#i give up drawing the flower patterns
akq96618 · 4 months
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hyacynthii · 1 year
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This is a gift, it comes with a price. Who is the lamb and who is the knife?
#dnd#dnd art#original art#posting here despite it being original art that i know won't do well so that i can dump all the symbolism in tags BE WARNED#these kids make me lose my MIND#anyways.#and I chose suit of hearts specifically#with of course an oleander flower in the middle#the oleander prince after all#internet said the meaning behinds the suit of hearts was church which is a bit boring but OK because it still reminds me of the cult#mostly they r the suit of hearts because I think emeria and marzu both r driven by their hearts#and they have made.. possibly bad… decisions because of their heart#obviously fire i couldn't help myself#the burning of mo' shan was an iconic moment for the both of them#*and emeria is depicted at his age during the burning of mo'shan#both bc i wanted to draw the cloak they both wore/wear and i think emeria was the oleander prince more then than currently#plus i can't help myself with the earrings#gifts given to the each of them by mirith that keep giving their association with it away#for fun the cloak is overlayed slightly with the patterns mirith has#i wanted reminders of it everywhere in the card without it or a moth actually showing up#just. subtly. mirith connects them both after all#for final touches#emeria is in profile so half his face is hidden away from audience#purposely not making eye contact and looking at something in the distance#whereas marzu faces us and looks towards emeria#marzu is becoming emeria’s reflection and he knows it#still they are both resolute in the duty they think they must fulfill and atone for#ok im done im normal again thank you and goodnight
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giuliettagaltieri · 2 months
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Not Her Man
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Childhood friend!Reader
Chapter Synopsis: Feathers fall gracefully slow
Warning: Girlrotting
Word Count: 3193
Part 1 • Part 3
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You were always scared to do drugs.  
You saw Rafe at his highs, you were with him, keeping him from doing anything stupid like when he was so sure he could backflip from Tanneyhill’s rooftop and land on the grass perfectly. 
But you also wondered how difficult it was for him to get clean.  To suffer from withdrawals.  And as you lie on your fur carpet, staring at the glimmering crystals of your chandelier, with your closet half emptied and scattered all around your room, along with rolling wine bottles on the polished hardwood floor of your bedroom, you think you might have understood just a little.
Blocking him was the hardest thing you have ever done in your life, especially when it was your routine to giggle over whatever interaction you had through text that day.  The itch to open his account for any update made you want to bind your hands together.
Your parents are out of the country, busy overseeing their business, forgetting to oversee their daughter.  Your maids were there for you, at least they try to be.  They bring you food on schedule, even sliding in a few scoops of ice cream every now and then in your room when your sobs start to echo around the halls.
Rafe tried to contact you multiple times.  First, through your phone, but you blocked him.  Next, he tried to throw pebbles at your window, but your seventy-six year old gardener fired a shotgun at him, thinking that he was a burglar.  Next, he tried a different approach, he was sending you gigantic bouquets of your favorite flowers, making the hallway leading to your room look like a wedding set up, the flowers perfumed the entire house too, drawing a concerning amount of bees.  One epipen to your chef’s thigh later, Rafe stops sending them.
He never really does anything right.  All he does is mess up, create more problems for himself.  You almost wanted to give in, but you remind yourself of the things he said.  Anger and hurt quickly replaces pity.
A familiar chime of your phone had you groaning.  Your friends are probably going to have another attempt of making you step out of your room, like inviting you to have your nails done or shop, just to get your mind off of Rafe.
You just let the ringtone end and you go back to staring at the chandelier, wondering if you’ll be quick enough to get out of the way if it somehow falls.  Before you can plan a strategic roll, your phone rings again.
Blindly reaching underneath the scattered pillows, you finally locate the buzzing device.  You answer without looking at the caller ID. 
“Y/N speaking.”  You mumble lazily.
“Hey, girlie.”  There goes the high-pitched voice of your friend.  “Sooo, the girls and I-hush!”  You hear a bunch of girls giggling behind the line and your brows crease together in annoyance.  “We’re going on a party tonight and we’re thinking that maybe you’d liketocomewithus?”
You play with the lace of your dress, eyes just following the patterns when you hear your name being called again over the phone.
“I’m not in the mood for parties.” 
“You are never in the mood for anything anymore.”  She whines behind the line.  Her tone prompts you to sit up to pick up the stale wine you left out in the open for too long.  Taking a sip and ignoring the thin coat of dust it caught after you ransacked your closet for something that made you look confident, only for you to end up squeezing in the dress that Rafe got you as a present for your 13th birthday.  He didn’t pick it out for you, of course, but it still made you all fizzy and bubbly and excited inside.
You put down the wine to scratch at the waistband that is digging on the skin of your under bust, the fabric being stretched beyond its capacity.
“I know.”  You tried to sound apologetic.  “I just can’t, okay?”
She sighs, making you let out a grateful sigh.  There’s still some ceiling viewing you had to get back to.
“I’m picking you up at seven.”  She speaks with finality and before you can answer, she continues.  “Please don’t let that awful man get the satisfaction of knowing that he has this much effect on you.”  You can hear her begging behind the phone.  She and the other girls are just looking out for you.
With an unwilling heart, you decide to get on your feet, your socked foot nearly slipping the moment it touches the wooden floor.  Cursing, you finally crouch on the piled up clothes you threw earlier. 
“Fine, I’ll come.”  You roll your eyes.  “Dresscode?”
You hear an airy chuckle and you can imagine her pinching your cheeks if you were within her reach.  “Party’s open to all, Kooks or Pogues.  In the community beach house.  You dress however you like.  I’ll match your vibe, if you’d like.”
This makes a smile creep on your lips.  She’s definitely on the top 10 list of the most annoying people you know but you thank God everyday for a friend like her.  “You know I love you, right?”
She snorts before bursting out in a fit of laughter.  “Duh.  I love you too.”
“See you later.”  You grin.  “Tell the girls I’m coming too.”
“Sure, see you!” 
You hang up and get started on searching for the right outfit.  Well, there’s the classic white flowy dresses, but everybody wears them.  You could wear a short and a cute top, show some belly?  Blech, you’re not exactly in one of your maneater moods.  But perhaps if you covered it with that oversized white pinstriped polo, it could work?  Yeah, something casual yet put together.  It’s not like you’re dressing to impress anybody, or somebody in particular, you’d prioritize comfort over fashion tonight.
A knock on your bedroom door pulls you from your thoughts.  With a shrug, you throw your chosen clothes on your bed.
“Coming.”  You call while trudging over to open the door.  There stood your maid, she was looking anxious, wringing her wrinkly hands.  “What is it?”
She glances at your odd choice of clothing before she looks away so as to not make you uncomfortable.  “Well, uhm, Sir Cameron is here again, miss.  He’s waiting for you downstairs, in the drawing room.”
You press your lips in a firm line.  “Tell him I’m not here.”
Your maid smiles apologetically.  “He…he saw you in your bedroom window before he came in, miss.”
Huffing, you tap your feet impatiently.  “Just tell him I’m busy.”
“He said you’ll say that.”  She mutters, amusement in her tone.  “And he asked us to tell you that he can wait.”
You close your eyes to keep them from rolling.  “Whatever, he can stay as long as he likes, but I’m not coming down to meet him.”  You push the door a little wider and your maid’s eyes widen at the state of your room.  “I’m sorry, I know you’re busy but can you help me clean up?”
The rest of the afternoon was spent tidying up your room. 
It was dark out, a couple of minutes past seven when your phone buzzed.  Knowing that it’s your girlfriends, you pick your bag, filled with the usual party necessities and head downstairs.  It’s a habit, assigning yourself as the responsible friend who stays sober to look after the others.
You are slipping in the pearl bracelet your grandmother got for you last Christmas when you hear your name being called and in instinct, you turn around.
“Oh, right.”  You say with a tone that is drier than the Sahara desert.  “You’re here.”
Rafe’s standing just outside your drawing room, his hands falling to his side.
“Yeah.”  He spoke awkwardly, his eyes glancing at your outfit, familiarity crossing them before he looked at your eyes again.  “I was waiting for you.”
You exhale softly and he just stood there, waiting for your reaction.
“I know.”  You say simply.  “Gotta go.”  You start walking again to your door.
“Wait, Y/N.” He easily catches up.  “You’re…you’re coming to the party, right?”  He asks hopefully.
“Yes.”  You respond without looking at him.
Rafe smiles but it quickly dissipates when he sees a different car waiting for you.  “Hold on, I can drive you there.”  He says quickly, his hand gripping yours just to get you to listen to him.  “I can drive you to the party.”  He says in an uncharacteristically sheepish way.
For a second, you look at him, really look at him.  His smile grows wide.  He missed having your eyes on him.  You’re his best friend, and he’s used to doing everything with you by his side.  He also liked how dependent you were on him too, always asking for his approval.  You have a bit of an overbearing attitude but he would be lying if he’ll say that he doesn’t miss you doting on him too.  Perhaps you’re not the only one who’s dependent on this odd friendship you both have.
“No, thank you.”  You say before pulling your hand away with a sharp look thrown his way.  He watches you walk away to greet your friends.  He’s still stuck there, staring, even after the car drives away.
He doesn’t understand it.
You’re the emotional one, why are you doing so well without him?  You never go to parties with other people, it was always him that you stick close to.  Clinging on him, pulling him to the dance floor when he’s about to do a line of coke, or accidentally knocking his cup when he’s had too much drinks.
Running a hand through his face, Rafe decides to hop on his car and follow you to the party.  You’ll be in the same space as him in the next few hours.  He’ll get another chance there.  He’s certain of it.
He didn’t get the chance.
With you by his side all the time, you memorized his set of activities at parties and you evaded him perfectly.  Rafe decided that it was best to stand by the punch table.  You’d get thirsty eventually, and he’ll be there waiting if you do.
On the other side of the house, farthest from Rafe, there you sit by the porch swing, admiring the push and pull of the waves.  The party was at its climax and everybody was cramped inside the house, dancing and drinking, or doing unholy activities.  You don’t know how you managed to slip away from your friends but you’re glad you did.  You needed the fresh air.
You’re just starting to get comfortable when a man stumbles out the door.  You watch him struggle to keep himself up.  He looked lost? Or just flat out drunk.  You watch in amusement as he scratches his blonde head, he must be having a whiplash from all the blinding neon lights inside and suddenly his vision switches to the bright light provided by the LEDs. 
His feet twist and he starts to fall to the side, your head tilting to follow his fall.  You wince when you hear the loud thud of his body hitting the floor, followed by his muffled but loud groaning.
“Motherfu-”  He sits on the floor, his legs sprawled out in front of him as he shakes his head like a dog.
“You alright, JJ?”  You chuckle.
He whips his head to you, cursing again when his vision spins.  “Y/N?”  He drawls out while rubbing his eyes.  “You saw everything?”
Still laughing, you get up to crouch next to him.  “I did.”  You smile when he groans out again.  “Are you okay?”
He props up a knee and rests an arm there, he looks buzzed, his eyes are heavily lidded as he stares off into the ocean.
“Yeah, I’m fine.”  He glances at you.  “Well, this is a strange sight.”
“What is?”  You mumble as you look away from him, deciding to play dumb.
He shrugs animatedly, hands gesturing to you and the entire space of the porch.  “Usually, wherever you are, your boyfriend is not that far behind.”  He points a thumb behind him.  “And if I wasn’t imagining it, I’m pretty sure I just saw him brooding over the drinks.”
You chuckle dryly as you bring your knees to your chest.  “He’s not my boyfriend.”
JJ looks at you with an unimpressed face.  “That’s all you heard.”
Playfully punching his shoulder, you sigh.  “We fought.”
He frowns, back straightening immediately.  “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”  It’s kind of sweet how your words seemed to have sobered him really quick.
“No!  No, he didn’t.”  You reply right away.  “Well, at least not physically.”
You watch him grimace.  “Outside physical fights, I have little to no idea how to respond.”
“That’s okay, JJ.  I don’t wanna talk about it, anyway.”
He gives you a boyish grin, as if to reassure you before scratching at his jaw, your eyes mindlessly follow his movements and you see a scratch.
“You’re hurt.”  You tell him, pointing at your own jaw.
“Huh?”  He touches his jaw and winces.  “Ow!  Must’ve scratched myself when I…uhm.”
“When you decided to attack the floor.”  You finish for him and he clears his throat.  “You’ll have to disinfect it.”
“Pfft, it’s fine.”  He shakes his head.  “It’s just a scratch.”
But you are already grabbing your bag by the swing and you return with a small kit.
“I forgot to bring wipes.”  You mumble before crouching down in front of him.  He swallows at your close proximity.  “Come on, JJ.  It’s just antibacterial cream.”
He hesitantly shows you his face and you gently apply the cream, tutting when he dramatically pulls away.
You grab his face and tilt it slightly and JJ squeezes his eyes.
“It fucking stings.”  He nearly whines, making you roll your eyes.
“Don’t be a baby!”  You huff and he stays still for a second, allowing you to smear the cream evenly and he rolls away from you as soon as you’re done.
JJ was muttering about God knows what while you’re busy putting your stuff away.  When you sit next to him again, he’s much calmer, a lazy smile back on his face again.
“Thanks, Y/N.”
You throw him a playful glare.  “You’re welcome.”
He touches the scratch and you almost tell him off but he quickly pulls his hand away. 
“Why didn’t Cameron make you his girl?”
You blow out a big sigh.  “He doesn’t like me.”
“Bullshit.”  He laughs but he clears his throat when you look at him unamused.  “Sorry.”
“It’s fine.”  You smile at him genuinely before averting your eyes.  “I wouldn’t blame him.  I mean, you saw how I can be.”  You chuckle this time but there’s no humor on JJ’s face, he’s looking at you rather sadly.  “I care too much and everybody suffocates around me.”
“I don’t.”  He says quickly.  “I was just being dramatic earlier.”  He rubs his nape.  “I’m not used to having people tend to me, I mostly just do it myself.”  He seeks your eyes and you finally look at him. 
You hear a creak behind you but before you can look, JJ cups your face to keep you from breaking your eye contact, making your breath hitch.
“I liked being taken care of like that.”  He whispers and your lips part slightly.
“JJ.”  You say breathlessly and he grins, his face leaning dangerously close to you.  “You’re drunk.”
He gently bites his bottom lip and you have to look away from his blatant flirting.  “I’m sober enough to kiss, I promise.”
This…this isn’t right.  
You gently push him away and his lips immediately form a pout.  “You’re such a kid, JJ.”
He clicks his tongue and angrily stoops as he glares at the ocean.  “You had no idea how long it took me to build the courage to do that.”
“Five minutes?”  You jokingly bump his shoulders, making his act break at the edges, a smile threatening to crack on his lips.  “Seriously, J, I can’t kiss drunk guys.  It’s unethical.”
He mimics you in a childish voice and buries his face on his palms harshly.  He turns to you again, with his hair disheveled and sticking to his forehead and red blotches appearing on some areas of his face.  “I’m not as drunk as you think I am.”  The way he glances at your lips had your throat drying up.  “I really wanted to kiss you.”  Aside from Rafe, you have little to no experience with the male attention and frankly, you don’t know what to do.
You place a hand on his shoulder and stiffly pat it twice.  “You’ll get over it.”
JJ looks at you exasperatedly.  “You’re taking this too lightly, this is my feelings we are talking about.”
You stifle a laughter.  “Oh, so you have feelings for me.”  You raise a brow at him and he nods his head enthusiastically.
“Every guy on this island has a thing for you.”  He says animatedly.  “If it wasn’t for your bodyguard, we would have made our move long ago.”
You are deeply flattered, you can’t resist the girlish smile from tugging on your lips, your cheeks slowly heating up.
“You’re just saying that to make me feel better.”
He looks deeply offended and places a hand on his chest.
“You’re the ultimate dream girl, stupid!”  He dodges a punch from you.  “You’re like the total package.  You’re sweet, and smart, you’re also very pretty, you can be funny too when you let loose.”  He wiggles his eyebrows at you and this pulls a laughter from you, a real, genuine laughter that had your shoulders shaking.
“When are you gonna get serious, J?”  Wiping the tears from the corner of your eyes, you get up.  “Wait here, I’ll get us a drink.”
He gives you a two finger salute before lying smack down on the floor, with his arms spread out.  You shake your head, chuckling when you open the door.
And your hair stands on end.
There stood the very person you have been avoiding the entire night.
But for once, he isn’t wearing a scowl or a condescending cocky smile.
He was looking at you like a man defeated and broken.
“Rafe.”  You whisper as you reach for him but you stop yourself before your skin can touch.  He looks at your hand and then your eyes.  You don’t know if it’s the trick of light but you could have sworn his eyes are glassy.
“Hey, Y/N, everything alright?”  JJ calls.
Rafe glances at JJ and then back at you, he nods slowly as he takes a step back.  Your heart aches as you watch him take another step away from you but you will yourself not to follow.  He runs a hand on his mouth and he turns away from you.
You stare at his back as he leaves, torn between choosing your own pride or running after him.  For what seemed like hours, you stood there, frozen.  Still lost in the onslaught of emotions that surged through you.
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Not Your Girl • His Girl
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togglesbloggle · 4 months
For the Reverse Unpopular Opinion meme, Lamarckism!
(This is an excellent ask.)
Lamarck got done a bit dirty by the textbooks, as one so often is. He's billed as the guy who articulated an evolutionary theory of inherited characteristics, inevitably set up as an opponent made of straw for Darwin to knock down. The example I recall my own teachers using in grade school was the idea that a giraffe would strain to reach the highest branches of a tree, and as a result, its offspring would be born with slightly longer necks. Ha-ha-ha, isn't-that-silly, isn't natural selection so much more sensible?
But the thing is, this wasn't his idea, not even close. People have been running with ideas like that since antiquity at least. What Lamarck did was to systematize that claim, in the context of a wider and much more interesting theory.
Lamarck was born in to an era where natural philosophy was slowly giving way to Baconian science in the modern sense- that strange, eighteenth century, the one caught in an uneasy tension between Newton the alchemist and Darwin the naturalist. This is the century of Ben Franklin and his key and his kite, and the awed discovery that this "electricity" business was somehow involved in living organisms- the discovery that paved the way for Shelley's Frankenstein. This was the era when alchemy was fighting its last desperate battles with chemistry, when the division between 'organic' and 'inorganic' chemistry was fundamental- the first synthesis of organic molecules in the laboratory wouldn't occur until 1828, the year before Lamarck's death. We do not have atoms, not yet. Mendel and genetics are still more than a century away; we won't even have cells for another half-century or more.
Lamarck stepped in to that strange moment. I don't think he was a bold revolutionary, really, or had much interest in being one. He was profoundly interested in the structure and relationships between species, and when we're not using him as a punching bag in grade schools, some people manage to remember that he was a banging good taxonomist, and made real progress in the classification of invertebrates. He started life believing in the total immutability of species, but later was convinced that evolution really was occurring- not because somebody taught him in the classroom, or because it was the accepted wisdom of the time, but through deep, continued exposure to nature itself. He was convinced by the evidence of his senses.
(Mostly snails.)
His problem was complexity. When he'd been working as a botanist, he had this neat little idea to order organisms by complexity, starting with the grubbiest, saddest little seaweed or fern, up through lovely flowering plants. This was not an evolutionary theory, just an organizing structure; essentially, just a sort of museum display. But when he was asked to do the same thing with invertebrates, he realized rather quickly that this task had problems. A linear sorting from simple to complex seemed embarrassingly artificial, because it elided too many different kinds of complexity, and ignored obvious similarities and shared characteristics.
When he went back to the drawing board, he found better organizing schema; you'd recognize them today. There were hierarchies, nested identities. Simple forms with only basic, shared anatomical patterns, each functioning as a sort of superset implying more complex groups within it, defined additively by the addition of new organs or structures in the body. He'd made a taxonomic tree.
Even more shockingly, he realized something deep and true in what he was looking at: this wasn't just an abstract mapping of invertebrates to a conceptual diagram of their structures. This was a map in time. Complexities in invertebrates- in all organisms!- must have been accumulating in simpler forms, such that the most complicated organisms were also the youngest.
This is the essential revolution of Lamarckian evolution, not the inherited characteristics thing. His theory, in its full accounting, is actually quite elaborate. Summarized slightly less badly than it is in your grade school classroom (though still pretty badly, I'm by no means an expert on this stuff), it looks something like this:
As we all know, animals and plants are sometimes generated ex nihilo in different places, like maggots spontaneously appearing in middens. However, the spontaneous generation of life is much weaker than we have supposed; it can only result in the most basic, simple organisms (e.g. polyps). All the dizzying complexity we see in the world around us must have happened iteratively, in a sequence over time that operated on inheritance between one organism and its descendants.
As we all know, living things are dynamic in relation to inorganic matter, and this vital power includes an occasional tendency to gain in complexity. However, this tendency is not a spiritual or supernatural effect; it's a function of natural, material processes working over time. Probably this has something to do with fluids such as 'heat' and 'electricity' which are known to concentrate in living tissues. When features appear spontaneously in an organism, that should be understood as an intrinsic propensity of the organism itself, rather than being caused by the environment or by a divine entity. There is a specific, definite, and historically contingent pattern in which new features can appear in existing organisms.
As we all know, using different tissue groups more causes them to be expressed more in your descendants, and disuse weakens them in the same way. However, this is not a major feature in the development of new organic complexity, since it could only move 'laterally' on the complexity ladder and will never create new organs or tissue groups. At most, you might see lineages move from ape-like to human-like or vice versa, or between different types of birds or something; it's an adaptive tendency that helps organisms thrive in different environments. In species will less sophisticated neural systems, this will be even less flexible, because they can't supplement it with willpower the way that complex vertebrates can.
Lamarck isn't messing around here; this is a real, genuinely interesting model of the world. And what I think I'm prepared to argue here is that Lamarck's biggest errors aren't his. He has his own blind spots and mistakes, certainly. The focus on complexity is... fraught, at a minimum. But again and again, what really bites him in the ass is just his failure to break with his inherited assumptions enough. The parts of this that are actually Lamarckian, that is, are the ideas of Lamarck, are very clearly groping towards a recognizable kind of proto-evolutionary theory in a way that we recognize.
What makes Lamarck a punching bag in grade-school classes today is the same thing that made it interesting; it's that it was the best and most scientific explanation of biological complexity available at the time. It was the theory to beat, the one that had edged out all the other competitors and emerged as the most useful framework of the era. And precisely none of that complexity makes it in to our textbooks; they use "Lamarckianism" to refer to arguments made by freaking Aristotle, and which Lamarck himself accepted but de-emphasized as subordinate processes. What's even worse, Darwin didn't reject this mechanism either. Darwin was totally on board with the idea as a possible adaptive tendency; he just didn't particularly need it for his theory.
Lamarck had nothing. Not genetics, not chromosomes, not cells, not atomic theory. Geology was a hot new thing! Heat was a liquid! What Lamarck had was snails. And on the basis of snails, Lamarck deduced a profound theory of complexity emerging over time, of the biosphere as a(n al)chemical process rather than a divine pageant, of gradual adaptation punctuated by rapid innovation. That's incredible.
There's a lot of falsehood in the Lamarckian theory of evolution, and it never managed to entirely throw off the sloppy magical thinking of what came before. But his achievement was to approach biology and taxonomy with a profound scientific curiosity, and to improve and clarify our thinking about those subjects so dramatically that a theory of biology could finally, triumphantly, be proven wrong. Lamarck is falsifiable. That is a victory of the highest order.
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appleblueberry-pie · 5 months
This is a list of things he's done without your knowledge.
"Sneaked" two thousand dollars into your savings account. Best part about this is you actually never did find out that he did this. You just thought you were finally becoming financially responsible.
Fixed your TV remote 2 times.
Bought you more boxes of ramen.
Learned to make your favorite dessert.
Drove your ex's car off of a cliff
Drove your ex's girlfriend's car off of a cliff
Got on your teacher's good side for you.
Started doing calisthenics
Became pescatarian
Stopped drinking energy drinks and instead became a tea-drinker
Donated to 5 animal shelters and volunteered to help feed the homeless(one of the short programs he joined at school)
Broke 3 ribs and repaired
Got stabbed and repaired
Illegally traded with dominating gangs in Brooklyn
Illegally helped transport medicine inside of hospitals due to dominating gangs in Brooklyn
Tried on shoes he wanted to get for you to see if they'd be comfortable, understanding that people would think he's flaming for doing so.
Tried on earrings he wanted to get for you, thinking if it looked good on him, it would definitely look good on you, understanding that people would think he's flaming for doing so.
Same thing with perfume.
Got scared of you when you interrogated him for smelling like the new perfume he just bought you.
Whispers compliments to you when you sleep on his shoulder while y'all take the train.
Screamed like a lil girl when he picked up a potted plant from a flower shop, hoping to get you a succulent, and a slug dropped from the crevice of the pottery, plopped onto his hand, heavy, cold, and slimy.
Listens to all Ariana Grande albums
Annually kidnaps all boys who he knew premeditated asking you to prom, knowing your his, and drops them off by a random lake in the dead of night. Tied up, taped mouth, lightly drugged, and confused.
Attempted to give up being tender-headed so his mama could do his hair in that cool ass pattern he knew you wouldn't be able to stop admiring. It didn't work, but the result definitely made you happy.
Bombed 2 drug major illegal drug factories. Probably one of the main reasons why the crime underworld hates him.
Sketched over 40 different ways the wedding ring he plans to give you will look.
Finished 2 big notebooks that are just full of rants and drawings of you. He's halfway through his 3rd one.
Has a pinterest board just like yours that is full of clothing and room aesthetics that you like. Plans to make most of them a reality for you.
Kicks his feet at ur messages.
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astraystayyh · 1 year
The only exception
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barista Minho x reader. strangers to lovers. slow burn. if you can, listen to The only exception by Paramore while reading :)
Minho was content with straying away as far as possible from love. That is until you stumbled into his café on a rainy night, and unwittingly, into his life.
skz song series masterlist
Minho sweeps the countertop with a blue rug, wiping away the scattered droplets of spilled coffee. He grabs a pastry from the showcase- a blondie with a raspberry drizzle on top, placing it on a plate decorated with dainty flowers. And then he gives it to the middle-aged man sitting near the back of the café. 
Minho is in Aurora, completing his mid-day shift, and yet it feels as if he's only physically there. His body is moving on auto-pilot, mechanically performing the familiar tasks etched into his memory by now. And he likes it, since it drowns out the tumultuous thoughts plaguing his mind.
Minho used to look forward to the days when Marta- Aurora's exceptional baker, would prepare blondies. The alluring aroma of the freshly made pastry would waft through the café, enveloping both Minho and the customers in a soothing embrace. He enjoyed preparing the coffee and drawing different pretty patterns on top of it. He also liked the music playing, and sometimes, the manager would even let him play some of his own playlists. 
But that was before Minho got his heart broken, torn in half, carelessly, as if it didn't belong to a breathing human, but rather to an unfeeling entity. Now, his lattes are void of intricate designs, the blondies prepared by Marta remain untouched, and his mind doesn't register the music playing. 
He's just existing, in a stillness he perfectly curated. He's a placid river, undisrupted, running its usual course day after day. 
Minho watches as the man clad in a polished suit finishes his treat, before getting up and leaving Aurora with hurried steps. He eats alone now, Minho has noticed, and his ring finger is void of the gold band he used to wear.
Perhaps that's what Minho's fate would also be. Eating alone in cafés he used to bring his lover to, basking in the chatter surrounding him, in the desperate hope that it'll fill the void inside him. 
it's a Thursday, which means Minho is working the night shift at Aurora. It's pouring rain outside, the incessant water droplets a misty veil that fogs up the café's windows. Amidst the downpour, he catches sight of a couple dashing through the rain, hands tightly clutched into one another. They're giggling, as if the rain falling isn't a nuisance, but rather an elixir heightening their love. Minho looks the other way. 
The door to Aurora is pushed open, and Minho watches as you set foot inside. You're drenched in rain, from head to toe, strands of your hair sticking to your cheek. You exhale in relief, closing your eyes for a split second as the warmth of the café surrounds you- like a childhood blanket tightly wrapped around your being. There is a hint of a smile as you walk to the counter. It only grows when your eyes set on Minho. 
"Hi!" you greet cheerfully and he simply nods in return. The weather was horrible and you were probably uncomfortable from the clothes clinging to your skin, so what were you exactly joyful about?
"Can I have hot chocolate, please? Oh, and a piece of that brownie," you point to the showcase, and he follows your line of sight. 
"Sure, anything else?" 
"No, thank you," you smile, and he nods once again. "That will be 10 dollars." 
"Here," you hand him a crumpled bill and he takes it from you carefully, ensuring your hands don't brush against one another. 
You sit down on a chair near the window, and Minho dutifully prepares your order. He brings it to you once he's done, and you grin at him once again. You smile a lot, he thinks to himself. 
Minho goes on with his tasks, cleaning the dirty cups in the sink and grounding the coffee beans. When he's done, he can't help but notice you grabbing some napkins from the table and dabbing your neck and face dry with them. He sighs to himself before retreating to the café's backroom.
"Here, to dry your hair with," he says, handing you a clean towel.
Minho leaves before you could smile at him again. 
It's Tuesday, and Minho has just served a freshly baked cinnamon roll to Mark- the middle-aged man who just introduced himself to Minho after months of frequenting Aurora.
Minho liked having regulars in his shifts, familiar faces to look into. This was part of the reason why he picked being a barista as a part-time job- he enjoyed people-watching. Not in a noisy way; he simply liked imagining the lives of the people surrounding him. It served as a distraction from his own. 
Among the regulars was a woman in her thirties who only ordered a chaï latte with a blueberry muffin. Then there was that one student, with blonde hair and freckles dusting his cheeks. He really despised bitter coffee, always ordering his with abnormal amounts of syrup.
And now, there was you too. You've been coming to Aurora regularly for the past few weeks since your initial visit. Minho still hasn't memorized your go-to order because you don't have one. You pick a new drink each time as if you were on a mission to taste everything on the menu. 
You come here alone, occupying the same seat by the window with your chin resting on your palm. He suspects you enjoy people-watching too since you often gaze outside. You also bring books with you, reading them while sipping on your beverage. Sometimes you write too, in a tiny sage notepad. 
And you smile, god do you smile a lot. At young children passing by in the street, at an elderly couple holding hands, at the black cat that sleeps on the edge of the window. And you smile at Minho. Each time you order, each time your eyes meet his from across the café. Minho likes to believe that happiness was so deeply ingrained within you, it became the very essence of your soul- an intrinsic part of your being you could not part with.
The door to Aurora is pushed open and Minho isn't surprised to see you entering once again, your bag loosely hanging from your shoulder. 
"Hi!" you greet excitedly as you usually do, and Minho simply nods, as he usually does. 
"I'm sorry if this is a bit weird," you preface, piquing Minho's curiosity. "I'm not really craving anything today, so can you make me your favorite drink?"
"My favorite drink?" he repeats, a bit incredulously and you nod eagerly. "Yes, I drink anything and I don't have any allergies, so whatever you prepare is fine!" you smile hopefully at him.
He stays silent, mulling over your request. He goes to say no, but the smile slowly slipping from your face makes a strange pang of guilt wash over him.
"On second thought, I'll just have-"
"Okay," he interrupts, "I'll bring it to you when it's done," he quickly says and the smile etches itself on your lips once again. Minho feels an unexpected relief dawn on him at its sight.
"Thank you! I'm yn, by the way," you introduce.
"Minho," he says, although you can read it on his nametag. 
"Minho," you repeat, and he finds himself itching to hear his name dripping from your lips again.
Minho prepares you an iced americano with cold foam, and two pumps of white mocha, since you seem to enjoy drinks on the sweeter side. He watches breathlessly from the counter as you take a sip of it, closing your eyes to fully relish in its taste. Your nose scrunches up in delight before you quickly turn around to shoot him a thumbs up from afar. 
Minho nods, before turning his back to you. Unwillingly, a small smile tugs at his lips. He's glad you liked it. 
Another Thursday unfolds following its usual routine. Mark occupies his customary spot in the rear of the café, while the scent of Marta's lemon madeleines permeates the kitchen.
Except you're not smiling. 
Minho finds it odd, how there was no cheerfulness in your steps as you walked to the counter. You did not smile while ordering, and your voice carried a tinge of sadness when you thanked him.
You did not ask about his day, nor about his cats- that was also something unusual for you to do. You've asked about them each time since Minho told you about them. He didn't plan on doing so, he just saw you one day eyeing the stickers of his three cats on his phone case, while he was counting your change.
"Are they your cats?" you asked, pointing at them and he nodded, a faint smile dancing at the corners of his lips.
"They are."
"You must love them a lot. They almost managed to make you smile," you teased, grabbing the rest of the money and walking to your usual seat. 
Minho steals brief glances at you, as he prepares your matcha latte, a drink you seemed to enjoy a lot lately. You're gazing at the window almost soulfully, your back slightly hunched as if there was an invisible weight crushing you underneath it. 
Minho nibbles on his lower lip, contemplating his next move, before grabbing the frothed milk. For the first time in months, he draws a little cat on the surface of your drink, just like he used to do a long time ago.
He brings it to you, and his heart flutters nervously as you gaze down at the cup. He almost second-guesses his action, that is until you beam at him, and Aurora suddenly feels brighter than it did seconds ago. 
"When does your shift end?" you ask Minho as he sets your perfectly crafted matcha latte on the table- an order he has committed to memory by now.
"In an hour, why?" he asks curiously and you wave your hand dismissively. "Just wanted to know." 
The seconds trickle by slowly, as the hour almost comes to an end. You watch as Minho takes off his apron, running a hand through his hair. It's gotten longer now, silky bangs he tucks behind his ear to keep them from obstructing his vision.
He talks a bit to Seungmin, the other barista that works there. And then he steals a quick glance around the room, where he finds you already looking. You wave him over, and he tilts his head slightly in confusion, before walking to your table. 
"Sit down," you smile, gesturing to the chair in front of you. Minho complies silently.
"Here," you take out a container filled with brownies from your bag. "I never properly thanked you, for the towel and for the little cat you drew on my coffee last week. So, here, thank you," you beam at him while sliding the box in his direction.
"I don't- it's nothing, you didn't have to," he says, and you notice a tinge of pink blush covering the tips of his ears.
"I wanted to. I hope you'll like them, I'm not as good as your baker, but I tried," you confess, smiling sheepishly, and Minho feels a sudden urge to vehemently contradict you, to tell you that they must taste good. And even if they didn't it wouldn't matter, because you baked them for him. And that is enough. 
But he bites the inside of his cheek harshly, physically stopping this rush of words eager to escape his mouth.
"Let's eat them together, hum?" he simply suggests, opening the container and placing a brownie on your plate before taking one himself.
"Is it good?" you ask tentatively and he pretends to contemplate your question for a moment.
"They're horrible, right? I shouldn't have taken creative liberties with the recipe and-"
"Yn, I'm just kidding," he stops you, a soft smile on his face. "They're delicious, see," he says, finishing the brownie in one bite. "Really good," he compliments, reaching for another piece. 
"Okay," you smile in relief, eyes crinkling closed. The sunlight is streaming through the window, casting a golden shadow on your face. You are swaying contently in your place, as you take another bite of the brownie. And you look happy, with him. Minho thinks the brownies are the best he's ever had because he's sharing them with you. Because he got a taste of your happiness through them. 
"Can you believe that professor? He failed half the class and he still thinks he isn't the problem." 
You are venting to Minho about your stuck-up Economics professor, while leaning against the countertop. He's listening intently to you, drinking in the details of your face as you talk to him. For some reason, he finds the smile lines on your face mesmerizing, that and the way your eyebrows move with your every word. 
These subtle details have been engraved into his memory since the day you gave him the brownies, two months ago. He has grown fond of you, sitting at your table at the end of his shift without you having to ask. You also hang out outside of Aurora, going on frequent walks and discovering new food spots. He never felt that the conversation between you two was strenuous, or forced. It flowed naturally, like a waterfall knowing exactly where it should go.
He also finds that smiling is easy with you. At your jokes, your stories, and your existence. He's lost count of the times he found himself grinning widely at your words, or smiling softly to himself at the thought of you coming to Aurora soon.
"He's too full of himself to admit he's the one who sucks at teaching," Minho comments and you clap in agreement. 
"Right! And it's so funny because..." You're still talking but your words go unheard by Minho, like a mindless buzz in the back of his mind. He's frozen in his place, his heart beating wildly in his ribcage as he notices the couple who just came in.
His ex, with the man she cheated on him with. 
"Minho? What's wrong?" you call out, snapping him out of his daze. You're eying him worriedly, and only then does he realize how tightly he's holding the countertop. 
"Nothing," he curtly replies, as he plasters a neutral expression on his face. 
He watches as his ex's eyes widen slightly when she sees him. She forgot he was working here. Of course, it'd be easy to do so since she never visited him at Aurora anyways. Despite the flood of emotions cursing through him, Minho maintains a stoic facade, taking their orders as if she's a mere stranger and not the one behind his shattered heart.
As Minho attempts to prepare their coffee, his hand trembles uncontrollably, forcing him to stop before dropping the milk.
He didn't love her anymore, he was certain of it. But still, the sight of her brought unpleasant memories back to the surface. Ones he tried so hard to bury in the back of his mind. And Aurora was his sanctuary. One, she never tainted with her presence. Has she not taken enough from him already? 
"Minho?" you call out softly, and Minho feels guilty because he left you alone with no explanation. Still, when he turns around, he can tell you aren't upset. You are worried, looking at him cautiously. 
"Is everything okay?" you ask once again, and this time Minho can't find it in him to lie to you, so he simply shakes his head no. 
"Your hand is shaking," you observe, before gently grabbing it in yours. You cover his hand with both of your palms, squeezing it lightly to steady the tremors cursing through it. 
Your hand is warm, and very soft, a stark contrast to the sharp emotions surging within him, like pine needles puncturing his heart.
"Would you like me to serve them?" you ask softly, and Minho isn't surprised you picked up on his unease. You're perceptive, it's one of the things he likes about you. 
"Please," he responds quietly. You simply smile, reaching for an apron and wrapping it around your waist. You look adorable, intertwining yourself with his world, and the sight of you eases the ache in Minho's soul.
A few minutes later, you grab the tray from his hands and walk over to their table. Minho chuckles inwardly when he notices that you didn't smile at them, serving them with a blank face, and his chest warms a little.
He has you on his side. 
Five days later, you're sitting besides Minho on a bench; watching the sun as it dips into the ocean, painting the sky in hues of orange and yellow. Yet, the dazzling colors are the last thing on Minho's mind. All he can think about is you. How you helped him with serving the rest of the drinks that day, how he taught you how to work the coffee machines- a solace from the ugly feelings that roared in him.
"Thank you," he abruptly says and you turn to look at him, perplexed.
"For what you did the other day, with the couple that came in. That was, um... my ex and the person she cheated on me with," he confesses quietly, fiddling with his earlobe. He didn't need to tell you, but he wanted to. "I've moved on, it's just... seeing her again hurt. I don't know why." 
Your eyes soften at him, not in pity, but in care. And Minho doesn't mind being vulnerable with you. It's scaring him, but he doesn't mind.
"It's normal for it hurt, it would honestly be weird if it didn't," you smile gently and he sighs in reply, running a hand through his hair. 
"I wish it didn't."
"Love is a powerful feeling, it consumes our entire beings. That's why it hurts when our hearts are toyed with. But love itself doesn't hurt, I feel like it's what makes our world move. You know, the little gestures humans do for one another, that are fueled by love. Like, um... scratching someone's back or peeling someone's fruit. You don't have to do those things, but you do. Because you love the person, and it makes your existence feel gentler, and softer on the heart." You explain, the words leaving your mouth and wrapping around Minho's soul, healing parts of him that he didn't know were bruised.
"My point is, it's normal for you to be hurt. But I hope you don't close your heart entirely to the feeling. Because we may not have grand things in our life, but if there is a hand that brushes our tears away and one that folds our laundry, then that's enough for us to lead a beautiful life."
Minho blinks repeatedly, in a desperate attempt to keep his tears at bay. He felt as if the letters you uttered unfolded and stretched in front of his eyes, morphing into a gentle hand patting his back. Yours.
You smile softly at him, the water's reflection shimmering in your eyes. And Minho thinks that he's standing on the edge of a cliff, ready to dive into the unknown- into you. 
"How do you do it?" he chuckles in disbelief, as he leans a bit closer to you. "You make me want to believe in love again," he pauses, before adding quietly, "but only if it's with you." 
You remain silent as Minho fidgets with his fingers, before tentatively grabbing your hand in his. He doesn't look at you, his gaze fixated on the way your fingers naturally intertwine with one another- as if finding each other after a lifetime of being apart.
"You know, I'd thought I'd always live like this, keeping a comfortable distance between me and people," he says, raising his head to finally meet your eyes, "and up until now I thought I was content with it, with loneliness, I mean. But... but brownies taste sweeter when I'm with you, and Aurora is brighter when you are in it, and smiling feels like second nature around you. And I don't... I don't think I can go back to being lonely again, not when I've had a taste of you in my life." 
Minho's heart is beating wildly into his chest, and he can hear the blood rushing through his ears, frantically, as if to warn him against what he's about to say. But your thumb caresses his palm reassuringly and he wants to try again. With you.
"I- I never wanted to love again, because no one, none of it was ever worth the risk, but you... You are the only exception."
Minho exhales breathlessly and you wrap your arms around his shoulders, pulling him to your chest. You hoped that your warmth would ease his nerves a bit, that your hand on his back would feel gentle on his soul. You didn't want to rush your answer, trying to think of something that will patch up the deeply carved scar in his heart, a perfectly made band-aid in the shape of syllables.
It's a foolish hope, you realize, to instantly quiet the cries of a bruised spirit. So you simply settle on saying the truth sitting on the edge of your tongue.
"It will be quite hard, and scary for you," you whisper placing a tender kiss on his shoulder blade. "But I'll help you, if you'd let me. I'll take care of your heart better than I do with my own."
"Hey, baby," you smile at Minho, slipping behind the counter to be by his side. He pulls you by your waist, kissing your cheek softly.
"I missed you," he pouts, and you giggle, playing with strands of his hair, "I missed you too."
"Do you know what day it is today?" he asks, a shy smile gracing his face.
"No...?" you trail out and he chuckles, taking your hand in his.
"Don't worry, you didn't miss my birthday. It's just... it's been a year since you first came into Aurora."
"You remember?" you ask in amazement, your heart swelling with love for the man standing before you.
"Mm, how could I forget you? Also," he sneakily points to a table near the back, "my favorite couple is back."
You turn around, a soft gasp escaping your mouth as you find Mark gently holding the hands of his date. You smile happily when you finally notice it- the wedding ring, finally back on his finger.
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cryptidclaw · 9 months
Star Firesight!
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Bonus! Healer/Second Firesight:
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And Outsider/Apprentice Rusty/Fire:
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Design Notes:
I redesigned him again despite saying I would stop doing that... Prev design and old bio here.
He still has a lot of the same features as my previous design, i mostly just changed his pattern and coloring! I wanted him to be a rustier color!
I also changed his cheek fluff to be round, mostly just for an interesting face shape! his cheek fluff hangs a little more flat when he's older just to give him a more matured look (hes been thru some shit, his cheeks hath deflated)
Character Bio:
Star Firesight
Bisexual & Polyamorous; Trans Tom; he/him
Age as of 1st arc's beginning: 7 moons; 11 Hyrs
Age as of 1st arc's end: 2 cycles, 5 moons; ~26 Hyrs
Title meaning: -sight = this cat can spot things that others cannot; a cat with a close connection to the Stars; this healer receives many signs from the Stars; the healer may also be very good at spotting illnesses or injuries.
Outsider -> Healer -> Second -> Leader of Thunder Order
Mentor: Redtail (died) -> Spottedleaf
Mother: Nutmeg
Father: Jake
Sibling: Sapheart (Princess)
Half Siblings: Socks; Ruby: Tinyclaw
Mates: Sandstorm; Shriketail
Kits: Squirrelflight (sire: Sand); Leafpool (sire: Shrike); Foxleap (sire: Sand); Icecloud (sire: Shrike)
Grandkits: Star Hollyleaf; Falconstrike; Jaywing; Alderheart; Sparkfire
Other notable kin: Cloudtail (nephew); Snowshoe (nephew); Mistletoe (niece); Spiderleg (nephew); Shrew (nephew)
Firesight has chronic pain (and mobility issues later in life):
Fire has the Scottish Fold breed's mutation which effects cartilage in the body, this causes his ears to fold, but it also causes chronic joint pain and can progress into swollen and inflexible joints.
For Fire, he is has the heterozygous version of this mutation, which means that his disability progresses more slowly, as a young cat he does experience some joint pain, with some days being worse than others. He is able to medicate with his own chronic pain herbal mix he created as a Healer. However as Fire grows older his joints will worsen, and by the time of his old age he will be unable to jump and some days is unable to walk.
He is able to still use his medication to aid him and is able to lead a happy life, but he is disabled and I didnt want to leave that out of his character! It's important to have disability rep (and spread awareness of the issues with the Scottish Fold breed) and I hope I serve him justice!
Character Summary:
In Progress (to be added later)
[Image 1 ID: a digital drawing of Star Firesight, an AU version of Firestar from Warrior Cats. He is standing with his left side showing and has a proud and happy expression with a smile. He is a short, chubby and round shaped rusty orange and red tabby tom with small folded ears and green eyes. his chest, underbelly and paws are all a lighter shade of orange, and he has a red stripe down his back as well as a single red swoop shaped stripe on his side. He has red to orange striping on his face and red freckles on his cheeks. His right ear is brownish-black, he also has a small black spot above his nose and a black stripe on his back. He has a white flame shaped spot on his chest, a white muzzle, white paws and a white tail tip. He wears yellow flowers and green leaves in his pelt and a simple crown rests on his forehead made up of a diamond shaped red stone and a small teardrop shaped white stone below it./End ID]
[Image 2 ID: a digital drawing of Firesight, an AU version of Fireheart from Warrior Cats. this drawing is almost the exact same as the first image, but in this he has no crown./End ID]
[Image 3 ID: a digital drawing of Fire, an AU version of Firepaw from Warrior Cats. this drawing is almost the exact same as the first image, but in this he has no crown, or flowers and leaves adorning his pelt. his face also seems younger and he has a brighter happy expression on his face with his mouth open in a smile like he is talking./End ID]
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robobarbie · 6 months
Hello hellooooooo! We recently had a banner contest in the discord server, and I wanted to show y'all the awesome entries that didn't win. They're all really cool in their own ways, so I wanted to give them each a lil moment.
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(by @/jestie)
Love the focus on xyx!! He reminds me almost of what I'd think teenage him would look like. Very chill, sporty, and out with friends on a beautiful spring day. The linework in this feels really soft as well -- especially on those hat details. AND THERE'S CAT!! CAT!!!
All other submissions under the cut!
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(by @/hunddenseje)
I like the details in the flowers a lot for this one. The way people draw roses and how they choose those inner patterns is always neat. And the little plants and mushrooms on his shoulders are fun!! They go well with that striped shirt pattern!!!
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(by @/stintsy)
The way this artist circled the boys with that pink rosy pattern will stick in my brain for a while. It's v pretty, and it's like they opened a bush and found us in there for some reason. "Hello! Happy Spring!" Thanks boys please close it back up!!! It's my cry hour in the bush!!!!
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(by @/emmascient)
This person's artstyle is so unique and full of life. The little spots of light coming through the trees just adds to whole thing, too. And I really like seeing fanart of owl with textured hair!!! Also check out xyx's fucking biceps holy fucking sh-
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(by @/.mewo.)
Just a bunch of bros on their lunch break bayBEEEEEEEEEE!!! I like the detail of toast's coat tied around their waist and the fucking anti-societyboy shirt quest is wearing LMFAO. Also cat is ADORABLE in this. God. More cat art. Always need more cat art!!
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(by @/c1nnadoll)
Every time nightowl is drawn in a croptop, two months is added to my life. I just know it's true. God bless that cute ass flower crown and the perfect little peace sign. Man looks so stable and happy. I hope he had a nice day after this picture!!!
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(by @/fluffydeer21)
Toast and Quest look so content and cute with their flowers. And there's another neat rose with a lil interior pattern! Held, of course, by this artist's fave LI. Xyx looks pretty good with gold jewelry, I cannot lie. I have no idea why I made them green in game. LMFAO
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(by @/noneivly)
I like how this feels like a painting. Like those brush strokes and even the palette choice just look like something you'd see hung on a wall? It's really cool. Also the little detail of the chibi picnic boys in the background makes me giggle. Small!!!!! So fucking small!!!
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(by @/kiki_221)
The energy in this is excellent. You can almost hear them laughing together at Toast's expense (deserved I'm sure). I'd like to imagine they're all relaxing at a park after a big lunch. I hope they got to discuss all the good things that happened to them this week.
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(by @/01noxxie10)
Another excellent chillin in the grass pic! Purple actually looks really good on Quest. I don't think I've ever drawn him in that color before? So this image made me think about that a LOT. Also look at fuckin chill ass xyx. Calm beautiful motherfucker. Fuck you!!! Fuck you!!!
There's two more images, but those are the discord banner winner and the one I chose for my twitter! If you want to see those excellent drawings, check out my twitter here or join the discord server here!
Thank you everyone for all the submissions! I treasure them deeply!!
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aclowntiny · 1 year
Things Ateez Do That Make Your Heart Flutter (Gender Neutral Reader)
I know Wooyoung always claims the title & all but ALL of Ateez are both cute & sexy 😤 hence This™
(I’m so excited for the comeback I mean look at MINGI WITH THE GUN look at Hongjoong hELP)
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♡ Always gives you his jacket when it’s cold out
♡ Runs his fingernails lightly down your back when he has an arm around you
♡ Has a habit of straightening his clothes or running a hand through his hair when you look at him, trying to look his best for you
♡ Takes off one of his rings & slides it onto your finger to compare your hand sizes
♡ Smirks when he pulls you closer into his side or on his lap, completely relishing the feeling of you being his & only his
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♡ Pulls you against his chest whenever you two sit together
♡ Looks at you with the biggest, shiniest doe eyes but also licks his lips before he kisses you whiplash
♡ When looking at flowers, his eyes fall from the gorgeous roses as he tells you you’re his favorite one
♡ Always holds out bites of whatever meal he's enjoying to share with you, glancing at the way your lips pass over it & the changes in your expression with a smile
♡ Whenever you go somewhere that sells &/or displays clothing, he'll point something out & tell you you'd look amazing/beautiful/ravishing in that
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♡ Extends his hand to you like you’re royalty before every time you guys dance
♡ Rests his forehead against yours after a kiss, never pulling away immediately & sometimes rubbing your noses together with a giddy smile
♡ Never forgets a single special day, even if it’s something like the anniversary of you getting your degree or something that isn’t related to him, & finds a way to celebrate with you
♡ Hugs you like he's not going to see you again almost every time, a hand running up & down your back
♡ Has a hand on your knee when you sit together, occasionally moving it up or down, tapping or drawing patterns absentmindedly on it
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♡ Unironically does the stretch & put an arm around you thing but it’s so smooth because he literally doesn’t realize it seems like a bit, it just happens automatically like his arm is magnetized to your shoulders
♡ Sets his hands on top of yours when you aren’t using them, rubbing on your palms & squeezing little tunes into them
♡ Reaches over to gently brush hair out of your face when you're leaning down or wipe your cheek for you if you get something on it
♡ Doesn't realize how far his shirt rides up when he reaches for things on high shelves, then tilts his head & smiles in slight confusion & amusement at the way you stare
♡ Leans into you to whisper into your ear at gatherings- whether it's a joke, an observation, or something sweet or romantic he only wants you to hear, you'll hear it buzzing in your ear as you feel his breath by your neck
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♡ Holds your face in his hands gently before kissing you, searching your eyes before your lips connect
♡ Runs a hand up & down your arm when you’re sitting together, fingers just ghosting over you
♡ Always makes his plushies kiss you, then goes in for one on the other side, calling you a cute sandwich
♡ Taking your hand & moving you with a little twirl to the inside of the road when it’s raining lest a car splash you
♡ Grabs you up into his arms suddenly when he wants attention, saying he wants to play
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♡ Will not hesitate to carry you if you get tired/hurt
♡ Takes both of your hands in his & looks into your eyes before he kisses you
♡ Falls on you laughing & turns the motion into an instinctive hug, his arms snaking around your waist or shoulders like they were meant to be there
♡ Gives you a smirk when you catch him staring, but if you do it back or get smiley he’ll blush & finally look away with a grin
♡ His hands practically climb over your lap trying to find yours, fingers blindly dancing over you in their quest to lock with yours warmly & tightly
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♡ Gives you a teasing wink whenever you two make eye contact
♡ Rests his hand on your thigh when you guys sit next to each other
♡ Pulls your hair back for you if it’s long enough, otherwise just runs his hands through it to push it out of your face so he can cup your cheeks
♡ Grabs your hand, pulling you outside to dance in the rain with a grin & telling you he’s always dreamed of doing this just because
♡ Straightens his shirt when you look at him, surreptitiously pulling the neckline down a bit & giving you a knowing smile
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♡ Says the most simple confidence boosters so casually, like if you say something during your insecurities about him being with someone like you, he just replies “Why, what’s wrong with you?” because he literally doesn’t see any of it
♡ Gives you the occasional surprise piggyback when he gets excited, lifting you up with a mischievous smile
♡ Always rests a hand on the small of your back when you’re walking together
♡ Tells you that no matter what, he always wants to be there to protect you
♡ Pins you against a wall in that classic leaning pose as he kisses you
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citruswriter · 3 months
Making Headcanons about the Rise Turtles as Somebody Who's Never Seen The Show
Listen With Me! ↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
A/N: I've been reading a bit of fanfiction so I'm not completely clueless about their quirks and personalities but I thought I'd make this for fun til I get motivation to actually write again yk?
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Raphael 🧡
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First of all. This man is a cutie patootie. Like, come here. Lemme kiss yo forehead. Sweetie pie, baby, pookie. Mwah.
Now that I've gotten that outta the way, I feel like this dude has a lot of squishmellows. Especially the big ones. They're just so soft and, well, squishy.
Favorite season is summer. He likes all it gives and would kill to be able to go strawberry picking or go pick flowers in a flower field with other people without fear of being called a freak.
Speaking of which, this mans will 100% take you on picnic dates in a flower field. Fresh foods and flowers. Expect a flower crown at some point and to look at clouds.
Apparently he's a bit of a crybaby? Which like, please don't hurt him. :(( Poor sweet baby just needs love.
Please give him flowers back. He'll love you for life.
His love language is touch but he's also afraid of hurting you sometimes so instead he really enjoys quality time.
On a more obscure level, his love language is biting. Just soft little noms on your shoulders and arms. Although he will bite in other places if you give him consent.
PLEASE KISS ALL OVER HIS FACE! Just grab his face and kiss his face all over. He'll just melt, maybe gently grab your hips or wrap his arms around your waist.
Will gladly pepper you with kisses as well. Especially those feather light kisses. Face, neck, shoulders, hands, wrists. He's such a sweetie.
Loves hands on dates. So cooking, flower picking, pottery, those kinds of things. And yes he'll keep that funky looking, poor excuse of a vase you made in his room and it will proudly hold the latest flowers you've gotten for him.
Will knit you things. Complaining about needing a new sweater? Bam. Sweater made. Whine that you need more socks because you keep loosing yours? Boom. Socksies.
Knit him something back and he'll sob and thank you a million times. He loves it. Even if you're not good at knitting. It's a prized possession.
Always kissing your hands or nuzzling into your neck. He's such a touchy fellow.
Yes he's the type of guy to have you sling your legs over his lap and just massage your knees or mindlessly draw patterns on your thighs while he reads.
PARALLEL PLAY! Can and will put on some soft jazz or lofi beats and just relax in your presence while the two of you do your own things. The occasional kiss or soft talk occasionally happening.
If you sleep over, good luck getting him off of you if you wake up first.
I see him as a late morning riser. So 10AM kind of thing. Will nuzzle into you and take his time waking up as he just gently rubs your side and breaths in your scent, peppering you with good morning kisses and soft laughter.
Cooks you breakfast and prepares your morning drink. He just loves you so much and the small small smile accompanied with a sleepy kiss and "thank you, my love" makes it all worth it.
Calls you things like my sweetheart, strawberry, and flower.
"Whatever would I do without my flower?
NSFW - Obviously aged up, don't be weird 💛
Terrified to be intimate with you for a good few solid months.
He'll prolly want to have a solid conversation about what you're both into, hard limits, soft limits, stoplight system vs safe words and what to use, and the likes.
Will need some time to warm up to the idea of sex. Expect months of heated make out sessions.
Eventually things will escalate. Steamy moments now accompanied with thigh riding, praises being muttered out to you.
Eventually the two of you will get to oral moments. Please be gentle with him. He's kind of sensitive.
He'll prolly also be very gentle with you when giving head. Tell him what to do, he's so lost. Praise him when he does something you like. He'll pick up on what makes your body sing for him and keep it stuffed in his mind for later.
In the early stages of having sex, he'll be pretty gentle as the two of you explore. Lots of "am I doing this right?" and "you feel so good".
Once he becomes more confident though? Oh shits over for you. 💀 R.I.P (y/n). Sorrows and prayers. You're gonna need em baby.
He's still somewhat gentle but since he knows your limits now, he's more willing to be rough and to bully you.
Ramming into you from behind as you babble out curses, Raph just grinning down at you. "What's the matter, sweetheart? Can't talk? Cockdumb already, are we?"
Remember how I said biting was his love language? Pray because he will bring it into the bedroom.
His love bites are more little nibbles or gentle noms. But give him permission and he'll bruise you while he fucks you.
Will refuse to do it beyond gentle noms in the beginning of the relationship but once he's confident, you're getting bitten.
Bites on your neck while he growls possessively and makes you wail. Bites to your sides as he grips your soft flesh. Bites to your thighs that bruise while he bullies your insides with his cock. He loves seeing you giggle at his soft nibbles, and he also loves hearing you cry out from his bite marks.
King of aftercare, especially after rough sessions. Grabbing a towel to wipe you down, helps you to the bathroom if needed, grabs you some water with some electrolytes added to it. Soft kisses as he praises how well you did and how much he loves you and how he's so lucky to have you.
Loves flustering the shit outta you. You could be talking and he'll just gently but firmly grab your jaw, making you look up to make eye contact and go "yeah love?" or "is that so, strawberry?"
The way your brain immediately stops working as you stutter and your facial expression becomes flustered. He can't help it.
He'll pair it with a soft rumbling chuckle he knows drives you up the wall, lean in and ghost his lips over your skin, maybe lightly kiss your jaw or neck, before backing up and letting you go.
"You were saying, sweetheart?"
Leonardo 🧡
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Little shit.
That's it. That's the post.
Jk. But from what I've gathered, he's absolutely a little shit.
Pray to whatever god you believe in because this man makes it his mission to annoy the ever living fuck out of you.
He will take note of the things that genuinely trigger or piss you off though. As much as he loves teasing you, he doesn't want you snapping at him or giving him the cold shoulder.
Favorite season is spring. He enjoys seeing all the critters and plant life slowly come to life.
Oddly enough, I headcanon him as an early morning person.
As energetic as he is, he loves quiet mornings. Watching the sunrise and taking his time to maybe shower and wake up slowly.
If you wake up early with him, he might make some drinks for the two of you and take you up top to watch the sunrise with him while the two of you whisper plans for the day together.
If you wake up later in the day, he'll wake you up softly and force you to turn his direction and cuddle up to him while he peppers your head with kisses and rubs circles into your muscles as you doze back off.
Once you do wake up, he'll stop what he's doing if he's able and prepare some food for you before making his way to his bedroom in time to see you do your morning stretch.
"Morning, sleepy head. Finally decided to rise from the dead?" He'll tease, smiling when you playfully glare at him. "Awwww, mi vida. Don't pout at me. I'm only teasing. Come. I made you food".
Once you step out of the room however, his tenderness gives way to his annoying ass ego self. But you love it all the same and he knows it.
Will expect praise for the food he made you. He's such an awesome chef, obviously he deserves it.
Loves pulling pranks on you and surprising you with tickles. Have your defenses up because his innocent hug will turn into him pinning you down and tickling you.
Pouty McPoutster. Heaven forbid you have a job or your own place. The audacity you have to spend time away from him is astounding. 🙄 /silly
Loves stealing your shit and then faking innocence when you demand it back.
Spams you with a million memes a day.
His love language is touch as well, but he indulges in it much more than Raph seeing as though he's not as heavy or strong as him.
On a more obscure level, his love language is deep pressure. Loves being your weighted blanket or giving you super tight hugs. Do it back to him please, he also loves it. But be prepared to smack him because he will make an inappropriate joke.
Will fling himself at you. He doesn't care if he knocks you down to the ground and knocks the wind out of you.
Aside from the normal Spanish nicknames, he loves calling you things like his number one, sweet thing, and doll.
Wraps his arms around you and just goes "how's my number one?" or cuddles up into you and goes "wanna watch a movie, doll?"
Our loveable, adorable, asshole.
Please have a sit down conversation with him about boundaries and safe words because this man will not think about bringing it up. He just wants to jump your bones.
In the beginning of the relationship, he'll act all cocky but when it comes down to it, he'll prolly get all flustered. He'll smile through the pain though. Bless him.
Please praise this man. He'll always love praise but he especially needs it in the early stages of ya'll's sex life. He just needs to know he's doing well.
Once he's confident though, it's a whole different story.
The nervous air and anxious jitters are gone and he's so much more cocky.
Praise him and tell him how good he feels in you and he'll just pop off with something like, "bet I'm the only one that can fuck you this good, huh?"
Licking. For the love of the gods. Licking.
Up your neck, up your thighs, on your chest, on your hips. The way you shudder under him just gets him going.
He will make you beg. He's an egotistical bastard and will make you embarrass yourself by having you tell him exactly what you want from him.
Might even grab your jaw and stick his thumb into your mouth and just taunt you. "Come on, mi amor. You can do better than that. Tell Daddy what you want."
Oh yeah, that's another thing. Daddy kink. Sir kink too. Call him Daddy or say "yes sir" to him and he'll go feral. If he's not already fucking you, count the minutes because he will be soon.
Pet 👏 play. 👏 Collars, leashes, ears, tails if you let him. Let him fuck you from behind while he jerks on the leash tight enough to mildly choke you. He loves hearing you whine and struggle to breath properly.
But on the rougher side. He wants to break you. Wants to see you cry as he pumps into you and pushes you over the edge again and again and again.
Will overstimulate you if you let him. "Please Leo I can't take it anymore!" "You can and you will. You wanted me to fuck you and now we stop when I'm done, not when you are. Understand?"
Degrading and brat taming. Loves calling you his cock sleeve, his whore. Just brat and you're guaranteed to have a firm hand to your hip or neck.
"Drop the attitude before I fuck it out of you, slut".
Please wear thigh highs and a short skirt around him. He'll go crazy and bend you over the closest surface.
"Such a whore. Wearing that around me. You know how much that turns me on. I'm sure you were betting on that though, huh? Fuck your such a cumslut for Daddy".
Bad at aftercare at first. But teach him how to do it and he'll quickly master it. Soft touches as he nuzzles into your neck, kissing any bruises or spots that will inevitably bruise. The two of you help clean each other up. You'll offer to get water while he offers to start a shower for you two.
Also loves flustering you. But with nicknames. He has a few nicknames that he has that he only pulls out with the intent to fluster you.
Sparring and you have him pinned down? "Good job, pet". Your brain will short circuit and oh will you look at that? You just lost the sparring match.
Ghosts his lips over your skin until your breath heavy and clutching onto him only for him to pull back and innocently rub your waist.
"You ok, mi vida? You're breathing awfully heavy."
Donatello (My beloved) 🧡
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Tsundere to the max. Omfg. 💀
You think he hates you until one day you need help with a bug on your phone and he fixes it, no questions asked.
"Wow. I honestly thought you wouldn't help." "Why wouldn't I?" "Ion know. I thought you hated me?" "Why would I hate you? Dislike maybe, but not hate. It would be illogical to hate somebody who's done nothing to deserve it".
Ever since that day, you become more comfortable around him and he definitely notices it too.
It doesn't take you long to pick up on all the ways he says he loves you. He doesn't say it often, he shows it. To you, to his brothers, to his dad, to April.
When the two of you first started dating, his affections became more common but albeit private.
Soft head bonks, rubbing your wrist while the two of you read, a soft kiss brushed to your cheek as you get him another cup of coffee.
Before you know it, he becomes much more comfortable expressing his affections to you.
Cuddling into you as the two of you drift off to sleep, sitting in his lap as he works, slinking his arms around your waist and kissing the junction of your neck when your in the kitchen doing something.
His brothers know better than to tease. They don't gotta worry about Donnie, no they gotta worry about your ass. The death glares you send. 🤭 If looks could kill, they'd be dead. Mostly just Leo though.
He's absolutely nocturnal. This man wakes up at about 3-5PM and goes to bed at like 3 in the goddamn fucking morning.
Pray if you're a morning person. Because he does not fucking care if it's time for you to get up. You're cuddling him dammit.
It takes several minutes of gentle kisses and tender words before he finally let's you go with a whine to let you get up.
If you're nocturnal like him though, he loves it. Waking up together and having your sweet moments together.
He'll practically purr into you as you hold him close and have a soft conversation with him. He'll pepper you with kisses and gently knead your plush skin, usually your thighs or sides.
His love language is quality time mixed with parallel play. He loves doing things with you and around you.
On a more obscure level, he loves support swapping. Loves it when you pull him away from his work after he's been staring at his computer for too long (will never admit it though).
Loves pulling you from your own work to force you to stretch or get a snack with him, taking time to sort of just exist in each other's presence as the two of you force the other not to overwork and maybe exchange a soft kiss or two.
Favorite season is winter. Doesn't exactly love the season more so as he loves the things that accompany it.
Warm sweaters, hot coco, cozy nights in with blankets, Christmas. But challenge him to a snowball fight and that man is gearing up to whoop your fucking ass. Prepare to die.
He usually just calls you by your name or simple things like love, hun, or dear. But occasionally, especially in private or when he's feeling extra lovey, he'll call you things like beloved, darling, or dove. (All Donnie's call their partner dove. Fight me).
"Come on, beloved. Break time. Let's get some food, yeah?" No that was not a suggestion.
He's probably gonna be the most confident, and I mean genuinely confident, once the two of you start getting intimate.
Bitch probably has a fucking bullet point list in his head of all the things he suspects you like based off of past reactions to things he's done.
Like Raph, he'll sit you down and have a serious discussion with you on do's and don't's, safe words or light system, what aftercare should look like, etc. He doesn't want either of you to accidentally cross any boundaries.
You don't initiate. You understand that this is something that he will need to initiate.
Like Raph, it'll probably get slowly steamier the longer ya'll date. Kissing will turn into make out sessions as he desperately grips your waist. Eventually he'll be the one grabbing your hips and having you grind into him, making you whine into his mouth. Which he eats up with a smirk because let's face it, he's just as egotistical as Leo. He just hides it better.
Once he finally gains the confidence to go all out on you then, with your consent, he absolutely will.
Please expect to be broken. This man can and will push you above and beyond your limits. He loves it.
The way you cry and wail as he brings you to another orgasm that you swore up and down that you wouldn't be able to handle while he chokes you or yanks your hair.
PLEASE wear cheap mascara around him. He loves to see you cry. Loves to see the mascara become ruined on your face as it streaks down with your tears.
Will bully you. Look at me when I tell you this. I hope you enjoy being degraded
"Fuck your so wet and I've barely even touched. You're an absolute slut for me, aren't you? How pathetic. Getting so horny just from a few simple touches, hoping that I'll stuff you full and fuck you so hard that your mind breaks. Turn you into a stupid slut".
Bondage. Need I say more? This man loves tying you up with different colored ropes and making you all pretty. Loves seeing the marks they leave afterwards.
Will strap you to a fucking machine and have it fuck you agonizing slow while he masturbates until your crying and begging him to fuck you.
Be on your fucking guard because that man will punish you for anything.
You catch an attitude? He's raising his eyebrows at you before giving you a dangerous smirk. "Go ahead, darling. Keep talking shit. It'll only end badly for you".
He'll bend you over his knee and seat your ass till it's red and welted.
Donnie is a man of science. That include biology, which in turn, extends to your biology. He loves finding out just what makes your body sing for him.
He can't get enough of it. He'll do things on purpose just to see your body respond to him. Anywhere from a hitch to your breath as he grips your hips and jerks you closer to him to the way your body arches and your eyes roll back as he moves those same hips so he can fuck you at a different angle.
Get on your knees and beg. It'll give him such an ego boost. Just prattle on about how much you need him and eventually he'll lean over and grip your jaw, prolly shove his thumb in your mouth if you're lucky, and just go "well since you asked so nicely".
Such a sweetie during aftercare. This man can fuck you like he hates you and then turn right around and gently kiss your sore and bruises body. Cleaning your body off and getting you some water. Will probably do his damnedest to convince you to take a post sex shower with him.
When it comes to flustering you, he enjoys man handling you. Sure man handling you during sex is also fun, but seeing the way you get all flustered as he easily maneuvers you however way he wishes in such a simple way just makes him want to laugh.
He'll also grip you in that way that makes your head spin. Grabbing your hips? Sure. It's sweet. Grabbing your hips in a vice grip and subtly jerking your lowering body to his? Your head is spinning and you're three seconds away from begging Donnie to fuck you on the nearest surface.
He'll feign innocence though. Because, of course he will. He's a bastard. 🙄 It doesn't help that he'll subtly grind up against you and drop his tone down to growl in your ear so only you can hear.
"Whatever are you talking about, dove? I'm not doing anything. Maybe get your head out of the gutter, hm?"
Michaelangelo 🧡
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Utter sweetheart. Very affectionate, even if you two are just friends.
Will sprawl himself out on your lap. Don't you dare move him or he'll hunker down into his shell to make you feel bad at the thought of moving him.
Heaven forbid ya'll are dating though. He's 10xs more affectionate. R.I.P to you. Get ready to drown.
He loves peppering you with those feather light kisses, just like Raph. Especially your neck and shoulders.
Loves holding your hand and will randomly kiss your knuckles or pull you towards him for a kiss on the lips.
Absolute baby. Please smother him back. He'll start chirping and nuzzling into you for more.
His love language is a mixture of quality time and touch. Please snuggle with him while you watch a movie. Let him crawl up into your lap while you're on your phone.
On the more obscure side, Mikey penguin pebbles a lot. Finding small rocks or trinkets he thinks you'd like and giving them to you. If you have your own place and you display them in plain sight, he feels very proud and accomplished.
Another biter. Just goes O: 3: on your damn arms and legs. Really anywhere he can reach.
It's soft don't worry, sometimes he'll nip a bit harder if he feels like you're not paying proper attention to him but not so hard that it hurts. Just enough that it jerks your attention to him.
His favorite season is autumn. Everything is yellow and orange! Why wouldn't he love it?
Loves sneaking up top with you to play in leaves with you. Making massive piles or just throwing leaves at each other. He adores it.
He'll pick spare leaves out of your hair before cradling your face and giving you a sweet kiss.
And then, obviously, shoving more leaves in your face. >:D
Please go to a pumpkin patch with him and get an absurd amount of pumpkins to place all around the lair.
Afternoon waker. Gets up at ready at about 11AM-1PM. If you're up before him, he'll prolly text you to let you know that he's awake and demand for cuddles.
Just lay down and let him straddle you, laying on your chest as he churrs while you kiss his face and ask him how he slept. He loves it.
If you wake up around his time, he'll prolly still pull himself up on top of you. Churring and nuzzling into you until your cracking your eyes open and smiling down at him. To which he'll respond with some sleepy morning kisses.
He loves getting ready with you. Brushing teeth together and maybe even picking out your outfit, if you'll let him.
Will make slightly inappropriate jokes. 😂
"You wanna wear pants today? I think these would make your ass look great."
Throw something soft at him and he'll just raise his hands up in surrender and go "heyyyyyy" and pretend to be offended with a giggle.
He loves cooking. So be a dear and brew some fresh coffee while he cooks you both a delicious breakfast yeah?
Always minding his P's and Q's. He's such a gentleman and always so eager to help. Opening doors for you, pulling out chairs for you, getting you flowers, the works.
Get him gifts back and he'll prolly cry from pure joy. Poor baby is almost always bursting with so much emotion. He's a bigger crybaby than Raph.
Other than normal couples nicknames, he uses other nicknames like angel, sunflower, and pumpkin.
"I saw this and thought of you! I love you, pumpkin".
When the two of you first start to get intimate, he's kinda 50/50. Like, he's chill with the idea and genuinely wants to explore your body and make you feel good, like bless his heart he's so honored you trust him with your body in such a way.
But like, he's also super nervous because he doesn't want to hurt you or mess up and then you loose trust in him and never wanna touch him again and then you leave and then-
Yeah he overthinks it just a tad.
Another one where you'll need to have the boundaries talk with him because he'll just never think to bring it up.
You'll need to initiate the first few times.
Get into a steamy make out session with him and place his unsure hands somewhere on your body like your chest, your neck, your thighs, etc.
He'll start to knead the flesh and once you start responding to him he'll have a sort of "oh shit, I kinda like that, I wanna make them do it again" sort of moment.
After that he'll slowly build up more confidence. Shyly exploring your body in moderation and finding your sweet spots and finding out what makes you tick.
Heaven forbid he's taller than you. Dear Lord, prepare to get caged. He enjoys just towering over you and caging you in, watching the way your breath hitches and your chest raises in a more dramatic way.
Once he's gained more confidence, Mikey has two modes. You begging and him begging.
If it's "you begging" mode, this man will tease you all fucking day long but never give you what you want.
Finally when you break he just goes "mmmm no. :D" before telling you that if your so desperate to fuck then you can ride his cock but he's not helping you at all.
He'll smirk up at you with an egotistical grin as he watches you fuck yourself on him. And right when you're about to cum, he'll grip your hips and forcibly hold you down and ruin your orgasm.
And he does it over and over and over again. Just continuously denying you until you're just utterly broken and sobbing for release. To which he'll finally let you.
And once you've finally came. You'll do so again and again and again. What? You wanted to cum so badly. You can do it a few more times right?
Will overstimulate you. He loves seeing your eyes roll back as you try to tell him it's too much.
He'll pepper you with kisses the whole time too. Nuzzling into your hair and breathing your scent in as he rubs your clit in order to drive you over the edge again.
If he's in "him begging" mode. Say your prayers. You're gonna need them.
He's arguably worse in this state. This usually happens when he's just super horny.
He'll just start advancing on you, and if you guys are in the eyesight of others, you'll need to move him before he gets too lost in your scent.
He'll start peeling your clothes off, whining and biting at you. If he could devour you, he would.
If you go to push him off or say no, he'll ignore you (unless you say the safe word, of course).
"No, no, no. Please don't make me stop. Please? Please I need you so bad. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Please I need this. I'm so sorry. Please just let me use you. I'm so sorry, sunflower. Fuck please".
He's a menace and it's now your problem ✨thank you.✨
Of course you could never deny him. 🤭💅
He'll sling your legs over his shoulders and grip anywhere that he can, biting at the flesh on your thighs in hopes of leaving a mark.
He'll breed you over and over again while babbling about how good you feel.
Praise him and he'll go feral.
Call him a good boy, tell him how good he fucks you, tell him how full you feel, how nobody could ever make you feel as good as he does.
Boy oh boy.
Say good bye to your legs.
He'll overstimulate you in this mode, but he's much less mean.
"Please angel? Please? Just one more? For me? Please, please, please. Please, I'm so sorry. I need it. Just one more time, I promise. Need to feel you cum on my cock again. Please sunshine?"
Oral 👏 giving 👏 king. 👏 Be ready to have to push him off after spazzing out on his tongue for the 8th time. You just taste so fucking good. He can't help himself.
Afterwards, for whatever mood he's in, he'll take such good care of you. He'll clean you up and you'll shower him with affection, causing him to practically purr into your embrace as you draw him in for post sex cuddles.
As for everyday shenanigans. He's not as bad as some of the others but oh trust me, this bitch has his ways.
Usually involves obscure touches or biting. Like slipping his fingers up your skirt just little too high, kneading the flesh of your thighs or ass as you do your best to remain neutral, desperately clinging onto control as he nuzzles into your neck and groans lowly.
Or he'll bite you slowly but a bit more harshly than his simple love bites, looking at you to see your reaction and then giggling darkly when your body inevitably reacts to him in that way that he loves oh so much.
He gets a kick out of knowing that he can do such simple things to you and almost immediately make your body react to him. He loves knowing he has that much control over you. That your body just knows him and responds in kind.
Come on. Can you blame him? You're just so pathetic for him! It's soooooo cute how quickly you give into him. His pathetic, needy baby.
Catch this man gripping you at the junction of your jaw and neck, squeezing ever so slightly so your eyelids flutter before he leans down to gently kiss you, hand sliding down to squeeze your ass.
"Keep it together, lovely".
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When I tell you that I genuinely didn't mean to make it this long. 😭😭😭 But anyways! Tell me what ya'll think plsssssss. Even if it doesn't match up to the boys real well, I'm still pretty proud of it. >:3
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littlemoondarlingarts · 6 months
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Did an artstyle study of the gorgeous art of @iliothermia and I genuinely learned alot so I'm very thankful that he gave me permission to do this 🙏🏻🙏🏻
As usual, rambles and process pics under the cut, be warned that I talk alot because this drawing was a true labor of love both for his art and Rouge
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I wanted to use elements from his art but at the same time i know how deeply personal his art is to his own life and struggles and culture so i tried to be as respectful as possible (and if I failed at that please tell me I have no problem in deleting this) and tried to minimize my use of direct elements from his art to keep it to the skull which was heavily inspired by a drawing he has done, the waves which are such a beautiful staple of his art that I just couldn't not put it and the use of candles and small floral patterns and the style of the mold, but I tried to keep the rest to things that are symbolic to the character.
While he may have restraint to not explain everything, I'm not famous for that lol, so I will be explaining the symbolism behind my choices.
Part 1: the symbolism:
The red rose is Rouge's flower and it is heavily associated with him. The meaning of it being romantic desire and passion mixed with the thorns of it perfectly sum up his position as a beautiful black widow.
Voyeurism is a big part of this drawing and it is first noticed with the eyes motif on the roses' leaves, this symbolises his response to his trauma which left him feeling like an unwanted pervert on his own self. I can talk about this aspect of his story for hours but I'll spare you lol.
The X-ray cutouts are his complicated relationship with his own body and death, it is a thing that is constantly on his mind as he suffers from suicidal thoughts but at the same time he is always running away from it in fear, but he knows that eventually, he will have to stop running.
The candles melting represent him being only wanted when he is useful, when he is giving parts of himself up for others to use and abuse, when he is lighting their lives by slowly draining his own.
The piano is one of the rare things that bring him happiness and peace, but he needs to be heavily dissociated to be able to enjoy it which is represented by the hands being disconnected from the rest of the drawing and just floating in their own reality.
The snake represents two things, one is him being venomous to those around him, the mistakes he's made, the promises he's broken, the pain he's caused etc. But it also represents those who slowly wrap themselves around him in a warm embrace, presenting themselves as a saviour in his most dire times only to end up being the ones who will hurt him the most.
The book is about his obsession with keeping track of everything and of studying people, accidentally turning himself into an unwanted voyeur on their lives to the point where he has written the life stories of many people who would never want to be remembered through his eyes in his little books.
The butterflies are him, both in the way they are seen as "the good insects" and the beautiful delicate ones despite the fact that they eat flesh sometimes, it is also related to the way his simple presence for a few minutes in someone's life can create a whirlwind of change that will leave it unrecognizable, or he can simply be another body in their bed.
The hair turning into waves is meant to reflect the way he is always drowning in his own thoughts, a hand crafted constant state of misery.
The beta fish are some of the most beautiful and colourful fish out there, yet they are seen as cheap and easy first pets, leading to them being neglected and given environments that are too small and crammed, making their beautifully slow death the only thing they can offer to their owner. I don't think I need to explain more..
The skull is probably someone he's loved, or someone he's killed, or both.
The heart is his, it is rotten and covered in mold, any love he offers is tainted by his inability to heal and it is spreading to infect every aspect of his life.
Part 2: the inspirations:
The roses are a homage to the way Rachamim always places flowers in his art, either in the background or as a focal point of the illustration, most of the flowers he uses are cultural in nature, so I opted to not reuse any of them and changed it to a flower related to my oc.
Eyes are a repeated theme in his art, whether it be angel eyes, the evil eye or anything else, and as you can tell both of these are cultural and religious and while the evil eye exists in my culture, it does not in my oc's so I didn't use it. Instead I opted to pay homage to one of his beautiful merman drawings in which he used the plants to make an eye-like shape that stares at the viewer.
I thought I was being real smart in turning the hair into waves but yesterday I saw an illustration where he did the same so rip to me thinking i was being original lol.
The snake and butterflies are my way of replicating his use of animals while trying to not directly copy any animals that have a connection to himself or his culture/religion.
The beta fish is just to reference the ever present fishies in his art. I know he uses them because they represent friendship for him and they are the only animals safe from the evil eye (thanks for the fun fact) so I uh... I don't really know if this was disrespectful or not to be honest but I tried to use a different type of fish, idk this might still be slightly problematic and again I'm always ready to delete this if it makes anyone uncomfortable.
The waves are a direct copy of how he draws the gorgeous waves in his art, another case of something I fear may be crossing the line because the waves are drawn in the style of cultural jewelry 😭
The tiny flowers are an obvious reference to his own tiny flowers that decorate his art and characters.
The skull with the candles is heavily inspired by a specific drawing of his.
The cutouts are my way of paying my respects to my absolute favourite piece of art he's done without directly copying its concept because as far as I can tell, it is a very personal and emotional piece.
The mold style is a reference to his mold man (I forgot his name I'm sorry).
And the candles are another repeated motif in his art as well as the pillars and the pant style.
And ouf I sure do talk alot don't I? I just really love the amount of things I was able to cram into this piece and I haven't even mentioned everything😭😭 I will NOT be doing this again because I'm simply not as patient as he is and as proud as I am of the result, this was torture. I hope I didn't disrespect him, his art or his culture and I genuinely tried my best to be as respectful as possible but I might have some blind spots due to our experiences being so vastly different so again, please don't hesitate to inform me if you want this deleted!
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kisakis-boyfriend · 1 year
Kinktober Day 6: Cockbulge
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Pairings: Inui x male reader
Warnings: Male!reader, top/dom!reader, demon!reader, sub/bottom!Inui, sorcerer!Inui, size difference, teratophilia, overstimulation, mind-breaking, dacryphilia, blood from neck biting briefly
Prompt List by: sakuyaserenitykira 🧡
Author's Note: This ended up being very different from my original concept (and also way longer than intended) but I hope you enjoy what it turned out to be! :D Keep an eye out for this AU in a future kinktober installment 🤫
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Inui was well aware of the dangers that this particular ritual held. Sure, any summoning ritual could go awry and become trouble quickly, but this spell was especially fickle. One tiny mistake or missed detail and he could summon something unwanted, possibly some eldritch creature that would destroy every known universe, but to him, the risks were worth it
He had spent so much time meticulously studying the circle that he'd need to draw, which materials you needed to place around said circle, offerings you were supposed to make, and even studying another language to learn how to pronounce the incantation correctly. Everything should be fine, it would all go perfectly and he would get what he wanted with no problems...
...He said to himself, sweating profusely as his arms carrying the backpack full of spellcasting materials trembled... Nevertheless, he marched onwards, deeper into the dark forest where you were supposed to carry out the ritual
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Inui found the spot that he needed, a small clearing in the woods where the grass was noticeably softer and the breeze seemed calmer, where the only red flowers grew within the entire forest. This was where he began prepping for the ritual, casting the intricate circle with dried herbs, flowers, and crystals. Fixing several candles around the pattern and lighting them before stepping away to pull out his book of incantations, reading over the lines and practicing in his head. He waited about an hour, just as the instructions mentioned, before standing up and facing the circle. Taking a deep breath, he began the chant, repeating it three times as he walked around the summoning circle
He then put his book away and returned to the circle, stripping off his robes before laying down in the center, announcing his offering to the demon, “In return for your arrival and services, I have brought an offering of... myself. My flesh, my mind, and my soul are yours to do with as you please. Now, come forth!”
Tonight, Inui was uncharacteristically impatient. Normally he had no problems waiting for summoned creatures to appear, or waiting for spells to take effect. Tonight's spell, however, was very special. The being that he was desperately attempting to summon was a demon of lust, not an incubus or succubus, mind you. This was supposed to be leagues above those kinds of demons. And He was rumored to only appear before men that He found exceptionally attractive, which is what made this ritual difficult to find. Most of the sorcerers that committed to this summoning had no results, the demon refusing to come forth for anyone within the last 300 years, give or take...
Many people regarded this spell as nothing more than a hoax, claiming that it had probably become lost in translation somewhere and that was the reason it never worked. Some of the world's most handsome and skilled sorcerers attempted the summoning with no luck, so the magical realms deemed the spell to be fraudulent, because who wouldn't find these men attractive? That's what they all said, anyways. But Inui was tempted by the promises that this spell makes. Promises of "pleasure unlike anything this Earth could ever provide." And, "A love that no other could provide." These were loose translations of course, but Inui was tempted nonetheless. Hoping that if he was the one to finally summon the demon after all of these years, the other sorcerers would have to acknowledge his work, no longer able to poke fun at him or disregard his magic
He had other motivations for this summoning as well. The prospect of demon sex was very tempting...and since it was this demon's specialty, why not dedicate an entire year to studying the ancient books to bring this fantasy to life?
Inui's mind wandered as he awaited the creature's arrival. He closed his eyes, feeling the breeze glide through his hair and brush against his bare skin, his mind conjuring up scenes of what he imagined the demon would do to him. If it has claws, would it use those to scratch his delicate skin, drawing blood and licking it up with it's long tongue? If it has sharp teeth, surely it would sink them into Inui's tender flesh, marking him as it's human toy. And what about it's size, surely the demon would want to shove it's monster cock deep inside of him?
Inui began to squirm, his skin felt impossibly hot, as if he was on fire. His back arched as a single moan slipped out of him, rubbing his thighs together as his cock began hardening from the lewd thoughts. Suddenly, his hips burned, not in a painful way though, in a way that caused him to moan out once again
“My, aren't you an adorable little thing~ ” A low voice purred into Inui's ear, impossibly hot breath hitting his neck as a shiver crawled up his spine. His eyes snapped open to find a large creature hovering over his body, it's hands firmly gripping his hips and haunting yellow eyes boring into his, visibly glowing in the darkness of the forest
Inui wanted to say something, but the words died in the back of his throat, only able to gasp and pant as the demon loomed over his comparably small frame. “What's wrong, little one? Too stunned to speak?” A small noise escaped from Inui involuntarily, unable to process that this was actually happening. “Oh, darling, I hope you're not afraid of me now?”
Inui shook his head, not wanting the demon to leave him. “Good, good. ” It chuckled, brushing it's slender fingers against his cheek, trailing it's touch down the human's neck, smiling when Inui arched his back again, squeaking out some cute response and tilting his head up to expose his neck further
You slowly licked your lips, leaning down and grazing your sharp fangs against Inui's sensitive flesh, causing him to flinch and gasp. Gently kissing his neck, your hands traveling to his stomach and trailing your fingers downwards, stopping at the base of his dick. Inui whined in response, raising his hips up a bit to chase the addictive touch. Desperately wishing you would wrap those hands around his cock and–
“Already excited, are we?” Purring, you tapped his fully erect cock, eliciting a tiny noise from Inui. “Such a horny little thing, I haven't even touched it yet. Are you desperate for this kind of attention, sweet thing? Is that why you summoned me? ” You teased, baring your fangs and growling, just as hungry with lust as the sorcerer was. Depraved from worthy offerings for centuries now
“Take m-me...please...” Inui whispered. Spreading his thighs for you. You cocked an eyebrow at the request, the sorcerer's tone was meek, but you could sense the sincerity behind his words. Humming, you brushed a hand through Inui's hair, and he leaned into the touch, looking up at you through pretty blond lashes
“This is what you want, human? Once we start, I will not stop until you are marked with my seal. Are you certain that you can handle this? ”
Inui swallowed hard, taking a deep breath before his answer, “Yes. I want this, I want y-you...all of you. ” This greatly pleased you, a toothy smile spreading across your face as your slender tail swished from behind
“Very good~ Then let us begin, cutie~ ” You positioned yourself so that your face was hovering over Inui's cock, using your long, forked tongue to wet the member while your hands held the human's thighs apart. Inui moaned loudly when you swallowed his entire length at once, your mouth now flush with his pelvis. He instinctually grabbed your hair, tightening his fist as you bobbed your head up and down, sucking on the tip harshly. Teeth grazing against the bottom of his cock and causing Inui to keen, throwing his head back against the ground and letting out a high-pitched moan
Precum hit the back of your throat, coating your tongue and drawing out a moan when you tasted the familiar salty flavour. You couldn't help but moan around Inui's thick cock, the vibrations causing his dick to twitch inside of your mouth. Which only egged you on more, now bobbing your head faster, wrapping your long tongue around his shaft. Inui was losing his mind, vision blurry as it felt like he was getting a handjob and a blowjob at the same time
He cried out your name, his back arching impossibly high off of the ground, “G-gonna– Aaahhh—!!! ” Your eyes rolled to the back of your head as the sorcerer's load poured down your throat, greedily swallowing every last drop. You slowly let his cock slide out of your mouth, releasing it with a wet pop sound, tongue lolling out and a bit of cum sticking to it
Already spent, Inui panted heavily. But you were far from finished with this new toy, licking your lips and immediately sticking your tongue into the human's hole, eliciting a scream from him. “Oh– Oooohh fffuuuck~ ”
You continued to lick and slurp Inui's ass, working your tongue deeper inside of him and shoving it against his prostate, making him shout out broken moans. Sobbing as his ass was stretched just from that thick tongue
Retracting your tongue, you quickly replaced the wet muscle with two fingers, pumping them in and out of Inui's wet hole. His head felt fuzzy again as his ass was stretched further, it already felt as if he was at his limit, his arm draped over his eyes and chest heaving. You wrapped your other hand around Inui's dick, giving it a few pumps before rubbing over his slit with your thumb. The poor human hissed, biting his lip and clawing at your arms, his dick still sensitive from the previous orgasm
This did not deter you, however. If anything it only made you move faster and push your fingers in deeper, once again hitting Inui's prostate and leaving your fingers pressed against it. Ripping yet another orgasm out of him as your hand milked more cum from his cock, the thick fluid leaking all down your fingers
Inui slumped against the ground, almost hyperventilating from the overwhelming pleasure. With his strength rapidly leaving him, his hands fell onto the ground, releasing their grip on your large arms. You rubbed your hands over the expanse of Inui's chest, cooing sweet praises into your human's ear. “You're doing so well, sweetie. Releasing all of this lovely fluid just for me~” Inui could feel the rumbling in your chest as you spoke, voice low and gravelly. “But we're just getting started~ ”
Inui's eyes opened in bewilderment. He knew that this would require way more stamina than usual, human sex. What he did not expect was how every single touch from your clawed, calloused hands seemed to drain that stamina immediately and light every last nerve on fire at the same time. It was as if your touch injected him with lust, keeping him constantly horny enough to keep going even if he could no longer hold himself up
The familiar sound of clothing hitting the ground brought his attention back to you, having just removed your trousers. Which allowed your cock to spring free of it's constraints. Inui's mind appeared to go blank at the sight, drool falling from the corners of his mouth as he stared at your fully erect length. Most humans would say something along the lines of, “No way in hell is that thing going to fit!” But Inui Seishu was not most humans. Inui was, to put it crudely, a cockslut and a size king. Always craving the things that would stretch him open enough to shut off his mind, only able to moan and take inch after inch deeper into his body
These thoughts were not unknown to you, as every last kink and preference became known as soon as they laid down in the enchanted circle. Which is exactly why you chose him. Inui would be capable of taking everything that you could give him; he craved an experience such as this one, and you were more than happy to give it to him
As if your body had its own gravitational force, Inui inches closer towards it, beckoning you to slide into his tight hole. So you grabbed his waist, impossibly tiny within your grasp, and lined your demonic dick up with his ass. He gulped, glassy eyes trained on your cock as the tip disappeared inside of him, the stretch already burning in the most delicious way
“Shh, breathe for me, lovely. There's still so much more that needs to go in.” Those soothing words echoed in Inui's mind as another inch slid past that ring of muscles. His eyes rolling into the back of his head and mouth falling open in a silent moan. You soothed the human as best as you could, sliding in further and further until your dick had disappeared entirely. “Ooohh fuuucckk yeeesss~ ” You hissed, panting as his tight walls convulsed around your cock, his hips jerking upwards as cum painted his chest white
A devilish grin spread across your face, slowly thrusting into Inui's twitching body. He came just from feeling you bottom out inside of him. Such a good little pet for you.
A familiar tightening in your core caused you to speed up, chasing your first release of the night while your human was already on his third. Yet, you could sense the passion inside of him, he craved more. And more is exactly what you would give him. Slamming your hips against his roughly, you growled praises against Inui's neck, nipping him with your fangs and flooding his insides with searing hot cum
Still partially recovering from his earlier orgasm, Inui arched his back high off of the ground, wailing as you fucked him and filled him. His body going completely limp in your hands, breathing erratically and making the cutest fucked out noises
You took a second to catch your breath and revel in the sight before you. There was a large bulge in Inui's stomach where he was stretched around your cock, his insides pushed aside to make room for the impossibly large intrusion. His blond hair clung to his forehead, beads of sweat sliding down his skin from the intensity of it all. Your hand brushed some of the wet hair away, nails scratching against his scalp and pulling a soft whine from him
You couldn't stop the smile growing on your features, it'd been far too long since you had felt this way towards a human. Especially one that intentionally offered himself unto you like this one did. Hungry lips met Inui's soft ones, moving together harmoniously as your eyes fluttered closed, enjoying this moment before you gave him another orgasm
Inui moaned into the kiss when he felt your fingers brush against his nipples, playing with them so you could hear more pretty noises from your sweet human, humping into his wet hole as you did so. Inui gasped as your hips snapped into him harshly, pinching his nipples simultaneously. Your thrusts began to speed up again, causing him to throw his head back in total bliss, fucking him at just the right pace
The temptation to mark your cute pet up was far too strong, leaning down to press an open-mouthed kiss to his sensitive neck. Nibbling on the soft flesh as you fucked your previous load deep into his gut, thrusting faster and faster so that you could add more cum to the mess already within his walls, making the bulge in his stomach even larger. Inui whined loudly, tangling his hand in your hair and tugging at the roots, begging for you to cum in him again, “Please– Ah!! More...cum in me more... Fill me with your cock until I can't think of anything else– F-fuuck—!! ”
Cum flooded his insides once again, dick twitching as his gummy walls squeezed it all out of you, your hips surely hitting him hard enough to leave a bruise later on. Blood trickled down Inui's neck as your fangs pierced his delicate skin. Tears ran down his cheeks from the combined intensity of everything
Inui's dick became hard yet again, still glistening from his previous orgasms. “Sweet thing, will you cum with me this time? ” You cooed, wrapping a hand around his length. Slowly pumping it as you peered into his gorgeous green eyes. “Just give me one more, then you can rest. Can you do that, darling? ” Inui nodded languidly, his hips rolling into your fist on their own
You smiled at him in response, taking a deep breath before thrusting into him again. The reaction from him was immediate; his hips jerked forward, head turning to the side as a loud moan erupted from him, hands grasping at your wrist that was gliding up and down his member. But you continued on, cock reaching the deepest places inside of him, rearranging his guts completely as his body molded to your length
Inui clenched around your dick, his fourth climax just within reach, crying out your name while your thrusting became sloppy. One hand continued to jerk him off, twisting your wrist as you stroked upwards and eliciting high-pitched screams from him, while your other hand rubbed at the bulge in his stomach. Effectively jerking yourself off through his body, almost using him as a fleshlight
The way his mind just shut off was instantly noticeable. Inui's eyes became vacant, unable to look away from your lustful gaze. Little “Ah! Ah! Ah! ” noises escaping him with each rhythmic thrust, no longer capable of forming words as he becomes your dumb little doll. Arms and legs completely limp, the only thing really moving is his hips as they thrust into your hand, chasing yet another orgasm even though his mind is unresponsive to the overstimulation
“I really did fuck you stupid, didn't I, little one?” No response, unless you count the slightest change in the pitch of the human's moans as anything. “So good for me. Mm, cum with me now, let us complete this pact~ ”
With that, you fucked into Inui roughly, snapping your hips into his and vigorously pumping his cock. Biting your bottom lip as you grow closer to your release and finally cumming within Inui's tight ass as he squeezes you once more, his own release following only a second behind yours. His body twitched and writhed under your grasp as a glowing red seal was burned onto his stomach, the large mark spanning from just above his bellybutton to right above the base of his dick. The same mark as your summoning circle, a mark of ownership. Telling all manner of demons and other creatures that this one belongs to you
Caressing the newly etched seal, a wave of possessiveness washed over your features for a moment. Your darling human was fast asleep, exhaustion finally taking over after so much excitement. His soft features became illuminated by the moonlight and you couldn't help but smile fondly
You slowly and carefully pulled out of him, so as not to hurt him or rouse him from slumber. Soothing your hands over his body and kissing his pale cheek before lying down next to his side. You pulled him against your chest and spooned his small body, wrapping your tail around his leg. Placing a kiss on the top of his head, you whispered a few more praises and loving words into Inui's ear before drifting off with him
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Tagging: @steadybreadbluebird @6kabuki
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neomujinjja · 7 months
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Pairing: S.Coups x reader
Length: 633 words Genre: Fluff
Warning: Not edited, bonus scene
Synopsis: Your boyfriend lies to you, saying that he can't make it to your showcase. Little do you know, he plans to surprise you
Note: y'all do not want to know how long i was sitting on this one 😬
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"Are you sure you won't be able to make it?" you ask with a pout to your boyfriend on the other end.
"Yeah. I'm sorry, baby. I'll make it up to you" he says causing your pout to deepen further. You were looking forward to this event and it would be even better if Seungcheol could attend.
"Okay..don't work too hard" you tell him, trying to hide any sadness in your tone. You understood that he couldn't exactly peel away from work like others, but that didn't mean you weren't somewhat disappointed. "Can you stay on the phone with me a little more?" you asked Seungcheol, your finger absentmindedly drawing patterns onto the bench.
Before he could start responding, a voice interrupted him in the background. "Hyung! We got to get back!" one of the boys shouted. Your boyfriend apologized as he informed you that he had to go, and you barely had time for Love you's and goodbye as he hung up. You sighed as you set your phone down to your lap.
"What's wrong?" Prang, a fellow artist, asked as they looked over at you.
"Doesn't seem like nothing. Just spill, it might help you feel better."
"It's not that bad. It's just that my boyfriend won't be able to show up and I barely got to talk with him just now."
"That's tough.." Prang trailed off and you could see that they were trying to think of something to say.
"It's alright. I know he'd show up if he could, it's just work is keeping him. You don't need to try and comfort me" you told the clay artist as you patted their arm. Prang jokingly let out a sigh, wiping their forehead and putting their hand to their chest in a dramatic manner. The two of you laughed, Seungcheol not coming temporarily leaving your mind.
"Ready to do this you guys?" Cara asked as she came from the corner; she was the other artist on display for this event. You and Prang nodded simultaneously, still a little out of breath from the laughter. "Good cause Cubi is asking we head over to get started" Cara said as she clapped her hands together and pointed back in the direction she came.
"Excuse me, how much are you selling this painting for?" You turned at the familiar voice, your jaw dropping as you saw Seungcheol's smiling face.
"What are you doing here? You said you wouldn't make it!" you exclaimed to the male as you hit him on the bicep. Seungcheol laughed, feigning pain as he did. Your boyfriend grab your hand, lacing his fingers in with yours.
"I lied. Wanted to surprise you" he said as he handed you the flowers that he brought. You jokingly glared at him, to which your boyfriend only laughed some more.
"That's not funny" you said as you pulled your hand away to playfully pinch at the male's sides.
"Aww, I'm sorry baby" Seungcheol teased you despite the pout on his lips. He wrapped you up in his arms, giving your cheek a kiss and swaying the two of you lightly.
"You have to make it up. I want a hundred kisses in compensation" you tell your boyfriend, staring up at him with your own pout. Seungcheol nodded, giving you a kiss on your other cheek before pulling away from you.
"Go, look at my other works or check out Prang's and Cara's stuff" you urged your boyfriend. He had been following after you as if he was a puppy dog. "I'll find you at the end, okay baby". You gave Seungcheol a kiss before moving to greet someone. And if the both of you had to give the other 100 kisses in compensation later that night, neither of you complained.
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dairyfreenugget · 4 months
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(Alt text under read more)
He's done. I decided to not do the back because it'd be more torture work and nothing about it changed between this and the previous refs so I'll use the previous references exclusively for the back patterns.
ID start: A reference sheet for the Pale King from Hollow Knight as a human done on a grey background. The main focus in the picture is the fullbody artwork of him, his lower two arms are laying down his side while the upper left arm is held behind his back and the right one is held high, gesturing. On the right is a close-up of his arm and three types of legs, open mouth, eyes, two profile headshots and his long braid with two types of chair accessories; a blue ribbon tied into a bow and the same ribbon but with a metal clip resembling his crown. He's an older man with pure white skin covered in plates that give him the appearance of a segmented bug-like body. The lower half of his body is far more bug-like with front two legs resembling that of a beetle stylised to look similar to deer hooves, with a long tail of a centipede with nine segments ending with a pincer of an earwig, the first segment's legs resembling a mix between the beetle and centipede legs. His four hands are stained with void, vein-like stains leading up his forearms, neck, and cheeks up to his eyes. His long hair is parted in the middle by his horns resembling a crown and tied into a long braid going all the way down to the second segment of his tail. He's thin, with a saggy lower stomach covered in stretch marks. The plates on his abdomen are slightly pushed apart, revealing a soft pinkish skin underneath. His crotch and chest are covered in thick white hair. He has a small scar on the lower right side of his chest between his ribs and a large burn scar on the left side of his body, going all the way from his hip to his chest. He has long elf ears, sharp claws and fangs, pink split tongue, and completely white eyes with three eyelashes at the bottom. He has moles, including two below his right eye, one below the elft corner of his mouth and ond on the left side of his neck. End ID.
ID start: The same reference drawing as the previous picture, except he's wearing a white dress with a grey rim on the bottom decorated with white floral embroidery and Hallownest insignia on the front of the rim, grey frilly collar, long puffy sleeves with grey cuffs at the end, and a wide black belt in his mid section that's decorated with small metal buttons the shapes of flowers running along the rim. He's wearing leather feet covering, with a braid pattern in the middle and Hallownest insignia on the top part of the shoe. End ID.
Start ID: The same reference drawing as the previous picture, but he's wearing a white long coat with a blue rim, blue ends of the sleeves and high collar on top of his dress. The coat is tied in the middle with a belt made of cloth, its ends neatly tied and rested in the middle, ending judt below his knees. The belt is blue with white and light blue embroidery on it; a light blue two-lined rim and floral patterns going along it, and white Hallownest insignia in the middle with the king's brand below and a couple of four pointed stars formednin a line separating the two and above them. End ID.
ID start: The same reference sheet as the previous picture, but with a thin shawl folded and wrapped around his shoulders with the ends tucked into the belt to keep it in place. It's a white shawl with frilly ends and a light blue rim, it's partially see-through. End ID.
ID start: The same reference sheet as the prdvious picture, except with a white mask covering his eyes and white gloves, with slits for his black claws. End ID.
ID start: The same reference sheet as the previous picture, but with a cucha/a woollen jacket drapped over his shoulders. It's white with blue and light blue floral embroidery and rim along the edges, collar, and sleeves of the jacket. It's tied at the top with a blue ribbon and metal clips resembling the Hallownest insignia. On either side of the metal clips is the embroidery of the insignia surrounded by two flowers on either side. End ID.
ID start: The same reference sheet as in the previous picture, but instead, he's wearing a full-face white mask and a clip-on hood, held together by a meter clip on the bottom that resembles the Hallownest seal, and buttons at the top, with the hood fabric wrapped around his horns. The hood is white with blue and light blue rim. End ID.
ID start: The same reference sheet as in the previous picture, but he has a long full-body, white, see-through veil with frilly ends drapped over him. End ID.
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winxwiki · 5 months
On the Winx reboot leaks
Long post, leaks analisis, spoilers if you don't want to see it under Read More. Seeing the Rainbow artist names attached onto these pictures and the development renders, these are 100% real. On top of that, It's not the first time Rainbow got something leaked, received feedback and acted accordingly. Remember the negative feedback on the 2023 easter eggs designs? Poof, gone. Remember the positive feedback on the 2023 leaked group design? Suddenly, Rainbow started using that Bloom at press events.
I genuinely believe that Rainbow "leaks" stuff now on purpose to receive feedback without actually needing to announce anything final to broadcasters.
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Let's see.
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From the Lorem Ipsum we can tell this isn't remotely final, but a group test. We're back to Bloom with a ponytail (they really like it!) and Tecna does have robotic limbs. Each girl's design seems to reflect their elements:
Stella has stars, the sun, wings at her feet and light, even light rays on her wings and top
Bloom seems to have scales of some sort and patterns on her leggings. Maybe to indicate that she's an artist? Or meant to represent the breath of life?
Musa, the smallest, got some musical sheet onto her. Overall not the most musical inspired design. Everybody kinda looks like an ice skating ballerina.
Flora got flowers. Really most obvious one there.
Aisha's hair is a bit too much, I prefer her civilian braids more. I like how her dress has wavy patterns of sorts and sparkles that look like shining waters on her shorts and skirt. They can do better on her though. Wings look like they got splashes of water. It's still cool that Rainbow is experimenting more with black textured hair than any american animation studio, so kudos for that.
Tecna looks like she's wearing a circuit but looks the most generic. Probably because she has too much going on with a full bodysuit with patterns. I don't like the accessory on her head.
Proof that these are real: these obvious dev documents
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They even got an alt with their "civilian" hairstyles, but it says "transform". Which means no hairstyle or design is final so far.
It seems Musa and Tecna share skintones, Bloom has her own, Stella and Flora share it too, Aisha has her own and is the darkest. I think we can make Stella and Flora a little darker each in varying degrees, to show that Stella is tanned and Flora is a dark skinned latina.
There is a lot of focus on the designs we saw leaked that got positive reception. It's likely they will be finalized, since they went as far as making a test animation with that Bloom design.
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A lot going on here in this room already giving Bloom so much personality. Her own shelf with the name with a heart-shaped B. A guitar? A sketchbook and school supplies. Bloom is back to drawing again, we last saw that in World of Winx but in the main series it was always just left implied by her earth room's belongings and her huge drawing desk, yet it was never expanded upon. Hopefully her being an artist can finally shine through her personality.
Most importantly, she's back to being silly, goofy and expressive again. Of course, the reboot is back to square one with the story and characterizations. I hope more quirks that were not explored in the main series get more attention in the reboot (again, like Bloom being an artist!)
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The Trix now got a symbol and individual faces while sharing the same body. Icy's design is nearly identical to the original, I actually like the small cuts showing skin on her chest, so she doesn't feel too covered up. Midriffs are back and so is 2000s fashion.
Important detail, Icy is taller than Bloom. Is it her heels? Regardless, we got some more body diversity.
Some more notes:
Artist is credited as Pasqualino Masciulli, a real 3d artist at Rainbow
Date is 17 April 2024, for some reason they're using the wrong format. This is VERY recent. They're NOWHERE near done!
It says episode 106. It must be a reference to the reboot itself, Season 1, episode 6, as the old series episodes in total were 208. This means the series has at least finished writing and storyboarding, but they haven't finished with the character designs yet!
Further proof that fucking nothing is done yet, the leaker said this. From what I just noted above, I believe it. They're not remotely done.
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This "Damien" motherfucker looks ai generated, doesn't fit the style in the slightest with his weirdly realistic face and the belts details and clothing folds are all over the place. Shame to whoever did this.
Who even is this guy? Is he the new character Iginio was warning us about? He doesn't look bad but they can do even better. Definitely a fascinating choice for the sexy bad boy, because I know that's who he's gonna be.
Don't fucking use AI for your art, though. It looks like shit.
Interesting, no specialists in the leaks. No Roxy or Terra either though.
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This outfit is a mix of 2 outfits from season 2. Which means they're studying their own old designs. The same goes for another Bloom render and concept.
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Fascinating detail: they're using 2000s dress up pixel dolls as reference. Learn from the masters! This dress doesn't resemble anything and doesn't seem to be a civilian dress but a transformation one, with all the glitters and stars around.
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Last but not least, absolutely atrocious 2000s fashion is back (this is a good thing). We can hope a little but it's surprising how in 5 years they haven't done shit yet. That's some development hell. Either Iginio is really passionate about making this the second coming of Christ or they don't know what the fuck they're doing.
Free hopium tanks!
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ddejavvu · 1 year
mei angel!! congrats on 20k that’s literally amazing you’re my hero. can I requesttt ‘oi! evans!’ with james + his reaction to r making him some sort of cute romantic craft!! like a charm bracelet or a paper flower, he’d get all gooey and sappy I just know it <3<3
join my 20K celebration!
'oi! evans!' - send me a request for a baby blurb! give me a character, and a plotline, and i'll write you a little fanfiction :)
It feels embarrassing to hand over the red-and-gold woven bracelet, even if you've made it specifically for James. Because he gets you gifts all of the time, flowers, chocolates, pastries, jewelry, and you're afraid you fall short. But you don't have the bank account he does, and you both know it. He's never made you feel less-than for it, and any time you bring it up, he waves you off and tells you it's a pleasure getting to spoil you. But now that you're trying to give him something yourself, make sure he knows how much he means to you, you feel like a toddler presenting a crude crayon drawing to their parents.
"I made this," You mumble, holding the strip of woven string out, "And- I just thought you'd like it."
He glances up from his homework at your voice, eyes falling sharply to your outstretched palm. They do this thing, this oh-so-very-James thing where they shine like they're reflecting a diamond in a cartoon, and he reaches out to ghost a finger over the bracelet.
"You don't have to wear it. I know it's girly," You shrug, letting him take it from your hand and dropping it back to your side when he's got the bracelet, like you're glad to be rid of it, "I just- I just thought you'd like the colors, 's all."
"Darling," He says, and it's stuffed with all the tender sweetness he can manage as he slips it over his hand, "I- You made this?"
"Yeah, I- with the string, I wove it," You explain, pointing haphazardly back at your pile of materials.
"C'mere," James urges, securing the bracelet around his wrist then tugging you in by the waist. He's sitting at his desk, so it's a tight fit for you to stack your thighs atop his, but his lap is one of your favorite places in the world.
"Sweetheart," He gushes, like he's praising you for it, "I love it. Too girly, that stuff's rubbish. It's beautiful, darling. It looks so complicated," He marvels at the pattern, "How'd you do that, hm? You a witch, or something?"
"Coincidentally, I am," You crack a grin, nudging your nose against his and fitting your smiles together to speak against his mouth, "But I didn't use magic, Jamie."
"That just means you're, like, crazy talented." James muses, taking your hand in his own, the one with the bracelet just up his wrist, "Thank you, angel. I love it, I'll never take it off."
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