#i freaking love pretzel rods
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Please tell me I wasn't the only kid who pretended I was smoking a cigar when I was eating pretzel rods.
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The Longbow Hunters (Arrow 7.02)
I’d like to start off this review by stating the freaking obvious: I love Felicity Smoak.
I mean, I’ve always loved her, even when the writing has failed her, and even when I haven’t loved her choices or her actions. But when she’s written with the kind of agency she deserves, the determination, the drive and the steely-eyed focus as she has been in ‘The Longbow Hunters’, well, nothing could be better.
Two episodes in, and I’m really enjoying Beth and her team’s style. The show is as dark as ever, but there’s an intensity - particularly in the prison scenes - that feels like the characters’ actions have real stakes that won’t randomly disappear into the ether because “reasons”. Many (most?) of the complaints about 6B were that characters were contorted, pretzel-like, into unrecognisable caricatures of themselves - previously decent characters turning into assholes overnight. And yes, while in some cases it may feel like a bit of a stretch to develop a speedy redemption, I can certainly appreciate the new writing team’s attempts to course correct as quickly as humanly possible.
One of the things that appears to be gone for good is “Team Arrow”, in whatever iteration it has taken over the years. Which makes sense, given that the Arrow part of the equation is off the grid for now. Still, it’s somewhat unsettling as a viewer (especially seeing it from Felicity’s perspective) to come into a new status quo where there are new rules and restrictions, and where Felicity no longer has free rein over information and intelligence gathering, which has typically been her domain. Even if she weren’t already desperate for personal reasons, I’d expect her to be feeling pretty unempowered by the whole set-up.
Curtis doesn’t seem to be having that same problem, and if I can just get on my soap box for a second (I really hope I don’t spend the entire season complaining about him) - what exactly is his role on the show anymore? There are already, in my view, far too many ‘regular’ characters at the moment and it does at times feel a little crowded. But of all of these characters, for me Curtis is the one that seems to have no unique utility at all. There are better vigilantes than him, and there are better hackers than him. So far all I see as his purpose is continuously whinging about how hard his life is (when he’s the one who’s suffered the least), and for other characters to crack “grab your balls” jokes (which, while funny, aren’t exactly essential). Like I say, I hope I don’t keep repeating myself on this point as the season goes on, so if Curtis could just take a job in a neighbouring city or disappear into a hole or whatever, that’d be grand (sadly I think the opposite is probably going to be the case).
Anyway...I really enjoyed the conflict between Felicity and Diggle, which feels both warranted but also really sad. I said last week that all the characters barring Oliver, Felicity and William have found a way to move forward with their lives over the last five months, and none more so than John, who has a new sense of order and purpose within ARGUS. Setting aside that brief insanity of last season, this has always been his MO -- finding a place for himself within an established structure, be that the Army or Team Arrow or ARGUS, and do his job really, really well.
All that to say that I do understand where he’s coming from on the Diaz front. He’s got the ARGUS Deputy Director on his back, which again is a realistic situation (a black ops organisation as regimented as ARGUS would never allow the Director’s husband to run amok with its resources), and he feels the need to maintain order and colour within the lines, if you will, so that he and his family don’t face the blowback. I get it.
That said, I’m still incredibly disappointed in him, which I think is partly the point and is definitely a great source of angst. His explanation to Felicity about not wanting to sacrifice his family makes sense, but at the same time, Felicity and Oliver are (or were) also his family, and her point about the last six years actually meaning something to her is such a gut-wrenching moment. I think this is the point that Felicity realises she’s all alone in this. It’s not that John doesn’t love Oliver or that the others won’t help (though “whatever you need” seems to have its limitations), but the way she sees it - Oliver just doesn’t matter as much to them as to her. So he went to prison to sacrifice himself for them - so what? None of them are willing to go the extra mile to save him like he would them. As for John, when he was in prison, and Lyla went to Oliver for help in breaking him out, he didn’t even hesitate. Against all odds he went in and broke his brother out, and while that might not be possible in this case, Felicity must still feel the sting at the lack of reciprocity from John.
Which is why I enjoyed her being at odds with John on this, even if they came to an understanding by the end of it, and which is also why I loved her move at the end of the episode. Going to Samanda Watson, not to break Oliver out but to fulfil the terms of his imprisonment, is such a baller move, and I am really looking forward to them working together.
I’m excited about Felicity’s arc in the upcoming episodes, especially while Oliver’s in prison and she’s essentially on her own. If the trajectory continues the way it has been, I think we’re in for a ride.
Speaking of prison, Oliver is finding his footing a little bit now, though how long that lasts remains to be seen. This storyline continues to excite me because it is so unlike anything we’ve seen before and the possibilities are endless. Oliver ‘found another way’ this time (I’m glad he didn’t kill Yorke. I know he’s an asshole but I kind of liked him), but will he be able to do so again? At a certain point, the net will tighten and there won’t be any more loopholes to find. And that’ll be an interesting place for Oliver to be.
I still think Stan the Fan is a Diaz plant; he’s too shifty by half. But I am temporarily enjoying the dynamic between him and Oliver, esp. because it gives Oliver a chance to roll his eyes and be the straight man to someone else’s banter - a role that Oliver has always excelled at. I loved that he fashioned a makeshift slingshot from a broken pencil (of course he did), and it reminded me of him making a bow and arrows out of curtain rods in ‘Corto Maltese’. Oh Oliver, you are such a McGyver.
Like Felicity, Oliver’s entire focus now is getting Diaz off the board in order to protect his family. The fact that they are on parallel paths towards the same goal frames their individual storylines incredibly well, and makes anything else in between almost superfluous.
I don’t know quite what to make of the Dinah Double Act™, and I’m not sure I entirely buy both of their seemingly easy acceptance of each other. Why Dinah feels the need to protect Laurel from Diaz is beyond me - surely they would be using her as bait if anything? - especially since, from what I can tell, Diaz doesn’t seem to be in a hurry to hunt her down. Still, I can buy that Laurel feels something towards Quentin and his death at Diaz’s hands, and I can live with that fuelling her motivation to live the way Quentin would want her to. I also think that this episode allows all of the women who appear in it to maintain their own agency and motivations, however complex (or unearned), and that can only be a good thing. It’s no surprise, given this episode was written and directed by women, but it does feel a long time coming.
I do think that the fight against Silencer was pretty effective - man, that is an interesting power. In fact, all of the Longbow Hunters seem to be pretty formidable in their own right. Kodiak, the guy with the shield, broke John’s assault rifle IN. HALF. Goddamn, it’s about time we had some menacing villains. The Longbow Hunters present a significant threat to no-longer-Team-Arrow, and it doesn’t pass me by that the only way Silencer was defeated was by Laurel and Dinah sonic-crying her together. Methinks no-longer-Team-Arrow may need to re-form again in some way soon enough.
I’m sure I’ve only scratched the surface here on many of these plot points, but there is so much going on (in a way that it all seems to hold together) that it’s fascinating to see how it will all come together. Especially given the apparently bleak future our characters have in store for them.
To which -- Future William. I find it hard to believe that Oliver and Felicity would just abandon William, unless “leave” is a euphemism for something more sinister, which it appears might be the case. Otherwise, why would Felicity install a tracker in the hozen (called it!) and set the coordinates to Lian Yu? Furthermore, did she set those coordinates in 2018 when she gave him the hozen the first time? Did she want him to go to Lian Yu in some interim time before the 20 years? What on earth did she expect him to find there? And why was Oliver’s bow buried in a box? Who buried it? What did that note say? Why did Roy burn it up? Why are they heading back to Star City? Why did Roy and Thea break up (or what happened that he ran to Lian Yu to forget about it?)? SO. MANY. QUESTIONS. Isn’t that exciting? So many things we have yet to learn, so many mysteries, big and small. I’ve missed this.
I continue to enjoy Future William and Old Man Roy’s dynamic; William is such a passive-aggressive asshole and it’s hilarious. I find it interesting also that he states he doesn’t even know how to use a bow and arrow, but he is a tech genius. Guess we know which parent he takes after. One question I have is whether the future we are seeing is ‘fixed’ or immutable, or whether whatever has happened in the interim 20 years can be undone or redone in a way. I still wonder whether William is the “new Green Arrow”, back to correct whatever went wrong in the intervening years that caused Oliver and Felicity to disappear from his life. The framing shot of him holding the bow hints towards that, but given that he claims he doesn’t know how to use it suggests that either he’s trained by Roy in upcoming episodes, or the wielder of the bow is someone else. Intrigue. Also intriguing is the question of when in time William is abandoned by his parents; if we expect to see young William in the present-day timeline (as I hope we will), then when exactly is it that their paths diverge? Time will tell.
“My wife taught me a thing or two” - HIS. WIFE. TAUGHT. HIM. A. THING. OR. TWO. Ask me when the day will come when I stop reacting like a crazy person to every mention of Felicity as his wife and Oliver as her husband. Answer: NEVER. THAT DAY WILL NEVER COME. Bless.
“What’s an Overwatch?” made me laugh. Especially since Oliver doesn’t bother answering.
“My wife and son were attacked. I’d do anything to protect them.” - a) I love the intensity of the way he says that, and b) isn’t it great that he then uses Yorke’s love for his wife and son against him?
Speaking of, Oliver stabbing himself and pinning it on Yorke is THE most Oliver thing he’s ever done. LMAO. I definitely laughed at him overplaying the “you stabbed me! HE STABBED ME!!!” dramatic writhing. Even Brick looked amused.
“There’s only one Green Arrow, and he’s in prison” - you tell ‘em, Felicity.
The dialogue feels a lot tighter this season, and as I’ve mentioned before, characters’ motivations make much more sense. Long may it all continue.
Okay, but I really do enjoy snarky Laurel. I’d rather that than a fully redeemed member of Team Arrow. I think she plays better as a (semi-)villain.
I miss Felicity’s pink hair. Sob.
Diaz’s flamethrower gun was cool, but John giving him a well-deserved beatdown was cooler.
All this ARGUS focus makes me miss Lyla. Bring her back, show.
Nice thrown in mention about William being gay.
Also, does Old Man Roy just wear his Arsenal suit all day and night? Doesn’t that get...itchy? And smelly? And uncomfortable? And unnecessary? Oh Roy!
Felicity is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more forgiving than I would have been. I’d have told everyone to fuck off and firebombed the place as I walked out (not so much on that last part, but ya know).
I’m glad the show knows that Quentin wasn’t really Laurel’s father, even if they can’t seem to make that distinction in interviews.
Honestly, Beth is just about the best thing that could have happened to this show right now. Imagine this team two years ago?!
Felicity and Oliver are each other’s ride or die, and I cannot wait for their reunion.
#Arrow#Arrow: The Longbow Hunters#Arrow reviews#my review#Oliver Queen#Felicity Smoak#John Diggle#Arrow season 7#ah-maa-zing reviews#my reviews
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I Finally Nailed My Morning Routine At 53
New Post has been published on https://vestedbeauty.com/i-finally-nailed-my-morning-routine-at-53/
I Finally Nailed My Morning Routine At 53
How freaky is it to look forward to a morning routine every day?
Assuming a good – or at least decent – night’s sleep, this morning routine is a glorious thing. The best part is that it doesn’t even feel like a massive string of excellent habits all strung together. Always a plus when you can trick yourself (er, understand human psychology) and do all the things you know are good for you.
It feels a little weird writing this one because:
This morning routine is ROUTINE. Like, putting it into words shows how boring it is. There’s nothing all that impressive. Nothing eyebrow-raisingly badass. Certainly nothing epic. But maybe that’s part of its charm.
You might read this and be like, “Oh man, this is the morning routine I’ve been looking for my whole life!” Cool. But you’re pretty much on your own as far as figuring out how to implement it. I’m no life coach!
But if your morning routine could use a little shake-up, this might help.
Wake Up in the Morning Feeling Like P-Did…
(Okay, I won’t embarrass my kids after all. But you and I both know that when you reach midlife, songs get stuck in our heads more than ever before. Doesn’t matter that these songs are now playing over the speakers at the grocery store.)
I don’t use an alarm. Well, unless I’ve got an early flight or appointment. That hardly ever happens. What’s freaky is that I’ll go long streaks of mornings waking up at the same time, to the minute. 6:17 is the current streak.
Before my feet hit the floor, I spend some time in gratitude for the avalanche of blessings that fill my life. I pray for my kids (the two I raised, and the three my hubby raised) and their partners, my tribe (family and family by choice), and the seven families I know who’ve lost a young adult child, including one in my extended family. I ask for wisdom, grace, and creativity – and a heart full of love, joy, and peace.
Coffee on the Porch with Hubs
We make our coffee, then distract the dogs long enough to sneak out the front door before they stampede.
On the porch, there’s this glider loveseat in the shade. I bought a cushy cushion so it would be comfortable enough to sit on for a while. Out there, we watch birds, squirrels, and bunnies.
Sometimes our neighbor gives us a show. Not that kind.
He raises racing pigeons. They fly laps around the block many mornings. There also seem to be some volunteers – wild doves that want to earn a spot on the team so badly that they try out day after day.
FREE CrossFit! (Minus the Gym Whistle… If That’s a Thing)
Thanks to having a huge oak tree fall at the corner of the house (not on!), then getting mulched to oblivion, I have a year or so of workouts. Each morning, I’m shoveling, pushing a wheelbarrow, dumping the load of mulch or dirt, and spreading it. Listening to a little Trance mix puts extra pep in my step. (I have been listening to mixes by @DavidOlam for about a decade.
Of course, that’s after I do a stint as a chicken tender. We have 21 hens currently. They love cracked corn. In fact, they love it so much they will congregate on our back deck asking for it. They get some (it’s like candy for them). They also get fed and watered. I collect eggs then, too. Usually, we give about 3-4 dozen eggs away each week during summer and fall. Those slackers go way down in production during the winter.
Also, I love growing flowers and veggies. So, when stuff’s growing, I check in on it all. I use those watering globes to make sure everything gets the water it needs… where were these all my life?
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Stretttttttttttch That Body
After dripping sweat from mulching, nothing feels better than lying flat on my back on the floor. My muscles stretch, and sometimes my back cracks a little (gently). A little floorwork, then it’s time to stretch. I’ve always been about as flexible as a pretzel rod. But with daily stretching, there’s some progress.
My goal is to build strength and endurance and increase my flexibility and balance. Days I need to miss this routine, I feel like a slug. A stiff slug.
I Scrub His Back, He Scrubs Mine (My Favorite Part of the Morning Routine Around Here)
Anyone else out there shower with your partner on the regular? We do so every morning that we’re both home. In fact, if one of us is traveling, we joke about not remembering how to even clean ourselves anymore. It’s lovely.
He’s been so good-natured about the ever-changing lineup of products. Doesn’t even freak out when there’s one conditioner for every day except Monday and Thursday, on which there’s a different one. Also, he takes some ribbing from the guys in his VW restoration shop for being “late” to work. But he melts my heart when he says, “Are you kidding? For a chance to wash my girl’s hair? You bet I’m late.”
It’s more time to just connect (hehe – okay, yeah). We share what’s on the agenda for each of us. That works well because I’m the Content Director at Capitalism.com, a very busy startup – plus we both own businesses. It can be a challenge to keep our schedule in sync, but we’re getting pretty good at it.
Fix and Fuel
Having a pretty simple routine for hair and makeup on the days I do them is beautiful. (Here’s what I’ve found to make my hair routine work…ish.)
I listen to podcasts (at 2x speed). Current favorites are, Capitalism.com (of course!), Garrett Gunderson’s Wealth Labs, and Brooke Castillo’s The Life Coach School.
Floss (it sucks, but sucks way less than having to have dental work done). Makeup – I get most of mine from BeautyPie. I’ll do a review one of these days. If you want to check it out, here’s my referral link, which will give you your first month’s access free.
While I dry my hair, I catch up on newsletters like Morning Brew. On Mondays, I read a bit of Mark Manson’s goodness. Maybe check email and FB (NOTE: this is about 90 minutes after I wake up! NOT first thing! Not even second thing.)
As a creature of habit, I thrive on routine. This shows up big-time at breakfast. I’ve probably had steel-cut oats for breakfast 99% of the time for the past six months or so. A little bit of fresh fruit in the bowl first, a spoonful of Mike’s Natural nut butter (I’m a taste tester and my team is writing product descriptions – I’ll write more about that when they launch), and a splash of milk. Or, just nut butter on an apple, if we’re out of oats.
And then… ready to make my long commute to our home office (and my lovely ergonomic desk chair).
What Parts of Your Morning Routine Do YOU Love?
I didn’t build this routine overnight. It grew gradually by stacking one practice on top of another. Within a few months, it got to feel like second nature. With a few more months, it felt like something was “off” if I skipped part of it.
What I love most is that this natural rhythm of starting the day helps me prioritize my relationships, attention, health, and the expansion of my mind. By focusing on these core vitals every morning, it seems like the rest of the day just works better.
How about you? I’d love to hear your #1 favorite part of your morning routine in the comments.
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51. I’m not weird, you’re just basic. for Sastiel
(I went with a High School AU setting for this one; hope it’s okay!)
“You have got to be the weirdest person I know,” Sam Winchester said in admiration, shaking his head.
The target of his declaration was his best friend and secret crush, Castiel Odinochestvo. The boy was two years ahead of Sam in school, three years ahead in age, and had somehow decided on Sam and Dean’s first day at Edlund High that he was going to adopt the two new kids and be their friend. Dean dealt with that about as well as he dealt with anyone trying to make decisions for him who wasn’t Dad, but Sam was honestly grateful for the older boy’s initiative. Being Castiel’s friend had certainly resulted in less bullying from the local jocks than he was usually subjected to, and Dean hadn’t had to get into a fight to defend Sam ever since they started here.
“Pfft!” Castiel was saying, waving one hand dismissively while the other twirled a jumbo pretzel rod between his fingers like a drum majorette. “I’m not weird, you’re just basic.”
“I’m basic?” Sam asked, raising an eyebrow.
“Basically,” Castiel nodded with mock sageness. “I mean, look at you! You’re, what, almost sixteen and finally hitting those growth spurts of yours, you’re athletic enough from something or other that you could get a place on the track team easily, and don’t think I haven’t noticed how many heads you’re turning now that you’re filling out those baggy clothes you used to wear two sizes too big!” He pointed one slim finger at Sam’s overheating face. “But you don’t even notice any of that, do you? ‘Cause you’re too busy still trying to keep your head down to realize you can start holding it up now.” Suddenly, Castiel smiled, an abrupt shift in expression that took the mood from playful straight to melancholy. “It’s horribly selfish of me to be glad of that, since once you start holding your head up you won’t have to ever look up to me anymore...”
“I’ll always look up to you,” Sam blurted out. Castiel’s eyebrows rose as his fingers stilled on the pretzel, and Sam swallowed hard. When Castiel continued to stare at him and the floor failed to yield to his frantic mental commands to open up and swallow him whole into the darkness, Sam dropped his eyes and mumbled, “I mean... you’re really smart and intuitive and brave and kind and you don’t seem to care what anyone thinks of you but everyone loves you anyway, or at least respects you... I just... it doesn’t matter how tall I get... you’re always going to be above me.”
“Sam,” Castiel said, sitting up in a slow roll of his spine until he could lean forward into Sam’s space, the shift in posture pressing their knees together. “I act like I ‘don’t care what anyone thinks’ because until you and your brother moved here, I didn’t have anything left to lose!” Sam jerked his head up in shock, staring into Castiel’s unusually serious blue eyes. The other boy saw that he had Sam’s full attention and nodded. “I never knew my mother, my father is in the wind, my brothers are all assbutts who bailed before I was legally able to live by myself, and I was shuffled off to live in a glorified orphanage until I turned eighteen. Mother, father, family, home... no friends to speak of since they all just wanted to be associated with the Odinochestvo name and purported ‘fortune’. You and your brother were the only ones in a very long time to look at me like I was a person instead of a prize.”
“You’re the first person in a long time to look at us like people instead of freaks,” Sam answered quietly. “And I’m starting to get that you do actually realize how special that is. I just don’t quite understand why you did. Why you do.”
“When’s your birthday? May second?” Castiel asked. When Sam nodded, puzzled, Castiel leaned back against the wall and began twirling the pretzel around his fingers again. “I’ll tell you on the third.”
“Why then?” Sam asked, trying not to sound as whiny and frustrated as he felt by this clearly bewildering turn of the conversation. Castiel glanced up at him from beneath the fall of dark lashes and smirked faintly.
“Because Dean forbid me from having that conversation until you’re sixteen,” he informed Sam, and grinned when the younger boy gaped at him. “You just start holding your head up like the boy king I know you can be, and if you wanna keep looking up to me, well, just know I’m perfectly happy to look up to you in return.”
#drabble challenge#supernatural#sam winchester#castiel#high school au#endverse castiel#this kinda got away from me#rodiniaorzetalthepenquin
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1. Who’s your favourite character on Boy Meets World? Eric.
2. Do you have underbite or overbite? Nope.
3. Do you like those red flowers they put out during the holiday season? Yeah, Poinsettias are pretty. I just think Christmas when I see them.
4. When was the last time you used poster board for? For a school project like 3 years ago.
5. Have you ever ridden in a U-Haul? No.
6. Who was the last person to message you over facebook? Probably Arynthya.
7. Do you like Auntie Anne’s pretzels? What’s your favourite flavour? Yeah, although I haven’t had ‘em in awhile. I’d just get like mini pretzels with cheese.
8. Do you like folk rock? I’m not too familiar with that genre.
9. Do you ever go to bed with her hair wet? Yeah.
10. Do you hate it when people post statuses on facebook like “today was amazing” “I’m off to bed” ? I mean, whatever. It doesn’t bother me.
11. What colour highlighter do you prefer? Pink.
12. Do you wear socks that have holes in them? Nope.
13. When given a present, do you usually keep the gift bag it came in? Sometimes, yeah.
14. Have you ever bought anything off of amazon.com? Yeah, I’ve bought a lot of things from Amazon.
15. Do you like to play Scrabble? Yeah.
16. How often does your school have assemblies? Do you show your school spirit or just sit there? Aw you make me feel old cause this question assumes I’m in a grade that has assemblies, which could be elementary, middle, or high school. I’m coming up on my 10 year high school reunion, so it’s been awhile.
17. Which is your classes is so slow it bores you? Which class is so fast that you can’t keep up? I graduated college two years ago. My school days are over.
18. What are you saving your money up for right now? Vacation.
19. Do you hate how cold you get after a shower? Ugh, YES.
20. Have you ever played with one of those tiny plastic flags with the metal rod sticking in the ground? Probably at some point in my life.
21. What do you do when you spy a bug in your house? I freak out and get someone to kill it.
22. Do you like watching old western films with those corny jokes? No.
23. Are your peers over the Chuck Norris phase or are they still into it? That’s been dead for awhile now, but yeah I do remember those days.
24. Do you like the show Drake and Josh? I loved that show.
25. Do you make hot chocolate by using Swiss Miss hot cocoa powder? Yeah.
26. What do you normally drink at lunch during school? lol I see who the target audience is in this survey. I mean, I know they’re usually geared towards teens, but this one sounds younger. Or maybe I’m just getting too old for surveys. Which I mean... yeah, probably. Will I stop? Nah. haha. Then what will I do?
27. Which one of your friends is the most indecisive? Me.
28. Have you ever made rice krispie treats? Do you prefer the homemade kind or store bought? Yep. Homemade is the best, of course.
29. Who’s your favourite Disney princess and why? I actually wasn’t like super into the princess thing. Alice from Alice in Wonderland is my fave Disney character.
30. Are we all going to run out of good surveys in the near future? I’ve thought about that. I mean, there’s already so much repetition in questions. I’m like when will I have done all the surveys? When will all the questions have been asked? ha. Some days it is hard to find a survey to do. I guess I’ll just have to cycle through ‘em again if that happens.
31. Do you wash your hands for the recommended 20 seconds? I’ve heard a long time ago that you should wash your hands to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star, so that’s what I do.
32. Do you like celery and peanut butter? I don’t like celery.
33. What was the last gift card you received? Probably Starbucks.
34. Do you look at people in other cars when stopping at a red light? I mean, I sometimes glance over. It’s awkward when you make eye contact with the person haha. Or if you look over and they’re already looking.
35. Do you use double negatives in your sentences (like, I don’t know nothing about that)? No.
36. What’s your favourite type of girl scout cookie? The Lemonades.
37. Do you like pulp-y orange juice? I don’t like orange juice at all.
38. Are you growing your hair/bangs out right now? I’ve been letting my hair grow for the past 2 years. It’s so long now.
39. How often do you iron your clothes? I don’t.
40. Have you ever tried putting on fake eyelashes? How did it look? Yes. I like ‘em.
41. What was the last movie you saw on TV? Bridesmaids.
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1. Who’s your favourite character on Boy Meets World? Wow what a great question. I loved Shawn because he was bae. But Feeny is also great 2. Do you have underbite or overbite? I guess kind of an overbite ish 3. Do you like those red flowers they put out during the holiday season? Yes 4. When was the last time you used poster board for? Last year during Greek week my little was competing in one of the events and I made her a sign because I'm cool and supportive like that 5. Have you ever ridden in a U-Haul? I haven't 6. Who was the last person to message you over facebook? Ummm not sure and I don't feel like looking 7. Do you like Auntie Anne’s pretzels? What’s your favourite flavour? Yessss I love auntie Anne's. I get original, the regular ones with salt ugh so good 8. Do you like folk rock? I do 9. Do you ever go to bed with her hair wet? Maybe a little damp but not full on wet 10. Do you hate it when people post statuses on facebook like “today was amazing” “I’m off to bed” ? I did shit like that like 7 years ago when I first got a fb lollllll but yeah I don't see the point really 11. What colour highlighter do you prefer? Omg my makeup obsessed ass immediately thought about face highlight lolz. I like light champagne-y face highlighter and blue regular highlighters 12. Do you wear socks that have holes in them? I have a favorite pair of fuzzy socks that have a hole... I can't part with them 13. When given a present, do you usually keep the gift bag it came in? Yes sometimes 14. Have you ever bought anything off of amazon.com? Of course 15. Do you like to play Scrabble? I do, the fam used to play all the time when I was in high school 16. How often does your school have assemblies? Do you show your school spirit or just sit there? Not in school anymore... we maybe had 2 or 3 a year when I was in high school? But only one was spirited, the others were random informative assemblies about not texting and driving, etc. I'd wear school colors on spirit days but that was the extent of my spiritedness 17. Which is your classes is so slow it bores you? Which class is so fast that you can’t keep up? Not in schooooool 18. What are you saving your money up for right now? Life 19. Do you hate how cold you get after a shower? Ugh yes it's the worst. One of the best things about Italy was every hotel had heated towel racks so you'd get out of the shower and they were warm. I need that in my house 20. Have you ever played with one of those tiny plastic flags with the metal rod sticking in the ground? No 21. What do you do when you spy a bug in your house? Freak out for a minute, try to get someone else to kill it if it's really scary, or suck it up and kill it 22. Do you like watching old western films with those corny jokes? Nope 23. Are your peers over the Chuck Norris phase or are they still into it? I don't really hear about chuck Norris anymore so I guess everyone's over it 24. Do you like the show Drake and Josh? I did 25. Do you make hot chocolate by using Swiss Miss hot cocoa powder? Yeah, Swiss miss or nestle 26. What do you normally drink at lunch during school? In hs I'd grab a chocolate milk or Powerade, in college, whatever since it's college 27. Which one of your friends is the most indecisive? Britt and I are both indecisive 28. Have you ever made rice krispie treats? Do you prefer the homemade kind or store bought? I haven't. I actually don't care for rice krispies treats 29. Who’s your favourite Disney princess and why? Ariel, because idk I've just always loved her 30. Are we all going to run out of good surveys in the near future? Maybe idk 31. Do you wash your hands for the recommended 20 seconds? I don't count when I wash my hands so probs not 32. Do you like celery and peanut butter? No 33. What was the last gift card you received? Chick fil a 34. Do you look at people in other cars when stopping at a red light? Sometimes 35. Do you use double negatives in your sentences (like, I don’t know nothing about that)? No 36. What’s your favourite type of girl scout cookie? Thin mints and tagalongs 37. Do you like pulp-y orange juice? Nope 38. Are you growing your hair/bangs out right now? Yeah I've been growing my hair out forever because I want super long hair but I'm kind of digging short hair now and feel like chopping it 39. How often do you iron your clothes? I don't iron...I tried a few times and idk I think I was doing it wrong because it looked shitty, so I ask my mom to iron lol. I'm gonna need to learn how before moving out 40. Have you ever tried putting on fake eyelashes? How did it look? I haven't but I want to though I'm afraid of glueing my eye shut 41. What was the last movie you saw on TV? White chicks
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