#i get upset after a while of cc cleaning
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hi-land · 8 months ago
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jusst-you-race · 5 months ago
In one of your chapters of the CC Alex says George once got drunk and went on about how beautiful Lewis’s skin is, maybe that?
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these two were sort of similar so i hope you don't mind me answering these with one prompt... i present to you: drunk george <3 (i imagine this was not long after george started working for the magazine, so like two-ish years before ccc is set) for the ccc snippet prompts
George Alex I am in crisis.
Alex are you now
how’s the new years function 
George It’s good.
People keep hanging me champagne.
Alex hanging?
Georgie are you drunk? 
George I am slightly intoxicating.
Alex oh this is brilliant 
you’re going to be so upset about this though tomorrow 
George Probably I will be yes.
But everyone is being nice.
They are all also drink.
Alex is someone looking after you?
George Yes. 
Alex oh the hot fashion guy? 
George Hot is not an accurate description.
Alex I mean I have eyes George 
George No I mean it is not enough.
He is beautiful. 
Alex only you would use words like exquisite while drunk
George There is no other appropriate word.
You haven’t even seen him in person.
He’s so prettier.
Alex oh my god 
tell me more Georgie 
George His skin.
Alex okay not where I thought we were going 
George It’s so smooth and clean.
It looks so touchable.
Alex touchable…
George Yes. How does he not have a single wrinkle?
Even you have wrinkles.
Alex wtf ouch? 
do I?
oh my god am I ageing badly?
George But he has beautiful soft looking skin.
And such a pretty colour.
And his tattoos!
So many tattoos.
I could look at them forever.
Alex where did you go?
Alex sorry I had to go look in the mirror for those wrinkles
fuck you for pointing those out 
George I want Lewis to fuck me.
oh you are absolutely cooked
hey can you tell Lewis to help get you home for me please?
I think it’s bed time.
George Okah. 
I will tell lovely Lewis.
Alex you do that buddy
home time for Georgie 
George He has cleavage tonight.
Alex I’m sure he does 
let’s stop staring at Lewis’s boobs and get yourself home to bed yeah?
George It’s a nice thing to stare at.
Alex uh huh 
have you told Lewis you need to go home now?
George Yes mum.
Alex lovely 
keep me updated 
George Lewis smiled at me.
Alex keep me updated on your trip home idiot
this is so funny I’m absolutely saving this for future bullying purposes 
George Meanie.
Alex yup ❤️
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groovebunker · 3 months ago
📓, please ❤️
ok so my current au brain worm is a high school au based on hit taylor swift track betty.
fran and cc are childhood friends because sylvia cleaned the babcock's house, but they've grown apart by the time they end up at the same high school (fran's on a scholarship at cc's fancy ass private school). max shows up in their sophomore year (or something) - he's the son of a friend of cc's father - and fran takes an immediate liking to him. cc & max's parents want them to get together and cc goes along with it so no one clocks that she is a Raging Homosexual. they end up sort of tentatively renewing that friendship although max is always kind of in the middle of it.
the song refers to a dance - i see that being a summer dance (is this a thing?) - cc and fran have been getting closer again, maybe a little flirty, but nothing has happened. max wants to take fran, cc wants to go with fran as friends, but they're both pressured into going with one another. fran goes with niles but ends up dancing with max - cc sees them and gets upset. niles (who is the inez of the piece) tells fran but fran assumes that cc's upset about max (poor angel does not have a developed gaydar in this piece).
summer vacation, fran gets a summer job and cc is pushed to spend the summer with max and her bitchy school friends - they all go away together and fran watches through instagram stories and realises she misses her friend a lot more than she misses max. cue long phone calls with niles (who has his head in his hands because Useless Sapphics) and a lot of pining. cc's still in her feels about the whole thing bc max is very into fran but still probably flirting up a storm while they're at the beach.
finale of the story is the party - fran's birthday party in september after they've gone back to school and fran thinks cc hates her and cc thinks fran hates her. anyway. they kiss, on the porch, in front of all their stupid friends.
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angelsanarchy · 2 years ago
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One Long Weekend: - Clyde/YN One-Shot Series CH 12
"Come on, you're gorgeous." "I got puke on your shirt." "Nobody's perfect."
Tagging: @roryculkinluvr @siriuslymooned @cc-luvr @crypticsewerslut @icarus-star @desert-springtime @shady-the-simp @izuoyarmin
TW: Making out, grinding, mutual orgasms
Clyde didn't know how long Snow spent in the bathroom with Y/n but at one point he could hear her sobbing. He felt fucking awful. This is not how he had planned for this to go. He paced around the apartment bringing whatever Snow had asked him for through the crack of the door. Eventually he changed himself and let the others know not to stop by for the rest of the night as Y/n had Exorcist vomited all over his apartment. She hadn't but if there was one thing he knew would keep them away, it was vomit.
Eventually when Snow emerged from the bathroom she had Clyde help her get Y/n into his bed and covered up. Snow noticed the waste bin sitting on one side of the bed with a trash bag in it, a clean towel rested on the nightstand. Clyde had already set himself up on the couch so she could have her space. He didn't want to upset her more than she already was.
"Just make sure she stays on her side. I can't imagine she's got anything left to puke but just in case maybe you should stay close by." Snow gestured to the spot next to her on the bed.
"I don't know that that's a good idea right now. She was really upset. I don't want to make it worse." Clyde rubbed the back of his neck while Y/n buried her face in the pillows.
"Clyde, she's embarrassed. She really likes you and for some reason she thinks you find her repulsive. I don't know if that's the alcohol talking or if she's got some insecurities but please talk to her. If you really like her as much as I can tell you do, don't let her sink into this negativity." Snow pulled Clyde aside, making sure to keep her voice low so y/n wouldn't be disturbed. Snow finally left them alone and Clyde made sure to lock the door and keep the lights low in case the brightness bothered Y/n.
"I'll...I'll be over here if you need anything okay? Right over here." Clyde kept his tone a little above a whisper before sitting on the couch. She didn't budge. He almost worried she wasn't breathing but watched her so carefully that he finally caught a steady rhythm of her back rising and falling. He kept his eyes on her for a majority of the night but didn't realize she was shaking until almost 2 AM. He took the flashlight over towards the bed and put his hand gently on her blanket covered ankle.
"Hey...are you okay? Are you cold?" Clyde heard her sniffle and knew she was crying.
"Oh no, please don't cry Y/n. Please. I'm so sorry I upset you." Clyde slid to the floor next to the bed, back resting against the nightstand. He rubbed her back trying to comfort her but eventually she flipped over to look at him.
"I feel so stupid for even crying." Y/n confessed.
"Don't. I realize now that if I was in your position I would have been super confused and frustrated too. I'm sorry for making you feel stupid." Clyde rubbed his thumb across the top of her hand as it clutched the pillow.
"I just thought since you didn't put any moves on me the other night and still nothing after the shower, maybe you were repulsed by me or-" Clyde clicked his tongue to his teeth.
"Are you kidding? No way." Clyde stopped that train of thought instantly.
"Come on, you're gorgeous." He leaned forward with a whisper and she gave a weak smile.
"I got puke on your shirt." Y/n pulled at the front of the oversized shirt Snow had stolen from Clyde so she would be comfortable.
"Nobody's perfect." Clyde teased with a smirk.
"I'm sorry I've been pressuring you to make a move." Y/n apologized and Clyde shook his head.
"I'm sorry I made you feel like your advances were unwelcome."
"The truth is I'm not really well versed in public displays of affection and expressing my feelings physically." Clyde explained as Y/n took his hand into hers to rest her chin on their laced fingers.
"So you do want to kiss me.." Y/n smiled making Clyde laugh.
"Of course I want to kiss you. I'm not blind. Anyone who says otherwise clearly has horrible taste in women." Clyde was absolutely attracted to Y/n. He was worried that the others would try and steal her attention away from him and forgot that he actually has to follow through on his own attraction in the process.
"That's good to hear because I really want you to kiss me too." Y/n's smile made Clyde's insides catch fire. He wanted to kiss her. Hell he wanted to do much more than kiss her. He just had a rule that he didn't like breaking.
"So...I have this rule...I don't like to kiss people who are drunk especially if I'm trying to keep them around for longer than a one night stand, which I am if you hadn't picked up on that." Clyde's explanation made a lot of sense. She liked that he wasn't one of those creeps that took advantage of drunk girls just to get his rocks off.
"Well I wouldn't say I'm drunk at this point. Exhausted from puking my body weight but I suppose I can wait another day." Y/n let out a heavy sigh making Clyde roll his eyes.
"I'm willing to break my rule but you have to make me a promise." Y/n's eyebrows went up.
"You have to promise that you won't forget about it in the morning." Clyde took his hand back from Y/n and held his pinky up to her. She wrapped her pinky around his and smiled.
"I promise." She pulled their locked pinky's towards her chest and Clyde leaned in to kiss her, stopping short.
"Wait you brushed your teeth right?" Clyde checked earning an eye roll.
"Oh my god yes! Kiss me already." Clyde let her pull him towards her, kissing her for the second time. Her moving her lips against his made this a much better kiss than before she threw up. Clyde was at an awkward position and tried to move to sit on the bed next to her but she pulled on the front of his shirt instead. Clyde climbed on top of Y/n, letting his arms hold him up above her while she gripped the hair at the base of his skull. Clyde ran his tongue against hers, tasting the toothpaste and flat soda he had given Snow for her to settle her stomach.
"You're a really good kisser." Y/n pulled away from his lips, breathless and still keeping her hand tangled into his hair.
"You aren't so bad yourself." Clyde tried to shake his hair out of his face but she chuckled, helping him by tucking it behind his ears.
"Do you have any idea how pretty you are?" Y/n ran her thumb across Clyde's cheeks as they grew warm.
"I don't know that anyone has called me pretty before." Clyde laughed shifting to the side of Y/n so he could lay next to her. He rested his now free hand on her bare thigh.
"You have pretty blue eyes and a sweet smile." Y/n leaned towards him to peck his lips once again.
"Thanks, I'm not sure what to say. I don't get compliments often." Clyde wasn't a very bashful guy but he also didn't have anyone look at him the way Y/n did.
"You should. You should absolute get more compliments." Y/n shifted her body, throwing her leg over Clyde's hips and planting herself in his lap.
"Whoa! Okay so you're definitely feeling better." Clyde put his hand on her hips and she laughed.
"Is this okay? I'm not trying to make you uncomf-" Clyde cut her off by sitting up and grabbing her neck, pulling her lips back to his own. He wasn't uncomfortable. He was incredibly turned on and didn't want his hesitation to keep getting in the way of how he felt about her.
They continued to make out, her hands getting stuck in Clyde's hair, Clyde's hands falling from her hips to palm her ass. The more she rocked against him, the harder he became. He knew she felt it. The first moan she pulled from him made her pause and pull her lips from his.
"Are you okay?" She whispered to look at his face again. He nodded his head trying to keep his cool.
"Y-yeah I'm just..." Y/n swiveled her hips a little harder than before and Clyde's eyes squeezed shut.
"Fuck..." He wished he had left his jeans on. All she had on was underwear and was grinding down on his sensitive cock which was covered by a thin layer of pajama pants. Clyde couldn't help but thrust upward trying to get as much friction as he possibly could. Y/n moaned into his neck, wrapping her arms around him tightly.
"Y/n...this...this is going to end...pretty abruptly if you...don't stop." Clyde panted.
"Do you want me to stop?" Y/n asked pulling back to look at him.
"Fuck no! Please don't stop." Clyde chuckled trying not to bruise Y/n's hips with his grip. Y/n reached down and grabbed both of Clyde's hands to pull them to her chest. Clyde opened his eyes to look at her and she bit her lip, making sure to hold his eye contact as she slid his hands under the baggy shirt, silently giving him permission to grab her breasts. He complied squeezing them and running her nipples between his thumb and forefinger.
"Oh fuck, Clyde." Y/n threw her head back and Clyde could feel dampness. He thought it might have been precum but the moment he realized how wet Y/n was, he couldn't hold on anymore.
He groaned loudly, squeezing her tits so hard, Y/n moaned. Clyde pistoned his hips upwards rapidly, groaning loudly and trying not to hurt Y/n with his grip. He had painted the inside of his pajama pants with thick cum, soaking through the material and creating a huge wet spot underneath where Y/n sat. She slowed her hips and Clyde loosened his grip slowly, resting his head against her chest. Y/n put her hands on either side of his face, lifting his face to look at him. His cheeks were flushed, his bottom lip blood red from him biting it and drool on the corner of his mouth. His eyes were glazed over as he tried to catch his breath. Y/n pushed some of his sweaty hair off his forehead until he let out a chuckle.
"Does this count as makeup sex?" Clyde joked making Y/n return his laughter. Y/n kissed his forehead and hugged Clyde to her chest.
"I think we can chalk it up to a mutual forgiveness orgasms." Y/n said making Clyde pull away.
"Wait...did you...?" Clyde felt the front the front of Y/n's panties and she jumped.
"Hey! Relax with the poking. I'm still sensitive." Y/n had cum just from grinding on top of Clyde and he had never been more surprised.
"Holy shit. I didn't think that was even possible. I was fully prepared to eat you out for making me blow my load in these pants." Clyde teased.
"Don't laugh but it's been a while since I've really gotten off with anyone else. I think I just got too excited and got lost in you." Y/n tucked his hair behind his ear again making him smile proudly.
"Yeah I don't think I'm ever going to let you leave now." Clyde wrapped his arms around Y/n and pulled her back onto his chest. She laughed as he bear hugged her.
"At least go change your pants." Y/n teased making him roll out of bed with a heavy sigh to run into the bathroom. He emerged not even two minutes later with only boxers on, jumping back into the bed and spooning up behind Y/n.
Y/n relaxed into Clyde's chest, bringing his arms up to wrap around her tightly as their legs intertwined with one another. Clyde didn't think this was how his night was going to end but he had zero regrets.
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descriptev · 4 years ago
so, the l’manburg crater looks amazing!  cc!phil did a great job.  it genuinely looks really cool and was such a good backdrop for tubbo’s lore yesterday. 
now, I’ve seen some fun discourse popping up over the last couple of weeks regarding c!phil being the one to clean up the crater.  some are upset because c!phil was the one who helped create the crater, and any renovations to that area shouldn’t be his decision to make.  and I get it... to an extent.  some posts are interpreting the life returning to the area as something that was done without c!phil’s help at all, that cc!phil just streamed the redecorating because he wanted to chat while he worked.  and that’s all well and good, but I still kind of like the idea that this is c!philza lore. 
so if we go with that thought process - that phil actually was the one to fix up the crater - I also don’t think, as some posts have claimed, that c!phil did it to make amends for his actions or to bring himself some closure for this country he used to live in.  I genuinely don’t think he gives a single shit about L’manburg.  I still think he’s anti-government, and anti-L’manburg specifically.  I really don’t think he believes he did anything wrong on doomsday, and you know what? I'm actually okay with that.  he’s allowed to have a unique morality.  he’s c!philza, a man of unknown age and origin with only one canon life while everyone else has three.  there is no way I can believe that c!phil fixed up the crater for any altruistic reason.  that doesn’t fit my interpretation of c!phil’s character.  
so instead, my headcanon is that he cleared the crater and helped bring life back to the destruction he left behind for one reason and one reason only.
he did it for her. 
who is her?  nothing is for certain yet.  could be mumza.  could possibly be c!wilbur’s mum.  but nothing has been confirmed.  one thing we can interpret about her (based on the fact that she, basically overnight, sprouted an entire enchanted forest around phil and techno’s arctic home), is that she has something to do with nature.  
we really don’t know much about c!philza.  as mentioned previously, we don’t know how old he is, what his religion is, who he cares for outside of techno and wilbur (and possibly ranboo and fundy).  but there was something so special about how he reacted to that forest’s sudden appearance. the reverence in those written words to ranboo:
I’ve seen them do that before, long time ago
It could be... no, it can’t be her...
there is something about this mysterious Her that has me weirdly engaged.  there isn’t a lot to analyze about her, but I feel like I can give a reading of her character anyway.  to me, she embodies the reclamation of the natural order of things after bloodshed.  and maybe, just maybe, c!phil agrees with that.  and that’s why he fixed up the crater.  for her.
or maybe I just really want to manifest philza lore... :)
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thevoidismyhome2000 · 4 years ago
Studio AU! FluffyNightKiller x Studio AU! XpressoLight
The magic of acting never ceased to amaze Ccino. How actors can so fully take on a persona and effortlessly bring things of fiction to life has always been amazing to Ccino, but especially now. He was preparing the coffee of the big four actors, Nightmare, Killer, Dream, and Cross, making each one perfect by second nature. His hands worked without thought, freeing his mind up to think about other things.
Like the fact that he had to come clean soon.
Ccino groans under his breath at the thought, closing his eye sockets.
When Nightmare and Killer began coming to the cafe during lunch, Ccino was hesitant, but excited. After all, two famous actors had focused their lunchtime on him! At first, it was like a dream. Gradually, he discovered things about them. Killer is infatuated with cats, and Nightmare needs no less than half the cup of creamer and milk in order to drink coffee without gagging.
Ccino became steadily happy to see them, excited and prepared every time. It was a few months of this when something else changed.
Ccino was cleaning up, ready to close up shop, when one hand rapped on the door.
“Hey, can we get something real quick?” The soft voice covered the space within and Ccino let the two visitors in, whom he quickly noted to be Dream, brother of Nightmare, and Cross.
They became something new in his routine.
Nightmare and Killer visited during lunch, and then Dream and Cross would stop by just before closing and walk Ccino home.
Just as had happened with Nightmare and Killer, Ccino gradually felt something for Dream and Cross.
It was only recently that Ccino finally put a word to the feelings he felt around the four actors.
He loved all four actors with all his heart.
And that led to this situation.
Where he needs to come clean to both pairs.
“Ccino, great work as always.” Came a compliment from the quieter of the two, Nightmare. Killer, meanwhile, was chugging the entire coffee order Ccino had made.
“I don’t know if I can ever make my own coffee again after getting used to you making it, Cc.” Ccino blushes slightly at the nickname Killer gave, freezing as he sees the other pair walking over.
I’d like a hole right now.
Ccino pales, chuckling nervously as Dream and Cross meet up with Nightmare, Killer, and Ccino.
“Hey, Ccino. Have you had a good day?” Ccino nods slightly, Dream frowning gently.
“If you’re having issues with your neighbors, you can always stay at our place.” Ccino shakes his head, trying to hide in his sweater as Nightmare responds.
“Dream? You know Ccino as well?” Dream nods.
“Cross and I have the time in the evenings, so we visit him and walk him home, you?”
“Kills and I can go during lunch, and we just hang out with him.” The two continue talking, leaving Killer and Cross to study Ccino, who is currently trying to melt into the floor.
“Hey, Night, Dream, I think Cc needs a break.” The two focus on Ccino, Nightmare frowning and gently rubbing Ccino’s pink cheeks.
��You’re heating up. Have you gotten enough sleep?” Ccino gives a small nod, not trusting his voice right now, silently thankful that neither pair has picked up on his feelings.
“We’ll be visiting during lunch, in the meantime, Dream, why don’t you take him to the nurse anyways, to make sure he’s okay.” Dream and Cross nod, leading Ccino away. Once they are around the corner, Dream smiles at Cross.
“You can head back, I think Ccino will be fine with just me.” Cross nods, placing a gentle kiss on Dream’s cheek, Ccino turning away from the affection.
I wish that could be me.
“Ccino, I’m not accusing you or anything, but based on the way you reacted, I get the feeling you are hiding something.” Ccino sighs, a little upset he can’t hide his feelings from Dream.
“I...I am...It’s nothing bad! I swear! Well...probably not. I’m…” Ccino stumbles over his words, Dream just smiling patiently. Ccino takes a deep breath, calming down slightly (he can never be truly calm when his blood might as well be coffee at this point).
“Promise you won’t judge me?”
“Okay...I met Nightmare and Killer a few months before you and Cross...that isn’t the problem. The problem is…” Ccino can feel his cheeks heating up again at the thought.
The problem is I like all of you, and can’t decide which pair I like more.
“Is that all?” Ccino blinks.
“D-did...I say that out loud?”
“Yeap. And if you’re worried about picking a pair, then think about who you click with better.” Ccino releases a noise similar to a whine and a huff.
“If I could decide who I click with better, I would have picked already.” Dream hums softly, smiling.
“Then I suppose there really is a problem here.” Dream chuckles.
“Cause Cross and I fell for you too Coffee Boy. And I can already tell, Nightmare and Killer love you dearly as well.” Ccino slouches.
“Don’t remind me.”
“If you can’t pick, and all of us love you, then the solution is simple.” Dream smiles.
“Go back to your job, I’ll make sure Killer and Nightmare come with Cross and I at closing, okay?” Ccino slowly nods, heading back to his job with Dream, who then heads back to filming.
Ccino prepared their drinks about five minutes before they were due to arrive, cleaning excessively due to nerves mostly. Ever since his conversation, he’s been running different ideas for Dream’s solution in his head.
But there isn’t a solution here! Especially not a simple one.
“-Well, I’m glad we were able to clear that up!” Comes Dream’s voice from outside, laughter buried under the chipper tone.
“Agreed, and thank you for the suggestion.” Nightmare’s reply, in his cool yet soft voice.
“I’m amazed Ccino felt that way about us for so long and didn’t pop like a balloon.” Killer’s statement, with the undertones of excitement.
“Well, Ccino isn’t near as flirty as you.” Cross’s voice and laughter mixed with Killer’s laughter.
“True!” Killer replies, the excitement still there.
Finally, they reach the door, Dream raising his hand to knock.
“I-it’s open.” Dream smiles, pushing the door open, the other three filing in. Ccino is quick to hand them each their drink, making sure he got the order right.
The first several minutes are spent in utter silence as the four drink their coffees while Ccino vibrates between nervousness and wired on coffee. Even after they finish their drinks, none of them speak, only sending respective smiles toward Ccino.
What are they trying to do?
Ccino shudders, taking a deep breath and nervously wringing a nearby towel.
“I-i’m fairly certain Dream told you how I felt. I-i understand if you all are disgusted with me and don’t want to see me anymore. I-i can talk to my boss, get reassigned, never have to see you again,-” A soft hand rubs his tears away. Ccino blinks, staring at Dream, who tilts his head, smiling gently.
“Ccino, don’t cry, please. None of us want you reassigned, and none of us are disgusted with you. In fact...” Dream turns, Nightmare having stood up and crossed the cafe to stand beside Dream.
“We all want to try out Dream’s suggestion.”
“W-which is?” Dream and Nightmare smile, but it’s Killer, who is cuddling a cat, who responds.
“Well, we are all interested in polyamory. So the solution is simply for you to not choose at all.” Ccino tilts his head and Cross pipes up.
“You’ll get both Dream and I as well as Nightmare and Killer. All in one super deluxe package. We’re all in agreement that we are interested in you, and since you can’t make the choice, we figured this would be best, just to see.” Ccino sags against Nightmare, slightly catching the other off-guard.
“So...none of you hate me...for loving you both?” Dream chuckles softly and all the skeletons shake their heads.
“And you don’t hate me for hiding your visits from each other?”
“One, Ccino, we talk to each other at work. It was bound to come out. And two, you have a life outside of us. If we tried to micromanage your life so we were the only ones in it, we’d be toxic.” Ccino sighs, relaxing.
“Great, cause I’m tired, and don’t want to deal with my neighbors today.”
“Sounds great. Come stay at my place for the night.” Nightmare states, looking at the others.
“And no reason not to invite the rest of you over.” Everyone smiles and Ccino just rests on Nightmare. Slowly, Nightmare picks up Ccino, hugging the skeleton close to his chest, Killer and Cross rushing ahead to open the door, Dream smiling.
“Thank you...all...really…” Ccino mumbles as he slowly dozes off on Nightmare’s shoulder. The four look at each other, before grinning down at Ccino, whispering soft ‘goodnights’ to the tired skeleton.
Studio AU Concept and Headcanons courtesy of @zu-is-here, @help-im-a-gay-fish, @kotikaleo, and @yuriyuruandyuraart Nightmare and Dream belong to @jokublog Cross belongs to @jakei95 Killer belongs to @rahofy-sketch / @rahafwabas Ccino belongs to @black-nyanko
Honestly, I had so much fun writing this! This is probably my fluffiest oneshot ever.
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pinkseas · 3 years ago
bads frustration with the vines being cleaned up, “so disappointing, its all in preparation” god you can HEAR it and how upset he is im so. im so. im Not sane
the red banquet advertising LMAO was nervous but  i feel better now. 
no but the way bbh is still borderline fond of quackity even while corrupt. the way he shows little to no mercy to ANYONE he used to care about, towards his own friends, especially those going against the egg, and comparatively he’s so much easier on quackity, trying so hard to make him understand, really trying not to hurt him. god
remembering what the basement used to look like is SO jarring. one of my first ever streams i remember seeing it virtually untouched, i think one statue mightve been red ??? and NOTHING else. its so. its So.
i know the whole thing with nether blocks being used is mostly because of how well the colors all work and the lava but MAN does it make me think. especially considering my favorite nether worldbuilding has to do with the nether itself being one massive sentient being netherrack flesh walls etc etc idk !!!!! makes me Think. love it so bad
they built it all so nicely starts crying. “i wonder if we have enough seats for everyone” i know they literally murder bitches but STARTS CRYING
egg please dont speak backwards when i dont have access to what youre really saying Thank You
bads frustration the way he cows with whatever its saying “I know! i know. you dont have to say it anymore” WHAT IS IT SAYING IM SOOOO. im so.
i still swear the shroomlights around it make it look like petals unfurling
“eggactly according to plan” i hate it here. god it really is still them. like i know thats mostly cc bbh but im Choosing to interpret it as the characters still being themselves even with the eggs influence. Man.
“theyre gonna have no other choice but to love it!” hmmm. 
bad exasperation with skeppy. crying in a different way now
officially pausing my quiet bloodvines playlist in the background to really hear this god help me
“i wanna be next to the egg” NO inflection, completely monotone. everyone was affected differently but for the most part they kept their personalities and emotions- skeppy is just. almost gone. no emotion, no care, nothing but wanting the egg. it makes me SO curious about how the egg works and what it does i swear
“we both know theres nothing wrong with the egg and the eggs great and all” the way bad is literally only here for skeppy i am GOING to cry. i cant even remember what extent is or isnt canon i just know in my mind bad broke free of its influence, is probably far more resistant to it now, and is still there because his best friend loves the egg and he wants his best friend back. god.
still caring for and being worried about skeppy but at this point its so far in and hes starting to get more frustrated/give up hope
“lets go for a walk” literally just wanting to spend time with him GOD. how is there another 20 minutes im gonna Die
skeppy being so far gone and just. not giving a damn. its so jarring but also ive only seen skeppy like this? my 2nd or 3rd stream was BBH and puffy trying to get skeppy back to himself after he’d first been corrupted, the one where they had that little underground house and the big skeppy face in the wall and bad was upset because skeppy wasnt his best friend anymore. but i think i vaguely recall him at least pretending to be a bit more emotional or cheerful, in a cynical sort of way ?? and now its. total carelessness and apathy.
“all of this, all of this is for him, and its so frustrating. i know that egg is not evil and everything and everyone is just misunderstanding it” GENUINELY cant tell if this is genuine or just him convincing himself. like obviously the egg is awful but we never learned its actual intentions. obviously the banquet was mostly death but i really, really have to wonder. there are SO many things 
“i dont like how much time he spends by it now, he literally just hangs out by it” implying the slow build of him hanging around the egg itself more and more and how its making him worse. obviously being physically close to the egg is REALLY bad and corrupts you much faster but i have to wonder if part of it is also skeppy becoming more corrupt the more the others serve the egg ??? idk idk idk thats NOT a full thought
SKEPPY ABLE TO REPAIR IT i did not know that. holy shit
the skeppy “do you wanna take a picture? i mean you keep looking at me” its cruel but god. he’s really still in there too its not full apathy hes not fully gone just wildly fucking corrupt. GOD.
bad sounds So Sad he cares so much more about skeppy than the egg holy shit. step aside c!clingyduo 
skeppy being VERY aware of the egg and area and what has and hasnt been touched.... so in tune with it.... i love it here
NOT THE OLD STATUES BAD PLEASE. “yeah. i look good.” SKEPPY.......... ohhhh my god and bad saying it looked better before. fuck. Fuck. 
i have a weird thought/hc about the egg running off of wishes or willpower of those corrupt or something and skeppy wanting his friends to be safe and abandon him so the egg can die vs bad just wanting skeppy and it working horribly. skeppy being more and more cold and corrupt as hes trying to drive bad to abandon him, bad pushing closer JUST wanting his friend, both fueling the egg up until bad finally gives up, decides its not worth it, and inadvertently frees them both. and it REALLY doesnt have much ground in canon but this is fueling it just a little bit. skeppy REALLY doesnt want bad talking to him.
 bad not giving a damn or even flinching or moving anytime he gets burned
bad literally praising the egg vs telling it to shush when he just wants to be around skeppy GODDDDD
okay skeppy interrupting the egg made me assume he couldnt hear it but that solidifies it i think. he couldve been doing the threatening “who are you talkign to” as in who are you daring to shut up but i genuinely think he cant hear it, it doesnt seem like he was being more threatening until he realized bad WAS talking about the egg
skeppy also not giving a damn about the burning in spite of having No armor and definitely taking damage, “i like how it feels” ohhhh my god. bads tired, quiet “of course you do” FUCK ME
skeppy getting all dramatic about the dance and bad shutting him down LMAO
bad REALLY trying to get skeppy to spend less time around the egg, “do you think thats like, good for you?” its all for skeppy everything is for skeppy fr. 
“okay done come back” no hesitation, bad still arguing every time because hes still fighting for him in any way he can
“It’s not about power, it’s not about control, I’m your FRIEND Skeppy” “I mean, you can think that” holy SHIT. cant tel if skeppys voice sounded more apathetic or more sad. it almost sounded sad but i might be imagining things 
“What, that egg, that egg is gonna be your FRIEND?” GODDDDDDDDDD
“The egg is more than life itself, dont you understand? dont you feel it? no, you wouldnt understand” eyes WIDE open
“youd rather hang out on this egg than on me??” giggling thank you bbh for the slip up i once again feel better now
“Skeppy, tell me im your friend right now” the way theyre arguing i have NO clue whats in skeppys head right now but bad being so furious and fed up and desperate, EVERYTHING hes done with this egg has been for skeppy, every bit of it for their friendship, and now skeppy is saying every bit of that effort and everything hes done has been for nothing because they arent even friends.
 the talk of sacrifice ohhhhh my god. oh my god. oh my God. this whole conversation is so. holy shit.
“i just dont want you next to THAT” the way hes willing to spend so much time with/around the egg but even now doesnt want skeppy near it. fuck.
the way selfish prob hits so hard because in his mind he PROBABLY hates this is hurting so many people making so many sacrifices ALL for skeppy and their friendship, not at all for him, ohhhh my god. theyre both right and theyre both a little wrong and i hate it im soooo
“IT’S JUST A STUPID EGG SKEPPY” he literally does not like the egg he literally hates the egg he doesnt care for it every single thing has been for skeppy hes not FULLY under his influence he does it for skeppy. THE FUCKING HORROR IN HIS VOICE AS HE GASPED AND SKEPPY DIED IM SO. IM SO. IM SO.
the “what happened, what did i do” the way THAT in itself was so influenced by the egg, maybe consciously maybe not but definitely by the MONTHS of serving bad did all for skeppy im so. im so. im sooooo. 
i cannot for the LIFE of me tell what is going on in that ending 
“please actually answer me. bad?” holy shit.hjoly shit. holy shit., 
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dnfshield · 4 years ago
okay im posting my first and most important syndicate!dream propaganda !! if people are interested ill def post the rest
and because I'm delusional all of this hinges on that I want dream to actually be upset and brocken 💔🥀 and desperately needing help and not wanting to let anyone help him because connections bad blah blah but I know cc dream doesn't have the range and is also a coward so I have to do everything for him 
its under a read more bc its 1.4k words lmao
I think it takes dream a while to process being out of prison even though he should be taking advantage of his new freedom and new space. he spends a lot of time in his room just laying in his blankets or curled up under his bed or memorizing all the shelves of stuff techno left in the spare room. And philza and techno silently agree to make sure dream is getting socialization - knowing that he desperately needs the connection but is unsure how to go back to being ALLOWED to be around others. So they take turns going to his room at night and just finding literally anything to do in his presence. Phil likes to read the old books techno left in there. And when he sees dream peeking over he'll mutter something about how ""reading it out helps me think"" and will quietly read allowed to dream. Or he'll go sit at the desk with a creaky chair and write letters to the woman he loves, gushing over memories and sharing snippets of stories to dream. Phil sits there with a dopey smile and blushy cheeks and dream sits there letting his words sink in - knowing too late that he should never have convinced himself that pushing everyone he loved would somehow save him. 
Technos more pacey- he likes to go in there and ""reorganize"" the miscellaneous objects he left in what was supposed to be a storage space turned bedroom. Sometimes it's stacks of pages ripped from old journals sometimes it's failed blueprints and plans sometimes it's old potion bottles that definitely got left a little too long and should NOT be opened - but whatever it is techno will grab it and ramble on about what he was thinking what he was planning why it didn't work and scramble to find an excuse as to why he's chosen to hoard whatever the object is rather than throw it away like a normal person. But dream just sits there and listens and asks questions or asks to hold whatever it is - honestly whatever he can do to keep techno from going to bed and leaving him in his room alone. 
Lol okay the actual real important one that started all this is that dream eventually starts outwardly showing signs of distress when alone. At first he reeled when others would try to be around him. He still dealt with the conditioning of never being allowed to have regular visitors and being told everyone he ever knew wanted him dead. But once he realized Phil and techno were not only safe to be around but were happy to be around him he couldn't get enough of them. Dream lingers in the kitchen while philza cooks them all breakfast. He follows techno around while he haphazardly goes through chests looking for a specific enchanting book. He cracks his window so he can hear techno and philza laughing together while they sharpen their weapons on the porch :*) . And on especially bad days where something reminds him of the scorching lava flow or he gets turned around in a space too suffocatingly small he waits up because he knows philza or techno will come and wait with him at night. 
And it's the evening that sam knocks on their door that sends dream into overdrive. The second techno opens the door and philzas eyes fall on Sam's armour Phil places a gentle hand on dreams back and ushers him to his room. Techno stands with his frame in the door physically keeping a barrier in-between sam and their home and eventually gets Sam to begrudgingly leave. But when philza goes to check on dream before bed it's obvious dream sat there listening to techno and Sam yell and threaten each other over his life. So Phil skips whatever ploy to keep dream company that he had planned and just sits on his bed with him. He doesn't even say anything besides the classic "it's alright please don't be scared" and "he's not taking you away from here" and "you're safe here, with us, you're safe with me and techno" and blah blah and with every passing whisper dream just drifts closer and lets philza be there with him and philza let's dream lean against him because he knows how badly dream needs the comfort and he's more than happy to be there for him ( -sobs- can philza become a better dad in canon we could've have had it all ) . God okay and finally the important part all of this had been leading up to 
And after sitting there and letting dream lean on his shoulder and dodging dreams pleas to tell him how techno got sam off their property dream eventually quiets down. Every time dream stirs to break the silence philza squeezes his arm and let's him settle closer. Dream can barely keep his eyes open but when Phil tries to say goodnight and shift to stand up dreams eyes shoot open and asks if Phil's actually going to leave for the night because a million things are running through his mind. What if Sam only left to not cause a scene and plans to return after the others go to bed and take him with no one there to protect him. What if Sam only left to tell everyone where he is and return with a mob filled with the people dream himself made hate him. What if techno made a deal with sam - to return with diamonds or precious items in exchange to step aside and let dream he hauled away. But Phil only smiles softly and tells him that he's just gonna move to a new spot and dream just sits there and watches Phil settle at the headboard. Dreams eyes follow Phil's hand as he pats his stomach to becken dream to come lay down. Like okay guys please hear me out so dream settles with his head on philzas stomach kinda surrounded by Phil's legs like a little nest :-( while Phil just tells dream to relax and get some sleep. Phil's hand is a weight on his back and dreams just kinda melts. And as dream finally let's himself wind down he thanks Phil for being there with him. philza takes in a breath and whispers "of course" and after a silent beat as if saying it out loud would bring him back in time he tells dream "me and wilbur used to do this when he was younger"
And dream just tells him that he's sorry and that if he "could go back and change it he'd give anything, sorry for letting it go so far with wilbur" and philza tells him that he "knows wilbur is sorry too" and he knows how mentally unwell wilbur got and that he "wished he'd checked up after the letters stopped sooner" and dream doesn't want philzas to blame himself there's nothing he could have done to stop what wilbur and dream had started between each other but there's nothing dream could say to make philza understand that. So he just tangles a fist in philzas shirt and hopes a "none of this is your fault" in an exasperated voice will convey that enough. He gives philzas one more thank you for being here and with philzas hand tracing little movements on his back dream finally feels safe enough to drift off. Lol lol lol ooooooo okay
:*) Loool what if techno used to have a weekly routine of weapon care like just keeping them clean and sharpened and polished. but after he rescues dream from his isolation and torment from quackity, technos sitting in the living room and goes to grab his axe and dream starts panicking and immediately goes to apologizing and begging techno to tell him what he did wrong and promises he'll try better next time (even tho he didn't do anything :-( ) and techno does his best to assure him he didn't do anything, that he's doing perfectly fine and even if something came up his first instinct would not in fact be to pull an axe out on him and techno puts his stuff away and they just sit together :-( after philza gets home he and techno talk and agree it would be best they keep the weapons out of site unless it's absolutely necessary.
theyre sitting like this L
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backseatsiren · 4 years ago
A Dramatic Day
It’s been awhile since I’ve written here! There are a couple of reasons: first, my life has reached brave new heights of busy - I was promoted to Editor in Chief at work a bit over a year ago, and my responsibilities there obviously take a lot of time. I’m also teaching more courses than usual at Berklee (right now, one section of Film and TV and two of Game Design Principles), and, as usual, I’m training grappling on top of it all. Plus, naturally, the ambulance. I’m hitting my tour hours, and proud to do it, and as pumped as ever to be an EMT in this neighborhood.
I’m also... very, very, VERY slowly *actually writing a book* about all of this. I’ve begun interviewing a few fellow EMTs, mainly volunteers, about what it is we do. Because of how insane my schedule is, it’ll be a very long term project, and I can’t put any pressure to finish soon. But, especially through the pandemic, I’ve felt a desire to document and interview and report on the idea of volunteer emergency medical services in New York City, here in Brooklyn and Queens, and I think other folks might be interested in reading a bit about it.
But I’d like to get back into the practice of writing about calls and concepts and experiences. As always, I’ll respect patients and patient privacy, and will never reveal identifying information or anything inappropriate.
Today was a fairly busy day, but it started with a bit of a dramatic call. We were called to an unknown, and flagged down by a bystander. A man called us over and told us that he saw a man lying on the train tracks (a less-used track, not the subway or commuter rail or anything). He said he regularly feeds a colony of feral cats there, and noticed the gentleman lying down the way.
We thanked him and high tailed it over, yelling out to him (the usual “sir are you ok?”). My more experienced (many, many years in EMS, including at a much higher level of certification) partner took a look at him and said “he might be dead” and began looking forward a pulse. He went for more help (another ambulance was arriving and they needed to be directed over, the physical layout of the space was weird), and he instructed me to look for a pulse. I did, and found nothing. My other partner (a newer EMT, just cleared for CC status, who I also love working with), said “he’s cold to the touch.”
It was raining lightly. The tracks were a little slick, and there was some litter. It’s early may, and the grass had that beautiful sheen on it, that it gets in the rain. Weird things, visual and sense memory things, are coming back as I write about it.
He was lying down on his face on the tracks. I checked for a carotid pulse again and felt nothing. I checked his hands - they were closed and held tight. Rigor Mortis. I checked his arms, his coat, his clothing, careful not to mess with anything, but looking for lividity. He was bleeding from his face, and, on inspection, his face was very clearly badly injured, bruised, and bloated. I was wearing an N95, but even so, you could smell that he was deceased.
I told my more experienced partner that when he arrived with the other crew. We inspected the scene - noting a shovel and some other tools. There was a little encampment nearby - possibly where this man lived. Beer and food in a little shelter.
It certainly looked like foul play was possible. I learned a few minutes later (on my next call) that the cops did start an investigation there.
As one of the other EMTs from the other crew noted, it was “like a movie scene.” Something about the rain and the light, the way the blood pooled, the way the ants crawled around in it... was surreal. It may have been my less experienced partner’s first DOA when they were first on the scene (it wasn’t mine, but it was certainly the first *outdoor* DOA where I’ve been first and had to help establish that). It was my first suspected murder scene.
And yes, it was deeply sad. There’s some initial adrenaline, for me, in every call. There would be more on my other calls today. There is a voice in my head that repeats a lot of the basic instructions and goes through scenarios: “ABCs” (a note to always prioritize airway, breathing, and circulation). I think about what happened in any given situation and what I should do for my patient. I look for threats to everyone’s safety. And when I can breathe and get a clearer picture of what’s going on, that’s when I can start to process things a bit.
We covered him with a clean sheet from the ambulance and did all the things we needed to do. We talked about it a little, after the call. But I always need to think about things for a few hours after, which is what I’m doing here, by writing about it a bit.
I’m a deeply, empathetic person. I feel for my patients. The call I’m about to talk about - the very next call - required that of me in a different way. But in this scenario, I want to first do everything right for the person and situation, and next, be as respectful as humanly possible. This poor man died - was very probably killed - and was left outside in the rain. I don’t know much about his life, and very little about his death. The whole scenario is very sad, and very surreal.
Every time I’ve had a dead patient, it’s stuck with me. I don’t think I’ll ever forget my first, a woman who very probably died of a heart attack or in her sleep, and her son found her. He was mourning. He was on top of the body, hugging her, crying “I’m sorry, mommy,” and there’s... I guess there’s nothing on earth like that. Nothing like that kind of pain. People, as a rule, do not expect to see their loved ones deceased, and when we do, we usually have a ceremony for it.
I’m just a bystander to that. I can do nothing to help the deceased person, and very little for a mourning loved one, besides being a respectful, empathetic human presence. For my deceased patient today, all we could do was establish that he was dead and do the proper things to ensure his remains would be taken care of (and his death investigated).
My next call was very different, but it was heavy in a different way. We got a call for, basically, a suicidal young woman. We arrived, with PD, to her door. The officers assessed things to an extent, but she revealed that she had been traumatized by police in the recent past, and didn’t want any police in her home. I talked with her calmly, and was able to relieve the cops and take this one, with my partner.
We listened to her. She had obviously been through some extreme trauma and needed mental health resources. I won’t reveal any details here, but I had to keep assuring her that I had no handcuffs and wasn’t interested in taking her against her will. She was terrified of being taken somewhere she didn’t want to go, and I basically sat calmly with her and talked to her about her options. Just talking. Just listening.
This is a case, like a patient a couple of years ago, where I’m very happy to take my time. I’m a volunteer, man. I’m not grinding through a shift for miserable pay, as most EMTs are - I’m here because I frankly want to be useful in this manner.
And I’m happy to sit with a person going through emotional hell, because this is what I can help with. I’m five years into being an EMT with RVAC. I do this 2-3 shifts per month, so I’ll never be the fastest, best, EMT in NYC. But I can be the most patient EMT, and I can give plenty of extra time to a person.
I’m not a therapist, and I don’t pretend to be. That’s what I told her - first, that I’m not a cop, I don’t have cuffs, I have no interest in taking her if she’s of sound mind and doesn’t want to go. Then, second, that I’m no doctor, and no therapist, and that I want her to have resources if she needs them.
We talked more, and did more vitals, and she decided she wanted to come to a mental health facility. We explained every step of the process to her, and what she could expect, and what to bring.
Do I wish I was an actual therapist who could help this girl right away? Yeah. Do I wish I had the ability to make mental health policy that provides good, effective, supportive therapy to all human beings who need it? Yeah. Do I wish I could do better for her than an ER with psych specialists? Where she could easily get lost in the cracks or simply never connect with what she truly needs? Yeah.
I can only take her to a place where people are at least trained to assess her and offer her further resources. I can only hope they actually can help, and do so.
I had another call where we did a bit of *psychological first aid* not long after that. A dramatic scene! A young woman fainted at work at a store, and several people were surrounding her and holding her at the scene! Folks were holding her hands and crying.
It looked wild at first glance, but our patient was completely ok - we got her out, had medics assess her completely, and brought her to the ER while assuring her parents that things looked ok. Her mother was extremely upset, and we had a bit of a language barrier, but we were able to assure her and let her know things looked ok, that her child had very promising vitals and EKG readings, and we just needed the ER visit to make sure.
The medics helping us out were INCREDIBLE. They offered a full walkthrough for us of what was going on physiologically with her and gave a very helpful tip on scenes like that - give bystanders little jobs (just simple stuff, like holding the door, or looking for something like a towel) to do! It helps (caring, kind, just want to help) folks feel helpful when they get scared, especially in dramatic-looking situations.
A lot of drama today. A lot of learning. I felt really good about taking charge with my psych patient and helping her to feel safe and able to make her own decision. Im glad we were able to help our young fainting patient. And as much as it’s heavy, I’m glad I was at least on scene today for our first call. I know I can do nothing but confirm obvious death, but, I take some heart in the kind bystander who called for him (the gentleman who feeds cats nearby).
At least someone cared enough to try.
I’m forever grateful for my partners, for the folks who have taken the time to teach me (back when I was VERY green and still, to this day, as I am learning every single shift), and for the patients who trust me to do my best for them. 
I noticed today, this month marks five years of doing this, with my volunteer corps. I can only hope I learn more and become a more effective EMT as I go.
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selfcareparker · 4 years ago
LMAOO I WAS GONNA BRING UP FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLIDER BUT I WASNT SURE IF YOU WERE WATCHING IT HSKAJ (are you liking it? i know it’s only the first episode but ya know, another one tomorrow night- well tomorrow night for me, and did you like wandavision?? i loved it!!)
oh my goodness i’m watching lion king while writing this and i haven’t seen it in a while and i am..... emotional. but anyway, i love that streaming services think that imma pay for them while they charge $50 a month. like yes of course i have that kind of money and i am going to give it to you to watch tv 🙄 that $50 is budgeted to sims thank you. (ALSO SIMS!!! i’ll get to that in a minute) now see if i don’t google levidia right this minute LMAOO, not that i’m gonna use it.. just for the research...
AND HDKSHS SEND THAT CHAOS WALKING LINK LMAO i saw it for the third time with a different one of my friends and she wasn’t the best one to see it with? she literally was on her fucking phone and i was like ok whatever her loss not mine, and idk if you’ve read the books or if you’ve seen it by now, but by the end of the whole movie, after they’ve confirmed THE THING throughout the whole movie she asked the dumbest question and i’m like diD YOU NOT WATCH THE MOVIE, and i guess she didn’t. so. this sounds so vague but i don’t wanna spoil the movie for you just in case lol.
THE STORY LMAOO, so A DIFFERENT FRIEND LOL, like my oldest bff, we had a day together and we wanted to go see chaos walking. and i honest to God thought that no one would be seeing this movie. like NO ONE. every day, i checked the theater seating and no one was there right? plus i really wanted us to have the theater to ourselves. so we sit in the wrong seats, the row in front of us, STILL THINKING WE’RE ALONE. and then these 3 older people came in AND IM ABOUT TO SCREAM FHSJSH AND IM LIKE “are we in your seats?” and they we were like uh yeah, AND IT WAS SO BAD LMAOO , we’re moving and everything would’ve been FINE but my friend’s reclined seat was going down so slow and as it’s going shes LITERALLY SAYING ALOUD “awkward awkward awkward” so she thinks forget it, lemme just get up. HER BAG GETS CAUGHT ON HER CHAIR AND HER FRIES AND THEY SPILL ALONG WITH HER HONEY MUSTARD 😭😭 ALL OVER THE FLOOR! so i’m trying not to laugh lmao but those aren’t even our seats and we just made a mess, so naturally, i get on the floor and start cleaning it up with my napkins (this is going for too long) AND MY FRIEND IS STILL SAYING “awkward awkward awkward awkward” and i’m really abt to crack up bECAUSE LIKE SHUT UP HAHAHA and we’re cleaning it and shit and the oldest lady is gonna say “yeah you’re not gonna make an old lady get on the floor, are you?” AND I WANTED TO LAUGH AND SCREAM AT THE SAME TIME BC DID WE ASK YOU TO, NO, so then i had to get the manager and she helped us clean it, we got new fries and everything was fine, it’s just a crazy story bc LITERALLY WE COULDVE AVOIDED IT AND EVERYTHING BUT THESE ELDERLY PEOPLE HAD TO COME AND SEE THIS MOVIE😭😭 at least the gentlemen was nice.. he helped us clean. but then his wife was like “i aM nOt siTTiNg tHeRe” and at first i thought she was a teenager bc of her stink attitude but her husband was nice. and it’s not like we weren’t cleaning it up, we were!!! like i was so apologetic- anyway.
about sims! do you play console or pc? wait,, you already told me you play pc bc your computer was broken, i’m glad you can play now though :’)) litetally when i read in the tags that you’re playing sims !!!! and are you hyped for bunk beds? i have cc so i’ve had them for a bit, but they were glitchy... but i’m so excited we have them now! i should really play sims today...
GURL IM SO PROUD OF YOU 🥺🥲 i know you aren’t fluent in everything and you aren’t a linguistic genius LMAO but it’s still soooo amazing :’) here i am reading the captions while ur just going hahah, yea i tried duolingo but.... i didn’t stick to it HDJSH talking to you though makes me so interested because you know all these languages, not even studying them like that, but you have this foundation and ahh it’s just super cool. LOL YOU DONT SOUND LAME HAJA IM TELLING YOU ITS SO SO COOL, i’m loving this lesson btw oh my goodness- HSKAJS YOU THOUGHT I WOULD ALREADY KNOW THAT??? HDYSJHS MY ONLY ENGLISH SPEAKING ASS??? HAHAHAHHAH i find that word (Rindfleischetikettie- i’m not gonna write the whole thing i’m sorry) very interesting... like... wow. did you have to google that or did you just know lmao
OKAH THE WATER THING HDKDJDKS UR GONNA TERRIFY ME HAHAH OH MY LORD- first of all CROATIA 😍😍 but thinking about it like that, I WOULD FREAK OUT TOO HAHSGSG i never go that deep into the water, or if i do i have my dad with me lol and i kind of hold onto him bc ive seen/heard too many things about people being dragged into the sea. but i loveee the water (i wanted to be a mermaid soooo bad ohmigosh)
I DONT UNDERSTAND HOW ONE CANNOT LIKE MUSIC ITS AWFUL !! lmao yeah i haven’t even listened to harry’s his first album, everyone says they love it more. I WAS GONNA SAY IMMA LISTEN TO ONLY ANGEL BUT THE WAY YOU DESCRIBE IT HUHAHAH also i have never listened to anything by mgk (i actually had to google who he was IM SORRY😔) i’m tempted to listen tho lol PLEASE JUSTIN BIEBER- I PROMISE IM NOT LAUGHING AT U IVE JUSY NEVER HAD SOMEONE SAY THAT B4!! like i don’t know many people who’ve liked him bUT NOW IM GONNA LISTEN & the cardboard cutout- okay. 😭😭😭
oh my goodness to see the vamps live 🤧 TO SEE ANYONE LIVE PLEASE JJDGSHAHGD and little mix is so good oh my goodness- i actually haven’t been to that many concerts.. i was at my first one, elsie fest (it’s like a broadway thing really) in uhhh october of 2019, yea i took my mom for her birthday bc she loves darren criss and i’m obsessed with glee lmao OH MY GOODNESS YOUVE BEEN TO SO MANY!!! and those are such great artists 😩😩
LMAO UR FINE, hamilton is a musical that lin manuel miranda wrote and i think generally made? i’m obsessed, but basically it was on broadway and then recorded and put on disney+ ... idk i guess it counts a film bc it’s like a movie really cuz it was recorded but in what 2018 or 2016? i don’t remembers the date that is on disney+ but it’s strange how i got into it, a lot of my friends were obsessed and i was like uhh why? and while researching it and watching it, trying to figure out why people love it... i fell in love with it LMAO but the music is FANTASTIC and lin is incredible😭 but yes yes yes i loveeeee high school musical!! my dad actually took my cousins to see it on ice or something (i absolutely forget lmao) but i don’t know how people don’t know hsm. it upsets me.
OKAY IM DOWN TO THE BOTTOM HAHAHA (it takes me so long to respond, now i’m on lion king 2 WHICH IS SO GOOD PLEASE FHHSSHHSHSH) i could respond in chunks but i kind of enjoy responding like this? it feels a bit like a letter but if this whole thing is overwhelming i’ll cut it up lol
+ yes that was me about your fic and sleep and everything lol but it was so good😭 i don’t understand how you write peter so well like you have this ability to capture his.. everything? i’m crine. all the time. over your fics. & i cannot describe my happiness for youuuu :’) i’m so happy you’re writing again 🥺🥰 the thing about how you only want to write the long peter fic but you don’t know how to continue... i feel that so so so hard, i don’t think i told you but ughh i was so blah bc of that feeling of having pent up inspiration for only one fucking thing and not being able to write it. it’s so frustrating 😭
not to add more to this but i need to vent a bit? the situation is definitely different bc with your major it obviously requires for you to ya know, know english lol, but uhm bc i’m homeschooled ive been cheating on all my work SHSHDHSJ like i google the answers but i’m still learning! it’s just..... i find it so unnecessary, like going for an audition no one is gonna say to me “i want you to chanel the knowledge within yourself of the centripetal force of the circle that is the table on this stage” like tf??? there’s literally no point. i’m gonna be getting into voice lessons again soon and i’m already doing dance, AND i’ll be doing this summer camp program (more hamilton lol) and thinking about school is only making me stress more, like i haven’t been able to rehearse dance at all this week bc of it...... so
hahaha reading your tags, lonely anon would still be accurate HAHAHHAHA // another add: yea i love ur current theme, i’ve gotten used to “seeing you” like this, but anything will look super pretty :)) ALSO HOW IS IT STILL SNOWING THERE, i swear it’s getting warmer and warmer by the day here 😭🤧
these long ass posts, my gosh🥲 lonely lovely anon <3
Omg yes it does feel like a letter sldkdj and then the few days of waiting also make more sense okay i love this ��️💕❤️���❤️💞🧡💜💘(wtf)sksjhz
Dear lovely anon,
ALSKSJVKD yes i‘m liking falcon and winter soldier dlkdh i haven‘t watched the second episode yet but i‘ll watch it tomorrow! but i didn‘t watch wandavision........ eidislskks i was going to but idk i wasn‘t that interested in it and watching series is already too much of a commitment (what can i say i‘m a Sagittarius—🤧 (no i’m joking i actually know NOTHING about starsigns)) didjj that i couldn‘t force myself to watch it, ALSO i hate (idk if this is an unpopular opinion) when every episode is like a whole hour. i‘m rewatching an old series today (it‘s german so i won‘t even get into it) and the episodes are 25 mins each and i‘ve already watched 8 episodes today ridlndjdjd,,, and i feel like if the episodes were an hour each i wouldn‘t have gotten past episode 2 today like idk.... even if series had the same length in total, i prefer when the individual episodes are shorter idk why tho tbh (so yeah i already wasn‘t 100% convinced about watching wandavision so i just couldn’t make myself watch a bunch of 1hour episodes— i‘ve heard that it‘s good tho- but i‘m not much of a series person so. Dldkk (have we talked about this already??? sorry i don‘t remember what i said lol and i couldn‘t find my own post anymore so dkdjsh) (WAIT I JUST CHECKED THE WANDAVISION EPIOSRDES ARENT EVEN THAT LONG??? Okay wait i might watch it now - did you like it? let me know if i should watch it— why did i think they were 60minutes???)
okay another confession i‘ve never watched the lion king????? i mean i watched it when i was a child but i was too young to actually pay attention to any kind of plot i just liked the songs lol sldkdj i‘ve been meaning to watch it for years tho 🦁 (idk it just felt appropriate to put a lion emoji lmoaoo)
OH MY GOD THE CHAIS WALKING/CINEMA STORY AHSJSKKS😭😭😭😭 NOOOOO (very fitting that there was so much chaos when you were watching a film that has chaos in the title loool) and the “awkward awkward awkward“ SAME SKSKSLSKDJ, that‘s literally me 24/7 ahajshshhshshsh. Like i was so skdjdjdkdllsldksnsnsnsb while i read what you sent me djslslsjdjdbdn why are old ladies always so grumpy btw 🥲🥲🥲 at least the man was nice tho! and wait did i read that right... you have fries (which, to me, are called chips dusuusldk) at your cinemas?? (Movie theatres sorry sksjsh) we just have popcorn and nachos and drinks i want chips too when i‘m watching a film what😭😭🥺🥺🥺🥺
Also i still haven’t watched it so thanks for not spoiling it!!! (idk when i’ll watch it i’m so bad with films and even worse with series💀💀💀- same with cherry. i literally forgot all about cherry, i was SO hyped when the trailer came out like i’ve never been so excited about a movie... and then it came out... and i still haven‘t watch it like what‘s wrong with me???? Dkdjdjdjdklsl i feel like i‘m not gonna watch it anytime soon tbh, but i wanna watch chaos walking i just have to find the time
Okay and @ your other friend who wasn‘t paying attention like why are you even watching the film then???? but ok (omg this sounds so mean i‘m sure she‘s very nice but in this situation just like❔❔❔)
SIMS ahhh, BUNK BEDS, ahhhh sdljdjdjdkdkdldksj i actually haven‘t played it since the update 🤧🤧 i made both of my sims (enisa (bestselling author already, thank you) and michael (aspiring doctor)) go to university and bro it takes so long 😭😭 and you can‘t do anything else if you want them to do well so literally the last three times i played sims i was just constantly clicking their homework and computerd to write their assignments (i play it in german so idk what its called on the sims) and do their presentations and do them all over again so that they get better or whatever for HOURS, but imma play again soon
also i‘m living my fanfiction life loool, so i made my two sims neighbours (on the same plot tho but i made two small separate houses lol, i still wanted to control both of them at the same time but i made sure they didn‘t interact before i wanted them to skdjdjdk). and first they both experimented and got some experience in the love department you know (all genders, cause i have to live my sexuality even in a pc game slskdjh— wait, i‘ve never lived my sexuality irl like i‘ve done NOTHING nothing with guys nothing with girls (🥲) but maybe that’s why i want to do it even more in the sims) and then they met at uni and realised like hey we‘re neighbours and now they‘re together (but michael accidentally had an alien baby with another woman (who was an alien which i was not aware of) cause i wasn‘t paying attention like i said woohoo not try for baby like michael why is your pull out game so weak tf LSHDDHDJDJSKKDKSKDKS okay but making out and flirting and doing all the fun stuff in the sims turns me on way more than it should PFAHAHHAHSH) so idk why i told you this but I’m creating that neighbour!au in the sims lmaoooo
i did not have to google Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsübertragungsaufgabengesetz (just did it again😌 sisjshhs) but i might have mixed up the words überwachung und übertragung or i might have even forgotten a word skskks but in the end it doesn‘t matter (by linkin park- ok i‘m so sorry it‘s 2 am and i have a headache from having waveformers in my hair all day but i still wanted to reply to this now so sorry if i‘m not making any sense right nowbahahshah)
i wanted to be a mermaid too dldjdksksj like h2O and all those series convinced me i could be one like. i remember i‘d always go in the deep pool and attempt to swim like them in all the series with that wave motion i must have looked so crazy with my goggles as well dkdjsksöksj (i was like twelve but still)
so mgk has two sides one is hip hop/rap which is like ~~~~ idk he has good and bad songs, but his latest album is like punk pop snd I LOVE IT SO SO SO SO SO MUCH, so if you like punk pop I’d recommend his album tickets to my downfall (i don‘t blame yoj if you don‘t like it tho like about a year ago i would have HATED that type of music dkdkdkkd)🥴
Okay talking about music, there‘s this german rapper and he is... not a good person. he‘s literally a criminal and extremely sexist but to me he‘s still hot???????? he‘s even cute at times even tho he has tattoos everywhere and is like 6‘5 and is super aggressive but i see him and i‘m like 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 my heart beats only for you💘💘💘💘and he released a new song today and i watched the video and i‘m wondering wtf is wrong with me 😃 (he did look particularly cute cause he was high so idk he wasn’t really aggressive in this one) 😭 so i thought i‘d share that LMAO IDK
(not saying tattoos aren‘t cute btw i LOVE tattoos imma get some soon, but you know he looks like someone your grandma would be afraid of (and in his case rightfully so💀)
okay wait i‘m getting so tired it‘s 2 am i think i‘ll have to do the rest tomorrow but i wanted to do it now😭🥺🥺 see you tomorrow
it is now 3:42 am and i couldn‘t sleep so here we go again
girl you can laugh at me for liking justin tho skskks i wanna laugh at myself idk, like i said i really really really liked him a few years go, basically my life was at least 50% justin and then he went on a break for a while and released an album last year which i hated 🥴 but this album is wow. (Still weird to me because it‘s literally the definition of pop and i don‘t ever listen to pop?) and it‘s so weird because i used to know so much about justin and had so many friends who loved him as well and now it‘s like I’m listening to someone new? Don‘t get me wrong i never KNEW justin and i never will and i‘m aware of that shahsh but yeah i used to be soooo used to him and it‘s like reconnecting with an old friend and you realise you don‘t know that friend anymore- like you don‘t know them anymore at all. I mean justin is weird nowadays 😂😂😂 so pls laugh at me tbh dskksjsjsh
awww it‘s so wholesome that you gave your mom tickets to the concert 🥺🥺🥺🥺 i gave my mum tickets for pink like 2 years ago and she loved it so much and i was like 🥰🥰🥰 (i went with her) AND OMG GLEE ok so unfortunately i barely remember glee, but i used to watch it too!!!! And it‘s actually on my list of series i wanna watch (again) so youre making me want to watch it even more (but like i said i‘m bad with series so 😩😩😩 who knows when i‘ll rewatch it)
When all this pandemic shit is over (let‘s be hopeful <3333) then you need to go to as many concerts as possible!!!!! i‘ve been to SO MANY and it‘s literally one of the things in my life i‘m the most grateful for, concerts are some of the best experiences i‘ve ever had in my life especially the ones that are in smaller concert halls where you can feeeel the vibe and everyone‘s energy (and that sounds awful thinking about it mid-pandemic 😐) anyway—
Okay omg you‘re absolutely making me want to watch hamilton right now like omg i WANT TO WATCH IT NOW but it‘s 4 am sodndkdldl
what you said about my peter fics🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺like omg i love these emojis they literally just describe how i felt when reading what you said so, yes, 🥰🥺 + thank you :) it really means a lot <3
and no omg i totally get the studying thing. like last year before i graduated .. was that last year? yes wtf omg okaykdjdj, so the last three months before i had my final exams we were just in a lockdown and we didn‘t even have online classes. We had nothing except one teacher who left our group chat (😭) because she was mad at us (?) and one maths teacher who did an online ““lesson““ once a week. he‘d ask: so does anyone have questions. us: . Him: okay, bye then. So. Yeah dndldldj. But we had one online test and it was in german and like i read the book wee were supposed to read? but the questions on the test were all unanswerable (is that a word?) and i had to google everything (got an A tho 🤪 but only because i googled everything so i was so scared that i wouldn‘t be able to get a good result on the final exam because what if i‘d gotten used to just googling everything and i couldn‘t do it by myself anymore? anyway it was all fine in the end but yeah at times i couldn‘t even study because i had so much anxiety about studying and yeah- like this whole annoying cycle. but you said you‘re still studying———- okay wait 👁👄👁 i forgot what i was going to say??????????????????????????????????????????????????? Like wtf. Is wrong with me? And i‘m reading what you wrote again and i just don‘t know what i was going to say? Like i get what you‘re saying obviously but i‘m like? Idk 4am brain ayeee, please vent more if you need to and elaborate further because right now i‘m???? Too dumb to respond to this right now wtf. I‘m so sorry lmao ddlkdjdjd what is even going on like i‘m sitting here open mouthed just like ? But btw the fact that you have Voice and dance lessons is like SO FUCKING COOL like oh my god that is sosososos cool wtf, i was thinking that when you first talked about it too
And “i want you to chanel the knowledge within yourself of the centripetal force of the circle that is the table on this stage” ODHDKSLDBDJDOFIDKDNDLDK
Yes i know about the weather dkdkdkjd but it‘s getting (a lot) warmer here too and where i live we kind of get a weird type of wind called föhn (which literally means hair dryer but idk if that‘d the reason why it‘s called that, i‘m too tired to think of whether it makes sense rn) and it gives me headachesssssss and the changing weather is also giving me headaches 😭😭😭😭 so this season right now is just headache season and i hate summer so i wish it would just snow again lmao (okay it‘s getting so late that it‘s early already snd i can hear this bird chirping so fucking loud wtf i‘m also getting a headache 🤧🤧🤧) but at least i can do my new theme soon (i hope it‘ll look good🥺 and omg thank you for what you said about my current theme- i always feel like i‘m so bad with aesthetics, i obviously like my theme but i feel like every single person on tumblr has a theme that is prettier than mine so it was very nice to hear you say that you love it👉🏼👈🏼 (i‘m so used to it by now that i actually hate it lmao so it‘s getting yeeted soon and i‘m making megan thee stallion my pfp 🤪 (if the graphics and shit works out skdjdjdj)
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jj-lynn21 · 5 years ago
Roman & Princess: You and Me and...
Notes: Spreading a little positive about Dialysis in this one. I was on dialysis 10 years before my current kidney transplant that has been working fine 23 years. I am lucky.  But I also want to share that Dialysis is not a death sentence like Hollywood movies and tv shows make it out to be, That annoys me so bad. I was patient coordinating while I was on dialysis 3 day a week for four to six hours.  The biggest issue I had was my blood pressure would drop real low. I still went out dancing after sometimes. A strict one cup a day/ 1000 ccs fluid restriction had to be followed and low potassium and low protein diet. So basically I ate pasta( LOL) I didn’t diabetes so I think that made it easier for me. I went through high school and two semesters of college while still on dialysis. I don’t think I could have held a full time job since it did make me get tired easier than most but everyone is different. I also told people if you follow your kidney diet you shouldn’t have a problem.  And way there is a dash about dialysis in this one so I wanted readers to know I was coming from a place of knowledge. No real warnings. Just lots of blood but you just expect that from a Roman fanfic.
__ _____________________________________________________________
The door slams shut as Roman tosses his brief across the table. Skin is paler than ever. He feels nauseated at the smallest sips from the blood bag in the refrigerator. As his stomach turns, he throws water on his face and that is when he hears the sounds of his girl lurching and dry heaving upstairs.  He rushes up.
Throwing the door open Roman sees the blood splatter on the toilet and floor as she is on her knees crying as she lurches again. “Oh, Hell, Princess.”
“Roman?” She looked up at him. Her eye lids heavy as she started to sway. “I don't feel so good.”
He grabbed her up right before she was passing out. Roman laid her gently on the bed.  “Call Dr. Pryce.” He screamed at his phone that he laid on the bedside table. He grabbed her some clean cloths as the phone rang.
“Hello Roman I was just about to call you about your test results.” His lack of really caring was evident in his voice.  
“I don’t fucking care about me right now,” Roman snapped. “My girl was puking blood when I came home. She passed out. I am bringing her to the white tower.”
“As you wish Roman,” Dr. Pryce’s voice had no reaction. “She is probably having a different reaction to the same enzyme I found in you. You both need dialysis treatments is my guess. See you when you get here.” He hung up abruptly before Roman could scream at him more.  
Roman finished dressing his Princess in under garments and a dark blue t-shirt dress. Then he swooped her, his phone and the car keys up to head to the white tower. He drove erratically. His eyes blurry, head heavy. He veered into the parking area hitting the wall before coming to a stop. He dented the front end of his new red Lexus SUV.  
Five men and women came out in white coats. Doctors Pryce and his assistance Dr. Galina followed them.  
“Roman you look like Hell,” Dr, Pryce commented nonchalantly. “Come with me. Dr. Galina will help your Princess.” He rolls his eyes thinking how ridiculous it is to give her a royal moniker.  
“I’m fucking living in Hell,” Roman picks up his girl. “I’ll bring her inside.”
“Nonsense,” Dr. Galina snapped. “Take the girl to my lab so I can run some tests. If she is the same as Roman, we will give her the same treatment promptly.”
“Don’t you dare hurt her or I will kill you all.” Roman threatened as the orderlies and nurses took her from his arms.
“Noted,” Dr. Galina said glibly. “You can come see her after your treatment.”  
Roman followed them until the area split where she was taken one way and he was taken another.  
“Sit please.” Dr. Pryce pointed his hand to a chair at the end of the room with a machine near it with tubing running through it. “I explained on the phone you have some foreign enzyme in your blood so we will be cleaning your blood. It may take more than one, four-hour treatment.”
Bright light pierces her eyes as they flutter open. Dr.  Galina leans over her with a clipboard in her hand. “Good you’re awake.” She checks the flow of the bag of blood hanging. “You gave Roman quite a scare. I didn’t realize he had such emotions. How do you feel?”
“A little better,” Roman’s girl said. “where? What happened?”
“You have that same enzyme in your system Roman does.” Dr,  Galina explained. “It prevented you from seeking nourishment like you should. I am cleaning your blood on this dialysis machine. And giving you blood. You may drink some when you think you can. But don’t worry, your baby will be fine. Would you like to sit up a little?”
“What?” Eyes wide as she looked at how she was attached to the machine.  
“Would you like to sit up?” Dr. Galina asked again. “You have about an hour left in this treatment. You can rest more if you like. A female upir in your condition needs her rest. And you need to drink more. Adding more beef or steak tartar might be a good idea also.”
She blinks a few times, “Are you serious? I’m pregnant?”
“Yes,” The Doctor answered her.
“Does Roman know?” His Princess pondered the reactions he might have from being angry to elated.  
“No,” Dr.  Galina set up the head of her bed. Moved the pill up. “would you like me to go do that dear?” This was not done out of kindness. She was curious of Roman’s reaction also.
“I’ll do it.” Her lips felt dry and she was getting a desire to rip into the Dr. She looked away from the vein pulsing in the Doctor’s neck. “Can I have a drink? Something fresh if you can.”
“I’ll do my best.” Dr. Galina  walked out. She told a lab tech, “Go watch over her. But I wouldn’t get to close if I were you.”  
The tech walked in the room. He smiled. “How are you doing, Princess.”
“I’m feeling better.” She smiled innocently as she heard the blood rushing through his body. “I could use the pillow behind me scooched up a little.”
The tech walked towards her slowly.  
“Is something wrong?” She tilted her head eyes big and bright. Face of an angel to the tech. “Fix my pillow please?”
“Everything is fine, I guess” He fluffed her pillow. “Anything else?”
“Yes.” She grinned before grabbing him down with one arm. Her mouth opens, teeth bite down on his shoulder to drink. He is paralyzed in fear.  
In minutes Dr. Galina  walks in with a glass full of nutrients. She audibly gasped. “What are you doing?”
Princess drops the lifeless body. “I thought you sent him in so I could have a fresh drink. You didn’t?” Her voice was calm and innocent as she licked at what got on her fingers.
Dr. Galina shakes her head, “I’ll clean you up before Roman comes to see you.’
She gets everything cleaned up. Princess stands still hooked to the dialysis machine. A chair with a blanket was put in the place of the bed. A clean white gown was put on her before she sat down. Other than being slightly tired, she felt much better than when she got there.  
Roman walked in as she was getting the 17-gauge needles pulled from the shunt the Doctor had put in her arm for the dialysis treatments. He pulled up a chair to rest beside her. ‘How are you feel, my Princess?”
“Much better.” She looked down biting her bottom lip nervously as Dr. Galina held pressure on the needle marks so they would stop bleeding.  
“The dialysis treatment wasn’t painful.” Roman lifted her chin up to look at him. “Just the needle sticks sting for a moment. So, tell me what’s wrong? Are you hungry? Is your stomach still upset?”
“I’m not sure how, I mean I know how but Roman...” She stammered not sure how to tell him the news.
Roman took her hand. “Just tell me what the problem is, and I will fix it, I promise.”
She took a deep breath, “Roman, I’m, we’re, pregnant.”  
The look on Roman’s face is a mix of worry and excitement. “Oh, fuck, serious? Of course, your serious. Hell, I am so happy. It is scary as Hell but I’m happy. I’m sorry, Princess. How do you feel about this?  
“The same,” Princess beamed.
Dr. Galina stays quiet as she put band aids on the needle marks. Princess threw her arms around Roman as soon as she could. “You are seriously happy about this?”
“Yeah, your tits are going be huge.” Roman grinned. “Not that they are not perfect now.” He puts his hand on her lower tummy. “when? How far along are you?”
“Three months,” The Doctor said. “She is ravenous. You must keep her nourished.”
“That won’t happen again, I promise.” She started crying. “I thought you sent him for me, I swear.”
“It’s okay baby.” Roman held her close. “What happened?”
“She killed Bill.” Dr.  Galina explained. “I shouldn’t have sent him in here. But I did warn the idiot.”  
“See baby.” Roman comforted his girl. “It wasn’t your fault at all. You had to drink something.” His hand patted her bag lightly. “Do you feel up to shopping? There is so much we need for our kid.”
“I would love to go shopping,” There is a new giddiness in her voice.
“It’s just you, me and baby makes three, Princess.” Roman and her both laughed.
Over the next few months, they go through there treatments side by side until there blood is cleansed completely. She goes through extra testing to check the baby’s progress. Roman cares for her and buys her things to let her know how sexy she still is to him as the baby grows. He brings her home a new gift basket every day. 
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ccsthemovie2 · 5 years ago
YUE!!!! yue yue yue
YUEEEEE AN ASK AFTER MY OWN HEART <33 this is, again, super long AND YET NOT THE FULL EXTENT OF MY YUE THOUGHTS, PROBABLY??? this is a fave from a decade back or so this runs DEEP. Why I like them:
yue has just been a lifelong fave tbh. a beautiful and serious anime boy???? AND he’s the moon????? superficials aside, i am always really drawn to characters who struggle with being overly loyal to a sense of authority and deal with figuring out they’re allowed to have individual wants and needs. yue is incredibly ride or die and nearly everyone’s like....maybe don’t die actually!!! and yue says [there was a manga cap here of touya asking yue to take care of himself and yue going >:///.....alright]
it is also really funny how he immediately goes from I WILL KILL YOU to extremely protective i-am-your-angel-dad, both to watch, and to see new friends get into ccs and hear the hype about yue and go oh i cant wait to see your favori-AAAHHH HE PUNCHED TWO TEN YEAR OLDS WHATTT.
Why I don’t:
gotta say it, his clear card hit-fakeout was kinda weird, good thing i have rewritten that scene and can just refer to my personal-writing-folder discord server when need be,
Favorite episode (scene if movie):
JUDGEMEEENNNTTTT AND ALSO THE STUCK IN BIG FORMS EP AAAAHHHHH . episodes ive watched a billion times. when i was a kid i liked judgement bc i was like HES SO COOOL AND MEEEAN YESSS DEFEAT SAKURA WITH HER OWN MAGIC GO GO and now im like HE IS CARRYING OUT A USELESS CEREMONY AND FIGHTING A FIGHT HE CANNOT WIN TO MAKE EVERYONE FEEL LIKE THEY HAVE A CHOICE WHEN SAKURA’S BEEN CHOSEN FROM THE START WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. and to top it ALL off sakura telling him she wants to be his friend and him not taking her offered hand? OUCHH... ;w; big forms ep is HILLARIOUS bc its soooooo AWKWARD. the awkwardness of being at someone else’s house... trying to talk to your host when the ONLY topics you have in common are “i know a few things about your dead crush” and “my other self is YOUR crush”. sakura telling him that her dad insists love can last through reincarnation and eriol specifically being like “give up on clow because he’s dead” later, and he’s spying on this whole ep so he must be rolling around laughing right then. the fact that neither of these couples is healthy whatsoever but everyone’s working with what they have to try and lessen the awkward, and oh no its worse now. kero picking up on the clowtime pattern of “i have to do all the work around here” but honestly its just that it’s kero’s house and yue’s awkwardly hovering and sakura really really doesnt wanna make her intimidating guest do stuff. WHICH IS UNDERSTANDABLE BC ITS SUPER AWKWARD. yue then cleaning the entire kitchen while sakura is cleaning off kero. 10/10 episode.
Favorite season/movie:
sakura card arc!
Favorite line:
when he shows up at sakura’s house and and sakura’s like :0 and hes like get used to it.
Favorite outfit:
the one from that pic i have in my about where he has this light blue hair wrap aaahhhh
YUEKITOUYAAAAAAAAAAAA. yukito and touya dating happily and then yue a few years later like OH. I ALSO LOVE HIM. yukito being super supportive and happy of it. yue and touya both feeling like “whats an amazing guy like him doing with someone like me...”. yue going in thinking oh i know what love is and touya raising the bar constantly. its good!!
him and yukito!! two people waking up in their situation scared and upset and stuck together, making the most of it as only they can. i think a lot of them both being like “noooo i want YOU to be happy and comfortable” and trying to do little things for the other when each is taking their turn being active. yue making yukito tea and getting him out of bed when he neeeds to wake up but just feels sluggish, yukito buying little moon decorations for the house he thinks yue would like....aaahhh yukito getting glow in the dark star stickers omg...realizing that there’s no one they’d rather share a life with like that. i think yukito’s the sort of person who doesn’t like to appear uncertain and takes his time being sure before communicating, and theres a sense of pride on yue’s part that he’s the only person, often not even touya, who gets to hear yukito put his thoughts together and be that sort of sounding board. yukito “growing up” in a big “often”-empty house i think leads to him talking to the air a lot, and now that’s yue!!
him and sakura, too!! slowly taking her up on her offer of friendship!! there’s an amazing bit soon after judgement where just her asking frantically if he’s okay??? if he’s SURE he’s okay???? after getting hurt protecting her makes him stop and stare....the switch flipped he is her dad now. i want him to feel like he can talk to her, especially about the Before Times, weigh the things he thinks are too heavy for a child against the things he wants to be heard, maybe see her face and be like oh boy i got it wrong sometimes. and also the knowledge that this is a friendship they chose for themselves!! that they were Predicted to mean different things to each other, but it would be something inappropriate and draining and a cruelty to carry out. this is an unpaved road!! if i keep going on and on i will go on all day but HIM AND KERO!!! HIM AND THE CARDS!!!! HIM AND LI, AND TOMOYO, AND oh just let him be surrounded by friends!!!!
Head Canon:
extremely touchy. like the first thing he did when he showed up for judgement was grab sakura’s face and i think thats just how he is. i think nobody in the clowsehold had any awareness of personal space and yue got so steeped in it that he is just like that now. big on affectionate hair ruffles esp with the kids and putting-an-arm-around-people that he’s barely aware of. it makes yukito a little sad to know that he and yue can never really connect like that but if he hugs himself yue will feel it so it works out!!
Unpopular opinion:
(gets up on stage) clowyue!! (half the crowd boos half the crowd cheers) was HORRIBLE (the cheering/booing crowd halves switch confusedly) essentially i really like to think about the wreckage and then healing from the sort of toxic imbalanced ambiguously requited never-labeled faux-relationship feelings-yoyo i imagine it to have been. but that means i need to acknowledge it happened. unfortunately most people who make ship content do so because they like it, and most people who dont make ship content do so because they dislike it. can you believe it?
A wish:
go to therapy please
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen:
5 words to best describe them:
ok he looks very polite
My nickname for them:
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monaisme · 4 years ago
Day 11: hallucinations
Day 11: hallucinations
Tony paced.
He’d screwed the pooch... hard.
The look on the kid’s face as he’d disappeared into the night after the whole ferry thing? That had been rough.
But this?
Coney Island was the game changer.
How, in the name of all that is holy, did he think that this kid would step back?—Just because Tony Stark told him to? Tony knew his origin story—KNEW that Peter Parker was a boy seeking redemption for another man’s crime.
And so Tony made the decision, one he should’ve made from the start.  He’d commit to training him, tutoring him... Tony would unlock the world for him.
Thank goodness the kid was smart!
There were so many directions they could go in!
Maybe they could build another suit together? Then he wondered if Pepper would do up some paperwork and maybe they could give the kid an actual internship?! Yeah! He’d seen that kid’s desk and all those scavenged components from who knew what. If he could make those web shooters out of nothing, Tony imagined what he could do with a fully outfitted lab—Geez- Tony hadn’t done a lab binge with anyone since Bruce had, well... But the idea of watching the kid build something incredible with nothing but his own hands, like Tony kept trying and trying and trying to do.
Tony paused that train of thought for a second.
Nope. There was too much potential for deep shit happening there, and so he stopped it right there.
He definitely had to make a plan.
First, he’d need Happy. Midtown was just far enough that he’d need to collect him after school. He was sure Happy wouldn’t mind. He could get to know the kid, and then no one would have to worry about a replay of that damned beach.
Tony shuddered as he remembered the beach.
But no! That wouldn’t happen again, because the kid would be there on Tuesdays and... Fridays! Yeah, that would work. Maybe? Well, maybe every second Friday so Pepper wouldn’t get upset about his availability for those awful fundraisers and galas. They’d just need to be flexible, right? And then Pepper would be fine.
His brain was on fire with so many thoughts and ideas—“FRIDAY!” He called out. “Jot this stuff down, and when we’re done, Cc it to Pepper and Happy for me, okay?”
“Of course, Boss.” The AI replied.
Tony moved over to the bar cart tucked into the corner of the lab and poured himself a few fingers of whiskey. “Title the list, S.P.A.A.M.” He snorted as he said it and then took a mouthful of his drink. “He’ll get a kick out of it. Yeah. ‘Supply Peter An Awesome Mentor!”
Tony listed off his ideas aloud, detailing items to be created and for purchase; like the new refrigerator he’d need for drink pouches, cheese strings and whatever other nasty stuff teenagers snacked on. This lab was going to be a geek’s paradise.  
Tony couldn’t wait.
“Boss,” FRIDAY spoke, unprompted, “If I may, there are some tasks that require mentioning as you plan your list.”
He gulped down the last swallow of his drink and walked back to the cart. “Fire away, Baby Girl!” he called out. “I’m nothing, if not a collaborator!” His hand wrapped around the neck of the bottle.
“Sir, while limited, there are existing studies that show a direct correlation between lab accidents and substance use—which in all case studies, included: alcohol, marijuana, illegally procured and/or incorrectly used prescription medications, cocaine, heroin, metha—“
“Got it! Stop!” He put the bottle down with a clank. “Seriously? You got anything else you wanna throw at me, FRI?”
“Yes, Boss, in a 2018 Global status report commissioned by the WHO, studies showed that excessive consumption of alcohol in the presence of minors—“
“WHOA! WHOA! WHOA! We were doing so well! First, what do you mean by excessive?! And second—where in the ever living hell is this coming from?!”
“Boss, over the course of the last several months, I have observed a greater than average consumption of alcoholic beverages during times when the consumption itself is not considered socially acceptable.”
FRIDAY continued over her creator, “This information, along with the concerns voiced by Ms. Potts, Mr. Hogan, and Colonel Rhodes over the course of several conversations, and the addition of a minor child to the lab environment, has led me to surmise that there is a need for adjustments to your S.P.A.A.M. protocol.”    
Forgetting about the whiskey for a minute, Tony walked over to his lab table and dropped onto the stool. “What kind of conversations are we talking about, FRI? And why haven’t I heard about them before now?”
“All referenced conversations were done with your wellbeing in mind, Boss. As I have only been programmed to report malicious intent, there was no need to make you aware.” FRIDAY paused. “I believe that Colonel Rhodes’ exclamation of “I could kill him!” was not an actual declaration of intent as neither Ms. Potts or Mr. Hogan reacted in an alarmed fashion, but if I am mistaken and need to adjust any subroutines, please advise.”
Tony was suddenly exhausted. “No, no. You’re fine, FRI. I’m just... huh.”
He sat in silence for a few minutes, thinking.
“They’re worried?”
“They are, Boss.”
He sat silent for a few minutes more, and then finally, “FRI? What are the suggested task additions for the list?”
“Mr. Stark, removal of all alcohol from the lab would be the first and easiest suggestion.”
Tony didn’t disagree. “And the second?”
“Mr. Stark, it would be advisable that you participate in an alcohol detoxification program while under medical supervision before implementing any aspect of S.P.A.A.M. that includes Mr. Parker in a lab setting.”
It was barely a beat before Tony jumped up, decision made.
The kid was going to be the best of them, and Tony would do whatever it took to make sure of it.
“FRIDAY, please locate all alcohol in the lab and on the private floors. We’ve apparently got some cleaning to do!”
It took longer than he thought it would but eventually every drop of alcohol had been dumped—with the exception of a bottle of scotch Howard had gifted Tony when he was eighteen years old—ironic, Tony thought, but whatever. He wasn’t too concerned about it though. All he needed to do was let Rhodey know about it and he’d be set.
And then he was done. “All right now, my dear AI, that was enough distraction. Let’s get back to the list.”
“Boss,” FRIDAY interrupted him again, “before we continue, might I suggest that you gather some essentials in the event of a medical emergency?”
“Update the first aid kits! Good call, FRI! Add that to the list!”
“Addition noted, sir, but I was referring to the need to manage symptoms of your imminent alcohol withdrawal if you choose to ignore the medical supervision aspect of the suggestion.”
The “Denial Tony” that Pepper, Rhodey and Happy all knew and despised, emerged in that moment. “It’s gonna be fine, Baby Girl. I’m not that bad. I promise.” And Tony moved to a corner of the lab, intent on organizing it for his future intern.
Of course, Tony chose to disregard the headache, after all, it was just a headache and he’d only gotten in a few hours of actual work. It wasn’t his first, and it most certainly would not be his last—so he worked on.
The hands shaking started soon after that and he realized that he hadn’t really had much to drink since earlier in the day—and if he was getting up, he may as well grab some Tylenol, too.
The nausea kicked in within minutes of the water washing down the painkillers and Tony cursed himself for drinking all of that water too fast and taking the painkillers on an empty stomach.
What an idiot move on his part.
And then he cursed himself more as he lunged for the garbage can to empty the contents of his stomach.
Tony groaned.
“Mr. Stark, would you like me to contact the medical floor and ask for assistance?”
“no,” he grunted out. “m’fine,” and then continued to heave up every single thing he’d ever consumed in the entirety of his whole damned life.
“Mr. Stark, please be advised that in the event you refuse medical intervention during an extended period of compromised health, a subroutine installed by Colonel Rhodes will be initiated. This will allow me to override your directive and contact one of your personal emergency contacts. I am allowed to ask for a preference, but in this case, Happy Hogan is currently on-site. Because you are still conscious and not actively bleeding, you have fifteen minutes to exhibit signs of improvement.”
Tony spit into the garbage can, breathing heavy, then glared at the ceiling. “I keep forgetting the asshole went to MIT. shit.”
Being left with no choice, Tony stood up from the floor where he’d curled around the can. He only staggered a little as he made his way toward his nap couch, then sat. “What happens if I decide to take a nap?” He called out. “Are you still gonna narc on me?”
FRIDAY responded, “I will continue to monitor, Boss, and will make that determination as your vitals dictate.”
“Awesome,” he groaned and swung his legs up onto the couch before settling his head down on the throw pillow. “Let me know how it works out, FRI!”
Tony closed his eyes.
He didn’t know how long it was before he woke from his dose. Something must have been malfunctioning, though, ‘cuz he couldn’t take the unbearable heat anymore. “FRIDAY! You gotta lower the heat,” he called out. “I’s like a sauna in here.” He pulled off the hoodie he’d been sporting all day, hoping he’d cool off.
“Mr. Stark, it is currently 68F with humidity resting steady at 43%. Are you certain you would like me to adjust settings?”
Even in his muddled state, the scientist in Tony knew that those conditions were optimal. Any major fluctuations could mess with the sensitive equipment he used for his suits. “Never mind,” he replied, and decided to try and get back to sleep.
Tony wasn’t sure if it was his heart racing or FRIDAY’s announcement that Happy Hogan had been notified of Tony’s condition per Rhodey’s protocol and was on his way that woke him up this time, but he was up—
And he felt like death.
But it was okay. He was fine.
It was just that his heart hadn’t beat like this since Tennessee but then he and Pepper had gotten back together and everything was fine. He was fine.
He vomited again, this time on the floor.
He felt disgusting.
He was disgusting.
“Of course you are! Look at you!” Of course. Howard was always around to rub it in whenever Tony wasn’t peak Stark.
“Please don’t, Dad. I can’t deal with you right now.” Tony pulled the throw cushion over his face to block him out.
“Of course you’re gonna try to hide! Pure Tony! Always running away from the consequences of your actions. Well, maybe you’ll listen to your mother!”
“Howard, hush. Can’t you see that he’s not feeling well?”
Tony sat right up, “Mom?”
She smiled at him, looking as beautiful as always. “Sweetheart, why aren’t you in bed? I know how much you need your sleep when you’re sick.”
“I’m... I...” Tony couldn’t find the words.
A hand pressed to his forehead.
“Speak up, boy! I—I- just spit it out! For fuck’s sake! Stark men are made of iron! You know this!” Howard looked down at him, “You’re no Stark at all, are you?”
Tony tried to stand, but a hand on his shoulder kept him in place, so he continued, “Dad, I’m trying so hard! There’s a kid—he’s...”
“Of course there’s a kid.” Howard spit out in disgust. “ Perfect. Some bastard floating around out there, demanding power and prestige just because you couldn’t keep your dick in your pants.” Howard stepped forward, intimidating. “MIT was supposed to make you into a man, but you and your progeny are nothing.”
Visions of Peter on the ferry while pulling together tonnes of steel overlapped with burning sand and vulture wings. “No! Pete’s... Pete’s a good kid. I’m gonna... I’m...”
“Yeah, Boss, he is a good kid and you’re gonna do great by him. I know it.” Happy finished his thought as he kneeled on the floor in front of him.
Tony blinked back into reality. “Happy?” He looked around the lab, feeling more and more frantic as the minutes passed. “Mom? Mom?! Happy?” He grasped at Happy’s suit jacket. “Where is she?!”
“Hey, hey! Tony, you’re okay!” Happy called him back into the moment. “I’ll go looking for her in a minute, okay?”
“Happy! She was right here and...”
“I know, Tony. It’s okay. Shh-sh-sh-“ Happy cleaned his face with a damp cloth. “We’re gonna get you somewhere safe and then I’ll go look for her for you, alright?”
Tony was confused. She’d been right there—and Howard? But he trusted Happy and so, “Yeah, okay. Safe.”
Happy hauled him to the elevator. Literally. “suppos’d be made o’iron...” he kept mumbling, but then the elevator doors opened, revealing his mother once more.
Tony beamed. “Mom! You’re back!”
And she spoke, “You know, you may be a Stark, but you have Carbonell blood running through your veins, too, Anthony—and trust me, they weren’t made of iron.
“Not iron?”
She smiled at him so lovingly, “No, son. They were made of earth and wind and heat. They lived for muddy fingers and grape stained toes.”
“Fingers and toes?”
“Yes, son, fingers and toes. They were joy and sunshine and laughter... no iron in them at all. Just joy.”
He looked at her, feeling maybe hopeful, “So ‘m a Carbonell.”
A hand touched his cheek.
“Yes, son, you are my joy.”
And Tony began to weep.
Happy increased his speed after gathering up his friend in his arms. “FRIDAY, make sure Cho is ready to receive. I know you tracked his day, too. Make sure she’s got a timeline.”
“All information has been relayed.”
Happy shifted the man as he waited for the elevator to reach the med bay floor. “Tony,” he whispered to him, “You son of a bitch. You gotta tell the people who love you about shit like this so we can take care of you.” The doors opened and Happy rushed down the hall. “You’ll get through this buddy. We’ve got you.”
* * * * * *
It wasn’t the next Tuesday, or even the Tuesday after that. It was the third Tuesday after that fateful day at the beach when Peter finally arrived at the tower for his first official internship day.
Tony was waiting in the front lobby, looking pale and a little thinner than the last time Peter had seen him, but feeling more present than he had in a long time.
“Mr. Stark! Oh, m’gosh! I cannot believe I’ve got an actual internship! When I told Ned that I’d actually be in your labs he almost died! This is gonna be so awesome!” Peter bounded up to him. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
“It is going to be incredible, kid! Wait until you see what I’ve done to the lab! And you have to take pictures of the fridge to send to Ted when we get there. Did you have any idea how many different types of drink pouches there are? I know I’m a billionaire, but we’re gonna have to whittle that selection down a little.”
Peter laughed as Tony led him to the private elevator. “Mr. Stark, you have no idea—this is like, on the top of my bucket list, having any sort of anything at Stark Industries! Like, if I died right now, I’d be the happiest person to have ever died—not that I want to die, it’s just...” Peter seemed lost for words. “Just,” Peter made some primal sound that Tony figured spoke volumes more than everything else the boy could manage to articulate. “This was right above going to Italy with May—but don’t tell May that it was above, ‘cuz she’ll try to make me some pasta or something to convince me I was wrong and then I’ll really be dead.”
Tony’s heart warmed and he threw his arm around Peter’s shoulder. “Hey, speaking of Italy! I have recently been reminded that my family has a vineyard there...”
0 notes
flashthescalesian-art · 5 years ago
Flash’s masterlist of clone OCs
Because your girl is bad at remembering things and will most definitely forget about at least one of my less-used boys, which would be sad, so here’s a list of them so I don’t forget anybody. More will be added as needed. 
Volt CT-6890 (212th battalion head medic)
He’s a spazzy boy off-duty, but on-duty he’s a strict, but also sweet medic. He survives off caffeine and sarcasm on long missions because Obi-Wan is so bad at staying in the kriffing medbay. He’s so done with Kenobi’s antics. Patch is his bestie despite the fact that they don’t see each other in person very often ever since they left Kamino. Mess with Volt’s patients and you will die. 
Patch CT-6545 (342nd battalion head medic) 
Really dark brown hair instead of black. Absolute sweetheart, but also anxious. Needs hugs. Blind in right eye due to a training accident as a cadet. Despite being sweet, he will beat you up if you deserve it. Thinks he’s not good enough to be a medic. He’s actually great, especially since his commander is a dumbbutt who gets captured and beat up a lot.  Jax CC-3421 (342nd battalion commander) 
Love cracking jokes to boost morale. Great strategist and cares about everyone, but also kind of a reckless idiot. He gets captured a lot. And tortured for information since he’s a commander. He’s got the scars to prove it too. Loves pissing off his interrogators, which never helps the situation, he just thinks it’s funny to make the Separatists mad. His General has to go rescue him a lot. Despite being reckless himself, he never takes unnecessary risks with his men. 
Ticker CT-5421 (212th battalion trooper) (new to my group so not a lot of info yet)
First deployment was the Ryloth mission, where he lost his left foot in the gutkurr attack. Also has a big bite scar on his right shoulder from the same attack. He’s kinda quiet, but great at fixing stuff since he’s got a new appreciation for mechanical things after he got his cybernetic foot. Talk to him about mechanical stuff and he’ll be your best friend.  Sej CT-3625 (212th battalion medic) 
A little older than Volt and Nexus, but was originally a standard trooper with just extra first-aid training. A severe injury permanently hindered his ability to run, so he’s mostly just in the medbay rather than out in the field. Volt and Nexus taught him more medical stuff while he was healing, so he’s now a medic despite not receiving official training. Has a slight limp, but he can run if necessary, it just hurts to do so. Absolutely refuses to set foot on Kamino since he doesn’t trust the Kaminoans not to do something to him for being kinda crippled. He’s terrified of being pulled from duty due to his injury, but everyone covers for him, including Cody and Obi-Wan. 
Nexus CT-6753 (212th battalion medic) 
Went through medic training with Volt and Patch (and a few other I mention below). A bit of a dork, but he means well. Finds alternate meanings to random words, which actually helps troopers find names for themselves. Gets lost in thought when he’s bored or doing a menial task like cleaning. 
Ollie CT-6391 (342nd battalion medic) 
Went through medic training as part Volt and Patch’s group. Has slight hearing loss, so can be a bit loud by accident when he’s excited. He talks in a really low voice while in the medbay to avoid scaring any of the injured troopers. He’s oddly good at understanding slurred/mumbled speech, but he’s really not sure why since his hearing isn’t great. Practice, maybe? Dek is his bestie and they are morons together. 
Dek CT-6637 (342nd battalion medic) 
Part of the “medic gang” (the same group as Volt, Patch, Ollie, and Nexus). Never far from Ollie unless absolutely necessary. He’s not anxious or anything, he just likes Ollie’s company. It’s normal for someone to overhear “hi, ugly” or “hello, moof-milker” when Dek and Ollie greet each other. 
Jumpstart CT-4733 (501st sergeant) 
Befriended cadet Patch after being crashed into in a hallway on Kamino. Older than Patch by quite a bit in clone standards. Got promoted to sergeant during the war. Honestly a sweet guy, and is super supportive of all his brothers. Doesn’t see Patch again until the rescue crew, which happens to consist of a portion of the 342nd battalion, finds him on Umbara. He was badly injured and left for dead by Krell. Definitely has PTSD from being left behind. Was super excited to see Patch again though.  Sunny CT-7246 (212th battalion trooper) 
Naturally blond baby. Absolute sweetheart of a clone who was a shiny during the invasion of Umbara. He lost his while squad during the invasion, and was so upset that he hid in a storage closet to cry until Volt found him. Sunny has become super close to Volt and is usually near him whenever he’s not busy. He’s a huge cuddle bug and is a little needy when it comes to physical affection, but no one really minds since he’s not annoying about it. He’s super sweet and pretty optimistic, which makes him come off as naive, but he’s not. Usually cries when he gets mad, but he doesn’t get mad often anyway. Has basically become an honorary member of the medic squad since he hangs around the medbay so much. 
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cowboykoschei · 6 years ago
This was not the first time Rex found himself glad he wasn’t a CC series clone.
That their genetics were fekked with was a given. The Kaminoans took Jango Fett’s gene sequence and tweaked it in a thousand different ways so that from one man could come a multi-disciplined army. From the humblest Private to the most decorated Marshall Commander, none of them escaped being tampered with a little bit. No one could deny that the cloners knew what they were doing. Hardly a defect to be found among them.
But those CCs, those command clones...
To a clone, they were obsessively dedicated to their Jedi. It was more than duty, more than training m, or prose in a job well done, a mission gone well. Rex could understand the allure: the headiness of being treated like a real person who mattered by someone other than vode, the bond that inevitably formed after so many battles together, the private jokes, the looks. He was sure, at first, that he was blowing it out of proportion; after all, Toby was a CC, and he went through three Jedi before he found one he could stand and who could tolerate him for more than five minutes at a time, and it was almost legendary how Commander Faie and General Vos were constantly at each other’s throats. Maybe he was reading too much into things.
And then General Kenobi died.
Cody was the steadiest brother Rex knew. Nothing phased him or upset his calm. He never sounded panicked, never scared even when hell was raining down around them. His eyes always held the slight glint of the mischievous spirit ARC training and the rigors of command only succeeded in tampering but not destroying, and his smiles and laughter were easy to rouse. He was in every respect a perfect companion for a Jedi who’s outward demeanor hid a playful spirit.
The night after General Kenobi’s funeral, Rex waited up in the officer’s barracks while Fox tracked down Cody. Afterwards, he could never remember much of that night. It was all impressions, snatches of crystal clear images and bites of half heard conversations: Toby on the bunk next to him, bright pink hair clenched between white knuckled hands as he tried and failed to have a quiet panic attack; the harsh hiss of the door opening seconds before Fox stumbled in with Cody; haggard eyes, who’s he couldn’t quite recall; whispered Clone Speak, that bastard language of cobbled together Mando’a, Basic, Kaminoan, and words that were their own, barely concealing the snap and chink of armor being removed; Cody’s armor, the paint garishly cheerful beneath unforgiving lights. There was more. The coolness of the barracks air as he and Fox manhandled Cody our of his bodysuit and dragged him into the fresher. His brother was a dead weight in his arms, his skin cool, and the water a shockingly hot contrast as he held him while Fox cleaned the day’s grime from Cody’s unresponsive body. Rex doesn’t remember leaving the fresher, but the way the three of them somehow squeezed into a bunk designed for one was clear in his mind, even decades later. So, too, was the way Cody, face tucked securely in the crook of Fox’s neck and Rex a solid weight behind him, began to cry, his pain so visceral and so raw that it left Rex shaken.
He couldn’t imagine feeling that deeply for someone who wasn’t a brother. He didn’t want to.
Obi-Wan realized he was more like his Master than he would like to think, and it was not in the ways he wanted it to be.
It was only natural that a Padawan would pick up at least one of their Master’s bad traits, Force knew Anakin had more than a few of his less desirable tendencies knocking around, but Obi-Wan really thought he had grown past them.
He was wrong, of course, and his error hurt someone he never intended to so much as mildly annoy.
Cody’s pain was immediately evident to him, the wave of shock and grief like a punch in the chest. At the time, he could do nothing about it but do his best to block it out and focus on completing his task as quickly as possible, but the entire time he could feel it, a yawning chasm of heartbreak that seemed to grow with each rotation, and Obi-Wan marveled at it even as it urged him to finish and quickly. How was it possible that anyone, let alone someone like Cody who could have any being he set his gorgeous eyes on, could care so deeply for someone like him? He was a Jedi. He was nothing, had nothing, could give nothing no matter how badly he might want to. His life was one of service, to the Force and the greater good. He couldn’t be selfish, no matter how much he wanted to monopolize Cody’s smiles and his laughter and the warmth of that gloved hand on his shoulder.
He just didn’t think faking his death would affect Cody all that much. That was his problem: his recklessness in regards to himself. It was almost arrogant, and he wondered what his Master would think of him now.
The relief Cody felt when he saw him was followed closely by a deep sense of hurt and betrayal. None of it showed on his face of course, and Obi-Wan could do little more than apologize to his Commander.
Things were awkward between them. Cody held himself apart, and though they continued to work well together and accomplish their objectives as though nothing was wrong, the gap between them hurt keenly. What could he do to mend the broken trust between them?
At his wit’s end, he asked Rex.
“You need to show him that he isn’t just some clone to you, sir,” Rex said, not meeting his eyes even through the holo. Obi-Wan was not surprised that Rex was upset with him. He knew how much the blond cared and looked up to his older brother.
“How can I do that, Captain? I’ve tried talking to him, and yet...” Obi-Wan sighed and rubbed his beard, tired and incredibly unhappy.
“It’s not something you can Jedi your way into, sir. Just...try and feel for once, yeah?” Rex said, and Obi-Wan found himself laughing softly. Try and feel, hm? He thanked the Captain and disconnected the transmission.
Finding Cody was not difficult. This late in their ship’s cycle, he was sure to be in his quarters either asleep or trying to get there. Obi-Wan slipped into his room silently and stood in the darkness, considering. Just feel, that’s what Rex said. He undressed to his underclothes and slid into the bunk beside Cody. His Commander woke, sucked in a breath when he realized who was with him. Obi-Wan carefully touched his bare chest.
“I’m so sorry, Cody. I will never again let you think I’m dead when I am not, you have my word as your Knight and your friend on that,” Obi-Wan said softly into the quiet room. Cody was still, not even breathing, for a long moment before he sighed and placed his hand over the one on his chest.
“I’ll hold you to that, sir.”
Of all the promises Obi-Wan failed to keep in his life, this was not one of them.
Some weeks after the Battlwnof Utapau and the rise of the Empire, Commander Cody of the Imperial Army received a highly encrypted message from an untraceable source.
I told you those tanker troopers needed to work on their aim, didn’t I, Commander?
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prorevenge · 6 years ago
Psycho Ex gets my egoless revenge with a side of heavy-duty karma.
The following story occurred over the course of 13-8 years ago, and I apologize preemptively for the length, because it is a bit involved.
I was in a relationship for 9 years with a girl I met in college. We broke up on the cusp of my 29th birthday. While breakups and divorce are never trauma-free, this one was as close to that as I believe is humanly possible to get, there were no fights and minimal drama, and I moved to a new city to get a fresh start and be nearer my dad/stepmom/half sisters, as I'm close to them and it was nice to have family during this. Get an apartment, start over, everything's good. Then I meet "her."
Things with her seemed good at first. She was the polar opposite of my ex. She's quiet yet nice, had her life relatively together (my first wife was very unfocused and horrible with money), physically a complete contrast, wild in the bedroom--I thought I had hit the jackpot.
Anyhoo, I fall for her hard. We have a whirlwind romance, move in shortly, and we have this glamorous life where we make good money (she was a corporate accountant, I had a decent small business, we're pulling in 150K+ combined), renting a luxury apartment, one car paid and the other brand new, no kids. Things are great, except that we drink too much together and some other underlying issues I'm blind to at the time. We get soused one night and drive to Vegas, and get married on the strip after 6 months of dating and 9 of knowing each other. The ink is barely dry on my divorce papers from version 1.0, but no matter, I'm in love. My family likes her overall. Her family loves me. We adopt cats. We talk about trying to have a kid.
We upgrade our life and take on more debt, just as the housing bubble bursts and the economy tanks, she loses a couple jobs due to her inability to show up on Mondays, and I start losing clients as the ones I have start cutting their advertising budget (my field). Things start to get pinched, and she first starts complaining, then gets petulant, because now we can't spend the way we used to, the quarterly mini-vacations dry up, plus we're cooking at home instead of going out to eat 4x a week. We basically stop having sex a little more than a year into the relationship (didn't realize it then, because I was dumb and love-blind, but she cheated on me during this period).seRealizing what we're up against with our normal bills plus our credit cards, I go out and get a job bartending at a posh resort, the only other real skill I have at the time that's marketable. I get two other part time gigs to help make ends meet. She still complains, and throws me an ultimatum before I even start getting paychecks, laying the blame at my feet. I say fine, screw this then. Had we stuck it out even a few more months, things would have started to turn a financial corner. Instead, she goes full two-faced, mean-spirited bitch on me. The night we first fight, she "attempts suicide" by scratching her wrist with a leatherman, then calls 911, gets admitted to the hospital (I arrive home to cops telling me this), and has the security guard toss me when I show up to see if she's okay because she doesn't want to talk to me. I use the quotes because there was a small collection of firearms nearby I bought for her target shooting hobby which were untouched, so it was obviously just a ploy for attention.
We basically fight for the next week, I give her everything she wants, which includes leaving the house, signing over my new truck to her, and only taking stuff I brought into the relationship, basically enough to fill a small storage space. She's financially pinched so I sell my office furniture for cash and don't even touch the bank account, just take my biz money and one CC I got separate from her. I go to the Bay Area for a few months, financially struggle, don't get the job I was sure was on lock. During this time, I have this revelation one evening--I drink too much and that it's caused a load of problems in my life, so I quit, and I haven't touched a drop since.
Broke and realizing nothing I try is working, I come back to town, live with my dad for a month, find a roommate, then a shit retail job (my business has dropped from 7-8K per month at its height to now around 500/mo), I bike everywhere bc I can't afford a car, and my credit is toast partially due to her love of spending on plastic, so I'm facing bankruptcy. I'm 31, and this is really humbling, but whatever, I'm alive, have dealt with hardship before, this won't last forever. She has kept her house, declared personal BK on her debts, keeps her car, and has been dating a series of men starting a couple weeks after we split. While I never asked the details, apparently she's also reached out to a few of my friends and badmouthed me a bit. This would be mildly annoying, but add in two factors--she's dragging her feet on the divorce due to not having money to file, keeps up contact on the pretense of us needing to talk, but plays emotionally manipulative head games during the whole sequence ("I've realized I still love you, that's why you can make me cry so easily," and other bullshit Hallmark movie lines like this). Also, we live in a suburb that's smaller and tightly knit, so multiple places I go to like my church, the bookstore I frequent, and the coffee shop right by my place, she talks endless shit to people. Says I was a cheater and physically/emotionally abusive (complete crap, but whatever), I'm stalking her, I supposedly stole tens of thousands of dollars from her, the whole nine. Some people actually believe her, I even get threatened by a wannabe biker one night that's literally twice my age with violence, itself a funny story but not the point.
Finally, after some more bullshit and back and forth, she leaves town (more falsehoods around this, including her borrowing a bit of money she didn't end up paying back, and sticking me with a massive overage on our cell bill right before we split the account). My dumb, trusting heart hurts but I'm mostly relieved to see the last of her, realizing she's only nice to me when she wants something. She goes to NY to shack up with another guy, gets pregnant 15 minutes later. Finally sends me divorce paperwork. I sign it and send back quickly, all notarized docs, everything organized and flagged. She attempts to be "friends" and I want no part of this BS. I'm businesslike, she gets upset. She screws up filing, blames me. I say "whatever," straighten out the court issues. One week after the divorce is finalized, the kid is born. No word from her after that for two years, thank god. I get a new career, start advancing in it, and start dating a new woman that I'm still with 10 years later. Weirdly enough, they knew each other, and she didn't like her, partially because one of my ex's infidelity partners was her ex-husband, during a time they were exploring patching things up for the kids' sake (though there were multiple reasons for her distrust, apparently she always gave my wife an icky intuitive feeling).
So flash forward two years. I get a call from my current squeeze. She's just talked to a friend who was also a very brief roomie of "her" after our split. She's breaking up with the baby daddy. There's a custody fight. He's saying he doesn't know if it's his. Will I help her? Well, it's the right thing to do, so even though I don't trust or particularly like her, I say yes. I get the call, and a sob story. Most of it doesn't add up--he took the kid, but thinks it's actually mine, to prove paternity I'd need to come to NY and take a paternity test at one of their facilities, also he hit her, put a GPS tracker on her car, brother is a Russian mobster who threatened her, all very far-fetched. Needless to say, even without this fanciful tale, I generally assume if this woman is talking, it's a lie, so I'm suspicious. Her lawyer calls me, and seems like a clueless shmuck. I get a letter from him, very unprofessional and not even on a letterhead (every other legal doc I've seen has "from the law offices of blah blah" on it, but this is literally just off a laser printer), and says, verbatim "I, M___ K___, am the ex-husband of J___ K___, and was married to her from 6/07-8/09. I have no legal interest in the child." Super shady.
Not wanting to end up in a situation where I've allowed myself to be legally fucked over, I make my own lawyer consultation appointment. Before I can even go, the baby daddy finds me on Facebook and sends me a message. Between calls with him, his lawyer, and the impartial lawyer NY state appoints for the child's welfare, I get a very different story. He knows it's his, he had a paternity test done on the sly at birth because she had been promiscuous before they got together, and she was pregnant so quickly he was concerned. They broke up because she was drinking too much, he busted her with a bottle of vodka as she was driving with the kid in the car. She stood up in court, claimed I was actually the father, and she had no idea where to find me (he found me in 10 seconds online, I'm a tech guy with massive social media presence, a tech blog, multiple writing credits on publications, my frigging name as a domain, plus I've had the same cell phone number for 14 years). Also the other BS was just that, he's an IT guy for a university and his brother works for a carpet cleaning chain, plus just like in our relationship, he never hit or stalked her, etc.
So she, not knowing what I know, starts sending me text messages. I say "Filled out and on its way back to your lawyer," and toss it in the trash. I'm so tempted to send her some poetic message about how the truth is coming back to haunt her, but I resist, because I'm not doing this for her, but rather for the sake of their son and his father, so let's keep my ego out of it. I provide legal statements to all in the court. Tell them I know it's not possibly mine because I hadn't been with her since April 15 of '08, kid's birthday is in Sept of '09 (I remember the date because, due to taxes, I got fucked twice that day). Explain when she was in NY, which is the likely dates of conception, prove I was thousands of miles away on the west coast. Tell them to look through her social media, where she meticulously tagged herself and took tons of pictures of even their mundane locations. Provide a blood sample to a local lab. Tell them salacious details about her drinking and occasional drug use, including her abused prescriptions and a previous hospitalization where she was held for psych eval due to taking way too many pills.
Court comes, and she gets blindsided. Stack of depositions and a collection of statements from me were what sealed the deal, apparently, and the incredibly stupid game she was running is fully exposed. Gets no custody, no support, supervised visitation once a week. I run into her ex-roomie, upset, but instead of giving her attitude, I just calmly tell her the scam J__ was running, then let her "pull out of me" the truth about our split. She's flabbergasted, but also a horrible gossip, so it gets around town like wildfire. People I barely know, including the aforementioned biker, all come up to me and apologize for misjudging me. I'm years past the stage of having any morbid curiosity to check her social media, but every few months she pops up as a "suggested friend," and I notice bemusedly the number of mutual friends plummets from triple digits to eventually 3. Baby's father sends me a massive Amex gift card for Christmas, as much as I make in a week at the time. I call and tell him I don't know if I can accept it, I don't want him or anyone to think I did this for a reward. He virtually begs, saying "you helped save my family. This is nothing in comparison. Thank you." We break down crying on the phone, and eventually form an odd, distant friendship based on mutual respect for each other. I even had dinner with him a couple times when I had to go to NY for biz over the years, and I always buy, because the poor guy has done enough and gone through enough having to coparent with this train wreck.
To this day, she's apparently struggling to stay sober (alcohol and other substances), and has minimal involvement in her child's life due to her inability to show up when expected. Baby daddy tells me she's been in legal trouble, financial issues up the ass, and a string of boyfriends that never last more than a few months. I'm doing well, got married again three years ago, raised step-children, am reasonably financially successful, and rather like my life. Granted, a large part of this story is just karma in action, but I feel like I did the right thing, wasn't petty, and what I did do hit her where it hurts.
TL;DR: Ex-wife fucks my life, destroys me financially, tries to trash my reputation, then tries to use me as a scheme in her custody battle years later. I talk to the court directly, work with the baby daddy's lawyers, and get her exposed for the psycho, lying wench she is. She loses custody, struggles, and the good people live mostly happily ever after.
(source) (story by heymomo7)
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