#i get people have feelings about you know- not caring about football/sports when it seems like everyone else (the “normies” etc) does
mlobsters · 8 months
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idiopathicsmile · 3 months
School Gymnastics: A Tragicomedy
So one day when we were in third grade, our P.E. teacher divided us into girls and boys. (I don’t remember what the boys had to do. Wrestling? Tackle football? I don’t know, probably not at age nine, but that’s not the point. Gladiatorial combat? I still don’t really understand kids’ sports.)
What matters for this story is that all the girls had to do gymnastics. Now—and I suspect this won’t surprise you if you know literally anything about me—I was always terrible at any form of school athletics. I am intensely, almost impressively uncoordinated. This doesn’t affect my life much at 36, but it was often a miserable way to be a kid. The only playground game I liked was playing pretend, because when you are playing pretend, you don’t have a bunch of people ostensibly on your side screaming in your ear, “Pretend faster! Pretend over there! Pretend with greater accuracy!”
Anyway, gymnastics and my clumsy, doughy little body. I couldn’t do a cartwheel. I couldn’t do a backwards somersault. I couldn't do any of it. We had an entire unit on this business and I literally did not learn how to even safely attempt a single move besides the log roll (lie flat and roll sideways on your belly). In retrospect, this seems like maybe it was in part a teaching problem, not a me problem, but that’s actually not the point either.
The point is, at the end of the unit, we were told to divide ourselves into little teams and choreograph a group gymnastics routine. My group, faced with my long list of limitations (more limitation than girl, really) decide my role will be to just forwards-somersault around the rest of the group as they do their moves. (This is itself kind of embarrassing but trust me, it is but the appetizer.) My friend Ashley has the Lion King soundtrack and we all agree that it is a great choice. The movie has only come out a couple of years earlier, and it of course features some funny, peppy options. 'Hakuna Matata'? 'I Just Can't Wait to Be King'? It's all coming together.
Carried on a wave of youthful enthusiasm, none of us even think to double-check which track Ashley has picked. Foreshadowing!
So the day of the performance comes. Another group goes right before us. They had picked “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls, which was a huge hit at the time. I mean, it still is because it’s a classic, but then it was big and new. They step onto the mat and immediately begin to do choreographed dance moves, which they have worked into their routine. We had not thought of this. Oops. Dance moves, of course! So they incorporate the necessary gymnastics, it goes over really well, the energy is high, and now it’s my group’s turn.
I take my place at the edge of the mat, the mat we are required to stay on for the length of the piece. Ashley cues up the track she’d chosen.
A song starts up. Instantly, I recognize it from the movie. It is the very slow instrumental music that plays when Simba realizes his dad is dead.
‘Well, this is not optimal,’ I think. I've been on this planet for nine years; I can see that much. But it’s too late to change the track, and so I tell myself, ‘It’s okay. I’m a performer. I can sell this.’ I put on an extremely solemn face and begin to execute a series of the world’s saddest somersaults.
Friends, when I say “sad” I mean it, in every possible sense of the word. Picture a nine year old with the gravest possible affect, determinedly doing somersaults to the slowest, most serious music she can imagine, in a careful ring around her friends who have actually learned any gymnastics whatsoever. Okay, now as the music starts to pick up and get more hopeful, imagine she gets real dizzy and in front of everyone, she rolls all the way directly off the mat, careening dangerously towards the assembled students.
Somehow, I roll myself back onto the mat, we survive what feels like hours of humiliation, we stagger away, and I blessedly avoid adding “puking my guts out in front of all of my peers” to my very short list of gymnastics tricks.
Later, I asked Ashley what in the world possessed her to choose that song.
“It didn’t have any words,” she said.
(There was absolutely no rule against using songs that had lyrics.)
Anyway, that’s why being an adult is better than being a kid.
I may have to do laundry and make my own dinner and wrestle with more complex existential angst, but you know what I haven’t been asked to do in like 26 years? Somersault for three minutes straight to the musical shorthand for “this cartoon lion cub has no choice but to process the weight of unimaginable grief for his dead dad.” And you know what? If I live another 50 years, I can be pretty confident nobody will ask me to do it then, either.
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i9messi · 1 month
Bonita — Ruben Dias
You met Ruben while you were on vacation in Ibiza, and even though you're strangers, an instant connection bonds you together.
Word count — 1,3k
a/n: I'm currently obsessed with Rúben, so I'll probably never stop posting stories about him. And, just a little reminder that I'm not a native english speaker, so don't be rude.
ruben’s masterlist
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It was a gorgeous sight. The waves clattered against each other, making a sound that gave you calm. The sun was burning your skin, while you protected your eyes with sunglasses. With a book resting on your lap, you were talking to your best friend about how much you were enjoying your vacation.
You two arrived a couple of days ago in Ibiza, and you practically lived on the beach, on yachts and drank margaritas all the time. It was a girls' trip, and all you did was talk about gossip and people that you thought were attractive. You were no longer interested in your work or on your busy schedule, none of that mattered anymore.
“I need to meet a handsome man,” you said to her, as your eyes turned on the men walking down the beach. Most of them were attractive for your eyes but none of them made you feel things. The kind of things you thought were obvious, like a faster heart beating, red cheeks and a warm feeling.
“I don’t know if you’ve noticed yet, but that one over there has been staring at you for a while now.”
You looked in the same direction as her, your gaze met a man that was also looking at you. It was a brunette guy, a very good looking guy. Everything about him caught your eye, even that smile he gave you when you started smiling. His smile was a mix between sincerity and charm.
“Is he real? I think all that alcohol made me hallucinate.”
Handsome men were a typical thing in your world. You worked as a photographer in a modeling agency, so you saw attractive women and men all the time. But the man who was looking at you now did not look like one of them, the man who was walking in your direction looked like a real man.
The stranger didn’t take long to arrive at your side. You saw his abdomen and a couple of drops on his tanned skin from getting into the water moments before.
“Uhm, hi.”
Your friend got up from her place and winked at you. “I’m going to the water, let me know if you need something.”
Now alone, you pointed out the empty seat in your friend’s chair.
“You can sit down if you want. You’re too tall and my neck is going to start hurting if I keep looking up.”
He smiled and took a seat. “I saw you there and I couldn’t help but think I needed to come to chat with you.”
“Your face is familiar, are you a model?”
“No, I'm not. Why‘d you think I would be a model?”
He was handsome and had a body built like someone who spent a lot of time taking care of himself.
“I work with a lot of models, maybe I saw you there once.”
“I’m in sports.”
“Oh, let me play a game. I want to guess your job.”
He smiled at your sudden interest, “Guess.”
“Tennis player?”
“Basketball player? You’re tall, that would make sense.”
“No, but you’re close.”
“Well, my last try. Footballer?”
He nodded. “We have a winner.”
The truth was, you already knew he was a footballer. You grew up in a household where everyone watched football and sports, so you knew several players. Also, your residence was in Manchester, so you knew some players who played for the citizens and Rúben Días was one of them. You didn't want to admit all of that, you didn't know why but making everything anonymous sound more pleasant.
"What’s your name?" he asked, seeming interested in knowing more about you.
“I think we should keep our names secret.”
His smile grew bigger. “You want to make things interesting, okay then. I’ll call you bonita.”
“Oh sir, that’s your way of flirting with me?”
“It’s not flirting if I say something true. You're pretty.”
You smiled, “Thank you, stranger.”
“By the way, I'm flirting.”
“Uhm, sadly for you, I need much more than a guy calling me bonita to fall for him.”
He laughed, a noise that provoked a blush in your cheeks.
“Don’t you fall for my charms? Well, I’m not a man who gives up easily.”
He was joking, but you thought there was some sincerity in his words. You couldn’t help feeling a little flattered.
The conversation started, it was a genuine interest on both sides, wanting to get to know each other. He spoke about his career as a professional football player and his passions in life. With the beach and the sunset involving you in a comfortable surrounding, it was simple and lovely to meet him more. When the sun started to fade and the dim light of the evening illuminated both of you, you knew it was time to leave.
“Will I see you again?” he asked, his accent and his voice making you feel things.
Your friend was waiting a few feet away and you stood up from your seat, holding your bag in your hands.
“We may meet again if fate wants it.”
“Can I at least have your number?”
“No, stranger. What did I say about fate?” You approached his face and left a kiss on his cheek. “Goodbye, Rúben.”
“Hey! How do you know my name?”
You let out a laugh. “A good magician never reveals their secrets.”
His smile was the last thing you saw when you left the beach.
It was your fourth day in Ibiza and your friend and you had decided to see the sunrise. You had arrived early to the beach, with your cameras and phones to photograph the sun appearing on the horizon. But when you arrived, your eyes caught someone else. Rúben was there, this time a shirt covered the upper part of his body. He might have had the same idea as you, because he was photographing the sunset with his phone.
Your friend knew your intentions, so she winked at you.
“Go, go, lioness.”
You walked until you reached his side, just then he noticed your presence.
“Hello, Rúben.”
“Hi, stranger. Have you followed me? I feel like you know everything about me but I don’t know anything about you.*
“I just know your name, don't be silly.”
“It’s much more than I know about you.”
“Well, I’ll tell you my name.” you let him know your name and he tasted the pronunciation on his lips.
“I was right, a bonita girl like you has a pretty name.”
“You're really flattering, Rúben.”
“Okay, now, how do you know who I am?”
“I live in Manchester, and my whole family loves football. I grew up with them explaining what an offside is."
“Fair enough.”
“Okay, now that we’ve cleared things up. Are you happy to know my name at least?”
The sun slid over the horizon and your eyes began to look at it.
“I want to know you better.” he said, and then, you heard the sound of his phone taking a picture of you. He smiled at the view.
“One day and you’re already in love with me, Rúben?”
“Stop, you make me sound like I’ve proposed. I barely know you, stranger.”
“You’re the one who said you wanted to know me better.”
He came closer to you, step by step, his brown eyes looking directly at your lips.
“Can I kiss you, bonita?”
“Yes, you can, bonito.”
Everything happened. His lips clashed with yours, while his hand settled on your hip, right over your summer dress. Something let you know that it wasn't a one night stand or a brief moment with a random guy, this was intimate and romantic at the same time. When you separated in order to fill your lungs with oxygen, he left you a quick kiss on your lips.
“I’m sure you’ll make my summer even warmer.”
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unluckilyimnot · 6 months
so I rlly wanted to ask (actually I’m craving it rn) if you could do a sae, shidou and kurona hc when what they would do/ how would they react if their s/o is rlly good (like REALLY good) at like soccer or any other sport (basketball, volleyball I don’t really mind so do wtv<3)
s/o who's really good at sport
0.5 | fluff
m.list | rules
Note: HIII thank you for your request!! I'm an hc girlie ask anything ! It really like this one hihi I hope you like it !
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Sae + volley ball
he loves the fact that you’re good at sport too
he doesn’t know shit about volleyball but he will learn by himself to understand when he see you play
it doesn’t matter if you’re pro or not, he likes to come see you play 
don’t expect him to scream or whatever, but he tries to come every time 
he wants to know more about strategy or your position in the team (libero, setter, ect)
the more he learn about it, the happier he is
will make you dinner or bento according to your daily training 
he always knows what to do when you’re sore and can’t move because of the pain, but won’t do much for you because he’s in the same state 
or he would be annoying and tells you things like “you should’ve stretch better”
comment whenever he thinks you played well or not 
will try to help you do your best 
you two do cardio together 
running date
for fem body people, he’s really cautious if you’re on your period and tells you to be careful + give you pain killer along with your lunch
not your first fan bc your friends are way too extreme but he comes just after them <3
Shidou + boxing
wants to do it with you 
he LOVES when you show him new things you’ve learn or teach him 
he’s really good and you already told him to try out more but he loves soccer too much 
it’s simply a good date idea to him
he’s screaming the loudest he can during competition 
pretend to be you trainer sometimes to mess around
your number 1 fan 
likes to play fight with you 
he’s really dramatic, if you win at some point he will just lift you in the air and take a few turns
he loves to do basic sportif stuff with you 
i’m not sure he’s that careful about his diet but if you are, he’ll listen to you and it can be an excuse to spend time with you 
he likes coming with you for groceries 
his fav protein shake are vanilla flavor 
You always have to put an end to the fight he starts it
But if you're violent enough he'll end up being clingy bc you're hot
Kurona + basketball
he tries to make it to all of your matches 
he seems like a big fan of basketball, i think he follows NBA play closely beside football
first hype boy man, you never fell down with him
and if you do, he’ll cheer you up like nobody else can, even your team mate 
he always here to give you advices if you need 
but he also loves to hear your point about his training and how he can get better
i feel like your better at building your training than him so he likes to do it with you 
he would love to play with you sometimes, outside when the weather is fine with it is the best 
he’s kinda insecure if some people came along and they’re better than him but thats still not his sport so it’s fine 
as long as you enjoy it the fullest he’s the happiest 
if you’re pro and you have to go aboard to play he’s sad ngl, he misses you a lot
tries to call you everyday 
he’s the happiest honestly, he just likes being able to talk about sport freely whithout sounding nerdy
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hwayangyeon · 1 year
really loving the idea of sunghoon who seems really cold and distant when he's just a himbo that knows how to fuck and nothing else 💀 like u've been dropping hints left and right and he still thinks ur being friendly... like u have to downright demand he fucks u lmao
nsfw brother's bff sunghoon x virgin reader // you're eager to lose your virginity and your brother's best friend helps you out // smut, unprotected sex, use of word slut // 600 words
okay so imagine you're going to move across the state for university soon, but there's a problem - you're a virgin. and there's no way you're going to start university as a virgin.
thank god your brother is hosting a party this weekend and his best friend, sunghoon, is going to be there. he's your typical sports captain, known for being kind of a player, the list of the girls he fucked is long but the list of those waiting is even longer. so it's going to be easy, right?
fast forward to the party and... you're unsuccessful. no matter how low you bend and accidentally flash him your panties, how you push your chest against his arm as you handle him a drink, he's not paying any attention to you.
defeated, you sit down on a sofa and look at the people dancing around you, that is until some random guy joins you and puts his hand on your thigh, moving closer. this is your chance!
well, not really. the second the guy leans in and you can smell his cologne, sunghoon pushes him off and takes your hand, guiding you to your parents' bedroom.
he closes the door behind you and after you get the idea of where this is going, you climb onto the bed excitedly.
"shit, y/n," he says and starts unzipping his pants wobbly, his eyes not adjusted to the darkness, "i promised your brother i wouldn't do this."
he comes closer, "but if anyone has to fuck you tonight, it better be me."
sunghoon grabs your thighs and pulls you to the edge of the bed. his dick brushes against your core, which is enough to cause your first moan to escape.
"when did you become such a slut?" he touches you down and feels your wetness, "this will do."
he slams his dick inside you and honestly, there's nothing romantic about this. he knows it's your first time, but he also knows how to make a girl feel good so he's not wasting any time. it's better than you opening your legs for a random guy, right? your brother would hate that. sunghoon is basically taking care of his best friend's younger sister. right?
"fuck... you feel good," he says as he leans forward and rests his arm on the mattress next to your head, while his other hand holds your waist down.
the feeling of his dick stretching you out is overwhelming. he's not used to having a girl this sensitive, mostly because he doesn't really fuck virgins. it's hard for him to adjust the pace, so you're heating up very quickly. you arched your back literally the second he entered you, making you feel him even more.
he hasn't felt anyone clench on him like that in a while, he's kinda embarrassed because of how fast you got him worked up. not that you would know how it normally is, but it's definitely not a moment he's going to brag to his football team about.
a weird knot had been tightening in your abdomen for a while and it's only a matter of seconds for you to come, making you close your eyes and throw your head back into the mattress.
the view makes him so close he has to pull his dick out, stroke it in his hand, and cum on your stomach. he wishes he could do that while still inside you, but he's not trying to get his best friend's sister pregnant.
after you both calm your breathing, he pushes himself off the bed and starts dressing himself up. he looks back at you and the sight of your chest rising up and down with droplets of his cum glistening in the dim, outdoors lamp really fuck him up. "yeah... i think it's better if you don't tell your brother about this."
idk if this is what you had in mind anon, but thank you sm for the ask 💔
after hotel.
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aernx · 1 year
꧔ UNDER THE RADAR — ! ❪엔하❫
secret relationships w enha hyung line (separate) non idol! university au ( maknae line ver )
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꒰ warnings ꒱ none i think, mentions of strict parents in jakes part
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001. lee heeseung — ❪이희승❫ ᝰ
Subtle glances, quiet “i love you”s as you bumped into each other in the hallway becomes a daily routine for you and Heeseung. Decided to keep your relationship under the radar, you two had no other options but remain intimate behind closed doors. Heeseung has always been an avid believer to PDA and it killed him to not be able to hold you in the eyes of public. But he knew that there were consequences held under his name.
Being the ace of the university’s football team meant being the talk of the university, and you weren’t pleased at the thought of unwanted attention. You love your boyfriend, you really do. But with him being the centre of what’s happening around your university, you can’t help but feel unease if your relationship had been under the lights.
Though, that doesn’t stop Heeseung from loving you any less and vice versa. You know that out of all the attention and support he receives from the public, only yours matters. And in a crowd full of people chanting his name, his eyes will always be on you, only you.
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002. Park Jongseong — ❪박종성❫ ᝰ
Jay looks at you with stars in his eyes and his friends wonder how people around you never seem to notice. With you sitting two seats away from him in your economy lecture, it’s hard to pay attention to the professor speaking in front. Especially when the middle seat amidst you, remains vacant.
It took all of his self control to not move over and sit next to you. Holding your hand through the lecture as his other free hand jots down notes of the subject. It was unfortunate that your relationship was kept in the dark, or Jay would be calling your name every time scores a goal for the university’s soccer team.
It’s not that you care about other people’s thoughts that’s why you decided to keep it a secret. But with you being the student council president and him the star player of your university’s soccer team, you both didn’t want to start any unnecessary rumors.
After all, PDA has never been a subject that strongly matters to you and Jay. And you both preferred the privacy. With your relationship being known only to your closest friends and relatives, you feel secure and out of pressure. Away from the prying eyes of others, and the heavy weight of responsibility under your positions.
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003. Sim Jaehyun — ❪심재휸❫ ᝰ
The love Sim Jaehyun has for you outweighs any love he has for his grades and for sports. The thought of holding you hand as you both venture the hallways, sitting next to you in lecture halls and in the cafeteria, and overall public display of affection made him giddy to the heart. But he knew better.
He knew it wasn’t possible due to your strict parents. Your parents that loved their child so much that they try so hard to shield you from getting your heart broken by guys. Too bad you were a bit of a rebel.
Jake was your highschool academic rival. And it didn’t change now that you guys are in college and are dating. You knew that if news of your relationship spilled throughout your university, it’ll reach the ears of your parents. After all with your father being the chancellor of the university you both are studying in, it would be hard to keep something like this away from him.
The wrath of your parents was something that you and Jake needed to take count. If your parents ever found out, you fear that they will force you two apart or worse—they will take away Jake’s scholarship.
So you both agreed to keep things lowkey. Only being able to express the love you have for each other behind closed doors. Behind all the cameras set in every hallway in your university, behind the close watch your parents have all over you. Just you and Jake, alone in your own world.
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004. Park Sunghoon — ❪박성훈❫ ᝰ
Your friends think that it’s obvious. His accidental shoulder brushes, his occasional glances, and the way his head snaps when he hears your name, it’s painfully obvious.
It’s not as if you guys are trying that hard to hide it anyways. With your position as the star player of the girls basketball, and his as the star player of the boys basketball, you guys can’t really avoid each other that much.
And unfortunately for you, Sunghoon can’t stop straining his eyes on you (not that you mind). It was a silly mission to keep your relationship from your team captains (and the others). The two of you bet on each other that whoever’s captain figured out the first will win and the loser will treat the other for ice cream.
It pains Sunghoon to see that his leader isn’t catching up to his little mission. Whereas on the other hand, Jungwon just shrugged him off thinking that his Sunghoon hyung was just being his odd self.
This bet went over for the span of two months before your captain figured it out. And gosh, Sunghoon doesn’t even care about the ice cream anymore. He’ll buy you all the ice cream you want if it means he’ll be able to hold you in public. If it wasn’t for you being stern on continuing the bet, he would’ve just given up in the middle. But now that it’s over, he can finally embrace you freely, before the news of your relationship spread like a wildfire.
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© aernx 2023 / do not steal, copy, translate — hope you enjoy my works! let me know if you have any suggestions ! comment ur thoughts, reblogs n likes wld be appreciated <3
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esoteriamaya · 9 months
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Feeling inspired. Wanted to get an intuitive read for you guys who feel the urgency to know what it means to see these numbers.
Whichever numbers call out to you just embrace the message. It's time to feel good about ourselves and our spirit guides wants everyone to know that we've been doing the best we can. So here is my intuitive message for the collective. I hope you enjoy!
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111 - Congratulations. You've made it passed a big chapter. In this new era, you'll be focused on prosperity, great health and great sex! Lol, jk on the sex bit. However, you will be going through growth and transformation during this next era. You'll have to choose between your priorities and what used to work in the past. Is it goals or partying? Will it be the booze or will it be the vegetables ? You decide.
Have fun with this new journey. You don't always have to go out and have fun. You can have fun journaling, making that garden, enjoying the moon when it comes out in full bloom. Spread your wings this time.
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222 - You've made it. This is a time to join new groups and go to those events you've been telling yourself you'd go too. New friends, partnerships and breaking of generational curses is a theme for this group. Be patient, be yourself, be honest, and be vulnerable.
For anyone this may apply to, trying a new sport such as basketball, football, or even hockey will bring out that motivated spirit you carry.
You've made this beautiful bed, you'll get to lie in it this time with someone you can truly adore ;)
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333 - Benefits for the ones who chose this number is celebration will be often for you. You'll be out with groups cheering away does mimomas. Having more fun with new people. New experiences awaits. Traveling will be certain for you in the future. Road trips, trips near the beach, boat rides are something i noticed for this group. Congrats!
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444 - Determination & Exploring. This is your moment. You should embrace the new physical activities awaiting you. I dont mean just working out, or trying some new sport that could possibly break your ankle. This could be for the ones who never go outside, and have been hiding all these amazing talents in the dark. Its time to break wind and show people you have a gift. Its your time.
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555 - Travel. Explore. Motion Picture. Success - You might have to go overseas if you chose this number. Maybe not a new country but a new city far from your hometown. Read more books, enjoy the scenery and explore the universe. This is your moment. Get to it!
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666 - Sensual beauty. Luxury. Go relax. You need time to get your self together. Spend time getting your nails done, get that massage. Get something you said you'd save up for but hardly ever do. Its okay, self care is important sis. Get to it.
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777 - This is a beautiful journey Im picking up for this group. You guys definitely will be on the road in the near future. Either alone or with someone new. This is a spiritual journey. It will seem magical. You have to let go and let things be, ok? Just relax. This show is for you.
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888 - Pick yourself up. You got this. Its time to go on that daily jog. If you have to force yourself to do it, please do so. Make room for the weight that your shedding off this era. It's time to build up your self esteem, your endurance and your physique. This group might of had a eating problem in the past, or maybe some health problems. This number is asking for you to choose yourself. Choose what works and leave behind what doesn't. What do you see for this new reality of yours? You decide.
This is still good news for this group, your spirit team just wants you to NOT. QUIT. To never give up. Its good because you havent, you're a tough cookie. They just want you to want more for yourself. The root chakra is significant with this group. Do more walking and writing in journals to help figure out what are some roots that need picking out. Have a blessed one!
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999 - Beginning to an end. New chapter. Congrats. You made it to the finish line darlings. Where would you like life to lead you? Would you take that bus and go on a random adventure? Go to the movies, its time to do something exciting. Do research on some new hobbies, as well as something that seems 'dangerous'. It's time to build up your stamina with a whole new life. You should try that dance class, you might come out a master in the long run ;)
I hope this helps! Have a good weekend everybody.
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It happens while he’s having a long-overdue visit with Ginny. After a night of good food and alcohol and catching up, she digs her fingers right into the bruise that is his loneliness.
“So, seeing anyone?”
The short answer is no. The long answer is, frankly, depressing. 
It’s a no, but not for lack of recent effort. He retired from professional football nearly five years ago, and he hasn’t had any luck finding a partner despite going on several dates. He’s tried to meet people; his friends keep subtly (and then not-at-all subtly) pushing him in the direction of single acquaintances or friends-of-friends, but he’s been out of the game long enough that it all feels foreign to him. He hasn’t felt a spark or connection with anyone. And if one more person mentions Tinder or Grindr to him, he might stuff his phone down their throat.
Hell, his last real relationship was… Ginny. Christ, that was almost twenty years ago. No wonder his friends think he needs to be set up. But after he and Gin broke up, he was so focused on playing better, keeping his team in the Premier League, or playing in Euro Cups or World Cups. The long hours spent training and playing and travelling didn’t exactly allow for much time to meet people or date, and a lot of the people he’d meet through club events or at the bars and parties his teammates frequented weren’t exactly looking for a committed relationship. From a couple disastrous attempts, he's well aware he doesn’t do well with one-night stands.
By the time his retirement loomed, he was more excited to spend time with his friends and family – to watch his honorary nieces and nephews grow up. He’d done his best to maintain those relationships when he could, and now he’s going to enjoy the results of that effort. 
But he’s always wanted a partner – a love like he’d heard his parents had. He’s sure there’s someone out there for him; he just wishes they’d stop hiding.
“I’m going to take that as a no,” Ginny says after an embarrassingly long pause. “Oh no, don’t get all mopey on me–”
“I’m not mopey,” Harry grumbles into his beer. Ginny gives him a look. “I’m not! I just. Maybe I’m a bit frustrated. Trying to find someone is exhausting. And demoralising.”
“If you can’t find someone, what chance do mere mortals have?” she teases.
“Oh, ha ha,” he snarks. “I know you’re taking the piss, but… I think that might actually be part of the problem? Most of them want Harry Potter, but I’m just Harry. Once you take away the sports stuff, I’m really quite boring.”
“You are not, and could never be, boring. You, my friend, are a chaos magnet. Even now that you’re not one of the highest paid football players, or on the cover of Sports Illustrated, or modelling underwear, or whatever ridiculous thing, you are plenty interesting on your own.”
“Gin,” he says, feeling a bit choked up.
“There, there.” She pats his hand before leaning back in her chair, lost in thought. “So, dating isn’t working…”
“To put it lightly.”
Ginny gives him a considering look. “Have you ever thought of finding a sugar baby?”
“A wh–” He chokes on his spit and coughs. “Sugar baby?! I’m not some creepy old letch, Gin!”
She waves off his pearl-clutching. “No, but you are rich and desperate.”
“Oh, hush. Why not give it a shot? One of my rugby mates used this matchmaking service and had great luck.”
“I’m not paying someone to have sex with me,” he says flatly.
“Then don’t. Pay someone to keep your lonely arse company.”
He sighs, running a hand through his unruly hair and wincing when it snags on a knot. “That just seems so pathetic…”
“Harry,” Ginny says, looking him in the eye. “You have money you don’t need, and want someone to care about. There are many people out there who would love to have that money and someone to care about them.”
And that’s a little more enticing.
“But, since I know you, I will add: Do not try to be a hero. It should be mutually beneficial,” she stresses sternly.
“You say that like I’m going to do this, but I haven’t agreed–”
“We’re going to create a profile right now.”
“Ginnyyyyyyy,” he groans. “Noooooo–”
“None of that,” she says, grabbing his laptop. “You need to build up some relationship confidence, and since the old-fashioned way isn’t working, you’re going to give this a shot.”
He finishes his drink and goes to flop on the sofa in protest.
After a fair bit of typing, Ginny calls from across the room, “Ay, Harry – birds or blokes?”
He lifts his face from where it’s wedged into a pillow enough to shout back a bleary “Both!”
Foggy memories flicker in and out of them shouting questions and answers back and forth, with Ginny eventually migrating to the sofa and asking him to look at photos.
The next morning, Harry wakes up with a nasty hangover and a message on the sugar baby matchmaking app saying he has a date that weekend.
(wake-up call)
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rocknrollbabe14 · 4 months
Lovin’ Touchin’ Squeezin’
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Soooo since I’m in a bit of an emotional drought right now (just dealing with some personal stuff) I decided to share a snippet of a story I had been working on and that’s been sitting in my drafts for 2 years since ST came out 😂😂😂 Some Steve x Reader x Eddie because they’re in a love triangle. If you want it continued let me know. 🤷🏻‍♀️😅
You hurried into the gym for the weekly pep rally for the Hawkins Tigers football team. Each grade was in the bleachers, ready to cheer on their team. It was a good way to boost morale and get out of last period a few minutes early. The band always played pep music in the stands during football games before and after preforming the half time show. You had to be at the game tonight as you were a member of the marching band.
During marching season, you were a Majorette—wearing the cute uniform and twirling the sticks as your best friend Eddie Munson teased you. You imagined Eddie would be skipping the pep rally as he could care less about sports. He would much rather invest his time in his Hellfire Club, selling drugs occasionally, or playing with his band at the Hideout.
“Ready for tonight?”, Robin asked loudly over the crowd.
Robin was a good friend and fellow band geek, the term most people referred to members of the band as. She was one of your only girlfriends.
“Definitely.”, you smiled as you grabbed your batons.
The Drum Major counted off each pep song, you doing your routines to each song as the band continued to play, the football team parading around, hyping up your classmates. You scanned the crowd to see if there was any sign of Eddie. There wasn’t. You did see Dustin Henderson and Mike Wheeler, freshman members of his Hellfire Club. The band would end with the fight song. After that, it would be decided which grade would win the spirit stick. You were brought out of your daze when the Drum Major counted off the fight song, beginning to twirl. It was muscle memory.
It had became second nature to you. You had been doing it since freshman year. The senior class of 1986 won the spirt stick, causing you, Robin, and the other band seniors to be quite thrilled. Robin was crushing madly on your fellow band member, Vickie. It was a big step up from Tammy Thompson. The pep rally ended, dismissing all grades from the gymnasium. You picked up your batons and met up with Robin before you both walked back to the band room.
“Eddie miss the pep rally?”, Robin asked as she brushed through her short hair.
“Apparently. He’s not into that, Robin.”, you smirked.
She snorted playfully. You all had about two hours to grab something to eat and be ready to rehearse tonight’s marching band show and the pep band music. After the games, Eddie would pick you up and take you home. You were surprised he would even come to the school long enough to do that. You and Robin grabbed lunch together as always, her rambling on about Vickie.
“Did you see how cute she looked today?”, Robin sighed, stirring the fry in her ketchup.
You smirked. “I’m not the best judge of that.”, you chuckled.
It was cute to see Robin so flustered and worked up over her crush. You could understand. You had secretly been crushing on Eddie for a while, however, he never seemed to reciprocate the feelings. You’d sometimes try and flirt a little here or there, but Eddie would brush it off with a laugh. You’d never admit to flirting with Eddie. You didn’t want to ruin your friendship if he didn’t feel the same.
The other day had really almost done you in. Dustin and Mike were talking about some cute freshman cheerleaders. It was harmless or so you thought. However, Eddie’s words rang in your head and ever since, you couldn’t get them out no matter how hard you tried. “What I’d do to have one night with that.” The worlds he used as Chrissy Cunningham passed by. Your heart sank deep in your chest, quickly realizing you didn’t have a chance with Eddie. He was more into the blonde, cheerleader type.
Before you could turn around, it was time to get dressed in your uniform and prepare to march to the stadium. It was the thing you all always did on Friday nights. Your uniform was a short one piece leotard with your school colors: green, gold, and white. Robin always told you how cute you looked and any boy would be lucky to date you, however, there was just one boy you wanted—Eddie Munson.
The night went on, you going through the motions. It was time for the half time show. Robin smiled at you as her friend and former student at Hawkins High, Steve Harrington came over to chat. He was most of the girls dream when he was in school. He had the perfect hair, played sports, and reeked of confidence. Robin assured you, however, he was just a “dingus”. It was time to go on, each of you taking your correct spot on the field. The Drum Major counted off, you smiling with your pearly whites.
Your movements came natural, remembering and performing each move with grace. You felt all the eyes on you. Little did you know, the eyes you found most important were on you too. He was just under the bleachers, peeping out just enough to see you with a cigarette hanging lazily out of his mouth. He took a puff of it, watching you in that tight little skirt. If you only knew how he felt and what he thought about.
You ended the performance, striking the last pose perfectly. The home crowd cheered before the Drum Major counted off once more, allowing you all to march off and exit the field. You went back into the stands, preparing to take a break for the third quarter.
“Steve!”, you heard Robin shout, instantly catching your attention.
“You did great out there.”, he encouraged her.
“Y/N, come here.”, she eyed you.
You reluctantly stepped up a couple bleachers, almost tripping and falling, Steve catching you easily, making eye contact with you, smiling at you.
“Y/N, you know Steve Harrington.”
“I do.”, you smiled easily.
“Steve, you know Y/N.”
“Yeah, you were a sophomore when I was a senior, right?”
You nodded. “Yeah, thanks for catching me.”, you laughed nervously.
“It’s not a problem, just be careful. Wouldn’t want a pretty girl like you to get hurt.”
Robin shot him a disgusted look. “Steve, was that supposed to be a pick up line?”
Steve blushed before running a hand through his hair. “Was it that bad?”
You giggled easily. “I appreciate it, Steve. Really.”
His smiled remained, becoming softer and almost serious. “Are you doing anything tomorrow night?”
“I’m sorry?”, you asked, almost nervously laughing.
Steve laughed nervously in response, shoving his hands in the pockets of his old letterman jacket. “Are you doing anything tomorrow night?”, he repeated.
“Oh no—no plans.”, you smiled, finally realizing he was trying to ask you out.
“Would you maybe wanna do something?”
Robin watched, mouth gaped open before it turned into a smile. Before the whole Chrissy comment, you wouldn’t have really considered going on a date with anyone else. But that had changed your whole perspective.
“Sounds good. Robin can give me your number.”, you smiled.
There was a chill in the fall wind, causing you to shiver slightly. Your outfit was short and skimpy. You rubbed your arms as if that would conduct a little electricity to warm you up.
“Here.”, Steve said as he shed his jacket, holding it out for you to wrap up in.
You eyed Robin, carefully obliging, letting Steve help you into his jacket. It was significantly bigger than you, but you instantly felt warmer and were no longer shivering. Robin smirked at you as you turned back to face her and Steve. Little did you know, other eyes were watching this unfold—Eddie Munson.
“Thanks, Steve. You didn’t have to do this.”, you blushed at him.
“Really, I don’t mind. It looks good on you.”
If Robin could have gagged, she would have. Steve was one of her best friends—if not her best friend but even his bad pick up lines were hard to watch. Somehow, he was managing to sail right through. You all made small talk as the third quarter clock counted down, Robin and you both taking your respective places back in the stands. The band continued to play pep music, Hawkins was winning against its rival.
The fourth quarter passed quickly, leaving just a few minutes on the clock. As the football team ran the field, the clock counted down further. Hawkins had the ball, the quarterback running for the field goal. Everyone was cheering loudly in anticipation of another touchdown. The quarterback passed the colored goal line, Hawkins side of the stadium cheering as the band counted off the fight song.
You watched the time fade from the fourth quarter, the game ending. Hawkins had won. The band began packing everything up to take it back to the high school. Steve walked behind the band, eager to continue talking to you and Robin. Members of the band were busy packing everything up. You finished up a few minutes early, noticing Steve was waiting to talk to you. Maybe this was how things were supposed to be.
“Hey.”, Steve breathed easily.
“Hey.”, you smiled.
“So tomorrow, right?”
“Tomorrow, for sure.”
Steve smiled, taking a hand through his hair. “I wrote my number down.”
You took the piece of paper, smiling. “Thank you, Steve. I’ll call you tomorrow. I promise.”
“Sounds good, you got a ride home?”
“I do. Oh! Let me give you your jacket back.”, you went to slide it off.
“No, no. It’s too cold. Keep it”, Steve insisted.
You smiled, knowing what it meant when a guy gave a girl his letterman jacket.
“Are you sure?”
“Positive.”, Steve smiled.
Steve held his arms out, offering you an embrace. You allowed him to take you into his arms. The scent of his cologne off his jacket and himself hit your nose. It almost made you weak in your knees. You both pulled back, staring into each other’s eyes. The chemistry was there.
“Hey—time to go home.”, Robin interrupted you both.
Steve usually gave Robin a ride. Eddie give you a ride. It was just how thing were going,
“I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Y/N.”, Steve smiled.
“Okay, be careful Steve.”
“You too, Y/N.”
Robin and Steve exited the school, you not far behind. You immediately saw Eddie’s van parked out front. You walked in the cool fall air to his van, hearing him unlock the door as you approached. Eddie immediately eyed you up and down as you sat down in the seat.
“How was the game?”, he almost deadpanned.
“It was fine, we won.”, you smiled.
Eddie nodded, keeping his eyes on the road. “So I take it you don’t need my leather jacket?”
His voice was laced with jealousy—or at least you thought it was. His knuckles had a tight grip on the steering wheel. His brown eyes finally looked over at you, flipping back between the road and you.
“Not tonight.”
He chuckled. “You’re wearing Harrington’s jacket.”
“How do you know it’s Steve’s jacket?”
“His name is across the back.”, Eddie responded back, taking one finger across the back of it. You felt his finger trace along your back, sending chills down your spine.
“He saw I was cold and gave it to me.”
Eddie rolled his eyes, trying to be playful. “Okay, a guy doesn’t just give a girl his letterman jacket if he doesn’t want to get serious with her.”
“It’s going to be one date.”
The smile faded from Eddie’s lips almost immediately. “So you agreed to a date? With Harrington?”
“I don’t see what the big deal is.”, you crossed your arms, leaning back into the seat.
Eddie laughed sarcastically. “He was the biggest douche in high school. Like he thought he’s God’s gift to women. Did you not learn anything from Wheeler’s mistake?”
If you didn’t know any better, you would have thought Eddie was becoming jealous. He was trying to play it off and be funny, but there was something else laced in his words. You looked out the window as Eddie drove through the heavy traffic leaving the high school. It was one of the many pains in his ass when he picked you up from the games. But he was willing to do it for you.
“Maybe he’s changed. He’s been graduated two years now.”, you defended, looking back at Eddie.
Eddie huffed in response before laughing sarcastically. “Guys like Harrington don’t change, sweetheart.”
You rolled your eyes at Eddie’s response, feeling yourself becoming increasingly agitated. He was really one to talk considering he had made that statement about Chrissy. You were holding back saying anything about her.
“You don’t know that, Eddie.”
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walesfootball · 2 years
Shyness Is Nice - Mapi León x Reader
Haven't posted for a while. This fic has been written, re-written, scrapped, and annoyed me for a long time now. But I'm happy enough with it to show it to you. It's alright. Let me know what you think.
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This was requested by @dying-to-live-living-to-die who wanted a shy and Swedish Reader. Mapi wants to know more about them. I took the idea and ran with it, hope it's okay.
You had accepted an offer to play at a dream team of yours. Barcelona. You’d never been to the city, let alone travelled to Spain. Your bucket list was full of things you wanted to do, but never had the courage to actually do. This was you pushing the boat out, dipping your toes into the water. It felt more like thrusting your body into the deep sea, but you knew this move would be good for you. A new city, new people, a new team, and a new culture to soak up.
You grew up in a small southern town in Sweden, Ystad. You loved it. You woke up every morning to the sound of the sea. A small house set by the harbor; your father was a fisherman while your mother was a professional handball player. The small football team in Ystad had crumbled to nothing. Every game had been lost, and every footballer in the small town had turned their craft to handball. It was natural, the sport was huge in such a small place. Your mother had tried to push you to try it, but it never appealed to you.
Your mother would drive you to the nearby city of Malmö where football was bigger. You loved it. You couldn’t get enough of the sport. Wherever you went you’d take a football with you. You’d train on your own during the week in Ystad, and train with others like you in Malmö.
You were scouted by Chelsea very early on in your career. They saw something in you that you had not cared to see before. You only wanted to play football, you didn’t think there were any professional leagues out there. Football wasn’t shown on TV in Ystad and the internet was rare. You were 18 when you got that call. Your father had pushed you to go, wanting you to make something of yourself to make your small town proud. Your mother was more reluctant to let you go, she didn’t like the thought of someone so young venturing out in a city as big as London. But you went anyway. Caught a plane from Malmö to London. It was possibly not the most clever thing you’d ever done, but it was the greatest thing you’d ever done.
You didn’t know anyone, you felt uncomfortable in a city so huge, and football seemed more like a money-grabbing machine to you now. You caved into yourself. You missed home, you missed your family, and you missed everyone knowing everything about you. But you carried on playing. You’d never get a chance like this ever again. 
You earned a name for yourself. Playing in the WSL and the Champions League earned you the title of one of the best midfielders in the game. You didn’t think anything of it. You felt uncomfortable during media duties and social media escapades that Chelsea would push you to do. You didn’t have the heart to tell them you couldn’t be bothered and only wanted to play football, so you caved into yourself, even more, becoming overwhelmed with the attention.
You were called up to the Swedish National Team during the Olympics. It was such a huge stage for your first time playing for your country. You felt honoured wearing the yellow and blue kit. Your family couldn’t be there due to the Covid restrictions but would send you pictures and videos of them watching you wearing your Sweden jersey at home in Ystad. Your number 34 becoming almost legendary for the Swedish team. It was like Zlatan Ibrahimović’s number 10 or Magdalena Eriksson’s number 6. It was a big deal. Playing for Sweden made you feel at home. It revitalised your love for football again and would constantly remind you of why you started to play in the first place.
You’d won the gold medal in your first-ever international competition. You cried tears of joy as you leaned on your best friend's shoulder, Fridolina Rolfö. She knew what it was like to come from a small town and move to a big city. She’d made the move from the small town of Linköping to Munich in Germany. She felt so lost and hopeless, a bit like you. She shared your fears and anxiety, helping you through most of your troubles.
So when you had the call from your agent telling you that Barcelona was very interested in your signature, you couldn’t turn it down. You called Frido as soon as you found out, but nobody was as excited as her. You tried to share that excitement with her, but you were having doubts again.
“I really want to come to Barcelona, but I’m not good enough. I won’t fit in. And I’m not a cool person to be around, I don’t have anything interesting to say. They won’t like me and-”
“Can you just be quiet for one second?” Frido calmly yet significantly annoyed stopped you, “You are one of the best players I’ve ever seen. Not only that, but everyone in Barcelona thinks that too. You need to believe in yourself as much as I believe in you, this team believes in you, your family believes in you, and the whole town of Ystad. They will finally see one of their people make it out of there, winning things like the Champions League! You have to believe in yourself, not just for the people that love you deeply, but for your future self. You’ll regret not coming if you say no. I know you will.”
You didn’t need to think about it. Frido was right. Your whole life you had never taken risks, apart from joining Chelsea. And even then you only went because your father had basically forced you on the plane. This was your chance to get out there and beat your anxious thoughts from arising every time you wanted to try something new, but a magnet was stopping you each and every time. Whether that other magnet was stuck to your bed or just your house in general. That magnet was your comfort zone, and as much as you tried, you couldn’t escape from it. This was your time to break free from it.
“Okay, I’m packing! My flight is next week.”
“Yes! I’m so excited to see you! I’ll pick you up from the airport.” Frido squealed.
You felt the excitement leaking through the phone’s speaker.
You packed everything necessary, possibly a bit too much but you were never one for the minimalist lifestyle. Your football gear, your own clothes, your shyness, your shoes, your toiletries, your crippling anxiety, your laptop and chargers for everything, your intense fear of new things, and your passport and important documents. Everything is packed, you think.
Getting on the plane was your worst nightmare. You were flying alone, and turbulence was your worst enemy. You liked traveling with someone. Just someone to talk to and to distract you while the plane was dancing in the air.
As soon as you landed, you grabbed your carry-on and almost ran for your luggage. You’d messaged Frido to say you had landed and had received many emojis back. She had a language with emojis that never made sense to you, but you loved her anyway. You grabbed your two suitcases and walked quickly towards the double doors where you knew Frido would be waiting for you. You could see her from a mile away, towering above everyone else. She shot you a massive smile, as you ran towards her, dropping your bags as you got close enough and jumping in her arms.
“I’ve missed you so much!” You said excitedly into her shoulder.
“I’m so excited that you’re here!” Frido put you back down on the floor, “Oh, and two people wanted to come with me to meet you.”
You looked behind her to see a blonde woman with tattoos scattered over her arms and an obvious one on her throat. You’d never been mesmerised by a person like this before. Her face was carved perfectly. An old painter like Da Vinci or Michelangelo could’ve painted her. Her brown eyes bore deep into your soul as she gave you a soft smile. Not for the first time, you were lost for words. Words don’t come easily, but you lost your entire vocabulary taking in this woman before you.
“This is Mapi, and this is Sandra.” Frido must not have noticed you staring at this wonder before your eyes. Sandra definitely had, giving you a knowing smile before taking one of your bags in her arms.
“Hi.” You were so disappointed in yourself. Was that all you could say?
They chuckled, with Mapi staring at you a little longer before grabbing your other bag.
“You don’t have to do that.” You stated quietly.
“No, I want to. You must be tired from travelling.” Mapi smiled at you as the four of you began walking. Frido and Sandra led the way as you and Mapi trailed behind.
“Welcome to Barcelona. I can’t wait to play with you. You’re one of the best players I’ve ever seen.” She winked at you, and you could no longer function. Not that you were beforehand.
“Thank you. I’m excited to play with you too. Not only you, of course, everyone else. Not that I don’t think you’re good or anything, because I think you’re amazing. A really good defender in fact. And I’m happy I’m not playing against you because that would be horrible because you’re so good.” You rambled. You tried biting your tongue, but couldn’t stop. It was like the dam broke and the only thing holding it together was tape, which leaked all the way through.
“I forgot to mention that she can’t talk around pretty women.” The look of horror on your face as Frido turned around to share that piece of information had you wanting to dig a grave. Why would she say that?!
You didn’t even chance a look at Mapi. Had you, you would’ve seen her with a soft look on her face, looking at you the exact way you had been looking at her. Her smile never left her face as soon as she’d set eyes on you. Mapi loved watching you play, and would watch the Chelsea and Sweden games as often as she could, which was more than she’d like to admit. If anyone were to ask her why she was watching Chelsea and Sweden specifically, she would say she was scoping out the competition. You always looked like you had fun on the pitch, your smile never leaving your face. You played the game with ease, something Mapi hadn’t ever seen. You made difficult long passes look easy as they glided through the air straight to the feet of your teammate with accuracy. You scored goals just for fun, and assist your teammates close to every game.
Frido, of course, would talk about you to her teammates. Boasting. The Barcelona team was excited to meet their new teammate because of this. They were excited to get to know the person you were on and off the pitch.
The car journey to your new flat was daunting. You sat next to Mapi in the backseat.
“So you come from Sweden, no? Beautiful place.” Sandra had said from the front seat.
“Yes, it’s beautiful. I’m from Ystad in the south of Sweden. You should go some time.” You smiled, thinking of home.
“I love visiting the smaller towns nobody goes to. There’s more character to them.” Mapi offers.
“You would love Ystad! It’s quiet and everyone is so kind. Many people would rather go to Stockholm or Gothenburg. And I love those places too, but there’s so much more to see in such a beautiful country like Sweden.” You grinned while looking out the window, loving the look of Barcelona already.
“I would love for you to show me around sometime.”
Your head swiveled quickly over to where Mapi sat, widely smiling at your reaction. You could feel yourself malfunctioning again. You laughed awkwardly and brushed it off as if she wasn’t telling the truth. Frido smiled through the rearview mirror at the both of you. You had moved to look back out the window, while Mapi looked toward you.
After settling into your flat, the three girls left you to your thoughts. As you were unpacking, you thought of what you could have said. You looked around the flat, your new home. It was mainly empty; only consisting of a small fridge, kitchen appliances, a washing machine, and a bed. You’d need to use this week to make your house a home. At least you had a bed to sleep in tonight, you thought. You started making a list of all of the things you’d need to buy, all ready for tomorrow. You were exhausted from traveling, it was weird thinking you had woken up in London and would now be sleeping in Barcelona. You changed into your brother's old t-shirt and a pair of sleeping shorts and retired to bed. Everything will have to wait until the morning.
You had made several trips to the nearby IKEA in order to buy some decor and furniture for your home. You had only managed to build a comfortable armchair. Looking around the room you took in the several cardboard boxes full of new furniture. You weren’t good at building things. There was a new coffee table needing building on one side of the room, a clothes rack next to your bedroom, and a small dining table in the middle of the room. As you were about to fetch some water from the kitchen where your new utensils were scattered on the kitchen surface, you heard a knock on the door. You’re sure Frido said she was going on a date with her boyfriend, so you had no idea who it could be. It’s not like you knew anyone.
Opening the door, you were met with Mapi, holding a bottle of red wine in her hands.
“Hola. I thought you’d like some company after your first full day in Barcelona. And it looks like you need it.” She said as she peered in to see the mess that was in your flat.
Your shoulders dropped, happy to see her, “I didn’t realise how hard it would be to build things.”
She laughed, as you stood aside to let her in. You walked to the kitchen, trying to find wine glasses.
“How have you been so far? Is it weird living on your own, or is that a regular thing for you?” Mapi made herself at home, sitting on one of the many boxes. The sofa was delivered the next day.
“I have never lived on my own before. It’s so weird. I go to tell someone something about my day or a thought I have, but nobody’s there. I’m not the biggest fan,” You had finally found the wine glasses, bringing them into the living room, “I’m sorry, I haven’t put anything up yet.”
“Don’t worry about it. I expected an empty house when I knocked. I’m lucky that I have a cat to live with. I don’t know what I’d do without him. But I’ve moved around a little too, not as far as you have, but around Spain so I can relate.” Mapi opened the bottle of wine, pouring some into both glasses and handing you one.
“Thank you so much.”
“Not a problem. Frido mentioned you were very nervous about coming over here, so I wanted to welcome you properly.” She smiled.
“I am a little. I’m quite nervous to meet everyone tomorrow.” You took a deep breath. You had no idea how they’d take to you. Would they like you? Would they think you’re too weird? What would they think? A mass of questions flooding through your mind, clearly a panicked look on your face as Mapi reached her hand out to tap you on your thigh, she had now joined you down on the carpet where you had settled.
“Hey. We’re not that bad.” Mapi laughed a little.
“I know. Frido talks about all of you so much I feel like I know you already.” You smiled back at her, noticing her hand had remained on your thigh. Your skin had warmed up beneath her hand, a warmth you weren’t exactly accustomed to. It’s fair to say that you knew nothing about being in a relationship. You’d had your first kiss when you were 13 years old, and you didn’t want to count that as your first kiss. A boy who lived on your street, and is now a nobody to you. As you got a little bit older, you realised it was girls who made your heart race and stomach explode with butterflies. You’d never been in a relationship with a girl before… or anyone for that matter. It never bothered you as you were always busy with football to have a social life. But looking at this beautiful girl before your eyes, trying to make your first few days in Barcelona a bit more comfortable and welcoming… you couldn’t help but be enamoured.
“We’re a nice group, I can promise you that. And if there’s anything I can do to make life here in Barcelona a little easier, I’d be more than happy to do it.”
“You’ve only just met me. I could be the leader of a drugs cartel and get you to do all of my dirty work.” You took more sips of your wine, the alcohol giving you some confidence. You don’t drink often, so when you do it does seemingly go straight to your head.
“No offense, but you don’t seem the type to be into something like that.” Mapi laughed at the absurdness of your statement.
“You never know!” You threw your hands up in your defence.
“Oh, I know. I know I’ve only just met you, but I can’t see you doing something like that. You’re too beautiful.” Mapi tilted her head to the side, watching your reaction with a coy smile on her face.
Your face was burning, and it wasn’t from the amount of alcohol you were consuming every minute. How do you take a compliment? What do you say back? You weren’t used to compliments, apart from in football terms, what are you going to do?
“Pablo Escobar was a drug lord.” Yep. That’ll do it.
Mapi raised her eyebrows, her smile growing, but her eyes gave away the fact that you’d made an absolute idiot of yourself once again.
“Do you think Pablo Escobar was too beautiful to be a drugs lord or something?” Mapi giggled, as you cried on the inside. Next stage of making a fool of yourself: deflect!
“More wine?” You filled your wine glass to the brim. If you were going to make an idiot out of yourself, you’d rather not remember anything about it. Mapi nodded and offered her glass out to you, which you gladly filled.
“Do you want some help with building these things,” Mapi laid her hand down on one of the many boxes adorning the flat, “We might not get much done, but I heard that if you build things while drinking wine you get things done quicker.”
You laughed, “Wouldn’t you rather be elsewhere than helping me with this furniture?”
“No. Not really. You’re good company and I’m also very good at building things.”
Mapi had taken to build the coffee table, while you’d opted to build the clothes rail. You’d thought the clothes rail would be a little easier with alcohol in your system. After figuring out which pieces went where, your eyes wandered over to Mapi and the coffee table, which was literally all of the pieces of wood laid on the floor with a confused Mapi staring at the screws.
“Are you okay over here?” You asked as you walked over to her position.
“Yes, of course. I just can’t figure out which screws are the right screws.” She held up the two differently shaped screws to your face, pleading with you to agree with her.
“I’m not a genius, but I’d probably pick that screw because it’s the right size.” You gave her a tight-lipped smile, as she looked at you and then at the screws again.
“Yes, I was just testing you. I want you to learn from the master of building things.” Mapi grabbed one of the legs of the coffee table, while you were still staring at her, humour sparkling in your eyes. Mapi threw the leg to the floor in frustration.
“I thought you said you were good at building things?!” You laughed.
“I was before the wine! I promise!” Mapi looked at you with the frustration still leaking through her veins, but couldn’t help but laugh along with you.
“I don’t believe you.” Mapi laughed, even more, the night going on with nothing fixed but wine in your systems. You felt good around Mapi. She made you feel instantly comfortable in an environment that made you nervous the second you received a phone call from your agent to say Barcelona was interested. Having at least two friends here in Frido and Mapi made all the difference.
Mapi had left very early in the morning after falling asleep next to you on the carpet. Was it comfortable? Absolutely not. But it was nice to spend time with one of your teammates. You now had to meet the rest of them. The team was training today, while you had a few things to sign, meeting your new teammates and the staff, and having a day of social media duties. You were nervous at how you’d come across, but a little excited for the day ahead. Walking into the large building with the training pitch, you were amazed. This is where some of the world’s best players trained, and some of your favourite players too.
One of the Barcelona staff took you to the changing rooms to change into your new training kit and to meet the team. You walked in and the whole room went quiet. Your nerves came back, a small sweat dripping down the back of your neck. You took a deep shaky breath in as you looked around the room. The silence felt like it went on for 10 hours when in actuality it was five seconds. Alexia was the first player up to you, with a massive smile on her face and her hand reaching out to shake yours. You wiped the palm of your hand in your shorts, ridding it of sweat, before returning the handshake.
“Hola. My name is Alexia. It’s good to meet you finally.” You liked that she introduced herself like that, even if you’re pretty sure the whole world knows who she is.
“Hi.” It came out like a rushed whisper, cursing yourself inwardly, feeling like an idiot yet again. Alexia didn’t seem to mind, almost as if she was expecting that answer.
“Your locker is right there with your training kit.” Alexia pointed towards the last locker which had been set up for you: the number 26. You sat next to Emma Ramírez. 
“Thank you.” Before you could sit down and get changed, it felt like a tsunami of people attacked you after Alexia left to change herself.
“I’m Patri. I’ve been so excited to meet you. You’re a very good midfielder.” Patri pulled you into a quick hug, pulling back and holding you back by your shoulders to get a proper look at you.
“Thank you so much.” You smiled back at her, you couldn’t believe one of the best midfielders in the world had said that to you.
“Hi. I’m Claudia!” The smaller girl hugged you. You didn’t realise how affectionate Spanish girls could be, with almost all of them pulling you into a hug. You were thrown from Claudia into Mariona, who then pushed you towards Laia Codina, who wanted you to meet Aitana, who called for Jana to talk to you. You hadn’t said a word other than ‘thank you' and your name. You were getting so overwhelmed with everything that you almost ran out of the room to cool down until you felt a pair of hands grab your hips and pull you back into their body. Their hands wrapped around your torso, which felt really safe to you.
“Okay, give her some breathing space. You have all season to talk to her.” It was Mapi. The relief flooded through you as you spun around to see her dressed in her training kit.
“Hi again.” You gave her a wide smile, a little too happy to see her.
“Hola. I’m sorry about the girls, they can be a little excited, especially when someone new comes in. But I told you there’s nothing to worry about.” Mapi rubbed her hands up your arms, trying to comfort your nervous state.
“It’s fair to say I wasn’t expecting that much love.” You chuckled. Mapi walked you over to your locker where she sat next to you and joked about last night while you got changed. You usually wouldn’t be comfortable getting changed next to somebody you barely even knew, but something about Mapi gave you a warm feeling.
“Mapi! Stop hogging the new girl! I want to talk to her!” Patri shouted across the dressing room, Mapi turning red as you turned to look at her giggling.
Before anyone could say anything, most of the team was out of the door and running onto the training pitch, but you were dragged away to do some media duties with the promise of joining them with the training sessions the next day.
You were resting at home when you realised what a good day you had. The next day you had the opportunity to actually play football, which is what you were here for. You didn’t care about anything else, other than playing football which is what you would consider your first love. No person could ever compare.
You were the first in the dressing room. You slept okay until around 4 o’clock in the morning, and couldn’t get back to sleep. You opened the curtains to the darkness, still looking like nighttime to you as the lampposts below on the street were still lit up, and not a soul on the street. The training facilities were open early at 5 as there is a gym connected to the facility, which you were thankful for. You got there by 5.30 and didn’t leave until 6.30. Training would start at 7 so you weren’t sure if anyone would be there yet.
Walking in you found Alexia, Irene, and Sandra getting changed. Alexia takes a double take to see you walking over to your locker.
“You’re here early?” Alexia questioned.
“I couldn’t sleep very well.” You smiled up at Alexia before sitting down on the bench and grabbing your kit.
“Excited, huh?” Irene asked, smiling at your apparent eagerness.
“Yeah… something like that.” You smiled and continued to get changed. You didn’t want to go into too much detail with them, not wanting to bother them.
Walking onto the pitch, you felt good. You took a deep breath as you looked out onto the green grass with the footballs scattered around the place. This was where you felt most comfortable and yourself. The rest of the girls came on to start their training, talking amongst each other. Mapi walked out with a frown on her face, which turned into a smile when she saw you on the pitch. She jogged up to you.
“I thought you were late, or ill.”
“That’s not how I would’ve wanted to start at Barca.” You chucked along with Mapi.
“Ready for your first training session?”
“I think so.”
“You’ll be amazing. Just play like you always do.”
And you did just that. You danced away from the defenders, slotting in goal after goal, tackling others. Sandra Panos, Alexia, and Irene were all standing on the side in awe, staring at the way you were on the pitch. The confidence oozed out of you as you ran up the wing, looking up to boot a perfect ball towards Claudia’s feet, the perfect assist to her goal. You were a machine on the pitch.
A break was called. The three veterans’ eyes followed you as you sat down quietly on your own and drank your water. They couldn’t believe the difference between the person you were on the pitch and off the pitch. They were the complete opposite person. They saw Mapi sit down beside you, soft smiles now on their lips, as they see your body leaning in towards Mapi’s. Neither of you said anything, but no one needed to. It was like the both of you were communicating through brainwaves or something.
A few weeks later after training, Mapi was adamant that she’d walk you home. She almost begged you at one point. It struck Mapi that she didn’t actually know a lot about you, but that you knew a lot about her. She loved your company. Something about you was enamouring to her, even after a few weeks of knowing you. But you were more of a listener and loved asking Mapi questions. Mapi loved talking so it never bothered her, but she needed to know more about you. The team was constantly asking Mapi about you, wanting to know a little more than you let on.
As the both of you were walking back to yours, Mapi had her mission objective and was adamant about completing it.
“I want to know more about you.”
“Like what? I’m an open book.” You were more than happy to share with Mapi. She’d become the closest friend you’d made since coming to Spain.
“You’re a very closed book. A book with a lock over it. And chains. And-“
“Alright! I get it. I don’t know. I just feel more comfortable keeping myself to myself. Standing back and being quiet. I’m from a small and quiet town, so I’m used to being… you know?”
“Small and quiet?”
“Yeah. Words are valuable. I’d rather speak when it matters, rather than just say something stupid. And trust me, I feel like I always say something stupid around you.”
“I don’t think you’re stupid. I think you’re amazing. And I like that you’re quiet. It doesn’t make me think any less of you. I think you’re perfect just the way you are.”
“Thank you. I’m sorry that I’m like this.”
“Don’t ever apologise. Please. I just want to know more about you. The whole team does. Because we really like you and want you to be as comfortable as possible.”
“That means a lot to me.”
“Um… my favourite colour is green? Is that the type of facts you’re after?”
“Sure. Favourite club?”
“Y/N! Really? You’re meant to say Barcelona.”
“But then you wouldn’t know the real me!”
Mapi started asking some quick-fire questions, even writing some of your answers down on her phone like when your birthday was and your favourite food. A keen smile never left your face the whole evening you and Mapi spoke. The more you were in Barcelona, the more that heavy weight of anxiety was lifting off your chest. And a certain tattooed blonde had a lot to do with it.
The next few months you and Mapi got closer and closer. She kept wanting to learn more about you. The both of you were over at each other’s houses, having dinner together, Mapi *trying* to help you build the furniture in your flat, and the both of you always sitting next to each other in meetings and team dinners. Wherever Mapi was, you were never far from her side, and vice versa. The team quickly got used to it, placing bets on when the both of you would get together.
The pre-season had finished, and you were ready for the start of the season.
Your first away game was against Atletico Madrid. You took a deep breath while looking around the stadium. A small section dedicated to the Barcelona fans where you could see them waving the flags around, holding up signs, and cheering already. You felt like you belonged somewhere; a feeling you’d never really become accustomed to before. Of course, you belonged to Ystad, your home and place of birth, but in Barcelona, you had people who shared the same love for football as you did.
Looking behind you, you saw Leila giving you a thumbs-up and a wide smile. You couldn’t help but chuckle at her positivity which always radiated off of her. Looking to your right you saw Alexia, the captain, looking straight ahead. Her gaze was the complete opposite of Leila’s. She was ready and nothing could stop her from winning this game. Casting your eyes to the player before you was Frido, your favourite person. She was in game mode like Alexia, and nothing could break her out of it. You looked behind you again to find Mapi already looking at you. When she noticed you looking back she softly smiled. She gave you a small nod as if to ask if you were okay, to which you nodded back.
You turned back around, with a similar look on your face to Alexia and Frido. You were ready for this game.
You ran for most of the game. Your running stats must be through the roof. You assisted Alexia’s goal in the 23rd minute and scored two goals of your own. You couldn’t believe it. Frido was the first to get to you when you scored your first away goal for Barcelona. Mapi assisted your second with a well-placed free kick. You ran back to her position where Mapi lifted you up into the air. The rest of the team made it to you, hugging you with words of praise. Mapi stayed next to you, keeping her arm around your waist. The team had left the both of you two it, with Mapi hugging you again and bringing you back into her.
“I’m so proud of you, amor.” Mapi kisses your cheek. No one had ever looked at you in a way that Mapi looks at you. She made your world spin a little bit faster. She made your love for football shift to the side a little, allowing her to take over your head. Mapi dominated your thoughts every minute of the day. No one has ever made you feel this way. It scared you, but for the first time, it excited you. Something that wasn’t football made you excited. Mapi always made you feel safe, wanted, and enough. You wanted to take her home to Sweden, and you wanted to share all of your triumphs with her.
It was the 83rd minute when things got a little messier. You were charging up the left wing when your legs were taken out from underneath you. You didn’t see who it was that tackled you. You could only grab onto your ankle which began throbbing. Frido ran to you as quick as she could.
“Are you okay? It’s your ankle? Do you think you can walk?” Frido rambled, reminding you a little bit of yourself.
“Yeah… I think I’m alright.” The pain subsided as you got up and walked on it gently. The medics not needing to come on. Raised voices were heard as the both of you turned around to see Mapi holding the Atleti player, who you could only guess had tackled you, by her collar. No one had ever seen Mapi so angry. Alexia tried to pull her away by her shoulders and Leila tried to get in between the two players. The veins coursing through Mapi’r arms were apparent with how strongly she gripped this poor girl.
“Maps! I’m okay!” You shouted towards her. Her gaze flickered over to you momentarily but shook her head.
“She could’ve hurt you badly!” She glanced at you once again and quickly back at the player. One of the Atleti players moved out of the way so you could see the player's name was Latorre. You knew she was a good midfielder and had been chasing after you all game. She clearly had gotten frustrated and took it out on you. You couldn’t blame her. It had happened to you in several games. But no teammate of yours had ever reacted this way towards the other player.
“You could’ve broken her ankle!” Mapi pushed Latorre to the floor. Alexia and Leila took the chance to grab Mapi and pull her back, pushing her toward Sandra’s goal. You looked up at Frido, asking her silently what you should do. She shook her head as the both of you watched Mapi with steam coming out of her ears and pushing Alexia away. You’d never seen her like this. What was up with her? You debated running up to her to calm her down, but with Frido’s steady arm holding your shoulder, it wasn’t something you were prepared to do.
You watch the referee blowing her whistle, trying to get Mapi’s attention. The ref’s hand was dangerously close to her back pocket. This couldn’t be happening. Mapi turned around to see a red card flung her way. Your eyes widen. Surely that wasn’t red card worthy. Alexia shook her head in disappointment, while Sandra put her head in her gloves. Mapi walked off the pitch, muttering in Spanish under her breath. You were stuck. You couldn’t move from the spot your feet had been planted in. Frido had let you go, not knowing what to do after that shocking red card. It was stupid what she had done, probably yellow card worthy, but everyone knew if they argued with this ref they’d get a booking. The ref was notorious for stupid bookings, but this was a new feat.
After the game had finished, you went around shaking the other team's hands and congratulating them on a good game. Thinking you’d finished, you began walking through the tunnel to make your way back into the dressing room. You felt a tap on your back. As you turned around you saw Latorre with a sorry smile on her face as she reached out her hand for you to shake, which you took.
“I’m so sorry for that tackle. You were too good for me to stop most times…”
“No, it’s fine. I completely understand.” You smiled back at her. Before you could carry on your walk to get changed you felt her pull you back.
“I would love to apologise properly to you. Maybe over dinner?” Latorre said bluntly. You couldn’t believe your luck. You had never been asked out on a date, and you’d been in Spain for a few months and a date is already on the table?! Unbelievable. Your mouth opened and closed a few times, not a sound coming out. She was attractive, sure, but she wasn’t blonde, she didn’t have an art gallery of tattoos adorning her body, and her name wasn’t Maria. These were deal breakers for you. You looked into her eyes and realised that you liked Mapi, probably more than Mapi will ever know. And this girl had been the final nail in the coffin for you to help you realise that.
“Or you could even come back to mine?” Latorre looked you up and down, biting her lip, winking at you. Your face cringed at her arrogance. Mapi was never like this. You still hadn’t said anything. Cursing yourself again, a body came between you and Latorre.
“Back off. She won’t be going out to dinner with you, and she definitely will not be going to your house.” It was Mapi. She had been keeping a watchful eye on you ever since she saw Latorre approaching you. She never did like Latorre.
“It’s your bodyguard, Y/L/N. You don’t answer for her, Maria. Let the girl make up her own mind. I asked her, not you.” Latorre never took her eyes off of you. You gripped onto the back of Mapi’s shirt for your safety. You hated confrontation more than anything, and the fact that they were fighting over you was even worse. You tried tugging Mapi back, a signal for her to wrap up this conversation and walk with you. She wasn’t budging. Mapi took a step forward, threatening Latorre to do something.
“She’s busy tonight.”
“You’re right. She is. With me, having dinner.” Latorre smiled again, talking through her teeth.
“Just leave her alone. If she wanted to be with you, she would’ve said ‘yes’ instantly. Now move.” Mapi pushed Latorre, which was returned.
“Mapi, leave her. She’s not worth it.” Your words were meaningless to Mapi as Latorre kept pushing her not only with her hands but with her words. Mapi punches Latorre, with the former falling to the floor. The look she gives Mapi from the floor is one of anger as she gets up quickly and rugby tackles her into the wall. You could only stand there staring at the both of them in shock. Latorre holds Mapi by the collar of her shirt, punching her back. You were shaken out of your frozen position with Mariona stepping in front of you and pushing you back, asking if you were okay and how the fight had started. Alexia and Patri were pulling Mapi back into the changing room with blood mainly streaming from her fists.
You don’t see Mapi when you walk back with Mariona. Her bag and shoes are gone. You change as quickly as you could as you raced onto the bus, looking around to find the ever-present blonde who had taken over your life. She was nowhere to be found. You shrugged down into your seat, popped your earphones in, and looked out the window. The team began coming onto the bus, the journey back to the hotel a short one. You were the last off the bus as the nerves of seeing Mapi overtook you suddenly. She must’ve been angry with you. You did nothing to help her as she fought with another, you just stood there watching it all happen. You could’ve said ‘no’ straight away instead of stuttering, but you didn’t. You felt so stupid and useless. Of course, she was angry with you. And now she’s hurt because of you.
Getting off the bus with your bag on your back, you noticed a flowerbed in front of the hotel. There were yellow flowers on the left, orange flowers in the middle, and pink ones on the left. You looked around, looking for any of the staff, as you seized your chance and grabbed a few of each colours. They wouldn’t mind, you thought.
Running up to the room you and Mapi shared, you opened the door and then knocked, not wanting to disturb Mapi if she didn’t feel like visitors.
“This is your room too… you don’t need to knock.” You heard Mapi from inside the room, weirdly you could hear a smile in her voice. You peeped your head around to see her. She was laying down on the top covers of her bed, her phone in her hand, and her eyes waiting for you to walk in.
“Sorry. I didn’t know if you’d be in the mood for people or not.”
“I’m always in the mood for you.” Mapi smiled as you blushed furiously. She sat up, never taking her eyes off of you.
“I got you these as an apology. I know that it’s literally nothing but-” You had your eyes on the flowers, not wanting to look at however Mapi was looking at you.
“What do you have to apologise for?”
“Well… everything? I should’ve done something or, better yet, said something. It’s my fault you were sent off, and it’s my fault you got into that fight, and it’s my fault you’re bleeding, and it’s my fault you’re angry…”
Mapi had gotten up as she saw the panicked look on your face, “Amor. Stop.” Her hands rested on your hips, as she leaned down to make eye contact with you, “I’m not angry. I mean… I was. But not with you. With Latorre. None of this is your fault. Maybe I could have reacted better on the pitch and with Latorre, but I can’t help myself with you. You bring something out of me.”
“But I should’ve pushed her away or something, or told her to go away, you know?”
Mapi laughed slightly, “That’s not you though. You didn’t make today an easy game for her, and she got frustrated and took you out. Asking you out after doesn’t make any sense to me, but I didn’t like how she was with you. Trying to push you to say yes. You don’t deserve to be treated like that. You deserve to be treated like a princesa.”
No one had ever looked at you the way Mapi was looking at you now. Mapi’s right hand had moved up to cup your cheek, her lips impossibly close to yours. She looked down at your soft lips, biting her own in the process.
“I don’t know about that. I’m just me.” You whispered.
“And I wouldn’t change you for the world,” Mapi whispered back.
Mapi leaned in, waiting for you to lean into her. You hadn’t had your first kiss yet, not a proper first kiss anyway. What if you were an awful kisser? What if this put Mapi off you for good? After a second of stalling, you leaned in towards Mapi. She felt the shaky breath you gently let out. She wanted you to decide what to do here, not wanting to push you to do something you didn’t want to do or weren’t ready for.
Before you could completely lean in, there was a knock on the door. You jumped back, clearing your throat, feeling a little awkward now. Mapi held your chin, forcing you to look at her. She smiled at you once the eye contact was made, and kissed your cheek before moving passed you to get to the door. You went to sit down on the bed as Mapi spoke to one of the staff at the door. Something about her red card and being suspended in the next game. Everyone knew it would happen, but you didn’t hear the rest of the conversation as your leg bounced nervously up and down, and your heart beating loudly that you’re sure Mariona and Aitana could hear it in the room next door.
You heard the door close and the bed dipping where Mapi had sat next to you. The both of you sat in silence for a few minutes.
“I’ve never…” you gulped and shook your head. You had to tell her the truth, “I’ve never done this before.”
“Never done what?” Mapi watched as your leg continued to bounce and how you were playing with your fingers continuously.
You looked to your right where Mapi was, still pulling and pinching at your fingers. You felt so embarrassed. “I’ve never been on a date before. I’ve never… you know… kissed anyone. I’m at level one, compared to whatever level you’re at.”
Mapi chuckled a little. You put your head in your hands, terrified that she thought that low of you and thought it was funny.
“I’m not laughing at that. Sorry. I just liked that you said you’re at level one. I’ve never heard anyone say it like that before.” Mapi laughed again but moved a little closer to you so your thighs were touching, “I don’t think differently of you. I’m happy you told me though.”
You looked up towards Mapi, who was still looking at you the same way she did the first day she met you at the airport. That look of wonder and affection. Mapi reached out to wipe the tears that had escaped you, cradling your cheek almost the same way she did a few minutes before, with the same care and gentleness.
“Please don’t be embarrassed. There is nothing wrong with when or if these things happen. I just want you to know that I really like you.”
“I like you too. A lot.”
“Really?” Mapi sounded almost surprised.
“Obviously.” You smiled brightly at her. “Is it okay if we go really slow though?”
“Like level zero type of slow?” Mapi laughed after the look you gave her, but held onto one of your hands and squeezed it in confirmation, “We can go as slow as you want. I’ll wait for as long as you want.” Mapi landed a kiss on your cheekbone, a pink blush following afterward, “Was that too quick? That was too quick, wasn’t it?” Mapi panicked. You laughed, Mapi smiled lovingly at you and pulled you down to the bed. The both of you lying down, looking up at the ceiling.
“Do you want to do something with me? Like, go out? Maybe for some coffee or something one day? Just me and you?”
“Are you asking me out on a date?” The smile in Mapi’s voice wasn’t to be missed.
“Was that the worst way you’ve been asked out?”
Mapi laughed loudly, turning to her left to look at you. You remained to stare at the ceiling. “It was the sweetest way someone has ever asked me out on a date. I’m going at your speed. Level zero, remember? Whatever you’re ready for, I’ll do it.”
“So that’s a yes?”
“Of course it’s a yes!”
The date was the best date you’d ever been on. Not that you could compare it to anything else. Mapi told you she wanted to arrange it, as it was your first one she wanted it to be special. She picked you up, took you for dinner, took you to play crazy golf, and then took you back to hers where she had set up two comfortable chairs close together with pillows and a blanket to stargaze. Mapi made you feel a way that nobody else made you feel. A warm feeling in your heart was constantly there every time Mapi walked into the room. Your eyes always found each other at a party, the not-so-subtle winks and smiles she’d give you on the pitch, and constantly gravitating towards each other wherever the both of you were.
For the first time, you had another love in your life besides football. And that was Mapi.
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Winter King with a Summer Sovereign
Based off an ask I got. It asked for a Summer Queen scenario, but since I wasn’t comfortable doing x reader fics when I got it, here are some headcanons. I might do the scenario later.
I’m assuming Summer Queen has some weather and fire powers. I’ll flesh that out when I do the fic.
Also, I meant originally for it to be more feminine leaning, but I made it neutral again. Whoops.
• It’s so romantic when opposites meet! This combination is especially cute. Winter would be so dreadful without the times where you’re warm and cozy, and summer would be blistering without iced teas and waters and air conditioning.
• You either rule over a kingdom in the grasslands by the fire kingdom, in the fire kingdom, or in the desert lands beside the ocean (which we could also call the Beach Kingdom).
• Whichever Kingdom you rule over, it’s so hot and humid. You and your citizens are used to it, but sometimes people from other kingdoms have issues with the heat.
• You would expect to have the same problem with the Winter King, but, thanks to his ice powers, he never seems to get too hot.
• In fact, the citizens of other kingdoms are so happy to see him at any kind of gathering in your kingdom since he can cool everything down.
• And you tend to warm up non-ice citizens at a lot of the events in the Winter Kingdom. He has control over the temperature for the most part, but he tends to overestimate how comfortable everyone is in the cold.
• Winter sports are very popular in the Winter Kingdom, and I imagine the Winter King hosts winter sport events. Your kingdom probably hosts a ton of summer sport events as well. Any kind of summer sport could played. Soccer, football, track, rugby, baseball, volleyball, swimming, and surfing are all possibilities.
• He participates in all of the winter sports, and he’s so graceful in all of them. We got a taste of that in his episode, but he would make everything he does look so easy.
• He feels the same way about you. Every time you do a volleyball spike or surfing trick, he’s enamored.
• He definitely asks you to show him your tricks and how to play your sports, and he’s glad to show you his.
• Honestly he hopes you’re bad at first at whatever he tries to show you (and vice versa) since it’s so romantic to help you balance on the ice and subtly give you a win. He hopes you can do the same for him.
• He probably does let himself get kidnapped by the Candy Queen often, and you’re almost always there to save him.
• If you’re there to save him, he is so dramatic about it and showers you in attention and praise after you do so.
• At the same time, he warns you not to melt her by accident. He's worried that if you melted the Candy Queen by accident, the madness could come back to him.
• Since you (probably) don’t know about the madness, he would make up a reason for you to be careful about not melting her. He would insist you that even though they are sworn enemies, she would come back, more malformed and crazy than ever if you melted her.
• Everything I’ve written about body heat is true here too. He loves to be around you and especially cuddle.
• I don’t think he’d be worried at all about making you too cold, but everything from sleeping with a heat pad while you’re gone and getting kidnapped because he’s clinging to you is still true.
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polybiusplayer · 11 months
i am once again thinking about ninejuice (for the first time in a whole month wow)
thats all! have a nice rest of your day
Oh boy I’m gonna take this opportunity to rant about them.
Nine Juice rant below, read at your own risk.
I’m thinking about them so often…. ITS LIKE!!! I can totally understand people seeing them as only platonic!! And I’ve always actually felt kinda nervous to ship them for some reason… the 17776 enjoyers haven’t been much to do shipping, especially since romance is not really the point of the story, at all. but I just really believe they have a bond that just, is a lot.
There is a level of understanding and compassion that Juice shows to Nine in his own ways, he knows exactly how to help Nine cope after the intermission, he knows what they’re thinking when their communications fuck up. (Nine was indeed cussing him out, they said “fuck you.”) He is teasing as always, but not hesitant to reassure them afterwards.
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Nine is very observant. They make note of Juices usage of grammar, how he capitalizes thing that are important to him. I can’t remember exactly which chapter that’s in, but I’m like 100% sure Nine pointed this out. Obviously, Nines name is almost always capitalized . This is a notable exception
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Has he EVER used this many exclamation points?!
I also love the way the infodump to each other. Ten by this point has heard Juices rants a billion times before, she loves him, but is sick of them! Of course he sees no problem in that. But then suddenly there’s a new listener who is intensely eager and interested in what he has to say! It feels special, because Nine never seems to get bored of it. They love to hear him talk, about anything really, but especially what he’s passionate about. -
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Which is mostly football. Football is how he processes the world. With sports and all the things that come with it he was able to come to terms with reality. He looks at it through such a unique lense in order to make sense of it all. Even his own football game is not just insane rules strung together all willy nilly, it’s truly a work of art with a deeper meaning. It’s like he’s painting with the fields, you know?
Nine understands this, and if they don’t, they WANT to. In my mind, Juices voice and rambles about lunchables or whatever start off confusing to them, but once they understand where it comes from and why and what Juice is trying to attempt with all this, they understand a lot.
Nine copes with history, they look into the past for comfort and familiarity. they feel so intensely behind, at first it started as a way to catch up and feel up to date with their friends, but then they discovered that the history of this world was just sort of a safe space for them. Juice loves to hear Nine talk about stuff even he never knew about. Nine is quite the researcher, and is always able to pull up SOMETHING. He is too, but not to this level. They share facts and information back and forth, intently listening to each other and trying to understand. Always.
Juice knows what Nines going through, it’s quite obvious with what he says here.
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They ground each other in this reality, they give each other a person to talk about football with. Someone to try and not think about things too hard with. And then when things DO get hard? And the thoughts are too much? They’ll always be there for each other to help.
An underrated aspect about Juices character is how intelligent he is. SURE, he spends a lot of time joking around, that’s just his thing!!! But he is by no means stupid, he’s a little silly, but so so much more than that. He also cares, a lot! He is lonely, he loves his friends so dearly although he doesn’t express it nearly as much as Nine.
Nine is also a lot more than their troubles. A lot of their arc has to do with coming to terms with the state of existence, but they’re also incredibly compassionate and loving. SO SO loving. They’re blindly trusting, showing no hesitation with their love for everyone. They’re observant, and also a bit of a jokerster! They got that from Juice.
I don’t know where I’m going with this, I just really like the two of them, I love their dynamic. I feel like if they could, they would hug for a real long time. Unfortunately they’re way too far apart and made of nuts and bolts. But they still love each other, nothing changes that, not in a billion years
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between the lines | chapter 08 (finale)
rúben dias x original female character [+18]
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synopsis: isabella is a sports journalist covering the premier league. she has sworn to never get involved with a football player. that is, until she meets a handsome portuguese defender. warnings: incorrect journalism references; timeline of events are not faithful to real life; i have never been to england; mutual pining; romantic comedy;  minors dni.
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Chapter 08 — Shooting and Finishing
Days went by smoothly. I tried to spend as much time as possible minding other people's business and concentrating on other people's drama. Hours daily doom scrolling social media. It worked as expected and I managed to stay distracted.
Until I got a promotion at work. Yesterday.
It was the most ordinary day possible at the office, the monotonous hum of the air conditioning filling the room as I sat at my desk, the low voices of my coworkers talking nonsense to each other, somebody somewhere in the office opening a snack thinking no one would notice… The usual. 
And then my phone buzzed. I glanced down at the screen to see a text from my boss, Mr. Evans.
‘Can you meet me in the media room in five minutes?’
My heart pounded as I read the message. I always hated meetings with the boss, they were never ever good news. I headed towards the media room, my footsteps echoing in the otherwise silent corridor, my legs shaking.
When I entered, Mr. Evans was already sitting down, his expression a mix of anticipation and confidence. He gestured for me to take a seat, and I nervously obliged, my palms beginning to sweat.
"Isabella," he began, his voice steady, "I've been observing your dedication and hard work over the past months."
I nodded, my anxiety building with each passing second.
"I believe you're ready for a new challenge," he continued. "I want to offer you a promotion, a better role, with increased responsibilities."
My mind whirled, a thousand thoughts colliding. The promotion was everything I had hoped for, but it was also the very thing I had been avoiding. It meant stepping out of my comfort zone and facing the unknown.
I agreed anyway, and didn't even have to think twice. I just nodded and thanked him. I could feel my legs trembling beneath the table, as if they were on the verge of betraying me. My voice quivered as I responded, "I... I appreciate the offer, Mr. Evans."
He gave me an encouraging nod, his eyes unwavering. He could tell how nervous and like a kind and caring mentor Mr. Evans smiled, a reassuring gesture. "Isabella, fear is a natural part of growth. It means you're stepping into uncharted territory, and that's where true progress lies."
I couldn’t escape reality after that. No amount of idiotic insta posts could keep my thoughts away from the inevitable: I want Rúben. I want to talk to him everyday. I want him in my life. I want to be a part of his life.
So, even scared, even with my legs shaking and heart pounding and all of that. I called him.
‘I have an answer for you’, I wanted to say. Instead, I said:
“I just got a promotion!”
“Isa, congratulations! That 's amazing.” I could hear his smile through the phone, he did not question my phone call and sounded genuinely happy for him. The desire to hug him flooded me.
“Well, you see… I actually got scared when I first heard about it. It seems like a lot of responsibility.” I was twirling my hair fighting the urge to bite my nails.
“What? You think so?” He seemed so worried I almost laughed, but I had a point to make and he needed to know.
“I have commitment issues.” I say loud and clear.
He takes a moment to answer, unsure.
“Are you still talking about the job?”
I shake my head, uselessly, since he can't see me.
“I lost both of my parents when I was too young to know how to deal with it and I never had a serious relationship before.” 
I can hear him sighing over the phone and I use the moment to take a deep breath and proceed. I decide to tell him all at once, before I have the chance to lose courage again.
“I realized something about myself this past week.” I continue. “I tend to focus too much on what’s right in front of me, instead of considering the whole picture. I worry too much about the small emergencies life throws at me and forget about what’s really important.”
“Am I a small emergency?” He interfered, confused.
“No, you’re the important part. You’re the house.”
I make gestures as if he could see me, trying to make him understand.
“The house?” Rúben laughs.
“Yeah… Shit, I kind of ruined the speech, there was a part about a house and leaks and…”
“Isa, are you home?” “Yes–” “Give me fifteen minutes.”
Twenty minutes later and he was towering over my front door wearing a hoodie and rosy cheeks, he looked like he came running to see me. I felt in the moment that I was allowed to hold him as hard as I’ve missed him, so I did.
Rúben held me back and I felt a soft kiss on my neck. He then held my face, making me look him in the eye.
“Is this your answer?” He searched for any sign of doubt in me, but there wasn't any.
“Yes. Yes, I’m not running away again, I promis–” and he kissed me. Before I could finish my sentence he closed the apartment door and still holding me tight, he guided me inside.
“I missed this so much.” His voice was rough, his lips still touching mine as he spoke, going in for another kiss. Rúben was hungry and I shared the same feeling. “I missed you.” He spoke, this time properly looking at me.
“I missed you too.” I told him with a smile, feeling so happy and grateful for his reaction.
He smiled even brighter at my words, looking suddenly relieved. His hands were firm in my waist then, pulling me as close as possible to him.
“Now come here, we have to make up for the lost time.”
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mackachu1212 · 1 month
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This probably won’t be the most organized and well written because I'm better at explaining through casual conversation and better at storytelling through more formal writing. But this is explaining a character so it might not be super formal or it will change tones randomly. 👍
Content warning for mentions of trauma, sh, eds, and drug use
A little info I wrote for Fritz’s art fight page:
“A kind guy who lives with his friend and “platonic buddy”, Walter after being in a drinking and driving accident, unable to support himself after witnessing his dead friends and his mental health declining. He is willing to try and take care of himself and Walter to make him happy. He decided to un-associate himself with his family's last name and shorten his birth name. He typically hates it when people call him “Friedrich”; you are lucky if he lets you call him that.” 
(Violet you can call him that)
So uh
Fritz is German/American and his family isn’t so great. His American father was verbally abusive whenever he was around and his mother did somewhat love Fritz, but tended to be physically and even physiologically abusive towards him. He was a well behaved child at home and tried to let out his energy outside the house
They expected him to participate in sports and be a straight A student (despite not caring enough to make sure he gets the support to do so), but that never was for him. He ended up quitting football when he was a junior and his grades started going from high A's to B’s and C’s. But he started to feel happier despite his home life not being the best. 
But of course some days were worse than others. Some of the football boys (immature little shits) would occasionally tease him about his weight and the fact he kept to himself majority of the time. This was one of the big reasons why he quit, but they wouldn’t leave him alone until the next year. He did unfortunately result in hurting himself if things were horrible for him that day. 
He had a really close friend while he was in high school though. Damian. They met for the first time during their freshman year while they were watching a game. Damian decided to sit next to him and after that they were inseparable.
(Until, of course, Damian dies 👍)
Fritz had an eating disorder for a long while, resulting in pre tormenting about his weight. He’s still a pretty strong guy and he is tall👍👍👍👍 (6’1) 
Fritz is Aromantic Asexual but tends to be very cuddly with people he’s close to. He doesn’t see being friendly and “overly” platonic as something that shouldn’t be shared between friends. 
(If y’all ever see art from me of Walter and Fritz being super platonic THEY ARE FRIENDS NOT DATING 🙏🙏🙏)
Ok uh pre main lore lore time 
Before the incidents, Fritz never really talked to Walter. He knew who he was, but never bothered talking to him more often because he seemed like he preferred no one talking to him anyways. He occasionally asked about him to people who knew more about him (main gang), and they even didnt really know too much. Damian has Walter’s number for the purpose of asking him questions for a class they are in and gives it to Fritz just in case he “needs help or somethin’.” (this stuff is important later I guess). 
Damian introduces Fritz to some of the other people he talks to (that being Amia, Jessie, and Rose), and they grow to be friends. This gives him an obvious reason to be concerned once they begin to go missing.
Fritz can’t take the fact they all went missing within the span of a few days. He tries not to assume the worst, but he can’t help but think something bad happened to them. He remember’s the gang's plan to clean up a little abandoned restaurant for a secret and special date for Amia and Rose and plans on looking there first. But before he travels there, he calls Walter to at least have someone know where he’s going so if there was a chance that something happened to him, someone could try and help. 
Quote: “If I dont call back in like… 30 minutes, maybe assume something happened and come look for me? Hahahah…”
He finds the building and begins to search, only to hear laughing from behind a door. The sound of his friends. He finds someone standing. He calls out. 
“Oh, is that you? You found us just in time. We are about to play a game.” A voice that sounds like Amia’s, but something is off. It's too dark to see, but once she turns around, there's an off feeling to her presence. She looks braindead. 
“You’re not Amia.” 
“You’re a smart lad.” a different voice tells him.
Fritz is forced to see the aftermath of SKREEN’s actions to his friends. He has to escape. Fritz ends up getting hurt on his way out, being covered in dust, blood, and other mystery substances, but makes it out in one piece. 
(random off topic thing important for the next part. My boy. He does some not so legal stuff. At the time hes 17, but even before then he would drink and erm… eat NORMAL brownie)
Fritz is desprate to get away and forget everything he saw, he does something really, REALLY dumb (drinks and drives 👍). He begins to hallucinate his dead friends in the car due to hysteria and begins to lose control due to the alcohol. He ends up crashing out of drunkenness and fear.
Walter begins to grow concerned. It’s been longer than 30 minutes since Fritz last called. He goes out to search for him, ending up finding Fritz in his totaled car. 
Thank god Walter knows CPR and how to treat wounds ammiright?
Fritz, once somewhat conscious, hears Walter mention a hospital and totally freaks out and begs not to go because he knows he will get in trouble. 
Walter takes him to his house instead. 
And yeah that's basically all I can think of right now for important lore. If you have more questions about him or other characters ask me and I'll happily awnser!!
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lingering-42-long · 7 months
Project winter
A gift for a fellow COD writer as it is their birthday today.
Happy Birthday @mactavishwritings ! This was such a joy to do for you!
Warnings: non, mild language, the usual cod stuff.
This was a solo mission. A mission that only one person could handle. Winter was the daughter of a very wealthy Senator, who is being targeted by a Russian terrorist group. In hopes of drawing him out of his hiding spot, they sought out his daughter. While the rest of the 141 team went out to go find. The leader of the terrorist group, Sergeant McTavish was on watch patrol to her. A personal bodyguard, as the senator did not wish to use all of his resource bodyguards. At first things seemed normal. The two would simply talk to one another spend time with one another. She would show him around her home, the places that she had been when she grew up and her livelihood nowadays. Johnny was very interested in her life. He pay very close attention and constantly was asking her about things. From what he gathered she was a very lonely person. Her high status made her valuable, but she wasn’t interested in dating any of the low and shallow men. She wanted somebody genuine. She wanted somebody who she could rely on. Somebody to protect her not just physically, but also mentally.
Days turned into weeks, and Winter was with Johnny outside, overlooking the beautiful fields and over yonder the forests. Johnny had talked to her about his life in Scotland. About his family and friends back at home he talked about the people who he loved, and about his life in the Highlands. Winter was very curious his life. About how he used to be a football star acting as goalie for his team. She asked him more about the sport, and he often gave her long and lengthy details about what it would be like to train every single morning and how he thought his life would be revolved around the sport.
It was one of these days that winter wasn’t feeling herself. Valentine’s Day was coming around not to mention Today was her birthday. While she received many text messages from her friends, congratulating her on turning one year older, many of them, asking if she wanted to hang out with them, but she declined because she wasn’t feeling it. It didn’t feel like her birthday. I felt like another boring Sunday. She sat in the chair where her make up kit was and stared at her self in the mirror. A knock on the door came and she called out “come in!” the door opened, and Johnny stepped in. “Hey winter, you’ve been in here for a while I was beginning to worry” he chuckled. “ how are you?”
Winter sighed “ I’m fine, but it’s been really difficult for me… today’s my birthday and coming up is Valentine’s Day, and… I don’t know I’ve just been thinking about how lonely I have been all this time… how much I crave for a partner yet I’m so picky in finding the right person, and that it makes it almost unbearable for myself.” She sighed. “ I’m sorry I’m a sap today.”
“Hey now Lass.” Johnny knelt down and held her hand. “ I’m sure the right guy will turn up soon fer ye. Just give it time… in the meanwhile do ye want to come with me to the city where we can get away from all of this?” he made a broad sweeping gesture of her house.
“ yeah, I would like that a lot” she replied.
He helped her up to her feet and let her out of her house to get some fresh air in the city. In all honesty, she loved Johnny. He was funny, charismatic, sweet, and kind. And he had such a great personality to him. She didn’t know how to tell him that she liked him. This killed her on the inside.
On the other hand, Johnny was beating himself up left and right. On one side, he wanted nothing more than to be with her. To be who she wanted in life. She was sweet and caring, and gentle and fun, loving and adventurous. He always wanted that in a woman. She had a temperament that matched his own, and he loved that. He loved seeing her smile and laugh over his stupid corny jokes. He love the way that she would watch him even when he pretended that he didn’t see her. On the other side of the coin, he knew that this job is only meant for him to watch over her to be her bodyguard, and to protect her until the criminals could be arrested. He knew this wouldn’t last, but Johnny was a determined freak of nature and he would do anything he could to make his shot. He knew that his time was short, so whether or not, he wanted to tell her we’re not that was on his sleeve as of right now. It was her birthday and he planned on taking her out to a nice dinner so that she could relax a little and allow herself to be more free.
By the time they got to the city, he began letting her explore and tour around. Ever so present, and always in tune with her watching over her, and making sure she was safe. Winter was having the time of her life. Being with the man who she had a crash with Feeling safe and secure under his protection, and being guarded by his gentle touches. Winter was really enjoying herself on her birthday like this. Night came, and he took her to a small little beach trail, where he sat near the wall, facing the front door so that she could be protected even while they were enjoying their time. The dinner was delicious and even though she wanted to pay, he told her that he got it covered as a birthday present. Once the two headed out into the beautiful night time, they decided to take a short walk around the park. The sun had just sat in twilight was upon them. I had gotten a little chilly and winter shivering a bit. Johnny placed a warm jacket over her shoulders and let her wear his uniform. He didn’t mind. The two laughed about the evening and sat down at a bench that was well lit by a street lamp.
“ ya know I’ve been meaning ta want ta tell ye something” Johnny’s accent came out sick as he was trying to form words.
“ same I’ve been wanting to tell you something too, but you go first” winter jestered to him.
“Ok ummm… I like ye a lot Winter… this is a compromise ta the mission I know, and I totally understand if ye wish ta change fer another person. I just needed ta get this off mo chest” he looked at her. He was a confident man, but even something as simple as this could make him nervous. It had been a while since I’ve talk to a girl like this, oh, sure, flirting and sharing similar interests and have a normal conversations came normal to him, but when it came down to true emotions, then that’s when he buckled.
“ hey, slow down! I feel the same way too and I wouldn’t want to trade you for anyone else.” Gently, Winter reached over to hold his hand which he grasped it tightly.
The two leaned in for a kiss before Johnny’s radio began to buzz in “Soap this is Price how copy?”
He sighed and pulled away as he answered his com. “ loud and clear, sir. What’s the status?”
“Is winter with you?” Prices voice came back.
“Yes sir she’s with me”
“ oh, thank God… her house has been destroyed. The terrorist attack came sometime an hour ago, thinking that she must’ve been in the house.
Hearing this winter’s face grew very solemn and sad. Johnny held her hand tightly before answering Price.
“ what do you want me to do sir?”
“ take her to the safe house make sure nobody follows him and keep a good close eye on her at all times will rendezvous back with you. Bravo-07 out.” And with that was the click.
As soon as they were back in the company of one, another winter started crying. She sobbed in his arms as he held her close and gently rubbed her back.
“Shhh we can replace a lot of tha you got in there.” he told her. Her life was in danger, she lost all of her things, her father was wanted by a terrorist group. This poor girl did not need any more stress in her life. “ my photos my books, my friends pictures.” She sobbed. “ those were all important to me.”
“Mo bonne Lass” he cooed gently. “ I’m sure Yer friends might have those photos in their own phones. And they are still alive The memories aren’t dead. Don’t worry Lass will get to the end of this quickly, but right now you need to come with me. It’s not safe here.” Johnny helped her up and let her to his car where they both got in and drove to the safe house. He made sure to have nobody follow him.
The safe house was surprisingly also in the city, but in the far side. It looked rundown on the outside, and since it was near the more poverty area, it did seem like it was one of those houses. Inside it was a completely different story. It was cleaning up kept and had the basic furniture. Once they arrive, Johnny helped winter get set up for the few days that she would be there. He made sure she was comfortable and held her hand while she cried. The other teammates came in, and they had a private meeting away from her. The meeting was as it should be. She would be sent away for a short period of time until they could straighten up the terrorist organization. Johnny knew that he would have to be saying goodbye to her soon, but he would make it his personal mission to end at least one of their lives in her name sake.
After the meeting was discussed, Johnny went back into her room and explain things to her. “Hey bonne Lass… I’ve got som news fer ye.” he sat down and sighed heavily. “Yer goin away to a more productive place… I won’t be able ta watch over ya much more… I’m sorry.” Winter laid her head on his shoulder as he held her tightly. He had felt very strong connections with her and honestly he didn’t know what to do. “Kiss me” she whispered. “I…ah…” he paused and looked at the door, but I know one, so he made a decision to kiss her. It was a sweet and tender kiss, but one that spoke of long passion. “I will miss ye my little fireball.” he smiled at her. “I will miss you too.” That night when everybody went to bed, Johnny came back into her room and laid with her. Nothing was done, just simply laying with her and keeping her company as she tossed and turned throughout the night. Ghost was the only one that saw this, but he understood, and he wasn’t about ready to make a fuss, so he quietly continued on patrolling the house without disturbing the two.
The next day she was shipped off to somewhere safer the exchanged a brief hug, even though they wanted more, but with eyes on them, he knew that they couldn’t risk their positions, not at least right now. Just before she was about ready to get into the car, he handed her a piece of paper. “ once Yer safe doll open this up.” He smiled I’ll let ya know when ya can.” he winked at her before helping her into the car and shutting the door. The van drove off, never for them to see her again.
Johnny was going to kill every last bastard that dared tried to hurt her or her family.
Winter was patrolling the cities of Edinburgh, a cold, windy day and clouds, for covering the sky, and its usual dreary wetness she looked at her phone and then looked at the pub and waited outside, shuffling slightly and looking at all the people entering and exiting. “Yer gonna catch a cold Bonne.” A thick Scottish accent spoke behind her, and she quickly turned around to face the man that she was meeting. “ I thought you weren’t gonna show up.” She chuckle that she gave the man a hug. “Ah Lass ya know I always keep my promises” he gave her a tender kiss, before holding her hand and leading her inside. “ You have always been super sweet to me Johnny.” Winter smiled as she gave her man a gentle squeeze on the arm. Johnny found the one that made his heart yarn, and Winter found the one that made her feel safe.
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abubblingcandle · 1 year
Candle's Whumptober Masterlist
Posting this to pin before tomorrow as a tumblr place to keep all the links together
Day 1 - Safety Net
Friend Material - Jamie gets beaten up, lies to Ted about why he is hurt, Dani comes to try and help him feel better but ends up leading a seminar on the magic of friendship
“I do, get that,” Dani began. He kept his voice quiet and soft like he was talking to a skittish racehorse not a premier league footballer. “I prefer to think of it like a safety net. You hope to never need it but when you need it most it is there to catch you. Friends should always catch you when you need it most.”
Day 2 - "They don't care about you."
Snap Chapter 3 - Jane kicks Beard out and he calls Jamie for a drink together to take his mind off it
Day 3 - Broken
A Treatment Room Doors Moment Chapter 1 - What if Roy was the one to see James Tartt Sr throw a boot at his son? It would have gone a lot differently
Sometimes it is the smallest of moments that change lives. That moment could be catching a train or it could be viewed through the window of a Treatment Room door.
In one scenario, an American in London stumbles upon an old protégé in a perilous situation facing down his own blood. The American walks away, that moment is seemingly forgotten but it shapes both their lives in seen and unseen ways.
In one scenario, a veteran of the sport has played his last as the young starlet contemplates his future while faced with his past. One rescues the other, leading to their fates being intertwined.
We've seen how the first scenario plays out. This story follows what might have happened if it had been the second instead.
Day 4 - "You in there?"
Have You Noticed You Are Breathing Chapter 7 - Jamie overexerted himself the night before and struggles to sleep with the pain and whirring of his brain. Ted recruits David Attenborough, Henry Lasso and some cute hamsters to help him make Jamie feel better
Day 5 - "You better pray I don't get up this time around."
Maybe Next Time He'll Think Chapter 1 - Jamie takes in his dad after he leaves rehab but they get into an argument and Jamie hospitalises his dad. He calls Keeley for help and she has to deal with the consequences
The reconciliation between the Tartt men had been a constant worry in the back of Keeley's mind. She compared it to a ticking time bomb. You didn't know when it was going to go but it would and it never let you forget it.
She didn't think that Jamie would be the one to blow though
Day 6 - Recording
Dutch Courage Ch3 - Jamie starts to let other people in and return to life as normal as others realise what Jamie is going through. However a spanner is thrown into the works when Jamie recieves a video from his stalker
Day 7 - Radio Silence
Missing in Play Action - Ted leaves to go play in the MLS after Ted says no to taking him back to Richmond. He cuts off all contact and seems to be a shadow of himself. Keeley tasks Ted and Beard with going and checking in on him
Ted hadn't thought about Jamie Tartt since that ill fated night in the Crown and Anchor where he turned Jamie away. When Keeley wants Ted to check on a friend who is ghosting her while he's over the pond back in the USA, he doesn't plan on mending bridges but it's a good job he always has his hammer ready to go.
Day 8 - Overcrowded ER
Roll Call Chapter 2 - Dani and Colin arrive at the hospital. In the chaos Colin tries to communicate with Richmond but Dani has a bad concussion and needs his friend.
Day 9 - "You're a liar."
A Treatment Room Doors Moment Chapter 2 - Roy deals with the aftermath of his injury. Jamie deals with the aftermath of his altercation with his father. Corwin has to deal with both of them, the poor soul. But Roy and Jamie somehow find some comfort in each other.
Day 10 - Aftermath of Failure
Where the Hell is the Karma? Chapter 3 - Roy panics and tries to hold together the Richmond crew as the police search for the missing Jamie Tartt
Day 11 - Captivity
Where the Hell is the Karma? Chapter 2 - Jamie is taken in the boot of his own car by Bug and Denbo. He is locked in a basement room where time passes and he starts to panic that no one is looking for him. Because surely they would have found him by now ... Right?
Day 12 - Insomnia
One Step Out of Time Chapter 1 - Jamie panics when his dad gets out of rehab. Roy does everything he can try and get Jamie to just go to sleep!
Jamie thought he was rebuilding a relationship with his father. He thought he would be fine when James Tartt Sr was back out into the world as a free sober man. Jamie was wrong on all counts. Now Jamie can't sleep no matter what he tries and why is Roy being so goddamn nice to him all of a sudden?
Jamie explores his relationship with his father, his relationship with his Roy and his relationship with the concept of a relationship all while trying to hold onto his own sanity
Day 13 - "I don't feel so good."
Roll Call Chapter 3 - Sam contends with a dislocated shoulder and tries tog et himself to hospital. Colin struggles with having to be the responsible one and Sam battles the trolls
Day 14 - "Just hold on"
Maybe Next Time He'll Think Ch2 - Jamie is released on bail and ... doesn’t handle it well. Keeley overworks. Beard is the only rational person in this whole house and Doc Sharon sets everyone on the right path
Day 15 - "I'm fine."
Snap Chapter 5 - Jamie calls a meeting but Beard struggles with always being the bridesmaid to Ted's bride after Ted's funeral based breakdown
Day 16 - "Just lie with me and forget the world"
Make Me Fret Chapter 4 - Jamie is released from hospital and has to hide out at Roy's to avoid the vultures. Rupert loses everything but still tries to turn his army of keyboard wankers on Jamie. All Jamie wants is to get back out on the pitch and prove everyone wrong
Day 17 - "Leave me alone"
Like a Black Hole - Jamie's POV of his return to Man City as he implodes
Jamie really feels like he's turned a corner at AFC Richmond and maybe this is his chance to grow like Ted wanted him to.
Then the rug gets pulled out from underneath him
Day 18 - "I tend to deflect when I am feeling threatened"
Snap Chapter 4 - Jamie is getting fed up of being the Richmond whipping boy and wants to be able to snark back ... but he's worried about finding the line between banter and prickdom
Day 19 - "I'm not as stupid as you think I am."
Forgetting How These Things Always Go - Jamie is still around Richmond for Nate's tough love speech and gets teased for being a "weak little baby". He doesn't take it well
Roy doesn't know what to think when the kitman starts roasting the team he works for with the permission of their coach. But the one thing he does know is Jamie does not react to it well
Day 20 - Found Family
It Takes a Village (or a Professional Football Team) - Roy is ill and cannot attend Phoebe's Cup Final. Jamie organises it so that Roy can watch and the whole Richmond crew come down to support her
Roy Kent is sick, Ruth O'Sullivan is at work, Phoebe O'Sullivan has a very important cup final. With both of Jamie's favourite Kents sad, he needs to come up with a plan to make sure this day is the best it can be. This is a job for Uncle Jamie.
Day 21 - Restraints
Where the Hell is the Karma? Chapter 1 - Jamie is kidnapped by Bug and Denbo when they try to rob his house to get money
He had been at Ola’s with Sam. Sam was one of the only teammates that had stayed in London and was just doing admin at the restaurant so Jamie, being the clingy little shit he was, just went to go bless Sam with his presence. It was late when the taxi pulled up and Jamie was tired and ready for bed. He unlocked his door, turned to bolt it and then black.
Bug and Denbo look for an easy pay day robbing the son of their friend and end up with Jamie in peril, none of his friends aware enough to help and no one with a clue how to get out of this situation with their sanity, limbs and freedom intact
Day 22 - Vehicular Accident
Roll Call Chapter 1 - The Richmond team bus is involved in a major collision. Colin is the least hurt of all the first team and has to deal with the aftermath
Colin heard the accident before he saw it. “Fucking idiot,” Jeff cursed from the back of the bus. Before Colin could turn there was an almighty crunch followed by an ear-splitting tearing sound. Colin’s head snapped to the side with a jerk and he felt weightless for a moment. Time slowed. The bus skidded.
AFC Richmond end up in a bus accident on the way to a game and Colin has to contend with the near death of his closest friends
Day 23 - Stalking
Dutch Courage Chapter 1 - Jamie has been dealing with having a stalker. Everyone tells him it is fine apart from Jan Maas who takes him home to keep him safe.
Jan Maas is well aware of the ways his teammates can be idiots but this was a new low. Sitting around assuming everything would be ok when a crazed fan has been following your every moment and apparently knows where you live ... Jamie had lost his mind!
Day 24 - Neglect
Gonna Know My Name Chapter 1 - Baby!Jamie meets his hero Roy Kent realising that he is his best friend's uncle. Roy starts to learn a bit more about Jamie and gets suspicious of his home life
Roy Kent meets a child prodigy at his outreach day at Phoebe's school and is immediately fascinated with his niece's new best friend. When it turns out the young family is struggling, Roy can relate more than they think and decides to lend a hand adding to his small family.
Day 25 - Panic
Make Me Fret Chapter 3 - Roy is convinced by the war room that he is the best option to tell Jamie that his accident wasn't an accident. Jamie panics and takes it badly
Day 26 - "You look awful"
Where the Hell is the Karma? Ch5 - Jamie reunites with his family and friends in Manchester. Recovery is a long frustrating road for all out of Jamie, Roy, Georgie and Simon including steps forward and paparazzi induced set backs
Day 27 - "Let me see."
Dutch Courage Chapter 2 - Jamie settles in to Jan's house. The team continue to be lax about Jamie's safety, the stalker escalates and Jamie ain't no snitch
Day 28 - "You'll have to go through me."
Call a Responsible Adult (you promised) - James Tartt Sr makes an appearance and beats up Jamie while he is looking after Phoebe. Phoebe calls Roy to come save Jamie
Jamie is asked to pick Phoebe up from school while her mother and uncle are working. Jamie's father is released from rehab without Jamie being informed. Together these facts spell disaster.
Day 29 - "I only sink deeper, the deeper I think"
Thuiskomen - Jamie spirals worrying about meeting his boyfriend's parents for the first time
Jan wants his long term boyfriend Jamie to come to the Netherlands to meet his family for Christmas. Initially Jamie panics and ropes in Roy to pull him out of the destructive thought spiral but in the end all he needs to do is take a leap of faith.
Day 30 - "Its ok to say I'm not ok"
It's Not Lost, You Just Don't Know Where It's Gone - Roy torments Jamie on another bike ride confessing that it is the anniversary of his grandad's death and he regrets burning Blankie. Turns out that Jamie accidentally saved Blankie but didn't know this old blanket was important to anyone
Roy and Jamie go cycling again when Roy is struggling with his feelings. Their chat turns to nostalgia and thinking about that ghost fire. Roy tells Jamie about the blanket he regrets burning ... which puts Jamie in an awkward situation for many reasons. 1) Jamie didn't burn the boots his mum gave him 2) And he just lied to Roy about that 3) Roy's blanket didn't burn either 4) And he's just lied to Roy about that as well
Day 31 - "Take it easy"
A Lasso Tartt Kent Jones Sutton O'Sullivan Welton Beard Family Christmas Chapter 1 - This is the first Christmas with all parts of Jamie's family together, and so he has multiple panic attacks about it
Jamie Tartt wants to bring together his new and old family for the festive season. It somehow ends with all the people that have come to care about Jamie coming together in celebration.
Despite that ... Jamie is stressed
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