#i gave her change symbol eyebrows
honeyblooms-blog · 2 months
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Mirabelle doodle for her birthday!
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azrielsdove · 6 months
Longing Pt.2: Cassian
Warning: Violence, Suggestiveness
Pt.1 Here
Yelling woke you up early the next morning. You opened your eyes and took in the way the sun hadn’t even fully risen yet, the room still cast in shadow. You looked towards the cracked door, quickly discovering the source of the sounds that woke you.
Azriel and Cassian.
“Why should I let you in there? I had to give her triple dose of sleeping tea to get her asleep. Even then, she shook and cried all night! Because of you.” Azriel’s words sent a cold chill down your spine, before the heat of embarrassment took over. Oh gods. They were out there arguing about you.
“Well, maybe she needs me! I just want to help her.” Cassian is almost pleading with Azriel, his tone desperate.
Azriel scoffs. “If you truly cared about her you wouldn’t have had your tongue down someone else’s throat! I don’t know what’s going on with you Cassian, but figure it out. I’m not letting you do any more damage to her.” You shut your eyes again as you heard him walk back into the room, not wanting to discuss that you overheard some of their fight. The bed sunk down next to you and you felt light fingers brush your hair off your face, a deep sigh coming from your friend. You knew he had a fierce protectiveness over you, the sister he never had. He hurt as much as you did.
You would have rather stayed tucked up in your bed for the rest of your life, but Azriel was having that. “Come to training. I promise you will feel better to be out there moving again!” He pulled the warm blankets off of you, ignoring your cry of protest. “Come on. You have five minutes to get out of this bed and get dressed, or I am dragging you up there as you are.” You glared at him, crossing your arms tightly in front of you.
“I’m not going.” He crossed his arms as well, giving you the same glare you were giving him.
“It is not a choice.”
“You will not force me.”
“I will not let you waste away in this room! You will come willingly or I will drag you kicking and screaming, but you will go.” You fought hard to keep your eyes locked on his before groaning and falling backwards on your bed.
“Fine. Get out so I can change.”
You shivered in the cold morning air, thinking of all the ways you were going to get Azriel back for this. He had barely allowed you to get your training leathers on before barging back into your room and dragging you out to the training ring. You had no interest in being up here today, and especially had no interest in seeing Cassian all over Nesta. The rather innocent jealousy from before had turned into a vicious evil darkness, your vision going red every time you looked at them.
“I hate you.”
Azriel looked over at you, eyebrows raised. “No, you don’t.” You rolled your eyes and walked over to the weapons rack, carefully selecting a gleaming blade. The sword felt sturdy in your hands, a symbol of power and strength. You usually preferred daggers, but you needed something more today. You turned to challenge Azriel, halting in your movements when it was Cassian who stood behind you.
“I’ll practice with you,” he said, not asking. You debated ramming the sword into his stupid face before you nodded begrudgingly. Fine. You supposed you couldn’t avoid him forever. You took up your defensive stance across the ring from Cassian, carefully watching his movements. You had trained under him for long enough to know his tells, unspoken warnings before he strikes.
The glint of silver through the sky was nearly imperceptible, but you met it with a quickness of your own. The blades clashed harshly, the sound making you feel a bit more alive. You loved the power fighting gave you, the raw energy that flew through your bones when you became a weapon. Cassian pulled back to strike again, aiming for your legs to make you unsteady. You jumped over his sword, enjoying his swear as your counter struck him in the arm.
The two of you battled fiercely, the unspoken anger and tension festering between you. You blocked and swung against Cassian as if he were a true enemy trying to kill you, not caring if you injured him in the process. In fact, some spilled blood may even make you feel better. You allowed your hurt to overtake you, pushing all rational through aside. You knew Azriel would yell at you for this later, for letting yourself lose control.
But you didn’t really care.
You swung strike after strike at Cassian, hardly more than a blur in the wind. You enjoyed the way your sword cut into his shin, causing him stumble backwards. You put a matching knick in his other one, watching him fall to his knees. A swift kick in the chest and you were hovering over him, your blade tucked tight against his neck as you pinned his arms with your legs. You watched a thin trickle of blood run down his neck, your sword unrelenting against his skin. You heard a faint yell of your name behind you, but you ignored it as you looked up to Cassian’s eyes.
You did not expect the fear and pain in them.
You shot off of him without a second thought, dropping your sword in horror as you stumbled back. Strong hands wrapped around your arms, pulling you towards the stairs to the House. You allowed yourself to be dragged away, gaze never leaving Cassian’s form on the ground.
“What the hell got into you?” Azriel seethed through his teeth, pacing in front of where you sat on your bed. You gave no answer, not even looking up from the cup of tea in your hands that had long gone cold. “You are allowed to feel whatever you need to feel about him and Nesta, but nearly killing him? Have you lost your mind?”
Perhaps you had. Maybe the shattered mating bond in your heart was poisoning your soul. Would you ever be able to handle seeing Cassian without feeling like you were being gutted? Azriel was still pacing around your room, stress radiating off of him in waves.
“Are you even listening to me?” The pacing ceased in front of you, two boots stopping in your line of vision. Azriel called your name, frustration palpable in his voice. While he may be your closest friend, Cassian remained his brother. And you had threatened his life.
“I don’t know what else to do for you. I’m going to Rhys to speak about this situation. We will see what he says.” The boots stormed out of your room, door slamming unceremoniously behind them. Rhys. You knew that should have instilled fear in you, or at least a general alarm. But you felt nothing. Maybe Rhys would demand you leave the Night Court, seek residence somewhere far away. Leave Azriel, and never see Cassian again.
You couldn’t bring yourself to care.
It was late in the night when Rhysand came to your room. He was alone, no brooding Azriel or gentle Feyre with him. Perhaps it would be easier to dismiss you from court with no one around.
Rhys walked slowly to your bed, eyes locked onto yours. His movements were unhurried, relaxed, as he pulled a chair over and sat next to you. A deep sigh fell from him while he scanned your face, reading what he could.
“Can you tell me what happened?” His voice was soft, but no anger lingered in it. You blinked at him, still lying in the same position you had been before he had entered.
“I tried to kill Cassian.”
You spoke bluntly. There was no point hiding it, you knew what you had done. Lost in your own despair or not, you had tried to end his life.
Rhys nodded, looking carefully over you again. “I do not think that’s quite what happened. There is more to this story, is there not? What sent you into that blind rage this morning?”
You blinked. You had been so drawn into yourself after coming back to your room you had almost forgotten. You slowly pushed yourself into a sitting position, turning your body to face Rhys. Your stare was level when you looked at him, resigned to what you were about to tell.
“Do you know what happens when a mating bond is rejected unknowingly?” Your voice was quiet, but the words seemed to ring throughout the room.
“I do not,” Rhys answered, equally as quiet.
You nodded. “It shatters the bond inside into a million tiny pieces. Sharp pieces. You go about your day being stabbed in the very soul, every movement a reminder of what was lost. It’s enough to drive one deep into insanity, if they allow it.”
“And is that what has happened with Cassian?” He kept his tone light, eyes still locked onto yours.
“Yes. I walked in on him and Nesta, and it broke. I broke.” Emotion clogged your throat, the cold fog you’ve been in all day dispersing. “I do not know what to do, Rhys.” Tears pricked at the corners of your eyes, your body curling in on itself. Within a second he had moved to sitting next to you on the bed, wrapping his arms soothingly around you. Your head fell to his shoulder as you cried, letting out all the confusing feelings about what had happened. You had nearly killed Cassian, without even realizing it. What kind of a life could you live here without knowing if you were safe for him to be around?
He paced back and forth outside her room, waiting for Rhys to come back out. He couldn’t stand the not-knowing, the endless wondering of what went so terribly wrong. He knew she had seen him with Nesta, and he knew nothing had felt right since that moment. Maybe he shouldn’t have pushed her to train with him this morning, should have given her more space.
He didn’t want space. He had finally decided that this was ridiculous, that if anyone should talk to her it should be him, when Rhys quietly exited the room. The look on his face took all the air out of Cassian’s lungs.
Something was terribly wrong.
He had never felt more uncomfortable sitting in his friend’s office than he did now. Rhys slowly stirred the tea in front of him, studying Cassian thoroughly. His head cocked to the side as he took him in, and Cassian had never felt more vulnerable in his life.
“You have made a grave error,” Rhys finally said, lifting his cup to his lips. Cassian’s head spun. What could he have done? He assumed now that she must have had some feelings for him, if all of this spiraled from her seeing him and Nesta. That did make him feel like a fool, as he had pined after her for decades now. The brave General of the Night Court, too scared to make a move on his friend. When the eldest Archeron was put under his instruction, he shoved his feelings down and replaced them with the mutual attraction he had felt from her. He thought she was doing the same with Azriel. How could he have read everything so wrong?
“I know,” Cassian finally replied, voice thick.
“I do not think you do. I think you have realized that all this time the two of you desired each other, yes. But I do not think you yet realize how deep that pull goes.” Rhys spoke as casually as if they were speaking of a recent training session, waiting for the words to fully hit Cassian.
Pull. He had always felt drawn to her, different than any other female he’d been interested in. He assumed it was from the years of friendship they had, nothing more. It couldn’t be anything more. It couldn’t-
Cassian sucked in a deep breath, feeling the golden string inside of him. No. It was weak, as if the other side that should pull it taught was broken. No. No. His eyes flared wide with panic as he looked at Rhys, who only nodded.
Cassian ran.
Rhys had instructed you to take a long, relaxing bath after he left. He had sent his favorite teas and oils up to your room, threatening that he would send a healer to do it if you wouldn’t. You would have argued if you weren’t so drained.
You had just finished with your bath, standing before your closet as you selected something to wear, when the doors to your room burst open. You gave a small scream, turning to face the assailant. You were stunned into silence to see Cassian, tears streaming down his face.
“I’m sorry,” he gasped out, not moving from the doorway. You debated shoving him out and locking the doors behind him, but the tears threw you off.
“Come in. Close the doors,” you instructed, voice stronger than you had expected. He did as you said, walking to stand in front of you. You remembered then that you were clad only in a bath towel, one hand all that was holding it up around you. You opened your mouth to tell him to let you change when he dropped to his knees in front of you.
“Please,” he whispered, red-rimmed eyes looking up at you. “Please, forgive me.”
You stared down at him. At Cassian, on his knees in front of you, begging your forgiveness. While you wore only a towel. The fractured shards of the mating bond stirred inside you at the sight, the edges not quite as sharp as they were a minute prior.
“You do not need my forgiveness. You are allowed to be with who you wish, Cassian. Do not ruin your happiness for me.” You lied through your teeth. You would act as if it was no big deal, as if you didn’t feel insurmountable pain with every movement. A mating bond didn’t mean you would be endlessly happy together, and if he hadn’t felt it by now you certainly wouldn’t force him into it.
His hands reached out and grabbed ahold of your waist, holding onto you like you were his lifeline. “No. I do not wish to be with Nesta. I never did.” You shook your head.
“I will not be your second choice, Cassian. I will not let you come to me out of pity.” You spat out the last word, the broken mating bond turning deadly sharp again.
“No, no, you don’t understand,” he begged, fingers digging into your sides. “You have always been the only choice for me. I allowed male pride to get in the way, assuming you felt nothing for me. I…distracted myself with Nesta, yes. Anything between us was purely physical, a way to use each other to forget what we couldn’t have.” Tears flowed freely down his face now, a vulnerability you had never seen from him. “I didn’t feel the bond until today. I feel it, I feel it broken. I don’t want that. I want you. I’ve always wanted you.”
Your head was spinning. The broken bond inside you began stirring once more, the edges of it smooth. Forming back into a solid string at his confession. Allowing you the choice, to accept Cassian or not.
“Get up,” you said hoarsely, pulling yourself out of his grip. He hauled himself up onto his feet, towering over you. You took another step back, hoping that increasing the distance would clear your head. “This-I don’t-Cassian, why hide it?”
He shook his head, looking down at you. “Why did you?”
Why did you? The fear of rejection? That nothing would ever be the same again? You hid your feelings deep down, only to end up in a possibly worse position due to it. Cassian had done the same. You had damned each other.
He took a step closer as you took another one back, a fierce determination now in his eyes. You moved back until you hit the desk behind you, Cassian following your body with his own.
He stood directly in front of you now, every breath causing his chest to brush against yours. “Tell me what you want,” he breathed out, hand ghosting over your hip. You opened your mouth to respond but no words came. You couldn’t think with him this close to you, with the mating bond reformed in your chest. Wearing a godsdamned towel.
“I want….” you trailed off, eyes studying his. He brought his head down closer to yours, breath ghosting over your lips with his proximity. “I want…” His hand rested fully on your hip now, drawing your body tight against his.
“I’ll tell you what I want,” he murmured, eyes flicking down to your mouth. Oh, gods.
You let all rational thought leave you as you surged up and pressed your lips to his. Cassian’s other hand cupped your neck, angling you up to him. The kiss was full of all the words you couldn’t say, of all the feelings you didn’t know how to voice. You wrapped your free arm around his neck, pulling him closer against you.
“I love you,” he said against your lips, kissing you with each word. “I’ve loved you for far too long. I’ve allowed pain to come to you, when I could have had this the whole time.” He growled that last part, kisses trailing down your neck. You arched back against him, body on fire under his touch. At his confession.
“I-I love you,” you gasped out, Cassian all tongue and teeth over your bare skin. “I- Cass-Oh let me get rid of this damn towel.”
im sorry this took SO LONG to get out!!! i hope you guys enjoyed it, and the Azriel ending will be out soon as well <3.
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chiscaralight · 20 days
hello ^=^
I really like your writing very much!
Can you write about Model!reader x mafia! scaramouche?
The idea is kind of strange but I can't stop imagining Darling as a famous model all over Teyvat who was in a toxic relationship with a famous actor but the media covered it up until Darling met Scaramouch by chance When she was in a bar and she did not know that it was his property because the Fatui is a dangerous gang known for its dirty methods
Or maybe she witnessed a murder and he had to avoid the possibility of her exposing him so he kidnapped her.
I don't know if you're comfortable with this or not but can you add a part where Scaramouche order Darling to lick the gun?
hi thanku sm! this is definetly out of my usual writing comfort bubble but I absolutely love the idea. i like both of your concepts so I tried to combine them. i also didn't directly make darling lick the gun bc of him, but it was definitely in their mouth lmfao i hope at the very least it works for you! once I saw the ask I literally went to take a walk to think about to do with it lol. but it was so so much fun! thank u for this ask<3
mafia!scaramouche x model!reader nsfw. its kinda long imo. gun play. mentioned assault, cheating?kind of. oral m receiving. fingering. mentions of blood tasting?, uhhh probably missed some tags but enjoy!
there's nowhere you can go where you're not getting recognized. granted, you're almost world famous. a gorgeous model that everyone is pining to be. perfect face, perfect body, in the sweetest relationship with one of the biggest actors. everything was supposed to be amazing! but that stupid man you call your boyfriend is making your life a living hell.
you're sliding the sleeve of your dress a little lower to hide the bruise he gave you earlier as you lean against the bar. the place has the perfect atmosphere for a lovely date night. too bad when that brute gets here it'll be anything but fun. speaking of which, where is he? you'd been sitting alone at the bar for almost half an hour and while he was an asshole, he knew how to keep to time.
so you decide to go outside and wait. it'll be nice to get some breeze after being cooped up in the atmosphere of the building alone will be nice before the inevitable change of tide. your heels are clicking down the sidewalk, masked by the sound of cars passing by and signs buzzing. then you hear it. it sounds like, shouting, arguing? it's coming from the alley up ahead.
you're trying to keep your noise to a minimum as you peer your head into the alleyway. there you see... your boyfriend????
he's on his knees, being held down by two men. there's a woman, who's frantically explaining how he tried to touch her, and that's when you see the crest on her jacket. your eyes widen. the fatui. they're insanely bad news. you've heard all about them through the grapevine, about how tight-knit they are and super secure. so why was the man who was holding the gun towards your boyfriend's head not wearing the symbol anywhere at all?
before you can even process the thought, the loud bang from the gun is ringing in your ears. you can't control the gasp you let out, and all four people that are still alive are snapping towards you.
your lip is sucked in between your teeth as you're holding back tears. the same gun that has been in this man's hand is pressed against your powdered forehead in silence. it's the other lady who speaks first, muttering something about how your 'man' is a criminal. the only words you can get out are:
"i know."
now scaramouche's interest has been piqued. he nudges you with the barrel of the gun and you're looking up at him through tear-filled eyes. you're a pretty thing like this, near the end of your life but still so composed and meek. you drag your sleeve up, and you catch the way his eyebrows furrow. the lady's head turns in confusion as you speak.
"the bastard has been abusing me for months. even if you kill me now, i'll die happy knowing that bastard is rotting in hell."
another wave of silence.
scaramouche drops the gun. he orders the two other underlings to let you go and dispose of the body behind you. he whispers something to the last fatui before she nods and helps you up. a breath you didn't know you were holding escapes your lips and she tells you to follow her.
you're back in the bar, but away from all the eyes of the public. it's somewhere secluded, the area calm and decorated as you wait. you don't know what for, but you're waiting. you expect to see the lady from before, but what you're met with is that man again.
you soon learn his name is Scaramouche, one of the higher-ups in the organization. you're both staring at each other again and in the blink of an eye, his gun is pointed at you once again from the other side of his room. he's not going to shoot, obviously. he's testing you.
and you pass with flying colors! your demeanor doesn't shake once. your eyes are locked onto his and your body is still. he's closing the gap between where you're sitting and him, and the tension in the air is thick. soon enough, the muzzle of the gun is mere millimeters away from your lips. he's looking down at you. and you blink up sweetly at him before you drag your tongue along the side of the barrel. he can't hide the smile that pushes against his lips. he's going to have so much fun with you.
your lips are wrapped tightly around his cock, sucking as good as you can while the firearm is pressed to the side of your head. he's sitting back on the sofa so lazily, watching as you bob your head so perfectly. he's wishing he shot that deadbeat boyfriend of yours weeks ago when he had the chance, maybe he wouldn't have had to wait for such a perfect mouth to suck him off like this. his free hand slides to fist your hair as he draws closer to his climax. the tight grip causes you to moan around him, and he's cumming into your mouth, cum sliding down your throat as he fucks his orgasm into your mouth. but the two of you are far from done.
your dress is bunched up above your hips, giving him the perfect view of the cunt he's bullying. he's thrusting into you hard, finger resting on the trigger as the gun lays softly against your tongue. he's groaning, reminding you it's fully loaded, and the only thing you give him in response is the small view of your tongue circling the barrel. you're the one with the deadly weapon aimed at you, but he's almost sure that you're going to kill him like this. how many times do you get to see such a doll like this, taking you in so well as their life literally lay entirely in your hands? your eyes are struggling to stay open and you're clenching around him extra hard, so he leans down to give you one word. cum.
the way this one hits you is unlike anything you've ever felt before. it's nothing but pure, unadulterated pleasure as you arch up into him.
when you finally come to, he pulls the gun away to aim it at his head. your eyes go wide as you can see his finger weigh down on the trigger. you're attempting to stop him, weak arm reaching at just as soon as he-
the gun was empty the entire time. and the laugh he lets out is so annoying, that you're almost pushing him off of you. don't scowl at him like that. it doesn't fit that pretty face of yours. but he tells you not to worry! because the next time he has you like this, hell make sure the gun is fully loaded. and it'll be in your hands, not his.
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inkspiredwriting · 3 months
A New Addition
Five Hargreeves x reader
A/N: I'm sorry but Mr. Pennycrumb deserve better, So here it is :)
Warnings: None
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It all started one sunny Saturday morning when Five and his girlfriend, Y/N, decided to take a stroll through the park.
As they walked hand in hand, Y/N pointed to a group of puppies playing in a pen set up by a local animal shelter. “Oh, Five, look at them! Aren’t they adorable?”
Five glanced over, raising an eyebrow. “Adorable? Sure. But we don’t have time for a dog.”
Y/N gave him a playful nudge. “Come on, Mr. Time-Travel Warrior. We could use some normalcy in our lives. Let’s just go look.”
Reluctantly, Five followed her to the pen. A dozen puppies tumbled around, chasing each other and wagging their tails. Among them was a small, scruffy terrier with a slightly crooked ear and the most soulful eyes Five had ever seen. The pup trotted over to them, wagging his tail furiously.
Y/N knelt down, scratching the dog behind his ears. “Hey there, little guy. Aren’t you the cutest?”
Five crossed his arms, trying to remain indifferent, but the dog’s big, brown eyes were hard to resist. “He’s alright, I suppose.”
Y/N laughed. “Five, I think he likes you.”
The terrier looked up at Five, tail wagging even faster. Five sighed, kneeling down to pet the dog. “Alright, alright. What’s his name?”
One of the shelter volunteers overheard and approached them with a smile. “His name is Mr. Scruffy, but you can rename him if you decide to adopt.”
Y/N looked at Five, her eyes sparkling with hope. “What do you think?”
Five sighed, already knowing he couldn’t say no to Y/N—or the dog. “Alright, we’ll adopt him. But we’re changing his name. How about... Mr. Pennycrumb?”
Y/N raised an eyebrow, then burst into laughter. “Mr. Pennycrumb? That’s perfect.”
The adoption process was quick, and soon they were walking home with Mr. Pennycrumb trotting happily beside them. Five couldn’t help but smile at the sight of Y/N’s joy and the dog’s exuberance.
Once home, Mr. Pennycrumb quickly made himself comfortable, exploring every nook and cranny of their apartment. Five watched with amusement as the dog sniffed around, eventually curling up on the couch.
As the weeks went by, Mr. Pennycrumb became a beloved member of their little family. He was a source of endless entertainment, his antics bringing laughter and light into their lives. Five, who had always been serious and focused, found himself unwinding in ways he hadn’t thought possible.
One evening, as they sat on the couch with Mr. Pennycrumb nestled between them, Y/N looked over at Five with a contented smile. “I’m glad we adopted him. He’s brought so much joy into our lives.”
Five nodded, scratching the dog behind his ears. “Yeah, he has. I didn’t realize how much we needed him.”
Mr. Pennycrumb let out a contented sigh, his eyes half-closed in bliss. Five leaned over, kissing Y/N softly. “Thank you for convincing me to adopt him.”
Y/N smiled, resting her head on his shoulder. “Thank you for agreeing. You know, you’ve got a soft spot after all.”
Five chuckled, wrapping an arm around her. “Only for you and Mr. Pennycrumb.”
As they sat together, the room filled with warmth and love, Five realized that adopting the dog was one of the best decisions they’d ever made. Mr. Pennycrumb had brought them closer, giving them a sense of normalcy and happiness amidst the chaos of their lives. And for the first time in a long while, Five felt truly at peace.
Their new addition had done more than just become a pet; he had become a symbol of their love and the life they were building together.
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lvrtwn · 9 months
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venus if she was awesome
speedpaint and more thoughts under the cut
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venus has always been one of my favorite characters, though i feel her design is pretty underwhelming with a lot of wasted potential. this is kind of a redesign, kind of my own personal headcannon, and kind of how i imagined venus in my head as a kid.
this is supposed to be my version of g1 venus, more similar in facial features and keeping the straight hair. i absolutely love her new hair and face in g3 but im hesitant to call the new outfit an improvement. both g1s outfit and g3s outfit are bad in their own ways. i dont want it to seem like im shitting on the new design. again i think the face sculpts, hair, and body types of g3 are so awesome. its great to see more diversity being included in the designs. i just decided to go with g1 venuses look because thats the venus i grew up with
i definitely took some inspiration from g3s outfit for this design. i like the idea of it but the execution is just not great, not to say her original outfit is any better. i feel like out of all of tge original monsters she was the one with the most waisted potential. i love her personality and the abilities she has but the way she was styled has always bothered me.
in the movies shes described as “eco-punk” which is SUCH a cool style to go with a plant monster character. i just feel like the “punk” in “eco-punk” was never really represented in her outfits. i personally love punk music and clothing; ive been an active member in my local diy scene for many years and i love seeing all the outfits people put together.
i thought i would give her an outfit that shows off a couple of my personal favorite staples of punk style. big chunky leather boots with lots of straps and buckles. kept the shoe mouths from the original because they cool as hell. lots of leather, studs, spikes. i gave her denim cutoff shorts inspired by her gen 3 outfit, same with the torn black top. punk style has a big focus on comfort, practicality, and making things yourself. i imagine she cut a pair of old pants into shorts, roughly cut her “undead kennedys”band shirt tank into a crop top, and probably repurposed the remaining fabric. i also totally didnt draw this whole thing as an excuse to use that pun. i included asymmetrical leg accessories, with one fishnet stocking and one torn up sock. i also feel like she repurposed these, continuing to wear her old torn up socks instead of just throwing them out. i gave her a big chunky studded belt matching one of her cuffs with a recycling symbol belt buckle. i feel like it communicates an important aspect of her personality just at a glance, plus i just love big belt buckles. lastly i added piercings because 1. theyre cool and 2. i for some reason remembered her having an eyebrow piercing but i guess she never had one.
i mostly kept her body and hair the same. changed her ears and hair color slightly but thats just personal preference. i decided to make the vines on her body look more like tattoos instead of being 3d. i imagine she can make them grow into real vines, but when shes not using her powers theyre just flat against her skin. gave her a facial expression that made her look a little more unhinged. she might only do things for the good of the earth but she can still mind control people at will.
i wish i leaned a little bit more into the plant theming but im overall still super happy with how this came out. maybe ill made more monster high redesigns in the future
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hazshit-hotel-hater · 5 months
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Husker Redesign! (6/7)
I wonder if anyone has noticed the silly song links on these
It’s my favourite furry!
A lot of this is just the same from my original Husk redesign you can read here, but to give you a bit more substance let me go slightly more in depth. I’ve already explained Husks gluttony and greed colour scheme but I wanted to note changes he experienced after making a contract with Alastor. First thing, the orange-y red bits are mostly in places similar to Alastor. The nose, the ears, eyebrows, tail, etc.
Them appearing after making a contract with Alastor also go a bit hand in hand with the sin of gluttony and turning to alcoholism to cope with depression and stress. Even after his contract with Alastor breaks, he still has the colouring for participating in the sin due to a contract, similar to how the change of shape in Angel’s markings remain hearts rather than going back to how they used to. I’ll get more into that when we talk about Angel though.
Not sure if anyone noticed with Niffty but she and Husk both share Alastors pupil shape because of that classic “eyes are the gateway to the soul” sort of thing. Not totally sure if Husk gave up his soul or just how power, might’ve missed that, but just in general it’s to show how prevalent Alastor is and the hold he has in their lives. Niffty also has his freckles!
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This is also kind of pushing it a bit but in relation to Niffty, Husk, and Angel, they all have some sort of restrictions to their clothing. You’ll see Angel’s outfit eventually, but for Husk and Niffty, the stitches on Niffty’s dress and her thigh garter are hers, and Husk’s are his bowtie and suspenders. Some evil green magic stuff happens and Alastor is able to restrain them or pull them closer with those things, but just a little idea. Overlords being able to find symbolic vulnerabilities and use those is really interesting to me.
Even though he’s definitely the most overdesigned character in this lineup, he’s definitely one of my favourites to look at! Maybe drawing Warrior Cats for 13 years payed off. 🕷️
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starlightvivi · 10 months
Soldier's Silent Love
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Ghost x Reader
Summary: Y/N and Ghost, comrades who once kept their feelings unspoken, find themselves reunited on a mission where a forced fake marriage unravels years of hidden emotions. Ghost, who concealed his affection when you were transferred away, now faces the challenge of maintaining the act while wrestling with a love that never truly faded. In the midst of duty and deception, their story unfolds, blurring the lines between soldier and lover.
Mention of :- Romance, suspense, smut, (mdni 18+) some fluff, a lot of flirting, jealous ghost, fake married couple
A/N:- The best one I have written so far Ig 😭 still has gotta improve, there are more parts to go in ☺️ this series. But there is no smutty in this part, just some romantic and fluff, kisses, and yup. Please do comment on how is it… it motives me and let me know if you liked it 🤧❤️
On this mission, the charade demanded you play the role of a married couple, Ghost's arm linked with yours as you walked together. His words were a stern warning, "If you try anything stupid, don't think there *won't* be consequences," he emphasized, pulling you into the building.
"Be on your best behavior. I'm not playing around here," he whispered, his deep voice carrying a hint of vulnerability. Matching wedding rings adorned your fingers, a glittering facade under the party's strobe lights, a fake symbol of love that left a bitter taste in both of you.
"Yeah, like I'm the only one playing here" You give him an annoyed look.
He sighed, his mask of disinterest and annoyance disappearing when he looked down at you in annoyance. “Y/N, don’t make me regret picking you to be in this stupid mission.” His sharp words were met with a small smile under his mask, as if he thought you were funny but didn’t want to admit it.
"What if you regret it?" She looks at him and squeezes his arm tightly.
He made a noise underneath his mask, which you took as an amused huff. He squeezed your hand before it released his, as he looked forward again. “Don’t make this worse than it already is.”
"I didn't even do anything yet and you call this worse!?" She raised her eyebrows and disbelief, and her expression changed as the bartender approached you with drinks but Ghost gave him a headshake refusing the drinks as the bartender left.
He looks at you and rolls his eyes, leaning against a wall. “We’re supposed to pretend we’re *in love,* you know that right? That means playing into the role.” Ghost said, glancing at you. “So I guess we should start acting it.”
“Fine, I’ll play along.” She sighed and nodded but suddenly he leaned over, planting a kiss on your cheek.
You stood there, nonplussed and wide-eyed, as an unexpected kiss, you raised your eyebrows reflecting the surprise etched across your face.
With a tantalizing smile and confidence, you seized his tie, effortlessly drawing him closer until both of your eyes locked in an electric gaze, both your noses teasingly brushing. "I believe a second attempt is in order," you whispered, a playful smirk dancing on your lips.A lingering sense of mystery and desire trailing in you to awake.
He went still for a moment, before your words and boldness made his body heat rise. His eyes flickered with annoyance or something else, as he looked down at you. He didn’t respond, instead he grabbed your cheeks and kissed you on the lips.
You shut your eyes and hold onto his chest tightly, you hated to admit but you liked it and you missed him
He didn’t pull away as he closed his eyes, he felt the same as you do. Feeling you cling to him,and holding you even tighter than before.
As she delicately opened her eyes in the midst of their kiss, she swiftly located the target. With a mischievous twinkle, she broke the kiss, guiding his head to rest on her shoulder, and whispered into his ears, "The target's just to the left, accompanied by her friend." A surge of excitement and anticipation filled the air as they prepared for the next move in this lively game of intrigue.
With eyes closed, he savored the moment, his cheeks tinged with a flush of pleasure upon hearing your words. As he opened his eyes and followed the direction you pointed, Ghost glanced back at you, whispering, "Can we wrap this up? I must admit, I prefer this unexpected detour to our original plan." There was a shared sense of enjoyment and a hint of rebellion in the air as they contemplated abandoning the scripted path for something more thrilling.
Mid-mission, she couldn't suppress a smile, thinking, *Well, this is a first.* Playfully slapping his chest, she redirected their focus, saying, "As fun as this is, Ghost, we've got a mission to finish. Target's not going to wait forever." Laughter lingered as they seamlessly blended the unexpected with the mission's intensity.
He quickly glanced away and coughed, adjusting his tie. “yeah yeah.” He said quickly, glancing around before pointing in the target’s direction. “We should move, before we’re spotted.”
You gaze at him with admiration, a shy smile gracing your lips, as if the depth of your feelings was delicately revealed in that tender moment. "Sure............by the way"
He looked away quickly and his cheeks fluttered a bit. “Now come on, we gotta keep our captain happy.” He said, gripping your arm as he tugged at you.
"Can we have a drink before we go?" You ask, looking at him with an adorable expression. You delicately holds both of his hands, silently expressing a desire for a brief, intimate moment before embarking on the next adventure.
“Fine, fine.” Ghost said, walking over to the bar and ordering two drinks. The bartender gave him a look of disgust and confusion before he pushed both glasses over. Ghost grabbed them and walked back over to you. “Let’s see just how well the two of us can act.” He said, handing a glass over to you.
"Sure." A sly smirk curves on Y/N lips in response.
But suddenly guy make his way towards you and starts to have a conversation with you.
Ghost took a sip of his drink, watching as the guy chatted you up. He felt a small pang of jealousy and annoyance, but brushed it off quickly, wanting you to play your role.
The guy engaged You in conversation, posing questions with a nod towards Ghost.
The guy: "Is that your husband, or are you still single?"
His words echoed a bit too loudly, prompting Ghost and You to exchange a subtle glance, their eyes communicating a shared amusement at the unexpected turn in the act.
Ghost froze, looking over at you as his eyes widened underneath his mask. A small smile curled at his lips as he felt *real joy,* as if his feelings for you were more than fake. He cleared his throat and looked over at the other guy. “Er, yeah, that’s my wife right there.” He said, gesturing over towards you.
You flashed a sly smile at the guy, who prepared to move on in search of another person. However, he leaned in close, whispering something that sent shivers down your spine, coloring your cheeks with a deep blush. As he concluded, you gracefully made your way to sit beside Ghost, whose curiosity was piqued.
Ghost, full of concern, whispered,
"Y/N, what did he say to you?" His hand rested gently on your shoulder, a mix of worry, confusion, and protectiveness in his voice.
Blushing, you stammered, "He mentioned what we did was incredible hot and suggested trying it during a romantic movie." Now you hiding your face in your hand, you felt Ghost's gaze on you.
“Did you enjoy the kiss?” Ghost whispered, surprise and hope evident in his voice.
Startled, you looked away, processing the question, your face reflecting a mix of confusion and emotions.
“Y/N, look at me,” Ghost urged, his voice soft yet clear, seeking the truth.
Hesitant, you deflected, "Let me hear your thoughts first."
Ghost sighed, meeting your gaze. “I liked it. I felt happy when our lips touched,” he admitted, waiting for your response. The emojis mirrored a mixture of emotions, capturing the complex exchange of feelings in the air.
To be continued…
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staytinyville · 1 year
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Stay Alive (13)
BTS poly!ot7 x Reader
Magical Creatures AU
Series Masterlist
Warnings: None
A/N NOT BETA READ (I did try the best to my ability) As normally! I love all your expressions over the whole chapter. Keep them coming! I love you guys!
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All of the boys, minus one, were gathered in Jin’s room as they watched over your sleeping body. Namjoon was rubbing the bridge of his nose in a frustrated manner, while Hobi was hovering over your body, purple mist flowing out of his hands.
“What do you mean you lured her into the pool?” Namjoon scolded the younger boy.
“She didn't drown!” Jimin pointed out, not enjoying the lecture.
“But she could've!” Namjoon frowned.
“Jimin!” Taehyung looked at his closest friend with a frown, his features upset.
“I said I was sorry!” Jimin pouted. “Jin saved her before she could go all the way in.”
“I still smell like chlorine.” The mentioned man walked out of his bathroom, towel on his head as he dried his locks.
“How many times do we have to tell you to be careful?” Yoongi butted in.
“I didn't know she was in the pool!” Jimin cried. “My senses in the water were still trying to come back after they had dried me.” He looked down, feeling ashamed at having been close to hurting you. 
The others all sighed as they realized they were being insensitive to Jimin’s problems. They knew it wasn’t Jimin’s intention to hurt you. Had the boy had full functions in his abilities he would’ve immediately noticed you the moment the water rippled with your body.
“She's fine.” Hobi spoke softly. “Just trying to recover from the hypnosis.” He gave Jimin a soft smile, trying to cheer the boy up.
“She should be fine after you did it to her.” Yoongi unconsciously spoke up, crossing his arms.
This caught everyone’s attention as their wide eyes turned to Hoseok. Now it was his turn to have a scolding. “Hobi?!” Jin cried out.
“She allowed me to put her to sleep!” Hobi tried to better the situation.
“Yeah but she didn't tell you to probe into her head.” Hobi glared intensely at Yoongi who kept opening his mouth. 
“So it was you who put that spell on her!” Jin cried out, eyes wide with a hint of sadness. 
Another member they all turned to wide eyed. There was just so much to keep up with at the moment. Taehyung almost said something about how today was just filled with so many issues. But he knew it wasn’t the right time to make a comment.
“What spell?” Hobi’s shoulders drop, his voice lowering at Jin’s accusation. 
“Hey, he did go through her memories but he didn't put any spell on her.” Yoongi immediately went to protect Hobi. “I was there.”
“She has a spell symbol on her back.” Jimin spoke up. 
“In between her shoulder blades. I felt it when I was taking her out of the water.” Jin sighed, taking a seat on his bed where you laid. He left room between you two, not wanting to touch you for fear of something happening. 
They all turned back to you, frowning as their minds began to turn from trying to come up with a plausible answer. Hoseok frowned deeply as he moved a hand up to his mouth. He sighed, scooting closer to you.
“Jin hold her up.” He told the older boy. Jin frowned but moved at Hoseok’s orders. He scooted over to where your head laid. He moved you carefully into his lap, holding you up as he did back at the pool. 
Hoseok went to move the dried shirt Jin had changed you to. He didn’t want you to get sick and he didn’t want the other nurses to know Jimin had lured you into the pool. It would only call for punishment for the younger boy. So he decided to change you into some of his clothing for the time being. At least until your scrubs dried. 
As Hobi’s hands pulled at the bottom of your shirt, his fingers followed along your spine, reaching in between your shoulder blades. Just as his fingers grazed your cervical spine, something shocked him to the point where it left his hand numb for a bit. 
“Ah!” Hoseok sucked in a breath, pulling back quickly. He wiggles his fingers to get feeling back in them, eyebrows furrowed as he looked between his hand and your back. 
“There's something there.” He rubbed at his cheek. “Yoongi lift her shirt.” 
Yoongi only gave him an appalled look. “Now you want me to invade her personal space?” The boy scoffed. 
“Yoongi.” Hobi tried to calm down his annoyance at the boy, knowing that he was being a nuisance at the moment. However he also knew it was how Yoongi worked. He wasn’t one to keep his mouth from telling the truth.
“If she is involved with our world, things change completely.” Hobi told him pointedly.
“I'll do it.” Namjoon called, moving to where Hobi had settled behind you. 
He tried to keep his fingers just warm enough to not make you feel the cold but not enough to cause a burn. He was soft in the way he touched your skin, trying not to think about how soft it actually was. He stiffly pulled the shirt back up, moving to stretch it just over your shoulders blades. 
Jin pulled you closer to his body, worried the shirt would come up and expose you. He might have been the one to change you but he was a gentleman–he didn’t dare to take a look anywhere else that wasn’t the fabric of his clothing. 
Hobi walked closer inspecting the symbol that blended in with your skin. “It's Bang Nim's spell.” Hoseok got back up, his back straight. 
“How does she know Bang Nim?” Taehyung frowned, lips pulling between his teeth. 
“She knows where Yuri lake is.” Hobi expressed to them. “She's been. He must have been the one to seal off that memory from her.” He turned around whispering to himself the last part. 
“So she knows about us?” Jimin asked. 
Hobi thought back to the memory he had gone through. He also went through the rest of them and nothing ever turned up about you believing in the creatures they were. He came across pictures and books depicting all kinds of mythical creatures but those were memories having to do with college or just curiosity about books. None of them really gave him the feeling that you actually believed in their kind.
“I don't think so. Our world was wiped from her memory.” Hobi spoke up, thinking back to the pain he felt when you touched the lake. As well, whoever that girl was was also wiped from your memory, so there was a possibility that she might have been involved. But yet, you didn’t seem to remember her. 
Jin suddenly sucked in a breath causing everyone to turn to him. The others suddenly froze as they watched you stretch just the smallest bit as you started to wake up. 
Your eyes flutter open slowly, the sleepiness in your body making you curl up into Seokjin’s hold. “Jin?” You whispered, blinking up at him.
“Hello, my dear.” Jin softly spoke, his fingers squeezing your arms in a soothing manner. “You okay?”
Your eyebrows pinched together as you took in his question. “Yeah?” You nodded your head against his chest. You looked around slowly, taking note of the other boys in the room. Your lips wanted to turn downwards when you realized the only one missing was Jungkook. 
As you moved to get off Jin, you realized you weren’t dressed in your work scrubs. You frowned, pulling at the fabric on your torso. 
“Who changed me? Why did they change me?” You asked, looking up at everyone.
“You fell into the pool.” Jin spoke up, eyes glancing in a squinting manner at his friend. “Thank gods I was there before you went all the way down.”
“That's odd.” Your confusion only seemed to deepen as you had no recollection of falling. Even if you did, you were a good enough swimmer so why were you passed out? Had you hit your head on the way down? Or swallowed water from shock?
Your fingers rubbed at the shirt, pulling it up as you seemed to snuggle into it. “Are these your clothes?” You asked, turning to Jin.
“Yeah.” The man began to blush. “Sorry, I didn't want to tell the other nurses.” He looked away from you, hands playing with his fingers.
“No worries-” You stopped in your sentence when you noticed something about Jin you hadn’t before. 
Your head tilted to the side, wondering how it was that you hadn’t caught something like that before. But then again, his fluffy hair seemed to always be covering up his ears so seeing it all flat while wet must have allowed them to be out in the open. You held back your dreamy look as you noticed how cute Seokjin’s pointed ears were.
“You okay?” Jin asked, turning to you. You had stopped talking mid sentence and never went back to finishing. 
“Yeah.” You smiled softly. “I didn't know you had your ears pointed. You look like an elf.” You giggled. “You look ethereal with them.”
Jin’s blush only came back full force. The others tried to stifle their laughter at the flustered male. “Thank you, my dear.” Jin smiled. He glanced at Namjoon who gave him a worried look. “I had them done.”
You hum in contemplation, remembering how Namjoon had said they had all been in the facility for the past 10 years. Does that mean that Hanseol offers things to them? You were reminded of Jungkook and Jimin’s tattoos. They too must have asked for those kinds of things. 
“You guys get a lot of things down here. Didn't you say it's been 10 years?” You pondered. 
"There were times we got to go out of course.” Namjoon answered. “Ya know, when we were healthy.” He sighed deeply. 
“We come back after relapses.” Yoongi finished. 
“I see.” You nodded to yourself. The thought of them smiling all the time and living the life they wanted started to pop up in your head. 
You could imagine Taehyung playing with children and showing them his tricks. Jungkook would be known as a muscle bunny who loved boxing. Namjoon would travel the world to find the greatest art and read so many books. You could imagine Jimin as an idol. Yoongi would probably find a way to work from home. Jin would be an amazing caretaker. And Hobi would have his own herbal shop. 
It brought a smile to your face to think about what their lives outside this sad place was like. Maybe they would have their families behind them, supporting them like you did. At that thought you suddenly perked up.
“Do you guys have families then?” You asked.
“We do.” Namjoon spoke quickly.
“I'd love to meet them one day!” You exclaimed, startling some of the boys. 
They all gave you sad smiles as they thought about your response. “One step at a time.” Hobi told you, patting your head. 
“Are you okay, Beautiful?” Jimin spoke up, shuffling closer to you.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” You smiled at him in confusion, tilting your head. “Why wouldn’t I be?”
“You took a tumble into the pool and don’t remember. We were just worried.” Jimin sighed, feeling guilty knowing he was the reason you took that tumble. 
“I promise I’m fine.” You beamed at him, noticing how he suddenly looked down. You waited until he looked at you to get out of the bed. Once the boy glanced at you, your eyes only closed from how large your smile was. It made his heart skip a beat. 
“Now if you’ll excuse me.” You moved to take the covers off you. “I’m going to go check on Jungkook. I hope he’s doing okay.” 
They watched you skip out the room, quickly rushing to the youngest boy’s room across the hall. There was a sudden somber feeling in the room as they took in the way you seemed to be completely in the dark about the mark placed on your skin. 
“Should we tell her?” Hoseok asked the leader.
“When the time is right.”
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Series Masterlist
@h3arteyes4mingi , @fangirling-all-the-way-tbh , @rinkud, @rln-byg , @singukieee , @hoshi-is-ult-bbg , @ldysmfrst , @k-p0p-4ever , @stvrfir3 ,
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Vaggie Redesign🦋
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Made my own version of Vaggie for fun! Out of everyone so far, redesigning her was the funnest to play around with. There was a lot to consider!!! Spoiler alert for those who haven’t watched the show!
One big thing I had to consider about was her moth motif🦋. I redesigned her hair to be more moth like, the type that have eye patterns like the emperor moth! I think it’s super cool but also…Angels and Eyes👁️(I can imagine the eyes react with her main one) Plus Eyes in general have always been a big motif for her. I also made her feet more stubby, to give off how they were changed becoming a sinner. I def wanted to give off her coming off as unintentionally unsettling as moths can be lowkey scary lol, but also show a struggle of hers is being more down to earth and approachable to others.
Made her hair SUPER longer for the patterns but also give off how if makes up a lot of her, moths got big wings. I read sinners forms have a sorta punishment to them and I imagine for Vaggie, her hair can’t be cut. It can but it would grow back to the same length soon. So it’s def been a struggle for her along with her new feet to figure out how to deal with, especially for combat. Also replaced the bow with actual antennae and made her eyebrows have more hair too! At first I was gonna add the bow to show her using it some way to put up her hair but with how big it is and adding antennae I just got rid of it, making those allude to a bow instead 🎀
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For my HH Gang, I’m going for a Rainbow Motif(I think we all know why), for Vaggie she’s more Indigo. Blue(color close to Heaven) but also a little mix of Red(Charlie & Hell). Also has a lot of different symbolisms that I think work well for Vaggie!!!!!!! And in her old looks she had a lot of blues(many such as navy blue belong in the indigo territory) that I decided to re-incorporate into her look. She’s the blue to Charlie’s Red❤️💙Also has a dark purplish red to show the uniforms she’s wearing is older but still connect her to the Hotel and Charlie❤️🌈.
Made her skin more purplish. I can imagine….back then it used to be gray or grayish blue but time in Hell added more color💜💜💜💜💜
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ANOTHER really big thing was her fashion. For my Vaggie, she’s basically wearing an old Bellhop uniform from the Hotel’s past(moths may have done some damage prior, lol) hence the tatters, she likes it as it shows she’s part of the Hotel and protective enough but also not too stuffy to stop her from being active. I def was leaning into her being the Hotel’s security. She’s also wearing straps for putting her spear away, a hooded shawl, which I was inspired from one of her concept looks with ripped tights and boots. Def kept the long fingerless gloves with some protective wrap!!!!!!!!!
She’s also wearing a golden apple(HUGE motif with Charlie🍎) and also a huge symbol shown a lot through the hotel to show she’s part of it!…also added more hidden ❌ symbols.
I was def leaning towards business/subtle military/action girl for her. Talked about this with @a-sterling-rose that during development, she plays around with her look more, finding her identity more. I also wanted to give off a little mystery with the cloak. Show she’s someone with secrets…like being a former Top Exorcist. I REALLY WANT HER TO GET HER OWN PAIR OF ANGELIC BALLET SHOES FROM CAMILLE!!!!!🩰🩰🩰🩰🩰🩰
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Gave her bigger lips 👄
Made her X sharper, make it look more wing like. Made her lashes more wing like too🦋
Put more weight & muscle on her💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪💪 show she’s got muscle and fun fact, moths got stout builds!!!!!!
Also redesigned her staff a bit to look more Eye like and added a wrap for grip(and that it may have been broken in the past).
Gave her a line under her eye, show she’s someone who works herself too hard ant time… and also give off she’s bit on edge about something…
Also I know there’s been discussions about her name, just wanted to say, if I was to change her name, I’d make it Polilla! Spanish for Moth🦋 I like the idea of exorcists being once humans who became Angels! So Vaggie’s def still got her Salvadoran roots! 🇸🇻 I can imagine she HATES when people call her “Polly” for short.
Also done designs for Charlie & Angel🍎🕷️
What do u think? I’d love to know!💖
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skipper1331 · 1 year
Daisy flower // Jessie Fleming
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If someone asked your teammates what your favourite flower was, everybody could answer immediately.
A daisy flower.
Everybody knew you loved them.
Your wallpaper was a picture of a field full of daisies, your cubby had daisy stickers everywhere and you even had a tattoo of a daisy on your shoulder.
Daisy flowers had many meanings; in the language of flowers, they represented new beginnings and rebirth along with love, joy, beauty, purity, innocence, hope, fun and affection. In spirituality, they meant faith and eternal life. And for new mothers they symbolized childbirth and motherhood.
For you they had a much deeper meaning; peace.
You were late. At some point it annoyed you but you had a good reason. For once it was a sunny warm day so you decided to go to training with your bike. It wasn‘t a long ride but on your way you saw daisies, instictively you stopped. The urge to pick them up was too massive. You couldn‘t resist. You picked a whole bouquet and continued your journey to the training ground.
"You‘re late" Magda said in a stern voice as you entered the changing room. "I know, I‘m sorry" everbody had their eyes on you or rather on the flowers in your hand. "But, this is for you" pride echoed through your voice while handing her a daisy. You didn‘t even wait for an answer because you already walked to Pernille. "This is for you" you took another daisy out of your bouquet. "And this for you" you handed Erin one. And Sam. And Guro. And the whole team.
The only person being left was Jessie. You were madly in love with her. She just had to look at you and your cheeks would turn red, you would start to stutter and get clumsy. "These are for you" you said shyly while handing her not one daisy but the whole bouquet. Your eyes glued to the floor, cheeks already red. "I hope you like them" within two seconds you turned around and walked to your cubby. You didn‘t dare to look at Jessie or anyone.
"She totally has a crush on you" Niamh told Jess as they stepped onto the pitch.
Everyone knew you had a crush on the canadian; it was obvious. But Jessie was oblivious to this.
No matter how many compliments you gave her she ignored them. Not intentionally though. When you compliment her, she felt nausous. She would have a fuzzy feeling in her stomach that some people might consider as butterflies.
She couldn‘t react to your compliments. She always wanted to but her mind was too slow to think of an answer. And by the time she had one it was too late.
"No she doesn‘t" Jess replied. Niamh raised an eyebrow at her. "Are you kidding me? She literally gave you an bouquet of daisies. That’s basically her love confession."
Love confession? That made the canadian think. Was that a love confession? Y/N gave everyone a flower, didn‘t she? She probably gave me just all the leftovers.
As the days went by Jess would always find a daisy in her cubby. It wasn‘t something you wanted to do but everytime you saw a daisy you had the need to give it to her. You never saw the smile Jessie had when she saw them. You never saw the red colour on her cheeks when she saw them. And you never saw the way she would quickly put the flower into her notebook. All the flowers you gave her were in that notebook. Each day she would press a daisy onto a new page and admire them at home.
"You love daisies, don‘t you?" Jessie smiled as she sat the next to you on the pitch. "I do." you whispered while playing with the grass between your fingers. The way she looked at you made feel nervous, safe, calm and excited at the same time. She wasn‘t just looking at you; she looked into your heart, soul and mind. "Tell me something about them" you were about to faint. Nobody had ever asked you about the daisies. "Tell me why you love them so much" and that‘s all you needed "Well, a daisy has many meanings. Some say they represent purity, joy, cheerfulnees and so on, but I don‘t like them because of their meaning or what they symbolize. I like them because they‘re simple. They‘re plain. And If people don‘t like flowers because of their smell, there is a chance that they like daisies; they don‘t smell. But to be honest, I like to think they smell fresh and sunny. By the way, did you know in the victorian era they symbolized innocence, loyalty and the ability to keep things a secret. That‘s so cool, right?" you rambled. You got so lost in your talking that you didn‘t realize that Jessie was switching between looking at your eyes and lips. In that moment, Jess knew she definitely had a crush on you. Her whole body was on fire. "I‘m rambling, am I?"
"Yes, you are"
"I‘m sorry, i couldn‘t help myself" you chuckled while starting to play with the grass again. "Don‘t apologize" her hand found yours, her eyes never leaving yours, both of your faces covered in a big smile. The two of you were in your own little bubble; no talking, only looking. Your free hand crept your way up to a loose strand of the canadian. First, you twisted it between your fingers and then slowly you put it behind her ear. Your hand resting their longer than necessary. "Jessie…" you whispered as you leant towards her. The canadian knew you were about to kiss her, something she always wanted to happen yet she panicked. "I- i‘m sorry" then she ran away. She ran for her dear life. If you‘ve never heard a heart break, now you have. Your heart shattered into pieces and the way she avoided you like the plague hurt even more.
You tried to be yourself and act professional but a few teammates could see through your facade. They didn‘t ask about it though. They respected you; when you‘re ready, they‘re there for you.
The following days, Jess didn‘t have a daisy in her cubby. It stung. It was her own fault, she knew that but still she didn‘t like it.
A few days later she saw you sitting alone in the changing room with a single daisy in your hand. You plucked the petals while whispering 'she loves me' 'she loves me not'. For each phrase one petal. You didn‘t hear her coming in but she heard what you were saying. It was her chance to make things right. She walked up to you and grabbed your shirt collar. You didn‘t know what was happening: one moment you were plucking daisy petals with your fingers, now your fingers were holding the hem of Jessie‘s shirt. Her brown eyes starring into yours until they flicked down to your lips. It was magical; the way she pulled you closer so your bodies would touch, the way she had so much power of you and made you weak in your knees. "May I?" she whispered as her thumb stroked your cheek. You felt dizzy and excited. You waited so long for this. With your nod as consent her lips finally met yours for the first time. Fireworks exploded in your stomach, your skin was on fire and your mind was in dreamland. It was perfect. Her lips felt amazing as you moved in sync.
It felt like it had always been like this.
"Let me take you on a date" she said out of breath with crimson red cheeks. "Yes" you replied sheepishly.
Not everybody believes in the petal-oracle but If you had finished yours, it would have ended with 'she loves me' and Jessie surely did.
Everyone could decide for themselves how to interpret a daisy because there were so many meanings, but for you they no longer meant only peace but also joy and love.
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cauldron-of-oddities · 6 months
Pretty Things
Powder had always loved pretty things. Shiny things, useful things, things to tinker with. She was unfortunately a bit clumsy and not always useful at getting stuff (though only Mylo ever told her off) it really ruffled her feathers, though. It left her feeling all sorts of useless.
So when she met Ekko who had a knack for finding all the best shiny things, and pretty baubles, and liked to tinker like her, and for one reason or another decided he liked her too it was a done deal. They'd be friends. And then he said her hair was the prettiest blue. She then decided they'd be friends forever.
She thought Ekko was pretty too, with his white hair that almost glowed, and with warm eyes and all his warm tones. He also gave the best hugs ever, and he seemed to want them all the time. She was all too happy to oblige. She wanted them, too.
She wondered if he heard it, how her heart would flutter every time he came by just because something he found was for her. Or when something went wrong and his arms would wrap around her and comfort would sink into her, like being wrapped in a blanket made of the warmest down. She wondered if she should tell him how it made her feel.
When she was eleven and he was twelve, he braided her hair for the first time, how calm she'd felt, content to just be for a moment. She hoped it would last forever. And she wondered, could she keep him forever with her? That peace flew right out the door when her sister flew in. “Oi, Love birds. Dinner!” The voice of her sister breaking through with teasing laughter.
‘Love birds’ Oh. Oh, why did that thought make her feel all fizzy inside?
Ekko's birthday came. She’d fretted an eternity over a gift. Only his change was so quick that she'd have to wait for him to open it. His shift had been every bit as enchanting as it was supposed to be. She blushed at how bold she'd been. But he'd looked so soft, and he was just so pretty. Ekko had given her a quick peck when she said that last remark, though his chest had puffed up pridefully. And then she'd just had to touch.
Hidden in her shared room burying her hot cheeks in her pillow, the moment returns unbidden. He'd been so, so soft, she'd stood there just running her fingers over him like some sort of hypnotised freak, what would he think of her?!
Flopping onto her back, she holds up Bunny, her sister's toy once, and now hers. Her confidant for when she was too embarrassed to talk to Vi. Powder can't wait until it's her turn to shift. She hopes she's something blue, a bluebird, or maybe a jay.
Her brows scrunched together, she raised Bunny above her head and worried out loud “What if he thinks I'm a weirdo!” Then she bit her lip and then very quietly, “Will I be as beautiful as Ekko?”
“You will be Powpow.” Vi's leaning there on the doorway to their bedroom with herarms crossed, a raised eyebrow, and a fond smirk.
“And I don't think he minded, he sure wasn't making any effort to get away. Might need to have a word with him.”
“But he did nothing!” Powder rushed out. Vi's chats or rather talon noogies were notorious. “Awe, baby sis got a crush!”
Oh, how she wishes she could fly out the window and hide in some high up place to let her escape the embarrassment.
She's thirteen today and how she'd waited for this day. Now she could finally join the others, be as fast, as graceful, as strong as them. She'd shed the feathers of the klutz and her true ones would appear. She looks to Ekko, Vi's gentle teasing from last year chirping in her ears. There’s a lovely smile on his face, the one he had when he found something particularly good, so she must be something pretty right?
“A crow!” Mylo shouts. The hope shatters. “Damn” he sniggers “Nice symbolism for the jinx.”
No, no, that can't be right. A crow, a being of bad luck. A crow, a wicked thing, not a pretty wanted thing.
Not like Vi, all fierce and great with her golden eagle self.
Not like Mylo, all strut and swagger like a pheasant.
Not like Caggor colourful and resourceful like toucan.
Not like Vander, protective and strong, the bald eagle himself.
Not like Ekko, soft and wise … and beautiful.
She didn't match. It's all wrong! Her feathers ruffled, and flight comes all too easy to her. She can't stay.
The highest tower she could find seems as good as a spot to wallow in her misery. She's as puffed up as she can be, and so consumed by her own dismay, she doesn't notice Ekko land behind her until he makes a soft noise. She looks up only to turn away again.
She hears him shift, and then the gentle touch of his fingers running over her head and back. She practically melts, he's touching her like she did him and then the sweet words soothing away her greatest fear, he saw her as he always did. "You're you." 'My friend' is what she hears, too.
He keeps running his fingers over her back, and it's wonderful. Maybe she's not too bad after all, he found her, and Ekko only ever found all the best things.
What he says next has her heart stutter, and were she human she be completely red, its the sweetest devastating blow:
“Do you know how beautifully blue you glow?
the link to 'Blue'
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Some human skin and bone
The yassification button glitched, so sorry for your loss.
Did this take years of my life? Yes.
Did it take making at less three before realising I used their identifying colours to render them? Also yes.
Drawings without the dramatic light under the cut with some very long ramblings.
(I'm pretty sleep-deprived right now, excuse my weird grammar and ramblings.)
They are in order of making.
-She was the first I drew of the bunch, and I based her mostly on a baby I saw in a hair salon. She had these big un-blink-able eyes and these adorable chubby cheeks that just made sense that Hootsie had.
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-To try to union the owl and bear parts of an owlbear, I gave her this very puffy ENORMOUS fur coat with a feather jacket under it. To define where in her original design the fur and feather separate.
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-Also the claws, since Hootsie has claws, it's your decision to decide if they are REAL or if Gricko made them for her in wood.
-Her makeup it's designed to scream "OWL" and her original markings, from the big eyes, and eyebrows as owls horns, to the line to symbolise her beak.
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She was very fun to draw, brain empty, just owlbear.
-You know the whole "re-inventing the wheel"? Well, this was a "drawing Mace by accident over and over again"
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-Credits to Beth Mello for inspiration for the splash blood makeup, which it's just so pretty
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-I don't know where the metallic horns came from, I know it's inspired by something but it is so locked in my mind and I can't pull the strings to know where it comes from.
I showed this one to one of my old art teachers and he said "It looks like me when I was younger" and now I can't unsee it.
Your genishi is my retired art teacher now, so sorry for your loss.
-Did I ask my father to pose to draw his old hands? Yes. Yes, I did. And I had to make them more rough and hairy because he has "selling wristwatches on tv" hands? Absolutely.
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-I based his hair on a member of Metalica, Kirk Hammett. Now that he's older, he has this very pretty long curly greyish hair that just felt very Gricko.
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-I cut his fingers. Well, only the right hand, he has the other one but it didn't grow correctly so it's more like little little finger without nail. So he has four fingers, in his original goblin design he has four fingers and so does the human version now, we don't know what happened, Gricko probably doesn't know either.
-The makeup had to have the most eccentric in-your-face eyeliner ever. With some green highlighter to remain of goblin skin, blue and white dots for his magic and to link him with Hootsie's little blue gems, and body paint inspired by Britons war paint. (Which are drawn after two of his totems.)
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Lighting for this one was weirdly easy... The ocarina wasn't.
-As someone who is pretty young and it's starting to grow white hair already, I can say, that whatever it's happening to him it's more from stress than genes. What ghost scared you, sir?
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-I fought with his face so much, I had his body ready for days but not the face. I wanted to keep the expression that Frost has in the original, mostly the smug smile he has.
-Credits to Freja Bermann for inspiration for his makeup which it's inspired by multiple of her looks inspired by the solar system.
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-I just realised that by giving him "horns" and two dots to symbolize his tiger ears it looks like the froggy chair of Animal Crossing.
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I'm not changing it. This is our little secret.
-How do you draw an alligator as a human? How??? DRAW??
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-You know what, drawing hands it's only fun if it's old people's hands. They have more texture and can be a bit rougher. They can define a character's life so well... For example, here Kremy has four fingers, you can decide if he got it cut off by fucking around, bitten off, or if he gifted it as a sign of faith to his patron, you decide.
-You hear about "Give Gideon a cowboy hat" get ready for "Give Kremy opera binoculars"
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-His makeup was inspired by cabaret, just dramatic eyeshadow and eyeliner. There are markings as gator skin around his eyes and nose. And a fake beauty mark because why not?
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Drawing Kremy it's always fun, even if I get tortured first by trying to structure his face.
I can't bring myself to do Torbek, Twig and Petunia, sorry, I'm very tired.
AHHHHHHHHHH.... Have a cupcake 🧁.
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winter-leftovers · 1 year
Til The End Of Eternity || Chapter seven Forget me not (7/?)
(Douxie Casperan x f!reader)
Summary: Y/n is trying to figure her life out but is going to be hard since her brother is the new trollhunter and she is plagued by dreams and feelings she doesn’t understand.
Chapter Summary: Y/n and Douxie go on a date. Barbara is worried about her children.
Word count: 2004
Warnings: nono
(Season 1 Episodes 11/12/13)
Song?: Los caminos de la vida by Vicentico
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Myosotis, commonly known as “forget-me-not”, symbolizes hope for everlasting love, remembrance, true and enduring love, trust, and faithfulness.
Y/n looked at herself in the rusty mirror for what it felt like the thousandth time, while she brushed her hair with her fingers.
After Douxie left, time seemed to change. Her shift went so fast and so slow at the same time. She felt her stomach turn like the chicken she had for lunch. Her body and her mind couldn’t believe she had a date with the only person who could make her nervous: Douxie.
She stepped back and saw Jim’s old Gun Robot shirt. She cursed herself for choosing today to use it.
“I think you should clean yourself up before coming to work, you know?” Randy joked from the door of the small bathroom.
“Not funny” Y/n twirl around judging her outfit, again.
“Where’re you going?”
“Douxie invited me for coffee” she mumbled.
“What?” Randy put a hand on his ear and got closer.
“Douxie invited me to get coffee after my shift” she said a little louder.
Randy laughed.
“What’s so funny?” Y/n looked back at him with her arms crossed. She usually didn’t care about Randy’s teasing but today, her nervousness had killed all the fun in her.
“I was right!” He clapped.
Y/n raised an eyebrow
“Come on! Congratulate me for noticing! I never catch this stuff” he laughed.
She rolled her eyes and returned to the mirror.
“Stop looking at yourself in the mirror. You are going to make a hole on it” he put his arm around her shoulders and took her out of the bathroom “You look great! It’s going to go great!”
“You think?” She looked at him hopeful.
Y/n always considered herself a loner. She had never felt a connection with anyone, romantic or just platonic. Not in high school, not in college. Eventually she gave up. She had all the people she needed: Barbara, Jim, Toby and Nana. She didn’t need anyone else. But when she came back to Arcadia and started working at the shop, Randy made his way through the walls she had built.
“Of course! Just one thing, a small, tiny thing” they walked to the counter “Don’t leave in the middle of the date just because your brother calls you”
“Come on, Y/n! I know you! And I’ve seen you lately. Every time Jim calls, you drop everything!”
“He’s my little brother” she left the embrace.
“I know! But you should have some fun without Jim sometimes” he grabbed her by the shoulders “Have fun with someone your age for once! Outside me of course!”
“Aren’t you like thirty?” She joked.
“Hey! I’m the lovely and young age of twenty seven” Randy went behind the counter.
Y/n sighed. She knew Randy was right. Lately everything had been about Jim and the trolls, maybe distracting herself a little would help.
“There he is” Randy pointed to the window.
Y/n turned around and saw Douxie walking to the door.
“Have fun but not more fun than with me and be safe” Randy said quickly and disappeared in the back.
Douxie knocked on the closed door.
Y/n took a deep breath trying to calm her nerves.
“Hey” she smiled.
“Hello, love” Douxie smiled back with all the confidence he didn’t have this afternoon “Ready?”
“Ready” she fixed the strap of her bag and closed the door behind her.
Douxie looked so beautiful under the dusk light. His dark hair dancing with the breeze, his beautiful hazel eyes looking at her. Y/n was transfixed
“I brought you this” he gave her three little flowers.
“Forget me nots’” she chuckled.
“Yeah, I wanted to buy you an actual bouquet but I wasn’t sure what flowers you’d like” he scratched the back of his head.
Y/n laughed to herself “This is a good pick. I love forget me nots” she caressed the three small flowers “My mom told me this story when I was little about these flowers being named that because they were afraid of being forgotten by god. After hearing that, I became obsessed with the flower. I don’t know. Something about that story really moved little six years old me” Y/n turned and saw Douxie smiling at her.
“Sorry. I got weird” she fake laughed.
“No, it’s okay. I get it” he sounded soft. Softer than Y/n ever heard him.
“So, where do you wanna go?” She changed the subject trying to move on from the awkwardness she felt.
“Follow me”
The sun was long gone. Douxie and Y/n climbed to the ceiling of Douxie’s bookstore. Between some sweets and the most delicious tea Y/n ever tasted, they talked about everything. Douxie told her about his friends, the band and moving to Arcadia. Y/n told him about her family, her music and how she didn’t know where her life was supposed to go. She couldn’t stop the words from falling. In any other circumstance she wouldn’t talk so much, but Douxie, Douxie was different. He made her feel comfortable, at ease to talk about anything. Anything. At times, she felt like she had to stop herself from telling him about the secret she’s been keeping.
In contrast with the date, the walk home was quiet. It wasn’t an awkward silence, it was comfortable. They walked side by side observing the view Arcadia had to offer, the calmness that existed during the night.
“This is me” Y/n pointed to her door.
They stopped and looked at each other.
“I had fun” she smiled.
“Me too” he mirrored her and took one step forward “I hope we can do it again” he took her hand.
“Me too” she breathed.
Y/n and Douxie were so close that their noses touched.
“What are you doing?” The door swung open.
Douxie and Y/n jumped back. Douxie grabbed Y/n by the waist and pushed her close.
“Jesus, Jim” Y/n screamed taking a step forward “What are you doing?!”
“Oh, sorry, Y/n! I thought you were a gob…”
Y/n moved to the side so her little brother could see she wasn’t alone.
“Oh, hey” Jim frowned.
“Sorry about him” Y/n pushed Jim into the house with her hand.
“Don’t worry” Douxie smiled, his cheeks were still rosy “I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah” she smiled.
“Ugh!” Jim was disgusted.
“Go back inside” she pushed Jim inside once more “I’m going to kill you” she whispered once Douxie was far enough.
“Master Jim, you must listen to me very carefully. They’ve captured me and want you to come to the Bridge…Alone. DON’T COME IT’S A TRAP” Blinky screamed .
“Give me that! It appears things have grown awkward, Mr Lake. Meet me in the alley beside the theater if you ever want to see your friend again” Strickler said
“DON’T OPEN THE BRIDGE!” Blinky screamed “UNDER NO CIRCUMSTAN…” and the voicemail was done.
“I’ve listened to it a hundred times now, and I still don’t know what to do” Jim sat in the hospital bed with scratches all over his face.
Last night, after Y/n went to bed, Jim left to take care of trollhunting business that end up in a fight with some goblins.
“You don’t have to do this alone. You’ve got Aaarrrgghh, Draal, Y/n, me” Toby said.
“They said I had to be alone. If I’m not, what do you think they’ll do to Blinky?” Asked Jim.
“Blinky made it clear ‘Under no circumstances’” Y/n reminded him.
“Enough friends have gotten hurt because of me. No more”
“Well, it’s your call. You’re the Trollhunter. Here” Toby handed the amulet back to him.
Y/n sighed
“I picked it up in the woods after they dragged you away. I thought since we found it together, we’d always be in this together”
“Hello, Toby” Barbara interrupted.
“Hey, Dr Lake. I was just leaving. He’s all yours” Toby smiled “ Can you believe it? Coyotes!” He added before finally leaving.
Y/n pinched her nose.
“You have good friends. One even stayed by your side all night” Barbara walked to Jim’s bed and sat at the feet of it by Y/n side.
“Toby is a great…”
“Actually, it was a girl. She said her name was Claire” Barbara corrected.
Y/n wiggle her eyebrows at Jim who was dumbstruck.
“I want you to talk to me and I expect to hear the truth. What were you doing in the woods?” Barbara spoke again.
Y/n sat a little straighter and looked at her brother. She couldn’t help him out on this one.
“Well, Claire thought she heard her brother crying in the woods, so we went in, but it was this pack of crazy coyotes and…”
“The truth, Jim.” His mother interrupted his rambling “Those scratches weren’t from coyotes”
“I swear! You can ask Claire!” He insisted.
“Stop lying to me!” Barbara stood up and looked through the window “You come home from school covered in bruises, sneak out in the middle of the night, get arrested for a silly Chubby Tracker?”
“I know you’re angry but..” Jim lifted his hands and Barbara took them
“Angry? I’m not angry and I’m long past worried. I’m terrified!”
Y/n lowered her gaze. She was so consumed in her apparent loss of memory and worrying about Jim that forgot that her mother.
“I found this in a cookbook” she took out an envelope from her coat. It was Jim’s letter.
“It’s…still sealed” Jim said
“Whatever is happening, whatever it is you’re afraid to say. I want you to tell me, face to face” she put the letter on his lap “Believe it or not, there was a time when you used to share everything with me. Both of you” she caressed Jim’s cheek and grabbed Y/n’s hand.
The siblings looked at each other and lowered their gaze.
“Fine” she stood up “If that’s the way you feel, your doctor has discharged you, Mr Lake. Good luck at the play” she left.
“Mom, I’m sorry” Jim pleaded but her mother couldn’t hear him.
Y/n sat in the audience, swinging her left foot back and forth, waiting for the play to start, or at least that was what the people passing by could see. In reality, Y/n was waiting for her brother and friends to return from a dangerous crusade.
Jim, Toby, Draal and Aaarrrgghh were rescuing Blinky while she maintained the appearances at the school’s play. Her anxiety was kicking at her ribcage, her right thumbnail almost gone from the constant biting. Nothing could calm her. She wanted to go and fight alongside her brother to keep him safe, but after what happened earlier with her mom, someone had to keep up with the image. Being the one waiting was killing her. Her brain was filling itself with awful scenarios. Bular was strong, powerful and had many years of training over the trollhunters. Everything could go terribly wrong.
She imagines herself running to the bridge and stabbing Bular with a sword from the exhibit giving an end to all of this. No more stress. No more nightmares of Jim dying. Jim could be a normal kid.
Fortunately, Jim showed up on time and with the news of Bular’s slaying. Y/n felt her lungs fill with air more easily. This wasn’t the end. Jim was still the Trollhunter and more dangers were ahead but tonight, everyone would sleep a little better
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A/n: fun fact ig?: I didn’t know the existence of the forget me not until i played the arcana! (And got obsessed with muriel 👀) also read the little story on a fan fic long ago so idk if it's a common story or not. It popped up in my head while writing. Also, the selection for the song on this one was so complicated 😭😭 I didn’t want to put a song in spanish but it is the one that fit the most. Look up the lyrics, is a beautiful song
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blackypanther9 · 1 year
Uncle x Papa – Nephew!Kid!Lloyd x Adopted Son!Morro x Father!Uncle!Male!Reader (Ninjago)
Part 3
WARNING!: Mention of rape, kidnapping and murder, mention of abandonment, mention of close to death encounter, Angered Morro AND MORE ! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!
“Morro is still around ?! I thought...after all these years of him not returning...he died.”, Wu muttered.
“No he is alive.”
“Describe him to me.”
“Black hair with a green strand in it, forest green eyes, wears gray and green clothes, has some weird symbol on his clothes, like we have on ours, spiked eyebrows on the ends.”, Cole described.
“That...that is him...”, Wu muttered.
“And M/n ?”, Zane pressed.
“He...was my Brother. Garmadon’s and my Brother. After a few events, he moved out and I never knew where he went.”, he answered.
Kai covered Jay’s mouth and shook his head. He didn’t want them to tell Wu that Lloyd was with them.
“My sister has a date with Morro.”, Kai informed.
Wu looked at him in surprise.
“She does ? Who made the first move ?”,  he asked.
“Morro did.”, Zane answered.
He looked even more shocked.
“That is impossible. He would NEVER have time for such things. He was always way too busy to prove me wrong... Did he change ?”, Wu was in deep thoughts.
So what Morro said was true. Wu did know them and the proving part seemed to be right too. Kai was ready to stalk his Sister tomorrow.
-The next day after Lunch-
M/n gave Morro a small basket for a picnic and told them both to be careful in the woods. Then they left and they found Nya. Morro landed behind her and Lloyd got down.
“Hello, Nya.”, Morro greeted.
She turned around and smiled.
“Hello, Morro and Lloyd.”, she replied.
Nya was dressed up in nice clothes, but not too nice, in case she gets dirty. Morro and Lloyd just the same.
“You look charming, Nya.”, Morro complimented.
“Thank you, you look nice as well.”, she replied.
Lloyd looked at Nya in awe, but shook his head and stuck his tongue out, looking away.
“Eww, girls...”, Lloyd muttered.
Morro lightly smacked the back of Lloyd’s head.
“Hey !”, he protested.
Morro smirked.
“You are such a terrible Cousin. Not even trying to be happy for your Cousin.”, Morro said dramatically.
Lloyd hugged him tightly.
“She is stealing the attention away from me. You are supposed to pay attention to me, Bubba.”, Lloyd said.
Morro looked at Lloyd in shock.
“Bubba ?”, he asked.
“I see you more like a Brother....is that wrong ?”, he asked.
Morro thought about it and then shook his head.
“No, no it isn’t. You just caught me off guard, little Buddy.”
“Okay.”, he said and snuggled deeper into Morro’s side.
He looked at Nya.
“Shall we get going ? I know a perfect spot to watch the sunset.”, Morro suggested.
“Sure. Do you want me to carry the basket ?”, she asked.
Morro looked at Lloyd and sighed.
“I guess I have to ask that of you, so this bundle of attention, will get soaked in enough of it for later.”, Morro said jokingly.
Lloyd smiled and hugged him tighter. She took the basket and Morro picked Lloyd up, who wrapped his tiny arms around Morro’s neck and hid his face in Morro’s chest.
“He seems to like you a lot.”, Nya stated.
“He does. He liked me since I can remember.”, Morro explained.
“And when was that ?”, she asked.
“Oh, when Lloyd was a Baby still. Garmadon needed a break sometimes and I took care of Lloyd then. I fed him, I changed his nappies, I played with him, I spent time with him. Yes, it sounds like much, but really, his Dad worked himself to the bone for him. He passed out from exhaustion, because he barely slept. It got to a point that whenever he saw me or Garmadon entering he was giggling happily and just wanted attention.”, Morro explained, having a sparkle in his eyes when he recalled the memories.
Nya found the sparkle pretty.
“Enough about me though. What about you ? Tell me how you are related to such a Meanie.”, Morro started.
“I don’t know sometimes, myself. Kai has been like this, since we lost our parents. We were still kids when they left and never came back. We still have Father’s blacksmith and a picture of them. Since then, Kai has been overprotective of me, because I was the younger sibling and I am a female.”, she explained a bit annoyed.
Morro smiled.
“He is only looking out for you. He wasn’t THAT wrong, Nya. There are people that would use your body for their own pleasures. Females, no matter if they can fight or not, are the most endangered of getting kidnapped and disgraced. He is not that wrong to look out for you.”, Morro stated softly.
“How do you know ?”, she asked.
Morro frowned and looked at Lloyd, who seemed to be asleep.
“I saw such things happen when I was a child. I grew up on the streets, until Wu found me. Well, he caught me going through his trash to find something to eat. He gave me fresh food instead and took me under his wing. But...it doesn’t fix the damage that I have gotten on the streets. I heard the screaming, the begging for mercy. I heard how men cussed out homeless women and continued to use them... I saw some men ambushing women that could fight, how they dragged them into dark alleyways and did it... I couldn’t do anything back then. I was a small kid, that couldn’t even fight or speak properly....”, he said saddened.
Nya stared at Morro in shock as she heard that.
“Wait, if Wu took you in, why do you hate him so much ?”, she asked.
Morro’s eyes darkened and he frowned deeply.
“I admit that he took me in, fed me, kept me around, cared for me and trained me. But...he did a big mistake and it damaged me for years. Did he tell you about the Prophecy ?”, Morro asked.
“The Green ninja thing ? Yeah, the others are fighting of who it will be of them. Sensei forgot to take the scroll out of the pocket, on Kai’s Dragon. It fell out and they fight since then.”, she said annoyed.
Morro nodded.
“That is what he made me believe in.”, he told her lowly.
“What ?”
“I found out that I could do an impressive thing. Wu instantly jumped to the conclusion that I am the Green Ninja. He trained me for it, I broke my limbs for it, I didn’t stop working hard for it...I never wanted to disappoint him. As a homeless, weak child, it meant the world to me. I wanted to be it, so no one can hurt anyone anymore. I didn’t even notice how I slipped from being kind and helpful, to aggressive and angry. Wu never told me, so I would notice, he just told me to stop training, which fueled my anger just more. Then at some point, we tried to determine if I was the Chosen One, but the Golden Weapons didn’t react. I wasn’t ready to give up as fast as Wu did. I insisted on trying more, but he denied me over and over. He talked into my head that I was the Green Ninja and suddenly he said that I wasn’t. After a while I left the Monastery and was trying to prove him wrong. I went on a hunt for something that could have killed me. Garmadon and M/n looked for me, while Wu never did, nor did he try to stop me from leaving. They saved me just in time, before I could have most possibly burned to death. Since then, I stayed with them. He hates M/n and blamed him for his wrongs with me, he banished Garmadon, he never visited Lloyd...Do I have to add anything else ?”, Morro asked, unusually calm.
Nya stared at Morro in absolute shock. Then she looked down, feeling guilty.
“I...I’m sorry that I asked... I ruined the good mood, didn’t I ?”, she asked softly.
Morro looked at her, eyes wide.
“No, no, you didn’t. Honestly, yes I still get cold when I think about it, but you can be lucky that I am not as aggressive anymore about it. The first two years, I was a ball of anger and rage. I destroyed my room a lot and almost tore down our house, just thinking about it. Papa helped me to recover. He helped me to get my anger under control. I don’t get angered easily anymore.”
“Almost tore the house down ?”, Nya asked concerned.
Morro looked at her and then smiled.
“Your friends didn’t figure it out ?”, he asked.
“Figure out what ?”, she asked.
Morro came close to her ear and whispered.
“I am the Elemental Master of Wind.”
Then he pulled back and she looked at him in shock.
“No way !”, she said.
“I could make us both fly, but I am unsure how you would react and the forest is a bad spot to do that too. Lloyd and I fly a lot, our home is pretty far away from Ninjago itself.”
She looked at Morro in awe.
“Maybe next time we meet up, you could chose a spot to show me ?”, she asked.
He gave her a small smile.
With that they continued walking, telling a few jokes and past childhood events, making each other laugh. Nya liked Morro’s laugh.
“No way !”, she laughed out.
“Oh yes.”, Morro chuckled out.
“You really did that ?”
“Papa always understood a little joke, other than Wu. Me kicking him in the ass was just meant in good fun and M/n understood that. He chased my ass for hours to repay the kindness to me.”, Morro chuckled out.
Nya laughed.
“M/n sounds like a fun person.”, she said after they calmed down.
“Papa is a very calm, collected and funny person, besides you make him mad.”
“Did you ever make him mad ?”
“A few times. I hate his anger directed at me, it scares me. He was always angry when I was mean to someone as I was so obsessed to become the Green Ninja. He was pissed when I refused to sleep and trained instead, he was angry when he saved my ass from my Death Trap and since then he forbid me to talk about the Chosen One ever again. I only told you, so you know why I don’t like Wu anymore. Lloyd is not allowed to know about the Green Ninja thing, otherwise he could turn out like I did...”
She looked at him with understanding.
“Like the other four fight each other right now.”, she said saddened.
Morro shrugged his shoulders.
“As long as they argue about it and fight each other, none of them is going to be worthy. Maybe none of them ever will be. I mean, who has a brain, can already guess who could be the Chosen One and it ain’t me.”
“What do you mean ?”, Nya asked.
Morro looked at her conflicted and the shook his head.
“Another time. I don’t want Wu to know. He...he will then suddenly act like he cares.”, Morro muttered out.
Nya looked at Morro in worry. He really doesn’t want anything to do with Sensei Wu. They continued to walk and soon enough they arrived at a big tree.
“If we climb this one, we will see the sun going under. Do you want to take a break first and eat something ? I brought some food and drinks in the basket.”, Morro offered.
“Sure.”, she said with a smile.
Morro woke up Lloyd and he looked at him with bleary eyes.
“Hum...?”, Lloyd asked.
“Food ? I bet Papa packed some sweets for you.”, Morro said.
Lloyd woke up at that and Morro put him down chuckling. He took the basket from Nya and took out the blanket that his Papa put inside. Lloyd helped him to put it properly on the ground, then everyone sat down and Morro pulled out some packed up cupcakes, that his Dad, Lloyd and him made together yesterday.
“Apple cupcakes. I hope you are not allergic to them, Nya.”
“No, no. I am only allergic to perfume.”, Nya said.
“Got it then, no perfume, only deo.”, Morro replied, noting down to never use perfume near Nya.
She smiled and took the one Morro handed to her, then he looked around and found a lollipop for Lloyd, he gave it to Lloyd.
“I want a cupcake too.”, he told Morro after he took the candy.
Morro reached back into the basket and gave Lloyd one, who eagerly took a bite and hummed.
“You can’t even wait for me to have one too...”, Morro pouted.
Lloyd looked at Morro with big eyes and swallowed.
“Oh, sorry ! I just got so excited to taste one.”, Lloyd apologized.
“It’s fine, Lloyd.”
Morro then took one out too and together they ate them. Nya had to admit, she liked them.
“Who made them ? They are awesome.”, she asked.
“We all made them. Papa, Lloyd and me. Papa cut the apples and put them in the oven, Lloyd and I peeled the apples and washed them, then we made the batter.”, Morro answered.
Lloyd nodded at that eagerly.
“My Uncle is the best ! He is almost like Dad ! I might not remember much of him...due to how young I was when I lost him..., but I remember how he always made me and Morro some delicious food, when M/n was away ! His chicken recipes were the best !”, Lloyd said.
Morro nodded his head.
“That is right. Uncle Garmadon’s chicken thighs were the best food. The meat was always well done, the skin was seasoned well and very crispy too and the sauce he made for the chicken meat was also great. My favorite dish he made.”
“The chicken and rice dish was delicious too ! With the yellow sauce, you remember, Bubba ?”
“Ah, yes. The chicken curry with rice dish. Uncle Garmadon left out the Pineapples, because I am allergic to them and Lloyd doesn’t like them anyways.”
“You are allergic to Pineapples ?”
Morro nodded.
“My airways close up when I eat Pineapple and I need a vaccination to make it stop. Papa has some in case of emergencies.”
“Huh... Alright, so when I ever cook, no Pineapples.”
Morro chuckled and nodded. Lloyd looked at Morro.
“Bubba ? Am I allergic to something ?”, Lloyd asked.
“I hope not. Your Father has no allergies as much as I know. I don’t know about your Mother though, Lloyd.”, Morro replied.
Lloyd looked away.
“I don’t have a Mother, Bubba. You KNOW that.”
Nya looked at Lloyd with big eyes, then at Morro.
“Fine, then the person that carried you around and birthed you.”, Morro corrected himself.
With that Lloyd got up and looked around, leaving Morro and Nya alone.
“He doesn’t have a Mother ?”, she asked.
“She left Garmadon and him as Lloyd was still just a Baby. She never showed her face, so Lloyd started to say that he doesn’t have a Mother. Whoever his Mom was, Lloyd pretty much disowned her as his Mother.”, Morro explained.
“Oh... I am so sorry for asking.”
“It’s fine. You didn’t know.”, he said.
-Time skip-
After they ate and climbed the tree, they were already about to witness the sunset. Nya couldn’t lie, it was beautiful from up on the tree. Morro gave her a kind smile and they continued to watch it.
After the sunset was over, Morro walked Nya home, left Lloyd at the beginning of the many stairs up, brought Nya up all the stairs to the Monastery and froze as he saw that Wu was waiting for her. Wu stared at him and Morro stared back. Nya was surprised that Sensei Wu stood there and worried for Morro’s reaction.
“It really is you, Morro.”, Wu then got out.
Nya could hear a bit of emotion coming from him. Happiness and sadness. Probably because Morro didn’t come back to him. Morro glared at him and clenched his hands into fists.
“Don’t pretend like you suddenly care, Wu. I hate pretenders.”, Morro growled out.
Nya looked at Morro in worry. She never heard that darkness in his tone before.
“What do you mean, Morro ? I left the doors open for you to come back. I...I thought I lost you for good.”
“You did. I am surprised you left the doors open. You knew how thick skulled I was. You should have stopped me or at least came looking for me. Funny that Garmadon and M/n did that, but not YOU. The person, who claimed to care about me, oh so much. Don’t fucking lie to me.”
Wu looked away in guilt.
“I’m sorry I let you down, Morro.”
“You are only sorry for letting me down, by not looking for me ?”, Morro asked harshly.
The other Ninja appeared and Kai jumped over the wall, without anyone noticing and let it seem like he just left the house, trying to find out what this rocus was about.
Wu looked at Morro, confused.
“Y...Yes ?”
Nya and Kai knew that was the wrong answer for Morro. The other Ninja saw her and Morro suddenly and they saw how angry Morro was with Wu.
“How about you are sorry for corrupting me ?! How about you are sorry, for fucking up my unstable psychological state ?! How about you are sorry for almost letting me DIE ?! How about you are sorry for making me believe in LIES for YEARS ?! How about you are sorry for BLAMING MY PAPA for YOUR own mistakes ?!”, Morro yelled at him angered.
Each question that Morro asked outraged, he seemed to get more pissed off and Nya was worried. He said he had anger issues before, but now under control. But Sensei Wu seemed to be a trigger.
The Ninja visibly shrunk into each other, while Wu backed away from Morro slightly, who came closer with every question.
“How did I corrupt you ? What lies did I make you believe in ?”, Wu asked in disbelief.
“You never said that I COULD be the Green Ninja ! That there is a slight CHANCE I COULD be. You always said that I AM and that I WILL be ! It destroyed my psychological state ! You made me believe that I AM the Green Ninja and not that I COULD be ! That is a difference, WU ! You made me believe that you LOVED me as your own kid, for all the things you did with and for me ! You told me you cared about me like I was YOUR Son ! But as soon as I lost sight of what was important, you let me leave and walk right into my own DEATH ! WHAT A FATHER ARE YOU ?! YOU ABANDONED ME IN A TIME OF NEED !”, Morro yelled into Wu’s face, tears of anger and betrayal running down his face.
The Ninja’s eyes widened in shock and they stared at Wu, who was just as shocked. Morro wiped his tears and scoffed, looking at Wu with disgust.
“What does it matter, you don’t care anyways.”, he said, coldly.
“SHUT UP ! I don’t want to hear your half assed excuses !”, Morro yelled back.
“Morro ?”, Nya asked softly.
He turned to her. She could see all the emotions swarming in his eyes. She slowly approached him and pulled him into a hug. Morro stiffened up for a slight bit, then hugged back, tightly.
“Sorry, if I scared you, Nya.”, Morro apologized.
“It’s okay. I understand...”, she replied.
“I soured the evening...”, Morro said with slight sadness.
“It’s fine. We both didn’t know that Sensei Wu would be here. Thank you for walking me home.”, she said softly.
“No problem. Do you want to meet up tomorrow again ? I know a place. We could meet in Jamanakai.”, Morro offered softly.
“Sure. What time ?”
“One PM ?”
“Okay. I will be there.”, she replied.
Morro smiled and kissed her cheek quickly. She froze and blushed.
“I’ll see you then.”
“Morro, stay please.”, Wu said softly.
He turned around to his former Sensei.
“Never. I live with Papa. He would be worried sick and I do NOT like you all that much anymore.”, Morro pointed out.
Nya pulled Morro into a hug, his back to her front.
“Your Dad is probably worried sick right now. You should get going. No need to get into any trouble with him, right Morro ?”, Nya asked.
He knew what she was trying. She wanted him to leave before they both escalate into a fight and M/n would be mad at Morro, while Lloyd would be scared. Nya was smart to act like this. He pecked her cheek again.
“Okay, I will leave. Until tomorrow, Dollface.”, Morro said and then left.
Nya blushed brightly at that pet name. As soon as Morro was out of sight, he used the Wind and flew down the rest of the stairs. Lloyd waited there, with his flashlight.
“Let’s go home, shall we ?”, Morro asked.
Lloyd looked at him and nodded. Morro picked him up and then they both froze.
“Morro ! Come back, please !”, Wu called.
They saw him running down the stairs. Morro cursed and put Lloyd down.
“Hide in the dark, no flashlight. He can’t see you, Lloyd.”
He nodded and did as Morro told. Then Wu was in front of him. Morro glared.
“What part of NEVER did you not hear ?”, Morro asked.
“I want to make it up to you. Your Father can move in too.”, Wu offered.
“He won’t want to. Why would he come back to you ? After everything you did to him ?”, Morro asked darkly.
“I figured that M/n, my Brother, is your Father now, but please. I really want to make it up to you.”
“How can you make something up to me ? I can’t even look at you, without getting angered. Just because I can control my anger better, doesn’t that mean that, I am not very close to punch you.”
Wu stared at him in shock.
“You have your little Noobs to take care of. So leave me alone.”, Morro stated coldly.
Morro turned his back to Wu and took a few steps away from him.
“Do you want me, to beg you, to forgive me ?”, Wu asked sullenly.
Morro froze up at that and turned around, caught off guard.
“What ? No ! I just don’t want to be near YOU ! How can I be near you, if I just want to beat the living shit out of you ?! Wu, YOU broke my trust in you ! YOU left me, I just did the final step for you ! You left me, BEFORE I even left the Monastery ! Trust was hard to built up, but it is easily shattered. You shattered my trust in you. I am pissed off with you, for everything you did and continue to do. Thanks to you, Lloyd won’t have a Mother nor a Father now. M/n told me everything about Lloyd. Garmadon went to him after his wife left him with Lloyd, as a Baby. Where have YOU been ? Why did Garmadon search for Papa, if he had YOU ? You weren’t all THAT trustworthy, huh ? Your OWN BROTHER didn’t TRUST you. That says something, don’t you think ?”, Morro pressed.
Wu looked down in sadness.
“Is Lloyd with you two ?”, he asked.
“No, he is not. Garmadon sent him off somewhere. We have no idea where he is, nor can we ask Garmadon. And guess who’s fault that is AGAIN. YOURS. We saw you two fighting. We saw how you let him fall. If Lloyd ever finds out about this, he will be very much against you. I think that is your special talent, you MAKE the VILLANS and Papa CLEANS your shit up.”
Wu looked at Morro as he said that. Morro triggered Wu’s own anger.
“M/n is a good for nothing Brother ! He left us ! He didn’t help in the wars we had ! You know NOTHING, Morro !”, he yelled angered.
Lloyd stared at Wu in fright and anger. His Uncle, M/n, was NOT useless !
The Wind whipped around behind Morro. He was losing control this time and Lloyd grabbed onto something already, lying on the ground too, like Morro taught him, in emergency cases like this.
Wu shut up at that and his eyes widened, anger gone.
“I...I said that...?”, Wu asked in shock.
Morro was too angry to calm down.
Nya was now there too, like the others. She stared at the Wind behind Morro, that seemed to be raging. Then she stared at Morro and reached him without problems. Wu did trigger Morro’s dangerous side.
She made him focus on her and her only.
“Morro, look at me. Hey ! Eyes up here.”, she coached him.
He snapped his eyes at her face, rage evident in them.
“Calm down. I know it’s easier said than done, but you are losing control. Snap out of it.”, she said softly.
Morro stared at her, but his eyes showed shock. He seemed to realize it, thanks to her.
“Take deep breaths and calm down slowly.”, she instructed.
Morro did exactly that and soon was as calm as a cat again. He hugged Nya tightly.
“Thank you...”, he whispered.
She hugged him back.
“No problem. Grab Lloyd and go.”, she said softly.
Morro nodded, glared at Wu, pecked Nya’s cheek again and then ran into the darkness. He snatched Lloyd and then flew away in the darkness.
“Morro ! WAIT !”, Wu yelled, trying to stop him from leaving.
Nya blocked Wu’s way and shook her head.
“Enough, Sensei. You made him angry enough for tonight.”, she said and then glared at the four Ninja.
“WHO snitched on me and Morro having a date on the Sensei ?!”, she asked pissed off.
“It was Kai ! He snitched !”, Cole and Jay quickly answered.
Kai looked at them with betrayal. Zane only nodded as they gave Kai out. She glared at her Brother.
“Look, Kai, I know you are only looking out for me and try to protect me, but I do not tolerate you snitching on me. Morro is a very nice guy, even though he has his own imperfections. He is save as long as people like Sensei Wu don’t piss him off. So please stop from trying to make Morro hate me.”, she said.
Kai looked at Nya in guilt.
“I know now that he is a nice fella...”, he said softly.
Everyone looked at him in confusion.
“Kai...what did you do ?”, Nya asked.
“I...I followed you and Morro around....I just wanted to make sure that he won’t hurt you. I heard everything you talked about and saw everything too. I’m sorry...”, Kai said softly.
Nya looked at him with disbelief, while the others just stared at him gob smacked. Nya took a deep breath and then approached her Brother, slapped him hard in the face and then pulled him into a hug.
“I love you too, Brother. But seriously now, stop stalking us.”, she said softly.
Kai nodded and hugged her back.
“He is dangerous. I don’t think he is interested in you, Nya. That is not Morro’s thing.”, Wu warned.
She looked at him with a slight glare.
“How long has it been that you saw him, Sensei ?”, she snapped.
He looked nervously around.
“Uhm...Almost eight years...”, he admitted.
“In eight years a lot can change.”, she sassed.
“But not Morro. You don’t understand. He is very obsessed with proving me wrong of something that he isn’t.”
“He gave up on it. He told me that, into my face. Get your info refreshed.”, Nya countered.
Kai nodded.
“She is right. He said that he gave up on it. He doesn’t care anymore.”, Kai said.
Wu looked at them.
“That is so...unlike him...”
Nya shook her head.
“For you maybe, but honestly ? I bet M/n and Garmadon had to give him therapy to get back on track. He was anger issued, was believing lies you told him, became obsessed with something you made him believe in and had a close to death experience, he barely escaped from. This calls, for therapy, to me, honestly.”
With that she left and went back up the stairs into the Monastery, with the other Ninja following. Wu stayed there rooted in place and looked at the ground.
‘Did M/n really fix, what I might have broke, inside Morro ? Am I really...that blind and bad ?’
To be continued...
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lindalofbroome · 9 months
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14 - Foreshadowing
But always, just as he was about to fall asleep, the other, darker thoughts came creeping back, and made him afraid to close his eyes. Finally he did sleep — a shallow doze filled with nightmares. He was back in Sheba's hut. But now its four walls were made of rock, dripping with water and slime. And Sheba was huge, her nose long and pointed, her hair greasy grey tails swinging like thick ropes around her grinning face, her eyes red and piercing. Strong Jonn and his mother stood there with him, but they made no move to help as the Witch bent towards him, closer and closer, till her face was all he could see and her breath scalded his cheeks. "If you are the only one afraid, skinny rabbit, you are the only one with sense," she croaked. And she opened her mouth to scream with laughter, but she had no tongue, and the inside of her mouth was as yellow and smooth as cheese. ROWAN OF RIN Ch 3 The Heroes
i was planning on doing one of sheba's prophesies because those are always 😘👌 idk theres something so fun and i guess also satisfying about having a cryptic riddle foretelling the future and having it slowly unfold over the course of the story
the fate's hand prophesy in Zebak is probably my favourite because i looooove the symbolism of the group as the hand and also what a cast of characters 😌💖
the plot arch of Travellers is also one of my favourites and big fan of the secret enemy prophesy too. big fan of all the themes of change to embody metamorphosis throughout the whole story!!!
i just did a maris art so i didn't want to use the prophesy in Keeper of the Crystal and honestly when i chose sheba i honestly was envisaging the one in Bukshah where she and unos were huddled in the hut with a raging fire and the whole intense atmosphere, piercing eyes of intent, her snarky wisdom.
but i ended up going with the original, the first, the beloved, probably for nostalgia lol. Rowan of Rin was my first rodda book but thats not the only reason it's one of my top tier favourites. i love its story and its themes of bravery and how the saviour of the village was not a mighty warrior, but a gentle and kind soul.
but oh my god before i started sketching i randomly remembered rowan's dream after visiting sheba and like. ive read this book a bajillion times okay. but i only jUST saw a parallel?? i dont think it's a coincidence??? but i remembered that sheba's eyes were described as piercing and red, and i remembered that because i was like woah thats intense. aND YOU KNOW WHO ELSE HAD RED EYES. THE DRAGON. i remember this only because of when i drew the dragon of the mountain that one time.
so i go back to look at the dream scene. obviously this whole scene kinda went over my head the first time because i was like. eight. give or take. but when i picked it up again when i was older, i quite liked how kinda whacky it was? and i was like wow this is the weirdest and truly the most dream ive ever read lmaoo. i was like wow rodda really wrote things that rowan experienced recently and was thinking about aND made it whacky and weird.
and something i always thought was the most weird was that sheba is described to have a mouth full of cheese, and i always took it as yeah. rowan gave her cheese. it's haunting him now lol. but now?? with my eyes opened??? cheese = food, stuck in her mouth. you know who else had food stuck in its mouth?? the dragon of the mountain.
i was intending of drawing the dream itself but it was going to be a whole thing lol so i just drew when rowan was helping the dragon hahaha but behold my madman red string connection parallels ✨
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He was back in Sheba's hut. But now its four walls were made of rock, dripping with water and slime.
mountain top cavern, snowy and icy and probably a bit gross
And Sheba was huge, her nose long and pointed, her hair greasy grey tails swinging like thick ropes around her grinning face, her eyes red and piercing.
ngl i've found this description to be a bit [raises eyebrows] because stereotypes, but now it's like. oh maybe big nose is actually just dragon snout.
sheba definitely has an intense gaze normally, but a red and piercing gaze is like the intimidating but pained and fearful gaze of the dragon.
i got nothing for her hair. could just be description for her. could be folded wings maybe. maybe the dragon of the mountain is an Eastern dragon type even.
Strong Jonn and his mother stood there with him, but they made no move to help
jonn is, of course, weak and pinned to the wall by this point and cannot help.
i don't think jiller is as literally relevant, but we can kinda say that she cannot help also because she had to stay behind to look after annad etc
the Witch bent towards him, closer and closer, till her face was all he could see and her breath scalded his cheeks.
drawing rowan's attention to the face, uh. divine? guidance towards the answer.
sheba's breath was hot like the dragon's fire breath.
"If you are the only one afraid, skinny rabbit, you are the only one with sense," she croaked.
im choosing to interpret this as like, his fear gives him pause and allows him to consider. he seeks knowledge, before he acts, in contrast to his elders who act first, know later. kinda like benefits of Deer In The Headlights mode O-O lmao
could also just be a reminder, even affirmation that he and he alone can solve the villages problem and save it from disaster
And she opened her mouth to scream with laughter, but she had no tongue, and the inside of her mouth was as yellow and smooth as cheese.
perhaps opening her mouth to cackle can parallel the dragon unhinging its jaw, looking like it's about to eat you whole, but doesnt
cheese stuck in mouth = animal bone stuck in mouth
..oh my god??? i actually think this is just my headcanon but at the end of Bukshah sheba says "that the medallion she gave [rowan] may look like base metal, but it is made of pure gold, and she expects it back the moment she returns. she says that you could not take her place in a thousand years, whatever you may think" via allun, and idk when it happened but i think i did in fact imagine that rowan would be the wiseman some day. due to his insight, his experiences, his level-headiness and stuff like that.
sheba could just be messing around, enforcing being a spiteful and jealous old woman, but just passing on the message that she wants the medallion returned.
but also. maybe she knows he's gonna take her place someday, and she is hinting at it to him. i would imagine this definitely going over his head at the time, since he's you know. a child. but who knows, he's pretty discerning. anyway
it could perhaps be argued that sheba gave rowan the dream alongside the map, but i doubt it. i choose to believe it's his own. maybe im grasping at straws here about it being a supernatural dream, but if it is,,,,,,,,, it could be just the beginning for rowan.
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Tried to draw what they’d look like for my one au where Peter can give others spider abilities but I fucked up the coloring which was,,, the most important part,, so it’s all gonna have to be text format for now
Peter: red+blue coloring everywhere, anywhere you’d find hair is a bright blue and red that matches his suit, the design of the colors is the bottom part of his hair is blue while the top part is red, the innermost parts of his eyebrows are red while the outermost parts are blue, and every eyelash alternates, so it’ll be: blue eyelash, red eyelash, blue eyelash, etc
He uses an image inducer (most commonly used by Nightcrawler if you need to look it up) to hide his appearance and look like regular old Peter Parker, but if he has the time he’ll also go to great lengths to do things like dye his hair and use makeup to hide his odd colored body hair, he also uses the image inducer to make himself look weaker and scrawnier along with baggy clothes
Those baggy clothes include loose fitting pants with a good belt (also makes it easier to hide his suit under), a button up shirt, then some sort of knitted sweater/cardigan/etc depending on his mood, and the world’s thickest coke bottle glasses that he actually needs unless he consciously uses super seeing, which is apparent to everyone when he uses it, as it turns his whole eye, whites included, an inky black
His suit is a classic red and blue Spiderman suit with the black webbing and large spider, but unlike other Spider suits, he also has other small and subtle spiders throughout the black webbing
Miles: his transformation gave him black and red coloring, which worked out great for him as most of his hair was black to begin with, I haven’t figured out his hair yet, but the outermost parts of his eyebrows are red, as well as his lower lashes, everything else is black
He has an image inducer as well, but he mostly uses it to hide his hair from his mom, doesn’t do much else to change his appearance, if he’s really worried about things, he’ll use a bit of makeup to alter his body hair, also has his own baggy clothes helping him as well
Those baggy clothes, when he’s not wearing his school uniform, is similar to the stuff we’ve seen in the movies, but he also has baggy clothes he wears over his suit (which looks like his comic version but with waaaay more red webbing on it), and the baggy sweater plus shorts that he wears over his suit is,, his own superhero merch, so he’ll switch it up occasionally if he finds some new clothes he thinks look better
Gwen: She got blue, white, and pink coloring, but was able to keep her blonde hair, other than keeping the blonde I haven’t figured out yet how I want her hair and eyebrows to look, but for her lashes, on the top they’re pink on the innermost parts and blue on the outermost parts, and her bottom lashes are white (this did NOT show up well no matter how many times I tried to draw it but it looks cool in my head, trust me)
She doesn’t use an image inducer, she’s just dedicated herself to appearing like a huge fan of the Web Warriors whenever anyone asks about her hair or lashes or anything, she’s very confident that out of all the people in New York, no one’s gonna zero in on her and accuse her of being Spiderwoman
When she’s not wearing whatever dress code her work requires, she’s wearing her own merch as a civilian, but,,, it’s the off brand merch, where the pink doesn’t match the pink of her outfit, and the symbol on front is like a cutesy spider instead of what her suit actually has, she likes to buy them from art walks and stuff, and then her pants will usually just be her suit, since it’s mostly black it just looks like she’s wearing tight leggings
Her spider suit for now, unless I think of something else, is like the suit the Gwen Stacy wears in itsv, but with a ballet skirt
All 3 of them have sharp fangs, although I haven’t settled yet on if I want Peter to be the only one who can transform others (sorta like the “only head Vamp can change people” rules) or if they all have the ability, also unlike with Peter, it’s not visible when Gwen and Miles use super seeing, but they can’t turn it off
Edit: Also, both Gwen and Miles have an extra spider on their suits where Peter bit them
If anyone has any questions I would love to answer them!!
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