#i finally got this part in game myself so i took MANY ss....
isatoru · 2 months
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jedidiahxowens · 1 year
jed's main biographical-ish playlist:
listen to the full playlisit here: (spotif.y)
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"Tell That Mick He Just Made My List Of Things To Do Today" by Fall Out Boy; Jed has always been a fighty kinda guy. This song speaks to the young kid in him that never grew up and never truly stopped wanting to fight at the drop of a hat. He's the guy who holds a grudge, too, so Let's play this game/called when you catch fire/I wouldn't p!ss to put you out.
"Father of Mine" by Everclear; Daddy gave me a name/and then he walked away. Since his biological father dipped and then the step father was shit, it fits.
"WILD" by Troye Sivan; he first met Rick in school and the pair, while complete opposites, hit it off, while neither of them would admit to feeling anything other than friendship for years, it was the start of something that would haunt his life.
"Bob Dylan" by Fall Out Boy; One of the recurring lines that one would find in Jed's poetry is a line from this song: Sometimes the only way out is through.
"Lean" by The National; this song speaks to the part of Jed that is tired, and how he knows what everyone needs and like the song, it's kind of exhausting... but love is a relief.
"1979" by The Smashing Pumpkins; nostalgia, 1979 is the year he was born, it reminds him of the days when he didn't care so much. It was carefree, but he was missing so many things. He knows that now and he wouldn't want to go back, but sometimes it's nice to just sit in the nostalgic feelings the song brings back to him.
"Ocean Avenue" by Yellowcard; thinking again about Rick, the summers they spent together where they were inseperable, and prior to him stepping into the role of man of the house, Rick was his voice of reason and the ONLY reason why he never got into more trouble than he did.
"Head Like A Hole" by Nine Inch Nails; just before Jed took on major responsibilities, he was defiant, especially when it came to orders from his step dad. I'd rather die than give you control.
"Ringfinger" by Nine Inch Nails; Jed definitely sees himself as a martyr for what he did for his family. Not in a pompous way, but in that he felt like he let go of everything he wanted to be to be what his family needed. A sacrifice.
"Full Moon" by The Black Ghosts; this encompasses his desire for freedom that he thought he so desperately wanted when he left home finally when the youngest brother was old enough to leave the house. He spent time wandering, living a nomadic life and seeing the United States. He couch surfed and hitchhiked all over and finally, ended up here at Cape May.
"The Only Time" by Nine Inch Nails; when he began traveling, he let go of a lot of inhibitions and simply did as he pleased.
"Boys of Summer" by The Ataris; what he didn't expect, though, was to be missing Rick so badly. When he traveled, he left Rick behind, back in Texas.
"Electric Touch" by Taylor Swift ft. Fall Out Boy; nostalgic for Rick again, realizing that he was The One with the Electric Touch, Jed traveled back home to Texas and found Rick in a relationship with a woman, expecting a child.
"Tomorrow Never Came" by Lana Del Rey ft. Sean Ono Lennon; ultimatum given to Rick, they agreed to meet up and go to Cape May until they could figure everything out tomorrow, but... tomorrow never came. Rick never showed up and never returned his calls or texts.
"Heat Waves" by Glass Animals; sometimes he gets too nostalgic okay.
"Far Too Young To Die" by Panic! At The Disco; I want to complicate you/Don't let me do this to myself/I'm chasing rollercoasters. The Aesthetic TM.
"Take It As It Comes" by The Doors; and finally, how Jed has learned to live his life, rolling with the punches instead of always throwing them. Take it easy baby/Take it as it comes.
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carmenxjulia · 4 years
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I put together a transcript of the 2 hour Q&A Interview the Carmen Sandiego Discord did with Showrunner Duane Capizzi. All of the questions were submitted by server members. You can read everything below the break!
Duane Capizzi:
Hi there!
Am I in? Is this thing on?
Hi, welcome!
Yep, you're in the right place!
Duane Capizzi:
Sorry I'm late, I was wandering around some empty Discord hallways looking for the right room haha
No worries. Let's get started!
Who is your favorite character?
Duane Capizzi:
Moose Boy!
Alright, how to NOT get myself in trouble if my answer isn't "Carmen" haha.
But really, they are ALL my babies.
So I know it's going to sound like a cop out to some that I can't pick just one. But hmm, some for instances...
I love that she's so morally evolved at such a young age; her ability to always take the high road and never lower herself; her drive and conviction and dedication. Her ability to kick serious booty and look good while doing it. Her progressive values, her fashion sense. I could go on and on. But then there's Shadowsan and his arc; Chase and his. Julia, who's every bit as strong as Carmen but shows it in different ways. The Cleaners don't get enough love.
I'll close that question with an anecdote about The Cleaners ...
I love that all our characters are embraced and that everyone seems to have favorites. Our sound engineer Marcel is a pretty serious guy: he has a serious job that takes high levels of focus and attention. He's always deeply focused and not prone to small talk. Anyway, we were in the middle of our first or second sound mix, and he suddenly stops in the middle and turns around to face us. I'm thinking, "uh oh, we're giving too many notes." That's when I notice he's freeze framed the Cleaners. He says "I really like these guys." Then he turns around, hits play and gets back to work.
What was the biggest challenge for coming up with new stories and plot for the reboot?
Duane Capizzi:
THE biggest? Sigh. I'm not sure I could come up with just one. Plotting is always challenging and we had the brain trust of the room, our trusty white board, and writer assistant to keep the threads of the ongoing storyline together. I think the single biggest ONGOING challenge was tracking which character knew what at any given time.
The caper part was challenging - coming up with new capers and keeping them interesting and fresh. But, it was the characters and their interactions that kept things fresh and interesting. Another museum heist? That's okay - Chase is on the case and he gets to interact with "X" this time (for instance).
There were also some episodes - Duke of Vermeer and Crackle Goes Kiwi come to mind - where there was SO MUCH SET UP needed to get the payoffs to work. I was really worried about too much talk/too much detail. Very "Swiss watch!" It took a lot of work to make sure it all clicked and was clear - hopefully it seems effortless on screen but I can't say there wasn't some sweat and the occasional tear (mostly from me - I'm a big cry baby
But really, what made it fun was that we had so many buckets to draw from: sometimes a story germ initially began with a character idea; sometimes it was inspired by global location; sometimes it was a clever way to update or reimagine an idea from old Carmen lore. Usually, it was some combination of all of the above!
What was your favorite scene to write?
Duane Capizzi:
I think we have a theme here! "How can I pick just one ...?"
As a film buff, I got to indulge in some serious fan nerdery on this show: I got to write spy movies, yakuza movies, spaghetti neo-westerns (though turning it on its head: spaghetti westerns usually involve REVENGE and because of Carmen's character make up, this was sort of anti-revenge).
Is writing coming up with the idea or typing it? Haha. An "if a tree falls in the forest" question. The writing team and I had so many cathartic "that's how it goes" in the room. But on my own, writing the Pilot, was a very inspiring time for me: I remember laughing out loud the moment I thought of Chase falling on his own car (in part because of doing my spin on "that trope" that we've seen in so many hard boiled movies recently). But also how emotional I got when I imagined the simple but potent image of Black Sheep deciding to take her destiny into her own hands and walk that long corridor to the Faculty who we were about to meet for the first time.
I think I've cited this in another interview, but there was a period where I was completely immersed in Chase's arc and the scene where he would crack the location of VILE island ... by listening to Julia in a dream ... was a big one for me. It revealed he was finally open to admitting he needed Julia more than he would ever admit - yet, it was his own subconscious speaking.
The next morning, after cracking that scene, I bumped into Raf Petardi (voice of Chase) ... at the supermarket! It was very strange and hilarious
Did you scrap any lengthy or funny scenes that you would be able to share?
Duane Capizzi:
With few exceptions, most scene cuts are done at the script stage so that the story board team doesn't waste effort over boarding. A variety of trims to any script are common, but they are usually for the better
The easier question to answer might be scenes were part of our "wish list" at writer room stage, but never made it to story or script. I hesitate to go too deep here (in the event that we might ever do more Carmen episodes in this canon - I'm not giving up hope). And there were cases where things we wanted to do earlier in the series wound up getting nixed or not fitting for whatever reason, but we got them in later - USUALLY FOR THE BETTER. So there's sort of a reverse Murphy's Law/rule of good fortune somehow in these things. But some fun things that didn't make it into the show, that leap to mind were: a Bollywood dance sequence (!). A Vegas caper involving Brunt wanting to steal an Elvis jumpsuit against the backdrop of an Elvis impersonator convention. We also thought it would be neat to get Maelstrom imprisoned so that Julia could interrogate him and he would play mind games with her - very Lector/Clarice!
Were there any different treatments of Carmen you pitched before settling on the one we ended up with?
Duane Capizzi:
I was one of several "pitches" that I'm sure HMH heard before running with my version. But I can honestly say I've never pitched anything as fully formed: the take on Carmen felt so right to me, and clearly HMH and by extension Netflix agreed
I'll answer your question with an anecdote: I had the entire Pilot pretty well worked out, and pitched it in the first meeting. But one key thing that changed (much for the better!), simply because it wouldn't have fit without slogging things down ...
In my Pilot pitch, Black Sheep's escape on the boat was off screen: we see Shadowsan corner her, then we cut away. The rest of the Faculty show up to find SS's broken sword on the rocks, and are led to believe BS killed him (!). In the present, Crackle points his weapon at Carmen and prepares to pull the trigger. We know that Chase is on the way and may rescue her. The compartment door opens to reveal - not Chase - but Shadowsan! Big surprise! Then we cut back to BS's escape and find out what really transpired etc etc.
Crazy, right? SS would have been hanging out with the gang in season 1; we might not have gotten to 203 with his back story, since his sword was broken and he couldn't return it. Just one of those magical things where "things work out" the way they are supposed to. THAT SAID, it made for a heckuva pitch
Are there any characters that ended up taking a direction you didn't initially anticipate?
Duane Capizzi:
I didn't know we'd make him amnesiac when I wrote the Pilot, that was something we came up with in our first week Writer Room.
And even then, when it became clear he'd be a key piece of the bigger puzzle, we didn't know how exactly (mostly the Season 4 stuff).
We did get very deep with a version where 404 ended with his protective streak for Carmen kicking into high gear, and they would be fighting off Vile Guards back to back in perfect tandem. Then, having chosen Carmen over VILE, it was Carmen who actually orchestrates Gray going "off grid" so that VILE can never find him again. Funny, I know that is arguably the version of Gray's arc that many fans might have preferred seeing. But in the tradition of spy thrillers and film noir, and for a lone wolf character like Carmen who is focused on her life mission and not romance, we stand behind where we went with him. We felt it was so much more compelling ... and truly more emotional that he totally has a get out of jail free card when he sacrifices everything (including his life, potentially) to save Carmen.
when she needs him most!
I know I made some controversial comments about Gray "not being good enough for Carmen" and I'd like to clarify that I meant, until that final episode. What he did was so selfless and heroic. Is there hope for them in the future? Who knows?! But I do hope we get to explore that one day
I'm sure Gray is living off the grid somewhere now, inspired by Carmen's selfless good and thinking of her from time to time.
You mentioned in the interview with Alicyn that Carmen is a love story, but you were cut off before you could finish discussing. Could you elaborate on your answer now?
Duane Capizzi:
Ugh, yes! Sorry about that. I actually answered that privately for someone so will cut and paste that response here. Let's see if it works.
Something we never said in the show, but something I imparted to the creative team was: Carmen Sandiego is (among other things) a LOVE STORY, where every character in our ensemble is in love with Carmen in one way or another. Even if they don't know it! That love can take different forms: we see how spurned by Carmen Coach Brunt feels and why she retaliates so excessively. Chase eventually comes to realize that he too loves Carmen, even if he wasn't initially aware of it haha. One of the most moving things to me about the series is how all of the different factions come to Carmen's rescue at the end when she's not "in her right mind," without knowing the others are there too. It's a massive group effort to bring back the Carmen they love. But we weren't looking for a fairy tale ending for Carmen with ANYone - Carmen's a classic lone wolf anti-hero, that goes with the territory. At least at this stage in her journey.
Were there other locations that you wanted to feature in the show that didn't make it?
Duane Capizzi:
I think we managed to cover a lot of ground and "cadence" between different countries/cultures/continents was important to us. Many "iconic" locations of course, and it would have been nice to explore some lesser known locations if we had more episodes.
One that we almost did was Niagara Falls, Canada - actually literally going to the Falls and doing a big hydro-electric caper, where Player could actually get into the field with Carmen and the team.
But ultimately, we wound up bringing Player into the fold the way we did and wound up stronger as a result. It made his "first face to face" with Carmen even more impactful, IMO.
Were there any changes in production between the first half and the second half of the series?
Duane Capizzi:
Well, there was that Covid thing
But while it was no doubt a colossal undertaking to get the entire staff transitioned to work from home (animators! and their equipment!), we managed to make up for lost time WITHOUT a dip in animation quality. My fedora's off to our amazing team at Wildbrain for pulling it off!
We did lose some staff between orders, but that is a natural part of production unfortunately. Namely, one of our episodic directors Kenny Park, our first storyboard artist Dennis Crawford, and our story editor May Chan were among those who moved on to other shows during the break. But, as hard as their shoes were to fill, fill them we did!
What is your favorite season?
Duane Capizzi:
Easy. Hands down, Season 3.
Again, another "they're all my babies" answer (and yes, I love Season 3 equally
It's hard, because really when you step back I'm sure you'll agree it's a series, with stand alone capers; but it's really all ONE BIG MOVIE.
Season 3 is like the scherzo of a symphony: the shortest movement of four, and the one that tees up the big finale.
That's my hoity toity answer but I'm going to put to rest all of the various theories on what happened with season 3. It was a combination of two things: Netflix's desire to experiment with different ways of "dropping" seasons, and their desire to do a holiday themed drop (in this case Halloween, naturally). It became our challenge to come up with a theme (easy enough: masks), and the bigger challenge to serve their need while not interrupting our ongoing narrative. A challenge to be sure, but a challenge met. I think the biggest bump was perception: it was a short season and I know that was disappointing to many. But, by design.
So, Season 3 = an essential part of the whole. I don't think there's a wasted episode, and it gets everyone into position for the big finish. I can't pick a favorite season - you can't make me
Were there any characters you had wanted to give more time to but couldn't due to time/plot restraints?
Duane Capizzi:
Well, there's the "what was on the white board" answer but hopefully some of those ideas will see the light of day in some way, shape or form some day. I think if we had more episodes, we would have shaken up the internal dynamic of VILE a bit more (as hinted at Brunt's displeasure with Maelstrom for leaving her hanging out to dry at end of 405 - a seed we planted "just in case," as some have noted). And we had more scenes in mind with Chase's partnering with Carmen for the first time that we had to cut to the bone because of what little room we had in that otherwise packed episode (worry not: it's mostly more gags, more embellishment, more twists and turns - but the important stuff is there). Mostly, and I don't think it would have been right for Season 4 but I hope to tell in the future, I think there's an interesting history between Shadowsan and Lady Dokuso - possibly tragic - that I would love to explore one day. (She was a cameo in Duke of Vermeer at the dinner party BTW, I'm not sure if anyone noticed. And we built a bigger role for her out of that)
What are some pre-2000/nostalgic Carmen references you snuck into the show? Do you have a favorite reference that was included?
Duane Capizzi:
Doing that was so much fun! I'd say roughly 60% of the characters were from previous iterations of Carmen, though often in name only. We had fun reimagining most everyone to make them more relevant or updated or giving them a more colorful personality for starters.
"Suhara" was Carmen's Japanese mentor when she worked at the ACME Agency in a flashback episode in the 90's series, for instance. I don't think I need to spell out how we turned that one inside out
And Tigress was also one episode only: she was a "rival thief" to Carmen, but revealed to be an ACME agent in disguise - a persona created solely to bait Carmen. It was really cool of course, but it seemed like untapped potential so we made her an ACTUAL Vile Thief.
My own internal rule was to make sure the references/easter eggs wouldn't confuse anyone - they were there for those who were in the loop and window dressing. The one and only time i broke that rule was Dark Carmen's line from 407: "I do it for the mental gymnastics." It was one of the most absurd lines from the 90's series (IMO) and i was determined to have it come out of Dark Carmen's mouth. I'm sure it left some 7 year olds scratching their heads
aside from that, the key references were the music: I still tingle at how we worked the Rockapella theme into the Interactive Special; and the 90's main title theme (composed by Mozart!), in our Vienna episode ("They're playing my song"). If you wanted Rockapella or Carmen as a bad guy, well ... be careful what you wish for!
Was there any improvised content from recording sessions that made it into any episodes?
Duane Capizzi:
Yes! Not much, because a lot of it would have pushed us into TV-MA haha
Mostly Mary Elizabeth - Coach Brunt has a POTTY MOUTH!
Mikey and Abby usually riffed their banter WAY beyond what was on the written page and had us in stitches. Some bits definitely made it in! But mostly there was too much or it would get off point (hmmm, much like my interview answers maybe? haha)
Sharon Muthu did rise to Pun Goddess status with "Mask and you shall receive." And Raf pitched me "Chasse means hunt in French" after one session and I said: "I'm going to write that in." I don't think he believed me. You can't say I'm not a straight shooter.
If you could get more season, would you do it, and what type of story would you tell?
Duane Capizzi:
Well if that hasn't been clear so far, ABSOLUTELY
There have been discussions of course. It's up to the powers that be at this point. I will say this: the beauty and tradition so far has been that every iteration has been its own thing. I definitely think there are more "different canon" versions of Carmen that can be had and be a part of this wonderful tradition. After all, there were many naysayers for our version when it was first announced.
I will also say that if we don't get to tell any more stories in this canon with these characters, we've left a perfect gem that will stand the test of time. I would rather go out on a high note than overstay our welcome.
All that said, we worked within the allotted episodes given, ended it as we wished, but left the door open for other stories. I'd love to do an expansion and a deepening: pick up where we left off; find out what happened in those two years; and proceed to do the equivalent of Godfather II or Better Call Saul as related to the amazing originals they followed.
Let's hope! Keep putting good vibes out there!
If you could pick a character on Carmen Sandiego who'd you switch places with for a day (you get to control their life and they get to control yours) who would you pick, and why?
Duane Capizzi:
Okay, THIS is difficult. So you're going Freaky Friday on me?
on a Sunday?
Hmmm, I know Ivy would get along with my cat ... but then I'd have to hang out with Zack!
That's the trick: I can't pick my favorites cuz I couldn't hang out with them!
(not that I have favorites - they're all my babies haha)
Okay, I have one: ROUNDABOUT. I could fill Shadowsan's seat - how cool is that? Then, I could enact all my evil fantasies - but still have a get out of jail free card cuz he'd be sitting at my desk!
(cut to Duane being brain wiped - D'oh!)
Who are two characters who don't really interact in the show that you think could be good friends or work really well together?
Duane Capizzi:
Hmmmm. Okay, now I'm going to give you quick and sassy answers. Gray and Julia! They'd be so cute banding together to rescue captive Carmen (for instance). And they could also duke it out and maybe settle things between themselves re: shipping controversies instead of dragging me into it
The FINAL QUESTION. Have you learned anything super impactful while working on the show?
Duane Capizzi:
Aside from Iceland's terrifically low crime rate?
I think I have learned to never underestimate how meaningful characters can be to fans. Social media has obviously brought us a lot closer to our fan base in more immediate ways: it's been really gratifying to hear/see/read feedback and not be writing things in a vacuum. It's been gratifying to see that ideas that were meaningful to myself and the creative team on Carmen that were crafted with care, have also resonated with our fan base. THANK YOU TO EVERYONE who has traveled on this journey with us - for embracing Carmen's world view, and her friends and foes alike. Take care everyone! Stay safe! This has been fun, thanks for having me!
HUGE thank you to Duane Capizzi: for being here today.
Thank you everyone for watching and reacting!
Duane Capizzi:
Okay, gotta run - just gotta find the door
Anyway, really: THIS HAS BEEN AMAZING. I speak for everyone involved in the creation and production of Carmen: it has been an amazing and inspiring series and we're elated to see it connect with such a CREATIVE, TALENTED and INTELLIGENT fan base. Take care everyone! Until next crime...
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rivet-ing-titanic · 4 years
May 25th, 1912 - American Inquiry Day 18
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Day 18: The last day. You would think that it being the last day and being off of work, I could get this one done on time. But life gets in the way. SO, here we are, to cover the final day of witness testimony, submitted affidavits, letters and “process-verbal” entered into record. Are you tired of these posts? Did you read or like them or find them interesting? Well if you are tired of them, it is just this and a Final Report summary post left to go. Jury is out on whether I will be back next year to do the British inquiry, day by day. (Maybe I should just do it now so each day will be on the correct day, protect me from my own laziness, personal issues and procrastination.) Enough about me, let’s dive in.
Today, testimony was taken on board the RMS Olympic, in the New York Harbor.
Herbert James Haddock, Captain, RMS Olympic;
E.J. Moore, Wireless Operator, RMS Olympic;
Frederick Barrett, Leading Fireman, RMS Titanic;
Submitted: (All submissions are linked)
Proces-Verbal – E.J. Moore, Wireless Operator, RMS Olympic; 
Affidavit – James McGough, First Class Passenger, RMS Titanic; 
Affidavit – Catherine Crosby, First Class Passenger, RMS Titanic; 
Affidavit – Imanita Shelley, Second Class Passenger, RMS Titanic; 
Affidavit – Eleanor Widener, First Class Passenger, RMS Titanic; 
Correspondence – Letter from Stanley Lord, Captain, SS Californian;
Correspondence – C.C. Adams, Vice President, Postal Telegraph-Cable Company;
Correspondence – H.C. Wolfe, New York World; 
Correspondence – P.A.S. Franklin, Vice President, IMM; 
Correspondence – B. Brooks, GM, Western Union Telegraph Co.; 
Statement – Mrs. Lucian P. Smith, First Class Passenger, RMS Titanic; 
Notable Quotes/Lines of Questioning or Summarized Testimony:
Smith starts by questioning Captain Haddock, about where they were, when and how he heard of the Titanic situation, and what his actions were. He is also questioned about any notifications of ice sightings they received, of which the first they heard was from the Asian on Saturday morning.
“Fear absolutely no hope searching Titanic's position. Left Leyland S. S. Californian searching around. All boats accounted for. About 675 souls saved, crew and passengers, latter nearly all women and children. Titanic foundered about 2.20 a. m., 5.47. GMT in 41.16 north. 50.14 west; not certain of having got through. Please forward to White Star - also to Cunard. Liverpool and New York - that I am returning to New York. Consider this most advisable for many considerations.” – Rostron (read from the record by Haddock)
Haddock then reads for the record, the exchange of messages between himself and Captain Rostron of Carpathia. They discuss location, ice, particulars of letting the appropriate channels know what has happened, Ismay and that they believe it best that survivors do not see Olympic, that no transfer take place.
Haddock continues to read from Moore’s report, detailing how the names of passengers were passed on by a “half-asleep” Cottam, who asked to be excused for his sending. Moore wrote in his report, “during the transmission of names it was evident the operator on Carpathia was tired out”. Cottam had testified earlier in the inquiry that once he heard Titanic’s distress call on the night of the 14th, he got about a handful hours of sleep over the next few days until they reached New York. He was working the wireless non-stop, with and without assistance from an immobile, frost bitten Bride.
Moore relates to Smith that he received seven or eight messages to the effect of a request for compensation for the story of Titanic. Moore makes note of these in his report, however did not reply to any requests from papers such as the New York Herald, the Sun and the World. He also indicates that he was never told not to give out any information, however he and the captain held information back in a desire that it be more accurate.
In addition to answering Smith’s questions, Moore submitted his wireless report (listed above as process-verbal) that both he and Haddock referred to during their testimony.
The correspondence from Stanley Lord that was submitted into record is a letter to Smith in which Captain Lord corrected a statement he made while testifying, which ultimately is inconsequential in my opinion, and probably more of a formality correction than anything.
As you all know, I love a passenger story or affidavit. So instead of pulling a whole bunch of quotes, as I am so wont to do, I now have just linked all submissions above, for you to peruse at your leisure. Is it being lazy? Maybe a bit, but I wanted to end this day, with a sprinkling of quotes, (of which I hope to have not included any similar before) a few thoughts in regards to any submissions or quotes, and my conclusions prior to the final report.
McGough asked a dining-room steward whether there was any danger, shortly after he left his stateroom. At that time the steward told him “not in the least” and suggested he return to bed. Fortunately for McGough, he did not. This seems a theme throughout this inquiry, where immediately after or even some time after, Titanic crew members, such as stewards, were not totally sure of what was going on or, if they were aware, the severity of it. Personally, I believe part of this to be due to the inability to inform due to technology limitations of the time, solved by walkie-talkies and earpieces today. Additionally, if a steward were on watch, and had not heard anything yet, he or she would have no reason to say anything other than everything is fine. I would also consider the desire to not cause panic had some impact as well. Clearly, it would have been helpful if some sort of light or alarm or notification had been in place, for passengers and crew alike, but word of mouth, on an incredibly large ship, with over 900 crew members, some of whom are sleeping, would be time consuming. Time, unfortunately the Titanic and the souls on board did not have. This does not even take into account the time that would have been necessary to figure out the extent of the damage. So while I personally feel, there should have been some better systems in place, criticism of stewards who only passed on what they knew at the time, or what a higher up told them, should be discouraged. (As you might know, I am currently learning more about crew hierarchy and things of this nature in my new book)
“It was reported on the Carpathia by passengers, whose names I do not recollect, that the lookout who was on duty at the time the Titanic struck the iceberg had said: ‘I know they will blame me for it, because I was on duty, but it was not my fault; I had warned the officers three or four times before striking the iceberg that we were in the vicinity of icebergs, but the officer on the bridge paid no attention to my signals.’ I can not give the name of any passenger who made that statement, but it was common talk on the Carpathia that that is what the lookout said.” – Crosby (hearsay)
Imanita Shelley has an interesting story about her accommodations and slight mishap of rooms that happened upon the start of her journey. See above for a link to her affidavit. I would be interested to see the rooms which were referred to. It does not seem in her affidavit that she makes any mention of actual room numbers. This is also the first, I have read, mention of issues with the heat onboard Titanic.
“Afterwards, on board the Carpathia, a first-cabin passenger a Mme. Baxter, of Montreal, Canada, told Mrs. Shelley that she had sent her son to the captain at the time of the collision to find out what to do. That her son had found the captain in a card game, and he had laughingly assured him that there was no danger and to advise his mother to go back to bed.”- Shelley (a very strong accusation that if true is concerning, however others have testified that this was not the case)
 “I borrowed money from a gentleman and took this Marconigram myself and asked the operator to send it for me… it was not received… This is the only complaint I have to make against the Carpathia… He also said it was not necessary to pay him, because the White Star Line was responsible. I insisted, however, because I thought that probably the money might have some weight with them, as the whole thing seemed to have been a monied accident.” – Mrs. Smith
“On the night of Sunday, the 14th of April, 1912, my husband and I gave a dinner at which Capt. Smith was present. Capt. Smith drank absolutely no wine or intoxicating liquor of any kind whatever at the dinner.” - Widener
 Conclusions prior to the Final Report: 
You could really get into the weeds with the last 18 days of testimony, what people/boats had drinking water, saw her go down and thought she broke in half vs. went down in one piece, who was afraid of suction, who heard explosions, I could go on. Part of me wants to do this, I think it would be quite interesting, especially diving into the distant light/boat testimonies. However, I do not have the time for that these days, and you probably don’t either (if you do please share what you find). What I will say, on my last day-by-day summary post is this: If you are a Titanic crazed person like I am, and love the history, the nuances of what went wrong, what went right, specific passenger experiences directly from their hand or mouth, do yourself a favor, and dive into this. The Titanic Inquiry Project is the most complete, well organized, and informative Titanic site I may have ever had the pleasure of using. They link out to passenger and crew and witness bios, they have the particulars on every ship mentioned, and it continues to add more and more. I am not done with this site now that I am done with this inquiry, I still have the British, and if you remember my post about liability, they now have those hearings. I cannot sing the praises of this enough. So if you have a rainy day, and an inquisitive mind, check out titanicinquiry.org . You will not be disappointed. And, if you like, you can use my American Inquiry posts, all under one link on my page, to help navigate, or pick and choose what you want to read.
SEE American Inquiry Day 17 post HERE.
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dailydoseofcolor · 4 years
Taking Stock of Units in Fire Emblem Heroes, Part 2
Next! Let’s take a look at the merged heroes I have and feel some sort of affinity for:
My 5*+10s:
Nowi (+Atk): She still puts in WORK. My first 5*+10 and she is an evergreen feature on any Grand Conquest teams, first runs of Lunatic maps, etc. She deserves a kit upgrade sometime soon, but somehow LB/Aether/SB/QR/Threaten Res/Distant Def still get the job done almost every time. Sothe (+Spd): Sothe is one of the first characters I ever really fell in love with from Radiant Dawn. He was an easy +10 decision. Again, I need to upgrade his kit soon, I have Broadleaf Dagger+ fodder....I just feel like I have to choose between him and Matthew, and I adore Matthew’s personality and I feel like I just need to bite the bullet and just raise both. Ross (+Spd): I literally yelped when he was released. Favorite character from the first game I actually beat (played FE7 first but beat it after beating SS). Every major decision in summoning since his release was clouded by “but I should still summon on Green for Ross merges.” But he’s done! This little dude runs so many builds and is also a main staple on teams. The Almosts (Most of these I actually have the resources to +10 but have been holding off because of a need to keep resources on hand to remain competitive):
Lyon, +7: My sweet boy. Major staple on most teams for a while before he just...couldn’t keep up. He needs a refine BADLY. Sophia literally takes him behind the woodshed and beats him within an inch of his life. We all know he likes it. He was the first person I sacked a Counter skill to. I love him and I want the best for him...but not until I know what his refine is.
Mordecai, +7 (+Atk): Another soft boy. Honestly, I merged him up because I had them available and got drunk while playing PoR. He functions very well at this merge level. I’ll get him up one day, but he really can’t be a focus right now, given he serves a very similar combat function to Nowi.
Shigure, +6 (+Atk): This is one of those scenarios where the voice actor really drew me to the character. Matt Mercer kills Shigure’s voice lines and also I got pitybroken by him a LOT. He’s got a pretty balanced stat-line, but performs better as a player phase duelist....except I want to eventually use Valter instead. That’s 99% the only reason I’ve held off, the other is having Harmonic Lance+ fodder just in case. I have the merges for Shigure, but I have a feeling this is as far as he goes.
Micaiah, +5 (+Atk): Best girl from RD (we all know this). Honestly, I haven’t ever sniped for merges on her, these are all organic, which is impressive. But she deserves the +10 and I think I would rank her pretty high in terms of trying to achieve that. Too bad I just missed several good opportunities to do so. This is why I should have done this a while ago.
Nino, +5 (+Spd): I have uncovered a not-so-secret trend. I have a major bias towards characters from Blazing Blade, Sacred Stones, Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn and, to an extent, Awakening. These were the games I played growing up, so it makes sense that they stayed. ANYWAY. Nino, adorable and punches through everything. I find I don’t really have a ton of space for her on teams, though...she was easy to merge and offers no fodder. I have all the materials, but she’ll honestly have to wait, like Mordecai.
Now, I think I should list out every character with at least +1 merge, to sort through who should be a priority. So this will go in descending order:
Mia, +3 (+Res): One of the only speedy sword girls I actually give a shit about (unsurprisingly). I would love a +10 eventually. Masked Marth, +3: A product of a bygone age. I never spent any real fodder on her, so I’ll chalk this one up to *meh*. OG Eliwood, +3 (+Atk): I have all the resources to +10 him. He’s my favorite Lord. He’s incredible in combat. He has amazing Resplendent Art. Why the fuck have I not finished him. I’ve failed my boy. Forgive me Eliwood. He’s clearly a high level priority. What have I been doing. Astram, +2: He’s a strong unit and has a great niche but I just....don’t care about him. I built him for this week’s Arena needs. His cost is just way too high as a Grail unit. He’ll stay at +2 for now.    Joshua, +2: He was almost my first grail merge project and I...held off. Idk, his cost is so high. but I love his personality and he’s near the top of the grail pile that deserves a refine. I might wait until then?? Idk, I’m torn. I think he could put in good work if I took the time to kit him properly. I need to put more thought into him. Eldigan, +2 (+Def): Multiple pitybreakers that have been merged. Garbage. Next. Donnel, +2 (+Atk): Donnel’s another character I’ve always really liked, but held off, because my Blue Enemy Phase Infantry slot remains filled. His new refine gives him an interesting niche, but is he worth the resources? I have the merges and feathers, but I’m hesitant to pull the trigger. Hawkeye, +2 (+Def): Another random decision I made months and months ago for...no particular reason? He’s got a great refine, but there’s nothing he can do that Ross or Brave Ike can’t. Brave Ike, +2 (+Atk): Speaking of...amazing typing, amazing refine, I sacked my only Nailah to him in order to finally make it to T21 in AR. I have one more waiting in the wings, because I worry that I might need Steady Breath for someone in the future. But I think the ship has sailed on SB’s hey-day. An extra merge for survivability is likely better. Rath, +2 (+Spd): I love Rath so much. His personality, his art, all great. He got SHAFTED stat line wise but....we shall prevail. I have a +Atk waiting in the wings, but I think I’ll keep the +Spd. Speed is king and will remain king until something drastic changes in the meta. He could be +7 with the copies I have, so I’ll likely up his merges soon. Lissa, +2 (+Res): I love Lissa. She’s so cute and she was the first true defensive healer, and I LOVE healers...but she’s incredibly outclassed at this point. Resplendent Lissa when??? I don’t see this going forward without some kind of refine/Resplendent. Adult Tiki, +2 (+Atk): Tiki has the misfortune of just not appearing as fast as Nowi did in terms of merges. I don’t love all dragon teams, and Nowi has the better color. Plus her refine isn’t amazing. She’ll remain here for now. Y!Marth, +1 (+Atk): I am on the fence about whether I feel regret for not pulling more for Y!Marth. His weapon is so strong, he’s got great stats, and not great fodder. But I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. I decided +1 was better than trying for the +10 and getting mad when I spent money on orbs. But he puts in work. I love him as a unit. OG Alm, +1 (+HP): Funnily enough, as an almost day-one player, I didn’t pull an OG Alm until halfway through his availability as a Limited-Time Divine Code option. He was a free pull on some random banner and obviously got a merge afterwards. I like his character, but I don’t know if I will ever make an effort to +10. Saber, +1 (+Atk): One of my absolute favorite units. One of the characters I had Summoner Supported for a period of time. His refine is very interesting and allows for some really interesting builds. I might need to make more of an effort for him in the future. Ayra, +1 (+HP): I’ll be honest, I don’t love Ayra. I don’t like the speed arms race she kicked off, and I’m bummed I didn’t just use her as Swift Sparrow fodder. Whatever. Black Knight, +1: Big surprise here: I love the Black Knight. I think he still holds up as a viable option for Red Armors. His cost remains high as a Grail unit, but I think it might be worth it, given how many armor skills exist now. Elincia, +1 (+Atk): The trend continues: character from PoR and RD that I love. She’s got amazing player phase capabilities, and eventually she’d be a great +10. Lukas, +1 (+Atk): The OG physical tank. Great personality and solid niche, but I have others who do the same thing. Nephenee, +1 (+Spd): The Halberdier class in PoR still ranks as one of my all time favorite character ranks. Nephenee languished as -Spd for a long time before I snagged another merge. I love her character and need to prioritize her builds. I’d love for her to demote one day (lol), but she’ll go on the list of 5* exclusive merge desires. OG Azura, +1 (Neutral): I feel like OG Azura is still outclassed, even with her Resplendent stats. Although she has a strong niche as a triple Chill support unit. I need to actually build her and deploy her before I sink any real assets into her. Legendary Ephraim, +1 (+Res): I pulled Legendary Ephraim long before I ever pulled OG Ephraim. He finds use mostly as a Grand Conquests lead. Which makes me realize that I don’t have a ton of lance cavaliers....or really any that I would really love to build. I’ll look into this. Altena, +1 (+Def): I adore Altena. She’s one of those characters that FEH really introduced me to and I fell in love with her personality, and she’s got a great kit. I’d love for her to be 3*/4*, but I find myself thinking I should pull for Blue on random banners, just in case I pull extras. She’s a high priority merge project. Halloween Dorcas, +1: Another case of a strange decision made without any real thought. Especially since Hack-o’-Lantern+ is a solid axe to have in a unit’s back pocket. I’m suddenly mad at myself for doing this. Minerva, +1 (+Atk): You know, Minerva was the third 5* I ever pulled in this game, and I never really found a use for her somehow. I suppose I avoided flying units for a long time, just because they were always physical, and usually less useful than infantry or cavalry units (what a time). She’s merged because of a pity breaker. Young Minerva, +1: Ironic, I know. Y!Minerva is near the top of my list for Grail projects. She’ll likely get a +10 eventually, it’s hard to top the skills she has available. And I’m weirdly a sucker for tiny children who destroy enemies. I love this unit. Legendary Alm, +1 (+Def): My first pull of L!Alm was -Spd, which was a major fucking bummer. I ultimately decided I needed to fix that when I pulled one a while back, it was a good decision. I am never going to have the resources to pump more into him, though. So his base kit will do for now. Matthew, +1 (+Atk): Let’s talk briefly about how fucking bad Matthew’s attack stat is. At lvl 41 with a 14 mt dagger equipped and attack boon he has 43 attack. Literal garbage. His refine makes him useable and I want to +10 him so badly because I love his character, but again, it clashes directly with the Sothe I already built, who only loses out on the defense that Matthew’s packing. It’s hard to justify, ngl. Kagero, +1 (+Atk): I am only human. Every once in a while, I am susceptible to the pull of a waifu or two. Cool refine, solid niche, but hard to justify when I have characters that do the work better. Julia, +1 (+Def): Another character I didn’t have for literal years, and got in back to back banners long after she had a hey-day. Crystalelemental on Tumblr loves Julia and, honestly, that love kinda rubbed off. She doesn’t even have skills equipped, but I’ve been on the lookout for a way to deploy her. She’ll get a good kit eventually. Legendary Female Fallen Robin, +1 (+Spd): Describing some of these characters becomes a mouthful. Solid niche, and she got a merge because she kept pitybreaking me on the road to Bramimond. The rest were sacked for Res Smoke fodder. She’s useful from time to time, but not a favorite. Lethe, +1 (+Def): I always liked Mordecai more than Lethe, but she hits a lot of criteria for me. Her typing holds her back a little bit, though. I also don’t run all beast teams very often, and that’s where she really shines. It also doesn’t help that her first appearance was as -Atk. Sometimes heroes with bad IVs that you love kinda lose their luster, which is sad. Kaden, +1 (Neutral): Both times a pitybreaker. Great niche as a unit, sees plenty of use when I’m running Bonus Doubler shenanigans. Doesn’t see a ton of use outside of that.
Phew. That was a lot to write. If you read through that....I am deeply impressed. I think next is taking stock of what I actually want in terms of unit niches, and which ones would fill those roles that I could target. 
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kaibutsushidousha · 5 years
Artbook Data - Development Team Interview
For context, here’s the tutorial for Salmon Fishing.
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Shun Sasaki: V3′s director. His main roles included mediating all the development teams and managing the schedules. Additionally, he will also talk in this interview about his own personal project: the bonus modes.
Taichi Kouno: One of the developers. A DanganRonpa fan who joined the team for Ultra Despair Girls. In V3, he was in charge of the Class Trial scenes and its minigames. 
Takahiro Suzuki: Joined the V3 production as a developer and handled the non-Trial parts and the e-Handbook. Like Kouno, he was a DanganRonpa fan who joined the team for Ultra Despair Girls.
Fans become members: the style of the DanganRonpa team
Interviewer: Please tell us what parts you did as a developer.
Taichi Kouno: I built the entire game system for the Class Trial and also did the minigames for the daily life part. Other than that, I got to do some work on the Academy map, blueprinted the base and produced the data the graphics guys need to draw.
I: I see how about Suzuki?
Takahiro Suzuki: I was almost completely focused on setting up the dialy life/investigation parts. And the system for the e-Handbook.
Shun Sasaki: I supervised Kouno and Suzuki’s work (although the final decisions were by Kodaka) and managed the schedules. Then I focused myself on the bonus modes. Thanks to Kouno and Suzuki’s good work, I was able to make the bonus modes as I wanted.
I: You couldn’t have implemented the bonus modes without their support, all right. You said that one handled the Trial parts and the other handled the non-Trial parts, but can you be more specific about what you did?
TK: The Class Trial has not only the usual dialogue, but also various minigames, like the Nonstop Debate, the Panic Debate, etc. My job was to think how would this be presented on the screen, where it would be implemented and how the player would interact with it. To actually make the interfaces I had to go over with the designer team, but I can draw, so it was easier because I could send a drawing of the screenshot I wanted. It’s much easier to explain myself when I can just go there, show a drawing and say “This interface represents this, it’s going to move like this and I want it to have this functionality”. I even started making extra drawings for whenever I wasn’t being illustrative enough.
I: Oh wow, I didn’t think you would also give ideas for the visuals, not just the system. And how about the non-Trial parts?
TS: The basics are the same. I look at the general conversation and the ideas Kodaka sent me and build the visuals from it. In most cases, I received the bases necessary from the programmer and designers. Since DanganRonpa is a series, I try not to wreck these bases, so the fans of the previous games won’t get confused. That said, keeping everything exactly the same is boring, so I’m very conscious about what I have to emphasize or improve. Being more specific, “Keep this set identical to the previous game but improve this aspect here” or “Change this interface to this”.
I: I see. So you’re the one who made multiple characters appear on the screen at the same time.
TK: That was decided from the start, but it was hard to leave it the way it is now.
TS: VERY hard (pained laughter). We used to display the character as 2D sprites, artificially placed in a 3D map. This time we placed 3D character on the 3D map but displayed in 2D.
TK: We started displaying multiple characters in dialogue scenes because we made this system of using multiple cameras to show many characters at the same time for the Panic Debate. If we could do it for the Panic Debate, we could do it for normal dialogue.
I: So basically, there are all the character in a 3D map and each of them has a personal camera to display them?
TS: Yes. Each character is their own camera in pre-established positions and we keep switching cameras to match the flow of the conversation.
I: This sounds like a lot to adjust.
TS: It was difficult to choose where to place each character in the 3D map, since we were giving each of them pre-established positions. Depending on where they were, the could be covered by the scenery or cause a slow loading.
SS: We switched hardwares, so it feel like we gained as many new hardships as we gained new possibilities. Increasing the number of characters on the screen was hard, but this time we could place characters side by side or in front or behind each other, making the group shots look a lot better than before.
TS: That said, we almost couldn’t make it for the Vita...
I: Yeah, that’s a lot less potent than the PS4.
SS: Yes, but we want to perfect V3 as a game that could be enjoyed equally in both the PS4 and the Vita with dropping any functionality idea, since the DanganRonpa series started as portable series, on the PSP.
TK: We could stop hearing that “It’s not impossible, you can find a way” (pained laughter)
I: Like a sports coach (laughs). When did you start working as developers?
SS: As I answered in the Direction Team interview, we started working on V3 while we were making DanganRonpa: Another Episode. Kouno and Suzuki started working in a different project immediately after they finished their roles in DRAE. I added the two to the V3 team as soon as Kodaka finished structuring the plot for V3 and we started making the game’s system and other elements.
I: Is this the first time you two work on a DanganRonpa numbered title?
TS: Yes. I was just a player before.
TK: I was just a fan too. My first time on a numbered title.
I: Which means you already thought about what you want to change or fix from a fan perspective, right?
TK: Of course I did. The one thing I really wanted to implement for this one was the Voting Time. I never got over the fact that it ended without me voting when I played 1 and 2... In V3 the story’s ending was about synchronizing the player with the character’s feelings, so I thought could make this happen by finally implementing the voting system. 
I: I agree, by participating in the voting yourself and sending a student to die, V3 made me feel more responsible for it than the previous games.
TK: That’s exactly what I aimed for. I want the players to feel responsible for what was happening. I thought making the Voting Time playable was necessary to make reinforce the experience of “This character died because you chose it”.
I: I see. And how about you, Suzuki?
TS: Since our specs were increasing, I took care of ironing out the visual style as far as I could. Also, those are just minor QoL updates, but I added more shortcuts to the maps and adjusted the icons to be more easy to identify. That said, I didn’t go too far to maintain the game’s DanganRonpa identity. 
I: And you had Sasaki making these decisions?
SS: No, Kodaka was making all the final decisions. If we made things too functional, Kodaka would come over and say “no”. Not because it would be too convenient, but cause it would generate too much loading and the menus would look weird. Many people in our team don’t like this. I personally the loading screens and like the menus, so in many occasions I thoughts “Are we really not having a function this convenient?”
TK: Some took issue with it being too convenient too. For example, if the map has too many shortcuts taking you absolutely anywhere, what would be the point of walking?
TS: That’s why I instead increase the movement speed to make it more comfortable to go around in that huge school.
I: That’s something you wouldn’t consider back when you were just a player. How did you decide who would handle each part when the development started?
SS: Oh, this? The role where just split with nothing special to say about it. As I said in the beginning, I just asked Kouno to do the Trial parts and Suzuki to do the non-Trial. And that I would do the bonus modes, counting on their help later (laughs).
I: What’s the first thing to do after deciding the roles?
TS: Pitching ideas for the game, of course.
TK: We get a lot of time to pitch ideas. We all read Kodaka’s entire script before discussing anything, and it has some vague annotations, like “I want this game to have more minigames than before” or “it would be nice to have a minigame where you can answer with images”. First we have to do what Kodaka is asking there before we can start thinking about what we want. Then in the business meeting, we polish and adjust our ideas. 
SS: And then discuss it with Kodaka and Sugawara, and they tell if we can or can’t insert each of our ideas.
I: And what is more important for their decision? If it’s fun or it fits the lore/worldbuilding?
SS: Good question. There are sometimes when ideas are fun but we don’t find any good place to fit them in the story, so we have to cut them, with tears in our faces...
I: Did you have to give more ideas for this game, since it’s much larger than the previous ones?
SS: Until now, Sugawara and I were the only developers, but this time this became too much work for just the two of us, meaning we had to hire Kouno and Suzuki to help. 
TS: I was so happy when I got called. I was goint to be on a numbered title.
TK: So was I. Unbelievably happy. Another Episode was also an amazing experience, but I only joined the production halfway through. This time I was there right from the start and most of my ideas where implemented. Being a developer is no fun if I’m not getting things my way.
I: The DanganRonpa team all looks very motivated, from the sounds of this interviews I’m making. 
SS: Making a game is still hard, though (pained laughter). But when we were implementing any component, I don’t remember anyone saying it would be impossible. Every member did what they could to include everything they wanted.
TK: Saying it’s impossible is easy, but then what next? Saying it’s impossible makes me feel defeated, so this get more motivated to find a way.
TS: The programmers all feel the same way when working, so it’s very easy to be a developer like this. Thanks, guys. Every time I say the idea I gave them is too difficult, they mock me and show me that they can do it (laughs).
The secret origins of the Death Road of Despair, the minigame that brought many players to despair
I: Kouno, did get involved in the Death Road of Despair? It’s not in the Class Trial part, but you said you were in charge of the minigames.
TK: I did. It was my part.
I: I heard from Kodaka he asked you to “make a crappy game”.
TK: Kodaka told me to make a game like Dragon’s Lair. When he actually played it, he couldn’t make any progress. “What the heck is this game!?” (laughs)
Everyone: (laughs)
TK: So, I tried to analyse Dragon’s Lair and come up with my own game where you die in places it doesn’t look like you’re supposed to die. And the  Death Road of Despair what the result of me throwing in every idea and trick I could, as far as the time and budget allowed. 
I: The characters are all slippery and hard to control. And the students behind you just keep dying.
TK: Yeah, in the request they told me to think about how Luigi slips more than Mario. I absolutely loved that unrealistic inertia. (laughs)
I: You probably have a lot of experience in being told to make things easier, but not as many opportunities to make a game utterly unplayable. 
TK: That’s Kodaka’s style for you. I was really motivated to reach his style when I was building this, so I want to see the platformer experts out there doing their best to reach the goal. It is possible.
I: Did you beat it, Kouno?
TK: I can’t. I just used the debug mode to assure all obstacles are clearable. One guy on the debug did manage, though. He said took him 1 or 2 days and he only beat it by a miracle. 
I: I saw some videos of people doing it.
SS: Everyone in the office was talking about them.
TK: I cried tears of joy (laughs). There’s even one guy who posted a No Damage Run.
I: A No Damage Run!? In that long of a stage? I’m impressed that they didn’t make any mistakes.
TK: So long that the background changes 3 times. By the way, at the end of the sewers area there is a set of bombs spelling “CLEAR”. I always wanted to do that. Sidescrollers always have those parts saying “CLEAR” not even close to the end. I absolutely wanted to recreate it (laughs).
I: (laughs) Speaking of minigames, there are a lot of them in the Class Trial. Were there any beta ideas for them?
SS: Not many, as far as I remember.
TK: As we said before, there’s the Mind Mine deal. “We should have a game where the player answers with images”. From that basis, someone suggested the minigame they wanted to make.
I: What minigame did you want to make, Kouno?
TK: I want to make a minigame like DR2′s Logical Dive. First I suggested a minigame where you controled a jet, but Kodaka said “A car is better” and so was born the Psyche Taxi minigame.
I: The Psyche Taxi’s world is quite unique.
TK: Kodaka said the world should look like Hotline Miami, so we settled with that.
I: Last but not least, the Hangman’s Gambit 3.0. As usual, it’s completely different from its predecessors.
TK: DR2′s Improved Hangman’s Gambit was harder as a puzzle game, in my opinion. But for this one we already added Mind Mine as a puzzle game, so we decided to tone down all the puzzle elements on from the Hangman’s Gambit and focus more on the action part.
I: I see. Kouno, did you come up with this game’s newest addition, the Debate Scrum, too?
TK: The Debate Scrum was already an idea before the project officially approved.
SS: We had already decided we wanted to do a group vs group debate, but we didn’t have anything concrete besides that, so we exchanged ideas as usual. 
TK: The Debate Scrum was a challenge. The pre-approval images looked awesome and Kodaka loved the idea, but I couldn’t for the life of me decide what to do with that... New tasks kept piling up in the meanwhile and things were starting to look bad, so I had to pass the bucket to Sugawara, since the Debate Scrum was his idea to begin with (pained laughter).
SS: Hold people responsible for their own ideas, people (laughs).
TK: But leaving it to Sugawara was the right idea. The “negotiating” between the character are one of the the Debate Scrum’s charms. This setup is difficult to make if you’re not a writer as good as Sugawara.
I: Sounds pretty tough to have to come up with all these minigames styles in parallel. Sasaki, you said you made the bonus modes all by yourself. What was the hardest part?
SS: Nothing really, the bonus mode were just me doing whatever I wanted. I could choose the genres by preference.
I: The bonus modes are all linked together, adding a lot of replayability. Was this all planed from the start?
SS: It was. I planned it to be played in a cycle. I said the dungeon would have 50 floors, but I ended up making 100 floors for it.
TS: I also liked how the bonus modes used the characters from the previous games. I knew people would love to see the V3 characters interacting with the ones from 1 and 2.
SS: I absolutely had to but the past game cast in this, since I made it a story where we could have characters from anywhere.
I: The bonus modes are really well polished.
SS: But there are some pieces I regret not being able to implement. For example, the Dangan Salmon version where Akamatsu is the protagonist... Chapter 1 has Free Time, so we prepare 2 events per character to use with Akamatsu. For the Akamatsu Salmon Mode, we want to fill up her pieces all the way to end. But as you would expect, the project was too big, so we left it aside.
TK: There was also the idea of choosing to play with Saihara or Akamatsu.
I: I see, if you make events for Akamatsu, the workload would double... So, after the work in the bonus modes was done, Sasaki moved back to the main game. Was that it?
SS: Yes. I finished the bonus modes pretty fast, so I could focus all my attention to the main game afterwards. For the main game, we were expecting a delay down to the last minute (pained laughter), so I did what I could to finish the bonus side fast.
I: In the director team interview, you said many new elements were added for chapter 6.
TK: That was 3 months before the remastering, wasn’t it? We decided to add a lot of new stuff to chapter 6 and everyone started going “We’re doing it like this now?!”.
TS: I recall something to that effect.
I: You said you had to come up with how the chapter 6 scenes would work from the scratch, based only on Kodaka’s script.
TS: Yup, from scratch (pained laughter). The script wasn’t too detailed about it and I had no indications as to how to makes everything flow together. But that part of the story was filled with scenes and twist everywhere, so we 3 were at our wit’s ends, weren’t we?
TK: Kodaka came up in the middle of our work and said some very unfortunate words. “I’m writing chapter 6 right now, but the sequences are turning out too similar to DR2, so I’m considering making Ki-bo destroy the school”. At the time I thought “Destroy how exactly? Do we really have the time to make new models? I don’t think so.”, then when I read the finished script, so much of it was different...
TS: Yeah, the Ki-bo video cutscenes were added.
I: I remember Kodaka saying he was amazed at his own creation (laughs).
SS: Sometimes things work (laughs).
TK: Kodaka often suggests the first random thing that comes to mind. That’s actually where he’s at his best. He makes people motivated to pull it off.
A game system that only managed to be this unbiased because the love Danganronpa
I: Now I’ll ask each of you about your favorite parts of the system.
TK: Mine is the Perjury system for telling lies. Lies are one of the themes of this game, so it’s not bad to be able to lie in-game. And since we’re making the players lie, I want them to feel corrupt about it. I also made the Perjury visual very much my style. The thing with all the eyes appearing was my idea.
I: Because you like everyone eyeing you when you’re lying?
TK: Yes. You never know what can happen if you’re caught in your lie, so you get anxious and alert. You feel like everyone is looking at you, and that’s what I want to represent with those visuals. Also, I didn’t want people being easily able to lie, so I made the lying command into a long and tedious button hold, that slowly drains your HP. You recover HP when the lie is succesful, so that’s both the bad feeling you have when you lie and the good feeling you have when you get away with it, both well put down into gameplay. 
TS: You’re praising yourself a lot (laughs).
I: What elements do you like, Suzuki?
TS: The e-Handbook. Since we wouldn’t have the pet-raising minigame from DR2, we added the dress-up element so you can change improve its appearance.
TK: People loved the e-Handbook backgrounds.
SS: Really? I actually found the dress-up function unnecessary and was against it. But Suzuki and the designers were very intent in doing it, so I gave the ok just because.
TK: I was also against it at first, but once I started to actually play with the backgrounds and see their individual animations, I really enjoyed them. It also increased the prize count for the casino, so it’s good that we did it. 
TS: Though I think we made the designer team suffer with each new background we had them make. It was only going to be the e-Handbook changing colors when the protagonist spot switches from Akamatsu to Saihara. But we thought that if we’re changing once, why not change a few more times? It would be fun. Another thing, the reactions on the novel parts. 
I: By reactions you mean the interjection cursor that appears in the novel when you move the right analog stick?
TS: Yeah. Nothing happens when you do it though (pained laughter). I just thought it would be a good support system to make V3 more immersive. 
TK: But it really does nothing. It would really be better if the character lines changed if you did an specific reaction at an specific moment.
SS: Oh, we really should have done that.
TS: We can do that next time... Aside from the reactions, another really minor element I like is slapping away the chair and tables and whatnot.
I: The game really makes you want to slap the things. Whenever I got to a new place the first thing I did was always checking for what I could slap.
TS: It changes how the scenery looks like and it gives you Monocoins, so yeah, do it. 
TK: It’s a plain way to earn Monocoins, but it’s still money. The Monocoins can be exchanged into Casino Coins so there’s no downside for getting many.
I: Finally, Sasaki, what elements do you like?
SS: Number one are the bonus modes, but after that, I liked Panic Debates. It easy to experience how much the Class Trial evolved and there’s a pretty well done job in to making it look chaotic.
TK: Really? That was my idea.
SS: Good job.
I: Kouno is getting a raise today (laughs). What idea gave birth to the Panic Debate?
TK: I always wanted to add a new debate to the Class Trial. In the project meeting, we had to think of situations we never did before, but I couldn’t say with anything. After the meeting was ending, our small community started talking, everyone at the same time. That’s where I the idea came to me. 
I: And this epiphany became the Panic Debate.
TK: We never had this situation where multiple students spoke in the Class Trial at the same time, so I thought this could work. 3 characters filling the same screen, multiple Weak Points appearing, none of this was never done before, so I’m glad we managed to implement it.
Even the Game Over lines!? The playfullness the devs incorporated
I: Can you tell me what did you do to make the game more accessible to people not good with action games?
TK: By setting Skills according the action parts you’re bad at, it gets significantly easier. You can get Skill by exchanging Bond Fragments or in the Casino shop. Many of the Skills available with Bond Fragments make minigames easier, so I recommend using those. The casino Skills, on the other hand, are better for increasing your score. Try using those when you’re already used to the game and wants to get the best score you can.
I: That makes it important to talk with other students.
TK: Not to mention all Skills obtained from maxing a character’s affection are very strong. The more you talk to get Skills, the easier the game gets.
I: Tell us some useful gameplay secrets that only you know.
TK: Ok, me first. You can get a rocket start on Psyche Taxi. It works if you hit the gas the exact moment the GO appears. Give it a try.
TS: A lot of minigames have little secrets. Like how the tutorial for Salmon Fishing is a poem....
TK: Not a poem, but a reference to a famous song from a popular band. That’s why Saihara says “That was quite the poetic explanation...” after reading through the whole thing (laughs).
I: I completely missed it (laughs).
TK: One more thing about the Casino. For the slot machines, their reel patterns change depending on the machine you use. The one with the green nameplate is the more balanced one and the one with the red nameplate is the high risk high return one. The one with the blue nameplate is a more tricky machine. If you hit Scatter, you’re more likely the get WILDs and land a huge profit in one go.
I: The blue machine sounds the best to roll. Suzuki, do you have something for the non-investigation part?
TS: Let me see. You can talk to the Monokubs in the Salmon Mode and each of them has multiple different lines. Even for the silent Monodam, we gave him a line with 3% appearance rate. You can get Casino coins from talking to them, and getting the special Monodam line gives a lot of them. I don’t think people will get to see this a lot, since you can only talk to him once per day. But I’ll be glad the interested people would try it out.
I: 3%? Yeah, that’s very special alright.
TS: Also, character birthdays. All of them have special meanings, so speculate to your heart’s contents.
TK: Lastly, I have a few secrets about the Class Trial. First, we have multiple different Game Over dialogues. For example, if you time without picking anyone on Voting Time, you get a unique game over.
I: You mean Saihara’s thoughts change?
TK: It’s not that Saihara’s thoughts changes, you get a new conversation with Monokuma. Every chapter has 2 different Game Over dialogues, except for chapter 1, which has one more for Akamatsu, and chapter 6, which has 7 different unique game overs. You change characters in chapters, so we had to add new Game Over dialogue for all of them and then one shocking final Game Over for when you vote. Game Overs asides, you also have unique dialogue for the mistakes you make, so you can enjoy all different scenes.
I: That’s a lot of hidden details.
TK: I remembered one more thing about the Class Trial! In chapter 1, the first Nonstop Debate with Saihara as the protagonist has the exact same cameraworks and word movement patterns as the first Nonstop Debate from DR1. Since that debate is when Saihara finally becomes the real protagonist, we thought it would be interesting to make it identical to the first one. If there’s a video comparing the two, you can really tell it’s the same. 
I: I want to watch this video now. By the way, was this parallel planned from the start?
TK: Originally, chapter 1 wasn’t going to have any debates as Saihara, until Kodaka suddenly said he wanted to add it...
SS: He wanted to use Saihara’s BREAK cut in there already to make everyone sure that Saihara was the new protagonist. So we added debates.
TK: And this new debates were asked to be made at the very last minutes, so we had no idea what to do. Once we were out of good ideas, we thought repeating the first Nonstop Debate ever would be a valid idea. The fans who notice would find it clever and we could just copy-paste the program scripts, so two birds with one stone. Except the program was written completely different, so we couldn’t just copy the script. 
SS: You had to copy it by manually typing it?
TK: I copied it by eye. 
TS: It wasn’t much more time consuming.
TK: But that was because having ideas is hard. I’m glad we could get away with this.
I: Now that I think about it, having to come up with a new camera work and text movements for each Nonstop Debate sounds hard. 
TK: Don’t even start. Especially now that our platform has been greatly improved. Everyone was thinking “Let’s make this animation”, “Let’s add this text placement”. We went through all the possibilities. And from this game on, we became able to move the text in 3D and gained some new fonts. It was a lot of work, but it was worth it. I thought the person typing the program would suffer a lot with it, so I did most of it myself... I’ll only say it took forever.
I: That’s a tremendous workload...
TK: Naturally, we must come up different animations for every debate. We created multiple patterns of font and lettering, and even needed to match the text’s colors to its contents. When someone was being accused, we pay attention to how our color work makes this character stand out.
I: The chapter 6 animations were the biggest highlight. Did you come with those, Kouno?
SS: Sugawara was in charge of the 6th Class Trial. 
TS: And so was the first.
 TK: Sugawara was in charge of the parts where we change characters. At first I was the one coming up with them, but partway through I was forced to admit it was too much for me... I asked around who could help and the answer was “There’s Sugawara!”.
I: The same twist as the Debate Scrum story (laughs). Sugawara is always reliable, like your last line of defense.
SS: He is. We’re glad we have him.
TK: It comes as no surprise. He is one of the creators of the Danganronpa franchise. Since we had him handling the animations for chapters 1 and 6, those turned out a level above the rest.
The developers’ thoughts to make a better game
I: Last question, tell me how you feel about the game now, and what would you want to update in the next game.
SS: How do you two feel about the game now ?
TK: I’m extremely happy with all the reactions we got, both positive and negative. I feels like a lot of people were strongly impacted from playing V3.
SS: It’s great to see opinions about it. There have been a lot of different takes on it, even some people who felt challenged by the ending. As developer, seeing this many different opinions make me feel more blessed than I deserve. Thank you all very much for it.
TS: Seeing reactions from people enjoying the new elements we created as much as we wanted them to makes me glad I could implement everything right. 
TK: One more, a little bit more personal opinion. As its developer, I’m very glad for the surprising amount of people who tried hard on the Death Road of Despair.
I: You thought there would be less of them, Kawano?
TK: I thought the challengers would assume it’s 100% impossible and give up halfway through. I readjusted a lot of things to make it clearable, but I still would be satisfied with 2, 3 people in the entire world beating it. But a lot of people showed up clearing it. As the person of handled every balancement detail of this minigame, along with my thanks to everyone who took so much of their time to beat it, I also want to say “wow, you’re awesome”.
SS: You just can’t stop praising yourself (laughs).
TS: The Death Road was made under the premise that at least one person out there was going to beat it. So we prepared not only a Saihara version to the ending, but also an Akamatsu version, and even made a bonus e-Handbook wallpaper for it. It’s made in a way you can do it if you try hard enough. But we were not crazy enough to tie an Achievement to the Death Road of Despair.
I: Yeah, you wouldn’t be able to get a Platinum without beating the Death Road. Ok, now tell me what do you want to improve or be careful about for the next game.
TS: For the VN part, I want to improve the visuals, adding animations and lightings to the characters. I’m quite used to the gameplay as it currently is, so I don’t fell much need to change it. I feel that what we must do now is to strenghen the visual part, making smoothly moving sprites to make the game even more immersive. Also, the current VN part has a lighting setup that shadows the characters you’re not talking to and I want to improve on that function. 
I: On that note, if the game were a PS4 exclusive, could you have more than 3 characters on the screen?
SS: The hardware allows it.
TS: Adding more than 3 characters to the same screen is not the priority. I’m just thinking about how I can improve the presentation to make the Danganronpa story more enjoyable. 
I: I have high hopes for it! And you, Kouno?
TK: A thing we need to more careful about, yes. We need to pay more attention to what we show in PVs and official material.
I: Did anything go wrong with a PV?
TK: I swear I was paying attention when I was making the PVs, but I had to do some rushjobs when I had no time or resources. I couldn’t check out all the finer details in time. Rantarou Amami was not there in the first revealed Class Trial picture, his “And why would he be in the library” line from the first PV was unvoiced, so people started suspecting that he would be the first victim. 
I: Oh no, their suspicions were precisely on point...
TK: I made an inexcusable blunder, both to the dev team and for the fans. We should have recorded some dummy lines. 
SS: If I had just a little more time available, I could have noticed it beforehand. It’s my job as the dev leader to check every detail... Another struggle was because we didn’t Debate Scrum resources for Amami.
TK: Oh yeah. Amami doesn’t participate in Debate Scrums, so we didn’t make any material in advance. That’s another thing we should have done...
SS: The only Amami material we had for the Scrum Debate was his dead portrait. For obvious reasons, we couldn’t just put that out there for promotional material. A problem so easily solved if we had just made an image of Amami facing sideways beforehand... 
I: And how did you deal with Amami’s face?
SS: Coincidentally, Amami’s expression sheet just happened to contain a lot of sprites where he faces sideways. We were at a point where using that was the only option, but once we looked more closely, all other students had proper centralized looks while only Amami was looking directly to our faces (pained laughter). When we made it, we were worried that the fans would figure it out. 
TS: And surprise, surprise, they did.
TK: If people noticed the unvoiced line, of course they would notice only one person looking directly at them.
SS: Good thing we can laugh at it now.
I: Oh yeah, now that I see the picture, Amami looks very off.
SS: By the way, an Amami’s Debate Scrum Illustration was made exclusively for this artbook. It’s very rare Amami content, so I hope you enjoy it.
I: Thank you for this precious conversation. Give one final message to our readers.
TK: Being a game developer is hard, but fun and rewarding. If reading this interview made you interested in becoming a developer, go ahead! Also, my Twitter @ is taichikono. I’d appreciate your follows, if you’re interested.
TS: You sound like an ad (laughs).
I: Your turn, Suzuki. If you please.
TS: I’m happy and grateful to everyone played our game. We still don’t have anything planned, but I truly want to give you the next title, in whatever shape or form it may be. Keep looking forward to the Danganronpa series.
SS: Are you sure you tell your Twitter @?
TS: I like to live away from the limelight... I couldn’t handle a big follower count (laughs).
I: I get it (laughs). Last but not least, the final comment, from our director.
SS: I’m always doing Danganronpa interviews with Kodaka and Terasawa, but Kouno and Suzuki form quite unique trio here, since those two are from the side of the staff that usually doesn’t talk to the public. Every Danganronpa is very colorful on its own different way, so we from the development team would appreciate if you would play them all again, thinking about what kind of people made it.
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bethygauw · 6 years
[2/2] Online B’s-Log Interview with Satoru Kuwabara
Released 4 June 2018
Original source Part 2 The original article has pictures that complement well so please check it out too.
This is B’s-Log’s new project, “Creator Touch”, an interview series with creators of popular series. The first person they interviewed was Satoru Kuwabara, the music producer of Ensemble Stars!.
In the first half of the interview, they asked about how Kuwabara started to get involved with Enstars unit songs. Kuwabara also talked about the points he focused on in the song series that have been released so far. (~2.8k words)
In the second half, they talked about song numbers that left the biggest impression on Kuwabara, the 3D live concert, the voice actor live concert and Enstage. (~2.2k words)
In their third single, I wanted to show everyone Trickstar who had transformed.
Q: You had created numerous songs for Enstars, but which one left the biggest impression?
K: There are many… but outside of first season songs, I’d say it’s Trickstar’s BREAKTHROUGH!. It was supposed to be the B-side at first. We made DIAMOND SUMMER with the intention of making an A-side because it was a very Trickstar song. But we also wanted to show a different side to Trickstar—a transformed Trickstar—and not just their cheerful and positive side. That’s when we brought up the suggestion to make BREAKTHROUGH! as the A-side song. Both songs were very important, but the first song would be the long-lasting impression after all. That’s exactly why we made BREAKTHROUGH! as the first song.
Q: That’s a good point. As opposed to the other songs that Trickstar have released so far, it’s like they’re fighting in this song.
K: I wanted to show how Trickstar has an enemy that they cannot oppose at their current state through music as well. I thought that if they were to challenge their rivals—Eve, Adam, and Eden—it would make things better if they weren’t the “usual Trickstar”. That’s why I strongly pushed BREAKTHROUGH! for the A-side forward.
Q: Were there any other songs that left an impression on you?
K: It would be 2wink’s TRICK with TREAT!!. One reason is because I was the one who wrote the song, but it was also the first time “Saito-san” and “Soma-san” got to sing with the others so I was happy for him (laugh). Saito-san always looked so lonely all by himself, so it was a long-awaited moment.
Q: TRICK with TREAT!! has UNDEAD singing as the backing vocals and voicing out dialogue lines. Speaking of UNDEAD, I think there were a lot of fans who were waiting for the veteran unit, Dead Man’s.
K: You must mean Dead Man’s Death Game Holic. In that CD, Dead Man’s song took priority and was made first, so making UNDEAD’s songs was a herculean task. UNDEAD’s second season CD was considerably cheerful, so I wanted to show their corrupted side more in the third season, but there was a restriction where they must not feel more corrupted than Dead Man’s. I’m the composer of Gate of the Abyss, and actually it was a song that was chosen through a contest. Happy Elements chose this song in the end.
Q: From a professional’s point of view, what would be your fixation in Enstars unit song series? Specifically, can you tell us if there’s anything like, “Maybe you won’t notice if you don’t listen to it carefully, but actually…”
K: I wanted to deliver the best sound quality as best as I could, so we made it compatible with high resolution sound quality. It’s actually made in a much better sound quality environment compared to generic CDs. Although when you burn it into CDs, it’s not high-res anymore… Also, up until around the second season I took into account the units’ upbringing and position. I made some delineation in my mind, for example how I think I can make some parts more extravagant. I thought to myself that I’d better make those improvements.
Q: …In other words?
K: “We should record a live string performance for fine!” (laugh) Valkyrie is a unit of artists so naturally we would record the instruments’ live performance, ditto with Akatsuki and the traditional Japanese instruments. On the contrary, I try not to include acoustics as much as I can for 2wink. For Ra*bits, they’re also a rookie unit, and although we had skilful musicians perform for us, we didn’t use live recording as much at first.
3D live concert, voice actor live concert, and the secret episode behind Enstage’s production
Q: Enstars’ unit songs have been performed in various types of media such as the 3D Live “DREAM LIVE” (Star Live) and the Starry Stage, a live concert of the voice actors. Can you tell us a bit more about them as well?
K: With the Star Live, I was the one who wanted to have a live band. In 3D Lives, the characters’ movements are pretty much the same for every session, so I think putting on a live band accompaniment would make the audience think that the characters are alive even more. I supervised the band arrangement of the songs and also the casting of the band members. It was only the performance on December 31st where one of the band members couldn’t make it and I had to fill in for them (laugh).
Q: Now that you’ve seen the Star Live, what do you think?
K: I simply thought that wow, we live in an amazing era! Sorry if that sounded like a 5-year-old commentary (laugh). I was blessed with the opportunity to feel the fans’ wish to see this concert first-hand. I was able to take on a new challenge and I felt grateful.
Q: What about Starry Stage?
K: I was involved from the planning stage. I was actually the one who wanted to have a live performance with the voice actors. Our plan got through after right about 2 years, and it was approved with the title "Starry Stage”. I actually don’t know what “SS” is the short for, but when it appeared in the game I thought it was “Starry Stage”. In Starry Stage, I was involved in casting, stage production, and production supervision. I really got to do many different things!
Q: What did you think of it?
K: Goodness, I was just emotionally overwhelmed. One of my strongest feelings would have been, “I finally got to see this scenery!” But more importantly, it brought to surface my powerlessness and what I was lacking (bitter laugh). To bring forth a live performance, we made the fans wait for 3 years, so the Starry Stage also had a concept of getting up close to the fans as much as we can. That’s why I wanted to absolutely have all of them get on the moving cart and also have them go to the smaller stage (at the back). I think we managed to clear that part. Although, among the 13 cast members, to more than half of them it was their first time singing and dancing for an idol series. That’s why it was difficult to ask them to learn difficult choreography so we just did the best we could. Those were some of the challenges we had, so it was a really touching moment for me when I watched the performance.
Q: There’s a second concert for Star Live, but how about Starry Stage?
K: The official title had “1st” in it so, in other words, you know? (Laugh) As for me, I’d like to make it happen!*
*[T/L note] It’s happening! 13 January 2019 at Nippon Budokan.
Q: You guys from Arte Refact are also involved in creating original songs for the stage adaptation, Ensemble Stars! On Stage. Are there any differences in the processes between making a song for a CD release and making a song for a stage play?
K: In Enstage, we basically received the script and then we were asked to make a particular type of song. Enstage played out the main story. Around that time, we kind of already made them into unit songs, so it was difficult. But we took out some specific parts of a scene and looked at them from a different point of view. That’s when we could create. We made them as we thought how this unit was singing this particular type of song, and how this was the kind of music that would fit this kind of scene… So what we did was the same, but we made the song from a different viewpoint.
Q: In Ensemble Stars! Extra Stage ~Judge of Knights~ that used the event Rebellion! The King’s Horseback Ride as its theme, they performed many new songs during the Judgment Live scene.
K: Judgment had a developing battle scene so they asked us to make a medley. At that point, the script was not yet finished so I had no idea how it was going to be. But when I read the finished version I understood what they meant. Although, I asked them what would happen with the dialogue bits in between, since it wouldn’t be called a medley anymore if they had stopped [the music]. Then, they told me that they were going to include something like a dance choreography as well. That’s how I decided to let the music play in the background during those times and let it develop entry points for the singing to come in again.
Q: So you made it based on the fact that it was going to have both acting and singing included.
K: Also, the actors can sometimes change when they choose to take a breath between the phrases. When that happens, the timing feel will change as well. I can’t create with the stance that they have to breathe at some specific point. When they sing, it’s fixed, but other than the singing part I make the music loop (so that they can get back onto it should they be running behind). Since the battle scene was made to accelerate, I and the composers’ side suggested to also increase the bpm (tempo) a little by little. It was subtle so that the audience won’t feel the abrupt change.
Q: You really made these songs based on how it’s going to be sung at a stage play.
K: When there are dialogues within a song, I would read those dialogues out loud to myself and think about the timing of how the character speaks. Then that’s how I figure out how long the phrases should be.
Q: Have you seen Enstage?
K: I’ve seen all of them, of course. All of them and all the characters are truly really good, but personally I really like Eichi Tenshouin’s actor, (Takahisa) Maeyama-san! I was like, “Thanks for giving me a chance to write a song for Eichi-sama! It was the best!” (laugh)
The main point about character songs is that it’s not unnatural.
Q: I’d like to ask something with regards to what we call character songs in general. Is there anything that you feel you must do every time you create character songs or unit songs?
K: It’s difficult to explain it in words, but I myself don’t think of Enstars’ songs as “character songs”. It’s like I’m actually producing idols and real life idol songs. But if I have to answer from the viewpoint that they’re character songs, I guess it would be how I won’t make something that’s unnatural for that character of that world to sing this kind of song. I want to make a song that can let you picture the world and the character. That the world matches the character themself, and that it’s nothing out of place. For example, you don’t feel right hearing digital instruments in an anime with an idyllic setting. But if there’s someone in that anime who likes games, it won’t be strange to insert something digital. I think about how I should set things apart like that.
Q: Do you not approach the way you make [character songs] and songs you make for real world artists differently?
K: There’s no difference. But for me, it’s often the case that I would ask the artists to write the lyrics as a condition when I’m the one producing or providing songs for them. If the situation proves to be difficult, or when they have other tie-up songs to work on as well, then other lyricists may be called in. But as long as that is not the case, I’d like the actual person who will be singing this song to write the lyrics themself. Otherwise it won’t get through to the listeners, is what I think. If they sing words written by someone else, there’s always something about it that doesn’t feel right. I want to make a song that includes the singer’s feelings in it even just a little, so I’d like them to write their own song’s lyrics whenever possible.
Q: Lastly, please leave a message to readers who are looking forward to your next work! What would you like them to hear in the songs that you have produced?
K: I think music is something alive. Even if the melody and the lyrics don’t change, your emotions don’t stay the same when you listen to the song for the first time, the second time, the third time, and so on. I want you to enjoy a song by paying attention to the way the singing is different, or how the accompanying music is different even though the melody is the same. It may make you think how much the world in that song have changed. For Enstars unit songs, you can spot the differences especially if that song has live performance of the backing instruments. Or even though it’s not a live performance, more instruments may be added and the way the melodies play out may also be different. We make that kind of contrasts so I think “spotting the little differences as you listen to it” is another way of enjoying the songs. We are very particular to each and every musical part of the song and not just the melody, so I hope you can pay close attention to that. I’d like you to listen to the karaoke versions that are included in the CDs single as well!
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dwsecretsanta · 7 years
Thinking Inside The Box - Part III
Part three of my SS for @presidentromana! Read and enjoy, mate! It’s all coming together, now. One more part, and then an epilogue to go, I think. 
Rating: FR13, for themes of imprisonment, and a very bored Narvin.
Wordcount: 2752
Thinking Inside The Box - Part III
Author: @the-ripper-rides
My life is a box, seven foot wide, ten feet in depth, and ten feet in length.
The walls inside this cell are a cold, solid grey, smooth and unmarked, even where the door slides into the wall. It would be impossible to know where that was simply by looking. Of course, I memorized the position on the very first day, in case I ever got a chance to make use of it. There is a grating in the floor, on the far side of the cell, which lets fresh air in, and water out. A shower head above that, six and a half feet up the wall, lets lukewarm water run twice a day for fifteen minutes at a time, so that I can stay clean in this sedentary life. A pull-across section of transpasteel runs along the edge of the grating, across the seven foot length of the cell, to keep the rest of it clean and dry. There are also bathroom facilities in this area.
I’d thought the grating a weak point, when I was first placed in here. It took four point two-three-five spans to work it loose from the floor with my fingernails, and prise it up. Of course Pandora wouldn’t be so stupid. Under the grating is a gap that’s just big enough and deep enough for a body to lower itself into, more solid steel around the edges, and at the bottom of the manhole, another seal of time wall, modified so that it blows cool air into the room.
Its purpose is the same as everything else that Pandora has engineered; raising hope, simply to take it away again.
Three steps from the wall, there’s a desk and a chair, both fastened to the floor so that they can’t be used as potential weapons. The grating was designed to be able to be loosened. These were not.
I still tried, anyway, of course. Broke two fingers while doing so, and tore a strip off my robes, to bind them together with the two unbroken ones, so that they healed as well as possible.
In that moment, I was grateful that I had another hand which I could use to bind them.
Folded down from the back wall, one foot from the right wall, and three feet wide, is a steel platform set up to function as a sleeping surface. It’s six and a half feet long, although that doesn’t make it comfortable by any means. A thin mattress is attached to a platform, and once a week I can place the old sheet, blanket and pillowcase on the middle of the table, where it vanishes, to be replaced by fresh bedclothes. This is also where I get fresh clothing from, daily.
White uniform robes are at least a little like my old CIA uniform was.
Standing on the table, on top of my old bedclothes, doesn’t make me vanish along with them. Believe me, I’ve tried that several times over, too.
A constant soft light emits from the ceiling, which is ten foot high, and gives no hand-hold or fixtures to grasp onto. The light never changes, so there’s no sense of night and day either.
Every second ‘day’ I’m fed, food cubes like the sort that a TARDIS food dispenser would produce. There’s no texture here in my life, either. It’s sufficient to keep me alive, although not much else.
Every day is the same routine. It’s important that I don’t change it, not for anything.
Wake up, exercise for two hours with stretches, work to tone my muscles and keep them lean, further work on my flexibility, speed and accuracy, then pace the length of the cell for fifty circuits, which takes half an hour exactly, these days. Then it’s into the shower, have a wash, get changed, eat if it’s a day that I’m fed on, and then meditation for five hours. After that, is another set of circuits, another half an hour of covering the length of the cell, although this time I jog it.
It feels good to stretch, after sitting for so long.
Then in the afternoon it’s further meditation, blocking my grey surroundings out while I turn inwards, until the day draws late. I run my final hour of circuits, have another shower, eat if it’s a day for food, and then sleep.
Day after day, after day, after day.
What I wouldn’t give for something to read. Even the CIA Training and Initiation Manual would make a nice change to things.
Endless tedium.
And to think, I used to find paperwork boring. I’d write it all by hand, if I had it, these days.
I left the screws that held the shower grating in place loose, although I had no plan of what to do with the space at the time. Now, it’s a two minute job to flick it up and back, to gain access to the space underneath.
I thought that I was first going mad, when I saw the holes on the grating rearrange themselves into words, before my eyes. That too many years of nothing but another empty day had finally pushed me loose from the tethering of sanity, and caused me to crack.
Then I read the name under the message, and had to struggle to stop myself from reacting in any way.
Check inside your food cubes, next time. Don’t just swallow them. I’m using an old trick that I learned, from a good friend to communicate with you. Only you can see this message; I’ve altered your perception of the world, nothing in the world itself.
Trust Braxiatel.
If anyone could slip an invisible message into a maximum security holding area, right under Pandora’s nose, then it would be him, wouldn’t it?
Those words gave me two things that I hadn’t had in a long time; a sense of hope, and the knowledge that I wasn’t alone in all of this.
A hard, metallic component in the food cube was my second break in the routine. I tucked it under my tongue, made a note not to accidentally swallow it, and held onto it until I could get into the shower once more, without breaking my routine.
That was the important thing, to give nothing away.
The components were tucked inside the hole under the grating, which had once given me false hope. Now, it was a cache for my real hope.
Piece by piece, and food day by food day, the pile grows. The individual components snap together with ease, slowly taking shape and form. A tiny communicator set, with a hearing piece which slips inside the ear to allow one to hear messages, and a vocal transponder that wraps around the tongue, and sits inside the mouth, unnoticeable, to allow one to talk.
There’s a pair of these, although I’ve no idea who the second one is for. Once the second one is assembled, I get the message to flush in the toilet, which I do without hesitation.
Everything is in Braxiatel’s hands now, an idea which once would have terrified me, but I now take comfort from. If the plan, whatever the plan is, fails, then it will not be because of my doing.
The next device takes a lot longer to come together, piece by piece, however I recognize it straight away, from the very first component. How could I not, when it’s a machine of my own design?
It’s this, more than anything else, that truly makes the feeling of hope rise in my chest, although my dead-eyed, bored expression never changes. I’ve had a lot of practise at showing it to whoever may be watching, now.
My touch is light, as I slip pieces together, and twist wires around what they’re meant to fit around, in order to create a flow of energy through the device.
It’s a mental enhancement and projection device. There are two parts, linked together, which are pushed into the back of the neck, at the base of the skull, and it allows the initiator to slip inside the mind of another, through any shielding that they might have up in place. Electric current flowing into electric current is what provides access, so it’s as much physical as it is mental.
Well, I had to do something after the Mind Probe was outlawed, didn’t I?
I also thank Rassilon that I provided a stable energy source for it when I designed it, because it means that I can still eat my 'dinner’ after retrieving the final piece that I need and putting it in place.
For a few days afterwards, silence and routine become the standard once more, and left to my own thoughts, my fears begin to stir once more.
Has someone discovered that I’m in communication with someone outside the prison, and blocked it off? Has Pandora sent someone after Braxiatel? If I were in her position, then I would have done that long ago. Has something else happened? Or has Braxiatel just somehow grown bored of his game? I wouldn’t put that past him either.
It’s another three days before another message comes through, and this one truly has me curious.
Send out the Mindlink Device, the same way that you sent out the other communicator. When you go to bed tonight, put your communicator on, and brace yourself. Give nothing away.
I don’t know why he signs his name after every message. It’s not like I ever get mail from anyone else.
Again, orders are followed, and that night, before I retreat to the bed, I slip the transceiver in my ear, and the transmitter around my tongue, then lie facing the wall, head half-tucked into my pillow. It’s not an unusual position for repose. I can rarely sleep in here, anyway.
Truly, boredom is the worst of afflictions.
I’m ready for anything, or so I think.
“Hello? Can you hear me?”
Apparently, not anything, because when I hear Leela’s voice, whispering in my ear, I find tears of relief prickling in the corners of my eyes. I can’t believe that she’s still alive, truly.
More confirmation that I’m not alone in the world.
I can’t speak past the lump in my throat.
Can I speak at all, after all these years sitting in silence?
“Can you hear me?” Leela’s voice whispers again.
This time I can find my tongue.
“Leela. Yes, I hear you.” The words are barely more that a breath of a whisper, but I know that that is sufficient, with how sensitive these coms devices are.
“And the pair of you can hear me, I trust, as I can hear both of you, as well.” Braxiatel’s voice. That would have made me jump, had I been standing, and it wouldn’t do to start flinching at seemingly thin air when I’ve no idea when I might be watched, or who is watching me.
Clearly not someone paying enough attention. If they’d been working for me, then they would have been fired by now. Or at the very least, put on desk duty.
“I hear you, loud and clear, Braxiatel.”
“As can I.”
I close my eyes, listening to those two voices, and my entire body relaxes, releasing a tension that had so much become a part of me that I didn’t even notice it these days.
Why go to all the trouble of messaging me the way that he has been, if he had his own communicator, though?
As though he’s reading my mind, he answers.
“Sorry about the unusual method of communication. Talking like this from the outside runs a far greater risk of being intercepted - however, it was a risk that had to be taken, this time. Now, let’s make this as brief as possible.”
“Understood, Braxiatel.” I only just stop myself from nodding in response. Obviously I’m getting slack, since I discounted the risk of someone picking up on our communication.
“Then do not waste time with long words. Say what you have to.”
A smile tugs at the corner of my mouth, as I hear Leela’s response.
“Right, then here’s the plan. Leela, you’ve been passed the Mindlink Device by one of my people on the inside, yes?”
“Yes, I have been given your machine.”
“Good. Now, Narvin, here’s what I need from you. I’d like you to take Leela through the steps to create a shadow copy of Romana, and how to maintain an awareness of her own body, while inside the mind of another.”
“You expect me to be able to teach something that a Time Lord would have difficulty with, to Leela? I’m sorry, but I think I ought to be the one to do any mental weightlifting, here. No offence, of course, Leela.”
“If you must say 'no offence’ then why say the thing that you know will cause offence in the first place?”
“As glad as I am, to hear that the friendship between the two of you hasn’t changed in the slightest,” Braxiatel’s tone of voice is dry, bordering on sarcasm, “we really do not have time for arguments. Narvin, Leela will do it, because she’ll be able to build a more accurate shadow copy than anyone else. She knows Romana better than anyone else.”
My mind turns this information over, processing it. “Oh.”
“Yes, oh. Now, if we can get back on track, the plan is for her to act as though she’s come to see and understand Pandora’s point of view, to get out of her cell and close to her, then use the Mindlink Device in order to slip inside Pandora’s mind, and make contact with Romana, in there. She’ll have to move fast, no more than… hm, five microspans, I’d say. The moment of contact should be set to release the Shadow Copy, and then you’ll have to let her know that the time is up, Narvin. Once Romana’s conscious mind is in Leela’s grasp, she’ll need to be able to pull the Mindlink Device free to break contact, and leave the Shadow Copy behind. We don’t want Pandora to suspect a thing.”
“Wait, what makes you think that Romana is still present inside Pandora’s mind?” I interrupt Braxiatel’s stream once again.”
“I have my sources. Now, quiet. I’m almost through. Leela will certainly be returned to her cell after this, which will keep Romana safe. Then, the next time that Pandora leaves Gallifrey, I’ll make my move. I have a Censure Device in my possession. I’ll set it to overload, and wipe every last trace of everything from the mind that Pandora is currently installed in. It will be the same as placing a super-magnet next to a computer server. Then I simply preserve Romana’s body; I think cryogenic storing will suffice, and then I’ll be able to return her to the two of you, on Gallifrey. It should be a simple enough matter to then return Romana’s consciousness to her own body.”
The silence stretches, once Braxiatel stops talking.
The plan is simple in essence, and quite ingenious, although I would never admit that to the likes of Braxiatel. His ego is large enough, already.
“Well, don’t all rush to congratulate me at once, for setting this up.”
“I will thank you, once Romana is safe.” Leela beats me to the punch.
“It’s going to be a lot of work, Leela, and I won’t be able to demonstrate anything myself, of course.” I don’t beat around the facts of the matter. Leela needs to know what she’s getting herself into. “Do you think that you can handle it?”
“If there is a chance, even the smallest chance, that it will work, then I will do it.”
“Good.” Braxiatel sounds like a pleased parent. “Message me again, when you’ve got Romana. I’ll be listening for ten microspans, every evening after the two of you have been fed. I’m signing off now.”
What more is there to say?
I stretch, and make myself comfortable.
“Get some sleep, Leela. I need to think of the best approach to teaching you, tonight. We’ll start tomorrow.”
“Thank-you, Narvin.”
I can even hear the soft sound of her breathing, over the coms. After so much silence, for so long, it’s one of the best sounds I could ever imagine.
“And Narvin?”
“It is good, to hear your voice again.”
I can feel a stinging, at the corners of my eyes.
“You too, Savage.”
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dad-power · 7 years
My Story, Part 4
Author’s note: None of this is meant to be mean or vindictive, but a true and accurate accounting of what has happened after My Story, Part 3. It’s been almost 6 years since I posted Parts 1-3.
Catherine’s mother and I have always had a decent relationship since she left two and a half years ago. We’ve been able to co-parent effectively and keep civil. I wouldn’t say we were friends, but we would send each other pics of our daughter, go to her birthday parties, chat frequently via text about her, etc. We got along great and as far as co-parenting, we were doing a lot better than most exes.
Imagine my surprise when, a few days before Christmas, I get served at work with a custody suit. She was going for full custody of my daughter plus child support.
Up until this point, for virtually our daughter’s entire life, we’ve shared custody. It’s been equal, 50/50 straight down the middle. The way it should be. Study after study shows it’s the best way for children to get through a separation. Except for cases of physical abuse, drug use, etc., I’m a huge believer in shared parenting. Why not?
Back when we were working on our parenting plan and had it nearly wrapped up, she said she was going to run it by her female attorney friend to dot the “i’s” and cross the “t’s”. I begged her not to because I knew what would happen. Female divorce attorneys will not stop until you are living out of your car.
Meanwhile, I had been going through some financial troubles. My ex-wife takes a big chunk of my income in the form of child support. My salary is in the high 5 figures. With taxes, support, SS, and medical, a whopping half of my salary is gone before I see my check. This is what I am up against.
Money matters are not something you want to make public. But it wasn’t because of a drug-fueled spiral; I simply didn’t make enough to live on my own after everything was taken from my check. When I show people the numbers they all understand and are totally sympathetic to it. The numbers don’t lie. Most of them were surprised I wasn’t living out of my car. 
She sent me an email explaining her reasoning. In a nutshell, she said I’m unfit to parent because I’ve run into financial difficulty. She also doesn’t like how I parent in general.
I begged over and over via text and email for her not to take any more support because it would put me in a worse situation than I already was. I asked her how taking this would be beneficial for Catherine. How would taking more of my income away with 3 kids benefit our daughter? Ironically, in her pleadings, it stated I wasn’t able to care for Catherine financially, but here she was, taking more money out of my paycheck. It didn’t make any sense. I was met with no reply to these questions, and finally, an email threatening harassment.
I’m a great dad. I don’t do drugs, I don’t stay up all night playing video games, I don’t party, I rarely drink. I have a steady, stable career and have only changed jobs twice in the last 20 years. I love my kids more than anything. They are my life. I just want to be left alone to raise them the best I can with the resources I need. I am not a crazy and unfit parent.
So now it probably looks like she has done a heroic thing: Rescuing her daughter from her horrible, drug-addled Daddy who can’t get his shit together. I am sure this is what everyone thinks. The reality is quite different. There are always two sides to a story.
A little history
Back in 2011, we met through my sister and had a fun, whirlwind relationship. Then she abruptly broke up with me after 4 months. No real reason, she just got tired of it and said we weren’t a good match. 
There were no hard feelings, and since her job as a real estate agent wasn’t producing, I helped her get an internship at a major ad agency where I had worked for almost 10 years. Then she told me how she was flirting with the 70-year-old CFO of this agency several times and secured a full-time job there.
I thought it was strange that she was constantly coming by my desk chatting with me, and I was very close to telling her to leave me alone, but...
... one afternoon she came by my desk with a note that said she was pregnant. In all honesty, had no idea who the real father was because she had broken up with me, telling me to give her “space” and was hanging out with her ex-boyfriend, calling into question the paternity. She claimed it was mine and I believed her, but at the same time, her actions did not make me trust her much. I found her ex-BF’s contact lenses in her guest bathroom while we were “dating”, and there were several other odd occurrences like that. None of this is meant to be ugly, but it was happening and I had no idea what to think.
But we carried on as friends and I was glad she had a full-time job. At least she would have an income. Despite my instincts telling me to run away, I stayed friends with her. Despite my friends and coworkers advising me to tell her to go away, I stuck with her. I was not going to abandon her and our child. 
We started getting closer, and paternity was established. We hung out every weekend at my house, working on the room for the baby, painting the crib, etc., and fell in love again. She asked me if she could move in. I did what I felt was the right thing and welcomed her into my home.
The time around Catherine’s birth was just amazing. Our relationship was better than it had ever been. I absolutely adored her and loved her more than life itself. Life was really good. I thought maybe it was going to turn out beautifully. It was magical, probably one of the best times of my life.
But when Catherine turned 2, she moved out. Then she came back 4 months later. When Catherine was 3, she moved out again, then came back again. Then after some counseling with our pastor, she said she couldn’t commit so I asked her to move out, which was the last time. 
But that’s all in the past. She’s in a serious relationship now and they seem like a great match. It’s awesome and I’m truly happy for her. As long as he’s good with Catherine I’m fine with it.
The whole custody dispute was very hard on so many levels. After 2 years I was healing and moving on. The suit just ripped the scab open again. I wanted to continue our good co-parenting relationship for Catherine, but it was like a switch went off with her and she made it impossible to be civil. It was awful to see our relationship destroyed.
Normally, if an ex with whom you had an amicable split with and got along with is having financial problems—a person you loved, shared intimate moments with and raised a child with—you would most likely say, “What can I do to help? You’re her father and this affects her also. Let’s find you a decent place to live. Let me help you somehow.” There wasn't a huge event that broke us up, and even though it hurt me, it was fairly mutual in that we both knew it was pointless to continue. But nothing happened to create this sudden change in her. 
But sadly, It was all scorched earth and horrendously ugly. I was immediately an adversary. I was unstable and unfit to parent. I had tried over and over to show her hard financial numbers but was ignored. 
At one point during our negotiations, she told me she would never change her mind and threatened to give me the bare minimum time with Catherine if I didn’t agree to pay her child support. 
According to my lawyer, she fired her first attorney for being too nice. She also forced me to take a drug test. I happily took a 14-panel test and passed it with flying colors.
I was prepared to go to trial and had a 90% chance of keeping our 50/50 schedule. Again, all I wanted was equal time. I wasn’t going for full custody. I just wanted to share equal time with her mother. 
Several different attorneys advised me that status quo for 2 years and the mother’s history of moving out on us were my aces and would be hard to beat, but the judge ordered mediation at the cost of $1000 a day plus my attorney fees. That was it for me, the end of the road. I didn’t have the money. So I caved and signed the agreement. At this point I just wanted it to be over. 
We were together for 4 years. I will never understand the hatefulness and the unwillingness to be reasonable, and the complete lack of empathy towards the father of her child. I will never understand how her heart could become so hardened that she would do something like this. When I have no money, I can’t do certain things with Catherine. That includes necessities. I don’t know why this is was and is so hard for her to understand. All I wanted was to be left alone to provide for my children and have financial security. 
Looking Forward
The last 7 years of my life, I have been humbled, changed, refined. I am not the same person I was before. And for this I am thankful. I am choosing to go forward positively. I pray for her. This isn’t a self-righteous prayer, but a prayer that she is happy and successful. Because it does affect our daughter. I do pray for her heart to soften. I also pray for myself that I continue to stay humble and loving towards her. I do love her and want her to be happy.
I’m going to continue to be a great dad to my kids.
God wants us to TRUST in Him and REST in him. I’m choosing this path.
The other night I had Catherine on one side leaning against me, and Daniel leaning on the other side of me. Both of them adore me. My children love me. They know I’m a good father. That’s all that matters.
God will provide for me as he always has. I am getting back on my feet one day at a time. God is good.
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collegearts · 3 years
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Visual Story Telling
Assignment: Original Animatic
Medium: (Beat Boards) Copic Markers, (Animatic) Clipstudio Paint, After Effects, Premier
Hoo boy. Okay. This was the final assignment of this class. The big project. The thing that kept me in my room for like a month. Details after break along with a story time and process. Also the final animatic.
The first part of the project was coming up with loglines. A log line, or elevator pitch, is one sentence that summarizes the entire plot of whatever you are doing. 
This is the log line of the story I ended up using. There were three and I let my classmates pick which one I made. 
“A typical white hat cowboy saves a town from an infamous bounty hunter who’s after a young woman using an unconventional method that winds up getting him a chance with the love of his life.”
I worked so incredibly hard on this damn animatic and it went through so many stages. Like look at my final project folder.
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It was fun though. If you’re wondering why there is a folder labeled SS Sims its because I Built an entire western set in the sims to use as reference because I didn’t know how to work Google Sketch Up. Also There’s a folder called OV Screenshots because I went into overwatch to grab screenshots of Hollywood to have a reference for my Beat Boards and I could easily move the in-game camera to get the angle I wanted. 
SO ANAYWAY. It started out with a crudely drawn movie poster of a concept that was not fleshed out and characters that had no purpose yet. But the important thing was that I had something.
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So the major take away is that an animatic is the sketch of an animation or movie or tv show, or anything that comes in the form of video. The animatic does not have to be a work of art, but it needs to be something that has all the stage directions, timing, sound effects, and dialogue so That you know exactly how the project is going to look and sound at certain intervals and how long it takes for things to happen. here is an example of animatics used in The Legend of Korra.
As seen in this example, the animatic can be messy and less detailed in one area and more detailed in others. it literally doesn’t matter as long as the timing is correct. 
We shared our loglines to the class and got some ideas from one another and then worked on creating our beat boards (shown at the beginning). It was so early in creation that I had yet to conceptualize what all the characters looked like. 
After the beats, I made a script. If anyone is wondering, if you are using the standard format for scripts in word, or whatever other program, each page is roughly equivalent to a minute of screen time. My script was abut 6 pages and came out to 5 and a half minutes, so I unfortunately knew what I was going into. My teacher gave me an unsettling “good luck” when I told her. 
After my script, I began designing characters. The girls and old man were kinda set in the beat boards, but my protagonist and antagonist took a bit of time to come to fruition. Then it was time for story boarding. 
This is Page 08 of the rough draft of the story board. 
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And this is the same page but production ready.
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When Cleaning up for the Production ready story boards I had different layers for different objects/people to be moved in after effects. And then it was a matter of making the video. Choosing royalty free music and sound effects were a nightmare because I wanted the right ones. 
But the worst part of it all, was when the pandemic hit. I went on spring break 2020, and then never came back to class. That meant that the plans of finding someone to voice act the two male characters at my school never came and I had to, regrettably, voice everyone myself. I am not a voice actor. But I tried my best. I tried lowering my voice, but that sounded dumb. I tried to edit my voice in Audition, that sounded dumb. Ah well. live with my cringy voice acting like I am. I’m sorry. 
Well, without further ado, here it is. Once again, I apologize for the bad voice acting.
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retroness-blog1 · 7 years
Retro-ne(w)ss - Nintendo Super NES Classic Released
Anotha one! 
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Courtesy: Wikipedia
Another post brought to you by Nintendo and another classic system release that is sure to make Nintendo’s holidays very merry. Nintendo releases its Super NES (Classic Edition) today, just as they did last year with their re-released NES (Classic). It’s entirely similar to last year’s released classic system, available with controllers and 20+ pre-installed classic games. 
Here’s the link to Nintendo’s site where they tell you all about it.
Last year’s NES Classic completely flew off the shelves. They were not available at GameStops, Targets, Best Buys, Amazon or Walmarts anywhere. I was even laughed at when I asked the sales associates at my local Gamestop. The original NES consoles were released way back in 1983 and the Super NES in 1992 almost ten years later. It took more than 20 years for the re-releases so you can definitely say there was a demand in the market for the retro gaming console. 
The Super NES Classic and the newer NES Classic look awesome. They’re a bit smaller than the originals but they’re virtually the same thing which is great for many reasons. For one, it gives the first generation of gamers a chance to relive the glory days. After all, isn’t living another experience what video gaming is all about? Second, it gives the second generation of gamers a chance to play the games they just missed out on. I never got to play Earthbound on its first console or Contra, but if I had the Super NES Classic, I could finally be a part of that club or at least be closer to it. Probably the most important reason is that it gives the new generation of gamers the opportunity to see the beginnings of video games. To see where it all started and give them a perspective on said glory days.
NY Times Article on said glory days.
The only thing that bothers me is that I’m almost entirely sure that Nintendo is not releasing their classics for those reasons. Similar to what the movie industry is turning into, after you release your Marios, Wind Wakers, and other huge hits (blockbusters with big name actors), you produce remakes and sequels to make more money. Last year’s NES was only $60 but this time around the Super NES is going for about $80 so it’s not terribly expensive but driving up the price after the grand success the NES had is a smart move on the business end of it. I’m not planning to get one myself but if it as easy as going to store and grabbing one, I’d totally think about it. 
“It’s retro gaming without all of the work — except for hunting one down in a store,” says Andrew Webster on the Verge’s review. --- Click to read the full review.
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Hello everyone.Last time on Hawkins Book Club, we learned what synchronicity actually is, time-traveling Neo-Nazis are sticklers for freshly cut grass, there was once a guy who flew around the US in a flying saucer with eight women to look for gold, the KKK uses magick, MK-Ultra actually was connected to Montauk, why the Demogorgon was attracted to Eleven, JFK’s brother liked to trip out on LSD with Nazi rapists, skinheads are actually kind, experienced aura-readers, Mark Hamill is literally the reincarnation of an alien from another universe, the Star Wars films are documentaries, there were Hitler-clones in existence, the Third Reich tried to access the Upside-Down (meaning that we could have had Stranger Things be about the Demogorgon murdering SS Stormtroopers and Hitler clones), Cthulhu and the Elder Gods are real, there could be a whole bunch of UFO-flying Nazis camped out in Antarctica and inside the Earth, George Bush’s dad was insane and there might be a good chance that Brenner is Eleven’s father.First of all, I would like to apologize for not updating this little review column thing last week. There wasn’t an E-book version of this book available, so I had to order a physical copy from a rather… um…. let’s just say “colorful” individual in Wisconsin. To my surprise, when it finally got here I discovered that it was signed by the author himself, so that’s a neat bonus. Speaking of which, the primary author of 1998’s Montauk: The Alien Connection is a new member to the Montauk Party; a guy named Stewart Swerdlow. Without further ado, let’s reconvene the Book Club and jump in.Our old friend Peter Moon writes the Introduction. Here he states that our education system has lied about the nature of space and time.“The biggest secret of time and space that has been unlocked is that these very components of our physicality can be manipulated. This is still a novel idea to conventional scientists, scholars and news media who are manipulated from birth. Manipulation of consciousness comes under the heading of ‘mind control,’ a subject which has never been fully embraced by major media.”Jesus Christ Moon, just let it go. I can’t believe that he’s STILL bitter over being blocked from television. Anyway, he says that mind control is integral to understanding space and time.“The human brain is actually a perfect computer which is fully capable of serving as a tool for cosmic enlightenment to its host. The problem is that this response in mankind has been short-circuited due to any number of various factors. These could include aliens, ancient priesthoods, religious indoctrination, youth groups and the CIA’s documented mind control project known as MK-Ultra. MK-Ultra was a 20th century ‘modernization’ of ancient techniques such as those employed by the ancient Assassins, a Middle Eastern cult during the Middle Ages who programmed subjects to kill through the use of hashish.”I’m starting to think that Ubisoft should be cutting this guy a check too. Anyway, Moon then goes on to claim that not only do truth serum drugs force people to spill their secrets, they also “can be used to tap the collective unconscious”, meaning that someone injected with them would suddenly have omnipotent knowledge about the entire universe… somehow. Moon suggests that we start asking people injected with truth serum about God, evolution “and the very nature of reality” because of this. He also touches on the head of MK-Ultra, Dr. Ewen Cameron and the LSD experiments, interestingly enough. He also states that Preston Nichols now believes that there were “Montauk Girls” in addition to the Boys and that there are literally hundreds of these programmed people all over Long Island. This leads into Moon introducing Stewart Swerdlow, the guy who was given the pseudo name of “Stan Campbell” in Montauk Revisited. You may remember him as the guy who shot Jesus in the face. Regardless, Duncan Cameron helpfully chimes in to say that this guy is an even more powerful psychic than he is. I didn’t know there was a sliding scale of psychic powers, but whatever.Chapter 1 talks about the 1943 Philadelphia Experiment which I’m sure you’re quite familiar with by this point, but it comes with a twist. It focuses on a Nazi named Johannes von Gruber. Why is he there? Well it turns out the Nazis were helping out the Americans with their teleportation.“Such an accomplishment would eliminate war on Earth because whoever controlled this technology would be invincible. The major governments of the world – the United States, Germany, Britain, Russian, and France – would then band together to eliminate the lesser powers and races of the Earth. They planned to beam vast conquering armies anywhere in the universe they desired. The new world government rule the known universe! For this the Reich was willing to unite with the United States. Because of the contacts that the Reich had with a certain group of ‘visitors,’ the United States was also willing to lay aside ideological differences. Each side believed that it would eventually control the entire plan.”………………………………………………………………………………There are so many things wrong with this paragraph alone that it would take an entire post just to point them all out. So I’m going to just move on.Anyway, the experiment actually starts and the shit immediately hits the fan; equipment starts sparking, men start falling overboard, people literally start melting into the floor. So von Gruber decides to jump overboard himself. He woke up at Montauk in 1960 and was immediately accosted by an American military officer and two grey aliens. They strapped him to a chair, gave him a brief update on how that whole “World War II” thing panned out, and another alien came in, tried to comfort him, and then immediately electroshocked him to death. He then rocketed up toward Heaven, complete with angelic guides (because I guess Heaven allows Nazis in now). He then experienced a life review,“Then he was told that he had to complete something on Earth. He was shown a woman in labor in a brand new hospital. The next thing he knew, he was inside a tube of light heading toward her.”Oh God, please tell me this isn’t going where I think its going.But of course, my prayers go unanswered. So cut to a woman named Eleanor giving birth to the author, Stewart Swerdlow. In an interesting synchronicity with Stranger Things, this guy was born on November 5th, 1956.Yes, you read that right, 1956.Somehow, the aliens or angels or whatever sent the Nazi back four years from 1960 to be reborn. No, that doesn’t make any sense, and I’m not going to even try to explain it. So while you’re trying to wrap your head around that, Swerdlow then claims that Yakov Sverdlov was his great-uncle. So how does the first Chairman of the Soviet Union relate to a reincarnated Nazi in the body of an American kid? Well, his grandfather helped form the Communist Party in America and his father worked on military projects in the Southwest. His mother was the daughter of a Gypsy in central Europe who had this experience;“When my grandmother was a little girl in Austria, she was playing outside with two cousins when she glanced up and saw the image of a man who looked exactly like the Jack of Spades in playing cards. Quickly, she told her cousins to look up at it. Immediately, they fell dead to the ground.”Way to go Grandma.“Shortly after that incident, my grandmother was sent to America to live with relatives. Amazingly, nearly a century later, I was involved with a group of government related individuals who were trying to understand the meaning of a message from hyperspace. Beamed from outside the Earth, the message was an image of a being who resembled the Jack of Spades!”Hey aliens, next time can you try making a message that doesn’t kill little girls? And maybe one that actually makes sense? Anyway, the rest of the chapter is just Swerdlow’s turn to recount his shitty childhood, and it’s somehow even worse than that of Nichols and Moon. First off, he said that he saw the spirits of the dead all over the place, there was a constant ringing in his ears, colors “flashed in his eyes” and he had glimpses of the future events that always came to pass. He was constantly frightened and suffering from nightmares. In addition;“Although brilliant in school, I found it slow-paced and boring. Usually I stayed home pretending to be sick, entertaining myself with psychic and mental games. Practically friendless, I found people my own age to be childish and stupid. Instead I preferred the company of the adults, particularly the elderly. For some reason, I enjoyed hearing stories about the old days, especially the 1930’s and 1940’s. I loved watching war movies, but I was ashamed to tell anyone that I always privately cheered for the Germans because my background is Jewish. Interestingly enough, I also cheered for Indians in Western movies.”So I guess this poor boy was still being influenced by his past fanatical beliefs and memories from his time as a loyal officer of the Nazi Party who was also psychic who could see the future, dead people, auras and “mind-patterns”. This seems like something that Stephen King would write, and to be honest I would probably read it. It got even worse for the poor kid as he was constantly being abducted by aliens and exposed to painful experiments by them.Chapter 3 describes one such abduction he experienced when he was six. So the aliens took young Stewart on a quick tour around the world and then brought him to an alien fleet and a council of aliens. Here, a giant butterfly telepathically explains that its species used its DNA to create Earth’s butterflies which are used to “monitor magnetism and know how to adjust it so that it has a beneficial effect on the environment (yes, really). Moths were created as a negative aspect of this by the “dark side.” The butterfly also explains that its species hitchhikes with humanoid aliens in order to populate other worlds and to adopt humanoid “spiritual students”, one of which was Stewart.“Finally, it said that it was time for me to communicate with the other beings, but it wanted me to know that for the rest of my stay on Earth, it would send Monarch butterflies to greet and comfort me. Whenever I saw a white butterfly at an opportune moment, there was a message for me. As the grand butterfly communicated with me, pulsating glows emanated from its beautiful wings.”Next time I see a butterfly, I’m crushing it to fend off these aliens. Stewart is then approached by a big white praying mantis which scares the hell out of him, and a fish person who states that humans had “marine origins”. He then passes out and re awakens in a chair surrounded by more aliens. First a lizard person explains that he is a defector of a massive empire trying to take over the galaxy. He states that thousands of years ago his people came to Earth in a ship that is now the moon. Another ship would come before the end of this century and reawaken the army currently in stasis underground after being defeated by the “Lyraen Empire”. These “reptilians” also maintain bases on Venus and other moons, reproduce mostly by cloning and state that Stewart will eventually convert them to “the Light” because his soul was already an emissary to them long ago. Next up is an alien literally described as looking like the Creature from the Black Lagoon. He claims that his people were the original inhabitants of Earth but were devastated by humans and aliens. However, pockets of them still exist in the deepest parts of the oceans, and they worked as liaisons between the Atlanteans and the whales and dolphins. Apparently these sea mammals are advanced races from another galaxy. I don’t know how advanced they could be if they are so easily hunted down by Japanese whalers, but whatever. Anyway, the Gill-men were transported to Neptune by other aliens.“Continuing, he told me that I have dolphin DNA; therefore, I could learn to communicate with his species in order to help mankind and the dolphin/whale systems.”Oh, so I guess Swerdlow will be the one giving us the heads up when the Vogons get ready to demolish Earth. Next, a Thin Man introduces himself as a representative of “the Federation of Planets”, which is composed of 120 member civilizations, and that they’ll let Earth join if we successfully fend off an invasion by the reptilian empire by ourselves. So I guess their membership requirements are a tad bit more stringent than the UN. He also explains that all of the alien races were speaking to young Stewart because they all contributed DNA to his creation, which his “soul-personality” already agreed to and traveled to other galaxies and alternate universes as training, and that there would be further conditioning in his new life. Seeing as how Stewart is getting all of this dumped on him at the tender age of six, he responds by vomiting all over the alien ambassadors (seriously). This didn’t really seem to faze them as a grey alien then steps over the puddle of vomit to inform the terrified boy that they will be regularly abducting him to check on him, because his body contained chemicals that the greys needed. He also informed Stewart that if his mission fails, then the other alien races would probably fight amongst themselves and bring their war to Earth. Again, Stewart was six when they told him this. At the same age you were worrying about your first day of Kindergarten, this kid was being told that if he screwed up, he would kick off an intergalactic war.So you know, no pressure!So then a Ethereal) identifies himself as a Sirian and tells him that the Sirians created the Egyptian civilization and gave the Torah to the Jewish people. They also created the Crystal Skull, so I guess this means that yes, there actually is a reason for aliens to exist in the Indiana Jones movies. They also possesses the most advanced technology in the universe and intentionally create conflict between the various races to foster evolution. Also, Stewart’s “soul-personality” came from them, so he’s simultaneously both a reincarnated alien and a Nazi. This particular Sirian said that his and the poor boy’s soul-personalities were linked, and he would serve as a guide. As Stewart got older, more memories of his past lives would emerge, and when his “alternate selves come together”, his mission would begin. Stewart was then unceremoniously dumped back in his bed, where he understandably woke up screaming in terror.After this, Stewart would have nightmares about the incident and began developing his psychic abilities. Some strange force compelled him to watch literally everything in the science-fiction genre and read about space travel.“My frustration grew as I realized that there was absolutely no one on the face of the Earth with whom I could converse. Invariably, I wanted to speak about my knowledge of what lay beyond physical reality but was afraid of others’ reactions. In those days (the late 50’s and 60’s), UFOs were still considered to be from the land of the mentally ill.”You know, as opposed to now where they’re accepted as scientific fact. When he got older, he started getting abducted almost every night to be instructed about “physical reality”, time travel and other topics. He woke up extremely exhausted the next morning each time. Because of this, in school he excelled in everything, but was bored and had no patience for other kids and people in general. One day when he was eleven, he was abducted by three greys and taken to a small room with a screen showing a conveyor belt. The aliens telepathically told him to watch pictures appearing on the screen and meat slices corresponding to them and asked to determine if he would eat it or not. This test went on for a bit with all sorts of creatures appearing on screen, and every time he would answer “yes” to something, the taste of it would appear in his mouth. He eventually got incredibly sick because of this and the aliens dumped him back in his bed, pissed because he didn’t finish the test. Stewart was disturbed as he realized that the aliens would have had to kill all of those creatures to get the meat, and one of the pictures was of a man.Chapter 4 talks about his teenage years. His family moved from Brooklyn to Suffolk County Long Island (My home county) and the abductions increased, but in an astral form. He frequently woke up naked in a large room on a bench with a group of other humans and they were educated on their roles as soldiers for the aliens. When Stewart was thirteen, he started “dreaming” about being abducted to a government facility where he was chased by military personnel. When he woke up, he would always see “the face of a blond man surrounded by red light” laughing at him from his bedroom window. He felt like the man was related to him. Also at this point he started undergoing some horrifying examinations by the greys, which are so fucking disgusting that I will not be retyping them here.At this point, he started having a “deep longing for children” and felt that he was a father who missed his kids. This feeling was confirmed when at seventeen he woke up strapped to chair (fully clothed instead of naked for once) and was approached by a grey and a “blond alien”, while two humans in military uniforms watched. He was shown a baby girl that was a hybrid between a human and grey, and was informed that she was his child cobbled together from his genetics. In fact, he fathered multiple children; some of which died and the others were taken to a “safe world”. He was shown this child because the aliens wanted to see if he would form a bond. He did, so the aliens kicked him back to Earth. After this he had the uncontrollable urge to heavily exercise and keep his body in peak condition. The aliens also put in a chip in his eyes that turned them into cameras and gave the aliens some control over where the eyes were directed, which in turned messed with his eyesight. They also started broadcasting his thoughts and past memories onto a screen in order to determine what his future would look like based on his “mind-patterns” during their abductions. The chapter closes out with Swerdlow revealing that the aliens started dumping him in Camp Hero at Montauk.Chapter 5 describes what he did there. It turns out he was dumped there since he was a prepubescent child, during which he was strapped to a table where he was “examined, mentally scanned for my brainwave signature or sexually abused in ways that stored my energetics and magnified them by computer. This went on until puberty.” Seeing as how he only tried to escape once and survived the testing, he was “promoted” by being placed in charge of the younger boys.“The preparation of the children included teaching them to implicitly obey orders, without any questions whatsoever. I taught them how to mentally focus on command so that their bodily energies could be removed by the psychic/mentalist to whom they were assigned. I instructed them on how to know what colors and symbols to mentally use to facilitate any given experiment. They were also taught how to relinquish their bodies and allow themselves to die without the innate defensive reaction of resistance inherent to all living beings.”This is horrifying. He also explains that there’s a difference between psychics and mentalists; the former can only read minds, but the latter can manipulate them. The kids were used to boost the energy of both types of people. The best subjects for this were in the three to twelve age range because their minds were “pure and uncontaminated”. However, their fear led to “scattered and disjointed energy outputs” that were useless to the scientists. And if that wasn’t bad enough, they were sexually abused by various project workers. You’d think the people running this place would prevent the pedos from having access to them because all of this drove many of the kids insane, and so they had to be “terminated”. So instead of giving the kids painless lethal injections, the scientists instead inexplicably shoved them into small chambers were they starved to death, and their bodies were dumped in the ocean. This just seems so unnecessarily evil and inefficient as hell. However, some of the staff would occasionally “adopt” a boy by reprogramming his memories and changing some of his physical features.Some of these boys were the children of politicians or military leaders who were abducted from their beds. They were treated differently from the other kids, and were always returned home, but not before getting implants placed in their eyes and programmed to fulfill unique tasks, which always included “tagging” other boys for use in the Project.The majority of the “expendable common boys” were taken from outside of New York, to alleviate suspicion over the disappearances. They came from all over the country.“Taken from families where they would not be missed as much as others, they were the children of prostitutes, drug addicts, and alcoholics, or they came from poor rural families with many children.”Holy shit, Monty Python was right too!Anyway, if for some strange reason the parents didn’t want to give their son up to bunch of sadistic aliens and Neo-Nazis, then Project people would arrange for an accident, ranging from cars driving into a river to house fires to full on natural disasters to fake the kid’s death. They also grabbed runaways off the street.In addition to the kids, they also grabbed a bunch of homeless people as well to travel through time and space. This tended to be a bit hit-and-miss as many of these people were lost in transit. So if someone did get through, they set up receivers to make transit easier by acquiring “vibrations”. These pathways were opened up by Duncan Cameron, and the Project people literally harnessed the kids’ imagination to boost his powers. When a boy “burned out” from being a living battery, they were exposed to a “fear program” that kicked their adrenaline into overdrive, which got a bit more energy out of them until they either died, went insane, or both. After that, their bodies were handed over to the greys, who proceeded to extract their organs and body fluids into large vats, in which they swam around in like the universe’s most fucked up pool to extract nutrients. Before humans just started handing over kids to them, Swerdlow claims that the aliens created vampires and chupacabras to extract nutrients for them. Occasionally reptilians would show up to watch the mind control experiments. Of course, Swerdlow feels completely awful over his role in all of this and is still plagued by guilt.Chapters 6-8 describe his travels around the Middle East. But first, he described how he hated with a passion, yet studied accounting because he was programmed to do so to help manage the Montauk boys. Also, he nearly died after being injected with sodium pentathol during a wisdom tooth removal. He believes this was because the anesthesia is used in truth serum as well.So he was “compelled” to take an overseas trip “sponsored by a Zionist organization that sought to bring volunteers to Israel and promote colonization of the arid land there.” Essentially, he was going to work on a communist farm called a “kibbutz”. On the way there, he stopped in Italy where the volcano at Pompeii unlocked some his memories of a past life, and a “French woman with Italian citizenship” randomly decided to try and convince him to become a medical doctor and marry her daughter, as one does. When he arrived in Tel Aviv, he was overcome with emotion, but found himself starting at departure board for Teheran, Iran for nearly an hour. He was then compelled to look at departure boards for Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Nairobi, Kenya and Johannesburg, South Africa until his kind-of-an-asshole program companion got his attention. They waited with three women for a while until a guy came to pick them up. He drove them to Jerusalem where the women were dropped off at a youth hostel and Swerdlow and his companion were dumped at an old, empty British army barracks, where they told to sleep in a cell. When Swerdlow fell asleep, he woke up back at the airport, boarding a plane to Teheran. What follows is a series of flashes in which Swerdlow finds himself in a cave, more naked examinations, a “hyperspace subway system that circled the globe”, a shitty Nairobi bathroom, more examinations and a Sirian who told Swerdlow that he was an ambassador to the Israelis as their ally. Finally, he woke up back in Jerusalem.The next day, a van drove him and his companion to a poor kibbutz called Gvar Am in the Gaza Strip. The trip there was awful, because in Swerdlow’s own words; “Israelis do not drive their cars, they aim them.” He slept in a crappy house and worked in pear groves until the afternoon, “but not before some of the Scottish volunteers became exhausted and passed out from the heat.” He also made a friend with a British guy, whom he later found was an agent for both British and Soviet intelligence. How that’s supposed to work, I have no idea. Regardless, Swerdlow then decides to go meet some relatives in the town of Holon. His bus driver dropped him off, but he had no idea where his relatives actually live, so he wandered around until he literally stumbled into the house of the husband of his grandmother’s cousin.Chapter 8 describes how while wandering the Negev desert, Swerdlow was abducted by the Sirians. They told him that the Hebrews were created by them, and that they were currently trying to “purify” the modern Israelis by altering their mind-patterns. They examined him yet again and showed him his true identity. He was then taken to Mars, where he saw a large group of human men shackled together and digging with shovels. A Rigel alien explained to them that seeing as how they fulfilled their service on Earth and Mars, they would be examined for transportation to Rigel. If they failed the examination, they would be “eliminated.” This whole event was apparently orchestrated just for Swerdlow. He was then taken to the Sirians home world of Khoom, a frozen and snowy world devastated by an ancient war. Here, nine beings called “the Ohalu Council” inform him that he originally sent his soul-personality to Earth and that there were nine other people on Earth like him, each directed by a council member. They remind him of the upcoming war with the reptilian Draco and reveal that just like the CIA in Afghanistan, they also gave weapons to the Draco, who proceeded to use the weapons against them. Swerdlow also discovered that the Ark of the Covenant was actually a communication device between the Sirians and the Hebrews. The Sirians then dumped him back in the desert, three days after he left.“I believe that the Sirians are trying to undermine the plans of all factions involved on Earth; the New World Order, the Draco, the Greys, the Tall Blonds, etc. Their agenda is to bring all events to a climax, then usurp all power, possibly via the Israelis. This is only speculation on my part. Time will tell.”I’m sure it will. Chapter 9 discusses his return to the U.S. Here he reveals that as a young man one of the experiments he was a part of was “The Marriage Project”, which was designed to mate the Montauk boys with specific girls to produce specific children. So the twenty-two year old Swerdlow was matched with a fourteen year old Mia from Massachusetts who “was part of my own frequency”, because their soul-personalities were once one and split off long ago. They then proceeded to have sex while a literal crowd of people watched. Two years later, this happened;“One evening, when Mia was sixteen and I was twenty-four, we were brought together in a clinical environment under the watchful eyes of scientists. Here it was explained that our genetics were perfectly aligned with sequences that were reciprocal to one another. Mia had more Pleiadian genetics; mine were Sirian. This combination would produce a child of unusual abilities. Brought naked into a white room, we made love three times in succession. The entire episode was dreamlike and almost a blur. At the end, I knew inside of myself that Mia was pregnant.”This is so fucked up.So this produced a girl named Jaime, which Swerdlow was prevented from seeing in order to “avoid contamination of her mind-patterns”. She can see the future and “all possible alternate realities”, but at the time of the time of the writing, she was a teenager who didn’t know about her potential. Swerdlow is currently trying to guide her, while she understandably tries to avoid him.Chapter 10 describes how Swerdlow got a job as an internal auditor with a pharmaceutical company. Somewhat hilariously, he actually starts complaining that he has to get up for work in the morning during one of his abductions. During this, his captors tell him that his “marriage” with Mia was over, and that he should go out and live a “conventional life”. So he met with a secretary in the company named Michele, who he detested because she was “nasty and opinionated” with a short temper. However, they were both mind-controlled to marry each other after only a month. They also aborted a child they produced because Michele “did not want to look pregnant when she walked down the aisle.” Swerdlow is sad that he didn’t stop her, and gives the “truth” about abortion;“I now believe that abortion is wrong unless the mother’s life is in danger or the pregnancy is the result of rape. I also understand that the soul-personality does not enter into the body until the first breath, but it is that soul-personality, and no one else, that must decide whether or not to continue the life-stream. People who do not want children should take the proper precautions before the pregnancy, not destroy a possible life-stream after it is created. Although this may sound fundamentalist to some, it is what I know to be the proper way.”Ah, so it shouldn’t being the choice of the mother, the father or the government as to whether a fetus should be aborted, but the choice of the fetus itself, of course!This book.The two had more fights after this and wanted to call off the wedding, but Swerdlow received a telepathic message saying that the marriage would not be permanent, Swerdlow already agreed to it, and “This woman had agreed to be the vessel for the entry of my children into the physical plane.” I have no idea why Michele agreed to marry him, but they did marry and moved to Patchogue, Long Island.Chapter 11 talks about the strange events that occurred at their house. For whatever reason, they usually happened when Swerdlow’s in-laws were staying over. Their house was broken into, but only things that had little value were stolen, they were constantly hearing footsteps in their house, young children tried to break into the house (which he responded to by setting up a six-foot tall fence and alarm system), he saw shadowy figures in the house, the abductions continued and a wire was shoved into his penis, two disembodied robot heads had a conversation over his bed, you know, the usual. He also describes how during one of his abductions a human/grey hybrid young girl was shown to him, and he was told that she was his daughter. His house was also “attacked” several times by black military helicopters that didn’t really do much other than mess with the electronics and radios in the house. His wife was also having dreams of abductions as well, during which she was checked for pregnancy. Every time she had this dream, she became pregnant soon after.This brings us to Chapter 12, which is about Swerdlow’s children, all of whom were delivered via Caesarean-section. The first, Matthew was born in 1983 and was constantly crying, and his parents both had dreams of him being abducted. A couple of months after his birth, Swerdlow was informed during an abduction that his children were “not under my jurisdiction” because they were part of the experiments, and he would have to hand them over. Swerdlow actually grows some balls for once and tells them to fuck off. However, by the time Matthew was seven, he began talking about how a tall, red-eyed man dressed in black came into his room at night and telepathically said that he came from the underground, and that Matthew came from the underground as well, and that his parents were being monitored. Matthew described to his father about how there were cities underground and was able to describe a relay system. He was also abducted by grey aliens, who handed him a space bazooka and told him that he would use it in that upcoming intergalactic war, and that he would get dragged into the same genetic experiments as his dad. Swerdlow also reveals that Matthew was the only kid who inherited his psychic abilities. His second son, Jeremy is probably the most normal person in the entire family, the only strange thing that happened to him was that a grey alien would occasionally come into his room at night and take some of his toys.Next came Daniel. During the pregnancy, the doctor informed his parents that he may be born with Down’s Syndrome. After that, Swerdlow had an abduction during which this happened;“A female grey came into the room holding a small bundle. No one told me that she was female. I simply knew that ‘it’ was a she. As she approached, a male voice said that she wanted to show me something. Slowly unwrapping the top of the blanket, the female revealed an adorable blond-haired baby. The male voice said that it was mine, and asked if I wanted to hold it. Replying that I did, the female started to unwrap the whole baby, revealing an octopus-like torso with legs instead of a human body. Screaming and crying at the same time, I told them to take it away. The same voice said that it was going to an aquatic world and that I would never see it again. Waking up in my bed, I prayed with all my might that Danny would be a normal child. I cannot describe my relief when the doctor called with the positive test results.”So Swerdlow essentially disowned one of his children just because it looked like a complete abomination against God. What a dick.“When Danny started to talk, he told me about a man with a clown face who came into his room at night to take him flying. He said that when the man put a magic wand in the middle of his forehead, they immediately were in a place that had balloon lights of different colors.”So underground inhabitants, aliens, clowns with magical powers, balloons…..…Are the Swerdlow kids getting stalked by Pennywise?)Anyway, the clown took Daniel to see his “baby sister”, who ended up scratching his face with claws. Also, the kid can talk to angels. Not aliens masquerading as angels, but real, honest-to-God angels who tell him the future. This is just casually tossed in on the last paragraph as an afterthought with no elaboration.Chapters 13-14 are about Swerdlow’s CIA application, which was already covered in Montauk Revisited, so I’ll just breeze through it. He simply answered a “Help Wanted” ad in the newspaper, was told that he would be valuable due to his knowledge of ten languages, was asked a barrage of questions during the events described in Montauk Revisited and was declined by the CIA because he was a security risk.Continued in Part 2 via /r/StrangerThings
0 notes
I Don’t Know Who You Are, Pittsburgh Pirates
My Dearest Pittsburgh Pirates,
I’m at a loss for words and we both know that’s a rarity. In only the second week of the season, the city of Pittsburgh and myself had already considered the season a bust. You started the week by getting swept and blow out at home by the rebuilding Reds. You had the makeup game against the Red Sox on Thursday which you had a lead in the 8th inning and blew because of poor defense. You were on a four game losing streak and you were about to start a road trip in Chicago against the World Champion Cubs. On top of that, you had to face their three best pitchers, two of which were one of the three finalists for the Cy Young last year and the third won the Cy Young two years ago. Things seemed dire. Then you did what no one expected. You swept the Cubs at Wrigley Field. Last year, you only won a single game there and this season you have already won three. Your offense did finally wake up especially on Saturday when you came back from four runs down to win. That win was highlighted by a 3-run homer by Cutch in the 8th inning when you trailed by a run. All of Wrigley were on their feet waiting for strike three to end the inning and instead Cutch broke their hearts. You could have heard a pin drop there. It was beautiful. Sunday’s win was highlighted by Jameson Taillon pitching a brilliant seven innings. This guy looks like one of the best pitchers in the league right now having shut down the two best offenses in baseball in two of his three starts. You’re currently 6-6, 1 1/2 games out behind the first place Reds and a half game behind the second place Brewers (no one saw either of those coming). I don’t know who the real you is: the team that got swept by the Reds or the one that swept the Cubs. I guess we will find out together. 
Remember when I told you to clean it up last week? Well, evidently you didn’t listen. You continue to play sloppy, mistake laden baseball. Whether it’s JHay getting picked off first right before Marte rips a double, Gosselin not ready to receive the ball on a potential force play at 2nd on a bloop single that led to a big 8th inning against the Red Sox, Marte not catching a very catchable ball in the same inning that scored two and cost you the game, Jaso going for a grounder that is the second baseman’s ball which turned it into an infield single in the 8th inning against the Cubs on Friday, Freese botching a grounder one inning later that should have ended the game but instead kept the inning alive, Frazier booting a routine grounder at shortstop on Saturday that cost you a run, Freese getting picked off first, Mercer getting caught stealing when he shouldn’t be running with his lack of speed. Your basic fundamentals are horrendous. You can’t afford to make that many mistakes. With a lack of power in your lineup, your margin for error becomes even smaller. This has been a problem for a long time. You make mistakes running the bases constantly. You can never seem to get a bunt down when it’s called. Balls seem to drop with too much regularity in the outfield that should be caught. When you’re not doing the little things right, that’s usually signals a lack of discipline. Players have to make plays but a lack of discipline falls on the manager. I like Clint Hurdle a whole lot but I can’t help but point the finger at him when these types of things keep happening. It’s early so hopefully you will clean up these mistakes but this is becoming way too much of the same old story. 
The most interesting story coming out of Spring Training was Tyler Glasnow winning the fifth spot in the rotation. Glasnow has been ranked as one of the best prospects in baseball the past couple years and he would finally be given his chance to shine. Well, that hasn’t quite come to fruition yet. Glasnow’s first start of the season came on Monday against the Reds and it was an unmitigated disaster. His line, 1 2/3 IP 4 H 5 ER 5 BB 1 K, was actually a little better than he actually looked if you can believe that. In 64 pitches, he only threw 35 strikes. He had zero control and had to drop his velocity to even get pitches over the plate. His next start was going to be against the Cubs in Chicago so another nightmare seemed highly likely. Surprisingly there was improvement. He did give him a leadoff double on a weak slap hit down the line followed by an absolute bomb by reigning MVP Kris Bryant. Then his defense began to fail him miserably. Frazier made the error that cost them one or arguably two runs. Cutch dove for a flyball that he wasn’t close to that turned into a triple. JHay let a ball roll by him in left field that led to another run. Cervelli and Glasnow got their signs mixed up so a strikeout turned into a passed ball putting the hitter on first. It makes no sense that through all of that only one error was charged on the defense. Your complete lack of basic fundamentals were on display for the pitcher that needed them the most. There were positives though. Glasnow gave up 6 runs but only 4 were earned and it honestly should have only been 3 earned. His changeup looked impressive. He struck out 7 batters over 5 innings while walking two, both of which came in the 5th when his pitch count was over 90. He only threw 55 strikes in 99 pitches but he looked dominant at times unlike the first start. With any help on defense, there’s reasons to be encouraged. If he can put it together, this rotation becomes very intriguing. We’ll see how his next start goes which will most likely come against the Yankees. Stay tuned...
Adam Frazier can’t play defense. It’s as simple as that. But right now he’s ripping the cover off the ball which was on display yesterday when he launched a 3-run homer to ice the game and clinch the series sweep. But where do you play him? Frazier has already made errors at 2B, 3B, and SS this season. All three errors cost us at least a run. He also couldn’t make a catch yesterday after taking a horrible route to a fly ball that cost you a run. Polanco has missed the last couple game with a groin injury and if he needs a DL stint, you can play Frazier everyday in left field. Once Polanco is back, Frazier most likely fills the role that JHay used to have. Move him to different spots based on who needs a day off. Also for right now, you could play him at 3rd and start Freese at 1st until Josh Bell starts hitting (he currently sports a .469 OPS). Frazier will be a liability no matter where you play him but when he’s hitting like this, you have to find him at bats. It does hurt that you already have a team of players who don’t field their positions well. You don’t have a 1B on the roster who has played the position regularly for more than a year and you have three of them. You moved all three of your outfielders into different positions and so far that experiment has been a borderline disaster. It’s going to be very frustrating at times when he makes an error but when his splits are .343/.410/.543 for a .953 OPS it doesn’t matter. The old adage is “You hit, you play” and Frazier is hitting. Until he doesn’t, he plays. 
Who knows what this week will bring? If you would have told how last week went down before it happened, I would have never believed you. Today you start a three game series against the last place Cardinals in St. Louis. That’s right, I said last place. The Cards are currently 3-9 and look like a shell of their former self. Don’t think for one second that this will be an easy series though. You get a needed rest day on Thursday before heading home to take on the 8-4 Yankees who look like they’re back in the playoff discussion. I have no idea what to expect from this week. If you went 6-0 or 0-6, I wouldn’t be that surprised. I know I keep harping on it but your fundamentals are poor and that’s rarely a quality of a successful team. The crazy part is you haven’t hit much until recently, you’ve played putrid defense, you can’t stop making base running mistakes, and you’re 6-6. There’s something to be said for that.Your starting pitching has been pretty solid so that can take you a long way. Play this week with the same level of confidence you had in the Chicago series and I really like your chances. Congrats on a terrific series. Let’s keep the winning streak rolling. Have a great week and thanks for a fun weekend. 
                                                                         Your (Not So) Speechless Suitor,
P.S. stands for Pens’ series. The Pittsburgh Penguins took a 3-0 lead in the best of 7 series against the Columbus Blue Jackets last night in dramatic fashion. They trailed 3-1 at the end of the first period and battled back to take a 4-3 lead in the third. They gave up a goal with under five mintues left in the game which sent it to overtime. Sidney Crosby’s brilliance was on display again as he beautifully set up Jake Guentzel for the game winning goal. It was Guentzel’s third goal of the game and Crosby’s second assist. The Pens go for the sweep in Columbus tomorrow. Go Pens!!!...                                                   
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