#i forgot yuna’s dad but he had one too.
transboykirito · 10 months
think every Relevant Man in sao has had at least one fleetwood mack silver streams (1976) moment actually. with the exception of agil because he actually knows how to be an adult and communicate and cherish a woman.
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haaiii its me againnnn C: i swear i was gonna do this when i first saw it but i completely forgot but THE MOST RECENT ASK GAME U REBLOGGED!!! I AM HEREEE because i love both sides of ask games ong >;)
im js gonna put a few (maybe thats a bit more than a few oops) and u can js like pick and choose which ones and which ocs for each idm or u can do all if u rly want ksgks !!! :D
👕Appearance 1. What is your character's favorite physical trait they possess? 3. Is there something about your character's appearance that they would change if possible?
📦Objects 1. Is there an item your character doesn't like to leave without?
🌤️Weather and Nature 19. What animal would your character say best represents them?
💓Mind, Body and Soul 3. Is your character more prone to fight or flight? 7. Is your character good at practicing self-care?
🎲 Hobbies and Activities 3. What is a talent your character wishes they had?
✨haiiii dw about it! Honestly I just reblog em for funsies but ty for dropping in da ask box.
Seven questions, seven characters (total)... Choices choices... I think Ill just answer each one and Ill probably only do 1-2 for most of em. Then it'd be a lil balanced maybe??? Plus I wanna start introducing the others in SOME capacity even if I don't have their refs done yet.
👕 1:
🐁: James loves... Everything about himself tbh. In his eyes? He is so perfect and beautiful and wonderful (and he is. I know his reference does not exist yet but TRUST ME ‼️‼️‼️). If he HAD to choose one, though, it'd probably be his face, as a whole. You can't even get him to be specific about THAT.
👕 3:
🦐: Yuna wishes she were just a bit taller. It's no fun when half of your friends tower over you.
📦 1:
🎩: Lewis never leaves his dorm without a pencil and notepad or his tape recorder. He's always gotta get as much juicy info as he can in a day!
🩺: Heinrich always has an ungodly amount of photos in his wallet that he never leaves home without. It's just how he is. It's like those dad wallets in cartoons where he opens it up and BOOM pictures everywhere.
🌤️19: I'm doing this one for everyone bc it's fun and silly and I love arbitrary assignments.
🦐: Honestly? I use shrimp for Yuna but she'd probably describe herself as maybe a salamander or a bat of some kind. Can be flighty as hell but also can be intimidating depending on the situation.
🎩: A fox, but specifically a very lazy fox. Have you ever seen videos of like. A happy fox chirping? Yeah, but also sometimes foxes are just very catlike instead. And I think that fits Lewis.
♌: He's a lion beastman but tbh I think he'd probably relate a lot to Possums? Like, definitely gets a bit of a bad rep but are also super helpful and carry their babies on their backs.
🦜: Bro would say a parrot and then just gesture to himself as if to say "obviously???". Like what else would there be to say for Rusul?
🐁: James would probably say something sleek and cunning like a fox (like Lewis) OR something with grace and strength, like a swan or a goose. He would definitely describe himself as one of the above.
🌙: what else would be fitting for a demonic overlord such as Casimir other than the most evil, most monstrous, most diabolical creature on the planet: the hellhound Black Labrador?!??! Bro relates to but also enjoys the energetic and loyal personalities of not just labs, but also dogs as a whole.
🩺: A squirrel, but specifically one that is hopped up on sugar and is way too high strung.
🦐: Pre-NRC Yuna is definitely more flight, but as time goes on, she becomes more fight than anything.
🌙: despite his "fighting words", Casimir actually frightens surprisingly easily and is more freeze/fawn than either fight OR flight
🎩🐁🦜♌: All of them are slaying at self care
🩺🌙🦐: please send help for these three.
🦐: Yuna wishes she had magical abilities (obviously) but also she wishes she could dance like the princesses in movies she used to watch.
🎩: Lewis wishes he was better at singing. People who listen to his radio show love his voice, but Sevens help you if he starts to or tries singing.
🌙: Casimir just wishes he was better with social skills/talents as a whole. I like to think he'd be rather envious of people like the light music club or Vil on that front.
✨Hope these r some fun and/or exciting little tidbits waaaaugh
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dobercorgis · 5 months
Just gonna ramble on abt my thoughts on ffx it’ll be incoherent as usual
I really wish I didn’t play the game sporadically bc I don’t remember a lot of the lore which actually seems pretty interesting. Like I could not tell you what a fayth or aeon is… which is kinda bad I have the memory of a goldfish clearly.
The characters are def a strong point here. I do like the cast although some do become less important story-wise but I feel like that’s pretty common. Rikku’s definitely my favorite character I just love how bubbly and caring she is. I think her introduction to the group was kinda stilted (Tidus just being like I found a stray!) but she carved a place for herself so well that I can overlook that lol. Auron was also a great character, and honestly kinda flipped my expectations bc I thought he would be the most traditional one out of the group bc he had that anything’s fine just continue your pilgrimage attitude, but then you find out that he’s the one that was the most opposed to the final summoning on his journey. Is auron and jecht doomed yaoi? I think he just confirmed that I like mentor characters cuz I think he’s like the 4th or 5th one I liked so far. Tidus and yuna are so precious. I just like to think about how yuna started her journey knowing and accepting that she was going to die, then tidus found out that no he’s going to “die.”
Ik this came out before Xenoblade but the story just reminds me so much of it. The obvious one being tidus’s “alive” state and shulk’s, but the storyline reminded me so much of xc3. Eternal cycle that only creates more death, culture around sending people off, the protagonist’s group basically being the beacon of hope, and the final boss being a concept lol. And the whole machina war and being against the machina??? Bro??? Xc1??? The people of bionis basically hating and fearing machina/mechonis??? Oh and the yu yevon fight was on a giant sword… mechonis sword… hehe
That being said I’m not sure if I want to replay the game. You can tell the game is dated and no I’m not talking abt the graphics I literally play Nintendo games idgaf abt graphics. The UI is unintuitive, personally I didn’t find most of the music to be that great, the battles are kinda slow (this might be a skill issue lol), and the constant random encounters are a pain. You might be like how do you hate wild encounters when I play pokemon but you only encounter them in specific areas and also repels are available pretty early on. I really should have explored and backtracked more because clearly I missed many items which I did think hinder me a bit (I’m sorry kimahri). I’m not really a huge fan of the sphere grid either. I didn’t get any of the celestial weapons and didn’t get anima bc I missed the besaid sphere. And I didn’t know you could backtrack before the ship so uh yeah I got locked out. I also found no jecht spheres lmao.
Although I rlly do like how well they wrote jecht’s relationships bc even without those extra memories, I was still able to understand and feel invested in his relationships with tidus and auron. I think jecht and tidus have an interesting relationship but that’s just bc I like family drama esp ones involving problematic dads. I loved the ending cutscene where tidus sees braska and auron and then high fives jecht.
I think the story will def hit different if I play it again with all this context in mind, but again I’m not sure if I want to at least any time soon 😅
Overall 6.5-7/10
Forgot to add: I hate seymour he had way too much screen time. Thank god we kicked him and the other cockroaches out of power
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ʙᴀᴄᴋ ᴛᴏ ʏᴏᴜ​ - ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ xx
3rd Person's POV
Yuna frantically picks at the rocks covering the hidden chamber's entrance. She was suffocating in there without air and the thickness of the worry she had for Taehyung. She manages to smash one of the rocks with a stray rock on the floor. She pants and heaves taking another one to repeat the same till she gets out.
"Isn't this getting exhausting?" Taehyung smirks as he throws a punch at the sweet husband whose head was filled with thoughts about his wife, "Just give up," he slams his head forward smashing it on the wall, "She'll be okay with me. She'll be better with me. Don't you want her to have a better life?"
He pulls the husband up by his collar, "You want a better life for Yuna, don't you?"
Taehyung's head lolls back from exhaustion. He was on the verge of passing out and giving up but he couldn't. He needed to make sure Yuna would be okay, his kids would be okay. He had underestimated the other Taehyung's capabilities. He expected Taehyung to be equally powerful as him but turns out he was even powerful. Taehyung was inexperienced. He never needed to explore the limits and borders of his powers. He had gotten what he wanted, he'd achieved his goal to be Yuna's man, love her and be a good husband and dad. He was content but the other Taehyung had to push his abilities in a short amount of time to achieve his goals. He didn't get what he wanted, he didn't reach his goal. That made him explore the limits of his powers. Taehyung didn't even know he could kill people with just a thought of it whereas the other did. 
"Answer me, Taehyung," he scoffs, "So weak, so pathetic."
He drops him to the floor resting his foot on his chest, "Are you even capable of taking care of Yuna? You couldn't even keep me away. I wonder how she fell in love with a pathetic loser like you."
Taehyung coughs, spluttering blood from his mouth. He was black and blue, bleeding and probably had a few broken bones. He tries to remove the foot placed on his chest but the other presses down on his foot making Taehyung gasp trying to breathe. 
"Look at you," he laughs, "'Go through you,' you said? There. It wasn't that hard. Was it?"
He removes his foot and crouches down, "I never thought I'd ever call myself weak and pathetic," he chuckles running his knuckle down the other's face, "But look where we are. I never knew I would be this much of a coward in another timeline."
"What?" Taehyung slurs trying to breathe.
"What 'what'?" The other asks, "Oh, I forgot. I guess now you're out of your senses."
Dadda! It's me, Yoonjin! We're here. We'll help you.
"Yoonjin?" Taehyung asks, voice tired and heavy.
Dadda! Shush! I hear your thoughts, you don't have to say anything aloud. Taemin brought us here. We're now formulating a plan to help. We're coming, dadda. Don't worry. 
"Yoonjin?" The other one tilts his head in confusion, "Your son? You're thinking about your son?" He chuckles, "What a sweet dad. Is it true that you see a flash of your life when you're about to die? I wouldn't know. You know, we were sedated with poison before mummification."
"You know, you might see your kids again," he starts again, "If you just give Yuna to me. You surely don't want your kids to be orphans, right?"
Tahyung whines and whimpers around. He couldn't hear anything with Yoonjin manipulating all of his thoughts but the only word he heard was 'orphan'. He was right, he didn't want his kids to grow up without parents but he wouldn't give up on Yuna that easily. 
Yoonjin, stop. He whimpered around trying to block his son out. He had to do something. 
Get out of here. Tell Taemin to take you back.
No, dadda! We won't leave you. Please, let us help you. Please. 
I can't. I can't risk your lives. You're too precious to lose.
So are you, dadda. Taehyung could sense the puppy face Yoonjin made. Tears well up in Taehyung's eyes as he finds himself in a conflicted place between letting his kids help him and letting himself die. 
Okay, fine but if anything goes south, you'll run. Got it? You'll leave me behind and run. 
I- Okay, dadda.
"I really don't know what made you think you could win against me," he chuckles as a knife appears in his hand. Taehyung opens his eyes slowly as he sees the other fiddling with a knife.
The other's eyebrow raises in confusion but even before he could spell anything from his mouth, he was thrown back by a fast-moving object, or rather a kid named Yuki. Taehyung groans trying to sit up. 
The other Taehyung rubs his head trying to sit but a powerful punch knocks him down again. As he places his hands on the ground to support himself up, Yuki crushes his fingers by smashing a rock down on it, "You wanna hurt my dad, huh?" 
She smashes the rock onto his head and his head falls to the side. Taemin runs up to his dad, "Dad! Are you okay?"
"I'm fine," Taehyung groans trying to stand, "I- I need one of you to go check on your mom. She's in the hidden chamber."
"I'll go!" Taeseok volunteers. 
"No, not you," Taehyung shakes his head but sighs later, "Don't go alone. Take Yoonjin with you."
"Okay," Taeseok says as the four-year-old pulls his older brother to the complex tunnelling. Meanwhile, Yuki is wrecking the absolute shit out of Taehyung. She flinging all of the broken pieces of rocks at him as her eyes glow red out of fury, "You try to mess with me family, you mess with me."
Taehyung stands up with all of his strength and walks over to Yuki slowly as Taemin tries to make sure he doesn't trip. 
"ENOUGH!" The other Taehyung forces himself up grabbing Yuki by her neck and throwing her aside. Her screams fill the air. 
"NO!" Taehyung yells about to run to catch her.
"I got her, dad!" Taemin yells and runs to catch her before she hits the ground and injures herself. 
Taehyung's eyes darken in fury, "How dare you hurt my Yuki?" He doesn't even wait for a reply and flies a punch right across his jaw. Taemin falls to the ground sliding and catching an unconscious Yuki in his arms.
"Yuki!" Taemin calls, "Wake up!"
"We couldn't find the hidden chamber!" Cries Taeseok walking into the main chamber but his eyes fall on Yuki and he runs to her. 
Taemin's eyes well up as he sees his sister unconscious and rage fills his veins, "Dad! She's not waking up."
Taehyung looks behind and his eyes soften but return to the previous state as soon as he receives a punch. Even before Taehyung could fight back, Taemin throws hands and punches him. 
"I'm not letting you win," Taemin whispers under his breath.
"You think you can win against me when even your all-powerful dad couldn't win?" He smirks. 
"He can because he's not alone," Taehyung places his hand on Taemin's shoulder and his sibling join behind, "You can't win," Yoonjin whispers as he gets in Taehyung's head manipulating his thoughts.
You won't win. 
"No!" Taehyung screams holding onto his head.
You can't win against strong love.
"I will win. I will have Yuna," he yells.
You don't deserve Yuna. 
"No, I am the only one who deserves her," he screeches snapping his head towards Yoonjin. He knew the source of the voice. He just had to eliminate it.
He tries to crawl towards Yoonijin but a sudden piercing pain on his chest made him stop. He looks down to see that he had been stabbed. Right through his heart. Blood drips down his clothes and onto the floor. He clutches onto his chest trying to breathe. 
"I would have let you live but I don't want you going to other timelines to disrupt peace and unravel madness and chaos you carry around everywhere," Taehyung speaks and the other one lets out a painful chuckle. 
"Tae!" He hears Yuna's scream and whips his head in her direction and his smirk grows.
"Y- You know," he stutters, "If I can't have her, no one can," he removes the knife from his chest and throws it at Yuna. 
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1407 words
A/N- Tell me about it. 
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kooktrash · 3 years
Mafia!jimin where he caught yn trying to leave him in the morning bcs of his rival threatened her to kill her family if she didn't.
13. "Please dont leave me." And 17. "Are you upset with me?" Please :3
Love Surrender
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summary: your relationship with Jimin had always felt like it was on bothered time, but you were too scared to tell him.
- You had always questioned what drove you to be with Jimin. He lied to you, did awful things to others, and wasn’t trustworthy. You always wondered if it was fear that you stayed with him, or love. But you couldn’t wrap your head around loving someone who couldn’t tell you who he really was. It took an entire year for him to tell you what he did for a living. That was one of the first lies he told to you. The second, was that he’d always protect you and your family no matter what.
But now you understood that it wasn’t possible. Because even though he had all these connections with big scary people, there was always someone who was going to find their way around his security. He tried his hardest to always make you feel safe, and you thanked him for that. Because on the days where you lived paycheck to paycheck or your car would break down, he was always there to pick you up. He treated you like you were his world, and he’d tell you that every day that you almost believed it.
And if it wasn’t for last night, you could’ve seriously pictured spending the rest of your life with him.
- “Y/n,” it was late. You wiped at the sticky bar top trying your hardest to hurry up. It was just your manager and you, and he loved to leave early. “You don’t mind closing by yourself tonight, right? I have to get my kids to bed already, the babysitter’s leaving soon.”
“That’s fine, I’ll make sure to lock up,” you had told him. You locked up the restaurant on your own many times, it wasn’t hard and almost everything had been done anyway. You’d finish cleaning up and then you’d text Jimin telling him you’ll be home soon.
The glass in your hands almost slipped at the sound of the door opening. You looked up, placing the cut down as you noticed the group of men walking in. Pushing your loose strands behind your ear, you frowned apologetically, “Hello, I am so sorry but we are closed for the night. The cook already left.” They ignored you, locking the door and pulling the blinds down. You found yourself taking a step back, one of them smiled at you, “You must be Y/n I’ve heard so much about.”
“Who are you?” With brows furrowed you waited, scooting to the side where your phone was put away in a drawer. “Consider me,” the man pushed for a moment, “A friend of Jimin’s. You can call me Suga.”
You could hear buzzing coming from the drawer and he smiled, “That must be him. Find the phone.”
You made a move to run but one of the guys gripped your arm. He clicked his tongue shaking his finger at you, “That’s not how you treat company now is it?”
“What do you want?” You asked trying to push against the restraints of the man’s grip. He smiled warmly, “Well you see, I don’t have any problem with you Y/n. You seem like a smart and hardworking girl, so why you’re with him? I will never understand. But that is not why I’m here.”
“The reason why I am here is because, I am tired of seeing pretty girls like yourself get hurt by men like Jimin.” He took a step closer to you. “What does that have to do with you?” You spat out, wincing as he lifted his hand to you.
Pushing your hair back he smiled, “Well let’s just say someone I hold dearly was in your position once upon a time.”
“So I want you to understand that my problem is not with you,” Suga said reaching into the inside pocket of his blazer, a picture of you with your sister and father, “Or with them. And unless you want to see them get hurt, I advise you to leave Jimin. For your own good that is.”
- You didn’t return home last night. It had left Jimin up majority of the night, your text for reassurance doing anything but that. “She’s not back yet,” he huffed looking to Jungkook as the two waited, “She won’t even answer my text.”
“She said she was sleeping over at Yuna’s, relax she’s fine,” Jungkook tried telling his friend. Jimin only shook his head, pacing back and forth, “I know but...no she’s fine. She has to be. She’d tell me if she was in trouble, right?”
“Yes, she would,” Jungkook sighed standing up, “So why don’t you get some sleep. You’re looking sort of psycho right now.”
The sun hadn’t even fully come up when you arrived home. You spent the night at your dad’s house, fixing up your room that had been used for storage. Your sister and him bombarded you with questions left and right, asking why you were leaving Jimin. They never understand the kind of people Jimin knew, or that you wanted to make sure your family was safe over being with who you loved.
Jimin was passed out on the couch, still in a suit and a few empty glasses scattered on the coffee table. You were as quiet as a mouse, trying to hurry into your bedroom to get your things. You didn’t want him to see you. He’d try and make you stay or ask why you were leaving. You hoped you could just go, not have to listen to his promises, not feeling like a burden to him.
You flickered the light to your bedroom on. Going into the closet and pulling a chair up. You stood on it, reaching a high shelf to pull your old duffel bag out. You hadn’t used the worn out bag since you first moved in. Not even when you’d go on vacation with Jimin, he’d buy you suitcases from high-end brands instead. You were leaving him, but you were only taking what you came with.
You threw the bag on the bed, quickly opening your drawers and pulling out what you could remember. A lot had changed since you moved in with him, but you could still remember your worn out things from the luxurious things he’d buy you. You shoved your laptop in, not caring much as you put shoes and clothes and everything you could think of.
“What do you think you are doing?” You could feel your heart drop, not wanting to turn around and face the reality. Jimin took a cautionary step toward you, heart racing as he got a closer look at what you were doing.
“Um, Yuna and I are spending the weekend at a spa, I forgot to tell you?” You lied, clearing your throat. You could see the way he pressed his teeth tightly, eyes narrowed down on your belongings as you tried blocking them. “Are you trying to lie to me right now? Right to my face?” He asked pulling out your old slippers from the bag, “What. Are. You. Doing?”
“I already told yo—I just gotta go for a little bit,” you bit your lip, “Jimin stop it.” You reached for the things he pulled out of your bag. “You’re leaving me aren’t you?” He asked through gritted teeth.
“Jimin I—“
“Why?” He asked, suddenly pushing your bag onto the floor, a crack being heard from your laptop hitting the ground, “And don’t fucking lie to me.”
“I just have to go okay? I have to go, please just understand and give me space,” you reached for your things with shaky hands. He grabbed your arm, pulling you toward him, “I don’t understand though. Tell me what’s going on. Are you in trouble? I can help you. Just tell me what it is. Is it money? Is your dad in the hospital again? I’ll pay the bill don’t worry about it baby, okay? Is it your sister—“
“No! I just, I need space okay? I don’t think I can do this anymore—“ “Y/n!” His body trembled, “Listen to me. What is going on? You can’t just leave me like this and not tell me why. You can’t just leave me. Please,” he reached for your hand pulling it to his chest, “Please don’t leave me. Whatever it is we can figure it out together, just like we have for the last four years.”
“Jimin I—“ he dropped down to his knees, arms wrapping around your waist, “No. Please Y/n. Please don’t leave me.”
“You don’t understand,” you could feel a tear slip from your eye as he planted soft kisses on your hand repeatedly, “I have to.”
“Why?” He shouted, eyes growing red, “Why do you have to leave me? Am I not enough for you? I’ve tried to give you everything, and I’m not asking for anything back but for you to love me. Do you not love me?”
“Jimin, he’s going to come after my family if I stay with you,” you finally said. He sniffled, looking at you with a cold expression slowly raising to his feet, “What did you just say?”
“I shouldn’t have said anything. Please just let me go,” you sighed but he gripped your shoulders roughly, “Who is he?”
“Jimin, you’ll only make it worse. You can’t always protect me,” you argued but he shook his head. “Who the fuck was it?”
“Some guy named Suga.”
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“Look at me,” he held your face in his hands, “Unpack your things, right now baby. You’re not going anywhere, I won’t let you. Let me take care of him okay? I’m sorry for putting you in this.”
“Bu—“ “I’ve got it baby, don’t worry.”
“Are you upset with me?” You asked as the pad of his thumb wipe: a tear away, “I’m sorry.”
“No baby,” he kissed you lightly, “Of course not. But if you try leaving me again, I will be.”
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bts-reveries · 4 years
young one | 27
“I think we got one too many plants Joon,” you say, holding one pot in each arm, with a smaller one in between. You and Namjoon had finally went home after your plant date. The two of you standing in front of your front door. “We really just need one for each of us.”
Namjoon, with one extra plant in his hand shakes his head. “You can never have enough honestly. Plus, these are perfect! They’re low maintenance plants.”
“I guess… Well.. Can you open the door for me?” You motioned to your bag for him to get the keys when the doors suddenly shot open. 
“You’re back! Great!” Yuna yells, grabbing the plants from you.
“O-oh, okay..” you say, confused by her sudden motions.
“Byul your boyfriend is here!” Yuna yells behind her. As Byul came running to the door, Yuna handed her the plants. She then suddenly hooks her arms into yours and starts to pull you away from your house.
“Wait-- what? Where are we going?” You ask, stumbling down the hallways of your apartment building. 
“Have you eaten yet? Did Namjoon take you out to eat? You look hungry.” Yuna laughs as she stares at your confused state.
“No.. I have not and he did not and I am,” you answered with a laugh. “I honestly haven’t been gone that long for everyone to suddenly be so different. Like not really different, but just weird..”
“Well it’s a weird day,” she laughs. “Let’s go feed you, we have a long night ahead.”
Jungkook’s eyes widen as he sees you and Yuna running to her car. They had just gotten to the parking garage and Jungkook hoped so hard that you won’t recognize his car or your parent’s car. 
Yuna seemed to have noticed and she pulled you to her car faster. Jungkook couldn’t help but laugh at the face you were making.
“Look mom, that’s going to be my wife,” he says, pointing to you from the inside of his car. Admiration written all over his face.
“You know, I much rather us order food so we can all eat together at home while we wait for Jungkook,” you say as Yuna drives to who knows where. 
“Yeah, we could, but it could be a while until he gets home,” she says, making excuses. “Besides, I miss hanging with my bestie,” she pouts. 
You smile at her, “Aww you missed me?” She rolls her eyes.
“Well I missed all of you,” you say. “Some a little more than others..”
“You two really can’t be separated huh?” she says. You quirk an eyebrow up at her.
“Me and Mingyu?” She laughs at your answer.
“I thought you were talking about Jungkook,” she laughs. “Not my son.”
“I’m kidding,” you laugh along with her. “Yeah, I guess we can’t. Well, for me at least. I can’t go long without him. I don’t know if he feels the same.”
“And why would you say that?” Yuna turns to you with a worried look.
“With our time gone, he never showed that he cared I guess? About me at least.. That I know of,” you answer. “Like right now, he knows me and Sian are back home while he’s out with his friends and he didn’t drop them to come to us the second he heard.” You caught Yuna smirk a little.
“What?” you laugh awkwardly. 
“Hm? I didn’t say anything..” she says, turning away from you.
“You just smirked,” you say, smiling. “I’m trying to pour my heart out here.”
“Well I can assure you that he’s SUPER happy that you’re here. Something probably happened that’s keeping him from coming home right away.”
“Like what?”
“Why don’t you call him Yn? You wanted to talk to him right? Everyone’s back at your house, just for tonight. Let’s spend that time having fun. Get what you have to say to him out now.”
“But I wanted to talk to him face to face..”
“Facetime exists?” 
You purse your lips, pulling out your phone.
Without hesitation, you clicked on Jungkook’s contact name and began calling him.
“SHE’S FACETIME CALLING ME,” Jungkook yells in a panic. He was sitting on the couch, with Sian cuddled into his side.
“AnsweR IT??” Taehyung says, looking at him as if he was dumb. Which was ironic, because he was sitting on the floor with all of his nieces putting makeup on him. With the over lined lips and blue eye shadow all over his eyebrows, you can’t say Jungkook’s the dumb looking one. 
“I’M SCARED,” Jungkook says, breathing heavily all of a sudden. 
“It’s just mommy,” Sian says, reaching for the phone.
“Jungkook go change out of your suit first! She’s going to wonder,” Sohyun yells, right when Sian answers the call.
“AH, SIAN!” Jungkook yells. Almost instantly, pushing him off and running to your room.
“Sian?” you say as the call was finally answered. “Is daddy home?”
“Yes! We’re waiting for you and auntie Yuna to come back, daddy came when you two left,” Sian admits. 
“Oh did he?”
“Yes! Mommy please come home!” he excitedly yells, “everyone’s here! Even gra--” Before Sian can finish his sentence and expose the plan, Jungkook takes the phone from him.
“Hey, sorry, was doing something,” he says, taking his phone to your shared room. “What’s up?”
Yuna looks over at your phone and smirks. 
“Nothing, I just wanted to talk to you,” you say. “I.. I missed you.. That’s all. I was hoping to meet you at home when we got back so we can talk, you know, to fix things, but you weren’t there. But somehow everyone was,” you laugh. “I just wanted to say.. That I want us to go back to how we used to be. I’m okay with your friends, maybe I could even join you guys sometimes.. I just don’t want you to forget about us because you’re so caught up with them. I don’t want you to lose them either since they’re good friends of yours and you lost them once--”
“Yn,” Jungkook interrupts. “A lot of things happened while you were away,” he says. You started to worry about what he was about to say next, but you nod for him to continue.
“I won’t be hanging out with the friends that drove you two away. It’s a long story, but my hyungs came when they were over.. And long story short, they thought the best things to ever happen in my life was a mistake and I highly disagree with them on that. They hated you and Sian, and I can’t be friends with people who won’t give you two a chance. So don’t worry, everything will go back to normal.. Somewhat,” he chuckles to himself. “Not really, but yeah.”
Yuna laughs beside you and you turn to her, scrunching your brows. 
“Anyways, a lot of things will change tonight,” he says. “I’m never letting you go again.”
“I love this so much,” Yuna says. You turn to her again.
“Why do I feel like something’s going on that everybody knows about but me?” you say, making the two laugh. “What else happened while I was gone?”
“I’ll tell you more later, just come home,” Jungkook says. “I missed you baby.”
*After getting food with Yuna*
“Shoot, I forgot something in the car,” Yuna says, stopping right at your front door. 
“What was it?” You ask, “I can go get it.” Yuna’s face lights up.
“Perfect! Here,” she hands you the keys to her car, “the drink in the cup holder, Jimin’s going to get upset if he thinks I forgot.”
“Okay, I’ll meet you inside. Here’s the keys.”
Holding Jimin’s drink in one hand, you reach out to turn the door knob. It was locked. You frown, leaning in to the door. Surprisingly, it was so quiet.
You ring the door bell anyways, waiting for someone to open the door for you. You were excited to reunite with everyone. You were finally complete. Especially your little family.
The door suddenly creaks open but you see no one behind it. 
“I got Jimin’s drink,” you called out, pushing the door open. 
“Hi mommy!” Sian yells up at you. Your face lights up at the sight of your baby. He was dressed up, holding a single tiger lily. “For you,” he says, holding up the flower. You reach out to grab it from him.
“Thank you baby, what for?” You ask, before he could answer, Moonji runs up to you and Sian runs off.
“For you auntie,” she says, handing you another tiger lily. You thought nothing much of it except the kids being sweet. Next thing you knew, Hana was running to you, then Huimang, then Youngjae, then Minseok, Soojin, even Haneul and Mingyu! 
“I’ll trade you this for that,” Jimin says, handing you another flower, whilst reaching for his drink. 
“What’s going on?” you ask him.
young one
♛ part twenty-seven: tiger lily ♛
pairings: photographer, dad!jungkook x hostess, mom!reader
a/n: 1.) sorry it’s so short! i wanted to do this as a preparation for the proposal in the last part 🥺 thinking of doing a finale as well since i feel like they were more apart than together in this au.. also 2.) sorry it took a while for me to post this despite it being so short!! i had exams i had to do first this week 😬😬
taglist: @kookietsukkie @brinnalaine @chocobetterknot @silentlyimpractical @aianloveseven @jayhope88 @preciouschimine @noelitaaaa @butterflylion @yogugui @jikachoo @samros95 @yoongis-cumsock @strwberry-jam @sope-and-shine @cosmicdaylight @eatjeanjin @rjsmochii @i-swear-im-a-soft-stan @peoplejustcanthandlemywierdness @prdshobi @marmaribelarova @ramyagovindraj @casspirit0705 @ssyubb @smauslut @taexmichi @codeinebelle @cecedrake2217 @hellotherehoneybee @ddofa @winterwidow27 @ephyra1230 @heartfeltscribblings @nightapple4jk @applejuice5000 @salty-for-suga @lemonteacyst @princessjazzyjazz @bamboozled-jaykay @bigimpression @dammit-jjk @kookie-sun0097 @kookoo-kachoo @waddlebby @taekookcaneatme @jikooksgirl19 @tanumiki @strawberryforever25 @hobiismyhopeu
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jaehyunspeachparty · 3 years
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warnings: This story contains content that could be problematic for one or the other. Among other things, the story may contain content about sex, late pregnancy, relationship with a large age difference, and others. Just because it's in the warnings doesn't mean these topics will appear, but they will definitely be covered in the story. The content of the story is fixed and doesn’t change. If you don't feel comfortable with these topics, then it's okay if you don't read the story. I just write down my ideas here and I just enjoy writing about life. The fact that some things in life are not rational or weird for some people is also part of it.
"Here's your Americano. Are you sure you don't want something special? I buy  it." Miga smiled and looked up at Hyunjin with wide eyes. She took what he had said seriously, she now took care of him. "You don't have to take me out for coffee," said Hyunjin with a smile and if he wasn't in the middle of the SM building he would kiss her immediately. "I want it though." She pressed the Americano against his chest and Hyunjin first stroked her hand before he accepted the coffee. "Thank you," he said softly and smiled. "Should I sneak up to you in the dorm again today?", Miga then asked with a wink. "It would be nice," he said and leaned so close to her that he almost forgot that they weren't alone. Suddenly the two heard Kiha clear his throat. "Jaemin's here," he said, pointing to him. "We have to go to training anyway. See you later," said Hyunjin quietly. Miga just nodded, hypnotized by his gaze and the boys moved away from her. Since she still had time and was actually waiting for her father, she sat down at a table. But no sooner was she sitting on the chair, she recognized a figure in front of her. "Have you read the new script?" Without asking, Jaemin sat down next to her and looked at her seriously. Miga shook her head and took a sip of her coffee. "There will be a kissing scene ... between us." Miga almost choked when she heard this. "I thought I wasn't kissing anyone," she said then, staring at him with wide eyes. "Apparently the producers had changed their mind." Jaemin shrugged and watched Miga go through the script. And there it was. The kiss. "Is it bad? After all, we've kissed several times." Jaemin spoke softly, but he was cheeky nonetheless. But Miga didn't know what it was all about after the whole action where he had rejected her. "I think Dad won't agree," she said then, closing the script. "I think Hyunjin will have a problem with that," Jaemin said with a jealous undertone. "That's none of your business," she hissed. "So it's true. You are now dating Hyunjin." Jaemin laughed contemptuously and Miga just glared at him. "And?" "You won't be happy with him. He's going to debut soon and he's still a kid." "Me too, and...I don't need this either." She took the box out of her pocket, where the diamond bracelet was that Jaemin had given her for Christmas. Jaemin knew immediately what she was giving him and he knew that with this gesture she has finished with him. "Are you serious? That was a present!" "Yes, it's too much ..." Miga didn't touch the box anymore but just stared at Jaemin. He didn't know what to do at first, but then he took it and got up angrily. "Everything okay?" Yuna just came to you and saw how annoyed Jaemin leaves the table. "Yeah, the script is just very weird," said Miga, taking a sip of her coffee. She no longer looks after Jaemin, even if she noticed that he was still watching her. "Have you heard the latest about Hyunjin?" Yuna looked excitedly at her friend, but Miga froze for a moment. She hadn't told anyone that she was now exclusively dating Hyunjin. And otherwise only the members of him know something about you. There was no other way, because you were always in the dorm. "Um, what do you mean?", Miga asked and tried to be careful. "Hyunjin already has some fans and there are already the first fan pages about him. I don't think there has been such a hype about a rookie since Lucas. They are now considering releasing the group earlier." Yuna loved tea and she had just made her debut herself. That's why she often hung out at SM. "Oh wow. He is already popular by now." You are happy about it, but you also realize that he will have less time with his debut, like Jaemin said. "Yeah, I mean he looks extremely good too. I think Misun likes him. She keeps going to him and talking to him." Misun was the oldest of Yuna’s group and also the leader. She was a little younger than Miga, more Sunoh's age. But still she made her debut with the group Pink Roses. "Misun ... really?" Miga was unsure. Misun was really pretty, but there was something about her that she didn't like. As if there was something wrong with her. "They would be a lovely couple." Yuna giggled, but saw her phone light up. "Oh, I have to go. Let's talk later." She got up and hugged her friend. Miga sat there and didn't know what to think. Too much was happening in her right now, too many feelings. There was a lot to deal with.
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Jaehyun ran through the corridors of the hospital to find the room you sent him. He didn't quite know what was going on, just that it was important and that no one was hurt. But he was still worried. When he found the room, he went straight in and saw you standing next to a cradle. "What is that?", Jaehyun asked and looked back and forth between you and the baby in amazement. "She was abandoned," you say and look at the child with concern. "What?" Jaehyun came to you and hugged you. "A pregnant client came a few months ago, but she disappeared again. We suspected abuse, but we couldn't find her. But she abandoned her child in our office." You were completely upset and were glad that you now have Jaehuyn with you. You let yourself fall into his arms and started crying. Jaehyun gave you the space to process the shock and held you tight and stroked your shoulder. But then you hear how the door opened and the doctor came in with a nurse. You break away from your husband and look at the doctor expectantly. "The little thing is going through rehab. The mother may have been on drugs during her pregnancy. We'll inject her now to make it easier for her to withdraw, but it won't be easy for her." The doctor nodded to the nurse and she immediately started giving the child the medicine. Of course, the girl started screaming, but it was for her best. "Drugs? Is there any harm?" It was clear to you that this was usually not without consequences for the child's health. "We could not find anything in the first examination, including no injuries. But we are still waiting for the laboratory results and I would like to continue to look after her for the next few weeks and months in order to be able to prevent possible damage." The doctor was serious, she didn't want to give false hope. Jaehyun realized how much you cared about this child's health. He put his hand on your lower back and tried to support you. "Thank you for everything," you say and look at the doctor, who nodded. "No problem. By the way, I had to notify the youth welfare office. There is someone from the youth welfare office waiting outside who wants to see the child." You nod and the doctor and nurse left the room again. The baby started crying again and you couldn't leave this child to yourself again. "Mrs. Jung?" A woman from the youth welfare office came in and went straight to you. "Oh and Mr. Jung?", She asked and Jaehyun nodded. "We have an abandoned baby here?" She asked further and you nod, but you don't want to let go of the little girl. The woman let the child with you because she noticed that she was becoming calm. "Yes, the mother was with me once at my counseling center, but she never came back. That night she abandoned her daughter and my friend found her. I brought her here straight away." You try to tell her everything, but the woman from the youth welfare office was not happy. "We have a drug baby here, it's not going to be easy to find foster parents. I have to make a few calls." The woman picked up her phone and left the room again. In the meantime the little girl had fallen asleep and she was snoring peacefully. You had to smile because for the first time she could calm down. "Wow, she's having a tough start now. A violent father, a mother who abandons her, rehab and now she may not find a family." Jaehyun sat down next to you and was stunned. He found it hard to imagine such cruelty. "Let's take her," you suddenly say and look at Jaehyun. "What?", He didn't quite understand. "It doesn't have to be adoption right away. But let's take her for care," you suggest. "Are you sure?", Jaehyun asked and pondered. "Yes! We wanted a baby, I can't have one, but maybe this is our child." You smile and cradle the baby in your arms. "Okay," said Jaehyun, suddenly surprised. "Really?" You ask him and Jaehyun nodded. "Yes, let's try it," he said and smiled. And at that moment the woman from the youth welfare office came in. "Can we take care of her?" You ask her straight away and the woman looked at her in surprise. "What, really?" "Yes, we've been wishing for a child for a long time," says Jaehyun and the woman began to smile. She was also very relieved. "Yes, of course. Then we check everything. Backgrounds and so on and we have a little paperwork, but then it should fit." "Perfect," you say and look at the girl. "Now you come to our house."
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Miga walked through the corridors of SM and kept trying to reach her parents. Sunoh was in Japan and the twins were at school, so they couldn't help her any further. She was getting worried. But as she walked that way, she saw Misun talking to Hyunjin at the other end. And then Yuna’s words came back to her. And for a long time she felt something like jealousy again. She stopped, completely frozen, and stared at the two of them. She recognizes how Hyunjin noticed her and briefly glanced over at her. But Miga quickly disappeared into a small lounge and just got a message from Sunoh that he was on his way home again. "Miga." The door opened and there was Hyunjin in front of her. "Why are you just gone?" "Sorry, I'm just a little exhausted. I just can't reach my parents. My father should be here this morning." Miga didn't want to say that she was jealous. After all, it was just irrelevant. The thing about her parents was really what bothered her. Then his big body came up to her and hugged her. "I'm sure it's all good. Maybe something important came up," he said gently and stroked her head. Miga closed her eyes briefly and enjoyed his touch. He always found the right words for her, he always knew how to calm her down. It was like he was perfectly matched to her. "Thanks." She pressed closer to him and clasped her hands against his chest. "If you come tonight we'll have a good meal. Okay?" He smiled gently and leaned down a little. Miga only replied with a kiss.
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"I don't want you to leave," Miga whispered softly while Sunoh was standing very close to her. His head was bowed down to her and every second he wanted to bring his lips to hers. "I don't want to go either, but when you're back in Seoul then we can be together any second," said Sunoh, looking into her dark eyes. "Would you like to make our relationship public at school?" Chichi then asked. "Yes of course, why not?" Sunoh laughed and continued to stroke her cheek. "Perhaps... I don’t know..." "Stop it ..." Sunoh interrupted her and smiled. "I want to go to the cinema with you, have a coffee, go out to dinner, go shopping together ... I want to do all these couple things with you," he said and Chichi blushed. "I didn't know you were so romantic." "Only with you," he said and grinned again. But in the next moment they heard a door open and the two froze. Sunoh was not allowed in the dorm and Chichi was no longer allowed to leave the dorm. That's why he snuck in to see his girlfriend. But one of the dorm mothers could come at any time. "I think it’s fine now," Chichi said softly when she doesn’t hear any more noises. Sunoh took the opportunity and kissed her. He pressed his lips to hers and let their tongues dance together. Both were quite inexperienced, but they were slowly finding their way. It was only important to them that they felt themselves. And Sunoh got lost more and more. He took his hand and stroked her hip, because he wanted to feel her body too. But the next moment they heard a scream and Chichi saw one of their dorm mothers. "RUN!", Chichi shouted to Sunoh, who nodded. Because he knew that if he was caught, the dorm mothers could call the police. "Chichi Nakamoto! Immediately to my office!", Shouted the dorm mother and Chichi knew that she would get in a lot of trouble, but it was worth it all to her.
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Miga was standing in the elevator and was about to go home, when Jaemin stepped in to it. She just looked at him but said nothing. Jaemin didn't like that at all and he stood opposite her. "Aren't you talking to me anymore?" He leaned against the wall and looked at the floor. "Yes, but what can I say?" Miga pressed her lips together like her father always did and then he realized again who he was running after. Therefore he said nothing and for a few seconds the signal tone sounded that they were now on the first floor. Miga was the first to go out and she left quickly so that she no longer had to face Jaemin. And Jaemin gave her the room and let her go. But at the same time he saw Hyunjin standing down there with some of his members and he decided to stay a little closer to her. He had a problem with Hyunjin, he didn't want him here...or to be with Miga. "THERE SHE IS!" Miga heard this and everyone standing in the entrance hall. Miga turned around in surprise because she knew this voice too well. When she saw him, she froze and was about to have a panic attack. "You destroyed everything." It was Soori, her ex-boyfriend and the guy who wanted to rape her with his friend a few weeks ago. He came up to her and he was angry. Miga couldn't move anymore. Fear flowed through her body and she felt helpless. "You're telling lies and ruining my career!" Soori pointed a finger at her and came menacingly close. Everyone around them was looking and nobody was doing anything. There were enough people around her. But Jaemin knew his face and had to do something. "You bitch tell lies and that's why I got kicked out of JYP." Soori clenched his fists and now Hyunjin also noticed that something was wrong here. "Something bad happened," said Hyunjin and started walking. Kiha and Dabin looked at each other and followed him. "You're going to pay for it bitch!" Soori shouted now, but now Jaemin intervened and the other boys stood there too. "Don't talk like that. I know exactly what happened." Jaemin stood between her and Soori and got angry. "You have no plan," Soori hissed and looked at Jaemin disapprovingly. "Are you fucking her?" Soori laughed and Jaemin was provoked by the question. "Leave her alone!" Jaemin screamed to Soori and meanwhile Hyunjin took Miga back. She was still completely frozen. Her hands trembled and Hyunjin took her hand in his. Before it got violent, before Jaemin beat the boy, Kiha and Dabin held him back. In the next moment the security was already there and pulled the two apart. And the CEO of SM was also notified and came downstairs. Miga lost her mind, her sight grew blacker and blacker. "Come on, let's sit down," said Hyunjin gently and led her to the nearest seat. In the corner of his eye he saw Jaemin talking to the CEO and the security and Irene was there too. Miga remained silent, but her body was full of fear. "They called the police," said Kiha and crouched down next to the two of them. "Look, everything will be fine." Hyunjin stroked her shoulder and tried to calm her down and it have an effect. Miga swallowed, then nodded. Slowly she could breathe again and the touch of Hyunjin was so gentle. But suddenly Irene came up to her and crouched in front of Miga. "We can't reach your parents, but I'll drive you home now. Is that okay?" She asked gently, stroking her hand empathetically. "Okay", Miga then said softly and Irene looked at Hyunjin, who reluctantly let go of her. "I'll call you," he said quietly and Miga nodded, still dazed. "Come over." Irene supported her and nodded to Jaemin. When Irene was in the car with Miga and drove off, she decided to talk to her openly and honestly. "Jaemin told me," she began, looking out into the street. Miga wasn't that surprised, that's why she was still staring into space. "It happened to me too ... not just once ..." Irene sighed and she couldn't look Miga in the eye. Now Miga was surprised and she stared at her. "Just...I couldn't get away with it. I let it go over me ..." Irene swallowed, because it was difficult for her to talk about the abuse. Tears gathered in her eyes and she could barely speak. "How did you get over it?" Miga then asked, because she still had nightmares from that night sometimes, even if nothing happened to her. "I never got over it, I've learned more to live with my demons," she said gently and tried to smile. "Oh ..." Miga looked at her hands and didn't quite know what to say. But then Irene turned back to her for the first time. "You remind me of me back then. So pretty, so talented, so popular. You are really lucky your father is here, but he can't always protect you." Irene sighed and tried to be honest with her. "What do you mean?" Miga wasn't sure what to interpret. "You are unique and you are uniquely beautiful. Men want to own something like you. Beware of these!" Irene clawed her finger tighter into the steering wheel and Miga could see so many emotions in her. Miga didn't know what to say and so the two drove on in silence. Irene took her home, put her to bed, and made her some tea. "Thank you," Miga then said and Irene smiled gently. "We women have to be strong together."
Miga was able to calm down a bit at home and she also persuaded Irene that she should leave. She didn't want her father to know about the incident. It was all incredibly uncomfortable for her. She talked to Hyunjin for a while, but then the door opened and her parents came home. Miga immediately ran to her parents. "Where have you been? I couldn't reach anyone. I was worried ..." Suddenly she recognized the baby in your arms and your daughter froze. "What baby is that?" Asked Miga, surprised and could hardly move. "Oh, my phone is still in the office", you say when you realize that you don't have your phone with you. "Oh and I forgot mine at home." Jaehyun saw it already lying on the dresser in the corner of his eye. "WHAT BABY IS THAT?" Miga asked again. "This is our new foster child," you say and smile gently. "Foster child?" Asked Miga and you nodded. "Will you make us some coffee? We have a lot to tell you," said Jaehyun and gently stroked his daughter's hair. Miga nodded and went into the kitchen.
"She's so beautiful. Maybe it's fate," you say later and stroke the baby's delicate head. Miga has received the news well. Your sons weren't home yet, but you were curious to see what they would say. "Yes ... maybe it really is," Jaehyun said softly and looked dreamily at the child. Perhaps it was not your destiny to have a child because it was predetermined that you would have this girl. But the next moment you hear several noises outside of your house. "What is that?" You ask and look confused at Jaehyun. In the meantime Miga came to you too and didn't quite know what was happening. "Did you hear that too?", She asked and Jaehyun got up immediately and went to the front door. And he couldn't believe what he saw. Yuta and Sunoh stood facing each other and yelled at each other. "I trusted you and you take advantage of her." Yuta approached Sunoh and grabbed his shirt to aggressively to pull him towards him. "I would never do anything to her," Sunoh said aloud and did not give in. "What's going on here?", Jaehyun asked and tried to intervene. "You are letting your boy go to Japan to take away my girl's innocence." Now Yuta attacked Jaehyun and was totally senseless. "I didn't take her innocence away. She's my girlfriend now," said Sunoh, really desperate. "Ohh you're finally together now?", Miga asked and smiled, but it was just the wrong time to be happy. "I get a call from Chichi's dorm mother that she was caught with a boy she was making out with. It was SUNOH!" Yuta turned back to the boy and clenched his fist. "Hey, take it easy. We already know this would happen," said Jaehyun and tried to calm his friend down. "What? No! How should we know?" Yuta turned away from Sunoh again. "Chichi stayed here with him many times." Jaehyun looked surprised at Yuta and Miga pulled her brother away a bit. "Yes, because she stayed at Miga's," said the father. Jaehyun looked questioningly at his son, who just shrugged his shoulders. Sunoh didn't know about it either. "No, she stayed at Sunoh. I think there is a lot of misunderstanding here and we should talk them down." Jaehyun wanted to calm down and at first Yuta seemed to be completely chilled. But something suddenly changed his mind. "No. Chichi is not allowed to do anything with Sunoh anymore, it's over between you. You are too young for a relationship," he said to Sunoh. "Maybe that's a bit extreme. Maybe .." Jaehyun couldn't go on talking then. "No, you have a daughter of your own. You should know better." Yuta turned angrily and got into his car. Jaehyun, Sunoh and Miga looked after him in disbelief. "Dad, I didn't ... I just ... a kiss ..." Sunoh was really desperate. In two days Chichi would come back and now he wasn't allowed to see her anymore. "I'll talk to him again, okay?" Jaehyun smiled gently and put his hand on his shoulder. "Thanks Dad," Sunoh said and sighed. "Look, here comes Geon and Kiwoo." Miga waved to her other brothers who had just returned from school and Geon immediately smiled when he saw his older sister. "Sunoh, you're back," said Kiwoo and hugged his big brother. "Yes, it's good to be back here," said Sunoh and Geon also hugged him. "Come on in guys, Mum and I have a surprise," said Jaehyun and looked at his three sons. Miga followed them, but already knew what was going to happen. And so all five went in and you wait for them in the living room. You are sitting on the couch with the little girl in your arms. The boys walked in and they immediately looked at you, confused. "Who owns the baby?", Sunoh asked confused and looked at his father. "Somebody didn't want this little miracle and we decided to take it with us," you say and smile gently. "Wow, do you really want that?", Sunoh asked further and Jaehyun and you nodded. "So you adopt her?", Geon asked and you nod again. "Yes, we cannot adopt her yet, but we have submitted all the papers today." ”Does she have a name?”, asked Geon. ”Not now. But we can think together about it.” You smiled and you were so relived that the boys accepted her. "Hello sister," said Kiwoo and sat down next to you. At that moment you were glad that your children reacted so lovingly and you couldn't wait to start with a new baby.
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providentia masterlist
daddy jaehyun masterlist
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seonghwashibber · 3 years
Proving to love: Part 5 ~ Sweet Touch 
Pairing: Tattoo Artist! Single Dad! Yeosang x Teacher Reader
Genre: Smut, Language...The chapter is just a bit smutty for viewers! 
Note: This is my first time writing smut, forgive me for being gone for a bit, I was reading but not writing, I got sick. But thankfully I got this up and ready for you guys. 
Wives; Minnie, Choi, Jena, Coco, Amy, Julia, Meilina 
Tag List: @latte-fairytaekwoon @queenofgames @moonchildsmoon @subways-stuff @actuallythatwaspromise @softvelvetkisses @little-precious-baby @seacottons @euphoriamingi @sunsethw4 @cofffeluver1017924 @etherealyoonghwa 
Part 4
Scenario: Yeosang and Y/n have a moment that brings them closer together. Ji-Hyun is up to something and isn’t done with her main goal. Y/n catches her in the act of her daily moment with Yuna. 
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Yuna gave her aunts and uncles hugs, waving bye to the kids, when the whole family was gone, she begin to pout. The pain in her chest, she felt it, it wasn’t the type of chest pain you get when you struggle to burp. No, it was the chest pain you experience when your heart has been shot by something sad. Ji-Hyun never wanted to be bothered with Yuna which the young girl was self aware and the feeling was very much mutual to the small girl. Instead she was sad, her father had never skipped out reading her bedtime stories, and Ji-Hyun was too busy gossiping on the phone. Too much that she didn’t care if Yuna was given a bedtime story that night or not. 
“Eomma,” she spoke gently as she walked in the room. Ji-Hyun glared at the child. “What do you want brat?” she asked. “I was wondering if you could read me a story?” Yuna asked. Ji-Hyun rolled her eyes before slightly tugging the child in her bedroom. “Just lay down and go to bed, we aren’t doing this tonight,”. With that said Ji-Hyun closed Yuna’s bedroom door. Leaving the small girl to have tears as she cuddled under her blanket, feeling sad without the comforting words from her dad. The warm embrace you gave her when you came over.
{Meanwhile Yeosang and Y/n}
You were pretty shocked by Yeosang’s sudden change in attitude, one minute he was calm, ignoring you, he didn’t bother even saying a small word. And after you played your little game and he spotted Jungkook, his mood changed. He wasn’t the same sweet Yeosang, the one who would pamper his daughter, always give what she asked for. The same one who would let his daughter sit in the tattoo shop, her eyes scanning the art work on someone’s skin while praising her fathers work. The same man who would cuddle his daughter and talk to you, who would offer you some help. He was much different, He wasn’t gentle with his hold on you, he wasn’t even bothered with what people were thinking. He wasn’t giving you a soft and gentle embrace. He was scanning you like you were some piece of meat that belonged to only him. Without even a thought he did indeed drag you off to a hotel. You hated how much the plan worked, but you loved how you could feel his touch after so long. 
“Spacing out already kitten?” he questioned, his voice was laced with lust. He looked right in your eyes, closing the door and pulled you tightly against his body. “Cat got your tongue? Not so tough now are you?” He asked as he smirked at your silence. You didn’t wanna break eye contact with the man. He made it too hard, instead all you could do was stare at his lips. “Do you know why we’re here?” he asked. Nodding your head, you responded. “I do, But are you really capable of handling me? I mean only a wimp of a man would choose someone else, he only leaves what he can’t tame,” you teased. Yeosang growled a bit before he had pulled you into a rough kiss. His hands going lower, placed on your ass as he gave it a squeeze. You yelp, giving his tongue access inside of your mouth. You hated to admit how could it felt to have a feeling of him. How could someone who hurt you so much, bring you so much pleasure. He begin to bite and kiss your neck, being sure he left a mark on your body, he wanted to claim you. He knew deep down he couldn’t and it was wrong but he wanted this moment with you. 
“Usually I never give you simple instructions since you never wanna follow anything I say, it feels like you do these things because you want me, now,” he begin to speak more as he removed the clothes from your body. Only leaving you in your bra and your panties. “Since you claim that I can’t tame you, how about you get on the bed and let me prove it to you?” he smirked. “I don’t have to listen to you,”  you said. He raised his brow as he leaned closer, leaning you back on the bed. He crawled on top of you, you could feel his bulge, his eyes were full of lust. He begins to kiss your neck, biting on the skin, your small whimpers sounded like heaven to his ears. “You taste good baby, but what if I want more?” he said. His lips peppered your breast with kisses, his hands begin to work on your bra, removing it slowly but surely. He knew what he was doing, he knew exactly what you wanted at the moment. But he felt like making you work for it. “I want more,” you say. Yeosang chuckles as he sucks your nipple, the moan you let out sent him into a trance. “Tell me what you want baby,” he said as he kissed down your body. “I want you, I want you to taste me, I want you to kiss me all over, mark me, I want you so much Yeosang, please,” you beg. 
He pushes your panties aside, His tongue licking your folds, your hands grip the sheets at the sudden feeling of pleasure. “You taste sweet but you have to work for my cock,” he chuckled. Both fingers pump into you slowly, you can’t even begin to use words and he liked it, that’s how he wanted it. He wanted you to be a mess, such a mess that you couldn’t talk, you couldn’t even form words, but his most important job, was going balls deep into you, making you feel him for weeks, he was gonna have you wanting him again. He pumps faster, and you soon release all your juices and pre-cum on his fingers, he sucks on his fingers in pleasure. “You were so wet, I didn’t have a problem with fucking you on my fingers,”. He stood up from the bed, removing his clothes, your eyes darted towards his lower area, he was big, a good enough size. “Now, if you want my cock in your little cunt, you’ll suck me off first, it’s the only way baby,” he said. But you wanted to keep up your little game. “I don’t have to listen to you, not a word you say,” you tease. He chuckles. “You don’t, but if you want me to fill you up, only with my cum, and you want to remember me, you’ll listen to what I say,”. He knew you would listen to him at the moment. 
Opening your mouth, you took him in, licking the tip, swirling your tongue. He threw his head back as his hands found their way in your hair “Fuck, your mouth feels so good,” he said. You moan, loving the vibration he would feel from your mouth. You knew he was feeling it, you knew he was going to be on the edge. And you hated to admit it, but the thought of being used by him, however he wanted, made you throb. “Fuck, Y/n,”. Yeosang tangled his fingers in your hair, soon fucking himself into your mouth, releasing his cum. “Swallow for me,” he commanded. You listened to his words, swallowing the white like liquid. Yeosang moved you back on the bed, he spreads your legs, you were already wanting him inside of you, and he was wanting to be inside of you. “Is this your first time?” he asked. You shook your head, Yeosang slowly pushes himself inside of you. “I’m gonna make a mess of you,”. He begins to thrust at a slow rate, you both moan, he leans down to kiss you, your kisses were sloppy, but you knew deep through the lust, there was love in it. There was no childish game or jealousy, you knew that. Yeosang could deny it all he wanted but you knew what was happening held love as well, maybe jealousy and anger was covering it. Yet it felt like Yeosang truly wanted this, and you could tell you both wanted each other. 
His bites your nipple, making you whimper in pain and pleasure. “Tell me how I make you feel, tell me everything,” he said. You moan loudly, as you look in his eyes, lust covering you both. “You make me feel so good, you f-fuck me like no one else does, I want you to move deeper, faster, please!” you scream. Yeosang hearing that sent him over the edge, he pushes your legs upward as he goes deeper in you, moving faster with each thrust. The way you wrapped around him, he loved it, he loved how your boobs bounced, how you whimper and moan, even scream for him. .This is what he wanted, for you to become a mess, just for him. “You like it raw huh? You like when I fuck you? You know who this pussy belongs too?” he asked. Nodding your head, he thrust faster than before, the bed making noise with each of your movements. “Say it loud, I want everyone to hear who it belongs too,” he said. “N-No, that’s embarrassing,” you blush. His hands gently wrap around your neck. “Say it baby, tell them who it belongs too,” he said. “It belongs to Yeosang! I belong to Yeosang!” you scream out. You felt so close, but you knew he did too. 
“I’m gonna cum,” you moan. “M-Me too,” he said. With one more thrust, Yeosang had released all his seed in you, both of you panting from the sudden rough sex. “Fuck, I love you,” he breathed as he laid his head down on your exposed chest. “You...What?” you asked. He raised his head up, looking into your eyes, this time it wasn’t with lust, it was with love. “I said I love you...I thought if I fought back from you, I would move on, be happy with Yuna’s mom, but truth be told, I never forgot you, I miss you everyday, And when...I seen you with that guy...I knew at that moment I was losing you,”. You kiss his forehead. “Yeosang, Baby, You weren’t losing me....Neither was Yuna, I love you both,” you said. He gives you a caring kiss, he moves behind you, covering you both up. ‘We can talk more about this tomorrow, in the meantime, let’s get some rest,”. 
{Next Morning}
You wake up as your eyes tried adjusting to the sudden light in the room, groaning you had raised up. The spot in the bed was empty, Yeosang’s clothes weren’t on the floor, his shoes were gone, you remember his words as a smile showed up on your face. You suddenly seen a note laying down. 
Y/n, I had to leave this morning, stop by the shop and see what the guys needed, you can go to the house and wait for me there. I believe Ji-hyun is waiting to leave this morning so please go watch Yuna in the meantime. Love you ~ Yeosang 
Checking the time you knew that you should get dress, go to your home, shower and get ready there, Stop by the school to see what’s needed and head to the house. Things felt like they would soon be going back to normal once again, just maybe and possibly. Meanwhile. 
Yuna had fixed the butterfly clip in her hair as she frowned looking in the mirror. She stood on her stepping stool. “I want my appa,” she frowned. “Hey, I’m heading out, watch yourself,” her mom said as she begin to walk downstairs. Yuna followed behind. “You can’t leave me at home until my babysitter gets here,” Yuna protested. The young girl did fear being at home alone, she missed her father, she did. She missed him and you, she felt like without you both, she was alone and had no one else to love her in this world. Ji-Hyun rolled her eyes as she pulled the little girl by her ear, sending pain through it. “You listen to what I have to say,” she said. Yuna cried in pain before biting down on the older woman, Ji-Hyun pushed her away as she cussed at the younger girl. “You little bitch,” Ji-Hyun said as she pulled her hair. Yuna begin to cry, Grabbing the nearest pair of scissors, Ji-Hyun cut her hair. Yuna cried harder, she treasured her hair. She loved her hair. 
Before Ji-Hyun could hit her, You had spotted the situation, Without a single thought, you punched Ji-Hyun. “What is wrong with you?” you asked. You begin to get on top of her, Yuna’s broken state sending your mind into a sudden attack. You begin to beat her, your eyes filled with tears. “You bitch, You took everything from me!. You took Yeosang, You took Yuna...You hurt my daughter,” you yelled as you continued to hit her. Suddenly you heard a bag hit the ground before being picked up off of her, you kicked and screamed. “Calm down,” Yunho said. Ji-Hyun groans as she gets up, wiping the blood from her nose. “Leave, Fucking leave right now,” you said. She shook her head. “Yuna will be living with me, you know why? Because you are crazy,” she said. You felt confused by her words. Until she flashed a small hidden camera. “I kept this thing going in hopes to find a reason to remove Yuna from Yeosang’s life, thank you for giving me that reason,” she smirked. You kicked but Yunho’s grip on you begin to get tighter. Ji-Hyun walked out of the place, you looked over to see Yuna. She was hiding. “Let me go,” you told Yunho. “Are you calm?” he asked. Nodding your head he let go of you, and you rushed over to Yuna. 
“Yuna,” you spoke. She hugged you as she cried into your arms. “Where is appa?” she asked. Frowning you looked around, “I don’t know baby, But I’m sure daddy will be home soon,” you said as you held her, trying to calm her down. “I’ll call him, I’ll have him come home, in the meantime you girls get cleaned up,” he said as he walked out getting ready to call Yeosang home. Picking her up you sat on the couch, Yuna on your lap, her face buried in your warm embrace. “How long has this been going on?” you asked. “Since she came back, I was scared to say anything but you and appa weren’t around,” she explained. Your heart broke at her words, you knew it was true. You guys were both so immature that neither of you really thought of her feelings in the mix of everything. You felt really bad because of that too. “Let’s get you cleaned up,” you said. 
-T I M E S K I P- 
Yeosang rushed inside as he looked to find the place empty, he did see hair in the floor, and he knew it was Yuna’s hair. He speeds upstairs to find you coloring in the room with Yuna. “Yuna,” he said. She turned back a smile on her face. “Appa,” She cheered. She rushed over as she jumped into his arms, landing perfectly. “Are you okay?” he asked. She nodded her head. “Ms. Y/n protected me from Ji-Hyun, She even called me her daughter,” she chimed. You blushed a little but smiled. “She cut her hair...She had been so cruel to her, I feel bad Yeosang, I feel really bad,” you admitted. He looked between you before sighing. “You play in the room for a bit, me and Y/n are gonna go talk in my room,” he said. Both of you closed her door and walked towards his room, closing the door as you both sat on the edge of the bed. “We haven’t been considering her feelings in all of this, Yeosang, She set me up, She was waiting to get a reaction out of me soon, So she could show to the court that Yuna is in a bad environment and gets to take her away from you,” you frown. “From us, But I’m not gonna let her take our daughter away,” he said. You look over at him in surprise. 
“In the end, I wanted you, You are all that I wanted, Yuna loves you, like a mother, and I fell in love with your motherly ways, I loved when I could see you have a bond with my little girl, I loved how when we were all together, we looked and acted like a family, Last night, you made me feel something, You made me feel like...the only person I need in the end is you,” he confessed as he rubs your bruised knuckles. “I want you in my life, please be my girlfriend...and please....if it’s not too much to ask, could you maybe take up the role as Yuna’s mom?” he asked. Nodding your head with excitement you jumped on him, sending him into a laughing fit and falling back on the bed. “Of course” you kissed him. He wrapped his arms around you before breaking the kiss. “How long until Yuna comes in here?” you asked. “She’s gonna nap soon, every time she colors, she gets ready for bed, so...however long,” he said. “How many rounds?” you asked. He smirked. “However many,”. Taking that as a sign you figured you might as well do it again. 
Your life was changing so quickly, you were thankful for it but at the same time, you had a lot to do next. Fight for Yuna to stay, become the figure you need, and to get Ji-Hyun locked behind bars. You had to admit, things with Yeosang was very much rough, but you are ready to take on whatever is next. 
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blossom-hwa · 4 years
Sunflowers |Summer| - JUYEON
Can’t believe it’s already Juyeon’s birthday!!! Hope deobiblr enjoys my contribution for the birthday of one of the best dancers in the kpop industry <3
I will be doing a taglist for Sunflowers, so if you’d like to be notified when the next part goes up, send me a dm or an ask! Post dates are also on my posting schedule :)
Pairing: Juyeon x gender neutral!reader
Genre: fluff, high school!au
Triggers: cursing
Word Count: 2.3k
Juyeon is just a sunflower, following the light of your smile. 
Summer | Fall | Winter | Spring | Summer, Once More
TBZ Masterlist | Interwoven
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~ in summer, a stranger comes home
. . . . .
It’s the middle of summer when your mom delivers you a little piece of seemingly innocuous news, a piece of glittering information wrapped in old magazines and tied with cheap string to disguise its sparkle. Her voice literally vibrates with excitement when she tells you, which probably should serve as a warning or a signal of some sort, but in your defense, you’re tired from a day of classes and research programs and just want to eat and die.
“Our old neighbors are coming back!” she bursts, a spring in her step that you haven’t seen since the day you were accepted to your current prestigious research camp. “You know, the Lees who used to live next door?”
You blink once, then twice before the information sinks in. A memory settles at the front of your mind. “The Lees?”
“Yes!” She smiles widely. “I missed Yuna so much, I can’t believe she and her family are actually moving back. Don’t you remember, you used to be such good friends with Juyeon?”
More blurry memories of playing in the grass and dancing in the living room with a chubby little boy flash through your mind. You remember playdates that turned into study sessions in middle school, study sessions that disappeared when Juyeon moved away. And though you’d like to forget it, you remember sobbing your eyes out the day he left at the end of summer, the weather turning to fall. Sunflowers were blooming that day, wreathing your lawn in an unfairly bright ring of yellow as you wrapped him in one last hug before his father started the car and the family drove away.
“Mhm,” you only say, taking a box of cookies out of the cupboard. “I remember.”
“Won’t it be so much fun for you two to meet again?” Your mother’s smile turns suggestive as she side-eyes you. “You two were always so adorable together. Didn’t you once say he was your boyfriend in kindergarten?”
That memory makes you cringe. “Thanks, Mom, I was doing a really good job of forgetting that before you mentioned it.”
“Oh, hush.” She shoos you out of the kitchen. “You two were so cute together. I have no doubt you’ll be the best of friends again when they come back.”
“I haven’t seen him in four years, Mom,” you remind her. “People change.”
A glint comes into your mom’s eye. “Maybe so,” she replies cryptically, “but some feelings remain.”
Okay, so in hindsight, you should’ve taken a lot of what she said as a warning that your life was about to get flipped upside down by Juyeon’s homecoming. But with everything already on your mind, you more or less forget about the news until one day towards the end of summer, when your dad tells you to come straight home after your classes.
You stare up at him over your bowl of cereal. “Why?” you ask, mouth full.
“You don’t remember?” Your mom sits down just across from you. “The Lees are moving back in today, and we’ve invited them to dinner!”
Your brain buffers for a good few minutes before you finally recall your dad saying something about “dinner with the Lees when they come back” a couple weeks ago. “I didn’t know they already came back.”
“Well, they are.” Your mom’s fingers tap on the table with excitement. “You have your research, but we’ll be helping them move back in today, and then they’re coming over for dinner. We’ll probably already be home before you get back, so try not to look too messy, okay?”
Wincing, you remember the several still-recovering formic acid burns on your forearms from several days ago. You can’t hide those. “I’ll do my best,” is all you promise.
So that afternoon, instead of staying behind and chatting with a few friends, you find yourself walking down the sidewalk to the front of your house much earlier than usual. There are new cars in the driveway next door.
With the sunflowers beginning to bloom on your and your neighbors’ lawns, it feels eerily similar to the day Juyeon and his family left.
A slight wave of nervousness roils in your stomach. Quickly, as you walk up the pathway to your house, you try to untangle your hair with your fingers, straightening out your shirt as best as you can. As tired as you are, you don’t want to make a bad impression on your parents’ good friends. You don’t exactly want to look horrible in front of Juyeon, either. Even though he probably doesn’t have any idea what you look like anymore.
With a deep breath, you grip the doorknob and twist. It’s locked.
Frowning, you look down at the unmoving handle. Your parents must’ve locked it by force of habit when they came back.
So you knock.
Literally nothing could have prepared you for the boy who opens the door several seconds later to your pounding. He’s tall, muscled, with fine features and a curious look in his eyes, and he looks vaguely familiar.
For several seconds, the two of you just stare at each other, neither saying a word. As you’re trying to figure out why a really hot guy is at your house right now, a much more familiar woman appears in your line of vision, smiling widely as she holds out her arms to you. “Oh, my!” she cries, pushing past the boy to wrap you up in a hug. “I haven’t seen you in so long! You’ve grown so much!”
“Hi, Mrs. Lee,” you reply, still trying to figure out who the tall boy is. It isn’t until she starts pulling away that you realize he has her nose and her eyes.
Then –
Oh, fuck.
Oh, fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.
You nearly stumble back into the door from shock. “JUYEON?”
. . .
Juyeon thought his feelings for you had disappeared, he really did. When he moved away and thought he was never coming back, he took the love he’d held for you for so long, put it into a box at the back of his heart, locked it, and threw the key away. And as the years slowly passed, one after another, the box slowly disappeared from the forefront of Juyeon’s mind. He never forgot about it, but memories of you eventually stopped plaguing his mind day and night.
But that box never disappeared, not really. He thought it did, thought it dissolved into nothing over the years. Instead, it stayed, small but there, waiting for the right moment to burst and flood his body with the feelings he’d so carefully packed away so long ago.
That right moment is apparently when he opens the door to see a face he really never thought he’d ever see again.
Juyeon doesn’t recognize you, not at first. At second glance, he can pick out some distinct features that stayed the same (namely the sparkle in your eyes that hasn’t changed, even after all this time away). But during those first moments when he opens the door, he just stands there, trying to figure out who this person in front of him is.
Then it hits him, and the box of feelings explodes just as his mom starts pushing him away to wrap you in a hug.
You clearly don’t recognize him, judging by the curious looks you keep giving him over his mom’s shoulder. That makes Juyeon self-conscious – he hasn’t changed that much from when he left, has he? – and the embarrassment only compounds when you stumble back into the door, eyes widening as you yell his name in shock.
So, suffice to say, the conversation between you two at dinner is almost nonexistent. You look like you want the ground to eat you alive in your seat across from Juyeon, eyes barely looking up throughout the whole meal, talking only when someone asks you a direct question. Meanwhile, Juyeon’s stuck in his head.
Why, he despairs, didn’t these feelings actually disappear? Why does he still want to look into your eyes, get lost in your gaze like he used to so many years ago? Thoughts spin in circles in his head, thoughts of how you’ve changed and how you’ve stayed the same and how, oh God, his heart still races like no tomorrow when you meet his eyes for the briefest second before looking away out of embarrassment.
Juyeon needs a moment. He needs a moment to breathe, to think, to reason himself through this whole situation, which is why he volunteers to wash the dishes after dinner. Your mom starts praising him for being a perfect son and he dutifully lowers his head in embarrassed acknowledgment, thanking the heavens that he’ll have a moment to actually think, before she then looks at you to ask, “Why don’t you help Juyeon too?” and the world starts crumbling around his feet.
In perfect tandem, the two of you start picking up empty plates and bowls and carrying them to the kitchen sink. The adults make their way to the living room, laughing and chattering loudly, which only makes the potent silence between you two more prominent.
“I can wash,” you offer awkwardly, still barely able to look Juyeon in the eye (which is perfectly fine, because he thinks he might combust if you do just that). “You can dry? If you’re all right with that.”
“Yeah, that’s fine.” Juyeon tries to flash a smile, hoping it isn’t too shaky (the thumping in his heart makes it feel like the world is trembling around his feet). As the water runs and you start passing plates over to him, he does his best to ignore how close you are, how easy it would be to accidentally brush your arm with his.
Silence reigns until half the dishes are dry, and then you open your mouth. “Sorry about earlier,” you blurt, embarrassment and shame visible on your face. “I, uh, didn’t recognize you at first. Freaked out for a second.”
It’s surprisingly easy to laugh at that, to laugh at a statement that’s so blatantly you. You still haven’t changed, Juyeon thinks – you’re still the same bluntly apologetic friend he was in love with four years ago. It cheers him when your lips begin to turn up at his burst of laughter, face still embarrassed but beginning to warm with some happiness. “It’s okay,” he says, drying the next plate. “I didn’t recognize you either, not at first.”
“Well, I guess we can say that we’ve both changed,” you acknowledge, finally looking up fully.
Your smile could bring legions to their knees, Juyeon thinks. It certainly stops his hands from drying the next dish – in fact, he almost drops it. Even though the curve of your lips is small and he can’t see all of your teeth, the sparkle in your eye more than makes up for it. “Yeah,” he breathes. “Yeah.”
The two of you scrub dishes for the next few minutes in quiet again. Juyeon has no idea what you’re thinking, but he’s just trying to calm the beating in his heart.
This is not how he expected to feel when he moved back. Not at all. What he’s feeling isn’t even just everything he locked away at the end of seventh grade – somehow, the emotions have multiplied, compounded over years of neglect, and now he’s getting the full force of it.
“My mom wants us to be friends again,” you say, breaking the silence once again. “What do you think about that?”
Um, what the fuck is that supposed to mean? Juyeon thinks. Do you want to be his friend again? Or are you only trying to be nice to him for the sake of your parents?
“Well.” Juyeon bites his lip. “If you want to be friends again, I’d like that. But if it’s, um, just because of your mom, we don’t have to.”
At that, you smack a rubber-gloved, soapy hand against your head, shrieking slightly when you realize there are suds in your hair. Juyeon laughs, really laughs as he hands you a towel from a nearby rack. “God, I’m a fucking mess,” you groan, wiping the bubbles from your forehead. “Sorry. I didn’t mean that. I don’t want to be your friend again just because of our parents, that was just the only way I could think of to bring up the topic and yeah, I should’ve thought this out, I’m a fucking idiot.”
“Didn’t you get into one of the most prestigious research camps in the country?” Juyeon counters, hands moving automatically to take the towel from you and wiping off the suds himself. “You’re not an idiot.”
“Yes, I am.” You sigh. “I think it’d be nice to be friends again. If that’s fine with you.”
With your words fluttering in his heart, it takes Juyeon a good moment to realize he’s been standing with the towel pressed against your head for a full few seconds. Heat rising to his ears (he hopes you don’t see that), he quickly wipes off the last of the bubbles and returns the towel to the rack. “That’d be nice,” he echoes softly. “I’d like that.”
The smile you give him, tentative but much wider than before, makes Juyeon feel like he’s flying. He’s so far gone, he thinks, drying the last dish. He’s only seen you again for a few hours, and already your smile has him feeling some kind of way.
He’d follow that smile, he thinks. He’d follow that smile anywhere, just like one of the sunflowers on your lawn outside chasing the sun from dawn to dusk. That’s all he is, after all. A sunflower, following the light of your smile.
And as you look up, eyes scrunched as he says something to make you laugh, Juyeon doesn’t think he minds.
Not in the slightest.
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obviouslyelementary · 4 years
We are family - part one
This will be a bunch of one shots that I’m going to do, most of them with a twist or an au of my choice. They won’t be connected, and they won’t have any ships in them. Feel free to send me ideas over my ask or in teh comments for more!
Warnings: Blind!Janus; light angst; happy ending. 
Tag list: @yuna-dan
Being Blind
Sometimes they just... forgot that he was blind.
Patton would come and wrap him in a hug with no warning, and he would hiss and jump away because it startled him, not because he didn't appreciate the hug.
Sometimes Roman would come over and steal his hat and he would gasp and turn around desperately trying to reach it because he had no idea how his hair looked like and he didn't want anyone to see it messy or puffy.
Virgil, whenever he forgot, would just come and touch his shoulder out of nowhere and make him tense up and almost freeze at how sudden the touch was.
Remus was surely the worst, forgetting almost all the time and asking for him to catch something before throwing whatever it was at his direction with no regards if he would catch it or not.
And Logan, well, he rarely forgot, but when he did he would make his way around quietly but just loud enough for him to feel like someone was around, but whenever he asked, Logan would be too worried with whatever he was doing and simply not answer, giving him a horrible sense of unease.
So yes, Janus was blind, and since he had been recently added to the list of Thomas' sides, they tended to forget that little fact because his eyes looked normal, and thus, they always thought he just saw like they did.
They always apologized, but it usually left him so uneasy that the apologies didn't do much. He just wished they would remember more.
So once again, after Remus threw something at him that he did not see, and it ended up hitting his face and cutting his lip and cheek, Janus ended up at Patton's bathroom, sitting on the toilet as he cleaned his cuts up.
"Jan, please stop squirming, I need to clean this up so it doesn't get infected" Patton said, keeping a hand on Janus' face so he wouldn't get startled when the other hand came closer with the cotton ball. It didn't help much, and every time Patton touched his cheek with the cotton, Janus flinched and took a second to recompose himself. "Janus."
"I'm sorry I can't not flinch when something comes close to my face Patton!" he complained, hissing at the end, flinching when Patton touched his lip with the ball. "Besides it fucking stings!"
"Don't be rude Janus" Patton reprimanded, sighing and pulling away. "Look, it's all done, can I at least put a band aid?"
"Yeah sure whatever" Janus mumbled, closing his eyes and sighing. Or were they already closed? He didn't know he wasn't paying attention. He flinched again when Patton's hand touched his face, but relaxed as he fixed his band aids. "Thanks."
"You're welcome. I'll tell Remus to stop being so careless" he assured, and then pulled away, staying silent for a moment. Janus stood still, and as the silence continued, he tensed up, not having heard him leave but knowing that Patton could leave without him noticing.
"Patton?" he asked, uncertain, and the dad side sighed, taking Janus' hand on his own.
"I'm here."
"Then why did you get all silent?"
"I don't know Jan."
"Were you trying to tease me?"
"Janus, no, of course n-"
"I can't believe you" Janus said, offended, standing up quickly and tapping around for his staff until he grabbed the curved edge and firmly supported it on the ground. "Excuse me, I have better things to do."
He made his way out of the bathroom, feeling offended and frustrated, guiding himself through the mind palace and heading to his own room. Before he could make it, he heard someone yelling 'GET OUT OF THE WAY!' and suddenly a large body hit his, sending him straight to the floor and making him groan loudly.
"Janus oh my god I'm so sorry" Roman said, pulling him up in a sitting position, just as Janus heard Remus' giggle and Roman groaning. "Oh that doesn't count!"
"Tag, you're it."
"You two are fucking unbelievable" Janus growled, pushing Roman away and getting himself up before finding his bearings by the feeling of the rails next to the stairs. Then he walked away towards his room in a rush, feeling the textured handle and opening the door before closing it hard with a loud groan and a frustrated sigh.
Somedays that house was fucking impossible.
"Oh you're back" Janus heard someone say and let out a yell, pointing his staff to the direction of the speaker. "Calm down Janus I'm here to talk."
"How many times have I told you I don't want anyone in my room?!" he yelled, angrily, and Virgil shrugged from his bed. Janus knew because he could listen to the bed squeaking.
"I know but I had to talk to you so I waited here."
"Great. Get out."
"But I have to t-"
"GET OUT!" Janus yelled, waving his staff and making gusts of wind get out of it towards the entire room. He was so frustrated that he didn't want to talk. "OUT VIRGIL!"
"Okay okay!" Virgil said and sunk down, making a soft sound to indicate he had done so, and Janus stopped the wind, let out a groan and walking to his bed, laying down and pressing his face into the pillows as his eyes teared up.
Most days were fine, but some days were really frustrating, to be blind around a place of seeing.
He didn't realize he had fallen asleep due to his frustration until he heard someone knocking on the door. He groaned, pushing himself up and sighing as he sat with his legs crossed, assuring himself he was clothed and with his hat and gloves on before allowing whoever it was to come inside.
"Janus" he heard Logan speaking, his voice always soft and calm. "I heard from the others that you are having a bad day. Do you need anything?"
"I need to see" Janus said, frustrated, and sighed deeply. "No I don't... thank you Logan."
"Well, I asked Patton to make some of your favorites for snacks, if you want to come downstairs. We are going to watch a movie, comments on."
Janus pressed his lips together, knowing that they had thought that up because he was feeling frustrated, and gave Logan a small smile, removing his hat and gloves and reaching out for him.
"Help me find my onesie?" he asked, and soon Logan took his hands, pulling him up to his feet.
"Of course."
After a short time looking for the onesie, Logan found it, and Janus changed into it. Then they went downstairs, with Janus' hat, gloves and staff back at his room, being guided by Logan, whom he trusted the most for it. He smelled sweet popcorn and hot cocoa, and smiled to himself, sitting down on the couch and crossing his legs as Logan sat next to him, someone warm and small on his other side.
"Do you want to cuddle Virgil?" Janus asked, and the small side next to him nodded, nuzzling between his arm and side until Janus wrapped an arm around him and pulled him closer.
Someone handed him the popcorn and he thanked them, just as the film started. As the description began, Janus noticed they had put on Chicago, his favorite musical, and smiled to himself, leaning against Logan and feeling him getting more comfortable and relaxed.
He could have some frustrating days, and sometimes they really forgot that he had his own disabilities, but they were the best, and they tried their hardest.
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Here she is!!! I finally got round to drawing her again and I’m actually relatively happy with how she turned out. She is one of my favourite ocs and I love her to bits - I made her almost a year ago when I was thinking about some random EctoLoader headcanons and suddenly had the urge to give them a child...and so then she was designed :D I wasn’t sure if I wanted to post my initial designs as well because I really don’t like the look of my old art but you know why not:
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Please keep in mind that these are quite old and um...not that brilliant but they were my first quick sketches of her and I ended up writing a whole entire backstory for her so yeah! (Now that I look back at it I realise I didn’t make her hair poofy enough in the new drawing...also the page ripped and I was really sad about that-) anyway here’s some info about her (under the cut because it ended up a little longer than I expected):
AH I forgot to say!! There are mentions of death and severe injury and other stuff like that in the backstory so please read with caution!
Name -> Yuna Makimi
Age -> 17
Quirk -> “Adapt” - her quirk allows her to adapt certain parts of her body to suit whatever situation she is in. A main example of this would be when she creates little pads on the ends of her fingers which pick up vibrations, enabling her to “see” her surroundings a little better. However she cannot use her quirk to restore parts of her body that are lost/severely damaged (like her legs + eyes).
Occupation -> Student at UA
Current status -> Alive
Family -> Mother (deceased), Father (deceased), Powerloader (adopted dad), Ectoplasm (adopted dad)
Likes -> Dumplings, sitting in flower fields, doing literally anything with her friends + family
More info + backstory:
So, like I mentioned, I came up with her when I was thinking about EctoLoader headcanons and one of these hcs is that after Ecto loses his legs they both go round and pay visits to hospitals and other places to visit the children/patients there - and so yeah.
Yuna was part of quite the loving family, her parents were quite strict but loved her to pieces.
They weren’t the richest of people, and didn’t get along with the rest of their family for whatever reasons, but they were fine together - just the three of them.
That is until the accident that completely changed her life.
At the age of 8 she was caught up in a nasty villain attack as they were driving through the city and their car was completely destroyed. Her parents died at the scene and she was immediately whisked to hospital with very severe injuries.
She lost both her legs and almost all sight in her eyes, her parents were dead and she had nowhere to go, and at such a young age she felt so lost.
2 years passed and still nobody wanted to take her in, they said it would be “too much responsibility” to look after someone like her. And so at that point she had given up on all hope if someday being in a loving family again. Only 10 years old and her life had completely crumbled to pieces.
That is until one day PL swings by on one of his visits and meets this small child who looks as if she never smiles. He speaks to her and she slowly became less shy of this small man that sat in front of her. He decided to visit more often (he was made aware of her situation by one of the nurses that looked after her) and told Ecto all about this sweet little girl who he’d met who was in need of a better life. And over time they contemplated taking her in as their own - they weren’t sure yet but they had thought about it.
One day PL came with a surprise. He had put together a pair of prosthetic legs for her that she had mentioned to him before that she wished she had and that wasn’t all, they mentioned that this time Ecto came along too. She was absolutely overjoyed. She had heard about him and looked up to him a lot, he inspired her to keep going, even though she had lost her legs.
After discussing it with each other, they asked her whether she would be happy to come and live with them, and join a loving family once again. She was taken aback by the offer, as no one had even considered looking after for 2 whole years, but she realised that she was finally offered a normal life again and she was oh so happy with that...and so they adopted her and it was the best decision they ever made.
They helped her get used to her new home and she slowly got more and more comfortable with her new life. Ecto helped her with her therapy, guiding her when she felt lost and confused about what she’s doing. PL helped by tweaking little things about her prosthetics that could help her, and created little items to support her in her walking and her sight. They helped her discover new ways of using her quirk to allow her to be more aware of her surroundings and to help her “see” (she can’t use it to see fully, it just helps her to pinpoint the movements and positions of the objects/people around her a little better).
Soon enough, she was happier than ever, and when she was old enough she brought up her decision of wanting to go to UA. They weren’t sure whether or not she should, for her own safety, but she insisted that even with her disabilities she wanted to try her best at becoming a hero just like them in her own way...even if others believed it was barely possible. And so they allowed it. They taught there anyway so if anything were to happen they would always be close by.
She made a bunch of amazing friends at UA and learnt to handle her quirk in many different ways - expanding it to help her in various different situations. Her classmates would always be there to help her when she needed it but all believed that she was one of the strongest out of all of them - this really made her emotional because it wasn’t something that she ever expected to hear - and hearing this really made Ecto and PL happy, because they had watched as this tiny helpless girl had grown up to become strong, happy and incredibly loved.
And that’s my “little” backstory for her! Sorry its a bit sad and all that but it wouldn’t be one of my backstories if it wasn’t some form of tragic....:/ Anyway have some random headcanons for her->
She cannot ride in a car unless she is holding someone’s hand, this is pretty self-explanatory.
She loves jokes and stupid puns, they make her so incredibly happy it’s unbelievable.
She also loves flowers - they smell nice.
She isn’t entirely blind - she can just about make out shapes and moving objects but without the aid of her quirk she finds it hard to tell the difference between what might be a person and what might just be a large object.
She loves to sing and dance, and she has a beautiful voice, however she gets embarrassed if she gets caught.
She is always happy to spend any sort of time with her dads because with their jobs as heroes, free time can sometimes be very hard to come by.
Sorry how absolutely all over the place this is, I have plenty more headcanons and info about her, but I think I’ve rambled on for quite long enough now! (Plus I kinda just want to post it now because the more I look at the drawing the less I like it-)
Anyway, I hope you like her! She is one of my favourite characters that I’ve made and she makes me very happy. Hopefully, I’ll draw her some more :)
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ssatoritendou · 4 years
Last Minute Valentines
Tendou Satori 
Pairing: tendou/reader
Word Count: 1.3k
+ summary: it’s Valentine’s Day and Satori forgot to get you a gift
Genre: Fluff
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"Tendou what did you get Y/n for Valentine's Day?" Wakatoshi asked the red-headed middle blocker while eating lunch. "I didn't get her anything. Should I have? She's not really a girly-girl I didn't think she would be into that sort of stuff." Tendou responded. "Tendou that's stupid," Goshiki commented while stuffing his face. "Yeah whether Y/n is a girly-girl or not she is still a girl. Plus Y/n has to put up with your annoying ass you should at least get her something." Semi said. "You're right. I gotta go." Tendou said running off from the table. Reon looked at Wakatoshi questionably, "Why did you ask Tendou that question Waka?" "I knew he didn't get her anything and she planned a nice dinner for him."
"Hey Y/n!" You looked outside your classroom and saw Satori in the hallway waving at you to come out. You asked to be excused and walked out into the hallway. "Is everything ok Satori?" "Uh yeah...I was just wondering if we are doing anything tonight?" "Satori you could have just texted me." You giggled at him. "I also wanted to see my beautiful girlfriend." He smiled and started to smother you in a hug. "Satori I can't breathe." He was laughing and pulled away. "I'm sorry beautiful. But are we doing anything tonight? I need to know so I can sneak away from volleyball practice." "Yeah, right you can sneak away." "I'm stealthy like a ninja." He said. "Sure you are Sweetie. Yes, we are having dinner tonight it is Valentine's Day." You smiled. "Oh yeah, right I forgot." He laughed nervously while looking at you to gauge your reaction. "That's...ok Satori. Just come to my dorm around 6:00." You leaned up and he bent down a little bit and kissed his cheek. "I'll see you later Satori." As soon as you walked away his smile faded, "I'm so screwed."
You weren't mad or even upset with Tendou for forgetting Valentine's Day. To be honest it didn't surprise you. It was just in his character to forget a holiday like Valentine's Day. It's not like he forgot your birthday or Christmas. Valentine's Day didn't matter to you because it was one of those holidays that felt like it was made by the greeting cards people. You just wanted to do a small thing with Satori like a real couple. "Where did you go?" Yuna your best friend asked. "Uh, Tendou wanted to talk to me." "Oooh." She smirked. "How is the Guess Monster?" "Same as always. Incredibly weird just the way I like him. He forgot today's Valentine's Day." "Oh no. So that means he forgot to get you a present." "It's whatever it's not a big deal. As long as I can spend some time with him tonight that is what matters." You smiled at the girl. "You are seriously the best girlfriend. Damn if I were a guy..." "You are so weird sometimes. Weirder than Tendou." The two of you laughed.
Tendou was able to convince Semi to cover for him for practice to the coach. He promised Wakatoshi that he would practice harder during the weekend. He left campus and went to a flower shop and a convenience store. "Gift for Y/n...gift...a gift for the love of my life." He whispered to himself. "Hey, kid." The florist said to him. "What are you looking for?" "Something that says I love you so much. That you are perfect and amazing. And I'm sorry I forgot Valentine's Day. Got any roses?" "Sadly son we ran out of those today. A lot of people forgot that today is Valentine's Day." The man laughed. "You know red tulips represent true love and purple represent royalty." "Oh yes, those will do." Tendou smiled. The florist made a small pretty arrangement. He then went to the convenience store. He was able to find a giant box of chocolates and found a teddy bear that smelled like chocolate too. He was happy with his purchases and hope that you would love them too.
You had cleaned up your room and decorated it a little bit with some fairy lights. You ordered take out from Tendou's favorite place and made his favorite homemade chocolate ice cream. You also had a pretty great gift as well for him. You dressed nicely even though it was a night in date. You planned to wear the sweater he got you for Christmas and a pair of jeans. You waited patiently for him to open the door and announce himself like he usually does. But this time you heard really loud knocking. "Hi, baby!" He cheered with 4 presents in hand. "Satori what's all this?" "Well my dear, this is our first Valentine's together and I wanted to make it really cheesy. So a heart-shaped box filled with chocolates. A chocolate smelling bear. But they were out of roses, so I got you tulips. Because I love your two lips." He smirked tapping your lips before diving in and giving a long kiss. "Also red tulips mean true love and purple represent royalty. Which is both how I feel about you and you truest are my ones and only queen." "You are so corny. But I love you anyway and this is above and beyond. It's so sweet. But what's in the box?" "Nuh-uh ah. Not until after we have dinner." You took his hand and sat down on the blanket you laid out with two table tops with food on them with your laptop out. Set to watch an animal documentary series you and Tendou started last weekend.
After dinner, you pulled out the ice cream. "Now it's homemade ice cream. I don't know if it's going to be any good." "Nonsense you made it with love in mind so it will taste great." He took a spoon and made a weird face. Your heart sank a little thinking you messed up one of his gifts. "I'm just kidding with you. It tasted really good. You should have seen your face. I just wanted to kiss it all over to make you stop pouting." "Tendou Satori that was really mean. I don't know if you deserve your next present." You turned away from him. "Oh, Baby come on I was only playing." "Ok fine. I really like this present I got you. So my dad knows this guy that works for drum roll please..." Tendou started tapping his lap. "At Shonen Jump. So I talked to him and he gave us a pass to come in and we can get a tour of the place where they make them." Tendou was speechless. He didn't know what to say or how to react. "I know it might sound boring-" "Boring no! Y/n this is like the best gift ever. You are the only person I can really talk about Shonen with. You are so awesome. It makes my last present fail in comparison to what this means to me." "I'll be the judge of that." He handed you the box. You unwrapped it to reveal his volleyball sweatshirt. "It's my back up jacket but I wanted you to have it to wear to the games so everyone knows that you're mine and you look really cute in it as well." He smiled happily and had a little bit of blush on his cheeks. When he opened his eyes from smiling he looked down at you and saw little tears in your eyes. "Did I upset-" You tackled him to the ground and kissed his face all over. "It's perfect Satori! I love you." "I love you too, Y/n." "Best Valentine's Day ever." You sighed as he held you.
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myglogic · 5 years
Happiness (Jackson Wang x Reader)
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Pairing: Jackson Wang (GOT7) x Reader
Genre: Fluff, enemies to lovers (kinda), fake dating AU
Word count: 4,3k
Summary: When your family’s yearly gathering was coming up, you didn’t want to go really. Not wanting to end up going alone again, you happen to tell your parents that Jackson is your boyfriend. The problem was that Jackson didn’t really like you. Oh, well.
You were happy with your life. Anyone hearing this sentence would think different things. Think about things that make you happy. Some people might say it’s their family, their friends or even their pets. Others might say even trivial things such as ice cream or just a sunny day. For some people, true happiness means a perfect life. A great family, a job you loved and someone in your life who loved you more than anything in this world.
Your life was far from that perfect world. But that didn’t mean that you weren’t happy. You really were. You were a regular university student who studied arts. Something that your family didn’t really approve of. They wanted you to study something sophisticated like your sister, Yuna, who was two semesters away from becoming a doctor. Your family was wealthy but after hearing your plans to go after your dream to have an art gallery with art from all around the world, they decided to not pay for your tuition for college.
It didn’t matter to you. You said that it was fine. Your mother was a bit more accepting than your father but they weren’t really proud of telling their friends about you. They preferred to talk about your future doctor sister and gloated about it.
Remember the perfect life that was mentioned earlier on? Perfect family, perfect boyfriend and all that. Your sister did have that (even though you thought that her boyfriend was kind of a douche). You didn’t have a boyfriend or a degree that could make you rich. You didn’t want to cut your family off though. You still went to the annual family gatherings they arranged every year. It was a pain in the ass, honestly. Everyone judged you for what you were doing with your life. But you didn’t care about their opinions. You were still a part of this family.
You could say that you were kind of the black sheep in the family. But at least you were doing something that you loved. Your university was a few hours away from home, so you weren’t always reminded of the fact that you were a disappointment to the family. Your friends in university did not judge you. No one really did. There were a few exceptions but doesn’t every university have those kinds of people?
You also were close to graduating. You mainly focused on arts in your studies but you also took a few courses about business strategies. If you wanted to become successful, business sure helped with that. You were pretty confident when it came to mathematics and numbers so the course was really easy for you. You took it with business majors and even they were confused. How could an art major be so smart? Their words, not yours.
Jackson Wang was the best in all of his courses. He was smart, handsome and bound to be an amazing businessman, taking after his father. He was the heir to his father’s company and he wanted to do a perfect job when he took over. He studied for all of his exams like crazy and aced every single one of them. But then you happened. An art major who took a business class just because you felt like it. Jackson didn’t usually have any competition in his classes but in this class, you seemed to be a natural in. The professor liked you and he didn’t understand why.
In every test, you were better or as good as him. It annoyed him. He made sure you knew that. You were always trying to stay positive but Jackson made it hard for you to do so. You knew about his reputation, the rich heir of the Wang Empire. Everyone knew him and his goals. His future was written for him by his dad.
Your family was, as earlier mentioned, wealthy too but not like his family. He could even buy this university if he wanted to. You heard that he wasn’t that stuck up as a person. Apparently, he was a really nice person towards everyone and he was fun to be around. He wasn’t only popular because of his money. It was really confusing because seemed to hate you for some reason. 
He liked to tease and make fun of you. You tried not to really think about it too much. You honestly had more important things to think about than stupid Jackson Wang. Your mind was completely somewhere else. This year’s family gathering was soon and you were already preparing yourself for some huge headaches. Another year of your family telling you that you should at least find a boyfriend. You were tired of this. You sometimes wished that you had a boyfriend just to shut them up.
Why were they even so interested in your love life? A reason for that was for sure your sister. Since she had everything your parents wanted, they expected you to have that too. They gave up on convincing you to change your major but they at least wanted a good boyfriend for you.
You liked seeing your family but you didn’t want to hear the same things over and over again for the next 10 years.
You were on campus. It was a sunny day and you sat down on the grass and breathed in the fresh wind. Then you noticed two people sitting down a few meters away from you. Jackson and Jinyoung. The two of them were best friends and studied the same thing. Jinyoung was a chill guy but Jackson was kind of an asshole. Not kind of. He was an asshole for sure.
“Yo, Y/N. What are you doing here all alone? Where are your friends? Do you even have friends?”, Jackson said and laughed.
Jinyoung laughed along. “Stop it, Jackson.”
You rolled your eyes. “Ha. Ha. So funny, Jackson. Didn’t hear that one before!”
Just for your information, you did have friends!
Suddenly your phone rang. “Hello?”, you said after picking up. You noticed that Jinyoung got up and walked in the direction of the cafeteria. So, you sat there, alone with Jackson.
“Hello, dear!”, you heard your mother’s voice from the other side of the line. “You know our family gathering is this weekend, right? I’m expecting you to come!”, she said in a cheery tone.
She was always so enthusiastic about these gatherings, you didn’t even understand why. “Yeah, I will be coming.”
You then heard your sister’s voice in the background. “Are you coming alone again? Alex will come again this year, maybe you should bring your boyfriend.”, she said and laughed. “Oh, I forgot you don’t have one!”
You were mad. You hated her sometimes. She was such a bitch when it came to showing her perfect life off. “What do you know, huh?”, you said in an angry voice. You felt Jackson’s eyes on you, clearly hearing your conversation.
“What? Are you bringing someone with you this time?”, you could hear her smirking.
“Yuna, will you stop now? It doesn’t matter if she brings someone, even though it would be nice! Just bring yourself, dear.”, your mum interrupted you.
“What if I am bringing someone?”, you said, slightly panicking. You didn’t even know what you were saying. You did not have someone to bring with you!
“Oh, really?”, your mother said in a surprised tone. “Do you have I boyfriend?”, she asked you in an excited voice.
“What?”, Yuna said, clearly annoyed.
Don’t say it, don’t say it, don’t fucking say it! “Yes. I am bringing my boyfriend…”, you looked around full of panic and found Jackson, again staring at you. “Jackson!”, you said and Jackson jumped a little in surprise, looking at you with a confused expression. “Yeah, my boyfriend, Jackson! I’ll see you on Saturday, bye!”, you quickly hung up.
You said Jackson! Out of all people. You looked at him in horror as he got up and sat next to you. “Did I hear that right? I am your boyfriend now?”, he said, still confused. “Why the hell did you say that? Do you want to get popular or something? Are you spreading lies?”
You rolled your eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself. Why would I tell everyone that we’re dating? I panicked, okay and you were the first guy I saw.”, you then sighed.
“Okay, will you explain the situation to me then? Because it involves me, I think I deserve to know why you said that.”
You sighed again and looked down, a little embarrassed. “My family has this yearly family gathering. We meet, talk, have fun and catch up. My sister has this annoying boyfriend and she is about to be a doctor. She’s the daughter my parents always wanted. I study arts as you know and it’s not something to be proud of and every year I go alone.”, you now looked at him, still feeling hot from embarrassment. “They kind of accepted the fact that I won’t be a doctor or something like that. But I didn’t want to listen to them talking shit about me for not having a boyfriend again. My sister made fun of me on the phone and I panicked and said your name.”
Jackson didn’t know what to say. He thought his family was thoughtless but yours seemed to be worse.
“I’m sorry. I will call them and say that it was a joke.”, you said and gave him a little forced smile.
“Your family really does that? Every year?”, he asked you curiously.
“They make fun of me, every. Fucking. Year.”, you rolled your eyes. “But I’m sorry about that.”
“No! You know what? It’s next weekend, right? I will help you… If you help me!”, he quickly said, waiting for a response.
“What could I possibly help you with?”, you said, with a confused expression.
He smirked. “Fail the next test in our business class. It boosts my ego.”
“What? Why?”, you didn’t know why he wanted that.
“Well, I am usually the best in all of my classes. I cannot have an art major take my spot.”, he smirked again. “…Or you could at least tell me what your secret is?”
You laughed a little. “There literally is no secret. My brain just understands business things, I guess?”
Jackson sighed. “Why didn’t you choose a business major then?”
You looked up to the clear, blue sky. “Everyone asks me that. I just enjoy drawing, painting. Everything that lets me be creative. I dream to open a gallery someday. Maybe you can visit my gallery one day. I know it might not be that easy…but I will at least try.”, you said and smiled.
You looked way more approachable when you were smiling, thought Jackson. “You’re doing something that a lot of people are afraid to do. You’re following your dream. You should be proud of that.”
He didn’t even know why he said that. Why was he so nice to you? Maybe he pitied you, for having such a horrible family. Your life didn’t seem as easy as his life was. From a young age on, Jackson always knew that he would take over his father’s company. It’s like there was no other thing. He never thought about doing something else. Seeing you made him think about that more.
You were in your own little world but you still were realistic. You didn’t care about other people’s opinions. That’s what made you interesting to Jackson.
“You know what? Okay, I guess I can fail that test if it makes you happy. Will you pretend to be my boyfriend next weekend, please?”, you asked Jackson and gave him a sweet smile.
He cracked a smile too. “Okay. I will be your boyfriend. I will be a great one too!”
You held your hand towards him. “Deal?”
Jackson smirked. “Couples don’t shake hands.”, he said and put his arm around you.
“Wow, you really have no boundaries, huh?”, you said and laughed.
“We need to plan our relationship though. It has to be believable… My parents would like you anyway. You have money and a good family name. These are the only things that matter to them.”, you speak out the sad reality.
“Okay, let’s do this!”
So, you did.
According to your plan, you have dated for 7 months until Jackson finally asked you to be his girlfriend on your 4th date. You met in your business class, which was technically not a lie and he was immediately interested in you. He kissed you on your 3rd date and after that everything went smoothly. You just hoped that the story was believable. He was ready to meet your family. You warned him about every single one of your family members. You had some cousins that were after men all the time. Jackson had to stay away from them, even though it might be hard for him. You noticed that he was very affectionate and touchy.
He thought that it was a good idea to go on a fake date before, just to see how far you could go as a couple. You told him that hand-holding and hugs were fine. If it were up to him, he would’ve kissed you the whole time. He told you that he thinks that kissing was way more believable.
You said no. At least not when it wasn’t necessary.
He surely did not shy away to touch you. You went to an indoor ice rink for your fake date. He held your hand, helped you up and he even held you close when you were about to fall.
You noticed that your cheeks were getting redder every second. You blamed it on the cold air. Let’s be real, you were a total noob on the ice. He had amazing balance and looked very good on the ice.
“Jackson, will you stop doing those cool tricks? I feel like a loser next to you!”, you said and laughed when he nearly fell on his face.
“Guess my attempt to impress you failed, huh?”, he said and skated close to you and grabbed you by your hips, softly. You noticed some girls looking at you two with jealousy in their eyes. They probably thought that your ‘boyfriend’ was very cute.
Your breath hitched for a second. “Uh, yeah!”, you said, too quickly. “You don’t need to impress me, though!”, you assured him.
“I want to!”, he smiled and then took your hand. “I am your boyfriend, after all!”
“Fake boyfriend.”, you corrected him. “You don’t need to do that much.”
“Yeah. Right.”, he said. You swear you saw his smile falter. Maybe it was your imagination.
The second fake date was just an evening in Jackson’s apartment. He had rented a very luxurious apartment close to campus since his father was rich as hell. Why would he live in normal student dorms? You didn’t feel uncomfortable though. Jackson opened a movie on Netflix. You didn’t really concentrate on the movie.
“It must be a shitty feeling… to be the next heir to a huge company, right? Well… I mean the people judge you pretty quickly.”, you said and pulled the blanket Jackson gave you close to your body.
“I got used to it. They think that I do nothing. But I’m working towards my degree. My father didn’t just hand me the company. I’m working on business strategies and ways to be a good CEO.”
After getting to know him better you admired how he handled judgment. You were, in a way, really similar. You never thought that you would ever say that. He handled judgment different than you. He was judged for being ‘spoiled’, a ‘rich kid’. You did think that of him too. But he works harder than anyone else for his dream. You didn’t listen to anyone either and did what you thought was right and so did he. “You are really inspiring, Jackson. Never change and always follow your dreams, okay?”, you smiled at him and put your head on his shoulder.
Jackson tensed up a little but then slowly put his arm around you. “We both should do that and prove everyone else wrong.”, he whispered.
You slowly dozed off on Jackson’s shoulder. “Mmm, yeah, that sounds good.” Before you knew it, you were asleep.
Jackson noticed and put the blanket over properly. He slowly pressed a kiss on the top of your head. “Good night, Y/N…”, he whispered before closing his eyes too.
Before you knew it, the dreaded weekend arrived. You felt closer to Jackson after accidentally spending the night at his place. It wasn’t that awkward anymore but there was still a certain tension from Jackson’s side. You didn’t really know why.
You got out of Jackson’s fancy car. You walked up to him. “Wait, let me-“, you walked closer to him and fixed his tie. “Aren’t you handsome?”, you grinned at him. “Are you ready to meet them?”
Jackson smiled at you and took your hand. “Yeah. Let’s do this.”
His hand felt warm in yours and you became conscious of how your heartbeat quickened. You shouldn’t feel this. It’s not like you were dating for real.
Your mom opened the door, full of excitement. “Y/N, dear!”, she said and hugged you tightly. “And you must be Jackson! Welcome to the family.”, she hugged him as well. “Come in!”
You introduced Jackson to everyone (even your annoying cousins). Everyone was very positively surprised that he was your boyfriend. More like, they asked themselves how Jackson would date someone like you. It was clear that he was more popular than you were in your own family. Your sister seemed to be very annoyed. Alex, like the douchebag he was, didn’t even sit next to her. He was too busy talking to important people on the phone. He was a lawyer, that was the reason your family never said anything about him.
Jackson on the hand was by your side, the whole night. He held you close to him and always spoke highly of you. His touchiness seemed to be helpful for once. You liked the feeling of his arm around your hip. He made you feel protected and special.
Now that your parents’ interest was for Jackson, your sister was frustrated. You didn’t give her any attention. You just enjoyed the time with your family. For once no one said anything about you.
Until now. “So, Jackson, why would a guy like you date an artist like Y/N?”, one of your annoying cousins asked him. With an artist, she actually meant loser.
“What’s wrong with being an artist?”, Jackson said and looked at her. “I like her the way she is.”
“It just… doesn’t seem to fit for a man of your caliber.”, she added. “How long were you dating again?”
“5 months.”, Jackson said at the same time you said, “7 months.”
Why did Jackson mix it up now? Was he nervous?
“I meant for 7 months. Time passes quickly when you spend it with the woman you love.”, he said and gave you a genuine look that made your heart skip a beat. At the same time, you wished that this was real.
You heard a few “aww’s”. Your sister didn’t seem to believe anything. She seemed to be skeptical of every single thing you said.
“And you know what? Y/N is doing something she loves. I support her no matter what, as long as she’s happy.”, he added with confidence in his voice. You looked at him with gratefulness in your eyes. You couldn’t be happier to have him by your side right now.
After dinner, you and Yuna helped with the dishes. As you washed the dishes, she dried them. “So, how did you arrange this? The relationship is totally fake, isn’t it?”, she said while smirking.
You rolled your eyes. “Are you jealous that my boyfriend actually gives me attention?”, you said in a monotone voice.
“I will expose you. I didn’t think that you were this desperate to lie, just to get validation from mom and dad.”, she fired back.
“Shut up.”, you said quietly.
“I said, SHUT UP!”, you said louder. “You don’t even know what’s going on in my life. Who are you to tell me that my relationship is fake?”, you washed and dried your hands. “You are telling me that I am trying to get validation? What about you, huh? You didn’t even want to become a doctor and you are dating an asshole just because he is a lawyer! So much for validation, huh?”, you finally said and leaving your sister speechless.
Before she could answer, you walked out of the kitchen to the garden, just to run into Jackson. “Hey, I heard some things… Are you okay?”
You took a deep breath. “I just told Yuna what I think of her. I should do that more often. Thank you for worrying, I’m fine.”, you said and put your hand on his cheek. “You have been nothing but kind to me. I don’t even know why you’re doing all of this.”
Jackson looked in your eyes. “I don’t know either. I guess I just like to see you smile. I’m here to make sure that you never lose that smile of yours. Never doubt yourself. You are better than all of these people in that house. You stayed true to yourself.”
You smiled even more. “Thank you.”, you whispered.
“Don’t. Don’t thank me for this. It should be self-evident. You know what? I don’t even want you to fail that test.”, he grinned.
“Good, I wasn’t planning on failing anyway.”, you laughed.
Jackson knew that he loved your smile but he liked your laugh more. “You’re a cheater.”, he laughed too. 
Then there was a comfortable silence. You turned to Jackson.
What you did then, felt right. You didn’t even know how it happened. It’s like there was a force that pulled you two together. You put your hands on his cheeks and pulled him close to you. Then your lips met with an incredible force. It was like you were aching to feel his lips on yours. His lips felt soft and he was an amazing kisser for sure.
He then pulled you closer by wrapping his arms around your hips. It felt like your heart was going to stop any minute. Jackson knew what he was doing.
For the first time in forever, Jackson felt like this towards a woman. It was supposed to be fake but it sure as hell didn’t feel like it. His last few relationships didn’t even feel like this. As you stopped kissing, he looked at you with an expression that said: What now?
“I don’t think this was for show…”, you said with a quiet voice.
“I like you.”, Jackson finally confessed. “I like you a lot and it honestly scares me a little.”, he said in a shaky voice. He did it. He told you.
Your eyes started tearing up. “Sorry…”, you wiped the tears away. Oh no…, Jackson thought.
“I like you too, Jackson… It wasn’t only scary to you.”, you said and took his hand. “Why don’t we try this out? And if it doesn’t work out… that’s fine too. But I cannot pretend like nothing happened after that kiss. I want more of those!”, you said with a huge smile on your face.
Jackson grinned. “I can give you as many as you want!”, he smiled at you and gave you another kiss.
After that family gathering, you brought Jackson to the next ones as well. Yuna told you that she broke up with Alex. You talked it out. She confessed that she was jealous of you, not because of Jackson, but because of the fact that you were brave enough to follow your dreams in a family like yours. You handled the judgment and heard shit all those years but you simply did not care. She admired that about you. 2 years later, she found another boyfriend who later became her husband. He wasn’t rich, he was just a normal office worker with an average salary. But she loved him more than anything in this world. Just like you loved Jackson.
On campus, a lot of people were surprised that you and Jackson were dating. People got used to it quickly and your fake relationship became a real one. You never regretted kissing him that night.  
6 years later
“Jackson!”, you shouted. “Please help me hang this up, this piece is super heavy!”
“Of course, baby!”, he quickly walked to your side and you hung up a painting that you have bought from an artist in Italy.
You might ask yourselves now what happened in these six years? Well, you did struggle after graduating to find a job at first. Jackson still supported you. You decided to travel the world for a year with Jackson. You met a lot of amazing people along the way and you found a lot of inspiration. You painted a lot and met different artists as well. That led to the day you opened your own gallery. You cried a little when you finally opened the gallery. You bought a lot of paintings for your gallery and now it is a modern art gallery that had a decent number of visitors every day.
“That painting looks great.”, Jackson said and looked at it with an impressed expression.
“Yeah, I got it from Massimo in Italy! He finally sold it to me.”, you said proudly and turned to your, now, fiance. 
Jackson gave you a long kiss. “You deserve all of this...”
4 years after you and Jackson became a couple, Jackson’s father stepped down as the CEO of the Wang Empire. Jackson was more than ready to become the new CEO. He came with a fresh mind and had plans for the company. He made more profit in two years than his father made in 4 years. He was awarded with numerous prices for his innovations as a CEO. Sometimes you wondered how you were so lucky to find a man like that. It must have been some kind of destiny. If you didn’t say his name out of panic that day, this would have never happened. Your family was good for something for once.
He asked you to marry him 2 years later and your wedding was soon. It felt like a dream but it wasn’t. What once was a dream for you became a reality. 
Oh, by the way. After opening your own gallery, you never heard any negative comments about your job ever again at the yearly family gathering. Thank god you never gave up.
And suddenly, that perfect life you have described earlier was your life.
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ehlestina · 3 years
you’re one inch away / jaemin
☆ jaemin x reader 
☢ fluff, smut, anger, comedy (not really)
It’s 6:07 pm, you just finished school since your friend, Lee Jeno needed your help for his exams tomorrow.
“Guess it’s that hard to be smart...” You talked to yourself while walking at the street where you live with your best enemy, Na Jaemin. 
you never wished to be dorm mates with your your ex-crush, it’s never fun. you finally arrived at your dorm, you took a deep breath before entering your unit. 
“You’re here.” A deep voice surprised you as soon as you stepped inside, making you flinch. You ignored his presence.
“Are you really just going to ignore me?” Jaemin asked you, making you stop. You sighed deeply before looking at him who’s looking at you already.
“What do you want, mister I-Don’t-Like-You?” You asked him with one eyebrow raised at him.
“Showing me your bitch attitude won’t make me feel better.” He said, making you laugh sarcastically.
“Do I look like I am making you feel better, you moron?” You said, making him shocked of your words.
“You’d you come home late?” He asked, making you laugh.
“Are you my dad? I went out with Jeno.” You said, trying to make him jealous, you know his weakness.
“Don’t try to make me jealous. We are not a thing.” He said, said, slamming his hand on the wall.
“That hurts, eh?” You said, followed by a chuckle. You run your fingers thru your hair.
“If you’re here to mess up with me, I have no time for your shits, Jaemin.” You said and rolled your eyes at him, going to your bed.
“We’re not yet done arguing, hoe.” He said, pulling you to make you sit down. you sighed.
“Please, Jaemin. Just rest, you must be tired.” You said, looking at him.
“Why did you follow me?” He asked, making you tilt your head. “Eh? Excuse me. I reserved this unit first.” You said while pointing at yourself.
“But why did you let me stay here?” He threw you another question.
“You pity me, don’t you? Or, maybe... you still like me?” He said in a smile, making your stomach upset.
“Sir, Are you drunk?” You asked him with your eyebrows furrowed. Him shaking his head made you angry.
“I still regret writing you the love letter. Never thought you would make fun of me.” You said, making Jaemin smile.
“Remember when you kissed-” You cut him off by throwing a pillow at him.
“Fuck you, Na Jaemin.” You said, Jaemin still laughing his ass, making you frown.
“Look, you even don’t know how to kiss before. Haha!” He said while laughing, making you sigh.
“I know how too. I practiced with Jeno.” You said, making him stop laughing, looking right into your eyes. 
“Jeno, hmm?” He said in a smirk, making you raise your middle finger. “I know that’s cap. Jeno could never kiss you.” He said, making reality slap you real quick.
“What if he really did?” You asked him, making Jaemin giggle.
“Jeno’s type is a girl who is silent, pretty, and smart.” He said, making you nod.
“And that is never you, bitch.” He said, making you laugh. “I know. I am nobody, Jaemin. Thanks for reminding me.” You said, looking down.
“By the way, you said you know how to kiss, right?” He asked you, making you tilt your head.
“I don’t know.” You  replied, making Jaemin approach you.
“Wanna see if you can kiss?” He asked, making you widen your eyes.
“I want to, but if it’s with you then, it’s a no.” You said in a smile, tugging your blanket. You laid down
“Aha, now is my chance.” He said quickly, hoping on top of you.
“Hah, Jaemin. Don’t try me. I hate your small dick.” You said, making him smirk.
“uh-oh, not a good move.” you said to yourself.
“Get off me, Jaemin.” You said and kicked his dick, making him fall off your bed, groaning.
you are still laughing at him, when he suddenly grabbed onto your shirt, pulling you. Making you fall on top of him.
“Sup, baby?” He said while smiling, you slapped him.
“Jaemin stop fooling with me.” You said, trying to stand up, but his grip on your waist is too strong. You tried to resist, but it’s no use.
“No.” He said, making you tired of moving your body, trying to escape his grip.
“JAEMIN I SWEAR TO FUCKING GOD.” you said, screaming on the top of your lungs, making Jaemin laugh. “Aww you are really cute. I wish I liked you back.” He said, still looking at you while you were busy trying to resist. “Jaemin, please. I-” He cuts you off by carrying you.
“YOU’RE RAPING ME JAEMIN.” you tried to resist his grip on your leg, but he is too strong.
“damn.” you talked to yourself.
“BDSM?” Jaemin started teasing you as soon as he put you on top of the counter.
“You have tools?!” You asked him with shock, making him laugh and nod.
“Oh god damn. You probably had lots of one night stand.” You said, making him think.
“About... 3.” He said while smirking.
“Ayo that’s... never mind.” You said in a smile.
“Go, ruin me.” You said, making Jaemin widen his eyes.
“I though... you-” You cut him off by kissing him while cupping his cheeks, after a second, you pulled away. 
“Good night, Jaemin.” You said, jumping off the counter when you felt a tight grip on your waist. You looked at Jaemin with lust.
“Want me to get you condo-” He cuts you off by pulling you into a deep kiss. Pushing you yo your bed without breaking the kiss.
“It’s been years since I rejected you, but I still know where your sensitive spot is.” He mumbled while kissing you, going down to your neck.
You bobbed your head as Jaemin moans.
“what a music to my ears.” you mumbled, still sucking the hell out of his dick.
“Ahh there, there.” He said, pulling your hair. You’re still gagging because of his length.
“I-I, I’am coming...” He said, with his shakey voice. He threw back his head. you smirk, fastening your pace.
“Just like that, little slut.” He said, followed by his groans, after some seconds, he bursted right into your mouth.
“Wait for me, I’ll get you tissues.” He said, pulling his dick out from your mouth, getting you tissue.
“Here you-” He cut himself off when he saw you playing with his semen, using your mouth.
“I- here spit.” He said handing you the tissue. You gulped and wiped your sweat using the tissue he gave you.
“N-no way...” He said, looking at you.
“Ew I thought semen tastes good.” You said, tasting Jaemin’s semen made your stomach upset.
“I told you to spit it out.” He said, making you nod.
“yes, i’ll listen next time.” You said in a smile.
“Is it unfair that I am the only one who is completely naked here?” He said, making you sigh.
He started undressing you, making you feel so embarrassed. He removed all of your clothing, making you plant your head to the pillow.
“Tsk, stop. You’re beautiful.” He said, making you look at him.
You both collided, the feeling of Jaemin made you feel like fantasy. His kisses are always your cravings.
“Hmm, this is your spot, eh?” He said, thrusting into you harder, making you arch your back.
“Sorry, baby. I’ll not do it again.” He said, stopping his actions. After a minute, he continued to thrust into you.
“Fuck.” You gasped. 
“Hey you slut! Faster! We’ll be late!” Jaemin said, almost dragging you at the street.
“Wait, Jaemin! My legs are really weak, hold on.” You said, trying to maintain your balance.
“Eh fuck it.” He said and grabbed your inner thigh, carrying you.
“psst, am i good in bed?” He suddenly asked while the both of you are in class.
“really? ask that now?” You asked, making him shake his head while smiling.
“I’m home~” He said, entering the dorm.
“Hello Jaem!~” You greeted him with a smile.
“You’re in a good mood eh?” He asked, making you nod continuously.
“Finally, dating my dream guy.” You whispered underneath your breath.
“Tch, finally, dating the girl I hate the most back in middle school.” He said while looking at you. You rolled your eyes.
“Ehmm, there is a kid here.” Renjun cleared his throat.
“Oh yea, I forgot Jisung is here.” Jaemin said while clapping.
“Let’s go now! I am fucking hungry.” Jisung said, making you shocked af.
“Did you just curse, Jisung?!” You said, pointing at Jisung. Jisung looked at Jaemin, letting you know that Jaemin taught him.
“You crazy! What did you tell Jisung, eh?” You said, pinching Jaemin.
“He is a minor you Jaemin!!” Mark said, while laughing.
“Eh quit the noise, i’ll treat y’all.” Jeno said, making you all scream out of happiness because finally, Jeno is treating dinner.
“hey you, wake up.” Your sister, Yuna woke you up.
“Eh?” You rubbed your eyes, looking at your surroundings, making you cry out loud.
“MAMAAAAAAA” You screamed while crying, making your mom enter your room.
“Oh!! What is happening in here?!” Your mom asked you with much panic.
“I dreamt about Jaemin.” You said while crying.
“I DREAMT ABOUT AN IDOL DATING ME.” you said, still crying. Yuna laughed at you.
“Aren’t you contented with your sister who is an idol too?” Yuna said, posing infront of you.
“I’LL GO SEE JAEMIN, MOM. I HAVE TOO.” You said, making you look like a psycho.
“how? in your dreams.” your mom said jokingly, making you sadder.
“yes, i know. i am just a fan but, Yuna. I am your older sister. Make me see Jaemin. Use your power.” You said, making mom and Yuna laugh.
“C’mon! At least you will not be useless anymore. Go, give me Jaemin’s number.” you said, making Yuna stick out her tongue.
“It’s okay, dear. There is someone for you except for Jaemin.” Mom said, patting your back. 
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rosaetae · 5 years
the chrysanthemum effect | 8.5
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[this chapter is apart of the chrysanthemum effect]
☇ “Keeping your flowers, keeping your pain— it’s already everything you need to move on. How do you move on from things if you’re not willing to accept them?“
➣  pairing: taehyung x reader / jungkook x minji 
➣  genre: hanahaki!au, model!taehyung, weddingplanner(ish)!au  
➣  word count: 2.3k
➣  a/n: hi all! this chapter is mainly focused on jungkook’s relationship with minji being why it’s a half chapter. if you love mj x jk x annie’s storyline, then go ahead and read, but if not, i still encourage you to read their storyline lol but if ur here for kth and reader content then read the section after the last divider :) 
➣  summary: the hanahaki disease has become a stigma in this world where if you had it, you are looked down upon. her flowers were white chrysanthemums and they have been for the past two years. she was in love with someone who obviously didn’t feel the same way, and this was her way of moving on— along with the people in her life who had to conform around the hanahaki disease.
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Jungkook's favorite talk with Minji had to be a topic that revolved around cheese, spoken by true crackheads at the break of dawn. Minji asked about it first, wondering why there was so much cheese in the world and why there's so many different varieties and ended up, in her tired but marveled voice, making up a scenario in which two cheeses would make a new type of cheese.
It was these type of talks he had with the girl he loved so much that he grew comfortable and content all at once.
So, to walk up to Minji knowing that he is a complete stranger in her eyes and had no recognition of who he was or those early morning talks about the most frivolous things in the world was the most painful and hardest thing he had to do. Each step he took was like treading in quick sand or stepping on glass.
The person he was most comfortable and content with was a foreign soul who has yet to know he exists.
He notices as he was walking closer to her that she was looking at blue dresses.
Just as he was about to back out out of fear with his sweaty palms and racing heartbeat, Minji raises her head and their eyes lock.
In that instant, Jungkook never wanted to leave a situation so much before. Even when he couldn't hit a note in front of a thousand people on stage, that embarrassment was beyond an understatement of how he felt in that moment, eyes locking with the one person he's never resonated so much with before.
"Hello," Jungkook finally chokes out.
Minji's eyes switch from startled demeanor to a friendly, yet alarmed smile tainting her lips. "Hi," she speaks. "Can I help you?"
Jungkook realizes he didn't really think about what he would say to her. Usually he'd wrap his arms around her shoulders and surprise her, cover her eyes with his hands and whisper in her ear, sometimes scare her to gain her light yelps.
He opens his mouth before he closes it, wheels turning.
"Wait," she begins, blinking once or twice. "Jungkook?"
The feeling Jungkook felt once he heard his name roll off her tongue made him freeze. It was familiar, but foreign at the same time.
"You're joking with me. You're Jeon Jungkook, right?" She says with a growing smile. "I love your songs."
The realization hits him too fast that the feeling of that hopeful wishing plummeted so far down. The friendly look on his face must have dropped as he saw her eyebrows knit together.
"Sorry, am I dumb or you're just a really good look-a-like?"  
"No," he feigns a smile. "You were right the first time."
Her eyes bulge, the pretty hues that twinkled with stars popping out. "Well," she says with a grin. "What do I have to offer for getting the Jeon Jungkook to approach me?"
He blinks. "We met at a party, but you were probably too drunk to remember me."
And just then, Minji immediately grows red, bringing her hands to cover her face. "No," she pouts. "What party?"
Jungkook, knowing her and her close friends, chooses the name Yuna, one of Minji's greatest friends. Minji, hearing the name, begins to her hide her mortified face of embarrassment.
"I'm sorry," she says, voice muffled behind her palms. "You would think that I would remember if I met one of the greatest singers at a party, but if it's any luck, you look familiar?" She tries, only to cause both of them to let out a laugh. "I'm sorry. You saw me at my worst if I can't even remember you."
That makes him wince internally, knowing that he saw her at much worst and he was there for her.
And not be there at her best? Because she doesn't remember him?
"It's alright. It's nice to meet you again."
And he means that with the greatest genuineness he can elicit.
The look in her eyes when she smiles warms him nostalgically. "Yeah," she nervously giggles. "You too. Sorry you had to see drunk me. I can't even remember who I meet when I'm under the influence."
Jungkook chuckles lightheartedly. "It's alright. I was just looking for tuxes and I just saw you and... thought I'd come and say hi— see how you were doing. Obviously, better than that night."
"Oh. Oh," she stutters. "I'm doing fine, yeah... just shopping for dresses."
"Not to be nosy, but can I ask for what?"
"I have a community art showcase this Friday," she smiles proudly before she lightly gasps. "You should come! The more the merrier."
"Yeah?" He asks, taken aback by the sudden invitation.
"Yeah, of course! Unless you're busy and have something else planned, I totally get it," she nods. "You're Jeon Jungkook, you probably have a lot on your plate—"
"No, I don't," Jungkook says a bit too fast. Seeing that Minji is taken aback by his quick response, Jungkook clears his throat. "I mean... I would love to go."
"Great," Minji grins. "It'd be nice to have you there! Unless you plan to ruin it then I revoke my invitation."
"Wouldn't dream of it. Pretty sure Finn Museum is already pretty strict with who comes in and out."
"Oh?" She stumbles back. "You already know where it's at?"
Blinking in realization that Minji never once stated the venue in this conversation, he curses himself, letting out a nervous chuckle. She had her eyebrows furrowed and he can feel himself growing weary. It was an event that Minji always talked about with him— he saved the date in his brain the minute she told him it was official.
Minji was checking her e-mail while Jungkook went home early to make dinner for both of them. Jungkook remembers her scream that startled him so much that he dropped the ladle to the floor. And before he could get mad about getting scared, Minji was already in tears and running over to hug him.
They approved my art, she cried. My art is going to be showcased!
Jungkook, knowing how hard she worked for herself to get where she is now, forgot about the ladle on the floor and the soup he was boiling on the stove as he hugged her tightly and told her how proud he truly was for her. And the minute he was told about the date, he never forgot about it.
"I heard that Finn Museum is holding a 50th anniversary showcase on Friday," Jungkook covered. "I just assumed you were apart of that?"
Her lips make an 'o'. "Oh, yeah! That one."
"Then I'll be sure to be there. What time?"
"8 in the evening," she answers. "Just say my name at front and they'll let you in. Or you could honestly say your name and they'll let you in."
Jungkook, hearing the laugh that elicits from your mouth, smiles. "Wouldn't want to miss it for the world."
"Good," she laughs. "Okay, well, it was nice to meet you again, Jungkook. I guess I'll see you again on Friday?"
"Friday," he nods. "See you."
He may not be with her by her side as she achieves her best, but at least— and he takes this with a grain of salt— he gets to witness her at her best.
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"How was it?" You finally ask when you meet him outside of the store, finding a seat outside one of the coffee shops. There's a smile on his face that makes you feel slightly satisfied. "You also owe me this much."
Taking the receipt from your hands, he stands in front of you. "How do you know?"
Looking up from the bags you were carrying, you purse your lips together as he stares down at you, instinctively being courteous and grabbing at the bags from you as he awaits your answer.
There was a momentary pause where you couldn't really begin as to how you know because in your head, it really was complicated.
"You had to choose between Minji and Annie, huh?"
Jungkook doesn't respond. Instead, he watches you, eyes filled with little to no expression, resulting to you to continue.
"I understand now why you did what you did. For awhile, I didn't. Mainly because I met Minji first at a club throwing up blue poppies in the toilet before I met you and Annie. And then when I met you, I was planning your wedding to a girl who loves blue poppies just as much as Minji does."
He stays silent.
"Then I went dress shopping with Annie and her dad. At first it was hard for me not to think of Annie as the sole reason for Minji facing unrequited love, but her father told me that you saved her life."
"I didn't do anything," he speaks up, but you shook your head.
"Yes, you did," you nudge him. "And it must have been a hard decision. You know, having to choose."
"It wasn't me who chose," he says. "Minji. It was Minji who chose for me."
You look up at him, arching an eyebrow.
"She knew it was going to happen," Jungkook explains. "Already suffering with the fact that we had to keep everything private and be super careful and fear every single thing we do, she knew that I would eventually fall for Annie, as well."
"And you did."
"I did," he says. "I didn't mean to, but I did."
Shrugging, you purse your lips. "You can't help with who you fall in love with."
"Yeah, isn't that the truth," he scoffs, swiping a thumb against his nose. "Minji came to me and told me it was okay to leave her. Maybe I was selfish, but I told her not to leave, but she knew I couldn't have them both. I warned her— god, I warned that she would get Hanahaki, but she still did it.
"She told me that it was alright— be with who you love and make it no secret, she said.... That I could leave her because she said that Annie doesn't deserve to suffer either. And she left. She cut me off, went off grid for awhile, and I guess she went through with the surgery."
Your heart, truly and empathetically, hurt for him.
"That was the first time I met her ever since she cut me off awhile ago. You know how hard it was to see her and recognize her in an instant but in her eyes she doesn't know who the hell I am?"
Admittedly, that was what scared you about the surgery. Knowing someone who has loved you and forgetting about them? But his stance was frustration and anger that he couldn't let out to the one person he needed to say it to. Now that person has no recollection of him.
He lets out a half-hearted laugh. "When I talked to her, she invited me to her showcase. What she didn't know was that she invited me to that back before this whole thing happened."
"At least you got invited," you suggest, but he looks at you. Rolling your eyes at him, you nudge him. "Listen, she may have lost memories of you, but realize that you can start new ones. She did all of that because she loves you, you know. She wants you to be happy with someone you love and someone that loves you."
"Is that how you feel with Taehyung?"
You look at him. "If you truly love someone, you'd want them to be happy."
Jungkook lets out a sigh. "It's hard because I do love her. Annie— she's... she is someone I wouldn't trade for the world, but I'll always love Minji from the bottom of my heart."
"You always will," you reach up to pat his shoulder, an encouraging smile on your face. "And that's ok."  
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"Hey," you smile at Taehyung, interlocking your arm with his when you see him standing outside your complex. At first he was taken aback by your sudden affection (even you were) but seeing that he wasn't opposed to it, you both walked to Planetarium while you clung onto his arm.
"You seem oddly happy," he notices and you laugh.
"I can't be happy that you're back?" You taunt, removing your arm from his.
"Don't do that," he says before he's taking your hand back, placing it where it was before. It makes your stomach flip. "I'm happy that I'm back, too."
"Good, you messed up my sleeping schedule just to tell me you miss me."
To that, he chuckles. "My apologies. I just wanted to express how much I missed you, but it seems like sleep is your priority."
"You were gone for like, two days."
"Two days away from you is too long," he says and truthfully, your mind is in a frenzy.
If two days from you was too long, why was he gone for two years?
"I feel like I've finally reached an understanding," you say randomly and he looks down at you with confusion before you let out a sigh. "I can see why it was complicated," you trace off, implying that he was right— sort of. "With Jungkook and Minji and Annie and all of that."
"Do you now?"
You nudge him a little, a smirk growing on his lips.
"Yeah," you narrow your eyes at him. "He had to choose between Annie and Minji," you say. "But Minji had to choose for him."
"He told you?"
"It kind of all clicked," you respond with a smile.
He lets out a light scoff, his warm breath evident against the cold and crisp air.
"I've known Minji for awhile," he says. "If there was anything I knew from her is that she would do anything for him to be happy. Even if it was to let him go when he couldn't."
"See, I think it's quite sad," you say truthfully as he nods. "Like a Shakespearian tragedy."
"How so?"
"Not everyone had a happy ending."
"I beg to differ," Taehyung says and you look up at him. "Their ending isn't just ideal."
"Do you think everyone can have a happy ending?"
He shrugs, eyes straight forward. "Depends. Do you think we have a chance at a happy ending?"
You stare straight ahead before you shrug, copying him.
"Everyone deserves one, but not everyone gets one."
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bts-reveries · 3 years
characters: Yoongi x OC!Sohyun and Hana [ft. Yuna and Hoseok, mentions Huimang, Hana’s friends, and Taehyung(the group as well)]
genre: family and fluff
request: [anon] Hi there! My suggestion for the drabble series is maybe Hana puts down getting a baby brother/sister on her birthday wish list, and neither she nor Yoongi knows that Sohyun is already pregnant, so Sohyun gets to surprise her husband and daughter? 💛
a/n: hana is turning eight here (WEIRD.) i know it’s a big age gap, but she turned four in daddy diaries and she was seven by the end of the tmbmil series asdfghjkl this is assuming jungkook and rina got married right after taeyang was born and yoongi proposed right after their wedding and then got married in a few months and then hana’s birthday rolls around after and sohyun is already pregnant by then : D also my sister and i are seven years apart so it’s not tHaT bad~
Hana’s birthday was nearing and it was always a special time for the couple. 
Not only is it almost their daughter’s special day, but also the anniversary of the first time they met and the anniversary of the bakery’s opening. 
Hana was only three when she came crashing into the grand opening of 24/7 Heaven, meeting Sohyun for the very first time. She was looking for the perfect birthday cake then. Now, four years later, the bakery owner became Hana’s mom and the wife of her dad. Yoongi and Sohyun got married not too long ago. 
He proposed to her in the most perfect way actually.
A cake, made by him and Hana, with the words ‘will you marry me’ written on top. 
So it was a special time. It’s their first meet-aversary as a married couple. The bakery was having an event for it’s fourth birthday. And of course, it was the start of getting Hana’s wishlist checked off.
As always, she had the general wishes.
As she got older, they started to change more and more. 
“Have you done your list yet?” Yoongi asks his daughter, peeking into her room. Hana scrambles out of her bed, where she was reading a book, and goes over to her desk.
“I finished it last night, I forgot to give it to you,” she said, pulling out the list from under her other books. “Here you go daddy. Do you and mommy need any help for the bakery’s fourth birthday by the way?” Yoongi was happy to know that as she grew up, she got sweeter and sweeter. 
Maybe it’s the effects of being in a bakery almost 24/7.
“Yes, mommy and I will need help later, but we’ll call you out then. For now, mommy and I will be looking at this,” he says, holding the list up. Hana smiles up at her dad, giving him an ‘okay’ sign. 
Yoongi turns and walks out the door, already scanning the list. 
“Why do you have that look on your face?” Sohyun asks her husband, watching him frown at Hana’s wishlist. Sohyun was on her laptop on the couch, ordering last minute party supplies for Hana’s birthday.
“She wants to invite boys from her class,” Yoongi says, looking up at his wife who starts to laugh at him. 
“Let me see,” she says, reaching out her hand for the paper. Yoongi hands it to her as he sits next to her. 
“It says: invite friends.” She turns to Yoongi with one eyebrow raised. “It didn’t specify whether it was all girls, all boys, or both.”
“Assuming it’s both, I’m sure her boyfriend is in there. She wouldn’t just write ‘invite Taeoh’,” he huffs. 
“Even if it did, you’d still invite him because it’s on your princess’ wishlist,” Sohyun says, knowing she was right. 
“I guess. Let’s look through it and see if we can get some done today. I’ll ask her for the names and make the invitations later.”
“Sounds good. Now let’s see,” Sohyun says, humming as she goes down the list. “Typical Hana, a lot of this is her general wishes. Party, perfect cake, all her friends and family~”
“There’s a back side!” Hana yells from her room. Both her parents look up, turning the paper around and their eyes widen. 
“Baby brother (or sister! That’s okay too)” 
“Hmm,” Yoongi says. “Well that’s a hard one.” Sohyun laughs nervously.
Little did they know.
That’s already one check done off of the list. 
It wasn’t too long ago that Sohyun found out that she was expecting. She figured that it would be perfect to announce it to both Yoongi and Hana on the night of her birthday. Once everyone’s gone and right when Hana thinks the presents have stopped coming.
- hana’s birthday -
“Is that the kid?” Hoseok asks, watching a little boy hand Hana a gift. Yoongi glares at them.
“Mhm,” he says. 
“Thank you Taeoh,” Hana says, taking the gift her friend was giving her. Boyfriend as Yoongi says. 
Hoseok laughs at his hyung, but that smile quickly drops when he sees his own daughter standing next to her boyfriend. Huimang and Hana take taekwondo together and share the same friends. Which is why her ‘boyfriend’ was also at Hana’s party. 
“You boys okay?” Sohyun asks, raising an eyebrow at the two. They both look away from their daughters. 
“Fine, why do you ask?” Yoongi says, giving her a close lip smile. Sohyun laughs at the both of them, turning to look at their daughters.
“They’re just kids, don’t worry,” she says. “It’s just a baby crush.”
“Speaking of babies,” Hoseok says, suddenly remembering what Yoongi had told the boys previously. He mentioned to them about Hana’s birthday wishlist. About how this might be the first year he fails giving her everything. 
Well, until the boys reminded him that four years ago when Hana wrote mommy on her list and he ended up breaking up with Sohyun.
That was something.
“What are you two telling Hana,” Hoseok says with a small laugh. “Should’ve told her to give you the wishlist 9 months ago.”
Yoongi sighs. “I know, I should’ve expected it. She’s been asking for one for so long.”
“I’m sure she’ll be understanding,” Sohyun says, trying hard to conceal her smile. She was pretty excited for the party to be over so she can spend some quality time with her family.
“Hey!” Yuna calls, rushing over to Sohyun and giving her a hug. “You’re telling them today, right?” She whispers, glancing down at her stomach. Yuna knew about Sohyun being pregnant.
Actually, all the girls did.
Only because Sohyun threw up at their mommy hangout and the girls had a feeling and told her to take a pregnancy test. 
It was Sohyun’s first test and she was nervous. So of course the girls all helped her out and taught her how to use one. It ended with all of them screaming three minutes later and Sohyun sobbing with tears of joy.
“Yes, tonight right before her birthday ends,” Sohyun answers. “I’m like 95% excited and 5% nervous.”
“Ah!! I’m so excited, tell us everything after,” Yuna says, holding onto Sohyun's arms tightly. Sohyun laughs, nodding her head.
“I will, definitely.”
“So, did you enjoy your birthday?” Yoongi asks Hana, laying in her bed. No matter how old she turns, Yoongi promised to give her birthday cuddles before she slept. Hana cuddles into her dad’s side. 
“Yeah, it was fun,” Hana says sleepily. It was nearing midnight, just about 10 minutes before. The group had stayed longer than everyone else (of course). Hana played with her cousins and was given extra hugs and kisses from her aunt and uncles before they left. Even Taehyung was crying, not wanting to let her go because, in his exact words: ‘Aigoo, you guys growing up is making me feel so old, I'm so sad. How are you already eight?’
“I’m sorry we didn’t get to check off everything on your list,” Yoongi tells her, rubbing her arm. He hugged her tightly, pressing his cheek to her head. As much as he just wanted to fulfill all of her wishes, he wanted Hana to have a sibling as much as she wanted one. 
“It’s okay, I still loved everything you gave me. I’d be happy with anything,” Hana tells him, looking up at her dad with a smile on her face. Yoongi pouts, raising his hand up to caress her cheeks. 
“How are you the sweetest girl ever?”
“Knock knock,” Sohyun says, peeking her head into the room. “Can I join?” The two smile up at her, motioning for her to come in. Sohyun reveals herself,  holding a cupcake with a lit candle on top. 
“Oh?” Hana says, sitting up in surprise. She smiles widely as she stares at the cupcake. 
“Another candle to blow?” Yoongi asks. His wife nods, careful sitting beside her daughter. 
“Your birthday ends in like 5 minutes. Is there one thing you really wanted today that you didn’t get?” Sohyun asks Hana. She knew what wish she would make. Hana looks up at her and nods. 
“Okay make the wish then,” Sohyun says. Hana closes her eyes, intertwining her fingers in front of her.
She whispers quietly.
“I wish I could have a little brother or sister.”
It was just loud enough for her parents to hear. Yoongi looks up at Sohyun as Hana blows the candle. 
“Done?” Sohyun asks. Hana nods and Sohyun puts the cupcake on her side table, turning back to her two loves. 
“So that completes everything from the list right?” Sohyun says, looking back at the two. Both Yoongi and Hana looked at her confused. 
“Oh didn’t I tell you two?” Sohyun says with a smile that she could no longer contain. “I’m pregnant.”
Yoongi’s eyes grew big and Hana smiled so wide, her cheeks turned pink. 
“Mommy you’re pregnant?” Hana repeats, putting her hand gently on her mom’s tummy. Sohyun nods, putting her hand over hers. She looks up at Yoongi and laughs.
“Are you okay, hun?” She says, reaching out and pushing his hair back. 
Yoongi’s face broke into a smile.
“Are you serious? Are you really pregnant?” Yoongi asks, hesitantly putting his hand on her tummy as well. 
“Yeah, I found out about three weeks ago,” Sohyun laughs. “I figured I’d surprise you two before midnight.” 
“You did it, you completed my wishes,” Hana laughs, leaning onto her mom and hugging her tightly. Yoongi couldn’t stop smiling as he joined in the hug, wrapping his arms tightly around his two girls. 
At that moment, the clock struck 12 and Hana’s birthday was over. 
They couldn’t help but think that at this time, next year, there'll be another person included in this hug. 
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