist to stop and look up at his two favorite people. 
"Oh, and what might have sparked your humor?"
Albedo looks at his lover and his sister in turn, only to see them both holding rings of flowers. One of brilliant Cecilias and a much smaller one, of what look to be daisies. 
"Big bro! Look at what we made you!" Klee enthusiastically calls out. 
Klee trots over to him and motions him to stay seated and to bend over slightly. She might be growing but she still isn't that tall. 
Albedo acquiesced to Klees request and bent forward slightly, knowing what she planned to do. Truly, only Klee and his lover thought that Cecilias make such good flower crowns. 
Klee giggles and pulls you over and excitedly clamors about your gift. 
"I tried something a little different this time bedo."
You sat down in front of Albedo and pull your knees up in front of you. You gingerly propped his wrist up on your knees and begin to knot the rest of the flowers together with his wrist in the middle.
Albedo truly never got tired of you. Especially the softness of your touch and the gentleness with which you handle him and Klee. Albedo cannot stop the words that fall from his lips.
"Magnificent." You weren't sure why he thinks this bracelet of daisies if Magnificent but it wasn't like you were going to turn down a compliment from the chief alchemist.
"It's nothing special bedo." Your voice rings in his ears and he sees the embarrassment in the flicker of your eyes that look at him with such love.
"I was talking about you." He says it so casually that you stay in front of him for a brief moment in shock.
"Oh…" you spring up and look around for Klee. Following your gaze, he spots his little sister jumping up and down with joy at having found a small cluster of hydro slimes to kaboom.
Sensing your gaze, he nods. 
"Let us go stop her from creating a crater in the earth, quickly now."
There truly is never boring day with you and his little sister around. Albedo casts his mind back to before his new found family and shudders at the cold of the memories. Life had blossomed into something so vibrant and beautiful. 
A blessing that the alchemist will never take for granted. His little family…
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tf2-oneshots · 1 year
I need to read scout being eaten alive by his intrusive thoughts that tell his to go up to heavy and slap his bald head because in his mind it would probably make a nice meaty sound. Will he resist temptation or will he give in and probably die a horrible death? This my friend is up to you to decide.
Oh god. The temptation…
Warning: none!
Rating: General
When you’re the new guy at work, you wanna make a good first impression. A really good first impression when your job involves killing people all day. Scout is absolutely certain that everyone admires his muscular body and “rock hard” abs. That’s not even counting his utterly incredible, loving personality that makes Spy wish he was Scout. Suffice to say, Scout thinks he’s the best guy in town.
Since starting his job, he’s been plagued by a single thought. One really, really stupid one that doesn’t even make sense. Everyday, he sees Heavy’s bald head, and everyday, he fights the urge to smack it. Just giving it a good slap to hear what it sounds like. It’s driving him mad!
Scout has only worked for the scary purple milf for two weeks now. Nowhere near long enough to familiarize himself with everyone let alone build any sort of trust. Except maybe Pyro. They like coloring in his sketches. Aside from them, he’s practically a stranger to everyone including Heavy.
The temptation remains. Every night, he imagines how it would play out. In his delusional mind, everyone laughs and moves on. In his realistic mind, Heavy throttles him. Scout really hopes his delusional mind is right this time.
A week goes by, and he’s still thinking about it. Scout sits at the dining room table with a half empty bowl of cereal. He already ate the good parts leaving soggy boring bits to float around. He tries to choke them down, mind buzzing with that stupid idea. He has to do it. Its the only way to get it out of his head.
Milk gulped down and bowl set in the dishwasher, Scout quietly enters the common room. Heavy always reads after breakfast, and here he is with another book. Scout doesn’t bother peeking. All he cares about is slapping that bald ass head.
Slowly, ever so slowly, he creeps behind the giant. With seven older brothers, you learn how to sneak up on a guy. Its the only way to get any of the good snacks before they’re gone. His only hope is to outrun Heavy’s fist.
Hand raised, careful not to cast a shadow (that’s how his brothers used to catch him), Scout lands a resounding SMACK to Heavy’s head. As he turns to run, a massive fist reaches out and grips his shoulder. Scout is flung over the couch, crashing straight through the coffee table. The pile of cracked wood stabs Scout uncomfortably as he groans.
“How’d you get me so fast, dude?” Scout doesn’t bother moving. He sits in his shameful mess, trying to recover from what’s probably a fractured rib. Heavy places a bookmaker in his novel before shutting it. He leans forward to look down at Scout.
“Have little sisters. Be sneakier.” With that, he takes his leave. Scout sighs, looking at the ceiling while he waits for the pain to stop. At least he got his answer.
Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby -H
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boxofthings · 2 years
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Finally finished a prompt and wrote some GhostRoach (kinda) matching gear fluff :) 
I might also go back and do some of the other ideas anon listed
This turned out much longer than expected lmao and isn't as well fleshed out and polished like my two other fics so if there are typos I'm sorry lol (also might be a lil ooc since this was just mindless brainrot writing)
Read on AO3
A haphazard smack against his helmet briefly knocks him out of his crouched stance. He grunts softly as he repositions himself near the bushes. Ghost isn't surprised that a task force member got bored and decided to bother him. He's even less surprised when he turns around and comes face to face with Roach, eyes crinkled in a relaxed grin.
"What," he says, unimpressed. They're supposed to be on recon duty, but it's lasted far longer than he thinks is needed, and with the information they've gathered being as dry as it was, Ghost had figured the squad would've started loosening up by now. 
He should've figured Roach would be the first one to get antsy.
"Wanted to check up on you," Roach signs. He lowers himself so that he's at Ghost's level and slings his firearm over his shoulder. "Also, I'm bored." 
Ghost rolls his eyes. "So I see you've made the smart decision and sought me out to help cure your boredom?" He makes a show of raising his brow even though it won't be seen through the mask.
Roach nods, completely unbothered by his lieutenant's snark.
"Of all people..." Ghost mumbles under his breath, but his limbs feel just a little less heavy than they were a minute ago.
He doesn't follow Roach's example and keeps his gun at the ready, barrel pointed straight in front of him. At the same time, the sergeant starts getting himself comfortable (or as comfortable as one can be in a humidly damp forest) with his journal already out and pencil in hand.
Ghost doesn't bother reprimanding him. It'd felt so long ago that he'd nitpick at every minuscule shortcoming displayed by his subordinates. It'd only feel strange if he went back to that now, especially with Roach, who had definitely played a role in the aversion of that overtly rigid demeanour. 
And besides, he knows Roach to be startlingly swift when facing a sudden oncoming threat, and with the added security of Ghost still on alert, their chances of ambush were low.
When had he gotten so soft? 
He turns to the sergeant–the culprit responsible for that development. A rush of fond exasperation churns in his gut, but he doesn't speak, only watches, as he often does with Roach.
He looks down at the open journal page, a current sketch of the foliage around them, some jotted-down thoughts and a drawing of Ghost from earlier in the day.
It doesn't bother him, but he's always surprised to see Roach's sketches of him, even if it'd been established long ago that Roach, much like the captain, tends to draw everyone.
It just means something else when it's Ghost.
Ghost clears his throat, suddenly abashed, "You and MacTavish should have drawing competitions. Bet he'd enjoy that."
The sergeant looks up, then glances down at his page again, pointedly looking at the sketch of the lieutenant.
"We already had one," he responds. "He won." Roach dramatically hangs his head and clutches his heart in a mocking "woe is me" display. Ghost feels the corners of his lips lift.
"Ah," he starts, leaning over to give a quick pat on the shoulder. "Sorry to hear that. S'pose the captain does have a couple of years on ya." 
Roach shrugs lightheartedly, "My creations could definitely use some work." He returns to his previous activity while Ghost turns his gaze back to their targeted area.
He's starting to feel antsy himself, and he's long recognized the source of that familiar precipice. "I like 'em, though," he says, much more hesitant and softer than his tone before, probably hoping the latter won't hear.
Roach's eyes shift upwards and he takes a moment to observe Ghost, crinkled eyes boring deep into his skin, and he feels his body flaring warmer.
He leans forward and gives a quick peck to Ghost's covered cheek, patting the area lightheartedly before returning to his previous ministrations, all too quickly for Ghost to properly process and appreciate what had just happened.
Ghost manages a choked "Mhm" before he's back to steadying his gun in his grasp, albeit a little shakier this time.
They don't say anything else after that–Ghost suddenly hyper-focused on the tree to the left of his barrel, and Roach very obviously content with their current established dynamic.
The silence is, as always, comfortable between them, and it passes for another half an hour before Royce comms in that his area is clear and that there's nothing else to look for.
Ghost stands up, gathering the gear he'd set on the ground, and moves over to offer Roach a hand to hoist him up.
The other closes his journal and brushes off his gear. When he looks up at Ghost, he grins.
"What?" Ghost asks, sensing an aura of inscrutability.
Roach continues to smile as he shakes his head, already turning to trek down the path they came from. Ghost wordlessly follows him.
Once they've all settled into their respective rides, Ghost radios in with Soap one last time to confirm extraction before he signals Royce to start driving.
He's just started to relax when he catches a glimpse of his reflection in the side-view mirror. 
There's nothing out of the ordinary. Just his masked face as usual, but when he glances slightly upwards to where his helmet sits, that's where he spots it.
A sticker. It's a flower and a soft baby pink, and Ghost stares at it, slightly incredulous as if it appeared out of thin air.
Except–he has a hunch on where it came from, and the earlier smack to his helmet comes back to rattle his brain in a wave of exasperation.
And, of course, Roach chose to ride with Meat in the other car. He'll deal with it later.
Seven hours later and they're finally back on base. Ghost is about ready to pass out in his quarters, but as soon as he steps into the common room, Meat approaches him, no doubt to pester Ghost into joining his evening bender.
Ghost is about to wave him off when Meat pauses and squints at him. "The hell is that?"
For a moment, Ghost doesn't understand what Meat's referring to and, by default, is prepared to say it's his face, but the other's gaze is lifted just a tad higher than where Ghost's ears would be, and he realizes. 
"It's just a sticker," he grumbles. He'd almost forgotten about it, "Don't get your knickers in a twist."
Meat only looks more confused. "Yeah, but-" his attention is ripped away by Roach, who makes his way over to the two. "Wow."
"What?" Roach asks.
The other makes a heatless scowl, "So you'll let Roachie here decorate your helmet but if we even suggest you add some personality and glamour to your gear, you just get all huffy?"
It's Ghost's turn to scowl. "I do not get huffy." And he immediately chides himself for sounding like a petulant child arguing with their sibling over who started what. Over a sticker.
"And the sergeant did it without my knowledge." He tries to add with more professionalism, but it doesn't help that Roach is standing next to him, grinning like an idiot.
The answer obviously doesn't satisfy Meat at all--only really exasperates him more. He shakes his head and gives a brief, knowing glance towards Roach, that Ghost heavily glares at, before he gives the lieutenant a light pat as he leaves. "Whatever. Looks cute, L.T."
Before he can respond, Roach is already pulling him away towards the direction of the mess hall.
Once they've sat down with a tray of food in front of them, Ghost takes the time to unbuckle his helmet, deliberately making eye contact with Roach.
"Well?" he says, side-eyeing his partner.
Roach glances down at the aforementioned sticker, then looks back up at Ghost and shrugs.
"Why not?" he signs. "You could add a little colour to your..." he gestures towards Ghost's person haphazardly.
Ghost sighs, placing down his helmet to the side and settling into his seat.
"You know you can take it off. It's all in good fun."
Ghost gives one last glance at the little sticker before digging into his food.
He'll keep it on for now, only because he'd rather focus his attention on his meal over something so ridiculous.
The next time they're off on a mission, it's rather quick. A cut-and-dry track and assimilate.
As Soap handles their acquired asset into the carrier, Ghost takes a quick moment to glance at the pop-up shops around them.
They've been deployed to a small village on the east coast of the U.S., where their target had hunkered up in. During their sweep of the area, he'd observed the various shop stands he'd passed by.
Now, as he studies the goods in front of him, his eye catches on a bright sheet in his peripheral. 
He buys it without a second thought. Keeping it tucked in his vest's breast pocket when he meets back up with the others.
It's a slow day. He's reading over mission debriefings in his shared office with the captain. 
He'd chosen to look over them during afternoon drills when he knew he wouldn't be disturbed.
With everyone outside sweating their asses off, he'd be granted a couple hours of free time.
He's fifteen minutes into his file readings when Roach walks straight through the door, shoulders slumped from fatigue and half his gear still strapped to his body.
Ghost immediately sits straighter, forgoing his attention on the papers strewn across his desk and taking in Roach's presence. He's back a day early from his latest deployment. One Ghost, unfortunately, wasn't assigned to join.
Roach huffs lightheartedly and shakes his head. "Just a few bruised ribs. All good."
He sits down beside Ghost with a heavy sigh and glances over his papers. "How have you been?"
Ghost relaxes as soon as the other situates the other chair, and his hand involuntarily creeps closer to Roach across the table.
Roach zeroes in on it and grasps it without question. 
Ghost swallows. "I've been fine. Slow day. How was the mission?"
The sergeant shrugs. "Nothing special, just a week of mostly sitting around."
Ghost nods, gripping Roach's hand just a little tighter.
Roach removes his helmet and places it on Ghost's desk, leaning closer towards him so their shoulders are touching.
"Mission debriefings?"
"Mm. Just going over a few before I give 'em to MacTavish."
Roach nods, leaning his head against Ghost's shoulder.
Ghost snorts, already knowing where this will go. "If you're tired, you should've headed to the barracks."
Roach makes no show of moving, only whispering a soft "Wanted to see you" that makes Ghost's chest feel funny.
Ghost decides to return to his papers, one hand still intertwined with his partner's, but refusing to let go.
Roach has already begun dozing off when Ghost brings the nearest paper closer to him.
Ghost only manages to get twenty minutes of productive reading in when his mind becomes preoccupied. He's read the same paragraph five times before he throws the paper down and rubs his eyes.
The warm weight on his side hasn't moved an inch, and Ghost feels a faint smile graze his lips when he glances down at Roach, dead to the world, on Ghost's shoulder.
When he turns back to his desk, something catches his eye from his peripheral. It's the small sheet of stickers he'd bought on that mission weeks ago, haphazardly sticking out from between two folders.
He'd forgotten about it, was already apprehensive about using them as soon as he'd arrived back with them in his pocket.
But when he turns to his left, Roach's helmet sits innocently within his reach, and his eyes dart between that and the stickers on his right.
He sighs, feeling a little like a small child scheming to steal an extra snack or two from the pantry.
He reaches forward, mindful of not jostling Roach too much, as he grabs the plastic sheet and slides it out of its clear sleeve.
Ghost gingerly peels a little blue flower off the sheet and delicately places it on the same area where Roach placed his on Ghost's helmet.
After smoothing it out for a few seconds, he debates placing another. Just because. But as he reaches over to grab at the sheet again, he freezes.
The soft breathing from his left had quieted substantially, and he slowly looks down to his shoulder to make eye contact with Roach's amused gaze.
"How long were you awake," he grumbles.
Roach lifts himself, extricating his hand from Ghost's and stretching. "Long enough to watch you lovingly decorate my helmet."
"I wasn't-It was just one."
He doesn't respond, only reaches out to grab his helmet and turns back to Ghost, expression almost triumphant.
Ghost can only look down at Roach's mouth and subconsciously leans closer.
It is then that the captain walks right through the door, papers in hand, approaching his own desk when he catches Ghost and Roach in the act.
The smile that breaks across Mactavish's face is almost comical. Ghost immediately wishes he'd just done this in his own quarters.
"That's real precious, lads," he snorts.
Ghost grimaces, prepared for the onslaught of teasing from his commanding officer.
Soap notices his discomfort and quickly reassures him. "Ah, don't be embarrassed, mate. Roach here used to decorate my helmet when he first joined the squad."
For a moment, Ghost feels an ugly bout of jealousy spark through his gut, which is ridiculous because they're just stickers.
Roach quickly pats Ghost's hand and waves off the captain.
"It was my first mission with him alone, and we got so bored we just did anything to pass the time." As if he sensed Ghost's envy.
"Yeah yeah," MacTavish responds. "No need to feel jealous, Ghost. You're still the special one."
Roach sits back down, turning his body to Ghost while intently making eye contact with Soap. "He also lost the helmet that very same mission."
Soap sneers with zero heat as he walks toward the exit. "Think of it as an unpredicted blessing. Now you can focus all that attention onto Ghost.
The door closes, and Ghost wordlessly turns to Roach.
The other's grin hasn't diminished a bit, and Ghost feels warm under all his layers.
Roach leans forward and encloses Ghost's face between his hands, calloused but gentle, and brings his lips to Ghost's in a tender kiss.
His mask is still on, but Ghost reciprocates regardless and cherishes the moment all the same. He closes his eyes and leans fully into Roach's body heat as the other moves one hand to the back of Ghost's neck to lock them in place.
When they separate, Roach takes a moment to caress Ghost's face before pulling back and standing up.
Ghost already misses the contact.
Roach is about to walk out of the office before he turns back, glancing at the helmet in his hands and giving Ghost one last survey.
"It does look cute, L.T."
Ghost only huffs.
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alice-the-demon · 7 months
So huh, I wrote a "fan-script" about one of the sketches I made here about when both Dynamite Anton and Annie got expelled from high school (19-20 y/o).
I came up with the story while drawing, I'm not a master at writing fanfics so uh, if you have any criticism or general comment(s) about it tell me lol
(TW: Alcoholism, Depression)
(They both got kicked out from high school at their last year, they didn't receive their diploma. To cheer up Anton and Annie decided to go out and drink something. They sit on a bench in a park and they start drinking beer.)
Anton: ... Man.
Annie: Eh, at this point it's like a routine. *She talks while gesturing with the beer bottle in one hand* We go to school, the teachers talk about boring stuff, Danton and Nina annoy us, we get scolded by the principal, we go home with a note and repeat the whole thing until we get to next year.
Anton: Annie. We blew up a classroom. With the principal in it. We got expelled for that. Now we can never go back and get our diploma!
Annie: *While shrugging* Meh, it's just a stupid piece of paper anyway. *She drinks more beer.*
Anton: *Stays silent for a moment, looking at the ground* ... Do you still remember our days in elementary school? I do a little. In fact... I remember that one time we were playing in the playground, and in a corner I saw you being tugged by a bigger kid to take away the doll you were playing with, you tried to defend yourself but they were stronger. The moment they punched you I ran towards them and I bited them. Heh... The teachers had to drag me back in the classroom to lecture me on what I did... I yelled and cried like a wild animal, hahaha... Hah... *He pauses as his face gets darker, he leanes back on the bench and looks up. The sun is setting and the sky is starting to get darker.* Y'know... In my whole life the others always said that I'm incorrigible. That I can't behave no matter how many times I get in trouble. That I can't learn from my mistakes. That I'm... Hopeless. That I'll have a miserable life... And... that I'll die without accomplishing anything.
I'm starting to think they're right. *He starts to sob while laughing* Haha...! That's how life is gonna be, isn't it? Being hated by everyone... No dignity... Nothing of value coming out of me... Just a stupid, immature, pathetic... *His voice shakes as rivers of tears starts forming on his cheeks* ... Useless man broken beyond repair since the very start! HAHAHAHAHAHA! *His laughing slowly transforms into a desperate cry as he covers his face with his left hand as he clutch the beer bottle with the right one. After a while he stops sobbing and sniffs his nose up.* ... Hell. This is Hell. Like... The one that we read in school during literature. Da... Danche? Dan... Te... Somthin'...? *He turns his head towards Annie* You get what I mean, right?
Annie: *She's sleeping while snoring loudly, leaned all the way on the bench*
(Annie fell asleep halfway through Anton's flashback. He stays silent as he looks at Annie with discouragement. He then sighed. It's not like Annie would have understood what Anton feels anyway. He thinks. He's not sure. They have never talked about nor understood feelings, they'd just humour away the pain together. But this time everything feels... Too heavy. He looks at the beer bottle he's holding, it's half full. He leans back on the bench and drinks all of it, trying to numb away the pain.)
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vero-niche · 11 months
(context: this ask was sent by my dear mutual after i reblogged a post about what my special interest is, which is films and filmmaking that i called those things)
fjhfjvhnfkc im so sorry for not replying to this sooner, it's been haunting me since that day bc first i was like "i will answer from desktop bc this is gonna be a long one" and then... i didnt. anyway, im just gonna start rambling and hit post at some point when i run out of steam, enjoy 💞
edit: whoops better put All That under a read more lmao
note: by movie/film i also mean animation, tv shows, anime, etc
so, it all started when i was little.... we were living mostly in a small village in northern hungary, no access to cinemas or such but my dad started working at a tv station in the capital when i was like... idk. small
anyway, he had access to The Internet and pirated movies and brough home burned VHS tapes.... i loved fiction ever since i remember and movies were no different. saw a lot of disney and other stuff, mum says i rewatched a lot of them a lot of times.... as an undiagnosed adhd+autism kid these movies were my main source of obsession.
as many in my generation, i grew to love reading a bit later after i saw the first h*rry p*tter movie and read the book but even then and ever since as well my imagination works kinda like a movie. i imagine certain shots and angles, even tho for the most part my imagination is as fuzzy as my thoughts.
also on the part of the audhd, i was basically self medicating with movies. stressed? watch a movie. sensory overload? movie (or later on, music). feeling shit? movie. it kind of works like a factory reset of my brain if the film is good. i guess because for 1,5-2,5 hours i am completely focused on one thing in a way thats not exhausting to me.
during elementary, i was in a friend group that i got in because we were in the same not school related drawing group (rajzszakkör yknow) and basically all 4 of us were a bit too neurodivergent there i think 😄 anyway, somehow when i first got a phone with camera, we started doing little "sketches" (and me with my then best friend separately too). then two of those friends came up with a short movie idea, a mockumentary about the iconic "twin towers" of the town we lived in (and hated). the 4 of us filmed and played all parts, right there in the city, and one of us edited it. it turned out quite.... well, like a shitpost lmao. so, naturally, we got quite hooked but esp me and one other friend (who is now an acclaimed theatre director btw. lol)
anyway, so we did several of these short movies + i did several sketches and other stuff with all kinds of friends in the coming years, all through about mid-high school years...
for several reasons, despite it being the obvious choice, i didnt end up going to film major at uni but chose english studies. i don't regret it, but my place wouldve been at the film major tbh....
anyway, i decided to give up my filmmaking dreams... but yknow, special interests dont wotk that way lmao.
i kept watching movies with a critical mind, such as "oh this shot is good" or "this shot is too long, they should've cut it a few seconds earlier" or "oh, they are using xy technique here" and once you start looking at movies from a filmmaker point of view, theres just no turning back (or off). i think i majorly watch anime in my spare time now bc i analyze what i see less than with live action stuff.
so like. idk what my point here is. i listen to soundtracks of movies i loved, not just the ones with lyrics but the background music too. i love rewatching and dissecting parts. after seeing a new one that i loved i headstraight to imdb to the crew and trivia section, i watch/read interviews, check box office numbers even and stare in awe when they show a special technique or smg they used.
and i mainly always thought "well i just have a passion for it but its nothing that outstanding, right? people look these stuff up when then love smg, right?" well. 😶
then not too long ago i realized im not only adhd but autistic as well. and that the reason why this passion (and need to be involved in the making) never really left, even when i myself gave up on it, is bc its my special interest.
so now im slowly approaching crossroads bc on the one hand i have a stable corporate job with good routines at home. but on the other if i dont "give in" to my special interest i feel my soul will wither. but also im sososcared 👍
in summary:
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keefwho · 9 months
January 02 - 2024 Tuesday
This morning I took the garbage out, vacuumed the floor, tidied up some boxes, and scrubbed Sporticus's water bowl. I showered without my phone today because I've been intentional about not watching/listening to something unless I have an actual desire to because most often I just try to fill the silence. For breakfast I made corned beef hash with onions and bell peppers with 2 pieces of toast. I chopped all the peppers I bought into strips and froze them for sandwich use. I watched Bojack while eating breakfast.
I got to stream on time and warmed up trying to draw my otter in the spongebob maid outfit. I also sketched and priced another guy's commission. I had trouble sketching and was also worried I'd have nothing good to draw because my heart has not been in it lately to the point where I think it might be best to not try and force myself to draw something unless it's for work obviously. I finished both of Shiro's commissions today which put me just over my daily quota since they were both small. I remember getting irritated at not being able to draw her hands well and figure in general. I just wasn't good at it today and I feel bad that some people's commissions suffer because of it.
After stream I heard my new speakers come in so I tried to set them up but realized I had no way to plug them into my PC and headphones at the same time. Unfortunately I have to send them back which reminds me I also need to send back this other thing I've been putting off. I have no excuse since I just give them to my dad to take to UPS whenever he ends up going to town. I also wrapped Daisy's last present that just came in. Afterwards XQC started streaming so I tuned in while I tried to make Hoover stew. I got bored of him and switch to Bojack again while I cooked and ate. It turned out okay, healthy and filling at the very least. I'll probably try making it again. Then I opened a Dr.Thunder and got to work.
I finished a request for Tag which I think turned out well. Then I worked on a late Venus new year's pic for 1 hour. I was struggling with the colors and decided to sort them out later. Right after that I did day 1 of the yoga challenge which wasn't as hard as I thought it would be, she started off with some physically testing poses I struggled to hold. It felt good to stretch though. I did it in the barbie-like flower world in VRchat. This weird guy requested off me but I denied. After that I buckled down and started my new secret project for 1 hour which went well. I enjoyed doing it and it was relaxing since I had TOTK on my TV just resting with it's ambient music and weather.
When I was done with that I wanted to relax so I put on an episode of Bojack. Towards the end, Daisy became free so we called and chilled. I tried playing a little KSP but didn't do much before quitting. She shared her screen looking at Twitter and then we checked Zillow for outrageously expensive houses. We saw a plantation and also a well designed house for once. We also peaked at Disney houses, dog races, and cartoons out of context. She got to bed pretty quick and I played Neopets for her. I thought we were at the end but there's still at least another chapter to go so I was happy about that.
Today was okay, I was very productive and stuck to my schedule well which I always feel good about. In the evening I didn't know what I wanted and felt very boring while hanging out. I was afraid I was dull to be around and was feeling very self conscious about my hair. I think in general it's because I didn't have much to contribute today, like I had no substance.
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marvinsartplace · 1 year
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You don't have to read this I just like writing stuff when I'm bored. This is a messy sketch of the characters for a comic I want to make. I was trying to make this a finished drawing; I was trying to practice some perspective. I went in thinking I knew everything there is to know about perspective; I was dead wrong, I had forgotten a bunch of very important stuff.
I didn't do any thumbnail sketches for this—I rarely make thumbnail sketches for any of my drawings, this will change, I now know how important they are. I dived head first into making it, no preparations at all, starting with the base sketch. I did the perspective in my head: not a very good idea. I should have at least brushed up perspective by watching some YouTube videos first. So I get into the swing of things, get done with the base sketch, and I come back to it the next day.
The night before I come back to the drawing, there's a lingering thought in the back of my head: "the drawing will look bad, the perspective is wrong, no one will like it." This thought gets shoved to the back of my mind, replaced with one that says "just check it in the morning." After considering what I need to fix about the drawing, I go to bed.
The morning I get back to it I try to map out the one-point perspective—after I was "done" with the base sketch that had the wrong perspective. So I put down the horizon line and the vanishing point to see where I messed up. At the time, I thought the horizon line was supposed to go in the middle for my drawing, which made me frustrated when drawing objects; I knew when drawing them that they were not supposed to look like how they did. It didn't help that I was being really stubborn, not looking anything up, just sitting at my drawing space tearing my hair out over it. Soon enough, I decide that I'll come back to it later; I leave to play DOOM and make sketches for fun. Later, I go to sleep. I wake up, ready to start the day at 4:08 PM because I sleep like garbage. I get back to the drawing to make some adjustments. I work on deciding where the vanishing point needs to go. For some reason, I never suspected the horizon line being in the middle was the main problem. I get so fed up that I decide I really do need to relearn basic perspective, so I search for videos on YouTube that talk about the matter. I find some good ones that helped me out, and make me realize where the problem lies.
After I fix what needed to be fixed: the horizon line being too low; I feel less angry, I was almost proud of myself. I stopped being stubborn about something and I got what I wanted afterwards. After that, I just didn't really know if I wanted to carry on with the drawing. I decided that I'll revisit it some other time. Instead of doing anything else meaningful with it, I had fun with it. Added a bunch of weird stuff, outlined the characters quickly, and made one of them have a really detailed head. Making this, or at least trying to make it, was a blast. I know that I'll make another attempt at a drawing like this eventually.
I really did want to make this a finished drawing, but that just didn't really happen. When I come back to it, I'll have enough knowledge to have it look the way I intend it to look. I really did learn from this experience, it was tons of fun. It was also fun doing a little bit of research on taverns and inns from the medieval times.
I might do another long one like this again cuz writin stupid stuff is fun. (Also at the time of me makin my final edit it's 5:20 AM 7/28/23 just incase that's important)
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