#i finished reading the inheritance cycle book series
fat-butch-dyke · 7 months
All my thoughts currently consist of dragon
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asingularshieldmaiden · 8 months
possessed by my 11 year old self every time I open murtagh
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azarinka21 · 20 days
Art school finals – illustrations on Murtagh 💪🐉
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The assignment was to create covers for audio tapes and, conveniently, I'd just finished reading Murtagh – a beautifully sad, torturous book. The Inheritance Cycle was a breakthrough read in my life when I first read it – it gave birth to my love for fantasy books, for writing, and in a way, for drawing, because I wanted to add creating with pictures to creating with words. So I figured illustrating a sequel to a series that changed my life so much and basically got me into art school in a way might be a good fit.
It's a linocut, and each of the five cassettes refers to the five parts that the book is divided into – Ceunon, Gil'ead, etc. I made extra use of the runes that Paolini revealed at the end of the book.
While it was a pain at times (I had to cut some things twice because something didn't work out or didn't look right) I'm glad I was able to create something for this series, hehe.
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booksbluegurl · 2 months
Day 15/100 days of Productivity
22nd April, 2024
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Before 22nd April
I read through the notes of Kinematics 1D.
Watched a beautiful video on steric hindrance. Explained in Hindi. (Steric hindrance is when two groups repel each other in an organic compound. It increases with increase in alkyl groups and size.)
Read through lecture slides of Solids. And made short notes.
Watching a video on hydrocarbons.
On 22nd April
Revised Basic Maths.
Doing lecture 1 slides of Vectors.
Watched this video on Glycolysis.
Watched this animation on menstrual cycle.
Also watched and made notes of a few minutes of Atomic Structure.
Also watched NCERT line by line of Principle of Inheritance. Didn't finish it though.
Non Academia
I watched this video on Bridgerton specially Polin storyline. Though I've already read the book but it has been around 8 months since, so this was fun. The book actually portrays Penelope and Colin in a better light than the series. And I'm gonna be very honest, one of the best characters is Penelope. I also like Colin but there were instances I didn't.
Watched my favourite kind of video-On Pride and Prejudice. Was Mr. Darcy a lord? A fascinating conversation. I'm waiting for the time when I'm spending all my days reading and learning and talking about Jane Austen. Which is gonna be in 12 days.
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5/20 days of April breaking the cycle
I had terrible back/shoulder pain at the end of the day, so I had to lie down. Now I did study for about 40 minutes while lying down but I finally started reading a romance novel. And yes, I finished it. It wasn't long though, it was just 230 pages. But CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? my exam has barely 10 days left and I'm reading a romance novel. And finishing it. I wish I had the same dedication for my studies as I have for watching and reading romcoms.
Day 14
Day 16
Pictures from pinterest. Credit to the owners.
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comfortless · 6 months
Hey! What were your favorite books/authors growing up and what are they currently if you don't mind me asking? I would love to know where you get your inspo from cause you write so pretty
hello!! ohhh.. i love this question it’s so cute. thank you for the compliment and for asking! 💞 apologies for my rambling heheh
growing up, i was never allowed to read most… popular series because my mother went through an extremely religious phase until i was a teenager. dodged the bullet of succumbing to Harry Potter and the like, so i always found myself in the library reading the most obscure things!
i obsessively read the Deltora Quest books by Emily Rodda most of all. the covers were so sick. i can’t recall which one it happened in, but when the main trio all had their toes chopped off?? i do not think 8 year old me should have been reading that, but i was obsessed with dragons as any other kid should be! it lead me to reading The Inheritance Cycle series by Christopher Paolini, too. anything fantasy that was a bit odd held my attention. The Pricker Boy by Reade Scott Whinnem, The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster, and all of the Moomin books by Tove Jansson were some other favorites!
i also read a lot of fairytales (to the surprise of no one, i’ll bet) and The Mabinogion. i still go back and reread those whenever i can. The White Cat is one of my many favorites!
as an adult i do not get to read much, unfortunately. so, i do sort of feel that my writing is a bit stunted at times. i was combing through a lot of Mercedes Lackey’s stuff for a little while. and recently, i finished The Devil All the Time by Donald Ray Pollock. a coworker gave me Twilight Eyes by Dean Koontz and whereas I do not care for his writing that much… parts of that particular book were really intriguing to me. poetry is nice too, always, but if anyone were to ask me for a list of my favorite poets i think that i would combust <- so many things in my brain and i can not remember most unless i’ve obsessively read over their work 90 times minimum sorry.
i think that most of my inspiration comes from music with lyrics that capture me and long bouts of daydreaming, nowadays. i also like to visit abandoned places or overgrown parks when i need a place to think or just… feel for ambience. my favorite places in the world right now are this huuuge swamp full of alligators with a tiny cemetery that’s at least two hundred years old (like fifteen people have died there in the last decade & i will never be one of them) and a park that houses a supposed werewolf (no matter how many treats i bring it is yet to be seen… pain… but it is dreadfully silent there and a park keeper once told me “watch out!! that thing is big and super ugly!!” which i think is very funny). i would not recommend doing things like that however unless you are of similar stature to me (insert chad meme) or go with a group!! do not get eaten by a giant dogman, please.
in conclusion I am NOT immune to good cover art or the appeal of pretending to be a lil knight in the old wood…
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^ syl reveal pt 2
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A list of the fandoms I am in. (And how often I interact with content from that fandom.)
Wilderlore (I am very active in the Wilderlore fandom, it is a very underrated fandom.)
DC comics, specifically Batman and stuff about the Robins (My new favorite hyperfixation.)
Dead Pate (I didn't play the game but I watched someone play the game on YouTube and I love the game.)
Wild Kratt's (I loved watching the show as a kid and I still love it.)
Supernatural (I check the Supernatural side of Tumblr often, I also introduced Supernatural to my brother so my entire family likes Supernatural.)
Buzzfeed Unsolved (I loved Buzzfeed Unsolved)
Watcher Mystery Files (I was so happy when I found out that Ryan and Shane were going to continue doing ghost hunting and things like that, I also love puppet history.)
Hamilton (I listen to the musical while I work and I watch the musical sometimes.)
The Music Freaks (I loved this show so much.)
Llamas with hats (I thought the show was amazing but there was also a lot of gore so if you don't like blood or gore then don't watch it.)
The Stanley Parable (I haven’t played the game, but I have watched Evan and Katelyn play the game. Also, I think the game is great.)
The MCU (I am trying to get caught up on all of the Marvel movies, but there are a lot of them so it’s gonna take a while for me to get caught up.)
Nimona (I loved the movie, and I’ve read quite a few stories on Ao3, they have become one of my new coping mechanisms.)
The Inheritance Cycle (I haven’t re-read the books in a while, but I’m really excited about the movie and the new book.)
Hermitcraft (I have only watched a few of Grian’s videos and I’m not really caught up on any of the recent episodes.)
The Owl House (I loved the show, and I might re-watch it at some point. )
Gravity Falls (There is no words in the english language that can express how much I love this show, I haven't watched any of the episodes in a long time, but I might re-watch it.)
She-ra (I f*cking love this show and started re-watching it, and then I started watching Supernatural.)
PJO and all of the book series that came after it (I can’t decide if I want to re-read the series or not, but I think it is an amazing book series.)
SCP (I watch a few videos sometimes but I haven’t been that interested in the fandom.)
The Dream smp (I haven’t been very interested in the fandom since the ending.)
The life series (I watched a lot of Grian's Limited Life videos but I didn’t watch the last episode, I watched a few of Grian’s Double Life videos, but didn't watch 3rd Life or Last Life, but I’m mostly caught up on Secret Life.)
Evolution smp (I loved it.)
Sweet Tooth (I liked the first season and was gonna watch the second one with my family but we never had time to watch it.)
Origins Smp (I used to like the Origins SMP but I haven’t watched many of the videos about it.)
Empires Smp (I loved the first season but I didn’t really like the second season.)
100 Days in a Hardcore Minecraft Apocalypse (I loved the video but I haven’t watched it in a while.)
SCU/Slimecicle Cinematic Universe (I haven’t watched many of the videos.)
Hazbin Hotel (I don’t often interact with this fandom and I don’t know why.)
Amphibia (I loved the show but I haven’t been very interested in it recently.)
Wings of Fire (I haven’t really interacted with this fandom since I finished the most recent book.)
Warrior Cats (I haven’t read the recent book, I stopped reading halfway through “The Broken Code” but I might continue reading, eventually.)
(I will probably edit this list if any of this changes.)
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leifgoblin · 2 years
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The Inheritance Cycle books were a major part of my childhood and I’ve read them (actually more listened to them in audiobook form) countless times, the story being very fond to me. The author Christopher Paolini has been a great inspiration for me in my own writing and story creation.
The last time I drew these characters was years ago and I figured since I started the books again recently and I’ve been quite inspired, I decided to give it another go. These particular drawings of the characters depict them from the last book in the series; “Inheritance”. (Probably gonna draw more characters soon too)
ALSO THEY’RE MAKING A SHOW NOW TOO?? SO THERE’S THAT. My child self is so happy right now, I never thought we’d get another chance after the *AHEM* first disaster (to be fair though some of the casting was pretty good). I really hope that it’s able to finish production and it brings in a wave of new fans to enjoy this awesome story!! 💚💚
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englishbutter · 7 months
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Originally published on Substack, 22nd November, 2023. Link!
Since this essay is 18k words, I've included the first section below the cut and a link to the Substack article.
Character: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ Plot: ★ ★ ☆ ☆ ☆ Prose: ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ OVERALL: ★ ★ ½ ☆ ☆ ☆
Heavy spoilers for The Inheritance Cycle and, of course, Murtagh. Grab some water, this is a long one.
Since this is going to be about both the Cycle as a work and how my relation to it has shaped my thoughts and feelings and so this analysis, let’s start with the context of me.
Like many 2000s nerdy fantasy kids, The Inheritance Cycle was my favourite thing on the planet.
When I was nine and the movie just about to come out, my mum bought me Eragon. I finished it within a few days and read Eldest equally quickly. Brisingr was the first book I went to the shop to get on release day instead of having a parent pick it up for me, and Inheritance was when I discovered the concept of preordering. I finished it four days after release and was left with pretty mixed thoughts on the whole affair.
Not liking Inheritance felt bad. Amongst other things, I thought it was overly long, I didn’t like that Eragon found the cache of dragon eggs that would allow him to effectively Ctrl+Z the Fall of the Riders, I didn’t like how he was squared up to fight Galbatorix with a convenient stash of Eldunarya left next to said eggs so it became a battle of slugging it out, I thought Galbatorix was more lame than ever with his comically evil villainy and less than satisfying boss fight, and I was so, so frustrated at Eragon himself for being … him. He was perfect — a perfect Rider, a master swordsman, a master magician, the celebrated son of a great man, and now the leader of the Varden, what with Nasuada’s mid-book kidnapping, all at the tender age of sixteen or seventeen. He was so flawless that he’d become divorced from what made me originally like him; the last hundred pages of Inheritance were a trek and a half. Gak.
But, hey, The Inheritance Cycle was my favourite thing, so it’s fine. I buried my complaints and went on with my life …
And now Murtagh has landed and I have finished it, and it’s unearthed all these half-finished thoughts from my tween and teen years that I want to put to bed. And we’re gonna do it with an analysis on Murtagh as a character over the course of the original series, and everything in this new book about him and Thorn.
Read the rest on Substack!
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gococogo · 7 months
I finished Murtagh yesterday.
Oh, my god. I loved every word of it. Truly gave me such a nostalgic feel to reading the Inheritance Cycle when i was a teenager. I recommend this series to anyone that like high fantasy book that just feel different.
That make you feel.
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bruceandmary · 8 months
I'm still processing what happened last night. I was more nervous than I could remember in years to the point that I was shaking a little, but it was all worth it in the end. That's because I got to meet Christopher Paolini at the release event for "Murtagh."
I've loved the Inheritance Cycle ever since my parents gave me the first two (and only, back then) books in a box set on Christmas Day almost 17 years ago. They were the first full-length fantasy books I had ever read and I devoured them. When Brisingr, Inheritance, and The Fork, the Witch, and the Worm were released, I got them as soon as I possibly could. The moment Murtagh was being announced, I was over the moon. Then in July, I got the stunning news that his book tour would begin at a Barnes and Noble in New Jersey, my home state. I couldn't believe it. This was a chance I never believed I would get. I reserved the book, put in for time off, and counted down the days until November 7th finally arrived.
When I got there last night, I was amazed at how many people were already there over an hour before the event started. There were kids younger than I was when I started reading the series and adults far older than I am now. I went straight to the registers, picked up my copy with its Zar'roc pin, then found my way to a good spot. From there, the building filled up until almost everyone was brushing elbows. Right at 6:00 PM, Christopher Paolini came in and immediately brought down the house. I was cheering, but also utterly in awe at being able to be there. The talk he gave was funny and heartfelt and I learned so much about him and the Inheritance Cycle I had never knew before. He then turned the mic over to Gerard Doyle, who's done the reading for every single audiobook. It was incredible to hear what Murtagh and Thorn sounded like. Afterwards, Christopher opened the floor to questions and I was able to have mine answered.
When the Q&A was finished, it was time for the book signing. I ended up waiting over an hour before the block my number was called because, in addition to the personalized copy, Christopher would be signing as many back copies as a person wanted, but it was worth the wait. It took another twenty-five or thirty minutes before I reached the table. I spoke a little of the ancient language and he responded in it with a smile. The only copy I brought aside from Murtagh was Eragon, still in its original dust jacket. While signing them, I was able to briefly ask him another question and he answered me again. It was a moment I'll never forget. I was then able to get my copy signed by Gerard Doyle.
By the time I reached my car, I was literally shaking from excitement. When I got in, I focused myself so I could get home and drove off.
So far, Murtagh has been beyond my wildest dreams from what I expected. I'm about 120 pages in and it's had twists and turns that leave me utterly stumped as to what will happen next. The black and white illustrations are incredible to look at and I plan to translate the map as soon as I finish the book. But none of that compares to what's on the title page. For the rest of my life, I'll be able to open to it and the title page of Eragon to see Christopher Paolini's and Gerard Doyle's signatures there. When I see those pages, I'll be reminded of a night that will mean more to me than anyone will ever know.
Thank you, Gerard Doyle.
And thank you, Christopher Paolini.
Atra esterní ono thelduin.
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theinquisitxor · 8 months
October 2023 Reading Wrap-Up
In the month of October I only read six books, which is not many for me, but I had a busy month with classes and a short trip. I read two audiobooks and four physical books. I enjoyed everything I read this month, and got to some new releases that I've been looking forward to.
1.A Conjuring of Light (Shades of Magic 3) by VE Schwab, 3.5/5 stars. I read this mostly on audio and completed my reread of the series. While I enjoyed the series more when I first read it back in 2018, it was still fun to revisit the series and remember all that happened. The floating market remains one of my favorite scenes/moments in a fantasy book, and I'm glad I took the time to reread this. Portal fantasy
2.Tiamat's Wrath (The Expanse 8) by James SA Corey, 4/5 stars. I'm finally almost done with the expanse series, and this book has been one of my favorites of the series. It had me turning the page wanting to know what happens next, and I've been enjoying the last plotline of this series. I'm really looking forward to the final book. Science-fiction.
3.The Chalice of the Gods (Percy Jackson and the Olympians 6) by Rick Riordian, 4/5 stars. This book was 100% just hype for the tv show, but was very fun and cute to read. It was nice seeing Percy, Annabeth, and Grover in a lower-stakes setting. This felt more like a novella instead of a novel, but was a fun nostalgia read. Middle grade fantasy
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4.A Study in Drowning by Ava Reid, 4/5 stars. This is Ava Reid's first young adult book, and I was looking forward to it as it promises a dark academia fairy tale. I really enjoyed several aspects of this novel: the setting, the ambiance, the fairy lore. This definitely felt like an Ava Reid book, and touches on many similar themes as her other novels. Reid is an author that I plan to keep reading. YA fantasy.
5.The Fragile Threads of Power (Threads of Power 1) by VE Schwab, 4.5/5 stars. I’m always worried that continuation series are just going to repeat the original series, but this gave a fresh new plot while still retaining what makes the Shades of Magic special. We spend a lot of time with the characters from SoM, but we are introduced to a few new characters who are great to follow and get to know. I flew through the second half of this book, and this book felt like it was setting up a lot for the next books (even though it is almost 700 pages). Adult high fantasy.
5.The Alloy of Law (Mistborn 4) by Brandon Sanderson, 4/5 stars. I wasn't sure if I wanted to try reading the second-era Mistborn series, but I decided to give this a go on audio, and I'm very glad I decided to give it a try. This was super fun and entertaining, and different from a lot of the other stuff I read. It's a sort of fantasy crime thriller. I would recommend the audiobook. Fantasy.
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That's it for October! I was hoping to get through two more books this month, but I'll have to finish them up in November. See below for my November tbr.
November tbr:
The Hollow Places by T Kingfisher (holdover from Oct)
Shadows of Self by Brandon Sanderson (holdover from Oct)
The Bands of Mourning by Brandon Sanderson (audiobook)
The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater (reread on audio)
Starling House by Alix E Harrow
Steelstriker by Marie Lu
Leviathan Falls by James SA Corey (Expanse 10)
Murtang (Inheritance Cycle book 5) by Christopher Paolini
(possibly Iron Flame by Rebecca Yarros, if I feel like continuing with the series)
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sailoryooons · 5 months
shut UP I fucking LOVED Eragon as a teenager!!! I got an early kindle for a birthday and my first book on it was Inheritance when it was newly out. I re read them within the past couple years and was fully crying at the end of it because I will never be over it
YES everything about the chrysalis, yin-yang seats, different qi types is so great to explore. The no bullshit, raw perspective of the book had me hooked. I honestly stayed up way too late finishing it, I want the next book on my shelf already (also from the beginning I was like 😭😭 for the hunduns)
I really think you'll love She Who Became The Sun, I'm so intrigued for the sequel but im not gonna spoil anything for you so ill leave it at that. It is next on my to read pile (I decided to give Iron Widow a whirl first before continuing with that world and I'm so glad I did)
If you have any recs within the realms of Chinese theology let me know bc I'm having a great time within this genre space.
I'm using an app called Storygraph to log my reading this year and I reckon you'll love it, you get the coolest breakdowns and stats. I was drawn in by their 2023 wrapped stuff as they did a 'mood map' graph that showed when the reader read lighter/darker works throughout the year.
And I will be taking you up on that first dibs 🫡
(sorry if many words and not much tense, I am Tired™)
I cannot explain how many times I have re-read The Inheritance Cycle. It's up there with books like Lord of the Rings for me in terms of fully-done, well rounded and crafted fantasy. I saw Murtagh came out recently and I really need to go get it!
Adding a read more cause this is lengthy!
Some books I think are within that space:
Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan - It's a romantic fantasy inspired by the legend of the Chinese moon goddess. I thought it was super fun and a very easy read.
A Magic Steeped in Poison by Judy I. Lin - This is SOOOOOO cool - the world building is fascinating and is full of legends about tea magic
The Poppy Wars by R.F. Kuang - Literally in my top five favorite series of all time. This series is beautiful and devastating and has amazing themes of like colonialism etc.
Babel by R.F. Kuang - An amazingly cool magic system and VERY loud themes of colonialism and racism and it's effects on the world - this was SO good.
Books that are not Chinese theology drive but have Asian theologies:
Sword of Kaigen by M.L. Wang - THE BEST BOOK I READ IN 2023 HANDS DOWN. It is inspired by Japanese theology, legends and samurai culture and it is BEAUTIFUL. An excellent read.
The Greenbone Trilogy - This is sort of an amalgamation of different Asian cultures but is SO GOOD. It's an Urban Fantasy criminal fantasy family story and the politics and especially the geopolitics of like cultured vs. white countries in the second book are REALLY good.
I have a few others on my list that are on my shelf on my to be read list like Spin the Dawn, Jasmine Throne, A Hero Born, Shadow of the Fox and The Red Palace!
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Get to Know the Badge
Tag someone you want to know AND/OR some of your besties:
Any of my beautiful wonderful moots could do this and I wouldn't complain! No pressure though.
Favourite colour: Purple is my jam! If we're gonna get specific, like a royal purple, eggplanty purple.
Last song: Empty Chairs at Empty Tables from Les Mis, only because I am working on something using the song, but I do love me some Les Mis in general and I've been on a Broadway soundtracks kick lately.
Last movie: Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows. The RDJ Sherlock Holmes movies are some of my favorites and I never get tired of watching them.
Currently watching:
I confess I don't keep up much with more recent shows...
Been on an early-mid 2000's nostalgia kick, so I've been watching shows that I loved back then, Numbers, LOST, Heroes (first 2 seasons).
Shows I dropped this year/didn’t finish: I flip back and forth between them all with long breaks in between sometimes, sooo Numbers, LOST, Heroes lol...
Currently reading: Just finished re-reading the entire HP series for the umpteenth time. Re-reading the Inheritance Cycle by Christopher Paolini because I'd like to read the latest book that just came out, but the last time I read the series was in high school, so it's been a minute and a half.
Currently listening to: anything that's ever been on Broadway lol
Currently working on: Several HL fics I've just nailed down the plots for with a little help from my friends, numerous crochet endeavors, and some audio/video little clippy things that I like to do.
Current obsession: Hogwarts mf Legacy has been my life practically since it came out, so we're still vibing hard with that and pretty much nothing else.
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sunriseverse · 4 months
9 Fandom Peeps to Get to Know Better
tagged by the ever-wonderful @lucientelrunya (thank you!!!!)
3 ships you like: right now nanqiu are drilling holes into my mind, but my other two would be pingpangxie and yan wei/xu youyi (i have less than zero idea what their shipname is rip)
First ship ever: i know i've probably said something else on a different one of these but the one that comes to mind is sandfire (i didn't know what gay people were at that age)
Last song you heard: training season because of this fabulous nanqiu amv
Favourite childhood book: the his dark materials trilogy and the inheritance cycle. i attribute much of my writing skill to how much those two series fucked my poor little baby mind up and reordered everything within it
Currently reading: disorder under heaven: collective violence in the ming dynasty and kaleidoscope of death as well. disorder under heaven i picked up thinking it was about violence AGAINST the collective, not BY the collective, so while it's still interesting, it isn't giving me the information i want regarding state punishment of the citizenry. kod i am reading very, very slowly because i want to finish it so i can write all the fic but i keep only reading it late at night and then i fall asleep like one or two chapters in. oh, wait, i just checked my libby app—i'm also reading she who became the sun which i've wanted to read for a while and hadn't realised was set during the yuan dynasty era? which makes me extra excited about it.
Currently watching: zmyx/the spirealm and very slowly making my way through jue ze/stand by me (i was supposed to be done with it by now :') but unfortunately some real life shit happened)
Currently consuming: banana!
Currently craving: i want roasted chestnuts and roasted yams so bad T^T
tagging....... @mispronouncing-michaelangelo @loverboygf @thatswhatsushesaid @hilsoncrater @missanthropicprinciple and anyone else who wants to play!
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fansandtheic · 4 months
Lexie's Story
"Eragon truly takes me back to a different time period, through the books but also in my life. 
I started the Inheritance series when I was in elementary school and immediately fell in love with the characters. I re-read Eragon more times than I care to admit. Reading was my escape from a harsh reality that I called home. My school library finally got a copy of Eldest, and I devoured it just as quickly and with as much interest. My school library did not carry the final two books and I made several attempts to find them. When I finally read Brisingr I was aching to find the final book but was unsuccessful many times! For years I thought the author passed away before being able to finish an incredible series. During this period of time the internet wasn’t in our pockets how it is today. I wasn't able to use the computer at home, and during my last year of elementary school through the end of eighth grade, I lived in group homes and other alternative living situations. So you can probably imagine that using a computer or having internet access wasn't easy. For a long while I gave up on the idea of finding out what happened to Eragon, Saphira, and the world of Alagaësia.
I would imagine I was beautiful and full of grace like Arya, fantasizing that one day there would be movies made of the series and I would be casted as her. Although I didn't know the ending, I was (and still am) a bookworm at heart, and my love for the world and the characters made me a forever fan of the Inheritance Cycle.
As I reached adulthood, I met someone who was also a fan of the series. She informed me there was in fact a final book! I received a copy that same year for my birthday… and put off reading it. Even though I finally had the opportunity to finish the series and was eager to do so for nearly 10 years, it suddenly felt very bittersweet. After another handful of years, I finally brought myself to read Inheritance. I took the better part of a year reading it, savoring the words so as not to finish it too quickly. I knew finishing it would mean there was no more to the series, just my thoughts about everything that happened in the pages of those four familiar books. It was bittersweet, bringing the series to an end, like a chapter of my childhood had been closed that I wasn't quite ready to let go of. And then something amazing happened. 
A few months after finishing the series, I was in a Barnes and Noble, looking for fresh reads. And that’s when i came across Murtagh. I could hardly believe my eyes. I have yet to read it, but this time i feel more prepared; it doesn’t feel so much like an ending. The Inheritance Cycle will always hold a very special place in my heart and I thank Christopher Paolini from the bottom of my heart for sharing such a heartfelt and incredible world with us. I so look forward to Disney making a tv series from the books, and hope it is all I’ve ever dreamed of. Of course, I won’t be playing as Arya, but I will always love and be inspired by her. Thank you Mr. Paolini for making my childhood so much better through an escape to a world filled with magic, dragons, elves, and dwarves. 
Atra esterní ono thelduin. Mor'ranr lifa unin hjarta onr. Un atra du evarínya ono varda."
~ Lexie
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azrielgreen · 1 year
Hey Azriel. I have to do this anonymously, as I despise being known on the internet. I’m a weirdly private person. I have tried to write this for months, but it never felt like enough. You deserve enough. So, you know when you first read a book that just makes your whole body tighten up, makes the good parts in your brain tingle? The first time I read Harry Potter (I was young, and it was before The Horrors..) it felt like I had waited all my life to read it. Every book, every sentence, every word stayed with me. It was like finally coming home. I got that feeling again when I read The Inheritance Cycle. I cried and laughed and yelled and smiled. I had been waiting for this book series all my life. And then I picked up Lord of the Rings. And that familiar feeling returned. I was home. It gave my brain all the happy tingles. I guess you know the feeling of a book that feels like it has been waiting for you to pick it up. Like, “Hello, I’m so glad you’re finally here.” Fanfiction has never given me this feeling. Not until now. I stumbled upon WSJK by accident while lying in bed. I thought I would read a bit, and then go to sleep. But no. I finished the whole thing in one go. Your story made my whole body shake from the first sentence. I can’t really describe it.. I literally shook the whole time reading it. I was home again. And of course I had to see if you had written more, and I discovered You’re Devine. It wasn’t finished yet. And I know myself. I can’t wait for an update. I have to read it all, or nothing, or I won’t feel peace. But hey! 200k words long, and only one chapter left. And you’d be updating in a week’s time. I could start now. I finished it in 2 days… And had to wait. If you thought WSJK made me shake, it had nothing on YD. I sobbed my heart out. If I wasn't actively doing something, I was thinking about YD. This story you had come up with.. There’s no words. The point to my ramblings.. I don’t really know. I just had to tell you that you have fundamentally changed me. In the best way. You made a home for me in your stories. I will follow you, always. You made me feel things I haven’t felt since I picked up LOTR for the first time. It’s incredible. Thank you so much for everything that you do for us.
Please know that i held onto this one for so long because rereading it filled me with strength and light and its something I'll treasure forever. I'm so grateful to you for sharing something of this magnitude and I'd really love to know who you are, you can always DM me, but I'm just so happy that my work has been able to touch you like this. It's so special and precious to me and this was honestly so beautiful and so important, I held onto for a while as I said.
Thank you so much. From the bottom of my heart. All my love, Az.
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