#i get that naomi's his sister
ssaraexposs · 6 months
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Tanizaki really has potential to be in the PM
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willyhoos · 9 months
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NAOMI: …Everyone should join me. I'm... so... lonely... YUKA: Big brother, I'm so lonely...
two different girls, two different deaths, only one thing to say to the boy who failed them.
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dea-thynote · 5 months
Death note au but its just the original light switching places with the parody love note light after he tripped on air. The worst part is that, the yagami household is currently being surveillance and now L is confused with how Light is acting.
I just watched love note, parody of death note and light yagami from love note was so innocent 😭 he's both smart, cause he's a valedictorian, and also not, because he struggled with pronouncing death and misunderstood it as someone's name.
This is how I imagined it. The original light comes back home and notices that there aren't any people in the house. He opens the lock and goes to his room and notices that his tell if someone went in his room were all triggered. So in turn he avoids talking to ryuk and lays down on his bed. Ryuk tries to talk to him, but after not getting a response, he gets annoyed. Light tries to get up but then seemingly tripped on air (ryuks fault) and bashes his head on the floor.
This gets the attention of watari, L and Soichiro and they waited for a few moments and light seems to not be moving. Worried, soichiro gets up to immediately call the ambulance but was stopped by L who notices light moving, groaning and gets himself up. After Light finally seems to recollect himself and notices the blood, he screams and panics. And goes downstairs or to the bathroom to get a first aid kit. After bandaging up his banged up head poorly he sighs in relief and says "phew, that could have gone worse. I'm really glad that I didn't hurt myself too much from falling, who knew the floors were slippery!" And smiles before skipping to his room and opening a porn book lmfao.
(I just imagine that L would be thrown off because this does not check out his profile for kira. Since light yagami seems... childish. But I would imagine that love note light might slip up about panic because he can't see his diary (death note) anymore and he has a SISTER?? uhhhh okay.)
Back to love note, similar things happen, Ln! Light trips on air, not because of ryuk- the floors is just that slippery! He forgot he just waxed the floors before he went out! And gets his head bashed onto the floor. Again, love note watari, L and soichiro saw it. And L was like "uhh... case solved?" Of course, watari disagrees and urges soichiro to call an ambulance.
(Im debating whether or not watari actually calls the ambulance after soichiro and L argue again and Light is sent to the hospital. OR watari notices him moving and stops their arguing to look at the cameras)
Og! Light finally wakes up and almost glares at ryuk before remembering the cameras. He just sighs and complains about how he the floors are really.... slippery. And walks casually to the bathroom where he bandages himself. He goes back to his room and lays down, and ignores ryuk, it seems that the god of death is spouting nonsense about puppies and him getting mad for him throwing them to a wall. That's when he hears a knock and its... a Russian accent? From his sister? Now that's suspicious. What are you planning, L?
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kaleschmidt · 8 months
I feel like I've mentioned it before, but I see Jack being uncomfortable with being called "Mr. Kennedy". Yeah he's been called that a few times in dayshift 3 but that doesn't mean he likes it. I don't remember how the dayshift 3 phoneys refer to him regarding name (I THINK they refer to him as "Boss" otherwise).. it's not the honorific, it's just HAVING an honorific. Does that make sense
I chalk it up to him having a disconnect from being called "Mr Kennedy". If anyone's gonna be that, it should be his brother. Not him. Never him. Also some strain regarding his father
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90210 season 2 was a drama only shakespeare could have penned
#I’m rewatching it right now and CHEFS KISS TO THE WRITING#see most shows have a golden first season and then season 2 goes so downhill and we don’t even talk about season 3#cause nothing from that should be considered canon#but 90210 season 2 is some of the best television I’ve watched#like the liam/annie/naomi drama was a wonderful tale of betrayal and miscommunication amazing commentary on the human condition#like jen is angry that her 16 year old sister is throwing a prom after party#and to get back at her she ruins multiple people’s lives#like naomi tells jen a secret about liam#and jen pretends to be a neighbor and tells liam that she overheard naomi gossiping about him#and so to get back at his own girlfriend LIAM SLEEPS WITH JEN AND BRAGS ABOUT IT TO NAOMI?#and naomi finds annie’s scarf in the room and assum​es that annie was the girl he slept with#but it isn’t until after naomi leaves that jen comes back and tells liam that she isn’t actually naomi’s neighbor but is actually her sister#and now naomi is pissed off at annie because she thinks annie slept with her boyfriend#and Liam would rather let naomi think that he slept with her best friend bc the actual truth that he slept with her sister is even worse#and naomi goes on a tirade and starts bullying the shit out of annie to the point annie starts to go with the lie that she slept with liam#just to piss off naomi even more. AND JEN GETS AWAY WITH THE WHOLE THING 😭#I saw that apparently pllos copies this storyline and it’s just like how dare you? only 90210 could pull off something like this
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calmlb · 14 days
It’s been clear that the Tanizakis aren’t siblings from the very beginning
here’s some evidence now that it’s been confirmed canon…
everyone who’s read irl Tanizaki’s book knew that Junichiro & Naomi weren’t siblings as soon as they introduced themselves
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BUT just because the Tanizakis aren’t siblings doesn’t mean you can’t feel uncomfortable about them. if you feel uncomfortable, GOOD. that’s exactly what they want
the Tanizakis, Mori— they all use these disturbing ruses to disarm or distract people in order to protect themselves, or to accomplish their goals. this is a writing device that asagiri commonly employs as a way to parallel the irl literature (it’s actually ingenious)
there are 4 main indicators that have always made it clear to me that Junichiro & Naomi are not siblings:
1. most obviously— their character designs. Harukawa is extremely intentional with character designs, & she very intentionally made Naomi & Junichiro look nothing alike
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their eye shapes are purposely different
their color palettes are contrasting
even their differing styles of clothing have meaning
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this was all done so that the audience could PLAINLY see that they’re not related— so that WE know that they’re lying when they say they ARE related
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2. how the people around them respond to their act.
the general reaction is “don’t question it”— which is exactly what they want. “be distracted by how uncomfortable you feel so that you look away from what we’re hiding” (this is likely a protective measure)
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3. most importantly, this is meant to parallel irl Tanizaki’s book “Naomi,” where the main character Joji picks up Naomi to raise her into his ideal woman, but since she's so young (& a minor) they call each other cousins (Joji makes no sexual advances on young Naomi btw)
however, his plan backfires because when Naomi gets older & they get married, she flips the script on him & manipulates HIM so that he's under her thumb (which is why bsd Tanizaki is at a domineering Naomi's mercy). Joji let her have her way because of his masochistic tendencies
4. lastly is the emphasis that Asagiri and the Tanizakis themselves put on calling each other siblings.
over & over, it’s “my brother this” & “my sister that”
like they’re desperately trying to convince us that it’s true (“don’t let your lying eyes deceive you”)
here are just a few of many examples from the light novels…
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again, if you’ve read “Naomi” you knew that Junichiro & Naomi weren’t siblings as soon as they introduced themselves
just like if you’ve read irl Mori’s works, it’s clear that bsd Mori isn’t a pedophile
just like if you’ve read No Longer Human you know that Dazai’s an unreliable narrator. he makes you think he’s a bad person bc he believes he’s a bad person, but those around him see him differently (btw this doesn’t mean he’s never done anything “bad,” though bsd isn’t about morality— but that’s another discussion)
anyway, i’m so excited for the Tanizakis backstory to be revealed so that we can better understand why they use this defense!!
also let this be a reminder to READ THE LITERATURE if you’re able to!! even reading synopses & analyses of the coordinating books makes bsd make much more sense 🥹
reminder that this how you’re supposed to react while reading bsd:
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also, if you’re interested in a post explaining how Mori isn’t a pedo, i wrote this analysis on twt. OR you can read this document that one of my moots sent me (remember: analyzing a character does NOT mean you condone any actions they may or may not commit!)
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gorgeys · 1 year
Hi! Could you a Naomi x female reader, where her older brother works for Jordan and she meets Naomi at the party and gets a lil jealous when Jordan tries to hit on the reader? Thanks!
FRIENDS? ★ naomi lapaglia
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Naomi Lapaglia (Wolf of Wall Street) x fem!reader
You quickly catch Jordan's eye at a party, but Naomi wants you all to herself...
Warnings: mentions of sex, flirting, corruption kink??, mentions of cheating
Word Count: 3110
Note: ayee i'm obsessed with naomi so i loved writing this request! there's also another naomi request that will be coming out shortly and that will def be a long one! i believe in margot robbie supremacy
b/n = brother's name
You stared in awe as you approached the mansion.  It was by far the largest house you had ever seen.  You looked to your brother and he only smiled.  It seems he was adjusting to the shift in your lives much faster than you.
He had only begun working for Jordan a couple months ago when rent was tight and there was barely any food in the fridge.  You had just moved in with him to help cut costs for the both of you as you sunk deeper into student loans and edged barely closer to your degree.  If things couldn’t get any worse, your brother was laid off from his job out of nowhere. He began interviews for practically every job on Wall Street when your luck changed tremendously.  He landed a job at Stratton Oakmont.
He climbed the ranks quickly.  You and your brother had quite a unique charisma, one that allowed you to manipulate many social situations in your favor and it was no different at Stratton.  With his charm and hard-working attitude, your brother was one of the few to have a personal connection with the founders of the company and he could feel that promotion coming.  But it was just out of reach.  So he quickly enlisted you to give him a little push.
There was an obvious shift in your lifestyle as soon as your brother got the job.  He was able to provide for the both of you plus decorate the apartment and take you out to lavish dinners.  Life just seemed so much brighter for the both of you.  So you would do anything to keep your lives like this.  Even if it meant playing this part.
It was the first time you’d be attending one of Stratton’s famous parties.  Your brother let you hang off his arm, dolled up in a completely brand new designer outfit, just how Jordan liked it.  Your dress was as short as it could be without being socially unacceptable and your neckline plunged so deep that your tits were nearly popping out.  Your heels were custom made and reeled in your flashy dress to make it a classy look.  Your make-up was done to a tee, emphasizing the soft features of your face, and your hair was curled into perfect waves.  Even your brother, who had teased you all your childhood, agreed you were a sight for sore eyes.  There was no way you wouldn’t catch Jordan’s attention.
Everything seemed to fall into place as you entered.  Eyes were on you from the moment you stepped inside, men in suits turning their heads to gape while their wives and girlfriends knocked them on the back of the head for looking.  You smiled just as you had rehearsed in the mirror and strutted as elegantly as you could muster even if you had to relearn to walk in those tall heels.
Most of the men you passed patted your brother on the shoulder in greeting, eyeing you up in the process.  Your brother had to reiterate several times that you were his sister, hoping he’d be able to avoid any risque comments about the two of you for the night.
You hid your excitement at the expensive environment, causally downing a champagne flute from a server, while you soaked up the extravagance of the house and the people.
It wasn’t long before your brother elbowed you in the side.
“Look, right over there,” he said, nodding his head to the left.  “That’s Jordan.”
When you looked, he was already staring back at you.  He leaned against the giant glass windows of the living room, a mystery drink in his hand.  He was wearing a suit but several of the buttons of his button up were undone, exposing his chest.  His hair was messy and his eyes were bloodshot.  While he was a little sleazier than you expected, you shouldn’t have been surprised considering the insane stories your brother had told you about his addictions to sex and drugs.
He was surrounded by a group of men who you could only assume were the founding members of the company.  They had noticed you from a mile away and you could faintly hear them talking about you and how badly they wanted to fuck you.  One even said he’d fuck you even if you were his sister.  You pretended not to notice as they shoved Jordan playfully, egging him on to approach you.  For the Wolfie to handle you, as they put it.
He confidently half-smiled at you before shifting his shoulders, fixing his suit jacket.  He sloppily ran his hand through his hair before he began walking toward you.  He sauntered arrogantly, as if he already had you in the palm of his hand, and his eyes ran all over you though he tried his best to hide it.
“B/N!  Good to see you,” Jordan exclaimed, stretching his hand out to give your brother a firm handshake.
“Hi, Jordan, great party,” your brother said with a smile.
“Yeah,” he dismisses your brother, his eyes quickly turning onto you.  “Now don’t be rude and introduce me to this lovely lady you’ve got here,” he said, nodding toward you, a smile stretching across his lips.
“This is my sister, Y/N.”
“Aah,” he sighs, his face lighting up with excitement.  “Sister,” he repeats, grinning widely.
“I just wanted to bring her along and show her what a Stratton party’s all about.”
“Nice to meet you, Jordan” you say, in a honey-sweet voice, showing your pearly whites.  You can tell he’s already hypnotized as you look up at him through your fluttering eyelashes with doe eyes.  You extend your hand toward him with the graceful flick of your wrist and he holds it so delicately.
“Nice to meet you, Y/N,” he says, lifting your hand to his lips and leaving a gentle kiss on the back of your hand.  Your smile widens accordingly as he refuses to let go of your soft skin.
“You know, you’ve got a really great place here.  I don’t think I’ve ever been in a house this big before,” you say, your eyes flicking up to the enormous glass chandelier above you that would certainly kill everyone in the room if it ever came crashing down.  You ignored that thought and looked back into his star-struck eyes with an excited gaze.
“Oh, really?” He raised his eyebrows, enjoying himself too much.
“Yeah,” you say, nodding along.
You wouldn’t have called him unattractive but he wasn’t really your type.  Either way you’d let him have one freaky night with your body in return for a large check deposited in your brother’s bank account.  You hoped he was a good lay but your instincts were telling you otherwise.
He shooed your brother away to go talk to some of the other guys while he entertained you, talking himself up and offering you several compliments.  It was when he stepped closer to you that his wife noticed the two of you from across the room.  She was sipping on her champagne and gossiping in a huddle of powerful wives when you caught her eye, your hand holding her husband’s for way too long.
She was no fool, she saw the way he looked at you, like he wanted to devour you.  She remembered that dangerous glint in his eyes from when she had first met him at a party like this one.  And we all know how that went.
She was ready to cause a scene, to impulsively confront him in the large crowd and beat him senseless with a glass bottle for even looking at another woman.  But something distracted her.
She had the perfect view of you from the side as you moved your free hand across your lower back.  Then your hand moved lower, lower, lower, gliding across your ass, smoothing out the fabric of your tight dress.  Naomi’s eyes were fixed.  Finally your fingers pulled lightly on the hem of your dress, trying to bring it down as it had rode up a little too high, showing off most of your bare thighs.
That’s when she stopped herself and decided to give you a closer look.  And that’s also when she realized she was no better than her husband.
You weren’t like any of the other women Jordan flirted with.  No, you were flawless.  Her eyes examined your figure and noticed how every curve of your body was carved so smoothly, so perfectly that she couldn’t look away.  She could only imagine the way your skin would feel beneath her fingers; she assumed it was soft and pliable. She imagined how each arch of your body would fit perfectly into her hands like you were molded just for that reason.  She wanted to admire you for the rest of the night. And it felt like you were enticing her, like you were asking for her touch in that low-cut dress.  It wasn’t hiding much but still, Naomi wished she could see more.
She realized that she could barely blame her husband for his reaction.  Your beauty was baffling and undeniable.  What could she expect from Jordan, a man who couldn’t hide his desires nearly as well as she could hide hers.
For a moment your eyes strayed away from his and you glanced in Naomi’s direction.  Your hand carelessly brushed your hair back and Naomi was slightly mesmerized.  She sucked her lips into her mouth, imprinting the features of your face into her mind, forgetting which reality she was in.
Her stomach churned, her body telling her brain that her need for you was innate.  The way your lips curved into a pure smile and your eyes were full of light made her want to ruin you.   She wanted to whisk you off to some far away place to have you only for herself.  She wanted to melt away that pretty facade and see what lurked beneath your shiny surface.
It was impossible for her to restrain her own thoughts as just a single look at you brought up such deep, impure desires.  She was no better than a man but you made her like that.
Her chest burns as Jordan leans impossibly closer to you, whispering something in your ear.  You giggle delightfully, comfortably holding on to his shoulder.  He takes that as a sign to wrap his arm around your waist, practically engulfing you with his body while his lips stay uncomfortably close to your ear.
Naomi couldn’t believe the audacity of her husband to throw himself onto you in public.  No, you deserved much better than to be smothered in sweat and cologne in front of all these important people.  You deserved someone who would treat you right and then, behind closed doors, someone who would treat you so wrong.  She knew her husband couldn’t do any of that for you.  You didn’t deserve him.
By then she had placed her glass onto a table with a little too much force and allowed her feet to carry her across the room.  She straightens up the neckline of her dress and clicks her heels into the ground with a purpose.  You deserved her.
“Jordan!” a thick Brooklyn accent cuts through the air.
It surprises you slightly but it seems to shock Jordan into action as he abruptly pulls away from you.  You’re left awkwardly standing alone as he steps back from you.  Your hands clutch onto the sides of your thighs for comfort.
“Naomi!  Baby!” he exclaims, outstretching his arms to the blonde thundering toward you.  He puts on a large smile and leans back comfortably as if he wasn’t just all over you.
She doesn’t accept his embrace but swats his hands away from her.  She moves to stand at his side.
“You gonna introduce me to your little friend here?” she says, motioning toward you with one of her hands.  Her voice is laced with an attitude that scares you.  You’re not quite sure if it's venomous but it’s definitely strong.  She turns to face you and plants her hands firmly on her hips.
“Oh, uh, yeah,” he stutters, looking nervously between the two of you.  “This is Y/N.  And Y/N-”
“I’m Naomi, Jordan’s wife,” she cuts him off.
You had heard stories about Naomi, about how her beauty transcended time, but you sure as hell weren’t expecting the masterpiece that stood before you.  You were rendered speechless for a moment, staring stupidly at her, your lips slightly parted.
Long blonde hair trailed down her shoulders, barely covering her thick gold hoop earrings.  Her face looked like it was sculpted by the gods, with a jawline sharper than a knife and pink lips that pursed curiously at you.  Her tight baby blue dress with a perfect cleavage cutout matched her blue eyes lined with thick eyeliner.
You couldn’t fathom how Jordan could cheat on her.  She was probably the most perfect human you had seen in your entire life.  And here you were trying to seduce her husband.
Her eyes aggressively ran up and down your body, soaking up every last drop of you.  They held some dark emotion behind them.  Using the context of the situation you assumed it was jealousy but she knew it was lust.  It was the first time that night you felt so small and so flustered, your confident facade fading away.
You hoped it wasn’t showing on your face but from the way her lips quirked upward as she extended her hand, you could tell she was enjoying your agitated state.
“Hi, Naomi,” you said, speaking a little quieter than you had with Jordan before.  You accepted her hand, expecting a tense shake, but her grip was even gentler than her husband’s.  In fact, her hands were the softest you had ever held.
She copied Jordan’s movements, just more delicately.  She brought your hand to her lips, leaning slightly forward to give the back of your hand a chaste kiss.  Her eyes didn’t leave yours the entire time, making your stomach bubble in forbidden arousal.  The gesture felt so intimate, as if no one else was watching.
If you weren’t in awe before, you were hypnotized now.  Her beauty was ethereal and from the way she handled you, you began to question her intentions with you.  Your perception of her as the jealous wife was slowly fading into the background.
If Jordan wasn’t your type, his wife surely was.
He looked between the two of you, completely unsure of what to say.  It seemed he was in quite a pickle as it seemed his wife’s unpredictable behavior would soon get in the way of his endeavors with you.
“You know, you’re a cute one, doll,” she said, her tongue slightly poking through her teasing smile.  Her strong accent only made every word out of her mouth even sexier, especially that pet name.  Doll.  You’d love to be her doll.
You felt your face heat up and your eyes ever so slightly widen.  You attempted to ignore the arousal you felt beneath your dress as your nails dug anxiously into the fabric of your dress.  You momentarily wondered whether you should thank her for the compliment before deciding against it.  Each reaction out of you only pushed her to continue, to test your limits.
“I almost don’t blame my husband for looking at you the way he does,” she said, her eyes momentarily shifting to your cleavage before focusing on the small twitches of your face again.
You took a sharp breath and opened your mouth wider like you wanted to respond and apologize but Jordan beat you to it.
“Come on, baby.  You know I only have eyes for you,” he whines and pouts like a child, leaning closer to her and wrapping an arm around her waist.  She instantly pushes him off of her, disgusted by his touch, without sparing him a glance.
All you want to do is walk away and distance yourself from this married couple’s petty quarrel but your feet seem too heavy to move.  You can’t help but love the way Naomi looks at you.
“But I can assure you he’s no fun,” she says, ignoring her husband’s pleading looks.   “Very vanilla, you know?  And he comes too fast.”  She whispers that last part like he’s not even there although he can clearly hear her.
Both you and Jordan share the same state of shock.  You can’t help but feel like you’re learning too much information about the couple you met a few minutes ago.  But the way Naomi speaks to you it feels like you’ve known her much longer.
“Uh, I-I’m sorry-” you begin but are quickly interrupted.
“Myself on the other hand,” she says, trailing off for a few moments.  She presses her lips together as if she’s looking through you, her thoughts taking her to far away places.  The glint in her eye is mischievous and you want her to take you with her.  “We can have lots of fun together.”
Your insides are screaming the moment the words leave her lips, her devilish smile only making the feeling worse.  You can only dream about what she’s implying and your imagination runs wild. You’re already putty in her hands, you both can feel it.
“What’d you say, you wanna be friends?” she says, her tone seemingly innocent.  But one look in those blue eyes would say otherwise.
“Friends?” you ask breathlessly.  You let your head hang low and your bottom lip push out toward her, silently questioning the meaning of the word.
“Yeah,” she says, smiling brightly.  But there’s a coy element about it.  “You wanna be my friend?”  Her eyes check you out once more just for emphasis.
There’s your answer.
The initial goal of seducing Jordan is long forgotten.  Quick cash seems irrelevant compared to the duchess before you, especially now that she seems within reach.  If you didn’t accept her offer you were sure you’d regret it.
You nod cautiously.
“Yeah, I’ll be your friend.”
She instantly beams at you with a conniving grin while internally congratulating herself for a mission accomplished.  You feel your lips reciprocate in a stunned smile.
“Good.  Let’s get you another drink, doll” she says, reaching out and grabbing your hand.  She tugs you behind her as she heads toward the home bar.  She gives you a raunchy look over her shoulder while you let her control your every movement.  “Then I can show you around.”
Your smile grows while Jordan is left standing stupidly by himself.  He curses under his breath, wondering how he fumbled so badly.
i'm screaming
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yarrayora · 1 year
see, like, sometimes i see bsd fans commenting about how it's weird for asagiri to make the tanizaki siblings incestuous or the whole lolicon gag with mori and elise but the thing is both of those things are based on the real life tanizaki junichiro and mori ougai's works
naomi is, of course, based on the novel naomi, a story about a man who groomed a young girl into a westernized woman and it ends up with her turning the table by dominating his life. which is why the junichiro in the manga is unable to say no to his sister. while the irl work is mostly a commentary about the cultural change in taisho period, the siblings in the manga focuses on the unhealthy relationship of the protagonist jouji and naomi. you might find it disgusting and that's okay. but the character dazai is also created based on the real dazai osamu's uncomfortable depiction of humanity's ugliness. it just doesn't make sense to allow one depiction but not the other.
elise is named after the love interest in the dancing girl, but the power that creates her is named after the real mori ougai's erotic novel that is secretly about his own sexual experiences. you can argue that there is no need for elise to be a child because the character in the dancing girl isn't one, and vita sexualis itself is more about the author-slash-protagonist's struggle with having sexual desires in a society that champions moral purity.
but the thing is elise isn't even a fanservice character. she isn't depicted as someone the audience should find desirable for one. when it comes to lolicon fanservice you can expect either excessive depiction of innocence or at the very least elise getting jealous when mori gives attention to someone else. but even her mocking is just that, mocking. we were never shown her returning mori's affection even in a tsundere way.
the biggest hint is actually the fact that in beast au, a timeline where mori gives up his position as the mafia boss, elise is an adult. it shows that the child form of elise is symbolic of mori's desire to control those with the power he wants to obtain i.e. dazai and yosano. it's so much easier to gain power over other when they're a child and you're the authority figure, after all. so when he no longer chases after that ambition, elise becomes an adult.
tldr; asagiri didn't necessarily make tanizaki siblings and elise for the sake of fanservice but it's definitely because he actually pays attention to the literature that inspires him
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meazalykov · 4 months
the younger morgan
alex morgan x morgan!USWNT!reader
part one / part two / part three / part four / part five / part six
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Growing up in the Morgan household, I was always known as my own individual person. Y/n Morgan. I am described by my peers as someone who’s kind, sensitive, and humble. However, to some of the public and people who barely know of me, I am known as  "Alex Morgan's little sister." 
It wasn't a title I despised while growing up. Being born 14 years after her, I was adopted by the Morgans at birth. My sister and parents have been my family for my entire life, even if we aren’t blood. They’ve surrounded me in a blanket of love while supporting my athletic, famous sister at the same time.
Alex won her first World Cup in 2015 when I was eleven. I remember sitting in the stadium, the air electric with cheers and chants, watching her lift that trophy high. Having my sister as my idol while growing up was a blessing that most girls would dream of.
The pride I felt was immense, but it was always mixed with a yearning.
I played as a striker while growing up, just like Alex. My feet scored goals in every match i’ve had minutes in. By the time I was old enough to transition into taking soccer seriously, it was clear I had inherited the Morgan soccer genes, even if I wasn’t blood-related. 
With the best coaches in the country guiding me, I quickly became one of the best U21 strikers in the world, just like Alex. Success in high school championships, the USYNT national team (before my senior team call up in November 2022), and in my first year of college landed me a spot on the San Diego Wave alongside my sister. I forfeited my college eligibility so I can jump into taking soccer seriously, which I did.
Yet, I hide the fact that the inevitable comparisons to Alex bothered me. Anytime I made a mistake, I had people on social media saying that “Alex at your age would’ve never made that mistake!” and more that were way harsher and mean. I felt a hollowness inside me because I had to accept that San Diego wasn’t the club for me. Something I didn’t realize until half-way into the season.
This wasn't about the love or support I received from my family or the fans. It was about forging my path, I wanted to be my own person away from Alex. I love her so much, but I wanted people to see me for who I really am. I needed a moment which would give me the reassurance that my career was truly mine.
One afternoon, after a particularly grueling training session, I collapsed onto my soft beige colored couch for a nap. I knew I had plans with Jaedyn, Naomi, and Maria later— but I knew I could fit in a good three hour nap before I had to get ready for the night. However the ring of my phone jolted me awake after an hour into my nap. My eyebrows knitted at the sight of my agent's name, Maggie, flashing on the screen.
Usually, Maggie never calls unless we are discussing deals or contract negotiations. However, I asked her two weeks ago if she could contact SD Wave about putting me on the transfer market. Maggie said that wasn’t needed since there was something else that would excite me– but she didn’t explain what. 
"Y/n, I have some exciting news!!!" Maggie began without giving me the chance to say hi, her voice brimming with enthusiasm as I clicked on the speaker option. I rubbed my tired eyes trying to pay attention to what she’s gonna say.
“What happened?” I ask, sitting up from my laid down position and sitting criss-crossed on my couch.
"You know how you asked about a possible transfer? Well I already had a few offers coming in for you before you asked—'' Maggie started as I heard a few clicks on her side of the call, I’m assuming she's clicking stuff on her computer while on the phone with me. 
“So– *click*--- *click* — okay! There are a lot of NWSL clubs that have put in an offer for you. Houston, Gotham, Orlando, Kansas, and Washington have sent in their offers— but I understand that you wanted to go to Europe, is that correct?” Maggie says as I bite the skin around my nail beds. Growing up, I’ve always admired European clubs and the different cultures  Europe has. Playing in Europe would expose me to a better challenge that I’ve wanted in my career. A good chance to (hopefully) play in the Champion’s League too, another thing my sister won in 2017.
“Yes, that is correct.” I say, trying to sound as normal as possible. I am nervous, knowing that this call could change my life. 
“Okay- well that's amazing because several European clubs are interested in you. You have many clubs to choose from— Chelsea, Manchester City, Arsenal, Tottenham, Real Madrid, Madrid CFF, PSG, Wolfsburg— those clubs in particular all offered you a contract. Barcelona showed interest too but you’re not a free agent and due to their financial struggles, they cannot sign you unless you were free. However—- Bayern Munich in Germany offered you a very great deal– a four year contract with add ons—the salary they’re offering along with the add-ons is way better than all of the others. I feel like you would love this club." Maggie commented. Outside of work, Maggie and I had a somewhat good relationship for people who try to remain professional. Maggie had a good intuition and can read people, which means that she knows how I work and how my personality is in detail. 
Hearing about the clubs– my heart pounded in my chest at Bayern Munich. The name alone sent a feeling inside of my body that I couldn’t explain. I placed my hands on my forehead as I felt overwhelmed from the amount of clubs I could choose from. However, my curiosity and intuition wanted to look more into the Bayern Munich offer. 
“Maggie— I can’t lie—Bayern Munich is sticking to me right now.” I say, dragging out my last words as my voice breaks into a yawn. Training was intense today. 
“Okay! Okay! Here’s what we can do— I can come over now and drop off the documents to you— you can look over them and we can have an in-person meeting on your day off from training next Thursday at lunch, deal?” Maggie said. I can sense her smile through the phone call as I felt relieved from having to make such a quick decision. It's Friday so I have six days to make a final decision. 
"Deal," I said, barely able to handle the fact that my nervousness turned into small excitement. I couldn’t tell anybody about this but that was okay with me.
Thursday came and I chose to move to Munich in June. I can spend the season, before the olympics, with San Diego then i’ll move to play for Bayern on the four-year contract afterwards. I couldn’t tell anybody the news until I got the green-light to do so from Maggie. 
Keeping this news from Alex and my friends was one of the hardest things I've ever done. Alex was not just my sister but also my mentor and my rock. But I knew I had to wait until everything was finalized before telling her. She should understand that part. Meanwhile, rumors swirled online, speculating about my potential move to Europe in the month afterwards.
One evening as I played with Charlie, in Alex's living room, I could feel the weight of my secret growing heavier. I look at my niece with a light smile as she colored in a fairytale themed coloring book I got her last christmas. I am going to miss seeing her every-week when I move to Germany.
Eventually, Alex finished what she had to do in her kitchen and picked up Charlie. The little girl complained before her mother explained that it was late and it was time for bed. Its 8:30 which wasn’t late in my eyes but Charlie is a child so— 
After Alex put Charlie to bed, and after I cleaned up after Charlies crayon mess, she joined me in the living room and sat beside me on the couch, her expression serious.
"Y/n— we have to talk.” Alex said. My nerves were on fire hearing Alex say that. I knew she was going to mention Bayern— I can’t hide it anymore. The rumors on social media are increasing and everyone knows my move to Munich is inevitable, even if I haven’t addressed it yet. 
“I know.” I respond, my right leg is crossed over my left one as I cross my arms together.
“Are the rumors online true? You know I don’t like to search the media for answers, but the rumors are increasing and everyone is positive that they’re correct on their suspicions— Are you leaving here to play for Bayern?" Alex asked, her eyes searching mine for answers.
I took a deep breath, steadying myself. I couldn’t lie to her "Yes, Alex, they're true. I'm going to play Bayern Munich in June."
After saying this, I thought Alex would be happy for me right away. 
However, her concern was palpable. "But why, Y/n? Why are you moving so far away? We have everything here."
"That's why, Alex," I replied, struggling to keep my voice steady. "I need to do this for myself. I want a new challenge and seeking something new has been my goal for since the off-season. I need to know if I can make it—-- without always being compared to you." I struggled to say the last part.
The argument that followed was heated but subdued, mindful of Charlie sleeping nearby. Alex didn't understand my need to step away, to find my own path. 
“Everyone knows you’re a great player, you have a higher record than me this season!! You don’t need to leave the country.” Alex argued. 
“Well you played for Lyon and Spurs at one point, which is outside of America—- the NWSL isn’t the only league in the world and I need to grow. If your concern is about safety, I promise i’ll be able to take care of myself. I need this Alex— You know I am a responsible person!” I stood up from the couch. Alex followed and looked at me with concern.
“You are– I’m not saying you’re not responsible– but you’re going to leave everything behind!” 
“No I am not? I will always come back during International breaks!” I argue. 
“Okay– but you shouldn’t “need” to move to Germany. You’re going to leave your friends behind too Y/n!” Alex continued to argue. My blood boiled at her words. 
"You know, Why can’t you just be supportive!!?? I can’t do this anymore–” I say as I ran to put on my shoes by the door, grabbing my tote bag with all of my items inside. 
“I'm glad I'm moving away Alex. Maybe they'll respect me as a good player and my own person– and not just Alex Morgan's sister!" I stormed out of her apartment, the rift between us widening.
We didn't speak after that night. Even at training with the San Diego Wave, we maintained a professional distance, our conversations limited to the bare necessities or anything related to Charlie. The silence was deafening, but I was resolute. This was my decision to play for Bayern, she needs to respect it.
When the SheBelieves Cup came around, Alex and I both made the roster, as usual. This was my last international break as a San Diego player. Since i’ll be living in Germany by the time the Korea friendlies happen in June. 
On the national team, I found solace in my closest friends Jaedyn, Sophia, Trinity, and Mallory. Jaedyn plays at San Diego with me so she has a better understanding about the situation. I told her that I am moving to Munich and we had a bittersweet moment, at least she was supportive of my decision. All of the other girls sensed something was wrong but respected my need for space, assuming that they shouldn’t come in-between family business. Especially if one of their captains is involved. 
On the pitch against Japan for the first she-believes game, my performance was excellent on the pitch. In my mind, I knew I wanted to do good so Bayern fans would be excited about my transfer to their club. 
After scoring twice against Japan, we were now in a penalty shootout with Canada. This is the second-time we’ve gon into penalties this year together. Once in the gold-cup a few months back. 
Emily Fox made the penalty against the Canadian goalkeeper, and the next Canadian kicker’s shot was blocked by Alyssa (Secretary of Defense). Everyone looked in my direction as the ball was passed into my hands. If I make this shot, I win the shebelieves cup for the United States.
My hearts pounded like a drum in my cheat as I looked ahead at Kailen, my San Diego teammate and friend who plays for Canada. She knows how I kick, and I know how she blocks shots coming her way. 
I took a deep breath, trying to calm the storm inside of me. I had practiced penalty shots countless times throughout my time in soccer, but this was different. This was the final. This was for the win.
The referee blew the whistle, signaling it was time for me to shoot. My body stepped forward, and my mind was clear. As I closed in on the ball, I locked eyes with Kailen, who was poised and ready, her eyes fierce with determination.
My foot struck the ball cleanly, sending it soaring through the air. Time seemed to slow as the ball arced towards the goal, the world holding its breath. Kailen dove to her right, stretching out in a desperate bid to stop the shot.
But it was too late. The ball sailed past her outstretched fingers and hit the back of the net with a satisfying thud. The crowd erupted in a roar of triumph, the sound crashing over me like a wave. I scored the winning goal!
Before getting a chance to process what had happened, my teammates rushed towards me. All of their faces showed joy and relief. They enveloped me in a jubilant embrace, lifting me off her feet as we celebrated the victory together. I looked around, taking in the ecstatic faces of my friends, the adoring fans, and the sparkling lights of the stadium. I looked to my right and saw my sister’s bright smile looking towards me, this made my heart warm up a little bit. 
After everyone broke away from me, before the trophy celebration and the part where I’ll be rewarded as SheBelieves MVP, Alex approached me. Her expression was softer than the last time i’ve talked to her at her apartment. Her eyes reflected a mix of hope, sadness and understanding.
"Y/n, can we talk?"
I nodded, and we found a quiet spot away from the rest of the team on the pitch.
"I'm sorry," she began. "I was selfish. I was thinking about how much Charlie and I would miss you, not about what you need."
Her words broke the dam of emotions I'd been holding back. "I know. But Alex— I just want to be seen for who I am, Alex. Not just as your little sister."
She pulled me into a hug, and for the first time in weeks, I felt a sense of peace. "You will be, Y/n. You'll be amazing, and I am so proud of you and that gorgeous penalty kick." Alex squeezed me and I laughed at her gesture. 
“Thank you, Thank you! I have the best sister who showed me what good penalty kicks are.” I smile. 
As the middle of June approached, after the Korea friendlies, I prepared for my move to Germany with a mix of excitement and nerves. Alex and I grew closer again, our bond strengthened by the fact that this new routine will give us a chance to miss eachother. 
The day I boarded the plane to Munich, with three suitcases and one carry on bag with everything I need for my apartment I found while spending a week in Munich last month—  Alex was there, cheering me on. 
“I’ll miss you sweetheart.” Alex hugged me. I hugged her back before hugging my smaller niece who stood beside us. "I will miss you both the most." I respond.
Later as the plane took off, I looked out the window, my heart full of hope. This was my chance to prove myself to the world and to the fans that I am more than just my sister. 
part two here
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fastcardotmp3 · 1 year
I'm not usually the audience for most kid fic content HOWEVER the idea of Eddie falling into a circumstance where he becomes the Uncle Wayne to some other kid who has nowhere else to go has me by the throat today
like. circular narratives.... hear me out....
maybe Eddie did have a sibling, a sister ten years older than him who was out of the house and as far away as she could manage before he even ended up in Hawkins with Wayne. maybe he and his sister didn't keep in touch because by the time she had her footing in the world well enough to come back and see him, Eddie was long gone already.
maybe she ends up in worse situations than he does by nature of not having a Wayne of her own to teach her what it feels like to have someone stick around for you and maybe one of those situations is ending up with a kid she's not equipped to take care of, no matter how much she tries.
she needs help, needs backup, needs someone to take this 10-year-old in and give her safety while her mother gets healthy and tries to learn what it means to be stable.
And hey, listen, Eddie Munson is 27 at this point, he's had seven years to heal from the bullshit Hawkins put him through and he's still working hard every day to keep that momentum going, but a child?
he's not a father, not an uncle, take her to Wayne for fuck's sake, he begs of his sister even though he knows deep down he doesn't mean it, not when Wayne has finally retired, finally has some stability of his own.
what other option do I have? I need you, Ed, is begged of him in return, and he hears her, he does, but what does he have to offer in this situation?
he's a mechanic with PTSD and a one-bedroom in Bloomington who's been pining for his best friend the former jock-turned-part time student for the past two years.
he's a wreck and a half who has nothing but lateral moves to make in his future and has to set three different alarm clocks to wake himself up in time for work every morning and he's just-- Eddie. That's all he is. That's all he has to offer.
It can't possibly be enough.
What's her name? he asks despite himself, out here on the sidewalk in front of his place of work where he'd been ambushed, where he knows Steve will be pulling into the spot across the street to pick him up any minute.
Naomi, is the answer, and she will be, even if Eddie doesn't see it yet.
There's no part of Eddie Munson which has ever dreamed of trips to the park and helping with homework and drives to the mall to buy presents for birthday parties.
There's no part of him which has ever sought out parenthood to anything other than the stray cat who likes to beg for treats at his back door.
There's no part of him which is built for this, Eddie knows, as he sees the familiar shape of a familiar car parking across the street and idling.
Naomi, he breathes anyway, looks down at the photograph being pressed into his hand, the untamed curls and missing front teeth.
She's sitting on the front steps of a trailer, sun shining down on her and pinking up the bridge of her nose and it's him for a moment. It's him, loved unequivocally by a guy who never planned to have kids, never wanted them, and loved Eddie with everything he had to offer despite it.
It's him, the little boy that still lives in Eddie's chest, just asking not to be forgotten.
You're all she's got right now, Eddie.
Well, shit.
He's gonna need to put a call into Wayne, isn't he?
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riripuppychan · 23 days
big brother atsushi heacanons
some silly things my nasty brain thought up while getting ready for the day <3
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big brother atsushi who is super protective of his younger sister because of the orphanage
he's so protective he doesn't want you to be in a relationship...
even you aren't bi or pan or anything, he gets super upset when you pay attention to anyone other than him regardless of their gender
the only people he lets hang out with you is dazai, kunikida, kenji, and kyouka because he doesn't perceive them as threats (also because kyouka literally lives with y'all?)
ranpo notices this and always drags you on missions with him so he can annoy atsushi
also because you're his YOUNGER sister, he broke you out of the orphanage because he refuses to leave you in there
you have to tell atsushi not to spend his entire paycheck on you because he loves buying you gifts and snacks and everything.
and when you think he finally is getting better about it, he doesn't even buy you gifts for a while, turns out he was just saving up to buy you something big...
in this version he still thinks naomi and tanizaki are strange but only because they do it in public, he's way more private about it (but he's the same way about non-sibling couples, he thinks they're cute and all but why are y'all eating each others face in public??)
in private he is all over you, spoiling you with kisses and practically clinging onto you
he lets you ride on him happily (he gets upset when ranpo does it..)
when I said he lets your ride on him happily, I meant in more ways then one
he is very gentle with you though
he doesn't want to hurt his precious little sister, right?
he whimpers your name or "sis" during sex
after care god, he treats you very kindly and spoils you more than he already does
at some point he had to beg fukuzawa for your guys own dorm away from kyouka
and when fukuzawa finally agreed literally every night it was non stop fucking
did you guys know white tigers (at least the ones in captivity) are usually the result of inbreeding?
whenever it clicks to him that inbreeding is actually terrible for the possible children he might accidentally put in you, he starts to use protection
for about a week
he asks to stop using condoms because he likes how it feels without
yeah you might as well just stock up on Plan B or something...
for a tiger, he fucks like a rabbit
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Starting a reblog game: RB w/ your own outsiders OC!
if enough folks do, I’ll draw them together or something lol, it’ll be fun!
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So these are blatant self inserts for my sister and me
(Info & backstories under the cut because I’ve put waaaay too much thought into this)
and again, pls do reblog/tag me w/ your own Outsiders original/self insert characters! (Drawings and/or written descriptions!) Making OCs was one of my favorite things to do as a kid, so I figured it’d be fun to bring it back here lol
(And to reiterate- if enough of ya’ll do this I’ll draw ‘em all together like a greaser-sona gang! So don’t be shy ok??)
-got sent to Tulsa from Seattle in 1961 at ages 13 and 11 to live with their mildly neglectful uncle, due to their mother getting cancer and being unable to properly care for them. Their father was lost at sea when they were little, so they had no one else to go to.
-in Tulsa they go by their mother’s surname, Biondi, instead of their father’s, because interracial marriage isn’t legalized in Oklahoma until ‘67. They try to pass as just Italian. This works better for Naomi, who takes more after their mother than their father in looks.
-Naomi is good friends w/ Ponyboy- she relates to him a lot, from the dislike of fighting to the love for sunsets (legit Ponyboy reminds me of my sister so much irl) (She’s also low-key got a crush on him and Sodapop which is pretty funny)
-Jesse is closer to Two-Bit, Dally, Steve, and Soda. And he really likes fights. They’re exciting and make him feel tough. When he stops to think about it it does make him a little uneasy how much he’s grown to like them, but usually he just ignores that
-Naomi disapproves of crime. Jesse used to oppose it too, but the more time he spends without good role models and parental figures, the more his morels loosen. Tries hard to be a good example for Naomi though
-Jesse met the gang through Sodapop originally- they were thirteen and some Socs were jumping Soda, and Jesse jumped in and helped him out. Soda explained to him what the deal with Socs and greasers is, because there’s no greasers up North
-Naomi met the gang separately through being classmates with Ponyboy. They were working together on a school project, one with him writing and her drawing
-So Jess and Naomi spent a solid few months hanging out with different members of the same gang, completely unaware they had the same group. They eventually end up running into each other at the Curtis house, and both are totally shocked. Two-Bit, who knew the whole time, nearly died laughing
-Naomi is friends with both Socs and greasers, because she isn’t really either- she’s financially a greaser, but she has a crazy high GPA for someone who has ADHD and dyslexia in the 60s, and besides that, she just doesn’t like what she sees as pointless rivalry
-Jess loves pointless rivalry. At least until people start getting hurt. Then he starts to get angry.
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Here's a collection of foreshadowing for Tanizaki joining the mafia in one place
(I don't have the energy to make a full analysis on this please use these if you want too)
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Clear disregard for morals if Naomi is in danger, this makes him easy to control, something Mori would highly value.
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The Mafia has shown interest in making Tanizaki work for them, and the black lizard have seen what he's willing to do for his sister
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He clearly impressed Hirotsu so could be recommened by him to Mori
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He nearly succeded in killing Mori, something that would definitely get the mafias attention
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He doesn't understand why Yosano is so reluctant to join the mafia which is kind of insane, like i know he doesn't know her history with Mori yet but come on "Why would you not join the group of mass murderers who torture, kill and kidnap people as a job?" is a pretty weird question
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He also straight up says he's going to volunteer to join the mafia
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Asagiri's statement from a bsd exhibition translation
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atsushi learns to take care of long hair via kyouka - he's watched her do her hair and has helped her do it enough that he's pretty okay with it now
one day, kunikida's hair just keeps on slipping out of his pony tail and atsushi, noticing his frustrations, offers to brush it and tie it for him
he enjoys doing kyouka's hair, dont get me wrong, but he thought it was just a kyouka only thing - after all how could atsushi not want to do things for kyouka who was like a sister and who deserved help or assistance in small things if she so asked - atsushi didn't realize how much he was doing it to show his own affection for her
he finds as he's brushing hair, that its just a way he's been showing kyouka he likes her and now w/ kunikida
anyway atsushi ends up braiding kuni's hair while he's working, and is buzzing with this newfound understanding of another way he can show affection
and with the comb tightly in his hand he asks if anyone else would like him to brush his hair, as nonchalantly as he can
naomi takes one look at his tail wagging, w/ atsushi unaware, and says yeah sure and lets him brush her hair and tie it up
she even tells him to brush juni's hair - which isn't long at all but its still fun
the next day yosano asks atsushi if he could tie up her hair and even ranpo lets him brush it back once
slowly atsushi works his way through everyone in the agency
other than dazai
atsushi offers his services to dazai too
but dazai always refuses - he jokes about atsushi only not doing his hair and when atsushi says he will, dazai gets weirdly quiet and changes the topic after a minute
atsushi does end up doing dazai's hair, not just brushing, but washing and drying and pushing it out of his face, but its on one of those weeks where dazai cant bring himself to even get out of bed and atsushi decides to take care of him instead
anyway thank you person who said atsushi wants to braid kunikida's hair i love u
also atsushi doing gin's hair and akutagawa walking in is a funny image in my head
gin atsushi friendship >>>>>>>>>>>>>
gin atsushi friendship while akutagawa doesn't even know his sisters besties w/ his crush enemy and walks in on them having spa days and talking shit about akutagawa
shit as in "dumbass doesn't even know im in love with him" "my brother doesn't even know he's in love with you he's a special type of stupid"
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come-away-with-me87 · 2 months
Rival's Embrace
This one-shot is based on the lovely prompt request I received from an anonymous user: "Can you do something cute but kind of angsty, where Aizawa sees y/n talking to another man & possibly crying in the arms of another man, Aizawa misunderstands the situation and gets upset, but in reality that guy is just y/n’s cousin visiting from out of town who he has never met before. (to make things interesting what if y/ns cousin has the quirk to make people cry? so think miss joke but with crying instead of laughing and he uses it to help people open up since he’s a therapist.) Y/n wanted to introduce them but Aizawa gets angry before y/n has a chance to explain?"
Pairings: Shouta Aizawa (Eraserhead) x Fem!Reader
The moment you laid eyes on Shouta Aizawa, you knew he was going to be in your life in one way or another. It sounded corny, but it was the truth. Of all places, you met him in the grocery store when you were backing away from a shelf and accidentally bumped into him, knocking the items he had out of his hands. You had turned around to start profusely apologizing, but as soon as you looked into his eyes, you felt your whole body go hot. You had managed to mumble out an apology, but you were awe-struck by the man in front of you. Evidently, he had felt the same way because you two exchanged numbers right there in the store, and after a series of cute and flirty texts, you went on your first date three days later. At one point during your date, you decided to disclose to him that you didn't have a Quirk, thinking that would be a dealbreaker for Eraserhead. "It doesn't matter whether you have a Quirk or not, you seem like a kind person, and that's what matters the most."
That was three months ago, and you two had been inseparable since then. You were already falling deeply in love with Shouta, and you knew you wanted to spend the rest of your life with him. The only thing was, you were too scared to tell him. You were in love once before. Two years ago, you were dating a man named Yuki. You were together for about six months, and you had fallen in love with him. As it turned out, he didn't end up feeling the same way; he was planning to break up with you as he had fallen in love with someone else. To say you were heartbroken was an understatement. While you had mostly healed from the situation, you were scared to tell another man you loved him out of fear of him not feeling the same way. So you made the decision to not say anything to Shouta.
"Are you okay, Y/N?" Shouta asked, breaking you out of your trance. You two were at your house. You had cooked him dinner, and now you were snuggled up on the couch watching a movie. "Oh! Sorry, got a little lost in my thoughts there," you replied. "Anything you want to talk about?" He was so sweet, however, you didn't have the gumption to tell him the truth. "No no, everything is okay," you smiled over to him and gave him a quick kiss. Your answer seemed to satisfy him as he didn't inquire any further. You continued to watch the movie until it was finished, and before you said your goodbyes for the evening, Shouta cupped your face into his hands, looking into your eyes, and kissed you deeply. He was definitely paying attention to you. You bid each other goodnight, and he was off into the night.
Throughout the course of your courtship, you had met little Eri, who you developed a close relationship with as well. You had also met his friends Hizashi Yamada and Toshinori Yagi, who you squealed at when you first met. You were meeting the infamous All Might! You may have been Quirkless, but you admired everything that All Might did for the people, even if he was now retired. On your side, Shouta had met your sister, Naomi, and your best friend, Aya. You had yet to meet each other's parents, but you knew that would come with time if things kept progressing the way they were.
****** One day over the weekend, you were cleaning your house when you heard a knock on your door. You weren't expecting company that day, so you were curious as to who it could be. When you looked out your peephole on the door, you genuinely smiled and opened the door, "Ren!" Ren was your cousin on your dad's side who was born just a month before you. He was married to a lovely woman named Akiko, and they had two beautiful children together. Ren was also a therapist, which came in handy with his Quirk; he was born with the Quirk to make people cry. He really could have taken his Quirk and become a complete menace to society, but he was raised right and used his Quirk to help people in therapy.
"Ren! What in the world are you doing here? I haven't seen you in ages!" you exclaimed while giving him a big hug. "Hey Y/N, I'm sorry to drop by unannounced! I'm in town for the day for a conference that starts in about two hours, so I figured I would drop by beforehand to visit my favorite cousin!" You couldn't help but smile at him in return, "it's so nice to see you, it's been much too long. We need to get the fam together for a reunion." You stepped aside to let him in. "Agreed, it has been too long. My life is crazy between work and the two little ones. I thank the universe every day for Akiko; I couldn't do it without her." You nodded your head, "she's an amazing woman, indeed. We all loved her the moment we met her." You continued, "hey, it's a beautiful day outside. How about I go get changed, and we go for a walk in the park around the corner? We can catch up!" Ren replied, "that sounds great!"
You went to your bedroom and got changed into a yellow sundress and white sneakers, and you two began your descent over to the park. On the short walk over, Ren caught you up to speed on the family. Everyone was doing very well, just busy living their lives. He brought up your reunion idea, saying that would be something he would implement and make happen within the next six months. "That would be great, Ren. I really do miss everyone." You two walked around the park and caught up some more, until you eventually found an empty bench to sit on. "So I'm going to tell you this, but don't tell the rest of the family yet, not even my parents; only Naomi knows. But I've been seeing someone for a few months, his name is Shouta." Ren whipped his head over to look at you, "that's great, Y/N! Out of curiosity, though, why don't you want anyone else to know?"
"I'm scared," you simply replied. Ren cocked his head to the side and looked at you inquisitively. "What are you scared of, Y/N?" he asked you in a serious tone of voice. Great, he was going into therapist mode on you. You took a deep breath, "I'm scared because I'm falling in love with Shouta. You remember Yuki, right? I was in love with him, too. Introduced him to the family and the whole shebang. Well, other than Naomi, I never told the rest of the family that he broke up with me because he fell in love with someone else. As far as they know, they think we just grew apart." You continued, "I'm scared to tell Shouta I'm falling in love with him. What if he doesn't feel the same way about me?" At this point, Ren put his arm around your shoulders, "oh, Y/N..." You rested your head on his shoulder and felt yourself beginning to tear up.
"You better not be using your Quirk on me right now," you said in between sniffles. "That's the ironic thing, Y/N, I'm not using it." You pulled your head up and looked at him, "you're not?" "Not at all," he replied with a small smile. "Huh," was all you could muster out before resting your head on his shoulder again, tears continued to stream out of your eyes. Ren tightened his grip on your shoulders, taking his other hand to pat you on the head. Out of nowhere, you felt like a small gush of wind rushed past you. Curious as to what that was, you pulled your head off of Ren's shoulder and looked behind you. It was Shouta, and he was walking fast. "Shouta...?" you whispered, wondering why he didn't stop to say hello. Then it hit you like a ton of bricks. Oh god. "SHOUTA, WAIT!" you yelled as you shot off the bench to try and go after him. It was too late, though, he was walking so fast that you'd never catch up to him.
You sat back down on the bench and crouched over, putting your head in your hands. Ren put his hand on your back, "Y/N, what was that about?" You looked back up at Ren and sighed, "that was Shouta that I was just telling you about." Ren looked confused, "why didn't he stop and say hi? I would have loved the opportunity to meet him." Ren was an intelligent man, but could be so, so dense at times. "Ren, imagine being in Shouta's shoes right now. Witnessing the girl you've been seeing, crying in another man's embrace." Ren took a moment, and you could tell that the realization finally hit him. "Oh. OH. He has no idea we're family. He probably thinks he just caught you cheating on him." You looked over at Ren, tears streaming down your face, "exactly."
Ren stood up from the bench first, "Y/N, please go straighten that out with him. I know if I saw Akiko out in another man's arms, I would assume the worst." You stood up, too. "I'm going to call him right now. I'm so sorry to cut this short." Ren just shook his head from side to side, "don't worry about that, I have to get going to my conference anyway." You two hugged once more, and he promised to keep you up to speed on the family reunion. After he walked away, you pulled your phone out of your clutch and dialed Shouta. No answer. You hung up and dialed him again. Still no answer. You tried one more time. Right to voicemail. Great, he either turned his phone off or is blocking your calls. You groaned out loud, and started to walk back to your house. On your walk home, you sent Shouta a text: "Shouta, please call me. I promise that wasn't what it looked like, I can explain everything."
You got home, and awaited Shouta's call or text. You sat down in your living room and tried to put something mindless on the television, but you couldn't focus on what was on. You felt sick to your stomach over what Shouta must be thinking of you right now. You got up from the couch, and started to pace back and forth in your kitchen. What should you do? You didn't want to lose Shouta over something that was truly innocent. He had only been in your life for a few months, but now that he was in it, you couldn't picture a life without him. The realization suddenly hit you like a ton of bricks. You calmly walked back to your living room and sat back down: you weren't falling in love with Shouta, you were in love with him. You needed to take action on this before it was too late and you lost him forever.
You grabbed your keys and clutch, and ran out to your car. The Heights Alliance campus wasn't very far from where you lived, but you still broke every driving law on the way over there. You needed to see Shouta. You arrived at the campus in record time, slammed your car door shut, and ran to the buzz-in system that permitted you access to the campus. You were about to press the button for Shouta's dorm when you stopped short; he wasn't going to open the door for you. He wouldn't even take your calls or respond to your text. Besides, you didn't know whether or not he was home. Instead, you pressed the button for Hizashi's dorm, hoping he was home and that he would let you into the dorms. Luck seemed to be on your side for the first time that day as Hizashi answered the call. You briefly explained the situation to him, and he buzzed you in.
You ran into the building, up the stairs and down the hall until you finally reached the door to Shouta's dorm. You didn't care how maniacal you looked, you started pounding on the door, hoping to the heavens he was home. Luck seemed to be on your side for a second time that day as you heard footsteps coming to the door. The door finally opened, and there stood Shouta, frowning. His eyes were also more bloodshot than usual, and slightly swollen. Had he been crying? The thought of him crying tore your heart into shreds. "Shouta, may I please come in? I promise I can explain everything." Shouta didn't say a word to you, he just stepped aside to let you in. You put your head down and walked past him until you reached the living area. He closed the door shut, and followed you. You turned around and faced him, "Shouta, that wasn't what it looked like."
"Oh?" he replied, "because to me it looked like you were crying in another man's arms. Y/N, if you wanted to see other people, you should have said something from the beginning." You looked down at the floor and started crying again, "Shouta, please. I don't want anyone else. The man you saw me with was my cousin, Ren." Shouta froze at your words, "your...cousin?" You went on to explain everything to him, from Ren's unexpected visit, and without going into detail, to your conversation in the park. Shouta sat down on the couch, and motioned for you to sit down next to him. "But why were you crying in his arms?" he asked. You looked over at Shouta with tear-filled eyes, and simply stated, "because I love you." Shouta then looked at you with wide eyes, "Y/N..."
You had never told him about what happened with Yuki. He knew that you had been in a relationship about two years ago, but you never went into detail about why your relationship ended. You had told him the same thing you had told your family, that you two had grown apart. "I was in love once before, and when I went to tell him, he left me. He was in love with someone else." Shouta put his hand over yours on the couch; his touch felt warm and welcoming. "How come you never told me any of this?" You looked over to him once again, "I was afraid of the same thing happening again." Shouta suddenly pulled you towards him into an embrace, and rubbed his hand up and down your back, "Y/N, I am so sorry for jumping to conclusions. All I could see was red when I saw him holding you. I'm not proud of it, but jealousy and anger was all I felt in that moment, thinking of another man touching you."
He briefly pulled away from the embrace, put his finger under your chin and lifted your head so you were face-to-face with him. "Sweet girl, I also love you." You looked into his eyes, and could see the emotion behind his eyes. He meant what he said. "You do?" was all you could muster out, tears streaming down your face. He pulled you back his embrace, and you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. "Shouta, I'm in love with you. I don't want anyone else. You're the only one I want. I've been wanting to tell you for a while now, but I was too scared." Shouta looked at you and sweetly replied, "you never have to be scared of telling me how you feel. Even if it takes the rest of our lives, I will show you how much I love you." With that, he pulled your face towards his and kissed you deeply. You were still crying, but now, they were tears of happiness. The man you loved, loved you back, and your heart was full. ****** A few months later, you got an invitation in the mail to your family reunion. Shouta happened to be over at your house at the time, and you smiled when you opened the invitation. "Looks like Ren actually made it happen," you thought out loud. "Made what happen, sweet girl?" Shouta replied. You went on to explain how when Ren had visited you all those months ago, he would make sure a family reunion would happen. "And look at this," you pointed at the invitation, "it says I could bring a plus-one. What do you say? I think it's about time you met the rest of my family." Shouta smiled over at you, "I would love nothing more."
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hyperionheights · 11 months
bones sexuality headcanons
yeah i dont have proof (except angela) i just Know. call it my lesbian spidey senses. disclaimer that those are MY headcanons, you can have your own opinions on those ofc
main characters:
brennan: bi (preference for ugly men... but i digress). she probably started exploring her sexual orientiation in college and came to the conclusion that she's attracted to every gender to varying degrees. she's probably tongue kissed angela a few times pre season 1
booth: cishet ally! ⭐️ he's a bit confused but he's got the spirit, i'll give him that.. bi wife energy start playing whenever he walks into the room
zack: gayboi with a bad case of hero worship for dr brennan. naomi from paleonthology made him realise this isnt really what he'd like to excavate, if you get the gist... ;) (ew)
angela: imo? bi, but it's up to anyone. canon queer and i'm very happy about it
hodgins: bi. putting my foot down on this one- to me, hodgela is bi4bi. one day early into the series angela goes "why is everyone so hot... being bi is so hard" and hodgins is like "yeah, tell me about it" and they have a Oh, You Too? moment
cam: distinguished (ex-disaster) pan. she's all cool and collected now but in middle school she was probably stuttering whenever she saw a pretty girl
sweets: pan. boykisser. i just KNOW. that man is not heterosexual. probably had a few boyfriends in high school too
aubrey: bi? preference for women but in an alternate universe he and sweets are a thing
goodman: token straightie along with booth except i actually like him even tho even tho he took a 2 month sabbatical and never came back
clark: bi. a bit repressed and only realised it after breaking up with nora but as long as he gets there it's fine
daisy: pan. absolute girlkisser. she has the wlw equivalent of whatever zack felt for dr brennan. swaisy is a disaster pan couple.
fisher: pan- and i wont have it any other way. he was 100% checking sweets out when he came over to b&b's in s8, so i like to think when hodgins asks sweets "what is it with you and interns?" in 9x23 he's including fisher
wendell: bi and in a lab au he's dating vincent thank you
vincent: english twink and i think he and wendell should kiss in the lab lost & found
arastoo: straightie but we still love him. pan wife energy since he and cam are married
finn: god, i have No Idea but i have a feeling he doesn't either
wells: aro, and maybe ace too, but fyi even if he wasn't no one would want him
jessica: ... i used to say lesbian but i kinda let the jaubrey of it all get to me... pan vibes perhaps? i'll have to think it over. in another universe she and daisy are a thing too btw
other characters:
caroline julian:... lesbian. no i will not give an explanation for this one. sham marriage and all.
karen delfs: big pansexual energy coming from this random profiler?? i like her
villains: (do not take those seriously, but also...)
pelant: unlabeled. getting strangled by hodgins awoke something in him but he didnt have the time to figure it out between 8x01 and 9x04
taffet: very VERY mean lesbian
epps: heterosexual incel
broadsky: internalised homophobia over booth, clearly
kovac: the man pretended to be married to his sister. i'm not sure i even wanna know
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