#i found them on ebay
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ebaybears · 10 months ago
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floralandfailing · 6 months ago
Found this tiny little Sulu in a local store and OHMYGOD I'm so obsesses he's so cute. Hopefully I can track down all of them 🙏 I need the main 7 at least, I love them so so much
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circusk · 3 months ago
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solradguy · 13 days ago
It's so fucked the entirety of Outlaw Star is a 24 episode anime and a 3 volume extremely out of print manga that never got an official translation. It's like to Cowboy Bebop what Phoenician is to Latin and I'm out here fighting for my life because with the open ended ending it might as well be Linear B, ya know? Fuck my stupid baka life
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catgirljaneway · 4 months ago
whenever I’m doing college work that makes me so tired and sad I can look into my corner where all my Star Trek figures are staring at me ominously and that makes me feel a bit better
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journeyman-tier-fibercraft · 3 months ago
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I realized I had forgotten to swatch for the button hole before starting the second sleeve. And an Hour later I have a swatch with 8 button holes before I got happy with how they look. The pattern basically says "make buttonhole" and I'm not experienced enough with garment knitting to go on just that.
I did manage to confirm that despite sizing up my yarn, I'm still going to need 1 inch/25mm buttons. I don't currently have 6 matching 25mm buttons that would look good with this yarn, so decisions have to be made. And unfortunately my brain has decided the best possible button would be a rose gold coloured shank back(?) button preferably that looks like an actual flower. Which, good luck to me for finding that relatively affordably.
I think I'm just going to knit the cardigan and decide once it's all sewn up. If it fits well and I think I'll wear it, I'll spend the money to get Nice buttons.
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comet-wire · 10 months ago
Last night I cried, and I mean UGLY cried at a foul hour because I love Albert Wesker and I hate it. (/Lh)
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Like first off, the man's name is Albert??? Need I say more? But then, his name is kinda gothic when you say his full name. I don't know if that's just me. But just simply referring to him as Albert is goofy as fuck considering he's supposed to be a villain in RE. Not only that, he's got paper thin lips. How's he gonna get a kiss kiss??☝️🤨/ref
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But it wasn't only that, mind you, it's also because this absolute FUCK, this evil David Bowie and Johnny bravo looking mother fucker, has consumed my life and every waking thought that sometimes it genuinely hurts and that's what I hate about being autistic. It's just how much I want to consume of something once it becomes a special interest and/or hyperfixation. On top of that, Wesker is a special case for me because I found out I technically trauma bonded to him as a comfort character. For the past year and a half now, I got back into RE because of the RE4R and began hyperfixating on said game then it spiraled into hyperfixating about the Wesker's storyline, with project W and so on. I already have a tendency to go back to RE periodically every like two or so years but this has low-key been probably the longest I've consistently fixated on RE without a single break in-between. My dad and I bonded over resident evil, he's one of the people who got me into RE, albeit he watched the movies and I got into the game's. Which means RE means a whole lot to me and since he passed my fixation on it only heightened as a source of comfort. I also found out when you have a comfort character during a horrible period in your life, you very well can trauma bond with said character. So that means out of all characters, I have trauma bonded to Albert Wesker and I am two seconds away from tweaking. 🤩
On top of that, every time @rainbowroadonsteroids sends me something remotely Wesker related I start punching my wall and they bully me for it smh./Lh+nm
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Shout out to my favorite human nightlight, Albert Wesker. ☝️🗿
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graff-aganda · 6 months ago
I need the cost of international shipping to go down right now and I'm NOT joking........ please. 😊🙏
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slasher-catcher · 3 months ago
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ohhh I am complete
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foreveranonymousfa · 6 months ago
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What the fuck is a laserdisc
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stabbingandorbeingstabbed · 5 months ago
finding out goodwill has like an ebay type website where u can bid on stuff has been terrible for me bc i JUST want to get an old coach bag for less than $60 and they have TONS until the very VERY last second when someone who probably does this as a side hustle to resell it for $140 on ebay swoops in and outbids everyone with 4 seconds remaining like these people have strategy !!! bro i just want a cute little leather backpack from 1997 why are u being mean to me ☹️
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inniave · 7 months ago
how are y'all affording film
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fantasmadelaciudad · 22 days ago
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gonna be so vulnerable rn. i need him so badly i think i'll die. for my 18th birthday my mom commissioned my aunt to make a crochet replica of him and when i opened the gift bag i started sobbing. his crochet replica lives on my bed with a faux leather spiked choker that doesn't fit either of us (too small for me, too big for him. in many ways this describes most of my life)
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throwaninkpot · 26 days ago
Any mutuals want copper bottomed Revere Ware pots
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lyxchen · 1 month ago
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Crying because a while ago I found these amazing amazing shoes in a TK Maxx and I didn't buy them and I've been regretting that so much because look at how gorgeous those shoes are!!!!
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dykeyuu · 1 year ago
every day when i wake up i say to myself “dykeyuu you are not purchasing any sanrio merchandise today” but then i find the deal of the century……..
#like. i only buy it if i know for sure ill NEVER find it at that price again#2007 corduroy keroppi that literally doesn’t exist on the internet? $16#i came across it by chance and it took me hours to find evidence that anyone else had ever owned one#found a chococat one too from the same series but it’s pricier…#but it’s the only one listed anywhere that i can find so. perhaps#sike i found one in the philippines there’s TWO corduroy chococats on the internet#i mean there’s literally one reddit thread i could find from years ago confirming that this series existed#and it’s only got like two commenters who only vaguely remembered the series#and a handful of worthpoint entries confirming that a couple of each of them had sold on ebay at some point#all the other sanrio corduroy plushies i could find were from other series#there’s a hello kitty and my melody from the same year but it wasn’t the same series#both series were rereleases in 2007 and the original release year for hk/mm was earlier than cc/k#20in 2012 fiesta keroppi? $40 when he usually goes for $100+#(this includes shipping…)#was devastated to find an etsy listing for the 2010 limited keroppi build a bear for $85 that had already sold…#the next cheapest one of those is like $140#and dont get me fucking started on chococat#no build a bear should EVER go for $500#like be serious. maybe it was limited edition 14 years ago but it’s still a damn stuffed animal#manifesting they rerelease the original sanrio build a bears to beat the price gougers into submission#the intersection of two special interests: sanrio and buying things from people who don’t know what they have#throwback to the 1993 keroppi squeaky toy that i thrifted for 25 cents#just looked it up to see and i found the exact same one but only on worthpoint#he used to be a keychain… mine is just the little guy with no chain#comparable one from the same year same size/material etc just different design goes for $20+#context i refuse to make a worthpoint account and pay them just to see what things sold for on ebay they can kiss my ass#me when i need to infodump but gf is at work and has already heard like half of this
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