#i get ideas from everywhere i'm sorry 💀
willowser · 2 years
will!! hello!!! ✨💫 u have many versions of bakugou running around on both of your blogs and i am here to ask—which one is your favorite? god of war bkg? nerd bkg? android(?) bkg? bkg from and you take me the way i am ? the whole world wants to know!! 🎤
shay !! a darling, hello !! 🥺✨️🌱
i. do have so many versions of him, don't i ? ahfejrbbsma i'll tell you one thing, i WILL talk about that man in any situation i can stuff him in LOL it never ends, i fear 😔✌🏼
oh, gosh, my favorite !! 🥺 how do i choose, how do i choose !! 🥺 each of my lil bakugou's have had their spotlight in my brain for far longer than could be considered normal, and i love them all dearly, will always be able to go on and on about them BUT !!
man, i do have to say that right now, i am really into ex husband bkg 🥺 literally days ago, i said it was nerd bkg, but idk !! something about the pining and the yearning and the sorrow and the regret and the still-burning love, it's like 🥺 it just gets to me 🥺 i love to see a man win it all back !! 🥺
nerd bakugou is a real close second though 😩 especially after anon's adult bakugou question !! and the fanart of bakuglasses from joops !! 😩 i wanna shake him around like a ragdoll 🥺 i wanna kiss him stupid 🥺 he's such a dork 🥺
honorable mention is cowboy bkg too, bc my love for him was reignited after another anon question 😔✌🏼 haven't though about him for a hot minute, but. wow. what a handsome man 🥺
do — 🥺 do you have a favorite, shay, my dearest ?? 🥺 i would be so curious to know !!
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nicksolemnlyswears · 1 year
I am in LOVE with your writing. I have been craving some good Han Lue works and you're filling the hole!
Everywhere is extremely lacking in quality Han Lue content bro 😭😭
But any whosies.
I was wondering if it were at all possible to request a Han work from you (from what I've seen you still have requests open so if you don't im sorry)
Specifically something about a reader who's fucking amazing at driving, and has been crushing on Han for a while, and the two decode to race (set in Tokyo) and whoever wins gets the loser to do what they want. Y'know classic setup.
You could choose where this leads to. Idc if we win or loose. All I want is a little bit of fluff sprinkled amongst some smut mayhaps. You could do this in headcannon format btw don't feel obligated to write the whole thing.
I'm just thirsting for any thing I can take 💀🙏🏼
Take your time! <3
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pairing: han lue x racer!reader
words: 11.4k
warnings: some cursing and smut (pls wrap it before you tap it) don't judge my smut too much, it's been a while since i've written one
notes: hi anon! thank you for all your sweet, sweet words 🥺 i hope this is somewhere along the lines of what you were thinking of. as soon as i saw your request i was ✨inspired✨ it's been a long time since i've been so hooked by a oneshot. i have worked on it almost everyday since i received it so thank you! i changed the request just a little bit, i hope you don't mind.
trust me i know there is a ridiculous lack in han content! it's the reason i'm here writing over this man! there is not enough content for the speed i consume it, lol. i've read my own headcanons like 10 times already, excluding the times i was working on it.
anyways! might have gotten a little carried away but i enjoyed writing it so much! here you go! enjoy!
i really really hope you like it!!
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Tokyo was the city where you learned how to street race. Weaving through the cars on the highway became second nature the harder you pressed the gas pedal. The neon lights turned into blurs as you sped down traffic, whether it was in search of a prize or a thrill.
You were meant to meet Han Lue. His presence became known as soon as he stepped foot in the parking complexes that serve as makeshift race tracks. He quickly became popular with the crowd, especially when he joined DK's crew.
His races were seen as exclusive, known to happen once in a blue moon. He was totally opposite to you. You took the opportunity to race any moment you could. It's what lead you to become a good racer. Practice makes perfect, after all.
'Good racer' is a bit of an understatement. You're one of the best right after DK. There's a debate about whether the second best is you or Han. Each person can take their pick. Many have suggested the idea for the both of you to race, but Han has shot down each and every one. He doesn't need to prove himself to anyone. Besides, he hasn't had anything to gain from racing you.
People like to call you 'Angel' because when you started participating in the races, you looked like an absolute angel, but soon after, they discovered you raced like the devil. You fool everyone around you, even with the way you drive. Whenever someone has to go against you, they think they have your strategy down, yet you switch it up every time.
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The distinctive revving of your car alerts Han of your presence. He glances to his left, where you've parked right beside him. As you open the door and step out of your car, he opens a bag of chips, depositing one into his mouth.
You walk over to him, leaning against his car like he is. The bare skin of your back arching slightly as it touches the cool metal. "Have I missed anything?"
Han shakes his head cooly, watching his surroundings. He spares you a glance, taking in what you're wearing. A short, shimmery dress with an open back and high heels. Seems like you don't plan on racing tonight. You refuse to race in high heels. You've tried before and failed. You didn't lose, but you did break off both heels.
You feel his eyes trailing over your body, and you don't mind it. You like that you can catch his attention that way. Having a crush on a guy like Han takes work. He has every woman's attention in the racing underground. They often cling to his arms and bat their eyelashes his way, and he has gladly taken a few of them home.
"You done judging my outfit?" You say, looking at him.
"Not judging, admiring," he promptly replies with a small shrug.
That right there is what feeds into your silly little crush. Han isn't afraid of your comments or banter. If you look good, he'll say it. It's the way he says it that irks you, though. He is so nonchalant and aloof like he's commenting on the weather.
It doesn't help that he's never truly made a move on you. He considers you his friend and acts that way (most of the time, at least). You hate every moment because being his friend is the last thing you want.
"I take it you're not gonna race tonight?" He asks, already knowing the answer. He just needed an excuse to talk to you. Digging into his bag of chips, he grabbed another one to pop into his mouth.
"Not unless it's against you," you respond cheekily.
Han chuckles, "Not you too."
"Are you afraid of losing, Han?" You ask him, keeping your eyes on the race about to start. Why else would he avoid racing you?
Han props one arm on the roof of his car, facing you and saying, "If you're into racing, you can't be afraid to lose, Angel."
"Then why don't you spoil me a little and race me?" You hum, turning your head to face him. He's much closer than you anticipated, but you resist the urge to pull back despite the reddening of your cheeks. You want Han to know you like him even if you refuse to say it out loud.
"Maybe one day when I have something to race for," he responds simply, kissing your cheek and turning back to watch the race.
You release a shaky sigh and try to calm your pounding heart. Extending a hand, you dip your fingers into Han's nearly empty bag of chips and steal one for yourself. Han doesn't mind lowering the bag to make it easier for you. There's a smirk on his face as he fully well knows what he did. It's fun to make you flustered.
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Han is out on the streets of Tokyo doing business or collecting his money from the greedy hands of wanna be gangsters. It's entertaining, to say the least, although sometimes it gets tedious. It's only fun when they get rowdy and want to intimidate him. They should know better than to judge Han by his calm exterior.
He's walking by the busy streets of Shibuya, the shopping district of Tokyo, minding his business. Han avoids the masses of people until he looks into a store and sees you. You're by the checkout desk, ringing out a client.
Han can't help it; he's drawn to you. Forgetting the wad money he has to collect, he enters the store. The bell on top of it chimes, prompting you to greet the customer in an abnormally cheery tone.
"Hello, welcome to-Han?" You stutter over the greeting, seeing his slightly mocking grin.
Han walks over to you and leans on the counter, there was barely anyone in the store now. Perfect timing. He assesses you and your overly pink clothes, bedazzled name tag, and glossy pink lips. It's unlike you to be so pink. He recalls you telling him you hate the wretched color.
"So this is where you work, Angel," he hums, toying with the trinkets on the checkout counter.
"Not everyone can survive with racing and sketchy side deals," You mutter. One hand on your tilted hip as you shoot him an annoyed look.
If racing made you enough money, you certainly would not be working in a store that makes you wear pink on every single shift. You could get more involved in the sketchy part of racing, but things are alright for now.
"True," Han stifles a laugh. He grabs a lollipop from the big jar filled with sweets for the paying customers and pops it into his mouth.
You extend a hand to throw away the colorful wrapping, and he places it gently on your hand, fingertips grazing your palm. You're not a teenager to be reacting over such minuscule actions, yet you do.
"What are you doing here, Han?" Han adores it when you say his name that way, pretending to be annoyed by his presence when in reality, you love having him around.
"Wanted to visit my favorite girl," he responds aloofly, carefully gauging your reaction. As he expected, your cheeks redden, and you try to hide it.
"Did you know lying makes your nose grow long," you scoff, rolling your eyes.
"Could be useful," Han says cheekily, causing your blush to deepen.
"If you're not going to buy anything, you can't be here," you shoot with a pout.
You weren't prepared to face Han this afternoon. You didn't get to repeat your affirmation as you do every night you encounter him. His constant playfulness throws you off, not giving you the opportunity to compose yourself.
"Oh no, consumerism got its claws on you," he jokes sarcastically. You glare at him and cross your arms over your chest, which only emphasizes the size of your chest. "Fine, help me find a new jacket?"
You round the counter and motion for Han to follow you toward the men's section. Your coworker will have no problem taking over the checkout counter.
You shoot Han question after question in search of the perfect jacket for him: colors, textures, durability, versatility, sizing, and so on. He responds just as quickly, propping an arm up and leaning against a rack of clothes as he watches you storm all over the store in search of the item that screams Han. He had no intentions of buying anything today but seeing how invested you got it leaves him no choice.
"I quite like this one," you beam, standing Han in front of a full-length mirror. You slide off the jacket he's wearing and replace it with the nice black leather jacket you found for him. Dusting him off, you look into the mirror seeing how perfectly it fits his broad shoulders.
"Why do I feel like you're giving me the most expensive one?" Han asks, looking at himself in the mirror.
He had to admit you picked well. He looks great in the black leather jacket. It didn't have too many buckles to make him uncomfortable, and it wasn't too warm either. The material felt nice and luxurious hence his comment.
"You asked for my help," you shrug, "It's not my fault I have expensive taste. Besides, you look hot in it." You wink at Han through the mirror.
Han tries to hide the smile forming on his lips. You were getting bolder and bolder. He knows about your crush on him; you're terrible at hiding it. Truthfully, he's felt the same from the moment he saw you race. You're oblivious, though, so he likes to tease you.
"I'll take it," Han sighs, refusing to look at the price tag. "Might even wear it on a date."
"Oh, you've got a date?" Your smile falters, quickly regretting picking such a nice outfit that makes him look so handsome. You'd definitely put out if a man wore that to a date and was as lovely as Han. All of your hard work just for another girl to enjoy it. If you catch one of Han's little friends wrapped around the jacket...you will burn it.
"Not yet," he says mysteriously, taking off the jacket and returning to the checkout counter. Han has to get going. He does have to collect his money. Especially now that you've convinced him to buy the expensive leather jacket. 'It's an investment,' he tells himself.
"She'll be one lucky girl," you huff, scanning the tag, carefully folding it, and placing it on a bag. "Don't worry, I'll apply the friends and family discount."
You watch Han go through the display window and hope he was just fucking with you on the whole date thing. You can live with your crush and have him as just a friend, but if he gets a girlfriend, you will not be able to manage it. You scold yourself silently for acting like a lovesick teenager. You're better than that. Right?
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Taking the party to Han's club after a race is a must, especially after winning six thousand dollars. You won't have to worry about rent for at least six months, which is something to celebrate.
You park next to Han's car, and he waits for you to enter the plain-looking building. People greet him left and right as they go through the door that pours music and lights each time it's opened.
"You sure are popular," you tease him, leisurely walking towards him.
"Comes with the territory," Han responds without missing a beat. "Ready?" He asks, motioning for you to walk ahead of him.
"Always," you chirp. You purposefully accentuate the sway of your hips, giving Han something to look at.
Being a Friday night, the inside is filled to the brim, there isn't any space for more drunken people. Using your short height to your advantage, you easily find a way to the connecting hallway between this part of the club and the more exclusive one.
Han isn't as lucky constantly losing you from his sight. He's conscious that you are a grown woman capable of making your own decisions and caring for yourself, but he'd feel better being with you.
When he catches up to you at a point, he grabs your hips, pressing you against him, preventing you from getting lost again. You look back, startled, expecting to see a stranger rubbing against you. Noticing this, Han quickly calms you, "It's just me, Angel."
'It's just Han,' you repeat to yourself. You grab onto one of his hands, holding onto your hip, taking full advantage of the situation. Having Han wrapped around you feels like being on cloud nine. If this wasn't his club, you'd be going in circles, so he never pulls away.
With Han holding onto you, the way to the 'not-so-secret' hallway takes longer than usual. Not that you're complaining, though! Han's firm grip makes you fall harder for him. It fuels your imagination on how it would feel in other situations.
Han enjoys this position just as much as you do. He can pretend it's a safety thing as he steers you away from the sweaty bodies of drunks dancing, but it's for his selfish gain.
Having your body close to him reminds him of what he's missing and desperately desires. It started as a little innocent game for Han, knowing you had a crush on him, but then it turned into something more. He likes that you have feelings for him and wants it to stay that way. Han wants your attention on him all the time. His games are over; he wants you.
To your surprise, Han doesn't let go of your waist when you enter the hallway. Instead, he slings one arm around it as he walks beside you. "Maybe we should've taken the other entrance," he smirks.
"And miss the show?" You chuckle, finding a couple making out in the deserted hallway. Neither is willing to admit it's not about the show but about Han's proximity.
Unlike all the other times in the past you've partied with Han, he doesn't let go of you for more than two minutes. You dance all night together, just the two of you, no girls coming up to Han and no guys coming up to you. There simply wasn't a window of opportunity.
"You enjoying yourself?" He says in your ear over the loud music. Your back is against his front as your sway and roll your body to the beat. One of his hands is nursing a drink, and the other is right where it should be, on you.
"I won 6k and have a cute guy buying me drinks and dancing with me. What do you think?" You giggle, turning in his arms to face him instead. The drinks stop you from overthinking and let you wrap your arms around his neck. Faces close. You want to kiss him so bad you're not drunk enough, though, and it's not the way you'd like to do it, either.
"Just making sure," he smiles down at you, hand on your lower back.
The night is long, yet with Han, it goes by so fast. Sooner than you'd prefer, he walks you to your car, no longer holding onto your waist but your hand. There are only a few stragglers left behind who refuse to acknowledge the night is over. You and Han are two of them.
Reaching your white and red, modified skyline Han opens the door for you. With one arm propped against the open door and the other extended onto the roof, Han cages you against your car. Before you get in, you turn to face him, finding the bravery to do something you've been thinking about all night.
"Thanks for tonight, Han. I had fun," you say softly, suddenly feeling shy.
"Anytime, Angel," he responds smoothly, brushing his fingers on your naked shoulder. The jacket you wore earlier was discarded somewhere in the bar. An excuse for Han to see you outside the races.
"Well, goodnight." Gathering every particle of bravery, you stand on your toes and peck his lips softly.
It's only a tiny, innocent kiss, yet it makes Han close his eyes. It happens too quickly for his liking. You have been growing bolder, bold enough to kiss him. He needs to step up his game.
Taking advantage of his distracted state, you close your car door and rev the engine. On the drive to your apartment, you squeal in excitement. Fingers ghost over your lips, replaying the small kiss over and over again.
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Another chance at a race becomes available only days after your win. Men love to challenge women, especially those who are winning, much like you are.
They hate seeing you be successful, but it doesn't bother you in the least. It's another opportunity to win cash or a car, which you can use for parts and sell what you don't need.
As you roll up to the starting line, Han approaches your window, leaning down to duck his head in.
"Come to give me a good luck kiss?" You speak playfully, lips turned up into a smile.
You two haven't talked about what happened at the club and have continued to act as you usually do. He's been more touchy with you, though, often trying to find a way to be close to you. Being the lovestruck fool you are, you've encouraged it, finding those ways to let him be close.
"We both know you don't need luck. You've got this in the bag, Angel." Han speaks encouragingly, "Tell you what, though. You win, and it's yours."
"Making me earn it, I see," you laugh, shaking your head. "Alright, you've got a deal. See you on the other side."
Han is confident you'll win. With a last reassuring tap on your door, he steps back, finding his place in the crowd.
Your opponent finally drives up to the starting line, sending you an unnecessary nasty look you laugh at. The flag girl stands between the two cars, her dress leaving nothing to the imagination. You respect it. They are a lot more confident than you are in that department.
You are off when the word 'go' falls from her lips. You knew this track by heart, having raced it so many times. You knew exactly when to hit the gas and when to press the brake to get the car to swerve. Han's full attention is on your race, and when your car disappears to another level, he takes the elevator up to the top floor, where the finish line is. Watching you race is interesting. You always come up with ways to confuse your opponents.
With a bag of chips, he anxiously waits for your victory. Regardless of your ability to race and win, your races make him nervous. He cares about you, and so many things can go wrong.
The noisy crowd gets louder as the sound of tires screeching gets closer. In seconds, your car swerves onto the top floor, again marking you as the victor. There's not a scratch or bump in your car. Your opponent arrives shortly after with dents and long scratches in his paint.
The crowd cheers loudly for you, coming up to you to congratulate you and tell you how cool you looked. Your opponent comes up to you and hands you his keys with a scowl. You shrug it off. A deal is a deal.
Winning leaves you on a high, a feeling of invincibility wrapping around you. You've learned to control it because that feeling caused a big loss years ago. You get distracted by the people around you and forget Han's promise. It's funny because it was the only thing running through your head while you raced.
"Good job out there," Han says, catching up to you later in the night once the hype died down.
"Why, thank you!" You chirp, closing the hood of your car and leaning back to sit on it.
"I believe I made a promise," Han mentions, stepping close to you until you're face to face, only a few inches between the two of you. "You did," you nod, biting your lip.
Han notices this, bringing a hand up to cup your face, his thumb tugging your lip loose from the tight hold of your teeth. The other wraps around your waist, pulling you close. You slide on the warm metal of your car, placing a hand on his chest to brace yourself as Han settles between your legs.
"I'm a man of my word," he whispers, finally leaning down to press his eager lips against yours. Han is greedy for many things, and your lips are one of them. Ever since that night at the club, he's wanted to smash his lips against yours, to feel you close, taste you.
Your eyes instantly flutter close, fisting Han's shirt in your hand as if afraid he'll pull away too quickly. The kiss starts slowly as you both test the waters, but it soon becomes not enough. Han tilts his head, deepening the kiss.
It's an electric shock that consumes him and doesn't let him go. This is the result of Han holding himself back, and you made it worse when you gave him a taste the other night.
Han slips a hand under your shirt, feeling the warmth of your skin. You gasp against his lips, arching your back as his cold fingers catch you by surprise. It serves as an opportunity for Han, his tongue pushing past your pouty lips, savoring the moment.
You gave into him, offering everything you have in exchange for this moment. His warmth wraps around you, burning you from the inside out. The need to breathe makes itself present too soon and becomes far more demanding than the need for each other's lips.
Han pulls away, your bottom lip between his teeth. You're breathless, as if you ran a marathon. You feel lightheaded, intoxicated by Han, who continues to peck your lips softly. He might be addicted already. The tips of his fingers draw soothing circles on your lower back, grounding you in the moment.
"So this is what winning feels like," you breathe out, smoothing Han's shirt with your palms. A futile way to hide their shakiness.
Han laughs, pressing his face against your neck and leaving a fleeting kiss behind. "Appears so, Angel."
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A perk of being Han's friend is using his garage whenever you want. The days of paying for a spot to fix your car in a stranger's garage are far in the past. At the moment, you've spent the most part of the afternoon upgrading your car. The car you won on your last race sits beside yours with the hood popped open as you switched around pieces. He had quality parts, and his driving still sucked.
Twinkie, Earl, and the others are scattered around the large garage, working on different things and chattering. You had purposefully picked a spot away from them so you wouldn't get distracted. With work, your time is limited.
Han is on the second floor, leaning against the railing and pretending to watch the first floor and what they are doing. In reality, he is watching you closely.
You're bent over the hood of the car, working on unscrewing a tight bolt, cursing at the man who installed it initially. It's a sight straight out of his dreams. Your Nike sweatpants hung low on your hips, framing your ass perfectly. If he focused, he'd see the dimples on your lower back. His mind ran wild at the thought of pressing his thumbs against them while taking you from behind.
It's been a while since he's slept around. He cut himself off when he realized his feelings for you. What was the point of sleeping around if he wouldn't be satisfied? Those girls weren't you. They were temporary relief. Now, his pants tighten at anything you do. It's like he's seventeen again and unable to keep it in his pants.
He followed the curve of your ass to your arched back and the cropped shirt you wore. The matching crew neck sweater you arrived in is discarded in your car due to the heat. The revealing shirt rose with each of your movements, revealing the band of your baby blue bra. You tug on it for the millionth time today, annoyed.
The strands of hair you curled to frame your face stick uncomfortably to your sweaty forehead. You regret not putting them back into the two braids that fell over your shoulders.
Han needed to rip his eyes away from you before the others noticed. He's been staring for too long, fantasizing about everything he could do to you. To Han, you looked even more beautiful than you did that night with your sparkly dress and makeup. A woman who knows her way around a car is instantly a hundred times more attractive in his eyes.
As he accidentally visualizes you taking his cock from that same exact position, car included, you groan and straighten up. "I need help," you whine to no one in particular. The bolt is not budging, no matter how hard you try.
Han snaps out of his fantasy and springs into action, quickly appearing by your side. You've bent over again, wrench in hand, to give it one more try before giving up. He leans beside you, a hand on your lower back for faux support.
"What's the matter, Angel?" He says softly, one hand propping him up as he looks at the machinery under the hood. It's better if he helps you. He can't continue listening to your whines and groans.
"I need to unscrew those," you point at the bolts giving you a hard time.
Han asks for the wrench in your hands, and you place it in his hand, annoyed. You don't need the help of a man to do this, but it's Han, so you'll take it. You watch him as he places the wrench around the bolt, his arm tenses, emphasizing his muscles hidden by the short-sleeved button-up he wore over a white wife-beater tank.
His hair fell around his eyes as he successfully unscrewed the bolts. Feminism died as you lustfully took in Han, biting your lip. 'What a man,' you thought. You would've instantly refused the help if he had been any other guy.
"There you go," Han says, handing you the wrench. When he spares you a glance, he laughs softly. Good to know he has the same effect you have on him.
"Whatever would I do without you," you purr, shooting him a mischievous smile, "You deserve a reward." That's what it has come to, silly excuses to kiss Han because you're just friends. Nothing more.
Han looks at your lips briefly before snapping back to your eyes. You grin at him, leaning closer to kiss him for his 'hard work.' You know that he's been watching you all this time; you saw it from the reflective surface of the toolbox. Seeing his quickness to help you makes you believe he enjoyed the show.
Your lips brush teasingly against his, and just before Han can grab the back of your neck to stop the teasing, a loud bang tears through the room. Both you and Han pull away to see where the sound comes from, but Han bangs his head on the car's hood in the process.
"What the hell was that?" Han yells, rubbing the back of his head. He's annoyed that he's been interrupted.
"Sorry! The motor I was working on fell!" Earl exclaims from the other side of the garage, unaware of the daggers Han is throwing him.
"Best I get back to work," you quietly say with a chuckle, taking the piece you needed out of the car to bring it to yours.
"Yeah," Han says simply, reluctantly leaving to do his own thing.
Each and everyone that's in Han's garage returns to their business after the noisy interruption. Twinkie turns on a radio, blasting music to drown out the silence and clanking of tools. You work without interruption for the next three hours, giving your car all the love it deserves.
You clean your hands free of the motor oil and grease and search for Han. Your work for today was done. Now that you took anything valuable from the car you won, you had to sell it. You figured Han could do that for you.
"Hey, are you busy?" You ask him, seeing him working on a part by his desk.
"Nah, what's up, Angel?" He questions, dropping the screwdriver in his hand to focus all his attention on you.
Leaning on the desk casually, you begin speaking, "After I replace the bumper and give it a new paint job, can you sell that car for me?"
"Shouldn't be a problem," glancing at the car, Han agrees. It's a popular car in the racing world, and as soon as he gets the word out he's selling it, many offers will pop up.
"You're the best, Han!" You beam at him, pushing yourself off the desk to return downstairs.
"Angel, wait," he calls after you. Being your friend has been fun, yet he needs more. You shouldn't have to come up with excuses to kiss him; you should be able to do it freely whenever you want.
"Yes, Han," you ask softly, tilting your head in question.
Standing up from the rolling chair, he approaches you, "Do you want to go on a date?"
A grin sneaks past your lips before you even process what he said. Instantly, you nod your head, "I'd love to." You could combust at that moment. Finally, after months of pining, Han asked you out.
"Let's go," he smiles, grabbing your hand and guiding you to his car.
"Wait, now?" You furrow your eyebrows.
"Yes, unless you have something more important," he asks, teasing you.
"Nothing is more important, but I'm a mess," you shake your head hesitantly. You spent your afternoon working on cars, sweating, and getting covered in grease. You didn't think it would be in sweatpants when you pictured going on a date. Not to mention the state of your hair.
"No, you're not. If you must know, you've had me distracted all day," Han whispers the last part in your ear, trying to convince you even if it means giving himself away.
"Am I supposed to apologize?" You question, the corner of your lip curving into a sultry smile. You had been right all along.
"No, just agree to the date. Be spontaneous," Han bounces his eyebrows cutely.
"Let's do it," you sigh, hoping you won't regret it.
"Atta girl," Han smiles victoriously.
Han tries to remember the last time he had a proper date. Even with his ex, they just sort of happened. No date ever officially branded as such. It's why rather than asking you and waiting for the day to arrive, he decided to do it spontaneously. It leaves him no time to be nervous or to overthink things.
You slide your sweatshirt back on on the way out to shield yourself from the chilly Japanese night. Han opens the door to his car for you, shutting the door when you slip in. The drive is short as he takes you to a small family-owned sushi place he swears by.
"I'm surprised you eat more than chips and crackers," you joke with him as the food arrives, and he takes a bite.
"I definitely eat more than that," Han replies nonchalantly, referring to something else entirely. It's something you don't catch despite your dirty mind.
A discussion develops when you discover Han always orders the same thing in the restaurant. He's in Japan. He needs to throw himself into the culture and try new things.
Starting easy, you grab a piece of sushi from your plate, "You need to try this."
"I don't know," Han grimaces as he looks at the sushi held in your chopsticks.
"That's not an answer. Open your mouth," you groan, gently placing the sushi roll in his mouth.
You watch him chew slowly, getting a feel for the new food. "It's good," he agrees, liking whatever you had ordered. It was delicious, actually.
"Better than yours, right?" You ask him, knowingly, pointing your chopsticks at him.
"Yes," he rolls his eyes, refusing to give you the satisfaction.
"Told you," you sing, grabbing both plates and placing them in the middle of the table. Now you could each grab from both and share your meals.
The date goes smoothly. It's a wonder why the two of you hadn't gone to dinner before today. You already know Han is attentive and funny but his wisdom surprises you. He's already lived through so much, more than an average person. Despite being a couple years older than you, he retains his youth. That may be why he appeals to a younger crowd as well.
"What was your life like growing up?" You ask him, taking a drink from your Coke. Han ordered another plate of sushi to share, the one you chose earlier.
"My upbringing wasn't the best," he shrugs, remembering his life in California as a teen. "I was always in trouble."
"Why does something tell me that you were the one causing the trouble," you say, narrowing your eyes.
"I definitely was," he chuckles, "But in the end, it brought me here, and I'm happy."
Han believes in the timing of life. He's been after Tokyo for so long. Before stepping foot in Tokyo, he had to go through the Dominican Republic, Rio, Germany, Shanghai, London, and many more places. It was supposed to happen that way, or he wouldn't have met you.
"I knew it," you sigh dramatically, "I've always been into bad boys."
"What about you, Angel?" He returns the question, curious about your past.
"I grew up in a normal Japanese family. My dad's a mechanic, my mom a nurse, and my sister a pain in the ass. I went to school for engineering and graduated with top honors," you tell him, reminiscing on your not-as-impressive past.
"You say that as if it's easy to graduate with top honors," Han chides you, to which you roll your eyes. "Why work retail? Doesn't engineering make you a lot more money?"
"Don't laugh, okay?" You point at Han. When he agrees not to laugh, you continue, "I wanted to be a Formula 1 racer when I was younger. My dad signed me up to participate in smaller competitions, and I was pretty damn good. My mom was totally against it and forced my dad and me to quit.
Fast forward, I'm in college, and engineering seemed like the way to go. Learned about street racing and figured that could be a way back into my dream. It's a foolish thought. The professionals spend years in proper circuits practicing and competing. No one comes with a background of illegal racing."
Han wasn't expecting that answer. He assumed you hated engineering and did it to appease your parents. He wonders why you thought he would laugh. Your dream is nothing to laugh at. Having witnessed your racing, you undoubtedly had the innate talent. "So retail?" He prompts, realizing you didn't answer the first question.
Snapping your fingers, you say, "Right! I figured I'd always have my degree. I'd rather spend my time having fun now; when the time comes, I'll return to that. I do like it, but I'm not ready to commit to a life of 9 to 5's. I prefer spending my time in the wee hours of the night racing. Since I can't be a Formula 1 racer, I'll be a street racer. Much cooler, anyways."
"That takes guts," Han tells you, "I'm glad you're doing it."
You give him a little shrug and a smile because you were too. Despite your childish dream dying when your mom forced you to quit, you're still happy with your life. Especially if you end up with a guy like Han.
Han, being a gentleman, pays for dinner. Before returning to the car, you stop by a convenience store for dessert. Han follows you buying snacks for himself. In search of something sweet, you find a shelf filled with Pocky. You grab the chocolate-covered ones with a plan in mind.
You and Han sit at a table outside the convenience store. It was getting late, so only a few people were around. You open the packet of Pocky, taking out a chocolate-covered stick.
"Have you ever played the Pocky game?" You ask, taking a bite of the treat.
"No. What is it?" Han looks at you curiously.
"Essentially, you grab one end of the Pocky stick, and I grab the other. We have to eat it, but if one of us pulls away, they lose," you respond simply, hiding the game's purpose.
"That sounds awfully like Lady and the Tramp," Han mentions, catching onto your intentions.
Offering him a stick, you say, "Want to play?"
Han smiles at you and grabs the Pocky stick placing the biscuit end between his teeth. You hold the chocolate-covered end and tap his hand to start. You both take it slow, Han opting to stay still as you near his lips. You tilt your head when you're close to his lips, giving him the perfect opportunity to kiss you when only a small piece is left.
You smile into the chocolate-flavored kiss. If you wanted to kiss Han, you could've done it without so many sneaky plans or excuses, but it wouldn't be as fun.
"So, who won?" Han asks when you pull away.
"Does it matter?" You cheekily say, pulling him back in for another kiss.
There's no flaw in your reasoning. Han pulls you close, lifting your legs to lie in his lap. You spend more time than you care to admit making out outside the convenience store.
Han offers to drive you to your apartment since your car needs to be finished. Throughout the drive, his hand is laced with yours in your lap. Small talk flows between you as you continue to learn about each other.
Smoke coming from your apartment building cuts that conversation short. Firefighters stand outside the building, spraying water into the source of the fire. Han steps out of the car with you to ask anyone what is going on.
Noticing the building manager across the street, you approach him. He quickly blurts out all the information he knows. You're one of many of the tenants to approach him. "There's a fire on the sixth floor. We don't know the damage yet. I understand this is your residence, but you need somewhere else to say for the next few days while we asses the damage and inspect the building."
"What am I going to do?" You groan, covering your face with your hands. You worry about where you'll stay and your stuff in your apartment. You have important documents in there.
"You can stay with me," Han offers without a hint of hesitation.
"Are you sure? I don't want to impose." It's nice of Han to offer you a place to stay, but would it be too much at this stage of their situationship. Last thing you want is to push boundaries.
"You're not imposing. Let me help you," Han insists, grabbing your hand to rub soothing circles in it. It's a given he has feelings for you, but before that, you are his friend, and he's not going to leave you out on the streets or sleeping in your car.
Han offers you calming words on the way to his apartment. Your apartment is on the twelfth floor and the other side of the fire. Chances are that your stuff will probably be fine. Whether the building will close for renovations is another matter entirely.
His apartment is just another level to the building he owns. Its entrance is on a more private side. Inside, it's very clean and organized, a surprise since you expect most guys to be messy. Picture frames and knick knacks are scattered throughout the space, giving you more of a glimpse into Han's life.
It's quiet between the two of you but comfortable. Han is giving you time to process what you saw in your building. He offers you his shower if you'd like, and when you brought up you didn't have any clothes, he searched for a clean t-shirt and sweatpants you could borrow from him.
A shower is just what you need as you let the water cascade down your body. Fire aside, it has been a great day, even before Han asked you on a date. Hope fills your being at the prospect of soon beginning a relationship with Han. So far, everything points out it can happen. There haven't been any red flags or hesitation from him.
You change into the oversized t-shirt Han picked out for you and the spare pair of underwear you always carry in your bag. Smart girls know to carry a spare in case of emergencies. You debate about wearing the sweatpants he left for you but choose against it. The t-shirt covers enough.
You shyly make your way out of the bathroom in search of Han. You find him in the bedroom, grabbing an extra pillow and blanket. "The bed is yours," he mentions, eyes briefly trailing your naked legs.
"Where will you sleep?" You ask, furrowing your eyebrows. If anyone has to sleep on the couch, it should be you.
"I'll take the couch," he responds, as you expected.
"Han, stop being a gentleman and get in bed with me," you say, taking the pillow from his grasp and placing it back on the top of the bed.
He offers you an 'Are you sure?' look, and you nod confidently. He doesn't need to be told twice. Han steps out of the bedroom for a few minutes and grabs a shower. Taking that time, you get on the bed to get comfortable, it's soft, and you sink into it.
You're snoozing off when he returns to the room. Han carefully peels back the sheets and gets under them. Feeling the bed dip, you turn to the side to face him.
Your sleepy mood makes you cuddle up to him without much thought. The smell of his soap invades your senses. Han naturally accepts it, throwing an arm around your waist and hugging you closer, legs intertwined. He kisses the top of your head, finding comfort in the position.
Thankful doesn't begin to cover how you feel. There's this overwhelming sense of security that comes with Han. There is something about him that makes you trust him. Deep down, you know he wouldn't intentionally hurt you.
"How are you feeling?" Han checks up on you before you fall asleep.
"I'm okay. I hope none of my things got damaged," you mumble into his chest, pressing a kiss into it afterward. "Thank you for everything, Han. Your help with the car, the date, letting me invade your bed," you finish with a soft laugh.
"Anytime, Angel," he responds truthfully. If he can help you in any way, he will. Sleep consumes both quickly after, and it becomes the best night you've both had in a while.
The following day you're the first to wake. Han's arms are around your waist, and you feel his breath tickle the back of your neck. He's warm, and you just want to sink into it even more. Your need to pee pries you out of his embrace, though. 
As carefully as possible, you slip out of his loose grasp and head to the bathroom. Han had picked out a toothbrush for you the night before, which you're thankful for. Shuffling out of the bathroom, you cook breakfast for Han as a 'thank you' for his hospitality.
You pick the ingredients you need from his fridge, careful not to make too much noise. Your progress is slower than you prefer as you get used to the kitchen layout and localize everything you might need.
Soon enough, you drop pancake batter into the pan, and while that cooks, you scramble eggs with veggies. Since it's his kitchen, you assume he'll like what you make. It's his ingredients, after all.
Just after finishing the last batch of pancakes, you hear the patter of Han's feet entering the kitchen. You turn to glance at him quickly and greet him, "Good morning! I made you breakfast, sit!"
"You didn't have to do that," Han says, coming up behind you. He traps you between his body and the stove as if having you close last night wasn't enough.
"Yes, I did! You let me stay here, borrow clothes, sleep in your bed," you flip the pancakes as you count all the nice things he's done in less than 24 hours.
Humming, unconvinced, Han kisses your cheek and thanks you. It sends a tingle between your legs as his voice is raspy and deep from sleep. Your cheeks flare up, betraying you as always.
Han follows your orders and sits by the kitchen table, waiting till you're done to begin eating. With that time in his hands, he observes you. You're wearing the t-shirt he loaned you, which swallowed your frame. Each time you flipped a pancake, it rose slightly to reveal the light green fabric of your panties. Han soaked the sight in and wondered if this was what waited for him in the near future.
His eyes continue trailing down to your thick thighs. He wouldn't mind being trapped between them. Lower and lower, his gaze went from your pretty legs to your varnished toes. Back up, it went as you turned off the stove and approached the table. You weren't wearing a bra under the t-shirt, as your nipples poked through the thin fabric.
Han's glad he didn't notice these things last night, or he wouldn't have been able to sleep a wink. Spreading his legs, he tried to hide the hard-on he was sporting. None the wiser, you sit on the empty chair near him and tell him to eat up.
Shooing the dirty thoughts from his mind, Han thanks you one more time and digs in. It's a lovely morning, with light chatter bouncing between you. Han praises your cooking every chance he gets and even finishes the pancakes you left over but not before drenching them in more syrup. When both of you are done, you clear the plates and place them in the sink to wash.
"Angel, come 'ere," Han calls from behind you.
Mindlessly you walk over to him, wondering what he wants. Han grabs your waist, pulling you to his lap. "Han, what are you doing? I have to do the dishes!" You squeal, holding onto him, afraid he'd let you fall.
"No, you don't," he speaks softly, one hand cupping your cheek.
"I don't?" you prompt, leaning into his touch.
"Let me properly thank you," he offers, lips chasing yours. Han can't contain himself any longer. You've done a number on him, strutting around his kitchen in your underwear. He wants you. He needs you.
You lean into the kiss as you always do, pouring everything you have into it. Tasting the coffee on his tongue, you bring your hand around the back of his neck, softly tugging the long strands of hair. Han groans into the kiss, having missed that sensation.
Repositioning yourself, you straddle Han in the rickety kitchen chair. You feel his hands all over your body, trailing down your back to grasp your ass in his palms. Every so often, you'd resurface to breathe but dip down again and again to continue kissing him.
Han feels himself harden as you rub your center against him deliciously. It's clear as day you want him just as much as he wants you.
"Want to spoil me and fuck me?" You breathe heavily, kissing Han's neck.
"So bold," Han chuckles, his hands wandering under the t-shirt to feel your warm skin, his nails faintly scratching your back, sending shivers down your spine. "Six months ago, you would've been too scared to ask me that."
Six months ago, you would've been too scared to kiss him on the cheek, but you've come a long way. As time passes, you realize your feelings are not one-sided because Han means every word he speaks to you despite his taunting nature. Each and every complement is honest.
"I got tired of waiting around for you," you bite back, nipping his neck and sucking a pretty bruise on it.
Han hisses at the momentary sting, "I thought I was just a friend?"
You laugh sarcastically, picking your head up to stare at him, "I don't let friends kiss me or grope my ass."
"What does that make me then?" Han raises an eyebrow, cheekily squeezing your ass as a smirk forms on his lips.
"Special," you shrug, lips pouty and swollen.
"Because?" He wants to hear you say that you feel something for him. It's a last hurrah on giving you a hard time for fun.
You realize it's time to be honest and come out with it. You stopped hiding your feelings a while ago. Hell, you even asked Han to fuck you. All that's left is to admit your feeling out loud. "Because I have feelings for you, Han Lue," you whisper, brushing the hair that threatens to fall over his eyes.
"That's all you had to say," Han murmurs, catching your lips in a passionate kiss.
The heat rises with each passing moment. Your feelings have now come to a boil and bubbled over. Han picks you up easily and sits you on the kitchen table. He leaves his touch on your naked back to trace the outside of your thighs. It's time to give you precisely what you asked for and what he has been fantasizing about for far too long.
Grabbing the elastic band of your panties, Han slides them down the curve of your ass and your thighs until they are off. He throws them somewhere in the room, the information unimportant for now.
"Han, please," you whine, spreading your legs wider and giving him access to your most private part. You beg between kisses to feel his touch where you need it most.
"So impatient, Angel." Han jabs lightly as his right-hand touches the inside of your thigh. The pads of his fingers brush over your thighs repeatedly, nearing the apex more and more with each stroke.
You gasp as he finally dips a finger into your folds, gathering the slick that formed to spread it around your bundle of nerves. You gasp, breaking the kiss and throwing your head back.
Han sucks on your neck and collarbones as you moan into the air. Slipping a finger into your tight walls, he groans, thinking about how they'll feel around his hard cock.
"Fuck, Han, feels so good," you sigh when Han adds another digit into your soaking core and presses on your clit with his thumb.
"I didn't realize I made you this wet," he says into your neck as you grind your hips into his hand. You must've been wanting this for as long as he has.
"Liar," you respond, staring at him with hooded eyes. The nights you've touched yourself while thinking about him are many. The real thing is a million times better.
Han watches you intently, catching every little reaction you have to his touch. The moans and whines echo through the room and are music to his ears. Without a doubt, there's a wet patch in his boxers as his tip leaks precum from the erotic sight in front of him.
Your walls clenching around him alert him you're close, and promptly after you make it known as you beg him not to stop, except he doesn't listen and stops just as you're about to cum.
"Why did you stop?" You complain, eyes wide in desperate need.
"Want you to cum on my tongue," he responds, stealing a quick kiss before he kneels on the floor. Wrapping his strong arms around your thighs, he scoots you closer to the edge.
His words shoot another current down your legs, no doubt making more of a mess. You wait with bated breath as Han kisses the inside of your thighs, making eye contact with you as he delves into your pussy.
He licks up from your hole up to your clit. You grasp his hair with one hand, pulling the t-shirt up with the other to better look at him going down on you. Your eyes roll involuntarily when Han wraps his lips around your clit, sucking and flicking it with his tongue. His long fingers find your opening once more, sliding in effortlessly.
You try to maintain eye contact with Han through it all. If his hair fell on his eyes, you'd quickly brush it back, not wanting to miss his lustful gaze. It spurred Han on to see you crumbling over him, biting your lip as you tried to hide the pretty cries that wanted to fall from your lips.
Han stops licking your clit and slows his thrusting fingers each time you near your orgasm. Time and time again, he repeats this when you're near the edge. Only when your arousal coats his hand he keeps his pace, and as you whine out, 'gonna cum, don't stop,' he slips his tongue into your pussy, tasting your cum directly from the source.
He makes a great example of what his nose can do as it brushes over your clit while he tongue fucks you. You trap Han between your legs as your pussy clenches, your orgasm coming in waves. As you relax back onto the kitchen table, Han continues to lick your puffy center, being careful with your sensitive nub.
When he stands, you fist his t-shirt, smashing your lips together, tasting your essence. "Let's take this to the bedroom," Han pants. You nod eagerly and squeal when he picks you up, your legs wrapped around his waist.
You leave a trail of kisses on his neck as he makes his way to the bedroom. Once there, you both fall on the bed, Han hovering over you. He tugs on your t-shirt, "As much as I love seeing you in my clothes, this has to come off."
Without the shirt, he can admire your naked body. A lone finger slides down from your neck to your sternum. It slides to your side near the curve of your left breast, where a small sakura flower is tattooed.
"This is my new favorite thing about you," Han softly says, noticing you staring at him.
The tattoo was an impulsive thing to do. You had wanted a tattoo for years but never knew what to get. After your last breakup two years ago, you got the little flower instead of getting bangs and dying your hair. It has no real meaning to you. It's just a cute flower.
"You're the first to see it since I got it done," you tell him, a laugh bubbling from your lips as his touch on your ribs tickles.
"And I hope it stays that way," he responds. It's an unspoken promise. He wants you all to himself for the foreseeable future.
His finger continues the trajectory down your tummy, lightly going over your belly button before it traces over your mound and dips to touch your clit.
You gasp at the surge of pleasure as your clit remains sensitive from his previous actions. "Gotta say it's not fair that I'm the only one naked," you moan when Han continues to circle your nub.
"What are you gonna do about it?" Han incites you to see what you'll do.
Any remaining shyness you had is long gone as lust replaces it. You kneel in front of Han, who leans back to watch you. Your chest is close to his face, so when you lean closer to grab the hem of his shirt, he sucks one of your nipples. 
"Han," you whine, arching your back," "Stop distracting me."
Ignoring his mouth on you, you grab his shirt and pull it off. Successfully making him stop his attack on your breasts. You peck his lips and kiss down his jaw.
You take your time kissing his toned chest and stomach. You wish to memorize every part of him. "You're so handsome, Han," you purr, glancing up at him.
Those simple words that spilled from your mouth made his heart flutter. Han is used to being the one to dish out compliments and praise the women he's with. To have you say that is like a breath of fresh air, and he can't wait to have more.
"Fuck, Angel," he groans, grasping your chin. You kiss his palm with a smile that's equally angelic and devilish.
You want to peel two more layers off Han's body and decide to do it all at once. Grasping the band of his pants and boxers, you slowly pull them down, building anticipation.
His cock springs out of its confines, landing on Han's abdomen. You don't hide your curious gaze as you take in his cock. It's so big it makes you bite your lip in anticipation. The tip is a dark pink as it drips with precum.
After you remove his pants entirely, you grasp his cock, feeling the warmth and weight of it. Han breathes out through his nose, a futile attempt to keep his cool. A string of saliva drips from your lips, coating his hard length. Each stroke you made caused a bead of pre to spill from him.
You take it as an invitation to taste him, wrapping your lips around his head your tongue licks the beads of white. 
Han does the impossible not to push your head down to take all of him. The thought is present, though. You've barely teased him compared to how he teased you, but Han can no longer resist. 
"I need you," Han groans, calling out your name, not the nickname you've been donned for the past three years.
You don't take it for granted. Hearing your name sends you into overdrive. Han pulls you up to kiss you and lies you down on the top of the bed. He comfortably gets between your legs that hug his waist to bring him closer. His cock brushes your wet pussy, and you both hiss at the sensation. Your pussy clenches around nothing at the thought of having Han fill you entirely.
"You ready, Angel?" Han asks you. One arm holding him up and the other wrapped around your thigh, giving you a comforting squeeze. Time stops ticking at that moment. It's just you and Han wrapped in each other. 
"I've been ready for the past month, Han. Fuck me, please," you plead quietly, your fingertips running up and down his back. 
"Just because you said, please." Han lines his cock up to your entrance and pushes past your lips into your warm center. Relief floods through the both of you, but it soon dissipates, and it's replaced by waves of unfiltered lust.
Han starts fucking into you deep, at the perfect pace. Your eyes involuntarily close as you feel Han's cock stretching you open and filling you like never before. Han kisses your temple and releases sexy moans into your ear with words of encouragement.
'Such a tight pussy just for me.'
'Taking me so good, Angel.'
'Can't get enough of you.'
You echo his words, encouraging him to keep fucking you. Your nails dig into his back as you try to hold on to anything, and your heels dig into his lower back. The closeness between you is intoxicating, your scents mixing and becoming one, his hair ticking your face, his warm skin heating up yours. 
Han slows the pace momentarily, leaning back on his knees to see your pretty cunt taking his cock. He wants to commit to memory how your pussy spreads to make way for his cock, a white ring on the base of his cock, and how your little clit is exposed and vulnerable to his touch.
The other girls he's slept with only got part of his attention and dedication. He didn't mean to make a huge impression. He only did his job, often choosing to lie back and let them do as they pleased with him. 
With you, it's different. He wants to give you his all and leave a great impression. He'll do all the work; you can just take it if that's what you want. That's the difference between you and the other girls. He lived to spoil you.
Meanwhile, you fall apart under him, moaning incoherent phrases he can barely make out. He loves hearing them, though. You reach for Han's hand as he increases his pace and grips it tightly.
Han slips his cock out of you, wanting to make his fantasy a reality. You shudder at the empty feeling and whine, "No, don't stop." 
"Come on, Angel. Get on your knees," Han coo's at you, kissing your pouty lips. "Promise you'll cum soon."
Han positions you on your knees, your back arched as your tits rub against the bed sheets. You huff through it all, desperate to have him pounding into you again. He smacks your ass when you wiggle it to get him to do what you want.
Han enters you in one smooth motion, this position amplifying your pleasure as he hits the spongy spot inside of you more directly.
"Han!" You cry out, fisting the sheets underneath you. 
"I'm right here, Angel," Han breathes, snapping his hips rhythmically. 
Just as he visualized, he grabs your hips in his large hands and digs his thumbs into the dimples on your back. With a tight hold, he thrusts into you unrelentingly, and you push back onto him just as eagerly. Your cries are muffled by the pillow you're hugging to your face.
Your pussy swallows him with each thrust, even as it clenches to prepare for orgasm. He can't hold back any longer as his balls clench with each faltering thrust, and your walls squeeze him tighter than ever.
" 'm cumming," you squeal, your legs tense up and shake. Your walls contract and release in a rhythmic motion that sends Han over the edge, your name on the tip of his tongue.
Han pulls out of you, helping you get back onto a comfortable position, and lies beside you, catching his breath. He turns to look at you, and you do the same. You can't hold his gaze long as you furiously blush.
Han laughs, grabbing your hand to lace your fingers together. "You can't get shy now!"
"I can't control it!" You exclaim, hiding your face with the same pillow as earlier. 
The rest of the day is spent in bed. Han ignores his daily responsibilities and stays in, getting lost in your touch and making promises he hopes to keep.
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One Year and a Half Later...
You drive up to the empty parking complex. It's similar to the one you spend your nights on. Driving up the floors, you find Han where he told you he'd be. He leans against the familiar orange car, a bag of chips in his hands. A nice lather jacket covers his arms, making you smile when you remember how he got it in the first place.
"Hey, you wanted to meet me here?" You question, getting out of your car.
Approaching him, you kiss his salty lips and wait for an explanation regarding the random meet-up spot. In the entire year and a half of you dating, he's never asked you such a weird request.
"You feeling up to race?" Han asks you, holding your hand in his.
It's been years since the two of you met, and for the same amount of time, people have been pining you two to race. He denied every request, including the ones you threw every once in a while.
"It's about time," you exclaim, excitement filling your body. "What's at stake?"
There is something up Han's sleeve. You know that much. There is something he wants from you if he suddenly wants to race you. He could just ask. You'll give him everything he desires. You play along, though.
"Winner gets the other's car," he offers, pushing himself off the car to wrap his arms around you to hug you, his thumb soothingly brushing over the spot where your tattoo is. He last saw you when you left for your new engineering job early in the morning.
"You're willing to sacrifice your car?" You chuckle, implying you are going to win.
"It's only fair," he shrugs, kissing your cheek.
With one last peck, he lets you go and gets in his car. You follow his lead, lining up your car to the imaginary starting line. Han sets up a timer, and once it went off, both cars lurched forward at high speeds. 
You focus on the race, forgetting it's Han you're competing with. You've been dying to go against him for so long, desperate to find out who was the better racer between the two. 
As expected, Han makes it hard for you. The race is neck and neck as you drift up the floors of the building. Whenever Han takes the lead, you find a way to get ahead. You see the end near, and Han threatens to surpass you, but with one last boost, you keep your position, winning the race.
You leap out of your car, feeling the high of the race. No one has kept you on your toes for so long. It's a satisfying win. Han walks out of his car more calmly, smiling, happy to see you celebrate. It didn't matter to him that you were better. You deserved it.
"I can't believe I won," you exclaim, jumping into his arms as he spins you around.
"I can, and I'm so proud," Han says, kissing all over your face.
The race's prize is forgotten as you celebrate, but Han reminds you by handing you his keys, "A deal is a deal." You take the keys from him as a mere formality. You're not taking Han's precious car. Racing him is enough for you.
The weight of the keys is strange to you. They tend to be much heavier. Opening your palm to inspect them, you see that his keychains and spare keys are missing. In their place is a diamond ring.
"Han, what-" you stutter, whipping up to look at him.
"My car is yours. I figured I could be yours too. Will you marry me?" Han takes the keys from you, getting down on one knee and removing the ring from the holder. 
From all the possible scenarios you had in mind from this clandestine meeting, Han's proposal was not one of them. Nevertheless, you have your answer instantly.
"Yes," you nod, choking back a sob.
Han grabs your hand and slides the ring onto your fourth finger. It's a perfect fit, just like Han. You drop down in front of Han, ignoring the dirty floor, to kiss and hug him.
Han kisses away your tears, a smile permanently etched on his face. He never thought he'd see the day he would settle down, but this past year has been near perfection with you, and he doesn't see himself with anyone else.
"Did you let me win to set this up?" You ask him later that night. His arms are wrapped tightly around you as you lie on his chest.
"No," he answers simply, kissing your head.
"You let me win," you then say assertively.
"No, I did not, Angel," he answers again, hiding his smile in your hair.
"I don't believe you. We have to race again," you tell him, lifting your head to glance at him.
"I don't have a reason to. I've got everything I want right here. Take the win, Angel," Han tells you sweetly, his fingers playing with your ring.
"For now," you huff, settling back down and cuddling up to him.
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thank you for reading! i didn't mean for it to be this long although i'm sure you guys are not complaining!
this was so much fun to write. guys like i am in love with han lue, i've spent hours on tiktok watching han lue and sung kang edits. i need help! tell me i'm not the only one like this!
requests are still open ❤️
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6eeznut · 1 year
I swear i said "i hate you" but my soul and my twitching cock says otherwise.
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Uchiha Sasuke x Chubby!Reader
A/N : this is the first time i make a fanfic :} sorry if this is so bad but i want to try to make a fanfic from a longg time and if this one was bad, then... i'm just gonna say sorry 😔 also i want to make more Naruto x Chubby reader because i rarely see Naruto x Chubby reader, since theres only a few of those that doing Naruto x Chubby reader so i was like "fine. i'll do it Myself." anyway enjoy! :D
TW : Bad Grammar, First-ever Fanfic of mine, Bullying, Denial, Noncon - Dubcon, Violence, Meanie!Sasuke, Jealousy, Stalking, Noncon-taking Pictures, Degrading, Yandere (put this here just incase cus i had no idea 💀), Tsundere.
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Uchiha Sasuke who is in denial when he caught his eyes on a chubby!reader. he tried to resist the fact that he's in love with someone that isnt even a match with his benefits. he'll look down at you and calling you mean word, he tried to make his own self move-on from you by busying himself, but neither of that work. in fact, he gets more and more in love, and more & more obsessed.
He's confused. why would he be in love with someone that didnt even match a single thing he has? he's smart, handsome, could pull anyone he wants yet he's in love with someone who is a complete opposite of his. this is ridiculous. this is dumb. he thinks you put a magic love spell on him. he fucking hates you. yet he still 'silently' following you everywhere you go. until he sees that you're getting closer to someone, he's gonna be annoyed. why would you hang out with them anyway? and he's gonna lose it when he knows that the person you talking to has a feelings for you. oh boy, he's gonna lose it!!
He tried to calm himself down. "this is so fucking ridiculous." thats all he said, yet his mind is still fulled by you and your stupid soft tummy. he really really lose it when the person that likes you trying to touch you, kiss you, and just trying to be more and more closer to you. he'd be coming from somewhere you cant see him coming and beat the shit out of that person, and after that he's gonna drag you up with him wheter you want it, or not.
and after that, he'll take you with him. he'll lock you up in room that you could consider as his and dont be surprised when you see the room is filled with a plenty photos of yours that you never take. in the darkness of the room, Sasuke will come up right in front of you, from the darkness. & in a mere of a second with his hand, he grip your neck hardly, almost choking you. and making you whimper. "didnt you fucking know how long i've been suffer seeing you hang out with someone!? happy without me!? are you really that dumb you dont even realize that there's someone who is much better than those that is in love with you!?" and while he said that with his ROCK-HARD cock that has been anching and twitching since he sees you.
and with that, he's gonna make you on your knees for him, and suck him off until he'd dried out while he saying something like "i fucking hate you" and we all know he didnt really mean it. in fact that was the time where he come so fucking hard in such a short time, and still he's unsatisfied.
And at the end of the day all of your faces is going to be covered by his dripping cum and your saliva, & he's gonna give you the messiest and the sloppiest kiss you've ever imagine. he cant help but chuckle when he see your eyes rolled back when you suck him off, he thinks its funny, hot and also cute (lol). but when he heard you say "are we d-done?" with cum dripping out of your mouth, his reaction would be a smirk ;) because the real fun has just begun. also he really wants to humiliate play with that soft tummy of yours so... Good (fucking) Luck :D.
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𓆩Bob Velseb x Reader HCs𓆪
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Wooooo, first (official) post on this absolute garbage fire of an app. And of course it's Bob ✋💀 but is anyone really complaining? Because I'm sure not. Anyways this post was made really late at night, and there may be grammar and spelling mistakes because I'm running a fever rn- so I'm sorry 😭
CW+TW; Cannibalism, Murder, Knife mentions, Blood mentions, NSFW at the end ;)
🜲 Bob's a big guy, I think we all know this- but he's also really, really comfortable. And warm. He's the best cuddle buddy, hands down. The butcher man will often times pick you up from behind, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck while mumbling something like "I've missed ya, sugar" after a long day of "work".
🜲 He almost always has his hands on you, even in public! He's usually got an arm wrapped around your waist, or a hand on your shoulder. Hell, sometimes he's even HOLDING you. It's really sweet, but sometimes unexpected or overwhelming.
🜲 Bob is really big on cuddles! He's either got you in his lap, or snuggled up to his side. Sometimes the big guy falls asleep on you; rather effectively trapping you in your spot until he wakes up. It's all in good nature, of course, it just means that he loves you.
🜲 PRAISE. Both giving and receiving, Bob LOVES it! Especially from you. Speaking of which, you'll usually have a "You look stunnin' t'night, sweetpea. I could just eat you up" or a "Not even angels compare to what you've got, sweetness" whispered into your ear. Bob never fails to make you blush.
🜲 Big guy is very protective. If another person is even THINKING about trying to hurt his little darlin' consider them dead in an instant. That goes for bastards trying to flirt with you, too. You're HIS and his only.
🜲 Bob's anger can get ahold of him sometimes, and it's overwhelming. But he'd never, EVER take it out on you- you mean too much to him. Most of the time he'll just leave for a few minutes, before coming back covered in blood. Sure, red stains get everywhere but it could be worse!
🜲 His knife is the same as his anger. He'd never draw it on you (unless you reeeaallllllly asked him to). Sure, he's a cannibal and all- but the idea of knowing that he hurt you? Bob doesn't like to think or even TALK about it. The idea is often shoved down with a "Hm. Interestin'. Anyhow, did ya hear 'bout the news this mornin'?"
🜲 Bob has, and will try to get you to eat "Long Pork" as he calls it. You know damn well it's human meat, and have expressed your discomfort with consuming the substance. But Bob is persistent, always saying something like "Awh, C'mon, sweetness. Just a bite? I promise it ain't all that bad. Tastes just like Pork!" And "I'll give ya some special Lovin' if ya try iiitt~"
🜲 He also really, really likes cooking for you! Any dish you can think of, he's got the skills to do it! Which often leads to him making you all your favorite meals whenever you're sick, or feeling down. Physical contact, acts of service and personal time are his love language, after all.
🜲 Bob also really enjoys giving you tiny little trinkets! Anything that be finds on his victims that he thinks you might like, he's taking. Sure the items are always a little bloody, but that can just be washed right off!
🜲 Bob is a horny motherfucker 24/7. He's really good at hiding it, but goddamn it doesn't take much to get this man going at all. Cuddling usually always turns into him slamming his hips up into you, biting down on your shoulder just to hear those delicious little noises you make.
🜲 He has good stamina, surprisingly. He'll have you pinned down to the bed, practically cockdrunk from how many times you've came- and he's still going, fast, too. "Just one more round, sugar. I promise I'm almost done" Bob usually lasts anywhere from 3-6 rounds, only to just collapse and nearly fall asleep right on top of you.
🜲 Aftercare with Bob is always some of the sweetest moments; him cradeling you in his arms, usually humming a little tune as he peppers kisses along your face and neck. Any bruises or marks left upon your skin always end up being kissed, Bob uttering a gentle apology under his breath.
🜲 Overall, being in a relationship with this big, lovable cannibal man is wild. But in the best ways possible <3
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rexd1z · 10 months
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idk what the fuck is this.
drabble? headcanons? oneshot? I have no idea, I just wrote it.
Dottore is Zandik!!!
Mentions of corpses, cutting open a living person, removing entrails, blood, obsessive and stalker behavior.
pink is reader and porpol is dottore 🥺
GN! reader ig
English isn't my first language (I'm Chilean) so sorry if there are grammatical errors or something is not understood.
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The first time he saw you, it was in the library and for him it was like love at first sight.
You met Zandik at the Akademiya, he studied in Haravatat and you in Vahumana.
you didn't even notice him staring at you with that crazy look of him.
He learned your routine and the places you go, even your favorite food and your favorite color.
He started following you everywhere from a considerable distance
Zandik draws horrible but he still made little sketches of you in the corners of his notebook
You ALWAYS noticed Zandik stalking you but you couldn't care less, you thought it was cute in a way.
After a few months of dating as "friends" (your dates were in the library or the Akademiya laboratory 💀), Zandik finally confessed to you.
He approached you thanks to Sohreh because she happened to be a friend of yours.
It was strange, he basically made you a poem talking about how he wants you to cut out his heart and eat his insides 💀💀💀💀💀
You accepted, you always thought Zandik was cute so, why not?
After joining the fatui, Zandik Dottore, dragged you with him and made the condition that you must be his personal assistant and be with him 24/7.
And Pierro accepted.
"-Zandik, what the hell are you doing? -you told him as you watched Dottore cut a a LIVING man in half and start injecting him with things that not even God knows what they are.
It was strange for you to have to start calling him Dottore, so in private you kept calling him Zandik.
-I am not Zandik anymore, darling -he said with his disgusting smile.
-Okay Zandik."
He always gets nervous around you even if he doesn't want to admit it, to the rest he must have an image of a hard, serious and cold man, but to you? It's another story.
but we must not forget that he is completely crazy, many times he did experiments with you (nothing totally risky) and he is so protective that he could kill someone if he lays a finger on you 💀
At some point he tried to take out his own heart to give it to you, you obviously interrupted his actions.
He's crazy, completely crazy and insane.
Somehow or another he managed to make you both immortal, so you will stay with him forever.
After creating his clones, he realized that everyone had a special affection for you, and those who didn't know you began to have the same obsession that he had with you at the Akademiya.
He tries to keep you away from his clones as much as possible, he is a very jealous man.
In short words, Dottore is really jealous and possessive, but he loves you with all his soul and even in death he will not leave you <3
Omega is the only clone he lets near you.
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I literally wrote this at 3 in the morning and I'm dying of sleep plus I have school tomorrow
It's been a while since the last time i wrote something so it's weird to me😥😥😥
btw dottore is so babygirl I lovw him hes sosilly
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riacte · 10 months
Space Opera AU dashboard simulator
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🥧 syrupstars Follow
Anyone else think that Red King racer is a little... y'know... fruity?
👑 falsewellsupremacy Follow
He literally says "ladies, gentlemen, everyone in between, get in line" so I think that answers your question.
🥧 syrupstars Follow
What about the "#Ally4Life 🏳️‍🌈" on his Twilight handle?
👑 falsewellsupremacy Follow
I genuinely have no idea. Maybe he thinks it's about him being an ally to cishet people
#idk ren's just like that sometimes #void knows what he's doing #also prev tags you do not want to get into the black hole of who ren has dated #he has rumours with 3/4 of the grid #edit: WHO MENTIONED BAD BOY TEENAGE REN IN MY NOTES #the shippers are here... oh no #edit 2: not ren at the club.
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🛑 bluebatshater Follow
oh my voiddd ofc That Duo got p1 again... i need them to dnf in the race. i hope they crash and burn and die and i need crastle to get podium for ONCE. i am so mad. i am calling for the goddess tsuki to curse them. dnf dnf crash burn DIE
🌻 lesbianlumian Follow
the goddess tsuki LITERALLY protects racers and that's why they pray to her? you think the goddess tsuki, creator of lumians, will curse an actual lumian? be so fucking fr
🛑 bluebatshater Follow
if you dont have anything productive to say get off my post. freak
#those blue bats stannies are SO ANNOYING THEY ARE EVERYWHERE #they're overshadowing all the other teams #cant even be a bitchy hater in peace #salt #negativity #hateposting
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🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
Looking at posts from five years ago is funny like how did I ever believe I was straight
🍦 jelliepopsicle Follow
OP, I think I recognise your url... did you write that viral Bad Boy Ren x QoH fic on Launchpad?
🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
💀 Shut the fuck up right NOWWW!!
#STOP MENTIONING THAT FIC I WFOTE WHEN I WAS THIRTEEEN!!! #everything before my gay awakening is not canon. sorry #tbh... as much as a nightmare it was i kinda miss that stupid fic #it was from a simpler time #now im in university trying to contact my groupmates and i think one of them got lost in a blackhole last tuesday (again) #sigh. this keeps on happening to me #my cousin worked on one of the moons last summer for two weeks and came back like he'd aged six months #my friend's ex got sucked into a black hole and was briefly spaghettified but they managed to revive her and she gloats that she's finally taller than my friend's ex #whoops sorry for dumping in the notes #anyways. bad boy rk x good girl queen of hearts. awful idea. even more awful fic. yet i wrote it #i regret everything and nothing
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🗣️ peace-and-planets-deactivated63891092
PSA: Sunblr user @/summerheavens writes RPF of the Exterra 1 racers. She is a big name fan in the Miraculous Laserbug fandom so I thought you all would like to know. This is gross and disgusting behaviour and I implore you to stop.
🍬 summerheavens Follow
umm @/peace-and-planets i literally saw your kudos on my fic. the evidence is out there. girl what are YOU doing at the devil's sacrament. what are you doing on my roseduo rpf titled "hang your head low in the glow of the vending machine (we're not trying)".
but i'm glad you liked it enough to give it a kudos ^_^ will certainly be putting more on the starchive!
❄️ justwingit Follow
LMFAOOOO OP DEACTIVATEDDDDD 😭😭😭 sunblr user got killed by a rpf author. if you're gonna secretly read rpf maybe not leave a kudos?????
🚀 exterrablrheritage
Exterra 1 Heritage Post
⚡ littlewoodbabygirl69
It's been ten years since this post... @/summerheavens are you okay after recent developments
🍬 summerheavens Follow
am i okay? is ANYONE okay??? in these trying times??????? with the most chaotic gp to ever exist?????? i am PULLING OUT WIPS i dropped out of respect ten years ago. i've got to send my kid to daycare but once i'm done you bet you're seeing me on the starchive. miss swift even dropped her 20th album just in time for me to use lyrics as titles. i am LIVING and i am THRIVING
#ohhhhhhhhhh #let's go #also can't believe taylor finally addressed the vehicle manslaughter rumours from like twenty years ago #how fitting #also littlewood needs to get his shit together #why does he look like he's the one who hasn't seen his man in 32738102371 years and got his soul shattered #he's weak and won't survive the winter
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🧈 butteredbread Follow
WHAT is wrong with that lykos. i desire him carnally
🌳 treebark
🪓 handoftheking
I mean... yeah. Let's face it, we're all like that 🤷
⭐ nonbinarystar Follow
#WHAT IS WRONG WITH HIM #I HATE HIM SO MUCH #PARASOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS CAN ALSO BE ABOUT HATE #THIS GLOWSTICK MF IS MY WORST ENEMY #he just canonised treebark for the sixth time #also prev tags so real #need to slingshot him into a faraway galaxy
34,091 notes
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🫃 spaceshipmpreg Follow
Who put that Just a Dream FalseRen AMV on my dash again
🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
Respect your roots!! That 125M views Just a Dream AMV raised a generation. Every kid in my school played it on loop on their ipods during recess
🔮 queenofstarz03 Follow
wait op can you explain your url
🫃 spaceshipmpreg Follow
No 👍
#i think we should get the dogwarts freighter pregnant
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crabonfire · 1 year
helloo i love your writing so much makes me twirl my hair and kick my feet in joy 🔥 can i request the mercs with a reader who's very affectionate? like always comes up to them and just hugs them or kisses them and allat
thank you love you ‼️
Mercs with an overly affectionate reader 🫶
characters: all mercs
note: hhehehehehe cornyyy 💯💯 cheesy 💯💯💯 reader is silly
sorry if it's ooc a bit, haven't written in months so I'm trying to get back into writing mode, yknow?
warning: none bro ‼️‼️
• ahahshdh 😍😍😍 aw
• will never admit it but he's a sucker for you and all the cute shit that you do.
• anytime you greet him with a kiss or a hug, or how when you two walk you'll have an arm clinging with his, smiling and practically dangling off of him,,,its so sweet.
• he promised himself he'd never be one of those corny, cheesy couples on TV. But here he is, melting on your shoulder as you hug him tightly.
• please don't ever change ♡
• bro will be giggling and blushing and squealing under the mask
• PLEASE they love physical touch imo 💯 like yes babe hold his hands everywhere you two go
• he's pretty affectionate himself, you two are so romantic that even some of the other mercs get sorta jealous of it sometimes.
• when you hug him, give him silly mask kisses or even rub circles over his gloved hands...they can't help but go love sick for you. your so sweet, engie will have to hear about their ramblings of you, nodding along as they keep on giggling and mumbling about it.
• he loves it!!!!
• at first he didn't really think much of it, but the closer you two got, he really came to appreciate how affectionate you were.
• whenever he had doubts about his strength or whenever he was feeling genuinely sad, you'd be there to make him feel better with the nicest hug, and the softest kisses.
• you were so verbally affectionate too, being able to actually help him out made him feel so good, because he knows he's not very intelligent, and the team often undermine that, but you respect him nonetheless, and you love him.
• it makes him proud to know someone like you is so inlove with him, he melts whenever you pepper his face with kisses, grinning like a fool.
• bro is enamored 💀 bro is love sick 💀 bro wants you to marry him 💀
• he was so surprised when you were so affectionate early on in your relationship, how you were so free to give him so much love,,it makes his heart do backflips man.
• he's affectionate as hell too, so you two fit like a perfect puzzle together!
• but this is a nice change, in his past relationships, he was always the affectionate one so its nice to know his current partner would go to great lengths to represent their affection.
• loves ur hugs, makes him feel warm inside. especially if you hug him from the back and surprise him, finds it so cute.
• very?? not used to this
• he's not very affectionate me thinks
• very surprised, takes him a bit to get used to it.
• when you two officially became a thing he was surprised at how much you'd hug him or hold his hand so comfortably, not even asking, just going for it.
Not that he had a problem with it, but he found it endearing that you were able to so freely express your love. (same with demo!)
• when you kiss him, telling him how much you love him with such a genuinely infatuated look, he'd be as red as a tomato, smiling wearily as he holds your hands. He loves holding your hand, your smaller compared to him, and he finds it cute.
• don't expect him to reciprocate that much affection, he much rather expresses it in other ways, just not like you.
he loves it tho, the cheesiness you radiate is adorable.
• sometimes, if he's feeling brave, he'd try to be affectionate like you, and it always gets so cute when he gets embarrassed by the corny things he does, and he stops mid way. You encourage him, but he's too embarrassed. (I love him sm)
• hdhdhfhf :)
• he's also affectionate!!! yipeee
• feel like he'd be just like you, so when he finds out your affectionate, he's so happy.
• always smiling around you, finds your cheesiness incredibly attractive.
• his favorite thing to receive from you are when you kiss his forehead. the first time this happened was when you were helping him clean his workshop, he was dead asleep on his table, you found him so you decided to clean him, knowing he needed the help.
• he woke up in the middle of you cleaning, thanking you.
In return, you simply smiled, giving him a kiss on his forehead, your expression so sweet and so full of heart that it made his ache in joy. He couldn't help the grin that appeared on his face, watching you as you continued to clean.
• he's also gonna be hugging and kissing you a ton, so HOORAYY
• bonus if you call him petnames, will burst and literally explode
• ??? Yo?
• honestly at first was not really into it? Weirdly enough
• but like soldier he learned to appreciate it, because he grew so fond of your antics.
• hugging him from behind as he sat on his desk, working late at night.
bringing him his favorite coffee at 3 am to check up on him.
or kissing him in his favorite places just to cheer him up...bro is so happy.
• he'd get clingy, affected by your romantic self. He'd start to do what you do too, hugging you and holding your hand when he can. his favourite thing that you do for him? sitting on his lap as he works, while you ramble on about your day. It's the sweetest thing.
• like Heavy, not used to it.
• he always had a type for the affectionate ones, him not getting much affection himself.
• he's touch starved asl (real)
When you hug him for the first time, his cheeks are slightly red, he's quiet, but there's this genuine and happy smile on his face as he does, mumbling in your ear about how thankful he is to have you.
He loves anything that has touch, so he honestly loves how you cling onto him with such sweet intentions.
• he's very physically affectionate, but not verbally. He struggles with that corny shit, but loves when you tell him corny shit.
Please keep telling him all that corny shit.
• one of his favorite traits about you, finds you the sweetest ever.
• let's GOOOO
• honestly he has nothing bad to say about this like he's romantic and suave as hell but to have that love given back with such intimacy makes him really happy.
• like demo, usually he'd be the one to be affectionate in a relationship. So it really does make his heart flutter when you tell him such romantic things he usually tells others, to feel how they've felt really changes his point of view.
can't believe it, you've got this man wrapped around your finger.
• sucker for all your touches and affirmations, the way you hug him makes it feel like it's just you and him in the world, nobody else.
• and also loves it when he makes YOU flustered with his affection. Sometimes, it's like a competition to see who can make the other one smile first.
• yall r so corny (yall r the power couple aww)
done!! Sorry if this is short and messy I haven't written in months as I said before I need to get back into writing omfg,,,reqs are open again yipee
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smuttysunny · 11 months
[ADA]Osamu Dazai NSFW Alphabet!
Genre: Smut
Synopsis: NSFW alphabet for our favourite bandaged suicidal maniac!
Contains: Overall GN reader, regardless of sex! Refrences to bdsm, public sex, pregnancy and breeding kinks, sex toys and more overall sexual stuff 😭🙏 there's way too much in here for me to list
Warnings: Not proofread‼️ English is also not my first language so there might be grammatical errors cuz despite me being fluent, i'm dumb asf!
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A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Ngl... May seem a bit ooc but I imagine him actually being really sweet after sex, that is if you two are like together and not just a hook up or something lol. He'd praise you and tell you did so good and def help you clean up and take a bath/shower afterwards. Maybe even order food if you two feel up for it.
I imagine he'd also be pretty cuddly, holding you tightly as he nuzzles his face in your shoulder. Moments like these where he shows his vulnerability to someone yk?
B = Body Part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partners)
On himself, probably his eyes or hands. He just loves looking at you and watching all your adorable reactions! And with his hands he, of course, gets to touch you anywhere and everywhere!
On you, the fav is either your face or thighs. Your face of course because of how it can twist and contort in pleasure! Again, he loves your reactions very much. As for thighs, he just loves grabbing and holding them, thin or thick, doesn't matter to him! He loves caressing them, kissing them, licking, biting, leaving hickeys on them, you name it! He also ADORES how your legs try to close when giving you head! Squishing him to death between your thighs truly seems like a great way to go!
C = Cum (Anything to do with cum, basically)
Cummin on you. This fucker definitely loves coating you in his cum. If you can get pregnant he'd definitely be against the idea of cumming in you if you're not using a condom, he is NOT ready for the responsibility of raising a kid, sorry breeding kink people.
But if you can't get pregnant then he's more than willing, he still prefers to see you coveres in his load tho, it's just hot to him, yk?
D = Dirty Secret (Pretty self-explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs)
I think he'd have a liking to purposefully walking in on you changing, just seems like the type of guy to ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Oh boy this man is def experienced from all the sleeping around he does 😭🙏 for all sexes too, not just afab ppl.
F = Favorite Position (This goes without saying)
Following on from the hc from earlier, any position where he can see your face will have him satisfied! Although I don't think he'd be particularly picky, just would prefer to see your face.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
I'd imagine him to be quite silly while not ruining the mood, unless he's absolutely tired and done and needs something to let his frustrations out, ofc, but even then after he starts relaxing he'd def go back to his usual teasing and cracking jokes here and there!
H = Hair (How well-groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
He'd do the bare minimum grooming 💀🙏 listen, he's too occupied living to really care about his hair down there but ig in some way the carpets would match the drapes because no matter how unkept he has his hair, it still looks shampoo commercial worthy so probably same thing down there aswell. Would occasionally give himself a trim tho, not fully unkempt.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect.)
Depends on his mood and what it is. Quickie? Maybe less intimate as it's just meant to be a quick fuck but if it was proper sex at home he's def be on the more romantic side, unless again pouring his frustrations out on you, and even then, the way his eyes shine looking at you would still reveal the love he holds for you so <3
J = Jack off (Masturbation Headcanon)
This cunt has the sex drive of a teen boy so he'd def be jerking off often, maybe like at least 2 or 3 times per week? Although he can hold himself back pretty well. I can also imagine him absolutely obliterating No Nut November just because he thought it'd be funny.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Can of worms... Which we will be disecting and studying as if its our finals hitting!
For starters, def maintained some of the less healthy kinks he had from his PM days like sadomasochism and gunplay, but at least now it's more of an overall roleplay/bdsm kink with no actual danger. Speaking of which he would LOVE to get tied up or tie you up, same for choking but more on the receiving end. Both giving and receiving for edging and orgasm denial too. Probably also has a big thing for being dominated; he doesn't mind domming but he'd absolutely LOVE to be stepped on and get his brains fucked out!
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
He's shameless but not entirely. As far as he'd go is semi-public places like an alley or his car. As for favourite place, peobably the ADA office LMFAO particularly when it's empty because there's a risk of getting caught!
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going)
As mentioned previously, this guy has the sex drive of a horny teen so even the smallest touch could accidentally set him off.
N = No (Something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
He would NEVER hurt his partner on purpose. Even for his more extreme kinks he'd make sure you're okay with it first and foremost before anything. Also ik dacryphillia is a big thing in these kinds of fics but if you ever started properly crying he'd stop IMMEDIATELY.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
I think he'd prefer giving slightly more than receiving. He just loves being in between your legs, you know? And again, would love to get choked to death by your thighs <3
P = Pace (Are they fast and rough? Slow and sensual? etc.)
Depends. If he's making love he'd 100% go slow and sensual, but if it's a quickie his pace would def be fast, a bit rough too but unintentionally! If he's fucking though... Walking privileges will 100% be lost from how rough he'd be lol
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
He LOVES them. Legit cherishes them as if they're god's best gift to man, and to be honest to a man like him they sure are.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Seeing as how he'd be more than willing to fuck you in his car he'd def enjoy risks here and there, with consent of course(minus pregnancies goodness gracious, if you two are at it without a condom he'd immediately rush you to take your morning after pill afterwards). Again, he would never hurt his partner on purpose and if risks aren't your thing he'd be more than understanding
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
His stamina matches his horniness. If it were after him, he probably wouldn't stop till the sun rises so really it's up to his partner for how long sex will go lmfao
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Ohhh he'd love toys. Most likely owns a fleshlight for when you're not there to please him lolol
And don't feel left out! Because he'd love using toys on you too! Be it vibrators, dildos or something more obscure!
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
King of teasing™ will not miss a minute to joke about how desperate you are for him or any of the sort
V = Volume (How loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Loud but he does it on purpose just to add to his teasing. Also because he enjoys annoying the neighbors and if he'd doing it in a semi-public place, adds to the risk
W = Wild Card (A random headcanon for the character)
Loves getting pegged.
X = X-ray (Let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
As a non dick haver I actually had to search a bit for this bit-
Uhhh maybe just a little above average idk??? Maybe like 6.2 inches or smth? I o ly rlly have a vague image of him not really being too thick but making up for it in lenght so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I'll just leave this one up to your guy's imaginations 💖
Y = Yearning (How high is their sex drive?)
Already mentioned it like 5 times but omd he gets so horny so often you might aswell assume he's a rabbit
Z = Zzz (How quickly they fall asleep afterward)
Although I hc him to have slight insomnia because of depression, probably after sex is one of the only times he can actually fall asleep rather quickly. Just snuggle up to him nice and warm and he's out like a light in approximately 3 minutes. And he def sleeps like a log too lmfaooo
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guppybibi · 2 months
hii !! can you do akito (shinonome) with a gf who’s OBSESSED with another group? i just thought of this and found it funny
he’s always like “why don’t we go to your place” and reader is like oh no it’s ok haha!! because it’s kind of embarrassing but there’s so much merch it’s impossible to take down
and one day he convinces you to let him stay over and boom. posters everywhere. cds everywhere. binders full of photocards. a whole shelf of albums just sitting there. don’t forget the dvds and polaroids! bonus points if you forgot to turn off your cd player when you answered the door so it’s blasting said group’s music as well 💀
( ++ doesn’t have to be any group in particular but i’m heavy in my enhypen phase right now, so maybe them? that’d make it even more nerdy but 😭 )
𖦹 pairing: Akito Shinonome x fem!reader
𖦹 content: Confused Akito, fluff, kpop stuff, idk..
𖦹 notes: aaaa i love this idea, tysm! for the group i chose enhypen as well but also stray kids because you can never stan too many groups ᵔ ᗜ ᵔ (i had the biggest stray kids phase lollzz, plus idk much abt enhypen:c sorrie) also wrote half of this at school wowie
-Just..so confused?? He doesn't get the thing about collecting photo cards and the terms fans use so you have to explain it to him.
-Once he gets it though he's just mildly concerned, for your sanity and wallet. He does commend your dedication and loyalty to these groups though (silently hopes you do the same with him.) 
-Occasionally asks you if VBS had merch would you buy some, his reaction would vary on your answer. -
-If you say no he’ll just say ‘uh huh’ and walk away. (pancakes are the solution, TRUST.) + he's just playing around, he isn't mad. 
-If you say yes he’ll just smirk smugly and try to talk everyone into making merch. (he fails)
He’s so confused right now, he just doesn't get what's the big deal about it. The ginger knew you absolutely loved these so called K-POP groups and he didn't mind at all, not a tiny bit. To be fair, he was somewhat an idol as well. A street musician to be exact but that was close enough. 
And today was another added episode to the collection of you not letting him go to your home, what exactly were you hiding from him? He stood before you, in all his glory, a skeptical look on his face. “C'mon doll..is yer room messy or somethin’? I’m sure it can't be that bad, trust me–I’ve seen worse.” He said in an attempt to reassure you, intently watching how your lips pressed into a thin line and your eyes darted across the park you two were at. “L..-look! A bunch of people are doing cool skating tricks!” You exclaim, pointing to a bunch of randos doing flips or whatever. Distracting him was worth the shot, no guarantees it’ll work though. 
He almost facepalms himself when he hears your shitty attempt at diverting his attention elsewhere. “Doll I’m not the smartest but I'm not that dumb..” It was honestly offensive that you thought that would work..You couldn't keep hiding forever, you two wouldn't progress if you didn't allow him to do something so simple as coming into your home. And as he said, he's somewhat of an ‘idol’ as well so he probably wouldn't find it too weird. Yeah, think positive! He won't think you're some kind of koreaboo or anything!
“Right..I guess you could come over to my place. But on one condition..” She starts. “Don't find it weird..?” He chuckles in response, shaking his head. “No promises.” 
And that's how he ended up in this rather strange position, sitting on your cozy bed as the posters on your walls stared down at him. “Wow..this is um..a lot.” His mouth formed a crooked smile, glancing at the shelf filled with albums. Where you got the money for all of this was a mystery to him. “So..who are they?” He asks, flopping back onto your bed, full of a bunch of stuffed animals. Your eyes start to sparkle, this was your time to shine, well rather to rant about your unhealthy obsession with these KPOP groups but let's not talk about that right now. 
After your rather lengthy explanation about every basic thing he needs to know, the expression on his gruff face seems unreadable. Was he angry or somehow jealous about it? Or was he simply just not interested in it? That might've been the case, but not right now at least. “Mmh..alright.” He sounded way too casual about it for comfort if you’re being honest. But if he was held captive and needed to be honest, extra–I know, he found this..mildly concerning addiction of yours quite endearing. It’s not like it would cause problems along the way, unless you spent all of your money on merchandise and went broke but he has enough trust in you not to do that..don’t break that by buying some lightstick that costs more than your kidney. 
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Im in love with ur "she's a pro series"
Yena telling kunigami like "Uhm, eyes up here buddy" type of vibe. While with bastard muenchen, Yena starts trying to help Ness "Blossom" like the rose he is. 🤪💅
And while doing so, Kaiser is there like "NAH, HE MY SIDEKICK✋"
And MAYBE, Karasu, otoya and aiku ( the goofiest trio ) were spying on Yena and saw how kunigami was a perv and now are all " OOOOO, SOMEONE HAS A CRUSH" And kunigami's reaction i guess?
Sorry that this was long😅 i might have imagined a LIL too much💀
Thx!! Love and kisses💋❤️🤪💅 byebye!!
"Yo, she's a pro." ...part four
part one , part two , part three, ... , part five
Aw thanks, I'm glad you like it! Also about that blossoming, I had to think about Oliver's past and Kaiser's tattoo, so yeah lol
Bro your idea is LIT, and who am I to ignore you, my love? Also my friend wanted the reader to dance with Lavinho I guess? so yea
Your name: Yena Hideyo
Warnings/summary: you are a love-sick fool and don't act like your cool self at all, the trio teases Kunigami, you kick Kaiser between his legs this time, you touch Ness' lips, you dance with Lavinho, bachira has slutty hips, Rin smiles
Word count: 4.9 k 💀
It was truly embarrassment at it's finest. You didn't know that the cameras were everywhere, and your and blue lock's fans saw your interaction with Kunigami. Luckily they couldn't hear what Kunigami whispered in your ear. But, they could think, and your fanbase didn't exactly have the cleanest minds.
And much more unfortunately, A certain trio you had electrocuted a few hours prior saw your interaction with Kunigami. However, you didn't know about that...yet.
(you threw away the dress and shoes and all the makeup and jewellery as soon as they got off of your body.)
And, well, Chris Prince was the nosiest coach, closely followed by Lavinho, who were both taking pictures, laughing and cooing at your (cute) pouting face while they asked you about Kunigami.
You were just a blushing mess as you told them that "There's nothing to worry about! I just tripped and he held me close! That's all!", but did the two men believe you?
no <3.
It actually took you a while to recover from what Kunigami said to you yesterday as you were waiting in the operation room. Melody would get new fangs today.
you were anxious, to say the least. But, to your rescue came Reo, Nagi and Bachira. But, you were confused upon their arrival. "Shouldn't you guys be training?"
Bachira raised his hands excitedly. "We're here for your emotional support! Lavinho gave me permission to come as well! And here's a carton box of choccy milk!", the boy cheered, handing you over an under 500 ml milf box. You thanked him.
"Prince allowed us to leave as well when we told him you were a close friend of ours.", Reo explained, and Bachira plopped down next to you. Nagi and Reo stood there before they played scissors-paper-rock against each other.
Reo yelled in victory before sitting himself beside you. "The only game where I'm always a loser...", Nagi muttered before taking out his phone next to Reo.
you sighed, but you still smiled at them. "You guys didn't really have to do that, really. You should rather train... But thanks, I appreciate it."
Bachira grinned at you. "I want to stay close to Melody! She's so cool! ...So, how long are we waiting?"
"Four hours.", you stated. Nagi yawned, and Reo chuckled at Bachira's startled expression. "Also you didn't have to pay for Melody's surgery, Reo...I have plenty of money myself, you know?", you said as you turned to your left where Reo sat.
He only smiled down at you sweetly. "But I love Melody as well, Yena."
Reo actually nearly said you, but luckily he caught himself.
You huffed in amusement, but the orange or light brown?(->the sole) heels of your black converse shoes were tapping rapidly against the floor, and your right knee bounced pretty fast as well.
"Hey, Yena...", Bachira spoke softly, before glancing at Reo and Nagi. He wanted to calm your nerves by making you talk about something other than the surgery which was being proceeded right behind your back.
"How do you even know these guys?", he asked. You pondered for a moment. "I dunno..."
"What? C'mon, Yena. Us meeting for the first time was the funniest thing, remember??"
"Huh...Ah! No, please don't-"
"It was a long, long time ago, Bachira...", Reo began.
The classroom was particularly loud one day, making Nagi wake up from his slumber. "What's with the noise...?", he murmured sleepily. Reo snickered. "We're going to have a new transfer student today, did you already forget?"
"hm...don't care..", the white albino haired boy muttered before he closed his eyes again.
"...s Ye...deyo...!", he faintly heard his teacher introduce you.
"My name is Yena Hideyo. I am the first female Japanese soccer protégé.", you exclaimed loudly, and Nagi's eyes snapped open.
The whole classroom "oooooohhhhh~"ed at that.
But, they widened even more when he saw how you looked. Remember when I once said that you were a goth at heart? Well, the white uniform which had to be worn normally was black in your case, with chains sprouting everywhere. Your blazer was open, and it reveiled a dark red corset with black embroidments on it, and black bones.
Underneath that corset was a white bouse, and the tie was also shorter. Instead of the normal school skirt, yours was black with ruffles, and it...actually looked pretty good. You also wore black platform boots (Black Mamba from Megamind...yk what I mean? if not nvm), and Nagi and Reo were surprised that you were even allowed to wear something like that.
But, now that he thought about it, your skirt was reaching down to the upperside of your knees, where the normal school skirts reached mid-thigh. Also your boots were reaching up to your knees, and your thigh highs weren't really visible. You actually showed less skin than normal highschool girls.
"Does any of you guys know how to play soccer?", you asked as you looked at the stunned faces. Nagi raised his hand, and so did Reo. "Let's become buddies.", you said with a small smile, and they nodded.
Reo never thought that he'd have an academic rival until he met you. At every question the teacher made, you always raised your hand first. Whenever there would be a question the teachers didn't even know themselves, you and Reo would battle for the first tight answer, and then get into arguments when the answers were not the same.
Also, Nagi laughed his ass off when you cried after you collided against a classmate which resulted in your chocolate milk spashing to the ground. Reo gave you his chocolate milk. you three grew inseperable ever since.
Well, until your father got a job with better salary.
You had to leave the next day.
"And that's why, to this day, I still don't forgive your father!"
"Reo...he apologized to you everytime you called me...", you muttered.
"Huh, so you three are like, highschool friends?", Bachira asked as he hummed in thought. You nodded.
"Someone had to lower Reo's ego in school, and I also had to crush Nagi's pride in all the challenges of the games he played."
"It was hell when you defeated me in bed wars, Yena.", Negi grumbled when he had to think about the way you blew up his team's bed right after he landed on your territory.
"Never have I ever had such a mental breakdown like the time you told me the difference between active and passive beauty. Philosophy was an absolute warzone.", Reo shuddered when he thought about the dark ages.
You snickered. "Well, it was fun."
"For you!", Reo and Nagi yelled in unison.
Bachira laughed. "And, Bachira? Why are you in Blue Lock? If it's a too personal question, you can also say no. Wouldn't want to force you.", you asked, trying to be formal around Bachira. He was the one Melody loved the most out of all the boys in this facility.
"there's this monster I always see. Since I was young, I could see it, and always played with it..and then I saw the monster's moves in Isagi, and you. you and Isagi would be the players I'd like to pass to and play with.", he grinned. "You know, I can understand if you don't know what I'm talking about-"
"But I do.", you said, with a serious expression. Bachira's eyes widened. 'what do you mean-'
"If I could share a personal secret, my next book is about my type in men. In this facility, it is interesting to see all the different boys, but they all have their charms, however, it's only ever a fragment, a piece form the whole perfect man in my head.
I got asked from my fans to interact with many of them and find out that way how'd they be in a relationship.", you spoke, putting a hand under your chin in thought.
"But I can't understand why they'd like to see Oliver and some other guys I wouldn't choose personally. Oliver looks like a divorced man who can't get shit together, even though he's only 18? or 19?
Shidou Ryusei, as polite as he was to me, might kill people on the daily or make an onlyfans, and, well, then there's also Isagi."
You were glad the fans didn't bring Kunigami up though. (Yes, they did, you're just not online yet, and they will hold you at gunpoint for that whole you-stumbling-into-Kunigami-thing.)
Reo, Nagi and Bachira listened intently to what you said. But when reo and Nagi heard the name "Isagi", they "hah?!"ed at the same time again.
"Why do the fans like Isagi!?", Reo exclaimed in anger, mad at the fact that you didn't say his name.
"Yeah, what's so special about him...?!", Nagi muttered annoyedly.
You snorted. "Jealous?" "..." "Pretty much.", you remarked as you sighed.
"Remember what Noa said? The fans like Isagi, because he scored a goal in the world cup. He's been out in the field practically only for fanservice."
"Only because he scored a goal? Hmpf..!", Nagi grumbled. You sighed.
"Well...but what about your type, Yena?", Reo asked, trying to find out what you saw in the perfect man. He also thought aboout copying that personality if it meant for you to fall for him. He didn't have to act as a chameleon only on the field, right?
"My type...?", you thought loudly. Only Kunigami came to mind, actually.
You could only think about his cool eyes, or his spicky orange hair, and gosh, let's rather not talk about the body..! you thought about his voice, a deep vibration, which you'd like to feel against your skin as he embraced you with his big, strong arms, his nice scent filling your lungs as you gasped-
"Ah- I-I don't really have a type, ahahhahaahha!", you yelled as you stood up suddenly and laughed like a maniac. Bachira, Nagi and Reo shared concerned glances behind your back.
'Gosh, I nearly said Kunigami!!!', your mind raced. But, you took a deep breath. "Sorry, I was just thinking about a particular character form a book I really liked. But about my type...I'd say he's a little mysterious, has good manners, is polite, has a great, well-trained body -not that I'm bodyshaming anyone, heheh- and just...a smooth voice? Also, I like it when he has pretty eyes.."
Reo and Nagi looked at each other, their rivalry going unnoticed by you, but Bachira snorted at the flying sparks between the two.
"Is there any resemblance to...me?", Reo asked hopefully, and you snickered. "You? Hm...your hair is purple, that's a plus.", you said in a positive voice.
Nagi pointed to his hair. "Mine's white, so I'm a rarity, Yena.", he muttered with a blush as he gave you a little smile.
However, you made it fall in an instant. "Yeah, albino hair is pretty rare, but having naturally purple hair? I think nobody can top that."
Reo blushed furiously at your statement and he grinned as he looked down on his hands which rested on his lap. Nagi grumbled under his breath.
"Hey, Yena! Do I have cool hair too?! My hair is dark in the front, but light at the back! Isn't it cool?!", Bachira exclaimed, pointing towards his hair. he wanted to feel included as well.
You smiled softly at Bachira. He truly felt like a little brother to you, even though he was an inch taller than you. "yes, your hair's pretty cool too, Bachira."
Kunigami had just stepped into the gym when Otoya, Oliver and Karasu stepped in as well and strolled over to where Kunigami wanted to do his sets. Kunigami was about to bench press 80 kg/176 lbs. They snickered to themselves with a mischievous grin before Oliver started talking.
"So...we saw somethin', dude.", the heterochromia (dual coloured eyes) having boy started, going in front of the metal to "spot" Kunigami in case the ginger wouldn't be able to lift anymore.
Otoya looked at the weight. "You sure you can lift that?"
Kunigami thought back to you. You must've weighted between 60 and 80 kg's, no? So...he wanted to train using the maximum of your body weight. He blushed slightly, but he frowned. "Yes, it's warm up weight."
"Mind if we join?", Karasu asked with a smirk, as he used some dumbbells.
"So, back to what we saw...you were being a lil goody-goody with Yena...", Oliver pondered, grinning at Kunigami holding the bar over his head, and stopped a second too long.
"So what."
"Well...we were just wondering...", Oliver murmured as he did some push-ups, giving up on trying to spot Kunigami. "do you maybe like her?"
Kunigami let the weight fall slowly to him. He breathed out. "Doesn't everyone like her?", he asked as he lifted it again, frowning deeply and wondering where the conversation might lead him. He knew that all the boys who interacted with you had their hearts captivated by you, and he was honestly a little insecure about himself. He also didn't think you'd be interested in him, because he didn't really look like a nice guy. (But that boutta change bro)
"Yes, of course, it's just, you must be having a crush on her~!", Otoya teased, but he flinched at the sound of the weight Kunigami let fall down carelessly, as Kuniagmi went up to Otoya, and Otoya was only 177 cm (5'9'') whereas Kunagi towered over him, being 188 cm (6'2'') tall. Otoya stumbled back with wide eyes, and Oliver and Karasu quickly joined to ease the tension.
"So what if I do? And you should be ashamed of yourselves for what you did with Yena in the sauna. I'm glad that she electrocuted you guys."
The three boys looked down in embarrassment. So she told Kunigami about what happened. Still, Oliver had the biggest ego out of those three, as well as the biggest mouth, and he was also two centimeters bigger than Kunigami.
"Hey, no need to point fingers now, right?"
"You guys started it."
"Ah, guilty. Sorry 'bout that. But hey, now we now that our little wildcard here has a crush on Yena!", and with that, the trio chuckled as they left. Once the door slid closed, Kunigami sighed, a deep blush covering his cheeks.
'fucking idiots...!', he thought before he kept going with his training.
You didn't know how long you've been chatting with Bachira and your two highschool friends, but the door to the surgery suddenly opened. The doctor stepped out, a handsome older male as he groaned in exhaustion.
"Is Melody alright? How did the procedure go? Can I see her?", you asked worriedly after you stood up the moment you heard the door unlock.
"Melody is fine, miss Hideyo. Her fangs are suiting her well. You can come see her, but she is a little drugged with pollen. It might take her a few minutes to fully wake up, but she'll enjoy a few headscratches, I think.", you hugged the surgeon with tears in your eyes.
"Thank you...thank you so much!", you cried, and the surgeon stood there, startled by your over-affectionate gesture before he smiled fondly and patted your head.
"It was no problem. And now, I'll need to go."
You quickly let go of him, bidding him farewell as he went back to his chamber. Then, you took a deep breath before going to Melody. She was laying on that hospital bed, and you slowly apporached her.
"Hey baby...how are you?", you asked softly before you let a finger massage her head. She opened her eyes, registering your presence before yawning, and her silver fangs shined in the hospital light.
you gushed. "Whoah...", you and Bachira made, as he crouched down next to you. You gently picked her up, with her tangling her body in your arm as Bachira put the long snake-blanket on her.
"Her fangs are so cool...!", Bachira gushed as you four went back to your room. Kaiser, Ness and Hiori stood there as they conversed with each other.
You frowned. "what are you guys doing here?", you whispered, your Melody sleeping safe and sound in your arm.
Kaiser "tch"ed before strutting towards you. "You think you can-", but he held his groin in pain when you kicked him. Ness whimpered as he held his hands in front of his crotch, taking a step away from you in fear.
"Melody had surgery just now, so can you, like, maybe not?", you grumbled as you kicked him to the side before Reo opened the door for you.
Ness looked after Kaiser who gritted his teeth and Hiori stared at the two germans for a moment before going inside as well.
You put Melody in a capsule which was custom-made. She slept inside her "nest". You looked at Hiori.
"The player-switch?", you asked, and Hiori nodded, taking the choccy milk from you which you distributed towards your friends. "I saw you stressing at the banks, Hiori. I knew that you had a way better vision on what they had to do in order to score a goal, and I couldn't do much since I was a defender, so I let you in. and, well, you made it. Because of you, you, Ness, Isagi and Kurona managed for a goal."
"But...weren't Raichi or Igarashi a better option?"
"They are both idiots."
Hiori hummed while the others snorted. Ness knocked this time, before stepping inside. He had a busted lip, and you grew alarmed.
"Yo, what happened??", you asked as you placed a finger on his lip which started to blood slightly. "Ah...n-nothing..!", Ness stuttered when he felt your cold finger on his hot underlip. It felt soothing
You frowned at him before taking a special balm form your drawer and opened it. The whole room started smelling after peppermint in just a few seconds.
You motioned for him to sit down as you applied some on his wound, and his lip quivered a little from the pain and the cold sensation. Maybe also because you started to apply it on the rest of his lip as well, your finger brushing against his lip again and again. He blushed furiously as he stared into your focused glare with wide eyes.
"So, that should be good for now. What I gave you was a lip balm which closes the wound faster, and it is also like regular lip balm because you had chapped lips. You can keep the balm.", you explained as you reached out your hand with the balm for him to take.
He muttered a soft "Th-thank you...!" before he took the balm, your fingers touching, sending him a slight shock as your and his fingers brushed against each other, and he finally had the balm in his hand.
He examined it, but it was actually just .. some kind of balm in a tube?
"Where are the inprints? Like ingredients, or from what company?", he asked, puzzled for a moment as he kept looking at the naked dark red tube.
"I made it myself.", you just said before you leaned against your table. Ness looked at you for a moment before nodding, and then he asked a question he's been meaning to ask.
"Are you really going to Lavinho?"
You nodded and Bachira quickly side-hugged you. "Yep! And she'll be teaching me how to dribble like she did! aww, I'm so excited!"
You huffed in amusement before taking Bachiras head, putting him in a headlock and ruffling his hair aggressively. "But I won't go easy on you!", you whisper-yelled.
He tried breaking free form your grasp, but to no avail.
Reo and Nagi only glared at Ness and Bachira. they also wanted you to touch their lips and ruffle their hair.
"Whoah! you actually really suck at this, Otoya!", you bullied him wholeheartedly as you "passed" the ball to him. You were actually shredding the ball in his direction, and he mosten-times slipped and fell down.
Yeah, you were still mad at him for what he, Oliver and Karasu did.
Bachira and Lavinho were having the time of their lives when you three were dribbling. Then, Lavinho had the (bad) idea of turning on some latina music and reached out his right hand to you, his left foot placed on the ball.
"Let's show them what dribbling really means, Yena!", he exclaimed and you sighed. "Do I have a choice?"
"Nope, the fans wanted this!", he cheered before he started dancing to the intro.
you huffed before raising your arms and strutting towards him. Now, you two held each other's arms while dancing to the steps. It was a fluent dance, and the ball swirled around between you two.
Even though you had to stay on your tippy toes, it wasn't as bad as you thought. Lavinho was a great guy to dance with, actually.
While you two were moving around, the cameras followed, an so did everyones' elses gaze. Bachira found himself captivated by the harmonization of you and his trainer dancing like you two did forever, but it was actually the first time you and Lavinho danced with each other.
As soon as the music came to a stop, you and Lavinho swerved your hips before youleft foot and his right one touched the ball and you two scored a goal.
Everyone clapped in applause.
"So, what did you guys see?", Lavinho asked as you forked a ball.
"Well, the ball just--stayed between your feet, not going anywhere!", Bachira exclaimed.
Otoya laid there after you shredded his leg again. "Yena looked sex-ACK!"
You shredded his face. And you didn't care if you got in trouble for that. Also...your time was slowly running out. You wondered where Rin went.
"Exactly! Now, try to do it as well!", Lavinho yelled as he turned the music on again. You only raised an eyebrow when he shook his hips to the rythm, but both your eyebrows were raised when Bachira extended his hand to you.
"Let's dance, Yena!"
"..huh?", you made, suddenly aware that all the other boys had balls and were looking at you expectingly.
Yeah, you had to dance with every single one of them. But you refused Otoya's request to dance with you.
You had the most fun with dancing with Bachira. You wanted to dance again with him. "Bachira, would you mind if we danced again? I really enjoyed it.", you spoke.
Bachira blushed a little, but he was also very cheeful. "Sure!"
As the next song started, you two swayed your hips before you started dancing. You made actual dance steps and bachira just--well, he dribbled with the ball. It turned form a friendly dance to a competition of who could take the ball from the other person.
It was your steps against his dribbling.
Suddenly, your eyes wandered. Your gaze was locked on his eyes as he looked right back at you, then to the yellow hair at his nape and neck, then down to his arms, and when you were having your eyes nearly shut, Bachira thought you were just, well, closing your eyes and feeling the moment.
Never would he have guessed that you were looking at his hips though. they were hypnotizing in their own way, and you couldn't help but blush and pant by the way they were swaying. 'stop these dirty thoughts...dammit bachira, why are you so hot!?', you thought as you tried taking the ball from him again and again.
Still, you were occasionally looking up at him, and he grinned at you. You flushed and averted your eyes. The music kept playing. 'Just how long is this song...and why does Bachira have those, slim, slutty and sexy hips?! This isn't fair...!'
And just like that, you two danced until the last second of the last song ended. You two were panting when you were done. the ball stood between your and Bachira's feet. "Say...how come you're such a great dancer?", the boy asked, out of breath.
You gave him your waterbottle after you opened it. He drank from it. "I used to be a ballroom dancer. And, well, I still use dancing steps, even in football. It just became a habit of mine."
"Aww...I wish I went ballroom dancing...did you go to any competitions?"
"Just a few."
"Did you win any prizes? Did you win first place?"
"Always.", you answered with a smirk.
Bachira's eyes lit up. "Jeez, you're so cool Yena! I'm so jealous!"
You only huffed in amusement. "Nah, you just flatter me too much. C'mon, let's eat dinner, before everyone eats everything away.", you said as you gave him your hand to take because he was sitting.
Rin suddenly took you aside, holding your wrist tightly. "What the hell was that??", he asked in an irritated tone and you snatched your hands away from him.
"Okay, so first off; don't touch me. Second, I was just dancing.", you spoke as you put your hands on your hips.
You didn't want this to lead to an argument. But Rin looked like he did. Oh well.
"That didn't look like 'just dancing' to me.", he grumbled as he sztared down at you.
"And? So what?"
"Hmpf...let's go train."
"I didn't eat anything since breakfast, can I-" "I made you some homemade Spaghetti." "How did you manage to go into the kitchen?"
Rin huffed in frustration. "Okay I didn't go to the kitchen, I ordered takeout for us. Now come."
"I don't like the tone."
"...", Rin licked his lips, his eyes never leaving yours. He sighed. "Sorry. Would you like to go train with me after we eat something?", he asked softly- no, shyly, and his eyes were even downcast as he had a pout on his face.
You stretched before nodding. "You could've gone on your knees for that plea, but meh. Let's go, I don't want the spaghetti getting cold."
Rin sighed in relief that you didn't turn him down. You followed him to his room and he already had the table set, where his laptop would normally rest.
As you two ate the spaghetti, Rin spoke up. "How's Melody? You told me she got new fangs today?"
You nodded as you slurped up the delicious noodles, and Rin did the same. No need to eat formal when you're eating with a close friend, right? "Yep, the doctor said she'd be fine by now, and that she's very tired. And high."
Rin huffed in amusement. "Maybe she needed drugs?"
"The doctor had Malody inhale pollen, which is the same as drugs. But enough of her. How is your training going? And your self meditation?"
Rin blushed at the questions you asked, which were about him. "Great. Although I'd like it more if we'd spend a little more time together. Like...instead of one hour with you, I'd like to have you to myself the whole day."
You looked at him for a moment, mouth full of spaghetti. Rin then realized what he said when you raised your eyebrows and started chewing quickly.
"Wait- no- th-that's not what I meant-"
But he knew there'd be no end in sight after you swallowed your bite.
"Daymmm~ where did you learn to be so smooth, Rin?", you teased and Rin sighed with rosy cheeks as he frowned at you.
"Please, Yena, I didn't want it to come out like this."
"So you don't wanna spend time with me? Hm, sad. I actually did."
"I-I did too!", Rin quickly yelled right after your sentence ended.
"Then why are you taking it back?", you asked the dark haired boy. He looked down at his half-eaten spaghetti box.
"Well, because it was embarrassing of me to say...", he muttered, and you placed your box down as well.
"hmm...embarrassing, you say? I remember how you told me to not be embarrassed when I was scared to go to my first ballroom dancing competition. You told me to not be embarrassed. And that made my whole day.", you spoke, and you opened a cola can, happy that it didn't shake during the delivery time.
"Rin, please don't be embarrassed for your needs. You're one of my best friends. If it weren't for you, Sae, Nagi and Reo, I'd be somewhere in a villa, having to hear my family blabber about some unimportant business shit.
But you helped me, Rin. You saved me. And for that, I'm always grateful.", you took a sip from the can as Rin stared at you with his mouth agape in shock.
'I saved you...? But...you saved me!'
Before Rin could say anything else, a female voice rang through the corridors. "The curfew is approaching in ten minutes, please go back to your dorms."
"Ah, looks like I'll have to go...bye Rin. Goodnight.", you said softly before you hugged him.
He hugged you back as tight as you could. "when...when will you leave Blue Lock?"
"I don't know. Ego said he'd think about it, because he was the one who wanted me to be here. I don't know if my presence has improved any of you guys, but I hope it did.", you joked as you went to the door.
Rin sat on his bed.
"Hm?", you turned around, and then you saw it.
Rin smiled.
He looked etheral when he smiled. Like out of a painting. You loved it.
"Thank you."
You had tears flowing quickly in your eyes as you smiled back.
"Anytime, Rin."
Wow now I have tears in my eyes lol. I hope you guys liked this part <3
Also sorry that I didn't really include Kaiser in this, I just hate hate HATE this boy with a burning passion idk why though
Also I wanna put in Niko, cuz he cute as FUCK, I just want Yena to shamelessly flirt with him and make him blush and stutter...
Also I have no idea what took over me when I wrote you dancing with Bachira...
Anyways, you guys can choose what happens in the next part, okay?
Read you guys in the next post!
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hellishradio · 6 months
Personal headcanon of mine is Alastor somehow made a deal with an angel of sorts!
My biggest reason is his appearance in general- the cross-like pattern on the inner side of his suit under his bowtie. There's also the fact that he's followed by eyes a lot. Eyes seem to be a big thing in Hazbin, since they appear to be everywhere, and biblical angels are ... Well..flying eyes. Also the lyric "unclip my wings" for a split second made me think he was a fallen angel but it also would help to reference his connection to an angel or something similar.
Also the fact he's a deer, too. Deer are very much perceived as pure, innocent creatures, and we've seen a deer cherub... I dunno, maybe I'm thinking too far into it. It just feels odd that he'd be a deer of all things. I see theories saying he's a deer because he was shot on a hunting ground but that still feels off to me. It makes me wish there was something more... (... Lucifer, if you decide how sinners look or however the hell that system works, I just wanna talk.)
(I like the idea of it being Lilith, but also, I feel like it's so referenced to it being her that they're definitely gonna have a plot twist where it's someone completely different. Biggest thing is what would an angel have to gain from Alastor which is something I can't really answer...)
- 💀 (sorry for the ramble, whoops!)
"Haha, but you're wrong darling, I haven't made a deal for my soul!"
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mod : he's lying btw. he definitely has. but oMG that is such a cool headcanon??!?! more people needs to hear this. though i'm not very sure either on how an angel could benefit from it. personally i think alastor has a large connection to lilith but maybe that's just a bit too cliche. in this blog it's canon that he made a deal with lilith since that seems to be the most popular opinion of the fandom
but in a way i also like the idea of him making a deal with roo, aka the 'root of all evil' who is supposedly appearing in hazbin hotel as an important character from what i've heard? perhaps she gains power through the souls alastor collects and in return alastor gets his power. but who knows! i just love all theories
🦴 — reacting to hcsㅤ|ㅤcheck out the event!ㅤ|ㅤ100f event
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fitzrove · 9 days
Ajkdlsld nobody asked for this extremely long misogyny rant but
😭😭 why is society so shit w rampant misogyny everywhere (most painfully, from other women) skkslsls. Reading the replies on that makeup post i reblogged and being chronically online in general is pissing me off lmao
Disclaimer: lol obviously this is all intersectional, like there are lots of ways in which I am extremely privileged (white/European/from a stereotypically desirable "educated, trustworthy, well-behaved, high tech" country/cisgender/able-bodied/neurotypical/privileged economic class etc etc). Doesn't mean the points outlined below don't apply to many women in relation to men who are in their otherwise same demographic
Things that I like about being a woman:
- my body (well don't always like it but don't want to change anything djkdkdj)
- being a lesbian
- being friends with other women (is easier) & not perceived as threatening by them in random interactions
- feeling "special" in some situations where i'm trailblazing or achieving something in a guy-dominated space, especially when other people point that out
- most interests i have/could think of having have no stigma attached to them that would make it difficult for me to pursue them. also corsets and ballgowns etc femme goth fashion pieces being societally 100% acceptable for me to wear in some situations and not even fringe
Things I don't like about being a woman:
- sexual harassment
- being talked over
- wage and employment discrimination
- basic misogyny shit like being expected to have children and take responsibility for all the people around you
- violent heteronormativity (obviously still hurts non straight men but hurts women more because the world feels so entitled to our bodies)
- having to worry about straight guy friends and acquaintances (esp classmates)' intentions (sadly its not stigmatised enough for people to be pushy w women so i get scared pre-emptively :/)
- SOCIETAL EXPECTATIONS FOR APPEARANCE AND COERCIVELY ENFORCED GENDER CONFORMING FEMININITY GRAAHHHHH going to kill every fashion beauty health etc company :) i don't care if doing it makes you personally happier or more confident you know where else conformity makes you powerful? politically oppressive dictatorships<3
- women friends (classmates) whose idea of girl talk is to alternately complain about and fawn over men through a sexual/romantic lens and evaluate them as potential partners, and who take my refusal to participate in this as personal rejection/rudeness and pull away from me as a friend because of it
- existence being political 24/7. no i cant ignore that its just always there
- dating (thats shit for everyone but there are specific annoying lesbian dating experiences such as: MEN EVERYWHERE not just unicorn seeker couples but he/him guys on women's apps, astrology truthers, people with bad haircuts HDJJDJD sorry i'm so mean i just hate the "berlin fringe" soooo much, etc.) and the chance that people you meet won't even take dating you seriously because society prioritises f/m so hard. its messed up because it presupposes unequal division of labour but i wish i could be like an esteemed jrr tolkien type 1950s professor and just be super in love with my wife with whom i'm settled down somewhere picturesque. But I don't think you can get a relationship like that as a queer woman because 1) obviously equality lol idk who even wants that and is not a tradwife 😭💀 2) most women who would like that probably don't think a female partner can give them that :/. Girlies literally be yearning for the masculine societal role because of the associated privileges
- Men being inherently perceived as "good guys" "chill" etc. in mixed academic/professional environments and always taken seriously intellectually, women seen in a more patronizing way/easily perceived as hysterical/a bitch/deficient in some other way
- men being praised to high heavens for doing the bare minimum vs women being always expected to be outstanding people by default
- pick me girl/not like other girls/etc discourse. This keeps happening and nobody ever learns that its dumb 😭
- men being seen as better deeper artists and male historical figures/intellectuals holding universal appeal whereas women rarely got to do anything interesting OR if they did they always get diminished and ignored (largely because media doesn't pick up these stories to highlight). none of you would care about crown prince rudolf if she had been a girl irl and i wouldn't either because often w female historical figures we're expected to care first and foremost about their romantic relationships with men💀💀💀💀💀💀💀 if girls have thoughts about foreign policy 1) they usually couldnt voice them before like 1900s 2) their entire existence and life story from cleopatra to margaret thatcher (yeah evil person but still) is tinged by misogyny from all sides (opponents, allies) which makes for pretty unappealing Content to engage with
- periods LMAO
- strangers feeling entitled to bump into me and get in my personal space (public transport etc)
- the way some feminist activism treats women as a monolith. like all that discourse about how society is not built for women's tiny fragile bodies. Like yeah important point ofc but I fucking hate being erased from existence as a tall woman. you bet if this was being done to short men there would be outcry
- in general people feeling entitled to me and receiving help and advice from me without giving anything in return. sorry i feel like this is just turning into a vaguepost abt classmates
- online queer discourse where there seems to be not a lot of space for this line of thinking that I have?? This is NOT intended as transphobic or even directed at trans people (rather the general community), but sometimes i feel like only trans people are ""entitled"" to hate their pre-transition assigned social role and everyone else has to like it because #girl power and otherwise it's just internalized misogyny or at the very least you misogynistically hating other women for being happy with their position/choices
- i'm tired of typing this is such an embarrassing post tbh
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I posted 1,154 times in 2022
That's 851 more posts than 2021!
827 posts created (72%)
327 posts reblogged (28%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,132 of my posts in 2022
Only 2% of my posts had no tags
#call of duty - 510 posts
#call of duty modern warfare - 472 posts
#cod mw - 459 posts
#cod - 437 posts
#simon ghost riley - 320 posts
#sleepy answers - 318 posts
#cod mw22 - 262 posts
#call of duty modern warfare 2022 - 244 posts
#charlotte jade le jardin - 160 posts
#art - 156 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#this song fucked me up in more ways than one. first time i heard it and i noticed the 'you won't get far with my cold cold heart' i was like
My Top Posts in 2022:
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💀 Beneath The Mask : Vol. 2💀
Vol. 1
Another sketch of unmasked!Ghost !
Apparently that Ghost staring at Soap meme has gone viral on all social media that my sis and my friend messaged me and be like "YO ISN'T THIS THE GUY YOU SIMP FOR????" and I'm like "YEA?? WHERE DID YOU FIND HIM??" and they're like "HE'S EVERYWHERE."
Well, my mans cool and hawt af it's about time he becomes everyone's hot dude even tho they don't know where he's from.
Hope you love it! (❁´◡`❁
6,606 notes - Posted November 18, 2022
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💀 Domestic!Ghost 💀
Never have I wanted to marry a fictional character this much 😔
Yes he wears hoodies to dates.
7,203 notes - Posted November 19, 2022
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Look at this mofo's face.
Yes it's the Flynn Rider smoulder
See the full post
7,881 notes - Posted November 4, 2022
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💀 Beneath The Mask 💀
Wanted to practice my unmasked Ghost, and I had an idea to draw his expressions throughout the campaign. This is really fun to draw WHEW.
His face paint is doing things to me.
Hope you love it! (❁´◡`❁)
8,709 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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Ghost forgets he wears a mask sometimes.
The remastered version of the OG prompt because that ending REALLY sets the fucking scene.
I'm sorry Gaz.
11,924 notes - Posted November 14, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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villainsblog97 · 1 year
Xdinary Heroes Reaction
Watching a Horror Movie with you
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Hello friends! Your friendly neighborhood XH content writer is back! I'm so sorry I've been so IA these few months, a lot or crazy had happened! But I am back with more XH content to feed the delulu little mind!
Summary: I recently just watched the newest Insidious movie and it got me thinking how would our heroes react while watching a horror movie with you!
Warning: Mild language usage, mentions of horror related stuff?
Scenario: boyfriend au, romance, fluff, comedy
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(Let's all just take a moment to admire the art that is Goo Gunil)
Our brave leader
Much like how he was in the beginning of the haunted house ep of RTW
He'll act tough
Like he's scared of nothing
"Just hide behind these guns baby!"
*flexes his muscles*
But as the movie progresses
He's gonna be screaming
But I can see him still protecting you
As he's fearing for his life
(Kind of like the theater scene in Goblin)
(If you know you know 🙃)
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(My little bean boy)
Jungsu can't handle scary shit
So this was already a bad idea
Like he's gonna try so hard to keep his composure
Your hand is locked in his
He'll be shaking his head as he sees how the main character slowly approaches the door
"Don't do it.....don't do it!"
I can also see him pressing his lips together to suppress the scream that's wanting to emerge from his throat
Eyes shut tightly
You're a little worried about him
"Jungsu... we can watch something else!"
"But I wanna see how it ends"
(Why is he so cute!? 🤧)
Gaon 💀
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Someone help this poor boy
We have ALL scene how well he takes scary stuff
He doesn't....
So with that being in mind
He's a mess
And the movie just started
"Why did I agree to this...."
His soul is on the verge of leaving his body
He's gonna be gripping the popcorn bowl tightly
Using it as a shield
Definitely cursing at the movie
*Popcorn is now everywhere*
Jiseok now has a pillow in his lap and his head behind your shoulder
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Much like Gunil
Seungmin is gonna have that cool guy persona to him
Nothing scares him anymore!
Or does it?
He's sitting back on the couch
Arms crossed over his chest
Rolling his eyes at all the "scary" parts
But there's one in particular jumpscare that actually does make him jump
Now your laughing at him
"You should have seen your face Min!"
Back to cool guy
Junhan 💀
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Hyeongjun had already shown us that he doesn't really get scared easily
So again if you've seen the ep of RTW
You guessed it
He's mostly just gonna laugh at you
Like he's enjoying the movie
But he's enjoying you freaking out and grabbing onto his arm
He's also enjoying how clingy and cute you are
He'd also 100% try to make you jump too
Because Hyeongjun is a lowkey little Savage
So this is now all for his own personal amusing
"We'll watch something funny after this Jagiya"
Jooyeon 💀
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(Oh my boy!)
Okay so his is like Hyeongjun
Except vice versa
YOU are gonna be the one enjoying his reactions
Jooyeon doesn't just talk to the TV
He's full blown yelling at the TV
"Don't answer the door you stupid girl! Yep she's gonna die!"
He's trying to stay angry to hide his absolute fear
Boys going through it
I can see him getting into the storyline
The little noises he makes at the jumpscares
Holding onto you for comfort
You making him jump every couple minutes just to hear his cute little scared noises
And then he's whining to you
"Jagiyaaa don't do that!"
Anywho! That's all for now! I have more content I'm working on today! So please look forward to it!
Don't forget to stream Break the Brake tomorrow and give LIVELOCK lots and love!
ILY guys! 💕
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ambrosialdesire · 6 months
God it’s my favourite thing when an author just builds their AUs by answering a bunch of discrete little asks cacoethes Reiner is on ‼️ my ‼️ mind‼️ 24/7‼️
Would Reiner control readers social groups? What would happen if reader cheated on him would he go apeshit or just do the good ol baby trap
AW TYSM FOR YOUR SUPPORT ANON 🥰🥰 i just love talking about cacoëthes, it’s my absolute bread and butter (and probably the first series that i finished in the ~10+ years i've been writing lol)
reiner definitely controls reader's social groups when he can. before bonding with porco, she was only really allowed to speak with the warriors and his family. anyone else either doesn't pay any mind to her or was too afraid of her (since she originated from paradis and is well-known to be married to the armored titan holder), but very select few like the fisherman that helped her can hold a conversation with her and ignore the status she has. tbh reiner really can't control who she talks to since he's out and about a lot but i think in another ask, i've mentioned that he hired some people to keep watch of her if she's doing anything suspicious or behind his back but they don't really keep complete watch on her bc wtf else is a housewife gonna do (this is literally their undoing bc she got away with a lot before the escape attempt happened 💀💀).
but like after the whole porco shit and the escaping, he never leaves her side and literally goes with her everywhere. groceries, shopping, even a simple stroll to stretch her legs, he's coming with her. conversations with any stranger are cut short and if the warriors are nearby, they'll only get a brief hello and a wave from them. reiner's so smothering that it's even more unbearable and reader never gets the chance for some peace until he leaves for more fighting. BUTTTT when he leaves and the house becomes all quiet, reader can't admit it aloud but she started hating the silence and starts missing his presence, as clingy as he is hehe
I LITERALLLLLYYYYY HAD THIS IDEA BACK WHEN I STARTED THE 2ND PART OF CACOETHES AND WHEN I WAS WRITING THE PORCO PARTS ABOUT LIKE A DIVERGENCE OF THE PLOT WHERE IT'S PORCO'S POV AND HE AND READER GET TOGETHER BEHIND REINER'S BACK. i kinda did wanted to originally add an implication that reader was sleeping with porco but since i was trying to go about this by how the characters were in the actual plot of aot (even tho when i started this blog and posted the first part, i hadn't watched the series since like 2013-2014 so i was extremely rusty when i came back to it), i felt like porco would never try sleeping with his vice captain's wife; maybe he would cause he'd prolly do it out of spite or get on reiner's nerves or has this cocky attitude about being able to get away with it, something to that extent. however, i think he's too prideful to be sleeping with an "island devil" he kinda likes and sorta has a slight amount of respect towards reiner (just bc he's a higher rank and that's about it).
i'm still going to actually make a fic about that plot eventually so everyone can see how reiner acts like in a jealous rage (i also sorta talked about it in a kink ask with the blog's most frequent asking anon, bow anon ( aka 🎀 anon (shoutout to you, you absolute horndog 🫶) if you look around in my answered posts or the love-message tag), and i have another request that's in the works about reiner's jealousy in more detail).
i heavily enjoy talking about cacoëthes and like you said, building upon its silly little fic-verse. sorry to my other fics due to my outspoken favoritism 😭😭 now that i think about it, out of all of them, bounded/boundless and cacoëthes gets asks the most and down boy, down and inamorato gets the least lmfao
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enid-rhees · 1 year
Hey T! <33
So, I'm tryna think of some ideas hehe >:D...
Enid and reader are having a steamy makeout session and Carl walks in lol 💀
More requests coming soon bae 💕
hey <3!! tysm for requesting!! hope you enjoy :D !! and i am looking forward to them <33 this is a lil short but i hope u don’t mind
warnings: very suggestive, getting caught. minors dni.
A/N: hope you all enjoy! if you’d like to request, just read pinned! all info is there <3
your body burned everywhere Enid laid her hands. the rush you felt was eating you up inside, you needed Enid in that very moment.
she pushed you onto your bed, immediately going to form marks on your neck and chest. she bit your neck, licking over the mark to soothe the area. you moaned, one hand tangling into her hair.
Enid sat up for a brief moment, taking off yours and her shirt and throwing them across the room.
your lips connected sloppily. your hands ran all over each others body, not able to get enough of each other. your tongues fought for dominance, but Enid won — like always.
she shoved her tongue into your mouth, kissing you harder than before. the way Enid showed you dominance always turned you on incredibly. she knew how to do everything right.
she knew your body better than you ever could, she knew just where to touch you that would make you go weak in the knees for her. Enid knew just how to make you feel good.
just as she started to tug down your shorts, your door flew open. Enid rushed to cover you with a blanket, looking over at the door with wide eyes.
Carl stood there, eyes almost as wide as Enid’s. “do you know how to knock?!” Enid shouted. Carl put his hands up in defense.
“Maggie told me to tell you that dinner was ready! i had no idea you were both in here! are you guys ever not making out and groping each other?!” he shouted back.
Enid picked up a pillow from the bed and threw it at Carl, but he ran and closed the door before it could hit him.
she sighed, “i am so sorry, love. do you still want to continue?” she asked, softly stroking your cheek.
“yes, please.” you responded breathlessly. Enid didn’t waste another second, leaning down and connecting your lips again. your legs wrapped around her waist, locking her in place. she grounded her hips into yours, both of you moaning at the friction, not caring who heard it.
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