#sinister mark grayson x male reader
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gatorbites-imagines · 7 days ago
I think it would be so cool for the petvincible to have a regenerative!reader almost like immortal but better obviously maybe they can cut off an arm for sinister Mark and every thing! (I love Sin Mark and just want him to be loved and happy!)
Alternate Mark Graysons x regenerative male reader 
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Readers inspired by deadpool, cuz i love that guy. I also had a request about regenerative reader who was like deadpool, so i mashed the two together. 
The petvincibles with a reader who regenerates, whos also a mercenary means they are harder to control than normal. 
Normal reader can be like “killing is bad guys, stop doing that please” but if you are also a trigger-happy killer, then it's kinda hard to throw stones at a glass house, right? 
Becomes more the reader being like “hey, we only kill bad people, or the ones we are paid enough to kill. We dont just kill any randos, okay?” 
Reader matches their crazy on most days, but there are things they do that even reader wouldn't do. Like damn bitch, you live like this? To some of them, but he loves his babymamas, so who is he to judge. 
I think the petvincibles are also the first people to not judge reader on his appearance if he has the scars like deadpool. They have all seen way worse, and reader is handsome in their eyes. 
Reader being like deadpool also means hes even more of a pain in the ass of the GDA. Like, they had to deal with him as a merc before and could barely contain him, but now hes got all the vincibles? Hell on earth. 
Reader wouldn't work for the GDA, obviously. “i dont trust the government bub, get someone else to do it” when he was asked to join the guardians once upon a time 
Instead, he gets paid a shit ton of money to help out every now and then, without actually being a member or signing any contract with the GDA. Reader also only accepts the money in physical bills, because he wants to swim in it like scrooge McDuck. 
His regenerative powers is probably how he “tamed” sinister at first. Cuz like, does reader possess Deadpools whole, fourth wall breaking knowledge and power too? 
Then he knows their whole deal and is like “alright dude, have a snack and calm down” after slicing his own arm off and shoving it at sinister. 
I like to think reader tastes pretty damn good, cuz his cells are always regenerating and deteriorating at the same time. Means hes always fresh and yummy to eat. 
Also means that the vincibles take a longer time getting used to being around normal humans again, cuz the reader is so unserious and just heals when they accidentally break something, or rip something off. 
But i do imagine that the Marks start realizing how messed up mentally the reader is, just like them. Like, after a while all the readers self-deletion jokes aren't so funny because they know he means it. 
The Marks would start to try and be more careful and being there for him, maybe help him do something outside of killing, which is pretty damn bold coming from them.  
But it also means they have experience with feeling that there is nothing else you can do but just keep killing. 
In this house we all heal together and become better people. Readers still a merc though, even if his babymamas start joining him on hits to make it easier, quicker and more efficient. Reader obviously demands double pay cuz theres two of them now. 
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l0s3rd0wnt0wn · 15 days ago
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(The last thing Sonic!Reader or Flash!Reader sees after being chased by an alternate version of Mark.)
The Marks all have a bone to pick with you, each and every last one of them. In every universe, you either get killed by Mark for not joining his empire or for not becoming his pet. In each universe, a Mark has confessed to you or afforded a spot in his empire, and each time you turn him down because this isn’t the Mark you fell in love with in high school or the sweet boy you met at the comic book store. This is a whole different man—one who is filled with bloodlust, one with the mind of a conqueror, one who cares only for the dominion of the universe. But you’re the only you who hasn’t left Mark; you’re the only one who stands beside him, and the other Marks think it’s unfair. You were supposed to be on their side; you were supposed to hold their hands, pat them on the back, and tell them they did a great job. You’re meant to hold his arm as the two of you watch cities burn. So when they hear there’s another version of you, they’re up and ready, offering you the same thing they offered a different version of you years ago.
"We can finally be together now that the empire figured out a way for you to live longer than your short, pathetic life, and you won't even age, love."
"Don’t be foolish like others, [Name]; please just come, and you’ll have a place in my empire."
"How could you leave me, my queen? You were meant to remain here with me forever."
"Really, you chose him over me? We're practically the same person, [Name]!!"
Doesn't matter what they tell you; like Usain Bolt, you're running off in a haze of blue lightning. Let's just hope they don't catch up or slow down. But then again, these boys might destroy each other before they get their grubby hands on you. They're yelling your name, screaming it, actually, but you won't slow down. You've been running so long, I don't think you can slow down. Oh, fuck, you've been thinking too hard. The one with the ridiculous Mohawk is gaining on you. Girl, if you don't run faster—oh, shit, you can't feel your legs, and you feel him getting closer. Is this the thing Red Rush warned you about? You have to stop running before you give out or explode into millions of atoms. But you can't let those creeps catch up, so smile through the pain and leave those idiots in the dust.
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lavenderhateswritting · 4 days ago
Sinister!Mark x Reader
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You're running. The streets are chaos and deep in your heart you understand that there is very little you can do. Running from one person to the next desperately trying to heal who you can, has taken so much out of you . You've been going for hours at this point with no end in sight. The carnage is so brutal you're having a hard time distinguishing one body from the other. When you can you lean down and heal those who are still alive and breathing and point them to the nearest safe house.
Invincible and you had never been close. He was obviously a very nice guy and you could respect him for trying to fight the good fight, but you were support. When the world went to shit you came in after to pick up the pieces so you to never really got to know him. Now you don't know if you'll be able to look him in the eyese without seeing the carnage being created by the other Invincibles around the world.
You were at home when a Mark began reeking habit on downtown Chicago. You couldn't just sit and wait for the fight to be over so you ran to the streets and tried your hardest to help where you could. Which had gotten you caught out without any backup and low on energy.
"It's okay I've got you" You told the civilian you were leaning down to heal.
"Thank you. Oh god thank you I can't feel my legs"
"I'm gonna heal you and then you're gonna have to make a run for the safe house on halsted okay" You placed your hand on his knee and felt some of your energy being sapped away as you fixed his legs.
"You're waisting your time I'm just gonna kill you both anyways." The voice made a chill run down your back.
How could you be so stupid you should have been paying attention. The sounds of destruction had been steadily geting closer, but between your fight to try and help as many people as you could and stop yourself from collapsing everything had turned to background noise. And now he was right behind you.
"Of course I guess if you wanted I could give you a head start. What do you think 10 seconds or 20? I mean it doesn't matter, but time is time." His mocking tone just added on to your hopelessness. You weren't going to make it out of here alive.
The civilian you were helping began to stumble to his street and run as fast as he could. You watched as he tripped over his feet trying his hardest to make use of his head start.
"Aww that's really cute he's actually trying. That's okay I'll make it quick." The Invincible double said. You felt him speed passed you getting dust and dirt in your eyes.
"WAIT NO!" You screamed as you tried to warn the civilian desperately trying to get away. It was to late the Invincible double already had his fist in their stomach up to the elbow.
"Haha sorry about that you just healed that guy right." He finally turned to you. He looked exactly like Invincible except his suit was black and yellow instead of blue and yellow and his smile there was something so rotten about the smile he sent you.
"Well isn't that interesting." He looked at your face and the sinister smile he had on his face began to grow. You could barely breathe and all of a sudden he was directly in front of you scanning your face so close you could feel his breath on youre skin.
"You look just like them." If it was possible his smile got even wider.
You jumped backwards desperately trying to crawl away as fast as possible. It didn't matter. He grabbed your face with a grip so hard that you could feel your jaw straining under the force.
"Now where do you think you're going love. It's been so long since I've seen this face of yours."
"Let go of me I don't know who the hell you are , but just kill me already you asshole." Your voice was shaking, but you were trying your hardest to at least die with dignity.
"Has the Mark in this universe left you to sit here just running around with that fire in you. What a fucking idiot." He finally let go of your face. You turned to make a run for it, but before you could the ground was already disappearing underneath your feet.
"You know in my universe we used to do this all the time. I'd fly you up here and then I'd fuck you above all of these worms who never stood a chance agaisnt me." He was holding you up by your shoulders and shooting into the sky. He watched your face as he spoke those words searching for some kind of reaction all you could do was scream.
"Put me down. Holy shit put me down you crazy son of a bitch." Your eyes were watering from the wind in your eyes and you were so high you could no longer see the Chicago skyline.
"Really you want me to put you down?" He was smiling still laughing at your panicking. "Ok if you say so." And then he let you go.
The ground was geting closer and closer and as you flailed your arms you were certain this would be it.
"Nah just kidding." He said as he swooped in and grabbed you a few miles above the ground.
"Why are you crying love you know I would never drop you." There were tears free flowing down your face now you.
"What do yo want from me. I don't know anything that could help you. I don't even know Invincible that well." Your voice was shot you. It felt like you ahd been screaming for hours you were drained in a way you had never felt before.
"Oh love I don't want anything from you. I never did." His faced softened into something that could almost be viewed as love. He leaned forward and you flinched back, but you couldn't go far as he placed his head in the crook of your neck.
"They took you from me. Turned you against me. Made me have to do something I would have never done If they hadn't left me with no other choice." As he was speaking his hold on you got tighter and tighter until you couled feel your bones creaking.
"But, I've been given another chance and I won't fail you this time." He turned his head against your neck and you finally felt him leave a feather light kiss on your neck.
You thought as fast as you could and finally you reached your arm up and rubbed your hand on his forearm.
"It's okay Mark. I'm right here, but you've gotta let me down you know. You've gotta let me do my job." You had no clue how the other you acted and if you're being honest you just needed to get out of here anyway you could.
"If I let you goback to work I'm just gonna have to kill you again." The saddened ex lover was gone and now it was just the mass killer again.
"Okay okay I won't go back to work then I'll go back to my apartment." You just needed to get out of his hold any way you could if you're being honest. You would have told him you were going to backflip off Sears Tower if it would have gotten him to let you go.
He pulled his head back so fast of he could have gotten whiplash you could have sworn he would have gotten it. There was maic look to his face again.
"Yeah we're going to go back to your apartment. And then we're going to watch (favorite show) and have some pizza. You're a genuis love." He kissed the top of your head and then all of a sudden you were speeding off and were in front of the door to your apartment.
You were staring at it with shaking hands and wide opened eyes. The psycho killer who had already killed one version of you and had killed a civilian diectly in front of you after destroying a city new exactly where your apartment was. That's just fucking great.
"Open the door love." His voice still had that manic edge to it as he stood behind you. You reached into your pocket and fumbled with your keys before you opened the door.
He zipped in immediately and began taking his suit off while floating off the ground.
"Woof I need a shower order the food and I'll borrow some of your clothes okay." He was peeling the bloody costume off in the middle of your fucking living room.
Your eyes nearly popped out of your head as you watched him get undressed. You were seeing parts of Invincible that you really weren't ever supposed to see and holy shit he wasn't wearing underwear. You turned your head and trying to not think about the line of hair that began below his stomach and worked its way down lower than you were ever supposed to see on him.
"I can't order food you destroyed the city remember." Why would you say that your brain was literally short circuiting right now.
"Haa yeah I did whoops guess we'll just have to make something." And then he spead off down the hall to your bathroom. Something in you wanted to keep your costume on if nothing else than just as emotional support since you were trapped in your one bedroom apartment with a fucking serial killer. But the dust and grime had begun to make your skin itch and before you knew it he was out of the bathroom and you were in it.
Sitting on the couch you turned on (favorite show). He layed his head on your lap and grabbed your hand and placed it on his head. You began to work your hands through his hair as he slowly started to loose the tension in his body. Once you finally heard his breath shllow out and tiny snores make their way past his lips you finally hung your head back. Fuck how were you gonna explain this to Cecil.
Grammar mistakes probably I speed wrote this in the middle of the night I can't tell if I wanna write about Conquest next or Batman I love old men I don't know if this really reads like Sinister he feels a little more sidistic than I've made him here
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xjulixred45x · 1 year ago
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Rant about AU Yandere!Mark
Some situation with AU Yandere Mark Grayson/Invincible
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Starfire Reader (Drabble)
SinisterMark Grayson/Invincible x Evil Reader (Drabble)
Platonic Yandere! Sinister Mark Grayson/Invincible x Gn! Younger Sibiling Reader
Platonic Yandere Mohawk Mark Grayson/Invincible x Sibiling Reader: You..(Drabble)
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Scarlet Witch! Reader
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Raven! Reader
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Yui Komori! Reader
Mark Grayson/Invincible x Viltrumite! Male Reader
Immortal x Immortal! Reader: Eternity
Lluvia de ideas sobre AU yandere Mark
Algunas situaciones con el Yandere!Mark Malvado/Invencible
Mark Grayson/Invencible x Starfire Lectora (Drabble)
AU sinister! Invencible/Mark Grayson x Lectora Malvada
Yandere Platónico Sinister Mark con hermano lector
Yandere Platónico Mohawk Mark x Mainstream! Lector: tu...
Mark Grayson/Invencible x Lectora Bruja Escarlata
Mark Grayson/ Invencible x Lectora Raven
Mark Grayson/Invencible x Yui Komori lectora
Mark Grayson/Invencible x Lector Viltrumita
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gatorbites-imagines · 6 days ago
I was wondering if you have more of a snippet and or more head canons of Sinister Mark when he had his miscarriage and if he longed to have another after pregnancy seeing the others with their near almost to term pregnancies and or with their new borns. I feel like when he sees how caring (specifically hybrid mark) with his little cubs and is all maternal there’s like something that just stirs in sinister. Perhaps it’s longing perhaps it’s jealousy
I think hed have some strong struggles with jealousy and longing, and a lot of self-hatred, and he would blame himself so much for the loss. He would go on long flights away from home, because he just cant stand seeing all the other Marks happy and healthy, so close to term, able to feel their babies kick, giddy with anticipation. 
He would struggle with wanting to try again, like he just needed it to happen to feel complete again. Like, to prove himself and others that he isn't a failure. I don't see the reader agreeing when he's in this state, which just makes Sinister even angrier, he would have some explosive reactions because his mental state has never been the most stable, and this just threw a wrench in it all. 
You know what I think would end up helping a lot? Debbie. I don't know if she has had miscarriages of her own, but she has been pregnant and has struggled with that fear. Plus, she's his mother, kinda. Sinister might not have had much of a relationship with his own mother, but being held and comforted by Debbie just... heals some part of him. 
It might be because he's spent so much time with other versions of himself that things are melding together, or because he's used to being feared by literally everybody so he doesn't feel he can be vulnerable with anyone but the reader and perhaps the other Marks. So having a version of his mom not be scared, and just be there for him is strange but comforting. Sometimes all we need is our mom, ya know? 
Sinister Mark wouldn't go to therapy, none of them trust any therapist in this place, but having people to talk to helps. Hes also just, extra quiet and mellow than everyone is used too, so he gets extra loving from pretty much everyone.  
Imagine prisoner Mark is the one who lets Sinister Mark hold his babies the first time. They're small, weaker than the offspring of the other Marks because of how long prisoner Mark was locked away, but they are warm, breathing and alive.  
The other Marks would be wary about letting Sinister Mark close, but prisoner gives him a chance. And just being able to hold them, feel how alive they are, see how responsive they are to his voice and actions. His shoulders just visibly loosen, and sinister Mark just curls up around the two small twins and just... holds them, kisses them, pats them, etc, etc.  
Prisoner Mark stays close by obviously, and takes the twins when Sinister clearly gets too worked up about it but... it helps a lot, it also means that the other Marks feel safer about it. This is the softest they ever get to see Sinister, except for when he's with reader, lmao. 
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gatorbites-imagines · 14 days ago
can you requested of all 20 mark Grayson on how differently it is to having sex with them in different situations since I'm wonder how you imagined that they prefer in bed or public lol
Alternate Mark headcanons 
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There is just way too many of them, so i can't go into detail about all of them and what they would all be like. So instead, here is a few things they would be into, both as a group and individually.  
Keep in mind that some will be similar, and honestly, they're probably all into the same stuff for the most part, just to different degrees. 
What every Mark is into 
Oral fixation 
Praise Kink 
Heart beat kink, I have no idea if this even has a name. 
Cock warming (on you) 
Breeding (on him) 
Collaring (some actual collars, shock collars, necklaces, chokers, etc) 
Petplay/ownership (to different degrees) 
Now on to each Mark 
Sinister Mark 
Cannibalism, obviously. 
Strength kink, could be you being stronger, or using something to weaken him. 
Gore, blood, etc. 
Milking (on him) 
High-top Mark 
Nipple torture 
Flexibility (like, you putting him in a mating press or in a split, etc etc) 
Gloves and boots, worship of your gloves and boots 
Prisoner Mark 
Loves you being loud, be it moaning, grunting or dirty talk, can't stand the silence. 
Massages. Doesn't even have to be steamy, he just loves feeling your hands on him. 
Hands and anything involving your hands. 
Likes taking it slow but very deep, really just wants to feel it. 
20/20 Mark 
Spit and drool, please spit in his mouth 
Very intense eye contact 
Orgasm control 
Scratching and mark him up when you guys bang 
Flaxan Mark 
Voice kink, please speak to him 
Sentai and hero suits, especially you wearing it 
Boot worship 
Your feet and legs in general 
Mohawk Mark 
Is extremely loud and cocky, but is also the worst crier during time together. 
Loves to be forced into submission in one way or another. 
Piercings and other body modifications. Would pass out if you pierced or tattooed him. 
What do you call the kink where they like to watch. Like, not you with other Marks, but he loves watching you shower or go about your day. Could jerk off to you doing the dishes if he had to. 
Just... cumming on things in general. Check your protein drink before sipping it... 
Long haired Mark 
Hairpulling, obviously. 
Gets embarrassingly turned on by you washing or styling his hair for him. 
Flexibility, is the most flexible out of all of them. 
Spit and drool 
Bug eye Mark 
Doing it outside, especially in nature or the backyard. 
Way too into tentacles, embarrassed about it 
Hands, anything to do with your hands. 
Half mask Mark 
Watersports, on him, in him, please in his mouth. Thats why the mask only covers half his face. 
Choking and asphyxiation. 
The raunchiest and sloppiest throatfucking you can think of, wants you to go so hard he passes out. 
Maskless Mark 
Pillow humper, bed humper, table humper. Humper in general 
Blushes the most out of all the Marks, it travels all the way down his chest and back. 
Overstimulation, please keep going until he's crying and his voice is all ruined. 
Likes being grabbed and manhandled. Is also the only Mark who has past experience with men.
Full Mask Mark 
Very sensitive gag reflex, but loves to loudly gag and glug on it, drool all over his face and voice raspy. 
Biggest daddy kink out of all of them. Starts saying it on accident. It spreads to the others. 
Loves your mouth on him, especially when you eat him out. 
Loves sleepy time together, like when you guys have just woken up in the morning. 
Moustache Mark 
Feminization (on him), very embarrassed about it. 
Would wear panties if you asked. He secretly wants too, but is too ashamed to try. 
Takes the breeding kink to the next level. (Busts on the spot when you joke about knocking him up). 
If you grew a beard or moustache, but also, you cutting his moustache off. He can't explain why it turns him on so much. 
Shiesty Mark 
Chubby Chaser. Your body type doesn't really matter, but he does get a lil extra giddy if you have some junk in your trunk. 
Sloppiest head you've ever gotten. Full mask may have the worst gag reflex, but Shiesty makes it wet, sloppy and loud on purpose. 
Put a cockring on him, he won't be able to see straight knowing he's got it on. 
Goes really deep into subspace and is so sweet and obedient when he is. Doesn't happen a lot, needs extra aftercare. 
No idea what to call it. He would want to be your housewife, apron and all. 
Also into piss. Doesn't mind watersports, but really into omorashi. Goes wild if he lets go in his suit and how visible it is. 
Just you being dominant in general and telling him what to do. 
Hickeys and bruises. 
Viltrumite Mark 
CBT, especially if you mix it with some roleplay 
Probably got some kinda kink for like, submission. Like, how viltrumites will swear themselves to their leader, on their knee, hand on heart, etc. 
Likes getting told what to do. Acts like it doesnt matter and he only does it because he cares about you, but it gets his rocks off. 
Bulletproof Mark 
Cock cages. 
Muscle worship and massages. Seeing his body covered in oil makes his heart face. 
Feet, hands, your back. Wants to bite and worship you all over. 
Voice kink, please talk to him. 
Faceless Mark 
Edging that then becomes overstimulation, until he's arching and unable to breathe.  
Choking and asphyxiation. Would want to try you waterboarding him, but just hasn't mentioned it... 
Likes watching you get off, just by yourself and not with others. 
Big sucker for soft words and pets, straight up melts against you and would purr if he could. 
Empire Mark 
Worst sweat and musk pig you've ever met. He acts all tough but his knees buckle if you pull him under your arm. 
Can be really really bratty, like, it's horrible. Steals your laundry too, but they all do, he just does it the most. 
Spanking, bruises, hickeys, etc. 
Sloppy seconds, in the sense, that he likes giving you head after you've fucked one of the others. 
Honorary mention 
Cyborg Mark (my original Alt Mark) 
He can change out his genitals, got that robussy, markussy? Yes, it can vibrate, has all the settings you need. 
Doesn't have his original tongue, so his new one is longer and a lot more flexible. He also has no gag reflex. 
Can't actually really digest anything he eats and drinks, so he can save your load. Might give it to the other Marks, for a price... 
Extremely insecure about his body, but also a huge sucker for compliments and praise. 
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gatorbites-imagines · 17 days ago
I can vividly imagine sinister mark on his knees with a collar around his neck on a leash with a muzzle. I love this image so much and I wanna have this for all the marks. Why have one mutt when you can have way way more
I couldn't turn this into actual headcanons or anything, so just have me rambling for a bit about it, because I've had this thought for... a while. 
i will write smut about this if interested, i love this shit.
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Me and my 16 evil boyfriends who do what I tell them to do... what Mark would even be the first to have joined the (harem...) group??? I dont even know what to call them all to tell them apart. Please let me know if theres like commonly accepted names, or should I just make my own names for them all. Cuz this is gonna get confusing. 
Like, if you hooked sinister mark first, I could see the others following suit, little by little. Like, theyd see him crawling on all fours, growling and drooling with his viltrum-level muzzle on. Cuz hes the type that would also need one of those bits, like you would find on a horse. Or maybe more like a gag of something. Something he can chew on and grind his teeth into, as he gets too excited and wants to start biting. 
If the other Marks make fun of his collar, sinister Mark beats the shit outta them. He doesn't kill them, only because he knows you'll praise him for holding back. They are all suckers for praise, I think that's just part of being Mark Grayson. They all act like tough shit, but theyll roll over and show their belly for praise, affection and something in their mouths.  
I think it's also part of being Mark Grayson that they're whiners and whimperers, when you get them that far. Some of them will act all tough and scary, but others will just start whining and begging almost immediately. And when the others see that this behavior gets rewards, well.  
It would be even more funny if you were just... a normal guy. Like, they just pulled up in your dimension and somehow you got sinister Mark in a collar, and one thing leads to another and suddenly your small apartment is filled with guys who could destroy earth if they wanted too. 
You have the world, and probably multiverse, in the palm of your hand. Only way to keep everyone safe, is to keep these guys collared, drooling and hard. How you get viltrum grade kink stuff, I have no idea, but you get it.  
I don't even wanna think about how you'll explain any of this to people. It's not like they can really work, since they technically don't exist in your universe, so you all live on your income. And no, you won't let them steal for you. Bad pets go in the crate and think about what they've done and why it was wrong. 
You dont want to explain to your universes GDA how you keep such dangerous guys under control. But hey, your planets gained new protectors, because your... boyfriends? Pets? Want to keep you safe and happy, and will bend over backwards for pets and kisses. Its extra awkward if your planet already has a Mark, and if that Mark is like the normal one.  
Imagine sitting in the GDA, because theyd wanna keep an eye on you and make an ally out of you at this point. One or two of your Marks are kneeling by your feet, heads in your lap, a third is draped over your back, nuzzling your neck. Your universes normal Mark has to pass through, maybe with the guardians, and you guys just... kinda look at each other. 
You swear you feel your Marks start growling and tensing at the sight of your universes normal Mark, like a pack of feral cats or dogs trying to chase off an outsider.  
Your universes Rex would have an absolute field day with this, and would pick on Mark with this fact. Seeing your Marks draped all over you also means people start underestimating them, until the GDA tries to hurt you or threaten you. Then everyone gets a reality check. 
I think most of the Marks keeps the steamy part of your relationship at home, but some of them would not give a shit that you guys are in public. If they notice you are turned on by something, they are ready to drop to their knees right then and there, or, bend over whatever there is to be bent over. 
Honestly, I'd feel bad for anyone with all 16 of them hanging off them, espcially if you are a normal person. There is no way you would be able to keep up with 16 viltrumites. But hey, maybe you can just watch as they please themselves, have them put on a show. Heck, you could probably have them help each other, if you are into that kinda thing, who am I to judge. 
I like to think they all wear some kind of collar. Some would be something as small as a necklace or choker, and others wear a straight up dog collar with spikes on it. One of those “DO NOT APPROACH” collars. Fuck it, put a shock collar on Mohawk Mark, guy needs it.  
Keep their favorite candy on you as small treats. Even funnier if you got one of those bags on your belt that you use for dog treats. Your universes normal Mark would lose his appetite for his favorite candy after seeing you use them to straight up train these guys to behave.  
Who knows, maybe you'll get a 17th Mark if your universes Mark is just a little crooked or different from normal Mark. The problem is your 16 Marks and if they would accept him, like a pack of wolves accepting an outsider. I love these guys. 
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gatorbites-imagines · 17 days ago
Heyyyyy gator, idk if you're an invincible show only but if you know anything about him I'd love some Sinister Mark x reader HCs he's my favorite freak (iykyk)
Sinister Mark Grayson x male reader 
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I love sinister Mark, hes a fuckass weirdo. I wanna keep him in my pocket in a jar so i can shake him. Cannibalism as a metaphor for love? No. Actual cannibalism as a symbol of love. All the alt Marks matter so much to me, I wanna love them all... 
TW for blood, mentions of cannibalism, sinister Mark stuff.
I honestly do not think you could have anything like a healthy relationship with Sinister Mark. Either, you are his pet that he tortures and owns, not loves. Or you are just as strong as him, or stronger, and you are both monsters. 
That, or its one of those situations where you are stronger than him, chill, and keep him in check like someone with a muzzled dog. All “he don't bite” after Mark just ripped someone in half. 
I think this version of Mark would struggle to outright love somebody. Being so morbid also means you have some disconnect with your emotions, especially healthy ones. 
It might just start out as possession and obsession. He would see you and decide you are interesting, his property. Or you are someone strong enough to be his rival, or to pose a challenge, so he wouldn't leave you alone. 
Maybe, it can evolve into love, but it would still be a very twisted and uncomfortable version of love.  
Sinister Mark is the type of guy who would hurt you, sometimes on accident, sometimes not. If things don't go his way, it wouldn't be beyond him to harm you, or try. 
If you are someone stronger than him, then he would still try, since trying to overpower you is something that intrigues him.  
I couldn't see sinister Mark being soft and caring the same way normal Mark is. He might have his moments where he just wants to be held or would even kiss you and pet your hair. But they are rare and far between. Especially after the whole stranded situation. 
If he survives the whole invincible war arc, and comes back to you in some way, then he would be even more cracked than you are used too. 
I don't really think a guy like him can go to therapy, so the closest he can get is you, and major part of him doesn't want to appear weak in front of you, which results in him being even more unpredictable. 
If you are stronger then him, or just as strong as him anyways, you might need to actually beat some sense into him. You can't get him to be like normal Mark, never, but you can at least get him to calm down a little and listen. 
This is also just a headcanon I have for all versions of Mark, but I think one of the greatest ways to calm him is to pull him against your chest so he can listen to your heartbeat. 
I don't believe that Viltrumites purr like I do kryptonians. And I don't think the heart has any special meaning amongst their people. I just think Mark likes to know you are alive and has memorized how your heart sounds. 
Did you guys know some people have a kink for heart beats? Yeah. I think this Mark has that, and not just yours. I can see him being a lil freak, ripping peoples beating hearts out because it gets him hot and bothered. 
Sinister mark would use murder and cannibalism as foreplay. If you eat people too, then he's panting and running (flying?) in circles like an excited puppy. He would try to lick your mouth and face, to lap up all the blood and gore mixed with your spit. 
Lord have mercy if you have a healing factor that can keep up with him. I think Mark would go crazy, dopey wild and feral smile on his face as he almost starts salivating. 
If it hurts too much, then he's sure there's some kinda drugs that will keep you comfortable so he can take chunks out of you, but keep you aware through it. 
If you have neither of these, I still think this Marks treats your blood and other bodily fluids like ambrosia. Imagine just cutting your finger so he can lick and suck at it when he's behaved himself.  
It just ends up pavloving him to be extra sensitive to the smell of your blood. Like, he would end up able to pick your blood out of hundreds of samples because he's just printed it onto his brain. 
Hes a freak, and I love him. Dating him would be miserable unless you match his freak, or you keep him as a pet. 
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gatorbites-imagines · 10 days ago
Since we've all unanimously decided that Mohawk and Sinister would absolutely wear collars, what would the other petvincibles wear? You mentioned something about some of them wearing necklaces and chokers instead, so I'm curious 👀
Petvincible and their collars 
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Sinister Mark 
One of them choke collars, or those collar-muzzle combos made out of a viltrumite-proof material. The muzzle has a gag of some kind, cuz he loves to drool and gnaw on something. 
High-top Mark 
A thinner more normal collar, the kind that clips on the back. Has a star design on it. Has a cute name tag. 
Prisoner Mark 
I don't see him liking any of the restricting or heavy collars. Wears a necklace instead. 
20/20 Mark 
Shock Collar, or choke collars. Cuz this guy screams freak who breaks rules so he gets shocked. 
Flaxan Mark 
Seems the type to have two collars. A heavy sturdy collar with blunted spikes, and a choker that is similar to those bracelets made out of parachute cord. Paracord? Idk what they're called. 
Mohawk Mark 
Got the strongest shock collar out of all of them. One of those massive clunky ones that covers most of his throat, cuz he loves how he can feel it every time he breathes and moves his head. 
Long haired Mark 
Has a choker, or a thing chain necklace. Wears something close to his neck so it doesn't get tangled in his hair. 
Bug eye Mark 
Thin and smooth leather collar with a name tag. Will claim its a fashion choice if asked. 
Half Mask Mark 
A chain that's not very big but sturdy. Might have a lock on it just to send the message. 
Maskless Mark 
Has a cute flat buckle collar that he doesn't wear a lot cuz he gets flustered. Wears a necklace on the regular. 
Full Mask Mark 
Something sturdy and thick, so that the reader can grab onto it and wrench him around when he needs it. But wears a choker in public. 
Moustache Mark 
A flat white leather collar that's always shined and cared for. He treats it like part of his usual uniform and keeps it in the best condition. Has a cutesy pink frilly collar he keeps hidden that hes too embarrassed to wear. 
Shiesty Mark 
Different chains he wears depending on where he is. At home it can be a thick heavy chain, in public it's more a thin normal chain necklace. 
Has two collars. One's a normal looking necklace. The other is more a dog collar in red with a heart shaped name tag with the name “wife” written in it. He very rarely wears this, as he would mostly wear it when yall are alone. 
Viltrumite Mark 
Stylish and sturdy shock collar. Nothing as bulky as what the others wear, this will look like a stylish white choker, but theres electricity in it. He likes the small snaps of it, to remind him that you are there and paying attention. 
Bulletproof Mark 
Wears a golden chain or necklace, will have a lock on it where the lock matches the one on his, ahem, cage. Reader has the key. 
Faceless Mark 
The kinda collar you can tighten or loosen very easily, so you can choke him with it quicker and release it when he needs to breathe. 
Empire Mark 
Will wear a normal choker in public. But at home he wears one of those collars with a ring on it, so you can pull him around by it. 
Cyborg Mark 
Some sturdy tech collar, or like those throat mics that soap in COD wears. I have no idea what they're called. 
Evil emperor Mark 
Stylish collar with gems on it, or other kinds of glammer. His collar is mostly for show cuz he LOVES to show off, but of course it can still be used for its purposes. 
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gatorbites-imagines · 4 days ago
Sinister Mark and Mohawk Mark would definitely be the ones to catcall the reader in the house the most and are the most likely to tag-team.
Second place goes to Omni Mark and Viltrum Mark (or Sheisty Mark, I imagine Omni Mark isn't picky about his threesome partner)
Honestly, I think sinister and mohawk tag team only to try and one up each other. They give the vibe of two territorial dogs who snarl and snap at each other, frothing at the mouth and barring teeth and all.  
Since they can't both be on readers dick at the same time, at least with their hole (which hole depends on what anatomy they got,,, or if it's the pregvincible au,,,), so I imagine they almost “fight” on the readers dick with their mouths. They are biting each other's tongues and all, until reader snaps at them and tells them to quit, before they accidentally bite his very human dick off. 
Probably ends up with one of them riding readers face and the other rides his dick, just so they both have something inside them that's equally good. Reader is gonna be sore and out of breath, limp on the bed as mohawk and sinister keep fighting on the floor. At least the view is good... 
Omni-mark and viltrum Mark are more stoic and just... quiet and thinking, planning. As much as viltrum mark loves his cock tortured, he loves doing it to reader as well. Reader starts sweating when he catches the two of them looking at him, more quiet than usual with thoughtful expressions on their faces. 
They both want to drain reader down their throats, and of course they both want a load to swallow of equal size and yes, they are stroking and milking until they get the same amount. Then they each want to ride the reader, with equal loads pumped inside them too. You have no idea how they check, cuz at this point reader would be seeing double. 
One of them rides you as the other laps at the readers balls, or bites and licks at the readers neck and chest. If they're feeling extra frisky, theyll ride your face as well. Even better if they are just having a conversation as well as they squeeze reader completely dry. 
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gatorbites-imagines · 4 days ago
Umm so kinda a sad one but how do you think petvincibles would react to reader just shutting down. Getting home from work and just laying on the couch for hours. Think like severe burn out not being able to do anything
Felt like writing what each Mark would do, so here ya go, pookie.
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Its just a bit for each, but yeah, there are a lot of Marks,,, 
Sinister Mark 
Just... kinda awkward about it. Like, he doesnt do feelings like that. Hes used to resorting to violence when he feels stuff he doesnt like so,,, wanna,,, go punch something? No? 
Ends up just kinda hovering around the reader the rest of the day. Might try to bring you stuff like how a dog or cat does. Like... heres your favorite blanket, shirt, heres that drink you like from London,,, 
High Top Mark 
Still kinda awkward about it but at least knows more about it than sinister. Hovers for a bit at a distance before coming closer and carefully asking if you wanna talk about it. 
If you dont then he just sits with you, if you want the company. If you just wanna be left alone, then he still hovers, but at a distance. Keeps an eye on you, makes sure you dont need anything. 
Prisoner Mark 
Has days where he breaks down too, more than the other Marks. Hes so used to isolation that being around people can really drive in up the wall, and he gets overwhelmed. 
One of the few situations where he will bark at the other Marks to back off and leave you alone if you need it. Brings you blankets, snacks, pulls the blinds so it gets comfortably dark, etc. 
20/20 Mark 
Guys a freak and energetic as hell, so he wouldnt even notice for a while that the reader is just laying here, quiet and just overwhelmed by everything. Kinda like an overexcited puppy cuz hes just happy to see you. 
When it finally clicks he just, slowly goes quiet and still. Then he kneels down, trying to see your face, trying to ask whats up, whats wrong, etc. Ends up having to be told by the other Marks whats up.  
After that he backs off and lets reader recharge as he needs. 
Flaxan Mark 
Used to feeling overwhelmed and overworked after doing what hes done with the flaxans, so he just sits down by the reader, would pet readers hair and talk softly to him if reader is okay with it. 
I can imagine him sitting there and fixing up his gear as reader rests and just enjoying his company. Would explain each step in a quiet voice, just for some white noise. 
Mohawk Mark 
Just as awkward as sinister Mark, just kinda chews the inside of his cheek and stands there, trying to talk to reader and make him respond or get up. 
Might get a little annoyed after reader just lays there like the dead, but hes been working on his people skills, so he ends up giving reader a slow pat on the back or head, tells him to rest in a bit of a strained tone, and shuffles off cuz he isnt good at comfort. 
Long haired Mark 
I think hes pretty quiet compared to other Marks when it comes to your relationship, and is observant when it comes to your feelings. 
If you are energetic enough, and you need something to do with your hands, then you can mess with his hair all you want. Or he does your hair as you lay with your head in his lap. 
Bug eyed Mark 
Guys a little strange, but observant. You kinda become observant after becoming evil, and all that. Would quietly ask if you are okay, when he doesnt get a reply he shuffles a bit. 
Then he sits on the floor beside you, and holds your hand in his own, and messes with your fingers or rubs the back of your hand. 
Half Mask Mark 
Another freak weirdo who struggles with feelings and comfort. Peeks into the room to see you laying there, awkwardly stands there in the “mom i threw up” pose. 
Shuffles away again, brings your comfort blanket or pillow or something, shuffles it under your head, gives you a kinda choppy kiss on top of the head and stumbles away again. 
Maskless Mark 
Such a softy, such a sweetie. Would walk over, rubbing your back and quietly ask how youre doing, what happened, or if you need anything. 
Takes your shoes off for you, your jacket or hoodie, and lifts you up so he can lay down, and then lay you on top of him. Will lay there for hours with you, petting your hair and back. 
Full mask Mark 
Hes most likely had moments like this too, and he does what his mom used to do when he was just exhausted and worn out from the world. 
You will find a bowl of cut up fruit or snacks, your favorite drink, and he puts on your comfort movie/show on the tv. Somehow it stays cold and crisp until you are ready to come back to reality. 
Moustache Mark 
I don't think that viltrumites take mental health very seriously, so moustache Mark would just kinda stand there awkwardly. Purses his lips a bit, wiggles his moustache, trying to remember how his mom used to help him. 
Ends up just standing behind the couch, rubbing your back for a bit, maybe tells you that you fought hard and deserve to rest. 
Shiesty Mark 
Another awkward guy. Used to being loud and expression himself and letting his anger control him when hes fighting, or in situations where he needs to react somehow. 
Ends up googling and looking at reddit on how to help. Quietly brings you a hot towel, or cold towel depending on preferences, and makes sure to get your favorite takeout for dinner. 
As the housewife he is, or wishes he was, Omni-Mark will notice the exact moment you step in the door that you aren't the same as usual. Will immediately start hovering. 
When you flop down on the couch, Omni-Mark makes quick work of changing your clothes, getting you comfortable, and will sit you up and feed you if he has too. Then he kisses your forehead and tells you to rest for now. 
Viltrumite Mark 
Like moustache Mark, viltrumite Mark doesn't really know too much about what to do when you feel overwhelmed and just tired of the world. 
Would treat you the same way hed treat a tired warrior, ends up rubbing your back or massaging sore areas of your body, might bully you a little to drink and eat, and help you shower if you need it. 
Bulletproof Mark 
I think hes one of the Marks with most connection to humanity still, so he remembers all about being burnt out, so he remembers what to do much better than the rest. 
He would also have observed what you do on days when you are normal amounts of stress, so he does that, and gives you a couple of kisses and lets you recharge for as long as you need. 
Faceless Mark 
Quiet guy for the most part, so he observes, and starts bringing you stuff the same way a loyal pup would. 
Rubs his face into your hair and mumbles that he loves you and that you did well. Also offers to kill your boss if they are the reason you are worn down.  
Empire Mark 
A brat, so he doesn't notice for the first while. Would just crawl onto the couch and lay down on top of you, and after rambling for a while and nuzzling you, then he realizes. 
Mumbles a bit cuz hes also working on his human feelings, but he does help you kick your shoes off and shuffles you into a more comfortable position so he can cuddle you like an angry kitten. 
Original Mark Graysons 
Cyborg Mark 
Has just as many days where hes worn down and exhausted as you, if not more. It depends on how far he is in his healing journey. Chances are, you guys end up just lying there together. 
Since he can vibrate, then he would rub your back, or legs. Like he sits down with your legs in his lap and massages them and your feet as he watches tv. Uses his cyborg eyes to also check you over, to make sure everything is alright. 
Evil emperor Mark 
Doesn't do weakness, and hasn't done it in like, a thousand years. He would try to be understanding, but he is most likely the one who's most lost out of all the Marks. 
Chances are, he will pick you up and hold you against his chest. Just carries you around like a plushie all day, wraps his cape around you to cocoon you from the world. Kisses you every now and then, just so you know he loves you. 
Tiger Hybrid Mark 
Very affectionate in general, so he'd summon his tiger ears and tail, might even summon paws so he can knead your back, letting out those deep rumbles tigers do, since they don't purr. 
Ends up wrapped all around you, licking through your hair with his rough feline tongue, making it stick up in every direction, his tail wrapped around your leg as he chuffs the entire time. 
Wolf hybrid Mark 
Lays his ears back cuz he just smells the stress on you, might whine a little and nuzzle against you. Snuffles under your chin, trying to make you laugh. When that doesn't work his tail tugs between his legs. 
Can and will drag you to his nest in the closet. Wraps all around you, huffing, whining and licking at you. When it's clear you are actually okay, he will go bring snacks and drinks to keep you healthy. 
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gatorbites-imagines · 11 days ago
Would have to have an insane amount of confidence to let sinister give you head. 35% chance he’s biting it off.
85% he's chewing on it, just in a 'i could do it if I wanted too' situation. The kinda to bare his teeth and snap them at you like a feral animal, before sticking his tongue out and swirling it all around the tip and lurching forwards, like a snake, swallowing it down to the root.
I respect the man who'd put his dick in his mouth, insert that "my dick has taken me places I wouldn't go with a gun" meme.
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gatorbites-imagines · 18 days ago
I feel like Sinister mark would def have an oral fixation but maybe he sort of plays at the fact that he COULD take a munch lmao, but then again maybe half the thrill is the fact you don't know if he's serious or not
(He is)
Y'all should be happy I haven't written yandere mark or sinister mark with a reader with Deadpool level healing abilities. Because I WILL go crazy and start cooking up actual cannibalism as foreplay. Because this has flickered on so many bright lights in my brain.
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gatorbites-imagines · 11 days ago
Have you seen/read Tokyo Ghoul? I was wondering how the Petvincibles would react to Reader being half-ghoul like Kaneki. Reader recently became one not too long before he met them and believes he’s this hideous, grotesque monster.
When Reader’s rinkaku/back tentacles accidentally sprout and one of his eyes become veiny black and red, maybe when he gets really emotional around the Marks being hard to deal with, he freaks out. Meanwhile, the other Marks think he looks cool, even beautiful with whatever is going on with him.
Also, I think this is one of the rare alternate versions of Reader where him and Sinister Mark can actually be something, dare I say, sweet. Imagine Sinister Mark knowing the whole time there was something up with Reader because he knows that hungry-for-flesh-and-blood look better than anyone else. Maybe this Mark can even help Reader accept to take care of himself and not starve. Hell, he offers himself as Reader’s first piece of meat and/or sip of blood to curb Reader’s hunger pains until they figure out how to help Reader accept that he’s half-ghoul because nothing can change that.
Let’s even throw in Cyborg Mark, Viltrumites-are-actually-aliens Mark, and Viltrumites-are-hybrids Mark alongside Sinister Mark for being the Marks that’d have more of a connection and be more knowledgeable on how to offer help with half-ghoul Reader (shhh don’t tell the others for obvious reasons. They still help in their own way ❤️) struggling to accept himself and his new way of living (that got worse/better now that they’ve crash landed on his planet and smooshed themselves in his small apartment).
(I rambled again lmao I just have an idea and go off in your inbox lol sorry. I get so into thinking about these Petvincible AUs)
I know like, nothing about Tokyo ghoul, I think I watched a few episodes many years ago and I borrowed a game from my brother once about it, but I do remember how ghouls can only survive on human flesh right? And coffee, I think???
Honestly, the marks are freaks, but especially sinister mark, I fear he'd start flushing and grinning, doesn't even try to hide how turned on he gets see the reader all feral, and bloody if that's the case.
The others would think it was cool or hot in their own ways cuz I believe in my soul that mark Grayson is a monster fucker and has jerked off to tentacles before, so they aren't complaining.
Sinister mark would take reader eating part of him as a marriage proposal pretty much, there's NO way to get rid of him now. Well, there wasn't before, but now it's even worse. The others mark, I can't see would let you eat them the same way, but they will let you bite the, except for maybe cyborg mark, but that's because he's got so little human(viltrumite?) flesh left that isn't scar tissue.
Hybrid marks the one acting the wildest about the bite cuz... Mating bite and all, like sure they're all into it and think it's hot, but for him it's actually a whole thing and messes with his hormones for a while. Expect let's of purring from him as he rubs on you, his tail doing that jittery things cats do when excited.
They'd all wanna study the back tentacles tbh, even if theyre dangerous, it's just a whole new thing and is worth discovering, plus, it's part of the reader, so why would they ever hate it?
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gatorbites-imagines · 18 days ago
Do y'all think sinister mark would have an oral fixation, or is he the kinda guy where you wouldn't put your bits in his mouth for obvious reasons...
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gatorbites-imagines · 12 days ago
i’m so grateful for ftm reader too‼️ if u happen to have any thoughts on sinister and ftm reader i would be so grateful
Honestly? I don't see any mark acting any different if the reader was trans. If sinister hated you, then he wouldn't hate you any more or less cuz of your gender, he hates just for the game. And if he loved you then your gender wouldn't matter either.
You might have to explain dysphoria to him, especially if you have the kind that means he can't touch you because he wants to hold you, grab you, kiss you, etc etc.
With sinister i can see him getting annoyed and frustrated because he doesn't really get it, and it just gets in the way of him getting what he wants (to touch you, bite you, sleep with you, etc etc)
But, because that's what i want as the writer, sinister wouldn't do anything that would force you into anything, cuz I personally do not like that lmao. But he does get moody, snappy, and doesn't really know how to help with dysphoria. He will kill anybody who disrespects you though.
Homeboy would threaten doctors to give you hormones and surgery if you wanted it, or find some alien doctor who can give you the body you want. He will claim it's for selfish reasons, but its also cuz it makes you happy, he just doesn't want to admit he has feelings outside of murder.
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