#i get more excuses to daydream about cuddling etc etc but >_< i’m still freezing regardless
ectoplasmer · 2 years
y’all are gonna hate me for being mushy on main but
I need to be holding yamima and burying my head into his neck, need to hear him quietly complain about how cold i am only to have him wrap his arms around me to pull me closer so i’ll get warmer faster… have him teasingly blow warm air at me so i’ll shiver and get even closer and hear him do that dumb chuckle that tells me he did that fully on purpose… have him kiss my forehead and maybe even nuzzle the top of my head… sobs
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starrymarktuan · 7 years
Early Morning
» Pairing: Jackson Wang x Reader
» Genre: Fluff
» Word Count: 1,930
» Description: Reminiscing over coffee.
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When Jackson woke up the sky was a dull grey, cloudy mass; the smell of rain filtered in through the cracked window on the south wall, fluttering in past the dark blue curtains you loved so much. He made a noise of distaste and ran his hand down his face, frustrated. He’d been getting up early so frequently that he found the habit hard to break. As he’d been falling asleep last night, the both of you thoroughly fucked-out, he’d pictured waking up with you in his arms and a mid-morning sun shining in.
Rather, you were curled into the other side of the bed with the blankets wrapped tightly around you. He was blanket-less and naked, exposed to the cool air of the morning. He glared at you half-heartedly, shivering. You were all for cuddling while you were awake, but as soon as you fell asleep you (often figuratively, but sometimes literally) shoved him to the other side of the bed, taking the blankets with you.
Jackson rolled over and lightly kissed your cheek, trying not to wake you; a glance at the clock read 4:56AM; “Fuck,” he muttered. He slid to the edge of the bed and touched his bare feet to the floor, another shiver running up his spine, causing him to mutter another frustrated curse. He walked into the closet and dressed quickly and as warmly as possible. He was whispering softly in Chinese about how cold it was and why was it so cold and why was he awake so early and why did he have to hide his biceps, etc.
Once changed, he padded over to the window and pulled it shut, instantly relieved by the loss of the chilling breeze. He peeked up at the clouds and guessed at a storm. The idea of spending a day in with you warmed him immediately. It had been too long since the two of you had spent a lazy day together.
Jackson turned and walked toward your side of the bed, kissing your cheek again and tucking the sheets into you tightly. You whined slightly at the jostling movement but otherwise stayed asleep. Jackson rolled his eyes at you but smiled nonetheless.
“God you’re gorgeous,” he whispered before leaving the room.
He walked silently into the kitchen, turning on the light as he went. He turned to check on the bedroom door, making sure no light would seep into the room and wake you. He looked around the kitchen and made up his mind: coffee first, breakfast in bed second.
Jackson walked to the cupboard and retrieved the coffee grinds and the liners. He did each task of coffee preparation with the skill of someone who has done this every day for the past three years. He was taken aback by that thought, pausing as he scooped grinds into the filter. Three years? Had it really been that long? Three years living together meant...almost four years together total? He placed the filter and its holder back into the machine and turned to get the water. He thought back to four years ago. How could it have gone by so quickly?
He poured the water into the machine carefully, daydreaming about the day he’d first met you. It was a day kind of like this one, now that he thought about it. Gloomy and overcast, brisk and chilly. You had accidentally retreated from the cold outside and into the lobby of JYP, and the security guard was giving you a hard time about it.
Jackson had entered through the front with Mark and Youngjae, the others following behind. Youngjae commented on the pools of water near the doors, and Mark said something sarcastic back. Jackson’s eyes had followed the trail of water to your shivering figure.
You were wearing leggings and an oversized hoodie, both soaked through. You were curled into yourself and shivering, and the security guard was red-faced as he talked to you. A protective instinct snapped in Jackson as he saw you huddling away from the angry employee.
As he approached, Youngjae calling out to him to see where he was going, he could hear your stuttered excuses, “I’m so sorry, I’ve been walking in this for almost an hour. Can’t I just wait out the rain? It’s very cold outside.” As he got closer he could see your shaking, cold fingers and your lips tinged with blue, water dripping down your face.
“Get out!” the old security guard blubbered, “You’re not allowed in here! Employees only!”
Jackson’s heart pounded in his chest and he swooped in without hesitating. Before he could consider what he was doing he wrapped his arm around your shoulders and tucked you into his side. Your head snapped up to his figure, and he could see your adorable furrowed brow in his peripheral. He could feel your chill against his side, his warmth spreading to your skin. Feeling this warmth, your body curled into his side involuntarily, seeking comfort for your chilled bones.
“She’s with me,” Jackson said, looking directly at the security officer, “I asked her to meet me here,” then he turned to you and said, “Jagiya if I had known you were going to walk, I would’ve picked you up.” He turned to face you fully, taking your hands in his to warm them up. He looked at your face full on for the first time and had his breath knocked out of him.
Your eyes were wide and gorgeous, looking up at him terrified and nervous, and hopeful. Your lips were quivering and slightly blue, and your hair was glued to your face because of all of the water. Jackson found himself watching a drop slide down your face, to your neck and disappear beneath the hoodie. He wanted to tuck you into his chest and hold you until you felt better.
The coffee maker beeped underneath his fingertips, the hot water pouring over the coffee beans and into the pot. Jackson smiled as the smell filled the air and he turned to the fridge. He paused in front of the doors as two small arms wrapped around his torso.
“Babe,” Jackson whined, “I was going to bring you breakfast in bed.” He brought his hands to fold over yours, warming the tips of your fingers much like he did when you’d first met.
You tighten your hold around his waist, kissing the spot beneath his ear, “I don’t care.”
“I was trying to be romantic,” he said, turning in your grasp to face you, smiling despite himself.
“You are romantic,” you laughed, nuzzling your face into his chest. You had never been with anyone quite as romantic as Jackson, or as caring and loving. He shamed all other boyfriends. His arms wrapped around you, holding you close to him. That is until he noticed that you weren’t wearing socks.
“Jagiya!” he scolded, “Go put on socks! And pants! It’s freezing and you’re going to get a cold!” he said, turning you away from him and pushing you towards the bedroom. He watched you walk back to the room, looking back to smile at him. His heart swelled in his chest. It had been almost four years, he thought, and he loved you more every moment. He thought his heart would burst.
While you were gone he poured you both cups of coffee and walked over to the couch, breakfast long forgotten. He sipped at his, and left yours on the table, closing his eyes and waiting for you. The feel of the coffee in his hands and the smell filling his nose recalled images of your first date. As he put his cup next to yours on the table, he saw the memory play in his mind. He’d gotten a similar feeling in his chest that day, too.
You had asked him to coffee, insisting that you repay him for his courtesy that rainy day. Jackson didn’t even try to be humble or play hard to get - he wanted to see you again, tact be damned. He’d agreed immediately, antsy for the date already.
He arrived first, sitting nervously at a table by the window. It was only the day after he had saved you from the security guard, so the sky was still overcast and grey. He found the weather comforting as if the dark clouds were a blanket ensuring the safety of this date, of his budding feelings.
He looked up when the bell dinged and the door opened, and just like the first time he’d seen you in the lobby, he went breathless. This was a totally different look from the soaked-kitten aesthetic you’d been sporting yesterday. Your hair was down and curled, your makeup was perfectly set and you were wearing a cozy winter-dress.
You caught sight of Jackson in the shop immediately, and you were nervous as you headed towards him. You’d spent nearly two hours getting ready that day; you curled your hair, did and redid your makeup, called your best friend to pick an outfit. You were slightly nervous that he was an idol, but most of your anxiety arose from how perfect he was. You wanted to feel as perfect as you could, too.
“Hey, did you order yet?” you asked, your voice taking on an airy, breathless tone. Jackson shook his head, his eyes wide, unable to form words just yet. You took your bag off and placed it on the table, retrieving your wallet.
“What did you want?” you wondered, “I’ll go order,” you smiled.
“Oh, you don’t have to…”
“I insist,” you said, looking down and tucking your hair behind your ear, “It’s the least I can do.”
“Oompf!” Jackson groaned as you jumped into his lap on the couch, causing his mind to fast-forward four years in two seconds, “Hello,” he said, kissing your cheek. You settled into his lap so that your back was against his chest and your legs were thrown over his.
“Hi,” you said, leaning over to pick up your own cup of coffee, “What were you thinking about so intensely?” You sipped it sheepishly, pulling back when it burnt your tongue.
Jackson wrapped his arms tightly around your waist, pulling your back into his chest so that your head could rest in the crook of his neck. He kissed your hair and murmured, “Our first date.”
“Oh gosh,” you said, hiding your face in his neck, “I was so nervous.”
“Me too,” he chuckled.
“No way,” you scoffed, sipping your coffee again, “Confident and charismatic Jackson Wang, GOT7 idol and junior Olympic fencer!”
“Aish,” he said, tickling you in the sides so that you squealed your surrender.
“You were stunning, okay?” he said, “And I wanted you to like me.”
“I am gorgeous, huh?”
“Hmm,” he hummed, “Why were you nervous, then? Cause of ‘confident and charismatic Jackson Wang, GOT7 idol and junior Olympic fencer’?”
“I mean, kinda, but mostly because you just seemed so perfect - gorgeous, of course,” he hummed his approval, sipping his coffee, “but also really sweet and kind. I wanted you to like me too.”
He smiled at you for a moment, kissing you softly, coffee mingling on your lips. He sighed into the back of your neck and said, “And three years later you’re hogging all the blankets and drinking all the coffee.”
“Yah,” you whined, turning on his lap so that you faced him, “You know you love it!”
“Yup,” Jackson said, his hand on the back of your neck pushing your lips towards his for a heated kiss.
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