#lvm s3 spoilers
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abitcaughtinthemiddle · 6 months ago
The Hypocrisy of Vex'ahlia
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Before you all come for me, I am a Vex stan and I will defend her until I die - she is my favorite Critical Role character and I'm so glad we're getting a deeper dive into her psyche.
The complexities of her character cannot be overstated. She has a lot going on under the surface, and the breadcrumbs of her deep-seated insecurities have been there the whole time.
I'm really excited we get to explore those in season 3 through her relationship with Percy, in a way different than what we've seen in the actual play streams. I want to commend the writers for being able to convey so much in so little time.
We are introduced to Vex as a sexy, confident woman who uses her looks and charisma to her advantage. She takes charge most of the time, being the unofficial "leader" of Vox Machina. She presents herself as someone who doesn't really need anyone else and does not care about anyone outside of her brother. Keyleth even comments on this in the first episode, "Vex and Vax only care about themselves".
This, of course, is a complete fabrication, a mask she wears to hide her insecurities. A mask, she wants no one to see through. The irony here is that she can so easily see behind Percy's mask - "Darling, take off the mask". It takes one to know one, after all.
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She so badly wants to get underneath Percy's mask, for him to show himself to her fully. There's something inside of her that sees the guilt and shame inside of him and that resonates with her belief that she is deeply broken. Vex truly believes that something must truly be wrong with her. And why wouldn't she? Saundor, who said he knew everything about her, saw this, too, after all.
Saundor says plainly, "you will never be enough."
So it must be true, right?
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Why wouldn't something be so wrong with her? It would make sense. Her father carries no love for her, her mother died, and Vax had to sacrifice his life for hers. She knows Vax loves her, and she believes he is the only one who does. Even Kamaljiori, an ancient and all-knowing Sphinx, fed into this during their test when Vax fell: "you have no family left who cares for you".
Her hypocrisy lies in the facade she built as a woman who does not need anyone or anything. She presents herself as someone who does not need the love of others, when in reality, she desperately wants to be loved.
Saundor saw this as well.
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Vex longs to love and be loved. And yet, she cannot allow herself to give up her facade and let Percy love her and admit her love for him.
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The last person to see through her walls was Saundor, and we know how that went.
What he said really cut her deep, as we see after the Kevdak fight when she brushes off Pike's inquiries about her experience in the fey realm.
As we see her relationship with Percy move from harmless flirting to physical intimacy at the beginning of season 3, we see her embrace the physical closeness to Percy but starts to block him out the moment he wants to cement their relationship. But she can't let herself tell him how she feels because that would mean admitting her heart is his - and that would be doomed to end in tragedy, as Vex admits later in the cave.
Putting up this emotional wall between her and Percy will not give Vex what she wants: love.
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Love is that emotional intimacy. Vex loves to point out the importance of love between other people- in season 2, pushing Keyleth to tell Vax how she feels ("it always matters"), assuring Allura that Kima's love for her will help her endure after Vorugal's attack, and putting faith in the rest of Vox Machina.
Vex understands what makes love so special, and how important truth and intimacy are to real, lasting love.
And while she comforts others and pushes them to be vulnerable and embrace love, her own fears prevent her from fully doing the same. It's ironic and sad, how one of the only people who can see through her mask is the one she's pushing away.
Trauma makes hypocrites of us all.
Image credits @blorbologist @aq2003
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demisexualemmaswan · 6 months ago
also I know we're all mentally screaming about episode 3
but I'd like to go back to episode 2 for just a second
"If we lose him, I..."
Vex being the one to cry out Percy's name when they go to rescue Percy
"I thought I lost you..." "I'm here, Vex'ahlia" - hey laura. taliesin. WHAT THE FUCk.
literally this boy burrows into Vex every time they hug
like sorry taliesin you can tell me that percy's family didn't hug and therefore he doesn't like hugging but your animated show is telling me that Percy is a little touch starved baby boy
the utter desperation in his voice at "Pike, a little help!" to get Pike to heal Vex
"You saved me...twice." "What would you do without me?"
"To be fair, we did break a decent amount of laws finding you" yeah because you'd break the world for him, vex
percy doesn't even let j'mon sa ord finish the sentence that they'll kill vm, baby boy is like "YEP THEY'RE INNOCENT LET 'EM GO SAVE 'EM"
percy stepping up so the frame is just focused on him and vex while percy is giving himself up to protect vm
"Percy, what are you doing?"
Vex calling for him as the doors close
"They're going to kill Percy!" the anguish, anger and desperation in her voice like vex u don't even know what's coming for you yet
(mildly related, I love seeing the others' relationship with percy get attention because it's very clear that like Percy's a little different from the rest of VM's attitude but he's still theirs and they love him)
"and above all else, I didn't want you to see me that way" what if I JUST
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demigoddessqueens · 5 months ago
“I want an arrow straight through her heart and one in her mouth as she screams”
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simplysparrow14 · 5 months ago
“But with all the treasure we found, and the adventure we had, I’ve been looking for something else. I’ve tried all the wrong ways to find it, but the right one found me. As corny as it sounds, I like myself better when I’m with Kaylie. She matters to me. And I think for the first time in my life, I matter. To her."
I'm clawing at the walls like a goddamn rat. She was expecting Scanlan to talk about her. She was waiting for him to acknowledge her and her efforts to help him with Kaylie but he just blew right past that to talk about how he feels better with Kaylie, never minding the fact that Pike literally was right beside him the entire time, how she also makes him feel better about himself. She's helped his ass every step of the way and all she gets is a plain "Thanks Pike for sticking by me" and a very ass-showing "“You guys are like family to me. But now, I have real family, and she’s the best.”
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It also doesnt help that this episode was written by Sam FUCKING Riegel, like SIR I HAVE WORDS
I'm beating his gnome ass with a baseball bat back into a coma.
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ruidusnightmare · 5 months ago
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sapphiregem01 · 6 months ago
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Percy screenshot redraw cuz I’m going fucking insane WE GOT THE BATH SCENE GUYS LETS GOOOOO
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astraechoes · 5 months ago
!lvm spoilers!
My twt literally turned into hehe/not hehe meme😭
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schroedingers-gay · 6 months ago
WARNING: Spoilers for LVM S3 and CR1 as a whole below the cut!
Okay, so those of us who have watched CR1 know what’s coming at the end of this season (A Bard’s Lament) if they are truly ending the chroma conclave arc with this season.
However, we also know who shows up at the end of this arc, and god I hope they show him to us this season. Even if it’s just a tiny hint at the end or even an after-credit scene, but I feel like they would be missing a huge opportunity if they has Scanlan leave and then Tary show up in the same episode, AGAIN.
Just imagine; you go through the heartbreak that is Scanlan’s speech to the party at the beginning of the last episode of the season, and then you spend the rest of the episode thinking, “what now?”
And then at the end, just before the final credits roll, you hear, “You there! Little elf girl!”
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thelordsoftherings · 5 months ago
Man.... the sad Trinket noise during the funeral... please shoot me into the sun
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jimbodyson · 5 months ago
Here it is, the sequel to my The Words of the Ruby one-shot. It's much longer, and it took ages to write so I hope that people like it (especially Kaylie. Was scared to write her so I REALLY hope she's good!)
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shelma32entertainment · 5 months ago
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abitcaughtinthemiddle · 6 months ago
TLoVM epsiodes 4-6 - my initial thoughts (and theories?)
Allura calling out Perc'ahlia bullshit is primo
Pike is and always will be a badass
Trickfoot mention! The Scan Man knows her family’s name reasoning? Interesting…
Yes! It’s the power of love that shakes folks every time, Pike. Get him with that family talk! (Zerxus I’m so sad!!)
What do YOU MEAN, Zerxus????? She has no idea what courses through her veins??
Yenk “his ascension???” THE WHISPERED ONE?!?! Are they connecting Zerxus to him???? (*takes out conspiracy theory board and connects red strings*)
Kima and Allura so cute and couple goals tbh
Aw their flashback- antagonistic allies to lovers is a great story!
Oh this FWB percahlia thing is gonna hurt so bad
The tree bursting from Vorugal!! Yay C1 Easter egg!
Vex and Percy being cute (idiots)
I knew it- the key is his “mansion”
Chateau beach episode?
Keyfish! C1 watchers knowww
Yes the bathtub scene lmao
Vaxleth is still pain - I’m pouring one out for the shippers (we can make it through!)
Aw Percy and Vex pillow talk and future talk (idiots- you are each other’s future)
Pikelan hug! Cuties!
Oh we’re so getting bard's lament this season
Whitestone attack !!! So soon?
Why has no one noticed Scanlan missing???? Omg this is gonna be important for later
Sun tree!! Noo!!!
(Side note: what if? What if??? Percy’s resurrection is only possible bc of The Dawn Father and that’s how Vex gets linked to The Dawn Father?? )
Yeah we’re so getting “Glintshore” at the end of ep 7 (bc of interviews hint and Ripley giving up Whitestone's location)
(Side note- what if Pike stays behind in Whitestone to wait for Scanlan when the rest of the team hunts down Ripley (or a smaller team) and that’s how we cannot get his resurrection right away? Or the hints being dropped about pikes faith being shaken? She’ll be unable to resurrect him?)
Yes we get a Raishan confrontation! Angry Kiki is best Kiki
Percy’s fear of losing Whitestone again (valid and this is totally setting up true love’s natural 20 “Whitestone still needs you”)
Percy determined to end Ripley…it’s episode 7 y’all it’s gotta be. Glintshore is coming…
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demisexualemmaswan · 7 months ago
presumably the winter outfits in the s3 stills are for the vorugal fight
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demigoddessqueens · 5 months ago
Not the freakin Titanic !!! 🤣
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ahmoseinarus · 5 months ago
Ok…. This was actually one of the best moments… cuz it went from somber as hell to unhinged in 0.006 seconds and I just cackled!!!!
vax shouting “ok, what the hell is this now?!” as keyleth’s face materializes from the sand 🤣
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ruidusnightmare · 5 months ago
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