#i get why zerxus was down bad
seanflnnerty · 2 months
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Downfall: Part Two
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that-ari-blogger · 11 months
A Perfect Metaphor And A Perfect Joke
I put out a post a few days ago discussing some Critical Roll speeches, and I couldn't help but notice how people seemed to like that. So, I thought to myself: CR has some phenomenal moments, and I happen to have some more thoughts on them, so why not share?
With that said, Loquatius Seelie is a fascinating character played by a phenomenally skilled improviser. Allow me to explain.
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Before I unpack this speech, I would like to briefly examine who Loquatius Seelie is. And I'll start with an analysis of his mechanics. I'm not going to go into detail on his spells and abilities, instead I would like to instead bring up his choice of class. In the EXU Calamity Wrap-up, Sam suggested that Loquatius began at 1st level as a warlock, and took the remaining 11 levels as a bard, and I think that is quite interesting. Where everyone else was a liar pretending to tell the truth, Loquatius was an honest man pretending to be a liar. He had got swept up in the drama of it all, and kept taking levels in bard as he descended more into the personality he created for himself.
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I feel the need to stress that this speech was written in the break. There was no clever marketing team who laboured for hours. This was Sam Riegel pseudo-improvising. That's not what I'm analysing, it just needs to be said.
Anyway, what is this speech about?
Life. Life needs things to live, and a world needs people to inhabit it. But there's more, this is a farewell to the age of arcanum, and in a fitting send off, it breaks down all of the pompous ceremony and for the first time in a while, gets real.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the replenishment is cancelled. Our centuries old bond, severed."
This is all nice, but what happens next is fascinating. Its the end of an era, and instead of looking back at what has happened, the speech looks to the future.
"Our two cities are like a married couple. We may have our differences. We may not have the same goals. We may even separate for a time. But we are connected by love for eternity. We made a promise to each other, and its one we must fulfill."
The symbol of marriage is a ring, it's a fascinatingly old tradition, with discoveries in ancient Egypt that date back 3000 years, and the symbolism behind this is both obvious, and subtle. The ring represents a cycle, an infinite loop. The ring doesn't represent the marriage, but the promise to each other.
In this broadcast, Loquatius brings the Age of Arcanum to a definitive close, tricking an entire city of hubris to go down in flames in order for the new world to be born. And to everyone else, he invokes marriage, the ultimate promise of a future, everlasting.
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"Remember your Avalir siblings and the sacrifices we made for you. Remember Cerrit, the Eyes of Avalir, and his bravery. Remember Nydas, the Dragon, and his sense. Remember Patia Por'co, Keeper of Scrolls, and all the wisdom she brought. Remember brave Zerxus and Evandrin, the First Knights of Avalir. And remember the Architect Arcane, Laerryn, the most beautiful woman in the world. And also, remember the Market of Wonders"
This is such a phenomenal send off, not just because of who he's mentioning, or because of the sheer force of acting skill that Sam is throwing around. This is phenomenal, because of what it asks the next age to remember. Bravery, wisdom, and beauty.
Loquatius can never know what will happen in the next age, but he begs whoever will hear this, to take just these things forwards. Be brave, be wise, be beautiful.
But that joke. "Remember the market of wonders." Brennan has credited Joseph Campbell with the phrase: "Comedy completed the revelation that drama begins." And for the life of me, I couldn't find where Campbell said this, so I think this is a Brennan Lee Mulligan original.
Perspective is important, and if you have only good things, like the Age of Arcanum, you get complacent. But if you have only bad things, such as the calamity is shaping up to be, the pain loses its meaning. Your senses dull. This joke is a dying man going out with a defiant smile, but its also a message to the world. Don't give up on joy, or hope, in the face of Armageddon, because that's when you need those things the most.
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"I'm Loquatius Seelie-- And I'll drop my golden complexion and just use my true face, my true changeling face-- saying: Seelie you later."
This is unironically my favourite moment of the speech. Because its the final moment, and the face of an age has stopped all pretences. No special effects, no whimsey or buttering up the truth. The dead cannot lie, at least, not as easily. Try as you might, you go out as you are, you can pretend to be something else, or you can change, but when you finally shuffle off this mortal coil, that's it, there's no more pretending. Loquatius Seelie goes out not as a performer and presenter, but as a husband, and a hero.
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theroseandthebeast · 9 months
Yuletide 2023 Recs, Batch Two
17 recs for Castlevania: Nocturne, The Chronicles of Riddick, Crimson Peak, Critical Role / EXU Calamity, Daisy Jones & The Six, The Devil Went Down To Georgia, Dracula, Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
The Safety of Abstaining, Courteously, Olrox/Original Male Character + Mizrak/Olrox
Love is a dangerous thing for all vampires. It makes them vulnerable. Olrox has had the misfortune of experiencing this first hand. He is not doing that again.
Strange Allies, Olrox/Mizrak + Mizrak/Richter Belmont
Mizrak can’t figure out why Richter Belmont is still alive.
Three Principles, Dame Vaako/Vaako
Society among the Necromongers is cruel and ruthless. Death is the natural order of things, and life is to be endured. This is the story of the man and woman who would become Lord and Dame Vaako. Don't forget: you keep what you kill.
Blood in the Snow, Lucille Sharpe/Thomas Sharpe
Before the house, there was the earth, and the blood.
tempter or the tempted, Asmodeus the Lord of the Nine Hells/Zerxus Ilerez
“The tempter or the tempted, who sins most?” - William Shakespeare Zerxus won't give up trying to save Asmodeus. Asmodeus won't stop trying to damn Zerxus.
You Wanna Try That Again?, Billy Dunne/Daisy Jones
There are so many lines in the sand between Daisy and Billy - boundaries they won't cross, words they won't say, urges they won't give into. Right up until they do.
The Devil Went Down to Georgia Station, Gen, The Devil & Johnny
Me, I was just about ready to play the fool myself when the Devil arrived. You see, the sector sheriff had died a little while back, and the spaceways were so infested with bandits that no law-abiding ship dared to fly. The bandits didn't come stop at Georgia Station for a drink and a fiddler either—nobody comes down here unless they've got a resupply contract, for there's only one safe route in. I was feeling my old wanderlust, what with being cooped up in one place for so long, and besides my free meals were getting smaller by the day. That's why, when the Devil came sauntering into the station's only saloon and slid into the booth across from me, bringing out her fiddle from Devil-knows-where, I listened when she made me a deal.
The Calm before the Storm, Gen, The Captain of the Demeter
The Demeter's log was not the only tale of note to be found upon the ship.
Sanguine, Gen, John Seward
John is having bad dreams. Most of all, he dreams that Quincey might not be as dead as everyone thinks he is.
Into That, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
Edgin returns the Helmet of Disjunction. Xenk rewards him.
Not Certainty, But Hope, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
In which Xenk proposes. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to need you to repeat that," Edgin said. "I have come here to ask your hand in marriage," Xenk said in that annoyingly calm voice, like dropping in on someone at their local pub and asking them to marry you was just like popping next door and asking for a cup of sugar from the neighbor, "that we might infiltrate a temple of Ilmater and discover the means by which so many happy couples have disappeared."
Deception Check, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
Ed had lied a lot. Did lie a lot. There was a lot of lying, was his point. But the trouble and the lying did not typically involve Xenk Yendar, and this was proving to be the problem. (or, Edgin Darvis attempts to lie and rolls a one.)
Legends & Lore, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
Xenk gets truth potioned and doesn't say anything interesting at all.
Ink of the Covenant, Gen, Edgin Darvis & Holga Kilgore
Holga and Edgin get drunk. Edgin gets a tattoo. Standard 8th day in Targos, really.
it's a (fake) love story, baby (just say yes), Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
“Back up,” Edgin said. “Explain how that’s connected to me going with you to a wedding.”
Perception Check (Roll for Romance), Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
"I bet Xenk fucks like a metronome, too. You know." Holga makes a highly suggestive, repetitive gesture. "In, out. In, out. No variation. Same exact rhythm every time. Boring." Edgin stares at her, torn between horror and fascination. "You've really thought about this, huh?" (So has he. Unfortunately.)
you'll find us in the meadowland, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
Xenk let himself in with a slow turn of his key in the lock. The obedient door let out not a solitary creak or groan. It had better not; he plied the thing with oil as often as he cleaned any of his gear. There was a little moonlight seeping in through the window - enough to see the shape of the man rifling through his things. He was standing at Xenk’s desk, tucked into the corner and lined by shelves stacked with holy texts. Not his most valuable, of course - he wouldn’t be so careless as to keep the most precious of his collection here - but any one of them would feed a hungry man for a few days, at least. And yet this man wasn’t hungry, and he was no ordinary thief. Xenk judged this not only by the strong slope of his shoulders and broad back and the fine weave of his coat but also by the fact that he had recently been awarded the highest honours the Lord of Neverwinter could bestow. No, Edgin could want for nothing; even he could not have spent his rewards so quickly. There was only one explanation. This was an affliction of the soul.
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queenjulia11 · 2 years
[the following was originally posted as a twitter thread on 6/29/2022]
Got #exucalamity on the brain, let’s discuss!
I’ve been thinking about “To reach a hand down to someone they need to be beneath you” and what a *wrong* sentiment that is. I mean obviously right?
To reach a hand down to someone, you need to have empathy and a desire to help.
But the fact that *that’s* how Asmodeus sees it says a lot about him. He’s the literal devil, so I’m not surprised that his outlook is so negative, but it is kind of shocking to think that there are people in our real world who see every reaching hand as an act of pity.
And that, in and of itself, is pitiful. So I can’t blame Zerxus for reacting that way.
Now Zerxus is not an egoless being but I don’t think it’s fair to say he’s “just as bad” as the wizards of Avalir.
What he did right and what he did wrong is another conversation that I don’t feel fully equipped for. But again, I *understand* every action even if I don’t *agree* with every action.
But this is something that I think he nailed. Perfectly.
“You hate everything so purely. Look at how much you hate yourself.”
That little lip bite before Asmodeus responds. He knows that Zerxus is right.
But he’s the devil. He can’t admit that. So he lashes out with violence.
A childish response. Again, Zerxus nailed it.
“You are a child and you are lost.”
Seeing someone as a child is by no means the same thing as seeing them as beneath you.
*Does* Zerxus see Asmodeus as beneath him? That’s a question only @Luiscarazo can answer. (Would love to hear your insight but no pressure lol ❤️)
I stand by the belief that Asmodeus wasn’t lying about everything in episode two.
He *was* in pain. He *was* never shown kindness. And that’s probably why he can’t recognize it correctly.
In some ways he’s one of the most tragic characters in the CR cannon.
And I pity him. And I want to see him get his ass kicked.
I’ve spoken before about how extraordinary Zerxus’ empathy is. His kindness is an inspiration, and I don’t ever want him to lose that.
But ultimately it will be Asmodeus’ decision to change for the better.
[addendum written on 7/13/2022]
A little add-on to this based on what Brennan said about Asmodeus in the #exucalamity talkback:
I still think the pain, and the tears, were genuine. It may not have been real physical injury, but Asmodeus is still, ultimately, a lost child. There are some things you can't fake.
[I actually got a response from Luis on the original thread! He said “I am with you 100% and I absolutely do not think Zerx ever thought Asmo was ever beneath him.”]
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a-couple-of-notes · 2 years
So I've seen a bunch of people talking about why it's so narratively perfect that Cerrit was the only survivor, and while I don't disagree, I did want to chime in about why.
(Under the cut, it got long.)
I think there's a case for "Cerrit was the least selfish and therefore the dice gods/Brennan reward him," though some of that discussion slides a little too close to "more moral = more deserving of life" for my taste. (Death as comeuppance for being bad and survival as a treat for being good is, like, the least cool way you could view this story.)
I think there's also a (stronger) case for "It's poetic that Cerrit, the one with no magic, was the one to survive the fall of the age of magic." It's definitely a dark kind of poetry - life survives after the loss of a great and terrible thing.
But my favorite read on why Cerrit's survival is so narratively perfect is this:
The great fault of the rest of the Ring of Brass - Laerryn, Nydas, and Zerxus especially - is that they reach too far. They dare too much. Brimming with hubris, Laerryn and Nydas want to wrench a part of the world up and claim the stars for their own; Zerxus tries to redeem the Lord of Hells with a gentle touch. Patia believes she can ignore what's going on and acquire knowledge from the Tree of Names; Loquatius, that he can protect Laerryn if he just stays by her side.
Cerrit doesn't have that foolish hope. He keeps his head down. Does his duty. Doesn't look up. When Laerryn shows no sign of caving, he caves and goes to protect what he can. Cerrit is mundane in a city full of wizards; Cerrit is also humble in a city full of hubris.
So there's the story, right? The Ring's hubris backfires in an explosion of magic and blight, and the one with humility gets to fly away.
Not quite.
See, there's this reversal that happens in episode four. Everything is destroyed in fire. The Ring of Brass has caused the Calamity in all their pride. But instead of humbly bowing their heads and lamenting their foolishness (literally - Laerryn says, "There's no time for self-flagellation"), everyone immediately turns around, gets right back on their pride bullshit, and tries to save the world.
And that's a foolish, impossible dream. To defy the Lord of Hells? To look at the inevitable ruin and say no? To reach out a doomed hand and try to redeem Vespin Chloras? To redo the Astral Leywright in half an hour, and then use it?
If the Ring of Brass had been cowed, had left like Cerrit in episode 3 (and to be clear, I'm not blaming Cerrit for that choice), Exandria would have been doomed.
So now we come to Cerrit's last-ditch survival. Here's a character who doesn't have the foolish hope that doomed his friends. He doesn't have Laerryn's ambitions or Nydas' big dreams or Zerxus' overriding convictions. Maybe that's what saved him.
Except now, at the end of it all, in the face of inevitable fire and ruin, Cerrit decides to do the impossible. Literally. He wants to fly up out of the crumbling labyrinth, past shrieking devils and waking gods, and get back to his family on another continent. To believe he could do that is a foolish hope.
But he does it. With aid from his friends, he beats a DC 30 - a setting for truly impossible things.
And that's why I think Cerrit's survival is so narratively perfect: because it perfectly caps off the duality of EXU: Calamity. Laerryn's Leywright led to the coming of the Calamity; it also saved Exandria. Zerxus pulled the Lord of Hells through with his unwavering belief in redemption, but he also saved Vespin Chloras with the same act. And though trying to achieve the impossible may have doomed his friends, it is what saves Cerrit.
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warlockglock72 · 2 years
It's been almost a month. And there's still not a day I don't think about Exandria Unlimited Calamity
There's gonna be a lot of quotes here.
There are many reasons for this like the fact that it has some of the best players in the live play industry. And one of the best DMs. And I'm gonna talk about Brennan a lot in this one
But it's specifically because I have always been most fascinated by the Devil's and the 9 Hells in the lore of most DnD worlds. Lawful Evil has always been far and away the most interesting form of villainy that one can face in game. Chaotic evil can be fun and interesting. But it's just nothing compared to the stark cold logical evil that most lawful evil is. Not to say that lawful evil can't be passionate and I'll talk more about that.
Anyway. All this to say. Brennan Lee Mulligan using the Lord of the Hells as the big bad, the catalysing figure of this calamity was especially good for me. For multiple reasons. Having to do with Vespin Chloras being the right hand of TLotH (Asmodeus. We can say it).
From the very first moment we have seen Asmodeus completely and utterly bamboozling and ensorcelling our first knight Zerxus Ilerez. All of his visions have been targeted to take a man who already did not trust divinity and, drive a wedge further and impart this idea of the betrayer gods but specifically Asmodeus as a wrongfully punished being. And truly while in this ruse, Asmodeus said some of the most chilling and effective things I can think of
"Just ask yourself Zerxus, whom did we betray?"
"Zerxus if you look down and see the stars, what will you see if you look up?"
"I don't look the same to everybody."/"I sometimes look like the most beautiful face that mortals have seen."/"I never know who I'm going to look like to people" (I love these. Fucking bold faced lies)
And here we get to his explanation of the Schism
"The primordials were here when we first arrived, it was their world first"
"I thought to help, I had seen the gifts of love and courage and truth and honor and sacrifice and I said 'these are the greatest gifts we could create and we must make them matter' and I said 'these will matter because in their absence we will know deceit and in their absence we will know betrayal, in the absence of love there will be visciousness' I-I thought I was expanding on a creation. I thought I was making something that would make the earlier work more- More... Mortals called them evil, said that they were wicked said that they were wrong and I said 'well yes but that is the point is it not?' and they hated me"
"We had already leant on the hospitality of the primoridals enough. We had leant on it enough! We stepped in and said 'the game has gone on too far' the primordials rose up against them and the *Prime Deities* as they called themselves stepped in to fight them. To double down on their overreach. Our promises were to the primordials. AND WE WERE CALLED BETRAYERS?"
"Do you want to know your fault Zerxus?
You are very trusting. You say I am being used? You are being used." Zerxus even says "By you?" Which Asmodeus shakes his head to! "I am the father of lies. You are being lied to, and not by any God."
Which brings me to a point. Brennan mentions in the wrap up. Asmodeus almost never just straight up lied to Zerxus. And I believe him! The reasons that the 9 Hells and the Devil's and Asmodeus are so interesting to me is easily because why lie and deceive outright when you can just say the truth to get what you want. You can certainly frame it differently than others might. But if the shoe fits do your best to sell it. The very best lies and deceptions have a version of truth to them. Something to keep your mark placid and malleable while you're playing them. But most importantly. It need only be the truth to you! It just matters how much you believe yourself when you say it. Because people loathe to contradict a person who is confident about what they say. You see it in any example or explanation of conmen, it's why they're called confidence schemes. People are raised by birth to not fight or question a person in who looks like they belong where they are.
All of this to say, while Asmodeus' beliefs about what he said have different emotions. I don't think for a second that any of it contradicts what all ended up happening.
Which is why it's so fun to see the mask fall. The iconic (to me) moments and lines
"You tried to resurrect Evandrin when he wasn't dead. You're trying to atone me when I didn't do anything Wrong."
"You have refered to yourself and your fellow mortals as our children, you're not our children. You are a bad first draft."
"Now. I'll tell you why I spit on your forgiveness, I'll tell you why I loathe your redemption. To reach a hand down to somebody they need to be BENEATH YOU, and I'm beneath nobody!"
"In the vision in the hall of prophecy you told me that, you would help me confront those that did this to me. WAKE UP ZERXUS! YOU DID THIS TO ME! You and your kin. You think my enemies are the Prime Deities? Those. Are. My. Siblings!"
My favorite one
"Has it never dawned on you that before the Schism, all was well between us? We came here to make something. And then, one of our puppets, one of our foolish paper dolls mattered so much to them, that they threw US into the PIT. You think that my quarrel is with them? No. All of you did something to them. You made them turn their back on us. My greatest heartbreak is that when I have collected every last mortal soul and all of my siblings into my pit. That I will only have eternity to punish them."
Genuinely that monologue. I've barely stopped thinking about that since I first heard it.
I love. LOVE. That Brennan took the Lord of the Hell's. And made his evil, his anger, his hatred. Fueled by GRIEF and FRUSTRATION. He misses his siblings! He doesn't understand why they turned their back on them. And he will take all of that out on everyone else. It's such a fun and interesting take on the devil. Usual DnD lore has Asmodeus just believe that he could rule the multiverse in the most beneficial way possible out of all other options. Which is also good. But Brennan giving him so much EMOTIONAL motivation is so so good.
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natcat5 · 2 years
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It’s 1979 and Disco’s never going to die.
An Exandria Unlimited Calamity playlist in preparation for Episode 4. Song order roughly reflects chronology of the show. 
Track list and explanations below the cut, for those who care about such things.
Episode 1 
Dark Doo Wop - Ms MR “The earth breaks, it falls and set your beat I find myself swallowed, drowning in your heat”
Zerxus’s Dream
24K Magic - R3hab Remix - Bruno Mars, R3HAB “Pop pop, it's show time Guess who's back again? Oh they don't know? (Go on tell 'em) I bet they know soon as we walk in”
The Ring of Brass in the glamour and glory of Avalir, City of Crowns, in the Age of Arcanum 
Primadonna - MARINA ”Living life like I'm in a dream I know I've got a big ego I really don't know why it's such a big deal, though”
The Ring of Brass in the glamour and glory of Avalir, City of Crowns, in the Age of Arcanum 
Ribs - Lorde “We can talk it so good We can make it so divine”
The Ring of Brass at the party, their friendship, and individual minor troubles 
King - Florence + the Machine “I need my golden crown of sorrow My bloody sword to swing My empty halls to echo with grand self-mythology”
Laerryn (and Patia a little bit)
Episode 2
Passerine - The Oh Hellos “My palms and fingers still reek of gasoline From throwing fuel to the fire of that Greco-Roman dream”
First hints of the coming Fall of the Age, and the possibility that the Ring of Brass might have something to do with it 
Dance on Our Graves - Paper Route  “I know the man I am is not who I should be The devil takes my hand, says child come with me”
Zerxus in the Hall of Prophecies
Cassandra - Acoustic - Florence + the Machine “Everything I thought I knew is falling out of view And if I run fast enough, could I break apart As empires tumble and cathedrals flatten in my heart?“
Nydas after hearing the prophecy
There’s A Storm Coming - Fahrenhaidt, Alice Merton “Oh there's a storm coming Oh hear the roar It's coming down”
Realization that there’s a genuine plot afoot in the city. Like, a bad one. 
Episode 3
Battle Cry - Angel Haze, Sia “Money cannot buy All the love that's here tonight It's just you and I” 
Ring of Brass against Dean Hollow and the Fiends. Specifically, how well RoB works as a team and how much they care about each other
Mourning Doves - Mikky Ekko “Look at how far we've come Look at this mess we've made”
Realization that they can’t land the city, and the way it impacts the team.
Dying in LA - Panic! At the Disco “Every face along the boulevard is a dreamer just like you You looked at death in a tarot card and you saw what you had to do”
I don’t know how to explain my rationale for this one. Something something the promise of Avalir as being a place where knowledge power and prestige are pursued at all cost. Something something Laerryn’s complete inability to give up on her Astral Leywright.
Ungodly Hour - The Fray “Her bag is now much heavier I wish that I could carry her But this is our ungodly hour”
The caelix. Could apply to all the characters kind of dealing with the worst situation they’ve ever been in, but could also be specifically Laerryn having to choose between her life’s work, Evandrin’s spirit, Quay and Patia and the damn tree. 
Girls Against God - Florence + the Machine “Oh God, you're gonna get it You'll be sorry that you messed with us”
Laerryn vs. Tree
Seven Devils - Florence + the Machine “Holy water cannot help you now Thousand armies couldn't keep me out”
Arrival of the Lord of Hells 
All the songs from here on out are speculation on how Episode 4 might go, so I won’t bother with explanations until after I’ve watched the episode and either affirmed or changed up my song list. 
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chiakery · 2 years
Some thoughts on Exandria Unlimited: Calamity, Part 1. Spoilers under the thingy!
- Brennan really isn't fucking around. But the exchange between gods was so curious to me: "if you look down and see the stars, what will you see if you look up?" The "Who did we betray"? I'm sorry, are you implying that the Betrayers aren't completely evil and we should rethink the fundamental believes we hold about this world??
- I already have one grieving husband who rules my heart, I won't survive having two of them, mister Carazo sir
- the sheer audacity of Sam naming his character, a changeling Seelie. I'm glad to see Sam playing bard again but the warlock part is throwing me off. Warlock of whom?? And why did Brennan alluded two or three times to Sam's character not being entirely mortal? What the fuck is up with that? And is it just me, or did his accent change multiple times during the episode?
- I watched it expecting Aabria's character to be some shade of evil and I stand by it even though Laerryn is so precious and I wish her nothing but long and prosperous life. (But what's up with that secret something you need a piece of heavenly gold for, love?)
- also, once again: I love Aabria and Sam so much for giving us an ex-married characters. I've seen people wish for this sort of dynamic pre C3 but with all the hubris and apocalypse hanging in the air? It's even sweeter and more tragic.
- Zerxus, just know I'd die for you. Also, your gryphon is amazing and I wish (despite logic telling me otherwise) that you'll see your son again. Also, did I get it right that he's filling the spot of the First Knight, the title that his husband used to have? Cause that'll be a fucking low blow.
- Purvon being an emo teenager amongst the political-savy adults is something I didn't know I needed.
- Marisha is amazing and intelligent and I can't wait to see the chaos she creates with Patia.
- regarding Marisha's bit on the Instagram about Laudna: I feel now like she was referring not to the Undead itself but the Necromancy used to bring Laudna back. With the Frankenstein monster/zombie whatever it was, I feel like the Necromancer person (can't remember their name, Hola? Holo?) will be somehow associated with the BBEG of this campaign and we're about to witness the shift from Necromancy being a normal type of magic to an illegal art.
- Nydas has such a Gilmore vibe but with more prominent business side (since we're watching him with important people instead of from the perspective of the adventuring party) and I'm all for it. Lou is incredible and I get it why everyone was prising his so much. Also, dragon sorcerer?? What is up with that?
- Travis bird detective? He'll yeah, let's put the CSI opening music! And it looks like he grew to like playing rogues (fun thing to watch after his playfully strained relationship with rogues of VM and MN). He's just so cool in embracing the mechanics of moving and body language of the bird person. And I want to meet his family so bad??
- Overall, an amazing start, can't wait for more! All the name drops of characters mentioned in prev campaigns were so rewarding and the new lore is Intriguing.
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