#i genuinely think its unfortunately obvious LMAO
drumcanister · 10 days
okay so im doing it anyway and this is about djevel's post kinda but im also just kinda talking out my ass about my opinion on cupanny (I LOVE U MOOT BUT I NEED TO LET THIS OUT IM SORRY 😞)
(to be clear im not attacking the person who made the post im just putting my opinion and thoughts here or else i might start eating the furniture)
The question about why can't colly just stay friends , especially coming from someone who ships cupanny is just,,kinda?? idk
The whole thing with cup and fanny is that he just wants to be friends , nothing more so why use that argument with a ship that clearly has more to offer?
I personally groan out loud when any mention of cupanny being together is mentioned purely because their dynamic is NOT going to benefit either of them at all. Neither respect eachothers boundaries and personally it feels like watching a really bad situationship unfold. (still love them being sillies tho)
They know barely anything about eachother and honestly in my eyes they dont have enough of a connection to really be anything more than friends. the "flirting" is just really stale in my eyes and lacks depth. Plus shes exactly the kind of girl hes dated like 3 times before , it's just going to be a cycle of him getting hurt again.
Cupanny is obvious , it's predictable and literally everyone and their grandma is expecting it to happen. Colly (if its done right) has the potential to be a really good slow burn. It has everything cupanny lacks in my opinion.
Holly has seen everything cup is afraid to show and she doesn't judge or get disgusted , she knows what kind of person he is which is the entire reason she didn't trust or like him at first. He can be himself around her , his childish self , without the fear or uncertainty. He can be open and honest , he can cry and be scared around her.
Fanny hasn't and she never will because he doesn't trust her enough to tell her that like he does with holly. Theres a clear lack of connection and trust with them.
Considering fanny's situation as well i don't think she should be dating anyone for a long time , she needs to heal from this and being with someone like cup isn't going to help that at all. Same would apply to him as well , he needs that genuine love and understanding and unfortunately , in my opinion , i don't think fanny can provide that for him.
honestly all in all idgaf who bro dates (if anyone at all) just get him a cat , heaps of candy and a goddamn vacation.
(once again this isn't an attack i just wanted to share my thoughts on this whole thing , its my personal opinion so if you don't agree then don't read it lmao)
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salon-maiden-anabel · 8 months
the more i think about your mom lucy hc, the more i really adore it. if you don't mind me asking questions about it, what's her general dynamic with kieran & carmine? is she a single mom? how does dahlia fit into the picture?
SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO REPLY TO MY BRAINS BEEN. TRYING . the thoughts are disconnected but by god there are thoughts everything below the readmore
But! Hi hello welcome to Oh lord this family needs therapy and counselling . ! Honestly I have been going into everything with the idea of her being a single mom w/ them! It;s very much a situation of like.... Parent that works away from home constantly, so the relationship is just unfortunately naturally more strained kinda thing .
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With all this i go with like.... The idea that they were very much born in Hoenn and lived there with Lucy until Carmine was approximately 9 or so, and Kieran was 7 [I do like to imagine they're 16 and 14 respectively as of the dlcs]. Work being so remote and stuff plus worrying about their education and all just led to living with their grandparents in Kitakami being the best decision for their development as yknow, People. I like to imagine Lucy visits periodically throughout the year and such to check in :> just takes a bit of coordinating. Also shes absolutely the reason they're able to go to blueberry for highschool via both making sure they Can go there financially and putting a word in to a battle focused school of them being kids of a facility head :p even if realistically Lucy isnt the strongest head by any means lol . it's kinda like if an E4 member put a good word in situation. And we can see with Lacey and Drayton both going there... gestures. I wouldnt be surprised if more children of different league figures go to it or schools LIKE it. But thats besides the point Lucy absolutely like, struggles with her emotions and such. Even from the small bits of dialogue we have from her? Maybe its just my autistic ass reading too much into it LMAO but . gestures .
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i feel like if this werent a kids game she'd just tell you to fuck off to your face here
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sorry just more quick looking too much into dialogue but. cmon. CMON. ...She's . definitely influenced how carmine and kieran act at least somewhat .
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Carmine might be the easiest to point a finger to as being like her mom but i genuinely think that it;s actually Kieran who ended up the most Like her, yknow it;s incredibly obvious to point a finger at Kieran during indigo disk and how he talks as being her fault a little bit :p anyways thats just me vaguely mumbling abt that. AS FOR. DYNAMICS. Kieran isnt as close to his mom as Carmine is just due to everything with living with their grandparents. Theres also absolutely like.... Very much a gap because he stopped seeing her as much when he was younger, while Carmine was only a year off of being like. Legally start being a pokemon trainer age. And its just Awkward, relation wise, just because of how little she actually sees them through the years, especially when the discussion would slowly shift to more "How are your studies?" "How are you doing in school?" "How is your pokemon training going?" once they start going to blueberry. Which i don't think was ment to come off as uncaring for them and only focusing on training as it did from Lucy's end, but I dont really think she knew what else to ask and all, because she stopped being able to really pick up on their interests as much as they got older. Plus thats just kinda How she talks... With the importance on strength and luck n all that. Then with all this I imagine she like. Probably only called once maybe twice between the dlc plots n all? And once again with just mainly the training questions it was just a sour spot. I wouldn't doubt Kieran would also struggle with not wanting to be in a shadow/the nepo baby accusations /j that I fully think if Drayton knows about he'd tease him and Carmine about. So like. All that with the instilled importance of ones strength :sob: Lucy you were not helping the Kieran situation. Hell I don't really think she would of even known about anything going down between Kitakami to Blueberry with Kieran just because neither of them wanted to tell her at all? Because again just that Awkward connection between them, just the permanent fog on all communication that feels like someone said something wrong at all times and it got too awkward to finish. IDK I think im waffling on I don't know how to formulate my thoughts the best LMFAO BUT I THINK... DYNAMICS WOULD CHANGE POST-MOCHI MAYHEM ESP. Bc i KNOW she'd find out after carmine and kieran nearly fucking DIE in the underdepths and everything hits her in the back of her head at once that she needs to repair what she can w/ them because she almost lost them. Probably means taking an extended leave from working at the Pike so she doesn't have to worry about scheduling to see them in person for only a short period of time. Especially if the times line up for them having any extended break from school . It's never going to be perfect, far from it, with their dynamics and all but. gestures. Briar needs to sleep with one eye open for a bit at least. in short
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AS FOR. DAHLIA im in turbo hell because I can not see? the siblings ending up like they did if she was also around? Shes such a force of positivity as a person im just. blinks a bit. Im in hell bc i adore the ship as my big rarepair ill die on a hill for but nobody expected the kitakami siblings especially not me so . i think if they ever do get together it'd be somewhere nearer to scarvio era which just. yeah. see image below
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sourcoded · 2 months
Okay alt timeline kenshi has been spinning around in my head like a microwave soo here's my personal take on his childhood and back story etc.
( most of this is stuff i've posted on twitter but i doubt half of you follow me on there LOL and no one really saw it anyways... sooo ill put it here to, also no character limit so i get to explain shit in detail yippie!)
tw for child abuse mention under-cut
* He was isolated and secluded for most of his childhood due to his family's general paranoia about outsiders and there family linage etc which from that point on made it tremendously difficult for him to connect with his peers. He was home schooled, only ever allowed to mingle with the few children among his extend family ( but unfortunately most of them were already older teens so he barely got much fun out of hanging around them any how.) * But at the same time he grew up way to fast due to the irresponsibility of the adults around him and eventually was forced into the world at a young age. His mother had rather poor health and was horrifically codependent, his father was mostly uncaring of this, neglectful to both her and kenshi's needs but especially controlling, and saw kenshi as nothing more but a tool to orchestrate his vision of the future for there clan and practically worked him to death whenever it came to training. * This endless cycle went on from the age's of 7-16, up until his mother finally succumbed to her poor health and passed. grief stricken and traumatized kenshi finally made the decision to run away, but not without his father putting up a fight. after a tireless battle that almost ended his life, still kenshi came out on top and ironically beating his father with everything he's ingrained in him for all his life, but whether or not his father survived is unknown, kenshi presumed he died from his injuries and kept on his way immediately after. * kenshi picked up any work he could to support himself afterwards, moving place to place, and for the longest time not really sure on what he's searching for exactly, his past still weighing on him heavy. though he found genuine connections through proving his skills and finding worthy opponents and such, he still had a tendency of keeping most ppl at arms length.. more intricate hc's: - due to his mom's codependency and his fathers neglect he is CHRONICALLY independent and tends to bite off way more than he can chew. - He's super avoidant of big emotions and reactions, almost having a sort of flat effect. which can make him appear rather detached, cold and brief, or when in better moods he puts up a front that's rather witty, dry and even a little bit of a mischievous sense of humor. - he is vry autistic if this wasn't already obvious! ( all kenshi's are fight me..) he lives on a rather strict routine for himself and again due to the abuse this made the chronic independence even worse. - guilt and grief eat him up a lot, its super hard for him to navigate either, with suchin's death, he had a tremendously difficult time confronting these things with takeda and finding closure in a healthy manner, so imo this is why he chose not to visit ..i truly believe he wanted nothing but the absolute best for takeda, but again with his circumstances things were just to much (but esp in the moment with red dragon on his tail lmao..?) ( and i esp feel like he didn't want to hinder takeda's growth in anyway either)...big believer in sometimes the parent being there is WORSE! so imo i think this is along the lines of what kenshi was dealing with all those years he left takeda with hanzo. ( i'm super passionate abt this can you tell ...sorry this got so wordy LOL) - last but not least i believe suchin was among the vry few people he let in and became THAT close with, prior to that he's only been with like a few men here and there but only 1 of them were sort of long term.
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charliechaotic · 7 months
hii this is smth for me but i hope anyone would like- I have zero clue how to write batfam or gotham stuff, so please dear gods give me advice if possible <3 (my only reference is tumblr writing prompts, reaction videos, and the Dark Matter fic lmao- this is uh. basically the concept is my oc ending up in Gotham- So far thats all this is gonna be, but I hope you enjoy <:):
When Wren awakes, it is in pain. Agony agony agony agoNY AGONY AGONY-
It feels like he's drowning. Burning? Both? His memory feels so fuzzy. Where is he? ..What happened?
Everything goes dark again.
When Wren awakes again, he finds himself laying on a rooftop, staring up at the night sky- cast over with a deep pollution unfamiliar to him. It was a rare night in Relsia to not be able to see the stars.
He is quick to sit up, coughing up nothing but his own breath, tears welling in his eyes as he takes back in the memory of the feeling.
That color. So vivid in his mind, surrounding him- it matched that of his eyes, should he not have had the flakes of gold in them. It unsettles him to think about.
His body aches as he pushes himself up, hugging his well worn hoodie close- when had it gotten so torn up? It looked like he'd been in some big fight while wearing it, but he cant quite pull the memory up. He tries to keep himself steady, shortening his staff to use as a support. He has to work out where he is, despite the pain gnawing at him. Had he used his power too much? It felt like he'd been torn apart and pit together a million times.
He brushes his hair back with his hands, fixing his glasses on his face. "Id almost kill to see Merc right now."
He finds himself speaking aloud, discomforted by the silence around him. Maybe he could get himself to the Northeast end of the city and stop by. He had promised to stop by sometime soon. He made no promises he wouldn't be in incredible pain. If he could make it that far across the city, anyway. He manages to get himself to about two rooftops away from his starting point before the aching starts to bring him down. He needs to rest, unfortunately. Maybe he can find somewhere alright in the streets below- he can't seem to recognize the area. It looks worse than the worst part of Relsia he's seen in his life. He studies the streets below, trying to work out a normal way to climb down and get a look around- maybe he could sneak a ride on a bus or something. He's willing to risk getting attacked on one today. He sways ever slightly as he thinks, before a voice startles him out of it.
"Hey, buddy. Could you step away from the edge for me?"
He flinches at the sound, immediately turning his gaze to the voice, glaring with distrust at the source- making eye contact with a man around his height, but with a lot more muscle. He appears to be wearing a costume- some kind of 'super suit' probably. His outfit is mostly black, he exception being the streaks of blue- one being centered on his chest. If he were able to think any clearer, he'd say it looked like the way you add birds in the background of paintings in fourth grade. He'd find it a little amusing if he couldn't hear his heart pounding in his chest, still glaring.
The man raises his arms a bit, giving a reassuring smile.
"Hey, its okay. My name is Nightwing. Are you alright?"
Wren feels the mans gaze flick between his hair and eyes, taking a slight step back- further towards the ledge.
"Your name means nothing. I dont know who you are."
His voice comes out in a sharper tone than he intends, his words distorted in a way that almost sounds like a glitchy phone call, on top of the buzz of a voice modulator. He seems a bit surprised by his own voice, a hand reaching up to his throat out of confusion.
uhhhh thats the end lmao- i genuinely Just wrote this so uhm. hope someone sees it? and enjoys? <:) you can probably see some obvious inspiration from Dark Matter, which I completely accept drbrh- I really liked the concept! though how Wren got in the pit water is VERY different heheh
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william-s-churros · 1 year
olan headcanons lol
VERY RAMBLING AND SUBJECT TO CHANGE LOL. if youve read my fics some of this stuff will be obvious but if not, here. you can avoid my fics entirely. i change tenses a lot i think in this and im so sorry
i think that being married was genuinely like a traumatic experience for him. i think he very much did experience intense romantic attraction to his wife at first, but that it probably petered out very, very quickly and for no discernable reason (possibly just that they were incompatible in the long term, which would be obvious if not for the fact that they were still in the honeymoon phase) but he was probably a very conflict-averse person who values his ability to go with the flow, even if that flow is incredibly damaging for him to go with. its just easier to, rather than fight, escape into alcoholism and mouldering resentment. i mean, i dont say this to exuse his neligence as a husband and father, but just to explain why lol. im sure he was a terrible, terrible father in the process of all this. just also maybe that he didnt have a good time either lol. like im sure part of that feeling of being unnecessary to them was him making himself unavailable to even be neccesary.
definitely married young because he got his then-girlfriend pregnant. definitely then married her because that's the good catholic boy thing to do. (also yeah hes catholic in my mind lmao. what else is new with me. i feel like theres probably a sizeable catholic community in olathe for no reason besides i said so, because i love giving characters very catholic-y feelings lol)
i think probably, in the aftermath of this, he enjoys the freedom from his family quite a bit. like, im sure he didnt want them to die, but he probably never wanted to see them again. like the responsibility of having a family was too much for him, and he constantly failed at it, so not having that failure and pressure hanging over his head is a welcome relief, even if the method by which it happened was extremely unfortunate. i kind of imagine that loss was something more of a hollowness than a more typical sense of grief. im sure he feels very weird and bad about all of it, but thats what drinking is for! eyyyyy. probably a lot of that feeling weird and bad is worrying about the judgment of others, too.
as a result, i feel like his relationship style is probably like. none. like i imagine since his marriage was so terrible, he probably just assumes that every relationship he's in will also be terrible because he assumes he is just terrible at relationships, and does his best to actively avoid being actually romantically involved with people, to actively avoid developing feelings for people, or even like sleeping with people more than once. that said, i feel like he would fuck anyone with a pulse who gave him the go ahead lmao. he's looking for good memories (and a stiff drink ofc) more than anything! and that means trying to do as much fun stuff as he can before he dies. i do sort of feel like that its extremely possible to fall into those intense romantic feelings-- the kind he had early on with his wife-- but they, again, would probably not last a very long time, and his system of being a one-and-done lay works to insulate him from those feelings (typically)
all this stuff if meant to insulate him from pain and conflict of course. i feel like he probably lies (or "bends the truth" lol) frequently for similar reasons.
definitely someone who only really does stuff he's either already good at or is good at immediately lol. zero discipline
no gag reflex at all (extremely important headcanon)
uhh i think he's probably pretty gay? but he doesn't think of himself that way. in his mind, he's straight, but also willing to play the cards he's been dealt because he enjoys having sex and, you know, why not? its probably more accurate to say that he's bisexual, but he probably never considered the possibility of sleeping with a man until after the flash when that was all that was available. i feel like he made it like 3 months before being like oh... whatever... fine. ill try sucking cock. he's also vers lol, mostly because a lot of other "straight" men after the flash don't want to bottom.
he's good at other long range accuracy sports (like darts and uhhh bowling??) but he has zero coordination when it comes to hand to hand combat.
tall? maybe not super tall, but still on the taller side, like 6ft. also one of those people whos never had to work out to maintain his physique. a lot of things like this have been very easy for him in life, which cultivated his very poor discipline habits. probably of average intelligence, but very good at bullshitting and thus got good grades in school.
he has an associates degree in communications.
he did not enjoy his job, but he did enjoy being away from his family. decent-ish salesman? it helps that he's very friendly and basically handsome. definitely drank on the clock.
has a DUI, but has driven under the influence hundreds if not thousands of times lol. he's probably smoked weed only a few times when he was younger but he didn't know what he was doing and didn't actually get high (he probably had a bit of a placebo effect where he felt what he thought people felt while high on marijuana, which was not accurate at all) he grew up in a household where drinking was very normal and began drinking as a very young teen (13 or 14?) also a casual smoker, especially likes to smoke after sex or a good meal.
he's a bit of a square, and especially was one before the flash. he definitely did things that were expected of him (i.e. getting married) because that was the normal thing to do more than because he wanted to. he had a pretty deep investment in appearing to be normal before the flash. after the flash, he's not nearly as worried, but he still has some residual mindsets that are hard to get over, which lead him to do things like, for example, consider himself to be straight lol
he obviously has a very high tolerance for alcohol and could drink any other party member under the table.
he "likes" birdie, but birdie also makes him feel extremely insecure about how terrible he was as a father and how little he cares that his family is dead. sometimes, this causes him to lash out at birdie in really stupid ways, like over-exaggerating just how little he cared about his family to upset birdie. he does regret doing this because it makes birdie cry. birdie does not really like olan because of this type of behavior, but often forgets that when he's particularly plastered, and olan is usually the only person who is willing to drink as much as he is, so they do hang out together despite both of them kind of not enjoying the experience at all.
he likes brad a lot because brad is very weird lmao. he's just curious about him and asks him a lot of questions (most of which brad does not answer of course) and wants brad to like and trust him. he also wants to make brad have fun and relax (good luck with that one bud... lmao)
I don't think he has much interest in buddy at all? he fully supports brad abandoning his quest to save her, of course, mostly because he doesnt see the point of it.
he probably gets along with nern pretty well but definitely only enjoys his rambly ass stories when he's good and drunk. they complain about their dead wives with each other. yeah he probably kind of sucks about women, not in like a malicious way per se but more in the sense that he's just an idiot man. basically. lmao. but nern really brings out the worst in him on the subject of women.
he likes terry a lot because terry is a ridiculous person and a lot of fun. ignoring the fact that i ship them, i think he just really enjoys what a silly, weird dude he is. he is probably a longtime hint enjoyer and was pleased to meet the guy who wrote them all. NOT ignoring that i ship them, i feel like olan sort of views terry as one would a manic pixie dream girl, like, terry makes his life so exciting! he's going to pull olan out of this existential mire! he's making olan feel things again! he's damaged and desperate for love! and he's such a freak in bed! idk. its not the most accurate of reads is all im saying. idk how it would work out in the longrun with them, though. i think olan would kind of maybe slide into his avoidant-resentful mode if enough time passed, but it might take longer than it did with his wife because theyre just really good at having sex with each other lol.
he's probably been to the beehive like plenty of times so queen roger knows of him and he knows of queen roger, but i doubt theyve encountered each other much outside of maybe roger kicking him out on his ass because he was too drunk or trying to sleep there like its a hotel
and uhhh i havent thought a lot about what he thinks of the other companions as much. i feel like he probably likes most of them? he probably likes most people he meets tbh.
anyway im tired of writing this long ass shit lol bye
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everything-is-crab · 1 year
how do you feel about women of colour having our separate form of feminism to focus on & tackle the specific issues that we face? i feel like as a black woman myself, feminism is heavily dominated by white women.
Hard approve. I highly encourage a different form of solidarity between woc. In fact I have been yelling this at woc on here forever lmao.
And I encourage feminists of color to pay more attention to the specific issues they're facing that neither moc nor white women will care about because it doesn't affect them. And when you do see white women mention the specific issues you face then be very skeptical. Half of the time it's to incorporate your struggles as talking points in their own agenda and other times they're most likely thinking how much of savages we are (and trust me I am not blindly accusing them of this. Other woc who have pointed this out like me have a good reason for saying so). Because they don't understand how issues like racism, imperialism and capitalism affect us differently and make our issues worse.And moc understand and know it all, but will do nothing about it for obvious reasons.
I am not saying every white woman on here is untrustworthy. There are few genuine allies I have come across. But unfortunately just a "few".
And even amongst woc, our issues differ greatly. And so does the type of racialized misogyny we face. So while we aim to form stronger solidarity with each other to combat the racism and sexism in mainstream visible movements globally, it is important for us to have our own individual movements too.
Many woc have been calling this out and forming their own movements on this basis for a long time btw. But how strong and visible the movement is, depends on your region.
So just search up women's activism along with its history of your own race/country/whatever parameter you prefer and see if you can find anything to motivate you for yourself as a black woman from whichever region you are from. I hope that there at least will be some women in academia, if not activism to help you learn more. And you can ofc, also look at movements of other woc to form more thoughts and inspiration.
Ik on a white dominated place like Tumblr things might seem hopeless, but trust me, many woc understood what you're pointing out way before. You will definitely find solidarity in actual activism offline, even if it's smaller than white women's or men's. We just have to focus on making it bigger.
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tu-es-gegg · 7 months
28 , 32 and 1!
28. Favorite animation(s)
(i have so fuckign much holy shit)
32. Drop a lore hot take🔥 (Or cold take🧊 who cares)
i can try to name a few
idk if this is a hot take, lmao i think the presidential elections arc were kinda mid in retrospect (this one is kinda hard to discuss because of yknow) but like, at the time it was ok it was enjoyable and there were some good additions to the server because of the end result, but like idk the election debates themselves weren't really fun for me to watch because theres a lot of yelling and ofc irl political theories and influences got roped in because thats just kinda what happens, and thus people there also fought abt it, also like half the candidates say outright they hate the federation and are running for president to WORK with teh federation so like that's not going to go great so idk what was going on, its weird because dsmp elections i liked but ig at the time theyre weren't taken as much seriously, and the stakes in the elections were not focused on politcal bureaucratic gains and more of personal stakes for a nation itself. idk when i look back at the elections and try to watch back then in 2023, even from gegg perspective i only could stand to rewatch the dinner and everyone hanging out, the actual presidential debates i couldnt BEAR at all. also elq wtf were you going to do with charlie please explain
also i dont understand why doied exists like the only other precursor to that is abuleoier somehow on the island and also having a past with being in prison adn such, but like i was so confused when he appeared like what. i love roier's lore i loved the tape streams, i just wish there was more prep to that, the namemc spoilering and the messages were really clever but i wanted at least SOME hints before doied jsut.... appeared.
uhhh the bobby death should not have been counted its obvious there was lag at the time and other egg deaths because of lag was also not counted, i cant rememebr exactly what happened for them to come to the conclusion of the death but god bobby did not deserve to die, damn you telmex
AND ALSO I WILL SAY THIS, QSLIME WAS AT LEAST A GOOD ENOUGH FATHER TO FLIPPA, MAYBE NOT A GREAT INFLUENCE, he wasn't the best at first is the thing, like yes he did instigate fights and cause a bit of an unstable household because of his very temperamental attitude but when nearing the later parts, he learned the swing of things of being a good enough parent, like he paid attention to flippa's needs, the difficult part of it was communication because at the time they couldnt communicate without the preset signs, instead of the free use of jsut text, it was only later she started using sign for slime, she did with mariana but not yet charlie as much at that point, plus i think there were some issues of flippa understanding charlie just generally (which is fair even i dont understand him), ITS THE THING OF LIKE, he kinda was fumbling at first but flippa genuinely was happy and taken care of by both parents. its was unfortunate that was cut short because of the thing. most part is jsut a bad influence in terms of being selfish and possibly spreading that to flippa but honestly i wish she stuck aroudn logner so i could see that happen GOD;;;; it frustrates me because qslime's path to being a good parent IS RIGHT THERE but when trying to try again he's scared of fuckign up liek everyone tells him and liek that reminder of his mistakes isnt helping him in the slightest to actually trying again, GOD GOD:;;;;
1. Favorite theory and least favorite theory (If you have one)
ok i like the theory that the federation made the codes in teh first place and then tried to cover up but they came back to get the islanders out any which way they can, then leading to my theory that codeflippa was a real egg at one point because of how the resistance describe her in that one report, not a faulty vode but a faulty egg , so i have reason to beieve she was an egg merged with a code in order to have a stable form the way she is. also that theory that at some point the eye guy started to corrupt codes themselves which is why some codes went rogue against orders from the resistance.
uhhhhh least favourite, idk i dont have any theories i dont like much, mostly because they are kinda convincing, i think i saw maybe a theory abt ll the islanders were experiments from the federation, maybe some select few have fistory but i dont think ALL of them
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bigbluelemon · 6 months
ok so obviously no pressure but i've been meaning to ask all day: i want to start watching star trek (bc i need to get into classier sci-fi) but have absolutely no idea what to watch first...there are so many different versions man. i thought maybe since you like star trek i could ask you which series you like best so i could start there :P
!!!!! i am so excited i am bouncing up and down (though I dont know about classier scifi……it's mostly silly and hopeful, which is what I like about it, but i wouldn't necessarily call it classy lmao)
Oh there is going to be so much text im so sorry this is probably not what you were counting on lmao
Ok so short answer is: Strange New Worlds if you want a peek into what's happening in here, or whatever vibes with you from the old shows, but probably The Original Series (TOS) (starting from the roots) or The Next Generation (TNG) (still from the roots but a bit more energetic bc its the 80s now) are best
Most of it is on the same timeline, but independent enough that you are safe to start with +- any series you like the premise of i think. That said, I am a big admirer of Strange New Worlds, which imo is the best of both worlds (hehe) in terms of inheriting all the good trek stuff and also being a modern production. It's monster-of-the-week, it touches upon cool topics, and generally just a good show. You might need to look up a bit of context bc it has a small tie to Discovery and I don't remember if they explain it enough within the show (I think they do, but I was also watching them in order so I am biased) (I am also willing to admit that I might generally be nostalgia-baited here bc it is a prequel to The Original Series, aka the very first one with Spock and Kirk etc, but I still believe it's a good show and a good place to start to get a feel of what it's like)
Short answer she said. Oh well.
An even longer answer:
Wiki has a fabulous graph that I love with my whole heart, here it is:
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You probably can't see shit here but here's the link where it's in good resolution: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Trek#History_and_production
I watched trek in 2021, where i sat down and just got through all of the stuff that was out there in order of release start to finish in the span of something like 10 months? 11? i even had a spreadsheet to track my progress, and it was a bit of a mind-altering exercise (I remember emerging out of it like: where am i. what am i watching next. there is no trek left)
All of that is to say that The Original Series is an obvious place to start, but tbh I don't like it much. It is very fun and has a great cultural and historical significance etc, but for me it's way too slow-paced (small attention span girlie here) and, well. misogynistic. It's just very much a product of it's time I suppose. Though I do adore the original cast and my heart belongs to the og wacky alien designs
The Next Generation is better in terms of, well, speed: my brother once said that it resembles a radio spectacle, and he is not entirely wrong. The public seems to agree that the first season is a wash, but tbh I don't find it that objectionable (though i do seem to generally have All The Wrong Opinions, bc I like Enterprise which is apparently considered the worst series overall? Idk it has it's unfortunate moments but I disliked Voyager more) Generally, TNG is a good place to start I think if you want to go in a somewhat chronological order but The Original Series is too much: it's very similar in vibes but a lot more watchable I think.
The last option to start is Deep Space Nine, it's a bit of an add one bc I think they were trying to do something a bit new with it, and I have to say that it took me two seasons to warm up to the main cast (it's not necessarily bad, but I am used to opening up any trek and immediately having 10 new blorbos and that didn't happen there and I was Sad) BUT it is genuinely very good. It's a bit darker in places, has great themes, overarching plot arc, my favourite eugenics plotline, great cast. Basically it's a bit grittier trek for those who are tired of vanilla pink glasses trek. (it's not. actually gritty. it's pretty chill still) It's not a very obvious place to start, both in terms of it's less well-known, and, well, it's the 'one that's not like the others', which is a bit pointless when you don't have a feel of what the others are like, but I don't really know what your taste is and I think it's always better just to watch whatever part vibes with you most instead of aiming for some sort of completionism or whatever. Unless you want the popculture primer that is, then TOS or TNG are your boys
There is a lot of other stuff, but tbh I wouldn't rec it as a place to start for various reasons (Voyager I just plain don't like; Enterprise has a cool premise but it's about the very beginning of space exploration and is much less trek-y bc of it; most of the modern stuff is either not very good or relies heavily on old stuff, either in terms of being prequels/sequels/midquels or being genre deconstruction (like Lower Decks, which I think is great but it's a bit useless if you don't know what it's trying to deconstruct)
Sidenote about the new movies (2009-2016): I don't have anything bad to say about them, I think they were the first trek I ever watched, but they are also very much mid-tier blockbusters in a trek coat and not very trek-like. Are they enjoyable? absolutely. Will they give you a good idea of what trek is? Probably not. They're also the only ones on the alternative timeline, so they don't actually tie into anything before of after and thus aren't a great launching point.
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Got two more marks off my liberal bingo card:
Blame voters for Democrat's failure to provide serious policy reform (see: placating the right wing constantly only for them to stab the dems in the back again).
Nebulous claims of "he didn't have enough time because he had to save the economy." Despite Obama explicitly saying he would codify Roe.
The left been critically telling the Dems how to improve for years, they've constantly ignored it. Black people constantly deliver for the Dems, they barely give them a pittance. Working class protections? Minimum wage? Campaign finance reform? Voting reform? All issues that they make the smallest moves on because they're terrified of pissing off the right wing.
You ask that we critique Republicans, but Joe Manchin is now a force of nature we need to just accept? Nancy Pelosi and her budget scolding? Or are we correctly saying that these institutions and people are above reproach for the majority of Americans? It's a glaring issue that voting "slightly less right wing" is our only voice in this system. The Dems absolutely could make big changes our society, but they do not, not because of no time, not because there's so much to do. But because they do not care. And instead of a genuine critique for these useless ghouls it's all more of their same campaigning: "It's us or the explicit Nazis. Our do-nothing policies are above reproach. Hey why aren't you voting for us?"
I've voted blue every year and I'll keep doing it. But this form of blaming voters for being sick of the dem's shit should earn you a spot on their PR board.
Lmao, okay. I'll play. If my post yesterday was a rage-fueled rant that I had to get out of my system, I am willing to slow down and take this piece by piece. Thank you for this learning opportunity, which I think my followers will find both enjoyable and educational.
First, your whole ask is a straw man fallacy, wherein you create a broader and/or inaccurate form of my argument and refute that one instead. Wherein I said, "Democrats are not to blame for a hard-right Supreme Court overturning Roe as the culmination of decades of deliberate Republican policy," you've jumped in with "CLEARLY YOU'RE SAYING THAT DEMOCRATS CAN NEVER BE CRITICIZED FOR ANYTHING, LIBERAL BOOTLICKER PR SHILL!"
Anyway, in short, your entire premise is flawed. Now let's break down its component logical fallacies, one by one.
1. "Liberal bingo card." This is an obvious ad hominem, wherein you attack me under the (incorrect) assumption that I am a Tepid Establishment Liberal (ooh, scary). Actually, I’m not. I’m about as far left as it’s possible to go. However, unlike a large majority of Online Leftists, I recognize that much of what currently passes as leftism is in fact just reheated right-wing bullshit with the names changed, that “accelerationism” is a) literal genocide and b) has never worked as an actual political policy in the entire history of the world, and also that the only entity in American politics working to implement these policies (however flawed and sporadically) is the Democratic Party.
2. “Democrat's [sic] failure to provide serious policy reform.” There are several different fallacies this could be classified as, but I’m going to go with argumentum ad populum, wherein a (false) belief is treated as true simply because it’s constantly repeated. Unfortunately, a leftist echo chamber where a lot of people who may or may not be actual Democrats, ever met a Democrat in real life, or participated in actual Democratic-affiliated political or civic initatives, yelling at each other about What The Democrats Haven’t Done, doesn’t count as a valid source for this statement. Google is free. Please research how the Democratic Party platform has changed drastically in the last ten years alone, and not just on the federal/national/macro level. Check the state and local levels as well, and what is now universally accepted as settled party policy. Then come back and we can talk about this some more.
3. “Nebulous claims of "he didn't have enough time because he had to save the economy." Despite Obama explicitly saying he would codify Roe.” Once again, I posed a very specific question in my answer to the last anon: please tell me how, in what Congressional session, why, and when, without changing any of the actual rules of priority, procedure, and who was in office at the time, this should have happened. After that, please explain how this non-action is exactly equivalent to a hard-right Supreme Court overturning Roe as a matter of deliberate, decades-long policy, after the makeup of that Supreme Court was achieved through constant cheating, hypocrisy, and power grabs on the Republican part. This is, of course, a false equivalence, where the two sides are treated as the same and assigned the same causal or moral weight, even when this is obviously not the case.
4.  “The left been critically telling the Dems how to improve for years, they've constantly ignored it.” Doubling down on the argumentum ad populum, with a dash of false dilemma for spice. In this framework, either the Democrats have become carbon copies of Far Left Twitter, or they’re still ‘90s neoliberal Clinton centrists who haven’t budged an inch. Neither of these statements, of course, is true. The Democrats have been increasingly adopting left/progressive wishlists and incorporating them into their policy statements and actions at all levels, even if -- again -- this has not been instant and sometimes slower than activists would like. But because they refuse to use toxic messaging like “socialism” and “defund the police,” since those phrases have repeatedly caused mainstream voters to flee from them in droves, something something they’ve never changed a single thing. Sure, Jan.
5. "Black people constantly deliver for the Dems, they barely give them a pittance." Ah yes, the classic red herring. The views of African-Americans on the Democratic Party are yet again, not relevant to the question of "are the Democrats to blame for a hard-right Republican Supreme Court overturning Roe." But you have to throw that in there so that if I don't answer it, that can give you grounds to call me a racist. And yes, Leftists, please tell me more about how Bernie would have beaten Trump in 2016 AND 2020, when he could barely muster up any support from African-American voters and therefore lost both primaries to mainstream Democratic candidates. Funnily enough, having a base largely composed of young white leftists (statistically, one of the least likely groups in America to actually, y'know, vote) doesn't accurately represent the country either. But once again, this is a distraction, so we're moving on.
6. "Working class protections? Minimum wage? Campaign finance reform? Voting reform?" Lmao. Where have you been the last year, where the Democrats have passed the biggest reforms and investments in the working class, in multiple billion-dollar legislative packages, since FDR's New Deal? Did you notice that Biden immediately raised the minimum wage for all the workers that he could do so by executive order? Did you notice the John Lewis Voting Rights Act that they can't simply handwave through the Senate because they have 46 Democrats, 2 Independents, and 2 Republicans pretending to be Democrats, and mathematics are, unfortunately, a real thing? Did you notice that the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau was re-energized from its moribund status under Trump and given strong new powers? Did you notice that for all the leftist howling about whether Biden Has Cancelled Student Loans Yet, nobody has paid a penny in federal student loans since he took office? Aside from that, this is cherrypicking, where only a few categories are selectively cited and the rest are ignored.
7. "All issues that they make the smallest moves on because they're terrified of pissing off the right wing." Uh-huh. That sure seems like the case to me. Yes, Biden's behind-the-times folksy talk about "bipartisanship" also pisses me off. And yes, the Democrats have traditionally been far too willing to kowtow to Republicans in the name of "unity." But argument by repetition, wherein you constantly repeat the same false point in order to treat it as if it's true, is still a fallacy.
8. "You ask that we critique Republicans, but Joe Manchin is now a force of nature we need to just accept? Nancy Pelosi and her budget scolding?" Lmao, again. I have repeatedly BLISTERED Manchin on here. Like, a lot. So no, I am in no way "accepting" him. I have also criticized the Democratic Congressional leadership for the way they keep letting him get away with his one-man quest to torpedo Biden's entire agenda. However, this is a truly whopping example of a false equivalence and also false analogy. Literally the entire Republican party, from its top leadership down to its ordinary base voters, against... one horrible "Democratic" senator who can very easily be rendered completely irrelevant if we add two more anti-filibuster progressive Democrats to the Senate this fall. Which is easy to do, IF WE VOTE, since there are a lot of them running. All 48 Senate Democrats not named Manchin or Sinema already voted to eliminate the filibuster. This is now a mainstream position. Also, "Nancy Pelosi and her budget scolding?" What does that even MEAN? Pelosi is one of the most ruthlessly effective Democratic politicians we have ever had. I'm sorry if she WOMANLY NAGS people too much, in a NAGGINGLY WOMANLY fashion. No, wait, I'm not.
9. "It's a glaring issue that voting "slightly less right wing" is our only voice in this system." Yeehaw, that old argument by repetition is still working hard. "Democrats would be center-right in Europe!" Lmao. No. They would not. Tell me that you don't know anything about the Democrats, or mainstream European party politics, without telling me that you don't know, etc etc. This is also, as is most of this ask and this take in general, a prime example of the Nirvana fallacy, wherein any available solution is rejected because it’s not totally perfect. (Yes, it has an actual scholarly name.)
10. “The Dems absolutely could make big changes our society, but they do not, not because of no time, not because there's so much to do. But because they do not care.” Hahahahhhahahahahahahhahahahaha. Okay, I’ll stop laughing. Sure, okay. Those evil Democrats just don’t care and haven’t tried, that’s obviously the problem here. This is a pretty straightforward appeal to emotion, wherein we’re supposed to overlook the total lack of evidence for this claim because it makes us feel angry and justified and fired up to offer the most simplistic solution imaginable (and also, again, position us as morally superior to those heartless establishment bastards). And no, of course there’s not too much to do. The Bush years were fake. The Trump years were fake. The Reagan years were fake. All of American history with its flaws and deeply rooted problems were fake. The reason that Democrats have not fixed every single one of these issues yet is because they just don’t care. The end!
11. “And instead of a genuine critique for these useless ghouls it's all more of their same campaigning: "It's us or the explicit Nazis. Our do-nothing policies are above reproach. Hey why aren't you voting for us?" Oooooh, another giant whopping false equivalence, mixed with a nice appeal to spite and appeal to fear. “Democrats Do Nothing!” Screams Person Who Has No Idea What Democrats Have, In Fact, Done. This framing strives to incite spite and fear toward the Democrats, because... well, that’s the way this entire mindset rolls. I have literally not seen one single elected Democrat, or Democratic voter, saying that they should just do nothing or not respond to everything that they have to do. Any acknowledgment of the almighty headwinds they face gets immediately brushed off as “THEY’RE JUST MAKING EXCUSES, THEY COULD DO IT IF THEY REALLY WANTED TO!!” Which, of course, is a prime example of magical thinking, which also runs rampant around here and on both sides of the political aisle.
12. “But this form of blaming voters for being sick of the dem's shit should earn you a spot on their PR board.” Once more an ad hominem, with the implication of a traitorous critic (ergo decedo “then leave”) fallacy. In other words, if you say that I should be on the Democratic Party PR board, that means my underlying argument is invalid due to my perceived association with the wrong side. Also, I’m still not sure where the idea comes from that I’m a mindless shill repeating whatever the Democratic establishment says. I was EXTREMELY critical of Biden during the primary season, and I didn’t vote for him then. However, once it became clear that he was going to be the nominee, I wrote up a long list of his policy positions as stated on his campaign website, explained where they were good and where they could stand to be pushed, and pointed out that we were going to have to vote for him either way. This post, while it was generally popular, earned me gobs of shouting, screaming, attacks, and hate, by leftists who felt that even after four years of Trump, it was better to either not vote at all, vote for Trump, or actively sabotage anyone who tried to claim that Biden would represent any kind of improvement. Even after the whole debacle with HRC in 2016, y’all had learned... absolutely.... nothing. And judging from the reaction here and on Twitter more generally, where your deep-rooted and pathological need to be Morally Better Than The Democrats is resulting in you literally doing the Republicans’ work for them, you’re not likely to do so in the future either. But hey. We can always hope.
You have a nice day, hon.
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Can I just say your MC is one the best MC's I've ever read in COG and HG. As a female reader the mc doesn't feel too masculine nor feminine. They feel neutral enough that I can play without having to change them. I also love the realistic choices and reactions, too often I see other HG's (cough- I won't say which-) quip and give that marvel like family friendly dialogue. I love that if I was in this setting, I would react the way (at least my mc) acts. Oh and the female characters Muah! Perfect. They feel genuine without being a stereotype of what means to be a girl and the fact you still give them their femininity without demonizing it! Many male authors seem to write female characters underneath Pixie wild, shy motherly or badass sexual. Anyway, sorry for gushing- its honestly hard to find a versatile, all the round good WIP.
Have a good one Ser Flame R. R Martin.
"As a female reader the mc doesn't feel too masculine nor feminine."
I try, but im sure to fuck up in the future haha. Ill be hoping for people such as yourself to help me steer the ship back on course!
"I also love the realistic choices and reactions, too often I see other HG's (cough- I won't say which-) quip and give that marvel like family friendly dialogue."
Dude, i hate that so much! But what do you expect when we've had Marvel be the juggernaut of cinema for the last 20 years? That means their form of telling stories has influenced so much styles of writing, storytelling, and direction to the point it's saturating media and people are getting tired of it. Personally, I haven't even seen the new Disney shows about Wanda, Loki, Moon Knight or the rest since I'm so fatigued watching superhero stuff. Like I could care less.
"I love that if I was in this setting, I would react the way (at least my mc) acts."
This is something I really wanted to hammer home. Most people, including some of my readers, expect to be a cold-blooded ruthless OP MC straight from the gate. But that's not possible! Our Goddess chose you in the end because of your good nature, your humanity, and your empathy. You are canon to start off as a good person with modern sensibilities! A person of today raised in relative comfort would be shocked if they had gone through anything the MC has gone through. But how the MC will end up becoming will be up to the player.
"Oh and the female characters Muah! Perfect. They feel genuine without being a stereotype of what means to be a girl and the fact you still give them their femininity without demonizing it! Many male authors seem to write female characters underneath Pixie wild, shy motherly or badass sexual."
Tbh i wanna avoid that bullshit that makes me roll my eyes. Oh great, a female character who is strong and independent and needs no man whatsoever because she thinks men are baggage so she always has to demean them while doing everything perfectly. Eyerolls. ONLY FOR HER TO FALL IN LOVE WITH A DUDE AND REALIZE THAT SHE WAS WRONG! Like they not only ruined her whole character, they then turned it on its head and made it so a man could be the only thing that could help her grow as a person...Bruhhhhhhh
Anyways. Yeah, ima try to avoid that, but like I said before i may fuck it up without realizing it because I consume media that unfortunately has that bullshit and may influence me somewhat. Doesn't mean I'm a piece of shit lmao, just means I'm being influenced by my surroundings because quality writing isn't being promoted because of writing that instead checks off boxes is what gets the love from corporations and investors instead. I don't believe in the whole "Go woke go broke" shit, I rather believe in consumer fatigue. Consumers don't wanna get preached or lectured at anymore. People don't wanna see obvious boxes getting checked with token minorities or plot points. People are tired of corporate wokeness.
I think a woman can have strength by being a mother. She doesn't have to be single and scorn the affections of others. I think a woman can show fortitude by being a knitter or dancer in the ballrooms. She doesn't have to give speeches all the time and be a general to command respect from others. I think a woman can show initiative by using their charisma without needing it to be sexual to get shit done. A woman doesn't only have her sexuality to use as a weapon, she has her wits.
Inversely, you can flip what i just said and it would be true. Because a woman isn't bound by tropes.
Same goes for the men.
Anyways, my point to all this is that i wanna create something that can give female characters their femininity without demonizing it.
Bruh i talked alot lmaooooo
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aka-ashi-keiji · 4 years
Akaashi Keiji
soft angst, unrequited love
a/n: this was for a school assignment lmao but i really really enjoyed writing it, even though love stories are def not my forte :(( but angst definitely is, so enjoy!!
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Keiji, such a beautiful name. This was the name of someone who you held so closely to your heart, but weren’t necessarily as close to his. Despite this fact, the fondation in which your friendship was built off of will always overpower your sense of heartbreak as you realize that not all the feelings you feel for Keiji are reciprocated. The earliest memories your mind encapsulated revolved around the amount of time you spent with him as a child. Your mothers being best friends and your houses set on the same street, you each had a “built in best friend”, as your parents would like to tell you. And it was true, he was your best friend all through the enjoyable years of grades kindergarten to fifth. As well as staying through the hell bound years of grades six to twelve. 
The core memories accumulated through the daily interactions between you two, stood out so brightly in your mind even years after graduation. Racing each other down hills even though those races always ended with either you or both of you with scraped knees. the scars still graced your skin and were visible under the skirt you wore to your office job day in and day out. Spending time sat in the shade provided by your house, in the backyard as your backs faced each other. On these days of your early preteen years, Keiji would bring you a new book every time, insisting that you would adore it. You nearly always did, and when you think about it now you’re not entirely sure if you truly did like these books, or if you just adored the person sitting with his back to yours as he read the same set of words. 
Despite whether you adored the books or if you adored him subconsciously, this admiration soon became a conscious thought that consumed your entire being. It all started with the garden of flowers that grew near the back door. Tiger lilies, roses, tulips, all varieties of each end of the color spectrum, definitely the second most beautiful thing that took part of Keiji’s household. The first being obvious, but nonetheless beautiful. But one specific flower soon had woven its roots of beauty and simplicity into your mind. Forget-me-Nots were simple, easy to overlook, kinda like Keiji and yourself. But when examined closely, they were completely immersed with beauty. Or, that’s what he would tell you everytime he handed you a bundle of these precious plants. Every morning since fourth grade, you would walk with Keiji to school. Every single one of these walks began the same. Around when you both were first years in high school, you finally asked. 
“Why do you give Forget-Me-Nots every morning?” 
To which he replied with, “Maybe if I give you them enough, you’ll never forget me.”
At this point in time, you had become conscious of the romantic feelings you had for keiji, but you could see it in the way he looked at you and in the way he gazed at the girl who sat next to you in English. His eyes weren’t tainted with the same love you felt for him, his eyes only became tainted when they were focused on her. 
You had read about this, the emotion of something much worse than a breakup. Unrequited love. The concept only existed in stories you read with the person who manifested this fictional feeling into your reality. But that feeling started to dull as his closeness started to become tainted just as your eyes had been for so many years. This had started your third and final year of high school, after the girl you sat next to in english had dumped him on his birthday. You were at that party, you watched it happen, You watched as she laughed with another the next day, while Keiji wept into your shoulder. You had never seen such genuine and painful tears spring from his beautiful dark blue eyes. His eyes were no longer tainted with that love, but instead flowed through to his actions. 
He started to linger longer after walking you home, bringing books over ‘just because’. He stayed for dinner now on the days where he would normally be out on a date, and not just on the weekends like before. Everything that unrequited love had taken from you, was now slowly making its way back into your life. The taint that still clung to your eyes seemed to force yourself to see the same emotions through his actions. Maybe this unrequited love was finally starting to go both ways. You knew in the back of your love sick brain that you were just being hopeful, and that he most likely was just being himself and his love was still only platonic. But a heart that had been bruised so many times can only handle the bleeding inside for so long. 
Your emotions had begun to spur your actions, linking your arms with his in the halls at school, legs over his lap as you both read on the couch, the grazing of your knuckles when you two walked too close together. He too, mimicked these habits. His head finding its way to your shoulder as you two studied, squeezing your hand when he sensed your unease, and even the smallest glance of his daring eyes seemed to hold yours for a second longer than would be comfortable, but it was comfortable with him. Even though the words never came from Keiji’s lips, you could’ve sworn you felt them with every move. I love you too. 
One day however, your feelings became too great to live in your mind. The love that manifested in fourth grade in his backyard was finally going to be voiced and accepted into the world. This day was like any other school routine, but the excitement and nausea was the catch. You waited patiently to hear Keiji’s strong but subtle footsteps come into earshot as you waited on your porch. Once they had, your heart nearly pulled you to his side, the giddiness concerning Keiji. 
“Are you alright? Are you cold, you're shaking.” He asked quietly as he began to take off his uniform blazer. Oh only if he knew. He placed it over your shoulders and began to reach back to the side of his school bag as you softly thanked him. What happened next was something so completely normal, but it still made your cheeks dust pink everytime. And today was no exception. He held out a single bundle of the precious flowers, his soft subtle smile gracing his face. You smiled back brightly as you took them, and with that you started your commute. 
You nervously picked at the stems as you fought the urge to just blurt out your confession. You nearly decided against it, but you shook your head as you promised to go through with it. You owed it to yourself, after all the years of pain you unnecessarily had put yourself through. And even though you knew you had to come clean, you still feared that maybe this was just a side effect of a love sick brain and a heart damaged by an emotion you read in a teen fiction book in seventh grade.  But that taint in your eyes never left and it remained glossy as ever. So as your steps fell in time with Keiji’s, you spoke. 
“I like you” 
He slowed down a bit and turned his head to see you staring at the gift he had given you. “What?” You both had stopped in your tracks now. Slowly but surely, your eyes connected to his and with one look, the taint had spread through your body and infected your heart. 
“I like you, or actually I love you.” You stammered out, the weight that sat so heavily on your head and heart finally receded. But soon returned as the air around Keiji was filled with silence. “That’s what I wanted to tell you.” You spoke again, hope filling your voice. You smiled at him as his eyes had suddenly become a shade darker. 
“Oh.” One word, that’s all you got. And that one word shattered the taint that covered your heart, and bruised it once more. 
“Oh?” you questioned, silently begging for more of an answer. Hoping for the answer you wanted. But you knew you wouldn’t get. His eyes still bore into yours, your smile fading along with any hope of this going the way your feelings had told you it would. 
After the few seconds that felt like eons, his explanation finally fell from his lips. The words gentle, but still sharp enough to draw blood. 
“Y/n look, y’know I care about you and I’ll always be your best friend but it’s just that-” 
You cut him off, you knew what he was about to say and if he said it, it would’ve split your heart in two. You saying it didn’t dull the damage as much as you hoped. 
“You still love her, huh?” You asked quietly, your heart pumping adrenaline into your veins, every muscle in your body working together to keep tears from falling. You didn;t want the answer even though you already knew it. You knew it from the start, you knew that fictional emotion wasn’t fiction and unfortunately, it was permanent. But you couldn’t blame yourself, you were sick, too love sick for your own good. And something you wished that book had told you, was that unrequited love could be deadly. 
A single nod was all it took. And when you think about that day now, you remind yourself that you should really listen to the thoughts that stick around long enough. The thoughts that don’t deter even when you have the strongest of feelings. You didn’t know how to feel, or what to say. In all honesty, what could you do? So you did the one thing you had mastered over all these years, you hid your true feelings.
“Okay, that’s alright!” You said brightly, beginning to walk once again. His steps fell in time with yours, and he even tried to apologize, apologize for being honest. But you assured him that it was okay, that you two were okay. You couldn’t be mad, but that didn;t stop you from being broken. It was true, your friendship continued as always, never letting the side effects of unrequited love over power the strength of the love manifested in your friendship. 
You both soon graduated, promising to keep in touch. And that you did. You both began to travel quite a lot after university, your jobs moving you all around the globe. But the tradition of the flowers that grew in Keiji’s backyard never ceased no matter the distance. They may have not shown up everyday, but they made their way to you on most occasions. 
On one very specific day, the day your first company launched, the bouquet of the dainty little flowers made their way to your office desk. However this time, they came with a note. 
“You didn’t forget me yet did you? I always knew you’d do great things. Congratulations y/n, come visit soon. I have some new books I think you’ll adore. 
- K.”
You could never forget him, you couldn’t ever forget Keiji even if you wanted to. The memory of him brought you back to that emotion that only existed in the fiction books you read in seventh grade. It wasn’t fiction, it was most definitely and undeniably real. Unrequited love was bitter, but with Keiji it was also sweet. And that’s something you could never forget. 
a/n pt. two: as an akaashi simp and stan this hurt my heart.
part two is under construction :))
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savagesbonergarage · 4 years
A quickie with Maul WITHOUT PLOT
Wise of you to add that on the end there.... But is it gonna be effective? We'll see.
I'm gonna make this 100% just self-indulgent porn since that's really all it needs to be right
I'm malfunctioning how did they get there what's the occasion and the timeline and the state of the relationship and the galaxy and ahhhhhhhh okay I need to get it together
(A/N - General ns/fw, definitely more explicit than not, but overall still not super hard stuff?, quickie, bj, power kink I guess?, hidden feelings, I think that’s about it honestly, if I’m missing something let me know)
Throne sex? Throne sex.
"... And Prime Minister Almec's influence has recruited warriors from among the civilians who would join our cause," you reported.
You stood alone before Lord Maul, who sat in his signature pose with his mechanical leg propped up atop the throne of Mandalore, resting his head on his hand as he gazed out the large transparisteel pane with a look of complete boredom and disinterest. He didn't even bother to look your way as he responded drily. "Fascinating."
You were tempted to raise your eyebrow sightly, but even though he wasn't looking at you, the fear of confrontation kept you from doing so.
"Will there be anything else, My Lord?"
The zabrak finally managed to direct some of his attention to you, his menacing eyes looking you up and down as his countenance changed with an ominous smirk. "Yes. How long before my blissful solitude is once again interrupted?"
You immediately checked the chrono on your datapad, afraid that you may have caught your new leader in an agitated state. The last thing you wanted was to be a recipient of his anger if you displeased him somehow, so you opted to simply be efficient in the tasks you were given. "You have a meeting in about eight minutes, My Lord."
"I see..."
Something about the way he was intently gazing at you made you uneasy, as though you weren't quite finished here and were expected to know why. You straightened your posture and put your datapad away before you geared up to leave. "Do you require anything else of me, Lord Maul?"
There was a new look in his eyes, something you hadn't ever seen until now, and the sudden change in contrast from before of his full and immediate attention on you sent a strange, yet not unwelcome shiver coursing through your body. Somehow you felt the previous uneasiness slip away and in its place was...dare you acknowledge it...want? Whether it was involuntary or not, the powerful man before you had you wishing there really was more you could do for him.
His gaze was nearly leaving burning holes everywhere his golden eyes tracked on you, each place they lingered a pathway into some rather inappropriate thoughts as it was fairly obvious exactly which parts he was shamelessly staring at. What's more, you didn't mind it in the slightest. You felt a little exposed, but in such a delicious way. Could you truly be tempting him, or was he simply teasing you in some show of authority over you - or was he really just that bored?
Suddenly, your train of thought ended when Maul planted his leg back onto the ground and unflinchingly brought his gloved hands down to work at the sealing strip of his pants. You barely registered what was happening before an impressive phallic appendage was gloriously revealed, held between two of his fingers at the base as an offering. Despite being synthetic, it twitched and leaked just like-
"Well?" he implored nonchalantly with his non-existent brow raised in a curious manner.
It was too late to conceal the slack of your jaw and flush of your face, your heart pounding as you finally processed the reality in front of you. Reflexively, you swallowed and looked over your shoulder and then back to find that this wasn't some kind of joke or game, but a genuine request. It was a miracle you managed to speak coherently at all.
"Erm, right now, My Lord...? In eight minutes-"
"Seven, now," he interjected, adjusting himself to present his lap as a rather inviting seat, "but surely your schedule permits?"
He did have a point - and who were you to deny the needs of your handsome new ruler? You did make an obligation to yourself to do your tasks efficiently, and it wasn’t as though you were hesitant about the prospect of it, either. No, with an opportunity having presented itself like this, it would be suboptimal not to show your enthusiasm, wouldn’t it? Not to mention time was of the essence now, unless you were fine with a group of officials walking in on you fornicating with the dangerous zabrak...which, as you pondered the possibility, it only served to send that pluming heat within you to entirely new heights. He certainly wouldn’t stop if that were to be the case, and a hidden part of you hoped that it would indeed work out that way, if only so you could feel more like Maul’s favored slut.
You wondered if this was solely due to the influence of the beckoning sith atop his throne, or if you had secretly always been such a promiscuous person - in any case, it hardly mattered. The priority of the moment was in being a good little subject and serving your master, and perhaps if you did a suitable job, you’d be given the privilege of doing it again. In a bout of courage that faintly surprised you, you found yourself at the foot of his throne standing mere centimeters from his legs, careful not to touch him unless instructed to as you ardently asked the most important question of the evening.
“How would you like it, My Lord...?” You didn't bother to hide the sultriness in your voice, which seemed to please him immensely as the corner of his lip curled into a scheming smile, his hands quickly moving to your waist to pull you in closer as he answered.
"I trust in your discretion to satisfy me. I believe you already know what I want, and it seems that you're certainly eager to give it."
His hand slid over your thigh and to the source of your radiating heat, burrowing his digits between the crevice that the fabric of your pants was unfortunately shielding from the supple flesh there, yet that didn't prevent his touch from being any less euphoric. It might have embarrassed you somewhat at just how apparent your eagerness was, however it was clear that the man working at your own sealing strip was enjoying the spoils of your arousal already. His words still rang throughout your mind, making you relish in the freedom and permission that was implied there - he was asking you to be as slutty as you wanted, knowing full well that you were ready to be his whore the moment you first laid eyes on him.
He wasn't wrong.
With his affirmation to take charge and the ever-present knowledge that you were pressed for time at the forefront of your mind, you relaxed your inhibitions and got to work. After a few more ruts against his hand, his grip followed yours to your waistband and aided in tugging the annoying material to the floor, returning one to it's former place on your slick flesh as you stepped out of your pants and boots. It was impossible to suppress the moan that escaped your lips, however, you were aware that this wasn't solely for your pleasure.
Six minutes left.
You quickly got down on your knees and carefully handled his cock, licking your lips before you kissed the tip of the wet slit and wrapped your hot mouth around the circumference of the ridge, swiftly lapping your tongue around the head before you started sucking. His groan of approval fueled your movements as you gradually unhinged your jaw and began going deeper, bobbing your head with every stroke and eventually taking him as far as you possibly could. You gagged a little, but it didn't deter you in the slightest as every time you choked on him, a moan was drawn from his lips.
Not only could he feel everything despite not having an organic organ, your ministrations were proving to be more than what he was anticipating as he groaned and moved to grab a fistful of your hair to still your actions. Your hungry eyes meet his as you drew your head back and released his cock with a loud, echoing, wet pop and licked away the string of saliva that connected it with your bottom lip.
"Is everything all right, My Lord?" you inquired with a perverse lowness in your voice, already drunk on lust as he held you in place for a moment before slapping your waist in a gesture to rise through his uneven breaths.
You complied with his order, lifting yourself back onto your feet as Maul practically pulled you into his lap by your thighs in a hasty move that nearly had you falling against his chest, but you were able to brace yourself against his arms. His dick rested against your abdomen, still warm and wet from your tongue as his fingers found their way back to your entrance to prep you for his cock. The way he tilted you upwards to lightly jerk himself with your own slick as he lined up with you was so tantalizingly good that you nearly forgot about the time constraint you faced.
Four minutes.
Your canines pierced your bottom lip as he entered you, the galvanizing pressure against your walls as you adjusted to him being so invigoratingly good that your hands gripped his shoulders without warning as you moved to sink down completely, ripping a gasp from the both of you in unison. You knew that you’d need an entire minute just to get used to the feeling of being so full, although sadly you couldn’t afford that kind of time in the present moment. 
Maul, on the other hand, didn’t seem to be too preoccupied with that particular technicality and held you firmly by your hips to keep you from shifting, and in an unanticipated move he rested his forehead along the curve of your neck. The heat of his skin and breath tingled across your own flesh, the sensation strangely more intimate than the actual joining of your bodies - rather, it felt like a different kind of intimacy entirely. It wasn’t merely in the way his grip on you remained solid or the new titillation of his lips against your skin; it was in the stillness of it all, how instead of insisting you ride him immediately, he preferred to simply feel you for an evanescent occasion, no matter how brief. 
You momentarily forgot the apprehension you had when the compulsion to kiss him infiltrated your mind - not the sort of lustful kiss that would be more appropriate for the situation, but a tender, more profound one. Would he mind such a gesture, you wondered, or would he even be able to discern the difference? One of his hands had moved from your waist up to the nape of your neck as you thought this, eliciting a soft moan from your mouth as he lured you in closer to him until you were chest-to-chest, the indication of the motion prompting you to wrap your arms around his neck so that you were symmetrical to one another.
Two minutes. Only two minutes until...
There simply wasn’t time for this kind of lenient indulgence or immersion, nor did the circumstances permit for the kind of casual affection you wanted to deliver. There was also the fear of him retaliating against a more tender action if he caught one to consider, so with a whisper of a sigh, you started rocking and bucking your hips against him.
Maul had been uncharacteristically quiet up until this point, an audible “oh!” escaping him as you continued your movements and utilized your nether muscles to grip his shaft with an ample amount of tightness. You fully planted your knees on either side of him and adjusted yourself so you could ride him properly - and in this case, that meant clutching onto his dick for dear life while you jerked up and down along his entire length like a jackhammer. 
His head rolled back and his eyes became half-lidded, the rapid rising and falling of his chest indicating his closeness as he kept one of his palms on your leg to grip the meat of your thigh for support. For the first time in minutes, he finally spoke again through a strangled groan.
“That’s it, stars it’s so...”
His train of thought seemed to leave him as you worked him even harder, somehow taking him even deeper when you kegeled with the entirety of his cock inside. A twinge of pain indicated that his cockhead was nearly breaching your cervix, a fact that might have concerned you if there was any reason to believe you could get pregnant - and even if there was...you weren’t so sure you would care. 
Less than a minute-
Luckily, it wasn’t long before you felt the crimson zabrak tense up beneath you and hold your hips tightly against him once more as he came, the spasming of his cock followed by the release of heat that filled your insides as he stilled and...
...and kissed you.
He had grabbed the nape of your neck again and brought your mouth to his all in one swift movement, capturing your lips with his own in a surprisingly graceful manner. It wasn’t chaste, his tongue immediately finding yours and warring with it as the dual beating in his chest matched the continuous pulsing of his gradually softening dick, but the action still caught you off-guard nonetheless. It certainly wasn’t unwelcome, and you found yourself matching his pace until he eventually relaxed, breathlessly parting from your lips and leaning back into his seat. 
There wasn’t much time to even think, as over the sound of your breaths you could hear the faint echo of footsteps down the hall fast-approaching. You quickly pushed yourself off of Maul’s lap and frantically gathered your pants, managing to hastily get each of your legs through the proper channels and hoist the waistband over your hips, still fumbling with the sealing strip while you faced your master as a barrage of stomping boots was perceived behind you. You ruler had managed to tuck himself back into his own trousers in time, a sly smirk hidden beneath his otherwise fierce countenance as he addressed you.
“We’ll continue this conversation where we left off later tonight.”
Your heart couldn’t help but skip a beat. He was wanting to see you again, to have you service him again after this agreeably satisfying evening. You nodded, a faint smile gracing your features as you bowed and turned to leave, brushing past the officials entering the throne room who were none the wiser about the sinful conduct you’d engaged in with Lord Maul of Mandalore.
You still secretly wished the session would have continued longer than it had despite the newfound company.
And you certainly hoped to continue meeting and surpassing Maul’s expectations in the bedroom - or wherever he saw fit - for a long while to come.
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oneletteredwondered · 4 years
I’m back with more questions about intrulogical side swap
1. How do you think the other sides would feel about them?
2. Their most terrifying trait as a couple?
3. Their softest trait as a couple?
4. Something you are SURE they’d do that hasn’t been introduced or obvious in y’all’s vids?
5. What do you think their sexualities/gender would be? The same as cannon, or would they shift?
6. The most important thing about their dynamic?
7. How do you think they’d affect Thomas if they were switched sides?
8. Toxic traits each has?
9. Best traits each has?
10. Your personal favorite thing about them
-The person who unfortunately still has it’s raining rats stuck in their head, Evy. Yes I’m using anon but that’s cause my sanders sides and fandom account isn’t my main account on here lol
1. How do you think the other sides would feel about them?
In a nutshell. Conflicted. ESPECIALLY if you swap all the other sides too. I feel like Janus and Virgil would be supportive but concerned because DS Logan is much more orderly and strict, they just want LS Remmus to be happy though. A swapside Patton and Roman would nearly feel betrayed by DS Logan "fraternizing with a light side" almost.
Also the whole "why are you dating my brother???" Thing is weird in all universes for Roman lmao.
2. Their most terrifying trait as a couple?
Logan has the knowledge, and Remus has enough stupid chaotic energy to do it. They dont care, and it can lead to some chilling moments.
3. Their softest trait as a couple?
They genuinely want to look after the other. While DS Logan is cold, LS Remus doesnt give up easily and hes. Uh. Persistently annoying, so he just never leaves him alone, so he learned Logan and knows how to make him happy. While because of his persistence, Logan has grown protective over someone who put in the effort to get to know him. The others would think Remus is Logan little puppet, but Logan would do anything for Remus.
4. Something you are SURE they'd do that hasn't been intrudced or obvious in y'all's vids?
Repeat from above. DS Logan is very protective of Remus. Not possessive because he knows Remus is his own happy chaotic bubble. But. If anyone dared hurt him. Or step over his boundaries. Logan would make it so they were never going to make that mistake again.
They talk a lot.
5. What do you think their sexualities/gender would be? The same as cannon, or would they shift?
Probably the same, I don't think canon or light side remus give either a fuck about those and canon and dark side Logan dont care enough to really do much about it. They like what they like and honestly its open to interpretation.
6. The most important thing about their dynamic?
It is basically a 24/7 dom/sub relationship. That's the point of the collars in the videos, to show Remus is willing deferring his power over to Logan while wearing it. And Logan has accepted and willing taken responsibility for it.
It would make a lot of people think it's an abusive relationship, how much Logan orders Rmeus around and how he just does it. But it's a power dynamic they are both consenting to. Remus could easily take the collar off.
7. How do you think they'd affect Thomas if they were switched sides?
If Remus was Thomas's light side, hed probably have a more fucked up sense of humor and might have darker themes in his videos. If Logan was Thomas's dark side Logic, again, Thomas would have a lot of knowledge he probably shouldnt have.
8. Toxic traits each has?
DS Logan: too black and white thinking. If it doesn't make sense, then it doesn't matter.
LS Remus: warfstache mentality. It's all a joke and game.
9. Best trait each has?
DS Logan: Calm and efficient, great for grounding and remembering.
LS Remus: fun and carefree, great for breaking out of your shell.
10. Your personal favorite thing about them
They really do care about each other and honestly just want to make the other happy in whatever way possible they can.
Ah I'm so soft for them.... aahhhh
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im-whatchamccallit · 4 years
Meeting a Blind Fan During a Fansigning Event//Stray kids
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(A/N: It’s kinda bad because wondering how they’d act actually had me stumped but I tried lmao)
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(Back Door Chris has me whipper, I’m gonna cry)
Sad boy hours as soon as he starts asking questions about your blindness. Your conversation would go from a typical fan-idol interaction to a tearful discussion on how you live with your disability without letting it hinder you. Chris is just therapeutic in a way, or maybe like a close friend, letting you express yourself while also showing his genuine curiosity. He’d still crack jokes though, he wasn’t a fan of letting topics get too heavy (he cries easily), but he would always top it off with some heartfelt message about living life to the fullest. It wasn’t something you needed but it was appreciated. I can see him making a comment about being glad you hadn’t seen any embarrassing onstage fails from him because, again, who wants to end a great event on a sad note?
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He’d be scared to hold your hands, treating you as if you’ll break at any moment and ultimately focus on the speaking part of your time together. Unfortunately, fansigning events can get a little noisy with so many people in one area, so he would have to move closer to you in order to give you the experience you paid for, but who knew simply leaning closer and holding onto your hands to balance himself would change the mood of the atmosphere? Minho would feel at ease seeing you actually enjoying yourself, realizing he was overthinking too much and just needed to be himself. His fanservice would go up by a million percent and he’d pretty much forget you were blind, going back to being the charismatic member everyone knows.
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Changbin would be careful with his words, seeming so unnatural as he spoke. The only things to make him his somewhat normal self (Changbin is kinda an awkward boi, he’s never normal) is to either focus on talking about him and Stray Kid’s music or maybe cracking a few jokes about your disability to let him know it shouldn’t be awkward, but he’s Binnie so you know he’ll still tiptoe around certain topics and words to not offend you and, honestly, who can be mad at that?
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He tries to remain casual but Hyunjin is very expressive with his facial expressions so it’d be obvious to everyone how hard he’s trying to treat you as normal as possible. On the bright side, this would be the first interaction of the day where a fan doesn’t comment on his looks, even if he loved the compliments he would appreciate praise of his rapping better, probably tearing up if you ever say you wish you could see him dance. Just hearing that you love him for his talents, even if it was only one talent of many, he’d be flustered and appreciative.
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Jisung would try to remain the idol you know: high energy, constantly talking and keeping you smiling before easing into the topic of your blindness. The conversation wouldn’t be long, just him allowing you to explain that you were born blind rather than it happening overtime and him asking to see your eyes. It was a bit weird for you but you obliged, showing your natural grey eyes only to be bombarded with praise. You never heard someone say your eyes complimented your skin and hair well but here you were, hearing it from a boy who stopped holding your hands to slip a bunny headband onto your head and call you cute. Jisung would try to be understanding and respectful, wanting to show he wasn’t fazed by your inability to see but not wanting to completely ignore it since it was part of who you are, but pitying you wasn’t something he’d want to do either.
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TOUCHING WILL BE DONE (Stop thinking what you’re thinking, this is a wholesome reaction)! If you can’t see him, he’ll make sure you can at least feel him. He’ll tell you all about the jokes of his hands being tiny, he’d let you feel his dimples, he’d even let you play with his hair. He’s making the best of a situation he wasn’t prepared for, just wanting you to have the full experience of meeting them with the limitations you had.
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He’s honestly the only one that would ask questions about your disability upfront. No awkwardness, no rambling in an attempt to hide his curiosity or concerns, just openness so that he could know you as a fan as much as you knew him as an idol. Seungmin would pretty much forget you’re blind, turning your interaction back into the normal Q&A moments he usually had with fans before sending you off to the next member, leaving you feeling refreshed after hours of people treating your accommodations like acts of pity. Seungmin is just the best boy.
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(This was the hardest one to write omfg) So Jeongin isn’t usually shy and quiet but he would be when noticing you’re blind, only because one of his charming point is his mischievous behavior and jokes to his hyungs during these kind of events. Him making funny faces or taking a gift away and using it himself added to his charms as maknae. But if you couldn’t see it, having to wait seconds afterwards to hear from your aid what shenanigans he pulled to be able to laugh along with the others, it wouldn’t be as appealing. He’d be a bit out of place and awkward, trying to find a good way to keep you entertained but coming up with nothing, until he remembers he’s the youngest, that was charismatic on its own. He’d do the whole “You’re my noona” shtick (or “I’m your oppa” if you’re younger), finding a way to use his words to have your time with him enjoyable and fun, no visual aid or descriptions needed.
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angeloncewas · 3 years
yeah i totally agree with what you said about satire and schlatt basically taking the easy way out. it seems like since that video he's kinda eased back from doing that shit, either bc the backlash or bc his friends have started verbally calling him out on it, both to his face and through making comments about him on stream (comments as in like saying they dont agree with what he did and saying they thought that video was terrible, not like them shading him or whatever ajsksk) which is good but also i wouldnt be surprised if something like that video happened again just bc like. it is his career and at this point he has to know what his larger fanbase is like to an extent, which means he also knows those terrible fucking jokes will make him money. i dont like that, but im also not gonna sit around and pretend like i cant see the fucking obvious, ya know? from what ive seen of him when he's not putting on a show for his main channel, or when he isnt around people who both encourage and enable his bad behavior (not saying this to shift blame, ive just noticed how he goes from making actually funny jokes that are harmless or, at most, a pretty obvious example of him poking fun at shitty people, at least imo, to like. straight up just being offensive when he's with people like swagger, miz, etc. vs ted, charlie and so on), he seems like a pretty good guy and its pretty clear to me that he doesnt hold the same views as the character he plays up for his main channel but that doesnt change the fact that his audience is now full of the worst kinds of people and that is how he makes money.
as someone who, again, watched idubbbz, as well as filthyfrank, they both stated they were playing characters and they didnt agree with the shit they were joking about, joji especially, but them saying that isnt very well known by even their own fanbase who just watches their main channel stuff, bc the one video where joji made that explicitly clear what he was doing, he later deleted for people harassing him in the comments (it was an old ass video where he basically said that playing those characters was giving him literal health problems, specifically stress induced seizures, and his comments were so bad that he never made an ooc video on his main channel again) and the one video i can think of where ian explicitly said he was playing a character was like an hour long podcast with h3, which most people dont even wanna watch bc it is a painfully uncomfortable one hour, considering the fact that they are supposed to be friends. besides that, the only other time they were really out of character was in vlogs with maxmoefoe, and they still did their offensive bits from time to time bc it was still going up on youtube, even if it wasnt their main channel. compare that to schlatt who has, as far as i know, never explicitly said he's playing a character, and the closest he has gotten to saying that was in some weekly slap video that i cant remember the title of bc all those videos kinda blend together if im being honest. like they definitely show a different, better side of him, but they are also all really short videos with only gameplay to watch and he never even promotes the channel, so its not like the shitty people watching him are like "hm time to take some time out of my day to go watch big man schlatt give people advice and be a genuine person for once", right?
idk. schlatt is just such a weird person for me bc like. he is a big comfort for me, i really do enjoy his content when he's not making bad stabs at satire (bc sometimes he does it right!! but a lot of the time, at least recently, he has just missed the mark entirely, to the point where it feels like he wasnt even trying to hit the mark at all), but he is also so uncomfortable to watch sometimes just bc he seems to either not know where the line is, or thinks crossing it is okay bc its him playing a character and that's not fun to watch as a minority who often ends up being apart of that "punchline".
that aside tho...yes, unfortunately idubbbz does still make content (and i say unfortunately bc it is not very good) though it seems like he is very slow to upload and last i checked, the views arent too great, but ive seen worse. probably the only thing that could bring back his views at this point would be a content cop, but like a year or so back he said he has no plans of continuing the series bc he finds it boring now, which is fair enough. i dont really keep up with him anymore, but as far as i know, he just got married to anisa and he streams on twitch sometimes, besides that the dude is a mystery to me!
—🦷 (also im sorry if this is formatted weird, for whatever reason tumblr has indented each of my paragraphs with one of those grey line thingys and it wont let me remove it. if it doesnt show up in the actual ask then ignore this!)
This is kind of old now (sorry), but I still wanted to respond because I really appreciate your perspective :)
> I always wonder how people not involved in the fandom view Schlatt. Because wasn't there this thing about Hasan genuinely thinking that he was conservative? And like he obviously doesn't now, but does that not impact how he sees him and his content? I don't mean to dictate friendships - of course - I'm just curious as to the impact of having that audience from an outsider pov. I remember being shocked what that thing happened with the pdp fan, but I later found that many people weren't because they knew the nature of the audience he cultivated; maybe I'm just stupid, I had no idea. (Not that Schlatt and pdp are the same, it's just a loose comparison.)
> No one should face harassment, but I doubt Joji deleting that video helped his case. (I mean ig it worked out in the long term considering everything that happened with his music, but yk.) I'm very sorry for the health problems he faced with the characters themselves though. I don't know much about him but that sounds awful.
> I have thoughts on The Weekly Slap, but I think they make me sound bitter and don't add much so just know that they're there ajfdkjdf. I will say that he doesn't seem like "Jschlatt" in them, and moreso just a guy. I know that he quit it for a number of reasons and one of them was not being comfortable with that kind of connection in relation to his increasing fame, but honestly I think his complete dislodgement from his fanbase isn't healthy either.
> I mean, I get it. I've watched a lot of content from a lot of people - ranging from kind of unpleasant to very unsavory - and it's kind of a weird feeling with YouTube and Twitch stuff. Idk it's like - when I go to the grocery store, I'm not wondering if the guy checking my things out is a racist. When I see a commercial, I don't wonder if that guy advertising chicken nuggets is a secret creep. But with content creation of this kind, it's just a weird thought in the back of my mind. I don't know if this makes sense lmao
> Weird that Idubbz finds content cop "boring." I guess the formula is kind of stale and half of the content was the edge, but it seems like the kind of thing that'd be perfect to capitalize off of around now. Cool that he got married... I think. I mean if he's happy ???
> Don't mind the formatting, and sorry to respond like WAY past when this conversation was relevant T_T. I read it right away but the timing got off with actually being able to type stuff out.
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brw · 4 years
hello! so ur the only one i know who likes hank pym lmao and i just wanna ask what is he like in the comics since i havent rlly had the time and effort to read it?
i dont rlly have an attentions span to even try (sadly this is annoying) and maybe u can drop some hank pym reading list if u have one :0
ooo hi anon! i'm glad you asked!
hank is, if you ask me, a greatly misunderstood and mistreated character, who was subjected to things which were DEFINITELY a product of the time he was being written in character wise, but rlly that shouldn't be held against his character as a whole. like i don't want to imply that you are under an obligation to like hank, or can't dislike him. but calling him abusive is, uh, certainly a stretch, and it kinda annoys me, the amount of people who have obviously only seen That Panel™ out of context, and have MAYBE read one or two of his appearances in mighty avengers or whatever out of context. it just. very much so annoys me.
anyway! hank is, imo, a very intriguing character. like other people/heroes, he is like, genuinely a good person with good intentions, and wants to improve things for everyone else. but his flaws are obvious and self-sabotaging. in his desire to be appreciated and loved as his counterparts reed richards & tony stark are (in universe, at least) he often ends up coming off as absorbed and egotistical. and certainly, hank can get a bit of a big head about his intelligence, but like literally every other genius character in the MU is the same. but for hank, because its so closely related to his need to be loved and praised, its more interesting to me! at least in my very humble opinion. he often gets self-destructive with his work habits, has an unfortunate tendency to fixate on things and to beat himself up continuously on things that aren't really his fault, all of which are possibly related to his bipolar disorder, his anxiety disorder or his depression, all of which he canonically has & has seeked medication for. initially too, in the early days where pseudo-psychology was more common, he was also implied to have a dissociative identity disorder. that was in fact where yellowjacket, and all his other identities of him came from at first; he claimed he killed hank pym when he was yellowjacket because he genuinely believed he had done so. janet seemed to think that by marrying him she could sort of merge the identities together or whatever, but that... obviously didn't work out lmao. this kinda stuff has since been abandoned, but that was it initially, as well as him being unstable due to overexposure to pym particles. here's an article that goes more in depth abt it.
but yeah! generally he's a well meaning guy who gets excited about bugs and gets flustered easily and does try his best, but does struggle, majorly with his mental health. i don't think he's seeked therapy, which i can understand he probably doesn't have much time for but i still think it would be beneficial for him to get; after all, antidepressants have been known to trigger manic episodes in people with bipolar disorder, so i can't imagine with the mix of all three treatments he'd be very coherent lmao (not that i'm against medication; i am requesting some soon for my insomnia myself, but taking a lot can have ill effects if you don't first consult a doctor)
as a personal bonus, if you do ever decide to read one or two comics with hank, i suggest the avengers a.i series! it's very sweet, very funny, hank is written pretty well imo and there's bonus content of vision being a dork and seeing a doombot forced into heroics against his will. i also recommend his appearances in vol 2 of West Coast Avengers, where he decided to save lives and help people not as ant-man, giant-man, goliath, or yellowjacket, but just as hank pym! this is after The Infamous Scene, where he has apparently "merged" and intends to do his best just as himself, which is a powerful choice to make imo! he does almost attempt suicide though in issue 17 so watch out for that if that triggers you at all.
i do love him a lot, he's obviously like, not perfect but he has a lot of potential and i would really like to see a new arc with him where they explore him coming to terms w/ all his mental health & being diagnosed at a later age.
and finally, have two panels of him being cute :>
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he is so small...
also, if you haven't watched it i also suggest the avengers: earth's mightiest heroes cartoon! it's very good for hank content, him and janet are adorable together in it.
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