#i give love and share great luck to anyone who needs it
macadamiyam · 6 days
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puckinghischier · 6 months
Gameday!Nico Headcanons
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just some more noggin thoughts while watching the game tonight 🤭
- gameday!nico who always asks for you to make him chocolate chip pancakes after morning skate because he claims it makes him fall asleep easier for his post-practice nap, but you think it’s really just because he wants an excuse to spend a bit more time with you before games and he knows they’re your favorite
- gameday!nico who always asks you to pick out his suit for arrival for him because he knows you’ll save every picture that’s posted of him, and also share them to your various social media stories, so he wants to look good in them for you
- gameday!nico who lets you come up with his celly each night, no matter how silly, because he knows you love posting his goals on your story and coming up with names for his various cellys throughout the season
- gameday!nico who forces the team to always act surprised when you show up to the arena with coffees and bakery treats for everyone after morning skate, even though you do it at least every other home game because he knows how much you love surprising people
- gameday!nico who only gets in fights when the opposing team’s players decide they want to include you in their chirps, knowing you’ll be mad at him for engaging, but he also can’t let anyone get away with thinking it’s okay to talk about his girl in any way that isn’t explicitly positive
- gameday!nico who calls you in-between warm ups and puck drop every game, even if you’re in the arena with him, because he needs to hear you say your usual “good luck, neeks. i’ll be cheering the loudest, you just gotta listen for me” or he won’t be able to play without thinking about how he didn’t get to hear your voice before hitting the ice
- gameday!nico who lets you write little messages on his stick before games so if he’s feeling discouraged during a game he can just look down and know that you’re proud of him no matter what, giving him a second wind to finish the game with everything he’s got
- gameday!nico who loves nothing more than walking out of the locker rooms at the end of the night, win or lose, to you standing there waiting on him with a big smile on your face, wrapping him in a hug and whispering in his ear how proud you are of him
- gameday!nico who looks forward to warm-ups every home game because he can’t wait to see what sign you bring that night. whether it’s a cheesy pick up line, a knock-knock joke, or simply an ‘i love you’, he loves to see what you’ve come up with.
- gameday!nico who loves to chuck a few pucks over the glass where you’re standing so you can hand them out to the fans that weren’t early enough to snag a spot on the glass for warm-ups
- gameday!nico who doubles over in laughter on the ice when he sees you on the big screen, flashing the silly etsy t-shirt you’re wearing with his face plastered all over it to everyone in the rock
- gameday!nico who comes home after any game you couldn’t attend and asks you, like an excited little kid, if you saw his goals and all the great plays he made that night. when you tell him yes he launches into a complete retelling of the game while you lay with him and gently stroke your fingers through his still wet hair, both of you wondering how you got so lucky to be able to come home to one another every night
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fortpeat · 3 months
The scene that needs to be talked about !!!
This scene has my whole heart and soul I am telling you 🥺🥺. I don't even know where to begin !
I feel like we truly forget how young Mahasamut is and that it's Tongrak who's the older one but we see a lot of patience from Mahasamut and the bratty side to Rak we truly forget that Mahasamut is just 20/21 yrs old and he is so young 🥺
(Personally I don't like calling Mahasamut as Mut coz I hate that word and if I do end up calling it's mostly through chat just coz I am lazy to type his whole name or I might just end up calling him Maha 😂. Maha means great in a lot of languages but I know it personally coz it also means great in Sanskrit!)
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In this scene we start with Mahasamut telling that he has used all his lifetimes luck to have Rak with him 🥺 and one of the things I noticed is how often Maha says "someone like me" 😭😭 for all his confidence there's still a part of Maha that feels like he is not worthy of Rak's attention/affection especially when he believes that he has nothing to give in return 🥺 and when he asks Rak not to leave it came from a moment of desperation but seeing the surprise on Rak's face he takes it back believing he has no right to ask that of Rak.
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The shift in their dynamics is so clear in this scene coz we see Rak acting his age by telling Maha to act his age and to just ask and he keeps caressing Maha's face and hair lovingly and I wonder if Rak even realizes hes doing that. 🥹🥹🙏
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And the hesitation on Maha's face the clenched fists it all shows the battle that is going on within him that makes him want to just shut down and not ask coz this is a boy who was thrown out by his own parents at the mere age of 15 just coz he shared his love for the ocean and his creatures. He has believed that unless he is contributing useful something to the table he has no right / place to speak his mind about what he wants or needs 🥺
When he says I have nothing to offer you, I think it was very important that Rak replied back with "I want nothing from you" like it's so important Maha had to hear that from Rak. In that moment all their "transactional" jokes were nothing but dust in the air. For Rak it's a way to tell himself that this connection between them is just coz Rak is paying Maha but everyone but Rak knows that it's not true. These two yes they annoy each other, they banter and flirt but they also have these deep conversations in the middle of the night while gazing at the stars and think "why the hell did I say all that to someone whom I have known for just 2 weeks"
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"If I ask and you refuse I might never dare to ask anyone again" it's true you know once we open up to someone and then when they reject or say to that part of us we might never find the courage to be that vulnerable again coz the pain of that rejection feels like a stab to our heart. It's basically telling us that this soft vulnerable part of us is not worthy of love / care. So every time after that even if we want to be vulnerable there's still a part of us that goes " what if history repeats itself again, will I be able to pick up the pieces and go through that again"
The vulnerability in Maha's face as he keeps looking at Rak and tells him that he won't prank Rak or annoy him or wake him up early 🥺 like - "I will do anything as long as you stay" and Rak replying back with "you being you is what I need" Maha needs to hear that - despite being an annoying little shit it is that very same nature that brought Rak closer to him and trust him.
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Does Rak even realise how in love he looks here. The adoration and fondness his eyes convey. 🥺🥺 Their smiles when Rak agrees not to go was so cute and then the kiss attack 😭😭 (reminded me so much of Paisky I am crying more now)
I want to give a standing ovation for Fortpeat coz their acting in this scene was phenomenal 😭😭 it was so so good ! Fort my baby you have brought me to tears 😭😭 (is it just me who's thinking Fort cries so prettily 🫣🫣)
This episode was so wholesome and it was everything and so much more. Fortpeat in vulnerable scenes are a league of their own !!!!
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skzdust · 2 months
SKZ x Reader air travel headcanons <3
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Definitely not inspired by me being on vacation and doing a LOT of flying.
That’s also why I haven’t been posting much writing—been writing a lot actually but nothings quite ready to post yet because of vacation!
Enjoy these little headcanons <3
Taglist (Comment on a post/send an ask if you'd like to be added): @weirdowithaphone, @caught-in-the-afterglow, @palindrome969, @skzstan12345, @katsukis1wife, @tsunderelino, @hyunjinsjeans, @somethingkindazainy
Likes/reblogs/comments appreciated!
Bang Chan
Chan gets like an overenthusiastic dad when it’s time to fly somewhere.
He’s at the airport hours before your flight, he’s got you checked in on the app, he’s preordered coffee and it’s ready for pickup.
You get to your gate early, of course, and it’s so early in the morning you fall asleep against his side waiting for your group to be called
Chan wakes you with a kiss on the head when it’s time to board
You fall right back asleep as soon as you’re on the plane, and he puts his arm around you
Lee Know
Minho takes a more relaxed approach. He still likes to be early, but doesn’t stress about it as much as Chan
Insists on paying for everything at the airport and even gets you silly little airport souvenirs. You have a collection of mini stuffed animals representative of every place you’ve traveled
“This one’s cute like you.” He says, holding up a little bunny. You laugh as he makes it hop towards you
Minho always makes a toast while in the air, whether it’s with airplane wine (that he paid for of course) or just your water bottles. He says it’s good luck
Changbin makes everything at the airport a game
Who can get through security the fastest? He’ll time you. Guess the gate before it’s assigned, whoever’s number is closest gets a pastry on the other. Sit down at one of the airport restaurants and make up stories about the people passing by.
For as much as he acts like he’s having fun, Changbin is a bit nervous about flying. You can see his little tells, even when he’s joking around
You hold his hand when the plane takes off, and by the time you land at the end of the flight, he’s a little calmer
As soon as you get home or your hotel, he needs a nap, even just a half hour, before he’s ready to do anything. Flying tires him out
This man thrives at an airport. He loves flying
His airport fits always look great. It looks effortless to anyone else, but you and he have been going over outfit options for days before the trip. You’re coordinating with each other and you’re eating it up
Hyunjin is very comfortable with the actual flying as well, often falling asleep on planes just from relaxation
He loves to just close his eyes and listen to music. You often share headphones with him when you’re at the gate or on the plane and listen to the same songs together
Jisung is so affectionate at airports
He wraps his hand around your waist possessively, pulling you close and pressing a kiss to your cheek while you’re looking at the board to see your gate
You giggle and tell him to let you focus on the flight, so he helps you find your gate, and you navigate there before he pulls you into his lap on one of the airport chairs
He always lets you have the window seat
Hanji does get a bit nervous with flying, like Changbin, but holding hands helps, so your fingers lace with his on the armrest
You smile as you watch the airport grow smaller and smaller behind you, knowing you’re on another adventure with the love of your life
If you’re nervous about flying, Felix is who you want to go with
He always has extra snacks, water bottles, gum, mints, earbuds, everything else you could even possibly need
He likes the window seat but if you feel strongly about it he’s always happy to give it to you
He’ll talk to you to distract you if you’re feeling anxious, and he’ll always get you laughing, even if your stomach is in knots.
Seungmin has a thing about airline apps. He doesn’t trust them. Always checks in at the desk instead of online and gets printed off boarding passes. Which is not a bad thing, just takes a few more minutes sometimes
You tease him about it, but you’re always glad for it when you see someone struggling with their digital boarding pass or whatever
He’s really collected about issues with flights and things—if there’s a storm or whatever, he can keep a level head and figure out the next best path
He’s really nice to everyone and will offer directions to people and that sort of thing
He will not lose your suitcase. And if you and your luggage do get separated, he will find that thing if it’s the last thing he does
Innie doesn’t love flying, he’ll admit it
But that means he’s very efficient about it, planning out your time in the airport for the smoothest travel experience
He will splurge on business class tickets so it’s always lovely to fly with him in the big seats, especially for a longer flight
He doesn’t fall asleep easily on flights, so if you take a nap, he’ll watch over you, making sure you have a pillow and your blanket isn’t sliding off
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makilime · 5 months
Rex Splode x Gn!Reader
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I wasn't joking when I said that just now this character won't let me think straight.
⏤͟͟͞͞ ⦅Dating heacanons⦆⏤͟͟͞͞
Patience is not an option, it is a requirement with this man. There will be moments when you'll just want him to shut his mouth.
Now, either you share the same neuron or you'll probably need to count to 10 a hundred times a day.
If you share the same neuron, he's your man, although you'll probably get a stomach ache for laughing at their stupidity.
That would probably bring you a lot of scolding if that's the case, you won't be Immortal's favourite person, that's for sure.
If you're someone more serious, he'll try hard to at least get a smile out of you.
Your relationship would be a poorly hidden secret. He's not ready to admit he's dating someone yet, rather he doesn't want anyone to find out about It because Eve and Kate will almost certainly explain to you that he's a total idiot.
It's not like they're lying, but after almost dying he's really trying to get better.
Yeah, remember"poorly hidden secret"? Well, he talks about you 24/7, without saying your name of course. "I'm going on a date with someone really hot, it's like the coolest person I've ever met in my life"
Words of affirmation is something that would surprisingly make him be in the palm of your hand.
Not that he complains about other displays of affection, he's more than happy to receive any kind of physical contact and attention.
As for gifts, he is not too excited but he appreciates it.
He's not the kind of person who gives flowers or chocolates, he'd probably give you something you were looking at in a shop window, you'd find it in front of your door in the same bag he bought it in.
Civilian? He'll be all smug about how cool it is to be a hero and especially how cool he is as a hero "Save humanity? Yeah, I do it twice this week, easy peasy."
Hero? Then he will be a pain in the ass. It's not that he doubts your abilities, he just wants to take the lead, show you that you're safe with him, even though he'll probably cause more collateral damage in the process.
Who cares about saving the world? He would sacrifice the world to save you.
If you jump into danger, he'll stand by your side.
In private, his attitude is a little different. He will really listen to you and be someone you are comfortable talking to about your problems or anything that crosses your mind.
However, don't expect great advices, although I don't deny that he'll make a real effort.
Something quiet and simple is perfect for him, you would become his safe space, he wouldn't be alert all the time waiting for something to try to kill him.
Dates are more spontaneous than planned, if there is free time there is always the possibility of going to your favourite restaurant.
His perfect date would be go to get a drinks and then just watch movies at home, even better if it's your home... Although I don't think he have a home himself.
Who fell in love first? If you fell first, he fell harder for sure.
I mean, the first week he would think "of course, who wouldn't fall in love with me?".
After a month he realised that you were serious and thought it wouldn't be a bad idea to try his luck.
... There was no turning back once he fell in love with you.
On the other hand, if he fell first, there will be no lack of reckless flirtations and awkward approaches, if you appreciate your personal space he will love your personal space.
In the middle of class you could see him at the window beckoning to you.
Casually one day the fire alarm is turned on and he convinces you to skive off, can you blame him? He just wants to take advantage of his free time.
If you went on a mission together he wouldn't get tired of teasing you.
However, if you are a man, you will suddenly realise that he is much nicer to you than to others. Favouritism is more than obvious to everyone.
Especially when you're in the same room with other guys, he'll suddenly go from calling Mark a chicken to offering if you want to get something to eat after training, he won't let you pay for anything.
Maybe a casual spanking after finishing a mission, just to reinforce the camaraderie of course.
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It's the first time I write in this format, so sorry if something is written weirdly, English is not my first language.
If you have any request I'll be happy to write or draw it, I also do fanfics :D
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adrianicsea · 8 months
the time that glenn howerton was in a gay period-piece play about crossdressing
so awhile back i was poking around glenn howerton's wikipedia looking for movies and such that i might have missed, and i noticed it had a small theatrical section listed. this was never something i'd given much thought in the past, but on this particular occasion i was so hard-up for new Glontent that i decided to see what i could find about the three plays listed there, because i'd never seen anyone else have much luck with that and i love a good internet scavenger hunt. walk with me.
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compleat female stage beauty caught my eye right away-- the title of the play itself is interesting, and i happened to know already that the most famous real-life duke of buckingham was the lover of king james. so of course i went delving...
and what should i find but the entire playscript for compleat female stage beauty, For Free, on archive dot org? anyone on earth can rent it and read it for an hour at a time, or for 14 days if you want to really take your time with it. i have to assume that this is NOT common knowledge among sunny fans (or anyone else), as the archive upload only has 99 views at the time of making this post.
to give a VERY succinct summary of what the play is about-- in the 1660s, during the english restoration, women were allowed to act professionally onstage for the first time in english history. this caused problems for the male actors who had previously made their careers playing female characters, such as edward kynaston, around whom the play centers. outside of his acting career, kynaston is a gay man, and he's in a romantic entanglement with george villiars, the duke of buckingham (NOT the same duke of buckingham who was fucking king james-- that was this villiars' dad. we love gay fathers and their gay sons!) kynaston struggles to find his place in a changing social landscape where it seems as though his talents are no longer needed or wanted.
before getting into the script proper, the book has some information about notable early productions of the play. this is great because it pins down a lot of details about glenn's involvement in the show that wikipedia left unanswered, but there's also an unexpected sunny crossover here-- in an even EARLIER production, the lead role was played by david hornsby!
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(i also learned over the course of my deep dive on this that glenn's costar, lead actor brandon demery, was a fellow member of glenn's graduating juilliard group!)
things don't end well for kynaston and villiars, but still, the onstage relationship between the two is both electrifying and heartbreaking as it changes over the course of the show.
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now, this WOULD be where i would include cast pictures or footage or any kind of photos of glenn in this show... but if any such material exists, it's not publicly available. i went so far as to email the publicity and outreach coordinator for the theater that hosted glenn's production of this show to ask if they had any archived materials, but she told me that they didn't.
but this production took place in october of 2000, meaning it was pre-that 80s show, meaning we can all sit and think about how a glenn that looked like This was acting in a gay period piece about crossdressing and gender roles and the mystery of human sexuality. dudes rock.
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a bit of a disappointing note to end on, i know, but i really wanted to talk about this play and share it with people!! it's a super interesting and overlooked part of glenn's early career, but also i think the script is fascinating and very well-written in its own right. i definitely encourage yall to check it out on the internet archive if you're interested-- again, it's literally free!
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ronearoundblindly · 1 year
Love of My Life (a RoAR drabble)
Flufftober Day 10, Ransom Drysdale x rich!Reader (see series)
This is it, gang, the moment Ran has avoided for soooo long... No warnings, and I even avoided cursing (there is one 'damn' and some taking the lord's name in vain lol). Hopefully, it still seems like Ran then! 🤣 Unedited, short.
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"Watch out!"
Ran yanks his foot off the gas and swivels the beamer to the right, missing his chance to merge up the ramp to Drop Offs.
"My god, Hugh, what is wrong with you? Should I have called Dubois?"
"No," he bites back, "I just didn't see that guy in my blindspot."
Ran is utterly distracted while driving you to the airport. You're on your way back to Beijing for who knows how long, and since everything changed two days ago, he's struggled to focus.
Now he has to loop around the entire place to get back to your departure door. That gives him time, but he hasn't used that wisely so far. Why would traffic be different?
His head pivots back and forth, triple-checking his mirrors.
Your hand lightly lays on his arm. He can't feel the warmth of your skin through his sweater sleeve, sadly.
"Hugh," you soothe, "we'll figure out the money and get you back out to visit soon, I promise."
For once--for one bizarre and shining moment in Ransom Drysdale's life--this isn't about money, so he huffs in annoyance.
"That's not... Let's just get you there."
He takes only a split second to look at your soft smile before overly attending the road. He's not thinking about the heated conversation in this very car the other night, he's ignoring the elephant in the back seat with a tattooed forehead that reads "marriage," and he's definitely swallowing three gigantic stone words.
His car pulls up to the busy curb, and you start for the door handle.
"Wait," he shout-whispers, unable to figure out what his voice should sound like. If he speaks deeper, will that be more serious? If he's quiet, will it seem gentle and genuine? He has no idea. Ran's never told anyone this before, not deliberately, not for real.
You squeeze his hand sweetly when he reaches out.
"I promise I charged my phone."
"No, that--"
"And I've CC-ed you on all my itinerary emails."
"Great but--"
"Yes, I ordered more night cream for the hotel, and I'll keep up with--"
"Just SHUT UP for a--" Ran covers his mouth "--sorry. I--I just..."
He can't finish the damn phrase. The pressure in his chest is topping out the meters and he can't do it.
Patiently, you sit back in the front seat, sighing, eyes darting between him and the airport security guard keeping the flow of cars steady. You bite your lip instead of prompting him.
He has another false start.
By this point, Ransom might cry in frustration.
This is not supposed to be so difficult. Why has he made this so difficult? You two have shared far more intimate things than this. Christ, he's proposed already! It's a good thing you've asked him not to tell anybody because he can't even say I love you.
"I know you do, Hugh. It's okay."
Did he? Did he just blurt that out in the middle of thought?!? That's twice now then, but perhaps the first instance you've truly heard. Third time's the charm maybe...
"I love you," he says, no chance to be mistaken. He hears it, he knows you hear it, and he means it. His voice sounds normal yet foreign, changed but unchanged, kind. He sounds kind. Ran isn't sure if he likes it.
"And I love you, too," you return easily.
The true and enormous grin that blooms across your face is something he definitely likes though--loves even.
He smiles but quickly reins it back in, aware that stupid guard is eyeing their immobile vehicle with no one unloading.
"Come 'ere," he breathes.
You're on him in a flash, tender lips kissing his, and just for luck, he mumbles it a few more times. Practice. He'll need practice. You told him he would to lead a new life with you. One day it will seem as normal as swiping his credit card.
"I love you. I love you. I love you."
He gets his favorite giggle in response. He really is a sucker for that silly noise. How he used to hate it...but oh, how he loves it now.
There's a bracing tap at his window.
"Hey! Let's get moving, you two. Other people need this space."
Yeah, whatever, Ran thinks. I don't care about anyone but her.
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[Main Masterlist; Root of All Ransom Masterlist; Ko-Fi]
@supraveng @1950schick @patzammit @whiskeytangofoxtrot555 @yiiiikesmish @ashesofblackroses @starkleila @brandycranby
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a-libra-writes · 1 year
as I wallow in my fever filled misery I binge your blog for most of the day and i absolutely love it, i hope it's okay if i ask for whoever you want from ASOIAF with their sick s/o love you
Im sorry this is hittin so late anon! I hope you recovered well~ Here's a couple peeps for ya.
Brandon - He's terrible at noticing when he's getting sick himself, and actually sitting and resting ... so while Brandon will notice when your energy is low or you don't feel well, he doesn't worry until you finally collapse. Then he feels terrible while he carries you back and you're set up in a spare room (he wouldn't mind sharing the bed, but he's already been lectured to death by the maester about what a bad idea that is. He doesn't care he probably sneaks into the spare room anyway.
Because Brandon is restless on a good day, so when you're feeling ill and awful, he's distracted. He keeps thinking about you throughout the day, and checks on you often. If you're not improving, he's doggedly following the maester around and hovering and trying to be useful and just ends up getting kicked out. Everyone's relieved when you finally improve, and yes, he gets sick because he couldn't stay away but it barely knocks the guy out. Not fair.
Ned - Ned would be the one who notices your energy dropping and the loss of appetite in combination with the change in weather. It's especially uncanny if you're someone who doesn't get sick often, and he still figures it out. He's also the type who offers you warm food and rest early on, in hopes you'd shake off the cold early. It's all fun and games to tease Ned about being a mother hen until your sickness gets worse and you're stuck in bed. Great. He won't say "I told you so", buuut he still laughs a little when you complain about being stuck in bed all day.
Ned feels bad about you having to be holed up in a spare room, though, but at least you're in one of the heated ones. He visits at least three times throughout the day, bringing whatever you need and keeping you company if you'd like it. If you're the sort who wants to be totally alone when you're sick, he respects it, but he's gotta stop by to at least say goodnight. Also, it's just Ned's luck that he gets sick just days after you do, every. single. time. It's usually worse, too.
Benjen - He does what he can with what's available at the Wall. While he keeps his usual jovial self up around you, wanting to encourage you, he privately worries about your health. Benjen sneaks in extra furs and extra food - If anyone catches him, all he has to do is drop the smile and glare them down. It's surprisingly effective. He'd like to stay by your side all day and night, but he can't risk getting ill himself and there's work to do.
So Benjen comes in in the morning and late evening, starting by giving you a kiss on the brow, then making sure you're comfortable, then showing off whatever he snuck out of the kitchens. He's got a nautral and relaxed bedside manner, but can be surprisingly stern if you try to get up before you're ready. Maybe if this was the South, but the Wall isn't the place to risk it. Oh and he gets sniffles and sick later bc he kept up with the kissing.
Stannis - What a surprise, Stannis matter of factly states you're in no condition to go about your usual business, and you ought to set up in the spare room. Maester is called, food brought, medicine taken, done and done, right? Back to work. The thing is, if you often ask for him and you're clearly not feeling well, he has a difficult time getting back to his duties. He tells you many times to call a servant, but the guilt actually starts to bother him, especially if you get worse before you get better. Stannis sits on the very edge of the bed (his bedside manner is hilariously bad, don't worry,) and keeps asking you to go back to sleep and stop chattering.
His own health actually isn't that bad, especially considering the seige, but guess what. That one time you got out of bed to get something yourself, he caught you and irritably carried you back? That's what gets him. Stannis still doesn't get as sick as you do, but he's definitely bellyaching about it while you take care of him.
Oberyn - He's the sort of man whose either a godsend when you're sick, or driving you up a wall. It depends! If you want constant attention and fussing, Oberyn will indulge in your neediness all you want. He rather likes it, feeling like he's helping even if you don't immediately improve. If you want to be left alone to puke and snot in peace, well ... he has a hard time staying away. Oberyn wants to be the one bringing your medicine and food, whatever you need, and he wants to stay and linger. Even if it's just to chat, or run his hand down your back.
And yes, he’ll still want to share the bed unless you’re in an absolutely awful state. You'll have to kick Oberyn out eventually, or just move to one of the guest rooms yourself, otherwise he’ll get sick - except he never does, the jerk. Must be all the citrus.
Ashara - She's also the sort of person who would pick up on the weather changing and the change in your attitude, and point out you're probably getting sick. She says it so suddenly, and it's so early, you wouldn't believe her ... aaand two or three days later, you're laid out in bed. Just great. Once the maester is done with his business, Ashara likes to visit if it's just a cold. She's smart about being careful where she touches you, not getting too close, avoiding your cough, she even brings a citrus fruit basket and implores you to eat some. Her bedside manner is lovely too, and she brought your favorite book? Alright, this isn't so bad.
She will stay away if you start getting worse, and it just makes her worry more. In that case she's making sure the maester is bringing in gifts, even if you feel too poorly to enjoy a book or a bouquet of flowers - it's about knowing that someone cares and is worried about you.
Asha - It's straight to the spare room with you. Nope, no whining, no ifs or buts, no kisses no matter how much you whine about it. Asha loves you but she is not about to have you snotting and coughing all over the bed. At least she's not about to let you be totally miserable, Asha's pretty good about barking at you to eat more and drink water. There's not a lot in the way of medicine on the Iron Islands, but Asha's recovered from some pretty nasty spells before. She figures you'll do the same.
... There's some worrying when it takes a while. If you try to be stubborn and suffer through what's probably pneumonia, then Asha will drag a maester over from the greenlands by his ankles. Hiding weakness like a proper Ironborn is all well and good until you're coughing blood, then she calls you a fool and fusses endlessly.
Roose - He'll tell you that you're getting sick, and mention you ought to do something about it. His suggestions are pretty terrible, though - no, Roose, you aren't drinking that weird wine or doing leeching or bleeding or whatever. You're fine. Except when the flu finally hits, and you're fighting off his damn maester with a stick. Weird treatments aside, Roose seems like his aloof self, though you're also too addled by fever and congestion to pay attention to his comings and goings. He's actually keeping a close eye on your progress and more or less threatening the maester and servants that he expects you to improve within a fortnight, as if they can directly control it. Well, they better figure something out.
Getting worse means Roose actually ending your sickroom, as if there's something others have missed that only he can see. He spends a lot of time ... watching, and while his face is impassive, there's worry. A lot of worry. He might start disposing of the help and this maester if you don't get better. A lot of the irrational, explosive bloodlust anger that he's spend years burying down is starting to bubble up and there's not a lot of outlets for it. Once your condition turns around, it calms itself, if only for a while. He still won't forget his servant's incompetence.
Jaime - For seasonal colds and a yearly flu, Jaime is gonna avoid you like the plague because a) he hates getting sick and b), all the snotting and vomitting is gross. ... And Jaime's actually not good at dealing with a loved one whose ill, both in the sense it's difficult to see them that way, and he has no idea what to do. You think his father gave a damn when he was ill, or let that be an excuse to stop training? You think his siblings had any idea what a good bedside manner was?
It's easy for him to tease once you're recovering and able to leave the sickroom, though his barbs aren't as pointed. It isn't easy when you aren't recovering quickly, or when you get worse. He doesn't know what to do with himself, so Jaime acts out in a way, threatening the maester, being in an irritable mood, having no way to help because this isn't his area of expertise.
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yuff7e · 2 months
Hello again!! I'm the anon that requested the demon slayer x low self esteem reader headcanons! And let me tell you i was not disappointed!! You truly are an amazing writer, that being said and I really hope you don't mind but I want to request more demon slayer x reader headcanons 😭 this time I would like if you could write for zenitsu, tanjirou and obanai? (separately ofc, if you dont write for obanai thats totally fine and you can just do zenitsu and tanjiro!) With (preferably fem) reader that loves complimenting them and showing them how much they appreciate being in a relationship with them? Giving them gifts, baking for them, making them handmade presents and love letters, etc. Just like total wifey material lol. I really don't want to overwork you or anything like that so seriously take as much time as you need with this request!!
-🫀 Anon
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𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫 𝐧𝐞𝐮𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
hi there again!! aww your last request was very fun to write!! thanks so much for requesting :) i hope you enjoy these headcanons as much as i do!! (it’s a bit short bc i’m sleepy oops) ఌ︎
♬♪ -> lıllılı.ıllı.ılılıı my urls aren’t working idk why :,(
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zenitsu agatsuma
— zenitsu is easily flustered by your constant compliments. he loves hearing how amazing he is, though he might blush and stutter in response. every compliment boosts his confidence and makes him more determined to be a better partner.
— he adores any kind of gift you give him. whether it’s a small trinket or something meaningful, zenitsu treasures it dearly. he’s always excited and a bit surprised when you hand him something, often making a big deal out of it.
— zenitsu enjoys baking with you, though he might need some guidance since he’s not the best cook. he loves eating the treats you make and will often try to help by taste-testing or offering to clean up.
— he’s deeply touched by handmade presents, often keeping them close. zenitsu sees them as symbols of your love and effort, and he might even show them off to friends, proudly declaring them as gifts from his amazing partner.
— receiving love letters from you is something zenitsu cherishes. he reads them over and over, keeping them in a special box or notebook. he might even carry a small note from you as a good luck charm.
tanjiro kamado
— tanjiro is moved by your compliments and genuine appreciation. he’s humble, so your words are a great boost to his spirit. he often reciprocates with heartfelt words of his own, praising your kindness and support.
— tanjiro values the thought behind the gifts you give him. whether it’s a new piece of clothing or a personal keepsake, he sees it as a reflection of your deep care and consideration.
— baking with you is a joyful experience for tanjiro. he loves the process of making treats together and sharing them. he also appreciates your baking skills and often praises your talent in the kitchen.
— tanjiro is deeply appreciative of any handmade presents. he sees them as a tangible reminder of your affection and is likely to keep them in a special place, showing them to anyone who asks about them.
— your love letters are cherished by tanjiro. he reads them with a gentle smile, taking comfort in your words. he might even write letters of his own in response, expressing his feelings and gratitude.
obanai iguro
— obanai is a bit reserved with his emotions, but your compliments make him feel deeply appreciated. while he might not always show it, he values your kind words and takes them to heart.
— he has a strong appreciation for well-thought-out gifts. if you give him something that reflects his interests or needs, he will be grateful and keep it close. he might also be a bit shy in expressing his gratitude.
— obanai is more likely to prefer observing or assisting rather than actively participating in baking. however, he does appreciate the effort and enjoys the results of your baking.
— handmade gifts are significant to obanai. he sees them as a symbol of your commitment and effort, and he is likely to keep them in a special place, even if he doesn’t always openly express his feelings.
— obanai values the thoughtfulness behind love letters, even if he doesn’t show it outwardly. he might keep them in a private place and read them in moments of solitude, finding comfort in your words.
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requests : open
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liamobrienlove · 11 months
My MCM Comic Con Experience
Oh y'all, i have been wanting to talk about this to anyone who will listen haha Sorry this post is a bit late but it's been busy at work since i got home.
Where do i even begin? I met Liam! Still seems surreal even though i have photo evidence haha Let's just start with meeting him!
First up on the Saturday morning was meeting up with the amazing @formulares - who is amazinnnng btwwwww! had so much fun! 10/10 would recommend being friends with him lmao
Next it was time to get in and get in line for the Liam autograph! CR had their own section for autos which was great because the queues were SO LONG. Luckily, we were like 5th in line! When they all came out, the whole room erupted and the cast looked utterly amazed and completely taken a back with the turnout. Here starts the whole Liam experience haha I made Ares go first because i just couldn't and to watch is conversation with Liam was special. Liam is a special guy, i'll say that.
When i got to him, i was so nervous and he just made me feel like we were old friends. I gave him some letters i had to give and then the dice i'd brought him and he was so happy and rolled them! got a Nat 1 on his first roll but rerolled because halfling luck hehe and got a much better number! i then was able to tell him how much his characters and he have helped me through a lot in recent years and he was so grateful and wrote a lovely message on my print i was getting signed (which i'm not going to share yet as i will most likely be getting it as a tattoo) and then that was the end of the auto portion! when i went in for my photo with him, he remembered me! ahhhh and then we had the cutest picture and he gave me a bug cuddle as i was leaving. Liam is an amazing human, so kind, sweet and humble. I'm hoping i get to meet him again in the near future because truly, one of the best moments i've ever had.
Then i had photos with Travis (who was making sure to ask everyone their names and shake their hand before the photo) and was thanking everyone as well once they were done. it was so sweet!
I did have a Sam photo op but because i was anxious about not making it to my Taliesin one (sam's was the same time as Travis), i gave my photo ticket to Ares who had a great picture with Sam (who is really tall!). Next it was time to have my photo with Taliesin who is just a super sweet man and was wonderful! i love my photo with Taliesin so much! he was so excited to meet everyone!
Now, onto meeting Matt! Bear in mind i queued for three and a half hours to meet him. One thing i will say is MCM need to work on their queuing system because the line for matt was 4 people wide and just didn't seem to go down! By the time i got to the front i was emotional and overwhelmed and i think Matt could see that right off the bat. He shook my hand and asked my name and then we jumped into what was a very amazing and sweet conversation, where when i started to get emotional, Matt took hold of my hands (he's an utter sweetheart) and when i told him how much this show, this world had changed my life, he was just so receptive and so humble about it all and just amazing. Then he got up to give me a hug and it was so sweet of him - that man just adores every single person/fan. He spent time talking to every single person and stayed late to make sure everyone got to meet him.
i cannot begin to put into words how amazing they all were. From seeing Travis, Laura, Ashley, Marisha, Sam and Tal interact with everyone when standing in line, to how they were in photo ops - this cast are genuine and amazing. I count myself lucky to have been able to see them in person and cannot wait until i'm able to again in the future. I just adore them and it's an experience i will never, ever forget.
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hmshermitcraft · 11 months
Etho sleeps at the library, Cleo's noticed. He comes in after morning classes, has a store bought ham and turkey sandwich (no cheese extra mustard on wheat bread), does his homework, and then he puts his head on his arms and sleeps slouched at his desk.
Cleo's been working here a while, funnily enough she dropped out of her first year at this school to be a librarian, she'd be graduating this year if she had stayed, and she's had the fair share of down on their luck people use the library as sanctuary from the elements or bad home lives. She doesn't bother them because they don't bother her, and it's no skin off her teeth to be accommodating. But Etho's different, Etho's a student here, he should have a dorm, right?
Where does he go at night? Hopefully somewhere warm, the winters are harsh and wet which is no place for anyone.
So they approach him, before he can doze off, and ask if he's ok, if he needs a place to stay.
"oh, no no, sorry uh, I have a dorm, it's just my roommate is uh....well. he's hot, and well, the whole school knows it. And he invites them home uh, a lot."
"that's not where I was expecting that to go. Loud huh?"
"very. Incredibly loud, actually. Can't sleep, I can barely stand to be in there at all but he leaves my stuff alone and i can't bring myself to ask the ra to move me somewhere else and subject someone else to his...antics."
They can't just offer him their spare room right off the bat, that's creepy for both parties, but she understands the plight of a roommate with no respect. So she brings a beanbag from home and a blanket and sets up a little nap spot in the break room.
The next day before Etho can even think of settling in, she brings him back and shows it off. He loves it and stays there for his midday naps on the regular.
Soon enough though, Cleo has a bad night, and she herself is in need of the nap spot. Unfortunately Etho's already there. She wakes him,
"dyou reckon we could..I dunno, share? Sorry I'm..I'm really tired."
He pauses briefly, "yeah sure, hold on"
Etho is light, spindly and boney but he's warm curled in her arms. She didn't really mean to cuddle him quite so much but it's the natural order of things. His hair is soft and he smells like the garden.
The beanbag is now their nap spot, though it is scarcely used nowadays, and Etho has a great new roomie who also gives him kisses in bed when they wake up at her home together.
Etho has plenty to say about Cleo as well. For starters, her hair is so soft and he could happily spend hours working out all the tangles in it. She always smells of books. Etho didn't even know that was a distinct smell until he started coming to the library. She's also a perfect cuddle partner, cushioning him just as well (if not better) than the beanbag. She doesn't move around much in her sleep either.
He made sure to buy a new beanbag for Cleo's (theirs, really) home. It's the least he could do.
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lemmetreatya · 1 year
Hi hope you're doing well <3. Can you do roommate sukuna who walks in on reader changing.
hope you enjoy! <33
sukuna is a good roommate.
hes not too messy, does his half of the chores and gives you your personal space when needs be. he’s cordial! sukuna is great to live with and in all honesty, you couldn’t have asked for anyone better to share a living space with. his snarky personality wasn’t of any challenge to you most days — despite the many warnings from his ‘friends’.
(“oh, well… good luck.”
“willingly? youre letting him stay with you willingly?”
“in all seriousness, if you ever need a last minute haven, you know my door code.”)
but you did occasionally question why he was a good roommate. not majorly, and never enough for it to keep you awake at night, but moreso because you actually understood where everyones warnings were coming from.
sukuna didn’t have the most notorious representation proceeding him. and you knew that when he had replied to your callout for a new roommate. still, money (or the lack of) makes you do some crazy things and so youd taken his offer at first gander. but as of yet, he’s been absolutely lovely, and you occasionally berate yourself for thinking anything less of him.
“oh… shit, sorry.”
is the casual reply that leaves sukuna’s toothbrushful mouth as he unexpectedly opens the door to the bathroom.
you stare back at him, motion just in the middle of taking off your last item of clothing, but in shock at his presence.
you want to blurt out its okay, that it was simply a mistake, but its the way sukuna doesn’t move, or walk out, or even look mildly ashamed for walking in on you that stops you from doing so.
“i-…can i…can i help you?”
sukuna’s eyes are beady as they watch over your near naked body. there’s nothing hidden behind his intentions of wanting to see you in such a state.
with a shrug, sukuna pushes himself pass the doorway of the bathroom and then slides pass you before positioning himself by the sink to continue brushing his teeth. you want to say something in retaliation but you choose not to. instead you only grab your towel from the side to then cover the rest of your body with it.
“uh. sorry, sukuna but…I kinda wanna take a shower.”
you try looking at him through the mirror but hes gone back to not being interested. as he spits out the paste and turns on the tap to rinse his mouth, he shrugs.
“dont mind me.” he gruffs.
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Very late, but, https://www.tumblr.com/blue-cheeseinmyoffwhites/756639587329277952/rwby-asks-are-open-im-bored?source=share
Who's you're favorite character?
Quick shoutout to the lovely @tumblingxelian for their amazing RWBY content check them out on YT
Let’s do Top 5
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Mercury Black
This is solely because of his fighting style. If I could fuck up some stuff with my legs I’d probably be a dick about it too. I started RWBY during V2 & he was one of the first faces I met. I remember LOVING his design & liking his cool laid-back attitude. He started gaining my attention in Volume 3 after his fight with Coco & Yatsu, then won me over after his fight with Yang. I remember being baffled after his prosthetic reveal, & after learning about his allusion it all came together. For the longest time I was trying to decode his semblance (I thought it was something to do with wind manipulation) then V6 came around & shut all that down. I understand he hasn’t been very popular as of late, but I think he has so much potential & they just need to give him more screentime in V10+
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Sun Wukong
I appreciate an unconditionally positive character. Sun & Mercury have always just been so cool to me. His design is great too, I like his monkey traits & how he shows his abs. His weapon is genuinely top 5 in the series, & his semblance matches his bright personality. One of my favorite fight scenes is Blake & Sun vs Sea Feilong & his contribution played a big part of that. I did like his appearance in V4-V5 & I was excited to see his gun-chucks return against Ilia. I think he is a great foil to Blake & serves her character arc really well.
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Cinder Fall
Sorry but Cinder Fall is just that bitch. I hate everything she does & that’s why I love her. She knows what she wants & can easily get people on her side to do her bidding. She actually pushes the narrative & I consider her to be the main antagonist. The animators take real care when it comes to her battles. She has not missed a SINGLE fight she has been in. Seriously every one has been a hit: Glynda, Amber, Ozpin, Pyrrha, Raven, Neo, Winter, Penny, etc etc. Anytime there is a fight involving Cinder it’s going to be rememberable in some way, especially the Raven vs Cinder fight. I vividly remember my mind going numb watching it for the first time. I do feel they made her a little OP but it’s whatever. I really like her character arc & how she’s slowly turning into a Grimm. I loved her backstory, a lot of people didn’t because it’s just “Cinderella but dark” but like…..that’s kinda the entire point of this series, dark retellings of fairytales. She’s a great foil to Ruby & actually learns from her to gain victory in V8. I just want them to have a proper fight.
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Qrow Branwen
Qrow Qrow Qrow. I love their man & want to give him hugs. If there’s one thing RWBY does amazingly, it is setup & payoff. I love his they slowly teased him in V1-V2 as a badass & then finally let us visualize it in V3. He doesn’t take crap from anyone & says what’s on his mind. Love Love LOVE his relationship with Ruby (forever holding onto my cracktheory that he’s her real dad). He acts as her mentor & influenced her fighting style. I like how he became the leader of the team for some time & how his laid-back attitude conflicts with him suddenly having to take care of 8 kids. But he does it anyway. His fight scenes are also amazing. He always looks so confident. His first appearance in V3 he had that super dynamic fight against Winter. In V4 he fought Tyrian & showed Team RNJR (& us) the difference between students & Huntsmen. V7 is where he really shined for me. He finally had a relationship that wasn’t affected by his semblance & can just chill for a while. I very much enjoyed his relationship with Clover & was heartbroken by what happened after. But those last 2 fights with them were pretty great. I hope his semblance evolves into Good Luck as well.
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Yang Xiao Long
I like all members of Team RWBY but Yang stands out for obvious reasons. She had the best Trailer for one. Also her fighting style is the most different from her teammates. They’re all swing-swing-slash & she’s all punch-punch-kick. Like Cinder, Yang gets the best treatment when it comes to fight scenes. She’s been marketed as the strongest member & it shows over & over again. Her semblance is super cool & makes her look like a Goddess. I like how her character arc revolves around her fighting style & we can actually see her improvement throughout the volumes. I like how she is the most vocal about the whole trust situation in V5-V8. She lost her arm for this war, she of all people deserves some answers. I really adore her relationship with Blake & I think their story is perfect. She’s the heart of the team & it’s most present in V5 when she is the one reuniting the team.
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terabyteturtle · 8 months
correction, soulmate au with jun, lars, lee & kaz x reader who's secretly a persona user is poly rs, if you can write poly relationships!! if not, you can make it x lars since he's my boy hehe
I don't mind writing poly relationships at all! Hopefully, you enjoy this. There's a slight mention of sex at one point, but nothing blatantly NSFW.
- Oh boy. All four of them in a relationship with you at the same time? Good luck.
- Jun is fine, but the three brothers are gonna be difficult to deal with, at least for the first few months. There's a lot of animosity and unsettled business between them, so they're definitely going to fight A TON.
- You and Jun are gonna have your hands full trying to keep the peace between these three. Don't worry, they'll set aside their differences eventually, but in the meantime, you poor souls are the only forces stopping them from killing each other.
- The fact that you're physically linked only makes matters worse. The way your soulmate connection works is that you are connected to all four of them, and they are all connected to you, but they are not connected to each other. So if one brother gets too fired up and tries to harm another, you'll feel the pain too. It won't be as severe for you, considering you weren't the one actually receiving the injury, but you'll still feel a sharp sting for a few seconds.
- Again, as time passes and everyone grows used to the relationship, the fights will become less frequent. Initially, though, it requires a lot of patience and communication between all of you.
- Jun doesn't mind being in a poly relationship. It definitely takes her some getting used to, since she loves you and you only, but she always reminds herself that fate brought all of you here, which is proven by everyone's soulmarks. In the end, if everyone else is happy, then she is happy too.
- Lee doesn't mind it either. As long as he gets to have some time spent with you, he's over the moon. Some time is better than none at all, and you're worth everything to him.
- Lars is a little put-off at first. Every time he sees you giving affection to one of the others, it kind of hurts him a bit. However, as time goes on, he begins to understand poly relationships more, and those feelings slowly disappear.
- It's Kazuya who has the most difficult time adjusting to the relationship. He hates the idea of sharing you with anyone, let alone his brothers. He gets really defensive and angry whenever he sees them showing you affection, which often contributes to his fights with them. When it comes to Jun, he feels awkward. He hadn't seen her in decades, and now they're in love with the same person? Needless to say, all of this is going to take a while for Kazuya to get used to, so you'll need to show him as much patience as possible.
- If someone asks about their soulmark, they all have different reactions: Kazuya ignores the question entirely, Lee makes a joke about it, Lars passes it off as a scar, and Jun simply says it's a new tattoo. They're not embarrassed by their soulmarks---they're just worried about people potentially discovering your soulmate connection and using it against you.
- The great thing about everyone having a physical link to you is that whenever you get hurt, it acts as an alarm system to the others. They won't get the injury themselves, but they'll feel a quick flash of pain similar to yours. Within seconds, you already have four people ready and willing to take care of you. In the beginning, this causes them to worry about you a lot, but as time goes on, they'll learn the difference between a minor injury and something to be concerned about.
- Upon learning that you run your own bakery, Jun is more than happy to help you out! Out of the four of them, she'll probably be there the most. Not only does she love spending time with you, but she's also great in the kitchen. She's a fast learner too, so she'll be quick to pick up on all of the recipes you show her.
- Lars will show up occasionally to lend a hand whenever he's free. Growing up, he and his mother cooked a lot together, so he knows tons of recipes and will happily teach you some if you decide to add new options to the menu.
- Don't worry about all of the bills and taxes that come with owning the place—G Corporation has got you covered. Will Kazuya do something illegal while handling all of this? Maybe, but it's fine. Only he has to know.
- Violet Systems will frequently send you new appliances to test out. Many of them are highly innovative and increase productivity by a long shot. Thanks to Lee and his fancy tech, you've been able to crank out cupcakes faster than you can say, "Hey, Hachi." 
- Speaking of which, he wanted to give you his Heihachi Combot machine to assist you with certain things, but after seeing Kazuya's reaction to it, he decided against it.
- In terms of helping you run the business, you could not have a better team to work with. Jun and Lars help come up with fun, creative ideas for new recipes, which is great for getting public attention and increasing revenue. Meanwhile, on the business side of things, Kazuya and Lee handle advertising, setting quotas, and upgrading whatever necessary to keep the shop running smoothly. Rest assured, your bakery is in good hands with these guys.
- You always offer to give them free discounts, but they always decline and pay the full price just because they want to support your business (Lee almost took the offer once, but one glare from Kazuya and he paid just like the rest of them).
- When they find out you're a Persona user, it serves as a massive shock to them. 
- When they noticed you started coming home later than usual, they knew something was up.
- When they asked you what you were doing, you told them you were working extra shifts at the bakery. None of them truly bought it though; something felt off to them. You were so tired and worn-out, barely being able to walk through the front door some nights, which worried them tremendously.
- Eventually, you told them the truth about what you were doing and why. When you were finished explaining, everyone was super confused. Stealing people's hearts? Some dimension in which desires are materialized? How is that even possible? Not only were they dumbfounded by your tale, but they weren't too sure how they felt about it. Jun, having experienced extraordinary happenings herself, was the only one who actually believed you. The other three were skeptical.
- Lee and Lars both looked at each other, thinking you'd hit your head somehow (which would've been impossible without anybody having felt something), and Kazuya refused to believe it unless he saw it himself.
- It was a dangerous place, but you knew deep down that they could handle themselves, so you told them you would take them eventually if they promised to be careful.
- They'll still be worried about you whenever you head to the Metaverse, but they're willing to support you in whatever way they can. They'll provide you with plenty of supplies, as well as some snacks to munch on and restore your energy with.
- Lee will see you crafting stuff and then will just casually hand you some random gadget, saying something along the lines of "Here, use this instead. It'll work much better."
- All of you train and fight together outside. Initially, everyone was worried about hurting you, but you've proved yourself more than capable of sparring with them.
- Afterwards, all of you will take turns treating each others' wounds. Bandaging, providing heating pads and ice packs, giving massages---everyone, especially you and Jun, will take their time to alleviate as much pain as possible.
- It's not often that cuddling occurs, but when it does, there's always a specific order to it. Kazuya sits in the middle, with you and Jun on either side of him. Lars always sits next to you, and Lee always sits on the other side of Jun. That way, the brothers have some space between each other, and you and Jun are safely nestled in between them.
- When it comes to who you sleep with, that also happens in a very specific manner. You guys have worked out a schedule to decide which person you sleep with on certain days of the week. The brothers hate sleeping in the same bed, so trying to get two of them to hold you while you sleep is going to take a lot of convincing.
- When it comes to bedroom activities, no threesomes, foursomes, or fivesomes are allowed. It's just you and one other person only. Kazuya, Lee, Lars, and Jun all want to keep things just between the two of you. They want to be intimate with you and you alone, without the presence of anyone else.
- You, Jun, and Lars trade off in the kitchen---you make breakfast, Jun makes lunch, and Lars makes dinner. Lee and Kazuya don't know too much about cooking, so they don't often make anything. They'll only try their hand at something if it's for a special occasion.
- Speaking of special occasions, expect those to be booming with vibrant roses and generous gifts. The three brothers (mainly Lee and Kazuya) will definitely try to one-up each other to see who can give you the best stuff, with Jun lecturing them about how thoughtfulness shouldn't be a contest. They understand that it's childish, but they just can't help themselves. Your happiness is the most important thing in the world to them, and they want to be the one to put a smile on your face.
- It's a chaotic relationship, especially at the start, but you guys make it work. Overall, they love you to bits and, although this relationship wasn't something they expected to be in, they wouldn't have it any other way.
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livelaughghoul · 2 months
Carlos Sainz - Career Tarot Reading
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Disclaimer: This is for entertainment purposes only, nothing observed or taken away from this should be considered fact. As a reminder, I know fuck all about Formula 1, I just like fast cars and have a dumb amount of knowledge of astrology and tarot. 
An anonymous had a question regarding Carlos’s career and what it may potentially look like since there is a lot of unknown about it. While I can’t tell where he is going, or what his plans are, I can at least try to get a general feeling of what is happening and what some thoughts may be. I didn’t have any specific questions in terms of career for this, I just pulled two cards to give me some general feelings on what may be going on. In a majority of the readings I do, I tend to not go in with specific questions, just a theme of the reading. 
I took a look at his birth chart as well for this because I think that there are a lot of career indicators in someone's birth chart. His time of birth isn’t available, so it's being calculated using UTC, which isn’t as accurate but gives us a pretty good idea of what his actual chart will look like! 
Tarot aspect of the reading: Justice reversed and Five of Wands 
Justice reversed: 
This tells me that Carlos knows what he is going to do, he is just keeping it close to his chest and letting the speculation run wild because it is almost justice in its own way. I think with this intentional withholding of his plan, it’s very much going to be a surprise in terms of where he ends up going. I get the sense that it was an easy decision too, it was something that didn’t require a lot of debate or waffling, it was an easy choice that made sense to him, and where he feels he is at in terms of his career. With it being in its reversed position, I wouldn’t be shocked to learn that he has not shared his decision with anyone other than those who were involved in the contract process. 
Five of Wands: 
This pairing is crazy to me because it just solidifies in my mind that he knows exactly what he is going to do, and knows what the reaction is going to be. It also tells me that he is not done with Formula 1 at all, if anything he is feeling a renewed sense of competition and challenge. He has a lot of passion left and is incredibly driven to continue setting records, breaking records, and outdoing himself. I get the feeling that there is a lot of impatience in his current position, and when he makes the change there is going to be a huge change in his actions, behaviors, and demeanors. There is going to be a weight that is taken off, and he is going to feel like he actually has a place and valued. 
Astrology aspect: 
Second house (house of money and material possessions): Jupiter, Pluto.
Jupiter is a great placement here because it’s the planet of luck and expansion, so this tells me that he is going somewhere that is really going to bring him a lot of benefits (likely financial and careerwise). I get the sense that he is going somewhere that he already has a connection to, like either he is following someone or it’s somewhere that he has previously been (no idea if this is possible, all I know about this man is that he apparently burst his appendix?). Pluto brings in a lot of obsession, so I think that wherever he does go, he is being promised a sense of more control like he is going to bring a lot of influence and new ideas! 
Sixth house (house of service, day-to-day influence): Saturn.
WE LOVE A STRONG SATURN PLACEMENT, SAY IT WITH ME. Saturn in the sixth is definitely hardworking, there is a strong sense of responsibility, what needs to be done, and what the expectations of the self are. I definitely get the idea that there is a habit of being too involved in work, like that sense of control we see from the second house can sometimes get in the way of things and cause some conflict. I think that is going to be a really important factor for where he goes. 
Tenth house (house of career): Mars, Moon.
I love that the Moon is in the tenth house because it provides nothing but success and promise in a public career. The only downside is grappling with that loss of privacy, it can bring a lot of challenges in trying to find that balance, but with the Moons’ emotional nature, I think there is a wonderful balance between the public career and privacy here. Mars brings a lot of domination to the career and tells us that there is a lot of aggression to be seen. With the career as it is, I think that we are going to see a lot more aggressive driving, and strategies start to come out! With this placement though and it’s aggressive nature, I think that there is a lot of conflict to be had too, this is something that will need to be worked on. 
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reeeooohhheehee · 5 months
| Anything for you.
Obey Me x japanese!gn!reader
tags : obey me , fluff , sfw , i honestly have no idea , xreader , i love purin omfg , im sobbing <3 , obeymemains , im back in this era again ig , scenarios , reyosanworks
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The scenario > It's been cool in the Devildom. Winter is hell but manageable. But there was always something missing... Your homeland. The human realm. Ever since you were kidnapped, you've been missing the human realm. And the food there.
Lucifer just happened to be there for business, as usual. He never really went anywhere without reason anyways. After his business, he stops by a store. It was a pastry store!
You always yapped about pastries in Japan that's being so tasty and that you missed it so much. He thinks for a bit and checked his wallet. Of course, there was more than needed in so he shrugged.
He was lucky to be there early. There a lot of customers in line but he was third to order. Once he did, he orders your favorite pastries, including purin.
Of course, there were others such as custard buns for you. It was really up to you if you wanted to share or not. But one thing's for certain, he'll just give you the pastries and get on with life (he just wants to see you smileee)
Honestly, he'll never buy anything for anyone. Maybe once in a while but every time he hears you talk about pastries from the human realm, the more he wants to buy it for you.
So for your birthday, he made it a habit to go up to the human realm and buy you tasty treats. However, it turns out your favorite store was closed.
He searched online for the best pastry shops and found an aesthetic one. He went in the store, and his bad luck gave him the fifty-second place in line. But no worries, he'll just wait and then order. He'll also brag to you about it afterwards. After all, The Great Mammon got your pudding for ya'.
Originally, both of you came up to go to huge anime conventions! This time, you came down with the flu so you couldn't join. Levi was kinda sad you couldn't join.
So, he got you all kinds of merch you wanted. While he was going back, he looks at a nice pastry shop with cute pictures of purin. People who came out the shop were happy with the purin the bought so he decided to give it a go.
Going inside, he takes out his wallet and bought about four purin you can eat while he's playing! Of course, anything for you. And the pastries were cheap but decent looking. He just hopes when he comes back, you're all well to eat sweet things.
He wanted this book that was only available in the human realm so he came up to buy it. Satan takes a look around the stores, then picks the book he wants.
Due to you being stacked with work with no end, he had to go by himself. Walking out the bookstore inside the mall, he found a place where people sell purin!
He always wondered what was the hype but before he was even able to leave, he remembers how much you love it. You usually talk about it a lot and eat Barbatos or Luke's puddings for a substitute. So, he walks in then out with purin in his hand to give it to you. He's already imagining the shower of thanks you'll give him.
Asmo found this really nice line of makeup products. This time, you were with him in the human world. You were both just shopping around and he bought lots of things.
While you were at the bathroom, Asmo was sitting inside an aesthetic café. He looks around and then saw the menu that offers lots of pastries. Asmo smiles as he got up to order a purin for you.
He believes that sugar's not good for your skin but a treat for you anytime is just fine with him. (pls shower this twink with kisses after)
Coming up, he decided to buy lots of food. You were in a terrible mood since you got late for class, and for that reason, you were put in detention. You didn't even eat lunch yet!
Beel's overly concerned for you so he finds a lot of your favorite foods. Finally, he arrived at a place which just sells milk tea and purin. He always remembered how you talked about your nostalgia with purin so he went inside.
He picks out the original, the strawberry flavored, everything! He tried so hard not to take even a nip, just for you. So when he gets back, please let him hug you as much as he wants to!! (ILOVEHIMSOMUCHOMFG)
Belphie didn't wanna buy you anything at first. He was just walking around to check out a new pillow. There was this brand of pillow that was never added into Devildom's collection so he came up to just see and consider buying.
He just wandered around, eventually selecting to buy a pillow case. Belphie then saw a shop from afar, lots of people lined up. Going there, he saw the menu. Purin!
Honestly, he doesn't like eating super sweet things. It makes him feel disgustingly awake. However, he remembers how you and Beel ate the last batch of purin Barbatos made on your birthday.
So, he waited out the line to buy you and Beel lots of purin (he almost fell asleep waiting). He'll lose his usual allowance on the human realm, but it's for you and Beel, anyways.
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made: 05/06/24
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